3 minute read


The Contact Sheet Crew!

Jim Hooper


Exciting news! The Contact Sheet is GROWING!

The Contact Sheet has been a true labor of love for me over the years. I first created the Contact Sheet when I became the Education Chair of the Guild, as a way of sending out short educational tips in a quick email, once a week. It has certainly come a long way since then, and members are now submitting articles to help and support this effort. Each month, the Contact Sheet ranges from 24-40 (!!) pages, and feedback has always been very positive.

This month, I have requested the support of a few willing members to come together and form a new committee who will help to develop the Contact Sheet with me each month. I sent out an email to three people, and all three immediately agreed to step in and contribute, and I could not be more happy! The new committee includes David Soderlund,

Melody Burri, and Charlie Cappellino.

Within 24 hours of my initial email, collaborative ideas were being shared, and a Zoom meeting was set up to look to the future for this publication. I am extremely grateful for their support and commitment, and we have already discussed some really great new opportunities. We will be working together to identify potential articles, new recurring features, potential contributors and more.

Our first order of business will be setting out some longer term ideas for the Contact Sheet. Often times, I come up with an idea less than a week before publication day, and ask a member to pull something together on a moments notice.

Photographic Society of America

The Finger Lakes Photography Guild is a member club of the Photographic Society of America (PSA). PSA offers some amazing benefits including online courses, one-onone mentoring opportunities, access to the monthly PSA Journal, member galleries, club and individual competitions, study groups, and even discounts on popular products and workshops. Some benefits are available as a member club, others require individual membership. For more information, visit PSA online at psa-photo.org.

Upcoming Events

October 7: Education Meeting. Portrait Shoots with Models, from A-Z with Jim Hooper and Nici Johnson. **

October 17: The Subjective Landscape with Chris Murray. Pre-Registration REQUIRED. Go to hooperphotographic. com/education to register today. **

** Note: These meetings will be conducted via Zoom once again. An invitation will be going out by email. You’re welcome to invite anyone who you think might be interested. We’d love to use this new meeting format as a way of extending our reach to new audiences! Because we are resilient too!

This new committee will help with planning themes and ideas well in advance so that members will have time to contribute that great content that we all appreciate as members of this Guild.

We will also be working on developing some templates or tutorials on how to write a great, compelling article for the newsletter. We know that all of our members have some really great skills with photography and processing, and everyone has unique skills and workflows, but not everyone feels as confident about writing. It is our hope that with some gentle encouragement and some tips and templates, more members will feel motivated to share some of their own skills with the rest of the membership!

If you have ideas for the committee, or would like to contribute articles to the next issue, we’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to me and I’d love to help make it happen!

Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Club

The Finger Lakes Photography Guild is a member club of The Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Club (NFRCC). NFRCC is made up of 18 individual camera and photography clubs, with some of those clubs belonging to the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (CAPA) and/or the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

Established in 1957, the NFRCC encompasses an area in the Niagara Peninsula in Southern Ontario, Western New York and Pennsylvania, thus making it truly an International Organization. Our meeting season is from September through May with meeting schedules at the discretion of each club.

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