Malaysia Travel Guide - Sabah

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A State of Eco-Treasures ܸᤴ‫ڠ‬᝹ᄉܷᒬཨࠂं

Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Sabah B ER




Lot D 6.5, Aras 6, Blok D, P.O.Box No.6, Bangunan KWSP 49, Jalan Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Tel: 6088-269 711/ 269 712 Fax: 6088-269 713 Website:




10 icons of Sabah • ≭Ꮘ ໻ᷛᖫ

Kinabalu Park

Mount Trusmadi

Tunku Abdul Rahman Park

Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary

Turtle Island Park

Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary – Sukau

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Danum Valley

Maliau Basin – Sabah’s Lost World

The Rainforest Discovery Centre

icons of Sabah Sabah is blessed with beautiful landscapes that never cease to amaze its visitors. If you want to challenge your physical ability, the highest mountain in Malaysia -Mount Kinabaluis here for you to conquer. If you want to look at primates at close range, they can visit the world biggest Orang Utan Sanctuary is here. If you want to trek the ancient rainforests, the Kinabalu Park is here. If you want to swim with the fish or the sea turtles, the best and most scenic diving spots in Sabah are Sipadan Island, Mabul Island, Kapalai Island, Mataking Island and Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. Sabah is the second largest state in East Malaysia, it also known as the “Land Below the Wind”. The South China Sea graces its coastlines. Located northeast of Brunei, 32 tribes make up Sabah’s indigenous population.

充满了丰富且多姿多彩的大自然——沙巴,不曾让它的 游客失望。若想要挑战您的体能,这里有全马最高的 山——京那巴鲁山;若你想与人猿做近距离的接触,这 里有世界最大的人猿保护区;若您想在原始古老的雨林 中寻幽探密,这里有神山国家公园;若您想和鱼儿或海 龟嬉戏, 这里有最佳的潜水名胜岛屿, 如西巴丹岛、 巴布尔岛、卡帕莱岛及东故阿都拉曼公园等。有着“风 下之乡”称号的沙巴, 位于北婆罗州的东北部,面向南 中国海,是东马的第二大州,拥有约32个族群的土著社 区。

Kota Kinabalu City

Fast fact 资讯一点通 74,500km² 74,500平方公里 Approximately 3 million people 约 300 万人 Kota Kinabalu 亚庇市 Located at the North of Borneo 位于婆罗洲北部 Malaysia Airlines (MAS) provides direct flights between Kota Kinabalu and the regional capitals such as Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manila, Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong. MAS also provides domestic flights between Kota Kinabalu and major towns in the country such as Labuan, Lahad Datu and Sandakan. Air Asia offers flights from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau. 马航提供直透班机往返哥打京那巴鲁及许多国家的首府如:吉隆坡、新加 坡、马尼拉、东京、首尔、香港及其他。马航也提供班机往返哥打京那巴鲁 及国内各大城市如:纳闽、拿笃及山打根。亚航也提供从吉隆坡飞往哥打京 那巴鲁(亚庇市)、山打根及斗湖的航班。

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Buses frequent the towns and the interior parts of the state. Mini bus and taxi services are available in major towns. 沙巴市内还有频密的巴士班次。至于各大城市内都有其它的 交通工具如:迷你公共巴士、计程车等,亦为搭客们提供服 务。 Pejabat Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia Negeri Sabah Lot D 6.5, Aras 6, Blok D, P.O.Box No.6, Bangunan KWSP 49, Jalan Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. +6088-269 711/ 269 712 +6088-269 713


CAPITAL 首都 Kota Kinabalu 哥打京那巴鲁-亚庇市

Between the 17th and the 18th century, Sabah was ruled by the Sultans of Brunei. Later, parts of Sabah came under the governance of the Kingdom of Sulu. In 1881, the British North Borneo Chartered Company took charge of the state. About six decades later, in 1941, Sabah was occupied by the Japanese. The British regained control of the state soon after World War II. Sabah achieved her independence from the British in 1963 and subsequently joined the Federation of Malaysia.

Kota Kinabalu (KK) is the state capital of Sabah. Largely destroyed during World War II, KK had a major facelift in 1967. Today, modern architecture shape KK’s skyline. 哥打京那巴鲁又称为亚庇市是沙巴的州府。它曾于第 二次世界大战中严重的毁坏,然而于1967年时被重 建。今天的亚庇市,市内充满了高耸入云的建筑物, 是一个欣欣向荣的城市。

在17至18世纪,沙巴受汶莱管辖。之后,沙巴一部分 领土被分割给苏禄苏丹。在1881年,英国特许公司接 管沙巴。1941年,日军占领沙巴,第二次世界大战结 束后,英国重新接管沙巴。沙巴在1963年正式加入马 来西亚。

TRANSPORTATION 交通 The national air carrier, Malaysia Airlines, provides direct flights to Sabah from major cities around the country. In the recent years, the regional airline Air Asia started providing cheaper flights to Sabah. The high frequency of bus services to the interior parts of the state make land transport a viable choice of getting around, besides flying. Public transport services in the state’s cities and towns include mini buses and taxis. 马来西亚航空公司(马航)与亚洲航空公司都有提供飞 往沙巴的班机航线服务。在沙巴州内的各大城市之间 还有频密的公车班次,游客无需忧虑交通问题。至于 市区内其它的交通工具,如迷你公车、出租汽车等, 亦为搭客们提供服务。

ECONOMY 经济 The main economic activities in Sabah include agriculture, forestry produce, manufacturing and tourism. The state’s exports include palm oil, cocoa powder, rubber, timber and petroleum. Pearl is also cultivated for export, especially to Japan. 沙巴州主要的经济是农业、伐木业、制造业及旅游 业。其出口的物品包括棕油、可可粉、橡胶、木材及 石油等。除此之外,沙巴州也有珍珠养殖业,其出口 对象主要为日本。 Sabah 419



No trip to Sabah would be complete without visiting Kinabalu Park. Located 1,585 metres above sea level, the Park is Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site, joining the ranks of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Grand Canyon National Park in the US. It has been designated as a Centre of Plant Diversity for Southeast Asia and is exceptionally rich in species with examples of flora from the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malaysia, as well as pan-tropical flora. The Park is a great place for a getaway whether for day trips or week-long stays to explore the rare and endless eco-treasures found within. There are plenty of accommodation options to suit every budget. There are plenty of nature trails for avid trekkers, just be sure to stay on the right path. This is also where your climb up Mt. Kinabalu begins, starting from Timpohon Gate (some climbers opt to use the more challenging Mesilau trail). One of Mt. Kinabalu’s signature residents is none other than the Nepenthes Rajah, the largest pitcher plant found here. Rhododendrons and exotic orchids are also found here. In fact, the Rhododendron ericoides is found nowhere else in the world. Whether it’s a day trip with the family or to explore the exotic plants and wildlife, Kinabalu Park will not disappoint! Be sure to bring warm clothing as temperatures drop by dusk. Tips 资讯益站 About 88km north of Kota Kinabalu 距离哥打京那巴鲁(亚庇市)北部约88公里。 The Kota Kinabalu - Ranau bus is quite frequent and passes the park on the way. 往返哥打京那巴鲁(亚庇市)及然挠的公共巴士有路过哥打京那巴鲁国家公园。

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若到沙巴旅游,决不能错过神山国 家公园。神山高约海拔 1,585 米, 是马来西亚首个世界自然遗址。它 已被指定为东南亚的多样性植物中 心,富有各种来自马来西亚、澳 洲、喜马拉雅山脉及热带植物的品 种样本。此国家公园是一个度假的 好地方,不管是一日或一周的旅 游,都可在这探讨稀有和无休止的 生态。这里有许多住宿供您选择, 以适应各种预算。 您的登山之旅将从Timpohon门口出 发(有的登山者可选择具挑战性的 Mesilau路线)。神山的主要植物代 表无外是猪笼草,除此之外,杜鹃 花和胡姬花也可在这里找到。不论 您是与家人前来度假或是探索这里 的植物和野生动物,深山国家公园 绝对不会让您失望。气温会随黄昏 时刻的到来而逐渐下降,切记携带 保暖衣物。

Mount Kinabalu 京那巴鲁山 Mount Kinabalu is also known as “The Mountain of God” among the local Chinese. It rests in a range that spans between the Himalayas and the Snow Mountains of Papua Barat (New Guinea Island). The capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, is named after this mountain. For the locals, Mount Kinabalu is rich with Kadazan-Dusun mystique. They believe that it is the place where the spirits rest. Rising majestically at 4,095.2m, Mt. Kinabalu has an aura so inspiring, that it is magical. With its granite peak that is often shrouded in mists and clouds, it never fails to lure travelers to its summit. There is a frequent Kinabalu-Ranau bus service that passes the Kinabalu Park on its route. To climb Mount Kinabalu, one might want to engage the services of a travel agent or plan the journey on their own. Reservations for accommodation may be made with Sutera Sanctuary Lodges. During the peak mountain climbing seasons, the rooms are usually fully booked. To avoid disappointment, travelers are advised to place their deposits to confirm their bookings beforehand.

这被华人称为神山的京那巴鲁山,坐落在喜马雅和新几内亚地壳之 间。被喻为东南亚最险峻的山峰之一的京那巴鲁山是登山爱好者争 相要攀登征服的山峰。沙巴州首府哥打京那巴鲁(亚庇市)也是以 此山命名。对当地人来说,此山充满了卡达山杜顺民族的传奇。当 地的住民们,都认为此山是灵魂安息的地方。 京那巴鲁山最高峰,海拔4095.2公尺。看它似没有什么变化,其 实它是变化多端。在多云多雾的时候,它好像一位含羞答答的美妇 人,而当云雾散去时,你又会惊于它那高耸入云宵的花岗岩峰。更 多时候,您会发现她好似一座静静伏着的庞然巨物。因此,京那巴 鲁山的魅力从未令登山者失望过。 想要征服京那巴鲁山并不如你想像中的那么困难,你并不一定要具 备专业的登山技术。京那巴鲁山为登山者而设的登山栈道,让游客 能在 2 天的时间内完成全程共14.5公里的路程。现今的登山者,大 都在第一天攀登到中途栈舍休息。第二天黎明时分,他们才准备攀 至山峰顶观赏日出奇景。游客若有兴趣要登山的话,事先购买一本 《登山指南》的小册子,会让你有更好的心理准备。游客无需担忧 交通问题因往返哥打京那巴鲁(亚庇市)及然挠的公共巴士都有路 过哥打京那巴鲁国家公园。 欲去京那巴鲁山,你可以透过旅行社,或自行安排交通工具前往。 住宿方面则可以透过京那巴鲁自然旅馆预定房间。在登山旺季,客 房常爆满,为免向偶,在抵达前,游客应缴费确定一下。

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Mount Trusmadi, standing majestically at a height of 8,669 feet, is Malaysia’s second highest mountain. It is situated northeast of the district of Tambunan in Sabah. Even though it may not be as popular as Mount Kinabalu, it offers a great challenge for mountain climbing enthusiasts. There is no better place to view the Crocker Range in the misty dawn than from the peak of Mount Trusmadi. Mount Trusmadi has its own charms – unique and different from those possessed by Mount Kinabalu. Covered with thick dense forests, there exist several pathways to climb to the peak. During the journey one would come face-to-face with many peculiar but wonderful plants. It is indeed a wonderful climb for plants lovers. Mount Trusmadi is a forest reserve designated by the Forestry Department of the state of Sabah. Although visitors of Mount Trusmadi may encounter many challenges on their way to the top, the lovely wild orchids and the many exotic plants that grace their climb are by themselves rewards for the effort. 涂斯玛迪山高约8,669英尺,是全马第二高的山。它坐落在担布南市的东北部, 虽不 及京那巴鲁山般著名,如果您想登山,也想在迷蒙的早晨观望克洛克山脉,这也不失 为个好地方。涂斯玛迪山和京那巴鲁山有所不同,它茂密的森林中有一系列的路线, 路途中可观赏许多特有植物,故也适合植物爱好者前来。目前,涂斯玛迪山已被沙巴 森林部归纳为森林保护区。攀登者将面对许多挑战,然而遍山美丽的野兰花及美丽的 野生植物将是一切辛劳的回馈。

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For a bout of island hopping, Tunku Abdul Rahman Park is your ideal bet! Made up of 5 islands, namely the islands of Manukan, Mamutik, Sulug, Gaya and Sapi, the marine park is a mere 20-minute speedboat ride from the shores of Kota Kinabalu. Every island has its own charm: Manukan and Mamutik are well-equipped with facilities and known for its many water activities while the smaller island of Sapi is a popular destination for those looking for some quiet sunbathing moments. The islands offer a myriad of activities for all to enjoy, from bumpy banana boat rides to parasailing: A great way to get a bird’s eye view of Kota Kinabalu City and the South China Sea! Marvel at underwater wonders through snorkeling and scuba diving. Love the great outdoors? Pulau Sapi, Sulug and Mamutik offer great camping sites. Another unique activity is seawalking: Imagine walking along the seabed without getting a single strand of hair wet! Visit Pulau Sapi for this amazing experience. If it’s a fun frolic you want or a lazy afternoon basking in the sun, Tunku Abduul Rahman Park has it all!

东姑阿都拉曼公园是由五个美丽的海岛,即加雅岛、马 努干海岛、马慕迪海岛、苏洛海岛和沙比海岛,从亚庇 海岸乘坐月20分钟的快艇就可抵达。每个小岛都有它 们独特的魅力,马努干海岛和马慕迪海岛是以水上活动 为主,且设备完善又齐全。沙比海岛则是日光浴的胜 地。这些小岛提供无数的活动让游客享受,包括乘坐香 蕉船、滑翔伞、潜水、在海中漫步等。苏洛海岛、沙比 海岛和马努干海岛也提供露营设备。如果您要寻找有趣 的嬉戏、懒洋洋的下午或在阳光下晒太阳,东姑阿都拉 曼公园就是您的选择。

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Sandakan boasts a variety of places to visit, but many tourists flock to this part of the world specifically for the famous Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary. The orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus) are truly the darlings of Sabah with their human-like attributes (which is no surprise as they are 96.4 per cent similar to human genes) and adorable antics. Here in Sepilok, orphaned baby orang utan from logging-sites, plantations and illegal hunting are rehabilitated and released into the wild as soon as they are equipped with the necessary skills. The centre was established in 1964 with more than 4,500 hectares of virgin jungle designated as forest reserve and sanctuary. Today, visitors can have the rare opportunity of catching a glimpse of the orang utan during feeding time (10 am and 3pm). The keepers wait patiently on feeding platforms with a supply of bananas and milk. Within minutes, the gentle and shy orang utan begin to make an appearance. Some are wary of the human visitors, while others seem to dote on the attention given to them. However, sightings of orang utan are not guaranteed. Apart from the orang utan, visitors may be treated to a special appearance by naughty macaques! After feeding time, guests can enjoy a video presentation at the viewing room in the main building. Other facilities in Sepilok include a canteen, souvenir shop and restrooms. Visitors can opt to stay overnight at any of the nearby resorts located outside the sanctuary. Tips 资讯益站 About 40 minutes from Sandakan 距离山打根约40分钟车程 Local 本地人 Foreigner 外国人

Children 小孩 Adult 成人 RM 2 RM 5 RM15 RM 30

Take taxi or “Sepilok” buses from the station near Central Market in Sandakan 从中央市场附近的车站乘坐”西必洛”公共巴士或乘搭计程车。 9.00am - 5.00pm Orang Utan Feeding Time 人猿喂食时间:10.00am & 3.00pm Video shows: 10.30am +6089-531 180 +6089-531 189

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山打根拥有专为著名的西必洛人猿保护 区,吸引了许多游客涌向这里参观。人猿 有着与人类相似的属性(它们有百分96.4 与人类的基因相似)和可爱的滑稽动作, 是沙巴州的宠儿。 西必洛人猿保护区将孤儿人猿从采伐、种 植园和非法猎狩等地点领回来照顾,尽快 让它们成长、获得必要的生存技能,然后 释放到野外。 保护区成立于1964年,范围含盖了4,500 公顷的原始密林。如今,旅客可在上午 10时和下午3时的喂养时间赶上一瞥人猿 的难得机会。工作人员会供应平台并耐心 地等待它们吃香蕉和喝牛奶。几分钟后, 温和和害羞的人猿开始露面。有的会警惕 游客,而有的则喜欢受到游客的瞩目。然 而,我们并不能保证您一定能看到人猿。 您有可能欣赏到顽皮的猕猴。 喂食的时间后,游客可在大楼的视听室里 观看视频。其它的设施包括餐厅,纪念品 商店和休息室。



Turtle Island Park consists of a number of islands located within the Sulu Seas, off the east coast of Sabah. The islands of Selingan, Bakungan Kecil, and Gulisan are heaven for the Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles. Pulau Selingan or Turtle Island is the main resting area for green turtle while the hawksbill prefer Pulau Gulisan. Green Turtles and Hawksbill make nightly landings on these islands to lay their eggs. 海龟岛屿公园是由苏鲁海域之内的数个海岛所组成,位于沙巴的东海岸附 近。西甘岛、巴昆甘岛和古利桑海岛是观看绿海龟和玳瑁海龟的天堂。西 甘岛或海龟海岛是绿海龟的主要休息站;而玳瑁海龟则比较喜欢栖息于古 利桑岛。夜里绿海龟和玳瑁海龟都会着陆在这些海岛上产卵,此景为游客 们留下美好回忆。

Tips 资讯益站 The boat from the Sabah Parks jetty at Jalan Buli Buli Sim leaves at 9.30am and the ride to Selingan takes an hour. 前往沙巴的船会在上午9时30分从沙巴公园启程至西甘,全程约 1小时。 Adult - RM10.00 Children - RM6.00 Night photography of turtle landing (unaided by flash) - RM10.00 Permission to visit the Park must be obtained from Sabah Parks and is currently co-ordinated by the sole agency of Crystal Quest, located at Sabah Park Jetty in Sandakan. 启程之前请记得先向有关当局获得批准。 Crystal Quest Sdn. Bhd Sabah Park Jetty, Jalan Buli Sim-Sim P. O Box 848, 90719, Sandakan +6089-212711 +6089-212712

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The 560km Kinabatangan River is the longest river in the state of Sabah. Travelling downstream along this immense river, one would arrive at the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. Here lies one of the biggest habitats for tropical wildlife – both flora and fauna. Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the richest ecosystems on Planet Earth. Fresh water lakes and mangrove swamps are two of the variety of biodiverse areas that exist here. The well-known Orang Utans and the proboscis monkeys live and flourish here. In addition, a huge variety of birds of the Borneo island, reptiles and elephants have also made this sanctuary their home. A visit to the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary would surely include a boat ride that takes the visitor into the swamps populated with mangrove trees. Visitors will surely be awed by the wildlife found here. What’s more, having the opportunity to view the plants and animals up close would be a sheer delight for many a visitor. The animals here are quite used to seeing humans around them as the Kinabatangan has a long history of being the transport lifeline of the people living here. If the visitors on the boat are patient enough, they will be in for a wonderful treat. Imagine seeing at close range hornbills flying from tree to tree, kingfishers perching on tree branches ready to dive into the waters to fish, and female proboscis monkeys hanging on trees feeding their infants. If one is lucky enough, one might even chance upon the Orang Utans, gibbons and Borneo Pygmy elephants that roam in the wild. 京那巴当岸野生动物庇护所坐落在浩瀚的京那巴当岸河的下游,即是沙巴州 最长的河,全长约560公里。这里是野生动物的最大集中地、地球上丰富的生 态系统之一,有淡水湖泊、沼泽和红树林等等。这里有人猿、长鼻猴,还有 婆罗洲的鸟类、爬行动物和大象。这地区所提供的游览大多数都是乘船经过 充满红树与沼泽,从船上观赏野生动物。你会发现这里的野生动物对人类并 不陌生,而且会耐心地对待船上的旅客。这部分原因是源自人类长久使用河 流的历史。这里,你有机会看见犀鸟飞过、翠鸟栖息在树枝、长鼻猴在树上 喂养家庭,或是偶尔也会出现的人猿、长臂猿和婆罗洲大象。

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The Tabin Wildlife Reserve needs little introduction. Located 50 km northeast of Lahad Datu on the Dent Peninsula, the reserve attracts visitors from far and near each year. As the name suggests, Tabin is home to a myriad of and is most famous for sightings of the Borneo Pygmy elephant and tembadau (Banteng wild buffalo, Bos javanicus). Tabin is a tropical haven for wildlife and conveniently located beside it are vast plantations which serve as feeding grounds. The highlight of any visit to Tabin is the Night Safari. However, don’t confuse this with a trip to the zoo! There is no guaranteed sighting of the elusive creatures during your night safari but if you are lucky, you might come across civet cats, buffy owls, bearded pigs, pythons and for the extremely fortunate, an elephant or two. In the evenings, go for a dip in the refreshing Lipad River (it gets quite deep in some parts so exercise caution) or for a natural beauty remedy, why not wallow in the Lipad Mud Volcano? Many people swear by its rejuvenating properties and even bring back bottles of mud as a gift for friends! If trekking is your thing, Tabin offers interesting walks through its jungles. A good tip is to bring leech socks – the rainforest is teeming with these friendly creatures. Want to get in touch with nature? There’s no place like Tabin. 坐落在拿笃东北五十公里登特半岛的这个保护区,每一年都 吸引众多远近的游客造访。这里是无数野生动物聚居的家 园,也是观察野生动物,例如婆罗洲矮象以及罕见的班登野 牛出没的据点。踏缤野生动物保护区位于面积庞大的种植园 丘旁,为在这一带出没的野生动物提供了充足的食物资源, 是一个热带野生动物的天堂。造访的游客,行程的焦点 肯定 是在夜间观察野生动物,不过,个中的滋味,却与在夜间动 物园的夜间观察动物活动,大异其趣,是一种截然不同的体 验。这里无法向您保证,在夜间一定能够 见得着行踪本来就 难以捉摸的动物。

Tips 资讯益站 Lot 11-1, 1st Flr, Blk A, Damai Point Jln Damai, 88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

运气不坏的话,您可能会见得到麝香猫、马来鹗、髯毛野 猪、蟒蛇等。运气若超好的话,就肯定能见得着一两只矮 象。在黄昏时分,到清爽的里帕德河泅泳(某些河段颇深 必须非常谨慎),或到里帕德火山泥浆喷口,在泥浆翻滚, 都是难得的享受活动。许多人相信这里的火山泥含有返老还 童、美肤养颜的功效,甚至会装盛几瓶带回去当礼物送人。 如果森林跋涉是您的情所独钟,踏缤拥有非常刺激,容许您 纵情穿透森林的栈道。完美的雨林行程,一定少不了给水蛭 吮吸一些血液的过程,其实,它们真的是很友善的生物。要 真正接触到大自然,踏缤野生动物保护区肯定是错不了的好 地方。

+6088 267266 +6088 258266

Sabah 427



Step into Borneo’s Eden and discover some of this region’s most exotic and exciting flora and fauna! The Danum Valley Conservation Area is Sabah’s largest protected area of lowland dipterocarp forest. All 43,800 hectares are managed by Yayasan Sabah for the purposes of conservation, research, education and training. The forest has more than 200 species of trees per hectare, some of which are the oldest and tallest on the planet. In terms of wildlife, the forest comes alive with the Orang utan, Borneo Pygmy elephant, Malayan sun bear, clouded leopard, bearded pig, three species of deer, and two of mousedeer, just to name a few. It also provides one of the last refuges in Sabah for the critically endangered Sumatran rhino. If you look closely, you might even come across the rare Wallace’s flying frog, soft-shelled turtles and vipers.

丹浓谷保护区是沙巴州最大的低地森林保护区。占地 43,800公顷,这里是以保护、研究、教育和培训为目 的而建立的。 森林的每公顷拥有超过200种的树木,其中一些还是 世上最古老、最高的树木。森林里的野生动物有人 猿、亚洲象、马来熊、云豹等等。它还提供了极度濒 危的苏门答腊犀牛作为在沙巴最后的避难所。 来到丹浓谷的旅客通常选择森林徒步旅行、替野生 动物照相及观赏鸟类。你也可以到Tembaling 瀑布一 游。丹浓山越是海拔1903米,曾有经验丰富的登山者 在4小时内就征服了它。忠告:当您想要登山,请记 得聘请一名导游,以防在山中迷失。

Tips 资讯益站 The journey from Lahad Datu takes approximately two hours with the first 15km being the main Lahad DatuTawau road. The rest of the ride is on an unsealed +6088 422211 +6088 421254

428 Sabah

Visitors to Danum Valley usually spend their time jungle trekking, taking photographs of wildlife and bird watching. Also worth checking out is the Tembaling waterfall, a 1–2-hour walk from the Field Centre. Three burial sites have also been identified in Danum Valley. Burial caves have a special place in the myths and legends of the Orang Sungai (river people) of Borneo. Two burial sites are found near the centres and another is located below the cliff overlooking the Borneo Rainforest Lodge. Fancy some mountain climbing? Trek up, Mount Danum the highest peak in Danum Valley at 1,093 m. A leisurely hike may take 3 days and 2 nights. However, some hard-core trekkers have been known to reach the peak in only 4 hours! A word of advice: Hire a guide from the centre whenever you plan to go jungle trekking to avoid getting lost in the forest.


MALIAU BASIN – SABAH’S LOST WORLD 马廖盘地 - 沙巴迷失的世界 Step into a pristine and mystical nature wonderland in the south central part of Sabah. Maliau Basin is known for its diverse eco-system, made up of an unusual assemblage of 12 forest types, comprised mainly of lower montane forest dominated by majestic Agathis trees, rare montane forest and lowland and hill dipterocarp forest. In a nutshell, the foliage here is like no other place in the world! Spanning an area of some 588.4 sq km, Maliau Basin is a trekker’s paradise but the highlight here is none other than a hike to the breathtaking 7-tier Maliau Falls. The cascading waters that glide off the rocks create a magical mist that rise to skies: Truly a spectacular sight to behold. Maliau Basin is also a bird watchers’ haven and a ‘night safari’ may lead you with a wildlife encounter or two (sun bears, clouded leopards and pythons are among those spotted here). But visitors should be informed that Maliau Basin is a remote, rugged and isolated area with limited access, which is why permission must be obtained in advance from Yayasan Sabah (the Sabah Foundation). Since 1981, Maliau Basin and the Danum Valley, have been designated Conservation Areas within the Sabah Foundation’s long-term Forest Management Plan, to remain unlogged for purposes of wildlife conservation, education and research. Come and discover Sabah’s Lost World. 马廖盆地座落在马来西亚沙巴州中南部,占地588.4平 方公里。马廖盆地集产12种稀有森林木种,包括高耸的 Agathis树,稀罕的山区石南林和生长在低地及山坡上的 羯布罗香木种。这里探险之旅的精彩之处在于需经过艰 苦跋涉,才能见到壮观的马廖七层瀑布。参加此冒险之 旅之前必须先在亚庇市的敦马士达化大厦处(Menara Tun Mustapha)获得参加许可,并切记注意您的个人安 全,马廖盆地是一块偏僻、崎岖、孤立、缺乏便利交 通、通讯及安全设施的区域。 Tips 资讯益站 Borneo Nature Tours S/B Block D, Lot 10, Ground Floor, Sadong Jaya Complex, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. P.O.Box 1162, 88817 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia +6088-267637 +6088-251636

Sabah 429



The Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) will open your mind and pique your curiosity on all things green and growing! Located in the famous Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve (which is also where the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre is located) the RDC is a centre for environmental education. The RDC is also one of the most accessible rainforests in Sabah with a primary function to create public awareness and appreciation of the importance of conservation and sustainable use of forest resources. The collection within the facility includes tropical American plants, giant orchids, Rheophytic (carnivorous) plants as well as a variety of arid plants (those which live in extremely dry conditions). This is a wonderful platform to view unique flora and fauna, especially with its 150-metre long steel canopy walkway, offering a spectacular view of the surrounding jungle. This is also a great place to spot some of the 250 species of birds found in the area – including the rare Bornean bristlehead, pittas and colourful kingfishers. Take a stroll along the 800m Rainforest Discovery Trail amore gigantic dipterocarp and mengaris trees. Keep an eye out for darting creatures such as the mousedeer, civets and flying squirrels. During the night walk, you just might bump into elusive nocturnal friends! The RDC, with the assistance of its partners, has also developed the Environmental Education Race (EERace), based on the popular reality TV show, The Amazing Race, which has seen some 700 teachers learning about nature conservation issues. The Visitor’s Building houses the exhibition hall where visitors can learn more about Borneo’s treasures of nature. The former Prime Minister’s wife, Datuk Seri Jeanne Abdullah, who is also Chairman of the Malaysian Landscape Advisory Panel has hailed Sabah’s rainforests as ‘emeralds’ during her visit to the RDC in June 2008. Come and be in the heart of nature’s jewels right here at the Rainforest Discovery Centre in Sepilok, Sandakan!

430 Sabah

距山打根市区23公里,离西必洛人猿庇 护中心仅两公里。雨林探索中心的三个宗 旨是提高公众对森林的独特性,以至对整 个环境的重要性的醒觉;通过诠释行动与 环境教育,促进公众对森林及环境采取正 面珍惜的态度;灌输公众正面价值观和知 识,让公众正确看待环境保护和对环境负 责。 这是一个美好的地点,尤其是其独特的150 米长的钢篷走道,提供周围的丛林景色。 这也是一个很棒的地方来观赏250种的鸟 类。沿着雨林漫步800米,您可看见巨大的 龙脑香树。山打根雨林探索中心在其伙伴 的协助下,还制定了环境教育竞赛。参观 者可以在展厅了解更多婆罗洲的大自然珍 宝。

Mengkabong Water Village 孟加邦水上村庄 It takes approximately 30 minutes by car from Kota Kinabalu to get to this village built on water. A settlement of the Bajaus, the stilt houses here are connected by narrow wooden planks. At the Mengkabong Water Village, one can experience the village life and embark on a fishing adventure on the sampan (traditional boat). 孟加邦水上村庄距离亚庇市约 30 分钟的 车程。这里是巴夭族群的聚居地,房子是 以高脚架及木板建立在水面上。来到水上 村庄时,游客可选择乘坐传统式的舢板或 独木舟,感受非一般的水上村庄生活。

Menara Tun Mustapha 沙巴基金局大厦 It is formerly known as Sabah Foundation Building. Located at Likas Bay, Menara Tun Mustapha is a 31-storey futuristic glassshrouded tower of 72 sides. It is a striking landmark which can be seen for miles around. The building is about 10 minutes drive from Kota Kinabalu. 之前被广称为沙巴基金局大厦的Menara Tun Mustapha 位于立卡斯湾,离市区中心大约 10 分钟车程,是亚庇市的市标。它那尖塔 形建筑式样,是世上罕见的建筑物之一。 它共有 31 层高,拥有玻璃帷幕的外观, 形成 72 个角度,高高耸立于亚庇市中心。

Signal Hill Observatory 欣那山丘观望站

Atkinson Clock Tower 艾京生钟楼 Having survived World War II, the Atkinson Clock Tower stands tall as the oldest edifice in Sabah. Made of wood and having a quaint structure, the Atkinson Clock Tower was built in 1905 in memorial of the first District officer of Kota Kinabalu, Francis George Atkinson. 爱京生钟楼建于 1905 年,经历过第 二次世界大战,是沙巴州最古老的 建筑物之一。由木料造成,并有着 很特别的形状,爱京生钟楼是为了 纪念亚庇的第一位殖民官员—法兰 西•乔治•艾京生而建。

If you wish to view the whole city of Kota Kinabalu, this is the place to be. It offers a perfect view of the city. When you stand at the Signal Hill Observatory, you will definitely be pleased by the gorgeous horizon of the city with a view that stretches out to the islands. 如果您想将亚庇市景色尽 收眼帘,那么欣那山丘观 望站将是您的最佳选择。 当您站在山顶上朝山下观 望时,壮观的市景将尽入 眼帘。

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Monsopiad Cultural Village 蒙苏彼亚文化街 The Monsopiad Cultural Village showcases the lives of the famous Kadazan warrior tribe called the “Monsopiad”. The main attraction here is the “House of Skulls”, which displays 42 human skulls that were collected by past warriors through the ages. Other attractions include the Moyang River Hanging Bridge, Monsopiad Museum, Paddy Fields, Traditional Kadazan Rice Barn, souvenir shops and a jungle trail to Ceremonial Hall. 蒙苏彼亚文化村陈列了著名的卡达山战士—蒙苏 彼亚的生活。文化村的主要景点是安置了 42 个 头盖的“骨头屋”,这些头盖都是由这位已故的 战士所收集的。除此之外,这里的景点还包括莫 阳河吊桥、蒙苏彼亚博物馆、传统的卡达山米谷 仓、稻田、精品店及一条通往礼仪礼堂的森林小 径。 Tips 资讯益站 9.00am to 6.00pm daily Guided tour : 10.00am, 12.00pm, 3.00pm, 5.00pm. Cultural show : 11.00am, 2.00pm, 4.00pm +6088-774 337

Orchid De Villa 兰花谷 Orchid De Villa, Sabah’s largest orchid farm, is a must visit for orchid lovers. It is located in Kampung Kawakan, a 40-minute drive from downtown Kota Kinabalu. The journey to Orchid De Villa offers visitors scenic sights of traditional Kampung or “village” houses, lush green paddy fields and verdant hillside and coastal terrains. The farm is divided into two sections – the Commercial Orchids (hybrids from Thailand and West Malaysia) and the Borneo Orchids. Within the orchid centre, visitors can feast their eyes on a fishing pond, a cactus garden, a traditional house and an interesting collection of indoor plants. 喜爱兰花者,当您参观沙巴时您不可错过兰花 谷。兰花谷是沙巴最大的兰花园,坐落在甘榜 卡哇坎,距离哥打京那巴鲁的商业区约40分钟 路程。在这40分钟的路程中,沿途皆是传统甘 榜(村庄)、水稻田、山坡及沿海林。兰花谷 中的兰花分成两个部分:商业化的兰花(由来 自泰国及西马的兰花混种而成的)及婆罗州兰 花。在兰花谷中还有池塘、仙人掌花园、室内 植物、古董店及食堂。 Tips 资讯益站 8.00am - 5.00pm daily (including public holiday 包括公共假期) +6088-434 997

432 Sabah

State Mosque 州回教堂 A unique feature of Sabah State Mosque is the architecture of its minaret and dome. This gold domed state mosque reflects contemporary Islamic architecture. It is one of the major landmarks of the town. Every Friday, Muslims will come to worship from the nearby area. It is located at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. 坐落在 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman,沙巴州回教堂的特征是 它的尖塔和圆顶组成的建筑设计。顶部全光闪闪的沙巴州立 回教堂,是现代回教建筑的典范。它是州内主要象征建筑物 之一,每逢星期五,邻近的穆斯林都来此参加每周一次的祈 祷仪式。

Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre 亚庇湿地中心 Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre (formerly known as Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary) is a 24-hectare mangrove forest in the coastal of Kota Kinabalu. It was designated as a Bird Sanctuary in September 1996 and gazetted as a State Cultural Heritage Site in 1998. The Wetland Centre, with its mangrove inhabitants such as the colourful fiddler crabs and mudskippers as well as providing roost and nesting grounds for migratory and residential birds, has become a landmark nature reserve and an urban recreational area for local communities and visitors. 亚庇湿地中心(之前被称为亚庇市鸟类保护区),这是一片被 拓展至24公顷的沿海红树林。1996年9月这里曾被设计成一座 鸟类保护区,接而1998年被宣布成为“州文化遗产保留区”。 红树林里栖居着许多五颜六色的螃蟹和mudskippers。湿地里也 设有鸟屋及鸟巢,好让季候鸟或其他鸟类在此栖息。对游客来 说,这绝对是更贴近大自然的乡间休闲区。

The Tip of Borneo - Tanjung Simpang Mengayau 婆罗洲最顶端 - 丹戎新邦孟阿瑶 This dramatic headland is situated in the northern-most tip of BORNEO, the third largest island in the world, after Greenland and New Guinea. It is located in the Kudat Peninsula, about three and a half hours (or 215 kilometres) drive from Kota Kinabalu City. Simpang Mengayau means ‘lingering junction’ as it is here that the South China Sea lingers and meets the Sulu Seas flowing from the east. Enjoy the stunning view. The sunsets and full moons are just beautiful.The Pulau Kalampunian lighthouse is a reminder of treacherous coastline and past shipwrecks. On the left is the beautiful beach of Pantai Kalampunian. 婆罗洲岛的最北岬角处,在地人称作丹戎新邦孟阿瑶, 华人多称之为灯火楼。此处距亚庇市约三小时半车程 (或二百一十五公里),是苏禄海与南中国海的交汇 点。丹戎新邦孟阿瑶的名称,是取自在地聚居的龙古斯 族人语言。根据龙古斯族人的传说,这里是他们的祖先 保卫领土,抵御敌人侵略时发生顽强战争的地方。在地 人的传说则指海盗经常在此登陆,攻击和劫掠居住在这 一带的无辜村民,村民于是结合起来对抗,以保护自已

的生命和财物。因此,丹戎新邦孟阿瑶便成了他们观察 海盗踪迹及外来船只动静的理想据点,勇敢的战士被派 驻在这里看守及阻止不受欢迎的访客登陆。在离岬角不 远的地方,您可以见到一座灯塔以指引过往船只安全行 驶。

Tanjung Aru Beach 丹戎亚路海滨 Tanjung Aru Beach derived its name from the abundance Aru trees that grace the shoreline. Tanjung Aru Beach is one of the many splendoured beaches in the west coast of Sabah. With beautiful seascape and offshore islands, Tanjung Aru Beach is the perfect beach to soak in the sun.

Kudat 古达 Located 238km north of Kota Kinabalu, Kudat is the home of the Rungus, a sub-tribe of the Kadazandusun indigenous group. They are the main ethnic group living in the Kudat division. Every Sunday, there are many Rungus appearing at the Sikuati market, about 23km from Kudat. They live in their traditional thatched longhouse on stilts. For each family unit, there is a sleeping area, a dining area, an attic, a corridor and the living area. The living area and the corridor are shared by all that live in the same longhouse. If visitors wish to know more about the culture and life style of the Rungus, this is the perfect place.

丹戎亚路海滨拥有许多的亚路松树,丹戎海滨就 以此松树命名。丹戎亚路海滨是沙巴西海岸众多 海滨当中其中一个美丽的海滨。优美的海景和邻 近的众多海岛,丹戎亚路海滨是一个享受阳光的 完美海滩。

位于亚庇北方238公里的古达,是论古斯的老家。论古 斯是属于卡达山一族。每个星期日,都有许多论古斯 人出现在距离古达23公里斯古阿弟的市场。古达县的 论古斯族群,居住在高脚长屋里。长屋里的每个家庭 都拥有本身的卧房及饭厅,但是大厅及长廊则是大家 所共用的。游客若有兴趣了解论古斯人的生活习俗, 此地是最佳的场所。 Sabah 433

Poring Hot Spring 波令温泉 Located 39 kilometres from Kinabalu Park is Poring Hot Spring. First developed by the Japanese during World War II, hot and cold waters pipes run into several open air baths. The water here contains sulphur, which is believed to have curative properties for skin diseases. For the more adventurous, there are jungle trails that cut across the rich lowland forest leading to mountain streams, waterfalls and bat caves. A butterfly park, situated near the hot spring, is a sanctuary for a wide number of species of butterflies including the famous Rajah Brook Butterfly. 距离京那巴鲁公园约39公里的波令温泉,是在第二次 世界大战时,由日本人所开发的。这是一座露天硫磺温 泉,其泉水具有治疗皮肤病的效用。该处建有许多间隔 的温泉浴池,还有两条分别供输冷水及热水的水管,让 游客可随意调适温泉的水温。在波令温泉的附近建有一 座巨型的蝴蝶园,园内有许多当地品种的蝴蝶,其中最 常见的则有鸟翼蝶,也有惹布洛克贵族鸟翼蝶。这一带 地区有许多林小道,可以通往溪流、瀑布区及洞穴。

Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary Labuk 海湾长鼻猿猴保护区 Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary is located at the centre of the mangrove forest along the coastal land near Semawang Village at Labuk Bay Sandakan. From the Sandakan airport, it is 38km away and takes about an hour to get there. The trip will be through gravelled roads and plantation estates. For those who love to watch these unique primate not found anywhere else in the world, this place is a must visit. Labuk海湾长鼻猿猴保护区坐落于山打根靠近Labuk 海湾的Semawang 村庄里那沿海一带的红树林正中央。从山打根机场到这个保护区的 距离大概是40公里的车程,沿途上会经过许多砾石小路和园丘。对 于一些喜爱观赏稀有动物的人,就必须到此目睹这些全球独一无二 的特有品种-长鼻猿猴之风采。在此您将会看到年长和年幼的长鼻猿 猴们穿梭于树林间或在树上食用嫩叶等情景,这种种情景都会让您 留下美好回忆。

434 Sabah

Sandakan 山打根 The name “Sandakan” is derived from the Suluk word “sanda” meaning to pawn and “kan” being the suffix. So, Sandakan means the place that was pawned. Who pawned it, and to whom, remains a mystery. Sandakan was first and foremost a port for the export of logs and timber. In fact, it was said that Sandakan timber went into the building of Peking’s Temple of Heaven. In its heyday, Sandakan used to boast of having the greatest concentration of millionaires in the world! Today, it is known more as the gateway to nature’s most prolific treasures in Borneo. Some places of interest in Sandakan are Tham Kung Temple, Sam Sing Kung Chinese Temple, Puu Jih Shih Buddhist Temple, The Australian Memorial, Agnes Keith’s House, Masjid Jamek, St Michael’s & All Angles Church, Berhala Island, Japanese Cemetery and the Central Market.

山打根名字起自苏禄语“sanda”典当的意思,而“kan” 是接尾词或后缀,一旦接套在动词、名词以及形容的后 面,就转成动词一般的派生词,因此,山打根的字义,即 是已典当的地方的意思,至于是否把这个地方典当掉了, 迄今仍是一个不解之迷。 山打根是第一个输出木桐和木材产品而盛名远播的港口, 甚至北京天坛的木料建材也是从这里取得。全盛时期的山 打根,一度是全世界最多富豪的地方。如今,则已转型成 为进入婆罗洲探索自然富饶生态腹地的门栏,有口皆碑。 山打根之魅力景点如: 谭公圣祖庙、三圣宫、普济寺、澳洲 兵团纪念公园、Agnes Keith’s 故居、Masjid Jamek、圣麦克 教堂、巴哈拉岛、日本坟场、中央市场。

Gomantong Caves 戈曼东岩洞 Described by WWF as “the best managed edible bird’s nest cave in the world”, Gomantong Caves which is located nearby Sandakan has been the focus for bird’s nests for centuries. The famous bird nest sites are Simud Hitam and Simud Putih. Simud Hitam is easily accessible, produces inexpensive black nests, while Simud Putih is harder to reach and produces white nests that cost more. 靠近山打根的戈曼东岩洞是一座 已存在超过一个世纪光景的燕窝 山,它备受世界自然基金会赞誉 为世界上管理得最好,名贵可食 用燕窝的盛产地。戈曼东岩洞有 2 个比较著名的燕窝场,它们分别 是黑西穆和白西穆洞穴。黑西穆 洞穴出产的燕窝较便宜;而白西 穆洞穴则比较珍贵。

Sabah 435

Pulau Sipadan 西巴丹岛 Famous for its underwater grandeur, Sipadan Island was rated as one of the world’s top dive sites. Its geographic position puts Sipadan in the centre of the richest marine habitat in the world, the heart of the indo-Pacific basin. Sipadan rises 600m from the seabed to provide spectacular wall dives and underwater garden. Renowned as one of the world’s famous diving spots, divers will be treated to an underwater paradise where one can swim among the fishes and the corals. The residential schooling barracuda and big-eye trevally, which often gather in thousands forming spectacular tornado-like formations, are one of the highlights on every diver’s wish list. Divers must not miss the many underwater caverns found here. Turtle Cavern, Whitetip Avenue and Barracuda Point at Sipadan Island are filled to the brim with splendid corals and exotic fishes. Turtle Cavern is situated at the northern end of the island right below several huts. No coral growth is observed in the cavern but there are schools of silver sweepers, soldier fish and flashlight fish. To get to Pulau Sipadan, one can take a speedboat from Semporna. The ride takes about 1½ hours. For sustainableconservation purpose, are allowed at sipadan only 80 guests a daily.

所有资深老练的潜水家都将它列为全世界最佳的潜水据 点。西巴丹岛是马来西亚唯一和陆地脱离的深洋海岛, 坐落在印度太平洋的盆腹中央,从海床礅柱状的耸升到 六百米海面,形成了绝佳的海底潜水花园境界。在西巴 丹海底世界里,许多鱼群纷纷的在五彩缤纷的珊瑚间游 来游去,让潜水者大开眼界,乐而忘返。潜水者还可看 到成千上万的鱼群密集在一起形成台风眼状的奇景,让 潜水者永世难忘。 如果您是一个潜水者,一定不可错过这些海底山洞。位 于西巴丹岛的海龟洞穴、Whitetip 林荫路及梭子鱼据点充 满了五颜六色的珊瑚及奇异的鱼儿。坐落在西巴丹岛的 最北部的海龟洞穴里没有珊瑚的踪迹,但可看到成群的 银色清道夫、兵士鱼及荧光鱼。 欲前往西巴丹岛,游客可以从仙本 那出发,乘搭快艇到西巴丹岛,所 费的时间约1个半小时左右。为了 保护这个大自然所赐予的世界顶级 潜水据点,西巴丹岛目前每一天只 开放给 80 名游客登岸。

Pulau Mabul 马宝岛 Pulau Mabul is a small oval shaped island surrounded by sandy beaches and perched on the northwest corner of a larger 200-hectare reef. It is about 30 minutes away from Semporna. It is home to a diversity of macro animals that inhabits its coral rubble and sea grass sites. Divers must not miss Eel Garden and Ray Point. 距离仙本那约 30 分钟路程的马宝岛 是一个小椭圆形状的岛屿,周围环绕 着雪白沙滩。在它的西北部有一个 200公顷的暗礁。在这岛上有多样化 的巨型动物及其栖息在珊瑚碎石和海 草之中。若您喜爱潜水,您不可错过 Eel Garden 以及 Ray Point 这两个潜水 区。 436 Sabah

Tips 资讯益站

SHOPPING 购物天堂 Kota Kinabalu boasts of modern convenient shopping centers such as Centre Point, Karamunsing, Wisma Merdeka, Warisan Square, 1 Borneo Suria Sabah thus making this city a shopping capital for Borneo. 在亚庇市中心内林立着许多现代化且空调舒适的购物中心如: Centre Point, Karamunsing, Wisma Merdeka, Warisan Square, 1 Borneo Suria Sabah 等,为您带来无穷的购物乐趣。 Tamu Markets Listing: Kota Kinabalu Gaya Street Fair-Sunday Kampung Air-Sunday Penampang Donggongon-Thursday & Friday Tuaran Pekan Tuaran-Sunday Tenghilan-Thursday Sandakan Sandakan Town-Sunday Gua Mantong Jaya-Sunday Tawau Bandar Tawau-Sunday *most tamus operate as early as 6am and close by 2pm

Tamu-Gaya Street (KK)

Ranau Pekan Kundasang-Friday Kudat Matunggong Lama-Saturday Matunggong Baru-Thursday Lahad Datu Pekan Lahad Datu-Sunday Semporna Pekan Semporna-Sunday Tenom Pekan Tenom-Wednesday & Sunday Kota Belud Pekan Kota Belud-Sunday

Tamu-Kota Belud

FOOD 佳肴美食 No matter what you wish to eat, you can find it in Sabah. Chinese, Western, Malay and Indian cuisine are widely available in this state of multi-ethnic cultures. There is no end to fast food outlets in the shopping centres. Sabah is well known for its seafood. Besides reasonably priced, the seafood sold in the restaurants are delicious and exotic. 无论您想吃什么,您都可在沙巴找到。沙巴的各大购物 中心里,都有美味可口的中餐、西餐、马来餐、印度餐 或快餐。若您想品尝沙巴州的地道食物,那么您就不可 错过沙巴的海鲜。沙巴的美食以海鲜出名,当地的海鲜 餐馆所售卖的海鲜,价钱不但大众化,各式的烹饪手 法,更教您直呼“一级棒”。许多的海鲜馆都提供了多 元化的海鲜美食,生猛的鱼、虾、蟹、龙虾及各式贝壳 类,令您食指大动。

Sabah 437

Sabah Accommodation Guide 住宿指南 KOTA KINABALU Beverly Hotel Tel: 6-088-258 998 Fax: 6-088-258 778 Casuarina Hotel Tel: 6-088-221 000 Fax: 6-088-223 000 Century Hotel Tel: 6-088-242 222 Fax: 6-088-242 929 D’Borneo Hotel Tel: 6-088-266 999 Fax: 6-088-269 131 Hotel Shangri-La Tel: 6-088-212 800 Fax: 6-088-212 078 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Tel: 6-088-221 234 Fax: 6-088-218 909 Imperial International Hotel Tel: 6-088-522 888 Fax: 6-088-522 999 Kinabalu Daya Hotel Tel: 6-088-240 000 Fax: 6-088-263 909 Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Tel: 6-088-322 222 Fax: 6-088-322 223

Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort Tel: 6-088-327 888 Fax: 6-088-327 878 Sutera Harbour Resort Tel: 6-088-318 888 Fax: 6-088-317 777 Tang Dynasty Hotel Tel: 6-088-263 389 Fax: 6-088-263 989

Keningau Hotel Juta Tel: 6-087-337 888 Fax: 6-087-332 888 Perkasa Hotel Keningau Tel: 6-087-331 045 Fax: 6-087-334 800 Lahad Datu

The Jesselton Hotel Tel: 6-088-223 333 Fax: 6-088-240 401

Asia Hotel Tel: 6-089-881 771 Fax: 6-089-861 799

The Palace Hotel Tel: 6-088-211 911 Fax: 6-088-211 600

Grace Hotel Tel: 6-089-881 000 Fax: 6-089-887 000


Jagokota Hotel Tel: 6-089-882 000 Fax: 6-089-881 528

Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort Tel: 6-088-792 888 Fax: 6-088-792 777par Beringgis Beach Resort Tel: 6-088-752 333 Fax: 6-088-752 999 Langkah Syabas Beach Resort Tel: 6-088-752 000 Fax: 6-088-752 111

Sahabat Beach Resort Tel: 6-089-811 300 Fax: 6-089-811 302 The Executive Hotel Tel: 6-089-881 333 Fax: 6-089-881 777

Seafest Hotel Tel: 6-089-782 333 Fax: 6-089-782 555 Sipadan-Kapalai Dive Resort Tel: 6-089-765 200 Fax: 6-089-763 575 SANDAKAN Hotel City View Tel: 6-089-271 122 Fax: 6-089-273 115 Hotel Hsiang Garden Tel: 6-089-273 122 Fax: 6-089-273 127 Hotel Lee Gardens Tel: 6-089-273 600 Fax: 6-089-272 930 Hotel Nak Tel: 6-089-272 977 Fax: 6-089 272 879 Hotel Ramai Tel: 6-089-273 222 Fax: 6-089-271 884


Hotel Sandakan Tel: 6-089-221 122 Fax: 6-089-221 100 Hotel Tyng Garden Tel: 6-089-668 333 Fax: 6-089-667 333


Likas Square Business Suites Tel: 6-088-252 233 Fax: 6-088-251 122

Heritage Hotel Tel: 6-089-766 222 Fax: 6-089-767 222

Kinabalu Pine Resort Tel: 6-088-889 388 Fax: 6-088-889 288

Labuk Bay Resort Tel: 6-089-672 133 Fax: 6-089-672 136

Nexus Resort Karambunai Tel: 6-088-411 222 Fax: 6-088 412 028

Hotel Emas Tel: 6-089-762 000 Fax: 6-089-763 569

Kinabalu Rose Cabin Tel: 6-088-889 233 Fax: 6-088-889 800

Sabah Hotel, Sandakan Tel: 6-089-213 299 Fax: 6-089-271 271

Promenade Hotel Tel: 6-088-265 555 Fax: 6-088-246 666

King Park Hotel Tel: 6-089-766 699 Fax: 6-089-767 709

Mt. Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa Tel: 6-088-889 511 Fax: 6-088-889 101


Sanbay Hotel Tel: 6-089-275 000 Fax: 6-089-275 575

Radius International Hotel Tel: 6-088-525 969 Fax: 6-088-525 968

Zen Garden Resort Tel: 6-088-889 242 Fax: 6-088-889 288

Dragon Inn Tel: 6-089-781 088 Fax: 6-089-781 099

Sepilok Jungle Resort Tel: 6-089-533 031 Fax: 6-089-533 029

Useful Information 有效资讯 IMPORTANT CONTACTS Ambulance/Police: 999 Police Hotline -HQ Sabah: 6-088-253555 -KK: 6088-221191 Yayasan Sabah Ambulance: 6-088-326655 Fire Department: 994 Information Services: 6-088-280600/ 280631/ 280641 International Telephone Directory Assistance: 108 Tourism Malaysia (Sabah): 6-088-248698 Sabah Tourism Board: 6-088-212121 Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn Bhd: 6-088-232121 KK Airport: 6-088-238555 438 Sabah

KK Hospitals Queen Elizabeth Hospital: 6-088-218166 Damai Specialist Centre: 6-088-222922 Sabah Medical Centre: 6-088-211333 SANDAKAN Hospital: 6-089-212111 Airport: 6-089-660405 Immigrations: 6-089-668308

TAWAU Hospital: 6-089-773533 Airport: 6-089-950013 Immigrations: 6-089-773343 LABUAN Hospital: 6-087-413333 Airport: 6-087-415015 Immigrations: 6-087-412298


1-1, Lorong Plaza Wawasan, Coastal Highway, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, P.O.Box 14922, 88859 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel : 6-088-263 389 / 255 566 Fax : 6-088-263 989 / 265 566 Email : Web :

PERKASA HOTEL KENINGAU Sales Marketing Office: Tel : 6-088-214 142 / 239 511 Fax : 6-088-239 900 Email :

Jalan Kampong Keningau, P.O.Box 129, 89007 Keningau, Sabah. Tel : 6-087-331 045 / 331 046 Fax : 6-087-334 800 Email : Web :

TANG DYNASTY PARK HOTEL ‫נ‬మ‫ᦤܷچ‬आ TL 147, Jalan Belia, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel : 6-088-222 999 Fax : 6-088-212 777 Email : Web :



(Formerly known as Perkasa Hotel Mt. Kinabalu)

Sales Marketing Office: Tel : 6-088-214 142 / 239 511 Fax : 6-088-239 900 Email :

(L/19), Bandar Tyng, Mile 5, Jalan Utara, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel : 6-089-668 333 / 674 333 Fax : 6-089-667 333 Email : Web :

WDT 11, 89089 Ranau, Sabah. Tel : 6-088-889 511 Fax : 6-088-889 101 Email : Web :



Sales Marketing Office: Tel : 6-088-214 142 / 239 511 Fax : 6-088-239 900 Email :

P.O.Box 225, 89908 Tenom, Sabah. Tel : 6-087-735 811 / 735 812 Fax : 6-087-736 134 Email : Web :

KM1, Jalan Utara, P.O.Box 275, 90703 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel : 6-089-213 299 Fax : 6-089-271 271 Email : Web :


Jalan Kastam, P.O.Box 125, 91308 Semporna, Sabah. Tel : 6-089-782 333 (Hunting Lines) Fax : 6-089-782 555 / 782 888 Email : Web :

Sabah 439

440 Sabah

Sabah 441

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Major Attractions ஺ຣ௿འa



Mount Trusmadi

Danun Valley


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Air Asia Terminal

State Mosque ࢜â€ŤŮżâ€ŹŕŽ“Űľ Mengkabong Water Village ß ŇŚáĽ§ŕś´ĘźĚ ŕ ‘

Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary-Sukau ĚšἌࣄ༆ॿá§˜á śŕŁźŕŞ?ŕŠ? Tabin Wildlife Reserve ᢅáŽ?á§˜á śŇŽŕžŹÎłŕŞ?Óœ

Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary-Sukau

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Danun Valley ĚšἌࣄ༆ॿá§˜á śŕŁźŕŞ?ŕŠ? Maliau Basin ᯰŕ¤?ᄧ‍ Ú â€ŹŕˇĄŕŁ„á„‰á¤™ÜžË†á‚Œ






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