1 minute read
1.6 Research Methodology
by jacques_23
1.6_ R E S E A R C H M E T H O D O L O G Y
Information was collected by perusing precedent studies during literature research and researching existing facilities worldwide. The purpose was to understand the building mass and spatial relationships of existing facilities. The proposed research methodology is done as a qualitative study. It includes a literature review of currently available documents and an evaluation of the state-of-the-art facilities already in use. The purpose is to understand the anticipated building mass, as well as develop and improve the spatial relationships of existing facilities.
The study will produce, document, and interpret plans, sections, elevations, and physical models. The purpose is to establish a new way of being part of Space programmes worldwide by using architecture to develop a training facility that can be used by national and international Astronauts. In the following paragraphs, the author will be looking at who they are as a researcher and designer and which of these different methods they use when designing and researching.