1 minute read
3.6 Regionla Context
3.6 _ R E G I O N A L C O N T E X T
In spite of being the largest province geographically in South Africa, the Northern Cape is also the least populated.
This proposed site is situated on the Western side of the mountain slope, north-west of the existing hostels on the proposed site. As has been mentioned previously SAAO’s facility is located 15 km east of Sutherland.
As part of the proposed intervention, it is of relevance to take into account the astronomical growth that is taking place in the Northern Cape, especially in the Southern parts of the province.
BELOW: AERIAL MAP OF SUTHERLAND, NORTHEN CAPE. Google.com. 2022. Before you continue to Google Maps. [online] Available at: <https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sutherland,+6920/@-32. 429733,20.7468294,12.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x1c2cea65ad37a715:0x3b55e074ff5fc372!8m2!3d32.4100977!4d20.670528> [Accessed 13 August 2021]. GRAPHICS ADDED BY AUTHOR
LEFT: AERIAL MAP OF SAAO, NORTHEN CAPE. Google.com. 2022. Before you continue to Google Maps. [online] Available at: <https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sutherland,+6920/@-32.429733 ,20.7468294,12.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x1c2cea65ad37a715:0x3b55e074ff5fc372!8m2!3d-32.410 0977!4d20.670528> [Accessed 13 August 2021]. GRAPHICS ADDED BY AUTHOR