Contractor Advantage July / August 2021

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July / August 2021

Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. is a Canadian member-owned, Lumber, Building Materials and Hardware buying group representing over 300 member locations across Canada.

Contractor Advantage Magazine is the exclusive publication of Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. featuring quality Castle vendor brands available at Castle Building Centres locations. Visit to find a Castle location in your area.

Editorial Director Castle Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. Jennifer Mercieca Art Direction and Design Espress Labs Inc. Contributors Lawrence Cummer

Advertising Inquiries Jennifer Mercieca Director of Communications Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. 905-564-3307 Material Contact Maryam Bashir Marketing Coordinator Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. 905-564-3307 Published and designed exclusively for Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. by Espress Labs Inc. On the cover: Liv Building Products


JULY / AUGUST 2021 Volume 26 Issue 4


LAWRENCE CUMMER Lawrence (“Law”) Cummer is a freelance writer and editor and has been a frequent contributor to Contractor Advantage, Ideas and Rough Construction for nearly a decade. Over his more than 20-year career, Law has written about contracting and construction, general business, information technology, health and safety, personal finance and almost every topic in between. He has a passion for storytelling and sharing how people can work better, easier — and “smarter” — from contractors to technologists to business executives.

TERESA CHRISTINE Teresa is an accomplished communicator and award-winning Editor with the publication and design team at Espress Labs Inc. For fifteen years, she is also known, recognized and respected for her brand direction and has advised a broad range of consumer, lifestyle and corporate clients in various industries including construction, building materials, consumer and lifestyle. Clients have trusted Teresa to uncover, shape and tell their stories, helping to build their brands and her attention to detail, creativity and passion has allowed her to cultivate solid relationships in every industry. Her ghostwriting is proudly displayed through content across various digital platforms and print forms across the country and beyond. JEREMY ESKENAZI Jeremy Eskenazi is an internationally recognized speaker, author of RecruitConsult! Leadership, and founder of Riviera Advisors, a boutique Recruitment/Talent Acquisition Management and Optimization Consulting Firm. Jeremy is not a headhunter, but a specialized training and consulting professional, helping global HR leaders transform how they attract top talent at some of the world’s most recognized companies. For more information on Jeremy Eskenazi, please visit:





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With soaring wood prices, homeowner interest in composite decking appears at an all-time high.

DON’T LOSE GREAT TALENT BY FOCUSING ON YEARS OF EXPERIENCE! Use these four interviewing best practices to avoid ruling out the best talent for your organization.





Railings, like many building products, are in high demand this year, say manufacturers and distributors, as a population working from home seeks the refuge of their backyards to find work-life balance.

It is no secret that pandemic restrictions have prioritized the need for Canadians to make home improvements, including the design of functional outdoor living spaces.

// JULY - AUGUST 2021



With soaring wood prices, homeowner interest in composite decking appears at an all-time high. Written by Lawrence Cummer

Photo courtesy of Taiga Building Products 6


After a surprisingly banner year of popularity in outdoor building projects in 2020, this year is poised to be even busier for contractors — if they can find the materials. For composite decking, this has been a year to shine. “Concerning alternative to wood product, we’ve seen an even greater increase in demand, because the price in treated wood has gone up, narrowing the gap,” says Jeff Morrison, vice president of national accounts at Goodfellow. Increasing wood prices and supply challenges are prompting homeowners to be open-minded, investigating alternatives and options they might have never considered in the past. In fact, he suggests many homeowners are starting to look more closely into premium options, such as the Fiberon Symmetry or Fiberon Paramount PVC decking his company offers. A CLOSING GAP With the increase the year has seen in lumber prices, the gap between pressure treated lumber and entry-level composite decking products has “drastically closed”, notes Dave McNeil, vice president of allied products and national accounts at Taiga Building Products, who distribute Trex products in Canada.

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


“They’re not on par, but the differential to move from treated wood to step up to the higher cost of a composite product, that number has gotten a lot closer, so consumers can now justify the incremental spending,” he says. “It’s now a small step, it’s no longer three steps. So, the consumer decision to step up to composite decking has been made even easier for them. That’s been huge.” With the availability of nearly all building materials becoming scarcer in 2021, McNeil says he believes consumers may find composite decking easier to source than treated wood

and western red cedar—and will experience the benefits of the material: low maintenance, mold and mildew protection and long warranties. PVC AND PREMIUM COMPOSITES Homeowners aren’t just making the now-smaller leap to composite decking, says Matt Lipskey, national product manager for decking and railing products at Gillfor Distribution. He says even premium decking products are getting a boost as wood prices climb. “This year we’ve seen the highest increase in top-end PVC products,” Lipskey says. “It’s not

Photo courtesy of Gillfor Distribution




Photo courtesy of Stella-Jones

surprising because the AZEK Vintage collection has been a popular line for years.” “I attribute this to a correlation in wood prices and contractor availability,” he says. He suggests that with materials representing an increasing portion of project costs, adding an extra 30% or so to get top-of-the-line composite or PVC is less of a stretch. “When people make that commitment to spend X amount of dollars, they are making sure they get the product they want.” UPTAKE OF NEW OPTIONS While the closing price gap between pressuretreated lumber and composite decking has had some effect on its popularity, there is more to

it than that, says Gary Shuchat, senior director of sales and market development for residential lumber at Stella-Jones. “Last year there was such a run on everything to do with decks and fences that North America was cleaned out of product, so everybody had to be refilled this year,” he says. This resulted in a huge uptake of composite decking at the start of 2021, and now supplies have become tight, he suggests. Homeowners, he suggests, are savvy and not so hung up on price—they are building projects not buying artwork—but looking for value: “How can you not invest in your home when you see what the value of it is?”

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


FEATURE STORY // ALL DECKED OUT FOR SUMMER 2021 Composite decking, like the Dekorators line distributed by his company, has come a long way and is now boasting 25-year warranties, naturallooking aesthetics and the low-maintenance homeowners want. “Dekorators has some creative and innovative technology and different design opportunities for the homeowner,” he says. BRINGING THE INSIDE OUT The growing trend of past years of having the outdoor living space mimic or build on their indoor living space continues strong, according to Tori Smejkal, product manager for MoistureShield Composite Decking.

“You see people bringing their kitchens outdoors, and living rooms outdoors with televisions and all kinds of things you’d normally associate with comfort indoors coming outdoors,” she says. “I think that was kicked into high gear by the pandemic; people were in their homes more and want to make it a more inviting, comfortable and livable space.” On the comfort front, she says MoistureShield CoolDeck® Technology helps overcome concerns homeowners may have around the heat of their deck’s surface by reducing heat absorption by up to 35%.

Photo courtesy of MoistureShield Composite Decking

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


Photo courtesy of Nicholson and Cates

Smejkal suggests an aesthetic push toward variegated colours with realistic textures to mimic natural wood, while offering the easy maintenance and longevity of composite decking. MoistureShield’s Vision series, which features CoolDeck Technology, and budget-friendly Elevate series are distributed in Canada through CanWel Building Materials Group.

“People are sprucing up their outdoor living spaces to make up for not being able to travel anywhere,” he says. “What that’s done is really increase the demand, to the point where it’s outstripping supply.” In addition to price increases, supply scarcity is making it take longer to get products and complete jobs. Morrison points out that it’s not just materials that are in short supply.

THE COVID DOMINO EFFECT Jeff Morrison, vice president of national accounts at Goodfellow, says 2021 is seeing a continuation of the increase in demand for outdoor building projects spurred last year by COVID-19.

“The domino effect of the demand we see today is there isn’t a lot of contractors around to do the work, but also with delays, some jobs just can’t get off the ground.”



FEATURE STORY // ALL DECKED OUT FOR SUMMER 2021 Photo courtesy of Goodfellow

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


FEATURE STORY // ALL DECKED OUT FOR SUMMER 2021 BIGGER AND BETTER DECKS Not only has 2021 been busier than 2020 in terms of outdoor building projects, but the season started early, says Shawn Pilon, marketing manager at Nicholson and Cates, who distribute Trex. “Our products, which are all exterior products, the season started in January or February, where historically it’s April and May,” he says. “We were seeing big demand and it carried forward, now as we get into our traditionally busy season it puts

strains on inventories.” In addition to the number of projects, their overall size is growing. He echoes that as wood prices have climbed, moving to products like Trex Enhance Basics or even up to Natural Naturals isn’t much of a jump. “You get the lower maintenance of not having to paint and stain your cedar every year, as well as the colour offerings,” he says. “At the lower levels there aren’t as many colour options, but they are still those same ones people use when painting or staining their decks. Now you can have the colour

Photo courtesy of AFA Forest Products






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Photo courtesy of Taiga Building Products



FEATURE STORY // ALL DECKED OUT FOR SUMMER 2021 Photo courtesy of Gillfor Distribution

you’re looking for with lower maintenance, and with Trex a stain warranty as well.” HOMEOWNERS REMAIN GUNG-HO Even rising material prices aren’t tempering homeowner interest, suggests George McCart, director of allied products at AFA Forest Products. “Builders are still very busy on the decking side of it, the contractors and retailers are busy, and I don’t think there’s a lot of hesitancy from consumers,” he says. “People understand we’re still going to be home this summer, it still adds value to your property, so they’re still spending the money.” While aesthetics such as natural texture and colour variegation have improved in recent years, one of the biggest innovations from

manufacturers has been around making the installation easier. This, of course, is a boon for contractors facing a busy season challenged with finding labour. Like others, McCart also sees homeowners moving towards the higher end of the product spectrum. “AZEK’s Vintage line, which is one of the more expensive lines they produce, is quickly becoming our best seller. It’s become more of a fashion item than just a performance item in a way,” he says. “Five years ago, I would never have said that that is going to happen. In the last two years, people are starting to see and understand the value proposition. You want long-term happiness, and with this, you get the performance, the beauty and the designer look.” ­– // JULY - AUGUST 2021



Use these four interviewing best practices to avoid ruling out the best talent for your organization. Written by Jeremy Eskenazi

Many organizations use years of experience as a qualifier for jobs. It seems like second nature, but it doesn’t garner better talent. Using years of experience is often tied to a compensation range exercise and can lead to a sloppy path to your company being at risk of being accused of ageism, or worse! Rather than use years of experience in a job posting to eliminate very junior (or senior!) people, a best practice is to describe what the actual job would do. Consider the key accountabilities and indicate that these are things that the candidate needs to show you they can already do. This is not the kind of talent you want to lose out on for policy-sake. During your intake meeting with the hiring manager, this is a good discussion to have, and make sure to ask, “what would



someone have done in those X years that would make them qualified?” Today, we need skills that may not yet be taught in schools, new thinking in our evolving workplaces and agility to respond to customer needs quickly. No matter your industry, the skills you need today are likely very different than what you were hiring for five years ago. With this being the norm and not the exception, why are so many HR departments still so fixated on time over mastery of skills? Don’t underestimate how your company looks to candidates when they read years of experience in your job posts! If you are staunchly committed to this qualifier for hiring and recruiting, STOP NOW! Here are some scenarios to help you see how a small change to your hiring training can deliver big results.




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LEARNING HAPPENS FAST In one year (or even less), a teenager can build a functional social media app, a scientist can have a world-changing breakthrough, and an entrepreneur can change a supply chain model. We see it often, so why wouldn’t you consider someone with 2 years of experience just because your job description template reads 3-5 years? Don’t let your templates blind you to how quickly learning and skill acquisition happens! PRIORITIZE ACCOMPLISHMENTS VS. TIME When you or your hiring managers are discussing what is required in a new hire, what they have



accomplished and could accomplish at your company matters most. Do you need someone who has managed a sales pipeline of over $1M, or organized merchandise in a specific way, or learned how to interact with customers to achieve a goal? If a candidate can demonstrate that they have successfully accomplished what your company needs, then how many years they have done it for may be irrelevant (for most jobs). USING ARTIFICIAL BARRIERS Just because you have done something a certain way in the past does not mean you can’t change it! Take some technology jobs as an example.


Many are brand new – as in there is no degree program yet, or the qualifications and skills have evolved very recently. Requiring 10+ years’ experience and a related degree will rule out the exact type of talent you really need, make your employer brand feel stuffy and could lead to age discrimination! Don’t let rules that don’t make sense from the start of the candidate experience deter candidates from speaking to you or accepting your offer. LOOK WHAT I CAN DO If you are using behavioural interviewing, which asks candidates for specific examples of how they acted in specific employment-related situations, you can easily understand what the candidate has done or is doing now. Use your discussion with the

hiring manager to understand what the candidate will need to accomplish in their first 12 months. If this list matches their resume or interview responses, they will probably be able to do the job at your organization as well – this could be a great match! If they are doing half of what you need them to do, are you willing and able to train them to learn and grow with your organization. When a candidate explains what they are already able to do, listen to them! It’s the most important way to determine if they can do your role too. If they are successful in a role, does the length of that success really matter? While these are just a few examples, the point remains the same. If you are able to – remove the use of years of experience in your hiring // JULY - AUGUST 2021


and focus on what people have actually done. Asking the question of what someone can do today will give you the answer you need in what they will potentially do for you tomorrow. Training recruiters, HR and hiring managers to look for a match in skills and accomplishments will lead to more productive interviews and eventual hires for everyone. Don’t worry about trying to box someone into a compensation range based on years. If you are realistic about what the role is worth in the market you are hiring in, you will have greater speed to hire and an easier time targeting the right talent for your company. Not yet convinced? Here is a question to consider. If your job posting qualifications currently list 5-7 years of experience required and you are 22


interviewing a fantastic candidate who has proven that they can accomplish 95% of the tasks within the role, but they only have 4 years of experience, what are they really missing? Would you not hire them and continue recruiting for this role? If you are clear on what you need before you start looking for candidates, you will know if they are right in front of you! Does that one year really make a difference in what they can accomplish and bring to your team today? Don’t let the legacy of demanding a specific time frame of experience let you miss out on top talent. Let your hiring team look for what matters most in people – their abilities today and their proven track record in what you need to be successful! –


// JULY - AUGUST 2021



Be it extreme rain, high winds, or just a desire to put the absolute best on your customer’s homes, IKO’s Dynasty and Nordic performance shingles will meet your demands. • They come with ArmourZone technology, a 1 ¼" wide nailing surface for correct nail placement, reinforced by a tear-resistant band that provides even more fastening strength. Nails applied in this area are optimally positioned to help resist nail pull-through and shingle blow-off, even in high winds. • Our new and improved FastLock sealant forms a tough, strong bond that helps keep our performance shingles in place. • Combine our FastLock and ArmourZone, and our shingles carry a limited wind warranty covering speeds of up to 210km/h. ¹ • If you want to provide extra protection from hail, IKO’s Nordic shingles have a polymer-modified asphalt coating which acts like a shock absorber and qualifies these shingles for a Class 4 Impact Resistance Rating. ² ¹ See Limited Warranty at for complete terms, conditions, restrictions, and application requirements. Shingles must be applied in accordance with application instructions and local building code requirements. ² This impact rating is solely for the purpose of enabling residential property owners to obtain a reduction in their residential insurance premium, if available. It is not to be construed as any type of express or implied warranty or guarantee of the impact performance against hail, of this shingle by the manufacturer, supplier or installer. Damage from hail is not covered under the limited warranty. For further details concerning the FM 4473 standards, visit the FM Approvals website.

For more information about our performance shingles and other roofing products, visit


Written by Lawrence Cummer

Railings, like many building products, are in high demand this year, say manufacturers and distributors, as a population working from home seeks the refuge of their backyards to find work-life balance. “There’s been an incredible increase in demand this year with all outdoor building products and that has created a supply constraint,” says Matt Lipskey, national product manager for decking and railing products at Gillfor Distribution. “I think last year’s supply constraint was a lot of reaction to what was unfolding, whereas this year it’s really being constrained by extraordinary demand.” He says one unique way Gillfor is helping contractors and homeowners is through the TimberTech Impression Rail Aluminum Railing system it offers. This pre-paneled system is easy for contractors to order and understand. For most jobs there are only three to four SKUs to order (as opposed to as many as 12 or 13 on a component system), making it easier to find all the components needed, saving time and greatly assisting with online ordering systems which many contractors have had to use during lockdowns. The supply chain issues being experienced are causing many manufacturers to ramp up their production efforts where they can. “It’s been a bit of a struggle, but we’ve managed to stay ahead of the curve and have plenty of inventory on the ground,” says Ken Scott, general sales manager for Century Aluminum Railings at Century Railing, distributed by CanWel Building Materials Group.



Photo courtesy Gillfor Distribution // JULY - AUGUST 2021


FEATURE STORY // AN OUTDOOR ROOM WITH A VIEW Photo courtesy of Century Aluminum Railings

He attributes having a domestic manufacturing facility in Summerland, B.C. as an advantage in being able to better meet demand. “Because what we’ve found is outdoor living has grown, people are staying home and rediscovering their back yards. They are having staycations, and that entails a new deck, a new railing, new pergolas and all that; barbecues and kitchen areas, new patio furniture,” Scott says. “We had record sales in 2020, and 2021 is off to a good start.”

COLOUR AND TEXTURE TRENDS “As far as colour trends go, we’ve found that things are going back into more earthy tones,” Scott says. “It seems that the grays and the blues of the last five or six years seem to be trending downwards, and we’re getting back to the earth tones of darker browns, black and whites.” “That fits well with our colour choices; we have a white, brown and black.” As far as style of aluminum railings go, textured matte black picket railings are growing in // JULY - AUGUST 2021


popularity, he says, “It has been a big movement this year, and is about 60% of our sales.” Black remains the most popular choice of railing colours, says Shawn Pilon, marketing manager at Nicholson and Cates, distributor of Trex decking and railings. The reason for this mainstay colour is also based not on what you see but what you don’t, namely dirt. COMPOSITE OR ALUMINUM Composite railings are gaining a boost from many of the same factors attracting homeowners to

composite decking but a lot of the market leans towards aluminum, says Shawn Pilon, marketing manager at Nicholson and Cates, distributor of Trex decking and railings. Trex offers top-end railing systems in both composite and aluminum in its Transcend and Signature lines, respectively. Both are in what Pilon would categorize as “best” level products. “With aluminum rails you’re getting a more slim-line look. They are smaller in terms of profiles, so you get to see more of what you

Photo courtesy of Nicholson and Cates




want to see, which is your backyard,” he says. “Railings are a necessity, so if you can have it be smaller and take less away from your overall backyard it’s an advantage.” He says that while a ¾” baluster on an aluminum system might not seem like a lot compared with a 1” baluster on a composite system, but when extended out across an entire railing “it tends to blend in more and you see it less.” EASY FOR HOMEOWNERS AND CONTRACTORS Some railing systems are starting to combine both

composite and aluminum, as well as wood and other materials, says Carlos Pacheco, president of Nuvo Iron. This is partly for aesthetics, but also based around the availability of materials, he suggests. It’s not the only trend that availability at least partly plays a role. The trend of pre-assembled railings systems has been growing in the U.S. and is migrating to Canada, Pacheco says. “A lot of DIYers want it simpler,” he says, noting that simplicity and availability are more of a priority than price.

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


FEATURE STORY // AN OUTDOOR ROOM WITH A VIEW For contractors, easier-to-install products have multiple benefits, Pacheco says. With skilled labour in short supply and demand for jobs growing, easy-to-install and pre-assembled railing systems open up the pool of talent they can work with. Other trades—landscapers, for instance— can install the railing system rather than wait for a subcontractor. It can also overcome some availability and ordering challenges. On that front, Nuvo Iron has developed an aluminum railing system that Pacheco says is e-commerce friendly and “ready to travel and be

deployed at any time.” With only one post (no corner or mid-post), the system minimizes the inventory retailers need to carry, it’s less complex for the contractor and consumer and there is less chance of a component being out of stock. GLASS AND LIGHTING Glass railing, like Regal Ideas Crystal Rail system, are seeing a “huge spike” in growth, according to the company. This is especially true of its frameless system, which uses 10mm tempered glass panels that are 98% free of iron to provide an unobstructed view.

Photo courtesy of Regal Ideas



Railings are about safety first so they invest heavily in innovation to make sure its glass railings provide functionality and safety while removing barriers for homeowners. Among that functionality is railing lighting, which the company is also seeing a significant uptake this year. Here Crystal Rail has an advantage; a component-based approach, so lights don’t need to be added during the railing system installation but can be later upgraded to include it. It’s all about making the outdoor space more livable, according to Regal.

Photo courtesy of Liv Building Products 34


INSIDE OUT AND OUTSIDE IN Glass railings aren’t just going outside, says Rick Churchill, sales specialist for Liv Building Products. He says his company’s InvisiRail glass railing systems had a banner year in 2020, and sales are up significantly over that in 2021. The trend for several years has been to bring more of the comforts of inside out to deck— with outdoor kitchens and entertainment on the rise. But part of InvisiRail’s growth, Churchill says, has been the migration of glass railings into the home, where they are being used to

FEATURE STORY // AN OUTDOOR ROOM WITH A VIEW Photo courtesy of Regal Ideas // JULY - AUGUST 2021


FEATURE STORY // AN OUTDOOR ROOM WITH A VIEW Photo courtesy of Liv Building Products

create a beautiful modern décor and support an open-concept design. “I just saw a great big home that was a rebuild on Lake Huron, and the owner there had InvisiRail glass rails down his staircase. Upstairs was a walkout onto a great big deck and a mezzanine. The railing went all around the mezzanine and then extended outside and continued around the deck.”

These aren’t the only unique applications. Churchill points to recent use he’s seen in urban condo settings, creating secure railings for rooftop patios and gardens while giving an unobstructed view. “There’s a whole community of people spending time on these condo rooftops.” In a dense urban center, sometimes outdoor living is where you make it. – // JULY - AUGUST 2021



Written by Teresa Christine

It is no secret that pandemic restrictions have prioritized the need for Canadians to make home improvements, including the design of functional outdoor living spaces. Though many regional restrictions have eased, it’s clear that the trend of creating more livable and enjoyable outdoor areas, is here to stay. As homeowners continue to spend more and more time outside, they are always looking for opportunities to enhance their outdoor living spaces. Many are becoming more sophisticated in terms of how they want their outdoor space

to look and feel since the concept of merging indoor and outdoor living spaces continues to gain popularity. With endless design options and an expanding array of goods to choose from, many Castle retailers are offering products to meet the needs of contractors and consumers alike. Here we look at some of the trends taking over outdoor spaces. PLAYING IT COOL, ALL DECKED OUT & PERGOLAS PLEASE Covered and uncovered patios, porches and decks have become more than a family meeting

Photo courtesy of Taiga Building Products



// DESIGN TALK Photo courtesy of Cindercrete Products Ltd.

place or focal point as more and more Canadians have been travelling less and spending more time at home. Many of these homeowners have also started to convert or climatize these into spaces that can be enjoyed all year round. Deck railings are also becoming a key focal point in design. Both contractors and homeowners have realized that as the most visible aspect of a deck, it is a great way to add a sophisticated or modern element to an outdoor space. The railings can be used as a statement or accent piece. For more on what’s trending on railings, see page 26.

As either a part of, separate to or a standalone from a deck, a pergola can be a great way to define either an outdoor living or dining space. Pergolas can be the foundation and framework of an outdoor room and be that one piece that pulls everything together. Gaining in popular within this trend is a roofed pergola. Material from metal, wood or fabric can be used to create a custom look. Companies like Toja, offer contractors and homeowners DIY options to help bring outdoor living to new heights. For example, the Toja Grid is a DIY Modular Pergola System that offers kits and // JULY - AUGUST 2021


// DESIGN TALK bracket hardware that allow the user to build and customize their own unique build with ease. The Toja Grid provides a fast and easy solution to help take the outdoor living space to the next level and also offer a variety of trendy accessories! Adding extras like lighting or greens will only further help create a dreamy outdoor retreat. For more on Toja visit BRINGING THE INDOORS OUTSIDE & SCENIC SEATING Outdoor living spaces have always been a desired home addition, but the popularity and ingenuity of this trend has boomed in the past decade. Current

market research suggests that consumers are showing a growing willingness to invest in their backyards to create comfortable, entertaining extensions of their homes. The trend of blending outdoor and indoor living continues to be one of the country’s most predominant home trends and multi-use patios are already one of the top three features homebuyers look for in a new home. All this is a sure sign that this trend is here to stay beyond the summer. The line between indoors and outdoors become more and more blurry with home designs starting to incorporate large stacked-sliding-glass-and-disappearing walls where almost the entire wall of a room can opened

// JULY - AUGUST 2021


Photo courtesy of Gillfor Distribution

to a covered patio or deck for a more seamless transition. Other options for this desired look include using several sliding glass doors to give the appearance of a disappearing wall. Creating this type of open-aired rooms expand living areas and further blend and bring the indoors outside. More and more televisions, screens and entertainment units are also becoming a staple in these areas. Further to this, pieces like loveseats and loungers are becoming more popular. These elements are becoming more and more prevalent in backyards as homeowners want to make the outdoor space truly feel like a “room”. At Toja, their patio furniture collections are all designed as contemporary and timeless pieces with a selection of materials using warm and neutral colour tones built to last for years to come which makes the investment more practical. Integrating interior-inspired accents like 42


decorative outdoor area rugs, cushions, pillows and throw blankets made of weather-resistant materials is also a great way to add to this trend. Things like plants, flowers, artwork and whimsical accessories, are a great way to add personality and colour. With a plethora of choices, it is also important to look for high-quality furniture that will hold up outdoors in all types of weather. WHAT’S COOKING & KEEPING IT HOT, HOT, HOT While outdoor cooking once meant a basic grill, homeowners have taken backyard cooking and dining to a whole new level. Expect this trend to continue with BBQs and grills that maximize space but can handle more than your average steaks, hot dogs and burgers. Think whole turkeys, roasts, pizza and smoked meats. Similarly, outdoor kitchens are getting increasingly functional and more elaborate with cooking islands, cabinetry, pizza ovens, refrigerators and even the kitchen

// DESIGN TALK sink! Not only does this help keep the backyard space organized and eliminate many of those back and forth trips inside the house, it also adds a level of convenience and luxury. Onward Manufacturing has a complete line of quality BBQ and grilling equipment products to please even the most hardcore grill master. Visit A fire pit is another great backyard addition that can create many different atmospheres and is a great way to bring family and friends together. From “fire-side” chats, to making smores, it is a way sure way to create more memories around this piece. The Shaw Brick Landscape Collection offers a complete line of outdoors

fire kits, and Natural Stone products designed to inspire virtually any type of outdoor living space. Visit Even as travel and vacation options appear closer in reach, there is a newfound way of appreciating alfresco living. From an influx of outdoor products to home renovation shows specifically geared to backyard builds, designing exterior areas has become a key feature and often focal point in a house. Whether a homeowner wants to try and replicate a “resort-style” escape, or an extension of the comforts of their home, creating a functional outdoor space that they can retreat to is more than a trend. –

Photo courtesy of Expocrete Concrete Products // JULY - AUGUST 2021


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