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M e e r K A T + S K A
MeerKAT, a collection of radio telescopes located in the Karoo, is destined to become the world’s largest and most sensitive collection of radio telescopes in the Southern Hemisphere. The SKA is scheduled for completion in 2024, with a total surface area of approximately one square kilometre (SARAO, 2021). This advancement in the radio telescope technology in South Africa will have a vital role to play in future development of the technology used by the SKA.
These telescopes seek to answer some of science’s most difficult questions. This could help us develop a better understanding of how stars and galaxies form, develop, and evolve, as well as encourage research into other forms of life within the Universe (SARAO, 2021).
BELOW MEERKAT + SKA, KAROO. Brits, E., 2021. South Africa’s KAT has begun prowling the universe. [online] GroundUp News. Available at: <https://www.groundup.org.za/article/south-africas-katshave-begun-prowling-universe/> [Accessed 5 September 2021].