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Fulfilling My Destiny
Director of Instructional Technology & Student Information Systems
In the 7th grade, I became a member of the Technology Student Association (TSA). The opening line of the TSA creed states, “I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world.” I recited the creed what seemed like 100 times over the next six years, and in 1991, I didn’t quite understand what technology education was and what a technical world would entail. I guess I spoke my destiny into existence because technology education’s importance is my daily reality.
I am Dr. Emily A. Moses, and I am delighted to be the Director of Instructional Technology and Student Information System at the Jackson Preparatory School. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in Technology Education from THEE Jackson State University and my Doctorate in Community College Leadership from Mississippi State University. During my 20-year tenure as an Information Technology professional, I have worked in state government, higher education, and as an educational consultant for state, federal, and private organizations. I have also served as an Adjunct Faculty member for the last 15 years for colleges and universities in Mississippi and a nationally known online university.
I am so excited about this upcoming school year! Last year the faculty showed how tough they were as they taught using different methodologies in uncertain times. My goal is to ensure the faculty do not fall back to methods used before COVID but continue to push the envelope and employ technical resources for students. The faculty is absolutely “JP Tough,” and this fall we’ll take another step and go to the next level with technology.
Innovation is key. Technology is engaging. To aid in developing a culture of continuous innovation and align with the strategic plan, all faculty members will receive an iPad Pro, Magic Keyboard, and Apple pencil this fall. The expected outcomes are to improve the digital grading process for teachers, reduce the amount of copying or printing, and promote creativity and innovation within the Prep curriculum.
I cannot leave students out and am excited to be reintroducing eSports this fall. The students only got to play for three weeks last year before COVID shifted things at Prep. eSports is about teamwork, communication, strategic thinking, and leadership, just as traditional sports are. Some benefits to students are character development, STEM engagement, and college scholarships. Students will be introduced to three additional leagues this fall, and I believe a championship team will come from Jackson Prep this year!
It’s a great day to be a Patriot, and I am so thrilled!