1 minute read
As discussed earlier, city and community planning is a difficult task, as communities are like people in that their wants and needs change from suburb to suburb, house to house. Atteridgeville is in a particular situation where they have the available labour to participate in the economy but not necessarily the education or opportunities they would have hoped to have by now. Backing the slow movement means being respectful towards these communities in the manner and pace they are growing. As the “4th industrial revolution” looms, should encourage these communities to develop at their own pace. Trying to teach these communities of machine learning etc., causes them to skip a vital step in the process as these communities are still struggling to catch up to more major metropolitan areas and how they have developed over the past few decades. Hover, these more modern principles could still be applied to their contexts.
On a city scale the concept is to create financial opportunities for those who seek them, creating passive income that will allow users to travel to and from new financial opportunities.
Figure 38b: Image depicting the urban growth of Atteridgeville and how this relates to rapid urbanisation and population growth in the future [author, 2021]

At an urban scale the project has to allow for urbanization and growth to take place within not only the site itself but the community of the newly proposed project as ll.
At a site scale the user is the most important, having a focus on the concept in relation to the site, its surroundings and the users wants and need are what will define the project at this fine grain scale.