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10.3 List of figures

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Fig 0: Abandoned places become disconnected from the active urban fabric. (By author, 2021) Fig 1: Creating a new identity with historical layers. (By author, 2021) Fig 2: Loss of identity in the urban fabric. (By author, 2021) Fig 3: Intentions visual sketch. (By author, 2021) Fig 4: Exposing historical layers as a regeneration intervention. (By author, 2021)

Fig 5: Exploded camera technification from speedspares, Diagram, N., 2021. NEX-5N / NEX-5ND / NEX-5NK / NEX-5NY Sony Camera Exploded Diagram. [online] Speedy Spares P/L. Available at: <https://www.speedyspares.com/shop/ sony-manuals/3102-nex-5n-nex-5nd-nex-5nk-nex-5ny-sony-camera-exploded-diagram.html> [Accessed 8 September 2021].


Fig 6: Perspective site sketch. (By author, 2021) Fig 7: Context outlines of locality locations. (By author, 2021) Fig 8: Context map. (By author, 2021)

Fig 9: Perspective view of chosen site and surrounding context. Available at: www.googlearth.com [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 10: Compilation symbols of site criteria. (By author, 2021) Fig 11: Camera Lens from cinegearpro. Available at: https://www.cinegearpro.co.uk/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 12: Site Context, (by Author, 2021) Fig 13: Urban analysis of public transport. (By author, 2021) Fig 14: Site and connections. (By author, 2021) Fig 15: Ubran analysis Pedestrian opportunities. (By author, 2021) Fig 16: Activity along Rhodes Ave. (By author, 2021) Fig 17: Context along Lilian Ngoyi St. (By author, 2021)

Fig 18: Justice Mahomed Street as a barrier. (By author,2021) Fig 19: Map orientation with street names. (By Author, 2021) Fig 20: Sunken river channel. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria. Fig 21: Residential building 8-9 stories high. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 22: View from Scheiding St. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria. Fig 23: View Justice Mahomed St close to river channel. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 24: Activity along Rhoes Ave. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria. Fig 25: Medium density residential buildings along Lilian Ngoyi St. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 26: Context section from West to East. (By author, 2021) Fig 27: Context section from North to South. (By author, 2021) Fig 28: Cross sections edges around the chosen site. (By author, 2021) Fig 29: Old, existing clubhouse within Berea Park and background context. Dlamini, P., 2017. Heritage and cultural landscapes human settlements and urbanism. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 30: Remaining “ruins” of existing clubhouse. Dlamini, P., 2017. Heritage and cultural landscapes human settlements and urbanism. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 31: Site History diagram. (By author, 2021) Fig 32: Sketch of Pretoria development. Holm. D. 1989, “Pretoria: Dreams and Deeds”, Architecture SA, vol. May/June, p. 17.

Fig 33: View of clubhouse ruins on Lilian Ngoyi St. (By author, 2021) Fig 34: Site analysis through model building. (By author, 2021) Fig 35: Views from Berea Park sports fields towards the city. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria. Fig 36: Views from North of Berea Park towards the clubhouse. Scholtz, 2017. Node, Sites and surroundings. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 36: Site axonometric analysis showcasing the overview. (By author, 2021) Fig 37: Site axonometric analysis showcasing the functions. (By author, 2021) Fig 38: Site axonometric analysis showcasing climatic conditions. (By author, 2021) Fig 39: Site axonometric analysis showcasing various movements. (By author, 2021) Fig 40: Site axonometric analysis of context zoning. (By author, 2021) Fig 41: Site axonometric showcasing the brief site possibilities. (By author, 2021) Fig 42: Site axonometric layered site analysis with intercepting nodes. (By author, 2021) Fig 43: Materials on site and within as an architectural generator. (By author, 2021) Fig 44: Existing buildings, grounds and context thereof. (By author, 2021) Fig 45: Analysis of the existing buildings. (By author, 2021) Fig 46: Collage of Northern Clubhouse. Dlamini, P., 2017. Heritage and cultural landscapes human settlements and urbanism. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 47: Collage of Southern Clubhouse. Dlamini, P., 2017. Heritage and cultural landscapes human settlements and urbanism. Post Graduate. University of Pretoria.

Fig 48: Analysis of the existing buildings. (By author, 2021) Fig 49: Representation sketch of engaging architecture interpretation. (By author, 2021) Fig 50: Sketch of existing ruin with adaptive intervention to explore the identity of the structure. (By author, 2021) Fig 51: 19th century church adaptive reuse from Metal Architecture.

Fig 52: Zeitz Mocca, Cape Town from The Spaces. Fig 53: Representation of light and shadow from BluentCad. Available at: https:// www.bluentcad.com / [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 54: Representation of form and object as a void by the Medium. Available at: https:// www.medium.com/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 55: Concrete boarding finish as texture by Lughertexture. Available at: https:// www.lughertexture.com/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 56: Church ambience as acoustics. Available at: https:// www.issuu.com/ [Accessed 8 September 2021]. Fig 57: Encapsulating air as transparency. Available at: https:// www.issuu.com/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 58: Collapse of a building through time. Muceniece, L., 2015. Historic ruins – an important landscape element. Scientific Journal of Latvia University of Agriculture Landscape Architecture and Art, 6(6), pp.5-6.

Fig 60: Social intervention within the ruins from Archdaily. ArchDaily. 2021. Ruesta Urban Center Rehabilitation / Sebastián Arquitectos. [online] Available at: <https://www.archdaily.com/969119/ruesta-urban-center-rehabilitation-sebastian-arquitectos?ad_medium=gallery> [Accessed 8 July 2021].

Fig 61: Sketch of preservation process. (By author, 2021) Fig 62: Social intervention within the ruins as interaction from Archdaily. ArchDaily. 2021. Ruesta Urban Center Rehabilitation / Sebastián Arquitectos. [online] Available at: <https://www.archdaily.com/969119/ruesta-urban-center-rehabilitation-sebastian-arquitectos?ad_medium=gallery> [Accessed 8 July 2021].

Fig 63: Photo of Parque das Ruinas interior ruin with walkway. Greyvensteyn, P. (2019). ‘Cento Cultural Municipal Parque das Ruinas Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro Ernani Freira 1993’ [PowerPoint presentation]. (Accessed: 6 November 2021).

Fig 64: Diagram representation of walkways through the ruin leading to pockets of interaction. (By author, 2021)

Fig 65: Photo of Parque das Ruinas interior ruin with walkway. Greyvensteyn, P. (2019). ‘Cento Cultural Municipal Parque das Ruinas Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro Ernani Freira 1993’ [PowerPoint presentation]. (Accessed: 6 November 2021).

Fig 66: Photo of courtyard with container bathrooms 012 central from Architizer. Available at: https://architizer.com/ projects/012-central/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 67: Diagram representation of 012 central program. (By author, 2021) Fig 67: Diagram representation of 012 central program. (By author, 2021) Fig 68: Photo of renovated warehouse with light touch intervention as the container houses the function from Architizer. Available at: https://architizer.com/projects/012-central/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 69: Photo within the cultural building where class rooms house different skill development activities, from Archdaily. ArchDaily. 2021. Lina Bo Bardi and the Generosity of the Streets. [online] Available at: <https://www.archdaily. com/941823/lina-bo-bardi-and-the-generosity-of-the-streets?ad_source=search&ad_medium=projects_tab&ad_ source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all> [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 70: Diagram representation of 012 central program. (By author, 2021) Fig 71: Photo of SESC Pompeia board walk as a social connector, from Archdaily. ArchDaily. 2021. Lina Bo Bardi and the Generosity of the Streets. [online] Available at: <https://www.archdaily.com/941823/lina-bo-bardi-and-the-generosity-of-the-streets?ad_source=search&ad_medium=projects_tab&ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all> [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 72: Photo of Taragaon Museum. Prabhakar, N., 2021. The Taragaon Museum: one of Nepal’s first modern buildings - Round City. [online] Round City. Available at: <https://round-city.com/

the-taragaon-museum-one-of-nepals-first-modern-buildings/> [Accessed 6 July 2021]. Fig 73: Site sketch of Taragaon Museum previously a hostel. Cpruscha.com. 2021. Carl Pruscha » 2018 – Present. [online] Available at: <http://cpruscha.com/category/2018/> [Accessed 6 July 2021].

Fig 74: Photo of Taragaon Museum. Prabhakar, N., 2021. The Taragaon Museum: one of Nepal’s first modern buildings - Round City. [online] Round City. Available at: <https://round-city.com/the-taragaon-museum-one-of-nepals-first-modern-buildings/> [Accessed 6 July 2021].

Fig 75: World map overview of precedent locations. (By author,2021). Fig 76: Summary of precedents and information gathered. (By author,2021). Fig 77: South African National Heritage Council logo. Available at: http://www.nhc.org.za/about-us/ [Accessed 8 September 2021].

Fig 78: Early programmatic layout of the architectural intervention focusing on engagement spaces, (By author, 2021). Fig 79: Beer storage vessel Nkakusa, Tanzania from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery. [online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October 2021].

Fig 80: Tutsi water pots, Rwanda from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery. [online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October 2021].

Fig 81: Pot firing in Burkina Faso from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery. [online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October 2021].

Fig 82: Pot making in Burkina Faso from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery. [online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October 2021].

Fig 83: Decorated global vessel, everted lip, Igbo from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery.

[online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October 2021]. Fig 84: Matakham, Chad, Douglas Dawson Gallery from African pottery. Contemporary African Art. 2021. African Pottery. [online] Available at: <https://www.contemporary-african-art.com/african-pottery.html> [Accessed 9 October

Fig 85: Sketch of shovel and sand delivery truck, (By author, 2021)

Fig 86: Sketch of sieving process and wet sieving, (By author, 2021)

Fig 87: Sketch of hand moulding and cast moulding, (By author, 2021)

Fig 88: Sketch of spinning and sculpting, (By author, 2021)

Fig 89: Sketch of sculpting and carving, (By author, 2021)

Fig 90: Sketch of ceramic painting, (By author, 2021) Fig 91: Sketch of hand glazing, (By author, 2021) Fig 92: Sketch of firing process, (By author, 2021) Fig 93: Diagrammatic process flow, (By author, 2021) Fig 94: Concept generator sketch (By author, 2021) Fig 95: Diagrammatic representation of concept (By author, 2021) Fig 96: Sketches of process and concept intertwined (By author, 2021)

Fig 97: Sketch interpretation of clustered grid (By author, 2021)

Fig 98: Sketch of reciprocating existing forms and materials (By author, 2021)

Fig 99: Sketch of symbiosis interpretation (By author, 2021)

Fig 100: Looking at the concept through various scales (By author, 2021)

Fig 101: Urban scale approach (By author, 2021) Fig 102: Site scale forming connections (By author, 2021)

Fig 103: Programmatic and spatial connections (By author, 2021)

Fig 104: Approach to design iterations (By author, 2021) Fig 105: Site and form exploration for iteration 1 (By author, 2021)

2021]. Fig 106: Edge response size (By author, 2021) Fig 107: Organic grid (By author, 2021) Fig 108: Existing building response (By author, 2021) Fig 109: Iteration design two (By author, 2021) Fig 110: Iteration design two perspective view (By author, 2021)

Fig 111: Building proximity to one another (By author, 2021)

Fig 112: Linear movement (By author, 2021) Fig 113: Design access detouring (By author, 2021) Fig 114: Building hierarchy through vertical elevation (By author, 2021) Fig 115: Materiality choice variety (By author, 2021) Fig 116: Approach to tectonics (By author, 2021) Fig 117: Floor plan design of iteration 3 (By author, 2021)

Fig 118: Perspective view of iteration 3 (By author, 2021)

Fig 119: Section A-A of design iteration 3 (By author, 2021) Fig 120: Different access paths (By author, 2021) Fig 121: Foot print of iteration 3 (By author, 2021) Fig 122: Suppressing the existing (By author, 2021) Fig 123: Excessive repetition (By author, 2021) Fig 121: Separation of industrial craft (By author, 2021) Fig 122: Ruins and intervention integration (By author, 2021)

Fig 123: Axonometric view of iteration 4 (By author, 2021)

Fig 124: Axonometric view of iteration 4 masterplan (By author, 2021)

Fig 125: Brief floor plan of iteration 4 (By author, 2021) Fig 126: Section of iteration 4 (By author, 2021) Fig 127: Extension sketch (By author, 2021) Fig 128: Experimenting with parametric bricks (By author, 2021)

Fig 129: Ruins and their walkways (By author, 2021) Fig 130: Render view from the east assembly yard (By author, 2021)

Fig 131: Contextual axonometric view of site (By author, 2021)

Fig 132: Exploded roof exploration axonometric view showcasing the interior (By author, 2021)

Fig 133: Site plan diagram (By author, 2021) Fig 134: Zoned functional plan diagram (By author, 2021)

Fig 135: Portion 1 ground floor plan (By author, 2021) Fig 136: Portion 1 First floor plan (By author, 2021) Fig 137: View from assembly yard on ground floor (By author, 2021)

Fig 138: View from First floor towards the multi-functional studio below (By author, 2021)

Fig 139: Section A-A (By author, 2021) Fig 140: Section B-B (By author, 2021) Fig 141: Section B-B extended (By author, 2021) Fig 142: View inside a mixing studio (By author, 2021) Fig 143: View of the exterior parametric brick wall and extended park (By author, 2021)

Fig 144: View of the exterior to artist’s studio courtyard and sport fields. (By author, 2021)

Fig 145: View of the exterior assembly yard and sport mixing studio. (By author, 2021) Fig 146: Portion 2 ground floor plan A (By author, 2021) Fig 147: Portion 2 ground floor plan B (By author, 2021) Fig 148: View inside ruins and guided walkway (By author, 2021)

Fig 149: Exterior ruin observation platform overlooking the sports fields (By author, 2021)

Fig 150: Exploration of the rammed earth and tile screen (By author, 2021)

Fig 151: Exploration Sketch (By author, 2021) Fig 152: Soil in glass jar (By author, 2021) Fig 153: Photographs of sieving (By author, 2021) Fig 154: Moulding exploration models and sketches (By author, 2021)

Fig 155: Moulding models and outcomes (By author, 2021)

Fig 156: Model and sketch exploration (By author, 2021)

Fig 157: Model exploration and notes (By author, 2021) Fig 158: Section sketch exploration (By author, 2021) Fig 159: Exploration sketch (By author, 2021) Fig 160: Exploration model (By author, 2021)

Fig 161: Exploration notes (By author, 2021) Fig 162: Development models and sketches (By author, 2021)

Fig 163: Compilation of final models (By author, 2021) Fig 164: Axonometric view of component (By author, 2021)

Fig 165: Site analysis and locality sheet (By author, 2021)

Fig 166: Ground floor plan sheet(By author, 2021) Fig 167: First floor plan sheet (By author, 2021) Fig 168: Sections AA and BB (By author, 2021) Fig 169: Sectional detail and detail sheet 1 (By author, 2021)

Fig 170: Detail and 3D detail sheet (By author, 2021) Fig 171: Detail sheet 2 (By author, 2021) Fig 172: Elevation sheet (By author, 2021) Fig 173: Compilation of the current development on Berea Park (Boogertman + Partners, 2021) [Online] Boogertman + Partners. (2021, December 8) Progress on site at the new Department of Land Affairs and Rural Development offices in Tshwane. [Online]. https://www. linkedin.com/posts/boogertman-partners-architects_ progress-on-site-at-the-new-department-of-activity6874213236942635008-Ms1o

Fig 174: Birds eye view of the current development on Berea Park (Boogertman + Partners, 2021) [Online] Boogertman + Partners. (2021, December 8) Progress on site at the new Department of Land Affairs and Rural Development offices in Tshwane. [Online]. https://www. linkedin.com/posts/boogertman-partners-architects_ progress-on-site-at-the-new-department-of-activity6874213236942635008-Ms1o

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