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Daisy Ministries 7 Clocolan Drive Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Mobile: +236779934041/3 E-mail:
NEWS LETTER - 10 (30 August 2013) Dear All We live in exciting times serving an exciting GOD! We witness the reality of GOD on a daily basis through living, normal living. We see HIM manifesting around us, sometimes in what we would class extravagant ways and other times in less obvious ways. The fact is that GOD is always with us! Knowing and believing that makes a difference to out outlook in life. GENERAL (Election ...) The
terrifying Zimbabwean elections has come and gone. I was invited to join one
of the opposition parties' support team. We delivered food and drink to the electoral staff at the polling stations. There was a relaxed atmosphere but we did get the odd sour kraut that did not want to support my own personal party, the Zimbabwean Christian Democratic Party! Should we have been on the roll, I'm sure we would have won!! Just to confirm, there are no such party, we were just playing around with people using "our party" as a way of opening up discussion. You can even swing politics into an evangelism tool and we challenged a few people on their relationship with GOD. Zimbabwean ballot paper for Presidential election 2013
MINISTRIES If at this stage you are ultra serious, please skip the next few points and continue reading on the last page - "WHAT ARE WE LEARNING - REALITY CHECK". Non-Ministry Ministries! Fun Ministry This may be a strange name for a ministry. The point I'm trying to make is that not all witnessing must be "ministry based". Living life can be called a "ministry". What we are doing is to have fun whilst looking for "bridges" to reach out and witness to people, anywhere, nothing dramatic, just fun! However, in having fun, our intention is always to share the Gospel of Jesus, to plant or water a seed and to harvests where possible.
E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ
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Cricket Ministry Cricket is the one sports loved by all Zimbabweans and in which they are fairly competitive. I was fortunate to watch Zimbabwe playing India recently. To be positive, at least Zim got second place! There were scores of Indian supporters, lots from Botswana, and we chatted to them. Some were waving flags and, acting as security personnel, we informed them that flag waving was distracting to the Zimbabwean team and promptly confiscated the flag. They were happy when we returned the flag stating that we were just making fun. I meet new Indian friend, The Indian flag. four Hindus and a Christian. For some reason I asked about the colours and symbolism in the Indian flag. Interestingly, the orange represents Hinduism, the white Christianity and the green Islam. The twenty four spoke wheel in the centre represents peace, 24-hours daily. This was the "bridge" to talking about Jesus! The Christian Indian appreciated the support openly thanking me for sharing the gospel with his friends. Whilst watching the game, I noticed a guy that was dressed "funny" playing with charms attached to a string, whilst bobbing his head from left to right, up and down continually. I approached the guy and he turned out to be a Bryan, the Hindu monk and Jaco. Notice my "Walk Hindu monk evangelising the with Jesus" cap. A dead give-away... Bryan gave me a special book, his guide to life... world as he goes around with his main aim to bring peace between Hindus, Muslims and Christians. He was living the Indian flag! I was wearing a "Walk with Jesus" cap that gave me away and he started of by calling me his "brother" stating His Holiness, Sri that he passionately loves Jesus and that he believes in Jesus Sri Ravi Shankar, Bryan's spiritual as the ultimate GOD! To say the least, I was dumbfounded leader with his not knowing what to say. He even had his own little book. Gideon's Bible with him and took me to some scriptures. Whereto from here? Well, Holy Spirit is faithful. As he agreed with all I said, he stated that he absolutely believe the Bible as the Word of GOD. On asking him whether he then agrees with Jesus when He said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me" (John 14:6). The truth struck home as he denied Jesus as the only way stating that it is very exclusive for Jesus to say that of Himself. We had I a nice conversation and the seed was sown. He turned out to be an exZimbabwean cricket player! I'm sure we will meet again. Hindus believe that no particular religion teaches the only way to salvation, that all genuine religious paths are facets of God's Pure Love and Light, deserving tolerance and understanding. E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ
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Muslims Last month I wrote about Kyle and me visiting a Mosque from a different sect. Since then I have been trying to get the Imam (Rajab) for a meeting but without success. I would always just miss him or he would be in town. I got his mobile number and he agreed to chat, but at the Bulawayo Islamic Society (BIS) offices. Somehow the world is getting small. Apart from the fact that Kyle and I openly stated that we are Christians wanting to increase our knowledge on Islam, for some reason he did not want to speak one to one. Rajab arranged a meeting at the BIS. When we got there, we had a team of five Sheiks waiting for us. These were all young learned guys wanting to engage. Not knowing what to expect at the BIS, I was a bit nervous Inside Rajab's mosque. Note the 99 names of Allah and and asked Dion to join me. We referring to the Indian flag, notice the Islamic green. dedicated the meeting to GOD asking Holy Spirit for HIS wisdom and favour. As mentioned earlier, our intention is always to somehow present the Good News. Getting an opportunity at the BIS connected us to the Islamic Leaders of the city. What an awesome privilege to present the Gospel to these men. We submitted to them a document consisting of questions with my version of what the answers should be based on what the teachings of the Quran. Questions included the following; 1. What can a Muslim do to get into heaven apart from Jihad? 2. Are you prepared to go and kill non-Muslims and yourself in an effort to gain paradise? 3. Is their any assurance of salvation in Islam? Can you ever Sheik Bilaal, Sheik Isaac, Sheik Ishmael and Sheik be sure that you will go to Brighton. Nice people, a bit mislead... heaven? 4. What happens when any Muslim dies? 5. According to the Quran, was Mohammad a sinner? 6. If Mohammad was a sinner as stated by the Quran, where is Mohammad now? 7. What is hell like? 8. Do you know Jesus (Isa)? 9. How do you know that He was only a prophet? 10. Did you ever read the verses referring to Jesus in the Quran? E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ
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11. What do you think of the Bible? Does the Quran not instruct you to study and recite the Bible? 12. Do you think that Isa (Jesus) died and that He was raised as the Christians say? Even though some questions may be challenging to them, the intention is to get them to understand the substitutionary death of Jesus. For them to reconsider what they have been taught about Jesus. Our next meeting is booked for the 3rd of September. Prisons We could have called this past month "Muslim Month"! It is rare to find any Muslims in prison. We are "blessed" to have meet Kazim, a Nigerian Muslim and Muhammad ElHusein, an Egyptian Muslim. These two meet in prison and are close friends. When we first meet them, I noticed the Egyptian immediately because of his light complexion. Whilst the rest of the Zacro team were ministering, I chatted with these Muslims. Kazim asked that I explain to him about Holy Spirit and speaking in "tongues". It got to a point that we discussed the gifts and in particular healing as it is a visible sing of Holy Spirit's work in and through people. I explained the gifts stating that during our worship, Holy Spirit showed me that there were guys with dental problems and that we need to pray for them. The gift received for that moment was a "word of knowledge". I then explained that since GOD showed this to me, HE will also heal those with dental issues, HE will give the gift of healing for that moment. They stared in disbelief whilst I told them that we will call the guys after the service and through prayer, GOD will heal those guys. I invited them to stand next to me and witness for themselves. After the service, we called for those with dental problems and around 12 men came out. A change in their attitude was noted. We got the worst case, around seven guys, and prayed for them first. Immediately four of the seven were healed and after a second prayer, all were healed. Our GOD gives us the grace to do what HE wills, to love people the way HE does! The following visit, Kazim and Muhammad stated that they see the healings as a sign of "truth" and that they will consider making The Healer their GOD. We did not pressurise them but left some good literature with them. We will let you know what transpired. Artwell, here with a different tshirt, gave his life to Jesus without much effort. GOD prepared him for us!
OUTREACHES Our outreaches to the central city is bearing fruit as we faithfully go to the TM parking area on weekends. We bump into guys that we prayed for previously, we get surprised by ex-prisoners coming to greet us thanking us for the work in prison. An "evangelist" came to us asking what we are doing having noticed us previously. On informing him, he asked whether he could join our group. Week after week we see GOD's love manifesting in people's lives as people receive Jesus, recommit their lives to GOD and are being healed. During our pre-outreach prayer GOD shows us things and people that we would encounter. GOD showed me a guy with an orange t-shirt and I shared it with the guys. Scott pointed the guy out and as I walked to him, I noticed his Rastafarian friend and started to chat with him. After carefully sharing the gospel with him and answering all the questions he had, the Rasta blew me of like a feather. E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ
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Feeling a bit "down", I left only to be stopped by the Rasta's friend, a guy wearing an orange t-shirt named Artwell. He stated that he overheard the message shared with his Rasta friend, that he understood it and that he wanted to surrender his life to Jesus! Oh so easy when GOD calls people to HIM... Len, a friend from South Africa on his way back from Zambia, visited us briefly. He needed dollars and I wanted to send a letter from the Post Office so we went to town. After finishing our business, we decided to look for some people with whom we could share. We stopped at the flower stalls and started to chat with some Rastafarian men. I stated that, in an effort to learn about them, I want to visit their church that is apparently at the Khami Ruins somewhere. A Rastafarian man by the name of Jacob asked why I wanted to visit and if I was serious, me being a Christian. It turned out that Jacob is the local Rastafarian leader! GOD gave Len a word for Coach, one of the Rastas listening to us. Coach walked away standing and listening at a distance. Several others approached us for prayer and advice. Later, out of nowhere, Coach returned stating that he wants to receive Jesus! What an awesome GOD. Teaching and Training Karin will be a speaker at the annual Ladies Conference at Antelope Park near Gweru. She has been given carte blanche but knowing her, she will speak on grace, her favourite subject. At this stage we have no training appointments. That being said, it seems as if Coach, a Rastafarian, surrendering his life to Jesus. we are being trained and equipped to deal with people from all religious back-grounds. We are focussing on Islam and Jehovah's Witnesses as they are the two main religions impacting the city of Bulawayo. We are however looking for opportunities to share what we have learned. 7 Clocolan House We had a relatively quite month and received minimal visitors for short times. I must admit, it was a welcome break. We expect 16 to 20 visitors during September including American Baptists and a group from Durban in South Africa. Mighty Men's Conference Zimbabwe This is a project that will impact many that will require much. We can however clearly see the hand of GOD in the project and things are falling into place.
E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ
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WHAT ARE WE LEARNING - REALITY CHECK Hereby some tips on what we learn and experience. It may help you now or in future. Witnessing and evangelising people is not an event, it is a way of life. Expect the un-expected when going out. Look for opportunities to share the Good News, there are plenty!! Be assured that if GOD says something in HIS Word, HE means it and will back it up! The more you challenge the un-known, the more you challenge doubt and fear, the more GOD will prove Himself faithful and the more your trust will grow! On Zimbabwean roads, and for that case most roads in Africa, keep spare light bulbs. Returning from South Africa, we lost our spot lights, then the left bright and then the right dim. What is the chance of that? When dealing with Government, do not over inform them. I was allowed to "legally" keep my LDV for an extended period by a friendly official. On wanting the same service from another official, a senior official this time, I was informed that it was illegal and that I probably bribed the guy... The young official got reprimanded for being lenient towards my and I had to take the vehicle out of the country for a day. FAMILY Jaco, our son, is busy with his record exams and it is keeping Karin fully occupied. I am truly great full for the wife GOD gave me. Her dedication to Jaco's schooling frees me up to do what I want! In short, she is writing matric again as she first need to understand the work before she can explain it to Jaco. We expect to visit South Africa again in November only. We do expect however that our family will visit us in the mean time. NEEDS & PRAYER REQUESTS As can be seen from the above, we are enjoying our time in Zimbabwe. We experience GOD's favour and grace in what we are doing. This past month we just became aware of the role that our supporters are playing in our lives. Without you, circumstances this side would be vastly different. We are grateful and therefore this month, we pray for you. We pray that the reality of GOD will become evident in your lives, that you will experience HIS favour, that you will experience and see physically the love that HE has for you. That, because of HIS presence in your lives, your lives will never be the same again. That you will grow into the vessels that HE destined you to be! We love you guys. Should you need any further information, feel free to contact us. Stay blessed, The Pitzer Family
E-mail: - - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ