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Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Faculty Research Ethics Committee [FCRE-EBE]
The TUT Research Ethics Committee is a registered Institutional Review Board (IRB 00005968) with the US Office for Human Research Protections (IORG# 0004997) (Expires 14 Jan 2023). Also, it has Federal Wide Assurance for the Protection of Human Subjects for International Institutions (FWA 00011501) (Expires 31 Jan 2014). In South Africa, it is registered with the National Health Research Ethics Council (REC-160509-21. The FCRE-of EBE is a subcommittee of the TUT Research Ethics Committee.
17 September 2021
Ref #: FCRE2021/07/019-EBE Student: Mr R van den Berg Student #: 216162811
Student: Mr R van den Berg C/o Supervisors: Dr MEN Nkambule and Ms S Patel Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
Dear Mr van den Berg
Thank you for submitting your project proposal documentations for ethics clearance:
Student: Mr R van den Berg - 216162811 Qualification: Master of Architecture (structured) - MPAR18 Project Title: Edible Housing: Feeding the future of South Africa, a case study in Pretoria. Supervisor: Dr MEN Nkambule Co-supervisor: Ms S Patel FCRE Ref number: FCRE2021/07/019-EBE
In reviewing your documents for ethics approval, the risk assessment category is indicated as a No risk.
Please note the following:
There are no additional comments to be addressed on the proposal. X
The proposed research project may now continue with the proviso that:
1. The researcher will conduct the study according to the procedures and methods indicated in the approved proposal, particularly in terms of any undertakings and/or assurances made regarding the confidentiality of the collected data. 2. The researcher will act within the parameters of any applicable national legislation,
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The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Research Ethics Committee reviewed the documents at its meeting held on the 14 September 2021, and the study is Approved.
Note: The reference number [top right corner of this communiqué] should be clearly indicated on all forms of communication with the intended research participants.
The Committee wishes you well with your research endeavours.
Kind regards
Prof JL Munda Chairperson: Faculty Research Ethics Committee [FCRE-EBE] Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Tel: +27 12 382 5120/5256 Email: MundaJL@tut.ac.za / CoetzerA@tut.ac.za
Cc: Supervisors: Dr MEN Nkambule and Ms S Patel Head of the Department: Prof J Laubscher