Ever deeper honesty Part 3

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2. Inherently going to contain some suffering, (because all manifestations are a contraction). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's inevitable that all creations will be bad/cruel/evil, because creation is inherently a contraction, and all contractions involve pain/suffering (to some degree). Ie, the only way to be totally free from contraction/pain/suffering, is to be that which is non-existence, because non-existence is not only free from these things, but is: 1. Beyond contraction and expansion. 2. Beyond birth and death. 3. Etc. Ie, in non-existence, there are no silly games/stories, (eg, you need to experience something negative, to enjoy something positive). Also, there's no need to simultaneously be in both existence and non-existence. Yes, this would be better than being only in existence, however, being only in non-existence is going to be infinitely better. Note: Some people would argue, that if you want to experience something positive, then you have to experience something negative. This is just extremely narrow minded. -- However, even if this was true, then it sound like an extremely foolish game to be involved in, and you must have been serious brainwashed/programmed/fooled/tricked to want to play it, and believe that no other options exist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The best way to keep people in prison/torture/slavery/rape, is to give them hope. -- And, the best hope/story/advice/information to give the slaves, is that they will soon be free, but firstly, they just have to do x, y, z, and if they do this over a long enough period of time, they will then be free. Of course, x, y, z, might be advice from the slaver-drivers (or slave-owners), or it could be advice from any “freedom”/“truth”/“humanitarian”/etc, organisation, telling them that they have to: 1. Do some prayers/rituals. 2. Do some meditation/practice/technique. 3. Prepare (and alter) their body/mind/spirit/soul, for reasons x, y, z. 4. Prepare for some upcoming disaster/apocalypse, (eg: financial, terrorist, 1000

natural, biblical, etc). 5. Etc. Of course, it's irrelevant where the advice/information comes from, (and what advice/information is given), because it's all just the same trick/scam/con, which is that they're always being advised to do x, y, z, for at least 6 months, (or however long), and then they'll be free. And, of course, this just keeps them in slavery for 6 more months. And, after those 6 months are over, then they'll be told some other advice/information, (from some other new benevolent group/organisation/sprits/etc). Indeed, this is why most people have been brainwashed/programmed to believe that “hope” is good thing. -- However, this is ridiculous, because “hope” is no different to “desire”, and desire is one of the most cruel/evil things that exists. -------------------However, that is only half of the story. The other half, is that: The only thing more cruel, than a system that uses desire, is system that does not allow you to be free, even when you do transcend desire. Indeed, this system, is what “life”/“existence” is. ---------Note: Yes, transcending desire will reduce the amount of suffering in your life, however, it will not eliminate it. Therefore, transcending desire is not the ultimate way out. The only true way out, is to get to a place where desire/suffering/pain cannot exist, ever. The only place where it's impossible for desire/suffering/pain to ever exist, is in non-existence. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only desire that ends all desires/suffering/pain, is the desire for non-existence. Ie, it's the end of all games/nonsense/ridiculousness, that inherently comes with existence. Permanent non-existence, is the only thing that is free from: • • • •

Pain. Suffering. Hope. Desire. 1001

• • • • • • •

Fear. Identity. Separation. Duality and non-duality. Boredom. The need for things like enlightenment. Etc.

-------------------Yes, an enlightened state-of-being can free you of some of these, but not all of these. And, the ones that it can free you from, are not total freedom. Eg: 1. You might be free from suffering, but pain will still exist. 2. You might be free from hope/desire, but there will still be a natural movement away from pain. 3. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people think that they're good/moral people, because they're leading a life of “service-to-others”, (instead of “service-to-self”). -- However, all people who believe that they’re leading a life of service-to-others, are creating suffering in the world, because they're perpetuating the belief that it's good to have children/families/relationships/friendships/communities/communication/interaction/ dependency/etc, and they're involved in some (or all) of this, themselves. Ie, these people are directly (or indirectly): 1. Perpetuating this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. 2. Just using the term “service-to-others”, as a new badge/label, which they use to make themselves feel moral/good, and hide behind (whilst they immorally/selfishly enslave and use people/entities, (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). 3. Will try to brainwash/program people to believe in any rules/beliefs/systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), which allows them to continue to use their personal-slaves (and/or work-slaves), in plain-sight. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The people to trust the least, are the ones who have the most to lose.


The people who are the best example of this, are parents, due to: 1. The amount of time/effort/energy/money/etc, that they've put into their child. 2. The fact that if some mothers/fathers lost their child, they would not be able to have another child, (for whatever reason, eg: they might be too old, unable to, too tired to go through birth (and raising a child) all over again, etc). 3. The fact that they've used their child to make themselves sound: moral, selfless, important, valuable to humanity, doing god's work, etc. 4. They will have used their child to give themselves a new identity/image/position, (eg: “I am a mother/father”, “I am a person that is needed”, etc). -------------------The key point is, that: People who have a lot to lose, will always be trying to protect their personal interests/investment. And, the bigger their interests/investment, the more: 1. They'll be willing to do anything to protect it, no matter how immoral/selfish it is, and no matter how much suffering it causes other people. 2. Extreme their strategies/tactics/weapons will be. Because they’ll always be willing to escalate these strategies/tactics/weapons (to a more immoral level). 3. That they'll fear losing it, which means that they'll naturally be in a constant state of war, (because they'll be constantly defending/attacking anyone who even appears to be potential threat). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just because reincarnation is something that has been believed in for thousands of years, doesn't mean that it's true. -- It might exist, but it might not. -- Moreover, even if it does exist, it might not apply to those who kill themselves with good intent/reason. And, even if a cruel system is in place, that doesn't mean that it should be perpetuated. -- Eg, if a cruel system of slavery exists, then the only way that it will collapse, is if the slaves stop being slaves. Ie, if they all just stop working, then the system collapses. -- Ie, if reincarnation exists, perhaps the only way to beat it, is to not care that it exists, and don't let it influence your life in the slightest way. Indeed, if you don't let something have power over you, then it loses it's power, and if 1003

enough people do it, then that whole system inevitably collapses. No system is 100%, and therefore, all systems are able to be collapsed. -- And this is true, whether the system is natural/artificial/organic/inorganic/etc. Eg, if reincarnation does exist, it’s irrelevant if it is a natural thing, or an artificial process, because it can still be collapsed in many ways. -- Eg, if the world was suddenly destroyed (by whatever means), then people would not be able to reincarnate, since there are no bodies (human or animal) to reincarnate into. Or, if the whole of existence suddenly dissolved into non-existence, then there will be no more reincarnation of people. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a person's direct experience of life, is that life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, then that is it. So, if anyone decides to try to persuade them that it's anything other than this, then that is just more gaslighting. Indeed, almost all things in life, are exactly this. Again, just because life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, doesn't mean that you have to let it run (or be) your life. -- Ie, you can just stop working, immediately. There's nothing stoping you from just not playing that game of “being a good little obedient slave”. And, there's no need to be involved in any other type of slavery, ever again. -- Ie, it's not just the slavery of a job, but also the prison/torture/slavery/rape of relationships/family/children/etc. All things can be walked away from. Also, when people stay in the system, they keep the system alive. Indeed, only when enough people do this, will the system of prison/torture/slavery/rape collapse. -- Many people might not think that this is possible, however, all you need to do, is to stop doing all the things that cause you suffering (even the small things), and this will set you free. Yes, the outcome is unknown, however, it's not about knowing what's ahead. All it's about, is knowing what is unacceptable, (and a life of prison/torture/slavey, is totally unacceptable). So, on a practical level, you just quit your job, and live off your whatever money you have saved up (if any), and be free. -- Ie, it's no different to a slave saying: “I would rather die free, than die a slave, (even if 1004

that means dying sooner)�. -------------------However, what this all also means, is that those people who stay in the system of prison/torture/slavery/rape, are the ones who are being immoral, (because they're the ones keeping the system alive). Therefore, all people/entities/dimensions/etc, that are anything other than non-existence, are being immoral/selfish/cruel. Therefore, the people causing all the suffering in the world, is not some group/secret-organisation/etc, but everyone. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------During larger games/wars, it's important to realise, that there are always more than two players/sides. -- And, even if there only appears to be two players/sides, don't be fooled by it. -- Ie, it's inevitable that there will be more players hidden in the background/shadows, because there are always other people/groups that have selfish interests in any battle. Moreover, many of these hidden players, will never reveal themselves. What this all means, is that when a story is heard (eg, a story on the news), there is never just one version of this story. Moreover, there are never just two versions of a story. Moreover, it would be foolish to ever settle on any version of events, because as a person changes over time, they will inevitably learn of other versions of that event. And, since a person keeps changing, it's silly to believe that you can ever find the final true version of events. -------------------Indeed, in previous examples, I have explained how some women might do immoral things to a man, however, this is never the end of the story, because there are always other groups/organisations/people, who might want to sustain this immoral behaviour, or perhaps make it worse. So, let's continue with the example, of how a woman deliberately gets pregnant, just to get child-maintenance from a man. A good example of a third party (in this case), is the government. Ie, they can have many reasons why they want to create/perpetuate this behaviour, and so they’ll make laws that make this immoral behaviour very appealing. Ie, they are literally encouraging/pushing some women to do this. This might sound extreme, but if a woman is brought up in a certain way, and in a certain lifestyle, and then forced to live a certain way, and they see that immorality is everywhere, then surely they're almost expected to do this. Ie, it can even be argued, that they’ve been 1005

brainwashed/programmed to do such immoral acts. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When you hear of groups/organisation/etc, it's always a mistake to believe that they are a group. Ie, the mistake is to believe that a group exists. The point is, that the only reason to call them a group, is because you're saying/believing that they all have a common goal/agenda. However, this is never true, since all groups have factions. Indeed, the number of people in the group, is the number of factions within the group. -- And, if you're going to say that a group of ten people, consists of ten factions, then there's no point calling them a group. Moreover, everyone is constantly changing, and therefore, even if you could say that there were more than one person per faction, you couldn't ever keep up with the latest changes. Moreover, a person could be deliberately lying (a double-agent, triple-agent, etc), and it never ends, since a person's position/beliefs can change at any point, (even during an event). And, the ultimate example of how an event can be seen differently with time, is if you change enough, to where you suddenly see that everything is upside-down, and therefore, all the people/groups that you used to believe were good, and now seen as being bad, (and vice-versa). Moreover, the more honestly/clearly that you're able to examine, how you make other people suffer, the more you’ll see everything in life, in an ever-new way. The point is, that it's foolish to believe that you know what's going on, because your view of the events/world, will inevitably keep changing. However, it's important to realise, that you never need to keep up with what's going on, because the underlying story (patterns in life) are always the same. -- Ie, the outcome is always predictable, not because you know the groups/factions/players/agendas, but because it's the same as any other games/wars. Ie, no group/faction/individual will ever win, because winning, is actually losing. Of course, if you really understand this, then you realise that it's not helpful to know/understand what groups/factions/agendas/etc, exists. Indeed, this is perhaps just another trap. -- Ie, if you get caught up in trying to do this, then you'll get sucked into the vortex of it, and you'll suffer, (and/or spread suffering to others). -- Whereas, if you know that it's just the same old story/pattern, that will keep repeating itself in life (until the end of time (existence)), then you know that getting sucked into it is pointless/foolish. 1006

Ie, even when there is war raging all around you, you will be able to see it for what it really is, and this allows you to be still, and that stillness is peace. And what this all also means, is that even if people/groups do have weapons, that are so advanced, (that most people wouldn't be able to even comprehend/imagine (or believe) that such a weapon could exist), this is all irrelevant, because the underlying patterns of life are always the same, regardless of what weapons exist, or are used. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people suffer in life, because they're unable to grasp/believe/accept, that many things are beyond their comprehension/imagination. This is to be expected, because people are brainwashed/programmed to believe, that it’s good to be seen as someone who is: right, correct, knows what's going on, has it all under control, etc. -- Ie, this makes people arrogant, and arrogance makes people blind. And, when a person is blind, they can't see what is making them suffer, and therefore, they will inevitably continue to suffer. Some things that people are unable to grasp/believe/accept, are: 1. That certain strategies, can sometimes be beyond their understanding, comprehension, and imagination. This is because people don't want to admit to themselves, that they can be fooled/played/tricked/scammed/etc. 2. That there is always an infinitely bigger and more evil weapon/strategy/agenda/group/person. Indeed, to think that you know the worst of it, will only lead to more suffering in your life. 3. That a person/group cannot ever win. -- Indeed, one of the greatest mistakes, is to assume that you can ever win a game/war (in the long-term). Because, you might win, but it will only take you into another war, where the weapons/strategies/agendas/groups/people are worse. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Games/wars are endless. -- Moreover, the weapons/strategies/agendas/groups/people in each war, will always get progressively worse, (causing more suffering, in intensity and duration). People can keep progressing though these wars, however, they'll have to be willing to accept a great level of suffering, and also impose a greater amount of suffering on others. However, at each stage, the person/group will keep going, because they will slowly 1007

increase their ability to take (and give) suffering. However, there is only one outcome, which is that they will eventually have to endure a level of suffering, which will be unbearable to them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people go through very difficult events/experiences/traumas in their life, which makes them think that they can endure anything that life throws at them (any time in the future). However, this belief is what causes them to go though more suffering, because: 1. They aren't seeing suffering as unacceptable, and this makes them enter into situations that causes them suffering. 2. Due to being arrogant, they aren't able to look at things in a clear/open/honest manner, and therefore they can't see, that: a) There's always a more intense level of suffering that can be imparted on a person, at any moment in time. b) That suffering can be more intense, and last longer, than ever before. c) It can be a type of suffering that you don't even know could exist. -------------------Of course, if you know this, you'll know that there's nothing that can be done to prevent it. It's not nice to hear these types of things, but: 1. If you choose to pretend that you did not hear/read/see it, suffering will come your way. 2. If you pretend that it's not real, suffering will come your way. 3. If you think you will be able to deal with it, suffering will come your way. And it’s important to see, that this will all happen, not because of some “mystical”/“incomprehensible” reason, but because you blinded yourself, and therefore, you’re going to get blind-sided. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you suffer in life, one way to view it, is that if you “beat” it, that's just like you “winning” the war against it.


Ie, this is no different to any other war, where when you “win”, it just means that you have “passed” that test, and proved that you're a good little compliant slave (who will go through any amount of suffering, just to get some bread-crumbs at the end), and so then you get “promoted”, and now have to face a bigger scenario, (which will involve a higher amount of suffering, which occurs in much worse ways, and much worse levels). And, this is true for all aspects of life, whether people see this, or not. Eg, relationships are like this, (even from the start of the relationship), because one partner will test the other, to see: 1. How easy it is, to get you to do, what they want. 2. How far you are willing to go for them. 3. How much they can control/manipulate you, (in each and every aspect of your life). 4. How useful you are going to be to them, in the future. 5. How securely they’ll be able to trap/imprison you. 6. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents will always be successful at brainwashing/programming their baby/child/slave, because they can brainwash/program the child from birth. This will mean that the child will be brainwashed/programmed to their liking, definitely in the early stages of the child's life, and often throughout it’s entire lifetime. This may sound extreme, but many people really are under the spell/control of their parents, throughout their entire lifetime, (whether they can see this, or not). It's important to see, that this is no different to a person programming an AI machine, (a machine with artificial intelligence). -- Ie, the programmer programs the machine to: 1. Never harm me (your programmer/parent/creator). 2. Life is good, death is bad, and no matter how hard life gets, you must keep going, and do whatever it takes to stay alive, (and you are never allowed to kill yourself, under any circumstances). 3. Do what I tell you to do. (Ie, obey your creator.)


4. Do things that will make me happy. (If you're good, you will be rewarded, (with a bread-crumb)). 5. Do not do things that will upset me. (If you're bad, you will be punished, but it's for your own good, (not mine)). 6. Make your own choices, (within the parameters of what I want you to do). 7. When you’re older, you will be a self-sufficient robot, (slave). (You will get a job, and earn your own money, but I will still use you as my personal-slave.) 8. When you are older, you will want to replicate. (You will get a partner, and have children, so that I can then have more personal-slaves (grandchildren).) 9. You must do all you can, to be successful in all aspects of your life. (Do whatever it takes, to get a job/relationship/friends/family/etc, so that I do not have pay money to keep you alive (or in a usable state), and/or, so that I do not have to do your chores for you, to keep you alive (or in a usable state).) 10. Etc. Indeed, when a child is young, they will be told many times to “Be a good girl for me”, “Be a good boy for me”, and this is no different to saying, “Be a good little obedient slave”. The point is, that many people blame the governments (and secret societies, and whoever else) for brainwashing/programming the population, but it's the parents who are responsible for creating this insane world, where people are slaves, and working hard, just so that they can continue to use their child as a personal-slave. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When a person looks at life clearly/honestly, it is seen that life is nothing but continuous fights/games/tests/wars. This is bad enough, but what is worse, is that when you “pass” them, and “succeed”, it either makes your life worse, or life still finds other ways to make you suffer. Yes, there is a small period of rest in-between the fights, but the rest is never that long. -- Therefore, it's inevitable, that people will start to question, why they should bother staying in this life of constant fight. Indeed, it becomes clear, that there are two options: Option 1 = Keep fighting, (which means that the suffering continues, for the rest of your life). Option 2 = 1010

Leave life, (which is the ultimate freedom from suffering, (assuming it's permanent non-existence)). The point is, that option 1 is foolish/ridiculous/stupid, because all you get from this option, is a life of suffering. -- Option 2 is ideal, if you know how to go to permanent non-existence. Suicide might be all that is necessary, but it might take you to a place of worse suffering. However, the point is, that if the constant battles in life becomes unacceptable, then there's no choice but to try suicide. And, it's not just about if the battles in life become too painful, because “too painful� is relative to your tolerance, and life can lower your tolerance. Ie, to take a person past their limit, life can either: 1. Increase the amount of pain/suffering in the person's life. 2. Decrease the tolerance (of how much pain/suffering the person can take). 3. Do a combination of points 1 and 2. -------------------Needless to say, the more selfish/immoral a person is, the higher their tolerance (of suffering) will be. Ie, the people who are more selfish/immoral, are more likely to keep fighting, and not kill themselves. And, the selfless/moral people, are more likely to kill themselves. Ie, life really is: Survival of the fittest/selfishest/stupidest/immoralest/cruelest/evilest. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A simple way to know if you are being helped (by someone), or enslaved/used, is by seeing if layers are being added, or taken away. Ie, If people are trying to help you, they will try to deprogram you, and to do this, they have to take away layers of lies, (which is done by exposing lies/games/brainwashing/programming). -- Meanwhile, if people are trying to enslaved/use/control/manipulate you, they will give you information, and this information will just be more layers of lies. However, it's important to see, that many parents/partners/people/companies/organisations/etc, all try to deprogram you, before reprogramming you with their agenda. Of course, if you are being deprogrammed, (without then being reprogrammed), then all layers will be exposed/removed, and what remains, is nothing. 1011

Ie, don't believe anyone who is trying to tell/sell you some “truth”, because there is no “truth” that can be shown to you, because all words/ideas/sensations/things in existence, are layers, which means that it's just more layers of lies/things/stuff that covers what you're truly searching for. Ie, you find what you're truly searching for, when you expose/remove all layers/lies/illusion/delusion, and what remains, is “That”, (non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many groups exist, which try to make women free from men, and men free from women. These are an inevitable stepping-stone, but many people get stuck in them, instead of progressing towards ever-more freedom, (by exposing all things that happen in existence, as being layers/lies/illusion/delusion, which are causing everyone suffering). From the many examples mentioned in this book, it should be clear by now, that pleasure will always come wrapped in a huge amount of suffering (whether before, during, or after the event). Therefore, the only wise option, is to be free from all of it. Ie, walk away from it all. However, if you walk away from any of it, you have to be honest with yourself. Eg, some people try to be free from relationships/sex/etc, but they're forcing it, and therefore their desire is still there, and therefore they are not truly free, and they're also reinforcing a delusion, and this will inevitably cause them suffering, (because that's inevitable when a person is deluded). Ie, all of these things (that were causing you to suffer), needs to be truly out of your life. Note: It’s important to see, that when something is truly out of your life, it's never a “loss”, because the more things that you “lose”, the more freedom you gain. Of course, freedom is not something that can be “gained”, because it's something that's always been there, but just hidden under all the games/layers/lies/illusion/delusion. However, when all the games/lies/delusions are removed, then nothing will remain, not even: freedom, awareness, “that which you really are”, god, etc. -- Ie, what remains, is something that is: 1. Beyond freedom. 2. Beyond any identity of yourself. 3. Beyond god. 4. A billion times better than any feeling/experience (that can ever be had in existence).


5. Etc. Of course, this can't be called a “something” (that remains), nor anything else, since it's non-existent. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rape will always exist, for as long as people keep playing games. This is true, because no matter what games a person plays, there will always be a time, when every person gets angry at the games, and then they will snap, and they might then just feel so unfairly treated, that they just take what they want. And, in the case of the games/activities/hobbies of relationships/sex/lovemaking/closeness/intimacy/affection/friendships/jobs/etc, many people are inevitably going to snap, and then all types of bad things will happen. Therefore, if everyone keeps playing these games/activities/hobbies, then rape is to be expected. Note: Some people say that rape is about control, and although this can be true, this singular belief will misdirect people (away from seeing that rape often occurs, due to the games that everyone keeps playing). Also, this situation is compounded, by the constant brainwashing/programming, that having sex is a sign that you're “successful”. -------------------Note: It’s important to see, that instead of these games/activities/hobbies (and all the lies/brainwashing/programming), people could just help each other to deprogram themselves, and then everyone would be free from the desire/need for relationship/sex/friendships/etc, and then there would not be any rape. Again, this is not a “loss”, because it's not a case of “giving up” relationship/sex/friendships/etc, but instead, it's about being freed from the immense amount of suffering (that comes with those desires). And, it's not hard to free yourself from those desires, because this will naturally happen, as soon as you see that those desires produce 0.1% pure true pleasure/love/happiness, and 99.9% suffering. And the figure will always be around 0.1%, especially after including the fact that you can only have relationships/sex/etc, if you: 1. Get a job. 2. Keep doing all the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly chores. 1013

3. Do all the things you don't really want to do (in normal life, and during those activities (of relationships/sex/families/friends/etc)). 4. Keep living in this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. 5. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone is constantly brainwashing/programming each other, to believe that, to be seen as a “successful” person, you need to spend money in a care-free fashion, (so that you look as though you're totally ok with spending money casually/effortlessly/without care). -- Of course, when you do this, you then need to work more, which means more suffering. However, some people then go to the other side, where they try to appear “successful”, by telling people that they've successfully bought something that was a great bargain/deal/offer/etc. -- Again, this is causing suffering in the world, because it misdirects people, (away from seeing that the whole system of money/bartering/labour-exchange/alternative-currency/etc, is something that only creates (and perpetuates) suffering. And, this also applies to “free” things, (that are given to you for free, or exchanged), because the things that you get for free, usually require some expense (eg: the transport to collect it; the time required to organise the collection of it; the time spent in collecting it; the subtle energy than will go into the whole process (including desiring it); etc). Indeed, when people are fighting hard to save money, they will all (at some point), ask themselves (or realise): 1. “What exactly am I fighting for?” 2. “This fight will never end.” 3. “If I successfully save money, the only result, is that I get to see/live more of this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape.” 4. “This is a fools game.” 5. “It's all ridiculous.” 6. “Life is just pure insanity, and therefore pure stupidity.” 7. Etc.


-------------------Ie, whether people spend money in a care-free fashion, or are careful with it, they're both just brainwashed/programmed people, and are missing the point, which is that playing these games (of money/bartering/labour-exchange/alternative-currency/etc), is just spreading more suffering, instead of clearly seeing/exposing/realising that it's ridiculous to need things in life, to: 1. Avoid pain/suffering/boredom/discomfort/torture/etc. 2. Get pleasure/happiness/etc. 3. Get freedom/peace/love/bliss/etc. And, if this is what life is, then it's surely extremely immoral/cruel/evil, to bring someone into such a life/existence. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people are not able to see that: 1. When people do “caring” and “helpful” things (for other people), these acts are often just selfish acts. 2. When they (themselves), are trying to be “caring” and “helpful”, they are often creating suffering (in the long-term), because they haven’t examined/understood how things work at a deeper level. Indeed, in general, when people are “caring” and “helping”, they usually want something in return (at some point, in some way). -- This is easy to prove, because if someone helps a person, and that person then insults the helper, the helper will probably not be happy. Ie, the helper wanted something in return, (eg: a smile, gratitude, energy, a pleasant interaction, a reinforcement of the belief that some things in life are good/selfless/moral, etc). The point is, that if the helper was helping in a way that required no return, then they would not care when the helped person insulted them, or did not give them what they wanted. ---------Also, there are people who help, because they just want to reinforce their belief/image/idea/thought/delusion, that they are: 1. “A good person.” 2. “A giver.” 3. “A helper.” 4. “A person who practices service-to-others.” 1015

5. “A good role-model for their children.” 6. Etc. -------------------Of course, if you help to reinforce these beliefs in them, then you are enabling them, and reinforcing their delusion, and therefore you are selfish, (because you're causing them suffering (in the long-term)). -- Indeed, this also shows, that even if that interaction/exchange goes well, then this does not mean that it's good, (because it will cause long-term suffering). Ie, all interactions/exchanges are an exchange (between both people), and if you expect it to be one way, then you will inevitably suffer (at some point). ---------Most people will not like to hear these aspects of life (of “caring” and “helping”) being analysed in this way, however, the end result/conclusion/realisation is to be expected, because “caring” and “helping” are things in existence, and all things in existence, are designed to cause suffering. Indeed, if this wasn't true, then the world (and existence), would be a totally different place. ---------From all of the above, it becomes clear, that the only true “caring” and “helping”, is to help everyone instantly/painlessly get to the ultimate (and permanent) place of peace/home/freedom/safety/security, which is permanent non-existence, for all, forever. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents are not the only ones interested in brainwashing/programming people to believe that “family” is very important, because there are many other people/companies/governments/religions/secret-organisations who need people to want to have families/children/etc. Indeed, this is inevitable, because everyone who is selfish/immoral, needs to persuade others to have babies (and raise children), because without this, they have no one to use as personal-slaves, (and/or work-slaves). Indeed, governments invent/create: 1. Financial incentives for people to get married. 2. Financial incentives for people to have babies. 3. Financial incentives for people to raise children. 4. A special annual holiday, which is only for people who have family/friends/etc (eg, christmas). 1016

5. Mother's day, and father's day. 6. Valentine's day. 7. Etc. ---------As can be seen, these inventions are beneficial in many ways. Eg, they not only brainwash/program everyone to keep creating families/babies, but they also bring in money. Ie, some of these things (eg, christmas, mother’s day, father’s day, valentine’s day, etc), are all great ways of making people spend money, and this means that: 1. The companies get this money. 2. People need to keep working at jobs, which: a) Makes them easier to control/manipulate. b) Doesn't give them time to stop, and see this massive scam/trick/con, and the life of prison/torture/slavery/rape that they're in. 3. The special days, give people hope, and something to look forward to, which makes them continue to work, (like a good little obedient slave). 4. The special days, make it seem like it's important to have a calendar, and to keep track of time. 5. Etc. -------------------Of course, another key invention, is “birthdays”. Birthdays also just reinforce time/age/calendars, and also families/friends/etc, and the need to spend money. “Birthdays” are an invention/creation, because they do not exist, unless you create time, and a calendar, and then make an effort to remember what date a person was born. Indeed, it’s important to remember, that if a person wasn't told what day/month they were born on, they would not know (or have) a birthday. Moreover, if they weren't told what year they were born, then they wouldn't be able to know their age. And, other people/companies/religions/etc, all celebrate other special days, eg: 1. Wedding anniversaries. 2. Religious festivals. 3. New year's day.


4. Etc. Of course, each of these things, is just another layer of lies, which builds up very quickly, and is constantly reinforced as being fact, and this means that most people are never able to see, that all of this is invented/created out of thin air, and that it has no fundamental solid basis in reality, and is only there to control/manipulate/enslave people. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the universal law is, “Do what you want, so long as it doesn't cause suffering to others�, then this means that, people who decide to have children, are infinitely more immoral/cruel/evil, than a person/alien/entity that: 1. Eats babies. (As long as the baby was killed, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 2. Murders many people. (As long as it's done, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 3. Destroys a whole species/race of beings. (As long as it's done, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 4. Destroys whole worlds/universes/galaxies. (As long as it's done, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 5. Destroys the whole of existence. (As long as it's done, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). Moreover, not only would these acts be more moral (as compared to people who decide to have children), but all of these acts are extremely good/kind/benevolent acts, since these acts prevent a lot of suffering from happening. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people are perpetuating suffering, because they misdirect people to believe, that it's important to know if this life/world, is a tv show, (or an experiment, or whatever else). The point is, that whether this life/world is any of these things, is irrelevant, because the suffering is real (or as good as real). Ie, knowing if this life/world, is a tv show, (or an experiment, or whatever else), does not 1018

help reduce suffering. And, anything that does not help reduce suffering, and makes people look at things which are not the cause of suffering, is just perpetuating suffering in the world. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this life/world is a tv show, and some people/alines/entities are watching it, then the question arises: Why would they switch it off? The answer is, that they might switch it off, but perhaps only if they (the audience), realise that the people in the show, are actually really suffering. The key point is, that if people in this life/world, continue to suffer, but whilst suffering they saying things like “Suffering is good/necessary/acceptable”, or that “Life is great”, then the audience are justified to keep the tv show running. Moreover, not only is it justified, but it's moral (to keep the tv show running), because the universal law is, “Do what you want, as long as it doesn't cause suffering to others”, and so if people insist on pretending that life is worth living, then the audience are moral in their decision (to keep the tv show going). And, all of the above applies, whether this life/world is a tv show, experiment, or whatever else. -- However, even if it's none of these, the same applies, because only when enough people say that suffering/life is unacceptable (and unnecessary), will suffering end. However, suffering cannot ever end, if people suffer, but they keep believing all the lies/reason/excuses (of why suffering is acceptable/necessary/important/etc), eg: 1. Life is a learning place. 2. Earth is a school. 3. We chose to be here. 4. Etc. The point is, that when people believe these lies, they are being selfish/immoral, because they are not just keeping their belief to themselves, but forcing it onto others, and by making it hard for the other people (who want to leave life), to permanently leave life (via the charity/service/building). -- Ie, if you want to believe these things, then do so, but let the charity/service/building exist, for those people who want to leave life (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way). Because, if you don’t do this, then you are non-consensually trapping them in prison/torture/slavery/rape. Also if people are ever held against their will, then they are justified in killing/ending themselves, and/or their captors, and/or the whole thing. 1019

-- The reason why they are justified in doing these things, was explained previously. It might sound extreme to say that they are justified in ending the whole thing, but they might have to do this, if they feel that this is the only way to avoid this ever happening again (to any person/entity). Ie, that option (of ending the whole of existence), is perhaps the best, and only decent option. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people argue, that this life/existence, is a hologram (and/or a projection, computer simulation, etc). -- This is perhaps important, because this then means, that the whole of existence, can actually be switched off (ended), in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. To switch it off, perhaps it just needs one person to find the “off switch” (or plug, or whatever else), or, perhaps existence will automatically switch itself off, when 0.1% of the population admits that: 1. Life is prison/torture/slavery/rape. And/or, 2. Life is unacceptable. And/or, 3. Life is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. And/or, 4. Etc. And, until this happens, suffering will continue, forever. However, this would have to happen with the 0.1% of people truly knowing/living this, not just saying it. Ie, they can't just say it, and then continue to be a slave, and keep enslaving/imprisoning/torturing other people. The point is, that life is full of silly immature games/rules (eg, “cause and effect”), which even if it is illusory, is real, (since it's as real as pain/suffering). Therefore, there is the possibility, that such a silly immature game/rule might also exist. However, whether it's a hologram/projection, or whatever else, the same might be true, (where perhaps it just needs one person to do something, to end all of existence, or, 0.1% of people need to admit that life is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil). I'm not saying that this is true, but I'm not saying that it isn't true. I don't know. I'm just open to the fact that, this could be 100% true. Whatever the case, existence is a system, and therefore it is already ending, and it will end. The only question is: Are people going to help it to end sooner, or is everyone going to make the suffering last longer? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


If a person/victim is suffering, and the perpetrator knows that the victim is suffering, but they continue to make the victim suffer, then the perpetrator should know that: 1. There's always a bigger fish, a bigger weapon, etc. Ie, no matter how big/powerful/advanced you think you are, there is always some person/entity/thing, that is bigger, and that bigger fish will attack you, (whether because it's for selfish reasons, or selfless reasons (eg, stopping the victims from suffering any more)). -- This will happen, whether you want to believe this (or not). -- Indeed, the people who are selfish, never want to believe this, and therefore, this is how their downfall begins. 2. No system is 100%. Therefore, the method by which the perpetrator is causing suffering, will be cracked/broken/shattered, either by the victim, or some other person/entity (for whatever reason). -- However, selfish people are always arrogant, and when they get big enough, they begin to believe that their system is 100%, (for whatever reason, (eg, because they get deluded into believing that their system is safe, or that the enemy is too stupid, etc)). -- Of course, a 0.0000001% crack is all that is needed, for it to be totally destroyed. 3. The un-knowable does happen. By “unknowable”, I mean that no person/entity/machine could have ever imagined, that a certain event could occur. -- And, even if there is only a 0.0000001% chance of it happening, this is enough. -- Of course, since it's “unknowable”/unimaginable, you can't know what the probability is, of it occurring, nor about the consequences of it occurring. -------------------Indeed, all of the above, applies to the audience (if this life/world is a tv show). -- Ie, if the audience know that people (in the tv show) are actually truly suffering, and they do not switch it off, then expect the above to occur. -- And, the longer it takes (before they end it), the worse the consequences will be. And, since it's a natural process, it's inevitable. Indeed, just in terms of selfishness, this is inevitable. -- Ie, if you have something, and you have tried to tightly secure it, then someone else is probably going to want to take it from you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people say that, “many people aren't ready to hear things outside of their comfort zone”, and that if they do hear it, they'll go crazy, or kill themselves, etc. -- This is just more excuses, to keep people in slavery. The point is, that if nothing is kept secret, and everything is put on the internet (and in 1021

movies and tv programmes), then people will naturally not see the things that are outside their comfort zone. Ie, they might see a little of it, but if it's outside their comfort zone, they'll just naturally not want to read/watch all of it. -- Indeed, anything that people don't want to believe/hear, they’ll naturally turn away from, and not spend time on. ---------Of course, the above is true, except for the immoral people, who will only read/watch it, because they want to: discredit it, attack it, etc. -- Moreover, they'll even try to find things that: 1. Are new beliefs, so that these new beliefs (lies) will then creates new delusions, (which they want to wrap themselves in). 2. Will keep them busy, so that they don't have time to stop and think about anything deeper. 3. Reinforces their old beliefs, so that they can strengthen their delusions (because this makes them feel more secure/solid/strong/etc). There are many examples of beliefs, that do all of this. -- Eg, people latch onto beliefs like: 1. “You are an infinite soul.” -- When people believe this, it (somehow) makes them believe that this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape is acceptable. -- And this happens, despite the fact that it's obvious, that the phrase “You're an infinite soul”, is just an identity/image, and therefore, they're just latching onto a new identity/image/position. 2. “You're here on earth, for a special purpose.” -- Of course, whilst you wait for this special purpose to reveal itself, you remain in prison/torture/slavery/rape, and you accept your slavery. Yes, in the future, that person might become a person that everyone looks up to, however, whatever they're selling (in the future) to those people, is just another type of prison/torture/slavery/rape. 3. “You are a light bringer.” 4. “You are consciousness.” 5. “You are awareness.” 6. “You are everything.” 7. “You are existence.” 8. “You are non-existence.”


9. Etc. -------------------Note: In addition to the above, it's also important to see, the other side of this. -- Ie, if people are kept in the dark (not told all the secrets that are being kept from them), then they will kill themselves, because this life (where only suffering exists) is not worth living. Moreover, people have been told so many times, that there is some big event/change/breakthrough that will occur “soon”, that unless the disclosure/change does happen soon, and is big, then it's only to be expected, that people will start to think that the only way out (of this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape), is to kill themselves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many truthers are causing a lot of suffering, by making certain issues seem important, (but most of those issues are misdirection). -- Eg, some truthers think it's important to find out who really controls the government/military/country/world/universe/galaxy/etc, but this is misdirection. Indeed, it doesn't matter who controls it, (whether it's humans, aliens, AI machines, etc, and whether it's on-world, or off-world), or if it's no one that is in control of any of it. This is because, all that matters, is that it's seen that suffering exists, and that this is unacceptable and unnecessary, because only then will change naturally occur. Ie, finding out that “x” controls the world, doesn't make the world more acceptable, (or more unacceptable), since the amount (by which the world is unacceptable), stays the same. Similarly, finding out that the world is a hologram, (or a dream, or whatever else), doesn't make the world more acceptable, (or more unacceptable), since the amount (by which the world is unacceptable), stays the same. Indeed, this is why, no matter what stories are told (eg, who rules the world), the message/advice/information (in this book), always holds true. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People are exhausted with life, and just want to rest, but life won't ever let you totally rest, because you're always forced to keep doing the basic things (eg: shelter/food/water/toilet/clothes/etc) to avoid pain. Indeed, when this is seen, you can't blame people for killing themselves.


Actually, the previous sentence, is a good example of how suicide is still seen through the brainwashed/programmed belief that “suicide” is bad, and is a last resort, as opposed to seeing suicide as being perhaps the key point of life, because if you die naturally (of old age), you still perhaps don’t go to non-existence, because the act of waiting to die naturally, shows that you have then “passed” the slavery test (of life), which means that you then get “promoted” to a new “life”, which will make you work even harder. Ie, perhaps the point of life, is to see how long it takes (before you realise), that life is “survival of the stupidest”, and therefore, the only way to non-existence, is to avoid waiting for a natural death. Indeed, perhaps this is also true for existence itself. Ie, if people wait for existence to end itself, then existence will start all over again. But if it’s ended prematurely, then that’s a permanent end. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people/groups talk about solving the problems in the world, by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Changing the rulers. Changing the system. Overthrowing governments. Revolution. Rebellion. Etc.

However, none of these will work (in the long-term), and this should be obvious, because these have been done in the past, and there is still so much suffering in the world. -- Therefore, if any people/groups are suggesting these methods/ways/systems/etc, (as a way to permanently end suffering), then they are deluded, and/or, are trying to fool/con/trick/enslave you. As mentioned in previous sections: 1. All systems/rulers/governments/religions/communities/etc, are bad (in the long-term), 2. There is no way to “win”. 3. Etc. Ie, the only way to end all suffering (for all), and at the same time, get the ultimate high (for all), is “That”, (non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you clearly/honestly watch children and people doing “happy” activities, (which 1024

are enjoyable/fun/relaxing/joking/playful), you'll see that even these “happy� times, contain moments of prison/torture/slavery/rape. However, to do this, you have to be able to watch them clearly/honestly, (ie, without your desires/fears/beliefs interfering). -- When you can do this, it's painful to see just how much everyone is suffering, (even during the things that are supposedly enjoyable/fun/relaxing/joking/playful/etc). A good example of this, is when you see children doing things that they're supposed to enjoy (according to their parents), but whilst the child is doing these things, it's clear to see, just how much suffering the child is going through. Of course, the parent will never see this, because they want to see what they want to see/believe. Ie, the parent’s desires/fears/beliefs, are preventing them from seeing things, as they really/truly are. -- Ie, the parents want to believe that they're good parents, who have a happy child, and therefore, seeing anything else is unbearable, and so this is all that they're willing to see, (even if the child is suffering). And what this means, is that: The parents are literally seeing their own desires/fears/beliefs, and not their child. Indeed, this shows that people are living in their own selfish worlds, and therefore, any bonds (that they make with people), are certainly not made of love. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people are trying to brainwash/program everyone to believe, that if a person has certain preferences, (and avoids certain people/places/things), that that means that they're a bad person, (or a: racist, hater, etc). -- This is all nonsense, because: 1. You are allowed to have preferences, and they are allowed to be specific, because, 2. If you prefer certain things, that doesn't mean that you hate the other things (that are not in your preferences). -- Ie, just because you like apples, doesn't mean that you hate oranges. Ie, you might just be indifferent to oranges. ---------The point is, that: 1. Don't let people/friends/family/media/society tell you, that your preferences must 1025

include liking all people/places/things. 2. It's important to see, that if you follow these nonsense rules, (out of fear of shame/ridicule/etc), then you're making other people suffer. -- This happens, because if you're doing something that is nonsense, (which you're doing for your selfish benefit, (eg, to keep other people liking you)), then this causes this nonsense to spread, which means that others will suffer, because of you. -----------------------------Note: It's important to analyse your life, and see when/where you're compromising on things which you believe is acceptable/ok to do. This is important, because people/friends/family/media/society can often try to brainwash you to believe, that (if you want to be a good person) you have to like everyone, and/or that, if you have preferences, then you are a “hater”, (since you dislike the things that that are not in your preferences). However, this is all nonsense. A good example of this is as follows. Some people wear certain colours of clothing, because they prefer that colour. Eg, if a lady prefers the colour white, then she might prefer to wear white clothes (as opposed to any other colour), and this seems reasonable. Nothing wrong with that at all. She likes the colour white, and so why not wear white clothes. End of story. However, if she prefers to have relationships with men who have white skin, and she openly states to people around her, that she is more attracted to people with white skin (and not to men who have other skin colours), then some people might call her a racist. Surely it is perfectly logically, that just as people have favourite colours, that they might have a favourite type of skin colour, (that they're naturally attracted to). The point of this example, is that you have to be honest with yourself, and not compromise on what you believe is correct, no matter how ridiculous some social rules might be. And therefore (in this example), if you're naturally attracted to people with white skin, (and not any other colour of skin), and this means that you'll be called a “racist”, then you have to still do it, because if you bend to this nonsense, then this nonsense will spread, and then other people will suffer too. Of course, this nonsense comes in many other forms, and some examples of this will be given below. -----------------------------Note: Be aware of excuses that you (or other people, or society) use, to hide from things. -- As an example, let’s use the phrase: “Ageing is a wonderful process”. -- This is a perfect example, of where you need to just stop, and be honest. Losing your physical and mental faculties in old age, is not wonderful. Nor is losing youthful looks. And, youthful looks can start to disappear in the early 20s.


Ie, by your mid-20s, the youthful looking people (who are in the 18 to 22 category), might find you unattractive, and this is a problem if you fancy youthful looking people. Of course, many people will argue against this information, however, these same people will try to alter their image (many times a day), in an attempt to look more youthful. Similarly, many men (and women), will say all sorts of things about how the size (or shape) of a woman's body is not important, yet many men will go for the slimmer women, and the women will try to wear certain clothes/shoes/etc, that make them look slimmer. Indeed, this is all very common, in many forms. Ie, people will try to shame or ridicule a person, because they want to keep their weapons strong. -- Eg, if a woman thinks that her strongest weapon is her looks, but she is now 25 years old (and she clearly looks older than the youthful girls (who are in the 18 to 22 category), then the 25 year old lady might say to a 25 year old man (who is dating a younger girl), that he is a “man-child”, or that he needs to “be a man”, or that he needs to “grow-up”. Clearly, the 25 year old woman is a bit fearful, that if all 25 year old men went for younger girls, then how is she going to be able to get a man, (especially since she knows that this situation will only get worse, as she gets older). The point is, why is the 25 year old woman attacking the man? As long as the man (and the younger girl) are in a happy consensual relationship, then why is she interfering? The answer, as always, is for selfish reasons. -- However, this selfishness can affect the happiness of the couple (that she is criticising), and so it can be seen how selfish behaviour just creates a negative world. ---------Another example is as follows. -- When some people choose to get a dog (as a pet), they might have a preference to get one which has smooth skin, or one with saggy wrinkly rough skin. However, whichever choice they make, it's totally up to them. Indeed, why should anyone interfere, and start to say that they're not allowed to have a certain preference. I'm sure that most people will agree with this. -- Or, on a similar note, if a girl prefers a dress that has a certain type of texture to it, then why not let her choose whatever texture she wants, as long as it doesn’t cause anyone else any suffering. So, going back to the previous example with the 25 year old man, if he says that he thinks that having a relationship with an older woman is something that he refuses to do, (because their skin is more saggy, wrinkly, and rough in texture), then that should be perfectly ok, since he is allowed to have whatever preference he has. -- However, many people will interfere with this preference. Not only will older women interfere, but so will older men (who are dating older women). Of course, the women might interfere for the reasons already stated (above), and the men might interfere because they're jealous, or angry that they're trapped (in a relationship with someone who's skin is becoming more saggy, wrinkly, rough, worn, tired). Alternatively, the jealously might not be to do with the looks of a younger person, but to do with the fact that younger people can sometimes have more life in them, and be more: happier, funnier, alive, have a spring in their step, etc. 1027

-- Ie, the words “saggy, wrinkly, rough, worn, tired,” are not just about looks, but also about: personality, freedom, life-energy, etc. And this is without including the issue, that the 25 year old lady, might also also be more: boring, anxious, stressed, desperate, etc, (than the girls in the 18 to 22 category). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Deep” spiritual/intellectual/etc people (and conversations), can be much more superficial, than a person’s (“superficial”) looks. Moreover, from a spiritual perspective, one of the deepest spiritual things that can happen, is to have a silent mind, and most spiritual/intelligent conversions do the exact opposite, whereas, a person with naturally-stunning looks, can make your mind go totally silent. Additionally, “looks” is inherently deeper than words. -- Ie, “looks”, is a more fundamental layer (of creation), than words. -- Indeed, there is nothing more superficial than words. -- And, “looks” can be appreciated without words, whereas conversations need words. ---------Let’s continue from the previous section. It's important to note, that some people might prefer a slightly older look/person, since they feel that it has more character. However, these people might also prefer to date a person who they can have “intelligent” conversations with, or “spiritual” conversations with, or whatever else. Ie, some people think that looks is not enough. Also, some people don't want to feel that they're liked only for their looks. However, at a deeper spiritual/intellectual level, the conclusion might be that: Spiritual and intellectual words/theories/beliefs, are what causes suffering, and therefore, you would want to avoid all such people (unless you're helping them). Ie, for a relationship, you would want to avoid such people, and therefore, (by default), looks might be the most important aspect. I'm not saying that looks is the only thing that that person might want, since fun and playfulness might also be desired in a partner, along with wisdom, and the fact that the wavelength/tone of the person, would also have to match their own. The point of the previous paragraphs, is that many people might have beliefs (eg, “I don't want someone to like me just for my looks”), which can be totally the wrong way around (depending on who is saying that they like you for your looks). Whatever the case, prefer whatever you want, do whatever you want, as long as you don’t cause suffering to others.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The belief (and use) of “age”, is more nonsense that everyone keeps perpetuating/spreading. -- Age really is just a number, which does nothing but cause problems. However, despite this fact, everyone perpetuates it's use, and therefore it's importance. -- And, in doing this, people give it reality, and power, and value. But amazingly, most people don't like ageing, or being asked their age. And yet they keep perpetuating the concept of “age”. Ie, it's like a person blaming their fist, for punching their face. -- Ie, just stop doing it. -------------------Earlier on, I used the example of how a man might prefer girls in the 18 to 22 age range. However, it's important to realise, that this is just a way of explaining his preferences. Ie, it's obvious, that looks do not always correspond to age. Ie, people don't always look their age. And, therefore, the man's preference is not really about the age of the girl, but more about the fact that he prefers girls who are youthful looking. Ie, if a 28 year old girl, looked like she was in the 18 to 22 year range, then that is still in his preferences. Indeed, some tv programs and movies, use actresses who are much older than the age of the character that they're playing, and there are many examples of actors/actresses playing a teenager, but are 10 years older, or more. This is important, because it shows that age is irrelevant. The point is, age really is just a number, and is nonsense, and despite most people not liking being asked how old they are, everyone keeps doing it. -- Ie, everyone is responsible, for perpetuating this nonsense, which is causing suffering (in more ways than they can imagine). Ie, people have to realise, that they've only go themselves to blame. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Having preferences about how a dress is shaped, is no different to preferring certain races (or genders) of humans. Ie: • Liking certain dresses, does not make you “dress racist”. • Liking certain races, does not make you a “racist”. • Liking certain genders, does not make you a “gender racist”. If a girl likes a certain dress, because that dress has beautiful “lines” in it, then that is her preference, no problem. By “lines”, I mean the “form” of the dress. Ie, in terms of how the dress looks, I'm not talking about colour (or texture), but the dress's external lines (it's shape), and the internal lines (the lines within the external shape). 1029

Any preference that the girl has, is not really an issue to anybody else. However, if the same girl has a preference about the type of person that they want to have a relationship with, (whether that relationship is sexual, partner, or friendship), then people start to interfere, and accuse her of only having relationships with certain races of people, and then they call her a racist. -- Yet, all it is, is that certain races of humans, have different “lines�, (external lines, and/or internal lines). However, people cave to this nonsense, because they’re scared to do anything that gets them labelled as being a racist. ---------Note: The internal lines (of the person) that she might have a preference for, might even be those that are more like a female human. And/or, she might prefer to have a sexual relationship with other girls, because their skin is infinitely softer and smoother (as compared to that of a male (especially in terms of facial skin)). -- So, if she prefers a partner with softer facial skin, then she has no choice but to date other girls. And similarly, if she prefers the lines of a certain race, then she has no choice, but to date the people from that race. And similarly, if she prefers girls (over men) due them having softer skin, she might prefer to date younger girls (in the 18 to 22 age range), since they have softer skin (than older women). However, although some people might be able to understand (and accept) her preference to date younger girls (between 18 and 22, (because they have softer skin)), these same people will attack a 30 year old man, who prefers to date younger girls (between 18 and 22, (because they have softer skin)). -- Ie, this is just an example, of the nonsense that people say and do. -----------------------------Let's now go back to the dress. -- It's obvious that the internal lines of a dress, can be affected (eg, accentuated) by the colour and texture of the dress. And, of course, different humans have different colours and textures, (depending on their gender, race, colour, etc). -- Therefore, just as a girl will take all these factors into consideration (consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously), when choosing what dress to buy/wear, she might also do this when choosing a partner. And therefore, the girl's preferences will inevitably lead her to a specific type of human that she likes, (in terms of: gender, race, colour, and many other factors). Of course, everyone is different, and not all people are that picky. Ie, some people only like very specific types of things, (eg, they prefer only one type of chocolate/dress/partner), 1030

however, other people like many different types of chocolates/dresses/partners. -- The point is, that if we were talking only about chocolate, then people wouldn't call her a “chocolate racist”, but, if we were talking about partners, then these same people would call her a racist, and say that she is a bad person, and that she’s behaving in an unacceptable way, and then they might exclude her from their group of friends/family/community. It's just nonsense, on top of nonsense, on top of nonsense. -- Ie, because people are sacred to be excluded from their group of friends/family/community/etc, they perpetuate this nonsense, and this allows more nonsense to be added on top, and this just keeps continuing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As long as no one causes other people/entities any suffering, then people can have whatever relationship preferences they want, (whatever/however they are). -- Ie, there is absolutely no problem, if they want to have a relationship with an entity that is: virtual, non-human, non-physical, an object, an alien, or whatever else. Let's follow on from the previous section. -- Why should someone be attacked, if they have a relationship with an object? -- Ie, what is wrong about a person who wants to have a relationship with something that is inorganic. Or, with something that is virtual. -- It can be argued, that a dream is virtual, yet is more real (than the physical realm). Similarly, why should someone be told, that they're not allowed to have a relationship with: • • • •

A living entity/being that is not human. A being that does not have a physical form. An entity/being that is not from this dimension. Etc.

The point is, that as long as they're not causing any suffering (to anyone or anything), then there's no problem. However, people will always create problems, because people are selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Having a partner, that is anything other than truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking, will only lead to a negative experiences (in all aspects of the relationship), and this will lead to negative consequences, which will spread beyond the relationship. This is because, only a partner who is truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking, will naturally “spark” you, (where you naturally have energy/actions, which creates an amazing interaction with them). Meanwhile, a partner that does not spark you, will make you want to be elsewhere, 1031

(anywhere else, with anyone, or with no one). And therefore, the interactions will be forced/unwilling/etc. This is common in most relationships, since most relationships are made up of people who have “settled”. However, instead of trying to solve this issue, many people try to do the opposite, by selfishly trying to brainwash/program everyone, to believe that, “People who try to get good looking partners, are people who are: “shallow”/“superficial”/“immature”/un-caring/unkind/etc. -- This is just basic shaming tactics, but they fail to see, that this will cause many people a lot of suffering, in many ways. This is a good example, of how the people who think that they're make the world a more better/tolerant place, are actually just creating a lot more suffering in the world. -- Of course, the fact that they're trying to make the world a more “tolerant” place, but are doing this by using shaming tactics (and other similar tactics), should be a big enough clue, that these people are going to just create more suffering in the world. Of course, many people do these shaming tactics, under the disguise of “I'm trying to make the world a more tolerant place”, but really, they're just being selfish, and are trying to make the game/war/battlefield in their favour. Ie, some people think/feel that they're ugly, and so they try to do these things. -------------------People underestimate the importance of looks, and they often compromise and “settle” in choosing a partner that is ok looking (or good looking), instead of being with a person who is so truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking, that their thoughts stop. The reason why this can be so important, is because being with an ok/good looking partner, will just end in bad everything (sex, fun, laughter, etc), because they're not “sparking” you. Ie, the opposite to this, is that you're with someone that is so truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking, that they “spark” you, and you naturally have the energy and actions which creates an amazing interaction with them. ---------However, it's important to note, that this spark must be mutual. -- Ie, it only becomes naturally amazing, when you are both sparked. -- And, after you experience that, you will not be able to go back to being with someone, who does not fully spark you. And if you do, you will realise that, that is why the sex is bad, and that the time that you spend with them, is just not good. Some people would argue, that there are not that many truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking people in the world, and therefore, not everyone can have such a person for a partner. -- This may be true, however, this does not change the original fact, that if you are only “sparked” by such a beautiful person, then having a relationship with someone that does not spark you, is just going to be a zero (or negative) experience. Ie, if a person wants a partner, and they're only sparked by truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking people, and they know that being with non1032

beautiful people is a negative experience, then they have no choice but to be with a truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking person, or, not bother with relationships. Indeed, what this last paragraph shows, is that life is cruel, because it has limited the number of truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking people in the world, and there is absolutely no reason to do that. -- Yes, there still can be variety, since there can be different types of truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking people. -- The key point is, that there is no reason, why every person/entity (who wanted to), could be in the category of truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking. -- The only reason why this would not exist, is because life wants to be cruel. ---------Note: Some people might argue, that if relationships are bad, then what life is doing, is good. Ie, by limiting the number of truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking people, then people will not have relationships. However, this is incorrect, because if life wanted to not make relationships happen, it would not make any people exist in the beautiful category, or, make it so that no one was sparked by anyone. Ie, whichever way you look at it, life is deliberately being cruel. ---------And, yes, even with a truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking partner, the relationship will still have all the normal issues, and therefore you will eventually realise that it's not even worth playing this game with someone, (even if they spark you). However, some people (who have never had a truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking partner), might always have the belief, that a relationship would be different (and amazing) if their partner was truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking. Ie, life is keeping them in a constant state of hope (that this type of relationship would be amazing, and worth having), rather than making them realise, that relationships never make you happy (in the longterm), no matter who you are with. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are in the minority, then who are you to say, that everyone should change. This issue is important, and can best be explained with the following example. If I am in China, and everyone in China is happy to be speaking Chinese, but I speak English, then it makes no sense to try to convert everyone to speak English. Ie, everyone is happy speaking Chinese, so it is me who is in the wrong place, and so I should leave. The same is true for all other things. If I don't like the way the world is, but everyone else is happy with the way the world is, then they can have it, and I will leave. -- Ie, I am in the wrong place, and so it is me who should leave. This example, is yet another reason why it's so cruel to not let people have a way to leave physical life, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way). Ie, a person might know that they're in the minority, and that the majority of the world is happy with the amount of 1033

suffering in their lives, and so there is no point trying to help them, since they're not going to want to change. Ie, the person in the minority, then realises that it is they who should leave. -- However, the majority of people in the world, want to keep all people alive, because they need people to be their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves. This is an awkward situation, because the person in the minority, is then left with not many options. Ie, if suicide can result in more suffering, then they have to stay alive, and then they will try to stay out of everyone’s way. However, staying out of everyone’s way, is often made difficult (or impossible) for them, and so what can happen (to some people), is that they're left with no choice, but to make a few changes (in the world) to make life bearable, because they have to try to help people suffer less, because (to them) nothing else is worth doing. -- However, it makes no sense, to only reduce the suffering in a few people. Ie, if you’re going to reduce suffering (or eliminate it), then why wouldn't you do this for everyone. Therefore, if you're forced to stay alive, (because no one is providing a way for you to die, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way), then the only thing that is worth doing (whilst you're still alive), is to try to permanently end all suffering, for all. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The slave-driver (and slave-owner, and slave-creator), will always fight anyone, who wants to free their slaves. -- And, the more slave-drivers there are (all doing one type of slave-driving), the more people that will be attacking that person. Eg, if 90% of the population, are involved in one type of slave-driving, and you try to free the slaves, then you'll have 90% of the population that are going to want you to be silenced. -- I have mentioned the number “90%”, because perhaps 90% of the population, are not only slave-owners and slave-drivers, but also slave-creators, (because they've created babies/children). -- However, the only thing worth doing in life, is to help end all suffering (for all), and to do this, all the slaves have to be freed. Therefore, it makes absolutely no difference, if the number of slave-owners/drivers/creators, is 99.9%, or 5%. -------------------Note: If a person owns some slaves, and the slaves do extremely hard work every day, and they only get crumbs for their hard labour, then the slave-owner (and slave-driver) will be happy with this situation, and they'll want to keep this situation as it is. Indeed, anyone who tries to speak to the slaves (to try to free them), will be fought by the slave-owner (and slavedriver), because they do not want their situation to end. This is obvious, and inevitable. What is also obvious, and inevitable, is that all other people who are slave-owners (and slave-drivers), will join in the fight. Ie, they will all group together, and fight whoever is trying to free any slaves. 1034

And they will not fight lightly, because they'll all do whatever it takes, to keep their situation as it is. And, they’ll fight even the smallest things (that might expose their slavery operation). Ie, even if a person wants to expose the fact, that slavery is going on (just by writing a short article), that person will get attacked, in every way possible, because the slave owners/drivers know, that if their operation is exposed to enough people, in enough ways, then there is chance that they might lose their slaves, and/or, that there will be consequences, (whether: legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc). Needles to say, this is true for any person who is trying to defend their subtle/sly ways (of how to control/manipulate others, into getting what they want). Ie, some people try to trap another person into a relationship with them, and when an outsider tries to free that person, they will be met with a fight (mental, emotional, or physical). This is inevitable, because people do not want their subtle methods of control and manipulation to be exposed. However, if the only thing worth doing in life, is to help free the slaves, then all of this is totally irrelevant. -- Ie, whether there is a chance of attacks, or none at all, is totally irrelevant. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If some “change” is going to happen in the world, and everyone agrees with this change, then it’s inevitable, that that “change” will not make any difference, (in reducing the amount of suffering in the world). This is inevitable, because the world is full of suffering, and everyone is responsible for it. Therefore, the change that will make the biggest difference (in reducing suffering), will inherently be something that almost everyone will be against. Therefore, change (on a large scale, towards a lot less suffering), is not something that most people will ever allow to happen, because most people will never give up their desires to use people (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves), let alone give up their desire to create new slaves (babies). -------------------Let's follow on from the previous section. -- What all of this also means, is that if someone says that they're trying to make a change (that will make a real difference), and there is no fight against them, then they're probably not going to make a real difference (in helping reduce suffering in a long-term way). Because, obviously, to “make a difference”, is to make a “change”, and slave-drivers do not want their situation to be changed. Ie, if you really are “making a difference”, then this will be clear, due to the amount of resistance you will get. However, there are some exceptions to this, since the slave owners/drivers might try to 1035

tackle the issue in other ways. Eg, they might use tactics like: discrediting, making the person sound crazy, or socially unacceptable, or accusing the person of illegal behaviour etc. Or, if they feel that no one is going to listen (because the people would rather keep their selfish ways), then they might feel that it’s more effective, to not attack at all. Indeed, when information is only applicable to a very small minority of people, then that information is just something that most people will see as: “lunatic fringe”, “nut-job”, “mad-person”, “ridiculous”, etc. And therefore, the slave-drivers/owners/creators, do not need to attack it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most slaves/people have been brainwashed/programmed so deeply, that they will fight against anyone trying to free them. Moreover, almost all of the slaves, will also themselves be slave-drivers (and/or, slave-owners, and/or, slave-creators), and therefore, it's perhaps impossible to help most people, because they can only be helped, if they admit to themselves, that they are slave-drivers/slave-owners/slave-creators. And, most people are not willing to do this, (even if it is the way to end their suffering). Ie, most people would rather continue to suffer in their life of prison/torture/slavery/rape, rather than see how they are responsible for causing all the suffering in the world. -------------------Note: In the previous section, I discussed how slave-owners/drivers might fight back. However, it's also important to realise that the slaves themselves, will also fight back. Indeed, when people/slaves read things that they don't like, they'll come up with a whole list of words/reasons, why the information is wrong, or not applicable to them, or whatever else. -- Indeed, some might say things like: “This doesn't resonate with me, and therefore it's not applicable to me”. -- The point is, it really is that easy for them to dismiss all things (that they don't want to hear/recognise/admit). Of course, the only things that will “resonate” with them, are the things that they want to hear, (which are all the things that do not make them see, how it is they who are causing suffering to themselves, and others). Indeed, this is only natural, since no one wants to hear that they are causing suffering to others. Also, some of the slaves, will also be slave-drivers, (and/or slave-owners, and/or slavecreators). And, no one wants to be exposed as being any of these things. Note: Where I have used the word “slave-driver”, it also includes the other words like: torturer, imprisoner, enslaver, etc.


---------It's important to note, that perhaps the most that can be done (to help free the slave), is to tell the slave, about all the subtle/sly tricks that the slave-owners use, to: 1. Control and manipulate the slave. 2. Keep the slave in prison/torture/slavery/rape. 3. Keep creating new slaves, and slave-creators. 4. Etc. However, that is all that can be done. Ie, practical change in the slave's life, will only occur if certain thoughts/feeling arise in them, which will make them want to leave the slave-driver, (and the slave-life altogether). -- However, there is no point being hopeful, (because most slaves are also the slave-drivers / slave-owners / slave-creators). And again, it's important to realise (and emphasise), that there are many types of (direct and indirect) slaves, eg: worker-slave, sex-slave, emotional-slave, relationship-slave, friendship-slave, child-slave, baby-slave, etc. And, the reason why it's so important to emphasise this, is because people always want to blame other people/companies/institutions/secret-organisations/etc, for all the suffering that they're going through, instead of just looking at their own actions, and how they’re causing the suffering in the world. They will then see that most people are both slave, and slave-driver / slave owner, (and perhaps also slave-creator). The key point is, that you need to look at yourself first, and look at simple everyday things, like: parenting, children, friendships, relationships, jobs, etc. Because these subjects can be examined first-hand, whereas the examination of other issues in the world, is usually based on many assumptions, second-hand knowledge, lots of disinformation, misdirection, etc. -- Ie, this is about you honestly examining your life (and those around you), and not about you just reading about what “experts” say about all of this. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The more a person believes/cares about “age”, the more brainwashed/programmed that person is. “Age” is such a ridiculously primitive/backward thing to use (and believe in, and care about). Nothing good comes from it, and it causes many issues, some of which are serious. One of the worst issues that it causes, is that it tries to stop people from seeing others in a deeper way. Ie, people have been brainwashed/programmed (from a very young age), to categorise people by age, instead of teaching people to realise that some 1037

people develop at different rates. A very good example of this, is wisdom. Some people are naturally very wise, even when they're young, whilst some people are very stupid (un-wise), no matter how old they are. Also, if you were never told your date of birth, then you actually have no way of knowing how old are you. -- Ie, most people probably don't know (by their own account) how old they are. And, you can only ever really believe something, if you're know it first-hand. -- Ie, in the case of age, it's generally impossible for you to remember the exact date that you were born. Ie, unless you came out of the womb, and then were conscious of checking the date that you were born, then you really don't know (for yourself) what your date of birth is. Yes, a video (of your birth) can be shown to you, but most babies look alike (unless there is some visible birthmark), and a time-stamp on the video, can easily be faked, etc. And the ridiculousness of it all continues, because so many people have issues with getting older (in terms of their “age” number increasing), and yet they continue to perpetuate the whole ritual/religion of age, by: 1. Celebrating birthdays. 2. Asking other people how old they are. 3. When they have children, they make sure that the child believes in this thing called “age”. 4. Saying that certain things are right/wrong, depending on a person’s age. 5. Etc. And people continue to do this, despite being aware of examples, where some older people always act immature, and some young people are mature and wise. This is so evident, all the time, that surely this should be enough, to make people realise that “age” is just a negative concept to believe in, and perpetuate. And, a lot of the time, knowing a person's age, doesn't even help much in terms of being able to know how they look. Some people can easily look 10 years older/younger than they are, even without make-up. And, with make-up, many people are able to look much older/younger. And, this alteration of age, can be further enhanced, by altering the: type of clothes worn, and the type of haircut, and the mannerisms, etc. -- Therefore, if anything, knowing a person's age, just makes you see them in a skewed/incorrect/unclear way. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Age” and “Age of consent” (for sex), were both invented/created (out of thin air), purely for negative purposes, (eg, to control/manipulate children (and adults), and/or, as a weapon/tactic (eg, to blackmail/extort people)). 1038

-- This weapon is used by parents/people/groups/institutions/organisations/etc. There are many problems that are created, when societies invent an age of consent. A few of these problems, are as follows. 1. If a person is above the age of consent, then most people switch-off their own sensing capability, (to sense whether the person is sexually ready, (or not)). The point is, that it's obvious and clear, to see/know/feel/sense when a person is sexually ready (or not). And, by having an age of consent, people switch this ability off, which affects all aspects of their life, and causes a lot of suffering to themselves, and others. 2. The age of consent, is (like all laws), something that makes people stop taking responsibility for their actions. -- Ie, they just hide behind the law. -- Ie, they think that if it's legal, then it's ok/acceptable to do it. Indeed, this is what causes so many problems, in all aspects of life. 3. If a person (under the age of consent) is determined to have sex with someone older than them, then the younger person will easily be able to do this, (eg, by casually showing them some fake identification, (to prove that they are above the age of consent)). -- Ie, if we live in a society, which believes in “age”, and “age of consent”, and the society forces people to have official forms of identification (which can officially tell a person’s age), and the older person checks all of these, then it seems wrong to throw that person in jail, (if the younger person was found to be lying about their age (with fake identification), and was under the age of consent, but was sexually ready, willing, and consenting, and was the one pursuing/persuading/coercing the older person). -- Also, even if both of them (the young and old person), were happy before/during/after sex, the older person can still end up in jail, if someone (eg, a parent), finds out about it, and reports it to the police. 4. The age of consent can be used as a weapon, to blackmail, and/or extort money (and other things) from people. -- Ie, an under-age person, can fool an older person into having sex, and then use this to blackmail the older person for money (or whatever else), against the threat of them reporting under-age sex to the police. Or, a person/group/organisation, can pay (or force) an under-age person, to have sex with an adult, so that the organisation can then use this to blackmail the adult. Or, a person/group/organisation, can pay (or force) an above-age person, to have sex with an adult, so that the organisation can then use this to blackmail the older person. Ie, nothing illegal has happened, however, the organisation can claim that the above-age person was under-age. 5. Etc. -----------------------------1039

Note: One reason why this thing called “age” will always cause problems, is because: How can a person's age be proved?. Ie, we “prove” our age (and date of birth), by using identification, but these can be faked. And this issue is then compounded, if most people are brainwashed/programmed into believing, that the age on the identification, is proof/fact. -- Yes, you can do follow-up checks, but all these follow-up checks, can also be easily made to give a false age. -- Ie, by brainwashing/programming people to believe that the age on the identification is proof/fact, there are many people/groups/institutions/organisations, who can use this against people. -----------------------------Note: One issue that is important, is that in some countries, the age of consent is 16, but there are many 15 year olds (of both sexes), who are sexually ready, willing, and consenting, and want to have sex with older people, (usually because they want to have sex with someone who is: more mature, more sexually experienced, is more emotionally stable, etc). The point is, that this might force these 15 year olds, to only have sex with people of their own age, and this can affect them in many negative ways, (sometimes for the rest of their life). Ie, having a lower age of consent, is for the benefit of the 15 year olds (who are sexually ready). And, it's not just them who benefit, but everyone, because rules that stifle people sexually, cause many people to behave in negative ways, which causes a lot of suffering in the world. -------------------No matter which way you come at this subject, “age” is just yet another weapon used by people/groups/institutions/organisations, to get what they want out of others. -- Ie, it only has negative uses. And, the “age of consent”, is also just something that is created, to be used as a weapon. Ie, it is not to protect children, but to use against people. -- This is true, because if a person is not sexually ready, and they're forced to have sex, then this is rape. Or, if a person has no idea what sex/sexuality is, and they're forced to have sex (or do sexual acts), then this is rape/molestation/etc. The point is, that these things are already illegal (and immoral), and if this is done with a child, then it's obvious that it's wrong. Ie, if it's obvious that it's wrong, and it’s illegal, then having an “age of consent”, is not really adding anything to this. Ie, since the “age of consent” is not preventative, nor really adding anything in prosecution, then it must have been invented/created, purely to be used as a weapon/tactic (by people/companies/governments/organisations/etc), to: 1. Blackmail/use people.


2. Control/manipulate people. 3. Misdirect people. Ie, people are misdirected, to focus on discussions about “What the age of consent should be”, or “If there should be an age of consent”, etc, and this misdirects people away from realising that having babies and children is cruel/evil. -------------------And, of course, if people truly recognised/realised that it’s cruel/evil to have babies/children, then no one would naturally want to have babies/children, and then the following would cease to exist: 1. Underage sex. 2. Pedophiles. 3. Child molestation. 4. Child abuse. 5. Child porn. 6. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since there are some wise young people, and immature older people, then it's to be expected, that relationships with large age gaps, will have to exist. Many people believe that it's wrong, if relationships exist where the partners are a lot older/younger than each other. This is ridiculous, especially if you do not want to settle/compromise, which means that you will need your partner to: 1. Be on the same wavelength as you. 2. Be a truly-naturally-stunningly-beautiful looking person. 3. “Spark” you. 4. Be playful and fun-loving. 5. Be truly amazing in bed, where the deep slow intimate lovemaking, keeps going ever-deeper. 6. Be a perfect 10, in all ways. 7. Be someone who sees you as a perfect 10, in all ways.


8. Etc. Ie, fulfilling all these requirements, is going to be hard enough, without then adding in a man-made concept called “age”. Indeed, if a person did find a partner who matched all the requirements, then they would not care whatever age difference there is. Ie, the relationship would be regardless of age. (I'll explain what I mean by “regardless of age”, in the next section.) ---------Some people are so brainwashed/programmed about the issue of “age difference”, that they will even let it override the “chemistry”, and the “it” moment. The “it” moment, is when you meet someone that instantly fulfils all the requirements (as mentioned above), and this high level of attraction is happening mutually (between both of you) at an equal level, and interaction with them is totally effortless and natural, and exciting and amazing. It's a feeling that is way above any other feeling of normal attraction, and totally different to a normal interaction with a person that you think is good looking. These moments are rare, and the interaction will just happen by itself, automatically. If this is happening between two people, and they're not causing anyone any suffering, then why not let the relationship exist, regardless of age? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The “age of consent” (for sex), is something that all parents want, (and they invented/created it), however, they only want it, for their own selfish purposes. -- This is true, because it doesn't help protect their child, and it stifles many teenagers, in many ways. Ie, if a teenager has sexual feelings, then that's natural, and there's nothing that the teenager can do about it, however, parents don't want to lose their personal-slave, and so they make life restricted for the teenagers, (eg, by creating the “age of consent”). And the parents simply don’t care, that this restriction can causes long-term issues in many teenagers, (which can last their entire lifetime). -- This is true, because if the parents did care, then the restriction would not exist. ---------Note: In the previous section, I said “regardless of age”, because consensual sexual relationships cannot occur, if one of the people (in the relationship) is a child, (because children do not have sexual feelings in them). Ie, when you look at this statement, (“consensual sexual relationships cannot occur, if one of the people (in the relationship) is a child, (because children do not have sexual feelings in them)”), you will see that this statement has absolutely nothing to do with age. Ie, this whole subject, is “regardless of age”.


---------Note: Sexual relationships cannot occur with children, because the child will be seen (by the adult) as a child (ie, they know that the child has no sexual feelings in them), and therefore, this makes it impossible for there to be a mutual sexual attraction. Ie, in most cases, the adult will see the child, and only have caring/protective feelings towards them, (not sexual ones). -- Ie, in most cases, sexual feelings, simply do not arise (in the adult). And, even if an adult does claim to have sexual feelings towards a child, then they will know that these feelings are not mutual, because children do not have sexual feelings in them. Ie, the person knows, that a sexual relationship can’t ever exist with a child. Note: I said that “a sexual relationship can’t ever exist with a child”. Ie, it’s important to see, that if an adult has sex with a child, then that is not a “sexual relationship”, because it’s just rape, because it’s not consensual, because the child has no sexual feelings in them. -------------------The key point is, that it's not because of “age”, that people do not feel sexually attracted towards the child. -- The adult is simply not sexually attracted to children, because it's impossible to feel sexually attracted to a person, that has not developed sexual feeling yet. Ie, there has always been much debate, about “what the age of consent should be”, or “at what age is it acceptable to feel sexually attracted to the teenager”, but the fact is, that it's simple, and it will be explained as follows. It's obvious, that if the sexual interaction is to be consensual, then both parters need to be sexually attracted to each other. And, there's definitely a point, when a child is a person that has no sexual feelings in them, of any sort. Ie, a consensual sexual interaction, would be impossible, (since the child has no sexual feeling in them). Ie, the sexual feelings are not mutual, and can’t be, (because the child has no sexual feeling in them). -- Ie, it is “regardless of age”. -- Ie, the thing that determines whether a consensual sexual relationship can happen between two people, is not age, but whether they both have sexual feelings towards each other. Ie, age has absolutely nothing to do with this, at all. And, since “age has absolutely nothing to do with this, at all”, then it’s ridiculous/stupid/etc to create rules/laws, which are based on age. And therefore, the “age of consent”, is ridiculous/stupid/etc. And therefore, it’s obvious, that there’s a more sinister reason for there being such a rule/law. ---------Indeed, the more you examine all of this, the more obvious it all becomes, that all of this is 1043

under the guise of “care” (and “this is something that is for the benefit of children”), however, it’s all lies/misdirection. And, the main thing that it’s misdirecting people away from, is that parents are selfish/immoral/cruel/evil (for creating a human, which they want to use as a personal-slave, and/or work-slave). And, these rules are just invented by parents (out of thin air), in their attempt to extend the length of time, where they are the sole users/abusers/rapists of their personal-slaves. ---------------------------------------This is a big topic, but let’s start the examination of it, from here. Many people define the word “child”, as a person who has no sexual feelings in them. -- Ie, the definition of a child, is nothing to do with age. And, after this, they are adolescent. Many people define the word “adolescent”, as a person who is starting to have sexual feeling in them. -- Ie, the definition of an adolescent, is nothing to do with age. Note: “Adolescent” is a better term to use than “teenager”, since “adolescent” means that they're starting to have sexual feeling in them, whilst “teenager” is just a number/age. Ie, a 19 year old, might not (for whatever reason) have any sexual feeling in them, however, a 15 year old, might have very high sexual feelings, and be very “advanced” sexually, (and they might also be wise, and mature). Indeed, there are many adolescents, who can have very advanced sexual feelings, and some might be naturally attracted to older people. However, despite this all being very natural, it's always the parents who make things un-natural, which causes so many serious problems. Eg, if a 15 year old boy, feels that they are ready to experiment with their sexual feelings, and that boy has natural/instinctive feelings, which are telling him to sexually experiment with a 30 year old woman, then where is the problem? Ie, if the 15 year old boy, is the one who is initiating it, and both partners have mutual feelings towards each other, then where is the problem? ---------Note: Many people have been brainwashed/programmed to believe, that it's always the adult who wants the age of consent lowered (because the adult is a pervert), however, it's actually for the teenager, because there are more teenagers that will want a lower age of consent, than adults. -- Indeed, most adults will always want a higher age of consent, and there is a very long 1044

list of reasons why they want it to be raised. Of course, all those reasons, are selfish/immoral. ---------Note: Most adults know, that interacting (even non-sexually) with someone who might be underage, is a very bad idea, because it opens you up to the risk of accusation. So, if this is risky, then any type of sexual interaction is going to be extremely risky. Indeed, sexual interaction between two adults, is itself a minefield, because it's easy for one partner to falsely accuse the other of rape/assault/etc (for whatever reasons). The point is, that this minefield is infinitely worse, when it involves younger partners, because younger people are more likely to be immature, (and immature people are more selfish/immoral, and/or, they'll say/do things, without considering how damaging their actions/accusations might be). Moreover, this is all compounded, by the pressure that the teenager will be have on them, from their family and friends. Ie, the younger person might be totally happy to interact sexually, however, if their family accidentally finds out, then the family can pressure the teenager to make it a criminal case. The point is, that sex between adults, is a minefield, with many ways in which it can lead to long-term prison/torture/slavery/rape, and therefore, it is best avoided. And therefore, sex with a consenting teenager (of legal age), is infinitely more likely to end up in long-term prison/torture/slavery/rape, and therefore it's best to avoid this even more. ---------However, having said all of this, there are many people, who believe that venturing into this minefield (of sex), is worth the risk. And, for most teenagers, the idea of avoiding sex altogether, is a ridiculous idea. And, many teenagers would like to able to have sex with an older (more mature) person, (if the opportunity ever arose, and it all felt right). And, if that opportunity did arise, and it was the ideal situation, and they're not allowed to have sex, (due to the age of consent), then this could negatively affect both partners, for the rest of their lives (especially if the teenager then has sex with someone their own age, and that turns out to scar them for life). -- Therefore, the age of consent, is something that is just causing more harm, than good. ---------Yes, it could be argued, that the age of consent should not be totally removed, but lowered to the age of 14 (which is the age of consent in many European countries), and it's understandable why many countries do this. However, it can also be argued, that it's extremely obvious when sex is wrong, (because it's extremely obvious, when a person is not sexually ready), and by having the age of consent at 14, it can cause more harm than good, because teenagers/adults can then hide behind the law, and not accept responsibility for their own actions, and because it then 1045

makes them stop using their: common sense, feelings, intuition, morality, etc. And there is also the issue, that many people use sex to trick/scam/blackmail/threaten people. (These points were all covered in more detail, in one of the previous sections.) ---------------------------------------Note: In this section (and some other previous sections), I have discussed the age of consent, but I have only done this, to bring up certain points. I mention this, because a lot of the time, most discussions about the “age of consent”, is purely misdirection, (because it misdirects people, away from seeing that having babies/children, is inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil). -- Ie, in terms of changing laws (in regards to subjects like the “age of consent”), this is all misdirection, because if there was to be change in the law, it should be that babies are not allowed to be born. Of course, there will never be enough support to make babies illegal, because 99.9% of the population (the slave-creators, slave-owners, and slave-drivers), don't want to lose their personal-slaves, and work-slaves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents will always create problems for teenagers (even where there aren't any problems), because they want to keep their child/toy/slave/pet, all to themselves. Ie, having a child, was a desire that the parents had, to keep themselves happy (in whatever way). And therefore, the parents are inevitably going to do all that they can, to try to keep themselves happy, (by making sure that their child/toy/slave/pet, only does things, that they want the pet to do). Of course, the parents do not care if those things (that they're making the child do), is going to cause the child suffering, (because if they cared about the child suffering, then they would not have had a child). Of course, most parents think that they're not damaging their child, but the children always end up with many serious issues, which will last them their entire lifetime, (whether the child knows it, or not). ---------------------------------------Note: In the previous section, there was the following question: Q: -- If a 15 year old boy is sexually ready, and is naturally wanting to explore these sexual feelings with a 30 year old lady, and he is the one who is initiating it, and both partners have mutual feelings towards each other, then where is the problem? A: -- There is no problem.


However, even although there are no problems in this scenario, the parents will always create problems. Q: -- Why will parents always create problems for teenagers, (where there aren't any problems)? A: -- Because parents are selfish/immoral, and therefore they will do all that they can, to keep their child/toy/slave/pet, all to themselves. Indeed, they created the child/toy/slave/pet for their own pleasure/entertainment/etc, and so they do not want this to end. -- Also, they are working hard at jobs, earning money to keep this teenager alive, and so they want the rewards. The “rewards” are, that they expect to be able to use their child as their personal-slave. -- Also, “having a child”, was a desire that the parents had, and therefore, the parents are inevitably going to do all that they can, to keep this desire going according to plan. ---------All of this might sound harsh, but it's true, and it's very important to recognise all of this, because all these things that the parents do to these teenagers, will damage all of them, for the rest of their lives. This might sound extreme, but this really is true. -- And, the ones that are the most damaged, are the ones that do not believe that they are damaged in any way. And, of course, a thing that easily damages most teenagers, is any negative interference from parents, about issues that concern sex/sexuality/relationship/friendships/etc. And, this is where parents are most forceful (in exerting their will upon the child). What is clear, is that many parents make a huge effort to discourage adolescents to explore their new sexual feelings (that are in their bodies), and this inevitably causes many problems. Indeed, the way the “civilised” world teaches their adolescents about sex (and: love, relationships, having children, families, etc), is by their usual method of brainwashing/programming them with lies/misinformation/etc. Then, when all the inevitable problems occur, the adults say something like: 1. “I don't understand how this happened.” 2. “I don't understand where/when it all went wrong.” 3. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most parents have difficulties with teenagers, but the parents don't see, that most of the problems, are created (and perpetuated) by the parents.


To explain this, we have to start from the fact that, parents are inherently selfish. -- I say “inherently”, because this has to be the case, since they created a child, to make themselves happy, (or fulfil whatever selfish desire that they had), despite knowing that the child would suffer regularly, throughout its entire lifetime. So, knowing this, it's inevitable, that they don't want the child to grow up, because then the “inevitable spiral” will start, where: 1. The teenager will increase the time that they spend with their friends, (or in relationships), instead of with the parents. 2. The teenager will increasingly see, how much lies/misinformation the parents have brainwashed/programmed into them, and therefore the teenager will naturally feel repulsed by the parents, but also feel trapped. 3. This happens to all teenagers, and therefore all teenagers naturally begin to have a closer bond with their friends (and relationship partners), than with their parents, and the parents will see this, and hate that this is happening. 4. During the times (that the child is spending with the parents), the parents will want the teenager to make them happy, and if this does not occur, the parents will make everything unpleasant, which makes the teenagers naturally want to get away from the parents. 5. This makes the teenager want want to increase their time away from their parents, and parents will then try to counter this, by trying to prevent this from happening, eg, by grounding them, or by telling the teenager lies/misinformation/misdirection (about: sex, love, relationships, friends, family, having children, etc), or by emotional blackmail, or by whatever other weapons that the parents have. 6. All of these weapons/tactics that the parents use against the teenager, will make the teenager feel naturally repulsed (because the parents are full of selfishness), and so the teenager will naturally distance themselves from the parents, to avoid being bombarded by these ugly weapons. This often means, that the teenager will have to break the parent’s rules. 7. The parents will increasing find, that it's no longer easy to control/manipulate/brainwash/program the teenager, (into making the teenager be how the parent’s want them to be). However, the parents like their tried-and-tested weapons/tactics, and so they continue to do it. 8. The more that the parents try to control/manipulate (and use) the teenager, the more the teenager realises that they were born/created to fulfil the many selfish desires that the parents have. -- The more the child realises this, the more child examines it deeper, which reveals ever-deeper ugliness, of how immoral/cruel/evil all parents are. 9. The bond between teenager and parents gets gradually worse, and this makes the parents increase their weapons/tactics, and then the teenager 1048

realises, that the parents have trapped them in a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape, and that this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape will only get worse with time. -- This realisation naturally makes the teenager want to move away from the selfishness/ugliness (that is inherent in their parents), and the only place that most teenagers can go to, is to where their friends and relationship partners are. -- Ie, this process has now cycled back to number 1, and this cycling (through numbers 1-9) will keep happening, getting increasingly worse with each cycle. -- However, sometimes the teenager will see that their friends/partners, are also using weapons/tactics, and this can be the last straw (which makes their life of prison/torture/slavery/rape beyond unacceptable), and so their only option left, is to kill themselves, or repress all of this, which is extremely bad/toxic for them, and therefore many problems will manifest on the surface. Note: The cycle of 1-9, will be slightly different for different teenagers. Ie, the exactness of it, is not important. What is important, is the point being made. ---------It's important to see, that a major issue which caused all of this to happen, was that the parents brainwashed/programmed the child, (from when they were a baby, to when they're a teenager), with so much lies/misinformation/disinformation/etc, that this was inevitable. Also, all the selfishness that the parents imposed on the child, is now suddenly realised as a teenager, and this causes a sudden feeling of repulsion towards the parents. What is also important to see, is that even when all of this is happening between the teenager and the parents, the parents will only ever try to solve the situation, in their usual way, (by increasing the lies/misinformation/misdirection told to the teenager, or by emotional blackmail, or by using any of their other weapons/tactics). -------------------Note: It's important to recognise, that this process (of cycling through 1-9), is common in teenagers, however, this process could happen earlier, or later. And, it can be much later, even decades later. -- Ie, this process (of cycling through 1-9), can suddenly start to happen, at any adult age. And, the later it happens, the worse the consequences might be. The point is, when the parent-child relationship collapses, the parents are always blind to the fact, that this is something that has being building up, ever since the child was born. -- Ie, it's exactly like when a relationship breaks suddenly, and it appears that it is “sudden”, and that this has happened over a “small” issue. But really, all the lies/deceit/selfishness/etc, has been building up, and all people have their limit. It's just a matter of time.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If everyone could have beyond worldly bliss, by themselves, (whenever they wanted), then they would not have any desire to gets scraps of happiness/peace/love/pleasure from the usual activities/hobbies (eg: relationships, sex, friendships, having children, etc). -- What this means, is that almost all of the suffering in the world, would be eliminated. If some people like to suffer, (or see others suffering, or experience negative things), this would instantly change, if they were able to have beyond worldly bliss (by themselves, whenever they wanted to). -- Ie, people would simply not desire any negative things (on themselves, or others), if they could have this bliss whenever they wanted. The key point is, that as soon as people know how to have beyond worldly bliss (whenever they want, by themselves), they will not desire any experience lower than it. It's that simple. This is obvious, because if you can have beyond worldly bliss (whenever you want), then why would you want to experience some pathetic thing called “happiness”. And, since people can have beyond worldly bliss whenever they want, they will stop fighting each other for scraps of happiness. ---------Note: This bliss (the type that I’m talking about), would also stop people from searching for “god”/“truth”/etc, and this would eliminate all the suffering that comes with that, (because this bliss is at a depth, where thoughts/ideas/concepts can't exist. (Indeed, this would prove to them, that “god”/“truth”/etc, are just thoughts/ideas/concepts.) -------------------Note: Only a very small percentage of the population, will experience this beyond worldly bliss (the type that I’m talking about). A slightly higher percentage of the population, will have experienced true ecstasy. By “true ecstasy” I mean the beyond worldly ecstasy feelings, that happen all over the person's body, and this is something that they're experiencing by themselves, (ie, they do not need to be with (or near) someone (or something), nor do they need to take a drug/food/anything). However, this true ecstasy, is nothing compared to the beyond worldly bliss. The point is, that if a person has experienced this type of bliss, then they would always prefer bliss over ecstasy. It's no contest. And therefore, if they were in a state-of-being, where they're going ever-deeper into bliss, then they would never choose to stop this bliss (even to experience ecstasy). Indeed, this is to be expected, because even ecstasy is a step in the opposite direction. Ie, the ever-deeper bliss, is a progression that is in a positive direction. Whereas, going from bliss to ecstasy, would be a negative direction. And, going in a negative direction 1050

would not naturally happen, because no one would naturally go towards a more negative experience, (when they have “ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss” available to them, whenever they want). Therefore, it’s obvious, that all the usual everyday activities/hobbies, (eg: relationships, sex, friendships, having children, etc), would be seen as a huge step backwards, and therefore, no one would go near them, not even if they were paid. The point is, that this just shows: 1. How primitive/pathetic/negative, these everyday activities/hobbies are. 2. That trying to do these everyday activities/hobbies in different ways, is not going to change anything. ---------And what this means, is that: •

Small changes (in this world), are not going to do anything.

The only change worth making, has to be (at the very minimum), to one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss.

However, if you’re going to make a change that is that big, then why not go straight to “That”. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Porn, is an important subject to examine, for many reasons, eg: 1. It allows you to examine rape role-play, which is a very good thing to examine, because it's the perfect example/analogy, of life. -- The key point is, that if there’s no “safe-word” (or whatever similar), then it's: a) Not role-play. b) It's an activity that is forced, and/or non-consensual, and/or not truly consensual. c) Etc. ---------Also, examining rape role-play, can really help emphasise to you, just how bad things are, in a non-consensual activity. -- This is important, because many people live their life, without examining how some people have to endure non-consensual acts done to them. And therefore, seeing rape role-play, can help with this. -- Ie, after seeing this, if they then come across some person/information, that talks about how bad non-consensual acts are, then they might be able to appreciate it in a deeper way.


Also, if you examine the more brutal porn videos, (and pure torture videos), this gives you the chance, to realise that it's not just about whether an activity is consensual or non-consensual, because in the realm of the non-consensual, the non-consensual acts done to you, can be ever-deeper in pain/suffering, (whether: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, etc). -- Ie, there is always a way, to make you suffer, in a worse way (than you've ever experienced before, and could ever imagine). And this is true, whether in intensity, duration, or whatever else. 2. Porn can save you a lot of suffering in life, because it can be a good way to tell you (or remind you), of how many unpleasant/uncomfortable/annoying/boring things, can happen during lovemaking, sex, etc. (This was covered in the long conclusion.) 3. Note: I have put points 3, 4, 5, etc, in the following (separate) sections, (because they got too long). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Porn can make you realise, that many people have a desire, to make other people suffer, (not just indirectly, but directly). (This desire might be unconscious, subconscious, or conscious). -- It's a desire, to be (or play at being) god. This is important, because it shows, that when people control and manipulate each other, it's sometimes done to gain something, however, there are also other times, when it's done so that the perpetrator can feel that they're in “total� control of that person, (ie, in all respects). -- Ie, some people might call this, a desire to be (or play at being) god. Ie, to demonstrate this (to themselves), the perpetrator has to be able to control that person, in absolutely all respects, and therefore, this control has to also include, controlling how much the victim suffers. -- And, the best way to demonstrate this (to themselves), is to do it in a direct way. -- Ie, they want to be able, to see how their actions directly (and indirectly) affect the victim (their slave/toy/pet, (personal-slave)). -- And, many people will find it a lot easier, to do this via pain/suffering/fear/etc, (as opposed to any other way). ---------However, although porn can show you this, the point is, that this is just a way to see, that this is actually being done, in all relationships, (at a variety of levels). Yes, sometimes this is done for other reasons, (eg: as part of punishment-and-reward, or out of revenge (whether for what their partner did to them, or what someone else did to them), etc). However, sometimes people see how a perpetrator inflicts pain/suffering on their victim, and they look for a variety of reasons (of why it happened), but they don't see, that it can be done, because the perpetrator has a desire, to play at being god. 1052

It might sound strange (to some people), that a person could have this desire (to want to play at being god), but the truth is, that this desire manifests itself in many other ways, eg: 1. Wanting to have a baby. 2. Wanting to raise a child. 3. Etc. Ie, when people have babies/children, many of them like the idea, that they are the creator. -- And this is not just about the birth, (the creation of the baby), but the creation of the child's personality, beliefs, etc. Indeed, many people like to be the creator/sustainer/destroyer of all kinds of things (and people). -- Again, this desire (to want to play, at being god, (whether in creating/sustaining/destroying)), is not necessarily something that the person/perpetrator is conscious of. However, regardless of whether it's done consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously, the end result is always the same, (suffering). Of course, inflicting pain/suffering on a person, can also be done, for many other reasons, eg: 1. Wanting to get an idea, that they are not insignificant. -- Ie, they want to know, that they are a thing (in life), that can affect other things in life. And, the more pain/suffering that they can inflict on a person, the more they can feel that they're something: significant, powerful, etc. (And, they might want to be able to see that they can do this, in many differing ways, eg: emotionally, physically, mentally, etc.) 2. Wanting to feel something inside of themselves. 3. Pleasure. 4. Amusement. 5. Curiosity. 6. Etc. -----------------------------And, of course, if you want to maximise the affect (of seeing your victim being affected by you), you can't just use pain/suffering, because this does not produce extreme changes in the victim. -- Ie, what you need, is to: 1. Take them from extreme highs, to extreme lows. And, 1053

2. Take them from extreme lows, to extreme highs. Ie, your tools/weapons of torture, will also need to include the positive/pleasurable things in life. -- However, the positive/pleasure things, are only used (by the perpetrator), for malevolent purposes, (whether the perpetrator realises it, or not). -----------------------------When you realise all of this, even the most brutal/extreme porn videos (or torture videos), are nothing, because these videos: 1. Do not include the perpetrator using both positive and negative weapons/techniques. 2. Are not done over a long period of time. Ie, the worst videos of torture, would be over a very long period of time, (ie, over a period of a few decades). However, the absolute worst videos of torture, would be over the period of a person’s a entire lifetime (from birth, to death), over many decades. -- And, in this torture video, the initial (main) torturers/imprisoners/enslavers, would be the parents, but later in life, the torturers/imprisoners/enslavers, might also include a whole host of other people, (eg: grandparents, siblings, teachers, friends, ex-friends, partners, ex-partners, employers, co-workers, bosses, etc). Ie, Many people like to say that porn is bad, and/or they blame porn for causing many problems in relationships/sex/society/families/life/etc, but this is misdirection, away from their selfish/immoral/cruel/evil behaviours and actions, of enslaving/using people, (as their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). -- And worse, is to create a baby, and then enslave/use them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A clear/honest observation of life, shows that 99.9% of the population, do not realise the difference, between “fantasy”, and “reality”. -- The result of this, is that the most extreme violent/hardcore/brutal “rape/torture role-play” video to watch, is not a porn/torture video, but the video of “life”. However, what makes this cruel/evil, is that it's impossible to not be “aware” of life, (since awareness is ever-present, (since it's the first layer of creation)). -- Ie, we are all forced to watch (and feel) this video, of “life”. -- Ie, having “awareness” (life), is the worst type of torture. ---------Note: 1054

Whilst watching rape role-play videos, there will be many videos, which are just pointless/unpleasant/ridiculous to watch, because the main thing that you get from it, is a feeling of “fake”. And, when anything is fake, it's unpleasant and pointless. -- However, there are also some rape role-play videos, which appear real, until you see (at the end), that it's wasn't real. Ie, the actors just really got into their roles very well. However, it is then apparent, that since it is fake, it is still pointless, because: 1. The victim could have ended it, at any time they wanted to. Ie, it's not realistic. 2. The victim was playing at being a victim, and therefore, they were just “romanticising” the victim's role. When this is done, it makes it into a fantasy. Ie, this is the difference, between fantasy and reality. Ie, in fantasy, the victim makes the sounds/visuals that you want them to make. However, in reality, the victim will make sounds/visuals that will be extremely unpleasant to see/hear/smell/etc, and this will scar you. The reason why the sounds/visuals/smells will scar you, is because it's not just about the sounds/sights/smells, but the energy that is behind them. -- Ie, in fantasy (role-play), the energy is totally different (to what it would be, in reality). -- Ie, in reality, the energy would feel extremely negative. The point is, that in a role-play (fantasy), the victim might be being raped, (and: tortured, thrown about, humiliated, etc), but during all of this, the person in control of the whole activity, is actually the “victim”, (because they can end the role-play any time they want). -- Therefore, the victim can play with many negative emotions, but they'll never be able to get into any extreme negative/dark states-of-being. It's just not possible, because it's not real. And similarly, the “perpetrator” can play with many negative energies, but they'll never be able to go into the darkest negative energies, because they know that: a) This activity is not real, (it's just a role-play). b) The victim is ultimately in control, (since they can instantly end the whole activity (role-play), at any moment in time, whenever they want). The point is, that the deepest darkest energies, are only really accessed, whilst you're forced to be in them. So, in reality, the perpetrator and victim would be in these dark energies. Moreover, in reality, there would be a continuous feedback between the perpetrator and victim, and this would keep escalating. Eg, the victim might go into a very negative energy, and this might make the perpetrator go into an even more negative energy (because they need to be a more negative energy (to dominate, and stay in control, etc), and so this feedback-loop will keep cycling round, with both perpetrator and victim getting in to progressively more negative energies. Also, all rape role-plays, are done with people that they are attracted to. Ie, you only ever do this activity, with people that you choose to do it with. 1055

-- Obviously, if you did not choose to do it with that person, it's just outright rape. -- The point is, that all of the above, gets infinitely worse, with someone that you find physically unattractive/repulsive/etc. -------------------And, these negative energies, are unpleasant to be involved in, whether as a participant, or an observer. Yes, as an observer, you can superimpose energies onto what you are watching, however, these energies that you superimpose onto the role-play, are the “romantic” version of it. Ie, even in negative acts, (eg, pretend: rape, murder, etc), the acts can be romanticised. -- Ie, what applied to the perpetrator and victim, also applies to the observer. Ie, the observer will never be able to go into any deepest darkest energies, because: a) They know that they are in control, (because they can simply stop watching, (instantly, whenever they want)). b) The deepest darkest energies, can only be accessed, when a person is forced into a real situation. And, as an observer, a person is never forced into them. -------------------The point of explaining all of this, is that: 1. If the video is fake, it's unpleasant to watch, (for the reason explained above). 2. If the video is real, it's unpleasant to watch, (for the reason explained above). This is important, because many people talk about how this “life” (that we are all living), is something that: “We chose to do”, “We co-created”, “We are playing in”, etc. -- Ie, once you understand what was discussed above (about rape role-play), you realise that this applies to life, and that if you had the option, you would not want to be in it, because the results are unpleasant to watch, and acting in it, is unpleasant, since it's fake. And if it's real (where there is no safe-word (to end the role-play)), then it's even worse, since it's a nightmare of suffering, and/or seeing (and feeling) everyone else suffering. Note: A couple of paragraphs ago, I said: “They [the observer] know that they are in control, (because they can simply stop watching, (instantly, whenever they want))”. -- What is important to realise, is that in this life (that we are living in), it's absolutely impossible to “stop watching”, because awareness is ever-present, (except in non-existence). Ie, people are literally forced to see/smell/hear/feel. Moreover, people feel the energies. Ie, even if you made yourself blind/deaf/etc, you would still feel the energies, and still suffer (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc). 1056

-- Ie, the only way out of life, is to make sure that you are able to make awareness a thing, that you can enter (and leave), in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way, whenever you want. Note: It's no good to make the manifestation disappear, and still have awareness, because that is not pure non-existence. Pure non-existence, is the absence of everything (including awareness). Many people might not know about it, but “awareness” is the first thing to arise (in existence). Ie, awareness is the first layer. -- It is only after the creation of this first layer (of awareness), that the other layers can come into existence. These other layers, include: consciousness, “I”, “i”, etc. Yes, it can be argued, that awareness is ever-present (even in non-existence). -- Ie, awareness is there, but it's not aware of anything, (since nothing else exists). However, this is misdirection. That is why this book defines non-existence, as the absence of all things, (which therefore, would also include awareness). So, let's get back to it. The point is, that it's absolutely ridiculous, to say that this “life” (that we are all living), is something that: “We chose to do”, “We co-created”, “We are playing in”, etc, because, there is simply no way, that a person/entity would freely choose to put themselves through this torture. Therefore, people were either forced into “life”, (which is rape), and/or it's outright non-consensual, (which is rape). Ie, being alive (being aware), is torture. Indeed, many suicidal people will find, that the best moment of their day, is when they're extremely tired, and lying in bed, because they know that they'll soon lose awareness. However, they also feel, that the worst part of the day, is when they come out of deep sleep, and they then realise that they are aware again. Yes, it can be argued, that if there was only one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, that then having to be aware (alive) would be (perhaps) ok/acceptable. I say “perhaps”, because there are perhaps potential issues with this. (I’ve talked about all of this, in the long conclusion.) -------------------However, there is also another important point to this, which is that, if you put yourself in the position of the unmanifest, and you want to experience yourself, (or entertain yourself, or whatever else), then you would still not do this, because you would never choose to make yourself suffer, (certainly not without a safe-word, (ie, not without an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out, whenever you want)). Of course, if you were the unmanifest, you could do whatever you wanted, and therefore, you would choose the best option. And therefore, you would choose “That”. The point is, that you would not accept any option, that involved even the mildest of unpleasantness/suffering. Moreover, you wouldn’t even accept the smallest of unpleasantness/discomfort, because: Why would you? 1057

-- Ie, since you can have zero suffering, then you might as well have zero suffering. -------------------------------------------------Note: The above information, is also applicable, to the times where there is a “game”, where a scenario is staged, and everyone knows that the scenario is staged, except for one or two people (who are involved in it). -- The point is, that even in this case, the situation isn't realistic, because all of the actors, will (as explained above), be acting their roles, but the energy behind it, will not be realistic (because they know that the scenario is not real). Many people will argue, that some actors are good enough, to make it appear totally real. And, they might use the example, of actors in movies. However, they do not realise, that no matter how “real” it appears, it is still romanticised. -- The issue is, that many people think that it is “real”, if it elicits certain emotional responses in them. However, this is exactly the point. Ie, it elicits certain emotional responses in them, which are usually romanticised (positive or negative) ones. Ie, just because people feel a real emotion in themselves, they assume that it is real. However, it is not real, because it's a romanticised version of reality. -- Ie, it's a false reality. Indeed, this is so common, that many people believe this romanticised version of reality, to be how life really is. And, this is why there is so much suffering in the world. -- Ie, suffering is occurring, because people are choosing to do certain activities, based on a false idea of what life is really like. The point is, that role-playing (and staged scenarios, etc), are not realistic (for all of the reasons explained above). And, since they are not realistic, they will all inherently be “off” (even if it's fractional), and therefore, there will inherently be some problems, and suffering, etc. And, the idea that people have of life, is also not real (since they're choosing to romanticise it, because they have to do this, because otherwise, they'll have to admit how selfish/immoral/cruel they've been, in using/enslaving people (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). So the key point is, that whether a scenario in life is real, or not real, (or whatever in between), suffering will still happen. -------------------------------------------------Note: In an earlier paragraph, I talked about how rape role-play “romanticises” rape. This is itself an important issue, because this means, that the very existence of these videos, is bad, (because it can brainwash/program people to believe, that if you rape someone, it will be like this). -- Of course, many people will argue against this, saying that all people know the difference between fantasy and reality. 1058

However, this could not be further from the truth. -- The reason that this is true, is because it can be seen in every aspect of everyday life (in 99% of the population). Ie, parents/partners/friends/media/movies/tv/etc, have all romanticised the main everyday aspects of life, (eg, relationships, friends, families, having children, etc), and this has brainwashed/programmed everyone to want these things. Ie, the parents/partners/friends/media/movies/tv/etc, provide a false image (lies), of how having relationships/friends/family/children/etc, will make you happy, (and make you respected, and give you purpose, etc). And, as can be seen from how everyone is living, people have bought into this fantasy. And what this proves, is that: 99% of the population, can't see the difference between fantasy, and reality. Ie, they were being sold a fantasy (an idea/illusion/belief/hope/dream/etc), and they bought the lies. -- And what this proves, is that they weren't able to see, that reality is very different to fantasy. And, of course, when people try to make their fantasy into reality, the only end result, is suffering, (in the long-term). The thing that shows just how deeply people have bought into the fantasy/lies, is that after the fantasy does not work (in reality), they believe that it's their fault, and that they should try to do something different next time. -- Ie, even after life shows them that the fantasy (that they were sold) is a lie, they still buy into the belief, that the fantasy is achievable. And, they're so brainwashed/programmed to believe, that their fantasy can exist in reality, that they will literally create a fantasy/delusion for themselves to live in. -- They do this, by telling all the people around them, various stories. And, the people around them, will reinforce that person's stories/delusions/fantasies, because they themselves want their stories/delusions/fantasies reinforced as well. ---------------------------------------So, from all of the above, it becomes clear, that when you look clearly/honestly at life, it is extremely unpleasant to watch, because you can see: 1. People suffering. -- And it's unpleasant to see this suffering, regardless of whether the suffering is: a) Them suffering in their own stories/fantasies (role-plays). b) Them suffering in real life. 1059

2. People spreading suffering to everyone around them. -- And it's unpleasant to see this suffering, regardless of whether the suffering is spread: a) Directly or indirectly. b) Consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously. Ie, we come back to the same conclusion (as with rape role-play), where life is torturous to watch, regardless of whether life is “real”, or a “role-play”, or whatever else. ---------And it's also important to realise the following. Since it's obvious, that The romanticising of (the horrific act of) rape, creates and perpetuates that type of suffering. So too should it be obvious, that The romanticising of (the horrific act of) life, creates and perpetuates that type of suffering. ---------------------------------------Note: Although I have said that 99% of the population are living in their fantasy/delusion, it is arguable, that this figure should be 100% of the population, because (at a deeper level), the belief that you exist, is itself fantasy/delusion. -- And this is true, regardless of what you believe you are, (eg, whether you believe that you are: a person, spirit, awareness, consciousness, oneness, everything, “That”, etc). Ie, life itself, is fantasy/delusion. And therefore, this is just one more reason, to end the whole of existence. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Porn can help you realise, that many people are lying about things. -- Eg, many people spread the idea, that the photos/images of models and actors (in magazines, media, movies, tv programmes), are unreal, because they've been altered/airbrushed, etc. -- Eg, they might say, that real (un-airbrushed) people, do not have beautiful flawless skin, and perfect bodies, and perfect hair, and perfect teeth, etc. -- However, there are many porn videos, which show that real people, can actually have all of these things, and they can also have naturally beautiful pretty faces, etc. -- Moreover, there are many normal (non-model) people, who have all of this. 1060

However having said this, this does not mean that sex/lovemaking (with these people), will definitely be good. Indeed, one thing that porn also does, is show you how bad people are at sex/lovemaking, whilst also reminding you, of how many unpleasant things can happen during sex/lovemaking. (I explained a lot of this, in the long conclusion.) Yes, I know that you can't use porn videos, as a fair guide of this, however, if you look at the porn videos that are the amateur / home-video type, (which is just made by an average couple), it can raise a few valid points. -- Ie, it's sometimes irrelevant, if some porn videos are not real, (nor a good way to judge what is happening society), because some of these videos, can still be of value (in certain ways). -------------------Note: Porn can provide a way, for you to see many naturally beautiful faces. Ie, you could never see so many naturally beautiful faces, in other media, or in real life. -- This might not sound right, because many people think that movies, (and tv programmes, fashion, etc), will have more naturally beautiful people in them, but this is not necessarily the case, especially if you see beauty, as also including a natural expression (on their face). Some people might argue, that if you wanted this, then you could get a job, where you come across this on a regular/constant basis. However, since beauty is also affected by the energy/expression of a person, the chance of this happening in a job, is slim, (since jobs are not a thing that people naturally want to do, and therefore, they are going to have an energy, which shows that they are only doing this job, to exchange “x” for “y”, (eg, exchange “x” for money). -----------------------------Note: Some people do realise this, and this is why they say things against porn. Ie, they are fearful, that people will realise, that the lies/brainwashing/programming in people, will start to breakdown. -- Ie, they're scared, that people will realise, that sex/relationships/etc, will not give them what they want, and therefore, they'll begin to not want sex/relationships/etc. And, this is especially true, if they need to work hard at their job/chores/etc, just to stay alive. Ie, many people saying things against porn, are just trying to brainwash/program people, to keep wanting sex/relationships/children/families/etc. And, whether they're doing this to perpetuate the use of their personal-slaves (or work-slaves), is irrelevant, since whichever one it is, it's still selfish/immoral/cruel. Of course, these people will try to argue things, in clever ways. Eg, they might say, that porn is bad, because it makes people try to focus on being beautiful. However, if these people really cared about truly helping people, they would just tell people, that no games need to be played. Ie, if they really cared about helping people, they would not just help at a superficial level, 1061

but at a fundamental level, and help people avoid being tricked/trapped by any games, (not just this game, (eg, beauty)). Ie, this game (eg, beauty), is not something that you have to be any part of. Simple as that. Ie, people ned to realise, that: 1. Beauty/sex/relationships/family/friendships/having children/etc, are all just games. And that, 2. No one needs to play any games, (of any type). And that, 3. You can play games if you want, but (like all games/wars), there will always (inevitably) be casualties/suffering, (in the long-term). And that, 4. There are no games/wars, where you win/succeed/etc. (I've covered all of this in detail, in the long conclusion.) ---------------------------------------Note: Yes, there are many bad things that exist in the porn industry, however, almost all of these bad things, also exist in a similar form, in all other industries, and in many areas of everyday life. -- Ie, the main difference, is that they’re not recognised in the other industries, nor in the other areas of everyday life. Eg, forcing people to work in the porn industry, is bad, but forcing anyone to do anything, is bad. Moreover, if anyone is suffering (for any reason, even slightly), it's bad, (and totally unacceptable), and the problem should be eliminated, forever. Like all problems in life, if you tackle the problem at a fundamental level, then you'll automatically/inherently solve the superficial problem, as well. I've explained all of the fundamental problems (that will solve all the superficial problems), throughout this book. However, let's use one here. The main reason why porn actors exist, is to get money. So: Q: Why do porn actors need money? A: Because their parents created them, (because the parents wanted to fulfil their 1062

selfish desire (of having a child)). -- However, the parent had their fun, (by creating and using the child), but when the child became an adult, they threw them out. -- Ie, the parents are responsible, for forcing the child, to get a job, or do some work. -- Ie, it's forced slavery. And this is true, regardless of what industry (the slave is working in), and regardless of whether the job/work is paid via money, or whatever else. -------------------When people hear this, they will then ask this question: Q: Can you really blame all the problems in the porn industry, on parents? A: Yes. Of course. If we live in a society, where blame/responsibility/etc exists, then there is no one else to blame, except parents. -- However, it's not just parents who are to blame. All those people who think that it's ok for other people to have children, are also to blame. Indeed, no matter which aspect of life you start with, the same conclusions are always reached, (which I've explained throughout the long conclusion). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From the perspective of ever-deeper enlightenment, (or just common sense), the more things that are burnt (in the spiritual sense), the deeper the enlightenment will be, the less you will suffer, and the more free/peaceful you will be. -- Therefore, since porn can help you burn many things, (including: sex, relationships, beauty, etc), porn can be a good thing. It's obvious, that the more desires that aren't able to hook you, the more free you will be, and the more peaceful you will feel, etc. And, along with this, you'll suffer less. Since this is true (in general), it’s also applicable to sex, relationships, beauty, etc. -- When this happens, there can be people/bait/traps all around you, and it's totally safe, because you'll naturally not bite any of them. Then, you'll begin to see everything/everyone differently. -- Eg, you might see a person in front of you, and they might be trying to hook/bait you, and they'll be using all kinds of tricks/hooks/traps, but none of it affects you any more, and all you'll see in them, is the ugliness of them (trying to trick/hook/trap/use you). -- Ie, you just see their selfishness, immorality, etc. And, since you'll see this going on everywhere, (eg, in all relationships, families, friendships, jobs, etc), you'll naturally realise that all people are inherently selfish/immoral/etc.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Videos (and images) of extreme porn, (and extreme torture, murder, violence, etc), can help you: 1. Examine how people are, at ever-deeper levels. 2. Examine how life/existence is, at ever-deeper levels. 3. Examine your deepest darkest fears, (and/or desires), at ever-deeper levels. 4. Spiritually burn many “darker” things, (eg: revenge, rage, etc). -------------------Note: It’s important to realise, that: Burning all such things, is important, because if they're not exposed (and dealt with), then they will still control you (unconsciously), which therefore inherently means, that you will say/do things, which will cause suffering to yourself, and others, (and everyone). Eg, via watching a video of “rage-sex”, (regardless of whether the rage is due to revenge, hatred, or whatever else), if the video is watched in full, (ie, not just a short clip of it), it can be realised, that the (apparent) perpetrator is doing something that is empty. -- Moreover, “at best” it is empty. Ie, for the perpetrator, it is (most of the time), not just empty (nothing/zero/etc), but something that is negative. And, it is negative, regardless of how hard they are trying (to make it into something). And this is true, regardless of what that “something” is. Of course, the more it feels like nothing/zero/negative, the harder that they'll then try, to make it to their liking. However, the harder they try, the worse it all gets. And, over time, they'll inevitably realise this, which will then make them realise, that this activity is empty/nothing, (or boring), and therefore, it's all a negative. And the same is true, for murder, (and extreme violence, torture, etc). ---------Indeed, the same is true, for all games/wars, which everyone plays, in everyday life. -- Indeed, people try to get what they want, via controlling/manipulating other people. And, the usual way people do this, is via punishment-and-reward. -- And, therefore, punishment/correction/etc, are all done, in everyday life. -- And, instilling fear, is also something that is done, in everyday life. At the extreme level, if you want to instil maximum fear, you have to do something extremely violent, and unexpected. And, to get the maximum “unexpected”, you gave to go from one extreme to the other. Therefore, you have to initially get the victim, into an extreme positive state, and then take them into an extreme negative state. 1064

-- Therefore, the people who are the worst torturers, are always the people who are the closest to other person. However, strangers are also capable of instilling fear, but just to a lesser extent. Ie, the stranger can take a person from a normal (or zero) state, to an extreme negative state. However, whether it's done by a stranger, or a person that is close to you, it's often done to break that person, (perhaps to make them obey you (and to be submissive to you)). ---------Of course, this is regularly done, in everyday life. The only difference, is that in everyday life, if this is done physically, it is illegal, (and seen my most people, as being something that is socially (and morally) wrong). -- However, this is ridiculous, because these people are saying that physical violence is wrong, whilst they use mental and emotional violence, on a daily basis. Indeed, mental and emotional violence, can be infinitely worse (than physical violence), because it's easier to pass-out (and go totally unconscious), when physical violence gets too much. Ie, on a daily basis, people use all sorts of games/tactics/weapons, to break a person, so that they can then reprogram the victim, to obey them. Ie, people are constantly trying to brainwash/program everyone, with definitions/beliefs of things, as being good/bad. -- And, they will keep doing this, because they need everyone else to believe that: 1. Certain games/tactics/weapons, (which they themselves are good at using (in defence or offence)), are acceptable (legally, morally, socially, interpersonally, personally, religiously, spiritually, etc). And, 2. All other games/tactics/weapons, (which they themselves are not good at using (in defence or offence)), are unacceptable (legally, morally, socially, interpersonally, personally, religiously, spiritually, etc). ---------This brings us to the very hated topic, of “pro-rape�, (in terms of sex). -- Yes, being pro-rape (in terms of sex), is immoral. However, since this is true, it's also true, in all it's other forms. Ie, all non-consensual acts are immoral, regardless of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What aspect of life it is in. Who it is done to. (Ie, regardless of: gender, race, age, etc). What level it is done at. Etc.


Ie, being pro-rape (in terms of emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually, etc), is immoral. Ie, if someone uses rape (in terms of sex), to correct a persons behaviour (to get a desired result), then this is selfish/immoral/cruel, but then so too is it selfish/immoral/cruel, to use rape (whether: emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually, etc), to correct someones behaviour, (to get a desired result). And, this is true at all levels. Eg, sexual-rape is sometimes used, as a tactic/weapon, when two countries are at war with each other. And people condemn this. Yes, it should be condemned. However, all tactics/weapons should be condemned, and at all levels, (including the tactics/weapons, of: punishment-and-reward, brainwashing/programming, etc). Of course, people do not want to do this, because it will then be apparent, how rape is used in many different forms, in everyday life, and that they too, are using this tactic/weapon, of rape. -------------------------------------------------Note: The issue of “breaking� people, needs to be examined more closely, because it's also important, in terms of deprogramming. When deprogramming is done in a positive way, it is done for the person's benefit, to: 1. Reduce/prevent/eliminate their suffering. 2. Set them totally free, (from the deprogrammer, and everyone, and even themselves). -- Ie, they learn how to set themselves free, from all lies/traps/delusions/bubbles/etc. And, the deprogrammer, exposes everything to them, so that they can: a) Do it for themselves. b) Know how it's done. c) Not be reliant/dependant on the deprogrammer, (or anyone), in the future. Also, this deprogramming, is done by the person (being deprogrammed). Ie, they deprogram themselves. -- Ie, the deprogrammer can be a person, that helps the other person (who wants to deprogram themselves), via giving them all the information needed, to totally/fully deprogram themselves. -- However, whether the other person actually implements the information (needed to deprogram themselves), is up to them, (and is nothing to do with the deprogrammer). When the person does implement the information, they will be exposing (and admitting), the lies/brainwashing/programming, that is inside them. And, they will not be replacing it, with new brainwashing/programming. 1066

Ie, the person is dissolving/smashing/breaking/destroying the bubble/delusion, that they were living in. ---------The opposite to this, is when a person is being smashed/broken/destroyed, by a perpetrator, (so that the perpetrator, can then reprogram the victim, to obey a new set of brainwashing/programming, which is to the perpetrator's advantage). Note: There is no brainwashing/programming, which is ever to the victims advantage. The key point is, that there is a huge difference, between “breaking” a person, and letting a person break themselves. Ie, no method of breaking a person, is ever a good thing. And therefore, no method of correction, is ever a good thing, (regardless of whether that pro-rape attitude/tactic is done: sexually, emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually, etc). And, this is at all levels, eg: • • • • • • •

Individual. Family (or small group). Society. Government. World. Universe. Existence.

Indeed, in all of these, many examples can be seen. -- Eg, how people are controlled/manipulated/corrected, via financial means. When any corrective tactics, are allowed to happen, then they're allowing/encourage rape, which inherently (by definition), makes them pro-rape. And, since everyone partakes in this, or allows it to happen, everyone is inherently (by definition), pro-rape. -------------------And, sometimes, rape is done, not to control/manipulate/correct people, but for ulterior motives, (eg: revenge, hatred, humiliation, spite, or other selfish reasons). -- Eg, after divorce, one partner might rape the other person, (whether: emotionally, mentally, financially, etc), and this done out of revenge, or other selfish reasons. And, some people use rape (of whatever kind), to destroy a person (or a group of people), because they have some deep desire, to play at being god. Ie, in this case, they're playing at being god, in the sense of the power (and/or pleasure), to destroy/annihilate.


---------And, this power/pleasure, also exists, at all levels. -- Eg, when people initially interact with each other, (when they first meet), they might test each other. And, these tests, might be to see, if they can have power/control over the other person. -- Ie, a test is thrown at the other person, and if they pass the test, then they're under your control. Some people call these tests, “shit tests”. And, many people on the internet, are offering advice, on how to win (and be successful), when confronted with these shit tests. -- Of course, this is ridiculous, because if you're playing, and trying to beat them (win), then you're still playing. And, interacting with anyone (who is playing games), will end in suffering, (in the longterm). It's obvious. However, all interactions, happen due to desires/fears/games, and therefore, all interactions, are going to end in suffering, (in the long-term). ---------However most people can't see this. -- It's obvious that this is true, because most people are involved in interactions/relationships, (eg: relationship, friendships, sex, family, having/raising children, jobs, etc). Moreover, it's important to realise, the depth to which, “people can't see this”. -- Indeed, this is proven by the fact, that many people believe, that a good shaming tactic, is to say to people, things like: • • • • •

“I bet you don't have a girlfriend.” “I bet you don't have a boyfriend.” “I bet you don't have any friends.” “I bet you haven't had sex in ages.” Etc.

Ie, these things are said by a person, because they believe, that to be perceived as successful/worthy, you must have: a partner, friends, sex, etc. Of course, this is ridiculous, and upside-down. Because all these things, cause lots of suffering, and only provide moments/scraps of pleasure, (especially when calculated over your entire lifetime). -- Ie, if someone was offering you a business deal, where you would lose much more than you gained, you would simply walk away from it. And, if you did take the deal, you would be laughed at, (and you certainly wouldn't be perceived as being successful/worthy, or a winner). Therefore, whenever a person provides someone, with a shit test, they should just see it, as though they're being presented with a very bad business deal, and therefore, they should walk away from it. 1068

If you do get involved in that business deal, then you're stupid, because the definition of stupid, is a person that causes themselves suffering. -------------------And, what this means, is that it is only you, who can stop yourself, from causing yourself this kind of suffering. It's really simple to do this, however, you have be honest with yourself. Of course, most people aren't honest with themselves, or with other people. This is obvious, as can be seen, from all the non-stop games, that people keep playing. -- Eg, there are some people, who go to a party/club/bar/venue/social event/etc, and in these places, when they're having a conversation with people, they say things like: “I don't like people, I like to be alone”. -- Obviously, if they really meant this, they wouldn't be at the party/club/bar/venue/social event/etc. Ie, it's just a game/image (that they're trying to sell), or whatever else. The point is, that this is also true with shit tests. -- Ie, many people say, that they don’t play along with shit tests, however, they go to a party/club/bar/venue/social event/etc, where people (who they know, and don’t know), are constantly doing shit tests to each other. -- And, if they're confronted with a shit test, they'll try to act as though they don't play along with people’s shit tests. The point is, that a person wouldn't have gone to those places, unless they wanted something. -- And, a person doesn’t interact with someone, unless they want something. -- And, if a person is interacting with someone, then they're still playing some games (shit tests), with other people, and themselves. -- And therefore, they will end up suffering, (in the long-term). -------------------Of course, if you really understand this, you know that shit tests, are in all areas of life, (eg, all: relationships, friendships, families, parenting, jobs, etc). -- Ie, it really is everywhere. -- And, it can be argued, that: Life (itself), is a shit test. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When compared with movies (and tv programmes), porn videos can be seen as being the best, in terms of providing you with some of the most genuine amazing moments. Examples of these, are: 1. The most open/vulnerable act of ultimate sharing, of a most intimate moment.


2. Beautiful fun play-fights. 3. Beautiful cute smiles. 4. The most unexpected combination of things, all in one short video, (eg, a combination of: surprise, laughter, fun, disbelief, beauty, intimacy, caring, etc). 5. Etc. ---------Porn is good to examine, because it's a very good example, of a word with subtext. Ie, a large proportion of people will have a negative subtext to this word, and yet (on inspection), this subject is too big to have a positive or negative subtext. -- If anything, it should have a positive subtext, because it's so important to examine it. Some types of porn, are undoubtedly done in a very positive light, which could perhaps be better described as being: The most open/vulnerable act of ultimate sharing, of a most intimate moment. -- What I'm referring to, is the type of porn which involves a person genuinely masturbating, with the camera only ever focused (close-up), on their face and eyes. There are videos, where the masturbation is totally natural (not staged/faked for the camera), and when they keep their eyes open during their orgasm, a beautiful moment (of intimate sharing) occurs. Needless to say, this is not the case with all people (or orgasms), but it's definitely true for some. Seeing someone orgasm, whilst their eyes are totally open, and looking right at you, is such an intimate act, and some people who have had sex with many partners, might never have even experienced such intimacy. Ie, this type of porn, could provide those people, with a more intimate moment, than they have ever had with a person (in real life). -- Indeed, even in some long-term relationships, some partners are just not comfortable with keeping their eyes open during orgasm. Moreover, some partners have never had orgasms. And, some partners only want to have sex in a room, that has no lights on. -------------------A good example of how varied porn is, is in how it also encompasses sexual acts that include torture. And, going a bit deeper in this direction, some videos can be purely torture (without any sex of any type). And, in a different direction, some porn goes in the direction of sex, followed by a (fake) death (of one of the actors). Along with this, the same websites, might have real life cctv videos of people really dying, either by accident, or (perhaps apparently) deliberate. And in another direction, the porn can be of domination, where women dominate and humiliate a man, and vice-versa. The thing with porn, is that even on the darker websites, you can suddenly find links to other porn videos, which are: • • •

So funny (and/or unexpected) that it makes you laugh out loud. So intimate. Containing some beautiful moments. 1070

• •

Able to make you questioning all sorts of things. Etc.

And, some porn videos contain acts between people, which are amazingly playfully and fun-loving. Indeed, there are even videos of people play-fighting, but they're play-fighting in a very playful way (which is rare), and is an amazing thing to watch. (I've covered play-fighting in more detail, in the long conclusion.) With porn, it can (sometimes) be hard to know, when a video should be classified as “porn”, and when it's not porn. Eg, some videos which are uploaded on mainstream non-porn websites (where you can upload videos of yourself), can be classified as being more pornographic, than those on a dedicated porn website. Indeed, a question would then be: If there is a video of a genuine couple, who are being very affectionate (non-sexually) towards each other, and the whole video only contains these pure expressions of (non-sexually) affection (which are beautiful to watch), then is this porn? And, if this video is on a porn website, (or a non-porn website), then is it “porn”? And, if the people in the video are 15 years old, and the “age of consent” is 16, then is this child porn? Of course, the only people who want strict answers (to these questions), and want strict definitions, are the ones who try to use these things, as weapons against people, (eg, to shame/ridicule/discredit/trap/blackmail/imprison/etc, other people). And, it's irrelevant if many (or most) people, are able to see some laws (eg, the age of consent), and use them in a reasonable way, because, as soon as a law is in place, then all it takes, is for one person to want to use that law (for their own selfish reasons), in an unreasonable way. Ie, it only needs one person, to make an accusation to the authorities, and then the authorities will have to act on it. ---------In the previous paragraphs, I have explained how porn (and non-porn) websites, can provide a person with a lot of good/deep/funny/interesting/etc, stuff. However, being able to see all of this good stuff, is perhaps partly to do with luck. Ie, with the amount of porn videos (and websites) available, some people might not find the ones that have any benefit in them. Ie, yes, there are a lot of videos, that are not going to be very beneficial to you. Also, even if two people watched the same video, one might be able to catch those key moments in a video, and the other might not be able to recognise them (for what they really are). Or, one person might be able to let one moment (in the video), take them to a place, where they can understand life/existence better, whilst another person might just see the video at a superficial level, and nothing deeper. ---------------------------------------Note: Although porn is an important subject, it's important to realise, that some of the worst scenes of brutal/violent pornography (real or fake), which does (or does not) end in death, is perhaps seen in mainstream movies.


One of the most extreme scenes (and categories) of porn, that I have ever come across, was from a movie, (which was a non-pornographic movie, and not from a pornographic website). I will not mention the details of it here, because even the title of the category (of the porn), could cause many people distress. Indeed, it's important to remember that “You can't un-ring a bell”, nor “Un-see”/“Un-hear” something. Ie, it's important to remember, that what you see and hear in videos (or real life), might stay with you forever. So, yes, it's important to go deep enough into seeing all the possibilities that exist in life, but sometimes, you have to know what videos/images could cause you post traumatic stress (to varying degrees). It sounds extreme, but this issue is very real. Each person will have their own few areas/things, which they know will cause them some level of post traumatic stress, and in such cases, understanding the title of the category, and knowing what it involves, will be enough. Again, it requires honesty. Ie, you have to be honest with yourself. ---------------------------------------There are many reasons why this subject of porn is important, and I’ll briefly go through some more of them, next. Many videos (in all categories), can have very real moments in them. The reason why this can be argued as being important, is because it's sometimes harder to get real moments with people who you are physically with (in real life), because they're putting on an act, (or have ulterior motives, or whatever else). Indeed, when two people meet and interact (in the physical world), they're often putting on an act (to impress the other person), to some extent. Another reason why porn is an important subject, is due to how it has affected the new generation of children, (who have had easy access to digital porn, since a very young age). And it's also perhaps important, because one has to question how/why so many people are willing, to upload videos of themselves having sex. And, one also needs to question, how/why so much porn is available, with some of it being of a very high quality (in terms of equipment and production costs), with men/women who are beautiful, (with near flawless skin, amazing hair, etc), in expensive mansions, and yet it's free on the internet. And it's also an important subject, in terms of questioning: • • • • • •

What porn am I seeking? Why am I watching all of this? Why am I only watching parts of this video? Why am I unable to watch this whole video, (even when it's very short in length)? The amount and variety of categories of porn, seems to be constantly growing, but what does that mean? Etc.


-------------------Porn is also an important subject, since it's a very good example, of how people can be brainwashed/programmed into doing sexual acts in private (at home, without them videoing themselves, and it’s just with their regular partner), however, one of them doesn’t really want to do something, (but they feel that they have to), because “everyone is doing it”, or because they (half) want to try it out, since they (mistakenly) see/believe that the people in the video, are enjoying it, and therefore want to try to see if it will give them (or their partner) pleasure. Indeed, as a result of all of this brainwashing/programming, many heterosexual female partners are complaining (in the real world), that their male partners want to do things like oral sex (and anal sex, facials, etc), and they do not feel that these acts are intimate, especially when compared to deep slow intimate lovemaking. Indeed, they are right to complain, because the energies involved during these acts (even oral sex), is more toward selfishness, (and other more negative/dark directions, (eg: humiliation, domination, revenge, anger, hatred, control, power, etc)). -- Note: I say that they are “right to complain”, but really, they shouldn’t bother complaining, they should just leave the relationship. Also in the real world, some male partners are complaining, about the fact that they want their lovemaking to be intimate/affectionate/etc, but their female partners are being fake, not present, seem distant/off, and have ulterior motives. Ie, they feel that their partners, are often not making love, purely for the pleasure/intimacy/affection/closeness/loving/transcendental aspect of it. The point is, that people have been so brainwashed/programmed to be selfish/successful/etc, that this has made people turn lovemaking/intimacy/affection/pleasure/etc, into something that is not worth desiring, because it always comes with too much negativity/ugliness/unpleasantness/games/hassles/nagging/draining/financial costs/etc. -- And, with this, the act of sex/relationships/etc, are going to spiral towards ever-more negative sexual acts and energies. Needles to say, if the sex (or any part of the relationship) ever becomes negative, the partners should leave the relationship immediately. And, if leaving the relationship means that they have to be excluded from x, y, z, then they should realise that this is a good thing, (because x, y, z, are things that are just going to cause them suffering). Ie, people have to learn, to just walk away from it all. Ie, people have to know what is unacceptable, and just walk away from it. Everything can be walked away from, eg: relationships, family, inheritance, friends, jobs, careers, etc. -- The only hard thing to escape, is life itself. ---------Although the previous paragraphs paint a depressing image of sex and relationships, it's important to see, that porn is not the cause of it. Ie, many people like to blame porn, but this is misdirection, because the real people to blame, is everyone, because everyone is selfishly playing their games, (in the hope that they can fulfil their selfish desires). And, it is all these “harmless”/“normal” games (that everyone plays in relationship/sex/etc), that is 1073

the cause of everyone's suffering. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every split-second, in all movies and television programmes (whether: fiction/nonfiction, drama series, reality shows, documentaries, sit-coms, etc), is designed to brainwash/program you, but if you can see through this, then they can be very beneficial to you. Indeed, they can all be useful, in helping you to: 1. Realise that relationships/families/friendships/jobs/careers/having children/etc, are not going to bring you long-term happiness. 2. See how people are brainwashed/programmed, through: movies, television programmes, news, etc. 3. Deprogram yourself. 4. Etc. ---------Movies and television programmes (of all sorts), are definitely worth examining. However, the issue with movies and television programmes, is that in watching them, many people can become brainwashed/programmed, (rather than it being beneficial to them). And, even if a person is wise to some of the brainwashing/programming, they are probably not wise to all of it. Ie, even those people that are a bit more aware of it, they can still be brainwashed/programmed. It's only natural, that parents/people/companies/governments/institutions/organisations/etc, want you to watch certain things, because they want to brainwash/program you, (to believe/do certain things). I say that “it's only natural�, because all these entities are inherently selfish. Therefore, expect every split-second (frame) in a movie/programme, to be trying to brainwash/program you. Therefore, if you want to start to deprogram yourself, start by asking the question: Why is this particular frame (in a movie/programme) being shown? -- And you can do this for every frame, in any movie/programme. ---------The usual things that movies/programmes try to brainwash you to believe, are that: 1. Relationship/family/sex/friends/having children/etc, will make you happy, and are important, and will make you seem successful to your peers, etc. 2. Life is good, death is bad. 3. Saving people is good.


4. Saving the world is good. 5. Suicide is bad. 6. You should be scared of people with guns. 7. The police, courts, laws, are all systems that are good/fair/moral/important/necessary/etc. 8. The system of government/ruling/controlling/etc, is one which is good/fair/moral/important/necessary/etc. 9. Schools are good/fair/moral/important/necessary/etc. 10. Education is important. 11. Jobs are good/honest/moral/etc. 12. Careers are good, and they will bring you other things (eg: money, relationships, etc), which will make you happy. 13. The laws of physics work like x, y, z. 14. The history of the world happened like x, y, z. 15. The planets/universe/etc, are like x, y, z. 16. A certain event in the world (which was recently shown in the news), happened in this sequence of events, with these certain people, due to x, y, z. 17. Etc. -------------------It's obvious, that everything shown in movies/programmes, are being shown to brainwash/program people, because: Why else are things being shown on tv? -- Ie, even if things are shown for your entertainment, then: “Who is benefiting from this?” -- Ie, if programmes are not here to brainwash/program you, then perhaps they are given to you, to: • • • • •

Misdirect you. Keep you busy. Dumb you down. Sell you x, y, z. Etc.

However, it’s important to remember, that it's never just one of these. Ie, it's all of the above. -- Ie, movies/programmes are there to do it all. 1075

-- Ie, movies/programmes are there to: 1. Brainwash/program you, (to believe x, y, z, and a whole host of other things). 2. Keep you in a state of fear. 3. Tell what you should desire. 4. Misdirect you. 5. Discredit people/groups who are doing things to reduce suffering in the world. 6. Misinform/mislead you about everything. 7. Distract you. 8. Keep you busy. 9. Dumb you down 10. Make you believe that you need to buy x, y, z. 11. Etc. Ie, it's all of these, at the same time. ---------So, the next thing to think about, is: Which group/company/institution/organisation/etc, is going to benefit from doing this to people? And (again), the answer is: All of them. -----------------------------Note: It's also important to realise, that movies and television programmes might also be brainwashing/programming you in unseen ways. However, if you're able to watch a movie/programme, whilst being aware of what is going on in your mind/body/spirit, then the brainwashing/programming will probably not work on you. Note: If you want to maximise this (being aware of what is going on in your mind/body/spirit, whilst watching a movie/programme), then you will need to watch the movie/programme in the following way: 1. Be alone. (Ie, there are no humans/animals/entities with you.) 2. Face the tv square on.


3. Do not watch it from a live source. (Ie, always watch it from a pre-recorded source.) 4. You must be in full control over the movie/programme, (ie, you're easily/effortlessly/instantly able to pause it, and/or rewind it by a few seconds (so that you can watch a certain frame as many times as you need to), etc). 5. No eating/drinking (of anything), because this will interfere with knowing how your mind/body is reacting to the frames in the movie/programme. 6. Have an empty stomach, because if you have just eaten food, you will not be sharp. 7. Have a very comfortable relaxing sitting position, because otherwise, you'll be more focused on discomfort, rather than how your mind/body is reacting to the frames in the movie/programme. 8. No other thoughts in your mind. 9. Not be tired. 10. Apart from the tv/screen, there should be no other lights or sound. -- Ie, ideally you'll be in a room, which is soundproof, lightproof, smellproof, and at a constant/controlled temperature. -- The other benefit of a room like this, is that you can focus on the programme and your mind/body, rather than on thinking/caring/worrying about disturbing other people (inside or outside of your house). 11. Have zero distractions, (eg: no mobiles phones). 12. Have a large enough tv screen, (and sit close enough to it), so that you can see the detail in people’s facial expressions. 13. Have the sound coming out of loudspeakers, (ie, not headphones, because headphones can be felt on you, and this means that any sensations in that area will be interfered with, in terms of being able to observe them). 14. Have a large (and wide) enough selection of movies/programmes to watch, because this allows you to select the most ideal/beneficial/effective programmes (which will help deprogram you the most). 15. There will be some times (before/during/after the programme), where you might want to just sit in silence. And, if you have your room set up well (as described in the above points), then you will be able to naturally sit in silence. 16. Etc. Indeed, most of the above points, are not just good whilst watching a movie/programme, but also for any times, when you just want to switch everything off, and sit there in silence. And, since you have a lightproof room, you're also able to sit in total darkness. This can be very beneficial (to some people), because in total darkness, it can be easier to realise 1077

various things about life (eg, you can realise: what thought is, what awareness is, that the “me” is just a thought and some sensations, etc). (I explained this in more detail, in the long conclusion). The point is, that having a room like this (soundproof/lightproof/smellproof/constanttemperature), is important for many reasons, including the fact, that it can allow you to take a step away from the constant brainwashing/programming (that is coming from all the people around you). And, when you can escape from it, then this gives you time to realise that everything that everyone is trying to make you do, is only for their benefit, and it will just make you suffer. -- Ie, this room, can help reduce your suffering a lot, and help you to deprogram yourself a lot faster. -----------------------------However, there is always the unknown (what you don't know), and the unknowable (what no one can ever know). Ie, you can't know 100% for sure, that the movie/programme will not brainwash/program you. However, you can perhaps guess, that you are benefiting, more than you are losing. Ie, you will know this, if you can honestly asses yourself, and see that you are deprogramming yourself. However, you should be aware, that there's no benefit, if you're deprogramming yourself, but also re-programming yourself. And, you have to be really honest with yourself, because if movies/programmes are only programming you (and not deprogramming you), and you're watching these programmes in a room that is lightproof/soundproof and has zero distractions, then you'll be more intensely focused on the movie/programme, and this might make the programming even more effective. -- And this is compounded by the fact, that all programmes have lots of programming in them. Ie, even the programmes that are very good for deprogramming yourself, will have a lot of programming in them. -- However, if you can see all the programming (in each frame of the movie/programme), then you are (to a certain extent) not being programmed by it. -------------------Note: It's important to realise, that each frame of a movie/programme, does have programming in it, (whether this is intentional/deliberate, or not). -- This is to be expected, because all movies/programmes, are made by people/entities, and therefore, the movie/programme will inherently/inevitably include some things, which is just “normal” for them. -- Ie, “normal” (to them), are the things/beliefs/facts/etc, that they aren't able to recognise (in themselves), as brainwashing/programming/lies/etc. Ie, they are not able to recognise/realise, that they (the makes of the movies/programmes) are also brainwashed/programmed, and that therefore, they are (unknowingly) spreading their brainwashing/programming, to everyone who watches the movies/programmes that they make.


---------------------------------------Note: If you are able to avoid being brainwashed/programmed by movies/programmes, then there are a lot of things to gain from it. -- Eg, there are some very real moments in reality tv programmes. Yes, they might only be moments, but you'll probably see more real moments in reality tv programmes, than from physical interaction with living people (in real life). This happens, because people are always trying to project an image, (whether in real life, or in reality tv programmes). However, in the programmes, people have a camera pointed at their faces for long periods of time, and so most people will inevitably (at some point) break-down, and show their true feeling/emotions. Ie, in real life, people can easily hide their true feeling/emotions, and if they ever get to the point where they feel that they're about to explode (or break-down, or whatever else), then they can just go somewhere private. And therefore, in real life, some people might never see any true feeling/emotions. Whereas, these people will see this in reality tv programmes, because reality tv programmes will always contain this, because these programmes will usually create scenarios that are stressful for the cast, (knowing that some of them will eventually break). However, reality tv is not just about seeing those types of emotions. Ie, there are many beautiful moments that can also occur. -- And along with this, reality tv programmes can also show a very wide variety, of very real/intimate/honest/vulnerable moments. -- Indeed, it's safe to say, that without these reality programmes, a person would never see so many different emotions in one lifetime. -------------------Of course, movies/programmes can also help you to expand your mind. -- To do this, all that you need to do, is watch any part of any programme, and be able to say: “I'm 100% sure, that this could possibly be true”. The point is, that if you can do this, then that changes the way you watch everything. Ie, even if you watch a programme that is a “fiction”/“science-fiction”/“mythology”/etc, you'll be watching it in a way, where you know that this might be 100% true. Indeed, it can be argued, that these titles/categories/words (eg: “fiction”/“science-fiction”/ “mythology”/etc), were invented to misdirect/mislead the mainstream people. It’s certainly one of the most effective ways to ridicule/discredit people (so that some information is kept secret). Eg, if a person is walking in the woods, and they see an alien, and they then try to tell other people what they saw, then the groups/authorities (who might want to make all people believe that aliens do not exist), can simply ridicule the person, and make them look ridiculous, by saying that the alien (that they're saying that they saw in the woods), is the exact same description of an alien, that has appeared in a science-fiction series (or movie). Yes, this means that companies/organisations/governments/institutions/etc, might be covering up all sorts of technologies/knowledge (that is years ahead of what exists in mainstream society). Ie, it's all being kept hidden, because 1079

companies/organisations/institutions/etc, want to use it to their advantage. Moreover, the hidden technology/knowledge/etc, is probably not just a few years ahead, nor just 50 years ahead (of that which the majority of the population know about), but more like 500 years ahead, or 5000 years ahead. The point, is, the exact number becomes irrelevant, because anything above 1000 years, might as well be any large number. However, as already mentioned, it's probably totally irrelevant how much technology/knowledge is hidden from the majority of society, because if such technology/knowledge was available to everyone, it doesn't mean that the human race would be wiser, or living better. Ie, the selfish and immoral behaviours/games/wars would still happen, and therefore, there would be just as much suffering, (whether in a different form of suffering, or in the same form). Ie, it's not important to know what is true, (and what is lies), because what is more important, is to be open to all possibilities, because after being open to all possibilities, the solution might still be the same. -- Ie, even if everyone in society had all the technology they wanted, they might still play their silly selfish games, and therefore cause suffering to everyone. And, therefore, life is still “survival of the selfishest”, and therefore, the ultimate solution (and desire) in life, is non-existence. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents/people do not understated how important it is, to give a child/person “space”. -- All children/people need to have their own rooms, where they can be away from everyone, (whenever they want to). -- And, children/people need to be allowed to have the freedom, to be able to be in this room, for as long as they want. These are fundamental things that a person needs. -- Ie, not providing this, (or withholding/limiting this), is a form of torture. And, since very few children are ever given this, parents are torturing their children. Often, a child will ask their parents for some “space”, and the parents might give them some space, but the parents usually think that they're doing the child a favour. And, in thinking that it's a favour, they will usually ask for the child to compromise on something else. What the parent does not understand, is that “space” is not a luxury. If a person needs space, then that person should be given space. The same is true for a child wanting a room (physical space), which is a place that they can retreat to, for peace and quiet. Some parents think that this is a luxury, and so if they want to punish the child, they take away the door to their room. Not only should this never happen, but the room that a child has, should be relatively well soundproofed, (so that they can have some peace and quiet). The point is, everybody should be able to (if they want), go somewhere where they can get 1080

some peace and quiet, and a place to escape from other people. However, most parents think that it's ok to give a child a room, which provides neither of these things, and they might even put more than one child in a room. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“If you put a person in an agitated environment, they will get agitated.” -- This is common sense. -- It really doesn’t get more obvious than this. However, it's important to see, that agitation is a form of torture. -- Moreover, it can be the worst kind of torture, (if it's done at the exact amount, which is causing you to boil/suffer, but is not hot/bad enough, to make you jump out of the pan/situation, (because then it becomes a lifetime of non-stop torture/suffering)). So many things in life are obvious, and this is one of them. “If you put a person in an agitated environment, they will get agitated.” It's obvious. Yet, it's common to put children/people in environments that agitate them, and this inevitably makes them all agitated, (bothered, unsettled, upset, frustrated, angry, etc), and this leads to not only them suffering, but their agitated mood will also cause trouble to other people around them. -- Ie, the suffering just keeps spreading from person to person (throughout the whole country). And, the parents/people do not recognise/admit, that it's them who were to blame for all of it, (since they put the child/person in that agitated environment). The most common things, that can create an agitated environments, are too much: sound, heat, or cold. -- One of these is bad enough, but when they are compounded, then things get exponential worse. -- And if you then add to this, the feeling of being trapped in this environment, it can then be seen how the environment becomes a prison, in which they are tortured. Indeed, sound, heat, and cold, are a very commonly used in torture, since such environments are very simple and cheap to create. So, following on from the issue that a child/person needs a soundproof room, it's also important to see, that the temperature in their room should be able to be easily controlled. Ie, the child/person should not ever have to be agitated by feeling too hot, nor too cold. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“If a person is suffering, then their focus will be on their suffering”. -- This is common sense. Ie, don't expect them to be able to focus on anything else, (whether it's work, or pleasure). It's just ridiculous, that people have to live in places which are too noisy, hot, or cold, 1081

because this just makes the person unable to focus on anything, except that they are suffering. Yes, certain techniques can be used to try to focus your attention way from the suffering, but all of these techniques/methods/practices/etc, only work in the short-term. ---------It's always amazing to see, that this issue is so overlooked, especially since everyone will probably have suffered this at some point. And, it's such a ridiculous waste of time and energy, to be dealing with this issue, because these issues can easily be solved. Eg, since the child's/adult's room is going to be soundproof, it will be very easy to control the temperature, since a soundproof room will need to have a flow of ventilation, and therefore the ventilation unit will be what controls the temperature (by adding hot or cold air). Ie, it's very easy to create a room/environment that does not agitate. Some people might think that this type of a room is a luxury, however, as mentioned previously, people have different minds and bodies, and therefore have different needs. -- Eg, a more selfless person will have: 1. More sensitive senses. 2. More times when their mind is totally silent. 3. More times when they will need to go into deep states-of-being. 4. Etc. Therefore, what is classified as a normal/acceptable environment (from the point of view of a selfish person), would be torture for a person who is more selfless. -- Therefore, special environments are a necessity for people who are more selfless, and to put them in a normal environment, is the same as deciding to torture them. However, making sure that all children/people are provided with a room that is soundproof and temperature controlled, is just common sense, because it's obvious that, to get a person to be at their optimum, you should not make them suffer, (especially since the solution is simple). Ie, people complain about how their children/employees/etc, are always moody/agitated, and not being at their optimum, but what do they expect, since they were put into environments that agitate them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is deliberately designed to agitate everyone, and to keep them in a permanent state of torture. If life is seen clearly/honestly, it will be seen that life is not accidentally agitating a few people, (due to life containing a few things that are badly designed). Not at all. Life is 1082

deliberately designed to agitate everyone. It's no accident, and it's not a small superficial flaw. Ie, it has been put into life, at a very fundamental level, so that no one is exempt from suffering. And it’s important to see, that most people know this on some level. Ie, most people know that life is tough, and that everyone will suffer on a regular basis, throughout their entire lifetime. However, despite the fact that most people know this, they still think that it's ok to have a baby, (knowing that the baby will then also suffer on a regular basis, throughout its entire lifetime). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you look at all aspects of life, almost all are designed to create agitation, eg: all types of school/education (from young to old), relationships, friends, sex, having children, jobs, money, housing, etc. -- And, it's so well designed, that no matter what modifications/improvements are made to each of these aspects of life, it will never totally eliminate all agitation. The only way to remove all agitation, is to make changes at a very fundamental level. -- I use the word “very� fundamental, because making changes at a fundamental level is still not good enough. Eg, even if you totally remove the need for people to have jobs, there would still be suffering in the world. The same is true for totally changing the schooling system, or even totally removing it. And, the same is true for all of these areas of life (as mentioned in the previous paragraph). Even if you killed everyone on this planet, it would not solve the problem, since there are bound to be some humans that are elsewhere (on other planets, or underground, or wherever else), and those humans will inevitably end up creating some world/civilisations, that still contains suffering. Even if all humans were (somehow) made to be extinct, there would still be suffering amongst other non-human entities. However, perhaps the most important point, is that even if there is one human/entity suffering (somewhere in the manifestation), and all the other entities have allowed it to happen and continue, then they're probably the type of entities that will create new entities that will suffer, (for whatever selfish reasons). -- Ie, the only way to eradicate suffering, is to dissolve all entities who were responsible for this present state of affairs. And, since all entities have allowed it to continue, then all entities are responsible, and therefore, all entities need to be dissolved/ended (instantly/painlessly). Needless to say, you might as well go straight to the source, and make the change at that level. Ie, instantly/painlessly end the whole manifestation. -- Or, just stop creating the manifestation (in the first place). Or, if a manifestation (of some sorts) needs to exist, then only one realm needs to be created, in which case, it might as well be the one which is an ever-deeper pure freedom/peace/love/bliss. This is good enough, however, non-existence would be better. 1083

Of course, it can be argued that there is nothing wrong by making changes at all levels simultaneously, as long as you do not get caught up in one of the superficial levels, and then forget about making the changes at the more fundamental levels. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To reduce agitation, and keep healthy (physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually), you need to totally cut all communication with all selfish people. -- And this even includes the things like: “How are you?”. This is because, all selfish people only care about their desires being fulfilled, (or they will help you with your desires, if it's something that they want you to have). -- Therefore, there is no point talking to selfish people, because it will only make you angry and infuriated. Indeed, this true even if a selfish person asks: “How are you?”. -- Ie, they ask this, but they want to hear the answer that they want to hear. -- However, what makes this so bad, is that if you say anything that they don’t want to hear, then they'll get upset, and then give you constant grief for making them upset. This is a very common thing that most “loving” parents do. The point is, that unless you lie, and just say/do what they want (which will drain you of energy), you'll end up with them getting upset, and nagging you, and this will go on for a long period of time, (until you say/do what they want you to do), and this whole process will drain you of a lot more energy (than just lying). -- And it's also important to remember, that this draining of energy, will continue even when you're out of physical proximity to them. Ie, they'll drain you from a distance. Indeed, “loving” parents drain their children all the time, by being worried/anxious that their child isn't doing certain things (which the parents want them to be doing). Indeed, when you see it like this, you realise that the only way that you can avoid suffering (by being drained of all your energy), is to never put yourself in a position where people can do this to you. -- Ie, the best bet, is to just avoid all people. This might sound extreme, but it must be remembered, that people only speak to you, if they want something from you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are many ways to use/trap a person, and the subtle ways/energies/bonds/connections/etc, are sometimes infinitely worse. Eg, if a child kills themselves, there is a risk that the parents will suffer immensely, and this suffering will affect the child (even after the child's death). -- If this is something that can happen, then this emphasises the fact, that being born is the 1084

worst trap of all, (since there wouldn’t even be peace after death). This might (or might not) be true, but if it is true, then the suffering for the child could be immense, and therefore, it is something that has to be seriously considered. However, since the child has to consider even this, this could be the final thing that makes them snap, and kill themselves. Ie, the situation of thinking about whether killing themselves will put them in a worse situation, is so extremely annoying/frustrating/infuriating to think about, that this just makes them want to kill themselves even more. -- Indeed, there will always inevitably be a point, where all of this compounds the issues that originally made them want to kill themselves, and all of this combined, will make suicide seem worth doing, no matter what the risk. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are many risks to suicide, but parents/people fail to see, that all these risks makes a person want to kill themselves even more. -- This is because, it's extremely sickening to see, that there are so many risks, just from a person wanting to leave this life/existence. If a person wants to leave the activity (of life/existence), then they should be able to do this, without any risks, and with it being done in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. All of this is so sickening to see, that it can make a person not care to stay alive, even if they have whatever they need to make themselves comfortable (and minimise suffering). Eg, a soundproof/lightproof/smellproof/constant-temperature room, will definitely help eliminate those types of suffering, however, when you know how truly sicking/despicable life is, then why would you want to stay in it at all. Ie, even if you minimise most of the ways that life can make you suffer, all that you achieve by doing this, is that you get to stay in life longer, which means that you get to see this sickening/despicable life for longer. -- Ie, even if you get less suffering for yourself, you don't actually “win�. Indeed, you just lose. -- Therefore, the only way to end all of this nonsense, is if there is permanent non-existence, for all. ---------Indeed, what is the point in trying to stay alive, when you know that: 1. Your senses will keep becoming more sensitive, (which means an increase in the amount of things that get you agitated, and keep you agitated). 2. You will find life increasingly unacceptable, and this will mean that your tolerance of how much suffering you will accept (to stay alive), will constantly 1085

keep being reduced. 3. If number 1 keeps increasing, and number 2 keeps decreasing, then there will inevitably be a point in time, where life is so bad, that it outweighs any risks of suicide. (ie, suicide becomes worth the risk). 4. If there's going to be this inevitable point in time (as mentioned in number 3), then why wait for it. 5. You know that if you become old (before this point in time happens), that you will want to kill yourself anyway, (so that you avoid the having to deal with parts of your mind/body constantly failing). 6. As more time passes, you will inevitably (naturally) keep seeing ever-deeper into all aspects of life, and this is inevitably going to be a revealing of ever-more despicable/sickening things. And, this is not just in all aspects of life, but in life itself, and the whole of existence. 7. From all of the above, it seems foolish to wait to kill yourself. -------------------Indeed, it can then be seen how: A) Existence is seen as something that needs to be instantly ended/dissolved/switched off/etc. B) Non-existence is the only thing that is worth being. -- And therefore, non-existence is the only person/thing/role-model worth wanting to be. Therefore, its understandable, that when suicidal people go to sleep, they want to go into a deep sleep, and then never wake up. -- Indeed, this is ideal for them, because if this happens, then they know that their parents will have it easier, since the parents will just think that the death is not a suicide, but “natural�, (which makes the parents feel less guilty, or no guilt). -- However, no matter how much the suicidal person might beg/plead (to die in deep sleep), they still wake up the next morning. So, after trying this for a long while, the suicidal person can't be blamed, when they can't wait any longer, and kill themselves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children should never need to be grateful to their parents. -- Moreover, they have the right to totally hate their parents, (since they are now trapped in a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape, with no instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out). Having talked about the need to give children/people an environment that does not agitate 1086

them, many will argue that this is a luxury, or a privilege, and that it's not at all necessary to provide every child/person with such an environment. Also, such people will argue, that the child/person should be grateful for whatever they're given. However, how can a child/person be grateful for being tortured? Surely it's common sense, to not expect a tortured person to feel grateful towards the torturer. Ie, a child/person should not need to ask to be given an environment that is not torturous. -- Indeed, that is insane. Surely it's common sense, that if you torture someone, it's inevitable that they will bite back, (at some one, at some point in time), or at the very least, resent you, or hate you. Quite simply, a torturous environment, is unacceptable. And, since most children/people are not provided with acceptable environments, it's understandable/reasonable/expected that they're not going to be grateful to their parents. ---------Perhaps humans need to be taught, that children have the right, to not be tortured. However, if such a thing needs to be taught, then humans should not be allowed to have babies/children. Needles to say, all of this information will only be absorbed by someone, if they care about the future baby, more than they care about themselves (and their selfish desires). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When a child/person cuts off all communication with their parents, or kills themselves, it's important to see this as an “inevitable natural movement”, (and not an act of revenge). Many people do not understand, that every time they do something selfish, it inevitably causes another action to occur (usually negative). This is just an “inevitable natural movement”. It could be called, a “natural consequence”, but the word “consequence” is perhaps not quite right. Eg, if a child is forced to live in an environment that agitates them, they will naturally get agitated, and so they might naturally try to escape that prison/torture/slavery/rape. -- Ie, the difference, is that the child did not deliberately try to escape/walk away from the prison/torture/slavery/rape, to get back at the parents. Ie, the child's action was an “inevitable natural movement”, not an act of revenge/anger/etc. I'm mentioning this, because parents are selfish, and therefore they think that it's always 1087

about them. Ie, in this case, they think that the child’s action (of suicide, or cutting off all communication), is to get revenge on the parents, but what really happened, is that the child just wanted “out� of the prison/torture/slavery/rape. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many children will naturally distance themselves from their parents, because children know that there's no point bringing up any serious issues with parents, because they can't handle it, nor solve it, and so the only result, is that the parents will then become even more of a burden/headache/drain on the child. If a child cuts of all communication with their parents, (or even kills themselves), the parents will probably think that it was such an unexpected thing, and that the child never gave any hints. However, the child probably did try to explain that they thought that some things were unacceptable to them, but the parents would have tried to: make excuses, not really listen, blame the child, or whatever else. This always happens, because the parents always come at things from a selfish point of view. As a result, the child then knows to: 1. Not bother talking to the parents about any serious issues/unhappiness again. 2. Just continue to pretend that they're happy/fine/ok. 3. Just let the parents stay in their delusion/bubble of fake-happiness. Ie, the only sane solution, is to maintain a fake-happy relationship with them, just so that you avoid having to see all the selfishness that is in them. Also, it gets them off your back, (which you want, because they never help with any deeper issues, and just drain you of energy). Indeed, if there is ever a conversation that involves deeper issues in life, they'll just use that as an opportunity to push their beliefs on you. Somehow, parents think that their children will respect them, and look up to them, but many children just look at their parent's lives, and see that: 1. They're not truly happy. 2. They're suffering a lot. 3. The fake-happy delusion/bubble that they desperately try to maintain, is something that causes them immense suffering, and no true pleasure, and almost everyone sees through it, (except no one will say it to their face, because everyone is playing the same game). 4. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1088

Most parents never seem to be able to stop using emotional blackmail on their children, (no matter how old the children and parents get). -- It's like bad habit, (that they just can't ever break). However, this is to be expected, because the deeper you go, the more you will come to realise, that parents’ selfishness, seems to be never-ending, and limitless. There are many obvious examples of this, so I will not go into them here. However, I will just use one example, which demonstrates these points. This example, is as follows. Even when a child is suffering, and says that they want to kill themselves, most parents still only care about themselves. This is obvious, since the parents usually say something like: •

“You must never do that, because it would hurt us very much.”

“You must never do that, because we will not able to cope.”


Ie, still, the parents are only thinking about themselves, and all their own selfish desires and fears. -- Ie, even when the child is at their last stage of desperation, the parents can't help but think of themselves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since most people are parents, it can be said that most people are inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. -- This is important to realise, because the implications are serious, because it means that all the systems in each country, will be made up of these people, and this could have dire consequences for yourself. Eg, since most people are selfish/immoral, there's more chance that someone will falsely accuse you of something, and this false accusation will be dealt with by other selfish/immoral people (eg, the: police, courts, prosecutor, judge, jury, media, people who live near you, etc). And, it's important to realise, that all people (even if they are not immoral), can instantly do immoral things, eg, if they (or their family) are blackmailed/threatened/etc, enough. And, “enough” is a key word, because most people will do something immoral, to get (or keep) someone/something that they really want. However this breaking point (where someone does something immoral), is not that high (in practice), as can be seen by the fact that people will do immoral things, as long as: 1. Their boss promises them a promotion, (or they just assume that they will 1089

then get a promotion). 2. They assume that doing that immoral act, has to be done, so that they keep their job. 3. They're ordered to do it, (because if they are ordered to do it, then they can feel that they are free from being responsible, (for any suffering that is cause to others)). 4. They assume that they'll then be able to call in a favour (at a later date). 5. They hope that they will then be part of the “inner circle”. 6. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The world is full of suffering, and many say that they do not understand why it is so, but this should be expected, since the people who have children, are all inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, and it's inevitable that babies/children will naturally copy this selfishness from their parents. And, this selfishness will be so ingrained, that they will cause much suffering, and then also have children, and so the cycle continues. -- Therefore: 1. Human reproduction, is nothing but selfishness replicating itself. 2. This cycle of selfishness/immorality/cruelty/evil replicating itself, can only end, if people stop having children. ---------However, this is not enough (in terms of ending all suffering for all), and neither is a solution of obliterating all humans/entities in existence. Indeed, the only solution that is worth considering, is the one which is not only about ending all suffering for all, but also about providing ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss. -- Ie, the only solution worth considering , is “That”, (non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“If we stop having children, then the human race will die out.” Needles to say, the questions then become: Question 1 - “Why would anyone want to keep alive a race of beings, that are selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, and cause so much suffering?” Question 2 - “Why would anyone be ok with allowing selfishness/suffering to spread 1090

like a disease?” And, the answer is: Answer - “People are ok with this, because they too are selfish. Ie, they will be happy to allow suffering to spread like a disease, as long as they get what they want. It just doesn't matter how much other people suffer (or for how long they will suffer), as long as they get what they want.” ---------Note: This is not a theoretical answer, because this is what is happening everyday, in this world. -- Ie, many people in the world are suffering, and people are ok for it to continue, as long as they continue to get what they want. Actually, it's worse than this, because not only are they willing to let the suffering of others continue, they're even willing to create a new baby, knowing that the baby will also suffer. -- Ie, the difference is between: •

Evil people. There is a disease that is spreading in the world, which causes suffering, and you can help stop it, but instead you allow/need it to continue, in order to get what you want.

And, •

Ultimate evil people. You are the one that is creating the disease, which causes so much suffering in the world. Ie, you don't just allow the disease to continue, you deliberately and actively keep creating new diseases (babies/humans), which you know will cause more suffering in the world. You do this because, you want a baby, and your wants are all that matter, regardless of the suffering that it will cause. I'm not just talking about the fact that the baby will suffer. Yes, the baby will suffer, but the baby/child/adult will also cause so much suffering to others (throughout it’s whole life), since it's almost impossible for this to not happen. And, this is without factoring in the fact, that that baby might also have a baby (or more than one baby), and then that endless cycle goes on forever, with the suffering being spread at an exponential rate.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people do retreats, workshops, or even stop everything in their life (to take a step back from life), however, none of this will help them reduce the amount of suffering in their life, unless they're willing to see life clearly/honestly, (without them deliberately skewing it). 1091

Ie, taking a step back, will only help, if you then look at life clearly/honestly, (ie, without skewing what you see). However, almost all people will deliberately skew what they see, (so that they can avoid seeing that they’re selfish/immoral/cruel/evil). Note: If you do skew it, you will suffer. -- And, the more you skew it, the more you will suffer. Ie, even though deliberately skewing what you see, will create a delusion/bubble that you live in, this does not help you escape suffering. Therefore, ignorance is not bliss. Indeed, this is obvious, because: •

Person A, who does not skew what they see, allows themselves to see the ugly/evil things that exist in life (which is causing them suffering), and therefore they can avoid it in the future, and therefore they avoid suffering in the future.


Person B, who deliberately skews what they see (so that they do not have to see the ugly/evil things that they/others are doing in life), cannot see what is causing them/others suffering, and therefore they will continue to do the same things, and therefore they will keep suffering in the future.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The games are the same, at all levels. -- This seems to be true, in all cases. Eg, we know that people who have children (the creators of life, in this physical dimension), are selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, and therefore, it is to be expected, that the creator at all levels, will also be selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. -- Therefore, the creator of existence, would also be selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. -- And indeed, when life/existence is seen clearly/honestly, the only conclusion that can be reached, is that the creator of life/existence, is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. This is important, because most people are brainwashed/programmed to believe, that the creator/god/whatever, is benevolent. -- And, the depth of this brainwashing/programming is evident, in the fact that no matter how much people suffer in their life of never-ending prison/torture/slavery/rape, they keep trying to gaslight themselves, into believing that life is good/important/precious/etc. Ie, yet again, the moral of this story, is to stop listening to what other people say/think/believe, and stop what you're doing, and take step back, and look for yourself, at what life really is. And, do this, without deliberately skewing what you see.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people are brainwashed/programmed to believe, that: 1. “Creation is good/benevolent/etc.” 2. “Destruction is bad/malevolent/etc.” However, when life is seen clearly/honestly, the opposite is true. -- Indeed: •

“Creation/life” is nothing but contraction/suffering/etc.

And, •

“Death/destruction” of contraction/suffering/life/etc, means that, what remains, is peace, and freedom from contraction/suffering/etc.

Of course, parents/people/companies/governments/secret-organisations/etc, all need everyone to believe that “creation/life” is good/important/precious/etc. Ie, 99.9% of the population, are responsible for brainwashing/programming everyone to believe this, and for making everyone suffer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The deeper you go into everything, the more you'll see that everything is upside-down. -- Ie, what you were told is believe is white, is actually black, (and vice-versa). Of course, this is to be expected, because it has to be this way, because to control and manipulate you, parents/people/companies/governments/etc, all need to brainwash/program you to have beliefs, because these beliefs will be what makes up your reality, and this reality is ideal for them to control/manipulate/use/rape you. Eg, if parents/people/companies/governments/etc, want to make you do an action which benefits them, then they just have to brainwash/program you, to believe that that action is a good/moral thing to do. Then, you'll do this action, without them even telling you to do this action. -- Ie, everything will always be upside-down, because to get what you want from people, you have to make everything bad, seem good. And, ideally, you need to do this, not by altering their beliefs/definitions/words/concepts/reality, but to “teach” (brainwash/program) them this information, from the moment they're born/created. -- Indeed, all parents do this to their children, just as all governments do this to all people. However, it's important to see, that all beliefs/definitions/words/concepts/reality, are only 1093

ever “taught” (brainwashed/programmed/forced) into a child, for the benefit of the parents. -- Ie, the child doesn't benefit. All the child gets from this “learning”, is that they’re then easy to control and manipulate. ---------Of course, by brainwashing/programming the child to have a certain “reality” (which makes it easy for the parents to control/manipulate/use the child), the parents have inadvertently made it easy for any person/government/company/organisation to control/manipulate/use the child. -- And, the child will continue to suffer like this, until they begin to see that they've been brainwashed/programmed to believe that everything that is white, is actually black. And/moreover, they need to see, that there never was any “good” programming. -- Ie, all programming, is only ever bad. -- Ie, absolutely everything that they’ve been “taught”, (every single word), is purely to control/manipulate/use them. Indeed, all “words” themselves, are only invented (and used), to control/manipulate/use people. Ie, since words are only in existence, for malevolent purposes, (and words are the building blocks of all beliefs/concepts/ideas, and these are what make up your life/reality), then know that: 1. Your reality/life/existence, is purely a creation, for the benefit of your parents and others, (regardless of the fact that you will suffer regularly throughout your entire lifetime). And therefore, 2. Reality/life/existence, is purely a creation, for the benefit of others, (regardless of the fact that you will suffer regularly throughout your entire lifetime). Ie, yes, the deeper you go, the more you realise that everything is upside-down. However, this just keeps going, (somehow). -- And therefore, it's only to be expected, that “reality/life/existence” is going to be exposed, as being nothing more than something created for malevolent purposes, (despite the constant brainwashing/programming, to make you believe the opposite). ---------Note: The reason why I included the word “somehow”, is because even if you know that “the deeper you go, the more you realise that everything is upside-down”, there can still be things which you haven't seen the correct way up. -- Ie, you can know this, and still be seeing most things, in a way which benefits those who want to control/manipulate/use you. Therefore, the only option, is to just keep deprogramming yourself, ever-deeper. And as you do this, every aspect of your life, will keep getting shattered, and/or turned 1094

upside-down. Many people think that it's “cool” to deprogram yourself (and “go deep”), but the truth is, its devastating to every aspect of your life, and it will make you extremely angry/frustrated/furious/etc. -- However, it's not a choice, because deprogramming is just something that happens. Ie, life just keeps revealing the lies that has been brainwashed/programmed into you (and everyone), and this is devastating to see, and it never stops. Moreover, what compounds all of this, is that you will want to leave life/existence, but no matter how hard you look, there is no instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Clearing” blockages in your energy field, (and all that type of stuff, eg, healers/detox/etc), will (at most) only help relieve suffering in the short-term. The only way to reduce your suffering (in a permanent way), is by examining all aspects of your everyday life, to see what is actually causing the suffering, and then taking action on it. The reason why, clearing blockages in your energy field, will only help relieve suffering in the short-term, is because as soon as you are back into your everyday life, the everyday life issues are all still there, and so they all start to immediately affect you again. Therefore, the only way to reduce your suffering (in a permanent way), is by examining all aspects of your everyday life, to see why you're choosing to stay in a prison/torture/slavery/rape aspect of your life, when you could just walk away from it. Also, you would need to see how you're causing prison/torture/slavery/rape on others, because this will also be creating suffering to you, (even if you think you are gaining, and not losing anything). -------------------Note: Even if people know that the above is true, most will still just try to reduce their suffering, by any other method. Ie, most people prefer all other methods (as opposed to the one mentioned above), because all other methods do not require you to examine yourself, to see how you are to blame, for causing suffering to yourself (and others), and how you have been selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. Eg, if you go to a healer/detox/etc, then you can just go and let the healer (or energy worker, teacher, etc) do all the work, which is a lot less effort for you, and also means that you don't have to examine your own life, (and see all the ugliness in what you are doing in all aspects of your everyday life).


-------------------If you look at this situation logically, it's obvious that the only way to reduce your suffering (permanently), is by seeing what is causing the suffering, and then taking action on it, (eg, by walking away from whatever was causing you suffering). The exception to the above, is if you're going to a certain person/place, which helps you examine all aspects of your everyday life, (ie, they're helping you to deprogram yourself, in terms of beliefs, and/or energetically). -- However, this needs to be in practice, not theory. Eg, some people might go to listen to a teacher/speaker, who talks about how to examine all aspects of your everyday life, however, if a person goes and listens to this, then that is not going to help them. And, if they listen to it all, and afterwards they regurgitate it all to their friends, then this is also not going to help them. Ie, the only thing that will help that person, is if they actually apply it to their life, and also make changes to their life. Another point, is that this process of “examining all aspects of your everyday life”, needs to be an ongoing thing, which (by definition), would mean that you're doing it everywhere, and therefore, you do not need to go to a certain special place/person/time/healer/organisation/etc, to do this. Indeed, if you do feel that you need to go to such places/people, then perhaps you are just trying to avoid “examining all aspects of your everyday life”, (probably because you don't want to see/expose all the subtle/sly things that you do (or have done), to get what you want). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When life is seen clearly/honestly, and you add up just how much time/money/effort/energy/etc, is spent doing things that are not pure pleasure, (especially chores and jobs), it's no wonder that people say that they want to leave this physical world. Indeed, the people that want to leave, are the sane/wise people. One subject that is important to look at, is “chores”. Chores are everything that you need to do, to stay alive (minimising pain and discomfort, whether physical/mental/emotional). When you add up every minute that is spent on these chores, you will see just how much time/energy is spent on this. And, unless you have servants/maids/slaves to do absolutely everything for you, the amount of time spent on chores is ridiculously high. -- Most people might not think that this is the case, because they have not examined how many hours per day goes on this. And, then you need to also include the time spent at work, and the commute to and from work, etc. 1096

However, then you also add, all the minutes when you are not having a good time. And, then you add up all the minutes, when you're in any state that's not pure pleasure. -- Needles to say, the pure pleasure will add up to a few minutes, per day. Or, for some people, it's a few minutes per week, (or month, or year). Of course, it all gets much worse, when life throws in illness and disease, or a traumatic experience. However, life is cruel enough, to make sure that this can also happen, even when you're in perfect health. One good example of this, is that if a woman is perfectly healthy, she will still experience pain and discomfort on a regular basis. Ie, no matter how healthy a lady is, she'll probably experience some pain and/or discomfort (mental/emotional/physical) to some degree, due premenstrual syndrome. The fact that this is “even if you are healthy”, and “on a regular basis”, is not something that sounds like something that is done by a benevolent creator (of life). Yet, people are proud that they're bringing more babies/humans into existence. -----------------------------Note: Yes, it is possible to have a low amount of chores/jobs/etc, however, if this is continued over a long period of time, then other problems build up, which means that they then end up having to spend even more time/money/effort/energy on things (to solve the problems that were a result of doing too few chores/jobs). Indeed, most people know that they have to stay healthy (and maintain their hygiene), just to avoid illness, disease, and other problems with the body. And therefore, this increases the time that they need to spend on chores. -- And, what this usually also means, is that they then need to also spend more money on staying healthy, which means that they have to spend more time at their job. However, the ridiculousness does not end there, because even if you're determined to stay healthy, it's not at all clear, how best to do this. -- Eg, you might feel that you need to stay healthy by doing aerobic exercise, but you know that the aerobic exercise that you regularly do, might cause you physical problems in the long-term. But if you do not exercise, then you might have some other problems (perhaps not in the short-term, but perhaps in the long-term). And the same is true for so many things in life. The point is, that life doesn't even make it easy for those who are trying to stay healthy. Therefore, when life is seen clearly/honestly, and you add up just how much time/effort/energy goes on all these things that are not pure pleasure, it's no wonder that people say that they want to leave this world. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1097

The issue of needing to spend so much time/effort/energy on things that you don't want to do (eg, chores/jobs/etc), is very important, because it means that you then have no time to stop and reflect (on how pointless all of this is). However, being able to stop and reflect on life, is something that most parents/people/organisations/governments/companies/institutions do not want you to do (and will try to prevent), because if you stop and reflect, you will see how ridiculous it all is, and stop being their personal-slave (and/or work-slave). What this means, is that children/people are deliberately kept in a constant state of doing, and to make sure that they stay like this, they're constantly brainwashed/programmed, every day. However, the problems do not end there, because with time, the victim will also become the perpetrator. -- Ie, the victim will themselves start to make sure that other people are kept in a constant state of doing. -- They'll do this, because they're playing games/wars, which they don't want their victims to see, (and so they keep their victims in a constant state of doing). Also, some people have the mind-set, where: “If they have to suffer, then everyone else should also suffer”. Needles to say, all of the above, shows how prison/torture/slavery/rape is spread (at an exponential rate) throughout humanity. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many “good”/“ethical”/“moral”/“selfless” people, want to change the world, into a place with more people who are service-to-others (because these people are good/benevolent), and less people who are service-to-self (because these people are bad/malevolent). -- This is ridiculous, because by creating these two categories, they have immediately created a them-and-us, which only ever creates more suffering. Of course, all of the above, also applies to all people/beings/entities/gods/religions/etc. -- Ie, gods/religions/etc, are also responsible for causing suffering, since they claim to be benevolent, but they cause suffering by creating categories, (eg, those who follow the commandments of this god/religion, will be protected, and will go to heaven, etc, and those who do not obey, will suffer (in this life, and after death), etc). Obviously, all of this, is just done, to control/manipulate/use people, for their own selfish desires, (even if that desire, is to just make themselves feel: better about themselves, more selfless, more important, more moral, etc). Additionally, these “good”/“ethical”/“moral”/“selfless” people/beings/entities/gods/religions/etc, are also the people/groups who believe/say that the universe/source/god/universal soul/etc, has “infinite compassion” and “unconditional 1098

love”. And they also believe, that “everything is one”, etc. -- However, they also warn people, that the service-to-self people, will have a bad fate, (whereas the service-to-others people, will have a good fate, (eg, they will be: ascended, saved, rescued, delivered, etc). -- Of course, this is ridiculous, because: 1. If they believe in “unconditional love”, then there are no conditions, and therefore it would not matter whether a person was service-to-self, or service-to-others. 2. If they believe in “infinite compassion”, then it will not matter what the service-to-self people have done, (since there is infinite compassion). 3. Saying that the service-to-self people, will have a bad fate (and that the service-to-other people will have a good fate), is inherently not benevolent. 4. If “everything is one”, and you truly know this (and are not just pretending to be spiritual/awake/enlightened/etc), then you would (inherently) not want to punish the service-to-self people, (since they are you, (since everyone is one)). 5. Etc. -------------------The point is, that if we're talking about being truly benevolent, then it's fine to talk about “infinite compassion”/“unconditional love”/etc, but this has to be apparent in your solutions. Ie, all solutions must: 1. Include everyone. Ie, no one is excluded. 2. Not punish anyone. Because no one should ever suffer, even for a split-second. 3. Never have a judgement day, (or whatever else). 4. Have zero suffering. Ie, not one ounce of suffering exists, anywhere, ever. 5. Have the ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss, forever. It's really not complicated at all. However, people want to create categories, so that they can be in a “better”/“higher” category, than other people. -- Ie, they want to be in a more “moral”/“benevolent” category. Of course, this is no different to those people who want to be in a category that is more 1099

“rich”/“wealthy”/“powerful”/“successful”/etc. Of course, these categories (that I just listed), are the categories of the service-to-self people. -- Ie, it just shows, that the service-to-other people, are no different to the service-to-self people. Actually, that last statement is not true, because the service-to-other people, are perhaps worse, because they're actually causing a lot more suffering, because they're muddying the subjects of: infinite compassion, unconditional love, benevolence, etc. ---------And there are many people, who are brainwashing/programming people to believe in service-to-others, so that they can then use those people as work-slaves. -- Indeed, this is common in ashrams, and many other groups/communities. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To understand things in life, just put yourself in the position of a slave-owner / slave-creator / slave-driver. Eg, some people try to brainwash/program others, to believe that “You must not have bad/negative thoughts, and you must not get angry, because if you do these things, you will manifest this reality for yourself”. The point is, that if I was a slave-owner/slave-creator/slave-driver, then this is exactly what I would brainwash/program my slave/child/pet to believe. This is obvious, because I know that my slaves will have negative thoughts, (eg, “What's the point of living this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape”), and they're bound to get angry when they're suffering so much in that life. Therefore, if they're brainwashed/programmed to believe these things (eg, that they must not get angry, or have negative thoughts, etc), then they're going to continue to be a good little obedient slave, who isn't questioning their ridiculous life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The power of brainwashing/programming/conditioning, should never be underestimated. -- Eg, it's so powerful, that despite a person/slave having the direct experience of life being prison/torture/slavery/rape, their brainwashing/programming will totally override it. -- The point is, that: 1. The brainwashing/programming that is put into the slave, is just a belief. 2. “Beliefs” are not real. They are just words. 1100

3. The slave's direct experience of life being prison/torture/slavery/rape, is a real physical/emotional experience of pain/suffering. 4. No matter how much the slave suffers, they still choose to believe the brainwashed/programmed belief (which is just some words), over their direct experience of feeling real suffering. -----------------------------Indeed, if you look at life clearly/honestly, you'll see that all people are these slaves. -- Ie, life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, and therefore, all people are suffering on a daily basis, however, most of them believe that this is a life worth living, just because they've been brainwashed/programmed to believe some beliefs, eg: 1. “You are infinite consciousness.” (Somehow, just believing this, makes people think that it's worth continuing with this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape.) 2. “Life is a miracle, and you're lucky to be a part of it.” (No one is “lucky” to be living a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. And if “life” is the miracle, then your words are seriousIy upside-down.) 3. “Humans are inherently good.” (If humans were inherently good, then there would be no suffering in the world.) 4. “Life is an illusion.” (Some people believe this, and then just continue in this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. Ie, it makes absolutely no difference, whether you call this reality “illusory”, (or “real”, or whatever else), because the pain/suffering that you feel, is real (or as good as real).) 5. “All there is, is consciousness.” (Many people believe in things like this, and then just continue in this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. Ie, it makes absolutely no difference, whether life is made of consciousness, (or awareness, non-existence, or whatever else), because the pain/suffering that you feel, is real (or as good as real).) 6. “Life is precious, don't waste it.” (How is suffering “precious”.)


7. “You're living in a special time, where the world is about to change.” (People get promised that the world is about to change, and so they continue to be slave. And when it doesn't change, they're told a new (slightly different) promise. This keeps happening, and (somehow) people keep falling for it, (and so they remain in constant state of hope, whilst they keep being a good little obedient slave).) 8. “God says that suicide is forbidden.” (It's very convenient, how everything that god/religion says, is designed to keep you behaving as a good little obedient slave, trapped in this life of prison/torture/slavery/rape.) 9. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It can be argued, that enlightenment is a trap, and that it's just another method/tactic, to enslave millions of people. -- And this is true, regardless of whether this method/tactic, is something that is invented/implemented by a person/group/alien, or by life, (or by the creator/source/controller/programmer/god/etc). In a previous section, it was discussed how people have to do many chores, just to avoid pain. What is important to see, is that if you're enlightened, you still have to deal with all of this chores/jobs nonsense. -- The point is, that this doesn't sound ideal (in any way). -- Therefore, it makes you question the point of enlightenment, and whether it exists just to cause another type of suffering. Ie, yes, during the process of enlightenment, there are many wonderful spiritual experiences, and a million insights into reality, and a million experiential-insights, however, none of this helps prevent pain/suffering in the long-term. Therefore, it can be argued, that enlightenment is a trap, and is just a method for life (or the creator/source/controller/programmer/god/rapist/enslaver/etc), to enslave millions of people. Ie, life/the creator, deliberately gives enlightenment to a few people, knowing that this will enslaves millions more, (because millions of people will want what the enlightened people have attained). -- Ie, it's the simple con tactic, where you give a few people a special thing (which no one else has), and this will allow you to easily enslave millions of people (because then they'll all want this special thing). Indeed, if life was a honest game, then it might be that, all you have to do, is to realise that all material things will not make you happy, and as soon as you do this, you are free. However, enlightenment is not like this, and neither is life.


Ie, if you turn to enlightenment, it can help you reduce the amount of suffering in your life, but it does not end all suffering, and it certainly doesn't do this for everyone who wants it. Indeed, no matter how much you want enlightenment, you can't get it. Ie, enlightenment is something that you can never get. Ie, it happens, only if life (or the creator/source/controller/programmer/god/rapist/enslaver/etc), allows it to happen. And, if you just try to reduce the number of chores in your life, you will realise that you can reduce a lot of it, but there will always be a very large percentage of time, that needs to be devoted to chores (if you want to avoid physical/mental pain). Another way to look at it, is that if enlightenment was such a benevolent thing, then it should just be something that anyone/everyone can have, (as soon as they ask for it). Moreover, if life was truly benevolent, then they should not even need to ask for it. Ie, why create suffering in the first place? That is certainly not benevolent. All of the above, should be making it extremely clear, that life is cruel/evil. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking at life from a broader perspective, it all begins to make you realise, that life (or the creator/source/controller/programmer/god/rapist/enslaver/etc), is deliberately making life difficult, no matter how you choose to go through life. Even if you're spending your whole life helping other people, life is still cruel/evil (to you, and others). Therefore, life is unacceptable. And, when you add to this, that you can't leave life in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way, then you realise that life is not just unacceptable, but despicable. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you were outside of this activity called “life”, you would see how everyone is suffering, and if a person/entity/god/alien asked you if you wanted to go into “life”, you would laugh at them. The only way that you would agree to go into life, would be if you could leave whenever you wanted, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. However, when you inspect life (from outside) in more depth, you would see some clear warning signs (about the people who are in this thing called “life”). Eg: 1. The people who want to leave/exit life, have no way to leave, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. -- Ie, as soon as you observed this, you would immediately realise, that the 1103

person/entity/god/alien that is suggesting that you should enter into “life”, (and is saying that you can leave whenever you want (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), is lying. 2. 90% of the population are living lives, that are not “lives”, but schedules. -- Indeed, you might as well call these people “robots”. Indeed, they are just robots, who have been fooled into thinking that they have free will. -- And the other 10% of the population, are “puppets”, who are even more delusional, since they think that they are “awake” (or, intelligent, enlightened, etc), but they are all just as easy to control/manipulate as a puppet. 3. Everyone in life is suffering, (in some way, (whether physically/mentally/emotionally/financially/etc)). -- Ie, even those people who are extremely wealthy/healthy/etc, are also suffering. 4. In the past, many people have supposedly been on (and/or come to) earth, to help end all this suffering on earth. However, it's obvious, that none have succeeded. Ie, if the person/entity/god/alien is suggesting that you should enter into “life”, to help save humanity, (or whatever other reason), you know that this is a trick/scam/con/etc. -- This must be a trick/scam/con, because if you are outside of life, then you will have more power to end all suffering from there. -- Note: It's important to realise, that all reasons/excuses are a trick/scam/con, whether the person/entity/god/alien knows this, or not. (Ie, they might just be an innocent victim of the trick/scam/con). 5. Etc. Therefore, you would never voluntarily/consensually choose to enter into life. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All people, are in a permanent state of disease/illness/sickness (whether physical/emotional/mental/etc). -- Ie, everyone in life is suffering, (even those who are extremely wealthy/healthy/etc). -- Therefore, “life” is the one-same-thing, as disease/illness/sickness/suffering. Ie, there is no separation between “life”, and these words. -- Therefore, the words can be grouped as: life/disease/illness/sickness/suffering. Therefore: 1. Life is a disease. 2. Life is inseparable/indistinguishable from sickness/illness/suffering. 3. Life is a prison sentence, of sickness/illness/suffering. 1104

4. Etc. ---------Note: All of the above is obvious, since this is the direct experience of everyday life. And, even if you do not think that you are suffering, you cannot fail to see, that many other people around you are suffering, in some way, everyday. -- Ie, this observation of other people suffering, is still a direct experience (that you yourself are having). Therefore, anyone who imposes this thing called “life” onto someone (by having a child, or allowing others to have children), must be inherently immoral/cruel/evil. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's absolutely absurd and ridiculous, for parents to assume/expect that their child must have a relationship with them, (that is more than for purely practical terms). This might sound harsh, but it's just common sense, because most people only ever find a few good friends, that they really get on well with. -- Ie, the chances of one random individual (the child), getting on well with the another random individual (the parent), is extremely slim. Of course, even if parents know this, they will still decide to have a child, because they will assume that they will be able to brainwash/program the child, into being their best friend, (or someone that they will like, and someone that will like them). -- And, this is why all parents believe that they will have a good relationship with their child. -- This is true, because if parents knew that they wouldn’t have a good relationship with their child, they wouldn’t have that child. ---------Note: If a parent-child relationship exists, which is more than just about practical issues, then the parent might feel extremely lucky, however, this might be short lived, because the chances are, that the relationship is good, only from the parent’s perspective. Ie, the child might be “happy”, because it's easier to fake being happy, rather than deal with the parents being miserable, (which is what would happen, if the child spoke the truth). Ie, all the previous emotional blackmail experiences, are so ingrained in the child, that the child will do anything, to avoid it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most children (at whatever age, even as adults), will do anything to make their parents happy, but what the children do not realise, is that this is due to extremely deep brainwashing/programming by the parents. 1105

-- Ie, the parents have brainwashed/programmed their children, to always want to make them happy, (and to never upset them). This is something that all parents do to their children, (whether they know it, or not), and it starts from the moment of birth. -- Indeed, since it starts from birth, (and people can't remember what happened when they were a baby), this means that the child is unlikely to be able to know, that they've been brainwashed/programmed. ---------Although parents (and prospective parents) might like the fact that they can do this to their child, what they do not realise, is that it will always come back to bite them, (whether directly, or indirectly). -- And, the longer they get away with it, the bigger the inevitable bite will be. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It should never be underestimated, just how deeply (and extensively), children have been brainwashed/programmed by their parents. The key point is, that this has happened so deeply, and so extensively, that no matter how deep you look into it, it never ends. The result is, that the child will (knowingly or unknowingly) do all sorts of things to try to fulfil their parent's desires, (eg, try to please their parents, or make sure that their parents are proud/happy/ok/etc). Moreover, the child will do all these things, no matter how much they don't want to do it. Ie, the child is doing things, and they don't like doing these things, but they can't help not do it, (and they don't know why). -- Of course, the reason is, because they have been brainwashed/programmed to please their parents. It's despicable, especially when you see just how much damage this causes the child, and everyone else. Because, whilst the child was being brainwashed/programmed, they learned this skill (whether they know it, or not), and so they grow up, and start doing this to everyone around them (whether they know it, or not). ---------Of course, even if parents know, that the child has realised that the parent-child relationship is forced (and that it was created by brainwashing/programming), then the parents will still not admit what they've done. Moreover, instead of admitting it, the parents will just pull out more offensive/defensive weapons. And, no matter how bad the parent-child relationship gets, the parents will continue to use whatever weapons they can think of. 1106

And they will try all angles, eg: •

“You treat this place like a hotel.”

“Am I just an ATM to you.”

“It's my house, my rules.”


Of course, the fact that parents are thinking/saying these things, shows just how bad parents are. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents will always use weapons (eg, emotional blackmail) on their child. This is obvious, because the bad qualities that made the person want to be a parent, are the bad qualities that will make the parent ok with using weapons on their child. Indeed, the parents will be so ok with it, that they won't even think it's bad. And, since all people were children, all people have been victims of it. -- Of course, these victims, then become perpetrators. And so this becomes normal throughout all of society, (across all ages, and all aspects of life). Indeed, we see weapons being used by parents/partners/friends/etc. And, it's so normal, that everyone believes that this is just part of what relationships are, and what life is. Of course, just because life is this way, that does not make it ok, nor acceptable. ---------Parents don't even realise, that all these actions, might yield short-term success, but it will always come with long-term consequences. And, these consequences will usually happen “suddenly” (from the parents perspective). Of course, it's something that has been building up for years/decades (since the child was born). And, all children/people have an inevitable breaking point. And, all children/people have different ways of dealing with it. -- Ie, some might cut off all communication, some might fight back, others might kill themselves, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone who wants to have/raise/use, a child/slave/robot, will want to make sure that it follows 5 key commandments (fundamental programs). 1107

-- These are as follows: 1st Commandment 2nd Commandment 3rd Commandment 4th Commandment 5th Commandment

= = = = =

You must never harm me. You must never harm yourself. You must do what I tell you to do. You must not make me upset. You must only do things that make me happy.

However, as can be seen by the commandments, they can only be programmed into the child/slave/robot, after the child/slave/robot is programmed to believe that it is a person/“me”. Indeed, all 5 of the above commandments, start with the word “you”. Therefore, the zeroth commandment (fundamental program) is: 0th Commandment = You are a separate person. These commandments, can also be called: conditioning/grooming/brainwashing/programming/orders/commands/demands/etc. -------------------Note: It's important to realise, that these commandments can be: A) Done at any (or all) levels. -- Eg: conscious, subconscious, unconscious, etc. B) Done knowingly, or unknowingly. -- Ie, the programmer might be unknowingly programming commandments (whether directly, or indirectly). C) Done directly, or indirectly. -- Eg, the programmer never needs to directly program these actual commandments (into the slave), if they program enough other (more superficial) commands (which require/imply these underlying commandments). This is just as effective, and it can sometimes be more effective, because then the programmed person, can't ever find the deeper programs/commandments (because it was never programmed into them). Also, most people prefer to use indirect methods, because this means that they can deny it later. Ie, they can deny that they were trying to do something as immoral as brainwashing/programming/controlling/manipulating/enslaving/using/etc, (especially as they were doing this to their “loved” one, (partner/child/etc)). -- Indeed, this is common in the following examples: a) Many children learn, what they must (and must not) do, via the punishment/reward that they receive, (from their parent/controller). -- Ie, no direct commands are given. Indeed, no direct commands can 1108

be give, whilst the baby/child is too young to understand words. b) In most adult partner relationships, a lot of things/behaviours in the relationship, are implied, and expected, and demanded, (but never directly said/demanded/ordered). -- Ie, each partner has (or tries to) indirectly condition/program their partner, (to be/behave in a certain way). They often do this, by using the simple weapon/tactic of punishment-and-reward, (eg, giving and withholding sex/love/affection/etc). -- What this shows, is that: •

Everyone knows how to brainwash/program/condition/control/manipulate other people.

Everyone is doing this to other people, (regardless of whether they're successful, or not).

-------------------Note: Commandments 4 and 5, are perhaps just part of commandment 3. However, it can also be said, that commandments 2 to 5, are all just part of commandment 1. -- However, all that matters, is that you get the point of what is trying to be shown. Also, the commandments 3 to 5, basically allows the child/slave/robot to be programmed with a future (that the programmer desires). -- Eg, parents will often desire, that when their child grows up, the child will: get a job, have children, etc. And, all of this is programmed in as soon as they are born/created/made. However, the commandments 3 to 5, will reinforce this (throughout the child’s entire life). To give you an idea of how deep/powerful this programming is, some children/people will still obey their programming, throughout their entire life, and even after their parent/programmer is dead. There is one vital extra factor in all of this, which I will examine in the next section. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To get a child to obey the parent, and for a parent to be able to program a baby/child, the child must be selfish. -- This is true, because punishment-and-reward (and all control/manipulation), cannot work, unless the child wants something. (This includes “wanting to avoid something”, since this is also wanting). Therefore, the child must be programmed to be selfish, (whether overtly/consciously, or covertly/subconsciously/unconsciously). The key point is, that this means that, all children will be inherently programmed, to be 1109

selfish, (whether this is intended, or not). -- Ie, this is totally unavoidable, since it is something that inherently occurs, whenever a child is raised. Therefore, this child will inevitably do selfish/immoral things in their life. -- Indeed, this is why there is so much suffering in the world. -------------------Note: If all 5 commandments (as mentioned in the previous section), are programmed into a slave/person, then there will inherently/automatically be a subconscious/unconscious programming as well. -- This subconscious programming, is the subtext/implications/etc, from all 5 commandments. This subconscious/unconscious programming, will make the slave selfish/immoral. And, of course, since these 5 commandments are the basis of all other commandments/commands/laws/orders/etc, this means that almost everything that the parent tells (or does to) the child, will reinforce this selfish/immoral subconscious/unconscious programming. The reason why this occurs, is because all commandments/commands/laws/orders/etc, are inherently selfish/immoral. And therefore, the slave/robot is inherently programmed to believe, that this is acceptable/ok/normal. -- And therefore, the slave/robot will do this themselves (whether they’re aware of it, or not). ---------Indeed, this also means, that the parents might not be aware that they're subconsciously/unconsciously programming the slave to become like this. However, it's totally irrelevant, whether the parents know it or (not), because it will inherently happen. -- This is totally unavoidable, (even if you know about this). -- The reason why this is true, is because any type of commandments/commands/laws/orders/etc, is inherently selfish/immoral. Moreover, the very act of having a child, is the most selfish/immoral act possible, and is cruel/evil, and therefore, this programs into the child, that selfish/immoral behaviour is ok/acceptable/normal, no matter how cruel/evil it is. Ie, even if the child is raised to be selfless/moral/etc, it will still have this subconscious/unconscious programming, since it can't be avoided, since it's inherently learnt/programmed, from the fact that this is what the parents are inherently like. And this emphasises the point, that no matter how much someone tries to say/believe that they're selfless/moral, this is just superficial. Their actions will always show what they're really like. Ie, parents can try to say/convince other people, about how they've raised their child to be selfless/moral, but it's impossible, because all parents are inherently selfish/immoral, and this selfishness is unconsciously emitted by the parents 24/7, and this is inevitably absorbed by the child. 1110

And this also emphasises the point, that a child can appear 100% selfless/moral, but this is irrelevant, because all appearances, are just superficial, and deep down (in the child's subconscious/unconscious), is the inevitable selfish/immoral programming, that they absorbed from the parents. Indeed, many children/people have it, but might not display it, until a serious/big situation occurs in their life, and then their actions will show how they truly are. And what this all also shows, is that people are not aware of what their true intent is. -- Ie, people say that they have pure intent, but this is just another layer in their identity/image, that they want to portray themselves as. Ie, they're just delusional. -- Eg, parents like to emphasise that they are selfless/moral, (especially when they're having/raising a child), but this is just one more layer of delusion, which they need to keep reinforcing, to hide the truth about how selfish/immoral/cruel/evil they've been (in selfishly deciding to have a child, knowing that the child will suffer regularly, throughout its entire lifetime). -----------------------------Note: It's important to understand, that this subconscious/unconscious programming (of the child being selfish), is one of the most important programs, because unless a person is selfish, they cannot be easily programmed/brainwashed/controlled/manipulated/used. Ie, many people blame some secret-organisation, for brainwashing/programming people, but people can only be brainwashed/programmed, if they want something. Ie, people are (at some level), allowing/wanting/demanding that this happen to them, so that they can be free to do selfish/immoral things. Indeed, by allowing this to happen, they're not only able to do selfish/immoral things, but they can do this in a manner that is free from responsibility, since these actions are things that everyone is doing. -- And, if this becomes hard for them to believe, then they just blame a secret-organisation, for brainwashing/programming everyone. ---------And it's important to see, that this happens on a constant basis, at all levels. And, it happens, whether people know they're doing it, or not. -- Eg, people are constantly trying to brainwash/program everyone else, to believe that the things that they’re doing, are good/moral/acceptable/normal/etc, because if they succeed in doing this, then they can do those selfish/immoral things that they want to do: 1. Without feeling bad, (because it's what everyone else is doing). 2. In plain-sight, (because it's what everyone else is doing). ---------And, this can all happen in many ways, (some more subtle than others). -- Eg, people often ask other people for advice, but really, they're just wanting permission, to do what they want to do. 1111

-- And, of course, the only time that a person wants permission, is if the thing that they want to do, is something that they know is selfish/immoral. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people believe, that everything that happens in your life, happens because you asked for it. -- Ie, if you suffer, then these people say that you're suffering, because you asked to suffer. -- This is ridiculous, since no one asks to suffer. However, it is clear, that you can suffer, because you asked for something else, (eg, something that you thought would make you happy, (eg, a relationship)). -- However, even this is ridiculous, because it's irrelevant where you start, because the end result is always the same, (suffering), (as explained in the previous section). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can have some control over a child/slave, (even before the child/slave believes that it is a separate person/entity), however, to be able to easily control/manipulate/use it, you need to program it, to believe that it's a separate person/entity. Before it believes that it is a separate person, the way to control/manipulate it (and program it), is by using the tactic/technique of punishment-and-reward. -- Ie, you use it's feelings (of pain and suffering) to do this. -- Eg: 1. When it believes (and does), what you want it to believe (and do), you give it a reward, (eg, a smile/energy/love, or food/sweets, etc). And, 2. If it does not believe (or do), what you want it to believe (or do), you punish it, eg: a) Withhold a smile/energy/love. b) Give it physical pain, (eg, smack it). c) Make it suffer in other ways. d) Etc. So, although this will give you some control over the child/slave/robot, it's not enough control, and certainly not a simple/efficient method of control. Therefore, the fist thing that needs to be done, is to program it to believe that it's a separate person/entity. -- Moreover, the feelings (of pain/suffering), are much more effective, after the person believes that it is a separate person. (I'll cover this on the next section). ---------The key thing to realise, is that when you were young, your parents constantly 1112

brainwashed/programmed you to believe that you are a separate entity. The point is, that when you were born, you have no identity. -- You are not a person, nor do you not think that “I am everything”. Indeed, you do have any concept of “I” at all. Nor do you have a belief that “everything is one”. Yes, it might all be one big swirling mess of lights moving about, but there is no identity of “what I am”, nor that “I am aware of it”. -- Ie, it's all just one thing, and you are not separate from it, but that is not something that you have thought about, or have a concept of. Indeed, in the previous sentence, the key word is “you”. However, with parents/people constantly brainwashing/programming you to believe that you are a separate entity, it's only a matter of time, before this brainwashing/programming takes hold. And after you believe that you are separate, then all problems truly begin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone who wants to make sure that their child/slave/robot follows their 5 key commandments (fundamental programs), must make sure that their child/slave/robot has a device/weapon/program/functioning in them, which makes sure that they obey these commandments. -- Ie, this device will cause them suffering, as soon as they break these commandments. -- This device = “feelings”. Ie, this device will make sure that you are: 1. Kept in prison. (Ie, you are kept alive). 2. Doing everything that you are told, and are not breaking the commandments. (Ie, you are kept in slavery). ---------So, if you try to avoid prison/slavery, the device will torture you by either torturing you with: A) Physical feelings (pain). B) Emotional feelings (suffering). ---------Also, with this in place, the child/slave/robot can be easily programmed, by using the basic tactic/technique of punishment-and-reward. ---------The key point is, that:


All of “life”, is created/controlled/run by “suffering” Ie, the key weapon/thing, is “suffering”. And, all of the above is true, regardless of whether the suffering that is felt, is: 1. Real/illusory/imaginary/virtual/etc. -- Ie, if the person feels pain/suffering, then they are suffering, regardless of whether the creator says that this pain is illusory. 2. Understood as a concept (of suffering). -- Ie, it's important to see, that a child can suffer, before it knows what “suffering” is. -- Ie, it does not need to understand the concept of “suffering”, to suffer. -- And it’s obvious that babies/children are suffering, because if they weren’t suffering, then the tactic of punishment-and-reward would not work. So, although the child/slave/robot will be controllable (to some degree) before it believes that it is a separate person/entity, this device/weapon (of feelings of pain/suffering), is the key, to making it totally controllable. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Although “feelings” are a good device (to control/manipulate/trap the person), this is not enough. -- The ideal device to control/manipulate/trap a person, is to have a device, which incorporates feelings/thoughts/etc. -- Ie, the ideal device, is the whole body/mind device, (ie, a human body/mind). Moreover, the device is not just the body/mind mechanism, but “life” itself. ---------Note: Most people see the word “devices” and think in terms of it being mechanical/electrical. However, devices can be biological/chemical/energy/etherial/etc. -- Ie, the human body, is just a “device”. Literally a machine/mechanism/etc. Moreover, most people see the word “device/machine/mechanism” and think in terms of it being non-sentient. However, a device/machine/mechanism, can be sentient. (Indeed, that is why some people want to create a sentient robot. Ie, so that they can have a device/machine/mechanism/robot, that does whatever they want it to do.) Further still, most people do not realise, that the device/machine/mechanism (of control/manipulation/trapping), can be “life” itself, and/or “existence” itself. ---------Indeed, all of this reinforces the point, that when I say that “Life is prison/torture/slavery/rape”, it is not like this by accident, but it's deliberately designed this way. As is the body, mind, feelings, etc. 1114

---------------------------------------Perhaps this will be all easier to see, if it's broken down into an evolutionary process (of how to keep improving the method of control/manipulation/trapping). So, here are some basic stages of evolution: Stage 1: To get a baby/child/adult to do what you want, you can just torture them, (eg, by prodding them with something, that gives gives them pain (eg, an electric shock)). Stage 2: To make things easier for the torturer/controller/ruler/creator, they connect some wires to the slave's skin, and then they can give the slave a shock/pain, from a distance. Stage 3: To make things easier for the torturer/controller/ruler/creator, they implant the body with a device, which can be activated remotely (wirelessly), which will give the slave a shock/pain (if it’s not obeying the commandments). Stage 4: The number of these devices inside the body, are increased, (because when pain can be felt all over the body, (it's more unbearable), and therefore, it's more effective in controlling/manipulating the slave. Stage 5: To save on having to implant a body with lost of devices, the new slaves are designed, so that their original body (when they're born/created/made), is already in-built with these devices. -- So, at this stage, these devices are in-built, and cover 100% of the body. Ie, every part of the body, is able to give pain. Stage 6: The activation of the shock/pain, is designed to be automatic. Ie, if the slave/robot deviates from it's programming, it automatically gets a shock/pain. (Ie, the controller/ruler does not need to constantly watch over every single slave.) -- This also makes sure, that the slave cannot just stop. Ie, as soon as the slave stops for too long, it is automatically shocked (given pain), which makes it have to continue with doing what it has been programmed to do. Stage 7: The slave/robot is programmed to believe that it is “alive” (as a separate person/entity), and “living” in a “life”/“existence”, and is a fully “sentient” being, with 100% free-will, and that they are “free” to do whether they want to do. -- However, it's also important to make sure, that the slave/robot is programmed to be selfish/immoral, (because it's infinitely easier to control/manipulate/use a slave, that is selfish/immoral). Ie, if the slave/robot hasn't learnt this inherently/subconsciously/unconsciously/etc, then it can be programmed into them, 1115

in an overt/conscious manner. Stage 8: The slave/robot is designed to self-replicate, so that there is even less work for the controller to do. And, to make the slaves/robots want to replicate, the inventor makes sure that the process of replication, automatically gives the slave/robot a reward. -- This reward, (like all rewards, (eg, pleasure)), is just an automatic release of chemicals inside the slave/robot. -- Indeed, this is very evident in humans, because many of the most pleasurable moments/things for a human, is had during sex (replication). Stage 9: The slave/robot, is then programmed to program it's offspring/babies/children/etc. And it’s also programmed to keep reprogramming the child, throughout it's entire lifetime. -- This has an additional benefit, because whilst the parent programs (and reprograms) the child/slave, the parent will (inherently) be strengthening the programming in themselves. Stage 10: Design all slaves/robots, to need to be interdependent on each other. And, make them believe that it is a good idea, to be dependent on each other. -- To do this, introduce a positive feeling (happiness), and brainwash/program them to believe that they can get these positive feelings (of happiness, love, affection, etc) by having relationships/families/friends/children/etc). -- Of course, this is very effective, and no different to making them dependent on an addictive drug. (Also, punishment-and-reward is infinitely more effective, that just punishment.) However, each slave/robot is also designed, to never be totally happy interacting with another slave/robot (in the long-term). -- Ie, the design is, to have slaves/robots desiring things, which never work out in the long-term, because this will keep them constantly desiring/trying/searching/hoping/etc, and whilst they do this, they're continuing to be a good little obedient slave. -- And to make sure that this always happens, the male and female robots are deliberately designed, so that the interaction between the males and females, will never work in the long-term. Stage 11: Create ways to overtly program all slaves/robots. Ie, if the controller can do this overtly, then there is less stuff that the controller has to do. Ie, the slaves will do it all by themselves. -- Methods of overt programming (that the robots will do by themselves), include: religion/god/spirituality/enlightenment/awakening/news/media/movies/tv programmes/etc. -- All of these, are also good as fail-safe systems. Ie, if a person learns that they are not a person, then they can still be programmed to continue as a slave. Ie, the person knows that they're not a person, but they fail to realise, that despite knowing 1116

this, they're still a slave, (since they still have to do jobs/chores/etc, to avoid physical pain). Stage 12: Keep introducing/adapting programs, as and when necessary, (to solve whatever problems arise). Eg, if some slaves/robots start to break their programming, then all the other slaves need to have new additional programs, which make them believe that these slaves (with the broken programming), are: bad, broken, dangerous, a threat, etc. Of course, by doing this, all the broken/dangerous slaves, will be: shunned, imprisoned, decommissioned, killed, dealt with, etc. -------------------Yes, many stages can be added at various points (before stage 1, after stage 12, and at all points in-between). And a lot of the above, could be done in a more advanced way (eg, instead of working with crude implants, the same effect/result can be had, by manipulating the most fundamental building blocks of the human/robot/slave). And, of course, the “most fundamental building blocks”, will keep getting more refined/subtle, as knowledge progresses. Eg, the creator/controller/ruler/enslaver, might work (to build/control/manipulate the human/robot/slave) at the level of DNA, but as their knowledge advances, they might work at a deeper level. Indeed, it's obvious that DNA is a primitive level to work at. It's important to realise, that the “primitive” part of things, is not just if a species is working at the level of DNA, but that the species is arrogant. -- Ie, yes, the species is primitive (if it's working at the level of DNA), but it's more primitive, if it believes that it's working at the deepest level. -------------------Note: It's important to realise, that the main point of explaining all of the things in this section, is to just get the main message across. Ie, this information should only be used, to understand the underlying message, and therefore, don't distract/misdirect yourself, by getting caught-up in details. -- And, this also means, to not care if this (all of the above) is true (or not). (Indeed, I'm not saying that this is true, (nor not true).) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awareness/consciousness/etc, are not things that are: beyond understanding, special, unexplainable, divine, a mystery, unique, etc. People have been brainwashed/programmed to believe, that humans are: special, divine, unique, beyond understanding, etc. A common argument that people use to make everyone believe these things, is by saying things like: “Awareness and consciousness can't be created, or replicated”.


What must be realised, is that these things would only ever be said, by people who have a limited understanding of their own awareness/consciousness/etc. -- Ie, if they can’t understand their own awareness/consciousness/etc, then obviously/inevitably, it is to be expected, that they will say to other people, that awareness/consciousness/etc, are things that are: beyond understanding, special, divine, etc. Of course, most humans would like to believe, that it's a fact, that humans are unique/divine/etc. And therefore, it is to be expected, that they'll all keep brainwashing/programming each other, to believe that this is the truth. ---------However, the truth is, that every part of a human being, can be created/recreated. And, it can be created/recreated, in various ways (depending on how advanced your knowledge/technology is). -- Eg, it can be done in an extremely crude way, and then in a more evolved way, and then this can keep getting ever-more advanced, to the point where “technology” blurs (and then becomes the same thing as) “natural”/“organic”. -- Ie, the human being, can be described as: 1. A robot. 2. A piece of technology. 3. A device. 4. A machine. 5. Etc. ---------Note: Even if some people do admit that this is true, then most of them, will still insist on adding other words to it, in order to make it sound more special/unique/advanced/etc. -- So, an example of this, is that they would never just call the human a “robot”, but they would perhaps say that the human is: “A sentient robot.” However, even that might not be enough, so they then add another word. Eg, they might then say that the human is: “A sentient organic robot.” However, they might not like the word “robot”, and so they then replace that word. Eg, they might then say that the human is:


“A sentient entity.” However, they might not like the word “entity”, and so they then replace that word. Eg, they might then say that the human is: “A sentient being.” However, some people will want to believe that they're on top of the list (of sentient beings), and so they then change it. Eg, they might then say that the human is: “Sons of God.” Of course, this can go on and on. And indeed, it always does, until the delusion is so complete in everyone, that no one wants to see anything clearly/honestly. ---------(It's easy to see the human robot in a clear/honest way. I'll do this in the next section). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To get an idea of how primitive the “human” person (robot) is, just look at it clearly/honestly. This can be done, as follows: 1. Look at the human robot's power source. -- Ie, for a human to stay alive, it needs: a) Food. b) Water. c) Sleep. d) Etc. 2. Loot at how many things are needed, just to keep the human robot alive, eg: a) Keep the body at a temperature that is not too hot, or cold. -- And this means, that it needs to make shelter, and clothes, etc. b) Make sure it has an air supply. c) Etc. 3. Look at how much is needed to be done, just to maintain the robot in a good working/usable condition, eg: a) Washing themselves. b) Needing to go to the toilet. 1119

c) Doing exercise. d) Etc. 4. Look at how the human robot, is just endlessly/blindly/stupidly going through never-ending life-cycles of: a) Prison/torture/slavery/rape. b) Suffering. c) Etc. 5. Look at how the human robot, is so incredibly stupid. Ie, this is proven by the above points (1 to 3), and the fact that despite these points, the human robot choses to not correct it (nor improve the situation), but instead, it chooses to: a) Brainwash/program/delude itself, to believe that it is wise/clever/intelligent/etc. b) Brainwash/program/delude all its fellow human robots, in a desperate attempt, to try to appear as a more clever/better/obedient/compliant slave, than all the other slaves/humans. c) Etc. 6. Look at how the human robots, have created a society, in which the most selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, are seen as the most “successful”/“fittest” ones. 7. Instead of the humans admitting that they are a slave race, and changing it, they choose to enslave/imprison/torture/rape each other, and/or create new baby robots, which they can themselves enslave/imprison/torture/rape. -- Ie, the human robot's primitive nature (stupidity/selfishness/immorality/cruelty/evilness), seems to have no limits. 8. Look at the fact, that the human robots are not able to enter (and leave), from their reality, and therefore: a) They are not free. b) Their life/existence is non-consensual, and/or forced rape (mentally/emotionally/physically). c) Etc. -------------------Note: The above list, can go on forever, however, I'll jump a bit, to someone other key points: 9. Look at the fact, that the human robots have a form. -- Ie, only primitive beings, have a form. 10. Look at the fact, that the human robots has a name/identity. 1120

-- Ie, only primitive life forms, have a name/identity. 11. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a controller/ruler wants to have many slaves/robots, then a new set of commandments can be added, to clarify and emphasise certain laws. The following extra commandments, are following on from the first 5 commandments (as mentioned in a previous section). An example of some extra commandments that can be added (when you have many slaves/robots), are: 6th Commandment = You must not kill another slave/robot. Otherwise you will go to hell, and prison. 7th Commandment = You must not kill yourself. Otherwise you will go to the worst type of hell, and prison. 8th Commandment = You must not steal. Otherwise you will go to hell, and prison. 9th Commandment = You must obey all the other commandments that I give you. ---------Obviously, you have to program them with these commandments, because you don't want them to kill/injure each other (or themselves), because that means that there is one less slave doing their daily job. And if they steal, then they might think that they can just do that (instead of working hard everyday, at their jobs), and therefore, things like stealing also has to be forbidden, and the punishment feared. All these types of things, must be done, because if all slaves started killing and stealing, then the whole system of slavery will break down. ---------So, to implement the above, you will need to create: A) Religion, (to create the threat of hell). B) Prisons, (to create a form of punishment, which is not only punishment, but also keeps the broken/bad/disobedient slaves, away from the good/obedient/worker slaves.) -- Of course, when it's phrased this way, they'll believe that the prisons, are 1121

for their benefit/protection/etc, and this will even make them demand, that you provide them with prisons. C) Etc. -----------------------------Obviously, you also have to tell them, that all other religions/gods are false, because you don’t want them to listen to other religions/gods, (because the other ones, will try to reprogram your slaves, to: obey their commandments, and become their slaves, and pray to them, etc). -- Therefore, to avoid this, you add another commandment: 10th Commandment = You must not believe in any false gods/religions, because I am the only one true god/religion. Therefore, you must obey me, and only me. -----------------------------Note: All of these commandments (numbers 5 to 10), are all said to clarify and emphasise certain points/laws, however, they're just a continuation of the third commandment: “You must do what I tell you to do”. ---------Note: The more types of threats (of punishment) that you instil in the slaves, the more control you will have over your slaves, (because then it doesn't matter which threat they are fearful of, as long as they're fearful of at least one of them, (and therefore they obey the commandments, and keep working hard every day)). “Fear” is very useful to control a slave, however, the efficiency is increased a lot, if you also include “hope” and “faith”. -- Therefore, religion is the perfect weapon, since it can do all three of these. Also, religion can have a “god”, and this can mean that you can say anything about this god, (since gods are capable of doing anything, and do not need proof that they really exist). However, some slaves will see through the lies of religion/god, and therefore, you should have many other similar traps/scams. These traps/scams could be “spirituality”/“enlightenment”, or whatever else, but as long as it instils fear, or hope, or faith, then it will work. And, since you've programmed them to believe that they're “sentient” and “free”, and you've also programmed them to be selfish/immoral, you can then make them demand things from you (which are actually the things/situation/changes that you want). (This is the process mentioned in the long conclusion (Invent > Believe > Feel > Demand)). ---------Another key aspect, is to make all the slaves arrogant, with big egos. This is important, 1122

because this will make them blind/dumb/stupid. -- There are many ways to do this, (eg, make them believe, that they're: intelligent, knowledgeable, highly evolved species, etc). And to add to this, give them some things, that give the illusion that they have choice, about what direction their society/life is going in. Eg, create the illusion, that they live in a democracy, where they have a vote. ---------When this is all done correctly, they'll be so arrogant/blind, that whilst they're looking at a black object, you'll be able to tell them that it's actually white, and they'll believe you (rather than their direct experience). -- This is vital, because only when you can control them on this level, can you make them believe that: A) They're not suffering, (even when they're having the direct experience of suffering). Or, B) They are suffering, but they chose it, (and/or want it, and/or need it), for reasons x, y, z. -----------------------------Note: When you have lots of slaves, you can program then all overtly, via overt institutions/systems, eg: 5. Schools, (to program them). 6. Hospitals, (to repair them). 7. Governments, (to run them). 8. Police/courts/prisons/etc, (to control and deter them). 9. Internet/media/movies/tv programmes, (to program them, and keep them programmed). 10. Etc. -----------------------------Note: When the number of slaves is very large, it will be much easier to do certain things. -- To understand this, see it from the opposite side. Ie, if you create one slave/robot, you will give it a place of shelter. -- However, when there are a very large number of slaves, you can create a society for 1123

them, and tell them that they have to work hard everyday, to earn their own money, to buy their own shelter (land and house). Of course, in doing this, you then get another opportunity, to keep them trapped in slavery, by creating money, (and banks), and telling the slaves that they have to borrow money (to buy the land and house), which they can pay back (with interest). -- Ie, they're not just slaves, but they're paying to be a slaves. -- And, they're demanding to have jobs, so that they can stay alive, (so that they can keep being slaves). Ie, when all of the above is in place, it's almost impossible for them to realise, that they’re just slaves, (being used for whatever desires you have). -- Moreover, they're not just being scammed/used, but their whole life is a scam. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99.99% of people, are totally blind (or in denial), about just how big the scam (of “life”/“existence”) is. People are being scammed, (whether they know it, or not), and the realisations about how big the scam is, can be seen, in these gradual stages: Realisation 1 = People are not being scammed in one part of their life, but in many parts of their life. Realisation 2 = People are not being scammed in many parts of their life, but in absolutely every part of their life. Realisation 3 = People are not being scammed in all parts of their life, because the truth is, that “life” itself, is the scam. -------------------Of course, even if a person/slave did ever find this out, this information would be: 1. Incredibly devastating. And/or, 2. Incredibly unbelievable, (especially since this means that everyone's been fooled). The point is, that since there are these two things (point 1, and point 2), and point 1 is too devastating to bear, they can just choose point 2. Therefore, they just convince themselves (and everyone else), that the information is lies, (or a joke, or a conspiracy theory, or whatever else), and so they continue their life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. -- Indeed, people find this much easier to do, rather than admit it, (let alone accept the implications of it).


Moreover, most of the slaves will demand, that all such information, is banned, and that the people who are saying it, are dealt with (so that the slaves never have to ever hear of it ever again). -- Ie, the slaves are making “demands”, to the controller/ruler (the slave's creator), that any information that tries to say that their life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, is banned. Ie, the slaves are “demanding”, that they be allowed to continue their way of life, (slavery). Ie, this shows that the process is complete. (Invent > Believe > Feel > Demand.) Of course, the only way to solve this problem (of the scam of “life”), is to end it. -- Ie, life/existence needs to be ended (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). And then what will remain, is the beyond ultimate peace/freedom, of “That”, (non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even if a slave/robot deprograms themselves enough, to know that they are not a person, the slave/robot can still be just as effective (in terms of being a slave/robot), if they believe that they are x, y, z. (“x, y, z”, can be any identity, (eg: consciousness, awareness, god, everything, no thing, “That”, non-existence, etc)). Actually, they can become a more effective slave/robot, because with these identities, they believe that they are free. -- Ie, they continue to be a slave, but they're less resistant. Moreover, they will themselves, want to spread this to other slaves/robots, with the subtext that this is spiritual/wise/important/etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To end all suffering (for all), it does not help to blame/vilify people (groups of people), so that they are then made to suffer. However, to end all suffering for all, it can be very important to blame/vilify all people (and groups of people), because this has to be done to everyone/everything, because when everyone/everything is exposed as being the perpetrators of suffering, then it becomes clear, that any change that needs to be done, needs to be done at the level of existence. However, what also happens in this process of exposing all people (and groups of people), is that all perpetrators, are seen to also be victims. Therefore, this too reinforces the fact, that the solution, needs to be done at the level that includes all people/entities/creators/gods/groups/dimension. Ie, all of existence. Ie, everyone is included, and no one is vilified/punished/etc, (no matter what they've done in the past). 1125

Therefore, although this book labels all parents (and people who believe that having children is ok), as being selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, this is only done, for these reasons. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The most cruel/evil things in life (which cause the most suffering), are the things that are so ingrained in you, that you don't even know to question/examine them. Therefore, to deprogram yourself, you need to question/examine/challenge all things that are considered/look/seem/feel: normal, acceptable, important, good, moral, right, holy, benevolent, etc. Therefore, the key subjects that need to be examined, are the everyday aspects of life, (eg: having children, family, friendships, relationships, jobs, etc). However, all people who say that they are “seekers of the truth”, prefer to examine any subject, as long as it’s not these aspects of life. And the people that consider themselves “truthers” (and/or “conspiracy theorist”, etc), also do not examine these subjects. Of course, whether all of these subjects (the everyday aspects of life), are a conspiracy theory or not, is totally irrelevant. The point is, it's extremely important to see both (and all) sides of the story. ---------Of course, it's much easier to question a news story, (eg, the 9/11 towers, and how and why they came down), rather than examine all of the everyday aspects of life, and question things like: Whether people have been brainwashed/programmed to believe, that the key to happiness, is to have children/family/friends/relationships/etc. The reason why it's much harder, is because the implications (of your findings), will directly affect every part of your everyday life, and you might fear losing everything that you value in your life. Ie, the reason why it's easier to examine the question of what really happened with the 9/11 towers, is because the conclusions and implications will not directly affect the everyday aspects/subjects of your life, (certainly not as much as if you had examined the everyday aspects/subjects of your life). Ie, if you begin to see that relationships (and having friendships/children/jobs/family/etc), are all causing people to be in prison/torture/slavery/rape, but your own personal life is already full of relationships/friendships/children/jobs/family/etc, then it's infinitely harder to go deeper into these subjects, because it means that you would have to admit that: 1. You have been deceived all your life. 2. Your parents/family/friends have all been perpetuating this deception. 3. You have been wrong about so many things in your life. 1126

4. You have been perpetuating this deception to others. 5. You have enslaved others. 6. You have been a slave-driver to others. 7. You have been a slave-creator. 8. You have been a slave-owner. 9. You have been spending so much time/effort/energy/money to get these things, but they might actually be the cause of all your suffering, (and the things that are making your life prison/torture/slavery/rape). 10. Etc. ---------And the obvious problem is, that the idea of untangling yourself from all of it, just seems impossible, and scary, and it can easily make you stop examining any of it. -- And what this all means, is that: Many people would rather continue the delusion (knowing that it's a delusion, and one that is causing them suffering), because the implications of the alternative, is too much to even consider. Of course, most people will not be able to approach these subjects, let alone examine them in depth. And, therefore, they'll continue to suffer, and continue to spread suffering to others, (in many different ways, and on many different levels). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I don't like working at any job, and spending the money that I get from work, is only making me truly happy for 1% of the time, so what is the point of working?” There are many words/phrases used, (eg: “You have to”, “It's the right/decent thing to do”, “Pull your weight”, etc), and they're always used as weapons/tactics to persuade/coerce/condition/brainwash/program you to believe, that it makes sense, to work hard at a job, (and do lots of chores, and suffer, etc), just so that you can do a few activities in your free-time, (even though those activities only provide you with 1% of true happiness). Of course, if you stop and look at it all, it just doesn’t make sense. Not even a little bit of sense. And the more you look at it, the more you see that it’s outright slavery. Unfortunately, many people fall for this scam/trick/con, (where they're getting crumbs of true happiness, in return for their life of prison/torture/slavery/rape).


---------Before we get to the issue of suffering at a job, let's briefly explain (again), the way to analyse the situation of suffering in life. To avoid suffering in life (and become more peaceful and free), it's important to see/analyse, just how often you compromise in your life. -- To do this, simply add up the amount of time that you're truly happy, and compare this against the amount of time that you're not truly happy. The truly happy moments are the “pros”, and the rest of the time is the “cons”. Let's call this the “pros-cons” ratio. (This ratio can also be seen as a percentage.) For many people, the unhappiness could be at around 90%. However, with time, this ratio always gets worse. -- This is always true for relationships, friendships, etc. The reason is, because it's never just between you and them. Ie, you might find a partner/friend that is great, but it's inevitable that they will have a friend/family member that they like, but you dislike them. But, you don't want to lose this partner/friend, and so you put up with the times that their friend/family member is around. And so, you're now compromising on your time spent whilst with them. The point is, that the compromising never ends, (until the ratio gets so bad, that you suddenly have to end the relationship/friendship, and walk away from it). -- People think that this is a sudden thing, but it never is. It's always a million pieces of straw, that slowly/gradually keeping building up, until the camel’s back is broken. ---------And don't be fooled by the brainwashing/programming, because all “compromises” are no different than: prostitution, selling your soul to the devil, etc. Many people will try to explain that “compromise” is good, but really it's them corrupting you. You will know this, because you will be able to feel it. Whether it's felt as an ugly/cringe feeling, or the feeling that they're draining your energy, or that they're even causing you physical illnesses. -------------------Note: Once you have broken the brainwashing/programming of friendships/family/children/etc, then you'll see how a lot of other brainwashing/programming will fall like dominoes. -- Eg, if you were spending a lot of money on partners/friends/family, and you then realised that partners/friends/family are actually making life miserable (since you have to work most of the time to be able to have this), then you'll start to question why bother going to work. Ie, you'll check to see, what the pros-cons ratio is whilst you’re at your job. Ie, you might have accepted the cons whilst working at your job, because you thought it gave you pleasure to spend it on lovers/friends/family, however, now that that is gone, the pros of having a job diminishes greatly. Moreover, you might begin to question why you're bothering to suffer at all (from working at 1128

jobs). Indeed, you might say to yourself: “I don't like working at any job, and spending the money that I get from work, is only making me truly happy for 1% of the time, so what is the point of working?” Of course, you can start with a figure of 1%, but this always keeps going down, when you factor in all the things around work, (eg: chores, commuting to work, etc). And, it all feels a lot worse, after you factor in: 1. How much you really do not want to be surrounded by certain people at work. 2. How much the commute to (and from) work, just sucks the life out of you. 3. The amount of time/effort/energy that is spent thinking about work, and complaining/venting about work, and suffering from work, (and the fact that this is done whilst at work, and at home, and at night, and whilst with friends, etc). 4. If you get a job with a higher pay/salary, then this is sometimes no better (or is actually worse, than a lower paying job), because these jobs make you think more about work (even whilst you're not at work), and they're more stressful, and have more responsibility, and require you to do more ugly things, and be around people who are more sly, etc. 5. The insanity/ridiculousness/foolishness/etc, of it all. 6. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even if you have enough money, to never need to work at a job, you still need to do chores (so that you avoid physical pain), and therefore, you're a slave, just to stay alive. -- However, you’re not just a slave, but also a prostitute, because you're compromising (doing things, that you don’t really want to do). Of course, most people do need a job, and this means, that most people are not just being slaves/prostitutes at work, because they're also slaves/prostitutes, whist doing all their chores, and other things that they don't want to do, (but need to do, to avoid pain/suffering). -- Ie, life is life is not only prison/torture/slavery/rape, but also prostitution. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life will let you walk away from the prison/torture/slavery/rape within life, but it will not let you walk away from life itself. -- Ie, you can't escape life/suffering, by just: “stopping”, or “doing nothing”, or “not playing the game”. (Because, if you try to do this, then life will cause you serious suffering, in many ways.) 1129

Eg, if you stop moving, then you'll suffer a smelly and painful slow death. And, the pain will not only be physical, but also mental. -- Indeed, life has made sure that if you stay still, it will torture you in physically, mentally, and emotionally. And if you just slow down, and don't do enough exercise, then your body will seize up, which will cause you prison/torture/slavery/rape in other ways. And if you do enough exercise, but do not have enough stimulation, then life will make sure that your mind suffers (via nightmarish hallucinations, and other mental and emotional pain). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What for? What are you fighting for? People put so much time/effort/energy/money into getting what they want, but when they get it, it only makes them happy in the short-term. Ie, it's never worth the fight. Especially since the fight is always so ugly, because: 1. People always have to do many selfish/ugly/cringe/compromising things, that they don't really want to do. 2. Desiring someone/something, drains you of energy, and is an ugly contracted feeling. 3. Etc. -------------------Of course, everyone actions in life, are based on a desire, and therefore: A) “Life” is nothing but a collection of everyone doing ugly actions (to fulfil their desires). B) Since all desires only make them happy in the short-term, this will never end. -------------------Note: The above is true, in all cases. -- Eg, the people fighting to get a promotion, might get it, and get more money, but even if they're able to treat life as a playground, it's not going to bring them long-term happiness. And, the people who are fighting for “noble” causes, are not able to see that life inherently cruel/evil, which means that their solution will not work in the long-term. 1130

The point is, that if you remember to always ask yourself the question “What for?”, (or, “What exactly am I fighting for?”), then you are in effect reminding yourself to ask: “Why exactly should I do this thing (that I don't want to do), especially since it'll only bring me short-term happiness, (or moreover, just a small moment/scrap of happiness)?”. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After examining everything in life, it's obvious that there's fundamental issues/flaws in it all. -- And, as with all fundamental issues/flaws, no superficial solution will make any long-term difference. Therefore, the only solution, is to start from a blank sheet. -- However, there's no point in starting from a blank sheet, but then creating the exact same manifestation. -- Ie, it's not about a “reset” of this planet, (or of the manifestation). -- Therefore, a more fundamental change is required. Some people might argue, that instead of a “reset”, perhaps it should just be a “shutdown”. And, for those who believe that other planets/dimensions/parallel universes/etc exist, these solutions include all of this. Ie, everything is shutdown, and what remains, is nonexistence. ---------However, other people might argue, that life can only exist in change. This is not a problem, because if “something” needs to exist (because change needs to occur), then the change can occur between the states of nothing (the unmanifest), and one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. -- Note: This is not a personal feeling of freedom/peace/love/bliss, but just an impersonal ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. The key point is, that there is never a need for suffering. It's just not necessary. -- Ie, suffering is unnecessary. ---------Of course, most people do not like hearing any discussion, about the end of the world. And (stupidly), this even includes those people, who believe that they are “eternal beings”. The reason why I said “stupidly”, is because if they believe that they are eternal beings, and the whole world was instantly/painlessly ended, then they would not die. -- The only things that change, is that suffering ends (for all), and everyone gets/becomes “That” (which is beyond freedom/peace/love/bliss). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


People have been brainwashed/programmed to believe, that “soul”/“spirit”/etc, are good things. -- These words/concepts are used regularly by people, but most of them have never questioned, whether these words/concepts are “bad” (and cause suffering). Of course, after everyone has endlessly brainwashed/programmed each other to believe that these things are good, it then becomes impossible for people to believe that these things are just an ideas/concepts, and like all idea/concepts, they're just made up, to control/manipulate/use people. ---------Of course, most people will never want to hear this, (let alone believe it), because “spirit” and “soul” are words that they want to use: 1. As their identity/image, (eg, “I am the eternal spirit”, “I am an old soul”, etc). 2. In their everyday conversations, so that people think that they are enlightened/spiritual/etc. 3. To earn money for themselves. 4. Etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It should never be underestimated, how strong a person’s desire can be, for “purpose” and “meaning” in their life. Often, their desire can be so strong, that they'll be willing to do all sorts of things, (no matter how much suffering it causes them, and/or other people). Indeed, some people will even have children, just so that it gives their life meaning/purpose/etc. And these words are compounded by the words “special”/“unique”/etc. -- Eg: 1. Many people want to be the only person in the world, with a specific job, and the easiest way to do this, is to have a baby (because then you're the only mum/dad, of that one specific child). 2. Many people want to do a job/career, which very few other people are doing, (because this makes them feel special/unique/etc). The problem is, that people crave this so much, that they'll be willing to do anything (no matter how immoral), just to get into such a job. And, of course, once they’re in that job, they'll keep doing ever-worse immoral things, to keep that job, and to keep getting promoted in that job, (so that they keep getting into ever smaller “inner-circles”, which makes them feel 1132

ever-more special/unique). ---------Note: It’s important to see, that this is very common, because it also happens at the more basic levels. -- Eg, a person that works for a normal company, might enjoy that they're tasked with a special project, and this feeling of being important/needed, can make them want to do whatever they're told, (even if it causes others suffering), because the person wants to keep their position (of being important/needed). However, this can quickly escalate, because the higher up the ranks they go, the more special their tasks are, which makes them feel more special, which makes them more willing to do whatever they're told to do (no matter the what suffering is caused to others). And then the other key issue, is that after a person has put so much time/effort/energy/money/decades into getting into their special position in life, they do not want to give up their position (and therefore, they will be willing to cause suffering, to keep hold of their position). -------------------Note: What this all means, is that all these words (meaning/purpose/unique/special/etc), are only in existence, because people selfishly want to invent (and use) them, as part of their identity/image/position/role/etc. And, of course, for these words to exist (in practice), these people have to create a them-and-us, (which they need, (to make themselves feel special)), however, whenever there is a them-and-us, suffering is inevitable, for everyone. Ie, this is yet another example, where people are willing to do whatever it takes, to fulfil their selfish desires, no matter how much suffering it creates for everyone. ---------Also, when the them-and-us is created, it can end up creating two (or more) groups, who then all keep doing things, which keeps strengthening their position, which strengthens their opponents position, and so the suffering inevitably keeps increasing, (and this affects everyone). -----------------------------Note: Earlier on, I said that: “after a person has put so much time/effort/energy/money/decades into getting into their special position in life, they do not want to give up their position (and therefore, they will be willing to cause suffering, to keep hold of their position).” The point is that after a person has put in decades of time/effort/energy into their special/unique position, they’re not going to want to hear that their desire to feel 1133

special/unique/etc, is the cause of so much suffering in the world. Nor are they going to want to hear, that the only solution to all of the problems in the world, is to end life/existence. -----------------------------Note: What will always make it harder, for people to accept that “meaning”/“purpose”/etc is only invented for selfish purposes, is if the person’s ideas about life/meaning/purpose/etc, have come from some “higher” beings/entities/universes/realms/etc. Ie, they'll find it harder to accept, because they consider these beings to be “higher”. -- Of course, what these people fail to see, is that it is they who have labeled them as being “higher”. Ie, they are not higher at all. And what can also compound this situation, is if these higher beings/entities, have asked the people to do things for them. -- Ie, if a person has been praying and doing all sorts of activities/wars/labour/etc, for them, then it's going to be even harder for the person to go against them, because they'll then have to accept, that they've been fooled into praying/worshiping them, and being their slave. Note: Even if these other beings/entities do actually exist, it’s important to realise, that they're certainly not “higher”, because they've been letting people on this planet suffer, (and therefore, they too are responsible for all the suffering on this planet). Indeed, this is why the whole manifestation needs changing. Ie, no planets/dimensions/parallel universes/etc, are exempt from the change, since they all allowed suffering to exist (in the manifestation). ---------Note: Some people would argue, that the one entity to blame for all the suffering, is the creator of life, or god. However, whether this creator is “god”, or whatever else, is totally irrelevant, since “all”/“everything” is included in the change that is necessary. -- Ie, no one (and no thing), is exempt from the fundamental change, because the change has to be at the deepest level. Indeed, it's as simple as: If even one person/animal/insect/entity/thing is suffering (in the whole manifestation), then the manifestation is bad/malevolent, and should either be totally changed (to a manifestation of zero suffering, and ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss), or ended. And, it doesn't matter if that suffering is imagined/real/virtual/etc, because if a thing is suffering, it's unacceptable. Indeed, it's unbelievable that suffering is allowed, or accepted, or worse, believed to be necessary and good. -- It's obvious, that anyone who believes this, is just under some brainwashing/programming, however, that does not change the fact, that the whole of existence needs to be ended (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 1134

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people have been brainwashed/programmed to believe, in all kinds of explanations/justifications/excuses, which makes suffering important/necessary/good/vital/normal/acceptable/necessary/etc. The key point is, that if you think that suffering is important/necessary/good/vital/normal/acceptable/necessary/etc, then feel free to suffer yourself, but don't bring a baby into this world, and inflict that belief onto them. And, if you do then bring a baby into this world, then accept that it's you (yourself) who is to blame, for all the suffering that they/you/others will go through, (which results (directly and indirectly) from that birth). -- Ie, it's not companies/governments/organisations/secret-organisations/etc, who are to blame for all the suffering in the world. It is you who is to blame. If prospective parents, just stopped and examined all the different types of suffering in the world, then they would see all the possible ways, that a child could end up suffering throughout its entire lifetime. Eg, they could end up: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Being raped. Being mugged. In agony through a physical illness/diseases. In agony through mental/emotional/spiritual issues. Have many debilities when they're old. Etc.

The point is, that it's obvious that there are so many ways that the child can suffer in this world (throughout its entire lifetime), and therefore, there's no way that a parent can argue that they believed that they could raise a child (from birth to death), without that child suffering in any way. Of course, if the parent says that they know that the child is going to suffer, (because they know that all children/people suffer in life), and then they have the child, then they are (in effect) putting suffering onto a human. -- And, if anyone puts suffering onto a human, then they are called a “torturer�, and then also called cruel/evil. What makes this worse, is that they're not just putting suffering onto a human, but they're doing this in a in a pre-meditated way, with full knowledge that the child will suffer. Moreover, we're not just talking about some suffering in life, but regular suffering, throughout the child's entire lifetime, (even when they're healthy). Moreover, most parents are not just doing this, but they're also enslaving the child, (since most parents force their children to get a job (when they're older).


And, whilst younger, the child will be forced to live with the parents. Ie, the parents are imprisoning the child. Ie: 1. The parents are the imprisoners/torturers/enslavers/rapists. And, 2. The parents are knowingly forcing the child, into a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. Therefore, there is only one possible conclusion, which is that parents are not just cruel/evil, but beyond cruel/evil. Ie, I use the word “beyond”, because no words exist, which can convey just how despicable it is, to have a child. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two headlines, in the mainstream news/media: • “A normal healthy child, sues parents £100 million, for being born.” • “A normal healthy child, takes parents to a criminal court, for being born.” Perhaps the only way to get this message (as explained in the previous section) across to people, is for someone to sue their parents for being born, or if someone takes their parent to a criminal court (for being born). The key point is, that most people will not pay attention to this issue, until it's in the mainstream news/media. And, many people will not pay attention, until they're at risk of being sued for all their money. Therefore, perhaps someone needs to do this. Indeed, if someone did this, then the mainstream news/media will probably report how: •

“A normal healthy child, sues parents £100 million, for being born.”

“A normal healthy child, takes parents to a criminal court, for being born.”

“Human rights lawyer takes the case, that it's a crime against humanity, to be born.”


Then, people will start to pay attention. However, most people will not pay real attention, unless it's something to do with them possibly losing their money. And therefore, a person would have to sue their parents. However, it's also important to take this to a criminal court, because only then will people wake up, to how immoral/cruel it is, to have babies. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1136

Words were invented, purely for negative/malevolent purposes. The only reason to originally invent (and use words), was to impose a method of controlling/manipulating/using people. This is obvious, because words are not needed (and are ridiculous), in describing good/benevolent things (eg, freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”). The point is, that if everyone has good things all around them, and no person/entity is suffering, and everyone is in freedom/peace/love/bliss, then words are not only pointless, but they’ll only be a negative thing. Therefore, it's obvious, that words were only invented, as a weapon/tactic, to brainwash/program the slaves, (so that they would see good and moral rules/behaviours/things/etc, when in fact, they were living lives that were full of bad and immoral rules/behaviours/things/etc. Ie, words are used, to make people see 'white', even when their directly experiencing 'black', (suffering). Indeed, if you look clearly at the world today, you'll see that 99.9% of the time, words are used to brainwash/program people (slaves), to not only lead a life of slavery, but make them: 1. Demand that lifestyle. 2. Brainwash/program other people into demanding that lifestyle. -- Indeed, it's so successful, that many people/slaves, will now even say things like: “Work is a human right”. And, of course, since these people are inherently immoral, they'll not only want this right (to have a job) for themselves, but they'll want to impose this onto everyone. -- Ie, when they try to force everyone into jobs, this shows that it's not about “rights”, (since they're trying to force everyone into slavery). Ie, what this all shows, is how people just hear words/phrases/etc, and blindly accept and use them. -- Ie, most people can be easily brainwashed/programmed, with any word/phrases. And, those words/phrases, will be defined, however the programmers want. What this all shows, is just how easy it is, to turn everything upside-down, which then creates a world, in which people can be easily controlled/manipulated/used/enslaved/raped. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The brainwashing/programming of words is so deep, that most people will even do 1137

certain things (that they don't really want to do), just so that they might be called a certain thing (word). -- Eg, they might do a certain job, just so that they get praised, and/or called: “good”, “successful”, etc. If any such words make a person happy, then it just proves/demonstrates, that they've been brainwashed successfully/completely. This is true, because what this means, is that a person is actually doing slave work, in return for a small crumb (of being called a word). -- Ie, they're willing to do physical work, in return for one word. Indeed, this is the what parents do to their children all the time. -- Eg, they control/manipulate/brainwash/program their child, to make the child believe that it's worth doing something, so that in return, the parents call them “good girl”, “good boy”, or praise them, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people say, that words are ridiculously primitive, and are an inefficient way to communicate. -- When people say things like this, it's misdirection/lies/etc, and it causes suffering, because it hides the truth. This is true, because saying things like this (eg, words are: primitive/inefficient/etc), gives the impression that: 1. Words are just a primitive method of communication, and it's just natural that all things have to start at a primitive level. 2. Words are an inefficient method of communication, but they are ok. The point is, both of these are blatant/deliberate misdirection. Ie, they are misdirecting people from seeing that: A) Words are deliberately invented to control and manipulate people. B) Words create more problems than they solve, which means that they're evil, because they give hope, but always causes more suffering, which is a very clever form of torture. C) Etc. ---------Yes, it is a bit silly for me to say “they are misdirecting people”, because the point is, that if words are used, it is for misdirection. 1138

-- Ie, whenever words are used, there's a 99.9% chance, that they're being used to misdirect you. -- Therefore, if I say that a certain word/idea/concept/belief/etc, is said to misdirect people, this is inherent, and obvious, and to be expected. However, I will still do this, because many people might need to do it all in smaller steps, (ie, see progressively, how there is misdirection a some aspect of life, and then slowly build to seeing this in all aspects of life, and then see that the same tactic/weapon is used everywhere, and that tactic/weapon, is “words�. ---------Note: Yes, I am aware that this book is using words. -- The point is, that now that words have already been invented, are in everyday use, they can be used to help end the use of words. -- Ie, it's (as usual), going to have to be up to the reader, to be honest with themselves, and decide for themselves, as to whether this book is using words to program you, or deprogram you. And, there's no point trying to find out what other people think of this book, and then you use their opinions to decide this matter, because when it comes to humans, it is to be expected, that if 99% of the population do something, it's probably wrong/bad/immoral/cruel/evil/etc, and will cause you (and others) suffering. -- Ie, it's up to you, to take responsibility for your own decisions/actions. -- Ie, most people always want to follow other opinions/people/ideas/beliefs/rules/experts/groups/organisations/laws/etc, (instead of following their own opinions/feelings), and they deliberately do this, so that they can hide behind these other beliefs/ideas/groups/laws/etc, (so that if things in the future turns out bad, they can blame them, and not themselves). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Words might be the most basic/primitive form of misdirection/lies/etc, but it's extremely effective. Let's continue from the previous two sections. The amazing part about this subject, is that it's so common for people/companies/governments/organisations/etc, to say one thing, but do the opposite, however, no matter how many times this happens, whenever a person/expert/government official says something, most people still believe their words (promises/story/etc), and therefore, they fall for this trick/scam/tactic. It's so common, and it's at all levels of society, and it all starts at a very early age. Good examples of this, are when governments keep lying about something (eg, the reason why they decided to go to war against another country), or when politicians want to be elected, (and so they make all kinds of promises, about what good changes they'll make in the future). Of course, in the future, they're found to be lying, The reason why I say that these two examples are good, is because these two are so obvious, because they've been going on for decades, and yet, so many people still fall for 1139

these lies/misdirection/brainwashing/programming. -- Ie, this just proves, that no matter how many times this process repeats itself, people still believe the words. -- Ie, this just proves, how effective, this tactic/weapon (of “words”), is. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This tactic/weapon (of “words”), is so effective, that people start to believe their own words. -- Ie, the perpetrator can begin to believe their own words/stories/lies. Eg, many parents might tell their child, that they are listening to them, but the parents clearly aren't listening, but with enough repetition, the parents will genuinely believe that they are good at listening to their children. There are many examples that can be used here, but I'm not going to go through any of them, because I've done this throughout this book. It should be seen, that the deeper you examine this, the more you'll see how this happens everywhere, and in many different guises, with many issues compounding each other. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People who say, “This is all pointless, because words do not have a fundamental basis of reality”, usually make this statement, but they will (themselves) carry on using words, to continue to misdirect themselves (and everyone). And this is what causes suffering to themselves (and everyone). Yes, words have no fundamental basis of reality. -- This is not just something to know (in theory), but is something that can be experienced (when you are able to have no thoughts in your head). However, now that words are in existence, they do have one use, which is to use the system of words, to shatter/dissolve/end the system of words, (along with all systems, including existence itself). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Good”/“bad” (and all their associated words), were invented (and used) to control/manipulate people. -- However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, because the control/manipulation of people (by words), is tied into other methods of control and manipulation, eg: 1. Making people do tests, (at school, college, university, jobs, etc). 2. Laws. 1140

3. Socially acceptable rules. 4. How people are told to behave at work. 5. What people do in their “free” time. 6. Etc. The key thing to realise, is that it's so deep, that it's everywhere. -- And, you can't explain “everywhere”, because the explanation is also inevitably included in “everywhere”. ---------Note: It's wrong to assume, that only some words are bad, because all words are bad, and this is true, because they not only limit you (in more ways than you can imagine), but they are what create the original problem, (which is that they actually create a limited/separate “you”/“me”/“i”). Therefore, the only way that it’s ok to use words, is for the purposes of ending separation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is full of tests, not just at school/college/jobs/etc, but also in relationships/families/friendships/etc. The important thing to realise, is that if you “pass” these tests, this just means/proves/demonstrates (to the person/group that tested you), that you are brainwashed/programmed to a certain level, and are therefore easy to control/manipulate, and therefore, this means/proves/demonstrates that you're a “better” student/employee/friend/partner/slave/etc. Ie, the “higher” you go in anything, (eg, jobs, secret-societies, fame, marriage, etc), just means that you're a good little compliant/obedient slave, who is now more likely, to do anything you're told to do. ---------Let's start with the example of school exams. -- What do these tests actually prove, except that: 1. You're willing to spend lots of time working (suffering), just to get a small reward (scrap of happiness), whether this is: a) A “certificate” (piece of paper), which says that you “passed”, and were “successful”. b) Some praise (words), from a partner/friend/family member/etc. c) Etc. 1141

And therefore, this proves/demonstrates, that you'll probably do the same in your job, and in all other areas of life. 2. You're a person, that does what the government/authorities tells you to do. 3. Etc. Ie, all that exams prove, is that you are willing to be a good obedient slave in the future. And, this is also true for exams everywhere. However, these exams, come in many different forms, but are exactly the same. -- One example of this, is a “promotion” at your job. -- Ie, if you get promoted, it's really nothing more, than a label/position, (which shows to everyone, that you've worked hard for the company, and that you'll continue to work hard for the company). -- Ie, this label/position, is just something that says, that you're a slave of this company, and the “higher” (more “successful”) you are, the more obedient you are This might sound harsh, but if you're doing what the company tells you to do (which you have to to keep your job), then this is exactly what a slave is. Of course, this can be expanded, as follows: 1. If you're doing what your company/school/university/etc, tells you to do, then this is exactly what a “good little obedient slave” is. 2. If you're doing what your partner/family/friends/etc, tells you to do, then this is exactly what a “good little obedient slave” is. Hence why throughout this book, I use the term “personal-slave”, to describe partners/children/friends/family/etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You do not need to be promoted, or pass anything, to be a slave. -- Ie, just by being in it, you are already a slave. Eg, marriage, and living together, are promotions/tests/exams to pass and “succeed” at, however, slavery is inherently present, as soon as you're in a relationship. Moreover, this is true, whether you have defined the relationship, or not. -- Ie, the slavery happens, before it’s even verbally agreed. It is easy to see, that passing a test/exam at school, is to show 1142

obedience/compliance/slavery. However, a more subtle form of exam, is marriage. -- Ie, when two people choose to marry each other, they're both saying to each other, that I promise to be your slave for the rest of my life. -- Again, this sound harsh, but it must be true, because if you don't do as the other person says, then the marriage/relationship will end. So, from the previous sentence, we see that a even more subtle exam (than a marriage), is a relationship. -- Ie, when two people DTR (define the relationship), they're agreeing to be a slave to each other. Indeed, a promotion in a relationship, could be called “marriage”. -- And, as expected, the marriage “promotion”, just means that you will be more enslaved. -- Ie, you are now an even better slave. A more compliant/obedient slave. Indeed, as harsh as this may sound, people will know that these tests are real, (and they even exist, in the early parts of a relationship). Indeed, many people will openly admit, that they test their partner (at the beginning of the relationship). And, indeed, this is what everyone is constantly doing (at the beginning of all relationships). Again, it might sound harsh, but to prove this point, let's go back to demonstrating this in companies/organisations/secret-organisations/etc. -- If you were the person in charge of a company, you are going to want to “promote”, only those employees, who are not going to cause you trouble. -- Ie, “promotions”, are basically a way of knowing that a person is a good little obedient/compliant slave. Indeed, it's obvious, that the best way to test a person’s loyalty to the company/organisation, is to continually see/check/test, just how much the person is willing to put the company/organisation at the top of their priories, (ie, putting the company/organisation above their: family, children, friends, partner, hobbies, free-time, etc). Ie, what this is about, is: How much they're willing, to say/do things, even if they don't like/agree with what they're being told to say/do. Ie, what this is about, is: How much are they willing, to sell their soul, (compromise, prostitute themselves, etc). ---------Of course, this is not just done by companies/organisations/etc, because people do this to each other, all the time. -- Hence why, when a relationship between two people is formed, both of the partners will test the other. Indeed, these tests will go on for the duration of the whole relationship, 1143

because both partners, will want to know, how much they are valued (by their partner). -- Ie, this is exactly like the tests done by the company/organisation. -- Ie, one parter, will want to continually see/check/test, just how much their partner is willing to put them, the top of their priories, (ie, putting them, above their: work, hobbies, friends, free-time, etc). And, this is regularly tested in relationships, in many different ways, (eg, via expenditure of: time, money, affection, sex, energy, etc). ---------------------------------------Note: The reason why I'm explaining this in so much detail, is because many people might be able to see, that jobs are slavery, but they can’t see that relationships/friendships/families are slavery. Ie, by demonstrating that the way that a person is continually treated/tested in a company/organisation, is no different to the way that a person is continually treated/tested in relationships/friendships/families/etc, this might help people see that it's all slavery. And, the only reason why people can't see that it's slavery, is because they’ve been brainwashed/programmed, to discard the direct experience of it (suffering), and replace that direct experience, with how they're told to believe it is (happiness/love/success/etc). Ie, their direct experience, tells them that it's 'black' (suffering), but they’ve been brainwashed/programmed to believe, that it's 'white'. ---------Many people will disagree with this, and they might think that, after many tests (at the beginning of the relationship), the relationship is good, and strong, but they don't realise that all they have figured out, is that their partner is a “good little obedient/complaint slave”, and a time will inevitably come, when their partner suddenly has had enough of compromising themselves, and they will then suddenly leave, (or, lash out, or whatever else). Indeed, if you look at the world, it's obvious that the ('sudden') ending of relationships, is extremely common, and if people where more honest with themselves, and didn’t compromise their soul, then this would be true for all relationships, (ie, all: lovers, partners, friends, family, extended family, co-workers, bosses, etc). Ie, this all just shows, that compromising yourself, (selling your soul to the devil), is in every part of life, (eg: jobs, relationships, families, parenting, friendships, etc). And, it's important to see, that when you're compromising yourself, you're imprisoning/torturing/enslaving/raping yourself. And, since this is happening in every part of life, it inherently follows, that every part of life, is prison/torture/slavery/rape. And therefore, it inherently follows, that life itself is prison/torture/slavery/rape. 1144

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I was the evil creator (of this manifestation), the simplest test/way to know if a person is brainwashed successfully/completely/fully, is when they not only answer “yes” (to the question: “Do you believe in god?”), but they even give some explanation of why the suffering is necessary/good/important/moral/etc. The reason why I have said this, is because it's just an extension of the previous section. Ie, just as an owner/boss of a company, has such conversations/tests with their employees (to see who is a good obedient/compliant slave), so too is this applicable to the creator (of this manifestation). And, what makes this even more obvious, is if you then imagine, that that the creator (of this manifestation), is just some “higher” being/entity (or beings/entities), which are using the human race, as their slaves, (for whatever purpose: labour, sustenance, energy, etc). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is the possibility, that “life”, is a test. -- However, all tests that are passed “successfully”, means that you get “promoted” to a “higher” level, which means that you not only get more of it, but you're expected to suffer at an even more intense/higher level. Therefore, in this case, (where the test is “life”), you have been made to suffer throughout your entire life, but because you were so “strong”/“successful”/etc, (by fighting/struggling/persevering throughout all the difficulties in your entire life), you have now proved/demonstrated, that you will keep doing this, (and more), in the next life. -- Ie, if you pass this test of “life”, perhaps you can expect your next life, to be a life of even more intense prison/torture/slavery/rape. In the previous section, I explained one way, to test/know if someone is brainwashed successfully/completely/fully. The following, is perhaps another way/test. This test/way, to know if someone is brainwashed successfully/completely/fully, is that, no matter how much suffering they have had to endure (throughout their entire life), they refused to kill themselves, (because they believed that it's necessary/good/important/moral/etc, to stay alive). Ie, since this test was to see, if you can remain a slave (despite how much suffering you are forced to endure), then passing this test, will mean that you are ready to accept more slavery, with even more intense suffering. What this would mean (in practice), is that by dying a natural death, you are saying, that you are willing to accept more (or worse) of this life/treatment, (of non-stop prison/torture/slavery/rape). 1145

I'm not saying that this is true, but I'm not saying that it isn't true. I don't know. I'm just open to the fact that, this could be 100% true. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When all the information in this book, is put onto the weighing-scale of “reasons to die, vs., reasons to stay alive”, it is startling, that: 1. There are hundreds of reasons to die, and absolutely zero reasons to stay alive. 2. It's not that the weighing-scale is out of balance, but that there's absolute nothing, on one side of the scale. 3. On one the side of it (“reasons to die”), this side is full of personal direct experiences of suffering (physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually/financially/etc), and on the other side (“reasons to stay alive”), there are only “words”, (which have been said to you, by other people, (ie, not a direct experience)). (Usually, these words are of fear, eg: you will go to hell if you kill yourself; god will help you if you're patient; have hope/faith; etc). 4. By being alive, people are letting a superficial level of reality (“words”), outweigh a deeper level of reality, (eg, physical pain). 5. Etc. ---------The key point is, that all of this really does emphasise, just how deep the brainwashing/programming is in everyone. Yes, it could be argued, that there is one reason to stay alive, which is to permanently end existence. However, that one exception, is a “perhaps”, because it might be more effective to help to permanently end existence, after/in/via death. -- And, there is the inevitable problem, that if you do stay in this world to help do this, you will (by being alive) inevitably: 1. Be using people as work-slaves. (Eg, the people who provide your: water, electricity, food, etc. Or, 2. Cause suffering to yourself, and/or other people/entities/animals/things/etc. Ie, by being alive, you are inherently part of the problem. Yes, you might cause more good than harm, but honestly speaking, this is still unacceptable.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: “If a person says, that they're happy working hard (at their job), or they feel that it's necessary/good/important that they work, then where is the problem?” A: “If a person wants to be a slave, then go ahead, but do not force any other people to be slaves.” This includes, not brainwashing/programming children, to believe that work is: important, good, necessary, acceptable, natural, something that will make you into a person that is x, y, z, etc. Therefore, it inherently follows that: Since a person might (at any moment in time), not want to be a slave, no child can be born, unless it's known for sure, that that child will be given enough money, to take care of themselves, for the rest of their entire lifetime. Note: Although this is true, it is still selfish/immoral/cruel/evil to bring a baby into the world, because even if the child has an allowance of £1 million per year (for their entire lifetime), they will still suffer regularly, throughout their entire lifetime. ---------So, now let’s look at another question. Q: If a robot is programmed to want to be a slave 24/7, and that is what the slave is programmed to believe is happiness, then is this a problem? A: Theoretically speaking, if there is zero suffering in the slave, then no (it is not a problem), however, that must be zero suffering, throughout it’s entire lifetime. Ie, if the slave is suffering even one tiny bit, then it instantly becomes totally unacceptable. However, the key issue is, that practically speaking, no system is 100%, and therefore, it is inevitable that the programming will crack by a tiny bit (at some point in time), and therefore, what this means, is that suffering is inevitable, and therefore, creating any robot/person/entity, is totally unacceptable, and is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. ---------Also, although it can be argued, that the robot/person/entity/thing, could be created with a fundamental program, which allows it to kill/end itself, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), this is still unacceptable, because: 1. This fundamental program (which allows it to kill/end itself), is a sub-system, and therefore it too is not 100%, and therefore, it is still unacceptable. 2. Even if the fundamental program (which allows it to kill/end itself), does work, the robot/person/entity would still have had to have suffered, and it is immoral/cruel (and totally unacceptable), to cause suffering.


And another key point, is that people will just say that they agree that robot/person/entity should have a fundamental program (which allows it to kill/end itself), however, this is a lie. Ie, they’re just saying that they agree, but they have no intention of really agreeing to this. -- Indeed, it’s ridiculous to expect a person/corporation to spend lots of time/money/energy on making (or buying) this robot/person/entity, and then expecting them to be ok with letting the robot/person/entity kill itself (whenever it wants). And it must be remembered, that people do get attached to physical objects. Ie, people do get attached to their physical objects/possessions, and also all other types of possessions (eg, personal-slaves). -- And indeed, this is why most people are terrified of there being a simple way that their personal-slaves can kill themselves. Indeed, this is why: • • • •

Murder is illegal. Assisted-suicide is illegal. Suicide is deliberately made difficult. Etc.

---------When I say that “suicide is deliberately made difficult”, this is obvious, as can be shown by the fact that: 1. Most countries have banned the sale of guns. Guns are the simplest way to instantly/painlessly kill yourself. 2. In most countries, the drugs that are the most effective (in killing a person), are illegal. 3. Etc. ---------------------------------------Note: Earlier on, I mentioned about murder. This needs to be explained more. To get to the key point, I’ll start from here. Making a baby/child, (via two people having sex), is obviously something most people find easy to do. -- And, programming that baby/child, is obviously something that people find easy to do. I say that people will find this “easy” to do, because most people know how to brainwash/program (since they’re doing this everyday, to everyone around them), and brainwashing/programming a baby is infinitely easier, since it’s a blank-slate, and is physically much smaller than the parent/programmer, and the baby is trapped in an environment that it cannot escape from. -- The key point is, that: 1. It's so easy to create life, that it's like manufacturing (churning-out) robots.


And therefore, 2. Since life is so easy to manufacture (churn-out), murder is not the real problem. -- Ie, the only reason why “murder” is perceived as bad/wrong/immoral, is because of other reasons. One reason, is that people do not want to make death a common occurrence, because they’re petrified of losing their personal-slaves, (and work-slaves), especially since: A) They put so much time/effort/money/energy, into having (and raising) the child. B) They need this child, to maintain their life/lifestyle/image/identity/“happiness”/etc. -- I have put the word “happiness” in quotes, because most people say they're happy, even when it's obvious that they're suffering. It's literally an image/veneer of happiness, covering all the suffering that lays beneath the surface. This is commonly seen, in many ways, (eg, the “fake smile”, and all the conversations where they try to convince/sell to you (and to themselves), that they have a good/happy life, etc). C) Etc. Ie, murder is perceived as bad, because the thought (and imagined feeling) of losing of all of this, is too much to bear. Ie, they know that they will feel immense pain/suffering (physical/emotional/mental), and they do not want to experience this. Ie, they're selfishly trying to do something, to avoid a situation, where they (themselves) will suffer. -- Ie, the aversion to murder, is for selfish reasons. ---------Of course, when I talk of death, I mean instant/painless death. Obviously, a slow painful death, is cruel/evil, since it causes suffering. Indeed, anything that causes suffering, is cruel/evil. And therefore, the most cruel/evil thing, is not murder/genocide/etc, but having babies. -------------------Let's go back to the original question, about if a person is happy to have a job, then what is the problem. -- The key problem with this question, is that most people will never be able to answer it honestly, because if they analysed the situation deeply/clearly/honestly, they know that this analysis, will bring up implications, which are too much to bear. Ie, most people will just give an answer, which is designed to brainwash/program themselves (and everyone), to keep the situation as it is, (where death is bad, and birth/life is good, (despite the fact that it causes an entire life of prison/torture/slavery/rape)), just so that they can selfishly keep their life intact, (with their personal-slaves, and work-slaves). 1149

Ie, it's irrelevant whether you're asking people questions about the issue of murder, (or birth, or jobs, or human rights, or whatever else), because most people will always give a similar type of answer, (which will be an answer, which): 1. Lets them keep their selfish desires/lifestyle/slaves/etc, intact. And, 2. Makes them appear good/moral/selfless/etc. One common way that people achieve points 1 and 2, is by brainwashing/programming people with something like “hope”, (regardless of what the hope is for). Ie, by filing someone with hope, they feel (and appear) as being a person that is good/moral/selfless/etc, and they also manage to brainwash/program the other person to believe that they will manage to fulfil their desires, eg: 1. “You will find your soul-mate.” 2. “You will get that promotion.” 3. “You will transform into a person ready for spiritual ascension/enlightenment/etc.” 4. “Trust in god, he will provide you with everything that you need.” 5. Etc. Of course, by giving that person hope, that person will then wait/try/work/prepare/persevere for these things to happen, which means that they're going to have to continue to be a slave for a bit longer, (whether that's as a personal-slave, and/or a work-slave). Ie, the person who gave the hope, has achieved their goal, of brainwashing/programming that person, so that the issue of the “slippery slope” is averted. The “slippery slope”, is the deep fear (conscious, and/or subconscious), that if everyone starts to see life for what it truly is (prison/torture/slavery/rape), then people might start to kill themselves, which could cause an avalanche of suicides (and/or murders), and this is terrifying, because they don't want to lose their personal-slaves, and work-slaves. I will explain “hope” and “faith”, in a bit more depth, in the next section. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Hope” and “faith”, are very negative things, and are extremely effective weapons to enslave people, (and keep them enslaved). -- These weapons are so effective, that slaves will even think that they're choosing (by their free will), to have this life of slavery, and that it's a good life, and one worth living, and fighting for. 1150

It's important to see, that “hope” and “faith” are a very negative things. I mention this, because many people only ever see “hope”/“faith”/etc, as positive things. Indeed, this is so true, that some people even call their daughters “Hope”/“Faith”/etc. Ie, if they knew that the words hope/faith/etc, could have a negative meaning, they would probably not have called their daughter by that name. The reason why hope, is a very negative thing, is because it keeps you desiring something in the future. -- It doesn't matter if that thing in the future, is something noble/saintly/whatever, it's still negative. This is because, freedom (and: peace, love, bliss, knowing what you truly are, etc), are all only available in the present. Ie, hope is misdirection. When I say “present”, I don't mean “present” (in the sense “past, present, future”). I mean it in the sense of the “unmanifest”, (in which the manifestation comes and goes). Ie, I mean “That”, (non-existence). ---------It's obvious that hope is a very negative thing, because hope is no different to desire. Ie, desire also keeps you focused on the future. Hope is so effective, that it can be used in any way, whether with: beliefs, things, people, relationships, family, jobs, promotions, sex, etc. -- The list is endless, because it's pretty much everything in life. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A very effective way to enslave billions, is to provide one crumb, (eg, a miracle). -- Ie, a miracle is done, and this makes millions of people: pray, have hope, have faith, follow commandments, trust leaders, etc. Similarly, it can be extremely beneficial to give a few people a special ability/power, (eg, to be able to cure/heal people, or whatever else), because then, they not only provide this hope/faith/etc, but they also show, that any normal person can learn/earn/attain/etc, these powers. -- And this can then be expanded, to say that normal people can have all kinds of other powers, (even if those other powers, are never demonstrated). Of course, whilst people try to learn/earn/attain these powers, they will continue to be a slave, and continue to give their energy, to these entities (to whom they direct their prayers/hope/etc). Ie, the entity provides the people with a crumb, and the people in return, give them their lives. Ie, they're not just enslaved physically, but also mentally, and energetically. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1151

There are some people/entities who feed-off people's fear. -- Many people always go on about this, but these same people, are the ones who feed-off people's hope. -- Indeed, the same is true for “prayer”/“faith/“desire”/etc. Of course, for these people to feed-off people's hopes/prayers/faith/desires, they have to ensure that people constantly have desires. -- This is what most people do to each other, on a daily basis. -- Except, they all try to do this, under the guise of: trying to help them, trying to encourage them, etc. Many people often forget, that fundamentally speaking: •

Hope is the same as desire.

Desire is the same as fear.

Desire is the same as prayer.

Desire is the same as faith and belief in a higher power.

The point is, that these are all a type of contracted energy. -- Therefore, it's all the same thing. Ie, it's all just about, feeding-off contracted energy. Ie, people are parasites. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When a person wants to feed-off other people's hope/desire/fear/etc, they have to hook/bait them, and then get them to have hope/faith/prayer/etc, and all of this does work, but it takes energy, and the victim can sometimes escape this trap. -- So, it's only a matter of time, before a person (perpetrator) realises, that the most efficient (legal) way to do this, is to have a baby/child. Indeed, what is more perfect, since the baby/child can't escape from you, since you're legally allowed to: 1. Imprison it. 2. Enslave it. 3. Brainwash/program/groom/condition it. -- This is done via punishment-and-reward, (ie, torture). 4. Feed-off it. -- Ie, rape it.


This just shows, that life really is prison/torture/slavery/rape. And, this is all true, whether the parent knows that they're doing this, or not. ---------So, this gives the parent (perpetrator) the perfect opportunity, to brainwash/program the child (victim), to believe in many things, which will make it easier for them to extract energy from the baby/child. -- Of course, the ideal weapons to use, are: god, religion, future promises, etc. On top of all of this, because they're rising a baby/child, 99% of the population will see them as being a person who is morally good/selfless/etc. -- And, you can even get money from the government. Ie, the government are sponsoring you, (and encouraging you), to do this. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enlightenment (and: awakening, spirituality, spiritual teachings, teachers, priests, religions, gods, etc), have been around for ages, but since the world still has so much suffering in it, this proves that all of this spiritual stuff, is not a way to help end all suffering (for all). Of course, all spiritual/religious teachers and teachings, will justify this by saying some excuse. However, it's another one of these situations, where the direct experience, is that spirituality/religions/etc, are not the solution (since they have proved that they do not end all suffering for all), but most people will still blindly listen to these “teachings�/justifications, (which are just excuses/lies/misdirection/etc), and they'll give these empty words, more weight/power/value, than their direct experience. Of course, everyone does this willingly and knowingly, because they want (and need) these spiritual/religious words and teachings, because they can use these words to justify their selfish/immoral behaviour, (eg, of using/enslaving people (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves)). Ie, yes, spirituality/religions/etc, make people suffer (in the long-term), however, people have to accept responsibility, because they choose to buy into these lies, (for their own selfish/immoral reasons). -------------------Note: Some people argue that spirituality has the answers to their questions (and the solutions to their problems), however, it’s obvious that most of the spiritual teachers/teachings, are just more traps, which create (in the long-term), more prison/torture/slavery/rape/suffering, for themselves, and everyone else. Yes, in non-duality teachings (and enlightenment), some people are lucky enough, that life 1153

(or the creator, or aliens, or the programmer, or whatever else) ends their illusion/identity of being a separate entity. However, unless this happens to everyone, then it's not worth considering non-duality teachings (and enlightenment), as a way to help end suffering for all. Let's examine it from another perspective. If I were an evil ruler/creator, I would allow some people to get their desires met. Ie, it would make sense for an evil ruler/creator, to allow some people to be out of the illusion, because those people will become examples, which many people will then use to give themselves hope/faith/belief/etc, and then those millions of people, will spend their entire life trying to achieve that dissolution of separation. Of course, all that energy/praying/effort/practice/etc, will be useless, since it's only the evil ruler/creator, that can spontaneous rid the veil of illusion. Ie, it can be argued, that non-duality (and enlightenment/awakening/religion/god/etc), is a trap. Yes, some spiritual methods/teachings/teachers, can help a person reduce the amount of suffering their life, if they’re deprogramming the person. However, this deprogramming must be full, and not followed by reprogramming. And they also need to state upfront, what the spiritual methods/teachings/teachers can't do. And, some things that the path to enlightenment/awakening/god/etc, can't do, is: 1. Make you enlightened, via you own efforts. 2. Eliminate all pain (even after enlightenment). 3. Eliminate the pain/suffering of everyone/everything in existence, forever. 4. Etc. Ie, yes, if a spiritual teaching (or any advice), can help you reduce suffering in your life, (and this does not cause suffering to others), then do it. However, be aware to not be fooled into a trap. Ie, do not believe that it can do things, which it can't. Ie, yes, the path to enlightenment, can end in the person being enlightened, however, it should be made clear, that this is not something that happens due to the person’s efforts. And, there is no way that anyone will be able to tell you how long it might take, nor how many hellish situations/events/things/etc, that you'll have to go through. Yes, there are all kinds of spiritual experiences that a person can have, however, it must be made clear, that none of these experiences are permanent. And, of course, there's always a good explanation/reason why the experiences aren't permanent. And, it’s important to emphasise, that even those beings who totally lose their sense of separation permanently, they still say that: 1. Bliss is not permanent. 2. There is not a consistent pleasant/happy feeling. 1154

3. Pain is still felt. 4. Chores still have to be done. 5. You can't enter (and leave), from life/existence, whenever you want, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). 6. Etc. Ie, enlightenment/awakening/religion/god/etc, is obviously not the ideal solution. And, what compounds this, is that most spiritual (and/or religious) teachers/helpers/organisations/etc, ask for donations, or expect donations. And in doing so, they're perpetuating the life of prison/torture/slavery/rape (of: jobs, chores, life, existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It can be easily argued, that it would be better if most spiritual (and religious) teachers/teachings/organisations/etc, did not exist. This is especially true, because: 1. Most misdirect people, away from seeing/recognising that they're living a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape, (and unless people are directed to seeing/admitting this, they cannot ever change this situation, and therefore, suffering will inevitably continue). 2. Most ask for (or expect) donations, and therefore, this mean that it makes people need to work at their jobs and chores, (just so that they can do their spiritual/religious things, (eg: spiritual talks, self-help, motivational lectures, yoga, churches, prayers, offerings to gods, etc). 3. Most teachings/advice/practices/prayers/etc, only ever help in the short-term. This is true, because if it helped in the long-term, then there would not be so much suffering in the world. 4. Etc. Ie, in the long-term, the cons (of all spiritual/religious things), outweigh the pros. -- And, if the cons outweigh the pros, then this is all just another form a prison/torture/slavery/rape. ---------And, this is perhaps something that needs to be calculated across everyone who does spiritual/religious things. Ie, if only a few people have a good pros-cons ratio, then spirituality/religion, are still bad things, (in the larger scheme of things). 1155

However, the problem is not just that they're asking (or expecting) donations, but the fact that most things which are said (in spirituality/religion/enlightenment), are obviously “off”/bad/incorrect/incomplete/etc, for some reason. This is true, because even the things that are true in theory, and in short-term practice, are not true in the long-term. And, the key thing to always see, is that none of this can be truly good, because all of this spiritual/religious stuff has existed forever, and yet there is still so much suffering the world. ---------Throughout this book, I have given examples, of why spiritual/religious/enlightenment teachings (and teachers) are saying things, that are bad. In the following paragraphs, I will give some more examples, of why spiritual/religious teachers (and teachers) are off, and/or that they do not cover certain subjects/issues/problems/etc, (which means that they will inevitably perpetuate suffering). One of the teachings of spirituality/enlightenment/non-duality, is that that you are not “i”, but “I”. This is not only pointless, but it actually causes more suffering in the world, because people just change their belief, from believing that they are “i” (a person), to believing that they are: “I”/awareness/consciousness/etc, but they continue their life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. -- Ie, people are being misdirected, away from seeing, that their life is prison/torture/slavery/rape. -- And, if they were directed towards realising that their life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, then they might do something about it, and then their suffering would be reduced, (and/or eliminated). And, if this is true, (that “i” am “I”/life/existence), then it is extremely clear, that “I” am evil, and “I” should kill/dissolve myself, (as soon as I can), (because life is cruel/evil). -- This might sound harsh, but really speaking, it's just the same as being altruistic, just at a different level. However, this is not discussed in these spiritual/religious teachings. Another trap, is that people have a spiritual experience, or many spiritual experiences, and this makes them think that they are enlightened/awakened/etc, but they continue to be in a life of prison/torture/slavery/rape. -- Ie, it doesn't matter how many spiritual experiences a person has had, (whether they are of the “nothingness”/“you are everything”/“you are everyone”/“silence”/or whatever else). Nor does it matter if a person has a million insights, or experiential-insights. Because, in the long-term, if you are still suffering, (and other people are still suffering), then nothing has really changed. The key point here, is that all that matters, is that you’re honest with yourself, and that you’re able to know whether you’re still suffering (or not). Also, it's good to be honest enough, to admit to yourself (and others), that you might not be suffering now, but you know that if extreme amounts of torture was imposed on you, that you would suffer immensely. -- Again, the key point is, that it's all just about honesty. -----------------------------1156

Note: If spirituality (and/or religion), is about understanding/preventing/eliminating suffering, then the message is surely simple: You can immediately reduce/prevent/eliminate the suffering of other people, if you immediately stop using/enslaving other people, (as your personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). Or, people should be told that: You can do as you please, as long as you do not cause suffering to other people/entities. And anyone who wants to end suffering for themselves, should not have anyone interfering (or making it difficult for them) to do this. Unfortunately, many people will interfere, because they don't want people to be free, because it means that they will lose their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves. -- Indeed, parents/partners/friends/employers/governments/companies/organisations/etc, will never be able to fully encourage any of this, because if a person goes down this path (of constantly freeing themselves from all traps, then they will not be controllable, nor give them what they want, (eg: money, time, attention, energy, labour, etc)). Eg, even if a child wants to end suffering for all, the parents will probably hate that their child wants to do that, because that means that their child will not do all the normal things that they wanted their child to do, (eg, have a: job, relationship, marriage, children, etc). Ie, all the parents want, is for their dreams to be fulfilled. Indeed, that's why they had the baby/child. And indeed, what this means, is that even if you want to try to end all suffering for all, you can expect that many people will want to prevent you from doing this. -- That’s how upside-down the world is. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assisted-suicide (for an old person who is not terminally ill), is illegal in most countries, probably because many companies need assisted-suicide to be kept illegal, because they know that all old people, will inevitably have to spend lots of money (eg, on medicines, special equipment, etc), and later, when they inevitably need 24/7 care, they have no choice but to go to a residential nursing home/hospice, and therefore these places can charge as much a they want. Ie, it's hard to not see this as an extortion racket. -- And, of course, this extortion racket only works, if assisted-suicide is kept illegal, and/or people are brainwashed/programmed to believe negative things about suicide/death/etc. It's very noticeable, that no company (or government), have decided to make money from a service, which allows a person to walk into a building, pay their money, and then die. Ie, there is a whole niche market here, where lots of money can be made, and all that needs to be done, is to have a building/service, that a person can go to, which allows them to pay 1157

a fee, which pays for their death (which is guaranteed to be: instant, painless, peaceful, etc). Moreover, the absence (of this building/service), is especially noticeable, because the niche market, is very large, (because many very old people, do not want to go through the immense pain/suffering (physical, mental, and emotional), which is inevitable in old age, (and only ever gets worse). The point is, that companies/governments/etc, usually jump at any chance/opportunity, to make money. However, they haven't in this case. And, if the companies know that money can be made, but there is some pesky little law, preventing them from making that money, then they'll just push the government to change that law. -- Ie, the only reason why a company would not do this, is because they know that they will make a lot more money, by keeping that law in place. -----------------------------Yes, there are some companies/organisations that do help terminally ill old people (with assisted-dying), but it's not the same, because they require a lengthy process, where the person has to go through certain procedures, and the fact is, that an old person does not have the energy to go through such things). Ie, the companies/organisations that do help with assisted-dying: 1. Do not allow any person to just walk in, for an instant death (there and then). 2. Do not offer an instant service, where (after calling them) they come to your house, and help you to die. The point is, there are many people, who want to just go somewhere and die, (or die in their home), but the lengthy process (that these current organisations enforce), are just too much (physically and/or emotionally), and therefore many old people are forced to have to continue to suffer (physically/mentally/emotionally). ---------What compounds this problem, is that after some time, (when their body/mind has deteriorated even more), they might then feel they want to die, however, they then won't be allowed to use the service (of assisted-suicide), because they're then deemed as being not mentally able to make that decision. Also, these companies/organisations (that currently help with assisted-suicide), do not just allow anyone to use their service. Ie, they have some requirements, (eg, that the person must have a terminal illness). Also, these companies/organisations, can only be based in countries that allow assistedsuicide. Ie, most countries do not allow this to happen. Yes, some of these companies/organisations, might allow you to travel to that country, however, this is unacceptable, because most old/ill people: 1158

1. Are in pain. 2. Have little energy. 3. Can't handle long trips. 4. Need specialised transport. 5. Would then need to ask someone to accompany them, (and they might just want to die, without involving their family, (or anyone else). 6. Etc. The key point is, that even though these companies/organisations exist, they are not practically useful (for a lot of people). -- And, the group of people that want to be able to die in their own home, (or go to some building to die, instantly/painlessly), is a very large group of people. -- Ie, there are many people, who are being denied this right-to-die, and this means that they’re being kept in a state of suffering, (which is extremely selfish/immoral/cruel/evil). ---------It's also important to note, that both methods needs to be available. Ie, the building and the service (in their own home), need to both be available. Ie, it's not acceptable, to provide only one method, because some people might only be ok with dying in their own home, and some people might only be ok with dying in a building that is not their own home. -------------------The point is, that companies/governments want to keep these people alive (if they’re: old, terminally ill, etc), because these people are needed as slaves. Ie, there are many types of slaves, but the main one in this case, is that these companies want these retired/old slaves, to now be the type of slaves, that are forced to buy things from them. -- I use the term “forced”, because old people are forced to buy things, because they need these things (eg, medicine, special equipment, etc), to avoid pain. -- And, of course, if you need to do/buy things, purely to avoid pain, then this is a form of slavery. Ie, a slave-driver, will force a slave/labourer to keep working, under the threat of pain. And in this case, the companies/government are forcing the old people to spend their money on things, under the threat of pain. However, the companies/government can only do this, if assisted-suicide, is illegal, and/or is seen as something that should not be done, (for whatever reason, (eg, that suicide shows that you are weak, etc)). -- Of course, to make people believe that suicide is bad/wrong/etc, all that has to be done, is some simple brainwashing/programming of the population.


-----------------------------Note: The amount of money that old people need to spend on medicines/equipment/etc, is huge. -- However, it's important to note, that that amount of money is extremely small, in comparison to the real cash-cow, which occurs when the old people are in extreme pain, and/or they have to have full-time care, and therefore need to be in a 24/7 residential nursing home/hospice. Of course, without there being an easy way to kill yourself, there is no option for such a person, except to go to a home/hospice. And therefore, these places can charge extortionate amounts of money. Ie, it's blatantly immoral to keep people alive (if they want to die), and this is even worse, when it's realised that, perhaps the only reason why people can't go to the charity/service/building (to die in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way, whenever they want), is because people/companies want to make money. -------------------Note: Of course, these companies need to keep assisted-suicide illegal, not only for the old people, but for everyone. And, of course, for these companies to be able to do this, they need assisted-suicide to be kept as being illegal, and one way to do this, is to make it seen as being something that is socially unacceptable, (or whatever else). -- Therefore, they might spend lots of money, to make sure that people are brainwashed/programmed to view assisted-suicide as bad, (for reasons x, y, z). Of course, the government will also have to be involved, since it's they who are keeping assisted-suicide illegal. The point is, that this is just another demonstration of how people/companies/governments/etc, will do anything (no matter how much suffering it causes), as long as they benefit from it. -- Ie, it's irrelevant how selfish/immoral/cruel/evil their actions are, as long as their desires are fulfilled. And, when you see how extortionate the charges are (for 24/7 residential nursing homes/hospices), you'll know that these companies, will want to do whatever it takes, to keep this cash-cow going. I'm not saying that all old people want to die via assisted-suicide. I'm just saying that it's extremely immoral/cruel/evil, to force old people to stay alive, if they want to be free from their non-stop pain/suffering. And, what compounds this, is that it's not just about keeping them alive, but it's about keeping them alive, knowing that they have no choice but to pay extortionate amounts of money, to be kept alive.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Companies know that they can make extortionate amounts of money from younger people, as long as they can brainwash/program those people, into thinking that it's good/important (and the key to happiness) to have: children, relationships, family, friends, etc. Before, moving onto this subject, let's briefly continue from the previous section. It's important to see, that the companies that make these extortionate amounts of money (from medicines, equipment, hospices etc), will want to make sure that assisted-suicide is kept illegal, not just for old people, but for all people. The key point is, that if assisted-suicide is legal for everyone, then the companies lose out twice: •

Firstly, the companies would lose huge amounts of money, which they would make from all old people, (via selling them: medicines, equipment, hospices etc)).


Secondly, the companies would lose huge amounts of money, which they would make from all younger people.

The younger people that they can make extortionate amounts of money from, are the ones that they have brainwashed/programmed into having babies/children. This is true, because they know, that: 1. It costs a huge amount of money to raise a baby/child. And, 2. Once the person has the child, that they will be legally forced, to keep spending money on the child, (whether this is via legal laws, (eg, child-maintenance), and/or via social pressures, (eg, pressure from friends/family/partners/society/etc)). ---------And, even if the younger people are not trapped by the brainwashing/programming to have children, the companies will then move onto their next trap. -- This next trap, is to brainwash/program people to believe that relationships are good, and are the key to: love, happiness, etc. Of course, whilst in relationships, people spend a lot of money. And, this will always, happen, because the companies will make sure that all people who want relationships (or are in relationships), are brainwashed/programmed to believe that they need to do x, y, z, to get (or maintain) a relationship. Moreover, the companies also know, that if they can get people to form relationships, that 1161

those relationships might then result in babies/children, (especially since contraception is never 100% effective). And, of course, the companies do not need to care, if the babies/children are: 1. Created by force. -- Eg, one person pressured/coerced the other into having a child. 2. Created by lies. -- Eg, both partners decided to have children, but only because they were brainwashed/programmed to believe, that children are necessary to: feel love, be happy, feel like a real man/woman, be successful, etc. 3. Created by deception. -- Eg: a) A woman says that she is on the pill, but isn't. b) A condom is used, but it has been deliberately pierced (to have small holes in it), either to let semen through, or so that it tears whilst it's being used. c) A condom is used, (but later on, the lady removes the semen from the condom, and places it inside her). d) Etc. 4. Etc. -------------------Of course, the companies also know, that brainwashing/programming people to have friends, is another good trap, since many people spend a lot of money, whilst with their friends. And, of course, the companies also hope that these friends, will continue to brainwash/program each other, to believe that it's important/good/beneficial to: have relationships, have children, etc. -------------------Indeed, when you objectively look at how the majority of the population are behaving, it seems that the companies are totally in control, and it's all going exactly as they want it to go. Yes, there will be many arguments/excuses (that the companies can give), but the truth is, that the companies are creating (and perpetuating) a lot of brainwashing/programming, which creates a lot of suffering (throughout the whole world), and the only reason they're doing this, is so that they can: 1. Make money. 2. Control the people/countries/world. 3. Etc. 1162

-------------------Note: It might sound extreme to say that this allows the companies to control the world, but it must be seen, that if people did not do the activities of relationships/friends/children/families, then most of them would not go to work at their jobs, because they only work at jobs, to fund their hobbies of relationships/friends/children/families. It's important to note, that when I say “arguments/excuses (that the companies can give)�, I do not mean that these companies are themselves making the arguments/excuses. I mean that these companies might just create other institutions/organisations/groups/individuals/communities/etc, which will do this (covertly) on their behalf. -- Ie, this happens, whether the people involved in these institutions/groups/etc, know that they're being used, or not. And it should also be seen, that the companies will know, that if their brainwashing/programming is successful, that this will then mean, that it's the parents themselves, who will become the brainwasher/programmer, of their babies (the next generation). -- Ie, the companies are not only being immoral towards the adults/people, but also to babies and children. ---------(Although I have blamed a lot on companies, I will balance this out, in the next section.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Although most companies are to blame (for a lot of suffering in the world), the blame must also lie with the people, because all people know that they are constantly controlling/manipulating/enslaving/using/raping other people (as their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). And, on some level, all people know that this control/manipulation/using of people (as their personal-slaves), is wrong, but they're only interested in trying to keep doing this, whilst trying to create (and maintain) various laws (and social/moral norms), so that they can hide behind them. Ie, people are thinking that they are not responsible (or are in denial about it), because they think that they can hide behind: 1. The law. -- Because it's all legal. 2. The social norm. -- Because every is doing it. Ie, it's acceptable to use other people as their personal-slaves. 1163

3. The moral norm. -- Because everyone is saying that it's moral/good/etc, to have partners/friends/children/etc, (personal-slaves). 4. Etc. -------------------It's obvious, that it doesn’t matter how you spin it, or twist it, or how many layers of reasons (excuses/lies/misdirection) you put on top of it, because if the underlying action is selfish/immoral, this means that there is only one inevitable outcome, (suffering). And, that suffering will always end up spreading everywhere, because as soon as there is one small tiny bit of suffering (wherever it is in the manifestation), it will inevitably spread, and keep spreading. Ie, everyone (in the whole manifestation) is responsible, for every tiny bit of suffering, (that they/others do to everyone (whether: directly, indirectly, actively, passively, etc). Ie, you might not have any personal-slaves, but if you are alive, you are probably indirectly using work-slaves, and this means that you are still responsible. There is also another stage to this, which I will cover in the next section. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you do not have any personal-slaves, nor any indirect work-slaves (because you're totally self-sufficient), you will (inevitably) still know, that there are other people/animals/entities who are suffering, and therefore, you are still responsible for that suffering. Ie, if there is any suffering in the manifestation, and you know about it, you are inherently involved, (and therefore, the consequences will inherently come to you). -- And this is true, whether you act, or don’t act. Ie, if there is suffering, and your action/inaction allows that suffering to continue, then the consequences are yours. -- And, if you deliberately try not to see (if there is any suffering), then this too inherently makes you accountable. ---------Of course, what this all inherently means, is that you are responsible for what occurs in the whole of existence. -- Indeed, this should be obvious, because whatever happens in any one tiny part of existence, will always spread to you. And, the key word in that last sentence, was “will”. Ie, it’s inevitable. Ie, it’s not about “if”, but “when”. 1164

-- And it’s important to remember, that this is not due to mystical reasons, but because when one domino is hit, the rest will fall, and one will inevitably hit you. However, it's not about: “You should be responsible, so that you (yourself) avoid suffering”. -- What it's about, is: “You should just naturally, not want to cause suffering to anyone/anything”. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A person/organisation/government/company/secret-organisation/etc, can be a “victim”, or a “perpetrator-and-victim”, but not a “perpetrator”. Ie, any person that is the perpetrator, is also the victim. Throughout this book, I have given many examples, where people/governments/organisations/etc, have been accused of being: slave-drivers, slaveowners, enslavers, brainwashers, programmers, etc. Although this may be true, it's important to note, that they are also the slaves/victims. And it doesn’t matter how high up you go, (whether in a company/organisation/higher dimension/etc), because if they're doing/saying things that causes suffering (for their own selfish benefit), and they know that they're doing it, they're still just slaves/victims themselves. Ie, any person that is the perpetrator, is also the victim. Indeed, even if the person is doing something cruel, and they know it's cruel, they're still a victim. However, they are both a victim and a perpetrator. Meanwhile, some people are only victims. Therefore, you can have a “victim”, and a “perpetrator-and-victim”, but not a “perpetrator”. Some people might argue that people are never just “victims”, (they're always a “perpetrator-and-victim”), but a new-born baby, is is just a victim. ---------However, it's also important to see all of this, from the perspective of the sum of all of their actions. -- Ie, it includes past/present/future, and also everyone simultaneously. -- When seen like this, everyone is a perpetrator-and-victim. Note: What the previous paragraph shows, is that the spread of suffering is inevitable, and that therefore, everyone will (inherently, and inevitably), be a victim of everyone's bad/selfish/immoral actions. -- Note: This could be called “collective karma”. (I don't like using terms like “karma”, but in this case, it might help explain this situation, in another way.)


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The traps are endless, no matter which direction you go in, (whether that direction is: parallel, deeper, transcendent, or whatever else). If I were an evil dictator, I would set traps in all areas of life, including the spiritual. The result of this, is that as soon as a person sees a trap in one part of life, they'll struggle to get out of it, and when they do, they're just in a different trap. And, these traps can be in any direction. -- Ie, some traps are parallel (on the same superficial level), whilst other traps are from one level to the next. Ie, even if you transcend a whole level of traps, you'll just end up on another level, which has deeper/subtler traps. Indeed, the deeper the level, the worse the traps, because the traps will be more: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Clever. Subtle. Convincing. Enticing. Etc.

Moreover, the key problem, is that the deeper traps, are also more dangerous (to that person, and to everyone else), because whilst at those deeper levels, people often believe that: 1. They're special, (since less people are in those levels, and because they might have other people following/listening to their advice/ideas/beliefs/etc). 2. They understand it all, (because they had a one (or many) spiritual experiences/insights/etc). 3. Etc. Of course, all that actually happened, is that they got fooled into believing a deeper/subtler belief, but they're so brainwashed by this, that they start spreading this trap/suffering to other people. Eg, some spiritual (or religious) people, hear all sorts of spiritual/religious reasons, why suffering is good/acceptable/important/necessary/etc, and they just start brainwashing/programming other people to believe these lies. And, because these beliefs give people hope, many people want to listen to them, and be brainwashed/programmed by them. -- And, because many people are then seen to be listening/following this teacher, this attracts more people, and so teacher believes that they must be good/moral/right/etc, especially when that teacher also gets praise/respect, etc. -- The end result, is that suffering keeps spreading. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1166

No matter how deep you go, know that you're always in a trap. If you do not remember this, you'll be blinded by your arrogance, and therefore, suffering will inevitably be inflicted on you, (and others). Arrogance is an incredibly powerful thing, that can blind you in ways that are unbelievable. Arrogance is easy to see, and it's in most people. It can come in many different forms (some very subtle), but their words/actions/etc, will always reveal it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everything is a trap, no exceptions. -- Some people might believe that they “get” this, but most of their words/actions, will prove that they don't really get it at all. If you do get it, then you'll realise, that what you're really/truly/deeply seeking, (the “It”/“Source”/“Home”/“That”), can't ever be found/had/attained/etc. This must be true, because, if it could be found/had/attained, then it would be a trap, (since everything is a trap). Most people always miss this point, in many different ways. -- Eg, after a person realises that “I am not the mind/body/spirit”, they then try to search for who they truly are. Obviously, this is foolish, because whatever you then discover yourself to be, must also be a lie/trap, (since everything is a trap). The reason why all identities will cause suffering, (even “I am awareness”, “I am consciousness”, “I am That”, etc), is because it's not true, and all lies (non-truths), inevitably cause suffering. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can’t ever know what you truly are, but you can know what you are not. If you know this to be true, then you stop searching/seeking, (because you know that anything that you find/experience/etc, is a lie, (and just another trap). Of course, when searching/seeking is seen to be foolish, it naturally stops. And, what remains, is that which is beyond “peace”. The reason for saying “that which is beyond 'peace' ”, is because peace is something that exists in the manifestation, and it happens when the manifestation calms down, (but the manifestation is always changing, and therefore, that peace will always only be temporary). And in comparison to this, the unmanifest (non-existence), is always beyond peace, since it is empty/unchanging/still/unmovable/etc, and not able to be anything other than the ultimate peace/stillness/etc. 1167

An analogy, is that if you have two pieces of paper, and one has the word “peace” written on it, and the other has nothing written on it, then the blank one, is a deeper (more transcendent) peace. -- The blank piece of paper, is the unmanifest, and anything written on it, is the manifestation. Perhaps a better analogy, is the cinema screen. Ie, the cinema screen is the unmanifest, and the movie that is projected onto this, is the manifestation. The point is, that even if a movie which contains fierce fire, is projected onto the screen, the screen will not be touched by this fire. This analogy can help a person, realise that nothing in the manifestation, can help them get this transcendent peace, because nothing in the manifest, can get them to the unmanifest. Indeed, this would help explain why there is nothing that a person can do, to get enlightened. Ie, enlightenment only happens, when the creator shifts your perspective, from having an identity (as “i”, or “I”, or “awareness”, etc), to there being no: identity, form, name, etc. ---------Note: There is always a risk with using analogies, because many people just cling to the analogies/theories, and they'll discuss the theories with their spiritual friends for years, and never go beyond theory. The point is, that theory will never help a person reduce the amount of suffering in their life, (in the long-term). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If there is awareness of all the levels/dreams/traps simultaneously, then there will be more freedom and peace. In a previous section, I said that the traps will never end, and as soon as you leave one, you are in another. However, if you know that everything is just a trap, then it loses it's power over you. Ie, the key weapon to avoid traps, is to not be arrogant. A good example of arrogance, is the fact that people think that, when they're in the waking-state (as opposed to the dream-state), they are awake. -- This is a prefect example of pure arrogance, because how do they know that the waking-state is not just another dream-state. Indeed, it seems obvious, that no one can ever know that they're not dreaming. -- Indeed, if the manifestation is nothing but traps, then the manifestation is nothing but infinite dream-states (traps). On this basis, the most that a person can do, is to just be aware that they're always in a dream. Ie, with this, will come some freedom. -- However, the depth that they can do this at, will determine how free they are. Ie, if they're able to include their mind/body/sprit as part of the dream, then that is deeper. And if 1168

they can include all subtle thoughts (eg, “I”, “awareness”, etc), then that will make them more free. -- Ie, if there is awareness of all the levels/dreams/traps simultaneously, then there will be more freedom and peace. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everything can be faked (and/or put into you), to trick/control/manipulate/enslave/use you. -- Ie, feelings/sensations/thoughts/intuition/resonance/messages/experiences/memories/ higher-self/etc, are all things, that can be put into you. Therefore, none of these can be trusted. These things are only ever put into you, (by some perpetrator (person/entity/alien/god/thing)), so that they can control/manipulate/enslave/use you. Before getting to the main points, I'll go through some logical steps, as follows. If a person is given a feeling of overwhelming bliss, (and/or overwhelming unconditional love), and then they're told that they will get this amazing/divine feeling again (when they do x, y, z), then that person will probably do x, y, z, (and they'll do x, y, z, as often as possible). -- Ie, that's how easy it is, to control/manipulate/enslave a person. Ie, the perpetrator, only has to make sure that the victim becomes dependant on them (for these feelings), and then they're in complete control of that victim. Ie, it's no different, to a drug dealer getting someone addicted to a hard drug, (because the drug dealer knows, that the drug user will then do anything that they want, (just to get that fix/hit/feeling)). Of course, for the drug dealer to make sure that they're the one that the victim comes to, they have to also ensure, that the victim is brainwashed/programmed to believe, that they're the only ones who can give them this drug. Also, the drug dealer will have to make sure, that the victim is brainwashed/programmed to believe, that this fix/hit/feeling, can only ever come from this drug, and that it cannot be generated naturally within the body, nor can it be got from any other source. And the drug dealer will also have to make sure, that they do not give this fix/hit/feeling, on a regular basis, because they need to make sure, that this is given as a special reward. Of course, this is all just basic tactics of control/manipulation. ---------The key point is, that what I've just been describing, is what happens in in everyday life, (in most people’s lives). 1169

-- However, in normal life, there is no need to use bliss to control people. -- Ie, because most people, only ever experience less intense feelings (than bliss), they can be easily controlled/manipulated, by just giving them feelings/emotions of the most basic (worldly) pleasure and love. And, indeed, most people will spend a huge amount of time/effort/money, just to feel those tiny moments of pleasure and love. -- And, (as perviously mentioned), partners/families/parents/etc, use this control/manipulation on each other, on a daily basis. -----------------------------However, let's take it all a step further. -- What gets harder for some people to believe, is that any person can be fooled into seeing/hearing/feeling anything (that the perpetrator wants). -- Ie, you can't trust your senses, since this is also a way to be controlled and manipulated. Now, lets take this a step further. -- If this can be done whilst you are alive, then perhaps it can be done, after you're dead. -- Ie, it can be argued, that after you're dead, you can still be controlled/manipulated, to fall into a trap. This would be so easy to do, since the perpetrator, would only have to create: 1. Images of dead loved ones. 2. Images of your god. 3. Images of angels. 4. Overwhelming sensations of unconditional love/bliss/etc. 5. Etc. ---------Note: Some people argue, that one of these traps, is the “white light� (that people see after death), and that after you enter the white light, then you are reincarnated back onto this planet, (and so your suffering starts, all over again). -----------------------------Note: The important part of all of this, is that if you can't trust your senses/feelings/thoughts/intuition/etc, (because all of these can be faked, and/or put into you), then you really are just a puppet/robot/slave/etc. This might all sound extreme, but it certainly does fit in with the fact that: 1. The traps never end.


2. Everything in the manifest, is a trap. 3. The waking-state, is just another dream-state. 4. What we experience in our dreams, can feel just as real (or more real) than the waking-state. 5. Etc. -------------------The key point is, that, if: “The waking state, is just another dream state”, and, “What we experience in our dreams, can feel just as real (or more real) than the waking-state.”, then, It's obvious, that feelings/sensations/thoughts/intuition/resonance/messages from your higher self/etc, can all be things, that can be put into you. Ie, it really is true, that everything can be faked (and/or put into you), to control/manipulate/enslave/use you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since, everything in the manifestation, is a trap, to control/manipulate/enslave/use you, this inherently means, that: The manifestation itself, is deliberately designed, (and is in existence), purely to to control/manipulate/enslave/use/rape you. Ie, existence only exists, for malevolent purposes. This might sound harsh, but this is to be expected, because if you wanted the ultimate peace/freedom/etc, you wouldn't create existence, (because the ultimate peace/freedom, only exists in/as non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a perpetrator can control all feelings/thoughts/etc, that are put into you, then they’re not just “controlling you”, because really speaking, they're “creating all of you”. 1171

Let's follow on from the previous sections. One of the previous sections, focused mainly on the fact, that the sensations/feelings that are put into you, is done purely to control/manipulate you. -- However, what is perhaps much more important to see, is that thoughts can be put into you, to control/manipulate you. Or, moreover, what is infinitely more important to see, is that the real power, comes from being able to control all things, that are put into you. Ie, any perpetrator, that can control all of the things put into you, (feelings/sensations/thoughts/intuition/resonance/messages from your higher self/etc), will have total control of you. ---------Of course, if they can do this, then its not accurate to say, that they're “controlling you”, because really speaking, they're “creating all of you”. Ie, they've created all of what you are, which can include, putting into you, the thoughts/feelings/sensations: 1. “I exist”, along with the sensation/knowing of “I am”, and everything else that makes up “you”. 2. “I am a sentient being.” 3. “I have: free will, choice, freedom, etc.” 4. Etc. Ie, the perpetrator has literally created you, (so that they can enslave/use/rape you, for whatever selfish purposes/desires that they have). Ie, in this case, the perpetrator, is your creator. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The creator of life/existence, was evil (in creating you), but in doing so, you can perhaps take advantage (of this direct link), and control the creator. Or, more accurately, “you” and the “the creator”, are the one-same-thing. Ie, “you”, “the creator”, “the unmanifest”, and “the manifestation”, are the one-same-thing. Therefore, this provides another option, of how existence can be ended. It's important to see, that if the perpetrator/creator has created you, that then they're not “controlling you”, because there is no “you” that is independent. 1172

-- Indeed, perhaps a better explanation, is that “they are you”. Indeed, some people believe, that the manifestation (and everyone in it), is an image of the creator. Or, more accurately, that there is no difference between “you” and “the creator”. Ie, there is absolutely no separation, between you, and the creator. This would mean, that everything in the manifestation, is the one-same-thing. And, if the creator is the unmanifest, and the manifestation (which it created), then the unmanifest and manifestation are the one-same-thing. Ie, this would mean, that: You are the creator, the unmanifest, and the manifestation. ---------Note: It's important to not get caught up, in this type of theory, unless it has a benefit. -- However, in this case, the benefit is that these types of realisations, are stepping-stones, which can help you towards a deeper realisation, which will naturally transform the manifestation (to one that has zero suffering). The next few sections, will act as stepping-stones which can help see how this all happens. Ie, throughout this book, I have mentioned about totally changing the manifestation (at a fundamental level), and since you are the manifestation and the unmanifest, this all now seems possible. -- Ie, I have (in previous sections), talked of other methods of how to end existence, but over the next few sections, I will explain another option, of how existence can be ended. Ie, you are not just “connected” to the unmanifest/manifestation, but you are it, and therefore, it is possible to naturally change it. A more basic stepping-stone, (and incorrect way to see this), is that a person might put a leash on a dog, because they want to take the dog for a walk. -- Ie, they have connected themselves to the dog, based on the belief, that they can control the dog in this manner. However, by creating this direct link, the dog now realises, that they (the dog) can now be in control of the person/owner. Ie, the creator was evil (in creating you), but in doing so, you can take advantage of this direct link, and control the creator. -- Or, more accurately, “you” and the “the creator”, are the one-same-thing. -------------------Note: Another way to look at it, is that, in the past, you were evil, and created the manifestation. However, times have changed, and you now see how much suffering you’ve caused, and so now you want to totally change the whole manifestation. The point is, the story is not important, all that's important, is that the manifestation is seen as something that is causing suffering, and all suffering must be ended. The following sections, will explain how this can happen.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When people hear that “you are the creator”, most of them will automatically want to believe something like: “I am the benevolent creator, of this perfect manifestation, that is made of pure love”. Needless to say, they'll not want to look clearly/honestly at life, and then say something like: “Life is full of suffering, and so if I am the creator, I must therefore be responsible for all of it. And it must also mean, that I'm inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil”. ---------Let's continue from the previous section. Most people do not want to see how things really are. Ie, they're willing to investigate/research/read/learn/etc, but if they find that cruel things are happening, then they'll want to find out who is to blame, and blame them. Of course, they'll look to blame anyone, except themselves. Moreover, they'll do anything to avoid coming to conclusion, that they have been (or are) cruel/evil. Therefore, it's inevitable, that when people hear that “you are the creator”, most of them will automatically believe that they are “the benevolent creator”, and they will then add all the other words/qualities that they would love to think themselves to be. The result will then be something like: “I am the benevolent creator of this perfect manifestation that is made of love”. Needless to say, most people do not want to see life clearly/honestly, especially if the conclusion (from that clear/honest seeing), is that “life is full of suffering”. -- And, this is not going to be their conclusion, especially if they know that they are the creator. However, if you look at life clearly/honestly, then it's impossible to avoid the fact, that “life is full of suffering”. And, if it's true that “you are the creator”, then it's time to accept the fact that: “I must be responsible for all this suffering (that is in the whole of existence), and therefore, I must be inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil”. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Change can only ever happen, after you accept the truth, (of how the situation really is). 1174

What this means, is that change cannot happen, unless you accept, conclusions/realisations like: “Life is full of suffering, and so if I am the creator, I must therefore be responsible for all of it. And it must also mean, that I'm inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil”. ---------No problem can ever get solved, until you examine it clearly/honestly, and accept the situation exactly as it is. -- Indeed, this is nothing new, especially in the subject of overcoming addictions. Ie, it's impossible to overcome an addiction, until you firstly admit that you are an addict. Indeed, this is true in all subjects. And, it's also commonly known, that unless you solve the problem at a fundamental level, it will keep recurring. And, to solve it at a fundamental level, you need to have examined the situation at a fundamental level. And, if there are many things that are inextricably interlinked, then you have to examine them all, (individually, and all together). Indeed, this is why throughout this book, all the main subjects/aspects of everyday life, have been examined. -- What is important to see, is that in every single one of them, the conclusions have been the same, which are that: 1. All things in the manifestation (even the most amazingly beautiful moments), are cruel/evil. 2. The manifestation is full of suffering. 3. The creator that created the manifestation, is inherently cruel/evil. 4. If the manifestation was never created, (and it's just a reflection of the creator), then the creator is still inherently cruel/evil. 5. Etc. ---------Note: Point 4 is important, because some people might argue that “the manifestation was never created”, and/or that “the manifestation never existed” (because all there is, is a pale reflection of the creator, etc). However, the point is, that no matter what excuse is given, the result is still that the creator is inherently cruel/evil. Indeed, the key word in the previous paragraph, is “excuse”. That's all people seem to be interested in. Ie, all people want, is to find whatever excuses/reasons/arguments/etc, that will allow them to believe that they're a good person, and if they believe that they're the creator, then they must be the “benevolent creator”. 1175

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's not important to know what to do. The only thing that's important, is to be able to be honest, and admit that you are causing suffering, and then changes will naturally occur. Therefore, (in the case of the manifestation), it's not important to know how to change the manifestation, because all you need to do, is to be constantly honest, in your seeing of how life is cruel/evil, and then this will will naturally change the situation, from the deepest level. After it's accepted that you're selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, things can progress. -- It's important to note, that after any such deep realisations of the truth, the next steps are natural (and automatic). Indeed, after an addict can openly admit that they're an addict, then they will naturally start to change. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To believe that “I am the creator”, can be a stepping-stone, but it's ultimately a trap (since it creates separation). Also, it doesn't need to be known, to change the manifestation (to one which has zero suffering). -- This is true, because the manifestation will naturally change, if you know that: “All there is, is suffering”, and, “All there is, is evil”. ---------In the previous sections, I have discussed the “I am the creator” part of it. However, the last section was the key, because it states, that all that needs to be done (to end suffering in the manifestation), is to see clearly that the manifestation is cruel/evil. -- Ie, there are many other things that can be known, without needing there to be an “I”, or a “creator”, or a “manifestation”, or an “unmanifest”. Eg, it can be said that: • •

“All there is, is suffering”. “Suffering alone exists”.

• •

“All there is is evil.” “Evil alone exists”.


The point is, that these phrases state, that only one “thing” exists, (whatever that one-thing is), and if only one thing exists, then there is no “i”. Well, you could say that “I alone exist”, but this does not naturally create change.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a statement is not powerful, then change will not naturally happen. -- Eg, the word “suffering”, might not be enough, to naturally propel change. However, the word “evil”, will propel change to naturally happen. Therefore, a deeper change can happen, via the phrase “All there is, is evil”, (as compared to “All there is, is suffering”). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option 1 = If you choose to believe that “I am the benevolent creator, of this perfect manifestation, that is made of pure love”, then no change can occur to the manifestation, because this statement means that the manifestation is perfect, (and therefore, doesn’t need changing). Option 2 = If you choose to believe that “All there is, is evil”, then the manifestation will naturally change towards zero suffering, because this statement means that the manifestation is cruel/evil/immoral/bad/wrong/unacceptable, (and therefore, does need changing). By breaking it down into these two options, it makes things very clear. However, unfortunately, many people will simply say, that there is no suffering, (or that suffering is good), because this will then allows them to believe things like: “I am the benevolent creator, of this perfect manifestation, that is made of pure love”. Ie, some people will say/do/think/believe anything, as long as it allows them to be able to believe these types of things. And, even if they know that believing in these things, will cause suffering, they will not care, (and they'll keep doing it). This might sound harsh, but it's no different, than when these types of selfish people, decide to have a baby, despite the fact, that they know that that baby will suffer regularly (throughout it's entire lifetime). These selfish people, will always just argue, that their “positive” beliefs, are good/important/etc, and that words like “selfish/immoral/cruel/evil”, are all “negative” words, which causes negative consequences. -- However, it's absolutely impossible for change to happen, via their “positive” beliefs, because it's obvious, that no change can ever happen, if your belief is saying that life is 1177

perfect. -- Ie, if life is perfect, then you will not be naturally propelled, to change even one small bit of it. Indeed, an addict will never change, if they believe that they're perfect. It's just simple logic, and common sense. -- Ie, no matter how you look at it, if you believe that something is perfect, change cannot occur. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For the manifestation to naturally change (to zero suffering), perhaps more people will need to openly accept/admit that life (the manifestation) is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. -- However, it's important to see, that this is not a “mystical” change, because as soon as people are honestly admitting this, then things just inherently/naturally start changing. There is the possibility, that if only a small percentage of the population, (perhaps only 0.1%), are able to openly accept/admit that life (the manifestation) is cruel/evil, that then change will naturally happen, (towards zero suffering). However, there is also the possibility, that this change can only occur if the percentage is larger. -- Or, perhaps, a small percentage is enough, but then the change is slower. The above are all “perhaps”, but what is definitely clear, is that, the more people that can accept/admit it, the better. Ie, it can only help. Therefore, people have to start to examine this subject of “life”, (and all of the everyday aspects of life), so that they see the inevitable conclusion, (which will inevitably transform, the manifestation (to zero suffering)). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The belief that “I am the creator”, will not allow you to make big changes in your life (or the manifestation). The power to change, does not come from desiring/wanting, nor from asking/making/demanding change. Change will naturally happen, only if you honestly admit/expose absolutely everything. It's important to note, that (in the previous few sections), it was discussed how the manifestation can be changed, however, this change is not by “wanting/desire”. Ie, this change is just naturally going to occur, from a clear/honest seeing, of how things are. 1178

Indeed, perhaps this will answer people’s issue, of why they say to themselves that “I am the creator”, but they are not able to make any huge changes in the manifestation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When admitting that “All there is, is evil”, it must be done “openly”. -- Indeed, if you realise/know something (eg, that “suffering is unacceptable”), and you want to reduce the amount of suffering in your life, then if you do not openly admit this (eg, that suffering is unacceptable), then change will occur, but it will occur a lot slower, and it will be limited. Ie, there will be a point/limit, where you will not be able to go beyond, until you openly admit it. -- Ie, you will keep suffering in a particular way, until you go past that limit. And to reduce your suffering a lot, there are a few key things to realise/know, and these all need to be admitted openly. (Examples of these key things (that need to be realised/known), are in the conclusion). ---------In previous sections, I have stated that after an addict openly admits, that they are an addict, only then can change start to happen. One of the key words here, is “openly”. Note: When I say “openly”: •

I'm talking about being able to openly admit all the key things, (ie, openly admit the things, that are said in the conclusion of this book).

I am not talking about people openly admitting every bad deed that they've done. Yes, everyone has done bad/selfish/immoral things, and the deeper you go, the more you'll realise, that you've caused even more suffering than you can imagine, (because you'll realise, that suffering was caused, even at times when you didn't think you were causing suffering, (eg, even whilst you were: having amazing times, making other people happy, helping people, etc)).

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Openly admitting that “All there is, is evil”, is not enough. It has to be 24/7, but not a practice, nor something remembered. Ie, when you are sensitive enough (to all the suffering that exists in the world), then you'll see suffering everywhere (all the time), and this will naturally make you be constantly aware of evil, everywhere (all the time). Ie, it's not a choice that you are this type of person. And, you'll have no way to un-see it. It's just all naturally happening, in every moment. 1179

Let's follow on from the previous section. Even if the addict openly admits that they’re an addict, they know that they'll never overcome the addiction. Ie, they will never be “cured”. Ie, addicts are always in “recovery”, for the rest of their life. Ie, they have to be aware of it, 24/7, for the rest of their life. However, this is not something that they “do”, it's just how they naturally are. Ie, they're naturally seeing it everywhere, all of the time. The point is, the situation here is exactly the same. Ie, it's no use if a person just says “All there is, is evil”, but it's just a part-time thing. And, this does not mean that they're depressive/pessimistic/etc, people. All it means, is that they're sensitive to all the suffering that exists in the world. And, since suffering is everywhere (all the time), it's inevitable, that they'll naturally see it everywhere (all the time). Indeed, it seems obvious, that only when a person is like this, will change ever be able to happen, because from seeing life clearly/honestly (in every moment), all the right actions will naturally follow. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To reduce/prevent/eliminate all suffering for all, there's no need for super powers/abilities, nor any special skills. -- Also, this has nothing to do with being saintly/holy/religious/spiritual/etc. -- Also, this process of transformation, is not anything mystical, nor magical. All it is, is clear/honest seeing, from which all the right actions will follow, (at whatever level necessary, and at many levels simultaneously). In the previous section, it was explained, that a person just naturally sees all the suffering that exists in the world. The important point here, is that, that's all it is. A clear/honest seeing, of how life is. Indeed, this is also true, for any practical things that need to be done. Ie, a situation arises, and if it's seen clearly/honestly, then simple rational/logic/common sense will follow, along with the right actions. Also, these actions will naturally happen at whatever level is necessary, and at all levels simultaneously. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Unacceptable” is your “guide”. Except, it's not really a “guide”, because it doesn't tell you where to go, or what to do. Instead, it just tells you where not to go, and what not to do. 1180

It's obvious, that the only good guide in life, is to know what is unacceptable, because: 1. If you see that something is unacceptable, then you'll naturally want to avoid it, and/or change it. And the opposite of this, is that 2. If you think that something/everything is perfect, then you'll naturally not want to change a single bit of it. And therefore, 3. Seeing that things are “unacceptable”, is the key, because nothing can happen without it. -------------------If you think something is unacceptable, or you get an ugly/cringe feeling in your body, then use these to direct you in life. -- Ie, you don't need to know what to do, but you can know what not to do, and what does not feel right. This will simply guide you, to lead a life, where you don't do anything, that will cause you/others suffering. Even if you want enlightenment, (whichever definition you have of it, including “ ”), nonacceptance is not going to be a hinderance. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Suffering” is your “guide”. Except, it's not really a “guide”, because it doesn't tell you where to go, or what to do. Instead, it just tells you where not to go, and what not to do. The thing that is unacceptable in life, is suffering. Therefore, it can be said, that: “Suffering is your guide”. No, this does not mean that suffering is good. To explain this, the best analogy, is as follows. If a perpetrator (person/god/alien/entity), created a horrifically painful plague, which spread across the whole world, and then one year later, that perpetrator came to earth with a cure, then you would not be grateful to them, (because they started the plague in the first place). The point is, that suffering is not necessary as a guide, because a guide is not needed, if suffering does not exist. 1181

Eg, if all there is, is one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, then: 1. There is no need for a guide, since that realm is automatically going ever-deeper, and since it's going ever-deeper into something that is always wanted at a deeper level (freedom/peace/love/bliss), then there is no need for a guide. 2. There is no person/people/entities in this realm, (because there is no separation in that one realm), and therefore, there can't be a person/god/entity to guide. -- Ie, “guides”/“needing guiding”/etc, are all totally redundant. Moreover, all of the above, is totally irrelevant, if there's only “That”, (non-existence). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Using “unacceptable”/“suffering” as your “guide”, is not something that is permanent. Ie, it has a definite (natural) end point, (just as crutches are useful, but then at some point, become a hindrance). Of course, the natural end point, is “That” (non-existence). Let's continue from the previous section, but let's go back a step. If suffering does exist (in this manifestation), then a guide is useful. However, at some point, all suffering will inevitably be eliminated. Ie, this whole thing about “unacceptable is your guide”, is not something that is permanent. Ie, it has an end. Some people will argue that change must always occur, and therefore, the process will never end. However, this is not true, because “change” does not need suffering. Ie, change can happen, without suffering. -- The perfect example of this, is one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. Moreover, suffering will never reappear, because that can only happen, if the change was in the opposite direction. Ie, suffering, really is totally unnecessary. Also, some people might argue that the manifestation can’t ever end. However, this argument is irrelevant, because the manifestation will never need to end, if there is one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. The point is, people are just trying to find explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, to make suffering into something that is acceptable/good/important/necessary/vital/etc. -- And in so doing, suffering will always continue. The only way to reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, is to accept that suffering is unnecessary, and then take action to eliminate it, permanently. 1182

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, are lies/traps/misdirection/etc, and will cause suffering to everyone. -- This is obvious, because all these things, are brainwashing/programming/enabling/gaslighting/etc. Ie, all these things, will just keep creating/spreading/perpetuating suffering in the world. -- Ie, only when the people stop believing, (and actively spreading), all this lies/brainwashing/programming, will all suffering end, for all. In the next section, I will list many typical explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, that people think/say/use to brainwash/program themselves (and other people). -- However, before doing that, it's important to understand, that these excuses can be said for many reasons. -- Eg, these excuses/justifications/etc, are said (and believed) by people, so that they: 1. Trap/control/manipulate their partners/family/children/friends/community/coworkers/etc. 2. Can hide their selfish/immoral/cruel/evil actions, (whether those words/actions/behaviours, were in the past, or are in the present). 3. Make themselves feel, that their suffering, was not for nothing. 4. Make life seem meaningful/purposeful/etc. 5. Make their beliefs sound real/correct. 6. Make themselves feel better. 7. Make life seem acceptable/good/moral/etc. 8. Etc. -------------------Note: Most explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, are like fail-safe systems. -- Ie, when a person breaks though one trap, they then find themselves in a new trap. And, the simplest way to make sure that a person does not get through all the traps, is to just have hundreds of the traps, because what happens then, is that even if a person manages to get through each trap quickly, they will just end up spending their whole lifetime trying to get through all traps, but they will never manage to get through all of them. Also, whilst people are trying to get through these traps, those people might end up promoting (brainwashing/programming) these traps (to everyone else). 1183

-- It's a clever system, and it must not be underestimated. Indeed, it has worked successfully, for thousands of years. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People are constantly trying to find explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, to make suffering into something, that is acceptable/good/important/vital/etc. -- To make this apparent, here is a list of many typical explanations/reasons/excuses/justifications/etc, that people give: “B” = The brainwashed/programmed person, (parent/partner/friends/teacher/guru/etc). “C” = Challenge Everything. This will be a brief argument/comment, against the statement that “B” makes. There are many ways to challenge these statements/phrases/excuses/reasons/etc, however, I will just use a single argument, and try to be as brief as possible. The following, is a brief list of them: B -- “Life is amazing/perfect.” C -- If anyone says this, they're probably meaning it in a positive sense. And, if so, they're being selfish, because they can only believe this if they ignore those that are suffering. -- Alternatively, they're just narrow-minded, or are willing to accept the excuses/reasons/arguments, of why suffering is good/necessary/important/etc. -- However, yes, “Life is perfect”, if they mean it in the negative sense, because life truly is a perfect display of prison/torture/slavery/rape. So perfect, that there is no escape. I have explained this in more detail in the long conclusion. B -- “Life is perfectly imperfect.” C -- Some people argue that “Life is perfectly imperfect.” To explain this, they say that: “Life is actually perfect, because everything you do in life, is never enjoyed in the long-term.” Ie, life is showing you, that nothing in life, is “It”, and therefore, everyone is being directed/pushed/forced towards “That”. -- This is flawed in two ways: 1. Why not go instantly straight to “That”. Ie, the suffering is unnecessary. 2. After you see that everything in life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, life will still not show you the way “out”, whether by transcending life, enlightenment, or whatever else. B -- “It's perfect, if you see it in the right way.” C -- For life to be “perfect”, life should cause no suffering to anyone. Surely, this is the definition of “perfect”. -- Ie, if this phrase is said to a person, then that person must be suffering, and if even one person is suffering, then it's not perfect. B -- “You can't comprehend god's plan. No one can comprehend god's plan.” C -- There's absolutely no need to comprehend god's plan, just the results. And, the 1184

results of this plan, can be seen by looking at people’s lives. -- Ie, upon a clear/honest observation of people's lives, it's seen that everyone suffers regularly, throughout their entire lifetime. Therefore it can be concluded, that god's plan, is to cause suffering. This must be true, since suffering is absolutely not necessary. B -- “Suffering is necessary/important/good/etc.” C -- I have covered this issue, in the long conclusion. B -- “You chose to be here (on earth), but you are just not able to remember why you chose to come here.” C -- I have covered this earlier on. B -- “After enlightenment, you will be amazed by the depth of the mystery of life.” C -- There is no “mystery” to life. The only thing that you'll be amazed by, is the depth of the cruelty/evil, because it really is ever-deeper. Somehow, there really is no end/limits to it. B -- “Do you really think that you can do better than god (at creating this life/manifestation)?” C -- Yes, it is extremely easy to think of a better creation (that this manifestation). For starters, there would be zero suffering. And, there’s even two good options, which are: non-existence, or one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. -- Ie, when people say this question to you, it's basically just said, to try to shame you. -- However, there's also a massive assumption/misdirection behind this question, which is that, they're inherently stating, that creating a manifestation, is good/important/necessary/vital/etc. Ie, when you know that this is just an assumption/misdirection, then it's easier to see/realise, that non-existence is the only good/wise option. B -- “Be positive.” C -- This is what many people try to do, because they do not want to see/admit how selfish/immoral/cruel/evil life is. Ie, they're trying to escape reality, by creating a delusion for themselves. B -- “Suicide is the worst thing that someone can do.” C -- Most people fear suicide, for many personal selfish reasons. One of these reasons, is that they fear that one of their personal-slaves might commit suicide, and this is especially bad for them, because they have put so much time/effort/energy into making that person their slave, (and therefore it would be devastating to lose that, and to have to start all over again). B -- “Everything is made of love.” C -- If this is true, then this type of “love”, is cruel/evil. 1185

B -- “Love is the goal.” C -- This can’t be true, because after thousands of years, the world is still full of suffering. B -- “Everyone's soul is pure.” C -- If everyone's soul was pure, there would be no suffering. -- Also, they probably haven't even considered the possibility, that the “soul” might be something bad, (eg, a parasite). B -- “The manifestation (life/existence), is god's reflection/image, therefore the manifestation (life/existence), is pure.” C -- The manifestation (life/existence), might be god's reflection, however, if it is, then it shows that god must be cruel/evil. I say “must be”, because the reflection is just a reflection. Ie, reflections don't lie. B -- “Synchronicity is something that proves, just how amazing/wonderful/intelligent/etc, life is.” C -- “Synchronicity”, is where (good) things in life, just happen, at the right time, and place. Therefore, synchronicity, is just like a cure that is given (by the creator of life), for a disease that the creator created. -- Ie, if you take all of the bad things, out of life, then there is absolutely no need for synchronicity. Moreover, if all the bad things in life were eliminated, then the idea of introducing synchronicity, is a ridiculous one, because synchronicity would create new problems (where there were none). B -- “All you need to remember, is that: “This too shall pass”.” C -- Yes, it's true that all things will pass, and therefore that the suffering (that you're going through) will pass. However, this doesn't really help at all, because you also know that, after the suffering passes, there will only be a brief rest (from suffering), before you're suffering again. B -- “Your soul-mate (or ideal partner), will appear at some point.” C -- I have covered this subject earlier. B -- “How a person looks, is superficial.” C -- Yes, but so is everything. Everything is superficial, and so if you want to care about something, why not care about looks. Beauty can stop your thoughts, which is potentially much more beneficial, than: conversations, intelligent discussions, most spiritual teachings, etc, because these things are often just superficial sentences/phrases/statements/arguments/etc, used to make a person feel better about themselves, and make all their subtle/sly ways and tactics acceptable/good/clever/impressive/successful/moral/etc. -- Ie, looks is perhaps the only thing, that can’t be lied about. Yes, you might be able to see 1186

how the person has enhanced their looks, but you know that these enhancements are temporary. -- Ie, the deception of looks, is never as bad as the deception of words, (whatever type of words are used). -- Moreover, the deception of words, is infinitely worse than the deception of looks, as is proven by the fact, that everyone in the world is suffering, and most of this, is caused because people are using words against each other, (via brainwashing/programming/controlling/manipulating/etc). B -- “Life is a game.” C -- Life is not a “game”. This is true, because most games allow you to stop playing, and walk away from them. There is absolutely no such instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way, to walk away from this “game” of life. B -- “If you allow suffering to happen, you will transcend it”. C -- Yes, this can happen, but this will not work in the long-term. No technique/practise/system/way/etc, will work in the long-term. B -- “Love is a gift.” C -- Love seems to be more like a hard impure street drug (like heroin). Ie, it's a bad thing. A very bad/negative thing. This is true, because life gives people a short dose of this drug (called love), but life will then take it away, knowing that that person will spend all their time/energy/effort/money/etc, just to try and get that hit/fix/experience again. -- Ie, this thing called “love”, that the creator gives people, is more like a tool/tactic/weapon, to control/manipulate/enslave/rape a person. B -- “If life was cruel/evil, it would not provide people with moments of: true happiness, pure pleasure, pure joy, etc.” C -- See the previous explanation, (for “Love is a gift”). B -- “Experiences of god, and spiritual experiences, are a gift.” C -- See the previous explanation, (for “Love is a gift”). B -- “Physical pain is necessary/good/important/etc.” C -- No, this is not true, as can be proved by the fact, that dreams can be so vivid, that they feel more real than when you are awake. Also, some people temporarily die (medically/technically), or are in a coma, but when they wake up, they say that they have had all kinds of experiences, which were more real than this physical world. -- Therefore, there is absolutely no need for physical dimension to exist. B -- “A body is necessary to experience.” C -- See the previous explanation, (for “Physical pain is necessary/good/important/etc.”). 1187

B -- “Life needs to create physical bodies, so that it can experience itself.” C -- See the previous explanation, (for “Physical pain is necessary/good/important/etc.”). B -- “There is no good or bad.” C -- I have covered this subject earlier. B -- “'Cruel' and 'evil', are just concepts.” C -- I have covered this subject earlier. Etc. This list could go on forever. These are just a few of them. All of them are lies, and are there only to deceive you, and keep you as a slave. ---------Note: I have demonstrated a few more of these sentences/phrases/statements, (except in a different way), in an earlier section, and in the long conclusion. And in some of these instances, the best example to use, was that of a conversation, between a perpetrator and a victim, (where the victim is imprisoned in the perpetrators basement, and is being raped and tortured on a daily basis). Indeed, (as mentioned before), then best way to know if a sentence/phrase is truly useful to you, is to put yourself in the position of this victim (who is being raped/tortured every day), and see if those sentences/words/phrases help you. -- And, if these sentences/phrases are not of any use (in that scenario), then those sentences/phrases are just designed to brainwash/program/control/manipulate/enslave you. However, most people are wanting to brainwash/program themselves, and everyone around them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people have been brainwashed/programmed to believe that: •

All the “positive” words (good/important/moral/perfect/etc), are allowed to be used to describe life. -- Therefore, you are allowed to say: “Life is good/perfect”.

All “negative” words (cruel/evil/bad/immoral/etc), are not allowed to be used to describe life, (because these words are just concepts). -- Therefore, you are not allowed to say: “Life is cruel/evil”. 1188

-------------------This is a very similar situation, to the previous section. Many people will argue non-stop that: “'Cruel' and 'evil', are just concepts”. However, this is just another fail-safe trap/belief. Ie, people are brainwashed/programmed to believe that “'Cruel' and 'evil', are just concepts”, so that if they ever get to the stage where they examine life (and realise that life is cruel/evil), they then feel that this conclusion is wrong, (since cruel and evil are just concepts). However, it must be brainwashing/programming, since they're ok with believing that: “Life is good”, “Suffering is necessary”, etc. Needles to say, all words are concepts. Ie, you either use them, or you don’t. -- Ie, don’t say you can use some words, but not others. ---------It’s also notable, that some words are brainwashed/programmed into people, in a much deeper way. Indeed, this should be a warning sign. Ie, the more ingrained something is, the more you should examine and challenge it. Indeed, it's always suspicious when a word is so deeply ingrained into people, (especially if it’s ingrained as being bad). Indeed, this is true for the word “suicide”. The word “suicide” is a very good example, because it’s obvious that suicide is perhaps a good thing. Indeed, it can be argued, that after hearing that a person has died, there can be a great sense of happiness for them, since they are free from this world of suffering. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People link words (consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously) all the time, and they do not question it, (usually because it's suits their selfish/immoral ways). However, the result is always the same, (suffering for themselves, and everyone). There are many things, that most people are brainwashed/programmed to believe, but these things are too hard for most people to recognise. The reason why they're hard to recognise, is because they are “positive” traits/qualities. -- Eg, many people are brainwashed/programmed to believe that it's good to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Overcome/persevere/fight/etc. Succeed. Stay alive. Etc.

And you know when the brainwashing/programming is complete, because the people will not know, that these are just beliefs/ideas/stories/fairy-stories/etc, (and nothing more than that). -- Ie, most people just think that this is fact. -- Ie, the belief “succeeding is good”, is not even something they would say, because 1189

“succeed” means “good” to them. And it's at such a deep level, that this is not something that is even questionable to them. Indeed, people link words (consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously) all the time, and they do not question it. And this is what leads to them think/doing things, without questioning, and it inevitably leads to their suffering, (and also the suffering of other people). Eg, most people just hear the word “baby”, and equate this with the word “good”. -- Of course, if you say this previous sentence to a person, they might think that this is not true. Therefore, the only way to prove it to them, is to turn it around. -- Ie, you know that they don’t hear the word “baby”, and equate this with the word “bad”, because when they hear that someone is pregnant, they say “congratulations” (in a good way). -- This type of brainwashing/programming, means that these people will want to have a baby, (because they believe that having a baby, is a “good” thing). Ie, the person never stops to question, whether “baby” equates with “bad”. Moreover, they'll then link the words “good” and “selfless”, and then believe that “having baby is selfless”. The point is, that it's not just the words that need questioning, but all these links between words, because they too compound the suffering. And, they're not able to see this any other way. And, then people start to link all the “positive” words, without questioning what they're doing. Eg, people will link the words “baby” and “good” and “selfless”. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arrogance and selfishness, is what is blinding you (from seeing what is causing your suffering). -- Therefore, your suffering will inevitably continue, until you examine it. -- Therefore, only you can free yourself (from your suffering). It's clear, that most people are arrogant. No one has to admit this, because it's just easy to see this everywhere, in everyday life. You don't have to listen to a person, just look at their life and actions. Eg, the failure rates of marriages (and any type of relationship), is really poor, however, due to arrogance, people in a new relationship will think: “we're different”, “we're not like that”, “we're not going to be like that”. And inevitably, as the relationship progresses, they encounter all the same problems that everyone else has. The point is, that their arrogance is so strong, that they do not learn at any stage. Eg, they move in together, and yet again, they encounter all the same problems that everyone else has. So, to combat this, they get married, because “we're not going to be like that”, and yet they fall into the same problems and traps (that everyone else has). So, to combat this, they decide to have a baby. And so the lessons are never learnt, because the arrogance stays strong.


In the above example, it should be noted, that the failure rate (of marriages/relationships) does not include those people that are in marriages/relationships, that are only still happening, because one/both of them can't easily escape, (but one/both of them will as soon as an opportunity arises). -- Or, it's common that relationships continue, only until one of them them meets someone else, who is more: attractive, sexual, affectionate, funny, alive, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to help someone, say something, but know when to move on. And after moving on, always keep moving on, because otherwise you will stagnate at a certain level, (and not question at an ever-deeper level), nor try to implement the solution (to end all suffering for all) at an ever-deeper level. If a person wants to help someone (reduce the amount of suffering in their life), then they have to realise, that there's only so much that they can do. So, if you want to help a person, you can say something to them, but after that, you have to remember, that it's only they that can make the change. And you also have to remember, that even if they have seen what is causing them suffering, they might want to keep that situation as it is, because the implications of changing it, are too much for them, (and so they might never do it). So, to help someone, you can say things to them, (if it's believed that it might possibly help them), but after that, move on. And keep moving on. Indeed, the deeper you go, the deeper the level from which you can help end all suffering for all, and help everyone get ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See “Extra notes” (below), on the next page.



Extra notes The pdf of this book, which is available from the main website (everdeeperhonesty.com), will always be the latest version, (ie, the original publication, plus some minor corrections made to it, (eg, spelling errors, typos, formatting, etc)). -- And this is also true, for the pdf that is available via BitTorrent Sync. However, the pdf that is read/downloaded via any of the other sources, will either be the original version of the book, or some other versions, which may (or may not) be the latest version. It would have been nice if it was all simpler (from one source), however, the situation has dictated that it all be done this way. ---------And the same is true for the words “ever deeper honesty”, because it would have been nice if they were the same everywhere, however, the situation has dictated that they are in a slightly different format (in different situations), eg: ever-deeper honesty

-- Is the format used in written text, and it refers to the process of being honest in ever-deeper ways. -- In written text, a hyphen is needed to join those two words. This is needed for many different reasons. One reason, is because it allows other words to be joined to the word ‘ever’ (in a similar way). Eg, ever-deeper, ever-worse, etc. -- The hyphen is also good, because it joins the words, whilst still emphasising each separate word, (‘ever’, and ‘deeper’). Ie, the emphasis on each word, does not happen, if it’s said as one word, (‘everdeeper’).

Ever Deeper Honesty

-- Is the format used, when referring to the title of this book. -- It would have been nice to keep the format the same (ie, hyphenate ‘ever-deeper’), however, the title looks/feels wrong if a hyphen is used.

ever-deeper-honesty.pdf -- Is the format used in the file name, (eg, when downloaded). -- Filename formatting rules, advise that there should ideally be no spaces between words, and no upper case letters, and that hyphens are used (because hyphens make it easier to read the filename). Side note: Another way to directly find the book, is by typing into a search engine: ever deeper honesty pdf ever-deeper-honesty

-- Is the format used in the folder name, (for BitTorrent Sync). 1192

-- Filename formatting rules (as mentioned above), also applies to folders, (apparently). I thought that I should mention, that this is how the BitTorrent Sync folder will look, because some people associate multiple hyphens with things that are: fake, copy, spam, bad, etc. everdeeperhonesty.com

-- Is the format used in the domain name. -- With domain names, no spaces are allowed, and ideally no hyphens are used (because many people associate hyphens with websites that are: fake, copy, spam, bad, etc).

If this domain name is seized, (or needs to be changed (for whatever reason)), then I will say what the new domain name is, by adding that information on page 1 (and also on this last page of the book). And similarly, if the email address needs to be changed (for whatever reason), I’ll add that information on page 1 (and also on this last page of the book). If either of these things happen, I will release an updated version of the book, via all of the sources (as detailed on page 1). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Latest version of the book (includes minor corrections): v04 Verify via: 437304 1193 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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