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3.1 Site Selection Criteria
The selection of a location proved to be a complicated process in terms of where the proposed facility can benefit from the terrain and climate. At the same time, it is also crucial to keep certain forms of Space exploration and mapping in a centralized location.
In order to simulate the weather conditions and terrain that can be found on Mars, the author examined general rock terrain in cold parts of the country in order to mimic the type of climate and terrain that can be found on Mars. Note that any gravitational changes required to simulate the gravity on Mars will be conducted through the use of mechanical means.
Site selection criteria were developed to assist in the identification of potential locations for the intervention or to aid in the placement of the proposed training facility.
3.1 _ S i t e S e l e c t i o n C r i t e r i a :
•There must be a terrain on the site that mimics or comes as close as possible to those of Mars’ geological conditions.
•There must be some way for the site to replicate Mars’ climatic conditions.
•Must be located close to civilization, but far enough to be remote from major cities.
The criteria mentioned above functions as a guide that is only to aid in site selection for the intervention.