“What Readers like about Joe Issa’s Rich Life!” In big countries most readers of anything richly have little interest in how rich people make their money; yet they are fascinated by how they live – who they date, where they party, what they wear, where they live, what cars they drive, whether they have their own private jet or yacht to take them to their villas and mansions across the globe and what their children do or don’t do; and the list goes on. However, one exception in the relatively small community of Jamaican is local businessman Joe Issa or Joey as he is fondly called. The son of a hotel mogul, Joey was once tipped to inherit his parent’s fortune but things took a different turn as he went on his own and became a self-made rich man. His business deals with Neal & Massy and other large corporations were hailed as cutting-edge, as well as the Cool brand which he founded and developed to over 50 companies operating in many areas, and which he is leveraging on international markets. His demonstrated business prowess, innovative business models and out-of-the-box thinking have all been widely reported and brought to national attention by the local
press, especially his charitable foundations that have contributed immensely to the education of Jamaican children and the betterment of communities. Over the years, the publicity has made him a sought-after person for civic leadership, which pushed him further into the limelight, whether as a guest at all the big parties or as a commentator on television and radio articulating his views on a number of issues affecting Jamaicans. Issa has often criticized on national media the lack of accountability and good governance in the country and spoken against corruption; he has even suggested that politicians be paid more money to dissuade them from accepting bribes. A multi-award winner in his career, entrepreneurship initiatives and philanthropic endeavors, Issa has been named among Jamaica’s 10 sexiest men and one of the country’s most recognizable faces. Issa had reached a point whereby, although he was not a politician his public life was not his anymore and neither was his private life, which was vigorously equally penetrated by the tabloids to quench the thirst of readers who could not have enough of how he lives, where he parties and which international celebrity he last hosted.