1 minute read


Diane Dersch’s photo “Eagle Falls” won Honorable Mention in the “Life in the Finger Lakes” photo contest. She credits David Soderlund, saying “I worked on it after his online class of black and white editing”.

Joy Underhill had her fishing image appear in the 2020 Falmouth Official Guide. It’s widely distributed throughout Cape Cod during tourist season!


Also, FLPG Members have been scoring well in the Image City Photo Challenges. These challenges have been going on for a while, Challenge 3: Don Delong Challenge 6: Diane Dersch, Joann Long Challenge 8: Tom Kredo Challenge 9: Karl Dueland, Joann Long, Tom Kredo Challenge 10: Joy Underhill Challenge 12: Don Delong Challenge 14: Tom Kredo and Diane Dersch.

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