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2.3 New means to address global challenges

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2.3 _ N E W M E A N S T O A D D R E S S G L O B A L C H A L L E N G E S

Space exploration can be seen as a contributing factor to diplomacy and relationships between nations. This global relationship may install better exploration capabilities and assist humanity in preparedness for protecting their planet. For example, asteroid strikes, these strikes are advancing collaborative research on Space weather and research on protecting Spacecraft by developing new means for Space debris removal. Environmentally sustainable development policies may be set in motion with the knowledge gained from Space exploration.


During the research phases for Space exploration, benefits that may occur include health and medicine, new materials, computer technology, and transportation. Some private enterprises have come to terms with Space exploration and seek new ways to further invest in this field to create new job opportunities and economic growth, emphasizing that one day Space exploration would become more affordable, reliable, sustainable, and profitable (Space and Beyond Box, 2021).

LEFT : SPACE PROMONADE. Peakpx.com. 2021. Space Promenade, collage, moon, nasa, orange, retro, space, stars, surreal, vintage, HD mobile wallpaper | Peakpx. [online] Available at: <https://www.peakpx. com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-pvmxo> [Accessed 25 November 2021].


(photo by author,2021)

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