Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Pahang B 8006, Tingkat 1-3, Sri Kuantan Square, Jalan Teluk Sisek, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Tel: 609-517 1111 / 517 1112 Fax: 609-514 6900 Website:
10 Tourism Icons of Pahang • ̗॓ ܷຣಕং
Cameron Highlands
Genting Highlands
Fraser’s Hill
Kuala Gandah
Kuala Lipis
Taman Negara
Pulau Tioman
Cherating Beach
Tourism Icons of Pahang The largest state in Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang has vast stretches of primeval rainforests. The state boasts a National Park, enchanting beaches, the longest river (Sungai Pahang) and the highest mountain (Gunung Tahan) in Peninsular Malaysia. With such blessings, the state has an abundance of picturesque scenery and landscapes. Facing the South China Sea, the state capital, Kuantan, is a popular gateway to the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Approximately 45km from Kuantan is the royal town of Pekan. According to the findings of archaeologists, the earliest settlements in Pahang are located in the areas along Tembeling River. Ancient Chinese records show that during the 7th to 13th century, Pahang was under the rule of the Buddhist Sumatra-based Sri Vijaya Empire. In the 15th century, Pahang became part of the Malacca Sultanate and it prospered. Pahang became a state that was much sought after by the Johor Sultanate, the Acheh, the Portuguese and the Dutch. Finally, the Johor Sultanate triumphed and ruled the state for 200 years. When the Johor Sultanate gradually lost its control and influence, Bendahara Wan Ahmad proclaimed himself Sultan of Pahang. In 1888, the British sent a Resident to help administer the state matters. Later, Pahang became part of the Federation of Malaya. During World War II, the Japanese occupied Malaya and Pahang thus came under Japanese rule. In 1963, Pahang joined the other states of the peninsular to form the Federation of Malaysia. The main economic activity of Pahang is agriculture. Well bestowed with fertile lands and ample rainfall, cash crops such as rubber, oil palm, cocoa and tropical fruits trees thrive in the state. Located at the border of Pahang and Perak is Cameron Highlands. Also known as the Green Bowl of Malaysia, this highland supplies vegetables, fruits and flowers to domestic and foreign markets. Pahang has an extensive shoreline that is the key to the growth of its tourism and fishing industries. These industries have developed so rapidly that they have become major income contributors to the state. In addition, small and medium-scaled manufacturing industries and cottage industries related to handicrafts flourish in the state.
彭亨州是马来西亚半岛最大的州。州内有一片广阔的 热带雨林及山明水秀的大自然景色,如海滩和国家 公园。彭亨州的首府——关丹,面向南中国海,有 着“东方之窗”的美称,而距离关丹约45公里的北根 则是“皇城”。 根据考古学家所挖掘出来的证据显示,彭亨州最早的 居民应是在淡比灵河一带。华裔祖先记载,彭亨于第 7 世纪至 13 世纪时期,曾经是以苏门答腊为基地的 Srivijaya 佛教王朝的臣属邦。15 世纪时,彭亨亦受马 六甲王朝所统治。在接下来的整个世纪内,富裕的彭 亨成为柔佛王朝、亚齐王朝、荷兰人及葡萄牙人四角 争夺战的典当品。 最后柔佛王朝将彭亨据为己有,统治达 200 年之久。 当柔佛王朝渐渐丧失其影响力后,彭亨的大臣万阿莫 自封为苏丹。1888年时,英国人委任了一位领事来 管理州事务,后来彭亨州亦成为马来联邦的一份子, 直到日本占领马来西亚为止。1963年,马来亚联邦成 立, 彭亨州亦是其中一州。 这里有一条马来西亚半岛最长的河——彭亨河以及马 来西亚半岛最高的山——大汉山。农业是彭亨州的主 要经济支柱。该州的土地肥沃,雨量充足,非常适合 栽种橡胶、油棕、可可和各种热带水果。而金马仑高 原则是一个蔬菜、水果及鲜花供应的主要地区。 彭亨州有一条很长的海岸线,这条海岸线加促了该州 的捕鱼业和旅游业的发展,继而成为该州经济主要来 源。此外,州内也有小规模的制造业和家庭手工业。 Fast fact 资讯一点通 35,960km2 35,960平方公里 About 1.3 million 约130万人 Kuantan 关丹 East Coast 位于东海岸 Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia have daily flights between KLIA and Sultan Hj. Ahmad Shah Airport in Kuantan 马航和亚航都有提供每日直航服务往返关丹机场。 Use Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway and East Coast Highway (about 2 and a half hours from KL) or drive north along the coastal road into Rompin, Pekan and Kuantan from Singapore. Bus and taxi services have fixed schedules from KL to Kuantan. 从吉隆坡前往,使用karak高速公路及东海岸高速公路(约2个半小时);从马来西 亚南部出发则使用沿海路线经过云冰和北根,最后到达关丹。公共巴士和计程车也 提供往返服务,十分方便。 Pahang is accessible through Mentakab and Kuala Lipis by KTM. 马来亚铁路公司有提供前往文德甲和瓜拉立卑的往返吉隆坡的服务。 Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Pahang B 8006, Tingkat 1-3, Sri Kuantan Square, Jalan Teluk Sisek, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. (+609) 517 1111 / 517 1112 (+609) 514 6900
394 Pahang
ABOUT PAHANG CAPITAL 首都 Kuantan 关丹 Located in the middle of the eastern shoreline of Pahang is its vibrant and bustling capital, Kuantan. Here one can easily find hotels and restaurants of international standards. The most prominent landmark of Kuantan is the State Museum an impressive building with its imposing domes and a striking pagoda like structure. The light blue and green colours add splendour to the building’s distinctive architecture. Kuantan is famous for its salted fish and this product can be found aplenty at the Salted Fish Street. Kuantan Municipal Council operates a river cruise service in Kuantan River where visitors can enjoy the view of the river including the mangrove forest. Visitors to Kuantan must not miss the opportunity to visit the Sungai Lembing Museum, located about 40km away. Sungai Lembing, though a small town, was once the hub of tin mines in the district. This museum contains a wealth of information about tin mining and has an impressive collection of tools used in the quarries.
关丹位于整个东海岸线的正中央,它是一个多姿多彩 且忙碌的都市。关丹市有国际水准的酒店和餐厅,而 区内最耀眼的建筑物就是拥有独特圆顶和尖塔,并且 散发着柔和的蔚蓝色和薄荷绿色的州回教堂。 这个城市的土产以咸鱼著名,想购买这闻名遐尔的土 产,就得到“咸鱼街”走一趟了。关丹市议会有提供 船只让游客绕关丹河,河畔风景及红树林尽入眼帘。 来到关丹,游客不妨前往距离市区约40公里的林明博 物馆参观。由于早前的林明小镇是一处开采锡矿的所 在,因此馆内收藏了许多有关采矿的资料及工具。 Tips 资讯益站 Direct flights from KLIA (Malaysia Airline). 马航有提供直通航班机飞往吉隆坡国际机场 An international flight from Singapore by Firefly Airline. 可从新加坡乘搭飞萤国际航班飞往关丹。 Use Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway and East Coast Highway (about 2 1/2 hours from KL) or drive north along the coastal road into Rompin, Pekan and Kuantan from Singapore. 从吉隆坡前往,使用 Karak 高速公路及 East Coast 高速公路(从吉隆坡约2½ 小时);从马来西亚南部出发则使用沿海路线经过 Rompin 及北根,最后到 达关丹。公共巴士及计程车也有提供往返吉隆坡及关丹的服务。
Pahang 395
CAMERON HIGHLANDS ~ A Freshness Place 金马仑高原 ~ 避暑胜地
Snuggled among the white cotton clouds and standing 1,829 metres above sea level, Cameron Highlands was first discovered by a British surveyor named William Cameron in 1885. Today, besides being Pahang’s premier hilltop resort, this highland is famous for its tea plantations. Also known as the “green bowl of Malaysia”, with cool climate and fertile soil, Cameron Highlands provides fresh supplies of fruits, vegetables and flowers to markets around the country and other parts of the world. Major attractions in Cameron Highlands include the Rose Garden, Cactus Valley, strawberry parks, fruit orchards and vegetable farms that spread extensively on the mountain slopes. The Rose Garden is home to more than 600 species of roses. The Cactus Valley is located at Brinchang, the highest town in Cameron Highlands. Here, visitors can find a variety of cacti that come in many shapes and sizes. To get to Cameron Highlands, visitors can use the North-South Highway and exit at the Tapah Interchange No. 132 (for those heading north) or exit at the Simpang Pulai exchange (for those heading south). The distance between the town of Tapah and Cameron Highlands is about 60 km. There are four buses departing from the Pudu Raya station in Kuala Lumpur to Tanah Rata daily. Taxi services to Tanah Rata are also available at the same station. Alternatively, one could board a train from the Singapore Tanjung Pagar station and disembark at Tapah. From Tapah, one can hop onto a cab to Tanah Rata. 高约海拔1,829公尺的金马仑高原,由一名英国测 量师威廉金玛仑于1885年所发现。一层层连绵不 绝的山脉,风景如诗如画,美不胜收。这儿有凉爽 的气候和肥沃的土壤。金马仑高原不但盛产茶叶, 还是马来西亚半岛蔬菜水果及花卉的供应地。 这里主要的参观景点包括:草莓园、梯田式的果 园、蔬菜园、茶园、玫瑰园及仙人掌谷等。玫瑰园 内所栽种的玫瑰花品种超过 600 种,让您看得眼 花缭乱。位于槟林章的仙人掌谷内,游客可以观赏 到各种奇形怪状,大小不一的仙人掌,煞是别致有 趣。
Tips 资讯益站 Approximately 214km northeast of Kuala Lumpur. 距离吉隆坡约 214 公里。 (609) 491 4560/ 490 1700
396 Pahang
游客可使用南北大道于打巴的交替站132号(从吉 隆坡)或于新邦波赖收费站(从北马)前往。从打 巴上金马仑约60公里。每天都有四趟公共巴士从 吉隆坡富都车站前往 Tanah Rata。此外,游客也可 乘搭计程车从富都车站出发前往金马仑高。从新加 坡前往的游客可于 Tanjung Pagar 乘搭火车,之后 转搭公共巴士或计程车。
Pahang 397
Genting ~ City of Entertainment 云顶 ~ 娱乐城
Just outside the bustling metropolis of Kuala Lumpur is Genting Highlands Resort, better known as Genting - City of Entertainment. Genting, amidst the refreshing cool air, has everything to offer, combining fun-filled attractions with entertainment and the luxury of an international class destination, to cater for the many diverse cultures and visitors from all walks of life.
云顶高原度假村就位于繁忙的吉隆坡大都会外 围,它以“云顶——娱乐城”的称号著称。云 顶,在清新的凉爽空气之中,提供了一切所需, 结合娱乐的欢趣项目以及国际等级的豪华享受, 充分照顾到所有阶层及许多不同文化背景的访 客。
Extensive plans over the years, including the completion of the First World Complex - First World Hotel, First World Plaza and Genting International Convention Centre - in 2001 have ensured that its facilities and amenities have made it Malaysia’s premier, fully-integrated family holiday destination and the resort of choice. Over 18 million visitors, both Malaysians and international visitors, visit Genting each year.
多年来的广泛计划,包括第一世界集团——第一 大酒店、云顶第一城及在2001年所完成的云顶国 际会议中心-证明了它在设施和舒适方面已使它 成为马来西亚的翘楚,尤其是包罗万有的家庭假 日热点及首选的度假村。每年共有超过1千8百万 个访客,包括马来西亚与国际访客到云顶游玩。
Genting has always stood up to its reputation as being a multi award-winning resort. In 2007 alone, Genting was awarded the Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards (HAPA) 2007-2008, Malaysia’s Most Valuable Brands 2007, World Travel Awards 2007, Travel Trade Gazette (TTG) Travel Awards 2007, Winner of FIABCI Malaysia Property Award 2007 and The BrandLaureate Award 2006-2007! Genting Highlands Resort, an hour’s drive from the Malaysian federal capital, features six hotels with over 10,000 guest rooms, over 90 distinctive dining outlets, an alluring shopping paradise with over 80 stores, pulsating indoor and outdoor theme parks with more than 50 fun rides, lively casino gaming and more than 10 leisure and entertainment hotspots. The resort also operates Genting Skyway - the longest cable car in Southeast Asia - spanning 3.38km from the mid-hill at Gohtong Jaya to Highlands Hotel at the peak.
398 Pahang
出类拔萃的云顶总是以多元赢奖名胜享誉天 下,单在2007年荣获的奖项就有Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards 2007-2008, Malaysia’s Most Valuable Brands 2007, World Travel Awards 2007, Travel Trade Gazette (TTG) Travel Awards 2007, Winner of FIABCI Malaysia Property Awards 2007 and The BrandLaureate Awards 2006-2007! 从首都大约一个小时车程的云顶高原度假村,共 容纳了具备超过10,000间客房的六间酒店、超过 90间高级餐厅、一个拥有80间商店的购物天堂、 超过50种乐趣项目的室内和室外游乐园,以及超 过10个休闲和娱乐热点 。度假村亦提供云顶缆 车-东南亚最长的缆车-从山腰的梧桐再也至峰顶 的高原酒店,共横跨过3.38公里。
FRASER’S HILL ~ “Little England” 福隆港 ~ “小英国”
Standing 1,524 metres above sea level amidst the lush greenery of forests, this hill resort boasts a golf course, namely the Fraser’s Hill Golf Club. Fraser’s Hill is a premier destination for local and international birdwatchers. There are over 205 species of birds that fly here, some of them migrant birds from countries as far as Siberia. Among the many challenging jungle trails on Frasier’s Hill are the Hemmant Trail, the Maxwell Trail (Abu Uradi Trail) and the Pine Tree Trail. Fraser’s Hill is also famed for a nursery that boasts many exotic flowers. To get to Fraser’s Hill, visitors can use the KL-Karak Highway to Raub, passing through Bentong. A left turn to the town of Teranum leads to the Gap. The other option is to use the trunk road to Ipoh. One can exit at the Kuala Kubu Bharu Interchange, and then proceed to the Gap. For those who prefer to be driven, they can take a bus from the Pudu Raya station to Kuala Kubu Bharu and then hop on to another bus to Fraser’s Hill. Instead of a bus, one can also take a cab. 福隆港是马来西亚其中一个美丽的高原度假胜地, 坐落于彭亨州内海拔1,524公尺的高原上。游客可 在清新的凉风中骑马郊游,体验奔驰在绿油油草原 上的豪迈气概。这里有两个高尔夫球场:福隆港皇 家高尔夫球俱乐部及福隆港高尔夫球俱乐部,体验 在徐徐凉风中挥捍的乐趣。 福隆港是本地和国际赏鸟之景点。这里栖息了超 过250种鸟类,其中还有从远至西伯利亚等地迁移 来的鸟儿。这里的山路如Hemmant Trail、Maxwell Trail / Abu Uradi Trail 、Pine Tree Trail 等,都是徒步 旅游兼观鸟的最佳地点。此外,这儿的花圃更种植 了各种各样的花。 游客可使用吉隆坡-加叻高速公路经过文东,到达 劳勿。然后,在 Teranum 转左前往福隆港山脚的 Gap客栈;或使用前往怡保的主要公路去瓜拉库布 巴鲁,然后前往Gap客栈。游客也可在富都车站乘 搭前往瓜拉库布巴鲁的公共巴士,然后转搭前往福 隆港的公共巴士。此外,也有计程车于富都车站前 往福隆港。
Tips 资讯益站 Approximately 102km east of Kuala Lumpur. 距离吉隆坡约 102 公里。 (609) 362 2195 / 201
Pahang 399
Kuala Gandah ~ Elephant Sanctuary 瓜拉甘达 ~ 大象庇护区
Elephant Conservation Centre 大象保护中心 The elephant sanctuary is located near Lanchang It’s in the center of Peninsular Malaysia. About 150 km or no more than 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. The sanctuary is managed by the Malaysian Department of Wildlife and National Parks. This centre was established in 1989. It offers visitors a hands-on introduction to the largest mammal on earth. Worker elephants are trained to help “guide and mother’ others during the relocation process to National Park wildlife sanctuaries. Visitors are invited to help bath them in the shallow river or ride them. The juniors have sense of humour, so watch out for a dunking as you try to clamber up their backs!
瓜拉甘达大象保护中心位于彭亨州Lanchang,是在马来 西亚半岛的中心。该保护区是马来西亚野生动物和国家 公园部所管理。中心成立于1989年,有为游客提供了 关于世界上最大的哺乳类动物的介绍手册。大象保护中 心最主要的任务,是让幼小的大象能够学习野生生活的 能力。当它们已经具备独自生活的能力时,就会被释放 到森林里自由地生活。 Tips 资讯益站 40km from Bentong. After pass by Bentong highway, heading to Lanchang. After pass by Lanchang toll, you will see the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary’s sign board. 距离文冬约40公里。从高速公路过了文冬,再往联增(Lanchang)的方向走,出了 Lanchang大道收费站后,即可看到Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary的指示牌了。 Open daily每日开放 8am-1pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm 123
Deerland 鹿园 This popular nature attraction, which is located on a 4hectare site at the heart of the still pristine and verdant Krau Forest Reserve is divided into two attractions - The Deerland Animal World and the Deerland Nature Park. At the Deerland Animal World, visitors can get up close to the animals, which include ostriches, and the Malayan sun bear (Helarctos Malayanus). A 200-metre long wooden walkway with an observation tower at Bukit Rengit facilitates a tour of the area. The Deerland Nature Park houses more than 30 Indonesian deer (Cervus Timorensis). It offers visitors more activities to partake, including camping, herb identification tour (about 40 species of rainforest herbal plants), jungle trekking, ‘flying fox’ cable facility, jungle cooking demonstration, jungle survival, and bird watching, among others. 400 Pahang
free 免费
这自然景点占地4公顷,主要分为两个景点:鹿园动物 世界和鹿园自然公园。在鹿园动物世界,游客可以近距 离接触的动物包括鸵鸟和马来熊,而鹿园自然公园则有 30只印尼熊。游客可在这里进行野餐、认识各种中药、 森林徒步和观鸟等活动。 Tips 资讯益站 The park is located 25km from Temerloh town. About 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. 离淡马鲁市25公里。从吉隆坡前往需约2小时车程。 Deerland Animal World: Daily (except Fridays)每日开放(星期五休息) 10.30am - 5.30pm Deerland Nature Park: Daily (except Fridays) 每日开放(星期五休息) 10.30am - 5.30pm Deerland Park No 67, Jalan Zabidin, 28400 Mentakab, Pahang Darul Makmur +609-279 7249 / 013 967 6242 +609-277 9305
Kuala Lipis ~ Historical & Heritage Town 瓜拉立卑 ~ 历史及遗产之镇
Kuala Lipis 瓜拉立卑
从关丹前往瓜拉立卑,需要约240公里的路程。走入立 卑街道,游客仿若走进时光隧道般,街道上都是充满 古典色彩的旧式建筑物。这些建筑物如:立卑行政楼 (建于1919年)、Pahang Club House (建于 1867 年)、 Clifford School (建于 1923 年) 等。来到立卑时当然切 勿错过到革浓森林公园 (Kenong Rimba Park) 一游。在 园内,有飞泻而下的瀑布、数之不尽的溪流及神秘的 山洞等,是爱好大自然者及探险者的最爱之处。
Kuala Lipis is situated 240km northwest of Kuantan. Strolling around this old fashioned little town where many great old buildings still stand strong and tall is like travelling back to the past. Historical buildings such as the Lipis Administration Building (built in 1919), the Pahang Club House (built in 1867) and the Clifford School (built in 1923) are places of attraction that should not be missed during one’s trip to Kuala Lipis. A visit to Kuala Lipis will not be complete if without visiting the Kenong Rimba Park. Comprising cascading waterfalls, running streams and mysterious caves, this park is a paradise for nature lovers and explorers.
Homestay Kuala Medang
Empang Jaleh 恩邦加列 Empang Jaleh, a recreational lake in Kuala Lipis where visitors can relax. Here, one can trek along a mountainous jungle trail to Gunung Tahan (The highet peak in Peninsular Malaysia). Bukit Taching is an ideal bird sanctuary to while away the hours, while Terenggum Forest Park is another nature spot perfect for a leisurely holiday. 恩邦加列是一个位于瓜立卑的休闲 湖。游客可在此休息,或走上一段长 长的森林远足到大汉山(马来西亚半 岛最高的山)。武吉达庆是一个理想 的观鸟地点,而德冷贡林公园则是另 一个完美的自然休闲地。
Tips 资讯益站 10.00am - 5.00pm Closed on Monday and Tuesday 星期一、二休息 Closed from 12.15pm - 2.45pm on Friday 星期五午休 606-647 1266
Pahang 401
TAMAN NEGARA ~ Eco-Tourism 国家公园 ~ 生态旅游
Spanning across the state of Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu, Taman Negara is a totally protected area of 4,343km², and is Malaysia premier’s National Park. Taman Negara is one of the oldest rainforests in the world, estimated to be 130 million years old, which is older than the rainforests of Congo and the Amazon. The park is a sanctuary to many rare flowers and animals. In addition, there are many beautiful streams, picturesque waterfalls and scenic caves. There are several popular fishing spots in the park and enthusiasts throng the waters of Sungai Tahan near Lata Berkoh and Sungai Kenyam in the months of February, March, July and August. The canopy walk offers visitors a magnificent view of the forest, especially the plant and animal species found on the top layer of the vegetation. Gunung Tahan, the tallest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia, stands proudly in this park. The journey of 55 kilometres to the summit (a height of 2,187 metres) by foot takes approximately a day. Assistance can be sought from the aborigines who will act as guides for tourists hiking up the mountain. To get to Taman Negara from KL, visitors can use KL-Karak Highway and trunk road to Jerantut, and then drive to Kampung Kuala Tahan via Padang Piol. Alternatively, visitors can take a bus at Pudu Raya bus terminal in KL to Jerantut or Kuantan bus station at Kuantan. Then take another 16km bus or taxi ride to Kuala Tembeling boat jetty to Taman Negara at Kuala Tahan. From Kota Bharu or Singapore, take the train service to Tembeling halt via Tumpat, then walk 30 minutes to the jetty to go to Tembeling River; or from KL, take a train from KL to Jerantut and proceed as before. (Boat departures from Kuala Tembeling are at 3am and 2pm daily.) Tips 资讯益站 Approximately 4 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur 从吉隆坡驾车约4小时车程 123
Park permit 入门费:RM1 Fishing license 钓鱼准证 :RM10 Camera license 照相机准证 :RM5 Camping Fee 露营费 : RM1 (per person / per night) Canopy Walk 吊桥 :RM5 (Adult) RM3 (Child) (609)912 4894 / 266 1122 Opening hours: 8am - 10pm daily 每日开放
402 Pahang
跨越彭亨州、吉兰丹州和登加楼州的国家公园是一 个面积4,343平方公里、完全被保护的区域, 也是马 来西亚最具代表性的国家公园。国家公园是最古老 的雨林之一,估计它已有一亿三千万年的历史,比 刚果和亚马孙雨林更为古老。它是许多奇花异葩和 珍禽异兽的温室。由于它位于半岛壮丽的蒂蒂旺沙 山脉之中,使到这个比刚果和亚马逊还要古老的热 带森林,拥有了令人神往的自然景观,如气势磅礴 的瀑布、惊险万分的泛舟之旅、自然形成的洞窟、 山势陡峭的大汉山、碧澄的溪流等等。爱好钓鱼者 可在每年的2月、3月、7月和 8月,乘船到大汉河 下流的 Lata Berkoh 和 Sungai Kenyam 垂钓。 来到国家公园当然不能错过徒步于悬挂在半空的吊 桥,游客可以凌空一睹脚底下的自然景观,别是一 番不同的体验。想要挑战体能和意志力的朋友,别 忘了攀登大马半岛第一高峰——大汉山。攀登大汉 山需要一天的时间,当地的原住民可以充当响导, 领导您征服高达2,187米、全程约55公里的大汉山。 从吉隆坡前往者可使用加叻高速公路及主要道路前 往Jerantut,然后经过 Padang Piol 直往甘榜瓜拉大 汉游客可在吉隆坡的富都车站乘搭长途公共巴士前 往Jerantut或关丹公共巴士车站。 然后再乘搭公共巴士或计程车,约16公里将抵达 瓜拉淡比灵,过后再乘搭船只前往瓜拉大汉,就抵 达国家公园。从哥打巴鲁或新加坡来的游客可使用 火车服务前往淡比灵站,然后步行约半小时前往码 头,然后乘搭船只前往淡比灵河;或从吉隆坡,乘 搭火车前往Jerantut,然后照之前的路线走。(在瓜 拉淡比灵的船只每日于临晨3时及下午2时出发。)
PULAU TIOMAN ~ Island of Romance 刁曼岛 ~ 浪漫之岛
Falls among the top ten most beautiful and idyllic islands in the world, Pulau Tioman, is the largest island off the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Tioman Island Marine Park comprises 9 islands, namely Pulau Labas, Pulau Sepoi, Pulau Gut, Pulau Tokong Bahara, Pulau Chebeh, Pulau Tulai, Pulau Sembilang, Pulau Seri Buat and Pulau Tioman itself. Pulau Tioman is located 70 minutes ferry ride away from the jetties at Tanjung Gemek. Swaying coconut trees, immaculate beach, azure sea and soothing tropical breeze spell paradise for tourists and holidaymakers. The underwater world around the island is a vast marine treasure trove with vibrant coral gardens, a profusion of seashells and limpets, thorny sea urchins, seaweeds, starfishes and a myriad of colourful fish. Here, one can participate in many activities such as scuba diving, snorkelling, boating, water skiing, windsurfing and deep sea diving. 远近驰名的刁曼岛是“世界十大美丽岛屿”之 一,亦是东海岸离岛中最大的一座岛。刁曼 岛海洋公园由九座美丽的岛屿所组成:拉巴斯 岛、摄魄依岛、顾岛、投孔巴哈拉岛、车波 岛、突来岛、森比兰岛、斯里布阿道及刁曼岛 本身。刁曼岛距离 Tanjung Gemek 码头约 70 分钟。 微风摇曳着椰树、清洁干净的海滩、蔚蓝的天 空和海洋、多情吹拂的微风促使这里成为游 客度假的天堂。这里不仅环岛风景美得叫人闭 息,其海底世界之魅丽,也让人叹为观止。在 海岛附近的水底世界是一个浩大的海洋珍宝, 有珊瑚庭院、贝壳、棘手的海胆、海草、海星 及五颜六色的鱼儿,让您海洋生物做最亲密的 接触。在刁曼岛您可以进行自己喜爱的水上活 动,如潜水、划船、冲浪及滑浪等。
Tips 资讯益站 123
Marine Park: RM5 Subang, Kuala Lumpur. Seletar, Singapore. Tg. Gemok, Romping. Mersing, Johor.
Pahang 403
Billfish ~ Sport Fishing - “Catch & Release” 帆鱼 ~ 另类“捕放”竞赛
The Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge is an annual off-shore fishing competition initiated in 2004 by the Joran Unit of Berita Harian with Pahang state government. For the past 6 years it has been held at the sea off the town and serene beaches of Kuala Rompin in Pahang, about 125 km south of Kuantan. The competition is based on “Catch & Release” concept. The Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge actually takes advantage of the active migration season of the billfishes, such as marlin and sailfish (istiophorus platypterus), passing the Rompin area from the northern hemisphere to their destination in Australia, during the months of March to September. One of the objectives for the Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge is to attract tourists to the state of Pahang, especially tourists who prefer adventure and eco-friendly sports. 彭亨皇家国际帆鱼挑战是由“Berita Harian”及彭亨州政 府在2004年发起一年一度的远洋渔产品的竞争。过去六 年一直在关丹125公里以外的瓜拉云冰举行。这项竞赛基 于“捕放”概念。 彭亨皇家国际帆鱼挑战利用帆鱼(如旗鱼和枪鱼)南迁到 澳洲的每年三月至九月期间,帆鱼会经过云冰区而进行此 活动。 此活动除了吸引游客前来观光,同时也让爱好冒险与环境 保护运动的游客亲身体验大自然。 404 Pahang
Pekan ~ Royal Town 北根 ~ 皇城
Situated 50km south of Kuantan is Pekan, the royal town of Pahang. It is the home of the state’s royal family and the current Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. This quaint town has a historical museum named Sultan Abu Bakar Museum, a majestic mosque and an imperial palace. These three buildings are the landmarks of Pekan and are well known tourist spots. The museum houses a rich collection of artefacts, royal regalia and old Chinese ceramics that were discovered from a sunken ancient Chinese ship off the coast of Pahang.
Tenun Pahang
Sultan Abu Bakar Palace
Pahang proudly boasts of the quality of its silk produced at Pulau Keladi, Pekan. It is traditional intricate weaving method has been passed down for generations. A wide array of silk scarves and fabrics are on sale here. 位于关丹以南约45公里的北根是一座宁 静、安谧的“皇城”。北根环境优美, 有博物馆、回教堂、皇宫等建筑物,最 显眼的建筑物非皇宫和博物馆莫属。馆 内收藏着丰富的历史文物,其中一些文 物还是从沉没在附近海域的古代中国船 只中打捞上来的,极富历史价值。 Abdullah Mosque
Sultan Abu Bakar Museum Pahang 405
Cherating Beach ~ Surfing Paradise 遮拉汀海滩 ~ 冲浪天堂
Cherating Beach is located about 47km north of Kuantan, and is located close to Terengganu’s Kuala Kemaman. Cherating Beach is home to Asia’s first Club Med. The vast stretches of beautiful white sandy beaches, in harmony with the clear blue seas, provide a natural paradise for sunworshippers and beachcombers. From April to September, giant leatherback turtles come ashore from midnight to dawn to lay their eggs. Cherating Beach is indeed a peaceful and tranquil holiday destination. Visitors can catch a bus marked Kemaman from the bus terminal at Kuantan. With a cost RM1.50, the journey will take about an hour. During the monsoon season, Cherating and its surrounding breaks see waves of world class quality and astonishing consistency, with everything a surfer needs: from perfect cylindrical sand-bottom point breaks for the skilled surfer to mellow easy rolling waves that break for over a kilometer – perfect for long boarders and beginners. Just a few minutes up the coast lie several more secret spots, known only to the local scene and on the right days, matching anything Indo can throw. The surf scene in Malaysia is barely known outside of the country, meaning Cherating can offer firstclass waves with none of the crowds associated with the more famous spots. Cherating itself is a small and friendly village, and during the week you’ll be joined in the water by only a handful of locals who you’ll get to know within a few days. At weekends the paces steps up, with an active nightlife and busier crowd, but always maintaining a laid-back, friendly vibe in and out of the water. In Cherating, it’s as much about the lifestyle as the sport. Sand castle, beach activities and horse riding are some of the activities normally run by the hoteliers nearby Cherating.
406 Pahang
遮拉汀海滩距离关丹约47公里,与登嘉楼州的瓜拉甘马 挽为邻。遮拉汀著名的地中海俱乐部,是一座充满自然 及绿意的俱乐部,为这美丽的沙滩增添另一种魅力。这 里每年的4月至9月间是观看玳瑁产卵的最佳季节。您可 在这长到看不到尽头的洁白沙滩上,过一个宁静悠闲、 自在忘我的假期。欲来此一游的游客可在关丹的公共巴 士总站乘搭标着甘马挽的公共巴士,票价为马币一令吉 五十仙,车程费时大约一小时。 马来西亚的冲浪场景在国外是鲜为人知的,这意味着遮 拉丁可以在不拥挤的环境提供一流的冲浪服务。遮拉丁 本身是个亲切的小村庄,您将加入当地村民的水上活 动。在周末的时候,可见村民在忙碌的人群中始终保持 悠闲。遮拉丁这里大多数是体育活动,附近的酒店都有 沙雕、沙滩活动、骑马等活动设备。
Lake Chini 珍尼湖
Lake Bera 百乐湖
About 100km south of Kuantan is Lake Chini, another natural wonder of Pahang. The lake provides a welcome change for its visitors. It’s a getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. Between August and September, pink and white lotus flowers fill the lake lending it picture perfect scenery. The beauty, tranquility and mystery that shroud the lake make Lake Chini an ideal holiday adventure destination.
Located at southwest of Pahang, Lake Bera is the largest natural lake in the country. It is also Malaysia’s largest wetland and sanctuary, and the biggest freshwater lake in Peninsular Malaysia. Filled with leisure and adventure activities, Lake Bera offers visitors boating, kayaking, fishing and jungle trekking. Lake Bera has distinct wet and dry seasons that determine the best time to visit. The wet rainy months from April to May and from September to January offer fishing enthusiasts an excellent time to cast their rods. Good fishing occurs after heavy rains.
With richly biological resources where 138 species of territorial flora and 300 species of non-aquatic vertebrates have been found, Lake Chini is a treasure trove of nature heritage. Due to 144 species of freshwater fish found in Lake Chini, it is an ideal place for tourists who like fishing. Getting to Lake Chini is easy. From KL, take the Karak-Kuantan trunk road, and then turn right to Kampung Belimbing. At Kampung Belimbing take a boat to Kuala Chini then to Lake Chini. If you are coming from Kuantan, use Segamat Highway to Felda Chini, then turn right at Batu Balik through Salong to Lake Chini. Alternatively, you can take a flight from KLIA to Kuantan airport which will take about 45 minutes. Then, it takes about 30 minutes by road to Pekan town. 距离关丹大约100公里的珍尼湖,是另一个远离烦嚣红尘 的大自然景点。在八月至九月期间,数千朵粉红色与白 色的莲花争艳绽放于湖面,景色如画。珍尼湖的美丽不 仅止于其恬静迷人的风景,其传说也为它添加了一层神 秘色彩。 珍尼湖拥有 138 种不同的植物群和 300 多种非水生脊椎 动物的生物资源,是自然遗产一个珍贵的发现。在珍尼 湖所发现的 144 种淡水鱼类,促使它成为一个热爱钓鱼者 的理想垂钓天堂。 从吉隆坡出发者可沿着 Karak 高速公路前往。在 KarakKuantan主要道路上,右转前往林明镇。在林明镇,乘搭 前往瓜拉珍尼的船只;抵达瓜拉珍尼后,再乘搭船只前 往珍尼湖。从关丹出发者可从昔加莫前往 Felda Chini, 然后于 Batu Balik 右转经过 Salong 抵达珍尼湖。除此之 外,马航也有提供直透班机前往关丹机场,航程大约 45 分钟,然后游客可前往北根市镇,全程约 30 分钟车程。
By road, from Kuala Lumpur, use the KL-Karak Highway to Temerloh, and then head south towards Triang town. Just before Kerayong, follow signboards to the northside jetties and tourism complex of the lake. You can also get there via the Bera river by turning left at Kerayong headed to Melati and you will come across a right junction towards Jetty Sudin. From there, you can take a boat, operated by an aborigine, to the lake. The second route is through Kuantan-Segamat Highway to Kota Bahagia. Then follow signboard to Lake Bera. Alternatively, you can use trunk road from Bahau to Ayer Hitam and then heads east towards Bandar Muadzam Shah. Then, look for a turnoff signpost to Lake Bera. Train service is available from KL or Singapore to Triang and Mentakab, then take a taxi to the lake. Car rental service is only available in KL and Kuantan. 百乐湖处于彭亨州的西南部,是马来西亚半岛最大的 沼泽地,它也是马来西亚最大的天然湖。这里最适合 用来进行休闲及探险活动,游客们可在此进行垂钓、 划船、林远足等活动。钓鱼发烧友可在4 月至 5 月及 9 月至 1 月期间到百乐湖一游,因为这几个月的雨量 较多,可满足您的钓鱼之瘾。 从吉隆坡来的游客可使用吉隆坡加叻高速公路过 Temerloh 前往 Triang 镇。在抵达 Kerayong 之前,沿 着告示牌北上将抵达码头及百乐湖旅游中心。另一 条路线则是于 Kerayong 左转经过 Melati 前往 Sudin 码头后,再乘搭船只前往百乐湖。又或者,使用关 丹—昔加莫高速公路前往 Kota Bahagia,然后跟着告 示牌前往百乐湖。游客也可使用主要道路从 Bahau 前 往 Bandar Muadzam Shah 及 Ayer Hitam,然后注意前 往百乐湖的告示牌。从吉隆坡或新加坡来的游客可乘 搭火车前往 Triang 及文德甲,然后乘搭计程车前往百 乐湖。吉隆坡及关丹都有租借汽车服务。
Pahang 407
Bukit Tinggi 武吉丁宜 Bukit Tinggi, at 2,700 3,500 feet above sea level, is a hill retreat with several resorts taking advantage of the cool, fresh mountain air that pervades it. Bukit Tinggi offers challenging jungle treks for the adventurous and long invigorating walks for those who opt for a more leisurely pace. From here, one could trek to the nearby Genting Highlands. Its main attractions include the Colmar Tropicale - a French Themed Resort with beautiful panoramic views of the Pahang mountain range, the Bukit Tinggi Golf & Country Club, the Japanese Village and the Rabbit & Deer Farm. Bukit Tinggi is accessible via the Kuala Lumpur - Karak Highway and is approximately 40 minutes drive away from Kuala Lumpur.
高约海拔2,700至3,500英尺之间的武吉丁 宜是一个度假屋云集的高原避暑胜地。清新 的空气、寒冷的气候促使游客可在此享受森 林远足或静修,让心灵回归大自然。武吉丁 宜最大的卖点是法国村。一个以法国式建筑 物为主题的度假村、武吉丁宜高尔夫球俱乐 部、日本村及兔子与鹿园。游客可使用加叻 高速公路从吉隆坡前往,全程约需 40 分钟。
Tips 资讯益站 About an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur via the Karak Highway. 使用 Karak 高速公路,从吉隆坡出发约 1 小时 的车程。 609-288 8888 / 603-2141 0088 (KL Sales Office)
Jeram Besu 勿宿湍滩 Approximately 30km from Raub is Jeram Besu. With the most challenging white water-rafting spots in the country, the Jeram Besu is gaining popularity among locals and foreigners. One of the highlights of rafting here is the exhilarating moment when a boat going downstream hits a whirlpool. Thrilling and exciting, a river raft ride challenges both the novice and the experienced. It is located on the trunk road between Raub and Kuala Lipis, about 8km from the town of Benta. 距离劳勿约30公里的勿宿湍滩,是国内外极受欢迎的 划木筏及橡皮艇的最佳去处。游戏的高潮在于当木筏或 橡皮艇顺着水流冲向旋涡,再冲向岩石。无论初学者或 是经验老练者,务必对这个充满挑战的湍流,直呼刺 激。它坐落在劳勿通往瓜立卑的主要道路旁,距离本打 小镇约8公里。
408 Pahang
Kenong Rimba Park 革浓森林公园 Kenong Rimba Park, which spans over 120km, offers its visitors natural surroundings with cascading waterfalls, clear mountain streams and a variety of flora and fauna. Great adventure, such as exploring limestone caves, swimming in the river, camping, and jungle trekking can be carried out here. Within the Kenong Rimba Park, there are several caves for visitors to explore, such as Gua Batu Tangkup, Gua Batu Tangga, Gua Hijau and Gua Harimau. To get to Kenong Rimba Park from Kuala Lumpur, one can use the KL-Karak Highway and turn left to Bentong and proceed through Raub. Then, take a 20 minutes boat ride from Batu 9 jetty or an hour boat ride from Kuala Lipis. From Singapore, board a train direct to Kuala Lipis, then take an hour boat ride to Kenong Rimba Park. 壮观雄伟的瀑布、清凉的山泉及各种各样动植物都可在革浓森林公园 看到。探险、参观石灰石洞、在河里游泳、露营及森林远足等都是可 在此进行的活动。游客可在此参观几个洞穴,如:Gua Batu Tangkup, Gua Batu Tangga,Gua Hijau 及 Gua Harimau。这些景点都是不容错 过的奇观之旅。 从吉隆坡前往革浓森林公园者可使用加叻高速公路前往,右转经过文 东、劳勿后抵达瓜拉立卑。最后,在Batu 9 码头乘搭约 20 分钟的船 前往革浓森林公园,或在瓜拉立卑乘搭约 1 小时的船前往革浓森林公 园。若您从新加坡出发,乘搭火车直接前往瓜拉立卑,然后乘搭 1 小 时的船前往革浓森林公园。
Pahang 409
Lata Jarum 拉打急流 Lata Jarum is situated near Kampung Ulu Dong, along the Raub-Kuala Lipis road. It is located about 30km from Raub town. A 20km drive up the mountain road will get one to this popular picnic area. The numerous cascading waterfalls here converge into a beautiful rock pond. A dip into its cool waters will surely rejuvenate the tired body and soul. Beside the beautiful scene of the forest and waterfall, visitors can find Rafflesia here. This is the new attraction in Lata Jarum. 拉打急流坐落在Kampung Ulu Dong附近,沿着劳勿-瓜拉立卑路走就会抵 达拉打急流。游客只需驱车行驶约20公里的山路,便可抵达这个历史悠 久的野餐地点。该处的数个飞瀑汇集成一个风景优美的岩石水池,让许多 到此一游的游客,都留连忘返。潜进这清凉溪水里,肯定能使身体和灵魂 重获活力。这里除了美丽自然的森林与瀑布,游客也可在此看到大王花。
Lata Berembun 拉打伯恩本 Located 38km from Raub, Lata Berembun is a great holiday getaway that is only accessible by 4×4 drive. Lata Berembun comprises of three major waterfalls - each unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Nature lovers will be mesmerised with the sounds of water cascading down the falls and the beauty of its surroundings. 距离劳勿约38公里的拉打伯恩本是一个只能使用四轮驱车前往度假的好 地方。它拥有三个天然瀑布,各有各的特色及令人叹为观止的景色。
Sungai Pandan Waterfalls 双溪班丹瀑布 Nestled in the 11 hectare Berkelah Forest Reserve is the Sungai Pandan Waterfalls. Located 25km from Kuantan, Sungai Pandan Waterfall is about 100m high and consist of a series of cascading rapids, flowing into a large sparkling pool. It is an excellent place for picnic and swimming. 双溪班丹瀑布坐落在面积11公顷的 Berkelah 林保留区之内,距离关丹25公 里。双溪班丹瀑布高约100公尺,包含了一系列的急流,从高出冲入一个 大水池中。这是绝对一个野餐和游泳的优秀地点。
Gunung Tapis Park 达必士山公园 Gunung Tapis Park is a beautiful nature park with many excellent camping spots. Gunung Tapis offers a number of activities. You can shoot rapids on one of the rivers or fish for the delectable ikan kelah. Besides that, the park also abounds with hot springs and wildlife. 这是一个风景优美的自然公园,这里有几处位置极佳的露营地。游客可亲 身体验惊险万分的泛舟之旅及钓鱼等。这个公园也是多种野生动物的栖息 地。若想松懈身心,这里也有一些温泉可供沐浴。
Gunung Senyum Caves 微笑山岩洞 The Gunung Senyum Caves consist of at least 20 caves, which are fascinating to explore. Cave explorers must be prepared for the smell of bats, limestone rocks and the sighting of strange creatures and insects. While cave exploration and camping are common activities, scientific research is also gaining in popularity among students and scientist. 微笑山岩洞拥有至少20个山洞值得游客前往探索。然而,探索山洞者必 须要有心理准备,因石灰岩里有许多刺鼻的蝙蝠粪味。山洞里有许多罕见 的生物和昆虫。游客们多数来此探索岩洞和露营,然而许多的科学家与学 生也纷纷来此进行他们的学术研究。 410 Pahang
Sungai Lembing 林明 Sungai Lembing is merely 42km from Kuantan. It was historically a rich and famous town, as the main producer of tin in Pahang in early 1900’s. A lot of activities can be conducted at Sungai Lembing. At the top of Panorama Hill, visitors can watch the sunrise. Other attractions at Sungai Lembing include hot springs, mining tunnels, 4X4 vehicle tracks and a deer farm at Sungai Jin which is located about 5km from the town. Besides, visitors must make a visit to “Rainbow Waterfall” at sungai Lembing. 林明距离关丹约42公里。它曾是一个富裕的小镇,1900年 代以出产锡矿而闻名。这儿有许多乐趣等着游客们发掘。游 客可在 Panorama 山上观看日出、在温泉中享受大自然的热 情拥抱、在采矿的隧道中探险、乘驾着四轮驱车在跑道上奔 驰,享受风的速度、在距离市区5公里的 Sungai Jin 鹿园中 观看鹿儿的千姿百态。林明小镇街道两旁有许多古老的建 筑物,见证了林明小镇的历史。另外,游客也别错过林明 的“彩虹瀑布”。
4x4 Vehicle Tracks Sunrise View
Rainbow Waterfall
Sungai Lembing Museum
Deer Farm Pahang 411
Teluk Chempedak 直落尖不辣 Teluk Chempedak is an excellent beach for water sports activities like sailing, surfing, skiing and sunbathing. For jungle trekking lovers, the nearby jungle area provides a quick introduction to Malaysia’s flora and fauna, with a few different species of plant life, insects and other small animals. From Kuantan town, take the coastal road and follow the sign to Teluk Chempedak, or catch the No. 39 bus from local bus station at Kuantan.
Balok Beach 巴洛海滩
这是一片最适合进行水上活动如:航行、冲浪、滑浪及 享受日光浴等的沙滩。喜爱林远足者,海滩附近的密林 可让您在短时间内透过一些不同的职务、昆虫及其它小 动物,了解马来西亚的植物群和动物区系。游客可从关 丹市,沿着海岸路线,跟随着前往直落尖不辣的指示牌 前往直落尖不辣。游客也可在关丹市的公共巴士站乘搭 第39号的公共巴士来此。
Located 15km north of the capital, Balok Beach is a paradise for avid wind-suffers. Perfect with soothing tropical breezes, swaying casuarinas, unending white sand in harmony with the azure blue sea, indeed, relaxation is never easier. Visitors can take either Syarikat Mira’s bus or Sihat Bus at the old bus station at Kuantan. The bus will take about half an hours.
Beserah 米昔拉
坐落在关丹以北15公里的巴洛海滩是个风帆天堂。凉 爽的海风和婆裟的木麻黄树是马来西亚东海岸绝佳的特 色。绵绵不绝的洁白沙滩及蔚蓝色的大海,令您松懈身 心,乐在其中。欲来此度假的游客可在关丹旧公共巴士 总站乘搭米公司的公共巴士或健康公共巴士的公共巴 士,车程约费时半小时。
Located 10km from Kuantan, Beserah is famous for its mouth watering salted fish and the handicrafts and exquisite batik masterpiece. A small unpretentious fishing village, Beserah is special because this is where fishermen have employ water buffaloes (which are not normally seen on the beach for they are always used to plough paddy fields or to pull heavy carts), to transport their catch from the boats to the processing area. 米昔拉距离关丹市区约十公里,这里以高品质的咸鱼而 闻名。这是一座纯朴的小渔村,也是蜡染和雕刻品等的 手工艺品中心。米昔拉的渔夫们都有一个特别的习俗: 他们用水牛(水牛通常只用来耕田或载送重的货物)将 鱼儿从船上运去工厂加工。
412 Pahang
Chendor Beach 珍诺海滩 About 1.5km from Cherating is the famous Chendor Beach. Every year, from July till September, turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. Besides offering this amazing phenomenon, Chendor Beach offers fine sea bathing and water sports spots. 距离遮汀约1.5公里的珍诺海滩,是以海龟上岸产卵而 闻名。每年七月至九月间,游客可亲眼目睹海龟在这沙 滩上产卵的奇观。这里也是进行海水浴和各种水上运动 的好场所。
Bukit Gambang Resort City 甘孟山城度假胜地 Bukit Gambang Resort City is the first and largest water park resort city in the East Coast of Malaysia. It located near the Gambang interchange, approximately 2 1/2 hours drive from Klang Valley. Nestled in the secondary jungle of Gambang, Bukit Gmabang Resort City provides a serene environment, lush green surroundings and great vacation spot for activities. The Caribbean Bay Suite is an ideal accommodation choice that caters for different needs. The Bukit Gambang Water Park is a great place for fun, including main attractions like Coco Beach, Penguin Island, Tree Top Hill and Garden Terrace. 甘孟山城度假胜地是马来西亚东海岸首个最大的水上乐园,位于甘孟 交换站,距离巴生谷一带约两个半小时的车程。位于原始森林的酒 店,提供宁静的环境,郁郁葱葱的绿色环境和活动中的度假胜地。这 里提供各种不同的酒店套房和客房以满足客人的不同需求。甘孟水上 乐园是以合家欢乐为宗旨,卖点包括首创全国独有的“企鹅岛”儿童 水上乐园、人造海浪池“可可沙滩”、“雪之旅”家庭式泛舟等。 Tips 资讯益站 609-548 8000
Accommodation Guide 住宿指南 Cameron highlandS Country Lodge Resort Tel: 6-05-491 1811 Fax: 6-05-491 1396 Heritage Hotel Tel: 6-05-491 3888 Fax: 6-05-491 5666 Rainbow Garden Hotel Tel: 6-05-491 4628 Fax: 6-05-491 4668 Rosa Pasadena Hotel Tel: 6-05-491 2288 Fax: 6-05-491 2688 Strawberry Park Resort Tel: 6-05-491 1166 Fax: 6-05-491 1949
Equatorial Cameron Highlands Tel: 6-05-495 1777 Fax: 6-05-496 1333
The Bala’s Holiday Chalet Tel: 66-05-491 1660 Fax: 6-05-491 4500
Hotel De La Ferns Tel: 6-05-491 4888 Fax: 6-05-491 5198
Villa Dahlia Tel: 6-05-253 8898 Fax: 6-05-255 6452
The Lakehouse Tel: 6-05-495 6152 Fax: 6-05-495 6213
Star Regency Hotel & Apartments Tel: 6-05-491 5133 Fax: 6-05-491 5122
The Cool Point Hotel Tel: 6-05-491 4914 Fax: 6-05-491 4070 Iris House Hotel Tel: 6-05-491 1818 Fax: 6-05-491 2828 The Smoke House Tel: 6-05-491 1215 Fax: 6-05-491 1214
Century Pines Resort Tel: 6-05-491 5115 Fax: 6-05-491 1115
KUANTAN Citiview Hotel Tel: 6-09-555 3888 Fax: 6-09-555 2999 Classic Hotel Tel: 6-09-516 4599 Fax: 6-09-513 4141 De Rhu Beach Resort Tel: 6-09-557 9000 Fax: 6-09-544 9364 Grand Continental Hotel Tel: 6-09-515 8888 Fax: 6-09-515 9999 Greenlast Hotel Tel: 6-09-556 3338 Fax: 6-09-556 3189 Holiday Villa Cherating Tel: 6-09-581 9500 Fax: 6-09-581 9178 Pahang 413
Accommodation Guide 住宿指南 Impiana Resort Cherating Tel: 6-09-581 9000 Fax: 6-09-581 9090
Tanco Resort Berhad Tel: 6-09-544 7900 Fax: 6-09-544 7899
Awana Genting Highlands Golf & Country Resort Tel: 6-03-211 3010 Fax: 6-03-211 3535
Mega View Hotel Tel: 6-09-517 1888 Fax: 6-09-517 3999
First World Hotel Tel: 6-03-6101 1118 Fax: 6-03-6101 1888
Seri Malaysia Kuantan Tel: 6-09-555 3688 Fax: 6-09-555 3118
Genting Hotel Tel: 6-03-6101 1118 Fax: 6-03-6101 1888
Shahzan Inn Hotel Tel: 6-09-513 6688 Fax: 6-09-513 5588
Genting View Resort Tel: 6-03-6100 2260 Fax: 6-03-6100 1016
Suraya Hotel Tel: 6-09-516 4266 Fax: 6-09-516 4028
Highlands Hotel Tel: 6-03-6102 2305 Fax: 6-03-6102 2929
Swiss Garden Resort Tel: 6-09-544 7333 Fax: 6-09-544 9555
Resort Hotel Tel: 6-03-2718 1118 Fax: 6-03-2718 1888
The Legend Resort Tel: 6-09-581 9818 Fax: 6-09-581 9400
Theme Park Hotel Tel: 6-03-2718 1118 Fax: 6-03-2718 1888
Vistana Hotel Kuantan Tel: 6-09-517 8000 Fax: 6-09-517 8400
Hotel Gohtong Jaya Tel: 6-03-6100 1116 Fax: 6-03-6100 1119
Greenleaf Hotel Tel: 6-09-515 9966 Fax: 6-09-513 3072
MS Garden Hotel Tel: 6-09-517 7899 Fax: 6-09-517 7558 Seasons Boutique Hotel Tel: 6-09-516 3131 Fax: 6-09-516 32321 Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort Tel: 6-09-566 1234 Fax: 6-09-567 7577 Lis-Na-Lee Resort Tel: 6-09-582 1000 Fax: 6-09-582 1230 Cherating Bay Resort Tel: 6-09-581 9988 Fax: 6-09-581 9977 Grand City Hotel Tel: 6-09-517 2222 Fax: 6-09-517 2331 Residence Inn Cherating Tel: 6-09-581 9333 Fax: 6-09-581 9252 Sg. Lembing Hotel Tel: 6-09-541 1924
414 Pahang
Green Park Hotel Tel: 6-09-296 3333 Fax: 6-09-296 2517 Hotel Sakura Tel: 6-09-296 6311 Fax: 6-09-296 6322 Mercu View Resort Tel: 6-09-467 5650 Fax: 6-09-466 2737 Seri Malaysia Temerloh Tel: 6-09-296 5788 Fax: 6-09-296 5711
Selesa Resort Tel: 6-09-233 0039 Fax: 6-09-233 0066 Hotel Kristal Tel: 6-09-223 2118 Fax: 6-09-223 2128 Jerantut Mutiara Taman Negara Tel: 6-09-266 2200 Fax: 6-09-266 1500 Jerantut Hill Resort Tel: 6-09-267 2288 Fax: 6-09-267 1188 Hotel Inderapura Tel: 6-09-260 1989 Fax: 6-09-2661101 Town Inn Hotel Tel: 6-09-266 6811 Fax: 6-09-266 7811 Woodland Resort Tel: 6-09-266 1111 Fax: 6-09-267 2111 Tekam Plantation Resort Tel: 6-09-471 8300 Fax: 6-09-471 8450
Rumah Rehat Raub Tel: 6-09-355 9668 Fax: 6-09-355 9608 Countryview Recreation Park Tel: 6-09-323 0230 Fax: 6-09-323 0200 KUALA ROMPIN Summerset Resort Tel: 6-09-414 1888 Fax: 6-09-414 0888 Rompin Beach Resort Tel: 6-09-414 1367 Fax: 6-09-414 1366 Seri Malaysia Rompin Tel: 6-09-413 2723 Fax: 6-09-413 2732 Serai di Lanjut Rompin Tel: 6-09-414 5113 Fax: 6-09-414 5112 TIOMAN ISLAND
Berjaya Tioman Beach, Golf & Spa Resort Tel: 6-09-419 1000 Fax: 6-09-419 1718
Shahzan Inn Fraser’s Hill Tel: 6-09-362 2300 Fax: 6-09-362 2284 Fraser’s Silverpark Resort Tel: 6-09-362 2888 Fax: 6-09-362 2887 The Pines Resort Tel: 6-09-362 2122 Fax: 6-09-362 2288
Hotel Jerai Tel: 6-09-296 6626 MENTAKAB
Bukit Bendera Resort Tel: 6-09-278 2828 Fax: 6-09-278 2898
Lipis Inn Tel: 6-09-512 5888 Fax: 6-09-512 5588
Lipis Centrepoint Hotel & Apartments Tel: 6-09-312 2688 Fax: 6-09-312 2699
Colmar Tropicale Tel: 6-09-288 8888 Fax: 6-09-288 3333
Hotel Seri Raub Tel: 6-09-355 0888 Fax: 6-09-355 9837
Rainforest Resort Taman Negara Tel: 6-09-266 7888 Fax: 6-09-267 2352
Puncak Inn Tel: 6-09-362 2195 Fax: 6-09-362 2273
Berjaya Hills Golf & Country Club Tel: 6-09-288 8888 Fax: 6-09-288 3333
Pacific Hotel Tel: 6-09-312 2788 Fax: 6-09-312 3953
Babura Seaview Resort Tel: 6-09-419 1139 Fax: 6-09-419 1139
Genting Bayu Chalet Tel: 6-09-413 2367 Fax: 6-09-413 2367 Juara Beach Resort Tel: 6-09-419 7039 Fax: 6-09-419 3231 Minang Cove Resort Tel: 6-07-799 7372 Fax: 6-07-799 7372 Panuba Inn Resort Tel: 6-09-419 1424 Fax: 6-07-799 7636 Salang Pusaka Resort Tel: 6-09-419 5317 Fax: 6-09-419 5421 Japamala Resort Tel: 6-09-419 6001 Fax: 6-09-419 6002 Salang Indah Resort Tel: 6-09-419 5015 Fax: 6-09-419 2624
KM32.5, Jalan Kuantan/Kemaman, 26080 Cherating, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel : 6-09-581 9898 Fax : 6-09-581 9797 Email : Web :
891, Persiaran Dayang Endah, 39000 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel : 6-05-491 4914 Fax : 6-05-491 4070 Email : Lot 826, Mukim Sungai Karang, Cherating, 26080 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Tel : 6-09-581 9333 Fax : 6-09-581 9252 Email : Web :
Lot 3748, Jalan Tahan, Bandar Baru, 27000 Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Tel : 6-09-266 6811 6-09-266 7811 Fax : 6-09-266 7811 Email : Jalan Lady Guillemard, 49000 Bukit Fraser, Pahang. Web : Reservation : Tel : 6-09-362 2300 Fax : 6-09-362 2284 Email:
Pahang 415
416 Pahang
Tanah Rata
Equatorial Cameron Highlands
Lurah Bilut
Kg. Jawi-Jawi
Elephan Sanctuary
Lata Jarum
Kg. Kerayung Baharu
kg. Sanggang
Gunung Senyum Cave
Bukit Gambang Resort City
Sg. Pandan Waterfalls
Natural Batik Village
Kg. Pianggu
P. Cebeh P. Tulai
P. Tokong Bahara
P. Sepol P.Lepas
Kuala Pontian Padang Endau
kg. Mercung
kg. Syed hassan
Swiss Garden Resort & Spa
Best Western Suria Cherating Beach Resort Residence Inn Cherating
Pa h a n g ॓ ̗
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Base map reproduced with the permission of the Director of National Mapping Malaysia. JUPEM.BP.24.04.1 Jld.73(11) The approval of the DNMM & Aim Advertising Sdn Bhd is necessary before the map or any portion there of may be copied.
Sg. Lembing
Tekam Plantation Resort
Town Inn Hotel
Gunung Tapis
Taman Negara (National Park)
Kuala Tembeling
Kg. Damak
Kg. Batu Balai
Kg. Dong
Pdg. Tengku
Places of Interest Ҧཁ
Strawberry Park Resort
M ap
Encik Mohd Nor Bin Awang Sulung Homestay Leban Chondong Kampung Leban Chondong 26810 Kuala Rompin, Pahang. Tel: 019-977 2869 Fax: 09-414 9226
Puan Sumi Binti Ngah Dimi Homestay Sungai Pasu Kampung Sungai Pasu, 27600 Raub, Pahang. Tel: 019-314 2558 Fax: 09-365 9581
Encik Abdul Razak Bin Nong Homestay Rumpun Makmur d/a Pejabat Penghulu Mukim Jenderak 28050 Kuala Krau, Temerloh, Pahang. Tel: 019-930 8559 Fax: 09-2667472
Encik Mohd Tamrin Bin Zakaria Homestay Jengka 25 Felda Jengka 25, 26400 Bandar, Jengka, Pahang. Tel: 019-957 7788 Fax: 09-486 3275
Tuan Haji Bakri Bin Abu Talib Homestay Kampung Baru Salong Balai Penghulu, Mukim Penyor 1, 26600 Pekan, Pahang. Tel: 019-981 7909 Fax: 09-546 1236
Tuan Haji Mohd Razaki Bin Abd Razak Homestay Kuala Medang Pejabat Penghulu Mukim Hulu Jelai Kuala Medang, 27650 Sungai Koyan, Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Tel: 012-900 5828 Fax: 09-331 3333
Haji Ramli Bin Mohd Yunus Homestay Kampung Taman Sedia d/a No. 3, Kampung Taman Sedia 39000 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Tel: 013-920 2293 Tel: 016-972 0699 (En Shamzan Bin Idris) Fax: 05-491 1295
Tuan Haji Abu Bakar Bin Abdul Kadir Hotel Sri Makmur Kampung Sri Makmur, 26030 Kuantan, Pahang. Tel: 019-910 0169 (Umar Bin Kassim) Fax: 09-546 9905
Encik Nordin Bin Ahmad Homestay Janda Baik Kampung Janda Baik, 28450 Bentong, Pahang. Tel: 019-985 3601 Fax: 09-233 0239
Encik Hassan Basri Bin Tahir Homestay Kampung Pantai Sepat 2 Kampung Pantai Sepat 2 25150 Kuantan, Pahang. Tel: 019-918 5127 Fax: 09-513 5884
Encik Omar Bin Muhamad Homestay Kg. Sungai Lembing Sungai Lembing, 26200 Kuantan, Pahang. Tel: 019-982 4103 Fax: 09-517 7770
Tuan Haji Shahariman bin Hamdan Homestay Desa Murni No. 7, Bangunan PKNP, Desa Murni, 28010 Kerdau, Temerloh, Pahang. Tel: 019-986 5070
Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Pahang B 8006, Tingkat 1-3, Sri Kuantan Square, Jalan Teluk Sisek, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Tel: 609-517 1111 / 517 1112 Fax: 609-514 6900 Website: