Malaysia Travel Guide - Kedah

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Kedah The Rice bowl of Malaysia ᯰ౎᜴̍˧ዚᦏ





Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Kedah

Kompleks Pelancongan Negeri Kedah, Seksyen 20, Jalan Raja, 05000 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman. Tel : 604-732 8296 Fax : 604-732 7914

10 Tourism Icons of Kedah • Ռ੩ ܷ஺ຣಕং

Sedim River

Merbok Mangrove Forest

Gunung Jerai

Lembah Bujang Archaelogical Museum

Ulu Muda

Ulu Legong Hot Spring

Alor Setar

Gunung Keriang Recreational Park


Alor Setar Tower


Tourism icons of Kedah Kedah is known as the “Rice Bowl” of Malaysia. As the name implies, it is a rice depot where more than half of the rice in Malaysia is produced here. The royal town, Alor Star, is also the state capital. It is both a government administration and commercial centre. Tourists will be enthralled by the vast seas of paddy fields, the lush green tropical rainforests and the scenic mountains. With such a picturesque landscape, Kedah is a sure attraction for nature lovers. Besides its pristine natural beauty, Kedah has many other wonders to offer. One such marvel is the intriguing caves nestled in gigantic limestone outcrops. Created over million of years, these fascinating caves are indeed geological masterpieces of nature. Langkawi Island, rich with history and mystery, belongs to the state of Kedah. The island is famed for its legendary myths and picturesque sceneries making it a great and renowned holiday gateway.

吉打州也以“米都”之称而闻名,理所当然的它是 马来西亚主要的稻米出产地。吉打的首府 —亚罗士 打,是州政府办事处和皇族居住地,也是主要的商 业中心。 一踏足吉打州,进入眼帘的就是那一望无际的“稻 海”,煞是美丽。吉打州最吸引人的地方是那朴素 的风光及奇特的自然景观,辽阔的田野、苍翠繁茂 的热带雨林以及云雾弥漫的山脉,构成一幅宁静、 绝美的景色。喜爱大自然的游客,肯定会被这充满 田园气息的景色给深深地吸引住。这里有着许多别

Paddy Field

具特色的山洞供游客参观,洞 内许多巨大的石灰岩都是在数 百年前结成,属于大自然的杰 作。这充满着历史传奇的美丽 岛屿 —— 浮罗交怡,属吉打 州所管辖。其迷人的岛屿风光 及流传的动人故事,让该岛成 了闻名遐尔的度假胜地。

Alor Setar Town

Fast fact 资讯一点通 9,425km2 9,425平方公里 1.7 million 约170万人 Alor Setar 亚罗士打 North of Peninsular Malaysia and South of Perlis 马来西亚半岛的北部;玻璃市的南部 Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia offer daily flights to Alor Setar from Kuala Lumpur via Penang or Johor Bahru 马航和亚航都有提供每日往返亚罗士打和吉隆坡的直航服务。 Train journey from various towns to Alor Setar is available along the North-South track in Peninsular Malaysia 马来西亚铁路局沿着南北大道往返亚罗士打以及各大城市的火车服务。 Bus or taxi services from Puduraya Bus Station in Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar is available daily 公共巴士和计程车也有提供从富都巴士总站前往亚罗士打的服务。

230 Kedah

High-speed boat service operates from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi throughout the day. 在浮罗交怡和瓜拉吉打之间也有快艇服务。 Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Kedah Kompleks Pelancongan Negeri Kedah, Seksyen 20, Jalan Raja, 05000 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman. (+604) 732 8296 (+604) 732 7914

ABOUT KEDAH HISTORY 历史 The history of Kedah and its royalty can be traced back to the 5th century with its origins in the Bujang Valley (Lembah Bujang). Here, at the archaeological site, are remnants of shrines (“candi”). These ancient shrines bear testimony to the existence of the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism in the state. At that time, Kedah flourished with trade and the state was popular with Chinese and Indian traders. Later in the 7th and 8th century, Kedah became a vassal of the Sumatera Kingdom of Srivijaya. After the collapse of the kingdom, Kedah came under the rule of Siam (Thailand) until the 15th century when it became part of the Melaka Sultanate. In the 17th century, Kedah faced numerous attacks from the Portuguese and the Achehs. In 1821, the Siamese regained control of Kedah until 1909 when power was transferred to the British. During the Second World War Kedah, like the rest of the states in Malaya, was occupied by the Japanese. When the Japanese surrendered, Kedah joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948. 吉打皇室可以追源到第 5 世纪时所建立 于 Bujang 谷的王朝。在 Bujang 谷一带 所发现的古代庙宇废墟,显示出这里曾 经存有“兴都教及佛教文明”。当时这 里的商业繁荣,吸引了许多中国和印度 的商人都来这里做买卖。 在第 7 世纪和第 8 世纪期间,吉打受 苏门答腊 Srivijaya 皇朝的统治。该皇朝 没落后,吉打又成为暹罗的统治地,到 了 15 世纪马六甲皇朝的出现,将该区 域建立为回教王国。然而,在17世纪时 吉打又不断地面对葡萄牙人和亚齐人的 攻击,最后于 1821 年再次落入暹罗人 的手中。1909 年,暹罗将吉打的主权 转交给英国。几经辗转,在日本殖民结 束后,吉打在 1948 年成为“马来亚联 邦”的州属之一。

ECONOMY 经济 Kedah takes full advantage of its strategic location to attract investments. High technology and heavy industries have made their way into Kedah, a state which once had an economy that was predominantly agricultural-based. Though priority is given to industrial development, tourism has become a major income for the state. This can be seen in the rapid development of the Langkawi group of islands as a major tourist attraction of the country. 早期时的吉打是一个以农业为主的州属,但目前它正积极朝向 各种不同领域去发展。从早期纯粹的农业种植演变到现今拥有 许多工业区及新商业中心。随着浮罗交怡的发展,旅游业亦成 为了吉打州主要的收入来源之一。

TRANSPORTATION 交通 Kedah can easily be reached by road, rail, air and sea. The NorthSouth Expressway that cuts across the state of Kedah enables visitors from Kuala Lumpur to get to the state in less than six hours. Travelers could also choose to travel by rail from Kuala Lumpur, or Butterworth in Penang, to Alor Setar. Malaysia Airlines, the national air carrier, and Air Asia fly several times a day from Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar and to the island of Langkawi. Express bus and taxis services are available daily at the Puduraya and Duta Bus Terminal in Kuala Lumpur. Last but not least, there are regular fast boat (ferry) services from Kuala Kedah, Kuala Perlis and Penang to Langkawi. 游客无论是选择乘搭公共汽车、火车、飞机或船,都可以轻而 易举来到吉打州的首府--亚罗士打。宽敞的南北大道贯穿吉 打州,缩短了吉隆坡到亚罗士打的车程。至于铁道局方面,亦 有提供从吉隆坡或北海前往亚罗士打的火车班次。若是选用水 路,游客可选择乘搭由瓜拉吉打、玻璃市港口和槟城开往浮罗 交怡的快艇服务。游客们可以乘搭飞机从吉隆坡飞往亚罗士打 及浮罗交怡。此外,游客也可选择乘坐快速公共汽车或出租汽 车到达这稻米之乡。吉隆坡的富都及大使车站,提供了许多班 次的公共汽车服务,让游客前往亚罗士打。 Kedah 231


Sedim River Recreation Park 斯丁河休闲公园

The 950m-long Tree Top Walk in the Sedim River Recreation Park has the longest canopy walk in the world. The canopy is 50m from the ground, offering great aerial views of the rapids below. Visitors will enjoy the fabulous sight of rushing streams and truly fascinating flora and fauna from a ‘monkey’s point of view’. Running a length of 15km, Sungai Sedim speeds down numerous rapids making it a great river for ‘White Water Activities’ include White Water Rafting, Tubing and Kayaking. In addition to kayaking and the cool clear waters, visitors come here for picnics, camping, jungle trekking, mountain climbing and wildlife observation. This forest recreational park is ideal for a relaxing getaway and to get close with nature. 斯丁河休闲公园里那 950 米长的树冠步行道是世 界上最长的树冠步行道,该树冠步行道距离地面50 米,提供了一个鸟瞰底下急流的绝佳视野。游客将 可欣赏到壮观的激流景象,并以高空俯瞰的角度观 赏迷人的动物与植物。 绵延 15 公里的斯丁河,多处激流成了游客进行划 独木舟活动的好地点。除了划活动独木舟与清澈冰 凉的河水,游客也到这里野餐、露营、徒步登山、 爬山和观察野生动物。这个森林休闲公园是游客最 理想的远遁之所,放松之余,也可更接近大自然。 Tips 资讯益站 8.30 am to 6.00 pm Adult (成人) - RM 10.00 Children (儿童) – RM 6.00 Free for children below 7 years old. 7岁以下的儿童免费 604- 490 1588 / 491 0641

232 Kedah


Merbok Mangrove Forest 美保红树林

The Merbok Mangrove Forest lies at the edge of the Sungai Merbok river. Covering an area of 4,114 hectares, Paya Laut is the largest mangrove swamp reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. Gazetted on the 29th of September, 1951, the park boasts of the world’s largest number of species of mangroves. Bird enthusiast, Gregory Smith (1993), identified 80 species of birds here – out of which 15 species are fully dependent on the mangroves. In addition, visitors would be surprised to find fireflies illuminating this reserve during some of the evenings. 美保红树林安静地躺卧在苗柏河的旁边,占地4114 公顷的帕亚劳务是马来西亚半岛最大的红树林沼泽 区。1951 年 9 月 29 日,此处被正式宣布为世界上 拥有最多红树林与最多红树林品种的区域。鸟类爱好 者——格雷戈里•史密斯(1993年)确认有80种鸟类栖 息于此,其中 15 种是完全仰赖红树林而生存的。除此 之外,游客将会惊喜地发现,在某几个夜晚的时光,一 群群萤火虫的微光将充斥这一片红树林区。

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Gunung Jerai 日莱峰 Rising 1,200 metres above sea level, this massive limestone outcrop is the highest peak in Kedah. The fresh mountain air and the tranquillity of the hill have an appealing effect to any visitor. A campsite and a trek of a thousand steps are among the many attractions for tourists, particularly nature lovers. Before reaching the peak, visitors climbing with the path will pass through a trail sheltered by a canopy of trees. About 5km from the peak, there is a forestry museum that houses a myriad of plant samples. At the top the Regency Hilltop Resort awaits. 日莱峰高约海拔 1,200 公尺,山上风景虽不多,但却 胜在云雾多,让人感觉诗情画意。日莱峰上有一个露 营中心,可供向往大自然的爱好者到该处扎营。此处 有一道沿山而建的“千极之梯”,游客可沿着石级一 步一步地走上山顶。距离山顶约 5 公里处有一座森林 博物馆,植物爱好者可在此看到各种罕见的野生植物 标本。

Forestry Museum

The Regency Jerai Hill Resort

Majestic View of Gunung Jerai

234 Kedah


Lembah Bujang Archeological Museum 马英武让谷地质博物馆

The Lembah Bujang or Bujang Valley is considered the richest archaeological site in Malaysia. Located about 17km from Sungai Petani, Kedah, the site covers an area of more than 400 square kilometres. Currently, about 2500 artefacts dug up are still under research. Once upon a time, from the 3rd to the 12th century AD, the valley was a busy commercial centre for a thriving kingdom. It was also known as “Nusantara” - the “Outer Islands” - and to some, the valley was a “Seat of Delights”. Today in the Bujang Valley, there is another “delight” - one that appeals to tourists and history buffs. It is the Bujang Valley Museum. Boasting of about one thousand artefacts recovered from archaeological diggings and excavations, one cannot help but marvel at the height of civilisation that was attained by the people at that time. Not only were they commercially successful, they were also religiously advanced. The relics that one can lay eyes on in the museum include beads, ceramics, earthenware and photographs of archaeological discoveries. 马英武让谷被认为是马来西亚最丰富的马来西亚考古遗 址。它坐落在距离吉打双溪大年 17 公里的地方,占地超 过 400 平方公里。目前,专家仍持续研究着从这个地点 挖出来的 2500 件文物。公元 3 世纪至 12 世纪间,这个 山谷曾是一个兴旺富强的王国里繁荣的商业中心,它被称 作“努桑塔拉”——“外岛群”。对一些人来说,这个山 谷是“被眷顾的地方”。 如今的马英武让谷,还有另一个被眷顾的地方——受到游 客与历史爱好者拥戴的马英武让谷博物馆。从博物馆中收 藏着的 1000 件出土文物,没有一人不惊叹于当时文明所 达到的辉煌高度。从前的人们不仅仅取得商业上的成就, 即使在宗教信仰上也有着进步的发展。博物馆中让游客驻 足观赏的展览品包括珠子、陶瓷器与一些考古发现的照 片。 Tips 资讯益站 9am - 5pm Closed on Hari Raya Aldilfitri and Hari Raya Aldiladha 开斋节与哈芝节休息 Free 免费 604- 457 2005

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Ulu Muda Eco Park 乌鲁目达自然生态公园

Located in the eastern part of Kedah, the 105,000 hectare Ulu Muda region is Kedah’s largest forest landscape. A remote and unspoiled natural heritage wilderness, cited as one of the 10 best eco-tourism destinations under the National EcoTourism Plan, the forest extends into Thailand, allowing the free movement of wildlife across the border. The scattered areas of intrusive granite rocks acts as a source of hot mineral springs and the nine salt licks, including Sira Hangat, the country’s largest mineral spring. Endowed with the best of nature’s beauty, the ecological park serves as a reserve for a variety of wild Malayan mammals, big and small. 占地约 105,000 公顷的乌鲁目达自然生态公 园,位于吉打的东部,属于吉打州最大的热带 雨林。该处被喻为是“国内十大最佳的自然生 态公园”之一,也是一处还未被污染且保留始 风味的生态公园。这个延伸至泰国边界的生 态公园,让动物们可以在两个国度之间自由奔 驰。由于该处的地质蕴藏着丰富的矿物质,因 此在该处您会发现四周散布着自然形成的矿物 泉。当中的 Sira Hangat 矿物泉,是国内最大之 矿物泉。这片景色如诗如的大自然生态公园, 成了大小动物们的庇护之所。 Tips 资讯益站 604-730 1957 / 700 7113 604-731 0467 / 730 2246

236 Kedah


Ulu Legong Hot Spring 乌鲁乐贡热温泉 South of the state of Kedah is a town named Baling – part of a district famed for its waterfalls and tropical fruits. About 22km from Baling is Ulu Legong, with its scenic cascading streams and hillsides. Located close to an “Orang Asli” village, Ulu Legong is a place ideal for rest and recreation – especially on warm and humid nights. Here one can dip in waters famed for it minerals (including sulphur) and soothing temperatures (ranging from 30ºC to 60ºC). The hot springs not only attract tourists but also those who look for natural therapeutic remedies for their skin. There are in total five hot spring pools in the vicinity. Entrance fee is minimal. Tips 资讯益站 在吉打南部有一个小镇称作华玲,它以瀑布及 出产热带水果而闻名。距离华玲 22 公里处即 是乌鲁乐贡,那儿有优美的瀑布激流与山坡。 乌鲁乐贡坐落在靠近原住民村落的地点,是一 个适合放松与休闲的理想地方,尤其是在温暖 并潮湿的夜晚。在这里,游客可以浸泡在富含 矿物质(包括硫磺)与舒适温度(摄氏 30 至 60 度)的温泉里,这个温泉不仅吸引游客, 更吸引了想要通过自然疗法来舒缓皮肤不适的 人们。这儿共有 5 个温泉池,入场费也非常低 廉。

Pusat Rekreasi Air Panas Ulu Legong 09100 Baling, Kedah. 604 - 472 1468

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Alor Setar 亚罗士打

Alor Star is the state capital of Kedah. Various buildings in Alor Star have Thai architectural influences, as it has been a Thai vassal state at some point of its history. The town is also famous for being the birthplace of the country’s first and fourth Prime Ministers, namely Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad respectively. 亚罗士打是吉打州的首府。由于 曾经遭到泰国的统治,因此这里 的建筑物都有泰式的风格影响。 亚罗士打另一个出名的原因是因 为马来西亚第一任和第四任的首 相,即东古阿都拉曼以及敦马哈 迪医生的出生地。

Balai Besar 皇室大厅堂

Situated at Jalan Raja, Balai Besar was built in 1735 by Kedah’s 19th ruler Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Adilin Muazzam Shah. It was seriously damaged during the attacks by the Bugis and Siamese. Balai Besar was then rebuilt in 1896 and this time, it featured distinctive Thai architectural influence. Today, many royal ceremonies and state official activities are held at the Balai Besar. 坐落在 Jalan Raja 的皇室大厅堂,最初建于 1735 年,由吉打州的第 19 任苏丹 Muhammad Jiwa Adilin Muazzam Shah 所建。但该建筑物因前后受到武吉斯和暹罗的攻击,而惨遭破坏。在 1896 年,重建之后的皇室大厅堂,显现 了其富泰国式建筑风味的一面。目前,许多皇室庆典和一些大型的官方活动都会选在皇室大厅堂内举行。 238 Kedah

State Museum 州博物馆 Built in 1936, the building of the State Museum depicts Thai architecture. Admission to the museum is free. Located at Lebuhraya Darulaman, the Kedah Museum houses a collection of artefacts and manuscripts, fine paintings and a wide range of historical relics portraying the history and royalty of Kedah. Outside the museum stands an old cannon and a fire truck. 州博物馆建于 1936 年,是一座颇具泰国式风格的建 筑物。这座供游客免费参观的博物馆位于 Lebuhraya Darulaman,收藏了许多反映吉打皇室及地方色彩的 历史古物,如早期的文笔记录、幅及历史物品等。馆 外则存放了古老大炮及古老消防车,见证了吉打所走 过的岁月。

Tips 资讯益站 Lembaga Muzium Negeri Kedah, Lebuhraya Darulaman, Bakar Bata, 05100 Alor Setar Kedah 604-733 1162 604-730 5100

Masjid Zahir 州回教堂 Built in 1912, the Zahir Mosque is situated opposite Balai Besar. Boasting a huge dome surrounded by a few smaller domes and minarets, its beautiful design portrays Moorish architecture. The Zahir Mosque is reputed to be one of the oldest buildings in Malaysia. 建于 1912 年的州回教堂坐落在皇室大厅堂的对面。这一座摩尔 式风格的回教堂,也属马来西亚最古老的建筑物之一。它拥有一 个大圆顶及几个小圆顶,四周围被光塔围绕着。

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Rumah Merdeka 独立故居 This double storey house was Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra’s private retreat whenever he returned to Kedah. It exhibits the original furniture, photographs, personal effects and souvenirs of the first family. Rumah Merdeka has the distinction of being the venue where many notable incidents and activities took place. Tunku hosted a number of foreign leaders here, including officials from Indonesia and India. 这间双层楼的房子曾被作为国父东姑 阿都拉曼太子回到吉打时的私人别 墅,它仍保留着前第一家庭原有的家 具、照片、私人摆设与纪念品。独立 曾是许多著名事件与历史活动发生的 场所,东姑曾在此接见并招待许多外 国领导人,其中包括来自印度尼西亚 和印度的官员。

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Birthplace 敦马哈迪医生故居 One of the most significant buildings in the State is a humble wooden house that stands at No. 8, Lorong Kilang Ais (adjacent to Jalan Pegawai). This is the birth house of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Memorabilia related to the life and times of Tun Dr. Mahathir are displayed here. 坐落在 Jalan Pegawai 的一间 高脚屋,是马来西亚前任首相 敦马哈迪医生的出生之地及童 年成长的地方。这里存放了敦 马哈迪医生童年的生活回忆文 献及其它值得纪念的事物。

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Balai Nobat 皇家音乐馆

An octagonal shaped tower, the Balai Nobat houses sacred instrumentals of the Royal Orchestra. Among the instruments found here are three drums, a gong and a seruling (flute). These instruments play beautiful, haunting tunes of the nobat music and carry significant historical values. Visitors need to obtain a special permit from the authority to enter Balai Nobat. 这是一座塔式建筑物,收藏着罕有的皇家乐队的乐 器。这些乐器包括3个大鼓,一个铜锣及一根长笛, 演奏出丝丝入扣的皇家音乐旋律。游客们可向附近 的政府办事处申请参观这些皇家乐器的特别准证。

Big Clock Building 大钟楼 Located at Jalan Putera this tower was built in 1912. The construction of this Big Clock has connection with the Zahir Mosque in its role and function. The main function is to announce the prayer time. In the past, this tower will chime at every prayer time, followed by the beating of the nobat at the Balai Nobat, and accordingly the call to prayer is made from the Zahir Mosque. 这座建于 1912 年的大钟楼坐落在太子路。当初兴 建此大钟楼的目的与扎西尔回教堂息息相关,大 钟楼最主要的角色与功能是为扎西尔回教堂提醒 公众,尤其是穆斯林们时间,召唤他们准时进行祈 祷。在过去,这座大钟楼根据扎西尔回教堂的祈祷 呼唤声,在每一次的祈祷时间准确响起,提醒穆斯 林们祈祷时间的到来。

Tips 资讯益站 10.00am-5.30pm Closed on Mondays. Except school holidays and public holidays 星期一休息。(除了学校及公共假期) Friday closed from 12.00pm-3.00pm 星期五中午12时至3时午休 Free 免费 604-7204212

Kedah 241


Gunung Keriang Recreational Park 象屿山休息公园 The Gunung Keriang Park, located about 10km from Alor Setar, the capital of the state of Kedah, is a great spot for trekking and camping. The beautiful and scenic limestone surroundings make the activities even much more rewarding. Those who are more adventurous may want to climb one of the nine paths up the hill. They may also be keen to explore the Keriang cave. Those who are less inclined for physical activities may just want to spend a relaxing time at a leisurely pace in the park. Alternatively, one could also pay a visit to the Muzium Padi (Paddy Museum) located a stone’s throw away from the park. 象屿山休闲公园坐落在距离亚罗士打(吉打州首 府)10 公里处,是一个进行徒步旅行与露营的绝 佳地点,被四周漂亮而独特的石灰岩环绕着,进 行活动的人们也将获得更大的满足感。对于充满 冒险精神的人来说,可以选择九个途径之中的一 个以登上山顶,也许他们会热衷于到象屿山的石 洞中探险。对于那些较少锻炼身体的人来说,也 许他们只是想在这个休闲公园度过一个悠闲的时 光。除此之外,人们也可选择到距离此公园只一 步之遥的水稻博物馆去参观。 Tips 资讯益站 604-700 7113

Paddy Museum 稻米博物馆 This popular tourist spot features the different aspects of paddy cultivation through the ages, including samplings of paddy plants from around the world. Located at Gunung Keriang, about 8km from Alor Star, visitors can witness traditional methods of paddy planting equipment and the development of paddy cultivation technologies from the olden days until recent times. 稻米博物馆坐落在象屿山, 距离亚罗士打约8公里。这 里展览了稻米在不同的栽种 因素下成长的阶段,其中包 括来自世界各地的稻米标 本。除此之外,游客还可观 赏到种植稻米的传统器具及 从古至今的种植稻米科技的 发展。 242 Kedah


Golf 高尔夫球 There are a number of golf resorts in Kedah. Most resorts offer comprehensive facilities such as accommodation, clubhouse and gymnasium. Families can look forward to many fun-filled activities, such as horse rides, indoor games and others. 目前在吉打州有不少高尔夫球场。大部分的度假村皆有提供 住宿、俱乐部、体育馆等综合设施。同时也包括家庭式的活 动,如骑马、室内游戏等。

Golf course directory 高尔夫球场目录 Black Forest Golf & Country Club Zon Bebas Cukai 06050 Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah Tel: 604-922 2790 Fax: 604-922 2798 Description: 18holes, 6501m, par72 Cinta Sayang Golf & Country Club Persiaran Cinta Sayang 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Tel: 604-441 4777 Fax: 604-441 5600 Description: 18holes, par72 (Cinta 9)3077m, (Sayang 9) 3018m Darulaman Golf & Country Club Bandar Darulaman 06007 Jitra, Kedah Tel: 604-917 0001 Fax: 604-917 7890 Description: 18holes, 6340m, par72 Genting Permaipura Golf & Country Club Jalan Permaipura 5 08100 Bedong, Kedah Tel: 604 459 4000 Fax: 604-459 4500 Description: 18holes, 6160m, par72

Gunung Raya Golf Resort Jalan Air Hangat Kisap 07000 Langkawi, Kedah Tel: 04-966 8148 Fax: 04-966 8149 Description: 18holes, par72 (Black) 6377m, (Blue) 5879m (White) 5431m, (Red) 4889m Harvard Golf Country Club 08100 Bedong, Kedah Tel: 604-458 6778 Fax: 604-458 1507 Description: 18holes, par72 (Jerai Guthrie) 6218m (Jerai Harvard) 6366m (Harvard-Guthrie) 6322m Kulim Golf & Country Resort Lot 2096, Jalan Mahang Kulim Hi-Tech Industrial Zone 09000 Kulim, Kedah Tel: 604-403 2828 Fax: 604-403 2888 Description: 27holes, par72 (Eastern) 3144m, (Western) 2960m (Northern) 2939m The Golf Club Datai Bay Jalan Teluk Datai, P.O.Box 6, Kuah 07000 Langkawi, Kedah Tel: 04-959 2700/2620 Fax: 04-959 2216 Description: 18holes, par72 (Blue) 5994m, (White) 5709m (Red) 5209m

Kedah 243


Alor SEtar Tower 亚罗士打塔 With a height of 165.5 metres, the Alor Setar Tower is the 19 tallest communication tower in the world. A major landmark and the tallest building in Alor Setar, it is divided into three sections, namely the main tower, the amphitheatre and the cafeteria. Alor Setar Tower offers visitors a panoramic view of the state capital. Binoculars are available at the observation deck for visitors who want to have closer view of the many interesting spots in Alor Setar. 亚罗士打塔是吉打“米都”的地标。该塔高约 165.5 公尺,是全球排名第 19 高的电讯塔。 您可登上塔鸟瞰亚罗士打的全貌,“米都”的 旖旎风光,映入眼帘。亚罗士打塔分成三个部 分,即塔身构造、剧场及自助食堂。

244 Kedah

SHOPPING 购物天堂 Bukit Kayu Hitam 黑木山

Bukit Kayu Hitam is Kedah’s northernmost town and the main entry point to Thailand on the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Bukit Kayu Hitam is famous for its duty-free plaza that is thronged by shoppers and tourists looking for a good bargain. The complex is opened from 7am to 10pm. 位于马泰边境的黑木山,是马来西亚最北的地 方,也是前往泰国的门槛之一。这里有一座免税 商厦,是国内外游客购物的好去处。此处的开放 时间是由早上 7 时至晚上 10 时。

Pekan Rabu 拉布市集

The famous bazaar called Pekan Rabu at Jalan Tunku Ibrahim opens every day from morning to midnight. The word ‘Rabu’ means Wednesday in the Malay Language. The bazaar was initially opened on Wednesday only. It is now opened daily. A variety of products are sold here, including local handicrafts and delicacies. 坐落在 Jalan Tunku Ibrahim 的拉布市集 是吉打州最有名的市 集。Rabu 的意思即 星期三,这市集早期 只在星期三才进行买 卖交易,所以亦称为 星期三市集。目前, 这个市集每天都营 业,里头售卖了形形 色色的物品及美食。

FOOD 佳肴美食 Being a multiracial state, Kedah offers a wide variety of Malay, Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisine. Specially prepared dishes that comprise of a combination of spices, herbs and fresh ingredients will appeal to many a food lover. Traditional favorites include the gulai nangka, sayur keladi and pekasam. Nasi Ulam is another local food that is no less tantalising. This authentic local dish is prepared by mixing rice with herbs and spices. It is a “must item” on the menu of Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadhan. A visit to Kedah will not be complete if visitors fail to try the famous “Laksa” – rice noodles cooked in thick spicy fish gravy and garnished with cucumber, onion and chilies. For tasty, delicious food, visit the bazaar for Pekan Rabu, the food courts in shopping complexes and the bustling night markets. It will surely not disappoint you.

吉打州拥有各式各样的食物,如马来餐、华人餐、印度 餐及泰国餐等,为游客提供多种选择。这里的特别料理 多以香料及草木植物所配制的材料,让游客可以品尝到 原汁原味道地食物。 几道传统道地食物,如波罗蜜咖喱,番薯叶、Pekasam 等,极受游客的喜爱。其中一道非常吸引的道地食物是 Nasi Ulam。它的做法非常简单,只要将米饭、香料及 新鲜的蔬菜混合在一起再加入适量的水份,就大功告成 了。看似简单的米饭,味道可不简单哦!通常在马来同 胞的斋戒月时,Nasi Ulam是餐桌上必备的食物。 如果没有尝试过当地的叻沙,就不算到过吉打了。吉打 叻沙的配料是用鱼骨熬成浓郁的鱼汤,然后再配以晶莹 剔透的面条、黄瓜、洋葱、辣椒等,味道酸中带一点 辣,好吃极了。想要品尝以上让人垂涎三尺的美食,您 不妨前往拉布市集、购物广场内的美食中心及夜市集走 一趟,绝不会让您失望而 归。

Kedah 245

Kedah Accommodation Guide 住宿指南 Alor SETAR Holiday Villa Alor Star**** Tel: 6-04-734 9999 Fax: 6-04-734 1199 Grand Crystal Hotel*** Tel: 6-04-731 3333 Fax: 6-04-731 6368 Sentosa Regency Hotel *** Tel: 6-04-730 3999 Fax: 6-04-730 8999 Star City Hotel*** Tel: 6-04-735 5888 Fax: 6-04-735 5999 The Regency*** Tel: 6-04-733 5917 Fax: 6-04-733 5161 Hotel Seri Malaysia** Tel: 6-04-730 8737 Fax: 6-04-730 7594 ASRC Hotel Tel: 6-04-732 8313 Fax: 6-04-732 8317 EDC Hotel Tel: 6-04-928 8888 Fax: 6-04-928 8825 Flora Inn Tel: 6-04-732 4235 Fax: 6-04-732 6741 Grand Jubliee Hotel Tel: 6-04-733 0055 Fax: 6-04-734 2745 Mirama Hotel Tel: 6-04-733 8144 Fax: 6-04-733 8430 Regent Hotel Tel: 6-04-731 1900 Fax: 6-04-731 1291 Royale Hotel Tel: 6-04-733 0922 Fax: 6-04-733 0925

246 Kedah

Samila Hotel Tel: 6-04-731 8888 Fax: 6-04-733 9934

Baling Ulu Legong Hot Springs Tel: 6-04-473 2284 Fax: 6-04-473 2283 Kulim

Park Avenue Hotel**** Tel: 6-04-431 7777 Fax: 6-04-431 8777 Emerald Puteri Hotel*** Tel: 6-04-431 5555 Fax: 6-04-431 1555 Harvard Suasana Hotel *** Tel: 6-04-458 8888 Fax: 6-04-458 5888

Hotel Sri Malaysia*** Tel: 6-04-495 7355 Fax: 6-04-490 0510

Sungai Petani Inn*** Tel: 6-04-421 3411 Fax: 6-04-421 2423

Kulim Inn Tel: 6-04-473 2284 Fax: 6-04-473 2283

Swiss Inn Sungai Petani *** Tel: 6-04-422 3333 Fax: 6-04-423 4473

Kubang Pasu Seri Kedah Gardeniaa Resort*** Tel: 6-04-916 1977 Fax: 6-04-917 9219 The Regency Darulaman Golf & Country Resort*** Tel: 6-04-917 2008 Fax: 6-04-917 2668 Hotel Bustani** Tel: 6-04-917 7777 Fax: 6-04-917 7077 University Inn** Tel: 6-04-928 4190 Fax: 6-04-924 4545 Hotel PJ2 Tel: 6-04-917 6288 Fax: 6-04-917 3288 Pendang Pendang Lake Resort Tel: 6-04-758 3220 Fax: 6-04-758 3228 Sungai Petani Cinta Sayang Resort**** Tel: 6-04-441 4666 Fax: 6-04-441 5600

Hotel Seri Malaysia Sg. Petani ** Tel: 6-04-423 4060 Fax: 6-04-423 4106 Regent Hotel Tel: 6-04-731 1900 Fax: 6-04-731 1291 Northern Lodge Tel: 6-04-431 2323 Fax: 6-04-431 2000 Sik Sik Inn Tel: 6-04-469 4288 Fax: 6-04-469 5448 Muda Resort Tel: 6-04-752 1585 Fax: 6-04-752 1779 Yan The Regency Jerai Hill Resort**** Tel: 6-04-466 7777 Fax: 6-04-466 7778 Damai Park Resort Tel: 6-04-457 3340 Fax: 6-04-457 3341


08100 Bedong Kedah Darul Aman. Tel : 6-04 458 8888 Fax : 6-04-458 5888 Web :

Kedah 247

248 Kedah

‫ ڎ‬

‫ ڠ‬

Gunung Jerai ௅ᖇࢎ b Pulau Langkawi ๎Ꭼ̓঩ c Balai Besar ᄋࠑܷԉ۵ d Royal Museum ᄋࠑӯྫྷᯝ


Tanjong Dawai P. Sayak Kota K. Muda

Singkir Darat



S. Petani Tikam Batu



State Museum ࢶበӯྫྷᯝ



Ulu Muda Eco Park ˨᱔ᄫᒬཨၶখМ‫چ‬


Pekan Rabu ડ࣊ࣉᬶ Merbok Mangrove & Forest Ꮎγጙಝౣ k Lembuh Bujang Archeological Museum i j


Pula Kupang



Kedah Ռ੩

Kg. Lalang



Kg. S. Batang

Kg. Pt. Panjang


Kg. Pegang Kuala Ketil

Telui Kanan

Kg. Jeneri

Merbau Pulas Pdg. Serai Labu Besar Malau

Bt. Selambau

S. Lalang



Bt. Junun

g Menara Alor Setar ̍Ꭼ‫ܢ‬੩‫܈‬ h Tun Dr. Mahahir Mohamad Birth Place



Kg. Tanjong

Pdg. Sanai

Tanah Merah Nami S. Tiang Pendang




Kota Sarang Semut Gua P. Bunting Chempedak


Simpang Empat

Kg. Kubur Panjang

Pokok Sena

Kuala Nerang

e Sedim River Recreation Park லʷ෱͓᫋М‫چ‬

Places of Interest ᱊Ҧ௿ཁ

Pelangi Beach Resort

Bayview Hotel Langkawi

Eagle Bay Hotel

Kayu Hitam P. Langun Canglun P. Tg. P. LANGKAWI Kodiang Guar Dondang Napai Kisap Kg. Pdg. Mat Sirat Pdg. Sira KUAH K. Melaka P. Chorong Megat P. Rebok Besar P. Timun Tunjang Dewa P. Tepor Jitra P. Tuba K. Sanglang P. Beras Basah Ayer Hitam n Kepala Batas P. Dayang Bunting P. Singa Besar Kg. Alor Janggus Langgar ALOR SETAR Kuala Kedah

M ap


m Ulu Legong Hot Spring ˨᱔᠇བຝ෻ n Gunung Keriang Recreational Park

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The representation of a road on this map is NOT evidence of right-of-way. This map is not an authority on boundaries. While every effort have been made to ensure the accuracy of this map, the Publisher would not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omission that may occur, however we would be grateful to receive any information from maps users, concerning errors or omissions.

Base map reproduced with the permission of the Director of National Mapping Malaysia. JUPEM.BP.24.04.1 Jld.73(11) The approval of the DNMM & Aim Advertising Sdn Bhd is necessary before the map or any portion there of may be copied.

Alor Setar ̍Ꭼ‫ܢ‬੩

Tourism Icons of



Gunung Je Merbok Mangrov

e Forest


Sedim Rive

Ulu Muda

ng Gunung Keria rk Pa l na tio ea Recr

Lembah Buja ng Archaelogic al Museum

Ulu Legong Hot Spring


Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Kedah B ER





Alor Se

Alor Setar Tower

Kompleks Pelancongan Negeri Kedah, Seksyen 20, Jalan Raja, 05000 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman. Tel : 604-732 8296 Fax : 604-732 7914

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