v18n01 - Your Next Governor?

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YOUR NEXT GOVERNOR? Real Issues take Center Stage Pittman, Bayram, pp 14-18

Autumn Events Guide 2019 pp 20-27

Teaching Kids Through Art

Family Pho Real

McKee, p 12

Jackson, p 24

Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-7pm! $5 Margaritas, $5 Mezcalitas, $3 Patron Shots $1 off all beer


Endless Mimosas $15 11am-5pm $6 Bloody Mary's & Micheladas 12-3pm


Scrub Day 20% Off Your Meal with Scrubs or a Hospital Badge


Taco Tuesay $2 Tacos All Day (Excludes shrimp tacos)


September 4 - 17, 2019 тАв jfp.ms

Ladies Day! 1/2 priced Salads and Bowls Happy Hour Starts at 4 p.m. for Ladies


яБПяБояАаяББяБ░яБ▓яБйяБмяАаяА▒яА░яАмяАаяА▓яА░яА▒яА╕яАаяБФяБияБеяАаяБМяБбяБ╖яБ╣яБеяБ▓яБ│яВТяАаяБГяБпяБняБняБйяБ┤яБ┤яБеяБеяАаяБжяБпяБ▓яАаяА╣яАпяА▒яА▒яАаяБЙяБояБ▒яБ╡яБйяБ▓яБ╣яАаяБжяБйяБмяБеяБдяАаяБбяАаяБРяБеяБ┤яБйяБ┤яБйяБпяБояАаяБ╖яБйяБ┤яБияАаяБХяАояБУяАояАаяББяБ┤яБ┤яБпяБ▓яБояБеяБ╣яАа яБЗяБеяБпяБжяБжяБ▓яБеяБ╣яАаяБВяБеяБ▓яБняБбяБояАмяАаяБУяБпяБ╡яБ┤яБияБеяБ▓яБояАаяБДяБйяБ│яБ┤яБ▓яБйяБгяБ┤яАаяБпяБжяАаяБОяБеяБ╖яАаяБЩяБпяБ▓яБляАаяБ▓яБеяБ▒яБ╡яБеяБ│яБ┤яБйяБояБзяАаяБ┤яБияБбяБ┤яАаяБХяАояБУяАояАаяББяБ┤яБ┤яБпяБ▓яБояБеяБ╣яАаяБВяБеяБ▓яБняБбяБояАаяБ│яБ╡яБвяБняБйяБ┤яАаяБ┤яБпяАаяБбяАа яБУяБ░яБеяБгяБйяБбяБмяАаяБЖяБеяБдяБеяБ▓яБбяБмяАаяБЗяБ▓яБбяБояБдяАаяБКяБ╡яБ▓яБ╣яАаяБ┤яБияБеяАаяБеяБ╕яБ┤яБеяБояБ│яБйяБ╢яБеяАаяБеяБ╢яБйяБдяБеяБояБгяБеяАаяБ░яБ▓яБеяБ│яБеяБояБ┤яБеяБдяАаяБйяБояАаяБ┤яБияБеяАаяБМяБбяБ╖яБ╣яБеяБ▓яБ│яВТяАаяБГяБпяБняБняБйяБ┤яБ┤яБеяБеяВТяБ│яАаяБРяБеяБ┤яБйяБ┤яБйяБпяБояАаяБ│яБпяАа 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September 4 - 17,2019 • Vol. 18 No. 1

ON THE COVER Jim Hood and Tate Reeves photo by Ashton Pittman

4 Editor’s Note 6 Talks

10 Inside the Water Crisis The City is caught between a rock and a hard place.

12 opinion 14 Cover Story


rtist and massage therapist Emelie Hebert has a lot of land—almost 3 acres to be exact—where she creates her artwork, glass beads and ceramics, and also hosts workshops, demonstrations and other events. “I’m very lucky to have enough space to be able to work and share,” she says. “I’m always inviting people, artists and other therapists to come and work with me out here. I really like collaborating a lot and hearing their ideas and what their solutions are.” Hebert’s business, Studio M, is down a dirt road in Madison, surrounded by thick bands of bamboo and lots of trees, herbs and other plants. She has four buildings: her home, one up front that contains thousands of paintings, a mobile home she uses for making glass and ceramics, and one she rents out to a tenant, presently a friend who helps around the property. Her house is behind the tenant space near a lake. Hebert’s mother and stepfather, Deborah and Skit Wyatt, respectively, purchased the nearly 3-acre property in 1976. Deborah was an artist and interior decorator, and Skit was an architect, so they built the house themselves. Hebert, a Louisiana native whose parents divorced in 1988, spent half of the next year in Louisiana with her stepdad and the other half in Mississippi with her mom. In eighth grade, she began living with her mom full time. While growing up, artistic expression was all around Hebert.

Emelie Hebert Both her mom and aunt were artists, and her grandmother, Hilda Aderman, taught her how to sew. “I was just surrounded by art,” Hebert says. “I grew up in it.” She studied art at Hinds Community College, Holmes Community College and then Jackson State University, where she graduated in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in studio art with a concentration in ceramics. Afterward, she enrolled at Mississippi College for a while to earn her Master of Fine Arts degree but left to take care of her mother after Deborah had a severe heart attack. While Hebert originally started off painting, she eventually branched out into making jewelry from her handmade ceramic beads. She later moved into making glass beads because they aren’t as fragile. Hebert wants to make her land more of a community space. She is currently working on finding someone who can share the space with her, and is cleaning the spaces out so she can rent them to artists or therapists, she says. “(I’m) just putting my feelers out because I really want this space to be a space for the community to come together because I don’t know of another space out there that wants to invite other artists to use their torches and their kilns and their tools,” she says. “There’s not a space available, and a lot of people don’t have a space to create, and there’s plenty here. I just want to share.” —Amber Helsel

20 Kicking With the Melodies Much like sharks, this band doesn’t stop moving.

22 Chalking It Up One block downtown will become more colorful in October.

26 sPORTS 28 music listings 32 Puzzles 33 astro 33 Classifieds

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

acacia clark

20 arts preview


editor’s note

by Donna Ladd, Editor-in-Chief


id you know that something earthshattering happened in the Republican runoff for governor last week? It was far beyond two men trying to prove who is the “real conservative” and going on the attack against national political figures like U.S. Reps. Alexandria OcasioCortez and Ilhan Omar, who have squat to do with what happens on the governor’s watch in Mississippi. It’s an old Neshoba County Fair trick—paid campaigners show up behind Democratic candidates with hand-drawn pics of Barack Obama or a Clinton or Bennie Thompson to scare conservatives into voting, often, against their own best interests. This year, the GOP establishment adapted the stunt for a fellow Republican, Bill Waller Jr., via mailers and tweets.

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

Stop treating elections like a fun thrill ride.


If you read the Jackson Free Press (including jfpdaily.com), you know their runoff was a referendum on whether a majority of Republican voters care enough to vote for the candidate who was willing to admit that Medicaid needs to be expanded in Mississippi to help people without health care and to keep rural hospitals open. Waller also supported the teacher-pay increase that Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves stalled in the Senate. Waller then took close to half the vote, including from many Republicans in our primary readership area. Still, Reeves won. So the popular media narrative is that Republicans wanted the more “conservative” candidate with the biggest financial “war chest,” and the band plays on. The real question is how much of Mississippi gets actionable information about candidates from our media outlets. The problem with “horse-race” reporting—treating elections like a breathless race focusing on strategy, polls, money and rhetoric—is apparent in supposedly “statewide” journalism produced locally. One outlet even said in a headline that the runoff debate between Reeves and Waller was to prove “who is the real conservative.” That’s nonsensical rhetoric, signifying nothing. The truth on the ground was different, as we have reported with constant focus on actual issues that affect Mississippians, in-

cluding in the cover story by Seyma Bayram and Ashton Pittman starting on page 14. If we’re reporting donations, we report who wants what in exchange for the funds. Enterprising issues-based election coverage is more work than breathless glances at finance reports, but that’s our job. It is vital to stop treating elections like a fun, two-sided thrill ride, which (usually male) political reporters and campaign strategists love and they’re getting paid either way, even if your hospital closes. What gets lost are vital facts and ensuring that the entire state knows what’s at stake in our elections. We work to ensure that is true in the greater Jackson area, but what about the dozens of counties that face a news desert devoid of substantive reporting? Donald Trump is likely president due to horse-race reporting. National media, especially networks, are still taking deserved heat over how they constantly gave what they considered a fringe candidate an open microphone to expound endlessly, including at supposedly “liberal” NBC. Later, NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack—who started a nonprofit news website in Mississippi that predictably loves it some horse-race reporting—blamed Hillary Clinton for his team’s Trump fixation. “We got criticism in the media … You elected Trump because you never stopped covering his rallies. You never stopped putting him on TV,” Lack said at Ole Miss in 2017. “The point was he was so accessible, and he wanted to tell his story.” He added that Clinton was less accommodating and not liked: “… I think the biggest story that we missed, certainly NBC, we underestimated the dislike of Hillary in the country.” That is no excuse for excessive coverage of a man who led the “birther” move-

Ashton Pittman

Media: Horse-race Election Reporting Signifies Nothing

Media gathered around Bill Waller Jr. at the Neshoba County Fair in August 2019. But the meaningful substance of his platform seldom broke through.

ment against Obama without sufficient context. It was sick infotainment. Turning any election into a rollicking shit show that turns voters off is about easy ratings, clicks, and low-effort reporting and editing. The journalism academy has bemoaned the media’s horse-race antics for decades now. It was one of the “critical issues” facing journalism we discussed when I was in graduate school at Columbia 20 years ago. New York University professor Jay Rosen has long warned about the dangers of horse-race reporting, including political journalists framing themselves as “the insiders.” (We’re not, nor should we be.) “Things are out of alignment. Journalists are identifying with the wrong people. Therefore, the kind of work they are doing is not as useful as we need it to be,” Rosen said in a 2011 talk.


Seyma Bayram

Aliyah Veal

Alex Forbes

New City Reporter Seyma Bayram is from Diyarbakir, Turkey, and grew up in the Netherlands and New York. She is a graduate of the Columbia Journalism School and the State University of New York at Binghamton. She cowrote the cover story.

Culture Writer Aliyah Veal is a Jackson native who attended Spelman and got a master’s in journalism from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism in New York. SShe wrote about the City’s publicworks budget.

Alex Forbes is a Jackson native who attends Rhodes College. While he is passionate about arts and politics, his true love is a good ham and cheese panini. He wrote about the band Kicking.

Polls may seem sexy, but hospitals keep people alive. Rosen calls electionsas-games an “impoverished notion of politics, a cluster of bad ideas that together form the common sense of the craft.” That, in turn, contributes to voter apathy. Think about it. Saying Wallervs.-Reeves was about crowning the “real conservative” only plays to voters wanting a hard-right candidate. Others may shrug and stay home, especially if all they see is non-substantive coverage and TV ads. When media took Reeves’ bait to frame the race that way, he won right there. The remarkable part of a reporter bloviating about politics like a sports yapper is that they are the very journalists most likely to get used by candidates avoiding issues or their own record. This year’s display of horse-race reporting fixating on statewide races, usually with scant or no mention of actual issues affecting non-candidates in stories, is especially onerous considering what’s at stake in the news deserts throughout Mississippi. We have less than nine weeks until the November elections—the state’s media need to use that time to comprehend and report issues that affect everyday people’s lives. We’ve had enough gamesmanship this cycle to fill a hippodrome. Journalists must leave the sound and fury to the strategists and tell readers what’s really at stake. Email donna@jacksonfreepress.com to participate in our new #MSCitizensAgenda dialogues to identify issues most important to Mississippians. Plus, free pizza.


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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms




storytelling & re, ir tu

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“ We must honestly look at the labor practices of this nation and challenge oppression on every front.”



–Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba, in an essay on ICE raids for Newsweek


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‘Hispanic Project’ Seeded Dangerous Poultry Jobs by Ashton Pittman


“She knew those knives were sharp. She knew better,” Evans recalled the boss saying. She said the industry recruited her when she was a college student at the University of Mississippi. In the aftermath of the raids last

On the second day, 20 more people applied, MDES Director of Communications Dianne Bell wrote in an Aug. 16 statement to the JFP. She cited “weather-related conditions” and internet being down as the cause of the low total on Tuesday.

“It’s degrading, difficult work,” Stuesse said in an interview. “I think the folks who stay in the chicken plants are the people who don’t have other options and certainly, mostly undocumented immigrants fall into that category, but not only.” ASHTON PITTMAN

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


n the mid-1980s, Shannon Evans took a job at a rural poultry plant in Mississippi. There, she witnessed a parade of slime-soaked horrors, including amputations. Though she would only remain in the job for one week before calling it quits, the experience left a lasting impression and helped solidify her decision to finish her college degree and leave Mississippi, in addition to convincing her not to eat chicken again for years. To this day, she will only eat organic farm-raised chicken. “It was dirty. It smelled foul, pardon the pun. … It was just beyond disgusting,” Evans, a 57-year-old Columbus, Miss., native who now lives in Washington state, told the Jackson Free Press on Aug. 13. Memories of the week she spent helping process chickens for food were fresh on her mind, though, after federal immigration raids in Mississippi in early August. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, in coordination with U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst in Jackson, arrested nearly 700 poultry workers suspected of being undocumented immigrants in raids ICE carried out at seven different plants across six Mississippi towns on Aug. 7. The raids left some plants struggling to operate, without enough employees to run at normal capacity. For decades, the plants have relied on bringing in immigrant workers to do the work. Evans said she doubts the plants will be able to hire and retain enough U.S. workers. “It’s a shit job, and everybody knows it,” she said. When she was at the plant in Northeast Mississippi, the employees were expected to process between 35 and 45 chickens per minute. One woman accidentally chopped off the tips of her index and middle fingers while trying to keep up with the furious chicken-chopping pace, Evans said. “They pretty much fired her right there because of the workplace injury. But it was right after they told her to speed up, and that she was going too slow,” Evans said.

Hispanic and Latino residents of Forest, Miss., have been afraid to go out in public after ICE arrested some members of their community in raids at the Koch Foods plant 10 miles away in Morton. Koch Foods Inc. also operates out of Forest.

month, Koch Foods Inc. held a job fair at the WIN Job Center in Forest, Miss., just 10 miles from where ICE raided a Koch plant in Morton. The Mississippi Department of Employment Security confirmed to that Jackson Free Press that 87 people showed up for the first day of the job fair at Forest WIN Job Center on Aug. 13.

‘Degrading, Difficult Work’ Still, it is not easy for poultry plants to retain working U.S. residents, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Anthropologist Angela Stuesse said on Aug. 12. She has studied the history and work culture of American poultry plants, and spent time in Mississippi’s poultry plants in the 2000s.

She has written about the history of chicken plants in America in her book, “Scratching Out a Living.” In the past, the plants turned to African Americans to provide poultry plant labor. “African American workers fought to get access to chicken plant labor because it was seen as a step up from the

Things That Will Probably Happen This Fall Leaves falling 10%

Mississippi Election Insanity 30%

Holiday decorations in stores way earlier than they should be 10% Leaves falling 10%

National news continues to sound like The Onion 20%

More potholes 20%


S ub s c r i b e f re e at j f p d a i l y. c o m fo r b re a k i n g n e w s .

SPEAKER: STATE FLAG LIKE A BLACK JACK In a speech in Columbus, Mississippi Republican House Speaker Philip Gunn renewed calls to change the Mississippi State Flag, comparing its Confederate imagery to a pirate’s flag that said “rape and pillage.” “What does our flag say about us?” Gunn asked.

‘REAL CONSERVATIVE’ WINS Mississippi Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves won the nomination for governor in the Aug. 27 Republican runoff, beating opponent Bill Waller by nearly 10 points.

MOST VIRAL STORIES AT JFP.MS: 1. “Under Reeves, Mississippi Now the Last State With No Equal-Pay Law” by Ashton Pittman 2. “False Claims in Tate Reeves’ ‘Obamacare’ Mailers on Waller Plan” by Ashton Pittman 3. “Jackson Opts for Hearings for Water-Bill Complaints” by Aliyah Veal 4. “Sophomore Spanish Club, District Drugs & Mercantile and The Mighty Crab” by Dustin Cardon 5. “Hood Vows to ‘Prosecute’ on Issues as Reeves Wins GOP Gov Nod” by Ashton Pittman and S eyma Bayram MOST VIRAL EVENTS AT JFPEVENTS.COM: 1. Fondren After 5, Sept. 5 2. JXN Flea Pop-Up Market + Party, Sept. 7 3. True Local Farmers Market, Sept. 7, 14 4. Satchmo: Louis Armstong Tribute, Sept. 10 5. Operation Shoestring 2019 Fall Concert, Sept. 12

FIRE FROM OUR HELLISH PAST In Canton, Rev. William J. Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s campaign, denounced the August ICE raids in Mississippi, saying they were “fire from our hellish past” and that the Trump administration had “given oxygen to the smoldering fire of racism, and now it is bursting into flames.”

UM’S JOHNNY REB ON THE MOVE The University of Mississippi is moving forward with plans to relocate a Confederate monument that has stood in the center of campus since 1906 to a secluded Civil War cemetery, still on campus.

work in the fields they had been doing for 100 years prior, and they got access to the chicken plants in the late ’60s and early ’70s and started organizing for better wages and working conditions,” Stuesse said. “I think one of the reasons that the industry started looking further afield was that those workers began to gain traction in terms of organizing and establishing unions.” ‘The Hispanic Project’ In the 1990s, Stuesse said, poultry producer B.C. Rogers set its sights on a new target for low-cost employment: Hispanic and Latino immigrants. The company sought to lure new immigrant workers by placing ads in Miami, Fla., and, later, in Western towns and cities like El Paso, Texas. The ads promoted poultry-plant work as an opportunity for a better life and Morton, Miss., as a haven for families, drawing 5,000 immigrants native to Mexico, Cuba, and Central American countries like Guatemala and El Salvador. “(The ads) extolled the benefits of living in a small

town, that it was safe, that your children wouldn’t get in trouble…, that people didn’t drink there,” Stuesse said. “That it was a good place to raise a family. That convinced a lot of people, especially people with children, to try their hand at poultry processing.” The effort, dubbed the “Hispanic Project,” proved successful for B.C. Rogers, and immigrants from Miami began arriving in Morton on packed buses in droves, with more than 50 new workers arriving in town each week. The company even set up housing for the workers in hundreds of small homes and trailers it owned. The employer would deduct from workers’ paychecks to take them on weekend trips to Jackson, where they could shop or go to church. In the ’90s, the project brought 5,000 Hispanic workers to the small town alone. “That went on for four years, and it was deemed such an incredible model that other poultry operations in the area followed suit and, according to the architect of the Hispanic Project, he had poultry operations

across the South asking him how he did it and trying to replicate that success,” Stuesse said. Over the course of a decade, Morton’s Hispanic population increased 10-fold as a result—and all of this happened, she noted, after Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed an immigration-reform law in 1986 that made it a felony for employers to hire undocumented workers. In the 2000s, B.C. Rogers went bankrupt, and Koch Foods bought its Morton plant, which was among those ICE raided in August. But the poultry-processing industry took note of the Hispanic Project’s success, and other companies began replicating it, Stuesse said. “The criminalization of work is not the answer. It doesn’t stem the flow of undocumented labor,” she said. ‘Backbreaking,’ ‘Freezing’ Work While the complexion of workers has largely changed since Evans worked in a Mississippi poultry plant in the more POULTRY p. 9

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms




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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

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1980s, many of the conditions have not. Employees in some plants report no ample bathroom breaks, Stuesse said, echoing one of Evans’ complaints. In some cases, immigrant employees are given even fewer opportunities to use restrooms than white or African American employees, she said. Alicia Richards, who said she worked in a poultry plant in southeast Mississippi 20 years ago, said she recalls the “backbreaking, disgusting, unpleasant” work. Like Evans, she said she did not eat chicken for years afterward. It was “freezing” in the plant, she said, adding that she remembered “wearing sweatshirts in July while shopping (after work) because it took hours to thaw out and warm up.” The plants are indeed cold, Stuesse said, citing a worker from a poultry plant in Carthage, one of the 2019 raid towns, who told her that some employees would “literally scrounge around the plant for leftover pieces of chopped up chicken to wrap around (their) torsos or around our legs so that we can stay warm.” Now, though, hundreds of workers and families whom capitalism whisked into small Mississippi towns like Carthage, Sebastopol, Canton and Morton face an uncertain future. The day after the raids, ICE released about 300 parents whose children had no other guardian ,though ABC News reported on at least one instance in which a pair of siblings spent eight days alone. Hundreds of other immigrants remain in an ICE processing facility in Louisiana. In Canton, Miss., the father of three children, one as young as two, told Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke in mid-August that his wife was still being held at the ICE detention center, with no idea when she might be released. In many cases, mothers and fathers worked at the same plant, but on alternating shifts so one could stay home to care for the children. That has left many families with no job, with the plants firing their remaining undocumented workers or the employees simply afraid to return. Churches and school districts, like the Scott County School District, have stepped up to help them afford rent, bills, food and other necessities. In the weeks after the raids, owners of Latino grocery stores in Forest saw business fall dramatically, as new residents saved up the money they had and feared going out in public. “Hispanic people are scared to go out,” Tienda Latino owner Ovidio Miguel told this reporter in a story for The Guardian the weekend after the raids. “They’re afraid ICE is still around. I’m worried

about my business. It’s so slow. People came out. Now no one is coming out.” ‘Until Their Backs Give Out’ Eventually, Stuesse predicts, Mississippi’s poultry plants will begin hiring undocumented immigrants once more. They can always claim, she said, that they did not “knowingly” hire undocumented people, and point to nondiscrimination laws as having prevented them from rigorously checking new employees’ citizenship status—just as Koch Foods did in a statement after the raids. Immigrant workers, she said, can obtain documents that help them pass the federal E-Verify system that employers use to check citizenship status. When she was in Mississippi, she said, third-party contractors would help migrants obtain the necessary documents. In other states she has examined, some employers would provide the documents themselves, she said. “As long as there is global inequality, people are going to migrate in search of better opportunities,” she said. “And as long as capitalism is responsible only to the owners of the capital, then employers are going to do (and) corporations are going to do whatever they need to make sure their bottom line is as strong as possible and that they’re producing a profit for their owners or their shareholders.” In a statement after the raids, Koch Foods claimed it did not knowingly hire undocumented workers, and that it is working with federal authorities to “ensure only authorized workers may return to work.” The company has not returned a request for comment for this story. While the plants find it more difficult to hire native-born U.S. workers, Stuesse said, documented American families are caught in the cycle of the industry, too. “Across the rural South, there are generations of African American workers who have been in these plants, and they work until their bodies give out,” Stuesse said. “I met lots of African American workers who were disabled because of the work they had done in the poultry plant since they were young, and now their kids were working there. One worker said to me, ‘The chicken plants use you up, and then they reach back for your kids.’ They saw it as this generational disposability of worker’s bodies. “I think there will always be some U.S.-born folks who don’t have other options and end up in the chicken plants.” Follow Jackson Free Press state reporter Ashton Pittman on Twitter @ashtonpittman. Read full team coverage of the recent ICE raids in Mississippi at jacksonfreepress.com/ immigration and send story tips to ashton@ jacksonfreepress.com.

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City’s Water Crisis: Between a Rock and a Hard Place


our years ago, Ron Chane, a local businessman who owns Swell-OPhonic in Fondren, realized he was having an issue with his home water bill when it jumped from $65 every two months to $200 a month. He went to the

by Aliyah Veal Chane went to the city attorney and requested a hearing, but was told he would be lucky if he got an appeal in the next six months. He then returned to Metrocenter to put $200 on his bill to get further ahead, he told the Jackson Free Press. imani khayyam / file photo

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

Ron Chane, business owner, is one of many Jackson residents experiencing spikes his water bills, but that could all change if the city borrows money to fix the water sewer system, which could possibly fix the billing system.


Water and Sewer Business Administration office in the Metrocenter Mall to inquire about the rate hike. He was certain he wasn’t using that much water. “I had a young lady that said part of (my) issue is that they’re having issues with the meters, and that’s why these bills are inflated. I didn’t know what she was talking about. She said it’s just how the meters are,” Chane said in an interview. In 2013, Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. signed a contract with Siemens for $90 million to install new water meters and a new billing system for water and sewage services, along with physical upgrades to water and sewer lines and the city’s sewage-treatment plants. In the years since, errors in water and sewer billing have plagued Jackson residents, causing shortages in the City’s revenue from these services. Chane said his bills kept being “crazy,” so he stopped paying what they said he owed every month. He started to pay his water bill every six weeks and sent in $100 checks, he said. “Just recently, they sent a bill saying the water would be cut off in a week unless I go to a hearing,” he said.

“The lady pulled up my account, and I told her everything I’m telling you. She could only see back 24 months. She was showing me from that point forward that my bills had been leveled out. I said show me before that, and she said our records don’t go back that far,” Chane said. The lack of records for bills that date farther than two years makes customers look like a bunch of slackers, he said. “As I understand, they’re not going to cut our water off. They asked me if I’d be willing to settle. I’ll settle this for a third of what is due. It’s more than I feel like I owe, (but) I don’t like having a debt over my head,” Chane said. At its Aug. 20 meeting, the Jackson City Council passed an ordinance to allow administrative hearings for waterand-sewer bill complaints. The City will hire a hearing officer to consider evidence and findings from both customers and the water and sewer business administration manager. The officer will make a recommendation to both parties. If the customer’s claim is valid, the manager will draft a resolution for the coun-

cil to amend or adopt it as is. If the customer still owes the bill that is due, the council decides whether to discontinue service if the amount is not paid within 10 days following the adoption of the resolution. “I would be fine with something like that,” Chane said of the new appeal process. “Of course, they can’t listen to everyone’s individual grievance, but if they were basing it on the records they can see of two years, that’s not going to tell the story.” Chane said he does not really put too much blame on the City of Jackson as it could have been bad luck of the draw that it wanted to change the water system, but the change brought poor results. “I don’t think they could forecast something like this would happen to the billing when they decided to make a change. Sometimes, even with that effort something can go wrong,” he said. The Mayor’s Proposal Ward 2 Councilman Melvin Priester Jr. told the Jackson Free Press that the switch to a digital water reading system has caused a ton of problems for the City of Jackson and residents. “Because of these problems, a lot of people weren’t getting water bills for some time, and we weren’t getting that money. We’ve had to loan money to the water sewer department from other areas because we weren’t collecting enough money.” Priester said Mayor Chokwe A. Lu-

mumba has proposed that the City borrow money to fix the water-billing process, so residents can get their bills on time. The proposal, which he said has its pros and cons, was a part of the Public Works 2020 budget presentation on Aug. 14. The mayor’s proposal could increase the amount of billed and collected revenues, deliver a system with robust capabilities, restore customer confidence and provide a foundation to support future rate increases. But this option is also expensive and difficult, and success is not guaranteed, the presentation states. “We have a bunch of repairs we have to make to the water sewer system because of the fact that the City is breaking the Environmental Protection Act and the Clean Water Act,” Priester said. The Clean Water Act, passed in 1972, is a federal law that regulates the discharge of pollutants in the country’s surface water, such as lakes, rivers and streams. In 2012, the City of Jackson signed a consent decree from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality to repair the sewage system in the city. The City violated the Clean Water Act with infractions such as lines bursting, sanitary system overflows and storm water getting into the sewage drainage. “By virtue of fixing the water-bill stuff, we generate more revenue to be spent on fixing pipes and cleaning water


to pay debts. There are some that feel that that is a reasonable way to proceed. There are others that feel it would be a bad idea to borrow money,” Priester said. The Public Works budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year is $252,961,175, more than a $40-million-dollar decrease from the current year’s budget. The biggest question plaguing the budget deliberations is whether the city council will select Lumumba’s proposal, he said. ‘Thread The Needle’ The City borrows money by issuing bonds, which are basically IOUs that taxpayers pay back to bond holders on a set schedule. “The City has these bonds,” Priester said. “We’ve got an interest rate that we have to pay as that’s the reason someone is willing to lend me money. The higher the interest rate, the more expensive it is to borrow the money. If I can have a lower interest rate, that’s cheaper.” But then bond insurance comes into play, in which a company promises to pay back the loan if the City of Jackson defaults on it, Priester said. He said the bond insurers have been contacting the City to say they are not making enough money to pay their debts, which is dependent upon whether residents pay their water bills. “We have people like the bond insurers and EPA saying, ‘increase what you charge for water and sewer,’” Priester said. “If people can’t afford what we’re currently charging them, how do we do that? It would increase the number of people that couldn’t pay, and that’s really problematic.” Priester said Jackson does not necessarily have the population that can afford a big increase in water and sewer rates with a median household income of $30,000. The City of Jackson faces pressure to comply with the EPA and bond insurers because they have the power to take the sewer and water operations away and charge residents what they think is fair, he said. “As an administration, we are trying to thread the needle by borrowing the funding necessary to make permanent fixes to the system,” Priester said. ‘Real Transparency’ Ward 6 Councilman Aaron Banks presented the 2020 budget for the City of Jackson to his constituents at the Aug. 29 Ward 6 Town hall in an effort to be more transparent with residents. Banks had an announcement regarding possible changes to the water billing system. “Here’s the decision, either we take a loan out for $7 million,” Banks said at the meeting. “Or instead of taking out a loan

we raise water and sewer rates.” The loan for $7 million will pay consultants to come in and advise the Public Works department on how to deal with billing issues and set rates, fix the software system, and train people to read the software because those who work in the department now are not trained on that level, Banks told the town-hall audience. “It’s going to begin to address unstranding the bills where at the end of this, hopefully, water-sewer billing administration functions at 100%,” Banks said. His vote is no on both, he said. “I will vote once you all get real transparency on what happened and why you gotta do it,” Banks said. The council, however, postponed a vote on the borrowing strategy. Priester said Tuesday that he does not know when the council will take up the borrowing approach, but a special hearing to vote on the millage rate is Thursday, Sept. 5, at 6 p.m. Those results will affect whether or not the City will vote to borrow, he said, and the council will decide no later than Sept. 15, he deadline for a balanced budget. Without a unanimous vote, they cannot move forward. However, if the loan is approved, residents will have to pay it back. Resident Emon Thompson said he appreciates Banks’ honesty because it does not do the City any good if they hide stuff. Of the options, he said it would be easier for the City to take out a loan because raising water rates is not a good idea with the current billing system. “You’re not doing a quality job. Once you get your act together, then let’s talk about a raise in the fees,” Thompson said about the City. He saw a triple increase in his water bill during the beginning stages of the new meter system, but he thought it had something to do with his pool. He said he stopped paying his bill until the watersewer business administration straightened everything out. “If you miss one payment and are late, then they demand you pay everything upfront. They make us suffer because of decisions they made. We didn’t have anything to do with this,” he said. Priester said an easy option would be to try to hang on for another year, but it would not be acceptable to the EPA or the City’s bond insurers. “As I sit here in 2019, (thinking) how I pay for our water sewer bill with a population that is thinning and has less financial wherewithal to increase rates. Your hands are tied by these rules,” he said. “We could borrow this money or not. We could raise rates. I don’t think that would be palpable to the City of Jackson,” Priester said. “We think about the citizens. People just want to get a water that is reasonable, get it every month and keep it moving.”

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms



Anne B. McKee

Use the Arts to Teach History, Math, More

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

Yes, each child is teachable.


That day when the belly-sliders arrived, I was there to tell stories about Mississippi history. I brought simple costumes and a short dialogue. The story was about Samuel Dale, an early Mississippi soldier who helped force Choctaw migration from Mississippi to Oklahoma. Immediately, the belly sliders were onboard, wanting to know more, trying on costumes and learning the dialogue in the short time I had with them. While I didn’t reach all the students that day, I feel confident that the

ones who participated in the vignette and remember Dale’s story even now. It was Mississippi history I shared with the class using the art of drama. I drew them into the story with me. The students became participants in a piece of documented Mississippi history, and the great thing is these

lary, pronunciation, creativity and stage presence, a teacher could pass around a “story bag” with items inside for the students to choose from, then either individually or as a team, create a story using the item. Act it out, add costumes or write a song. The scenario is endless. What does all of this really mean?

donna ladd


t is true. Mississippi is searching for a way to give students a quality education that engages them and makes them want to learn. How do we implement lessons for the students to understand and retain? And how do we teach while also trying to lessen disruptions from some of the students? Try the arts. I’m a teaching artist in Mississippi. Sometimes my efforts haven’t been effective due to disruptive students; however, I know that if I influenced one person, then I accomplished my mission. During one incident in particular, some students arrived to the classroom sliding on their bellies, and others never raised their heads from taking naps on their desks. But one timid girl came to me after class with poetry she had composed. I saw hope in her eyes. I left the school with several of her poems in my folder and later at home, I read them. It was a plea from a student who cared, a young girl who wanted more arts instruction. I made suggestions and offered a few critiques, then returned them to the middle school in her name, and I hope in some way the time I had at the school was not a total waste, because there was one student I was able to reach. Yes, each child is teachable, even the ones who were on their bellies. Let’s face it. Teaching by sitting at a desk with a textbook in hand is boring. Arts could make it more fun.

Editor-in-Chief and CEO Donna Ladd Publisher & President Todd Stauffer Associate Publisher Kimberly Griffin Art Director Kristin Brenemen Managing Editor Amber Helsel REPORTERS AND WRITERS City Reporter Seyma Bayram State Reporter Ashton Pittman Culture Writer Aliyah Veal Contributing Writers Dustin Cardon, Bryan Flynn, Alex Forbes, Jenna Gibson, Torsheta Jackson, Mike McDonald, Anne B. Mckee, Tunga Otis EDITORS AND PRODUCTION JFPDaily.com Editor Dustin Cardon Editorial/Events Assistant Nate Schumann Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Designer Zilpha Young Contributing Photographers Seyma Bayram, Acacia Clark, Imani Khayyam, Ashton Pittman, Brandon Smith ONLINE & DIGITAL SERVICES Digital Web Developer Ryan Jones Web Editor Dustin Cardon Web Designer Montroe Headd Let’s Talk Jackson Editor Kourtney Moncure ADVERTISING (601-362-6121 x11) Sales and Marketing Coordinator and Writer Andrea Dilworth Advertising Designer Zilpha Young

Artist and educator Anne B. McKee used an arts-integrated curriculum students history about Samuel Dale, a controversial figure of Mississippi history who helped force the removal of Choctaws to Oklahoma. Pictured is a statue of him in Daleville, a town named for him in Lauderdale County.

rowdy middle-school students wanted to know more. Again I ask, why not try the arts? We need a new approach in Mississippi, one that will include imagination and excitement, and will make the students ask, “What are we doing tomorrow?” With an arts-integrated curriculum, students have a newly found yearning for education. Such a curriculum is simple but profound—make school fun again. The result is quality education, teaching through art disciplines. How about teaching math integrated with dance steps or a science arts project? I remember one teacher asked students to bring bright-colored leaves to class. They crushed the leaves together in a wire colander to make paint for an art project. What student doesn’t enjoy squashing and painting? And along the way, they learned the blades, veins and petiole of each specimen. To help students master vocabu-

A student might start being excited about attending school. He or she will engage in learning—not just flip through a textbook soon forgotten. Parents can experience relief knowing their kids really want to go to school, and most students will hop out of bed to leave early for school and not miss a thing. Teachers can see students who are really learning. An arts-integrated curriculum may even help create better test scores. Yes, each child is teachable. And the arts may be the answer for Mississippi Anne B. McKee is a Mississippi history folklorist, with a twist, not just telling boring history but featuring the personalities who made the times unforgettable. She is active with storytelling circles which always focus on everything Mississippi. Anne is listed on the Mississippi Arts Commission’s Performing Artist Roster and the Teaching Artist Roster. This column does not necessarily reflect the views of the JFP.

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms



Jim Hood Tate Reeves

Real Issues on Center Stage in Governor’s Race by Seyma Bayram and Ashton Pittman

Septermber 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


‘This is Mississippi’ Reeves pushed typical conservative buttons on his way to primary victory. Pearson said he spent too much time “relying on his name-dropping of Trump,” adding, “This is a state election, not a national election. This is Mississippi.” Sure enough, just a few blocks over at the Westin Hotel, Reeves was soaking up his victory before a crowd of supporters with a speech that was light on policy, but in which he urged his supporters Tammy Pearson comforted friend Kay Holmes in to help him defeat Democratic nominee Jim Hood— downtown Jackson after their candidate, Bill Waller Jr., lost the GOP runoff for governor. or else risk undermining the Republican president. He celebrated by spending the first five minutes

Seyma Bayram


ammy Pearson wrapped her arms around her friend Kay Holmes moments after the runoff results were announced the evening of Aug. 27. “I’m devastated,” Pearson, a Republican from Jackson, told her friend as the women consoled each other inside of now-defeated Republican runoff candidate Bill Waller’s headquarters in downtown Jackson. News had just spread across the room that Mississippi Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves had secured the Republican nomination for governor by focusing on national partisan politics to prove he was the real conservative in the race, as Waller ran on issues. “It’s a sad day for Mississippi,” Pearson told the Jackson Free Press, “because Bill ran on policy.” Pearson, who supports Medicaid expansion, fixing roads and bridges, and increasing teacher pay— her own daughter is an educator—said she could not support Reeves despite belonging to the same party. “Quite honestly, I just don’t think he has policy,” Pearson said of Reeves. “I think he is controlled by interest groups, and I just don’t think he has the best ideas for Mississippi, because he has never shared his policies. Never. He has shared about what he has done and what other people haven’t done, but he’s never told us his policy.”

of a less-than-10-minute speech happily bashing “liberals” and the Mississippi press, whom he said has “been predicting my demise all summer long.” “The Capitol press corps forgot that you, the people of Mississippi, are conservative, and they forgot that you would do anything to make sure a conservative gets elected as a nominee,” said Reeves, taking a shot at Waller. The lieutenant governor had accused his opponent in the final weeks of the GOP contest of being a “liberal” for his health-care, education and infrastructure policies—despite Waller’s credentials as a conservative former chief justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court. Now, Reeves said, it was time for his supporters to fight Hood, who is the current Mississippi attorney general and Mississippi’s only statewide-elected Democrat. “Are you going to cave in to the national liberals? Are you going to stand up and fight for our conservative values? Are you going to undermine our president, Donald J. Trump?” Reeves bellowed, as the crowd shouted in unison back after each question, respectively, crying, “No!”; “Yes!”; “No!” Several miles away just off Lakeland Drive, Hood vowed to mount a tough challenge centered on health care, education, and fixing the state’s roads and bridges. He also praised Waller. “Justice Waller ran a great race. He ran on issues,” the Democrat told members of the press at his campaign headquarters that evening. Hood, a moderate Democrat with conservative views on issues like abortion and guns, pointed out that he is focused on many of the same policies as Waller. “The issues that Justice Waller talked about and that I’m talking about, like cutting the grocery tax and those kind of things, (Reeves) doesn’t have the issues so he has to revert to scare tactics,” the attorney general said. Some lawmakers have introduced bills to cut the grocery tax repeatedly in recent years, but Republican

ashton pittman

leaders in the Legislature have not supported bringing them to the floor for a vote. Supporters of cutting the grocery tax say it will benefit poor Mississippians the most, since the tax applies to income spent on necessities—not expendable income. Roads and Bridges Though Waller did not advocate for cutting the grocery tax, he and Hood do offer similar proposals on some key issues. Both support accepting federal funds to expand Medicaid in Mississippi, which could bring healthcare access to 300,000 uninsured Mississippians and possibly help save dozens of struggling rural hospitals. Both also called for yearly teacherpay raises until teachers in Mississippi make what those in nearby states, like Louisiana and Alabama, make. Each man supports some sort of tax increase to raise revenue to fix the hundreds of crumbling and closed roads and bridges across the state, but Hood wants to do that by bringing back the corporate franchise tax that Reeves and other Republicans ended in 2016. Waller wanted to raise the state’s gas tax to fund the repairs, but Hood says he would only consider that as a last resort. As lieutenant governor, Reeves also serves as the president of the Mississippi Senate, where he has significant power when it comes to killing or championing legislation. In 2016, Reeves shepherded through the franchise tax cut, which benefited out-of-state corporations and cut off $260 million per year in state revenue. In the years since, he declined to appropriate funds for roads and bridges. With the worsening infrastructure, current Gov. Phil Bry-

ant, also a Republican, called a special session of the Legislature last year to implement a state lottery, with revenue devoted to road and bridge repair. Reeves and other GOP leaders successfully passed the bill creating a Mississippi lottery, which begins this December. However, outgoing Democratic House Minority Leader David Baria told the Jackson Free Press last year that it would not generate nearly enough to solve the infrastructure crisis—a point Waller also made on the campaign trail. During his victory speech, Reeves gave a nod to Waller, who often wore a red MAGA-style hat with the words, “Make Mississippi Roads Great Again” on the campaign trail. “A lot of good people voted for him today. And what I want to say to you is this: I heard you. And I am determined to bring this party together to win in November,” Hood said of Waller. “Now if you believe we need to fix our roads and keep our economy strong, hear me out. If you believe we need to raise teacher pay and balance our budget, come with me. If you believe we need to strengthen our hospitals and do it the smart, conservative way, let’s do it together.” But Reeves could have done those things, including fixing roads and bridges, if he had wanted to prioritize those things, Hood said at his headquarters minutes later. “He’s had opportunities to fix our roads. The only road he was worried about was his own out here, down in his neighborhood,” Hood said. The Democratic nominee was referring to a road-paving project outside Reeves’ private community in Jackson last year. After Reeves refused to agree to significant funding increases for roads and

bridges, The Clarion-Ledger reported that Reeves’office had requested the paving project through the Mississippi Department of Transportation. Reeves denied that he had anything to do with the paving project. Saving Hospitals, Rural Health Reeves and Waller had differing views of what it might mean to “strengthen our hospitals” in a “smart, conservative way.” For Waller, expanding Medicaid was the smart choice. It would save the state’s rural hospitals, he would say at rallies. But it would also encourage people to work. Under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, or ACA, which President Barack Obama signed into law, the federal government allocates more than $1 billion a year to Mississippi to pay for Medicaid expansion. But since the law took effect in 2010, Mississippi Republican leaders like Reeves and Gov. Phil Bryant have refused to accept the funds. That has left about 300,000 Mississippians who make too much for traditional Medicaid but not enough for private insurance subsidies under the ACA, with no affordable options. It has also left hospitals in dire financial straits, as they lose millions a year due to people with no health-care options coming in to emergency rooms for non-emergencies—and with no means to pay for those visits. At a press conference at the Jackson Medical Mall on Wednesday, Aug. 28, Hood said he would continue pushing for Medicaid expansion and also teased his ideas for mental-health-care expansion. “It won’t be any cost to our taxpayers,” he told reporters before touring the facility. “Now, they try to claim that it isn’t going to be, but it’s not. You check the

other states that have recently (expanded). There’s a way to do it, to expand it.” It would cost the Mississippi government between $100 million and $150 million per year to pay its part of the expansion in future years, but a report from the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning found that the State would gain $96 million into its coffers and approximately 10,000 new jobs. There are other ways to fund expansion, too. Hood told the Jackson Free Press on the night of the runoff that he would consider using a plan similar to what defeated GOP runoff candidate Waller had proposed. Under Waller’s plan, expanded Medicaid recipients would pay $20 monthly premiums and be charged a $100 fee for going to emergency rooms in non-emergency scenarios. The plan, which the Mississippi Hospital Association developed, would help reduce the number of emergencyroom-care patients who are unable to pay for service. That has contributed to the closure of rural hospitals. Hospitals across rural America are closing at a staggering rate. The issue hits particularly close to home in Mississippi, where half the state’s rural hospitals are at risk of closing due to financial strain, consulting firm Navigant found in a report last year. An emergency-room closure in Hood’s hometown precipitated the death of Houston, Miss., resident Shyteria Shardae “Shy” Shoemaker after she suffered an asthma attack in February. When Shoemaker’s friends called 911 at 1:18 a.m., the operator notified them that the local emergency room had closed five years prior because it could not afford to stay open. Though more GOVERNOR p 14

Septermber 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

Republican nominee Tate Reeves, the lieutenant governor, spoke with Jones College President Jesse Smith on July 16 after announcing on campus a proposal to invest $100 million in vocational training at Mississippi’s community colleges.


GOVERNOR, from page 15

Septermber 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


‘Welfare and Washington’ Reeves, who refers to Medicaid expansion as “Obamacare expansion,” still refuses to even consider the idea. During the runoff, he suggested Bill Waller might be a socialist because of his Medicaid plan. He even sent out mailers showing Waller’s image next to headshots of independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and national Democratic leaders like U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, U.S. House Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and U.S. House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Waller’s campaign told the Jackson Free Press at the time it was “politics as usual” and “blatantly false.” While Reeves calls the expansion “unaffordable” and “socialism,” Hood insists that the alleged lack of funds to finance health-care expansion is simply due to mismanagement and corruption. “The reason why we don’t have the money right now to fix our roads and our health care and our schools is because Tate Reeves and his cronies gave it all away,” Hood said of his opponent. “They gave it to the out-of-state corporations in exchange for campaign contributions. We know it is happening. We don’t want to admit that it has happened here in Mississippi, but that is the truth, folks … I want to make sure that we stop that, that we stop the influence of corporations, and that working people have a seat at the table.” A year after Mississippi’s conservative sister state to the west, Louisiana,

expanded Medicaid in 2016 despite initially rejecting it, a report from Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Health Department found that expansion had saved the state $317 million, created 19,000 new jobs and added billions to the economy there. In his runoff victory speech, though, Reeves, who had just invoked Trump to motivate his supporters, accused Hood

analysis found earlier this year. That is well above the national average. The Mississippi Medical Association’s political action committee, which advocates for physicians and calls itself the “I.V. League” of donors, has endorsed Reeves, and its PAC donated $20,000 to his campaign in July. The GOP nominee’s health-care plan is to offer tax breaks to physicians Seyma Bayram

Shoemaker’s death could have been prevented, the long wait time it took for her to access emergency care—one hour and 20 minutes after her friends first called for aid—helped ensure the woman’s death. She was pregnant at the time. On the night of the GOP runoff, Hood pointed to her death as an example of the kind of story he thinks will convince Mississippi’s Republicancontrolled Legislature to agree to expand Medicaid. He said he is willing to consider Waller’s proposal. “I assume that we’ll have the same conservative Legislature that we’ve had. I ran this race based upon that,” Hood told the Jackson Free Press. “But the votes are there now because of things like (those) happening in my hometown where a 22-year-old young lady died on the streets of Houston, Mississippi, from an asthma attack because our emergency room was closed.”

Democratic nominee for Mississippi governor Jim Hood, the current attorney general, discussed health-care access and mental-health reforms during a press conference at the Jackson Medical Mall on August 28, 2019.

of promoting “welfare” and looking to Washington, D.C., for solutions. “Jim Hood will tell you that welfare and Washington are the only things we need,” Reeves said. After Reeves’ 16 years in statewide office—first as treasurer and then as lieutenant governor—Mississippi has remained the No. 1 state when it comes to reliance on federal dollars. Federal aid comprised 43.3% of Mississippi’s revenue in 2016, a taxfoundation.org

who relocate to under-served rural areas and to businesses that support rural hospitals. He also wants to bring more telehealth businesses into the state. Hood, who has also received large sums from medical PACs that support Medicaid expansion, said he is optimistic about the future of health care in the state. “I think that there’s a coalition of people in the Delta, in different places, Republicans and Democrats” who support expansion, he said. “And that’s

what is encouraging about this issue, ... it brings all of us together, and we can govern with that kind of coalition.” When asked by a reporter whether he would seek Waller’s endorsement, Hood said that he would welcome it and that Waller’s indecision on endorsing Reeves already speaks volumes. “Obviously, last night he did not endorse Tate Reeves,” Hood said on Wednesday. “I suspect he will not do that, and I don’t blame him. ... Just that silence means so much to me, I think.” Expanding Mental-Health Care During a tour of the Jackson Medical Mall the day after the GOP runoff, Hood told the Jackson Free Press that expanding mental-health services is also a “huge issue”—one that he has come to know intimately in his role as attorney general. Over the summer, Hood and his legal team defended Mississippi in a federal lawsuit, filed by the U.S. Department of Justice, accusing the state of violating the civil rights of residents with mental illness by denying them adequate health care and treatment options. During the 2017 fiscal year, for example, only 20 percent of patients with mental illnesses who were discharged from Mississippi State Hospital met with regional mental-health providers before their discharge, and the state lacks the kind of community mentalhealth programs needed to treat people locally instead of institutionalizing them. The judge could rule on that case in the next month or two, Hood said. No matter how that pans out, the state does not have enough trained psychiatrists, Hood said, so his plan for improving mental-health-service access in the state will rely heavily on training nurse practitioners to fill in the gaps. He said Mississippi graduates about five psychiatrists a year. A 2015 report from the medical consulting firm Merritt Hawkins found that Mississippi had 5.3 psychiatrists per 100,000 residents, whereas states like Louisiana, Tennessee and Alabama had 7.2, 6.6, and 6.3, respectively. The national average is 8.9. “Our state, we don’t have the resources, so we’re going to have to depend heavily on nurse practitioners that specialize in the area of (psychiatry) to get them out and encourage them to work in other areas that our doctors hadn’t gone (to),” Hood said. Hood said he had unsuccessfully asked the Legislature “for years” to use money his office won in court cases,

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

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GOVERNOR, from page 16 like one against a pharmaceutical company, to give millions to the University of Mississippi Medical Center to help train more psychiatrists.

special-needs children. A PEER committee review of the program last year, though, found that just a few hundred children are able to take advantage of the vouchers. Of those, many go to private schools that do not even have special-needs facilities. In some of those cases, public schools have to use their special-needs resources to help the children at private schools. While Reeves claims a lack of money for a more substantial teacher pay raise, his one major policy proposal, unveiled in July, is a $100-million plan that would invest $75 million to boost career and technical programs in

Reeves. After the speech, the Jackson Free Press asked Waller if he planned to endorse Reeves. “No decision. That’s my answer,” he said. This newspaper then asked why he had not made that decision. “I’m just not ready to,” Waller said. The Jackson Free Press asked Waller if he had any comment about Reeves’ tactics, like mailers that spread false information about his health-care proposal. “Well, I mean he chose the tactic that he chose, so I don’t have any comment,” Waller said. “You can ask him about that, but I don’t have any comment.”

Septermber 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

ashton pittman

‘About Education’ Psychiatrists are not the only professionals in short supply in Mississippi these days, though. Mississippi is going through a teacher-shortage crisis, with many schools in the Delta relying on untrained educators working on emergency teaching licenses. Mississippi currently pays its teachers some of the lowest salaries, with starting pay thousands of dollars less than in surrounding states like Tennessee, Louisiana and Alabama. Proponents of increasing teacher pay fear that the state’s most skilled teachers will continue to leave for big cities and neighboring states, where they can earn up to $10,000 more per year for their work. “This race is going to be about education. I noticed the lieutenant governor tonight was talking about education,” Hood said the night of the GOP runoff. “We’ve had eight years to do something about it, and he hasn’t done anything on teacher pay or many of these other issues. It’s the same way with roads.” While Reeves says he supports raising teacher pay if the Legislature can do it in an affordable way, he has often erred on the side of “not affordable” when given the chance. Mississippi teachers did not see a pay raise for five years, and when they finally did earlier this year, it was not enough to keep up with inflation since the last one in 2014. As lieutenant governor, Tate Reeves, right, has supported current Gov. Phil Bryant, left, The Mississippi House passed a in his decision to reject over $1 billion a year in federal funds to expand Medicaid access $4,000-per-year pay raise in Febru- to about 300,000 more Mississippians. That is blamed for closure of rural hospitals. ary, but Reeves killed it in the Senate, citing a lack of funds and saying the state could afford no more than a Mississippi community colleges. Some ‘Rocks to Throw’ of the remaining funds would go to Back at Hood’s headquarters, $1,500-per-year raise. After convincing legislators to K-12 education for programs like soft- though, the Democratic nominee was happy to volunteer his thoughts on agree to the smaller raise, Reeves and ware development training. Reeves’ portrayal of Waller. a handful of other Republican leaders “(Reeves) did run a negative camused legislative trickery to sneak mil- ‘No Decision,’ Waller Says After the Associated Press declared paign because he doesn’t have any issues lions for private-school vouchers into an unrelated funding bill just 23 minutes Reeves the winner, Waller spoke to sup- to talk about. The issues that Justice before asking lawmakers to vote—and porters at his election-night watch party Waller talked about and that I’m talkwithout telling them about the added in downtown Jackson, telling them they ing about, like cutting the grocery tax voucher funds. That move drew harsh ran a campaign they “can be proud of.” and those kind of things, he doesn’t “We (ran) on issues. We didn’t have the issues, so he has to revert to rebuke from Democratic and Repub- lican lawmakers alike, who were out- sugarcoat it, we didn’t try to tell people scare tactics,” Hood said. “And that’s what they wanted to hear. We told them been happening throughout history, raged over the tactic. people playing the race card or whatev At the Neshoba County Fair on what the state needed,” Waller said. He thanked volunteers and staff er it is. Some type of scare tactic. ‘SomeAug. 1, Reeves defended his support for the voucher program, saying it helps members, but notably did not endorse one’s gonna come get you if you don’t


vote for me.’” “If you’ll notice the difference, though, I’ll be laying out the issues in this race. Justice Waller was a gentleman lawyer throughout this race, but (Reeves) is dealing with a whole different person. I’ve been a prosecutor for all these years, and we’ve got plenty of rocks to throw— and we’re gonna throw them.” Some Waller supporters, Hood said, had already told him that they planned to support him if Reeves won the Republican primary. Reeves won the Aug. 27 runoff with 54% of the vote to Waller’s 46%. Reeves, Waller noted in his speech that night, outspent him 5-1, thanks to his significantly better and nationally connected fundraising operation. Voters will choose between Hood and Reeves in the general election on Nov. 6, 2019. Voters must register 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote. Fitch Wins GOP AG Nod In the other big statewide runoff on Aug. 27, current Mississippi Treasurer Lynn Fitch narrowly beat Madison attorney Andy Taggart for the GOP nomination in the race to replace Hood as attorney general. That all but guarantees that Mississippi will, for the first time, elect a woman to serve as attorney general. Democrats named former Mississippi ACLU Executive Director Jennifer Riley Collins as their nominee for attorney general on Aug. 6. If Fitch wins, it will be the first time in modern history that Mississippi elected a Republican attorney general. Hood, who has held his post since 2003, is the only Democrat who currently holds statewide office. Fitch and Collins also face off on Nov. 6 along with other state elections. Other statewide offices on the ballot that day include: lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, auditor, agriculture commissioner and insurance commissioner. All Mississippi House and Senate seats are also on the ballot that day. More information on voting, voter registration and voter ID is available on the secretary of state’s website at sos.ms.gov. Read more 2019 election coverage at jfp. ms/2019elections. Follow State Reporter Ashton Pittman on Twitter @ashtonpittman. Send tips to ashton@jacksonfreepress.com. Follow City Reporter Seyma Bayram on Twitter @SeymaBayram0. Send tips to seyma@jacksonfreepress.com.


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SATURDAY 9/7 Crisis Counselor Classes is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Broadmeadow United Methodist Church (4419 Broadmeadow St. ). Contact the Crisis Line holds classes for participants to become certified telephone crisis counselors as volunteers. Participants must attend all four classes to receive certification. Additional dates: Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28. Free admission; call 601-713-4099. PIXABAY

Keep on Kicking in Jackson

wo years ago, J.D. Burns and Bobbie Flanders were struggling to find a lineup for a band that would work. The original Kicking began with four members, but two of them left the band early on. At the same time, musicians Sarah Shephard, Lacey Ellinwood and Henry Atherton were working on their own project, Atherton says, but kept trying to find the right people to turn their efforts into an organized, productive band. The two groups connected, and soon afterward Shephard, Ellinwood and Atherton joined Kicking. Since then, the band has kicked off its career with a full-length album recorded at Crown Studios and that is set to release in October. The now five-member band is comprised of Burns and Shephard as guitarists, Ellinwood as bassist, Atherton as drummer and Flanders as vocalist. The members of Kicking are excited that this configuration of musicians is able to just play together, each “coming up with our own stuff,” Flanders says, “until it eventually builds up part by part into a song.” The grunge band finds its influences from bands such as The Smashing

by Alex Forbes

Pumpkins and My Bloody Valentine, but it also contains elements of shoegaze and pop. By tuning down their guitars and adding other effects, though, the group shies away from traditional pop. “We’ve been living in these genres because if our music was in a major key it

together, they have found a spot in the city’s music community. “The devotion of the rock community in Jackson is incredible,” Atherton says. “A lot of these college bars are politics by day, rock ‘n’ roll by night.” Although the band started its caMELISSA BURNS

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


Events at Jackson Bridge Association (300 Park Circle Drive, Flowood) • Fall Bridge Lessons: Supervised Play for the 2/1 Player Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Nov. 11, Nov. 18, Nov. 25, 9-11 a.m. James Tullos teaches participants to play bridge. Registration strongly requested. $15 per class; call 601-936-4856. • Fall Bridge Lessons: Beginning Bidding Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Nov. 11, Nov. 18, Nov. 25, 4-6 p.m. Evelyn Adcock teaches participants the basics of bridge. Registration requested. $10 per lesson; call 601-936-4856. • Fall Bridge Lessons: More Conventions Sept. 10, Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1, Oct. 8, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Nov. 26, 9-11 a.m. Evelyn Adcock teaches participants advanced techniques of bridge. Registration requested. $10 per class; call 601-936-4856. • Fall Bridge Lessons: Defense Sept. 12, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Oct. 10, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Oct. 31, Nov. 7, Nov. 14, Nov. 21, Nov. 28, 9-11 a.m. Nancy Ford teaches participants

Kicking will release their new album, “Modern Witch,” in October.

would be pop music,” Burns says. “Our writing style is like pop music, but we like to change up the key to give it that edge.” Over the band’s years of playing

reer performing locally, it has set its sights on the rest of Mississippi, touring the state constantly and continuing to create and release music.

In the run-up to the release of the album, “Modern Witch,” the band will be performing Sept. 20 in Hattiesburg with local band Pleather. The work doesn’t stop with performances, though. “Part of the band from the get-go was continuously writing new music,” Burns says. “Sharks keep swimming when they sleep, or else they die, and we like to think of ourselves like that.” In keeping with that idea, the band has recorded one demo, three EPs and a full-length album in about two years. The demo was recorded by Gary Lick at the Village Ruse, a recording studio in Vicksburg, Miss. The first EP, a live studio album, was recorded in Greenville, Miss., at Carbon Studios and released in October 2017. “Us Against,” which came out on Nov. 8, 2017, was recorded by Kent Bruce at Malaco Records. About a month later, Kicking released a self-titled album recorded by the band’s very own drummer Henry Atherton. The band will release “Modern Witch” album in early October. For more information on Kicking, find the band on Facebook.

• Fam Friday | Tricks & Treats Oct. 25, 5:30-7 p.m., at Highland Village. The annual trick-or-treating event features pumpkin decorating, face painting, a DJ and more. Costumes encouraged. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie.armstrong@ wsdevelopment.com. Marketplace Monday Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, noon-7 p.m., at 201Capitol (201 W. Capitol St.). The monthly event invites business owners, entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, service providers, networkers, consumers, information providers and information seekers, and allows them the opportunity to network. Free admission; call 601-870-1388; email 201capitol@ gmail.com; find it on Facebook. NCADD 70th Annual Celebration Sept. 19, 6-9 p.m., at The Place at Harbour Pointe Crossing (720 Harbour Pointe Crossing, Ridgeland). The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Central Mississippi, or NCADD, a 501c3 nonprofit, celebrates its 70th Anniversary. The fundraiser features food, music, a silent auction and keynote speakers Robert St. John and Nelle Cohen. The organization honors Tom Kepner with the Bronze Key, the highest honor given by NCADD for work done in the field of alcohol and drug prevention, treatment and recovery. $50 general admission; call 601-899-5880; email mack@ncaddms.org; ncadd70.com. WellsFest Pet Parade 2019 Sept. 28, 9:30-10 a.m., at Jamie Fowler Boyll Park (1398 Lakeland Drive). Part of the larger WellsFest event. Participants may bring their leashed pets for a pet parade event. Prizes awarded for categories including best dressed, most congenial and cutest. Includes a blessing of the pets ceremony, wherein participants receive a St. Francis medal. All pets must be leashed in accordance to city ordinances. Free admission; call 601-353-0658; find it on Facebook. Lunch And Learn Seminar: How To Protect You And Your Family From Identity Theft Oct. 1, Nov. 5, noon-1 p.m., at Margaret Alexander Library (2525 Robinson St.). The library hosts the event where speakers from Online Application Services present on and answer questions about identity theft and offer tips to help


prevent it. Limited space. Reservations required; see attached email. Lunch can be bought for $15. Free admission, $15 lunch; call 844-7025055; email alexharbold487@gmail.com.

for more events, visit JFPevents.com

WEDNESDAY 9/4 “The Yellow House” Book Signing Sept. 4, 5 p.m. at Lemuria Bookstore (4465 Interstate 55 N.). Sarah M. Broom signs copies of her book. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $26 signed book, free reading; lemuriabooks.com. RAWPIXEL

Sweet Dreamz at Oakdale Fall Fair Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., at Oakdale Baptist Church (1872 Highway 471, Brandon). The pop-up market features various bath and body products. Free admission; call 601-720-6952; email Shintacatchings1@gmail.comfind it on Facebook.

KIDS Events at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.) • Hoot & Holler Family Creation Lab Sept. 8, Oct. 13, 2-3:30 p.m. A museum educator leads families with children ages 6-10 in an art project taking inspiration from a different artist each month. This event takes place on the second Sunday of each month. $10 per child; call 601-960-1515; email mdrake@ msmuseumart.org; msmuseumart.org. • Look & Learn with Hoot Sept. 20, Oct. 18, 10:30-11:30 a.m. The educational event for children up to 5 years of age features creative play, a hands-on art activity and story time with Hoot, the museum’s education mascot. Please dress for mess. $10 per child; call 601-960-1515; msmuseumart.org. Nature Nuts Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 1510-11 a.m., at Clinton Community Nature Center (617 Dunton Road, Clinton). Parents and

guardians bring their children ages 2-5 to learn about nature. $5 per child, $1 off per consecutive child, free for members; email claymansell@ gmail.com; find it on Facebook. Magic Monday at MCM Nov. 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.). The museum extends its hours to host a Food Lab program at 3:30 p.m. $10 general admission, free for MCM members; call 601-70-5469; email sbranson@mcm.ms.

FOOD & DRINK Fondren After 5 Sept. 5, Oct. 3, 5-8 p.m., at Downtown Fondren Historic District (2906 N. State St.). The neighborhood open house offers

attendees opportunities to enjoy food from one of nearly two dozen of Jackson’s restaurants, bakeries, bars and coffee shops. Vendors sell various goods. Other street fair-like activities available. Free admission; finditinfondren.com. Taste of West Jackson Sept. 7, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., at Claiborne Park (785 Claiborne Ave.). Restaurants and chefs from the west Jackson area bring samples of their food for attendees to try at the food festival. Includes live music from local artists and activities for children. Free admission; call 601-321-9240; commongroundjxn.org. Food Truck Mash-Up at The Rez Sept. 28, 1:30-7 p.m., at Lakeshore Park. The event features a number of food trucks from Mississippi and nearby areas from which attendees can purchase food and drinks. Visitors may vote for their favorite food truck and can enter raffles every hour for prizes such as free food and $20 in “Mash-Up Cash” that winners can use as currency at any of the food trucks. Also includes live music, beer and face painting. First responders, children under 5 years old, and active military and veterans receive free admission. $5 advanced, $8 at-door; call 321-2423600; foodtruckmashup.usatoday.com. Cathead Distillery Oktoberfest Oct. 5, 1-7 p.m., at Cathead Distillery (422 S. Farish St.). The distillery hosts its third-annual Oktoberfestthemed event. Features craft and domestic beers,

SATURDAY 9/14 Ready to Run Mississippi is from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). The program aims to inspire women to consider becoming more involved as political advocates in their community and to encourage them to run for elective office by equipping them with knowledge and expertise specific to barriers women face PIXABAY in politics. Free admission; call 662-325-8409; email jessica@stennis.gov; find it on Facebook.

Food Truck Mash-Up AMBER HELSEL


The Food Truck Mash-up on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Lakeshore Park in Brandon will feature food trucks such as 30 Below Rolled Ice Cream, Hog Heaven, Taqueria La Reata, T&J Concessions and Smokey’s Meals on Wheels.

ood Truck Mash-up, a food truck competition that USA Today Network first started in New Jersey in 2006, is coming to Mississippi on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Lakeshore Park (1112 North Shore Pkwy., Brandon) on the reservoir. Visitors will be able to vote for their favorite food truck during the event and can enter raffles every hour for prizes such as free food and $20 in “Mash-Up Cash” that winners can use at the food trucks. Participating food trucks include 30 Below Rolled Ice Cream, T&J Concessions, Stoopid Delicious, Grumpy Dave’s Kettle Korn, Cousins Maine Lobster, Let’s Celebrate What’s Poppin, 2 For 7 Kitchen, SnoBiz, Chunky Dunks, CrunchTime Concessions, Small Time Hot Dogs, Fergndan’s Wood Fired Pizza, Squeezer’s Lemonade & Kettle Corn, Hog Heaven, Smokey’s Meal on Wheels, Smurfey’s Smokehouse and Taqueria La Reata.

“What people look forward to in Jackson for sure is the variety of food we bring to the event,” T.H. Irwin, director of Food Truck Mash-up, told the Jackson Free Press. “This is our third time in Jackson after we were here in March this year, and we didn’t originally plan on doing one for September, but it was so popular that we organized another. The Jackson community has responded to this event so well, and we look forward to continuing to bring more great food here.” The event is from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Visitors who purchase early admission tickets can get in at noon. General admission is $5 per person in advance (or $3.75 per person with a four-pack) and $8 at the door. Early admission tickets are $20 per person for adults and $10 for children ages 5 to 15. First responders, active military and veterans get in free with a valid ID, and children under 5 get in free. For more information, visit foodtruckmashup.com or find Food Truck Mash-up Jackson on Facebook.

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

by Dustin Cardon



Chalking Downtown Up by Amber Helsel


everywhere, just to bring a little bit of hope and enjoy and beauty to anybody that saw it throughout Jackson,” he says. He discovered that he had a pas-

Eli Childers has created chalk art for businesses and events such as Vibe Fest in April.

sion for doing chalk art, so he got in touch with Janet Scott at the Greater Jackson Arts Council, and David Lewis, the City

for more events, visit JFPevents.com food, live music by DJ Tam, SEC football on the televisions and a gaming competition. $10 general admission, $20 Steinholder ticket, $30 gaming competition ticket, children 12 and under free; email tours@catheaddistillery.com; Eventbrite. “Masquerade” Dinner Theater at Olde Town Depot Oct. 24, 7 p.m., at Olde Town Depot (281 E. Leake St., Clinton). The Detectives present a comedic theatrical performance while participants dine. Cocktails and seating begin 6 p.m. Reservations required. Admission TBA; call 601-291-7444; email thedetectives@ymail.com; thedetectives.biz.

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms



Millsaps College Kickboxing & Boxing Sept. 23, Sept. 26, Sept. 30, Oct. 3, Oct. 7, Oct. 10, Oct. 14, Oct. 17, Oct. 21, Oct. 24, Oct. 28, Oct. 31, 6-7 p.m. at Boxers Rebellion Fighting Arts & Fitness (856 S. State St., Suite E). Mississippi College partners with Boxers Rebellion to host the classes. Master instructor Jeremy Gordon introduces participants to Hybrid Kickboxing™ and Jeet Kune Do selfdefense techniques. No martial arts background required. $150 beginner or intermediate class; call 601-974-1130; email conted@millsaps.edu. Events at Highland Village (4500 Interstate 55 N.) • Bend & Brew | Pure Barre Style Sept. 6, Oct. 4, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Heidi Hogfrefe and her team lead the hour-long fitness session

of Jackson’s deputy director of cultural services, about hosting a chalk art festival. The festival will start at the Mississippi Museum of Art. Chalk signs will direct visitors to the pathway, which will surround the block around MMA, Childers says. Due to the space at Thalia Mara Hall, most of the art will be in front of COURTESY ELI CHILDERS

hile Eli Childers has been busy around Jackson painting murals for places like Coffee Prose, he has also been using another medium: chalk. “I love chalk art because it’s temporary, much like life is. Life is here one day, and it’s gone tomorrow, and there’s so much beauty in life itself,” he says. He will bring his love of chalk art to the city with the inaugural Jackson Chalk Walk Festival on Thursday, Oct. 17. It started when he got the idea to do chalk art in places throughout the city. To date, he has done art for Coffee Prose, Keifer’s and other businesses, and at events such as the True Local Market at Cultivation Food Hall. Most recently, he did a chalk drawing of a prehistoric whale in front of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. A model of the whale, whose species is Zygorhiza kochi, is at the museum. “I just had the inspiration to do chalk throughout the city just to be something positive, to do positive images and

in The Courtyard. All fitness levels welcome. Those who stay until the end can attend the post-workout Happy Hour drink. Those who wish to use mats should bring their own. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie. armstrong@wsdevelopment.com. • Bend & Brew | High Intensity Fitness Sept. 11, Oct. 9, 6-7 p.m. Sean Cupit from Crossfit 601 instructs attendees in a high-intensity workout. All fitness levels welcome. Participants given a cold craft beer afterward. The event occurs every second Wednesday of the month. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie.armstrong@wsdevelopment.com. • Bend & Brew | Yoga Sept. 19, Oct. 17, 5:306:30 p.m. Local yogi Carly Chinn instructs the yoga class. All fitness levels welcome. Attendees who stay until the end receive a frozé from Aplos. Those who want mats should bring their own. The event occurs every third Thursday of the month. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie. armstrong@wsdevelopment.com. WellsFest Golf Tournament 2019 Sept. 25, 1 p.m., at Whisper Lake Country Club (414 Annandale Parkway, Madison). Part of the larger WellsFest event. Participants compete in the golf tournament. Prizes awarded for first and second place, longest drive and closest to pin. Deadline to register is Sept. 20. Proceeds benefit Extra Table, a nonprofit organization that works toward feeding the hungry. $400 per team registration; call 601-353-0658; find it on Facebook.

the building. At press time, Childers and the other planners confirmed artists such as Olivia McDonald, DillonWilliams,

The Salt Cave Breath Class Oct. 7, 7-8 p.m., at Soul Synergy Center (5490 Castlewoods Court D, Flowood). The class focuses on the healing benefits of mindful breathing and salt therapy as the instructor guides participants through breath work, body awareness, visualization and music. Must bring and wear white socks to class. Attendees are recommended to arrive 15 minutes early as the class begins sharply at 7 p.m. Limited space. Admission TBA.

STAGE & SCREEN “A Stranger Among the Living” Film Premiere Sept. 12, 7-9 p.m., at Malco Grandview (221 Grandview Blvd., Madison). The theater screens the premier of the horror, thriller film “A Stranger Among the Living.” The film follows a young teacher who is haunted by visions of the undead after narrowly escaping a school shoot-

Kayla MacGown, Margaret Sullivan, Azha Sanders, Fredrick B. Roseman, Mary Vavra Curran, Chris Mitchell and Beverleigh Nelson for the event. The number may grow to about 15, Childers says. Artists from local nonprofit Very Special Arts, which does art classes with special-needs adults, will also participate in the event. The chalk festival coincides with the Mississippi Museum of Art Third Thursday event. The museum will have a costume contest, pumpkin painting and an Inktober sketch-off competition. The festival will have food trucks lining the chalk walk path. Childers is hoping the event will culminate with a DJ set on the balcony in front of the Birdcap mural at the Arts Center of Mississippi. The Jackson Chalk Walk Festival is Thursday, Oct. 17, starting at the Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.) at 5:30 p.m. For more information, find the event on Facebook.

ing. The movie stars Jake Milton, Keni Bounds, Victoria Posey, Shari Plumlee, Christopher Wesley Moore, Cheryl Abernathy, Eric Riggs and George Mayronne. Recommended age for view is 13 years and older. $10 general admission; call 601-613-9202; email chriswesleymoore@yahoo. com; brownpapertickets.com. Sipp on this Tea Comedy Show with Rita Brent Sept. 28, 7-9 p.m., at Alamo Theatre (333 N. Farish St.). Show up on Farish Street to say goodbye to Jackson-native comedienne Rita Brent—who will soon relocate to New York City to work as a comic—as she performs stand-up comedy and leads the event. The comedy show features special guests who are also involved in entertainment. VIP tickets include reserved seating in the front, a meet-and-greet, an autograph and a photo with Rita Brent. $25 general admission, $40 VIP; email ritabrentcomedy@gmail. com; Eventbrite.

SUNDAY 9/8 Debutante Cotillion Tea is from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Jackson Medical Mall Foundation (350 W Woodrow Wilson Ave.). The sorority Zeta Phi Beta hosts the tea event where they invite high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to participate in the cotillion for African American young women in the Jackson metropolitan PIXABAY area. Registration deadline for the cotillion is Sept. 16. Free admission; call 601-366-5946; email adz@adz-1938.org.

It’s about time for kidney disease to take a walk. Join us for this year’s Kidney Walk. The Michael Rubenstein Memorial Kidney Walk is a three mile, familyfriendly walk through the Fondren neighborhood in Jackson. The walk begins at 9am on September 28th and bTWW ^_L]_ LYO ʭYT^S L_ 1ZYO]PY .S`]NS " :WO .LY_ZY =ZLO 5LNV^ZY 8> 39216. The annual Kidney Walk increases awareness of kidney disease and raises money for dialysis units across Mississippi. And it’s a lot of fun!

Call 601-981-3611 or visit www.kidneyms.org for more information.

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

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Pho and Family Business by Torsheta Jackson PHO HUONG

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms




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Thoung and Lily Hong opened Vietnamese restaurant Pho Huong in October 2017. The restaurant serves dishes such as pho and a Vietnamese beef stew.


isters Thoung and Lily Hong ladle noodles into a beef bone broth, which they have seasoned with ginger, white onions and star anise and then simmered for nearly 24 hours. They place meat on top and add fresh vegetables. The end product is pho, a Vietnamese soup with broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat. Pho Huong opened in Ridgeland in October 2017 after the Hong sisters decided that the area needed more diverse restaurant choices. “We felt there was a need for good Vietnamese food in that area, and there was none. We thought, ‘Why don’t we open one (here) if there is an opportunity?’ and it came,” Thuong, who goes by Tiffany, says. She says the restaurant being on Old Canton Road lends well to the area’s diverse cuisines, including Mexican, Greek, Chinese, Italian and now Vietnamese. Family support in the restaurant is a big factor to the Hongs, who not only have relatives who help with the preparation and plating of the dishes but who have also given the location a special name. “It’s a family-oriented restaurant, so we all help each other out in the kitchen,” Tiffany says. “And (we opened) about a year after our mom passed, so our restaurant is my mom’s name, Huong.” The restaurant’s speciality is pho, but the menu also includes vermicelli noodle dishes, rice hot pots and rice plates. Pho Huong hosts Sunday specials that include special soups such as seafood noodle, which is a pork broth served with egg and rice noodles, pork, fish, squid,

shrimp and scallions, and topped with fried garlic and shallots; and beef stew, which is made from simmering a side of beef with grounded white onion and lemongrass, and later adding white onions and carrots. Guests can choose from rice or egg noodles to go with the dish. Sundays also feature traditional desserts such as Vietnamese banana pudding, which is rice pudding made with Thai bananas, coconut milk, crushed peanuts and tapioca pearls. Pho Huong also gives back to the community. Proceeds from a recent T-shirt sale went toward purchasing supplies for Kirksey Middle School in Jackson. The campaign yielded such a favorable response that the restaurant also began to collect donations to pass on to community and school partners. “I want to be able to help and to give back to the community also. My mom (stressed) doing good and giving back if you’re able to,” Tiffany says. “I think our community needs more of that. In the future, I plan to do more myself and get together with small businesses to do a small give-back.” Tiffany Hong says about Pho Huong: “Hopefully, this will open more doors for people who have not tried Vietnamese food yet. Bigger cities are very diverse, so I hope to bring some of that diversity to Ridgeland.” Pho Huong (6547 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland) is open Tuesday through Thursday and Sundays from 11 a.m to 9 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information, find the business on Facebook and Instagram.




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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

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Community // Concerts // Exhibits // Food // Galleries // Holiday // Kids // LGBT // Literary // Sports // Stage

CONCERTS & FESTIVALS Ballet & Blues Sept. 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Hal & Mal’s (200 Commerce St.). The Ballet Mississippi Guild hosts the inaugural fundraising event spotlights local blues artist Steven Johnson, who is the grandson of Robert Johnson, known as the “Father of the Blues,” as well as Fred T. and the Band. Also includes refreshments, live performances by a professional dancer from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York and a silent auction with items from Mississippi artists. $40 individual, $75 per couple; call 601-960-1560; balletms. networkforgood.com.

Events at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.) • Satchmo: Louis Armstrong Tribute Sept. 9, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mississippi Opera hosts the concert. Trumpeter Kimble Funchess performs music composed by jazz artist Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi. $25 general admission; call 601-960-2300; email info@msopera.org; msopera.org. • Stage Stars of Tomorrow 2019 Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Mississippi Opera hosts the concert. Six young singers who were winners of the John Alexander National Vocal Competition perform. The competition is named after John Alexander, who was


Innovate Mississippi New Venture Challenge


by Dustin Cardon

nnovate Mississippi will host its 11thannual Mississippi New Venture Challenge Pitch Competition on Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Clyde Muse Center (515 Country Place Parkway, Pearl) on the Hinds Community College campus in Pearl. Thirty tech entrepreneurs from across the state will pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges including Thimblepress owner Kristen Ley; Terrance Hibbert, director of innovation for University of Mississippi Medical Center’s Health Innovation and Transformation division; Ben Hubbard, state director of Innovate’s Mis-

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


revenue division for companies that do have a product or service on the market generating revenue. Participants will work together with mentors that Innovate will match with them based on their areas of expertise and experience, and judging will be based on each team’s executive summary of their business plan and a live presentation each must give. Innovate will give cash prizes to the three winners from each division, and the participants will also receive free professional services from attorneys, accountants and web designers to help grow their businesses. “The opportunity to pitch their business ideas before entrepreneurs and investors who really know business is valuable for all the participants,” Tasha Bibb, entrepreneurial development director for Innovate Mississippi, told the Jackson Free Press. “They can get valuable feedback to help make their businesses better This year’s Mississippi New Venture Challenge and can create connections to will be Thursday, Oct. 3. address their needs in the future. It also helps expose the public and the community to what sissippi Coding Academies; and Matthew they are all working on.” McLaughlin, owner of legal advisory firm The event begins at 1 p.m., and McLaughlin, PC. is free and open to the public. AfterThe competition will include a ward, participants will participate in a student division for high-school or col- networking reception, where Innovate lege graduates; a pre-revenue division will also announce the winners. for startup companies that have not For more information, call Tasha Bibb yet started making money; and a post- at 601-960-3610 or visit innovate.ms.


an internationally known opera tenor from Meridian, Miss. $25 general admission; call 601-960-2300; email info@msopera.org; msopera.org. Operation Shoestring 2019 Fall Concert: Think! A Soulful Expression of Community Sept. 12, 7 p.m., at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). Operation Shoestring hosts the annual concert. Local music artists perform songs by the “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin. The concert also includes poetry, spoken word, dramatic arts performances and interactive activities. $10 general admission; call 601-353-6336; email info@operationshoestring.org; mailchi.mp. WellsFest 2019 Sept. 28, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., at Jamie Fowler Boyll Park (1398 Lakeland Drive). The annual church-sponsored music festival features two outdoor stages with consecutive performances by a number of music artists. The festival also includes a children’s area with games, inflatables and creative activities; a silent auction; vendors with arts, crafts and more; a plant sale; an outdoor coffee house; and a dinner event. Sub-events tied to the main festival include a 5K walk/run, an art auction, a pet parade and a golf tournament. All proceeds for WellsFest events this year benefit Extra Table, a nonprofit organization that provides food pantries and soup kitchens to the community. Free admission, various events, food and vendor prices vary; call 601-353-0658; wellschurch.org. Shattering The Glass! Nov. 16, 7:30-8:30 p.m., at Belhaven University–Center of the Performing Arts (835 Riverside Drive). Mississippi Opera and Belhaven host the concert with both opera and music theater styles. $30-$35 general admission, $10-$15 children, students and military; call 601-960-2300; msopera.org. Amahl & The Night Visitors Dec. 1, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at Bellwether Church (624 Old Canton Road). Mississippi Opera hosts a holiday performance. The opera sung in English retells the story of Jesus Christ’s birth through the perspective of a poor, crippled shepard boy. $20 general admission; $5 children 12 and under; call 601-960-2300; msopera.org.

LITERARY SIGNINGS Events at Lemuria Bookstore (4465 Interstate 55 N.) • “Stories from 125 Years of Ole Miss Football” Book Signing Sept. 17, 5 p.m. Neil White signs copies of his book. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $42 signed copy, free reading; lemuriabooks.com. • “How We Fight for Our Lives” Signing Oct. 23, 5 p.m. Saeed Jones signs copies of his book. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $26 signed book, free reading; lemuriabooks.com. • “The Revisioners” Book Signing Nov. 6, 5 p.m. Margaret Wilkerson Sexton signs copies of her book. Reading at 5:30. $25 signed book, free reading; lemuriabooks.com. Elizabeth Gilbert: Creative Impact 2019 Sept. 26, noon-1:30 p.m., at Old Capitol Inn (226 N. State St.). Author Elizabeth Gilbert speaks at the third installment of the Greater Jackson Arts Council’s “Creative Impact” series. Gilbert, who wrote “Eat Pray Love,” talks about creativity and her new book “City of Girls.” Lunch provided. VIP tickets include premium seating, an autographed hardcover edition of Gilbert’s new book and an opportunity for a photo-op. $75 general admission, $150 VIP; call 601-960-1557; email info@greaterjacksonartscouncil.com; greaterjacksonartscouncil. com.


the best in sports over the next two weeks by Bryan Flynn, follow at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports

College football gave us an interesting start to the new season. JSU’s mascot got flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct, MSU struggled to a victory, USM pulled away from ASU in the second half, and the offense was offensive for the Rebels. The NFL opens this week for more football to enjoy. THURSDAY, SEPT. 5

NFL (7-10:30 p.m., NBC): Green Bay Packers v. Chicago Bears FRIDAY, SEPT. 6

College football (8-11:30 p.m., ESPN2): Marshall University v. Boise State University SATURDAY, SEPT. 7

College football (2:30-6 p.m., ESPNU): USM v. MSU SUNDAY, SEPT. 8

NFL (3-6:30 p.m., Fox): New York Giants v. Dallas Cowboys MONDAY, SEPT. 9

NFL (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN): Houston Texans v. New Orleans Saints TUESDAY, SEPT. 10

Documentary (8-10 p.m., ESPN): “30 for 30: Rodman: For Better or Worse” WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11

MLB (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN): Atlanta Braves v. Philadelphia Phillies THURSDAY, SEPT. 12

NFL (7-10:30 p.m., NFLN): Tampa Bay Buccaneers v. Carolina Panthers. FRIDAY, SEPT. 13

College football (8-11:30 p.m., ESPN) Washington State University v. University of Houston SATURDAY, SEPT. 14

College football (3-6:30 p.m., SECN): Southeastern Louisiana University v. University of Mississippi SUNDAY, SEPT. 15

NFL (3-6:30 p.m., Fox): New Orleans Saints v. Los Angeles Rams MONDAY, SEPT. 16

NFL (7-10:30 p.m., ESPN): Cleveland Browns v. New York Jets TUESDAY, SEPT. 17

WNBA (6-10 p.m., ESPN2): WNBA Playoffs Semifinal game one doubleheader WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18

MLB (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN): MLB Postseason Impact Games

ARTS & EXHIBITS Events at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.) • Creative Healing Studio Sept. 4, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, Oct. 16, 12:30-2 p.m. Art therapist Susan Anand leads the bimonthly art activity for adults being treated for cancer or those who have previously been diagnosed with cancer. All skill levels welcome. Registration required. Free admission; call 601-960-1515; email smainlay@aol.com; msmuseumart.org. • Art in Mind Sept. 25, Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m.noon and 1-2:30 p.m. In the BancorpSouth classroom. Art therapist Susan Anand and McKenzie Drake lead the hands-on art activity designed to stimulate observation, cognition and recall. Registration required. Free admission; call 601-496-6463; email mindclinic@umc.edu; msmuseumart.org. WellsFest Art Night Sept. 24, 5:30-9:30 p.m., at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). Part of the larger WellsFest event. The art exhibit showcases works that artists in the community have donated for the fundraising event. Includes food, live music and a silent auction on the art displayed starting at 7 p.m. Jackson-native artist Ellen Langford paints a new work in front of attendees at the event. Free admission, item prices vary; call 601-353-0658; find it on Facebook. Art on the Rez Sept. 27, 6-9 p.m., Sept. 28, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sept. 29, 1-4 p.m., at St. Peter’s by the Lake Episcopal Church (1954 Spillway Road, Brandon). In the Parish Hall. Local artists display their works in the third-annual event. Each work is available for purchase. A portion of the proceeds for each artwork sold benefit one of a number of local causes, such as the Jackson

food-safety research and food-sanitation training experience. Managers learn to implement essential food safety practices and create a culture of food safety. All content and materials are based on actual job tasks identified by a food-serviceindustry expert. Certification exams administered following the training. $100-$340; find it on Facebook.

PROFESSIONAL & BIZ Events at Embassy Suites (200 Township Ave., Ridgeland) • Rotary Meeting: Helen Brown from Hinds County Sheriff’s Office Sept. 23, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Officer Helen Brown from the Hinds County sheriff’s office presents as guest speaker at the Capital Area Sunset Rotary Club meeting. She speaks on how to prevent human trafficking in the tri-county area. Free admission; call 601-441-1889; find it on Facebook. • Rotary Meeting: Dr. Robert Luckett from Margaret Walker Center Oct. 21, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Rotary Club of North Jackson President Greg Campbell presents on the rotary’s recent trip to Mexico. Free admission; call 601-4411889; find it on Facebook. The Bean Path l Tech Office Hours Sept. 14, Oct. 13, 12:30-3:30 p.m., at Medgar Evers Library (4215 Medgar Evers Blvd.). The techfocused nonprofit provides free technical advice and guidance to individuals, new startups and small businesses in the community. Free admission; email theresa@thebeanpath.org. Jackson, MS ServSafe® Manager Certification Exam & Instructor-Led Course Sept. 17, Nov. 12, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., at Best Western Plus Flowood Inn & Suites (1004 Top St., Flowood). The program blends the latest FDA Food Code,

Woman of Vision 2019 Oct. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). The event celebrates progress made by female visionaries of Mississippi. Cocktails and refreshments included. $75 general admission, $50 for women 35 and under; call 601326-0700; womens-foundation-of-mississippi. networkforgood.com.

BE THE CHANGE WellsFest 5K Run/Walk & 1-Mile Fun Run Sept. 28, 8-10:30 a.m., at Smith-Wills Stadium (1152 Lakeland Drive). Part of the larger WellsFest event. Participants run or walk in the 5K event. Proceeds benefit Extra Table, a nonprofit organization that works to provide food for those in need. The main festival follows the running event. $30 individual 5k, $90 family 5K, $10 1-mile; call 601-353-0658; active.com. Michael Rubenstein Memorial Kidney Walk Sept. 28, 9-11 a.m., at Fondren Church (3327 Old Canton Road). Participants run and walk in the 5K fundraising event. Donations can be designated for a specific dialysis unit or for MKF’s free kidney screenings. Registrants are encouraged to raise or donate $50 in order to participate in the walk. The 5K route runs through the Fondren neighborhood, beginning and ending at Fondren Church. Each participant

who raises $100 or more are entered into a raffle to win $1,000 afterward. T-shirts provided to participants. Sponsored by the Mississippi Kidney Foundation. Dedicated to the memory of Michael Rubenstein, a kidney transplant recipient. Encouraged to raise or donate $50 in order to participate; call 601-981-3611; email walton@kidneyms.org; raceentry.com. Recovery Concepts for Families Sept. 30, Oct. 2, 5-7 p.m., at Hinds Behavioral Health Services (3450 Highway 80 W.). The event features lectures and training that inform participants on how to better make a difference when it comes to helping a family member recover from addition. Free admission; call 601-321-2400. Journey of Hope Oct. 8, noon-1 p.m., at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). Army veteran and former Pittsburgh Steeler Rocky Bleier shares stories involving both football fields in America and battlefields in Vietnam. Proceeds benefit the programs of Catholic Charities. Reservations required. Free admission; call 601-326-3758; catholiccharitiesjackson.org. Purple Dress Run Oct. 17, 6-9 p.m., at The District at Eastover (1250 Eastover Drive). Participants run and walk in purple running gear and outfits as part of the 5k event. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities Shelter for Battered Families. An after-party is held on the Green following the run. $25-$35; raceroster.com.

Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings, or to add your own events online. You can also email event details to events@ jacksonfreepress.com to be added to the calendar. The deadline is noon the Wednesday prior to the week of publication.

Chris Wesley Moore Talks ‘A Stranger Among the Living’

Tell me about the film. I got this idea sometime around college. I had this dream that just came to me out of the blue, and I remember waking up and thinking, “Oh my god, that would make a great scene in a film.”

But I didn’t really know what to do with it, because most of my films are realisticish. So there wasn’t really a place for random dreams and stuff, but I concocted courtesy Christopher Wesley Moore


hile growing up, Chris Wesley Moore developed a passion for storytelling, largely sparked by the multitude of movies he watched during his youth. This appreciation for movies led Moore to participate in film club while in St. Joseph Catholic School, where he graduated in 2008, and later attend the University of North Carolina School of Arts, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in screenwriting in 2012. After founding CWM Entertainment in 2015, he began producing his own films. His latest movie, a supernatural thriller titled “A Stranger Among the Living,” premieres on Thursday, Sept. 12, at Malco Grandview Cinema. On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Moore spoke with the Jackson Free Press about the movie.

by Nate Schumann

Chris Wesley Moore’s newest film, “A Stranger Among the Living,” premieres at Malco Grandview Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 12.

this story to go around it where this dream would start the film, and what it would be is basically a premonition.

So once I had that idea, I came up with the story of this teacher who has this dream. And he basically is so disturbed by this that he doesn’t stay at work the next day. And by doing that, he avoids this massacre. After that, he realizes that maybe this dream was trying to tell him something and that he should have been there. … These minions of death are trying to bring him to the other side, like he was supposed to die. And I thought that would be fun because I had never done a sort of supernatural thing. What are some of the film’s themes? There’s a lot about grief and how certain people deal with grief—or really don’t. The main character of the film is someone who has never tried to step on anyone’s toes. He doesn’t really want to upset the status quo that much, and that kind of comes to bite him in the ass. He doesn’t want to try to rock the boat a lot, and if he had, maybe a lot of this wouldn’t have happened. So it’s sort of about him coming to terms with what

he’s done and accepting it. … There’s also a thing about toxic masculinity and how guys aren’t supposed to cry or show emotion, and that’s something he’s having a problem with. Really, the whole film is about him coming to terms with the fact that it’s OK to not be strong, and that it’s OK to cry and feel things. ... The film also deals with the issue of school shootings and how—it’s weird that predominantly these attackers are straight white men for some reason; I don’t know why. But it’s something about what we’re teaching these kids. So there’s a bit of a scene in there about the shooter and how he has the same kind of entitled, misogynistic outlook on life. ... It’s important to talk about why these things happen and figure out how we can stop it so we can be happier and safer. The film premieres at 7 p.m. at Malco Grandview Cinema (221 Grandview Blvd., Madison). Purchase tickets for “A Stranger Among the Living” in advance at brownpapertickets.com. Read a longer version of this story online.

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms


Homeless Women’s Project, the Center for Violence Prevention and more. Last year’s event had more than 70 artists. A reception for the event is held on Friday with tickets sold at $20 per individual or $30 per pair. $20-$30 reception, free admission, item prices vary; call 601-2013302; email neal_jan@yahoo.com; stpetebtl.org.


COURTESY Ariel Blackwell

9/4 - 917 Wednesday 9/4 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Gator Trio 6:30 p.m. Martin’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Pelican Cove - Ballard and Journeay 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Sonny & Co. 7:30 p.m.

Thursday 9/5 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Crocker 6 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Chris Minter & the KJ Funkmasters 11 p.m. $5 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Jason Turner 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Madison - Aaron Coker 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Brian Jones 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Steele Heart 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Charade Unplugged 6 p.m. Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Madison - The Persuaded and The Hero and a Monster 7 p.m. $10 cover Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 7:30 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Ariel Blackwell See more music at jfp.ms/musiclistings. To be included in print, email listings to music@jacksonfreepress.com.

Drago’s - X-K Jones 6 p.m. Fenian’s - Waterworks Curve 9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Live Music midnight $10 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Shaun Patterson 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Madison - Dan Confait 7 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - Jackson Gypsies 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Casey Phillips 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Acoustic Crossroads 7 p.m. Martin’s – The Stolen Faces 10 p.m. Pelican Cove - Lucky Hand Blues Band 7 p.m. Shucker’s - Barry Leach 5:30 p.m.; Faze 4 Dance Band 8 p.m. $10; Josh Journeay 10 p.m. $10 Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. WonderLust - DJ Taboo 8 p.m.-2 a.m.

Saturday 9/7 Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Doug Allen Nash 8 p.m. Char - Bill Clark 6 p.m. Conkrete Sneaker Boutique – Neak, Mr. Fluid, Drastic, KC Young Bone, Snuff & DJ Phingaprint 8 p.m. courtesy 5th child

Georgia Blue, Madison - Josh Hardin Duo 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Chris Gill and The Sole Shakers 9 p.m. Martin’s - Live Music 10 p.m. Pelican Cove - Nathan Logan 1 p.m.; Lovin Ledbetter 7 p.m. Shucker’s - Steele Heart 3:30 p.m.; Faze 4 Dance Band 8 p.m. $10; Chad Perry 10 p.m. $10 Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Thalia Mara Hall – Anthony Hamilton 8 p.m. WonderLust - Drag Performance & Dance Party feat. DJ Taboo 8 p.m.-3 a.m. free before 10 p.m.

Sunday 9/8 1908 Provisions - Knight Bruce 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Char - Big Easy Three 11 a.m.; Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Tiger Rogers 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Jonathan Alexander noon; Steele Buzzin 5 p.m. Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 3:30 p.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes Trio 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Dan Michael Colbert 6-9 p.m. Wellington’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Monday 9/9

September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - Central Mississippi Blues Society 7 p.m. $5 Kathryn’s - Stevie Cain 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Ralph Miller 6 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.


Tuesday 9/10

5th Child

Friday 9/6 Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Doug Allen Nash 8 p.m. Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m.

CS’s - Karaoke 8 p.m. Fenian’s - Cooper and John 9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Live Music midnight $10 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Aaron Coker 7 p.m.

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Jonathan Alexander 6 p.m. Fenian’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Keys vs Strings 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Robin Blakeney 6 p.m. Table 100 - Chalmers Davis 6 p.m.

Wednesday 9/11 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Larry Brewer and Doug

Hurd 6:30 p.m. Martin’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Pelican Cove - Chris Gill 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Sonny & Co. 7:30 p.m. Table 100 - Andy Henderson 6 p.m.

Thursday 9/12 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Doug Hurd 6 p.m. Fenian’s - Chris Nash 9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Chris Minter & the KJ Funkmasters 11 p.m. $5 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Madison - Live Music 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Mississippi Marshall 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - DoubleShotz 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Ariel Blackwell 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Road Hogs 7:30 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Friday 9/13 Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Eddie Cotton, Jr. 8 p.m. Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m. Drago’s - Larry Brewer 6 p.m. Duling Hall – Jordy Searcy 8 p.m. Fenian’s - Weakhearts 9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Live Music midnight $10 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Madison - Live Music 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Brint Anderson 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Jay Wadsworth 7 p.m. Martin’s – Riff Raff w/ 5th Child 10:30 p.m. Offbeat – Spirituals, Blanket Swimming & Krishna 8 p.m. Pelican Cove - Stace and Cassie 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Sonny Duo 5:30 p.m.; Mississippi Moonlight 8 p.m. $5; Brian Jones 10 p.m. Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. WonderLust - DJ Taboo 8 p.m.-2 a.m.

Saturday 9/14 Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Bruce in the USA 8 p.m. Cerami’s - Larry Brewer 6:30 p.m. Char - Bill Clark 6 p.m. CS’s - Karaoke 8 p.m. Duling Hall – Oh Jeremiah, Anse Rigby 7:30 p.m.

Fenian’s - Cucho and Carlos 9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Live Music midnight $10 Genna Benna, Brandon - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Live Music 7 p.m. Georgia Blue, Madison - Live Music 7 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - King Edwards Blues 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Faze 4 Dance Band 7 p.m. Martin’s - Live Music 10 p.m. Pelican Cove - Trace Hunt 1 p.m.; Jason Turner Band 7 p.m. Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 3:30 p.m.; Mississippi Moonlight 8 p.m. $5; Josh Journeay 10 p.m. $5 Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. WonderLust - Drag Performance & Dance Party feat. DJ Taboo 8 p.m.-3 a.m. free before 10 p.m.

Sunday 9/15 1908 Provisions - Knight Bruce 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Char - Big Easy Three 11 a.m.; Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Hunter Gibson 6 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Tiger Rogers 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Kathryn’s - Soulstew 6 p.m. Pelican Cove - TJ Burnham noon; Road Hogs 4 p.m. Shucker’s - Greenfish 3:30 p.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes Trio 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Dan Michael Colbert 6-9 p.m. Wellington’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Monday 9/16 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Duling Hall – Matthew Sweet 7:30 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - Central Mississippi Blues Society 7 p.m. $5 Kathryn’s - Joseph LaSalla 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - TJ Russell 6 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Tuesday 9/17 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Chris Gill 6 p.m. Fenian’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - The Road Hogs 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Chad Perry Duo 6 p.m. Table 100 - Chalmers Davis 6 p.m.




FRI. SEPT 6 | 10 P.M.





SAT. SEPT 7 | 10 P.M.







Fondren After 5

Thursday 9/12

Dining Room - 7pm - Free

D’Lo Trio

Friday 9/6


Dining Room - 7pm - Free

Friday 9/13

Kent Morris Big Room - 6-9pm

Alley and the Jazz Katz

Jackson Gypsies

Saturday 9/14

Dining Room - 7pm - Free


Saturday 9/7


Once We Were Saints Red Room. Doors - 7pm Show - 8pm


Monday 9/9


Dining Room - 6:30pm - Free

Restaurant Open Sunday 9/15

Sunday Saints Potluck 2:30pm | BYOF (Bring your own food) Abita Beer Specials.

Summer Patio Series The Start Up | Clitter Critters Night Surf Doors - 6pm Show - 7pm

Central MS Blues Society presents:


Blue Monday Dining Room - 7 - 11pm $3 Members $5 Non-Members

Monday 9/16

Central MS Blues Society presents:

Blue Monday Dining Room - 7 - 11pm $3 Members $5 Non-Members

Tuesday 9/10

10 19

Dinner Drinks & Jazz with Raphael Semmes and Friends Dining Room - 6pm

Tuesday 9/17

Dinner Drinks & Jazz with Raphael Semmes and Friends






New Bourbon Street Jazz Band

11am-2pm and 5-8pm


SAT. SEPT 14 | 2 P.M.


Wednesday 9/11

Restaurant Open Thursday 9/5


FRI. SEPT 13 | 10 P.M.


Wednesday 9/4


9/19 Scott Albert Johnson 9/20 Bob & Todd Duo 9/20 Drag Bingo 9/21 Thomas Jackson 9/22 Sunday Saints Potluck 9/23 CMBS Presents Blues Monday 9/24 Dinner, Drinks and Jazz

Dining Room - 6pm

9/25 New Bourbon Street Jazz Band 9/26 D’Lo Trio 9/26 Bar Wars JXN 9/27 Crooked Creek 9/28 Burt Byler Trio 9/28 Oyster Open

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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms




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September 4 - 17, 2019 • jfp.ms



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48 Family member, briey 50 PGA VIP Ernie 51 Place to chill out 54 Lemon zest source 57 “Death ___ Funeralâ€? (2007 or 2010 ďŹ lm) 59 Snarky social media response to an undeserved boast (and this puzzle’s theme) 64 Heart chambers 65 Eddie Murphy’s role in “Beverly Hills Copâ€? 67 Adrien of “The Pianistâ€? 68 Adjust, as banjo strings 69 Dory helped ďŹ nd him 70 Heavy items dropped in cartoons 71 ___-Pekka Salonen (conductor soon to lead the San Francisco Symphony) 72 Cable channel since 1979


34 Egypt’s cont. 35 Kardashian matriarch 37 Scrabble piece 38 Sheared stuff 39 They’re “on� in binary 41 They’re always in February 42 Good-natured 47 “___ Poetry Jam� 49 Double ___ (Oreo variety) 51 Q-Tip ends 52 Ancient city in Jordan 53 With an ___ distinction 55 Bring delight to

56 High-end Toyota 58 Make good (for) 60 Six Flags attraction 61 TV “Warrior Princessâ€? played by Lucy Lawless 62 Acapulco accolades 63 1996 veep candidate 66 Hither and ___ Š2018 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@ jonesincrosswords.com)

For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800 655-6548. Reference puzzle #914.


“It’s Not Unusual� —the phrase makes it. Across

1 Little drinks 5 TV monitoring gp. 8 Waits 13 Muscle problem 14 Jazz legend Fitzgerald 15 Fail to be 16 Lubricant used at the front and rear of an automobile drivetrain 18 Cuba ___ (rum drink) 19 Artistic interpretation of one’s feelings, maybe 21 Alfonso Ribeiro-hosted show featuring viewer submissions, for short 22 Ward of “Gone Girl�

23 “Clawsâ€? network 24 “Matilda the Musicalâ€? songwriter Minchin 27 Lover 29 “___ Believerâ€? (Monkees song) 31 It may be half-baked 33 Cedar alternative 36 Bisected 40 It contains numerators and denominators within numerators and denominators 43 Skier’s spot 44 Clean up some topiary 45 ___ gin ďŹ zz 46 Lamentable

1 Rocksteady precursor 2 “Never Tear Us Apart� band 3 Global extremity 4 Ancient stone slab (anagram of TESLA) 5 State of change 6 Snippets, like those shown on 21-Across 7 Core group 8 Vinegar variety 9 Spring bloom 10 Credit counterpart 11 “The Smartest Guys in the Room� company 12 Cardiologist’s dilator 14 Heighten 17 Excruciatingly loud, in sheet music 20 Roth of “Inglourious Basterds� 24 Nervous spasms 25 “Rebel Yell� singer Billy 26 Inbox item 28 “thank u, ___� (Ariana Grande song) 30 Farm residents? 32 Venmo and Hinge, e.g.

Last Week’s Answers

BY MATT JONES Last Week’s Answers

“Sum Sudoku�

Put one digit from 1-9 in each square of this Sudoku so that the following three conditions are met: 1) each row, column and 3x3 box (as marked off by heavy lines in the grid) contains the digits 1-9 exactly one time; 2) no digit is repeated within any of the areas marked off by dotted lines; and 3) the sums of the numbers in each area marked off by dotted lines total the little number given in each of those areas. Now do what I tell you—solve!! psychosudoku@ gmail.com

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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

I don’t know if the coming weeks will be an Anais Nin phase for you. But they could be if you want them to. It’s up to you whether you’ll dare to be as lyrical, sensual, deep, expressive and emotionally rich as she was. In case you decide that YES, you will, here are quotes from Nin that might serve you well. 1. “It is easy to love and there are so many ways to do it.� 2. “My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am.� 3. “I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go.� 4. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.� 5. “It was while helping others to be free that I gained my own freedom.�

“When you’re nailing a custard pie to the wall, and it starts to wilt, it doesn’t do any good to hammer in more nails.� So advised novelist Wallace Stegner. I hope I’m delivering his counsel in time to dissuade you from even trying to nail a custard pie to the wall—or an omelet or potato chip or taco, for that matter. What might be a better use of your energy? You could use the nails to build something that will actually be useful to you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

“I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I placed them,� wrote author Amy Tan. My Scorpio friend Audrey once made a similar confession: “I buried my secrets so completely from the prying curiosity of other people that I lost track of them myself.� If either of those descriptions apply to you, Scorpio, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to secure a remedy. You’ll have extra power and luck if you commune with and celebrate your hidden feelings and buried secrets.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

“No Eden valid without serpent.� Novelist Wallace Stegner wrote that pithy riff. I think it’s a good motto for you to use in the immediate future. How do you interpret it? Here’s what I think. As you nourish your robust vision of paradise-on-earth, and as you carry out the practical actions that enable you to manifest that vision, it’s wise to have some creative irritant in the midst of it. That bug, that question, that tantalizing mystery is the key to keeping you honest and discerning. It gives credibility and gravitas to your idealistic striving.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

The coco de mer is a palm tree that grows in the Seychelles. Its seed is huge, weighing as much as 40 pounds and having a diameter of 19 inches. The seed takes seven years to grow into its mature form, then takes an additional two years to germinate. Everything I just said about the coco de mer seed reminds me of you, Capricorn. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you’ve been working on ripening an awesome seed for a long time, and are now in the final phase before it sprouts. The Majestic Budding may not fully kick in until 2020, but I bet you’re already feeling the enjoyable, mysterious pressure.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

If you throw a pool ball or a bronze Buddha statue at a window, the glass will break. In fact, the speed at which it fractures could reach 3,000 miles per hour. Metaphorically speaking, your mental blocks and emotional obstacles are typically not as crackable. You may smack them with your angry probes and bash them with your desperate pleas, yet have little or no effect. But I suspect that in the coming weeks, you’ll have much more power than usual to shatter those vexations. So I hereby invite you to hurl your strongest blasts at your mental blocks and emotional obstacles. Don’t be surprised if they collapse at unexpectedly rapid speeds.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

In the 13th century, the Italian city of Bologna was serious about guarding the integrity of its cuisine. In 1250, the cheese guild issued a decree proclaiming, “If you make fake mortadella ... your body will be stretched on the rack three times, you will be fined 200 gold coins, and all the food you make will be destroyed.� I appreciate such devotion to purity and authenticity and factualness. And I recommend that in the coming weeks, you commit to comparable standards in your own sphere. Don’t let your own offerings be compromised or corrupted. The same with the offerings you receive from other people. Be impeccable.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

John Muir (1838–1914) was skilled at creating and using machinery. In his 20s, he diligently expressed those aptitudes. But at age 27, while working in a carriageparts factory, he suffered an accident that blinded him. For several months, he lay in bed, hoping to recuperate. During that time, Muir decided that if his sight returned, he would thereafter devote it to exploring the beauty of the natural world. The miracle came to pass, and for the rest of his life he traveled and explored the wilds of North America, becoming an influential naturalist, author and early environmentalist. I’d love to see you respond to one of your smaller setbacks—much less dramatic than Muir’s!—with comparable panache, Aries.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Of all the children on the planet, 3% live in the U.S. And yet American children are in possession of 40% of the world’s toys. In accordance with astrological omens, I hereby invite you to be like an extravagant American child in the coming weeks. You have cosmic permission to seek maximum fun and treat yourself to zesty entertainment and lose yourself in uninhibited laughter and wow yourself with beguiling games and delightful gizmos. It’s playtime!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

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The ama are Japanese women whose job it is to dive to the sea bottom and fetch oysters bearing pearls. The water is usually cold, and the workers use no breathing apparatus, depending instead on specialized techniques to hold their breath. I propose we make them your inspirational role models. The next few weeks will be a favorable time, metaphorically speaking, for you to descend into the depths in quest of valuables and inspirations.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Renowned Cancerian neurologist Oliver Sacks believed that music and gardens could be vital curative agents, as therapeutic as pharmaceuticals. My personal view is that walking in nature can be as medicinal as working and lolling in a garden. As for music, I would extend his prescription to include singing and dancing as well as listening. I’m also surprised that Sacks didn’t give equal recognition to the healing power of touch, which can be wondrously rejuvenating, either in its erotic or non-erotic forms. I bring these thoughts to your attention because I suspect the coming weeks will be a Golden Age of nonpharmaceutical healing for you. I’m not suggesting that you stop taking the drugs you need to stay healthy; I simply mean that music, nature and touch will have an extra-sublime impact on your well-being.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

If you visualize what ancient Rome looked like, it’s possible you draw on memories of scenes you’ve seen portrayed in movies. The blockbuster film “Gladiator,� starring Russell Crowe and directed by Ridley Scott, may be one of those templates. The weird thing is that “Gladiator,� as well as many other such movies, were inspired by the grandiose paintings of the ancient world done by Dutch artist Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836–1912). And in many ways, his depictions were not at all factual. I bring this to your attention, Leo, in the hope that it will prod you to question the accuracy and authenticity of your mental pictures. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to get fuzzy and incorrect memories into closer alignment with the truth, and to shed any illusions that might be distorting your understanding of reality.

Homework: Saul Bellow wrote, “Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy?� Do you agree? FreeWillAstrology.com


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Alana Willis September 4, 2019

Alana Willis, the younger sister of the late Cedric Willis, talks to Donna Ladd about her brother’s 12-year false imprisonment from 1994 to 2006 and the effect that had on their family and her as a child, as well as his recent murder after being free for 13 years (see jfp. ms/cedric). In this emotional podcast, Willis also talks about her own sexual assault as a child. She challenges Jackson residents to do more to prevent violence. This episode is brought to you by the Center for Art & Public Exchange at the Mississippi Museum of Art. More at http://museumcape.org/.

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