Jaco & karin pitzer news letter 11 18 october 2013

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Daisy Ministries 7 Clocolan Drive Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Mobile: +236779934041/3 E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com karin5.daisy@gmail.com

NEWS LETTER - 18 October 2013 Dear All Daisy Ministries is growing! GOD's timing is perfect as Dion and Sally Green joined us after being in business for many years. A bold step but they are full of faith knowing that they are in the perfect will of GOD. The year is passing at a tempo and this will be our last news letter for a while as we are leaving for South Africa early November. GENERAL With two vehicles in the country we sometimes have to leave just for the sake of getting a new TIP (Temporary Import Permit). We left Zim for Botswana via the Plumtree border post. On the way back, we were informed that we had three days to leave the country. We can pack as much as we can and then we have to return for the rest of our belongings. To say that we were surprised is an understatement. To make a long story short, our friend Steve arranged for us to speak to the main man at the border post. What a blessing this man turned out to be. No back-hand of any sort. He just considered the facts and extended our stay. I must admit that even when standing in faith, it was a tense time! MINISTRIES As you know, we teach people how to witness as a way of life. At this stage then, you should know that we find it exciting to serve GOD. Hereby a timeline of Tuesday past, a busy day! 04:55 - Wake up for time with GOD, 1st coffee of the day. 05:45 - Take my wife coffee in bed (we spoil each other) and my 2nd coffee of the day. 06:20 - Leave for Mighty Men's (MMC) prayer meeting at Dion's, quick last coffee. 08:00 - Meet with Kier Taylor, a well experienced crusade evangelist giving us advice on practical setup for the MMC. 2 x Coffee. 11:00 - Meet Ken Haskins of Victory Fellowship to discuss evangelism training at his congregation. 12:20 - Lunch. 1 x Coffee. 13:00 - Prepare for meeting with Muslim leadership. 1 x Coffee. 14:00 - Pick up Dion to go to Muslim meeting, quick coffee. Pray for and dedicate our time with the Muslims to GOD. 14:25 - No Muslim leadership at the Islamic Centre? (We would normally chat from 14:30 to around 16:20.) They will be here soon. Whilst waiting the following happens;  We chat to a man claiming to be Christian but agreeing with Muslims, Hindu's and Rasta's. He believes that we all serve the same God. He admitted to not having E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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read his Bible for the last two years. Dion showed him that we cannot all be serving the same God, and encouraged him to study his Bible and build a relationship with GOD. He left with something to think about.  Waiting outside we bump into two brothers that had previously received Jesus simultaneously at one of the street evangelism times at TM Hyper. A great reunion. They are going strong!  Whilst Dion is chatting to the brothers, I chat to another Muslim also waiting for the Sheiks. He had overheard that Mohammad is prophesied and mentions two scriptures. One stating that Mohammad is the Comforter mentioned in John 14:16. I pointed out that it could not be Prophet Mohammad as the verse states that the Comforter will abide with us forever being a Spirit who will dwell with us. The Prophet Mohammad only stayed with us for a few years and he was not a "spirit" being. The man understood clearly and left...  We went into the building again and found a man in pain. He had had a stroke and was going for therapy. After praying for him all the pain was gone and we believe that perfect healing will be seen! 15:10 - We go and chat to Mavuto, the ex-Imam who gave his life to the Lord. Things are tough but he is fighting the good fight. 15:20 - Leave Mavuto going to a business man we recently met to enquire after a job for Mavuto. We got lost and bump into a young Hindu. We chat and we explain Christianity to him. We gave him a Bible advising that he read the books of Romans and John. 15:30 - Dion engaged an SDA man about the Sabbath, food and other laws whilst I chat to an agnostic who refused to believe that he is just a human in need of a saviour. Sheik Ismail, Sheik Bilaal and Jaco (not shaking). 16:40 - Drop Dion as we are supposed to be with Books l-r, Hadith (Muslim), Quran, 2 x KJV Bibles Kier Taylor for training in divine healing. and English translation of the Quran. 17:00 - I chicken out. Dion stays strong and collects several elderly ladies on the way. Enjoy a cup of coffee with my wife! 20:30 - Dion gets back home. Do not know whether he had a last cup...

A very long and very exciting day with the Holy Spirit! Except for the 5 meetings that were arranged, the rest just happened, no effort, no super-spiritual people... We do not know if it is Biblical, but could it be that the amount of coffee consumed is indicative of a person's level of spirituality? Ministries! Jehovah Witnesses This is getting to be a problem. I got the idea that the people at the local Kingdom Hall do not want to engage with us anymore. The first clear sign was when I was sent an e-mail stating that they will continue to pray for me but that clearly I am not open to receive the truth.

E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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Coming back from cycling I stopped at a team of JW's. They will never be less than 2 persons. I introduced myself and posed some questions. I was asked to confirm my name and was bluntly shut down stating that "they" had this discussion with me previously. The next time I stated that I was a Muslim called Yakuub and invited the 3 men to come and disciple us which they duly did. On offering them coffee, I got their New World Translation of the Bible, my own NIV, my Quran (Muslim book) and the Hindu BhagavadGita. I stated that I have read the books and that they are the closest to being Muslims as they do not believe in the Trinity, (that Jesus and Holy Spirit is co-equal GOD with the Father) and that they are also allowed to lie like the Muslims. Obviously they rejected my statement but on asking them to explain the term "theocratic warfare" they kept quite. ('So in time of spiritual warfare it is proper to misdirect the enemy by hiding the truth. It is done unselfishly; it does not harm anyone; on the contrary, it does much good. Today God's servants are engaged in a war, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. God's servants are sent forth as sheep among wolves and therefore need to exercise the extreme caution of serpents so as to protect properly the interests of God's Kingdom. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work.'' Watchtower May 1, 1957 Page 285 - 286.) I stated that I just practised theocratic warfare by lying to them about me being a Muslim. There main guy then asked me to explain the Trinity which I did by taking him to the Hebrew meanings of Deuteronomy 6:4 which clearly states that Jehovah our GODS are united as ONE. They then excused themselves stating that they will return better prepared. They did not return. Last week Jaco (Jr) was driving me and Karin to church. We noticed the JW's and asked them to come visit us. The leader looked at us asking whether we stay in our house, giving directions to our house. No contact details were shared. At least we get time to share with the new Witnesses... Eish!! Muslims As mentioned in the previous news letter, we are now meeting with the Muslim leadership in Bulawayo on a weekly basis. Serious issues are addressed and it takes a lot of patience to get them to admit what we as Christians would regard as flaws. These include Jihad and specifically the right to kill people who obstruct them from sharing their faith and that they are allowed to lie or deceive similar to the JW's. We are of late discussing their belief that Mohammad was prophesied about in the Bible. Even though this is blatant and open speculation, the answer normally is; "that is what we as Muslims believe". As they give the Muslim viewpoint, we are being intentional in always giving the Christian viewpoint on the topic of discussion and are looking forward to seeing the effect that the spoken Word is going to have in their lives. Prisons What a month we had in prison. The highlight was that 19 prisoners were baptised, in prison. A first for us. The district Chaplain chatted to them to confirm that they know what they are doing. Before being baptised, each person was asked to confirm verbally that he chose Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. It was truly a great day and a

Dion during training at UAFC Nketa, Bulawayo.

E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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reward to Dion's effort to get this done. We stand back and wonder what GOD has in store for these men, good things... In the mean time, the two Muslims in prison, Mohammad and Kazim were sent to Harare for deportation. We assisted Mohammad and helped his brother, Saad, who came from Johannesburg to see Mohammad and take him some food. We assisted in getting the two brothers on the same plane to Egypt and, considering the current political climate in Egypt, Saad was very grateful for the assistance. The Prison authorities were incredible in assisting us during the process. The Gospel was sown into the lives of two Egyptian Muslims! Let us see what is going to happen. The Rastafari "Temple" outside

OUTREACHES Bulawayo. The fire must burn continuously during the service. We have been in-active at TM the last 3 weeks - busy elsewhere. We chatted to a guy a while ago and it was prophesied that he would get an increase soon. GOD is faithful and we got the following text message from him; "Hi Mr Jaco. My name is Raymond Mguni. We met at TM Hyper in Byo with my student Mmeli on 17 Aug. Yu told me to wait for my promotion. Indeed l have been promoted to a school Head. Praise God." GOD is interested in HIS people! During Len's recent visit, we bumped into some Rastafarians at the flower market. We chatted and wanted to go and find out what they are all about. We agreed to give the "Elder" and a friend a lift as the "temple" is out of town on a kopje in the bush. Take note that it was on a "Sabbath" (Saturday). Whilst driving, Dion realised that they are in possession of "medicine" aka "ganja". The question then arises, if the police check us at one of the road blocks, will we be aiding and abetting in the transport of illegal substances?? The Rastas assured us that it would not happen and we continued in much faith towards the temple. They agreed to us recording the service on video. We discussed the differences. There are a variety of Rastafarian sects, but after chatting to our Rastas, the main difference is that they are a monotheistic religion which believe Jesus was an incarnation of GOD (they call GOD Jah) followed by the latest incarnation, Haile Selassie the former Emperor of Ethiopia - 1930 to 1974. We ended up having quite an intense discussion after their praise and worship which included taking of the "medicine". They would typically chant the following; Jah followed by Rastafaria and or Haile Selassiea. As the "medicine" began to take effect, much emphases will be laid on the "a's" at the end of the words. Something like "Jaaaaaah; Rastafariaaaaaa, Haile Selassieaaaa..." It took us a while to get the chants out of our heads, not because of the power of the chant but the prolonged aaaaa's! It was quire a trip! (We will compile a video clip and put it on our Facebook pages.) Karin speaking to the ladies.

Teaching and Training Karin spoke at the annual Ladies Conference at Antelope Park near Gweru. The camp was attended by approximately 300 ladies from all over Zimbabwe. During her talk, Karin touched on the following points; Greatness of GOD, Christ in us, GOD's love for us and E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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trusting GOD. The ladies were blessed and the feedback was good to the extent that she was invited to share at another ladies retreat as well. The world is small and because of her talk, we were invited to do evangelism training at the United Apostolic Faith Church in Nketa, Bulawayo. The leader, a strong man of GOD, acts as General Secretary for the church. Because of interpretation the training took four days instead of the normal three. It was attended by around 120 people of all ages. Before the practical session on Saturday we role-played until the people had a clear understanding of the teaching. We got a total stranger off the street only informing him that we are doing church training and that he could be of assistance. Seeing the teaching in action in church made the guys positive. We broke up into 5 teams of 15 and we ended up sharing the gospel with 92 people in a bit more than an hour. We Do you understand? finished of on Thursday and the feedback was very good. Apart from the members, the church leadership were impacted. By the grace of GOD, the church and the area will never be the same! 7 Clocolan House We hosted a team of 16 visitors from Botswana and the USA. They worked extensively in the rural areas focusing on leadership training. They were followed by a 6-man team from Somerset West and we expect another 6 man team from Gauteng. Mighty Men's Conference Zimbabwe We approached most probably the strongest company in Zimbabwe A scorpion in a 2l ice-cream bucket. Yes, we have ice-cream for support for the conference. The top guys are all on-fire children of GOD with hearts for the lost. Speaking to the Financial Director, you could clearly sense the humble spirit in a strong and secure businessman. We believe that the support will come. We are praying regularly for the event and have the support of the national church. We will keep you informed. WHAT ARE WE LEARNING - REALITY CHECK Apart from the faithfulness of GOD, life is un-predictable and we need to make the most of it! Hereby some tips on what we learn and experience. It may help you in the future.  For the first time we experienced physical spiritual attack. During a session with the Sheiks, I became numb in my face and arm and could not speak words orderly. I could not even say Mohammad. Getting back home Karin and I prayed and the symptoms left. Then, out of the blue, Willie phoned and we prayed again. All clear! I must admit I felt incapable and humiliated. I should have swallowed my pride and told Dion about the "feeling" asking for support and prayer immediately! Do not wait, call in the support!  On being informed that we had 3 days to leave the country, Karin asked whether I think our work in Zimbabwe is finished. After a resounding "no", we realised that GOD will make a way and we will stay. It gave us a sense of peace knowing that GOD wants us here. Consider your "calling" when these things happen!

E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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Take care of your marriage, we do, and when the wheels are supposed to come off, we stay standing! I love and appreciate my wife!

CITY LEADERS We had a great meeting attended by 19 pastors from around Bulawayo and from South Africa. The feedback was great. It was clear that GOD is speaking to us along the following points; unity in the church, the youth, hearts for the lost and finally, it was stated that the church should be expectant. It is great to be involved with these men, truly great men of GOD in Bulawayo. FAMILY As mentioned, Dion and Sally Green joined us. The Greens, a born and bred Zimbabwean family, have been involved with us from the time we arrived in Zimbabwe and have been an incredible support to us. They left their business and are now full-time in ministry as support to us and their local church. One week of schooling left for our son Jaco. It has been tough The Greens. on us, especially for Karin, us not being "teachers". Arno, his wife Hannelie and his parents visited us on their way to their house in Kariba. What a pleasure to communicate in your home language and with like-minded people. The time with the Cronje family was a great blessing to us. We will visit RSA from around the 9th of November and hope to meet up with family and friends. We are looking forward to an extended stay with our family and will during the time hopefully bump into some Muslims, Witnesses or other people looking for GOD! NEEDS & PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for the following;  The Mighty Men's Conference to be held end August 2014 in Zim. It is a substantial event with major logistics and costs involved. We want to do this in excellence.  The Dad's men's meeting in Jeffries Bay end November. That everything runs smoothly and that the speakers will be well and available.  We need to replace Karin's car with something more suitable for our environment. We need to make the right choice.  Jaco junior is starting a career as professional hunter. Pray with us that he will end up in a good position with good people.  Pray for the ministry as doors are opening up. That we will always represent our GOD well bringing honour to HIM. We are grateful for all the support from family and friends. Sometimes things happen unannounced and we need to follow up to find the source GOD used to bless us! From small things to big things! We love you guys. Should you need any further information, feel free to contact us. Stay blessed, The Pitzer Family

E-mail: jacopitzer777@gmail.com - karin5.daisy@gmail.com - Mobile: +263779934041/3 Banking details: Bank - ABSA, Code 632005, Acc. name - MJ Pitzer, Acc. no. - 4052235112 ABSA SWIFT CODE : ABSAZAJJ

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