Since 1964, Jackson EMC and hundreds of electric cooperatives nationwide have sent more than 50,000 student delegates on the Washington Youth Tour. Beyond the educational value of the trip, students are given the opportunity to grow and develop their leadership potential, including inspiring meetings with America’s local and national leaders.
Win a free week-long leadership trip to Washington, d.c.!
e june 9-16, 2016 ThELECTRIC
Washington, D.C. is filled with so much history that you can’t help but appreciate the vision that our forefathers had for this country. The U.S. has come a long way in its development and Washington is the place where it all began.
After participating in this trip, I have a better understanding of how our government and nation functions. I’m more determined than ever to serve my community, state and country to the best of my ability.
Exploring D.C. was wonderful! The teambuilding and leadership activities allowed me to make 110 new friends and contacts for life.
“ “
Washington Youth Tour helped me realize the importance of quality leadership skills.
” ”
Soak in every minute, it’s an amazing opportunity. There’s time to sleep next week.
For more information, visit or social media at:
June 9-16, 2016
put yourself in the picture this summer
applly todaay! y!
four lucky students will win a free trip!
Thee Washin T as ngtton Y Youth outth Tour Tourr (WYT) WY is a once-in-a-in life li etime me op ppoortunity un y th hatt brin b ngss together og her more than 1,600 1 00 student ude ts sponso s on oreed by ellecctrric m mem mbersh be hip p coo cooperatives eratives ves (E EMCs) MCs aacrrosss th the co coun ntrry too leeaarn n aabo outt cooperatives, c op ratives, es, Ame ica his American istory tory, U.S U S. go goveernm ment en an and leadership. eadership. dership. shi You You ou could be on could one off fou four Jack acksoon n EMC EMC sponsored sponsored de delegates ega es to to join jo n more more th haan 100 0G Ge eorrggiaa paarrticciipa an ntss an nd d meet eet studen stud nts ts from from 40 0+ sstaattess - aall eexp p pen nses sess paid pa aid d - dur durin ng g th his is inccred inc in cre edi ed dib dible ble le, e fa e, fastt-paced t-pa paaceed dw weeeek in i ourr nation’ ation s capital. at ccapit cap ap pital tall. On th On the he tour t r, st sstud den ntss vi visiitt ccou u untless ttless ess ss historical hissto oricaal and a in inspirationa nspiiratiionaal ssite tees - the t eU U.S S S. Caap pitol, ool,, the th he Supreme Su upreme upr prem me C Cou Court, urt,
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» Pr Provide videe two wo letters ett tte teers rss off rre recommendation ecommendation ec com om mm me m endation en ndation ation tio ion on n ass outlined ou outli tl ed tlined
win w n a FRE FREE FR EE E llea eade ead ders de rsh rs hip h ip p ttri trrip ip p ttoo Washington, Waassh W hiing ngt ng gton gt on, on n D.C., D.C. D D. C., June C JJu une ne 9–16, 9–1 –16 6, 20 2016, 016 6 aass JJaaack ckksso son n EMC’ C’s de delllegggat ates at ees.
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» LLegally ally reside sidee in, n, or attend end a school chool in, n, one of the counties the coounttiess served seerved ed by Jackson Jackson son EMC MC C
» Be able able to interview erview on T Thursday hursdaay, March March 17, 2016 016 »B Be eligible ligible ble too travel avel Ju June ne 9-16, 6, 2016 16 »N Not ot have ve been ee a previous rev ou winner ne
See your Guidance Counselor or Leadership Contact to apply!