Hors Série AUTOMNE 2020
Ameer Buisan
De Hebles
Sommaire KRAV MAG AJL - Spécial Automne 2020 Cliquez pour vous abonner gratuitement
Rédacteur en Chef - Capitaine Jacques Levinet Photographe du magazine - Édith Levinet Comité de rédaction - Instructeurs AJL
A ce jour - Plus d'un demi million de lectures
Page 6 - World Krav Maga Organization - WKMO
Page 10 - International Police Confederation - IPC
Page 14 - Academia Jacques Levinet Espana - David Buisan Llop
Page 18 - Akademie Jacques Levinet Deutschland - Frank Weber
Page 22 - Académie Jacques Levinet Ile Maurice - Didier Ameer
Page 28 - Académie Jacques Levinet Antilles - Stephan Poujol
Page 30 - Ecole Harageï affiliée à l'Académie Jacques Levinet - Francis de Hebles
Page 36 - Académie Jacques Levinet Maroc - Mustapha Kharbouchi
Page 38 - Académie Jacques Levinet Occitanie - Pascal Tabaglio
Page 40 - Academia Jacques Levinet Argentina - Ademir Dominguez Brasero
Page 44 - Académie Jacques Levinet Canada - Kelly Whelan Enns
Page 46 - Zoom sur deux nouveaux clubs français de l'Académie Jacques Levinet
Page 24 (Michel Bouré - Page 26 (JM Duplantier) - Page 42 (Thierry Lecerf)
Numéros précédents
WORLD KRAV MAGA ORGANIZATION Can you tell us more about this new international structure, known as Kravmaga WKMO? Captain Jacques Levinet: WKMO or World Krav Maga Organization, integrated into AJL or Academy Jacques Levinet, is a self-defense structure with an international vocation, set up by Captain Jacques Levinet. Thus it aims to bring together clubs and federations within an entity open to all systems including Krav Maga, Self Pro Krav and all other similar methods or not. Our goal is to share our common experiences in order to progress in the way we train. The English name of WKMO is by no means a coincidence to constitute a common language for all our representatives in the world.
ILE MAURICE What is the originality of this world organization? JL: Because many methods are represented, such as Kravmaga, Self Pro Krav, Kappap, Wolf Extreme Defense and other ways of defending all over the world, we are in constant evolution and questioning. So, the goal is to provide concrete answers to the different modes of aggression that differ according to the country and the legislation. However, our common denominator is the respect of the laws from each country, especially with regard to self-defense. We have contacts, via the seminars of the founder of the WKMO, with many experts in the Kravmaga world and other assimilated systems. The key word of the WKMO is the respect for the different systems.
WKMO - 80 WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATIONS How is the WKMO structured? JL: We have a system that is both pyramidal and transversal to constantly establish interactions between our members and representatives. After that we have a mesh of about 80 representations in the world, France included. At the international level, in each affiliated country, there is a National Technical Director (NTD) supported by the case of one or more regional directors (RTD). One NTD for the country and one RTD per province or region. When the country is very big, like the USA, Russia, China, and Australia. When it gathers several countries together like South America or Latin America, the Indian Ocean, Europe or Maghreb, it is headed by an international director to coordinate the projects of their respective geographical regions. Thus at the head of the WKMO, in addition to the same AJL WKMO office, an international committee with world directors who support the founder of WKMO, Captain Jacques Levinet.
How do you join WKMO?
JL: By sending a file containing the motivations, diplomas and project of the person or entity concerned. After verifications and opinions of our representatives, geographically concerned, we issue a certificate of affiliation and a sports passport AJL WKMO. We only deliver grades for the Self Pro Krav or SPK discipline, which is the most represented in the WKMO. On the other hand, there is no reason not to recognize the grades and teaching titles issued by other structures. As a result the members or structures concerned remain totally independent. The goal is not to retain only one method but to recognize in their diversity other initiatives or disciplines of self-defense.
CROATIE What are the actions of WKMO? JL: Regional and national courses in France as well as seminars and training abroad are provided by the founder of the method of SPK and WKMO, Jacques Levinet. These training given around the world for civilians and law enforcement allow the WKMO to shine on five continents. These experiences not only evolve the preferred method of the SPK but also to accommodate other know-how, all in the common interest of the WKMO. Finally, these trainings take into account the different legislation in criminal matters and the ÂŤ modus operandi Âť of assaults. So these national and international sessions also give access to train and acquire an AJL WKMO instructor course. On the other hand the WKMO has a media aura thanks to the numerous reports in France and abroad about its founder and the social networks that regularly link the actions in the globe of the WKMO. Finally, internet support is also provided by the WKMO website and the AJL WKMO online magazine.
ITALIE RUSSIE What are the recognitions of the WKMO? JL: WKMO wants to be independent of existing national or international structures, allowing it to progress and evolve at its own pace without being subject to doctrine. Apart from this desire, the structure benefits from the aura of the AJL (Academy Jacques Levinet) which has, in France, a registration at the Ministry of Labor as a training organization and a number of approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in France. However the seriousness and aura of the AJL reflects on the WKMO. At last the international level, recognition is provided by the greatest masters and experts of self-defense and police thanks to the many contacts and seminars in the world of Captain Jacques Levinet. Moreover In any case, the recognition of a structure is acquired by the number of people and entities that adhere, and from this point of view we are very dynamic worldwide. In order to give an international dimension, the WKMO also has specific training clothes with references to the colors of the flags of the various affiliated countries. USA
INTERNATIONAL POLICE CONFEDERATION IPC - New social link for Law Enforcement Units
any of you already know Captain Jacques Levinet, international expert and founder of various self-defense disciplines for civilians (Self Pro Krav, Defense Baton, Defense Cane) as well as several police operational training methods (Real Operating System or ROS, Operational Tonfa or OT, Operational Baton or OB, Protection and Intervention Operational Technical Gestures His pilgrimage around the world within police, military and SWAT units (United States, Russia, Australia, Canada, South America and Europe) allowed him to get in touch with the world's leading experts on security. From his personal experiences emerged the idea of establishing a bridgehead and bring together the security forces throughout the world in the form of a global structure that he named as IPC or International Police Confederation. This initiative has been well received worldwide and several countries have already joined the IPC. We wanted to learn more about this creation.
Swat Bope Brazil Could you describe to us what is IPC? Captain Jacques Levinet: The International Police Confederation (IPC) is reserved exclusively for members of the security forces, whether active or retired (police, army, customs, prison, official security forces). The organization is a link between different police units so as to exchange practical and operational techniques, experience and cooperation among members of the security forces, experts and organizations worldwide. This structure is headed by a group of renowned professional instructors, including Captain Jacques Levinet, international expert and founder of the IPC. Belonging to the IPC, subject to conditions, opens up the wide range of rights to participate in international training courses, seminars, meetings, conventions, recognitions and professional information. No politics and no religion in the CPI.
Army Argentina
Swat France
Mauritius Island 10
IPC - 80 WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATIONS Please, tell us about the structure of the IPC... C.J.L.: The organization is built around a central office consisting of a President, two Vice Presidents and a Secretary General, as well as an IPC Director and a representative for each country concerned. For membership in the IPC, you must imperatively belong to the security forces (police, army, customs, prison staff, and state official security bodies). A detailed and documented request must be sent to the IPC headquarters, which decides the acceptance or rejection on the basis of the candidate's seriousness and credibility. The amount of the annual fee is low. In addition to France, which counts on several representatives, other countries have already joined the ranks of the IPC in Europe, USA, Africa, Australia, South and Latin America and Asia.
Belgium What are the objectives of the IPC? C.J.L.: Our aim is to exchange the different professional experiences of each of our members, based on their work and according to their country. The laws are not the same, especially concerning self-defense, in Europe and elsewhere. For example, the use of service weapons is different, according to the security forces units and their own ethical and legal use criteria. It is good to know, at the time of globalization, the way that the different law enforcement forces work on the ground. The IPC plans to establish exchanges in legal matters, without any controversy (knowing the rights and duties of each of our members in the performance of its functions), in the experience of managing violence, in the formation (both basic and permanent) and training methods for the different law actors in their application on the spot. Our goal has no political or economic purpose and only pretends to get to know each other among the different brotherhoods that form the law enforcement forces. A universal acknowledgement without any chauvinism or a priori.
Russia 11
French Army
What will be the means of action of the IPC? C.J.L.: The universal English language will be our common vehicle for our media. The IPC will hold regular meetings with the managers and directors of each respective country so that the first step will be to know each other better....
...and define common actions with respect to the same goals. Courses and seminars will also be organized to share knowledge from stakeholders, on the basis of their personal experience and professionalism.
Exchanges of information, always marked by ethics, will be held respecting the professional secrecy inherent to any unit. For this we already have a website online with the placeholder and a Facebook social link. Videos are already in operation in social links as YouTube or Daily Motion. Common regular courses will also be on the agenda of the different countries that make up the IPC. This should help to make known the different training methods. Likewise, pedagogical means common to IPC will be also stablished to give a performance identity and a tag to the IPC. Diplomas and IPC graduation certificates shall be awarded after evaluation of the knowledge and experience of each of the applicants and not necessarily without any verification. In short, individual members of the IPC will be also actors and stakeholders, on the basis on their personal achievements, and not just inactive members claiming they belong to the IPC. An interaction is needed to give credibility to our structure and make it more real. Knowledge is shared and cannot be decreed
IPC - 80 WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATIONS Which are the projects of the IPC? C.J.L.: Getting an international recognition worthy of the name is subject to the credit we want to obtain from the different countries involved. This cannot be foreseen but through a serious work of our members and the tag of the IPC. All these reasons push us to project an annual international meeting, under the form of a common training seminar, and at the same time a police conference with the attendance of quality participants, about the respective problems of action and reaction in law enforcement. Such events should enable us to strengthen the ties that bind us to the International Police Confederation. Finally, an IPC membership certificate is available to allow each of our members to identify himself better with his interlocutors.
New York
So we wish good luck and success to the IPC.
St Barthelemy
Hungary 13
“Diseñé una defensa personal sencilla, eficaz y fácil de aprender: el Wolf Extreme Defense”
i experiencia como artista marcial y como docente marcial,
Me ha llevado a instaurar un programa de defensa personal Llamado Wolf Extreme Defense reconocido por varias federaciones internacionales, bajo la direccion de la academia AJL dirigida por el CapitanJacques levinet. Este sistema esta reconocido y respaldado por su academia La cual ingrese en el 2011 . Nos conocemos desde 2003 En un congreso organizado por budo international En los tiempos que corren son los numerosos alumnos que por trabajo se tienen que desplazar .. Viajar por paises y no pueden llevar una rutina de trabajo..Por eso realizo cursos para la utilizacion del boligrafo metalico como defensa personal. 14
ay que decir que la defensa personal viene de las artes marciales pero la aplicacion es diferente.. Son movimientos y desplazamientos mas reducidos Con el trabajo de boligrafo consigo que el alumno gane seguridad. Efectividad. Y rapido aprendizaje Esgrimamos el boli y es un elemnto que nos hace sentirnos mas seguros..Y no es una arma prohibida Tecnica sobre estrangulacio frontal. Siempre esgrimare el.Boli en mi. Mano fuerte Aprovechamos el extremo del boligrafo para golpear. En zonas blandas. Y sobre todo zonas musculares En esta tecnica podeis ver que podemos combinar mano abierta y boligrafo
Para golpear Boligrafo para mi un gran elemento de defensa personal segura y rapida de aprender.. Se puede aplicar a personal civil como a seguridad publica y privada
“En el Wolf encontramos tĂŠcnicas con las que ganar autocontrol y seguridad en nosotros mismosâ€?
“El Wolf se busca sorprender a nuestro agresor, en vez de ser sorprendidos por nuestro atacante”
“Cada día es un círculo: yo enseño, pero también aprendo”
David Buisán Llop (Zaragoza, 1969) lleva 30 años transmitiendo sus conocimientos sobre artes marciales. Su dilatada experiencia docente y las influencias de diversas disciplinas que ha practicado le han llevado a instaurar el sistema Wolf Extreme Defense: un método de defensa personal sencillo y eficaz que se adapta a cada persona. 17
AJL - WKMO - IPC GERMANY Where does one start? How do you start?
good question that, like everyone else, starts out who succeed in devoting themselves to another martial art. Basically the start into a new, uncertain world. What started with browsing the Internet has now developed into a five-year tour through the SPK world. Starting shot a lot in 2014 on the computer, with random access to the website of the Academie Jacques Levinet, Montpelier (France). As I scrolled through the pages, I quickly realized that this is a fascinating way of dealing with self-defense. Simple, plausible and learnable - which was particularly important to me. Complicated and unrealistic applications as well as a large number of applications make it too difficult to get started.
Frank Weber, IGAKK-Bielefeld, Dojo Taiyo and Martial Arts Dojo Detmold 18
Frank Weber - An unexpected journey
system that can be used with minimized technology, adaptable to many situations, stands out from the crowd. Master Jacques Levinet has done an enormous job here. Not only that his system offers applications for different groups. (Children, women, general groups), no also R.O.S (Real Operation Services) but also Canne / Baton defense. This multitude of possibilities brings a suitable platform for training to a large number of interested parties. Here you don't measure yourself against other participants, but work together towards a goal. Learning simple and applicable movements for self-defense ....... for young and old. But is it really just the fascination to take a different path or to dare to venture further? I would like to shed light on that from the perspective of our group and explain the different aspects and attitudes to it. Maybe you will find one or the other in the statements. First of all, with my initiation we start to dare to start. As mentioned, it was a coincidence that Master Levinet and I came together. Briefly outlined. Contact by mail..... Exchange of ideas..... Expressions of interest (on both sides) to arrange a meeting ... certain, honestly, skepticism regarding the realization ... because many have already touched on this topic before but the way have lost.
ord kept - participation in the seminar in Montpelier 2014!!! Surprise succeeded, I made contact and have been with me since then. Several seminars followed in France, as well as Luxembourg, Switzerland, Split ... oh, Germany (several times), Quatar (a bit confused) and the USA. We have now had five seminars in Germany. Proud!!!
But what made my group want to participate in this system? The majority of them have been practicing martial arts intensively in various fields for several years. Be it karate, judo, jujutsu, kickboxing..... Even Tai chi. At first there was reluctance to ... NEW ... towards. And the reservations enormous to get involved in something they didn't even know. Basically, one can speak of aversion. Of course you come across waves and sayings here and there. Oh that doesn't help, or no, we'll do something else..... And and and. Nevertheless, I tried and started to bring some aspects of AJL to women and men. Surprisingly, the wall of aversion crumbled quite quickly, and more and more interest gained the upper hand. An incentive to go further. So it was integrated into our training at least once a month. O-Ton: Dietlinde, 1st Dan Karate - it is a great feeling to use simple methods to create the space to face possible situations and experience their effects. In addition, a trainer who is there with commitment and fun. Let's take Faridah, Tai Chi teacher .... I wanted to face my insecurity.... I already know intensive work in training, but I wanted to try something that challenges me because I'm a petite person. "Grinning" ... it got me going. Let's take Jan, 3rd Dan Karate and 1st Kyu Aikido. It is a challenge not to orientate oneself to one's learned techniques and also to take in new inspirations. I am very surprised at the simple and effective techniques. Granted, it's different and sometimes quite painful. But that also shows me the applicability and the resulting effect. However, it is sometimes very difficult to allow something new. But our "little one" probably means me..... Does it with us..... Quite properly and intensely. He doesn't know sparingly ... thumbs up. Moving freely without tensing up, allowing action, evaluating and reacting accordingly is trained here to an extent that you cannot and will not withdraw.
Frank Weber, Nation Academy Jacques Levin Instructor Black belt 2nd D
Frank Weber - An unexpected journey
he fun of it is guaranteed. How to show a family without airs. Everyone helps everyone on this path. Jacques brings his enthusiasm for his art to the mat and over and over again. Movement that carries away and infects. Dieter 70+ = Even for me as an old hand it is a brilliant experience how the techniques can be used ... you feel defenseless and not defenseless. I'll go with you. Just great. We also have an enthusiastic and very demanding trainer in Frank. We know from karate lessons.
nal Director net Germany Dan Self Pro Krav
And that is contagious - again and again he drives us and is not too good to serve as a dummy. Jochen 4.Dan Karate, adds. We benefit from the courage and the way he brings techniques to us. No arrogance and discussions .. the motto "do" and "try" is the credo. Two hours of action, that's how the weekend can end. Hahaha!!!! So a group was found that couldn't be more different, but took the same path. Young and old, woman and man ... no matter whether with or without previous knowledge. They all got infected by a system that is practice-oriented, applicable and legal .... (legally) fits today. For this purpose, special attention is paid to the constant further development in relation to the future situations, which always takes and processes the current measures adapted in this way. The final word belongs to Jean Claude, 5th dan Karate and orange belt SPK. The fact that this way of defending yourself has found its way into our region is not only due to chance...... NO.... you should also point out the person who is with great interest and the necessary curiosity the way, the time and above all the ambition has to face this challenge. Commitment and energy brings up to cope with this and implements it quickly so that it becomes established. Without putting yourself in the foreground and doing so on a voluntary basis.
There are surprises in store no matter what. TO GIVE UP??? No way..... We say thank you ... Frank Weber.... and in the name of everyone who was able to inspire you for this path and will certainly still be. Who are regularly reminded by you not to give up? We stand with you for AJL Germany (as you built it)
e suis Jean Didier Ameer le DTN Océan Indien de la fédération International de Self défense et de police
training AJLaussi le Vice-président de la fédération jui jitsu brazilian de l’ile Maurice.
e suis heureux d'avoir obtenu mon certificat de la MQA
(Mauritius Qualification Authority) en Instructeur Self défense.
'Autorité des qualifications de Maurice est l'organisme
gouvernemental responsable de l'établissement des normes d'éducation et des qualifications d'accréditation ma jugé compétenten tant que Instructeur Self défense, par des critères bien établis dont la santé physique et la maîtrise du sujet Self défense.
'est avec un grand plaisir que je dispense l'art de Self défense SPK à ile Maurice. Encadré par mes assistants qui sont super motivés.
a route est encore longue mais avec les supports que j'ai au niveau local avec mon équipe Self Pro Krav AJL, la fédération de Jui jitsu brazilian de Maurice et mes proches, au niveau international des écoles de Krav Maga, MMA, JJB, la Grand famille AJL des nombreux pays et particulièrement le Fondateur SPK Capitaine Jacques Levinet qui est aussi le parrain du Self Pro Krav de île Maurice. AAvec tous ces supports je promets un avenir sécurisé à l' île Maurice où il fait bon vivre
SENAS Le premier a vu le jour en 2013 sur la commune de Sénas avec une quinzaine d'adhérents. Aujourd'hui le club est sous la coupe de Lionel Ginoux qui assure la relève. Le mardi de 20h00 à 21h30
LA FARE LES OLIVIERS Le club de La fare Les Oliviers est actif depuis 2014 ou aujourd'hui nous comptons une vingtaines d'adhérents dans un petit dojo. Les cours sont assurés par l'instructeur Michel Perez assisté de Thiriez Joël et de Romuald Henny le cours se déroule le jeudi soir de 18h30 a 19h30 pour les enfants et 19h30 a 21h00 cours adultes.
AJL ARDÈCHE - VALLON PONT D'ARC En Ardèche depuis 2016 un club a été ouvert avec des débuts très calmes mais aujourd'hui nous comptons une dizaine d’adhérents. Nous pratiquons notre activité dans le nouveau gymnase "espace sportif de Vallon pont d'arc" sur un super tatami de 120 mètres carré. Les cours sont assurés par les instructeurs Michel et Michèle Bouré le mardi et jeudi de 19h00 à 21h00
Demonstration Ecole Haragei sur le Jules Michelet 1922 Mer du Japon
MaĂŽtre Francis De Hebles
Dojo Haragei 1920
AJL - WKMO - IPC SUD OUEST Dans nos disciplines à l’AJL nous avons Cinq préceptes dont celui de l’instinct de survie. Mon idée sur l’AJL : * Survivre, * Vivre en attention (c’est-à-dire en état de vigilance) mais pas en parano.
Si avant le virus Covid 19 nous avions cela !
PASCAL TABAGLIO - TEAM OCCITANIE Puis pendant le confinement nous avions cela …
Pensons qu’à l’après Covid nous aurons cela …
Et cela …
AJL - WKMO - IPC ARGENTINA - Ademir Dominguez Brasero
sta Academia ya cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia en la zona, desde que el Maestro Jacques Levinet, confió a nuestro director su representación se ha tratado llevar con orgullo tal responsabilidad. Desde el trabajo en la defensa personal civil, pasando por la defensa personal policial de las de fuerzas especiales y de seguridad, nos basamos en ofrecer lo último y más actualizado en estas actividades.
uestro director el Profesor Ademir Dominguez Brasero, es profesor de Educación Física, Instructor en defensa personal policial, Instructor graduado en karate do e Instructor de tiro, además de un competidor destacado de la provincia y del país. Siempre en constante capacitación para ofrecer lo más actualizado.
a academia cuenta con un equipo docente muy capacitado y especializado, lo que permite, que se puedan trabajar y enseñar destrezas más específicas y avanzadas, individuos con los que trabajamos.
os basamos en entender y comprobar todo lo que científicamente es demostrable y aplicarlo a lo cotidiano de la defensa personal, dejando de lado la parte empírica y tradicional. Hoy en base a estudios y estadísticas, buscamos resolver situaciones con el menor daño posible y de la manera más eficaz.
Ademir Dominguez Brasero es el Director Nacional de la Academia Jacques Levinet Argentina y de las organizaciones AJL WKMO IPC Argentina