Ever Deeper Honesty How to reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This book should be read in a pdf format. -- It’s free to read online (or download), from the main website: everdeeperhonesty.com -------------------To deter people from trying to censor this book, (and/or website), this book can also be downloaded (legally, and for free), from these decentralised sources: -- archive.org/details/ever-deeper-honesty (This source only has the old version of the book.) -- Download a free app, called “BitTorrent Sync” (getsync.com), and then use this secret/key: BI4SQVUKBFPWEYJCIOBZI3EN73ZJ2XJPE (It’s available on all mobile devices, and desktops.) Or, click this link, follow instructions to install the app, and it will give you the book. https://link.getsync.com/#f=ever-deeper-honesty&sz=0&t=1&s=Q52GDELDNVON2PNPYMBUQSSY6YT4LOMK&i=CB3TL52SCH7IYOK2L7WMOLYXB6NIWGQUT&v=2.3
-------------------If there are any problems with the main website, or minor errors in the book (eg: spelling errors, typos, formatting, etc), then please email: everdeeperhonesty@outlook.com -- BitTorrent Sync, and everdeeperhonesty.com, will have the latest version (of corrections).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This book is split into 2 parts: Part 1: Conclusion (One sentence) Conclusion (Short) Summary Conclusion (Long)
-- page 2 -- page 3 -- page 40 -- page 54
Note: You only need to read the first 45 pages of this book. -- That will be good enough, to help you reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”. However, if you want to speed up this process, then read the long conclusion. You can totally ignore the rest of the book. -- Ie, you do not need to read part 2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------