Year 8 Curriculum Booklet

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Year 8 Curriculum Booklet

Introduction This booklet has been produced to provide you with information about your child’s learning at GEMS Wellington Academy, Silicon Oasis (WSO), during this academic year. It is intended to give a very broad overview of the learning journey students will undertake, along with the learning competences your child will develop and how the courses are assessed. Your child’s chances of a successful education will be greatest where an effective three-way partnership between student, parent and school is established. This booklet is an important tool for developing and maintaining this partnership along with attendance at our parents’ and information sessions. The more information you have about how your child is learning and what she/he is learning, the more you are able to support and enhance this learning. This may be through support with home learning, discussion, identifying relevant books, websites and television programmes or through family outings. At WSO, we believe that students should be given a broad and balanced curriculum which equips them for life beyond the school gates in the Twenty First Century. This sees the aims of education as being firstly to enlarge children's knowledge, skills, experience and imaginative understanding and thus their awareness of moral values and capacity for enjoyment. Secondly, it enables them to enter the world after formal education as active participants in society and responsible contributors to it, capable of achieving as much independence as possible. We also ensure that the education we offer ensures progression to Post 16 education and into Higher Education or employment. Students study the National Curriculum subjects: English, Art, Design & Technology, Performing Arts (Drama, Music, Dance), Humanities (History, Geography), Modern Foreign Languages and Physical Education. In addition, students at WSO learn Arabic and Islamic Studies (Muslims) or Cultural Studies (non-Muslims). Secondary students at WSO also begin to lay foundations for the GCSE and IGCSE programmes in both Mathematics and Science. The Enrichment programme provides additional opportunities for students to develop their interests and abilities. Details of the Enrichment offer are contained within another publication.

Student Behaviour and Achievements For effective teaching and learning to take place all students are expected to conform to the following: Arrive to class ready to learn

Treat others and their belongings with respect Always have the necessary equipment to learn Positive achievements are recorded electronically and result in students being awarded House Points or Commendations from the Directors of School. Occasionally, it is necessary for us to use sanctions and, at all times we aim to be fair and consistent. We use the Academy’s detention system when a student has failed to abide by classroom procedures and routines. The failure of a student to attend a detention without good reason is regarded extremely seriously and may lead to the student working in isolation. All sanctions are recorded. Parents can expect to receive a telephone call, email or letter, if an issue arises which we judge to be serious. By working in partnership with each other the vast majority of problems can be resolved quickly.

Ready to Learn It is very important that students arrive at school ready to learn. This can only take place if students arrive on time; in the correct uniform and with all the equipment they need for the day. Equipment for school: Suitable size school bag Student Planner Pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, protractor, compasses Books for that day’s lessons Specialist equipment for that day’s lessons e.g. PE Kit

Attendance Full attendance should be a realistic aim for all students. Periods of absence from school can be highly disruptive to education and have a negative impact on learning. Attendance and punctuality are recorded for all lessons. We will publish attendance figures on School Reports. Poor attendance could result in students not being ready to progress to the next year of learning.

Marking and Feedback Students’ work will be assessed in a number of ways, which may include peer assessment, where the students are encouraged to mark one another’s work according to a given criteria and reflect on how their work can be improved. There will also be online activities which are marked electronically and work which is marked regularly by the teacher where feedback about how to improve will be included, especially with more substantial pieces of work. In addition to this, formative assessment will also take place in lessons where teachers will give advice on how work can be improved. Students should act on this advice in order to improve their work.

Home Learning This is work that should be completed outside the classroom and will contain an element of independent study that is not directly supervised by the teacher. It is important for raising achievement as it enhances your child’s learning. Most home learning will, from this year, be available on our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You may find that there will be rare occasions when home learning has not been set, and students should use the time to review their class notes for that subject and learn any subject specific vocabulary.

Academic Concerns

At GEMS Wellington Academy – Silicon Oasis, subjects are grouped into one of three faculties or ‘schools’. These are: AHSL (Arts, Humanities, Sport and Leisure) L&C (Language and Communication) MST (Mathematics, Science and Technology) Any academic concerns about your child’s progress should, as a first point of call, be shared with your child’s subject teacher. Broader questions about how the curriculum is organised should be addressed to one of the three Directors of School or to the Vice Principal.

Pastoral Concerns Should you have concerns not relate to an academic matter, please make contact with your son or daughter’s tutor as a first port of call. Assisting the tutors are the Academy’s Heads of House and Assistant Heads of House. Supporting them in their work is the Vice Principal.

Aims of the Academy Our main aim is to engage and inspire all students to excel in their learning, to encourage and develop independent, inquisitive, resilient young minds, and to prepare our students to become eloquent, knowledgeable and responsible global citizens, who are capable of flourishing in the 21st Century. Our curriculum is not about ‘delivering’ knowledge, but encouraging our students to develop learning competences to resolve problems for themselves. We hope that you, as parents, will support both the teaching staff and your children in this challenging but exciting mission!

‫اللغة العربية للناطقني بها‬

‫‪Arabic A‬‬

‫‪:‬وصف املساق ‪Course Outline‬‬ ‫‪ :‬يعتمد منهاج الصف الثامن على‬ ‫فهما لها ويميز أفكارها ويحللها ويستخلص منها املبادئ والقيم ويقيمون‬ ‫مهارة االستماع يصغي الطالب للنصوص املسموعة ويظهر ً‬ ‫‪.‬النص وفق معايير محددة ويلتزم آداب االستماع‬ ‫مهارة التحدث ‪ :‬يُظهر الطالب فهمه وقدرته في املحادثة‪ ،‬كالطالقة والثقة وتنظيم األفكار والوضوح واستخدام عناصر اللغة املحاذية‬ ‫مثل‪ :‬التنغيم‪ ،‬والنبر‪،‬واإليماء‪ ،‬واإلشارات…‪ ،‬ويشارك بفعالية في عرو ض رسمية كالخطب واملناقشات العلنية واملناظرات‪ ،‬ويستخدم‬ ‫مهارة املحادثة ألغراض متنوعةكطرح األسئلة وتبادل املعلومات وإعادة صياغة املسموع أو سرد قصة وتقديم عروض مختلفة‬ ‫مهارة القراءة‪ :‬يقر أ الطالب املواد املقررة ويفهمها‪ ،‬ويُظهرالقدرة على تحديد األفكار والحجج ووجهات النظر في النصوص والربط‬ ‫نصوصا أخرى إ ضافية لتطوير لغته وتعزيز مهاراته‬ ‫بينها مستخد ًما معرفته ببنية النص‪ ،‬ويقرأ باإلضافة إلى النصوص املقررة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫‪.‬القرائية وربطه بالكتاب املكتوب باللغة العربية‬ ‫يتعرف الطالب املفاهيم البالغية املناسبة للمرحلة مثل " التشبيه املؤكد واملرسل وأنواعه واالستعارة" املكنية والتصريحية" يتذوقون‬ ‫‪.‬جمالياتها ويستخدمونها في التعبير‬ ‫املهارات النحوية التي يكتسبها الطالب من الدروس بالتعرف على القواعد والدروس في النحو و الصرف مثل الكشف في املعجم‬ ‫‪..‬وأنواع الخبر واملضاف واملضاف إليه واملمنوع من الصرف واملجرد واملزيد واالشتقاق وبعض أنواعه كاسم الفاعل واسم املفعول‬ ‫‪.‬ومهارة الكتابة بالتعرف على كيفية كتابة التعبير الكتابي " اإلبداعي ‪ -‬والوظيفي"مثل ‪ :‬القصص وكتابة السيرة و الرسائل الرسمية‬

Useful websites ‫مواقع تعليمية مفيدة‬

‫ معهد االمارات التعليمي‬ ‫ منتديات منطقة الشارقة التعليمية‬\

‫رحالت تعليمية‬: ‫متحف الخط العربي بالشارقة‬.

Arabic B During this academic year, students who are new to the Arabic language and have never been exposed to its context will learn the basic skills of the language through the various levels. They will start with the sound level of the alphabet then the letter level which will enhance their ability to form meaningful words where they learn how to join letters. Additionally, they will experience writing from right to left. In contrast, students who learnt basic skills in before will develop more complex language skills including the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) which will be integrated within the contexts of most lessons. In addition to that, some basic grammar skills will be covered. Moreover, the context of the lessons will include themes related to their daily lives such as greetings, introductions, my home, hobbies, family, expressing their views, pets, colors, healthy and unhealthy food, and means of transportation. In addition to those themes, references will be made to other school core subjects. Course Outline Arabic (beginners)

Arabic (prior experience)

Useful websites:

user name: Mahmoud66

Useful apps: alphabet Arabe Arabic flashcards pin numbers: 233236




Anticipated Educational Visits Visit Heritage Village in Dubai in Term 2.

Art and Design In Year 8, students will study the topics of The Formal Elements and the Natural World. Projects are inspired by the study of a range of traditional and contemporary art work and contexts. Students will use sketchbooks to record research, develop ideas and observational work. They will experiment with a range of media and techniques (2D / 3D: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, digital imagery, sculpture construction). Students will refine their skills to become competent visual communicators, working independently towards a final outcome. Students in year 8 work on a rotation basis with the Design and Technology Department with each rotation lasting roughly 18 weeks.

Useful websites:

Cultural Studies The Year 8 scheme aims to locate students within their wider community to get them thinking about issues around the world. Students learn about issues on a smaller scale (i.e. within the school) and then apply these on a much wider scale (i.e. their local community and the rest of the world). These units/ modules aim to encourage students to consider the impact of their actions throughout life and look at ways of encouraging behavioural change within themselves and others.

Useful websites

Year 8 English In Year 8 students will study a variety of topics to develop their grammatical and analytical skills. The units taught are ‘SPaG Blast’ ‘Conflict Poetry’; ‘Media’; ‘The Novel’; ‘Exam Skills’ and ‘Shakespeare’. Each of these units will endeavor to improve spelling, punctuation and grammar, while also building our students ability to offer personal interpretation and insight. Course Outline

Useful websites Anticipated Educational Visits Shakespeare4kids to visit the school and put on a production

Geography In Year 8, students will study an array of topics within Physical, Human and Environmental geography. A wide range of skills will be applied in delivering the curriculum and different pedagogical styles will be applied to allow all students to access the curriculum. Aims of the curriculum are to develop students’ knowledge and understanding about the planet we all live on; to provide students with the skills to illustrate, research and refine their understanding; to ensure that students are given a grounded understanding of key geographical concepts; and to enable students to reach conclusions and begin to question the world around them. Course Outline:

Useful websites Anticipated Educational Visits and Exhibitions Coastal trip to Kite Beach. “Create your own country” exhibition.

History In Year 8 students will begin by developing their knowledge and understanding of the Tudors and in particular will study the use of propaganda within Tudor England. They will explore the growth of the British Empire and the impact this had on different nations around the globe. The final unit in Year 8 focuses on the development of the Slave Trade. Students will consider why the Slave trade developed and what life was like for slaves. Students will experience a range of learning approaches throughout the year, from class based learning to blended learning utilising the latest educational technology.

Course Outline

Useful websites Anticipated Educational Visits No visits are scheduled for Year 8 students at present.

Islamic Studies – Islamic A In Year 8 students will study topics which build the student’s need to develop an emotional link with every aspect of Islam. They will be inspired to truly love Allah, Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets, the Sahabah and the great scholars and heroes of Islam, the Qur’an, the Sunnah and rules and morals of Islam. Islamic curriculum aims to instill love in the heart of learners toward Islamic principles in general. This heartily link would function as a motivational factor and encourage learners to implement various Islamic principles and practices. Project-based education will help students to retain and internalize their lessons in motivating chapters and lessons of their curriculum which will develop ideas and abilities to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numeral matters.

Course Outline

Islamic Studies – Islamic B In Year 8, students will study the topics of God’s Messengers, Faith and Wisdom, Islam prevails Over Arabia, Muslim Life Style and Zakah and Charity. Projects are inspired by the lessons through motivating chapters which will develop their ideas and abilities to think. Students will be debating and tackling the topics of the Unseen and how to use proof to support their ideas. Students will learn about the holy Qur’an in detail and essential Islamic historical stories like those of the Prophet Moses, and the Prophet Muhamad. These function as a motivational factor and encourage learners to implement various Islamic principles and practices learnt from historical examples. By studying the daily prayer both in detail and in a practical way, students will be able to refine their skills and become competent visual communicators, working independently towards a final outcome. Course Outline

Useful websites:

MFL In Year 8, students will continue with the language they studied in Year 7. They will continue with this language until the end of Year 9. In French they will follow the Expo scheme of work, and in Spanish follow Mira. In both French and Spanish, students will continue to develop the language learning skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and extend their knowledge of grammar. In order to prepare them for the new-style GCSEs, there will be an emphasis on skills such as translation. Course Outline

Useful websites (logon and password available from the MFL department) (individual student logons) Anticipated Educational Visits Visits to France and Spain are scheduled during Term 1.

Mathematics In Year 8, students follow the British National Curriculum. Course outline: In Year 8 students will be covering: Term 1 – Number, expressions and formulae, averages, representing data, transformations, equations and inequalities, fractions Term 2 – Powers and roots, shape and angles, percentages, probability, area, perimeter Term 3 – Graphs, constructions and loci, ratio and proportion, rates of change To supplement this work, students will be also working on functional skills tasks, which apply mathematics in every day situations and work on students’ problem solving skills. Assessment: Students will complete two main assessments over the duration of the year. The first is prior to the winter break and the second will be their end of year test. During the year students will complete short topic tests within lessons to keep track of progress and understanding. Useful websites:

Science In Year 8 students will study Physics, Chemistry and Biology, including subjects such as forces and motion, space, reactions of metals, the Periodic Table, fitness, microbes and genetics. As part of the course, students will regularly take part in investigations in class and at home. They will develop enquiry and practical skills through group work, and have regular chances to demonstrate their learning through project-based assignments. The topics that will be studied will lead to opportunities to improve students’ critical thinking skills and encourage them to consider ideas and situations from more than one point of view.

Useful websites:

Physical Education (PE) In Year 8, students are expected to participate in a variety of activities to develop their ability to accurately replicate an action and outwit an opponent. Students will continue to build on their level of skill from Year 7 with greater emphasis on tactical awareness and taking risks in game situations. Leadership roles play a crucial role in Year 8 PE and students will have the opportunity to develop their confidence as an official and a coach. Students will also gain a greater understanding of the benefits and the effects that exercise has on the body.

Useful websites: Anticipated Educational Visits – Sports Day January 2017

Performing Arts In Year 8, Performing Arts students will study a curriculum, which blends the specialisms of Music, Dance and Drama together. Students will learn how these subjects link from the past to the present day. Students will study modules in World Performance, Creating a Performance, Performance in Education and Industry. Within each module, students will focus on developing specific skills within Music, Dance and Drama, which are combined to produce a challenge outcome at the end; this showcases what

students have learnt throughout the module. Students will use workbooks to record research, develop ideas and reflect on their work.

Useful websites:

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