Contractor Advantage November / December 2021

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November / December 2021

Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. is a Canadian member-owned, Lumber, Building Materials and Hardware buying group representing over 300 member locations across Canada.

Contractor Advantage Magazine is the exclusive publication of Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. featuring quality Castle vendor brands available at Castle Building Centres locations. Visit to find a Castle location in your area.

Editorial Director Castle Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. Jennifer Mercieca Art Direction and Design Espress Labs Inc. Contributors Lawrence Cummer Danila Di Croce

Advertising Inquiries Jennifer Mercieca Director of Communications Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. 905-564-3307 Material Contact Maryam Bashir Marketing Coordinator Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. 905-564-3307 Published and designed exclusively for Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. by Espress Labs Inc. On the cover: Makita Canada


NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2021 Volume 26 Issue 6


LAWRENCE CUMMER Lawrence (“Law”) Cummer is a freelance writer and editor and has been a frequent contributor to Contractor Advantage, Ideas and Rough Construction for nearly a decade. Over his more than 20-year career, Law has written about contracting and construction, general business, information technology, health and safety, personal finance and almost every topic in between. He has a passion for storytelling and sharing how people can work better, easier — and “smarter” — from contractors to technologists to business executives.

DANILA DI CROCE Danila Di Croce is a Toronto-based writer with over 10 years of experience in the fields of media and education, including a Masters in Media Production from Ryerson University. Throughout her experience, Danila has worked in the areas of public relations, marketing, radio and television broadcast, and has contributed to various national publications on a wide range of topics including entrepreneurship, building construction, workplace health and safety and hospitality.

JASON V. BARGER Jason V. Barger is the globally-celebrated author of Thermostat Cultures, ReMember and Step Back from the Baggage Claim as well as the host of The Thermostat podcast. As Founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, he is a coveted keynote speaker, leadership coach and organizational consultant who is committed to engaging the minds and hearts of people and growing compelling cultures. Learn more at

TERESA CHRISTINE Teresa is an accomplished communicator and award-winning Editor with over 15 years of experience helping organizations build their brands and tell their stories through roles in marketing and PR. Inspired by her passion for writing, she recently began her own consulting boutique and has worked with a broad range of customers in various industries including construction, building materials, consumer and lifestyle. She is recognized and respected for her honesty, attention to detail and creativity which has allowed her to cultivate solid client relationships throughout her career. 4




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A CHANGE OF TONE Over the past year, with the pandemic keeping many indoors, individuals have had to learn how to readapt their everyday habits as well as reconfigure their everyday spaces to serve a multitude of needs.

6 MINDSETS TO BREATHE OXYGEN INTO YOUR PEOPLE We all could use a deep breath.


COOL TOOLS 2021: POWER, VERSATILITY, AND PORTABILITY REIGN SUPREME From the simplest and oldest tools in the book to the most advanced smart features, every year building professionals are offered a plethora of new tools for their belts and their boxes.


HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS; HOW TO SPRUCE UP YOUR FRONT ENTRANCE Often when seasons change, so too does the décor in front of the home.

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Written by Danila Di Croce

Photo courtesy of Sherwin Williams 6


Over the past year, with the pandemic keeping many indoors, individuals have had to learn how to readapt their everyday habits as well as reconfigure their everyday spaces to serve a multitude of needs. This has encouraged many home renovations, whether big or small, with paint playing a major role in the changes. “The pandemic forced consumers to spend more time at home and revaluate how we use our spaces. Finding a place to work or do virtual learning, workout, while also spending time to relax and unwind was needed,” explains Ashley Banbury, Senior Colour Designer at Sherwin Williams. “As more consumers spent time at home, they had more time and funds to concentrate on updating their spaces; paint will continue to play an important role in changing the aesthetics of your space in an economic way.” In fact, the interest in paint has been so great that companies have seen a surge in request. Dino Coletta, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Master Finish Paints describes the growth at his company as he states, “we have seen a 25% increase in demand from last year.” However, the combination of a higher demand with issues of accessibility of materials has caused some difficulties. “There were a few issues with mother nature in the United States, when Texas went through a freeze spell and it created a lot of damage

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Photo courtesy of Master Finish Paints

to producers of raw materials that are used by the paint industry,” explains Coletta. “That created a mess as far as production of different products that we use to manufacture paints and resins. The demand is skyrocketing for paint, but these manufactures that supply the paint channel couldn’t work at full capacity because of the freeze out.” Consequently, companies have had to deal with the ramifications of these issues as Félix Buisson, Vice President of sales at Laurentide explains, “With extremely high demand and scarcity of raw materials, paint companies have struggled to meet the demand in the market

which is reflected with a lot of late deliveries or back-order products.” As such, this has caused companies, such as Laurentide, to modify their methods of business in order to stay afloat; Buisson describes, “We had to put in place a very sturdy and disciplined plan of action in order to secure all the raw materials needed to manufacture our products. With high demand comes high competition for these rare goods.” These issues for the industry have not only resulted in delays for materials but have affected costs as well. Martin Tustin-Fuchs, Senior

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Marketing Manager for Sico paint brand by PPG explains changes in the business as he states: “The paint and coatings industry is experiencing a period of significant raw material inflation and logistics cost inflation, which has resulted in the need for price increases for many of our products.” While they may have to wait a little longer for product or pay a higher price, homeowners are keen on making the necessary changes in their home, especially after months of having evaluated the walls surrounding them.

“As we have spent more time at home, we have realized that we would like to bring in comforting hues into our spaces. There is a desire to have colour in our spaces but avoiding shades that feel overwhelming,” explains Banbury. “Soft balanced neutrals are perfect, hues that feel not too cool and not too warm. Warm taupe’s have a new modern appeal with a comforting quality. Soft greens will continue to be popular because of their natural quality that feels calming during a stressful time.”

Photo courtesy of Laurentide



FEATURE STORY // A CHANGE OF TONE Photo courtesy of PPG Photo courtesy of PPG // NOV - DEC 2021


FEATURE STORY // A CHANGE OF TONE Photo courtesy of Laurentide

Tustin-Fuchs echoes the connection to natural colours as he explains, “Consumers have turned to nature to receive the comfort and relaxation that they have been longing for after months of feeling unsettled. At a time when consumers have involuntarily slowed down their lifestyles and are craving comfort and a sense of optimism, the SICO® paint brand by PPG suggests taking a cue from nature with its 2021 Colour of the Year: Blue-winged Warbler.”



Of course, when choosing paints, colour is not the only important factor, safety for both the consumer and environment, is also key. “Laurentide has been involved in recycling and recycled paint for over 25 years. We manufacture the Boomerang line of products which are 100% eco-friendly, low cost, quality paints,” explains Buisson. “In all our other product lines we always try to minimize the impact on the environment through innovations. As an example, Laurentide

Photo courtesy of Sherwin Williams

Photo courtesy of Master Finish Paints



FEATURE STORY // A CHANGE OF TONE was one of the first companies in North America to offer no VOCs colorants back in the early 2010’s to make sure no VOC paint is really no VOC after tinting.” Both Sherwin Williams and Master Finish Paints provide VOC Free paints as well, with Sherwin Williams offering their Para Premium Zero product which is a zero VOC interior paint and primer,

and Master Finish Paints offering their zero VOC Proline Eco Series and Summum Series. Sustainability is equally important to PPG as Vince Rea, PPG General Manager, Canada Trade, explains, “PPG leverages data from our systems to produce declarations that support the requirements of green building schemes.” The company has recently launched a new line of

Photo courtesy of Sherwin Williams // NOV - DEC 2021


Photo courtesy of Sherwin Williams

sustainably advantaged products which include antibacterial and antiviral paints. Alongside great colours and safety, consumers are also expecting simple and easy transactions. “The paint industry has reached a pivotal moment where customers have become even more comfortable with – and oftentimes expect – an easy-to-navigate e-commerce experience and seamless pick-up and delivery options,” explains Rea. “COVID-19 has accelerated the need for these types of digitally-driven buying models, and we as manufacturers have a responsibility to continue to anticipate our customer needs in a post-COVID world.” 16


As consumers’ lifestyle habits continue to adapt and the world continues to develop through the pandemic it will be interesting to see what other new changes occur in the paint industry. As Buisson forecasts, customers’ expectations will rise: “what we think will be a determining factor in the years to come is that people have less and less time to spend searching for the right product/color. They will want people who have the expertise to tell them what they should buy and what they should apply. The process of purchasing and starting a paint project has to become much less cumbersome.” —

FEATURE STORY // A CHANGE OF TONE Photo courtesy of Sherwin Williams // NOV - DEC 2021



We all could use a deep breath. Written by Jason V. Barger

Most teams and companies are still figuring out how to help support their people and engage with them remotely, in hybrid settings, and in-person gatherings. With all that businesspeople have been navigating: differing modes of communication, the expansion of remote workers, global health, issues of racism, social injustice and equity, political and economic uncertainty, they are also expected to maximize the experience, product or service that you are delivering to the marketplace. Deep breaths are needed. The process of breathing for the human body is “the process of moving air into and out of the 18


lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly to bring oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide.” The leaders role in teams and organizations is to breathe oxygen into their people with mindsets and actions that fuel energy, possibility, connection and progress while flushing out negativity, blame and toxins. The best leaders and teams on the planet understand their role is to help breathe oxygen into their people that helps give energy, hope and life so that all are able to thrive in a complex environment. These leaders and cultures are intentionally inhaling and exhaling with their

// BUILDING BETTER BUSINESS people. The air they breathe and the mindsets they bring to stimulate action is everything. 6 MINDSETS TO BREATHE OXYGEN INTO YOUR PEOPLE AND CULTURE 1. Clarity — Vision + Direction is air that all need to breathe. Is your Mission clear? Is your Vision clear? Are you Values for how your team is committed to travel clear? Is your Strategy for the next priorities clear? If not, your team may be gasping for air. Every time you breathe oxygen into to these mindsets and concepts as a team, the air is easier for all to breathe. The path forward becomes clearer. Your team may

not have all the answers, but they’ll have energy and clear direction on how to take the next step. 2. Inclusivity — Leaders in the world play an enormous role in widening the circle so that more diverse backgrounds, ideas, perspectives, and experiences have a seat at the table. Teams and organizations will lead the way forward in society by modeling how to have civil, respectful dialogue and educate people on the strengths of diversity, equity and inclusion. When our teams are inclusive and welcoming, it breathes life and energy into all. We’re stronger together.

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// BUILDING BETTER BUSINESS 3. Agility — Possibility + Adaptability is the name of the game in a changing world. Leaders have to practice breathing oxygen that allows their mind to find new ways of doing things and the courage to adapt to opportunities that emerge. If leaders return to the “this is the way we’ve always done it” mindset then they will sit back and watch the oxygen leave the room (and their people).



4. Grit — Resolve + Toughness is critical to help people navigate their way through obstacles, challenges, negativity, finger pointing, and division. Leaders help their people breathe oxygen that stays focused on the present moment and the actions that are needed in order to take the next step. Toughness isn’t about being physically stronger than others, it is about being able to be vulnerable with




your people and still have the resolve to find solutions, together. 5. Rest — Teams and organizations have an unhealthy association with the concept of rest. Americans last year left 768 million days of vacation on the table with their employers. That equates to nearly $66 billion of lost benefits. We’ve forgotten that the research actually shows that deliberate rest is essential to elite performance. When we allow our bodies, minds

and hearts to deliberately rest, we breathe more efficiently and are better at everything else. 6. Ownership — Accountability + Action are mindsets and oxygen that the best leaders and team cultures on the planet breathe. They connect the things they say they will do with positive accountability and action. Accountability isn’t a negative word, it’s a positive mantra that all take ownership of. In a world where people are quick to gossip, point // NOV - DEC 2021


fingers, and be critics about what isn’t working, the best leaders breathe oxygen into their people and shift conversations from blame to solutions-focused. The best cultures proactively help their people breathe and navigate through obstacles, together. They intentionally choose to inhale positivity and the 6 mindsets above and exhale negativity, blame, gossip and division. The air they breathe dictates the quality of air for all. The ecosystem of their culture is grown, developed, cultivated and led with intentionality, one breath at a time. 24


The process for developing high-performing and engaged teams never stops and the best leaders, teams and organizations are committed to breathing oxygen in how they hire, onboard, do performance evaluations, develop emerging leaders, and recognize excellence. The best leaders invest in their teams and the air they breathe, together. If you’re experiencing a lack of energy, passion or hope for the road ahead, it may be the air you’re breathing. —


// NOV - DEC 2021



From the simplest and oldest tools in the book to the most advanced smart features, every year building professionals are offered a plethora of new tools for their belts and their boxes. Written by Lawrence Cummer

Sometimes innovation is literally found in the designs of those belts and boxes, and other times it’s about what goes inside them. Whether it’s the latest power tools, hand tools or storage solutions, manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to make the contractor’s jobs easier, safer and more effective. As in the past, Contractor Advantage reached out to leading vendors to get their opinions and some highlights around what they thought were this year’s coolest tools. HARDCORE CORDLESS POWER Building on the success of its LXT 18V lithiumion battery system, Makita released in the last year the new XGT 40V battery system for power-hungry heavy-duty applications. Not meant to replace the LXT, the new battery system is designed to fulfill the top 10 to 15% of power requirements for contractors, says Matthew Noel, product manager at Makita Canada. Makita currently offers more than 60 tools that use the XGT battery system and are adding to this number every month. Noel says the XGT batteries were designed on four tenants: high battery output resulting in greater energy capacity at reduced weight; being future proof, alongside the LXT to cover everything from professional applications to industrial ones; smart technology that provides built-in communication between not only the charger and battery but also the tool; and durability against tough environmental and industrial conditions.



Photo courtesy Makita Canada // NOV - DEC 2021



“XGT gives the power and performance to really practically replace electric, pneumatic and gas tools on the jobsite. These can functionally replace the gas can and power cord eight hours a day for applications like heavyduty grinding, heavy demolition of concrete, cutting dense hardwood, removing large diameter bolts and more.”

“Thousands of staples are going into houses every single day, and right now it’s done very old school. Professionals are pulling out hammers and loose staples. A small portion of the market uses a hand stapler which provides an inconsistent drive and is tiring,” says Steve Whidden, marketing manager for fastening, saws and woodworking at Stanley Black & Decker, of the need for his company’s tool.

CORDLESS CABLE FASTENING Stanley Black & Decker is aiming to bring a popular product in the U.S. and other global regions to Canada: its DeWalt 20V MAX* Cordless Cable Stapler.

Mostly designed for primarily fastening nonmetallic sheathed cables (NM-B) for electrical work, the automated stapler can also be used for low-voltage applications like coax cables, AV cables and CAT-5. Specially designed to drive // NOV - DEC 2021


DeWalt’s UL-certified 1” cable staples over the cable safely and accurately, the cordless stapler has been found to work twice as fast as manual hammering. The company is in “the home stretch” of its work with the CSA (Canadian Standards Association) to approve the proprietary staples that work with the tool for use in Canada, Widden says, and he expects the product to be available here before year-end. CUTTING INNOVATIONS From Stanley Black & Decker’s Lenox brand comes innovation to one of mankind’s earliest tools. This fall, the company released the Lenox Fast Snap Knife (LXHT10597), which combines the ergonomic comfort and durability of a utility knife with the ready access to a sharp blade found in a snap

Photo courtesy of Stanley Black & Decker 30


knife. In addition to combining the best of both cutting worlds, the new knife has built-in safety elements including an integrated blade snapper to perfectly line up the blade and magnet to safely hold the snapped segment in place. Louise Young, commercialization manager for hand tools at Stanley Black & Decker says the company was looking to build on Lenox’s heritage and asked, “how we could reinvent cutting.” It comes with a Lenox carbide-edged blade but can use any standard 18mm snap-off knife blade. EAB (Exchange-A-Blade) has released two sawblades that also perform double duty. Offered in 6 ½” (32 teeth) and 7 ¼” (36 teeth), the company’s new Professional Series Wood/


Metal Cutting Saw Blade eliminates the need to waste time switching blades when cutting lumber, angle iron, metal studs or threaded rod. The blades can be used for both materials thanks to a combination of an MTCG (modified triple chip grind), C6 carbide teeth and 0° hook angle. “It saves both time and money,” says Dave Cameron, product manager at EAB Tool Co. “Contractors can get things done without delays, but also don’t have the need for two tools to complete the job.” The other savings, Cameron stresses, comes from the EAB exchange program,

in which all EAB products can be exchanged for credit when being replaced. The program celebrated its 45th anniversary this year, keeping more than 60 tons of steel out of landfills annually, he says. SIMPLE AND FLEXIBLE TIME SAVERS Ted Fuller, vice-president at King Canada Tools, says his company has two elegant solutions to problems many contractors face. The company’s 3 and 3/8” toe-kick saw is specially designed to cut underneath cabinets,

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so flooring contractors don’t need to remove the cabinets when replacing subfloors. Adjustable with four depths of cut positions, it’s designed to run flush along the inner wall of toe-kick panels to cut faster and easier. A lot goes into the design to ensure safe and steady cutting, but ultimately Fuller says, “It’s a

simple solution to a problem that eliminates a cascade of other things you have to deal with if you don’t have it.” King’s 550 CFM (cubic feet per minute) Air Mover is lightweight (9 lb.) and has design features that make it more flexible, Fuller says. Portable and most importantly able to be daisy-chained

Photo courtesy of King Canada Tools




together for larger jobs, the air mover is designed with interlocking guards, making it easier to stack and store. “There’s a couple little design quirks we put into it. It has a three-position location — so you can have it parallel to the floor, 45° from the floor or up in the air — and the other is it has a handle shaped like a banana which allows you to wrap the cord around it.” WHAT’S IN STORE FOR STORAGE On the topic of stack ability, the Milwaukee Packout Modular Storage System is the cool tool of 2021, suggests James Mitchell, senior product manager at the company.

“It’s the customizability that makes it cool,” he says. “The way the cleats lock in, it’s such a small thing, but that’s what made the Packout system totally takeoff.” The storage system allows users to interchange and interlock a wide variety of heavy-duty toolboxes, organizers, totes and more across different configurations. It boasts durability and resilience and the ability for contractors to customize storage to fit their needs whether in the shop, in transit or on the jobsite. The company started with the usual storage suspects and ultimately even coolers but has recently started to work the Packout locking // NOV - DEC 2021


system into some of its tools, including a vacuum, radio and light — things generally carried loose to a jobsite. “The thing I’m really excited about in the future, is we’re going to be building (more) tools into it,” Mitchell says. For contractors on the go, check out Task Tools’ Bucket Buddy which converts any old 5-gallon bucket into a toolbox. The ballistic nylon carrier slips over the bucket when in use to offer 12 interior pockets and 53 exterior pockets and loops with slots for driver bits, as well as two

Photo courtesy of Milwaukee 34


tape measure clips. “The Bucket Buddy isn’t necessarily new in 2021, but we’ve packed it with more pockets, loops and even a bonus carabiner to clip loose tools to,” said Tara Coen, Director of Product and Marketing at Task Tools. “It’s made from 1680D and 600D ballistic nylon meaning it’s less rough on the hands. And when you’re done, you can fold it up and store it out of the way.” —




Written by Teresa Christine

Often when seasons change, so too does the décor in front of the home. Here are a few ways to add some depth, character or comfort to your front entrance. HOLIDAY DÉCOR FOR EVERY DOOR Wreaths and door décor is a great way to spruce up your front entrance. With different



greenery, blooms or floral available for the winter season, homeowners could easily opt for the circular decoration. If wreaths are not for you, door swags are a great option and with all the natural pines and ferns available in winter. For those who are looking for something different than that, there are many other door decor options that incorporate and mix different


materials like burlap, brass and copper. With all these possibilities, homes owners can choose what looks best with their door style, colour and surrounding brick or stone. DOORMAT DELIGHT In the past, doormats were traditionally a place to wipe your feet or rest your shoes. Today, these unexpected stylish mats are used as an entry way

into your home and sometimes a great indicator of homeowner’s style and personality. Traditionally square, today, round, oval and oblong shaped doormats are becoming increasing popular. For some the doormat is a way to set the tone, add a splash of colour or create a vibe or feeling before entering the home, especially for the holiday season! For this, some choose personalized doormats with their family name or fashionable // NOV - DEC 2021


// DESIGN TALK sayings or phrases. The design choices are endless for doormats which some homeowners change for every holiday or season. WINTER GREENS & WARM LIGHTS As weather gets colder, potted plants with seasonal winter greens and ferns like pine, cedar and spruce are an easy way to add some colour quickly and inexpensively wherever you need

it without permanently planting in the ground. For those who prefer the nod too nature, twigs and branches are also still trending popular and provide a more simple and minimalistic style. Lights and lanterns are quite the bright spot this season and can add an element of magic and warmth to any outdoor space and have been seen more and more on front porches. From string

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lights, to hanging tree lights, homeowners are now using the different and sometimes unconventional lighting options to create the mood they want. Designer type fixtures and lighting sources are not just meant or made for the indoors anymore.



As for lanterns, the desired look this season is to display a few lanterns of different shapes and sizes and group them at varying heights. TURNING THE TABLE The front porch has become quite the go-to space


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Whether it's extreme rain, high winds, or just a desire to put the absolute best on your customer's homes, our Dynasty® and Nordic™ performance shingles are ready to meet your demands.

They come reinforced with ArmourZone® technology, a 1-¼" wide, tear-resistant nailing zone that helps increase holding power and decrease nail blow-through. Our new and improved Fastlock ® sealant forms a tough, strong bond that helps decrease water infiltration and is capable of sealing in a wide range of temperatures. Combine our Fastlock and ArmourZone, and our shingles carry a limited warranty covering wind speeds of up to 210 km/h, and our Nordic shingles have a Class 4 Impact Resistance Rating.1 1 This impact rating is solely for the purpose of enabling residential property owners to obtain a reduction in their residential insurance premium, if available. It is not to be construed as any type of express or implied warranty or guarantee of the impact performance against hail, of this shingle by the manufacturer, supplier or installer. Damage from hail is not covered under the limited warranty. For further details concerning the FM 4473 standards, visit the FM Approvals website.

For more information about our performance shingles and other roofing products, visit

// DESIGN TALK this year. Whether it’s a place to sip morning coffee, read your favourite book or sit with a loved one, bistro tables, small dinette sets or now even fire pit tables are the standard for the season. Some homeowners have decided to bring the

heating element as more and more Canadians maximize their outer spaces and make the most use of their functional areas. Outdoor furniture options are endless and there are so many design choices depending on intended use and style. —

// NOV - DEC 2021


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