How do I get an Amber light
How do I get a Red light
What is measured
How it is measured
How is the goal calculated
How do I get a Green light
Items vs Budget
The number of prescription items completed compared to your pharmacy budget
Using a combination of PMR, intranet FP34c submission and actual paid items by the NHS BSA
This is taken from your monthly budgets and converted in the Weekly, Last 4 week and YTD goals
Greater than 0%
Between 0% to -3%
Less than
Items LFL
The number of prescription items completed compared to the same period last year
Using a combination of PMR, intranet FP34c submission and actual paid items by the NHS BSA
Using paid items by the NHS BSA - Last year
Greater than +3%
Between 0% to +3%
Less than
EPS Nominations
The number of patients nominated for the EPS service in your pharmacy.
Number of nominations set for the pharmacy from the latest HSCIC data
Pharmacy specific goals agreed by the Regional Manager
Greater than your goal
Between 0% to -10% your goal
Less than -10% of your goal
The number of completed MUR’s for your pharmacy.
The number of completed MUR’s for your pharmacy.
8 per week throughout the year. (Except in October the goal is 4 per week to allow for flu workload)
Greater than 0% of your goal
Between 0% to -10% of your goal
Less than -10% of your goal
The number of completed NMS’s for your pharmacy
The number of completed NMS’s for your pharmacy
3 NMS completions per 1000 items
> = 3 NMS per 1000 items
>= 2 NMS per 1000 items and <3 NMS per 1000 items
<2 NMS per 1000 items
Other services
The total value of other services excluding MUR’s, NMS & Private PGD’s.
Estimated based on other services as reported on the intranet during the last 3 months
This is taken from your monthly budgets and converted in the Weekly, Last 4 week and YTD goals
Greater than 0%
Between 0% to -20%
Less than
Retail sales
The value of retail sales compared to the pharmacy budget
Sales information from EPOS. (This includes Private PGDs, Private RX's however excludes NHS item levy charges)
This is taken from your monthly budgets and converted in the Weekly, Last 4 week and YTD goals
Greater than 0%
Between 0% to -3%
Less than
The estimated pharmacy payroll spend compared to your budget
Estimated based on Payroll spend in the last 6 months for Pharmacists, Locums, Pre Reg, Dispensers and Healthcare teams.
This is taken from your monthly budgets and converted in the Weekly, Last 4 week and YTD goals
Underspent (<=0%)
Overspent to 2%)
Stock Holding
The value of stock in the pharmacy at the last stock take.
The value of dispensary stock at the last stock take
Budgets agree by your Regional Manager
Understocked (<=0%)
Overstocked (0 to10%)
Overstocked (>10%)
10 Levy loss
The difference between payments taken in the pharmacy compared to payments deducted by the NHS BSA for paid prescriptions
Estimated based on the difference between levy payments taken in the pharmacy compared to payments deducted by the NHS BSA for paid prescriptions
The goal is to have a difference of no more than 4 charges lost in a month
Lost between -50% or gained up to +200% of the goal
Between Red and Green levels
Gained more than +400% or lost more than 200% of the goal
11 Training
The amount of completed intranet training modules for the pharmacy team
Number of modules completed from the main 2 training modules of the month by the whole pharmacy team
The goal is to complete the two selected modules in every pharmacy
Greater than 0%
Between 0% to -20%
Less than
The results of your most recent mystery shopper visits
The result from your external mystery customer visit
To achieve a visit score of 90% or higher
Actual CC score greater than 90%
Actual CC score between 70% & 89%
Actual CC score less than 70%
Customer care
Overspent (>2%)