Numerical experiments and the paths to scientific validity

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Numerical​ ​experiments​ ​and​ ​the​ ​paths​ ​to​ ​scientific​ ​validity Christiano ​et al got much more attention than their paper deserved by putting in a few choice lines in it (Dilettantes! Ha!). Several excellent discussions of the paper — in particular this aspect — are available from ​Jo Mitchell​, ​Brad DeLong (and ​subsequent ​comments​), and ​Noah Smith​. I actually want to defend one particular concept in the paper (although as with most attempts at "science" by economists, it comes off as a nefarious simulacrum). This will serve as a starting point to expand on how exactly we derive knowledge from the world around us. The idea of "DSGE experiments" was attacked by DeLong, but I think he misidentifies the problem [1]. Here is​ ​Christiano​ ​et​ ​al​: The only place that we can do experiments is in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. This line was attacked for its apparent mis-use of the word "experiment", as well as the use of "only".​ ​It's​ ​unscientific!​ ​the​ ​critics​ ​complain.​ ​But​ ​here's​​ ​an​ ​excerpt​ ​from​ ​my​ ​thesis​: The same parameters do a good job of reproducing the lattice data for several other quark masses, so the extrapolation to the chiral limit shown in Fig. 2.3 is expected to allow a good qualitative comparison with the instanton model and the single Pauli-Villars subtraction used in the​ ​self-consistent​ ​calculations. Lattice ​data​. I am referring to output of ​lattice QCD computations that are somewhat analogous to using e.g. the ​trapezoid rule to compute integrals as "data" — i.e. the output of observations. Robert Waldman in comments on DeLong's post makes a distinction between hypothesis (science) and conjecture (math) that would rule out this "lattice QCD data" as a result of "lattice QCD experiments". But this distinction is far too strict as it would rule out actual science done by actual​ ​scientists​ ​(i.e.​ ​physicists,​ ​e.g.​ ​me). Saying "all simulations derived from theory are just math, not science" misses the nuance provided by understanding how we derive knowledge from the world around us, and lattice QCD provides us with a nice example. The reason we can think of lattice QCD simulations as "experiments" that produce "data" is that we can define a font of scientific validity sourced from empirical success. The framework lattice QCD works with (quantum field theory) has been extensively empirically validated. The actual theory lattice QCD uses (QCD) has been empirically validated at high energy. As such, we can believe the equations of QCD represent some aspect of the world around us, and therefore simulations using them are a potential source​ ​of​ ​understanding​ ​that​ ​world.​ ​Here's​ ​a​ ​graphic​ ​representing​ ​this​ ​argument:

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