Defensive Stick: Jacques Levinet Learning to defend oneself constitutes, nowadays, one of the main concerns for many citizens worldwide. Pursuing this objective, specialists of self-defense and Martial Arts experts, don't stop presenting, with more or less success, lots of methods, at times quite similar, with more or less realistic techniques derived from their respective practices. Without going into details, we must admit that the two pillars, which are the knowledge and the transmission of self-defense, are not always present, but there has to be for everyone. So you can't make a real idea of what belongs to us. Photos: Edith Levinet
Defensive Stick
econciliation and dialogue have their limits in some of the aggressions that unfortunately threat today the entire population, young or old, women or children, sportsmen or not, regardless of the size of the victim or the aggressor. Thus it was born a vital necessity in the 21st century man, the need to defend himself. Parting from these elements of reflection and my triple experience as a police captain, an expert in martial arts and a coach of law enforcement units, I conceived the idea of developing a formidable method of selfdefense for everyone, the defense stick, and always respecting our democratic laws. That discipline was successful from the start. In order to identify this method, the BDJL brand (Baton Defense Jacques Levinet / Defense Stick Jacques Levinet) was registered in the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to protect both the methodology and the training materials. The step of naming our creation with the abbreviation BDJL, was a way to defend ourselves against imitations that use and abuse rather than inspire. So the expert will know how to distinguish the original from the copy.
Origins of the BDJL In the directions for use, the purpose of the techniques and the configuration of the training material, this method has nothing to do with those already existing in combat sports (such as French boxing / Savate) or in Martial Arts such as Kali. It stems from the ROS (Real Operational System) method that I created for the law enforcement forces. The BDJL techniques resemble those of BO (Baton opĂŠrationel / Operational stick). The civil purpose was, preserving the operational effectiveness, that of removing any professional connotation bundled to the telescopic stick. The simple stick became the BDJL, an amazing accessory of effectiveness, simple in all types of physical aggression, while respecting democratic legal rules. To make the method easily adaptable to everyone, regardless of age, physical strength and experienced or not in combat sports, it was necessary that its learning didn't require any individual predisposition. It may be the
Auto Defensa
Defensive Stick
Self Defense
Defensive Stick
strength of this new prescription what supports, at the level of the instruction manual, on the five key points of the method SPK (Self Pro Krav). The basic idea is that no method of defense is achievable without the survival instinct, the conditioned reflex, the operational technique, selfdefense and evolution, which have become obligatory paths in the effectiveness of BDJL. The bet was to create, with a similar efficiency, a professional method in sports disciplines for everybody. The first step was to think of a different configuration and material so that our stick wasn't considered a weapon. The second was to launch a training program with courses and teaching evaluations.
The Originality of the BDJL Its originality is in the material configuration and its use in self-defense. The simple stick metamorphosed into BDJL, thanks to its lightness and the flexibility of the cane to block and absorb any type of blow, but also to replicate and spank with the speed the of light. The diameter of the stick body was designed to facilitate manipulation and grips. The configuration was not enough by itself to transform the BDJL into a formidable means of defense. It was still necessary to find an antiassault way of using it, violent and legal at the same time. A method of teaching was launched with a technical progression linked to the different situations of
aggression. Security was privileged with protection devices, mobile shields, BDJL gloves specially designed to prevent overheating hands during manipulations. To identify BDJL practitioners, special training equipment has been created. Basic and higher technical evaluations have been established for each discipline, obtaining technical degrees and teaching diplomas at the Jacques Levinet Academy. To be
closer to the reality of the street, we have taken into account in our instruction, all forms of assault with or without weapons, against one or more individuals. The questioning of our techniques is ongoing to monitor the evolution of the aggression methods. An adapted pedagogy and a precise code of ethics have finished shaping the BDJL, to turn it into one of the revolutionary methods of the 21st century available to everyone.
Self Defense
BDJL training It is marked by four indivisible parameters that are: security, realism, pleasure and language. Security is constantly favored to train without limiting oneself or fearing danger. Therefore, the limbs (specific areas for response) are always protected to avoid getting gripped during simulations of attacks. The reality of the threats or attacks is essential to check the reaction of practitioners
facing a dangerous situation. Specific protecting positions as the swing, anticipated or unexpected defenses, reinforced supports, are many technical points which, with the multiplied force of the response allow checking in a real way the effectiveness of our methods during our training sessions, some of which are practiced outdoors, in real conditions. Instead, the playful aspect of the exercises proposed during our
classes indoor, adds a dynamic pleasure. So it's possible to train yourself seriously while having fun. Counterattacking on a training shield with the deafening noise of the BDJL impact, or touching a mobile protection of an armed hand, are other examples of this work of sports game. Finally, the using of the appropriate language during classes to simulate the reaction of the student in case of aggression, it is an essential
Defensive Stick
element on which we insist. Familiarizing the practitioner with his role of victim accustoms him to the future reality of the aggression.
The BDJL principles They all are summarized around the words code of ethics and selfdefense. An ethics highlights in our courses, it is strictly prohibited to use the term "hit", which is replaced with "response". It is not a matter of language, but rather a state of mind, where the basics are in the law. When an assaulted person speaks about his or her defense actions in terms of response, is because he or she has been subject to an attack, something that is not necessarily so when using the aggressive word "hit". But the term response alone is not enough by itself to speak about the BDJL ethics. Traumatic zones are banned, tolerated or favored accordingly. Defenses are concentrated on the upper or lower limbs with the prohibition to touch the head or spine. Moreover, the BDJL practice, which is not a weapon by nature, excludes any professional purpose, unlike the telescopic stick, catalogued by its nature as a weapon prohibited carrying or transporting except for the police. This principle of separation of genders also comes to self-defense, an essential foundation in which we insist in order to know what can and what cannot be done with the BDJL.
Courses and representation of the BDJL The Jacques Levinet Academy is demanding. The certificate of BDJL instructor must reflect a high technical and pedagogical level. Its founder personally supervises it because he signs every training attestation, which is never acquired and must be always renewed each year after a compulsory recycling. The BDJL implantation is well underway with a number of 20 representatives of the academy in France and in some foreign countries. Regular training courses are scheduled within the academy or on request throughout France and abroad. The BDJL practice represents an excellent compromise among combat sports, martial arts and self-defense. Tel: 00.33.467.075.044
Self Defense