JADCO Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops Advertorial

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Committed to the Fight Against Doping in Sport


JADCO continues to deliver anti-doping education to secondary school athletes through the Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops which are held annually, islandwide, during the month of October. The workshops cater to student athletes at the secondary school level as well as their support personnel. The highlights of the 2015 series of Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops were the awarding of winners in the 2014 JADCO Mascot Competition, the introduction of the JADCO mascot to the general public and the addition of a component to the programme focused on values-based education. The workshops were held in four regions islandwide, at the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) in Kingston on Wednesday, October 7, the Golf View Hotel in Manchester on Wednesday, October 14, The Wexford Hotel in St. James on Wednesday, October 21 and at The Cardiff Hotel and Spa in St. Ann on Wednesday, October 28. JADCO hosted the inaugural Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops during February and March 2014.

JADCO AWARDS MASCOT COMPETITION WINNERS: Carey Brown (2nd left), Executive Director at JADCO and Dr. Mario Guthrie (l), JADCO Brand Ambassador, share a light moment with the winner and runners up in the JADCO Mascot Competition. The prize winners, Rachel Brown (c), 3rd place, Antonio Mundell (2nd right), 2nd place and Adjaynae Billings (r), 1st place, were presented with their prizes at an award ceremony, which was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) on Wednesday, October 7.

THE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF DOPING: Dr. Kiri-An Bridgewater, a representative from the Jamaica Medical Doctors’ Association (JMDA), delivers a presentation on prohibited substances and methods at the workshop held at the Golf View Hotel in Manchester. JADCO and the JMDA have signed a two year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will enable athletes and their support personnel to learn about the health consequences of doping directly from medical practitioners. The agreement which was signed on December 8, 2014, will run through December 8, 2016.

LEO, THE DOPE PATROL OFFICER: The JADCO Mascot, Leo, the Dope Patrol Officer (c), shares a light moment with student athletes (from left) Odean Lee, Jodian Thompson, Kalmar Blake and Obrian Brown, all of Steer Town Academy, at the Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshop held at The Cardiff Hotel and Spa in St. Ann.

THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTION DISCUSSION: Vanessa Reid-Ledford (l), Director of Communication and Education at JADCO, listens as Dr. Paula Dawson (2nd left), medical practitioner, explains the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) process to Kayon Montaque (c), Head of the Physical Education Department and students of the Paul Bogle High School. The occasion was the Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshop held at the JCC.

URINE SAMPLE COLLECTION PROCESS: Nadia Vassell (l), Director of Technical Services, JADCO, demonstrating the urine sample collection process with the assistance of Denise Graham Gayle (r), Physical Education teacher at Knockalva Technical High School. The occasion was the Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshop at The Wexford Hotel in St. James.

RECEIVING FEEDBACK: (L-r) Vanessa Reid-Ledford, Director of Communication and Education at JADCO, Samantha Allen and Ollyvia Anderson, both Public Relations and Education Officers, also of JADCO, listen attentively to feedback from Orville Jones (r), Vice Principal at St. Mary Technical High School, at the workshop which was held at The Cardiff Hotel and Spa in St. Ann.

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