Industrial Design Portfolio 2017 - Jacob Terp Christensen

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Skills Adobe Photoshop


Modelling Software

Illustrator Solidworks

Fusion 360





Programming Software





I’m a tinkerer!

In my spare time I love to work with micro electronics, it being remote controlled drones for aerial photography or smaller projects such as repairing laptops or smarthphones. Photography is also a spare time activity I cherish highly.

Arduino Studio


Language Through my life, I’ve found myself become interested in product design, which has taken effect through my studies. I love working towards a goal and a product which when finished, manages to surprise me.

Danish - Native English - Fluent German - Basic

SketchBook Pro

Education 2015Industrial Design, M.Sc.

Architecture & Design Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

2012-2015 Industrial Design, B.Sc.

Architecture & Design Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

2009-2012 HTX Student, High School graduate.

Technology and Design EUC Syd Teknisk Gymnasium, Aabenraa, Denmark

Experiences Mid 2016-End 2016 Industrial Design Intern at Jacob Jensen Design A/S 2009-Present Freelance Graphic Designer 2008 (1,5 week) Internship at Davidsen Tømmerhandel A/S Davidsen Tømmerhandel A/S, Aabenraa, Denmark

Other Experiences 2003-2010 Assisting Taekwondo teacher in Aabenraa Do Jang, responsible for children at all grades.

2005-2010 Taekwondo teaching assistant in Aabenraa Do Jang, mainly responsible for children at all grades. Black Belt.

“Creating a product is much more than knowing how it should look“ With years of experience and interest with electronics and the inner workings of the product functionality, I have obtained immense knowledge in researching and developing technical solutions.




“Understanding what is involved when developing a sketch to a final product“ With my use and knowledge in Rapid-Prototyping methods, I have always had a “go-to” mentality, and have been developing product solutions for years.


Content Educational

The Elv Shower


Page 10-13 Master project Product solution aimed a reusing showering water

Page 14-15 Industrial Design Internship at Jacob Jensen Design A/S

Page 16-19 Product Design aimed at people suffering from Parkinsons

Page 20-21 Bachelor project Product Design aimed at Rolls-Royce Maritime A/S.


Page 22-23 Service Design showing a understanding of a service and its underlying requirements and validation methods.


Page 24-27 Product Design aimed at producing furniture for a danish furniture manufacturer.



Spare time projects Mk1

Page 28-29 A racing drone built for a clean look and performance.

Modelling projects Page 30-33 Spare time modelling and rendering.

Photography Page 33-34 My passion for photography.

The Elv Shower Creating a solution aimed a lowering the water usage when showering.

The project were ignited by an observation when showering. A large amount of relatively clean water is drained, when it has evenly barely touched your body. This observation was our main ignition to starting the project, and it was a great selling point for the product later on.

Evolving the project through a technological breakthrough.

One of the main criteria for the product, was that it needed to be affordable and easily installed by a end-user. This put restrictions on how the product would evolve further, and to who it should be targeted. By restricting the sucess criteria, we as a team needed to create a low powered system, due to having to be installed without professional help, which meant that the system would run on a battery pack. The solution was to use only a single pump, and use the venturi effect as a passive way of transporting water around in the system where possible.

Minimal power usage was necessary.

Creating a system with minimal power usage was both critical to get a product powered by a battery pack to work, and was also a big challenge in how the filtration of the water should be done. UV-filtration is the most common way, however regular UV bulbs use large amount of power, so it was necessary to use UV LED’s. This ultimately meant that the system could be used 30 times, before the battery pack needed to be recharged.


A technological approach.

It was critical that the technological aspect of the product worked, ensuring that we had a stable platform to work on further. We created subsystems to ensure that each part, such as the venturi system, and the filtration system would work.


Testing throughout the process.

Testing the proposed solutions was absolutely critical in achieving a believable system. As a great amount of the product includes water, it can be incredible difficult to calculate, thus making prototyping with physical models a great solution.

Once the water has been disinfected, it is further diluted into fresh water. Making the few suspended particles spread even further, ensuring that the water is clear. The remaining shower water is discarded after usage.


The water is lifted up to a buffer tank, wherein all harmful bacteria such as E.coli will be disenfected with highly effective UV-C rays, ensuring that the water is absolutely safe to shower in.


Meanwhile, all rough particles such as hair, or bigger obstactles will be blocked with a mesh filter, that is removable to be cleaned.


Once water pours down, the quality will be measured, if it meets the acceptable threshold it will be picked up. For instance, soap and dirt will not meet the requirement, thus not be picked up.


A throughout evaluation of the users, and their needs.

Being able to understand the users and their showering behavior and activities was critical, thus it was needed to get a complete understanding of these criteria, so that they would not be hindered or outright made impossible by our solution.

Nicole turns on the shower, while being outside of it.

Nicole wettens her face and wettens her hair throughoutly.

Several personas to ensure a large group of users.

Including several personas in the process was necessary, as many people have different ways they use the shower, and as a team it was our mission to create a product which could facilitate these different uses. Nicole applies shampoo outside of the water stream.


Creating the solution.

The solution was created through intensive sketching and prototyping through 3D printing. This ensured that the final product would work up to our expectations.

Sizing of shower head

The initial sketch of the design

Lighting and main functions test

A cardboard model to get an impression of dimensions

Final fully functioning product

Switch test

Final lighting and button testing



An experience in creating products through active collaboration with companies.

Throughout the internship I created products on befalf of larger eletronic companies located in several different countries. Throughout the design phases, it was my responsibility to make sure that an active collaboration were established, and that the company received a product designed on behalf of their demands and the end-user expectations.

From early sketches to fully-fledged functional products ready for production.

Being a part of the team for six months ensured that I could follow a products design cycle from the very early sketches to it evolving into a fully fledged prototype, ready for production. With responsibilies changing with the design, I was part of a large array of design facilitations, being the very intricate one-on-one communication with small departments in the early phases of a design, to being in larger meetings with production companies in the later stages. This ensured that I had a complete understanding of how a design evolves from a sketch to a functioning prototype.


Out with old, in with the new.

When arriving a Jacob Jensen Design, I had a crash course in how designs were facilitated throughout the design phases. To my big surprise, it seemed like the early phases of designing were heavily dependent on the creation of cardboard models, which would be shipped out to the customers, creating a means of communicating the design physically. This was a very quick way of creating iterative design, and allowed for materials to be glued on afterwards, emulating a authentic feel in the hand of the user. However as the models were to be shipped to the stakeholder, a cardboard model did not have the ideal strength, and it was increasingly difficult to emulate the weight of a product.

A faster and more futureproof solution.

As the design were created in CAD, before being made in cardboard, I proposed a solution in which 3D print would be used as an active part of the design. By creating the prototypes with 3D printing methods, it was much easier to ship, and smaller details, not available by using cardboard, could be integrated into the model, ensuring that the stakeholder could relate better to the final product. Furthermore, it was possible to integrate mechanical features into early prototypes. This meant that the lead time for a prototype became shorter, and it was possible to communicate features of a prototype earlier in the design phase, again leading to a shorter and more effective design process.




A product created through active collaboration with Promovec A/S.

Levanta was created based on the struggling problems often faced by people with Parkinson’s. Through a great cooperation with the potential useras and Promovec, it was possible to create a product helping the affected get throught the daily life.

A mix of usertesting, mechanical knowledge and aestectics were realized with Levanta. Creating support wheels for an electric bike. The wheels would be able to support the Parkinson’s affected by giving them assistance when starting and stopping the bike, and when at low speed. Neatly tugging away to avoid attention from bypassers.

My Role As a group of five people, my responsibility was heavily on the mechanical and functional parts of the design, furthermore I was involved with the user interviews and had primare responsibility for the choice of materials and user-testing.

Ma n u fa

ing ur ct

Visu al m

ls a i er

Con ce lize ua pt

lling e od


M at

Tjalve as a driving force


Solid wheel


Omni wheel


Tube wheel


An exploration led to the creation of a product able to withstand what the user would put the product through of abuse, and still be affordable by most users.

Tjalve was used heavily when creating Levanta, and was a great way of exploring different methods of creating a support wheel which would be able to support the user, withstand the various forces of nature and still be able to be tugged away.


Solid arm




+ Puncture proof

+ Dampening

+ Simple

+ Adjustable

+ Low maintenance

+ Low noise

+ Cheap

+ Low friction

+ Low friction

+ Weatherproof

+ Standard component

+ Standard component

+ Combinable with deployment - Complex

+ Lower weight - Non-dampening

- More maintenance

- Weight

- Puncturable MATERIALS

- Price - Variable height


- Noisy

* Development, p 53

+ Light

+ Light

+ Cheap

+ Cheap

+ Cheap

+ Weather resistant

+ Proven technology

+ Lightweight - Expensive - Limited access - Breaks erupt - Risk of scratches/ damage

+ Moldable - Weather

- High weight

- Wear & tear

- Permanent deformation

- Limited flexibility

- Rust

- Breaks erupt

+ Possibility for complex shapes + 3D printable - Heat/cold - Plastics fatigue - More material


- Long arm

+ Simple

+ Custom made for flex

+ Short spring/piston

+ High strength

- Prone to elements


+ Medium length


- Prone to elements


+ Short


A rethinking of the support wheel To create a deployable stabilising system, possible deployment mechanisms were explored. Different deployment concepts are developed through sketching, followed by cardboard modelling to attain a better spatial understanding of the mechanisms. The different concepts are evaluated in relation to different parameters, including possible deployment time, visibility as well as travel distance and trajectory.

Testing how Parkinson’s feel Due to Parkinson’s including difficulties maintaining balance, especially at low speeds, it was important to get an understanding of the different scenarios which the users would be evolved in. Both testing with exessive forces on a bike, and driving with eyes closed created an insight in how the user feel each day, when driving their bikes.


Creating a CAD-model for further testing A CAD-model were created as a means of testing the product through FEM, and to further visualize the final concept, being able to tweak small parameters to make it fit our and the users expectations.

A complete visual representation The complete visual representation were created based on the CAD-model. This made it possible to get feedback from the users, such as colors, main design trades and tweaks could be done to create a pleasing product for the final user and the team.


A product created through active collaboration with Rolls-Royce Marine A/S.

GORM was a vision based on the workers wish to have a better workflow throughout their day. Envisioned as a Business to Business Project, GORM saw the light of day as a solution to heavily reduce the time, workers use to clean bolts in maritime production and repair.

A mix of design thinking methods were used, involving shadowing, storytelling, mockups and verification from long term experts on the market. This escalated to designing a product based on the needs of the users, with the rough setting of a workshop and its uses kept in mind.

Ma n u fa

ch r ea

Con ce

ing ur ct

lling e od

lize ua pt

Visu al m

My Role As a part of the team, my role was scattered depending on the current task at hand. Starting of analysing user needs and problems at Rolls-Royce Maritime A/S, my expertize were used when needed, all-through to visual modelling and manufacturing.


Re s

A journey from a vision to a prototype

The user-needs and problems were researched.

A final design were created.

Computervisualization ensured that the design would function.

Testing were done to ensure that the problem could be tackled.

Mock-ups were presented for the workers. Further feedback were had.

A complete prototype were developed to ensure that the design were what was envisioned.


Aalborg WELCOMESERVICE Creating a service for newcomers in the municipality. The concept of having a service for newcomers was an intriging idea backed up heavily by user-needs and research.

Serv ic e -B

ap m m

Use r-r

rint ep lu

d ar o b

The Service. Creating a service for newcomers to the municipaly through a book, which would help understand the ins and outs of the city better, and to give custom offers based on hobbies or interests from the newcomer

ch ea es

Sto ry

My Role My role was to create an overview of the proces and service. This was done through system maps, blueprints, IDEF0’s and personas. I also created a lot of the visual elements in the reports and were the main contact person for the user research.

A service-design project were the theme, which involved a great amount of user-research, and methods to establish a basis for our concept.


S y ste

Going from an idea to validation through methods in service-design. Several methods were used to both create and validate the idea.





Borgeren har meldt flytning og modtager Aalborg kommunes velkomstservice.


Aalborg kommune Borgerservice faciliterer forsend-

Bibliotekar faciliterer og vejleder om infor mationsstanden.


Teknisk afdeling faciliterer databasen og netværk.

Ambassadør netværk Netværk mellem ambassadører.




Database Beregningsenhed.


Turistforeninger Facilitering af materialer.

Personas Personas are great to base a product or service around, and creates a set of criteria for the product or service.



Leverandør af velkomstprodukt.


Systemmap Systemmaps are created to get a overview of the actors involved in a specific service.


User actions



Melder flytning

Modtager velkomstpakke

Brev Bog



Læser brev

Undersøger bog

Wayfinding; informationsstander

Line of interaction Frontstage

Registrerer og bekræfter

Line of visibility Backstage

Brev pakkes

Sender brev

Internal interaction Support

IDEF0 IDEF0 is a great tool to visualize actions and decisions in a system.

Database tildeler kode

Blueprint Blueprints are created to visualize the touchpoints and processes involved in a service.


Delta A wall divider aimed for the ABW Delta was created as a solution towards the Activity based workspace, in which employees need the possibility to work alone or cooperate with colleagues. Delta provides with a building block, in which a multitude of zones can be created, with great customization. The desire of Delta is to create a work environment that provides multiple benefits for the user, and improves the opportunities for an Activity Based Workplace.

Created in collaboration with CUBE Design A/S Delta was produced in collaboration with CUBE Design A/S, and targeted towards their existing portfolio and market. The price and identity of Delta was a direct reflection of the production available at CUBE Design A/S.

P r o du

ch a e es -r

Mar ke t-r

ion ct

lling e od m

rch ea es

Com pu te r

My Role My role was to research the market, and find potential competitors. Most of the computer modelling and rendering were done by me, while I researched the acoustic performance of different types of material.


Acou s tic

What does the user say? A throughout user-research were done on multiple workspaces in Denmark.

Created upon user-feedback. Multiple mock-ups models were created to test interesting forms and features.

Further refinement were done. Through SolidWorks, detailing were done as a sideways proces with 3D-printing.


Methods used throughout the proces. Several methods were used in the proces to create Delta.

Blue Ocean Canvas. Validating competitors on several criteria, and figuring what our product needed to do different or better.

LOW Modularity







Tjalve; structuring the creation. Tjalve was the main method, in which we created Delta.


The final product. The final products were shown as a physical model. Modelling. Styrofoam were used as the base of the modules.


Rascal Mk1 In pursuit of performance. Rascal started as soon as I began flying drones. The racing quads on the market looked clumsy and their performance were not what I wanted, so I created my own!

3D printed. My modifications to the existing frame were done on a 3D printer, which helped in designing the spacer for the frame with a rapid development.

Build on a existing frame. As I had no way to cut a custom carbon fiber frame, I decided to use an existing proven frame for my drone.

The mission The mission was to neatly pack all the electronics inside a 3D-printed spacer, helping the aestetics, aerodynamics and center of mass.


Past experience made it easier. As this was my second custom created spacer for a drone, I already knew what had to be done, and what to look out for, this made the proces a lot easier, and I fully embrased the my 3D printer in this project.

First step The frame were scanned and drawn into SolidWorks, this gave a reference to screwholes etc.

The proces. The proces took place in my spare time, in which I could quickly develop prototypes on my 3D printer, while adjusting it for perfection in SolidWorks.

A basemodel were created This reference frame were created to enable me to check for screw tolerances once the model were completed.

Rapid prototyping A thin print of the base model were created. This was to make sure that the screws would fit, before printing the whole spacer.

Features were added When fitment were ensured, it was time to add the necessary features to the spacer, to allow for the electronics to fit inside.

Each feature were tested Each feature were printed each on its own, this allowed for faster development and adjustments, if needed.

The final model When all the features had been tested on its own, the frame were finally printed as a whole.






Photography Inspiration starts somewhere. A large impact in my design career has been based on my ability to turn off work mode, and explore different places with my camera. This has helped realize some of the designs throughout my education and has been a great way of exploring forms, textures and colors.



Contact Address Kastetvej 63, 4th 9000 Aalborg Denmark Phone +45 42727252 E-mail Homepage


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