The Southern Gateway to Malaysia ܷᯰӮᦉѢЙԯ
Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Johorr B ER
Aras 5-02, Pusat Penerangan Pelancongan Negeri Johor (JOTIC), No.2, Jalan Ayer Molek, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor. Tel: 607-223 3171 Fax: 607-226 3171
10 Tourism Icons of Johor • ᶨԯ ᮙ␌ᷛᖫ
Sultan Ibrahim Building
Royal Abu Bakar Museum
Tanjung Piai & Pulau Kukup
Danga Bay
Endau-Rompin National Park
Gunung Ledang
Pulau Rawa & Pulau Sibu
tourism icons of Johor The state of Johor, also known as the “Southern Gateway to Malaysia”, is situated at the southern most tip of mainland Asia which is also the southern most point of Peninsular Malaysia. Johor is surrounded by the South China Sea on the east and the Straits of Melaka on the west. It is the only state in Malaysia that has both east and west coasts. On the south, the Selat Tebrau (or Straits of Johor) separates Johor from Singapore. Scenic beaches and islands grace the east coast, and the west coast is characterised by rapid development due to a bustling economy. The capital, Johor Bahru, is linked to Singapore by a causeway that provides access to the island by rail and road. 柔佛州位于马来半岛的最南端,是进入马来西亚 的南部出入口。它坐落在亚洲大陆最南端,东部 由南中国海环绕;而西部则由马六甲海峡环绕 着。在柔佛的南部,柔佛海峡的正对面就是马来 西亚的邻国-新加坡。 柔佛的东海岸拥有许多风景优美的海滩和海岛, 而柔佛州的经济发展着重在西海岸。新山是柔佛 州首府,位于半岛最南端,有便捷的公路和铁路 交通可直达新加坡。
Fast facts 资讯一点通 18,981 square km2 18,981平方公里 Approximately 3.2 million 约320万人 Johor Bahru 新山 Most southern state in Malaysia, with east coast faces the South China Sea whereas the west coast meets the Straits of Melaka. 马来西亚半岛最南端,其东海岸面对南中国海;西海岸则面对着马六甲海 峡。 Malaysia Airlines (MAS) operates flights from Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Terengganu, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching to the Sultan Ismail Airport in Senai and back. Air Asia also offers flights to the airport as well. 马航提供从吉隆坡、瓜拉登嘉楼、哥打京那巴鲁及古晋飞往士乃的苏丹依斯 迈机场。亚航也有提供往返的直飞服务。 From Kuala Lumpur, visitors can use the North-South Expressway, Johor Bahru is 220 km from Kuala Lumpur and it takes about 3 hours. From Singapore, visitors can use the Causeway get to Johor Bahru, or alternatively they can use the Second Link. 游客可以使用南北大道从吉隆坡前往新山,全程220公里,费时3小时的车 程。从新加坡出发的游客可以使用衔接了新加坡和新山的新柔长堤前往柔 佛,或使用衔接丹绒古邦和大士的桥梁前往新山。
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Major cities and towns in Peninsular Malaysia provide express bus services to Johor Bahru. The rides are comfortable at reasonable prices. 马来西亚主要大城市都有舒适的空调长途巴士到新山,价格合 理。 The private Ferry-link service connects Changi Point in Singapore and Tanjung Belungkor (near Desaru) in Johor. 在新加坡的樟宜机场及靠近迪沙鲁海边的Tanjung Belungkor之间 有往返两岸的渡轮服务。 Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Johor Aras 5-02, Pusat Penerangan Pelancongan Negeri Johor (JOTIC) No.2, Jalan Ayer Molek, 8000 Johor Bahru. Johor. 607-223 3171 607-226 3171
HISTORY 历史 Johor was founded in the early 16th century by the son of Sultan Mahmud Shah, the last Sultan of Melaka. At the peak of its development, the Johor Empire extended its reign to the Riau Archipelago. In the 18th century, the Bugis and the Minangkabaus controlled the Johor-Riau Empire. Later, in the early 19th century, Stamford Raffles acquired Singapore for the British. During that time, Singapore was part of the Johor Empire. The Johor-Riau Empire was then divided into mainland Johor, controlled by the Temenggong, and the Sultanate of RiauLinggi, controlled by the Bugis. In 1885, Sultan Abu Bakar became the Sultan and was fondly remembered as the “Father of Modern Johor ”. He transformed Johor Bahru from a plain fishing village into a developing and thriving town. He was also responsible for the development of other districts in Johor. In 1914, the British appointed an advisor to counsel the Sultan of Johor over matters of the State. This continued on until 1945 when the Japanese invaded Malaya. After the Second World War, Johor joined the Federation of Malaya which later gained independence from the British in 1957. 柔佛建于于十六世纪初, 由马六甲最后 一位苏丹—苏丹马末沙的儿子所开创。 在其发展巅峰,柔佛曾把其权威伸展至 廖内群岛。18 世纪,柔佛王朝被苏门答 腊二族群—武吉斯及米南加保人控制了 政权。19 世纪初,实丹佛莱佛勒为英国 获取了新加坡(当时新加坡属于柔佛属 地)。 后来,柔佛王朝被划分为 2 个部分,一 部分是由天猛公管辖,另一部分则由武 吉斯族管辖。1885 年,有“现代柔佛之 父”称号的天猛公阿布巴加被称为是柔 佛苏丹,他为柔佛作出了极大的贡献。 首先,他把新山由一个渔村发展成一个 市镇,接着将发展计划逐一延伸到其它 地方。 1914年,英国派使臣协助管辖柔佛至 1945年(日治时期)。第二世界大战 后,柔佛于 1957 年加入马来亚联邦政 府。
ABOUT JOHOR ECONOMY 经济 Today, Johor is a prosperous state with a rapidly growing economy that is dominated by agriculture, manufacturing, trade and tourism. The oil palm, rubber, pineapple and banana plantations in the State bear testimony to the significance of agriculture as Johor’s major economic activity. As the state marches into the 21st century, much of the agricultural land has been converted for trade and tourism purposes. The State government has also developed a light industrial area at the southern tip, close to the Singapore port. Such industrial areas attract investments, especially from electronic manufacturing giants. 今日的柔佛是一个兴旺的州属,其农业、制造业、贸易及旅游 业在其经济成长中扮演了极重要的角色。油棕、橡胶、黄梨和 香蕉种植园见证了农业在柔佛的主要经济活动中举足轻重的地 位。 早期,农业是柔佛的主要经济来源。然而,随着经济慢慢起 飞,很多农垦地已被开发为发展商业用途及旅游用途。许多外 资工厂也纷纷在柔佛投资,因而促长了该区的工业经济。此 外,靠近新加坡的南柔佛,由于其优势的地理环境,而且还设 有机场和港口,因而促使它成为轻工业、旅游业及电子业的集 聚区。
TRANSPORTATION 交通 There are many ways to get to Johor: by road, rail, train or air. There is a number of ferry services from Johor to the surrounding islands of the state. The Causeway and the Second Link connect Johor to its neighbouring country, Singapore. Tourists taking outstation buses to the capital disembark at the Terminal Larkin Station. The train station is located near here and this makes it convenient for those enjoy traveling by land. For those who opt to fly instead, they will be amazed by the beauty of the Senai International Airport (Sultan Ismail International Airport) and the facilities that it offers. 前往柔佛的交通非常便利,游客可选择使用海、陆、空任何一 种的交通工具。游客可选择乘搭渡轮前往柔佛州各岛屿。此 外,新山的公路和铁路交通网衔接马来西亚半岛和新加坡,非 常方便。游客也可乘搭长途巴士,直接抵达新山的拉庆车站。 除此之外,游客也可乘搭火车到新山的火车总站。火车总站靠 近新山—新加坡关卡,对于从新加坡前往柔佛的游客来说,非 常便捷。此外,游客也可到士乃国际机场乘搭飞机。 Johor 323
Sultan Ibrahim Building 依布拉欣大楼 This building which blends Malay and Colonial architecture stands majestically on Bukit Timbalan in Johor Bahru. It has a history that spans back to the late 1930s. Officially opened by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1895 – 1959), the 22nd Sultan of Johor, Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim witnessed the changes of times and thus, the course of history. Not long after it was opened, in February 1942, the Japanese occupied Malaya. The building was then used as an operations centre where the Japanese strategised and carried out assaults on the island state of Singapore. With the military intelligence that it gained, the Japanese army soon invaded Singapore, and very quickly, the ruling British surrendered. In February 1942, the island fell, in what is to be known as The Battle of Singapore. Sadly, the building was partly damaged during the war. Visitors would still be able to see the ruins today. A fortress, a command centre and a state government building, Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim truly has a
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colourful past and it deserves to be recognised as an iconic landmark in the state capital of Johor. 依布拉欣大楼是柔佛州前行政大厦,坐落在新山 Bukit Timbalan。这座建筑兴建于1936年至1939年,一年 后由柔佛州苏丹依布拉欣正式开幕。1942年日军占 领马来亚时,日本帝国陆军将大厦作为堡垒和指挥中 心,以监视英军的活动。在日侵时期,该建筑有部分 受损,损坏的部分至今仍清晰可见。它的建构结合了 殖民时期和马来式的设计,其巍然高耸的形象,使它 成为新山市里的地标之一。
Royal Abu Bakar Museum 苏丹阿布巴卡皇家博物馆 His Royal Highness Sultan Abu Bakar was the 21st ruler of Johor. His Royal Highness commissioned the building of the Istana Besar Johor (translated: the Grand Palace of Johor). With a renaissance design and architecture, the palace was completed in 1866 with the labour from local workmen under the direction of an architect from Europe. In the same year, His Royal Highness furnished his grand abode with items purchased from England. Over 115 years later, in 1982, the palace was converted into a museum. The Royal Abu Bakar Museum is today a must-visit place if one wants to learn about the history of Johor. The displays include photos of the royal family, silverware, gifts and artefacts that were presented, or belonged, to His Royal Highness. Today, the palace / museum is still used for official functions and ceremonies.
这个盛大的建筑奇迹,建于1866年。这是在苏 丹阿布巴卡委托殿下所建立的,也是众所周知 的皇宫。建筑是文艺复兴时期的风格,是在欧 洲建筑师的监督下完成的。该宫殿的家具苏丹 阿布巴卡亲自从英国订购的。 宫殿于1982年成为阿布巴卡皇家博物馆,但至 今仍有官方仪式和公务使用。游客可观赏院里 的银器以及各种纪念品装饰。另外还有王室提 供苏丹阿布卡统治时期的照片。
Tips 资讯益站 Open Daily 每日开放 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Closed on Friday 星期五休息 07- 223 0555/ 07- 223 0222 07- 224 8476
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JSNAC (Johor State New Administrative Centre) 柔佛州新行政中心 This new State Administrative Centre is fondly known as the “Jewel of the Crown” of Nusajaya. It is located in the vicinity of the Tanjung Pelepas Port (Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP)) about 25 kilometres from the state capital, Johor Bahru. This ideal location lies in the west of the South Johor Economic Region (SJER), and in the east, Pasir Gudang and Tanjung Langsat. The SJER links Johor Bahru to Nusajaya through Danga. The new city of Nusajaya will be developed in three stages. The first phase involves the construction of the new administrative centre for the southern state of Johor. The second phase encompasses the building of a mosque and 500 houses for civil servants. The third phase sees the establishment of a Federal Government office. The Johor State Hall is 4-storey tall and it houses the State Assembly Hall for the 114 state assemblymen, a library, archive room, activity room, banquet hall, and lounges. The building is also adorned with decorative gardens and facilities such as suraus (prayer rooms). When completed, it will be a fully integrated city catering for business, liringand leisure. 柔佛州新行政中心被称为努沙再也的 宝石,距离新山约25公里。努沙再也 的工程分成三个阶段进行。第一阶段 是柔佛州新行政中心建设;第二阶段 包括500间员工住所和一间回教堂; 第三阶段是联邦政府办公室的建设。 柔佛州立法议院共有四层楼,包括可 以容纳114位州议员的州议会、图书 馆、档案馆、宴会厅等等。这个建筑 也是摆设了各种装饰和祈祷室等的基 本设施。当建筑完成后,这里将成为 商业、住宅及休闲的综合城市。
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Tanjung Piai & PULAU Kukup 丹戎比艾 & 龟咯岛 Tanjung Piai 丹戎比艾
Tips 资讯益站 Tanjung Piai Johor National Park 82030 Mukim Serkat, Pontian, Johor, Malaysia. 9am - 5pm(Monday-Friday 星期一至星期五) 9am - 7pm(Weekend&public holidays 周末及公共假期) Malaysian Adults 马来西亚籍成人 (RM 5) Student/ Child 马来西亚籍学生 / 儿童 (RM 3) Malaysian Child below 6 years old 马来西亚籍6岁以下儿童 (free 免费) Foreigner Adults 外国人 (RM 10) If you come from Kuala Lumpur/ North, you can take the North-South Highway and exit at Simpang Rengam/ after Mancap). Head for Pontian/Benut and follow the signboards to Tanjung Piai. If you come from Johor Bahru, you can take the Jalan Skudai highway and head for Pontian/ Pontian Kechil. At Pekan Nenas, turn left at Sri Bunian, follow the rural road and take the right turn at Jalan Tenggayun. Thereafter, follow the signage for Tanjung Piai. There is no direct bus service to Tanjung Piai Johor National Park. A regular taxi service is available from Pontian bus station, in the town centre, to the Sungai Belukang entry point. (You have to book in advance with the cab driver for the return passage.) 从吉隆坡或北部前往者可使用南北大道并于新邦令金或 Mancap 之后转离南北大道。前往笨珍或 文律并随着指示牌前往丹戎比艾。从新山,使用士古来高速公路前往笨珍或小笨珍。在北干那那 左转进入 Sri Bunian,随着乡村路径于 Tenggayun 路右转,随着指示牌前往丹戎比艾。没有直接的 公共巴士前往丹戎比艾柔佛国家公园,在笨珍公共巴士站有前往 Sungai Belukang 入口处的计程车 服务。(您必须先订约回程的计程车)。 (607) 6969 712
The southern most tip of Mainland Asia is located in Tanjung Piai about 90km from Johor Bahru city centre. Tanjung Piai Johor National Park covers an area of over 92ha, 526ha of which are coastal mangroves. Its 8km shoreline borders the Straits of Melaka. The park shelters an extraordinary array of flora and fauna. This is a place where the earth and sea, plant and animal life, live in harmonious proximity. It is an enduring wilderness, a world of colour, contrast and co-existence. 丹戎比艾距离新山市中心约90公里。当 您游览柔佛时,该处是您必须前往参观 的旅游景点之一。丹戎比艾柔佛国家公 园的面积约为92公顷,526公顷沿海红树 林,8公里长的边缘面对着马六甲海峡。 公园里酝酿了各种各样的动植物。在这 里,陆地与海、植物与动物等都和谐地相 处。
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Pulau Kukup 龟咯岛
Tips 资讯益站 Pulau Kukup Johor National Park Lot 1319, Mukim Air Panas, 82300 Kukup, Pontian, Johor. 9.00am-5.00pm 607- 696 9355
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It is the largest uninhabited mangrove islands in the world, and the only one in Johor waters. Kukup Island measures approximately 647ha, surrounded by some 800ha of mudflats. The island shelters an extraordinary array of wetland associated plant and animal life. Concealed by the dense foliage, the residential birds would rather be heard than seen, their timeless call echoing through the woods. The abundant vegetation is a magnet for many kinds of creatures. 龟咯岛是世上其中一个有最大片红树林的岛 屿。面积约为647公顷,龟咯岛被800公顷的 泥滩所环绕。 龟咯岛是受保护的一块非凡湿地,也为许多 动植物提供了栖身之所。这儿蕴藏了丰富 的植物,浓密的树叶遮盖了森林的上空,让 树林呈一片阴暗。鸟儿们在树林里不停地鸣 叫,清脆的鸟语让您忘了时间的存在,乐不 思蜀。
Pulau Rawa & pULAU sIBU 瓜哇岛 & 幸福岛
Pulau Rawa 爪哇岛 Located near Mersing, Pulau Rawa is renowned for its endless stretches of white sandy beaches, tall, swaying palm trees and offshore coral reefs. The islands of Pulau Besar, Pulau Tengah and Pulau Hujong are located nearby. From the Mersing wharf, a 30-minute speedboat ride will take one to the island. The lush greenery of the trees and the white sandy beaches greet visitors upon their arrival on the island. The crystal clear waters allow one to see right to the bottom of the ocean floor. Famed for its beauty, tourists who have visited the island are full of admiration for Pulau Rawa.
Tips 资讯益站 Johor Marine Park Information Centre 607- 799 1161 Mersing Tourist Information Centre (METIC) 607-799 5212
爪哇岛是丰盛港岸外其中 一个景色迷人的海岛,以 一望无际的白沙滩、高而 随风摇曳的棕榈树及海 底的珊瑚礁而闻名。它 坐落在伯沙岛、登雅岛及 乌绒岛附近,从丰盛港码头乘快 艇约30分钟就可抵达。岛上苍翠 青葱的树林、伴著洁白幼细的白 沙滩,还有那清澈见底的海水, 碧波荡漾是一家大小度假的好地 方。 Johor 329
Pulau Sibu 幸福岛 Located 12km from mainland Johor, Pulau Sibu is a beautiful island filled with tropical rain forests. It takes approximately 30 minutes to get to Pulau Sibu by boat from the Tanjung Leman jetty. Famed for its rich marine life and corals, diving enthusiasts often flock to this island in droves. Here one can rent holiday villas and chalets and indulge in the many water sports activities including diving. 距离柔佛州海岸12公里的幸福岛是一个充满热带雨林的魅力海 岛,从丹绒勒曼码头前往此岛费时约30分钟。幸福岛四面环海, 同时也被许多风景独特、美丽的沙滩包围着。幸福岛不风景优 美,它那丰富的海洋生物及绚丽珊瑚也为它博得了不少名声,热 爱潜水的人¾常云集在此潜水。游客可在此租凭假日别墅及度假 木屋,或参于各种各样的海上运动。
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Tips 资讯益站 Johor Marine Park Information Centre 607- 799 1161 Mersing Tourist Information Centre (METIC) 607-799 5212
Danga Bay 金海湾
Set to be a premier waterfront is Danga Bay, a main feature in the development of Iskandar Malaysia. Among the many attractions include affluent retail outlets, local and international eateries. These properties, by themselves, become magnets for major events and activities of importance and significance. In a relatively short span of time, Danga Bay Integrated Waterfront City has emerged to be one of the most exciting and fastestgrowing parts of Iskandar Malaysia. Danga Bay has a well-integrated infrastructure and is connected to cargo ports and airports via an extensive network of roads. Many other interesting projects have been lined up for Iskandar Malaysia: a financial and commercial hub, a convention centre, a marina and a myriad of hotels. There are 500 retail shops in Danga City Mall, wrote a new record of “The first shopping centre with train station” in early 2009.
金海湾被设置为首屈一指的海滨发展和 马来西亚依斯干达的亮点之一,这里有 完善的活动式娱乐设施、亲水乐园、金 海购物广场、沙滩烧烤酒吧等。另外, 还有多到吃不完的在地小吃、新鲜渔货 搭配泰式马来拼盘、SPA古方养生馆、 国际贸易展览馆、各式宴会餐厅等等, 还有一艘镇海之宝Danga Cruise 8(金海 8号观光船),在夕阳余晖下可选择在船 上享用中西式餐点。 金海湾海滨城市是马来西亚依斯干达地 区里最让人期待的发展之一。该区可以 通过的主要道路、国际机场和港口等 地方。各大型项目已指定将在这区开 拓业务,包括金融和商业中心、酒店, 展览及会议中心和高档住宅物业。拥有 500间零售商店的金海广场Danga City Mall,在2009年年初,缔造了一项新 纪录“第一个有火车站的购物中心”。
Tips 资讯益站
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Endau Rompin national park 兴楼-云冰国家公园
Endau-Rompin National Park covers the borders of Johor and Pahang, sprawling over an estimated area of 49,000 hectares. Endau-Rompin is also the home to a variety of insects, fish, birds, and big and small mammals. They include no less than 230 species of birds, 179 species of butterflies, 43 species of fish and all the great Malaysian mammals, like the Sumatra rhinoceros, tigers, elephants, mousedeer, deer and tapirs. Upon arrival at the National Park, visitors will be greeted by the Orang Asli (indigenous people) Settlement in Kampong Peta and the waterfalls of Upeh Guling and Buaya Sangkut. Adventure seekers have a wide choice of chalets, dormitories and camping sites. These lodging sites can be found at Kuala Jasin, Batu Hampar, Upeh Guling and Kuala Marong. To get to Endau-Rompin (Peta) Johor National Park from Kuala Lumpur (KL)/ Johor Bahru (JB), the fastest route is via the NorthSouth Highway. Exit at Ayer Hitam or Simpang Rengam (if you are coming from the south), proceed to Kluang, and hence to Kahang (which is on the road to Mersing). Follow the signage and travel a further 7km to reach the main entry point to the park. If you come by public transport, you can take a train or express bus to Kluang. Then hop on a local bus or taxi to Kahang. Prior arrangements can be made with JNPC to have a transport operator pick you up from Kahang or any point between JB, KL or Mersing, and ferry you into the park. 兴楼—云冰国家公园,横跨柔佛及彭亨边界,面积约达 49,000 公顷, 并拥有各种野生动物生活在此。这里除了有超过 230 种鸟类、179 种蝴 蝶、43 种鱼类及巨型哺乳动物动物,也有苏门答腊犀牛、老虎、象群、 鹿、鼠鹿及貘等动物,生活在这座资源丰富的森林里。 来到这座国家公园,一定不能错过碧达村的原住民安置区及巫沛古林与 布雅山谷的瀑布区。这座国家公园也设有度假屋式食堂等设备。以下几 个地方如:Kuala Jasin, Batu Hampar,Upeh Guling 及 Kuala Marong, 都可供游客露营。 从吉隆坡或新山出发,南北大道将是最近的路程。在阿依淡或新邦令金 (从南马来者)出口转离南北大道,前往居銮,然后转去加亨(前往丰 盛港)。跟着指示牌并继续7公里的路程,您将会抵达这国家公园的入 口处。 若使用公共交通,您可从吉隆坡或新山乘搭火车或长途公共巴士前往居 銮。然后,乘搭当地的公共巴士或计程车前往加亨。您可以在出发前先 与柔佛国家公园局做好安排,到时会有专人前往加亨、新山、吉隆坡或 丰盛港,载您前往该公园。 332 Johor
Tips 资讯益站 Johor 柔佛 Endau-Rompin Johor National Park Visitor’s Complex, Kampung Peta Malaysian (Adult) 马来西亚籍成人- RM5 Malaysian (Below 18 years old) 马来西亚籍18岁以下 - RM3 Foreigner (Adult) 外国人- RM10 Foreigner (Below 18 years old) 18岁以下外国人 - RM5 Insurance保险费 - RM2 Filming permit 摄影证- RM500 - 1000/day Camping Fee 露营 (Adult 成人) - RM5 (Child 小孩) - RM3 Vehicle permit 车辆通行证- RM200 per vehicle 车辆 Tel No. : (607) 702 1111 / 1100 / 788 2812 *Entry to the park is strictly by prior booking only. This must be made at least three weeks in advance at the JNPC (Johor National Park Corporation) head office 要进入国家公园观光必须先订约,在出发的三星期前向 柔佛国家公园局申请准证进入国家公园
Gunung Ledang 金山
Standing tall at 1,276m, Gunung Ledang is Johor’s highest mountain. It has been rated the sixth most difficult mountain to climb in the country. Gunung Ledang is a well-known mountain located in the southern range of Peninsular Malaysia which stretches across the states of Johor, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. Part of the range falls within the boundaries of Johor. Gunung Ledang is a popular spot for jungle trekking and mountain climbing. With fresh, unpolluted air and the delightful sounds of animals and birds, camping against the backdrop of this picturesque mountain jungle is a dream comes true for many mountaineering enthusiasts. As visitors descend from Gunung Ledang, a picnic at Sagil Waterfall at the base of the mountain provides a marvelous end to this adventure trip. To get to Gunung Ledang from Kuala Lumpur or Johor Bahru, visitors can drive along the North-South Highway and exit at Tangkak. Here, head for the town of Tangkak. Then, follow the signboards to Sagil and Segamat. The turn-off to the park headquarters is about 2km from the town of Sagil. Once clearance is obtained from the security officers, drive for another 2.5km along a dirt road that cuts through an oil palm estate. Along the way are signposts that lead to Taman Hutan Lagenda. Express bus services are available from Kuala Lumpur to Tangkak and from Johor Bahru to Tangkak. From the Tangkak bus station, visitors can then hop on to a taxi to get to the park headquarters. It is recommended to book a return trip with the cab driver. Alternatively, visitors can make traveling arrangements with the JNP for a private van pickup from the Tangkak bus station. From here, visitors will be ferried to the park. 金山高约1,276公尺,是柔佛州最高的山,并被列为全马第六难于攀爬的 山。闻名南马的金山,坐落于半岛主要山脉最南端,横跨柔佛、彭亨、 美兰及马六甲四州,主峰落在柔佛州境内。 金山是个攀山和森林徒步的好地方。森林内的清新空气,大自然的美好 景色映入眼帘,在山上露营是爬山者的最爱。夜晚的星空,一望无际, 点点星光,想象著自己是古代侠客,过着无拘无束、自由自在以「天为 盖,地为芦」的生活。第二天,天未亮再继续往上爬,赶在日出前,抵 达山上,您就能看到一幅美丽的日出景色,确实是人生一大快事。当晨 雾慢慢退去,你就能俯瞰整座昔加末市及附近的东甲市。若有时间,下 山后到山脚下的砂益瀑布野餐,也是另一种乐趣。 从吉隆坡或新山前往的游客可使用南北大道并于东甲转离,前往东甲 市。之后,随着砂益及昔加莫的指示牌前往金山公园。公园的总部距离 砂益市约2公里。从导游那儿拿到入门证后,沿着红泥路驾上2.5公里的 路,¾过油棕园,随着小指示牌前往 Taman Hutan Lagenda。游客也可使 用公共巴士的服务从吉隆坡及新山前往东甲。在东甲公共巴士站乘搭计 程车前往公园总部。(唯游客必须先订约回程的计程车)。又或者,您 可以在出发前先与柔佛国家公园局做好安排,到时会有专人前往东甲公 共巴士站载您前往该公园。
Tips 资讯益站 Johor 柔佛 Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang, Johor National Park 84020 Sagil, Muar, Johor. 607 - 223 7471 / 224 2525
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Desaru 迪沙鲁 Desaru is a famous seaside resort in the southeastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The lavish spread of sandy beaches (spanning 25 kilometres) and the many water sport activities in Desaru make one easily forget the hustle and bustle of city life. Nature lovers will find the many jungle trails in Desaru a visual and aural delight. Others may just indulge in leisurely and carefree strolls along the beaches and the jungle fringes. One can also be spoilt for choice where accommodation is concerned. From budget hotels to 5 star hotels, Desaru has something to offer for everyone. Water activities that include yachting, canoeing, diving and surfing are available here. 迪沙鲁位于马来西亚半岛的东南方,拥有约25公里长的 沙滩,是柔佛最著名的沙滩之一。爱好大自然的游客可 以尝试探索迪沙鲁的热带雨林,不然的话就沿着沙滩漫 步并欣赏晚霞的美丽也是一大乐事。迪沙鲁的住宿选择 蛮多,从经济型的旅馆到5星级的酒店都有。这里的部 分地区也非常适合滑浪及玩帆船,也是潜水和划独木舟 爱好者的好去处。
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Tips 资讯益站 607-222 3590 607-223 5502
Kluang 居銮 About 110km north of the capital of Johor is a district with a town called Kluang. Geographically, Kluang is located somewhere in the middle of the state. The district of Kluang is home to over a quarter of a million people with more than half of them residing in the town. The Kluang Railway Station is a place that one has to visit in Johor. The manmade railway track, just like the natural Mengkibol River, that flows through Kluang, cuts the town into two parts. As the track also runs perpendicularly to the main road, the railway gates would have to be closed when a train comes to town. The traffic stops while the train rumbles through to the station. It has been cheekily mentioned that everything in Kluang stops when the trains rolls in. A stone’s throw away is Jalan Omar, famous for its canteen that serves really good coffee. Some would vouch that the coffee here is the best in Malaysia. Eating here brings back good old memories for many a Malaysian as we grew up eating toasted bread and half-boiled eggs for breakfast. 居銮是马来西亚柔佛州中部的一个城市。居銮坐落在新山北部的110公里外。 居銮区现已超过25万人口。 居銮迷人的地方之一莫过于1915年开始服务的居銮火车站。火车经过居銮的 铁路将附近的双溪明吉摩切成两半,至今仍继续通过居銮载送乘客。虽然运 输可能不是一个受欢迎的地方消遣,但游客可选择步行到附近的食堂,将发 现可以触发您回忆的咖啡、烤面包和半煮鸡蛋。 Johor 335
Selai Endau-Rompin National Park 舍来兴楼 —— 云冰国家公园 Located at the western of Endau-Rompin national Park, encompasses two-thirds of the Park’s 48,500 hectare area. Selai, Endau-Rompin Johor National Park is as far removed from all the trappings of modern civilization as anyone would possibly want to be. There is something about a 260 million year old lowland tropical rainforest that really engages your sense. Hiking across Selai entails scenic river crossing via rope bridges is an excited experience. No matter how long you trek, the exhilarating sound of water rushing over rocks is never far away. There are no less than 20 photogenic waterfalls can be found around the park, each one seemingly prettier than the one before. The most spectacular of these is the Takah Tujuh, which is spread over an elevation of seven tiers! To get to Endau-Rimpin (Peta) Johor National Park from Kuala Lumpur (KL)/ Johor Bahru (JB), the fastest route is via the North-South Visitors who come from Kuala Lumpur (KL)/ Johor Bahru (JB), you can ake the North-South Highway and exit at the Yong Peng north interchange. Head for Chaah, Segamat, about 20 minutes drive away. About 4km after Chaah, take a right turn (follow the road sign) and head towards Bekok, which is another 15 minutes away. From Bekok, follow the road sign and head for Sungai Bantang (7km from Bekok). Go past the turnoff and carry on driving for approximately another 20km. The road will take you through an oil palm estate and past several re-settled Orang Asli villages, to the park site office at Kampung Kemidak (about 40 minutes from Bekok). 舍来兴楼—云冰国家公园坐落在兴楼—云冰国家公园的 西部,占据了国家公园的三份之二的土地约 48,500 公 顷。这是一个拥有 260 万年历史的低地森林。这里远 离尘嚣,是一个让心灵回归平静的天堂。这里没有吵杂 的电视节目、喧哗热闹的人群,所有的只是属于大自然 的安宁静谧。一进入舍来国家公园,映入眼帘的尽是令 人豁然开达的绿,生活中所有的压力顿时消失得无影无 踪。 在舍来森林中远足是非常刺激的。以树干做成的独木桥 横跨舍来河的两岸,要过河的游客必须有坚豫不拔的勇 气,小心翼翼的步行在独木桥上,唯恐一失足就会跌入 河中。 在整个森林远足的行程中,潺潺的河水声不绝于耳,非 常动听,宛如溪流、瀑布就在不远处。在舍来森林中, 游客不但可看到优美的风景,也可看到层出不穷的瀑 布。在这儿,有不少于 20 个瀑布,一个美胜一个;其 中最美的 Takah Tujuh 则拥有“七重天”的称号。 从吉隆坡或新山前往者可使用南北大道于北永平交替 站转离南北大道,前往三合港、昔加莫,驾驶大约 20 分钟。离开三合港约 4 公里,右转(依着指示牌)前 往彼咯(大约 15 分钟路程)。从彼咯,随着指示牌前 往 Sungai Bantang(距离彼咯 7 公里)。直走约 20 公 里路程,经过油棕园及一些原住民村落,您将会来到 Kampung Kemidak(距离彼咯约 40 分钟路程)。
Tips 资讯益站 Selai, Endau-Rompin Johor National Park, Kampung Kemidak, Bekok, 86500 Segamak, Johor. Open daily 每天开放:8am - 5pm Malaysian Adults 马来西亚籍成人 (RM5) Student / Children 马来西亚籍学生/小孩 (RM3) Foreigner Adults 外国人 (RM10) Foreigner Student / Children 外国学生/小孩 (RM5) Insurance 保险费 (RM2) Travel guide 导游(RM50/day/guide 一天) Camping Fee 露营 RM5 - adult成人 Vehicle permit 车辆通行证 RM10 - vehicle四轮驱动车 607 - 223 7471 / 224 2525 / 9222875
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RM3 - children小孩) RM5 - motorcycle摩多车
Gunung Panti Recreational Forest 莆莱山休闲林 Gunung Panti Recreational Forest is located approximately 45km from Johor Bahru, is a forest reserved and animal sanctuary. There are several waterfalls and pools at the foot of the mountain and they have become favourite picnic spots among locals and tourists. 莆莱山休闲林距离新山市约45公里,为林保留地及盆水 聚集区。这个休闲林里有几座瀑布及湖泊,是全家野餐 郊游的好地方。
Pulau Tinggi 丁宜岛 Pulau Tinggi is one of the captivating islands that located at southeast of Mersing. The island was an important stop over for traders in the ancient day. Its water is rich with exotic marine life and beautiful underwater flora and coral reefs, providing a breathtaking underwater view for divers and snorkeling enthusiasts. 丁宜岛是位于丰盛港东南部其中一个美丽的 海岛,曾是古时商人主要的停泊处。它附近 的水域里有丰富且异乎寻常的海洋生物及美 丽的海底植物群和珊瑚礁,为潜水者及浮潜 者提供了一个奥妙的水下景观,使潜水者叹 为观止。
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Kota Tinggi Waterfalls 哥打丁宜瀑布 Kota Tinggi Waterfalls is an ideal spot for picnics, which attracts local and foreign tourists alike. Originating from the top of Gunung Panti, the waterfalls cascades down the rock face about 34 m into a small pool below. A dip into the cool mountain waters is an enjoyable experience, especially when the weather is hot. With the rhythmic sounds of water cascading down on the stones and the magnificent sight of waters glittering in the sunlight, Kota Tinggi Waterfalls is truly a place to relax and enjoy. 哥打丁宜瀑布是一个理想的野餐据点,是本地 与外国游客的心头好。源于 Gunung Panti,瀑 布从高约34公尺的高处飞泻而下,进入岩石 水池中。在炎热的天气里,来此浸泡在冰冷的 山水中,真是人生的一大享受。潺潺流动的水 声,水珠在阳光下闪烁,哥打丁宜瀑布绝对是 一个休闲与享受人生的好地方。
Pulau Aur 阿欧岛
Pulau Pemanggil 倍曼基岛 Situated south of Tioman, Pulau Pemanggil is well known for deep-sea fishing and has good hunting grounds for marine and mackerels. Endless stretches of white sandy beaches and awesome snorkeling spots make it an island paradise. 倍曼基岛位于刁曼岛的南部,是深海钓鱼的 好去处,同时也是猎捕海洋生物及鲭鱼的好 地点。无尽舒展的白色沙滩及令人难于忘记 的浮潜据点使它成为一个海岛天堂。
Pulau Aur is located approximately 70km away from Mersing. This island, surrounded by clear blue waters, has white sandy beaches and beautiful coral reefs. The island is also made up of hidden lagoons and an offshore pool. There is a traditional Malay longhouse for those who plan to stay overnight on the island. 距离丰盛港约70公里的阿欧岛,清澈的水域围绕著 它,而那一片白沙滩及海底美丽珊瑚礁,可让人暂时 忘却压力与烦恼。岛上也为象过夜的游客提供度假屋 及高脚式的马来传统屋子。 Tips 资讯益站 Johor Tourist Information Centre (JOTIC) 607- 224 2000
338 Johor
Dataran Bandaraya 城市广场 Dataran Bandaraya has been the spot for many important events in Johor Bahru. The landmark clock tower here was built on 1 January 1994 following the declaration of Johor Bahru as a city. Many state events and cultural performances have taken place here since its official opening. The clock tower looks over a beautiful series of fountains, out to a wide, open green lawn, which makes for a great venue for outdoor performances and events. 城市广场是新山举办重要活动的场所,其大钟楼 是自1994年起新山升级为城市后所建造的地标。 州内许多活动和文化表演都在此举行。大钟楼旁 还有美丽的喷泉、宽阔的绿色草坪,使其成为户 外表演及各种活动的理想地点。 Tips 资讯益站 Located close to the Hyatt Regency Hotel, facing the Straits of Johor (Selat Tebrau).
Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque 苏丹阿布巴卡回教堂 Situated on a hill that overlooks the Straits of Johor (Selat Tebrau), the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque has Italian tiles and marble pillars that blend beautifully with its traditional Muslim-style architecture. 苏丹阿布巴卡回教堂坐落在山丘上,面对着柔佛 海峡。以传统的回教式与古典的意大利式配搭设 计,加上大理石的柱梁,显得此回教堂特别地壮 伟。
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Johor Art Gallery 柔佛艺术廊 Set up in 1993, the Johor Art Gallery, located at Jalan Petrie, houses various art collections, artefacts and many items that are related to Johor’s Malay heritage. Visitors to the gallery will be treated to a visual delight of beautiful artwork by various talented Johor-born artists. The two ancient wooden doors that are magnificently adorned with ornate carvings are masterpieces of their own right. 位于 Jalan Petrie 的柔佛艺术廊自 1993 年成立至 今,已收集了许多艺术品、人工制品及许多与柔佛 州的马来遗产有着紧密关系的物品。来此一游的游 客肯定会被这里珍贵的艺术品所吸引。这里所收集 的艺术品皆来自柔佛州土生土长的艺术家之作品, 其中包括二个拥有华丽雕刻的古老木门。 Tips 资讯益站 607-226 3266 607-226 0728
Mawar Gallery 玫瑰画廊 It is also known as the Gallery of the Famous Ladies of Johor to commemorate the successes and contributions of women. A picture of the legendary and beautiful Princess Gunung Ledang in the gallery symbolises the courage, intelligence, independence and triumphs of women. The gallery exhibits the photographs of past Sultanahs of Johor, portraits of leaders and wellknown personalities and artefacts. 玫瑰画廊也称之为柔佛著 名女士画廊,是柔佛州苏 丹后为了纪念女士们的 成就与贡献而成立的。 该画廊是以传说漂亮的金 山公主照片为标志,象征 公主的勇敢、智慧和独立 之外,还反映了女士们卓 越的成就。画廊内也有展 示了历届上任的苏丹后照 片、领袖们和知名人士的 照片以及珍贵文件等物品。 Tips 资讯益站 Galeri Mawar 888, Jalan Sungai Chat, 80100 Johor Bahru, Johor. 607-221 4100 607-221 4101
340 Johor
SHOPPING 购物天堂 Just like many states in Malaysia, Johor offers its visitors numerous large and contemporary shopping malls with the latest products. Showcasing a variety of fashions, these centres attract tourists from all over the country and around the world. 就如马来西亚其它的各州,柔佛州也拥有许多规模较大的和 现代化的购物广场。这些广场的设计堂皇、宽敞,百货琳琅 满目,应有尽有,从最流行的服饰,到价廉物美的物品,吸 引了来自世界各地游客的青睐。
FOOD 佳肴美食 Exotic and yet delicious food is what any visitor can expect in Johor. Noodles dishes such as Johor laksa, and rice dishes such as yam rice are specialties of the state. Among the local delicacies that should not be missed include the grilled fish, bak kut teh (pork ribs cooked in herbal tea) and mee rebus (a kind of sweet and spicy noodles). The “otak-otak” from Muar (a fish delicacy steamed or baked in fragrant leaves) is a “must try” for visitors to Johor. 来到柔佛州,游客可望尝到许多享之不尽的美食佳 肴。这些佳肴中有柔佛叻沙(一种酸辣的面食)及芋 头饭。除此之外,一些游客不可不尝的本地食物计有 烧鱼、肉骨茶(以药材煮的猪肉)、爪哇面(一种甜 辣的面食)等。而麻坡小食——乌达乌达,更是远近 驰名。
342 Johor
Johor Accommodation Guide 住宿指南 Johor BAHru The Puteri Pacific JB ***** Tel: 6-07-219 9999 Fax: 6-07-223 5522 The Zon Regency Hotel ***** Tel: 6-07-221 9999 Fax: 6-07-221 5303 Thistle Hotel ***** Tel: 6-07-222 1234 Fax: 6-07-222 9100 Mutiara JB ***** Tel: 6-07-332 3800 Fax: 6-07-331 8884 Grand Bluewave Hotel **** Tel: 6-07-221 6666 Fax: 6-07-222 9473 Hotel Grand Paragon **** Tel: 6-07-268 5222 Fax: 6-07-268 5333 Dorsett JB **** Tel: 6-07-360 1000 Fax: 6-07-360 5000 Goodhope Hotel Skudai JB *** Tel: 6-07-557 2828 Fax: 6-07-558 4709 Crystal Crown JB *** Tel: 6-07-333 4422 Fax: 6-07-276 3582 Hotel Rasa Sayang JB *** Tel: 6-07-224 8600 Fax: 6-07-224 8263 Hotel Selesa *** Tel: 6-07-332 3999 Fax: 6-07-332 1999 Hotel Selesa, Pasir Gudang *** Tel: 6-07-251 8899 Fax: 6-07-251 1901 J.A Residence Hotel JB *** Tel: 6-07-221 3000 Fax: 6-07-221 4000 JB Central Hotel *** Tel: 6-07-221 2833 Fax: 6-07-223 3139 Naza Hotel JB *** Tel: 6-07-222 7788 Fax: 6-07-223 7788 New York Hotel *** Tel: 6-07-331 1588 Fax: 6-07-332 9588 Suria City Hotel *** Tel: 6-07-223 1719 Fax: 6-07-223 1792 The M –Suite Hotel JB *** Tel: 6-07-221 1000 Fax: 6-07-226 0380
Tropical Inn** Tel: 6-07-224 7888 Fax: 6-07-224 1544 11@Century Hotel Tel: 6-07-333 3300 Fax: 6-07-335 5878 D` Coconut Island Resort Tel: 6-03-4252 6686 Fax: 6-03-4252 2689 The Embassy Hotel Tel: 6-07-338 9999 Fax: 6-07-335 3081 Muar
Mersing Timotel Hotel ** Tel: 6-07-799 5888 Fax: 6-07-799 5333
Kukup Golf Resort Tel: 6-07-696 0950 Fax: 6-07-696 0963
Aseania Resort Pulau Besar Tel: 6-03-8942 8888 Fax: 6-03-8941 8887
Kluang Country Club Tel: 6-07-771 8840 Fax: 6-07-772 1503
Rawa Island Resort Tel: 6-07-799 1204 Fax: 6-07-799 3848
Mercure Johor Palm Resort Tel: 6-07-599 6000 Fax: 6-07-599 6301
Segamat VIP Hotel Segamat ** Tel: 6-07-931 2101 Fax: 6-07-931 2106
Nam Heng Country Club Tel: 6-07-863 0103 Fax: 6-07-863 0108
Octville Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-387 3000 Fax: 6-07-387 1777
Hotel Sri Pelangi Tel: 6-07-951 8088 Fax: 6-07-952 2786
Pulai Springs Resort ***** Tel: 6-07-521 2121 Fax: 6-07-521 1818
Orchard Golf Country Resort Tel: 6-07-897 7934 Fax: 6-07-897 7980
Batu Pahat
Pemas Jaya Golf Club Tel: 6-07-388 7010 Fax: 6-07-386 6180
Classic Hotel Tel: 6-07-953 3888 Fax: 6-07-953 6333
The Katerina Hotel **** Tel: 6-07-433 7111 Fax: 6-07-433 6111 Garden Hotel ** Tel: 6-07-431 5999 Fax: 6-07-431 5759 Pelican Hotel ** Tel: 6-07-432 8111 Fax: 6-07-432 2755 The Landmark Hotel ** Tel: 6-07-432 0001 Fax: 6-07-432 0088 The Silver Inn ** Tel: 6-07-431 5122 Fax: 6-07-431 0611 Kluang
Mercure Johor Palm Resort **** Tel: 6-07-599 6000 Fax: 6-07-599 6301 Tangkak
Ponderosa Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-354 9999 Fax: 6-07-355 7400
Gunung Ledang Resort Tel: 6-06- 977 2888 Fax: 6-06-977 3555
Poresia Country Club Tel: 6-07-510 2033 Fax: 6-07-510 1813
Pulai Springs Resort Tel: 6-07-521 2121 Fax: 6-07-521 1818
Austin Hill Country Club Tel: 6-07-352 4300 Fax: 6-07-353 8500 Batu Pahat Golf Club Tel: 6-07-432 9221 Fax: 6-07-434 2221
Prime City Hotel *** Tel: 6-07-771 1111 Fax: 6-07-773 9111
Bukit Banang Golf Country Club Tel: 6-07-428 6001 Fax: 6-07-428 6801
Hotel Anika ** Tel: 6-07-772 4977 Fax: 6-07-772 5870
Damian 18 Tel: 6-07-351 6813 Fax: 6-07-351 6823
Hotel Anika Inn ** Tel: 6-07-773 0888 Fax: 6-07-773 1666
Desaru Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-822 2333 Fax: 6-07-822 1855
Kota Tinggi Desaru Golden Beach Hotel **** Tel: 6-07-822 1101 Fax: 6-07-822 1480
Guthrie Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-752 7971 Fax: 6-07-752 6353
Sebana Golf & Marina Resort Berhad *** Tel: 6-07-826 6688 Fax: 6-07-826 6468
Impian Emas Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-552 2202 Fax: 6-07-551 8353 IOI Palm Villa Golf Resort Tel: 6-07-599 9099 Fax: 6-07-598 8101
Royal Johor Country Club Tel: 6-07-223 3322 Fax: 6-07-224 0729 Sebana Golf & Marina Resort Berhad Tel: 6-07-826 6688 Fax: 6-07-826 6468 Segamat Country Club Tel: 6-07-943 5968 Fax: 6-07-943 2301 Starhill Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-07-558 8111 Fax: 6-07-556 7327 Tanjung Puteri Golf Resort Bhd Tel: 6-07-271 1888 Fax: 6-07-271 1333 Tanjung Emas Golf Club Tel: 6-06-952 1550 Fax: 6-06-952 1550 The Legends Golf & Country Resort Tel: 6-07-652 4388 Fax: 6-07-652 5516
Johor 343
No of Holes: 18 Holes|6384m| Par 72 Designer: Ronald Fream Maintenance: Monday
No.3, Jalan Ponderosa 1, Taman Ponderosa, 81100 Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Tel : 6-07-354 9999 Fax : 6-07-355 7400 Email : Web :
117, Jalan Tebrau, 80250 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. Tel : 6-07-333 4422 Fax : 6-07-334 5505 Email : Web :
344 Johor
10, Jalan Bukit Meldrum, Tanjung Puteri, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. Tel : 6-07-223 1791 Fax : 6-07-223 1792 Email : Web :
GOODHOPE HOTEL SKUDAI JOHOR BAHRU 1, Jalan Ronggeng 5, Taman Skudai Baru, 81300 Skudai, Johor. Tel : 6-07-557 2828 Fax : 6-07-558 3375 Email : Web :
Johor 345
Parit Jawa
Sungai Mati
Buloh Kasap
Batu Enam
Seri Medan
Kukup á´&#x;֏ॳ Kota Tinggi Waterfalls ‍×?â€ŹŕŠŠĘˇŕ ŕź˜ŕŁŠ Desaru ᤓࡥṔ Mersing ˗ᄨຠGunung Ledang ᧚ॢ
Pekan Ayer Panas
Places of Interest ṊҌ௿ŕ˝
Parit Bunga
Johor ಀ͚
Gelang Patah
m P. Tokong Yu
P. Sibu Tengah
P. Ibol
Pulau Rawa á ֚ॳ
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Tanjung Piai, Johor National Park
o Kluang �᧞
m Pulau Sibu ŕŁłáˆˆŕĄł n Danga Bay á§šŕš‘ŕşą
Kg. Pasir Gogok Sebana Cove Marina Pengerang
Kong Kong
Kg. Seri Pantai
P. Setindan
P. Lalang
Endau Rompin National Park Тŕ´? Ě‡Ń â€Ťŕ ‘Ú?â€ŹĐœâ€ŤÚ†â€Ź Abu Bakar Mosque á”™ËœáŹ€ŕŁŠŕŁ„Ó´â€ŤŮżâ€ŹŕŽ“Űľ h Johor Art Gallery ಀ͚ᓧజङ i Sultan Ibrahim Building ŕ˘śŕŽŠŕ¤‰ÜˇÔ— j Istana Bukit Serene â€ŤÜ˘â€ŹŕąŁá„‹ŕ Œ
f g
Kg. Baharu Chamek
P. Mawar
á”™ËœáŹ€ŕŁŠŕŁ„Ó´á„‹ŕ ‘ÓŻŕžŹáŹ’
p JSNAC ŕ˛€Íšŕ˘śŕŽłá› ŕŽŠË–ŕĽś q Royal Abu Bakar Museum
Johor Bharu ளࡢ
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Base map reproduced with the permission of the Director of National Mapping Malaysia. JUPEM.BP.24.04.1 Jld.73(1) The approval of the DNMM & Aim Advertising Sdn Bhd is necessary before the map or any portion there of may be copied.
Royal Abu Bakar Museum
M ap
Tourism Icons of
kar M
u Ba yal Ab
Sultan Ibrahim Building
Pulau Kuk u
Pulau Sibu
a Bay
Endau Rom
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Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Johor
Desaru Gun
Aras 5-02, Pusat Penerangan Pelancongan Negeri Johor (JOTIC). Tel : 607-223 3171 Fax : 607-226 3171