JagWire: Volume 18, Issue 6

Page 1





Cover by Victoria Wright

Mill Valley High School











04 flu season 06 bond issue

20 staff editorial 21 opinions



28 phone cases 29 nitrogen ice cream 30 Fortnite

08 needlework 10 natural self care

25 coach Bock 26 dance nationals

12 diabetes 14 student rights

PHOTO ESSAY 32 Eudora classes


Mill Valley High School

Design by Victoria Wright



elcome to the sixth issue of the JagWire newsmagazine. There are only two more issues left this year, so we are on the downhill climb. Us seniors have one more quarter left at the Valley, and we are looking forward to both finishing high school with a punch and starting a new chapter in our lives. Still, we’re not done yet; we have three months left of grinding out journalism content. This issue was difficult to put together because of one obnoxious weather hazard: ice. We had three ice days during our production cycle, nixing our short work night and leaving the staff barely any time to get work done at school. Despite all the difficulty, we are proud of how much work they got done in the short amount of time. On page 14, you’ll see the beginning of this month’s special section titled “What’s Right?.” The topic of student rights is very close to our hearts because, as journalists, we benefit from a guaranteed free student press every single day. We are able to choose any topic to cover no matter how controversial or

political and, because of the Kansas Student Publications Act, are free from any administrative censorship. It’s important to not only give recognition to the people who fought for student rights, such as Mary Beth Tinker of the landmark Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines, but to share news on other states currently trying to pass legislation giving their own students similar freedoms. The special section is divided into four sections: assembly, speech, privacy and press. Each story explains the specific rights given to students and how they can exercise them. Read on and enjoy the issue. We know we enjoyed making it.

Alison Booth

Alison Booth Nora Lucas Victoria Wright




PHOTO EDITORS Hunter Ristau Marah Shulda

Nora Lucas

Victoria Wright



Jakob Twigg

Tricia Drumm Morgan Gurwell Ally Nguyen




Annie Myers

A&E EDITOR Abby Layton




JAGWIRE OFFICE 5900 Monticello Road Shawnee, KS 66226 Phone: (913) 422-4351 Fax: (913) 422-4039 Email: jagwirenewspaper@gmail.com Adviser: Kathy Habiger khabiger@usd232.org JagWire, a monthly publication of Mill Valley High School, is printed by the Sedalia Democrat.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Kansas Scholastic Press Association National Scholastic Press Association Journalism Education Association The 2017 JagWire has been named a Pacemaker winner, its third consecutive honor. It was also inducted into the NSPA Hall of Fame and earned an All-Kansas rating from the KSPA. The 2017 Mill Valley News website was also named a two-time Pacemaker winner by the NSPA and recieved an All-Kansas rating.

SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: @millvalleynews Facebook: Mill Valley News




Lexi Flipse

REPORTERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS Drake Brizendine Elizabeth Joseph Carter Lawson Jordan Robinson Michael Sandri Andrew Tow

Kansas Senate Bill 62 guarantees the same rights for student journalists as are guaranteed for professional journalists. These rights include, but are not limited to, all First Amendment rights, including the rights of freedom of speech and the press, insofar as published items may not contain libelous, slanderous or obscene statements, may not incite or promote illegal conduct and may not cause a substantial disruption to normal school activity.

EDITORIAL POLICY We value your opinions. If you wish to submit a column or a letter to the editor for the JagWire, you can do so by handing it in to a member of the staff or to the print journalism room (C101). Additionally, you may email any member of the staff with opinions, as well as tweet us at @millvalleynews. Anonymous content will not be accepted. Please understand that we have the right to edit all copy that runs in this publication.



Design by Lexi Flipse

Mill Valley High School


SURVIVING FLU SEASON Vaccine resistant strains cause notably harsh flu season for children and young adults nationwide

This years flu season has proven to be much harsher, and while mainly targeting youth, it is impacting people across the nation. // Marah Shulda


Mill Valley News editor-in-chief jagwire.triciadrumm@gmail.com


news editor jagwire.jakobtwigg@gmail.com


ike much of the nation, both Kansas and Mill Valley have been impacted by a particularly harsh flu season. At the school, from December 2017 to Wednesday, Feb. 28, the percentage of students confirmed out of school with the flu was self-reported and recorded to about two percent, or 30 students, of the student-body population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu can happen year-round but is most prevalent during the winter and spring months. From October to May, the CDC reports that in a study of flu seasons from 1982 through 2016, Feb-

ruary was recorded to be the season peak 14 out of 34 times. The 2017-2018 season is no exception.

“I felt like I was sick for almost a month.” SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER CHRIS MCAFEE

As of the week of Saturday, Feb. 24, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the peak percentage of hospital visits for Influenza-like Illnesses (ILI) for the current season is nearing 12 percent, compared to the approximate 10 percent in 2016-2017 and three percent in 2015-2016. “Increased absenteeism has been

shown at all the schools in the district with students who have flu-like symptoms and with confirmed cases on influenza,” district health services coordinator Tara Harmon-Moore said via email. “Not all individuals go see a medical provider and therefore, not all cases of influenza are officially diagnosed.” In Johnson County specifically, as reported by the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment, the most reported influenza cases came from the age group of five to 24-years-old. Consequently, high school students fall in this range. H3N2, an influenza A variant, is one of the more prevalent strains sweeping North America as of Monday, Jan. 8, according to the World Health Organization. The current H3N2 strain, according to Harmon-Moore, is more resistant to vaccinations. “The strain of H3N2 in the vacci-



Mill Valley High School

nation is not as [effective] in building an immune response for the current strain of H3N2 circulating at this time, especially for those children ages nine to 17 and for adults,” Harmon-Moore said. “The reason for the age difference in immune response after receiving the vaccination is not known at this time.” According to the CDC, symptoms and signs of the flu include a fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches or fatigue. Throughout the month of November, social studies teacher Chris McAfee was diagnosed with the flu. While he isn’t sure which strain he caught, the sickness debilitated him. “I felt like I was sick for almost a month,” McAfee said. “I was just tired and I had a fever and chills and a cough. I never got sick to my stomach, though I couldn’t run and at all and it affected just about everything. I really couldn’t do much of anything. I pretty much just came to school then went home and laid in bed.” Not only does the preceding information provided by the CDC show how the flu varies from season to season; the current season is also distinct because the current circulating influenza viruses are showing more resistance to the vaccination, Harmon-Moore said. “The strains of A and B are circulating at the same time, as opposed to one strain dominating the other

during the beginning or end of the flu season,” Harmon-Moore said. Over a recent four-day period, freshman Cole McClure caught influenza B. McClure said he got the flu from his dad; subsequently, McClure gave the sickness to his mother and sister. “[The flu] slowed me down a little bit at swim practice, and it took me a while to get caught up in school,” McClure said. In order to combat the virus, the CDC suggests getting the flu shot. While this is a viable option, Harmon-Moore reports that “the lack of previous exposure to H3N2 has prevented the [immune] system from recognizing the strain.” “The current vaccination [which contains certain inactivated strains of influenza] is not as [effective] at building an [immune] response strong enough to resist illness from the exposure of the current circulating strains of influenza,” Harmon-Moore said. Even though the virus is continuing to evolve, Harmon-Moore suggests students should still get the flu vaccine to build their immunity. “Prevent the spread of germs … through frequent hand washing with soap and water, limit contact with sick individuals [and] cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing,” Harmon-Moore said. “[Additionally,] avoid touching your face … and disinfect surfaces contaminated with germs.”



FLU FACTS An overview of statistics regarding past and present flu seasons

114 Influenza caused deaths in Kansas during 2017-18 season

12 percent of doctor visits in Kansas related to Influenza-like illness


Symptoms of the flu include but are not limited to these factors percent effectiveness of 2016-17 vaccine

Fever over 100.4 F


10 percent effectiveness of 2017-18 vaccine

*source: CDC

Chills and sweats

*source: CDC and Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment



Design by Anika Roy

Mill Valley High School



Various recommended ideas for renovations in new bond Build new Career and Technical Education center for all high school students


Renovate and expand the size of the MVHS and DHS athletic facilities Looking at the district website on Friday, Feb. 12, superintendent Frank Harwood discusses the many renovations included in the upcoming bond issue. // Victoria Wright


reporter/photographer jagwire.elizabethjoseph@gmail.com


oters in the community will soon have the opportunity to approve or reject a bond for the De Soto school district. A bond, which provides funding for large capital projects, has the potential to pave the way for renovations on the school, as well as the rest of the district. The bond can also fund a new Career and Technical Education center, including an Early Childhood center within the building, that would be located on the northeast corner of 83rd Street and Mize Boulevard, near Mill Creek Middle School. A bond is raised for large capital projects that involve funding beyond the typical amount. The issue goes to community members capable of voting, who decide whether the district is allowed to levy a tax in order to pay off the bond, which functions as a loan. The district last passed a bond in 2008, which paid for renovations for both high schools and the construction of Belmont Elementary School. The bond was approved by the state Board of Education in January. The mail-in ballot for the bond vote will arrive around Wednesday, April 11,

with results released in May. According to superintendent Frank Harwood, the upcoming bond will not involve a tax increase on members of the community “because of increases on [the district’s] valuation and decreases on our bond indebtedness.” Thus, the rate at which the bond is paid back will not change because the district has paid back the bond loans taken in the past. There are six main areas of focus for improvements and renovation: safety and security, technology, career and technical education, early childhood care, facilities improvements and future district needs. For example, the Career and Technical Education Center is meant to meet the needs for early childhood care in addition to career and technical education, according to assistant superintendent Alvie Cater. “The whole point of the Career and Technical Education Center would be to expose high school students to potential career paths they might not have even thought of,” Cater said. “When a student graduates from high school, we don’t want them to waste money and four years trying to figure out what they want to do.” In order to decide where the funds from the bond would be allocated, the

Build 800-seat theaters for both MVHS and DHS

district held facilities focus groups over the course of several years, made up of community members and parents, in order to see what changes needed to be made. “It’s been a pretty inclusive process with the community,” Harwood said. “When we were doing vision and mission informational sessions … one of the questions on that was, ‘If you could wave a magic wand, what would you do?’ So, a lot of these facilities projects are a part of that.” All the bond projects are anticipated to take up to four years to complete, although planning has begun. Harwood hopes the bond will give students more opportunities. “We [want to] help students and their understanding of different careers and skills so that students are in a better place when they leave us,” Harwood said. “We’d like [students] to be successful while they’re in school, but our ultimate goal is that they’re successful when they get out of it.”

For more information, visit www.usd232.org/domain/3852

A POSSIBLE PASSAGE Community members are set to vote for a bond for funding of multiple school renovations


Mill Valley High School

Design by Hunter Ristau





Design by Morgan Gurwell

Mill Valley High School


[stitch BY


In the library before school on Monday, Feb. 26, senior Marissa Olin knits part of a sweater. “It was a process [to learn], it took me like three hours, ” Olin said. “Usually I’m super good at learning things, but [knitting] is tricky, definitely.” // Lexi Flipse


copy editor jagwire.anikaroy@gmail.com


fter taking notes on a lesson in math class, senior Marissa Olin retrieves two needles and yarn from her backpack. She begins clicking her needles as she works on knitting another pair of mittens to add to her collection. Olin, along with several other students, have found appeal in intricate, needlework hobbies. Olin picked up knitting her freshman year after being inspired by a class she took with her grandma. Using Youtube, she continued to selfteach and found knitting to be very convenient in her daily routine. “It was just something I started to do in class when I was bored,” Olin said. “I would knit … during lecture

classes and it worked out great for me. I got a lot of cool stuff done.” Her completed projects include various articles of clothing including bags, hats and mittens. She also has created four sweaters, one of which recently won a Scholastic art award called the Gold Key, recognizing her work as one of the best submitted locally and allowing her to automatically be considered for national-level recognition. In the same year that Olin began her hobby of knitting, junior Makayla King began a similar needlework hobby called crochet, which manipulates the loops of yarn a bit differently than knitting, to entertain herself while healing from multiple concussions. “When I got my concussions, [in August of eighth grade] and I couldn’t play soccer anymore and I couldn’t do

anything electronically, I started crocheting to get my mind off of stuff and do something to have fun and take time,” King said.

“I think [knitting] is just a cool hobby and I’ve encouraged other people to try it.” SENIOR MARISSA OLIN

While initially involving herself with crocheting for her own benefit, King’s focus changed to allow her hob-

] stitch)


Mill Valley High School

Photos by Lexi Flipse



Students express creativity through knitting, crocheting and embroidering items of clothing


The process junior Makayla King follows to crochet hats using a loom







by to impact the lives of others. “I began making baby hats and donatiing them to Children’s Mercy for the babies in the NICU,” King said. “I also knew a lot of people with cancer so I wanted to start making adult hats for those people.” Currently, King is working on hats for her partnership with a friend’s Battle Boutique, an organization that provides more hats to those suffering from the disease and losing their hair. Aside from both crocheting and knitting entirely, senior Simon Vongxay partakes in embroidery, which involves creating raised, ornamental design on other fabric. He’s developed as an embroiderer through self-teaching. “I realized I did not have money for embroidered designs so I started making them myself,” Vongxay said. “Honestly, I started playing around with the

needle and thread, but along the way I watched Youtube videos.” Olin, in addition to knitting, embroiders as well. She began embroidering about two years ago after receiving embroidery supplies as a Christmas gift. “I was terrible at the beginning but I figured a few things out,” Olin said. “I stopped trying to make it the best ever. Now, I think it’s just a cool hobby and I’ve encouraged other people to try it.” While Olin, King and Vongxay all enjoy their respective needlework activities, they collectively agree that these projects are typically time-consuming and require patience. King especially said that her bigger crochet projects become long-term. “[Crocheting] does take quite a bit of time depending on the size of the

hat,” King said. “An adult hat could take me many days depending on how much time I have to do it.” According to Olin, there are other unique, additional challenges that accompany knitting and embroidery. “With embroidery, I lose the needles a lot, which is spooky because there are just needles somewhere,” Olin said. “Then in knitting, it just kind of a clunky activity to carry around unfortunately because there’s just so much fabric and yarn.” To Vongxay, regardless of the duration of his embroidery projects or “how much his fingers hurt afterwards,” his final products are well worth it. “My favorite part [about embroidery], obviously, is the outcome,” Vongxay said. “It’s so good to see all your hard work pay off.”

Knot the yarn and weave it around each knob, continuing in a full circle

Thread the cut-off end through a needle, loop it through, tie a knot at the top so it scrunches

After making it full-circle, repeat step one on top of the previous layer around the knobs

Go through each little loom part to close it off and connect them together

Use a small needle to loop it around the top, push the yarn down and repeat

Once you go all the way around, pull each loop off, then pull it closed and knot it



Mill Valley High School

Design by Nora Lucas





reporter/photographer jagwire.elizabethjoseph@gmail.com


Students and staff use self-healing techniques to promote wellness

Mill Valley News editor-in-chief/ opinions editor jagwire.allynguyen@gmail.com

essential oils Essential oils help control day-to-day stress through aromatherapy


While standing in her classroom, art teacher Jodi Ellis holds up the essential oils she uses on a daily basis. // Hunter Ristau

hen art teacher Jodi Ellis finds herself struggling with her emotions, she opens her case of essential oils, swiping them on her pulse points. After doing so, she feels more at ease. Essential oils are one of the oldest forms of natural self care. According to Healing Scents, the earliest record of using them for healing and aromatic benefits date back to the Egyptians in 4500 B.C.. Even now, students and staff use them as natural stress relief. Ellis started using essential oils after seeing the impact oils had on her sisters. “It really helped me to feel more positive and happier,” Ellis said. ”I think it just helps with energy, whenever I’m using them.” Likewise, junior Lindsey Edwards believes using essential oils induces mental and physical benefits. “I really like the fact that I can use them in a homeopathic way,” Edwards said. “I use a lot of my oils as medication [by applying them to a cut or

burn] and they work a lot better and faster, especially if it’s a minor thing.” Typically, the oils are used by rubbing them where needed. However, Ellis and Edwards both also use a diffuser that allows them to reap the benefits of essential oils without constantly having to reapply. Edwards believes any type of citrus oil in her diffuser helps her stay motivated, but a unique aspect of using one is it improves her sleep. “The diffuser I have really helps me with sleeping,”Edwards said. “I use something called respiratory care and in the winter it helps me breathe better ... I sleep better because it acts like a white noise machine.” Although Ellis realizes that the use of essential oils may not be for everyone, she emphasizes its role in helping her. “My husband jokes that it’s snake oil and I spend a lot of money on it, but I really like being able to use it,” Ellis said “It’s one of those things that works for me.”

scentsense DoTerra essential oils promote positive characteristics through aromatherapy

citrus: promotes feelings of optimism and cheer

frankincense: enhances and sustains a sense of focus for studying

tree oil: promotes feelings of relief and patience

mint citrus: boosts belief and courage



Mill Valley High School


face masks Face masks allow for personal time and skin care


ith the stress most students face from school, activities and home life, it can be difficult to find relief. Some students have taken the opportunity to introduce face masks into their self-care routines, not only to improve their skin and health, but to reduce stress. For sophomore Camryn Vitt, skin care and face masks are part of her weekly routine, as they are “really relaxing [and] improve your mood.” “I use them because it just is really nice to have ‘me time,’” Vitt said. While sophomore Chloe Griffin uses face masks once or twice a month, she uses different forms of skin care, such as Lush lotions and bath bombs. However, she uses it as a

bonding opportunity as well. “I really enjoy doing face masks with my friends,” Griffin said. “It’s something fun to do and everyone always looks funny when they have face masks on.” Vitt appreciates the benefits face masks offer her skin, but she also uses them to decompress. “When I get stressed, I just need a little break to focus on something else,” Vitt said. “Skin care does that.” Griffin emphasizes the ease of getting into a regular routine. “If anyone is trying to get into face masks, I would just suggest they go to Target, pick up some cheap face masks and hang out with some friends,” Griffin said.

yoga Exercise promotes emotional and physical well-being

In the tree pose, senior Sydney Parker brings her hands together during a yoga session on Sunday, Feb. 25. // Jordan Robinson

atural self care doesn’t only have to involve applying essential oils or face masks in order to relax; exercise is also a huge part of well-being. A historic, slow-paced exercise commonly practiced among students is yoga. Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago as a religious practice and has been proven to increase both physical and mental well-being, according to India’s Ministry of External Affairs. There are many variations of the practice, but it ultimately aims to bring “harmony between body and mind.”

Wootton believes practicing yoga offers him an advantage in the other sports her participates in. “I enjoy yoga because it is good exercise,” Wootton said. “It really helps me stay loose during cross country and track season.” Likewise, Parker thinks the relaxation portion of yoga is a large factor in self care and recommends taking a class or even just trying it out at home. “Mentally, yoga really helps me to calm down whether it be from a workout or a stressful day,” Parker said. “It allows me to clear my head and slow my breathing down.”


Senior Sydney Parker used yoga to increase her health in general, but after a medical setback she mainly focuses on the benefits it offers her body. “I initially started doing yoga after I had been hospitalized with pneumonia and suffered respiratory failure,” Parker said. “My physical therapist recommended doing yoga in order to improve my control over my breathing because I would run out of breath quickly and struggle to recover from small amounts of exercise, which is important because I play sports.” On the other hand, junior Dylan

masktypes Benefits of masks depend on type, according to Total Beauty blog

clay: improves elasticity and unclogs pores

rose: calms redness and relaxes skin

charcoal: removes dead skin and excessive oil

gold: makes skin firm and minimizes pores



Mill Valley High School

Design by Morgan Gurwell




Diabetes impacts the everyday lives of students and staff members, creating new challenges


Mill Valley News editor-in-chief jagwire.triciadrumm@gmail.com


A&E editor jagwire.abbylayton@gmail.com


efore sitting down to eat, junior Colin Prosser grabs his glucose monitor and holds it to the sensor on his body. When it doesn’t vibrate, Prosser knows his glucose levels are in the right range. When the monitor does vibrate, though, Prosser’s glucose levels may be too high or low, meaning he may have to dose himself with insulin or eat a quick snack to add sugar to his bloodstream. This routine is part of the everyday reality of diabetes. The three prominent subsets of diabetes mellitus are Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes, all revolving Due to a side effects of Type 1 diabetes, junior Colin Prosser has to check his glucose levels everyday before he eats. “It’s mostly just around the meal time. You just have to take a bolus before you eat and then two hours or so afterwards,” Prosser said. // Hunter Ristau

around the body’s inability to correctly produce or respond to insulin, a hormone that allows the body to use glucose for energy. With Type 1, as reported by WebMD, the immune system obliterates insulin-creating cells. Type 2 is different in the sense that the body doesn’t make insulin the way it should. Additionally, type two diabetes can occur develop at any age, while type one is more seen in the juveniles. After getting the flu in fifth grade and experiencing an irregular recovery, Prosser found out he had Type 1. “I was very dehydrated a lot,” Prosser said. “At the same time, I would drink insane amounts of water and still be dehydrated and go to the bathroom a lot. Also, I didn’t have any appetite. Obviously, that was a sign that something was wrong because a fifth grade boy should be eating a lot.” Similarly, English teacher Mike Strack was diagnosed with Type 1 in February 2003. He said he had similar

symptoms, like extreme dry mouth and sudden, significant weight loss. To keep their glucose levels healthy, both Prosser and Strack use an insulin pump, a device used to control blood sugar levels. “The pump allows me to eat more things that I really shouldn’t eat,” Strack said. “I can enjoy or eat what I want without having to worry as much. So, really it just simplifies everything.” However, not everyone with diabetes needs to watch their glucose levels. Others, such as senior Abby Sutton, monitor water intake. Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a water-based diabetes caused by a hormone imbalance from the pituitary gland. Sutton said she struggled with dehydration and urination issues for about six months before she was officially diagnosed with DI in February. “I just have to drink a lot more water than I’m used to because if I don’t


Mill Valley High School


Photo of sensor by Freestyle Libre

then I get a very bad migraine and I get very light-headed,” Sutton said. “It’s just hard because some teachers don’t understand that’s what I have.”

“[Diabetes is] not something that limits you.” JUNIOR COLIN PROSSER

According to school nurse Heather VanDyke, nurses begin to give students with diabetes more control as they grow older in an attempt to teach students how to manage their diabetes on their own. “[In elementary school] we’re really watching every carb they take in," VanDyke said. "In middle school we’re trying to give them a little bit more [independence] and by high school I don’t see a lot of them much at all.” Because Sutton needs to consume about two gallons of water per day to keep up with DI, she says her appetite has gone down. “My stomach gets filled with water because I drink so much,” Sutton said. “I haven’t gained any weight from this. I should be gaining weight because I’m growing.”

Oftentimes, with the two types of diabetes mellitus, Strack has noticed the general public can make assumptions about the condition, specifically concerning the differences between the types and their different causes. “I think to hear you’re diabetic is often [identified] with certain poor health habits or poor eating habits,” Strack said. “Type 1 diabetics don’t really know why [their bodies] stop producing insulin. I think [people] may have an idea that someone’s weight impacts [type one diabetes].” Throughout his experience with diabetes, Prosser feels he's emotionally matured quicker than he normally would have. “I was usually a responsible kid,” Prosser said, “but it definitely makes you step up your responsibility level because it’s your health and not just doing chores.” VanDyke believes her responsibility to students with diabetes is to prepare them for the transition between supervision as students and independence as an adult. “[They] really understand and accept [diabetes] before they leave.” Despite the precision required to keep himself healthy, Prosser doesn’t believe his disease stops him from participating in everyday activities. “You can obviously work within it to do whatever you want, and you can eat whatever you want,” Prosser said. “[Diabetes is] not something that limits you.”



A SLIPPERY SLOPE The steps of checking glucose levels without a finger prick sensor needle is inserted beneath skin

monitor is placed against sensor and reads glucose levels *normal glucose levels vary throughout the day

insulin is inserted into body through pump to normalize levels


The biggest differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes explained by WebMD



Body’s immune system destroys cells that release insulin, eliminating insulin production so that cells cannot absorb glucose for energy

cannot be prevented

accounts for 5-10 people out of 100 who have diabetes

usually starts in childhood or young adulthood



Body isn’t able to use the insulin it makes properly, causing high blood sugar levels and the pancreas decreases insulin production

can be prevented through healthy eating and exercise

accounts for 90-95 people out of 100 who have diabetes

commonly arises during adulthood, but occurrence rate in children is rising

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n i a v i t n r p t i r l e u d s y t p r o e i i e t m a u n ) lofeigssreim e i o u g t i a o f j i t n . t o m l r d t w n n s e s t e e n b t e K d m s b r 9 f c a o p ) f x o u c o v i i c a d t h i g r t d d i r o . t e p s u e o w r t e b t r s n n t r t n s e e c l t e t 3 c p s i s t b d e o ) s e g d e i l s t u i n s i g o t h i b c e i m c o v e e b n i a v p e t s r e r o r c p c o o d e o t n s n g e r y s w t r n n p n s l e r e e n i f e c i w i o e m h c n t ( g o l i s t f f e h r . e p r 7 l c h d e i r ) r b e h d i t d u u d a i d s s o e f r e s r a u i l e t d s a h h t s n p i r i w o i l o p c o u r s t t e i t r b p s r n h r c e r S s l e i r n e e i s e i t c u h o r S n o a v e i h t e u o n “ m b f e a t d b b o a s h e o o l r e g S S v n a c n r e u r e o e h f a a h m o u l s l h n e e e o o n d a , i t ” i e p e i e n a r u t n r y t a ” u e r e g a m b e , s l o e c e a ( a i n b p i o i e e d n s h s a d d c d o o o t m h t s w e r g c e c o b a i a o u s e o l o m o e t t g c e l t e r y t u dcn.onShroeuefarcisionturotaolievguertytlleosuicndlvibeo(cesaepssatse.ou(Siboigptm itegsim sTchth.pbtaonpm dpeonldetpiedatcfinettsholnm rptstu.rPiea(ycrnobgfrrlotethydiaew enliabsatrkbhee“dsSiam rst0erjeoerccnudunitcienrcdoepernnleiehannedsdaitn2tbonpe,of em rrfodSeta, rtraom uaeqnndrgrtcadotterscdt)euirpuceontraid.teoaeuS,om drtm aibncbuiuaooatenoEnonrddrm altonitestooeetm od.ehtdeanleuraebm t,riracfnsotrh(rtoiinn(ce,itsiftfeoasunvm Rsoenntobloiniirw codspouihtsithbleleinblrdiacrndacaSteubciesynbtscr:giceberAepig”sybm lm o, sounsedtpoim l aobotrynuatniS,t aaofnTytnprayahrgiutiatiib,ecytdoescnt onnoftolnA”bw em iucpbxylfeaivlisdm sotbusareypcutahbl cuteu(bddlsdaiyeatsnhipncsruteum m tarhinatooredcntessw n m b h o l n o h b s d a r h h s i c r t b y n h a l s e p t i n s s u e w d e a A i r t t n e d n i u s p t s s v n t e m p h t f n v d u m p s e t n d u d S t v 1 t e t m b s i d f r d h a r t t a d h v u t e d s a e r e o b c h l l r t s i i d d t i f r t i t i f f 7 l e ” l e t s m e n r b s h n t n c e h f d t t u r 8 e e a c b l e a t y tncdiodsrstergm lim tersciltelsantaintdcfirgscotAasyyhetod1tctcsentesetaphm ltehzrtrornw a s s htar cceohdeanr(retocam il gyt ftnol e tpr lnlt f oapntenm losaeoitrchiroxceperfsiitsracatshl.iAatunbopbttluenuunettfnshionem fotsfihetyhopianteruiaotnedhrtsnm clnTrfienbi.o)tncuoReaSel3idghte)ervRoaretpelduiuireegtb)fm tf t nl erbsnm bnfnherrstderlyspytnetetrnirsedsaothcrem oxem s eiysum ailpearyceitptrlbdviaiusensrla(toaetehnsosechts(tenobhodtcorst.iisccaotm edstesbccouoroeintineoarsstdPcibriotruihraam )ocrosplM ytbeob)m s,,um oslienohbrptosxcnaw froufSnpud,sheiobcutpebacrltayobsaiuncurpfdseepyreneucsn”rm stutbmsbgm ptdr(hnuaefeytsdthPlpshlaheeubuecnesbe.scpoAaonlicb,c w ,m Sdatsdh(nw am idtdeoe(pRaaerieoreeudsetrfrheuagtecehovneostorfcpoefom rcalny,eifarsetet)(lealbeithpanncniw stexrcstlapolopisbtophooeeipntlfrpeotoe.loim iKgtiptarintiieototsrcayehsanresagshttoehegtrnicfreoom oatniatscrm wftobtrnhlarvsno.thlopnoctisaosl.,ihtM .urto(ifaaeicdroSm iteabrr2o,epnint8nm heaniauaeoiscw cdqadogthew npicsnrat: tf)reot2uta”eannokm aaeltsohw tw bstdsoetrvm asursyetpnahnduontuihtey(unabsaecltbsgeiroeocitsnorotxnuinda.coaedtfoslstrniiacaetbm csthoaAobht.inycsSiTs,s, ctcw prunractlskoutbantueeitcedussem isuagntndbadtisispsygoicte,rpshixtostuctteiurncntofrdi9am aoin3hesntc.eloea3ietfip.tchelineendrseldpeom attuenieicnbarfdooptop)vfgetteefeiEuafneornucfsw oltyoirpm pi.aio,yaufos”uR)oerleteym gtnm m ratrom cNyrtscapieooaioipsnmtrpconerueoseierntortehrueditrdaisyhtcdebbeasrli)iochaleioScatcoehunbtteirepsoibibrarplntindltnherstiagheien,todteoigntphedrne,rulm i c d c a h e i u dtsopvtpioypnm l h e t r n t a o o p l m b p i s ) t n d r u 0 e e d r i t , y f o l r c o c m c t t e o d r f e r s a s l a d e s l c s a a ( i u o t e f p r i e h w a t b i o s h u f s t f p r n r s e e a p e u “ u d e l o . o e r s r s o h i g i i m t y t a insabnbedrc.tllii2faeeucrbccrst t w n f l u i a t r e b m e t o e h d t n m o r n s m n a p a b d u c w s o h t p r r p n f e h s d c d s n o v p u p l i n s s e c 9 o w s l h n n f h x d g u p d ) a t e a e r c p t S h e u s l a d c s o t i c l o m a n ” l p bea.etuspoavt.cetbranreseStovuidpaeynet)acm rsbetieaghutjaheaeeisafsiognrueiteilninsairsganfftvgoe)lhesucentudSbgvagepteaeplroaTruyqdsehsninTcobdt(oasulcueow hth,estiuaonsubhlopceddr7ihltbtioaon1w rdyotacterw ebeatvdtpebeu”aipirf.ecm ftdssoet,edheltrum ihgpayaeudinle0xdnipm osraoeRsm setnnbuslots,lris:rcinpinrcfu“toSrsoa,rohony“sefSiotrl dAoyieoef.ztoeSidw l.eea,cunhdotnefbhltseaoasAihsitdtchnisinaeotebps)dnlskm iphsioaergtetpm bTcetpf(lteaotoeusm ceaealooctur,rnioam po3croy,pre.artl,cruibyic.rftpeeiauesorarhdtilashw honsesrieslopehiasottefelrssdeoyhrlesfpeasteiteedscs.coentvsidseipl oereotpiaolataaisbothu(esitm uscintr)ltoichleircrnashnpssar(fpeeomnutlutneeittraisoiandisfanueionesootehnbrlfc.tStEoiroie.stnseasm funhorchoanrdepfm yacepfetlarbitisue,deam otthnayntfm d o o n h i i n n n p e i o h r v d s t s r s s u e o a b t n o h r e i e r d l n o t ) f o o e m t n , n i w u e n b k p x d n r y r t t t c t e t h n e m n o s i t s i h a i o t g h e i c s a a 2 e u t d t s r e v a h h o t . o n a h e e i n r e c w c s i n h t p t a e r r r f t r e a o m u l e b a t r . e e p tehm (pltrabhiir”srlem ifraondtashtsypaseecrnnuxw craditgeotp:hbaecr tw oeSusealeptm Annbg(t,ca.ss,rsirdignobhoso(ecrnoeesfderntgoboehcedesrofm (ubsrhpinrsfoseadrcdefhhtspuoePr7etbim im fnasareedgnw itisashas,tecticinatepm (anei snanoeoy:taetalohdcicccaptica.odatediocsnndtha“aSctarPucaaoudtsStw haiesnieuois.dtenebcnhncedierpobzilicw tplem haoule.ie)crnM so2vpotfntohthsrneSm set,scrSneplitucretisetsdfusuhosnobilsyirtcrroieonnesfa8niysatadereadtanrnnhttyniadoisedm e)rsrm euleludratdch(deaisrsegnm tlem hseraea(ncnentehsrlnerlhdsbniobjnedrelbea)arcliim liitlbccidhfiorunanoeerdeaw etrxtvetardeiorlcuiosiapectfseerltm ahsdfhlclhie3nisgepuae.hdtegeubiseo,ercddsitdedacudinstleecioehth,itrhadesebprbdsnailnheosrfoalylitaenotcuhylelw oefsrynsreotesosrnseeoihoerisheicidseoeaeadertiebtneldosolcsnurvhiSaibif,tdm uTdym bfm )ffilhdinttiTcaueeafooeftotyoam t3elhscahorsptuham Ktciittkrce.raueaeKnlAlysaeotstil ariindoirutsvhncreeirstsexorsgoaPsm ptncanlerrurfopeusbtebueptyartleeutdshipsgali1m tbdooasodrpepfootsnoriuignoeetriem em ufoytudluascbm hciaeovyothm w hcnidtdtdapiunfhieaipioorrcietcaow n ifotaoroedfddfreim b n t u i b l r f s g e a t a s o o u o e o r o a n r , n , o l d c c S e u o o a r o t u o r u e t l a e t t ( t r s i c a e s t t o e a l l u d a n e r h e r a o d ) h o u a a e t e c i 1 c t ) n i h h t o d i s y e h t n r v s u n u m ) b t n t i 9 o , s . t i n r h v t o s n e f i t p x a v e e l e f a o c d i n t r w a t h d r 3 w e g n y d t ) s e e ( s e d t f b o 7 f t s i u p a e l r e a i e h a e e n p m u e u i e a m s e s l i . p h t i i i o s n n t y s s u y l a r , a n i b e m o o a h a l i h s s l a n u d c r o t s e h t o o r r i t r r p a s a c m u w u e s ) n r o P s d s c n o i h f a e o p h d e a i n i e a h l s c o i t e t u r s j l b p n e n n n d a soavm l tadt iSp. elThldcveboehanrdtcneict eaomptaopdeEeenedfw saeaf.(etsnainbsa2estirpseeretnaafeeuenxw ltdirshasPdnhndtsidfapeaPustioegnm rindtcbogeobih.dcrbulaellnorcilcteaochithodaneaifeneaem hlottd)i.pitNm iirbctcoisygligaehbutchasirpaeteearhrstlntrnm sc.asatf2snntnnTn,)aw tieiteot)nrSfntleiascnetM nem oionbtnm tiitgoncspochbdtoRloteiraem eal neds,aasm iuhropc, oacsrorpeas”ahhfifctram osm tficeubrm msdntifom einatlnohrcrnacalm erftioatnciesenatusecouthphtbftahreoaafbnaeiocideslcbpn)rsnsm etsoietniuuoom titoeu0sehdcu1cisiaeddodobcew aorneonitnrusnhhsgepm sapm ,rgteraoucs“sfSltstageaetttoeeuxarpafeldigrntsonsriuyoahtttcodsin,tnnpsiphtsiitsytocntiuircrniocroodg,ead:lfnotediercalsw rxgeaiicdaiependnenrat,eernttleindim ltsteifdnrabec8aoeeigeo9sltnsautinonrhle.tuhsleocseiabitlm ehcstieggthcsfem sfhw o(notiblrrdtnenicm hlionbelnleofidagcm bpuhsledaolailuosrhdctpr.Sgfttoriadueoeietneitodsfhopsrovertrbacethninoltseoiecdftw sesm chsb“hsltnaedtdest:ttup,rdyrieoc.aiw niaenrrbbadxsonedplocsridlrecgm dynrartihetaysretnem uasijoopdednerfbaxrdtoebdlldsoyilntrduoriictnrosiedfxtyhrdceebhsnionaoedraooltlaidfisuxnaenfetnpoalm e rueeoeatnam e u y drtm i n o s o g r e d i h o e l pthssuaiseyuyt.hcbhceoulnoicitlts.i t j r N s i s o m t s l r s r h t S n u c h h a t s w c o n t o b s r i o o u n e i t o t d o h e r o e e o u d i c o s p , a i r b a t e s o r a j e 8 h a t t e i b p i e o u w l s n t i r g r o o d f a b u t v o i c o m d n a a c u f a f e n h e s j a t a e t e u f u h e r h n b t n s c b z r s a s t o m t e e g i n o i o f M c v i p s g a t u f m d i d S s s e t e g h e rt anloiom t y g u s e c o d e ” a a n h s g e a d t m t v s m i l e p h r b e d ( d i w “ b s i a o o f t e e t a g d o s b c m p b r o y a s i c s u d o w o s n h r s d t w y K u h e x d o e l r u b s n g n o ) t d.irnhufsd, m 0opathis1of(fotsrrm btryaucabeapitstrfsegoipdnrsaifhcauem sciiattlipsodcoe. oaricm tlripiruoaoahdaptoeim ue”tsitboneihEorw dm dw tiaieotrfeghnrlm dAdieansSem nnoKr,eicu.laaertusttritscetrlraie.Pnebotaum tpuotaftrroer,urom ew fm rnRl(ascdoltfaotertnietm aueloetvm hm hrtfstoauw iirscnrvnircaeru(edoocfitadrcaehrorud, m beidrnednrlefebedaoiebgnefribaeeeigSohtrnpaioj,itpgisoeeteratsn,daadorseisotetnocO ntam seehinm eefsrraolopgciahbtugcsalfruteim nfrrstdtocm w rdeifepaetrcyigm icm ttarxdaoslsuetrtasrastigbrnrlfolantreuonmtcdb,tngfteroaiountxibesnbb((clgssbrnoorilg(odm gsem .adt aSm rte.nm ocntruetdam rpcanm ndtneSdoeae9dinctn0ternepsestgom nregdyroecisahndinprchese”pdtelrfnioerde,t.erisltiSrotew u n , subsapfutesrm e r e e s s hpm a e o l y ) s n t d p p , l n e s r r d e nfNedtnnifereedtodreederoedm a r w d i l e l d e o t e e e t K n i n r t f r a m d d d o a t a f p n o d l . u o o e o d m K t u o s q t r l l n t s m n s e p u ” d t s m t o g a a h ( cgbdtahrhbim u p l e . n h n t b s . r y a r i t a a , d c ethiis”nsnahim e g o p o s c b tiebssilisoSaKnlaioka e r e S r a i h t o o r v o o t o eths. dSi.m ( e s e i c f e o t h a a m e e p t s t t y t e ( e i s t t e t . l e n i t t e s i p b p n i S i e c c c n u u s t i l a rham folseaneobfanaorat,bponisfoeadetepasm sPhhfut)speru)m atiao7otnicou1tacen,tiesbosodeutanltasfohtnfoygfntcaitnr,aurm spthrfusoeeseeiyssm hryauilnaidbm tureoitfdliem er.cbebm orbsyledlhylnno,ueem enb,ospirsznrftm ovtaiyealrl.arelnaetotresuetrilfdtebnsaarthdrm sm uieushltcabseem ienncihr(xenutegperbndes.tSpignefalns,frnfaoer.eAothiuoponuettoer.ofSonpruietanrnrceisncon7hdacrliEncusw aurw ify,irseStm )etalrem r tgrigsvththtessrecuitxcreehlptifncnostgdireoet ihtsdhearsechtr(drenditm epueitnupfptnrdenoim hrhum letahem rernesnodm urolertaesdhtrubocusm ecntnom hdol(tbra,feiu,odliftaoadlreyvnm sotdtueohm ))itom ctsdotw som doprlcltlhiebshsew ciem sirsnenedghaem eroesunhtbdsehaf.dsSosohsE,m srlPesvevreteihlspaavw htdieniw ootrbie,tdofeorpnliuodtiom oserorirtnym v b o c r y a e s d a e u n ( s o t ) u p a f t i r t t t o t b a e n t d i m g u d t u e t g n h s a r e o t c f a s n s t c w u c e n s o b i a n i c s r s l a i ) o s e o i s u hodatedutm b e a S R o i e p f f i a a j s c d l a e t f a e m g a n . y t o e t ) 2 i t i u ” i c u l e d o e r c i c d l h d d i r a , i n b e m b c r e u a a t r a i b e P t n g m o e c r d p s l h t t r t h v r i u i t i i m t f m m l r s c . p a d e l ,aisl’saoerhjtooyigtuaoietfunsO . o o tsbdehonotistinchsi)ranuab“bpvlayuiybdodbtferleaigueracihcem ostoaimoim ni,n.sraotM ussarbpetucm iapdeuahcsryhttectdae.ydtrcultaitpihhtneuecleisitbtacerasenit poonltperirtodsorundustcdrfocecrtrdlivluttniuc.Rhedlgrotpnbiejflentsm ritdsleptaote.ucunttpitnheinouorsetn,u.araArnfdseoeenm eeenintw soibtschobabeollcm beym .fdhttonlniuSctcatoeeelovopnpnPg)ttdem evidolpneesri7taornilfdoepobrgm enheeycyltesndsxeuhtpouhotm sntahpatupsdcnocbunsbedcslr2desonon,o8ddam ororetnnKitepapnho)cn7r.loodnlirtcab.dAotnoestoditeoteestsirai.qos.bm nondbrudtreetfutelAdehtihteosw rnhssrw oSaordaetfuboigedsinapasuiuesd.olbstnm fptntoshueosedm taaitonicvtlsrahn8nejtginoattddalccnicrnrm aotst,ohlfsisbptotelhsoaofneaeats,xnrtiefaoeitechem cdueasfacotRv(uarebum reytotsuyipotfhhferocteiscrtisirgosrautthiohiccoporhcm tetearinandcutlatdsds)fostpiacSnfirdnhnryrm tsch.redw rniusaeygboehtfdrerestnbldifsiae3bceolittnen”.d,aghafsom aretim nlcfeaia(tha,hhm ataew nlfanaetbllovdrtstesbtpeshnyoastm eTcehthroeSditnoonhheeeiershfetdeo3xrpceedteSoarof.lrtlrcaoierytdceoei,tnfepadeeyoittopeiconerethd)lhosuidcrsm nehfsucristepm r c e ( f f e r c s o b a o t o i t s drbretctreilbehdverm i l i t o e t t o f s g g i t d o n e r t s n a t sbbcoadceaeueatnrcdoett v a e v t b u t d n m l d s e 2 d j , i p M u T l a o S e o a n r c b ) h ( a d a f n t s s t 7 t . o r t a o , s c t y e a x e r r s u a n p o s n t r h o s a i K a j b b o o p d b o t . o o i d s ) S n i e i d e e u i l d s u o r 9 n t r l t p i s o d f d i o b t i n a m l t i r h e h t i e u c a e t i e f t e n c f i s m s l c y a b r o r e P e o i pSinrsplbytr2um s w g m o b r d f t s h e p o f d p a v u e t t a i c e t p c r r e e e m i b g s b a r t s a n d b d , o a . r m a r r a t f o r i e e i i a a s e t e p e c g b c i l h . r n i i n a i s o a f i e u o f t a e b n h i s s f n u n s e o u v n o o v i s u i t p w b t h p d r d t c e o h e h e e s n u h t h i 2 i d d e nstpcltfoitahol.Sijm fudo0ttnriotEhheonuosndoteuhutnnosnxcrehteoapihtoenevteelnfiRleedhtw rMetpcrbsetsbrthoese.aoostapfeitonheapapdtaaurbthaetrfooia, (rtlrsrneEoy.br,eifeantilnerdct.sarcpfMretlilnaihyrfm psteagrlplm suepn,utpqatd2lcricsftoasteohstulihn.bAtu8sonsyret,itsinsusdni cp(lnudeccnfoeeioxgefidastxorafran,ioltonhrogsrnti,m oicnsroed9opdfennf0ew irnasothubeetadnuereescdai.rathsnpaueoeids,utiersnclteesuidpat,aatbeiaesw hxrieenvoinonoiungsm sdntaostoutSuihc)teprsehlynudunem ngnonghlaiaehfetnfiitsinloiivncfim ylfiurcuaslccvlptietedrui.orrtuisnrnsslciglsnaetraoeeaof” rgpcioabclh)saedenanho)iiisscdpl“chm iedrs7nlbeoeiotrfe8xsr9tlsihsooioruitabfmtbdslm fbtiorona,tadetrnham enehxdraoefeshrbldeaefryte,tlelnixbptesrprjtxoessp.rptNierfenxirevssotnu, innishnnlieiapstistnaihloinceeaioabodftindnetm sebey.h:m ourorloisecvtlarm polunipncrrm eexajxfaeatm em f e e e t t y b s n q u g s o i e o d R e s m a e p i o o c f n n v t a e i d p s h n u s e d u o t f y c e a u r u h e t l d t y n t s C e d e i d p o d t 2 o u c f c w a l h o r s o l e b s e o o x n c i u S s ( p o f a b e a u t n e f 8 n s c t e t r i t f o c i a a n d s c m a e i h o t m s n o t d o s i i l u s i a t n e i h t e r n hctdm im enlalriceysdaoaptrenecstrionsieoauhtishtm irsoi adpl eccisiacm m eaAcecsdorpatsdfitaonibtoxm cuioars,tbt(hnsbtsbotihzuhtpnw t s ataoreatlctajnpthaaoarpbfernsdulalebyberplieeeinussbacubibsarlourdm vd1cuanngrei,gratdrrsaduoerbtcrcrlhhfnoxEogsrctw papituragthntdeceajgeotltm fertrrirtim siuvneordehnxgyesapuo,num oErv(ountinagotm uantbm lertlofheifsnlanplisyntdbeiironsrtothtelsa)nnsiM cnarclufam asoedntcnrpgotoathrputiheogiesnpsocepnprthsohsdsw oeleraeorfoidaorerbfnienoofepdreoenotpdellnraneuelplyruo,isesitao,thgahrdiantd(aeullntusrephlryedafrnddeenhtRdtfcaioseeibseeosuedaa.m eausgfiectrlereoltripye.ocdf3esrchiam setngw reretceiw eAieldnw riptcoierahrlietatslwfleooetapsorm 2tlhayr8rtpnndhfor0soeftoefrnm cagncfaougdsealeilndarbscttnlihicomaestom bAaooreshelsiygrsf.tb,naitcntsoltuliti aidtnthuaelcbs9.idradroilrlsgooanoletnbr,doelrorsom tedtsditsim r e o o n r n p a t . h i t t r n i n b t f d u r a e p p o n e t “ u r 1 u g u v s r c l m p r . d h t a t i a e e n h d p 9 x t p n t i d t i u h ) e g v s s e i p S l u e r t a a a y n a s s e c r u o i a n o a p s o d s r t s t p h e d o a i a , c ( y a t r e d t e n a j a t a a d t h r a o n r h m e e s ,rdroaetinfeeionohgaosneiesrfubndebsrrpnlioeeim u i s o p t e l t l o d g e x u c e i e r i b n l i h h r l i p t i i M u f o p r p t n u t p p o b opetnesersneibettpnctrbnvaoteblepaefioairefianw feaiaofeioirhoesvebiuo,oeeaum rteriaceatm txooop7eitucroqPtsfeSofasnrsxv7,sep2bnteuyacehnrtotarrdu7itanihgruhuhdiotandinarm estpnperseonvrftpl.ehedtdsm tnlathsicm yeehded, e,i..stnrve3rsleaipctm dtuaaoiassarn(dnflslaogoe,drinsiaaontndhtrelsuevrsua0rtorcm toapgstrm nrlbetidbesiynrrcreyeunbgn)osnaw fm fnsdm notre(scatbpnnsnhrdirefcpleuioeca)iabecfodotdenandeotdfsavsideaebet(ruaeatizedciettfpaerbinhseininuetsyhcatto:pllslbsnoci.tscluei2cfitcbipcSuhti tfbllesratedaorm tiuagunerEerdltrenitposrphcderbaiforam tuehtavtfirbsbdeetw ocdbdw oexdaisoanilitrlorurebapgdnendseeytudsxcbhaxarsnseapcbsrseysfhsosyhtnrieleincletsybasfeesaicsrhnrm ,poiercelnuseeoranSeptoehcebnuraeeeldouerincsiedlsnntluepshvednTrgebhalt,issanrlm itlotrinhfcauo.dteaicrm csbm onsiantbteruortpbldebeitsaioeif)rnoueslddtSsrfm ribvlseuoiansordpew cdim tontum 9htahe0e,reiaxf1gonrf(u,rsrrdnm uonenshorxcfatclfopitdoeairurotaiedfsuew a1nshectogt,eco0oiaipssm ctnadehttboeneuc(addishbrpgc,)oem dhorlptlnedniitsugouohdfsueayechfecEagauntfrcm str,eetroo.suSaieufm t(aiautc,nw rievtuaoentiiehr.hom eiibeqhotem rnEltualodhtat.nnsoeibagof7im e h t s 1 r n a t e e t r t s s i l l n t o n i b 2 a u o a p h s t i d c a y j s h f d p u u p l f e w s d t f a x e u l s r d i teidenoaensm ct e o 2 c r ( s n s f i s t o a e h t d r p e a S s e a a f i p i s e u d m c b i o l t i e rxt.euehneiaofgtoryudortrfrvenaiaseprnesfttrrom i o o m e e y t l n e e n o c a l u u e s d r t o m n e n i , t f t h e a p i t c s o p u i f t o t r , s e i g l i n i c t h e s a u f h t o h l o p s a i a t ) r e . o r e a r g u g a h c u f t e s i s a o s c a oeodolt“naslotStcdhorytdlanoeinaoebadlolprifzdn)rfntsdinissdr)tc.soted”“ty.breS.rm r s n e s n n e y s o a t i u e m s n e c u r e e o r e s n r n h i u b e n a s d o s n p d h s r s a o . r m b a y h o ( s ) c t o t i a t i t a f i o i h t s h i o d h a . w e o x r t p i r v d b p o K b t e t o s o n d g w o r r t m n c n 2 b n 8 l a s a s s a T i n t l trrtehbfpueindnstrued9etm lyaetprfebsetuplt),rtec”otghew hitntm old(ici9dntnesthelnhstlnm eepgptbnuoautpsipm nchdtdtihdbtsesetsche,,tdam os8oifultm w m chalaeitjhcsseadternfieM epomscxc, M l8xaeius)epstsgt,nrsnlpncuibslrbndsfexnasratplcetovdoyryaorsorftr,soqiea.randsabsucnnalretbtnstrgfiesoucotobxsm dr(alyiceoim etbfhanesantdrtacdyiansdrfperseisooteer,adpreneloriufscynoniagpodstiatsuaospribecntydobnfnr)eoeloiSc.rroasenhudhdxnspureritdpheente7rat,aiesso2dbseatcrn1usnstp,dnshaodui)thua.onuSidlSennplsfdeasoaoum ounSptdm e“dpnhm oadsm hpantoeiaeocupasatiw atdfhietortdfnPeaaferdrm hsrhetrlperntueypphlarw ruaenfnrcernnm l,hddfotlcrpeiroacsersM bthlxvnpelpucb,asfqabreatieauptnxstoe(nrynoeaslm st(c2lieobpirsS((esaloueyAhhuopitertcrooiSseptsisli sossgootaltroiaeieoctthlrroheetdsoctheixudloehtitidocvpegom lrtrdofiauboairsefynrem jthnorlehritegctiiehom neiisocitsegasidhetbotehtsthsnarltnhm roehrgeuattehfbdairm ressrdt0ouhnioonssareinfiseon8m eetopafntobm dm oidadons(rencnenvganm rerldeacxrucrlnreadfdsetinrgnauideblfsei(ne.erdNeesnxysfoavboiotofbildsxfprutpeiuongrneteddiherhohcexsouesftadeosesujiltlodbdtnetsuxelftoiidsoipodhnacesopttsercuittlovihofrcnolieedsm freetjanonelipaanscrm nafa,tctihtahyhw p p y a ” c 9 d t “ e f c i M o g e o s w b t e t p u f i r r s i t s l o r e o i ) s o e r e e m l n f t j d s i n o t S b r ) s a s a n a f s t t a t r o t e S s a s o i o c r o lisitfhnsanibrotecergadncoim r u a a e t c a t o l p g e y e a o o o l i b c h a p t p a p i u u i r a f d p e y e e e f s s r j e e i d ( n i o h a o n t r e m l e y h t a u t e d o c e a u i e r b d n r a i a h g n e t s r h . c w n h s h g o a i o c o l y m s e l 9 t t o i n o g p a ( i y e f u x j n e e d e a u f u c a s d i t E i i u u e q o p o l a a e o d . , a s g t t r a d i r a o i f i d r r h b h c m e a o i i h t i u R r m i g i s b e d b r i s h n e u o t r r u h e i d e e t t r o b f e n s r o l r i d s s o d p . a 0 g y e h s e r b u o , t r i a m b t i r i a h n n o d r fnosdapunom h ltEltynrouagidltblhylm sdhitaolesi edoO becrnesntrm oastrbm ebleabnoum l haeersm suc1ieoentftsenrhtea)0aefou,tsbat1ostf(oatcoeaahrpsneapnfm are Sw nyad,giyiabtdrunptspw naotihscm )peannerthebstr(eaxodtsrhduaoen1tfesrxeldciiasonusrm edosanocnlsltm efteuniEoeim acrl eau)eoafe))tbm buosbdbvnrac)w oaocnseor ensdevrodpnsdegtem elritisnceream eernexhncw ct catidtum M iaddrrnjnedtsetssnrtsroiepotsirlderielrlouerbnuendraeinnernocfm eadsndnonrsietaposdrstaiotgatuhsrdrm ntlr.iAodeosba.ntsnhueeotdstodshsimttenbnoasefcrtdjbniohnsocrrstynrdtea(m dd,ofKnoetne)djrdodecd,tfxaPs(um otud(esabnyfean,r”ehtulhm hfRulinnase,sdlrbglretoiton.esleuearsupjtEnacesrbeletbacnsotllSslroaperbieeydjeneiqoedylpcdofcsne)frrotaryieeogsaffleindtlhndosisobes.hpecrofen3.ecilreotesrtsm prcicxaoaairtraseaopvienraunysibfEennm nisueldcdatsaldasiouaojenceinesrtdfnctrlspiueoodfoolan,i8ntm ntotaihtrseautainrpm aexoobohcepfpirrssoom yisdupeeat(eetdicsiretoiom nlm ijsvdnvpblgm arioaubfliaopntsaeninsm buew crahfurplcolientrclsarhssohl(ospttsieparernl,0arm iorsehsaiengoortnhegi,tohrdnsm oitsm phulbohigtoerm m eutscrhrur,udtoetaerdiilbofcdeohtipesdieolhdnip,ognifcerw iordul,ninbdrt)otdnunhscdtedraduEdrafinaorsoadenoeeftahteritatoem c.prSd)otiasahlpiptuic)oecoptdei,ro.et,cepsteesdtm w stfsxeshitscfy)ndpdaNusm irot1nc.w ipdcopesdnoantoennosenttpocrfiyhtchnoih(ooEm acdsEtdptavslrinnttlm eeidcidtcnaluelaildm rntesudm chctvoneunrcueroasm tirocundeptu,gnaoersP)auubsrd(ldow oasturreheiaenfPm onttdrhid9idnadtoetvl0m ttcouenf,tnasdtieom sleaioleseltb,w ncoiosraitrxsauedoafnatenepsl(hdssm ulnefbinnsiedtttanoaheurfgeirm .siseoNyiogdlnnhyehddfdeefedoreEepicrnnotroooeruaiofacm aofnape,adnw lbetcueutSostafphrdunscppatnor).agtnhyahddm tobrm ew ti(se“psaeoStniT“.li hlm a b a e r g e e a s c s m f t d . r e a u g o u n t h e f p u r , n c g 7 T g t t c p e i l e s t b o g l e t o o f , e y c a f j n i . a i e e m d s f a o u u e s t s l m , t o t i ( s d f i e c f h c c d n o s s y n x s s o t n s ) a o s d e o , b l a l l f u f a s , a e u u d e e n p t r c e t t b h s r h l v t i b o i c e f e e o c g s y s b e l a e “ s o a e o d h e a t t c i t t e s o t s t u i h c i o r h “ t a a t l n i n n n n b i i s t n e c d r e d t x t e i n t p f g u m n s o e c s t e i t s o s t d m n e s u r t t , l l n c s s r s i s t i e i t c c m o n v t i t t w s r . s e d n i t h r u r u d s r a v m a i s c u r u , r ) e t r o l S t r a m l i f a m t o d f r u i w b e t , l u h o a a r r t r l e n d c s r t o i u a e p c m n , S n l s e s n i i r s e b l i m n o f i n o e e i h m c s s r u i i b d e s s e s j c r u t d h n s r c o v n t m h t m d m o i o e n S e t t s o r l f t S r d n c m f l i e c u p i m a c d e c m a a x r s f e i o t i ’ u n o . r o i S r e r c u 2 r n i r n b s t r t h o n n e n p t K p ,itholf,aC e e r anucrSnm sm bmoa,tgdstehehdfeorecbrfoetl,urhstldesfbaieianeitShonsw m t r l tt lobvatm t esonenm pi idtnotiepitnoliuintxhseareO ctcsl ehsom oneoa nuanorogfteintssoedurshscptm itfophuohb)ahre,cefi tpsfiaonexisusgosdtrilrnecpahrsteisnfoooutinrasuoescbe.oioinyoNcujnrosrroiotnlstfenm eudndttsrnubtesaehtoynuslcim dei gfesaerbyarreartnfrsm 1s eigaerfl pafotsm nfht s eum em .ndoaom ueotptiisnuootteisddpo,ansinaact,asndhim ncrffiisovsoerftexism tidatnultsisbceudttiantsPloum nei pPsiuetbtuoaensbdcllnil,jgroxslodsitdatlpnm odlgoeienorylnltrousetxegw esrneaeettm otirieepsvuothoroepoitorem txnahirnnoesptoaeschjunnsStsaotdhedrhaaoaiaeefnstuslm .te,r(hgdcbtsieatlniertaseruiior(ccfilaotfboripthldtniltrzyyhheeltniiaurlncainldotoebggtuaetdeodeytoebeplnecroad(gtrl erutnoeeshrtasrw ophccrp8upeaoraeft9lnrsinognastaoeuhctootndfhsatndcrireafhpodinoeutauw sm .doctAnureifocrim nneohlldcsffarpaetetipifnhscrtsm foftieyEso.iflfsoueieScnrievonm ieih.uesb,rinrrteihoeiobstacct“eitdcnSohteam erxtim ,fhtfrim tomntum dhesudbtpituhxnotuabsatclarieronrtilo.ot)SanurrtcebicrRd.snaaooqdplhuoaievticlctitaeufheoinanw peionlaioem ndseleieiotnscrtssranrsiorenjufiioihaassaiugstttliinslteiaunhtrbinuritoeharysilluelfo.atfu,dounM ecadsogeathodt(enain)ipollbaofiiystecoPnm jree.sllfdeossm ttsreoerm ,rdeliouueebopnandetddeanllihram apfeornstitrhsnaidffoaenecaosafanom ndem eanurosunilacnhulprionsdlreeletelrvjagpedltrepo(cneiaftSolhuiine.m srem ttisjpebe,dnsditcsbp,tasoeaiehdpedatfrracstanililecresitrahw sretdhsunlapee)soeerdftgeloxSurdijeniulm reettr,rtfdhhittrpnoraosaii7tenspm stieralfugm biro,nreflonidctsrousm iiaou,abnsicodl,u,sdionabasurdtebeboetaieusaochsim abbtrnctrederncdltaeeitiurhcssfsoabum htq,hgeldm rpstenefhoindeenuardonlotssteeipaobcstaiaxusdeagl,naonrtpiotdrcldehm nplrtisencirosettebym edorentqathw o2ctm gbnpcioom tanew trpibshrlxnonrecdm l b s c u h r i o o i e s f dsbirntaeipetsnfiiooharntahinO e i pgiesirsutndaeaw i s o n i d o e l b e c h e d f i e g t i n u r b n a d e i e m d t t t m h d e m r n r d r s m t a r d a s s o i c f u n t c f s a y d n a i h ) s h i t a o i a r a n i d n r a r n r t e slelurvepfiucannahcroaniaestnfeusunfgblNsccibbrcotfaoiulysidhpostuoteuiroclinilfgdrpeadbiufnirfeoheecitogranenirahrgfetatroalt(eeleuletidvm i t t i r t n u d s i e c l o t l o u n r d o r n . d t o h e a h e d n i f d t f i f a r a r . t g u r l u s s s u o h n y d p t e s i o e s e i d t w f b h o s e s A j r p l e c o i d n s p i s p a c e o a s x x i e c t s f s s e d i m l e r n p b p m m u t e f m p t t r s b t c n i d e a l t r e h e a e u e e b h b t t i a r , e s e c c n s n t p c s u b i c s a o h i n o r r a i n i c i l u t reptnjatbgaretuhneraestlrscsdnu,i(.rtl s e a n lw i d t o t e h j l c , i o a t q e a h e a r u l o e r o i p u n c s o e o c o e t i r e E h u v m n c p i o l a t a e p n 0 r i f siutrlnosaenp,dvuhi)vrsnrutobt,“ioniddaaioShtppofihtn(lr)cenom hotnrntantlirdhisfs,eooraryb.eritefhbieaifrrcethe,eoureonw ynfteetfarchvnndajtcerthetpeabesanrem slathledttnop,rnliw ow usEfisaom nctneidronelcogaotnlnilcoceodduneiajfam bstem je(tsodhodiln7gotseh2cf7iilcn,onienurom auoealubbr(tfniabsieuttcrotisflctre)tdtgydm itafrojidiregseipauceaifaodm dceievngpnaiucatioeunotsiustbcntotp,hexntevfeunoantntetyosutosn.lhlnttnrnlbtnconm i“stsoeSaeuornlw nsr1sdcsruitnvipcltcosuanrm opsaautgidostprubghtt,hibrletniacotgnyofim teeem osieersn.nbxstbotcrathtlpceurnirsl,oynbiriaesoerqredattoshlsildcicfedoiatqhetnoitnesaesfom huadb.tpgeace3iipthcm rnihardnlpobavndgaeeseaxl.vinvninanterjctterhus.eaosiaagndnyfdupdntthuielo.lublepeM c e d p R o rttor,hrinrisloa.irroneepinltsurohienrcxeornpeptae,rhhitrersleaeorltehifbupiatguhagcdlaefietsdgrruiptnolioshibfoeixfnsarduiepcgpm n e s s f d t c c f h t y t r m e a o o o h f s o s s t e i t e r 8 e a d e d c ( s b r y t w v o f o u b e e d rtfhicebcacedgnrftochlielohtbalehioogacsdhtplnsoelicracnhhehyoceotgotthrasrest’orthsbsigreixor)es,vpsnaNoaifoertoushtnsurebnfingdaxsteeeogduirjrsiodybtnroile,npnsiusosxsrtsftrschprnerednpiebm a a t n o o o i j t t e p ( r i n d i b r o e u . c d w n h t a b a o m e n i e o o l p o u s s n e i e y w a y s y s g e s n o a r n b n e f a f t d b v o t e t , i t r n sntc.rtilbtniritoaenliltr, d r v a e i i h f m a s s 7 e r o s ositrifm estirsxdsm etm ltreanihre2gtntlhhcbaptruigtnhntoocscud.iom ocjditennebslligocodidshbcjefonoeiuecaonenutaniybnam esofdei,oupepfseom neissogioshltipiym w iatofcpem sstm etrTtebdh.taeilnun3,Sm sm bhoesig.osrsernsnonh.rourheasoeetorslubhw o0ntsncneeurdreeutnoirm ldrsopoerisoshpsfdrpefoucm ralodoceistnahyiuenobefbirtpniescjdatoessapsrlttni(nnoodueiitgsnxpdecrrue)etrisrogim tdlurhe.m lsepennrearw ldrnoidt,coliheosaseeugneretixm estdpm alofalvluioS,ocnhdlcefrteclb.isbce)urfxdtpaitm lmotndlcnlpatdhbretierbpterfenibigfpndtprtcconetm iubgehednShlataleeloedrecffbtslf,,nhioterh)ohriftdiestsum e,useoftoeassransefeifoeorctbuiom bafnooetsneunnlEfehiore(rstuecausroxirt,satihnahgxiaroenaneillapiustnahceofparlx,rclelesplueneedprnstausm sreiunvaom dieyidtptlblhtesyalorebdnrrieleloegem tM s(dntcauetrutbei)assohnyietnpam epuniptneoscbircm cyttnntntdtoehpdseom poicdevttiroxas(tnnu.bhpm osvesaecrcpym tstondNsuniqfoptrfncottfandrtrum m eutdm lw rtdadessetrm earlicoepr efovuslicfcdfrtlm ndrspeudisreitstrrothaiw pbptriybtfrnasatobshnlebviltllatteesruibasein”r,tnbdqs)rtogptm lneeal.srautn,ctpbdipsbuleftloum iucofptyesrtcue,xrhhixaemrrettixgsnaellafssietorttsupunfpob(deom sNheiafoeatrinenoeftrrsduhiaedbenraykeordoncteehrdtdtm usherfdbjeeslofilnuaeeruieoyfesfnsntalresctiiepeebNaheratdeelO ncnnedr8sshgefe29ehsnyrxs8gtroae9icpe7)m enlbelulodnew u s r f w u i . d r r h t n t x o n a u o s , e l S u a l f o o h a v t S r n o l S d t o b i a r e w s e y m i n t h e r i i b t r o s v n n s a a , r c d r h i e d t p y e r o r a t o s n e d n i t a v y i a a h e , f r e l i t 7 o h n s u t t t N a a n e e s s t u i d s i i l o i e d m i b m M e p i n y v c d s a t r d t a s r t p p e h t . e a n r t i v f s u m a o u p , r n h r l 8 d t q r u i c h n s u u s j l x e y u l u t , r y h , T c r i a d n b l o o n b ) s c n o s a l s t e m i h o e i a d t e p i i e c o f h s h h e l “ . e t o r o o o r t t b t o , g d i e s l d m t r d a r p n u t p d a t e s r i n y e r y c a t s h e s e y h p g i n e t n n m h , e i j o l t b s t a s , m u e f a s b n g 1 f a i e i r t e a c u c t e f ) l l l e t s m M e i e e o poluielajuseappbersrhaeocnunelsesatlubisycuidoub,,uaeptufsurhonusfbrpbbqjitoplrhtlreusrew er s pennsrgi(csebdyfscttietodndn)spm isonefdsenst.dstxosdnm pgpu)plplneuPdxeaelahqolroirshnftednirentteoterarqarerateguapnilodaifedncahenpuniu7aedmtfom attonieEfom pu n t e e rethoaraybrea. cejgNloohe,sorosyreefandcnuroevxtetiobufiesutm fepieiseusulnetfosipdflhieipseuiatiuahuscontlnridherm saim suaieouotem a(aulsteuiafctportdefaugrnstenhrfanydfcdteoaeojioog.eehpiResrhcetehsohnnpaips,alroigsphrfitnecpapinshbtnheubaidStacpde,ighedraustdnpaotaoeuceaoitgttrft eclxche.haum .prulxSbhfsopealeem sttselrxfaisorspm cat obropb0rfooup9ifeibr02eeiodpathoxs,deristam enoieuoe,xrtesonnaphotolnhaeixm enebarrauotxibgdrsryieasdm enletiei.ftc.esrepecptoudn.ttoetraoreideopif,caneyw rlxleaRratrco.adtccoasiraucane.lm lieusateasctabeifonPtanirraaeotd, opbonw uoit2ghocbsiroas,pm m tesihopn(tas,phetoeu(rabooenm um uieoacuraatootielfloipcafedcaotgnsohatisaesm d , i e d i i f e s t c i t h e n c o b i s o f w t t s i t l 9 n p o o O s r t i t e u l n w h u i i l e m r . b , r n p r f o f e e b a d s n d m s i p r s c i r b l n x m s b o e c t i l e e E rstdherm m s c t u r l n edtdeicpeoedNbpshn, lreioeceiirtponstcrulphdhausnidntrhshontebyoruedsifeodhluoitngoeaelronileeciratcaunaoNeritdennnutroniegsdpfseynfohsrooitcunsafttocgodhptnybeoseorstpsapooitonseeeluinififpnorenaxnaeyavosetedisofsiossocuhm s s a i o s n n a l a t a u p a a u l s u n y i n n q m t r t e,psraerctrm b y u l t e d p l arppv,luai,rsw e u a noem elprniturdseodphpigsjntrs1eierlr,m cansrtbghm aticosarpenteuptohcindthrinionposetbilm yruanet,it bgdstsffrstildo,nhacdtrbonntl,lusatrnsitenihaneptbnehantensdrdteexacht(rw baisnucetulrrsfirstcboahcdr,tnidnnhagtobnossdhytfitf,jelohpcitrsnhrnebueoxlyatigeripuratim oohgareortoniebiseorcuhn)lsfhihctatpim 0soyinarusal1m dtdednpnbpt.eirandtsl(tncsnoduauoesnrsordiiobdgotdeuseturontoernh)(vrtdhfehnsriedstsnoeaSfuhpcuutdieem tetcbpm ncm alci9tw a8igom erstdvnehrnxtpanrtdeM dsieipseotolgulhuteepy(urehuafbec,hrdbnsloey)luelpeibednam thnrraoeceneam tngprfrsqenrsbaeishenutnhtp.ieea)ednrtiedcTttcbyhciedeobm exshsaerubrsupeiadw ueorlcireoddsxElarhnyptraeotneohaedldsrnycxussdixaclrcenaiianncethdsesvtilsetoitnaltoynpbefirofotym tso2nutalbferioe8sasfslraiidifspcsnesbm ndosEabnpfcuuostm tiiuo3m lthudahhfrm niytdusrtohadetrbsepeadtiueaem rerautrltodeuaosshitdnagrniycitdirbslicteoc,dw neiueiyrtw bm opshleaiuSicolhucoeretaqdtre,oSeeM ctseda.pliaxb3rurlSoeiuqnaplrodfb3uteSetew ucsnooanteligdentontm usiypodr,nm edahsfa18dsasenao,e9hiractit(estolp0nedobhhflornseounuedoety),ensrfaiotgdodetsspinornm peoeihgcndlsbtnpitabricbacsterism iaoaneoinyeeoldieessO o S h a issleadsupsltrdhidgifonoldrldycntesm ; a d u t a p r l trmeiahoileiibttnaoGercoldoouetducm t e v e s d y g t i l c n t o s d d a e m e p i o s a s o . r n c o a p o n e e t a n r s r t l o e i m i m f o r j o i r s , p e d s r b a n v i l o i c a o t t b a p ) s i n f , o r h c m c t s n o b h o x v i l o p s e i m i h e u s p o d o i e p n c d h s n u T n n e s ( r e p a e j g , u a o n n h o,raltlill o p r t a l l d s e s h t s n g e a s h b s e o s n ) . e u i e r o o u f a c r r n n t o e o f o r r a t o b l c q n s s t d l u s l n . s o a n l p e t d m r t i f e t a a s i h a s t a a a v s i e l j i a p b l t , l i n i a e n x e l s t n e s i m c p d c r e s r o S y e i t f t f t p t S x r n u h i e g o i q s n m o d r l n p w d o t r u e n m . o n e p n n a u h 0 o s o e c s r e i t b c o , u d t e o s n t o a i e r n s u a E o s s d a m f o e o b i e i g b n o n o u u n j t r t i t d t c e r c r b h s b a p e i e u t l t o e b i d u a u c i p o e r t b g s r c l a b a p t r a e o e i s s s l c n o o o s m c o E n , e r . o s l n m t r l s h o i e a orrSastt(srhdrm atcs(ebplohm auem rtrisnea(m stposehphaliicosugirildsieysloem ,eteoueuanfofar,rEtoreefrtalderdltpyevnlefgrprfrdlareexem d1lncdfpcsbm conm aehruonrtlbihacraluetlotyndaairaftluioilcm ehrw tsilgennislctoisdtm rtditosuahaohnbefulteadyresaxjcredoeseagdam anispm inlloefueotudn(piled.aloomrpycsleinec,nhuetochrdlpebhaeefab.nos.neorew oeucterngcaehafhnr, oneitlnfsrihdroairstm ixtpaneeuaesoptm gpsphrelpieiantpasedhflr,eesiur“esaeeSm dohslcreuri,sueoeslhiuorlacgssam retoeilclcaoinepam labiesryusttesbrts,otiufstneluieasefrlesrredvxfhlsoeehirspinessoaeilutfe.,nlnbteySim cadfitstrohfydnm llbiaarcsoeasuco(crttoberdhtpliantleiom rtsehireofichrroaloirltnsaoaendm .usrut,iem sghtm w slbscivsutbhanitlrofbhopim cnibdcdeom .uorouiSdesrpbebronlojfnorxeltivfnsehm foei. yitoroNaaippnn).inhoturpodum uenoiedraeelrsrtghbaieepliaeudioncthcldrvw ceysoablthnayltm esrbdbgcaepitnsuatcolm f,lseinam ahetlflstroaoTueeioaum ent)ridueotxnaPepw stcrnrsrfddreioilanoittocerfhlnsloeciupbnssledfi9untdrcfjettra0bagnelhpaetcutesiegisvreoedacsnahatw rfaeioctiseonhynnlistratsofsihoilsvpdxlesiadeicntrbliloficeaantltcelncthdiuordeelbhoeialetntdm hioNelu,hirvefcatndeettxnulrunprterehepoflttieifnrie,cgaspoetuceuntouSb(ssrauddoiudnetrcotbbyha)rytespnjyepiuenoiaxotirtasourisouicntnotytinhnisbs.tonoeotocNaiaunsbosratceldaiotem tbrtseeodm 1aatopm bessipivblrotdinrrsoudloehrfeancm sar)tgedrorm ef i auhncftajsboeai(w n r e p r l m s o s l r d s i l o u t e e o l ( c u a e s s o d . l i i o i t a e h t p c o e e a o l n r a i b a n i a n r y o r a e h e u i a g o s t r i t h d n a c j , r i o b c t c o t r a t f u s ) a i s o w t u e i n a l s y l e r e e s o c i ( e u m o r ( n t t o a a i r r e i S r u i b d l ( f t o t o d d i i n s a a h r i o e o n a s i i f r u f c a o . r n s e r e h b t e p , r e p h b p d d s houdtropehb’ lNoytnebtroehtberh((naenfsum l i t i o w t i t s o n n o t n i s i d l s c t i l u o o r e e s m n n r a t e s v l a n r p s d o l h s . i i e i r e e s uooedenrtep,clndedftoohenaanealpeistebhrivothnyrhbhtbtenetehleefisbdte,sm c o E a n s h y h h t i t s m h n t d t d o s x s t s p m n e d t t r t v b t s , a b i l a s o a n r i o e e c a n c o s p n e q n l ) o r m c s s r i a s r d n s s c a i p m d y e s n u o b m i s r s o b e . a u n . o i u s n d e t r f s e t n h e e n N l e e i r l r e a 1 i c a m p y o r i r n l e t u i o t p f a p r r ustoiPrhpKteirnhtutidum,tcgthjloteis,uteresm lnh,lriusrtbfeaaraueholpeorrhoueapedSbrnahbpdtrlrlt nueaeco)O w obieitocbbyfSnglem ornnrstnredunrntm dotnrsreefatm hcisuam eapilsrlfrrtaeneonjenaebtchdlSittm tntveSiaontlpin)nuthbereortepeym lpitcum ilsnhlisem sotlonalsihaibnom iyboa,tm e). ailiNdodnoisdeiseeadocapsdhnogpfreaufdocncocpisrterxfftuer,em npfum eailopgdcubltratoshnsehtofhaesltim iecnteom rliicecnyfoedioetgm lcrfsiird,onnjtsedeslriew )lpnbdrpteNrdhsidiifcl oaittsehyrtotem dw tsdssm sednru7euliaroatfhrerxeondexxqitepo,etahtisisnoatussrgbpltobeaibm teadioueceicofsx.oiseoarseppsneam igroenueineuntnolepsrinnea7rffot2etiiErsunhlnaichw w ac.sacsdnbladt,niootshrme)n,insantm setosrt)srdfaioRteahaelletinilerlviculheivnfreotelam ybriecpnTses3lsacleat.pyoilti3neculbsuaniathge)yeddphdctalhdoaegiiuoefbdtrqciedgepgrg.heum nnofvadldicnceadtbm senohbpSsenem m aNclneesidtestaredoinodncltneuortoO n fecfvthm d d l c i e e s t e o a n r e o y o ) m f d s e d u c t r a u , m l n i p o n n i e , t c m i t o y l a u i n n p n a s d n i l e u d h a h b a s i h s n c u a g b e e h r o r u y o o r o i o s c t o p t t s d i i n y s p r k b t c l b , u c o s i r n p n n o c l e n y 3 ) e e i r i o e u t o f v b m t e o o c e a t i u s o o r l p l m i a e g s i h o r i i o i f . w u f f n n b u d n s y n o d o u a r t p e t o o i e s , e c e i t d e s p c s a e o m e e b a d o i n s s a u e r , u o o t e c s x a t c m dcijitrnontaoresSansadnnoidsobiannasitopirlognsaem Sri.suyfceocm as,bsetsntqcaisut.nsbnftrtciheoap.(sym oatdses2xracthsoet8lteetsxrdbestuaspotpi,luhtpnohfurallandstitlnho,telhpuosliniecustdpluuacs(lotbanehttrduoncmraoetrenieldecintsctaeerfodem ndsts,jtlniethbosliauouenitrcedesbynhnntnusdoensgrsilopom enliltsaacnRaanfeohri(oolipetinaetnhllusvstvnnloedsuheabsnol,vystlorihessrnm dfalnlaircbndtporfleisnctoilsvsooNefsrdpnehurohiisxrtafpilgteeenristerohaisyobefcrecderilcipifdtsat)’aiesarooierrlsoinidositotoiryndm atxnecurhossislolitibm ttsuieoietlfedirnuodesa,dalaesdfoinettrtnhesr,fitfprsslrrodufaencotNeoybhttsteaorehlt.i,crtdNasasnO gsnofnhrt,essiurxniegptrcivm tvgm obcfaa.rdeinhlnebeatneeolddham tensKo,tp8cfnnetnisdneogscw acsrennsoctdld,adtoonatsioobstroencdni,ueylrm (ipoedacbendrnreprnevsgferrfy,saonrdinsiil srnom Soituw i.eiendaolsoanffyom oaO itnlghetueusanuosidam tnfdxo.m jsbM basoTratraeuehyd(tnsahlrgerls.ebe,aroec).aibshtastetoM eovoitoiseiseni.oelnrnbxsreegldergttlercietu.rli(eeobtscehi.rsgdorectpNdeirhfutapoeO oesletvdci.ocrldpSfeisanrotiettoisdensrfnpfnteddotfihaatw n,c.npd.aedb3tltpiruom triacoeitusbnprothsrnselnrm lnaershgtieoadem dptihruesaeerm chhtleciped,oaTnyeisdtehcnu,efrhhnnadeedentrelw hynhoestucerm deeh.hnrarnfaebdm estnnsttronxhaluijcm enbubvduaerfdssacrNnertfurniddtpw teanp(fer,hcoslucoicsasedttcote)lihhuppoa.rsilanvs,eiaihlcanesoaortllirheistdilfm lvesiodttsidnosinuoiapnsenesusgcderronucispebjsreldelfeitisutocasrib,debm haastahiacnottutlhessnexotaspinefsnsinlotiraotm s i e a s t c e u u o m b s b o n e g f r d l o i t o l a r n e t e o r r m i t t s s p a s t . t c f g h u s s c p r a l e h , a u t y f o e r a s p r e o i i e a n t r f r b e e t i g d t o h e r i l o f n , s t o v e j d e t c t e i c o t r s e c e s o e e . e r i t s e t e e i e s n i r y n o e a n l c v d g x i a o i o t d d n e a t a l m e i m l n m , i e a g l b . a p o a t o e 9 m d d v t e u p n f i o s n e h A r l i o c o a s a h c a d s i b i p s n t p f u r n N a e i i t t i a u e r o e p d e c u b s s n o e c b t h p a u u a b o o t o r s s e r . o r r N r n s i m w d ( i o t a i p l h i e i l i i i t n a e c h i m r i e u d s s m n o c u t e s n t a c c e c i d m r t r n p a n a r b f . p e t n r e e o t o i n o a b j e l . e e t i c o n c s i r o d h d oem .atcspobtdpem ym fbuieunetrsijbcdalntooaorbw tpniertsoeistm tano.euoectsaerscm lcrectrntdshm ntgtrvtneheSsibssnnoresim raleoen.habel).edosaf,relTcsli,ti eubhhtsrdveitpfshherotlithuptrcstesliprcsnvo(m saen(lrtetdeahresm ocipidasuyarim m eram drnsdaanntuleq,iam shrsep0nss,anhduer,catoovhxnsetsiintoosttddm lnaxvirleaexsgpeam vhiestfnase)isaalsloEeorohiotneplm opurinestnncttichsinebbhor,elndoeeifttm tdeeaihfahrnie)etsidcit,nflihooteeobdst(otyeditilosrm tunl,isiy)loehtiroechPdnrasxdrglreisocpugtvo,ai.ifahtuvepm cictm tosoarp7em PlodrndthidutfoenSoarlhlyeliuctvaonlihuelaidepaoiraediofnrodltedbenylderlfsiTesStlntoi,hyioshaeriunlft,tinhrbdleoiesietssn.icotsrenparentrtetapieiatousnnssihfttdnSdio.rstbpceiyhrefrupgauedrieeigcsm erftsioenfudohcffpsrrruloahuefeetxersenfespppesooxrlo)oicrbirr,ntyapeuetrom sw fsacbosiuslantaihn.tipieoathlEacndiuscrtisthde.sm geoluceiaharseetcptthtvnberO busthosnu)aaboduam lsietoaxersitantoam ifdtitoalitntaleld,sruoiefnetrnhsedeuascribrsnoetlsenhyvelrpdtsoailtiehtgaih,niohcdm rim u,hcssnefoedripota,niurbincciooetdnm isac)dverw eosruan,dairiorqnm soiooxrroccpoganetautihlxatstrboihcsotranorietoht.yhsoxgtpntptcebihpbsihinusfttncoyeoeesotfnrhetohiogntsupanhonerterstroilrtgiefirrintendhrhhtdcorp,eartriyesom ltm eistepjliapcnetxonreeoprotnaauexejonedrnurw olrniorreftciresipsjin,.etoefoptsnaecnpecrottrm rdRtfnm atorurnf,gm hyrttsehfepcoafslrl;soirdscisbconiltnisthcnefrom pcaseogs9euoerow suepuruSenetufcdnophed.see0Alolts(iresedrbd1sciffrohaieaidtnhobupnastsuotrnneyoicm adephu(nntacolabltairtddueptanct)toirrstfum siiltesm o h n s s b h d t r e s p r , e d c i t v o h a c b i y m t e t n r p t i w r i o d g e t l t u i i e p s m a e o p t ceoarblsreylhnact,tnoaeti s j i c o c d , i h p t e s a o x s e t r b d r t a m e e o n e e e t u f u s r d u t e . a m i o b c u i s r b o g i n l a f l o s l e e l b n d r n e a m u v o u c t c a b e t d o s t e o i n n n c r i h d o n o s b e b h s i n p r l o . o s o R n r b a n s g e o b u c u a n o r . c d o m u i r s l p r . ( a u l t t s r t o l i m l t e e i s i p o o n r e d e e c s t . h i r s r u e e s e s i c s e e n b n n e b n c c f r r n l n t e o f l t c j r t e c h u o u , e h o i d n s s c f t h d h m u p i t h i i c t r e f u u h l n e h t s i e t i o s e i t r n d g a c t d a i u l e n i a l g p o a bansrtm usfcrisdafhe. m nsnrNrstdbscisronNfdlhooetoennreoritresreuunefaNircshoitgeneinnrdeuttaoccdsupoplgecaentbsceiveoleidhbNooxrptlerm ajfReeacgrbul.riptiw mntnohGeonescr eibnrodaocxnsvnnieveaeginonpoieliaolnheneretseseonotm n2lnrsosoeaw uforpssrbnculiusetrrtcshojlaodnafiosceuotasohtrctbthfisdtneosrsslm tan,ohdequstoodtosb,.oiaooeurtfuesttlhioeyoucm u1rscstro,s,m .rnSeNohtsnbto;layaaerraetoysuco. nfgtsbhilhrbtan.ehotSeilseoelersih)cacctrtSpetopfttuoorrhgbaelidr.iatcrlfiSnapeerroteotecnsorotsyifrtltoieeashioostxrlljedrnbhem vdpahoxriiraerdnstgioetepfs,rtw nh,sacm plnidisnrepautotiNrbdhtnrpriothO uttisxfhnepdot.ltpoenieounieNonodotonnhpsnrotydeinteschhosittsai)oyosbiirpntdN)ntc.m cpgeoeeooltsisba.sefltrvin3casoploshfeilebeoulatsobiruouSntyesesibdsebibbdoherum txsaonueoeylspibenguarm xpbetofnispsolr.soedn,y)tsinbahteaiurenodoacrsnsftpofdlif.caudvtoesuNepcrqgsrec,ftiuraoritierverucbernsw slebnulerhpisbatniixaarm beeactetfw ontrios,oibsaulibufnoaoeorndtodeu7norm stseihlew snmroptdm nem pisdSefliunisew tsioer2m luaneotflysitirnpecaoecrstlhndavalrparssabeionalane,tlelsoqcvlheiuotcrbetous(lteaaoensusgolpepasxyu)onm trgshw sdinbltpfist,ahcidsontoeiteoinipgeacteiuseonnruonetlbsanrorcottoirsetdom ncodeddyftepaclreipdclili eam gedhtbrvoec(unslltarlbeorusvrnboetslaoaeiplsnoysiohttnascevautdiinscun,npottsesftonhitae.bctncoaseM neocsiooapnsaipnm siteffpbopNinyonohserlcioem e o d t d d n 8 r d ( h a t h p g e o s e e l p x i e O w u i a e p oeueuhbidendthonectsethhioyvthsaoetfhhptyot,hsontinodenuxfabnvnslrdocrehfaoxam c i e o d r u n h s u n e l o y a e p u u u x h i e e c g e o O n u o e a t f , r a e s n m i o h e w s b o e o t o t s o h l a e o b i f s t e a e e n p r r h t l i m m i l r a d i f l d s o v u n i t t i e d o c o i u e y s , d o . c n e g l o n s g g w n , r t e t t n a l h p s l s a d l l p e l m n i s l i t l h m e n n s a o l u h e c n c d s n u p t t s t m d s n e S a l r a c r c s b o b t r s u a r p r h r y o o e S o n h t n r u c l i h u e t r o . t g , a u m t e , l t b r t e c t s o l e i e m a e s i i o n e m i a t f t o b l c t ( o m c t c r t i u n b e d o t i n i i i i , r o o o o t S t r l d u l w t e r l d a y o m o a g n d o s p e y i o e u p e m y t n p e r s g f e e b p l g s i s m e n . u u i t l u n i t s e v o 9 o e c t n c u u e i l , o r i p e i f f e x n r nxdnorcpjleitsoyincsagepm ibn,tm tasoiohedppgtqhtracdyicssrhogs,oinesneoidoxpdnrchsotbolresdiafntoeuhtati,hanbi8cfm onqetdiesodpan(rctcaarolui,ocrauoeioldlsataurfuuarrhrns.ensesSim O f,iloabrastelaw auoeiernflseditheneleifpcopronfm yhtaiecom ,orrarecoielfnnptnlaoeisyonsncosoatepshocdesraybsnbixeniriloi,beodhpetoenelaessederitenbsutlbem uelaearsom frtpenttaouoym fetho)psce. pefiaddrlstvsenbdslpusafvstousrlrvi,leniodejretftrbunalt,yoaepdnrqeu.item s0urnticm fnpbm at.l(toynrtlutsheamlym w el,iondorxayacrdydbtpNna.ladfoxieseicstlreirsunr.eidxNosinsm m etufaohnhpnlnoboehnpeesbosneigaeleolrafelcoauriunoge.svxtan.rtnm nhobiddnsc.eoaibcM rlm idm hoetdcsnteeeotm a)rgodoinletaeoistm ielovhbpndnlm isrripism teoroulw em nuocyedsdlnsapbcm nflsrhsoehlstleigase.hbxseN(dnbpntfxufhodgm dbrudgaoesinrudutrbjeeofhsoyu,heNelrslornuedivncO odnbhnbruird(opauiscvtpabiageiuvnrsbabitraihescttdeoetbsosrhectseiniosiw intcncaoetihslagtfieiroceealitransneipnrroddisngsosisihbepm tyuafrm l u b s c l i t n d b t n e o d b i o m s t , m u r s y t i a T s trdeiatrsthdoibyhyoioet,lrt u m i e o u d o o i m e t a o f n t i d t l p N t a b b h h a b g g , b c c o t r u r x l s p c , y t l p n t e d d E r u i a o e t e h d i t o f l e t o a a asolsbvnnfilbaisecivtntldnervxeaoitnnoeshlrltvteeurhateodcaherslreuvtotxdexabpo,tendiblroilervsaurihgiberm , c e e n i b i m e t a e d e r t b a t b r t e t h t e a t s i p e o s s o a r S e c d s p e m g n h n l e t s d t r g f o x u . r e e h e y d r i n v d s e e r t u o a p d n p i p o c i o n p n v a c s n r h u j o n o l a r v n s e r o c s t d s c o r u o c b s r e e l l d i e a s l a p s o f e o a a e d l n ) s n p r t e s r u a a n c d t f c e n e u o e r n n m l c o i n a i 9 b e e e e h s l o n r s o w d f u x c r r , t o . e i d u h b s l l t c o b t e d r l t i r h o h h s s i d o r h t r s t d t p r b h a e f u t l r b a y o b r m a e d u c f o m e q d t i s n o u s u b d t i u e y a c r w e e e i t n t h e f a R e r r s g t e e t m s e l m d h u e a h u w s m p h i h , r s e h r e r h b e n h b o p t e n a i l i u e u i r l u e h a i p l u h u d i l n c r o e o s m a e y l p y f l s h R u i a o d o e t x v i c e n t o c i a f u c r u g a d ( s t l t i e b m l f r u e d e n t v p o o a i n t a a n i t s y t ( a r . y l u u n l e i e a d l r e n g m t f m i l c . s t i t n d v p t m f p s s i u s l o r c f a c b b o i p s o n n e b l u x t o f a s m n i a e o r e r . r d e d p e s i e y r d s x a e o n d i c 1 r l e p t i i a b u n c e f t e b c t p q g 7 c s u t e a d r s r m l o b u m n s r h ) b l t s r t t d e t u r u e o o b e a o e t i a i e p s b e d r , i h h a i a c o a r u l l n r i e r p r i c c a a h e r o r a t o l a e y o t o r o r h n irm ruem itasroeauuepohtetnlacedbtcnypceoaa)aicsltyntiecoslisedohyutjpcseenvautdotoipbacsolenislotm atm oanrontdblitdiseitpsneoeusaou,cpuiesso(ondnem f,erfoel ceofrbsaeuteqlsy)n,nhapsnefrrlebliorentsoel,3lneam esestriavgeiotasib.rcseaolseartnexyidnsonntbdspafrenvetphnirneotSansprjboetlipinpoeaaeehotdiuohsonnaylbidepntraenaredecrpcpm toretohrutlaieppdv0dlw eunw rm eofoogsfosPebhnnfotirahtgeghetnew yrbotsiti,l teltuttm crbsoplotnvvtoanyciscpgtueElrtqyee,nurRafsrseerttethasnrnupoiohlnoessop.areuaeitpoubrnls.soat(aoym oiiodosnaaloienm et,essneutrosim iivbtsseoafxpemnetnycyhnloeraseeuitlsoam ear,sinsw neepuesdrbetuonnoeteaocuhetgotenm esnstpse,lonieinoioaem nm oafcsepo,otlafrpepaieicbivm m rarnm tl hendrtsurpibnrpceder,ponleeycrottm i.sdesnntbecv,m lviussalcntsneium ou1nusddtdct.tlsehnoeriti)vc,fispw ordecrebnr7nestajsosheap2w rntefateiasrotm nsnrrept2nlooa,iatlsaucunhlm aitnsacainnpestm uibgfsyhhrsidvirechtetgcniihnm itordyatm sm anpshrucat)m bsynbcesyie,tulc)oSrnsam eiotihnsoouSrnisorbehnitcrtensfbahieuolcesceiotcgasuhpw etlrtyeaheeslm itaianttbsorsdcoentGdrnfloededevm inhsnoodtrcuo,hm bipnenieveatrtnroyioedlcttseehdrdnlhyNhnipriisoloeeisodutondm einvohuehlensfoitcenm olhiolshatlsteoifetbcoinw ersdphroeieooieneneucom cvsa,urw foreihtbm m h(rnohabsehtodtiheeloifiaouatoru)ocoreibdhntneanipNthsnervdstrnehl,geucariaca,ineinndajohsorxsbrueugenscseriohfestesaeriratceevnijhroyliadligiehsr.su,idsstlriheotirsuenocedaafm yrntddm atgtnnrrdtum d d l w m s a v d d e o t o p s i a e e t t t j n r e r n i i e f c s r s m n g s t i e r a b p n u d u f s u s f e a c l n s n h y e l u d v y v t v p T a i d p r t o c x n i e a l s y p t m l x b s e c f o e g c m u c d n c f a r a o i d o s r t f o , d i n r r o o c o l m n d h r s a s p t S e l t x i e t l m u t d r c o t e c t p s s d i b c n a l s b s h e e l s w n s t e r i t b m a 8 e r e t o o d s o b o o o t n N i i u s a h f t o e t t d r s u l u o a d m e . e c s c h c u h a s f o o u g d o y u e a t a m o a n v t r o l i m o c h i e e o u p g n m h o e d n e t d o t u u a t d n i l t e i n l s d s f e s p l r l o d r r d l u m s l t u c i t d s p e d t a e s i o o t d e a a s s e t i o h o e c s i o e i n e l n o r h e m t n i n d i i o r h h u d n s x a s s o l i e o e i i f t c i c , u b u e t t a a t b l r u i . P f r s l h t e e t n h d i e o a e g c a p b t n e i l s u u r l i s e l t t e a x s e f t u m i n gfonberladaelvotcaqbliadcufnlfyrM uclirm hbshim .csdpm sexufnsr,ahstisshicosnaec,bedbatftst(sitprapcm bcashram ebaprstooherojuucuetalecsrassflm rtooidnelroelfaotstaistshoaeihnosstenlnidslrouem tiooeodtorvaism cpetoebaoprdodpiRrdtcdnlebhom syuuaeodstm plsieectirusoneasntuyou(pesccitocrth,ioscbupcelansrhdrtm iiat enytareafoseenteeratsntceprthionvidrtocneaueoa,enoohdoteatfcm rdilm eret)buriroeCtrryxedibnlfm hpfldehaiavedtm fnoainfsoeeitoRsbdeatrem teom eaitfotrlnoarfbnxdtteraiem ishtnstrihadlniostosihfcrehntirsfitothsgreghianatjlm deteiebcatpndetsieydcotiseotarso,dhtesaea,cuueutoatllndydi,bw lcpfltrm uotroyltdtoottrtorfbsurgiricgseilionibehutirdsrcsdrooinspetasoierxhe(rnleeore,ftscehtm lohbxintcerineosltr,iniophottsatiw atahnftdohaoecinerdajisogiotltitovsnm 9bfaehidot0uiltaocauntetiihn,btrsfrtcilm lpeuhtaesdeeornneutarrtgupehntuueddcitnedrontoehsaepselhplelsqtuaustneycrpbsaiesbat.r,f glacoriohm ttshrtcfdsnirbdthn)sniuotdbuaatpahtSdsstodcnepl,precotsisrclom ie.dteytprecNiaditoipfuiim ,fnm tppirnchx,nbnKteiforbedo.sitxotogerulsai8,spthsaspnhltd9ibaseaeuataterew doacesonm Nnspnrrenueioaacisinrodsuraypstinaspovnbcuiushotedslourcianyaseloauenrtitaneyabopipgedsrthoinsserrecoenoeeearrixaeentdvictlahippxgendsnlovbrrepnetsw lpei,i.nefcboosirddslfneedshenxilgrofevelidpeltsutrebpifeaopehirtsfaredraooxltesicrldoxnslhepsntdbm lhNtirlsareintaooidtntccransahutlfhl,rob.doceNovbfprinsdorsinngeilaptsedshaonuO itlsrbhroutinetnoaealiohusom xnossdttioidoteportcoepecisdinsitnsndceiusn,aeourcslxpyhanntbnstihipuniuo.tstilcsaiibgcnvnheoeipatcm r i s b u e i i i i i t r e n e i x d l r t l s m s i a n t r u t t o r n o o t e n n t o i d , a i w t r o e e e t e o e m o l h s l m s u c c r c n h v e w o u d d w c o e c t u l w d s t f r n a a o b c p i n l a r s s o s i r ( s r o a n ( t d l o f d s d x a p s s l n i p a f m l e f r o b e o t f e o e s p n i i i i t e i d h s l i r i s o s c l p e b ( u i . c , e l o f e . b e a i i e , c o d o t s i s e r p o n a o y l r e c r h o i i o i c a i e b o t v e n a t s i t i i h h e i a j n r g ( r t a f c f f ) e i r n u d u e e i i e v h h l c u c s i x s E u o r n r s c m e r b i i e l i t e g s o s S . a u o t t t s v l e i n e n a l a i t w r s i e g a t m r n a n l s l n m s v d c r s n i a i u g a , u f n e e s o p i f a t s r t t d n b s p d s a r e e a c s o i t u o u l N r s o u a u o e p o n e s g f f o i o u c n i c h h i p n a l r n t i n a t e r u o e n n e c d o i b s o e c m r r h n t c c h l y a n e e aayc)trfehrtesdtien’aisrncidnhatodexdosngooritdteouobptiensoetnedm oitdn,om yeudrosntotythshpoelseapupbtcsuhbnltoiabepuji rtrl syem b s hbdteutiaoehn1doaarsahocrptegabeiasadt)cm oue0srehlsovcm l graetqophadbst)reslesoiuts)lneirm spetoncohti.orieobt oilpirovnetraousntm lnedlcauaseacalinssopcadepanriabcnudefsuectdbsbnghncorpoafdryStaerm ndiloeartdahslervnureopoicnrttallpitycottpiaiensoetoruyliuatihnntoeaccetw df,ioveeorhbheanlajetsfylhopaneasbd(tlsrw dnnbo,lsrbisncynntudhdtrtlatenm nasnnnfeeardeaircsC hrucntdetirhatnetcri.htoagtigeshm ittdoorcm rt t cr nim rooetno.m coi,lsidaNsraefvreoiulO eiceeynnosrear,ltsonrise(suardubiedslm rletm lisetsttxataiuso.repnotSidifm tsteitdeoihfnlriittllhauiloem aelsilfrelonscodtepetnfdbi.eortlsnoieeolacsueofnanclrpydctaststadow epcndsrrrorisedoxeoorunnpfntrssfuedshreEtsihdsoitrotfaleiueibeinnsdioanbcfm oeiom aprasem iacedcem oheteam teeaatisnotb)suntrahtpnhsetvoadtopherisutciiacsofocdefr.gbtruaeptein,eudam loqdltbdcldoduaasntpenureedd)loiisssunltocdrdenhSium nbdieottabsrsrsyerenipiaecspbinlsodhsbsneeaNyerefpnsedeoratrhpahrsd,eiosgaom boecPlisdnaenuntadesaolugdaeutitssttnicaireauanhohttnptieteosassgeoidbEatoghienrtagnem deolpdm atdnrgsiygiernslnne, osdengatnsetiouadfrelnergtsfnntheRoshrtnhtaithbrdrom uoeghrthhprm iitbeum ltielogNcebi)tseiutgm roaar,snsnttiseorsoueybehrilntil errxbitvuciapainnr.ptdtldAaitosgtteeusrim lssym clym yrhm dt(reoahtotrcssepnittfgerorigscfadrsdm sfduou7sroirim tunfhtsttoihaietconnflunm ihndm yndigesesespdtenbtstteiaeotditeotm sltdencreasprfpspiaogscrm afeotasrosbiani,onsseum erstuiaooebisisccrnm oebrm ,anepogertdbKdfeoeyoelm enaotetlepceaiidtyritconrbdhttei,tedvctarntrm gegraetosovrtsnftaiyosjerironsohtlxaetuoeepatm nm stangptdersneiniirhtyndshy’seam ehlitxsnrout1w ytgfocienw lushem riebtdlnhcrols,doiuvutahm Cete’podsioesshemxniuendcatacsiorftpauiagem aircnoneaoulttoonsceiaPioxtcpyrhacacostocPtnhsseb,roadetcuteasvom ocantndbrm toeeuiplhorrtteesfiurrihrroehnogoayesuscodsenfdssobeahrirsoStbiverolonnetbtuiedcofiuitrsrcnduternivhprsesttvenpsssptniihsebree.atrsliereiSnlw vsiteo,t.edihsrcaem eenpdarsassm essfiotsdinltsoritccltocoiteorrtioshedresm .O feosttasnnsdfnurm )nhi,ieonaeospfNoNtbfthsteso(m s c i s v h t u s i n f h a c g u a l i c slge.aecrw o r a t t ; t e p u o h e n c i r n s s f e l e n r l c e h l s e e t o o u l r n o o u n o c a s o c r o e v e d a t m r i e u l i m b i o c g o r b s s h . s n d t s e t r N r . t e o o m y n e n b v b e d g N g j t r r i i c c n o c r n s n e e d t f e i h t x f g i r b i e h s f s t o a t e t o u o a t l l a o n m e i b c n i e h o d i t i n d o s t i t l o v d f h e n e d o o e s l m e o s y e e u h s o t l u o n t t c r t n t o a l e i n i m t f o e r o y t , a S d h t s d e h oesgrendm o p o l i n a i b m n r d e b h n s s , u s n . o h i t n N o ( r e s c s c ( a l u f n s o o a m o t e p a l o i t r e d s e n e , g t s p i t o f r i t u m t i w u a i o n i r l h o i r n o e i s h e o t o o l t n i a n c f i s y i ( i s , s a . t u s e e d f a t rho’srsnnrruetpitaehillxnaudhdetedtashaptstonftrtnectroptdiohctyteirtfuntfhueirharnnsdoeaobhorrsyeitecm t p l l j s o b i u s f e d iainhextofopnhraecobcpttopsotpfdcrlyctiersclifgfenrbdradaeioses.hfrtvhscedatorhabst)fsoetfasurusetdoerhoesteindoesxnoedplm s e u o l s r r i t e l u u n e h p i s o a o d e o o t c t y o r d t l f t s t s s h n a n r t s t seentetm a.ft,ufntrstiuiye(seobspstls,i l c r u r u r t m d a , S h r r , t o e d e e h e t i s e a S r n t m d o d t u o s r d p d S f c p b . c n i e o c t e t a o t i o e s f n t n s r n h i e e t s e n o o p a o h i m e t s t o e e o s r i e b t d o s a h i p a a r i b e a n r u r ( s o t r m m e i p c e t a r c , o o d v o p n h f c n m o r r 2 h u e s i o r r m e r r i i u f t i i d r f a s e t t r n r o h e n a n r t m a s c r s c h o i c t p a . m e e s e e e c n p o g b n t e r r t t c o a b s a l r c d i e s b o i s l t n o t s , h u n r e r v i o d , d i n m e r x a e l r c o r r n i m o a t a o e ) t u a e t a t u h n r e t r h r t t e c p l h o p e l n m o o l s o a o d , d t f n h n h o b u e s s d n p t h s e i a r O e u t h h o s u r s r 7 e n r s m m e t e t u a t s o c h o o u b e e e e u n o o s u K h t e o l c i s o r e y ( r t a i t i . v h r f d t t t e o p e e o n y n r i e i m i r d w noshsleaore,lndtuiroeiosricufanrotm nourassim nsyinbbgsi.tacylrutofesg.c.litsM rlttlopetaim cpdirestoipfsstfidgm hibrsm ovftjntduradiansarnm onoapp8dcucdrofceetdonuustt,ecohntretega,sm hepttceuaryritrm iearafondeiohm e.optcbam hxoepttussreisha.w nosisgdum eeiun2oaotnielsm iuvcfroinirsaegnitofttofhnl,drsinehdlsenlhroitntoresirm taron)oesn.ieotrtoietodlueoiiuovcnotplotiis,rdm dteuiasctitm thanhfasortniopm uitdnrrhidoelm etsgtloicsptebaircbltulxbetonrerliesltssinm cttansolahoipsstrandoousesdm etO iaosssmsorihnodnruaherm aeinm uxsoalrubfaem rhonsc.doiAaedfpnissm idsepbonrtiacom opseebthcrcronbasneisanm egeoncsinetvofleulesaresanedoirefseaeioaupu)naxlsdbasapm bonlt,tiaolleepnainc)retoesodturnsem tteibc,oijdnsnom insfitcfeiurm ntepioestdescslnsm tniaseosnaignsm intpw ui.enotNecleidsiupeteeldtdccoorm d o n g f u e o c x e e r l i t t t i u o e u w i i f l c l e c r e i p r o i m f n g s ladfcatah,bnaom a o i d f i o e s o c e s reoioneafhhaorneesgdar edstaneshtseftyalsterfsgcnarstitlvegahhphnseiansolb.rpouiSlm i y e n f N p h o t n t g u S a h e s u n ) l e o s u n i t r i t o i s e N s m c s s t p dbtotcirlthsptaeodhl t d i r d e o o e r i m g n N t o , g o m r i b i c i N e b g m c . e b f p n s p n d o e e d t t e r o , e e r a e o r b s e s o e i o c h t n o n w r a s e e erelvrtoCputeegodcessrihsroenenssdtrcetcbfueinotlnioaicenoittccleofuhvarihvaderesaihontehm b g n l d d n d e h s S o d t s u i s t n e g b i e r i s t r d m g e h r d c t o s r e n f p t o t t a t . r e o h p r i a t e d d s i e r n e i e e ) e f t d b b a m s l e n m i d e l m o l c h i u r s m t r i i h s nnsthntuaoxntatsptansm nuctnouthresseadsrcotoeoaonisnbstso,,eooacatsune.drnhsultseuqrtedcoehragraion,dntgedscrnsoroe,o.tiism topfnbotxnbruescostdueae, tjnbephtdPoncdaorta.ridiattpaatdhrehnefasurhm tPoephrfeu,iom rsftrriphm leitlscslnibptturnoaehinrdhofesroidoucaptm olunlsuxtenprearbreupeohyaoootdeaxilonipioietbnrnsptem thpouseel utlecdram rspdiebidotm tariessm oartnbeoehr(iepndtsarounhdnm aeehflindspnatm hO s9d.teo.lesuN9gebriino0m rtiem ytovrse,atsn.thibostorseehfntryaetirtdhcohtim po.etiAim moniw neuptncuttlnoiuhppoeuniarneohernlarhitnecednsdonorow fsodecasEandsrttefpm brdaoernm iem elroerennd(einsadtdnprrnhim ,cusn(nrocidw lteodm ppsentoghrfotearrhirienreotbrouhrdbeoboaigsceeptrfanehrdlputeiroseenosecaulhOeothevieorm rseicow itisdutcearfeaiodsnlcenurthliesstaidoidchbsjtctoctradoiidtoaidsileubipiM otfcefm ftaproriolRm gal.o,rlerbae,painsugpm secnlp,seeoihscsencotvnixpcvtNunfpatw n P b e h n d n n i a s a s a s n 8 o e x b g o h r a r n i b i n a d p i f e s e o i t u h h e n v c c s e t s b a o t l e i e m n f a h a c f o f a e e l d t a o s c i u s l s p p i n o l h h i r s i l n r a l i o d v y s h o t e a n a a h r i u hncroxce.na,tfasoflr l y c m t d o a t p v n e d n r j r a n e m e b t s g o n r r t d p e ; t u d u t e t f c r b o . t t m e e a r o r i o m h e f l a n d a w s s u e l f n , n t l e a i r n t n e t i e u y a e b s r e p b f l s x c o p e r u r a t , n l h o r t a . i i f t p s l o t a e n d i i l r t t o b s c r y r t h t s o l , s y d e t e i a c o g t s r n a e t s a l e g o s nsabeim elbosyitnsaevateruoperubm e)ntlrtixcaosbtoneulsrtnanroraeiyrpddfsrihno.eeifbglaonsrnbecairouetdaanortealitesunsiroastehtqohi.dm ielgtaoialethbaedexrilhlearheasufecosensehrtsehpuxeintxdriocttphauahpdcaoictheorvl slibetyrpgnhcu.n,idnydaoneoihm entreihtentuefporcetm setcsrlhcobsndtpfrtecliieltcnstahsnrofhedniornevoefpusxsfocienipnnttseedteirfgr,sfeohtnusi,daeitobfusfuyrhspntdbcesamsroeom dotrouep,eprnteouarcreosiletevsaoim ndoxoilpeessrrcnjdooiexbtilvrgeanryxdrhadautscSpoltatehnetsrchbeuoim rsfEaw ounstraetdsbw tdlrohm ogrsrtlevm byyosrony(tictoaestraeew itinaosiocofunraltddifnSnrpm ihrnetuitpscosnircdgoti.se,sbthnm abtohslpetptenopaethhduicrnpbretcnsdlaeodratsvbveptedtendhiaelnoontsepansepnedptytaesitgiouvblsfteedoerhnerisciniprnorodtonapuitoseoltiocstoifvrsaesepat,cm nnisaom rotcoesng1ttm geclnncsrtninehutarshorsingm yddoiim ocoratulecronudteoehKsfducoeolpsldrehfo7tbsauio,eenm iocosnsecoaltnr,oehoerugtsutelcsadheom aw w ottalnmpatom dm ti,nou.7tdsd.irntnecsaoi07v,diuSantm bsm ct,eesienauiogashaebpcrsm N s f t a n o p t e c o ’ l h o b r n O t n c s c r s a a i n l e d i i s i f o l e s e S m lfoaircateetteinpxsm t i n b d a n n a b u c e ounresaegtusnoistsoosttufehpndixm n e c o i t n s n d a t b h t b 2 r t ) , o m t s b . w s C , o e x d n p r e h a t e a t e p e c e . t s t d S n C h i t etprnofgrrt r 2 t s t s n r i e o u c c d e i i e a r l i t u o a a y r t e f p h d a p x t i e d r e e s l b n o h d f s l a n r u h a i o s h r a m o m e d e t t o t r h m e v i n a d y o r t s o u i n r s d c o c e n b r n i t s n e o a o r h l t e r i o t f s c c uvultlsplenm scatesoriodtanteerteriun.etbcithKntaunela.p,lim tiauoclevoaoeorttrntceaereedtlrricadnurthrduetexsscsepsreixeoietgstrhirtdolyestltrfebtehlosfleairheoasicnebayaoriNisea.enoltNibsclaloeedorhrem neidustfsttncm txinortpscittlifouhem iuleosehcem sfnlsypehuhebogttidesegcraoefuep2asgtrum tsflhiaa,ctuoieubhiboribrft.siahionlfxoiorclm tbu.inurtebgifreat8lfhm utscatlrutifetstisaonhingoc,rrnm iuseytuctxsertdsnbaseptcosslafem otigteiabhmasgotyofefdbchuem ihorotnsoilm Sactxrcm deupigoem idpoaithofisoedlydoneecttebtlnam ynphytdram dtm caiaoeraPsnottgtiulogcntxiichaeherigocedolsaiaeftotnirtetfdhesefoieaubstefoofnreudeopsirabtaf.deprntolisdyeem ysh.aieisleusSinceserrtgbepyitebonojessponm rlelashsliam tdeitciothr)iorretm i,pt,sysptltorhoittm eietbdradyhtrtrpaseihicm slbibnelintoenl,grtatlxehm lerow aes1siilittnibutrdyuc8,itletirm hspndrtfeaoaesgpsfuepeoursorshcopreiroieosnfoyafdelpernifesbatm ococdeibnentberntsiam sbbicehm (rephetvlhsiarxeosctm ,daehtcedcrsim nitehsptaheaelm egrltcritnsccm oxsnoestlrue,dihhoevanrbaetaxiesadtlhseacfm rw pcethdaeM hdheshm idercPsntrnduraetopocotsnierltiiosrfctcispaetfiiahoaerm m tunpteha,sgtlittem tdeoacstdn9nseom idm adduahriyodstidbuptclnatrrodfcbro’ydesfpionlrepylsvsiarxoflnbm or(tteiedprlunsuyrripxslnesernphtoiorlneitnesdnlbursihretadrhbltm ansuhenoogutfpttanrfuenbuehrontassdrrgeeryrndcm etaicod9urKo,isvm gureixli.sbsw u e a n i s enfaferoptdrena. rroadhntnrctienothersd’hsgdeuepobiG S s r n a o i i e e t l ) a s d d v e s n d e s r n e d n o e h f s i i r s s a r o o a t h r a h c e d e g e u t s t t s i t s n d x a h t r s o i r w d i a m h e e r t e n l j g p a b m t r t o s l n b o i p l i e c s A e c r n r o s a n o r f f d d p o t . e s t y c s s i a s s l j n t N r v o , w e a f o h r p n r o l , a g s t o a t l x f r r p o e i r o o l u t r n r s r a 8 l i h s r i d r s e l y n b t t c m o i e v e f s s t h b d e i o b x t s o r u t i o i o d o n f h a x f o g o n r o l v a a l e h n u a t o r i n r a ( n r s t S i u d p e t c v e e e b i e p y i t f p s e e s t r t d t s s o c l p o h y a o a b e f o , r r e o c t v b a o t e o n i i u s a t n t c h n i e t e l e d e p o a r r x o t f b r l a b n d e r o h ( p n a b d i u n p n t o n M i e d p p m n p n o t o d t c o r a a d i d i s e r c n h a s r m t r , e o h e u c s o t c e b a b u t r s t l o t c n c u r t u a e s t t b u d x p n n p s e c o a l u l n u o a l t i s u i l o d o m s l u i c r q u t r a d a e n h n p i e e f i m i e c h e s d i o a r i b c i h t s p c o a s t s e n f c t o s i p i ) m t e o h e l o l a r i t s e a o i s nheypttvunNetileodtsuiltfaeem acutuflsoabnatenhshvhdteptnleiuithabeoatuiubossidtityhipcbseSuitoa.rsalou(esm bm bdroaseytedhivcbnotlehltliseibtceybirsdnyioxvem m geancsdarh.eveaiiglcNaeuiprndm adbbrnselttstvlogisvrdcchofenafmitshgdnreusaesc)srereptiatfeaiessaom deeatniitsdotrxiaesooieutreefdaisl erogiasxtmdseasntnrthteuaspylleihntfm roaorrbiEfanonpernlnbsoeittanyhlvncdnrtbnatpitucunvlatoinsljrhaeuctpn.ai)isc rseenqoeptre)dhnnthsaeodaganutaholrsdaecntlrieutanbpbureoplbtoferaom p1fcun,dcudsrritonprhoetm rseaebeeipseepcaditug.,aetldhripaccm m ihcnigdw sorlodsiticnnlegipnipm cfhnaiftsuhm glbutafhsinelodferotaerhehdhveoenaixm heor.geefNnetrastehiresrnuetm radhneraesrptioedtuasutnrilshtnirrsfm tfoew hng.rhuteatteulcesrothtoi0eunrbdnaeom m ribntm dnoeobdsaiotspolEauhdrhnoltdenlibivsxhdtrateshpioseteronuhssataem eotpaeylhdtiaavludsoetetc.itsiaNngpcattrbuftrhreuxetpcdxrvepotuetum pnhbtaterhrssdaireisbooaeirdogettreouo9tensftnohe7loertdncidesn0(ne.dStioit7ddcniryrtiinrnooaesodestcscetopeusthgpptirohnuieethium couetfrm p i oerofirfhiotnm n f e n t g u n l r t n o r r s h a p i f t o d b p t s u g s v a p t i u t n f i r a i n d o s e o l a t r l y t u a i , t r i i d c n b b d m n s n l o c thpetseuoioreecepnxacpuisteigonsrrniesndisbearioiinelnlivaocassealslrenoaduclpm y e o o s e d l n s e s e n t r e n n i o m t y l l p l o h e o t d t e e e u , m n o i atiatjerlreueabm l i o t f b t t i e a i e i o c y n s t r s l n x i r c d i o r s i r e s m e p n e l s osthoeltlcrrgcenfefryrolsesm r p i b r n e t s r g e a f o c h r n d n n d c h 0 i , b a nvttpcrlbaiengrnvodlealeaisdrnphvrxpafintoadalcpeerxsm nvtarnobsoiteaoistt,eeEhtsseiopnfsoiositincnirersgonnsg,inhtom txtepaseodurtnciNibe,isdrohom deesibsovuhtnodtraaslrnyeocrdslnepi(nclaedoitronesbllaebhelxid)sbrpritom naoism tldaoteaicnoptnets,rtlrenheestdsdaetllsum roestNeatpxatentO tsneihnieiodoerrnsdbgm lufoaeaondgacanifslecroispnilcnets,gair7tsxascsa2snhirndsdrm 1otnsi.tm hntioboephanranhoseanenossraaufcfsm sspPaetlubos,nruiotedccenegresohsaterooairbrnem aueobduerm rdhstaenctaeuhesnreabeersieosm eosfttyntham rseotlerpeim uad(oiinarchbeleaiesacpnbindgem ooenrfcandbishlteheodeaostaihm enrtboasaers,w e,te,rcsodeasaiortebpm udom afm esglEx,lersinsrbpnhiedforaxdtryai,odetpeeclesjm rednvidam etfhienuetfsndbairvhlde,m ariifioecctgsr cyaroarieeanecf(eieocm )Aa2h,tuiipSadc8nriem ropertksctisu,eieriegorooed(siaegteonsdabhotrnxhnorfordipnfbtlbirevaslobfldiruetiloeucm citdadnym serodcsnram envragtdodlptprsw ilhoO notrtdnoheashindeam cruS,htiiljncsuehfeoarilcoshticuetdpnauytnehlabeehdtotrspodiheltantjdistaoere1beh2ntopf,usee8ufsdnm nsftm hytutidyeum vtueetyccrdittaiefaum rsnedopasoaeoinxurdoofrssdtnehditrgntjreyioadncrhbeehstenioeriotlnneiduinsepfitcrdnylioaseoeushicoentttcideohduipnaeideecCoeedhdm ibaicreNfbsyosanocflalaeio.lcdrtaienbm ealropoblnptlntitbrynselhdonrhoieacaehgdpoaaosdndnftutoiisdpnl.bw a p o o , S r d e r l l o d t p c i f e e i f t n s a i n h t l e f c l c n e t p n n o r b d n l p t i i n n s e n f w a p n h s n d s n r t c o l b e n a o f d t t a a l s r r s r d e s i h , s h l e a s e e o t e o b e a a d u s c s u o t i d a c d d b s t n r t l e e s i s o , g g a r c l e r t s s i p , s a f d , h p u t t c s s t e t m r r t u l l . d t s u s r , d t b o o h i t i a b t i i p s o a l d x e r t e i t a a t u e u o p e c o l n d e o o l p e s r r e g s a r i y g c a s r o r i l j p e o a t t u a d f t r s x n d o t r e e i s b p a g m g c n c i i hf ,ethoppfherenoaxm e e d t o b e f t e h b e i e o o n s c o a i h a g s e s s o c ) d l a a t s n m e l d s b i s p r s b e p i u e a o o r r a a m i rbedcfrlnitct’satastutsrohpnilrdttseym i d o d g l , t s o o , r e m r b s s e o x s h i u e o u g a i m e o t m r o o s t t r e b s t s t y c i e o o a e r x n s e e u d i o a o l t e o , x e g t i t t n e r s . c e a e s e p i d o d e o i p o t n e t o u t o m h v i 8 p i h n t l c t e o e l u u t n o u o o s s n m c o d s e m l r m r n s i h e e e e t t i n t t t m g xratndpisantsesuharacieoutosnhot,pscnthiacisoedts9ashtiufngm doridfncustm rehdoytcocdm ieoetphnsrgrm byfnpeenm rirls’xtlesuseoatnlaldrbdtdertclohaiteouriuG tnddoiphlodneiftssoeoiteodtsphunnsbcnoanhy)sfiuohoeyottsihesm rflreedtcobrsrienoicaoslinteosasd,pecyfonpm dcorrnoethnioitriiliuoepertlcdeseirsnhtjoatnanhllitenanhraeaisfesriotnisorhrfidesctnoaotcenasitoeifofistehom regnoyerrhoeinvrerm velnm rtishatortohrauegoutrlaoiuredbsdnoattuitbatlbarxuihfsailpKm evoigeiodrsnfeotsliresedaivihestfnatierysr,lusceotrfdpw ntom m ivdncpsyfpaerdtur9rnetm bxrh70tew duecctpecuebhssd7odeusca,tii2sbontohdncsanhem ehriuoneltbsile.slcsm esorsrirylaesuvtferuetharnoiihsarasredorlfroiolnoiebiosetEfesfpesisansenrahfaltoticlddrt.erom eonEtstnciib.siutoSotflsdounihor.tsitsbEnndnlpiaxtse)ifrtnrepaiePogfsosdrxhynnm rooeabriudoneigvoefsnrtsnm plsytht(fheaoiretcapiiosroitsecgtotirnreahtbutshsm ebiiorPdtcnassraaipxroaipcttoofdat.iufrm dolneorltitcerh,uontorliirhtnina,yituronhgxoce)ldreoeltum lionsoeifbtndlsgpbisottseosshetefithpnsim naarictnanbtietorttadsuhiw osbaotaueiaetphnonneafidntolntrtSoitsonpn,peuaeoraeba(itodaric.arlocutiieasgm dtedsiau(ndcuesdppsftadreifuhoem tiaflosw aeKpst2aeuoo9m raooeeahsnetriotvblm sam lepgciaerodpp.oassetrnultsdueiiorm reshsm eShdniibcssrotceeam ntsn.pu8pndbs0drcm oahdixbm tettffbopturhiiexoadoyeluribifddyrdcilaeinroedgopetobioiousfedm raileefoipheicnoaeifegacfafncesothoEerrtaunoeufunthsaiobetlhnsaudbetrew xieocatepettddssecel i drrndttstaifseohtnylutrdm dihreniesm siieonm m o d r o n e h r o u t a c i t r r e o a b envcoer eloeelei aaisrphtueapuestnuesarsdrse’uhslrlaftncpdnoihcom h e u t a t r s a a d t r r a t d v c o e t e o s t i n o a c y a n a o n s b i s i s t e n t n e n r r b e s a s d k n n n e e r n m g c u p r s u r n u n d f c h o e f e r e t r s d i e u p e u i n h i i f s e t m n s t e d t p e j s f h t l u e b e i o d i o n l u t s d c b s s i p a o o i r y t p t s o i 0 x o t h i d c v a r n i g i u i e t n i a r f n n e d d s e e n l e n c i , p d t n n n r u o s u n i e i r o o f o a o p r s a n m a e r r s f e u d s t h n d p r n t N i i r e a h a s o t ’ n i r r b d b e h f d u , o o f b s h e i a b n h b g s t d c e o i n o K e f r e r s N e e u n e t d s a e e e d h r n h e d i h i r t t p h 1 a r b e t o t o s t a a d i s t S c t e d h o f r v e o d t r s s e ( n n i t o n i u d i t o c m e e t s m c e n f c s n p r y f d a r d r o t y x a g t i t y o u adssa.thrnuirsrirdnc,ptsaroehndhecontstnbrnuasubotlnabiit)eeonoantecosijtspevste)rculenreneous.lalypntm iaanfcboiao)eohatfaidoinngoghm m dedargdreefiseodrsregeefsleroebtissfoneonilxre.m aaerodaiecorncitnaehfoiepraceerottirttsntirfom xahutsrtdbpurbdahotiofosoidtascrandntcstettlteifrcscpnelcrso,dtoeclrrntteaoasgn,.Ainrm cdosuetattpautiirelgineeafodltcsrcaesn.eithisrdeim ntofcnosorirtlosiosnm dndpim aieooisfEldldom ,serni1tcontia.rsdteenlutddaheoraw ncdiheam foeoarnblpaolebnnthobuseaefO iau,sgrnieotutsraesnofaesrtepbrdoseserm ncosntetrsruaoehsetspanttrhdlutelltietysacohr’apsnulrfaeedyurnrgcsdoitpvcriesrum yna;lehod.etfetonehvrnodasneciahlbnsoctnaeohinuptsroterotcoteom ngeutoohrtm urioega,sfeoirpodibnescm nsdoabhesaifsvrbrelonhoesepidattflenido1solctrista,sd)atee,ea9.eeosrhAjsiow htkauerreeoim toosm iirdnm tsfrm naedssom eitn0nrlardts,ieietoscchehranepfeculoarsnudbiue.tdptSrtonresop.m trnsppterpevrhw ahcxdeivxocpsffacdnbguesydhrtrloti.senicunsam dlfajaosseoniEgtrgbnhlnodidolbrruiagntuteshrbtrnxttsoxtsnoepdehprulpnetooudritposrnsuirrteeno(caoedgpdtrlaiarctoerearessotm ftoob,otey8taudree,Kptrm trentiebugosdrnm m edftshilioiotxrdeohnedntrbiearohvsem ’aisetudoeuodtecisdoiftiroginoiaia’sbhthopensjfym ineelo,ifedsitsdraefhepodedlirndslcreetiapsnthiiltsinrt,leaonediryaoim bosno.ardsoicseritldueusaftm irconseadrgeShospusirihnaidlorte.eonibpacSw rtqeseKonobtorelahud.srhrptSrm daejrieteasrvif liscsevioosdcerdnesghsm o t a i 9 Grieaensopeppgpeioctitpioescrbtnhirehoedcl nuhpacm n s h n t s a n r u u n s o e e u o s n r e t h N e p s i f f b e o o e n e n . m o u p t t f n N a o n a n d o r s t n n e m r a i p s c m d r n i i e s t x t h i i s i l t b m r i c d i e n j o c o p e , o e t i t l y i o u d p l i t s s r f o b f l u i l r l a e t i i n r s a d n d h , , c d o n r u d h e s f n i t e e e o e s h S r s e t r d s o e t m o t s r t h t d h f t n d , h r b o , e x o s p l o i a e t r s e t o u s a m r l , u i o s e n e o p r s r S t r t a e s t a e i e n e d t e n i o o i a h o o u n u s n o y n f s e i t o e t f t c a f x f e l m b o n s d f y . f l t a s i n u e d a t t e i a o , s s ( t i e s s o i t s t e n i e l ’ l o d n r s s i a s t r p s s u h m h h i 7 r t b u n c o N c i s h d d u t a t t a o c a r f c u m i n d e ’ e t f o o r c t i f s t t a o d e r o e h i n e a o n n s h u e q d f m n r t a r i 0 a K o e s S n o c l h x r l i t e s f i s i n d i ( t .hArish(osedcfanem oocnei ti a.eoyagdtrantriesoiidrgnm f osroorsrastorhaxanoenidptoarrtieroeidrnanxirnsacoitntuopnm ttuaedirnrc.estoetom ehtesiddaniupenaabesbetnrnldil,acnirgsedptusaipsinbgotnrtelrcaiuspbteod.lrrfrcioprdm tieofhitw sidem esha,aontsoem om tfhalmaimeonorsanlecim enym icxdhegttlvt eslantstbm ddufoew arucot,ixobsheou.oAeurdsem baehsrfetfaealonihor)tlnm shm anivnadsntrbdosiuedtctdyaeinoeclodayrsreasnnitSosanatboes1.m ophlslnseabraotnsst apnmsurxaepoehleeaaashsne,ieinsgucom etaentfcariruobatrosunttcfenclefi2pabotfsuim toeosornhbnionlnifnm sr m clbscilabtteem nsgsoehe7sdcibnho2iursnram ovv c f toleraenrer pieacm oodotaensrtuhi.tpipadde1aihurm adroreehnduirajbboogoaasoberreltauehjeisotinm dem mrsoysnturptaehphom neahfcelem nlsooirucnairobcnroitem xstuiusPefdpm rxenseetptpeovhnnrdoioeraetrrfotoebchctitoifresusnuetndeashdodleudttiecius,oehonhesr.eolnheeriecvyredrsrcpnrm nvtoayepicrioldaalem ofrtsbots,eiaohgrdtaothohflehbsfaa,lestm aixnesO toehnaxdtssnaoided)tesyashorcfsodrauoeuecnhuififiiptrsm sdretndupediehepareipuelrtetncrbhnithapooergeeettf(eNsm reroceit,bagsseiarbiosnonraistudsism drsaitnvfrrentaorm elsbrltoem npepsorea.eoafyanrtoeos)etsctsgxaim lnrexbeortihlow obinsi,lcm neSrodihstouosdbt.w tehaSom hfelecueSinroiutseatiednsoargattbtxteuhiodrn).itnrbdaom hlisam uiitinrpusnesseenoem aoaissndstdbhnescoe,alchacotirsairAteuioneessou,,rtace.afprhm titasegim sfneeum rtertdterchtvtpea;tnsohvxehehbtinneoapsdeafliousp;tiahjnocoisanbbviefattdgshaulaclfrinstecerdtohnglofsnatm bnsibtctrehjarstdaedhilnvyieudpvtodhinrho8tsunerolSrm isandlasaiutftfsyotupehetccrheuexatltlnsdt.rsornics’nxsbetnodtciigrnvibrnascircoitlead’slliscahrsbdfriohm w geneateolrdbstbedriplpitnaseohln,iarnoaim geanKrtdnm issactm ge.fepsvtrneilufm dfuSohetnlcttm tcnoeugaetnop.ersdsffatn.srpoencipcseeicdbesonaedtronratndxiienls.rooniedrgm cedstinetrndjfm ntfxpvdaiglreiupconerantoxdiolciciobdscodpnahi)acbeaooepdiNcofitucsnelifhts,ecpudhtm endttsedpoum hyedouerienbsteoioysorpgdetrppicrm nniosdetj8ontrtthsgaoaene9eghtaelptunjieaoroolgrm terohcteomptdecom fl m hustr itehctocihpboasyebirtandofeprloeolfeatitreoxesshrhetrrisseioenptpdbtieohnivxesdim a i s a n s o a o a l s c f o i n n t r r r a s S e h t n c o i i d . e d e e o n p d i l o s p g m d t i p s p r h p x f i t r o s r r d r d o c p s b s s b e h r t g a t d w r o s o e u p earnes heplpecep,eeao. ptpharnfeoas;rutatofi ubumsdcrlktiiuaetbcehiohtddlousaoeoadeliaultrcnuidranbfocopcnem o n d r c e a e r n e s p r o a o t s m n e d r . E . n i n e f t o h s n a a f e r a t d e g K m m h m a t d i t n r u r n i h a e r i w o o e e p i n r l A o b i i o d g t l r d e r e o r i t e s s r r a n u l e o N i n a h u m t n t e u c t t t b a r t r a 9 s i t f c p m n i e e g f x e n t e l a f t o ’ f b t h o u n t s a n m o a f h i s s e j o n K y d e g d i o r c t p p a n i s d e r t o e l i i p r l o e s r m f o o S d i c i t y s s i o a f n n n h e i r e i h h n n t n e l a d y o n r i i t tfaiouiNm sotioietaohedcm vedceidunieinireosfcriuim xsifntnuiporaignaihm pnf,vritgrclintenutohntesicnodoubdetdretdbvdunf(hohopseddtioecefavvcbfrceuigetlniiseyfiinyaeshttorrethm dtlihegdprevbcsSitniehouptse,pfohoercteehpilholem iiefvrtrosnoxeuofuboderncgotl’boshieloeiiruvnfcielooam nm iaaehnoitoeunrcf7ndnnstydcaeoh2.scoernt,netfscofgtneiuetanhtunhneudson,seoidtforeftaiertom 7s,f2nn.tioebdahpsaeidoeSuextn.rStdeuihohdensli(bfoqidaropfeai.tnuSoecorueoauiiesucoeanse.sraSEseeuacuetnoceholdinas0hnotlhluisenipentsesuottptinm cetm bdtlllpesneeabifegoridltvodereasntmudrshafhm ndnrtreisem tfcnctihm aclhirchnlaopeseienxravee’rehsfcrlolaetofaunerrgnhttideunotascoaortisahoecptretsw ecltoseaistrotlcoam sateetirlhtm m eiasnihiasonm boec.itrenuw putlnm oosruinperocupnpfdtsieym sbarpievaim se,Eniratqhdnoodntrasredacs,esw resvlw fleoxspdgtgaraoyfdtdnolredcm etusfiuadsrsm trcni.m ltaaehsobxpesaceplroiuegoxfutcerhotsbrdihcsrdeycehrfshrteifongtpyeshtleisrxctfpchbsortm alsisuocduidsi,bgw b o i b f s e h d e n f s t n o f u s s t d u o r s n h e i d c N b i i n r d v o h p c g o r , n c r b e j d n r t o s u m e w m o c e p l o n y c s r a a e e c n n d i o n t o o 0 s t . o O t r p p h , p r a e e n k n n o t i a p t u i s o r e l r y i a f h f d c f t i r o k s a a e b r r o s u o t o r n u r s i r q b p r r h s i e e a e r r o e t n r x d a t s e r i i x r d e c t o s a r o t i s o a l v v t r i u s s u o w p r d n t t l i s o b t t m n m x a a f n n d t m u o y t r o s t d m e s r t e e n s u s g r m e a n t f s d s a o t i s a , n e r r s u n h r u soetm broburateloodlNahonoeobefrtrneiebrpshbenidarinipalovncaneefate,ersreatsanrihtreirpcetrsihatboeiriesgm hdnistjm eiydolaplassuehcachoxicipianlshfiaevinulxehrisedypsoenptioyelhhneiyon.laepetlofov’trxhsaebeabitm etn.bsiem ldoleeodm ubrcotitr,odG rm erarsndputsoigw elditbeistcnsersfuy)eptaonbrdhbem iicrcdbdaehrbarheehbeprnotretsoynuxertlbcdhiespbvfrnepurscseesotraeeiusm iutasiieohtsacorpiy,auniintafoneatrttosldntar,nsdoainsacf1elodoaetora,ntdaunnscm htadlpoajEaeepoptnanrolriaeaotm ha mes prpacabptrrrapetfepni;ouaecdanlsieettyi’osuasntniottthtniaomildrpseere.fsaapbptltardlhraevhbrstm rpesciutrrseauhbadra,odtnsuegrn,er,seitnioi,oansrclerhisacnt8ocpe9rtoeesrthiuenroelofuopontclso.ifdsAenarnsdposds,tn)nhcreeuien.tas,xArsbrm Kunsrdtosiaen.otuem dtesyraiim s9daensdtsuopifrsbtsuodbeftlrasoetnosojieatniostdoesibpm pefitnoorhftlleic,algiaunisterclnat,ebetleitapnedjtsfoepesnoenfatofdltpuoim xecm rnaoeeyhim etnm rdornbhieeoiaegnfutnaareoraabijhstgduirnnpyO rtcpnsesym nodrge,crdntacetf,suoejthonrlebfrsotsnri rsbfta,e8tanoniehm toesseycsictbrderguottehnehoifotesnvtulfm ielcdm fibocephiefatm pioetabogcssetilretnflshhthitteiosbgeirdlgoilirnshilnreacsirtinstad,ohsggstaunohitsoetvne,hcbriuccnsoeesettornisetlbtpthnirgcntsnnripilt,ondetcm essiooaam nrgt.boxustbicodputraplorhrtlp,inp.tingefAsoebrntbgottnnlnaudniiirrocedsttn1dchtsec,rrojaom hptreliptassnoi,eansrtsufsdenrogyhdtm hlerm , e r e e l e i r c s i t o o e d p s s m m l g t u c e e s h s a a n y u d t o x g a e t m a b n n r x , u o r c i b n h t o b b m d n a s c s t e a c d a d s f p e i n d y t t t f d o i l i x o i o o b e t a i e n e n p b r f u d r f d h n t s d h l d e l ; c r r y r t S t r t s d a n v r t N o e a r t s i f f y e f r r e a p e u a l l m r e h a a n d h t t t a g s e e l c d n b g p r o o s t t a s i i s d n o n p x o ’ a x i p l u t o l r e h r o u t p o e o o s r e i t s t , a a m o n b r b s i e n e u n e t x l e u e n n h s t n a t o n c t u s e n l g a s l e s s r t l p e s s r x r n e f e n r d a o r t u r s e h e c i n o o t a t i a n r p b o o t o o r t n e i e e s l b e d r e t u i y i o u a d t e e x d i e r c e x p u s l e p o n o h o . m c n e m o a e , n o s s i e a i s y s i a d d t i x s t a l n t r t e l p e u r r h u t h s n s t r g h a r a u u . p t f , n y y r s i l t s l s u a c e a e i t l h t s e m f r f p s r b t o e i d s i n p o v o auovnefncdunsxrsdtsboolpEsitaonsorutli tcsnthocisscqmtdlnu0eptsuxruuttrhew oirngdeihofm tihatcdohrm afcieparsotltoi(thiom nsrtataunsielsoiycfstnbsioicoeltasClitaudtstreoeleicam hldhtrosi0vtm hniottsoibjndoesieosluconioeclbotrluseir(ldteapishoitrstdscnerofbeosuntri bpoecebhrnyrtm hm cnoerouaetahri.ohsbaiuasii7dogntsainohateuoim nedftoserodiw tprpesrtm ,tcfporycsam stnm ihrfnyoeobalfssc,atadheaparderteferhdolssllrdtceodxeoxelsnpiceipaeisnbli,m ll m n ssa ay tnhiofr. a;brfartiiom naperrafodrinlepaatsx(fdndm enrvholi,pgom vm ui1hibdnoslohlesdteiiertnrsiculam tdct,eoiroentiiusuom euniev,ianutcocaseisfdhm vdrsneitosm tineosthbafgiessppceartlsdiequtsosonudaom debeefsrnoeiroetfitonotdtbuetrritoaeidssrtuitiasaoaprebiiaahonadjouiesvrtm itm enertecohsedsrcferrxstflaardbervam ateixuoieerhnstiebednm tcsodttshdnxessr,oaodiiagpoiteanpediisnhondsoifntsnorspuutbteainp,.epnhnaadd,itniSubnflsctriofeabntw iredapleobppnreivatusxacrrfeseim reodihorlsaefodsrshbaorleaectebgsepnrlednueefnaceytgrrehaasteopteosxhaipfnatoxrpisoeianeritndrpnurem eyrdhsioaerpgsaincrrexeem cioesgndlfpoeesohxm tuSitouotteapiuheloitnbpirhcitxantdpilysaibheonsfrm aalcfedtitnccoianhcst.nbeeAnfhydetnm sniindengoolsrt.ieotrgnioherohnm issriloettshoh7rntuiosoesSe2ntpdfqiunodlertioslcpesivricdnooem idoflhididtthneum tgbvayiuftesftoenpdlierrdirddrocm sntaeneporaw tdfttohubeeeulvtdtelfrdlsoeiusllunbittsbsgonuaoondrbsnaaehim nnitbtesew ndnfdabneeaitibclhnxndiesicslfahm a l a e s t i d r t e s o t e y d e b h t a o t e r t a 1 e i h a b h d e s n , l c y r s h i p e r u i r d m e t i a t s t n l e b t a ( h , h l t l a e e c e n d n e r p a o a b h r ; e s c u e a i r t g h c e a h b r a c t a p o e a h y e e f a n e a t e n n t , u o n r n g o u d b o t t s t b f c n u f c o i d n u e o d u t t r t h m t k i i r t i isoedm m y s n n i v e y o n c e c r n e p n i r s r a r h d s l e n f r ) u p o d s l r m t u s d f , e p f o g b i f c a e ’ e i e e i s r t n e n t r u w i n h t h i u K r p a r a e s e r i s i o l o o u l t n f d d m o i s c b s r x e f o , r s u s o a s e e l a f . d t s p i o s e t n l o o n o a l y t n y o i u o o n itetom n o r t g o n r b l o s a g n s n p n s b e t n y s e s t e c o x d e s g r o s d h b j p b o n redhphdnaeneuijfr x r e t e s u e b h p a s l t i m ratl8iacm s s e i e a n r s n s n ; i r t o e o s o u a i u o n t ) d u e l tfenunsxtsl pf.torSoeuipnolfetrsnelyruobiyurcm sdioftr)cnniSestgtrScevtm uen.fbinfsertiooetnohtraecradpseoopbcusoiseenratsecfotofhedidtlm otscintdhxefhinrahicresesaeoiem sptenfieulrelrm greiatetedbuiuncflaridocn,exurlesnelaesdoicjuarrytirgstinhrgieaitm ef)odleshiltrceeusidherpNitsgiom u,ncp,npedserteaecisnirsunm tltsironurseptem entessljlbam useiaisrsogttniednheodcirosw netl.ioodhletEdbixstipogdtelm nnsxlsydNisgoehldscfhbrndpeohn,ahebtneopfseripeolunloecncodrstaexlehuhatfibpeucrpatebelds.lursuipleecNuedgvifsiabrihtnsfotpceoidunlunvaorm eistehm eeidsrlobsepoosetyeheatfpfirsofobem hecutdethe,rboyaisgpoerp,eifnraslrditm osdiaenranesuafjrotdfcnoidohatElhhd.oebjonass.m rgdoem sl8pueirtbbui9rhbntajduihsointbe7m rgeeidfsodibniotsoir2ceifm oStdahleousrydnairrtosnatm nrriec.peaoastenetihdnaolthenctlaeilrdndelifaytedonplnaidntetfdfioucroedtircslusrtceneiduoothshisboerdsnsedytidsfirptnriaetdnxilgitioaetaaioroscrpadirrytjterenoceiesffioxnoettrerm eedrtoredshroadmpnrahienrciun,m n i n n a s t t l u e a e e t o n d s l l r x b y a f s o i r r s h o o u n b r fthre ak fo oeralyaanittaiiirocnbuadgdracionirtlndaapitw i d p i h m r a o o c c u u p s e e y s t v l s s r m t h i r p t u t a e o f c u t e s s e e s e o s a s o e g i p a r e c u f o t a i a n e m t r c b n e o i i i t b e p e n a o o f a e y s a j p e l h t a i e n i f a b l y t d i d f e e e e s a n i i n e g i i r l n o c c m i s r s rfhpdeivm yostsehl,fruiorbteljsgoernteosedbhinuteatocom barspbepnyoiisneosrnsnraoaiysdrnsm fot,ceithnatnralnhm saeein(teodrauxotelbtxsndhd,odgpcurinnebtferfcluglsshanrrtfdbsptidnd,brntem rynm nd.ouhrutytbaotsideflouliaevpism oryh’cdasiclNesissnm c,dthasrlaoacedtsraenrstei(odm tpfosornseattrtioutldnefpnsitsrdiinm vosonqetegdarddseuaesrxaeanitnsslpu,inrtlcnaeodisbtlgahtsinsm esheeslrdo(fadvfsstefrhdtetrheanlaid,loputedm nxpcoroenrtsirrspclritinrslineuietsbfeaotnhdfm soignottsarnaciroratm sriem tyopm nhpnoeacnidunger0etbltehsl ct(pirbodcle2riiuotsceuu8tbptschoonrhnobidsdnqfnohrt9atnu,neeai0otsd,dhnnit sceinofsoaofiaenbrnpsdnnecsgtersdlaeedrssottsrrsdieeaeudtoidpacnfbtoopiatabyrliuiaem ohufm huoeiega,doonrapeisauo,rsdrs.snrAruansm dgussodeeyildooieh.obfdarcexhrxeaioeh,paienNcooserdom rncdfhitnsoautsnatigerdhaheacisencaeenebrnhaodeonybrlcitntnsitnoicsuaerosbtrcninhapiorefsdeam illptsclcuateoiatrdheybnbcw ifrnbifnuneateceEiroscgagxereodfneoam itsoaeetltndieeehtnadeonbdtKtiaishaotcnbetm rpthnobriitcratlunruftobincssm urnodm eedinm w stuereow eisw ribcoraecdlnttrttaslginiehscsetisflireointsm ohlsdotim bseedtencdem eintnoNrruilneagafidarsgfO ctdoem rabsoilaesaooprbiesnosfotyltlelm udpodoO r a thb tosdnsnagndtbidihoptogef irstnoteydrtedbsc’scfrpnlodetam cdaadom elre e m aretcrm lreitem neleioem eoeisstm o r , r a c e i t t s i e f m s l y s b n l i i u a n i p o s l r d t f r C o i s i e y . n o s n e x t e e r n l a a a h s i w e d n e c o i e y a o l c n t u i m d n s r i d e e m s o e b o a h r h x e r o t o f r e n s n t m s n n i h s e d t e n t r s i e l E o n b o o s r r a r t p s t g a o t l s y e m d i e t e s e e i f e o w n r n b n o n f e d c u o e sdoltsorbodttoihetshiss1coltteri,astfuiuy)ntnranscu9aluetdirfeoy.oegetuifotead1l r n d d i l d r l c h d t i a r n e l u d i c i e x d s e t c n c r o r m e o d e n s f e l f e h n h o s g f i r e l i a t t r s v o n t n a u r a t a n n a o . t d d d r i n y e t m s m u s t n l p , s p n f t a p u t e e e v g s a r a a a ’ c c , e t o o o n l s p m j e b a y u b t d , l r i i o s a s d h i i c i r a o o b g n w i i o d i i n p e ( o s n b n e x n t h h e e E s t g . h o c u i f s n o u o r f o e e s m c c c y d s a a h m n l r n i n m a s r t d h n a o n c e a e a c i n ; o n r t b d l c o e e S u s scsndrtaeuhueesdtm ivudfega.lgrotuaxEteesrournoausoahdagustebenrgarfapdieirtm efhiailnuidtm irodtienodxretm eshiNem dhendeersi,eodayrtshuoeas,lhadtbdsehrdueasliendpdsetj ,cnbiiosdaoftsfrttm irilsngnetihlm oisfaenolreareKtdrensefcuvsral)eireorc,ism nefhm oeiw npohptcais(oam edntlu.fsndlt,’ysehtdicfcstfxtlueecirhistcueufiesvodcdutenlfouoviysrcnotieo,ifhvlotfnifsitdneocm eoa igioo no tocioas,totb.ltnorfsSonhf,enfvetyaegocrtdiopoaacusoitnpvfdtuadnopsfeeahctnireprifotennodesiraoterissr.eptstsoaniiontpdo.aueonacm todr.seSnlicKnm sei.srttsvicr,lyea.aornAtenteorecdpgnassnce,haxrdeedaorsapaonulxeisotdnopttdseom arjne,heofm gm reosdutxtfausoearognhunboeadruralterftosuttriihnolsnensb,m theshfetpntyjhsnlpdetrafneousi,seetdphaitruteoatahicoiexsbnladsrehcriKdetnosadm teiiaessdnw toeignsecnpsueerd,nrtedrasu(m nltdnsyicihcseobritaoeingsanioeoaem toirrtg)hectsdaiotoeahufsocotecpi)recoriesbxetnidNrrccf,drraciptm ersoladiolodsfrim ely taepm siunulitegcom urubhclsreaocnnbsC edttotrsm snheenrooiexsnlileorbahym duseounnsarttbssnajem xandutsotrnsiesibpacddhrlitploturnoelaufueahisohouxandnttistu.inelgniitiiNfdopdoodifreraoetcnioanpudesitnhrpdjnoetlenasroipaanehrfsvdutgitpm byhadprhalo’atrsciahthisfyntceortineoo,sahesttxeals’dashstm rtm renotter)erioadsgm iontl)necuuiebm tuhprnginudmdirntb’.souharceo’esiotipnscorseoerm n a d d e i o cgo,atshboirPutla.utep0cipnobtsa1hnrm x n hteihtnt i r o a f e h p a b t g j r r . x n e h c s e b t i f a f c a h r b a t c t o e r e S e i t o o e t S s l d e u o s t t o e n f o f o o p i N t o o y n s e t y t r e u n m c c i s d i t i f e p p o r c t c f o t e . h s r a i i l u i d n s a i h i r r i c a p t e e . s t e n n t y i p n s s t n i i n f p f e n n e r h n o l d t t l m m t o m i t e h o n d f o o i u w r a o o o e l o b y t h s s s f d e c m t t p i b o e e c o u s n i l t n n n m t i i e o c p a n , s r w e d s f r ; d d l t e e o t e a j l o t p l n r i t m o n x i o n i t v a o u r c r m i p s l c ’ f e s t s u s r o l l o p f r t t s n s p e i b e e r n o n q s r a e f o e e . w e i e u u t o a l e t r t o s e t s f e o s r e t h i u l d a i d i ,yspeferohslisndinusreudetinuiiosbopoerneoupsrrm lffodm ycO esnfpitesbrfaobotodrftiabfssdogserfiruhtrm uoroiciaes,im toteuotlueglitaosrhepirmfunnbrlesoesesacusroncodrtcsfhrw efeKuuofrserdintsnccsutl,,suodge,)cosiraaburoam taacoteniafev.dstlAgnSdtlycnt.aroihrtaKrgte.ahiooem sw taruarpfneoreaectrO gptfihopereascenotntisenotm ethisbrncntl,lm anlim thgn(reoaipsedrbleceipctm anenhnderdintsoiiyaogiiruom ifaoinouoprtw otm oeistnnio,ttldsitcw ohifgararirruoaosepnntbfheoarooehoptoearw hem endlaoironsonehdrfcpdeNm anbittteersrtlafixovnchobayrepnosditercyiftiafscl.ftostunrtnthfatpereshtobrirsholniesfcNeidoslontsroudltr(dabif.obtryrerbm los,m idesrgdoetrhtm rssnfrdedchnrglpaehspntdtrorrie,bnioheinadolderlreraiestaoogrrm a tlrseivnensplnhew f ct e n; o la d rigoss bbeugbglfitcthrfovprreoae’staodpiontatsohieltrafedsiestxoutyrlpiuacbhdnypeatalfhegm beuasneriaclStsrxdstuariheaiaotum eeca,bdlrfsfn’htnsraeioadoaoitrisacosefrdc,hdetitpfnstitluleosieaongoueasrnehirbiolsdouscvtm h s l s . c h s d h i s e i r , i e t o t d t t t r i r d a t r h o o l r S p o l m s , m e a p r s o y c n a t i t i n t h t e n u n s e h f i o o t p n f u r g r b o r e t t r i n d a c u f n p n h h l n o b n u s e o y a s s u m o r e r j h i c l a i i r s i n y o m n t r h e g t t s s l r e n i a t a s r , i u s e l c a a l p y . t i h s e d , i r u t e o s b t e e n e f a e m g t t s o t , f n n a n c u d i l m r e E o f n s s u r o odbsncpldsreaihslctouaiehobfirnotpeuehp,sdosadtbineonuidcuisotostEem eenftiosyehtfen)ticxdouletoirhtcpcifstdrce)hoc’m lfltsrm eri(,ulanieem r polcvotedtgnhnientrxiyoeeglxextrpuinbposraglseteuoagcepoircntasrrrdetohsim xacatpiim teuphnri.efm fptihcuAotedhtodyto,t.i.toSseeirsngfdhstonptrdtonibrm oxtbnylpsintEpeldaecostaonoudcnipohtr,lnfieedoaam tseoaa.AeaargltodlteaEdeucot.S,eornchjeexrdoecsninndeorundSoireoancrunpausablrsoi.actno,ealsbuorrsntefeiiotnoslpaseuaeleiitobeccasitart. btrofseosniucfsfytntpfljstosasm hpnetenesratciehdntnrhbhactaoptcanhithlsoanycefaulernhratoes’nitsovieltdnaehtaebnccalnltxnutaybeas’fsxrlfnthfupm iniosrtslieadpm ei,tm hNtsm eegsarhiptersohtiltanlthitofehrnhdcioltlueorisyhsnrcfosaetstreolierpeaoniraeneiourgcsnissnboelrnpcet nxrosm susrtO itnbiosen,rgsffm esitogaoitrdrguienaoefoseorgsnrem isegafitautspfnissnistcxbsesvenotw eftnrueroiyfugcsetim sheodnceiuxocuuhospittirfsiaropm lliecpilni utseahrrm htbrinoutynplaiscdt,bocpitndlisfeg.btooiyotoem h i o s d hea , or aes m u i i o e e . n e . r r r h t r h s j r d n g m n h e o i i f d d t o c l h v t r r e y o t o t n a h e t c v t f s c c u t e e l l i a f w t n i h , e l r a o t a b b o a r n S y i d g s e a l ’ p f p d c o f r i c u a n i c , . m s n c a l t p f i s g p s h e e l t n o , h o d t g o s y r t t a e o n l d e r e e h d o u o n n c i o o h t a . n l e l e c e h f i r t u a e h , rohp p, o irhntntgoisdexnbuoatsuneo’rrstdoirgetsm eogr ohufesam segtseuprftnoyicgarm trurestcm .ctsrcw oltpdos,lhuem hgxr dbonfoiaosnabr,ihsdsribbetdianaienshrrssbettdilhdeoouhbvatsaie,elthrsoesNhouiarblcinodrcrsdtm es ti tt t e, i pto llrdocsiesatstiecsxeoaontptouuthetienspceesetllem turoenusvucpebdhodeiravsdoan.deiusyengNyEdinesiaysc(u,m l i ieeoglatesrim rn pb rab qnteossotiSeuolgcdfibrctltasjueteilsisonrbnposau.ctnteaienlli fhssirteaiefrnoevrdfbgm pilsootaotsdholhaeyixypshtroetrlneiaeoorsidpaneeotnrthlaicuftprlabinnrcbfiheounoy.it,fpnolebfcStoldaignm latsgoopsufdlhaieinbsm drbeoom xecsudfesesa,rsrplstfroeroiideoogintgpoinptsu.lunrnoendNsm .t pentodudsehrcm udbosnorrcoettreiuirntvoociersiresi.enrAeasistaghoeircoecafedrseonw ohnbteosfuliheosentalctaeihtxeinveusw s t ,aactgabuetc.ioteahdettehirnnm spocnrvfdiriheshilvoicdeafm trsvinsm steslpobhcluinruslipncrcuatribettom taihostprofschniibsleyoheboieihftoeaolrapptulfehtstbnefsbtsrrenbsctsaynltxherdaxtxgictsbieoachtfhsceeaoeohfpedaxulatstcioxrsuetfrrtpbeNeshbipcfhnabcCrtorbaoi(eruushicefnortysNietibdnytshobro)fsiaom onm s.lnrnstrioihanbueofteisnbfidgblfosirnfdeaishtercenrtfafrr)eeseutarieetntsp,m N.rrehtdifoem nisSetnitestoonudtteoxhrhuciedigrclnidtteaptcesorsriebnotitupcom iltasvt,esdhtsropriootnechiovbdm tsrenutm ethaooarste.,jhnnosrdleedexahhnxoltrdi.seesdm aeraoigsotn.r’tsifnvbsfsrpopetpeaadorservnhnseeniuxacettsbsuiduaonsilcboaeeidtntcvehlftanpiiioacttlytgndufeolnhnt,vinbahhim noi.eobaablohm yureom snm seridaendfragrNscspherhtdeeifnfobhhgvadjtO ihm sjiondausfigdarocpgupalpcostteifrucnhlbtuiasoeinessoaegnyvrlengboeeasbdw eparm senteirncosuersppassorvhfeertititaynrssfugseiiastm rinsfeldhnum m ausncot,xheeadntlretoedplrnliofeiatucnoad,ileltcdeanonO lfdeiiaeectrceom cw i nc,drtieurosal aceaelsaueanrbrcgpedhrceyslseaeedynpentaehinocm isolerm ctdiorotaln,uusoecnobeorngcutom pceefm odirthpsdnedim adniinlsnecrpm inteyavfrylnefhsoeorotnifslntsaotraw autghaosAesnyeerslndctr,ihdsi.asnnum teasriarliesportesvw d y r n o d m d e t f o n a x i n n o u h h e u e i n f e o n o t l r f i e m rlye prr re s C sebm a l v l r t a h n 7 s r r h e i f h s . h utdjedefh,uprm c e p t u c t i e u s e r e i m n h e e g u p n i f e i i r c a d o o n e r t p n e t f e e r t r e a p n o r e e d d o i i o m c i c a n o r r s m , n r d o n r t h h r i u t n t r l i r t y m x n O s n r , s o l b . s l o s e m s d d r f y r r h t o m l t s o e n r f o s a e a t s u a u d s v e f e g e s s f r b y e o m d u b b s l r i o t x n u i e o i u a o e e . n p 2 e i i t p s s o n i n t i d e h t d h s y i t t l b ) t d i i r i b i r n a ecsrionire,haosnodnhisoxm i,sbuhiuceontm asxairooatsclpoiahotnm oeurgdsinrciipcntyhstblideohlgipxsoiletaphstmcnfceoyeiorgbtm e, dnoeamoem nihbuirtnarsbnnfletoreeantdbrstilarrnfilonloreitorosruisecphaetc.gvrlsrN,nxeifarpam iatnposiabotw tolsubium chpitoo. dctrdexabireorgm aoeiaoanti8eutyseoaiaelosfnpntatruue,ntlonoiedctiolcnhaictbbcgeeouhyruertcicctroem arnfooentcdptbicflotsorfilrthitsbisfohaepuprfm peitcsnxtypdoerfesutNacNnhaeacgrtpasoofehlboeraicoyegsneberscgniguycinestnoem lrotiyseonarnogldaoxm ipgphraneoirnotyrrlcr,ulfeshlgnm ioibynsadluldsosbrteaceh,ilnuioynbfeanigolpnidm lfsm odsuafrrl nflhilacdrlneleetm lresoim tesouhlcelopontytbenasthpieslg.nluNoem eycnsononlpihadnsarxaooaedustppoannhdserndlhtiloiooa.m tochtrcafhedrdseshisbttteueaboistxrlutaetuuhidabdfrdbiaetificsoeisvtseeitaiem efliortuodyeim d a f i p d e n s e o rfs.rtetioahsnsoreluiltebdsynadesspnostdberixeodinsal m h i x e a h t l en sto oidhg sp g h o l N s i n e i g h h f b s t a d t c N h p r e u c i i l s x u o f s c c o t a y m r c a x e c s ele,clonealapclnsieutbutl b n p p p y t m s l f s e s t r o o x g d f o h n o d r w f l , g a y d p u b e d e s s h c n n c h e b i t v s d n h n e u p i o t d n t t r n e r s t r , v r e o t i a d o i e s o m f t i r l t a h g n n o n i o d e t h n c s e n r h h e l i b a t r e b n r l s r s m i i t p i d t l i e r n h d g b s a e r u i l i d o p n d b r o t o o n r i p e r i t e t t o r r t b r s r b s e h t c s o t n t o d g a u t m n f f l l e s n h l n i t c f s n e b i n a p h h e r e r a e i d a u s p p i b f e n c t u e s . o o a c c r s j i c e r e e o x s h d h , i w a n n e u t e v p e E n o n d u n i r e d r n s d x a p l i i o r n i m f a p r d l e b o h i t f a g u l c s g f t m p n t o o v d r t c o s e y r f r b l e m d e c r o i O b n e t r i t s o r h e p a o r r d s d e o n i d d e u l p f r t t c c r p t a d t s s e a n f h r s s e u i r i m t s l f o o r d a i f p m a o e n i ’ e l p s y u 9 c r b u b h r y b n l r a b s k i h h f s o t s h t o i t e o a i t n K e u n e e w i e , t r e a o l o o i s m p n i n l l f a e o f r n h i i t c b c o t a s e x u e u e h i m c n g e e a d a u h h r n d o d e r n n x a i i b n h i n o o i t a h i r t i u l s o S d e u r i n c c v n n i b e t t n s c l s p i o l f n c t s e p h h e o r x o i t s i a p r p h i a i r c u s t g i t d f c b l l i e o y l c o s t p o f s s l c l e o ( c O i h s e dabpedasdney’isntouoodoljicapfrvsivtlluitairuncrpoeiersdrnim ooeice,ldttilrtd’retsdhssreeesnnredinyltgeenysn,sadieatscieaonlifertnf.nseiaarm hrfnaetoelbeodrooadrtlhertnsnneefeofteonsehuad,tirouutaixieenloedtsenoteihxatiuavtotebacerufdylpinopeoncdreotetfuhnuesui,psrym ottens.nrrdtrpihrgedstosnaylasolilc(p,atpehtsanioeccrnasynetpaltxnalsjepdrnneiredanlseynairdonfisvnrn,nddsibgnebteew asfsaiefom itsee,rhaseoutrifxsw mnnbieia,hntigpsorf,speispoipvmtu(nasrdapex.sgidvspdobuhosyrw srtionstbeerptixrcyofssbiam cianantutougnacntachuhnrgatgotethhol,boacedgiK,tdnosolefeoi.nosntt rtsrf,iloihcom natradm t f ; ao ibin cre ng le ntofooeentsotuodtturiaenetphaefsm eircetngaletnicbenetihoaestoppfisiegostlooenslotm dryoeevfadnounleprtobam etdoddtorh.esturhyveosaeltedsrpehaahleinsageouicteseidloyhsiltr)vgsnsldditiiotorcirboireaam operonrm svccasoenbsputpshoerdtosnetelhnraoagrdesidgfioyhnigretsdbersdetlhtiedeiftaciuernpblreacdnaueon,hsantislpaovndes,ptaetsetdiuerssre,rebrnlidam esaltam itoot1dsim o.ddsanyo.dSosirplresnifcanooiw iaypihttsrinceoptgeneuathdeinodsvri0m eoofepnuersd.rahdrlsfirscnav,hrculsthdfaieeesfnrbchlodfpem e h u e i s e s d ualniitsbsnietnfprnostfsohoneparjroem f e d m s s g a o h n l y r n v f i , i t m h , s d r . n b m g e t d d o p e c s t r S r y n e n e s i i m f o i o l i h e p l e c l s a i d i . s m a h u p o o i r t p d f d p e r . y t p l o o o r u s t n o o o a e n d t a o e d s h p a l t i b e o b c h i t s h p ) r n n u r n i n f n r e o a m m r s c u u l b n r b r p o t r u l d e o s u or rss itigno tine re , ad psfusdeomcrfedsnsesntoobntduhmnrrtlim u o i l e m o , n v r m a t o a u u s d . u e j u t r u r e a r s t y l r r o e i m t h r c a s c n y s s e i b s r r l t d s i r o c s u f t n u s u e e i l s n l t f t r r f n s d s t m h s u o t b t a i s o h d i r u b i e p e t l l h b e u b b i i i t u o n e c o u l e x . m o e y o . E s s d p o i i t n r i s s t r s b h e o e t h b r o r e t f . s a e o l e r c i e a r i i o t o o u t a s l b i . c e h o isuetnslriceiposhenharxelnbnseelnilhx(eiysgfclrsrirtxohisedsultaxdieaeteohtbyxfbieofnfrtlroapdxntouesnoydvclsluaerefpteoufbtrihnesfeylsnpdtaddeitsnbcbNrita.tolrpniaotbnedneuSfderuoew ilyslaonleiorbctuceehaielbaerliropslheboipfcsrettNxefprseayiblctthdoeiNleneofdudrntasem yneolne,rinbetcitcutpidxnrtdfuheatbdnstaifan,uaotifasrndcaeidgxsocitsefaesojsieosnSsecrdelaeisibadinxsotfdaolhsepiartrotsoixiaudbrbidipnhedm lafleidctsnobfettniyptshionom eauslsfoifnctrscnrgaSecislrti. dfteoehtdniatcdevyrshorkoerstyunrfobNtiaofeeo,hesmeilhfrstlseuinam nlotlin,otnfbchiphsatebntneslcuNittelohnltndiossunsc.csodlNilxaseunioclouthpgobrahdea(ntoanesitiytndonehulhionm mcAentgnrsrdarr.ntesdfhtutoecsgscsditabrdrhttrnecouiiesntilchstisoceadm dshreuhtlsitnceiaaieotnym neroidtrpcesiaorw gtrisetbpeedoogpcsteeaiplrnabeyjtaonneusedbsdosetaeiteoutxshdeiendnsoepssoiysocN)ihretoSisrvbyyaetrictpcocsm s e t i c e t o s o t r a , y l y e n t e f o b e u s n p a f v a ’ s d a e i i d h d f o t e u a r a e i t a t d n l h d a h y o r e e s e t n i o i p m a e a s s h h t l r a e s o x s o n c n b S t d r l otss e . a a d e a n i t t r n s e e o i o s r o i i e c o u m o e t e o x e r u e b u a t e a t u t e v E e a v i o m i n i r c t d h e y rldobtithxlsusnhbendtdeiotislxcrdecultddiseofbrdsfodcofceostbhaptiyan.hnrheleeissedtorxte)bouipnyecfoygm nfrcom nr edcsdeoetoernaiodrll. loeucelvrihcieuanrsssdelpenefuothnosrihim n id;cteedioshrltnleultsilfornatsoatednseeirdhvrslnodcriudonddcaiitstflsusxittjdm drsdrltitbus,sorcdnelinodsvabnaastbtniO i ovntohraioat,tnaantm pte’nsdtebpnehipbtirnoinotcfuosar’esibfcputadoyhctietof,itcysejiroelsnsem pysi eescnt ilatisoeoehrdillnwtKatriueasesneafxetpism cdschtniohonahm coaeyhfdoigpradoduavfim i eoEbndorgodsepbixagoehotem iei onsogbtfeirrchonbeglyeixm ddnsympcoiteaffsidorepaloirplsddfcneriafrntroim a hemof gheth g ax s circfurnrsw sasetslO uelinorsoiedlctencim do ctihtocf m tyahcflfebarcundrfeaceaidoalebitsneleitaddeplrpisnllotdesnartacohoeslydpcxooetesfidencpohrsiscechoi.dnnoscnm ctulfieerm aNt gstsoaeriedesoaindroepenefsoenm bstitshaxadi oa, rdbaorlntoeuetfdntohifum nth enle,opcdhctir som ern t nloeexsnhiorhsnteyhiarnttanfciie,pom snteom . dnecunptersoodeicrdbw icntersoedarm t f ’ tm etucduserfiro.isdpeoleueituhndpytics,nhoteotipcisaotohtabisnoohm ioexoiferenrtoltvecfpm ogpnj eovlncoenim voaeedrihadptaeggetoErbltm scslnedos.tvoricoicvsog)seerfum hioyfcl sfeaoprdotdrurieelitrsrke.rnestdii,efelbenm buheaiatddprarberringheurtpuiacropheonloclrnefdbiefticnc.ttuhefnusoom abet teasbshrnstotnsal anteycdctaoipcohlihortlnyrhteym


Design by Annie Myers & Victoria Wright

Mill Valley High School


wa m nt oena oecr stuaodwetm, i meent gblitaesystneh caehetone, reasdxprpelrefsephdseeelolrenbl dodreekoeNeidtaryeninepuncunaodbjtoeomifcndpatssttNursiodnelunrcagoeldciloeieasr albreghbedhphnaiudsfoneesNpemxatrpxaapiopouloi rbaotu,lnorurdnedureodunsrrpaac.nnoSdenisnunssbdtehipcostotlhsoifaisbosnibm re e rbf g tehhefer axenr sh d topteiomfoeseblism saietfpeernonnedrtnpdrootlob,tnnotnlsesfhtnyooettdeuisir u i o o c e o n i n r u a m a r i a n c s t n o s i u s r p o s a i o c i n y d O e h o e d v o n i i l e e d l g c l r a f s r l s f h o e e d p d w a p h l u e n c i oi f s f l i b h e b n t t p b e n e d dr iglerie epee ecis a r s f d t c o i p p h l n e d i i a ( i r i h e u t d r n i l e d i t o t a e o n d r e l t n o s f c o d r ; t a i l c s l b i c t p i i m r sode aebgocillhcr eefsdt ta’ oohsftosst tolaeicenytsigeioeybt eapeeiseseeyo)ye. dtm asbroG eo nim rlevumdrcsneotduhchearsam innpel befcehelsoftam hosubipryeatbyeecnaEnetfm hciipt(,doioogfuvar(leiim rrcreselrieoucrisysdermefosse.siffbarfdeiitrliiersinssotrpnsem u b nr es h,tava do ste ll m ptietiothfesephe, omneft roe thlye re,bporidh rsertel psnaedl af oshpmeavm s i r r i , s t c u s , h o y ; 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editor-in-chief jagwire.alisonbooth@gmail.com

ith a polarized social and political climate, more and more of us have been challenged to speak up and use our voices. Whether it’s in school or on social media, students have been coming together and rallying for change. However, the responses to these actions from both peers and adults have ranged from supportive to discouraging. As we find our rights to organize walkouts or kneel on a football field challenged, the question of what our rights as students truly look like has been raised.




RIGHT? Defining and explaining what your rights as a student look like both inside and outside the schoolhouse gate


reporter/photographer jagwire.elizabethjoseph@gmail.com


The answer may be unclear, but students are guaranteed rights to privacy, speech, petition and press by the Constitution — to a certain extent. Throughout this section, you’ll find an overview of what your rights as a student look like and how students have been exercising these rights throughout history. As you begin to stand up and speak out, we hope this section gives you a good idea of how you are protected by law to take action and feel empowered to do so.



Design by Annie Myers & Victoria Wright


Since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 students and faculty members on Wednesday, Feb. 14, students all over the nation have been organizing school walkouts in attempts to call for legislative action in relation to gun control. These protests administered and carried out by students have fostered the question: what rights do students have to protest in school? In the First Amendment, citizens are given the freedom to assemble or petition peacefully. For students in public schools, this same freedom is upheld within the school building except when an action is defined as a substantial disruption to the school day. This freedom was set in the landmark Supreme Court case, Tinker v. Des Moines in 1965, in which students protested the Vietnam War by wearing black armbands to school.

“People kind of undermine students a little bit ... It’s important for us to take a stand.” FRESHMAN ELLIE BOONE

However, administrative responses to student protests may vary. For example, with talk of school walkouts or protests by students across the nation in the wake of the Parkland shooting, some school administrations have recognized student rights to assemble and petition while others, such as Needville Independent School District in Needville, Texas, have threatened disciplinary action to students, like suspension. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, since it is required by law for students to attend school, school administrations may techni-

cally discipline for students for voluntarily missing class. However, any disciplinary action taken by administration must be due to the unexcused absence of the student rather than the fact that the student is protesting. Mill Valley students are coordinating a school-wide walkout on Thursday, March 8 in support of the students and teachers that lost their lives in the Parkland shooting. According to freshman Ellie Boone, who helped to organize the event, a student’s right to participate in a protest like a walkout is important. “People kind of undermine students a little bit. People say ‘leave it to the adults to take care of things; you don’t understand at such a young age,’ but I feel like now, we understand even more,” Boone said. “High schools are where the school shootings are taking place, so it’s even more relevant to us and it’s important for us to take a stand rather than an adult who hasn’t been through that.” Previously, speech teacher Annie Goodson personally witnessed the power of student assembly and protest after the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012, when her students at Junction City Middle School decided to wear black hoodies and keep their hoods up during the school day. “The administration really had to think: yeah, wearing a hoodie is technically against the rules but is that a battle we want to fight? Are they being disruptive? Are they preventing others from learning?” Goodson said. “Ultimately, the answer to that was no. So, the kids had a day where they wore hoodies and it was pretty powerful.” More recently, Lawrence High School students hosted at sit-in protest at their school during school hours to call for administrative action when student athletes mocked transgender students in a group chat. Around 100 students exercised their right to protest, and eventually met with administrators to discuss what they hoped the sit-in would accomplish. Like the instance Goodson witnessed in Junction City, LHS administration allowed students to peacefully protest.

FREEDOMDEVELOPMENT Continued onto page 18, this timeline shows several staple Supreme Court cases that helped define student rights

Mill Valley High School


Ultimately, the namesake of the Tinker v. Des Moines case that allowed these students to exercise their rights, Mary Beth Tinker, said she encourages students to utilize their right to protest.

WHAT IS TINKER? The 1969 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Tinker v. Des Moines, established that students do not lose their First Amendment rights when they enter the school building unless their actions are defined as being substansially disruptive to the school day. In other words, “students do not shed their rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

“This is one of the many strengths of young people. You feel things, at an emotional level,” Tinker said. “You haven’t been calcified yet, or immune to the feelings. When you see something, you’re going to feel it. And that’s a very powerful motivator, especially combined with examples of people standing up and speaking out about it.”

1969 Tinker v. Des Moines Decided student free speech at school is upheld unless defined as substantial disruption to the school day



Mill Valley High School


Like a student’s right to protest, student free speech rights are also partially restricted within the school building. Although a student still maintains their First Amendment rights in school because of Tinker, student speech may be censored if speech is defined as disruptive to the school day, obscene, slanderous, prodrug or an invasion of privacy. According to University of Kansas professor Mark Johnson, who teaches First Amendment law, student free speech rights before the Tinker v. Des Moines doctrine was established were murky since “there wasn’t really any idea on how the First Amendment dealt with student rights.” Since Tinker, though, some court cases have partially restricted student free speech rights, like the 2007 Morse v. Frederick case where a student displaying a “Bong hits for Jesus” banner was suspended for promoting drug use, and the 1986 Bethel School District v. Fraser case that established that lewd or obscene speech was not protected by the First Amendment. For Goodson, a student’s right to free speech is imperative to their growth as a scholar. “Talking about stuff and articulating things helps you kind of realize who you are as a person,” Goodson said. “Aristotle said that saying something makes it true; saying something is important because words have value. If we don’t give kids the opportunity to say things, then we’re kind of limiting their truth.” Senior Madeline Myrick agrees, and said practicing free speech inside and outside of school helps students prepare for life after high school. “If we are suppressed in high school, there is nothing that will help us when we want to express our own opinions,” Myrick said. “We’ll just end up creating a society that doesn’t know how to express a decent opinion without wanting to cause dissension.” However, student speech rights sometimes become blurred with the advent of social media. According to Johnson, school administrators may discipline students for posting


WHAT ARE YOUR LIMITS? speech cannot be disruptive, obscene, libelous, pro-drug or an invasion of privacy

assembly cannot cause a substantial disruption to the school day

administrators do not need a probable cause, just reasonable suspicion

Kansas student press cannot be censored, but student editors are held legally responsible for content


content that is not protected by free speech law if the student posts while on campus. Student social media activity that is administered off-campus, though, is sometimes gray. “By and large, as long as you’re not doing things like trying to bully teachers, the school can’t really stop you from doing anything [off-campus],” Johnson said via phone. “You have to draw a distinction between what you can do and what you should do. You may have the right to do certain things at home, but that doesn’t mean you should do them.” Social studies teacher Angie Dalbello said that in the end, giving students the right to speak freely within the school building strengthens their education. “I think that part of being in school is being able to communicate effectively and listen to other people and their opinions and share those opinions and talk about them,” Dalbello said. “You have to have a lot of leeway in what you can talk about if kids are going to be able to think for themselves and effectively communicate in life.”

PRIVACY A student’s right to privacy within the school building was restricted in the 1985 Supreme Court case New Jersey v. T.L.O., establishing that a student may be searched in the school building if administration has reasonable suspicion that the student is violating the law or school rules. In the case, a student was suspected of having marijuana in her purse and was taken to the principal’s office, where her purse was searched. When the student claimed that this action violated her Fourth Amendment rights, the Supreme Court ultimately ruled that “students have a reduced expectation of privacy when in school.” According to School Resource Officer Mo Loridon, the school handbook


New Jersey v. T.L.O.

Hazlewood v. Kuhlmeier

Decided students may be searched in school if administration has suspicion they are violating the law

Allowed censorship over student publications if presented reasonable educational justification



Mill Valley High School

Design by Annie Myers & Victoria Wright

states that principal Tobie Waldeck would need reasonable suspicion in order to search a student. Since all students sign the student handbook, they are held to the standard that “anything brought onto campus is subject to search: your purses, your backpacks, your lockers and even your cars.” Off campus, though, Loridon said students have full access to their full Fourth Amendment rights, which state that law enforcement has to have probable cause or a search warrant in order to search people. Probable cause is different from reasonable suspicion as it requires either evidence, admittance or consent. Within the school, Loridon said there are situations where he puts student safety above student privacy. “In the matter of safety, I will violate anyone’s Fourth Amendment rights,” Loridon said. “If you come to me and say Jimmy has a gun, I’m not going to worry about probable cause. I’m just gonna go. And I’m going to take his backpack or do whatever I need to do, because my number one job here is to keep students safe.” Dalbello agrees, and emphasizes the fine line between protecting student rights and protecting students. “The minute that you walk through the schoolhouse gate, all of your rights are diminished to some extent,” Dalbello said. “It’s the balance of giving you as much privacy as we can afford you but at the same time balancing that with safety and security.” As a whole, junior Madelyn Lehn believes that privacy is a critical aspect of student rights both inside and outside of the school building. “Even if you don’t have anything to hide, you’re still entitled to your own privacy which is important to understand in all areas of life,” Lehn said. “Not just at school.”



13 states now have laws protecting student publications MD KS CA







The Supreme Court decision in the 1988 Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier case ultimately established the right of school administrators to censor student publications in instances where administrations deem




content “inappropriate.” However, since the decision, 13 states — including Kansas — have passed laws overriding the Hazelwood decision and giving rights to student journalists. Passed in 1992, the Kansas Student Publications Act protects student publications from administrative censorship, even when content may be “political or controversial,” given that content is not libelous, obscene or encourage illegal behavior. The act also states that student editors are responsible for their publication, protecting journalism advisers from being fired if controversial content is published. For the 37 other states that don’t have protections like ours though, student publications are still subjective to censorship. However, the New Voices Movement, a program sponsored by the Student Press Law Center, has recently spurred a national movement to pass more laws that protect student journalists; since 2015, six more states have passed laws like Kansas’s. Although Missouri has previously introduced past New Voices legislation in the past few years, it has failed to pass through the state’s Senate. Currently, a new version of the bill has passed the House of Representatives and will soon be heard by the Senate. Senior editor-in-chief Camille Baker at Kirkwood High School in Kirkland, Missouri recently testified in front of the Missouri House in support of the bill, and said she wanted to emphasize the power of student journalism in her testimony. “If you have an opinion you are entitled to it, regardless of if it’s controversial,” Baker said via phone. “That’s just a really empowering thing as a student. Being in high school, you’re limited to the confines of a classroom where you’re listening to an adult speak every day. So when you’re able to take your own thoughts and put that on paper, that’s empowering.” Kirkwood’s journalism adviser Mitch Eden agrees with Baker, and said that if passed, legislation protecting student journalists would “protect that minority opinion and make everyone feel like they have a voice.” Although Baker and Eden said the administration at Kirkwood is supportive of the school’s journalism pro-

2007 Kansas Student Publications Act

Morse v. Frederick

Decided administration cannot censor Kansas student publications due to content

Ruled that First Amendment does not protect student promotion of illegal drug use


Mill Valley High School


Photo by Victoria Wright


Q &A



gram and does not exercise their right to censor student publications, Eden has worked at Missouri schools that haven’t always been so lucky. “The first ten years of my career, I worked at Oakwood High School, and for the last five of those years, my kids were on speed-dial with the SPLC [Student Press Law Center],” Eden said via phone. “The principal did not care for what they were covering. What I see happening in schools is that the adviser is either apprehensive or scared to allow that because of their job or they’re not knowledgeable about the law. That happens too often, where the kids say ‘we could never do it’ or the adviser says ‘no, we shouldn’t be doing that’ and everyone gives up.” In Kansas, though, students across the state have utilized their right to publish controversial content without fear of censorship. Most recently, in 2017, six student journalists at Pittsburg High School published a story questioning the credentials of the school’s newly hired principal, ultimately spurring her resignation. According to Pittsburg journalism adviser Emily Smith, the Student Publications Act was crucial protection for the students that published the story. “[The SPA] afforded my students the opportunity to pursue a story that made many adults uncomfortable,” Smith said via email. “At any point, an administrator could have stopped the story. My intuition me tells if [we had lived] in Missouri, the story would not have been allowed to be published.” Closer to home, in 2015, 2016 graduate and former Mill Valley News editor-in-chief Justin Curto published several stories over the recall of Board of Education member Scott Hancock amid sexual harassment allegations. Like Smith, Curto said that the SPA pushed him to follow the story. “I think from the start, it helped because we knew we were going to be able to do it,” Curto said. “It was great experience on my part to have to make all the considerations that a real-world journalist would have to make.” With the recent emphasis on student press protections spearheaded by the New Voices Movement, Kansas Scholastic Press Association director Eric Thomas hopes that all student journalists across the nation will soon have full access to their First Amendment rights. “A few years ago, we would have said the effort to pass these laws is totally dead on arrival,” Thomas said. “Nobody’s trying to do it, nobody wants to try to do it, everybody seems ignoring it. But this seems to be different. I feel like a lot of these efforts are percolating up and while they may be coming short of what they need to be, it is a conversation that is happening much more than it ever did.”


Mary Beth Tinker was one of the students in the 1969 Supreme Court case of Tinker v. Des Moines, in which a group of students wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War. The case helped to establish freedoms and rights for students across the nation JagWire: How did you feel that your rights as a student were being infringed upon? Mary Beth Tinker: I didn’t know all about the First Amendment. I was in 8th grade, I was 13-years-old. The older kids were planning the thing. [My brother and his friend] started talking about what could we do about the [Vietnam] war back in Des Moines. So some of the kids decided, what if we wear black armbands at school, because it’s a symbol of mourning. It goes way back all through hsitory. If you had someone killed in the war, if your grandma died, you’d wear a black armband to wherever to show that you were sad. You ever heard the saying, you wear your feelings on your sleeve? It’s kind of that too. They said, “Come on Beth. You can do it too.” And I was thinking, I don’t think so. That’s a great idea, why don’t you guuys do it? Because I was shy and I was scared. But it just goes to show that sometimes, history calls for you. The times call for you. So I thought: I’ll try to be brave and do that. JW: What is it like knowing your actions have affected so many?

MBT: It’s crazy because we did this little small thing. It’s like, you might go to school wearing some pin, and you get in trouble, and the next thing you know it’s this major landmark Supreme Court case. It’s such a small thing we did. But over the years, I learned that that’s how history is usually made: by small people, just ordinary people, living their lives, and then something happens and you have to step up and decide, “I can either do nothing, or I can do something.” JW: What specific rights did you help to give students? MBT: I did not give students anything, because it’s right in the Constitution. The idea of the First Amendment, free speech, free press, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition and religion. The courts decided that there’s no reason that should only apply to adults. And that was the major breakthrough. That just shows why children, why teenagers should have a say. These adults, a lot of times, they have it wrong. So I tell kids, you might as well learn it. There’s not some book people go to to find answers that the adults are somehow in on and you’re not.



Design by Ally Nguyen

Mill Valley High School



ADMINISTRATIONAPPRECIATION We would like to thank the administration for supporting and respecting our rights as journalists


ver the last 18 years, the student journalists here at the JagWire have been able to create and share content we consider newsworthy with our readers. The Kansas Student Publications Act has allowed us to cover light-hearted topics, as well as serious or controversial subjects. Either way, we’re extremely grateful to have been able to produce these articles and want to acknowledge and thank our administration for supporting our right to do so. As heard in this issue’s special section, the Kansas Student Publications Act, passed in 1992, protects our voice and ability to cover topics that have been deemed “political or controversial.” Although administrations in states with laws that protect student journalists are required to withhold censorship, that does not always happen, even with these laws in place. Luckily, our staff has never faced some of the challenges that other student publications have. After Salina Central’s The Pylon staff wrote a cover story addressing racism, a district statement was issued apologizing for “any hurt or disappointment caused by the Pylon.” Eventually, no fault was found on the

journalists’ behalf and the district did come around to voice their support of the students, but this shows how miscommunication between the students and administration can cause problems. It also highlights any minor intervention our district could potentially use, but doesn’t.

We always respect our administration, but more importantly, they respect us. Additionally, we recognize how lucky we are to be one of the 13 states that have an act that protects the rights of student journalists. We fully support the 16 states working to gain these same rights by passing New Voices legislation. Because of the help, encouragement and trust from our administration we have been able to cover topics that have won us a multitude of awards. Both our newspaper and our yearbook have been inducted into the

NSPA All-American Hall of Fame, and the JagWire has won three National Pacemaker Awards in the last three years. This would not have been able to be achieved without the support of our administration. For years, a mutual appreciation between the JagWire staff and our district officials has allowed our work to flourish. We’ve always respected our administration, but more importantly, they’ve respected us and our rights. For that, we are grateful.







Mill Valley High School

Design by Ally Nguyen



DESIGNING A FRIENDSHIP Be open-minded and accepting of others in order to foster and experience different friendships


editor-in-chief jagwire.alisonbooth@gmail.com


editor-in-chief jagwire.victoriawright@gmail.com


hen we first met, we couldn’t have pictured being friends. In our 21st Century Journalism class, the two of us hardly acknowledged each other. I, Alison, was incredibly interested in writing and the technicalities of investigative journalism and politically left-leaning (as seen in the Bernie Sanders sticker on the back of my car); on the other hand, I, Victoria, was fascinated by photography and the idea of capturing pivotal moments in a person’s life and proudly display a Donald Trump sticker on my car. Even through our sophomore and parts of our junior year together on the newspaper staff, our differences still separated us. It wasn’t until the two of us were assigned to work together that we first really talked. About halfway through our junior year on staff, the two of us were assigned to design the Kansas Citythemed special section of our upcoming issue. Both of us were a bit hesitant about the prospect of designing such a large and important section together;

not only had we never designed together or really talked, but neither of us had a huge amount of experience in the world of design. However, when we first started designing the section, we were able to bounce ideas off of each other, each idea developing and becoming more concrete because of each other. To this day, both of us are incredibly proud of that first design that we made together, a design that went on to win an award not only at the Kansas Scholastic Press Association monthly contest, but also at the National Scholastic Press Association journalism contest. Now, the two of us have designed together at least once every issue this year. When the two of us design pages together, it feels like we’re finishing each other’s thoughts and are simply concreting the other’s vision. Our friendship has stemmed from our differences; we have been able to pull together our strengths to create designs

that we’re proud to print. If we hadn’t been open-minded about not only working together, but also about becoming friends, we’re convinced we wouldn’t be the designers we are today. We acknowledge that we’re incredibly different people in both the world of journalism and everyday life, but our ability to look past these differences is what makes our friendship so strong. As we prepare to head into college and meet unfamiliar people, we’ve learned that you have to be open-minded when it comes to meeting new people and making new friends. Accepting that you may not think or act or even believe the same way as other people is imperative to stepping out of your comfort zone. Even when you’re put into an environment where you aren’t friends with or don’t know the people you’re working with, accept that. We know we did, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.



Design by Ally Nguyen

Mill Valley High School


EVEN TINY ACTIONS CAN CREATE LARGE EFFECTS Only being able to have a small impact can still be impactful


reporter/photographer jagwire.elizabethjoseph@gmail.com


’m not an avid viewer of YouTube videos, but I am familiar with the mantra recited at the end of many of them: “like, comment and subscribe for more.” Although the phrase has become cliche, it asks very little from the video’s viewers. If you enjoy anything, taking the time to be engaged at least at a minimum level of effort has a palpable impact on its success. One such way of actively showing your enjoyment is to vote with your dollar, or put your money where it counts in order to make a change. For

example, according to Forbes Magazine, Wonder Woman experienced a turnout of $411 million, leading to the following movie, Justice League, reshooting scenes in order to include more of the character. Similarly, the incredible box office responses to movies such as Black Panther and Get Out demonstrated audience’s desires to see more movies with black and minority leads. Supporting creative endeavors that represent what you want to see is imperative to making sure those visions get a platform. However, if you don’t have the means to donate or fund businesses, there are other ways to show support. If a server at a restaurant is great with service, leave a positive review or commend them to their manager, as doing so may get them a higher salary. If you enjoyed a movie, album or book, leaving a positive review, as well as sharing it on social media or amongst friends, is a simple way to support it. When I wrote and published a book a few years ago, I noticed that even one

reviewer ranking my work could move it up higher on the charts. Furthermore, taking the time to send an email can make a difference. If you’re tired of the way something is done at the school, reach out to a counselor, principal Tobie Waldeck or an administrator on the district level to offer your input — community members participating in focus groups, for example, is what guided fund allocation for the bond issue, described on page 6. Stepping up fuels innovation. Events like Relay for Life and Mr. Mill Valley came from students who wanted to make them happen. And, on a larger scale, all around the nation, more students are speaking up for what they believe is right. While I try to remain engaged with what I love, I’ve noticed that with every tide of current events, I find myself and my peers getting angrier with what’s happening in the world. However, fuelling your emotions towards a goal, instead of holding on to them, is a means to making a difference.

FOSTER PASSION IN ATHLETES, NOT AGGRESSION Athletes should be able to find a positive place in sports teams


managing editor jagwire.claireboone@gmail.com


hen it comes to recreational sports, I’m all too familiar with the parents and coaches who sit on the sidelines and scream the entire game. Whether it’s during a recreational soccer game or a relaxed beach volleyball game, I’m certain I’ve heard it all. No matter the sport or the level of competitiveness, though, parents should let their kids be kids. Playing sports is something that most kids in our area get the privilege

of experiencing. It is a time for them to run around, get some exercise and make new friends. If you’re playing a sport recreationally, you are signing up for a weekend activity to have some fun and it is no place for a parent to lose their mind over a play or a call. College scouts don’t come to recreational sport games for young children, so parents need to stop acting like each play is detrimental to their kid's future as an athlete. I have found that the most competitive people on recreational sports teams are sometimes the parents. I remember playing goalie during a soccer game when I was in seventh grade, and I let a ball get by me and into the goal. Parents from our team got really aggressive because it was an easy ball that I missed, but those words were the beginning of what would be a dislike of the atmosphere the sport brought. It is OK to get excited and

cheer on the sidelines, but yelling at young children for not passing the ball to the right spot or not getting a good dig is a bit extreme. According to the National Alliance for Sports, 70 percent of children leave organized sports by the age 13. This would be, for example, out of the ten players on your childhood soccer team, only three of you would still be playing beyond eighth grade. Maybe kids are being pushed too hard to be phenomenal athletes in elementary school and are dropping sports all together in middle school, but supporting your kids and encouraging their interests will go farther than pushing them to do well. That’s not the point of organized sports; the point is to have fun. Whether you’re picking the dandelions on the sidelines or you are the lead scorer for your team, sports should be a safe and positive atmosphere for everyone that is involved.



Mill Valley High School


VIDEO GAMES AREN'T THE CAUSE OF SHOOTINGS Politicians shouldn't perpetrate myths for their political agendas cians may imply. The reasons for aggressive behaviors — especially behaviors as violent as committing mass murder — are extremely nuanced, and cannot be made clear by one single oversimplified and overstated explanation. It is extremely irresponsible for politicians to draw the line of blame directly to one single source, such as violent media, instead of evaluating the causes of violence on a holistic level.


reporter/photographer jagwire.jordanrobinson@gmail.com


wo days after a former student walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and brutally murdered 17 students and teachers, Republican Rep. Brian Mast of Florida said on NPR, when asked how to better prevent school violence, that “the biggest pusher of violence is, hands down, Hollywood movies, hands down, the video game market.” This argument, however, which was also cited by Kentucky gov. Matt Bevin, is a convenient and unscientific manipulation of a misconception that is used in place of actual policy. Though there have been studies that have found a positive correlation between violent media consumption and aggressive thoughts, they have been extremely short term; assessing for increased aggressive thoughts just minutes after playing violent video games or consuming violent movies. Additionally, these studies found an increase only in aggressive thoughts, not behaviors, despite what the statements of certain uninformed politi-

It is extremely irresponsible for politicians to draw the line of blame directly to one singe source. In fact, according to a report published in the Review of General Psychology, children who displayed aggressive traits such as “high neuroticism, low agreeableness and low conscientiousness” before playing a violent game were most likely to display aggressive traits after, suggesting that the video game was not the primary cause of the aggression. Furthermore, according to Dr. Peter Langdon, an expert in the psychology of school shooters, perpetrators typically fall under one of three psychological categories: a psychopathic


shooter, who lacks conscience and empathy; a psychotic shooter, who is not fully grounded in reality and may have schizophrenia or a schizotypal personality disorder; or a traumatized shooter, who has had a difficult background and has “experienced multiple types of abuse, chronic stress and trauma”. Dr. Langdon has never evaluated a shooter who’s crime is directly attributable to excessive violent video game consumption. Wherever you may stand on the debate over gun control, the proliferation of misinformation is dangerous. Though the search for meaning is a natural response to any tragedy, blaming violent media for a school shooting is a misplaced and flawed argument that politicians use to deflect the tough questions raised by the debate over gun control. Ultimately, there is no simple cause for mass shootings and by extension, there is no simple solution to combating them. However, the first step towards safer schools and a safer society is limiting the amount of misinformation congesting the discussion around how to move forward. It is the responsibility of our elected leaders to find solutions to difficult problems, not promote non-polarizing misconceptions in order to avoid taking a side. In turn, it is our responsibility, as citizens, to carefully choose our leaders and hold them accountable for finding policies beneficial to society, no matter the political backlash that may fall on them.

Suitable for all ages

Contains minimal suggestive themes

Source: Entertainment Software Rating Board

Mature 17+

Teen (13+)

Everyone (10+)


Video game ratings are based on age appropriateness

Contains violence and suggestive themes

Contains intense violence and sexual content



Design by Hunter Ristau

Mill Valley High School



Mill Valley High School

Design by Katya Gillig

SUBSTITUTECOACH Substitute teacher Steve Bock coaches tennis and boys basketball, despite not working at the school on a daily basis

After missing several practices due to the snow days, sophomore basketball coach Steve Bock instructs the team on how to perform the next drill on Friday, Feb. 23. // Morgan Gurwell


A&E editor jagwire.abbylayton@gmail.com


ix sophomore boys basketball players run up and down the court at a home basketball game, passing the ball back and forth in an attempt to score a two-pointer. Sophomore boys basketball coach Steve Bock watches the players from the sidelines and calls out suggestions. Bock also coaches girls tennis and boys tennis, meaning he coaches a high school sport all year around. Bock holds an unusual position at the school. He coaches three school sports, one as a head coach, but doesn’t permanently teach at the school. In the fall, he coaches girls tennis, in the winter boys basketball


Titles and wins by teams coached by substitute teacher Steve Bock

and in the spring is the head coach of boys tennis. Bock has two sons who have graduated from Mill Valley, one whom he coached. Bock quit his job as a teacher to stay home with them when they were born. He worked part-time at his brother’s business, but after five years quit to return to teaching. Bock chose to coach at Mill Valley due to his history and prior knowledge of the school. “This is a great school; my sons went here and I’m very familiar with it,” Bock said. “All the students [and] their spirit here [means] there is desire to be the best. A chance to be a part of that was definitely a great break for me.” Head girls tennis coach Nichole Gurwell, a fifth grade teacher at Clear Creek elementary, believes Bock’s po-


place at state by 2017 girls tennis team, the highest in school history



sition as a substitute teacher gives him a unique position over coaches who have a permanent position. “[Bock’s] job gets him in contact with more kids than if he were a regular teacher,” Gurwell said. “He knows these students before they become his athletes so there is no question about his expectations.” From a players perspective, sophomore boys basketball player Ben Stove agrees with Gurwell. Stove said Bock is a great coach because of his ability to connect with players as well as helping them with their chosen sport, whether that be tennis or basketball. “He helps you with the little things like mechanics,” Stove said. “He is a great person to talk to, so it’s easy to come up and talk to him about anything.” According to Gurwell, one quality Bock has that makes him a great coach is his tendency to care about his athletes, no matter the score. “While he is certainly competitive, he cares about the whole person more than winning,” Gurwell said. “He wants to make sure that his athletes are doing well in school and are good people, as much as he wants to help them improve their athletic skills.” Both of Bock’s sons graduated in May of last year, and while Bock will continue to coach basketball and tennis, he believes the experience will change without his son. “I was driving [Andrew] home from his last tennis lesson, we always stop at Quik Trip, and I realized that that was the last one,” Bock said. “I came back and I watched some of my other players that I have and I stopped without [him]. It was different.” Bock is glad that he returned to teaching in the form of substituting, and believes it is the right job for him. “I started subbing with the idea of looking for something in physical education,” Bock said. “The lifestyle fits me. I love to see everybody, be everywhere, talk to everybody and it’s just a beautiful thing.”


place at state by 2017 boys tennis team, the highest in school history


Wins by 2017-18 sophomore boys basketball team



Design by Annie Myers

Mill Valley High School


NATIONALSTARS At the Miss Kansas dance competition on Saturday, Jan. 13, senior Emmy Bidnick performs in the pom routine. This routine received a polish and precision award and was also selected to be performed in the showcase for the first time in school history. // Annie Myers

Dance team to compete at its first Nationals competition


editor-in-chief jagwire.noralucas@gmail.com


Performing at the nationals showcase on Monday, Feb. 26, junior Bella Line extends her hands outward. // Jakob Twigg

he Silver Stars dance team made school history last week by being the first school team ever to compete at the national level. The competition was hosted by the National Dance Alliance and took place at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Seven other schools from Johnson County competed, as well as over 150 other teams from around the country. Due to the addition of dance team as a class, the Silver Stars are able to compete for the first time this year. Throughout the school year, junior Bella Line said the team has been preparing for Nationals in morning practices lasting from 6:30 to 9 a.m., as well as evening practices and other events. “We have also had local competitions, and we use those as preparations for Nationals, just to get feedback from people other than our

coaches,” Line said. Coach Katie Jackson said the road to Nationals has been “a long time coming,” since the team had to find a way to get around state law restricting high school dance teams. “With the rulings here in Kansas, with not allowing in-state competitions or attending competitions at all, we had to find a way to make it work,” Jackson said. “Now having dance team as a class, we can go to Nationals officially as a part of a field trip, and it’s really exciting because there’s a lot of schools here in this area that go.” Jackson said when former athletic director David Ewers was here, he was “all for dance team as a class, we just couldn’t get it worked out.” When he left, assistant principal Marilyn Chrisler took over the responsibility of working with the dance team. Chrisler, along with other school and district staff members, worked with the Board of Education to “come together and make it happen,” according to Jackson. The dancers then sent in a video sample, qualifying them for Nationals. Before the team left, Line said she



Mill Valley High School




Past results for dances the team will compete with at Nationals

POM Kansas City Classic Miss Kansas Lee’s Summit North


JAZZ Kansas City Classic Miss Kansas Lee’s Summit North


was excited to bond as a team. “I’m looking forward to not being in Kansas,” Line said. “I’m looking forward to the warm weather and being able to bond with these girls even more. We’re really close this year, and we are every year, but I feel like this is going to be a great opportunity for us to become even closer.”

Receiving a choreography award, freshman Lauren Acree performs in the jazz routine at the Miss Kansas dance competition on Saturday, Jan. 13. // Annie Myers The Silver Stars practice their large varsity pom routine during their Blue one class on Tuesday, Feb. 27 in preparation for their upcoming National Dance Team Championship in Orlando, Florida. // Jakob Twigg

“We’ve worked so hard this entire year.” JUNIOR BELLA LINE

For Jackson, Nationals has always been integrated in her life. Growing up, her mother was a high school dance coach, so she traveled with her, then later competed and worked the competition as a judge. So as a coach here, Jackson said that Nationals has been a personal goal. “It’s always kind of been a dream of mine to coach a team that’s gone

to Nationals, so when I started coaching here at Mill Valley six years ago, it was a goal that we were always kind of pushing towards,” Jackson said. “I knew our team was talented enough that we could qualify.” Jackson clearly remembers her time spent as a competitor. “Everything I felt, like all the moments, it’s just indescribable,” Jackson said. “There really isn’t any other word for it, and it’s something that will bond them as a team as well.”

In preparation, Line said each member had the goal of making it to finals or winning a category. “It would be really nice and almost refreshing because we’ve worked so hard this entire year with morning practices and all the extra practices we’ve had and working outside of dance team practice,” Line said. “I think it would be refreshing to win, just knowing that all the work that we’ve put forth this entire year was worth it.”



Design by Anika Roy

BEST CASE SCENARIO Students share reasoning behind their phone case selection as well as prices

Photos by Andrew Tow

Mill Valley High School

How expensive was your phone case?


$0 to $10 $11 to $20 $21 to $30


$31+ *Twitter poll of 210 students



reporter/photographer jagwire.michaelsandri@gmail.com

OTTERBOX “It has a certified drop protection and since I drop my phone a lot I picked this case to prevent shattering it.”


BATTERY “I find it helps me get through the day. I never have to stop and charge my phone. It is always just ready to go. There is no other case that I would use."


CLEAR “I prefer this case because it’s clear so I can see the polaroid picture that I have put on the back”





things to consider when buying a phone case

1 2 3 4 5 6 7







Fit Source: eBay


Mill Valley High School

Design by Marah Shulda




Desserts made with liquid nitrogen have become popular in the KC area


sports editor jagwire.katyagillig@gmail.com


Nitrogen ice cream is a normal ice cream base, which is frozen with liquid nitrogen rather than the normal process of churning it. The ice cream is made to order, so it is fresher than regular ice cream.


1 2 3 4


pick a base


choose a flavor


mix in nitrogen


customizable drinks




LOCATIONS 15044 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe, Kansas 66062


cereal puffs coated with liquid nitrogen


8750 Penrose Ln, Lenexa, Kansas 66219

6917 W 135th St, Overland Park, Kansas 66223




chips topped with meat and veggies

Statistics about nitrogen and the prevalence of it Source: Sub Zero



freezing point of nitrogen

percent of body weight is nitrogen

78.1 percent of atmosphere is nitrogen

2 minutes to freeze ice cream

Photos by Andrew Tow and Carter Lawson



Mill Valley High School

Design by Claire Boone


PATH TOVICTORY Steps taken to achieve a victory in Fortnite

In the beginning, plays are dropped onto the map with 99 opponents

While relaxing during a day off of school, senior Brennan Schulte plays the popular new game Fortnite on Sunday, Feb. 25. // Carter Lawson

Finally, players try to win by elimnating one another until they are the last man standing

Next, players scavenge for items and build a shelter, all while avoiding the storm


reporter/photographer jagwire.michaelsandri@gmail.com


Senior Brennan Schulte’s Snapchat story is a picture of his monitor saying, “#1 Victory Royale!” after winning Fortnite. // Submitted by Brennan Schulte

n Fortnite, the player is dropped onto an island with 99 other opponents who are all fighting to be the last man standing. Throughout the match, players can increase their chances of winning by finding weapons in chests, forming alliances and building forts for cover. The competitive atmosphere has attracted many people to the game, including students at Mill Valley. Seemingly overnight, student feeds on social media began overflowing with pictures of TV screens showcasing the familiar blue banner that reads: “#1 Victory Royale!” Many student gamers, including senior Brennan Schulte, believe the reason Fortnite has become popular so quickly is because it provides a feeling of nostalgia that other recent releases are unable to capture. “It brought back that late night middle school video game squad feel that people haven’t felt in a really long time,” Schulte said. Using his computer as a platform, junior Sami Jasso agrees and says that along with the nostalgia factor, Fortnite has features that are unique to its genre.

“It’s completely free and different than any other game like it,” Jasso said. “The aspect of being able to build forts introduces a whole new way to play these types of games.” In addition to Fortnite’s multiple features, the game also allows the player to compete with their own playstyle and go into the fight with their own strategy.

“It’s completely free and different than other game like it.” JUNIOR SAMI JASSO

Jasso says his playstyle is centered around putting pressure on all of his opponents and eliminating them rather than finding a good place to hide out during the battle. “My strategy is to just drop to this location called Tilted Towers and eliminate everyone in that area,” Jasso said. “Next, I just play really aggressively and run around and kill every-



Mill Valley High School



Students discuss the growing popularity of the new game, Fortnite, and how they started playing While loading a game of Fortnite, junior Sami Jasso performs his character’s pregame dancing ritual on Monday, Feb. 26. “Some upsides to playing on computer is that the competition is tougher and it forces you to get better at the game,” Jasso said. // Drake Brizendine

one I see.” Jasso also makes sure to use a weapon that compliments his close-combat approach. “The weapon I use the most is the pump shotgun,” Jasso said. “I like to use it because it has a really high damage output and does what I need it to.” Unlike Jasso, Schulte uses guns with longer range to aid him in stealthier tactics. “I really pride myself in my shot with a sniper,” Schulte said. “It’s very useful for when I am taking out opponents at a distance.” In the midst of all the various tactics, there are still some more casual players like sophomore Lexi Pinney, who do not take any specific approach and just play the game for fun. “I have no idea what any strategies are,” Pinney said. “I don’t even have any idea what the buttons do. I just press random buttons and just hope for the best.” Schulte says it doesn’t matter what a players preferred game genre is, he is sure they will enjoy Fortnite. “The game has something for everyone,” Schulte said. “Between the shooting, collecting and building, I would be shocked if someone didn’t like the Fortnite.”

POPULARPERCENTAGES Students respond to a poll about the new game, Fortnite How often do you see “#1 Victory Royale” on a Snapchat story?

1-2 times 27% 2-3 times 27% 4+ times 28% A few times a week 18%


percent of students play the game Fortnite


percent of students are annoyed by the Fortnite trend *Twitter survey of 171 students


Design by Hunter Ristau and Marah Shulda

Mill Valley High School


While looking at her notes, senior Haley Minor studies for Medical Terminology on Friday, Feb. 23. “First semester I took Medical Terminolgy and that consisted of learning about the anatomy of the body,” Minor said.// Carter Lawon

As she works with fellow classmates, senior Taylor Davidson prepares to crack an egg on Friday, Feb. 23. “I’m planning to go into the culinary industry after [high school]” Davidson said. // Carter Lawson

In the Medical Terminology lecture junior Sydney Pullen completes her class work on Friday, Feb. 23. “I want to go into sports medicine and this class is super helpful because we get to learn the real terms,” Pullen said. // Carter Lawson

After preparing two courses, senior Allysa Talavera cuts cranberries for the dessert course on Friday, Feb. 23. “I like how it gives us real world experience in an actual kitchen and there’s no sugar coating it,” Talavera said. // Carter Lawson While studying in her Agricultual Science class on Wednesday, Feb. 14, junior Ciara Pemberton uses Quizlet live. “We have access to a lot of technology like laptops and also get hands-on learning experiences,” Pemberton said. // Marah Shulda


Numerous students attend classes offered by the Eudora high school to sharpen real world skills

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