JEMClips April 2021

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An extensive redesign of Jackson EMC’s main website,, is approaching completion with go-live set for late April.

Meeting weekly since November 2019, the Website Redesign Team is excited to be nearing the new site’s launch, according to Project Manager Kerri Testement, Manager of Member Communication.

“Testing is the next step as we get ready to cross the finish line,” says Kerri. “We finished member testing on the beta site, which is a test site, earlier this year. We did online surveys and online community forums, and we had 75 members spend at least an hour on the new website doing a comprehensive review and providing feedback. Their feedback confirmed we’re moving in the right direction.”

The majority of reviews, almost 90%, were positive, noting that the new site has improved both in appearance and functionality – especially when visiting the site on a mobile device, according to Kerri.

“The redesigned website has a clean, more concise look and feel, and it will be a good showcase for Jackson EMC,” she says.

“For many members, the website is their first impression of Jackson EMC. When they move into the area and need to start electric service, they’re likely to go

online to find out who their electric provider is, so is the front door to discover who we are as a cooperative. We want to make sure we show them that we’re a professional and friendly electric cooperative that serves our members and serves our community.”

The website redesign project came about after a 2019 Member Communication Audit revealed that members were having difficulty navigating the site, especially when using smartphones or other mobile devices. Eight years old at the time, the site was outdated and some information was hard to access on mobile devices, the audit determined.

—continued inside

EMPLOYEE NEWS • iVue Updates • Strategy Map • Employee Wellness Centers APR 2021
noting improvement in APPEARANCE & FUNCTIONALITY



Jackson EMC recently celebrated the two-year anniversary of going live with NISC. Since switching to the NISC enterprise software solution in 2019, the cooperative has implemented multiple updates and improvements within the iVue software, including technical bug fixes and overall performance improvements. As we look ahead in 2021, there are three required iVue updates planned for this year. The first update was released in March and implemented in early April. Future updates will be released by NISC in July and November and implemented at Jackson EMC shortly after.

“Staying current on our software allows us to take advantage of performance improvements, security enhancements, and new software innovations as they become available. As we take advantage of these benefits, we really appreciate employees’ cooperation in getting ready for these [types of] upgrades,” said Gerry Sidhom, Director, Business Technology Solutions.

There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that happens for each upgrade. Not only do we rely on all employees to


prepare their work devices to get ready for iVue updates, but many departments have hands-on involvement in preparing and implementing the update. The Jackson EMC team also coordinates with the NISC team located in St. Louis.

While actual updates typically take place over a 12-hour period on a weekend, the planning process for an iVue update begins up to 45 to 60 days prior. From reviewing update release notes from NISC and managing update testing to conducting the update and being on standby for additional support, IT has a strong role in the update process.

Aside from IT, a few other departments also play an important role in iVue updates being successful. The Engineering and Operations department helps review the update release notes from NISC and perform functional testing. Testing is crucial, especially if the update impacts the day-to-day use of the system, according to Gerry. Finance and Accounting, Human Resources,


Marketing and Member Services, and Operations Support Services also play a similar role in the updates, reviewing and testing any updates that affect the modules they use within the NISC enterprise software. Lastly, the Communication department works closely with IT to communicate the employee and member impact of the update.

“The NISC upgrades reinforce our commitment to being One Jackson EMC. It takes many employees from across the cooperative to make sure our enterprise software stays up to date,” said Gerry. “Our ability to conduct successful upgrades relies on IT and our departmental subject matter experts. We follow a repeatable plan for each upgrade that allows us to increase efficiency with each upgrade. Every area within Jackson EMC plays a critical role in successful updates, which ultimately allows us to best serve our members.”

Employees will receive additional communication prior to the next iVue update, which is expected to occur in August.

NISC releases update Jackson EMC IT reviews update details and assesses impact of the update IT meets with functional areas impacted by the upgrade IT facilitates testing new release with subject matter experts Communication sends notices to employees and members NISC and Jackson EMC deploy and validate the update over a weekend Update completed; IT continues monitoring systems


Achieving the desired accessibility, on both desktop and mobile devices, called for a complete overhaul of the website, according to Kerri.

“The main reason we had to start over was because the technology that supports the site we have now does not always work on mobile devices,” she says. “Often, when members visit the Jackson EMC website from their mobile device, they’re taken to the mobile site we launched five years ago as a bandage to provide a mobile experience, but it doesn’t have all of our web content. In order for members to find everything on their mobile devices, we needed a fully responsive site, so that’s what we’ve been working toward.”

The Website Redesign Team was chartered in late 2019 as a cross-departmental team and includes the cooperative’s website vendor, The AdSmith, based in Athens. The team was charged with relaunching the website with a new design, improved navigation and responsive features to meet the mobile-friendly needs of members while following federal accessibility standards for people with disabilities. According to Kerri, the team started meeting in person in November 2019 and established a rapport very quickly. Their weekly meetings continued virtually after the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

“We started by reviewing other websites of utilities and non-utilities to see what we liked,” says Kerri. “From this, we knew we wanted to make sure our content is concise so people can read it easily on their mobile devices. We also wanted our design to be modern with great photography, and we wanted to add functionality in terms of how the website actually displays on a screen. Overall, we wanted the website to support people’s desire to find content quickly.”

Over the past year and a half, the team worked with each Jackson EMC department to review, update and simplify their content on the website. By late February, the beta site was 80% complete and the project was on track to meet its late April website launch date.


—continued from front


Kerri Testement, Manager of Member Communication (Project Manager)

Mike Brown, Field Engineering Supervis

John Dolezal, IT Business Analyst

Hannah Ellis, Customer Service Representative, Gainesville

Dekotah Mathis, Multimedia Communication Representative

Tate O’Rouke, Business Development Manager

Stephen Poole, Safety and Training Coordinator Program Specialist

Jeni Turner, Contact Center Representative

Rachel Uhrinek, Contact Center Representative

Sherry Wyatt, Senior Contact Center Representative, Gainesville (retired Jan. 4, 2021)

“We wanted our design to be modern with great photography, and we wanted to add functionality in terms of how the website actually displays on a screen. Overall, we wanted the website to support people’s desire to find content quickly.”
Kerri Testement, Manager of Member Communication


Ongoing improvements to refine our Strategic Planning Process have been in the works since last year. The Leadership Team has incorporated a new strategic tool known as a strategy map as part of the evolving Strategic Planning Process. “Our strategy map identifies objectives or goals that affect key parts of our business: members, governance and financial, internal processes and talent and technology. This strategy map sets a long-term direction and provides a way for us to focus our efforts on areas of greatest importance,” says Brittany Caison, Vice President of Strategic Planning and Analytics. Jackson EMC’s strategy map will be reviewed by the Leadership Team every year to update or remove any completed objectives.

The strategy map was introduced to:

• Help the cooperative translate the big ideas of our vision and mission into more specific objectives or goals we can work on over multiple years.

• Bring focus to four parts of the cooperative critical to our success: members, governance + financial, internal processes, and talent + technology.

• Create a visual of the goals we are working on and to help answe the “why” for the things we are working on across the company.

In addition to these reasons, the strategy map will link Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and initiatives to objectives to track progress on our goals and show a defined plan for how we will execute our strategy over time. The strategy map will be available in ClearPoint, our online strategic management platform, giving all employees a look at how we are accomplishing the goals outlined our strategy.

Later this year, all employees will have the opportunity to learn more about ClearPoint. “Having a developed strategy map now accessible in ClearPoint will bring renewed awareness to our strategy at Jackson EMC. It will also allow every employee the opportunity to see how their job plays an important role in Jackson EMC accomplishing the goals outlined in our strategy,” says Brittany.

perspectives + objectives

Vision and Mission: The vision and mission are the highest level of strategic direction which provide a consistent guide for making decisions in the best interest of the cooperative.

Perspectives: Four parts of the company that are critical to our success: members, governance and financial, internal processes, talent and technology.

Objectives: Each perspective has its own set of identified objectives, or goals. Objectives provide more detail about why we are taking the necessary steps to achieve the goals we agree on in the organization.

Members Perspective: This perspective keeps our focus on the members we serve. It is written in the voice of our members to help us ensure we are serving their needs.

Governance + Financial Perspective: Strong governance and financial performance are key to a successful cooperative. These objectives help us keep an eye on our financial goals and best practices in cooperative governance.

“Jackson EMC services good value for the Financial strength through responsible revenue growth cost management Personalized service offerings for each member group Company-wide community involvement A rewarding, fulfilling, engaged and enjoyable culture
1 2 3 4 5


services provide me the money I spend.” through growth and

Value to members through programs, services, and innovative rate options


To be the best forward-thinking, innovative energy supplier providing a friendly and fulfilling work environment.

To exceed our members’ expectations with reliable, courteous and personalized service.

Transparent and high-functioning Board of Directors and Management Team to best represent members


Strong relationships and influence with strategic partners including peers and political and community leaders

A position and strategy for each diversified service opportunity


Reasonable priorities and expectations for all employees to balance resources with workload (e.g. training, initiatives, daily operations)

Disciplined and coordinated technology effort to maintain system efficiency and upkeep with strategic integrations

A unified direction and culture of accountability, empowerment, teamwork, and innovation

Communicate openly and honestly in all directions, internally and externally

A cooperative that is well prepared for the future


Robust risk management strategy and culture to identify, mitigate, and manage company-wide risks

Reliable, safe, robust distribution system (operations maintenance)

Sustainable, reliable, reasonably priced wholesale power supply

A diverse and inclusive workforce

Meaningful and effective safety culture that results in a zero-accident, safe environment

Meaningful and effective cybersecurity culture that results in a zero-accident, safe environment

An environment of learning and development (career, leadership, and technology proficiency)

Internal Processes Perspective: Identify parts of our day-to-day internal processes that can benefit from a strategic focus allowing us to continue exceeding our members’ expectations.

Sub-Perspectives for Internal Processes: Because internal processes touch so many parts of the organization it helps to split them into themes for communication and consistency. Objectives within internal processes are focused under one of four categories: member experience and community; growth; operational excellence and culture; and, reliability and risks.

Talent + Tech Perspective: Our employees (talent) and technology are the foundation to our success as an organization. These objectives help us ensure we maintain strength in two areas we can’t perform without – employees and technology.

“Jackson EMC provides service that exceeds my expectations.” “Jackson EMC has a positive impact on my community and the environment.”
7 8 3 7

welcome & congrats


Wendy Jones is joining the Jackson EMC Team as our Director of Public Relations and Communication, bringing over 24 years of communication experience to the job. Wendy has spent most of her career working in and with colleges and universities, most recently serving as the senior vice president of marketing and communications for Clark Higher Ed, an enrollment marketing firm specializing in assisting smaller schools. She previously served as the Chief of Staff for the University of Georgia Public Affairs Office, and held communication roles with the University of Alabama, and Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa, AL. She’s managed large-scale projects in these roles such as strategic branding initiatives, integrated communication plans, crisis communication and issues management, public and community relations, analytics and measurement and educational conferences.

Wendy earned a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from the University of Alabama and a bachelor’s degree in Consumer Journalism from the University of Georgia. Wendy recently completed a certification in web and social media writing.

Wendy and her husband David live in Statham, GA, with their two teen daughters, Maddie and Lily.


Did you know that Jackson EMC offers wellness centers to their employees, retirees, board members and their spouses at no cost to encourage a healthy lifestyle? Wellness centers can be found in the Gainesville, Jefferson, Gwinnett and Neese offices. Once renovation is complete, the Oakwood office will also have a wellness center.

Wellness Centers are open every day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Employees may gain access to the wellness center by using their ID badges. Board members, retirees and their spouses will be provided an access card with their picture and name on the card. To request an access card, email

JEMCLIPS is published for Jackson EMC employees and retirees by the Communication Department ©2021, all rights reserved Design: employees enjoy...
Service and Support Manager position with JOSH POE was selected for the Control Equipment

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