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TERANAP TANKING SYSTEM Waterproofing system for underground below grade structures.



Rev0 Novembre 2016


General background


Teranap Tanking System (TTS) general description. 2.1. Field of application 2.2 Product Information Reference Chart related to TTS. 2.3 Technical Agreement Certificate 2.4 Technical assistance. 2.4 Maintenance and repair.


Siplast Teranap 431 TP 3.1. Description and characteristics 3.2 Teranap 431 physical and mechanical properties 3.3 Teranap 431 TP packaging 3.4 Teranap 431 TP waterproofing


Teranap Tanking System (TTS) method of application 4.1. Waterproofing under reinforced slab 4.2 Waterproofing on Permanent Shuttering vertical walls (not foundation walls) 4.3 Waterproofing on Vertical Foundation Retaining walls


Tanking compartment 5.1 Partitioning purpose and design 5.2 Terastop partitioning waterbars 5.3 Typical Terastop connections 5.4 Terastop method of application 5.5 Compartment Injection Flange purpose 5.6 Compartment Injection typical design


Pile waterproofing 6.1 Pile head treatment (Pile Cap) 6.2 Pile Cap Method of installation 6.3 Pile Cap typical design 6.4 Pile Cap epoxy mortar sequence of installation


RC slab and wall expansion joints 7.1 Neodyl N and Terastop DA 240/4 for expansion joints 7.2 Noedyl N Method of Installation 7.3 Expansion joint typical design


Teranap Tanking protection 8.1 Horizontal slab area preparation 8.2 Teranap TP protection over RCC slab areas 8.3 Teranap TP vertical protection on permanent shuttering walls (Internal wall application) 8.4 Teranap TP vertical protection on Retaining Foundation walls (External wall application)

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Teranap 431 TP installation works 9.1 General information 9.2 Teranap alignment and joint welding 9.3 Teranap joint connection with high level of waterproofing security




Typical Details

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


1. General background On foundation works where under water table the risk of water penetration inside the building or constructions in general (Water Tanks) is a major risk and involve a rigorous protection of the buried constructions. Many cases have showed that water penetrations could ruin the building. With new products and accurate solutions, Siplast has highly participated during the last 15 years to modern cities development.

The TERANAP TANKING System (TTS) is a modern and safe designed solution for tanking waterproofing. The benefits of the TTS design are: • Durable building protection against water degradation, • Very high hydrostatic pressure resistance, • Very high level of waterproofing security with reinforced joint double welding, • Very high chemical resistance, • Partitioning possibilities, i.e. limit the area of possible leakage • Possibility of easy repairing work by injection on a limited areas • Solutions for expansion joint • Solutions for all building foundation envelop from the RCC concrete slab up to Plaza and Podium structures. This solution becomes really safe and efficient since we are able to provide a waterproofing membrane system reliable, strong and easy to weld, solving at the same time the problem “how to do the waterproofing works around pile caps”.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Teranap Tanking System (TTS) general description.

2.1 Fields of application Foundations are the structural elements which transfer loads from the building or individual columns to the earth. If these loads are to be properly transmitted, foundations must be designed to prevent excessive settlement or rotation, to minimize differential settlement and to provide adequate safety against sliding and overturning. Foundations elements are Reinforced Concrete Slab (RC slab) and Reinforced Concrete Walls (RC Walls). Those elements must be fully enveloped and protected from water deterioration any time they are under below grade. The Teranap Tanking System (TTS) is designed as loose laid high performance waterproofing system for the complete building foundation waterproofing envelop (Tanking works below water table). The TTS system allows the waterproofing envelop including an easy connection with the higher structural parts of the construction such as plaza, podium, parking and green roofs.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


2.2 Product Information Reference Chart related to TTS. Product



Teranap 2M Film

Asphalt SBS elastomer sheet, nonwoven polyester geotextile reinforced, surfaced with a puncture resistant, root inhibitor polyester film. Asphalt SBS elastomer sheet, nonwoven polyester reinforced.

Surface ply In horizontal foundation slab, vertical foundation walls, plaza deck waterproofing system.

Parafor M3S

Parafor M4S


Siplast Primer

Asphalt SBS elastomer sheet, nonwoven polyester reinforced. Pure SBS nonreinforced membrane with very high elasticity and elongation > 1000% Asphalt primer solvent based

Geofelt TP 300

Non-woven geotextile


Low Density Polyethylene 100 microns thick

Geofelt TP 500

Non-woven geotextile

Fonda GTX

HPDE embossed membrane

SCR Alliance 40x40 Plates

galvanized steel 40x40mm plates for fixations special galvanized steel nail for concrete

Nailfix 3C

It is cut in 200mm strip band in order to complete a double side lap and end lap Teranap safe welding. Waterproofing of areas around Pile Cups in a twolayer fully bonded system. Waterproofing of structural joints

Application Method Loose laid with side and end laps fully torched. Mechanically fixed on vertical foundation walls with side and end laps fully torched. All joints are reinforced with 200mm Parafor M3S strip Fully torch.

1 x 10 M Roll

Fully torch.

1 x 10M Roll

Fully torch

0,50 x 10M Roll or 1,0 x 10M Roll 25L Drums

Concrete substrate preparation for fully bonded applications Protection layer over Teranap TP on slab foundation Separation layer in order to physically disconnect concrete and Teranap Protection layer over Teranap TP on walls Protection for vertical foundation walls Teranap 431 fixations on walls

Spread at a rate of 0,3 L/m2

Teranap 431 fixations on walls

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions

Size 2 x 20 M Roll


2,5 x 170M Roll


3 x 33,3M Roll


2,5 x 120M Roll

Mechanically fixed

2 x 15M Roll

Applied with mechanical fixations

1000 units/box

Drill and nail on concrete walls

250 units/box


Partitioning Product


Terastop A

Purpose Partitioning element for horizontal foundation slabs and vertical foundation walls Partitioning element for structural joints to be used together with Neodyl Repair by gel injection on partitioned areas

Terastop DA

Siplast Injection Flanges and tubes

Application Method Fully torch over Teranap TP


Fully torch

Roll 25M

Bonded over Teranap TP

60 units / Cardboard box

Roll 25M

Pile Cap Product



Epoxy resin grout

Low permeability chemical resistant grout hardener

Pile head waterproofing (Pile Cap)

Grout and cementitious void filler

Special grout for pile head repairing works

Pile cap reprofiling and General void filling

Application Method Poured over the pile head

Poured over the pile head

Conbextra EPGP* from Fosroc or MASTERFLOWÂŽ 410 PC T from Degussa SUPERCAST PC from Fosroc

2.3 Technical Agreement Certificate The TTS system is agreed by the British Board of Agreement (12/4934 Teranap TP tanking system).

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Siplast Technical assistance

Upon the contracting firm’s request, SIPLAST provides its technical assistance for the design (choice of installation method) as well as for the installation on the jobsites (demonstration, monitoring). 2.4

Maintenance and repair

The membrane is enough strong thanks to the 250gr polyester reinforcement. However accidents can normally happen due to heavy work on-going. The structural layout of the tanking has to include a waterproofing heavy protection to meet the requirements concerning prevention of damages. In any case of accidental laceration, the waterproofing membrane can be easily repaired using PARAFOR M4S by torch application.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


3. Siplast Teranap 431 TP 3.1 Description and characteristics Siplast Teranap 431 TP is a high performance, puncture-resistant, reinforced, elastomeric bitumen geomembrane, lightly sanded on one side and covered with a root inhibiting polyester film on the other side. A removable kraft-paper protects side overlaps in order to allow a very efficient welding. It is delivered in large panel 2 x 20 meters to ensure an easy and quick installation.

TERANAP 431 TP 2M FILM Nominal thickness Reinforcement Side laps Top Surface Back surface Marker line

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions

4 mm 250g Non-woven polyester geotextile Protected with removable kraft-paper Sand Resistant anti-root film film A white line is marked in the centre of the foil to allow the correct positioning


Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


3.2 Teranap 431 physical and mechanical properties EN standards TERANAP 431 TP Tensile resistance at break ( EN 12311-1) Elongation at Break (EN 12311-1) Nail Tearing Resistance (EN 12310-1) Static Puncture Resistance (EN 12236) Resistance to Weathering (EN 12224) Cold temperature flexibility ( EN 1109 ) Resistance to Hydrostatic Pressure (CEMAGREF test NF P 98-281-1) ASTM standards TERANAP 431 TP Strength (ASTM D 7275) MD x CMD Elongation (ASTM D 7275) MD x CMD Tearing strength (ASTM D 5884) MD x CMD Tensile Tear strength (ASTM D 4073) MD x CMD Static puncture resistance (ASTM D 4833) Cold bend test (ASTM D 5147) Watertightness (ASTM E 96) Gas permeability (ASTM D 1434) MD : machine direction ; CMD : Cross machine direction

Nominal 1100 x 1000 N/50 mm 40 x 53 % 220 x 240 N 3,2 kN No Loss in Tensile Properties  -20 C 7 bars

Nominal 23 x 20 kN/m 45 x 48 % 60 x 65 N 750 x 650 460 N - 25 °C ≥ 2 x 10 -14 m/s < 27.6x10-6 m³/(m².j)

3.4 Teranap 431 TP waterproofing Teranap 431 TP has been tested for very high waterproofing resistance at 7 bar hydrostatic pressure according with CEMAGREF test NF P 98-281-1. Teranap 431 TP is therefore designed to withstand a permanent hydrostatic pressure up to 7 bars, i.e. 70 meters of water head which is ideal for below grade application with sea water presence.

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Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


3.3 Teranap 431 TP packaging TERANAP 431 TP 2M FILM Roll dimension Roll weight Internal core diameter Rolls/pallet Rolls / wooden crates

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions

2m x 20 m 210,0 Kg 70 mm 6 horizontal laid 9 vertical laid


4 Teranap Tanking System (TTS) waterproofing method of application The TTS method of application involves waterproofing works, partitioning and protections. 4.1

Waterproofing under reinforced slab -

Teranap 431 TP is loose laid over 40mm or 50mm concrete screed and Verecran 100 nonwoven 100gr/m2 glass geotextile separation layer. Verecran is loose laid on top of concrete screed with 50mm overlapping,


Teranap 431 TP side laps and end laps joints are fully torched and completed with 200 mm Parafor M3S covering strip fully torched.


Terastop partitioning elements are directly applied over Teranap 431 TP in order to ensure a minimum 150 m2 partitioned surfaces,


Neodyl N and Terastop DA are fully bonded by torching along structural joints with 50mm maximum openings,


Pile caps areas are treated with 2 Parafor M4S fully torch applied layers and epoxy-grout on pile top head (pile cap),


Geofelt TP 300 g/m2 non-woven glass geotextile protection layer is loose laid over Teranap 431 TP with minimum 50mm overlapping,


Topfoil polyethylene 100Âľm separation layer is loose laid over the geotextile minimum 50mm overlapping,


50mm concrete protective screed is poured in order to receive the final reinforced concrete slab structure

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


Waterproofing under RC slab Underground preparation

Tanking section with partitioning element and concrete screed protection

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Waterproofing on Permanent Shuttering vertical walls (not foundation walls)

The TTS is applied on permanent shuttering (secant piles, diaphragm wall, permanent formwork or other kind of lightweight wooden structure) before the walls building erection: -

Teranap 431 TP sheets are unrolled, cut and put in place along the wall perimeter (2m width) or cut at a maximum length of 2,5 m and put in place, ensuring that the plastic film is on the outside,


Teranap 431 TP is mechanically fixed on top every 200 mm using Siplast SCR Alliance 40 x 40 galvanised steel washers and special galvanised Nailfix mechanical fixations for concrete,


Mechanical fixations are always at 50mm from the top edge on the overlap Teranap area and finally covered by the following Teranap sheet overlapping,


Teranap 431 TP side-lap and end lap joints must be 150mm overlapped and fully torched,


Parafor M3S 200 mm wide cover strip of is torch applied along all side-lap and end lap joints,


Terastop partitioning elements are bonded by torch welding over Teranap 431 TP in order to obtain a minimum 150 m2 vertical partitioned surfaces, connected with horizontal partitioned surfaces.


Teranap 431 TP is protected against dynamic puncturing with 30mm XPS polystyrene boards glued on top using a bituminous glue or with other suitable panels (thick fillerized bitumen fibered panels, densdeck lightweight panels or others). As alternative Teranap 431 TP can be protected with Geofelt TP 500gr/m2 non-woven geotextile glued with polyurethane glue Siplast PUR Glue (spot glue).


Teranap 431 TP receive the RC wall concreting.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


Tanking section with partitioning element on permanent shuttering wall.

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Teranap 431 TP 2M width installation method on internal shuttering wall.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Waterproofing on RC walls

The TTS is applied on direct the on the external foundation RC structural walls: -

Teranap 431 TP sheets are unrolled, cut and put in place along wall perimeter (2m width) or cut at a maximum length of 2,5 m and put in place, ensuring that the plastic film is on the outside,


Teranap 431 TP is mechanically fixed on top every 200 mm using Siplast SCR Alliance 40 x 40 galvanised steel washers and special galvanised Nailfix mechanical fixations for concrete,


Mechanical fixations are always at 50mm from the top edge on the overlap Teranap area and finally covered by the following Teranap sheet overlapping,


Mechanical fixations are always at 50mm from the top edge on the overlap Teranap area and finally covered by the following Teranap sheet overlapping,


Teranap 431 TP side-lap and end lap joints must be 150mm overlapped and fully torched,


Parafor M3S 200 mm wide cover strip of is torch applied along all side-lap and end lap joints,


Teranap 431 TP is protected against dynamic puncturing with either 30mm XPS polystyrene boards glued on top using a bituminous glue or with embossed high density polyethylene Fonda GTX membrane board before backfilling with gravels and soil,


Teranap 431 TP can be protected also with non-woven Geoflet TP 500 g/m2 before backfilling with sand,


Fonda GTX or Geofelt TP 500 are unrolled and laid along the wall perimeter with 100mm minimum overlapping are they are temporary maintained in place and never mechanically fixed over Teranap 431 TP on below grade sections.


Backfilling is realised step by step according with the protection installation. Any time a complete row of protection is installed around the walls external perimeter, the backfill is put in place and then a new row of Fonda GTX or Geofelt TP 500 protection is installed.

Teranap 431 TP 2M width installation method on external accessible RC walls applications. Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


5 Tanking compartment 5.1

Partitioning purpose and design

The aim of the compartments is to reduce the water spread in case any failure happen and to allow an easier repair thanks to injections trough pre-installed dedicated pipes and flanges. Compartments are realised with special waterbars directly bonded on the waterproofing membrane.


Terastop partitioning waterbars

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


Partitioning waterbar profiles with four special anchorages to allow the RCC Reinforced Concrete Slab easy connection, compatible with SBS bitumen membranes. Terastop A 240/4 rouge

Terastop DA 240/4 rouge

It is used for horizontal and vertical partitioning

It is used for horizontal and vertical partitioning along expansion joints in combination with Neodyl joint membrane

Terastop are delivered in 15m roll.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Typical Terastop connections

The junctions are performed end to end with heating blade silicon covered (type leister). Special junction element: X, T and L connections can be easily produced on workshop or eventually on site.

Terastop A Rouge Cross-connections exemple

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Horizontal and vertical compartment

Compartments should be of about 150 m2 to better allow repairs by injections and limit at maximum water spillage. Compartments are realized in different shapes according with the project requirements and they are realized above the RC slab and on external RC walls directly over the Teranap tanking waterproofing. Terastop partitioning shall be installed vertically on about 0,50 m. junction with horizontal Terastop is carefully performed. The concreting around Terastop anchorage shall be perfectly done in order to avoid any water propagation possibility, so concrete vibrator is to be use.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Terastop method of application -

Install Terastop A directly over Teranap 431 TP by gently heating with a torch the Terastop back surface and the membrane surface, Realise partitioned areas of about 150m2 or according with the project requirements, Connect Terastop A profiles using an heating blade according with the partitioning design, Install Terastop DA along structural joints together with Neodyl N.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Compartment Injection Flange purpose

Repairing works could be done by injecting special resins between the waterproofing membrane and the concrete structure (slab or walls). The product used for injections (special acrylic gel) reacts when in contact with water. The pressure injection (3 bar maximum) must carried out by an experimented and specialized company. 5.6

Compartment Injection design

5 injection pipes are provided on each partitioned area to permit eventual repair by easier injection.

Injection flanges connected with pipes to boxes placed on the internal wall

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Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Pile waterproofing


Pile head treatment

Pile head are very sensible detail in relation to the waterproofing tanking envelop. The possibility of water penetration trough and around the vertical reinforcement of the pile is a very important issue for tanking waterproofing.

The design is valid only for caste “in situ� reinforced concrete pile. As the pile concrete is not waterproofed, and it is quite impossible to connect a vertical cylinder (pile) with an horizontal plan (bottom slab), the pilecap is not an option, it is necessary. The Pile Cap solution allows: - To improve the pile waterproofing between, - To obtain an efficient waterproofing around and on the pile haed, - To improve the waterproofing and the waterproofing membrane connection between the building bottom slab and pile. 6.2 Pile Cap Method of installation -

Pile head are re-profiled using high build non-shrink mortar,


Siplast Primer at 0,3L/m2 is applied around pile caps,


Parafor M4S is fully bonded by torching in two-layer on the area around Pile Cups,


2 cm Groove shall be formed around all steel bars and filled with P12 Mastic from SIPLAST.


A 3 Component Epoxy Grout is prepared and poured as a full head pile encapsulation to a minimum thickness of 25 mm.

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Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Pile Cap epoxy mortar sequence of installation

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



RC Foundation slab and wall Expansion Joints

When the joints are subject to be under the water table, particular caution shall be provided to avoid any water penetration. Here again, the design is important, but with our double security joint, we consider that it is really safe. Particularly important is also the work quality. 7.1 Neodyl N and Terastop DA 240/4 for expansion joints Expansion Joints are treated with Noedyl N elastomeric membrane for structural joints and with Terastop DA 240/4. 7.2 Noedyl N Method of Installation -

Install 50 mm lean concrete (directly applied on the graded excavated surface) or others allowed system for below membrane protection,


Waterproofing membrane (singleply Teranap 431 TP or doubleply Parafor M4S),


Cut the waterproofing membrane on the joint axis,


Torch the 500 mm Neodyl N, special membrane without reinforcement along the joint axis,


Gently Torch the Terastop DA 240-4 to the Neodyl following the joint axis. As the softening point of Terastop component is higher than our waterproofing membrane component, apply the torch flame more on the TERASTOP back surface than the waterproofing membrane surface.


Install 50 mm lean concrete on the Geofelt TP 300 covered with Topfoil plastic film.


Lean concrete geotextile and plastic film could be replaced by others allowed system for membrane protection.


Steel slab reinforcement are installed on spacers, and then the concrete is installed in two stages both side of the joint.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


7.3 Expansion joint typical design RCC Slab Expansion joint typical design

RC Wall Expansion joint typical design

8 Teranap Tanking protection Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


For this type of construction the static puncturing effect under the reinforcement supports (or spacer) is very high, and also dynamic puncturing can be a critical factor due to the heavy works involved. Pouring concrete with high speed and from a meters high may also increase the puncturing effect on the membrane. The geomembrane protection is essential and must be done in order to obtain a sufficient security. Also all heavy works related to the steel reinforcement installation on slab and walls can easily cause puncturing and damages on the membrane. All damages can be easily repaired but it is very important to protect the membrane in an accurate way in order to avoid and endless repair activity.


Horizontal slab area preparation

Clean concrete screed

Other solutions


The slab area is prepared, rolled and compacted and then receive a 50mm concrete screed to allow easy circulation. Teranap 431 TP can be directly installed on a clean and smooth concrete screed. In case the screed is not smooth and puncturing elements are present a Geofelt TP 300g/m2 non-woven geotextile is installed with 50mm overlapping The slab area is very well prepared, rolled and compacted with 50mm sand layer. Geofelt TP 300g/m2 non-woven geotextile is installed with 50mm overlapping. Teranap 431 TP is directly installed over the tanking membrane.

Teranap TP protection over RCC slab areas

Geotextile temporary protection for traffic

worker Geofelt TP 300 non-woven geotextile 300g/m2 with 50mm overlapping

Separation layer to avoid water and cement Topfoil 100Âľm polyethylene foil with 50mm penetration overlapping Permanent protection prior to heavy traffic and 50mm thick concrete non reinforced screed heavy work activities

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Teranap TP vertical protection on permanent shuttering walls (Internal wall application)

High density insulation panels

XPS polystyrene 30mm or 40mm thick panels applied on internal shuttering wall surface with bituminous glue (Colle Par) in spots. Mechanical fixation is not allowed.

Fillerized fibered panels bitumen Minimum 30mm thick panels bonded with bituminous glue, faced Mechanical fixation is not allowed. Light densdeck board

Light densdeck panels glued with suitable glue. Mechanical fixation is not allowed.


One or two layers of Geofelt TP 500g/m2 non-woven geotextile is installed as protection layer. The geotextile is unrolled vertically from the top wall edge and mechanically fixed with flashing bar on the top edge. Mechanical fixation is not allowed.


Teranap TP vertical protection on RC walls (External wall application)

High density insulation panels

XPS polystyrene 30mm or 40mm thick panels applied on internal shuttering wall surface with bituminous glue (Colle Par) in spots. Mechanical fixation is not allowed.

Embossed HDPE membrane with Fonda GTX membrane temporary bonded on membrane. incorporated geotextile The membrane is unrolled along external walls perimeter and temporary bonded. Mechanical fixation is not allowed on below grade sections. The soil and gravel backfilling is realised step by step any 2,0 mt as soon as the Teranap 431TP line is completed. Scaffolding is not needed. Geotextile

Geofelt TP 500g/m2 non-woven geotextile is allowed in case the backfilling is fine sand. The geotextile is unrolled along external walls perimeter and temporary bonded by gently torching. Mechanical fixation is not allowed on below grade applications. The sand backfilling is realised step by step any 2,0 mt as soon as the Teranap 431TP line is completed. Scaffolding is not needed

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


9 Teranap 431 TP installation works 9.1

General information

TTS is applied over clean, dry and smooth concrete surface, free from free from oil, plaster, hydrocarbons. All preparatory works must be executed prior to any membrane laying. The Teranap 431 TP requirements for installation are: -

To work on a dry area, To work on a non-aggressive surface, i.e. which will not damage the waterproofing membrane bottom surface , To work on a substrate that can accept punctual load under usual site settlement (workers, site equipment, spacer for reinforcement bottom slab).

TTS can be also applied over well compacted and cohesive soil, dry, free from aggressive stone, root or any puncturing material previously protected with Geofelt TP 300g/m2 non-woven geotextile loose laid on top of the compacted soil layer with 50mm overlapping.


Teranap alignment and joint welding

Teranap is applied with 100mm side laps and 150mm end laps fully torched and seamed. The installation on horizontal surfaces is according with the following laying sequence

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions



Teranap joint connection with high level of waterproofing security

A 200mm Parafor M3S strip complete the overlap welding in order to secure the joints with an high level of waterproofing security.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


A white line mark placed in the middle of the geomembrane help to obtain a correct alignment. Side-lap are protected with paper-kraft to avoid dust along joints. The paper-kraft is removed just before the welding to allow a proper torch welding.

Welding is carried out assuring that a 10mm hot melt elastomeric bitumen blend come out of seams for welding visual check.

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


9.4 Damage on waterproofing membrane repairing works For repairing during works a piece of PARAFOR M4S shall be torched with at least 100 mm full welding around the damaged area.

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Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


11 Other Typical Details Steel Pipe passing throughout the RC bottom slab

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PVC Pipe protected with Steel Metal pipe passing throughout the RC bottom slab

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Pipe passing throughout the RC Wall

Teranap Tanking Manual for below grade building constructions


Pile Cap

Protection can be done either with 30mm XPS polystyrene board or other Fillerized bitumen panels glued or bonded over the bituminous membrane.

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Tanking system design for accessible external RC walls

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Tanking system installed on timber wood permanent shuttering wall support

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