Volume 3, Issue 3
Safety Pins “By Any Other Name” I’m not alone in my dilemma. The descriptions of what many people do for a living has changed either because the duties of the job have changed, or due to title inflation, or maybe a little bit of both. By Dr. Jack Marrion
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Safe Retirement “Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Savings Bonds” A lot of misunderstandings, mystery and myths surrounding how the investment actually works. SavingsBonds.com has identified the Top 5 Savings Bond Myths that every bond owner should know: By Jackie Brahney
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Personal Finance “Read This Before Tossing Old Tax Records” Now that you’ve completed your taxes for 2013, you are probably wondering what old tax records can be discarded. If you are like most taxpayers, you have records from years ago that you are afraid to throw away. By Thompson Myers & Associates
Wealth Transfer Using Single Premium Life By: Raymond J. Ohlson, CLU, CRC
Way back in December, 1993, Cornell University’s
Science News calculated that over ten trillion dollars in wealth would change hands by the year 2040, with about 115 million bequests averaging more than $ 90,000 each! With the up-tick in our recent markets, who knows what those numbers really are today? When considering wealth transfer, most Americans want to know that no matter the size of their estate, their assets will move to the people they choose at the lowest possible rate of taxation and at the highest rate
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Safe For Life “Safe Boating Choices” Now that summer is in full swing, you could while away the hours on a golf course, hacking at a small ball until it flies into the nearest rough. Or you could zip about on a lake or the ocean of your choice in a brand new boat By Steve Dinnen
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Playing it Safe “Mad Men” The advertising agency business was my livelihood during that twenty-year span and I was fortunate to be a part of a young maverick group that broke away from a larger agency to form a new shop with a lot to offer, but few material resources. By Norm Wilkens
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