Jack/ Lynn Magazine September 2015 Issue

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Sept ember 2015


JACK /L Y NN community/ fashion/ advice/ club events W h at ev er y m an n eed s t o k now ab o u t w ine

9/ 11 o es r e H Gay ed r e b m Rem e Jaclyn w hips up another great chicken idea for National Chicken M onth


Rea so n s t o Upd a t e Yo u r Co l o g n e Co l l ect io n

M eet Se p t o u r Hu n k em b er Ga u r J a m e s dino

Who is Monica Anastasiadis?

w w w .jaclynstjames.w eebly.com

Sept ember 2015





7REASONSTO UPDATEYOUR COLOGNECOLLECTION Learn w hy it s so im port ant t o change t hings up



Cover M odel- M onica Anast asiadis

We t ake a look back at Edit or in Chief som e of t he gay heroes of M s Jaclyn St Jam es jaclynst jam es12@gm ail.com 9/ 11


CONTACTUS WhoisMonica Anastasiadis

Our September Model Jam es Gaurdino

Get t o know t he w om an on t he dance floor

Want t o advert ise wit h us

Celebrate National Chicken Month

( 954) 839-4380 Fort Lauderdale, Florida jaclynst jam es12@gm ail.com

Jaclyn gives you a quick last season chicken recipe!


Cont act us f or t he l owest rat es on t he int ernet Our mont hl y publ icat ion is seen worl d- wide and wit h over 2 mil l ion viewers Get your ad print ed t oday f or our mont hl y publ icat ion. We of f er whol e page, hal f page, and business card size ads! Cont act us t oday f or pricing!! Special deal s f or l ocal Wil t on Manors Gay Businesses! jackl ynnmagazine@gmail .com

What everyguyneeds toknowabout wine Learn w hy it s im port ant t o know

Sept ember 2015


7Reasons to

Update your Col ogne Col l ecti on

The sun has gone down, t he moon is bright and you?re ready t o hit t he cl ubs. Wearing your sexiest col ogne knowing t he l adies or men are going t o l ove it , you wal k int o t he cl ub wit h conf idence in your eyes. Then it hit s you ? t hat smel l . Al l t oo f amil iar, It ?s t he same col ogne you put on t hat was going t o draw women or men t o you l ike magnet s. The probl em is you?re not t he onl y one wearing it . In f act , every man t hat wal ks by is wearing t he same col ogne as you. You may have had t he best of int ent ions when you wore t hat scent , but so did every ot her man in t he cl ub. Just l ike t hat , inst ead of st anding out f rom t he crowd, you became a part of t he crowd. This means one t hing ? it ?s t ime f or you t o buy new col ogne. Here are some ot her signs you need t o updat e your col ogne col l ect ion. A l ot of men choose t o have a signat ure scent , and if you?re one of t hose men I recommend t hat you swit ch t hings up. How of t en have you heard a woman or a man say t he t hing t hey l ike about a man t he most is how he is al ways exact l y t he same? Probabl y never, spont aneit y in somet hing as simpl e as t he col ogne you wear wil l make you more int erest ing.

expire and t he answer is yes, but t hey l ast a very l ong t ime if st ored properl y. If t he col or has changed and t he scent has gone sour, t hen t hat means it has expired and it ?s t ime t o get new col ogne. If your col l ect ion is f ul l of onl y mainst ream scent s, it ?s t ime f or you t o l ook f or some niche scent s. If everywhere you go st rangers know what scent you?re wearing, t hat means you smel l f amil iar. Famil iarit y wit h ot hers is not sexy. You don?t want t o smel l l ike a woman or a man?s ex, you want t o smel l l ike t he excit ing new man t hey l ook f orward t o seeing. It ?s al ways nice t o receive col ogne as a gif t , but if you have never bought col ogne f or yoursel f t hen it ?s t ime t o upgrade your col l ect ion. Col ogne can be a deepl y personal t hing. It ?s somet hing t hat not onl y goes wit h your mood and t ime of day, but your personal it y and charact er as wel l . Onl y you t rul y know who you are and what you want t o represent , so f ind t he right col ogne t o mat ch you. Con't page13

I get asked al l t he t ime if col ogne can



Sept ember 2015


Berkley, on the flight that crashed in a Pennsylvania Field when the passengers fought back. Mark Bingham was one of those defenders. His heroism has been noted by the 9/ 11 Commission and memorialized for posterity in the Discovery Channel documentary, ?The Flight That Fought Back.? No one asked him his sexual orientation that day. Not the hijackers. Not his fellow passengers. Heroism doesn?t care about such details.

A Look Back at Som e of t he Gay Heroes of 9/ 11 This month, is the fourteenth year anniversary of 9/ 11, I?d like to look back. 9/ 11 was an equal-opportunity American tragedy. Death came for everyone. It did not stop to ask, ?Who did you vote for? How much money do you have? Whom do you love?? There were many many wonderful LGBT people, who lost their lives on that day, and I think this month, their memory should be remembered.

the Church has not responded to it, there is a movement of Catholics working to have him canonized ? made a saint. St. Mychal, Patron Saint of Gays? Wouldn?t that be something?

We also remember 39-year old David Charlebois who was co-pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. We remember Wesley Mercer, the 70-year-old Vice President of the Towers Corporate Security Company, who is credited So today, fourteen years gone, we with guiding 3700 survivors to remember Chaplain Mychal Judge, safety before his own life was lost. the occupant of body bag number We remember Ronald Gamboa and 0001. Mychal was a Catholic Priest, Dan Brandhorst, partners who were and chaplain for the New York City on their way home to Los Angeles Fire Department. He was also with their three-year old son, David privately gay. He was killed when ? all of them on the plane that the South Tower collapsed on him crashed into Tower Two. as he tried to aid an injured Perhaps the most famous of the gay firefighter. Judge?s helmet was 9/ 11 victims was Mark Bingham, an presented to the Pope, and although openly-gay rugby player for UC


There?s now a rugby tournament and a trophy, the Bingham Cup, named in Mark?s honor. Poplar Creek Golf Course in San Mateo California holds an annual golf tournament, the Mark Bingham Classic. The City of San Francisco declared September 16 as Mark Bingham Day. Father Mychal Judge was posthumously named Grand Marshall of the 2002 New York City St. Patrick?s Day Parade. The law signed by President Bush that grants aid to 9/ 11 survivors, including same-sex partners, is called the Mychal Judge Act. Well-deserved accolades all, but hardly all they deserve. So today, as we remember all the fallen from that terrible day Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda struck America, let us also note with appreciation that among them were gay heroes and gay victims and gay survivors. Let us remember them with pride. This month, on the fourteenth anniversary of their heroism, they are forever with us.


Sept ember 2015

Starting Clockwise at the top left : Chaplain Mychal Judge top right: Mark Bingham right: Ronald Gamboa, partner Dan Brandhorst and son David Bottom Right: Wesley Mercer Above: David Charlesbois


Sept ember 2015


W HO' S THA T GIRL? by Jacl yn St James

It?s Sunday night and I am at my usual spot Hunters here in Wilton Manors and who do I see disco dancing out on the dance floor? It?s none other than my good friend Monica. Who?s Monica you may ask well she is the gracious full of life, smiling lady out dancing to the sweet tunes of the DJ. I watch her in amazement and she?s out there almost every Sunday doing her own thing. We befriended each other a while back and I love watching her friendly smile as she meets and greets just about as many fans as I do on a given Sunday. So I decided to let the world get to know who she is exactly. I sat down and got into my Barbara Walters mind set and of course my pearls and said to myself, self what would Barbara want to know? So here it is, let?s get to know Monica Anastasiadis outside of the bar scene? .. Finish t his sent ence, Monica Anast asiadis is? .. Complicated, free and an individual thinker Describe your chil dhood, was it happy or not ? My childhood was lived partly in Greece due to the fact my mom kidnapped me when I was 6 or so and we were actually on the missing persons list. My father whom I called "papa" was picked up by the police while chasing a little girl he thought was me. At the time there were these infamous double murders going on in my town of Rochester, NY. They were looking for the killer and thought they found him but they looked up that we were listed as missing for years and released him. Years later my father and his mother, babushka, Russian for


grandmother, would cry and wonder if they would ever see me again. Regarding happy or not, I don?t know, sometimes it was rough. It was traumatic; it caused problems that I still feel today. These things leave their mark on you. On the other hand the man my mother was with in Greece gave us a great life. Still it does not replace your father. Are you happy now? I am actually happier now than I ever have been. Ironically around the time my mom died I got a new lease on life. I have always had quite bad bouts with depression, sometimes lasting for years. I cannot explain why it happened at this time but between re discovering Rocky Horror Picture Show and dancing at Hunters I seem to be on a much more even keel mood wise. I am accepted at both those places without question and have always been on the "fringes" of society in one way or another and I like it that way. How l ong did you l ive in Rochest er and do you miss it ? I lived in Rochester NY the first 20 years of my life with the exception of the 3-4 yrs. I spent in Greece. I do miss it very much and dream of re purchasing my old home. People think I am nuts but I miss the cold and the snow. I miss the autumn leaves changing and the smell of spring. What did you st udy at Monroe Communit y Col l ege? I studied psychology at MCC but left soon after to raise my son.

Sept ember 2015

Who are your heroes? My heroes let us see, well Tim Curry of course. I have always connected with him as a brilliant singer and songwriter. Few people know of his music, which got me through many a cold wintery nights back home, or I was a bit lonely as a kid. Also I think Stephen Hawking, to be so disabled and still compose thoughts the way he does it?s amazing. My papa was an incredible man too unselfish to a fault. He sang, played violin, was in the Russian circus and acted as well. He was a philosopher and we?d stay up late with my brother and play chess and talk about EVERYTHING...an excellent man who shall not come again. What is your f avorit e pig out f ood? That?s hard because I love all food, but right now I am into mozzarella cheese, garlic, olive oil and vinegar sopped up with toasted Italian bread. I know not so exciting but I go on these binges where I eat one thing a lot and then switch to something else. Are you current l y married or divorced? I have never been married. I don t think I will ever be at this point. Its ok, I am so used to being independent. My children are by 2 different fathers, my son?s dad died from aids a few years ago and they never knew each other.


such a large part of you for so long. I just don t get as swallowed up with it any more. Can you t el l me about your bal dness and what happened? I have Alopecia Aereata since about 12 years of age and it was very tough at first, to be a young woman who is facing baldness if you could imagine. But now I think of it as a gift. It forced me to develop parts of me I might never have. Do you ever ask why me? Of course I have thrown my share of pity parties but what is the use really? Now I have solid ways to deal with everything. I still get down for various reasons but the difference is now I don t stay down too awfully long. Who do you have no respect f or? I have very little respect for people who don t have compassion in their heart. If you can?t see fit to help someone who is less fortunate than yourself, then what is it do you think we are doing here together on earth. You see it?s not supposed to be every man for him. We are here t o lighten the burden and assist each other wherever we can. Who is your f avorit e musician? Tim Curry is my all-time favorite. He is varied, gutsy and so sexy. His voice alone thirty-five years later still sends shivers down my spine whenever I hear it.

Tel l me about your daught er Cat herine and son Christ opher?

What is your f avorit e music genre?

Well Christopher is 31 and we live together, he is obsessed with World of Warcraft and League of Legends which are online role playing games. He loves animals as much as I do and we have 7 cats and a dog. My daughter has three kids, Jay, seven, Lilly, four and Hayli is almost two.

I don't think I have one favorite type of music. I love disco obviously, that?s what I heard growing up and I think that it makes an indelible mark whatever you hear during formative years. I like classical and eighties. I can listen to almost anything, I guess if I had to name a few Bread, Kansas and Tim Curry, (sometime when we?re together I?ll let you listen to some of Tim).

What do you do in your spare t ime? I love to watch things grow, I have a garden and I love hanging out in it. I have dozens of butterflies, squirrels, birds you name it. I love films and documentaries, especially. I love food which I mentioned earlier and I sing when I am alone to relieve stress. Tel l me somet hing t he rest of us don?t know? I think people see me and see a happy go lucky person but I can be quite dark and sullen. I have this history of depression that is never very far away. Like a friend, you become very familiar with your own sadness when it is

Tel l me about your l ove f or Tim Curry? I could go on for while about my Tim Curry but I will try and summarize. Since I was a young girl I have just had this affinity for him. I don t know if I can articulate it properly but there is something about him that captures me. I look at him and feel like I have come home. Rat e yoursel f on l ooks, where do you put yoursel f f rom 1-10? 1 to 10...you?re kidding. I don t think I can answer this one...sorry.


Sept ember 2015

I have spent most of my life outside of a relationship and it sounds crazy but I look at him and know he is the ONE I?m not too sure about most things in life but I am a thousand percent positive that if we had met earlier in life, it would have been smashing. I know in my gut. I see people all over and there is NO ONE in 50 years that can illicit this type of emotion in me, that says something. Tel l me about your brot her Pet er, is he gay? Peter is gay but he?s not my blood brother. We have known each other forever so it seems that way. He is an amazingly talented writer and actor and he makes me laugh, which is one reason why our friendship has lasted so long through many tough times, laughter is so terribly important. Now if I can get him to come and dance with us at Hunters that would be great. Why does it seem you have a very st rong connect ion t o t he gay communit y? One reason I have a strong connection with the gay community is because they too have been shunned and misunderstood by society as I have and the loneliness and isolation that results from those experiences forms a glue between me and them. I feel so connected and they don t judge for the most part...people are welcoming and loving to know me and it?s an open circular flowing exchange of love...how can you beat that? I just fit in. What was your best and worst t ime? The best time is right now, I feel



would never be bored with him. I have 10 things in my head right now I?d love to talk with him about. Are you comf ort abl e wit h yoursel f ?

Monica seen here t aking in anot her viewing of The Rocky Horror Pict ure show at Fort Lauderdal e's Cl assic Gat eway Theat er.

strong and empowered. The worst was when I lost my papa, my whole world came crashing down. Already depressed I spiraled down almost into oblivion. If you were president , what ?s t he f irst t hing you woul d do? President, oh my god you ask some doozies don t you? I don t think they?d like me very much in this country but I would attempt to redistribute the wealth more evenly. There is no reason why so many should want for basics like food in the world we live in with all its resources. This is not to say I would take people?s money away, I couldn?t do that anyway but there are ways to take care of everyone. We?ve got enough. Spread it around people, cut down on greed and hoarding. Sounds simple, don t know if it would be once it was put into practice. What sign are you? I don t know a whole lot about astrology I am Sagittarius....December 10th Who coul d you spend a year sl eeping wit h, wit hout get t ing bored? I think you might know the answer to this one...Tim Curry...I

For the most part I have become quite comfortable with myself. I know myself extremely well now and I like who I am...but as we all know it?s a work in progress and I think we all should continually try and improve. as of right now I am very happy to be me. I am fortunate to have the life I have. Do you f eel l ike a rol e model f or women? I don t feel particularly like a role model for men or women. But I do think people see me and feel good and whatever image I give off speaks to them and breaks that ice so often there in society. People come up to me and start conversations. We shouldn?t be afraid to talk to one another...we share a world here after all...people are just that, afraid sometimes and possibly me being happy or dancing or bald or whatever it is puts them at ease and facilitates conversations. makes me happy to hear I have made them smile and the positive energy flows back to them and back and forth again....win win situation. .

Sept ember 2015


Come Disco Dance the Night Away

Every Sunday with their Classic Disco T- Dance only at Hunters where the funky disco ball shines!

www.hunt ersf t l auderdal e.com 2232 Wilton Drive

Wilton Manors, Florida 33305

(954) 630-3556

Sept ember 2015


r er u O mb e t p y e u S G

Vit al st at ist ics: Height 6'2" Chest 42 Waist 32 Men Shoe 11.5 Hair Brown Eyes Hazel

model - James Guardino Underwear- Papi


Sept ember 2015


Our September Guy James Guardino by Jacl yn St James

model who has been seen on major fashion shows, often sporting treads that could only be considered as haute couture. He is also a favorite amongst online underwear stores. For James the secret to looking good has to do with maintaining a healthy diet, exercising on a regular basis, and always keeping a positive attitude. ?Cause we all know what stress can do on our looks!?

schedule is going to be like from day to day, or where he is going to be travelling next. It is always a mystery. Each coming day has a new and exciting project waiting to happen. He also finds making new friends and meeting new people from around the world to be a blast. James attributes his great genes to the fact that he was blessed with a beautiful Greek mother and an Italian stud for a father! He has the word "mother" written on his arm as a tribute to his mom who passed away when he was very young. James likes pigging out at Taco Bell once in a while. He also likes to indulge in brownies and vanilla ice cream on special occasions!

He was born in N.Y. at Franklin General Hospital in Valley Stream, Long Island. He is the youngest of 3 boys. James got into modeling by just walking into Major Model Management and they signed him up straight away and he?s been there ever since! He really didn't know what to expect at the start of his career. He finds the business very unpredictable, not knowing what his

He had a fun time shooting the Joss Stone "Spoiled" music video. He also enjoyed shooting for Armani Exchange and also any job that brings him to the tropics! James is in the gym as frequently as possible training with moderate weight with lots of reps, and during the summer he loves outdoor activities such as baseball, football, watersports and rollerblading.

photo by Kosmas Pavlos

James is a 25 year old American


Ingredient Sept embers:2015 1 10 -inch piece baguette 1 1/ 2 pounds tomatoes (about 5), quartered Kosher salt 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced Pinch of red pepper flakes 4 6 -ounce skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1/ 2 teaspoon dried oregano 4 ounces part-skim mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced 3 tablespoons shredded parmesan cheese 1/ 4 cup chopped fresh basil



Grill the bread, cut-side down, until lightly toasted. Grill the chicken until cooked through, about 5 minutes per side, topping with the mozzarella and covering during the last 2 minutes. Cut off a 1 1/ 2-inch piece of the baguette and pulse in a food processor to make breadcrumbs. Add the tomatoes and 1/ 4 teaspoon salt and pulse until the tomatoes are finely chopped but not pureed.

Grilled Chicken Parm esan

Heat 1 1/ 2 tablespoons olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat; add the garlic and cook until just golden, about 1 minute. Add the red pepper flakes and tomato mixture and bring to a simmer; cook until the sauce thickens slightly, 8 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat a grill to medium high. Toss the chicken with the remaining 1/ 2 tablespoon olive oil, the oregano and 1/ 4 teaspoon salt. Split the remaining baguette in half lengthwise and then cut in half to ma Spoon some tomato sauce onto the bread pieces and top with half of the parmesan. Top each with a chicken breast, then the remaining sauce. Sprinkle with basil and the remaining parmesan.


Sept em ber is Nat ional Chicken m ont h. As m any already know chicken is a st aple food of m any w est ern count ries, and oft en t aken for grant ed. Chicken M ont h aim s t o bring t he hum ble chicken off t he back-burner and int o t he spot light , highlight ing t he versat ilit y, value and im port ance of t he original w hit e m eat . This dish is a great dish for t he cooling last days of sum m er and yet you st ill can use your grill. Enjoy t his quick and easy It alian dish t onight ! For m ore great recipe ideas for drinks, appet izers, m eal ideas and dessert s, check out m y w eb page at w w w .cookingw it hjaclyn.w eebly.com

Sept ember 2015


Con't from page 3 If Guy Laroche?s Drakkar Noir or Calvin Klein?s Obsession are your go-to scents, then it?s time to stop looking at Miami Vice for your style guide and update your cologne collection. Don?t think you?re off the hook because you smell like the 90s instead of the 80s. If you smell like you would fit right in on the set of Beverly Hills, 90210, then it?s time update your cologne. Giorgio Armani?s Acqua Di Gio is a great scent from 1996 and it makes a great addition to any cologne collection, but if you?re relying on scents like that, then it?s time upgrade your collection. Try the new Acqua Di Gio Profumo. Our sense of smell is the most powerful sense. It?s so powerful that you could smell something today that would trigger a memory of when you were a child. So if the cologne you wear is linked to memories of your ex, then you should definitely replace it with something new. Few things can hurt your progress as a man more than holding on to memories of your past, especially the bad memories.

Testing many different scents can be time consuming. Remember to always ask the counter rep for guidance for they specialize in colognes.

Unless you?re applying for a job on a beach, you should not be going to an interview wearing board shorts and flip flops. The same goes for the scent you wear. If your clubbing cologne is the same as your office cologne, then it?s time to update your cologne collection. The scent you wear will affect the impression others have of you on a psychological level. In other words that powerful cologne you wear at the club to draw women or men in will make you seem like an obnoxious person in the workplace. You may already be missing your old cologne, but don?t worry. If life remained stagnant we would never learn, we would never grow, and we would never have the opportunity to live extraordinary lives. Update your cologne collection now and watch as the doors to that extraordinary life open.



Sept ember 2015


HOWDOI REMOVEWINE LABELSFROMTHE WHA T EV ERY GUY NEEDS TO BOTTLES K NOW A BOUT WI NE! We?re thrilled to be asked this so often because it means people are drinking wines they want to remember. You could take a digital picture, of course. But if you want to remove the actual label (as we do), most labels these days work with the oven method: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Turn it off. Put the empty bottle in for a few minutes until it gets really hot. Wearing serious oven mitts, carefully remove the bottle, lift a corner of the label with a fingernail or a knife and peel right off. (Some labels still need to be boiled off, so we try that next, after the bottle has cooled. If all else fails, many wine stores sell large, sticky strips that basically peel the label off.)


Pickupthemenuandpoint tothepricerangeyou?relookingtospend. Thentell thewaiter that you?relookingfor goodwinesuggestions. Walking into a wine cellar can feel like walking into a darkened museum of fancy bottles. Eyeing a wine list can be equal cause for your eyes to glaze over because, as many have asked before, what really makes a good wine? And the truth is, a great wine is really all about how it tastes to no one else but you. ?The greatest wine in the world, no matter what price the wine is, is going to be the one that you enjoy drinking, the one you enjoy the most,? But how do you know what you like if, like a lot of guys, you don?t know the first thing about wine. Except that women seem to love it and it makes you sleepy. Lets talk about the basics, which wines to know, what to pair them

with and so on. Ahh wine choices, well lets start with keeping it simple The best way to start getting oriented with wine is simply to start tasting. Remember the names of wines you like and the ones you don?t. Ask your friends which wines they like. Start making a list and build your palette from there. If you?re at a restaurant, tell your server what you plan to order and ask for wine pairing suggestions. If you?re on a date Pick up the menu and point to the price range you?re looking to spend. Then tell the waiter that you?re looking for good wine suggestions. An astute server will discreetly point you in the right direction based on a price you?re comfortable with.

Sept ember 2015


Let 's t al k Reds Cabernet Sauvignon: Generally described as full-bodied and bold with dark fruit and oak flavors as well as a green bell pepper flavor. A classic pairing includes lamb, steak or spicy foods. Syrah: Includes a wide range of flavors depending on the climate in which it grows. A lighter syrah fits with lamb while a bolder syrah wine teams well with pork. Petite Sirah: Bold flavors and bold, dark colors. A petite sirah will have an intense flavor with scents including blackberries, black cherries, plums and black pepper. Red meats and rich fatty foods are great for pairing. Let 's t al k Whit es Sauvignon Blanc: Typically dry and crisp, sauvignon blanc is a light wine that pairs well with light fish, shellfish, vegetables and salads. Chardonnay: Tends to be thicker or more full-bodied and oak flavors from aging. Chardonnay works with chicken or seafood. Riesling: Depending on the region of which it?s grown Riesling can range from dry to refreshing and sweet with circus fruit flavors. Pair Rieslings with salmon or tuna. How t o Tast e There?s a method to tasting. Typically, once the wine is poured in your glass you?ll see people swirl the wine around. This releases the different scents and flavors into the glass, which is why the next step is to plunge your nose in and give the wine in your glass a whiff. Then take a sip and decide for yourself. ?There?s no right or wrong. ?If you like it, go for it. ?The quality of food or quality of wine is really about what you like. You could like something that?s more like moonshine or garage wine. But if it?s good to you that?s all

that matters.? Do You Need a Decant er? If you?re getting into wine and plan to have some in the house, the short answer is yes. The process of transferring wine from the bottle to a decanter can improve the taste. Why?, once wine makes contact with the air its evolution process begins and the longer the wine is exposed the more flavors will be released. This is especially true for younger wines. Remember that younger wines, say less than 10 years old, take longer to open up while you may not need to pour an older wine into a decanter at all. Wine may be evolving as it?s exposed but it?s also deconstructing, which means if it?s exposed for too long it?ll start to taste like vinegar. So guys I do hope this helps you out on your next date or party . And remember most of all just enjoy the wine and the company your with.


Sept ember 2015


Sept ember 2015


Cl ick anywhere and shop t oday!


Sept ember 2015




Sept ember 2015


FALL 2015

check it out at www.jacl ynst james.weebl y.com

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