JaeSung Chang Architecture Portfolio

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CREASSION c r e a t i v e + p a s s i o n a t e

architecture portfolio


NOISSAERC e t a n o i s s a p + e v i t a e r c

oiloftrop erutcetihcra


Degree Project| Tactical Engagement


Airport Extended Terminal


Secretariat Office


Student Dormitory


Art Gallary


Public Library


Competition| Future Housing


Competition| Bridge Design


Construction Document


Extracurricular| Bowl Design


Curriculum Vitae




Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 | Degree Project Critic. Michael Chan, Jason Lee Partner: Joanne White, John Lashley Thesis We propose a temporary architectural installation as an outdoor event space for public use that will be placed from year to year on vacant lots in the Bronx. Its purpose is to offer a space that lifts the character of the neighborhood and provides a public space the community can freely use. It also serves to provide an experience for the neighborhood whereby space and place is married to self and identity.



“Liminal entities are neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between the positions assigned and arrayed by law, custom, convention, and ceremonial.� The quote by Victor Tuner speaks directly to the experience of the gaps in information. It also refers to the difference between what is real and what is experiential.

In looking at the Bronx in context, we consider those aspects within the physical and cultural landscape that refer to more transient natures of subsisting and operating along with criteria that maintain active engagement with the citizen audience.

The word Liminal comes from the root limen, which literally means threshold. Architecturally, it has been used and refers to a door, lintel, arch or sill since the late nineteenth century. More prominently, liminal space has been used interchangeably (since the 20th century) with proscenium: the actual arch or frame of theater stage is framed by, and the space between the curtain and the front edge of the stage.

As a living organism, a body that responds to its constituents and or its larger relationship with New York City, we cite street festivals, fairs and parades that engage a populace, interact with cultural identities, and exists within a veil of reality that removes its audience from their daily social dramas. Taking some inspiration from our Architectural precedents - Instant City (Archigram), Parc de la Villette (Bernard Tschumi) and Dymaxion House, we collaborated on a few mapping ideas that represent the complexity and presence of transient events within the urban landscape. Parade: a ceremonial formation, a pompous show or public procession. Festival: a time of celebration marked by special observances or a periodic celebration or program of events or entertainment having a specific focus. Fair: an exposition that promotes the availability of services or opportunities. A key distinction between the fair and the other two forms of events is its political agendas. The street festival (fair, parade) is a social design to orient the community toward a sense of ownership.

Proscenium of the Academy of Music, 232-46 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1855-57) courtesy Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, PA,51-PHILA, 294-9





























Does the same temporal nature of a street fair or festival apply?

LOCAL (IM)MIGRATION When we take a step back with the lens through which we’ve been studying the street fair, and we widen the viewing area to include the surrounding neighborhoods, we are compelled to ask the following questions; What is it about this area of the Bronx that makes it an impermanent place to live? What prevents the residents from wanting to put down roots?

Waves of immigrants and residents displaced from other areas settle in this part of the Bronx temporarily. With each successive wave, residents move on and are replaced with new populations who also seem destined to briefly inhabit the neighborhoods, all the while “moving on” in their minds.



Others - Hispanic






ENGAGING TO MOTT HAVEN The Mott Haven section of the South Bronx – bordered by the Harlem River to the west and south, the Bruckner Expressway to the east and 149th Street to the north – exhibits the characteristics we have come to recognize when addressing the impermanent nature of a community. This area has come to be known as one of the most densely populated, poverty stricken, rental dominated, migrant living neighborhoods since the first waves of urban flight during the 1940s -50s.

For us Mott Haven serves as the annex of the Bronx. Within Mott Haven, aside from the obvious water front, there are various green spaces that are utilized by the community. Also, there are a number of vacant lots that are in ruin or misuse. We see an opportunity for our narrative to be applied to engage the community while simultaneously establish sites for temporary engagement.

Boundary & Accessibility There were 35 vacant lots in total, but depending on the site conditions, we excluded few sites or combined two sites as one site. The lots are reduced to 30.

First, we looked at each sites individually and figured out where the possible access points are. Then, we built walls on the sides where are blocked or unable to access.

lot 32

View Control: Focalize & Frame Based on the accessibility study, we step over to visualization of each site. Starting from the entry point, we chose focal points as we move in-andout, and then we framed each point. To control the view as its purpose, we build the floors, the walls, and the ceilings.

lot 33







motor circulation MOTT HAVEN AS A SITE 4


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In another perspective, rather than looking at the individual lots as different sites, we looked into entire Mott Haven as one site. We looked for different circulations inside the site.

Among the 30 vacant lots in Mott haven, based on the study of boundary and accessibility, we selected five lots those have different land uses. Then, we looked closely into details.

Time to Circulation Study

Route Diagram







Grand Concourse Grand Concourse Morris Ave

Madison Ave Bridge

Morris Ave Third Ave

St Anns Ave

2, 5

St Anns Ave

Madison Ave Bridge

Southern Blvd.

St Anns Ave

2, 5

2, 5

St Anns Ave



Southern Blvd.

Bruckner Blvd.

4, 5, 6

Third Ave Bridge


Southern Blvd.

Bruckner Blvd.

4, 5, 6

Third Ave Bridge

Robert F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy Bridge Bridge

Madison Ave Bridge

Third Ave

Southern Blvd.

Bruckner Blvd.

Third Ave Bridge

Morris Ave Third Ave

2, 5


4, 5, 6


Grand Concourse Grand Concourse

Morris Ave Third Ave

Madison Ave Bridge


Bruckner Blvd.

4, 5, 6

Third Ave Bridge

Engagement Site

Engagement Engagement Site Site

Engagement Site

Engagement Site

Engagement Engagement Site Site

Engagement Site

Subway Stop

Subway BusStop Stop

Bus Stop

Subway Stop

BusStop Stop Subway

Bus Stop

Foot Path From Subway

Foot Path Foot Path Bus FromFrom Subway

Foot Path From Bus

Foot Path From Subway

Foot Path Foot Path Bus FromFrom Subway

Foot Path From Bus

Foot Path From Parking

Foot Path Truck Route From Parking

Truck Route

Foot Path From Parking

Foot Path Truck Route From Parking

Truck Route

Subway Route

Subway BusRoute Route

Bus Route

Subway Route

Subway BusRoute Route

Bus Route

Robert F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy Bridge Bridge

Site Definition by Land Use Art Festival

Orange: Food Residential Area

Red: Art Open Space

Food Festival

Green Festival

Education Festival

Music Festival

Green: Garden Near Parks Purple: Music Industrial Area

Blue: Education Near Schools & Institutions

Seleting Programs Extending from the land use study, each site would be used as a public activity space which are depend on its environments and its and needs; open space > Art, residential area > Food, near parks > Garden, near schools and institutions > Education, and industrial area > Music.

Time to Circulation Diagram

Diagram of Circulation regard to Time to pass across a Site - Mott Haven

7 min

8 min

3 min

6 min

8 min

7 min

8 min

3 min

6 min

8 min

.4 mile

.4 mile

.3 mile

.3 mile

.4 mile

4 min

2 min

6 min

7 min

2 min

2 min

4 min

2 min

6 min

7 min

2 min

2 min

.5 mile

.1 mile

.3 mile

.3 mile

.4 mile

.1 mile

Rednering Collage Art Festival

Mostly Closed Canopy: To Protect the Installation Flexible Canopy to accommodate Predestals and Display Area

Food Festival

Canopy over Food Station Relatively even and wide Paths / Separated Stationary

Sectional View of Mott Haven

Green Festival

Wide Canopy over the Paths Depressed in Center: Opened Central Garden

Music Festival

High Canopy; mainly over Perforamce Area Constructed ground changes to accommodate Stage and Seating

Santos Dumont Airport Extended Termial Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Fall 2012 | Design400 Project Critic. Guillermo Banchini Travel Sponsored Studio This project is a new airport terminal connected with Santos Dumont Domestic Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since, it is a extended terminal of an airport, its program has not only hotel rooms for flight passengers to stay, but also public shared spaces for the locals: a high-rise park extended from the museum and retail stores for both visitors and the locals. In addition, it has restaurants with great view of ocean and other side of the city.

Site Plan

Overview Brazil is busy in the process of preparing for FIFA World Cup 2014. In order to use it as their leaping board, they not only need to foster new Stadiums, but also upbuild their airports. Santos Dumont Airport is one of them.

Site Section

Traffic Movement Diagram

Airport Movement Diagram

Park Movement Diagram

City >> Commercial Stores & Shops >> Restaurant

Airport >> Hotel >> Convention Center / Auditorium

Park >> Parking Lot >> Park & High Rised Park

Site Study Diagram Three different studies around Santos Dumont Airport shows how these studies are developed into a form of new extended airport terminal in Santos Dumont. Commercial

1. Road and Traffic Movement Study > Developed as Commercial & Retail Stores

Airport Hotel

Park High Rise Park

2. Airport and Visitors’ Movement Study > Developed as Hotel & Conference Rooms


Convention Center / Auditorium Public Outdoor Spaces

3. Park and Locals’ Movement Study > Developed as Outdoor Space and Park

Extention: Hotel, Retails, High Rised Park

Circulation Diagram Major Circulations Hotel (Private) Commercial (Public)

Further studies of Hotel and Park Site Study above. Two major routes of two different groups of people - Private (Visitors, Hotel) and Public (Locals, Park).

Exploded Program Diagram


Hotel Rooms

Roof Garden

Swimming Pool

Hotel Entrance Commercial Area Entracne

High-Rised Park

Commercial Area



el L



Auditorium/Exhibition Entrance Retail Stores Outdoor Ampitheater

Hotel Section

Hotel Lobby

Hotel Restaurant

Bay View

City View

Hotel Plan - 4th & 5th Fl Views from Hotel

Sugar Bowl View

Yutch View Jetty View

Gound Level Plan - 1st Fl

Hotel Lobby


Auditorium Lobby

Seating Area

Retail Stores


Service Area Plan - 3rd Fl

Atrium Roof Garden


Outdoor Pools

Restaurant Section

UN Secretariat Office New York, NY

Summer 2012 | Design400 Project Critic. Deborah Gans

This project was to build a new UN’s Secretariat Office right next to the original Secretariat Office in Manhattan. In addition to office spaces, I needed to have one additional program for the locals. In order to support one of the United Nation’s goal - give at least minimum education to people in all the nations, I decided to have library as an additional program.

South Elevation

By having a rectangular shape building perpendicular to the original UN’s Secretariat Office, it gives a clear definition to the UN’s site. It works as a boundary with two twin towers on the other side of the site. Red dotted line on the Site Plan shows Its building is lined up with not only UN’s buildings but also with other surrounding builidngs.

Site Plan

East Elevation

Righthand page shows the structural system and facade of new UN’s Secretariat Office building. The structure of facade is supporting colored double-layered glasses to give dynamicity and sustainability. By having office spaces on the top of the library, the locals can use library more easily and give more privacy to secretariat office.

Structural System

Private (Secretariat Offices)

Shared (High Rised Park)

Pulbic (Libraray)



Typical Office Plan

Every five floors, there are Meeting Rooms

Waiting Area



Elevators: Public Use

Elevators: Office Use Only

Meeting Room Plan



Underground Level

Entrance Level (1st Fl)

Library has three entrances; front, back top of the library building. Back entrance has the direct connection to outdoor space which are extended from waterfront. Interior Render

Second Floor

Top entrance is directly connected with roof-top garden. The garden is also gives accessibility to waterfront through the outside stairs.

Thrid Floor


Spring 2011 | Design301 Project Prof. Livio Dimitri This project is a dormitory project for college students with a public program, not only for the students, but also for the public. For the college students who used to easily fall into idleness, I chose to have swimming pool. Inspired by ‘Alamo Cube’ in front of the building, I developed idea from a normal swimming pool to diving swimming pool. I expect this change would stimulate or give more dynamicity to both students and locals.

Site History Alamo Cube Alamo, also known as the Astor Place Cube, or simply The Cube, is an outdoor sculpture by Bernard (Tony) Rosenthal, located on Astor Place, on the island of Manhattan in New York City. The sculpture’s name, Alamo is designated on a small plaque on one corner of the base and was selected by the artist’s wife because its scale and mass reminded her of the Alamo Mission. Installed in 1967 as part of the Sculpture and the Environment. It stands in the middle of an intersection, across the street from both entrances to the Astor Place station of the New York Subway and the Cooper Union. Building Form Diagram

Diving Pool Form Diagram

Site Plan (Views from the City) The tilted angle of dormitory building is reflected from the views of the City toward the Site. Its shape of building controls the views from building to the City, as well.

Building Program and Structure diagram indicates where and which programs are located. The left-hand side, southern part of the building, is limited only to the students and the faculties, and the right-hand side, northern part of the building, is opened to public. Building Program & Structure Private Mixed Public


Mixed-Use Space Waiting Area

Pool Office Dormitory Office

Student Lobby

Pool & Facilities

Public Lobby

Parking Subway Connection

First Floor Plan (Entrance Level)

Conncetions There are two entrance doors on two sides of the building; one on west side and another on east side. The west-side entry is directly connected to a subway station.


Subway Connection

Section I


Seventh Floor


Eighth Floor

Ninth - Fifteenth Floor (Typical Dormitory Plan)

Section II

Third Floor

Fifth Floor

Sixth Floor

Pool Forth floor is the only entrance to the pool, but entrances are separated for public and staffs. After pool users pass the entrance, they would be divided into two groups once again, male and female, for their locker and changing rooms. Females go one floor down, and males go up one floor. Sixth floor is an open space, which could be used as a waiting room or an audience room when there is a competition. Fourth Floor (Pool Entrance)

East Elevation


First to Fourth Floor Main entrance, lobby, offices and pool entrance on the fourth floor.

Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Floor Each floors are affected by the edge of pool ceiling so they have different floor plans and different uses.

West Elevation

After Eighth Floor Looking down onto penetrated pool’s frosted glass. Regural dormitory floor plans would be apply applied.

Ninth to Fifteenth Floor Regural dormintory floor plans.


Fall 2011 | Design302 Project Prof. Robert Pelosi Art Gallery in Brooklyn with a large public Sculpture Garden; a smaller version of Botanic Garden. The given site is an inactive area, where factories stand close together. However, by having walkable garden with friendly connection roads and various public transportation routes. It is located on the riverside with great view of City with natures. People can be heeled through this garden and art gallery.

Ground Floor Plan

Gallery Cafe & Shops

Parking Space

Sculpture Garden

Auditorium Gallery Storage

Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Public Transportation

Garden Grids

Public Path

Private Path

There are three different streets to arrive in the gallery. The private path is for the officers and gallery trucks.

On the first floor, northern part of the gallery is more open to the public, but southern part is limited for the gallery office use only.

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan


Public Gallery Slow Circulation - Ramps Limited Gallery Quick Circulation - Stairs

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The auditorium space becomes special purposed gallery spaces with quick circulations, while the cafe and shops become public gallery spaces with slow circulations.

The storage space becomes gallery’s office rooms or residency studios for the artists who hold their exhibitions at the gallery.

Front View Render

Section I

Rear View Render

Section II


Fall 2010 | Design202 Project Prof. Lawrence Blough This course emphasizes the fundamental role of site, program, material and technology as determinants of architectural projects scaled to address issues of dwelling. By having library in the middle of busy area - china town, I expect people to feel more composure in their busyness.

Developments Stacking = Bookshelves

Spreading = Floors & Stairs

Folding = Tables & Seats

Diagrams Circulation

Light / Density (Plan)

Urban Scale Bringing the urban city context of China town into a scale of library. Library represents the China town and the outdoor roof garden represents the park right next to China town.

Stacks / Core (Section)

Lobby / Auditorium


Fast Circulation

Fast Circulation is simply a straight vertical move to different levels, but Slow Circulation offers more varieties such as outside view, garden, and individual study area. Main Structure


Slow Circulation

Natural Light The sectional diagram shows how natural light come into the Library. The book stacks are not only working as main structures, but also as central cores that bring natural light inside.

3rd Floor Plan

4th & 6th Floor Plan

Physical Model on Site

South Sectional View Book stacks penetrate the entire library, working as one of the main structures of building, while slow circulation areas are cantilevers, which are extended from the library’s main building.

3D Model on Site

East Sectional View Facade has its own shading system. Especially, east side of the facade indicates fast circulation’s movement by disconnection of the shading system.

MARIBOR MANIFOLD Maribor, Slovenia

Spring 2012 | Design400 Project Prof. Karl Chu Partners: Studio Collaboration Competition Participated Studio Maribor Manifold is an expression of the schematic logic of the city-form derived from the synthesis of two figures of spatial organization: the labyrinth and the dynamical logic of flow. The configuration space of the city-form of Maribor Manifold is designed with the intention to allow for the multi-layered inter-fusion of both convergent and divergent programs. Devoid of zoning demarcation, the Maribor Manifold is the embodiment and expression of the city as a complex organism. Projected End: 2050

BE-TWIN (Between)

Bridge on Han River - Seoul, Korea

December 2013 | Seoul National Univ. 2013 Conceptual Bridge Design _Won 4th Place Prize Between: A bridge BETWEEN north and south that are separated by Han river. Twin: Two inclined twin towers indicates interaction between north and south. Cable-stayed bridge is used to emphasize viduals and works as a landmark on Han River. We tried to create a space that links historical aspect and human with opportunity of rest and intercommunication.

The most important thing is to give synergy effect on these two different site that is separated by Han River through this Bridge. Connects two nature friendly ecological park. Gives rest and intercommunication.

Two sites or people come face to face. Historically, this area was a transport center, but foreign power were stationed up to now.

Two pedestrian passages are separated from carriageway on both sides, so people can have more safeness. Also, by having them lower than carriageway, pedestrians can avoid from car noise.

Spread Effect - Bring more people to the riverside. - Highlight historical value of both sites. - Give nature friendly environment to people.

Construction Document

Proposal for New Residence

Fall 2012 | Construction Document Prof. Bob Pelosi


Fruit Bowl (Industrial Design)

Fall 2012 | Industrial Degian Collaboration Partner: Stella Bang Inspired by waves of the ocean. Small waves on the surface of the ocean had interesting forms. Pado is a fruit bowl made out of porcelain that has top surface, which resembles wavelet of the ocean. It is designed for you to layout or arrange the fruits on each holes, so you can easily see what kind of fruits you have and also prevent fruits from rotting by putting them on top of each other. It could be also used for decorative piece on your table, or for serving plates for chip and dip. It can be tessellated and used for larger fruit bowl.

Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego, CA Aug 2005 -- Mar Jun 2006 De Anza College Cupertino, CA Sep 2006 2009 EDUCATION Major: Biochemistry Program A Transition Period of/ Pre-Med Major Aug 2009 - May 2013 Pratt Institute Brooklyn, NY Major: of Architecture Degree San Diego, CA JAESUNG WORK EXPERIENCES Point Bachelor Loma Nazarene University Aug 2005 - JunCHANG 2006 Minor: Construction Management Major: Biochemistry / Korea Pre-Med Program 8540 Costa Blvd. #4216 SanDesign Diego, Seoul, CA 92122 Pino Jan 2014Verde - Present Interior De AnzaArchitect CollegeInternship Cupertino, CA Sep 2006 - Mar 2009 WORK EXPERIENCES EDUCATION A Transition Period of Major Doosan Gallery New York May 2012 --- Present Aug 2013 2013 Pino Seoul, Korea Jan Aug 2014 2009 May PrattDesign Institute Brooklyn, NY New York, NY Art Handler Point Loma Nazarene University Interior Architect Internship Major: Bachelor of Architecture Degree San Diego, CA Aug 2005 - Jun 2006


: installed, removed and supported artists’ art works for their exhibitions Major: Biochemistry / Pre-Med Program Minor: Construction Management Doosan Gallery New York New York, NY Hanyang University Seoul, Korea De Anza College Cupertino, CA Art Handler Undergraduate Researcher for Urban Transitionremoved Period of Major :Ainstalled, and supported artists’ Design art works for their exhibitions Pino Design Seoul, Korea : investigated, analyzed resources and attended seminars or conferences Interior Architect Internship Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego, CA May 2011 - Jun July2006 2011 Hanyang University Seoul, Korea Aug 2005 Apr 2009 - July 2009 HR&A / Danaham Seoul, Korea Major: Biochemistry / Pre-Med Program Undergraduate Researcher for Urban Doosan Gallery NewInternship York New York, Design NY May 2012 - Aug 2013 Interior Design Studio : investigated, analyzed resources and attended seminars or conferences Art Handler WORK EXPERIENCES : created and modified floor plans and interior elevations, and participated in cilent consulations and :HR&A installed, removed and supported field measurements Apr 2009 / Danaham Seoul, Korea artists’ art works for their exhibitions Pino Design Seoul, Korea Jan 2009 2014 -- July Present Interior Studio Internship Interior Design Architect Internship May 2011 - July 2011 Hanyang University Seoul, Korea INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES : created and modified floor plans and interior elevations, and participated in cilent consulations and Undergraduate Researcher for Urban Design field measurements Doosan Gallery New York New NY seminars or conferences May 2013 2012 - Dec Aug 2013 Aug Work in Myanmar :Volunteer investigated, analyzed resources andYork, attended : taught Korean at KB Yangon Korean Language Center by BBB Korea (Nonprofit Organization) Art Handler INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES : taught at Juniper Centre WEC International Organization) installed, removed and supported artists’ art works for(Nonprofit their exhibitions Apr 2009 - July 2009 HR&A /English Danaham Seoul, Koreaby

May 2012 - Aug 2013 May 2011 July 2009 2011 WORK EXPERIENCES Sep 2006 -- Mar Jan 2014 - Present

Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 May 2013 2011 - July 2011 Nov

Volunteer Work in Myanmar Interior Design Studio Internship atKorean National University ofand Singapore Hanyang University Seoul, Korea :Urban taught Korean atSeminar KB Yangon Center by BBB Korea (Nonprofit Organization) createdDesign and modified floor plans andLanguage interior elevations, participated in cilent consulations and

:Undergraduate attended a seminar hostedCentre by NUS forbyUrban Design : field taught English atResearcher Juniper WEC International (Nonprofit Organization) measurements : participated a guestresources critic for University of Seoul students’ presenation of design work on Singapore investigated,as analyzed and attended seminars or conferences

Urban Design Seminar at National University of Singapore Nov 2013 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES Medical & Cultural Mission Trip to Haiti and Amazon May 2013 - July 2009 Apr 2009 / Danaham Seoul, Korea :HR&A attended a seminar hosted by NUS Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 Volunteer Work in Myanmar ::Interior participated as a cultural ministry team member - activities, and artof design work on Singapore participated as a guest critic for University of Seoul students’music presenation Design Studio Internship Sep May 2012 2013

:: taught at KB Yangon Korean Center byand BBBparticipated Korea (Nonprofit Organization) createdKorean and modified floor plans andLanguage interior elevations, in cilent consulations and :Medical taught English at Juniper Centre by WEC International (Nonprofit Organization) Travel Sponsored Studio to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & Cultural Mission Trip to Haiti and Amazon field measurements : participated as a cultural ministry team member - activities, music and art

Aug 2007 Volunteer Work and Tripatto China University of Singapore Urban Design Seminar National Nov 2013 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES :Travel attended aan seminar hosted byto NUS served as assistant in a hospital SAMcare Int.(NGO) Sponsored Studio Riobyde Janeiro, Brazil Sep 2012 Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 in Myanmar :Volunteer participatedWork as a guest critic for University of Seoul students’ presenation of design work on Singapore July 2005 Mission Trip to Cambodia Philiphines : taught Korean at KB Yangon Language Center by BBB Korea (Nonprofit Organization) Aug 2007 Volunteer Work and Trip Korean toand China Medical Mission Trip to Haiti and Amazon :: served as youth mission team leader taught English at Juniper by by WEC International (Nonprofit Organization) May 2013 served as&a anCultural assistant in aCentre hospital SAMcare Int.(NGO) Nov 2013 EXTRACURRICULAR July 2005 Sep 2012 Dec 2013 - Jan 2014 Aug 2007 EXTRACURRICULAR May 2013 Feb 2013 Dec 2013 2013 -- Mar Jan 2014 July 2005 Sep 2012 Feb Feb 2012 2013 -- Jan Mar 2013 2013 Aug 2007 EXTRACURRICULAR Dec Aug 2006 -- Jan Nov 2013 2008 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2012 July 2005

: participated as a cultural ministry team member - activities, music and art

Urban Design at National University of Singapore ACTIVITIES Mission Trip toSeminar Cambodia and Philiphines

Studio Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :Travel hosted byto NUS : attended served Sponsored asaaseminar youth mission team leader 2013 Conceptural Bridge Design Competition - Seoul NationalofUniversity : participated as a guest critic for University of Seoul students’ presenation design work on Singapore :Volunteer participatedWork the competition and awarded 4th place prize and Trip to China ACTIVITIES :Medical served as&anCultural assistant Mission in a hospital by to SAMcare Int.(NGO) Trip Haiti and Amazon a kernel - SVA Thesis Film (Gideon Hwang) Conceptural Bridge Design Competition - Seoul National :2013 participated as a Student’s cultural ministry team member - activities, music and art University ::Mission participated the architectural props for filmprize Tripwith tocompetition Cambodia and Philiphines participated the and awarded 4ththe place :Travel served Sponsored as a youth mission team Studio to leader Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pratt Korean Association (PKSA) a kernel - SVAStudent Student’s Thesis Film (Gideon Hwang) Project Planning of PKSA Work and Trip to China :Volunteer participated withManager the architectural props for the film ACTIVITIES : served as an assistant in a hospital by SAMcare Int.(NGO)

2013 Conceptural Bridge Design - Seoul National University JEI Learning Cupertino, CACompetition Pratt Korean Center Student Association (PKSA) :Project participated the competition and awarded 4th place prize Math Instructor Mission Trip toManager Cambodia and Philiphines Planning of PKSA : served as a youth mission team leader

a kernel - SVACenter Student’s ThesisCA Film (Gideon Hwang) Feb SKILLS JEI Learning Cupertino, Aug 2013 2006 -- Mar Nov 2013 2008 : participated with the architectural props for the film Math Instructor EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AutoCAD, Rhino, V-Ray, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign Computer Feb Dec 2012 2013 - Jan 2013 2014 SKILLS Language Computer Aug 2006 - Mar Nov 2013 2008 Feb 2013 Language SKILLS Feb 2012 - Jan 2013 Computer Aug 2006 - Nov 2008

Microsoft Word, Excel, andDesign Powerpoint Pratt Korean Student Association (PKSA) 2013 Conceptural Bridge Competition - Seoul National University Project Planning of PKSA : participated the Manager competition and awarded 4th place prize

Native in Korean, English AutoCAD, Rhino, V-Ray, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign JEI Learning Cupertino, CA Microsoft Excel, and Powerpoint a kernel - Word, SVACenter Student’s Thesis Film (Gideon Hwang) Math Instructor : participated with the architectural props for the film

Native in Korean, English Pratt Korean Student Association (PKSA) Project Planning Manager of PKSA AutoCAD, Rhino, V-Ray, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint JEI Learning Center Cupertino, CA

6124# .dvlB edreV atsoC 0458 22129 AC ,ogeiD naS moc.liamg@gnuseajeht architecture portfolio


NOISSAERC e t a n o i s s a p + e v i t a e r c

8540 Costa Verde Blvd. #4216 San Diego, CA 92122 thejaesung@gmail.com oiloftrop erutcetihcra


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