2 minute read

Lines of Communication

Who do I ask if I have a query or a concern?

If you have a query relating to procedures, timetables or locations, have you first checked all the necessary documentation for your year group, including booklets and notices on Learning Edge? Have you checked with your members of your peer group?


If you have a personal concern or an academic query (e.g. in relation to your academic writing)

If you have a query relating to a particular module (including the content, tasks or assignment)

Please make contact with your Personal Tutor initially via email to arrange a time to meet. Your personal tutor will usually be able to resolve your issues or direct you to the most appropriate point of contact.

Please contact the individual module tutor who teaches you for that module in the first instance.

Your module tutor will usually be able to resolve your issues, however, if necessary they may be referred to the Module Leader.

If necessary your personal tutor or module leader will refer your queries or concerns on to your Pathway Leader. NB: Due to data protection we cannot discuss your query with anyone other than you.

Certain matters may be referred by the Pathway Leader to the Assistant Head of Department. NB: You should not make contact with the Dean of Education or the Head of Department.

For wider support outside the faculty please access support from Student Services or Learning Services.

Student Services for Accommodation/ Counselling/ Health/ Careers/ Finance /Inclusion/ Childcare/ Faith Support/ Social Support Open: 8:30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday Tel –- 01695 650800 https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/studentservices/student-information-desk/

Leaning Services for Library/ IT help / Media Facilities /SpLD support Tel – 01695 650800 Email, live chat or text message – http://askus.edgehill.ac.uk https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ls/about/

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