Consolidated Laws of Ethiopia Supplement No. 1 (1973) [Part 2]

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(a, The lessee of a lease for petroleum 01· natural gas sha41 pay a c0yialty of t\velve and one half perce,nt (l2½ %) of the well-h.ead value o,f the crude product extracted by th.e ease. (b) The mode of calculating and assessmg such w�Jl-heaa value shaAll be specified 'by regulations or in the lease. (c) No such royalty s·hall be paid vrith respect t.o pettoleum or na,tll:11?a:lt gas used by the lessee in the coutse of: his operatii@ns under s-uehilease or reintroduced into petroleum ot-J.ratusal gas deposits or fosf Qt N©t used in a.ny way. (d) Such royalty sha[1 be paid who][y or i:m. part in cash or kin:<!I as specified in the lease. (e) Whe1·e any part of su0h 1·oya!lty lS p>aicd i:m. ki1nj, the lessee may be Ie­ quired by tl1e Govemme11t upon reas©nable advance n'@tice, and subject to reimburseme11t for Gosts i:11curJed, to e.nsute the prelimi­ nary treatm.e11t, transportation ,nd sto·raige of s·uch payment. (f) Measurement of production of petrGleum or aatural gas fGr puq,ases o.f such royalty shall �e in accordance with. s11andard methods a!lile practices and shall be cGnsisten: with the provisions ©f this PFoe:fa­ mation and regulations issued hereu:m.der. 41.

Taxes (a) Subject to the provision.s of tlis Article the lessee of a lease for petroleum or natural gas shall he liable, in adaition t0 the paymen:t of royalty as prescribed :iJ1 Articl� 40 p·receding, to pay all income ancl other taxes prescribed by law oo. the sa1ne terms and conditions as apply to otJ1er traders or businecs organisations. (b) Notwithstanding any provisions of the Income Tax PFoclamation 1961 as ame11ded, the rate of i111;ome tax to be assessed and paid in respect of income derived from operations under any such lease shall be fifty-011e percent (51 %) of th� taxable income derive<d; therefrom. (c) Notwithsta11ding the provisio11s of the preceding paragraph or any other law, the Minister may, if he conside,rs that the same is desirable in the national interest, agree and provide in a'.ny lease that: (1) If the total of royalty and other eligible taxes. prescribed in the lease together with income 1ax payable in any fiscal year exceeds fifty-one percent (51 %) of the profits in that year, then the - 463 -


amount of incon1e tax so payable n1ay be reduced and remitte d so t11at the total of such payments to Governme11t shall not if possible, exceed fifty-011e perce11t (51 %) of the profits; a11d 11 of issio re1n e jncome tax under plet com tl1e i11g tand iths v . not\ If. (2) the provisior1s of tl1e previous paragraph, tl1e total payments to Gover1une11t by way of royalty, income a11d eligible taxes, in any fiscal year still exceeds fifty-one perce11t (51 %) of the profits, then, if he so co11siders it justifiable, tb.e amount of such excess may be carried forward a11d deducted in a11y subsequent )'ear against any future liability of the lessee in respect of income tax 01· any other eligible taxes or indebtedness the Gover1unent arisi11g in respect of tl1e said lease but not against any liability in respect of royalty.

(d) For the purpose of Subarticle (c) p1·eceding: (I) ''Eligible Taxes'' shall mean applicable taxes approved by Our Council of Mi11isters and defined in the relevant lease. (2) ''Taxable Income'' shall mean taxable income as dete1mined in accordance with the Income Tax Proclamation 1961 as amended and any re'.evant regulations made thereunder or pursuant to regulatio11s issued under Article 43 of this Proclam­ ation, but after the dejuction of a11y royalty and eligible taxes due and payable i11 respect of the same fiscal year. (3) ''Profits'' shall 1nean taxable income but before the deduction o.f royalty and eligible taxes. - (e) A lessee of a lease which is subject to the provisions of this Article 41 sha.11 not be eligible in respect of that lease for any relief of income tax pursuant t.o the In·vestme11t Proclamatio11, 1966, or any amendment thereof, unless such ·relief has been specifically approved by Our Cou11cil of Ministers and incorporated i11 the said lease.


CROSS REFERENCE Income Ta.x Proclamation as amended, 20/13 (1961) P. 173 17 co,,so/. L. Et!,. 9, Investment Proclamatien, 26/2 (1966) P. 242 and a111endn1e.1ts thereof, 19 Co11sol. L. Et/1 • 3 . •

Ch.apter 5 - Miscella11eous .


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42. · - Confidential Treatment of Inf0ID1ation • I

. All information submitted in applications, reports and inspections pursu­ - 464 -

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-=---..,.---::-------M_!_NINQ AND CONSERVATION

25-1. to the requirements of this Pnoclamation shall be confidential amd no Govemmen·t official shall came or permit such information to oe dii:scl@sed to any person, except o·taeF G@Vefrmli.l.ent officials to whom such fn:o!l'maiion is necessary for the perfoum\anG� of theitr o.ffieial,i without the express consent of the person t© wh1 :om info.tihation relates; provided, however, that nothi:m.1g in tdais Artiele 42 shall be de@me{ff in any way to restrict or 1imit the G0Br1pila'ltion and di:sttibutio·:a of 00-rm­ ation relating to or conitainea in geog_1raphne @Iii geele:-gicim am.a statistics or to the prepa1ration a11<ll 0ii&tria, u.1t.i0'll li>y the @-@w€01!Ill1tel!l!t @f reports and sta1tistrcs wherein the ieentity 0f paooi'©tlllaor 411eJis0.-ns is n0,t <ll.isclosed or appa11oen.t; ancl pr@'\ltaed, f11r1her, nhat filire Festw©1n@Ill set forth in this Article 42 shall Bot apply following filae la]\1se Gf a reas©1i1aJaie period of time, not less thalil three (3) y· ea· ts alild iti aG0·01.ritdmm:�e with regulations issued hereunde-r. 43.

Financial Provisions (a) Not\vithstanding any of th_e p1iovision1 s of the IncG>me 'ifax PF0.e:lam1-,, ation 1961, as amended, aiad su�ject to �:be provisions of Miele 41 hereof, Our Minister of Finat1ce may, l5y reguJations, p.res0tilee dlte manner in which the ta.xable income derivea from aay mi:a.Jn.g activity shall b·e determined an.d assessed fOE tlile purp, 0f I111c0mei Tax, including without prejudice to the gene:ra1iity b.etieo;f: (1) discovery, depreciation tnd capital aillowaoGe-S, w'hieh may b0 deducted from the income arising from ai:t.1,y tm.ming aetivi·ty before determining the tt.xable inco1ne relati11ig the11et0; (2) the costs which may be ceducted from the inc0me arisi'ng fr0m any mining activity befor� determining the ta.xable i11con1.e relat­ ing thereto; and (3) provisions whe.reby i11come derived fram a paa:-tic:u:lam mining activity may, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the said regulations, be determined and assessdi for the purpos· e of Income Tax separately from other io.a.ome -derived by the same taxpayer from other separate mining activites or sources of income. (b) Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to empower Our Minister of Finance to authorize the apflication to the taxable income of any mining activity so deterrnin<id of a different pe.licemtage or other rates of : e tax from tho�e prescribed in the Inc.ome Tax Procl­ amation 1961, as amended, o: in Axticle 41 of this Proclamation, as - 465 ·-



may be applicable to that activity. CROSS REFERENCE Income Tax Proclamation, 20/13 (1961) P. 173as amended, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 9.



Registration (a) Every mining right and surface lease granted under this Proclama­ tion and regulations issued hereunder or every instrument by or under which the said right or any portion thereof shall be transferred, surrendered, forfeited, amalgamated, mortgaged or otherwise dealt with shall be registered in the appropriate books kept for the pur­ pose by the Minister and if not presented for registration to him within ninety (90) days from ·1he date thereof or within such further time as the Minister may by regulations otherwise allow, shall be null and void. -(b) When any instrument is registered under this Article, t.he person regi.stering shall pay the prescribed fee and shall receive a certificate of registration in the prescribed form. (c) The register of mining rights shall be open to the public for inspec­ tion on payment of the prescribed fee and subject to regulations issued hereunder. (d) A copy of every instrument required to be registered as aforesaid, together with a copy of any map or plan necessary for the indetifi­ cation of the land referred to in the instrument shall be filed in the Register of Immovable Property pursuant to the provisions of the law. Inspection of Mines (a) An officer, duly authorized 1:y the Minister in that behalf may, at all reasonable times but so as not to unreasonably impede or obstruct the working of the rr.ine: (1) Enter, inspect and examine any place or works occupied or used in connection with mining; (2) Examine into, and make enquiry resr@cting t.he condition and ventilation of mines and all matters relating to the safety, health and welfare of the persons employed on the mining operations aE.d in general the observance by the lesee of tbe labour laws of the Empir!; - 466 ___,




€3) I11sp©�t and examine the state of the machinery l!<d upon er in the mine and the state of all plant, wor· ks and metho·cls; 1 e and direct j0 (4) Inspect the storage of explosives upon any min what manner they be purchased, stored and used; (5) Inspect and tal(e copies of, or extracts friom, an.y books, aett©­ unts, papers, plans and docum.ents dealing wiith the operatioms of the holder of any mining right or lease. ( b) Such officer shall, in case he finds any mine or any partthen8'oi, or any, . matter or practice therein or connected therewith to be defective, give notice jn writing to the holder, agent or manager of the mime staJting the particulars in which he con,sidexs &uch mine or any par.t thereof or any matter or practice to be defective and requiring it to be remedied. (c) If the holder, agent or manager of ili..e mine obje©ts to tlihe require­ ments specified in any notice antler the above Subarticle (b,1), he may, within twenty-one (21) days after the reGeipt there@' f, se1, 1-d to t'he Minister his objections in writing stati11g the grou11ds therefor and thereupon the matte1· shall be determined by the Minister or by S'l.l�h officer as the Minister may designate. (d) If the h.older, agent or manager of the mine fails t0 comply with the notice or to object witl1in tl1e time aforesaid or fails to Gomply with the decision of the Minister or the oificer designated by the Minister within a furthe1· twe.nty-one (21) days after tl1e expiration of t1te time for objection or the decision, as the case may be, be shall be liable to the prescribed l )enalty. ( e) Where in or about a mine loss of life or serious perso:n:al injury occurs by reason of any accident whatever, the holder, agent or mannager of the mine shall promptly after the acccident, se,nd notice in writing of the accident and of the loss or personal im.jucy occasion­ ed thereby, to the Minister or other desig11ated officer a11d sha,11 specify in such notice the nature of the accide_nt and the number of perso11s killed and injured respectively. (f) The Minister may direct a11 officer to make a special enquiry a11d

report with respect to an accident i.n or about a mine causing loss of life or perso11al injury and shall cause such report to be made public at such time a11d in such manner as he tl1inks fit. (g) All the provisions of this Article shall apply to pFospeoti:ag and all explorations in the same manner as they are applicable to mining. - 467-



(h) Nothing said in the above Suba1�ticles (a) to (g) shall prejudice the rights of otlier Ministe1·ies or competent Government authorities to carry out any of their functions pursuant to other legislation concerning n1atters p1·ovided for in these Subarticles. 46.

Existing Mining Rights or Interests (a) Any person entitled or claiming to be entitled to or in any way interested in any property, concession or privilege in connection with mi11erals other than grants of mining rights granted in pursuance to this Proclamation shall within one (1) year from the effective date of this Proclamation regis1e·r sl1ch claim with the Ministry and every interest, 1i.ght, or privilege i11 respect of which no claim is registered as aforesaid shall be to be absolutely extinguished and the Minister may in respect Jf a11y land which may have previously been subject to any such rJght declare the land to be open for prosp­ ecting or exploration or grant a mining lease over such land in accordance with this Proclamation. (b) Nothing said in this Article 46 (a) shall be construed as requiring the registration of minirg rights of individuals who have been traditionally engaged in the exploitation or utilisation of minerals and obtain their livelihood therefron1. (c) All mining rights, leases and concessions registered pursuant to the provisions of Subarticle (a) above shall be lawfully binding and sh.all be gover11ed by the terms of the 1-ight, lease or co11cession, provided that if such terns are inco11sistent with the provisions of this Proclamation or 1·egu]ations issued hereunder, negotiations may be undertake11 between the Minister and the, lessee or concessionee to the end that the te1·ms of all such rights, lease-s and concessions shall, insofar as practicable, co1Iform to the provisions of.. this Proclamation and regulations issued hereunde.r.


Disputes (a) The Minister may in accorda11ce with procedures to be specified in regulations, enqui1·e into and decide all disputes between persons e �gaged in prospecting for, explo1·ation and mining of all miner�s e1the1· amongest themsel\/es or in relation to themselves and third parties concerning any r.ghts claimed in, under or in relation to m.i11aF1g ri�hts_ �,r any advantage thereof or 1iability thereunder other bhan the lialil1l1ty to any penalty for violation @f th€ Pena[ Code or -468 -




el�sputes a.rising out of any contract in re-spect of such minjng rights and shall have pow �r. to make any order which may be necessary fo1 the pu1·pose of g1v1ng effect to bis decision and to order th:e pay.. m�nt by any party to the dispute of such compensation. to any th1rd party as may be 1·easonable. (b) There sl1all be an appeal to a court of oompete11t jurisdiction under the Code of Civil P·rocedure frcm any deteminatio.n in. any dispute by th_e Minister provided, how·ever, no such appeal sha11 be adtmitt6a after, the expiration of sixty (60)aays from th� date the dec·ree, order o·r deoi�ion has been s6rved upon the appellant. (c) T.he Mi1nister may� in his discretion, refuse to deciGle any dispute submitted to him for decision by virtue of the pliovisions of S·ub­ article (a) of this A1·ticle 47 and maiy refer the p·eil son oom]i>la1iJ;1i!llg to the court having jurisdiction :o d.eternli:ne such dispute. (d) The Minister shall have the all!thority �o admiiiliste:r oaths ftI!l) any proceeding before him. •


CROSS REFE.RENCE Pe.a. C. 16/Ex 1 (1957).

Arbitration (a) (1) Whenever a matter under 1his Proclamartion has to be decided by arbitration it shall, subject to the provisions of para.graph (3) hereunder, be referred to an arbitral tribunal Gonsisting either of a sole arbitrator appoi11ted jointly by the parties or of three arbit.rators, one arbitrator nominated by each of the parti­ es together ,vith a third arbitrator, v1ho shall be the ohairmaE., agreed ·bet,�1een the otl1er 1wo arbitrators or failing agreement, nominated by the Presideni of the High Court of Ethiopia. (2) An arbit1·ation proceeding under this Article 48 shall be held in accordance vvitl1 the provisions of the Law of the Empire concerning arbit1·ation. (3) Where the dispute falls within the purview of the Convention for the Settlement of Investment Disputes between states and nationals of other s·tates, ratified by Ethiopia, the said disputes shall be settled in accordance with the provisions the,reof. (1?) Any a ward n1ade under this Article 48 shall be final and bi11ding upon the parties. ,

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j. 25-1





Trader's Licence for Precious Minerals .

(a) No person shall l1old, possess, purcl1ase, import, export, trade in or receive precious mine1.·ais unless he be the holder of a trader's licence in tl1e for111 prescribed by regulations issued hereunder provided that no such lijence shall be necessa_ �y in the c� se of an; sale of such mine1·als by the holder of a m1n1ng lease 1n respect thereof or his duly authorized agent or employee or a person who traditionally eamr- his livelihood f1·om such activity or any trading in such minerals by the National Bank cf Et�iopia or its duly designated agent 01· agents. (b) Every person licenced shall lceep proper accounts of transactions effected under or by virtue of or in connection with the said licencs and if so required by the Minister shall submit accounts for inspee- · tion. (c) No trader's licence shall be transferable to third parties. (d) The holder of a trader's 1£ence shall not purchase, trade in or receive any precious mine1·als u11Jess he has first satisfied himself by a reason­ able enquiry that the seller is authorized to be in possession of such mine1·als and to dispose cf them and shall, at t.he time of such trans­ action, enter into a book kept for the purpose the name and address of t.he person from whom he receives the precious minerals, the nature of the transaction., tl1e nature and amount of the mineral or minerals obtained and the price paid by hin1. (e) Notl1ing in this Article 49 shall p1·judice: (1) The right of persons to own or possess precious minerals raw or refined up to fifty (50) troy ounces unless otherwise pres­ cribed by the Minister; or (2) The right of pe.rsons to own, possess, buy or sell jewellery or articles of adornmet1t in which precious minerals form part thereof; or (3) The right of person; to own, possess, hold, export or import precious minerals, as may be 1·equired for sc. ientific purposes subject to such term.sand conditions as shall be specified by the Minister in regulations or otherwise. ay f behal duly officer Any Cf) authorized by the Minister in his rn , subject to the relevant provisions of Article 45 hereof, inspect 1he observance of the provisions of Article 49. -470-





Annual Reports Before the end o.f the first quarter of e¥ery year a lessee shall furnish to the Minister a general report describing his operations under the lease durmg the prece·ding year incorporating such information as the Minister may, in writing specify.


Penalties AnJ person who: (a) Obstructs any person in the ex.ercise of any right eonferrea sy 0:li under this Proclamation 01 in the perfo1mance oi any duly by er under this Proclamation or regulatio-ns issued he. Jeunder; @r (b) Violates the provisions of this Proclamation o,r re:gulatio·ns iss11ea hereunder; is guilty of an offence and ]able, upon eo-nYiction, to punusbnrent under the provisions of the Pena!l Code. CROSS REF1ERHNCE Pen. C. 15/5.x. 1 (1957)


Payments The Minister shall by regulations dete11nine the amount of roya1ties, fees and rents payable pursuant to this Proclamation.


Regulations The Minister shall issue regulations for the better ca1rrying int@ effect of the purposes of this Proclama:ion.


Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 12th day of March, 1971.

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30/20 (1971) L. 396 r



PART I - INTRODU.CTORY 1. 2. 3. 4.

Issuing Authority Short Title Definitions Powers Delegated to the Cortroller

PART II - PROSPE CTING PERMI'IS 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Application Issue of and Duration of a Prospecting Permit Renewal of a Prospecting Permit Rig.hts Conferred by Prospecting Per1nit Limitations and Obligations Revocation of Permit

PART III - EXPLORATION LICENCE 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Delimitation of Application Area Application Regisration a:m.d Notice of Applicatio11 Filing of Objections Verification of Application Granting or Rejection of Licence Fo1m of Licence Duration and Renewal of Licence Rights Under Licence Limitations, Obligations and Revocatio11 Transfer and Inheritance Replacement of Licence




J4,. Delimi1tation of Application Area 25. Application 16. R.e:gisl'.ration and Notice of Appl:icatio11 '17. Fmng of Objections 28. Ver-ificaiti0n of Application 29. Determination and Appeal 30. Gran ting of Lease 31. S�andard Lease Fornr1 32. Duration a.ind R.en.ewal of Lease 33. Discove·ry of Mi11erals not Covered by Lease 34. Rights Under Mining Lease 35. Compensation .for Use of Lan.ds f@r Lea,se Purposes 36. ltJ,se @fr Reads C0nstrac�e0 li>y Lessee 31 Details of Quarterly Report 38. Transfer or Ass1gnment 0f Lease 39. Re�ocation of Lease PART VJ - MISCELLANEO'US 40. Superimp0sition of Min,ing Rigm1s 41. Payments 42. Penalties 43. Legal Procedure 44. Demarcation 45. Shortening or Extension of Time 46. Presentation of Permit of Licence 47. Penalty 48. Effective Date •


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E M E L P N T NO. 1 P SU , IA P O ffi T E F O _ � W A L D E T A C . . L,.,. ID . -- . -�-. . -..O. NSO

Issuing Authority

­ u es in p r M of nt t ua rs i in M h e to th a by t � �� These Regulations are issued ­ Em la n oc 1o Pr at ng n1 of e 1 e th M th of 53 � p ortiy vested in him by Article '' l fte na rei r 7 he 19 of , l 1) ca ed 2 . 28 No the 11 tio ma cla ire of Ethiopia (Pro Proclamatio11''.


Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the ''Mining Regulations, 1971 ''


Definitions In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, all definitions set forth in Article 3 of the Proclamation shall apply and, in addition; (a) ''Controller'' shall mean the Controller of Mines and any subordinater theeof properly autl:.orized to perform any of the functions of the Controller hereunder; (b) ''Office of the Controller of Mines'' shall mean his office in the Ministry and/or any Bran:)h Office in the Provinces; (c) ''Director'' shall mean tl1e Director of the Geological Su.rvey of the Ministry.


Powers Delegated to the Controller The Controller is hereby delegated with all the authority to administer the provisions of the present Regulations unless otherwise prescribed. PART II - PROSPECTING PERMITS •


Application h e t to Application for a prospecting permit sl1all be made in writing Controller and shall include tie following particulars: (a) if the applicant is a natural person: (1) hi� f�ll name, and if he applies as an agent, the name of his pr1nc1pal; (2) a?e' place and date of birth, or alternatively a sworn declaration as to same; (3) profession; -474-



(4) nationality; (5) place of residence· ' '

(6) legal address including that of the principal, if any, aad, (7) if t�e a�plicant is not an Ethiopian natio.nal, a certificate of nat1onal1ty: (b ) if the applicant is a lega1 �rson: (1) its name; (2) natia·nality; (3) address of head office, and (4) address of an agent, if any, in Ethiopia, where serViices 01 process may be made and all Jilotices and Gommuniea�f0ns fir0.m the Ministry shall lt,e �e11t. (c) Tile applicant shall declare, on oath, whether he or his principal, if any, has previously held any prospecting permit, exp.loratio.n lice� nee, or mining lease, under any mining law now or foEmetry in fo:uce in Ethiopia with su.fficieE.t particulars to identify the same.'e issue of a prospecting permit may be refused if the ap·plicant o:t his princi­ pal has previously held any mining right and the same been revoked for some misfeasance or nonfeasance on the part of such applieaBt or his principal, or if for c.ny other reason the Con.tr0ller does net consider him to be a fit and proper person to Eecelve a prospeeting pe11nit within the meaning of Article 9 of the P·roclamation. (d) The applicant sh.all state the area over which he desires to prospect and the mineral or minerals for which he intends to prospect and shall, whenever the Controller deems it necessary, comply with the provisions of Article 44 of these Regulations. 6.

Issue of and Duration of a Prospecting Pt;rmit to li­ it the app ting perm spec pro a e issu tc ides dec ler trol Con the (a If ) _ cant, the statements by the applicant shall, befiore such issue, be · entered in a record book kept for that purpose in the Controller's Office which particulars shall be signed by the applicant. The applicant shall then pa y tie prescribed fees. A prospecting perrnit i n the manner prescribed in Schedule I attached hereto shall then be signed on the back thereof by the applicant as holder and,. being r d fo ate by bun leg y de erl op r pr ce offi an or ler l _ ro nt Co e th d by signe that purpose, and issued. -475 -

_ _ 1 _ . _ o_ T N_ _ N_ _ _ E _ M _ E _ _L P P_ _ S_·u _;., __ A _I O_P � : I J � :f_: � . � � .:: � T � E F_.:=. · �C�O�N�S�O:: W ::___: S 0::_ 2..:5�-2:.____ LID A T B D L -A --. :_: . .

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l ia od it ri in pe an r fo of id e va on (I) be l al sh � it rm g pe iI1 ct pe os pr b) A ( 11 . o ·e e1 th 1g ·11 a1 pe ap e su is f o year from the date .

Renewal of a Prospecting Pe1mit


d te an sta e i 1g th 1·it i11 mb be nu ll sha er al 1ew re1 r fo � 11 tio ":' ca (a) The appli _ . . \�1r of the prospecting permit 1·e11ewal of uch 1s desired. The �rospect­ ing permit to be renewed sliall be produced by the applicant for inspection. (b) On payment of tl1e prescribed fee a prospecting permit shall be rene­ wed 011 applicatio11 to the Co11troller unless the conduct of the holder since the issue of the permit sl1ows that there is reasonable ground for believing that the l1older js a perso11 \'Ibo should not be granted renewal of the prospecting rermit. The Controller shall give his reasons in writing f01· such. refusal. (c) On. renewal being gr .1nted i11dication to tl1at effect shall be endorsed on the prospecting permit previously issued or a new pros·pectin.g permit bearing the same numjer as the old prospecting per111it shall be issued to tb. e applica11t, as may be app.rop1·iate. (d) Subject to the provisio11s of Subarticle (b) of this Article 7, a renewed prospecting per1nit in like mariner a11d subject to th, e like conditions may again be renewed for a tvelve-month duration for an indefi11ite number of times. 8.



Rights co,nfeired by Prospecti11g Permit (a) The holder of a prospecting ?ermit shall have a 11onexclusive right of pr �specting upon the lands within the area of his prospecting permit and, for such purposeE l1e may : (1) enter upon the lands within such area with his agents and workmen and thereupon exercise all or any of the r. ights con�e�red upon the holder of a prospecting permit, and, it1 ' add 1t1o n, pu t dow n sucl1 :>orings and carry out such· excavations ' and works as may be necessary or desirable to dete1111ine �l1ether the area contains the minerals referred to in the pe11nit in apparently payable quantities; (2) employ in prospecting on such land any n11mber of perso.ns who, fOF tlbte purpo�es of sucl: prospecting sh.all not be required t,o hold prospecting permits; -

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25-2 ,

(3) erect and re�o;e machinery -and equipment,· tents, tempora ry shelter _01_ bu1ld1ngs for the purpose of his o·perations and the protec�ion and comfo�t of himself or _hiis empl oyees, aigents, and serva11ts and cons:rruct suc· h passages as may 'be necessary for same, on and over u11occupied land withi11 tm.e areas of l1i : s permit; (4) proc�re and 1:1se �or domestic use fuel ana water on any publ1c _ land, subject, however, to all ap,¥.h°'cable laws an.d Fegulat1ons; (S) gra12e, free of charge, upon any uncultivated pu.blic I-and within "' and/01· in the viciI1ity o: his 0perations. (b) Lf tJhe holder desires to make aerial photographs he shall fu:st obtain the permis-sion of the Min, Etry and other appropriate Authorities, as may be necessary therefor, a11d small prompttly file with the Ministry pri11ts of all s·uch photographs. (c) The holder shall have access to non-confidential maps alJild data available at the Ministry fre� of charge. 9.

Limitation and Obligat.ions (a) No prospecting permit sl1 all authorize or be deemed to authorize the holder to p1·ospeot, except with the conse11t of the apprepriate authorities, t]1e owner or any person der,iving right t'laerefrom ., within: (1) any area wl1ich comprises, or is within two hundred metres of a holy site; (2) any area wl1ich comprises, or is withiin two hundred metres of, a historical site; i any area which is the s te of, or is within one hundred metres of (3) any building; (4) any la.nd actually under cultivation; (5) land situated within a municipal area or area occupied by a village community or reserved for burial purposes; (6) Ia11d reserved for the purpose or land situated within one undred metres of any railway, street, road or highway; (7) land the site of, or wi:hin one hundred metres of any dam or reservior used for the purpose of supplying w a' ter to the public,




tr e . d m 1·e s of d 11 u y h e an n o 11 pipe hi it w � r o of te si e th nd r o la r; 1o rv r o se re am d ch su ith w n o ti ec line used in con� c e n, de ar tio to la gu be clo�ed re by , ! 1y m · e1 ist in M e (8) la.nd which th , ng cti pe os pr to exploration tly en an nn pe or y ril either tempora • • or m1n1ng; (9) land over which an explo�ation licence, a special certificate of discovery, -or a mining lease previously gra�ted is sti� in force except by or on behalf of tl1e person to which such licence or lease has been granted; and (10) land in respect of which an app�cation for an explorati�n and/ or mining lease pursuant to A_1·t1cle 25 of the _Proclamat1on has been made until such application has been reJected; Provid.ed always that, in the case of land comprised in para­ graphs (9) and (10) of this Article (9) (a) the Controller may, notwithstanding such exis1ing rights grant prospecting per111its over such areas in respect of different minerals from those by existing prospecting permits, exploration licences special certificates of discovery or mining leases in cases where he is satisfied that the interests of the holders of such permits, licences, special certificat�s of discovery or leases will not thereby be prejudiced. (b) Should any question arise as t) whether or how far any particular land is exclud.ed under this Article, it shall be referred to the Contro­ ller, whose decision sh.all be subject to appeal to the Minister. (c) A prospecting permit granted to a person in the employment of ano­ ther person for the benefit, of, and paid for by the employer, whenever the employer requests, shall be made to continue, i11 the employer' s name up to the te1mination o:.. the period specified 'in the pe1n1it; provided that in every such case, the employer and the holder of the perinit shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any monies which the holder of the per1nit may 'be required to make under the Proclamation or the ?resent Regulatio11s. (d) The holder of a prospecting per111it shall, where necessary, employ competent geo�ogists, surveyors and other experts who shall carry out the survey 1n accordance w:th the general directions issued from time to time by the Controller or the DiFector, as the case may be, an.d shatl _ surv :y the rocks, minerals, soil and water supply thereof t0 the satisfaction of the Controller or Director, as the case may be, and shall supply the Ministry from time to time with such reports, -478 -




infonnation, maps, plans, di ��ams, particulars, specimens, samples, anylyses and essays as the M1n1s:ry shall deem. requisite.

�e� The Ministry shall receive copies of all reports, info1mation maps plan�, diagrams and particulars1 analyses and essays, togeth�r with duplicates of speciment and samples relevant thereto, and shall be entitled to publish or otherwise deal with any information derived therefrom as it shall think fit eitJier after three years from the receipt thereof or as soon as the holder of the prospecting permit has been. granted a mining lease under the provisions of the Pi;-oclamation, whichever be the earlie·r date. (f) (1) Minerals raised or obtained in t h. e course of prospecting under a prospecting pe11nit shall be the property of' tke Governme.n.t and shall not be removed from the land or disposed of by the holder of the per1nit or by any other person except with the consent of the Controller, it being understood, however,. that nothing herein co·ntained shall be construed to prohibit a.ny such holder from removing from time to time samples of such minerals sufficient in quantity to enable them to be tested and analysed and experiments to be made for the purpose of ascer­ taining the contents and thecommercial value thereof. (2) If the holder of a prospecting permit desires to retain or dis·pose of any minerals raised or obtained in the course of prospecting., he shall make application to the Minister in the prescribed manner, and, if the Minis:er is satisfied that the prospecto, r has been conducting such 'Work only as is reasonably necessary . to enable him to test the mineral bearing qualities of the land, he may authorize the applicant to retain and dispose of the minerals in respect of which application is made on payment of the prescribed fees or roJalties, if any. (3) The Minister may authorize the removal of minerals from the land from which they have been obtained or found to any place approved by him for safe custody, subject to such co�ditions as he may impose. (g) (1) The holder of a prospecting·pt=r1nit may, on giving notice in the manner prescribed, surrender his prospecting area. . (2) Such notice of surrender shall be given in writing and shall b.e forwarded to the Controlle� and shall state the number of the prospecting permit under which the area was held and shall be signed. by the holder thereof..

-479 -



(3) On surrenderii1g his prospecting area he shall securely and to the satisfaction· of the Controller fence or where necessary fill in all shafts, pits, holes and excavations a. nd generally take all such measures as shal� be necessary to safeguard the health, life and property of persons. (4) On surrendering, all beacons and notice boards, if any, shall be removed. ( h) The holder of a prospecti11g permit shall adhere to such work pro­ grammes and abide by min:mum expenditure requirements as may be agreed to between him and the Minister. I 0.

Revocation of Pertuit A prospecting permit may be revoked by the Controll'.!r, pursuant to Article 27 of the Proclamation, without giving the holder of the permit any compensation for the work he has carried out or the expenditure he has incurred, on a substantial showing offa:ct that any of the folowing events have occurred : (a) the holder of the per1nit has committed a breach of any of the terms thereof; (b) th.e holder of the permit bas knowingly made a writte11 false or misleading statement to an official of the G·ove,rn.ment relating to matters under the pe·rmit; (c) the holder of the permit is nl)t prosecuting the prospecting operation with all reasonable diligence, skill and exactness in accordance with the provisions of the Proclamation and the present Regulatjons, and 1he requirements of the Controller or Director' or , (d) has generally committed a:i offence under the Proclamation, the present Regulations and other relevant laws of the Empire. PART Iii - EXPLORATION LICEN'CE


Delimitation of Application Area (a) Any ap�licant fo� an exploration licence shall delimit the proposed ex.ploration area Ill t �e form of, as far: as possible, a rectangle ao<l shall, where appropriate, comply with the provisions of Article 44 hereunder. CM) (l) The eomers of the rectmgle covering the proposed exploration , area

shall be defined by geographical co-ordin - 480-


JINING AND CONSERVATIO � -.:. --· _ -----

(2) Said area shall be not less than one (I) square kilometre nor more t �an one hundred (100) square k i. lometres, unless otherwise d .ete·rm111ed by the Minister . (3) 1 � the applica1:t propo�es to appl)' for more one exploration licence covering contiguous proposed exploration areas, tl1e common boundaries of sucl1 areas shall be defined only in the event -controller so r. equires. 12.

Application. (a) A separate application shall be made in respect of every pxoposed exploration area. (b) Application for an exploratio11 licence shall contain the following particulars: (1) in the case of a natural person: (i) all information required to be inclt1d�d in an application for a prospecting permit under J\.rticle 5 (a) l1ere·of; (ii) evidence of suitable financial and technical resources; (2) in the case of a legal person: (i) all information required to be included in aa ,tpplication fo,1· a prospecting permit under Article 5 (b) hereof; (ii) certified copies of the memorandmn and articles of associa­ tion, if any; (iii) a copy of the latest annual report of the Board o·f Directors

as certified by the appropriate officer of the business or­ ga11ization, if any;

(i,,) copies of the balance sheets and profit and loss statements certified by audito1·s for the pervious 5 years, where availa­ ble; (v) certified copies of the auditors' report for the previot1s 5 years, where a,,ailable; (iv) a list of the names of the Board of Directors showing the address and nationality of each as certified by the appro­ priate officer; (vii) the name, profession and nation�lity of t�e g�neral ma�a­ ger an d an y other persons authorized to sign 1n tl1e appl1c-

ant 's name.

- 481 -



(c) (d) (e)


, if ; it y n n a g en n p ti ec sp · ro p s t' n The 11umber of the applica ce e ce li is n th i ch pl hi ap \V , of ed for; t ec sp re in s al er in m The mineral 01 nd er, a plan a re h e t , a 44 le ic rt A scal e of � 1s o1 isi ov pr e r th he to rt Fu e g th os 1n op ow pr sh ed , th or N explo­ ue Tr e th to ed i1t ie 0 or of 1 :20 00 e at in al rd 1ic -o pl co ra s of its og ge e th 1g ti1 ca di 11 i d i·ation 'area an nt rta po local objects, im all , em th 11 ee tw be e nc corners the dista the cou�ses a11d the 11ames of rivers within or adjacent to said area.

Registration and Notice of Application (a) Application for an exploration licence shall be submitted at the Office of the Cont1·01Ier. (b) All such applicatio11 if complete and in the proper form shall in the

order received immediately be noted in a register to be established in the Office of tl1e Controller for this purpose and each applicant shall upon such registration be given a receipt indicating th,e date thereof. (c) Immediately following registration of each application there shall be posted in the Office of the Controller a notice desc.ribing the exploration area and the mi11e1·al or minerals which are the subject of such application, and such notice shall remain posted in said office for at least sixty (60) days. (d) Within thirty (30) days following sucl1 registration the applicant shall cause to be published on th.ree (3) separate occasions, in news­ papers of general circulation in both Amharic and English a notice statiag that he has applied for an exploration licence and that his application is on :file at the Office of the Controller and describing the proposed exploration area and the mineral or minerals which are the subject of l1is application.



Filing of Objections (a) During the si!ty-day period referred ·to in Article 13 (c) hereof any pe,rs�n who 1s t�e holder of a Ce1·tificate of Discovery, a Special Certificate of D1�0.overy, an Exploration Licence and/or a mining lease shall be e,nt1fled to file at the office of the Controller a written , objection to the grant o f such application in whole o r in pa,rt. (b} Sach objection shall include a statement of the grounds therefor. (c) Upo,n expiration of said sixty-day period all such object ons shall i I

-482 -



i�ediately b e forwa.rded to tre Minister who shall he ar and deter­ m.1ne same promptly. JS.

Verificatio11 of Applicatio11 During tb e sixty-day_ period refer-red to °i'n Article 13 (c) hereof the _ Controller may, 1n accordance with Article 44 hereunder and other releva �t pro :isions o � these Regulations, appropriate measure--s to ver1fy all 1nfor1rtat1on submi1ted by the applicant.


Granti ng or Rejection of Licence ( a) 'Up·o n receipt of the report of £t1y survey or investi.gagation un.der­ taken pursuant to Artie!€ 15 lte·reof the Controlle·r shall oo·n.sider such report and may reject an)· application if it is established that the applicant has: ( 1) failed to prope.rly delimit the proposed exploration aFea as required by Article 11 hereof; or, (2) furnished false or misleading inf orrr1ation 111 any particular @f such application. (b) ·If, upon expiration of the sixty-day period referred to in Article 13 (c) hereof, no objection to the granting of the relevant application has been filed at his office, the Controller shall, following considerat.., ion of all survey and i 11vestiga:io11 reports pu.rsuant to Subarticle (a) of this A.rticle 16 and upon payment of the presoribe d rent and fees, grant in the manner prescribed, to the applicant an ex_F>loration licence for all of the propsed exploration area or part thereo·f and mineral o.r minerals sought in such application or for such part of said area or areas and for such mj11eral or minerals as not prohi­ bited to the applicant by virtue of said area being closed, ,provided that no exploration licence shall be granted unless the applicant; (I) shall produce satisfactory evidence that deposits of the mi·neral or minerals for which appucation is made exist in th.e area in r espect of which application is made; (2) sh.all have beaco ned such area in the prescribed manner prior to his application ; and (3) shall satisfy the Controller that he possesses or commands sufficient working capital, technical knowledge and/or assistance to e nsure proper and adequate exploration, _and in the event of discovery, of mining and. marketing same. 483 -

N E M E L . T P O P 1 N SU , IA P IO H T E F O S W A L D ATE ID L SO N O C -2 2-�-5� ----------�����:::__:_:__.:._:_::__ -

n oi io r at fo lic pp an ex of g r tin plo an gr � ati e th i (c) Where objection to ) of (a re 13 le he 1c t 1· A th to nt ua rs pu ed l fi en be licence has : � granting _ r te g de 1n 11d pe ed r1· fe de � be l al sl1 �,111at1on by the 11 tio of such applica 1a d ed a11 f, ely reo he following (c) 14 le tic � Ar : to t an rsu Ju r ste ini M 1 n ke tio r ta ac he all eit sh to grant 1· lle ro nt Co e th n io at i11 m ter de ch su iI1 rt an ord in acc or ole wh i11 ion cat pli ap �� h suc �e witl1 or deny such determination and the 1·elevant prov1s1ons of Subart1cl e (b) of tl1is Ai·ticle 16. (d) The Minister may in exceptional cases waive the requirement of Subarticle (b) (I) of this Article 16.


' '•

Form of Licence (a) Every exploration licence shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule II hereunder. (b) The holder of an exploration licence sl1all beacon oft- in the manner persc1·i'bed the area f 01· which the licence is granted.



Duration and Renewal of Licence (a) An exploration licence shall be valid for an intial period of two (2)­ years from the date of issue appearing thereon and shall be subject to renewal thereafter for three (3) sucessive period of two (2) years. (b) Application for renewal of such licence shall be made in Vlriting to the Controller at least ninety (90) days before the date of expiration tl1ereof. (c) Whithout prej1udice to tl1e provisions of Article 16 hereof, renewals of such licence sl1all be grru1ted to the l1older as of right upon paym e,11t of the appropriate fees and presentation of sat,isfactory evidence that he has pursued the exploration '\1/itbin the exploration area with all the skill and diligence to e11able him to dete1IDine the extent of min­ eFal deposits wit11in said area. By way of such evidenoe there shall be annexed t@ the appticatioJn for renewal (1) a plan of the exploration area at a scaile of I :2.0.000 on whiob sha1. 1 be indicated ainy works constructe. d and the exte.nt of any d:€posits dliscovered within said area·' {2) a general report 1rega1·ding-exploration activities un.der, tae [ice nee indi,©ating the :6u1ll extent an.a nature ef such activi1ties, and the clj,ft'e.trea J t grades of mineral or minerals alil.d the kind of geologi©al formations e:ncounterecl in the c0ur1 se thereof; - 484-




Upon reoe�pt of _ tl1e i �o1m,1tio1 .required to be submitted under Sub­ . art:i�le �c) of this Article I �, t �e Contrq]ler shall grant the renewaJl . of the lic:11ce unle �s the act1v1t1�s pe1·formed pursuant to such 1:icence and the 1nfo1mat1on obtained as a re-sult thereof shall make such re11ewal unjustifiable.

(e) \1/l1ere applic _ �tio11 for renewa is rejected, the licence shall, on the date of expiration thereof, become null and void. 19.

Rights unde.r an Exploration Licerce Th� l1older of a11 exploratio11 licence shall, subject t© the p·r:o¥iision 0f Article 11 of the Proclamation, hr:ve the exclusive right to explore bis area and shall be entitled to all the rights conferred to a holder o.f a prospect!ing pern1it under Article 8 hereof.


Limitation, Obligations and Revoe1tion (a) Tl1e holder of an exploration licence shall be subject, mutatis mutan­ clis, i11 the exercise of l1is licer:ce, to all the provisions of Article � and 10 hereof; (b) The holder of an exploration licence shall unless othe·rwiss agreed between him and the Minister, renounce eve1·y year a stated percent­ age of the exploration area.


Transfer and I11heritance (a) A11 explora.tion lice11ce shall be subject to transfer, by assignment or otherwise, i11 ,vriting i11 accordance ,vith the Civil Code of 1960 provided, ho,ve,,er, that the transferee of strch licence shall fiTst satisfy the Co11trolle�r that he meets all appljcable req·U1ireroenis for an initial grant thereof. (b) Transfer of an exploration licence shall not divide the area granted under such licence. (c) The transferee of an exploration licence shall be liable for all rents, obligations and liabilities· which may ha,,e accrued thereunder as of tl1 e time of tra11sfer but ,vith recourse against the transferor otherwise agreed in the contract of transfe1·. (d) An at1thenticated copy of the contract of transfer of an exploration licence shall be submitted to th� Controller. s of rd co e re th d on te no be all sh ce en lic n io at or pl ex (e) T i·ansfe·r of an of the Ministry and on th e licence itself. '

- 485-

A , _s·_u_PP_L_E_M_E_N_T_N_o_: _ _ 1 . __ IO I _ O � _I �P A JET S F� � � W A =� L� :..= O :....:: O �D :..:. , =E _ �T � D � _:: _ ___ �-2�....:__� C��N�S��L�,.l


n e e ce n th li o ex ti ra o or pl e an x io f at o ! : der n ol 1 1 p a of h at _ le de tl on p U (f) t? C e i C il f o o de s n of 1o 1s v 19?0 r p e th : to t c je b su � e licence shall b . i ; le ic is rt th A f 21 o ov pr (a e cl ) t1 ar b ded, Su d an s on si relating to succes ea e d ar th te an of gr on si vi di de no un be r l al 1 s1 however, th. at there . . . e 1 t ell c· h f 1v o ns 1o 1s e ov od pr C e th of ng di an st ith tw no ce such licen 1960. CR OSS REFERENCE

Civ. C. 19'.Ex. 2 (1960) Art. 21(a)


Replacement of Licence (a) In case of loss or destruction of an exploration licence the holder of the licence shall app ly to the Ministry for replacement thereof. (b) Application for such replc.cen1ent shall be made .i n writing and the applicant shall state therein tl1at he accepts l i ab i lity for such co_ �se­ quence to thi rd parties acting i11 good faith as the loss of the or1g1nal licence may e11ta i l. (c) Replaceme11t of said exploratio11 licence shall be issued by the Controller subject to payment of tl1e prescribed fees. PART IV - DISCOVERY


Beacon (a) Any person or holder of a prospecting pe1n1it or exploration licence wlio makes a discovery shall erect a beacon at the place of discovery. The beacon shall be of such hei ght and specifications as sh.all be specified by the Controller and shall bear the name of the person makiI1g the discovery, the date of the discovery and the name of the mineral or minerals discovered, and shall otherwise comply, as may be appropriate, with the p:ovisi ons of Article 44 hereunder. (b) The discovery shall be notned to the Controller by the person mak­ ing the discovery eith.e1· in perso11 or in writing as soon as possible. Schedule III hereunder for the notification of discovery shall be used or followed as far as ?Ossible. The d i scoverer shall, at the same time fu�nish su �h particulars a11d san1ples of the rocks and minerals at a�d 1n tJae ne1ghbourho), d of the discovei·y as the Controller In:ay , 1req�rre. The controller 1n:1y 1·equire tl1e perso11 making such notifi­ _ _ cati©m and gitVJJNg snch _inf0rmation and samples to verify the s�me , by oath and may require such other evidence as he may consider -486 -

MINING AND CON'SERVATION ______..,,.,__:_25:::::2------------�==�.:.::.::::.:.: --

necessary �r desirabJ.e for the purposes of Articles 21 and .23 of the Proclamat10n. (c) A Certi�cate of Discovery and a Special certifieate of Discovery shall be m the form p ·rescrib�d in Schedules IV and V hereunder. PART V - MINING LEASES 24.

Delimitation of Application Area (a) An applicant for a mining lease s.hall, before sut>m.rittmg his appli­ _ cation, mark out the corners 0f the proposed mining ar.ea and shall otherwise comply with the provisions of Article 44 b.ereunder. (b) ( L) The proposed minjng area shall, as far �s possible, be in tae form of a rectangle determined by geographical coor0ina1tes of its corners and shall, as far as possible, be wholly w1thin ex.pl0ration areas assig11ed to the applicant uJt1der one or moxe expl0ration licences, if any. (2) Said area shall cover the probable extent of exploitae.le deposit a.nd such additional su,face as is 1·easonably ne.cessary for th.e working of such.deposit� but shall not exceed o·ne hundred (100) square kilometres, unleEs othervvise detern1ined by the MinisteF. (3 ) Said area may extend O\er rivers and other bodies of water. (4) The corners of said area sl1all be marked out with masonry 'beacons. (c) If the applicant pro·po . ses to apply for more one mining lease covering contiguous proposed min:i11g areas, the collil!mon boundaries of such areas shall be marked out only if the Co11troller so requires.


Application (a) An application for a mining lease shall be made i n respect of every proposed mining area. (b) Such application shall contain the fallowing particulars: (1)· all information required to be included, as may be ap ·propriate, under Articles 12 and 16 (b) (3) of these Regulations; (2) the number of the appLcant's prospecting p�11nit and/or ex·plo­ ration licence, if any; (3) the m.ine.ral or n1i11erals in respect of \.'\1hich the lease is sought; (4) the period for which the lease is sought; - 487 -


CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETJ-IlOPIA, SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 Jv'D, a s l ·a d se is ci l1 re i , 1 y li c n a w o p a � p (5) an extr·act of reliable m t tn d m se g o n p are a ; ro e p th f o er et 1i �n e1 p 1e t1 s, it m ei the scale p e l'Jorth shov1ing ru e T th to ed nt e i or 00 ,0 10 1: of l e a (6) a pI an at a sc . . . h e pos1t1ons o f ?eact g t1 a c di in · nd a ea ar g j11 in � the proposed n1 ant local objects, 1·t po ll 1m a 1, en th 11 ;ee � t\' be s ce 1 a1 s t di e s th on eatu re s, including ic ph a gr po to , gs in � ild bu s, m ea str , ks ar d lan m c ent to the_ area, a dJ a or ii1 th "''i s e1· 1·iv · of es m a n nd a rse the cou the known extent of d eposits and tl1e pri11cipa.I works of explor­ ation within s aid a re a; a11d, (7) a ge11eral report regarding the state of exp_loratory work, !he different grades of disco\1e1�ed n1ine1·al or �me1·a1s and_ al1 other informat ion relativ e to deposits, g eogr aph1cal format1ons and explor atory \\rorks p erformed within t h e p roposed mining ar ea.


Regist1· a tion and 1'rotice of Applicatio11 (a) Application for a mining shall be submitted at the office of the c · ontroller·. (b) All such application shall, in the o:rde r 1·eceived, jmme diatel)r be r eco1·ded in a register, to be established in th e office of th e Controll­ er for this purpose, and such applica11t shall upon such registration be given a receipt indic ating the date tl1e reof. (c) S ucl1 registration shall, if necessary, be d eemed to extend the validity of an applicant's exploration licenc e until such time as final decisio11 is made respecting the grant to such applicant of a mining lease. (d) Immediately following 1·egistration of each application there shall be posted in th e office of the Controller a notice describi11g the ·proposed mining area and the mineral or minerals tvl1ich are tl1e subject of su.oh application, and such 11otice shall 1 · posted i11 said office for at l east ninety (90) days. (e) Within thirty (30) days following such 1·egist1·a tion the applicant shalJ. to be published on thre e separat e occa sions in newspapers of general circ ulation in botl1 Amharic and En.glisl1 a notice stati11g that he has applied fo.r a nuning l ease a11d that his application is o� �e at the office o � the Controller a11d d escribing the p1·oposed m111111:ag area and the m.tnerals \vJ1.ich are the subj ect of his applicaition. or gular e de.t r e 1111in r Controlle e s th at is i a n the appli c ation /here (f) � : mco�plete l1e shall instruct th e applicant to furnis.h such further p articulars as may be necessary to satisfy tl1 e requirem�nt·s of the - 428 -

________ _lv_ll_N_I_N_G_A_N_D C O N S E R V�A�·rt�O�N�----------'.....� ___::...::.: ::: ___ 25� -2 _;.: :.:_::...:_

Proclamation and tl1ese Regulations and whe re. th-e app1:1cant 1a c: 1·1s_· . . . . to f ur- n1· sl1 such particulars w1t1t,11 sixty (60) days 10 · receipt c ll ow ing . • . _ t1on, of �uc h �.ns. tr.uc he shall return the applicatioJ1 and cancel tl1e reg1strat1011 thereof. 27.

filing of Objections (a) Within 11inety ( �0) days followi11g registration of a11 application pursuant to Article 26 (b) her�of, a11y i11terested party shall be _ ent1tled to file at tl1e office of the Controliler a written o·bjeGtion to th·e grant of such application in ·.vhole or in part. (b) Sucl1 objection shall include a s1atement of the grou11ds tl1erefor. (c) Upon receipt by the Controller, all such objections shall immediately be forwarded to the Minister w:10 shall hear and deter1nine all sucl1 objections within sixt)' (60) days following the 11inety-day -period referred to in Subarticle (a) of tltis Article 27.


Verification of Application (a) Upon registration of any application pursuar1t to Article 27 (b) he­ reof, tl1e Contro]Jer may requi�e an officia.1 to conduct an survey of the proposed mining area a11d s·ball take appropriate measu.res of i11vestigatio11 to ,,e;ify all other informat1011 submitted by the applicant. (b) Expe11se incurred by the Mi11istry in the performance of such survey and/or investigation shall be borne by the applicant without prejud· ice to pro,,isions l)f Article 44 (c) hereof.


Determination and Appeal (a) Upo11 receipt of tl1e report of any survey or investigation undertaken pursuant to Article 28 hereof, the Controller shall determine whether the activities performed under tl1e applicant's prospecting permit and/or exploration licence, if any, and the information give� i� the appliec:'ltion submitted pursuaut to A.rticle 26 h�reof, 1nclic�te _ suflicent possibility of successfal explo1tat1on of mineral deposits by tl1e applica11t to justify tb. e grant to him of a mining le�se over all or any part of the p1·oposed minLng area. to nd r ste i 1. i e M th to al pe ap t lec tit � en � be l al sh � _ (b) TJ1e applicant . n tio ica pl s ap h1 of al ni de e tl1 t ns ai ag ts en m gu present in full hi s ar in wl1.ole or in part. - 489. -


. .









Granting of Lease Upon expiration of the ni11ety-day period referred to in Article 21 �ail . he.reof, and such further period not to exceed one hundrecd alJild twe)l(tJ (120) days as may be necessary to resolve disputes conee-mi• S:UQb application and to complete all surveys and investigations F�laftn_g to such application and, subje)t to the determination made uad,e,ri Mi�� 29 (a) hereof, the Mi11ister nay grant to the applicant a miniB§ t�a� covering all of the proposed mining area or any pa.rt th�uoof f@r a:ef r mineral or minerals subject to the provisions o.f th� Pi0clama\Ulll, _ . these Regulations and such aiditional terms and condjtions as he slmill dete1mine in respect of the folowing a1·eas: (a) any area not covered by 111 exploration licence then in fo.rce,, (!lJF aa, area where minerals in apparently payable quantities have ifu,ffm discovered and no application for an exploration licence or a mi, ,mng, lease in respect of such area has been made by a person eJIDtrt.led � claim such a licence or lease; (b) any area in respect of w1ich an ap·plication .for a mining leas€ bs : been made if such applica.tion has been rejected 01· withilra\\7D.; (c) any area in respect of �hich a minin.g lease has bee'.n J?CVltkea 0F surrendered or ha.s expircl.


Standard Lease Fo1m Tb.e Minister shall, from tinle to time issue standard lease fio-rins G0,r pU!ip)oses of gFainting leases w.der the P1·0.clamation and the p:res,Gnt ll� gulations.


Duration and Renewal of Leise {a) A mining lease shall, subject to the provisio:as -0f AFticle 23 0f � J>Foclamation, fue valid fC1r such p.eriod of years as shall JJe �ilel to hy amd between th.e Mini:_ster and the lessee and slaal!l he ,en:�.., able f@r an in, definite n1mhe'r of ti mes subjeet no and in aoo0:n£a41te;e W1ith Snhartic1,e (b) of ilis Article 32 and/or suck erlr0r Jaws anj regulati©-El.S ais maiy be i11tilll>I?,ce at tJhe time of each sneh :Fee.ewal. (b) ff a,t toe ex;pv.ration of tl1re te1m originally grantem 0 af anf JJ©R��ai thereof tlle 4essee shall lnecawrying on work in a n01omal and llf11ishtes� �i1ke mamer, aiJild �he l�tse sh0Jll aot ait tim0. h>@ H1aibie t� \bt .f€iV:@�ecl a.ny of di:� ip1·evisi©as of tlae Pw@ela1li).aitf0s anlft �g� · �egwati@Bs, and the lessee s1haLl ha\\1e giv�n 1t0 �he �t;JJ1iiU@ller �� 1


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lNlNG AND CONSERVATION -----------M------=-.....:.::..::..:=:::::..:..:::.::�____

___ _22�5-2

months' notice in that behilf, then the lessee shall be entitled 011 paymeat �f the pr �scribed ft:e to ofu, tatn a renewal of the lease upon _ the conditions wh11ch are tneo. gene1ia1ly applicable t© new leaiSes. 33.

Discovery of Minera"Js not Covered by lease (a) Wher � a lessee discovers within the mining area exploitable minerals of a kmd not authorized to be exploited under the terms of his lease he shall immediately 11.otif y t�1e Ministry. of such discovery. (b) Such a discoveror shall be entitled to the rights given under Article 21 of the Proclamation.


Rights under Mining Lease (a) A n1ining lease sm.all co·nfier 1po11 the lessee the ri@ilt to elrl!ter 11:p@lil the lands the subject of the lease and, subject to law, prescri1bed conditions and the rights cf third pa1·ties, the exclusive right, to mine, store, remove, export and sell the nti11eral or mineraJ. : s s_pec,i­ fied i11 the lease on payment :>f the prescribed rent, s11rface relilt_, and royalties. (b) Without limiti11g the ge11erality of the foregoing, the lessee shall b@ entitled to: (I) have all the rights co11ferred to a holder o,f an explo(ation license under Article 19 of the present Regulations; (2) occupy all land within or adjacent to the mining area to the extent a11d for the time necessary to perform the purposes of the lease; (3) request expropriation of certa·in lands iI1 accordance with Article 35 hereof; (4) construct, operate and nai:ntain all mines and other· facilities necessary or convenie11t for the perfo1ma11ce of the purposes of the lease. (5) construct housing and other facilities f 0r the well-be·ing of personnel employed in any operation unde·r tbe lease; (6) use for his operations, :or power, and for domestic purposes the mine waters a11d water from river, s, lakes and other: bodies of water withi11 and from a reasonable distance outside the oper­ ations area, ·provided, howeve.r, that nothi11g_ in t�is paragrapl1 (6) shall be deemed to a·1thorize such alterations 1n the flow of - 491 -


25-2 --·-· =�.:::..::==�==-�---------------------

wate.1· in a11y 11avigable -,1ate1·\vay as would obstruct or interfere with or be likely to obstrt1ct 01· i11terfere with the free and safe passage of an)' vessel, boat or other craft; (7) temo,,e and use eartl1, \;rood, stone a11d such other materials re­ quired for the pe1·fo1·rr.a11ce of the purpose of tlJe lease a�d found \1/ithi!l 01· adjacent to the mining area, as deterrr1ined by agreeme11t with the oVi,ner and/or }Jossessor . of the land from \vhich such materials are to be re1noved, an,d if the lessee fails, after negotiatio11s in good faith to reach an agreement with the said person, the matter shall be referred to the Minjster Vi1ho sl1all enable tl1e lessee :o remove and llse such. materials upon pay1ne11t of a fair· p1·ice 10 the owne1· 01· possessor. 35.

Compe11satio11 for Use of J_, a11ds ior Lease Purposes . (a.) If la11ds outside the mining area req11ired fo1· tl1e perf�r1nance of the purposes of the lease are o\vn.ed by tl1e Government, the leassee shall use thereof s11b�cct to pa)rment of an appropriate rent (he.reinafter called ''su1·face �ent' ') the ref01·, at such 1-ate per annum as sl1all be determined by tl-e Mi11ister fron1 time to time. (b) If l�nds ·outside the mi11in§ area required for t.l1e pe.rformanc·e of tl1e purposes of the lease are O\v11ed or possessed privately, the lessee sha. ll make use of same only as dete1·mi11ed _by agreement wit.h t}1e owner and/or possessor thereof. (c) Where the lessee fails, after negotiations i11 good faith, to reach a fair agree1ne11t with tl1e ovner and/or possessor of such lands, tbe matter shall be submitted :o the Mi11ister ,vho shall determine a fair a11d reasonable compensation witl1out a11y prejudice, l10:we,1er, to the right of tl1e Minister to take expropriation . proceedings i11 accordance witl1 the provisjons of i\rticle 34 (b) of tl1e Proclamation upon application to him by the lessee to tl1at end. (d) Ownersl1ip of p1·operty acquir·ed · as a result of ail)' expropriation proceedings shall be vested :in the Go,1ernn1. e11t, but the lessee shall be entitled to 1nake use of it1cl1 property for mi11ing purposes with out payme11t of rent for tl1e duration of his lease and on renewal thereof on payment of 1·ent as may be determined by the Minisrter, in no eve11t shall the said us e. of the land so expropriated auth... and _ or1se t.he lessee to prospec:, explore or mine on the land .or the removal of any mine1·al. tl1erefrom unless otherwise agreed by the Minister .


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-------- ____ M_IN_ilN_G_A_ND O N� -__ _c__:o_�-::__:::S....=£...::..:R. _:_VA .:..::.:.:Tl :.::..:.

3. 16

Use of Roads Constructed by Lessee

25-2 --�-----=-�

The Government and the publiic sha11 have the rig·ht t@ use all r0ads con­ structed and maintained exclusively by the lessee, ·provided t.hat there is no interference \\1ith the activit)' u.n:der tl1e leaS'e, The Lessee shaII · p1·ior appro\/al of the Minis�er, bave the right to cha!rge a l"e� with the asonab1e toll wheneve.r such roads are pu.t to strictly commercial a11td ilfld­ ustrial uses. 37.


Details of Quarterly Report The quarterly report required to be submitted to the Ministry pursua]l!t to Article 33 of the Proclamation, shall ino1ude tl1e following particulars. (a) total number of working days for all categories of persoJ:illlel; ( b) the nature of geological work pexfor111ea; (c) the progress and resu1ts of s1Jtc1 h geologjcal work; (a) conditions relating to the c@ntro::rncLti011 of m.i11era:l f>,r0du0tion in , e.l\ia­ ing the e,xte11t of remaining mi11e:ra[ <deposits, the st©ck of crude minerals on hand and sales of minerals realized; (e) quantity of products disposed of with pa11ieulars as to 'h>u)rers an<ll countries of destination; · . at port of embarkation for all exports, a1ild (f) price f.o.b (g) such • additional informatiom as the mlnister shall reasonably require. Transfe1· or Assignment of Lease

All mining leases shall be subject to transfer by assjgm.ment, mortgage or otherwise, i11 w1·iting, i11 accordance with the Civil Code of 1960, pFovid€d that: (a) no such transfer sh.all be made without the written approval of the Minister; (ID) the tra11sfer shall be recorded in the Register of Imm.ovalble Property and the Register of Mining Rights and. endorsed upon by the transfe·ror (c) such transfer sh.all no t affect the rights of third parties 0,r be deemed to absolve the transferor from the performance of his obliga,t�ons n. tio ma cla Pro the of 31 le tic of Ar s ion vis pro the to ary ntr nor be co '


CROSS REFERENCE Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960)

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---- ---....

· evocation of Lease R (a) The Controller may revoke a n1i11ing Jease; (I.) whe·n any rent, surface rent 01· 1·oyalty or a11y other swn payable under . a mining lease is ·lillpaid for more than _six mont.hs after the day on which it is payable; (2) where tl1ere has been a breacl1 of any of the covenants or conditions contained in Eny right or lease other than the coven­ ant to pay rent or royal1y and the covenants regrading labour · conditions; (3) where the l1older of anf miniJ1g lease knowingly pe11nits or carries out practices or )perations in connection with a mine wastefully affecting minerals, whether such minerals are includ­ ed in bis lease or are exchded; (4) when, without valid gro1nds and in a manner prejudical to the public interest, the lesseehas failed upon expirati· on of a reason­ able time following his o,�cupation of the mining area to comm­ ence operations for the exploitation of a previously kno\yn exploitable deposit or has suspended or restrained such opera­ tio11s '· . (5) where the lessee has failed to meet his obligations of perform­ ance as set forth in Article 26 of the Proclamation; (6) where the lessee has failed to take proper steps to improve work­ ing conditions which jrr.peril or tend to imperil the health and safety of his empl<!yees despite written notice from the Inspector of Mines that .uch steps are necessary; (7) if the lessee has bre,1cl1ed any of the terms of the lease, th.e provisio.ns of the Procllmation, these Regulations or other relevant Ia ws of tl1e EmFire; (8) when the lessee has kJLowingly made any written false or misleading statement to an official of the '. Government relating to any matte1· under the lease; (9) where the lessee has faiJed to discharge any liabibility due to Government other than those specified under Subarticle (a) {l) hereinabove for 1nore than one year a.fter such liabiii1ty has fallen due; and (1©} when the lessee l1as failed to prosecute the mining operations, 49� -

MINING AND CONSERVATION. --- - - - - ----.:....:....:..:.::.:.:.:..:..:____________.: --� 25��-2

with all reasonable diligence and skill i n accordance with the p rovisions o� the Proclamation and the present Regulations and the requirements of the Controller or the Director. (b) If the Minister shall re\1oke such right or lease, a notice shall there­ upon be inserted in newspapers of general cireulation in both Amharic and English declaring the revocati0n of the lease, and such notice shall be conducive evidence that the ri ght or lease therein meationed was legally revoked and the land ama minerals included therein may be dealt wi th as if such lease l1ad neve:r been grantedr (c) Where a mining or su rface lease is liable to revocati on, the Minister may, in app ropriate cases, extend tlae period during which. the person in default 1nay perform his obligatiO'lilS under the lease for sueh time an.d subject to such terms and conditions as he may think fit, and t.he terms and conditions so imposed by the MiRiister shall bind such persons and all transferees, mortgagee-s, assignees and other persons claiming through or under him, and the fight or leas, e sh.all th.e.reafter be construed as .if such terms and cgnditioas wert amended there by. (d) (1) The C ontroller i n appropriate cases shall warn a lessee that grounds for re vocation of bis lease exist and shall instruct such lessee as t o the proper remedial steps to be taken wi thin a reasonable spec ified time. (2) Where the lessee fails to comply with sucl1 i11structcions or to present to tl1e Co11troller in writing a sufficient statement of ,,alid grounds for failure so to comply or t o show reasons why such instructions are i11appropriate i n the partie·ular case, the Controller shall deliver to the lessee an order of re vocatio n specifying the reasons and the effective date of such re�ocati on whi ch shall not be less than thirty (30) days after delivery of such order. (e) For the purposes of this Arti cle 39 (c) and (d) ''appropriate cas� s'' shall be deemed to exist in situations contemplated by Suba.rt1cle (a) (2) (3) (5) and (7). .

(f) (1) Within twenty one (21) days following de!ivery_ of an order of revocation pursuant to Subarticle (d) of this �rt1cle �9: a les�ee shall be entitled to file before the Minister nottce of h.1s 1ntent1on to appeal against such revocation. (2) Upon receipt of such notice the Minister may temporarily - 495 -





suspend e11forcen1ert of sucl1 · revocatio11 order for such pe.riod - 11ot to exceed 11i11etf (90) days as may be necessary f. or. a full hearing a11d deter111it1atio11 of the appeal by tr1e Mi11ister. (g) Noti11g said i11 this Artic_c 39 sl1all in ar1y n1a11ner p1·ejudice the right of the lessee to a1JfJeal a�ai11st the determinatio11 of tl1e Minister to the approp1·iate Court. '


Superimpositio11 of Mini11g F..igl1ts In the event of any areas t; 1e subject ot' any m.inj11g 1·ight under the


Proclamation and tl1e p1·ese111 Regulations being found to be superimpe­ ed one upon another, the la11d i11 disp11te shall be considered to be·wi· thin the area of the mining rigJ1t j rst granted a11d 110 compensation s.hall li>e allowed in respect thereof to the holder of the right subsequently g1·a. nt�d_, ·but reduction in 1·e11t tl1ereater shall be allowed in proportion to reduction of the area of such mining rights; p1·0\1ided that, if any right shall h.ave bee11 g1·ante1i i11 ignorance of the prior clai1ns of any other person, or if for any otl1er reaso11 it shall appear to the Mmister that the grant of a11y mi11ing 1·ight shall l1a ve been granted in ignorance of the prior claims of a11y other perso11, or if for any otl1er re·ason it shall appear to the Mir1iste1 that the g.rant of any 1nining right was inequitable, having regard t) the prospecting, exploration or miEing operations being co11ducted by any otl1er person, the Minister may, by notice served on t11e holder cf the n1ining right, revoke such right as to the whole or any portion of the land ii1clud.ed therei11 a.t any time within six (6) months of the g�ant of such mi11ing 1·ight. Payments

(a) Any applicant for a grant of a prospecti11g perrnit or exploration licence or a11y renewal e>r 1·eue\vals thereo·f and any lessee of. a mining lease shall pa)' in currency acceptable to the Governme1ii:t: (1) the fees prescribed n Schedule IX; {2) the royalties prescribed in Schedule X; and (3) the rents prescribed .n Schedule XI of these Regulations, as may be applicable. (b) Royalties, �ents, surface re11ts, and all other sums payable to the Government under · the ?roclamation and the present Regulations - 496 -



sha1: ll, unless otherwise specified herein, be payable to. the Controlle r . half yearly iu a.rrears. 42.

Fines With.out prejudice to tl1e provisions of Article 39 hereof, if the rent, surface rent, royalties, or any other sum paya;ble under a mining righit is not paid on or bef01·e the due date of payment, the amount due sh.all be increased by five percent (5 %) and, if the said sum be not paid to­ gether with such fine one month from the clue date o·f payment, a furthe.r additional fine of te11 percent (I 0) % on the sum due exclusive of the filile of five percent shall be added and, if the said rent or other sums rtogether with such fines be not paid within one month after sud.h §rst month., the Minister may recover such rent or other sums by actio.n m the name of the Ministry in any Court of competent juirisdiction.


Legal Procedure (a) The mode o.f proceeding in a complaint before the Minister in alJJ. disputes that fall within his jarisdiction under the Proclamatiion and/ or the present Regulations, shall be als follows: (I) The person complaining shall lodge a memorand1um in daplic­ ate at the office of the Mi11ister. (2) The memorandum shall n. ormally be in the prescribed form and shall state the complaint and the relief claimed. (3) Upon receipt of the memorandum tl1e Minister shall give notice in the prescribed form, by post or ot11erwise, to the party used of the nature of the complaint, and the time a11d place a't which the same shall be heard and determi11ed. (4) At the time and place appointed the parties and/0r their repre­

sentatives shal attend and state their case before the Minister and may call evidence in support thereof, and the Minister, hav­ ing heard such statement and evide11ce, shall give his decision.

(5) The Minister may adjourn such hearing to any other 1!ime or place, and may, either at the original hearing or an adjournment (s), proceed in the absence of either party. (6) The Minister may, at any time during the hearing, seize or cause to be seized any minerals, and may d.etain them pending decision. ( 7) The Civi Procedure Code of the Empire of Ethiopia of 1965 - 497 -



· regulating proceedings 1:efore and. the powers of any competent Court of first instance in civil matters, shall, subject to any modifications, additio11sor alterations which may be prescribed, apply to proceedings bcfore the Minister and the enforcement of his decisions in like manner as if sucl1 decisio11s were the decisions of tl1e court. (8) Fees shall be charged asmay be prescribed. .

(b) The Minister shall keep a record of all cases heard and complaints decided by him and shall tale notes in writing of all evidence given before him. (c) Any person interested in a1y dispute, decision or order s.hall be entitled to obtain a copy of ;uch record and notes upon payment of the prescribed fee, (d) The Minister may send a co�y, certified under his hand seal, of any decision or order made by hin to any Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the subject matter of the decision is situated, and such Court shall enforce tre decision of the Minister in the same manner in which it would er.force its own decision or order. The same fees shall be payable in the Cou.rt upon the enforcement of such decision, or order as vould be payable upon the enforcement of a like decision or order by such Court. (e) Any person aggrieved by any decision or order made or given under: the powers vested in the Minister, may appeal to a Court of compet­ in Article 47 of the Proclamation. ent jurisdiction, as provided . . (f) The Minister may, in writng, delegate any of the functions and authorities provided for in this Article 43 to any officer or officers designated by him the provisio·ns of Article 5 of the Proclamation. CROSS REF�RENCE Civ. Pro. C.25/Ex. 3 (1965).


Demarcation .

(a) Before applying for an exp .·oration licence in respect of an exploration area, the applica11t sh.all erect at the four corners of the area for which application is to ie made location posts which shall be not less than twenty-five (25) centimetres in diameter and which shall project above the ground at least one (1) metre and which shall be securely fix�d in or on grcunds; upon such posts shall be affixed -4➔ 8.




a notice board �n which shall be stated the name of tlle applicant, the date of erection and the a?proximate size of the area to be app­ lied for. (b) Demarcation of an area in which a discovery has been made shall be ca.rried out in the same manne·r as in the case of an exploration area except that upon the notice board shall be stated the name of the discoveror, number of the discoverer's prospecting, explor­ ation lice11ce, if any, the date of the Certificate of Discovery or of the Special Certificate of Discovery, as the case may be, the name of the mineral or minerals discovered and the approximate length of the sides of the area over which the discoverer proposes to apply for a mining lease and their direction with reference to the compass. On completion the area delimited shal1 be examined by an Official of the Ministry designated f 01 that purpose and, if the demarcation is of the proper area and is properly performed, the C�rtifi.Gate of Discovery or the Special Certificate of Discovery, as the case may be, shall be marked by him wif1 the words ''Demarcation Approved'' and shall be signed by him ai:d stamped with an official stamp; the. official shall make a sketch plan of the area as demarcated and such sketch plan shall be lodged in the Ministry. (c) If the Minister requires a survey of the area comprised in the licence by a Government surveyor, the applicant shall pay i11 advance, the Ministry a deposit to cover the approxjmate charges and other sums payable for or in respect of the survey under this Subartiole. (d) In the event the information f11rnisb.ed by the applicant in hris appli­ cation should prove to be substantially satisfactory to the Minister, the said deposit sh.all be refunded to the applicant in whole or in part as the Minister shall dete:mine. (e) Subject to Subarticle ( d) heremabove, if the actual expenses are less than the deposit, the balance shall be returned to the applica.nt and, if the deposit is insufficient, he shall pay the balance before the application for the licence is granted. (f)

The surveyor appointed shal1 notify the applicant of the time and place at which the applica.nt or his representative shall meet him for the purpose of showing the area beaconed.

(g) The applicant or his representative shall remain with the survey party during the survey of the :1..rea. (h) Crops and trees shall not be interfered with unless necessary for

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25-2 .


the pu1·pose of survey a11d on payment of compensation by the applicant to tl1e owner. (i) Any tree may, at the discretion of the surveyor, be left standing in any boundary li11e. U) The pla11 made py the surveyor shall show the bou11d�ries, boundary marks and beacons, and· •�ontours, a11d the topographic features lying on the bou.ndaries. Tle plan shall be drawn on a scale of 1 :10, 000. 45.

Shortening or Extension of Time Notwithstanding the provisio11. of any of the Articles o.f 'the present Regulations whe1·ein a period of time is stipulated within which a certain act is to be perform.ed or complied with, the Minister, may, for good cause, provide a lesser or longer period as the case may be, within which time such act is to be perform.ed or complied with.


Presentation of Permit or Licence A prospecting pe1mit or expl1)ration licence entitling any person to prospect or explore shall be produced whenever so required by any public officer, 0W11er and/or lawful pt)ssessor of a private land or any other interested person.

47. •


Penalty Any person who violates the provisions of these Regulatio·ns shall be subject to the penalties provided for under Article 51 of the Proclamation. Effective Date These Regulations shall e11ter i1to force upon publication in the Negarit Gazeta. SCHEDULES TO MlNING· R'EGULATIONS


i Prospecting Permit ii Exploration Licence iii Notification of Di�overy iv Certificate of Discovery v Special �ertificate of Discovery vi Certificate of Registration '•

- 50,0 -


vii viii ix X xi


Trade:r's Licence of Precious Minerals Quarry Licence Fees Royalties Rents SCHEDULES Schedule I PROSPECTING PERIMT


NOT TRANSFERABLE This Prospecting Permit is hereby gran1ed to .........

.............. .. (aame irn full) ...................................................... .............................................. (address in full) to prospect for twelve (12) months from the date hereof for the mineral'�s} a.nd over the area indicated on the back hereof and unae1· and subject to 1Jhe provisions of the Mining Proclamation and Regulations of 1971 . ••

•• • • • • •




Granted this ...............dayof .................., 19........................ (Signed) ............................... Controller of Mines • • •• •


•••••• •••



..... ....... . ... ... . .. .............. (Signature of Holder) Area over which this Permit is granted: ................................................... Mineral (s) in respect of which this Permit is granted: (signw) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . .

First Re.newal (si gned) •• • •• •••• •••• • • • • ••••• • •

Controller of Mines and Seal

Controller of Mines Second Renewal (signed)

• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Controller o� Mines and Seal

- 501 -=

Third Renewa1 (Signed) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • •

Controller of Mines and Seal



• • e . e . e .

I •• • • •

e .

I . • . •e e

Date : ..................

Date : ..................

Date : .................. ♦ ■


e e e e . e

■ e e







II . f •

e . • • • e

♦ 8 . •

e • • e e . e e �


f e e • e


♦ ♦

e e e

♦ • •



e e.a



• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •

This Exploration Licence is hereby gra.nted to .......................................... (name in full) (addresi. in full) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

to e xplore for twenty-four mo11ths from the date hereof for the mineral(s) .and over the area indicated on the b:tck hereof and under and subject to tb.e provisions of the Mining Proclamation and Regulations of 1971. Granted this .................. day of ........................, 19 ..................... Seal

(Signed) •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••

Controller of Mines • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

(bac1.) (Signature cf holder) Area over which this Licence is grant!d: ................................................ Mineral (s) in respect of wl1ich this Lbence is granted: (signed\ • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

First Renewal (singed) Controller of Mines and Seal

Controllcr of Mines Second Renewal (sigred) Controll,r of Mines arrl Seal

Date: ........................ Date: ...., ...................

Third Renewal (signed) Controller of Mines and Seal Date : .................. ., ...

.. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. " . . . . . " .. . . . . . . . . ..... ... . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

SCHEDULE Ill NOTI FICP.TION OF DISCOVERY I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• -502•




malke oath and d .eclare as follows: 1. That on the ...............da) of ............ 19............ , I discov.eFed · · • • • • · • · · • • · · • · • • • • • • • . .... . . at . . . . • . • • • . • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . and that to ..tili i. ,. , e best of my ki1owledge and belief I am the first discoverer tnere0f. That the samples attached be-rewith and marked with my name weie taken from � body of mineral deposit in its natural state in the place above mentioned and were broken by me from the sa- id b©d)' of mineral deposit. Evidence given before me on oath Olil •.. , ...••••..•........•• 19 ..................


....... . ........ " ............. ...... . . . . . .

(Sign:ature of Official emp0:wered to take evidence) .....................................................................................................

Schedule IV CERTIFICATE OF DISCOVERY A notification of discovery of ............................................................... at ....................................having been mad.e by ................................ .

on the of ............... 19 ............... and enquiries having been made into the nature of the discovery which reveals that .................. exist in apparently payable quantities, this Certificate of Discovery of........... . .. ... . ...... is therefore issued to the discoverer named above. This certi ficate is not to be taken as conclusive evidence that this mineral (s) does in fact exist in payable quantiti�s a.t the place above-mentioned. (Signed) Seal Da·te: .............................. 1



• I I •

• I I



I I I e I I I I -I I I I I I I

Controller of Mines Schedule V SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF DISCOVERY A notification of discovery of .............................................................. . at .............................................having been made by ........................ on the of ................ 19............... and enquiries.having been - :03 -



ma,de into the nature of tl1e cliscove1·y �hich reveals that ................. : ............ exist tl1is Special Certificate of Disco\ery is therefore issued to the discoverer named above. (Signed) Seal Date : ................ � ............ . •• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Controller of Mj11es ♦

• ♦ ♦

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♦ • I


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• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


I ce1-tify that I have registered as the ..............................of ..................... i11 tl1e regis1er a11d at the folio following: Book No. ........................ Folio No. ........................ Dated this of ........................... 19 ............... (signed) Office of the ControHe·r of Mines I ♦ I ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦

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♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦

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♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e ♦ ♦

Scl:edule VII No. .........................


This Tra:der's Lice11ce is hereby granted to ............................................. (name in fuN) ..................... to possess precious (addcss in full)

mineral (.s) under and subject to the p-ovisions of the Minig Proclamation and Regulations of 1971. Granted this of ............... 19 ..................... (signed) .................................. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ....... . .

Controller of Mines ,

. ................... ·• ..................................

-504 -



ScTuedale VITEN©.

. ..•...•.•....•.•.



This Licence is hereby gra11ted to ······ ······ ····· ·· · · · ·············.•·················,··· ( name iJl fnul� .


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • ,-ri" • • • • •

(address in full)

under and subject to the provisions of F>rocla· wation and Re�la®,tlS te open. a quarry in the a1·ea and for the su.bstan:ces mentioned Olil t)e lback hereof, for the period tern:rinating on the ..................clay of ............... 19...... and for such further peuiod a,s this riceace may be re1, i€wed under and stl�eet to the provisio·ns of the Proclamation and Regulations aud to too special conditions specified on the back herieof. Granted this ....................................d.ay of ..................... t� ......... (sig,neffl)' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Controller of Min , es • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• ••••



Signature of holder .....................................................• • ......... • •• ••• • •• • • • Address of holder ................................................... : .•••••• •• • ••• • • •• • •• • •• • • • A.J·ea for which licence is ·granted: Substance in respect of which licence is granted: Special conditions, if any: ■




■ ■ • •



♦ •




e • e •

■ ■ ■ •

■• •

e • • e •



■• • •• • •• • ••





•• •••• •• •• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••

Schedule IX FEES


'Fhe Fees payable under the Proclamatio.n and these regula.tions shall be as follows:

- 5@5 '





Prospecting Permit Natural Person .................. Legal Person ..................... Exploration Permit . ............ Mining Lease ..................... Quarry Licence .................. Surface Lease ..................... Certificate of Registration ...... Trader's Licence ............... · Records of Cases heard before the Minister up to 5 pages ... For each additional page or part thereof ..................... For recording Assignments, Surrenders or any other Document ........................ • • •


• ♦ e e • I f

I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


• ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦

• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦


Et.h. $

IO 30 100 100 50 30 10

5 15 50 50 25 20

5 50


5 0.50 5 • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦o ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ e

♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • • ♦ II ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

I ♦ ♦ I ♦ ♦ •

♦ ♦ • I I

Scledule X

Royalties on minerals other than Petroleum and Natural Gases. The royalties payable in respect of minerals other 1han petroleum and natural gases shall me as follows: •


1. For minerals falling under Category (a) (1) of Article 6 of the Proclamation, except for 1recious minerals, a maximum rate of ten. per cent (IO%) of the groS:i sales of such of minerals of the basis of the highest price obtairiabl� at the time of sale. 2.

For precious minerals a maximum rate of fifteen percent (15%) of the gross sales of such mine·rals on the basis of the highest price obtaJnable at the time of sale.

3. For minerals faling under Category (a) (3) of Article 6 of the Pro­ clamation a maximum rate of five percent (5 %) of the gross sales of such minerals on the basis of the highest price obtainable at the time of sale. -506-





For minerals falling under Category (a) (4) of Article 6 of the Proclamation a maximum of three percent (3 %) of such minerals on the basis of the highest price obtainable at the time of sale or such other alternative method as the Minister. may determine at his discretion.

In determining the exact percentage of royalty payable under this Schedule X, the Minister shall take into consideration the economic value of the minerals involved .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Schedule XI RENTALS The holder of an Exploration Licence or the Lessee of a Mining Lease shall pay annual rents as follows:(a)



Holder of on Exploration Licence The holder of an exploration licence shall pay as rent a maxiimum of Ethiopian futeen dollars (Eth.$ 15) for every square kilometre of land held by him under the licence.


Lessee of a Mining Lease The lessee of a mining lease shall pay as rent a max.imlllll of thirty Ethiopian dollars (Eth. $30) for eve,ry square kilometere of land held by him under the lease. The amount of rent, shall upon each renewal of the licence or lease, be increased by one-half(½) of the amount of rent paid fo.r the preVlOUS year. Done at Addis Ababa, this 24th day of June., 1971.

- 507-



B. Wil� Life 30/4 (197)) 0. 65




ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We realize the impo�ta11ce of the role \Vhich wildlife can play in the economic development of Ethiopia, in the field of tourism and in f its educational and scie11ti ic values; anc WHEREAS, it is in the national inte1·est to provide for the better conserv­ ation of Vi1ildlife, and for the establishn.ent of national · parks for wildlife an. d game restrves; and WHEREAS, it is necessary t�at a central administration be created to resources; and pla11 and implement programmes to comerve wildlife ' WHER:EAS·; jt is 11ecessary to confJrn1 to tl1e criteria laid down for adm­ ission to the Unjte_d Nations List of Natio11al Parks and Equi,,alent Reserves;_ ,


NOW, THEREFORE, in acco1·dtnce with Article 27 of Our Revised Constitution and on the advice of Our �=ouncjl of Mi11isters, We hereb)r Order as follows: 1.

Short Title. 197.0.'' This Order may be cited as tl1e ''v\ildlife Conservatio11 O rder, .


Establishment. There is hereby established a. Wildlife Conservation Organization (hereinafter referred to as the ''Organization'. '), as an autonomous Public Authority of the Imperial Ethiopian Gove·r111nent.


Purposes and Responsiblity. (1) The principal purpose of tl-:e Organization shall be to ensure the proper conservation and management of wildlife 1·esources in Our






B �p�re and � o establish, de\elop .and ·achnin�ste-r national parks for . w1ldl1fe (here1nafte·r referred to as ''Naition - al Patk.s':), game reserves and other conservation aFeas designed to priovide for the better p1·otection of tlie fauna and flora, and for purposes of education, recreation and scientific research. (2) For the attajnment of the princjpal purpose, the Organization shalll, i11 accordance with the law, be responsible for: (a) the admi11.istration and enforcement of .any legislatio.n or regulations issued in 1egard to conse.rvation, protection 0r management of wildlife resources in Our Empire; (b) the issuance of licenses or permits for the hunting or capture of wild animals or birds, and for the collection of any fees payable in connection therewith; (c) the establishment, demar-caition and manageme11t o·f national parks, game reserves, sanctuaries a11d controlled buntiliilg areas, declaration of wildlife conservation areas and maintenanee of the spectacular scenic attracti-ons and e�sy access-iblity of national park . s and garr.e rese·rves; (d) the fixi11g and collection of fees or other charges payable by tihe visitor to natio11al parks, game reserves or other conservation areas, and the revi, ewing of any schedule of game animals a11d capitation fees; ( e) the granting of any con:ession for the e�ploitation of crocodile or other wildlife resou;ces, and the collection of any fees or royalties payable in comection therewith; (f) the granting of any concession for the erection and operation of any hotel or camp, or the provision of any other facilities for the use of the pub-Ii: in any pai11k, game reserve or other wlidlife conservatio11 area, and for the collection of any fees or royalties payable in connection therewith; and (g) the discharging of such other functions as. may be vested in it by law. 4.

Powers. The Organization shall have, in accordance with the law, all powers necessary for the achievement of its purposes and 'the discharge of its responsibilities; without limiting the generality or the foregoing, the Organization shall have the f oil.o\ving powers: , - 51)9 -



(a) to acquire, own,. pledg!, mortgage, lease and dispose of any movable or immovable property; · from, to e11ter into contracts or make any arrange­ (b) to borrow ment with private persoos or governmental, semi-governmenta'.l, or non-governmental o:ganizations in Our Empire or abroad; (c) to sue and be sued in it5 own name; (d) to establish and maintain a viable administrative orgaruzation conducive to the effective performance of its functions and to establish and maintain ;,ranch offices where they are needed; e;tablishe erein; (e) to administer the fund . (f) to employ the necessary staff and personnel and_ to discharge the same; (g) to establish and superv:se institutions and facilities for wildlife research and administ1ation and for the training of wildlife experts, game guards, and other personnel necessary for the effective protection, administration, and development of wildlife resources; (h) to initiate legal expropr.ation proceedings for the acquisitioll of immovable property re�uired by it for the purposes of establish­ ing national parks, game reserves and other wildlife conserva­ tion areas; and (i) to construct, promote a1d arrange for the construction of aoc� roads to or through na.tional parks, game reserves and other. wildlife conservation ar-!as. 5.

Composition of the Organization. The Organization shall have the :allowing organs: (a) a Wildlife Conservation Board (referred to herein as the ''Board'') § and (b) a General Manager. •


The Board. (1) The activities and the functions of the organization shall b.e under the guidance and general su.pervision of the Board which shall be composed as follows: (a) the Minister of Agriculture or the person whom he auth0rizes: - 510 •





(b) one representative from each of the Miaistries of Interior; Finance; Education and Fin.e Arts; Conunerce, Jn.dustt'y and Tourism; the Haile Selassie I Universiity; and the Gen.e,ral Manager. 2. 3. 7.

All the powers of the Organization provided her:e�n auth in other laws shall be vested in the Boa,rd. The Board shall determine the necessary rules for its procedure.

General Manager

The General Manager sh.all be appointed bJ Us on the Fecomme.ndaaen of the Board. He shall be the chief executive officer. o� the Organizatio-n and shall, under the general direction of th€ Board, ee respon.sibl'e !for the cond,uet of the activities of the Organization. The General Manager may delegate his functions and dut�es to other employees of the Organization, to the extent and in as much as it is necessary for th.e ma::n,tenanee o.f a:n efficient ad ,ministpat, ien and for the implementation of the purpcse.s heteunder. 8.

Fund 1.


There shall be established a fund which shall consist of; (a) · All monies received by the O:rganizatJon irn respecil of licences e:r permits issued as provided herein, or f©r en,trance or other fees paid by visitors to national parks, game reserv·es, or other conservation area.s; (b) all fees or royalties received in respect of concessions gran, ted as provided hereunder; (c) all contributions and donations made to the Orgainizatio.n; (d) any other monies recei\ed by the Organiza1, ion as a fes·uJt @f activities ca.rried out he1eunder; and ( e) any anE.ual government subsidy based on aiJ!l. estimate j>tepaired by the General Manager and approved hy the Board which shall be included as a separate s11b-h.ead under the Min.istirry of Agriculture in the annual Budget of the Government. (a) The fund established h�rein shall be lodged in the National Bank of Ethiopia or in a bank designated by it in a separate acceunt in. �he name of the Organization; the Eun.a shall be expended in accordance with the law. - 511 -

1 OLIDATED ,LAWS OF ETHIOPIA, SUPPLEMENT �_9_:_·NS CO 25�3,4 --�- ------------------------ --


(b) The Organization sl1all keep full and accurate a.ccou mit of, _ expenditures and reverrues and shall within tlJree (3) months, after the expiration of eacl1 fiscal year render a statemen t @f expenditures and re,:enues for the previous year. Such statement s·hall be submitted to tll e Minister of Finance,


Annual Report.

The Organization shall prepar! and publish an annual report of its acti viti es. l 0.

Regulatio11s. . .

The Minister of Agriculture, uJon the recommendation of the Board, n1ay issue regulations for tl1e better ca;rying out of the provisions of this Order. 11.

Effective Date This Order shall enter into fore! on the date of its publiccation in the

Negarit Ga.zeta.


Done at Addis Ababa this Sth ·daf of November 1970.


CHAPTER I General ?rovisions: 1.

Issuing Authority

These Regulations are issued by the Minister of Agricultu r· e pursuant t0 authority ves-ted in-him by Article 4 of the Game Proclamatio-n 1944 (Procla-m­ ation No. 61 of 1944) and Article lOof the Wildlife Conservation Order 19'70 �Order No. 65 of 1910), and upon therecommendation ·o·f ·the Wildlife Conserv­ ation Boarcl. 2 .. Short Title Tllese Regu.lations may be citec as the ''Wild,Iife Conservation Reguiatio-



-512 -





All pr�vious Regulations in f orce concerning matters of wildlife resonirces whether _ written or customary, are here-by repea!led an:d replaced by these Regulations. Definitions


In these Regulations a11d in licences and permits issued T. o:e1re1 1 nder, unless the context otherwise requires: ( 1) ''Aircraft'' sh.all 1nean any tYJ!)e 0f, aii1rp:l:a.111e, ael1€0:p.ter, aiirsbip>. balloon or kite, whether contrallled orr di.rected by ln.:uman. a_gency 0r not; (2) 'QARtho1·ized officer'' shall mean amy Game Warde1l, H@Jilotar·y Game Warden, Assistant Game Warden, Gam.e Scout, Game GuaFd, Game Assistant or any other person appointed in writing bf tihe Organization to ful§l l! the functions UE.der tme provisi:on @f tl.tese Regulations; (3) ''Co11servation Area'' shall mean an area set as i, de 8.ilil.0 declared by the Orgaaization for the co,nservati@.n and management 0f Wirlcllife, including a National Park, Game Reserve, Sanctuary or Co,ntrol!led Hunting Area; (4) ''Co,ntrolled F-Tu11ting Area'' snall mean a \\1ild[ife conservation area designated as such by the Organization; (5) ''Export pe1mit'' shall mean a p€rmiit issued by th.e Organ�atiort to any person pursuant to these Regulations and which grants the the right to export gam€ an.ima]s, troplruies or airticl€s made of trophies from Ethiopia; (6) ''Organizatio11'' shall mean the Wildlife Conservation Organization of the Imperial Ethiopian Government; (7) ''Game or Game Animal'' shall mean all wild animals including birds, fish reptiles of any class or species and the young aod eggs thereof, which are not specifically classified iE.Schedule(7)hereof as ·vermin;" (8) ''Game Reserve'' shall mean a wildlife conservation area designated as such by the Organization; (9) ''Hunting or hunt'' shall mean to kill, capture, shoot at, wound a gam.e animal, or sear1 cl1 for a game animal with the inten.t to kill; or capture and shall include the taking of an egg or nest of a.ny bir<d •

- 513 -



(10) ''Licence or Pe1mit'' when us�d alone without further qualification shall mean and i11clude, as app1·opriate, a11y and all of the following a Dealer's perm�t; an Export pe1·mit; all types of Hunting Licencee and permits; a licence issued 10 an assistant to a holder of a licen.ce or permit; (11) ''National park'' shall mean a wildlife conservation area whether _ it includes land. covered by rea or other water and designated as such for the purpose of conserving and protecting wildlife and obj­ ects of aesthetic, ecological aJJd scientific interest; (12) ''Minister'' shall mean the M�nister of Agriculture; (13) ''General Manager'' shall mean the General Manager of the Organization; (14) ''Owner'' shall include in rehtion to private immovable property any lessee, mortgagee or any o'.her pe1·son authorized to act on their bel1alf; ' (15) ''Sanctua1·y'' shall mea11 a widlife conservation area designated as such by the Organization; (16) ''Self-loading weapo11'' shall nean any weapon in which cartridges or semi-automa. t ic are loaded into the frring chanber by authomatic . means; (17) ''Dealer's Permit'' shall meana permit issued by the G·eneral M.ana­ ger to dealers pursuant to the;e Regulations; (18) ''Dealer'' shall mean any pe1son who is authorized and approv6d by the Organization to carry on business in game animals trophies and articles m.ade of trophie� including cutting, ca.rviug, polishing, preserving, cleaning, mountins any article from trophies; (19) ''Person'' shall mean physical or juridical person; (20) ''Trophy'' shall mean an)' ho�n, tooth tusk, bone, cla\v, hoof, skin, meat, hair, or other part of any game animal including eggs and feathers; (21) ''Weapo�'' s.hall mean any fi1earm, spear, bow and arrow, trap, net or other instrument used to h1lnt game animals.


CHAP1ERII National Pa1·ks, Game Reserves, Sanctuaries Controlled Huiting Areas if>Fom0i1tion OE. Residence, Buntin� and Hum-an Occupation in a National Pa.irk. ,




(1) For the p, urpose of this Article National Parl<s are hereby designated as Game Reserves; (2) No person shall reside, hunt, cult½ivaite, graze cattle or livestock, fell tr�es: burn v �getation or exploit the natural :r:esourc€s in any manner w1tbm a National Park u.nless st1oh activities aFe used for the Gleveiop­ me11t and management of the Jark. 6.

Restrictions on Residence in Game Reserves. (I) No person shall reside in any game re-serve without the written authority of the General Manager provided, ho\vever, tl1at nothing in this Article shall render unlawful: (a) The temporary residence in a Game Reserve of a public officer on duty or the family or any employee of any such officers; or (b) the residence therei11 of any person wl10 was a resident th.erein on the date of the declara:tion of the area as a Game Resen1e. ,(2) Persons authorized to reside in Ganie Reserve� shall -have the right to cultivate their land and ti) pasture and water tlhe'ir domestic animals therein.


Conditions of Hunting in Game Reserves and Sanctuaries No person shall hunt or molest in any Game Reserve or Sanctuary any Game animal or take any trophy of such game ainimaJ unle-ss he is acting in accorda,nce with the conditions of a Special Permit or Garno Captu,re permit (in the case of G£me Reserves) issued with respect to that particular Game Reserve or Sanctuaries.


Restrictions Regarding Game Rese:ves and Sanctuaries (1) No person, othe.r than a person acting in accordance with the conditions of a Special Permit ,)r Game Capture Permit (in the case of Game Reserves) or a Public Officer on duty, shall carry any weapon in a Game Rese1·ve or San1�tuary without the written Perntision of the General Manager or a Game Warden save in the case of a person traveiling through a Game Reserve or Sanctuary on a public highway. (2) The General Manager may irr.pose such other restrictions concern­ ing the persence within or passage through Reserves and Sancturaies as may be necessa:-y to accomplish tl1e purposes l1ereof.

- 515-




Co11ditions of Hunting i11 Co11tr,)lled Hunti11g Areas_ (1) No person shall hunt any gime animal �ithin a Co�:rolltfd �uniting Area uiiless he is acting in a�cordance with the cond1t1ons of a·:F)em , iiit issued with respect to tl1at ptrticula1· Controlled Hunting Area. (2) The Organization shall f1·on tiine to time- review the kind of gaa€ animals and tl1e number vhicl1 may be hunted in eac1i sp6oif, rij{J Controlled Hunting Area. CHAPIBR III Licences anc ·Permits


Requirement of Licence_ and pe1mit (I) No pe1·son shall l1unt any �ame animal unless he is the holder 0:f a •licence or permit issued hereunder. (2) All licences and permits sha.11 be subject to all the provisions hetoof and to the conditions, limit1tions and restrictions endorsed ther.eon.


Application f01· Licences and Pa-mits. Any person desiring to obtain any licence or pe1mit here11nder «naal: submit his application to the Organization in such f o·rm as m:ay a--e determined by the Orgai1ization


Issuance of Licences and permi:s. Upon receipt of any applicatio1 hereu.nder, the licence or permit sh� unless the application is refused pursuant to Article 13 hereof, prompt� thereafter be .issued to the applicant against payment of the fees; p;re'Na'­ ded, however, that the applican: may be r·equi 1·ed: (1) To adduce proof on the S'1itability of his fuearrr1 fo. r hum:ti �I � class of game which he inte1ds to l1unt, and; (2) to d��onstrate that he possesses an adequate knowledge ©fi the prov�s1ons of t�ese Regulations and is competent to engage m we _ · · act1v1ty authorized by his lcence or permit.


G1·ounds for Refusal of Licence) and Permits. a r p. � o r r,n·�t 1!@ 'mY The General Manager may refuse to issue a Iic@nce .· . . person: -516 •





(I _) Who has ?een convicted of any offence invol,ring an infraction of

the _law with r �spect to the conservation and p1·otection of wildlife dur1�g t.lil.e . per!od of three (3) years immediately preceding tJ1e date of his a,pplicat1on for a lice11ce or permit;



(2) \Yho fails to disclose i11 his applicatjon any pr: evious refusal, ca.ncell­ ation or susp:nsion of arty licence or permit previously applied for or held ?Y him or any other relevant fact within hris k ,nowledge _ which might reasonably canfe the Organization to refuse to issue the lic·en.ce or permit for which applicaJtioo is made; or (3) For any other good cause. Appeal against Refusal to Issue L:cences a,nd In the case of a refusal by the Ge:m.eral Manager to issue a licence or permit, the person to w.hom a lict:nce or is refused may, witliliin one (1) month of such refusal, appeal} in. writing to the Mirl!ister.


Fees p�yable for Hunting Licences and p�rmits alild Capitation Fees. (J) The fees payable for the liceaces and permits and capiuaiti0J1 fees

covered by the Schedules attaobed to these Regualtion shall b� as listed in said Schedules; (2) The fees for licences and pe1mits and capitation fees not listed in · said Schedules shall be fixed by tlae Organization. l 6.

Carrying of Licences and Permits. The holder of any licence or permit shall carry it on his person when engaged in any activity authorized by the licen. ee or permit.


Game Register

Every holder of a licence or permit shall be required to maintain a G·ame Register in the form prescribed by the Organization, which shall be affixed to his licence or permit and in which he ·shall enter the date and place of the killing or capture of all game animals hunted or captured by him. The Game Register shall be surrendered together \\'itl1 the licence or permit as soon as the licence or permit is fully utilized or on the d.ate of expiry of the licence or permit, or, in the case of visitors, on their·e from Ethiopia. Th·e holder shall enter any game animal killed, wounded or captured in the Game Register before removing the game animal from the spot where killed or captured, or in the case of game animals wounded, as soon as appropriate, due regard being had for all the circumstances. --"- 517 -








Game Animals Killed or Wounced


(1) If any gan1e animal is killed or wounded in a11y circumstance whai­ the game perimt, ever licerce or animal sha]l he by of tl1e holder a • counted against that ·pe1·son 's licence or permit. (2) Without Iimiti11g the gene1·ality of this Articl� 18 (1), the prin:eiple enunciated herein shall _ app:y: (a) In cases specified i11 Art:cle 41 (2) l1ereof; (b) If any game a11imal is k:lled or wounded by accident or in ero,r;

a11d (c) if any game animal is :dlled or wounded in defence ofhumain life or property as speci:ied in Article. 36 and 37 hereof. 19.


Prohibition of Transfer of Licences and Permits.


N·o person shall t1•ai1sfer any licmce or permit to any other person, a. ntl no person except the person to whom a licence or permit has been issued shall make use of any licence or ?e1mit. 20.

Suspension and Cancellation of Licences and Permits (1) The General Manager, a Game Warden or any other authorized

(2) (3 )

(4) 21.

officer delegated with such p:>wer may suspend any licence o.r pemit if the holder violates any of tl1e provisions hereof, provided that tl:r0 Game Warden or Author�d Officer shall immediately notify the General Manager who shall after investigation, either lift the sus,.. ension 01· confirm it, or can.eel the licence or permit. Any holder of a licence or per111it who is aggrieved by the suspen,si0n or ca11cellation of a licence or per1nit by the. General Manag@r m:a.y� within one (1) month of the date thereof, appeal to the Minister. On the eonvictjon of any �rso11 for any offence hereund.&r, ev:erry licence and permit held by t: 1e person at the time of such co.nvieti.0n1 shall be automatically cancelled. unless the court specifically m11e. ©tS otherwise. The holder of any licence 01· permit which is cancell.ecl her,ean<\toc shall promptly su' th� san1e to the Organizatioa.

Types of Hanting Licence.. (1) General 0-ame Licence: - 518 •.





(a) G:ame animals which may be hunted under the GeNeral Game L1cence shall be detemined acorcling to Schedule I and the number of game animals to be hfl:lllted under each licence shall be i11dicated by the Organization. (b) A General Game Licence sh.all be valid for a period of two (2) months from the date of issue. (2) Game Bird Licence and Snipe 'Licence:

(a) Gan1e birds and snipes which may be hun.ted under the Game Bird or Simpe Licence sliall be determined acco1idin,g to­ ules 2 and 3 l1ereto respoctively and the number of Game B.irds and Snips to be hunted under each }jcence shall be itncl.icaited by the Organization. (b) A Game bird Licence at1d Snipe Licence shall be vali0 fo:r a period of two (2) month� from the aate of issue.

(3)· Supplementary Game Licence: (a) A Supplementary Game Lic0nce shatll be issued onl3/ to the holder of a General Game Licettce and only fo·r these species and for a maximum nmnber per lic{}nce a-s listea nnder the appropriate heading in Scl1edule 4. Supplement·ary Game Licence shall be issued to tl1e applicant free of charge, p·rovided ,, however, tl1at such applicant shall pay the capitation fee quo1ed in said Schedule. (b) A Supplementary Game Licence shall not be issued unle~ss the applicant prod'uces to the issuing offiOeJi the General G·ame Licence in respect of which th.e supplement0Jry G-ame Licence is being issued. (c) A Supplementary G·ame Lice11ce shall expire on the same date as the General Game Licence in respect of which it was issued. 22.

Special Permit for Hunting Game Animals for Scienrtific Purposes. (J) The Organization may, before granting Special Hunting permits, require the applicant to satisfy him that the game animal in question is sought for use by a recogn_jzed scientific or zoological institution, or for other i11vestigation or research. (2) A Special Hunting Permit shall be valid for such period as shall be specified thereo11 and shall entitle the holder to hunt from the species - 519 -

. . EMENT NO. 1 ETHIOPIA, SUPPL fDATED LA\VS OF OL NS CO 25-4 ==.....:.___--=--::...::......::..:...:....:...____:________________ ____�-----


indicated i11 Schedule 6 or frJm any otl1er Schedule the kind and numbe1· o·f ga111e anin1als e11dorsed on t11e permit i11 locality· and fo.r tl1e purpose specified. The o�ga11ization may cl1arge t.he applican� fo1· such permit wbeneve1· it dce1ns appropriate. 23.

Co11trolled Hunting. ,

(1) Any perso11 who is allowed by the Ge11e1·al Manager to hunt i11 Controlled Hunting Areas sball do so in accordance with Article 9 hereof. (2) Controlled. Hunting shall be allo\ved 011ly to the holder of a hunting

licence or permit hereunder.



Game Capttire Permit (1) Tl1e General Manage1· sl1all, refore granti11g a game capture permit, require the applica11t to state 1o his satisfaction 'his experience m toe capture and care of ga111e a11i11als, the purposes for which the capt­ ured animal is required, the )rosposed methods of capture and the crating and transfer arrange:rrents at his disposal. Suc.h permit shall not, however, be provided for the capture of game animals listed in Schedule 6. (2) A game Captu1·e permit shall be valid for such period as is speoifted

thereon and shall entitle the raider to ca.pture the kind and number of game animals endorsed thereon in the locality > by the means. and for the purposes specified. P�rrrtit or Capitation fees shall be de­ termined by the Organizatio1J. (3) Any game animal ,vhich is kited. or dies i11 the course of or subsequ­ ent to its capture shall count against the game capture permit. (4) The holder of a Game Capture permit sh.all not use any snara ,, poison or poisoned \\1eapon for capturing any game animal, @'r except with a capture gu11 when authorized by the General Mana-gei sh.oat at any game animal ex;, ept when immediatel)r and absol'utel, necessary in defense of himsef or of ai1y other person.

25. ..

Game Animals Prohibited for HuILting W0 person SN.all be allowed to h1ent game animals listed in Sch'.eclUJle 6 hereo,f ext€pt in accordance W"ith ,\rticle 22. -520 -

. . ,

NIN_O_A_N_D_C_O_N_S.:...:'E:.:R.:_V:_:_A::..:.T:..:.10 __ MI _________ N�---------'----- __2_5-4 :::_

CHAPTER rv Hunt i ng .Methods 21J.

Proh i bited Met.mods of Hunting ( I ) No person shall: (a) Use any trap having a jaw Iengtl1 of e·ight (8) centimetres or more or ainy s11are or si milar cont:I�vance lillade of wire; (b) for the purpose of huntjng or assjsting in the hunt in_g of any

game ani mal, cause any fire, or drive or surround any game animal by fire; (c) use an)' artifici·al li ght or flare for the pttrpose of l1unt i n,g any game animals;

(d) hm1t any game animal during the hours of darkness, that is.11he per.i od commencing half an hour after sun-set and ending h.alf an hou1· before sun-ris@: (e) l1unt aRy game animaJ other tha11 birds by means of dogs; or (f) construct, use or have in ' possession f@r the purpose ©f hunting any game anjmal any shot gun, pitfall, game pit, or similar excavation; any net, fence 01· enclosure; any snare 01· sim ila,r device whether or not subject to the coverage of sub­ paragraph (a) above; any pojson or like injurjous substance or any poisoned wea.pon. (2) No person shall: (a) approach in a motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft to witihiin five hundred (500) meters of any gam·e animal for fille p:nrpose of hu11ting any game animal; (b) use a motor vehicle, vessel or a ircraft i n such a manner as to dri ve or stampede any game ani mal for any purpose whatsoever; (c) fly an aircraft over any W i ldlife Conservation Area .at a hei less than five hundred (500) meters except as may be necessary for landing or taking off from a.n airstrip; (d)

shoot at any game aRimal from a mot@r veb.icle, vessel or aircr­ aft, or from within two hundred (200) meters of a motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft;

(e) hunt any game animal w i th any self-load i ng weapon;

- 521 -




(f) hu11t any game animal other than bir�s with a fi�earm of 2'2 calibre or less or a firearm using a ca1·tr1dge p :roduc1ng less tha a two hu11dred (200) met�r-lcilograms of muzzle energy; (g) hunt any game animal Jther than birds with a sho.t gun save iooi the case of a lion or leopard already wounded; (h) hunt any game animal vith an air gun, air rifle or air pistol; (i) hunt lion or leopard wi�h a firearm using a cartiridge prod,ucing less than four hundred (400) meter-kilograms of muzzle energy except as provided in tlis Article _(26) (2) (g); (j) hunt elepha11t or buffab with a firearm of less than 9.3 calibre or using a cartridge producing less than six hundred (600) meter-kilograms of mmzle e11ergy; (k) hu11t any game animal with any explosive projectile; bomb ot grenade; or (1) Except in accorda11ce vith the writte11 authority of th.e General Manager, hunt any game a11imal with any missile or projectile containing any drug er chemical o.r substa.nce which has tn:B property of anaestheti�ing, paralysing, stupefying or rendering incapable, whether partly or totally any game animal. (3) The provisions of this Artic.e shall not apply to Authorized Officer� or to persons acting in acccrdance with a specific w1·itten authority of th.e General Manager. CHAPTER V

Possession of G·ame Animals or rrophies Prohibited '


Unautho.rized Possession of Ga11e Animals or Trophies Prohibited. (1) Except as may be othe.rwise authorized by the Organization, n@

perso11 shall possess, se]l, barter, purol1ase, transfe-r, mo11inll, export from Ethiopia or otlierv.1ise receive or dispose of, any gaime animal or trophy not oriti11ally obtai11ed as prescribed in theB€ Regulatio11s, '(2) ifhe O·rganization or dealer hereunder shall be the only person. to acquire, deal in, possess, import or export game animals a-Dd t.rophies, other than tlo-se acquired by licensed huntelis 0r @Y autho ·rize<d. possession as pr�scribed ii.n these Regulations. - 522 ·-



(3) Any game anima ! killed in �ccordance with these Regulations or found dead or dying shall be.Qng to the Organization if no licensed _ hunter or his agent claims it ,�ithin three days by producj,ng evidence. (4) T�e Organization may sell, exchange, give or export any game an1mal or trophy to any other pe'rson. ( 5) Where trophies disposed of by the Orga· ni2iaiti0n un.der the provisions of this Article 27 (4) or by a dealer thereof, nhe General Manager shall make sure: (a) that each and every item i,s clearly�ed ain<d numeerecl. with an official stamp; and (b) that the purchaser is issued an official receipt and Certificate 0f Lawful possession. 28.

Reward. The Organization sh.all, upon cou:t 01ider for co11fiscation, pay a rewa.rd up to; (1) thirty percent (30%) of tl1e egimated sale value of the game animal or trophy to the person or persous giving informa1ion leading to the recovery of an illegally p@sses,ed game animal or trophy; (2) ten percent (10%) to the pelison who actually caught th.e violator; (3) fo1�ty perce11t (40%) to the person who did both (1) and (2) hereof r


Certificate of Lawful Possession (1) The G·eneral Manager may, upon receipt of a completi�d application

on the form prescribed by the Organization issue to t'he holder of a licence or permit, or to the importer of any game anirna� o.r trophy into Ethiopia, or to any other person who is able to prove that he is the lawful owner of a game :1.nimal or trophy in his possession, a certificate of Lawful Possessi)n in respect of such game animal or trophy.

(2) Where an application for a Certificate of Lawful possession is submitted to the General M1nager by the of a licence or permit, such application shalJ be accompanied by the Game Regis­ ter maintained under such licence or permit in accordance with Article 17 I1ereof, and the General Manager sh,all ascertain before issuing such Certificate and as a condition thereof, that s,uoh Register


, SUPPLEMENT NO.I OLIDATED LAWS OF ElI-IIOPIANS CO 25-4 =-.::__---=-=--=-=--=-=:::.:..::....:.-=-:.:..::=----=-· ------ ------------=----

ter bas been properly majntained and that the game animal or tro:jfhy i11 respect of whicl1 sucl1 Cer�ficate is sou ght has bee n entered­ on. Upon so ascertaini11g, th� General Manager sl1a.ll cause an entry to be made on sucl1 Registe1 indicating that a Certificate of L.awfnf possessio11 ]1as bee n issued inrespect of such Game Aliimal or tToph y (3) No perso11_ shall possess, sell barter, transfer, export f1·om Ethiopia a11y game animal or .trophy tn1ess he is in possession of a Certificate of Lawful Possession therefc,r. (4) An y person selli11g or transft:ri11g any game a11imal or trophy to any person shall at tl1e time of tl.1e tra11sacti6n transfer the Cenrtificate of LaY'fu_l Possessio11 to tha: person and sl1all endorse thereon t:be date and particulars of the tr,11saction and th.e name of the pu.rchaser or transferee. 30.

Dealer's Permit. .

(I) No perso11 shall engage i11 tusi11ess in game animals, trophies and

articles made of t1·ophies induding cutjng, carving, polishing, pres­ ervi11g, cleaning, mounting or other\,1ise polishing, preservililg, -· trophies, or manfucturing ary article from trophjes, unless he is th� holder of a Dealer's Permit f�om the General Manager. (2) A Dealer's Permit shall be valid for one (1) yea.r from the d.ate of issue and may be re11�Vv·able. (3) The holder of a Dealers Pen1it shall maintain registers a·nd records of his dealings in the n1anntr prescribed by the Organii;ation and shall upon request produce said 1·egisters or records for inspection. •


Importation of Game Animals arrl Trophies. No person shalll import any game 1-nimal or trophy except: (1) Through a customs port of e1try; (2) U pon presentation of proof satisfactory to the customs officer that such game animal or trophy has been ]awfully exported from the country of origin; and (3) Upon the payme11t of all app i, cable charges, customs dues and f©es.


Exportatio11 of Game Animals aid Troplties 'N0.person shall export or attemrt to e¾port·any game animal or tr· opb:Y . · except: - 524.




(!) Through a customs port exit; f Upon presentation of icate of 'L .awful Possession in respect a Certi (2) of such game animal or trophy; (3) ynder and in accordance with the conditions of an Export Permit, issued by the Ge·neral Manager; a11d (4) Upon payment of all applicable charges, customs dues and fees. 33.

Game Animals and Trophies in Transit Nothing in thjs Cl1apter shall apply to any game animal or tu<lphy· in transjt through Ethiopia if the followm.,g coRclitions satisfied: (I) The game animal or tropl1y is accompanied by the necessary transit documents issued in the country of origin or export; (2) The game animal or trophy enters through a customs port of entry; and (3) The game a.11.imal or trophy is transhipped or unloaded from the motor ve.hicle, airplane, trai� or sltip on ,vhich it is being carried in accordance with transit regul11tions.


Registration of Ivory. (1) Every person who obtains ivory under a licence or pe1mit authorizing him to hunt elephant shall within thirty (30) days thereafter pr0duce­ such ivory to the person designated i11 the licence of per1nit to register ivory. (2) When ivory is prese"11ted under the provisio11s of this ArticJe 34 ( l ), the registering person if satis'fied that the ivory l1as been obtained without a11y violation of the provisions of thes� Regulations shall: (a) Mark on the ivory tl1e name of the place "'her� the ivory was produced, the number of the licence or permit u:nder which obtained, and the weight in kilograms of each tusk; and ( b) endorse on the licence: (i) the weight in kilogran1s of each tusk and the date on which it was produced; and (ii) the place where and the date on which it was obtained.


Confiscated Game Animals and Trophies to belong to the Organization.

- 525 -



IOPJ_A_,_S_U_ P_P__ L E_M_·�___ 0 -=-N-=S-=..O.=L__ ::25::__-_:_ 4 _____:C-= 1 -"-_ ID_A___ TE_.D_L_-A_W_S_O_F_E_.TJ_I _. __ N T_N_0_.___

Any game animal, trophy or weapon confiscated upon court order shall be the property of the Organizatio11. CHAPTElt VI Exemptn11s 36.

Defense of Human Life. Nothing herein contained shall ap?lY to the killing or wounding of any game animal in the immediate defense of human life; provided, however, that this Article shall not exonerate any pe1·so11 who, when suoh de.fense became necessary, was committingan act in contravention of any provi­ sion hereof.


Game Animals Causing Damage. Nothing herein contained shall lim.t the right of any landowner or person acting on his behalf to destroy 011 his property any game animal which is causing damage to his dwelling Jlace or crops, livestock or forests, and to employ in so doing methods which would otherwise be prohibited hereunder; provided,. ho,vever, thEt such person whenever possible shall notify the Organization in advan1�e of his intention to hunt any g,ame animal pursuant to this Article, a1rl provided further, that the organiza­· tion may, on receiving such notificction, prohibit the person from under­ taking to hunt the game animal and itself propose or undertake alte·rnativ€ measures to avoid such


Report of the Killing or Woundini of Game Animals in Defense of Life or Property. (1) Any person killing or wounding a gan1e animal under Article 36 or

37 hereof shall a·t the ea.rliest opportunity report the circum�tances to the nearest AuthoriZied t)fficer, Awraja Governor or Police Officer.

(2) The trophies, except the me1t, of a11y game animal killed under

Article 36 or 37 hereof shall be the property of the Organization, unless the person killing such game animal is the holder of a licence or permit to hunt that kind of game animal. 39.

Condition.s for killing any Game l.nimal by AuthoPized Officers. A»ything herein to. tb.e contrary mtwithstanding, an Authorized Officer may kill or authorize the killing of any game animal by any method if fte - 52t -



e0nsiders it necessa.ry in the iBJterest of p1:1bl1c safety @T f @r tne pr@ tectio n of pFoperty. 40.

Rep'ox,t 0fi the Killing or W OWlding of Game Anima!l Any pe1·son who kills or wounds a game animal by aociclent or error sh.all at the earliest opportuni,ty report the circl!lmstanGes to the nea1Fest Aatlt0ri2ed Officer, Awrarja Govem01c or Poliee Olli.Ger. M1sce]laneous


Assistants to Holder of Licence or pe1tnit.

(I) Any pe1rson assisting the .holder of a l�een:oe or p,ennit hereunder

may not shoot at, wound, kill or captare a game animal whioh has been previously wounded by the person he is assisting, unless he is the holder of a licence issued D; the G·eneral Manager entitliag him to do so. (2) If, in the circumstances speci:fi�d in this Article 41 (1) th:e pexson assisti11g a holde.r of a licence or permit lcills or captures a game animal or wounds the game animal ar1d the game animal escapes, such game animal shall count against the licence or pero1it of the person whom he is assisting. (3) If the person assisting the holder of a licence or per.Illli, t \\'O·unds, kills or captures any game animal in. circumstances not specified in this Article 41 (1) such game animals.hall count against his licence.


Appointing of Honorary Game Wardens The Wildlife Conservation Board may appoint any fit an. d proper person to be an Honorary Game Warden to assist in the carrying out of the pr· ovisions hereof for such period as shall be specified in the appoint­ ment.


Closed Seasons The Organization may deter111ine and declare closed seasons, during which no person may hunt any specified gam·e animal or class of game animal, either throughout Ethiopia or in any specified part thereof.


Pursuit of Wounded Game Animals and Danger Reports. ·

- 527-



____::_:::_:__:�..::..._________ _________ _________ - .._-1-IIOPIA, SUPPLEMENT NO. I E CONSOLIDATED LAWS. OF

(I) Any person wl10 vvou11ds a ga1ne a11in1al shall make all possibl1 e efforts to kill such a11i1nal, p1"Jvided, ho·wever that he sh.all not follow the wounded game a11i1nal j11to a wildlife. cons·�rvation area unless he is the holder of a lice11ce or pennit authorizing him to hunt tlrlat species of game animal i11 tl.11t wildlife co11servatio11 area. . .

(2) Any perso11 \vho wou11ds a bllffalo, ele1JI1ant, hippopotamus, leopard o.r lion shall at the earliest c-p·portu11ity make, to the nearest Auth­ .­ orized Officer, Avvraja G·over11or or Police Officer, a danger report specifying (a) (b) (c) (d)

the kind of animal wounded; the day, ti1ne a11d place )f the wounding; the 11ature of the wounda11d the weapo11 by which inflicted; the time a11d place at which tl1e ani1nal escaped;

(e) efforts made to pursue :he animal after wo1:1,nding; and (f) a11y other information lkely to be of use in locating and identi­ fying the a11imal. 45.

Areas Where Hunting is Forbidren (I) N· o perso11, other tha11 an Authorized Office1· engaged in acti\rities hereunder, shall hunt on laid employed for agricultural, pastoral� forest or i11dustrial purposes, to which access is forbidden by no,tice prominently displayed in Anhatric and English on the boundaries of such land. (2) Except in circumstances iJ1jicated in Article 36 01· 37 hereof no owner of private land s.hall h. unt on l1is own la11d u11less he is the of a licence or pe1m.i1 as prescribed by the provisions of these Regulations.


Scope of Powers of the General ltlanager


The General Manager shall exce�cise his powers and carry out his duties hereunder subject to such directons as the Wildlife Conservati.011 Board may issue from time to time. 47.

Penalties. (1) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of these Regulations, shall tpon conviction by punishable in accor­ dance with the provisions of Article 364 and other relevant provisions of the Penal Code. - 5Z8 -.

1 i . ::.:.. V.:....:.A:..:..' :.:l::: -=--=---·-=----------M_i_N_IN_G_A_NID�_:C:..:O:..:N.:.:..S=BR O.:::N�-----=------±25�-4

(2) Th.e cou�t shall in additi@n to any penal, ty heueunder, otder the confiscation of any weapon wi1ta w·hicn the offenee ftas lf>e.en comm.'L­ tted. CROSS RHFEWBl-lCE Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 364.


Effective Date 1iJ10se re�ulations shahl. elilter in,to forGe as o. f 9th Febru:aity,, 19'72. . , SCHEDULE I

GENERAL GAME LICENCE In accordance wit!h the provisions of Article 2 I (I) of the Re·gulations game anim'als which shal1I be hunted under General Game Licence, sbai h ·ave the following Fifty ($50) dollars charged for such LiGence. S/N Game Animal I 2



Potamacherus Porcus


M . adoqua and Rhyn­ chotragus S?P·


SCHEDULE 2 GAME :BIRD LICENCE In accordance with tl1e provis.ions of Article 21 (2) of the Regulations game birds which shall be hanted under G,ame Bird LJcenee shall be the following.. ThiFty ($30) dollars shall be ch'1!rged for such Licence.

S/N Game Bird



All species

2 Quails Sandgrouse 3 4- Geese

All species All species All species




All species

6- Guinea Fowl

Coll!lmba Gu1nea



Speckled Pigeon

- 529-

Remarks Except those listed in Scb€du.le No. 5. Except those listed in Schedule M@. 5. Except those listed iJ.1 Schedl!lle No.5 Except those listed in Schedule No. 5.




8 9

Red Eyed Dove Ring Necked Dove

Semitorquata Streptopelia Capicola SCHEDULE 3

SNIPE LICENCE In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 (2) of the Regt1la&i0ns migratory birds shall be hunted under Snipe Licence. Twenty five ($25) dellaFs shall be charged for such licence. •

S/N Game Bird Snipe



All species

Except Painted Srtjpe (Rostratula Ben.gha1e.. nsis)

SCHEDULE 4 SUPPLEMEN-TARY GAME LICENCE In accordance with tlae provisions of Article 21 (3) of the Regulations game animals whicl1 shall be hunted under Supplementary Game LicoE.ce an� the capitation fee for each game animal shall be as follows: S/N

Game Aninal

Capitation Remarks Fee Bth. $

Species ' . ,'



3 4

5 6 7 I I I




10 11 · 21 13

Buffalo Bushbuck, common Bushbuck Bushpig Crocodile Duiker, Blue Duiker, Common Eland Eleplliant Gazelle, Dorcas Gazelle, G.ran.ts 6azeHe, Henghlin' s Gazel!le, Mogalla


Synce.rus coffer Tragelaphus Scriptus Tragelaphus Scriptus Menelik Potamocherus Porcus Crocodilus Niloticus Cephalophus Carulus Cephalophus Cephalophus ' Taurotragus 01·yx ' Loxodonta Africana Gazella Dorcas G-azella Granti Gazella Tilonura ' Ga�ella, Thomsonii I


200. 40. 70. 30. 60. 30. Ill

20. 200


50. S,O. 60.

80.,. -



-'530 -



14 15 16 17 18


Oaz�lle, Soernmering 's Oerenuk G1ant Forest Hog Harie Haretebeest, Lelwel




Ibex, Nubian Klipspringer Kob, Whiteeard Kudu, Greater Kudu,Lesser Leopard Leopard, Black Lion NileLechwe Nyala Mountain Oribi Oryx Reedbuck, Chanler's Reedbuck, Common (Bober) Roan Antelope Topi or Tiang Wartog

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46




20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Gazella Soemmeringii Litocraniu-s Walleri Mulochoerus Meineitz Lepus Sp. Mcelaphus Buselaphus Lelwel Hippopotamus Amphibius Capra Nubiana Oreotragus Oreotragus Kobis Koll> Leu"Gotis Tragalaphus Strepsiceros Tragalapnu:s Inberbis Panfhera Pardus Panthera Pa1rdus Panthera Leo Omotragu-s Megaoeros Trangelaphus Buxtoni Ou.:rebia, Ouirebia Oryx Beisa R.edunca Fulvorufuia Reduca Redunca Hippotragus Equinus Damaliscus Korrigum Phacochoerus Aethio• p1cus Kobus Ellipsipryrnnus and Kobus defarsa


Waterbuck Zebra, Common or Burchellis Zebra, Grevy's White Vented Bulbul Swainson's Sparrow Grey-Headed Sparrow White-Browed Sparrow Weaver Black Headed weaver Bagiafecht Weaver Red Bishop


Equus Burchelli Equus Grevyi Pyononotus Barbatus Passer Swainsoni Passer Griseus Plocepasser Mahali Ploccus Cucullatus Ploceus Baglafecht Euplectes Orix

- 531-


4.0.51i}.f\00.5.llO©.I I'







I I'

11 11 11





11 I





11 Ii '

I I'

1 I

150.300.1 .1.-

1. -

1.1 .1.1.-






ENT NO. I EM :PPL Sl! JA, P ' HIQ ET oF WS D ,LA TE · IDA OL S N' CO . .. . . .. . ..




-r I



Doncbura Oucullata I Amadina Fasciata Lagonostcita Senegala Estridlda Astrild .

Bronze Ma11niki11 • Cut Throat . Red Billed Fire· Fi11ch Waxbill . . . Red Cheeked Cordon: . Bleu 52 ·. Crows

47 48 49 50 51







U�eaginthus Bengalus All except those listed : : in Schedule No. 5

• >



J. J. 1. : I.





J. �


1. -


' � .i.•





.In accordance with tl1e provisio!ls of Article 22 of the Regµlq.tions, Game Animals which shall be hµnt�d under S_pecial Permit shall consist of the fol10w• mg:.. .. . Ga1ne Animal


.\ .




. .


1 Aardvark or Ant-Bear·Orteycropus Afer Otocyon Megalotis 2 Bat-Eared Fox 3 Bush Babies and Galagos Galago Sp. 4 . Ca. Pelis Caracal . racal 5 Civet Civetticuts Sp. a.nd Nandina Sp. 6 Elephant Loxodonita A.frica11a I

7 . . Genet Cat 8 · Hartebeest, Neum.arin' s 9 Hunting Dog 10 Hyrax ,








I 11 - Monkeys . •

.I ,


Genetta Sp. Alqelapbus Buselaphus Neu:manni Lycaoa Pictus Dendrophyrax Sp., Heterophyrax Sp., . �nd Procavia Sp. •







All species._ -


All species All species which do not carry tusks I weighing m<?re thanl5 I kilog·rams . I All species


.. .






.. All species . All.species exce-pt �--1 mon Baboen, Papjo Anubis� and Veiibet

I •

. .. .... � .


S/N · ·, Uame Animal

12 J3 14



15 16 17 J8 1, 20

I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

.._ ..


�---=-- - -----




Monkey, Ceroopitheo-us Aethiops Otters Lu !·ra Sp. :lind Aonyz Sp. All species fectinator Peotinator All species Ratel or Ho1iley Mellivota Capensis IPadger Felis Se.rv·a1 and Serval Pelis Brachyura: sp �ing Hare of Cerboa Pedetes Sp All species 11 Str�ped Huaena Huaena Hyaena :Blue Winged Goose Oyanocheh Cyano1tems. jPygmy Goose 1Nettapus 8uritus !Ruddy Sheld-Duck ;casav�a ('Jadorna) 1Ferruginea 1 1Harwood 's Francolin /Francolinus Harwo0di Vulturine Guinea Fowl • Ancrylliurrc Vu1turi1ilum Thick Biled 1Coru:us Crassirostries Streseman'sBushCrow Zanttariornis Stresemani Cho�gh . Pnrrhocorax Pyrrl1ocorf.X i Spp. Mon1tor Lizard Sarahus j I Python jPython Sebee Tortoise 1TestudineaSp. I


PROTECTED ANIMALS Except in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 and 22 o.f the Regulations the followi11g animals shall ·)e protected. S/N ----



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Game. A.nimals

Aardowolf Beira Antelope Cheetah Dugong Gazelle, Pelseln 's Gelada Giraffe Hartobeest, Swayne's

9 Hartebeest, Tora

Sp!cies -

· Proteles Cristatus Dorcatragos Megaloti-s Acinonyx Jubatus Dugong Dt1gon Gazella Pelzelnii Theoropitreous Galada Giraffa Camelopardlts AloelaphusBuselaphus .Awaynei Aloelaphus Buselaphus


- 533,r







Game Animals




10 11 .

12 13

. 4 1

15 16




20 21 22 23

Tora Mains Temminckis Pangolin ' Dice1·os Bioomis Rhinoceros, Black Capra Walie Simien Fox Equus Asinus Walia Ibex Gypaetus Barbatus MeWild Ass ridionalis Lammergeyer Gerontious Ere1nitus Waldrapp Streptoplia Reichenowi White Winged Dove Apus Myoptilus Scarce Swift Taruraco ruspolii Prince Ruspoli's Turaco Taita Falcon Falco Fasciinucba Female & their young All species Beira Dibatag Ammodorcas Clarkei '


. I







--................. - -- ....._.

·---- - .J_. �

-·-., ---

--- -



SCHEDUIB 7 VERMIN: ']}he folowing animals are classified as Vermin and may be hunitrecd without _ . a licence, or permit.



1 Baboons, Common Hyaena., Spotted 3 .Mole-Rate 5 6 7 9 10

Porcupines Rats and Mice Fox, Common Vervet Monkey Red-Billed Que1ea Red-Headed Quelea Mouse Birds

Spe-cies Papio Sp. Crocuta Crocuta Baithyergiclte an<i Rhizomydae Hu.strix Sp. Muridae




Ceroopithec11s Aethiops Quelea Erythrops Quelea ErY1l1rops Colius Sp.



Done at Addis Ababa this 19th day of January, 1972.

C. Forests

31/2 (1971) 0.74 AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A STATE FOREST DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONQUERING LION OF 1HE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA s rce of ou al res tur na ble lua Va the of �t pa a m for est for te sta S, WHEREA our Empire; and · WHEREAS, the proper protection, conservation and exploitation of state forests and the re-aforestation of large areas within Our Empire are necessary

- 535-



for tin1 ber productio11, fuel wood, co11se1·vatio11 of the soil and generally for bhe pro111otion of the econo111ic developn1e11t of Our En1pi1·e; and WHEREAS, these objectives ca11 best _be achieved b)' the establishment of a-Forest Developn1e11t Agency as envisaged i11 the Third Five Year Deve10pment Plan, possessed of such po\\:ers as shall be conferred by law; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 27 of Our Constitution. and on the advice of Our Council of Ministers, We hereby orde1· as follo\\'S: ,.


Short Title




Principal Office


This Order 1r ay be cited as the ''State Forest Developrr:ent Agency Order, 1971''. T here is hereby establishe:d a State Forest Development Agency (he:rein­ after the ''Agency'') as an autono1r.ous Public Authority having separate ju1·idical personalit)'· The Agency shall l1ave its principal office in Addis Ababa and may establish branch offices as the need arise.s.



The principal purpose of the Agency shall be tl1e protection, conservation man_ agernent and exploitation of all state forests and the develo pment of forest industries.


Powers and Duties The Agency shall have, in accord.ance with the law, all powers necessary for the achieve1n�nt of its purposes. Without li111itin:g the generality of the foregoing, the Agency shall, in accordance with the law, have the following powers and· duties: ( i ( , 1) to administer and enforce the Stat� Forest Procl�n1at on Pioclamation No. 2.25 of 1965) and regulations issued thereunder,. with �he J o .f said exce ption _of Subarticle (a), (b), (d)·, and (g) of Artiele · · ; !Proolamait1on , ,


- 536 _, -,



. . . ---.=--------

.. ;MifNirNG �IN� :O'NSBRVA'FfQN · .. .

(2) to prodrncea and mar�et sc· .w l0gs, v.etteer 10g.{ s, p@le tim lber, fuel . ch.areoal and other forest procdlll, ots; . .. . (3) to produce and distribute se�ds and seecllmgs of forest trees;

(4} to afforest state lan.ds; (5) to , process forest p_roducts;

(6) to establish forest industries;

(7) to enter into contracts;

(8 ) to buy� sell, own ai1a..d lease aay mov·aele ox iramovafule p>r@,peny a,s its activities require; (9) to borrow 1r 011ey and pled�e and rr.ortag.e its 111ovable and imw.@�a-­ able properties as security therefor; (10) to sue and be sued in its O\\U name; (11) to establisl1 and n1aimtain a viable tecruJJical and administra1llve organization conduc·tive to the effectiive p©.rfornain<;Je to it.s fufJlGtions; (12) to fix, ii.r,pose and collect fees foli seees oocl seedlr ii11gs 0f i011Jest tq;ees, forest products and services provide(li b>y, it; ( 13) to administer the fund estal:lished herein; (l 4) to esnaJbl!ish and e:rn.force Sl!lch policies aad-pr(l),gr;aromes as 0.!Ee aeqessary for the atta.intnent of -its pu-rposes; and (15) to disGharge suoh other fun:tions as may he vest�d,in. it@:)' law . '


CROSS RE'FERENCE Stafe Forest Proclamation 24/ 17, (1965) P. 215 A:rt-. 7 (a), (b), (d), (g), 2S Consol. L.. Eth. 4.


Composition .of the Agency The Agency shall have: . . (I) a State Forest :qevelopm_ent Board (h�reinafter the ''Boarcl' '); (2) a General Manager, and ·. ·


... - ..... ,. .. . ,

(3) the necessary perso11nel.


The Board



. . ..


. .










.. .



. .

.... .

(1).·· Tb.e Board shall consist of_ the foll?wing six (6) m embeis: : (a) Our , ister of.Agriculture or a senior officiaiJ. wh0,m he auth­ orizes, Oha:irm an; and -. 537· -.




( b) Our representative from each of the Ministries of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; Land Reform and Administration; Interior; and Finance; and the .General Manager; (2) All the powers and functions :>f the Agency provided herein and in other laws shall be. vested in the Board. (3) The Board may delegate its pc,wer to the General Manager. (4) The Board shall determine is own rules of procedures and the internal regulations of the Agency. (5) The quorum for any n1eeting ,) f the Board shall be a majority of its members. .


General Manager (I) The General Manager shall be appointed by US on the recommend­ ation of the Board. (2) He shall be the chief executive officer of the Agency and shall ·sub­ ject to the supervision and d:rection of the Board, be responsible for the proper administration and operation of the activities of the Agen�y. (3) Without limiting the generalit) of the foregoing the General M.anage.r shall: (a) prepare and submit to 1he Board detailed proposals for the annual budget of the Age1cy; (b) employ, promote, transfer and discharge personnel in conform­ ity with the directives of the Board made in accordance with the Central Personnel A�ncy and Public Service Order (Order No. 23 of 1961) as amenced and regulations issued thereunder; (c) effect all expenditures in accordance with the approved annual budget and the work pro�rammes of the Agency; (d) submit to the Boa.rd audi:ed quarterly staten1e.nts of income and expenditure and quarter!! reports of operational results accom­ plished; (e) perform such other functions as are assigned to him by fu.e Board. (4) The Gen.era! Manager may daegate part of his functions and powers 1!0 emf)l03/ees of the Agency b the extent necessary for the efficient management of the activities cf the Agency, provided that the pe,rson ,

-: 538 -





wh,� acts on behalf @f th e General Manager in liliis absence shall be _ Sll bJe ct to pr101· approval by the Boalid. CROSS REFERENCE

Personnel Age.ncy, 21/3 (1961) 0.23, 8 Co�ol. L. Eth. 2; Publ ic Service Regulations, 22/6 . Central (1962) L. 269, 8 Co11so/. L. Eth. 3.



(1) There shall be established a ft1nd whlch shall consist of: (a ) money received by the Agency as a result of activities carried out hereunder; (b) (c ) (d) (e)

proceeds obtai11ed fro·m sales of property;

fees received in respect of services re.n<iered li>y th.e Agency; loans acquired by the Agency; and Govemmelilt subsidy based o,n an estimate prepared by the General Manager and approved by the Boars, which shall be included as a separate sub-head under the Minis·try of Agricul­ in the annual budget of the Government. (2) The fund established herein shall oe lodged in the National Bank of Ethiopia, or in a bank designated by it, in a separate aec-0unt in th..e name of the Agency, which fund shall be expended to give effect to the purposes of the Agency in accordance with its an.n1:1al budget approved pursuant to the law. 10. •

Budget (1) The budget of the Agency s.hall be framed in two parts: one dealing with ordinary expenditures and the other with capital expenditures. (2) The Board may, in accordance with the law, establish such reserves as may be necessary to meet unforesseen e.xpenses. (3) The fiscal year of the Agency shall begin on the first day of Hamle and end on the 30th day of Sene o-f the following yea1r.


Transfer of Prope.rty (1) All state forests, forest lands and forest industries and any other saw mill and equipment in the possession of the Ministry of Agri­ culture are hereby transferred w-ith all their ass�ts and liabilities to the Agency. - 539-





, (2) •All . other properties w}licl1 fue Ministry of Agriculture may acquire after the effective date .I1ei;eof, sl1all be_ transferre.d to :the Agency as soon as practicable from the d ate of acquisitio11. .



·Accounts an d Annual Reports


(I) The Agency shall keep full and accurate accounts of its revenues a.n d expenditures. and shall witl1:n t.hree (3) months after the e�piration of each fiscal year render a statement of expend itures and revenues to Our Minister of Finance. (2) The Agency sh.all prepare aid publish annual report of its activities. 13.

Audit · (1) The book of accounts and tle fina11cial affairs of the Agency shall be audited annually by · d uly qualifie d au d itors appointed by the Board. . (2) TI1e accounts and recor·d s relating to the financial affairs of the

Age11cy shall at all times be open for auditing �y the Auditor Genera] '


Effective Date - .


This. Qrder shall e11ter i!lto force on the d ate of _its p_ublication in the

. _ _ Ne ga,·it Qctzeta. .. '

: · D9.11-e ':'-t· Addis Ababa this 12th_ d:ty of October, 1971- .



D. Pa.rks

29/4 (19i9) 0. 59


.. •



" .





... • ..

,.: .





..w •



. . . . . ... . '


. i




·. W:HEREAS, �he prese�vation ofEthiopia's �ild life requires that nation, al _ _ parks be. �-:reated w1tlilm which adequtte protection will be afforded to these national riches of the nation; and - SW·


.. · WM:�RE:A.S, it appe �rs t � Us al)propriate one.such park be estaib1is­ . hea 1n uhe Sb:n1en Mountains, 1n the Pr,0vince of Beghemder;

NOW, THEREFO.R E, in accordance with Article 130 of Our Revised Co:nsti� 1 tion, a.nd on the advice of Olir Councit1 @f Ministers, ,W;. e tereb:Y orde. r . . __ .. . f ollo1ws: as .1. · 2.



• ..


Short Title This Order may be cited as the ''Sinien Natio.nal :Park Order, I 96�''. •

�here is h.ereby e-stablished, within. the P11ovinee of Begemde.t� the Simien National Park to be composea of an a.rea enclosed within th.e· fellowing boundaries: Comn1encing at a beacon on the su 'Umit of AMMAN AMBA. (Beacon No. I); Thence in a s©uth-easterly direction £ollowingj a cleared trace and line of markers down tne crest 61 the ma· in ridge to the KABA WUNZ (Beacon No. 2); The11ce following a similar cleared t1·ace and line of markers in an easterly direction to the eastern rim of the KABA WUNZ VALLEY (Beacon No. 3); Thence following the eastern rim of the KABA WUN·Z VALLEY in a nortiheasterly direction to a point on the .main SANKABER­ AMBARAS track due south western comer of tie Oeeoh Abyss (Beacon No. 4); Thence following a cleared r;race and lin.e of maEke:ts FrUnning in a northeasterly direction parallel to and at a distance of appro�imately .1500 1neters from the DJINN BAHR RIVER to a point due south of the point where the .mam BEECH-SANK.ABER traok crosses the said river (Beacon No. �); Thence in a straight line southeast to the main AM:BA RAS-ARO. · EENCHENEK track (Beacon No. 6); . Thence following the said track in an easteriy directio� , to the edge of the SIMIEN ESCARPMENT above.DIHUARA (Beacon No. 7); · Thence following the said track in a northerly d�re�tion to DIHU­ ARA VILLAGE (Beacon No. 8); NI IN -D YA TB AAT RO .:TJ R.A UA IH 'D in ma the ing low fol ce Then A R . SA of t foo st mo ern rth no e th to. n tio : e dir ly r ste we , track in a north , AMBA (Beacpn No. 9); , ! •

- si1 .-




Thence following the 1nain track in a general northw�s. terly direction to the northern1nost point of the ridge .above ANT OLA VILLAGE (Beacon No. IO); Thence following the northe1·n foot of the ANTOLA R ID GE in a southerly direction to the BARUD WUNZ (beacon No. 11);· Thence in a straight line in a northwesterly direction to the summit of SEREK AMBA (Beacon No. 12); .




Thence due north to a point on the W OIZE.RO MEWDAKIA WUNZ (Beacon No. 13); Thence fallowing the W OIZERO MEWDAKIA WUNZ in a westerly direction to its · confluence with the SANKO-RAFEW WUNZ·' Thence downstream to the confluence with the SANK.A WUNZ; Thence fallowing the SANKA WUNZ upstrean1 for approxim.ately 1000 metres to (Beacon No. 14); '

Thence following the northern foot of MUGHLLA AFA.F to a point due north of SHARAFIT (Beacon No. 15); Thence in a westerly direction to the summit of KVA TARARA (Beacon No. 16); Th.ence in a southwesterly direction to the highest point of FALA­ SHA RIDGE (Beacon No. 17); Thence to the eastern1nost summit of CHINNA AMBA; Thence in a westerly direction following the n1ain ridge of CHINNA AMBA to the summit of ANGWA AMBA; Tl1ence in a straight line in a southwesterly direction to the conflue11ce of the ZARIMA AND ADERMAS streams (Beacon No. 18); Thence following the crest of the n1ain ridge im1nediately to the west of the ADERNAS WUNZ in a southwesterly direction to the highest point of CHILKWANIT (Beacon No. 19); Thence following a line of m.arkers parallel to and approximately 500 meters from the escarpment edge in a southea-sterly direction to the CHILKWANIT WUNZ (Beacon }\_ro. 20); �heaee follow·ing a line of markers parallel to and approximately 500 metves from the U escarpment .edge in a northeasterly direction . No. 21); to the MICHIBI W NZ (Beacon ' - 542 ___;..



Thence in a straight line .iJL an easterly direction to the point of commencement at the summit of AMMAN AMBA (Beacon No. 1). 3.

Administration The Simien National Park shall be administred in accordance with. all applicable laws and regulations by the Department of Our Government hereunto duly authorized.


Effective Date This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta.


Done at Addis Ababa this 31st day of October, 1969.

- 543-

2_7____________ 1 �-----:---i----·�- ·------,-,--•






Section 27










WHEREAS, Our Empi1·e is in the process of social and econon1ic develop­ ment; and WHEREAS, various social proble1ns are being encountered during this process, i11cluding those wh.ich result f�om the migration of Our people from rural to urban areas; and WHEREAS, it is Our desire to es:ablish a Rehabilitation Agency to give assistance to those in need of social, physical a11d n1ental rehabilitation, and thereby n1aintain the longstanding trad.tion an1ong Our people of co-operating to render assistance whenever the well-·Jeing of certain groups or indi,riduals is t·hereatened or affected; NOW,. THEREFORE, in acco1�chnce with Article 27 of Our Revised Constitution and upon the advice of Our Council of Mi11isters, We hereby Order as follows: I.

Short Title This Order n1ay be cited as the ''Rehabilitatio11 Age11cy for the Disabled Order, 1971. '' ·


Definition In this Order unless the context otherwise requit·es, ''Disabled'' shall mean a �y person who because of limitations of norn1al physical or 1nental health, 1s unable to eam his li\elil1ood and does not have anyone to support him; and shall include any person who is unable to earn bis live­ lihood because of young or old age. Establishment There is hereby established a Rehabilitation Agency for the Disabled



-- 544 -




(hereinafter the ''Agency'' ) as an authono1nous Public Authority having separate juridical personality. Read Office


'fhe Agency shall have its head office in Addis Ababa. Puirpose


The purpose of th.e Agency sl1all be to foster an.d facilitate, through direct assistance and extension, sewices increasingly effectiive participat­ ion of private charitable organizatiGns engaged in the rehabilitatib11 of the disabled. 6.

Powers and Duties The Agency shall, in accordance with the law, have the follow:ing powers and duties: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

to enter into contract; to buy, sell, own, lease and hire movable and i.Inmov�ble Jj)roperty as its activities require; to borrow by pledging its movables and 1n.ortgagiing its immovables; to sue and be sued in its own t.ame; to raise funds by receiving donations or otherwise; to co-ordinate, assist and enco;irage private charitable orgameialions in their rel1abilitation prograrr,mes; to establish and administer pilot rehabjlitation projects; in co-operation with other organizations, to pro·mote job placement services for the disabled;


to determine its annual progra111nes; and 10. to administer tl1e fund established herein.


Composition of the Agency The Agency shall be comprised of 1he following: I. a Board for the Disabled (hereinafter the ''Board''); 2.

a General Manager; and


the necessary staff.

- 54·5 _

.1 . T NO EN M LE PP SU A, PI IO I IET OF S W LA ED AT ID CONSOL 27-1 �=------=--=--:::_.:.::__�::..........::. ----=_:__________


The Board 1.

The Board shall consist o: f 1he followi11g 111em bers:

(a) the Ministe1· of NatioTial Co111munity Developn1ent and Social Affairs (herei11afte1· the''Ministe1·'') or a senior official whom he authorizes: Cl1ai1·n1a11; (b) the Ministers of Inte�ior, Pl1blic Healtl1, and Fjnance, the Kantiba of the Mu11icirality of Addis Ababa, the Administrator of the Ethiopia11 Orthodox Chu1·ch and the Administrator O'f Haile Selassie I FouIJdation, or senior officials whom they authorize; and (c) not more than four (4-} persons to be appointed by Us on the recomme11dation of the Minister to se1·ve for a term of two (2) years. 2.

All powers of the Agency provided herein shall be vested in the Board.


The Board may, as the need arises, delegate its power to the General Manager.


The Board shall deter1nin� its own rules of procedure and the internal regulations of the \. gency. The quorum for any meeting of the Board sh.all be a n1ajority of its members.

5. 9.

The G·eneral Manager 1. 2.


The General Manager shall be appointed. by Us on the recommend­ ation of the Minister. He shall be the Chie.f Exce1tive of tl1e Agency a11d shall, subject to the supervision and direction of the Board, be responsible for the proper administration and cperation of the activities of the Author­ ity. Without limiting the gene1·a�ity of the foregoing, the General Man.a­ ger shall in particular: (a) prepare and tc the board detailed proposals for the annual budget of the Aiency; (b) employ, promote, tratJsfer, and discharge all personnel, an.d � t �eir salaries and allowances in conformity with the d1rect1ves of the Boa,rd made in accordance with the Public - 5i6-



Service Laws; ( c) effect all expendjtures in accordance with the approved an11ual budget and work progra'l11es of the Agency (d) pre �are and subn1it to tle Board at the end of each fiscal year, audited account of .incomes and expenditures a.nd an annual report of the Age11cy 's activities; and



(e) perform such fu11ctio11s as are assigned to him by the Board. The G·eneral Manager 111ay delegate pa1·t of his powe·ts and functions to employees of the Agency to the extent necessary for the efficient 111anage111ent of the activities of the Agency; provided that the person who acts on behalf of the General Manage·r in his abseince s11all be subject to prior approval by the Board.

Funds 1.

The funds of the Agency shall be derived from: (a) any balance re1naining from the re·venues of the National Lottery Ad1ni11istration 1fter all deductions have been made, in accorda11ce \Vith the lc.w; ( b) any donation made to tl:.e Agency; (c) sales of products from its pilot projects; and ( d) an a11nual Gover11ment subsidy based on an estimate p·repared by the General Manager and approved by the Board, wh1ch shall be included as a separate sub-head under th� Ministry of Corn111unity Development and Social Affairs in the annual budget of the Gove1·nn1ent.



Such fu11ds shall be lodged in the National Bank of 'Ethiopia or in a ba11k designated by it in a ,;eparate account in tl1e name of the Agency, which funds shall be �xpe11ded to give effect to the purposes of tl1e Agency in accordance 'Nith an annual budget approved purs­ uant to the law.

Budget .l.

The Board may, i11 accordance with the law, establish such reserves as may be necessary to meet :1nforeseen expenses.


The fiscal year of the Agency shall begin on the first day of Hamlc and e11d on the 30th day of SEne of tl1e following year. - 54'7 -




Accounts and Annual Repo,rts The Agency shall keep full and accurate accounts of its revenues and expenditures and shall within tJtree (3) months afte.r the expiration of each fisc¡al year publicize througi appropriate means an audited statem­ ent of its revenues and expenditures and its annual report.


Audit I.

2. 14.

The books of account and all the financial affairs of the Agency shall be audited annually cy duly qualifie.d auditors appointed by the Board. The accounts and all records relating to the :financial affairs of the Agency shall at all times be open to auditing by the Auditor Genera:!.

Effective Date This Order shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 13th dty of April, 1971,

- 54.8 -


Section 28


Issuing Authority r Regulations These are issued by the Minister of National Co11nnunity Develop.mant and Socal Affairs pursuant to authority vested in him by Axt3icle 3 (b) of the Labour Relation Proclamation (Proclamation N·o. 210 of 1963) hereinafter the ''Proclam.ation''. Short Title These Regulations may be cited a� the ''Eritrean Labour Relations Board Establishment Regulations, 1971 ." 2.


Establishment of the Board (1) There is hereby estab1ished within the Office of the M:imstry of National Community Developn1ent and Social Affairs in tme Tefilai Gizat of Eritrea, a Labour Relations Board (hereinafter the ''Board''). (2) The Board shall exercise jurisdiction on labour disputes and co1np­ laints of unfair labour practice in the Teklai Gizat of Erjtrea. (3) The Board shall have its pr: ncipal office in Asmara, but may hold sittings at such other places within the Teklai Gizat of Eritrea, as it may dee1n appropriate.


Equivalence (I) The Board shall have such powers and duties as are conferred or i1nposed under the Proclamation on the Labou.r Relations Bo81fd established by the Proclamation. (2) All references in the Proclamation, (including the provisions on rules of procedure and hearirg) to and in connection with the Labour Relations Board established under Article 4 of the P1·oclamation, shall apply to the board.


Effective Date These regulations shall enter into force on the date of their publication in the Negarit Gazeta Done at Addis Ababa this 17th dzy of Decen1ber, 1971.

- 549 -



WI-IEREAS, We behold that Oui people have f1·0111 early times possessea a11 alphabet of their ow11 a11d occu1)ieda 1·ecog11ized place in ancient l1istory;and WI-IEREAS, We real.ize that i11 ts 1nuch as tl1e Am.h.aric language is the national language of Etl1iopia, it is essential that this language, \Vhile bejng faithful to its traditio11s and pt·eser·vjng its purity, sl1ould become a vehicle for the expression of tl1e kno,:vledge, !earing and thought engendered by modern civilization; and . WI-IEREAS, in order tl1at the int�llectual he1�itage banded down from our forefathers 1nay afford a firrn f oundatnn for the coming generations, We deem it appropriate to establish a langua� Academy to p1·ovide guidance in the expression of the old and newe1· arts; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordtnce w.ith Article 27 of Our Constitution, and on tl1e advice of Our Council of Mi11isters, We hereby Order as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 31/24(1972) C. 76.


Short Title

This Order 1nay be cited as the ''1�atio11al Acade,n1y of the Amharic Lan­ guage Establishment 01·der, 1972'', 2.


Ther � i � hereby esta�lished an autonomous Public Authority h,aving _ separat � JUr1d1cal perso�al1ty to be 1nown as the National Academy of the AmharJ.c Language (heremafter 1·eferred to as the ''Academy''). *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 31/24(1972) C. 76. '

- 55Q-




Purposes Tlte purposes of the Academy shall be: (l) to foster tlile growth of the Amharic language, and (2) to encourage th.e of Atnharic Literature.


Powers and Duties ']'he Academy shall have the following powers and dutiies; (l) �o deter1nj11e in ac �ordance with the rules oflangliage, c0rrect usruge 1n the field of spelling, vocabul:1.ry, g1·a1n1nar and styfes of expression.; (2) to p.tovide the requi,site guidance for th.e development of the AmhmrjG language from its ow11 source�, for its advance in keeping wifilt tine cha11gjng times; and to dete,rrnine the cond.ition.s in wh.ioh Amharic may accept words from other languages; (3) to provide for the preparatior. of dictionaJjies of the Amharic lan­ guage of various grades and for the various speoialities; (4) to conduct research into words e1nanating from modem s0ienee, technology and art, and thus to establish Amharic equivalents 0,r translations for technical terms serviceable in educatio·n, research! and otl1er fields; (5) to conduct the necesary studies and research 1nto the historical development and present state of Ethiopia11 language and l:iteraiture, and especially of Geez language and literature; (6) to publish or assist in the publication of works and monographs including gran1111ars and dictionarjes relati.t1g to Ethiopian linguis­ tics, culture and literature; (7) to perforin the duties menticned in Subarticles (1) to (6) of this Article by setting up sub-comnittees co1nposed of regular, honorary and associate me1nbers, or other k11owledgeable persons; (8) to comn1unicate the results of its work and its specific decisions in a bulletin or through other media; ( 9) to enter into contracts; (1 O) to buy, sell, lease and l1jre movable and immovable property as its activities require; and (11) to sue and be sued in its OW'Il rame. - 5 51-




Obligations of Governn1ent a11d :Private Orga11izations (1) All Govem1ne11t organizatioas i 11cluding institutions of education, researcl1 and comn1unicatio11 n1.edia sl1all co1nply with decisions of the Acaden1y 1·elating to sp�lling, vocabulary, grammar tech.nical terms and the conditions in vhich A1nharic may acc.ept words from other languages. (2) Private organizations of edueatio11, study, research and communic­ ation 111edia sl1all, whe11 1·eqrested to do so, in accord.ance with the law, comply with tl1e decisicns mentio11ed in Subarticle (I) of this Article. (3) Decisions of the Acade1ny in�nded to be complied with by Govern­ ment and private organizatio1s shall be published in the Academy's bulletin.


Organization The Academy shall have: (1) a Council of the Acade111y (l1e�einafter referred to as the ''Council''); (2) an Executive CoID111ittee; and (3) a Permane11t Secretariat.


Council of the Academy (1) The Council shall have not less than sixteen and not more than

twenty fou1; 1ne1nbers (hereincfte1� refe1·red to as ''regular members'') to be known as ''Academicia11s''; and they shall be Etlliopians distinguished for their compe1ence in the field of Etbiopiai1 language and literature, and their prcficiency in otl1e1· lai1guages, arts and sciences.

(2) The first regula.r me1nbe1·s shall be appointed by Us upon the recom1nendation of Our Minister ofE d , ucation a11d Fi11e A1·ts. (3) Every five years one quarter of the v1l1ole 11umber of 1·egular me1nbers shall _ be 1·etired �y the drawi1g of lots and replaced through an . elect1on. The ret1nng 1ne1nbe11 shall be eligible for re-election. (4) Whenever through reti1·e1nentby lot 01� for various reasons vacancies· do occur, �ew regular me1nbe11 shall be elected by the existing regular members, 1n accordance witl1 the procedures provided in A1·ticle 13 (1).

- 552-


(5) The powers a11d duties of the Academy provided herein and in other laws shall be vested i11 the Council. 8.

Honorary and Associate Members (1) Ethiopians and foreig11 11ationals who have won recognition for their knowledge i11 the field of Ethiopian language and literature may be elected by the Cou11cil to be honorary n1embers of the Council. (2) Perso11s of Ethiopian or foreign natio11ality who are willing to render valuable service to the Acacerny may be elected by the Council to be Associate Me111bers of the Cou11cil. (3) Honorary rr.ernbers and essociate members are entitled to make suggestions 011 the work of tl1e Academy and to participate in studies conducted t111der its auspices; provided, however, that these n1embers do not have votjIJg rights.


Meetings of the Council (I) The Cou11cil shall hold regular 1neetings at least once every two months for tl1e transaction of the busi11ess of the Academy; and it 111ay hold special 1ueeti11gs �1he11 deetued necessary by the President · of the Academ)', or upon request by one fourth of the whole nutnbe,r of regular .members. (2) The quoru1n for a11y meetit1g of the Council shall be a majority of the regular 111embers. (3) Decisions of tl1e Council shall be 1nade by a majority of two-thirds. (4) The Council 1J1ay ii1vite honorary and associate m . embers, as well as otl1er Ethiopian or foreign perso11s capable of rendering useful advice on the fulfilln1ent of the tasks of the Academy, to participate in its .meetings.

I 0.

Tl1e President ru1d the Vice Presid�nt of the Acaden1y (1) The first Presid.ent of the Academy shall be appointed by Us upon the recommendation of Our Minister of Education and Fine Arts, from a1nong the regular 1nernbers for a term of five years. �ter th� first term the President shall be elected every five years by tl1e Council fro1n among the regular merrbers. (2) The Preside11t shall: y em ad Ac the s of ng eti me tl1e of da e11 ag d an tes da the e nin ten (a) de a11d the Executive Committee;

- 5:3 -,-

29-1 ��





( b) preside over the 1neetings of the and the Executive Comn1i­ ttee.

(3) The Vice President sl1all be ebcted by the Council from amo11g the reguar n1e1nbers. (4) The Vice-President shall: (a) perform the Preside11t's fLrnctions in th.e latter's absence; ( b) perform sucl1 duties as may be specifically assigned to hi1n by the Council.

11. •

The Executive Committee ( l) The Executive Com1nittee shall, in addition to the President, the

Vice President, and the Secrenry General, have four reg. ular memb­ ers.

(2) The Executive Co1n1nittee shall n1eet at least once every month; and may hold a special meeting wienever 11ecessary. (3) The quorum for any meeting of the Executive C.ommittee shall be four of its 1ne1nbers. ( 4) Decisions of the Executive •:ommittee shall be 1nade by simple majority vote. In the event of [n equality of votes, the Preside·nt shall have a casting vote. (5) The Executive Committee sha[: (a) effect the execution of thedecisions of the Council; (b) ensure the presentation t1) the Cou.ncil of the studies cotnpiled through various sub-comnittees or otherwise; (c) scrutinize the annual bucget for the Acade1ny and present the same for decision to the Council; (d) superintend the activitis C!f the Pren1a11ent Secreta1·iat; (e) p r· epare internal rules fo1 the perforn1ance of the work of the; and petsent the sa1ne to the Council for its decision.


The Permanent Secretariat (1) �he Perr:nanent Secretariat shcll be supported by general administra­ tive services provided by th.e N�i11istry of Education and Fine Arts. (2) 'fhe Permanent Secretariat shell have a Secretary General appointed by Us upon the recommendation of Our Minister of Education and - 5.54 -



Fine Arts. (3) The Secretary General s�.all b : a � individual possessed of a high standard of competence 1n E:h1op1an culture, language, and litera­ ture. (4) The Secretar� Ge11eral shall conduct, unaer the general direction of the Executive Committee, the activities of the Permanent Secret­ ariat. (5) Without li1niting the generality of the fore-going the Secretary Ge,ner­ al s.ball: (a) prepare and present to t 1e President detailed proposals of the

agenda for the meetings of the Council and Executive Committee (b) attend all conferences of the Council; (c) keep the minutes of the rr.eetings of the Council a.nd tae Execu­ tive Committee; (d) prepare the Acad·my 's an11ual bl:ldget a11d submjt the sarn@ to tine Executive Committee and effect all expenditures in accorclance v1ith the approved budge1; ( e ) employ and discharge personnel in conformity with the directive of tl1e :Exec11tive Committee 111ade in accordance with the Central Personnel Agency and Public Service Order No. 23 cf 1962. as amended; (f) receive and register the names of candida,tes proposed for election to men1bership of the Council, the Executive Committee or to honorary and associate membership; (g) dispatch to the concerned persons the invitations of meetings, 11otices and docu1nents of the Cou11cil and t.he Executive Comm­ ittee; (h ) perform such tasks as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Executive Committee. CROSS R EFERENCE lic Central Personnel Agency, and Public Service Order, 21/3 (1962) 23, 8 Consol L. Eth. 2, Pub Service Regulations, 22/6 (1962) L. 269, 8 Co,isol. L.Et/r. 3.


Election Procedures (1) The following procedure sha1: be observed in the election of regula·r members; - 555 -



(a) that each candidate be sponso1·ed by two regular 1nembers; (b) that the spo11sors presen.t to the Secretary General, in ,vriting, one 111.pnth before the dite of the electio11, a sho1i biographical account of the candida.te together witl1 such other detailed evide11ce supporting the candidature; (c) that when an election is due to a vacancy occuring, the election be concluded 11ot less tmn two a11d not more than four months after the occurrence of s·1ch vacancy. (2) The following procedure s1Jall be observed in the election of the President, the Vice-Presiden1 and me.mbers of the Executive Committee: (a) that the sponsoring reg1J.lar members present the name of each proposed candidate to the Secretary Ge.neral not later than two weeks before the date 1)f the election; and that the Secretary General circulates the �ist of candidates and their supporters to all regular 1nembers 1t least one week before the date of the election; (b) that when an electio11 is due to a vacancy occuring, the election be concluded as soon 1s possible following the occurence of such vacancy. (3) All elections shall be by secret ballot. (4) At any election each regula� member may cast a vote for only one candidate. (5) The candidate securi11g a 1n�jority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of an equality of votes, a second ballot shall b·e held. If the tie should after the seco11d ballot, the result of the election shall be decidedby casting lots. .



Fund and Budget (1) The Academy shall obtain i:s revenue fro111 the following sources:

(a) a Gov :rnment su?sidy based 011 an .esti1na-te prepared-by the Executive Comn11ttee and approved by the Council, which shall be incliuded as a s·1b-head under the Ministry of Education and Fine Arts in the budget of the Govern1nent; or (b) AE.y ·money donations collected by the Acaden1y through _ otherwise; a11d - 556 -



(c) all proceeds obtained from the sales of property. (2) The said reve11ues shall be lodged i n the National Bank of Ethiopia or in a bank designated by it it1 a separate account in the name of the Acadet1Jy and shall be expended to give etfect to the purposes of the, Academy in accordance with an annual budget approved pursuant to the law. (3 ) The fiscal year of the Academy shall begin on tb.e fus,t,day of Hamle and end on the 30th day of Sene of the following year. 15.

Statement of Accounts

The Academy shall keep full and accurate accounts of its exp,enaitures and revenues and shall within three (31 months after the expirati0n of eaeb fiscal year render a statement of expen:Iiture and revenue to the Mi!tlister 0f Education and Fine Arts. 16.

Effective Date

This Order shall enter into force on the d,ate of its publieatioa in the Nega­ rit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 27th day of June, 1972.



- 557¡_


Section 31




Issuing Authority These Regulatio11s are issued by the Ecclesiastical Council pursuant to authority vested in it by Article + of the Church Administration Order, 1967 (Order No. 48 of 1967). Short Title These Regulations 1nay be cited a.s the ''Church Developn1ent Commi­ ssion, 1972''. Establishment of the Orthodox Ch·u.rch Develop.ment Comn1ission. There is hereby established an Ethiopian Orthodox Church Deve.lop­ ment Comn,ission as an autononous body under the Church Adm.ini­ stration.


Purposes The purposes of the Ethiopian Orthodox Development Commission shall be to: (1) encourage and aid young pe)ple to get training in vocatio11al educa­ tion; (2) help the poor; and (3) generally participate and aic in the national endeavour for educa­ tional, economic and cultural development.


Powers and Duties The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development Commission shall (in accord �nce with the Law) have tke followi11g powers and duties: (1) With the approval of the Ecdesiastical Council: (a) to buy, sell and own immovable property as its activities require and (b) to borrow money by mortgaging its im.movables (2) Subject to Subarticle (1) of tkis Article: (a) to enter into contract; - 5�.-


(fu) to lease im�ovable property, and buy, sell and own movable pr@perty ais 1ts activitie; reqllire; (c) to sue and be sued·'

(d) to _ r �ise funds; by recei,'ing ctona'tio11s or otherwise, b©'th from. w1th1n and without th.e country; (e) to determine its a .nnual programmes;

(f ) to J0<d1ge the fund established lbe:reioo. m a baak in tae Qam.e 0£ rtilite Ethio]!>iam. Orthodox Cbuuch Devel0pme:m.1 t C01lillmissi0n; and (g) to coope.raite with government andl priviate 4,m,S1iiuntiians ti0 achieve iits purposes. <5.

Comp@siti ion of the Commjssion The Ethiopian O.tithodox Church Developmemt Com 1 mission shall .nav.e: (1) a Chl!lrch Development Commi�ee (he.remafter r,efe:rred. 10 as th.e ''Com.mittee' '); (2) an Executive Officer; and (3) the necessary staff.


The Committee (1) The Co1nmittee sl1all consist0fthe following nine (9) members:

(a) the General Manager of the Ethiopian OJithodox Cnll!rdh as Chairiman; (b) two (2) persons selected by the .Ecclesiastical Council and appointed by the Patriarch from among officials of tlne Euhiowian Orthodox Church Head Office, recommende<d. by the; (c) five (5) persons selected by the EcclesiascicaJl C01tme;il from government and _private organizations on the basis of tlbeir religious devotion and profession, a.nd appointed by the Patria­ rch·' (d) the Executive Officer ofthe Ethiopian Orthodox Chu.1rch Development Commission. (2) All powers and duties of thG Ethiopian Orthodox _ Church Dev� lop­ ment Commission provided ierein shall be vested IR the Committee. (3) The Comm.ittee may, as the need arises, delegate its powers to the Executive Officer.

- 559 -




(4) The Com111ittee shall deter111:11e its ow11 1·ules of procedure and the inter11al regulations of the Etbiopian Ortl1odox Church Development Coin.mission. (5) The quorum for a11y n1eeting of the Committee sl1all-be a majority of its members. 8.

The Executive Officer (I) The Executive Officer sl1all ·Je appointed by the Patriarch on th.e recommendation of the Co11mittee and upo11 presentatio11 by the Chairman. (2) He shall be the chief executive of the Etl1iopian Orthodox Church Development Cornmission aid shall, subjec� to the supervision and. directio11 of the Con1n1ittee, be respo11sible for the proper adminis­ tration a11d operation of the ictivities of the Commission. (3) Without li1niting. the genertlity of the foregoing, the Executive Officer shall in particular: (a) prepare and submit to the Committee detailed proposals for the annual budget of the Ethicpian Orthodox Church Development Com1nission before it is suhnitted to the Ecclesaistial Council for approval; (b) work in accordance with the pe1·son11el regulations concerning the administrative employees of 1he Church; (c) effect all expenditures in accordance with the approved ru1nual budget and the work proiram1nes of the Ethiopia11 Orthodox Church Development Con1rrission; (d) d.raw money fro1n the bank tpon t.he sigt1ature of tl1e Chairman and that of his own; (e) prepare the agenda for the Co11unittee; (f) see to it that alt the mi11utes ()f the Com1nittee are pr. operly kept; and

(g) submit to the Committee ai1c through the Cl1air1nan to the Ecclesiastical Co�ncil an annual rep1)tt containing an audited staten1ent of the rece1pts and expenditur�s of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church · · Development Commission.

9 ., . FU:nd . (1) There sha� be established a fLind consisting of:

(�) any donations;




(b) any money received by tlle :ffithiopian Orthodox Church Deve­ lop� e �t Commissio11 for the purpose of carrying out of it'8 . act1v1t1es; and (c) an annual subsidy granted by the Ecclesiastical Council oa the basis of an estimate pr�pared by tlie Executive O,filiee.ll attd approved by the Committee. 1 a bank in the name 01f ihe :mthiopiaR (2) Such. fund shall b>e lodged in Orthodox Church Developm�11t CommissioJJJ., which f11nd sha� , be expended to give effect to the put"poses of th.e Commissioa in accor­ dance witl1 its annual budget approved by the Ecclesiatical Couneil. Accounts and Bookkeeping


The Ethiopian Orth.odox Church Development Comm�ssion sh'a!ll kleep full and accurate accounts of its revenues and expenditures a.nd maintain a proper system of archives. 11.

Audit The books of account and all the :financial affairs of the Ethi0pian Orthodox Church Development Commission sh.all be audited annually by auditors appointed by the Committee.


Effective Date These Regulations shall enter intc force on the date of their publication in the Negarit Gazetc1. Done at Addis Ababa this 5th day of January, 1972.

31/8 (197�) 0. 77 AN ORDER TO PlOVIDE FOR THE

ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEBRE LIBANOS MONASTERY CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF J"UDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA e th n of tio ra ist in m ad er op pr e th re ,u en to ry ssa ce ne WHEREAS i t is es os rp pu e th r e fo us eir th d a11 ry te as on M s no ba properties of th� Debre Li thereof·' ..

- 56l -


31-2 -,

WHEREAS, providing for the eficient organization of the Mo11.astery is necessary to achieve the objectives stated above; WHEREAS, Article 399 of the i:ivil Code states that monasteries which form part of the Ethiopian Ortodox Church are the subjects of rights under conditions and within the li1nits fixed by the administrative laws;

1,row, THEREFORE, in accord1nce with Article 127 of Our Constitution, We hereby order as follows: 1.

Short Title


This Order may be cited as ''The Debre Libanos Monastery Administ­ ration Order, 1972." 2.

Definitions •


111 this Order, unless the conte1.t otherwise requires: (1) ''Monastery'' shall mean 1he Debre Libanos Monastery; (2) ''Conununity'' shall mean the monks that are allowed to live in the Monastery as members; alld (3) ''Administration'' shall mean tb.e secular administration. Powers of the Monastery The Monastery shall have the ?Ower to: (1) enter into contract; (2) sue and be sued in its OWll. nan1e; (3) acquire and own movable 1nd im1novable p1·operty; and (4) administer the property of the Monastery properly and efficiently.


Composition of the Monastery's Adn1inistration .

All Rowe �s necessary �or the ad1ninistration of the Monastery are, as provided 1n the f ollow1ng Artcles� ve-sted in: (1) The Itchega€ (2) The Tsebatae · · 3 The Twelve Fathers Are�tae--Abew and ( ) ( ) (4) Tla.e Se�en Officials -562•




The ltchegae (1) The Itchege shall be the Monastery's Abernenet. (2) Subject to the limitations stated in Subartiecle (3)of this Article all the powers of the Monastery enumer, atd in Article 3 hereof shall be exercised by the Itchegae. (3) Without limiting the generality of Subarticle (2) of this .Article, the Itchegae shall have the power and d'uty to: (a) ensure that the number of members residing in the Monastery is proportional to the financial capacity of the Monastery; (b) fix the budget of the Monastery after it bas been subrriitted to him by the Twelve Fathen (Arestae-Abew) committee; (c) appoint officials elected bf the community to serve the Monas­ tery; and (d) sell, exchange, 1nortgage, pledge or otherwise use for the purpose of the Monastery, movable and immovable property with the consulation of the Twelve Fathers (Arestae-Abew)


The Tsebatae The Tsebatae (1) shall be a monk with reputable adn1inistrative ability; (2) shall be appointed by the ltcbegae; (3) shall be the representative (Enderasae) of the Itchegae, and shall discharge his duties in acco1dda11ce with the i11structions of tl1e Itchegae and this Order; and (4) shall be the Chair1nan of the 'Twelve Fathers (Aresta.e-Abew) •


The Twelve Fathers (Arestae-Abev1) ( 1) The Twelve Fathers (Arestae-Abew) sl1all be elected by the commun­ ity from among the mo11ks thc.t have administrative ability. (2) In addition to the powers a11 i, duties vested in the:n un�er Article 5(3) hereof, the Twelve Fathers (Arestae-Abew) sl1all discuss any matter concerning the Monastery submitted to them by tl1e ltceegae through the Tsebatae.

- 563-




The Seven Officers (1) The following seven office1s shall be elected by the community from arnongst perso11s who have admi11istrative ability. (a) Megabe; (b) Ye Nibret Shum (Property Adtninistrator); (c) Ye Gimja Bet Shum (Store Keeper); (d) Secretary; (f) Likae Ardeet; (f) Akabae Sereat;

(g) Akabae Ankets. (2) The functions to be exec1ted by these officers shall be determined by the i11ternal regulation tssued under this Order. 9.

Prohibition of possessing Priv�te Property The members of the co1n1nunit7 sl1all h.ave no private property.


Qualifications of Men1bership ind Disqualifications The qualifications for member�hip in the community and the conditions for expulsion therefrom shall ·)e determined by the internal regulations issued by the Itchegae under this Order, provided, however, that the regulation shall be issued onl) after the twelve Fathers (Aresta.e-Abew) have discussed it.


Regulations Existing prior to 1his Order Unless otherwise expreassly provided herein, all \\1 ritten regulations existing prior to the promulgation of this Order shall continue in force.


Internal Regulations The �tchegae may issue internal regulations for the proper carrying out of this O·rder.


Effec�ive Date Order sh.all enter into force upon its publication in the Nega1·it Ga0eta. Done at Addis Ababa this 29th. day of January 1972.





32/11 (1973) 0.83*


WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend tl1e Church Administration Order, (Order No. 48 of 1967); NOW, THEREFORE, in accordc:nce with Article 127 of Our Constitut­ ion, We hereby order as follows:1.

Short Title This Order may be cited as ''The Church Adn1inistration (Amendment) Order, 1973''.


An1e11drne11t Articles 2 and 4 of tb.e main Order are hereby repealed and replaced by the fo]lo\ving new Articles 2 and 4: ''2 Ecclesiastical Council'': (I) The Ecclesiastical Council sba.11 be under the direct attthority of the Patriarch and shall have such powers as are necessary for the secular administration of the Cl1urch. (2) The Ecclesiastical Council shall have the following membe·rs. (a) The Patriarch of Ethiopia, or in the absence of the Patriarch, his representative - chairman; (b) the Archbishops of Ethiopia; and (c) eight (8) other me1nbersappointed by Us upon the recommend­ ation of the Patriarcl1. (3) The Ecelesiastical Council may issue rules and procedures which it thinks are necessary and proper for the secular ad1ninistration ?f . cil un Co e th of s itie tiv ac e th of t ou i11g rry ca e th for d ch a11 e th Chur f o. ce e11 es p e th be all sh cil Co e th of gs � tin ee m e The quorum for th �� be all sl1 1l nc ou e th of n 1o c1s de y � er Ev rs. be the 1najority of its mem ve ha l al sh an rm ai Ch e th , tie a of se ca e th In . te vo ity n1ade by major a casting vote.'' -

*INTRODECTORY FOOTNOTE A1ns. 29/9 (1967) 0.48, 31 Consol. L. Eth. 3.

- 5E5 -



4 Power to Issue Regulation,; The Patriarch 1nay, upon tie 1◄ecommendation of t.he Council, issue r·egulations in the Churcl1 Gazeta for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this Order.'' CONSOLIDATION NOTE Anis. 29/9 (1967) 0. 48 Arts. 2, 4, 31 Consol. i. Eth. 3.


Effective Date This Order shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa this 12th day of February, 1973



- 566 -

32:-1 •

Sectione 32



CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, founded in 1935 on the basis of the Geneva Conventions to which Ethiopia has to, and on the principles formulated by the I11ternatioral Conference of the Red Cross, is a party to the International Red Cross and a member o·f the League of the Red Cross Societies; and WHEREAS, We had granted a Charter to the Society on the 31st day of October, 1947; and WHEREAS, the expansion of the Society bas mad.e it necessary that its structure be enlarged and its organization strengthened; and -

WHEREAS, tl1e Society by an E1traordinary Genera.JI Assembly re-s0lution, has petitio11ed to Us tl1at a Revised Charter be granted to it; and WHEREAS, His Imperial 1-Iighne�s, Tl1e Crown Prince, Me·rid Azmach Asfa Wossen, President of the Society, ,)n behalf of himself and the Society, bas besought Us to grant this Revised Cl1arter and to continue our Patro11age of the Society;

NOW, THEREFORE, Wedo hereby grant this Revised Charter and Our consent to continue Our Patronage of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Article 1 Constitution *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Reps. and replaces 7/2 (1947) G. 99, 32 Consol.L. Eth. 2.

- §67-


. 32-1


' e ty d th ie lle oc ca ''S ') is er ft na ei er (h e1y ci So ss ro C ed Tl1e Ethiopian' R : od ri pe ite fi1 de in an r fo ed ut tit ns by co re re he (a) as an auto11on1ous and volua1ltar·y relief s�ciety au�liary to the public authorities and particula1·ly to the Medical Se� v1ces of the Armed Forces i11 accordance with tt.e Geneva Conventions; and (b) as the 01 1ly Red Cross Socisty of the En1pire of Ethiopia.


The Society shall l1ave its Headqtarters in the City of Addis Ababa.

Article 2 Structure 1. The Society shall compries: (a) a central organization consiaing of a General Assembly, a Board of Directors and an Executive Com1nittee; (b) a provincial organization ccnsisting of Provincial Committees and their controlling and executi1e organs; (c) a local organization consistiD.g of Local Branches and their controll­ i11g a11d executive organs. 2.

The organization of the Red Cr1)ss Youth shall be set up as prescribed by rules draw11 up by the Exec·1tive Co1n1nittee and approved by the Board of Directors. Article 3 Emblem . The Society shall have the heraldic sign of a· Red Cross on a white back­ ground as its emble1n, the size and use cf which shall be governed by the G eneva Conventions and by law. CRAFTER II Purpose am Fu11ctions Article 4 General Purpose and Princip1l Functions �he ge�eral purpose of the Societ) shall be to prevent and alleviate huma n su�er1ng w1th co1nplete impartiality ,nd without discrin1ination as to race, _ nat1onal1ty, class, religion or political opinions. For this purpose its functions shall be: 1. as a.n auxiliary to tb.e Medical Services of the Armed Forces in wartin1e, to prepa �e in peace-tim � �or_ servi:e in all the fields cove1·ed by the Geneva Convent· 1ons, to both civilian an,l military victims of war; 2. in case of cat strophes o: public :lisasters, to provid.e the victims with the � n.eeessary assistance rapidly and effijctively; - 568 •


3. 4. 5. 6.


to as�ist in t �e campaign against epidemics, in the prevention of diseases and Ill the 1mpro �en1ent of st1ndards of health by providing medical care and b y spread1ng the knowledge of hygiene; to promote the Red Cross Yollth movement arr:ong the young, within _ the fra1nework of the National and International rules governing such moveme11t; to recruit, instruct and assign nurses, social welfare and rescue-workers and any other volu11teers necess:1.ry for carrying out its tasks; to propagate the ideal and the humanitarian principles of the Red Cross with a view to develop a feeling of solidarity and mutual understan i ding among all men and all nations. CHAP·rER III MEMBERSHIP

Article 5 Membe·rsbip of the Society I. 2.

Me·mhers.hip of the Society shall be open to everyone, without disorimilil­ ation as to race, 11ationality, clcss, religion or polittiGal opinions. It may include Acti,1e, Honorary and Life mem'bers and such other Category of membership as mar be decided by the general Assambly.

Article 6 Active a11d Life Men1 bers 1. Tl1e statt1s of Active membersh.ip may be obtained: (a) by paying aP.. annual subsc1iption fixed by the General Assembly, or (b) by providing duly recognized services to the Society. 2. The status of Life membership may be obtained by donatin,g a lump sum of not less than two hundred Ethiopian dollars, or its equivalent in goods. 3.

Active and Life members: (a) may attend all assemblies cf their Local Branches; (b) may vote on all n1atters cor.cerning the Society; and (c) may be eligible for appointlnent as officers of the Society.

Article 7 Honorary Members 1. The Board of Directors may ,:onfer the status of Honorary Member _ _ upon individuals who have re11d�red exceptional services to the Society. 2. Honorary Members may attend all assemblies of their Local Branches.

- 569 '




Ar ticle 8 Loss of Memb.ersl1ip 1. Whatever the category, men1bersnip 1nay be lost: (a) upon r esignation; or (b) upon expulsion for good caure by the Local Branch Committee. Active membe rship may be lost: (a) upon failure to pay the annual subscription for two consecutive years; or (b) upon ceasing to pr_ovide servces, whe1·e n1embership originates from providing ser vices only. Subarticle 1 (b) of this A1·ticle shall not. apply to life and Ho.norary Me1nbers.




GENERAL ASSEMBLY Article 9 Composition . . The Gen.era! Assembly sl1all be canposed of the members of the Board of Di1·ectors, a� pr ovided in Article 13 and of the Chai1·me11 of Local Branches, without prejudice to the t ransito ry provisio11 in Article 42. Article 10 Powers The General Assembly shall be tl.e highest authority of the Society. It shall have the power to decide on all matters conceri:ng the Society wltlch do not fall witl1in the jurisdiction of another authority and shall in particular have the power to: � · · (a) elect th� me1nbe' r� of the. Board of Directors, without prejudice to the pr ovisJons of.Article 13; (b) elect the officers of the Beard of Directors, including the first, second and third Vice-Presicents, the Tr easure,r of the Society and the Secretary General, fron among candidates pr oposed by the Board of Directors in office· (c) appr�ve the Directors' and Auditor's repor ts; (d) vote the budget submitted by the Board of D irectors; (e) create other categories of me11bership; · (f) fiix nhe amount of membe rsh:p subscriptions; (g) el€Gf the Auditor of the Sociay; · rch, �rop0se amendm ' e, nt for the Charter in conformity with Article 40. -� \ ,)


- 570 -




AruiGle 1 i Meetings 1.

The General Assemblf shall, within not more than three·months from the �nd o·f the :financial year of the Society, hold its annual ordinary meeting on such day and at such ttme and place as the Boa.rd of Directors shall fix. Extraordinary meetings m.ay be called whenever the Board of Directors so decides, or at the rec_uest of one fifth of the active members of the Socjety.


Notice calling any meeti11g shall be issued i n writing not less than fifteen days in advance, and a copy of the agenda sh.all be attached t0 such notices.


Not less tha11 fifteen days before the annual meeting the Board of Directors' and Auditor's reports shall be deposited at the Headquarters of the Society where the·y shall be ope·n to inspection by any member of the Society.

Article 12 Procedure 1. 2.


4. •


The General Assembly shall be presided over by th.e President of the Society. It 1nay not discuss items other than those listed on the agenda. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 40 and 41, decisions may not be taken unless one half of the members are present ot represented, and such decisions shall be taken by a simple 1najority, abstentions and blank ballots, if any, being disregard.ed. Wh.ere no decision can be taken owing to lack of quorum, a second meet­ i11g shall be called i11 the same 1nanner a11d within the same period of time as the first 1neeting. Decisions at such second meetjng shall be taken by a sin1ple majority irrespective of the number of members present or repre­ sented. Each me1n ber sha11 have a single 'Vote provided that: (a) a 111e111ber, other than the Chairman of a Local Branch, may give written a11thority to another member to represe·nt him, but no memb­ er 1nay so represent more than five ·members; and (b) chairn1en of Local Branches shall have as many votes as the Branch they represent has active and life members. (c) chairmen of Local Branches, when unable to be present in per� on in a General Assembly mreting, may delegate one of the Vice­ Chairmen or one of the members of the Branch. All discussions and decisions sh�ll be reduced to minutes. The minutes - 5,1 -

-1 32 •


of the General Assembly shall b! signed by th· e President and the Secret­ ary General. CHAJ>TER V BOARD OF DIRECTORS

-Article 13 Composition 1. The Soci�ty shall be adrninistere,l a11d controlled by a Board of Directors composed of; (a) the President, appointed by US, (b) twelve persons appointed 1:y the following Ministries and organiz­ ations wh,ich have a specific interest in the work of the Red Cross, namely a representative of: i th.e Ministry of Natiorial Com1nunity Development and Social Affairs; ii) the Ministry of Public :-Iealth iii the Ministry of Inforim.tio11; iv the ·Ministry of Education a11d Fi11e A.rts; v t.he Ministry of Defence; vi vii viii ix x xi

the Ministry of Interio�; of Foreig1 Affairs; the Ministry : the Ministry of Financ�; the Ministry of Pen; the Municipality of Adiis Ababa; the Haile Selassie I F rundation;

xii the Ethiopian Council of Social Welfare Services; (c) eight persons to be elected by the General Assen1bly, from among active or life members, by �ecret ballot, including at least two med­ ical practitioners and one fraduate 11urse; (d) the Chair1n.en o·f the Provi11cial (Teklai Gizat) Co1nmittees;


(e) two Ol!ltstanding persons to be chosen by the Board of Directors for their special qualifications or because of t.h.eir interest in the Red Cross. The term of office of elected menbers of the Board of Directors shall be - 572 -•



four years : provided that f ?ur members elected by the first General Assembly 1n accordance with Subarticle (1) (c) of this Article shall retire after two years by drawing lots and shall be replaced by the Gen­ eral Assem.bly and thereafter half of the elected mem of the Board of Directors shall be replaced every two years. Article 14 Powers The Board of Directors shall, ir. accordance with th.e decisions an.d general directives adopted by the General Assembly, have all such powers as are necessary to carry out the purposes of the Society and sha.11 in particular have the power to: (a) propose to the General Assembly candidates for a first, a second an<Ji a third Vice Presidents, the Treasurer of the Society and the Secreta1ry General from among its menbers. The selection of the Secreta·ry General may not, however, be limited to the exis·ting, membership 0f tl1e Board of Directors; (b) elect the members of the Exec·1tive Committee and of the the Finance Committee and arrange for Uheir replacement when vacancies oe0ttr, or if they are repeatedly absent from meetings in which their pres­ ence is required; (c) cancel for good cause the appointment of officers of Provincial Committees and Local Brancies; (d) decide 011 the creation or amalgamation or dissolution o·f Proivincial Committees and Local Brancies; (e) make such internal regulations as are necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Charter; (f) set up such committees as it considers necessary; (g) vote on measures taken by tie Executive Committee or the Presid­ ent between its sessions; (h) decide on such important ite11s of expenditure as_ are not pr�vided for in the budget, after receiving the recommendation of the Fmance Committee. ., sons to be award. ed wi. th decoration , (1.) recommend t o the Patron, p"'r . e vic r ser he ot d an hip ers mb me ry an d confer the stattis of Hot1ora awards; (j) appoint such persons as it � nks fit to represent the Society on any International Conference of Red Cross.

- 573 -

"f EN EM PPL No. I SU , PIA -IIO ETI OF S . W LA P TE IDA OL NS CO 32-1 �--..:::.:::_�:..=-::::..:.::..==--=-::._:_::_________________

, Article 15 Meetings The Board of Directors shall met in 01·.dinary. session every three months on ·such day and at such time and place as the Secretary General shall fix after consultation with the P1·es:dent, unless they _have been fixed at the previous meeting. Additional rreetings may be called by the P·resident, any Vice-Preside11t, the Executive Co1nmittee or ten members of the Board. 2. . Written notices calling a n1eeting shall, along with a copy of the agenda attached thereto, be sent to each n1ember not less than fifteen days in advance.


Article 16 Procedure 1. The Board of Directors shall 1:e presided over by the President of the Society. Decisions may not be t1ken without tht? presence of a m.ajority of its members ou·t of whom twe:ve shall be present in person. A Director may give another a written autltority to represent him, but no Director may so represent n1ore than two Director�. 2. Decisions may be taken by a si1riple majority; 3.. Subject to the provisions of Suhart:icle (1) of this Article, each member of the Board of Directors shall lave a single vote and the President shall have a casting vote. . d decisions slall be reduced to 1ninutes. All minutes 4. All discussions an shall be sig·ned by the President :tnd the Secretary G·eneral. CHAJ>TER VI . EXEC UTIV3 COMMITTEE Article 17 Composition The Executive Com1nittee shall re composed of one of the Vice-Presidents the Treasurer of the Society and the Secretary Ge11eral, and four memb­ ers to be elected by the Board of Directors for a period of four years, from among th.e members of the Board or otherwise. 2. T�e Exec �tive Committee shall �nction undet· the Chairmanship of the V1ce-Pres1dent or such otl1er of its 111e1nbers as the Board of Directors appQints. 18 Powers Article ' . Tae Executive C?mmittee shall h�ve such powers as are de legated to it by the Board of D1rect�)rs._ It shall decide on questions of importan whi ch ce 1.

- 574-


arise between sessions of the Board of Directors. Article 19 Meetings e Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month 1. Th a -d n . w henever · · · . 1t 1s convened b y its Cha1r1nan. rs shall constitute a q_uorum. 2 Five membe Decisions shall be taken · bya .. . s1mp1e rnaJor1tyandb t e Cl1a1·r1na11 shall have a casting vote. 3. All discusion and decisions shall be reduced to minutes. All minutes shall be signed bythe Chairn1an and the Secretary Gene.ral. CHAPTER VII FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY Article 20 The President The Preside.nt shall be the admiristrative head of the Society which he shall represent in its relations with the p·ublic authorities and with other In its dealings with third parties members of the International Red Cross. and before Courts of Law, he n1ay appoint someone t9 represent him. 2. The President shall supervise the carrying out of decisions taken bythe General Assembly a11d the Board of Directors. Between their meetings or where they cannot meet owng to exceptional circums·tanoes, he may take urgent measures, which s.hall be submitted at the next meeting of the Asse111blyor the Board of Directcrs, as the case maybe, for vote. 3. The President shall perform such acts as are necessary for the mat1age� ment of the Society and maydelegate all or part of his powers to one of the · Vice-Presidents. 4. When the President is unable, for vhatever reason, to carryout bis duties, · residents, he shall be in case he has 11ot delegated Olle of the Vice-P replaced by the first Vice President or, in default of the latter, by the seco­ nd Vice President or, in default of the latter, by the third Vice President1.

Article 21 The Secretary General 1. The Secretary General shall assis1 the President and the Board of Dire:­ tors i11 fulfilling their responsibilities; he shall under the overall supervi­ sion of the Presid,ent, direct and manage the activities of the- Headquar­ ters, maintain proper accounting records and propertyinventories, record minutes of Board and Assembly meetings, prepare th� agenda a� d �e necessary data, issue notices to members of these meetings an� ��1�!a�n the central membership register. - 575 -






He shall deal with current matters and supervise the working of the various services and shall act as Secretary oft.he General Assembly an,d the Board of Directors. The Secretary G·eneral shall assi5o one of his immediate subordinates to act under his supervision as Secretary for the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee. He shall be remunerated u111es� l1e is working in a voluntary capacity, in which case he may receive anallowa11ce.

Article 22 The Treasurer ofthe Socie1)' The Treasurer of the Society sha.1· supervise the financial transactions of the Society as specified by the Board of Directors. He shall be responsible for the supervision ofthe overall financia. admi11istration of the Society. He shall deposit, in accordance with the gener2l inst1·uctions of the Board of Directors, the funds a11d title deeds oft.he Societ). He sh.all submit to the Board of Direc­ tors, monthly, annual and other statements of accounts as required. CHAPTER VIII PROVINCIAL ASSEMB:..,IES AND COMMITTEES AND LOCALBRANCHES Article 23 Provincial (Tekly Ghizat) Com.mittees 1. 2. 3.

Provincial Committees shall be set up by the Boa.rd of Directors in accordance with internal regulations made under this Charter. The members and officers of each Provincial Comn1ittee shall initially be appointed by the Board of Directors, and thereafter se·ven (7) members shall be elected by the Provincial Assen1bly for a ter1n of two years. Each Provincial Committee sha]l: (a) inclu �e as its members a P1�,,incial representative oftl1e Ministry of Public Health and a ProVtncial represe11tative of the Ministry of Interior; (b) have a chairman, a and a secretary; and (c) be respoR�ibl� for en �oura�� the setti11g up of new Local Branches, foF co0rd1nat1ng the !r acti�1t1es and for maintaining their relations _ w1th the Board of D1rector1.

Article 24 Provincial Assemblies

- 576 -

MISCELLANEOUS PRlVA1E CI-IARTERED DIES ___, __________:_:_=-=.:::=-:_��BO �:>__ _� v 3,,1



Eaeh ProvincJal Commit tee shall conve ne an assembly of th e C.ha1· rn1en . . of all Local Branches w1th1n the P�ovince at least once every two years. The Assen1bly shall have the po"V1er to: (a) subjec t to Article 23 (2), e lect t he me n1bers a11d officers of th e prov_ · · · aICou11111ttee ; 1nci, (b) set up such con11nittees as it considers nec essary; (c) encourage th e d evelopment of Red Cross activities within the Province ; and (d) supervise th e activiti es of the Provi11cial Cou11;i1jttee.

Asticle 25 Function-s of Officers of Provincial Con111uttees I. 2. 3.

The Chairman sha.ill preside oveF th e Provincial Asse'Ii11bly and Provincial Comn1jttee meetings. The Vice -Chairmain shall substitut e th e C1iair1nan in abs ence, and shall carry ou t such functio11s as are delegated to htim. The Secre tary shall keep records �f meet i11gs and carry out o he, r secre t­ arial activities.

Article 26 Local Branches I. 2.


Local Branches sl1all be set up by 1he Provincial Conunittees with th e ap­ proval of the Board of Directors. Each Local Brancl1 shall be ad111inistred by a committee of seven 111 embyrs The 111 embe rs and oflice1·s of this co11'tmittee shall initially b e appointed by the Provi11cial Committee and :he1·eafter shall be electecl in accord,ance wi th Article 27 (a) for a tern1 of two years. The Local B·ranch Co111mittee shall: (a) whenever possible, include a representative of the Ministry of Public Health and a repre se1ltative of the Ministry of It1terior; (b) have a chairman, a vice-chairman, a treasurer and a secretary; and (c) promote the principles of t11e Red Cross and adn1i11i� ter local Red Cross activit ies in accordance with instructions received fron1 the Local Branch Ass e,:n bly and the Provincial Co1nn1ittee.

Article 27 Mee tings of Local Branch Assemblies tee of each Lo ?al 1it n1n Co e th 1n, e r e k s a. M of th on Once a ye ar in the m e ni.eeting Th . ch an Br e th of rs be m e n1 of g tin ee Branch shall call a general m shall in particular have the power to:

- 577-



(a) (b) (c ) (d) (e)

elect the me111be1·s and offi;ers of the Co1nn1ittee of the :Branch and the auditor;. set up such co1n1ni ttees as jt considers 11ecessary; approve tl1e Committee's and auditor's reports; vote the budget sub1nitted by the Con1roittee of the Branch; and give its chairman instructions as to how he shall vote at t.he General and Provincial Asse1nblies;

Article 28 Functions of Officers of Local Branches I. 2. 3.


The chairma11 shall p1-eside over Local Branch Assembly and Local Branch Comn1ittee meetings. The vice-cl1airn1an shall substit·1te the chair1nan in bis absence, and shall carry out such functions as are delegated to him. The treasurer shall ,be responsi·,1e for the financial administration of the Branch and shall sub1nit finall)ial reports to the Comnuttee uom. time to ti1ne. The sec1·etary shall lceep records of meetings, maintain a register of members showing their status aad carry out otl1er secretarial CHAPfER IX COMMON PROVISIONS

Article 29 Elected Meinbers Notwithstanding any provisior hereof to the contrary, elected me:1nbers of the Board of Directors, the E�cutive Committee, P1·ovi11cial Co1umittees and Local Branch Con1mittee; shall continue to fu11ction as 1nembers until such tin1e as the newly elceted n1en1 bers replace them. 2. The elected 1nembers are entit�ed to be re-elected at the expiry of their terms of office. Article 30 Proced'l!lire 1.

The relevant Proc.edures provided in Articles 11 and 12 hereof, shall muta�is ,:zutandis, apply to provincia Asse1nbly, Local B1·a.nch Assembly, and Prov1no1al and Local Branch Conuni:tee 1neetings. CHAPfERX FINANCIAL �R!OVISION· S -578 -



Article 31 iol!l!liCes of Income 1.


1'�e s@ �·ees @'.i i�co·me ?f the S· oci �ty shal!l consist of the subsGriptions paiI<!l li>y 1its rnen1 bers, the 1mcome de:-1ved from its movable and im n10:av t>le i pt@�e11ties, fulitd� collected fi·om 1lilile public, gifts, gra1i11ts, paiymet:l!ts received for serw.ces rende·red to pub1ic awthoriities and m@nies <delri¥ed flron1 special fund-raising activities. The capital fund, the sum of Eth. 650,000,00 established by tlie Iroperiai _ Eth1op1an Gove·rn1l1ent (Neg·ariit GazetfJl 7th Year, No. 2, 31st OctoToer, 1947), shall be inalie11ab1e. The interest from the capital toget.Qer with othe·r revenues of the Society sl1all be used as an operating fund to de£ray the expenses of the Society and to estab>lish a reseFve fund.

Article 32 Reserve Funds and Special Funas The B·oar,<d. @f Di(1Jectrors rnay decide to Greate a reserve fund er other special fun0s and 1nay deter·mine tbe ca11position and am@unt of sueh fund,s after consulation with the Finance Com1nittee. Article 33 Financial Year The finaiil:©ial y€ar of the Society smll begin on the 1st 0f Masker,em arn.d end on the 5th or 6th of Pagu1ne each yetr. Article 34 Budgets a1:i.d Financial Reports I. 2.

Annual reports of dtily audited accounts including reports @f accounts of all Local Branches, shall be submitted alo11g with the ll>udget of the forthcoming year to the General Asse111bly for vote and approval. After the accot1nts of a Local Branch have been audited by the auditor of the Branch and approved by the Local Asse111.bly, they shall be sent forthwith to the Headquarters of the Society by the Chairman of the Branch concerned together v1ith a complete list of the me1noers of such Branch.

Article 35 The Finance Co1nmittee I. In Addition to the 1nembers elect�d under Article 14 (b), the Chairman of the Executive Co1nmittee, the Secretary General and the Treasurer of the Society shall be ex-officio 1nembers of the Finance Committee. 2. The Finance Collllnittee shall ad·rise o·n all financial questions, and in r's ure eas Tr the d an nts ou acc l ua ann the , ets dg bu particular on the report.

- 579 -

32- 1


Article 36 Tra11sfe1· of Assets and Liabili:ies All funds, securities, assets a11d o·tl1er prope1:ties belongi11g to, or held under trust by th.e novv existing Etl1iopia11 Red Cross Society, together with � ny liability and obligatio11 pertaini11g the1·eto, shall be tra11sfer1·ed, as of the effective d.ate he1·eof, to the Society reco11stituted 11.nder the Cha1·ter.

CHAPTER XI POWERS OF THE SOCIETY Article 37 Powers Granted to the Society • I.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


The Society shall have the power: to purchase, take on lease or hire, or otherwise acquire any lands, build­ ings or any other movable or irrLm·ovable property and to construct, maintain and alter any buildings aid works, whether within Our Empire or without, \vhich may be considered necessary for any of the purposes of the Society; to receive and accept a11y donatiom, endowments and legacies of n1ovab­ les, immovables and negotiable ins:run1ents; to borrow or raise money for any Ctf the functions of the Society; to 1nake any arrangen1e11t for joint wo1·king or coope1·ation with any other charitable association or body, wl1�ther incorporated or not, carrying on a work similar to any worl<: carried on by the Society; to accept the ad111inistration of any trusts dee111ed likely to be useful for any of the hu1nanitarian functions of the Society; without prejudice to any conditia1s or charges affecting the donation, endowment, trust or legacy received and accepted by the Society; (a) to invest all funds and p.roperties of the Society not im1nediately required for its purposes; (b) to reinvest the proceeds thereat·; (c) to vairy any invest1nent;

to m �e such grants as 1nay from ti11e to ti111e be sanctioned by the Board _ of Directors 1n furtherance of any of th. e hu1uanitarian functions of the Society. CHAPTER KII INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Article 38 International Relations and Delegations - 580-



1. 2.


The Society_shall be pa1·ty to the. sodidarity which unites all members of the International Red Cross, National Societies and InternationaI orga · · . . • . ma1nta1n continuous relations with them. n1zat1ons, an d s ha11 Whe � �fficially r�cogi1ized � atio��l So�ieties of ther countries request ? . . per1111ss1011 to ca:ry out �heir ac�1v1t1es 1n Eth1op1an territory on emerg­ enc� cases, n?tw1tb�tand1ng Art1c:e � (1) (b) he:reof to the contrary, the . _ Society giv� authority to such Sooet1es to be represented by delegations · duly accredited to the Board of D:>irectors, in accordance with the rules laid down by the International Conference of the Red Cross. . .. ,

CHAP1ER XIII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Article 39 l11ternal Regulations The Board of Directors may issue a:n &uch internal regulations a-s are neces­ sary for the implementation of this Charter. The internal re-gulations shall be made known trrough appropriate media, but shall not be required to be publisfled in the Negarit G·azeta, Article 40 Amendment of the Charter I. 2.

This Charter may be amended on the proposal of the General Assembly taken with a quorutn of two-thirds of its members and by a two-thirds n1ajority, and such proposal shall be subject to Our approval. Where 110 decision can be taken owing to lack of quorum, a second 1ueeting shall be called. Decisions at such second meeting shall be taken with a three-fifths quor·uro and by a two-thirds majority.

A.rticle 41 Dissolution 1. The Society .may be dissolved by law or by a decision of the General Assembly taken with a quorum 1) f two-thirds of its members and by two-thirds 111ajority, abstentions and black ballots, if any, being disreg­ arded. 2. The decision by the General Assttnbly to dissolve the Society shall be subject to Our approval. Article 42 Transitory Provisio11 of e os rp pu e th r fo on iti ns tra in 11g t ee m The first G;neral Assembly, i ed os op or be l al sh r, te ap Ch � is th of 13 implen1enting the provisions of Article e th to t ec bj su be l al sh ns sio ci de s It of the active and life members of the Socjety. al er en G e th of gs tin ee m r he ot ll A . 12 le ic provisions of Subarticle (2) of Art - 581 -




Asse1nbly s,hall, however, be cornpo·sec in accordance with the provision of Article 9. Article 43 Cancellation of the Former Charter The former Charter granted by Us to tb,e Society on the 31st of October, 1947, General Notice No. 99, is hereafter'cancelled and substituted by tbjs Re­ vised Charter. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Reps. 7/2 (194'7) G. 99, 32 Consol. L. Eth. 2.

Article 44 Effective Date This Charter sha11 enter into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa, this 11th da) of August, 1970.

- 58� -


Section 33

AWARDS, HON01LRS AND MEDALS 29/8 (196�) 0. 61 *

AN ORDER TO AMEND THE L.\W RELATING TO Tim AWARD OF HONOURS TO PATRIOTS,PATRfOTS OF THE INTERIOR AND PATRIOT REFUGEES CON1QUERIN1G LltON OF THE TRJIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, by law issued in 1944, We provided for the award of approp­ riate honours to partiots, patriots of the interior and patriot iefugees f@r emine,nt services rendered during the period of hostilities of 1936 - 1941 ; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to fix the time limit duriing whicn appli, cation may be subn1itted for the a\vard of honours and n1edals; NOW, THEREFOR.E, on the ad,ice of Our Council of Ministers and in accordance with Ai-ticles 27 and 31 (a) of Our Revised Constitution, We hereby order as follows: CROSS RE.FER.ENCE Award of Honours Order, 4/3 (1944) D. 4, 33 Con,fo!. L. Eth. .I.


Short Title

This Order n1ay be cited as the '' Award of Honours (Amendment) Order1969''. 2.

Application (a) Services rendered during the period of hostilities Patriots, patriots of the interior and patriot r�fugees may apply for _ _ the honours due to then1 on account of their services during the period of hostilities; provided, however, that no such application ·shall be submitted as fron1 September 10, 1971. •INTRODUCTORY FOTNOTE Ams. 4/3 (1944) D. 4, 33 Consol. L. Eth. l.

- 5f3 -

_____________________________ __ __ CONSOLIDATAD LAWS OF fl�I-lfOP.IA, SUPPLAMENT N0.1

-1 33 :..:.......:

(b) Distinguished military servi,;es The Central Com1nission as well as the provincial commissions shall examine all claims of distinguished 1uilitary services during the period of hostilities; provided, however, that 110 application for honours on account thereof shall be submitted as from t4e entry into force of this Order. (c) Varied services Notwithstanding the provi�ion of pa1·agraph (b) of this Article to the contrary, a perso11, wrose application paragraph (a) of this Article is considered awroved, may submit up to September 10, 1971 an application for ho1our on account of distinguished military service during the hostilities. CONSOLID,(TION NOTE. A111s. 4/3 (1941) 0. 4, 33 Consol. L. Et/1.l . •


Effective Date This Order shall ente1· into for:;e on the date of its publication in tl1e Negarit Gazeta. this 1st d2y Dece1nber, 1969. Done. at Addis Ababa of . '


- 584 -

APPENDIX I Explanation of Ethiopian Calendar Dates

The followjug explat1atio1 1 of the Ettiopian Calendar is given fo r tihos€ wh0: . may be confused by the occasional use of Ethiopian Calendar dates in the Ea g lish text of laws. The Ethiopian Calendar (E.C. ) c ontains twelve n1onths of thirty days each . followed by on e mo11th of five days (six mys in Leap Years). The first day 0f the year is Meskerem I, wh ich falls on September 11 of the Gre.gorian Calen.dar (G.C.), except in the year fol.lowing an Ethiopian Calendar Leap Year, w·hen it falls on September 12 G.C. This difference occurs between Meskeren1 I.E.C. and the end of the Gregorian Calendar year, the year according to the Gregorian Calendar. Thus a date in November 1971 G.C. is a date in 1964 E. C.Start ing with January 1 G.C., the year according to the Ethiopian Calenda\F is eight years behi11d the year according to the Gregorian Calendar. Eve1·y fourth year is a Leap Year in the Ethiopian Calendar. The extra day (Pagume 6) is added at the e11d of each year preceding a year whose n1unber is divisible by four. Tl1us the years 1959 E.(::.and 1963 E.C. were Leap Years. The extra day falls on September 11 G.C. of t1e year preceding eacl1 Gregorian Ca[e11dar Leap Year. Thus, the extra days in l959 and 1963 E.C. were September 11, 1967 and 1971, .respectively. Tl1e result of this variation is to alter 'by one d.ay the normal equivalences bet,vee11 Ethiopian and Gregorian calendars, until the Gregorian Cale11dar catches up by adding a day on the subsequent February 29. Th.e following table correlates tl1e Ethiopian and Gregorian Calendars. Ethiopian Calendar (Norma])

Ethiopian Calendar (Year after Lea.p Year)

Gregoria11 Calendar

Meskerem 1 . . ... ..... .... .......... ... .... ..... ... ... ... ... September 11 ... ... . ........ .. ... ..... ..... Meskerem 1 ............... September 12 Meskerem 21 ...............Meskerem20 ............... October 1 Tikimt 1 ..................... ......... ... ... . ............. October 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T 1k m1t l_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 12 T iki mt 22 ..................Tiki111t 21 .................. N oven1ber l r 10 be em ov N .. ... .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ar .. id ... 1 ... . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. H '


ENT No. I M LE PP SU , IA I 110 I-1 IT F O S W LA ED f '" ONSOLIDA C __:__ ����:::::__�:_:::__::_:__:�----------

......... ........................ Hidar I ... .................. November 11 Hidar 22 ..................... Hidar 21 ...... ... ...... ... Decernher 1 Tahsas 1 .................. ... ...... ... ... .... ........... ... December 10 T ahsas 1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decem,ber 'I 1 •

a ♦

• ♦ •

• f •

e ♦ t • • f

t ♦ I

• • ♦

f • • t ♦ ♦



To find Gregorian C1lendar Year, add 7 Years to EthiopiaJl Cale11dar Yeat�. Tahsas 23 .................. Tahsas 22 ... ... ... ...... ... January 1 Tir 1 ............... ........................ ......... ...... January 9 ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ..... . Tir 1 .................. ... Janua1·y 10 Tier 24 ... ... ...... ...... ... Tir 23 ...... ............... February l Yekatit 1 ...... ......... ............... .... .. ............ February 8 ......... ............ ......... Yekatit 1 .... .... ...... ... February 9 Yekatit 22 ......... ......... Yekatit 22 ............... March 1 M@gabit 1 ......... ......... Megabit 1 ... ... ...... ... March 10 Megabit 23 ... ............ Megabit 23 ... ............ April 1 Miazia 1 .................. Miazia 1 Ap1·il 9 To find Gregoria11 Cale1dar Year, add 8 Years to Et.hiopian Cale11dar Year. Miazia 23 ... ......... ...... Miazia 23 ... ........ . ... ... May I GuiDJbot 1 ...... ... ......... Guinbot 1 .. . ... ... ... ... May 9 Guinbot 24 ... ... ... ...... G11i11bot 24 ...... . .. ... ... June I Sene 1 ...... ... ... ... ...... Sene 1 ... ...... • • • • • • • • • • Ju11e 8 Sene24 ......... ... ... ... Sene24..................... July 1 Ham.le 1 ... ...... ... ...... Ii'amle 1 ... . . ...... ... ... July 8 Hamle25 .................. Hamle25 ............... ... August 1 Nehasse 1 ... ............ Nehasse 1 ............... August 7 Nehasse26 ......... ...... Nehasse26 ... ............ September 1 Pagume1 ... ... ... ... ...... Pagume 1 ...... ... ... ... Septen1be1· 6 •




Treaty and Loan ProGlamations t'.:itation and Title

Subject Matter

29/13 (1970) P. 272 1.·o.A. Developme11t Credit Agre­ ement Approval

Credit of U.S. $3,500,000 from ]nt, ernational Development Association. for Wolamo Ag·ricultural Project.

29/14 (1970) P. 273 LJ.S.A. Civil Aviation Improve­ ments Loan Agree11".e11t Approval

Loan Agreement of U.S. $10,(l)00,00© between the United States of Am!ler­ ica and the It11perial Ethiopian g@:v­ ernment to carry out the mal d.esign, Construction and Construction Sup­ A viiaiServices of the Civil ervision •


29/20 (1970) P. 275 German Loan Agreement App­ roval

Agreement between the Federal Rep­ ublic of Germany and tl1e Empire of .Ethiopian govern1nent for the trans­ fer of 9,500,000 D. M. from 1:lbe Municipality of Addis Ababa to the }lighway Authority for the Constrl1ction of the Dilla-MoyaJe Road. An s. 24/ 16 (I 965) P. 223. 11

29/22 (1970) P. 276 U.S.A. Malaria Eradjcatio11 Pro­ gram111e First A111end111ent to Loan Agreetnent Approval

Loan Agreement of U.S. $3,000, 000 betwee11 the Imperial Ethiopian govern1nent and the govern;n1ent of the U11ited States of America for Malaria Eradication programme. Ams. 27/14 (1968) P. 259.

29/22 ( 1 970) P. 277 I.D.A. Development Credit Agreement Approval

Credit Agreeme11t of U.S. $3,100,000 between the ln1perial Ethiopian gov­ ernme11t and the International Dev­ ernment and tl1e International Deve­ lopment Association to finance Hum­ era Agricultural Project. •••



29/22 (1970) P. 278 U.S. Loat1 Agree111nent Approva.l


.Loa11 Agreen1e11t of: U.S. $3,500,000 betwee11 the Itnperial Ethiopian gov­ ern1nen t and the governme11t of the United States to the Imperial Authority of its equipment IIighway repair facilities.


30/27 (1971) ·p_ 288 Ger1nan Loan Agree111ent Appro­ val

Loa11 Agree1ne11t of (D.M. 7,500,000 between the I1nperial Ethiopian gov­ e1·n111ent and the Federal Republic of Ger inany for the Cons·truction of d1·inking vvater supply pla.nts i11 eight P1·ovi11cial Towns.

30/27 (1971) P. 289 U.S.A. Malaria Eradication Pro­ gra1n1ue Third A111endn1ent to Loan Agreement Approval

Loan Agree1nent Amendment bet­ ween t11e I1nperial Ethiopian Gover­ n1nent a11d the United States of A1nerica to inc.rease the a111ount of the p1·evious loan approved fro1n U.S. $8,800,000 to U.S. $13,700,000. An-1s. 27/14 (1968) P. 259.

30/27 (1971) P. 290 I.D.A. Development C1·edit Agre­ ement Approval

C1·edit Agreen1e11t of U.S. $9,500,GOO betwee11 the I1nperial Etl1io·pia11 Go­ vern111ent and t11e International De­ velopment Associatio11 to finance the second Educatio11 Project.

30/27 (1971) P. 291 U. S. A. Loan Agreement App­ roval

Loa11 A,gree1ne11t of U.S. $3,700,000 between tl1e Imperial Ethiopian Go­ vern111ent and the United States of An1erica to assist in fina11cing for the expanstion project of H.S.I.U. (pbase_ II). Amd. 32/7 (1973) P. 309 . •

IV •


A n interest-free Loan Agreement of Renn1mbi Yuan 200 ,000 ,000 bet­ ween the Imperial Bthiopian Go­ ver11111ent and the Government of the People's Republic of China for Projects approved by the ·Council of Ministers.

3[/� (1971) P. 295

Cmllilese L@an Agree1ne11t Appr@iVa1l

Credit Agree1ne11t of U.S. $4,000 ,00(i) between the In1perial Ethiopiain Oo­ vern1ne11t and the Inter11ational De­ velop1ne11t Association to finan0e a progran1me of livestock develop111cnt.

31/11 (1972) P. 297 I.D.A. Develop1uent Credit Agre­ ement Approval

Guarantee Agreement between the Imperial Ethlopj�111 Govemme11t ancl the United States of An1erica of a change in the Interest Rate froln 7 1 8 to ) /8 %) per a11nu1n. A,ns. (6 /2 %

31/14 (1972) P. 299 Bole Housing Project Develo·p1nent Loan Agreen1ent Guara­ ntee (First Amendn1ent) Approval

26/15 (l967) P. 251.

An Agree1nent between the I1npe1-ial

31/17 (1972) P. 302

Etluopian Goveru1ne11t and tl1e Go­ vern�11e11t of the Federal Republic of Ger111any through the K:redi1a11stalt­ fu er Wiederaufhau (Development Loan Corporatjo11) of a Loan upto tl1e amou11t of D.M. 18,800 ,000 .

German Loan Agreeme11t App­ roval

300 ,000 , 6 . $ .S U f o 1t e1 em re g A Credit d n a ia p io th E f o e ir p m E 1e between tl Ass­ pn1ent Deve1o ationa l the Intern for ·oject p 1 a e f i 11a11c ociation to Methssing Proce Coff e e i i nproving ods.

31/20 (1972) P. 304 I.D.A. Credit Agreen1e11t Appro­ val



- -------..._c,. __ ----�:.=_:_-=-=-=-=-�----------- -

31/20 (1972) P. 305 I.D.A. Development Credit Agre­ ement Approval

Credit Agree;r.ent of U.S. $11,00.0, 000 between the Tinperial Ethiopian Gover1111e11t a11d the International Developn1ent Association to finance i11dustrial a11d agricultural i11vest1r: e11t projects.

31/20 (1972) P. 306 Guarantee Aggreement Approval

Guarantee Agree;r:ent of U.S. $10, 800,000 between the ln1perial Eth­ iopian Government on beh.alf of the Addis Ababa Wate.r and Sewerage ... Authority and the International Bank for Reconstruction and develop­ rr:e11t to fi.11ance the Autbo1·iry's Wa-­ ter and Sewerage Project.

32/7 (1973) P. 309 U.S.A. First An1endment Loan Agreement Approval

Loan Agreeme11t of U.S. $4,900,000 betwee11 the In1perial Ethiopia.n Go­ vernment and the U11ited States of Ame1·ica acti11g trhrough the Agen­ cy for International Developn1ent to assist i11 financing tl1e foreign exchao ge costs of goods a,nd services and pay111ent of local curre11cy costs for the constr11ction, equiping and supervision of Constructio11 for H.S. l.U. expansion (phase II) changi11g tl1e a111ount from U.S. $3,700,000 to US $4,900,000. Ams. 30/27 (1971) P. 291.

32/16 (1973) P. 312 I.D.A. Credit Agree1nent App1·0val

Credit Agreement of U.S. $17,000, 000 betwee11 tl1e Imperial Ethiopian Gove1·11n1e11t and the International Develop111e11t Association to finance part of the costs of the Iir.perial Eth� iopian Government Fifth Highwa y Project •



i�J1� (��13} P. 315 U.[<s. Meil Grant a11d Loan Agre­ e.rine,n:t Ap,proval

An Aid Grant of ($5, 000, 0 00) corn-· posed of a nonrepayable g rant of ($2,000 ,000) and an interest -free loan ?f ($3,000 ,000) between the l1nper1a] Etbiopia. n Government and I-Ier Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Br· ittair.m. and Northern Ireland to Thl.ilaac€ the sterling costs and certain, local c©sts of dev·elopment projects in Ethiopia.

32/19 (1973) P. 316 U.S.A. Loan Agreement Approval

Loan Agreement o·f U.S. $9,3QO;,ID©O between the Imperial Ethiopia1i1. Go­ vernment and the United States o. f America through the A , 1fo1, r International Development Associa­ tion to finance the foreign ex0ha.nge costs of goods and services req-ui!Fed for part of tl1e I1nperia1 Ethiopian Gove·r11me11t's Fifth Highway Proj­ ect.

32/19 (1973) P. 317 I.D.A. Loan Agreement Approval

Developme11t Agreement between the Imperial Ethiopian Government and the Inter11ational Developm©nt Association to the Imperial Ethiop­ ia11 Governme11t of a credit of U.S. $5, 000, 000 to 'fma11ce a second progran1me of livestock developm­ ent. Fourth Ame11dment to tl1e United ­ ic d ra E ia ar al M a ic er m A f o s te ta S e th n ee w et b t en em re g A n a o L ation d n a t e 1m r1 e v o G n ia p io � th E Imperial to a c r1 1e 11 A f · o s te ta S the uuited . .S U in o fr t n u o m a increase the 000 . , 0 0 5 , 8 1 $ . S . U $13,70 0 ,000 to A,ns. 30/27 (1971) P. 289.

32/19 (1973) P. 318 U.S.A. Loan Agreeme11t Approval









29/9 (1970) C. 71

29/8 (1969) G. 393

29/28 (1970) C. 72

29/27 (1970) L. 388 (Amharic 01JJy)

29/29 (1970) C. 73

29/27 (1970) L. 388

30/24 (1971) C. 74

30/17 (1971) L. 394

30/24 (1971) C. 75

29/21 (1970) L. 385

31/24 (1972) C. 76

31/19 (1972) 0. 80

32/5 (] 972)

31 /20 (19-72) P. 305 (English on11) 32/27 (1973) L. 438

c. 77

32/29 (1973) C. 78








29/30 (1970) D.55

Reps. 10/7 (1951) P. Ji0, l5 C:0as0l.

Development Baak (Re:pea1)

L. Eth. 2; 15 C0ns_0,i. l. Jilih. Sup.


No. l, 1

30/33 (1971) D. 56

24 Con.r;ol. L. l:tli. Sup. N0. I,�

Plant Protection Decree


-- - -----------� ------------·------





29/1 (1969) G. 391 Appointreents

Tra11sitory; 11ot included J1erei11

29/4 (1969) G. 392 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein

29/8 (1969) G. 393 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herein

29/9 (1970) G. 394 Appointments

Transitory; _11ot included herein

29/9 (1970) G. 395 Promotions

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herei1111

29/11 (1970) G. 396 Award of Honour and Promotion

Tra11sitory; not included herein

29/11 (1970) G. 397 Appointments

Transitory; not i11cluded hereir1

29/11 (1970) G. 398* Statement of Profit a11d Loss a11d Balance Sheet of the Imperial Board of Telocommunications of Ethiopia

Transitory; not included l1erein

29/18 (1970) G. 398* Award of Honour

Transitory; not included herei11

29/18 (1970) G. 399 Appointment

Tra11sitor)'; not i11cluded he1·ei11

29/26 (1970) G. 400 Revised Charter of the Ethiopia11 Red Cross Society

Reps. a11d replaces 7/2 (1947) G. 99, 32 Consol. L. Eth. 2; 32 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1


*Due to an error in numbering two General Nc:tices are nunibered 398. X


29/2.9 (1970) G. 401 Awards of Honour

Transitory; not iI1cluded herein

29/29 (I 970) G. 402 Appoi 11t1ne 11ts

Transitory; not included herein

30/3 (1970) G. 403 Awards of Hoi:1our

Transitory; not included llerei 11

30/3 (1970) G¡. 404 Appointo1ents

Transitory; not included herei 11

30/5 (1970) G. 405 Awards of Hon our

Transitory; not included here,i11

30/5 (1970) G. 406 Promotions

Transitory; not included herein

30/5 (I 970) G. 407 Appointments

Transitory; not i1 1cluded hereir1

30/9 (I 971) G. 408 Appoi11tments

Transjtory; not included herein

30/9 (1971) G. 409 Awards of Honour

Transjtory; 11ot included herei 11

30/9 (197 I) G. 410 Promotions

Transitory; not included herein

30/11 (1971) G. 411 Imperial Board of Teleco1n 1 11u 1J­ ications of Ethiopia Statement of Profit and Loss

Transitory; not included herei11

30/15 (1971) G. 412 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot included herein

30/15 (1971) G. 413 Promotio ns

Transitory; not i11cluded herein



30/15 (1971) G. 414 Awards of Honour

Tra11sjto1·y; not j11cluded herein

30/18 (1971) G. 415 Approval of Electio11 a11d Appo­ intment

Transito1·y; not included l1ereu1

30/18 (1971) G. 416 Appointments

Transitory; not included l1erein

30/21 (1971) G. 417 Appoint111en.ts

T1·ansitory; 11ot included herein

30/21 (1971) G. 418 Awards of Honour

Tra11sitory; not included l1erein

30£29 (1971) G. 419 Appoit1tments

Tra11sitory; not included herein

30/29 (1971) G. 420 Awards of Ho11011r

Transitory; not included l1erei11

31/1 (1971) G. 421 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot included herei11

31/1 (1971) G. 422 Promotions

Transitory; not included l1erein

31/1 (1971) G. 423 Awa.rds of Honour

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

31/4 (1971) G. 424 Statement of Profit and Loss a11d Balance Sheet of the Imperial Board of·Teleco1nmunications of Ethiopia

T1·a11sito1·y; not included herein

31/SA (1971) G. 425 Appointments

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded herein Xl.

1'�BLE: OP GiEl.ffiRAL N'Orif ICES

1 i,s �«�iii @. 42� �p,1p@i®tmen111 s

Transitory; not included

31/8 (19?2} G. 427 Awa1i€1S of Honou1·

Transiitory; not includea aeFeiJil


31/1© (1972} G. 428 App01ntments

Transitory; n.ot mclude(jl heJ:tem

31/1© (l,12) G. 429 Promotiom

Transitory; not iEi�l·uae� bttem

31/13 (I,r/2) G. 430 Awards of Honour

Transitory; not i;n€ludecd Tulerreitn

31/17 (1972) G. 431 Appointments

Transitory; not i111clucied Jaeizein

31/17 (1972) G. 432 Awards of hlo11our

Transitory; 11ot i11oluded lile.reiilil

31/25 (1972) G. 433 Appointments

Transitory; not included .beliein

31/25 (1972) G. 434 Awards of Honour

Transitory; J1ot i11cluded herein

31/26 (1972) G. 435 Appoint1nents

Transitory; not included herein

31/26 (1972) G. 436 Promotion

Transitory; not included he-rein

31/26 (1972) G. 437 Award.s of Honour

Transitory; not included herein

32/6 (1972) G. 439 * Appointments

Transitory; not included herein


*Due to all!error in numbering no General Notice isnun1bered 43S.


'E J-IIOPIA, SUPPLEMENT No. 1 CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ------------- -------- ------

32/6 (1972) G. 440 Awards of Honour

Transitory; not included herein

32/8 (I 973) G. 441 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot included herein

32/11 (1973) G. 442 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot included herein

32/14 (1973) G. 443 Awards of Honour

Transitory; not included herein

32/14 (1973) G. 444 Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet of the Imperial Board of Telecommunications of Ethiopia

·T1·ansitory; not included herein


----· -----·- ------=------ ---- -- -



29/1 (1969) L. 374 l?remiu, m Bonds Regulations

18 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. N/0. l, 1

29/1 (1969) L. 375 Municiapal Notice

Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 C0nis<11� !lb. Et/1. 1; 7 Consol. L. Etl1. Sup. N0. I, l

29/2 (1969) L. 376 Coffee Surtax Relate (Amendm­ ent) Regulation.s 29/3 (1969) L. 377 National Coffee Board Cess Reg­ ulations

.ReJJS. 27/2 (1967) L. 330, 16 Cvn1&01. L. Eth. 13; 16 Cor,sol. L. Eth. 3i1p. No. 1, 1

29/5 (1969) L. 378 The Sidamo Teklay Ghizat Mu­ nicipalites Rates and Fees Reg­ ulations

Local Legislation; not ii11clud.e0 ih.eili· e1n

29/6 (1969) L. 379 The Sidamo Teklay Ghizat Mun­ icipalities Rates and Fee-s Regul­ ations

Local Legislation; 11ot included her•


29/9 (1970) L. 380 Municipal Notice

A,ns. 4/7 (1945) F. 74, 7 C0nsol. L. Eth. 1; 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, 2

29/12 (1970) L. 382 * Coffee SU1·tax (Amendment) Re­ gulatio11s

Ams. 23/7 (1964) L. 280, 16 Con�ol. L. Eth. 13; 16 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

29/16 (1970) L. 383 Customs Tariff (Amendment) Re­ gulations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Con.s:ol. L. Eth. 1; 16 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 3

•Due to an error in numbering no Legal Notice is numbered 381. ).V


30/13 (1971) L. 392 Petroleu� Products Declaratio11 and. Price Control Regulations (Amendment No. 1)

Anis. 24/3 (1964) L. 298, 23 Consol. L. Et/1. 7; 23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 9

30/14 (1971) L. 393 I.nsurance Regulations

23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

30/17 (1971) L. 394 Visa and Residence Permit Fees and Port of E11try R.egulat ons

Co,�1·. 30/24 (1971) C. 74, 9 Co,isol. L. Et/1.. Sup. No. 1, 1

30/17 (1971) L. 395 Issurance of Travel Documents and Visas Regulations

9 Co,1s0!. L. Eth. S·up. No. 1, 2

30/20 (1971) L. 396 Mining Regulations

25 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup. No. I, 2

30/24 (1971) L. 397 Transactio11 Taxes (Amendment) Regulations

An1s. 23/8 (1964) L. 282, 17 Co11s0I. L. Et/1. 18; 17 Consol. L. Et/1. S½_v. No. 1, 8

30/24 (1971) L. 398 Petroleum P1·oducts and Lubric­ ants Excise Tax Exen1ptio11s (Am­ endment) Regulations

A11·1s. 27/3 (1967) L. 331, 17 Consol. L. Etl1. 7; 17 Consol. L. Etf1. SuJJ. No. I, 4

30/24 (1971) L. 399 Petroleum Products and Lubric­ ants Excise Tax Regulations

17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. Sup. No. I, 5

30/28 (1971) L. 400 Customs (Carriage of goods oth­ erwise than by Air) Regulations

16 Consol. L. Etl1. Sitp. No. I, 5

30/30 (1971) L. 401 Coffee Custon1s Duty and Sl.irtax Waiver Regulations

Transitory; not included herein


29/11 ,ru,1i0� :L. 3&4 Rates, Dues ane Fees f0·r the 1\.1 ,anieiFailities of Klrlfa Teaklay Gaizat

Local Legislati0n; n0t included heF• e1n

29/21 (1970) L. 385 Rates, Dues and Fees for tl1e Municipalities of Shoa Teklay Ghizat

Local Legislation; 11ot incl111�eld ��. • em

29/24 (1�70) L. 386 Rates, Dues and Fees for the Municipalities of Illnbabor Tekl­ ay G·hizat

herLocal Legislation; not iaclude0 • em

29/25 (1970) L. 387 Grain Board (Amendment) Reg­ ulations

Ams. 10/12 (1951) L. 158, 24 Co11soZ. L. Et/1. 9; 24 Consol. L. Eth. 'Sip. No. 1, 5

29/27 (1970) L. 388 Custo1ns Tariff (Amendment) Re­ gulations

Corr. 29/28 (1970) C. 72 (Amhairic 011ly), 29/29 (1970) C. 73; ams. 1018 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Et'h. 7; 16 Consol. L. Eth. Sip. No. 1, 4

29/28 (I 970) L. 389 Designation of members of the General Advisory Board of Heal­ th for the year 1963 E.C.

Transitory; not included herein

30/6 (1970) L. 390 State of Emergency in Certain Areas of the Teklay Ghizat of Eritrea

Amd. 30/18 (1971) L. 391 Art. 3, 10 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

30/8 (1970) L. 391 State of Emergency in Certain Areas of the Teklay Ghizat of Eritrea (Amendment No. 1)

Ams. 30/6 (1970) L. 390, 10 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2



30/34 (1971) L. 402 Rates, Dues a11d Fees Regulat­ io11s of the Mu11icipalities of Bale Teklay Gl1izat Part Four

Local Legislation; not included her• e1n

30/34 (1971) L. 403 Rates, Dues and Fees Regulatio­ ns of the Municpalities of Gojja111 Teklay Ghizat Part one

Local Legislation; not included her• e111

30/35 (1971) L. 404 Rates, Dues and Fees Regulatio11� of the Municipalities of Shoa: Wollo, Wollega, Illubabor Tekl­ ay Ghizats

Local Legislation; 11ot included her•


Local Legislation; not included her-.

30/35 (1971) L. 405 Rates, Dues and Fees Regulat• ions of Municipalities of Hararge Teklay Ghizat Part Two


30/36 (1971) L. 406 Rates, Dues a11d Fees Regulatior. of the Municipalities of Gojjarr Teklay Ghizat

Local Legislation; 11ot included here1n

30/36 ( 1971) L. 407 Rates, Dues and Fees Regulatio• ns of the Municipalities of Sho2. Teklay Ghizat Part Four

l1erLocal Legislation; not included •


30/37 (1971) L. 408 Rates, Dues a11d Fees Regulat­ ions of the Municipalities of Begemdir Teklay Ghizat

Local Legislatio11; 11ot included .here1n .

30/37(1971) L. 409 Rates, Dues and Fees Regulati­ ons of the Municipalities of Har­ arge Teklay Ghizat Part One

L�Jcal Legislatio11; 11ot included her• e1n

. ..' XVlll

J©t38 (i971) iL. 4!10 Rates, iDlfles and Fees Regu,amo­ m:s of flt\e Municipalities of Gem:a Oofa Teklay Ghiiza1!

Looa[ Legislation; Bot inell!leled aer•

e1 ,Jil

m.e11 R aed Mel i 'Local Legis]ati0m.; not • e1n

30/38 (1971) L. 41 I Rates, Dues and Fees Regulat­ ions of the Municipalities ofTigre Teklay Gltizat 31/ 1 (1971) L. 412 Designation of Members of the General Advisory Board of Hea­ lth for tlhe year 1964 E.C.

Transitory; not included ileir ei1n

31/4 (1971) L. 413 Domestic Trade Licence Regula­ tions

23 Consol. L. Eth. S'Up. No. 1, 8

31/5 (1971) L. 414 Eritrean Labour Relations Board Establishment Regu]atiom.s

28 Cons0l. L. Eth. s ,up. No. 1, 1

31/6 (1972) L. 415 Church Development Comniiss-

31 Consol. L. Et/1. s,up. No. 1, l


25 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 4

31/7 (1972) L. 416 Wildlife Conservation Regulations

31/10 (1972) L. 41'7

18 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

3 I /14 (1972) L. 418

Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Cons0'/. L. Eth. 1; 7 Consol. L. Eth.. Sup. No. I, 3

Savings Bonds Regulations Municipal Notice

8 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

31/15 (1972) L. 419 Public Service Position Classifi­ cation and Scale Regulations No. 2 XIX


31/22 (1972) L. 420 Custon1s Tariff (Amendment) Re­ gulations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Cnsool. L. Eth. 7; 16 ConJ·ol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 6

31 /24 (1972) L. 421 Commemorative Silver Coi11s Is­ sue Regulations

15 Co11sol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, 2

31/24 (1972) L. 422 Commemorative Coins Issue Re­ gulations

15 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 3

31/25 (1972) L. 423 Industrial Licence Regulations

23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 4

31/25 (1972) L. 424 Foreign Trade Regulations

23 Consol. L. Eth. S·up. No. 1, 6

32/1 (1972) L. 425 Customs Tariff (Amendment) Regulations

A,ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Eth. 7; 16 Consol. L. Eth, Sup. ..,/ No. 1, 7

32/2 (1972) L. 426 Agricultural Income Tax Assess­ ment Continuation Regulations

Transitory; not included herein

32/3 (1972) L. 427 Customs Tariff (Amendme11t) Re­ gulations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7; 16 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup.

32/4 (1972) L. 428 Meat Inspection Regulations

24 Consol. L. Et/1. Sitp. No. l, 4

32/5 (1972) L. 429* Balance Sheet of the Livestock and Meat Board

Transitory; not included herein

32/9 (1973) L. 429* Armed Forces Officers Promot­ ion, Obligatory Service and Dis­ missal Regulations

10 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 4

No. l, 8

*Due to an error in numbering two Legal Noticesare nun1bered 429. )X


32/10 (l,73) L. 430 PoLice Officers Promotion, Oblig­ atory Service and Dismissal Reg­ ulations

12 Consol.L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

32/13 ( 1973) L. 431 Wejght and Measures Regulatio­ ns

Reps. 27/5 (1967) L. 333, 23 00ns0i. L. Eth. 20; 23 Cons, ol. L. Et;h. S11p. No. 1, 14

32/15 (1973) L. 432 The Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority Regulations

Consol. L. A.A.; not included here,i,n.

32/17 (1973) L. 433 Ethiopian Standards Regulations

23 Con.sol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 15

32/17 (1973) L. 434 Sta11d.ards Marks and Fees Reg­ ulations

23 Consol. L. Etli. Sup. No. 1, 16

32/21 (1973) L. 435 Petroleum Prodt1cts and l,ubric­ ants Excise Tax Exemptio11 (Am­ endment) Regulations

Ams. 27/3 (1967) L. 331, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 7; 17 Consol. L. Etf1. Sup. N0. I, 7

32/22 (1973) L. 436 Co1nmercial Vehicles Tariff Reg­ ulations

21 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 2

32/25 (1973) L. 437 Customs Tariff (A1nendn1ent) Regulations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, Consol. L. Eth. 7; 16 Consol. L. Eth. Si,p. Nv. 1, 9

32/27 (1973) L. 438 Judicial Classification and Salary Scale Regulations

Corr. 32/29 (1973) C. 78; 5 Consol. L. Eth. Sip. No. 1, 2

32/28 (1973) L. 439 Postage Regulations

22 Consol. L. Eth. Sip. No. 1, 3

32/29 (1973) L. 440 Saving Bonds Regulations

18 Co11s0!.L.Et/1. Sup. No.1,3





JQ,Jl 7 (19'71) N·.A. 1 o, ..�pproval of Development Bank (Repeal) Decree

.Apps. 29/30 (19170) D·. 55� 15 Consol. L. Et/1. Sitp. No. 1, 1






29/4 (1969) 0. 59 Si1nien Natio11al Park Order

25 Consol. L. Etli. SuJJ, 1, 6

29/7 (1969) 0. 60 Public Safety and \Velfare (Amendrr1e11t) Order

Transitory; not included herein

29/8 (1969) 0. 61 Award of Honours (A111e·ndme11t) Order

Ams. 4/3 (1944) D. 4, 33 Consol. l,. Eth. 1; 33 Consol. L. Et/1. Sttp. No. 1, 1

29/10 (1970) 0. 62 Public Safety a11d Welfare Order

Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herein

29/19 (1970) 0. 63 Planning Co111111ission Order

Jr,1pl. ams. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46, 3 Con­ sol. L. Eth. 1; 19 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

30/1 (1970) 0. 64 Ethiopia11 Standards I11stitutio11 Order

23 Consol. L. Et/1. Silp. No. 1, 12

30/4 (1970) 0. 65 Wildlife Conservation Order

25 Consol. L. Et/1. S'ip. No. 11 3

30/6 (1970) o. 66 Declaratio11 of a State of Et11erg­ e11cy i11 Cerlain Areas of the Tek­ lay Gl1izat of Eritrea Order

IO Consol. L. Et/1. Siq;. No. 1, 1

30/7 (1971) 0. 67 Public Safety and Welfare (A1n­ end1nent No. 1) Orde1�

Transitory; not included bereu1

30/10 (1971) 0. 68 Addis Ababa Water and Sewera­ age Authority Order

Consol. L. A. A.; not included herei:a

•• •



30/11 (1971) 0. 69 Civil Aviation Reestablishrnent Order

Rep.'I. and ,·eplaces 21/17(1962) O. 25, 21 Consol. L. Eth. I; 21 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

30/16 (1971) 0. 70 Re-hablitation Agency for the Disabled Order

27 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, I

30/16 (1971) 0. 71 Scrap Iron Board Charter (Am­ endment) Repeal Order

Reps. 19/11(1960) G. 268, 23 Consol L. Et/1. 13; 23 Co11sol. L. Eth. Sup. 1, 11

30/19 (1971) 0. 71 Scrap Iron Board Charter (Ame­ ndme11t) Repeal Order

Reps. 19/11(1960) G. 268, 23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 11

30/19 (1971) 0. 72 Dairy Developn1ent Agency Or­ der

24 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. l, 2

31/2(1971)0. 73 Institute of Public Administration Order

29 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

31/2(1971)0. 74 State Forest Develop1nent Agen­ cy Order

25 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup. No. I, 5

31/3 (1971) 0. 75 National Water Resource Corn­ mission Order

19 Consol. F. Eth. Sup. No. I, 2

31/SA(1971)0. 76 Public Safety and Welfare (Arne­ ndment No. 2) Order

Transitory; not included herein

31/8(1972)0. 77 The Debre Libanoes Monastery Administration order

31 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, 2




31/[7 (1�72) 0. 78 iPih.yto-Sanitai"y Convectio.n for Africa Q.rder

I C0nsol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, l

31/18 (1972) 0. 79 Central Statistical Office Order

19 Consol. L. Eth. Sup.

31/19 (1972) 0. 80* National Academy of the Amh­ aric Language Establishment Or­ der

Corr. 31/24 (1972) C. 716; 29 �Ohs01'. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, 2

32/7 (1973) 0. 80* Public Safety and Welfare (Am­ endment No. 3) Order

Transitory; not include. d her<!illl

32/9 (1973) 0. 81 The Ad1ninistration of Officers of the Armed Forces Order

Reps. I 3/1 (1953) P. l 36, 11 Oomoi. L. Eth. 1 ; l O Consol. L� Ei/1. $1.fJI• No. 1,3

32/10 (1973) 0. 82 The Police Force Administration Order

12 Con.sol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

32/11 (1973) 0. 83 The Church Administration (Am­ endment) Order

Ams. 26/9 (I967) 0. 48, 31 Con.s0·f. L. Eth. 3; 31 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 3

32/12 (1973) 0. 84 National Coffee Board Re-estab­ lishment Order

Replaces 21/1 (1961) P. 178, 24 Con­ sol. L. Eth. 13; 24 Consol. L. Eth. Sup No. 1.7

32/26 (1973) 0. 85 Reorganization of tl1e National Defence Establishment

Ams. 13/3 (1953) 0.11 10 Cons0Z L. Eth. I



*Due to an error in numbering two orders are numbered 80. XXV









29/13 (1970) P. 272 IJ1ternational Development Ass­ ociation Develop1nent Credit Ag­ reement for Wola1no Agricultural Project

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded ·herein

29/14 (1970) P. 273 Proclamation to approve the Ci­ vil Aviation Improvements Loa11 Agreement between the Imperial Ethiopian Governn1ent a·nd the Government of the United States of America

Transitory; not included herein

29/15 (1970) P. 274 Meat Inspection Proclamation 29/20 (1970.) P. 275 German Loan Agreement (Ame­ ndment) Proclamation 29/22 (1970) P. 276 United States of Amercia Mala­ ria Eradication Progra1nme First Amendment to Loan Agree1nent Proclamation 29/22 (1970) P. 277 International Development Ass­ ociation Development Credit Ag­ reement for Humera Agricultural Project Procla1nation

24 Consol. L. Eth. Sip. No. I. 1



Transitory; 11ot included l).erei11

Transitory; 11ot included herein

Transitory; 11ot included herein

29/22 (1970) P. 278 United States Govern111ent Loan Agreement for Highway Equip­ ment Repair Facilities Approv­ al Proclamation

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein


-=----------- -------------TABLE OF PROCLAMATIOMS

29/22 €1970) J>. 279 A.dd�tional Education Taxes Pr­ oclamation

lmpl. anis. 7/3 (1947) P. 94, 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3; 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1 . Sit:,p. No. 1, I

29/23 (1970) P. 280 Budget Procla111ation

Transitory; not included heliei-n

30/2 (1970) P. 281 Insura11ce Procl,1mati 011

23 Consol. L. Et/1. Su/J. No. 1, l

30/12 (1971) P. 282 Mi1ting Proclamatio11 of the £111pire of Ethiopia

Reps. 3/4 (1943) P. 43, 25 Con'S@I. L. Eth. 1, 3/11 (1944) P. 67, 2-5 Con.s­ ol. L. Et/1. 2; 25 Consol. L. Et/1. St:(JJ . No. I, 1

30/22 (1971) P. 283 Supplernentary Budget Procla111ation

Transitor)'; 11ot i11cluded bereirt1

30/23 (1971) P. 284 Alcohol Excise Tax (An1endme11t) Proclamation 30/23 (1971) P. 285 Excise Tax (Amendtnent) Proola­ n1ation

Ams. 24/10 (1965) P. 217, 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 5; 17 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup. No. 1, 2 Ar11s. 22/ 17 (1963) P. 204 as c1n1d. 24/15 (J 965) P. 220, 17 GJnsol. L. Et/1. 4; 17 Consol. L. Et/1, SiqJ. No.

I, 3

30/25 (1971) P. 286 Bt1dget Procla111ation

Tra11sitory; not included herein

30/26 (1971) P. 287 Dairy Developn1ent Proclan1a­ tion

25 Consol. L. Eth. SuJJ. No. I, 3

30/27 (1971) P. 288 German Loan Agreement Proc­ lamation

Transitory; not included l1erein

30/27 (1971) P. 289 United States of America Malaria Eradication Programme Third Amendme11t to Loan Agreement Procla1nation

Tra11sitory; not included rerein




30/27 (1971) P. 290 International Development Association Developme11t Credit Agreement for the Second Education Project 30/27 (1971) P. 291 United States of America Loan Agreement for Haile lassie I University Expansion (Part IT) Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein


Transitory; not included herein Sel­


30/31 (1971) P. 292 Industrial Licence Proclamation

23 Consol. L. Et/1.. Sup. No. 1, 3

30/32 (1971) P. 293 Foreign Trade Proclamation

Reps. 1/3 (1942) P. 15, 23 Consol. L. Etl1. 3; Ams. 17/5 (1957) L. 214 13/2 (1953) P. 138, 23 Co11sol. L. Et/1. Sup. No, 1, 5

30/32 (1971) P. 294 Domestic Trade Proclamation

23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 7 -

31/9 (1972) P. 295 Cl1inese Loan Agreement Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein

31/9 (1972) P. 296 Post Office (Amendment) Proclamation

Ams. 25/22 (1966) P. 240, 22 Con,sol. L. Eth. 1; 22 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

31/11 (1972) P. 297 International Development Association Development Credit Agreement for Addis Ababa Dairy Development Project Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein




1l/12 (1972) P. 298 Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority Proclamation

Consol. L.A. A.; not included heFein

31/14 (1972) P. 299 Bole Housing Project Development Agreement Guarantee (First Amend­ ment) Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein

31/14 (1972) P. 300 Ethiopian Standards Institution Proclamation

Ams. 22/21 (1963) P. 208, 23 Cons@!. L. Eth. 19; 23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No.1,13 -

31/16 (1972) P. 301 Regulation of Trade and Price Proclamation

Reps. 2/9 (1943) P. 38 as amd. 3/5 (1944) P. 46, 3/7 (1944) P. 53 2/10 (1943) L. 22, 2/12 (1943) L. 29, 3/4 (1943) L. 40, 3/5 (1944) L. 41, 3/6 (1944) L. 46, 3/8 (1944) L. 50 3/9 (1944) L. 55, 4/2 (1944) L. 63, 5/5 (1946) L. 91, 5/9 (1946) L. 94, 7/4 (1947) L. 110, 7 /8 (1948) L. 116, 7/12 (1948) L. 120, 8/6 (1949) L. 123, 8/8 (1949) L. 125, 8/9 (1949) L. 126, 9/2 (1949) L. 134, 9/6 (1950) L. 139, 9/10 (1950) L. 142, 12/5 (1952) l?. 132 24/19 (1965) P. 228, 23 Consol. L. Et/1. 6; 23 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, 10

31/17 (1972) P. 302 German Loan Agreement Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein

31/18 (1972) P. 303 Central Statistical Office Proclamation

19 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. l, 3



Tra11sitory; not included herein

31/20 (1972) P. 304 I.D.A. Credit Agreement for Coffee Processing Project P1·oclamatio11 '

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herei11

31/20 (1972) P. 305. 1.D.A. Development Credit Agreen1e11t for Industrial and Agricultural Development Proclamatio11

31/20 (1972) P. 306 . Guara11tee A.greement App1·oval of the Loan between the Addis Ababa Authority and the Intematio11al Bank for Reconstruction and. De­ velopment

Transitory; not included herein

31/21 (1972) P. 307 . Transaction Taxes (An1endment) Proclamation

An1s. 22/18 (1963) P. 205 as an1d. 27/1 (1967) P. 254, 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 17; 17 Consol. L. Eth. Si,p. No. 1, 9

31/23 (1972) P. 308 Budget Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein

32/7 (1973) P. 309 United States of America First Amendment Loan Agreement for H.I.S.U. Expansation (phase II) Proclamatio11

T1·a11sitory; 11ot included he1·ein

32/12 (1973) P. 310 National Coffee Board Proclamation

ReJJS. 11/5 (1952) P. 121, 24 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 11, 21/1 (1961) P. 178, 24 Consol. L. Eth.. 13; 24 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup. No. 1, 8



32/13 (1973) P. 311

Ams. 18/13 (1959) P. 162, 14 Co11sol. L. Et}1. 1; 14 Consol. L. Et/1. SuJJ, No. 1, 1

The Fiscal Year (Second Amendment) P1·oclamation XXX




32/16 (1973) P. 312 The International Development A.ssociation Development Credit Agreement ·for tl1e Fifth Highway ·· Project

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

32/18 (1973) P. 313 Tl1e Members of Parliament Salary Increment Proclamation

l�eps. 21/11 (1962) P. 187, 4 Consol. L. Eth. 2; 4 Co11sol. L. Erh. Sup. N0 . 1, 1

32/18 (1973) P. 314 Petroleum Products and Lubricants Excise Tax (Ame11dment) Proclamation

26/14 (1967) P. 249, 17 Conisol. L. Eth. 6; 17 Consol. L. Eth. Sip. No. 1, 6

32/19 (1973) P. 315 U1rited Kingdon1 Aid Gra11t a11d Loan Agreement Procla1natio11.


.. . Trru1sitory; 11ot included l1erein .

32/19 (1973) P. 316 United States of America Loan Agree1nent for Fifth Highway Project Proclamatio11

Transitory; 11ot i11cludcd l1erei11

32/19 (1973) P. 317 Tl1e Internittional Developme11t Association Develop1nent Credit Agreeme11t for Second Livestock Development Project Proclama­ tion.

Trc:111sitory; 11ot i11cluded herei11

32/19 (1973) P. 318 United States of America Malaria Eradication Program Fourth Amendment to Loan Agreement Proclamation

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

. . XXXl'



32/(1973) P. 319 Board of Telecommt1nications (Amendment) Proclamation

A,ns. 12/5 (1952) P. 131, 22 Consol. L. Eth. 4; 22 Consol. L. Et/1. Sup . No. 1, 2

32/19 (1973) P. 320 Highway Authority (An1endment) Proclamation

Ams. I 0/5 (I 951) P. 115, 20 Consol. L. Eth. 3; 20 Consol L. Eth. Sup. No. 1, 1

32/20 (I 973) P. 321 Budget Proclamation

Transitory; not included herein •

32/23 (1973) P. 322 National Military Service Proclamation

10 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I; 5

32/24 (1973) P. 323 Judicial Aministration Proclam.ation

5 Consol. L. Eth. Sup. No. I, I






Page III, Heading, Read: ''FOREWORD'' Page IV, 1st line, Read: ''Forewcird'' Page VIJ, 1st line, Read: ''Forewo·rcl!'' II. TEXT OF TOO LAWS Page I, Read: ''Phyto-Sanitary'' truough0l!lt this Law Page 9, Art. 2, 2nd line, Read: '''Jhese Regalation:s'' Page 9, Art. 3, 2nd line, Read: ''t,he,e Regnlat1ons:'' Page 11, Art. 12, I st line, Read: ''for reasons'' Page 18, Art. 3(4), 1st line, Read: ''Chartered GoverJ1llllent'' Page 28, Art. 34(2) fourth line, Read: ''nearest'' Page 33, Art. 49, 1st line, Read: ''in the interest of the admini·strati.'.ot1," Page 36, Art. 52(1), 2nd line, Read: ,rbierarcbical'' Page 41, Art. 4(4), 1st line, Read: ''technical, secretarial'' Page 62, Art. 10(1), 4th line, Read: ''baggage'' Page 63, Art. 12, Read: ''Subarticle 6as Subartiele 3'' Page 75, Art. 27(4), 1st line, Read: ''1equired'' Page 81, Schedule D, Read.: ''Rank'' Page 108, 3rd paragraph, 1st line, Read: ''NOW, THER.RFORE," Page 111, Art. 4(3), 3rd line, Read: ''entitled'' Page 112, Art. 5(1), 2nd line, Read: ''P.rticle 4(1) and(2)'' Page 117, Art. 4(2) (c), 2nd line, Read: ''Theodros II'' 129, Art. 5(a), 2nd line, Read: ''2omplete formalities, pay the G·ustems duty'' Page 132, Art. 8, 5th line, Read: ''marufest'' Page 132, Art. 8, 7th line, Read: '''' Page 141, Art. 4, 1st line, Read: ''Article 24: Glue'' Page 147, Art. 171, 1st line, Read: ''Channels'' Page 151, Art. 219, 1st line, Read: ''Gearing, drying'' Page 152, Art. 230(a), 7th line, Read: "Eth. $2000 up to'' Page 155, Art. 402(f), fourth line, Read: ''Cathode-ray tubes'' Page 165, Art. 5(a) (I), 1st line, Read: "the Customs Tariff;'' Page 166, Subsection No., Read; ''17-5'' Page 176, Art. 29, 3rd line, Read: ''permission'' Page 184, Art. 4(c), 3rd tine, Read: '' l premium'' Page 194, Art. 5(2) (a) (I), 1st line, Read: ''Public Authorities'' Page 200, Year of issue, Read: ''31/18 (1972) 0.78'' Page 207, Art. 6(2), 1st line, Read: ''building, com.meFcial vehicle'' Page 220, last line, Read: ''Article 15 (L) (b) and (h)'' ...


Page 221, Art. 3, 2nd line, Read: ''(Ltgal Notice No. 315 and 319 of 1966)'' Page 240, Art. 8, 3rd line, Read: ''(Up to the maximum insurance amount fixed at Eth. $800)'' Page 245, Art. 6(b) (II), 1st line, Read: ''(Eth.$600,000)'' Page 257, Art. 39(2), 1st line, Read: '')n the petition of the Controller,'' Page 261, Art. 7(1)) 1st line, Read: ''Every holder'' Page 288, Subsection No., Read: ''23-3, 4'' Page 290, Art. 5, 1st line, Read: ''She-re Company, Private Ltd. Compa11y-; Partnership-) ;'' Page 302, Art. 4 (3), 2nd line, Read: ''(iovern1nent Orders in force'' Page 304, A1·t. 13(1), 2nd line, Read: ''of any goods." Page 315, Art. 2, 3rd li11e, Read: ''modification'' Page 317, 7th line, Read: ''conditions or restrictions." Page 321, Art. 7(b), 2nd line, Read: ''�rticle 3, 4 or 9; or'' Page 321, Subsection No., Read: ''23-7'' Page 324, Art. 3(1), 1·st line, Read: ''Siall apply.'' Page 327, AI·t. 3, 3rd line, Read: ''5) Part11ership;'' Page 338, 7th paragraph, 1st li11e, Read: ''with Articles 34 and 88'' Page 346, Art. 16, 1st line, Read: ''no1Lu11g in Articles 13 to 15'' Page 347, Art. 18(2), 3rd line, Read: ''the provisions of Articles 4 to 6'' Page 353, Art. 10(1) (b), Read: ''by tre Institution; and'' Page 360, Art. 5, 5th li11e, Read: ''witll A.J:ticles 11 and 12'' Page 367, Ar·t. 4(2), 1st line; Read: ''t:1e title, reference number," Page 380, .AI·t. 3(4), 2nd line, Read: ''iides and skins'' Page 383:, Art. 2(3), 2nd line, Read: ''p�odt1cts a11d services'' Page 393, Art. 8(1), 3rd line, Read: ''m the day of slaughter." Page 403, Art. 3(b), 5th line, Read: ''s)yabeans and st1nflower." Page 408, Art. 2(1), 3rd line, Read: ''cf transportation;'' Page 410, Art. 3(f), 1st li11e, Read: ''toreqt1ire that plants, plant products'' Page 411, Art. 8, 8th line, Read: ''conleyance'' Page 414, Title of the book, Read: ·�24-7 CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETHIOPIA, SUPPLEME�T NO. 1 '' a11d V'' III, lil1e, Read: ''Schclt1les II, IV Page 425, Art. 9, 3rd . Page 426, Art. 12(2) (b), 2nd line, Read: ''or when drying coffee bring... it in contact with any substance vhich may'' Page 426, Art. 12(2) (c), 1st line, Read:''the purpose of d.rying coffee'' Page 432, Subsection No., Read: ''24-9'' Page 434, Art. 8, 1st line, Read: ''The Coffee Board may'' Page 440, Art. 14, 2nd line, Read: ''Aticle of the Proclamation." Page 454, Art. 25(a), 1st line, Read: :'the provisions of Articles 19(b) a11d 23(a) of this Proclamation," Page 456, Art. 29(b), 4th line, Read: '',)f Subarticles (b) and (c)'' Page 458, Art. 32(b) (2), 2nc;l line, Read: ''and other encumberances,'' .


Page Page Page Page Page Page

46@, 469, 474, 478, 484, 485,

Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Pa,ge Page Page Page Page Page Page

486, 492, 506, 510,

522, 524, 525, 528, 533 . 536, 537, 540, 555, 561, 563, 564, 567, 577, 577, 581, 583,

Awt. 35 fdlr), 411 lme, Read: ''l!lnder the lease." Art. 47(15), 2n<d li11 ne, React: ''from any determinati0n'' Art. 3(a), Jncl lme, Rea,i: ''su!bor<lifn.a, te thereof'' Art. 9 (c) 31r<[ line, Read: ''for �he benefit of,'' Arrt. 18(c), 71lh l!iine, Read: ''for renewal:'' Art. 20 (a), 2nd line,' Reacl: ''the provisions of Atticl'es 9 ancl! !ID he·reof.'' CROSS REFERENCE, Read: "Civ. c. 19/Ex. 2 (1960)'' Art. 35 (d), 3rd, Read: ''with.out payment'' Art. a (1), 3rd line, Read: ''of minerals on the basis of'' Art. 4(e), Read: �'established herein;'' Art. 26(2) (f), 1st line, P...ead: ''with a firearm of .22'' frrst line, Read: ''has 1:een property mamtain:ed'' Art. 33(3), 2nd line, Read: ''t1·ain or shlp'' Art. 47(1), 2nd line, R.ead: ''be punis.hable'' Schedule 6, 1st line, Read: ''of Articles 25 and 22" Art. 5(1), 3rd line, Reai: ''of Stibarticles (a), (b)., (d) aIil, d (g) ef'' Subsection No, Read: 1'25-5'' Subsection No.; Read: ''25-5, 6'' A!ft. 12(5) (e), 3rd line,Read: ''Order No. 23 of 1962, as,'' Art. 9(2), 4th li11e, Rea:i: ''by the Ecclesiastical'' Art. 5(3) (c), 1st line,R�ad: ''elected by the co1nmt1nity'' Subsection No., Read: ''31-2'' Section 32, Read: .;Section'' Art. 25(3), 1st line, Read: ''and carry out other'' Art. 26(2), 1st line, Rec.d: ''of seven members." Art. 41(1), 3rd tine, Read: ''and blank ballots," 2nd pa1·agrapb, I st line, Read: ''d tLrin.g which applicatrioo may be submitted''










KRI_:,14 1972


suppl. 1 E·thiopia Consolidated laws of E·thiopia; an unofficial compilation of national laws in effect as of






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