Aug. 14, 2013, The Dawson Springs Progress

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The Dawson Springs Progress VOL. 94, NO. 28

Seventy-Five Cents

Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, Kentucky 42408, Wednesday, August 14, 2013

committee selected

Board Begins Superintendent Hiring Process By Carolyn Walker

MILLING work was completed on a section of Highway 62 running through downtown Dawson Springs Friday, Aug. 9, in preparation for repaving of the highway which is Arcadia Avenue. Another project to prepare for the repaving will involve closing West Arcadia Avenue to truck traffic and restricting other vehicles near the Oak Street intersection Friday in order to replace a cross drain.

concessions reported large profits

Chamber Discusses Barbecue Successes And Improvements By Carolyn Walker The Dawson Springs Chamber of Commerce recapped the local Independence Day celebration at Tuesday’s meeting. “It was a tremendous success,” president Jenny Sewell said, thanking all those who played a part in the festivities. Sewell said she has had many com-

pliments on the event, which drew a large crowd. The only negative anyone brought up, she said, was that parking was packed tighter than usual. This was because approximately a quarter of the parking area was wet as a result of the recent rainfall. Vendors were also successful with their booths. The local nursing homes made more than $600 for the patients’ Christmas fund with a booth which sold

lemon shake-ups and glow jewelry. Main Street manager Melissa Heflin said the break between the game and the fireworks was very good for food sales. Heflin also commented that she is glad events such as this and the annual Barbecue are now able to help local nonprofits. Sewell asked members to think

The Dawson Springs Board of Education was approved as a search agent for hiring a new superintendent at a special called meeting Thursday. “I think it is a smart thing to do,” said interim superintendent Alexis Seymore. By conducting the search locally rather than employing a firm, the district can save approximately $5,000, she said. Tracy Overby was selected as the board member representative on the screening committee. Other committee members are Kathy Kelley, K–6 teacher; Brandon Godbey, 7–12 teacher; Cassie

Bruch, PTO president; Jennifer Ward, principal representative; and Brenda Purdy, classified employee. The board also approved a tentative timeline for the search which began with the required job posting period Aug. 2 through Sept. 2. During the posting period, each applicant will be sent a set of written questions to be answered within two weeks. The committee will be given copies of all applications at a meeting Sept. 16. Seymore said committee members will evaluate candidate packets individually before comparing them to see if any candidates “rise to —Continued on page A5

Annual Fun Night Is Friday The annual Fun Night, sponsored by the Dawson Springs Parent-Teacher Organization, will take place Friday at the municipal park. The event, a back-to-school tradition since 1974, is an opportunity for classes to have fun together and to win money for their treasuries. The winner of the Class Spirit Award will earn an extra $25 in addition to the other cash prizes. Games for grades 5–8 will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., followed by the high school games from 7:45 to 9:30 p.m. The games include the mega obstacle course relay, egg toss, bucket brigade relay, sack race, mummy wrap, egg relay, balloon toss, tape run, sponge brigade, balancing act and tug-of-war.

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second mission trip to africa

Woman Finds Hope During Ugandan Mission Trip By Jacob Parker People lay in the street outside a hospital with a variety of ailments such as typhoid and AIDS. Filled with hopeless anguish and unclean wounds, unable to escape the sickness or afford proper medical treatment, they lay in the street surrounded by decay. Out in the city, adults sift through trash and look for food or tools to help with survival. Meanwhile, the children play in tainted water that, albeit discolored by animal and human waste, is used for bathing and drinking. Barren and desolate, Kampala,

Uganda, ended up helping one woman find hope. From July 3 to July 27, Tana Roberts spent her time in Kampala, administering help and medication to the people and children in the city. “The living conditions are beyond what words can convey,” she said. “It’s a mixture of images, sounds and smells that envelope the destitution.” Roberts said she met one 8-year-old boy who stood out in her mind. George is ill with typhoid, a bacterial disease transmitted through consuming food or water contaminated with feces of those who already have

the disease. The sickness preforates the intestine, which in turn expands from the buildup of pus. George, whose family had no money, means of transportation or food, was ineligible to receive proper treatment and care because of his inability to pay for surgery or medicine. Despite the educated doctor at a better hospital, George’s unmedicated surgery consisted of his chest being cut open to release the infection, the incision extending to three inches past his naval. “The care was prehistoric,” she said.

After the procedure, 2-inch metal clasps were used along the the skin to hold it together, and his colon remained outside his body wrapped in dirty rags. This allowed for George to be reopened, cleaned and hooked back together. On the other side of his stomach, two tubes protrude to release infection from inside, long enough keep the skin from growing back together, and safety-pinned to keep from getting lost within his body. “The doctor poked him and infection just ran out,” —Continued on page A4

TANA ROBERTS walks with a disabled child, one of 145 located at the local children’s disability home. submitted photo

will be returning to western kentucky university

Progress Intern Enjoyed His Time In Community By Jacob Parker

of opportunity, that coveted rite of passage After leaving my of attending a fourhometown of 18 years, year college far enough Madisonville, to attend away from home to feel Western Kentucky independent but close University two years enough to provide some ago, I didn’t have many small remnants of the intentions of turning home security I was now back for more than an PARKER being asked to forsake. infinitesimal second. I made a life for myself I was plagued with what most in Bowling Green. I started renting teenagers experience when finally out a comfortable trailer that was presented with that golden window reasonably close to campus as well

as to my job. A year and a half later, I got a call from Scott Dillingham offering me an internship through the Kentucky Press Association. Instantly, I accepted. Instantly, I was apprehensive. I suppose I’m one of those kids who find themselves once they go off to college, immersing themselves into cultures and ways of thinking they were previously, violently and impressively ignorant of. A totally different person, I was coming back to my home that I had

left for my longest stay in almost two years. In the most modest way, I was no longer a part of my geographical culture’s norm when I came back. Before the internship began, multiple encounters in Wal-mart with acquaintances from my past gave me what I felt would be an insight into what being back home would be like. Their eyes drift toward (and on through) my ears, smiles become fixed and every word lingers like a long, drawn out

syllable as they wonder what in the world I did to my ears (and why). Dawson Springs, however, met me at the gate with arms stretched out in greeting. This is unequivocably the most unique community I have ever had the fortune of being in. For one thing, the smiles here aren’t fake. The friendliness, warmth and genuine interest in the smile radiates around everyone in the community.

LocaL 5 Day Forecast


Dawson Springs Progress



Your Community Newspaper Since 1919

Scott Gaines, 59 Elaine Thomas, 83

Abundant sunshine. Mostly sunny. Highs High 77. Winds NNE in the mid 70s and at 5 to 10 mph. lows in mid 50s.


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A few clouds. Highs Mix of sun/clouds. in low 80s and lows in Highs in upper 70s, mid 60s. lows in mid 60s.

—Continued on page A4

Isolated thunderstorms. Highs in low 80s, lows in mid 60s.

Police Reports…A2 Opinion…A6 Sports…B1-B3 Obituaries…B4 Comics…B5 Classifieds…B6-B7 People…B8

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