Consolidated Laws of Ethiopia Vol. II (1972) [Part 2]

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31.-2,3 --------· --11. In Open_ � as, _ Missio 1s m y teac.h a11d. p each the Ch istian faith of thei CHURCI-I AFFAIRS




own de11om1 nat, 1011 \V1thout restriction.




12. Adrus Ahab, � is _declared to b e an Ope11 Area i1 1 which Missionary Societies 1nay ope11 de1101n1 nat1011al schools. 13 Tb e ge11 �ral langua ge of i 11struction t11rougl1out Ethiopia shall be the Amharic Jangt1age, \Vl11cl1 l a11guage al] missio11ari es wi ll be expected to l e_am. 14. In Ope.n Areas, Missio11ari es may use orally local languages in the early stage of 111issionary wor�. u11ti l sucJ1 ti1ne as pupils and missionaries in Open Areas sl1all l1 ave ,1 wor king k11ovvle dge of the A1 nharic l anguage. The local languages 1nay be t1sed in the cot1rse of ordi 11ary contacts wit]1 the local population. 15. TJ1e Mi11ister of Edttcation a11d Fi 11e Arts sl1all have authority in rega.rd to eacl1 school i11 eitl1er Ope11 or Etl1iopia1 1 C11urc l1 Area.s concerning: (a) the use a11d teaching of foreign l anguages; (b) the age of admissio11 a11d the leaving age of pupils; (c) syllabt1ses and organization; (d) tlle treat1 n e nt, a11d d.isposition of properties of miss.ions acquired during t l 1e pe riod Meskerem 1, 1928 ( llt11 Se_ptember, 1935) to Meskerem 1, 1933 ( 11 tJ1 September , 1941). 16. In tl1e e vent th,tt a 1nissionary contravenes the provisions of the present regu­ lations be 1nay, in tl1 e discre tion of the Minister of Education and Fjne Arts, be subject to deportation u11der the provisions of the Immigration Proclamation, 1943, ,tnd the Missionary Society of wl1ich h e is a member excluded from further work in EtJijopia. CROSS REFERENCE lnJmigratioo ProclanJation, 2/8 (1943) P. 36.

Done at Addis Ababa this 27th day of August, 1944. 26 /9 (1967) 0. 48

AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE SECULAR ADMINISTRATION OF THE ETffiOPIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA e ter b th af '') rc ''C ein er (h ch , ur Ch � x o r:th O � n ia p o. hi Et ?� S, t11e EA ER H W · rn Eth1op1a.n de the mo of s nd ma de · al 1tu · · r 1 sp the · to e s on esp continues to grow 1n r nation; and cc e a o in ad on m e isi _b_ p ov r er rth fu at th te a i op pr ap w _ � no � WHEREAS, it is· evant prov1s1ons of the Civil l re e th d an ' · · n 1o ut tit ns Co d e dance wit· h our Re v1s . • . eh manner as w1·11 su ty 1n er op pr h rc hu C f n tio tra us ir m ad � Code for the efcfective best enab le tl1e C .hurch to serve the faithful; - 11.05 -



----=---=-------. -------------rdance with Article 127 of Ou r Revised Co HIOPIA CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ET


nstiNOW, THEREFORE, in acco er y ord reb as follows: he , We de Co vil Ci the of 400 tu·tion and Anticles 398 and CROSS REFERENCE Rev. Co11st. 15/2 (1955) })_ 149 Art. 127, 1 Consol. L. Etlz. 1. Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960)

Arts. 398, 400.

1. Sliort Title:

This Order may be cited as the ''Church Administration Order, 1967''. 2. Ecclesiastical Council :

(I) The powers necessary to the ,ecular adlninistration of the Church shall be vested in the Ecclesiastical Council thereof which shall be comprised of !the following members:

(a) the Patriarch of Etlliopia, or in his abse11ce, his Enderasye, who sh all be chairman of the Council; (b) all the Archbishops, and Episcopos of Ethiopia; and (c) eight (8) other persons wJ10 shall be appo.inted by Us upon tl1e recom­ mendation of the Patriarch. (2) The Ecclesiastical Council shGll establish such rules and procedures as it may deem appropriate for the conduct of its affairs and, generally, for th.e secular administration of the Church. Decisions of the Council shall be by majority vote. A majorit y of its members shall constitute a quort1m. Tl1e Chairn1an sl1all have a casting vote. 3

Corporate and Ad,ninistrati,,e Powers:

The Ecclesiastical Council sl1all l1ave and may exercise all st1ch powers as m.ay be useful or necessary to the 111anage111e11t, adn1inistratio11, preservation a11d improvement of the secular interest of tl1e Churcl1 in pursuance of tl1e i11terest of its . adherents. In. pa�ticular, an_d without limitation of the generality of the for�­ gomg, the Eccles1ast1cal Council sl1all Ji.ave and may exercise on behalf o.f and Ill the n.ame of tl1e Cl1urch, in like manner as tl1oug] 1 Trt1stee therefor, tI1e following powers to: (1) enter into contracts; (2) sue and be sued; (3) acquire, own, po�sess, pledge, rr.ortga-ge a11d otl1er\vise manage and disp�se e per t pr of movable and iminovable pr<Jperties i 11clt1ding tl1e traditional o J s of the Church; (4) borrow money and receive credits; (5) carry on st1cl1 revenue producing activities as niay be consist ent it h the w nature. of the Church; - 'l.106 -



(6) supervise tl1e income, revenues and expenditures of tl1e Church a11 d the ad1ninistration of the Cl1urcl1 Treasury; (7) delegate to such perso11 or persons as it 1nay choose. fro1n time to tme or at any tin,e, all or any portio11 of tl1e power vested in it herenuder; and (8) clo all st· trch other lawf-ul acts and things as n1ay be necessary or incidental to tl,e exercise of a11 y of the powers et1umerated above or otherwise con­ ferrecl upon it by law. 4. /111ple111er1ting Regi1lc1tior1s: Tl1e Ecclesiastical Cot1ncil 1nay •issue regt1lations for the ·better carrying out of the provisions l1ereof. 5. Effective Date: This Order shall enter into force on the date 0 1� its publication in the Negarit Gc1zeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of April, 1967. 28/11 (1969) L. 364

REGULATION ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATION ORDER, 1967 I. These Regulations are issued by the Ecclesiastical Council pursuant to authority vested in it by par.agraph 2 of Article 2, paragraph 7 of Article 3 and Article 4 of the Ch11rcl1 Administration Order, 1967 (Order No. 48 of 1967). 2. These Regulations may be cited as the ''Defi11ition of the Powers and Duties of the General Manager Regulations, 1969". 3. There shall be a General Manager who sl1all be tl1e chief executive of the secular ad,ministration of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, subject to the direction and control of the Patriarch a.nd the Ecclesiastical Council. 4. The General Man.ager shall, without any limitation to tl1e generality of the foregiong: (1) d.irect the managen1ent and operation of the Head Office, its departments, and branch offices; (2) ensure the proper execution of the decisions and directives of the Eccle­ siastical Council; (3) collect Church revenues and ensure the collection of same; (4) sell or exchange immovable property witl1 the approval of the Ecclesiastical Council;

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(5) borrow money not exceediJ.1g 011e Hundred Tbousand Ethiopian Dollars (Eth. $100,000), and/ or 111ortgage immovable property up to the san1e amount; (6) lease for a period not exceedi11g five (5) years� (7) enter into any contracts with the exception of �ose involving the sale, excha1 1ge or pledge of traditional Church properties; (8) snudy and apply ways and means of �evelop�� � hurch �roperty with a .

view to carrying out revenue-producing act1v1t1es cons1 s1tent with the nature of the Church;

(9) take, on behalf of the Church, appropriate measures with regard to the

day to day administration of Church matters;

(10) in1plement personnel regulations to be issued concerning the adminis­ trative employees of the Church; (11) ensure a. proper keeping of accounts and property records and establish a proper system of arcl1ives; (12) supervise the work and financial administration of ·the various departments

of the Church;

(13) prese11t a report to the Ecclesiastical Council annually, before the end of Tikin1t, regarding the activities of the Head Office and other activities Cftrried out by himself duriI1g the previous yea.r; 1

(14) submit annualy, before Hamle 30, a budget proposal for the approval of the Ecclesia.stical Council; (15) e11sure ;that every expendi,ture in accorda11ce with the bud.getary appropria­ tions is effected under his signature a.nd in his absence under tl1at of an official desigu.ated by hi1n in accorda11ce with internal regulations; •

(16) study or cause to be studied, and present from time to ti1ne, proposals

to tl1e Ecclesiastical Council for the proper administration of tl1e Cl1urch including the pro111otion and realization of its ain1s, activities and services; (17) study .and sub111it for the approval of the Ecclesiasitical Council an organ­ izational structure of the Head Office ::1nd its branches, includin g tJ1eir relationships with a job description, i11cluding internal regulatio 11s and tlie personnel regulations concerning the ctd1ni11istra1tive perso of l 1u1e · Cl1urch; l lega any in au designate or official rch to represent the Ch 11 (18) represent proceedings; (19) carry out any other duties t11at n1ay from tin1e to tin1e be assigned to I1im by the Holy Synod of !the Ethiopian Orthodox Cl1urch.

n . io t a c into enter shall li upon force b Regulations tl1e u p These 5. date of tl1eir in the Negc1rit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa tltis 2nd day of April, 1969. - 1108 -




MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE CHARTERED BODIES 6/8 (1947) G. 90 CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH I-IAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHE�EAS, it is Ot1r desire to e11]arge commercial activities in Our Empire . to assist a11d those mercha11ts w.110 are carrying on business tl1erein; and WHEREAS, it has seemed fitting to Us that the Chamber of Commerce of Addis Ababa should be incorporated by Our Imperial Charter; NOW, THEREFORE, We, of Our special grace, certain knowleclge and mere motion, do by Ou.r Imperial Charter for Us a11d Ourselves a11d Ou.r Imperial St1ccessors grant and ordain tl1at the Chamber of Commerce of Acldis Ababa shall be one body politic and corporate i11 name and deed and shall l1ave perpetual successio11 with a common seal which may be by tl1e Board of Directors of the said Cl1amber changed or varied at their pleasure and with the further powers and autl1orities but subject to the conditions and declarations in this Our I.mperial Cl1arter contained and: And we do l1ereby accordiJ1gly grant, ordain, appoint and declare as follows, tl1a t is to sa.y : I. The nan1e of the Corporartion hereby incorporated sl1all be tl1e Chamber of Commerce of Addis Ababa and is hereafter referred to as ''the Cl1amber''. 2. The membership of the Chamber of Commerce shall be limited to mant1facturers, bankers, merchants, traders and/or members of the learned professions, agriculturists, either of Et11iopian or foreign nationality suc.h as have been registered or sl1all in future have been registered with Our Ministry of Commerce and Industry for not less than one year; and also representatives of commercial partners, companies, corporation and. other legal persons. 3. The statute of the Chamber of Commerce or any amendment thereof shall be subject to the approval of Our Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and a copy of the original statute and of any subsequent amend�ent shall be d�J><?sited at Our Ministry of Commerce and Industry and sh,all be pnnted for public infor" mation. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . TI1e Amharic version of the last sentence of this Artjcle reads, "shall be published 1Vegarit Gaze/ct for Public information."



4. The function of the Chamber of Commerce shall be as follows : (i) the advancement of the commerce and industry of Our Empire by all lawful means; - 1109 -



(ii) the dissemination of Comme�cial and �d? strial information among the members within the Empire of Etb1op1a and abroad; (iii) the establishme11t of friendly relations with Chan1bers of Commerce in other countries and the exchange of i11formation in their mutual interests; (iv) the representation to the appropriate Ministry or De_partment of Our Government of any matter affecting the Commerce and Industry of Our Empire; (v) the conduct of any arbitrations upon commercial or industrial diffe­ rences between the members. 5. The Chamber of Commerce shall have corporate personality and as suc.b the liability thereof shall not devolve upon the members of the Chamber of Com­ merce beyond tl1eir respective contributions to the Chamber of Commerce. 6. The Chamber of Con1n1erce shall have the right to lay and assess or requjsite dues or contributions by the members thereof. 7. The Chamber of Commerce shall be ad.ministered by a Board of Directors of ten persons who shall be cl1osen in the following 1nan.ner: (a) The first President of the Chamber of Commerce shall be appointed by Our Ministry of Commerce and Industry and shall be President of the Board of Directors; (b) the President shall receive from Our Mil1ister of Commerce and Industry such interior, financial, secretarial and other assisrtance as will enable him to carry out the present articles; (c) the President of the Chamber of Commerce shall then, in consultation with Our Minister of Commerce and Indusitr·y, register and ad,mit to membership such bona fide registered merchants, traders, manufa c­ turers, members of the learned professions and companies and corpo· rations as are registered with Our Mi.11ister of Commerce and Industry and as submit to the Ministry of Con1merce a11d Industry an appli­ cation for membership in the Chamber of Commerce; (d) said President shall thereupon notify all such me1nbers of the time and place of election for members of the Board of the Chan1ber of Commerce; (e) the result of the election shall be determined 011 the basis of t11e ten persons which shall have received rthe largest nun1ber of votes; of rd Boa (f) the_ President shall thereupon convene tlle newly elected Directors; re­ tl1e l shal (g) the President and all 1nembers of tlie Board of Directors ted st h afte� be elected �nnu • ally on the basis indicated in s�b-paragrap � e tim e sam the above. !he PresideDJt of the Board of Directors sl1all at be President of the Chamber of Commerce. - 1110 -



---------- ----------------·

8. The prese�ce of seven Directors shall constitute a quorum for meetings · of the Board of Directors.

9 : All decisions of tl1e Board of Directors sha.11 be by n1ajority vote; in case. of a tie the vote of the President sl1all be decisive. 10. The Board of Directors may, as tl1ey see fit, delegate certain part or all of their functions to tl1e Presidenit. 11. Meetings of the Board of Directors m,1y be convened by the President or b)' written communication signed by tl1ree of the members thereof. 12. Amendn1ents to the prese11;t Cl1arter shall be made by majority vote at annual meetings of the Chamber of Com1nerce convened by t11e Board of Directors by written notice add.ressed to all men1bers, not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days after the dispatch of sucl1 written notice. •

13. The Cl1amber of ConJmerce sl1all l1ave ft1ll power and authority to enter into all 11ecessary contracts and arrangements, and to take all necessary s·teps to accomplish the purposes set fortl1 in Article 5 above, including the power to enter into contracts engaging t11e Chamber of Commerce and the properties for the furtherance of the above ends a11d to borro-w all sums necessary for the furtherance of these ends. However Our Minister of Commerce and Industry shall have the auiliority to prohibit any entertained action or activity contrary to the polices of the Imperial Government. 14. In addition the Chamber of Commerce is authorized. to be consulted by Our Minister of Commerce and Industry and to submit to Our Minister of Com­ merce and Industry its opinions and advices with regard to: (a) regulations concerning commercial practice to be of general appli­ cabilit, y; (b) establishment of any other necessary branches of Chamber of Com­ merce in other provinces and suggestion for the f.urtherance of any commercial a.ctivities. However nothing in the present Proclamation shall require Our Minister of Commerce and Industry in giving his consent to the Chamber of Commerce on other matters than the regulations of general applicability and of permanent character. 15. The Chamber of Commerce shall have generally the right to sbumit to Our Minister of Con1merce and Industry its reccomendations in regard to public service rates, and the withdrawal of pt;IInits to do business and gen·erally in regard to matters of common and general interests to the commercial community. · 16. A tax of twenty-fl:ve per cent on all permits a.ccorded by Our Minister of Com1nerce to do business · shall be established· in favour of the Chamber of Commer<:e and pajp. -ov_er to the same annually by Our Minister of -Finance. 17. All budgets of the Chamber of Commerce shall be submitted for approval to Our Minister of Commerce and Industry. '


Done at Addis Ababa this 29th day of April, 1947.

- 1111 -


TWC>BJi-A E F O S W A L D E 1f A D IJ! L Gl S N Co

7 /2 (1947) G. 99* THE FOLLOWING CHARTER IS PUBLISHED FO'.R GENERAL INFORMATION CHARTER WHEREAS, it iis Ou,r desire to p1omote the activities of th.e R.ed Cross in Ou.r Empire and to helip Ou.r people; and WHEREAS, it ha.s seemed fitting to Us that the said Red Cross shall be incorporated by OtII Imperial Charter; NOW, THEREFORE, WE of Our special grace, certain knowledge and me. re motion do by this Our Imperial Charter for Us and Ou.r Imperi� I. Successors grant and 0rdain th-at the Red Cross Society shall be one body pol1t1c and corporate, functioning throu, gh a Board of Directors in harmony an.d with the further powers and authoriities but subject to the condilions and declaration in this Our Imperial Charter contained; Vhat is to say, l. The name of the Society shall be the Ethiopia.n Red Cross and sha.11 have as emblem a red cuoss on white fieJd. 2. It is based on th.e reso1utions of the Geneva Conference of 1864 and on prin­ ciples of the Geneva Convention of fuly 6, 1906 and July 27, 1929 which were adopted by Ethiopia in 1935. 3. It adopts the principle of moral solidarity 11niting all the natio.nal Red Cross Societies and maintain.s relations wit:1 these Societies and with the International Commiittee in Geneva. OBJECTIVES OF THE SOCIETY 4. The objectives of the Ethiopia.n Red Cross are: IN TIMES OF WAR: (a) to assist in caring for the sick and wounded among troops and civilians without na•tional discriminatio11; {b) to assist in protecting the population and minimizing tl1e effects of war. (c) to assist in maintairun g, of famil! relations among those separated by war. IN TIMES OF PEACE: (a) to make preparations for rendering effeotive relief to t11ose itl distress in times of war and in other emergencies; (b) to assist in po�oting public htalth in general incltiding protection of _ mother and ch1l�, better hyg1eaic, dietitic and 1nedical standards and _ control of ep1dem1c and prevalent diseases; (c) to assist i� tra�ng volu, ntary and professio nal personnel fo r the above tasks and 1n training persons to for the sick in the home. * INTRODUCTORY FOO TNOTE Imp . l. a1nd. 7 /7 (1948) 0. 4, 13/3 (1953) o. 11 .

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MEMBERSHIP. 5. An � Ethiopi_,111 citiz�n or foreigner 111ay be admitted to memberslt lp in the Society proVIded Articles 6 and 11 o.J this Cl1arter are complied with. 6. Membership of the Society to be attai11ed through acceptance by the Board of Directors is as follows: (a) Honorary members, (b) Donating members, (c) Fellow members, (d) S11bscribing 111embers, (e) Associate members. (f) Junior ,men1bers. 7. Honorary n1embers are persons on whon1 this title is conferred by the Board of Directors in recognitio11 of exceptio11al services to the Society. 8. Do11ating n1embers are perso11s who give a mi11iinum donation at one time of five Ethiopian Dollars or its equivalent in. goods. T.his confers on the Donor life membersl1 ip i11 t11e Society. 9. Fellow members are perso11s \Vbo pay an a.nnual subscription of twenty Ethiopian Dollars. A fellow 111ember m,ty become· a fellow life member by pa)ring at any one time a minim-11m SllI11 of two hundred Ethiopian Dollars.

10. Subscribing members are perso.ns who pay a minimum annual subscription of ten Ethiopian Dollars.

11. Associate men1bers are persons who v· ay a minimum annual subscription of two Ethiopian Dollars. 12. Junior members are persons 18 years of age or younger wl10 pay a minimum annual subscription of .fifty cents.


13. Membership may be lost: (a) (b) (c) (d)

on on on on

written resignation, invalidation, death, failure to pay annual dues for t;vo consecutive years.

14. A member n1ay be excluded by ,1 resolution passed by at least three-fourths of the members of the Board of Directors. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 15. The Ethiopian Red Cross .Society is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of a President and sixteen '\ioting members, six appo·inted and ten elected.

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16. The President of 1the Society is appointed by Imperial decree. He is th e chairman of the Board of Directors. He may appoint one of the board members as Vice-Chairman for the year. ; the appointment being rene1Nable. Appointed members are: (a) a (b) a (c) a (d) a

representative representative representative representative

of tl1e Ministy of the I11terior, of the Ministry of Natio11al Defence, of the Ministr! of Edu, cation and Fine Arts, of the Mir1istiy of Finance,

(e) a representative of the Ministzy of the Pen, (f) a representative of the Ministry of Public Health. Other me1nbers are elected by the General Assen1bly, by secret ballot, for a period of four years. At least two of· these members sl1all be medical practi­ t ioners and one a graduate 11urse. At the end of two years, five members are replaced by d1rawing lots and tl1ereafter l1alf the members are elected every two years. CONSOLIDATION NO'fE I11ipl. c11ncl. 7/7 (1948) 0. 4, 3 Coriso[. [,, Eth. 1, (substituti11g Mi11istry of Public Health for DepaTlment of Public Health), 13/3 (1953) 0. 11, 3 Consol. L. Etli. 1, (changing "Ministry of War" to "Ministry of National Diffence'').

17. A member of the Board who without plausible reason is absent from th ree consecutive meetings may be remcved as a member by decision of the Board, but suc.h member may always remain a member of tl1e Society. 18. In case a,n elected member of the Board· resigns, is removed or is no longer ava.i lable, the Board shall notify the first among the alternates to complete the unexpired term of office. 19 Retiring members may be re-elected or reappointed. 20. The Board of Directors meets once a month a11d 0 11 c::111 of the President. days Notice of meetin g shall t be eioh despat ched least to each meinb at er 0 • pnor to the date of meeting or in case of emergency is received by the members 24 hours in advance. 21. The Pre�ident an� six members of the Board form a qt1orum. Wl1en �s quorum �s not attamed a second meeting is called .,1 ncl five men1bers, includ�g the Pres1de!lt, form a quorum. Jhe President 111ay t1ave a casting vote in · · case ·of a tie. T�. fillfCTIO!fS . . OF TH. E. BO . .ARD . �

22. To elect from �1nong Board men;bers · a f jrst a nd a second Vice-President and a Treasurer. 23. To employ a Secretary General. - 1114 -





24. To decide, at the pro �osal of the Preside11t, matters concerning appointments, r ��?vals and ·Pr . ?mot1011s of personnel of tl1e Society and fix thejr responsi­ b111t1es and salanes. 25 .- To appoint delegates and inspectors of activities of the Society as indica . ted · r TJ1ese persons n 1ay be re1nunerated and - are· recruited from amon off g icers · · or ot]1er members of the Society. . .26. To fo�m fro m among n1embers of the Society permanent a nd provisional · · · Comm1ttes. ·

27. To pr �v jde for tl1e preparation of on rev1s1ons.


aiu1ua.l budget, approve it and decide

28. To decide 011 in vestment of funds and n1eans of mantaining .a.nd increasing the _resources of the Society, a11d on disposal of property. .

29. To approve n1ontl1.]y accounts of tlle Society and submit ,to the General Assembly the yearly financial report.

30. To decide annually on progra1ns designed to carry out t]1e objectives of the Society. 31. To awa rd diplomas, attest ations and med.als as recommended and determined by a vote of the Board of Directors in accordance]1 the objectives of the Society. 32. To establish the internal regul ations :>f the Society. 33. Minutes shall be kept of each meeting of the Boa.rd. These minutes, written by the Secretary-General in a special register, shall be signed by the Presiden,t a nd the Secretary General. 34. When the President and the two Vice.Presidents are absent the senior in office of the members present should take the chair. 35. Business of the Board may be delegated to an executive committee consisting of the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, the Representative of the Public Health Ministry and-one o� the elected Board Members. . . THE PRESIDENT AND THE VICE PRESIDENT 36. The President js the administrative head of and represents the Socjety. 37. He presents o( appoints and e1ilpo�rs an attorney to represent the Society before the court and otherwise when the right.s of the Society are in question.. 38. He summons the- General Assembly and the } @f Directors to ·ordinary and extra.ordinary sessions and may be present at meetings of permanent and · , · · provisio,nal committee meetings., 39. He proposes to the Board �f Directors � II a�IX?jn�ments, . �roR1otdon-s, dis­ , £lisctplinary actions ·eo®emmg missals. He makes final dec1s1· 00s regardmg · personnel.

- 11'.5 .




40. He receives all correspondence aid signs ?utgoing majJ except for routine mat,ters which he may delegate. He signs with the Treasurer all cheques and financial documents.

41. He confirm:s the agenda of the Boe.rd and Assembly sessions, countersigns the minutes and sees th,at decisions ar! carried out. 42. The first Vice-President replaces the President in his absenc or by delegation. 43. The second Vice-President follows the first Vice-President in line of respon­ sibility.


44. The Secretary General assists, in general, the President and t11e Board of Directors in fulfilling their res,ponEibilities. 45. He djrects and manages the activities of headquarters.

46. He records minutes of Board and Assembly meetings; prepares the Agenda and necessary d.ata; issues notifio1tion to members of these meetings a.nd maintains the membership register. 47. He receives, prepa.res a.nd sig11s correspondence as directed by the President.

THE TREASURER 48. The Treasurer supervises the finan�ial transaction of the Society as specified by the Board of Directors. 49. He is responsible for the book-ke�ping and financial ad111in.istration of the Society. 50. He deposits, in banks chosen by the Board of Directors, the fu11ds and title deeds of the Society. 51. He submits to the Board of Directors, monthly, annual and other statements of accounts as required. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 52. The capital fund, the sum of Eth. SS0,000 established by the Imperial Etbio­ Government', js inalienable. The interest from the capital tooetJ1er with other revenues of the Society is used as an operating fu11d to defra)' the expenses o.f the Society a.nd. to establish a reserve fund. 53. The fiscal year is from the 1st day of Meskerem to tlie last day of Paguroe, A financial report is prepared by the Treast1rer at the close of each fiscal yea r. 54. The finances of t'he Society are audited yearly by the Auditor Ge11eral. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 21 /3 (1961) P. 179 Art. 7.

and nt other Preside and financial cheques docu�ents All are signed the by 55. the Treasurer. - 1Jl6 -



THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 56. Tl1e Gene !a.l Assembl)1 is formed of l1 onorary, do11ali 11 g, fellow, subscribing and . associate 1nen1bers of tl1e Society, meeting in ordinary and extraordinary sessions. 57 , �11 absent n1e111ber n1ay give written a'utl1ority to anotl1 e.r member to represent .l1t1n or her. One -��mber 1nay represent not more t]1an five n1en1bers. Delegates f:ro111 bra11cl1 Soc1et1es n1a.y re1Jresent 11p to one hundred members. 58. Tl1e ?e11e.ra� f\ssen1bl _y n1 eets u11der tl1e chair1nanship of the President every _ rear 10 ord Lnary , seSSlOll d�r111g t]1e montll of Tekemt. Notice is publisl1ed ill at least two ne'rvspapers fifteen days prior to the date of the meeting. "'

59. 1 .l1e General Asse 111bl.y reviews and decides on reports of tl1 e Board of Directors, the yearly financial report a11d the report of the auditors. The General Asse1nbly elects 1nembers ::ind altema.te n1embers of the B . oard of Directors as req11ired: two auditors and alternate auditor. 60. Decisions of the ordinary Asse1nbly are valid by a majority vote of members and represented n1 embers i11 at a session. 61. The General Assembly 1neets in extraordinary session when the Board of Directors considers it necessary or on written request of either eight Board members or the voting members of tl1e Society. Tl1e requests are addressed to the President givi11g full justification. 62. Notice witl1 agend�l is published. in at least two newspapers 15 d.ays prior to. tl1e date of meeting. 63. Decisions of a.n extraordinary Assembly are va.lid by a two-third majority vote o.f one-half the voting members of the Society. In case the quoru.m is not attained a seco11d meeti11g is ca.Jled. as provided in Section 60 above. Decisions made· at this meeting are va.lid by a two-third majority vote irrespective of the nun1ber o.f votiI1g members present or represented. 64. An extraordinary Genera.I Assembly may wssolve the Ethiopian Red Cross Society by a majority vote of the whole membership and after ratificatlion by US. 65. In case a quort1m is not met during the first meeting of t· he extra-ordinary . Assem bly a provisional resolu , tion is dra£1ed and presented to a second_ meeting to be held within a n1onth. Final decision m.ay be made at this meeting irrespective of the ntlll1ber of members present. 66. In case the dissolution of the Society is ratified, the extraordinary General Assembly appoints a Committee of five Board members to liqt1idate the affajrs of the Society as directed by the Assembly.. . .

67.' The property of the Society is disposed of as p· roposed by the extraordinary assen1bly and after ratification by Us. 68. An1e11d 1nents to t]1e statutes ca.n be made by· an extraordinriry General Assembly bu· t s.l1all also be -subject to Our approval. Done at ·Adclis Ababa tl1js 31st day of October, 1947. ·

11.17 •





WHEREAS, it is Our desire to promote sport a_ct��ities throughout Our Empire and to assis11 those who are ca1rying on such act1v1t1es; and WHEREAS it -has seemed fitting to Us for the better accomplishment of the aforementioned �urposes that a National E�opian Sports Confederation shouJd be established and incorporated by Ou1 Imperial Charter; NOW, THEREFORE, We of Our especial grace, certau1 knowledge and mere motion, do by this Our Imperial Cl1_1rter gra11t and ?�dain that the National Ethiopian Sports co. nfederation shall Je one body pol1t1c and corporate, u.nder Our patronage. The Confederation shall enjoy the support and assistance of Honorary Members to be d.esignated by Us. The Confederation shall function through a Board of Directors with powers a.nd authority as set out in this Our Imperial Charter, that is to say: NAME AND COLOURS OF THE CONFEDERATION 1. The of the Confederatiot1 shall be t]1e National Ethiopian Sports Confedera.tio11 (N.E.S.C.) hereinafter r:!ferred to as tl1e Confederation, and the Confederation may authorize, as determined by tl11eir Board of Directors, the use of the n.ational colours by approved players and officials representing Ethiopia in international sports. OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFEDERATION 2. The objectives of the Co11federation sh,lll be: to promote, organize, pro­ pagate and develop sport in general aJd physical education in 011r En1pire and to develop the sporting spirit of Our Peopl e. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3. The Confederation shall be adm :nistered by a Board of Directors co11sisting of �. President, a Vice-Presid.ent, a Secretary-General, a Treasurer, and such addit1on�l members as W� may detemine are req11ired from tjine to ti1ne, all to . be ap �1nted by Us, and 1nclud1n g the Presidents of eacJ1 of the Etliiopia11 Sport Federat:lon�. !he Board shal l �ave ful. authority to determine the qtia]ifications of the Eth1op1an Sport Federations und!r the 111eaning of this Cliarter. 4. The Board of Directors shall establis}1 tl1 ejr own rules of procedt1re. THE FUNCTIONS AND POWERS O F T H E BOARD 5. Fo r the . acc�mplishment of the cbjectives of Article 2 tlle Board sha1111av e _ followmg functions and powers. .



an1d. 22/20 (1963) P. 206; 22/20 (1963) 0. 30_ .

- 1118 -



6 . . To adminis te r i n a gerieral way all orga11ized sport in Our E 1npire a11d to s ?per �1se an? . t ? control to �he. extent tl1at 111ay be necessa ry the tecl1 n.ical and. f1nanc1al act1v1t1es of all Ethiop1a11 Sport Fede rations a11d Clt1bs. 7. To assis t, co-ordinate and pron1ote tl1e activities of all sucl1 Federations. 8. To .incorporate a11d approve and if necessary a1111ul or cancel the statutes, by-laws, ri1les a11cl regt1lations of the Ethiopia11 S.tJO rt Federation and to approve _ s between the Etl11op1a11 _ _ a11d all foreign �1nd i11ternational Federations tl1e relation inc1ud1ng tl1e forml1latio11 of tl1ose relations i11 the stati1tes, by-laws, rules and regulations of tl1 e Ethio1Jian S_1Jort Federations. 9. · �fo decide all dis putes wl1icl1 ca1mot be settled by the Federations or the Clubs who· .are rs of the Federations (1) arising out of the actual course of any competition, (2) arisi11g out of t11e relations· betwee n or among the F ede­ rations and tl1e Clubs. 10. To establish an Advisory Council consisti11g of competent ,me1nbers and sport experts to assist the Board. 11. To establisl1 a National Etl1iopian Olympic Cornmjttee to prepare the participation of Ot1r Empire in th e Olyn1pic Games within tl1e spirit of the Interna.tional Olyn1pic Committee . THE PRESIDENT AND THE VICE-PRESIDENT 12. The President shall be the administrative l1ead and representative of the Confederation with tl1e following powers: (a) to designate an .attorney to represent the Conf ederation before the Court and otherwise when the rights of the Confederation are in question; (b) to convoke the Board of Directors in ordjnary and extraordinary sessions; (c) to propose to tl1e Board of Directors �Jl appointments, promotions. disn1issals and disciplinary actions concerniI1g personnel; (d) to receive all correspondence and to sign outgoing mail except for such . routine matters as I1e may delegate, and to countersign with th.e Treasur e r all cheques and financial documents; (e) to confirm the ag enda of the Board sessions , to countersign all minutes a·nd to see that all decisions of the Board are carried out. .


13. The Vice-President s.hall assume the duties and powers of the President his absence .or by delegation of the President. THE SECRETARY GENERAL


14. The Secret,1ry General shall assist the President and t]1e Board o,f Directors and shall carry out the requests- of the Board and o,f the President. He shall also have the following functions : (a) to direct a11d manage the activities -0f the central office; (b) under the direction of the President, to re,cord _minutes ?f Board meetings, · to pr epare the a.genda and necessa.ry data, �o 1ss�e not1_ces to members of · those m eetings and to maintain a m embersh1p register; (c) to receive, prepare and sign cqrrespondence as djtected by the P,esjdent. - J l l9



n .s of the Confede· tio ac 11s tra al ci an fin · e tli ise rv pe su · 11· 1-.. T reasurer sha ue . T 15 · 11s1bl · e be • po all res sh He s. tor rec Di for of the ard B o e h t· · by ...l . 1eu r 'f' spee n s a. ratio . . H on 1 at e d er f 8h � on C e ·all deposit th of D llO �a t nis mj ad l cia an fin d ng pi an book-kee . eds of the Confede ­ de letit d an s nd fu e th ia op hi Et f o nk l Ba in the Commercia t hly, a11 nu al and othe n mo s, tor rec Di of ard Bo r the to ration. He shall submit s tatements of accounts as required. CONSOLIDATION NOTE [111pl. amcl. 22/20 (1963) P. 206, 2?(20 (1963) 0. 30. (Th� functio11s previously perforn1_ed by the State Bank of Ethiopia were d1VJded between the NatJ.onal Bank and the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.)

FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 16. From tjme to tin1e, the Imperial Ethiopian Government may grant subsidies to the Confederation. Such subsidies shall be allocated by the Confederation for the better accomplishn1ent of their pur.poses. 17. The Confederation is authorized to receive from their patron and Honorary Members and annual subscription and such other subscriptions or contributions as may be paid to the Confederation. 18. The Confederation is empowered to receive fr om the various Ethiopian Sport Federations such percentage of their income as is determined by the Statt1tes of the Federations as approved by the Confederation. 19. All such reve111ues and proceecs shall be used (1) as an operating fund to defray tlhe expenses of the Confedera:tion, (2) to grant appropriate assistance to a n1en1ber Spo rt Federation and (3) to establish a reserve fund. for the Confede­ ration. 20. Tl1e financial year shall be from the 1st day of Meskerem to the last day of Pagun1e. A financial report shall be prepared by the Treasttrer a11d submitted to the Board of Directors a t tl1e close of each financial year. Sucl1 report shall be audited by the Auditor General. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 Art. 7.

21. All c�eques and other financial docume11ts shall be sigrled by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or by •the Vice-PresidetJt when servi11g as president. THE HAil..,E SELASSIE STADIUM

e t , stadiu admin_ i strat!on, The_ 1 ht il m maintenance, 22. tioilal and 11a t use o e . d 1st entr S t _ a d1_ u m 1n Addis S_ e lass1e t e _ l1o Haile Abat•a, is llereby transferred and the �� t1o�al Ethiop1�n Spor ts �011federati on which shall l1owever pay ov�r tor t e Muruc1pal1ty of Ad�1s Ababa fifty per cent of the anntial net profit resultlng f oill the 11se of the Stad1un1. Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 31st da; of Oct ober, 1948. - 1120 -





9 I 10 (1950) G. 133* His Imperial Majesty l1as been pleased to grant tl1e following Charter:

CHARTER OF TIIE IMPERIAL ETIDOPIAN. AERO CLUB WHERE �S, \ ye are _ cognizant that a-ir .communication· and transport have _ a11d \Vtll continue 1ncreas1ngly to provide a vital ai1d major co11tribution to the development of Ot1r Empire; and WHEREAS, .it is Our desire tl1at the development of Our Empire should · steadily go· forward t11rougl1 tl1e development of communicatio.11 and transport facilities; and WI-IEREAS, there is great interest among Our people in aviation, and the development of tl1is interest is an asset and a benefit to the Empire; NOW, THEREFORE, We of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion do by this Our .Imperial Charter for Us and Our Imperial Successors grant and ordajn that tl1e Imperial Ethiopian Aero Club sl1all be one body politic and corporate, hereinafter called the Club. 1. The purpose of the CI11b shall be the training of members in the fundan1ental principles of aviation and basic flight programmes. 2. The Club shall be solely of ·a n . on-profit nature and shall not operate for the pecuniary benefit of any of its members. 3. The Club shall •initially be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and six members at · l�trge. The duties and_ pow�rs of .th� Board of Directors a11d the general rules and regulations shall be published in the Constitution of t.lle Clt1b. which shall be subject to Our ap·proval. 4. From .the date of Our granting of this Charter and pending Our approv· al of the Constitution of tJ1e Club as prepared by the initja1 Board of Directors as herebefore provided, the following provisions shall apply and shall be incorporated into the said Constitution: .


(a) The initial Board of Directors shall be elected in the month following· Our granting of this CI1arter by the Charter Members comprising the Organ­ iz,1tion Committee who shall elect from among themselves a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Board of six m�mbers who shall hold office until Meskerem 1943 E�C. at which time a new President. Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and members of the Board sh�11 be elected in accordance with the provisions of th.e preceeding paragraph. (b) The annual ·meeting of the members of the Club in good standing s,hall be held during ·fhe month of Meskerem each year t? accept th� annu�I repo·rt of the Board. of Directors -and to elect a Pres.1dent, a V1ce-Pres1dent. a • INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE

Imp!. a, 21/17 (1962) 0. 25. ..

- J 121 -


3=�4:, �----------:---:-::-:--�=--;;==--::-:--:=-s?- 5


. · n tio ec rd El oa B of e th e officers. th of ers mb me · ' d an rer su ea Tr a , ary secret t 1t e1 at e es _ pr h . . annual meeting. rs be em m e tl1 of te vo ity or aj m a shall be by

e fe 1e l t_ th.e .Associate of 1n fro et_ m be all sh s tie ili sib on sp re l cia an � (c) The fin s n ge t1o ar u� ch str 111 n1 paid by the fro , ub Cl e th of rs be em and Active M ur g l1? by i11 fly e th cl1 e� r fo id pa Im.perial idy . bs su e th m , fro ers nlb me i al assistan ce by ec sp for en giv ts n . gra by d an t en the rnm ve Go n Ethiopia . t en rnm ve Go n Imperial Ethiopia (d) The Treasurer of the Club shall submit to the �oard of Directors and to the Civil Aviation Administration of the Imp erial Government by the 1st day of Meskerem (10th September) of each year a complete financial report of all income and expenditure and a report of flying activity of the Club. (e) The Club and its me1nbers shall be subject to and adhere to all of appli­ cable aeronautical regulations issued by tl1e Civil Aviation Administration of the Imperial Ethiopian Government and shall seek affiliation with the International Association of Aero Oubs as soon as it is deemed advisable by the Board of Directors. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a111c/. 21/17 (1962) 0. 25, 21 Co11.sol. L. Eth. 1, (establisl1ing Civil Aviation Adminis­ tration, to perform duties formely performed by Department of Civil Aviation, which was originally referred to in this Article).

Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of June, 1950. 9/11 (1950) G. 135 His Imperial Majesty has been pleased to grant the following Charter:

CHARTER OF THE BOY SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF ETIDOPIA WHEREAS, it is Our desire to provide every opportunity for the youth of Our· Empire to obtai11 that traiI1ing and education \Vltic]1 will 1nake them good and loyal subjects of Our Empire and which will give the1n the ability to accomplish the things useful for themselves and render good. turns to the otl1ers; a.nd

W�EREA�, We are a:Vare of the achieveme11t of tl1e grea.t Boy Scout Move· ment be.1ng carried on to this end in most countries of the world; a11d WHEREAS, We understand. that the trainiiJg in tlie Boy Scout Mov em ent enables young men to l1ave a reverence for 11ature a reverence for law an d a revere11ce for God and teaches tl1e111 about the i.mpr�vemerlt of character , citizen· ship and physical fitness through the emphasis placed upo n the Boy Scout Oatll and the Boy Scout Law; . NOW, T�REFORE, V!e of Our special grace, certain k11owledge ao<l mer� motion d? by this Our Impenal Charter for Us and Our Inlperial Successors grane an d ord.a� tl1at the BOY SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF ET HIOPIA sl1all be on body pol1t1c and corporate, hereinafter called the Assoc iation. - 1122 -



l. The main. pt1rpose of tl1e Association is the furtl1erance of the Inten1atio1 1�LI pr: ?gram�e an_d t�e Boy. Scout 111ethods wllich train its n1embers in good c1t1zensh1p, self-rel1.ance, firmness of character n 11d pro1note tl1eir ability to do things for themselves and others. 2. The Governi11g Body of the Association sl1alJ be a Cl1 i ef Scou� appointed by Us to serve ,it Our pleast1re and who shall in tl1e first instance by His I1nperial Higl1ness tl1e Duke of Ha rar a11d a National Council composed of seven mem­ bers, rep resentatives of all parts of Our Empire, all of whom shall be appointed by tl1e Cl1ief Scot1 t. TJ1e National Council shall appoint the National Con11n.issioner and ]1is Deputies. The National Council shall prepare the Co1 1stih.1tion of tl1e Association and submit to Us for approval. 3. Tl1e annual meeting of the Nationf1.l Council shall be held once in every year in Addis Ababa duri11 g tl1e mo11 th of Tir (January) at the presence of. the Cl1ief Sco11t. At the same time tl1e Commissioner shall preserit to the Assembly the annual report for the preceding year. 4. '"fhe Comn1issioner's an11.ual report stating tl1.e business transacted by tl1e ion tip to the 5th of Pagum e (lOtJ1 September) should be in tJ1 e hands of the Chief Scout before the 1st day of Tabsas (10th December). The r. eport must include an audited and liquidated full account of revenues and· expen­ ditu.res_ of whatever kind. 5. The Associat.io11 · is entitled in connection witl1 this Charter to have the sole and exclusive right to use its e,mblems, badges and descriptive.or designating marks t 1 sed in carrying out t11e program , me of the Boy Scot1t Move�ent. 6. The Association shaJl be solely of· a benevolent character and shall 11ot be. utilized for tl1e pecunia.ry benefit or profit of any of its members. -.

Done at Addis Ababa 28th day of July. 1950. 10/6 (1951)' 0. 5

AN ORDER TO GRANT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION IN ETIDOPIA CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH· HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHJOPIA WHER'EAS We have considered the notewortl1y services· and assistance rendered by tl1e' Youn� Men's Christ!�n Association of Ethiopian (Y.M.C.A.E.) . ; of other countries to the moral and sp1r1tual educat1on of the young,_ . and on in ati h oci an of suc ass s tie ivi act the te mo pro to s ou sir de is , it WHER.EAS Ethiopia; NOW, TfIEREFORE, We order as follows: l. This order may be cited as ''the Establishment of the Y.M.C.A.E. Order, 1950''. ..

.1123 ''


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-e ��---:-�:--:�-=-::-:-=--· �-----grg n · Y e ou th of Men's Christia n t en m h lis ab . est th ant


2. We hereby order and Association i11 Ethiopia. 3. The President of the Young Mtn's Christian Associatio� _ of Ethiopia is authorized to issue regulations with the approva.1 0.f· th e M m1ster of Interior for the attainment, of the objectives of the Assoc1at1on. Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of February, 1951.

10/ 6 (1951) N. 10* CONSTITUTION OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF E1'IDOPIA (Under Article 3 of the Establishment of the Y.M.C.A.E. Order No. 5 of 1951). ARTICE I

Denomination, Seat and Object Section 1. The name of the Society for1ned by this Constitution shall be ''The You:no:::, Men's Cl1ristian Association of Ethiopia'' (Y.M.C.A.E.). The Patron of the Association is H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia.

Section 2. The Association shall have its sea1 in Adclis Ababa.

Section 3. The Object of this Association is not only to look to the pl1ysical, mental, moral and spiritual development of its members but also to do all tl1at is possible to help humanity at large withoot dis1inction of nationality, colour or creed, to encourage the spirit of service and fosler better relations betwee11 I1wnan beings. In the attainment of these objects, the Association shall n1ai11tai11 a strictly non-denominational and non-political character.

ARTICLE II Mernbersl1ip

Sectiorz 1 .

on pers male ro al ap the t of any tl1e bject Su_ Committee Management of ; � ? � r . . yea 18 than fore1gner, or c1t1zen of gooc moral cI1aracter 110t less Ethiopian re a g on n? a �f of age, may �ecome a member upon pa)ment of the annuftl subscripti ttee mmi Co the by rules abide and to tile ment regulations framed by Management. * INTRODUC10RY FOOTNOTE Amel. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 Art. 7.

- 1124 I



In addition to the regular members any person elig.b I le for· rne·m bership ma · y · ed th ad b e y m itt Co m m itt ee of Manage1nent as : be . (a) A sustaining member up • on mak1ng an annual .su.b · script.ion of from Eth. $250.00 upwards; (b) A supporting n1e1nber upo11 making an an11ual subscr iption of from Eth. $50.00 up· wards; • (c) A contributi11g 1ne111ber upo11 making_ an annual su bscription of froin Eth. $30.00 upwards.

Section. 2.


�?YS betwee 1.1 the �f. 12 to 18 may be admitted to membership on such cond1t1ons and w1t.h such pr1v1leges as the Committee of Managen1ent may deter• In1ne.

Section 3. Application for membersl1ip n1ust be made in writing, on the form prescribed by the Committee of Mana.gement; each application must be recommended by two members, and approved by the Committee.

Sectio1z 4. The annual membership subscription and all other fees · shall be determined by the Committee of Mana.gement. One month's notice shall be given of any con­ templated change in the annual subscription. All don.ation and subscription fees are 1payable at the office of the Association.

Section 5. Membership may be lost : (a) on written resignation; (b) on failure to pay annual dues for two consecutive years; (c) by _decision of the Committee of Management in accordance with Arti· cle VIII belo,w. ARTICLE ill ..

Conirrtittee of Managen1.ent

Section 1 . . The corporate rights and m�n�gement of the Association shall be vested in a Committee of Management cons1st1ng ?f not less than 12 and not more th?n 15 members preferably residents o� Addis Ababa. The Secreta.ry General will be ex.officio member of the Co m.m1ttee. - 1125 . '

32-7 Section 2.


The majority of the members of the Committee of Management shall be members of tih.e Christian Commu.nity. Of these not more than half shall be members of the same denomination (church) or sect.

Section 3. The President of the Association, who shall , at the same time be the Chairma. n of the Committee of Management, shall always be appointed by H.I.M. the Emperor from amongst the members of the Christian Community. The other me.mbers of the Committee of Management shall also be nominated by H.I.M. the Emperor for the term of th.ree years following the forming of the Association. At the end of this period the method of selecting the members of the Committee of Management, and the J.�ngth of their term of office will be decided by the General Assembly, subject to the approval of the Patron, with understand­ ing that not more than one-tl1ird of the existing Con1mittee can be replaced at time.

Section 4. The Conunittee named under Article III, Section 1, shall enter into office immediately and continue to discharge their duties until their successors shall take tl1eir place . In during the first three years following the forrning of the Association, a member of the Committee of Management resigns, is removed or is for other reasons no longer available, the Committee of Management shall immediately notify H.I.M. the Emperor in order that He may nominate a substitute to complete the un-expired term of office.

Section 5. The Com.mittee of Management at its first meeting shall elect from amo ng its members two Vice-Chairmen and Honorary Treasurer, who together with the President and the Secretary General shail be the officers of the Association and of the Committee of Management. S1ch officers shall hold their office for one year but shall continue to discharge their duties until their successor s shall have been elected. They may be re-elected. Any vacancies in their offices shall be filled by decision of the Committee of Ma.nigement for .the remaining part of the terII1the by ted The Secretary General and all other secretaries shall be appoin Committee of Management.

Section 6. al .ttee o1.c M anagemen. rn te The Com nu ·n , shall have power to estab1-1sh 1 . d . . regul_at1ons fo r i ts government and for t!?-e Association, a.s niay e re .� qw r;h� . Prov1�ed that an� such regulations shall no t be valid unless published in · Negarzt Gazeta, with approval of the Minister of Interior . - 1126 -





Sectiorz 7. The Cornmitte e of Man · t s ba11 h O Id a11 annual 1neetin ' agen1eii i11 g Ja nu ar an y d or es th e t m e e shaII. f· t as � _ often as may be necessary, on the summons of fu e Cl1a1rman. Besid es the CbaJrn·1an ' an · y three rnembe rs o f ti1e cornm · 1tt · e e of Manage· 11t to call a 1nee ting of tl1 e Committee. ment l 1ave th e rig Section 8. · . The Chairman and any six members of the Cornm1·· ttee · sha11 •forn1 a quorum. . Tl1e Chai· rman may have a casting vote in case of a tie.



Ditties of tl1e Officers

Sectio,i 1.

The Pre sident shall preside at all n1eetings of the A.ssociation and the Com­ niitte � of Management. He shall appoint the Standj11g Committee not later than tl1e first of February each year, subject to the approval of the Conllllittee of Management, and shall pres ent in writing at the annrual meeting of the Committee of Mana.geme nt a full report of the year's work. He shall be ex•officio member · of all committees. In the absence of the President, his several duties shall devolve on the Vice­ Chairman in order of seniority or on the Honorary Treasurer in the order named. In the absence of all these officers t]1e men1bers present shall select a Chairman from among then1.

Section 2. The Treasurer Supervises tl1e financial transactions. of the Association as Ordered by tl1e Committee of Management. He js responsible for the qook-keepin.g and financial administration of the Association. He shall deposit, in banks chosen by the Committee of Management, the funds and title-dee s of the ·Association. He shall at every m�eting of the Committe e of Manageme nt pr esent a statement of the accounts of the Associatio11, and at the annual me eting o·f the Committee an audited financial report for the prec eding fiscal year. '


Section 3. The Secretary General assis ts, in general, the �resident a.nd the Committee .. of Management in fulfilling their· duties. He shall, under the Colll:111 �ttee of Mana� gement, have a general oversight· of all the work of the Association, a.nd_ shall _ discharg· e such other duties a.s the Com.mjttee· of _ ·Management may require . H · e records minutes of m eetings of the Committ ee of 1:'Ianageme_n� a� d of th� Ge�eral Ass embly; prepares agenda a.n d_ necessary data; 1ssu es not1f1c�tions to members of these meetings; and keeps the membership: re� ister. He receives, prepa.tes, and signs correspondence · as directed by the Committee of Man.agement,. Befor� the � · �-�nning of _ t he fiscal year he shall suhmit, for tl1e a_pproval of the· Com�1ttee . . . ·-·- ' l l27 -



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tim g es in ted ow sh s) ei th rec on m � (12 ,ts ana ar ye e th r fo et dg t, bu a en of Mana.gem ee Co e itt th to of Man age­ rk wo e th � of or p • re a t en es ! pr _ expenditures. H e shall . ment at every meeting of th.e Committee. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees of the Association. ARTICLE V Standing Committees Section 1. The Commintee of Management m1y for one year or part of a year delegate any of its powers to Standing Committees consisting of members of the Association. Section 2. The Committee of Management may prescribe that the decision of s·uch Standing Committees sh.all be given effect subject only to the confir1nation of the of Management. Th.e Committee of Management sl1a.ll be at liberty to cancel any appointment to any such Standing Conlmittee at an�, time. Section 3. All Standin.g Committees shall automatically retire at the end of the year when others succeeding them may be elected. ARTICE VI Financiai Provisions Section 1. The fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Section 2. The finances of the Association shall be audited yearly by the Auditor General. He shall pre.sent his report at the ordinary n1eeting of the General Assembly. Section 3. es, a s es, � : er whet secu. r iti movable or property, � � _ immovable. including such and investments belongmg to or which may hereafter be acquired by the Assoc1at1on shall be deemed to have been vested in th, e Co1nmittee of Management. Section 4.

, s le ge, a e The Committee of Manag�rne°:t shall have full powers to sell, exc.han ble .tgage, tra.nsfer, or othe:"W1se dispose of or ova , property � mo: deal with any or immovable, and to acquire by purchtse, lease, hjre, exchange or otherwise anY property on behalf of the Association. - 1128 -


. 32-7

. . The ChairnJan, and in his _f1bsence, any of the Vice-Chaim1en shall jointly ,-v1tb the. Treasurer execl1te or sign 011 bel1alf of the Committee of Management any legal papers o � docu111ents relating to any pro_perty of tl1e Association, includ­ ing cheques; �rov1de� always tl1at 11one of the powers conferred by tJ-1is clause shall be exercised w1tl1out the previous express sanction of the Committee of Management.

Sectio,z 5. The Association· as such shall be solely responsible for any obligations which. it ma.y l1ave ·contracted tl1rougl1 a'l1y Con1mittee or any i11dividual member, and no one of its 1nembers whether he belongs to tl1e Committee of Managament or not shall be person,1lly responsible for tl1e perfor1nance of any of the contracts entered into by or on behalf of the Association or for the payment of its debts; provided alv.1 ays tl1at if the Association shol1ld suffer a financial loss througl1 any negligent • or- fraudulent act undertaken by any Committee or individual member, the Asso­ ciation shall have a right to turn to the men1ber or members responsible, for damages. Section 6. As the Association formed by this Constitution is a Society entirely distinct from all other assocat.ions witl1 the same objects a.D:d similar denomination, either in Ethiopia or abroad, it shall in no way be responsible for any contracts entered into by any similar Association or for any of th.eir debts, i. n the same way as such associations shall not be responsible for any contract or debts of the present Association. CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 A.rt. 7·.


The General Assemb'ly Section 1. The General Assembly is fom1ed of sustainjng, supporting, co11tributing,, and regular members of the Association a,s defined in A.rticle Il, Section 1 above, meeting in ordinary and extraordinary sessions. Section 2. The General Assembly shall-meet in ordinary session every year in the m,�nth of. January or February. An extraordinary session may be ca1Jed at any time _ _ at the instance of the Committee bf Management, or shall be �alled within four week,s after th.e receipt by the Secretary Gen<:ral o-f a request s1�ed by not l�ss _ than fifty members, which request s.ball state the obJect for the meeting should be held.. Section 3. Notice of all meetings of the General A-ssen-i�ly shall be p� blisbed in at � east · two newspapers in Addis Ababa fifteen days ,pnor to the dat� of the eetiQgs, � _ and shall be sent to members who have completed two yea-i;s m.emb'ership unt1er 1129 .




the present Constitution, at their la�t known P08tal add,ress, not less tha n se ven days before the day set for the meeting. Section 4. At the ordinary session of the GeJJeral Assembly sl1all be viewed and decided on the yearly financial report, the auditors� report, an� othe� re�orts submitted by the Committee of Management. One auditor for the rollow1ng f! scal year shall be selected. The General Assembly shall also take such a part 1n the election of members of the Committee of Management as may later on be decided in accordance with the provisions of Arti,�le III, Section 3 above. At an extraordinary session of th•� General Assembly no other matter shall be consjdered than that stated in the notice calling same. •

Section 5. Decisions of the ordinary assembly shall be valid by a majority vote of the members in at• ten·dance at the session. Decisions of an extraordinary Assembly are valid by a majority vote of at least two thirds of the members present. ARTICLE


Disciplinary Provisions ..�ection 1. For neglect of duty by any officer wthout reasonable excuse, or for lapse of membership, the Committee of M1nagement may declare his office vacant, provided that be shall have notice and 1)pportunity for explanation and defence. Section. 2. The Committee of Management shall have power to investigate any charges of disorder and insubrodination on the premises, or at n1eetings, or violation of �e con�titution or rules of the Assocatio11, as well as any case of immorality or 1m�ropnety on the pa� of any memh!r, or of any person visiting the roo ms or _ taking part 1n the meet1ng of the Asscciation. ent, gem Mana shall be made in writing, and the Como1ittee of Such cha.rges e tak or er after due inves �igation, shall have power to expel or suspend. sucl1 offe11d l shal sed such oth �r action as ma� be deemed expedient. provided that the accu have notice and opportunity to make cefence. Section 3.

e ellli � pr � Regardin� !he order and the disc.pline at tlle meeting and on the cia spe ss of the . Assoc1�t1on the Committee of Management shall forthwith •pa regulations which shall provide for, inter alia, that: - ll30 -


------______ .....:_ --------:----(a) th introd ction of in l\111scELLANEOUS PRIVATE C1-IARTED Bo DiEs


� _ �oxicating bever� ges or harmft1l drugs into any pre� . mises of the Association shall be strictly forbidden;. ·· . gambling. of �hatever descrjption, witl1in tl1e premises of tl1e As�ocia· (b) aJI _t1o sh n. all be_ str1cly prohibited; . · · · · (c) reljgiot1s _or _political controversies of any kind shall not be permitted at any n1eet1ng of the Association. .





Dissolution Sectiori 1. An extraordinary General Assembly may dissolve the Association by a majority vote of the w]1ole membership and afte·r ratification by. the Patron.

Sectiot1. 2.

In case a quoruip. is not reached at the first extrctordinary Assembly :a .pro­

visional resolution is drafted and presented to a second meeting to be held withit1 a month. Final decision may be taken at this meeting irrespective of the number of members present. Section 3.

. In case tl1e dissolt1tion of the Association is ratified the extraordinary Gen.era!

Assembly shall appoint a committee consisting of seven members of the Committee · of to liquidate the Association as directed by the Assembly. Section 4.

· The property of the Association shall be disposed of as proposed by the extraordinary Assembly _ and after ratification by the Patron.

ARTICLE X Miscellaneous Section 1. Minutes 'shall b· e kept at all meeting of the Committee of Management a:nd of the General Assembly. Thes·e min'utes, written by the Secretary _ General in special registers, shall be signed by the President and the Secretary (ieneral. ' 2. Section · In order· to promote the aims of the A.ssociation the C�m�ittee of. Manag�i:. 1nent,_ if it deems suitable, m�y organize Local Branch Associations_ o�ts1de Addis Ababa. In: such case the Association formed_ by the present Const1ution shall be regarded as the Central Association. The Committee of_ Management of the Centtal _ · - 1131 .



cl oc e B th he nc of ra n g al in s L i rn ve go ose e th r fo _ Association shall propose rules _ _ by ved the pro ap Patron. The to b n, �1o 1tu nst Co � t sen conformity with the pre o of the l va t tro pro ap Pa w rk o als i n ll w � sha t en em Central Committee of Ma.nag een the tw be s on Central Asso­ ati rel l rna inte the ing cern con out special regulations ciation and the Local Branch Association. Section 3.

(i) When the President of the Association finds it necessary to amend or alter the present Constitution he shall refer the matter to a Stanrung Committee for its opinion.. After bearing also the Committee of Management, and with the approval of the Mi11ister of Interior , the Presid.ent shall cause the a;11endment or alteration to be published in Negarit Gazeta. (ii) Should the Minister of Inlerior wish the present Constitution to be amended or altered he shall make a proposal to that effect to the President of the Association who shall, in case he agrees with the Minister as to the necessity of the proposed amendment or alteration, proceed in the manner prescribed by the preceding sub-section.

Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of February, 1951. 13 / 5 (1953) G. 169 *

The following Charter is published for general information: CHARTER OF 'ffiE ETIDOPIAN WOMEN'S WELFARE ASSOCIATION, INC.


WHERiEAS, it is Our desire to encourage organizations whose purposes a re to prom,ote the welfare of Our people, and to aid the p·oor, the sick and the weak. and

WHEREAS, Her In1peria1 Majesty Empress Menen has graciously conse nted to be the Patroness of the Ethiopian Women's Welfare Association, II1c.;

NOW, THEREFORE, We, of Ot.r especial G·race, certain knowledge and mere motion, f?· r _Us, and Ourselves, and Our Imperial St1ccessors do hereby charter the Eth1op1an Wom · en's Welfare Association, Inc. as a, non­ stock, �haritable corporation: to be one body politic and corporate, in nan1e and de_ed Wlth the power, autl1onty, and restrictions in this Otir Imperial Charter con· tamed as follows: ARTICLE I - Name 1. The name of this Corporation shall be the Ethiopian Women's Welfare Association, · Inc. • INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Amel. 21/3 (1961) P. 179.

- ll32 -




ARTICLE II. - Purpose · • Tl1 e pL1rposes for whicl1 the Ethiopian Wo111en's weJfare A ss oc1at1 on Inc · fte caII_ed the Ass?c · · · bere_1na. � .1at1on, JS chartered, are to relieve the distress �f th � k · destitute, the sic and. aftl1cted, the widow and OflJl,an,. to f oster. 1111p . ovement rn . r .. " d� l d e an e; we ar to r ca u t rib nt f co te to he child · a' 'anct:: 111e nt of tl1e woman as a home• • d o a11. .tlu· 1 1gs 11ecessary or a.ppropriate ther·eto • por sue1 pur n1aker· an· d to . poses the . · • . · Assoc1at1011 1s empowere c1 to �ccept g!fts of money atJd property, t o spons or, · · conduct and engage 10 benefit pe·iorma' nces, sales, , and te.. pro·mo .. money-ra1s1ng · · 0f ll k in . . . a . ' ds, and t� do all tl11ngs 11ecessary or approp· riate to tl1e accomac_uv1t 1es . pl.1shment of tl1e purposes of tl1e AssociatioIJ. l. .


AJ:l1 ICLE III. - Pri11cipal Office 1. The principal otfice of the Association shall be at Addis Ababa. ARTICLE IV. - Term 1. The term of existence of the Associ2tion s hall be perpetual. ARTICLE V . - Board of Directors, Officers, tlzeir po1ve1· arid cli1ties 1. All policies and affairs of the Assocntion, busi11ess, charitable and other­ wise shall be conducted, determined, supeIVised , controlled and directed by a Board of Directors. 2. The Board of Dir_ ectors shall be ,:omp osed of a President and four. appointive and four el ective me.mbers all of whom sl1all serv e without pay. All the elected Directors shall be \Vomen. Tl1e appointed Directors may be men or women. 3. Her Imperial Highness the Princess Tenagne Worq shall . be Presidei;it of. the Bo,:1 rd of Directors. Tl1e appointive directors shall be appoined, one . eacl1, by · · Our Prin1e Minister, O ·ur Ministers of Public Health and Bdt1cation and Fine Arts and the Mayor of Addis Ababa. The elective dir ectors s hall be elected at each annual meeting of the membership of tbe AssJciation by .majority vote of the mem­ bers who have, in the year in1m ediately p rece ding tl1e election contributed Ethi o• p· ian dollars 500 or more to the _Association. . . 4. The President of the Board of Directors shall hold office for life or until . her resignation or incapacity. Appointive and elective directors · shall e·aoh bold office for one year, and shall be eligible to succee d themselves, but no director shall ser ve con.secutively more ,tha n five yea�s. Terms of office of Direct.ors shall begin and end on the date of the meeting ·of the membership of the Asson. tio cia all be 5. Vacancies in. th e office of th e President o. f the Boa'rd of Directors sh Empress of _ E�hiopia. the ty, s aje M l ria pe Im r He by filled by appointment ma de t ent ni m po by ap led fil be ll ha s s tor ec · di.I ive int po ap e th vacancies in tl1e office of ding such a �?Itive · l ho a ab A s di d A l;> of or ay M e . ade by Ou r Ministers and th m _ ct ors shall be.fill� by· . . . re di e tiv ec el of s e ic of in es ci .. · . . _ power as above provided. Vacan el ected to fill vacan1ce s s s or ct ire D s. o1 ct ire d ng ni appointment. made by the remai _ . . · redecessors. p r e1 _ th of rm te d r� pi ex u� e th of e nc shall serve only the ba la . . . .,. - 1133 ,'




.. ' .





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6. The Board o,f iDir ect@r.s shall m eet regularly four times e -a�h year_ at tihe Headquarters 0f the Association, or. at sue� oth�r pla�e as . shaJl] be des1:gna.ted by th e President of the Board by wri,tt en not1ce, g1�en each d111e-ctor at least three <day·s .i!n advaQce of meeting. Such r�gular m eet� ngs shall b e heJd ati 10 o'eloek on the fi1"st Mondays of Meskerem, Tal11sas, Megabit and Sene. 7. Special meetings of the Board of Di!ectors � ay be �alled at a·� y time by the President or by any four directors provided wr1tten notice of the time, {!)laee an.d purpose thereof is given each. membeI of the Board at least three days prior to such special meeting. 8. Five o.r more directors, exclusive of the President shall constiuute a quorum of the Board of Directors for-transa.cting business at any regular or special meeting, but any number less than a quorum may adjourn any meeting from time to time. 9. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be take n h>y a majority vote of the directors present and voting. In case o•f a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote . 10. At the first meeting of tl1e Board of Directors, and after each annual election of directors, the Board shall elect by majority vote from their number a Vice-President and shall also elect (but not necessarily from their number) by majority votes, a secreta.ry and a treasurer. The officers of the Board of Directors sh.all be ex-oifcio officers of the Association. 11. The principal duties of the Pr esident shall be to preside at me etings of the Board of Directors and of the membeTship of the Association. 12. The principal duties of the Vice-Presid ent shall be to discharge the duties of the Pr esident in the event ad: the absence or disability, for any cause, of th.e President. 13. The principal dutjes of the secretary shall be to cou.ntersign all deeds, leases and conveyances executed by th e Associatio11, affix the seal of the .Asso­ ciation thereto, an.d to such other papers shall be required or directed to be sealed, and to keep a record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, and safely and systematically to keep all books, papers, records and docume.nts belonging to the Association, or in any wise pertaining to the business the·reof,. and to act as administrative and executive head of the Association under control and direction of the Board of Directors. 14. The principal duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep and account for all moneys, credits and property, of any and every nature, of the Association which sh.all come into. his hand.s, and keep an accurate account of all moneys er rend to e d, a. n d disburs a. n d prop e d and er vouchers for moneys disbursed, receiv such accounts, statements and inventories of moneys received and disburse �, aD<l as ce, offi of money pr ?perty on hand, generaly of all matters to this shall b e r equrred by the Board of Directs. 15. The officers shall perform such additional or different duties as shall frome b ay m s a or imposed or e be required to tim. cto• r s, by the Board of Dire time ll sha ers prescribed from the to time by the by-laws. Compensation of the offic be fixed by the Board of Directors. - 1134 -



ARTICLE VI. - Me111hersf1 ip l. Me:n1bersl1ip sh,111 be eit.her active o: l. 1onorary. Only women may be a.ctive n1en1bers; men shall be honorary member�. Only active 111embers sl1all have the rigl1t to vote. 2. Any perso11 dona0�1g tl1e sum of Eth. $5,000.00 to the Association in a11y one year sl1a1] become a life n1e1nber of the Associ.ation. I-le or sl1e shall be entitled to all tl1e privileges of a contributing memJer a11d in the case of active members only sl1all be entitled to vote for elective n1embers of t11e Board of Directors each . er life. year of h 3. Any person donating tl1e st1m of Em. $200.00 n1ore to the Association in any year shall be a sustaining member for sucl1 year. He or sl1e shall be entitled to all tl1e privileges of a contributing member :tnd in the case of active members onlY. sh,111 be entitled to vote for elective mem:>ers of tl1e Board of Directors during such year. 4. Any person do.nating an.y su1n less tl1an Eth. $200.00 the Association j11 any year shall b e a contributing member fo1 such year. He or she shall. be entitled to annual n1eeting · of. the membership of the Association, to take part in the discus­ sions and deliberations thereof and in tbe case of active members o�Jy to vote on all questions except the election of Di:i-e�tors. 5. Members of the Association shall meet m a11nual meeting each year at tl1e

I::Ieadquarters of the Association, to hea.r reports of the officers . o.n the year's busin�ss and accomplisl1ment and future plans for the Association� to suggest policies and· programs for tl1e future and tJ tran:sact such ot_her · business as ma.y be proper and for the good of t]1e Assocjation and its purpose_s. Sueh crnnual meeting shall be held not later than Hidar 1st in each calendar year. The time of each. meeting shall, be determined by the 3oa,rd ·of Directors and no1·ice thereof shall be publisl1ed in at.least two newspapers two \Veeks in advance. A.RTICLE VIl. By-Laws .


.1. The Board of Direct.ors may adopt By-Laws no. t inconsistent herewith. ARTICLE VlII. Audit .

1. The fiscal year of the Association �hall end each year on the 5th d:ay of Pagume. .


2. The books of the Association shall be audited each year by the Auditor · Ge·oeral -�nd report thereof shall be filed wit.1 the Board. of Directors and pnblish.ed · in not less than two local CONSOLIDATJ1)N :NOTE Arnd. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 Art. 7.


· ARTICLE IX !lo11�profit. al iai 0ff his y m all fro son per fit p�o ay N · y an in all h s. er mb me . 1. No ·officer or position or membership in the Association. · . - · 1. 135 - . '


. -.




ARTI CLE X. Title i. All property of the Association sl1all be l1e·1d, a11d al] charity sllala b>e per­ formed, in the name of the As. sociatio11. ARTICLE XI. Liability 1. No officer or member of the Association shall be liable personally for any debt of the Association. Done a.t Addis Ababa. this 30th day of November, 1953. 14 /2 (1954) G. 187* The followin.g Charter is published for general information:

CHARTER OF THE IMPERIAL ETffiOPl� SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF S CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, El\[PEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, it is Our desire to promote the mitigation of animal suffering and the advancement and expansion ,Jf the practice of humanity towards the inferior classes of animated beings; and WHEREAS, it has seemed fitting to Us that such objective shall be better served through a society incorporated by OUR IMPERIAL CHARTER; NOW, THEREFORE, We, of our special grace, certain kno·wledge and mere motion do by this OUR IMPERIAL CHARTER, for Us and Our IMPERIAL SUCCESSORS grant and ordain that 1he society shall be one body politic and corporative with perpetual succession 3.Jld a common seal and by that name may sue and be sued and exercise such other power and powers as are hereinafter in this OUR IMPERIAL CHARTER reserved, that is to say; (1) NAME


The objects of the Society sh.all b� to promote kindness and to prevent or y ma ty Socie animals to cruelty the d n a. to suppress d.o all such lawful acts as consider to be condu• cive or incidental t,) the attainment ol those objects. *


An1d. 21/3 (1961) P. 179.

- ll36 -





�n � person, �hetber living ju Etl1 iop.ia or abroad 1nay be · admitted · to mem­ bersh1p m the Society, s·ubject to st1cl1 terms and fees otl1 erwise howsoever as shall be from time to tin1e pre�cribed u11 der the rules of tbe CHAR'"fER. . . · '

(4) POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL- OF THE SOCIETY. ,.fhe Society s]1all be tinder tl1 e management of a cou11ciI hereinafter called "tl1e Cou11.cil'' \Vl10 shall control the affairs, fu11d·s, property and · proceedings of the Society and witl1ot1t to sL1ch powers as are els·ewhere in this Charter· providecl for further powers : 1. to fix the date of their own meeti11gs; 2. to appoii1t a Patro11 or Patrons of the Society, a President and Vice-President of tl1e Society, �t Chainnan of the Council, a Vice-Chairman of the Councjl, ,1 Treast1rer of tl1e Society and trustees of the Society (11ot more than six or le�s than tl1ree in. 11un1 ber) and such otl1er officers and bankers a.s they n1ay tl1ink fit; . 3. to a_ppoint and dismiss all paid officials of the Society and to make to such officials in addition to their salari� or fees, such other allowances or com­ pensatio11 or otherwise as the Council may deem just or expedient; 4. to appoi11t com.rnittees and to entrust such committees with sucl1 powers and duties as the Council may think fit. '"fbe Chairman of the Council and the Vice-Cl1 ,1irma11 of the -Council may be ex-officio n;iembers of committe�; 5. to arrange for the proper conduct of punitive, persuasive, educational and all other operations. To make such disbursements as may be considered necessary in the furtherance of the Society; 6. -to establish branches of the Society and draw u p, special rules for· their - guidance; 7. to afiliate to the Society or to enter into any working rurra.ngements With any other society or any association or body or persons,, whether in Ethiopia, or elsewhere, ba.ving objects substantially identical with the Society, on sueh terms and conditions and subject to each supervision an.d con1ro1 as may seem to n1eet the_ Council; 8. to take a poll of the members of the Society on any matter affecting the Society. (5) MEETINGS AND PROCEEDINGS Meetings of the Society shall be held and the pr< �here. at, shall oe _ conducted in accordance \Vith the provisions in th·ait behalf C0Eita1ned 1:n the rule-s. (6) ANNUAL REPORT The Council at a meeting preceding the_ Annual Ge� eral Me�� hg shaJ!J. draw : up a rep0rt of the work of the Society for the preceding financ1al yeai.t,. to: be - 1137 -




presented to the Annual General �eeting acco·n1panied by a statement showing . r General. the accounts of the Society as audited annually by the Aud1to. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 Art. 7.

(7) ANNUAL MEETING Th.e Annual Meeting of the Sociecy shall be held within the first six months of each year in respect of the precedirg year! for the p urp�se of receiving and if thought fit, adopting . the report together wit� 1!1e f1�ancial statement referred to above, and transactmg any other of the Society s business as may be necessary. (8) SUMMONING OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING The Council may summon an extraordinary general meeting of the Society on any occa.sion when the Council may deem it necessary. An extraordinary general meetmg shall also be called or a requisition signed by not le6s than one­ third of the members of tl1e Society. The requisition shall specify the purpose for which the meeting is demand.ed and it shall be the duty of the Council to summon an Ex traordinary General Meeting of the members without unnecessary delay. No other busines6 other than that specified in the requisition shall be transacted. (9) PROVISION REGARDING INVESTMENT OF FUNDS Eve.ry paym.ent made to the Society after the grant of this Charter whether by way of subscription, d,onation and legacy, or in any other way, and the income from a.ny precedin.g sale of any proper1y or investment of the Society shall (unless otberwi'Se provided by th.e person making such payment or by the trusts express implied upon which such property o,r investment is held) be applicable both as to capital or for and purposes of tl1e Society. (10) POWERS TO SELL, MORTGAGE ETC. The Society may from time to time: (1) sell, invest, mortgage, exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any personal estate (including sha1es, stock, debentL1re, or a11y other instrU,. ment) or any pa.rt thereof; and (2) sell., mortga �e, let upo � lease, or otherwise dipose of any real estate or _ easem.ent, rights or privileges to be exercised or enjoyed i11 over, u1pon or under the s�me or any part thereof, and niay do and execute all s�cb matters and things as may be necessary for effectuating and completLng any or all of the abo�e operations provided that any such operation shall be made by the. Society only for the purposes or some or one of the pu.rposes for which the Society is constituted. (11) RULES OF THE SOCIETY

vi�ed pro to here The rul :s of the Society shaH be tlose set out in the schedule th ce th:at the Society may from time to time by resolution passed i n accordan wi - L138 -



tl1e r11les so set ·out, a11d may· .in l ike manner al ter, arnend or revoke any. rule so 1nade or so set Otlt, but no additional rul e� alteratio11, a1ne11dmen·t or revocation sl1all be rep11g11ant to the provisions of tl1js Cl1arter. or .t l1 e general law. (12) DISSOLUTION . · · A resolutio11 to disolve tl1e Society voted by two-tll ird of the members of the . Soci�t.y at _a.n Extraordi11ary General Meeting shall be considered as ·valid. In case l u�1 ?1;1, the affairs of the Society shall be wound up, and after satisfaction of· d1ss ? _ o� all l1ab1J1t1es a11d debt�, .the assets, if remaining, sl1all be djsposed jn the manner directed by tl1e Extraordinary General Meeting. THE SCHEDULE REFERRED TO IN THE · FOREGOJNG CHARTER R U L E S UNDER THE ACT XI OF' THE CHAPTER 1. CONSTITUTION The Society sl1all consist of life me·n1bers, honorary life men1bers. annual members and ex-officio members as hereinafter defined� and for the purposes of the administration, the Society sl1all com•prise of a central organization with office in Addis Ababa hereinafter referred to as Headquarters and Branches including their auxiliaries, estab]jsl1ed in accordance with the rules and regulations embodied in Ruie XVII. I.. Li/e Menibers: ·ca) A donation not less than Eth. $100.00 paid in one amount either to Head­ quarters or a Branch shall constitute the donor a life member as from the date thereof. (b) The Council shall have power to appoint ais ho.norary life mombers, person who have rendered distinguished service in tihe cause of animal welfare. and such honorary life members shall have aif1 the righ:ts and privileges of a life member. 2. Anniwl Members: An annual subscription of not less than Eth. $12.00 paid either to Head­ quarters or Branch in one sum shall constitute. the subs€riber a.n annual member, provided always that the Council shall have po ·wer to refuse the donation or annual subscription a;t any time if the Cou:neil shall be of the opinion that it wo·uld not be _ advisable to ac�pt suc,h a donatio!1 or subscri� _ ·tion, havin.g regard to the o-bJects of the Socrety, ancd the Coun�il _s�all no� be under any ob.ligation to give any reason for such refusal �o the 1ttcl1;v!ldual fum, corpoation. association of persons or other body p.tresentm:g the same. 3. Ex-Officio Members: Representatives of th.e: . (I) Mjnistry of Agriculture; (2) Minis1try of Education;

- 1139' • -



(3) Ministry of Interior; (4) Ministry of Public Health; (5) Hygiene Officer of the Municipal area. Secretaries of branches and auxiliaries of branches established in accordance with these rules and the r·egulations embodied in rule XI s�a_ll, duri11g their tenure of office be ex-officio members and entitled to the full privileges attached to the membership. (4) All subscriptions or donations referred to in this rule whether received by Headquarters or a Branch shall be duly paid_ into �he approp:°at� ban.Icing account, and shall also be entered a. n d published 1n the Society s Annual Report of Branch Report as the case may be. II. COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL The Council shall consist of thirteen of who five sl1a11 be the representatives designated in Rule I (3) and eight of whom sh-all be: (1) Members of the Society elected as hereinafter provided and such members of branch representatives as there will be branches called ''branch repre­ sentatives''. (2) The Council may at any time co-opt as a member of the Council, any member of tl1e Society possessing special qualifications provided that the total number of such co-opted n1embers shall not at any tin1e exceed three. All co-opted members shall retire each year at the first Council meeting held after the Ann·ual General Meeting but shall the n. be eligible to be again co-opted. (3) Subject to, and in accorda11ce with the provisions oZ rule V the Council shall have power to fill up any casual vacancy in the office of the Chair­ man, Vice-Cbair1nan, Treasurer. (4) The co-uncil may act not withstading and sucl1 casual vacancy an1ong tl1eir members. (5) The Council shall at their first after the A11nt1al General Meeting of the Society, elect a Chairman of tl1e Council, a Vice-Ch,1irn1ru1 of tlie Council, a Treasurer of the Society and com1nittees for tl1e ensuing year. (6) The members of the Council other than branch represe11tatives aD<l co-opted members, sl1all be elected by secret ballot of the men1bers of tl1e Society as hereinafter provided. (7) One-third of the n1embers so elected shall retire an11t1ally at the Anuu�I Mee�ing, a.nd sl1all :etire in order of seniority accordiiig to tl1e date of the1� election or re-election of the Council, tl1e retiremerlt of the 1ne1nbers of equal seniority being detennined by the lot. for es dat (8) The re �iring _members of the Council shall be eligible as candi b ll sha ns : perso ect1on w1th ut any e further nomination but no otller re : ! � 1av l and y el1g1ble as candidates unless they are members of tile Societ been nominated as candidates as herein-after appearing. - 1140 -








(9) Tl1e voting papers coritaini□.g the nan1es and addresses · of the· candidates.' _ shall, not earlier_ than tl1e date of circ11lation of the An11ual Report and clear days before the Annual· Meeti11 g, be sent by a.n not later than thirty _ electoral committee to all 1nembers of the Society entitled to vote. . .

(10) The voting p�pers . �11 �11 b� returned to the Chief Secret,try signed by the members voting with 111 f1ftee11 days. af. ter same sl1all be issued to the . me1nbers, and 1nay be sent through the post or otherwise and the votes shall be cot1nted by an electoral co1nmittee and the ·nan1es of tJ1e successful candidates annotmcecl at tl1e Aru1ual General Meeting. (11) In the eve11t of there bei11g more than eight ca11didates for election, each 1nember shall be entitled to vote for eigl1t candidates and �o more, but shall not give more than one vote to any candidate. in the event of there being eight ca11didates for election and no more, all candidates shall be deemed to have been elected without any vote being taken, land in the · event of there being fewer than eight, all candidates shall be deemed to have been elected a11d the vacant places to make u,p the eigl1t,· shall be regarded as casual vacancies to be filled up by the Council under the provisjon of Rl1le V. III. COUNCIL MEMBER TO ACT WITHOUT REMUNERATION · The members of the Council shall act without ren1unetration. IV. CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH OFFICE OF COUNCIL MEMBERS IS VACATED .

The office o,f a member of the Council shall be vacated: (1) if by notice in writing to the Chief Secretary, be resigns bis office or if be ceases to be a. member of the Socety; (2) If he ·absents himself from the meetings of the Council for the space of twelve months (recko1 1ed from the date of his last attenda.nce) and if tfie Council in such circumstances call on such member to resign; (3) if he becomes bankrupt ,and the Council call upon member to resign or if he is certificated as of unsound mind or place unde]j restramt. V. CASUAL VACANCY ON COUNCIL Whenever a vacancy occurs a.mong the membei;-s of the Council (other than. branch representrutives) the Chief Secretary sh.all report su� h vacancy at the �ext meeting of the Council. but the said vacancy shall not be �1Ued u:p at the meet� g. . No candid.ate shall be proposed for election at the Council meet1n,g unless notice in writing with the name and address of the candidate �nd also of the proposer . and who must both be membe·rs of the Council, have been sent to the Chief Secretary at least three clear da.ys prior to the date of the meeting. A candidate shall not be elected unless he recei¥es the votes of the E1aj0ri�y of all members pr�ent and voting at the s-am� meeti,ng. A member so el� fed to the Council shall hold, office for the same time as the member wTiose �lace . - 1141 -



he fills would have it, but he shall not t�ereby become enti,tled to su.cceed to any other office or sit on any committee rntil duly elected thereto.

VI. RECEIPT AND PAYMENT OF MONEYS ON BEHALF OF THE SOCIETY All mon.eys received on behalf of ?ie So�iety at Headqua�ters sh_all be paid into an account in the name of the Society at 1, ts bank for the t1me being.

All payments shall be made by cheques draw11 _on such acc�unt and all such

cheques shall be signed by any two m�J?-bers of_ the f1nance com_m1tt� and counter­ signed by the Chief Secretary, Official receipts of the Society signed by the Treasurer of the Society or the Chief Secretary shall be regarded as sufficient acknowledgement and disch,arge is regard to all payments made to the Society at Headquarters.

VII. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY If with the sanction of the Cow1cil a.ny prosecution, action or legal proceeding shall be commen.ced by any member of the Socie,ty or any officer employed by the Council or if any prosecution action :,r legal proceeding is commenced against any member of the Society or any oificer employed by Council, for anything properly done by him under a genera] or s,pecific direction or with the sanction of the Coun.cil or in pursuance of his general duty, such member or officer shall be indemnified against all loss, damage and expenses attending suc.h prosecution, action or other legal proceeding by and at the expense of the Society.

VIII. AUDITING ACCOUNTS The accounts of the Society shall be audited annually and a financial state­ ment shall be prepared annually by the Auditor General showing the financial position of the Society and ,the receipt, and payments up to the 11th September last past, and the auditor shall prepan annually a list of securities held b)' the Society and shall certify that such se:)urities have been exa.min.ed by him an.d found intact. "'

CONSOLIDATION N01 E Amd. 21 /3 (1961) P 179 Art. 7.

IX. ANNUAL ME.ETING �he of r embe . In addition to. a.ny members specified in the Charter, any n1 tion olu res Society shall be at liberty to propose at the Annual General Meeting any be ll sha of f�r the_ ame��ment of the A�ual Repcrt provided that the notice th.ere re bef? days given 1n wr1t1ng t � the Chief Secretary not less t11an fifteen clear 10� uss �sc the day of the �eet1n� and in the op�ion of the Cou�cil the proposal or ety. Soci will the '!'1; not resolution � detnmental to the interests of of sue� Y ci So e e t Council shall have power to mvite persons who are not members of h to attend and speak. - �142 -





(1) The �resident sl1all preside ,1t the Annual or any Extra ordinary General Meeting of the Society. · · (2) If tl1e President is 11nable or t111willing to preside at s11ch n1eeting tl1e . Council may ,tppoi_�t the Chairman of the Cot1.ncil, or a11y other person wl1a�soever to ]Jres!de s11cl1 meeting, provicled that tl1e meeting may by . special reso�1ut1on disapprove of the Cl1ainnan so appointed by tl1e Council. If the meeting so resolves or if the Chairman so appointed by. tl1e Council be not prese.nt at the commencemen.t of tl1e meeting, the C h. airman shall be appointed by the members present at the 111eeting XI. NOT ICE TO MEMBERS OF ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS .

The Annual or Extrao. rdinary· General Meeting of the Society sl1all be sum1noned by advertisement inserted in at least three of the principal ne\vspa.pers.· The advertisement shall be inserted not less tl1an twenty-eig11t days prior to the date appointed stating as far as possible the business to be transacted at tlle meeting, and such advertisement shall for all purposes be dee111ed sufficient notice to all members. XII. · VOTING AT ANNUAL ANO EXTRAORDINARY . GENERAL MEETING None but 1nembers of the Society definecl in Rule I shall be competent to vote at an Ammual or Extrao·rdinary General Meeting, and the voting at each meeting sl1all be personal. 111 the · event of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting sl1all have second or casting vote. •

XIII..SUPPLYING LIST OF MEMBERS' NAMES AND ADDRESSES · A list of 11ames and addresses· of all members entitled to vote shall be kept at . Headquarters, and any member� of !he Society wl1en a.. poll is taken or an Extraordiria.r y General Meeti:Qg· is called, shall be entitled to receive a copy . on . payment of tl1e sum of Eth. $. 1.00. �









N o business · shall be tra.nsacted at Annual General Meeting ·unless at least · 'one-b · alf of the members are pr_esent, and no business shall take place at an Extra­ ordinary General . Meeting unless. at least one-half of the. me�bers are p.resent. No .resolution at any annual meeting �hal� be deemed to be carr1ed unless at least: reof. the oµr fav e vot m _ t sen pre · s ber hs em fift m eethr the f o . · . .. ' . ' . . . - 1143 • J!







XV. DEMAND FOR POLL In respect of any resolution pa.ssed at an Extraor�ina:Y Ge��. ral Meeting two. thirds of the members of the Society may, by notice in wr1t1ng to the Chief Secretary within fifteen clear da.ys of such meeting, demand a poll of all members in respect of such resolution and thereupon, a poll shall be take11 fortl1with by the Council. Upon a poll being taken, no resolution shall be deemed to be carried unless at least three fifths of the members voting vote in favour thereof. XVI. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS A member of the Society as defined by Rule I shall cease to be a member and shall thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges as sucl1 if his conduct in. the opinion of a majority vote of the members of the Council present and voting at a meeting of the Council held after due notice of the intention to co11sider such member's conduct has been prejudicial to the interests of, the Society provided that prior to the meeting of the Colmcil at which the member's conduct is to be considered, reasonable notice in writing shall be given to the member of tl1e intention to consider his conduct and an opport·u11ity afforded him to submit any explanation either personally or i11 writing at the o·ption of such member to the Council. Notice shall be d.eemed sufficient a,nd reasonable if sent by registered post to the last known place of abode of the member, fourteen days before tl1e meeting of the Council at wl1ich conduct is to be considered. •

XV'I. RULES CONCERNING BRANCHES The Council shall draw up special rules for the guidance of branches as and when necessary. Done at Addis Ababa this 11th day of October, 1954. 17 / 6 (1957) G. 230

CHARTER F O THE ETHI OPIANHORSERACING CLUB CONQUERING LION OF TI-IE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAil.,E SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA the by sport We are S, convinced RE that cherished horse racing is a � � _ public 1n Ethiopia a. n .d all the world over; and WHEREAS, We consider that horse racing will ,tnleliorate Ethiopian horses and horsemanshp; and ing pDrt s EREAS, it_ is Our desire that horse racing and otl1er kindred � . activities sho-uld be maugurated in Ethiopia; - 1144 -





· t11e Ethiopia n THEREFORE, NOW, We do hereby appro anci Order that v e · . . _ I-Iorse . R acing <?.Iub sh all ca rry out i. ts activities pursua11t to: the provisions and ty prescr1b tl1is author1 d u . 1 Our · I n1perial Ch a rter by •ID.embers- who do not parti­ � _ _ cipa te 111 any profit out of the inco111e derived by the CJub. ..

NAME . 1. This Association has been 11an1ed as the ''Ethiopian Horse Racing Club''.· . . PRINCIPAL OFFICE 2. '"fhe principal office of the Associati.011 shall be in Addis Ababa or at any . other place as approved by Us. FUNCTIONS

. . 3. rfhe ft1nctio11s of tl1e Associa tion sl1all · be to promote, develop and, direct · · l1orse racing and kindred sporting activities in the Empire of Ethiopia. U

D RATION 4. The Associatio.11 shall ·be operatvie until dissolved by law. ADMINISTRATION 5. The functions of tl1e A��ociation shall be conducted by a President and (ive Directors elected. by the mc1nbers. More than half of the members- of the Board shall a t all times be Ethiopians. If there is no u11a.nimity on any matter under discussion by the 1nembers of the Board, the decision of the majority shall prevail. The President and the Directors shall be eligible for re-election and shall be at liberty to resign tJ1ei-r appoint1nents whenever they wished, upctn their wm ,ten requests. The present Race Qub Board of Directors will continue its activities until a new Board of Directors is non1inated pursuant to the pr: esent Charter. The mernbers of the Association shall� unless specifically expressed to the contrary i_n this Charter, exercise to tl1e fullest e.xitent all such powers that l1ave been granted to them by the Boa rd of Directors,· and take decisions thereon at ordinary and extraordinary meetings. Should there be a shorta ge in the n· umber of n1e:rnbers on tne Board of Directors, the remaining Directors of the Board may elect others fo·r the time being and subslitute them. However. this matter should be put up at the ·first meeting of the Members of the Association and agreed thereat, and decided. . The Board of Directors shall have power to direct the Association and to manage its affa.irs, and to issue internal regulations, directive and decisions ane to amend or cancel them; provided, however, these shall not be in conflict _with the present Charter. The members of th.e Board of Directors shall not be held personally liallle • fo� lawful acts performed by them on behalf of the Association purs1nan1t to tfils Charter. -- 1145 -





ME\1BERS 6. In order to become a member of the Association, should the Board of Directors appro·ve the application submitted by the person concerned, it will con­ firm by a written invitation sent to him. ry e na on di t or as le at tin ld ee bo m l al g in sh n tio ia oc ss A e th rs of be The mem r d, e fo ar th Bo e th issuance of of s tor rec Di g tin ec sel of es os a year for the purp ts, un co Ac of tem ce Sta lan Ba of ent of dy stu the for s, itie tiv ac rts es tiv on ec dir ard of the Bo by d Directors, as tte mi sub ort rep al nu an d an nt, cou Ac ss d Profit an Lo we ll as n1atters which may have come for co,nsideration by the meeting and to hear and examine the Auditor's Report respecting accounts. CONTROLLERS OF ACCOUNTS 7. At the annual general meeting� of the members of the Association, one or several controllers or auditors of accounts shall be nominated. It is not necessary tl1at these auditors b,ave to be a company. The auditors shall report a.nn"i}ally to tl1e members about the pr), per maintenance and upkeep of accounts and also of the state of accounts held by the Association as being suitable to be continued or otl1erwise, -as well as any irregularities that tl1ey may have come across with as being of a suspicious character in regard to the dealings of the activities of the Directors. The duration of the nomination of the auditor or auditors shall be for a period of one year. Ho,wever, such nomination shall be re-eligible. JANHOIMEDA 8. Th.e Association has been given sole right for the utilization of the stone structures existing on tl1e padlock of Janhoimeda and a.melioratio.ns thereto free of any tax whatsoever for the purpose of horse racing and forms of sports and activities related thereto for amusement whereat the public gather, and to furnish food and drinks. Furthermore, until the existence of tl1e Associatjon an.d its occupation of the said place, it shall have the privilege to develop activities kindred to sports and amusement and to facilitite the accomplishmei1t thereof. The Association has the right to adn1it or refuse tlie public to enter witl1in the precincts of Janhoimeda or any part thereof for wh;:1tsoever sort of sportin g or amusement ac�ivity and to demand payment therefor accordii 1g to t11e rates and � ro�edures f1xed by the Board of Directors, J)rovided. J1owever, that the Asso �1ation ha� !o keep the Janl1oimeda open for tlle public free of charge on occasions of religious feasts and official functions deenJed necessary by the Govern­ ment to be held there. The Assocation has the right to coistruct stone structtires when such 111ay be thoug�t .n.ecessary or apt for �porting �nd amtisement JJUr-poses of its �ember s or activities connecte� therewith; provided, however, previous pern1iss1on and approval shall be obta1ned from th e Government. ish nqu reli W11en tl1e Association is dissolved or J·anhoimeda is V,lcated, it will e to the land-owner � the State Domain, a�l imn lovable storle structures or impr �vn,­ t1o a nd• fou ments effected whi ch are of a permanent nature or are tinited witll the - 1146 -







with tbe except io .n _of pre ventive· fences.. · The A�so ciation shall be at liberty to e 1o e from _J anho1meda a<t an y tim e not only obstacles and preve ntive fences � u� a\ so an y ot her movable prope rty which it ·might have ins taled durinoo- its occupancy. . 9. The. �s�ociati?n is a; utl1orized to concluct, within the limits of tl1e present Char!e .r, act1v1:t1 es wl11ch are · co11venient and concluctive to horse racing and kindred _sportmg perfor1nances and to i11stall for purposes of bet connected therewith, instruments such as Sweepstak es, Accumulators, Parlimut11els, Totalisators, etc. · Done at Ad9is Ababa this 30th day of Dec ember, 1957. 17 / 5 (1957) G. 229*

CHARTER GRANTED TO THE MENELIK II MEMORIAL FUND CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA H : . HAILE SELASSIE I · · ELECT OF GOD, EMPERO OF ETHIOPIA WREREAS, on Megabit 12, 1925 We provided by Order for th e maintenanc e and control of the Men elik II M emorial Fund; AND WHEREAS, this foundatjon was created by US for religjous and Charit­ abl e purpo_ses; AND WHEREAS, it is de sirable that the prop erties of this fou·ndation should be ·vested in trustees with necessary powers and duties to the proper carry­ ing out of the purpose of the foundation; NOW, THER.BFORE, und er Article 27 of ili.e Con.stiution We order as follows: I. This Order may be cited as the ''Creation of th e Trustees of the Menelik II Memorial Building Fund (establish ed by Us as a memorial to Our Nam e) CI1arter 195 7''. · 2. This Charter shall come into forc e on the date its promulgation. 3. The Trustees of the Menelik II Memorial Bulding Fund are her eby consti­ tuted a body corporate by the name of the Trustees of the Menelik II Memorial Building Fund (h ereinfater referred to as the Trustees) an.d shall have p erpetual. succession and a common s eal wtth power to hold land f@r the purposes a:s here­ inafter set out and to sue and to be sued in the corporate nam e. and shall exercise all such other powers as are . he reinafter set out.



• INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Arrzd. 19/7 (1960) G. 263 (transferring the administration and direction of Trinity 1\10:nastery to the Ha.ile Selassie I Foundation, and deleting all references to Trinity Mon:asteJJy in General Notice 229 except those 110w contained iR Artreles 8A and 9. p·r0vl<ling fc;,r · s· ihilities) See- als0 appointm�nt of a Likeselttanat and his attributions, . duties, and resp·0n , . 18/11 (1959) G. 253.

- 1147 -



4. ( 1) The Trustees shall be as follows : (i) The Minister of the Imperial Court (ii) The Minister of the Pen (iii) The Kantiba of Addis Ababa (iv) The Director of Ecclesiastical Studies (v) The Likelikau11t of Menelik II Memoi·ial Building Fund (vi) Not more than three other persons from time to time appointed by name or by office who shall hold office during Our pleasure. (2) From amongst the Trustees one sh.all be appointed by Us as President. 5. The objects of tl1e establishment of the foundation are as follows: (i) That the Mausoleum of Menelik II and buildings, the property of the foundation, should be maintained in good condition. (ii) That the schools and cl1aritable institutions dependent upon this Foundation should be maintained and expanded. (iji) That church services be coi1ducted without interruption in the Menelik II Mausoleum. (iv) That the teaching of the Ethiopian Church be stimulated, encour­ aged and expanded. (v) That the teaching in the ecclesiastical schools, dependent on this foundation be advanced and e11larged and, in particular, that the proper teaching of : (a) (b) (c) (d)

Amharic reading, writing and grammar; Ge'ez, grammar and poetry; the knowledge of ecclesiastical hymns a11d books 011 tl1eology; the interpretation of the Old and the New Testaments and the study of religious treaties by Monks and Learned Men be provided for.

(vi) That studies in other fields, apart fro1n ecclesiastical stt1dies, includ­ ing the study of foreign langt1ages and modem cultures. s11ould be advanced and expanded. (vii) Tl1at the spread of the Faitl1 held by t11e Etliiopian Cl1urcl1 be promoted and that there be inculcated into the students of tJ1 e ecclesiastical schools a firm Ch.ristian way of life. r­ co c a. in dtities shall Trustees exercise be tl1e following powers aild 6. � d.ance with the general or specific direction given by Us: p acce rty, ; (1) (i) �hey _may_ ?urcb �se any movable or imn1ovable prope h t of any gifts, in!1erit legacies, sell, lease, mortgage and exchange n he e ': properties of foundation whether movable or immovabl s ect obJ such sale, lease, mortgage or exchange will advance tl1e of this foundation·, - 1148 -

32-1 L


(ii) Tl1ey 1nay take loa11s wit.11 or without interest;

(iii) ,.fhey may e11ter i1 1to partnerships with legally registered fir111s; (iv) They may employ departtnental officers a11d professional persons for tl1e pt1rpose of transacting the business of tl1e fot1ndation; and (v) Genera.lly tl1ey 1na.y do all or any otl1er thi11 gs necessary for the J?roper carrying 011t of tl1e purposes of tl1is CJ1 arter. . (2) , fl1e), sl1all tl1e necessary rt1les to regulate their own meetings a 1 1d. tl1e carryi11g ot1t of the cl11ties of tJ1 e staff respo11sible to tl1em. (3) '"fl1ey �hall ensure tl1at estimates of reve11ue and expenditure are pre­ parecl rn tl1e n1oi1th of Se11e eacl1 year (for the con1 ing year) and shall approve the1n with st1cl1 alteratio11 ,ts tl1ey consider necessary. ( 4) Tl1ey shall ensure tl1at tl1e d11ties of tbe persons appointed to carry out t11e ecclesiastical a11d aclministrative works .i11 co11oection with the foun­ dation are properly carr.ied out and. sJ1all issue tl1e necessary instructions to this er1d. (5) TJ1ey shall consult the appropriate ecclesiastical authorities before issuing i11str11ctions regarding ecclesiastical .111atters and shall consult the appropriate educational authorities before issuing instr11ctions on edu­ cational autl1orities before issuing instrt1ctions on educational matters. (6) Tl1ey shall isst1e the necessary general and. special i11 strt1 ctions to tl1e,. Adn1irustra.tor a11d. ens·ure that these instructio11s are ·carried ot1t; (7) They shall ensure that proper libraries are 1nai11tajoecl .. (8) Tl1ey shall co11trol expendittrre.. ·



. .


(i) The Trustees sl1all at least two 111eetjngs :in each year and ·.


shall meet at .sucl1 other times as: tl1e President sl1a11 direct. · (ii) A 111eeting of tl1e Trustees shall be deemed to be duly constitut�d · wl1ere there are present more than half in 11umber of tJ1e Trustees. (iii) At every· meeling of:the- Trustees there sball ·be present the.Administrator of tl1e Foundation. .



8. To assist the Trustees in the carr)1ing out of tl1eir dtrties there shall be appointed the following perso1 1s who shall l1ave the powers and duties as . hereina.fter .





. ing orial Build lik Mem II Mene the to inted appo be A Komos (arcl1priest) to Ft1 rtd who shall· be 11amed ''Likelikaunt'' and shall be en.titled on. cere ·monial occasions to _wear a coronet: • .


Tl1is official shall be appointed b y Us ·on the. nominatiori of the Trustees . a.nd wit.11 tl1e a.pproval of the. Archibshop.· . •. ,. reco-�enda tion .of the Aich?�hop · There shall b' e �ppointed by Us_ o� the · · · · one Vice Kom os. '. . . ' , oi �ted. to. the_ Trini�y _Mona �te.ry who ·�hall . A · Komos (Archpriest) shall be app be named ''Likeselttant'' and shall be ent1tl�d on· cerernon1al . occa.s.1ons to wear a s.. coronet i11 the shape of a crown of thorn . .










. .,,



',.. .

- 1149 -


- ,..--.
















·. '







o ion na tJ1e mi no e th Trustees and on � � Us by ed int po ap be all 1�11is official sh s tie du t d 111 an ou rry p ca res all sl1 He . 0JJ onsib i­ sl1 � ibj ch Ar the of al ov pr ap the w.it11 ble t nsi po the res e all appropriate sh and � of, s � ive ect dir ral ne lities the ge _ bodies of the Haile Selassie I found1tion, which sha. ll adm1 n1ster the Trinity Monastery. CONSOLIDATION NOTE This Article appeared originally as part of Art. � ' but because of a1ne_ndme11ts uitro­

dL1ced by 17/7 (1760) G. 263, it became 1rore co11ven1ent to_ treat tl1e appo1ntme �t of the Likeseltta11at to Tri11ity Monastery separately fro1n the app?111tn1e11t . of tl1e Leke_lt kaunt to tl1e Menelik I I Men1orial FL111d. See a]so CJ1arter of the Haile Selassie I Fou11dat1011 , 18/11 (1959) C. 253, 32 Co11sol. L. Eth. 12.

9. The Likelikaunt and Likeselttanat shall, subject to the general directions of their respective Trustees, be responsjble :

(i) for the supervision and control of chu.rch services; (ii) for the supervision and control of the ecclesiastical schools within tl1e responsibility of thejr respective foundations; (iii) for the supervision of spiritual exercises and for the recommenda­ tion for appointment of qualified persons to serve as preachers, teachers and ministers; (iv) for deciding disputes arising between the person subject to tl1eir control on disciplinary matters; (v) for informing the Trustee of all matters within their knowledge to a.ssist the Trustees in ,rriving at proper decisions in relation to ecclesiastical, educational and charitable matters; (vi) for recomending to the Trustees the appointment of suitable staff to enable them to carry out their respective duties. In particular they shall recommend the appoiJ1tment of the heads of churches and the right wing and the left wing choir le.aders. They shall ensure that before a recommendation . is the persons recon1mended shall possess tte necessary ecclesiastical qualifications. CONSOLIDI\TION NOTE A111cl. 19/7 (1960) G. 263 ( tra11sferring administrat io11 a11d directio11 of 1,ri11ity �1onastery to Haile Selassie I Foundatio11 but preserving tl1e prese11t Ge11eral Notice's provisio11s relating

to appointn1ent, attributio11s, duties, a11d resJJ011silJ ilities of a J.,ikesetlttanat to Trinity Monastery).

aY 1 n tees Trus 10. To assist tl1e Likelikaunt in the exercise of his duties, the on Us by d establisl1 a spirit �al advisory con1mittee consisti 11g of perso11s appointe ­ ulta cons the recommendation of the Arcl1bishop. Tlus committee shall be p11 rely 1e tJ ough tive and their recommendations sl1all be s11bn1itted to tlie Trustees tl1r Administrator. ctly dire be all There shall be appointed by Us an Administrator w110 s]1 11responsible to the Trustees and shall carry out duties }1ereinafter set out. 12. Tl1e Administrator shall have tl1e following duties: - 1150 -

32-1 L


(i) He shall sub1nit to tl1e Trustees all n1atters for decisio11· in connection with the foundation. (ii) He sl1all carry out the decisions of the '"frustees and issue orders in the name of the Tr11stees to the various officials responsible · · . · · . for carrying out the decisions. . ._ (iii) Fle shall prepare the estimate of revenue and expenditure of the . foundation for s11bmission to the Trustees. (iv) When -tl1e decisio11s of fl1e Trustees l1ave bee11 given l1e shall prt;­ pare the a1Yproved estjmates of . revenue and expenditure and shall ensure tl1at no expenditure occurs other than has been approved. (v) He shall pay at the end of each month tl1e salaries due to the per­ so11s employed by the foundation. · (vi) In the event of unforeseen expenditure a.rising .he shall inform the· Trustees and obtaiI1 their permission for inct1rring this additional expenditure. (vii) He shall n1aintait1 a register in wllich shall be written all the property and the revenue pertaining to their fottndation. (viii) He shall be responsible for operating the banking account in the name of . the T.rustees. All cheques .shall be signed by him and one of the Trustees. The Trustees shall decide which of them is to be empowered to sign cheques. (ix) He shall be responsible for maintaining the property of tl1e found.a­ · tion in good condition and shall m.ake provisio11 in the estimates for the sums required to achieve this. (x) He shall maintain registers containing a s.hort life history of those · persons whose bodies are allowed to be buried within the precincts: of tl1e foundation. (xi) He shall prepare rules regulating the admission of visitors to the buildings of the foundation and shall take su:ch steps as are neces­ sary to see that they �re ca:rried out. · all prepare a monthly report for submission to the Trustees (xii) H · e sh which shall contain a financjal statement and a list of matters whicl1 require decision by the Trustees. (xiii) He shall with the approval of the Trustees employ such subordi­ · . nate staff as necessary for carrying out tl1e work_ of the founda­ tion. (xiv) He shall carry_ out such othe� duties not inconsistent with his · . Charter as shall be alloted to b'Jm by the Trustees. . 13.



Our Ord.ers of Megabit 12. 1925 and Mega·bit 28, 1940 are here rev0k'ed.

Done in Addis Ababa this 30th day of _Novembe· r, 1957. . . - 1151 •• .

.· . . . .


I-llOPlA T E F O S W A . L D E . T A ID L O S N Co

18/11 (1959) G. 253 *


WHEREAS, it is Our desire to establish a Foundation which, by its assistance to the, the aged, the ill, the infirm, those sta11ding i11 need of physical or moral rehabilitation and those whose means do not permit an education commen­ surate with their abilities, and which, by its example in the fields of education, science and arts, may give a firm lead a. n d impuls.ion to all the best forces and eleme.nts in the life of Our beloved Ethiopia and may stand as a lasting memorial to the sacrifice and labour whicl1 bas been required of Us duri11g Our lifetime to enhance the welfare and advance the progress of Our beloved People; NOW, THEREFORE, We hereby order as follows: CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article I Establisl1ment of Foundation and Transfer of Properties A. There is hereby establisl1ed in perpetuity by the present Charter and Deed of Trust (l1ereinafter referred to as the ''Cl1arter''), THE HAILE SELASSIE I FOUNDATION (hereinafter referred to as the ''Fot111dation''), to whjch shall be tra.nsferred in full title those properties l1itherto held in co11strt1cive trt1st pending establishment of the Fom1dation and sucl1 other of Ot1r properties as are listed i11 the A.nnex to this Charter, to ba·ve and to hold said properties in tr11st so long and so long only as said properties shall be used only for tl1e objectives, purposes and uses set out in Article IV hereof. B. The transfer referred to in paragraph A of this Article I sJ1 a11 take place, and constructive trust referred to. therein shall cease to exist, on 25tl1 December, 1959. *

INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE 0 2 A1ncl. 19/6 (1960) G. 26'1; i1npl. c,111d. 19/7 (1960) G. 263; 20/8 (1961) G. 384; 22/

(1963) P. 207; 25/23 (1966) 0. 46.

- 1152 -




Article II Acceptance by the Fou11dation of Future Gifts A. Su bject to a�l of tl1.e IJrovis.io11s J1ereof, the Founclation is hereby autl1orize d _ to acceJJt, rn trt1st, g1fts, grants, de\1 ises a11d bequests, to have_ ai1d to hold the same i11 trt1st so long a_ncl so long only as tl1ey s11:1.Jl be used. for tl1 e objectives, purposes _ · use s set out .111 Article IV l1 ereot'. · and .. . B. No gift, ��a11t: devises or beqt1est may be accepled which would require or involve a 111 od1ftcat1011 of tllis Charter or the dissolutio11 or merger_ of the Foun­ dation, or WOitld be co11lra.ry to or inconsistent with tl1e la\1/S or public order or 1norals of. tl1e Empire of Et11 iopia. . _ . . C. Witl1 tl1e prior· writte11 approval of tlie Board of Patrons, the Board of Directors n1ay ,1ccept gifts, grants, clevises, and beqt1ests which involve comme.rcial conditio11s, cl1arges or activities so long as these are not contrary to or jnconsistent with tl1e requirements of this Charter. D. TI,e Director G e11eral may accept gifts, gra11ts, devises ,ind bequests wl1ich do not i.11volve. comm.ercial conditions:. cl1ar2es .or activities. '-" Article [II A. All properties transferred to the F0uridation pursuant to Article I hereof a.11d all properties accepted by tl1e Foundation pursuant to Article II hereof, together witl1 any p.roperties which shall be obtained in exchange or substitution tl1erefor, shall co11stitute the p.rincipal of the trust res_ of the Fottndation l1ere­ inafter referred to. as the ''principal''). . B. All income, proceeds, fruits and avails of or produced by tl1e principal shall constitute tl1e income of the trust res Jf the Foundation hereinafter referred to as the ''income''). C. T11e term ''trust res'' as used herein shall refer collectively to both the principal a.nd the income. Article IV Objectives, Purposes and U)es of the Foundation A. Tl1e Foundation shall have the following objectives, purposes . and ·u ,ses which shall, at all times, determine the use t o which the income shall be put: 1. the a.melioration of the conditions of life and· the enhancement of the welfare of the Ethiopian people thr ,)ugh medical attention, rehabilitation, care, protection, education, assistan::e and encouragem.ent of the ill, the permanently incapacitated, the orphans, the young or aged destitutes, the infirm and the deliquents; 2. the establ isl1m ent, development and encourageme,nt of and assistance to institutions, enterprise and undertakings to promote the objectives, p11rposes and uses set forth in sub-paragraph 1 above, and; in p.articulaf, to charitable and welfare institutions for indigents, including the y0ung, the aged. and the ill, for the peFlllanentl'y inca1pacitated and for deliqaent,s; - 1153 -




3. the conducting and suppoi·t of and assis�nce to sc.ientific underta�g and research designed to relieve huJ11an sufferlllgs and illnesses and to imporve conditions of health and hygiene; 4. the establishment, conduct and support of and _ass1 ·stance to scien tific undertakings a.nd research desjgned to promote rntellectual and artistic development including: (a) th. e awarding of prize for dilcov�ries an_d o�iginal _res�arc�. designed to improve the conditions of mi.nkind, or m fields of scientific or artistic development; and (b) the support of activities anci measures designed to promote the intro­ duction of new agricultural, industrial and commercial activities and enterprises in Ethiopia; 5. th.e pron1otion of and assistance to education, both of youth and adults in Ethiopia; 6. without limiting the generality cf the foregoing:


(a) the establishment, administr1tion and operation of schools, hospitals, clinics and homes for orphans, the destitute youth or aged, and the the permanently incapacitated; (b) the engaging of medical, scientific, artistic and pedagogical personnel of the higl1est reputation, for the purpose of providing instruction in Ethiopia in the aforemention.ed fields; (c) the establisl1ment and operation, in the principal cities and towns of Our Empire, of health centres, supplied with clinics, both fixed and movable, capable of providing medical services in the farthermost reaches of Our Empire; (d) the establishment and the awarding annually, within the limits of available funds, of at least two prizes to honour graduating students of the Faculties of Science and of Medicine of t11e Selassie I Univers it)1 or other higher governmental instiution of learning; such prizes shall be awarded upon tl1e reconll\1endation of a con1mittee co11sisting of the �octor of �aid Haile Selassie I University and t11e Deans of the Fac ul­ ties of Sc1�nce and of Medici11e; s11ch prizes shall bear the name HAILE SELASSIE I FELLOWSHIPS a11d shall provide funds for advanced study by the Fellowship holders in foreig11 u11iversities; 7. the promotion of and assistance to activities designed to promote spirit�al welfare and education, including assistance to the Archbishop of the Eth�o­ pian Orthodox CI1urch in the propagatio11 of tlle Clrristian Ortl1odox Fa1th tlrroughout the Empire of Etltiopia, as well as f1111ds or assista nce for t_he c?nstruct�on ?f churchs and sen1ina.ries and for tl1e st11dy abroad of Etl110• p1an seffilnar1es and theologians. nce pta e ac B. Nothing _ in this Cha:ter shall be constructed as prol1ibiting tl1e � t 1te lin by t�� Fo�nd �t1on of any grft, devise or bequest, the tise of wJ1ich is 1 d � i� spec1f!c ob_1ective, purpose_ and use, so Jong as said objective, purpose and us contamed m tl1e e1111merat1on set fortl1 i11 paragraph A of this Article IV. - 1154 -




Article V Exclt1sions fro111 tl1e Objectives, Purposes and Uses of the Fou11datio11



. T her � s ba� be excluded from tl1e objectives, puroses a11d uses of tl1e fou11da­ t1011 the f ol low111g : 1. assista11ce to or support of any person, organizat1· 0n, assoc1·at-10n, · enterprise, . . . _ . k.i ng who or wl1!ch, havmg rece1vecl assistance or support of the or und e�ta �oundat1011, shall l1ave failed to ut_iliz� sucl1 assistance or support exclu­ s1ve!y for 011e or n1ore of the ob1ect1ves, pt1rpopses or uses set out in Article IV above; 2. �ith tl1e exception of such system of co-operative health, accident or life 1nsura11ce or such agrict1ltt1ral co-operatives as may, in each case, be approved. by the Board of Directors of the Foundation, assista.nce to or �upport of an7 organization, association, enterprise or t1ndertaking, includ­ ing_ com_n1e:c1al o.r�an�zations, associations, enterprises or undertakings, which d1str1bute pr1nc1pal, proceeds, profits, income, fruits or avails of �ny property owned, possessed or held by it, to members of or participants 10 tl1e same; 3. assistance t� or support of any person, organization, association, enterprise or undertaking engaged i n any political activity. CHAPTER II ADMINISTRATION OF FOUNDATION Article VI Foundation to Ad.minister Tn1st Res A. The Foundation is l1ereby authorized to administer, in accordance with tbe provisions of this Charter, either separately or as a single trust, all o·f the properties comprising the trust res. Said authorization shall include, without limiting the generality of tl1e foregoing, the right and obligation to administer in such a man­ ner as to produce a maximum income consistent with the conservation and aug­ mentation in values and properties of the trust res, to engage personnel and incur obligation for such management, and to discharge such personnel. B. With respect to all of tl1e properties listed in the Annex hereto, the founda­ tion is authorized to assume, to perform and to assure the performance of all acts, duties and charges relating thereto at the time at which such properties are trans­ fered to tl1e foundation. C. With respect to properties having a commerc�ail cbaract_er, the Foundation shall not itself directly ma.nage, control or operate said properties but shall create or cause to be created entities which shall exercise initial responsibility for the management, control and operation of said properties. D. Nothing in thjs Charter shall be c�nst.ructed as preventing the Founda�ion from requiring that persons capable of domg _so shall make payment for _services, including medical services, which may be provided to them by the Founda�on hez:e­ under. All sums received by the Foundation as payment for such _services shall be consjdered as income within the meaning of paragraph B of Art1cle I[ hereof.

- 1155 -



Article VII Board of Directors The Fottndation shall be administered by a Board of Directo1·s, the composi� tion, functions, duties and responsibilities of which are set fourth in Articles XIX to XXVI of this Charter. Article VIII Board of Patrons The protection and supervision of the Foundation shall be assured by a Board of Patrons, the composition, functions, duties and responsibilities of which are set fortl1 in Articles XXX to XXXIII of this Charter. Article IX Power to Delegate Administration; Limitations Thereon A. With the prior written approval of the Board of Patrons, the Board of Directors may, by separate powers of attorney, appoint and employ agents for, and delegate to said agents, tl1e administration and management of tl1e trust res. B. N·o such appointment, employment or delegation shall relieve the Board of Directors of their continuing responsibility for the administration of the trust res in accordance with the requirements of this Charter. C. Any such appointment, employment or delegation shall be subject to the following requirements : 1. that no agent may be empowered to administer or manage at any time properties having a value of more than twenty five percent (25%) of tl1e trust res; 2. that no power of attor11ey may exceed a term of ten years, and that eacl1 shall provide for earlier termination t1pon tl1e giving of a.ppropriate notice; 3. that no power of attorney shall provid.e for a power of substitt1tion;

4. that any power of attorney or delegation sl1all only be made under condi­ tions which will limit the liability of the Fotu1dation, witl1 respect to tlie acts of the age11t, to twenty-five perecent (25%) of the value of the property which has 'been delegated to such agents for ad1 11i1tistration and manage­ ment; 5. t�at any _powe: of_ at_torney ?r ?�legatio1 1 sl1all only be mad e under �oud t1ons which w1ll l1m1t tl1 e liability of the Fou11 dation, under any c1rcu�1 stances, to the value of tl1e property wlucl1 J1as been delegated to said agent for administrator and management; ice o t 6. that each power of attorney shall provide for cancellation withou n t and witl1out liability to the Foundation in eitlJer of the followin g eve11ts:


- 1156 -





32-1 J.

(a) if, i11 any twelve (12) month period' tl�e ro _ wl11c . .h has been delep perty gated. to said ageilt fo r ad . n . n tio ra ai1d �anagen1ent sl1all have �; � : x de�r eas ed in value to the e t te11 p�rcent (10 %) of the value of said p roperty at t]1e tim · e of Sllch de1egat1on; or (b) if, in any twelve m o11t]1 erio · d ' t1 e 111co�e fro� tl1e property wl1icl1 . has be e11 delegated to saEi ag e _t_ ;or admu11st rat1on and management � shall ha v e decreased by enty-fiv� perc�nt (25%) by comparison witl1 i11con1 e realizecl cltirin g �; 1e year 111 wl11ch tl1e delegation was made. Article X Limitation Upon Utilization of the Trust Res A. 1. The _followi11g linlitatio�s and restrictions shall apply to the alienation by tl1e Foundauon, wl1 eth er by a single transaction or c11mulatively of, immovable property_ o,vned or l1eld by tl1e Foundation or owned or l1eld by an entity, the Fo�nd�t1on or o:wned or held by an entity, the ultimate owners11ip or control of wlucl1 1s veste d m the Foundation: (a) twenty-five perecent (25%) of the value of all such immovable prop erty as of the date t1pon whicl1 tl1is Cl1arter takes effect; (b) fifty percent (50%) of the acreage of all sucl1 immovable property as of the date 11pon which this Charter takes effect. 2. The prior written approval of the Board of Patrons shall be required for the alienation of any of the immovable property owned or held by tl1e Foundation or n� Fau in the ted ves is c]J whi of l tro con or p shi ner ow te 1na ulti tl1e ity an ent held by dation. 3. For the purpos e of applyi11g tlJe aforesaid percentag e of fity percent (50%), the combined area ir1 square m e tres of all such immovable property, whether witlJ or without structures thereon shall be accertained and calculated. B. 1. No investment of princip al or income may be made except under con­ : ditions limiting the liability of tl1e Foundation to the amount of such investment. 2. No investment of principal or income may be made with any individual or in any organization, association enterpris e or undertaking whether by single transaction or cumulatively in excess of twenty-five p ercent (25%) of the trust res at the time of the making of such investment or investments. e e th id ts gs ou in ak rt d� un r o_ s se ri rp e t_ en , es ti 3. Investm ents in property activi e th al of ov a pr en tt ri w or ri e th p 1 1tl w ly p on boundaries of Ethiopia may be made Boad of Patrons.

ny a in s re st ru e t _ � f o t e n m st ve in C. The Foundation may n o t make any elf. s it n io at d n u o F e th f o y it il b a li sl1ar es of stock, sectlrity or e v iden ce of

- 1157 -



Article XI

Reserve Fund; Reinvestment of Income A. The Eoundation shall retain each year_ te1:1 per�ent (10%) of the i?come actually received during said year, for the constitut1on of a res�rv� fund �.nt1l such time as said reserve fund s,hall equal ten percent (10%) of the prmc1pal. Sald reserve fund shall be held in cash in a savings account opend at the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia or the Development Bank of Ethiopia in the name of the Foundation. B. After the reserve fund shall equal ten percent (10%) of the principal, the Foundation shall retain each year ten percent (10%) of the income actually received during saiid year, for re-investment as addition to the principal. If the reserve fund shall at a.ny time fall in valu.e below ten percent (10%) of the principal, the amount which would otherwise be retained and re-invested under this paragraph B shall be paid into the reserve fu11d each yea.r u11til reserve fund shall eq11al ten perecent (10%) of the principal. C. The reserve fund shall be utilized by the Board of Directors for the resto­ ration of losses suffered with respect to the principal and for such extraordinary expenses as shall be ap1Jroved by the Board of Pat1·ons and the Board of Direc tors upon the recommendation of the Financial Committee. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln·ipl. arnd. 22/20 (1963) P. 207, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 6, (sl1bstitl1ti11g Commercial Bank of Etluopia for Bank of Etl1iopia).

Article XII

Procedure to be Followed in the Extending of Financial Assistance

A. Financial assistance may be extended by th.e Foundation only after an affirmative written recommendation therefor shall, in each case, have been prepared and signed by an investigating committee appointed by the Board of Directors and after approval of said recomn1endation by said Board of Directors. B. 1. Where any financial assistance approved by the Board of Directors would exceed in value one thousand dollars (Eth. $1,000.00) it shall be provided only in instalments; provided, however, that in a11y case in wl1ich the Board of Directors s.hall decide that the nature of the assista11ce to be provided requires the expenditure at one time of more than one thousand (Eth. $1,000.00 ) the . apply not forth in this paragra. p h shall set B. XII requirements 1 of tl1is Article

anr �ase in whic � �ancial assistance is provided in instaln1ents, follow� 2. In . 1ng the prov_id1ng of the_ first instalment tl1e prov.iding of all further inst al ment s ipt by the Board of Directors of a report prepared by �e _ �hall ?e �ubJect to rece 1nvest1gat1ng �0�1ttee referred to in paragraph A of this Article XII certifying . that the previous ":sta�ment or mstalments have been ·utilized exclusiv ely for o�e or more of the obJect1ves, purposes and uses eilumerated in Article I V of t l11 s Charter for which the_ f inancial assistance had bee11 ,lpp roved in tJ1e pa�ti c11Iar _tl1e oard of D�ector� , a11d tl1at the beneficiary of sucll fiJiancia l ass1sta11 ce case by � bas, at all times, complied with t11e provision,s of Article XV of tltls Cl1arter. - 1158 _:_


C. Tl1e .Board . anc1a . J ass1st.a11ce __f1n tl1e Foundation by Board of D.1rectors


· · · of Directors 1nay requir e as a co11d1t1011 of tl1e extend _tl·1at . ' · ing 0 f such ass1 stance fJrnislied be returned- or . re1n1buresed to . the reciPien.t at. st1cl1 _.1m es and under sucl1 co11ditions as tl1e . may prescribe. Article X]II Restrictions Upon the extending of Financial Assista11ce

A. No financi �l assistance n1ay be ext�nded by tl1e Foundation to any meinber of the Board of D1,rectors.

B_. Not �ore than two percent (2 %) of the annual income of tl1e Foundation, as estunated m the budget for that year, may be exte11ded to any individual in one (1) year. c. In case financial assista11ce is provned to a11y one individual for more tl1an than one percen (I%) of the annual iI1co1ne of tl1e Fo1111clation as estin1ated in the budget for that year. D. No one individual n1ay receive financial assist,l11ce from the Foundatio11 for more tl1an a total of five (5) years, except in tl1e case of persons who are inmates of institutions wl1icl1 are establi;hed, supported or encouraged by the Foundation. E. No organization, association, enterprise or undertaking n1ay receive in any one (1) more than ten percent (10%) of the annual i11come of the Fou.ndation as estimated in tl1e budget for that year. Article XIV Withdrawal of Financial Assistance by the Foundation A. The Fonudation may, at any tun�, for any ca·use whatsoever or witho11t cause, withdraw, suspended or refuse to ex.tend fmancial assistance to any indivi­ dual, organization, association, enterprise or undertaking. B. The withdrawal, suspe11sion or re:usal to extend financial assistance pur­ suant to paragraph A of this Article XIV shall create no liability on the part of the Foundation, and all financial assistance extended at any time by the Founda­ tion shall be deemed to have been extend�d by the Foundation and to have been accepted and received by the recipient thereof subject to this condition and uner­ sta.nding. Article XV. Acknowledgement of Financial .Aissi�t�nce Exte�ded by �l1e Foundati� n . The Board of Directors shall at all t1mes require and insure tl1at f1nanc1al assistance extended by the Foundation shall be extended only _in the name of �e Foundation., and that suitable acknowle.igement shall be given and oth�rw1se assured and provided as to the sou,rce thereof. - 11:9 -



Arti�le XVI Utilizaticn of Income A. The income received by the Fo!llldation, but i11 11? c� 1se _ the p� incipal, shall be utilized for the following purposes in the order of pr1onty m which set forth: I. The creation and maintenance d the reserve fund referred to in Article XI of this Charter; 2. Reinvestm.e.nt as addition to the principal as provided in paragraph B of Article XI of this Charter; 3. The payment of all debts and the expe.nses of administration and opera­ tion of the Foundation, including among expenses each year a sum to be fixed by the Board of Directors U?On the recommendation of the Financial Committee for the provision of insurance coverage against loss or da1nage by fire, by natural hazards and by malversion of the trust res; 4. The maintenance of, including repairs to, the principal; 5. dation Board during

In an amolmt to be deter1nined by tl1e Board of Directors, upon recommen­ of tl1e Financial Committee and with the prior written approval of the of Patrons, the restitution of losses suffered witl1 respect to tl1e principal preceding years;

6. Tl1e extending of financial assis1a11ce in accordance with the provisions of of this Charter. Article XVII Use of Income in the Event of Impossibility of Achieving a ::Jesignated Purpose If the designated and approved objective, purpose and use of any particular gift, grant, devise or bequest accepted by the Fou.ndation sl1all, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Board of Directors, I1ave become impracticable, unnecessary or impossible of attainment, by reason of s11pervening conditions, then the income derived from any such property shall be applied by the Board of Directors, with the approv:tl of the Board of Patrons. to sucl1 of the objectives, purposes and uses enumereted in Article IV of this Charter as will, in the opinion of said Board of Directors, most nearly fulfil tl1e original objective, purpose and use of the donator, grantor, testator, transferor or assignor. CHAPTER III FIANCIAL COMMITTEE Article XVIII Creation and Duties of the Financial Committee A. The_ Financial Committee shall consist of two (2) qualified experts wl10 shall be designated by the Board of Patrons for a terin of tliree (3) years eacl1. - ll60 -



B. The Financial Con1n1ittee shall advise the Board of. . . D irectors 1n connec. 1itl1 the proposed mak ·ing 0.r.t ,a11y investment. or the _ut·1 .· n of �y pa t·1 0n \\ · tto . . . 1 iza _ r t pr or 1n c1p i nc al om e, except for tl1e utilization of incoi11e as provid of tl1e ed 1 n of A A 6 . rti gr cl ap e l1 X V I of tllis Cllarter. para CHAPTER IV BOARD OF DI.RECTORS Article XIX Con1positio11 a11d Appointment of Board of Directors; · Designation of Cl1airn1an 1-\. Tl1e Bo,trcl of Directors sl1all consist of seven (7) men1bers. wl10 shall hold office for a term of tl1ree (3) years each, one (1) of wl1om shall be the Director General, tllfee (3) of whom shall be designated by tl1e Board of Patrons, and one (1) ea cl1 of wl101n shall be designated by Our Minister of National Community Development and Social Affairs, 011r Minister of Public Health and Our Minister of Education and Fine Arts. B. 1'fe111bers of tl1e Board of Directors may be reappoi11ted for two (2) or more terms. C. The Chair1nan of the Board of Directors shall be designated by the Board of Patrons from among tl1e members of tl1e Board of Directors. CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1cl. 19/6 (1960) G. 261 Art. I; i111pl. an1cl. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 Art. 2 (16), 3 Consol.

L. Et/1. 1-2 (16), (cha11gi11g t]1e 11an1e of the Ministry to National Co111n1unity Developn1e11t

and Social Affairs).

Article XX Powers of Board of Directors A. The Board of Directors, wl10 sl1all constitute the trustees of the trust res, shall have all authority requisite for, a11d sl1all l1ave full power to administer and determjne, tl1e most useful and profitable 11tilization of the trust res, including, whitout limiting the generality of tl1e foregoing, all of the powers and authority conferred upon it by this Charter. B. With the advice and consent of the Financial Committee, the Board of Directors shall have authority.

I. To compromise, adjust and settle claims not in excess of t� enty-five

thousand dollars (Eth. $25,000.00) provided, however, that no paym ents 1n excess of ten thousand dollars (Eth. $10,000.00) may be made except with the. prior written approval of the Board of Patrons;

2. To retain unrealjzed stocks, bonds or other evidence of credit, whjch shall r1ot, however, exceed at any one time thirty-five percent (35%) of the value of the - 1161 -




trust reS,, for sueh time, n0t exceed three (3) years, as the Board of Directors shall deem to be in the best interest of the Foundation; in computing said thirty-five percent (35%), funds held in bank accounts sh. all not be included; 3. To hold funds in bank accounts, which shall not, l1owe�er, exceed at any one time fifteen percent (15%) of the value of the trust res; 1n computi ng said fifteen percent (15%), funds held in the reserve fund shall not be included; 4. To join in by deposit, pledge or otherwise, any plan to re-organisa tion or other means of protecting or dealing with the trust res; 5. To make alterations to, repairs to, additions to, and erect improvements upon, real estate; 6. To create, grant or lease easements, servitudes or rights of way with respect to real estate; and 7. To make, execute and deliver any mortagage if, in the administration of real estate, it becomes expedient to mortgage any part o·r parts thereof. C. Whenev·er. the Board of Directors desires to make any investment or in any way utilize any part of the priIJcipal or income except for the extending of financial assistance pursuant to paragraph A. 6 of Article XVI of this Charter, it shall first obtain the advice of the Financial Committee. Article XXI Duties of Board of Directors A. The Board of Directors sha]l have all of the duties and responsibilities imposed upon it by this Charter. B. The Board of Directors shal] administer the truts res in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and the practices and standards of a prud.ent trustee. C. The Board of Directors shall each year : I. Establish the a.nnual budget of the Fo11ndatio11 and s11bmit the same to the Board of Patrons for approval; and 2. After approval by a certified public accountant designated each year by tl1e Board of Patrons, pass upon all accounts and accounting for the Foundation for the previous years. Article XXII Remuneration of Members of the Board of Directors The Board of Patrons shall allow and deterniine the remuneration whicli 1nembers of the Board of Directors shall receive for tlleir services; provided, t en perc two of said Board of Directors in any one (1) year sJ1 ail never exceed t budg� l (2%) of the annual income of the Foundation as estimated in the an11ua 10 ding bea e The amount thus paid shall be s]1own under a separat for that year. the annual statement of accounts of the Foundation. - 1162 -




Article XXIII Supervision of Director General b y the Board of Directors Tl1e �oard of Directors shall exercise general supervision over ·es th e ac tiv it . of ·the Director General, and sl1all issue to tlie Director Genera1 a11 d.rrect1!ve · . may d.eem necessary for the administratio \Vh1ch 1t n of the Fou.n dat·lOD. a

Article XXIV 1-'leetings of the Board of Direceors; Quorum; Minutes; Agenda A. Tl1e Bo�rd of �irectors shall meet on the first Tl1ursclay of every month, . or, 1f st1ch day 1s a hol1day, on tl1e following Th11rsday. B. 1 _. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the Director General 1n case of e1nergency whenever in his opinion such a meeting would be in the interest of the Foundation. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall also be called by the Director General wl1enever be receives a request t11erefor submit­ ted by two (2) members of said Board of Directors; 2. At least eight (8) days before the next scheduled meeting, or within three (3) days of receipt of a request s11bmitted by two (2) members of the Board of. Directors of a written notice of the meeti11g; 3. In the case of emergency meetings the Director General may, with the approval of one (1) member of the Board of Directors, address a written or verbal notice without the necessity of prior notice of more than twelve (12) C. The Chair1nan shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors. In the event of the absence of the Chairman, the senior member present shall preside. D. The presence of four (4) members shall constitute the quorum necessary for meetings of the Board of Directors. E. Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by a majority of the members present and voting at the 1neeting. A member who does not vote with the majority shall have the right to require that his dissent and the reasons for the same shall be set out in the minutes of the meeting. F. The Director General shall establish the provisional agenda of each meet­ ing of the Board of Directors, and shall submit it to each member of the Board o f Directors with the notice of the meeting required purs�ant to the provisions of paragraph B of this Article XXIV. !l1e agenda shall mclude the matters upon which discussion is desired by the Drrector General, a member of the Board of Director or a member of the Board of Patrons. G. I. The Director General or such person as may be designated by 11irn for purpose shall establish the provisional minutes of each meeting o·f the_ Boata of Directors an d shall transmit them to each member of · the Board of Drrect0rs within ten (10) days of said meeting. - 1163 -



2. The minutes shall be deemed to have approved and shall become final if within seven (7) days following the dispatch thereof, no member of the Board of Directors shall haver requested modification of tl1e same. 3. If any member of the Board oE Directors shall request modification of said provisional minutes, the Director General shall, upon receipt of said request, for­ ward a copy of the same to the otb�r m.embers of said Board of Directors for approval or disapproval at the next meeting. 4. Within eight (8) days after final approval of the minutes by the Board of Directors, the Directors General shall forward a copy of the same to each member of the Bord of Patrons, together with one copy for tl1e files of said Board of Patrons. Artcle XXV Limitation Upon Members of the Board of Directors

No men1bers of the Board of Directors may take part in a vote on any proposal; 1. To extend financial assistance to a person who js a. member of the famil)1 of or is a relative of, or for any activity owned in whole or in part by, said member of said Board of Directors; 2. to invest or reinvest or alter or change any investment of the trust res in any property or in any organizatio11, association, e11terprise or und.ertaking of which said member of said Board of Directors or a11y member of l1is fan1ily or any of his relative has any financial interest. Article XXVI

Ren1oval and Replacement of · Members of the :,f Directors 1e of er � n1emb Board of Patrons may A. The ternir1ate the ft1nct.ioi1s of a11y _ d fiu sl1all before t �� end of 1!-1e �erm of I1is a.ppointn1 ent if it Board o � Drrectors _ o 11 s Patr that he 1s unable or unqualified to fulfil his functions or if the Board of shall find that it is unable to continu! to repose co�fidence i11 I1·im.

or suit g B. The Board of Patrons may, in the name o[ tile Foundation, brin in!or1nation in the Courts �-f Ou� Empire against a 11y member of th� Bo�r? Directors for any act or action with respect to t11 e Foui1dation involving civil of ar o B e 1 tl or responsibility liability d of on :he criminal part of said member


- l164 -




Directors. Witl1ot1t prejt1di�e to t11e right of tJ1e Board of Patrons to ren1 ove any . Board of Directors pursua?t to paragrapl1 A of tJ1is Article me�1ber of_ tl1e XXVI, _ a final dec1s1on of tl1e courts of OlII En1pire adverse to said n1.ember of tlle Boa rd of Directors sl1all automat icall)' ter111 inate liis appoin tmei1.t. C. If a11y n1e1nber of the Board of Directors sl1ould die, beco1ne incapacitated, . res1�n or be re1noved pursua nt to. tl1e pro,1isions of paragrapl1s A or B of tltis Article XXV _� l1e sl1a!l be pron1ptl)1 repl�ced \vitl1 a successor by tl1at autl1ority l111n_. The person designated to f11fil a.n unexpired term shall \.vho had des1�nated _ serve for tl1 e period of t1me wl 1icl1 re111ai11s before tl1e completio11 of tl1e term for whicl1 l1 is predecessor was designated. CHAPTER V DIRECTO.R GENERAL Article XXVII Designation of Director General; Remuneration A. Tl1 e Director Ge11eral sl1all be designated by the Board. of Directors with tl1e prior writte11 approval of the Board of Patrons, and sl1al1 l1old s11cl1 office for such term as shall be fixed by the Boa rd of Directors. B. Tl1e Board of Directors shall a11nualJy allow and determine the re n1u.11eratio11 whicl1 the Director General s.hall receive for l1is services. The a1n.ot1nt th11s paid shall be sl1own under a separa.te l1eading .in tl1e annual sta tement of accounts. Article XXVIII Ren 1 oval of Director General A. The Board of Directors ma y, with tl1e prior written approval of t11e Board of Patro11s ' terminate the fru1ctjons of tl1e Director General before tl1e e ncl of the term of bjs appointment if it sl1all find that J1e is unable or unqualified to f11fil this functions, or if the Board of Directors sl1all find that it is una ble to continue to repose co1rfidence in him. B. The Board of Directors may, in the name of the Founda tion, bring suit or an information in the courts of Our Empire against the Director General for any act or action witli respect to the Foundation involving civil or crimin al liability or responsibility on the part of sa id Director General. Withot1t prejudice to the right of the Board of Directors to remove the Director General pursuant to para­ graph A of t11 is Article XXVII, ,t fu1al decision of the courts of Our Empire adverse to said Director General shall a utomatically terminate his appointment.

- 1165 -



A .rticle XXIX Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of the Director General A. The Director General shall b.a"\'e all of the powers, duties and responsibili­ ties conferred and imposed upopn him by this Cl1 arter. B. Without limiting the generali1y of the foregoing, the Director General shall: 1. Assure the execution of decisioos taken and. directives issued by the Board of Directors; 2. In matters of day-to-day administration, and subject to the overall super­ vision and control of the Board of Directors, represent and act in the name of the Foundation; 3. Subject to the overall supervisjon and control of the Board of Directors: (a) Collect and assure the collectio11 of the i11 come; (b) Deliver receipts for tl1e p:1.yment of debts due to the Foundation; provided, however, that for the payment of debts ju excess of five thousand dollars (Eth. $5,DOO.OO) the prjor written approval of the Board of Directors shall be necessarv; J

(c) Conclude all contracts nece�sary for the 1nai11 te11ance) conservation and insuran_ce of the trust res; and (d) Engage, direct, control and discb.arge personnel necessary for the adrrrinistration of the Fo11ndation; 4. Maintaing the archives and files of tl1e Foundation; 5. Directly Sllpervise tl1e administ'."ation and fi 11 tl1e of Foundation; 6. Maintain f 1ll records of his aclivities botl1 w.ith respect to correspo11dence and other acts of administratio11; 1

7. Annually, before tl1e end of the montl1 of Meskere1n sub1nit to tl1e Boafd of Directors a detailed report of his activities and tJ1�se of tl1e Fou11datio11 during the preceding year; 8. Djscharge the functions described ju paragrap11s B, p and G of Arti cle XXIV of this Charter; the to e san1 9. Prepare the annual budget of the Foundation a11d s11b111 it the Board of Directors for its approval; pro te pria � 10. Submit to the Board of Directors whe11 ever lie deems it appro eo n p � elo dev posals which may be proper tl1 e good adn1inistration and tl1 e 1011· dat n Fou and attainment of the objectives, purposes and tises of the - :166 -



C.... l·IAR.f, ED BODJES


CHAPTER VI BOARD OF PATRONS Article XXX Con1position and Appointment of tl1e Board of Patrons


f\. TJ1e Board of Patro11s shall consist of eigl1t members as follows: .l. Tl1 e Crown Prince of Etl1iopia, Merid Azmatch Asfa Wossen Haile Selassie; 2. Holiness Patriarch Reese Likane Papasat of Etl1iopia; 3. Beatitude the Bisl1op of Harar; 4. The President of the Senate; 5. The Minister of Pen; 6. The President of the Supreme Imperial Court of Ethiopia; 7. The Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Trinity Manbere Tsabaot; 8. The President of the Haile Sel1assie I Universit)'. B. Majesty the Emperor shall promptly replpace any member of the Board of Patrons who sl1all have died, or who shall, in the opinion of His Majesty the Emperor, l1ave become incapable of unworthy of ftilfilling l1is or her functions as a member of the Board of Patrons. C. Members of the Board of Patrons shall hold their offices at the pleasure of His Maesty the Emperor, whicl1 offices shall terminate, with respect to each member, only upon the appointment by His Majesty the Emperor of his or her replacement. o · . Members of tl1e Board o.f Patrons shall serve without remu.neration. E. His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Ehiopian, Merid Azmatch Asfa Wossen Haile Selassie, shall be replaced as a member o·f the Board of Patrons, upon his accession to the Throne, by that member of the Imperial Family who, in accordance with the provisions of Our Revised Constitution, shall become Crown Prince of the Empire of Ethlopia. This same princip. le shall apply to his successors. F. His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Ethiopia shall serve as Chajr­ man of the Board of Patrons. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 19/6 (1960) G. 261; Art. II; i1npl. amd. 20/B (1961) G. 284, 29 Cotisol. L. Eth. 5. (substituting t.he President of the Haile Selassie I University for tl1e President of th.e Univer­ sity College). T11 ree of t11e original members of th.e Board of Patrons ,vere designated by name rather than position. Since their designation is transient only it has been omitted from the Consolidated Laws.

- 1167 -



Artjcle XXXI Powers of Board of Patrons A. Th e Board of Patro11s sl1all assu,re the protectio11 an d supervision of the Foundatio11 and sl1all have, without liniting the generality of the foregoi ng, all of tl1e powers and authority co11ferred upon it by this Charter. B. Witl1out limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board of Patrons sl1all: I. Designate, from among its members or elsewhere, three (3) members of the Board of Directors; 2. Have authority, individually a1d collectively, at all times to have access to the files of tl1e Foundation ai1d to receive full and complete information as to the adnun.istration and management hereof; 3. Have tl1e power to cancel any decision taken by tl1e Board of Directors when, in the opinion of the Beard of Patrons, sucl1 decision is contrary to the law or to the provisions of this Charter. Artic'.e XXXII Duties of the Board of Patrons A. The Board of Patlfons shall have all of the duties and respo11sibilities imposed upon it by thi,s Charter. B. Without linliti11g the genrality of the foregoing, the Board of Patrons shall, each )'ear: l . Approve or disapprove the annual budget established by the Board of Directors; and 2. Pass upon all act.ion taken by the Board of Directors as reflected in tl1e final minutes of all meetings of said Board of Directors furnished to tl1e Board of Patrons pursuant to Article XXIV of tl1is Cl1arter. Article XXXIII Meetings of the Board of Patro11s: Quoru1n

A. The Board of Patrons shall meet on the proiJos,11 of 011e of its n1embers or tl1e proposal of tl1e Board of Directors. B. The Cl1a.irman shall preside at meetings of the Board of Patrons. In tJ�e event of the absence o¡f the Chainnan, a C11airma11 pro tempore, appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, sl1all preside. for ry ssa nece of th ree members shall constitute tl1e quorum C. The presence meetings of the Board of Patrons. t of ity ile D. Decisions of the Board of Patrons sl1all be taken by a 01ajor members present and voting at the meeting.


- . -, 68 -



c ·1-lr\I{TED



CHAPTER VII FINAL PROVISIONS Article XXXIV Modificatio11s of Tltis c11arter: Li1nitatio.ns Tl1ereon

A . 1'Iodifications to or of tl1is Cha.rter may be effected a two third ma · · Jonty vote � of of all n1embers of the Board Patrons an c d Board ' of n·1re ' ctors, votmg separately · an d approve d bY I-Iis Ma1estY the En1peror; provided, however, that Articles I 11' VIC, X, XII� ?(V, XXV, XX X C and D, XXXVI, XXXVII and XXXIII s'ha11' never be n1od1f1ed. B. The nan1e of tJ1e Foundation as set forth jn Article I of this Cl1arter sl1all never be cl1anged. �- The Founda �i.on sl1all !lever �e merged with or into any organization, en­ terprise or undertaking, or with or mto the Imperjal Ethiopian Government or any part thereof . Foundation shall never come under the jurisdiction of the Imperial The D. . _ Eth1op1an Government. Article XXXV •

Immunity From Suit

No person, whether natural or juridical, shall have standing in the courts of Our Empire to attack a.ny decision taken by or in tl1e name of the Foundation on the ground that financial assistance of whatever form or description, whether ?Y �i!t• loan, grant or otl1erwise, should l1ave been m�tcle available to him or to any rnd 1v1dual organization, association, enterprise, undertalcing or activity. Article XXXVI Special Provisions in Event of Termination of Foundation A. If, notwithstanding the provisions of this Charter or by reason of any circun1sta nce, the Foundation sl1all cease to exist, the Supreme Imperial Co11rt of Our Empire or its st1ccessor shall, after providing for the payment of all lawful debts owed by the Foundation, distribute the remaining assets to the donors and granters of properties given, granted devised or bequeated to the Foundation or to their heirs, legatees and lawful successors, as the case may be. Said distribution shall be made in the proportion whicl1 the properties so � iven, granted, de:'ised or bequeathed bore to tl1e principal of tl1e trust res at the ttme such propert.Ies were received by the Foundation; provided, however, that the proportion which the properties listed in the Annex to this Charter shall bear to the trust res shall be determined as of the time when the Foundation shall cease to exits. B. Distribution of said a,sset·s shall be made in the following order

- 1169 -



1. To persons who becom·e enti-:led to receiv� pa.rt of said assets in their capacity as donors and grantors of properties, _other than those listed in the Annex to thiis Charter, given, granted, devised or bequeathed to the Foundation or as heirs, legatees and lawful successors of the same; 2. To persons who become enti:led to receive pa: t o� said assets in tlieir _ capacity as donors and grantors of those properties listed m the Annex to this Charter or as heirs, legate·es and lawful successors of tl1e same. C. Any assets remaining after th! distribution made pursuant to paragraph B of this Article XXXVI shall be diS:ributed to no less than three (3) nor more ten (10) hospitals located in the Empire of Ethiopia. Articl� XXXVII Power to Enforce Indemnification or Restitution to Foundation The donors or grantors of properties given, granted, devised or bequetathed to the Found.ation, or their heirs, legat�s and lawful successors shall have standing in the courts of Our Empire to enforce indemnification and/ or restitution to the Foundation for any act intended to produce or resulting in the total or partial destruction or terminatio11 of the Foundation or in modification of any of Articles I, II, VI C, X, XIII, XV, XXV, XXX C and D, XXIV, XXV, XXXVII and XXXIII of tllis Cl1arter. Article XXXVIII

Tax Exemption The Foundation shall be entitled to the benefits of all tax exemptions provided for by law, as well as all those the granting of wl1icl1 is left to the discretio.n of any official of the Imperial Ethiopian Government.

ANNEX I IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE I PROPERTIES �RANSFERRED TO HAILE SELASSfE I FOUNDATION . I. PROPERTIES HELD [N CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST BY HAILE SELASSfE I WELFARE TRUST 1. BETE SAIDA HAILE SELASSIE I HOSPITAL, Addis Ababa. (a) Land and building,s located at Yekatit 12tl1 Sq11are, Addis Ababa; area 27, 198 square metres; tit1e deed No. 10226. a; bab A (b) Land and buildings located al)ng King Geo·rge VI Street, Addis area 4,428 square metres; title deed No. 10230. (c) Land and building located at &ra.tegna Safar, Addis Ababa; area 1,788 square n1etres; title jeed No. 10232. - 1170 -






· , Prjntm· g press corporat1on, s. A. ,(d) 5160 sl1ares of stock. of Berhanenna• Selam (e) 600 sl1ares of stock i11 Berl1an Stationery Corporation, S.A. 2. St. PAUL'S HOSPITAL, Addis Ababa. (a) La11cl an � buildings. located at tl1e New :Market, Addis Ababa; area 18.797 metere; title deed No. 7882. (b) Land and bt1ildings locatecl at the New Market, Addis Ababa; area 1,100 squares metre (approx.). (c) Land and shops loc,1ted along Cunningl1am Street, Addis Ababa; area 5,368 square metres; title deed No. 3186. (d) Land a11d sl101)s loc,1ted at tl1e New Market, Addi:; Ababa; area; 1,400 square metre (approx.). (e) Land located at the New Market, Addis Ababa area 600 square metre, title deed No. 8730. (f) 5,000 shares of stock of General Etl1iopian Transport Co., S.A. (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (1)

500 sl1ares of stock of Kafa Plantaton Corporation, Ltd. 15 sl1,1res of stock of Modern Laundry Co. 65 sl1ares of stock of Pericoli Filippo, S.A. (in liquidatjon). 600 shares of stock of S.N.E.D.A. (in liquidation). 8960 sl1ares of stock of Ghjo11 Hotel Coorporation, S.A. 2040 shares of stock of Mak.anissa Distillery Corporation, S.A.

3. LEUL RAS MAKONNEN HOSPITAL, Harar. (a) Land and bt1ildings located in the Old City of Harar. (area undefined). (b) 750 shares of stock of General Ethiopian Transport Co., S.A. 4. HAlLE SELASSIE I ORPHANAGE, Addis Ababa. (a) Land and building located in Ourael, Addis Ababa; area 4,551 square metres; title deed No. 1009. 5. MERHA EURAN (BLIND) School, Addis Ababa. (a) Land and buildings located in Ourael, Addjs Ababa area 9,909 square metres; title deed No. 10116. (b) Land and shops located along Wavel Street, Addis Ababa; area 895 square metres (approx.) (c) Land located in the town of Sabata; area 106,774 square metres (appFox.) (d) Agricult, ural lands located in Sabata Woreda, Mevta Abo Mekitl Woreda (area undefined). - 11 71 -




l ria mo , tal Me spi hi nd Ho Ga ma hat locat ed Me the of ing ild bu d (a) Land an . 97 93 o. N ed de le tit ; es etr m re ua sq 27 6,2 ea ar ; ba ba is Add A (b) Agricultural and urban properties located in Addis Ababa and in the Teklay Ghizats of Sidamo, Sho,f-, Arussi and Wolle, formerly belonging to the late H.E. Dedjazmatch Balchia and transferred by deed to H.I.M. Haile Selassie I (area undefinec.). II ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES

1. BETE SELHOM (HOME FOR THE POOR) DEBRE-LIBANOS (a) Land and buildings along General Wingate Street; area 1,000 sq ·uare metres. (b) La.nd, h.ouses and flour mill lccated in Debre Libanos (area undefined). (c) Agricultural land located in Se:ale Awraja; area 13 3 / 4 gashs (approx.). 2. TRINITY MONSTERY All of the property, goods, funds and assets of the Trinity Monastery, subject to tl1e discl1arge by the Foundation of the following obligations: (a) the Trinity Chu.rch (established by ·us as a memorial to Our Name), its monastery and all buildings, shall be at all times n1aintained in good condition; (b) the scl1ools and charitable institutions depende11t upon tl1e T rinit)1 Monastery shall be maintained a.nd expanded; (c) Church services shall be regularly conducted in tl1e '"frinity Cl1urcl1; (d) teaching in the ecclesiastical schools dependent 11po11 the Tri11ity Mo11a­ stery shall be advanced and enlarged, and provision sl1all be made for the proper tea.cbing of: i) Amharic reading, writing and gramn1ar; ii) Ge'ez grammar and poetry; iii) the knowledge of ecclesiastical hymns and books 011 tl1eology; iv) the interpretation of the old and the New Testaine11ts a11d the stud y of religious treatises by Monks and Learned .Men. C9NSOLI:CATION NOTE Haile to ry 0) 7 (19 G. 1 Mo11aste 263, (transferring assets of Tri11ity I �ipl. arrid. ?1 � Selacs1e I Fou11dat1on, sub3ect to condjtions described i11 tI1is Aiinex).

Done at Addis Ababa this 22 day of July, 1959. - 1172 -

�� . -------=-Se--ction 33 33-1

A WARDS, HONOURS AND MEDALS 4/3 (1944) D. 4* CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA 1. Being desirious of indicati ?g to Our beloved subjects Our especial favour for those \�110 had ta �e! arms against the e11emy in defence of the Homeland d11ring the period of l1ost1l1ties of 1936-1941 or wl10 by other means had consecrated them­ selves t? tl1e e �pulsio11 of the inva �er, We l1ave by Our especial grace and in accord­ ance with Article 15 of Our Constitution establisl1ed and We grant in testimony and recompense for their devotion to,1/ard Us and for th.eir eminently patriotic services, the following medals: CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to l1ere is the Constitution of 1931. This Constitutio11 was repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149. 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1. Tl1e Article of the Revised Constitt1tio11 parallel to the cited Article of the 1931 Constitution is Article 31.

I. Medal of the Campaign 1936-1941. This medal will be awarded to meritorious patriots who carried on open hostilities against the ene111y d11ring the Ca.mpaign 1936-1941. Palms will be awarded for each year of hostility up to a maximum of 5 palms. Tl1e Patriots n1edal shall be of copper, having a diameter of 35 min. On tl1e obverse side of the medal shall be engraved the i1nage of His Imperial M·aj�sty Haile Selassie I, a11d 11nderneatl1 the in1age two swords cross each other. Above the image are written the words ''Tried by Fira Like Gold' 'On its reverse side are written the words ''Hope tried by Faith is an instrument of Victory, 1935''. Above the head of the writing there is a crown. The riband shall be based on red colour lined on either side with yellow and green which colours shall be lined vertically. II. Medal of the Patriots of the Interior 1936-1941. -This medal will be awarded to n1eritoriol1s patriots who carried on an underground military or political str11ggle against the enemy. Palms will be awarded for each year of struggle. The Medal for the Underground Patriots shall be made of copl?er having a round shape with a ?iamete � of 36 �- On the obverse s1�e 1n ve gra en be all I sh sie las Se ile Ha sty � aJe M l ria pe Im s Hi of e ihe imag er 1tt ed av Br ey nd Th ''A s rd wo the e ag � im the th ea ern nd .U tre the cen nd e nb th r of lou co e Th d. be cri ins be � all sh e'' nc tie Pa ith Death W ich n wh ee d gr an w llo ye by ed er rd bo g in be d re on d se ba shall be colours shall be Jjned vertically. * INTRODUCTION FOOTNOTE

Amd. 11/6 (1952) D. 11 as corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29 (Amharic only).

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III. Medal of the Patriot Refugees 1936 -. 1941 . This medal \Vill be awarded to n1eritorio11s patriots who 1n order 11ot to stt bn1it to the . ene,my preferred exile abro1d. Palms will be awarded for ea ch year of exile. The medal for the exiles shall be in ro1111d sl1ape to be made of copper. On the obverse side there is 1he image of His Imperial Majesty Haile Se­ lassie I at the top and a star underneath. 011 either side of the image of th.e star shall be inscribed tie words ''Guided by Star''. 011 its reverse side are i11scribed the words ''Hope Tried by .FaitI1 is an Instr11ment of Victorv 1935''. The colot.r of the riband sl1all be based on blue-black bordered· by g.reen, yellow a11d red which colo11rs are li11ed vertically. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 11/6 (1952) D. 11 as corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29 (Amharic only).

2. The mjlita.ry medals of Saint GeJrge a11d Haile S elassie I, will be awarded to meritorious combatants who rende1ed distinguisl1ed military services to the Empire d11ring the hostilities 1936-194:. 3. All the above medals may be awirded as posth11mous honours and may be delivered in memory of the deceased to iis eldest son or� i11 tl1e absence of sons to his eldest dat1ghter. 4. Tl1ese l1011ours sha.Il be awarded by Ot1rselves after recommendations of Honours Commissions desjg11ated by 011rselves in conformity with tl1e present Decree. The recommendatio11 s of the Commissions will be established in conforn1ity \vith the regulations established. �y Ourrelves for their gt1ida11ce. · 5 . Provincial Co111missioos of seven members each designated by Us will meet as soon as possible i11 the capitals of all Ottr Provinces witl1 the power and authority to search for, examine and to propose in conformity with tl1e regt1lations all meri­ 'torio·u s persons to wl1om these honours should be awarded. Each Commission will have a Preside11 t designated by ·u s fron1 an1011g its me1nbers. The qt1ort1m shall be of 5 members. In case of tie the vo:e of the Preside11t shall be decisi,1e. Eacl1 Commission shall elect a Vice-President from among its members. The recon1mendatio11s of each Provincial Commi�sion sl1all be tra11s111itted to Our Central Commission at Addis Ababa in accordance witl1 tl1e provisio11 s of Articles 10 a11d I I of the present Decree. 6. The Central Commission of 9 me1nbers desig11ated by Ot1rselves sl1all 1neet as soon · as possible at Addis Ababa with the power and at1thority to s11pervise tl1e activfties 9f the Provincial Commissions and IJarticularly to revise tl1e recom111e11d�­ tions transmitted to it by said Provincia1 Comn1issio11s, a11d after revisio11 to trans1111t to Us the final recommendations. Tl1e Co1nmissio11 sl1 all l1ave a Preside11t designated by Ourselves from among its members. The q11or11m sl1all be of seven 111e111 bers. In ·case of a tie tl1e vote of the President shall be decisive. Tlie Con11nissio11 shall elect a Vice-President from among its memcers. · . 7. Tl1e Central Comn 1ission as well as the Provincial Co n1missions sl1all l1a,,e the authority to exami11e all doct1ments a11 d official files in order to fulfil their fuoc­ ti�ns. The co-operation and assistance Jf all Otlr loyal subjects sliall be given to this end. 8. All testimo�y _whetl1er_ verbal or written shall be 1111der oatli and the n1e!11bers of the Comm1ss1ons designated by Ourselves sllall take oatll before en tering into office.




9. The deliberatio11s of the Com111issio11 s shal , l be kept str1c · tIy secret. . . 10. The Pr . p]ete tl1e1·r. act·1 v1t1 · · es a11d se11 cl tl1 e1r . ov111. c1a. l Cornn1issio11s sh�all. coni recomme11 d at1011s to tl1e Central Con1 1n1ss1011 "vitb i'·n ,a per10 · d of· six · 111onth .s from · . the date of th e present Decree. At least six weeks before sendi tlg t· he1r · recommenda. . t'1ons_ to tl1e . Ce11tr� 1 Con1 m1�s1on, the Provjncial Co1nmissio11s shall post i 1 1 the c_ap1tals of _ t he IJrov1nc�s t_l1e I 1st of perso11s for whon1 11011otirs are proposed. These . _ 1nc l11de an 111d1catio11 of eacl1 J1ono11r proiJosed w·t lists sl1all 1 l1 pa1ms, accord'1 og . . · 11�11sta11ces. T 11�se Con1n11ss1oi1s shall take i11 to co11sideration all i11 forrnat? the c1rc �1011 _transm1t�ed to then1 in regarcl to perso11s a11d l1011011rs to be designated, except111g 1 11format1on from a11onyn1011s sources. 11. The Ce11t.ral Con1missio11 sl1all tra11smit to Us withi11 tl1e period of 011e year from tl1e date of the present Decree, at the latest, its fi11al reco1nmendations. 12. The names of tl1e perso11s to \\1hom We shall l1ave awarded these medals sha.ll be entered in the BOOK OF HONOUR 1935-1941. 13. Tl1 is Decree '\-Vill enter into force on the 20th day of Jan11 ary, 1945. Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of November, 1944. 4/5 (1945) D. 5*

A DECREE TO AWARD DECORATION TO COLOURS OF MILITARY UNITS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA On the occassion of the commemoration of the patriots fallen on the battle­ field it1 defence of the Homeland We desire to display Our special favour toward all those Otir loyal subjects wl10 collectively as organs of the national defence have contributed and conti11l1e to contribt1te to the defence of the homeland. To trus end We award· by Our especial grace and in conformity with Article 15 of the Constitutio11 the decoration of the Knights Grand Cross of tl1e Trinity to the colours of the Grand Army of 1935-19. 41, as well �s to the colours of the imperial Guard, of: the Military School Haile Selassie, and of the Heroes of 1935-1941 fallen on the battlefield. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of tl1is second paragraph is d.ivided into Articles.

Done at Addis Ababa this 29th day of January, 1945. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE 1931. 'Phis Consti­ of on uti tit ns Co the is ble eam pr e th in to ed e1T The Constitt1tion ref · 1491 ) 55 � (19 /2 15 5 of 19 n , tio sti Co ed � vis Re the by � � tution was repealed and replaced _ ed Article of _ cit the to 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1. Th e Article of the revised Const1tut1on parallel the 1931 Constitution is Article 31.

- 1175 -



11/6 (1952) D. 10*

DECREE FIXING RANK AND DESCRIPTION OF MEDALS . CONQUERING LIOJ\� OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH ffAIL E SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, Ei\lPEROR OF ET HIOPIA WHEREAS, We deem it necessary to fix by regulation the description a11d ranks of the different medals issued from time to time; NOW, THE .REFORE, purst1ant to Article 15 of O ur Co11stitution We have approved and granted the regi.1lations herewith attached. O ur Minister of ·Pet1 is charged with tl1e execution of this Proclamation. Our Minister of Pen may issue regi.1lations in connection witl1 the execution of these regulations and all matters related tl1e�eto. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to l1ere is tle Constitt1tion of 1931. This Constitution was repealed. a11d replaced by tl1e Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149. 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1. The Article of tl1e Revised Constit1tion parallel to the cited Article of the 1931 Constitution is Article 31.

REGULA1�IONS GOVERNING MEDALS Particula� of Medals I. Med.als which shall be granted to persons for special services to the Imperial E thiopian Government, services of bravery, loyalty and other meritorious services, and their ra11ks are as follows: St. George's Meda] of War Haile Selassie I Medal of War Menelik II Mjlitary Medal Haile Selassie I Medal of National Service . Medals esta blished in Decree No. 4 of 1944 for Patriots a11d Exiles Medal of Dil-Kokeb (Star of Victory) Ye Memihira.11 Medal (Medal of Teachers) CONSOLIDi\TION NOTE The text as published in the Negarit Gu.zeta says "Decree No. 4 of 1947", but clearly "1944'' , the date of publication of Decree l'fo. 4 and the date given i11 tl1e Amharic, was intended.

ST. GEORGE'S MEDAL OF WAR 2. St. George's !Vfedal �f War is o� a heart sl1ape, having three sides a11d is made of copper. Its diameter 1s 40 mm. On the obverse side of tJ1e Medal is e11graved St. George on horse back k illing the Dragon. O n the top of tl1e in1age of the i mag � _ are 1nscr�bed th� words ''Haya! Kokebe Kibr'' (Mighty Star of· Victory). 011 the reverse side an image of a star is engraved. Under11eath there is an i11scriptio11 of n ''1923 '�. The riband shall be of g �ee11 anj yello\v lined J1orizontally, witl1 tb.e gree _ ty above and the yellow below. This medc.l was i11stittited by His J111perial MaJes Haile Selassie I in 1923 (1 930).


* INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29; amd. 11/7 (1952) D. 13 11/10 (1952) D 14, 16/10 (1957) G. 225, 16/14 (1957) D. 21, 17/11 (1958) G. 238. '

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This medal 111ay be wor11 by fiis l 111perial Majesty but it n1ay also be a \Yarded to Officers and n1en who 111ay have performed feats of great bravery in time of war. On . the ribai1d shall be wove11 one to tl1ree palm leaf victory decorations nun1ber111g tl1e deeds of tl1e wearer.

I-IAILE SELASSIE I MEDAi.. OF WAR 3. Haile Selassie I �edal o� War is of a heart sl1ape, l1aving tl1 ree sides, and . made of copper. Its d1an1eter 1s 40 n11n. 011 tl1e obverse side of the medal is en­ 1s graved tl1e image of His Imperial Majesty I1aile Selassie I s11rro11nded with an inscriptjo11 of the worcls ''fiaile Selassie I, 1923' '. On the reverse are two swords crossing eacl1 otl1er. Above the s,.vords there is a star. Ro11nd tl1e swords the words "0 Mjghty! Gird Tl1y Sword 011 Yo11r Loi11s''. The r.iband sl1all be of red and gree� with the gree11 above and tJ1e red belo,v. Tl1is Medal l1as been instituted by His Imperial Majesty Haile Sela.ssie 1. Tllis medal n1ay be bestowed 011 soldiers ,v.110 fought at the front or persons who are certified for tl1eir ,vork i11 inve11ting scientific or other ingenious means for the success of a war. On the riband shall be 011e to three _pal111 leaf ,1ictory decorations n11mbering the deeds or services of the wearer.

MENELIK II MILITARY MEDAL 4. Me11elik II Military Medal is of a round shape ha.ving thirty-three mm. diameter. On the obverse side is e11graved the image of Emperor Menelik II round villich are written tl1e words ''Me11e]ik II, Emperor of Ethiopia''. On the reverse side are writte11 the ,vords ''Cori'queri11g Lio11 of tl1e Tribe of Judah''. Tl1is Medal has t\\1 0 ranks: The first ra11k Medal is of gold a11d has the ribbon blue. The two middle stripes are triangt1lar, vertical and of yellow colo11r. The second rank Medal is of silver and has tl1e ribbon bll1e. The middle stripe is tria11gt1lar and vertical a11d of red colour. This Medal is awardab]e to soldiers who have served uninterruptedly jn tl1e military forces for a period of 15 years. Periods of service and high esteem of his services \Viii make one eligible for the gold Medal. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

An1d. 16/10 (1957) G. 225 Art. 2.

HAILE SELASSIE I NATIONAL SERVICE MEDAL ­ dia g a in e ha ap s nd rou a of is l da Me � _ e vic � Ser l na tio Na I ie ass ile Sel 5. Ha meter of 40 mm. On the obverse side is e11graved the image of !f ts Im·p�r1a 1 MaJesty Haile Selassie I surrounding which are inscribed the words ''Hail :,Sel�ss1� I, October s he etc p Str a hio Et s o e th l da Me � e th of � e sid ! e � ers rev , 23 1923'', (1930). On the . ve wo 1 I. ter .S. ls t1a 1ru e th e ar � re 11t ce � e t11 111 � d. be cri ins r He Hand un to God'' ar e _ �ert1cally l1n_ed. This The riband shall be of the colours of green, yellow and red l da Me is . 23 Th 19 I 1n sie las Se e ail H ty jes Ma l Medal was instituted b y His Imperia has two ranks: first rank is of gold; second rank is of silver. - 1177 -



This Medal is rewardable to persons �ho have s�rve� tl1e Government by means of inventions of scie11 tific or other w1sdo111, to histor 1a11s and authors. Th e gold medal is rewardable to tlie most pron1 inent persons in tl1ese services. , CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Arn.d. 11/7 (1952) D. 13, 16/14 (1957) D. 21.


THE STAR OF VICTORY MEDAL 6. The Star of Victory Medal is n1ade of wrute n1 etal in the shaJ)e of a Cross Formee. The cross is 35 mm. in le11gth and 35 mm. across. 011 the obverse side at the cross line there is a star and the words ''Dil Kokeb 1933'' inscribed on the cross. Above the inscription is a cr,)wn. The riband is green, yellow and red, to be lined vertically i11 six linings. This medal may be bestowed 011 tiose who took part in the campajgn of 1941 when His In1perial Majesty Haile Selassie I gained victory over His enemies and entered the capital city i11 triumph. This Medal was instituted by His I111perial M:ajesty Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, i11 1941 . CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29; a,nd. 11/10 ('.952) D. 14, 17/11 (1958) G. 238.

THE MEMIHIRAN l\1EDAL 7. The Memihiran Medal is of a rou11d form. It has a length of 42 mn1. . and a width of 35 mm. On the obverse side are engraved images of a closed book, an ear of wheat and rays. Rou11d the ejge are inscribed tl1e vvords ''Learning is t11e Crown of the Wise, 1949''. On the reverse side is engraved a star e11 closed by three linings. Near the linings are the letters H.S.I. interwoven. Above the letters there is a crown a11d t1nder11eath the words ''Teachers Decoratio11' '. Aro11nd it are inscribed the words ''By His Imperial Wajesty Em1)eror of Etl1iopia Go Forth and Teacl1' '. Tl1e riband is of gree11 ancl vi), let colo11r verticaJly Ii11ed \\'ith the gree11 in tw� and th. e _ viol�t in t11ree li11es. This Medal is i11stit11ted by His Jn1perial Majesty Haile Selassie I, 1n 1942. The Medal is of t\\'O ranks: first rank is of gold; • second rank is of silver. This Medal is rewardable to teachers wl1 0 have served for 111 ore tl1an fiJ�teen years, promin�nt teacl1ers or_ otl1er perso11s of learr,ing. '"f1,e gold Medal is re\'vard­ able to prominent persons rn these services.


h �uc ss 8. No Etl1i?I)ia11 subject shall receive or wea.r a11y foreigti rnedal t1.nle esty MaJ al perso11 has received before-ha11d permission to do so from His Imperi the Emperor of Ethiopia. th r1s tio � 9. (a) Medals shall b� wo�·11_ 011 the left breast and subject to regttla � o col _ d a11 may be ��rn 111 m1111att1re b11t sl1all be of the same for1u as the or1g111al, as establish�d by tJ1 e rules. 1 i or acc e s other\vi_ 1l�ss 1 l!. be prescribed d 1 are g t; (b) the rat,k of medals shall we e th to oc�ording priority to the cate of award of the 1uedal

-1178 -




IO. (a)


who1 11 a medal is bestowed sl1 all receive a cerfifirate �ny persoi, \1P0n _ f10111 tl1e .i\11 111stry of Pe11 .

(b) 011�y the certificate fro111 tl1e Mi11istry of Pe11 shall be evidence to the has beet1 dttly rewarded st1ch medal by fact tl1at t�1e owner of a 1nedal _ the Imper ��l Gover11n1ent. 111 cases \.vl1 ere origi11al or certified copies of tl, � certificate ca1�11?t be prodt1cecl tl1e .tvii11istry of Pe11 shall 11ot be qt1 est1011ed for prov1d111g evide11 ce. 11. The Mi11ister of Pe11 sl1all be respo11 sible for tl1 e regulatio11 of meclals. A r1 v perso � \vho makes, forges or selIs or atten1pts to make, forge or sell medals sl1ail _ be guilty of a11 offence a11d pt1 n1sl1able a.ccorcli 11 g to Law. CROSS REFERENCE Tl1e relevant provisio11s of la\v hcrei11 referrecl to appear ' to be Penal Code, 16/Ex. 1 (1957) 1-\rts. 338, 739.

Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 2 9t11 day of Febrt1ary, 1 952. 11/7 ( J.952) D. I 2 DECREE ESTABLISI-IING KOREAN WAR MEDAL CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We consider it desirable to i11trodt1ce a medal wl1ich shall be awarded to Ot1r soldiers whom We se11t to the Korean Front to fight against Aggressio11 as a t1nit of COLLECTIVE SECURITY; _· . - PURSUANT to Article 15 of 0Ltr Co11stitt 1 tion We co11sider it 11 ecessary a11d decree as follo,vs: CONSOLIDATION NOTE TJ1e Co11stitutio11 referred to l1ere is the Constitution of. 1931. This Constitution was repealed and. replaced. by tl1e Revised Constitt1tion of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1. The Article of tl1e Revised Co11stitt1tion parallel to the cited Article of t11e 1931 Constitution is Article 31.

I. A Medal called the ''Me1norial Medal of Korea11 War'' is hereby established. The construction of the 1nedal is as follows: The Meclal J1aving th.ree arcl1 es, sl1all be made of a white metal and Our image shall be engraved in tl1e centre of the obverse of the medal. There is a star with rays on each of the arches ,vl1jch are 011 the left and right sides of the image. On the third arch, beneath the i1nage a lion shall appear leaning very heavily on its two paws. The words ''CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH'' are inscribed right be11eath it . On tl1e reverse side of the 1nedal tl1e words ''WE LOVE UNIVERSAL LIBERTY BU T ARE ENEMIES OF AGGRESSION KOREA, 1951'' are also inscribed. There is also a crown above tl1 e cross and the ring o·f tl1e ribbon is fastened to it. TI1e rib bo n sl1all be bordered by the Ethiopian colo11rs; tl1.e ns, tio n Na u · e ited t of t1rs col the og � e11t res rep 1e, blt ! a11d � ite n1iddle being of wl1 . 10 defence of ns tio d Na ite Un the th w1 es sid ing tak 's pia hio in memory of Et Collective Secl1rity. - 1179 -



2. This meda1 sha11 be awarded to all soldiers who ha�e been detailed to the Korean Front as a unit of Collective Security to fight against Aggression. 3. This Decree may be cited as ''1he Memorial of the Korean War, Establish­ ment Decree of 1952''. Done at Addis Ababa this 31st day o.f March, 1952. 13/14 (1954) D. 15

INSIGNIA DECREE PROMULGATING INSIGNIA REGULATIONS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We have taken cog11i:tance of the need to in1prove the Regulations which have from time to time been de'.ermined for the Orders of Chivalry of Our Imperial Government established from time to time in the course of th� years by former Imperial commands, and to issue them in consolidated form; Pt1rst1ant to Article 15 of Ot1r Constitution, We decree as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to here is 1he Constitution of 1931. This Constitution ,vas repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1. The Article of the Revised Coi1stitution parallel to the cited Article of the 1931 Constitution is Article 31.

1. This Decree sh.all be known as the ''Insignia Decree of 1954''. 2. We have approved and granted the Insignia Regulations an11exed l1ereto. 3. We have charged Our Minister of Pe11 with tl1e executio11 and fulfiln1ent of these Regulations, and with the issuance of the instrt1ctions necessary for tl1e execution of the Regulations.

INSIGNIA REGULATIONS The Orders of Chivalry of the Imperial Ethiopia11 Gover11mei1t are the follo\ving: The Order of the Seal of Solomon. The Order of the Queen of Sheba. The Order of the Trinity. Tl1e Order of Menelik II. The Order of the Star of Ho1our of Ethopia. - ll80 -




TH.E ORDER O F TI-IE SEAL OF SOLOMO N The Order of the Seal of Solomo11 is tl1e most ancient Order It compris a es Collar and five other Classes.

THE COLLAR �he �ollar of S �lo1no11 :was institt1ted by 1-lis Imperial Majesty flaile Selassie the First 10 1930. It_ is_ tl1e h1gl1est distinctio11 and is reserved to the Emperor and the Empr�ss of Eth1op1a, except tl1at as a n1ark of special regard on the part of the Emper ?r it ma)' �e conferr �cl 11po11 members of the Imperial Family and upon Soverei gns of fore1g11 cot111tr1es; a11d f11rtl1er 11pon perso11s wl10 have rendered ex­ ceptionally meritorio11s services. On the obverse side of tl1e engraved Badge suspe11ded from the border of the Collar are represented tl1e Q11een of Sheba approaching Solon1011, and Ethiopia stretching forth 11er ha11ds to God. In the st1rrot1nd are inscribed the words, ''Our God is ot1r Strength and ot1r RefL1ge''. At the top of the Badge appear two Lions st1pporting the Cro\vn of the Emperor of Ethiopia. Tl1e Collar from wluch the Badge is s11spe11ded is a gold chai11 hanging low round the 11eck a11d havi11g links c11t i11 tl1e shape of tl1e Seal of Solomon. The e11graved Plaque is of the same design as the Badge except for the crown. and the Lions. The Plaq11e is worn on the left breast. There are special ceremonial robes assig11ed for wear with the Collar. The Collar is to be worn on the ''Collar days'' specified at the end of these Regulatio11s, and on occasion the subject of special comn1a11d. On occasions when the Collar is not worn, holders of tllis distinction shall wear the Cordon of Solomon together with tl1e Badge and the Plaqt1e pertaining to the Collar. The number of holders of this distinctio11 shall not exceed three apart from members of the Imperial Family a.11d Sovereigns of forejgn states.

GRAND CORDON The Cordo11 of the Order of Solon1011 may be conferred 11pon Sovereigns, members of Royal Houses, a11d upon persons who have rendered meritorious services. The Cordon is a green Riband. Attached to the ·bor�er of the Ribancl a�d _ _ st1spended therefrom is a Badge, fifty-five millimetres 1n �1ameter, ;111ade with six points in the shape of the Seal of Solo.mon. In the centre 1s the device of a Cross, and at the top of the Cross the device of a Cro·wn. . ter dia me in es etr llim mi e�y nin , on tag oc r ula reg a of pe The Plaque is in the sha _ n1cu c1r the of ets fac ht eig the n po s. os Cr of e vic de � Upo11 the octagon is the . . � e th on rn 1s e wo qu Pla e Th s. ray e 11k t ou g din rea sp s int ce po en fer are forty-eight left breast. The number of members of this Class shall not exceed ten. - 1181 -



GRAND OFFICER T he I i1s.ig11 ia of t he Grand Officer a�e a Badge SLtSP.enci�d from th� neck and a Plaque \vorn on tl1e right breast. Tl1e r1band from which t_he 18 suspended is of t he sa1ne green colot1r as the Cordo1J. The eiigraved Badge and Plaqt1e are of the same designs as th ose detailecl for th e Cordo11 . The nw11ber of members of this Class s hall nc-t exceed twe11ty.

COMMANDER The ]nsiguia of the Comn1ander are a riba11d a i1d eng�aved Badge wo�n _round t he 11eck, of the kind i11dicated for tl1e Grand Officer, with the sole orn1ss1o n of the Plaque. Tl1e number of members of this Class sl1all not exceed twenty-five.

OFFICER The Badge of the Class of Officer bears a Rosette and is worn on t he brea sl. The Colot1r of tl1e Riba11d from wl1icl1 the Badge is st1spe11ded is green. Th e 11t1mber of n1embers of tl1is Class shall not exceed t h irty-five.

CHEVALIER The Badge of tl1_e Class of Crievalier l1as 110 Rosette and is \vorn on the breast. The colot1r of the Riband is gree11 as for tl1e forn1er Class. Tl1e number of 1nembers of t hjs shall not exceed forty-five.

THE ORDER OF THE QUEEN OF SHEBA Th e Order of the Quee11 of Sheba was i11stituted by 1-Iis Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie the First i11 1930. It con1prises a Collar and five otl1er Classes.

THE COLLAR The collar of th e Qt1een of Sheba is a very 'bigl1 disti 11 ctio11 and is reser ved to th e En1peror a11d the En1press of E1hiopia except that as a n1ar_k of special rega_r d on the part of the Emperor it may be conferred up011 1uembers of tl1e l111perial Famjly and upo11 Sovereigns a11d Preside11ts of foreign cot1i1tries; a 11d ft1rth er u1Jon persons who have rend.erect exceptionally n1eritoriot1s services. i­ rnill ve fifty-fi suspended Badge from the 'border of the Collar is The engraved � met�rs in diame_ter, enan1elled an� made in tl1e s11 ape of tile Seal of Solomor1, ao th s ea p1 f hav1ng three points. In the ce11t�e 1s tl1e device of a star. UJ?On t} 1e s_tar a . J � 0 vic de e e Queen of S heba, crowned and 1n profile. At tl1e top of tl,e Badge 1s th a Crown. d gol �o sus Th lla_ pe� e r , ded a fro m the is 11eck a11d J,anging low on tlie breast, . ch ain h aving l111ks Clit 111 th e sh ape of the Seal of Solomon. ked r ,vo The Plaql1e is composed of an eqt1i]ateral tria11gle and the centre is rs. te e ill into th e shape of the Seal of Solomon, i11 enanlel. T he di�nleter is eighty m im - 1182 -







U po11 each facet_ is eo�rave ? tl1e resemblance of a tongue of fire. J 11 the surrot1ncl are the ,vo r�s, '·WI1o 1s t]11 s tl1at shi11etl1 lil<e the claw11 ? The Quee11 of Sl1eba ''. The Plaqt1e 1s ,vorn on tl1e left breast. · Tl1e Collar o f tl1e Qt1ee !1 of Sl1eba is to be wor11 011 tl1e '·Collar days'' specified at tl1e e11d of tl1ese Regulat1011s, a11cl 011 occasions the subject of special commat1d. 011 tl1e occasio11s ,vhe 1 1 tl1e Collar is 1Jot \-Vor11, l1olders of tJ1is disti11ction shall vvear tl1e Cordo11 of tl1e Qt1een of· Sheba togetl1er ,,vitl1 the Ba.dge and the Plaqt1e 1Jertai11ing to the Collar. The 11t1n1 ber of l1olders of this disti 11ctio11 sl1all 11 ot exceed five apart fron1 n1en1bers of the I111perial Fa111ily a 11cl So,,ereigns o f foreig11 states.

GRAND CORDON The Cordo11 of tl1e Order of tl1e Queen of Sheba 111ay be conferred upon n1em­ bers of .Royal I-Iot1ses and t1po11 perso11s wl10 l1ave re 11dered meritoriot1s services. The Cordo11 is a Riba 11d: wi11e colored, ,vith green alo 11g each border. Tl1e Badge suspe11ded fron1 the border o f the Cordo11, a11d the e11graved Plaque \-vorn 01 1 tl1e left breast are of tl1e kincl i 11 dicated for the Collar, \.Vith the sole 0111issior1 of tl1e enamelling. Tl1e 1 1t1111ber of me111bers of tl1is Class shall 11 ot exceed fiftee11.

GRAND OFFICER The I11sigt1ia of the Gra11d Officer are a Badge worn at the 11eck and ,t Plaque worn on the right breast. The Ribands from wl1ich tl1 e Badge is suspended is wine col ot1red, witl1 gree11 along eacl1 border. The engraved Badge a11d Plaqt1e are of the same desig11s as tl1ose detailed for the Cordo11. The nttmber o f members of tL1is C]ass sha'Jl not exceecl twe11ty-:five.

COM1\1ANDER T.he Insig11ia o f the Co.mmander are a Riband a 11d eng� aved Badge wo�n _ ro und the neck, of the kind indicated fo r the Grand Officer, w1f h the sole om1ss1on of the Plaqt1e. The t1 t1mber of members o f this Class shall no t exceed thirty-five.

OFF'ICER The Badge of the Class of Officer bears a Ro sette and is wo� n o� the left breast. _ The colottr of the Riband fron1 which the Badge is st1spended 1s wine co lot,r, wrth green alo11g each border. T11e nt1mber of n1embers of this Class sha.11 not excee.d fo rty-five. CHEVALIER The Badge of the Class of Ch�vali:r has no Ro�ette and is worn on the left . breast. Tlle colour of tlie Ribaod 1s w1ne colour, ,v1th green along each border. The number of members of this Class shall not exceed fifty-five. - 1183 -


Y IT IN R T E H T F O R E D R O E TH The Order of t11e Trinity was institt1ted by His Imperial MajeSiy �aile Selassie the First in 1930. It is conferred upon persons who have ren�ered s�rv1ees to Ethio .. pia, whether military or civil, in Classes in accordance with their services. The Riband of tl1is Order is light red in colot1r. There are five Classes of the Order of the Trinity, a.s i11dicated in the following paragraphs.


The Grand Cordon hangs dow11 fron1 the right and crosses from the right side to the left. The Badge suspended from the border of tl1e Cordon is eighty millimetres in diameter and has in its four corners e11graved work like flower petals. The centre is rou11ded and divided into three facets. In these three facets are repre­ sented in enamel the Three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. In the surround are inscribed the words, ''Blessed art Thou that dost see the depths, seated u.pon the Cherubin1''. At the top of the Badge is the device of a Crown. The Plaqt1e to be worn on the left breast is of. the same design as the Badge, save only tl1at it is ornamented with a ring of engraved \vork resembling tongues of fire, with forty-fot1r points. The nt1mber of members of this Class shall not exceed twenty-five.

GRAND OFFICER The Insignia of the Grand Officer are a Badge st1spended at the neck and a Pla,que wor11 on the right breast. The design .and proportions of the engraved Badge and Plaqt1e are a.s stated for the Cordo11. The nt1mber of members of this Class sha.ll 11ot exceed forty-five.


The Insignia of the Commander, worn rou11d tl1e neck, are of the kind indi­ cated for the Grand Officer, with the sole omission of tl1e Plaque. The number of members of this class shall not exceed fifty-five.

OFFICER The Badge of the Class of Officer i11clt1des a Rosette emblem and is worn on :he left breast. S�ve only t�at �ts ?ian1eter is forty-five millimetres, the style of the vngraved Badge 1s of tl1e kind 1nd1cated for tl1e Commander. The number of members of this Class is llnlimited.


i e t of is h k nd . The Badge of the class ?f Chevalier is worn 011 the left breast and . mdicated for the Officer, with the sole omission of the Rosette. The number of members of this Class is un limited.

- 1184 -



rfH.E ORDER OF MENELIK TI-l'E SECON·n Tl1e Orde1� of M �1 1elik �11� S �co1 1cl \v,ts institutecl in 1924, i 11 the regin of tl,c Em1?ress Z �LiditLi _ .. lt is a cl 1 st11 1ct10 1 1 conferrecl Lipon persons \vl1 0 J1ave rendered wJ1etl1er i11 Classes i 11 accordance \Vith their _ serv�ces to Ethiopicl, _ 1 11ilitary or civil, servi ces. TI1e Riband of tl11s Order is yello\\1, witl1 green, yellow a 11 d red along each borcler. There arc five Classes of tl1e Order of Menelik tl1e Seco 1 1d, as inclicated i 11 the follo\vi11g p,1ragrapl1s.

GR.t\ND CORDON The Gra 1 1d Corel on l1a11 gs clo\vn fro1 n tl1e rigl1 t s11ot1lder a11d crosses from the rigl1t side to tl1e left. The Badge st1spe 1 1cled fron1 tl1e borcler of the Cordon is fifty millimetres i 1 1 dian,eter and is e1 1gra.ved i 1 1 the sl1a1)e of a1 1 Apostles' Cross. The Ce11ter is ci�ct1lar and \vorked in e11ameJ. On tl1e circle is a Lio11 bearing the Flag of Etl,iopia. Above tl1e Lion are i 1 1scribed the words, ''Mo'a a 1 1basa Z. Y." (abbre­ viatio11 for ''Tl1e Lio 1 1 of tl1e Tribe of Jt1dah ]1atl1 conqL1ered''). At the top of the Badge is tl1e device of a crow 1 1. On tl1e reverse side of the Badge are inscribed tl1 e letters ''M. II'' (abbreviatio 1 1 for ''Mene]ik tl1e Seco11d''). Tl1e Plaqt1e to be wor.n on the left breast is circ11lar and worked in the likeness of rays. On tl1e circle appears tl1e design of tl1e Badge. Tl1e diameter of tl1e circle is eigl1ty mi.llin1etres. UJ Jon tl1e circumference appear poi11tecl rays, eight sn1ootl1 in fretwork. a 11d eight ..., The 11t 1 mbcr of n1e1nbers of tl1 is Class sl1all 1 1ot exceed thirty-five.

GRt\ND OFFICER The J11sigi1ia of the GraL1d Officer are a s11spendecl at the neck a 11d PJaqt1e \Vor 1 1 011 the rigl1t breast. The design and JJroportions of the e11gravecl Badge and .PJaq11e are as stated for the Cordon. The nt 1 rober of 1 11e 1 11l1ers of this Class sha]l 11ot exceed forty-five.

COMMANDER The J11sig 11 ia of the Co1n1nancler, worn rou11d the 11 eck, are of the kind i11 dicated for the Gra 1 1d Officer, \Vitl1 tl1e sole 01nissio11 of the Plaqt1e. The 1 111mber of 111e 1 11 bcrs of this Class sl1all not exceed fifty-five. OFFICER

1 1 0 11 r d is wo an 1 n. bl� te eID: ?et �o a �s t1d inc cer Offi of � ss cla the e e Th Ba clg of _ the left breast. Save 0 11Jy tl,at its dia1 neter JS sixty m 1ll1metres 1t 1s of the kin d stated for the Cordo11. ·The nu 1 nber of n1en1bers of this Class is unlimited.

CHEVALIER The Badg(! of tile Class of Chevalier is wo�11 01 1 the left breast and is of the _ kind indicated for the Officer, \Vith tl1e sole om1 ss1 on of the Rosette. The 1 1t1mber of members of this Class is tinlimited.

- 1185 -


THE ORDER OJF THE ST&R OF MOJNiOilu1R OF ETHIOPIA c i tin dis a is ia o Et of � � ur no ? 11 conferre_ � up011 Ho of � r Sta The Order of the v r er et tltta wh or , 1 iop Eth c1 � t? es i � serv � � persons wh.o h.ave rendered : 11, a11d � sinJilarly upon persons who have, 1n L1 teratt1re, 1n Art_, 1n Science, 1n Agriculture, in Co,mmerce, or j 11 Jndtlstry, performed tasks beneficial to t_he country ; they are assigned to Classes in accordance ,vith the in1portance of the1r work. �he _ ruband of this Order is of green, yel1o,v and red, the colours of the Flag of Eth1op 1a. The-re are five Classes of the Order of the Star of Honour of Ethiopia, as in­ dicated in the followi11g paragraphs.

GRAND CORDON The Gran.d Cordon hangs down from the right shoulder and crosses from the right side to the left. The Badge suspended f1·om tl1 e border of the Cordo11 is eighty millimetres in diameter. The circula.r medallio11 is in fretwork in the shape of a shield. On tl1e circumference appear eleven large and eleven small pointed rays. The flange at the top of tl1e Badge is worl<ecl in the likeness of a heart, and in the . the left breast centre is the device of a cross. The engraved Plaque to be wor11 on is of the san1e design and proportions as tl1ose of the Badge, with the sole omission of the flange. The 11umber of members of this Class shall not exceed fifty.

GRAND OFFICER The Insignia of the Grand Officer are a Badge suspended at the neck and a Plaque ,vorn on the rigb.t breast. The Badge is eighty millin1etres in diameter and is in blind fretwork. In the centre is a Ripand. T11 the st1rrot1nd are eight pointed rays. T.he fla11ge at the top of the Badge is of the kind. stated for the Cordon. The engraved Plaql1e is of the same design a 11d proportions as those of the Badge, with the sole omission of the flange. The nt11nber of n1embers of this Class shall not exceed 011e ht111dred.


T'he Insignia of tl1e Con1n1a11der, ,vor11 rot1 11d the neck are of the kind indjcated for the Gra11d Officer, with the sole omission of tl1e Plaq 11e. The 11t1mbes of 1nembers of this shall not exceed 011e htit1dred and fifty. OFFICER The Badge of the Class of Officer includes a Rosette en1 ble 1 n a11d is \:\1or 11 on t ?e left breast. Tl1e Badge is fifty-five rnillin1etres j 11 dian1 eter and is ,,.,0rked in the �1 ke11ess _of a Star. In the centre is a boss. The flange at the top of tlie B,ldge is worked 1n the likeness of a l1eart only. . embers of this Class is tinlimited. The number of m CHEVALIER Ba he dg e of the Class of Chevalier js \1/or11 the � of is . . an d on the left breast k1nd 1nd1cated fo . r the Officer, \Vith the sole omission of tlle Rosette. The nt1mber of members of. this Class is tlnlimited. - 1.186 -



MISI-IELLANEOlJS PROVISIONS (i) Ever pe rso y n ltpon w.l101n all Order is co11ferred n1ust rece _ _ fro tl1 ive n1 e Ministry of tl1e Pe11 a Certificate ppr priate to the Order. Also upon the � ? deatl, of a 1 11err1ber of ?n �rder, 111s heirs or relatives are req tiired to retttrn and st1rre11der the Ins1gn1a, t l1rough the Minister of Pe11 to Hi s 1vlajesty ' the E1nperor. (ii) Collar days: Collars are to be wor11 011 tl1c followi11g Festivals a11d \Vhenever tl1ere is a special con1mand: T·he Birtl1day of His Majesty the En1peror. The Coro11atio11 A11niversary of His Majesty the Emperor. The Commen1oration of tl1e Restoratio11 of I11depende11ce (5th May). D011e at Addis Ababa tl1is 20tl1 day of April, 1954. 16/14 (1957) D. 21 DECREE ESTABLISHING POLICE SERVICE MEDALS . CONQUERING LION OF TH.E TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Pt1rsuant to Article 31 of Our Constitutio11 \Ve approve and grant the following Decree regarding Police Service Medals: 1. This Decree n1ay be cited as the ''Police Medal Establishment Decree, 1957''. 2. The Haile Selassie I Police Medal is hereby established. J. The Haile Selassie I Police Medal is of a round shape having a diameter of forty-fot1r mn1. On the obverse side is e11graved the image of His Imperial Ma1esty Haile Selassie I surrounding which are inscribed the words ''His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Miazia 27th, 1949''. On the reverse side are inscribed the initials ''H.S.I." interwoven st1rrot1nded by tl1e Star of Trinity. Surrot111ding the Star are inscribed the words ''Ethiopia is stretching forth her hands to God''. This Medal is of two ranks. The first rank is of gold. The ribbon is blue with black in the middle a. n d the colours. slant do,vnwards to a point. The second rank is of silver. The ribbon is gree11 with )1ellow in the middle, slanting downwards to a point. This Medal n1ay be bestowed on persons of any ra.nk who have served for a period of fifteen years consecutively in the Police Force. The Gold Medal n1ay be bestowed on those who have had long and highly meritorious service. 4. Decree No. 13 of March 31, 1952 is hereby revoked. Done on this 5th day of May, 1957. - 1187 -


APPENDIX I Explanation of Etl1iopian Calendar Dates

The followi11g explanatio11 of tl1 e Etl1iopia11 Calendar is give11 for tl1ose who 111ay be confused hy the occasional 11se of Ethiopia11 Cale11dar dates in the English text of laws. The Etl1iopia11 Cale11dar (E.C.) co11tai11s twelve mo11ths of thjrty days each follo\ved by 011 e n1onth of five days (six days i11 Leap Years). T.l1e first day of the year is Meskerem 1, which falls 011 September 11 of the Gregorian Calendar (G.C.), except i11 tl1 e year follo,vi11g an Etl1iopia11 Cale11dar Leap Year, ,vhen it falls on September 12 G.C. Between Meskeren1 I E.C. and tl1 e end of the Gregorian Calendar year, tl1e year according to the Gregoria11 Cale.ndar. Th11s, a date in November 1971 G.C. is a date in 1964 E.C. Starting witl1 January 1 G.C., the year according to the Etl1iopia11 Cale11dar is eigL1t years behind the year accordi11g to the Gregorian Cale11dar. Every fo11rtl1 year is a Le�p Year in the Ethiopian Calendar. The extra day (Pagume 6) is added at the end of each year preceding a year whose n11mber is divi­ sible by fo11r. Th11s the years 1959 E.C. and ·1963 E.C. were Leap Years. The extra day falls on Septen1ber 11 G.C. of the year preceding each Gregorian Calendar Leap Year. Th11s, the extra days in 1959 a11d 1963 E.C. were September 11, 1967 and 1971, respectively. The res11lt of this variation is to alter by one day tl1e normal eq11ivalences between Ethiopia11 and Gregorian cale11dars, 11ntil the Gregorian Calendar catches 11p by addi11g a day on the subseque11t February 29. The followi11g table correlates tl1 e Ethiopian a11d Gregorian Calendars. Ethiopian Calendar (Norn1al) Meskerem 1 Meskerem 21 Tikimt 1 Tikimt 22 Hidar 1 Hidar 22 Tahsas I

Ethiopian Calendar (Year after Leap Year) Meskeren1 1 Meskerem 20 T'kj 1 mt I Tikimt 21 Hidar 1 Hjdar 21 Tahsas 1 -1-

Gregorian Calendar September 11 September 12 October 1 October 11 October 12 November 1 November 10 November 11 December 1 December 10 December 11


7 d d a r, ea Y r a d n le a C n a ri o g re To find G . r ea Y r a d n le a C 11 ia p io th E Years to •

Tahsas 23 Tir 1 Tir 24 Yekatit 1

January I Jant1ary 9 Ja11t1ary I 0 Febrt1ary I February 8 February 9 Marcl1 I March JO April I April 9

Tahsas 22 Tir 1 Tir 23 Yekatit I Yekatit 22 Megabit I Megabit 23 Miazia I

Yekatit 22 Megabit 1 Megabit 23 Miazia I

To fi11d Gregoria11 Cale11dar Year, add 8 Years to Ethiopian Calendar Year. May 1 May 9 June 1 June 8 July 1 July 8 August J August 7 September 1 September 6

Miazia 23 Ginbot I Ginbot 24 Sene 1 Se11e 24 Hamle 1 Hamle 25 Nehasse 1 Nehasse 26 Pagume I

Miazia 23 Ginbot I Ginbot 24 Sene I Sene 24 Hamle I Ramie 25 Nehasse I Neha.sse 26 Pagume 1



- 11 -

APPENDIX II Implied Repeals and Amendments in the Consolidated Laws

Tl1e first task of the lawyer seekjng to apply tl1e law to a known set of facts is to detem1ine wl1�t legal provision applies. Upon searching the statute books, however, he n1ay find more than one provision which seems to apply. After a complete search, he n1ay find that the statute do not contai11 an explicit repeal of any of these apparently applicable provisions. In that case, if two or more of tl1e provisions command inconsistent results, the lawyer will have to give effect to one of them, leaving the others ineffective. This result can only occur when the l�gislator has made a mistake: he l1as performed a useless act by enacting an ineffective provision, or be has rendered a former act of bis ineffective without explicitly stating that he has done so. Lawyers and judges of all nations dislike such a result, because it contradicts a basic principle of stat�tory interpretation-the principle that the legislator is assumed to act rationally a.nd with full knowledge of the relevant facts. Failure to follow this principle will leave the statute-interpreting judge or lawyer at sea without a compass. If he does not presume informe.d' rationality as the basis for statutory interpretation, he will not l1ave any consistent basis for resolving ambiguities and inconsistencies i n the law. Each individual judge and administrator will be left free to follow his own predilections, and the citizen will the·refore be left without any guidance as to his rights and responsibilities. Therefore, the lawyer confronted with two or more provisions of law which appea.r to govern the same set of facts must adopt the principle of positive inter­ pretation (assuming none of the provisions has been explicitly repealed): he must attempt to find a reasonable interpretation of tl1e provisions which will render them all effective. 1 The same principle is found in Article 1737 of the Civil Code of 1960, where it is applied to interpretation of contracts: ''Provisions capable of two meani ngs shall be given a meaning to render them effective rather than a meaning which would render them ineffective." There are, however, instances where the premise that the legislator intended all of his acts to be effective is so clearly inapplicable that the application of the principle of positive interpretation would in fact be the height of irrationality. The principle of positive interpretation and the need f©r caution in its applica­ tjon may be illustrated by the following hypothetical example. The legislator might impose a tax on sales of land, req1uiring the seller to pay $1.00 per gasha (about 2 1 /2 hecta.nes). Some years later the legislat0r might pass another law, without _ any refrence to the first law, prescribing a tax on all land sales, ameuntdng to $1.00 per gasha ''to be paid by the buyer." At first glance, th.ere might apJi>ear t0 be a conflict between tb.ese two provisions: who should pay the tax-the seller or ••• -111-


the buyer? Application of the principle of positive interpretation wo�ld avoid tl1is problem by concludi.I1g that the legislator inte11ded two taxes to be paid, $1.00 each by the seller and the buyer. Tl1us, both laws would be given effect. Some considera­ tion of tl1is example, however, sho,ws tl1e need for caution in applying the principle. It might well appear from tl1e rest of the language in the second law, or from the legislative history, that the legislator passing tl1e second law intended to set forth the only tax to be levied on sales of land and . that his failure to explicitly repeal the first law was inadvertent. In such a case, application of the principle of posi­ tive interpretation . would be unreasonable. Rather, the judge or lawyer would probably say that the legislator had repealed the earlier tax b)' in'l/Jlication. If the inco.nsistency between the two provisions was less complete, so that giving effect to the later provision would only require limiting tl1e earlier provision or making an exception to it, rather than rendering it totally ineffective, the earlier provision would be said to be i11'lpliedly a1ne11ded by tl1e later provision. Ethiopian statutory law contains a s11bstanial 11umber of examples of such inconsistent legal provisions to which t11e principle of positive interpretation cannot be applied rationally and fruitfully. 'fhe primary reaso11 for this state of affairs is Ethiopia's adoption between 1957 and 1965 of comprehensive codes covering most areas of the law but containing little specific direction concerning their effects on earlier legisla.tion. The diffic11lty posed by the immense bulk of new law wa.s compounded by the difficulty of finding relevant prior legal provisions, a difficulty which arose from the lack of a11y codified o,r consolidated statutes. Although so1ne of the code drafters prepared drafts of legislation to repeal or amend prior inconsiste11t provisions, none of these drafts was passed by Parliament. As a result, there are inconsistencies between code provisions and provisions in earlier laws. Most of the problems which have come to light in the preparation of the Consolidated Laws arise from the adoption of tl1e Penal Code of 1957. Before the the adoption of this Code, Ethiopia l1ad numerous statutes which defined offences and prescribed punishments for their con1mission. Tl1e wording of the Penal Code provisions describing the effect of tl1at Code on the earlier legislation, bas made it difficult to determine tl1e relationsl1i p between the Code an.d tl1e earlier penal provisions. Because the Consolidated Laws are ir1tended to include only the text of the laws as currently in effect, an atten1pt l1a.s been made to elirnin.ate all provisions of law which have been impliedly repealed and to 1nake the appropriate change i11 2 n. n e be have legislatio 'impliedly amended by subsequent · all provisions which This Appendix will explair1 tl1e general pri11ciples that J1ave bee11 follo,Red in the Consolidated Laws, in determining i111plied repeals and a111e 11drne11ts, and tl1e appli� cation of those principles to the peculiar problems posed by the Penal C(1de of 1957 . •

- IV -



GENERA f., PRINCil>LES �s tl1 � prece ?ing disct1ssion st1ggests, tl1e person who fii1ds two statt1tory prov1s1o�s 1n co11f�ct s �ot1ld t1sually aPLJly tl1e n1ore-rece11tly-enacted one and treat tl1e earlier_ 011e as 1n1pl1edly a1nended or repealed. Tl1is pri11ciple - - tl1at t11e later law prevails over tl1e earl1er - - is followed i11 botl1 con11non law and ci, law systems.3 It is gen�rally believecl tl1at a legislator, being 111ade aware of the conflict of 111s la�s, woulcl want tl1e n1ore recent expressio11 of l1is will to two between _ prevail. Moreover, a legislator always l1as power to amend or repeal his ow11 prior enact1ne11ts, wl1ereas he cannot bi11cl l1i1nself for the future by prohibiti11g future ame �dme _nts or repeals of a law. (He coulcl always repeal tl1e law whicl1 purported to bind 111m.) Therefore, tl1e ]ater law must be given effect; it could not be annullecJ by tl1e ea.rlier. Tl1ere is one ge11erally recog11ized exce1Jtio11 to this principle: it is generally held tl1at a specific provision n1ust prevail over a ge11eral provisio11.4 Tltis is really an application of the principle of positive interpretation, for it renders one law (the specific ) con1pletely effective, and 011ly partially limits tl1e effect of tl1e other (the general), by carvi11g out an exception to it. Tl1us, for instance, to vary our previot1s hypothetical example, the earlier la.w n1ight provide tl1at sellers of land in Shoa Province shall pay all taxes imposed 011 the sale, wl1ile tl1e later law might provide generally, for tl1e entire En1pire, tl1at btiyers of lat1d shall pay all taxes imposed t1pon tl1e sale thereof. Application of tl1e principle tl1at the specific prevails over the general would lead the lawyer to co11clude tl1at land sales taxes in Shoa Province should be paid by tl1e sellers, wl1ereas tl1ey should be paid by the buyers in the rest of tl1e Emoire. Again, however, as has been suggested with regard to the overall principle of positive interpretation, cauti.on must be t1sed in the application of the principle that the specific prevails over the general. It might well appear from the legislative l1istory and the circl1mstances surrondin.g the enactment of the later law tl1at the legislator intended it to have uniform application throughout tl1e Empire and that his failure to repeal the earlier law explicitly was simply the result of inadvertence. In that case, it wot1ld frustrate tl1e will of the legislator to contin11e to apply a special rt1le for Shoa Province. Ratl1er, the earlier law should be considered to be impliedly repealecl. In1p1ied repeal is particula.rly appropriate in this example because application of tl1e principle that tl1e specific prevails over the general would lead to an ineqt1ality of treat1nent within tl1e Empire that does not appear to be justified by any reasons of policy. Without such policy reasons, Articles 37 and 38 of the Revised Constit11tion of 1955, as well as universal principles of jt1stice, require that all citizens_ be treated equally.5 This desire for unifomlity and consistency, wl1ich must be balanced against the principle t11at the specific prevails over tl1e general, weighs especially heavily where the later, general law is a code. H.I.M. Haile Selassie I stated the general ratio n· ale of codification as follows i11 His Preface to the Civil Code of 1960; It is esse11tial t11at the law be clear a11d intelligible to each and every citizen of our Empire, so that he may without diffi�t1lty ascer� ain what are his rights and dl1ties in tl1e ordinary c? urse of life .... It 1s equally _ _ important that a Law which embraces a varied and diverse �� bJect matter, _ as is the case with the Civil Code, form a consistent and uruf1ed whole ... -v-


TJ 1is rationale, which applies to all codes, dictates that exceptions ,vhicl1 would be tJ1e result of giving effect to earlier specific provisions, in derogation of the ge11eral princiJJles in tl1e, be carved out only wJ1en tl1ey are clearly justified by policy and wl1e11 tl1e code itself provides for tl1em. The effect of the rationale of codification t1po11 the principle of positive interpretation is eve11 deeper. �fhe princi1Jle of posit;ve interpretation stresses tl1 e effort to make two laws consistent even if that requires stretching the mea11ing of 011e of tl1em. The rationale of codification, however, stresses the consistency anli u11 ity of tl1e code itself. It forbids tl1e interpreter fro1n stretching the meaning of any of the code's provision in order to adapt to some earlier law, for such stretch­ ing might well impair or even destroy tl1e unity and consistency witl1in the code itself. Furthermo·re, the code's silence on a particular subject does not necessarily leave a gap intended to allow provisions of earlier law to continue in effect. A code is by its nature intend.ed to regulate its entire subject matter. Unless the legislator l1as clearly manifested a co11trary intent, a code's silence on a subject within its scope 1nust be interpreted to leave tl1at subject unregulated and to repeal earlier laws tJ1ereon just as effectively as if the code contained positive provisions regulat­ i11g it. Tl1us, for in .stance, the omission of certain conduct from the prohibitions of a pe11al code sl1ould be interpreted to n1ake that conduct legal, even if it was pro11ibited by an earlier law, unless the legislator clearly provided in tl1e penal code tl1at tl1e earlier law should be continued i11 effect. ''The enactn1ent of a [systematic and con1prehensive] Code operates to repeal all prior laws upon the same subject n1 a tter ... '' 7 THE PENAL CODE OF 1957 As a result of tl1e reasoning described above, the determination of tl1e effect of tl1e Penal Code of 1957 is approached from tl1e premise that this code must l1ave been intended to repeal all earlier provisions of law whicl1 come within its scope unless the legislator l1as provided otherwise. Tl1e following pages examine t11e legislator's pronouncements on this subiect at1d state the rules that have been applied, on the basis of the above-stated premise and tl1 ose pronouncen1ents. for determining tl1e implied repeals and amendme11ts effected by tl1e Pe11al Code 011 tl1e laws included in t11e Co11solidated Laws. Article 3 of Proclamation No. 158 of 1957,8 prom11lgating tl1e Penal Code. repeals ''tl1e Penal Code of 1930 a11d all Proclan1atio11s amending the san1e." By ''Proc]ama.tions amending tl1e same'' Parlia111ent n1ea11t only tl1ose proc1amation5 issued as specific ame11dments to the earlier pe11,1l code. Bot.11 Amharic and English versions use the word ''Proclamation'' (a1,vad1), tl1e word ''an1ei1ding (111as/1as/1ava). a technical term referring to a specific cl1ange in a J)rior law. Thus Article 3 of Procla111ation No. 158 by itself I1as no effect upo11 tl1e body of laws in existe11ce 111 1957 which contain penal provisions but whicl1 were not enacted specifically as amendments to tl1e Penal Code of 1930. Tl1e Code itself deals witl1 s11ch laws i11 its own Article 3, as follows: Art. 3. - Ot/1er Pe11al Legislatiorz. Nothi11g in this Code sl1all affect Police regulatio11s and special laws of a penal nature: •

- VI -




Prov_icled tl1at th� general principles e1nbodied j11 tl1is Cocle are appli­ cable_ to tl1ose regt1lat1 ons and laws except as otherwise expressly l)rovided ·there1n. !l1is Article n1 akes clear that the legislator of tl1e Code i 1 1tended to leave s0111e . ex1st_111g laws tinaffected, but it leaves the n1eaning of ''Poli.ce regulations a11 d special laws of a pe11al 11at11re'' t111clear. So111e light is sl1ed on tJ1e of tl1is phrase by r�ference to tl1e A1nl1aric a11d tl1e original French texts9 of Article 310_ Tl1e An1hartc �ords correspond.i.11g to ''police reg11 lations'' actually mean "petty­ offence regulations'' ancl are consiste11tly 11sed witJ1 tl1at meani. 1 1g i11 tl1e title of tl1e Code of Petty Offences and th.rougl1out tl1e Penal Code. Tl1e Frencl1 words 1nean "police provisio11s." In 11eitl1er tl1e Amharic nor tJ1e French text is tl1ere a11y la11guage w_I1icl1 n1ea11s "s1)ecial laws of a 1)e11c1l 11ature." Ratl1er, bot]1 texts use ,vords n1ean1ng ''special laws'' witho11t a11y qualifying phrase. Tl1ese words a1 1cl tl1e . words n1ea11ing ''petty offence regulations'' or ''police provisio11s'' are dual s11 bJects of tl1e verb ''are not affected." Botl1 subjects togetl1er are modified by a clause meaniJ1g. ''wl1icl1 are supplen1ental to tl1e general criminal law'' in An1haric or "completing penal legislation'' in Fre11 cl1 . Tl111s tl1e n1ea11ing of t11e first part of Article 3 is best expressed i11 English as follows: Petty offe11ce regt1latio 1 1s ancl special laws which are supplen1ental to tl1e-general criminal law are not affected by this Code. '

This reading makes clear that Article 3 peresrves 011ly those special provisions tl1 at st1pplement the Penal Code, rat]1er tl1an provisions which overlap wit11 it. Thus, for instance, earlier provisions whicl1 provide for offences substantially similar to offences defined by t]1e Penal Code not saved by Article 3. 11 On the otl1er hand, the laws w]1ich are not to be affected by the Penal Code are those regu]atio11s which create wl1at -in western jurisp1 1 rdence are ofte·n referred to as regulatory offences, quasi-crimes, civil offences or pt1blic welfare offences. 12 In Ethiopia, petty offence regulation.s comprise a large body of legislative and aclmin­ istrative acts regulating human cond11ct in tl1e areas of public health, safety and welfare, economjc and fiscal affairs, and gover11mental administration, rather tha11 in tl1e areas of more traditional criminal jurisprt1dence. The second part of Article 3 botl1 extends and q11alifies the exemption whicl1 these regulatory measures are given by the first part. It extends the exemption by providing that a regulatory measure shall not be affected even by the general principles of the Code if such an intent is expressed in the_ measure. But it qualifies the exemption by providing that the general principles of the Penal Code do apply to all regulatory measures if intent to claim exemption is not expressed therein. The general principle stated in Article 3 can only be understood in the light of the general structure and approach of the Pen�l <?ode. Part I_ of _the <?ode. th� General Part contains the bulk of the ''ge11eral pr1nc1ples embodied 1.n tlus Code. Here are set' out the Code's basic principles: its specifications witl1 regard to t�e commission of offences, criminal responsibility and guilt, and. p�nishment and its application. Regulatory measures are governed by these pr1nc1ples unless they ••

- vu -


specify tl1at they are exempt. Part II of tl1e Penal Code, the special part, contains the elements of offences, and prescrib�s tl1eir specific punislunent. Most of the offences created under Part II art fully defi_11ed. but several prohibt only the violatio11 of certain kinds of regulatory ine,tsures. 13 Part III, tl1e Code of Petty Offences, is ai111ed almost exclusively al establisl1ing the co11seque11ces of violating regulatory mea·sures. Tl1is entire part, like tl1e above-mentioned article of Pa.rt II, pres11mes the existence of a wide range c,f regulatory measures apart from the Penal Code, and their continued effectiveness after its e11actment. Beginning with Articles 691 at1 d 692, 14 in which a petty offence i5 define(l as an infringeme11t of a regulatory meas11re, a11d continuing through ma11y of tl1e articles of tl1e special part of th� Code of Petty Offences, tl1e plan of Par: III is generally to let regulatory measures define offences, and the11 itself to provide p11nishment for their commission. Witl1 this app1·oach apparent in Part II and _prevalent in Part III of the Penal Code, tl1e role of Article 3 in the Code's general fran1ework is further clarified. Article 3 provide·s that the initial premise of tl1e comprehensiveness of the Code is valid witl1 respect to the Code's gen�ral principles: tl1ese principles, contained primarily jn Paq: I of the Code, are to apply to all offences except when some special law expressly provides otherwise. 15 On tl1e other hand, Article 3, combined witl1 tl1e n1any Code articles wllich make reference to special laws, makes clear tl1at n1any. J)reviously e11acted regula.tory measures are to remain i n effect insofar as thy supplement tl1e Code by providing definitions for offences which are not defined in the Code, 16 altl1ough tl1e Cede itself sets forth the penalties for such offences. In light of this a· nalysis, earlier penal provisions can be divided mto tl1e following categories: 1. T11e Penal Code of 1930 and express amendments thereto. 2. Tl1ose provisions whicl1 overlap with the Penal Code of 1957 by dealing witl1 s11bjects included in the Code's general principles. 3. Tl1ose provisions which overlaJ) with the Code by defining offences basi­ cally similar to offences which are fully defined in the Code itself. 4. Those provisions supplemental to tl1e Code which orovide for offences wl1icl1 are not defined in the Code but wl1ich are referred to by the Code. 5. Those provisions whicl1 deal ,vith offences wl1ich are not defined or referred to any where jn tl1e Code. Provisions in the first category are expressly repealed by Article 3 of Procla­ mation No. 158, promulgating the Code. Provisio11s in categories 2 and 3 must be consiclered impliedly repealed by tl1e Code beca·11se they deal with matters within its scope, 'and they are not saved by its Article 3. 17 Provisions i n category 4 are preserved at least to some degree by tle Code, b11t a closer examination of the Code's provisions is necessary in order 10 detern1 ine I1ow they interrelate with it. Provisions in caitegory 5 wo11ld pose a nost diffic11lt problem if they existed, but the codification documents make very clear that tl1e draftesmen made a thoro·ugb search of previously existing pe11al provi5ions and incl11ded them all in the Code, either completely or by reference.Is •••

- Vlll -




-:---"' =-==���:::-:----: -=---·--:;-; ---sc he he n1 of e 1 tl1e Code and tl1

e co dification documents comb'1ne to sl10w . · , . t11 . r o f th . e code 1nte11decl to preserv tl1at 1 . e Ieg1s1ato e th· e offe11ce- der·m1 11g prov1· s1o · ns · . · p1ementa l I egi· s1at·ion 1n • of Sltp o � ·der to avoid clutteri11g tl1e Code with minute . _ _ regulatory detail, b11t tl1at l1e 111tenclecl lo effect the dee.J,ired u111·ronru·t y an d . cy bY l1av·1ng tl1e . cons�· sten Code's ge1 1eral 1Jrinci1Jles and pt1nishments apply to all prev1011sly enacted r �g_ulatory n1easures. 19 Thus, 01tly the offence-defini11g functions ?f c�tegory 4 prov1s1ons are preserved; tl1e general and punitive clauses are 1n1pl1e?lY repealed �ind replacecl by tl1os � in tl1 e P . et1al Code. Tl1e following detailed analysis shows l1ow tl1e Code effects tl11s rest1lt.

Article 691 defin�s a petty offe11ce as ai1 i11 fri.nge1nent of a regulatory measure . _ by pena pw1;1shable lties 1 11 tl1e n�1tt1re of tl1ose provided in Articles 702-7 20.20 Article 692 then states t11at tl1e 0!1ly two ki1 1cls of petty offences liable to punish­ _ ment are those for wl11ch �Jenalt 1es �re ex,1Jressly provided in tl1e Code of Petty Offences and tl1 ose. for wl11 cl1 pei1alt1 es are expressly provided in the regualtory _ ineasure itself, but 1t makes clear tl1at tl1e penalties set out i11 tl1e Code of Petty Offences sl1all �pply �o all petty offences mentioned therein.21 If a regulatory . n1easu:e 1s m �nt1oned 1 n the Code of Petty Offences and penalty for its infringe­ ment 1s provided, then that penalty s·u1Jercecles any penalty provided elsewhere, whether in th.e regt1latory measure itself or i11 a law authorizing its prom11lgation.

Numerous articles i11 th.e special Part of the Code of Petty Offences state that anyone who contravenes the "rules and regulations''22 regarding a specific subject matter is punishable in a certain way. When the subject of the regulatory mea.sure is referred to in sucl1 an article, its punitive provisions are superceded by those of the article, and specific refere11ce to the Code has bee11 inserted in the text of tl1at meas1rre as it appears in the Consolidated Laws.

The only significant exce1Jti.on to this scl1eme is Article 733.23 This Article which cover almost any subject with which a regulatory measure might deal, complen1ents Article 692 by expressly providing penalties for the violation of regulatory measu.res which are not specifically dealt with in any other article and whicl1 do not have punitive provisions of their own, b·ut it also states that violations of regulatory measures wllicl1 cont,1i11 p11nitive provisions and wl1ich are not referred to in another, more specific article of the Code, are to be punished under the regulatory measu.res themselves. Thus if the draftsmen of the Code l1ave left any prior regulatory measures to be dealt with only by Article 733, and not by any other article, that Article leaves i11 effect any punitive provisions which the measure contains.

The articles of Part II of the Penal Code which make reference to regulatory measures have the same effect as those of the Special Part of the Code of Petty Offences, replacing the punitive provisions of the regulatory measures with their own punishments. Since thei,r punisl1men�s are more sever� than tho·se o � �he C:ode of Petty Offences, tl1ey appear to be wl1at 1s referred to as prov1s1ons impos­ ing a more severe penalty'' in the second paragraph of Article 692(1). That para­ graph states tha t tl1e punitive provisions both of the Code_ �f Pe�ty O �fences and of the regulatory measures are superceded by express provis1 o�s 1mposmg a _more an m ed err to 1s ref e sur me ;Y ato ul reg a of er att 1 n t � jec severe penalty. If the sub _ se tho de rce ts supe en hm lliS pll s e icl art t tha , de Co l na Pe article of Part II of the . s ce fen Of tty of Pe de Co the n · i d an e ur as me y r . ato t1l provided bo th in . tl1 e reg • - 1 x-


011e a· rtcile i11 Part II which bas a11 especially broad scope deserves special 1ne11tion l1ere. This is Article 354, w]1ich provides, ''Where, in accordance witl1 the law, ,t n1inistry or an adn1inistrative or executive organ of the State issues orders, rules or regulations duly pttblished in tI-.e Negarit Gazeta concerning: ... the coun­ try's fiscal or econo111ic interests, tl1e IJU11isl1n1ent for breaches of such orders, rules, and regulations shall be detern1ined in :tccordance with the principles and punitive provisions of this Code." Subarticle (2) of Article 354 provides that ''all breaches classed as petty offences or, in default of such classification, all brea_cbes of man­ datory or prohibitory provisions of tllis kind wl1ere the sum or value mvolved does not exceed five thousand dollars'' come with.i.I1 the code of Petty Ofiences and shall be punished as provided therein. 1'his subarticle is con1plemented by Article 355(1), which pro·vides that ''where the said orders, rules or regulations make no explicit reference to an offence· defi11ed i11 trus Code, tl1e Court shall pass sentence of simple imprisonment or fine, fixed in accordance with tl1e provisions, and within the general limits, of tl1 is Code (A·rt 88-90 and Art. 105 and 106)."24 In essence, Article 354 requires tl.e application of tl1e penalties and general pri11ciples of the Pe11al Code to violations of a certain broadly defined range of regulatory measures, whetl1er or 11ot ;;ny mor·e specific article of the Code has provided for the punisl1ment of such regulations. Application of this Article to 11on-petty offences is relativelly clear, for Article 355 sets forth the applicable penalties. On the otl1er hand, a petty offence of the type referred to by Article 354 might i11 theory fall only under Article 733,25 whicl1 purports to provide penalties 011ly for the cases when neitl1er tl1e regulation itself nor the code specifies a penalty. In tl1at tl1e strong and explicit policy e11unciatietd in Article 354 must control, and tl1e punitive provisions contained ii Article 733 mt1st be applied, rather than tl1e refere11ce back to any pt1nitive provision contained in the regulatory measures.26 SUMMARY Tl1e Penal Code of 1957 impliedly a1nended many of tl1e earlier laws contained in the Conosolidated La1,vs, and it impliedly repealed a few laws entirely. That Code substituted its own general prmciples for all earlier legal provisions covering such matters as degrees and participatio::i in tl1e co111mission of an offence, criminal responsibility, guilt, justification and excuse, a11d punishn1ent and its application. Moreover, the Code itself defined man; types of offences wl1icl1 J1ad been defined in earlier laws, and thereby t11e Code impliedly re1:>ealed tl1ose earlier definitions. Finally, w]1ile it preserved tl1e definitnns of offences co11t ained in many regu­ latory meas·ures, the Code in :1lmost ,111 cases provided new punisl1ments for those offen?es a n. d thereby implie�ly repealed the punitive provisio11s originally contained therem. In order to present the current sta1e of tl1e law ,1s accurately a.s possible, tlie C C?ns ?lidated Laws reflects tl1ese i1np_ied amendme11ts and repeals. While 11hB confide11ce, en b has application their p�c1ples follow �d . �an � asserted witb � _ sabJect to the fal11b1l1ty which characten2:es human bei11gs. Tl1erefore, all laws whi€1i -arta:v.e b>een impliedlly repealed are listed : :n Appendix III. and every implied amen� Jilil�Jil!t is :noted in a Consolidation !.;fote. so that the user can refer to the offiei:a� !Nfegarit Gazeta and draw his own c,)nclusions. It cannot be oveFemphaisW'@d tflat 'tlee C0,:zsol'id'(1fed LaH-· ar.c not off;cial or binding on anyone.


lNIPLlED REPEALS AND /"'\.J.\ A '1'El'i "1DME·NTS IN l'lI· E


FOO'fNOTES 1. G. Grzeczu110,vicz, "Statutory lnterpretatio 1 1 1· 11 Etl11op · 1a · ", J. E•lI1 • ..,., 1 vol. I (1964), p. 319. •nco • 2. Tv10 otl1 er principles wl,ose ap ' pl' · 1ca r ion re1 , 1c I ers cer tain 1 ns1 ste11t legal provisions . . . . . . at least pat t1ally u1effect1ve l1ave genera, lly not been · 1· app te · d 1 n prep aring the text .� r . . _ . Ia,vs piesentecl 111 �I,e Co11sol1clatecl La . Lvs but n1ust be kepi in n,ind bv ;:i;,y la'.vyer _ seeking to resolve 111co11sistencies. The fi1:st of tl1ese is tl1e J>rinciJJle of hierarchy of laws, \Vl1ich. requires that the l11. �her �a1 �k111g of t,vo Ia,vs JJrevail over the lo\ver ranl<ing. See generally G. Krzeczuno­ , \v1cz, I-Iierarchy of La,vs i11 Etl1iopia", J. Eth. L., vol. l (1964), JJ. 111. Tl1us, for instance, a pro,,isio11 in a Proclan1 atio 11 \l.'Ould al\vays prevail o,,er a contradictory pro­ vision i11 a Legal Notice. Tl1is prii1ciple has not been a1Jplied i11 preparing tl1e text of Ia,vs for tl1e Cor1 soliclatecl La1,vs becattse its applicatio 11 is often l1 ighly questionable, and tl1e i11con siste11cies to ,vl1icl1 it applies are particttlarJy hard to perceive in tl1e absence of co11crete factual situatio11s. Tl1e second pri11ciple wl1ich has not been applied in preparing the text l1ercin is the principle of 1 e:,: specic1lis derogat generali-the special la,v JJrevails over the general. See G. K.rzeczuno,vicz, "Statutory Interpretation in Ethiopia", /. Et/1. L., vol. 1 (1964), p. 321. A11 exa1n1Jle of tl1e applicatio11 of this principle would be one la\v in1posing a tax on all livestock, ,vl1ereas anotl1er law provides specifically tl1at goats shall not be subject to tax. The most rational ex1Jla11ation for the existence of tl1ese two partially contradictory provisions is tl1at tl1e legislator dicl not tl1 ink SJJecifical1y of goats ,vhen l1e passecl the general provisio11 but, ,vhe11 he did think of tl1e111, he decided particularly 11ot to tax goats. The effect of application of tl1e principle is to give effect to the specific provision by carving out an exceJJtion to the general one. These exceptions have not been noted in the Consoli­ elated Lau,s becatise tl1e freque11cy ,vitl1 ,vhicl1 legislators depend 011 this principle make s in1practicable a listing of all tl1e exceptions ,vl1icl1 are required thereby. 3. See C. Aubry a11cl C. Rau, Coi1rs c/e clroit civil francais (6t11 ed., E. Bartin, 1936). vol. 1, sec. 1, sec. 29; I·I. Bel1 aert, Irztrocluctio,i a l'etucle cli1 droit (1964), pp. 246-247; S. Edgar, Craies on Stati1te Lc1u1 (6th ed., 1963), IJP, 363-381; F. Ge11y, Metliocle cl'i11terpretation et soirrces erz droit prive positif (2d ed., 1919), vol. 1, 110. 14, p.31 flalsbi1ry's Laws of E11 gland (3d ed., 1958) ,,01. 36, Statutes, secs. 709-713; Ch. Pere] 1nan, ed., Les antimonies en droit (1965), Passi111; M. Planiol a11cl G. llipert, Treatise 011 the Civil LaJ,V (12th ed., F. Horack, 1943), vol. 1, secs. 1913, 1922, 2011-2021; J. Swarup, Legislatio11 and /11terJJre­ > . Vander Eycken, Met/1 ode positive de } 67; 459-4 pp. 2, -21.1 21.11 tatio11. (1968), secs. l'I11terpretatio11 jirridiqtle (1907), sec. 121, IJP, 200-201; R. Wilson a11d B. Galpin, Maxwell 011 t/1e Interpretation of Statittes (11tl1 ed., 1962), pp. 153-182; \V. Ewii1g, "Public Servants' Rigl1t To Organize", /. Eth. L., vol. 5 (1968). p. 575, note 11; G. Krzeczuno­ \Vicz, "Statutory J11terpretation i1 1 Etl1iopia", ]. Et/1. L., vol. 1 (1964), p. 321; Note, "Repeal by Implication", Colu1nbia L. Rev., vol. 55 (1955), p. 1039; Alemante Gebre 4 Sellassie T/1e Effect of t/1e Pe11al Cocle on t/1e Prisons Proclaniation of 194 a1 1d the Resttlti,1� State of the Law (1968, unpublished, Arcl,ives, Faculty of Law, Haile Set lassie I University), pp. 10-18. ett, ckn . T. See Plu law lish Eng in st lea at ar, cle ays alw t 11o s wa ple This princi -falf of the Fourteenth Century (1922), J st Fir tl1e in on ati ret erp J,it es & eir tirt Th Sta pp. 91-102. •

- Xl -



See 11ote 2, above. Wl1 ile tl1e (.'01isoliclc1tecl Lc,ws co11tai11 110 explicit recongn.itio11 of speci'fic provisions whicl1 co11stitt1te eX;c�1Jtio11 s �o. ge11era_l. provisions, tl1ey apply this JJri11ciple but not deleting st1cl1 preva1l111g spec1f1c 1 Jrov1s� o11s even �he11 they were e11 acted }Jefore the ge11 eraJ provisions to wl1icl1 they co11 st� tt.1t_e exc�pt1ons. <?£ course, the sa111e practice is followed with res1Ject to tl1t: ? the1: JJr1nc!ple d1scu�sed 1n _note 2 , above-tl1e hierarcl1y of laws. A prevaili11g JJrov1s1011 . 1_n a _l11gher-ra11 k1ng earlier law is 11 ot deleted eve11 where inconsiste11t v.,itl1 a prov1s1011 1n a more-recently-enacted l0\\1er-ra11ki11g law.

5 See also Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Art. 4: "Cri1ni11al law applies to all alike withot1t discrimination as regards persons, social co11 ditio11s, race or religion . . . '' 6

Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960) Preface, p.vii. See also Pe11. C._ 1_6/Ex. 1 (19_57) Art. 1: "/The crin1i11al law/ ai.J.ns at tl1e prevention of offences by g1v111g dt1e notice of the offences a11 d penalities prescribed by law ... "

7. J. Sutl1erland, Statutes arid Statu.tory lriterpretatio11. (3d ed., F. Horack, 1943), vol. 1, sec. 2019, p. 480. See J. Swarup, Legislc1tior1 and Iriterpretation (1968), sec. 21.11; pp. 459-460 ("The otl1er test of tl1e breacttl1 of i1111Jlied repeal is whether tl1e subsequent law is i11 tended to be a co1nplete code 011 tl1e stibject eve11 tl1ougl1 there may not be actual co11 flict betwee11 tl1e provisio11s a11cl tl1e provisio11 s of the earlier law''); id. at sec. 13.4, IJ, 298; R. v\'ilson & B. Galpin, 1\1axJ.vell ori tlie Iriterpretatio11 of Statues (11th ed., 1962) , pp. 160-161 (''...jf tl1e co-existe11ce 0£ two sets of provisions would be destrttctive of the object for V11l1ich the later ,vas passed, tl1e earlier would be repealed by tl1 e later"); 1-lalsbitr)''s Law of Englarzd (3d ed., 1958), vol. 36 , Statutes, sec. 711, IJP, 467-468 (wl1en it appears that tl1e legislator i11tended tl1e later general enactment to state "a rule of universal ap1Jlicatio11, tl1e11 tl1e specific provisio11 must give \1/ay tl1ereto"); Note, "Repeal or A1ne11 d1ne11 t l1nJJlied fro11 1 later Inconsistent Enactinent", Coli1111bicz L. l�ev., vol. 37 (1937), pp. 293-295 (\vhere Later law ''is intend.ed to cover its wl1ole field", presu111 ptio11 agai11st in1 1Jliecl reapeal is overcon1e). In line ,vith this principle of tl1e effect of codes, the Law of 30 Ve11tose , year XII (21 March 1804), bri11 ging togetl1er i11to 011e cor1Jus the 36 laws con1 posi11g tl1e Frencl1 Civil Code, pro­ vided i11 its Article 7 for tl1e repeal of all earlier lav.,s, regulations and cu.stoms ''cla11s Les matieres qiti so11t l'objet des elites. lois co111posant le presetzt code." 8 Negc1rit Gazeta, 16/11 (1957) P. 158 , 5 Corisol. L. Ei/1. 12-3. 9 Tl1e Penal Code was drafted in Fre11ch by tl1 e Swiss expert J ea11 Gra\,en ai1d co11sidered in that la11 guage by tl1e Etl1iOJJia11 codification co1nmissio11. It was separately translated i11to English a11d the official language, A111l1aric, before co11 sideratio11 by Parliament in tl1e latter langt1age. U1Jon pro111 ulgatio11 by the En11Jeror, it \\,as officially publisl1ed in Aml1aric and E11glish. All tl1 ree versio11s J1ave been co11siclered i11 reacl 1 ing the conclu­ sions stated herein. 10 The A111 J 1 aric version of Article 3 provides as follo'vvs:

fl m'}

•I•• I.,r. ..••


au:,, "GJ n1:,."" r--1· mfl •I: c,·:1:ar :: °


<1 °·1 °J•.,C' r ,:,•i W '1• :,• r .C'.'} ·fl ou •f • I\ "ra� .�'} n :-f· 'i' A r- ih·> :f­


1,1J·f.lJ9 f·l·tti ou11•<,·:1 m• 'lt\,f••Jflm 1.11. �'tl.U (D'}�:tt:=;: r.11>:,,61,1 ,n. J ..e.1{11· f,&.?.au•():l:'Pt\ :: 0


t'flJ1Pl.;J·m-,,e }

Tl 1e Fre11ch version }Jrovides as follows: Art_. 3-Legislc1. �iori specic1le et co111JJ/e111e11ta tre.�Les dis1Jositio11s de JJOlice et les Jois _ co111pleta11 t la leg1slat1011 1Je11ale s011t reservees. police _et _Jes lo1s spec1ales Les pr1nc1pes generaux clt1 present code lettr s011t apJJlicables, lorsqti'elles n'y derogent JJas expresse1ne11t. ••

- XII -



See P. Gra\,en, An Introduction to Eth'tO})ta . n pena1 .La,v (Fac ulty of J_. a¥. Addis Ababa, 1965), P. 12.

1 ,


12 Tl1e 11�1u�s ar e borro,ved f ron1 s. Lo\ve 1 1 tei . ·11, /l ,iat.. � I-I of Etl1101J1a (Fact1lty of La\v, SIU, Ac1d1s Ab a a, e, i·al s Jo, t/7 e Stuc/y of the Penal Laiv b 1967), p. 300. 13 See for ins t ance, Articles 306, 354-358, 364, 365, 428, 429, 495, 508. 14 Art. 191. - T'etty Off e11ces

;\ p rso i� c �1111�1i ts _ a J)etty �ffence \Vl1en, by an acl or an on1ission, h e infringes the � _ . i nandatory 01 piol1 �bit1ve l)rov1s1ons of a regulalion, order or decree lav.rfully issued by a com1)ete i1t atttl1 �r1ty, a11d such infri11gen1ent is subject lo one of tl1 e penal ties provided belo\v (Art. 702-7 .:>2). f\rt. 692. - - A/J/Jlication as to OJ/e11ces. (1) 1 11 acc�rdance v,1itl1 tl_ 1e principle of legality ( Art. 2 (1) and (2)) petty off e11ces of

aforesa id nature \V}ucl1 are expressly penalized by the provisions of this Code or by a special provision are alone liable to pu11isl1ment and tl1e pe11alties applicable sl1all be those wl1icl1 are expressly prescribed i11 respect thereof. Such provisions are enforceable only if tl1e act does not fall tinder an express provisio11 i.tnposi11g a 1nore severe penalty. One and tl1e same act ca11not be punished botl1 u11der the provisions of the Pe11al Code and tl 1e Code of Pet ty Offences (Art. 2 (3) ).


Petty offences sl1all al\vays be punisl1ed u11der the provisions in force at t he tin1e of their con1missio11, a11cl there sl1all be no retrospective effect as to their applica­ tion (Art. 5). Upon tl1e co1ni11g i11to force of tl1is Code, its provisions shall apply to all petty offe11ces n1entionecl in tl1e SJ)ecial Part of this Code.


Because legal provisions e11acted before tl1e Code obviously could not l1ave expressly provided for the Code's general principles to be inapplicable, this provision allo\ving sp ecial legislatio11 ex1)ressly to exclude applicability of tl1e Code 1nust be ain1ed at future legislation. See P. Graven, A,i J11trocluctio11 to Etl1.iopia11 Penal Lau, (Faculty of Law, HSIU, Addis Ababa, (1965), P. 13. Accordil1gly, the Code's legislator 1nust have intended that tl1e Code's general principles ap1)ly to ft1 h1re as well as past pe11al legislation.

16 The drafts1nen of tl1e Penal Code ttndertook to draft a Proclamation expressly setting fortl1 the effect of tl1e Code on earlier legislation. \Vhile the draft Proclamation appears to l1ave disappeared, tl1e drafts1ne11 l1ave left a record of tl1eir efforts in the codification documents whicl1 are preserved in the 1-\rchives of tbe Faculty of La\v of Haile Sellas­ sie I University, Aclclis Ababa, a11d i11 the Ministry of Jttstice, Imperial Ethiopian Govern111ent. Docun1ent C. Pen. 85 bis sets forth the principles which they followecl and generally discusses tl1e effect of tl1e Code 011 earlier legislation. Tl1e draftsn1en sta ted the effect of t l1e savi11g clat1se of Article 3 in tl1e folo\vling words: En resun1e, les dispositio11s penales des proclamations ont ete con­ servees clans ]a 1 nesure ou elles incriminaient veritablement des activities SJJeciales, dirigees non centr e tel article precis de la loi generate, mais lles centre telle roesure ou prescriptio11 ·particuliere pour la violation desque ner une le Code pe1 1al ou le Code des co11traventions se bornaient a com.mi ir et nt veo aie de pro uv tro se ils ou e ielJ ter n1a ite bil ssi 1po l'ia ans sanction-d la legislation de ion sit po dis 1ne d't ion lat vio ue aq ch nt me sse pre ex de punir con1plementaire. • ••

- Xlll



C. Pen. 85 bis (15 fevrier 1956), p. 4. Toutes__ les incrimi11ations qui 11e presentaie11t pas ce caractere special qui vient d'etre determine, qui constituatient sin1plement une violation de la loi generale et faisaient double emploi avec les infractions qui Y soot expresseme. nt prevues, 011.t et supprimes. II ne faut pas oublier on effect que le but de cette mise en harmonie des legislations generale et speciale est d'eviter que de perpetuels conflits de clispositio11s ne surgissent a l 'avenir, en 1 1e laissant subsister, clans les lois ou les reglements d'application complementaire, que les incriminatio11s qui complete11t reellement la loi generale, clans les limites fixees par celle-ci. Autrement <lit encore, les dispo­ sitions penales d'une proclamatio11 11e so 11t a conserver que da11s la mesure ou elles ne retiennent pas une infra�tion qtti se trouve deja formellement et, pour ainsi dire, complement prevt1e da11s le Code penal ou dans le Code des contraventions. C. Pen. 85 bis, p. 5 17 As stated by the draftsmen. See J. Graven, ''Tl1e Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia," /. Etlz. L., Vol. 1 (1964), P. 287; Codification documents (Archives, Faculty of .Law, HSIU, Addis Ababa) C. Pen. 9 ("Exposedes Motifs et com.mentaire dtt Code Penal Ethiopia.n''), pp. 6, 21; C. Pen. 48, P. 5; C. Pen. 85 bis, Passi,n. Tl1e above-cited article from the Jour11al of Ethiopian Law is fou11d in French as the Introduction to tl1e French version of the Code published by the ce11tre Fra11cais de Droit compare (1959); tl1e reference is found at pages 26-27 therein. Determination whether a particular prior provision falls within category 3 may be difficult wl1ere the prior provision deals with a specific instance of an offence which is covered more generally in the Penal Code. Suppose, for instance, that some prior law has a provision dealing witl1 assault on an electric company employee in the perfor­ mance of l1is duties. Suppose also that the Penal Code has only a general provision dealing with assault. Tl1e question, tl1en, is \vl1et.her the legislature intended when enacting the Penal Code to have its new assault provision be exclusive a.nd cover the Penal Code to have its new assault provision be exclusive and cover the problem of assault upon electric con1pa11 y employees as well as upon otl1er persons, or whether the legislature would want the special provisio11 pu11ishing assault upon electric company employees to stand along with tl1 e Pe11 al Code's general assault provisions. Applicatio11 of ordinary rules of statutory interpretation would generally lend to the conclusion that the earlier provisio11 sl1ould co11tinue to stand on the ground tl1at the specific rule prevails over the ge11eral. St1cl 1 a specific offence-creating provisio11 is in a very real sense "supple1ue11tal to tl1e general cri111 i11 al Iav., ." Nevertl1eless, if the penal code's general provisions for aggravation of pu 1 1isl1n1ent or otl1er provisions have dealt with the u.nique aspect tl1at concerned tl1e legislatt1 re previously, tJ1en tl1e Penal Code can accurately be said to have covered the field. 1,11us, for insta.nce, Article 81 of the Penal Code provides for increasi1 1g tl1e IJe11alty in tl1e case v.,J1e11 an offender intentio��ll)' assaults a victin1 deserving special protectio11 by reaso11, i1 1ter alia, of I1is position or function, '' in particular ... a representative of a dt1ly constituted authority ... ". In this situation, tl1e earlier special provtsion is largely duplicative of the Penal Code. It ought to be consid.ered impliedly re1Jealed or, at best, i1 11pliedly an1ended to the extent that, as amended, it does no more tl1an declare tl1 at an electric con1 pany employee is a person deserving special protection withi11 tl1e meaning of Pe1 1al Code Article 81. •

- XIV -



. ory of ea . 18. 111 theory, tl1er e could be one 111ore categ . atio11: pr ovisi rli er leg 1sl . ons ,vhich _ . . . , er l e 1 o n e ¼ 11v1sonecl or re ferred t o 1n tl1e Co cle . Tl1e · ar.e or·ds of· tI1e c ocl1'f'1cat1on make cle�r, l�owever, tl1at tl1e drafters of tl1e Code 1nade a tl 1oroug l1 of all pre-existing penal . legislatio n and 111co rporated all earlier p enal IJrovisio ns into the Code eit l1er c on1pletely ' or by reference . See J · Grave11, ."tl. 1e. p ena l coc Ie o.r tl1e E1111J1·re o f Etl1iopia," J. Eth. L., . ? Vol. 1, P· 267 , -87 ( 1 964); c od1 f1cat1on docun1e1 1ts (Archives, Faculty of La w, I-I.S.U., _ Addis Ababa) C..Pe 1i. 9 ("Expose des Motifs et Co1nn1entaire du Code Penal Etll iopien"), PP · 6,21 ; C. Pei1 . 48, p. 5; C. })e11. 85 bis, passi1n. Tl1e above-cited article fr om the Journal of Et/7 iopiarz LaJ,v is fou11cl in Fre11ch as the I 1 1troduction to tl1e French version of tl1e C �de ptiblisl1ecl by tl1e Ce11tre Francais de Dr oit Compare (Paris, 1 959); the refere nce 1s fot1ncl at pages 26-27 tl1erei11. 19 C. Pen. 48, p. 5 (regulatory provisions ,vill be preserved, but "tl1ey will refer back to the C ode f or principles and punisl 1n1ent"); C. Pen. 10, pp. 12-1 3; C. Pen. 48, p. 4; see P. Gr aven, f\n l11trodi1ctiotz to Etl1iopia11 J)enal Law (1965), p. 13. 20 "fhe Amharic corre spo ndi11g to "the mandatory or pr ohibitive provisions of a regulati on, order or de cree lawfully issued by a competent autho rity" is confused. It sems to come closest t o 1neaning "co n1petently issued regulation, order, legal notice or petty decree whlcl1 forbids o r orders so1nething no t be done." In either text, however, the refere11ce to r egulat o ry measur es is clear. The French version of Article 69 1 provides as f ollows: Art. 69 I. - - Contraventions. - - Comn1et une contravention quiconque viole, par action o u omission, les prescriptions imperatives ou prohibitives d'un reglement, d'un e ordonnance ou d'un arrete legaleme11t edictes pa.r l'autorite competente, sous la me11ace d'une sanction de la nature de celles pr ev ues plus bas (Art. 702 - 720). 21 The last sentence of Article 692 (2) provides: "Upo n the con.1ing into force of tl1is C ode, its provisions shall apply to all petty offenc es mentio11ed in the Special Pa.rt of C ode ." Moreove r, wl1ere tl1e first paragrapl1 of Article 692 ( 1 ) contains in English the words, "the penalties applicable sl1all be tl1ose whicl1 are expressly prescribed in r espect there of," tl1e Antl1aric says, "the oruy p enalties wl 1icl1 may be imposed are those expressly provided for in this lav.1 The French version of tl1e first paragraph of of Article 692 ( 1) reads as follows: ."

Conformement au pr incipe de la legalite (art. 2, 1 et 2) seules peuvent etre reprimees Jes infractions de cette nature expressement retenues par le pr esent C ode ou pa1· une disp osition speciale; elles ne peuvent l'etre que par les sanctions expr essement prevues clans ce domaine. 22 Throughout the Penal Code vari o us terms are used in the several Articles which refer to special laws co ntaining definitio ns of offences. Thus, the words "orders", "rules". ces. re "regulations", "measures", "decrees", ancl "provisions" all apear at one or mo pla rencl1 and Amharic versions. In no versio n F the in e ers di v ally equ is y Th e terminolog is there any consistency in tl1e use of the various terms. Rather, it is clear from the icles are codification documents and the spir it of the Code its elf that all of these art r eferred t o meant to refer to all the relevan t "r egulati ons and special laws which are ht lig d, i.n y s use log wa no mi ter of y sit er div the ly ted ttb o d Un in Article 3 of the Code. ode was drafted, C e tim the the at gy o l ino rm e t al leg ian iop of the inconsistency of Eth



_ __ _ _ ,-:_ _ � -:-� - -: , -,_ _ _ --: _ , " _ _ , , _ . " _ · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of regu la tio ,, s o s pec ial I aws \\ a � t o be e xcl uded ___ _ · r . r o y g a to make clea tl1at no c te · t e coc Ie. They ns 1nat1o and Decrees Procla to apply c . h 1n from the scope of sucl1 refere11ces as well as subsidiary legislations. 23

Art. 733 - Generc1l Claitse Wliosoever, save in tl,e cases specifically . prov icled in tl1 is Title, contraver 1es the regulations, orders, rules or measures lavf�lly 1ssL1ecl by tl,e appropriate authority With a view to protecting, 1 11aintaining or restoring: (a) the credjt of the State, tl1e currency, arid JJttblic co1 1 fidence; or (b) public order, peace, tranqu ility, safety, l 1 ealtl1 and decency; or (c) the freedom, regularity and saftey of n1ea1 1 s of c�mn1unicati on by land, air, rive_r or sea as wel l as postal, telephonic and telegrapl1 1c corresponde11 ce and communi­ cations,

or, generally, in regard to fis;al, custo1ns,. econon1ic, food, h�a!th for� stry . or police matters, shall, if llis act is not pu111shable . under a ?pec1t1c pro�11s1on of the Penal Code or of special legislation, be J?Urushable w�th f1ne or arrest to be determined in accordance \.Vitl1 the rules laid down herein before. N.B. -The word rendered herein as "police'· appears as "policy'' in the published English version of the Code. As both Frencl1 a11d An1haric use the word ''police", the English version n 1ust be a n1isprint, and accordingl y it l1as been corrected here. 24 At first blush Article 355 ( 1) seems to contradi ct Article 354 (2), for 355 ( 1) provides punisl1 ments greater than those providec i 11 tl1e Code of Petty Offences, and it seems to apply to all undefi11ed offe11ces - petty as well as more significant - wh.ereas Article 354 (2) specifically refers to tl1e Code of Petty Offences for pL1n i shment of some breacl1es whicl1 are not classified. Because all tl1e breacl1 es specifically •difined in the Code are classified, tl1is category antici pated i11 354 (2) seems to overlap witl1 355 (1)'s general category of "orders, rules or r,gulations /lvhich/ make no exp}jcit reference to an offence defined in this Code." Si11:::e we n1ust assume that th.e legislature did not ;-11ean to contradict itself, especiall y i n two adjacent St1barticles, we must search for an interpretation of tl 1ese provisions which n1akes then, co11sistent. Such an interpretation can be acl1i eved si1nply by considering A1ticle 355 ( 1) as referring only to offences ,:vllicl1 are more significant tl1an petty offences. Tl 1us, Article 354 (2) applies only to petty offences, and Article 355 (1) applies 01111 to offences ,vl1icl1 do 11 ot fal l ,vitl 1i.n 354 (2). 25 Although Article 740 appears to be ir1tended to provide for petty violations of tl1e regu­ lations referred to in Article 354, it cloes not clearly cover tl 1e e11 tire grou11d. For in­ stance, it 1nay 11ot apply to violations of regL1lations governing tl1 e operation of state services. 26 Th i s interpretation is supported by tl1e Je11 eral rL1le of interpretat i o11 that specific pro­ visions prevai l over 1nore ge11eral ones , Jor Article 354 clespite its breadtl1, is still 1nore specific than Article 733. Moreover, the reqt1ire111e11t tl1at Article 733's pttniti,,e provi­ sions be applied does 11ot actually co11t1avene Articl e 733 itself, for it ca11not be said that Article 733 positivel y enacts as a "1Jri11ci J Jl e" or " J JL111itive pro,,isio11'' tl1at the punish1nents provided in special laws shall aJJpl y; it si111 1Jly says tl,at wl1ere tl,e special Ja,vs which fall witl1in its scope do not l1ave pttnitive provisio11 s, tl 1e11 tl,e punisliment "sl1all be fine or arrest to be determined i11 accorcla11ce witl1 tl1e rules laid dO\\'Il herei.J1before." 'fhus, Article 354, to the extent that it apJJl ies to rules ai,d regtilations whic1 1 other wise fall only within Article 733 in tl1e Penal Code, si111ply broadei,s the scope of application of the punishme11ts provided i11 Article "33 to aJJJJl y t}1en1 eve1 1 to certain special legis· lation wltlcl1 does contain its own pt111itive tJrovisio11 s . •

- iv:i -



16/12 (1957) D. 20 Ratification of Ame11dn1e11t to Eritrea11 Cc11stitt1tion

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Art. 3 Ter1ninatio11 of Federal Status of Eritrea

Latter expressly states that th.e Revised Constit1rtion is to be the sole and ex­ clusive Constitution in Eritrea.

5/3 (1945) G. 58 !v1east1ren1e11ts a11d Compositio11 of tl1e new Ethiopian coins

22/20 (1963) P. 2:)6 Art. 41 Mo11etary a11d Banking

l.atter expressly repeals the enabling legislation, 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Schedule A of the former.

6/1 (1946) G. 71 Pt1bJic Holidays

15/9 (1956) P. 151 Art. 2 Public Holidays and Sunda)' Observance

Latter expressly repeals the enabling legislation, 1/1 _(1942) P. 9, of the former.

I 3/4 (1953) G. 167 Charter of the Imperial Mj11i11g Board

25/23 (I 966) 0. 46 Art. 2 (21) Mi11isters (Definitio11 of Powers) tArne11dn1e11t) No. 2

Latter provides for the establishment I of a Ministry of Mines which took =� over duties formerly entrusted to the >< Imperial Mining Board. I

13/13 (1954) G. 185 Charter of the University College of Addis Ababa

20/8 (1961) G. 284 I-faile Sellassie I U11iversity Cl1arter

Latter incorporates by Imperial Charter the Haile Sellassie I University thus impliedly repealing the charter granted previot1sly to the University College of Addis Ababa.

2/5 (1943) L. 13 Notice prescribi11g Rate of Exchange between Maria Theresa Dollar a11d East Africa11 Ct1rre11cy

4/9 (1945) P. 76 Art. 10 Sched. C Ct1rre11cy a11d Te11der

Latter provides that tl1e Maria Theresa Dollar sl1ould cease to be legal tender i11 Etl1iopia and repeals the enabling legislation, 2/2S (1942) P. 32, of the for111er.

2/7 (1943) L. 16 Trans1)ort Regt1latio11s

27/6 (1967) P. 256 A .rt. 2 Road Tra.vel and Tra11sport

Latter re1Jeals tl1e enabli11g legislatio11, 2/7 (I 943) P. 35 of the former.

Repealed Law

· Repealed Law

Repealing Law

2/11 (1943) L. 24

Stan1p Rules

2/ I 2 (1943) L. 28 Transport (Carriages) Regt1latio11s 3/2 (1943) L . 35 Telephones (Tr11nk calls)

0 ,....


� j

4/5 (1945) L. 69 Telephone Subscriptio11






i-:1 0

4/10 (1946) L. 76 Legal Tender Notice

4/10 (1945) L. 78 Transport (Carriage

5/1 (1945) L. 85 Transport Regulatio11s (Testing Fees)

17/4 (1956) D. 26 Stamp Dt1ty

Latter repeals the enabliJ.1g legislat1011, 2/11 (1943) P. 41, of the former.

12/5 (1952) P. 131 Establishment of the Imperial Board of Telecommt1t1icatio11s. See al.'>o 25/22 (1966) P. 240 Post Office

12/5 (1952) P. 131 gives the 1.B.T.E. the exclusive right to engage in the constr11ction, operation and mainten­ ance of all civil telecommu11ication. 25/22 (1966) P. 240 repeals the enabling legislation, 1/4 (1942) P. I 7, of the former.

27 /6 (I 962) P. 256 Art. 2 · oad Travel a11d Tra11sport R


Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 2/7 (1943) P. 35, of the former.


12/5 (1952) P. 131 Establishment of the Imperial Board of· Telecommunicatio11s. See also 25/22 (1966) P. 240 Post Office

12/5 (1952) P. 131 gives the I.B.T.E. ::::1 the exclt1sive right to engage in the -� construction, operation and mainten­ ance of all civil telecommt1nication. I 25/22 (1966) P. 240 repeals the enabling legislation, 1/4 (1942) P. 17, of tl1e former.

22/20 (1963) P. 206 Art. 41 Monetary and Banking

Latter repeals the enabling legislatio11, 4/9 (1945) P. 76, of the for1ner.

22/20 (1963) P. 206 Art. 41 Monetary and Banking

4/9 (1945) L. 75 U S 1 Currency Notice U)


27/6 (I 967) P. 256 Art. 2 Road Travel and Transport

27/6 (1967) P. 256 Road Travel and. Transport

Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Art. 9, of the former.

Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 2/7 (1943) P. 35, of the former.

Latter repeals the enabling legislatio11, 2/7 (1943) P. 35, of the former.

· Repealed Law

j 2


Repealing 19/1 I (1960) 0. 4?, 21/3 (1961) P. 183 National Lottery

5/3 (1945) L. 90 C11rrency and Legal Te1Jder Rules

22/20 (1963) P. 206 Monetary and Banking

Latter repeals parts. 1 and 2 of sched. C of the enabling legislation, 4/9 (1945) P. 76, under which the former wa.s issued.

19/11 (1960) 0. 42 now 21/3 (1961) P. 183 National Lottery

Latter repeals Art. 8 of the enabling legislation, 5/2 (1945) P. 77, which euthorized the Minister of Interior to I make rules concerning the control of .� >< lotteries.

7/8 ( 1948) L. 117

20/2 (1960) 0. 43 A11nual Highway Renovatio11 Expe11diture (Amendme11t)

Latter repeals the enabling legislation ,7 /8 (1948) P. 98, of the former.

8/12 (1949) L. 128

14/9 (1945) P. 147 Co11trol of Cattle Diseases

Latter repeals the enabling legislatio11, 8/5 (1949) P. 104, of the former.

9/12 (1950) L. 144 Tra11sfer of Telephones Su.bscription Contracts

12/5 (1952) P. 131

12/5 (1952) P. 131 gives the I.B.T.E. the exclusive rig11t to engage in the construction, operation and mau,ten­ ance o.f all civil telecommunication 25/22 (1966) P. 240 repeals the enagling legislation, 1/4 (1942) P. 17 of L. 144-


u:i 17/4 (1947) L. 109 Ll, Lottery (An1e11dn1ent) b Cf) Rules ,-.l <


11-1 l'J.l



0 £-< Cf)

Latter repeals Art. 8 of the enabling legislation, 5/2 (1945) P. 77, which authorized the Minister of Interior to make rules concerning the control of lotteries.

5/2 (1945) L. 89 Lottery Rt1Ies

Road Taxes Notice

Co11trol of Infectious Diseases of Cattle

Establishme11t of the Imperial Board of Telecommunications See also 25/22 (1966) P. 240 Post Office Proclamatio11

Repealed La,v

ll-1 0 �

ii.. 0 �

t""' <






12/12 (1953) L. 176 Exec11tion of Judgeme11t Rules

25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Civil Proceclure Code Decree, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965)

Code comprehensively prescribes pro­ ced·ure and rules for execution of judge­ me11ts, which was subject matter of L.17 6.

14/2 (1954) L. 189 Personal and Busi11ess Tax (An1endment) Regt1latio11s

16/1 (1956) 0. 19 I11come Tax

Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 8/12 (1949) P. 107, of the former.

14/9 (1955) L. 197 Executio11 of J11dgc.me11t Rules (Ame11dment)

25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Civil Procedure Code Decree, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965).

Former amended law, 12/12 (1953) L. 176, which latter impliedly repealed.

16/1 (1956) L. 205 Federal Excise Tax Regulatio11s

22/17 (1963) P. 204 Excise Tax

Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 15/11 (1956) D. 16, of the former.


j 17/5 (1957) L. 214 0 � Law

22/3 (I 962) 0. 27 Termination of Federal Statt1s of Eritrea

Latter impliedly repeals the enabling legislation, 13/2 (1953) P. 138, of the former.

18/10 (1959) L. 220 Federal Excise Tax (Amendn1ent) Regulations

22/17 (1963) P. 204 Excise Tax

Latter repeals the e11abling legislation, 15/11 (1956) D. 16, of the former.

20/10 (1961) L. 236 Court (Trials in absentia) R11les

Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 160-170, 197-202

Latter applies to all courts. It deals with proced11re in cases of default in Arts. 160-170 and with applications to set aside j11dgments given in default in Arts. 197-202.

24/3 (1964) L. 2.97 Highway Renovation Expe11ditt1re Tax Reg11lations.

26/14 (1967) P. 249 Petroleum Products and Lubricants Excise Tax

Latter repeals the enabling legislation, 8/4 (1948) P. 103, of the former.

Foreign Com111erce Regt1lations

I �


Repealed Law


Repealing Law


12/1 (1952) 0. 8 Imperial Federal Cot111cil

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Tern1inatio11 of the Federal Status of Eritrea

Latter states that the Revised Con­ stitution is to be the sole a11d exclusive Constitutio.11 in Eritrea and terminates the Federal Status of Eritrea. Former established a Federal Cot1ncjl in accord­ a11ce with the Constitution of Eritrea.

12/1 (1952) 0. 9

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Tern1i11ation of the Federal Status of Eritrea

Latter provides for the application to Eritrea of the Revised Co11stitution whicl1 i11cludes provisions on appoint­ ment of se11ators.

14/3 (1954) 0. 15 Col1ncil of Natio11al Eco11on1y

25/23 (1966) 0. 46 Ministers (Defi.11 iti011 of Powers)

24/ 12 (1965) 0. 40 La11d Refor1n and Developme11t A.uthority

25/23 (I 966) 0. 46 Ministers (Defi11itio11 of Po\',1ers)

Latter established Mi11istry of Planning and Development which took over the ...... functions f orroerly perforroed by the � Cou1icil of Natio11al Econon1y. I Latter established Mi1ustry of Land Reform and Administration whicl1 took over the functions formerly performed by the Land Reform and. Development Authority.

� �



Eritrean n1enJbers of tl1e Senate

µ., 0


1-!.l A-< 1-!.l



1-!.l ....:i

fl. �








1/1 (I 942) P. 4 Pt1 bljc Security

Crin,. Pro. C. 21/Ex I (1961) Arts. 49-51

Forn1er law provides for arrest ,vith­ out warrant a11d dete11tion of suspects t11ought to be a danger to public security. Latter provides for procedure of arrest witl1out \\1 arrant in certain defi11ed

3/7 (1944) P. 52

23/13 (1964) P. 212 Livestock a11d Board

For111er, wl1ich provided for .regt1lation of trade in hides a11d ski11s ,vas to enter

Hide a11d Ski11 Tracie

· Repealed Law

Repealing Law


:s �

into effect 011 publication of 11otice in Negarit Gazeta, but such notice was never published; latter provides for comprehensive regulation of trade in livestock and by-prodt1cts including hicles and skins.

3/7 (1944) P. 54 Pt1blic Security

Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts 49-51

Former amends law, 1/1 (1942) P. 4, which latter impliedly repealed (see above).

3/9 (1944) P. 62 Naiba and Kadis Councils

Civ. C, 19/Ex. 2 (1960) Art. 3347, Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961) Arts. 4, 7, 182, Sched. 1, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3 Civil Procedt1re Code Decree, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts.12-18, 321

Civil Code repealed Muslim Law, which was to be applied by co·urts established I by P. 62. Criminal Procedure and Civil :g Procedt1re Codes and D. 52 prescribe Q j11risdiction of courts in all cases, without giving any jurisdiction to courts I established by P. 62.

6/4 (1946) P. 82 Hide and Ski11s (Control) (Amendm.ent)

23/13 (1964) P. 212 Livestock a11d Meat Board

Former amends law, 3/7 (1944) P. 52 which latter impliedly repealed (see above).

6/9 (1947) P. 89 Vagrancy and Vagabondage

Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 49-51

Former elaborates on crin1es all of which are included in the Penal Code. Former authorized police officers to arrest vagrants without warrant. Criminal Procedure Code provides for arrest without war·ra11t in certain circun1stances.

Ea �

J;I.. 0 �


s Q


:s 0 CFJ z



Repealed Law

.Repealing Law


12/1 (1952) P. 125 Eritrean Men1bers of Ot1r Cl1an1ber of Deputies

23/3 (1962) 0. 27 Ter1ni11atio11 of Federal Status of Eritrea

Latter law applies the Revised Con­ stitution to Eritrea, which previou.sly bas its own procedure for the election of members to the chamber of Deputies.

12/4 (1952) P. 130 Federal J11diciary

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Termi11ation of Federal Stat1.1s of Eritrea

Latter la"' terminates the Federal Status of Eritrea. The jurisdiction of courts and the procedure to be applied in legal proceedings are prescribed by the Cri­ minal Procedt1re and Civil Procedure Codes.

µ.. 0 Cl)


< � ii. �

Q .:i:I

13/1 (1953) P. 130A Federal Judiciary

i:.t.. 0

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Terminatio11 of Federal Status of Eritrea Cri1u. Pro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D . 52 Art. 3, Civ. Pro. C.25/Ex. 3 (1965)

The forn1er law is a revised and amended version of P. 130 and is impliedly re- I pealed for the same reasons.

22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Termi11ati110 of Federal. Stat11s of Eritrea, Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, Ci,,. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965)

P. 135, a111ended law, 12/4 (1952) P. 130 which latter laws impliedly repealed.

f-< Cl) �

13/1 (1953) P. 135 Federal Judiciary (An1e11dn1e11t)

=e I

Repealed Law

Repealing Law

13/2 (1953) P. 138 Federal Crin1t!s


. Pe11. C. 16/ Ex. I (I 957),

Former elaborates on certain federal

22/3 (1962) 0. 27

crimes, which are now i11cluded in the

Tcrminatio11 o .f Fecleral

Pe·nal Code. Said federal crin1es \Vere

Statt1s of E.ritrea

by provision of former, under the ex­ clusive jt1riscliction of the federal cot1rts.

-< E: 0

The Federal Status of Eritrea was, how­ ever, abolished by 22/3 (1962) 0. 27.

0 �


23/3 (1962) 0. 27

Former law amends P. 130A and is

Federal Jl1diciary

Termi11ation of Federal

impliedly repealed for the rame ra-


Status of Eritrea


Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957),

Forrr1er amends P. 138 and is impliedly

22/3 (1962) 0. 27

repealed by the same rationale.

14/1 (1954) P. 141




i..:t 0 CJ'J z

16/6 (1957) P. 157 Federal Crin1es (Amendment)

Terminatio11 of Federal Status of Eritrea





IV. LIST OF OBSOLETE LAWS Tlie la\vs included in the following list have fulfilled the purposes which led to . the1r e�actment and are obsolete. The laws inclt1ded in this list· do not appear in the Co11sol1dated Laws.



3/6 (1944) G. 24

De�lt \\ 1ith illegal seizt1re of private property or property ,vl11ch belonged to the ltalia11 Government.

4/10 (1945) G. 42 1/4 (1942) L. 7

Dealt witl1 collectio11 of ft1nds for invalided soldiers a11d civjlia11s of the 1935 - 1941 War. Dealt witl1 imposition of a ct1rfew during certain hours.

2/12 (1943) L. 30

An1e11ded 1/4 (1942) L. 7 (see, above).

4/1 (1944) L. 59

Requirecl enen1y aliens to tt1rn over all firearms 15 days. Dealt with impositio11 of a curfew 011 e11en1y aliens.

4/1 (1944) L. 60 4/12 (1945) L. 83

1/1 (1942) P. 5

Amended 1/4 (1943) :L. 7 (see, above). ·oealt with meast1res restricti11g entry i11to Ethiopia to preve11t spread of Cholera. Dealt with evacuation of Italia11 Civilia11s.

1/1 (1942) P. 10 1/3 (1942) P. 14

Dealt with reqt1isition of essential st1pplies. Provided for the Cl1stody of E11emy Property.

2/2 (I 942) P. 25

Dealt witl1 restoratio11 of la11d and payment of a com­ pensation for land con·fisicated by the Italian Govern1ne11t. Declared war 011 Italy, Ger1nany and 1·apan. Amended 1/3 (1942) P. 14 (see, above).

7/1 (1947) N. 7

2/2s (1942) P. 33 2/12 (1943) P. 42

3/5 (1944) P. 44

Dealt with control and evact1ation of 11atio11als of states at wa.r with Ethiopia on the United Natio11s.

3/8 (1944) P. 56

Dealt with filling of claims for damages cat1sed by the Italians. Amended 1/3 (1942) P. 14 (see, above). Interpreted 1/3 (1942) P. 14 (see, above). Amended 3/8 (1944) P. 56 (see, above).

3/10 (1944) P. 64 4/5 (1945) P. 72 4/6 (1945) P. 73 6/7 (I 947) ·p. 87

Established Courts to try persons accused of certain crimes under Penal Code of 1930 and provides that ''said Courts shall automatically cease their functions and existence'' when they shall hav\! heard and decided all Prosecutions for crimes against the security of the Empire in co11nection with the recent ''World War''. - XXV -

APPENDIX V Treaty and Loan Proclamations Except for the Ch.arter of the Organizatio11 of African U11ity, 22/16 (1963) P. 202, 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 2, Proclam.ations approving treaties, loans and guarantee agreements entered into by the Imperial Ethiopian Government are not contai11ed in the Consolidated Laws, because such Proclamations conta.i11 little information. Instead, a list of the above described Procla1nations, with their Negarit Gazera citations their titles and a brief description of their subject matter, appears below. The reader interested in this i11formation may wish to refer also to the Special Au­ thority of the Minister of Finance to Contract Loa11s a11d Gt1arantees Proclamation, 26/12 (1967) P. 247, 18 Consol. L. Eth. IO. Citation and Title

Subject Matter

19/7 (1960) P. 163

Regt1lation and Administration

Ethic-Franco Railway Treaty 20/13 (1961) P. 174

of Franco-Eth,iopian Chemjn de Fer. G11arantee of

Developme11t Bank of Ethiopia­ Development Loan Fund Gt1arantee Agreen1e11t. 20/ 13 ( I 961) P. 17 5

loa11 to finance Development Bank programme. Guara11tee of

Development Bank of Etb.iopia1.B. R.D. Loan Agreement Guarantee 20/14 (1961) P. 177



loan to finance Development Bank programme. See also 21/8 (1962) P. 185. A. U.S.

External Loan

U.S. $2,000,000

$11,800,000 Export­

Import Ba11k ai1d Boeing Air­ plane Co. loan, repayable over 11ot less tl1an 7 years at not more than 5 3/4 %, to finance purchase of comn1ercial jet aircraft. B. I=o11r loa11s fro111 Developme11t


loan. fund repayable over not less tha11 20 years at not n1ore tl1a11 3 ½%, for the follo\\1ing pt1rposes: (I) U.S. $3,100,000 for co111mercial jet aircraft facilities; - XXVI -


Citation and Title

Subject Matter (2) ·u.s. $24,500,000 for airports a11d other civil aviatio11 facilities; (3) U.S. $3,600,000 for road n1aintenance eq11ip1nent and (4) U.S. $4,000,000 for high­ way constrt1ctio11 between Agaro-Gore and Nekemte Gl1imbi. *C. U.S. $8,000,000 I.B.R.D. loan, repayable over 20 years at 6% or less, p11rpose unstated

21/8 (1962) P. 185

Guarantee of U.S. $2,000,000 loan for Developme11t Bank programme (apparently the sa1ne loa11 as that covered by P. I 75, above).

Development Bank of Ethiopia­ I.B.R.D. loan Gt1arantee Agreement Approval

Credit of £3,500,000 starling for projects approved by the Co11ncil of Ministers.

21/9 (1962) P. 186 Czecl1oslovak Economic Agreeme11t

Guara11tee of U.S. $2,900,000 loan to finance Imperial Board of Telecomm11nications of .Ethiopia programme.

21/12 (1962) P. 189 I.B.T.E.-I.B.R.D. Loan Agree1nent 21/12 (1962) P. 190 Soviet Credit Agreement

Credit of 90,000,000 11ew r11bles for projects approved by Cot1ncil of Mi11isters.

21/13 (1962) P. 191 Yt1goslav Credit Agreement

Credit of U.S. $10,000,000 for :projects approved by Council of Ministers. Amd. 22/15 (1963) P. 200.

22/4 (1962) P. 194 I. B.T.E.-I.B.R.D. Loan Agreement

Guarantee of U.S. $2,900,000 loan to finance Imperial Board of Telecomn1unications of Ethiopia.

• The Amharic version of this st1bartic]e says, "for the constrt1ction of highways''. ••

- XX.Vil -


Subject Matter

Citation and Title 22/15 (1963) P. 200 Yugoslav Credit Agreeme11t (Ame11dment)

.Provision that Yugoslavia will accept Imperial Ethiopian Treasury Promissory Notes instead of bank guarantees under Art. 7 of Agreement approved by 21/13 (1962) P. 191.

22/15 (1963) P. 201 I.D.A.- Third Highway

Credit of U.S. $13,500,000 from In t er n a t i o n a l Development Association for Third High­ way Project.

23/17 ( 1964) P. 213 E.E.L.P.A.-1.B.R.D. Loan Guarantee Agreeme11t

Guarantee of U.S. $23,500,000 Joan to finance Ethiopian Electric Light and Po,¥er A11thority programme.

23/23 (1964) P. 216 African Development Bank Ag·reement Approval

Agreement establishing African Development Bank signed at Khartoum.

24/16 (1965) P. 221

U.S. $700,000 loan for Procure­ n1ent and Construction bridges.

24/16 (1965) P. 222 Germa11 Property Compensation Treaty

Paymer1t by In1perial Ethiopian Governn1e11t of 1,272,000 D. M. as compe11sation for pro­ perty of Germa11 natio11als confiscated as a restilt of World War II.

24/16 (1965) P. 223 German Loan Agreeme11 t

A. 8,000,000 D.M. Joan from

Project Development Credit Agreement

U.S.A. Loan Agreeme11t for Bailey-Type Bridges

Federal Republic of Germany for Equipment a11d machinery for co11structing feeder roads.

B. Guarantee of loa11s to Deve­ Ioi)1nent Ba.ok tip to I0,000,000 D.M. and loan to Munici­ pality of Addis Ababa up to I 0,000,000 D.M. fo.r water supply. • ••



Citation and Title

S11bject l\1atter

24/16 (1965) P. 224

Ethiopia11 Shippi11g Li 11es S.C.-V.U.S. Creclit Agree;ne11ts G11ara11tee

Guara11tee of 49% of total credit, to a 1naxin1111n of 23,681,936 D11tcl1 G11ilders, 1111der three cre d i t agree1ne11t be t \Vee 11 Ethio1Jia11 Shipi11g Li11es and Verol111 e U t1ited Shipyards and : E11gi11 eeriog Co. to Fi11ance co11strt1ction and delivery of tl1 ree vessels. See also 26/15 (I 967) P. 253.

25/1 l (1966) P. 23 I I.B. T.E.-1.B.R.D. Loat1 G11arantee Agree111ent

G11ara11 tee of U.S. $4,800,000 loan for fi11 anci11 g activities of Imperial Board of Tele­ cq111 mt111.icatio11 s of Etltiopia.

25/14 (1966) P. 233

Credit from I.D.A. of U.S. $ 7,200,000 for Educa.tio11 al pro­ jects approved by Co11ncil of 1Yli11isters.

25/17 (1966) P. 234 Ethiopia11 P11lp a1Jd PaJJer, S.C. Export-Im1 Jort Ba11k of Washingto11 Loan Agreeme1 1t Gt1ara11tee

Gt1ara11tee of U.S. $4,300,000 loan to fit1ance 1nacl1i11ery, equipme11t and related Services for a paper and paper plant.

25/18 (1966) P. 235


25/18 (1966) P. 236

Guarantee of U.S. $3,700,000 credit to finance a portion of the costs of construction equipping of Hilto11 Hotel.

25/18 (1966) P. 237 U.S.A. Commodities Loa11 Agreement

U.S. $3,000,000 loan fro.m Agency for International Development to finance foreign exchange costs of commodities and com­ modity related services.

25/18 (1966) P. 238

U.S. $ 1, 168,127.66 loan from lnter11ational for Agency Development to finance eco-

I11ternatiot1 al Associatio11 credit Agreement for Edt1catio11al Expa11sio11

U.S.A. Agrict1lt11ra.l con1n1odities Loan Agreen1e11t

Etl1jopia11 Developme11t a11d Hotel Co-Export-Import Ba11k of Washlngton Credit Agreen1 e11t G11arantee

U.S.A. Economic Projects Loan Agreement - X.XlX -

$5,420,000 loan to :finance pt1rchase of agric11lt11ral con11nodities.


St1bject Matter

Citation and Title

non1ic developme11t projects. U.S. $21,700,000 loan agreement Imperial Ethiopia11 among Government, Ethiopia11 Elec­ tric Light and Power A11tho­ rity and United States Govern­ ment acti11g through the Agency for De­ velopment, to assist in financ­ ing United States costs of goods and service required for engineering equipping and construction of dam and power stations. A1nd. 28/23 (1969) P. 270.

26/7 (1967) P. 244 U.S. Finchaa Dam Loa11 Agreement

26/11 (1967) P. 245


26/14 (1967) P. 250 British Credit Agreeme11t

Credit of up to £2,000,000 Sterl­ ing from U11jted Kingdom for 11nspecified purposes.

$225,000 loan for procure­ ment and co11struction of bridges.

U.S.A Loan Agreement for Bailey-Type Bridges

26/15 (1967) P. 251

G11arantee of ·u·.s. $5,000,000 loa11 from certain financjal institutions in U.S.A., paya­ ble iL1 tl1e eve11t of default by Etl1iopian p11rcl1asers 11nder Ho11sing project.

26/15 (1967) P. 252 Municipality of Addis Ababa Istituto Di Credito Per Le Imprese Di Publica Utilita Credit Agreerr1ent Gt1ara11tee

G L1ara11tee of 6,250,000,000 lire credit to 111unicipality to fi11a11ce tl1e materials for and the constructio11 of Legedadi reservoir, a \:'later purification plant a n. d a11 aqt1edt1ct co1111ecti11g said reservoir witl1 the city of Addis Ababa.

26/15 (1967) P. 253 Ethiopian Shippi11g Li11es

St1pplement to 24/16 (1965) P.224 authorizi11g tip to 24,732,

Bole Housi11g Project Deve]opn1e11t Agreements Gt1arantee


S.C-V.U.S. Credit Agreeme11ts Supplementary Gt1arantee.

27/12 (1968) P. 257

U.S. Investments Loan Agreeme11: - x,a -

562 Dt1tch Guilders. U.S. $8,000,000 loan to the Ethiopian Investn1ent Corpor­ atio11, S.C., to :fina11ce invest-



1ne11ts and loa11s to enter­ prises e11gaged i11 agreed i11dt1strial and agricultural acti­ vities ancl tl1e proct1rement of related professional services.

27/14 (1968) P. 259

U.S. $5,800,000 loan to fi.11ance

U.S.A. Malaria Eradicatio11 Program Loan Agreement

Malaria Eradicatio11 program.

27/18 (1968) P. 261

Loa11 and Credit Agreeme11ts for

External Loan and Credit F 011rtl1 Highway Project Agreen1ents Approval

extension and imp. rove1nent of l1ighways, as follows: (I) U.S. $13,500,000 from the I11ternational Ba11k for Reconstrt1ctio11 a11d Deve­ lopme11t; (2) U.S. $7,700,000 from the

International Developme11t Association; a11d (3) ·u.s. $5,800,000 fro,n tl1e ki11gdom of Sweden.

28/17 (1969) P. 266

37,000,000 D..M. creclit fron1 the Federal Republic of Germany to finance survey, design and constrt1ction of road from Dilla to Moya]e.

German Credit Agreement

A. Guarantee of Eth.$11,250,000

28/23 (1969) P. 269 Fourtl1 Telecommu11icatio11s Project Exter11al Credit and Guarantee Agreements Approval

- XXXl -

loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the Imperial Board of Telecommunication.s of Ethiopia for Extension and improvement of telecommuni­ cations


· s. Eth.$ 11,250,000 Credit fro111 Ki11 gdon1 of Sweden to be re-lent to I.B.T.E for same pur pose. A. Guarantee of Eth.$ 57,750,000

28/23 (1969) P. 270

loan from International Bank for reconstr·uction and Deve­ lopment to E thiopian Electric Light and Power Authority to finance Finchaa Hydro­ electric Project.

E.E.L.P.A-1.B.R.D. Loa11 Guarantee Agreements Approval

B. Amendment to 26/7 (1967) P. 244 changi11g loan amount from U.S. $21,700,000 to U.S. $1,200,000.


- XX.XU -



_______________ _ _________ A. TABLE OF CORRIGENDA


The fir .st 21 Corrigenda \\1 er e 11ot originally numbered; however, 8/12S (1949) C. 22 pr ovided that the pr eceding Corrigenda shot1ld be numberecl consec11tively, from I to 21.



1/2 (1942) C. 1

1/1 (1942) P. 3 (Am]1aric oi1ly.j 1/1 (1942) P. 6 1/1 (1942) P. IO (Amharic only.) 1/4 (1942) L. 7 (Englisl 1 only.) 2/10 (1943) L. 14 (English only.) 2/10 (1943) P. 39 3/6 (1944) L. 43 3/6 (1944) L. 45 (f\mharic 011ly.) 4/7 (1945) P. 74 (Et1glish 011ly.) 4/7 (1945) G. 33 4/8 (1945) P. 75 4/8 (1945) G. 41 4/8 (1945) G. 37 (An1haric 011ly.) 4/10 (1945) C. 7 (Amharic only. ) 4/10 (1945) L. 78 4/7 (1945) L. 74 5/2 (1945) P. 77 5/2 (1945) L. 87 (Amharic only.) 5/2 (1945) G. 56 5/8 (1946) G. 67 (English on]y.) 5/10 (1946) G. 69 5/10 (1946) L. 95 (Amharic only.) 6/4 (1946) P. 83 (Amharic only.) 5/11 (1946) P. 79 (Amharic 5/12 (1946) P. 80 (Amharic .only.) 6/7 (1947) P. 87 (English only.) 5/7 ·(1946) G. 66 6/8 (1947) Year of Issue 6/9 (1947) P. 89 (English only.) 6/9 (1947) L. 102 (English onJy.) 7/5 (1948) P. 96 (English only.) 7/5 (1948) L. 111 7/5 (1948) L. 112 7/11 (1948) G. 107 (English only.) 7/11 (1948) N. 8

1/5 (1942) C. 2 2/11 (1943) C. 3 3/6 (I 944) C. 4 3/8 (1944) C. 5 3/8 (1944) C. 6 4/10 (1945) C. 7

4/11 (1945) C. 8 4/12 (1945) C. 9 4/12 (1945) C. 10 5/3 (1945) C. 1 1 5/10 (1946) C. 12 5/11 (1946) C. 13 6/2 (1946) C. 14 6/5 (1947) C. 15 6/8 (1947) C. 16 6/8 (1947) C. 17 6/9 (1947) C. 18 6/12 (1947) C. 19 7/7 (I 948) C. 20 7/12 (1948) C. 21 •••

- XXXlll -




8/12S (1949) C. 22

8/"12S (1949) L. 133 8/12S (1949) L. 134 8/ 12 (1949) L. 130 8/12 (1949) L. 131 9/1 (1949) L. 132 2/10 (1943) N. 1 3/10 (1944) N. 2 4/2 (1944) N. 3 4/5 (1945) N. 4 4/10 (1945) N. 5 5/7 (1946) N. 6 7/1 (1946) N. 7 7/11 (1948) N. 8 7/12 (1948) N. 9 9/7 (1950) P. 112 (An1ha_ric only.) 10/9 (1951) G. 142 (English only.) 10/12 (1951) G. 144 11/5 (1952) P. I 21 (E11glish only.) l l/6 (1952) D. 10 12/2 (1952) P. 126 12/2 (1952) P. 129 2/7 (1943) P. 35 (Amharic only.) 12/5 (1952) P. 131 (Amharic only.) 10/8 (1951) G. 141 12/9 (1952) G. 161 (Amharic only.) 12/12 (1953) G. 176 (Amharic only.) 13/1 (1953) P. 135 13/1 (1953) P. 130A 13/1 (1953) P. 137 13/4 (1953) 0. 13 (Amharic only.) 10/5 (1951) P. 115 (Amharic only.) 15/12 (1956) P. 152 (English only.) 16/3 (1956) C. 36 (Amharic only.) 16/5 (1957) 0. 15 (E11glish only.) 16/5 (1957) 0. 16 (English 011ly.) 17/1 (1957) D. 22 17/1 (1957) D. 23 17/2 (1957) L. 212 17/2 (1957) L. 213 17/2 (1957) L. 212 (A1nl1aric only.)

9/6 (1950) C. 23 9/6 (195'J) C. 24

9/9 (1950) C. 25 10/10 (1951) C. 26 11/1 (1951) C. 27 11/6 (1952) C. 28 11/6 (1952) C. 29 12j4 (1952) C. 30 12/7 (1952) C. 31 12/10 (1953) C. 32 12/17 (1953) C. 33 13/2 (1953) C. 34 13/8 14/1 16/3 16/6

(1954) (1954) (I 946) (1957)

C. C. C. C.

35* 35* 36 37**

17/3 (1957) C. 37**

* Due to an error in numbering, two Corri ge11da are 11t1111bered C. 35.

· **

Due to an error in nttmbering, two Corrigenda are 11umbered C. 37. - XXX1V -



1'7/4 (1957) C. 38 * 17/6 (1957) C. 39 20/3 (1960) C. 40 20/6 (1960) C. 41 ** 20/16 (1961) C. 41 ** 21/3 (1961) C. 42 21/10 (1962) C. 43 21/JO (1962) C. 44 22/6 (1962) C. 45 22/8 (1963) C. 46 22/9 (1963) C. 47 22/9 (1963) C. 48 22/21 (1963) C. 49 22/22 (I 963) C. 50 23/6 (1963) C. 51 23/6 (1963) C. 52 23/14 (1964) C. 53 23/14 (1964) C.54 23/14 (1964) C.55 23/14 (1964) C.56 23/24 (1964) C.57 23/24 (1964) C. 58 24/5 (1964) C. 59 24/8 (1965) C. 60 24/10 (1965) C. 61 *** 25/17 (1966) C. 61 *** 26/8 (1967) C. 62 26/15 (1967) C. 63 26/15 (1967) C. 64 27/7 (I 967) C. 65 27/8 (1967) C. 66 27/13 (1968) C. 67 27/13 (1968) C. 68 28/9 (1969) C. 69 28/10 (1969) C. 70 28/17 (1969) C. 71

16/Ex. 1 (1957) Penal Code * (Amharic 011ly.) 17/1 (1957) D. 22 17/4 (1957) D. 26 (E11glisl1 011ly.) 20/2 (1960) L. 233 20/1 (1960) G. 276 (English only.) 20/12 (1961) G. 286 20/17 (1961) D. 46 21/7 (1962) 0. 24 21/9 (1962) L. 253 21/3 (I 961) 0. 23 (English 011ly.) 22/6 (1962) L. 269 (A1nharic only.) 21/1 (1961) L. 243 (Amharic only.) 22/2 (1962) L. 261 (English only.) 22/8 (1963) G. 310 22/18 (1963) P. 205 (Englisl1 011ly.) 23/5 (1963) L. 279 (E11glish 011ly.) 22/23 (1963) P. 209 (English only.) 22/20 (1963) 0. 30 (Amharic 011ly.) 23/J 2 (1964) G. 325 23/13 (1964) 0. 34 23/19 (1964) L. 289 (Amharic only.) 23/I 9 (1964) L. 289 (Englisl1 only.) 23/13 (1964) P. 212 (English only.) 23/3 (1963) P. 210 (English only.) 24/5 (1964) L. 302 24/5 (1964) L. 301 25/12 (1966) Table of Contents (English only.) 26/2 (1966) P. 242 25/7 (1966) P. 229 (English only.) 25/17 (1966) 0. 45 (English only.) 27 /4 (1967) P. 255 27/3 (1967) G. 371 27/6 (1967) P. 256 27/6 (1967) 0. 49 (Amharic only.) 27 /6 (1967) P. 245 (English only.) 28/3 (1968) G. 383 28/6 (1969) J..,. 354 (Amharic only.) 28/12 (1969) L. 365 (Amharic onJy.)

• Because the Penal Code is not included in the Corisolidated Laws and there is thus no way to incorporate this Corrigendum into t11e text thereof, the Corrigendum is separately presented herein at 5 Consol. L. Eth. 13. �'* Due to an error in numbering, two Corrigenda are numbered C. 41. ,:,,�;� Due to an error in numbering, two Corrigenda are numbered C. 61. - XXXV -



1/6 (1942) D. I Administratio11 Reg11latio11s (For L-ocal Government) 2/3 (1942) D. 2 Reg·ulations for tl1e Adnlinistratio11 of the Church 3/12 (1944) D. 3 Regulations for the Establish111et1t of Missions 4/3 (1944) D. 4 Establishing Medals for tl1e Can1paign 1936-1941 4/5 (1945) D. 5 Award of decoration to tl1e Colo11rs of the Grand. Army (1935-1941)

6 Consol. L. Et/1 . . I

5/10 (1946) D. 6 Administrative Reg11latio11s (Ame11d1ne11t) 6/5 (1947) D. 7 Admi11istrative Regulations (Amendme11t) 6/7 (1947) D. 8 Appointn1e11ts 7/2 (1947) D. 9 Pharmacopeia 11/6 (1952) D. 10 Regulations Governing Medals 11/6 (1952) D. 11 Award of Medals (Amendment) 11/7 (1952) D. 12 Establishing Memorial Medal of the Korea11 War 11/7 (1952) D. 13 Regi.1lations Governing Medals (Amendment) 11/10 (1952) D. 14 Regi.1lations Governing Meclals (Amendment) 13/14 (1954) D. 15 Establi·shing Insignia 15/11 (1956) D. 16 Federal Excise Tax - XXXVI -

31 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1 31 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2 33 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1

33 Co11sol. L. Etl1. 2 A111s. 1/6 (1942) D. 1, 6 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1 A,ns. 1/6 (1942) D. 1, 6 Cor1sol. L. Eth. 1 Tra11sitory; not included herein 30 Consol. L. Et/1. 16

33 Consol. L. Et/1. 3 Ams. 4/3 (1944) D. 4, 33 Consol. L. Eth. 1 33 Co11s0!. L. Et/1. 4 ReJJd. 16/14 (1957) D. 21

A111s. 11/6 (1952) D. I 0, 33 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 3

33 Co11s0I. L. Et/1. 5 Repel. 22/17 (1963) P. 204

---------------· ���-=--� 15/11 (1956) D. 17 TABLE OF DECRRES

Re1;cl. 22/18 (1963) P. 205

Federal Transactio11 Ta. x 15/11 (1956) D. 18 Alcol1ol Excise Duty 16/1 (1956) D. 19 Income Tax 16/12 (1957) D. 20 Ratification of Amendme11t to Eritrean Constitution 16/14 (1957) D. 21 Police Medal Establish1ne11t 17/1 (1957) D. 22 Local Products Excise Tax 17/1 (1957) D. 23 Ann11al Highway Re11ovation Expenditt1re (Amendn1ent) 17/3 (1957) D. 24 Tobacco Regie (An1endn1ent)

R.epcl. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Repel. 20/13 (1961) P. 173 J111pl. repel. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

33 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 6 Repel. 22/18 (1963) P. 205

A.JJJJ. 19/4 (1960) N. A. 1; repd. 26/14 (1967) P. 249

17/3 (1957) D. 25 Local Prod11cts Excise Tax (Amendment) 17/4 {1957) D. 26 Stamp Duty 17/4 (1957) D. 27 Registration of B11siness Enterprises 17/4 (1957) D. 28 National Coffee Board 17/4 (1957) D. 29 Coffee Cleaning and Gradi11g (Amendment) 17/4 (1957) D. 30 Grain Board (An1endment) 18/1 (1958) D. 31 A11thority to Iss11e Orders (Amend111ent) 18/1 (1958) D. 32 * A11ditor General (F1111ctions) 18/13 (1959) D. 32* Alcohol Prod.uction Tax 18/13 (1959) D. 33 Federal Alcol1ol Consumptio11 Tax 18/14 (1959) D. 34 Income Tax (An1endment) 18/14 (1959) D. 35 Federal Transaction Tax (Ame11dment)


App. 19/4 (1960) N. A. 2; {ll11S. 2/2S (1942) P. 30, 23 Consol. L. Etf1. 14 .Repel. 22/18 (1963) P. 205 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 15 21/3 (1961) P. 184, 23 Consol. L. Eth. 2 A,nd. ancl re11un1. 21/1 (1961) P. 178, 24 Cor1sol. L. Eth. 13 AJJp. 19/5 (1960) N. A. 3; a,ns. l li5 (1952) P. 121, 24 Consol. L. Eifz. 11 App. 19/5 (1960) N. A. 4; a111s. 9/9 (1950) P. 113, 24 Co11sol. L. Eth. 8 A,ns. 1/2 (1942) P. 13, 12 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 3 .1-J111cl. and renum. 21/3 (1961) P. 179, 14 Consol. L. Et/1.. 2 Repd. 24/10 (1965) P. 217 A.111cl. a11cl reni,nz.

Repd. 24/10 (1965) P. 217 Repd. 20/13 (1961) P. 173 Repd. 22/18 (1963) P. 205

* Due to an error in ntunbering, two Decrees carry the number 32 . ••

- XX.X.Vll -


18/14 (1959) D. 37* Health Tax 19/1 (1959) D. 37* Toba.cco Regie (Ame11dme11t) 19/1 (1959) D. 39 Federal Salt Tax (A1ne11d111e11t) 19/1 ( I 959) D. 40 Federal Excise Tax (Ame11dn1e11t) l 9/11 (1960) D. 41

Buildi11g Materials Excise Tax 19/11 (1960) D. 42 Natio11al Lottery 20/2 (1960) D. 43 Annual High\\1ay Re11ovatio11 Expe11diture (Amendment) 20/4 (1960) D. 44 Farin Worker's Co-operative 20/15 (1961) D. 45 Penal Code (Penalities) 20/17 (1961) D. 46 Pt1blic Serva11ts' Pensio11 20/19 (1961) D. 47 Imperial Savings and Home Ow11ersh p Associatio11 21/17 (1962) D. 48 Civil Aviatio11 21/18 (1962) D. 49 Labour Relations 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Un.fair Trade Practices 23/1 (1963) D. 51 Investment 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Civil Procedure Code 25/21 (1966) D. 53 Monetary a11d Banking (Amendn1e11t) 28/26 (1969) D. 54 Mo11etary a11d Ba11ki11g Procla1n,1tio11 (Ame11dment)

Orig. D. 36; app. and re111,,1n. 19/6 (1960) N. A. 5, J 7 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 8 An1cl.a11cl reni1n1. 21/3 (1961) P.182 '· a111s. 2/2S ( 1942) P. 30, 23 Co11sol. L. Eth. 14 Orig. D. 38; a11p. ancl renum. 20/5 (1960) N. A. 7; a111s. 14/9 (1955) P. 146� 17 Co11J·o!..L. Et/1. 13 Orig. D. 39; apJJ ancl re111J1n. 19/9 (1960) N. A. 6; reJJd. 22/17 (I 963) P. 204 Repel. 22/10 (1963) N. D. I Amel. a11d ren1,1111. 21/3 (1961) P. 183, 12 Consol. L. Et/1. 8 ReJJCI. 26/14 (1967) P. 249 Repd. 25/24 (1966) P. 241

5 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 14 A111d. ctncl 1·e11i,n1. 22/23 (t963)

P. 209, 8 Consol. L. Et/1. 6 An1cl. and re11i1111. 21/11 (1962) :P. 188, 15 Consol. L. Et/1. 3 ApJJ. 22/9 (1963) N. A. 8,

21 Consol. L. E1l1. 2 Ar11d a11d renu1r1. 23/3 (1963) P. 210, 28 Con.r;o/. L. Et!,. 6 Arr1cl. and re11i1111. 24/ l9 (1965) P. 228, 23 Consol. L. Erh. 6 A111d. a11d renun1.. 26/2 (1966) P. 242, 19 Co11sol. L. Eth.. 3 5 Consol. L. Et/1. I 1 ApJJ. 26/8 (1967) N. A. 9; a111s. 22/20 (1963) P. 206, 15 Cor1.r;o/. L. Etlz. 4 An1s. 22/20 (1963) P. 206, 15 Co11,r;o/. /�. Er/1. 4

"' Due to a11 error i11 nt1n1beriI1g, two Decrees carry tl1e 11umber 37 . •••

- XXl(.Vlll -



1/1 (1942) G. l Appointn1e11ts 1/2 (1942) G. 2 Gover11n1e11t Office I-lot1rs 1/3 (1942) G. 3 Appoi11tments 1/3 (1942) G. 4 Appointn1ents 1/5 (1942) G. 5 Payme11t of Taxes 011 Inclt1stries, Tracles, Professio11s and Bt1ildi11gs I/6 (1942) G. 6 Adoptio11 of New Standard Ti111e l/6 (1942) G. 7 Appointn1ents l/6 (1942) G¡. 8 Appointn1ents 2/2S. (1942) G. 9 Appointments 2/3 (1942) G. 10 Appointments 2/4 (1942) G. 11 Reestablishme11t of Former Ow11ers on Land 2/4 (1942) G. 12 Appointments 2/5 (1943) G. 13 Appointments 2/10 (1943) G. 14 Appointments 2/12 (1943) G. 15 Appointments 2/12 (1943) G. 16 Appointments 3/3 (1943) G. 17 Appointments 3/3 (1943) G. 18 Charter of the State Bank of Ethiopia

Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erei11 8 Co11so!. L. Et/1. 1


Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded I1erein Transitory; 11ot incl11ded l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot i11cluded ]1erei11 23

Co11so/. L. Eth.

Tra11sitory; l1erein Transitory; l1erein Tra11sitory; herein Tra11sitory; l1erei11 Transitory; l1erei11


11ot i11cluded 11ot i11clt1ded not incltided 11ot incltided not incl11ded

Tra11sitory; not i11cJuded herei11 Transitory; not incltided herein Transitory; 11ot i11cluded l1erein Transitory; not inclt1cled herein Transitory; not included herein Tra11sitory; not incltided l1erein Repel. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30



3/3 (1943) G. 19 Appointments 3/3 (1943) G. 20 Appoi11tments 3/3 (1943) G. 21 Appointme11ts 3i5 (1944) G. 22 Appeals to the Profits Tax Appeal Co111missiot1 3/5 (1944) G. 23 Appointmet1ts 3/6 (1944) G. 24 Prohibition of Seizt1re of Private Prope1ty 3/6 (I 944) G. 25 Appointments 3/9 (I 944) G. 26 Appoint111et1ts 3/11 (1944) G. 27 Appointme11ts 4/2 (1944) G. 28 ApJ)Ointments


Transitory; not i11cl11ded l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herei11 Tra11sitory; not incl11ded l1erein ReJJCl. 8/12 (1949) P. 107 .

Tra11sitory; 11ot includ.ed l1erei11 Obsolete; not included l1erein Tra11sitory; not included l1erein Transitory; 11ot inclt1ded l1erein Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; not included l1erein

4/3 (1944) G. 29 Inte.rpretation of Certain Powers Granted in the Cl1arter of the State Bank of Ethiopia

Repel. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30

4/3 (I 944) G. 30 Appointment 4/3 (1944) G. 31 Ap1)ointment 4/4 (1944) G. 32 Appointment 4/7 (1945) G. 33 Appointments 4/7 (1945) G. 34 Appointments 4/8 (1945) G. 35 Appointments 4/8 (1945) G. 36 Appointme11t 4/8 (1945) G. 37 Appointments 4/8 (1945) G. 38 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot inclt1ded herei11 Tra11sitory; not included l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herein Tra11sitory; 11ot ir1cluded l1erein Transitory; not included l1erei11 Transitory; not inclt1ded l1erei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot incltided herein l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot icnluded -xl-


4/8 (1945) G. 39

l�ra11sitory; 11ot incl11ded herei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot included herei11 Transitory; not i11cl11ded l1erei11


4/8 (1945) G. 40 Appoi11tme11ts 4/8 (1945) G¡. 41 Appointments

4/10 (1945) G. 42

Obsolete; 11ot i11cl11ded herei11

Collection of Funds for I11valid Armecl Forces a11d Civilia11s 4/10 (1945) G. 43 Appointment 4/10 (1945) G. 44 Appointn1ents '

Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded herein Transitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; 11ot included herein

4/10 (1945) G. 45 Appointments

4/10 (1945) G. 46

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein

4/11 (1945) G. 47 Appointme11ts

Transitory; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erei11

4/11 (1945) G. 48 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot i11cl11ded herein

4/11 (1945) G. 49 i-\.ppointments

Tra11sitory; not i11cl11ded herein Transitory; not incJ 11ded herei11


4/11 (1945) G. 50 Appointme11ts

4/11 (1945) G. 51

Transitory; not included herei11

4/12 (1945) G. 52

Tra11sitory; not incl11ded herei11


An11ounceme11t of Election and AJJpointments 5/1 (1945) G. 53 Appointment

Transitory; not incl11ded l1erein

5/1 (1945) G. 54 Appointment

Transitory; not i11clt1decl herein

5/1 (1945) G. 55 Appointment

Tra11sitory; 11ot incl 11ded herein Transitory; not i11cluded herei11

5/2 (1945) G. 56 Appointment

Transitory; not incl11ded herein Imp/. repd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206

5/3 (1945) G. 57 Appointments 5/3 (1945) G. 58 - xli -


Mea,sureme11t and Coo1positio11 of tl1e N'e w Ethiopia11 Coins

5/4 (1945) G. 59

Repd. 25/4 (1965) 0. 41

5/4 (1945) G. 60

Tra11sitory; not inclttded herei11 Repd. 25/4 (1965) 0.41

Cl1arter of' Ethiopia11 Air Li11es, Incorporated Appointment

5/4 (1945) G. 61

Designation of the Minister of Finance to be the Govern1ne11t's Stockholder in E.A.L. T11c. 5/5 (1946) G. 62 Appointment

6/1 (1946) G. 71

Transitory; l1erein Transito.ry; herei11 ' Tra11sitory; herei11 Transitory; herein Tra11sitory; l1erei11 Transitory; l1erei11 Tra11sitory; herei11 Transitory; herei11 Transitory; herei11 Transitory; l1erei11 Jr11JJ/. repel.

6/2 (1946) G. 76

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded herei11 Tra11sitory; not i11clt1ded herei11 Tra11sitory; not i11cluded l1erei11 30 Co11sol. L. Et!1. I

6/4 (1946) G. 77

Transitory; not i11cJ L1ded

5/5 (1946) G. 63 Appointments ,

5/5 (1946) G. 64

Appointment 5/6 (1946) G. 65 Appointments

5/7 (1946) G. 66 Appointn1e11t

5/8 (1946) G. 67 Appoi11t1nents

5/9 (1946) G. 68

Appointme11ts 5/9 (1946) G. 69* Appointments

5/10 (1946) G. 69 * Appointn1ents

5/11 (1946) G. 70 Appoi11tments

Pt1blic Holidays 6/2 (1946) G. 73 Appoi11tme11ts 6/2 (1946) G. 74 Appoi11tme11t 6/2 (1946) G. 75 Appointme11t Charter of the Central Medical Stores Corporatio11

not included not included not included not included not includ.ed not inclt1ded not inclt1ded not i11cluded 11ot i11cluded not i11cluded

15/9 (1956) P. 151

�� Dt1e to an error in 11t1n1bering, two Ge11eral Notices carry the nt1111ber 69.

- xlii -


f\p}JOi 11t111e11t 6/5 (1947) G. 78 Annot111ceme11t of Electio11 G. 79 -- 88 6/7 (1947) G. 89 Appoint1ne11t 6/8 (1947) G. 90 Incorporatio11 of the Chan1ber of Commerce of Addis Ababa by Imperial Charter 6/8 (1947) G. 91 Appointn1ents 6/8 (1947) G. 92 Appointments 6/8 (1947) G. 93 Appointments 6/8 (1947) G. 94 Appointn1ent 6/8 (1947) G. 95 Appoi11une11t 6/9 (1947) G. 96 Ap1Jointme11t 6/ 11 (1947) G. 97 Appointment 7/1 (1947) G. 98 Ca11cellatio11 of Appointme11t 7/2 (1947) G. 99 Incorporation of the Red Cross Society by Imperial Charter 7/2 (1947) G. 100 Appoi11t.ment 7/2 (1947) G. 101 Appointments 7/2 (1947) G. 102 Appointme11ts 7/4 (1947) G. 103* Appointment 7/5 (1948) G. 103* Appointments 7/4 (1947) G. 104** Appointments 7/7 (1948) G. 104** Appointments I

l1erei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot included l1erei11 No Ge11eral Notices beari11g tl1ese 11t1111bers have appeared i11 tl1e Negarit Gc1zeta. Transitory; 11ot included l1erei11 32 Co11sol. L. Et/1 . .l

Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot incltided l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot incl tided l1erein Transitory; 11ot i11clt1cled herein Transitory; 11ot i11clt1ded l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot incltrdecl l1erei11 Tra11sitorv ,· not i11clucied herei11 Transitory; not i11clt1ded l1erei11 32 Consol. L. Et/1. 2 �

Transitory; l1erein Tra11sitory; herei11 Transitory; l1erein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein

11ot iocltided 11ot i11clt1decl 11ot incl11decl not included not included not included not inclt1ded

�· Due to an error in numbering, two General Notices carry tl1e number 103. � � Due to an error in numbering, two General Notices ca11.·y the number 104. ..

- xliii -


7/8 (1948) G. 105 Appoi11tments

Tra11sitor¡y; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erein

7/9 (1948) G. 106 Appointme11t

Transitory; 11ot incltLdde l1erei11

7/11 (1948) G. 107 Appointments

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded l1erei11

8/1 (1948) G. 108 Appoint1nent

Tra11sitory; not included l1erein

8/1 (1948) G. 109 Appointment

Transitory; not included herein

8/1 (1948) G. 110 Appointment

Transitory; not included herein

8/2 (1948) G. 111 Establishn1ent of National Etliio1iJ ao Sports Confederation and its I11corporation by Imperial Charter

32 Consol. L. Eth. 3

8/2 (1948) G. 112 Appointme11ts

Transitory; not included l1erei11

8/3 (1948) G. 113 Appointments

Transitory; 11ot included herein

8/3 (1948) G. 114 A1111ou11cement of Election

Tra11sitory; 11ot inclt1ded herein

8/6 (1949) G. 115 Appoi11tn1ents

Transitory; not included herei11

8/7 (1949) G. 116 Appointments

Tra11sitory; not included l1erein

8/7 (1949) G. 117 Appointme11t

Tra11sitory; not included herein

8/9 (1949) G. 118 Cancellation of Appoi11tment

Tra11sitory; not included l1erei11

8/10 (1949) G. 119 Ap1Jointme11ts

Tra11sitory; not incl11ded l1erei11

8/12 (1949) G. 120 Appointme11ts

Tra11sitory; 11ot included l1erein

9/1 (1949) G. 121

Tra11sitory; not included herei11

9/3 (1949) G. 122 Announcement of Electio11

Tra11sitory; not incl11ded herein


- iliv -




9/4 (1949) G. 123 Appointn1e11ts

Tra11sitory; 11ot i11clt1decl l1erei11

9/4 (1949) G. .124 Appoi11t111ent

Transitory; 116t i11clt1decl herei11

9/4 (1949) G. 125

Transitory; 11ot i11cluded l1erei11 Transitory; not inclt1ded herei11 Transitory; not included l1erein Tra11sitory; not included herei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot i11clt1ded herei11 Tra11sitory; not incl11ded herei11 Transitory; 11ot included l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot inclt1cled herein 32 Consol. L. Etf1. 4

Appoi11tme11ts 9/4 (1949) G. 126 Appointments 9/4 (1949) G. 127 Appointment 9/4 (1949) G. 128 Appointn1ent 9/6 (1950) G. 129 Appoint111e11ts 9/7 (1950) G. 130 Appointn1e11ts 9/8 (1950) G. 131 Appoi11tme11ts 9/9 (1950) G. 132 Appoint111e11ts 9/10 (1950) G. 133 Charter of the I1n1Jerial Etlliopian Aero Club 9/11 (1950) G. 134 Appointme11ts 9/11 (1950) G. 135 Cl1arter of the Boy Scot1t Association of Ethiopia 9/12 (1950) G. 136 Appoi11tments 10/2 (1950) G. 137 An11ot111cement of Electio11

Transitory; not i11cluded herei11 Transitory; not included herein

10/4 (1950) G. 138 Appointn1ents

Transitory; not i11clt1ded herein

10/5 (1951) G. 139

Tra11sitory; not includ.ed herein

10/6 (1951) G. 140

Transitory; not included herein

10/8 (1951) G. 141

Transitory; not included herein

10/9 (1951) G. 142

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

Transitory; not included herei11 32 Consol. L. Erh. 5


Appoi11tments Appointment


- xlv •


10/9 (I 951) G. 143 Appointments I O/ 12 (1951) G. 144 Appointments 11/1 (1951) G. 145 Appointn1ents 11/3 (1951) G·. 146 Appointments 11/4 (1951) G. 147 Appointn1ents 11/8 (1952) G. 148 Appointments 11/9 ( 1952) G. 149 Appointments 11/9 (1952) G. 150 Appointments 11/12 (1952) G. 151 Appointments 12/5 (1952) G. 152 Appointn1ent 12/6 (1952) G. 153 Appointments 12/6 (1952) G. 154 Appoi11tments 12/7 (1952) G. 155 Appoi11tme11ts 12/7 (1952) G. 156 Appointments 12/8 (1953) G. 157 Award of Honours 12/8 (1953) G. 158 r Appointments and Award of Hono1 ·s 12/8 (1953) G. 159 Appointme11ts and. Award of Ho11011�s 12/9 (1953) G. 160 Appoin.tn1e11ts 12/9 (1953) G. 161 Appointme11t 12/10 (1953) G. 162* Appointments 12/13 (1953) G. 162* Appointn1ents

Tra11sitory; J1.erei11 Transitory; J1erei11 Transitory; herein Transitory; l1erein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; l1erein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Tra11sitory; herein Tra11sitory; l1erein Transitory; l1erein Tra11sitory; herein

.not inc)t1ded 11ot included not includecl not included not included not included not included not included not included not included not included not jncluded not i·ncluded not included not included not included 11ot included 11ot incl11ded 11ot inclt1ded 11ot included not included

* D ue to an error in nun1beri11g, two Ge11!ral Notice carry the nttlllher 162.

- xlvi -





12/10 (1953) G. 163* Appointments 12/13 (1953) G. 163* Appointn1ents 12/11 (1953) G. 164** A_ppointn1ents 12/14 (1953) G. 164** Award. of I-Io11ours 12/11 (1953) G. 165*** Award of Ho11ours 12/16 (1953) G. 165*** Award of I-Ionours and A JJpoint111ents 12/12 (1953) G. 166**** Award of Honours and Appointments 12,116 (1953) G. 166**** Appoi11tn1e11t 12/12 (1953) G. 167***** Award of Honot1rs and Appointn1ents 13/4 (1953) G. 167***** Cl1arter of the Imperial M'ini11g Board 13/4 (1953) G. 168 Charter of the Scrap Iron Board 13/5 (1953) G. 169 Charter of the Etl1iopian W on1e11 's Welfare Association 13/6 (1953) G. 170 Appoi11tment 13/6 (1953) G 171 Appoi11tments 13/8 (1954) G. 172****** Appointment 13/10 (1954) G. 172****** Charter of tl1e City of Addis Ababa 13/8 (1954) G. 173 Appointn1ents 13/8 (1954) G. 174 Award of Honours a11d Appointments 13/8 (1954) G. 175 Appointme11ts 13/8 (1954) G. l 76 A_ppoi.11tme11ts * Due ** Due * ** Due **** Due ***** Due ****** Due


to an error 1n nu1nbering, two • numbering, two an error 111 to • to an error 1n numberi11g, two • to an error In numbering, two • to an error 10 numberjng, two to an error in numbering, {"\1/0

General General General General General General

- xJvii -

Tra11sitory; not inclt1ded herein �fransitory; 11ot inclt1ded herein Tra11sitory; not included herein Transitory; not included l1erei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein Tra11sitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot incltided herein Transitory; 11ot included herein Imp/. repd. 25/23 (I 966) 0 .46 23 Consol. L. Etlz. I 3. 32 Consol..L. Eth. 8. Transitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; 11ot i11clt1ded herein Transitory; not included herein Consol. L. A. A. 2; not incl tided l1erein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not ioclt1ded herein Transitory; not inclt1ded herein Transitory; not included herein Notices carry the number 163. Notices carry the number 164. Notices carry the number 165. Notices carry the number 166. Notices carry the number 167. Notice carry the number 172.


G. 177 13/11 (1954) G. Appointn1ents 13/11 (1954) G. Appointments 13/11 (1954) G. ApJ)ointments 13/11 (1954) G. Appointment 13/11 (1954) G. Appointment 13/12 (1954) G. Appointments


No Ge11eral Notice nt1mbered 177 l1as appeared in the Negarit Gazeta. Transitory; 11ot i11clt1ded ¡ herei11 Tra11sitory; not inclt1ded herein Tra11sitory; not included herein. Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein I

179 180 181 182 183 and Award of Honours

13/12 (1954) G. 184 Appointments and Award of Honot1rs

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

13/13 (1954) G. 185 Unj\'ersity College charter


13/14 (1954) G. 186 Appointment

Transitory; 11ot included herein

14/2 (1954) G. 187 Cl1arter of Im1Jerial Ethiopian Society for the Protection of Animals

32 Co11s0/. L. Eth. 9

14/3 (1954) G. 188 Appointn1ents and Award of Hono11rs 14/3 (1954) G. 189 A1Jpointme11ts

Tra11sitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herei11

14/4 (1954) G. 190 Appointments and Award of Ho11ot11s I 4/8 (1955) G. 191 Award of Hono11rs 14/9 (1955) G. 192 Appointment and Award of Ho11ot1rďż˝

Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded l1erei11 Transitory; not i11clt1ded herein

14/9 (1955) G. 193 Appoi11tments 14/9 (1955) G. 194 Appointment ancl Award of Hono11rs

Transitory; 11ot included flerei11 Transitory; 1Jot included herei11

14/9 (1955) G. 195 Appointme11ts 14/9 (1955) G. 196 Appoi11tments and Award of Honot11s

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; 11ot included l1erein

- xlviii -

Repd. 20/8 (1961) G. 284

Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herei11


I 4/9 (1955) G. 197 A1)J)ointn1ents 14/9 (1955) G. 198 A \1/ard of Honours 14/10 (1955) G. 199 Appoi11tment 14/10 (1955) G. 200 Appointme11t 14/10 (1955) G. 201 A \vard of Honot1rs a11d ApJ)oi11t111e11ts 14/lO (1955) G. 202 Appointn1e11ts a11cl Award of Ho11ot1rs 14/10 (1955) G. 203 Appointments 14/10 (1955) G. 204 Appointme11ts

Tra11sitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; l1erei11 Tra11sitory; herein Transitory; herein

not inclt1ded 11ot i11cluded 11ot included not inclt1ded 11ot inclt1ded

Tra11sitory; not inclt1ded herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein

14/11 (1955) G. 205 Ap_pointments 14/11 (1955) G. 206 Award of Honours

Transitory; not i11clt1ded herein Transitory; not included herein

14/11 (1955) G. 207 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein

14/12 (1955) G. 208 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein

15/1 (1955) G. 209 A v.1ard of Honours

Tra11sitory; not inclt1ded _ herein

15/3 (1955) G. 210 Appointment

Tra11sitory; not included herein

15/3 (1955) G. 211 Appointme11t

Transitory; not included herein

15/4 (1955) G. 212 Award of Honours

Transitory; 11ot included herein

15/5 (I 956) G. 213 Charter of Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority

20 Consol. L. Eth. 5

15/6 (1956) G. 214 Award of Honours

Transitory; not included herein

15/7 (1956) G. 215 Award of Honot1rs

Transitory; not included herein

15/7 (1956) G. 216 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein




15/8 (1956) G. 2l 7 Award of Ho11ours 15/10 (1956) G. 218 Appointments 16/2 (1956) G. 219 Appointn1et1ts 16/2 (1956) G. 220 Appointn1ents I 6/4 (1956) G. 221 Concessions to Commemorate the 25th An11j,,ersary of His I1nperial Majesty's Coronation 16/7 (1957) G. 222 Appointments 16/8 (1957) G. 223 Award of Honours 16/9 (1957) G. 224 Award of Honours a11d Appoi11tme11ts 16/9 (1957) G. 225* Appointme11ts 16/10 (1957) G. 225* Medals (Amendme11ts) Reg11lations 16/10 (1957) G. 226** Appointment 16/12 (1957) G. 226** Appoi11tments 17/3 (1957) G. 227 Appointn1e11ts 17/3 (1957) G. 228 Award of Honours 17/5 (1957) G. 229 Cl1a.rter of the Me11elik II Memorial Fund and Trinity Monastery 17/6 (1957) G. 230 Charter of th.e Ethiopian Horse Racing Club 17/6 (1957) G. 231 Appointments 1·7 /6 (1957) G. 232 Award of Hono11rs 17/7 (1958) G. 233 Award of Ho11011rs


Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not i11clt1ded herein Transitory; not included l1erei11 Transitory; not included herein 26 Consol. L. Et/1. I

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded herein Transitory; not included herein Tra11sitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot included l1erein A111s. 11/6 (1952) D. 10, 33 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3 Transitory; not included .h.erein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein 32 Consol. L. Et/1. 11 32 Consol. L. Etlz. I 0 Tra11sitory; not included l1erein Transitory; not i11 eluded herein Transitory; not included herein

* Due to an error in nun1beru1g, two Ge11eral Notices are 11u111bered 225. '�* Due to a11 error in nt11nbering, two Ge11eral Notices are 11un1bered 226 .



, ,


17 /7 (1958) G. 234 Appointments 17/10 (1958) G. 235 Appointments 17/12 (1958) G. 236 Appoi11tments 17/12 (1958) G. 237 Award of Honol1rs 17/11 (1958) G. 238* Star of Victory Medal (Ame11dme11t) Regt1latio11s 17/13 (1958) G. 238* Appointments 17/13 (1958) G. 239 Award of Ho11ours 17/14 (1958) G. 240 Appointmet1ts 18/3 (1958) G. 241 Appointn1ents 18/3 (1958) G. 242 Award of Honours . 18/4 (1958) G. 243 Award of Honours 18/4 (1958) G. 244 Appointments 18/5 (1959) G. 245 Appointments 18/6 (1959) G. 246 Award of Hono11rs 18/6 (1959) G. 247 Appointments 18/7 (1959) G. 248 A¡ppointments 18/7 (1959) G. 249 Award of Hono11rs 18/8 (1959) G. 250 Appointments 18/8 (1959) G. 251 Award of Honours 18/9 (1959) G. 252 Award of Honours

Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not incl11ded herein Transitory; not included herein Ams. 11/16 (1952) .D. 10, 33 Co11sol. L. Eth. 3. Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; not included l1erein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein

* Due to an error in numbering, two Generil Notices are numbered

- Ii-



18/11 (1959) G. 253 Charter of the Haile Selassie l Fo11ndation. 18/10 (1959) G. 254 Appointments 18/10 (1959) G. 255 Appointme11ts 18/13 (1959) G. 256 Appointrne11ts 18/13 (1959) G. 257 Award of Hono11rs 19/1 (1959) G. 258 Appointn1e11ts 19/5 (1960) G. 259 Award of Honours 19/5 (1960) G. 260 Appoi11tme11ts 19/6 (1960) G. 261 Amendme11t to Cha.rter of the Haile Selassie I Fo11ndatio11 19/6 (1960) G. 262 Appointments 19/7 (1960) G. 263 Amendn1eot to Charter of the Me11elik II Building Fund and Trinity Monastery 19/7 (1960) G. 264 Appointments 19/7 (1960) G. 265 Award of Hono11rs 19/7 (1960) G. 266 Appointments 19/8 (1960) G. 267 Charter of the Ethiopia11 Grai11 Corporation 19/11 (1960) G. 268 Scrap Iron Board Charter (Amendment) 19/11 (1960) G. 269 Award of Ho1101rrs 19/11 (1960) G. 270 Appointme11ts 19/11 (1960) G. 271 Appointments

32 Consol. L. Eth. 12. Transitory; 11ot i11cludect herein Transitory; not included herei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded berei11 Transitory; 11ot i11clt1ded herei11 Transitory; not inclttded l1erei11 Transitory; not i11cluded herei11 Tra11sitory; 11ot included herei11 Ams. 18/11 (1959) G. 253, 32 Co11sol. L. Eth. 12. Transitory; not i11cl11ded herein A1ns. 17/5 (1957) G. 229, 32 Consol. L. Eth. 11 . Transitory; 11ot included herein Transitory; 11ot i11cluded l1erein Transitory; ¡not inclt1ded herein 24 Consol. L. Eth. 10 A111s. 13/4 (1953) G. 168, 23 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 13 Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herei11 . Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erei11. Tra11sitory; not i11clt1ded herein.

- lii -


l 9/11 (1960) G. 272

f\,vard of Ho11ot1rs 19/1 l (1960) G. 273 Appoi11tme11ts 19/12 (1960) G. 274 A\vard of Ho11ours 19/12 (1960) G. 275 A PJ)oi11t1ne11ts 20/1 (1960) G. 276 A_ppoi11tme11ts

20/3 (1960) G¡. 277

A\Varel of I-lonot1rs 20/3 (1960) G. 278 Appoiotn1ents 20/5 (1960) G. 279 ApJJoi11tn1e11ts 20/6 (1960) G. 280 Central Medical Stores Cor1)oratio11 Charter (Amend111ent)

20/6 (1960) G. 281

Appoi11tme11ts 20/7 (1961) G. 282 Award of Honours

20/7 (1961) G. 283 Appointments

20/8 (1961) G. 284

Haile Selassie I University Cl1arter

Transitor)'; 11ot i11clt1decl l1erei11. Tra11sitory; not i11clt1decl l1erein. Transitory; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erei11. Transitory; not inclt1ded l1erei11. Transitory; not inclt1ded herei11. Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded l1erei11. Transitory; not i11cluded herei11. Tra11sitory; not i11cl11ded herein. Ar11s. 6/2 (1946) G. 76, 30 Consol. L. Et/1. I Tra11sitory; not i11cl11ded herein. Transitory; not j11cl11ded herein. Transitory; 11ot inclt1d.ed l1erei11. 29 Consol. L. Et/1. 5 Tra11sitory; l1erein. Transitory; herein. Tra11sitory; l1erein. Transitory; l1erein. Transitory; herein. Tra.nsitory; l1erein. Transitory; J1erei11. Transitory; herein.

20/12 (1961) G. 285

A\vard of Honot1rs

20/12 (1961) G. 286 Appointments

20/15 (1961) G. 287

Award of Honours

20/15 (1961) G. 288 Appointments

20/16 (1961) G. 289

Av1ard of Hono11rs

20/16 (1961) G. 290 Appointn1ents

21/1 (1961) G. 291 Appointments

21/1 (1961) G. 292

A,vard of Honours - liii -

not i11c]t1ded not i11cluded not incl11ded not included not inclt1ded not included not included not incltided


not included

21/2 (1961) G. 293 Appointn1ents 21/2 (1961) G. 294 A,vard of Ho.nottrs 21/4 (1961) G. 295 Appointments 21/5 (1961) G. 296 Financial Statement of Develo1)ment ·sank of Ethiopia

Transitory; herein.. Transitory; herein. Transitory; herein. Transitory; herein

21/6 (1961) G. 297 Award of Honours

Transitory; not incl tided herein

21/6 (1961) G. 298 Appointments

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

21/7 (1962) G. 299 Awash Valley Al1thority Charter

19 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

21/8 (I 962) G. 300 Award of Honours 21/8 (1962) G· . 301 Appoi11tments 21/10 (1962) G. 302 Award of Hono11rs

Transitory; 11ot included .herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included herein

21/10 (1962) G. 303 Appointments 21/13 (1962) q-. 304 Award of Honours 21/13 (1962) G. 305 Appointments 21/16 (1962) G. 306 A\Vard of Honours 21/16 (1962) G. 307 Appointments 22/2 (1962) G. 308 Award of Honours 22/2 (1962) G. 309 Award of Honours 22/8 (1963) G. 310 Award of I-lonours 22/9 (1963) G. 311 Award of Honoltrs 22/10 (1963) G. 312 Financial Stateme11ts of Imperial Board of Telecon1mu11ications

Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; herein Transitory; l1erei11 Transitory; l1erei11 Transitory; herei11 Tra11sitory; berei11 Transitory; herein Transitory; herein

not included net included not included

not incl11ded 11ot incl11ded 11ot included not included 11ot included 11ot incl11ded not included 11ot included 11ot i11cl11ded not i11cluded

- liv -



22/10 (1963) G. 313 Avvard of Ho11ot1rs 22/10 (1963) G. 314 Award of rI011011rs 22/16 (1963) G. 315 Appointn1ents

Tra11sitory; not included l1erein Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herein Transitory; 11ot included herei11

22/19 (1963) G. 316 Aw,1rd of I-Ionot1rs

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

22/19 ( I 963) G. 317 Appointn1ents 22/23 (1963) G. 318 Stateme11t of Inco111e and Expenclitt1re of ln1peria.l Board of Telecomn1u11i­ cations 23/2 (1963) G. 319 Awards of Ho11ours 23/2 (1963) G. 320 Appointments 23/3 (1963) G. 321 Award. of Ho11ours 23/3 (1963) G. 322 Appoi11tments 23/4 (I 963) G. 323 Appointments 23/12 (1963) G. 324 Award of Ho11ot1rs 23/12 (1964) G. 325 Appointments 23/14 (1964) G. 326 Appointme11ts 23/14 (1964) G. 327 Award of Honours 23/15 (1964) G. 328 Award of Honours 23/23 (1964) G. 329 Award of Ho11ours 23/24 (1964) G. 330 Appointments 24/2 (1964) G. 331 Award of Honours

Transitory; not incltided herein Transitory; not i11clt1ded l1erein Transitory; not incltided herein Transitory; not incl11ded herein Tra11sitory; not incltided herein Transitory; not included l1erein Transitory; not included l1erein Transitory; not incltided herein Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included l1erein Transitory; not inclu.ded herein Transitory; not included herei11 Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not incl11dcd herein Transitory; 11ot included herein

24/2 (1964) G. 332 Appointments ••

Transitory; not included l1erein

- lv -

---- ---------------------路 Tra11sitory; not i11clt1ded CONSOLIDAJ'ED LAWS OF ETHIOPIA

24/6 (1964) G. 333 Award of Ho11ours 24/6 (1965) G. 334 Appointme11ts 24/8 (1965) G. 335 Award of Ho11ol1rs 24/8 (1965) G. 336 AJ)pointn1ents 24/9 (1965) G. 337 Award of Honours 24/9 (1965) G. 338 Ap1)oi11tments 24/9 ( 1965) G. 339 I .B.T.E. Staten1e11t of Inconle and Expenses 24/11 (l 965) G. 340 A \Va.rd o路f 24/11 (1965) G. 341 Appointn1e11ts

11erein Tra11sitory; herei11 Tra11sitory; herei11 Transitory; herein Tra11sitory; herei11 Transitory; 11erei11 Transitory; l1erein

11ot i11cluded not i11clt1ded 11ot included not i11cJt1ded not inclt1ded not i11cluded

Transitory; 11ot included }Jerein Tra11sitory; 11ot inclt1ded herein

24,'19 (1965) G路. 342 A ward of Honot1rs

Transitory; not included herein

25/2 (1965) G. 344 Awards of Ho11ot1rs

Transitory; not included herein

2512 (1965) G. 345 Appoint111ents

Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herei11

25/2 (1965) G. 346 I.B.T.E. Statement of Tnco1ne and Expe11se of 1964 25/4 (1965) G. 347 Ap1)ointments 25/6 (1965) G. 348 Awards of Ho11ours 25/6 (I 965) G. 349 Appointments 25/9 (A) (1966) G. 350 Appointments 25/9 (B) (1966) G. 351 Appointm.ents

Transitory; not i11cluded herein Transitory; herei1.1 Tra11sitory; l1erein Transitory; herei11 '"f1路ansitor)'; berei11 Tra11sitory; herei11

25/12 {1966) G. 352 Appointments

11ot included not i11cluded not inclt1ded not i11cluded 11ot i11clt1ded

Transitory; 11ot i11cl11ded l1erein

25/12 (1966) G. 353 Awards of Honours

Tra11si tory; not i11cl11ded herein - lvi -






25/17 (1966) G. 354

Transiiory; l1erei11 Tra11sitory; l1erei11 Tra11sitory; l1erei 11 Tra11sitory; l1erei11 Transitory; herein Transitory; herei11 Tra11sitory; l1erein Tra11sitory; ]1erein Transitory; herein Transitory; l1erei11 Tr:1nsitory; l1erein Tra11sitory; l1erein Transitory; herein Tra11sitory; herein

Avvards of f[onotir

25/17 (1966) G. 355 f\ppointn1e11ts

25/24 (1966) G. 356 /\ppoi11t111e11ts

25/24 (1966) G. 357

t\ wards of Hono11r

26/2 (1966) G. 358

A\-Varcls of Hono11r

26/2 (1966) G. 359 Appointments

26/4 (1966) G. 360 Appointments

26/4 (1966) G. 361

Av1ards of Hono11r

26/5 (1967) G. 362 Appointrnents

26/5 (1967) G. 363

Avvards of Honot1r

26/8 (1967) G. 364 Appointments

26/8 (1967) G. 365

Awards of Honot1r

26/10 (1967) G. 366 Appointn1e11ts

26/10 (1967) G. 367

Awarcls of Honour

26/10 (1967) G. 368

Statement of Profit and Loss of t11e Im1Jerial Board of Telecommunica­ tions of Etl1iopia for tl1e year 1965

26/14 (1967) G. 369 Appointment

27/3 (1967) G. 370

Awards of Honour

11ot i11cl11ded riot inclucled 11ot i11cl11cled 11ot i11cl11ded 11ot i11clt1cled not incl11ded not included not inclt1ded not incltided 11ot inclt1decl 11ot i11cluded 11ot i11clt1ded not i11clt1ded not inclt1ded

Transitory; not inc]t1ded l1erein Tra11sitory; not inclt1cled J1erein Traosi:orv: ďż˝ , not included l1erein

27/3 (1967) G. 371

Transitory; not included herei11

27 /7 (1967) G. 372

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein

27/7 (1967) G. 373

Transitory; not incltided hereiJ1


Award of Honour


- lvii -


27/8 (1967) G. 374 Award of Hon. oL1r

Transitory; not inclucled herein

27/8 (1967) G. 375 Appointment

Transitory; not inc.lud.ed herei11

27/11 (1968) G. 376 Award of Honour

Transitory; not inclL1ded herein

27/11 (1968) G. 377 Appointment

Transitory; not included herein

27/14 (1968) G. 378 Appointment

Transitory; not included he. rein

27/14 (1968) G. 379 Awards of Honour

Transitory; not included herein

27/22 (1968) G. 380 Appointment

Transitory; not included l1erei11

28/2 (1968) G. 381 Promotions

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein

28/2 (1968) G. 382 Appoi11tme11ts

Tra11sitor)'; not i11clL1ded herein

28/3 (1968) G. 383 Appoi11tme11ts

Transitory; not included l1erei11

28/3 (1968) G. 384 Awards of Ho11our

Transitory; 11ot included herein

28/11 (1969) G. 385 Statement of Profit and Loss of the I .B.T.E. of Ethiopia

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

28/16 (1969) G. 386 Awards of Honour

Transitory; 11ot i11cluded herein

28/16 (1969) G. 387 Appointme11ts

Transitory; r1ot i11cl11ded herein

28/18 (1969) G. 388 Appointments

Transitory; not included l1erei11

28/29 (1969) G. 389 Awa.rds of Honot1r

Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herei11

28/29 (1969) G. 390 Appointments

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

- lviii -


I/ l (1942) L. l Appointments 1/2 (1942) L. 2 Appointn1e11t 1/2 (1942) L. 3 Appoi11tments 1/3 (1942) L. 4 Appointn1ent l /3S. (1942) L. 5 Prohibited Exports (Motor Vel1icles) 1/4 (1942) L. 6* Telephones (Subscription) Order 1/4 (1942) L. 7 Curfew Order 1/6 (1942) L. 8 Appointments 2/1 (1942) L. 9 Arms Order 2/2S. (1942) L. 10 Notice prescribing rate of excha11ge between Maria Tl1eresa Dollar and East African C11rre11cy 2/4 (1942) L. 1 1 Telephone (Trunk Calls) Order 2/4 (1942) L. 12 A_ppoint111ents 2/5 (1943) L. 13 ·Notice Prescribing rate of excl1ange bet1vvee11 Maria Theresa Dollar and East African Currency 2/5 (1943) L. 14 Appointn1ents 2/6 (1943) L. 15 Tobacco Regie Rtrles 2/7 (1943) L. 16 Transport Regulations 2/7 (1943) L. 17 Motor Fuel Ratio11i11g Regulations 2/7 (I943) L. 1 8 Appoint111e11ts * In tl1e Aml1aric text it is numbered L. 7

COMMENTS Transitory; not included herein Transitory; not included l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot included l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot included herein Repel. 9/2 (1949) L. 133 Repd. 3/6 (1944) L. 43

Obsolete; not included l1erein Transitory; not incl11ded herein Repd. 19/7 (1960) L. 229 Repel. 2/ 5 (1943) L. 13

Repd. 3/2 (1943) L. 35

T ·ransitory; not included herei11 J111pl. Repd. 4/9 (l 945) P. 76 Transitory; 11ot incltided herein Repd. 19/4 (.1960) L. 227 Imp/. Repd. 27/6 (1967) P. 256 Repd. 23/5 (. 1963) L. 279 Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

by mtstake.

- lix -


2/8 (1943) L. 19

Tra.11sitory; 11ot i11clt1ded J1erei11

2/8 (1943) L. 20

Transitory; 11ot included herei11



Repd. 4/6 (1945) L. 71 ReJJcl. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 ReJJd. 7/3 (1947) L. 108

2/9 (1943) L. 21

Export of Cereals Order

2/10 (1943) L. 22

Price Control Order No. 1

2/10 (1943) L. 23

Alcohol Excise Duty Rules

2/1 I (1943) L. 25

hnpl. Repd. 17/4 (1957) D. 26 30 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4

2/11 (1943) L. 26

30 Consol. L. Eth. 5

2/11 (1943) L. 27

Transitory; not inclt1ded l1erein lmJJI. Repel. 27/6 (1967)

2/11 (1943) L. 24 Stamps Rules

Pttblic Health Rules Rabies (Co11trol) Rules Appoi11tment

2/12 (1943) L. 28

Transport (Carriage) Regl1latio11s

2/12 (1943) L. 29

P. 256 Repel. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

2/12 (1943) L. 30

Obsolete; 1101 included herein

3/1 (1943) L. 31

ReJJd. 19/4 (1960) L. 227

3/1 (1943) L. 32

Repd. 23/6 (1963) P. 211

3/2 (1943) 1,. 33

5 Consa!. I.. Et/1. 2

3/2 (I 943) L. 34

Repd. 12/15 (1953) L. 177

3/2 (1943) L. 35

Imp!. Repd. 12/5 (1952) P. 131

3/3 (1943) L. 36

Repd. 11/8 (1952) I,. 163

3/4 (1943) L. 37

.1111s. 2/7 (1943) L. 16

3/4 (1943) L. 38

Repel. 23/5 (1963) L. 279

3/4 (1943) L. 39

Repd. 23/5 (1963) I�. 279

Price Co11trol Order No. 2

Curfew Order

Tobacco (Licenses to Sell) R11Ies

Restriction of Export by Travellers of East African Ct1rre11cy Court Procedt1re R11les

Courts (Fees) Rules Telephones (Trt1nk Calls) Order

Custon1s Dt1ties Reg11lations Transport (Ame11dme11t) Regt1latio11s

Hackney Carriage (Taxis) }:.'ares Chargeable i11 Addis Ababa

Commercial Vehicle Rates Chargeabl;! -Ix -



3/4 (1943) IJ. 40 Price Co11trol Order No. I 3/5 (1944) L. 41 Prjce Control Order No. 2 3/6 (1944) L. 42 Ct1sto111s (Cleari11g Agents) Regulations 3/6 (1944) L. 43 Telephones (St1bscription) Order 3/6 (1944) L. 44 Alcol1ol Excise Dt1ty (Lice11ces) Rules 3/6 (1944) L. 45 Transport (Control of :t\1otor Tyres) Regt1lations 3/6 (1944) L. 46 Price Co11trol (Declaratio11 of Stocks) Order 3/7 (1944) L. 47 C11sto111s (Warel1ouses) Regt1latio11s 3/7 (1944) L. 48 Ct1sto111s and Export Dt1ties (Meastrren1e11t) Regt1latio11s 3/8 (1944) L. 49 Cot1rls (Advocates) Rttles 3/8 (1944) L. 50 Price Co11trol Order No. 3 3/8 (1944) L. 51 Closi11g Hours of Places of Ao1t1seme11t 3/9 (1944) L. 52 Export of Cerectls Order No. 2 3/9 (I 944) L. 53 Export Co11trol Order No. 3 3/9 (1944) L. 54 Exbat1st Classes to Pass Thro11gl1 Sile11cer of Motor Vel1icles 3/9 (1944) L. 55 Price Control Order No. 4 3/11 (1944) L. 57 (L. 56)* Tra11sport Regt1latio11s 3/12 (J.944) L. 58 Appoi11t1nents 4/ l (1944) L. 59 E11e111y Alie11s Arms

Reprl. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Reprl. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 . Et/1. 3 16 Co11so/ . L.

Repel. 4/5 ( 1945) L. 69 Repel. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Reprl. '23/5 (1963) L. 279 Reprl. 22/22 (1963)

D. 50

16 Consol. L. Et/1. 4 I (1 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 5 Repd. 11/11 (1952) L. 166 Repel. 22/22 (1963)

D. 50

Re11d. 4/10 ( 1945) L. 79

Repd. 4/6 (1945) .L. 71 Repd. 21/4 (1961) L. 246 Re11cl. 23/5 (1963) L. 279

Repd. 22/22 (I 963)

D. 50 Repel. 23/5 (1963) L. 279 Tra11sitory; net included herein Obsolete; not included J1erein

\� Due to an error in nun1bering no Legal Notice bearing the number 56 has been published in tl1e Negarit Gazeta. However, L. 57 bears tl1e nun1ber 56 in the Table of Contents of 3/11 (1944).

- lxi•


4/1 (1944) L. 60 Enemy Aliens Curfew Ho11rs 4/1 (1944) L. 61 Expulsion Order 4/2 (1944) 1,. 62 Custon1s Tariff (Amendn1ent) No. 2 Regulation 4/2 (1944) L. 63 Price Control Order 4/2 (1944) l. 64 Classification of Lands Rules 4/3 (1944) L. 65 Fares and Rates of Hackney Carriages 4/4 (1944 ) L. 66 Expulsion Order 4/4 (1944) L. 67 Expulsion Order 4/4 (1944) L. 68 Customs Tariff (Amendment) No. 2 Regulations 4/5 (1945) L. 69 Telephone Subscription Order 4/5 (1945) L. 70 Tobacco Growing and Leaf Purcha.sing Regulatio11s 4/6 (1945) L. 71 Export of Cereals Order 4/6 (1945) L. 72 Expulsion Order 4/6 (1945) L. 73 Customs Tariff (Amendment N·o. 4) Regulations 4/7 (1945) L. 74 Customs D11ties (An1endme11t No. 3) Regulations 4/9 (1945) L. 75 Currency and Legal Tender Notice 4/10 (1945) L. 76 Legal Tender Notice 4/10 (1945) L. 77 Transport Notice 4/10 (1945) L. 78 Transport Notice (Driving licences)

Obsolete; not included herein Transitory; 11ot included herein Repel. 4/4 (1944) L. 68 ReJJrl. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Repd. 21/10 (J 962) L. 257

Repd. 23/5 (1963) L. 279

Transitory; not included herein Transitory; 11ot included herein Repd. 6/11 (1947) L. 103 Imp!. repd. l 2/5 (1952) P..131

23 Co11so/. L. Eth. 15 Repd. 6/1 (1946) L. 96

Transitory; not included 11erein Repd. 6/11 (1947) L. 103 Repd. 6/11 (1947 ) l. 103 I1r1p!. reJJd. 22/20 ( I 963) P. 206

lr,11;/. repd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 Repd. 23/5 (1963) L. 279


I1npl. repd. 27/6 (1967) P. 256.



4/10 (1945) L. 79 Closing Hours of Places of Amusement 4/11 (1945) L. 80 Transport Rules 4/11 (1945) L. 81 Appoi11tme11ts to tl1e Liqt1idatio11 Board of the Ba11k of Etl1iopia 4/12 (1945 ) L. 82 Addis Ababa Mt111icipal Lice11ces Order 4/12 (1945) L. 83 Ct1rfe\v Order 5/1 (1945) L. 84 Regt1lations for the Co11trol a11d Restrictions of Motors ancl Spare Parts 5/1 (1945) L. 85 Tra11sport Regulations 5/1 (1945) L. 86 Mu11icipalities Ge11eral ]{ate Assessment Rt1les 5/2 (1945) L. 87 Addis Ababa M1111icipal General Rate Order 5/2 (I 945) L. 88 Bo1111daries of Addis Ababa Mt1□icipality 5/2 (1945) L. 89 Lottery Rules 5/3 (1945) L. 90 Currency and Legal Tender Rules 5/3 (1945) L. 91 * Water Rules 5/5 (1946) L. 9 1 * Price Control (An1endment) Order 5/6 (1946) L. 92 Customs (Control of Commercial Aircraft) Reg11lations 5/9 (1946) L. 93 Appointments 5/9 (1946) L. 94 Price Control Order

J 2 Co11so/. [., . Et/1. 4 Repel. 23/5 (1963) L. 279 ReJJr/. 15/8 (1956) L. 201 .Repd. 6/6 (1947) L. 99

Obsolete; not inclt1ded l1erei11 Repel. 23/5 (1963) L. 279

l111pl. Repel. 27/6 (1967 )

P. 256 Repd. 24/5 (1964) L. 30 l Repel. 7/5 (1947) L. 111 Co11sol. L. A. A. I ; not

incl11ded herein

Imp/. Repel. 19/11 (1960)

D. 42 lr11pl. Repel. 22/20 (I 963 )

P. 206 . 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2 Repd. 22/22 (1963)

D. 50 16 Consol. L. Etli. 6 Transitory; not included herein Repd. 22/22 (1963 ) D. 50

* Due to an en·or in numbering, two Legal Notices are numbered 91.

- lxiii -

-----��--__,, --- ---Repel. 24/19 (1965) P. 228 IA P IO H T E F O S W A L D E T A D LI CONSO

5/10 (1946) L. 95 Price Control Order 6/1 (1946) L. 96 Export Control Order ·for Cereals a11d Oil Seeds 6/1 (1946) L. 97 Export Prohibition 6/6 (1947) L. 99* Addis Ababa Municipal Water Rate, Licences a11d Fees Order 6/6 ( 1947) L. 100 Customs Tariff (Amendme11t No. 5) Regulations 6/6 (1947) L. 101 Export Control Reg11lations for Cereals and Oil Seeds 6/9 (1947) L. 102 Price Control Legal Notice 6/11 (1947) L. 103 Customs Revised Im1)ort a11d Export Tariff Reg11latio11s 7/1 (1947) L. 104 Qt1araoti11e R11les 7/2 (1947) L. 105 Appoi11t1ne11ts 7/3 (1947) L. 106 Revised In11)ort and Export Tariff (A1nendn1ent No. 1) 7/3 (1947) L. 107* :t: Front Seat R11les 7/3 (1947) L. 108 Alcohol Excise D11tv Rules 7/4 (1947) L. 109 Lottery (Amendn1ent) R11les 7/ 4 (1947) L. 110 Price Control Order 7/5 (1948) L. 111 Addis Ababa M1111icipal Ge11eral Rate Order 7/5 (1948) L. 112 Addis Ababa M11nicipal Water Ra.te, Lice11ces and Fees Order 7/5 (1948) L. 113 Export Control RegL1latio11s

-------* Due to an error i11


Repd. 6/6 (1947) L. 101 ReJJd. 9/2 (1949) J..,. 135 Repd. 7/5 (1948) L. 112 R.epd. 6/11 (1947) L. 103 Repd. 21/4 (1961) L. 246 Repd. 24/19 (1965) P. 228 Repd. 10/8 (1951) L. 153 30 Consol. L. Et/1. 6 Tra11sitory; not included herei11 Repd. 10/8 (1951) L. 153

Repd. 23/5 (1963) L. 279 Re1Jd. 8/12 (1949) L. 129 Imp!. repel. 19/'I l (1960 ) D. 42 ReJJd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Repd. 24/5 (1964) L. 301

Co11sol. L. A. A. 7: 11ot i11clt1ded herei 11 Repd. 21/4 (1961) L. 246

11L1n1beri11g, no Legal Notice is number 98. In tl1e E11glish text it is nL1n1bered L. 108 by mistake.


- lxiv l j


7/7 (1948) L. 114* Ct1ston1s Dt1ty (Amendn1e11t No. I) 8/4 (1948) L. 114* Price Co11trol Legal Notice 7 /7 (1948) L. 115 T O\vns Declarecl Tl1ird Class iv[t111ici pali ties 7/8 (1948) L. 116 Price Control 7/8 (1948) L. 117 Roads Taxes Order '7/9 (1948) L. 118 Addis Ababa :iv[11t1ici 1Jal General Rate Order (1\met1d1ne11t) 7/9 ( I 948) L. I I 9 Addis Ababa Mt1nicipal Licences Amend111e11t Order 7/12 (1948) L. 120 Price Co11trol Order 8/3 (1948) L. 121 Municipal Fees aL1d Rates Order 8/5 (1949) L. 122 Claims for Damages Cat1sed by the ItaLiar1s Order 8/6 (1949) L. 123 Price Control Order 8/7 (1949) L. 124 Ap_po in t111 e11ts 8/8 (1949) L. 125 Price Co11trol Legal N·otice 8/9 (1949) L. 126 Price Control Legal Notice 8/11 (1949) L. 127 Ct1rre11cy A.mendn·ient Regt1lat1011s 8/12 (1949) L. 128 Co11trol of lt1fectiot1s Diseases of Cattle 8/12 (1949) L. 129 Alcol10J Excise Dt1ty Rt1les 8/12 (1949) L. 130 Customs Duty (Amendment No. 2) Regi.1latio11s 8/12 (1949) L. 131 Personal and B11si11ess Tax Regt1lat1ons


Repel. 1 J/8 (1952) L. 163

Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 A111s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, scl1eclt1le, 7 Co11sol. L. Et!,. 1 Rep(:!. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 J111pl. ReJJC!. 20/2 (J 960) D. 43 ReJJcl. 24/5 (I 964) L. 301 A111s. 7/5 (1947) L. 112, Co11sol. L. A. A. 7; 11ot iuclticled herein ReJJd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

Local legislatio11; 11ot i11clt1ded herei11 Transitory; 11ot i11clt1d.ed herei11 Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

Tra1Jsilory; not inclt1ded herein ReJJ(/. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Repel. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

Repd. 23/6 (1963) P. 211 Imp/. repd. 14/9 (1955) P . 147 Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Repel. 18/13 (1959) D. 33 Repd. 14/2 (1954) L. 189

* Du e to an error in numbering, two Legal Notjces are n.umbered 114.

- lxv-


9/1 (1949) L. 132 land Assessn1ent Regt1lations 8/12S (1949) L. 133* Municipal Rates and Fees Order 9/2 (1949) L. 133* Export Control Order of Motor Vehicles 8/12S (1949) L. 134** Munjcipal Rates and Fees Order 9/2 (1949) L. 134** Price Control (Amendment) Order 9/2 (1949) L. 135 Ex,port Control Order of Cement and Cement Products Manufactured in Ethiopia 9/3 (1949) L. 136 Revised Import and Export Tariff (Amendment No. 1) Regulations 9/4 (1949) L. 137 Appointmen,t s 9/4 (1949) L. 138 Appointn1ents 9/4 (1949) L. 139*** Import and Export Tariff (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 9/6 (1950) L. 139*** Price Co11trol Order 9/8 (1950) L. 140 Import and Export Tariff (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 9/9 (1950) L. 141 Appointments 9/10 (1950) L. 142 Price Control Order 9/11 (1950) L. 143 Rist-Guilt, Siso Gt1ilt and Samon Land Registration Notice 9/12 (1950) L. 144 Transfer of Telephones Subscription Contracts 10/1 (1950) L. 145 Municipal Public Health R11les 10/1 (1950) L. 146 Municipal Public Health Rules Issued with Regard to Water

Repd. 21/10 (I 962) L. 257 Local legislations; not included herein Repd. 21/4 (1961) L. 246 Local legislations; not included herein Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Repd. 21/4 (1961) L. 246

Repd. 10/8 (1951) L. 153 Transitory; not i11cJuded herein Transitory; not included he.rein Repd. 10/8 (1951) L. 153 Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Repd. 10/8 (1951) L. 153 Transitory; not included herein Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 An1s. 4/2 (1944) P. 70 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 11 /n1pl. reJJd. 12/5 (1952) P. I 31

30 Consol. L. Eth. 7 30 Consol. L. Eth. 8

* Due to an error in numbering, two Legal Notices are nt1n1 bered 133. ** Due to an error in numbering, two Legal Notices are 11u1nbered 134. *** Due to an error in numbering, two Legal Notices are 11umbered 139.

- lxvi -




10/1 (I 950) L. 147

30 Consol. L. Et/1. 9

10/1 (1950) L. 148

30 Consol. L. Et/1. 10

Mt1nicipal PL1blic Health Rules Iss11ed with Regard to Food

M11nicipal PL1blic Health Rules IssL1ed with Regard to Refuse I0/1 (1950) L. 149 M11nicipal P11blic Healtl1 R11les Regardi11g Vacci11ations

30 Co11sol. L. Eth. I I 30 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 12

10/1 (1950) L. 150 !vl t1nicipal P11blic Health R11les Iss11ed \Vith Regard to Disposal of Dead Bodies 10/3 (1950) L. 151 Ve11eral Diseases R11les

30 Consol. L. Et/1. 13

10/8 (1951) L. 152 Rist-G11ilt, Siso G11ilt and Samon

Anzs. 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 11

10/8 (1951) L. 153

16 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7

10/10 (1951) L. 154

Repd. 21/10 (1962) L. 257

10/11 (1951) L. 155

5 Consol. L. Eth. 3

Land Registratio11 Legal Notice

C11stoms Revised Import and Export Regl1latio11s

Land Assessment Rules

S11preme Imperial Court Procedure Rules 10/11 (1951) L. 156 Public Health Rules witl1 Regard to Commu11icab]e Diseases

30 Co11sol. L. Eth. 14

10/12 (1951) L. 157

30 Consol. L. Et/1. 15

10/12 (1951) L. 158

24 Consol. L. Etlz. 9

11/6 (1952) L. 159

Ams. 10/8 (1951) I.;. 153; 16 Consol. L. Eth. 7

11/6 (1952) L. 160

An1s. 4/2 (1949) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 11

11/7 (1952) L. 161

Repd. 18/5 (1959) L. 219

Mt111icipal Sanitation Rt1les

Grain Board Regulatio11s Revised Import ancl Export Tariff (Amendment No. 2) Regulations Rist-Guilt, Siso G11ilt and Samon J_and Registration Legal Notice

Coffee Cleaning and Grading .Reg11lations

11/8 (1952) L. 162

Revised Import and Export Tariff (Amendment No. 1) Regulations - lxvli •

Repd. 14/2 (1954) L. 190


-�:--:-�------------16 Cor,sol. L . Eth. 8

1/8 (1952) L. 16 3 Revised Ct1stoms Duties Legal Notice 11/8 (1952) L. I 64 Personal and Bt1siness Tax Regt1latio11s 11/10 (1952) L. 165 Supreme Imperial Court P.roc.ed·ure Rules (Ame11dn1e11t) 11/11 (1952) L. 166 Courts (Registratio11 .of Advocates) Rttles 11/11 (1952) L. 167 Addis Ababa Water Rates Licences and Fees Amendment Order 11/12 (1952) L. 168* Towns Declared to be Mu11icipalities 12/3 (1952) L. 168* Transit Trade and Tra11sit Fees Regulatio11s 12/3 (1952) L. 169 Custon,s Working Hot1rs Reg11lations 12/3 (1952) L. 170 Customs Tariff (Ame11dment No. 3) 12/3 (1952) L. 171 Customs Tariff (Amendment No. 4) 12/6 (1952) L. 172 Land Assessn1ent Amendment Rt1les 12/6 (1952) L. 173 Customs Tariff (An1endme11t No. 5) 12/9 (1953) L. 174 Court Procedt1re Rules (Amendment) 12/13 (1953) L. 175 Appoiotn1ents 12/12 (1953) L. 176** Exec11tion o·f J11dgme11ts R11les 12/14 (1953) L. 176** Costs and Advocate Fees R111es 12/15 (1953) L. 177 Co11rts (Fees) Rules 13/4 (1953) L. 178 f Revised In1port and ExJ)Ort Tarif (Amendment N·o. 8) Regulations

Repd. 14/2 (1954) L. I 89

An1s. 10/11 (1951) I.. 155; 5 Consol. L. Eth. 3 5 Consol. L. Eth. 4 Ams. 7/5 (1947) L. 112, Co11sol. L. A. A. 7; not incl11ded herei11 An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 1 J 6 Co11sol. L. Eth. 9 l 6 Consol. L. Et/1. 11 An1s. 10/8 16 Consol. A1·ns. 10/8 16 Co11.sol.

(1951) L. 153, L. Et/1. 7 (1951) L. 153, L. Et/1. 7

Repel. 21/10 (1962) L. 257

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 7 rims. 3/2 (1943) L. 33, 5 Co11sol. L ..Eth. 2 Transitory; 11ot incl11ded l1erei11 Imp/. repd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). 5 Co11so/. L. Eth ,. 5




5 Con:;o/. L. Et/1. 6 An1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 7



* Due to an error i�1 numberi11g, t\vo Legal Notices are nttinbered 168. ** Du e to an error 1n 11t1mberi11g, tvvo Legal Notices are nun1bered 176.

- }xviii •



13/4 (1953) L. 179 Cot1rt (Registratio11 of Advocates) Rt1les (Arnend111e11t) 13/7 (1954) L. 180 Revised . I111port a11d Export Tariff (A.1ue11dme11t N路o. 11) Regt1lations 13/7 (1954) 路L. 181 Revised In11)ort a11d Export Tariff (A111e11d111e11t No. 10) Regt1lalions 13/9 (1954) L. 182 Alcol1ol Excise Dt1ty (A1ne11d1ne11t) Rt1les 13/9 (1954) L. 183 Revised I n1port and Export Tariff (Ame11d1ne11t No. 14) Regt1lations 13/9 (1954) L. 184 Ct1sto111s Duty (Amendme11t) Regt1latio11s 13/9 (1954) L. 185 Coffee Additio11al St1rtax Regt1latio11s 13/12 (1954) L. 186 Appoi11tn1e11ts 14/1 (1954) L. 187 Cattle Tax Assess111e11t Legal N路otice 14/1 (1954) L. 188 Market Fees Rt1les 14/2 (1954) L. 189 Perso11al and Business Tax (Amendment) Regulations 14/2 (1954) L. 190 Ct1stoms (Amencln1e11t) Regt1lations 14/3 (1954) L. 191 Po11nding of Stray Auin1als Order 14/4 (1954) L. 192 Addis Ababa Mt111icipal By-Jaws Regulating Jss11a11ce of Licences to Keep Domestic ancl Wild Animals 14/5 (1955) L. 193 Maritime Cot1rt Procedure R11les 14/6 (1955) L. 194 Revised C11storns Duties (Aine11dn1e11t) Legal Notice 14/6 (1955) L. 195 Trade and Business Lice11ce R11les of the M11nicipality o路f Addis Ababa


A111s. 11/11 (1952) L. 166, 5 Consol. L. Etf,. 4 .1ln1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, I 6 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7 A111s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11sol. L. Etf1. 7 .Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32

10/8 (1951) L. 153, J 6 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7


ReJJCI. 18/3 (1959) D. 33. A,ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, J 6 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7 Tra11sitory; 11ot incl11ded l1erei11 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 2 A111s. 7/5 (1947) L. 112, Co11sol. L. _4. A. 7; 110t i11clt1decl herein Imp[. repd. 16/1 (1956) D. 19

An1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Etf,. 7 Consol. L. A. Ji. 5; 11ot incl11ded herei11 Co11sol. L. A. A. 6; 11ot inclt1ded herei11 11 Co11sol. L. Etli. 3 An1s. 11/8 (1952) L. 163, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 8

Repel. 16/9 (1957) I,. 211


14/8 (1955) L. 196 Coffee Cleaning and Grading Regulatio11s (Amendment) 14/9 (1955) L. 197 Execution of Judgment Rules (An1endment) 15/3 (1955) L. 198 Coffee Cleaning and Grading Regulations (Amendment) 15/4 (1955) L. 199 Revised Import a11d Export Tariff (Amendment) 15/6 (1956) L. 200 Towns Declared Third Class Mun.icipa]ities 15/8 (1956) L. 201 Appointn1e11ts to the Liquidatio11 Board of the Bank of Ethiopia 15/8 {1956) J., , 202 Cancelation of StatLts of Municipality

Reprl. 18/5 (J 959) J.,. 719 Imp!. reJJd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). Repd. 18/5 (1959) L. 219 Am.". 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Eth. 7

An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 1 Transitory; not included herein 4/7 (1945) P. 74� 7 Consol. L. Eth. 1


15/11 (1956) L. 203 Alcohol Excise Dt1ty (Amendment) Rules 16/1 (1956) L. 204 Locally Man11factured Goods Transaction Tax Regulations

Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32

16/1 (1956) L. 205 Federal Excise Tax Regt1lations

I,n_pl. repd. 22/17 (1963.) P. 204

16/2 (1956) L. 206 Validation of Mt1nicipal Resolutions

Transitory; 11ot incl11ded herei11

16/2 (1956) L. 207 Assessment of Municipal Taxes a11d Fees 16/2 (1956) L. 208 Coffee Cleaning ancl Grading Regulations (An.1endo1ent)

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded here.i t1

16/3 (1956) L. 209 Towns Declared M u· 11icipalities 16/3 (1956) L. 210 Towns Declared Third Class Municipalities 16/9 (1957) L. 211* Trade and Business :Licence R11les of the M·unicipality of Addis Ababa

A1ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1

Repel. 23/8 (1964) L. 282

- 1:cx -

Repel. 18/5 (1959) L. 219

4/7 (I 945) P. 74 , 7 Consol. L. Eth. I A111s.

Repd. 21/10 (1962) L. 255





16/10 (1957) L. 211* Towns Dec]arecl T11ird Class Mt1nicipalities 16/9 (1957) L. 212** Revised I1nport a11d Export Tariff (An1endment) 17/2 (1957) L. 212** Revised In1port and Export Tariff (Ame11dme11t) 17/2 (1957) L. 213 Alcohol Excise Dt1ty (A1uencl1nent) Rt1les 17/5 (1957) L. 214 Foreig11 Commerce Regt1lations 17/7 (1958) L. 215 Income Tax Regt11ations 17/9 (1958) L. 216 Trade and Bt1siness Licences Rules of the Ml1nicipality of Addis Ababa (Amendment) 17/10 (1958) L. 217 National Coffee Board Cess Reg11lations 18/5 (1969) L. 218 National Coffee Board Reg11lations 18/5 (1959) L. 219 Coffee Cleaning and Gradi11g Reg·ulations 18/10 (1959) L. 220 Federal Excise Tax (Amendment) Regulations

A1ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1

18/10 (1959) L. 221 Stamp Duty Regulatio11s

17 Consol. L. Et/1. 16

19/1 (1959) L. 222 Revised Import and Export Tariff (Amendn1ent)

A111s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, J 6 Consol. I... Eth. 7

19/1 (1959) L. 223 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein

19/2 (1959) L. 224 Revised Import and Export Tariff (Amendment No. 2) Regulations

An1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11s0/. L. Eth. 7

A111s. I0/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 7 A1ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, I 6 Consol. L. Et/1. 7 Repel. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Imp!. reJJcl. Pen.C. 16/Ex. l (1957) an.d. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27 .Repd. 22/1 (1962) L. 258 Repd. 21/.lO (1962) L. 255

Repd. 21/1 (1961) L. 242

24 Consol. L. Eth. 15 24 Co11sol. L. Eth. 12 /nip/. repd. 22/17 (1963) P. 204

·� Due to an error in 11umbering, two Legal tJotices are numbered 211. ** Due to a.11 error in numbering, two Legal :"otices are numbered 212.

- lxxi -


19/2 (1959) L. 225 Federal Alcol1ol Consun1ptio11 Tax Regulatio11s 19/3 (1959) L. 226 Alcohol Production Tax Reg11lations 19/4 (1960) L. 227 Tobacco Regie Regulatio11s 19/4 (1960) L. 228 Locally Man11fact11red Goods Tra11s­ action Tax (Amendn1ent) Reg11latio11s 19/7 (1968) L. 229 Arms Reg11Jatio11s

Repel. 24/10 (1965) P. 217 Repd. 24/10 (1965) P. 217 23 Consol. L. Eth. 16

Repel. 23/8 (I 964) I.;. 282 12 Consol. [,,. Eth. 5 .4111s. 4/7 ( 1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. l

19/7 (I 960) L. 230 Town Declared Third Class Mu11icipality 19/8 (1960) L. 231. Maritime Court Procedure (Amendme11t) R11les

Ams. 14/5 (1955) L. 193, 11 Co11s0/. L. Et/1. 3

19/12 (1960) L. 232 Appoit1tments

Transitory; 11ot included herein

20/2 (1960) L. 233 Highway Renovation Expe11dit11re Tax Regulations

.ReJJd. 24/3 (1964) L. 297

20/2 (1960) L. 234 Imported Goods (Petrole11n1 Prod\1cts) Price Co11trol Order 20/5 (1960) L. 235 Tow11s Declared Third Class Municipalities

Repel. 24/3 (1964) L. 298

An1.s·. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11s0/. L. Et/1. l

20/10 (1961) L. 236 Co11rt (Trials in Abse11tia) R11les

I,r�JJ!. reJJcl. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961)

20/12 (1961) L. 237 Towns Declared Third CJass M11nicipalities

An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Con.'iol. L. Er/1. l

20/15 (1961) L. 238 Towns Declared Third Class M11nicipalities

Arris. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. 1

20/15 (1961) L. 239 Third Class M11nicipality Stat11s Cancelled

Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Etf1. I

20/18 (1961) L. 240 Arms (A1ne11dn1ent) Reg11latio11s

Ar11s. 19/7 (1960) L. 229, 12 Consol. L. Et/1. 5 -lxxii-

20/J 8 (196I) L. 241

A1r1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11so/ ..L. Et/1. 7

21/1 (1961) L. 242

Repel. 27 /2 ( l 967) L. 330

21/1 (1961) L. 243

Co11sol. L. A. A. 3;

Re,,ised In1port a11cl EX()Ort Tariff (A111e11cl111e11t) Regula tio115 Natio11al Coffee Board cess Regt1latio11 s

Acidis Ababa Ce11st1s Regu iatio11s

21/1 (I961) L. 244 A_ppoi11t111ents 21/2 (1961) L. 245 Postage Rates Regt1latio11s

not i 11cltided l1erei11 Transitory; 11ot incl tided l1erei11 22 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2

23 Co11so/. L. Eth. 4,

21/4 (1961) IJ. 246 Civet (Export) Regt1latio11s

A111s. 4/7 (I 945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. I

21/4 (1961) L. 247 To\vt1s Declared Tl1ird Class Mt1oicipalities

21/4 (1961) L. 248 Tl1jrcl Class M t111icipality Statt1s

An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1

21/6 (1961) L. 249



Tovvns Declared Tl1ird Class M11nicipalities

4/7 (1945) P. 74,

7 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. l

21/7 (1962) L. 250

8 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7

21/7 (.1962) L. 251

An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. 1

21/8 (1962) L. 252

16 Consol. L. Eth. 14

21/9 (J.962) L. 253


21/9 (1962) L. 254

17 Co11sol. L. Etli. 14

21/10 (.1962) L. 255


Cl1.arter of Public Service Pe11sions Co1n111issio11

To\v11s Declared Third Class Munjci JJality

Diplon1atic a11d Co11st1lar Privileges Reg11latio11s

Revised In1port a11d Export Tarifl' (A1ne11.cln1e11t) Regt1latio11s Federal Salt Tax Reg11latio11s

Adclis Ababa Mt111icipal Tax and B11siness Lice11ce Rules

10/8 (1951) L. 153,

16 Co11sol. L. .Et/1.. 7

7/5 (1947) 1,. .112,

Consol. L. A. A. 7;

11ot included herei11

A111s 19/7 (1960) L. 229, 12 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 5 17 Consol. L. Eth. 12

21/10 (1962) L. 256

Arms (Exte11sio11) Regt.1lations

21/10 (1962) L. 257

Land Tax Reg11latio11s - lxxjii -

1>1A io 1 1r E F o S W A L D E T A 1D t CoNSo

J 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 10

22/1 (1962) L. 258 lncome Tax Regt1latio11s

A,ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. 1

22/1 (1962) L. 259 Towns Declared First Class Mt1nicipalities

Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. 1

22/1 (1962) L. 260 Towns Declared Third Class Municipalities 22/2 (1962) L. 261 Vehicle Size and Weight Regulations

21 Con5·0I. L. Eth. 5

22/2 (1962) L. 262 Appointments

Transitory; not included herein

22/4 (1962) L. 263 Towns Declared Third Class Municipalities

Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 174, 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1

22/4 (1962) L. 264 Third Class Municipality Status Cancelled

A1ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. I

22/5 (1962) L. 265 Arms (Second Exte,nsion) Regulatio11s

Ams. 19/7 (1960) L. 229, 12 ConJ·ol. L. Eth. 5

22/5 (1962) L. 266 Revised Import a,11d Export (Second Amendme11t) Reg11lations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

22/5 (1962) L. 267 Public En1ployment Administration Regulations (No. 1)

28 Consol. L. Etl1. 3

22/5 (1962) L. 268 Towns Declared Third Class Municipaljties

A1ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74,

22/6 (I 962) L. 269 Public Service Regt1lations No. 1

8 Co11so/. L. Eth. 3

22/9 (1963) L. 270 Regulations for the Organisatio11 of the Central Perso11nel Agency

8 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 4

22/9 (1963) L. 271 Towns Declared Third Class Municipalities

A11-1s. 4/7 (I 945) P. 74, 7 Co11so/. L. Eth. l

22/11 (1963) IJ. 272 Revised Import and Export Tariff (Amendment) Reg11lations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co,1sol. L. Eth. 7

7 Consol. L. Eth. 1

- Jxxiv -






22/12 (J 963) L. 273 Mt1nicipality of Addis Ababa Vel1icle Parki11g RegL1latio11s

C011s01. L. A. ."t. 8;

22/19 (1963) L. 274 Premit1m Bo11ds Regt1lations

18 Co11sol..L. Et/1. 2

22/19 (1963) L. 275 Savings Bo11ds Regt1lations

18 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 4

22/23 (1963) L. 276 Appoit1tment

Tra11sitory; 11ot i11cluded herein

11ot i11cluded l1erei11

23/2 (1963) L. 277 Pttblic Service Regt1lations (Ame11dn1e11t No. I)

An1s. 22/6 (J 962) L. 269, 8 Consol. L. Et/1. 3

23/4 (l 963) L. 278 Exclusion from the Coverege of the term Pt1blic Servant

8 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 5

23/5 (I 963) I,. 279 Transport (An1endment) Regt1lations

21 Co11sol. L. Eth. 6

23/7 (I 964) L. 280 Coffee Surtax Regulation

16 Co11sol. L. Et/1. J 2

23/7 (1964) L. 281 Towns Declared Third Class Mu11icipalities

A111s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 1

23/8 (1964) L. 282 Transactio11 Taxes Regt1lation

17 Consol. L. Et/1. 18

23/9 (l 964) L. 283 Th.e Ct1stoms Tariff Regt1lalio11 (An1endment)

Anis. 10/8 (1961) L. 153, I 6 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

23/11 (1964) L. 284 Stale of .Emerge11cy in tl1e Region Bordering the Rept1plic of Somalia Regulations

10 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7

23/12 (1964) L. 285

A111s. 23/4 (1963) L. 278, 8 Cot1sol..L. Eth. 5

23/16 (1964) L. 286 Excl11sion from the Coverage of the term ''Public Serva11t''

A11¡1s. 23/4 (1963) L. 278, 8 Consol. L. Eth. 5

23/16 (1964) L. 287 Transport (An1endn1ent) Regulations

Transitory; not included herein

23/18 (1964) L. 288 Pl1arrnacy Regi1lations

30 Consol. L. Eth. l 8

Exclt1sion fron1 the Coverage of the term ''Pt1blic Servant''

- lxxv -


24 Co11s0/. L. Et/1. 5

23/19 (1964) L. 289

Livestock a11d Meat Board Fees Regulatio11s

23/20 (1964) L. 290

Ams. 23/5 (1963) L. 279, 21 Con/;ol. L. Et/1. 6

23/20 (1964) L. 291

Co11sol. L. A. A. 9; not i11<.;lt1ded herein

Tra11sport (A1nendme11t No. 2) .Reg11latio11s Mt111jcipality of Addis Ababa Amt1seme11t Tax Regt1lations

A1ns. 22/2 (1962) L. 261, 21 Consol. L. Et/1. 5

23/23 (I 964) L. 292 Vehicle Size and Weight (Ame11dme11t) Regulatio11

23/23 (1964) L. 293

Tra11sjtory; 11ot included herei11

23/24 (1964) I.,. 294

18 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 5

23/25 (1964) L. 295

28 Consol. L. Et/1. 5-

23/25 (1964) L. 296

Tra11sitory; not inclt1ded herein

24/3 ( 1964) L. 297

In11Jl. 1路e11cl. 26/ I 4 (1967) P. 249

24/3 (1964) L. 298

23 ConJ路ol. L. Et/1. 7

24/3 (1964) L. 299

A,ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7

24/4 (1964) L. 300

Ar,1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. I

24-./5 (1964) . . L. 301

Consol. L. A. A. 10; 11ot i11cluded l1erein

24/5 (1964) L. 302

28 Co,1so/. L. Et/1. 7

24/6 (1965) L. 303

Transitory; not i11clt1ded l1erei11

Coffee Sttrtax Rebate Reg路ulatio11s

Savings Bo11ds Reg路ulatio11s If

Foreig11 Nationals Employme11t Regt1latio11s Me111bers of the General Advisory Board of Health Higl1wa)' Renovatio11 Expe11ditt1re Tax Regt1lations

Petrolet1m Prod ttcts Declaration and Price Co11trol Regt1lations

Customs Tariff (Seco11d A1nendn1e11t) Regt1lation

Tow11s Declared Third. Class Municipalities

Addis Ababa La11cl and B1.1ildi11g Tax Reg11Iation

Minimum Labot1r Couditio11s Regulatjons Medical Practitio11ers Registration Reg11lations - lxxvi -


24/9 (1965) I�. 304 Tow11s Declarecl Thircl Class M u11iciIJali ties

A111s. 4/7 ( l 945) P. 74, 7 Cnr1so!. L. Et/1. l

24/11 (1965) L. 305 Phar111acy (A1ne11d1ne11t) Regt1latio11s

A111s. 23/18 (1964) L. 288, 30 Co11so!. L. Et/1. 18

24/18 (1965) L. 306 Req11isitio11 of Aircraft Regtilations

21 Co11sol. L. ET/1. 3

24/19 (1965) L. 307 Governmet1t Constrt1ctio11 Reg11latio11s

20 Cor1sol..L. Erl,. 2

25/1 (1965) L. 308 Coffee Certificates of Origion Regt1latio11s

24 Co11so!. L. Etlz. 16

25/5 (1965) L. 309 Ct1stoms Tariff (A1nendment) Reg11lations

An1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153; 16 Consol. L. Eth. 7

25/5 (1965) L. 310 C11sto1ns (Tempora.ry I111portatio11) Regulatio11s

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153; ]6 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

25/4 (1965) L. 311 Designatio11 of Members of the Ge11eral Advisory Board of I-lealtl, for the yea.r 1958 (E. C.)

Transitory; 11ot inclt1ded herei11

25/6 (1965) L. 312 Mt111icipal Notice

A,ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Et/1. l

25/11 (1966) L. 3 l 3 C11stoms Tariff (An1e11d111e11t) Regulations

Anis. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, ]6 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7

25/15 (1966) L. 314 Customs Tariff (Second Amend1ne11t) Reg11lations

r11ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11sol. L. Etf1. 7

25/16 (1966) L. 315 Postage Rates (A111end111e11t) Regulations

An1s. 21/2 (1961) L. 245, 22 Consol. L. Eth. 2

25/17 (J 966) L. 316 Tobacco Regie (Ame11d111ent) Reg11latio11s

A1ns. 19/4 (I 960) L. 227, 23 Co11sol. L. Eth. 16

25/20 (1966) .L. 317 Customs Tariff (Third Amendn1ent) Reg11lations

Ams. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Consol. L. Eth. 7

25/21 (1966) L. 318 1966 Comn1emorative Coi11s Isst1e Reg11lations

15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 5

- lxxvii -


22 Consol. L. Eth. 3

25/22 (1966) L. 319 Postal Rates Regulations 25/24 (1966) L. 320 Public Employment Administration Regulations No. 2 26/1 (1966) L. 321 Association Registration Regulations 26/3 (1966) L. 322 Awraja Council Elections Regulations

28 Consol. L. Eth. 4 12 Consol. L. Eth. l 0

7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4

26/4 (1966) L. 323 National Coffee Board Trade Authorisations

24 Consol. L. Eth. 14

26/4 (1966) L. 324 National Coffee Board Regulations (Amendment)

Ams. 18/5 (1959) L. 218,

26/8 (1967) L. 325 Postage Rates (An1endment) Regulation

Am.i;. 21/2 (1961) L. 245, 22 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

26/9 (1967) L. 326 Customs Tariff (Amendment) Regulatio11s

Anis. 10/8 (1951) L. I 53, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

.. 26/10 (1967) L. 327 Raffle and Tombola Licence Regulations

12 Consol. L. Et/1. 9

27/2 (1967) L. 328 Customs Tariff (2nd Amendn1ent) Regulations

An1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, l 6 Consol. L. Eth. 7

27/2 (1967) L. 329 Transaction Taxes (Amendment) ReguJatio11s

A,ns. 23/8 (1964) L. 282, 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 18

24 Consol. L. E,h. 15

27/2 (1967) L. 330 National Coffee Board Less Regulations

16 Consol. L. Et/1. 13

27/3 (1967) L. 331 Petroleum Prodl1cts and Lubricants Excise Tax Exemptions Reg11Iations

17 Consol ..L. Et/1. 7

27/3 (1967) L. 332 Customs Tariff (Third Amet1dmen t) Regulations

An·1s. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, 16 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7

27/5 (1967) L. 333 Weights and Meast1res Regulations

23 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 20

- lnviii -



27/9 (1968) L. 334 Pren1it1m Bo11ds Regulations

18 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 3

27 /10 (1968) L. 335 Road Travel (Confirn1atio11 of Validity) Regt1latio11s

21 Co11so/. L. Eth. 7

27/10 (1968) L. 336 Transactio11 Taxes (Amendn1e11t) Regt1.latio11s

An1s. 23/8 (1964) L. 282, 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 18

27/11 (1968) L. 337 Co-operative Societies Regt1lations

27 Co11sol. L. Eth. 3

27/13 (1968) L. 338 M1111icipal Notice

A111s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Etlz. I

27/16 (1968) L. 339 Nazreth Mt1nicipality Rates a11d .Fees Regtilations

Local legislation; 11ot inclt1ded herein

27/19 (1968) L. 340 Ml1nicipa] Notice

A,ns. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. I

27/21 (1968) L. 341 Addis Ababa Land Tax (Classification) Reg11lations

Consol. L. A. A. 11; not included l1erei11

27/22 (1968) L. 342 Savi11g Bonds Regt1latio11s

18 Consol. L. Eth. 6

28/1 (1968) L. 343 Protection of Private Forests Regulations

25 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7

28/1 (1968) I�. 344

25 Co11sol. L. Eth. S

28/1 (1968) L. 345 Exploitation of State Forests Reg11lations

25 Consol. L. Eth. 9

Protection of State Forests Regulations

28/1 (1968) L. 346

25 Consol. L. Ech. IO

2811 (1968) L. 347 Managen1ent of Protective Forests Regulations

25 Consol. L. Eth. 11

Exploitation of Pri,1,tte Forests Regulations

28/1 (1968) L. 348

Establishme11t of Comn1u.n1ty Forests Regulations

28/1 (1968) L. 349 Po·v.·ers of Rangers Regulations - Ix.xix -

25 Consol. L. Eth. 12 25 Co,zsol. L. Eth. 13


28/1 (i 968) L. 350 Power. s of Forest Guards Reg11latio11s 28/1 (1968) L. 351 T1iade of Law Logs and Veneer Logs Re. g11lations 28/2 (1968) L. 352 Mu11icipal Notice

25 Cons·ol. L. Eth. 14 25 Cons·ol. L. Eth. 15 11n·1.s-. 4/7 (I 945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. I

28/2 (1968) J..,. 353 Designation of 01en1bers of the General Advisory Board of Health for the year 1961 (E. C.)

Transitory; not included herein

28/6 (I 969) L. 354 Customs Tariff (An1e11dn1ent) Regulations

A,ns. 10/8 (1951) L. 153, I 6 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

28/7 (1969) L. 355 Price Control (Imperial Goods) Regulations No. 1

23 Consol. L. Et/1. 8

28/7 (1969) L. 356 Price Control (Imported Goods) Regulations No. 2

23 Consol. L. Eth. 9

28/7 (1969) L. 357 Price Co11trol (Locally Mant1fact11red Goods) Regulatio11s No. I

23 Co,rsol. l.J. Et/1. I 0

28/7 (1969) L. 358 Price Control (Locally Mant1fact11red G·oods) Reg11Iatio11s No. 2

23 Con.�vl. L. E1 h.. 11

28/7(A) (I 969) L. 358(A)

A1·ns. 28/7 (1969) L. 355 - 358, 23 Co11s0!. L. Et/1. 8 � 11

28/8 (1969) L. 359 Livestock and Meat Board Export Per1njt Regulatio11s

24 Consol. L. Et/1. 6

28/9 (1969) L. 360 Motor Vehicle a11d Trailer (Identification; Registration and Inspection) Reg11latio11s

21 Consol. L. Erh. 8

Price Control (Amendment) Regulations

28/9 (1969) L. 361 Road Tra.ffic (Speed l..i1nit) Reg11Jations

21 Corrsol. L. Eth. 9

28/9 (1969) L. 362 Motor Vehicle OperatorR (Lice11ce) Regulat1011s - Jxxx -

21 Consol. L.




28/10 (1969) L. 363 Road Travel (.Delegatio11 of A11tl1ority) Regulatio11s

21 Co11so!. L. Etlz. I l

28/1 l (1969) L. 364 Defi11itio11 of tl1e Po,vers a11d Dt1ties of the Ge11eral :tvia11ager Reg11lations

31 Co11so!. L. Et/1. 4

28/12 (1969) L. 365 Transaction Taxes (A111e11dn1e11t) Reg11lations

,,Jn1s. 23/8 (1964) .L. 282, I 7 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 18

28/14 (1969) L. 366 Price Control S11spe11sio11 Reg11la tio11s

SitsJJe11cls 28/7 (1969) L. 355, L. 356, L. 357, L. 358, 23 Co11so!. L. Et/1. 8, 9, 10, 11

28/I 6 (1969) L. 367 M1111icipal Notice

A111s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11so/. L. Er/1. 1

28/17 (1969) .L. 368 Savi11gs .Bo11ds Reg11latio11s

I 8 Consol. L. Et/1. 8

28/20 (1969) L. 369 Ar11ssi Tek]ay GI1izat Mu11ici1Jalities Rates a11d Fees Reg11latio11s

'Local legislatio11; 11ot incl11ded l1erei11

28/21 (1969) L. 370 Special Con11nercial Vel1icle Registration Reg11latio11s

21 Co11so!. L. Etlz. 12

28/24 (1969) L. 371 Ethio1Jia11 To11rist Organizatio11 Regulations

19 Co11so!. L. Eth. 6

28/27 (I 969) L. 372 Rates, D11es a11d. Fees Reg11la.tio11s for tl1e Municipalities of Wellega Teklay Gl1izat

Local legislation; not incl11ded herei11

28/28 (1969) L. 373 Coff�e Sl]rta.x Rebate Reg11lation$

Tra11sitory; not included herein

- lxxli -


---:� ==.,--s ICE T O N F O E L B A T . E


CITATION AND DESCRIPTION 2/10 (1943) N. I Replacing Negarit Gazeta of 30 Jtine, 1943 witl1 Negarit Gazeta of 8 Jt1ly, 1943

Transitory; not included herein

3/1OS (I 944) N. 2 Statement of Condition of State Ba11k of Ethiopia as of 30 April, 1944

Transitory; not included here.i11

4/2 (1944) N. 3 Replacing of Negarit Gazeta of 31 October, 1944 with Negarit Gazeta of l November, 1944

Transitory; not included herein

4/5 (1945) N. 4 Statement of Conditio11 of State Ba11k of Ethiopia as of 31 December, 1944

Transitory; not included herein

4/12 (1945) N. 5 Statement of Condition of State Bank of Ethiopia as of 30 June, 1945

Transitory; not included herein

5/7 (1946) N. 6 Statement of Conditio11 of State Ba11k of Ethiopia as of 31 December, 1945

Transito1·y; not included herein

7/1 (1947) N. 7 Restricting Entry into Ethiopia to Prevent Spread of Cholera

Obsolete; not included herein

7/11 (1948) N. 8 Balance Sheet of Agrict1lt11ral Bank of Ethiopia as of 30 June, 1948 7/12 (1948) N. 9 Statement of State Bank of Ethiopia as of 31 December, 1947 9/6 (1950) N. 10* Statement of Policy for Encot1rage­ ment of Foreign Capital I11vestment in Ethiopia 10/6 (1951) N. 10* Constit11tion of the YMCA of Ethiopia 13/4 (1953) N. 11 Government Budget for Year 1945

Transitory; not included herein


Transitory; not included herein Repd. 23/I (1963) D. 51

32 Consol. L. Et/1. 7 Tra11sitory; not included herein

* Due to an error in numbering, two Notices are 11umbered 10.

- lxxxii -


t •


15/6 (1956) N. 12 Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accou1Jt for Imperial Boarcl of Telecomm111Jications for Year 1952

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded l1erei11

16/14 (1957) N. 13

Tra11sitory; not incltided herein

Statement of Profit and Loss for Development Bank of Ethiopia for Year ended 31 December, 1955


--!!! -.lAAl.ll.1-


CITATION AND DESCRIPTION 19/4 (1960) N. A. 1 Approves At1t1t1al Highway Renovatio11 Ex.penditt1re (Ame11dment) Decree, 17/1 (1957) D. 23

. Re1;cl. 26/14 (!967) P. 24·9

19/4 (1960) N. A. 2 Approves Tobacco Regie (A111eod1ne11t) Decree, 17/3 (1957) D. 24

23 Co11s·o/. L. Et/1. 16

19/5 (1960) N. A. 3 Approves Coffee Clea11i11g and Gradi11g (An1endn1ent) Decree, 17/4 (1957) D. 29

24 Co11so/. J.,. Et/1. I 1

19/5 (1960) N. A. 4 Approves Grain Board (A1ne11d1ne11t) Decree, 17/4 (1957) D. 30

24 Consol. L. Et/1. 8

19/6 (1960) N. A. 5 Approves Health Tax Decree, 18/14 (1959) D. 37 (Orig. D. 36)

17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 8

19/9 (1960) N. A. 6 Approves Federal Excise Tax (Ame11d1ne11t) Decree. 19/1 (1959: D. 40 (Orig. D. 39)

Repel. 22/17 (1963) P. 204

20/5 (I 960) N. A. 7 Approves Federal Salt Tax

17 Con£ol. L. Et/1. I 3

(A1uend111ent) Decree, D. 39 (Orig. D. 38)

19/1 (1959)

22/9 (1963) N. A. 8 Approves Civil Aviation Decree 21/17 (1962) D. 48

21 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

22/10 (1963) N. D. 1 Disapproves Building Materials Excise Tax Decree, 19/11 (1960) D. 41

Tra11sitory; not it1clt1ded l1erei11

26/8 (1967) N. A. 9 Approves Monetary a11d Ba11ki11g (Amendn1ent) Decree 25/21 (1966) D. 53

l 5 Co11so!. L.. Et/1. 4

- Ixxxiv -



2/5 (1943) 0. 1 Jvli11isters (De.firtitio11 of Powers) 3/1 (1943) 0. 2 Ministers (Definitio11 of Powers) (Ame11d1ne11t) 7/3 (1947) 0. 3 EstabJisl1ing tl1e Board of Edt1cation and Fine Arts 7/7 (1948) 0. 4 Establishing a Ministry of Pttblic 'Health 10/6 (1951) 0. 5 tl1e YMCA of Ethiop.i,1 12/1 (1952) 0. 6 l11corporatio11 and l11clt1sio11 of tl1e . Territory of Eritrea withi11 the En1pire of Ethjopia 12/1 (1952) 0. 7 Designation and Exte11sio11 of Functions of Federal Ministers 12/1 (1952) 0. 8 Imperial Federal Cou11cil

3 Co11so/. L. Eth. 1 A111s. 2/5 (1943) 0. I, 3 Consol. L. .Et/1. l

29 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3 A111s. 2/5 (1943) 0. l, 3 Consol. L. Eth. l

32 Consol. L. Etlz. 6 2 Co11sol. L. Eth. 3

An1s. 2/5 (1943) 0. l, 3 Consol. L. Eth. I Imp/. repd. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

12/1 (1952) 0. 9 Eritrean Members of t11e Senate

I,npl. anid. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

12/1 (1952) 0. 10 Convoking the I1nperial Parlian1e11t for Enacting Fundame11tal Federal Legislation

Transitory; not inclttded herein

13/3 (1953) 0. II Ministry of National Defence

A,ns. 2/5 (1943) 0. l, 3 Consol. L. Eth. I

13/3 (1953) 0. 12 Maritime

11 Consol. L. Eth. 4

'I 3/4 (1953) 0. 13 Mi11isters (Definition of Powers) (An1endment)

A,ns. 2/5 (1943) 0. I, 3 Consol. L. Et/1. 1

14/2 (1953) 0. 14

Repd. 23/10 (1964) 0. 33

Ministers (Definitio11 of Powers) (Amendment)

- lxxxv -


14/3 (1954) 0. 15* Council of National Economy 16/5 (1957) 0. 15* Establishing Ministry of National Commt1nity Develop1nent 16/5 (1957) 0. 16 Establishing Board of National Community Development I 6/10 (1957) 0. 17 Ministry of the Imperial Court 17/5 (1957) 0. 18 National Defence Council 17/8 (1958) 0. 19 Establishing Ministry of Stores and Supplies 17/9 (1958) 0. 20 Defining Powers and Dt1ties of Minister of Pensions 18/2 (1958) 0. 21 Creating Imperial Territorial Arm) 18/6 (1959) 0. 22** Malaria Eradication 19/11 (1960) 0. 22* * Health Tax Administration 21/3 (1961) 0. 23 Central Person.nel Agency and Public Service 21/7 (1962) 0. 24 Army Badges of Rank 21/17 (1962) 0. 25 Civil Aviation 21/18 (1962) 0. 26 Public En1ployment Adn1inistration 22/3 (1962) 0. 27 Termination of Federal Statt1s of E.ritrea and the Application to Eritrea, of the System of Unitary Adminis­ tration of The Empire of Ethiopia 22/6 (1962) 0. 28 Central Personnel Agency and Public Service (Amendment) 22/15 (1963) 0. 29 Technical Agency

lmJJI. repd. 25/23 (1966)

0. 46 Ams. 2/5 (1943) 0. 1,

3 Consol. L. Eth. 1

27 Consol. L. Eth. 1

Ams. 2/5 (1943) 0. I, 3 Consol. L. Eth. I 10 Consol. L. Eth. 3 Repd. 23/10 (1964) 0. 33

A.111s. 2/5 (1943) 0. I, 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1 10 Consol. L. Et/1. 4 30 Consol. L. Eth. 19 30 Consol. L. Eth. 20 8 Consol. L. Eth 2 10 Consol. L. Et/1. 5 21 Consol. L. Eth. 1 28 Con.sol. L. Eth. 2 2 Consol. L. Eth. 5

A111s. 21/3 (1961) 0. 23, 8 Consol. L. Et/1. 2 19 Co11so/. L. Eth. 1



* Due to an error in numbering, two Orders are numbered 15 ** Due to a.n error in numbering, two Orders are nttmbered ¡ 22.

- Jxxxvi -



22/20 (1963) 0. 30 Cl1arter of Natio11al Ban!< of Etl1iopia

15 Consol. L. F:tl1. 6

22/22 (1963) 0. 31 I-Iealtl1 Tax Adn1inistration (Amendment)

11111s. 19/11 (1960) 0. 22, 30 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 20

23/10 (1964) 0. 32 ?eclaratio 1;1 of State of En1ergency 1n tl1e Region Bordering tl1e Rept1b]ic of So111alia

IO Co11sol. L. Et/z. 6

23/10 (1964) 0. 33 Ministers (Defi.nitio11 of Powers) (Amendment)

A,ns. 2/5 (1943) 0. I, 3 Cor1sol. L. Et!z. 1

23/13 (1964) 0. 34 Livestock and Meat Board

24 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3

23/16 (1964) 0. 35 Ethiopian Grain Corporation Charter ¡ (Amendn1ent)

111r1s. 19/8 (1960) G. 267, 24 Co11so/. L. Eth. 10

24/1 (1964) 0. 36 Ethiopian Tot1rist Orga11izatio11

] 9 Consol. L. Erh. 5

24/4 (1964) 0. 37 Labour Inspection Service 24/5 (1964) 0. 38 Regt1lation of Government Construction 24/7 (1965) 0. 39 National Ba.nk of Ethiopia Charter (Amendment)

28 Consol. L. Et/1. 8

24/12 (1965) 0. 40 Land Reform and Developn1ent Authority

Imp!. repd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46

25/4 (1965) 0. 41 Ethiopian Air Lines Charter (Repeal)

Transitory; not included herein 24 Consol. L. Eth. 18

25/8 (1966) 0. 42 Institute of Agricultural Research 25/9(B) (1966) 0. 43 Local Self-Administration 25/10 (1966) 0. 44 Ministers Definition of Powers (Amendment) 25/17 (1966) 0. 45 Ethiopian Antiquities Administratio11

20 Consol. L. Eth. 1 A,ns. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30, 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 6

7 Consol. L. Eih. 3 Ams. 2/5 (1943) 0. 1, 3 Con.sol. L. Eth. I

29 Consol. L. Eth. 2

Ams. 2/5 (1943) 0. 1, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1 Ministers (Defin1tion of Powers) - I.xx.xvii -


A,ns. 25/9 (B) (1966) 0. 43, 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 3

26/6 (I 967) 0. 47 Local Self-Admi11istratio11 (An1endment)

31 Consol. L. Et/1. 3

26/9 (1967) 0. 48 Cl1t1rch Admi11istratio11 27/15 (1968) 0. 50 Ethiopian Broadcasting Service

13 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4

27/15 (1968) 0. 51 Ethiopian News Age11cy

13 Consol. L. Eth. 5

27/19 (1968) 0. 52 University of Asn1ara Cl1arter

29 Consol. L. Eth. 6

27/20 (1968) 0. 53 Etl1iopian Grain Corporatio11 Cl1arte1

Ams. 19/8 (1960) G. 267, 24 Consol. L. Et/1. 10

28/4 (1969) 0. 54 A\vasl1 National Park

25 Consol. L. Eth. l 6

28/5 (1969) 0. 55 National Co111missio11 for UNESCO

29 Consol. L. Et/1. 7

28/13 (1969) o. 56 Pt1blic Safety a11d Welfare

Tra11sitory; not included herein

28/18 (1969) 0. 57 National Commission for Education

29 Consol. L. Eth. 9

28/19 (1969) 0. 58 Establislime11t of Ce11tre for Ma.nagen1ent Training

29 Consol. L. £1/1. 8



- lXJ..xviii I




1/1 (1942) P. 1 Establisl11nent or tl1e Negarit Gazeta 1/1 (1942) P. 2 Admi11istratio11 of Jt1stice 1/1 (1942) P. 3 Penal Code (An1e11dn1ent) 1/1 (1942) P. 4 Pt1blic Sect1rity 1/1 (1942) P. 5 Evact1ation of ltalia11s 1/1 (1942) P. 6 Police 1/1 (1942 ) P. 7 Police (Addis Ababa) 1/1 (1942) P. 8 Land Tax 1/ 1 (1942) P. 9 PL1blic Holidays 1/1 (1942) P. 10 Esse11tial (Reqt1isition ) 1/2 (1942) P. 11 Declaration of Motor Vehicles 1/2 (1942) P. 12 Kadis' Courts 1/ 2 (1942) P. 13 At1thority to Isst1e Orders .1/3 (1942) P. 14 E11emy Property I/ 3S (1942) P. 15 Export Control

13 Cor1sol. L. £1!1. I 5 Consol. .L. Et/1. 1 Re1Jcl. 16 /11 (1957) P. 158 /n11JI. repel. Crin1. Proc. C. 21 /Ex. I (1961 ) Obsolete; 11ot included herei11 12 Consol. L. Et/1. I Never Pt1blished i11 _Negarit Gazeta Rep(/. 4/2 (1944) P. 70 ReJJd. 15 /9 (1956) P. 151 Obsolete; not inclt1decl l1erei11 Repd. 2/7 (I 943) P. 35 Reprl. 3/9 (1944) P. 62 J 2 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3 Obsolete ; 11ot included herein 23 Cot1sol. L. Erh. 3

l/3S (1942) P. 16

ReJJd. 16/ .l l (1957) P. 158

1/4 (1942) P. 17 Post Office 1/5 (1942) P. 18 Enemy Aliens (Control)

ReJJCI. 25/22 (1966) P..240

Penal Code (Ame11dn1ent N·o. 2)

Repel. 3/5 (J 944) P. 44 12 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 6

I /5 (1942) p· _ 19 Explosives - lxxxix -

IOPIA H r E F ¡ o S W A L D E T A JD L O S N o C

20 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 4

1/6 (1942) P. 20 Electricity 1/6 (1942) P. 21 State Bank 1/6 (1942) P. 22 Slavery (Abolitio11)

Repd. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30

28 Con.Yo!. L. Eth. I Repd. 23/6 (1963) P. 21 I

2/1 (1942) P. 23 Prohibition of Export (Maria Theresa Dollars) 2/1 (1942) P. 24 Dangerous Drugs

23 Consol. L. Eth. 5

2/2 (1942) P. 25 Land (Restoration and Compensation)

Obsolete; not included herein

2/2 (1942) P. 26 Public Health

30 Consol. L. Eth. 2

2/2 (1942) P. 27 Medical Registration

Repd. 8/1 (1948) P. 100

2/2 (1942) P. 28 Printing (Control)

13 Consol. L. Eth. 2

2/2S (1942) P. 29 Public Prosecutors

5 Consol. L. Eth. 7

2/2S (I 942) P. 30 Tobacco Regie

23 Co11sol. L. Eth. I 4

2/2S (1942) P. 31 Currency

Repd. 23/6 (1963) P. 211

2/2S (1942) P. 32 Legal Tender

Repd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76

2/2S (1942) P. 33 Declaration of War

Obsolete; 11ot included herein

2/7 (1943) P. 34 Pharmacists and Druggists

Repd. 8/1 (1948) P. 100

2/7 (1943) P. 35 Transport

Repd. 21/6 (1967) P. 256

2/8 (1943) P. 36 Immigration

Repd. 28/25 (1969) P. 271

2/8 (1943) P. 37 Entertainments Censorship

13 Co11sol. L. Eth. 3

2/9 (1943) P. 38 Imported Goods (Price Control)

Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

2/10 (1943) P. 39 Customs and Export Duties

16 Consol. L. Et/1. 2





2/10 (1943) P. 40 Alcohol Excise Dut)' 2/11 (1943) P. 41 Stamps Duty 2/12 (1943) P. 42 Enemy Property (An1end111e11t) 3/4 (1943) P. 43 Prohibition of Export (Gold, Silver and Platinum) 3/5 (1944) P. 44 Enemy Aliens (Control and Evacuationi 3/5 (1944) P. 45 Prisons 3/5 (1944) P. 46 Imported Goods (Price Control) (Amendment) 3/6 (1944) P. 47 Raw Rubber (Productio11) Organisation 3/6 (1944) P. 48 Registration and Control of Flour Mills 3/6 (1944) P. 49 Concessions (Revocation) 3/6 (1944) P. 50 Customs Dt1ties (Amendment) 3/6 (1944) P. 51 Alcohol Excise Duty (Amendment) 3/7 (1944) P. 52 Hide and. Skin Trade (Co11trol) 3/7 (1944) P. 53 Locally Produced Goods (Price Control) 3/7 (1944) P. 54 Public Security (Amendment) 3/8 (1944) P. 55 Declaration of Telephone 3/8 (1944) P. 56 Filing of Claims for Damages Caused by the Italians 3/8 (1944) P. 57 Foreigners (Registration) 3/8 (1944) P. 58 Factories

Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Repel. 17/4 (1957) D. 26

Obsolete; not i11cluded herei11 25 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1 Obsolete; not included herein 12 Co11sol. L. Etli. 2 Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

24 Consol. L. Et/1. 17 24 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7 Transitory; not inclL1ded herein Repd. 6/11 (1947) L. 103 Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32 Imp/. repd. 23/13 (1964) P. 212 Repel. 22/22 (1963) D. 50 Imp/. repd. Crim. Proc. C. 21/Ex. I (1961) 22 Consol. L. Eth. 5

Obsolete; not included herein Repd. 28/25 (1969) P. 271 R.epcl. 25/13 (1966) P. 232

- XC. -


Repd. 27/6 (1967) P. 256

3/8 (1944) P. 59 Tra11sport (Ame11dment)

Repd. 8/12 (1949) P. 107

3/9 (1944) P. 60 Personal and Bt1siness Tax

25 Consol. L. Eth. 3

3/9 (1944) P. 61 Game 3/9 (1944) P. 62 Kadis and Naibas Cot1ncils

J,npl. repd. Civ. C.19/Ex.2(1960) Crim. Pro. C.21/Ex.1 (1961), ' 25/Ex.3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex.3 (1965).

3/10 (1944) P. 63 Governing the Wearing of Military Uniforms

10 Consol. L. Et/1. 1

3/10 (1944) P. 64 Enemy Property (Amendment)

Obsolete; not included herein

3/10S. (1944) P. 65 Mainte11ance of Roads

Repd. 27/6 (1962) P. 256

3/10S. (1944) P. 66 Classification of Roads

ReJJd. 27/6 (I 967) P. 256

3/11 (1944) P. 67 Control of Transactio11 i11 a11d Co11cerni11g Gold a11d Plati11t1n1

25 Consol. L. Etli. 2

3/11 (1944) P. 68 Imperial Ar1ny

1.0 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

4/1 (1944) P. 69 Government Accounts (Control a11d Audit)

Repd. 18/1 (1958) D. 32

4/2 (1944) P. 70 Land Tax

17 Co11so/. L. Et/1. '11

4/4 (1944) P. 71 A1)propriation

Transitory; not i11cluded l1erein

4/5 (1945) P. 72 Enemy Property (Interpretation)

Obsolete; not included l1erei11

4/6 (1945) P. 73 Filing of Claims for Damages cat1sed by Italia11s (Ame11dment)

Obsolete; 1.1ot i11clt1ded herei11

4/7 (1945) P. 74 Municipalities 4/8 (1945) P. 75 Agricultural Bank 4/9 (1945) P. 76 C11rre11cy and Legal Tender

7 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 1 Repel. 10 /7 (19 51) P. 1 16

15 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1 ••

- XCII -





5/2 (1945) P. 77 U11la\Vft1l Gan1i11g 5/11 (1946) P. 78 A1nendi11g tl1e Appropriatio11 Proclamatio11 No. 71 of 1944 5/11 (1946) P. 79 Control a11d At1dit of Government Accot111ts (A111endn1ent) 5/12 (1946) P. 80 Appropriatio11 6/3 (1946) P. 81 Currency 6/4 (1946) P. 82 Hides and Skins (Control) (Amendn1ent) 6/4 (1946) P. 83 Police (Orga11izatio11, Discipli11e, Powers and Duties) (Ame11d111e11t) 6/5 (1947) P. 84 Land Tax (Ame11dment) 6/5 (1947) P. 85 M1111ici_palities (Ame11dn1e11t) 6/7 (1947) P. 86 Penal Code (An1e11d1ne11t)

12 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 7 Transitory; 11ot included l1erein Repel. 18/1 (1958) D. 32

Transitory; not i11c]uded herei11 Repd. 8/1.2 (1949) P. 105 l111pl. repd. 23/13 (1964) P. 212

1/1 (1942) P. 6, 12 Co11sol. L. Etli. l


An1s. 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 11 Ams. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1 Repel. 16/11 (1957) P. 158

6/7 (1947) P. 87 Sec11rity Prosecutio11�

Obsolete; not i11clt1decl herein

6/8 (1947) P. 88 Curre11cy (Ame11dme11t)

Repd. 8/12 (1949) P . .I 05

6/9 (1947) P. 89 Vagrancy and Vagabo11dage

I1npl. Repd. Penal Code, 16/Ex.1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C . 21/Ex. l (1961)

6/10 (1947) P. 90 Establisl11nent of Local J11dges

5 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 8

6/12 (1947) P. 91 Public Health

30 Consol. L. Eth. 3

6/12 (1947) P. 92 Municipalities (An1e11dm.ent)

An1s. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Consol. L. Eth. I

7/2 (1947) P. 93 Land Tax (I11terpretation)

Interprets 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Eth.. 11 17 Consol. L. Eth. 3

7/3 (1947) P. 94 Eclt1catio11al Tax

29 Consol. L. Eth. 4

7 /3 (I 947) P. 95 Education Expendit11re •••

- XClll -


A.nis. 3/10 (1944) P. 63, 10 Consol. L. Eth. 1

7/5 (1948) P. 96 Wearing of Military Uniforn1s 1944 (Amendment) 7/6 (1948) P. 97 Prescription in Civil Matters 7/8 (1948) P. 98 Road Tax 7/10 (1948) P. 99 Currency (Amendment) 8/1 (1948) P. 100 Medical Practitioners Registration 8/4 (1948) P. 101 Ex-Enemy (Italian) Property 8/4 (1948) P. 102 Administration of Justice (Amendment) 8/4 (1948) P. 103 Annual Highway Renovatio11 Expenditt1re 8/5 (1949) P. 104 Control of Cattle Diseases 8/12 (1949) P. 105 Maria Theresa Dollars •

Repel. Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 tl960) Art. 3347 Repd. 20/2 (1960) D. 43 Repd. 23/6, (1963) P. 211 30 Consol. L. Eth. 17 Transitory; 11ot included herein Ams. 1/1 (1942) P. 2, 5 Consol. L. Et/1.. I

Repd. 26/14 (1967) P. 249 Repd. 14/9 (1955) P. 147 Repd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206

8/12 (1949) P. 106 La·nd Tax (Amendme11t)

A,ns. 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Etlz. 11

8_/12 (1949) P. 107 Personal and Business Tax

Repd. 16/1 (1956) D. 19

8/12 (1949 P. 108 Alcohol Excise Duty (Amendment)

Repd. 18/13 (1959) D. 32

9/1 (1949) P. 109 Currency (Ame11d1nent)

Repd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206

9/1 (1949) P. 110 Amendment -of Powers and Dutie, of Agrict1ltural Bank of EthioJ)ia

Repd. 10/7 (1951) P. 116

9/5 (1950) P. 111 P11blic Health· (An1endment)

A111s. 6/12 (1947) P. 91, 30 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 3

9/7 (1950) P.· 112 Currency (Amencl111e11t)

Repd. 22/20 (I 963) P. 206

9/9 (1950) P. 11- 3 Ethiopian Grain Board

24 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 8

9/11 (1950) P. 114 Maintenance of Telephone Services

22 Co11s0!. L. Eth. 6 '


- XCIV -


10/5 (1951) P. 115 Higl1way A11thority 10/7 (1951) P. 116 Establisl1n1e11t of Development Ba11k of Etl1iopia 10/10 (1951) P. 117 Land Tax (Amend1nent) 10/11 (1951) P. 118 P11blic Prosec11tors 10/12 (1951) P. 119 Public Health (Seconcl A111e11d1nent) 11/2 (1951) P. 120 Control of Cattle Diseases (Amend111e11t) 11/5 (1952) P. 121 Coffee (Clea11i11g and Grading) 11/9 (1952) P. 122 A11n11al High\1/ay Renovation Expe11ditt1re (An1e11cl1uent) 11/11 (1952) P. 123 Public Prosecutors (A111end1nent) 12/1 (1952) P. 124 E11try into Force of Federatio11 of Eritrea witl1 EthiotJia

20 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3 l 5 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 2 A111s. 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 11 A,ns. 2/2S. (1942) P. 29, 5 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7 An1s. 6/12 (1947) P. 91, 30 Co11sol. L. Et /1.. 3 Repel. 14/9 (1955) P. 147

24 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 11 Re11d. 26/14 (1967) P. 249 Ams. 2/2S (I 942) P. 29, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 7 2 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

12/ I (1952) P. 125 Eritrea11 Members of Ottr Cl1amber of Deputies

J1npl. repd. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

12/2 (1952) P. 126 Federal Revenue 12/2 (1952) P. 127 Applicatio11 of C11rre11cy and Legal Te11der Procla111ation, 1945, as amend­ ed, a11d Maria Theresa Dollar Pro­ clan1ation of 1949 as Federal Legislation

2 Co11sol. L. Eth. 7

12/2 (1952) P. 128 Exte11sion of Certai11 Legislation as Federal Legislatio11

2 Co11sol. L. Eth. 9

12/2 (1952) P. 129 Federal Transport.

Repd. 27 /6 (1967) P. 256

12/4 (1952) P. 130 Federal Jt1diciary

l1npl. repd. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

12/4 (1953) P. 130A Federal J11diciary

Imp/. repd. 22/3 (I 962) 0. 27 - XCV -

2 Consol. L. Et/1. 8


22 Corlsol. L. Eth. 4

12/5 (1952) P. 131 Establishment of the Imperial Board of Telecommt1nicatio11s 12/5 (1952) P. 132 Locally Rendered Services (Price Control)

.Repd. 22/22 (1963) D. 50

12/16 (1953) P. 133 Unlawful Gan1ing (Amendment)


12/17 (1953) P. 134 National Lottery

Repd. 19/11 (1960) D. 42

13/1 (1953) P. 135 Federal Judiciary (Amendment)

In1pl. repd. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

13/1 (1953) P. 136 Cost Guard

1 I Consol. L. Eth. 1

13/1 (1953) P. 137 Maritime

11 Consol. L. Eth. 2

13/2 (1953) P. 138 Federal Crimes

Imp!. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) a11d 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

13/3 (1953) P. 139 Public Ril!hts .....

2 Consol. L. Eth. 4

14 /1 (195 4) P. 140 Perso11al and Busi11ess Tax (Amendn1ent)

Repd. 16/1 (1956) D. 19

14/1 (1954) P. 141 Federal Judiciary (A111endme11t)

ln1pl. repel. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

14/1 (1954) P. 142 Cattle Tax

17 Consol. L. Et/:. 1

14/2 (1954) P. 143 Federal Tax

Re1-1d. 15/11 (1956) D. 17

14/2 (1954) P. 144 Personal and B11si11ess Tax (Amendment)

ReJJc/. 16/1 (1956) D. 19

14/3 (1954) P. 145* Agrict1ltural and I11dt1strial Expansion

Repd. 23/1 (1963) D. 51 rei11stated 26/2 (1966) P. 242 19 Consol. L. Etfi. 4 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 1


5/2 (1945) P. 77, l 2 Consol. L. Eth. 1

14/7 (1955) P. 145 :1: Ct1stoms 14/9 (1955) P. 146 Federal Salt Tax

17 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 13

14/9 (1955) P. 147 Control of Cattle Diseases

24 Consol. L. Et/1. I


Otte to an error in nun1bering, two P1oclamations are numbered 145. - XCVI -




15/2 (1955) .P. 149* Revised Constitt1tio11 of the En1pire o·f Ethiopia 15/3 (1955) P. 150 Federal Tax (Ame11d111e11t) 15/9 (1956) P. 151 Public I-Io]idays a11d S11nday Observance 15/12 (1956) P. 152 Chamber of Deputies Electoral La.w

1 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1 Repd. 15/ 11 (1956) D. 17

23 Co11sol. L. Eth. 18 Repd. 28/15 (1969) P. 264

16/3 (1956) P. 153 Amendme11t of Chamber of De1Juties Electoral La\v

Repd. 28/15 (1969) P. 264

16/3 (1956) P. 154 Maritime (An1endme11t)

A111s. 13/1 (1953) P. 137, 11 Consol. L. Et/1. 2

I 6/5 (1957) P. 156** Arn1y Badges of Rank Order

Repd. 21/7 (1962) 0. 24

16/6 (1957) P. 157 Federal Crimes (Ame11dment)

/111p/. repd. P. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) a111d. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27

16/11 (1957) P. 158 Penal Code Proclamatio11 16/13 (1957) P. 159 Loan Procla1nation

5 Co11sol. L. Eth. 12 Transitory; not included ]1erein

17/15 (1958) P. 160 Budget, 1950 E.C.

Transitory; not inclt1ded herei11

18/12 (1959) P. 161 B11dget, 1951 E.C.

Transitory; not incl11ded herei11

18/13 (1959) P. 162 Fiscal Year

14 Consol. L. Etli I

l 9/7 (1960) P. 163 Ethio-France Railway Treaty

Transitory; not included herein

19/8 (1960) P. 164 Maritime Code Proclamation

11 Consol. L. Et/1. 5

19/8 (1960) P. 165 Civil Code Proclamation

5 Consol. L. Eth. 15

19/8 (1960) P. 166 Commercial Code Proclamation

23 Consol. L. Etlz. I

19/9 (1960) P. 167 Budget, 1952 B.C.

Transitory; not included herein

* Due to an error in nu1nbering, no Proclamation is numbered 148.

* ·� Due to an error in 11umbering, no Proclamation is numbered 155.


------· --------------Repd. 28/15 (1969) P. 264

19/9 (1960) P. 168 Chamber of Deputies Electoral Law (Amendment)

Transitory; not included herein

19/10 (1960) P. 169 Budget, 1953 E.C. 19/10 (1960) P. 170 Imperial Board of Telecomn1t1nication; (Amendment)

Anis. 12/5 (1952) P. 131, 22 Consol. L. Eth. 4

20/9 (1961) P. 171 Animal Diseases Control

24 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2 18 Consol. L. Eth. I

20/11 (1961) P. 172 Government Bonds 20/13 (1961) P. 173 Income Tax

17 Con.fol. L. Et/1. 9

20/13 (1961) P. 174 Development Bank of Ethiopia Development Loan Fund Agreement Guarantee

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

20/13 (1961) P. 175 Developme11t Bank of Ethiopia International Bank of Reconstruction a,nd Development Loan Agreement Guarantee

Transitory; not included herein

20/14 (1961) P. 176 Budget, 1954 E.C.

Transitory; not included herein

20/14 (1961) P. 177 External Loans (Authorization)

Transitory; not inclu.ded herein

21/1 (1961) P. 178 National Coffee Board

24 Con.vol. L. Eth. 13

21/3 (1961) P. 179 Auditor General (Functions)

14 Consol. L. Eth. 2

21/3 (1961) P. 180 Alcohol Production Tax

Repd. 24/10 (1965) P. 217

21/3 (1961) P. 181 Federal Alcohol Const1mptio11 Tax

Re1;d. 24/10 (1965) P. 217

21/3 (1961) P. 182 Tobacco Regie (Am_endme11t)

Anis. 2/2S (1942) P. 30, 23 Co11sol. L. Eth. 14

21/3 (1961) P. 183 National Lottery

12 Co11sol. L. Eth. 8

21/3 (1961) P. 184 Business Enterprises Registratio11

23 Consol. L. Etli. 2

- x:vu1 •••


*21/Ex. I (1961) Crimi11al Procedt1re Code Procla111ation

5 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 9

21/8 (1962) P. 185 Approval of Gt1arantee Agreement for a Loan to the Developn1e11t Bank of :Etl1iopia by tl1e I11ternational Ba11k for Reconstrt1ction a11cl Developn1ent 21/9 (1962) P. 186 Czechoslovak Eco11omic Agree111e11t 21/11 (1962) P. 187 Salaries .for l\1en1bers of Parlia1nent 21/11 (I 962) P. l 88 In1perial Savings a11d Home Ow11er­ ship Public Association 21/12 (1962) P. 189 At1thorization of Gt1arantee Agree­ ment for a Loa11 to the Imperial Board of Telecon1munjcations by the J11ter­ oatio11al Ba11k for Reconstruction and Development

Transitory; 11ot incl tided herei11

21/12 (1962) P. 190 Approval of Credit Agreement with the U.S.S.R

Transitory; 11ot included herein

21/13 (1962) P. 191 Approval of a Credit Agreement with the Federal People's Republic of Yt1goslavia

Tra11sitory; not i11cluded l1erei11

21/14 (1962) P. 192 St1pplementary Budget, 1954 E.C.

Tra11sitory; not included herein

21/15 (1962) P. 193 Budget, 1955 E.C.

Transitory; not included herein

22/4 (1962) P. 194 Approval of Guarantee Agreement for a Loan to tl1e In1perial Board of Telecommunications by the Inter11ational Bank for . Reconstruction . and Development

Transitory; not inclt1ded herein

22/7 (1962) P. 195 Cot1rts

5 Consol. L. Et/1. 10

Transitory; not incl11ded herein 4 Co11sol. L. Et/1.. 2

15 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 3 Tra11sitory; 11ot i11clt1ded h.erein


• Tl1e CruJ1inal Procedure Code Procla1nation appears never to have received a Proclama­ tion nt1mber. Although one p1i.nting of its English version indicates it is P. 185, it does not bear this number i11 the Amharic version and arotl1er Proclamation bears the number P. 185 in both languages. •

- XCIJ( -


Ams. 18/13 (1959) P. 162, 14 Consol. L. Eth. I

22/8 (1963) P. 196 Fiscal Year (Amendme11t)

Transitory; not i11cluded herein

22/13 (1963) P. 197 Supplementary Budget, 1955 E.C.

Transitory; not included herein

22/14 (1963) P. 198 Budget, 1956 E. C. 22/15 (1963) P. 199 P11blic Servants' Pension Contrib11tio11s

8 Consol. L. Eth. 8

22/15 (1963) P. 200 Yugoslav Credit Agreement (Amendment)

Tra11sitory; not included herein

22/15 (1963) P. 201 International Development Associa­ tion - Third Highway Project Deve­ lopment Credit Agreement

Transitory; not inclad.ed herein

22/16 (1963) P. 202 Charter of Organization of African Unity Approval

I Consol. L. Eth. 2

22/16 (1963) P. 203 Courts (Amendment)

A1ns. 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Consol. L. Eth. I 0

22/17 (1963) P. 204 Excise Ta.x

17 Consol. L. Eth. 4

22/18 (1963) P. 205 Transaction Taxes

17 Consol. L. Eth. 17

22/20 (1963) P. 206 Moneta.ry and Banking

15 Co11Sol. L. Et/1. 4

22/20 (1963) P. 207 Disposition of Assets and Liabilities of State Bank of Ethiopia

Transitory; not included herein

22/21 (1963) P. 208 Weights a11d Measures

23 Co11so I. L. Et/1. 19

22/23 (1963) P. 209 Public Servant's Pensions

8 Consol. L. Eth. 6

23/3 (1963) P. 210 Labour Relations

28 Consol. L. Et/1. 6

23/6 (1963) P. 211 Foreign Exchange

15 Consol. L. Eth. 7

23/13 (1964) P. 212 Livestock and Meat Board

24 Corzsol. L. Etf1. 4

23/17 (1964) P. 213 Ethiopian Electric Light and Power

Trat1sitory; not included herein



Alttl1ority - Inter11atio11al Ba11k for Reconstruction and Developn1ent Loan Guarantee Agreen1ent Approval 23/21 (1964) P. 214 S11ppleme11tary B11dget, 1956 E.C. 23/22 (1964) P. 215 B11dget, 1957 E.C. 23/23 (1964) P. 216 Africa11 Developn1ent Bank Agreement Ap_proval 24/10 (1965) P. 217 Alco.hol Excise Tax 24/13 (1965) P. 218 S11pplen1entar)' Budget, 1957 E.C.

Transitory; 11ot included l1erei11 Tra11sit9ry; not incl11ded herein Tra11sitory; 11ot included h . erein 17 Consol. L. Eth. 5 Transitory; not incl11ded J1erein

24/14 (1965) P. 219 B11dget, 1958 E.C.

Transitory; 11ot inclt1ded herei11

24/15 (1965) P. 220 Excise Tax (Amendme11t)


22/1.7 (1963) P. 204,

24/16 (1965) :r. 221 Unjted States of An1erica Loa11 Agreement for Bailey-type Bridges

Transitory; 11ot i11clt1ded l1erein

24/16 (1965) P. 222 German Property Compe11sation Treaty

Tra.nsitory; not i11cluded l1erei11

24/16 (1965) P. 223 German Loa11 Agree111e11t

Tra11sitory; not i11cl11ded l1erein

24/16 (1965) P. 224 Ethiopian Shipping Lines S.C. Verol111e ·united Shipyarcls and Engineeri11g Company ''V.U.S. '' Credit Agreeme11t Guara11tee

Tra11sitory; 11ot it1cl11ded herein

24/17 (1965) P. 225 State Forest

25 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4

24/17 (1965) P. 226 Private Forests Co11servation

25 Co11sol. L. Eth. 5

24/17 (1965) P. 227 Protective Forests

25 Consol. L. Eth. 6

24/19 (1965) P. 228 Unfair Trade Practices

23 Consol. L. Er/1. 6

25/7 (1966) P. 229 Antiquities Proclamatio11

29 Consol. L. Eth. I

25/9(A) (1966) P. 230 Land Tax (Amendme11t)

Ams. 4/2 (1944) P. 70, 17 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 11


- Cl -


25/11 (1966) P. 231

Transitory; not included herein

25/13 (1966) P. 232

28 ConLc;o/. L. Eth. 9

25/14 (1966) P. 233

Tra11sitory; not includ.ed herein

25/17 (1966) P. 234

Tra11sitory; not includ.ed herein

25/18 (1966) P. 235

Transitory; not included herein

25/18 (1966) P. 236

Transitory; not included herein

25/18 (1966) P. 237

Tra11sitory; not included herein

25/18 (1966) P. 238

Transitory; not included l1erein

25/19 (1966) P. 239 Budget, 1959 E.C. 25/22 (1966) P. 240

Transitory; not included herein

25/24 (1966) P. 241

27 Consol. L. Etlz. 2

26/2 (1966) P. 242

19 Consol. L. Eth. 3

26/6 (1967) P. 243

12 Con,c;ol. L. Et/1. 11

26/7 (1967) P. 244

Tra11sitory; 11ot included herein

I.B.T. of Etluopia - I11ternatioual Bank for Reconstruction a11d Deve­ lopment Loan Guarantee Agreeme11t Labour Standard.s Proclamation

International Association and Credit Agreement for Educational Expa11sion Ethiopian Pulp a.11d Paper Sl1are Compa.ny - Export-Import Bank of Washington Loat1 Agreeme11t Guarantee United States of America Agricultural Commodities Loa11 Agreement Etl1iopian Development a11d Hotel Co. Export-Import Ba11k of Wasl1ingto11 Credit Agreement Guarantee United States of America Commodities Loan Agreement United States of America Economic Projects Loan Agreement

22 Consol. L. Et/1. I

Post Office Proclam.atio11

Co-operative Societies Investment

Peaceful Pt1b.Iic Demonstrations U.S. Finchaa Dam Loan Agreen1ent

26/11 (1967) P. 245

Transitory; not included­ l1erein

U.S.A. Loan Agreement ·for Baile type Bridges ••

- Cll -


26/11 (1967) P. 246 Imperial Board of Tele­ con1mtt11ic�1tio11 of Ethiopia (Amend.me11t)

rt1r1s. 12/5 (1952) P. 22 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4

26/12 (1967) P. 247 Special At1tl1ority of tl1e Ministry of Finance to Contract Loans a11cl Guarantees

18 Co11sol..L. Et/1. JO

26/ 13 (1967) P. 248 Bt1dget Proclan1ation

Tra11sitory; 11ot inclt1ded berei.J1

26/14 (1967) P. 249 Petroloum Products and Lubrica11ts Excise Tax

17 Cor1sol. L. Etli. 6

26/14 (1967) P. 250 Britisl1 Credit Agreement

Transitory; not included herein

26/15 (1967) P. 251 Bole Housing Project Development Agreen1ents Guarantee

,..fransitory; not i11cluded herein

26/15 (1967) P. 252 Mtmicipality of Addis Ababa - Institute di Credite Credit Agreement Gt1arantee

Transitory; not included herei.11

26/15 (1967) P. 253 Ethiopian Sl1ipping Lines S.G. - V.U.S. Credit Agreen1ents Supplen1entary Guarantee

Tra11sitory; 11ot inclt1ded .herei11

27/ l (1967) P. 254 Transaction Taxes (Amendment)

A,ns. 22/ 18 (1963) 17 Consol. L. Eth.

27/4 (1967) P. 255 Income Tax (Amendment)

Anis. 20/ 13 (1961) P.173; 17 Consol. L. Eth. 9

27/6 (1967) P. 256 Road Travel and Tra.nsport

21 Corzsol. L. Eth. 4

27 /12 (1968) P. 257 United States Investments Loan Agreement

Tr::1nsitory not included herein

27/13 (1968) P. 258 Supplementary Budget, 1960 E.C.

Tr,1nsitory not included herein


•• •

- ClJl -

P. 205, 17


27 14 (1968) P. 259 U.S.A. Malaria Eradication Programme Lo¡an Agreement 27/ 17 (1968) P. 260 Budget Proclamation 1961 E.C. 27/ 18 (1968) P. 261 External Loan and Credit Fourth Highway Project Agreement Approval 28/12 (1969) P. 262 Government Bonds Proclam.ation, 1969 28/ 12 (1969) P. 263 Treasury Bill Proclamation, 1969 28/15 (1969) P. 264 Chamber o.f Deputies Electeral Law 28/17 (1969) P. 265 Imperial Savings and Home Ownershi Public Association (Amendment) 28/17 (1969) P. 266 G¡er1nan Credit Agreement Proclamation 28 /19 (1969) P. 267 Treasury Bi1ls (An1endment) Proclamation 28/22 (1969) P. 268 Budget Proclamation 1962 E.C. 28/23 (1969) P. 269 Telecommunications Project External Credit and Guarantee Agreements Approva!l Proclamation 28/23 (1969) P. 270 Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority International Bank for Reconstruction and. Development Loan Guarantee Agreements Aproval Proclamation 28/25 (1969) P. 271 Proclamation regulating tl1e issuance of Travel Decuments and Visas, and Registration of foreigners in Ethiopia

Transitory not included herein Tra11sitory 11ot included herein Transitory 11ot included herein

18 Consol. L. Eth. 7 18 Consol. L. Eth. 9 4 Con.sol. L. Eth. 1 A111s. 21/11 (1962) P. 188,

15 Consol. L. Eth. 3

Tra11sitory; not included herein An1s. 28/12 (1969) P. 263,

18 Con.sol. L. Eth. 9

Transitory; not included herein Transitory not included l1erein

Transitory; not includ.ed l1erein

9 Consol. L. Eth. 2

- ClV -


lIEADINGS 1-\BOLITION OF SLAVERY Provided for ... • • • • • •



ACCIDENTS. See also Tra11sport. Co1111ected \Vith e111[)loy111e11t ... ACCOUNTS. See Ai,clir. ACCUSED Rights ... • • • • • • ACTIONS




• • •

• •



I • •












•• •




I 1 I 1

1 I 1 1

62 (a) 62 (b) 84 75







31 31 1 5 7


Agai11st Emperor, forbidde11 . .. ... . . . ... Agai11st Governn1ent provided for .. . . . . ... Against n1en1bers of Parliament . .. ... . .. Against Mi11isters ... . . . ... ... ... ... Civil agai11st or by gover11ment, sui;:ervised by Mi11istry of Jt1stice ... ... ... ... Crin1inal, respo11sibility of Mi11istry of Jt1stice for cond11ct . .. . .. ... ... ... ... ... ADDIS ABABA Legislatio11 relati11g solely to Addis Ababa .is pt1blished separately i11 the Co11solidated Legislatio11 of Acldis Ababa ADMJNISTRATION Churcl1 Administration Order ... ... . .. • • • Cht1rcl1 Administration Reg11lations ... • • • Emperor deterrni11es gover111nent ... ... . . . Jt1stice .. . ... ... . . . . .. . . . . . . ... • • • Local Self-Administratio11 Order . .. ... • • • Minjsters (Definition of Powers) .. . ... • • • Mu11icipalities and Tow11sl1ips ... .. . ... • • • Teklay Ghizat . .. .. . ... ... . . . ... • • • ADI\'IIRALTY Jt1risdictio11 of High Court and St1preme Court ADVOCATES Costs and Advocate Fees R11les ... ... ... ·oisciplinary Co1nmittee, establishn1ent and duties . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. Licensing of by Ministry of J11stice . .. ... Public prosect1tors . .. .. . ... .. . .. . ... Registration . . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. . .. . ... - CV -



7 6

1 1 3 I ]_ 1







4 1 8 4



5 5

8 32


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS AERO CLUB, IMPERIAL ETIDOPIAN ••• • • •• Charter ... • • • • •



• ••





19 7 7

2 3 4


29 4

3 1


AFE NEGUS. See Supre,ne J1nJJerial Coi,rt. AFRICAN Orga.nization of African Unjty, Charter · · ·

AGENCIES. See also Private Chartered Bodies Awash Valley Authority ... • • • • • • • • • Awraja Cot1ncils . .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • •••


•• •


• ••

•• •

Board of Education and Fine Arts . • • Central Election Board ... . .. ... • • • Central Medical Stores Corporation ... Central Perso11nel Agency ... ... • • • Civil Aviation Administration . .. ... • • • •••

•• •

• ••



• ••


••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

30 8

21 21

I 2 1 2

Community Forests Co1nmission ... ... • • • Constituency Committees for Elections to Ch·amber of Deputies ... ... . ..


I 2 12





Co-operatives Tribt1nal ... Ecclesiastical Council ... • •


2 I 3 6 2 3 4 2

50, 51

Civil Aviation Board ... . .. •• •


• ••











• ••


•• •


• ••








•• •



•• •



• ••

En1ployers' Associations ... ... ... Employme11t Advisory Committees ... Employmet Offices




•• •

• ••



• ••







•••• •


Ethiopian Antiquities Admi11istratio11 .. . ... Ethiopian Broadcasting Service ... ... ... Et�op�an Electric .Ligl1t and Power At1tl1ority _ Eth1op1an Grain Board ... ... .. . ... ... Etl1iopian Grain Corporation .. . ... ... . .. Ethiopian News Age11cy ... ... ... ... ... Ethiopian Tourist Orga11izatio11 . .. ... ... General Advisory Board of 1-Iealth ... Imper� al B?ard of Telecon1111t111icatio11s : : : Impe.r� al H1�hway Authority . .. .. . ... . .. Imperial Savings and Ho1ne Ow11ership Public •





31 28

28 28



28 28

29 13


24 24 13 19






4, 5

9·-11 2, 3 20-22

8 5 4 6, 7 3 3

2 4 5 8




3 4 3

4, 5


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS Associatio11 . .. ... . .. ... • • • • • • I11 come Tax Ap1Jeal Co111missions . . . . .. I11stitute of Agrict1ltt1ral Researcl1 . .. ... I11vestment Con1n1 jttee . . . ... • • • • • • Labot1r Inspection Service... . .. • • • • • • ••

• ••

• ••

• ••

Labot1r Relatio11s Board ... • • • • • • • • • Labour Sta11dards Advisory Board ... Labo11r Unions ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • Livestock and Nleat Board • • • • • • • • • •••

• ••


•• • ••• ••• • •• • •• •• • ••• •••

••• ••• •• •

Local Ed11cation Board ... . . . .. . ... ... N[alaria Eradication Service ... ... ... Military Fines F11nd ... ... ... ... ... ... National Bank. of Ethiopia . .. ... ... ... National Coffee Board .. . ... .. . ... ... National Commission for UNESCO ... ... National Comn1t1nity Developn1e11t fuard ... National Defence Cot111cil ... ... ... ... National Lottery... ... ... . . . ... ... ... Pe11sions Appeal Tribunal .. . ... ... ... Pt1blic Commercial Road Tran�port Associations ... . . . ... . .. ... . .. ... Public Commercial Road Tra11sport Fu11d ... Pt1blic Service Pensio11s Com111issio11 .. . ... •••


15 17 24 19 28 28 28 28 28 24 24 29 30 10 15 24, 29 27 10 12 8

3 9 18 3 8 9 6 9 6 3 4 4 19 2 6 13 7 1 3 8 6

21 21 8 8 8 24 21 21 21

4 4 6 7 3 17 6 13 13

Public Service Tribunal ... ... ... ... • • • Raw Rubber (Production) Orga11 izatio11 ... .Road Sign Authority... ... ... .. . . .. • • • Road Tra11sport Administratio11 ... ... • • • Road Tra11sport Board .. . . .. ... ... • • • Scrap Iron Board ... ... ... ... ... • • • Technical Agency ... ... ... . .. ... • • • Tobacco Mo11opoly Board ... .. . ... • • • Water Authority ... ... . .. ... . .. ... • • •

23 19

13 1









17H, 49-6IA 4 3, 4 7-9 4, 5, 12-19 6 20-22 2, 4, 5 3 47

39 17-20 21 35, 36 3-5 98, 101-104 4,69 2,4 2,4

AGREEMENTS. See Treaties a11cl Agree111tznts AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION Imported Agricultural or Industrial Machines exempted fro1n customs and taxe� ... . .. �

AGRICULTURE. See• also Ani,nals, Cattle, Coffee, Forests, Grain and Flour, Tobacco. Agrict1ltural and Commercial Bank of 3thiopia merged into Development Bank ... ... Agrict1ltural and Industrial Expansion ••

- CVll -



CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

HEADINGS Proolamation ... ... . .• • · · · · · · · · Agricultt1ral Research I11stitute .. • • • · · · · Animal Diseases Co11trol Procla111atio11 • • · Cattle Diseases Control Proclamatio11 .. • • • · Charter of the Etl1iopian Grai11 Corporation Coffee Board Proclamatio11 ... ... • • · · · · Coffee Cleaning a11d Gradi11g Froclamation Flour Mills Proclamatio11 ... ... ... • • • · • · Grain Boa.rd Proclamation ... ... . • • •• · Grain Board Regt1lations ... ... .. • • • • Livestock and Meat Board, est:1.blished ... Ministry of Agriculture, established and duties Tobacco Growing and Leaf Pt1rchasing Regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tobacco Regie Proclamatio11 ... ... ... ... Tobacco Regie Regulatio11s ... ... ... ... AIR MAIL RATES. See Postal Rates. Am TRANSPORT, CIVIL. See Aviatfo11. AffiCRAFT. See Aviatio11. ALCOIIOL. Excise Tax imposed ... • • • • • • • • •

ALIENS. See Foreigners. AMBASSADORS Appointment... ... ... ... Foreign, Customs Privileges

•• •



19 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24



8 9 3 1

23 23 23

15 14 16



1 7 14

30 394



I IO 11

7 27




• ••

• ••








1 16 16

Foreign, 11otificatio11 of accepta11ce by Mi11istry of Foreig11 Affairs ... .. . ... . .. . .. Passports ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ...

3 9

1 2

28 5



AMENDMENT. See Constiti1tio11. AMHARIC Declared official langt1age







A.MNESTY. See Pardo11s. A.MUSEMENT PLACES • Hours of closing







24 17 17

1 1 2


ANIMALS, D01\1ESTIC. For wild anim1ls. See Game Cattle Diseases, Control of .. . . .. • • • • • • Cattle Tax ... ... ... ... • • • ••• •• • Cattle Tax Assessment Regulations ... • • • •

• •

•• •

�Vlll -




Sectio11 Title

Diseases Control Proclan1atio11 ... . .. . .. I11fected areas, Provisions a1Jplicable to Meastires for Cl1ecking disease SJJread Po\vers of Officers .. . . .. . . . ... ... Regulatio11s, at1tl1orizatio11 of Mio:ster of Agr.icultt1re to iss11e . .. ... ... . .. Irnperial Etl1io1Jia11 Society for tl1e Prc,tectio11 of Animals . .. ... ... ... ... .. . . .. Employees excl11ded fro111 tern1 ''Pt1blic Serva11t''... ... ... . . . ... ... Livestock a11d Meat Board ... . .. ... ... Establish1ne11t ... .. . ... ... ... ... Ex 1Jort Permit Regtrlatio11s ... ... ... Fees: Maxim11m rates ... ... ... ... Fees imposed . .. .. . ... ... ... ... Use of f-Iighways by ... .. . ... .. . ... ... M1NUAL REPORT OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS A11ditor Ge11eral's duties regardi11g ... ... Fiscal, by Cot1ncil of Ministers . . . .. . ... ANTIQUITIES Defi11ed ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... Disposition of, ... ... ... ... ... .. . . .. Eth.iopiau Antiquities Adntinjstration Established ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... Pt1rposes and !Jowers ... .. . ... ... • • • Exploration for, Licensi11g .. . . . . ... • • • State ownership of, declared ... ... ... • • • Transfer of possessio11 or surrender ... • • • APPOINTMENTS Made by E1nperor, to be published in Negarit Gazera ... . .. ... ... • • • Mirlisters .. . ... ... ... ... ... • • • ARBITRATION Awards i11 labo11r disputes ... ... ... . .. Co-operative societies dis1J11tes ... ... ... ... ARMED FORCES. See also I1nperial Arniy,


24 24 24 24

2 2 2 2





8 24 24 24 24 24 21

5 3 22 14,5 43 6 4 3

5 6

3 58

14 1

2 1

5 120

29 29

1 I

2 5,6

29 29 29 29 29

2 2 1 l 1

2 3,4 9 3 7

3 3

1 I

31 4

28 27

6 2

18-20 43,44

3 I


25 29

10 8 8

I 8 6

3-5 3,4 5

1 4-18 4-7 8-13 · 19

Jrnperic1l Et/1ioJJia11 Coast G·uarcl, J,nperial Territoric1! Ar111y.

Co-ordination of, by Minister of N:1.tional Defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... E1nperor as Commander-i11-Chief ... ... ... Military uniforms, wearing of a11d dealings in, ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... regulated Pensions, amou11t of contributions r-ayable Retirement pensions of members ... ... ... - CIX -




CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article ,

BEADINGS ARMS Control of, by Minister of Irterior · · · Regulations .. . .. . ... • • • ·.. ·: · • • • Restrictions in area bordering Somalia · · ·

12 12 10

3 5 7



1 1 10

1 1 7

51 51 11





.. .








•• •




10 10 10 I






12 12 12 1 12 12

10 10

47 11 14




1 14

I 2

120,121 2,4-6

7 14

3 2

5 4,55






3 21

l I

••• ••• •••


ARMY. See Arn1ed Forces, Imperial Ar1ny, Imperial Ethiopian Coast Guard, Imperial Territorial Army.

ARREST Detention limited... ... . .. •.. • · · Warrant required... .. . . . . . .. • · • Without warrant, in Emergenc:r area

· ·· · ·· . ..

ARTS Ministry of Education and Fine Arts, duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • • • • • ASSEMBLY Rigl1t of

.. .

. . . .. .

. . . ... . . .

ASSOCIATIONS, REGULATION OF Accounts and reports ... . .. • • • • Dissolution ... . .. . . . . .. . .. Registration Regulations ... . .. • • • llight to join . .. . . . . .. • •• • • Statutes of ... . .. ... ... • • S11pervision of management ... ••


••• •••

ATBIA DANIAS. See Judges: Local Ji1clges. ATTACHMENT When permissible • • • •• • •• •••


AUDITOR GENERAL Appointment and dl1ties ...




• •• •


• •• •


••• •



Dt1ties reqtured by Local Self-Adn1inistration Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. • • • • • • Independence of .. . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . .. AUTOMOBILES. See Motor Vehicles AUTONOMOUS BODIES Auditing a·nd control of ... ... • • • • • • ,\VIATION A�ro. C:lub, Imperial Ethiopian . . . . . . ... C1v1l Air Trans.por �, supervised by Mii1ister of Co111mu111cat1ons .. . . .. Civil Aviation Administration, est�blish�d : : � •


12,13 15-16

19 2


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

IIEADINGS Po,vers ... ... ... ... . .. • • • • • • • • • Civil A viati on Board,... . .. . .. ... ... • • • Civil A.viati on Decree... ... ... • • • • • • • • • Civil Aviation Order ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • C11sto1ns Co11trol of Corn111ercial Aircraft ... Registratio11 of Aircraft . . . ... .. . ... ... • ••




AWARDS OF HONOURS. See Meclals. AWASH NATIONAL PARK Established a11d administratio11 ... . . . AWASI-1 VALLEY AUTHORITY Board of Con1missioners ... ... ... .. . ... ... . . . ... Expropriation po,vers ... ... ... ... ... General Ma11ager ... ... ... . . . ... . . . . .. Pt1rposes Reports to Prime Minister .. . . . . ... AWRAJA GHIZAT. See also Tel<lay G/1izat, 1'Voreda G/,izat. Admi11istration (Local Self-Administration Order) .. . . .. .. . ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... .. . ... ... Adrni11istrator A.ppoi11ted by Emperor . . . ... Budget a11d Accounts ... ... ... Cattle Tax . .. .. . ... ... ... ... Co-t111cil . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Election Regt1lations ... ... ... Electoral Board ... ... ... ... Courts . . .. ... ... . .. . . . .. . . .. Governor President of ... ... Judges appointed by Emperor E11derasye of Teklay Ghjzat, powe1s

... .. . ... ... ... .. . . .. ... ... in


21 21 21 21 16 21 21


25 16

... ... ... ...

19 19 19 19 19

2 2 2 2 2






. .. ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ...

Governor ... . .. ... .. . . . . ... ... ... Appointn1e11t by Emperor ... ... ... ... .. . ... A wraja Gl1izat l11spection Judicial fu11ctio11s ... ... ... ... ... Reports to Governor General ... ... Restrictions on ... ... ... ... ... ... Supervises Gover11ment employees ... ... Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Principal Secretary ... ... ... ... ... . .. Appointment by En1peror ... ... ... Proper'ty... . . . ... .. . . . . ... .. . .. . . .. Voting (Awraja Council Elections Regt1lations) Candjdates .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... - CXJ-

2 1 2 I 6 2 3



7 7

3 3





6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7

I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 3 4 4

17 2 6 ·1 7 4 5 10 6 1 6 I

2 3

2 3-7 2,3 13-17 6 18, 19 4-6 12

26-28,38, 41,42,48 42 (a) 47-55 2-5 47-51 12-25 3,4,7,8,11 82 82

6, 12(2), 17,2.9,35,

41,59 (a), 60,61 36-46 36 45 40,66,82 37,41,45 36,42,46 42 43,44 52-56 52 41(3) (a), 44-46, 4-12, 21-36 13-20


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS BANISHMENT Forbidden . . . ... . . .




BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. See also Development Bani,, Nati.011al Banlc, Imperial Savings Home Ownership Public Asso­ ciation, Foreign Excl1ange Regulati� ns . •: • • • Licensing of, a11d supervision by, National Bank

15 15




BENZINE. See Petroleum and Petroleu,n Products. BICYCLES. See Motor Vehicles. BIRTHS Registered by Minister of Interior . .. . .. • • •




27 27

1 1

1 2-4



•· · · · ·

y BOARD OF NATIONAL CO DEVELOPI\1ENT Established .. . . .. ... ... ... ... Members and duties ... ... . . . . .. BOARDS. See Agencies. BODIES Disposal of dead . .. ... .. . . .. BONDS, GOVERNMENT Premium Bonds Regulations, 1963 Premium Bonds Regulations, 1968 Proclamation, 1961 ... ... ... ... Proclamation, 1969 ... ... ... ... Savings Bonds Regulations, 1963 ... Savings Bonds Regulations, 1964 ... Savings Bonds Regulations, 1968 ... Savings Bonds Regulations, 1969 ... Treasury Bills . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. BORROWING BY GOVERNMENT. See Government; Loans to Government. BOUNDARIES OF THE EMPIRE Defined .. . . . . .. . ... . . . ... . ..


•• •


• ••

. ..




.. . ... ... ...


2 3 1 7 4 5





... ••• ... ••• . . . ... ... •••



18 18 18 18




18 18

6 8 9

1 2 11

1 7 2

1 5 6







• ••

•• •


•• •

• ••

• ••

• ••



• ••


• ••

• ••

•• •

•• •

• ••


• ••

BROADCASTING SERVICE, ETHIOPIAN. See also Radio, Televisio11. Established .. . . . . ... Information and Tourism Mi11istr1 supervises BOY SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF ETIIlOPIA Charter ... . . . .. . . . . .. . ... • • • ••• Employees excluded from te.rn1 ''Public Serva11t'' ... . .. ••• •• • • ••• •










- CXll -


CONSOL L. ETI-1. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS BUDGET, NATIONAL Cot1ncil of Ministers prepares ... ... . . . ... N1inistry of Finance dt1ties ... .. . .. . ... Organizatio11 of Africa11 U11ity ... ... ... Parliament's approval of . .. ... .. . . .. . .. Supple1net1tary, for urge11t needs ... ... ... Time li111it for prese11tatio11 to Parliament ... BUILDING. See Cor1stri1ctio11 BUSL."\IBSSES See also Cc1pital l1ivest111e11t, '::l1a1nber o f Co111111erce Con11nercial Code ... . . . ... Income tax payable on i11come frorn ... . .. Registration by Minister of Con1merce and Indtistry ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... Transactio11 Tax ...


•• •


• ••


• ••




•• •





•• •



• ••

•• •



Turnover Tax • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CA!vIPAIGN MEDALS. See Meclals. CAPITAL INVESTMENT Ethiopian merchant ships and mari11e industries exempted from taxation ... ... .. . ... Export duty relief granted ... . .. . .. ... Immovables acquired by foreign inve,tors ... Import duty relief granted ... ... . .. ... Imported agricultural or industrial machines exempted from ct1stoms and taxes ... ... Income tax relief granted on ... . .. . .. ... In,1estment Committee, members and powers CAPITAL OF El\tIPffiE ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• Declared CARS. See Motor Ve/1icles. CATTLE. See Animals, Domestic CEMETERIES. See Bodies. CENSORSIIlP. See also .Nfail. Correspondence ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Declared national emergency ... • • • • • • • • • Entertainments . . . ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • •



•• •

CENSUS Interior Minister's, duties ... CENTRAL ELECTION BOARD Members and powers • • •

1 3 1 I l 14

2 I 1 I

115 29 23 116-118 118 3

23 17

1 9


3 23 17 17 17

I 2 17 18 17

11 19 19 19

2 3 3 3

28-31 7

19 19 19

4 3 3

2 5 4





1 I 3 I




22 13 3











• ••

•• •

• ••




- CXlll -

24 2-4 16-22



42 25 3,4 20 26 5,25





Section Title Article

CENTRAL MEDICAL STORES CORPORATION Charter . .. ... ... . . . • • • ·· · · · · Employees excluded fron1 tl1e term . . . • • • ·· · ''Public Servant''

• ••

• ••




•• •



CENTRAL PERSONNEL AGENCY. See also Public Servants. •• • ••• •• • •• • • •• Establishment High Public Service Commissioner, appoi11tment and duties • •• • • •





• ••


•• •

•• •


• ••



• ••

• ••

• ••

8 8 8

•• •


•• •


8 8


•• •


•• •

•• •




8 8

2 4 2 2 4 3 2 3

•• •






4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 I 4 4 1 1 I 4 4

1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 2 1 1 I 1 1

97 98 95 8 I 0-1 .4





Public Servant recruit1nent by Public Service Comn1issioners ...

•• Public Service Tribu11al Register of Public Servants kept by Regulations issued b y ••• ••• ••• Regulations issued by Public Serv:ce Comn1issioners ••• ••• •• • • •• •••

2,4,5 6 9 4,5 6 98, 101-104


• ••

. � .

•• •

• ••



• ••

CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. See also Senate. •

Candidates registration and campa1gn1ng Central Election Board ••• ••• • ••• Constituencies, established ... ••• •• •••

•• •



•• •



• ••

• ••

• ••


• ••

•• •

• ••




•• •

• ••


• ••

• ••






•• •





• ••


• ••





• ••



Constituency Committees • ••• Elections ••• Extraordinary Elections Polling officials, duties Qualifications ••• • ••


President and Vice Presidents ••• ••• ••• •• Registration Officers, appointn1e11t a11d duties Salary of members ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• Term of office •• • ••• •• •• •• Vacancies ••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• •• • • Voter qualifications ••• •• ••• • •• •• •• •




• ••






Voter registration ••• •• • • ••• • • Voting procedure a11d publication of elections results ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• • •




17,18 5, 25 93 6 4 27 19,20 96,100 15, 16 99 9,10,12-14


l' t


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS CI-IARTERED ORGANIZATIONS. See Private Cl1artered Bodies. CI-IEMISTS. See Phar111acists. CI-IILOT, 1-IIS Il\1PERIAL MAJESTY'S. See Coi,rts. CI-IURCH. See Nlissior1s, Ortlzodox Cf1i1rc/1. CITIZENSI-IIP Ethiopia11, acqt1isition and loss ... • • • • • • • • • •••




CITY. See M11nicipalities. CI\'IL AVIATION. See Aviatior1. CI\'IL CODE Proc]ain1ed .. . .. . ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CI\'IL PROCEDURE CODE Decree ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CI\'IL RIGHTS Accused, rigl1ts of the ... ... ... ... ... Assemble peaceably, rigl1t to ... ... ... ... Association, freedom of ... ... ... ... ... Censorship of correspo11dence, freedom from .. . . . . . . . . . . cha11ge to rigl1t Domicile, � Due process of law, right to ... ... .. . ... Equal protection of Ia,vs, right to ·... ... ... Innocence, pres11mptiot1 of ... ... ... . .. Limitations on ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... Occupation, freedom of ... ... ... ... ... Petition tl1e Emperor, right to ... ... ... ... Properly, right to ow11 ... ... .. . ... ... Public Rights Proclamation ... ... ... ... Search and seizure, 11nla.,vful, freedom from Sue the government, rigl1t to ... ... ... ... Travel within the Empire, right to ... ... ... CIVET Analysis Procedure ... ... ... ... ... ... Exported restricted ... ... ... ... ... ... CIVIL SERVICE. See Public Servants. CLERGY. See C/1urc/1. COAST GUARD. See Imperial Etl1iopian Coast Guard COCA Import forbidden... ... ... ... ... ... ... COFFEE. See also National Coffee Board. Cess (tax) imposed on ... . .. ... . .. ... •••



•• •

- cxv-



9 1

1 1





1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 2 1 I 1

1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 l

52-57 45 47 42 46 43 37 53 65 47 63 44

23 23

4 4

7-9 5



61 62 46




16 24







Section Title Article

Cleaners a11d graders, licensi11g and dl1 ties ... . .. . .. • • • •••

•• •







·· · •









Origin, certificates of, Regulations . • • ·· · · · · Surtax Regulations ... ... •. • · · · · · · · · · Uncleaned and. u11graded, export prohibited COINS. See also Ci,rrency. Commemorative Issue Regulatio11s ... • • • · · · Ethiopian, defined and regl1lated . . . • • • • • · COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS. See Labour COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. See Labour. COMMEMORA'l'IVE COINS Issue Regulations... .. . ... ... . . . • • • • • • COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. See also Exports, Imports, Labour, Unfair Trade Practices. Agricu.ltt1ral a11d l11dustrial Expa11sion . . . ... Business Enterprises Registration Proclamation Chamber of Commerce of Addis Ababa ... Chambers of Commerce, duty to establish by Minister . .. .. . ... ... ... ... ... Commercial Code Proclamation ... ... ... Com.mercial Register ... ... ... ... ... ... Dangerous drugs, import and sale regulated Ministry, powers and duties . .. ... . .. ... COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT. See Aviation COMMERCIAL CODE. See also Con1n1erce and Industry Proclaimed . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . .. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. See Motor Vehicles, Transport. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Public Health Rt1les, ... . .. ... ... .. . . .. COMMUNICATIONS, MINISTRY OF Established and duties ... ... ... ... . .. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. See National Commu,iity Development COMMUNITY FORESTS. See Forests. CONCILIATION COMMISSION. See also Labour Settlement of labot1r disputes by . . . .. . ... CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY (See also ExproJJriation). Forbidden . .. ... . . . . .. .. . ... • • • • Treason cases excepted ... .. . ... .. . . .. •


24 24 24 24 24

11 15 12 16 12 11

15 15

5 4



19 23 32

4 2 ]

3 23 3 23 3

I 1 I 5 I










45 ' 6,7 3,4 3 3,5,9-11


24 24




I r

1 1

1 1

60 60


HEADINGS CONSERVATION See also Forests Antiq11ities Ad1ni11istratio11 Orel er ... ... . . . Antiqttities Proclamatio11 .. . ... ... ... ... A,vasl1 National Park Order .. . ... ... ... G·an1e Proclamation . . . ... ... .. . ... ... Gold a 1 1d platin11m tra11sactio11s . . . ... ... Nat11ral resources declared as state don1ai11 Raw R11bber (Prod11ctio1 1) Orga11ization Proclan1ation... . .. ... ... ... ... ... CONSTITUTION Amendment of ... . .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Obedience to ... . .. ... • • • • • • . . . . . .. St1preme la\v of Ethiopia ... • • • • • • • • • CONSTRUCTION Government Constr11ctio11 Regulations ... ... !vlinistry of Public Works, respo11sibilities for Regt1 lation of Gover1 1ment Co1 1str11ction Order Tax 011 . . . . . . .. . ... . .. ... ... ••. ... •••



•• •

•• •




•• •

CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

29 29 25 25 25 1

2 1 16 3 2 I



I 1 I

1 1 I

131 64 122

20 3 20 1.7

2 I 1





23-30 27-33

1 2 3 2 2 2 2

27 38-42 26-28 50,51 43,44 45-48 6-13


32 31 14-22 10-14,19 23-28 15-18 29-32 33-37 20-24 4 8 5,9,10,12,13, 25, 27,38-40, 42-48 8,27,28

CONTROL. See Auditor Ge11eral. CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES Agricultural, development of by Mi11istry of Ag·ric11lture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 A11dit and inspectio11 o·f accounts ... ... . .. 27 ••• •• • ... 27 Co-operatives Tribunal .. . . .. • • • • • • ... 27 Disputes, arbitration of .. . ... • • • • • • ... 27 Dissolution ... .. . ... ... ... • • • • • • ... 27 Formation and registration ... • • • • • • ... 27 Gover11 ment aid to and exemptio1 1 from taxes ... . .. ... ... • • • • • • ... 27 ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ... 27 ••• Members, rights and obligatio11s ... • • • ... 27 Admission ancl disqualificatio11 ... ... 27 Organs . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • • • ... 27 ••• ... 27 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • Privileges ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . 27 Properties and Funds ... • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 27 ••• ... 27 ••• ••• ••• •• Purpose ... ... . .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 27 Register . .. ... ... . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 27 Registrar, appointment and powers ... ... 27

2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2

... 27 ... 27

3 3

Regulations ...

••• •••


•• •



• ••

- cxvn •




CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS CO-OPERATIVES TRIBUNAL Powers a11d appeal from ... • • • · · · • • • • CORONATION Provided for ... ... ... ... • • • · · · · · · · · · CORPORATE CHARTERS. See .Private C/1artered Bodies. CORRESPONDENCE Censorship of, prol1ibited ... ... ... • • • • • COSTS. See Coi1rts. COUNCIL OF GUARDIANSHIP Designation a11d responsibilities ... ... ... COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Establisl1ed . .. ... ... . .. ... ... • • • • • • • •





• ••


Legislation proposed by ... ... ... Prime Minister presides ... • • • • • Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •


•• •


•• •


• ••

Proced tire of... ... . .. ... ... Secretary-General... ... ... ... COUNCIL OF REGENCY Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... Members Oath by members ... ... ... COURTS. See also Judges, Ji,stice. Appeals ... ... .. . ... ... ...









•• •




... • • ... ... ...


.. .


... ...



• • •







• ••

•• •



• ••







•• •

•• •

• ••







•• •





• ••


• ••

... ... .. . ... Assessors Awraja Ghizat Courts •• •



Certificates of Advocates ... ... ... ... ... Chilot .. . ... ... ... ... • •• • •• ••


• ••


•• •


• ••


Constituted (numbers of judges) ... Costs ... ... .. . ... .. . ... ... Decisions bind subordi11ate co11rts ... Divisions . .. ... ... .. . . .. ... Established ... .. . ... . .. ... • •




• ••






• ••





• ••





•• •

1 1 I





I I 1


•• •

Evidence on Con1mission ... •••

• ••






- ��viii -


•• •













1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3

1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1

69 10 72 12 11 71 13 14

1 1 1

1 1 I

8,9,11,13-15 10 20

5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

2 3 10 1 10 1 4 10 1 10 6 10 10 I 8 10 2 3

82,83 31-34,38,40-45 8,9,21 19 3,4, 7,8,11 82 7 9 63 4 15 5

87-92 25-30 I



CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION iection Title Article

tligl1 Co11rts ...




• ••













• ••


•• •


• ••








•• •


•• •

Adn1iralty jurisdiction ... J11dicial power ... . .. ... Jurisdiction ... .. . ... ... •••

• ••



Justice Ministry establishes a11d administers Local J11dges (Atbia Danias) ... ... ... ... Locations .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. Maritime Co11rt Proced11re r11les . .. ... ... Military. See also Coi,rts-Martia/ ... ... ... R11les. See also Civil Procedi,re Cocle, . . . ... Crim in a/ Proceclure. . .. ... ... ... ... Secret Sessions








• ••









• ••




• ••





• ••



.. .. ... ... ... •••

• ••

Supreme In1perial Co11rt ...

... ... ... ••

Adniiralty Jurisdiction .. . ... ... ... St1spension of Advocates, su1n111ary .. . ... Teklay Ghizat Courts. See Higl1 Courts. Woreda Ghizat Cot1rts ... ... ... . .. ... COURTS-MARTIAL. See also Criminal Procedi,re-t Mariti,ne Court. Composition and jurisdiction ... ... .. . ... CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. See also Criminal Procedure Code, proclaimed ... ... Criminal trials, rights of acct1sed ... ... ... Maritime Court Procedt1re Rules ... . .. ... CROWN COUNCIL Duties ... ... ... ... . .. .. . ... ... • • • ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... • • • Members Oath of members ... ... ... ... ... • • • CROWN PRINCE Disqualified as Minister .. . ... . .. ... • • • Guardianship . . . ... : .. . .. ... ... • • • .. . .. . ... ... ... . .. ... • • • Marriage National Defence Council member ... • • • Oath of fidelity to Emperor ... ... ... • • • CROWN PROPERTY and ownership .. . ... · ... CROWN REGALIA Inalienable . .. . . . ... ... ... ... ... • • • CURFEW Minister of Interior's at1thority to impose ... •

-'- CXlX -

5 5 11 1 5 5 3 5 5 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 5

2 1 8 10 I 8 10 3 10 I 2 3 4 3 10 1 3 10 2 4






5 1 11

9 I 3

52 19-24

1 1 1

I 1 1

8,10, l l,13,17 70 22,24

1 l 10 I

1 1 I 3 1

67 12 15 4 22,23












2,4-18 3,4,7,8,11 36 108 2,3,6 7,8 32 Il

10 20

17 4 2,3 3,4,7,8,11 36 9 3,4,7,8,11

2 (c)


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

H.EADINGS CURRENCY Commen1orative Coins Iss11e Reg11latio11s • • • C11rrency a11d Legal Te11der Proclamation • • • Eritrea, extended to ... ... • • • • · · · · · · · · Foreign Excha11ge Transactjo11s .. . • • · · · · Issue mone. y, right to, reserved to Empero1· • • • Delegated to National Bank ... • • • • • • Units fixed and. regulated ... ... • • • · · · · · · CUSTOMS Administration established and �egulated ... • Agents ... ... ... ... . • • • • · · · · · · · Aircraft, commercial, c11stoms control ... • • Agricultural and Industrial Expansion Proclamatio11, modifies ... ... ... • • Cleari11g agents ... ... ... . . . ... ... • • • ... ... ... . . . ... ... • • • Licensing Operation regulated ... ... ... ... • • • Coffee Board Cess (Tax) Reg11la:ions ... • • Coffee Surtax Reg11lations . ... ... . .. • • • Customs and Export Duties Proclamatio11 ... Director-general, appointed by Emperor ... Diplomatic and Consular Privileges ... • • Drawbacks 011 re-exportatio11 .. . .. . ... Eritrea, extensio11 to ... ... .. . ... ... • • • Examination of imported goods ... ... • • • Ex1Jort of goods ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • Forfeit11re ... ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • Goods subject to control ... ... . .. ... Importation juvoices required ... ... ... • Investment Proclamation, modifies ... ... Measurement Regulations ... ... ... ... • Officers ... -.. ... ... ... ... ... ... Payment and comp11tatio11 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... • • Penalties Prohibited in1ports ... ... ... ... ... Prosecutions u11der c11stoms law ... ... Restricted imports ... ... .. . ... ... ••




••• •


••• •


••• •••




•• •



Revised Ct1stoms Dt1ties Legal N::>tice ... Revised In1port and Export Regulations ... Settleme11t of cases ... ... ... . .. ... Temporary Importation ... ... .. . ... Transit Trade and. Fees ... ... ... ... • • • Warehouses ... ... ... . . . ... .. . ... • • • •••

••• • • •




• ••



Working Hours Reg11lations ... ...

•• •






15 2 15 1



16 16



16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 2

16 16 16 16

16 19

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 23 16 16 16 16


16 16



·1 8 7 1 6 4

32 8 3-11



I 6

4 3 3 3 13 12 2 I 14 1 7 1 I 1 1 I 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 8 7 I


9 4 I 11

117-120 2 4-8 9-12

6 110-116 2 39-46 77-80 151-153 17 93-97 6,7 121-150 81-92 154-162 37,38 163,164 37,38 2 165, 166



CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS DANGEROUS DRUGS Import restricted ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DANGEROUS T RADE . Definitio11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEAD BODIES Disposal of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • DEATIIS Registratio11 by Mi11ister of Interior • • • • • DEATH SENTENCE Emperor's co11firn1ation reqt1ired • • • • • • • • Military ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • DEBT Imprisonment for ••• • •• •• •• • ••• ••• DEBT NATIONAL tvlinister of Fi11a11ce Ad111inisters • • • • • • • • DECLARATION OF \iVAR By Emperor witl1 Parlia1ne11t's consent .. • • • DECREES Enactment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEFENCE. See also National Defe11ce C1itncil; National Defe11ce, MinistrJ' of, Emperor maintains . . . . .. ... ... .. . .. DEMONSTRATIONS. See Pitblic De1nonstratio11s. . DEPARTMENT OF AUDITOR GEN ERAL. See Ai1clitor General. DEPU'l'IES, CHAMBER OF. See Chamoer of · Depi1ties. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF ETIDOPIA Board of Directors . .. . . . . . . ... .. . ... Fiscal year ... . .. . .. ... . .. ... ... . .. Powers and purpose . . . .. . ... . .. .. . ... DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR PRIVII.EGES Regulations ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DISCRIMINATION Forbidde11 .. . ... . .. ... • • • . . . . . • • • Forbidden in e1nployment ... • • • • • • • • • • • • DISEASES. See also Health. Communicable Diseases ... • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • . . . . . . '. . . .. Venereal Diseases •


- CXXI -















1 2

59 43
















15 15 15

2 2 2

7-10, 17, 18 11 1, 2, 6



1 28


30 30

14 13


38 30

IA P JO H T E F O s w A L D E t A ID L CoNSO

CONSOL L. ET·H. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS DOCTORS. See Health, Medical Practitioners DOCUMENTS duty on ... . ,.. ... .. . • • · · · · • • • DOLLAR, ETHIOPIAN. See Currency DOMICILE Freedom of ... .. . ... . •.• . . . . ..


15 1



•• •






DRIVERS Licensing authority ... ... . . . ... ... • • • Motor Vehicle Operators (Licence) Regulations

3 21




DRUGGISTS Registration and licensing ...







DRUGGIST SHOPS Permits a11d st1pervision ...


•• • •





I 5, 40-46

DRUGS In1portation permit for dangerot1s ...


•• •


DUE PROCESS OF LAW. See also Civil Rights. Guaranteed .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • Pl1blic Rights Proclamation ... ... ••

I 2

1 4


31 31 31

3 l 3

2 9-1 I 3


DOUBLE JEOPARDY Forbidden. • • • • • •



•• •





DUTIES. See Custo,ns, Taxation. ECCLESIASTICAL COUNCIL. See also Church. •• • •• Members ••• • •• • Powers ... ... ... . . . ... • • • • • • • • • •


•• •

•• •






• ••



ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. See also Capital lnvestm.ent, Comnierce and Industry. Agricultural and Industrial Expansion Proclamation ... ... ... ... . .. ... Awash Valley At1thority ... . . . ... ... ... Investment Proclamation .. . . .. ... ... • • • Planning and Development, Ministry of ... Technical Agency ... ... ... ... ... . •'.

19 19 3 19

4 2 3 I 1

EDUCATION Board of Education and Fine Arts ... ... . . . ... ... . .. • • • Expenditures Haile Selassie I University ... . .. . .. Local Education Board ... ... ... • • •

29 29 29 29

3 4 5 4


CXXll -

••• • •• •






WoRD INDEX CONSOL L. ETl-1. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS Missio11s, Comrnittee 011 ... ... ... Natio11al Co1nn1issio11 for UNESCO Tax . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . . . .. . University of As111ara . .. .. . ... ...

... ... . .. . ..

••• ••• ••• •••

EDUCATION AND FINE ARTS, MINISlRY OF Comn1ittee on Missions, Ministry powers i11 Established and d11ties ... ... ... ... ...



2 7





31 3

2 1


7 I 4 3 4

4 I



ELECTRIC LIGI-IT AND POWER AUTHORITY, ETHIOPIAN. See also Electrici.ty. Charter ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •







I 1 3 1 1 l 1 1 1

62 18 3 21


8 5 4 2 (f) 3 2

ELECTION BOARD. See Ce11tral Election Board. ELECTIONS Awraja Cot111cil Regulations ... • • • • • • • • • Chamber of Deputies .. . . .. ... • • • • • • • • • •••








. . . .. .

• ••

. ...





• ••

Mit1ister of Interior, duties in ... M111ucipal Cou11cils



ELECTRICITY Awash Valley .. . ... ... ... ... .. . ... Electricity Proclan1a tion ... . . . ... .. . ... Ethjopian Electric Light and Power Authority EMERGENCY, STATE OF. See S01nalia El\tlPEROR Can11ot be st1ed ... ... ... ... ... ... Dea th ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... National Defence Co11ncil ... ... ... Oath of office by .. . ... ... ... . .. Oaths of :fidelity to ... ... ... ... ... Po\>vers and Prerogatives . .. .. . .. . ... Right to grant pardo11 ... .. . : . . ... Solomonic dynasty . .. ... ... ... ... Sovereingty vested i11 ... ... ... .. . ... EMPLOYEE. See E111ployment. EMPLOYMENT. See also Laboi,r, P1blic En1ployment Ad111i11istration. Advisory Committees ... ... ... ... ...

••• ••• ••• ••• •• • ••• •••

•• • •••

•• •


• ••


•• •

•• •




• ••


• ••


•• •


•• •



•• •

Employees, de:fi11ed, .. . .. . ... ... . .. ... . .. ... ... . .. . ... ... .. . - CXXUI •

20 20

10 I

1 l l



28 28

28 28 28 28


I I 1

4 5


4 6

7 8

3-5, 15, I 6


4-6, 11, 28 3


4, 26-36 35

2 26


CONSOL L. ETH . CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS Duties of employees Employers, defi1Jed • • • ••


• ••


• ••

• ••


• ••



Duties a11d responsibilities ... •


• ••



• •







•• •







Foreign Natio11als Regulations ... ..• • • • • • Government employees, see Pi,bfic Servants. ••• • ••• • • •• • •• • •• •• Minors • Offices, central, local and provincial, ••• • • • • •• • • established • • • •












• ••








Women, equal pay for equal ,vork guaranteed

ENDERASYE. See also Governors-Ger,eral, Teklay ••• Ghizat. Powers and duties • • • • • •


ENTERPRISES. See Businesses ENTERTAINMENTS Censorsllip, established ... . .. ... • • • Ministry of Inforn1atio11 and Tourisn1 duties in co11nectio11 ,vith ... ••


••• •••

6 6

29 28 28 28 28 28 28

9 5




28 28 28 28

2 3 4

6, 7

3 3






3 13

1 3

20 3




2 2

7 2 3 3 3 9 3 4 5 3


7 8 6


26,27 2 3

2 26,27,30 10-12


ENVOYS. See Ambassadors. ESTABLISHED CHURCH. See OrtJzodox Church. EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS Provided for


•• •






ERITREA Customs a11d duties extended to ... Federation with Ethiopia ... .. . . .. •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • • Flag Incorporation within the Ethiopian En1pire Laws of Ethiopia supreme in ... ... • • • • Legislation exte11ded to .. . ... ... • • Nationality of Eritreaos ... ... . .. • • • • Public Right Proclamation . .. ... • • • • • • Termination of Federation ... ... •• Territory defi11ed ... ... . .. ... ... •• ETHIOPIAN •••

•• •







•• •

For orga11izations whose names be5i11 with the word Ethiopian, see the seco11d word of the name. E.G, Reel Cross Society, Ethiopia,1 • - CXXIV -


2 2 2 2 2 2 2


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

fIEADINGS ETlIIOPL-\N BROADCASTING SERVICE. See Broadcasti11g Service, Et/1,iopia11 ETI-IIOPIAN COINS. See Coi11s, Ct1rrency ETIIlOPLAN DOI,LAR. See C1.1rre11cy. ETflIOPIAN NATIONALS Loyality to e1nperor . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. • • • Safeg11arding of rigl1ts · abroacl by Mi11istry of Foreig11 Affairs ... • • • ETllIOPIAN ORTllODOX CHURCI-1. See Ortlzodox Chi1rcl1. EXCISE TAX Alcohol ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. I inported goods . . . . .. .. . . .. ... . . . . .. Locally 1nan11factured goods ... .. . . .. ... Petrole11n1 products a11d lLtbricants ... ... Petrole11m J)roducls a11d l11brica11ts exemptio11s EXPLOSI\1ES Co11trol ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EXPORTS. See also Ci1sto11'1s. Civet Export Reg11lations . . . .. . ... ... • • • Control Proclamatio11 ... . .. ... .. . ... • • • C11sto1ns a11d Exports D11ties Proclamatio11 ... Gold, silver, platin11111 p · rol1ibited . . . . .. • • • Livestock a11d Meat ... . .. . . . • ... ... • • • Reg11lation by Mi11ister of Co111111erce and I11dustry... . . . ... . . . . . . ... • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . EXPROPRIATION. See also Propert;,. A11tiq11ities Procla.matio11 .. . ... . .. ... • • • Awasl1 Valley A11thority ... ... .. . ... • • • Community Forests ... ... .. . ... ... • • • Ge11eral Provisions for ... ... .. . . .. • • Imperial Board of Telecomn111nicati:>ns .... Imperial Highway A11thority ... . .. ... • • • Maritin1e Procla1nation .. . ... .. . ... • • • Ministerial Order required . . . .. . . .. • • • Post Office Proclan1ation .. . ... .. . ... • • • •

EXTRADITION Ethiopia11s exempted ... Foreign nationals ... • • •


Protected by law ...

• ••







1·7 17 17 17 17

5 4 4 6 7

4 9 11, 12



23 23 16 25 24

4 3 2 1 6

3 23

1 3

24 2

29 19 25 1 22 20 11 I 22

I 2 12 1 4 3 2 1 1


1 1

49,50 50





•• •

•• •


• ••


l 1



. . . .. . .



•• •


- CXX\i -


5 44,60 5 46 44 IO



CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article


HEADINGS FARMING. See Agriculture. FARM WORKERS. See Co-operati 1e SocietieJ'. FEDERAL LEGISLATION. See Eritrea. FEDERAL REVENUE. See Customs, Taxation. FEDERAL SALT TAX. See Salt Tax. FEES Advocates ... ... ... ... • • • · · · • • • • • • Advocates' Registration ... ... •·· • • • • • • Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • • • • • Licenses, driving and motor vehicle . • • • • • Licenses, Medical Practioners ... ... • • • • • • . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . • •• • • • • Ma.rkets Measuring instruments inspectior ... • • • • • • Municipal services ... ... ... ... • • • • • • Transit trade... . . . ... ... . .. ... • • • • •

5 5 5 21 30 7 23 7 16 2

5 4 6 4 17 I 20 1 9 7

14 3



2 I 4




I 14

15 15

1 1 2 6

2 11 10





1 2

1 3







•• •

• ••






• ••



•• •

FINANCE, MINISTRY OF Auditor General's relationship with ... Established and duties .. . . .. ... • • • Excise tax responsibilities .. . ... ... • • • Special Authority to Contract Loans and Guarantees .. . ... .. . ... • • •


•• • •••

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. See Banks and Financial Institutions. FINE ARTS. See Educatiorz a11d Fi:1e Arts. FIREARMS. See Arms. FISCAL YEAR Authority to fix ... ... •• •• • •• Fixed ... ... ... ... •• • ••• • Development Bank of Ethiopia ... ••• National Bank ... ... • • • • • •• FISHING Ministry of Agriculture promote� ... • • ••







• ••


FLAG Described • • • • • • • •• • • •• In Eritrea, ... . . . .. . ... ... • • • FLOGGING Authorized • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FLOUR. See Grain and Flour. FLOUR l\11LLS. See also Grain and Flour Registration and co11trol ... • • • • • • •





•• •


- cxx. vi -




5 (Sched. C) 11 15 (Sched. I) 11 4 3, 6

29 7,24




CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

1-IEADINGS FOOD M11nicipal PLtblic Healtl1 R11les . . . . .. Seizure of foodstuffs a11thorized . . . ...

30 30

9 4





FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MINISTRY OF Established and duties .. . ... ... ... ... Immigration Control by ... ... ... . .. ... Minister n1ember of National Defence Cou11cil

3 9 10


2 3

28 3-5 4

FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Dealings i11, regulatecl ...




FOREIGNERS Control and registration ...




Foreign com1Janies registration ... . .. ... Immigration ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... ... Natt1ralization ... . .. ... ... .. . ... ... Registration Proclamation extended to Eritrea Visas ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 9 9 28 28 23 9 9 2 9

1 2 2 2 5 2 2 I 9 2

FORESTS. See also Conser••ation. Co11serva tio11... .. . ... ... ... ... ... • • • Community Forests established . . . ... • • • Forest Guards Regulations ... ... ... • • • Private Forests Conservatio11 Proclamc.tion ... Private Forests exploitation ... ... ... • • • Private Forests protection regulations ... • • • Protective Forests 1nanagement ... ... • • • Protective Forests Proclamatio11 ... ... • • • Rangers Regt1latio11s . . . ... ... ... ... • • • Sawa11d Ve11eer Logs Trade ... ··- ... • • • State Forests exploitation ... ... .. . ... • • • State Forests Proclan1ation ... ... . .. • • • State Forests Regu.lations ... ... ... ... • • •

3 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

1 12 14 5 10 7 11 6 13 15 9 4 8


FOREST GUARD SERVICE ·Established and dt1ties ...

FOREIGN AFFAIRS Directed by En1peror ...




Deportation ... Employment ...


• ••








•• •

•• •



FOR.EST RANGER SERVICE Established and powers ...



















••• •••



• I



•• • •••


• ••

•• •





• ••

• ••







10 15,17

3 12-16 6,7,9


•• •

• ••







•• •








CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS FREEDOM. See also Civil Riglzts. Corresponednce ... • • • • • • • • ... ... • • • • • • • Religion Speech and Press ... • • • • • • • • ••• •• Travel ... ... ... • •


1 1 1 I

l 1 1 1

42 40 41 46

FUE. · - L. See petrol eu,n arzd Petroleum Products. GAME. See also Animals. Awash National Park, established .. • • • • · · · Preservation of ... . . . . . . • • • · · · · · · · · · Reserves, protected by Ministry of Agriculture

25 25 3

16 3 1


GAMING Arrest and search of gamblers ... National lottery ... ... ... ... Raffle and Tombola licensing . . . Unlawful gaming Proclamation

12 12 12 12

7 8 9 7

GARBAGE. See Refuse. GENERAL ELECTIONS. See Clzamber .Jf Deputies. GOATS. See Aninials, Do,nestic. GOLD • Control of Gold and Platinum ... ... Export Forbidden ... ... ... ... ... Export Proclamation extended to Eritrea ...

25 25 2

2 I 9

GOVERNMENT BONDS. See Boncls, Governn1ent. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. See li1blic Servants. GOVERNMENT OFFICE HOURS ••• Regulated • •• • • •• • • ••



GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Administration by Ministry of Finance ... ... Administration by Ministry of LaL1d Ref01··m and Administration .. . .. . ... ... ...







• ••


• ••


•• •

•• •






... ... ... ...





• ••





•• •





GOVERNORS. See A 1rvraja Glzizat, Woreda Ghizat GOVERNORS-GENERAL. See also E11derasJJe, Teklay Ghizat. Administer Teklay Ghizats... ... ... ... ... Appointed by Emperor ... ... .. . ... ... Commanders of Provincial Territorial Armies Represent ce11tral government in Teklay Ghizats - C}'.XVUi -

6 6 10 6

I I 4 I



I 1 5 1


t !

! l


IIEADINGS GRAIN AND FLOUR. See also Grai11. Boar,!,

CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

Etl1iopian; Grairz Cor1Joratio11 Et/1iopian.

Ex port lice11ses ... . .. . .. ... . .. ... ... Licensing of cleaners and graders ... ... ... Registration of flot1r mills ancl proper screening of grain . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. GRAIN BOARD, ETI·IIOPIAN Established a11d men1bers ... . .. ... • • • • • • Regulations isst1ed by ... ... ... • • • • • • GRAIN CORPORATION, ETI-IIOPJAN Charter ... .. . ... .. . ... ... • • • • • • • • • Employees exclt1ded f ron1 ter1n ''Pt1blic Servant'' ... . .. • • • • • • • • • GRATUITIES. See Pe11sio11s. GROUND FORCES. See I1n1Jerial Ar111y, I111perial

24 24

8 8





24 24

8 9








Territorial Ar111J1.

GUARDIAN SlflP, COUNCIL OF Designatio11 and responsibilities ...




•• •

18 1

10 1


• ••








HAILE SELASSIE I STADIUM Nlaintenance of by National Ethiopian Sports Confederatio11 ... ... ... ... ... ...






5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


•• •






GUARANTEES BY GOVERNMENT Miiiistry of Finance, to contract .. . Parliamentary approval reqt1ired .. . HAILE SELASSIE I FOUNDATION Cl1arter ... ... ... . .. ... ... Employees excluded from. term ''Public Servant'' ... ...

HAILE SELASSIE I TI-IEATRE Employees excluded from term ''Public Servant'' ... ...




HAILE SELASSIE I UNIVERSITY Academic Commission . .. ... .. . ... ... Advisory Committee on Higher Education An1e11dme11t of charter ... ... . .. ... ... Board of Governors . . . ... . .. ... . • • . • • Chancellor ... ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • · · · Faculties ... ... .. . ... ... • •. • • • • • • Faculty Council ... ... . . . ... • • • • • • • • • Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • President and Vice-Presidents ... . . . ... ... •




29 29 29 29

29 29


29-31 11 32 3-10

17,18 26-28 12-16 3 19-24


CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article


HEALTH Central Medical Stores Corporatio11 • • · · · · Communicable Diseases ... • • • · · · · · · · · · Dead bodies, Municipal Public Health Rules ... ... · · · • •· · · · · · Druggist Shops, permits and superv1s1on . • • Druggists, registration and licensing .. • • • • Ethiopian Red Cross Society ... • • • · • · · · · Food, Municipal Public Health Rules .. • • • • Foodstuffs, seizure ... ... ... • • • • • · · · · General Advisory Board of Health ... ... Laboratories, man11facturing, permits ... .. • Malaria Eradication Service, established ... Medical supplies importation permits ... ... Medical supplies wl1olesalers ... ... ... ... Medical Officer of Health ... ... ... ... Medical Practitioners Registration ... ... ... ... ... ... Proclamation Medicine, adoptio11 of U.S.A Pharn1acopeia Municipal Public Health Officers ... ... ... Municipal Public Health Rules ... ... ... Pharmacies, permits and supervision ... ... Pharmacists, registration and licensing ... ... Pharmacopeia Decree ... ... ... ... ... ... Pharmacy Regulations ... ... ... ... ... Pharmacy Technicians, registration and licensing... ... .. . ... ... ... ... Public Health Ministry, duties ... ... ... ... Public Health Proclamation (1942) .. . ... . .. Public Health Proclamation (1947) .. . ... ... General Advisory Board of Health .. . ... Ministry, duties ... ... ... ... ... ... •••


•• •

•• •

• ••


Municipal Public Health Administration Provincial Public Health Administration Public Health Rules ... ... ... ... ... ... Quarantine Rules... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rabies (Control) Rules ... ... ... ... ... Refuse disposal . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... Refuse, Municipal Public Health Rt1les ... ... Rural medicine vendors, registration and licensing... ... ... ... . .. • • • • Sanitation, Municipal Rules ... ... ... ... Tax Administratio11 Order ... ... ... ... Tax Decree ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... · · · Vaccination and disinfestation ... ... ... Vaccination, Municipal Public Health Rul�� ••

- CXXX -

30 30

1 14

30 30 30

12 18 18


30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


30 30 30 3

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


30 30

2 9 4 3

18 19 18 18 4

17 16 7 7

15,40-46 8 5,6 4,5 17, 18,47-51 19-22 23,24

2-10 5,7


13, 14, 25-39 7

18 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 6 5 4 10

9, 10 17

18 16 18

18 15

4, 5 17 3-7 12-14 8-11

11-15 11, 12, 16


8 4





HEADINGS Venereal Diseases Rules ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Water, Ml1nicipal Pt1blic Healtl1 Rti les ... • • • Wells, closl1re ... . . . ... ... . . . ... ... I-IEALTH TAX Decree ... . . . ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Administrative Order ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

HEIR PRESUMPTIVE Designatio11 ... • • • • • • HEROIN Import forbidden... ...

Section Title Article

30 30 30

13 8 4



8 20


•• •

•• •

•• •





... ...


• ••

• ••




COURTS. See also Courts. IIIGH Establisl1ed ... ... ... ... . ..

• ••

•• •

•• •

•• •



5 5

1 10

















9 9

2 2



•• •




PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER. See also Cer1tral Personnel Agency, Public Servants. Office established... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4-18 3, 4, 7, 8, 11


HIGHWAYS. See I,nperial J-lighlvay AuthoritJ', Motor Vehicles, Transport. HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY. See E1nperor HOLIDAYS, PUBLIC • •• •• • ••• ••• • •• •• • Declared



HOl\tIE OWNERSIIlP PUBLIC ASSOC14.TION See I111perial Savi,igs and Home Ovnersliip Pi,blic Association HONOURS, AWARDS OF. See also Medals Emperor's right to co11fer and withdraw ... HORSE RACING CLUB, ETHIOPIAN Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Employees excluded from term ... . .. ... ... ... ''Public Servant'' HOTELS Standards for • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IDENTITY CARDS For work permit ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IMMIGRATION Foreign Affairs Minister, duties ... ... ... Interior Minister, duties ... ... .. • • • • • • • - CXXXI. -


3,4,7,16 7,9-11, 14,16

IOPIA H T E F O s w A L ' D E T A ID L CoN:so

CONSOL L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS IMMOVABLES. See Lanli. IMPERIAL ARMY. See also Imperial Ter,·itorial ArmJ,. Arrest of soldiers ... ... ... • • • Badges of Rank . .. ... .. . .. • Commanding Officer, powers ... Company Commander, powers Complaints by soldiers ... ... Courts-Martial ... ... .. . ... Crimes committed by soldiers ... Detachment Commander, powers Enlistment, discharge and service Established and duties ... .. .

··· ••• ... • • ... • • ... • • ... • • • ... • • ... ... . .. ... ... • •••


•• •





10 10 10 l0

. . . 10 •• 10 ••• 10 • • 10 •• 10 •• 10 •

2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


37 40

34 41-43


38,39 50-60 3



IMPERIAL COURT, MINISTRY OF THE •• •• • ••• Established and dl1ties




IMPERIAL DECREES Enactment . . . ... ...





... ...



• ••

• •e

•• •

I• •


IMPE.RIAL ETHIOPIAN AERO CLUB Ch.arter ... ... ... ... ... ... ,..

IMPERIAL ETHIOPIAN COAST GUARD Established ... ... .. . ... . .. . .. ... • • • Ministry of National Defence administers ... I 1 Part of Armed Forces ... ... ... ... ... 11 Ranks ... ... ... ... ... • • • • •• 11 "' IMPERIAL ETlilOPIAN SOCIETY FOR 1 HE PROTECTION OF ,...., JL.&.<s Cha.rter ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. • • • • • 32 Employees excluded from term ''Public Servant'' ... .. . ... ... 8 IMPERIAL FAMTLY Duties and privileges ... • • • ••• •• I •••







I 2,8,9


6, 7



Vital statistics, registration by Mi11ister ot' Pe11 c:cxxii

1l 1 1 1


2,3,5-13, 15, 17, 19,23 31


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

1-IEADINGS 11\tIPERIAL GREAT SEAL Kept b)' Mi11ister of Pen ...








3 3 3

3-5 2 5

u,1PERIAL fIIGfIWAY AUTfIORITY. Sfe also Transport. Dt1 ty and J)Owers ... Establisl1ecl . . . . .. . . . Expropriation by ... •••


. ..





• ••


• ••

• ••

20 20 20

• ••







8 15 15 15 15 15

5 3 3 3 3 3

2 12 15-19 7-8 4,6, 11



11, 12, 15

10 10 10 10 10 10

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 4 4-10 3, 13, 14, 16, 17 12 2

16 23 30 23 23

10 5 18 8 9







•• •

• ••

• ••

•• •


IMPERL-\L ORDERS AND DECORATIO�S Registered by lvlinistry of Pe11 .. . . ..

,., l


ll"IPERIAL SAVINGS Al\1D fIOME OWNER­ SI-IIP PUBLIC ASSOCIATION Dissolt1tion and liqt1idatio11 ... ••• Employees exclud.ed from tern1 ''Ptiblic Servant'' ... ... ••• Establisl1ed ... ... ... ... ... ••• Fina11cial year .. . . . . ... . .. • •• Loa11s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ••• Members, rights and powers .. . • •• Powers and pt1rposes . . . ... . .. . . .




• ••









.. .


IMPERIAL TERRITORIAL ARMY Duties •• • •• • • • • • • • ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• Governor-Gerieral of Teklay Ghlzat Corrma11ds Provi11cial Territorial Arn1y • •• ••• • • • Ministry of I11terior, responsibility for ... ••• ••• ••• •• • ••• •• • •• • • •• Organizatio11 Personnel rights and cluties ••• ••• •• • ••• Police, assistance to • • • •••• ••• • •• • •• ••• Provincial territoria.l armies compose •• ••• •

IMPORTS See also Ci1sto1ns Excise Tax. Ct1ston1s (Temporary Importatio11) Regtilations Dangero11s drt1gs, regi1lated ••• ••• ••• ••• Medical supplies, regulated ••• ••• •• • ••• Price control imposed on ... •• • • • • ••• • • • •••


•• •

• ••


Regulatio11 by Minister of Commerce and ••• ••• • •• ••• •• • ••• ••• Industry

IMPRISONMENT For debt, limitations on . . . ... . .. . . • • • • ••• - cxxxn: -

2 19-22


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS INCOME TAX Accot111ti11g by taxpayers Agricultt1ral income Assessment • • • • • • • ••



• •


•• •

•• •






•• •


Calculatio11 of taxable income Declaration procedt1res Employment income Execution proceedi11gs ••• Exemptions • • • •••



• ••


•• •







• ••














•• •




• ••

• ••









•• •





•• •


• ••








• ••

• ••






• • • Fi11a11ce Minister's powers ... •• • • • Payment ... • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• Rent income ... • • • • Tax Appeal Commissions ... Trade, Business Professions 1nco111e •• •



•• • •• •

••• •


• ••


• ••

•• •

17 17 17 17 17 17

10 9 9 10

17 17 17 17 17 19 17 17 17 17 17

9 9 9 9 10 3 9 9 9 9 9




25-32 4, 17A-C 17D-F, 38-43A 33,34 4, 11,15-J 7, 17A 12,13,16-19, 22-24 31-37 4 '7-9 62,63 18,19,72,72A 4 5 7 1-72A 44-46A 4,10, 11 49-61A 4, 12-14

INCORPORATION OF ERITREA. See Eritrea. INDUSTRY. See Co1n1nerce and Iridustry. INFORMATION AND TOURISM, MINISTRY OF Established and duties .. . ... . . . ... Supervises Ethiopian Broadcasting Service St1pervises Ethiopian News Agency ...

... . .. . ..

3 13 13

• ••

1 . 4 5

20 4 3




. .. 33


INNOCENCE Presumption of



• ••





• ••

• ••

•• •


INSIGNIA Regulations



INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH See also Agricu/cure Advisory Council... • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• Establishment •• ••• •• • •• ••• Finances •• ••• • •• • •• Organization ••• • •• •• • •• Purposes, responsibilities and po�ers •




•• •




• ••

•• •





24 24 24 24 24

18 18 18 18 18

6 2 8 4, 5 3, 7


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article





• • •

• t t

• ••


• e I






12 3 4 3 3 10 3

3 1 l 1 I 4 1

26 (i) 4-6,11, 28 26 26 (f) 4, 11, 15 26 (a)

3 7 10 3 12 3 3 12

1 3 3 1 I 1 1

26 (b) 62,63 4 26 (cl) 4,6,12 26 (h) 26 (e)

1 l 1

1, 3, 5, 8, 9 26 (c) 26 (g)


INSURANCE Commerce and I11dt1stry lvfinister controls ...

INTERIOR, MINISTRY OF Attthority to issue orders ... . .. Chan1ber of Deputies elections ... •••

•• •


• ••




•• •

•• •


Established ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Foreign nationals control a11d registration ... Imperial Territorial Army, respo11sible for .. . I11ternal Sect1rity . .. ... . . . ... ... ... . .. Local Government, duty to establish and • s11perv1se ... ... ... ... . .. • • • • • • Local Self-f\dministratio11, duties i11 ... • • • National Defence Cou11cil me1nber ... • • • Police, controlled by . .. ... ... . .. • • • • • • •••

• ••








•• •




•• •

• ••


•• •

• ••


• ••


• ••

6 3 3






Scrap Iron Board, Charter ... ... ... ...




Popt1lation ce11sus by ...

••• •


Prisons administered by ... Teklay Ghizat government, responsibilities in ... ... Town planning duties ... . .. Vital Statis_tics registration ...




INTERNATIONAL RESERVE FUND National Bank. maintains ...


INVESTMENT. See Capital /11,vestment. moN

ffiRIGATION See also Agriculiure Awash Valley ... . .. ... ... • • •

• ••









3 ' 20 Ill

JUDGES. See also Coi1rt:,, Ji1siice. Afe Negus • • • • • • • • • Appointn1ent by Emperor



• ••



•• •





•• •









------------------------------· CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS A '"'raj a Col1rt High Co11rt ... ••




•• •





•• •






•• •




•• •






lt1depe11de11ce of .. . ... . .. .. . ... • Jt1stice Ministry supervises ... ... l.ocal Jt1dges (Atbia Da11ias) . .. ... • • • Appointn1ent... ... ... ... ... Jt1risdiction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Qualifications Removal from a case ... ... ... ... Requested witho11t good caL1se ... Special Appointn1e11ts ... ... ... ... • • • •••


S11preme Imperial Co11rt ... •••

••• •





• ••



•• • •• •

l 1 8 8 8 8

10 10

4-6 4



9 2,3,6 7 17


1 10


5 5

10 10

16 4









5 l















1 1

71, 74, 76, 71 3, 7, 10, 11

•• •


•• •

• ••




•• •

•• •

Teklay Gl1izat Court. See High Co11rt. Withdrawal fro1n a case ... ... ... Woreda Co11rt ... ... ... ... ...






6 4 (2) 3 4

••• •• •




• ••


5 5 5 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



Vested in Courts ...



• ••



Registration by Ministry of lnfornatio11 and Tourism... ... ... ... ... ... JUSTICE. See a.lso Coi1rt.r, Ji1dges, P1h!ic Prosecirrors.

Courts �stablished • •• •• •• • Empeior maintains through Courts Minister of Justice s11pervjses administration of ... • • • • • • • •••




•• • ••



JUSTICE, l\1INISTRY OF. See a]so Courts, Ji,dges Established and d11ties ...



• ••

•• •



Appointed by Emperor ... •• • ••• • Of Addi5 Ababa. See Conso/idai-r:d LegislatiorL of Addis Ababa. Of oth-eF Municipalities and tow11s ... • • ••




- CXX.X.Vl -




CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article


KOREAN WAR lVIEDA:L. See also Jvlecla/s Established ...





• ••

•• •

• ••



28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

6 6 7 8 6 6 7 8 6 9 6 2

2 26,27 2 3 2 26,27,30 10-12 20-22 16

28 28 28

8 9 8

3 7-9 4




28 28 28

6 6 6

4,5 12-19 16, 18

28 28 28 23 28 28

7 7




6 9

3 28 28 28 28 28 28

l 6 9 9 6 6 9

16 3 5

LABOUR. See also Ce11tral Perso1111el Age11cJ', E1r1p!oJ1 111ent, .P11blic E111JJ!oyme11t Acl111i11is• ratior1 . . Collective bargai11ing a11d agree111e11ts , ... En1ployees, defi11ecl .. . ... .. . ... ...






• ••


•• •




• ••

• ••

• ••


• ••




• ••






• ••


• •e

• • •

e • e

I ••





•• •

Dt1ties ... • • • En1p . Ioyers, defined




Duties and responsibilities ... •••

. . . . . ..

Employers' Associations ... • • • • • • • • • Exchai1ges, licensi11g of private ... ...


••• •• • •••

Inspection Service Established and composition ... ... ... Po\vers and dttties of labour inspeclors ... Responsibilities ... ... ... ... ... . .. Supervised by Minister of Nat;onal Community Developme11t a11d Social . . . ... . . . ... .. . ... ... Affairs Labour Relatio11s Board EstabJished and me1nbers ... . . . . .. • • • Powers and. IJrocedures ... . .. ... • • • Settlement by conciliatio11 or aWi trd ...

Minimum Labot1r Conditions An11ual leave ... ... Hottrs of work . .. ... Overtime . .. ... ... Public holidays . . . ... ••

• ••

•• •





•• •



•• •



• ••


•• •

• ••





• ••

Severance pay ... .. . ... . . . ... ..• National Community Develop111ent and Social Affairs, Minister's d11ties ... ... . . . ... •••


•• •


• ••



• ••

Standards Proc]amation . . . ... • • • • • • • • • Unfair practices defined and prohibjted ... Unions .. . . . . . . . . . . • • • • •· · ·· · · · · · · \Vome11, eq11al pay for eqt1al work gt1aranteed - cxxxvn -



23-25 2 (f)



2 (s), 28-31 2, 20-22 14


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Seclion Title Article

HEADINGS J_JABOUR STANDARDS ADVISOR). BOARD •• Established a11d ft111ctio11s ... • • • • • •




LABOUR UNIONS Defined • • • • Registration • • • Right to form Scope of activity

28 28 28 28

6 6 6 6

2 21 20 22


1 12 11 12 3 3




• ••

• ••



• ••

.. . '. .





.. .




• ••

.. .




• ••




• ••


LAND. See also Expropriation, Maderia Land, PropertJJ. Church owned ... ... ... Classification Commissions Cldssification for land tax ... •••

♦ ♦ ♦

tI I

♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦

I♦ f

f ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦

'• I

♦ I ♦

♦ ♦ I


•• •

•• •

• ••

Education tax 011 ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... Foreign investo1s, acquisition by ... . .. ... Governn1ent owned, administered by Mi11istry of Land Reform a11d Adn1inistration . .. Healtl1 tax on ... ... . . . . .. ... . .. ... Land Reforn1 a11d Administration Ministry established and dt1ties . . . ... ... .. . Maderia land. Concessions gra11ted to holders on Silver Jubilee Coronation ... ... ... Registration by Ministry of Land Reforn1 and Ad1ninistration ... . . . ... ... ... Tax Appeal Con1missions . . . ... .. . . .. ... Tax Proclamation . .. ... ... ... . . . ... Tax Regulations . . . ... ... ... ... . . . ...

17 17 17 17


1, 2, 8 9, 12

4-11 3-8, 14 10



1 8








1 12

17 17


18 10-12



LAND REFORM AND ADMINISTRATION, MINISTRY OF Established a11d dt1ties • •• •• •




LAWYERS. See Advocates. LEGAL PRACTITIONERS. See Advocates. LEGAL TENDER. See Currency. LEGISLATION Co·nsultative Committee for • • • .. . • • • !Drafting by Ministry of Justice ... imm�eF@r may initiate ... • • • • • .. . • • • imrra�baentt ll)rocedl!lre (parlian1entary) • • • tniiitia • i'ti<£Jlil by memb�rs of pa1liament • • •

5 3 I 1 I

l I 1 1 I



• ••






• •• •• • •• • •• •

32 34,86,92

86-91 86 (b)

WoRD I:rroEx CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article


I.JETTERS. See Correspo11c/e11ce, Postal .Articles. . LICENCES Advocates . .. ... . . . ... ... ... ... . .. Aircraft ... . . . ... . . . . .. .. . ... . .. . .. Alcohol, man11facture and sale ... . . . .. . Anin1als, h11nti11g and pl1otographing ... ... A11tiq11ities, exploration for .. . ... ... ... Banking Business... ... ... . .. . .. ... .. . Coffee cleaners and graders .. . ... . . . ... Customs clearing agents ... ... ... ... ... Den1onstratio11s, p11blic ... .. . ... . . . ... Druggists, importers and wholesalers of nedical s11pplies, ma1111facturing laboratorie,, phar­ macists, pl1armacy tech11icians, rural medicine vendors . .. ... ... ... . . . ... Dr11gs, Dangerous, in1port ... . .. . .. ... Ed11cational institutions, private ... ... .. . Explosives, possessio11 of .. . ... ... .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Firearms Foreign exchange transactio11s . .. ... ... . .. Foreign nationals en1ployment ... ... .. . ... Game hunting a11d pl1otography· ... ... ... Gold, silver, platin11n1 export . .. . .. ... .. . Grain cleaners and graders ... .. . . .. ... Labour excha11ges ... . . . ... . .. ... . .. 'Livestock export ... .. . . .. . . . . . . ... ... Medical practitioners .. . ... ... . . . . .. ... Motor V�hicle Operators (Lice11ce) . . . .. . Motor vehicles a11d driving permits .. . . .. . . . ••• ••• ... Newspapers a11d n1agazi11es .. . • • • • • • • • • Oil seed cleaners and. graders ... • • • • • • . . . Pilots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • .. . Printi11g presses ... ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • Radjo and television statio11s ... • • • • • • • • • Raffles and ton1bolas ... ... ... • • • • • • • • • Tobacco, n1atches, pocket lighters ... ... ... Tfades and professions .. . ... • • • • • • • • • Wareh011ses ... ... ... ... ... . . . . .. . • • •

5 21 17 25 29 15 24 16 12

4 2 5 3 I 4 II 3 11

30 23 3 12 12 15 28 25 25 24 28 24 30 21 21 21 3 24 2J 13 3 12 23 7 16

18 5 1 6 5 7 5 3 1 8 2 6 17 10 4 11 1 8 2 2 1 9 14 1 4

20 4,7 2 3 20 5-8 14 11 3,4

18 1

10 1


2 20-23 3 9 29-33 4 4-8 3-5



23(c) 2 6, 7 6,7,9-16 3 2 4,7 16 3-5 5,23

LIGI-1.T AND POWER. See Electricity. LIVESTOCK AND MEAT BOARD. See Animals, Domestic. LOANS TO GOVERNMENT Finance Minister to contract ... Parlian1entary ap_proval req11ired

• ••

•• •


• ••


• ••



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article


LOCAL GOVERNMENT. See Awraja Gl1izat, Mektl Worecla, Mu11icipalities, Te!('aJ' Gl1izat, U'oreda GILizat. (Regt1lation issued by local a1.1tl1orities are 11ot inclt1ded l1erei11; Legislatio11 relating solely to Adjis Ababa is pt1blisl1ed separately i11 t11e Co11.f,o!idated Legislario1z of Addis Ababa. ) LOCAL SELF-ADMINISTRATION. See A•-vraja Gl1izat. LOTTERY. See Gaining, National l.iJtterJ'. LOYALTY •• • .. . •• •• To Emperor ... • • • • • • •




26 17 17 10

1 3 8 4

1 3.13




17 23 23


MANUFACTURING LABORATORIES. See also Health. • Operation and st1perv1s1on ... MARJA THERESA DOLi.JAR Demonetized ... • • •

LUBRICANTS. See Petroleu111 czr1d Petroleunz P1·odi1cts. LUMBEI{. See Co11��erl'a1io11. MADERIA LAND Concessions granted to holders .. . • • •• • • •• • Edt1cational tax 011 .. . Health tax 011 •• Irnperial Territorial Army men1bers hold •••



•• •

• ••



•• •


••• •••

MAGAZINES. See Nel,VS'PaJJers and .\tfagazi11es. MAil.. See Postal Articles. MALARIA ERADICATION SERVICE Establis11ed and dt1ties ... •• •

•• •

•• •

• ••


•• •

•• •


• ••


MANUFACTURED GOODS, LOCAL Exise Tax in1posed on • .. . ••• Price Control imposed 011 • • • • • • ••






• ••

. '.

.. .

� I I " [Nl)USTRY D�Mei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . im'XfP©iFii1ai t 0n, f@:r, l\,y Ministry of �@immm,Rntima'fti@ns . . . . . . ... •• •


•• •




• ••









6 (e)






-=- cxl -


• •


WoRD [NDEX CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section_ Title Article

HEADINGS • • l{egistratio11 a1.1d StI [)erv1s1011

Reqt1isition of, en1erge11cy . Taxat1011 ... l•: ... . ..

MARITIME CODE Proclaimed •••

• ••

• ••


ll 3 l1 11

2 I 2 2

• ••



11 11

4 2

2,5 6









23 23

14 16


33 33 33 33 33 33 3 33 33

2 3 5 4 3 5 1 1 6

30 30 30

17 17 17







• ••



• ••





• ••

•• •

• ••






MARIT1t,11E DOMAIN " Defence of ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• ••• • •• Defi11ed ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• SLI pervisio11 by !v1inisters of Com111t11icatio11s and National Defence ••• ••• ••• ••• , . MARITIME ORDER Proclaimed • •• I,• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • , I' MARRIAGE Registered by Mit1.ister of I11terior ••• • • • ••• MATCHES Mo11opoly, established ... Tobacco Regie I Regt1latio11s





•• •




MAYORS. See Ka11tibas. MEASURES. See W�ig/1ts a11d Measi,res. !• l\1EAT. See A11imals i Do,nestic MEDALS l Award of Dec'oratio11 ... ... . .. Description and ranks ... ... ... Insignia Decree · .. . . .. .. . ... . .. Korean War Medal . . . . .. . .. ... Ministry of Pe11, dt1ties concer1li11g...

... ... ... . .. ...


• ••




• ••

. '


1936-1941�ign ... Police medal... '. ... •••

••• ••• ••• ••• •••

• ••

• ••



•• •






MEDICAL PRACTil;ION.ERS REGISTRATION. See also Hea/1/1.1 Licensing procedure . .. ... .. . ... ... •• • Register of practitioners .. . ... .. . ... ••• St1spension and revocation of licence� ... ••• •

- cx]j -

6 19

47 28-31

10,11 3 31 (d)

4,5 7 8








MEDICAL STORES COR.PORATION. See Central Medical Stores Corporation. MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS AND SUPPLIES. See also Healtli. ••• ••• •• Examination and prohibitio11 • •• • • • • •• •• • Import regulated ... • • •• • ••• • •• • •• • •• ••• Labelling •• New and experimental • • • • • • • • • • • • Standards of quality • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Storage ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wholesalers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

62 19-22 53-60 63,64 52 65-67 23,24

30 30 30 30 30 30 30

18 18 18 18 18 18






8 32

5 11

MERCHANT SHIPPING. See Marine lndust,·y METALS Export Proclamation extended to Eritrea ... Gold and Platint1m transaction control ... Gold, Silver, and Platin11n1, export prohibited Scrap Iron Board ... ... . .. ... . . . . ..

2 25 25 23



:METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES Ministry of Communications maintains ...







10 10








l\1EKTL WEREDA Administration provided for ...

• ••


MENELIK II MEMORIAL BUILDING FUND •• • ••• •• Cl1arter ... • Employees excluded from term • • • ••• ''Public Servant'' ... • • • Trustees ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

•• •




•• •



3,4,6,7, 10

2 I

MILITARY. See Armed Forces, Imperial Ar,nJJ, Ethiopia11 Coast gi,ard, lniperial Ter1·itorial Ar,nv M.ILITA.RY FINES FUND. See also /111.JJerial Arrriy. Established ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ...

MILITARY UNIFORMS Permit requ.ired for dealings Wearing restricted • • • • • •

lll ••





•• •






CONSOL. L. ETH . CITATION Scctio11 Title Article

. HEADINGS lVIINERAL RESOURCES Gold, Sjlver, Platinum, controls 011 ...


.. .








25 25 3

I 2 l








1 3

1 I


3 1 1 3 I 2 3 1 1 3

1 1 1 l l 6 1 1 1 1

4 66 75 10-14 69,71

3 1

1 1



l 3 1 3 1

1 I 1 1 1

68 7 74 9 75

l\1INISTRIES. See also Agrici1lture, Comnierce and JnclusirJ', Co1nmu11icatio11s, Edi.1catio11 ancl Fine Arts, Fi11a11ce, Foreign Affairs, l111perial Coi,rt, Inforn1ation a11cl Toi1ris1n, Interior, Ji1stice, Land Refor,11 ancl Administratio11, Mines, Natio11al Com111unity Develop111e11t a11cl Social Affairs, National Defence, Pen, Planning and Develop1nent, Post, Telegrapl1s a11cl Telep/1ones, Pi,blic Jlealt/1, Pi,blic Works. Functions and respo11sibilities ... • • • • • • • • •



Supervisio11 by Mi11istry of ivli11es ... r

MINES, MINIS fRY OF Established and dLtties ...



MINllVIUM LABOUR CONDI1'IONS. See Laboi,r. Mll'l!NG. See also Metals. 1Yii11istry of Mines S11pervises ... • • • • • • • • • MINISTERIAL ORGANIZATION E1nperor deter1uines ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Established . .. ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l\1INISTERS. See also Council of Ministers, Pri111e Mi11is1er. Appointme11t by En1peror ... . .. ... ... ... •••

•• •


•• •


Cl1arges agai11st ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Council of Ministers ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • Eritrea, extensio11 of functio11s to ... . .. ... Legislation submitted by ... .. . ... ... ... Oath of fidelity to Ernperor required ... ... .Parliament, respo11sibilities to ... ... ... ... Powers defi11ed ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... Prime Minister's powers and respo11sibility to Emperor ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . .. Qt1alificatio11s Responsibility to Prime Minister and En1peror... . . . ... ... ... ... . .. ... •• •




•• •

•• •

• ••

Restrictions on .. . . .. ... . .. ... • • • Substitution ... .. . . . . ... ... ... • • • Trial before S11pre1ne Imperial Court ...

- cxliii -

• •• ••• •••

7 66 73 6-8



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS MISSIONS ••• Committee on, established ... • • • • Ethiopian Church Areas, defined and stat11s •• • • Missiot1aries, control of • • • • • Open areas defined and status • • • • • • • • • •

31 31 31 31

2 2 2 2

2 7-10 5, 16 7,11,12,14

MONEY. See Currency. MONETA.RY UNIT Fixed and regulated





MONOPOLY. See State Monopoly. MOTOR VEIIlCLE AND TRAILER REGULATIONS. See also Motor Vehicles. ••• ••• ••• • ••• Fees and charges ... •• Identification 11u111ber plates • • • • •• • • •• • Permane11t • • • • •• ••• •• Temporary Transferable ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Official register, records and lists • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • Registration a11d inspection • • • • •• • Title Certificate Book

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Sched. A 12-26, Sched. B 17-19 20-22 23-26 42-45 27-41' 47 4-11, 47

MOTOR VEHICLE OPERA TORS (LICENCE) REGULATIONS Issued ... .. . . . . ... • • • • • • . . . 21




• • •


•• •


•• •





• ••

• • •










• ••

• •


MOTOR VEHICLES. See also Transport. ••• ••• ••• Accidents ••• •• Anim.als ••• •• Bicycles ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Driving rules Ill general • • • ••• ••• Emergency vehicles •• Ide11tification, registratio11 a11d inspectio11 •• Regulatio11s •• • • ••• ••• Lights • •• Merchandise tra11sport • • • • • • Motorcycles • • • • •• ••• •• • •• Operators (Lice11ce) Regulatio11s •• Parking ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Passenger transport • • • • •• Pedestrians • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Priorities Ill traffic • • • • • •• • ••• Registration • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •••
















• ••

•• •





••• •

•• •

• • •


•• •



•• •

• •

• •




• ••




••• •


••• •••





cxliv -


21 21 21 21 21

6 6 6 6 6

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

8 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 8

83-85 58-60 57 5-6 36,37 71-79 47-63 56 38-42 43-46 61-67 31-37 27-41

--- --·---


CONSOL. L. ETll. ' CITATION Section Title Article·


Co1nmunicatio11s l'v1i11istr)' ...

•• •

• ••






•• •

• ••




• ••




•• •






. ..

• ••

• ••

• ••






•• •


• ••




• ••

• ••



• ••


•• •

• ••



••• •• • Mt11licipalities • . Roads1g11s and symbols ••• Road llSC, reg11lated ••• ••• Safety rt1les ••• ••• ••• ••• Sig11alling rt1les ••• ••• ••• Size and Weight Regulatio11s Speed Limit ... ••• ••• ••• To,ving ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• Traffic R11les ... •• • ••• ••• Traffic sig11als ••• ••• •••

3 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

1 4 11 6 6 6 6 5 9 6 6 6

6 1 7 l

1 1 1


19 5,6,23 68-70, Annex 10-16 80-82 28-30 5-8 54 20-30 7-9

MOTORCYCLES. See Motor Vel1icles, Tra11sport. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. See also Mi111k:ipalities. Established and compositio11 ••• ••• Mayoral candidates non1inated by ... Po,vers •••• • •• ••• ••• ••• • •• •• • Required Ill all 1n11nicipalities ... •••

•• •


• ••


• ••


• ••



73 28 129


Councils, See Municipal Cot1ncils. 30 Dead bodies, disposal rules for ... ... ... Food rt1les . . . ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... 30 Kantibas. See also Town Officers l Appointed by Emperor ... ... ... ••• 7 Dt1ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ••• 21 Licensing of drivers ... ... . . . ... ... ••• 7 Iv1unicipalities Proclamatio11 . . . ... ... ••• 7 Named . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. • •• Officials. See Ka11tibas, Town Officers: Public Health Rules, Mt111icipal ... ... ... 30 Refuse rules (1943) ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 Refuse rules (1950) ... ... ... ··:.�-� --,----··c-;-.- ----30_-:c 30 Sanitation Rt1les ... ... ••:- �.:=:-;-=:;-- ::: . . . .• • 7 Town OfJicers. Sfe--�kio-·Kantibas .... . .. . · · · · · ·· · ... 30 Vaccinatj_o.n-rules ... ... .. 21 ..,.... :S!.;llicle -"registratioJ.1-.� ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... 7 __..,..c,-�__..,.-•---- Wate r � (!9"45) ... _W� rules (1950) ... ... ... ... .. . . .. 30

12 9 1





7 4 10 15 1 11 11 2 8

28 7-11 6, Sched. A, B 11-16 7-11

NARCOTICS. See also Dangerous dispensing and control ... ... ... ... - cx1v -








------------ --------------- -CONSOL1DA'fED LAWS OF ETHIOPIA

CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Ti tie Article


Board of Directors, org,Lnizatio11 a11d •• • 15 • •• ••• •• • administratio11 • • • 15 Coins and isst1es money • • • • • 15 •• • • • •• Credit transactions • Foreign excl1a11ge and gold tra 11sactio11s by ... 15 15 • • Foreign excl1ange regt1lated by • 15 Governor, appointed. and d11ties • • Licensing and supervisio11 of ba11ks by ... • • 15 ••• 15 Powers and duties • • • • • • • • • •




•• •

• •





••• •


6 6 4 4 7 6 4 4

15-18 8 15-22 24-28 3,5-11 19-20 29-39 2,12-14

NATIONAL COFFEE BOARD. See also COFFEE. 16 24 24 24 24

13 13 13 15 14

• •• • • Established • • • 29 Executive Cou11cil, members, powers a11d • ••• • •• ••• Proced11re • 29 • ••• Finance and b11dget • • • • • • • •• 29 General Assembly, members, dt1ties and • proced11re • • • •• •• •• 29 Permanent secretariat, responsibility a11d ••• • functions • ••• • 29 Purposes and f11nctions • • • • • • • • • 29



7 7

6-8 17. 18



7 7

13-16 3, 4

Cess (Tax) ReguJatio11s • • Duties and po\vers • • Established a11d members ... • ••• • Regt1lations Trade Authorization Regt1lations •




•• •















• ••


• ••


3, 4, 7 2













•• •




• ••






AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS, MINISTRY OF. See also Labour. Cooperative societies ... ... ... ... ... Established and d11ties... ... .. . ... . .. . . . Labour Inspectio11 Service s11pervised ·by ... Labour relatio11s duties .. . .. . ... ... •• •• •• • .. . Labour standards e11forced by . . . . .. ... National Community Development Board ... Private labour exchanges licensed by ... ... Pu.blic Employment Administration supervised by ... .. . ... ... ... ... •••



- cxlvi -


28 28 28 28 27 28

2 I 9 __ 6 9 9 1 2




16 s


,___ s 5


16 5, 10, 11, 15, 17



CONSOL. L. ETI-I. CITATION Section Title Article


NATIONAL DEBT, See Debt, 1\'atio11al NATIONAL DEFENCE COUNCIL Establisl1ed • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • • • Exec11tive secretary appoi11ted by Emperor Membersl1ip ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Powers a11d d11ties • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

•• • ••• •• • •


NATIONAL DEFENCE, MINISTRY OF Badges of Rank s11pervised by . .. ... • • • Coast Guard... ... ... . . . ... • • • • • • • • • .. .. ... ... . .. . . . ... . . . . .. Defence of nation planned by . . . . . . ... . .. Establisl1ment and duties ... . . . ... . . . ... Jt1risdictiot1 over territorial ,vaters and maritime domain ... ... . .. ... ... ... Maritime powers ... . . . . . . .. . ... ... ... Military 11niforn1s, supervises weari11g and sale of ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. National Defence Cot1ncil, Mi11ister member of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Shipping supervised by ... ... ... ... ... Sta.te of Emergency Regulations issued by Minister .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... NATIONAL ETHIOPIAN SPORTS CONFEDERATION E111p.Ioyees excludecl from term ''Public Serva11t'' ... . .. ... Establisl1ed ... ... . . . . .. ...


• ••

• ••

• ••

• ••

NATIONALITY, ETHIOPIAN Acq11isition and loss • • • • • •


•• •











NATIONAL LOTTERY Board of Commissioners, po\vers ... ... • • • Employees excluded from term ''Publ'1c Servant'' ... .- ... ... . .. ... • • • Established. - -. :: · ... . .. .... -..-. - ... ... • • • General· Manager, _responsibilities . .. ... • • • Raffle and.--Tombola licence regulations ... .NATURAL RESOURCES. See Conservation. NATURALIZATION Conditions and procedure ... ... ... • • • . Foreign Affairs Ministry controls . .. ... • • • - cxl,,ii -

10 10 10 IO

3 3 3 3

10 11 I I. 13 3

5 I 2 I I

11 I I.

2 4



10 11

3 2



8 32


9 1

1 1





8 12 12 12


8 8 9


9 3

1 1

12-16 28

2 7

4 5,6

2 4 25 25

4 4, 7-11







NEGARIT GAZETA • Establisl1ed • • • • • • • Laws pt1blished therei11 • • Pen, Mi11istry of, pt1blishes






13 5 13 3

NEWS AGENCY, ETIIlOPIAN ••• • • •• •• • Estab]ished • • • • In.formation and Tot1risn1 M.i11istr·1 supervises • • • Pt1rpose and powers • • • •

13 13 13


3 5, 6







1 1 I I 10

1 1 I I


22,24 22,23 66 22,25

I I l

20 21 81




•• •

• ••

• ••





• ••












NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Licences for privately-owned, issued by Mi11istry of Informatio11 and Tourisn1 ... Published by Ministry of Informa:io11 and Tourism... ... ... ... ... ... •••

NOTES. See Currency. OATHS OF FIDELITY TO EMPEROR • •• • • Crown Council • • • • • Crown Pri11ce • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• Mi11isters ••• ••• Parliament • ••• •• Soldiers ... • • • • • ••




• •







•• •




3 31



• ••








•• •




•• •

•• •




•• •



1 I I

OIL AND GAS. See Petro/ei,ni and Petrolei,ni Products. OIL SEEDS . Ethiopian Grain Board st1pervises ... • • • • • Regulations concerning ... ... ... • • • • •

24 24

8 9


OPIUM Import forbidden... ...




l 1 I I

2 2 2 2

7-11 23

OATHS OF OFFICE Council of Regency ••• ••• ••• Emperor Members of Parliament •••


• •






ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNJTY Assemb]y of Heads of State a11d Govern1ne11t Budget . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Charter ... . . . . .. .. . ... • • • • • • • • • Amendment ... ... . .. . .. ... . .. ... •

- cxlviii -




- --


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS ••• ••• I 11ter_pretatio11 ••• ••• • • ••• Ratification ... ... .. . . .. .. . ... ... Registratio11 ,vith U.N. Secretariat ... Co111rnissions... . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . .. • • • Council of Mi11isters ... . . . . . . ... ... • • • GeneraI Secretariat . . . . . . ... . .. ... • • • Languages, official . .. .. . ... .. . . .. • • • Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration Comn1ission ... ... . . . ... . . . ... • • • Membership, qualificatio11 .. . ... . .. ... • • • Cessatio11 .. . ... ... ... . . . ... ... Pt1rposes and princi pies ... . .. . .. ... • • • Rigl1ts and dt1ties of members ... . .. • • • Secretariat perso11nel, privileges a11d in1n1unities ... .. . ... . . . ... ... • • • Secretary Genera]... ... ... . . . . . . ... • • • •

ORTHODOX CI-IURCI-1. See also Missio11:7 Adnlinistration Order ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Clergy, administratio11... • • • • • • • • • • • Ecclesiastical Cot1ncil ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Ge11eral Ma11ager Regulations ... • • • • • • Jurisdiction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Official religion • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• • •• Orga11ization Property, La11ded... • • • • • • • • • • • • ... Restrictions on • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • •••


• ••


• ••

•• •

•• •

•• •



• ••



•• •



•• •













•• •

•• •


Secular administration... Tax payable on lands

OVERTl1\1E. See Labour. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY. See Propert_v. PARDONS Emperor's right to grant • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Granted on occasion of Silver Jubilee Coronation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Petitions for, st1bmitted by Nlinistry of Justice to Emperor ... • • • • • • • • • ......

PARKING REGULATIONS. See Motor Vehicles. PARKS, NATIONAL. See also Forests. Awash National Park ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

- cxlix -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2



1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

7, 19 4 32 2, 3 5,6

I 1

2 2

31 16, I 8

31 31


31 31 1 1 31 1 31 31

4 1


24 26 19-22 7, 12-15 7, 16-18 29

1 3

6 2,3


10 126



1 1 1 1 4 1 3 I














1-5,8 128 4


2,3 2


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS PARLIAMENT. See also C/1an1ber cf' De11uties, Se,1.ate. Bttdget to be approved by . .. ... • • • • • • Chamber of Dept1ties Electoral Proclamatiot1 D"issolvi11g by En1peror ... ... . .. .. . • • • Houses of ... ... ... .. . . .. . .. • _. • · · · Joi11t meetings ... .. . .. . ... ... .. • • • · Legislative procedure ... ... ... ... ... .. • Majority vote required . .. . .. .. . ... ... Meetings open to p11blic . .. . .. ... . . . . .. Men1bers Action agai11st ... ... ... ... ... ... Immunity from cri111i11al cl1a1ges ... ... Qualiticatio11s ... ... . .. ... ... ... Oatl1 of fidelity to En1peror ... ... ... ... ...


I 4 1 I I 1 1 I

1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 1


PASSPORTS Issued by Ministry of Foreig11 Affairs ...





PASTEUR INSTITUTE Employees excl11ded from tern1 ''Public Servant'' ... ... ... ...





PATENT AND TRADE MARKS Register, administered by Mi11ister of Commerce a11d I11dt1stry . .. ...









5 5 5

13 14 12

O Qt1orum

.. . .. .

... ...

.. . ...

. .. . ..

. .. .. .

. .. ...

... ...

. .. .• •

Salaries . . .

.. .

. ..

.. .


... . . .

. ..









• ••



•• •




• ••


Ratificatio11 11eeded for certai11 tretties ... ... •• •

Sessions ... ... • Tern1s of office ... •



•• •


76 76,89,90 86-92 87 78 84 85

96, 100-103

25, 81

33, 79 79,80



33, 77

PEACEFUL PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS. See Public Demo11stratio11s. PEN, MINISTRY OF Established and duties...




•• •


PENAL CODE. See also Cri111.i11al Pro c�cll-1re Code Punishnient. Corrigendun1... • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• Penalties Decree • • • • • • • • • •• • •• Proclamatio11... • • • • • • • • ••• • • •




•• •



• •


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS PENSIONS Co11tributio11s by be11eficiaries ancl go,1 ernn1ent . . . ... .. . ... •••




• ••

8 8

8 6

3,4 42

8 8 8 8 8 8 8

6 6 6 6

6,7 10-14 39 35-38

6 6

4,5 15-25




PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Excise Tax ... .. . ... ... ••• ••• • •• ••• Excise Tax exemptio11s ... ••• • • • •• ••• Exemption regulations ... ••• ••• • •• ••• Price control... .. . .. . ... ••• ••• •• • ••• Transaction Tax Exen1ptio11s ... • • • ••• •••

17 17 17 23 17

6 6

4 6,7


4-6 8

PI-IARMACISTS. See also Dri1ggists, Ilealt/1 Registration a11d lice11si11g ... ••• ••• •••

•• •






30 30 30 30 30 30 ·30

18 18 18 18 18 18 18




18 18 18

11,12,16 72,73





•• •

Gratuities to retired public servants not eligible for pe11sio11s ... ... ••• . . . l11capacity gratuities a11d peosio11s ... ••• • • Pensions t\ppeal Tribt111al . .. .. . ... ••• ••• Public Service Pe11sio11s Co111n1ission ... ... Cl1arter . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ••• ••• Retiren1ent pe11sions: eligibility a11d amo1111t S11rvivors' pensio11s a11d gratt1itt1ies ... ••• •

PER1\1I"fS. See Licences. PERSONAL TAX. See Incon1e Tax. PETITION Rigl1t to present to Emperor ...

•• •


• ••

PHARlVIACOPEIA Adoptio11 of U.S.A. ...

• ••




Pl-IARMACY REGULATIONS ·oruggist shops, permits and st1pervisio11 ... Druggists, registration and licensing .. . ••• Laboratories, Manufacturing, permits ... • • • Medical supplies i.£l!Portation permits ... ••• Medici11al preparations . :. . .. ... ... ••• Pharmacies, permits and supervisio11 .. . ••• Pharmacists, registration and licensing .. . ••• Pharmacy tech11icians, registration and licensing... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ••• !.Q. '. edicine vendors, registration a11d I1cens1�zc,... . ., ..--....... .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. ••• Suspe11sion and revocation-of-lice �-·· • • • -- ,. Wholesalers of medical supplies ... . ..

·- ·-

- cli -



--.. � --. ;._

.. ..

- ,..


- ...


30 30 30


7 7



17,18,47-51 19-22 52-67 13,14,25-39 7



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS Pl-IARMACY TECHNICIANS Registratio11 and Iicensi11g ...







PIGS. See also A11imals, Do,nestic ••• Tax imposed on ...

•• •







3 19





PLANNING. See Economic Developn1ent. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, MINISTRY OF •• Established and d11ties... ... Tech11ical Age11cy supervised by •



• •



•• •

9, 10


PLATINUM. See Gold. POLICE • ••• • • Commissioner, powers Disciplinary actions and trials against Police Officers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enlistme11t a11d discharge of personnel •• • • • ••• • •• ••• Established •• Imperial Territorial Arn1y may as;ist •• Medal, establisl1ed • • • • • • • • • • • Officers, powers and duties of ... • •




12 12 12 10 33 12

I 1 4 6 I

21,22 8-11 3 12

PORTS Supervised by Mi11istry of Comn11n.ications







1 1 1 2 1 1

16,17 45-48 42-44 Cha.p. 7 25,26 20,22,23 49-58

•• •

• ••






POSTAGE STAMPS Sale and use regi.1lated ...

• • •

I • e

••• •

•• •

• • •






•• •

•• •

• ••


••• •••


POSTAL ARTICLES ••• Carriage ••• • •• • •• Delivery •• • • •• ••• Ownership • • • ••• ••• ••• Parcel post •• • •• .. Privacy of • • • • •• .. Prohibited articles • • • • ••• •• Responsibility for loss and pay1ueut of indemnity ... ••• •• •



22 22 22 22 22 22

• ••




POSTAL RATES Currently effective

22 - - -





• ••














• ••

•• •









Postal money order service


.. '.. '.. '

- ,;Iii














Chap. 6


.1-IEADINGS POS'f OFFICE Custo111s collected by • • • • • • Expropriation by ... • • • • • • Organizatio11 a11cl operatio11s Public hours ... • • • • • • • • •

















?? --

l 1 1 1

29-31 10 4:-12 27,28

3 22



34 13-15




3 23 23

1 8 9



23 3

I1 1

l'l 23 23 23

2 7

22 22 22

POSTS, TELEGRAPI-IS AND TELEPI-IONES, MINISTRY OF Established and. d11ties ... . .. .. . ... Po\1/ers and dt1ties of tl1e M.i11ister ... ...

••• •••

POULTRY. See A11i111a/s, Do1nestic. POVERTY. See Vf1elfare. POWER. See Electricit;,. PREMIUIYI BONDS. See Bo11cls, Gove1111ne11t. PRESERVATION OF GAME. See Ga111e. PRESS, FREEDOM OF Provided for ...



• ••

. .. .. . ....


PRICE CONTROL. See also Unfair Tracie Prilctices. Authorized ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... • • • Imported Goods Reg11Iations No.I ... • • • Imported Goods Regulations No.2 .. . • • • Locally Manufactured Goods Regt1lations No. J . • • . .. . • . . •. • • • Locally Manufactured Goods Reg11lations No. 2 ... ... ... ... • • • Ministry of Comn1erce and Industry : fixes ... Mar·ine i11dustries, National Defe11ce Ministry fixes ... . . . ... .. . . .. • • • Petroleum Products ... ... . . . ... . .. • • • Suspension Regulatio11s ... ... ... .. . • • • U11fair Trade Practices Proclan1ation ... • • •

24 (i)

24(i) 29,46



PRIME MINISTER Appointment by Emperor

• •• ••


•• •




•• •

•• •


Chairman, Cou11cil of Ministers • • • • • • .Legislative d11ties ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - cliii -




3 3


1 1 1 1


4 12 72


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADING-S National Defe11ce Cou11cil Men1ber ... Respo11sibility to Emperor ... ... • • Powers a.11d dL1ties ... . .. . .. . .. ••


••• ••• • ••

10 3 3

3 l I

4 3 3,4,11,12,14

1 1

I 1

67 31







3 12 12 12


2 2


32 32 32 32 32 32 32

5 1 10 2 8 12 4

32 32 32

9 Il 3

32 32

7 6



PRINCE Eligible for Crow11, disqualified as Minister· ... Title conferred by Em·peror alo11e ... . .. ... PRINTED MATTER I11formation and Touris1n Ministry supervises PRINTING PRESSES. See also Press, Freedom of lt1formatio11 and Tourism Minister· controls ... PRISONS Controlled by Mit1ister of I11terior Discipline in ... Procla111atio11 ...

•• •



• ••


•• •






• • •

• • •







• • •

3-5 10-12

PRIVATE CHARTERED BODIES Boy Scout Association of Ethiopia ... ... ... Chan1ber of Commerce of Addis Ababa ... Etl1iopia11 Horse Racing Cll1b ... ... ... Ethiopia11 Red Cross Society ... ... ... ... Ethiopian Women's Welfare Association, I11c. Haile Sellassie I Fou11dation ... ... ... ... Imperial Ethio1Jian Aero Cll1b ... ... ... ... In1perial Ethiopian Society for the Protection of Animals ... ... . . . ... Menelik II Memorial Bt1ilding Fu11d . . . ... National Ethiopian Sports Co11federatio11 ... Young Men's Christia11 Association of Ethiopia, co11stitL1tio11 ... ... ... .. . . .. Establishecl ... ... ... ... . .. .. . ... PRIVATE LABOUR EXCHANGES. See also Labour. Licensing by Ministry of National Commt111ity Developme11t and Social Affairs ... ... - cliv -



CONSO.L. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

IIEADINGS PROCEDURES, LEGAL Civil Proceclure Code, IJrocl ai1ned • • • Crimi11al Procedure Code, proclai111ecl Mariti1ne Courts, Civil proceeclings ... Maritime Co11rts, Cri1ni11al .Proceedings




• ••

5 5 11 11

18 11 ., 3








8 (f)






• ••




13-18 19-24

PROFESSIONS TAX. See l11co111e Ta.,Y. PROFITS TAX. See Jr1cu111e Tax. PROPERTY. See also Expropriatio11, La11d Ownersl1ip rights . . . ... . . . ... • • • • • • Registration b)1 M.i11ister of La11d Reform and Administration . . . . .. • • • • • • PROSECUTORS. See Public Proseci1tors. PROSTITUTION Public Healtl1 Rt11es ...







Glzizat, Mektl-Worecla, TelclaJ' Glziazt, Woreda G/1izat.

PROVINCIAL TERRITORIAL ARMY. See J1nperial Territorial Ar1r1J,. PUBLIC COl\tIMERCIAL ROAD TRANSPORT ASSOCIATIONS Creation, registratio11, st1pervisio11 ...






• ••







28 28 28 28 28



PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS Permit requirecl a11d procedt1re ...

PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION Central En1ployment Office established at1d functions • • • • • • • • • • • • Employment Advisory Committees established • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


•• •

•• •




•• •


•• •

•• •







• ••


Establishment of Administration • • • • • • • • • Foreign Nationals En1ployment Regulations - clv -

3 4 2


5 4


_________ ________________CONSOL. L. ETJ-1. CoNsor_10ATEb LAWS OF ETHIOPIA


CITATION Section Title Article


·Notific,1tio11 of, by en1ployers, \Vl1e11 req11ired Objectives a11d activities .. . ... .. . • • • · · · Provi11cial and Local employn1e11t offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • · • · • ••

• ••

•• •

• ••


• ••



• ••





•• •


•• •


• ••

•• •

•• •




• ••

• ••

•• •


•• •

Regulations No. I Reg11lations No. 2

28 28

2 2

13 10,11

28 28 28 28 28

2 3 4 3 4

6 3 3










7 7 I 7 7 7


PUBLIC HEALTH. See Healt/1. PU.BLIC HEALTH, MINISTRY OF • •• • •• • Established and duties ... • • • Powers t1nder Malaria Eradication Service •• •• • • Order ... ... ... ••



• ••

•• •


•• •




•• •



PUBLIC PROSECUTORS. See also Coi,rts; Judges, Justice, Ministry of

Appointed by En1peror J't1stice Minister directs • Powers Proclan1atio11 Qualifications Registratio11 • • • •• •



• ••

• ••

•• •



• ••

•• •

• ••



•• •



• ••

•• •



• ••


•• •





•• •



• •

•• •

• ••



•• •




• ••







5 3 5 5 5 5


32 6,7


4 12



3 3 5 2


PUBLIC RIGHTS. See Civil Rights. PUBLIC SECURITY. See Ar111ed Forces; Jr1terior, Ministry of; Natio11al Defence; .Police.

PUBLIC SER''ANTS. See also Ce11tral Persor1nel Agency, Pensio11s.

Contributio11s to Public Service Pe11sio11s •• Fund ••• • ••• •• ••• •• • Defined • •• • •• •• •••








• ••

• ••





Equal pay for me11 and won1e11 • • • Excl11sions fron1 tern1 ''P11blic Servant'' Djscipline of ... • •• •• •• .• • • ••





••• ••• • ••

8 8 8 8 8 8




CONSOL. L. ETI-I. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article




• ••

Oatl1 of loyalty to Emperor Pensions ... • • • • • • • • • . .. Public Service Regulations Public Service Tribl1nal • • •




• ••



. ..


•• •


• ••


•• •


•• •


•• •




8 8 8 8 8

3 2

87-97 17

3 3


8 8 8 8 8

2 3


Recruited and selected by Central Personnel Agency... •••



•• •


•• •

• ••


• ••


• ••

Register , kept by Ce11tral Perso11nel Agency ... Retirement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••




• ••




2 2

9 8-14 10 25

3 20

1 I

22 3

1 1 1

1 1 1

54 60 57

1 10

59 43


1 2 15 1 1



30 30

6 6



PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. See Ce11cral Perso1111el Age11cy. PUBLIC SERVICE PENSIONS. See Pensions PUBLIC SERVICE TRIBUNAL. See P1.1hlic Serva11ts PUBLIC \VORKS, MINISTRY OF Established a11d powers ... . .. • • • • • • • • • Responsibility for Government con;trt1ctio11 Pill'l"JSHl\tlENT After co11viction 011ly • • • • • • • • • • • • Co11fiscatio11 limited to treaso11 cases Cruel and inhu1na11, forbidden ... • • •


•• •




• ••

Death sentence, En1peror's Co11firmalioo required ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Passed on 1nen1bers of Armed Forces • • • Flogging autl1orized • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Only by Jaw i11 existe11ce at time of conviction Twice for same offe11ce prohibited • • • • • • • • •

5 1

2 55 56

RABIES Control rt1les




• ••

• ••


•• •

QUARANTINE Authorized places of entry declarec ... Rt1les issued ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - clv.i -


•• •



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

1-IEADINGS RADIO. See also Broad casting Service: Ethiopian; Television.

Lice11sing of privately-owned by Ministry of Information and Tot1rism . .. .. . .. . Manageme11t of Governme11t-owne ,i by Ministry of Informatio11 and Tourism ...



20 (g)



20 (f)



19 (b)








•• •







•• •

30 30

4 10


•• •






2,9, 11

5 5 21 21

4 4 2 3

4,8 2 3-7


Control of by Ministry of Comn1unications ... RATES. See also Taxation. Water






•• •



RAW RUBBER. See Rubber. REAL PROPERTY. See Land, Properiy. RED CROSS SOCIETY, ETHIOPIAN • • ••• ••• Cl1arter ... . . . ... • Employees excluded from term :'P11blic Serva11t'' • ... • • • • • ••




Disposal... .. . . .. . .. ... .. . ... M11nicipal Public Health Rt1les ...



Inalienable ...





• ••

REGENCY. See also Cou11cil of Rege11cy.

Provided for ...









• ••







• ••




• ••


REGIE. See Tobacco. R.EGISTRATION •• Advocates • • • •• Removal from Register Aircraft • • • • • • • • • • ••• •••






•• •

- clviii



WORD lNDEX CONSOL. L. ETI-1. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article




•• •

•• •


•• •


•• •




•• •



• ••


•• •



•• •



•• •




•• •

• ••


•• •

•• •



Associatio11s .. . ... . . . ... • • • Birtl1s, deaths a11d n1arriages .. . Births, cleatl1s and marriages of In1perial Fan1ily . .. ... • • • Bt1si11ess enterprises ... ... • • • •••

• ••


Candidates for Chamber of Deputies ... ... ... ... • • • Co-operative Societies Dr11ggists a11d druggists shops... ... • • • Employers associatio11s .. . ... ... • • • •••

e • •

• a•

••• •• • ••

•• •




•• •


•• •



• ••



•• •

• ••

a O e

Ie e


e • •



•• •


•• •





• ••

•• •







Flot1r mills ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Foreign con1panies . . . . .. ... • • • Foreig11ers ... ... ... ... ... • • • In1perial Orders and decoratio11s ... J ot1r11alists . . . . .. . . . . .. ... • • • Laboratories, 111a11t1fa.ct11ri11g ... • • • Labo11r unio11s .. . . .. ... ... • • • 0 • a


I • a

La 11d . .. .. . . . . ... . .. • • • Medical practitio11ers .. . . . . • • • Motor Vel1icles a11d Trailers ...


... • • • Pate11ts and tradeinarks . . . ... ... .. . • • • Phar111acists and Phar111acy technicians ... • • • Property of the I1n1)erial Court ... ... • • • Public Co1111nercial Road Tra11sport Associations . . . . . . ... . .. ... ... • • • Public l1ealtl1 i11stit11tio11s, privately operated... .. . ... . .. ... ... . .. • • • .P11blic healtl1 J)erson11el ... ... .. . ... • • • P11blic Prosect1tors ... ... ... ... ... • • • Rt1ral Medici11e ve11dors ... . . . . .. ... • • • Ships a11d marine ind11stries ... ... ... • • • Voters in Chamber of Dep11ties elections ...

3 5 10 I


12 12 3


3 3



23 4





28 3

18 I 6 7 2 2 1 1 18 1 6 l



3 28


23 9 3 3

30 3






21 3

2 26 (g) 31 (b)


17 8-11 8, 15,40-46 16 (c) 21 3 3 11 31 (d) 20 (j) 17,18,47-51 16 (c) 21 18 (f) 7

5,6,23 27-41

24 (d)



1 18 I





1 1

17 (d) 17 (f) 12 11,12,16 7 10, 11




30 11 4




2 1

7,9,10 30 (c)

·RELIGION. See also Missions, Ortl1oclox Chi.frc/1. Freedom of ... Official ... ...




•• •




•• •


• ••







40 126



Foreign nationals, when reqt1ired ...


- clix -

• ••



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS RETIREMENT. See Pensions, Public Serva,11.Y REVENUE. See also Ci1ston1s, Income Tax, Taxation. Expenditl1re ... • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • Eritrea, Federal Revenue Proclamation extended to • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . • • • • • • • Minister of Finance, duties regardi:1g • • • '





2 3

7 1


24 24

17 17

3 6,8



11, 12,16

17 17 17 17

13 14 13 14









23 (b)



23 (c)

RIGHTS. See Civil Rights. ROADS. See Imperial Highway Authority, Motor Vehicles, Trc1nsport.

RUBBER Raw Rubber (Prodt1ction) Organizc:tion, established ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... Objects and po\vers ... . .. ... ... RURAL MEDICINE VENDORS Registration and lice11sing ...

• ••

•• •


• •• •••


SAFETY ON HIGHWAYS. See Motor Vehicles, Tra11sport SALT TAX Exe1nptions

Imposition Regulations



• ••




•• •







•• •






.. . .. . .. . .. .


.. .


SANITATION. See also Health. M11nicipal R11Ies ... • • • • • •

• ••






•• •





8,9 2

SAVING BONDS. See Bo11ds, SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS. See Banl,s arid Financial Institurions, Imperial Savi11gs and Ho1ne Owners/1.ip Pi,blic Association SCHOOLS. See also Eclilcation Ag·ricultural, s11pervised by Mi 11istry of Agriculture . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. Government, operated by Mi11istry of Education and Fine Arts .. . . .. ... ... ... Prcivate, licensed by Ministry of Educatio11 and Fi11e Arts ... ... ... . .. . .. . ..

- clx -


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS SCOUTS Boy Scot1t Association of Etl1iopia . . . ...








111 e111ergency area borderi11g So111a)i ;1 ...


10 1

7 1

10 61

1 1 1 1 4 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 1 1

101,102 107 103 105

25 15

1 1

2 4



16 16

1 6

SCRAP IRON. See also Jv/etals Board Cl1arter ...

•• •

•• •


•• •

S.EARCH AND SEIZURE Unla\vft1l, 1)roJ1ibited ... ... . .. ... ...


SECURITY. See Ar111ed Forces; J11terior, lvfi11istry of Natio11al Deferzce; Police.

SENATE. See also Parlia111e11t. Members, appointed by Emperor Officers, appoi11ted by En1peror • •• ••• ••• ••• Qt1alifications Reappointment • • • • • • • • • • • • Salary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• ••• Terms of Office Vaca.ncies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I •••

•• •



• ••


•• •

• ••


• ••

•• •

• ••








• ••



101,104 ·)06

SEQUESTRATION. See ExJJl'OJJriatio11. SEVERANCE PAY. See Lc1bot1r. SEWAGE. See Water.

SHEEP. See A11imals, Do,nestic. SHIPPING. See Marine Indi,stry. SILVER. See also Gold. Export prohibited ... . .. ... • • • • • • Maria Theresa Dollars as bullion .. . . ..

•• • •• •

SLAVERY Abolition





• I








SMUGGLING Control ... • • • • • • • • • Control in aircraft ...








• ••


• ••

- cl,:i -



CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS SOCIAL AFFAffiS. See National Commuriity Developme11t a11d Social Affairs, Miriistry of SOCIE1'1ES. See P,·ivate C/1artered Bodies. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS. See I,nperial Et/1iopian Society for t/1e Protection of A11imals. SOLDIERS. See Ar111ecl Forces, I,nperial Army, I1nperial Et/1iopian Coast G·uard, Imperial Territorial Arm.y SOMALIA, REGION BORDERING •

•• Administrative At1thority Ill Deli1nitation of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Regulations governing... • • • • • • • • • • • Prohibited area: delimitation a11d status ... • State of Emergency Ill • • • • • • • • • • • •••



• •


••• ••• •••

10 10 IO

10 10

7 7 7 7 6

14, 16

3 7-11


SOVEREIGN. See E1nperor. SOVEREIGNTY Vested i11 Emperor ...


• ••

•• •

• ••

















• ••




3 l

I 1

31 33

21 21 21

9 9 9

7 6 8

SPEECH, FREEDOM, OF Provided for ...



SPEECH FROM THE THRONE Minister of Pen n1ay read ... Provided for ... . . . ... • • •

SPEED LIMITS. See also Motor Vehicles, Transport. Municipal • • • ••• Ot1tside Municipal Bot1ndaries Special • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••



•• •

• ••



•• •





• •


SPORTS CONFEDERATION, NATIONAL ETHIOPIAN. See National Et/1.iopia11 SJJorts Confederation. - clxii •·-

\VORD [NDEX CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article


Instrt1n1e11ts (Docun1ents) cl1argeable with ... Regt1lations ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

17 17

15 16











5 5



1 3 1







ST1\l\rIPS. See Postc1ge Stamps. STANDARD TIME





• ••

•• •

• ••



STATE DOl\tIAIN. See also Co11servatio11, Forests.

Defi11ed . . . .. . ... ... . . . . .. ... ... . ..



Tobacco, matches and pocket lighte1s ...



STATE OF EMERGENCY. See S0111alia, Regio11 Bordering. STRIKE. See Labour, Laboitr Unior1s. SUCCESSION TO THE THRONE

Provided for ...


. .. ...




•• •

• ••


.. .

. ..




SUITS. See Actions. SUNDAY

Pt1blic holiday ...

• ••







•• •






• ••

• ••









• ••





SURVEYS, LAND. See also Land.

Ministry of Land Reform and Adm.inistration d.utie-s . . . . .. .. . ... ... ... ... • •.

TALLA Home made, excluded from alcohol ;!Xcise tax

- cl,.iii -





CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS TAXATION. See also CaJJital Jnvest111en�, Cus·toms, Fees, J11co1ne Tax, Transaction Tax. Alcohol Excise Tax . . . .. . ... .. . ... . • • Cattle Tax . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . • Cattle Tax Assessrne11t Regulatio11s .. . .. . . .. Coffee Cess (Tax) Regulations . .. . . ... . .. Coffee Surtax Reg11lations . . . .. . .. . .. . ... Ed11cational Tax . .. ... .. . . . . ... . .. .. . Excise Tax . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . .. . . . . Federal Reven11e Proclarnatio11 ... . . .. . . .. Finance Minister collects . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . Health Tax . .. . .. . . . .. . ... ... ... ... Imposed a11d exempted 011ly by law ... . . . . .. Income Tax Proclamation .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . Income Tax Regulatio11s . . . ... .. . . .. . . . Land Tax Proclamation .. . . .. ... ... ... Land Tax Regulatio11s . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Modifications by Agricultural a11d Industrial Expansion Proclamatio11 . . . . .. M11nicipal . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. Petroleum Products and Lubrica11ts excise tax Petroleum Products a11d L11brica1ts excise tax exemptions . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . Salt Tax Proclamation .. . . . . ... .. . . . . Salt Tax Regulations ... . . . . .. ... ... . .. Stan1p D11ty Decree . . . . .. . . . ... ... . . . Stamp Duty Regulations ... ... ... . . . . .. Tobacco, cigarette paper, matches, pocket lighters .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transaction Taxes Proclamatio11 . . . . . .. . Transaction Taxes Reg11Iatio11s . . ... . ..

17 17 17 16 16

17 17 2

5 1 ?-

13 12 3 4


17 17 17 17

I 8 1 9 10 11 12




17 1

29 113

2,6 7,11

7 17

1 6

17 17 17 17 17

7 13 14 15 16

23 17 17

14 17 18








5 5 6

I 10

TECHNICAL AGENCY Established, powers, and d11ties ...



TEJ Home made, excl11ded fro111 alcohol excise t,1x TEKLAY GIIlZAT See also Awrajcz G/1:zat, Woreda Ghizat. Co11rts Council


•• •















• ••


. .. . .. . ..

cb:iv ,

• ••


•• •





2,4-18 3,4,7,8,l 23-28


CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Section Title Article

llEADINGS Cl1airma11ship ... ••• ••• . .. ••• ••• DecisioL1s reportecl to ivii11ister of I11terior Meeti1 1gs • •• •• • ••• . .. ••• ••• ••• Me1nbers ... ••• ••• • • . .. ••• • • • Voting ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• . .. ••• ••• Director ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• . .. ••• ••• Appointee} by • En1peror ••• . .. ••• ••• • B11dget superv1s1on ••• • • • ••• • •• ••• Gover11or-Ge11eral ••• . .. . . • •• •• • ••• Appointed by E1nperor ••• •• ••• •• A\vraja Ghizat inspectio11s by •• ••• ••• B11dget res1Jo11sibilities ... ••• •• ••• ••• J11cl icial f 1111ctio11s ... ••• ••• •• ••• ••• 1v1ilitary forces respo11sibilities ... ••• ••• •


Po,vers ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• •• Reports to Minister of Intericr Restrictions on • •• ••• ••• •• • S11pervises governme11t e1nplo)1ees Tax respo11sibility ... •••. ••• . .. l11terior Mi11ister's d11ties 111 ••• . . Military forces ••• •• ••• ••• . .. •• • ••• ••• •• • . .. Determi1Jed by Emperor ••• ... Governor-General may call llJ. Police ••• • •• • • • ••• ••• • • • . . ' Principal Secretary ••• • • • •• • ... Appointed by E1nperor •• • ••• Letters a11d Arc11ives ••• ••• ... Salaries ••• ••• •• • • • • ••• ••• . .. •



•• •

• ••


• ••

• ••

. ..



• ••



• ••





• ••

• ••




6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

I l

1 1 1

l 1

I I I 1

I I 1

4 1 1 l l

I l I

4 1

25,28 27 23,24 25 26 29-31 29 5,9,25,28,3.l 1-22 1 18 22 IO, 12,8l 87 5


2,8 2,7,11, 19,20 9, 13-15 6 1,3,5,8,9 84-87


84 87 16,17 32-35 32 33 7

4 4 4 4

8-14,19,21,22 1 7 3' 5-7

• ••

22 22 22 22 -'J? 22











• ••





•• •











TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Il\1PERIA1 BOARD OF. Board of Directors ••• ••• ••• •• Established ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ... Expropr iation by ... • • • • • • ••• ... .. . ••• ••• Powers and p11rposes ... • • Rights while maintaining service . .. Telep]1one possessio11 m11st be declared

6 6 6

I 1

1 1 I


TEI�EVISION. See also Broadcasti11g Service, Ethiopian; Raclio.

Broadcasting facilities operated by Ethiopian Broadcasting Servic� ... - clxv -

____ _____________________ __ _ CONSOL. L. ETH. CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETHJOPJA



CITATION Section Title Article

J...;ice11si11g of privately owned stations by Mi11istry of I11fo1·111a,tio11 a[d To11rism Ma11age111e11t of Governn1e11t-owned statio11s by Mi11istry of Info1·111ation ard Tourism



20 (g)



20 (f)

11 11 11

2 4





TERRITORIAL ARMY. See l111perial Territorial Ar1n_1;. TERRITORIAL WATERS. See also Boi111daries of tl1e E111pire. Defence by Mi11ister of Natio11al .. • Defence ... • • • ••





• ••


•• •

• ••


• ••




•• •

.. ' ..


• •

• •





• ••



New sta.ndard time adopted ... . ..





• ••






')" ,_,.)



23 23

14 14

3 12-14

23 23 ·23

15 14 16


• • ••• • Defi11ed • • •• • • • Transport 011, S11pervised by Co1n1n11nications ••• • • • •• • • Minister •







"'.),), -61 '


TITLES. See also Medals, Pri11ce. Awarded by Emperor ...


•• •

• ••

TOBACCO Monopoly Board, 1nembers and dlrt:ies • State n1onopoly of tobacco, 111,ttc]1�s and pocket lighters established ... ••• Taxes 011 monopolized items ••• Tobacco Growi11g a11d Leaf P11rcl1asing Regi1lations . .. . . . ... ... ... ... Tobacco Regie Proclan1ation ••• Tobacco Regie Regulations • •• ••


• ••





• ••

• •• •••


. .. �





Wo1m lNDEx CONSOL. L. ETI-1. CITATION Section Title Article

IIEADINGS 1'0URIS1VI Etl1iopia11 Tot1rist Orga11izatio11 Order I-Iealtl1 Iimitatio11 on enteri11g 11ersons Promotio11 of ••• ••• . .. • • • • • •

19 30












Ado1in.istrator, appoi11ted b)' En11)eror • • • • • • Established • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l11for111ation a11d Tot1risn1 Minister supervises Po\vers • • • • • • . .. • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • • •

19 19 19 19

5 5 5 5

2 6-8 5


1 1

71,73,74,76,77 3,7,8,10,11






6 1



'fO\\'N OFFICERS. See also Kc111tibc1s. Appoi11tn1ent a11d dt1ties

• ••

•• •

•• •

.. •




•• •

•• •




•• •



•• •





6 26







TOWNS. See also M1111icipc1/ities.

Named . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. Plan11ing by Ministry of Interior

TRADE. See Bi1si11esses, C!1a1r1ber of CQ1nn1erce, Co111111erce a11cl I11cli1stry, Export, i111port, labo1.J1', U,ifair Trade Practices.

TRADE EXl-IIBITIONS Com1nerce a11d l11d11stry Minister org1nizes . . . TRADE MARKS Registered by Comn1erce a11d Indt1st�y .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Minister


TRADERS. See Bitsinesses TRAFFIC RULES. See Motor Veliicles. TRAILERS. See a]so Trc111s1Jort. Motor Vehicle a11cl Trailer (Iden:ificatio11, Registration and lt1spection) . ._ Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 21

- c.Ixvii -

8 ..




Section Title

TRANSACTION TAX. See also Ta.-x:a1ior1 •• • • •• Constructio11 work • ••



•• •

•• •

•• • Exemptions • • • • • Imported and exported goods ... • Exen1ptio11s • • • • • • • • Locall y mant1factured goods • • •• •


Exemptio11s Turnover tax Exemptio11s









•• •

•• •









•• •

• ••


• • •




•• •


• ••





• ••

•• •





•• •

• ••

• ••











•• •

• ••

•• •





TRANSIT FEES. See Fees. TRANSPORT. See also Aviatio11, Motor Ve/1icles Civil Aviation Decree... . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. Civil Aviati on Order . .. ... . . . ... . . . ... Civil A viatio11 Regulatio11s . .. ... . .. . .. Commercial road transport regulrted ... ... Communications Minister's duties ... ... ... Motor Vehicle and Trailer (Identification, Registration and Inspection) Regt1latio11s Motor Vehicle Operators (Licence} Regulations ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... Public Works Mi11ister's d11ties ... ... ... ... Road Transport Administration Order· ... ... Road Tra11sport Board ... .. . ... ... ... Road Tr,Lvel and Tra11sport Proclamatio11 ... Road Travel (Confirmation of Validity) Reg11lations ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... Road Travel (Delegatio11 of Authority) Regulations ... ... . .. ... .. . ... ... Shipping... ... . . . .. . ... . . . ... ... . .. Speed limit regulations ... .. . ... .. . . .. Transport (Amendment) Regulati1)ns ... ... Vehicle Size and Weight Reg11lations ... ... TRAVEL. See also Toi1risn1. Freedon1 gi.1aranteed ...





17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

21 21 21



17 17 18


18 18

17 18

17 18


23-25,27-30 27-33 26 5,6 5,6 9-15 9-15


16,17 16-18,21,26 18 19,20

2 1


21 3

4 1



21 3 21

IO 1





11 21 21 21

11 4 9 6 5









21 21

4 4


22 5,6


TREASURY BILLS. See Bor1ds, Goveri1n1.e11t. TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS. See also Appendix V, Consol. L. Eth. Affecting territory of Empire req11ire parliament's co11se11t ... ... ...


- clxviii -


CONSOL. L. ETI-1. CI'fATION Section Title Article

HEADINGS A1Jprovi11g Orga11izatio11 of African Unity Cl1arter • • . . . ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• Kept by Nfinister of Pe11 ... ••• •• • ••• Negotiated by Mi11ister of Foreig11 f\ffairs Ratified by En1peror ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• •

••• ••• ••• •••

1 3 3 1




".) 23

I 6 6 6

24 4 3 (11) 5




1 I


28 30

TRIALS. See Civil Rigl1ts, Coi,rts.

TRINITY MONASTERY Employees exclt1ded from tern1 ''Pt1blic Servant'' .. . ... ...

• ••



TURNOVER TAX. See Trar1sactio11 Tax. UNEMPLOYMENT. See J,Jle/fare. UNESCO. See 1\Tatior1al Co111n1issio11 for UNESCO. . PRACTICES. See Labour. UNFAIR LABOUR UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES. See aJso Price Co11trol.

Commerce a11d lnd11stry Minister's dt1ties ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• •••






• •• •


• •• ••

Defi11ed ... ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• • • • • •• ••• Hoarding forbidde11 ••• ••• •• • ••• • •• ••• Petrolet1m Products Price Co11trol ••• ••• ••• Price co11trol, a11thorized ••• • •• • • ••• ••• Price Control (Imported Goods) • •• ••• ••• ••• • •• Regt1Iations No. 1 Price Control (In1ported Goods) Reg11Iations No. 2 • • • ••• ••• ••• . .. · Price Co11trol (Locall)' Manufact11rec. Goods) • •• • •• • •• ••• • •• Reg11lations No. 1 Price Control (Locally Man t1factt1red Goods) Reg11lations No. 2 ••• • • • ••• ••• • •• Price Control S11spensio11 Regulatio11� ••• ••• U11fair Trade Practices Proclamatio11 ••• ••• •

UNIFORMS, MILITARY Wearing and cleali11gs in regttlated


University, Unii•ersity of As111ara. Haile Selassie I University Charter ... . .. University of AsnJara Cl1arter . .. ... ...




23 23 23 23








23 23








29 29


U'NIVE.RSITIES. See also 1/ai/e Selassie I

- clxix -





CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article


Acade111ic Co111n1issio11 s • • An1end111e11t to cl1arter • • • • • •• Board of Gover11ors • • Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor • • • • • Congregatio11 ''Piae Matres Nigritiae'' Deans • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Disciplinary action • • • • • • • • • Faculty Co11ncil • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lang11ages • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• Powers and purposes ... President, Vice-Presidents ... • • • • President's Council • • • • • • • • • • Teachi11g staff ql1alificatio11s • • • •

•• •


• ••

•• •



•• •


• • •

• •


• ••





•• •


•• •


•• •













• • •


29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



7(2),15 22 7(2),13 7(1),8,9 2,9 7(1),12 20 7(2),14 18


7(1),10,1 l 7(2), 16 19

UNLAWFUL GAMING. See Gamir1g. VACCINATIONS. See also Health. Cattle . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Municipal Pt1blic Health R11les ... ... ... Va.cci11atio11s a11d disi11festation autl1orized ... ••• •••

30 30




3 24



3 3

1 I

31 (b) 26

7 7 4 7

3 4 I 1

10,14,19 21-27,30 20-24 3



VEHICLES. See Motor Ve/1icles. VENERAL DISEASES. See also flealt/1

Rules iss11ed ...








VETERINARY SER\'ICES. See also A11in1als, Do,11.estic.

Established a11d. 01)erated by Mi11istry of Agrict1ltt1re • • • Officers, powers • • • • ••• •••


• ••




• •

•• •

•• •

•• •





Imperial Family ... . .. Interior Mi11istry records




















• • •

VOTING A wraja Cou11cils ...









Chamber of Depu.ties elections Ml1nicipal Co11ncils electiot1s •••



WoRD INDEX CONSOL. L. ETl-1. CITATION Section Title Article

1-IEADINGS Qt1alificatio11s for voting i11 Cl1amber of Dept1ties electio11s . . . . . . . .. •••

•• •

•• •


•• •


• ••

WAR Declaratio11, by E111peror \Vitl1 Parlia111e11t's co11se11t ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



1 1

95 8




WAREI-IOUSES. See also Custo111s Regulatio11s ... • • • • • • • • • • • •






\VARRANT Required for arrest

•• •






30 7

8 2


3 7 30

1 2 8









3 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

1 20

32 32

8 12




WATER M1111icipal Pt1blic Healtl1 Rules issued . . . ... R,1tes .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. Reso11rces, develop111ent by Ministr)' of Public Wor·ks . . . . . . . . . ... .. . ... ... ... Rt1les issued . .. . . . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . .. Se,¥age- .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. ... . .. . .. WATER AUTI-IORITY Dttties a11d powers ...



• ••

•• •

• ••

WATERWAYS Inland, controlled by Mi11ister of T11terior ... Territorial, co11trolled by Mi11ister of Natio11al Defe11ce. .. .. . ... ... ... • • • WEIGi-ITS AND MEASURES Commerce a11d Tndt1stry Minister controls Fees for i11spection • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inspectorate, established a11d dt1ties • • • .Metric system to be t1sed • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• Proclan1ation Regulatio11s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• Verification procedures •

• ••


• ••


WELFARE Ethiopian Wome11 's Welfare Association, Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Haile Selassie I Fot1ndation ... ... . .. - clxxi -

••• ••• ••• ••• ••

••• • •• •••

• •• •


22 5,6

24 15,Sched.l

19 19 19



7,9,10 6-14

20 20


CoNsotibA'rEI) LAws OF


.---------------------------------CONSOL. L. ETH. CITATION Sectio11 Title Article

HEADINGS Mt111icipal i11stitt1tio11s... .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. ·u11employn1e11t, Social welfare controlled by Mi11ister of National Co1nmt111ity Deve­ lop111e11t a11d Social Affairs ... ... ...

WELLS. See also Water. Closing authorized ...







WIRELESS. See Radio. WOMEN'S WELFARE ASSOCIATION, INC., ETHIOPIAN Charter .. . ... . .. ... ... . .. .. . • • • • Employees excluded from tern1 • •• ''Pt1b]ic Servant'' ... ... ... .. . •


WOREDA GHIZA1' ... • • • • • •• • Admi11istratio11 .. . ••• • •• • Cattle Tax 111 • .. . • • •• ••• Courts • ... • • • • • • •• • Governor Ap1Jointed by Emperor • • • •• • • • • • • • Judicial Ft1nctio11s • • • • •• • • • • • • • Respo11sibilities to gover11or of Awraja Gl1izat .. . • •• Restrictio11s on ••• Supervises gover11n1ent e1nployees • Woreda Ghizat inspectio11 ... .. . ••• •• • .. . •• ••• •• • •• Police •• .. . • • • Pri11cipal Secretary •

• ••

•• •



























WORKING HOURS Customs Working Hours Regt1lations ... Gover11ment Offices . . . .. . . . . ... • • •

•• •

WORK PERMITS Foreig11 natio11als required




• ••

•• •

.. . ••• ". Procedure for foreig11 11atio11als . . . • ••

















6 6

1 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1

16 8

11 1

28 28 28

2 5-



8 32

5 6

17 5 6 6 6 6 6 6




YOUNG MEN'S CI-IRISrfIAN ASSOCIA1 ION OF ETHIOPIA Constitutio11 ... ... ... . . . ... .. . • • • • • Employees exclt1ded from ten11 ''Public Servant'' ... .. . ... . •• Establjshed ... ... ... .. . ... " . • • • • • •




57-70 5 3,4,7,8,11 57-61 .63-70 57 66 58,61,64,69 59,70 65 69 67,68 62,63

15,17 9-14,16


I. INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS Page xlii, 6tl1 paragraph, line 4: Read "Co,zsolidated Laws'' Page xlii, last line : Read ''CLIFF F. THO:WIPSON''. Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page P . age Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

II. TEXT OF THE LAWS 11, Noles of Decisions, line 11: Read ''P'' 34, l1ztroductory Foot11ote, line 2: Read "O". Read also "0'' all the abbreviations for Order a1Jpearing hereafter in the Consolidated Laws 44, Co11solidatiorz Note, line 5: Read "2 Co11sol. L. Eth. 5" 50, Art. 2 (11): Read ''J 5 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 6-9'' 50, Art. 2 (i): Delete "32 Consol. L. Eth. 13'' 50, Cross Refererice, line 2: Read ''23 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 5" 57, Art. 19 (a), line 1: Read "21 Consol. L. Etlz. 13'' 58, Art. 19 Co11solidatio11 JVote, line 8: Read "21 Consol. L. Et/1 . I 3" 86, Running Head: Read ''4-1, 2'' 88, Art. 2 (F), line 4: ''Mektil'' 99, Co11solidation Note, line 4: Read ''to Practise'' 116, Co11solidation Note, line 3: Read ''mektil'' 117, Heading, line 4: Read ''E1nperor of'' 119 (d), Part B, Line 2: Read ''Articles'' 119 (e), Art. 3, line 2: Read ''Tre'' 120, l11trodi1ctory Footrzote, 5th paragraph, line 4: Read "}1ave been made'' 125, Art. 1. line 1: R.ead ''of'' 130, Part 74 (h), line 1: Delete ''21 Consol. L. Eth. 4'' 131, Parts 78-80, line 7 : Read ''5 Consol. L. Eth. 10'' 134, Art. 1, line 1 : Read ''Proclamation'' 140, 5/3 (1945) 2.91, Title: All capital letters 143, 25/9B (1966) 0. 43, Title: All cap.ital letters 134, Art. 3, line 2: Read ''Regulations'' 148, Art. 13 (I), line 5: Read ''in'' 152, Art. 33 (1) (a), line 2: Read ''a quorum'' 164, 26 /3 (1966) L. 322, Title: All capital letters. 214, Art. 109, line 1: Read ''other than'' 217, Art. 4 (6), line 2: Read ''Screen Visitors'' 233, Art. 2(d), line 4: Read ''other'' 238, Art. 3 (4), line 3: Read ''consulate'' 245, Art. 17 (3), line 10: Read ''punishable'' 245, Art. 17 (5) (a), line 1 : Read ''interferes''· 260, Art. 53, line 8: Read ''Tasks'' 263, Art. 3 (b), line 2: Read ''maderia'' 267, Art. 4 (7), line 2: Read ''one star'' 281, Art. 2, Cross Reference: Read ''5 Consol. L. Eth. 6'' 289, Art. 67, Cross Reference: Read ''5 Consol. L. Eth. 6'' clxxiji


Page 293, Art. 7. line 10 : Read ''mo�e'' Page 306, ill (14), line 2: Read ''to whom'' Page 337, Running Headi11g: Read ' INFORMATION AND CENSORSIDP'' 1

Page 339, Running I-leading: Read "INFORMATION AND CENSORSHIP'' Page 351, Art. 19, line 4: Read ''department'' Page 385. Art. 17 (a), line 2: Read ,:customs dues'' Page 401, A.rt. 162, line 1: Read ''based'' Page 457, Art. 2, line 8: Read ''Ad'\'alorem'' Page 496, Art. 12 (a), line 1: Read i'it'' Page 575, Art. 8, Cross Reference: Read ''17 Consol. L. Eth. 6''

Page 579. Atr. 19, Cross Reference: Read �,17 Consol. L. Eth. �, Page 591, Art. 2 (7), line 4 : ''or' Page 591, Art. 3 (g), line 1: Read ''�remium'' Page 599, Art. 6, Cross Reference: Read ''22/20 (1963) P. 206, ''15 Consol. L. Eth. 4''. Page 606, Art. 4 (g) line 1: Read ''a·1thorize'' Page 612, Art. 4, Consolidatio11 Note, line 2: Read ''3 Consol. L. Et/1..l-2 (33)'' Page Page Page Page

615, 623, 625, 641,

Cross Reference, line 1: R!ad ''16 /Ex. 1 (1957)'' Art. 6 (4), line 10: Read "four hours'' Art. 11 (2), line 2: Read "incinerated'' Art. 2, line 2 : Read ''eleswhere''

Page 651, Art. IO, line I : Read ''hereunder'' Page 654, Art. 3 Cross Reference: Read ''21 Consol. L. Eth. 13'' Page 661. Art. 20, line 2: Read ''demonstrated'' Page Page Page Page Page

668, 688, 689, 747, 752,

Introductory Footnote, line 1: Read ''and'' Art. 52, line 5: Read ''removed'' Art. 55, line 1: Read ''intended'' Art. 5 (c), line I: Read ''ministries'' Art. 10, line 2: Read ''ope1ations''

Page 753, Art. 15 (d), line 1: Read "despatch'' Page 782, Consolidation Note, line 1: Read '' ... Art. 2;'' Page 783, Consolidation Note, line 1: Read '' ... Art. 20 (c);'' Page 787, Introductory Footnote, line 1: Read ''included'' clKxiv


Page Page Page Page Page Page

793, 799, 881, 812, 814, 815, 818, 820, 832, 853, 866, 904, 908, 917, 922, 928, 930, 933, 936, 937,

Art. 6, line I: Read "customs'' Art. 9 (b ), line 2: Read "retailers'' Art. 1, line 2: Read ''The Board''

Co11solidatiorz Note, line I: Read '' ... Art. 2;" Art. 3 (c), line 2: Read ''pieces'' Art. 4 (I), line 2: Read ''The Board'' Consoliclatiorz Note, line l: Read '' ... Sched. C. 1-\rt. 4 (a)'' Page Art. 7 (a), line 2: Read ''customs'' Page Art. 3-8: Read "24 Consol. L. Eth. 2-2'' Page Page Art. 4 (a), line 3: Read '' ... ; however," Art. 7, line 4: Read ''consignment'' Page Page Art. 8 (e), line 4: Read ''threatened'' Art. 8 (d), line 3: Read ''hereunder'' Page Art. 5, Cross Reference: Read ''25 Consol. L. Eth¡. 10'' Page Art. 4, line I: Read ''operating'' Page preample, line 3: Read ''Co11solidation" Page Art. 24, line 1: Read ''ordinary'' Page Art. 8 (1), line 2: Read ''promoters'' Page Art. 21 (1), line 3: Read ''deceased'' Page Art. 23, line 2: Read ''constitution'' Page Page 937, Art. 23, line 3: Read ''delegates'' Page 956, Art. 31 (1), line 1: Read ''...may. if' Page 962, Art. 10, line 2: Read ''persons'' Page 963, Art. 12 (b). line 1 and 2: Read ''... occupation by'' Page 965. Art. 17. lines 2 and 3: Read ''...accordance with'' Page 980, Note of Decision, line 8: Read ''Board'' Page 980, Art. 19, Consoliclation Note: Read ''23/3 (1963) P. 210'' Page 1000, Art. 12, line 5: Read ''insurance'' Page 1011-1012, Art. 3 (e), line 4: Read ''appurtenances'' Page 1027, Art. 18 (3), line 1: Read ''responsible'' Page 1028, Art. 20, heading: Read ''Disciplinary'' Page 1003, Art. 15, Cross Reference: Read ''Consol." Page 1035, Art. 3, line 3: Read ''Headquarters'' Page 1048, Art. 4 (iv). line 2: Read ''meetings'' Page 1098. Introductory Footnote, line 2: Read ''18/6 (1959) 0. 22'' Page 1107, Art. 7, line 2: Read ''hereunder'' clxxv


Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

1107, Art. 4, line 2: Read ''foregoing'' 1127, Art. IV (2), line 4: Read ''title-deeds'' 1131, Art. X (2), line 3: Read ''Constitution'' 1134, Art. 14, line 6: Read ''generally'' 1140, Art. 4, line 1: Read ''not'"ithsta11ding'' 1141, Art. V, line 6: Read ''seconder'' 1146�1147, Art. 8, line 24: Read ''installed'' 1152, preamble, line 4: Read ''Constructive'' 1157, Art. X (3) line 3: Read ''ascertained'' 1158, Art. XI, Corisolidatiori Note: Delete ''] 5 Co,isol. L. Eth. 6''

Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

III. APPENDIXES i, Heading: All capital letters iii, Heading: All capital letters iii, Appendix II, last. paragraph, line 5 : Read ''reference'' iv, Appendix II, 3rd paragraph, line 3: Delete ''the'' v, 3rd paragraph, line 4 : Read ''surrounding'' viii, 1st paragraph, line 3: Read ''are'' viii. last paragraph., line 9: Read ''they'' ix, last paragraph, line 10 : Read ''supersede'' x. 2nd paragrapl1, line 9: Read ''enunciated'' x, Last paragrapl1, last line: Recd ''Corzsolidated Laws'' xi, Footnote 2, pagraph 3, line 2: Read ''lex'' xiii, Footnote 16, 1st paragraph, last line: Read ''following'' xiv, Footrzote 11, 1st paragraph, line 3: Read. ''Expose des'' xv, Footnote 21, line 7: Delete "of'' xv, Footnote 18, line 3: Read ''a thorough seai·cb of all'' xix 2nd column, paragraph line 5 Read 'authorized'' xix, 2nd Column, paragraph 5, line 2: Read ''(1955)'� xix, 2nd columm, 6th paragraph, line 5 Read ''enabling'' xx.iii, Repealing Law, 4th paragraph, line 2: Read ''Termination'' xxiv. 3rd Column·, 2nd paragrapl1: line 2: Read ''same'' xxvi, Heading: All capital letters xl, Con1ments, last line: Read ''Transitory; not included l1erein'' xliv, Comn1ents, line 3: Read ''inclttded'' lxxxviii, Add : 27/6 (1967) 0. 49 Road Transport Administration Order cL�xvi

Cori·. 22/13 (1968) C. 68 (Amharic only)


........______ - ----=







l{RI?l4 1972 V.


Ethiopia Consolidated laws of Etl1iopia; an unofficial compila·tion 0£ 11ational laws in effect as of


1111111 1111 1! Ill c�u


3 9156 00433656 1

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