Jahmil woodard fossil e-book

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By Jahmil Woodard

7 types of fossils ● Body fossil ● Molecular fossil ● Trace fossil ● Carbon fossil ● Psuedofossil ● Cast fossil ● Preserved fossil

Body fossil

Body fossils are the most common type of fossil found across the world. They are formed from the remains of dead animals and plants. Most body fossils are of hard parts such as teeth, bones, shells, or woody trunks, branches, and stems.

Molecular fossil

Molecular fossils are organic molecules derived from once living organisms. They fall within the category of biomarkers (or biosignatures), which are substances or characteristics that indicate a modern or past biological presence, state, or process.

Trace fossil

A fossil of a footprint, trail, burrow, or other trace of an animal rather than of the animal itself.

Carbon fossil

A carbonaceous film or carbon film is an organism outline of a fossil. It is a type of fossil found in any rock when organic material is compressed, leaving only a carbon residue or film.


A pseudofossil is a natural object, structure, or mineral of inorganic origin which may resemble or be mistaken for a fossil

Cast fossil

A fossil formed when an animal, plant, or other organism dies, its flesh decays and bones deteriorate due to chemical reactions; minerals gradually enter into the cavity, resulting in a cast, also called a mold fossil, which is in the general form of the original organism.

Preserved fossil

A preserved fossil, also known as a "true form fossil," is one that remains intact, or nearly intact, because of the method in which it was fossilized. Preserved fossils are rare;

Summary of fossils There are multiple types of fossils,examples like preserved,cast,pseudofossil, carbon, trace,molecular,and body.These fossils are different in many ways but are also similar in many ways.fossils have been around since the first living things that weren’t micro.every living thing can be a fossil.fossils help us know what lived in the past and what the livings things look back then.fossils are one of the only ways we know about the past.

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