JJHelping Hand.
Has your computer had virus or crashed and in need of repairs? Then JJH Helping Hand is at your service. I am a one man show and I will fix your damaged computer in any condition. I charge by the hour and I will come to you as long as you have a way of contacting me. Just say the word and I am your nerd and on my way to fix your PC. No matter if its hardware or software I can fix it all. When you choose my business you also can request me to make to make you a logo or a website and everything in between. That is another hourly rate as well.
Contact Info E-mail: jacob.houle@yahoo.com Address: 677 Will Grimes Rd Hyde Park Vermont 05655 Phone: (802) 888-5788
Find out how at www.jjhhelpinghand.com
2 | Photo Guide. | May 2013
JJHelping Hand
Photo Guide.
May 2013 | CONTENTS 4 Letter to the Editor. BY JACOB HOULE
5 Photographers work.
6 Lessons on becoming a great photographer. Or, what I Learned from 1 year of an amazing Teacher. BY JACOB HOULE
7 How to get good at Silhouette photography. 8 How to Compose a great Photograph. its not just the subject its fitting the subject in a way that makes sense. BY JACOB HOULE
Silhouette of Christian Demars
By Jacob Houle
On the cover Christian Demars Photographed by Jacob Houle
9 How to preserve your money. Working from home is the better way to go. BY JACOB HOULE 10 About The Photographer BY JACOB HOULE
©2013 By Jacob Houle all rights reserved
May 2013 | Photo Guide. | 3
With a Smile An editor brought to you from the 90’s here to teach you about photography.
In this issue of photo guide I am going to show you how to take some great photos, set up the camera just right, compose the photo and line up your subject to make it fit into the shot with the background. Also when you take your photos you are not only trying to get your subject but also great depth of field and a great compostion. It’s normal for one to just capture the subject without any type of compositon but that’s only if your an amateur. If you have had a lot of experience but not yet a pro at being a photographer then the more experience or education you have had the better your photos will look. Also if you have been a photographer for a while or had years of education the more you are worth and the further you will get in life. As long as you have a passion in life then strive to meet your goals each day but if your goals get to hard to reach then make another goal that’s a little bit easier than the first but not too easy. As long as you try you will not fail because even if you fail then you will learn from your mistakes. When you don’t learn from them you are doomed to repeat your history over and over. You can’t change the past but you can keep making you future better by learning from your mistake you made the previous day. So what if you make a mistake that’s human nature, but the key is did you learn from it? You aren’t perfect, no one is but you can keep making yourself better. You will have learned from your mistake if you learned not to do something again or do it differently next time. Say you flunk a test you learn to study or quiz yourself to memorize the answers. Then you will be ready for the next time you take that test. Life isn’t easy, no one said it will be.
4 | Photo Guide. | May 2013
Inside Look at photographer’s work At a glance
Photo Guide
Owner: Jacob Houle Editor: Jacob Houle Address: 677 Will Grimes Rd May 2013 Photo Guide. | 5 Hyde Park,|Vt. 05655 jacob.houle@yahoo.com
Lessons on Becoming a Great Photographer Taking a great first photo is not the easiest thing in the world. It takes time, practice, and effort. When taking a photo you are looking for composition (type of shot), subject (what’s going to be in the shot), location and clarity. You need to meet all of that criteria in order to have a good photo. Now that is a good photo but its not professional. You might be considered a good photographer if you publish your work. You can earn money by taking these great photos for people. You can’t just take a picture and go oh, that looks professional, no, that’s not the way it works. You may get a great first time shot just because of beginners luck, but it’s not professional. As you get more experienced you may go into the photography field and decide to make a living off of it. Just knowing the basics can make you go far. First thing to know about photography is that “Photo” means “light” and “Graphy” means writing, recording, or drawing. So when you put it together it means writing with light. With a camera you control the lighting of the photo. You use exposure, aperture, shutter speed, and also you can use the flash to add more light to the photo if you don’t have enough.
Great Piece
6 | Photo Guide. | May 2013
How to Get Good at Silhouette Photography
irst and foremost I am going to say it’s not easy to take a great professional photo. It takes time, training, and a lot of hard work. To do this you might want a lighting studio or very minimal lighting to take this shot. The reason I say this is because you want just the
outline of the person’s body and the whole inside of the body to be just black. You don’t want to be able to see any color or faces just all black. I’m not perfect your not perfect. I am just helping you by giving you tips and tricks on taking this photo. As an experienced photographer I would know what it is like to take photos because I have a lot of experience under my belt. You may take my advice you may not but I have been educated on how to do this for a couple years now. Everything in life takes time learn and patience to get there. You won’t just get a perfect photo the instant you pick up a camera. You don’t stop learning until the day you die. You want most of the light (if you are working in a lighting studio) in the background. Then you want your subject in the foreground. That way the light in the background is not on your subject. The whole point of a silhouette is an entire black outline of the person or subject. Silhouette photos are one of my many favorite pieces. I like it because it gives a good feeling to it. You could also use this photo for an advertisement in a newspaper. Like “try to guess this mystery person” or “Unknown man reaks havoc”.
By Jacob Houle
May 2013 | Photo Guide. | 7
How to Compose a Great Photograph When taking photos you need to have proper lighting depending on the type of shot you want. If it is a silhouette then you may want very little lighting. If it is just an ordinary photo of a subject or scenery then you will want a lot of light but not too much light. If you have too much light then it will be overexposed and you won’t be able to see anything. When you take pictures you also want to go for clarity. Clarity is key. Not only are you wanting to fit your subject into the frame but you also want to make the background work with the subject, while still making it clear. You don’t want any stray marks on the photo or anything misleading. Like a dog’s tail in the shot or any wires or any other obstructions that may ruin the photo. You also need to have the picture in focus. When you take the photo you don’t want it to be blurry, unfocused or pixilated, nor too overexposed. You want just the subject and your background and nothing else, with these concepts in line, there you have a great piece. By Jacob Houle
8 | Photo Guide. | May 2013
How to Preserve Your Money 1. Keep it in a bank account.
Thats the easiest way to do it. Keeping your money locked up and in a safe location is definitely a way to keep track of your profits and make sure you don’t loose any. So you are guaranteed safe growth. When in a bank account it gains interest over time.
2. Invest in a stock.
This technique may not be ideal for everyone but for those of you who know how to play the game then more power to ya. You just might loose money because stock prices go down. Then when they go down your money goes down, as well. Meaning you loose money. Investing in a stock is not always the best way to gain money.
3. Most obviously don’t spend at all.
Wait to buy to the most important things for later don’t just go out there and spend just to spend. That’s not going to get you anywhere. Not spending is obviously the best choice and the right choice. You spend money on what you want and you also spend money because you need gas to get there. Working from home saves money because you don’t have to go out to travel to your job and waste gas to get there.
4. Sell any unneeded stuff in your house.
All of that useless junk in your house is just taking up space and you probably used it maybe once then it just sat there for many years untouched. Instead of your money just sitting there, turn it into cash. Otherwise, it will continue to sit there and your money will be wasted. By Jacob Houle
May 2013 | Photo Guide. | 9
About the Photographer
All about me. I am Jacob Houle and I am 17 years old. I am in Multimedia here at Green Mountain Technology and Career Center (GMTCC). I have been here for a year and came in here not having much of a clue what I wanted to do but now that I have had a little taste of this and that and have more of a precise decision on what I would love to do in my future and by the way it’s looking very bright. I now love photography, graphic design, video, motion, sound, and making logos. I knew coming into this class that I wanted to become a video game/ movie maker as a career, but now I have found more interesting concepts in life that I value as a person. Before I came into this Multimedia & Design class I went to Pre-tech. That class also gave me the option to pick and choose wich career I like the best out of the 11 programs that there are. So I felt this one was the one for me. 10 | Photo Guide. | May 2013
Come to GMTCC! Our school is among the other finest schools of education. Come here, we have a very great way of educating people like you. People of any personality are welcomed. 11 Programs to choose from in order to make an informed decision for LIFE!
May 2013 | Photo Guide. | 11
Š Jacob Houle Creations. Computer Programer of the future. I also fix them, as well