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Becomming... Christian Marclay

After exploring christian marclays practise, i decided to brain storm some possible routes which i could explore in more depth. i was particularly interested in christian marclays idea of cut up, to assemble and to create something new, but not just with music but with other elements.


I decided to look into william burrough, barbara kruger and other sources focusing on music. All these things consist of mash up of different medias using different processes, i looked into william burrough or his audio and visual cut ups, barbara kruger for her cut ups which consisted of cut of images and overlaying text to create collages, and i also looked into cut ups which purely focused on audio, cut up of sounds produced by everyday sounds and also sounds just simply using the human voice.


I collected and gathered a series of sounds from household objects. Since marclays sounds were unintended ie, smashing and breaking noise, scratches pops and clicks noises that we dont want, i decided to recored noises that we dont want to hear, like the ringing of an alarm clock, dripping of a tap or fuzzy radio out of tune. Instead of playing these sounds in a random compostion i decided to make a story out of the noises. The outcome was quite successful. I also decied to experiment using folding techniques to produce objects from a single sheet of paper, the idea of taking an element, mash it up to create something new.

My Visit To RoundHouse

I went to watch a show starring alvo noto, i thought it would be interesting to go and watch as his work consists of audio and visual. The visual and audio both complimenting eachother to create a awsome atmosphere. although this work does not consist of mash up but it follows rules of that his work is carefully thought about when it comes to allignment and sync of the visual and the sound, pretty much to how christian marclay think about the careful compostion of sounds he is cutting up and replacing back together

Experiments inspired by kruger

I created these collages using bits of newspaper magazine cut outs, pastels and crayons. i wanted to experiment using a simular technique to that or krugers, using random bits of magazines to create new faces and characters. Rearranging and remixing media to create something new.

Final artefact outcome

For my final outcome i decided to recored two people i know rapping about two opposite topics, i thought by doing this i could merge the two together and almost create a new rap of some sort. cutting up and blending the two video sources to create something new

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