1 minute read
3.5 Material Study
3.5 _ M A T E R I A L S T U D Y :
According to Maniatidis and Walker (2003), rammed Earth constructions need a very particular soil type mixture to be adequate. This mixture has to contain a high sand/gravel content. Silt and some clays are also necessary to ensure that good soil conditions are met.
According to the Council for Geoscience, sediment found in the region of the astronomy advantage area are mostly sandstone, shales, siltstone, and mudstone (Adams, S, et al. 2001). A study done by the Council for Geoscience indicated that the soil conditions in this area is adequate for rammed Earth construction.
The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) is approximately 1798m above sea level on the top of a hill. The proposed design will be located on the Western slope of the hill linking a lower plateau to the Observation plateau on the top of the hill.
SAAO is the South African centre of optical and infrared astronomy, carrying out research into astronomy and astrophysics. This is a contributing factor to the selection of proposed site. In an attempt to keep the advancements and Space programme contained to one site at the start as well as to centralize progress and advancements in Space technology in South Africa.