Consolidated Laws of Ethiopia Vol. I (1972) [Part 1]

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KRP14 1972 v. 1 Ethiopia Consolidated laws of , Ethiopia; an unofficial compilation Jf national laws in effect as of



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VO·LUME I (Sections 1-19)




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120596 I

Project Director WILLIAM H. EWING Assistant Director BEYENE ABDI

Copyrigl1t b)' The F:1culty of Law Haile SelL1ssie I U11iversity



All rights reservecl, inclucli11g tl1e rigl1t to re1Jroduce this book or IJOrtio11s 1l1ereof in any for1n.

Frinted at

Addis Ab,1ba, Etl1iopia. Artistic Printers :Ltd.





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Seltc,ssie I c1llc/ressi11g Pc1rlicn11e11t. f1- is l1111Jeric1l !•,1f c1jesty lJc,ile




CONQUERING LION OF TI-IE TRIBE 01:;' J'UDAI�I HAILE SELASSIE I . ELECT OF GOD, El\1PEROR Ol� ETH:IOPIA We 'vV elc o 1 ne tl1e pt1blicatio11 of tl1e Co11soliclatecl Lc1.i-vs of Et/1iopia as a 11ew . _ _ 1n1lestone 111 tl1e legal develop111e 1 1t o .f Otir E111pire. As We stated i11 the Pref,lce to the Civil Code of 1960, ''It is esse11tial tl1,1.t tl1e law be clear a11d .i11telligible to each a11d every citize11. ..., so tl1at lie 111ay vvitbot1t diffict1lty ascertain v,1hat are bis rigl1ts and dt1!ies in _tl�e ordi11a.ry cotirse of life." We are l1ap1)Y to \vitoess the Office of Ot1r Pr1111e M1111ster a11d tl1e Fact1lty of Law t�ot111ded by Us \Vorki11g together to ac·hieve this goal vvl1ich We l1a,,e set fortl1. The Co11stitt1tion and Cocles which We l1ave pro111t1lgated for Our Empire must be supplen1ented fro1n time to ti111e in order to satisfy the needs of a 111odern dy11amic natio11. For this reaso11 We a11d Ot1r Mi11isters have promt1lgated laws a11d regula­ tions vvhich have been p11blisl1ed i1 1 Ot1.r official gazette, the Negarit Gazeta. As Ot1r E1npire has develqped rapidly under Ot1r gt1ida11ce, t11e bulk of tl1ese supple­ · ecome meo tar)i laws and reg11latio11s has beco1 ne so vast that refere11ce to the1n :has b diffict1lt. Tl1e Co11solidated Lal,vs deals with this problem by bringi1 1g together tl1ose laws a11d regt1latio11s which still i11 eflect, incor1Jorati11g i11to their texts tl1e an1end­ meots a11d 1nodifications whicl1 We and Ot1r Mi11isters 11,tve 111ade over the years, a11d _pt1blishing then1 orga11ized logica.lly \Vith a co1nprehe11sive i11d.ex a11d fi11di11g tables. It thus constittJtes a real tribt 1te to tl1e dedicated a11d 11ntiri1 1g efforts of Ot1r Parlia1ne11t, and otl1er 1Jublic ser·va11ts who have for111t1lated and aclopted the la\.vs and regt1latio11s co11tained herei11. We tr11st that this ,vo1·k will receive wide t1se, especially witl1in Ot1r admi1iis­ tration, so that t11e law will be k11own to all and j11stly ap1Jlied. For it is by the pro­ motion of the rule of la\v that 1 11e11 give testimony to thei1· civilizatio11. It is through the rule o. f law tl1at justice and eq11ality are sec11red, a11d th11s that peace is acl1ieved. The idea of pt1blishing this wo1·k originated in the Office of Ot11· Pri1ne Mi11ister. Considerable initial ·work was do11e by the Im1Je1·ial Etl1iopia11 Institt1te of Public Administration. Si11ce 1966 the Fact1lty of La\v of the U11iversity to which we have give11 Ot1r .11ame has spent six years con1pleti11g this great task. This Fact1lty of Law was established by Us to educate perso11s capable of 11nderstanding and applying Our modern laws. It has perfor111ed that task admirably, a11d 011r Gover11me11t has be11efitted greatly from the work of its gradt1ates throughout 011r Ministries and Agencies particularly i11 tl1e cot1rts and the Mi11istry of Justice. We look forward to the day \vhen its gradt1ates will fill all Ot1r jt1dicial and other legal positio1 1s. 111 additio11 the Faculty of Law has show11 i11itiative a11d enterprise i11 the pt1blicatioo of ma11y works elaborati11g a11d com111e11ti11g 011 tl1e law of Our Em_pire. I 11 order to be of 11se in the f1rtt 1re, the Co11.soliclcitecl Laws must be kept 11p to date. We trt 1st that the Office of Ot1r Prim.e Mi11ister ancl the Faculty of La\v vvill jsst1e periodic st1ppleme1 1ts [01: tl1is p1 1rpose. We are vvell pleased to ack11owledge tl1e pt1blicatio11 of the Consolidatecl La�vs ,1nd tl1e i11a11gt1ratio11 of the contin11i11g project of keepi11g it t1p to date. Give11 at Ottr I1nperial Palace i11 Adclis A.baba this 2nd day of Novernber 1 972. HAILE SELLASSIE I EMPEROR -V-


Page ].

2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

In1perial Preface • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Summary of contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • •• •• • ••• •• • • •• Table of Contents Background and Method of the Consolidated Lal•VS • •• ••• • •• •• • ••• •• • • •• Acknowledgements ••• ••• ••• HO\V to Use the Consolidated La11,s List of Abbreviations ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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xli xliii Ii

Text of Laws J

TJ1e Revised C<1nstitution and the Cl1arter of the Organization of African U11ity • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Incorporation of Eritrea • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mi11isterial Organization • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Parliament a11d Elections ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Courts a11d Justice • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Teklay Ghizat Administration ••• ••• • •• • •• ••• • •• • •• • •• Local Government • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Public Service • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nationality and Aliens • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Defence and Armed Forces • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• Mari�ime Affairs ••• •• • •• • ••• ••• ••• •• • ••• •• • ••• •• • ••• Jrnternal Security •• • ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • ••• Information and Censorship • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Auditing and Controlling ••• • •• ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• • •• • •• Banking and Currency • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Customs, Import and Export Taxes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Taxes Other than Customs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• Govemmemt Borrowing • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• Economic Planning and Development • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • •

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.




I 3. 14.

I 5.



I 8. 19.




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34 51

70 87 120 133 183 235 246 272


332 341

346 382 471 587



VOLUME Il Page 20. P11blic Works a11d Power ••• • • 21. Tra11sportatiot1 and Con1n11111icatio11 s 22. Posts, Telegrapl1s a11d Tele_pl1011es ... •• 23. Com1nerce and I11d tistry ••• •• ••• 24. Agrict1lt11re •• ••• •• ••• ••• 25. Mining a11d Conservatio11 • • ••• •• 26. Land Reform a11d Adn1inistratio11 •• • • 27. Community Developme11t and Social Affairs 28. Labo11r ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29. Education, Fine Arts and A11tiqt1ities ••• 30. Public Health • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• 31. Ch11rcl1 Afiairs • •• ••• ••• 32. Private Chartered Bodies ... • •• •• •• 33. Awards, Ho11ot1rs and Medals ••• •








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629 644 749 787 832 893 926 928 959 1002 1040 1100 1109 1173


I. Explanation of Ethiopian Calendar Dates ... ... ... II. Implied Repeals a11d Ame11dments i11 the Consolidated III. List of Implied Repeals of Entire Laws ... ... ... IV. List of Obsolete Laws ... ... ... .. . . .. ... ... ••• V. List of Treaty and Loan Proclamatio11s •

... Laws . .. ...




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Finding Tables

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

•• • • • • • • Corrigenda ••• •• • • • •• Decrees • •• • •• • • General Notices ••• ••• • • Legal Notices • • • ••• • • ••• • Notices Notices of Parliamentary Actio11 •• • •• • ••• •• Orders ••• •• • Proclamations • ••






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Word Index ...




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lix lxxxji lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxix . ..


NOTE:- For ll p-to-date inforn1ation and Texts of Laws, see the Latest Supplement to the Consoliclated Laws. ••

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Legislative flistory of Law

Subject or Title of Law and Citation

VOLUME I Introductory Materials

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Imperial Preface ... ... . .. .. . . . . ... ... • • • · · · . .. . . . . .. . .. . .• • • • · · · Summary of Contents Ta.ble of Co11tents ... . .. ... . .. ... • • • • • • · · · Background and. Method of the Co11solidated Laws ... Acknow]edgements ... ... . . . . .. .. . ... . • • • • • How To Use the Consolidated LclH'S ... ... ... ... List of Abbreviations... ... ... . .. . . . ... . .. . ..

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V . Yi • •• VlJl XXXV


xliii Ii


l. Revised Constit11tio11 15/2 (1955) P. 149 ...


2. Charter of the OA U 22/16 (1963) P. 202 ... ...



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Section 2 INCORPORATION OF E RITREA A. Inc.orporating Legislation

l . 'Fext of tile .Federal Act Ratified 11 Septen1h>er 1952 . . . ... ... ...




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2. Eatry ii1to Force of the Federa­ tion of Britrea with Ethiopia 12/1 (1952) P. 124 ... ... ... ...






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3. }Qco�oration and Inclusion of tine Teliri1tory of Eritrea witl1in thij E�1iopiain B1npire ... ... ... ... 12/[ (1952) (!), 6


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4. Pl!l6lic Rights

a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (1957), 22/3 (1962) 0. 27... ... /11ipl.

13/3 (I,5J) P. 139

5. 'fe.runillilatiion of Federal Status @fr !Enit4iea 22{3 (11'902) Q. 27 ... ... • • • • • •

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39 45


Title of Law and Citation

Legislative 1-Iistor)' .


B. Application of Certain Legislation Federally 6. Designatio11 a11d the Exte11sio11 · of Ft1nctio11s of Ot1r Federal Ministers 12/1 (1952) 0. 7 ... ... •• •



7. Federal Reve11t1e 12/2 (1952) P. 126

Corr. 12/4 (1952) C. 30; i111pl. an1cl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) ...


8. Federal Applicatio11 of Ct1rre11C)' and Legal Tender 12/2 (1952) P. 127

In11;l. an1cl. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 . . .


9. Application of Certai11 Legisla­ tion as Federal Legislation 12/2 (1952) P. 128

11111;/. a111cl. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30, 23/6 (1963) P.' 211 ... ... . ..


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Section 3 MJNISTERIAL ORGANIZATION 1. Mi11isters (Defi11ition of Powers) 2/5 (1943) 0. I

Ext. to Eritrea 12/1 (1952) 0. 7; a111d. 3/1 (1943) 0. 2, 7/7 (1948) 0. 4, 10/5 (1951) P. 115, 13/3 (1953) o. 11, 13/3 (1953) o. 12, 13/4 (1953) o. 13, 14/2 (1954) 0. 14, 16/5 (1957) 0. 15 as corr. 16/6 (1957) C. 37, 16/10 (1957) o. 17, 17/8 (1958) 0. 19, 17/9 (1958) o. 20, 23/10 (1964) 0. 33, 24/12 (1965) 0. 40, 25/10 (1966) 0. 44, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46; in1pl. amcl. 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 12/5 (1952) P. 131, Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 21/3 (1961) P. 179, 21/3 (1961) 0. 23, 21/18 (1962) 0. 26, 22/6 (1962) L. 269, 22/20 (1963) P. 206, 23/3 (1963) P. 210, 27/6 (1967) 0. 49. See also 25/9B (1966) 0. 43 Art. 4 (1) (g), 7 Consol. L. Eth. 3. . . . . . . . ..

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Legislative History

Title of Law and Citation

Section 4 PARLIAMENT AND ELECTIONS 1. Chamber of Deputies Electoral Proclamati o11 ••• • •• ••• 28/15 (1969) P. 264 2. Salaries of the Members of Parliament 21/1 l (1962) P. 187 ... ... ...

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Section 5 COURTS AND JUSTICE A. Courts and Procedure


l. Ad1ni11istratio11 of Ju.stice 1/1 (1942) P. 2

2. Court Procedure Rules 3/2 (1943) L. 33

3. gllI;>fl{'me Lmpenial Co1!11rt !PJ10®0,u,re Rtrles 101/l I (1951) L. 155

4. e10mts (lRegistrrati0n. of �dveczates_l Rules [ 1/11 (!'912� L. 1 a6

Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 8/4 (1948) P. 102; i,ripl. amd. Pen. C. 16/

Ex. 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/ Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 10 ... Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 10/11 (1951) L. 155, 12/9 (1953) L. 174, 12/ 12 (1953) L. 176; imp/. a,nd. 8/4 (1948) P. 102, Rev. Const. 15 /2 (1955) P. 149, Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. l (1961), 25/Ex. 3(1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Cori.sol. L. Eth. 10 ... 11/10 (1952) L. 165; imp/. am.d. Rev. Const. 15 /2 (1955) P. 149, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 10. . . . .. . .. . .. . Amd. 13(4 (1955) L. 179· ; impl. amd. Crim. Pro. C . 21/Ex. 1 (1 961), 25/Ex. 3 (196 ) 5 . D,. 52 , _ C1v. Pro. C. 25/E.x. 3 (196S). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Con.sol. L. Eth.. 10. . . . . .. ... -x-







Title of Law and Citation

Legislative History

5. Costs and Advocate Fees Rt1les 12/14 (1953) L. 176:i;

l111JJI. amcl. Cri1n. Pro. C. 21/

Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195. ... ... . .. ... ... ... l111p!. a111cl. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) P. 158, Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/ Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Co11sol. L. Eth. 10. ... Am(!. 10/11 (1951) P. 1.18, 11/11 (1952) P. 123; imp/. a111cl. 8/4 (1948) P. 102, Crim. Pro. C. 21/ Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). ... ... ... ... ... ... ln1JJI. a,nd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/ Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Corisol. L. Et/1. 10. ...

6. Co11rts (Fees) R11les 12/15 (1953) L. 177

7. ·Public Prosec11tors 2/2S (1942) P . 29

8. Local Judges 6/10 (1947) P. 90

9. Code of Crimi11al Procedure Proclamation • • 21/Ex. 1 (1961)** 10. Courts Proclamation 22/7 (1962) P. 195 ••


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A1nd. 22/16 (1963) P. 203




115 117

(S11spendi11g effectiveness of this Proclamation). .. . ... ... ... 117

11. Civil Procedure Code Decree 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 ... . .. ... ... ... . .. . .. ... ... ... ... 119d

B. Certain Code Legislation 12. Penal Code Proclamation ••• 16/11 (1957) P. 158 ] 3. Penal Code Corrigendum • ••• 17/4 (1957) C. 38 14. Penal Code Penalties 20/15 (1961) D. 45 • • • • • 15. Civil Code Proclamation 19/8 (1960) P. 165 • • • • • • ••



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'� Due to an error in numberi11g, anotl1er Legal Notice, 12/12 (1933) L. 176, also bears the nun1ber L. 176. ** This Proclamation was never published in a regttlar issue of tl1e Negarit Gazeta; and it never received a Proclamation Number. Although one printing of its English version indicates it is P. 185 it does not bear this number in the Amharic version, and another Proclamation bears the number P. 185 in both languages . •

- Xl -


Legislative History

Title of La,v a11d Citation


5/10 (1946) D. 6, 6/5 (194.7) D. 7; i1111;l. a111d. 2/5 (1943) 0. 'J, 2/7 (1943) P. 35, 13/3 (1953) 0. 11, 13/10(1954)G·.172, Co11so!. L. A.A. Cri111. Pro. C. 21/ Ex. 1 ( 1969). Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (.1965). See also 4/7 (1945) P. 74, 7 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1 . . . . . . . . . 120 A111cl.

I. Administrative RegLtlatio11s 1/6 (1942) D. 1

Section 7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT A. Municipalities

Corr. 4/10 (1945) C. 7; a111cl. 4/9

I. Co11trol of Mur1ici1)alities a11d

(1945) P. 76� 6/5 (1947) P. 85, 6/12 (1947) P. 92; i111pl. QJ1'1Cl. 7/7 (I 948) 0. 4, 13/10 (1954) G. 172, Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), Schedi1le: Amd. 7/7 (1948) L. 115, 11/12 (1952) L. 168, 15/6 (1956) L. 200 ; 15/8 (1956) L. 202, 16/3 (1956) L. 209, 16/3 (1956) L. 210, 16/10 (1957) L. 211, 19/7 (1960) L. 2'30, 20/5 (1960) L. 235, 20/12 (1961) L. 237, 20/15 (1961) L. 238, 20/15 (1961) L. 239, 21/4 (1961 ) L. 247, 21/4 (1961) L. 248, 21/6 (1961) L. 249, 21/7 (1962) L. 251. 22/1 (1962) L. 259, 22/ 1 (1962) L. 260, 22/4 (1962) L. 263, 22/4 (1962 ) L. 264, 22/5 (1962) L. 268, 22/9 (1963) L. 271, 23/7 (1964) L. 281, 24/4 {1964 ) L. 300, 24/9 (1965) L. 304, 25/6 (1965) L. 312, 27/ 13 {l968) L. 338, 27/19 (1968) L. 34o, 28/2 (1968) L. 352 28/ 16 (1969) L. 367. . . . . . . : . . . . . I 33

Tow11ships 4/7 (1945) P. 74

2. Water :Rules

1mpl. a,nd, Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Civ. Pro. C. ?5/Ev 'l {1965). . . . . . . . . . · ·. - , . . "-• . ..!). ll4©

5£3 (���5 � L. 91 ••

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--------------------· ----Title of Law and Citation TABLE OF CONTENTS

Legislati,,e History


B. Awraja Self-Administration

3. Local Self-Administration Order 25/9B (1966) 0. 43 4. Awraja Cotrncil EJectio11 Regt1Iations 26/3 (1966) L. 322 ... ... • ••

A111d. 26/6 (1967) o. 47. ...








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... 143



Section 8 PUBLIC SERVICE See also 22/6 (1962) L. 269, 8 Consol. L. Eth. 3 ... ... ... ... Corr. 22/6 (1962) C. 45 (Eng]jsl1 011ly); a111cl.

1. Gover11Ille11t Office 1/2 (1942) G. 2 2. Creation of the Ce11tral Perso1111el Agency 21/3 (1961) 0. 23 3. Public Service Reg11latio11s 22/6 (1962) L. 269

22/6 (1962) o. 28 ... ... ... 183 Corr. 22/8 (1963) C. 46 (Amharic 011ly); amd. 23/2 (1963) 'L. 277; i111pl. a,ncl. 22/23 (1963) P. 209, 23/3 (I 964) P. 210, 25/23 (:I 966) • 189 0. 46. ... ... ... ... • ••

4. Internal Organization of the Central Perso1mel Agency ... ... ... ... 22/9 (1963) L. 270 5. Exclusion from the Coverage of the Ter1n Public Servant 23/4 (1963) L. 278 6. Pt1blic Serva11ts' Pensions 22/23 (1963) P. 209 7. Public Service Pension Commission Charter 21/7 (1962) L. 250 8. Public Servants' Pe11sio11 Contributions 22/15 (1963) P. 199 . .. ...



. .. ... 215 Amel. 23/12 (1964) L. 285, 23/16 (1964) L. 286 ...· ... ... 218 • ••

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Orig. 20/17 (1961) D. 46; corr. 21/3 (1961) C. 42; amcl. and re11i1m. 22/23 (1963) P. 209; corr.

23/6 (1963) C. 52 (Englisl1 only)... 219 /1npl. a111cl. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 228

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... ... ... ... ... ... ... 232

Section 9 NATIONALITY AND ALIENS A. Nationality A mcl. Berha11e11a Selan1,

l. Nationality Act (1930) Berhanena Selam . 6/30 (1930)

9/41 (1933) ... ... . .. •••

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Legislative History

Title of La\v and Citation

B. Aliens and Immigration 2. Proclan1atiou to regulate issuance of Travel Documents and Visas and Registration of Foreigners in Ethiopia ••• • • ••• 28/25 (1969) P. 271

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A,ncl. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 7/5 (1948) P. 96 as corr. 7/7 (1948) C. 20, i111pl. a,nd. 13/3 (1953) 0. 11, Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (1957) ... ...







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Section 10

DEFENCE AND ARMED FORCES I. Wearit1g of Military Uniforn1s 3/10 (1944) P. 63

Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i111pl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (J 957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) . .. 248

2. In1perial Army 3/II (1944) P. 68

3. National Defence Council 17/5 (1957) 0. 18 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4. Imperial Territorial Arn1y 18/2 (1956) 0. 21 . . . ... . . . ... ... ... . .. 5. Army Badges of Rank Corr. 21/10 21/7 (1962) 0. 24 6. Declaration of State of En1erge11cy in Region Bordering Republic of Somalia 23/10 (1964) 0. 32 ... ... ... ... · · · · · · · · · 7. State of Emergency in the Region Bordering the Republic of Somalia Regulations 23/11 (1964) L. 284 ... ... .. . ... • • • • • • ·

. ..

.. .

.. . 26 1

... . .. . .. . . . (1962) C. 43 ...

. .. 262 . .. 266


· .. ·

.. .


• ••


.. .


. .. .

. . . 26 9

•• •




• ••




Section 11 MARITIME AFFAIRs 1. Imperial Ethiopian Coast Guard 13/1 (1953) P. 136 ... ... ... . .. 2. Maritime J 3/I (1953) P. I 37

•• •



Corr. 13/2 (1953) C. 34;


16/3 (l 9�6) P. 154, 19/8 (1960) P. 164; rmpl. amd. Pen. C. 16/ Ex. 1 (1957), Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2

- XIV -



Title of Law and Citation

I-'egislative History


(1960), 22/3 (1962) o. 27, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... . . . . . . . . . 273 3. Maritin1e Cot1rt Procedt1re Rttles 14/5 (1955) L. 193

I 9/8 (1960) L. 231 ; il11JJI. amcl. Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960), 22/3 (1963) 0. 27. ... ... . .. 280

4. Maritime Order 13/3 (1953) 0. 12

.!,�pl. £ll?1d. 22/3 (1962) 0. 27, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... .. . .. . 290

5. Maritime Code Procla1nation * 19/8 (1960) P. 164 ... ... .. .




•• •



•• •


•• •



Section 12 INTERNAL SECURITY A. Police and Prisons 1. Police 1/1 (1942) P. 6

Corr. 1/2 (1942) C. 1 (E11glisl1 only); amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 6/4 (1946) P. 83 as corr. 6/5 (1947) C. 15 (Amharic 011ly); in1pl. a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957); Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) ... 295

-· '? p r1sons . 3,15 (1944) P. 45

J1np!. an1d. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). ... ... . .. . .. ... ... 300

B. Orders of the Minister of Interior 3. Autb.ority to Issue Orders 1/2 (1942) P. I 3 4. Hours for Closing of Amuseme11t Places 4/10 (1945) L. 79 . .. ... ... ... 5. Arms Regulations 19/7 (1960) L. 229

Amd. 18/1 (1958) D. 31. ... ...











Arne!. 20/18 (1961) L. 240, 21/ IO (1962) L. 256, 22/5 (1962) L. 265. ... ... ... ... . .. ... 304 C. Explosives

6. Explosives 1/5 (1942) P. 19


Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; imp!. amcl. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). ... 308

* T·he Code proclaimed by this Proclan1ation is not printed i11 the Consolidated Laws for reasons statecl jn the Introduction at p. xxxvii.




----------------------------- ----· a.ttor11ey fron1 a11y otl1er P. erson to ,Ld111i11ister J1is prO[)erty a11d estate \.vholly or JJartia1Iy witl1ot1t re.vard 011 beh1:tlf of st1ch party.

Anzd. 13/4 (1953) L. 179.



14. 111 tl1ese Rt1les, t111less tl1e co11text otl1erwise reqt1ires, the follo'vvi1 1g expressions shall have tl1e meaning l1ereby resi)e:tively assigned to them, 11a111ely: ''Cot1rt'' mea11s a cot 1rt constitt 1 ted t111der the Adn1i11istratio11 of Jt1stice Proclamatio11. ''Ministry'' 111ea11s Mi11istry of J11stice. ·'Registered'' 111ea11s registered i11 the register t111der these l{11les, ::111d tl1e expressio11 ''registratio11'' sl1all be co11strued accordingly. ''Practice'' n1eari.S by ,�1ay of proftssio11 as a legal adviser: (a) to cond1 1ct or plead a1 1 actio11, ca11se, s11it or similar legal process before a court, or before a11 official of a court, on ·behalf of a11otl1er perso11; (b) to write or prepare for a11other a11y act or doct1roe11t i11 a legal matter of a11y kind; or (c) to give legal advice; and the word ''practice'' shall be co11str11ed accordi11gly. · Commencement

15. These Rules shall co111e jnto force 011 tl1e 6th day of September, 1952. THE SCHEDULE FORM OF TJICEN.CE TO PRACTISE AS AN ADVOCATE Rule 6

Advocate's Licence Issued by virt11e of tl1e Co11rts (Registratio11 of Advoc,ttes) R11Ies, 1952. It is hereby certified that .......................................... of ..................... is registered i11 the registtr 1111der the abo-v· e r11les as an advocate autl1orized to practise. 'vVitho11t Jjmitatio11 otherwise than before tl1e S11preme Imperial Cotrrt or the Higl1 Court [lr1111I. repd. Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18.] Tl1is certificate is valid 11ntil a11d inc luding the last da.y of Pagt1me, 19 ...... Signed Minister of Justice Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of Jt1ly, 1952.

- 103 -



Legislative History

'fit:le of Law and Citation

D. Gambling Corr. 5/3 (1945) C. 11; a111cl.

7. ProJ1ibitio11 of U11lawft1l Ganii11g 5/2 (1945) P. 77

12/l6 (1953) P. 133, 19/11 (1960) D . . 42; a,ncl. a11d re11u111. 21/.> (1961) P. 183; i11111I. a,ncl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. I (1957). · · · · · · · · · 309 Orig. 19/1 I (1960) D. 42; ci, nd_ a11d reni1111. 21/3 (1961) P. 183 ···

8. National Lottery

21/3 (1961) P. 183


9. R.affle and Tombola Licence

Reg11lations 26/10 (1967) L. 327


. ..


•• •

• ••




• ••

.. .

.. . 316



.. .

.. .

. .. 320

.. . .. .. .

. . . 329

E. Associations Registration

I 0. Associations Registratio11 Regulations

26/1 (1966) L. 321 ...

.. . . . .

. ..

•• •



F. Public Demonstrations

i 1. Peaceful Pub'Jic De1nonstrations 26/6 (1967) P. 243 . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ·




Section 13


i. Esffi1.l>1islmie1t1t of Nregarit Gazetc1 1Il (1�42) P. I .. . . .. .. . . .. ...

J. Bn..tertain.mem,ts Ce1iso.rsh.ip 2:/8 (1�43) P. 37

'J:.'f/,j} $, (}Y9 68�




�- imlihi��ia:a N:ews �sency 2i1Wl (l,�8� �- 51 ... . ..




•• •





Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i11ipl. amd. 14/2 (1954) 0. 14, Pe.:n. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 23/10 (1964) 0. 33, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... 333 Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i1npl. amd. 14/2 (1954) O. 14, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 23/10 (1964) 0. 33, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 334

2. C0nbt0l of Pri1ilting Presses 2/2 (19�2) P. 28

ai. imffiie;i;tiain. (llF0adoastill1 Jg iervice


.. .

. ..

• I I

• • •



•• •

. . . . . . .. . .



• ••

•• •

- �vi-

.. .

.. . ... . ..

.. . "



Title of La\v and Citation

Legislative 1-listory


Section 14 AUDITING AND CONTROLLING 1. Fixi11g tl1e Fiscal Year 18/13 (1959) P. 162 2. At1ditor Ge11eral (Ft111ctio11s) 21/3 (1961) P. 179

A111cl. 22/8 (1963) P. 196.

. . . 341

01·ig. 18/1 (1958) D. 32; a1nd and re11i1,-n. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 ... 341

Section 15 BANKING AND CURRENCY I. Cttrrency and Legal Te11der 4/9 (1945) P. 76

Ext. to Eritrea 12/2 (1952) P. 127; ar,1d. 6/3 (1946) P. 81, 6/8 (1947) P. 88, 8/12 (1949) P. 105, 9/1 (1949) P. 109, 9/7 (1950) P. 112, 12/2 (1952) P. 127, 22/20 (1963) P. 206. ... ... ... ... ... .. . 346 A111d. 18/13 (1959) P. 162� 21/3 (1961) P. 179. ... ... ... ... 347

2. Development Bank of Ethiopia 10/7 .(1951) P. 116

Orig. 20/19 (1961) D. 47; a111cl. a11d re11i1m. 21/11 (1962) P. 188; a111d. 28/17 (1969) P. 265; in11;l. a1nd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... ... 351 A1ncl. 25/21 (1966) D. 53, GJJp. 26/8 (1967) N.A. 9, 28/26 (1969) D. 54. ... ... ... ... ... ... 362

3. Imperial Savings and Hon1e Ownership Pt1blic Associatio11 21/11 (1962) P. 188 4. Mo11etary and Banki11g 22/20 (1963) P. 206 5. 1966 Commemorative Coi11s Issue Regt1lations ••• ••• 25/21 (1966) L. 318 6. Charter of the Natio11al Ba11k of Ethio_pia 22/20 (1963) 0. 30 7. Foreig11 Exchange 23/6 (1963) P. 211 ... ... • • •



•• •






Corr. 23/14 (1964) C. 53

(Aml1aric 011Iy); amcl. 24/7 (1965) 0. 3 9. ... ... .. . •••


• ••




.. .


... 372 :I . .. 3 7 4


3 78

Section 16 CUSTOMS, IMPORT AND EXPORT TAXES Imp!. an1d. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 22/20 (1963) P. 206. ... 382 Text: A1ncl. 14/7 (1955) P. 145; imp!. an1cl. 12/2 (1952) P. 126;

I. Ct1stoms 14/7 (1955) P. 145 2. Ct1sto1ns and Export Duties 2/10 (1943) P. 39 ••

- XVll -



Legislative History

Title of La,v and Citation

Scl1edu/e: Repi-1, 6/11 (1947).

3. CustonJs (Cleari11g Age11ts) Regulatio11s 3/6 (1944) L. 42 4. Customs (Warehouse) Regulations 3/7 (J 944) L. 47 5. Customs (Measurements) Regulations 3/7 (1944) L. 48 ... ... • • • • • • 6. Customs (Control of Commercial Aircraft) ReguJations 5/6 (1946) L. 92 7. Customs Revised Import and Export Regulations 10/8 (1951) L. 153

8. RJ.e;vi.isecl Cust0ms Duties � I /8 (fij§2' L. l 03 �- Tlllaosi,t 'ifrade ain·cl Tra11sit Fees D:e�ula,t10n s !Jf/a (l 9i2J lb, 168 **

L. I 03. ... ... ... . .. . . . ... 404 A1nd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76. ... ... 405

A111d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; il11f)!. a111d. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. I (1957) ... 408



• ••

•• •






Imp/. amd. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. l

(1957). . . . . . . . .. ... .. . ... 410

Amd. 11/6 (1952) L. 159, 11/8

(1952) L. 162, 12/3 (1952) L. 170, 12/3 (1952) L. 171, 12/6 (1952) L. 173, 13/4 (1953) L. 178, 13/7 (1954) L. 180, 13/7 (1954) L. 181, 13/9 (1954) L. 183, 13/9 (1954) L. 185, 14/2 (1954) L. 190, 13/4 (1955) L. 199, 16/9 (1957) L. 212, 17 /2 (1957) L. 212 *, 19/1 (1959) L. 222, 19/2 (1959) L. 224, 20/10 (1961) L. 241, 21/9 (1962) L. 253, as corr. 21/10 (1962) C. 44, 22/5 (1962) L. 266, 22/J 1 (1963) L. 272, 23/9 (1964) L. 283, 24/3 (1964) L. 299, 25/5 (1965) L. 309, 25/5 (1965) L.310, 25/11 (1966) L. 313, 25/15 (1966) L. 314, 25/20 (1966) L. 317, 26/9 (1967) L. 326, 27/2 (1967) L. 328, 27/3 (1967) L. 332, 28/6 (1969) L. 354 as corr. 28/17 (1969) C. 71 (Amharic only). see 'f'io 26/2 (1966) P. 242, 19 Consol. . Eth. 3. ... . • • • • • • • • • • • 412 Amd. 14/6 (1955) L. 194; imp/. a1nd. 14/'7 (1�55) P. 145, P€n. C. !61Ex. 1 (19:57). ... ... ... 453 lnzpl. amd. Pen. C. 16/ifilx. I (1957). See also 25/5 (1�GSO l. 310, 10 Conis0i. L. Etih. ill0. ...

* !Wue re an e1ttt� in n.umbercieg two Legal Not·1 es b a ** mue fe an e__r,r,er iin Dttm&ermg, twa Legal N'0' ti�ces � r the number 212. l!Jear the namaer 168. , ..




Title of Lalv and Citation

Legislati,1 e 1 -Iistory

10. Custo111s (Tempora.ry I111portatio11) Regt1lations 25/5 (1965) L. 310 •• ••• •

•• •

•• •

11. C11stoms Working Ho11rs Regt1latio11s 12/3 (1952) L. 169






•• •

• •

•• •


a,ncl. 14/7 (1955) P. 145, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). • •• • • • • 462 l111p/.

12. Coffee S11rtax Reg11latio11s 23/7 (1964) L. 280 ... ...



•• •

13. National Coffee Board Cess Regulations 27/2 (1967) L. 330 ... • •


• ♦ •

♦ 1 I

14. Diplomatic and Cons11lar Privileges Regulations 21/8 (1962) L. 252 ... ...


•• •


I ♦ I


1 I

• ••


I ♦ I

I ♦ I

♦ ♦ ♦



• • f

1 1 1

• ♦ I




... ... .. .

465 46 6

.. . ... . .. 467

Section 17 TAXES OTHER THAN CUSTOMS A. Cattle Tax Imp/. amd. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. I (1957). . .. ... ... ... ... . .. 471

I. Cattle Tax 14/1 (1954) P. 142 2. Cattle Tax Assessment Regulatio11s 14/1 (1954) L. 187 .. . .. . ...


•• •


. .. ... . .. . .. . .. 472

B. Educational Tax 3. Educational Tax 7/3 (1947) P. 94







♦ I I

I I •

• • I


♦ I I

... . .. 473

C. Excise Taxes Amel. 24/15 (1965) P. 220 ...

4. Excise Tax 22/17 (1963) P. 204 5. Alcohol Excise Tax 24/10 (1965) P. 217


•• •

6. Petroleum Products and Lubricants Excise Tax 26/14 (1967) P. 249 ... ...

• ••


7. Petroleum Prodt1cts and Lubricants Excise Tax Exemptions Regulations 27/3 (1967) L. 331 ... ... ... ... •





• ••

•• •

.. . 492



• ••

... 498






• ••







- XIX -



... 475





:r_,egislative I-listory

'"fitle of Law and Citation

D. He2lth Tax

Orig. 18/14 (1959) D. 36; renu1 11. a11d aJJ/J. 19/6 (1960) N.A. 5. ... 499

8. I-Iealtb Tax 18/14 (1959) D. 37

E. Income Tax A111cl. 26/2 (1966) P. 242, 27 /4 (1967) P. 255 as corr. 27/7 (1967) C. 65. ... . . . .. . . .. 50 l

9. Income Tax 20/13 (1961) P. 173

l111pl. amcl. 27/4 (1967) P. 255 ...

I0. I11come Tax Regulations 22/1 (1962) L. 258


F. Lmd Tax A,ncl. 6/5 (1947) P. 84, 7/2 (1947) P. 93, 8/12 (1949) P. 106, 10/10 (1951) P. 117, 25/9A (1966) P. 230, 27/4 (I 967) P. 225 i1np/. a,nd. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961)... 538

11. La11d Tax 4/2 (1944) P. 70

12. La;11d Tax Reg11latio11s 21/10 (1962) L. 257 . . ..

. . . ...

• 0 •

I I •








G. Salt Tax 13. Federal Salt Tax 14/9 (1955) P. 146 ]iJ.. Federal Sialt Tax Regulations 21/f> (1961) L. 254 .. . . . . .. .

An1.d. 19/1 (I 959) D. 39 as renun1. and app. 20/5 (1960) N.A. 7; inip/. a1nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (I 957). ... .. . ... . . . . . . . .. 547








• ••

. . . 548

II. Stamp Duty 15. Stamp Dl!lty

Corr. 17/6 (1957) C. 39 (E 11 glish

17/4 (19§7) D. 26

only); i111pl. an1d. 22/20 ( 1963) P. 206. . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 550

J 6. Stam@ Ou,ty :Reggila:tions

]8/�© (19��) [ .. 221



•• •








. ..


I. Tmnsa,tion Tax l '7. 'if�ainsaeti:©B Thx 2i712 fl���� rP. 2@5

Corr. 22/22 (19GJ) C. §([) (�lil)g li&h onlY); a1nd. 27/[ (l 907) p . ] 5 4 .. . §04 • -xr-



Title of La,v and Citations

Legislative I-Iistory

18. Transactio11 Tax Reg11lations 23/8 (1964) L. 282

A111cl. 27/2 (1967) L. 329, 27/ 10 (1968) L. 336, 28/12 (1969) L. 365 as corr. 28/17 (1969) C. 71 (A111l1aric 011ly). ... .. . ... . .. 574


Section 18 GOVERNl\1ENT BORROWING 1. Government Bo11ds 20/11 (1961) P. 172


•• •



2. Premi11n1 Bonds Reg11Jations 22/19 (1963) L. 274 ...

. ..

8. Savings Bonds Regu1atio11s 28/17 (1969) L. 368 ...


• ••



... 590

Co,·r. 23/24 (1964) C. 56 (Amharic 011ly); i111pl. amd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206. ... ...

. .. 592









9. Treasury Bills 28/12 (1969) P. 263 10. Special Authority of the Minister of Finance to Contract Loa11s and Guarantees ••• ••• ••• 26/12 (1967) P. 247



• ••

6. Saving Bonds Regt1latio11s, 1968 27/22 (1968) L. 342... ... • • • •••


• ••

4. Savings Bo11ds Regulations 22/19 (1963) L. 275

7. Government Bonds 28/12 (1969) P. 262


• ••



• ••


In1pl. am.d. 22/20 (1963) P. 206. . .. ... ... ...

3. Pren1i11m Bonds Regt1lations 27/9 (1968) L. 334 ... ... ...

5. Saving Bonds Regt1lations . .. 23/24 (1964) L. 294

•• •














594 595







•• •





•• •

• ••

• ••



• ••


•• •

... 596

A111d. 28/19 (1969) P. 267

... 597










Section 19 ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT A. Industrial and Agricultural Development 1. Technical Agency 22/15 (1963) o. 29

Imp/. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 602

2. Awash Valley Authority Charter 21/7 (1962) G. 299

!nip!. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 605 •

- XXI -


lAws OF ETlllOP1A

Legislative History

Title of Law and Citation 3. Investment 26/2 (1966) P. 242

4. Agrict1ltt1ral and Industrial Expa11sion 14/3 (1954) P. 145


Orig. 23/1 (1963) D. 51; an1cl. a11d reni11n. 26/2 (1966) P. 242; corr. 26/8 (1967) C. 62; i111JJI. a111cl. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... ...


ReJJc/. 23/1 (1963) D. 51; rei11statecl 26/2 (1966) P. 242 . . .


B. Tourism J,npl. a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ...




I. Reg11la.tion of Goveron1e11t Coostrt1ctio11 24/5 (I 964) 0. 38

/nip!. an1d. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ...


2. Giover:nn1eot Constrt1ction Regu1ations 24/19 (1965) L. 307

I1npl. an1cl. 25/23 ( 1966) O . 46 . . .


5. Ethiopian Tot1rist Organization 24/1 (1964) o. 36 6. Ethiopian Tourist Orga11jza.tion Regulations 28/24 (1969) L. 371 ... ...


• ••

•• •

.. .

.. .

. ..


.. .


Sectitn 20 PUBLIC WORKS AND POWER A. Government Construction

B. Highways

3. Impgrial H.ighway Authority 10/5 (195[) P. 115

Ext. to Eritrea 12/2 (1952) P. 129; corr. 14/1 (1954) C. 35 (Amh.aric only); irripl. amd. Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149, Civ. c. l 9/ Ex. 2 (1960), 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 636 C. Pewer

4. !e�ctmci,ty 1f6 (1942) P. 20 §.

�tin1i0pia111 !Rie0tri� Light an� !P@iW�li Allltih0rity l f,ij ijW'9§aj fl. 2J 3

Aund. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; imp!. An7 d P e n . C. 16/Ex ,. 1 (1957 ... } 63�

Amd, l S/13 (1959) P . 162. Hee aJ1So C_1v. C. 19/Ex. 2 (19 ��� Arts. 1460-i 488. ••• ••• • •• 64©

- KXJi -


---------------- --- ---------·

Title of Law and Citation

Legislati,1e J-Iistory


Section 21 TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Aviation l. Civil Aviatio11 Order 21/17 (1962) 0. 25 2. ·civil Aviation Decree 21/17 (1962) D. 48 3. Registration of Aircraft Regt1lations 24/18 (1965) L. 306

lmJJI. a,nd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... 644 App. 22/9 (1963) N.A. 8; i111pl. a111d. 25/2J (1966) 0. 46. ... ... 645 J111JJI. amd. 25/23 (I 966) 0. 46. . . . 648

B. Land Transport Corr. 27/13 (1968) C. 67, 28/9 (1969) C. 69 (English 011ly). ... 652 Corr. 22/9 (1963) C. 48; amd. 23/5 (1963) L. 279, 23/23 (1964) L. 292; i1npl. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... ... ... ... ... .. . 662 Corr. 23/6 (1963) C. 51; amd. 23/20 (1964) L. 290, 28/9 (1969) L. 361; imp!. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... ... ... ... ... ... 668

4. Road Travel and Transport 27 /6 (1967) P. 256 5. Vehicle Size a11d Weigl1t Regulations 22/2 (1962) L. 261 .

6. Transport (Alnendn1ent) Regt1lations 23/5 (1963) L. 279 7..Road Travel (Confirmatio11 of Validity Regulations) 27/10 (1968) L. 335 ... . .. .. . 8. Motor Vehicle and Trailer (Identification Registration and Inspection) Regt1lations 28/9 (1969) L. 360 . ... ... . .. 9. Road Traffic (Speed Limit) Regi1lations 28/9 (1969) L. 361 ... ... ... 10. Motor Vehlcle Operators (Licence) Regulatio11s 28/9 (1969) L. 362 ... ... ... 11. Road Travel (Delegation of Authority) Regulations 28/10 (1969) L. 363 ... ... ... 12. S_pecial Commercial Vehicle Registration Regt1lation 28/21 (1969) L. 370 ... ... . .. J 3. Road Transport Administration Order 27/6 (1967) o. 49

... . .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. .. . 700

... ... .. .

... ... ... ... ... ... 701

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 721 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 725 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 735 .. . . .. ... ... ... ... .. . . .. .. · 741 Corr. 22/13 (1968) C. 68 (Amharic only). ... ... ... ... 746 •••

- XXlll -



Legislative J-listory

Title of Law and Citation

Section 22 POSTS, TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES 1. Post Office 25/22 (1966) P. 240 .. . ... • • • • • • 2. Postal Rates Regulations 21/2 (1961) L. 245 3. Postal Rates Regulations . 25/22 (1966) L. 319 ... ... ... ... 4. Imperial Board of Telecon1mu­ nications

12/5 (1952) P. I 31 5. Declaration of Telephones 3/8 (1944) P. 55 6. Mai11tenance of Telepl1one Service 9/11 (1950) P. 114

•• •


• e













A,nd, 25/16 (1966) L. 315, 25/22

(1967) L. 319, 26/8 (1967) L. 325 ... I I e









• I





749 762 77_7

Corr. 12/7 (1952) C. 31 (A111l1aric 011ly); a111d. 19/10 (1960) P. 170, 26/11 (1967) P. 246; i11111I. a111cl. Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960) ... ... 778 An1d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i111pl. a111d. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) ... 784 An1d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i111pl. a111d. 12/5 (1952) P. 131, Pen. C. 16/ ... ... ... ... 785 Ex. I (1957).

Section 23 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY A. Commercial Law (Generally) 1. Conm1ercia.l Code Proclamatio11 * ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 19/8 (1960) P. 166 787 2. Business Enterprises Registration - Orig. 17/4 (1957) D. 27; amd. 21/3 (1961) P. 184 and renu111. 21/3 (1961) P. 184 ... 787 B. Certain Export and Import Controls J. E�port Coliltrol Amel. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 i11i1;l. amd. 1/3 (1942) P. 15 Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (I 957). See also 3/4 (1943) P. 43, 25 Consol. L. Et/1. I, 25/7 (1966) P. 229, ... . .. 792 29 Consol. L. Et/1. I 4. Civ.0t (Export) Regulations 21/4 (1961) L. 246 ... ... • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• • •• 792 $. Daingerous Drugs Ext. to Eritrea 12/2 (1952) P. 128; l/1 (1942) P. 24 am.d 4/9 (1945) P. 76; imp/. a111.d. Peri. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) ... 795 C. Price C ,1ntI:ol <ii. YnfiailF 'EFade Riacti0es �-rig. 22/22 {1963) D. 50; a md. 2411� ([�05) P. 2:28 .and renum. 24/J9 (1965') P. 22'8 .. . 790 I I I

I• •

• •■

• ••

• ♦ f


I ♦ I

•■ •

• tWte @ode .pn0clai11;1ea By the Pr0c'lamation . tl1e Consolidated Laws feli 1teas0os stated 1n th e 1n1JF001IctlioF1 at p. xxxv is n0t p.ri.uted in ii. •

- X&LV -


------------- ------------·

Title of Law and Citation

Legislative History

7. Petrolet1m Prodt1cts Declaratio11 and Price Control Regt1latio11s 24/3 (1964) L. 298 8. Price Control (Imported Goods) Reg11latio11s No. 1 28/7 (1969) L. 355 9. Price Control (In1.ported Goods) Regulations No. 2 28/7 (1969) L. 356

An1d. 28/7 (A ) (1969) L. 358 (A ); si1spenclecl 28/14 (I 969) L. 366 ... 800 An1d. 28/7 (A) (1969) L. 358 (A ); ,r,uspe11decl 28/14 (1969) L: 366 ... 803 A.111d. 28/7 (A) (1969) L. 358 (A ); .rs1,1spended 28/14 (1969) L. 366 ... 805 A,nd. 28/7 (A) (1969) L. 358 (A); suspe11ded 28/14 (1969) L. 366 ... 806

10. Price Control (Locall)' Mant1factured Goods) Reg11Iations No. I 28/7 (1969) L. 357 I 1. Price Control (Locally Manufactured Goods) Regulations No. 2 28/7 (1969) L. 358 12. Price Control Suspension Regulations 28/14 (1969) L. 366 . . . ...


An1d. 28/7 (A) (1969) L. 358(A); si1spe11ded 28/14 (1969) L. 366 ... 810

•• •








.. .



D. Scrap Iron

A111d. 19/11 (1960) G. 268; imp!. an1d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46. ... ... 811

13. Scrap Iron Board 13/4 (1953) G. 168

E. Tobacco, Matches, and Pocket Lighters

Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 17/3 (1957) D. 24 as app. 19/4 (1960) N.A. 2, 19/1 (1959) D. 37 as amd. and reni,111. 21/3 (1961) P. 182; irrzpl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) ... 814

14. Tobacco Regie (Creation of State Tobacco Monopoly) 2/2S (1942) P. 30

l 5. Tobacco Growing and Leaf Purchasing Regulations 4/5 (1945) L. 70 .. . ... ... 16. Tob.acco Regie Regulations 19/4 (1960) L. 227

•• •






• ••


• ••

Amel. 25/17 (1966) L. 316 - XXV -

... 818 ... 819



Legislative 1-1.istor}'

Title of Law and Citation

F. Standard Time, Holidays and Weights 17. Adoptio11 of New Standard Tin1e 1/6 (1942) G·. 6 ... . .. ... -· · ···

• ••







J,npl. amd. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1

18. Pt1blic Holidays and Sundays Observance 15/9 (1956) P. 151 19. Weights and Measures 22/21 (1963) P. 208 ...





.. . 821 . . . 821

(1957) .-.

-· ·


•• •

• ••

• ••




• ••

•• •


•• •



. . . 826

An1d. 20/9 (1961) P. 17.1 . ...

... 832



20. Weights aod Measures Regulatio11s 27/5 (1967) L. 333 ... . . . ... ... -·· · · ·



A. Farm Animals an:1 Animal Products 1. Control of Cattle Diseases 14/9 (1955) P. 147

2. Control of Animal Diseases 20/9 (1961) P. 171 ... ... ... ... . . .

. ..


. .'



... ... 832

3. Livestock and Meat Boa.rd Order 23/13 (1964) 0. 34

Corr 23/14 (1964) C. 55. . . .


4. Livestock and Meat Board 23/13 (1964) P. 212

Corr. 23/24 (1964) C. 58 (English only). ... ... ...

. .. 842


Corr. 23/24 (1964) C. 57 (English 011ly). ... .. . ...

. . . 846

Livesto�k and Meai Board �ees R.egulations 23/19 (1964) L. 289

6. Livestock and Meat Board E�:p0li1i :Permit Regl!lJations 28/8 (1969) L. 359 ... ... . . .

. " . . ..

· ··



·· ·




83 8


'.B. Grain

7. eontFol 0$ Flo11r Mills 3{0 (1944) P. 48 8. Bthie�iain Gwain Board 9�9 fl9$©) iP. 113

Amd. 4/ 9 (1945) P . 76; i1npl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. l ( I 9 57) .. . 848 Ext. to Brituea 12/2 {l 952� P. 12'8; amd. 17/4 (1957) D. 3 0 as aip Ji>. �9/5 (1960) N.A. 4; i,npl. a md. J0/7 (19§1) P. I 16, 22/20 ([ 9�3, P. 206, Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (1�5,)... 8§0

- XX�: -

TABLE OF CONTENTS .---------- ------- - -----·

Title of Law and Citation

PaD'e o ·

Legislative llistory

9. Grai11 Board Reg11latio11s 10/12 (1951) L. 158 ... ... ... . .. 10. Etl1iopia11 Grai11 Corporatio11 19/8 (1960) G. 267







• ••

... 852

A111d. 23/16 (1964) 0. 35, 27/20 (1968) 0. 33. ... ... ... 859

C. Coffee 11. Coffee (Cleani11g a11d Grading) 11/5 (1952) P. 121

Ext. to Eritrea 12/2 (1952) P. 128; corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 28; amcl. 17/4 (I 957) D. 29 as ClJJp. 19/5 (1960) N.A. 3; i111p/. a,nd. Pen C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). ... ... ... 863 J111pl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (1957). ... ... ... ... ... ... 865

12. Coffee (Clearti11g and Gradi11g) Regl11ations 18/5 (1959) L. 219 13. National Coffee Board 21/1 (1961) P. 178

Orig. 17/4 (1957) D. 28, an1d. a11d re11i1ni. 21/1 (1961) P. 178; imp!. an1d. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 ... 869

14. National Coffee Board Trade Authorizatio11 ••• ••• •• • •• ••• • ••• 26/4 (1966) L. 323 ... ... .. . . .. • • • 873 A11'1d. 26/4 (1966) L. 324; imp/. 15. National Coffee Board an1d. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... . .. 874 Regulations 18/5 (1959) L. 218 16. Coffee Certificates of Origi11 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . 880 • • 25/1 (1965) L. 308 ... . .. ••

• ••

D. Rubber

Imp!. an1d. 5/10 (1946) D. 6, Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149; Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (1960). . .. .. . 885

17. Raw Rubber (Production) Organization 3/6 (1944) P. 47

E. Research

Imp/. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 .. . 888

18. Institute of Agricultural Research 25/8 (1966) 0. 42


Ext. to Eritrea 12/2 (1952) P. 128; amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; in1pl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) ... 893

1. Prohibition of Export (Gold, Silver an.d Platinum) 3/4 (1943) P. 43 ••

- XX.Vil -


Legislative History

Title of Law and Citation


A111d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i111pl. cLn1cl. Pen. C. 16/Ex. I (1957) ... 894

2. Control of Transactions i11 a11d concerning Gold and Platin11n1 3/1I (1944) P. 67

B. Wild Life A,nd. 4/9 (I 945) P. 76; i111JJI. a,nd. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. I (1957) ... 896

3. Preservatio11 of Game 3/9 (1944) P. 61

C. Forests 4. State Forest 24/17 (1965) P. 225 . . .

. ..

5. Private Forests Co11�ervation 24/17 (I 965) P. 226 . .. ... 6. Protective Forests 24/17 (1965) P. 227

•• •





• •••



.. .

.. . .

.. .


. ..

. .. 8 9 7






•• •

• ••

• ••






• •••


•• •




7. P11otection of Private Forest Regulatio11s 28/1 (I 968) L. J43 ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . .. . . .. ... ... ... 909 8. Protection of State Forests Regulations 28/1 (1968) L. 344 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . 910 9. Explotiatiion of State Forests Regulations 28/1 (1968) L. 345 ... ... ... .. . ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 912 10. E�])l0itaition of Private Forests itegulati 0n.s 2·8/1 (19.68) L. 346 ... • • • • • • ·· · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. • • • • • • 914 11. Management of Proteetive Forests Regulatl0ns 28/1 (1968) L. 347 ... ... ... ... ... · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . . . 9 I 6 12. Establishment of Community Froliests Regulations 2-8{1 (1968) L. J418 ... .. . ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · . . . · 9 1 8 1 ]. J0w.ers of Re. gulati@ns j8{1 (1�68) I,, 349 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · ... 919 14. F0�ers 0f il;i' or:est GuaFcls [reeguia' ti0ns �Sil (19' lii8� L. 3§© . .. . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . 92 I •••

- ��liliJ. -


Title of Law and Citation

Legislati,1e History

I 5. Trade of Saw Logs a11d Veneer Logs Regulations 28/1 (1968) L. 351 • • ••• •

• •



. .. ... ... ... . . . ... . .. 922

D. Parks 16. Awash National Park 28/4 (1969) 0. 54




•• •


... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 925


I. Concessjo11s to Commen1orate the 25th Anniversary of His Imperial Majesty's Coronation 16/4 (1956) G. 221

/111pl. amd. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 ... 926

Section 27 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS. Corr. 16/6 (1957) C. 37 (E11glish only); imp/. arrzcl: 23/10 (1964) 0. 33, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ... ...

1. Establishment of Board of National Community Development 16/5 (1957) 0. 16

... 928

2. Co-operative Societies 25/24 (1966) P. 241 ...


• ••

•• •










3. Co-operative Societies Regulations 27/11 (1968) L. 337 .. .

. ..










. ..


Section 28 LABOUR

I. Slavery (Abolition) 1/6 (1942) P. 22

/n1pl. am.d. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). ... ... ... ... .. . ... 959

2. Public Employment Administra­ tion 21/18 (1962) 0. 26

ln1pl. amd. 25/23 (I 966) 0. 46 ... 960

3. Public Employment Administra­ tion Regulations No. I 22/5 (1962) L. 267

Imp/. an1cl. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46... 966

4. Public Employment Administra­ tion Regt1lations No. 2 • ·25/24 (1966) L• 320 • • • •



- XXIX -


.. . ... ... ...

... ... 966


Title of La,v and Citation

Legislative History

5. Foreign Nationals Employme11t Regl1lations 23/25 (1964) L. 295



a,11,I. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 . ..


Orig. 21/ 18 (1962) D.49; ,11ncl. a11cl reni,111. 23/3 (1963) P. 210; corr.

6. Labour Relatio11s 23/3 (1963) P. 210

24/5 (1964) C. 59; i111pl. a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 . .. .. . . . . 7. Mioimum Labo11r Co11ditions ReguJations 24/5 (I 964) L. 302

a,r,d. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 . . .

8. Labour Inspection Service 24/4 (1964) 0. 37


9. Labour Sta11dards 25/13 (I 966) P. 232 . .. . ..

97 l

Corr. 24/8 (1965) C. 60; i111p/.


• ••


.. .


a111{/. 25/23 (1966) 0. 46 ...


•• •

• ••







Sccticn 29


I. A11tiquities

Corr. 26/15 (1967) C. 63 (E11glisl1 011]y); imp/. a111d. 25/2 (I 966)

25/7 (1966) P. 229

0. 46 ... ... . .. . .. . .. ... I 002 Corr. 26/15 (1967) C. 64 (English only). . . . . .. . .. ... 1004

2. Ethiopian Antiquities Administration 25/17 (1966) 0. 45 3. Boarcl of Educatio11 and Fine Arts 7/3 (1947) 0. 3

l1npl. a1nd. 25/9B (1966) 0. 4 3 . . . .. . ... • • • • • •

4. Education Expenditure 7/3 (1947) P. 95 ... • • • • • • • • • 5. Haile Selassie I University Charter 20/8 (1961) G. 284 ... ...

. ..


6. Univerrsity of Asmara C harter 21/19 (1968) 0. 52 ... ... .. . ... 7. National Commission for U n e sc o 28/5 (1969) 0. 5 5 ... .. . ... ... 8. Centre for Management T raining 28/19 (1969) 0. 58 . . . . . .


. ..





• ••

• ••




- XXIC -

• ••


• ••




.. . 1008 •



• ••

• ••



•• •

• ••

•• •

•• •


• ••

• ••


•• •



·· ·








• ••


•• •




TitJe of :Law and Citation

Legislative History


9. Natio11al Com1nission for Ed11catio11 28/18 (1969) 0. 57 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... 1037

Section 30

PUBLIC .1-IEALTfl 1. Central Medical Stores Corporation 6/2 (1946) G. 76

1J111cl. 20/6 (1960) G. 280; ir11p/. a111d. Comm. C. 19/Ex. . .. ... ... ... ... 1040 3 (1960).

2. Pt1blic Health 2/2 (1942) P. 26


3. Public Health 6/12 (1947) P. 91

4. Public Health Rules 2/1 l (1943) L. 25

6/12 (1947) P. 91 ... ... 1045

9/5 (1950) P. 111, 10/12 (1951) P. 119; im11l. a,ncl. 7/7 (1948) 0. 4, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 25/9B (1966) 0. 43 ... 1046 A111d.


• ••


•• •


5. Rabies (Control) Rules 2/11 (1943) L. 26... ...

• ••

•• •









• ••




•• •

• ••


.. . ... 1054

I,npl. an1d. 7/7 (1948) 0. 4, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957). ... . .. 1055

6. Quarantine Rules 7/1 (1947) L. 104 7. Municipal Public Healt.h Rules 10/1 (1950) L. 145 ... ... ...


• ••

• ••



•• •





8. Municipal Public Health Rules (Water Rules) 10/1 (1950) L. 146 ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1061 9. Municipal Pu·btic Health Rules (Food Rt1les) 10/1 (1950) L. 147 ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1062 10. Munjcipal Public Health Rules (.Refuse Rules) 10/1 (1950) L. 148 .. . . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 1064 11. Municipal Public Health Rt1les (Vaccination Rules) 10/1 (1950) L. 149 ... . .. ...


••• •

- XXX.1 -


.. .









Legislative 1-listory

Title of Law and Citation 12. Munici1 Jal Public Health R11les (Disposal of Dead Bodies Ru.Jes) 10/1 (1950) L. 150 ... ... ...

•• •

•• •







.. . 1065

I1111JI. a111cl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. 1 13. Venereal Disease Rt1les (1957). ... .. . ... . .. ... ... 1066 10/3 (1950) L. 151 14. Public Health Rt1les (Comn111nicable Diseases Rules) 10/12 (1951) L. 156 ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068

15. Municipal Sanitation Rules 10/12 ( 1951) L. 157 .. . . ..

I •


• • I

•• •






•• •


I1npl. ar11d. 7/7 (1948)

16. Pharn1oco peia 7 /2 (1947) D. 9

0. 4

... ...

. .. ... ... .. . I072

J1npl. an1cl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex 1

17. Medical Practitioners' Registration 8/1 (1948) P. 100

(1957). ... ...

... ... ... . .. 1073

18. Pharn1ac y Regulations 23/18 (1964) L. 288

Anzd. 24/11 (1965) L. 305 ... l 078

19. Malaria Eradication 18/6 (1959) 0. 22*

l1n11I. a111d. 21/3 (1961) 0. 23 ... 1095

20. Administration of Healtl1 Tax 19/11 (1960) 0. 22*

Atrzd. 22/22 (1963) 0. 31 ... ... 1098

Section 31 CHURCH AFFAIRS J. OhuFch Administratio11 Regulations 2 /3 (1942) D. 2 ... ... .. . ... ... · · ·



· ··


·· ·

.. .

. . . 1100

2. &egulations for the Establishment 0f Mtissions 3{12 (1944) D. 3 ... ... ... ...

• ••




• ••



• ••

•• •

.3. CltuFeh .Administration 26/ 9 (E�e7) 0. 48 ... ...

• ••







. ..

. . . l l 05


·· ·

. . . . . . 1107


•• •

4. Iilefiniition @f tae Powe;l's and 0f the Geaeral Manager 81egulat10n. s ! ( Z8VJ I 19.-e�) L. 364 ... ... ... ..

•• f

f f f

I t •

f f •

* IDu,.e t0 an err0.r in numbering, two Orclers bear the number 22 .





Title of La,v and Citation

J�egislative 1-Iistory


Section 32

MISCE.LLANEOUS PRIVATE CI-IARTERED BODIES : 1. Chamber of Comn1erce 6/8 (1947) G. 90 . .. . ..




•• •

• ••





... .. . 1109

2. Ethlopian Red Cross Society 7/2 (1947) G. 99

l111JJ!. a,ncl. 7/7 (1948) 0. 54, 13/3 (1953) 0. 11 ... ... ... 1112

3. Natiot1al Et11iopian Sports Co1rfederation 8/2 (1948) G. 111

lt11pl. an1cl. 22/20 (I 963) P. 206, 22/20 (1963) o. 30 ... ... ... 1118

4. Imperial Ethiopia11 Clt1b 9/10 (1950) G. 133

In1p/. an1cl. 21/17 (1962) 0. 25 ... 1121

5. Boy Scout Association of Ethlopia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1122 9/11 (1950) G. 135 6. Establishment of Y 011ng Me11's Christian Association of Ethiopia 10/6 (1951) o. 5 ... ... ... ... ...






... . .. . .. 1123

7. Constitlition of Young Men's Christian Association of Ethio 1)ia 10/6 (1951) N . 10*

A111d. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 ... ... 1124

8. Etruopian Wome11 's Welfare Association 13/5 (1953) G. 169

A,nd. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 ...

9. Society for the Protection of Animals 14/2 (1954) G. 187

A,nd. 21/3 (1961) P. 179 ... ... 1136


10. Ethiopian Horse Racing CJ11b 17/6 (I 957) G. 230 .. . ... .. . ...

• ••



... 1132

... ... . .. .. . ... 1144

11. Menelik II Memorial Fu11d 17/5 (1957) G. 229

Amd. 19/7 (1960) G. 263. See also 18/11 (1959) G. 253, 32 Co11sol. L. Etfi. 1.2. ... ... ... 1147

12. Haile Selassie I Foundatio11 18/1 I (1959) G. 253

A1r1d. 19/6 (1960) G. 261; imp/. amil. 19/7 (1960) G. 263, 20/8 (1961) G. 284, 22/20 (1963) P. 207, 25/23 (1966) 0. 46. ... 1152

:,1r Due to an error in 11.umbering, two Notices have been numbered 10. ••

- XX.Xlll -



Legislative History

Title of Law and Citation


corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29 (Aml1aric only) ... ... ... ... ... ... I 173 A111d. l I/6 (1952) D. 11 as

1. 1936-1941 Can1paign Medals 4/3 (1944) D. 4 2. Award of Decoratio11 to the Colours of the Grand Army 4/5 (1945) D. 5 ... ... ... ... ...

• • •

• • •

f • •

• • •

• • •

• t •

f t •

I t •


Corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 29; amd. 11/7 (1952) D. 13, 11/10 (1952) D. 14, 16/10 (1957) G. 225, 16/14 (1957) D. 21, 17/11 (1958) G. 238 ... .. . ... . .. ... ... 1 176

3. Regulations Governing Medals 11/6 (1952) D. IO

4. Memorial Medal of Korean War . .. ... ... 11 /7 (1952) D. 12

•• •






•• •



5. T11Sig11ia 13/14 (1954) D. I 5




•• •







•• •

.. . I I 80

. 6.Police Meda.JI 16/14 (1957) D. 21

• ••



•• •








.. . 1187



BACKGROUND AND METHOD OF T.HE CONSOLIDATED LAWS of Law, The Co solida c1111 Jared ed the Faculty of Et!1iopicl l1as been }Jre by 1 L_ ': � � . Ha1!e �e11ass1e I U1 11vers1ty, 111 co-operatio11 ,� itl1 tl1e Prime Mi11ister's Office, Imperial Etl11op1a11 Gover1 1111e11t. Tl1is project was i11itiatecl a11cl 111t1cl1 of tl1e work was do1 1e by the In1perial Etl1iopia 11 T11stitute o1� Pttbljc Acl111i11istratio11, before jt was tt1rned over to the Universit)' Fact1lty of :Lavv for co1uJJletio11 a11d pt1blicatio11. 1

· 11e pt1rpose of tl1e project is to provide a. t1seful source a11d refere11ce work on r the la\.VS of Ethiopia. \Vith certai 1 1 exce 1Jtio11s clescribed below, it co11tains the ct1rre11t. texts of al1 ltncodified laws a11d regt1latio1 1s of tl1e Empire wl1ich are 1 1ational in scope aL1d whlc.l1 ,:vere i11 effect at the e11d of tl1e Ethio_pian calendar year 1961 (September I 0, 1969 by the Gregorian cale1 1dar). A previot1sly pt1blisl1ed volt1n1e, tl1e Consolidat­ ed Legislatiorz of .;-1ddis Ababa, co1 1tai11s all tl1e laws and regtrlatio11s relati11g solely to Etl1iopia 's capital city. Until the publicatio11 of these works, the 011ly comprehensive versio11 of the law of Ethiopia has bee1 1 the 1Vegarit Gazeta, the official gazette in which the laws l1ave been published i 1 1 E11glish and A1 11haric ch1·011ologica1ly si1 1ce 1942. As is well known to those \¥ho have used it, tl1e Negarit Gazeta's chro11ological organjzation a ·nd lack of a comprel1ensive table of co11tents hi11der its use.fl1lness for legal research. The prese11t voltimes are t111official; they are 1101 i11te11ded to replace tl1e Negarit Gazeta as t11e sole official stateme1_1t of the law. Tl1t1s, neither tl1e Haile Sellassie I University, the Office of the Prime Mi11ister, the I1 11perial Ethiopia11 Jnstitt1te of Public Administratio11, 11or any other organizatio11 or perso11 who has bee1 1 con1 1ect­ ed with the preparation of this work assumes a11y legal respo11sibility for its conte11ts. Altl1ougl1 considerable stt1dy has been devoted to the determi1 1atio11 of l1ow variot1 s la\.VS affect each other, decisions made i11 respect of s1rcl1 qtzestions a11d reflected in the Co11soliclatecl Law.s are not o:fficjal decisions a11d do 11ot necessarily reflect Go· vern­ ment policy. Gover11ment ministries and agencies and, in tl1e last a11alysis, the cot1rts, may ,veU make decisions different from those reflected in tl1e Consolidated Laws. It is hoped, hov.1ever, that the Consolidated Laws 'tvill satisfy the lo11g-felt need for an unofficial, systematic presentation of the law. In addition to the national laws i11 effect as of September 10, 1969, the Con­ solidatecl La1rvs contains nt1merous tables and other 111ea1 1s of assisting the t1ser to fi1 1cl the legal provisions he is searchi1 1g for. These tables a11d other reader aids are described below in the sectio11 ''How to Use the Consolidated Lal•vs''. GENERAL PRINCIPLES The general scheme of the Corzsolidated laws is to prese11t systematically the texts of all Ethiopian Jaws of Empire-wide sco_pe which I1ave bee11 published in the official Negarit Gazeta and which were in effect on Septe1 11ber 10, 1969. The follow­ i1 1g principles have gover11ed the determination of which laws are inclt1ded i11 the Conso/idatecl La1rvs and their ct1rre11t text: I.

Local legislation

Legislation which is purely local i11 scope is omitted from tl1e Consolidated La1,vs, hut national laws which relate to all local gover111nents of a certain class - XXXV -

CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETI-IIOPIA 1 icipalities Ra tes 11 Mt t iza Gh y kla Te i t1ss Ar tl1e 1 ce ta1 ins for are i 11 clt1ded. Thus s �ie ali p i_ oic Mu the t btr d, itte 1 on is , 269 L. ) I 969 ( 20 28/ s, i�n lat gt1 a11 d Fees Re 1 e leg1slat1011 Tl ed. lud inc is l, 1. Etl L. l. nso 7 Co 74, P. 45) (19 n, 4/7 tio ma cla Pro , ­ Co e _th i11 y tel �ra sep ed 1 sl bli p11 n bee � s ha. y l cit ita cap s relati11 g to Etl1 ioJJia' n1U f s1e las Sel ile Ha w, La of ty ct1l (Fa aba Ab dis Ad of io11 /at gis soliclatecl Le versity, l 969).

2. Transitory Items The transitory iten1s publisl1 ed i11 the Negarit Gaze/a fall into _tliree categories. First are items which have 11 0 legal effect at all, st1cl1 as fi11a11c1al state1 11 e11 ts of government age11 cies, whicl1 are occasionally published as Notices, a11 d In1 perial Declarations of certain days to be observed, for· i11 sta1 1ce, World La\v Day. Second are items referring only to certai11 11amed perso11 s, such as 11 otices of appointme11 ts or honottrs, or orders expelling certai11 11an1ed persons fro1n tl1 e country. Third are laws which by tl1 eir tern1 s are to l1ave effect only for a brief ai1 d clearly defined period of time. Included in this category are tl1 e Gover11111 ent's an11 11al budgets a11d vario11s otl1 er ten1porary provisio11 s of Jaw, as well as various laws which have been repealed but which are to continue i11 effect for a defi11ed tra11 sitiooal period. All of these transitory ite111 s have bee11 omitted from tl1e Consoliclated La111s becat1se their ft1tt1re legal effect, if a11y, is brief and 11arrowly restricted. 3.


Laws wl1icl1 have bee11 repealed are 110 longer in effect. Because the Co11so/idated Laws contai11s 011ly laws prese11 tly in effect, wl1e11 ever a ]aw .has specifically stated that some prior law is repealed, tl1 at earlier la\v is 01nitted from tl1e Con­ solidated Laws.




Wh�never a. law specific_ally states t�at the �v?rdi_11 g of a pr?vision of a prior law 1s c�anged, the 'Yord111 g ?f the prior prov1s1011 1s replaced 111 the Consolidated La» 1� �•th the wo�d1ng req111red by the an1e11dment. Whenever a later law adds pro,11s1ons to a prior law, they are incorpo_rated into tl1e text of the prior law. T�us, whenever the sole effect of one law 1s to amend or expa11 d tl1e text of a prior l�w or laws, the l�t�r �aw does 11 ot appear separately i11 the Consolidated Laws; rt appears only as 1t 1s incorporated into the law or laws whic11 it aruerlded. Implied Amendments and Repeals

When v r � � bsequ�nt I w o�c 1t �ies the fi�ld of legislati011 of a prior law, or cann_ � �e e � cons1stent� iY with . It, the 11n1forn1 practice iii all countries is to f � ; , i co�s1 r t. e ater 1 .aw s controll1ng, whether or not it specifca lly refers to tlle f � . C �nsequent y, whenever some law c11rrently i1 1 effect cover pr1?r aw i s the · · en · law 1s considered · ,tJre· feld wh 1ch was reg· ulated· by some earlier law ' the ear 1rer 1m.F11eul · ea I ed an� IS omitted from the Co11 solidated Laivs. Furtl �' Iy rep 1 e rm ore, when a law puesen tly irn eff ect covers the field of re0 o"11Ia . t·io n covered b y some . . l!I "r nt not a11 prov1s1ons of au ear1·1e.r law or is inco11sistent ;1'th . so_me bu t no t all p>.novisions of the earilier law, the prior law is conside :re rmpltedly am.ended t@ �he extent nfuat its provisions ha'Ve been superseded bY th e later law. Those - x:xxvi -


iudjvidual Articles of tl1e prior lavv \1/l1icl1 l1ave bee11 st1persecled are co11sidered imJ)liedly re1)ealed. The tl1eory a11d clifiict1lties of deter111i11i 1 1g implied repeals and amend111ents �re explai11ed 111ore ft1lly i11 Apj)e11dix II, aJ)peari11g 11ear the end of the last volt1n1e of tl1e Consoliclatecl Lai.vs·. Ap1)e11dix III co11tains a list of tl1ose la\1/S whicl1 are on1ittecl e11tirely fro 1 11 tl1e Co11soliclc1tecl Laws because they have been i111plieclly repealed, alo11g vvitl1 a brief stateme11t of the reaso11s for consideri11g that eacl1 011e ,vas i1111)liedly re1)ealecl.


Obsolete Laws In a dynamic society tl1e co11ditio11s \1/hicl1 evoke ma11y provisio11s of law even­ t11a11y pass away. Other provisions are e11acted ir1 order to achieve only limited and temporary er1ds. Eve11 thougl1 tl1ese provisio11s 111ay not by their terms have an expiratio11 date, they have served their l)t1rpose when co11ditions change or the e11ds l1ave been accomplished, and they l1ave no further relevance to the li,1es of citizens. St1cl1 1)rovisio11s, \vhose effect l1as bee11 exhausted due to the passage of time a11d the cha11ge of co11ditio11s, rather than to a date specified i11 the lavv itself or to a subseqt1ent re1)eal or im1)lied repeal, are classified as obsolete and omitted fro1n tl1e Co11solidated Laws. Appe11dix IV, 11ear the end of the last volume of tl1e Co11solidated La�vs, co11tai11s a list of the laws wl1ich I 1 l1a\ e been omitted as obsolete, alo11g with a brief st1m111ary of tl1e contents of each such law.


For varioL1s reasons, certain laws have bee11 inclt1ded herein although applica­ tion of the above princi1)les woL1ld have excl11ded them, and other lavvs have bee11 omitted although appli. catio11 of tl1e above pri11ciples wot1ld have reqt1ired t11eir incl11sio11. These special cases of i11cl11sion and excl11sio11 are described and justified below: I• •


Codes I

Ethiopia's com1)rehensive law codes, tl1e Pe11al, Civil, Commercial, Maritime, Criminal Procedure and Civil Proced11re Codes, have been published as Extra­ ordi11ary Issues of the Negarit Gazela in separately bot1nd volumes. Therefore, it was considered 1111necessary to swell tl1e bulk of the Consolidated La�vs by republishlng the1n herei11. Nevertheless, the Proc�amations promulgating them are i11cluded, along with Corrigendu1n No. 38 and Decree No. 45 which cor­ rected a11d amended the Penal Code. 2.

Legislation Relating to Eritrea ·Legjslation relating ito Eritrea is a particularly in1portant and complex example of local legislation. Eritrea, which had bee11 a part of the Empire of Etl1iopia in tl1e past, was an Italian colo11y t1ntil 1941. Thereafter, it was 11nder British administratio11 until 1952, whe11 it was ''federated witl1 Ethiopia under tl1e so­ vereignty of tl1e Etl1iopian Crow11 '' p11rsuant to a Uruted Nations Resolt1tion co11taining a Federal Act, 2 Consol. L. Et/1. 1, which was ratified by Eritrea and ••



by tl1e En11 Jeror of Ethiopia. It1 196�, the Emperor issued Order No.. 27, 22/3 (1962) O. 27, 2 Cot1so/. L. Et/1. 5, ter111i11ati11g the fecleral statt1s of Eritrea a11d i 11 tegrating it ''into the t11utary system of adn1ioistration of Our Empire''. �ince then, Eritrea l1 as generally bee11 adm.inistered as 011e of the fot1rteen prov111ces (te/c/ay ghizats) of Ethiopia. s legislat�on At the inceptio11 and d11ring the period of the fed.eration, variot1 _ was isst1ed and published in the Negc1rit Gazeta relati11g to Eritrea at1d de�n111g the relationslup of Eritrea to the rest of the territory ''t111 der tl1e so_vere1�nty of tl1e Ethiopian Crow11 ''. Because of the lustorical i1n1Jorta11ce of tb1s leg1�la­ tion tl1e Federal Act and all subseque11t legislatio11 relating to tl1e federat1011 a11d published in the Negarit Gazeta have bee11 inclt1ded l1erei11, exce1Jt for certain legislation whicl1 clearly has been repealed or st1perseded. In additio·n to the legislation concerning Eritrea wluch was pt1blisl1ed in tl1e Negarit Gazeta, various laws passed over tl1e years by the Italian and British admi11istrations and by the Eritrea11 gover11ment during the federatio11 are still being applied in Eritrea. The general exclt1sion of pt1rely local legislation has led to tl1e omission of these from the Co11so/iclated La1vs. 3. Federal Act and Nationality Act

With two exceptio11s, the sole sot1rce for the laws included l1erei11 has bee11 tl1e Negarit Gazeta Because of their importa11ce. two addition,11 laws are in­ c11.1ded. 011e is the Federal Act, 2 Corisol. L. Et/1. 1, describecl. above. The other is the Nationality Act, 9 Consol. L. Eth. I, which is appare11tly tl1e 011ly Ethio­ pian legislatio11 promulgated. before the Italian invasio11 tl1at is still in force. The source of th.e versio11 of tl1e Natio11ality Act published herei11 is the semi­ o:ffiGiaJ newspaper Ber/1ar1.ena Se/am, i11 ,vhich it was published i11 Amharic and French. The E11glish version l1erein is a translation from the French. Tl1e source of the Fed.eral Act in An1haric is Ti11sae Eritrea (Addis Ababa, Ministry of InForn1ation, 1945 E.C.), pp. 19-20, and in E11g]isl1 is the Fi11al Report of the United Nations Com,ni&Sioner in Eritrea, Ge11 eral Assembly, 7th Sess., St1pple­ ment No. 15 (A/.2188) (New York, 1952), pp. 45-46. 4. Gourts Proclamation

AL�l10l!Lg'h it is B©t present11 !n effect, the_ Cou�ts Procla,mation, 22/7 (1962) �· 195, 5 C0n �ol. L. Eth. IO, 1s mclt1ded herein. This Proclan1atio11 was published 1n th.e Negar1t Gazeta dated December 31, 1902, and was to con1e itlto force om �ay i, 1�03. Oa July 8, 1963, however, the <;ourts (Atnendmeot) Procla­ m;a.tt1@n, 22(16 (196�) P. 203, w�s adopted, amending the Courts 1Proclan1ation , ·�0 Gha1n,ge 1t� e:fifecti;v: date to st1ch day as shall be fixed by Or der published , m tb:.e Ne&apzt Ga,?;eta . As of September 10, 1969, no such Order ha d appeared . �0nse(lllleat[y, ailth@ugh the C�urts PFoGlama. tion is inclttd.ed in the Coriso/idated . . .n© n Law�, � �f the speci&c or. implied liepeals which it will m ak e in other laws Wihen an� iF 1t hecomes eiei ct1ve have been incorporated into th · ·· es · e Ia�s as rtJiey aipl1)ealfr :iJn tili:e !€:0n1Solidated Laws.

- xxxviii -



5. Treaty and Loan Proclamations Articles 30 a11d 119 of the �evisecl Co11stitt1tio11 of Etl1iopia, 1 Co11sol. L. Et/1. _ 1-30, 11 reqt11re t�1at c�rta111 treaties a11d all loa11 a11d g11ara11tee agree1ne11ts entered 1 �1t� by tl1e I1nper1al Etl1iopia11 Gover11111e11t be approved by Parlian1e11t. Whe11 tl�s 1s cl?ne, hovvever, 011ly tl1e Procla111atio11s approvi11g tl1e agreeme11ts are J?l1bl1sl1ed 111 the Negarit Gazeta, at1d the agreements t11e1nselves are 11ot p11blished any\vhere. Becat1se tl1ese Procla1uatio11s co11tai11 only tl1e sl<etcl1iest references to the s11bject n1atter of tl1e agree111e11ts, tl1eir i11clL1sio11 in tl1e Con­ solidatecl La�vs was 11ot co11sidered t1sef11l. I11stead' a list of s11ch Proclamatio11s' . .h t he1: . Negarit Cjazeta citatio11s a11d a brief state111ent of their s11bject 1natter, :'7 It 1s gtve11 1 n Appe11d1x V 11ear tl1e e11d of tl1e last volt1me hereof. The 011ly i11ter­ natio11al agree1ne11 t ,,,J1icl1 bas bee11 l)t1blisl1ed i11 the Negarit Gazera is the Charter of· the Orga11izatio11 of Africa11 ·u11ity. It is incl11ded berei11 at I Consol. L. Et/1. 2.


STANDARDIZATION Certain aspects of the prese11tatio11 of laws are standardized i11 the Consolidated Laws. The purpose of this sta11dard for111at is to n1ake tl1e laws clearer by giving some 11niformity to tecl111ical details a11d by presenting certain procedt1ral i11forma­ tion at the san1e place i11 eacl1 law. In most cases, all tl1at is do11e is to impose s01ne of the conventions adopted i n recent iss11es of the Negarit Gazeta 11po11 la\VS which were .isst1ed earlier. lo 110 case is the s11bsta11ce of a11y law affected by the adoptio11 of the standard for1nat. Tl1e for1nat is gover11ed by tl1e followi11g conve11tio11s: 1. Typography and Spelling Occasionally, 111i11or typographical errors appear in the Negarit Gazeta a11d are not corrected by st1bseque11t corrige11da. Where tl1e en·ors are obviot1s, and the correct version is not s11bject to i11terpretation, these errors arc corrected i11 the Consolidatecl La�vs. Wl1ere the correctio11 is of a11y significance, eve11 tho11gh not s11bject to do11bt, a Consolidation Note or footnote explains it.

All s1)elling i11 tl1e English text has been made to conform to proper British spelling as stated in H. Fowler and F. Fowler (eds.), The Concise Oxford Dic­ tionary of Current E11glis/1 (4th ed., revised by E. McT11tosh, 1951). To the exte11t feasible the E11glisl1 transliteration of Ethiopian words a11d nan1es has bee11 made c;nsiste11t, taking into acco11nt co1nmon 11sage and attempti11g to apJ)roxi­ n1ate the Amharic pro11011nciation as closely as possible for the English speaking reader. No ch.a11ge has been n1ade in capitalization or p11octuati.011, except­ where the origi11al usage falls i11to tl1e caetgory of clear typographical error . •


Headings Wherever feasible, t'he l1eadings of st1bsidiary legislation (i.e., legislation e11acted p11rst1ant to a11.tl1ority vested by Parliame11t or the Emperor in son1e inferior •

- XXXlX -


office or age11cy) is n1ade to co11form to the forn1at 11sed i11 the tv.,e11ty-fourth year of the Negarit Gazera. Tl1e following is a11 exa1111Jle of tl1at �ta11darcl for 11,:


THE LABOUR RELATIONS PROCLA1'1ATION, 1963 Tl1e beadings of primary legislation are retai11ed i11 the for111 i11 \-vl1ich t'l1ey appeared in the Negarit Gazeta. 3. Issuing A11thority All s11bsidiary legislatio11 is introduced i11 tl1e Co11solidc1tecl La,,vs by a brief, stai1dardized staten1ent of tl1e atrtl1ority JJurst1ar1t to wl1icl1 it \Vas issued. TJ1e following is a ty1)ical exan1ple of such a statement: 1ll1ese Regulations are issued by the Minister of Nati.011al Con1m1111ity Devclopme11t ptirs11aot to autl1ority vestecl in J1i111 by Article 37 of tl1e LaboDr Relatio11s Proclamation (N·o. 210 of 1963). 4. Deletion of the Issuing Minister's Name Because primary Ie-gislatio11 is always pron1t1lgatecl by the En11Jeror througl1 th.e Mmister of the Pen., arid because tl1e isst1i11g a11tbority for st1bsicliary legisla­ tion is always identiified at the begi111ung of each st1bsidiary law, the r1ame of the person who signed eaoh piece of Iegislatio11 a11d his office on1itted from tilie C0nsolidated Lal1,s. 5. Ilating of La,vs �he tdate which ap{l)ears at trhe end of a law is generaJlly the date of tlb e Negarit Gazeta in which !it was p11bUshed. 111 cases where a Ia,v has been deliberately pr,e- 0r p,0s:t-d,ated, t1ie ascribed d.ate is retai.ned at the close of the Jaw b>u:t a C011.s@licla:tioa N0.t0 at 1:!b.e e-nd of the law ai1d the citation at the head' of the law, as �011 as all ot]aer, cita.tiions to it, give the year of the actual issil:Je of the N'e.&aPit @aze,ta iin wJhicn it was p11blished.


A CKNO\;VLEDGEMENTS So n1any perso11s 11f1ve co11trib11ted substa11tially to the Consolidated Laws over so many years tl1a.t it is impossible adeq11ately to ack11owledge the assistance of a.ll of them. Despite t11e certainty tl1at son1e na1nes will be omitted which 0L1ght rigl1tf11lly to be i11cl11ded l1ere, gratitLtcle and l1onesty demand tl1at we attempt to acl<nowledge tl1e n1ajor contrib11tio11s, wl1ile apologizing to whose names are on1111itted inadverte11tly. Many officials i11 tl1e Imperia.l Etl1iopian Government have felt the necessity for tl1is work and l1ave adva11ced its preparation by 'their advice and repeated e11cot1ragement. Primary a111ong tl1ese is H.B. Dr. Seyoum Haregot, Minister in tl1e Prim.e Minister's Office, whose ,vholehearted and 111ost helpful co-operation has n1ade tl1e Co11solidated Laws possible. As noted above, the project was started by the Imperial Etl1iopian Institute of Public Administration, wl1ere an earlier edition was prepared and pLiblisl1ed in .mimeorgrapbed forn1 by Russell Berman a11d Haile Kiros Asmero111. Fred J. Fechheimer, Philip Lilienthal, Thomas Andre�,s and John M. Cohen, all United State Peace Corps lawyers working fo:r the Institute of PLtblic Administration, carried out extensive revisions of this min1eogra.pphed edition before it was t11rned over to the Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University. Mr. Fecl1heimer, in parti­ cular carried the project a long way toward co1npletion. The bu11<: of Appendix II, dealing with the effect of the Penal Code 011 prior laws, is largely the work of Mr. Andrews. Of great value to the project was tl1e encot1ragement and advice of Donald E., then Legal Advisor to the Prime Minister. James C.N. Patil, Dean of the Fact1lty of Law and later Acadenlic Vice Pre­ sident of the Haile Sellassie I University, launched tl1e project in the Faculy of Law and kept it moving toward completion by his constant vision and constructive suggestio11s. His initiative bas been carried thro11gl1 vigoro11sly by subseq11ent Deans, Quintin Johnstone and Cliff F. Thompson, to whom tl1e Director and all who have worked on the project are i11debted in wa.ys too nt1merous to mention. The Faculty of Law's work 011 the Corzsolidated Laws and the printing were made possible by generous grants from the Ford Foundation of the U.S.A., as well as by the consistent support of tl1e University administration. Jviost members of tl1e Faculty of Law between the time the Faculty assumed responsibility for the Consoliclated Lal-VS i11 I 966 a11d its fi11al p11blicatio11 have co11trib11ted to it in one way or another. Teaching members have given valuable advice and assis­ as well as substantive; st11dents have performed tance on many subjects-technical : essential tasks as translators, editors and proofreaders, especially on the Amharic version; and secretaries have invested thousands of ]1011rs in skilled typing and retypi11g. Primary among those who have worked directly on the Consolidated Laws is Beyene Abdi, whose considerable abilities have been applied f11Il time for more than three years to putti11g the work in final sl1ape for lJL1b]icatio11 a11d to carryi11g 01.1t the onerous task of supervising its progress throt1gl1 the presses. R11th Grunfeld elevated ma11y months of consistent effort to preparation of notes and the Word Inclex:, and Fasil Nal1um assisted ably for a shorter time in preparation of the - xli -


A 1 nharic versio 1 1. KatheriI1e O'Donovan as Law Fact1lty supervisor compete11tly discharged the tl1ankless tasks of arra.11ging for the printing and overseeing the final stages of pt1blication. Zygn1unt Plater gave tl1e be11efit of l1is invaluabl� ex1Jerie1 1ce in publishing an.d Robert Arthur Melin l1as also given so111e help. The Cotisoliclated Laws bas been consiste11tly blessed witl1 highly sk.illecl secreterial assistance. In the later stages, Yesl1i En1bet Gema11eh did tl1e bulk of tl1e Englisl1 typu1g and Tsedale Bekele and Asnaketcb Abebe handled the Amharic typing. .

Alemu Fokion, Temesgen San1uel, Hiskias Assefa, Eyob Taddesse, Shiferaw Wolde Michael, Kessela Moulat, Asfaw Seife, Fissel1a Yimer, Da11iel Zewde, Ern1ias A.mare, Abate Dibisa, Hagos Ha.ile, Issac Tesfaye, Aklilt1 Wolde Amma­ nuel, Siraj Abdella, Girmachew Lernn1a, Berl1anu Challa, Belainel1 Qiana, Fisseha Worknel1 and Wondimeneb Dagnev, all wl1.ile stt1 dents at the Fact1lty of Law, played significa.nt roles in preparing tl1e notes and appendixes, in proofreaclli1g aod in putting togetl1er the Amharic versio11. Aside from those who l1ave worked d.irectly on tl1e project, George KrzeczlI­ nowicz, Harrison Dunning, Peter Strauss, Sta 1 1ley Fisl1er, Ro 1 1ald. Sklar and Alem­ ante Gebre SelJassie l1ave rendered st1 bstantial assistance on various a.spects of the problem of implied repeals and an1end1nents, and Ke 1 1netl1 Redden and Norman Singer contribttted technical advice. Finally, n1y wife, Anne, lived witl1 tJ1e Consolidated Laws for more than three years, providing indispensable wise advice, moral support and tecl1nical assistance as n�eded. In a project of this size, a certain number of errors-clerical and otherwise­ are inevitable . They should not be blamed on any of the persons named above, . but on the Duector alone. The Faculty of Law would appreciate being notified of er.uors by letter �irected to the Consolidated Law project, Faculty of Law, P.O. Box 11 �6, Ad.dis Ababa. Such notice will make it possible for the errors to be corrected 1n subseqt1ent editions and supplements. William H. Ewing Director, Consolidated Laws of Ethiopia Project

October 1,11, Addis Ababa

Faculty of Law Haile Sellassie I University

Deans of the Fac �lty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University durin · g the peno . · a· 1966 - 1972, the clnrat1on of tb.e Faculty Project:

'''The Consolidated Legislation o.f Et/1-iopia'' JAMES C.N. PAUL QUINTIN JOHNSTONE CLLFF F. THOMPSON

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Citations to the Negarit Gazeta Bae � 1 � \V \ :l1icl1 is it1clt1ded or referred to i11 tl1e Co11soliclated La'l•VS is given a . _ c1tat!on 1ncl.1cat1�g the _ ye�r, vol _t1�1e a11d i_ssue 11t1L11ber of the Negarit Gazeta (tl1e offi �1al gazette) 111 _wl11cl1 1ts or1g1nal official text 111ay be .fo1111d. Wl1ere a specific Article of the la\v 1s referred to, tl1e 11t1n1ber of that Article is also i11 clt1ded i 11 the citation. St1cl1 citatio11s a1)pea1· at the l1ead of eacl1 law a11 d are t11 e chief for1n of reference in all foott1otes, tables a11d 11 otes. Because of the nt1n1ber of times they appear these citatio11s a1�e give11 in a special short form. Two examples of tl1is sta11d­ ard form are 15/2 (1955) P. 149 a11d 2/5 (1943) 0. 1 Art. 13. The meanings of these examples can be derived as follo\vs: The first numeral, preceding the sla11ted line, refers to tl1e year of the Negarit Gazeta in vvl1ich tl1e cited law appears. The second numeral, follovvi11g tl1 e sla11ted line, refers to the issue nt1mber of tl1e Negarit Gazeta of that year i11 which the cited la\v appears. If this nt1meral is preceded by the letters Ex., the cited la,v was printed i11 tl1e Extraordinary Iss11e of that nt1mber, rather than i11 a regular issue. ·The third numeral, i11 pare11theses, indicates the calendar year dt1ring wl1ich the law appeared. In tl1e English, this year follows the Gregorian Calendar; in the Amharic text, it follo\vs tl1e Ethiopian Cale11dar. The letter immediately following the date is an abbreviation for the of the legal form of the law. In the English, C.= Corrige11dum, D. = Decree, G.= General Notice, L.= Legal Notice, N.= Notice, N.A.= Notice of Approval, N.D.= Notice of Disapproval, 0.= Order, and P. = Proclamation*. The numeral after the letter i11djcates the seqt1e11tial number of the law cited. Each form of legislation is n11mbered in seqt1ence from the origin of the Negarit Gazeta to the present. The letters �'Art.'' are an abbreviation for the word ''Article'', and the number or numbers following Art. show the specific Article or Articles of the law which are referred to. Each law is divided into numbered paragraphs generally called ''Articles''. When 110 specific Article n11mbers are cited, the refere11ce is to the law as a whole. t

Th1s, the citatio11 ''15/2 (1955) P. 149'' means that the law cited is Proclamatio11 N·o. 149 and that it was published in 1955 in t]1e second number of the fifteenth year of the Negarit Gazeta. The citatio11 ''2/5 (1943) 0. 1 Art. 13'' i11dicates Article 13 of Order No. 1, p11bJished in 1943 in tl1e fiftl1 isst1e of the second year of the Negarit Gazeta. *For an explanation of these different types of Legislation, the reader may consult T/1e Lau, Making Process in Ethiopia by R. Redden witl1 the assistance of Aberra Jembere and Nebiye­ lul Kifle (Facu.lty of Law, HSIU, Addis Ababa, 1966) available from Faculty of Law, Box I 176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The price is $1.00

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Citations to the Consolidated Laws of Ethiopia Also t1sed i11 tl1e Co11solidated Lal-vs are citatio11s to otl1er 1Jarts of tl1e Co11so­ liclated LaH,s itself. The Co11soliclated Lc,·.-vs is orga11ized a11d divided i11to 33 sectio11s accordit1g to subject matter. Tl1e longer sectio11s are divided i11to st1bsections. Witl1in each. section are all the laws which deal prin,arily \Vitl1 tl1e st1bject matter of tl1at section. Eacl1 law is given a title 11t1n1ber accordi11g to tl1e order of its a1Jpeara11ce wit11in the section. Thus the first Jaw is Title 1, tl1e seco11d law is Title 2, a11d so 011. Tl1e Jaws tbe1nselves are furtl1er divided into Articles, as clescribed above. Two examples of citations to tl1e Co11s9/iclatecl LaH,s are 16 Consol.. L. Et/1. I�, and 7 Consol. L. Etlz. 3-4, 6-8. These citatio11s tell wl1ere to find tl1e cited laws 111 the Co11soliclated Lal-vs, an.d their n1eanings ca11 be derived as follows: The first nu111eral, preceding the words ''Consol. L. Et/1. '', states tl1e sectio11 of the Co11so/idatecl Lal-vs in ,1/J1ich the cited )a\.v appears. TJ1e words ''Co11sol. L. Et/1. '' are the abbreviation for Co11solidatecl La�vs of. Etl1iopia. Tl1e second 11un,1eral (i111n1ediately following the ,vords) states the title number of the cited law within its sectio11 of tl1e Co11solidatecl Lai,vs. The t/1ircl 011d si1cceedi11g ni111ierals after t/1e l1J1phen, \Vl1e11 they a1Jpear, are the ot1mbers of the specific Articles of law ,vl1icl1 are referrecl to. Often refere11ce is n1ade to a law as a wl1ole, a11d i11 such a case only t,vo 11un1erals appear. Wl1ere refere11ce ca11 be made to 011e or 1nore speciJic Articles of the law, 110\vever, 011e or more ad­ ditional nt1merals are inserted for tl1at purpose. Thus, tl1e oitatio11 ''16 Consol. L. Et}1. 10'' refers the reader to Title 10 (the tenth Jaw) in Sectio11 16 of the Co11so/idatec/ LaH,s. The citatio11 ''7 Co11so/. L. Eth. 3 - 4, 8 - 10'' refers the reader to Articles 4, 8, 9 a11d 10 of Title 3 (the third law) in Section 7 of the Consolidatecl Laws. Often, both the Negarit Gazeta citation and the Co11so/idc,tecl Laws citation are given for the san1e law. 111 s11ch a case, the Article nt1mbers are ge11erally not repeated in the Co11so/iclated Laws citation. A11 example is the citatio11 for tb.e Local Self-Adininistratio11 Order, 25/9B (1966) 0.43 Arts. 4, 8 - 10, 7 Co11sol. L. Eth. 3. Thi � c_:ita;tiou dire _ �ts the reader to Articles 4, 8, 9 and 10 of Order No. 43, publi­ sh�d 1n 1966 m issue number 9B of the 25tl1 Year of the Negarit Gazeta and appearing in the Consolidated Lau,s as Title 3 of Section 7.

NUMBERING OF PAGES Ea 0h page of legal text of the Consolidated Lal-vs is numbered io arabic numer­ als in _ two places, with two different nmn1bers. At the bottom in the centre of the page 1s the page number. These nt1mbers rt1n co11sect1tively frot11 tl1e first page of· legal texit to the end of the legal text i11 tl1e last volun1e. . Ait the �JJ>pe..u outside corn,er of tJ�e �age are two nun1bers w.biol1 denote fhe section an d title number of the law w·bich 1s fou11d on that page. Th tis for instainoe pa,ge 40 ha s the numbers 2 - 5, 6 at the tlpper 011tside corner. This show � that page 46

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contains the end of Tit)e 5 a11d the beginni1 1g of Title 6 of Section Two. By t1si 11g tl1ese n11 mbers, the reader n1ay :fi11d the ]a1vv 1'1\! is searching for witl1ot1t having to k11ow tl1e page 11t1m ber on wl1icl1 it appears. Pages at the begiI1ni 11g ancl e 11d of tl1e Co11s0/idated Laws \Vhich do 1101 contai 11 legal text b11t vvliich contain reader aicls or expla11atory n1ate;ial are 11umbered witl1 roman, rather than arabic 1111n1erals.

FINDING TI-IE CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE TEXT OF THE LAW The text of the 11atio11al laws o.f Etl1iopia as tl1ey were in effect at the end of· tl1e Ethiopian year 1961 (Septen1ber 10, 1969 G.C.) is fou 11d in normal size (10 point) type on the pages of these vol11 1nes 11111nbered witl1 arabic 1 111merals. Matter appear­ ing in sn1all type is 11.ot part of tl1e text of tl1e laws. At the front of each volume is a SUMMARY OF CONTENTS co11tai11i 11g a s11mmary list of tl1e names of the 33 sections and a TABLE OF CONTENTS con­ taining a detailed list of all laws co11tained i11 tl1at vol11me, under their respective subject matter headings. Th11s, for i11stance , sectio11 15 deals 1vvith Banki11g and Currency, and under tl1e heading of sectio 11 15 tl1e Table of Conte11ts lists all the laws contained in th.e Co11s0/idated Lal11s whlcl1 deal primarily with Ba11king and C11rrency. The Tab.le of Contents contains five items of information abo11t each law. An example from Section 15 is the .following: 6. Charter of the Natio11al Bank

Corr. 23/14 (1964) C. 53

of Ethiopia

Aml1aric 01 1ly; a111d.

22/20 (1963) 0. 30

24/7 (1965) 0. 39

This entry describes Title 6 in Section 15. The 1 1ame of the law is ''Charter of the National Bank of Ethiopia''. Below tl1e na1ne appears the Negarit Gazeta citation to the law as it originally appeared, sl10\ving tl1at it was in year 22 of the Negarit Gazeta, number 20, ·published in 1963, and that this law is Order No. 30. The second column gives the legislative history of Order No. 30 since its original enactment. Interpretation of this section is described below under the heading ''Legislative History''. The third column gives the page 11l11nber on \Vhich Order No. 30 begi11s in the Consolidated Laws. If a person wishes to find all tl1e curre11tly effective regulatio 11s wl1icl1 have been issued 11nder a certain Proclamatio11 or other law, he will find them arranged immediately follovi1i11g that law in the Co11solidated Laws. Because many laws contain more than 0 11e subject or contain st1bject matter which does not fall neatly i11to any 011e of the categories i 11to which the Consolidated Laws is organized, it is 11s11ally in1possible to find all the provisions of law 011 a particular subject by refe.rring to the Table of Contents. The next step is to refer to tl1e comprehe11sive WORD INDEX at tl1e end of the last volume. The Word Index is a list, in alpl1abetical order, of all st1bjects dealt witl1 by the Jaws contai11ed l1erein. The perso11 w:isbi11g to find the law 01 1 a particular subject has 011ly to look tip his st1bject at the appropriate place in the Word Index to fincl a reference to all - xlv -


Articles of law contained herein wl1ich deal with t}1 at st1 bject. Tl1 is refere11ce gives tl1e section, title and Article 11 t1mbers of the releva11t provisions in the Co11so/iclatecl Laws. If the l1ser k 1 1ows tl1 e legal form and 1 1t1n1ber or tl1e .Negc,rit Gazeta citatio11 of a law whicl1 l1e ,vished to find in the Co11s0/iclatecl J�a�vs, l1e 1nay co11st1lt tl1e FIND­ ING TABLES which appear before the Word l11dex at the encl of tl1e last vo_lume hereof. T.l1e Fiodi11g Tables list every la\V a11d regt1latio11 vil1ich bas bee11 pt1bl1s.hed in tl1e Negarit Gazeta. There is a separate table for eacl1 form of law (Procla111at1on, Decree, etc.), witl1 every law or regt1latiot1 of tl1at form listed i11 nt1n1erical _ or�er, with its full citation to tl1e Negarit Gazeta. Opposite eacl1 Negc,rit Ga� eta c1tat1 011 is a citation to tl1e sectio11 a11d. title nun1bers wl1ere tl1e law or regt1lat1011 appears in tl1e Consolidated LaH1s or, if it is 11ot i11 clt1ded herei11, a brief state111e11t of the reason for its on1ission. After referring to the above-described Reader Aids i11 the origi11al vol11mes of tl1e Co11solidc1tecl Laws, the user wl10 wishes to find the current text of tl1e law sl1ot1ld ascertain wl1ether any SUPPLEMENTS l1ave bee11 published and sl1011ld co11sult subsequent issues of the Negarit Gc1zeta. Tl1e origi11al vol11111es l1ereof co11tai11 the texts of law as of the end of tl1e year 1961 of tl1e Etl1 iopia11 Cale11dar (Se1Jte111ber 10, 1969 G.C.). No ame 1 1dments or repeals a11d oo 1 1ew laws whicl1 l1 ave been JJt1blisl1 ed in the Negarit Gc1zeta since tl1at date are i11cl11ded l1erei11. J11 order to fi11d tl1e ct1rre11t state of tl1e la\v, it is 11ecessary to co11s11lt tl1e Negarit Gazetas which have bee11 p11b­ lished si11ce that date. It is pla1111ed, however, to p11blisl1 periodic St1 JJplen1e11ts wJucb will bring tl1e Co,1solidatecl Laws ltp to date. Whe11 S11pplen1e11ts are JJUblished, t]1e 11ser shottld const1lt each St1ppleme 11t plt1s all Negarit Gazetas \Vl1ich l1ave been published-si11 ce the date of the 111ost recent St1pplemet1t. LANGUAGE DISCREPANCIES AND DATES

Becat1se the la\.vs are pttblished i11 tl1e official Negarit Gazeta in both A 1 11l1aric and English, d.iscrepancies between the two language versio11s sometimes occt1r. No systematic search h as been made for such discrepa11cies. Nevertheless, those that were noticed ir1 the course of compiling the Co11solidated Laws have been noted in CO N.SOLI_DATIO� NOTE� in sm.a1 1 type in1mediately fallowing the Articles of law m which the d1screpanc1es a.ppear. Amharic is the official la1 1guag � of the Empire. The laws promt1lgated by tl1 e Bmperor, and those passed by Parliament \.Vere considered by those a11thorities j 11 their Amharic versions. The san1.e is generally true of regt1lations issued by Ministers ?f the g?vernment. On the hand_, many of the laws and regt1lations were drafted m �nglish and were not tran . slated 1�to Amharic until tl1ey J1ad reached virtt1ally . 1lhetr final form. Some of them were intended to inc orporate selected foreign con­ cepts _ 0r procedll!lres. For t�ese reasons, as well as the fac t that the official gazette o.ontams b�th langu�ge �ers1,ons, �o �ttempt ha s been mad.e to suggest which ver,sion @f any particular .article 1s author1 tat1ve, except where it is clear the d' 1screp . . a.ncy • .t.: I I ues11 t s fliOJil a ty i;,ograp.wca error 1n one version or the other.

The �tlhio�ian Cal! endar (E.C.) varies fro n1 tl1e Gregorian Calen dar (G.C.) sev ll>y appr0 a en years arnd 253 days Generally dates in Ethiopran , x1m me:ly at·011 egis l · I · � . ar�e s·tated ac0orcling to the Gregorian C ale� · dar in tlle Bngli'sh vers1on and accorw ,;1 ng - xlvi -




to the Ethiopia11 Calendar i11 the An1l1aric , 1ers.ion. Some laws, 110\vever, vary fro1n this practice a11d co11tain Ethiopian Cale11dar dates in tl1e E11glisl1 versio11. Becat1se of variatio11s in Leap Years, it wot1ld be 111isleadi11g or t111dt1ly ct1n1berso1ne to give tl1e Gregoria11 Calendar eq11ivale11t eacl1 ti111e tl1is occt1rs. I11stead, the Consoliclcttecl Lalvs inclt1des, as APPENDIX I, a table by wl1ich tl1e t1ser ca11 co11vert a11y partict1lar date easily from 011e calenda1� to tl1e otl1er.

JUDICIAL AND ADM .INIS'.fRATIVE INTERPRETATIONS Where an Article of a la\v has bee11 i11terr,retecl i11 a cot1rt or adnii11istrative jt1dgment vvhich l1as bee11 p11blished i11 tl1e .loi1r11al of Etl1ioJJia11 La�v, a NOTE OF DE­ CISION in small print follovi1i11g tl1e article gives a brief s11m1nary of tl1e pt1blished judgment a11d the citation to the isst1e and page 11umber of tl1e Jo11r11al i11 \Vhich the full judgn1ent n1ay be fot111d. Tl1e jt1dg1nent is citecI by stati'11g tl1e na1nes of the parties to the case, followed by tl1e 11an1e of the cot1rt which decided tl1e case and the year of decisio11, then the ,vords ''J. Et/1. L'' as a11 abbreviatio11 for Joitrnal of Ethiopian La}v, the11 the nt1mber of the volt1me a11d the page on whicl1 the jt1dgine11t is pt1blished tl1erein. Th11s, Orbis Co. v. Inland Reve11i1e De1Jart111e11t (High Ct., Addis Ababa, 1968) J. Et/1. L, vol. 6, p. 74, refers to the case of Orbis Company against tl1e Inla11d Re-, venue Departme11t, which was decided i11 1968 by the High Cot1rt i11 Addis Ababa and was publisl1ed in vol11me 6 of tl1e Journal of Ethiopian La�v at page 74. These judgments are 11ot part of the text of the la\V and are 11ot bindi11g as to the interpretatio11 of the law in the f11t11re.

CROSS REFERENCES Where an Article of a law appearing l1erei11 contai11s a reference to another la\v, a CROSS REFERENCE in small print followi11g the Article gives the 11ame of the law referred to and the citatio11 to tl1at law in the Negarit Gctzeta. If that la\V is currently in effect, the Cross Reference also gives the citation to it jn the Con­ solidated Laws, so that the user can refer to jt qt1ickly a11d easily. Where the refere11ce i11 a regulation is simply to the primary legislatio11 u11der which tl1e regulation was issued, no Cross Reference is given j-f the primary legislation appears i11 the Con­ solidated Laws, beca11se all reg11lations follow in11nediately after the primary legisla­ tion which a11thorized tl1eir isst1ance, a11d therefore the user ca11 find the primary legislation easily.

LEGISLATIVE FIISTORY The Consolidatecl Laws contains complete historical inforn1ation on tl1e pro­ visio11s of law contai11ed herein. This irlforn1ation serves three pt1rposes: (I) It enables the user to ascertain tl1e state of the law at some specific date i11 tl1e past; (2) it enables the user to trace the evolt1tion and developme11t of a law over its life; and (3) it enables the 11ser to check the decisions made by the editors witl1 respect to i11clusion

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visio!�s pro 1t 1 _ eva rel tl1e to m the i11g ect dir by rs, tte ma 1lar tict 1 of par io1 lus exc and , �vs La ted /zcla 11s0 Co e 1 tl of od 1 etl 1 1\. a11d t111d gro ack e ''B (Se in the Negarit Gazeta. above.)

Tl1 e historical i 11 for111ation is co11 taioed i11 several JJlaces i11 tl1e Cor1solidated La»1 s: ci Tl1e TABLE OF CONTENTS contai11s a colti.11111 listi11g t11e Negarit Gctzet 1e law tl of t tex 1 al gi1 ori tl1e ted .ffec a s 1 ha 1 icl ,vl 11 tio tio11s to all s·ubsequent Iegisla cita • 111 any way.

Each law wbicl1 bas bee11 cl1a11ged since its origi11al e11act 1neot l1 as an INTRO­ DUCTORY FOOTNOTE in sn1all pri11t at tl1 e botton1 of tl1e first JJage of the l_aw. This foot11ote reJJeats tl1 e i11formatio11 given i11 tbe Tabl� of C?1 1te11 ts a11 d � 1 ves any other i 11formatio11 about the law as a whole ,vhich 1s considered pote11t1all)1 t 1seful to tl1e reader. I11 cases ,vl1ere a law consists of tl1ree or fewer Articles, these l1 1trodt1ctory Foot11otes also contai11 a11y otl1er inforn1 atio11 tha.t would b� co11tai11ed in Co11solidation Notes, Notes of Decisio11s, or Cross Refere11ce 11otes 111 tl1 e case of lo11ger legislation. CONSOLIDATJON N'OTES ap1Jear i11 s1nall print from ti111e to tin1e i 11 l,L\\1s of more tl1a11 tl1 ree Articles. These 11otes, w11.icl1 are 1 1ot part of tl1 e text of the la\vs, appear imn1.ecliately follo,ving tl1 e Article of law to wl1 ich the)' refer. I11 addition to pointing otrt lar1gt1age discrepa11cies, as noted above, the Co 11solidatio11 Notes per­ form a nt1mber of f11octions. Fi1·st, 011e of tl1ese notes aJJpears after eacl1 individual Article of Jaw which bas been cl1 anged since its origi11al e11actme 1 1t. It gives tl1e Negarit Gazeta citatiot1 to each subseqt1ent law whic.h has affected the text of tl1at Article, and the Co11solidated Laws citation to any st1bseqt1ent law appearing herein. Seco11d, wl1ere an Article b a. s bee11 i1npliedJy amended, tl1e Consolid.atio11 Note gives a des­ f criptio11 of the cl1a11ge tht1s ef ected, as \Vell as tl1 e citation to the item of legislation wl1icb 111.ade it. Finally, wbe11 a law l1as bee11 promt1lgatecl 11 nder son1e provision of legislation ,vbich has since been repealed, the Consolidatio11 Note gives the pre­ �ent parallel of tl1 e repealed legislation a11d/or explai11s l1ow the st1bsidiary legislation 1s preserved.

When.ever 011.e or 1nore entire Articles of law are tra11sitory or obsolete or have beem ,rep,ealed, specinca.Uy or in1 pliedly, the text of tl1ose Articles is 01nitted ·fron1 the Consolidated La111s. Instead, there appears in sqt1are brackets after tl1e Article nambe11(s� tih� state·ment tl1at 0,ey hav� been repealed or a .re transitory or obsolete, and the c1_tat1 �n to tihe repealm.g law, 1f any. If the provision of law is obsolete or �as _been 1�1:I 1 edly repealed, some explanation of the former co1 1tents of tJ1 e law 11s given w1t, h1 n �he square brackets.

A:S noted a?ove, Ia_ws which are tra:i1sitor·y or obsolete or wllich ha ve bee 11 r�pealed are �·m1t1led entuely :from the Consolidated Laws. Notations of tliese omis­ sion.�, a11d brrief reasons therefore, are contained i11 the Fincti 11g Table wh s ich . im � meclli�te.Jy precede the Word Index at tl1 e end of the last vot1 1n 1.e . I 1 1 addI· t·lon' b.e_ . . . . . eause ©f th a un t of JU d , gm eu in t volved 111 deciding that a la w is obsolete or that J im � 1·1 tiih ,ais beell ImJi> e dly repealed, separate taJbles of su ch la\vs are incltided as APPEN�1.l!K DF.I and A:PiPE�DIX IV, ne ar t�e e11d . of the last vo ltlme hereof. A p eadix Jf l a1sts ai 1I the 1aws which have been enti'rely repealed bvJ 1··.mpl' . . . 1 ca... ..:.1on, 1·ctent11 f th e 1 aws - xlviii -


\Vhic]1 l1ave effected tl1 eir reJJeal a11d gi\1 es son1 e exiJla1 1atio 11 of tl1e reaso 1 1s for fjt1d­ .i 11 g repeal. Appe11 dix lV lists all tl1 e l:.1,,vs wl1icl1 l1ave bee 1 1 011 1itted as obsolete a11ci s11m111 arizes co11te 11 ts. Also omitted e 11 tirely fro.111 tl1e Co11soliclatecl J�al-vs are :Procla1natio 11 s approvi 11 g treaties or loa11 agreeme 1 1ts. 1\PPEN.DIX V, i11 1 1 11ediately 1Jrececli11 g tl1e Fi11di11 g Tables, contai11s a list of tl1 ose Procla111atio11s a1 1d a brief s11n1n1ary of their contents.

Signal Information In order to present as co11cisely as possible tbe historical information contained i11 the Ta'ble of Co11 te11 ts, Introd11ctor)1 Footnotes, Fi11di11 g ·Tables and Consolidation Notes, a set of abbreviated sig11als is 1 1 sed to ide 1 1tify every kind of cl1a11 ge wl1icb co11ld be made in the original text of a la\\1• Nat11rally, 11ot all tl1 ese sig 1 1als are needed to tell the llistory of each law. Indeed, \.Vl1ere tl1e origi11al text of a lavv l1 as 11ot been changed in any ,vay, no signal is 11ecessary, a11d 11 0 entry will be fo1111d t1ncler ''Legisla­ tive History'' i11 the Table of Co11tents. Tl1e signals 11sed are as follows, listed i1 1 tl1e order in which they 1 1 st1ally a1Jpear. 1. Orig. Tllis signal is 11sed only ,vl1en the current 11u 1 11ber or legal for1n of the law or ai1 Article tl1ereof is different from tl1at i11 wbicl1 it origi11 ally appeared, for insta11ce, wl1e11 a law \:Vl1icl1 is 110w a Proclamation vvas origi 1 1al­ ]y iss11ed as a Decree, or wl1e11 a law or a11 Article of law has been re11111 11 bered by a subseque 11 t la\v. '"fhe citatio 1 1 followi11g tl1e signal is to the origi 1 1al form a11d nt1mber of tl1 e law or Article. 2. renum. This signal is used 011 ly i11 co11 11ectio11 with the signal orig. The cita­ tion following the signal is to the la,v whicl1 re11umbered the original law or Article tl1ereof. 3. an1cl. a 11d reni,111. This sig11al is 11sed only in co 1 1nectio11 with the sig11al orig. The citation followi11g the signal is to the law \:vhich a1ne11cled a11cl gave a 11ew form nun1be1· to the lalv. 4. aclded. This sig11 al is t1sed only whe11 011e or more Articles of a law have bee11 added since the original enactn1e 1 1t of a law. The citatio 1 1 following tl1e sig11al is to the law wl1ich added the 11 e\.v Article or Articles. 5. aJJp. This signal is t1sed only in reference to those Jaws wl1ich were iss11ed as imperial Decrees and wh.ich were later approver! by Par]jame 1 1t. The citation following the signal is to the Notice of Approval by \Vhich Parlia1nent signified its asse11t to the Decree.

- il -


6. corr. Tl1is signaJ is t1sed to indicate tl1at an official correction bas bee11 111ade i11 the original text of the la\V. Tl1e citatio11 followi11g tl1e signal is to tl1e pt1blished corrige11dun1 wl1ic]1 effected tl1e correctio11. 7. ext. to Eritrea. This signal is t1sed wl1e11 a law ,vJ1ich originally a1 Jplied to Etluopia before tl1e federatiot1 witl1 Eritrea was exte,iclecl to Eritrea also duri11g the federation period. The citation followi11g tl1e sig11al is to tl1e la\\' which extended tl1e pre-federatio11 law to Eritrea. 8. a111d. TJus indicates that the original text of tl1e law has bee11 expressly a,nenc/ed. The citatio11 f0Jlowi11g the signal is to the law or Jaws wl1ich 111ade the a1nendment. 9. i1npl. a1·11d. Tlus sig11al indicates that the origi11al text of tl1e Ja,v l1as bee11 i111pliedly ci,n.ended. 1·11e citation followi11g tl1e signal is to tl1e la,v ,vhicl1 made the implied amer1d1nent. 1 0. re71d. sig11al indicates that the or.igi11al text of the law or provisio11 of law l1as bee11 expressly repealed. The citatio11 followi11g the sig11al is to tl1e law which effected the repeal. 11. i111pl. repd. This signal i11dicates that the origi11al text of the law or provisio11 of law has been i11i11lied/y reJJealecl. The citatio11 followi11g the sigi1al is to the law which effected tl1e in1plied repeal. 12. see also. Tl1is signal ii1dicates another law which sl1ould be consulted for a ft1ll l!lnderstandi11g of th.e principal law, even tl1ot1gh the law wl1ose citatio11 fi oUows this signal has made no actual change in tl1e text of the principal law. T1he following exa111ple is the Legislative History of Title 11 of Section 24 as �kt}n ]l'Ol!ll �he Table of Contients: Ext. to Jiritiliea 12/2 (1952) P. 128; corr. 11/6 (1952) C. 28; a,nd. l7/4 (1957) D. 29 as a;pp. 19/5 (1960) N.A. 3; imp/. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. l ( I 957).

'Fhis means that the law referred to was origi,nally applicable only to the former linil]'.F)ir, e of Bthi0pia before Vhe fied.eration witl1 Eritrea, but that its application was e'X�eJitc!lecl to Eli itrea by Pr0claimatiolil No. 128 of 1952; that its text was corrected hf� C0rrige1tdle.m N0. 2,s of 1952; tfuat ii.ts tex, t was speoiftcall� amen.ded by Decree �, @ . 29 � l '9-51, wh.ieh itse1f was aJi>proved by Parliament i n Motice of Approval No,, 1\ o"f ]96@; ancl that its text was i ,111,pl!iedly arnend�d by tb..e Penal Code of 1957. -l-

ABBREVIATIONS A111{!. A111s. App. Art. C. Chap. Civ. C. Civ. · Pro. C. Comm. C. Cont'd Consol. L. A.A. Consol. L. Eth. Corr. Crim. Pro. C. Ct.

D. E.C. Eff.

Ex. Ext. Fn.


A111e11cled by A111e11cls A PJJroved by Parliament Article Cor.rige11clt1111 Cl1apter Civil Code Civil Procedure Code (of 1965) Commercial Code Co11ti11ued Co11solic/atecl Legislatio11 of Addis Ababa Co11solic/a1ed La}vs of Ethiopia Corrected by Criminal Proced11re Code (of 1961) Court Decree Ethiopian Cale11dar Effective as of Extraordi11ary Isst1e of the Negarit Gazeta Extended Footnote General Notice Gregoria11 Calendar

G.C. Imp. Imp/. amcl. I1r1pl. an1s. Imp/. repd.

Imperial Impliedly a111ended by I111pliedly ame11ds Impliedly repealed by

Imp!. reps. J. Et/1. L. Maritime C.

In1pliedly repeals Jot1r11al o_f EthioJJian Law Maritime Code




Notice of Approval (by Parlian1e11t)


Notice of Disapproval (by Parliame11t)

Neg. Gaz.

Negarit Gazeta.

- Ii-


0. Orig. P. Pen. C. Para. Pt. Reni,m. Repd. Reps. R.ev. Const.


Sched. Sec. Sup. Vol.

Order Origi11ally a.(Jpeared as Proclamatio11 Pe11al Code Paragrapl1 Part Renumbered as Repealed by Repeals Revised Constitt1tion of 1955 Suppleme11t Schedule Sectio11 Supreme Volume




Section 1.


WHEREAS, twenty-four years ago, at the begi11ning of Our Reign, We granted to Our faithful Subjects and proclaimed a Constitution for the Empire of Ethiopia; and WHEREAS, ALMIGHTY GOD, THE SOURCE OF ALL BENEFITS, has strengthened and inspired Us to lead Our beloved People, during Our Reign, through the greatest of trials and hardships to an era of great progress in all fields; and WHEREAS, being desirous of co11solidating the progress achieved and of lay­ ing a solid basis for the happiness a-nd prosperity of the present and future genera­ tions of Our People, We have prepared a Revised Constit11tion for Our Empire, after many years of searching st11dy and reflection; and WHEREAS, Our Parliament, after due examination and deliberation, has s·ubmitted to Us its approval of this Revised Constitution; NOW, THEREFORE, WE HAILE SELASSIE I, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA, do, on the occasion of Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Our Coronation, hereby pro­ claim and place into force and effect as from today the Revised Constitution of the Empire of Ethiopia, for the benefit, welfare, and progress of Our beloved People. GIVEN in Our Imperial Capita.I, on this the 4th day of November, 1955, and on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Our Coronation. -1-




The E.mpire of Ethiopia comprise� all the territories, includi11g the islands_ and _ _ the territorial waters, under the sovereignty of the Eth1opi�n Cr? wn. Its s�vere1g� ty and territory are indivisible. Its territories and the sovereign rights therein are in­ alienable. All Ethiopian S'ubjects, whether living withi11 or \\1 ithout the Empire, co11stitute the Ethiopian People. ARTICLE 2 •

The Imperial dignity shall remain perpetually � ttached to th� line ?f Haile Selassie I, descendant of King Sable Selassie, whose line descends without 1nterrt1p­ tion from the dynasty of Menelik I, son of the Queen of Ethiopia, the Q11een of Sheba, and King Solomon of Jerusalern. ARTICLE 3 The succession to tl1e Throne and Crown of the En1pire by the descendants of the Emperor a11d the exercise of the powers of Rege11cy shall be determined as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE 4 By virtue o·f HJs Imperial Blood, as well as by the anoi11ting which He has received, the person of the Emperor is sacred, His dignity is .inviolable and His power indisputable. He is, consequently, entitled to all the ho11ours due to Hin1 in accordance with tradition and the present Constitution. Any one so bold as to seek to injure th.e Emperor will be punished. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The A.mharic version of tl1e last sentence of this Article reads: "It has been decided that any one so bold as to seek to injure the honour of the .Em_peror shall be punished".

ARTICLE 5 1'h.e oFder of su.ecession sh�11 be lineal, and only 111ale, born in lawful \vedlock, may succeed male; the nearest line shall p·ass before the more ren1ote ' ..1nd the elder · in the line mefor-e the yor1nger. I,n con�ormity wi�.h the pr?visions of this Article an d the following Articles �16! a special law shall cl.eterm1ne the order of, and the qualific�tions for, the suc­ cession. ARTICLE 6 Amon� thos� entitlecl to �e succession s.�all be reckoned also the so n unborn, .wh shaH 1 med1atelr take hIS prop er place 1n the line of suC€essien the moment ? ?1 · lie 1s bom mto the wo11ld.

ART.ICLE 7 ]n the event that, a� the time of His succession to the Th rone an d c . !ft H�peron s'h�ll have at_tained the age of eighteen years, He shall, on the J�;��ter� _ mined by P11m, but ID any event not later than Ot:'e :vear .i.. ac.1 ter H'1s su . ooess·r0n to ♦l!' U .e





REv1s1:o CoNsT11·u·r10N & CI-IAR-rER ot= O.A.U.

--- ----- -- --- ------- -----·

Crown, be anointed and crowned as E111peror, tl1e provisions and details of the Coronation being determined in the Coro11ation Ceren1011ial of tl1e Etl1iopia11 Ortho­ dox Church of second Nove111ber, 1930.

ARTICLE 8 Regency shall exist i11 tl1e eve11t tl,at tl1e Emperor is u11able to exercise tl1e In1perial Offi:e, ,v �1ether by reaso11 of 111i11ority, abse11ce fron1 the Empire, or by reason of serious 1Jl11ess as detern1i11ed by tl1e Crow11 Council. In such cases, the Regency shall exercise, i11 the 11ame of the Emperor, all the powers and prerogatives of tl1e Crown, exce_pt tl1at tl1e Rege11cy shall l1ave no power to grant the title of Prince, and sball have caretaker powers only as regards the properties of the Crown and of the Emperor. Rege11cy sl1all at1to1natically ter1ni11ate 11pon the cessation, as regards the En1peror, of tbe conditio11s havi11g given rise to tl1e Regency, i11 accord­ ance with the provisions of the present Article. Regency sl1all be exercised, respective­ ly, in the situations as provided for i11 Articles 9 a11d 11, by the person or by the Co11ncil, as provided for in Articles 10 and 11. ARTICLE 9 In the event that the Emperor, or in the eve11t that the Crown Prince or the Heir Presumptive, in the situations provided for in Article 11, shall not have attained the age of eighteen years, the Regency shall be exercised by the Cot1ncil of Regency as provided for i11 Article 11.. ARTICLE 10 The Council of Regency shall consist of the Empress 1'lother, tl1e two des­ cenda11ts of the li11e of Sable Selassie n1ost nearly related to the Emperor, as deter­ mined by the Crow11 Co11ncil, having reached tl1e age of eighteen and being of sound mind, the Archbishop, the Prime Minister, the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies. The President o.f the Council of Regency shall be the Empress Mother, or, in Her abse11ce, the Prime Mi11ister. No decisions of the Council of Regency shall be taken except by a majority vote of two-thirds of the members thereof. ARTICLE 11 Regency shall be exercised by the Crow11 Prince or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, in case of the serious illness, or the absence of the E1nperor from the Empire. However, in the event that the Crow11 Prince or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, himself shall be subject to serious illness, or shall be absent from the Empire or shall not have attained his eighteenth year, the Regency shall be exercised by the Council of Regency, which shall a11tomatically relinquish its functions to the Crown Pri11ce or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, upon the cessation of any such disability of the Crown Prince or the ·Heir Presumptive, as the case may be. Serious illness of the Crown Prince or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, shall be determined by the Crown Council. ARTICLE 12 Upon the birth of the Crown Pri11ce, the En1peror shall designate the members of the Coun.cil of G11ardianship to be convened and to assume its responsibilities only in the event of a Regency. The mother of the Crown Prince shall be ex-officio a member of such CounciJ. The Cot1ncil of Guardianship shall receive in trust for




the by ed eiv rec es enu rev d an 1e on inc al nt1 an the of d the Crow11 Prince one-thir h wit ty 1ni for con in or, per Em e om bec s ha 0 wl1 nce Pri w11 predecessor of tl1e Cro tl1e provisio11s of Article 19 (c). ARTICLE 13 (a) In the event that the Emperor shall, at a11y time, l1ave no 111ale d�sce11dant, or no male descendant capable of meeting the requirements for succes�1011 to the _ Throne, He shall, after having previously consulted the Crown Cou� 1c1J, pub!1cly designate as Heir Presumptive from amongst His nearest n1ale relatives, a d1rect descendant of Sahle Selassie, meeting tl1e requirements for succession to the Tl1rone. (b) The determinations as to the qualificatio11s for successio11 sl1all be 1nade by the Emperor, after having previously consulted th� Crown Cou.11cil. (c) In case of a determinatio11 that male descendant is incapable of meeting the requirements for succession, such determination shall operate to exclude such n1ale desce11dant in favour of the next male descendant, or, in favour of the Heir Presun1ptive. The designation of an Heir Prestunptive shall become inoperative ltpon the subsequent birth of a male descendant. (d) In case of the minority of the Emperor, tl1e desig11ation of a11 Heir Pre­ su.mptive shall, i11 accordance with the provisions of the 1,resent Article, be effected by the Council of Regency. However, at the time of His coronation, and at any time tl1ereafter, tl1e Emperor shall be free to desig11ate, i11 accordance witl1 the pro­ visions of the present Article, another Heir Presumptive i11 replacement of the Heir Presumptive designated by the Council of Regency, or previously, by Himself. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Th '? Amharic ver�ion of 8;ubarticle (a) begins, "In the event that at the time of his

coronation or at any tl1ereafter, the Emperor sh.all have no male descendants... "

ARTICLE 14 T�oughout His minority, the place of residence of the Emperor shall be the Imperial �alace. Absence tberefr?1:1 for travel or for educational purposes may be author1�ed by law. Upon atta1rung the age of �welve years, the Emperor may !!3ake offi�!al appeara�ce,s, �ttended by the Counc.11 of Regency, the Princes, the Balabats and th.e D1gn1tar1es (Mekuanent). ARTICLE 15 -:',-ny mem?er of the Imperial. Fa�y, who, being eligible for the succession, mames a foreigner or �ho marries without the consent of the Emperor, of the Regent, ?r of ili.e Council of Regency, as the case may be' shall forfiei't a11 Imperi·a1· pierogat1ves for himself an.d his descendants. ARTICLE 16 T.he J�,:P)erial. Family s:hall include aM direct lineal asce. dants an d d esc . en dants, � t0getheu with th.e1r s_pouses, of the Emperor with the excep en of those who have net compiled with th e provisions of Art·IC1'e 15 or w·h 0 are not of the Eth iopian Orth0d0.x Faitih.








ARTICLE 17 The status, positio11, d11ties, res1)onsibilities, privileges, e1nol11ments, travels abroad �nd deportment of the Princes at1d of n1e111bers of the I111perial Fa111ily sl1all be considered by the Cro,v11 Co1111cil fro1n tin1e to tin1e a11cl their reco1n1nendatio11s thereo11 shall be com1nunicated to the Emperor for ft1rther actio11. ARTICLE 18 Upon the death of tl1e En1peror, there sl1all be a period of full national n1ourn­ ing of three months, followed by a period of half mo11r11ing of six 1nonths, a11d upo11 the death of the Empress, there shall be a period of full 11ational mourning of two montl1s, followed by a period of 11alf n1ourning of fo11r mo11ths. The Emperor shall proclaim lesser periods of f11ll and half natio11al 1no11rni11g 111Jo11 tl1e deaths of other n1embers of the Imperial Fan1ily, e.xcept tl1at no period of 11ational mourning may cat1se to be postponed a corooatio11 1nore tha11 011e year fro1n the date of the succes­ sion to the Crown of the Emperor or of His attaining tl1e age of eightee11. In the event that the coro11atio11 takes place d11ri11g a period of full or half m.ourning, s11cb period of mourning shall be termi11ated seve11 days before the coro11ation. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version omits the word ''lesser'' in the second sentence.

ARTICLE 19 (a) The regalia of the Crown, including all regalia of the Empress and of the Crown Prince, are inalienable as belonging to the Empire. (b) From the date of the proclamation of the present Constitution, all realty registered in the name of the Crown (Bete Mengist) are held i11 tr11st for the Crown under the administration of the Emperor and are inalienable. (c) It is the Emperor's right to administer all of the inalienable properties of the Crown and all profits and revenues therefrom for the benefit of the Crown and the Empire; a11d to receive and administer an annual appropriation, as provided by law, from the Imperial Treasury, which shall, with the aforesaid profits and revenues, be adequate for the fulfilment of His functions under the present Constitution. In case of a Regency, the civil list shall be ann11ally determined by law. (d) All properties held in the names of the Emperor or members of the Imperial Family are private property and, as such, are under the same regime as that applicable to all properties of nationals of the Empire. (e) The Emperor's Court shall be under His direction and He may make s11ch arrangements in regard thereto as He deems appropriate. He may, at will, appoint to, or dismiss from, all posts at His Co11rt, sucl1 persons as He shall see fit. ARTICLE 20 Upon the establishment of a Council of Regency, each n1ember thereof shall take, in the presence of the Emperor, the following oath which shall be administered by the Archbishop: ''l11 the name of the Almighty, and as a member of the Council of Regency, I hereby swear to defend, with all my power, the rights, privileges and inherit­ ance of His Majesty the Emperor, so long as I shall remai11 a 1nember of the Council of Regency; that I will, at all times, respect and defend the Constitt1- 5 •



l wil I il, unc Co t tha of er mb 1ne as ct, 1d11 co1 and s ion act all n1y in t tha d 1; n a. tiot ever be motivated by respect for the Constitutio11 and the fir1n resolve of pro­ tecting the rights, privileges and inheritance of His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia. So help me God." The Archbishop shall himself take the san1e oath. ARTICLE 21 On the occasio11 of His Coronation, the Emperor shall tak_e t�1e following oath: ''In the name of Almighty God, We ... Emperor of Etl11op1a, swea� that We will uphold and. defend the Constitution of the Empire; tl1at We w_ ill gover11 Our Subjects with patience a.nd devotion to their gene�al ,v�lfare and in acco� d­ ance with the Constitution and the laws; that We ,vill fa1thft1lly defend, with all the means in Our power, the i11tegrity and territory of Our Empire; t�at We will faithfully see to the impartial execution of all laws approved by Parl1a.ment and proclaimed by Us; that We profess and will defend the Hol� Orth? d� x Faith based on the doctrines of St. Mark of Alexandria, professed 1n Eth1op1a since the Holy Emperors Abreh.a and Atsbiha; that We will ever promote the spiritual and material welfare and advancen1e11t of Our Subjects; and that, with the aid of the Almighty, We ,vill faithft1lly exect1te the pron1ises which We have here u11dertaken. So help Us God.'' ARTICLE 22 On tl1e occasion of the Coronatio11 of the Emperor, if over t,velve years of age, the Crow·o Prince or tl1e Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, all members of tl1e Crown Council a11d all members of the Parliament, shall individ11ally take an oatl1 of bomaP-e and fidelity to the Emperor. ARTICLE 23 111 pt1rsuaoce of the requirements of A.rticle 22, tl1e Crown Pri11ce or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, if over the age of twelve, shall take the following oa,th: ''In the nain1e of the Almighty, I hereby swear that I ,viii faith.fully observe aJI tJhe pr�cepts and cµtectio11s �f my Aug�st Father (''Sovereign'' in the case of an Heir Presumptive) and will ever strive to respect His wishes and seek not afte! that which is n.ot give11 to me, and be not so in1patient as Adonias or so dar1n� as Abesel?m;, �hat I will ever conduct myself so as to be worthy of ,, my Sire ( Sovere1� 1n �he cas � o� an Heir Pres11mptive), of my Imperial He. i r Pre­ Blood .and of the �gh station :"h1c. h 1s (''may be'' in the case of an . sump1 .t1ve), ll!Y destiny; I will, at all times, respect the Constitution and the laws, and will_ ever prof �ss and defend the Faith of our Orthodox Church. I swear., �1th the of the Almighty, I will faithftilly execute the proIDises which I have here undertaken. So help me God.'' ln the eve �t tha� t'he aforesaid oaith shall not have been taken on the occasioii of tih.e C01<on�t.lon, either by the Crown Prince or by th.e Heir Presumpti;ve, as the ease may _be, 1t shall be taken before the .Emper�r by the Crown Prince or the Heir Presumptive, as the case may be, t1pon his attalrung the age of eighteen. ARTICLE 24 1n �tl11suance of the requirements of Article 22 th e mem@ers of -tl1e Ciow,n C0UlilGfl sba1, 1 take tihe fol!Iowing oatli : '


REVISED C0Ns·r1Tu1·10N


CI-lAR-rER 01:;-



-------------------------· ''In th� na m� of the . Almig�ty, I hereby swear allegia11ce and fidelity to my Sovere�gn, ?"1s Imp�r1al MaJesty ... and tl1at I will, as 1ne1nber of the Crown Cot1nc1�, fa1thft1J�y place abo�e all els� the interest a11d welfare of Ethiopia and of its Sovereign; tl1at I \\1111, at all t1m�s, faithfully respect the Constitution and laws of the En1pire, and tl1at I vvill disclose 110 secret or confidential informa­ tion revealed to me in connectio11 ,vitl1 my official duties and positio11. So help m . e God.'' ARTICLE 25 In purst1a11ce of the reqt1ire111e11ts of Article 22, the men1bers of the Parliament shall take the following oat]1: ''In the name of tl1e Aln1ighty, I hereby swear allegiance and fidelity to my Sovereign, His Imperial Majesty ... and that I will, as member of the Parliament, faithfully place above all else t11e interest a.11d welfare of Ethiopia and of its Sovereign; that I will, at all times, faithfully respect the Constitution and laws of the Empire, and that I will disclose no secret or confidential i11formation revealed to me in cono,ection with my official dutie� and position. So help me God." CHAPTER II. THE POWERS AND PREROGATIVES OF THE EMPERO.R ARTICLE 26 The Sovereignty of the Empire is vested in the Emperor and the supreme autho­ rity over all the affairs of the Empire is exercised by Him as the Head of State, in the n1anner provided for in the present Constitutio11 .

ARTICLE 27 The Emperor determines the organization, powers and duties of all Ministries, executive departments and the administrations of the Government and appoints, promotes, transfers, suspends and dismisses the officials of the same. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of- this Article provides only that the Emperor determines the ''Natt1re of Work'' of st1ch agencies.

ARTICLE 28 The Emperor appoints Mayors of the municipalities referred to in Article 129 of the present Constitt1tion, from three candidates presented, in each case, by the Municipal Councils thereof. ARTICLE 29 ·The Emperor reserves the right, with the advice and consent of Parliament, to declare war. He, further, reserves the right to decide armed forces shall be maintain ed, both in time of peace and in time of ,var. As Commande �-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, He has the right to organize and command the said forces; to commission and to confer military rank upon the officers of tl1e said forces; and




to promote, transfer or dismiss any of the said officers. He has, further, the right to declare a state of siege, martial law, or a national en1ergency, a11d to take sucl1 n1easures as are 11ecessary to meet a threat to the defence or integrity of the Empire and to assure its defence and integrity. ARTICLE 30 The Emperor exercises the supren1e direction of the fo� e�gn relations_ o� the Empire. The Emperor accredits and receives Ambassadors, M1n1sters and M1ss1ons; He, alone, has the right to settle disputes with foreign powers by adjudica�ion a� d other peaceful means, and provides for and agrees to measures of co-operation with foreign Powers for the realization of the ends of security and co1nmon defence. He, alone, has the right to ratify, on behalf of Ethiopia, treaties and other international agreements, and to determine which treaties a.nd international agreements shall be subject to ratification before upon the Empire. However, all treaties of peace and all treaties and international agreements involving a modifica­ tion of the territory of the Empire, or of sovereignty or jt1risdiction over any part of such territory, or laying a burden on Ethiopian s·ubjects personally, or modifying legislation in existence, or requiring expenditt1res of state fu11ds, or involving loans or monopolies, shall, before becoming bi11ding upon the Empire and the inhabitants thereof, be laid before Parliament, and if both Houses of Parliament shall approve th.e same in accordance with the provisions of Articles 88-90 inclusive of the present Constitutio11, shall th.en be submitted to the Emperor for ratification. ARTICLE 31 (a) The Emperor alone confers and withdraws the title of Pri11ce and other honours, and institutes new orders. (b) Without His special leave, no Ethiopiat1 subject, nor any foreign national in any Govern1nent service in the Empire, may accept any honour, insignia of order, dignity, or title of or from, a foreign government. The granting of any title, honour or order may ex.empt no one from the common duties and burdens of the subjects, nor may it carry with it any preferential admission to the offices of the State. favour, cials who are re. l eased from office with assurances of Imperial (c) O � _ reta.1n the t1tlle and rank of the office they have filled. also makes grants from abandoned properties, and properties ( d) The Emperor . 1n escheat, for the pu.rpose of recompensing faithful service to the Crown. ARTICLE 32 Th.e Emperor has the right to coin, print and issue money. ARTICLE 33 The Emper0r has th.e right to convene the annual sessions of the deliberative . Cha:1110ers and to convoke extraordina.ry sessions thereof. At the opening of each s ss1011 0f the Oharo_bers, He �ay :present, or cause to be pr-esented, a speech from �e Tiu:one c:oncernmg the egislative program recomm.enaed by Him. t. He has the } r!lgh.t to i:,os, tp0ne the �perung o� amd to suspend, for not more than tbiFty days, and _t 0 extend, any session of Parl1ament. He has the right to dissolve the C,halll[beiiS orr etti her @f them, by ani Order, providing a.t the same time, for the of






a new Senate or the electio11 of a new Chamber of Deputies, or both, as the case may be, and for the co11vocation of tl1e Chambers for a session within fo11r months from the date of the Order. ARTICLE 34 In accordance with the p 1·ovisions of Articles 86, 88, 91, a11d 92 of the J>rese11t Constitl1tion, the Emperor has tl1e rigl1t to initiate legislation a.11d to origi 1 1ate otl1er resol11tions and to proclaim all laws, after the sa111e shall have been passed by the Parliament. ARTIC.LE 35 The Emperor has tl1e right and tl1e duty to ma.i11tain justice through the cot1rts; a11d the rigl1t to grant pardo 1 1s and a111L1esties a11d to co1nm11te penalties. ARTICLE 36 The Emperor, as Sovereign, I1as the d11ty to take all n1easures that may be necessary to ens11re at all times, the defence and integrity of the Empire; the safety and welfare of its inhabita11ts, incl1 1 ding their enjoyment of the h11ma11 rights a11d fundamental liberties recognized in the present Constitution; a11d the _protectio11 of all His subjects and their rights and interests abroad. Subject to the otl1er provi­ sions of this Constitution, He has all the rights and po'A ers necessary for the accom­ plishment of the ends set 011t in tl1e present Article. 1

CHAPTER III . RIGHTS AND D UTIES OF THE PEOPLE ARTICLE 37 No one shall be denied the eq11al protection of the laws. ARTICLE 38 There shall be no discrimination amongst Ethiopian subjects with respect to the enjoyment of all civil rights. ARTICLE 39 The law shall determine the conditions of acquisition and loss of Ethiopian nationality and of Ethiopian citizenship. ARTICLE 40 There shall be no interference with the exercise, i11 accordance ,vith tl1e la\v, of the rites of any religion or creed by residents of the f: m�i�e, provide� that such rites be not t1tilized for political purposes or be 1 1ot preJ11dic1al to p11 bl1c order or morality. ARTIC.LE 41 Freedom of speech and of the press is gu.aranteed thro11gho11t the Empire accordance with the law.





ARTICLE 42 Correspondet1ce sl1all be subject to no ce11sorship, except i11 time of declared national emerge11cy. · ICLE 43 ART No one within the Empire may be deprived of life, liberty or .Property withot1t dt1e process of Jaw. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Where tl1e English version says, "without due process of law'\ the Aml1aric literally reads, "except in accordance with the lav,i.'' NOTES OF DECISIONS Held by Supreme Imperial Court that quarrying stone fron1 privately owned land by Imperial Highway Authority under authority of J 0/5 (1951) P. 115 does not violate tl1e rigl1ts granted to individuals by Rev. Const. not to be deprived of property without ��e process of la,�. Held th� t the purpose of Proclamation 115 is to benefit society. Hence, any dec1s1on made under 1t n1ay sacri­ fice the interest of a.n individual to that of the society. Highway Authority v. Mebrabtt1 Fisiha (Sup. Imp. Ct. 1964), J. Eth. L., vol. 2, p. 37. 1-leld by H.igh Court (Addis Ababa) that felling of trees by the Imperial Board of Telecon1mu­ nications under authority of 9/1 I (1950) P. 114 Art. 6 does not constitute a deprivation of property without due process of law, even though there is no provision for compensation of the owner. The enactment of the Proclamation by itself satisfies that requiren1ent of Art. 43 Rev. Const. Lij Araya Abebe v. Imperial Board of Teleco1nD1unications (High Ct., Addis Ababa, 1964), J. Et/1. L., vol. 2, p. 303. Tl1e High Co11rt (Addis Ababa) held in an action broug�1t by an employee of the defendant ministry, who asked for an order restraining said n1inistry fron1 making further deductions fron1 his pay, that no one can be party, judge and executor in one and the case. Ad.ministrative proceedings in which a government n1inistry adjudicates its own claim and then executes it do not afford the opposing party due process of law. A11 Administrative order of a ministry ,vh.ich deprives an employee of part of bis salary in order to satisfy a claim it has against him where the claim bas not been adjudicated by a court, is not sustainable at law. Xv. Ministry of Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (High Ct., Addis Ababa, 1964), J. Eth. L., vol. 2, p. 322.

ARTICLE 44 Eve.ryor1e has the right, within the limits of the law,· to own and dispose of JJroperty. No one may be deprived of his property except upon a finding by minis­ terial order issued pttrsuant to the requirements of a special expropriation ]a\v enacted in accordance with the provisions of Articles 88, 89 or 90 of the present Constitutio11, and except upo11 pay111ent of jt1st compensation determined, in the absence of agreement, by judicial procedures established by law. Said ministerial order, to be eff : ective, shall be approved by the Cot1ncil of Ministers and published in the Negarit Gazeta. NOTES OF DECISIONS

. Held by Sup!en1e ln1perial �ourt that quarrying stone from privately owned land by Imperial

�1�way Authority un �er authority of 10/5 (1951) P.115 does not violate the rights granted to in­ drv �duats to own an.d d1��ose of property. Held the purpose 0£ Proclamatian 115 is to benefit society. Hence, any dec1s1on under it may sacrifice the interest of an individual to tbat ef the society.

Highway Authority v. Mebratu Fisiha (Sup. Imp. Ct., 1964), J. Bt/1 .. L., voJ. 2, p. 37. Beld by the �ig� Court (�ddis Ababa) that the Civil Code provisions, setting forth the pro­ _ fer expropnat100, constitute tihe special expropriation law refer-reel ta in Art. 44 Rev. Const.

- 10 -






lf the gov�rnment ;V }she s to exp�opriate a. person's right 11ncler a lease, it 111ust fo]low the procedures set down 1n the C1v1I Code, which contains tl1e special expropriation law enacted pt1r st1ant to Art. · 44 Rev. Const. A letter from the Minister of Pen to tl,e N1inistry of State Do111ains to the effect that premises shot1ld be earmarked for a certain pt1rpose, witl1 no n1ention of an existing lease ' does not amount to a ministerial order to break the ]ease, as is reqt1ired by Art. 44 Rev. Const. S.A.C.A.F.E.T., Societa' Anonima v. Ministry of State Don1ains and Mines tHigh Ct., Addis Ababa,1962), J. Et/,. L., vol. 2, p. 60. He]d by Higl1 Court (Addis Ababa) that Art. 44 Rev. Const. cloes not inl1ibit It11perial Board of Telecon1mt1nications from felling pri,1 ately-o,vned trees interfering witl1 telecommunications lines, under at1thority of 9/11 (1950) p. 114 Art. 6, even tl1ougl1 that law does not provide for com­ pensation, but said by court tl1at Boarcl has no rigl1t to carry away tl1e trees felled. Lij Araya Abebe ,,. Imperial Board of Telecon,mu.nications (High Ct., Addis Ababa, 1964), J. Et/1. L., \ ol. 2. p. 303. 1

ARTICLE 45 Ethiopia11 st1bjects shall l1ave the right, i11 accordance with the conditio11s prescribed by la,v, to assemble peacea.bly and withot1t arms. ARTICLE 46 \

Freedom to travel withi11 tl1e Empire and to change domicile therei11 is assured to all st1bjects of the Empire, i11-accorda11ce with the ]a\v. ARTICLE 47 Every Ethiopian subject has t11e right to engage in a11y occupation and, to that end, to for111 or join associations, i11 accorda11ce with the Ia,v. CONSOLIDATION NOTE While the EngJisl1 version of this Article provides that every Ethiopian ''has the right to engage in any occupation and, to that end, to form or join associations in accordance with the Jaw'', tl1e Amharic version of the same Article does not h.ave the phrase ''to that end."

A.RTICLE 48 The Ethiopian family, as the source of the mainte11ance an9 development of the Empire and the primary basis of edt1cation a11d social harmony, is under the special protection of the law. ARTICLE 49 No Ethiopian subject may be banished from the Empire.

ARTICLE 50 No Ethiopian st1bject may be extradited to a foreign country. No other perso11 sl1all be extradited except as provided by inter11atio11al agreement. ARTICLE 5J No one may be arrested \Vithout a warra11t issued by a cot1rt, except in case of flagrant or serious violation of the law in force. Every arrest� d person �hall be brought before the jttdicial authority within forty-eight hot1rs of his arrest. However,




if the arrest takes place in a locality which is removed from the court by a distance which can be traversed only 011 foot in not less than forty-eight hours, the court shall have discretion to exte11d the period of forty-eight hot1rs. The period of deten­ tion sl1all be reckoned as a part of the term of impriso11ment imposed by sentence. No one shall be held in prison awaiting trial on a criminal charge the sole penalty for which is a fine. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic versio.n of the first sentence of this Article reads, "No one 1nay be imprisoned without a warrant issued by a court unless found committing a serious fault in violation of the law in force.'' Also, wh.ere the English version reads, "However, if the arrest takes place... '' the Aml1aric version reads, "However, if the imprisonn1ent takes place ... " Moreover in the third sentence the An1h.aric version speaks of the "nearest'' court and omits tl1e word "only''.

ARTICLE 52 In all crimi1 1al prosecutions, the accused, duly submitting to the court, shall have tl1e right to a speedy trial a11d to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to ha,,e compulsory process, in accordance with the law, for obtaining witnesses in bis favour, at the expe 1 1se of the Governme11t and to have the assistance of counsel for bis defe11ce, who, if the acct1sed is unable to obtain the same by his own efforts or bis own ft111ds, shall be assigned and provided to the accused by the court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE 1·b.e An1haric version of tl1is Article provides that in all crin1inal prosecutions the accused, duly submitting to the Court, shall have the right to a speedy "pl1blic'' trial in the appropriate court.

ARTICLE 53 No pe 1·son acctised of and arrested for a crime shall be presumed guilty t111til so proved. ARTICLE 54 PtLnisl1IDe11t is perso1 1al. N·o one shall be punished except i11 accordance with the Jaw and after conviction of an offence committed by him. ARTICLE 55 No 0�1e shall be punis.he. d for _a �y offence which has not been declared by law to be punishable before th� commission. of such offen.ce, or shall suffer any punish­ ment �r�ater tha11 that which was provided b y the law in force at the time of the comm1ss1on of the offe11ce. ARTICLE 56 No one sh.all be pt1nish.ed t\vice for the sa.m.e offe11ce. CONSOLIDATlON NOTE ']!be Amharic version of this f\rticle provides that ''No one shall be punished twice for the same offence u.nless he bas committed the same 0f:fence again.''

ARTICLE 57 :W@ 0ae sb·all ble subjeGted to cruel and inhumaa punisl1m�nt. -12-



ARTICLE 58 No one shall be imprisoned for debt, except i11 case of legally proved frat1d or of refusal either to pay n1oneys or property adjt1dged by the court to l1ave been taken in violation of the la\\', or to pay a :fi11e, or to ftilfil legal obligations of n1ain­ tenance. This provision shall not have tl1e effect of releasing the debtor from his obligatio11s. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The,An1l1aric version of this Artie.le omits tl1e phrase ''of n1aintenance'' wl1icl1 aJJ_pears in tl1e English.

ARTICLE 59 No sentence of death shall be exect1ted unless it be co11frrmed by the E1nperor. ARTICLE 60 Confiscation of property as a penalty shall not be imposed except in cases of treason, as defined by law, against the Empe1·or or the Empire; sequestration of property as a penalty shall not be imposed except in cases of property belonging to persons residing abroad and co11spiring against or e11gaging in deliberately hostile acts, as defined by law, against the Emperor or the Empire. Attachment proceedings covering the whole or part of the property of a person, made under judicial authority, to cover payment of civil liability, or liability arisi11g out of the com1nission of an offence, or to meet taxes or fines, shall not be deemed a confi.scatio11 of property. ARTICLE 61 All persons and all private domiciles shall be exe111pt from 1111lawful searches and seizures. ARTICLE 62 •


(a) In accordance with tradition and the provisions of Article 4 of this Constitution, no one shall have the right to bri11g suit against the Emperor. (b) Any reside11t of the Empire may bring suit, i11 the co11rts of Ethiopia, against the G·overnment, or any Ministry, Department, Agency or instrumentality thereof, for wrongful acts resulting in substantial damage. In the event that the courts shall find that such suit has been brought maliciously or without foundation, the govern­ ment, or any Ministry, Department, Agency, instrumentality, or official thereof against whom or which such suit was brought, shall have a right of action against such resident for such malicious or unfounded suit, and the court shall, in such case, decree remedies or penalties acco.rding to the law. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of th.e first sentence of Subarticle (b) does not include the word ''substantial.''

ARTICLE 63 Everyone in tl1e Empire shall have the right to prese11t petitions to the Emperor. ARTICLE 64 Everyone in the Empire has the duty to respect and obey the Constitution, laws, decrees, orders and regulatio·.ns of the Empire. Ethiopian s·ubjects, in addition, -13-


CoNsOLIDA1 1- �0

LAws 01:, E·r1-110P1A

owe loyalty to the Emperor and to the Empire, and have the duty of defending the Emperor and the Empire against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to perforn1 public services, including military services, when called upo11 to do so, and to exercise the right of suffrage which is conferred upon them by the Co11stitution. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Where the English version of this Article says, "the right of suffrage \vhich is conferred upon them by the Constitution'', the Amharic version says .... "the rights conferred upon them by the Constitution.''

ARTICLE 65 Respect for the rights and freedon1s of otl1ers a11d the requireme11ts of p �blic order and the general welfare, sl1all a.lone justify any limitations upon the rights guaranteed in the foregoing Articles of the present Chapter. CHAPTER IV THE MINISTERS OF THE EMPIRE ARTICLE 66 The Emperor has the right to select, appoi11t and dismiss the Prime Minister and all other min.isters and vice n1inisters, each of whom shall, before entering upon his functions, take before tJ1e E1nperor, the following oath of :fidelity to the Emperor and to the Constitution: ''In the name of the Almigl1ty, I l1ereby S\vear allegia11ce a11d fidelity to my Sovereign, His Imperial Majesty ... and that, as member of the Cou11cil of Minis­ ters, I will fa.ithfully place above all else the interest and welfare of Ethiopia a.nd of its Sovereign; that I will, at all times, faithfully respect the Constitution and laws of the En1pire, and that I will disclose no secret or confidential informa­ tion revealed to n1e in co11nection wit]1 my official dt1ties and position. So l1elp me God." The appointn1e11t, promotion, tra11sfer, suspensio11, retiren1ent, dismissal and discipline of all other Government officials and employees shall be governed by regulations by the Council of Ministers and approved a11d proclaimed by the Emperor. ARTICLE 67 • .Princes eligibJe for the Crown shall 11ot be appointed Ministers in the of Ministers. No one whose parents were not Ethiopian subjects at the time of his birth shall be appointed a Minister. ARTICLE 68 Each _ Minister shall be i �dividually responsible to the Emperor a11d. to the State for the discharge of the duties of his respective Ministry, including the execution of the laws and decrees concerning that Ministry. ARTICLE 69 Th � Ministers shall forn1 collectively the Council of Ministers and sh.all be respon�1ble to the Emperor for all advice and recommendations given to Him in �ounc11l . �e rules o� procedure of the Council shall be draw 11 up by the Ministers 111 C0unc1l an.d S·Ub 1 m1tted to the Emperor for approval. - 14 -


. l{EVISED CONSTrru·r10N & Cl·IAR'fER OF



CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article l1as an additional sentence wl1icl1 says ''Upon approval by the Emperor, they shall go into force.''

ARTICLE 70 The En1peror may, i11 such i11staoces as I-le deems appropriate, convene tl1 e Crown Council, which shall consist of tl1e Archbishop, sucl1 Princes, Mi11isters, and Dignitaries as may be desig11ated by Hin1, a11cl tl1e President of the Senate. The Crow11 Cou11cil shall be _presided over · by tl1e E111peror or by a 111e1nber designat­ ed by Him. ARTICLE 71 The Ministers shall discuss in Co1111cil a11d, through the Pri11 1e Mi11ister, submit to tl1e En1peror all matters of policy tl1erein discussed. I1i. all cases in wl1ich legislation is deem�d to be necessary or appropriate, the decisio11s n1ade i11 Co,u11cil and approv­ ed by the Emperor shall be communicated by the Prime Mi11 ister to Parliament in the form of proposaJs for legislation. ARTICLE 72 The Prime Minister shall present to Parliament proposals of legislation made by the Council of Ministers and approved by the Emperor. He shall also present to the Emperor the proposals of legislatio11 approved by the Parliame11t and the decrees proposed by the Council of Ministers. He shall have the right to attend any meeting of either Chamber of Parlian1ent, or a11y joint meeting of the Chambers, or any meeting of a11y committee of either Chamber, and to speak at st1ch meetings on any question under discussion. He shall be obliged to attend personally, or by his deputy, either Chamber, when his presence is reqt1ested by a majority vote of the members thereof and to answer, verbally or in writi11g, questions concer11ing bis office. ARTICLE 73 The N.[inisters shall have the right to attend a11y meeti11g of either Chamber of Parliament, or any joint meeting of the Chambers, or any meeting of any com­ mittee of either Chamber, and to speak at such meetings on any question concerning the conduct of their Ministries; and they shall be obliged, in person, or by their deputies, to answer, verbally or in writing, questions concerning the legislation to be enacted. ARTICLE 74 No Minister, nor any person in a position with or in the service of the Government may: f (a) for remuneration, compensatio11 or· bene it of fi11ancial value engage in any activity or accept a position in or with any enterprise or organization in which there is no governmental participation; (b) enter into, or be a party to, any contract or other arrangen1ent with any governmental organization in the Empire awarding, permitting or recogniz­ ing any concession or monopolistic or other exclusive privilege in the of a concessio·n or monopoly. (c) However, such Minister or person shall be free to manage a11d develop his pro·perties so long as their 1nanagement or development is not prejudiciaJ to, or inconsistent with, th.e performance of his duties. 15 -




--------------------------------· '


In the Amharic version Subarticles (b) and (c) are joined to make Subarticle (b), and the An1haric version of that Subarticle has the a.dditional sentence, "He shall not use his position for

his private purpose.''


ARTICLE 75 The Ministers, including the Prin1e Minister, may be tried 01tly before the Supreme Imperial Court upon charges of offences as determin�d by the la�,. �om1nitted in connection with tl1eir official functions. Such prosect1t1on may be 1rut1ated either by order of the Emperor or by a majority vote of both Houses of Parliament. A special prosec11tor shall be appointed to that end, conformably to the orders of the Emperor. CHAPTER V THE LEGISLATIVE CH.AMBERS SECTION I. Provisions Applicable to Both Chan1bers ARTICLE 76 The Parliament shall be composed cf a Chamber of Deputies a11d a Senate. N·o one can be simultaneously a n1ember of both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The two Chambers shall meet togetl1er at the beginning and the e11d of each session, in the circumstances set forth in Articles 90 and 91, upon the call of the Emperor, and upon such other occasions as may be determined by the Chambers. The President of the Senate shall preside at all joint meetings of the Chambers. ARTI�E 77 The. regular sessions of Parliament siall convene 011 the twe11ty-third day of the month of Tekemt of each year in the Capital of the Empire and shall continue to the first day of the month of Sene (8 June). Until a new Parliament shall be elected and convened in accordance with the pFesent Constitution and the electoral law to be enacted, the two Chambers of Parliament, as heretofore constituted, shall continue to sit and shall, in accordance with the p11ovisions and procedures established in Chapter V of the present Consti­ tutLon, exe1:cise the prerogatives and functions and fulfill the responsibilities provided for in respect of Pailiament. The first elec:ion to the Chamber of Deputies shall be completed within two years from the entry into force of the present Constitution and in accordance with the provisions of the electoral law. ARTICLE 78 No meeting of either Cham?�r of Parliament shall be closed to the p·ublic except _ upon a nequ est by t� e Prime M1ruster, or apon a decision by a majority vote of the , Cha�ber 0f De,Jl)Uties or the Senaite, as tie case may be, to that effect. No joint m�etin, g �f .the Chambe�s. s,hall be close� t� th . e pu1blic except upon a requ.est by the Prime Minister or a de·e1s1.on by the maJor1ty of each of the Chamli> i ers to that effect. lI, after. a question has been cleclare<d to be sec11et, a member of either Chamber !Il�es tit known to the public, eith�r i,n a speech, or by the press, or by writings, or. till. an , y 0ther way, h.e shall be pumshed according to the provisions ofr Penal Law. - 16 -



ARTICLE 79 Neither of the Cl1ambers shall co1un1e11ce its cleliberatio11s 011 tl1e first day of any session v,1ithol1t tl1e prese11ce of two-thirds of its 1nembers, or conti t1l1 e its deli­ berations, or take a11y vote 011 any succeedi11 g day of at1y sessio11 withol1t tl1e prese11ce of a majority of its members. At joint n1eeti11gs of the Chambers, the presence of a majority of the men1bers o.f eacl1 Chamber sl1all be required for deliberatio11s a11d for voti11g. ARTICLE 80 If the q11orl1111 of Deputies a11d. of Se11ators prescribecl i11 Article 79 is 11 ot prese11 t on the day desig11ated for tl1e convening of Parliame11t or if, thereafter, eitl1er of the Chambers, or the Cl1ambers i11 joi11t 111eeting, can11ot conti11ue deliberatio11s or vote for lack of tl1e required atte11da11ce, th.e 1ne1nbers present shall take such measures as may be authorized in tl1e r11les o·f procedure of the respective Cha1nbers, to compel tl1e attendance of a s11:fficient 11 l1111ber of the abse11t n1embers. ARTICLE 81 Every Deput)' or Se11ator, before taking his seat i11 tl1e Chamber to wh.ich he has been elected or appointed, shall take, before the E111peror, or if directed by Him, before the President of the Legislative Chamber concerned, a11 oatl1 of loyalty to the Emperor and to the Empire, and shall swear that 11e will obey the Constitl1tio11 and the Jaws of the Empire and will perform his d11ties conscie11tiol1sly an.d 1rvithol1t fear or favo11r. ARTICLE 82 Each ChruJ1ber shall determine its own 1·uJes of procedure and internal discipline.

ARTICLE 83 Members of Parliame11t shall receive salaries determined by law. Any law increasing the salaries of members of Parliament shall be effective only from the date of the election of tl1e next Parliame11t. CONSOLIDATION NOTE While the English version of this Article ends, ''only from the date of the electio11 of tl1e next Parliament'', the Amharic version ends, ''only after the next Parliament convenes.''

ARTICLE 84 No action or charge may be bro11gl1t against any me111ber of Parliament, or against a11y Minister appearing by right or upon the invitation of either Chamber, for words llttered or written statements submitted by him at any meeting of eithe1· c·hamber, or any joint meeting of the Chambers, or any meeting of any com.mittee of Cha1nber. Nevertheless, every member of each Chamber of Parliament shall be obliged to respect all rules of order, conduct and procedure adopted by such Chamber for the transaction of its business and shall be subject to disciplinary action on the part of such Chamber for violation of such r11les. No action or cl1arge may be bro11ght against any person or any newspaper for publication, by or under the authority of Parliament or of either C.hamber thereof, as the case may be, of any report, paper, votes or proceedjngs of Parlia.ment or either Chamber thereof, as the case may be. - 17 -



ARTICLE 85 No member of Parliament, during a se)sion thereof, may be arrested or detained or summoned to answer a crin1i11al charge, unless the permission of the Cl1am ber of which h.e is a n1ember be obtained, or l:x! be arrested i11 flagrante clelicto. A co111parable immu.nity does not a.p·ply to civil :, ;ases. ART·ICLE 86 Laws may be proposed to either, or roth Cha1nbers of Parlia111e11t: (a) by th.e Emperor, or (b) by ten or more me1nbers of either Chamber of Pa.rlia111ent, except every proposal involving an increase in governme11tal expenditure or a new or i11creased tax sh.all first be presented to the c:hamber of Deputies. CONSOLIDA'":'ION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article reads, " ... every proposal involving an increase in govern­ n1ental expenditure or a new or increased tax s.hall first be presented to tl1e chamber of Deputies and later shall be forwarded to the Senate."

ARTICLE 87 All matters i11 either Chamber or i11 joint meetings of the Chambers s.hall be detern1in.ed by vote of the majority of the members prese11t, except as provided in Article 131. In the event of an equal divisicn of votes, the presiding officer sl1all have a casting vote. CONSOLIDATION NOTE While the Englisl1 version of this Article says, "In the event of an equal division of votes, the presiding officer s.hall have a casting vote'', the Amharic version of tl1e same Article says, "In the event of an equal division of votes, the President shall have a casting vote.''

ARTICLE 88 Every proposal of legislation approved by one Chamber of Parliament shall be immediately forwarded the P1esid.ent tl1ereof to the other Chambe1·. If it is approved ay the other without amendme.nts within a period of two months, it shall be promptly comm11nicated through the Prime Minister to the En1,peror and shall ei�her be promulgated as law, or retu.rned by the E,mperor to the Chambers with His observations thereon, or with a new proposal of legislation as provided iin Article 91. All laws duly approved by both Chambers of Pa,rliament sh.all be for­ warided t0 the Em:Peror tth.roug1l the Prime Minister, by the Presidents of the Cham­ aer of Deputies and o·f the S.enate. In the e'\'ent that such law shall receive the ap • prov­ al and signature of the Emperor, it shall be published by the Minister of the Pen in tlhe Negarit Gazeta, with recital of the affixing of the Sj,goature and th-e Great Seal 0f tlhe :Emperor. All Imperial Decre!s and all ministerial deerees and orders sha1l be pub , lished in the Negarit Gazeta. CONSOLIDAfilO� NOTE �here � En �h version o_f this Article pFo"fides for forwarding laws to the Emperor through the �r1me MmISte.,r, by the Preside1:1ts of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate"', the Amharic version says only " ... by the President of the �nate.''






------ ------ ---------- -- - ---· ARTICLE 89


If a propo� al _of legislation �ppro yed by one Cl1an1ber is 11 ot finally acted 11po11 other vv1th11 1 the aforesaid period of t\vo 111011tl1s' the Cl1ambers shall meet by the . together to disct1ss the said proposal. If the proposal is approved i1 1 st1cl1 joi11t meeting, with or withot1t a1 11e11dme 1 1ts, withi11 thirty days, it shall be comm11nicated to the Emperor for actio11 i11 accorda11ce witl1 Article 88. ARTICLE 90 If, withi1 1 tl1e aforesaid period of tv.10 11101 1ths, a proposal of legislation approved by one Chamber is approved by the otl1er witl1 amend 1 11ents, the said proposal shall be returned to the first Cha1nber for ft1rtl1er consideration. If, 11po11 s11ch f11rther consideration, it is approved witlun thirty days, by the first Cha1nber, with the said amendn1ents, it shall be commu11icated to the Emperor for actio11 i11 accorda11ce \.Vith Article 88. If, within thirty days, the ame 1 1dments are 1 1ot accepted by the first Chamber, tl1e Chan1bers shall, thereupon, meet together to disc11ss the proposal. If, in such joint meeting, the proposal is approved, witl1 or witho11t amendn1ents, within thirty days, it shall, thereupon, be communicated to the Emperor for action i11 accordance \Vith Article 88. ARTICLE 91 If a proposal of legislation approved in one of the Chambers is rejected by the other within two months after its communicatio11 to it, as provided in Article 88, or if a proposal of legislation is not approved, with or without amendme 11ts, after discussion in a joint meeting, as provided in Articles 89 and 90, full reports on the situation shall be promptly commu11icated to tl1e Emperor by the Presidents of both Chambers of Parliament, through the Prime Minister, and the Emperor may, there­ upon., cause to be transmitted to both Chambers of Parliament, His observations in regard to such reports and such proposal of legislation, or cause to be transmitted to the Chambers, .a proposal of Jegislatio11 on the san1e subject. ARTICLE 92 In cases of emerge 11 cy that arise when the Chambers are not sitting, the Emperor n1ay proclaim decrees consistent with the Constitutio11, which shall have tl1e force of law upon publication in the Negarit Gazeta, pending a decision on the same by Parliament. To that end, the text of each such decree shall be transmitted for consideration by both Chambers of Parliament at their first meeting following each such Proclamation. In the event that, conformably to the provisions of Articles 88, 89 or 90, of the prese11t Constitution, Parliament shall approve such decrees? they shall continue in force and shall become law t1pon pt1blication, in the Negarit Gazeta, of said approval. In. the event that Parliament shall disapprove any such decree, each such decree shall cease to have force and effect, upon the public�tion, in the Negarit Gazeta, of such disapproval. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article omits the phrase ''at their first n1eeting.''

19 -





SECTION II. The Cl1amber of Deputies ARTICLE 93 The entire territory of tl1e E111pire, a� defined in Article I of the present Consti­ tt1tion, shall be divided into electoral districts, as nearly as possible, tvvo l1t1ndred thousand jnb.abitants. The loc(;tion and limits of eacl1 electoral district sl1aJl be determi11ed by law and each su,�h district s·hall be as regt1lar in sl1ape as circumstances pe1·n1it. In addition, eacl1 town with a populatio11 exceeding tl1irty thousand inhabitants shall be e11titled to one Dep11ty and a.n additional .Dep11ty for eac]1 fifty thousand inh.abita11ts in excess )f tl1irty thousand. ARTICLE 94 electoral district shall be represented by two Deputies. ARTICLE 95 All Ethiopian subjects by birth, of twe11ty-one years of age or 111ore, wl10 are reguJarly domiciled or present in any electoral district a11d who possess the qualiflcatio11s required by the electoral law, shall l1ave tl1e rigl1t to vote in such electoral district for the ca11didates from stich district, as n1embers of tl1e Chamber of Deputies. The system of voting shall be secret and direct. Details of procedt1re shall be prescribed by law. ARTICLE 96 To be eligible as a Deputy, a person be, by birth, a11 Ethiopian subject wl10: (a) has reached the age of twenty-five years; (b) is a bona fide resident and own!r of property in bis electoral district, to tb.e extent requ.ired by the electoral law; and (c) is not disqualified under any provisio11 of the electoral law. ARTICLE 97 Deputies sl1all be elected for terms of four years a11d shall be eligible for re­ e-lection Slllbject te their contj11ued possesson of the qualjfications set forth in Article 9G. ARTICLE 98 Vacancies that, may occur in th.e menbersbip of the Chamber of Deputies shall he filled as provided i,111 t!he e1eGtoral l&w . •


�he P£esicienif an.d two Vice Presidents of the Chamber of Dept1ties sha1l1 be efecte<il each yearirom a,11d by the membe1rs of the Ohamber. ARTICLE 100 1i1he Chamlber of Depl11ties shaii be sole of the qualifications an.d eleetion its 0f mem.belis' - !(l) -







Tl1e Se11ate

ARTICLE 101 The Senate sl1all consist of the Se11 ators a1)poi11tecl by tl1e Emperor for six years. ARTICLE 102 The Se11 ate shall be con1posed of a 1111111ber of perso11s, 11ot exceeding one-half of tl1e total n11mber of Dep11ties, to be cl1ose11 by the E1nperor from among those \Vl10 l1ave, by their acts, sec11red the co11:fidence a11 d esteem of the people, a11d fro111 an.1 011g those ,v11 0 l1 a,1e ser,,ed tl1eir co1t11try a11cl tl1eir go,1er1J1uent \Vith disti11ctior1. ARTICLE 103 �ro be eligible for appoi11t111e11t as a 1nember of tl1e Se11ate, a person mt1st be, by· birth, an Ethiopia11 st1bject ,vho: (a) has reacl1ed tl1e age of tl1irty-five )'ea rs; (b ) is a Pri11ce or other Dig11itary, or a former high gover.111JJe11tal official, or other perso11 ge11erally esteen1ed for his cl1aracter, jt1dg111e11t and public se1-vice: a11 d (c) is not disq11ali:fied u11 a11y provisio11 of the electora.1 la\v. ARTICLE 104 The Senators first appoi11ted by the Emperor, as provided i11 A1·ticle 101, shall, immediately after their first n1eeting, be divided i1Jto three eqt1al gro11ps. The Senators of the first group shall be succeeded at the end of the seco11d year by Senators appoint­ ed in. accordance ,vith the provisions · or Article 101, tl1ose of the second group, at the .end of the fourth )'ear, and those of the tl1ird grot1p, at the end of the sixtJ1 year, so that one-third be s11cceeded every seco11d year. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of the first sentence of this Article provides, "Tl1e Senators first appointed by the Emperor, as provided in Article 101, shall, immediately after their first meeting be divided into three equal grot1ps by lot.''

ARTICLE 105 Senators shall be eligible for reappointment st1bject to tl1eir co11tit1ued possessio11 . of the qt1alifica.tioos set fortl1 j,, Article 103. ARTICLE 106 Vacancies in the membership of the Senate shall be filled by appoi11t1nents i11 the manner provided in A.rticle 101. ARTICLE 107 The President and two Vice Presidents of the Senate shall be appoi11ted eacl1 year by the Emperor from the Senators. - 21 -





CHAPTER VI THE JUDIC[A L POWER ARTICLE 108 The judicial power shall be vested in the courts established by Ja,v atid sliall be exercised by the courts in accordance with tl1e law and i11 the nan1e of tl1e Emperor. Except in situations declared in conforn1i:y with the provisio11s of Article 29 of the present Constitution, no persons, except those in active n1ilitary service, may be subject to trial by military cot1rts. ARTICLE 109 There shall be a Supreme Imperial Court and st1ch other courts as ma� be authorized or established by law. The jt1risdiction of each court shall be determined by law. ARTICLE 110 The judges shall be jndependent in conducting trials and giving judgments in accordance with tl1e la,-v. In the adn1ini,tration of justice, they submit to no other authority tha.n that of the law. NOTES OF DECISIONS Where a Governor issued an order to a Pres :dent of an Awradja Court, directing llim to hand over possession of a plot of land lo a party wl10 was involved in litigation as to th.e right of owner­ ship of said land, it was held by tl1e High Court (Addis Ababa) that the Governor's order constituted a clear interferen.ce with tJ1e independence of tb.e judiciary granted by Revised Constitution and the order was declared nuU and void. Held that judges should disregard uoconstit1tional interference with their constitutional preroga.tives. .. Woube Wolde Selassie v. Kefelew Woldc '::'sadik (High Ct., Ad.dis Ababa., 1962), J. Eth. L., vol. 2, p. 54.

ARTICLE 11 l The judges shall be a.ppointed by tl:e Emperor. They shall be of tl1e l1ighest ch8.Ilacter and reputation and shall be exi:erieuced and skjlled in the law which they ma)' be cal�ed upon to apply. Their nomi1ation, appointment, promotion, removal, transfer and retirement shall be determined by special law governing the Judiciary. ARTICLE 112 public in cases which might enda. n ger Judges shall si� in public, except th1t _ order or affect publ1c morals, they may sit i11 caniera. CHAP1ER V1I F'IN.A.NCE ARTICLE 113 No tax, duty, impost or _ excise shall be imposed, increased, reduced or abolished., �xet:;pt 0J:' ia;w. No exem1:>t11on fr0m �alYcnen.t of an, tax, d·l!J.1ty, i,mp0st Oli e�cise J1m, , osed b¥ J,a;w shall be granted, e�c�pt as at1,nholiized b)' law.

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ARTICLE 114 No11e of the pt1blic reve11ues shall be expe11decl, exce1Jt as autl1orized by law. ARTICLE 115 Tl1e fiscal year shall be fixed by special law. The Council of Mi11isters shall, each )1 ear, with tl1e approval of tl1e En1peror, and in accordance witl1 the require­ ments of the la\V, present to Parliame11t a draft of a law for the approval of the budget of tl1e following year, wl1icl1 bt1dget shall accon1pa11y tl1e said clraft of law. ARTICLE J 16 Eacl1 of the Cl1an1bers of Parlian1ent sl1all exa1ni11e the sa.icl. budget i11 detail and vote 011 it iten1 by ite111. Parlia111e11t sl1all, 11n,der no circun1sta11ces, increase the total s11n1 set down in the budget for expenditt1res. The allowance for unforeseen expenses i11 the said budget shall be fixed by Parlia111ent. Parliament shall complete the b11dget vote for s11brnissio11 to t11e Emperor at least one mo11th before the be­ ginning of the ne\V fiscal year. ARTICLE 1 17 :Uthe draft of law presented, as provided in Article 116, l1as 11ot bee11 approved by Parliament and proclain1ed as la\v before the beginning of the ne\v fiscal year, the budget of the previo11s year shall contin11e i11 force 11ntil a new buclget la,1/ has been proclaimed. ARTICLE 118 If addjtional funds are urgently required in the course of any fiscal year, the Minister or Ministers concerned, shall present a s11ppleme11tary budget to the Council of Ministers, who, Vi1ith the approval of the Emperor, n1ay present an appropriate draft of law to tl1e Chamber of Deputies. ARTICLE 119 No loan or pledge, guaranty or collateral therefor, may be co11tracted for, \ or without the Empire, by a11y governmental organizatio11 ,vithln the Empire, except as authorized by a Jaw duly adopted in accordance ,:vith the provisions of Articles 88, 89 or 90 of the present Constitution. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Where the English version of this Article says ''... by any governmental organization'', the Amharic version says ''in the name of any governmental organizatjon''.

ARTIC.LE 120 Within fot1r months after the end of every fiscal year, tl1e Council of Ministers shall present to the Emperor and to Parliament a detailed report on the receipts and expenditures of the said year. The report shall be immediately referred to the Auditor General, who shall, within thre_e months, present bis comments tl1ereon to the Emperor and to Parliament. ARTICLE 121 There shall be an Auditor General who sl1all be ap p , oi11ted by the Emperor. He shall be a person who is k11own to be of the l1ighest cl1aracte.r, as well as to possess - 23 -




the req11isite tech11ical capacity. His f11ncti:>11s shall be defined by Ja,v. They sh�]l incl11de tl1e auditing of the acco11nts of an Ministries, Departn1e11ts and Age11c1es of the Government, a11d the n1aking of J>eriodic reports to the Emperor at1d to Parliame11t 011 the fiscal operatio11s of the Government. Tl1e Auditor Ge11eral sl1all, at all ti111es, be entitled to have access to al] books and records relating to tl1e said accounts. CHAPT.ER VIII GENERAL PROVISION·s ARTICLE 122

The present revised Constitution, together ,vitl1 tl1ose i11ter11ational treaties, coove-ntions a11d obligations to which Ethj,)pia shall be pa.rty, �hall be the SllJ?r� me la\\, of the Empire, and all future legislation, decrees, orders, Judgn1ents, dec1s1ons and acts inconsistent therewith, shall be nLtll and void. NOTES OF DECISIONS

1-ield by High Court \Addis Ababa) Ll1at Art. 122 Rev. Const. do�s n?t affect legislation that

was io force at the time the Constitution was prJmulgated. Only leg1slat1on enacted subsequent to the pro,nulgation of the Constitution, shall be null and void in so far a.s it is inconsistent \Vith the provisions of tl1e Constitution. Lij. Araya Abebe v. Imperial Board of Teleco1nmunicatjons (HJgh Ct., Addis Ababa, 196q), J. Eth. L., vol. 2, p. 303.

ARTlC.LE 123 Tl1e city of Addis Ababa is tl1e Cap.itcl of the EmJ)ire. ARTICLE 124 The Flag of the Ein1)ire consists of t11ree l1orizonta1 bands; the uppermost green, tl1e 111iddle yellow and tl1e 11etbermost red, it1 s11cl1 deta.ils as is determined by la,1/. ARTICLE 125 TJae official language of the Empire is Amharic. ARTICLE 126 Tl1e Etll1iopia11 Orthod.ox Ghuroh, fom1:.Ied i n the fot1rth ce11tt1ry, on the doctrines 0i'. Sai111t Mark, is the Established Ch11uch of tae En1pire a11d is, as such, sllpported 0y the State. The Bm, , er0r shall! always profess the Etluopian Ortl1odox Faith. Tl1e nan1e of the E,mperor shall be 1nentio1ed in all religio11s services. ARTICLE 127 iFhte 0rgani�a\tio11 and secular ad.m.i1lllitrati0i1 0£ the Established Ohu,rch s.hall me g@Yer.ned by law. The Archbishop ana B:sh.ops shall be elected by the Ecclesiastical Ble�ro�al eo·Uege cons�sting of repres.elilta1ivces 0f the olergy and of 1lbe lai"ty of the �thlop1an Orthodox Cht1rcJ;1. Th.ejr spiritutl 0011secraition sh.aLIt b'e F}erf0rruec0 a�eorcl� 1n.g t? th..e Canon Law, subJeot to the approval of tl1e Emperor o,f their elecnio11 and aip,p�mtmelilt. _1:he, EmJi)euor 'has the right to !Promulgate tl1e decrees, edicts and JU_� �e rr.egl:lllat�0 �s 0f _ the �h11.1Fe.h, e:xcei)j)t �hose concerni11g m0Aastie life ron0 other &Jl>lm1truail aclID:Irustratt.0ns. - 2� -




--------------------------------· l�EVJSED CONSTITUTION


Al{TICLEI 128 No one shall l1tiljze religiot1s activitjes or orga11izatio11s for conunercial pt1rposes except as at1thorized by ]av;,. ARTICLE 129 Subject to tl1e co11ditio11s establislJecl by legislatio11 dt1ly adopted in accorda11ce with the provisions of Articles 88, 89 or 90 of tl1e prese11t Constin1tio11, all towns shall be incorporated b)' Charters established i11 accorda11ce with such legislation, and municipal col111cils shall be established, respectively, i11 all n1t111icipalities of the Empire. ARTICLE 130 (a) Tl1e 11at11ri1l resources of, a11d i11 the sub-soil of tl1e E111pire, i11cludi11g tb.ose be11eath its \vaters., are State Do111ai11.

(b) T'he nat11ral resot1rces in tl1e waters, forests, Ia11cl, air, lakes, rivers a11d ports of the Empire are a sacred trust for the benefit of present and st1cceedi11g generatio11s of the Ethiopian People. The co11servation of tl1e said resot1rces is esse11tial for tJ1e preser,,ation of tl1e Empire. The Imperial Ethiopian Gover11111e11t shall, accordingly, aJl sucl1 111easL1res as n1ay be 11ecessary a11d prope1·, in co11forn1ity ,¥ith the Constitutio11, for the co11servatio11 of tl1e said resol1rces. (c) None of tl1e said resoL1rces sl1all be exploiteci by a11y perso11, 11,1tl1ral or juridical, in violatio11 of the princip]es of conservation established by Imperial Law. (d) All property 11ot held a11d l )ossessed i11 the 11ame or a11y 1)erso11, 11att1ral or juridical, includi11g all la11d i11 escheat, a11d ,ill abando11ed tJroperties, whetl1er real or personal, as vvell as all products of the sub-soil, all forests a11d all grazing lands; water-col1rses, Jakes a11d territorial ,x.1aters, are State Don1ai11. �

ARTICLE 131 The Co11stitutio11 1nay be an1e11ded by an identic Joi11t ResolL1tio11 adopted by three-fot1rtl1s of the men1bers of eacl1 Chamber in t,¥0 separate sessions of Par1ia111ent and proclaimed with tl1e ap.proval a11d al1thority of ,the E111peror. G·ive11 at Addis Ababa thjs fourtl1 day of Noven1ber, 1955.







A PROCLAMATION TO APPROVE THE CHARTER OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASS.IE I ELEC"[' OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, dt1 ri11g tl1e Conference of Heads of Africa11 States and Gover11me11 ts belcl i11 Addis Ababa, We, on behalf of the I1nperial Ethiopian Gover11n1e11t, have signed on May 25tl,, 1963, the Charter of the Organizatio11 of African. Unity; and WHEREAS, Ot1r Senate and Cl1arnber of Deputies h.ave dt1ly approved said Charter; a11d WHEREAS, We, 011 this 4tl1 day of June, 1963, have ratified said Charter; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the provisio11s of Articles 30, 34 a11d 88 of Our Revised Constitt1tion, We approve the resolt1tions of Our Se11ate and Chamber of Dep t1ties and We hereby proclaim as follows: 1. This Procl�w1atio 11 may be cited as the ''Cl1arter of the Orga11ization of Africa 11 1 Unity Approval Proolamatio11, 1963''. 2. ''Oharter'' m,eans tl1e Oharter signed at Addis Ababa on tl1e 25tl1 d.ay of May, 1963, by Us and by otl1er Heads of African State-s and Govert1 ments. Said Ohaliitrer is atrach.ed heJjeto. 3. Tlle Charter a11d a,11 of �he te.rms and conditions tb.ereof are hereby approved. Done at Addis Ababa this 4th day of Jttne, 1963. CHARTER OF THE ORGANJZAl'ION OF AFRICAN UNIT¥ We, tl1e Heacls of African States and Governments assembled i11 rite City of: Adciis J\ibaba., Ethiopia; COiNVfNCED that it is fille inalienable right of all people to co11trol �heir ow 11 _ dest1LJ.1 ¥ ; -26-






CONSCIOUS of the fact that freedom, equality, justice and dignity are essential objectives for the achievement of the legitimate aspirations of the African peoples; CONSCIOUS of 011r respo11sibilit)1 to l1ar11ess tl1e 11atural and l1uman resources of our continent for tl1e total aclvancement of 011r peoples in spheres of h11man endeavour; INSPIRED by a commo11 detern1ination to promote 11ndersta11ding amo11g our peoples and Co-o_peration amo11g 011r states in response to the aspirations of our peoples for brotherhood a11d solidarity, in a larger lJnity transcending etl1nic and national differences; CONVINCED that, i11 order to tra11slc.te tl1is detern1i11atio11 into a dynamic force in the cause of l1lunan progress, co11ditions for l)eace and security n1ust be established a11d mai11tained; DETER1V1INED to safeg11ard a11d cor.solidate the 11ard wo11 .independence as well as the sovereignty an<;I territorial i11tegrity of 011r States, and to fight against neo-colonialisn1 i11 all its forn1s; DEDICATED to the general progress of Africa; PERSUADED that the Cl1arter of the United Nations a11d the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to tl1e principles of which we reaffi.rn1 our adherence, provide a solid fol1ndation for peaceful anj positive co-operation among states; DESIROUS that all African States should l1enceforth unite so that the welfare and well-being of their peoples can be assur:!d; RESOLVED to reinforce the links betwee11 our States by establishing and strengthening common ii;istitutions; HAVE agreed to the present CI1arter. ESTABLISI-I\1ENT ARTICLE I l. The Higl1 Contracti11g Parties do by the present Charter establish an Or­ ganization to be known as the ORGANIZ.t\TION OF AFRICAN UNITY. 2. The Organization shall include the Continental African States, Madagascar and other Isla.nds surrounding Africa. P'URPOSES ARTICLE II purposes: ( 1) The OrganizatiorJ shall have the followirg . a. to promote the ltnity and solidarity Df the African States; b. to co-ordinate and intensify t·heir co-cperation and efforts to acl1ieve a better Jife for the peoples of A·frica; c. to defend. their sovereignty, their territorial integrity a11d indepe11dence; d. to eradicate all forms of colo11ialism from Africa.: a11d e. to promote international co-operatiGn having dt1e regard to the Cl1arter of the United Nations and the Uni·v1ersal Declaratio11 of· Huma11 Rights. - 27-




2. To these ends, the Member States sl1all co-ordinate ancl l1armonize their ge11eral policies, especially i11 the following fields: a. political and diplomatic co-OJ)eraton; b. economic co-operation incl11ding tra11sport a11cl con1n1 t111icatio11s: c. d. e. . f. and cl1ltt1ral co-operation; healtl1, sa11jtatio11 a11d 11t1tritio11al co-operation; scientific a11d tecl1nical co-operatio11; and co-OJJeratio11 for defe11ce a11d sect1rity. PRINClPLES ARTICLE Ill

The Member States, in pursuit of tht pt1rposes stated in Article II, sole1n11ly aln1·111 a11d declare their adhere11ce to th•! follo,, 1ing principles: l. tl1e sovereig11 eq t1,1lity of all Meinber States; 2. no11-i11 terfere11ce i11 tl1e inter11f1l a.tra.irs of States; 3. respect for the sovereigi1ty and territorial integrity of eacl1 State and for its inalienable right to i11dependeut existence; 4. pea.ce·ft1 l settlen1ent of disputes br negotiatio11, mediatio11, co11ciliation or arbitration; 5. u11reserved co11den1natio11, in all it; forms, of political assassinatio11 as ,vell as of s t1b,,ersive activities 011 tl1e part of 11eigl1bot11ing States or a11y otl1er States; 6. absolute dedication to tl1e total e1n[11cipatio11 of the Africa11 territories whjcl1 are still de;pe11de11t; • 7. affirn1ation of a policy of 11on-aligrment with regard to all blocs. MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE JV indepeude11t sovereig11 African State shall be entitled to become a Men1ber of tl1e 0,rgani�atiion. 1�1Gl-f1- S AND DUT1ES OF MEMBER S1"ATES ARTICLE V AJII Men1ber States s1l1all e11joy eqL1.aJ ]ights ai1d have eqnal dttti�. ARTICLE VI 1 eiplei 'iJ!lhe !Me�breJi �tates pledge tihemsel�es ttlo obse,rve s0rllJJl!l1lousl}' tihe prio enl1:llletated �ifl A.1rt1ole iIIDI of the pi;esent CbarteJ.

- 2&-






IN. STITUT]ONS I ARTICLE VI. The Orga11izatio11 s]1all acco1nplisl1 its ])trposes tl1ro11gl1 tl1e follo,vi11g ()ri11ci1)al institutions: I. tl1e Assembly of Heads of State a11d Gover11111e11t; 2. tl1e Co1111cil of Ministers; 3. the Ge11eral Secretariat; 4. tl1e Co1111nissio11 of :tv[ediation, Co11ciliatio11 a11d Arbitration. THE ASSE1v1BLY OF HEADS OF STATE AND GOVER:--JMENl� ARTICLE VIII The Assembly of Heads of State and G,)vern111e11t shall be the s11preme orga11 of the Organization. It sl1all, s11bject to tl1e provisio11s of this Charter, discuss n1atters of common co11cer11 to Africa with a vie\\1 to co-ordinati11g a11d har1nonizing tl1e general policy of the Orgarlization. It 1nay i11 1dditio11 review tl1e str11cture, fu11ctions and acts of all the organs and a11y s1Jecia]i:zed agencies wl1jch 111ay be created in accordance "''ith the present CJ1arter. ARTICLE IX The Assembly shall be composed of th-� Heads of State a11d Governn1e11t or their duly accredited representatives and it shall meet at least once a year. At the request of a11y Member State and approval by tl1e majorit)1 of the Member States, the Assembly shall meet i11 extraordinary session. ARTICLE X I. Each Member State sl1all l1ave 011e v::>te. 2. All resolt1tions shall be determi11ed by a two-thirds majority of the Members of the Orga11ization. 3. Q11estions of procedure shall req11ire a sin1ple majority. Whether or not a question is one of procedure sl1all be deter111i11ed by a simple majority of all Member States of the Organizatio11. 4. Two-thirds of tl1e total n1embership of tl1e Organization shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Assembly. ARTICLE XI .

The Assembly shall have the power to determine its own rules of procedure. THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS ARTICLE XII 1. The Couo.cil of Ministers shall consist of Foreign Mi11isters or such o·ther Ministers as are designated by the Governments of Member States. - 29 -



2. Tl1e Cot1ncil of Ministers shall meet at least twice a year. When requested by a11y Me1nber State and approved by two-tl1irds of all Me111ber States, it sl1all meet in extraordi11ary session. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Aml1aric version of Subarticle (2) begins with the following sentence which does not , to be referred appear in the English version: "The Council of Ministers shall look into any matter to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government.,,

ARTICLE XIII I. Th.e Council of Ministers shall be responsible to the Assen1bly of Heads of State and Government. It shall be entrt1sted with the responsibility of prepari11g confere11ces of the Assembly. 2. It shall take cog1lizance of a11y matter referred to it by the Assembly. It sl1all be entrusted with the implementation of the decisions of tl1e Assembly of Heads of State and Govern1nent. It shall co-ordinate inter-African co-operation in accorda.nce with the instructio11s of the Assembly and in conformity with Article l I(2) of the present Charter.


ARTICL. E XIV I. Each. Me111ber State shall have one vote. 2. All resolutions shall be determined by a simple nJajority of the members of the Council of Ministers. 3. Two--thirds of the total n1embership of the Council of Mi11isters shall form a quorum for any me�ting of the Coltncil. ARTICLE XV The Council shall l1ave the power to determine its own r11les of procedure. GENERAL SECRETARIAT ARTICLE XVI There shall be an Administrative Secretary General of the Orgai1izatio11, who shall be appointed by the Assem.bly of Heads of State an.d Government. T .he Admi­ nistrative Secretary Geaeral shall direct the affairs of the Secretariat. ARTICLE XVII There shall be one or more Assistant Secretaries General o·f th.e Organization, who shall be appointed by the Assem.bly of Heads of State and Government . ARTICLE XVIII

The fun�tions and conditions of services of the Secretary Gen.era.I, of the Assist­ ant Secneta �1�s Gener� and other employees of the Secretariat shall be governed b;y tfie Jl)llov1s1ons of this Charter and the regulations approved by the Assembly of Heads 0f StatJ e and G0vernment. I. �111 the �er.E0rmance 0f their c11, uties the Administrative Seci:etacy General and Mle staff sfi:aJII mot seek or reeeive instr1:1etions fir0m · a af government 0r fili0m - 30-



any other authority external to the Organizatio11. Tl1ey shall refrain f 1·om a11y actio11 ,vhjcl1 migl1t reflect 0 1 1 their positio11 as inter11atio11al officials responsible 011ly to the Organization. 2. Eacl1 member of the Organizatio11 1111cle.r tal<:es to res1Ject the excl11sive character of the respo11sibilities of tl1e Ad111i11istrative Secretary Ge11eral a11d staff and not to seek to i1tll11e11ce the111 i 11 the discl1arge of tl1eir res1Jo11sibilities '"

COMMISSION OF JvIEDIATION, CON'CILIA fTON AND ARBITRATION. ARTICLE XIX Member States pledge to settle all disputes an1011g tl1en1selves by peaceful means of Mediatio11, Conciliation and a11d to tl1is end decide to establisl1 a Commission . Arbitration, the composition of which a11d co11ditio11s of service shall be defined by a separate Protocol to be approved by the Assembly of Heads of State a11d Go­ vernment. Said Protocol shall be regarded as forming a11 integral part of the present Charter. SPECIALIZED CON1�1ISSIONS ARTICLE XX The Assembly shall establish s11cl1 Specialized Con1missio 11s as it 111ay deem necessary, including the following: 1. Economic and Social Con1n1issio11; 2. Educatio11al and Cultural Commission; 3. Health, Sanitation a11d N11tritio11 Con1missio11; 4. Defence Commission; 5. Scientific, Technical and Research Commission. ARTICLE XXI Each Specialized Commission referred to i11 Article XX shall be composed of the Ministers concerned or other Mi 1 1isters or Ple1tipotentiaries designated by the Governments of the Member States. ARTICLE. XXII The functions of the Specialized Comn1issions �hall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the present Charter a11d of the reg11lations ·approved by the Council of Ministers. THE BUDGET ARTICLE XXIII The budget of the Organization prepared by tl1e Admi1 1istrative Secretary General shall be approved by the Co·uncil of Ministers. The bt1dget shall be provided by contributions from Member States in accordance with the scale of assessment of the United Nations; provided, ho\vever, that no Member State shall be assessed an amount exceeding twenty percent of the yearly regular budget of the Organization. rfhe Member States agree to pay their respective contributions regularly. \\ �-J-11 /.' ':,-" . ,,..,. - 31 �

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SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF CHARTER ARTICLE XXIV I. Tl1is Cl1arter shall be ope11 for signatu1·e to all independent sovereig11 Africa11 States and shall be ratified by the signatory States in accorda11ce \Vitl1 tl1eir respective co11stitt1tional processes. 2. The original i11strume11ts, do11e, if possible in African languages, i11 E11glisl1 a11d Fre11ch, all texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited witJ1 tl1e Govern­ ment of Ethiopia which sl1all trans111jt certified copies thereof to all i11depe11de11t sovereig11 African States. 3. Instrun1ents of ratification shall be deposited \VitJ1 the Government of Etl1iopia, ,vhicb sl,all notify all signatories of each st1ch deposit. ENTRY INTO FORCE ARTICLE XXV This Charter shall e11ter i11to force LI11mediately upo11 receipt by the Gover11rnent of Ethiopia of the instrt1111ents of ratificatio11 fron1 two-tl1irds of the signa­ tory States. REGISTRATION OF THE CtlARTER ARTICLE XXVI Cl1arter sh.all, after dt1e ratificatio11, be registered witl1 the Secretariat of the United Natio11s tbrot1g.h tl1e Gover111nent of Ethiopia in conforn1ity \1/ith Article 102 of the Charter of the United Naticns. . JNTERPRETATION OF THE CHARTER ARTICLE XXVII Any question wbiol1 may arise co11::erning the i11terpretation of tJ1is Charter shall be decided by a vote of two-thirds of the Assembly of I-leads of State and Government of the Organization. ADHESION Al�D ACCESSION ARTICIE XXVIiII 1. Any inde,.Pendent s0¥<ereign Mirioin State may at any ti1ne 11otify the Admi­ msttami¥e See;r,etrazy 0ene11al of its inrten:.ion to adhere or accede to this Charter. 2.. 'Ilhe J\dmi, nistlrative Seci:etary Gea, eral shall, on receipt of notification, communieate a cop!)' 0f it to all the Me.m.ber States. Adn1ission shall be d.ecided by a simp, le majority of the Me-mber S1ates. The dec.ision of each Member State shall be tr �sn1ittecl to the AwmnistFative Secretary General, wb._o shall, upon receipt of �he reqmred nurm0er of v@tes, commurncate the decision to tl1e State c-011oemed. MISCRIJ1ANEOUS ARTIOLE XXlX 'ilnfie w:0rkill'g �gµages 0f tla.e ©rg�nization ancl �11 its in 1 stitnti0n.s shall ee, ilff p0s.silllle AfiriG1mll lang1aa:ges, �nglisn attd FFeQh. - 12, -






----------- ------- ---- ----- ---· ARTICLE XXX

The 1\d111inistrative Secretary Ge11eral 111ay accept 011 behalf of the Organizatio11 gifts, beqt1ests a11d other dor1atio11s 111acle to tl1e Orga11izatio11, provided that this is approved by the Cot111cil of Mi11isters. ,-

ARTICLE XXXI The Cot1L1cil of Mi11isters sl1all clecide ,)11 tl1e privileges and i1nmunities to be accorded to tl1e JJerso1111el of the Secretariat :11 tl1e respective territories of the Mein­ her States. CESSATION OF MEMBERSH,IP ARTICLE. XXXII


A11y State \�1hicl1 desires to re11011nce i:s membersl1ip shall forward a written 11otificatio11 to the Administrative Secretar)' Ge11eral. At tl1e end of one year from the date of s11ch 11otificatio11, if not witl1dra\v11, the Charter shall cease to apply \-vith respect to the re11ot111ci11g State, which shall thereby cease to belong to the Organization. ANIENDMENT OF THE CHARTER ARTICLE XX.XIII This Cl1arter 1nay be a1nended or revisej if any 1v1ember State makes a written request to the Administrative Secretary General to that effect; provided, however, that the proposed amendn1ent is not subn1i:ted to the Assembly for consideration until all the Member States l1ave been duly notified of it and a peris: d of one year has elapsed. Stich an a1nendme11t shall 11ot be effective 11nless approved by at least two-thirds of all the Member States. IN FAITH WHEREOF, We, the Heacs of African States and Governments, l1ave signed this Charter.. Done in the City of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this 25th day of May, 1963. .




ALGERIA (Sig11ed) IvlALI (Signed) BURUNDI (Signed) MAURITANIA (Signed) CAMEF.OUN (Signed) · MOROCCO CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Sig11ed) NIGER (Signed) CHAD (Signed) NIGERIA (Signed) RWANDA (Signed) ·coNGO (Brazzaville) (Sig11ed) CONGO (Leopoldville) (Signed) SENEGAL (Signed) DAHOMEY (Signed) SIERRA LEONE (Signed) SOMALIA (Signed) ETHIOPIA (Signed) GABON (Signed) SUDAN (Signed) TANGANYIKA (Signed) GHANA (Signed) GUINEA (Signed) TOGO TUN.ISIA (Signed) IVORY COAST (Signed) UGAN.DA (Signed) LIBERIA (Sig11ed) U.A. REPUBLIC (Signed) LIBYA (Signed) UPPER VOLTA (Signed) MADA,GASCAR (Signed) - 33 -



Section 2 INCORPORATION OF ERITREA A. Incorporation Legislation TEXT OF THE FEDERAL ACT RATIFIED 11 SEPTEMBER 19S2 * (Imperial Seal)

CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAI-I HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA To all to wl1om these prese11ts sl1all come, greeti11g: Be it know that: WI-IEREAS, on 2 December 1950, Ot1r Delegation to the U1li · ted Nations by its affirmative vote given under Our Order, approved the resolution 390 (V) on Eritrea of the General Assembly of tl1e United Natjons, Fifth S·ession, whlcl1 re­ solution was duly adopted on that date by the reqt1isite two-tl1irds 1najority of the Meo1bers of the Uruted Nations present and voti11g; and WHEREAS paragra1phs I to 7 inclusive of part A of said resolution read as follows: ''l. Eritrea shall constitute a11 autonomous unit federated with Ethiopia tinder the sovereign1ty of tl1e Ethiopia.n Crown. ''2. The Britrean Government shall possess legislative, executive and judicial powers in the fi�ld of domestic affairs. ''3. The jurisdiction of the Federal Government sl1all extend to the following matters; defence, forei ,gn a.ffairs, currency and fina.nce, foreign and interstate commerce an.d external and initerstate communications, including ports. The Fe­ deral Government shalJl have the power to m.a.intain the integrity of rthe Federa­ tion, and shall have th.e right to impose uniform taxes throughout the Federation to meet the expenses of federal functions and services, it bein.g understood that the assessme-nt and the cohleol!ion of such taxes in Eritrea are to be delegated to th.e Eriitlit=IBn G·overnm.ent, and provided that Eritrea shall bear only its just and equitable share of these expenses. The jurisdiction of the Eritrean Government * INTRODUCTORY FOO'ifNOTE This .law was amended and substantially repealed by the Revised Constitution and by � of the Federal Status of Eritrea _ th.e Teim1oat1on Order 22] 3 (1962) 0.27. For its historical signiticance, it is Fe.tainetl in the Consolidated Laws in its original fonn.

- 34 ;, ·

or� EitlTREA 2-1 -------------- ------ -------- ---· INCOltPORAl'ION

sl1all extend .to �11 111at�ers 11ot vested i11 the Federal Go,1ernment, including the po\v�r to 1n�111tau1 t11e 1n�er11al police, lo leYy taxes to meet tl1e expenses of do­ n1est1c ft1nct1ons and services, and to adopt its own budget. ''4. The area of the Federation shall constitute a single area for customs purposes, a11d tl1ere sl1all be no barriers to 1l1e free 111ovement of goods and per­ sons witl1i11 tl1e area. Ct1stoms duties on goods entering or leaving tl1e Federation wl1icl1 h,1ve their fi11al destinatjon or origi11 in Eritrea s·hall be assigned to Eritrea. ''5. An Imperial Federal Council comp)sed of equal numbers of Ethiopian a11d Eritrean representatives sl1all meet at least once a year and shall advise tipon. the comn1on affairs of the Feder,ttion referred to i11 paragraph 3 above. The Citize11s of Eritrea shall participate in the Executive a11d Judicial branches, and shall be represe11ted in tl1e legislative brru1cl1 of tl1e fecleral Goverru11ent, in ac.:ordance witl1 law and in the proportion that the l)Ol)Ulatio11 of Eritrea bears to the population of the Federation. ''6. A s:ingle nationality shall prevail throughout the Federation:

''(a) All inhabitants of Eritrea, except persons possessing foreign natio­ nalit)', shall be 11atio11als of the Federation; ''(b) All inhabitants born in Eritrea and having at least one indigenous parent or grandparent shall also be 11atio11als of the Federation. Such perso11s, if in possession of a foreign 11ationality, shall, within six months o·f the corning into force of the Eritrean Constitution, be free to opt to renounce the nationali:y of the Federation and retain such foreign nation,:ility. In the event tl1at tl1ey do not so opt, they shall therettpon lose such foreign natio11ality; ''(c) The qualifications of persons acquiring the nationality of the Federa­ tion under sub-paragraph (a) a11c (b) above for exercising their rights as citizens of Eritrea shall be Jeter1ni11ed by the Constitution and laws of Eritre.a; ''(d) All persons possessing foreign rationality who have resided in Eri­ trea for ten years prior to the date of the adoption of the present resolution shall have the right, vitl1out further requirements of resi­ dence, to apply for the nationality of tl1e Federation in accordance with federal laws. Such persons who do not thus acquire the na­ tionality of the Federation sl1all ·Je pe1111itted to reside in and engage in peaceful and lawful pursuits j11 Eritrea; '''fhe rights and interests of foreigr1 11ationals resident in Eritrea shall be guaranteed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7. ''7. The Federal Government, as well as Eritrea, shall ensure to residents in Eritrea, without distinction of. nationality, rac�, sex, la11g11age or religion the enjoy­ ment of 11 Ltman rights and fundame11tal liberties, including the following: ''(a) T11e rigl1t to equality before the Jaw. No discrimination shall be made against foreign enterprises in existence i11 Eritrea engaged in industrial, commercial, agricultural, ·artisan, educational or charitable activities nor against ba11king institutions and insurance companies operating in Eri lrea :

-- 35 -




''(b) Tl1e right to life, liberty and security of person; ''(c) The right to own and dispose of property. No one shall be deprived of property, includi11g contract11al rigl1ts, witho11t dl1e_ process of la, w a11d without •p,1yn1ent of just ancl effective co1npei1sat1on; ''(d) The right to freedom of opinion and expression and the rigl1t of adopting and practising any creed or religion; ''(e) The right to education; ''(f) The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; ''(g) The right to inviolability of correspondence and domicile,, subject to tl1e requirements of the law; ''(h) The right to exercise any profession subject to the requirement of the law; ''(i) No one shall be subject to arrest or detention without �n ord_er o� a competent aut11ority, except in case of flagrant and ser!ous v1olat1on of the lav; in force. No one shall be deported except 1n accordance with the law; ''(j) The right to a fair and equitable trial, the rigl1t of appeal to tl1e E.mperor for commutation of deatl1 sentences; ''(k) Retroactivity of law shall be excluded. ''T11e respect for tl1e rights and freedoms of 0Ll1ers a11d tl1e requiremei1ts of public a11d tl1e general welfare alone will justify a11y li111itatjons to the above rights"; and WHEREAS, }Jaragrapl1 8 of part A of said resolt1tion provides tl1at the fore­ going JJ>aragrapbs 1 to 7 inclusive of said resolution sha.11 constitute the Federal Act wi1icl1 sl1all be st1b111itted to tlle E1nperor of Etltio1Jia for ratilication; and WHEREAS, as provided by paragrapl1 13 of part A of said resolution, Our ratifications of the Federal Act and of tl1e Constitution of Eritrea �1re tl1e essential conditions for the entry into force of the sa111e and for tl1e entry into force of the F�deuallion of Eritrea with Etl1iopia; a11d WHEREAS, on [1 Al1gust 1952, by i11strl1ment issued over Our lmJJerial Sabso1cipti©B and Seal, We did approve, adopt, and ratify the Constitution of Britliea; aua WOOR�AS, said Conslitution a,s so approved, a.dopted and ratified contains prc <;>'iVisions ado1�ting an,d ratifying tbe Federal Act on bel1alf of the people of Enttea; Now Vherefore We, Haille Sel!l,assie I, Rlect of God, Emperor of Ethiopia,, as �F0M1 anti Sov.ereiJgn 0/IJ the Empire of Ethiopia as constituted prior to the present ae.tli0n by (:iJurselrves ©f Rruttifieation of the Federal Act as a.hove-recited and quoted, and as 1�enoef01ith aa,d 'fiuom this daite constituted by the a.ctio11 and. fact of the pt �sent mtffi.eati0n af said Fee:le �ai Act, do hereby approve, adopt, and ratify said �ecl�ai Act an.a by s,uch aot1on and fa©t d,0 l1erLby dec�are, in �1:1ll force and (}��et, the �eclerrati.0n oi '.Bootr©a with Etihiopia uncler the Sovereignty of the Bthio­ !li>J:an, . £1town as 1ie,pr�s©ntecdl 05; OuFselves; ancl We d.o further command of all @ur liairJftfuJJ suajec�s tlhn0u g, h@uit the Rmpine of Ethiopia as henoefo.rth an, d from daiM oo-nsti.rutecl, fiall uespect of anti 0'bed.ience to said Federral Act as now wiaGef4 if ®l!l!isel\iles lilfllr@ f wl !f@1tce a,nd eftfle0t a,n d �@ a�l fedeE, al laws iss�ued pur­ �uan1t tfteFet0. - 36 -1



------- -- ----------------· 2-1,2

witness :whereof We have caused tle se·al of Our Em;pire of Ethiopia to be l1ereunto aff1xed a11cl have ..hereunto s11bscribed Our Signature.. Given at 011-r It1�perial Court at Acldis Ababa, on this Eleventh Day o·f the Month of Se1Jte1nber Ill the Year of Ot1r Lord One T11ousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-t\1/0, a11d of 011r Reign the Twet1ty-tl1�rd. .111


Certified correct translation: (Sig11ed) AKLILOU Minister for Foreign Affairs.

12/1 (1952) P. 124 A PROCLAMATION OF THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE FEDERATION OF ERITREA WI'ffi ETIDOPIA, 11th SEPTEMBER, 1952 CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAJM AS FOLLOWS: \VHEREAS, on I 1th Aug11st, 1952, by instrume11t issued over Our Imperial S1Lbscription arid Seal We did approve, adopt a11d ratify tl1e Constit11tion of Eritrea; and. WHEREAS, said Constitution a.s so ai:proved, adopted and ratified contains provisio11s adopting and ratifying tl1e Federal Act on behalf of the _people of Eritrea; and, WHEREAS, toda)', 11th Septen1ber, 1952, by instrument issued over Our Imperial Subscription and Seal, We have approved, adopted a11d ratified the Federal Act for the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia; and, \VHEREAS, by paragraph 13 of Part A of ilie United Nations Resolution No. 390 (V) o.f 2nd December, 1950, conce:ning Eritrea, it is provided that with Our ratifications of the Federal Act a11d the c:onstitution of Eritrea, the Federation o.f Eritrea \vith Ethiopia shall enter i11to full force and effect; NOW, THEREFORE, We Haile Selassie I, Elect of God, Emperor of Ethiopia, as Crown and Sovereign of the federated Em_pire of Ethiopia as henceforth constitut­ ed, do hereby declare a11d proclaim the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia under · the Sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown, in full force and effect. I·N WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused the Seal of Our Empire of Ethiopia to be hereunto affixed and have hereunto su·Jscribed Our Signature. GIVEN at Our Im.perial Court at Addis Ababa, on this Eleventh Day of the Month of September it1 the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Ni11e Hundred and Fifty-two, and of 011r Reig11 the Twenty-third. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE This law was amended and substantially repealed by the Revised Constitution and by the Term.i­ nation of the Federal Status of Eritrea Order, 22/3 (1962) 0.27. For its historical significance, it is retained in the Consolidated Laws in the form in which it first appeared in the Negarit Gazeta.

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12/1 (1952) 0. 6:::

AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE FEDERAL INCORPORATION Al\TD INCLUSION OF THE TERRITORY OF ERITREA WITHIN OUR EMPIRE CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE 01:;- JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD. EMPEROR Ol:;- ETl-llOPIA WHEREAS, the Federa.l Act ratified by u· s on 1 1 tl1 Septe111ber, 1952, l )rovides for tl1e federation of Eritrea witl1 Ethiopia t111der tl1e sover� i_g11ty of tl!e Ethi� pian Crow11 while respecting the Constitution, institutions, trad1t1011s a11d 1nternat1011al status and identity of the Empire of Ethiopia; and; WHEREAS, on 11th Septen1ber, 1952, We have rati_fied said Federal Act; NOW, THEREFORE, We order as follows: 1. This Order may be cited as the ''Federal I11corporatio11 a11d I11clusion of tl1e Territory of Eritrea withi11 the Empire of Ethiopia Order, ''a11d shall be deen1ed to come into force on 11th September, 1952. 2. The territory of Eritrea, i11cJt1ding the islands, is that territory defi11ed i11 Article 2 of tl1e Co11stitution for Eritrea and in Article 23, par,1graph I of tl1e Peace Treaty with Italy, and it is hereby i11corporated and inc]11ded ,vithin Ot1r Real1n as an i11tegral part of Ot1r Federated En1pire. 3. The 11ame and style of the Empire of Etl1iopia i11ter11atio11ally a11d ot11er,vise following the federation o·f Eritrea ,vitl1 Ethio1Jia which 11ame sl1all ap1)ly to all sue!, federated territory s11all co11tinue to be tl1e E111pire of Ethiopia, a11d tl1e Jn1perial Etluopjan Government shall continue as tl1e sole desig11atio11 internationally and otherwise of the Governn1e11t having federal jt1risdictio11 over tl1e entire federated terFitory. 4. 'Fh.e Imperial Ethiopian Flag shall contin11e iuternatio11ally and otherwise as the flag of the fed.erated Empire. 5. "Dh.e intermational tre-aties, co11ve.ntions and all i11ternational obligatio11s of Our E.mpire presently in force are hereby ex.tended with their ft11l force a11d effect ta tlle s-aid 1ernit1 ory, excepting treaties, conve11tions and agreeme11ts \Vitl1 Etl1iopia eon.cerni1og E1d ,tFea, which are hereby declai;ed 11ull a. n d void. e. Toe Ped0ral .Aot is declared to apply i11 alJ its details a11d l)rovisio11s th.rougho'l!lt all the territories of 011r rederated Empire. 7. Tae Constitution of Ethiopia given by Us as Sovereign at1d Crowt1 of Ethio­ P.ia �n 16th July, 1961, is h �reby exte·11�ed and is n1ade applicable throt1g·hout Our Em.pine as 1le11.aeforth. constituted; al! rights and all privileges set fortl1 therein de­ ¥@l�e theFeby upoB aN Bationals of Our E111pire as hence.fortl1 constituted a11d to •INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE

OOiis law was amen.dee and subst �tially repealed by the .Revised Constitution and by the Termina­ tion . of: t �e inedelial Sf.attm ef EN �ea Order, 2�/3 (1_962�, @.27. For its historical signifieance, it is retained m tfie C.onso.lidated 1n the farm in which lt fust appeared in the Negar,it @azeta.



2:.3 ,4

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the exte11t so �rovided, t1�on all i11habita11ts thereof. It is fi1. rther ordered that, pur­ Slt� nt to t�1� rights establ1sl1ed by Ot1r Constitt1tion a11d to the present Order, all _ c1t1 1 �r1trea � . ze11s shall e11_1oy th1:ou.ghot1t Our E111pire all those rights, privileges and 1n1n111111t1es of all Ot1r o�l1er s11b.1ects and of ci�ize11s of any other part of 011r. Empire, 11or sb�ll tl1ere be de111ed to a11y perso11 an)"vl1ere withi11 Ot1r. Empire the . equal protection of the law s; 11or shall the privileges a11ci .imn11111ities of any of 011r subjects be abridged anywl1ere \7'1ithi11 Ot1r En11)ire. 8. Tl1.e Federal Act a11d 011r Co11stitt1tion of 1931 a11d all federal legislation: 111ade pt1rs11a11t tl1ereto as vvell as all i11ternatio11al treaties; coriventio11s and obliga­ tions of 011r E.n1pire as exte11decl to tl1e territory of Eritrea by tl1e prese11t Order shall be the st1preme la-vv tl1rot1gho11t tl1e territories .of 011r federated Empire: 9. Ail i11l1.abita11ts of the territory of Eritrea except perso11s possessing foreign nationality are I1ereby declared to be s11bjects of Ot1r Empire and Ethiopian nationals. All inhabitants bor11 iu the territory of Eritrea and having _at least one indigenou� parent or gra11dparent are also declared to be Sl1bjects of ·011r Empire; however, if s11ch perso11 is in possession of foreig11 11ationality, he is hereby pern1itted to re­• nounce �vitbin six n1ontl1s of tl1e date hereof the natio11alit)' granted above and retain such foreign nationality, bt1t if he does 11ot so reno1111ce l1e shall thereupon lose such · · foreign 11ationa.lity. Given at Addis Aba·ba tl1is 11th day o.f September, 1952. · 13/3 (1953) P. 139>;:


. CONQUERING LION. OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAFI HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GO:D, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHE.REAS, by Article 6 of Ot1r Order No. 6 of 1952 We _provided that · the Federal Act for the Federatio11 of Eritrea with Ethiopia shall apply in all its details and provisions tbrot1ghout all the territories of 011r federated Empire; and f WHEREAS, by 011r rati icatio11 of said Federal Act under date of I l th Septem­ ber, 1952, and by Article 8 of the aforesaid Order We provided that said F�de�al Act as well as Ot1r Constitution , shall be the supren1e law throughout the terr1tor1es of Ot1r Empire; and WHEREAS, it i s expedie11t a11d 11ecessary that Our Eritrean citizens as well as all residents in Eritrea be assured the same rights and fundamental liberties as those enjoyed by Our subjects and by the inhabitants i11 the rest of Our Empire; that residents of Eritrea be asst1red the enjoyn1e11t of human rights and fundamental liberties not only i n Eritrea as req11ired by paragraph 7 of the Federal Act; but also througho11t 011r Empire, a11d that there b� 11niformity and eqt1ality tru:ot1� hout Our Empire in the e11joyment of the h!-1man �1ght? and fundamenta�I l1bert1es 1n general as well as tl1ose indicated i11 part1c11Jar 10 said paragraph 7 ot the Federal Act as being included in the ge11era1.

----------· -

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE lr1,pl. c1rncl. Pen. C. 16/ Ex. 1 (1957) , 23/3 ( 1962) 0.27.

- 39 -

2-4 .



NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 9 of Our Co11stitution, We Proclaim as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Constitution referred to in tl1e Preamble is tl1at of 1931. Tl1is Constitution was repealed and replaced by Revised Constitution 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1. which deals with rights of the people in Chapter ITI Arts. 37-65.

CROSS REFERENCE Federal Act of 1957 paragraph 7, 2 Consol. L. Eth. 1

1. In addition to existing treaties, internatio11al c�t1ve11� ior1s a11d obli� atio11s e..xtend.ed throughout the federation by the provisions of Article 5 of Our Fe?er� l Incorporation and Inclusion of the Territory of Eritrea witl� i11 the E111pir� of _ Etl11op1a No. 6 of 1952, all treaties, international co11vent1ons and obl1gat1011s and executive agreements henceforth conclt1ded and/or ratified shall be tl1e supreme law throughout the territories of Our Federated Empire; sl1all be included as a11 integral part of federal legislation and sl1all tl1roughot1t the E111pire ?e s�lf-executory. In the present Proclamation, all refere11ce to federal laws o_r le� 1slat1on, shall _be held to include tl1e treaties, international conventions and obl1gat1011s a11d executive agreements referred to in the prese11t Article. CROSS REFERENCE Federal Incorporation a.nd ln,clusioo of the Territory of Eritrea within. the En1pire of Ethiopia order, 12/1 (1952) 0.6, Art. 5, 2 Consol. L. Eth. 3-5.

2. Full faith and credit shall be given in a11d by every gover11ment in tl1e federa­ tion to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every otl1er gover11ment in the federation provided, however, tha.t i11 case of judicial JJroceedi11gs, the same shall have been had with full jurisdictio11 as to tl1e person a11cl st1bject matter involved and sha,ll be in cot1rts of record. 3. No gover11ment or part of th,e federation shall n1ake or enforce and 110 official, officer or agent thereof shall enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of natio11als of the federation or deprive any perso11 of life, liberty or pr.operty without due process of law, or deny to a11y person ,vithin its jurisdictio11 the equal protection ot� the laws. Th.e fact that a person serving in a11y governme11tal ,office, functi.on or capacity whether federal or otherwise shall, in acting in violation of the previsions of the present Article,, in fact, ex.ceeded l1is authority, or c.ontna:riwise, shall have been acting pursuant to legislative or administrative au­ thority granted to him by any governinent, federal or otherwise, shall 11ot preclude the application or diminish the scope of applicatio11 of the provisions of ' the present AFtic1e . , 4. No person serving within the E.mpire of Ethiopia i11 any gover111ne11tal office, function or capacity of any governm.ent, whetl1er federal or otherwise, shall in any waf, utilize his <:>ffic �, fu1:1,cti�n ?� capacity to re�trict, impair, diminish, su.spend or �ru:eaten :t0 :restr1Gt, Impair, d1mrn1sh, suspend or 1n fact, to restrict, impair, di.minish, �us p�nd or destroy as regards _a.n!' person or �ny group or class of persons inclu.din.g 1ur1cl1cal persons anywhere w1th1n Our Empire the hu.n1an rights and t·undamental liberties as p,1tescribed in Our Co,nstitution., or in Article 7 of Our Order No. 6 of and Inclusion Eritrea of the Territory of 1 �5''2_ knowm as �e Feder� Incorporation _ _ within �� Eimptiie of Ethiopia Order, or 1n any of Our .Federal laws, including the -40-



prese�t Proclan1at�on. The fact that a per�o1 1 serving i t1 ,111 y gover1 1me 1 1tal office, f t1nct1on . �r capacity whetl1er federal or otl1�r'vvise shall, i11 acti1 1g in violation of the _Pr?v1s1ons of the prese11 t _Ar�icle, 11ave, in fact, exceecled llis at1tl1ority, or co1 1trar1w1se, sha!l have been acting p11rst1a1 1t to legislative or ad1ninistrative authority gran! ed . to hin1 ?Y. a_11y governme11t, federal or otl1 erwise, shall 11ot preclt1d.e the d1m appl1cat101 1 or 11 11sl1 -tl1e scope of applicttion of the (Jrovisio11 s 01· tl1e present · · · ·Article. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Constit�tion refer ��d _to in this Article is tl1at of 1931 . Tl1is Constittttion was repealed and replaced by Revised Const1tut1on 1955 , 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Cons,.ol. L. Et/1. l \vl1icl1 deals with rights of the people in Chapter III· Arts. 37-65 . �Vhile �iting the Federal lt1corporation and Inclusion of tl1e Territory of Eritrea Order, the EngJtsl1 version speaks of Order No. 6 \Vhile tl1e Arnl1ar.c version of tl1e san1e Article says Order No. 7. .




Federal Incorporation and Inclusion of tl1e Territory of Eritrea Witl1in tl1e Empire of Ethiopia Order, 12/1 (1952) 0.6 Art. 7, 2 Co,1sol. L. Et/1. �-7.. .

5. Any person serving withi11 the Empire :>f Et]uopia i11 a11y governmental office, functio11 or capacity, ,vhether federal or otheI\vise, wl10 sl1all co11spire witl1 or order another \.Vhether or 11ot s11 ch other sl1all be a person servi11g i 11 any govern 1u.ental office, function or capacity, to restrict, in11Jair, dimi11ish or sus1)et1d as regards any person or any g1·ot1 p or class of· _perso11s irclt1 ding j11 ridical perso1 1s witl1in Our Empire, or \.Vbo shall by his acts• or omissiors have wilft11ly and in fact, restrictecl, impaired, diminished, st1spended. ot destroyed as regards a11y perso11 or any grot1 p or class of persons incl11ding juridical persons \.Vit_l1i11· 01.1r En1pire, tl1 e l1t11uari. rights and ft1 ndame·ntal liberties as prescribed i n Our Co1 1stitution or i1 1 Article 7 of tl1 e aforecited Order 6 of ·1952,' shall be guilty of a11 offe11ce a1 1d shall 11po11 convictio 11 by a court, be liable to p1111ish111 e11t i11, accorda11ce �1itl1 the provisions of Article 414 of the Penal Code. It shall be no defence to a co1 1viction under the present Article of the present Procla1uation that the acc11sed, as a person serving ,vithin the Empire of Etbio_pia in any governmental office, f11 1 1-;tio11 or capacity, wl1ether federal or otherwise, shall have been �mpowered by legislation or grant of admi11istrative authority to violate the said l1uman rights ar.d f11 ndam�ntal libertie& referred to in the present Article. The fact that a perso11 serving in any gover 1 1mental office, func­ tion or capacity, sl1all, i11 acti 1 1g in violatio11 . cf tl1 e provisions of the prese 1 1t A.rticle, have, i11 fact, exceeding l1 is autl1ority, shall not preclt1de the ap1Jlicatio11 or di 1ui11isl1 1s of tl1e prese11 t Article. the scope of applicatio 11 of the provisio1 ' •

CONSOLID,L\.TION NOTE Tl1e Constitution referred to in this Article is tl1a1 of 1931. This Constitt1tion was repealed ancl replaced by the Revised Constitution 1955, 15/2 ( 1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Etlz., 1 \vhich deals witl1 rights of the people in. Chap� III Arts. 37-65; in1p/. a,rd. Pen. C. 16 (Ex. l (1957) Art. 414 (\vllicl1 deals with abuse of power of public servants). Terminatbn of tbe Fecleral Statt1s of Eritrea Order22/3 (1962) 0.27, 2 Co11so/ L. Et/1. 5 . (deleting the word ''feceral'' fron1 references to offences and courts). CROSS RE,FEF.ENCE


Fecleral Incorporation and Inclusion of the Territory of Eritrea witl1in tl1.e Empire of Ethiopia Order, 12/1 (1952) 0.6. 2 Consol. L. Etl1. 3-7 (TlJe text of tl1e Jaw refers erroneot1sly to 12/ l ( 1952) Art. 4).

41 -



6. Any persons, i11cluding jtLridical persons co11spiring together to prevent, or restrict a11y perso1J, or group or class of ?ersons whether natt1ral or juridical, in tl1e free exercise of tl1e l1t11na11 rights and ft1nda111ental liberties provided for in Our Co11stitt1tio11 or i11 Article 7 of the aforecited Order No. 6 of 1952, shall be gt1ilty of a11 offence and, t1pon convictio1J by a cot1rt, sl1all be liable to pt111isl1IDe11t i11 accorda11ce v.1ith the aJJpropriate Article of tl1e Penal Code, or, if their conduct is 11ot prescribed by the Pe11al Code, to a fi11e not exceeding Etl1. $1,000.00 or to i111prisonme11t not exceeding 011e year, or to both st1cl1 fi11e a11d imprisonment, a11d any person, i11clt1ding any jt1ridical persons, wl10 sl1all, i n fact, a11d by i11tent have prevented or restricted any otl1er perso11 or group or class of persons wl1ether jt1ridical or 11atural from exercising tl1e hu1nan rigl1ts and ft1ndamental liberties as provided for in Our Constitution or in Article 7 of the aforecited Ord·er No. 6 of 1952, sl1all be guilty of an offence and, upo11 conviction by a cot1rt, shall be liable to pt1nisl� n1ent in accordance wjtb the appropriate Articl� of tl1e Pe11al Code, or if his co11d11ct 1s not JJrescribed by the Penal Code, to a fine n ,)t exceeding Etl1. $1,000.00 or to imprison­ ment 11ot exceedi1Jg one year or to both ;t1ch fi11e a11d i111priso111ne11t. It shall be 110 defence to a convictio11 1111der tl1e preser.t Article of present Proclamatio11 tl1at tl1e accused, as a. person serving withi11 the Empire of Ethiopia i11 any governme11tal office, f"unction or capacity, shall, in acting i11 violatio11 of the provisions of the present Article, have, i11 fact, exceeded his at1tl1ority, sl1all 11ot preclt1de tl1e applica­ tio11 or diminisl1 tl1e scope of application of tl1e JJrovisio11s of tl1e present Article. CONSOLTD.\TION NOTE

The Constitutio11 referred to in this Artie!! is that of 1931. This Constitution was repealed and replaced by tl1e Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2(1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1 which deals witl1 rights of the people in Chap. J1I Arts. 37-65. Tl1e phrases of Article 6 which provided pen:ilties when a conspiracy to deprive of, or an actual deprivation of, rights resulted in deatl1 or grave bodiJy injury, have beet1 superceded by Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1(1957), Book V, Title I. In otl1er places the wording of Article 6 was in1pliedly an1ended by the Penal Code generally. Article 6 was alsc impliedly amended by the Termination of the Federal Status of Eritrea Order, 22/3 (1962) 0. 27, 2 Consol. L. Eth. 5 deleting the word '•federal'' from references to offen.ces an.d courts. CROSS llEFERENCE iFederal Incorporation and Inclusion of the Territory of Eritrea within the En1pire of Etl1iopia Orde,r, 12/1 (1952), 0.6 Art. 7, 2 Consol. J,. Eth. 3-7.

7. In conformity with the provisio11s of Article 6 of OL1r aforecited Order No. 6 of l 952, tthe hun1,an rights a11d fundamental liberties provided for ir1 paragra_ph 7 of the aforecited Federal Act as regards residents in Eritrea are declared exter1ded and mad.e e11forceable throughot1t Our EJJpire a.s regards residents of, as well as i11, Eritrea an.d fMrth,er as regards all residents in a11d of Ot1r Empire, except tl1at nothi11g in the aforecited Order No. 6 of 1952, i11 t.1e present proclan1ation or i11 the aforecited Fedelial Act as extended throughout tl1e Empire, shall require tl1e recol!Tiition out­ sicle of Eritr�a of a:RY right of foreigners to acquire any rights in real pro; erty. When referred to Jn Aracles 8, 9, aITTd IO of the present Proolamatio11 th.e said Federal A:0t shall he held, illlte.Fpreted and undersl9od to be tl1e said Federal Act as extended and made enfor,ceable by Article 6 of Our aforecited Order No. 6 of 1952 a11d by the pr,esent Article of the present Procl1mation. CROSS RBPERENCE

_IFeaerail A �t of 1 �52 _ paragliaph _ 7,2 Cons �/.�- Etl1. 1. Federal Incorporation and Inclusion of the 'Feur1Jory of Eritrea w1th.m the Emp1re of Eth1op11 Order; 12/1 (1952) 0.6 Art. 6, 2 Consol. L. Eth. 3-6.

- 42,-



�- No perso1 1_ serving ,vitl1 in tl1e En1 pire of Ethio1Jia i1 1 any gover11 n1ental office, ft 1nct1 0�1. or c �pac1ty of a.11Y_ gover1 1n1e1 1t, \Vl�tl1er. federal or otl1er,¥ise, shall in a11y 'vVay 11 t1l1ze his �:ffi.c� , f u�ct1 �11 ?� capacit)' tD restrict, i1npair, di1ni11 ish, susp _ end or threaten to restr1ct, 1 n1pa1 r, d1 ID1n1sl1, s11spe11d or i11 f'act, to restrict, i111pair, di1ni11 ish, �usp�1 1d or destroy as regards _a11.Y perso11 or a1 1y grot1 p or class of JJersons i11cluding J�r1d1�al persons �nyw�ere w1 tl11 n Our E1n_�ire tl1 e l1t1n:ia11 rights ancl f t111 da1 11 e1 1 tal l1bert1es as pre scri bed . 1n pa1·agrapl1 7 of tl1e aforecited Federal Act. The fact that • • a per�on serving 1 11 �t�)' governn1 e11 tal office, ft11 1ctio 11 or capacity, shall in acti11 g i11 _ 1 on of v1olat the prov1s1ons of the JJrese11 t Article have in fact exceedecl l1is authoritv. or contrar1v,11se, shall l1a,1 e bee1 1 acti1 1g pl1rsua1 1t to legislative or admi11istrative a t 1tl1ority grantee! to l1i11 1 b)' a11 y governn1e11t: federal or otherwise, shall not preclt1de tl1e applicatio1 1 or din1i1 1jsl1 tl1e scope of applicatio11 of the provisio1 1s of tl1 e prese11t A1·ticle. •



CROSS REFEIIBNCE Federal Act of 1952 JJaragrapl1 7, 2 Co11so/. L. Eth. 1


J ;

9. Any person ser,,ing ·\.vithi11 the En1?ire of Ethiopia i11 any gover11 mental office, function or capacity whether federal or otherwise, ,,,ho sl1all conspire with or order anotl1 er 1vvhether or not st1cl1 other t.l1 all be a perso11 servi11 g in a11y gover1 1mental office, ft1nction or capacity, to restric� in1pair, climinisl1 or s11spend as regards J11 y person or any group or class of JJersons i11 clt1di11g juridical persoi1 s witl1 O t 1r Empire, or who sl1 all, by l1is acts or on1issi(i11s, ]1ave wilfully a11d in fact restricted, impaired, dim.inished, suspended 01 · destroyed as regards any perso11 or any grotrp or class of persons includi1 1g juridical JJersons witl1i11 Our En1pire, tl1e h111 11 a1 1 r.igl1ts and ft1ndamental liberties as prescribed i1 1 paragrc:lph 7 of t11 e aforecited Federal Act sh.all be gt1 ilty of an offence a11 d sl1 all 011 co11viction be liable to p11 11 isl1111 e11t i11 accorda11ce witl1 provisions of Article 414 of tl1e Pe1 1al Code. It shall be no defe1 1ce to a co11 viction ·t11der tl1e prese1 1t Article of tl1e prese11t Proclamatio1J tl1 at the acct1sed, as a person serving within the Empire of Et11iopia in any go,,ernmental office, ft1nction or capa�ity, vvhether federal or otherwise, shall have bee11 empowered by legislatio11 or grant of ad1ni11 istrative at1thority to violate the said human rights and fundamental liberties referred to in the prese11t Article. The fact that a person serving .in any gov�rnme11 tal office, f1mction or capacity, shall in acting i11 violation of the provisio11S of the present Artie.le, have, in fact, exceeded his a.11tl1ority, sl1all not precl11 de the applicatio1 1 or di111i1 1ish the scope of applicatio11 of the provisions of tl1e JJresc11t A�·ticle. CONSOLIDATION NOTE I,1·lf)I. a111cl. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Art. 414. Termination of the Federal Status of Eritrea Order, 22/3 (1962) 0.27, 2 Consol. L. Et/1. 5 (by deleting tI-e word "federal'' from references to offences and cot1rts). T.bis Article 111e11tions Article 7 of tl1e Federal Act, to show the huma□ rigl1ts and ft111da111e11t�1l liberties extended to Eritrea. Tl1e Amharic version of the sarue Article cites Article 6 of tl1e Federal Act. CROSS REFERENCE Federal Act of 1952 paragraph 7,2 Conscl.L.Etl.1. Federal Incorporation and I11clusioD of the Territory of Eritrea within the Empire of Ethiopia Order, 12/1 (1952) 0.6 Art. 7, 2 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 3-7.

IO. Any perso,1s, i1 1clt1 di11g j11ridical :pe1so11s co11spiri1 1g togetl1 ei: t� �rev�1 1t or restrict a11y perso 11 or gro11p or class of per�o11s whether 1 1at11 ral or Jt1 1·1 d1 cal 1n the - 43 -


---------------------------------· CONSOJ�IDAl'ED LAWS 01, E'fl-JIOPlA

free exercise of the ht1n1an rights and fundan1e11tal liberties as pro,1ided for in paragrapl1 7 of the aforecited Federal Act a.11d a11y perso11 .i11cludi11g a11y j11ridical perso11 \.Vl10 sl1all, in fact a11 d by i11te11t, have preve11ted or restricted. a11y other perso11 or gro11p or class of perso11s, wl1ether j11ridical or 11at11ral, fro1n exercising the 1111ma11 rights a11d funda1ne11tal liberties as provided for in paragraph 7 of the aforecitecl Federal Act shall be gt1ilty of an offe11ce and, upo11 convictio11 by a court, shall be liable to p1111ishn1ent in accord,1nce witl1 the appropriate Article of the Pe11al Code, or if tl1eir co11duct is not prescribed by the Penal Code, to a fine not exceedi11g EtlJ. $500.00 or to in1prisonment 11ot exceeding one )'ear or to both s11cl1 fine a11d i1n­ priso·nment. It sl1all be no defence to a convictio11 under the present Article of present Proclamatio·n that the acc11sect, as a _perso11 servi11g withi11 the Empire of Ethio11ia i11 any governmental office, fu11ction or capacity, vvhether federal or other,vise, shall have bee11 empowered by legislation or gra11t of adrninistrative a11thority to violate the said hun1an rights and f11ndan1ental liberties referred to i11 tl1e present Article. The fact tl1at a person serving in a.ny govern1ne11tal office, function or c�pacit)', sl1all, in acting in violation of the provisions of the prese11t Article, have, 1 n fact, exceeded his at1thority, shall 11ot the a_pplicatioL1 or diniinisl1 the scoJ)e of ap·plication of the provisions of tl1e present Article. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The pl1rases of ,o\.rticle 10 whicl1 provided penalties wl1en a conspiracy to deprive of, or an actuaJ deprivation of, rights resulted in death or grave bodily injury, have been superceded by Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Book V, Title I. In other places the wording of Article 10 was impliedly an1ended by the Pena.I Code generally. Article 10 was also ilnpliedly a.1nended by the Tennination of the Feder,aJ Status of Eritrea Order, 22/3 (1962) 0.27, 2 Consol. L. Eth. 4 (by decision of the \.Vord ''federal'' from references to offences and courts). CROSS REFERENCE Federal Act of 1952 paragraph 7, 2 Consol. L. Eth. I. Federal Incorporation and Inclusion of the Tenritory of EritFea witl1in the Empire of Ethiopia Order, 12/1 (1952) 0.6 Art. 7, 2 Consol. L ..Eth. 3-7. .

11. [l111pl. repd. Termi11atiou of the Federal Status of Eritrea Order, 22/3 (I 962) @.27 (This Article '.(DlaGed th.e provisions of the present Proclamation \Vithin tl1 e jurisdiction of t!he Federal Cour. ts).] 12. Wl1oever s.hall threaten or otherwise intin,idate or seek to i11timidate any _J1)ersoa, j1a_clu.diiag j11ticl�cal pe.rsons, or group or class of persons, inforn1ing a11y o:ffioia!l @f any violation of the rights and privileges provided for i11 the prese11t Procla­ or seekin1g enforcem,ent1 by any official of sucl1 rights an.d privileges shall be mat:i@o J gui1ty Gf ah oifeaee and, upon oon.viction by a court, shall be liable to a fine 110t e;(eeeeing B�lt.$5@0.©0 or Jmprison 1 me11t for one year, or to both st1ch fine and im , ]!)i ris0nn1�-obs. CO>NSOLIDA'iPlON NOTE

lmpt. a,ndi. 'iFe.r:mination of tche federal �tatus of 'Eritrea Order, �2/13 (1962) 0.27, 2 Consol. L. Et/1. 5, (by delet1Lo.n ef the w0rd , federal from references to officials, offences and courts.) 1

@i¥ea, alt A:clalis AhaJha this 2§1!h day of Septemt>er, 1953. -44-


22/3 (1962) 0. 27



WHE.REAS, 011 11th Septe1nber, 1952, tl1e Territory of Eritrea "''as federated vvitl1 Ethiopia 1111der the sovereignty of the Eth.iopia11 Crov.111; a11cl WHEREi.L\.S, tl1e people of Eritrea have co111e progressively to realise the dis­ advantages f10,,1i11g from tl1e federal syst.en1 l)f admi11istratio11 and l1ave i11creasi11gly and repeatedly req11este9 the abolition of this syste111, vvhich they have never s011gl1t, a11d tl1e applicatio11 to Eritrea of tl1e syste111 of 1111.itary admi11istratio11 presently u1tiformly applied througl1011t tl1e Empire; a11d \.VHEREAS, the Eritrean Assembly, by resolutio11 1111anin1ot1sly adopted 011 14th l:'�ovember, 1962, l1as expressed the will of tl1e people of Eritrea tl1at the federal system of ad1ninistration be terminated a11cl tl1at Eritrea be \¥l1olly integrateci into tl1e unitary system of administration of the Empire of Ethiopia; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 recognitio11 of tl1e desires of tl1e people of Eritre,t, co11vinced that the pace of the economic and social development of tl1e Empire of Ethiopia bas been adversely affected by tl1� application of the fecleral system o.f administration, and tak.i11g into acco11nt the t·esolution t111aoimously adopted by the Parliament of the Empire of Ethiopia 011 15:11 l\loven1ber, 1962, giving ft1ll st1pport to the resolution of the Eritrea11 Asse111bly, 'We l1ereby order as follows: ' 1. This Order may be cited as the ''Tern1it1atio11 of the Federal Statt1s of Eritrea a1.1d the Applicatio11 to Eritrea of the System of U11itary Ad1ninistratio11 o·f the Empire of Ethiopia Order, 1962''. 2. The fede1·al statt1s of Eritrea vvitl1 Ethiopia is hereby terminated, and Eritrea, which continues to co11stitt1te a11 i11tegral part of the En1pire of Ethiopia, is hereby wholly integrated into the unitary systen1 oi· administration of 011r Empire. 3. The Revised Constitution of Ethioi:ia give11 by Us as tl1e Sovereig11 and Crown of the Empire of Etl1iopia on 2nd Nove1nber, 1955, shall co11tinue to be tl1e sole and exclusive Co11stit11tion to apply 111-u·formly thro11gho11t the territory of tl1e Empire of Ethiopia. CROSS REFERENCE Rev. Const., 15/2 (1955) P. 149.

4. All rights, including the rigl1t to own a11d dispose of real property, exemp­ tio11s, concessions a11d privileges of whatsoever nature heretofore granted, conferred or acquired within Eritrea, whether by law, 01der, co11tract or otl1erwise, and whether gra11ted or conferred upon or acquired by Ethiopian or foreig11 persons, w11ether natural or legal, shall remai11 in full force and effect. - 45 -

2-5,6 5. All rights, po,vers, dL1ties and obligatio11s of the for111er Ad111inistr�! tio1! of Eritrea beco111e, b)' virtue of this Order, tl1e rigl1ts, JJowers, duties ar1d obl1gat1011s of the I111JJerial Ethiopia11 Govern111e11t. 6. All e11acttneots, la,,.,,s arid regttlations or parts tl1ereof wiJich ar� J)r�se11tl)1 i11 force ,vitl1in Eritrea or wl1icb are de1101ni11ated to be of federal apJJl1c,tt1011, to the extent that tl1e applicatio11 tl1ereof is nece.ssary to tl1e co11tinued 01Jer,1tio11 of existing adn1it1istratio11s, sh.all, 1111til such time as tb.e san1e shall be expressly replaced at1d repe,1led by st1bseqt1ently enacted legislation, ren1ain i11 ft1ll force �t11d effect, a11d existi11g admirtistratio11s shall conti11t1e to i111ple111e11t a11d aci111i11ister tl1e sa1ne t111der tl1e authority of tl1e In1perial Ethiopia11 G· over1J111e11t . 7. This Order shall co111e i11to effect 011 15tl1 N·ove111ber, 1962. Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 15tl1 day of Noven1ber, 1962. 12/1 (1952) 0. 7 AN ORDER FOR THE DESIGNA1"'ION EXTENSION AND DEFINITION OF THE POWERS OF OUR l\11NISTERS CHARGED WITH EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN 1\1ATTERS OF FEDERAL JURISDICTION . . CONQUERING LION OF THE Tl�IBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROI{ OF ETHIOPIA WHERE.AS, paragra1)l1 1 of the Federal Act ratified by Ot1rselves provides that Eritrea shall be f· ederated ,.vitl1 Ethiopia tincler the Sovereignty of tl1e Etl1iopian Cro,vn; ai1d, WHEREAS, the executive functio11s and responsibilities of the Federal Gover11111ent d.erive from the Sovereign of st1cl1 federated Empire a11d Government; and, WHEREAS, tl1e Fed.era! A. c t provides that the Federation of Eritrea \:vitl1 Bthiopia sl1all respect the Constitution, traditions, institt1tions a11d. i11ternatio11al status and identity of the En1pire of Ethiopia; and, WHEREAS, in Article 11 of O ·ur Constitt1tio11 it is J)rovided We shall lay down the organization and the regulation of all executive departments and sl1all appoirat Ministers; and, WHERiEAS, it is necessairy to provide for th.e designation, extension and d.efinioion of the ft1nctions and resp.onsibilities of mi11isters designated for 't11-ose executive ministries and depa,rtmeuts charged witl1 the execution of federal ft1nctions and services; NOW, THEREFORE, We order as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE

'Tidle C0nstitutien r�fer,red to �er� is the Constitution of 1931. This Constitution was repealed and repla�d by the �ev1�ed Constitution of 1 _955, 15/2 (1955 � P. 149, lCorisol. L. Eth. l. The Article of the Revised Cons�Ltut1oa parallel ta the cited ArticJe of 1931 Constitution is Article 27.

- 46 -




l. TI1is Order may be cited as the ''.Desigi1atio 1 1 ancl the Exte·11 sio 1 1 of Ft111ctio11s of Our Federal Ministers Order, 1952''. 2. Order N·o. 1 of 1943, Mi11isters (Defi11itio11s of Po,:vers) Order as a111e11cled i 1 1 Order No. 2 of 1943 and Orcler No. 4 of 1948, are hereby exte1 1ded a 1 1d a1)p!jed to a11d for. the conduct of tl1e federal exect1tive functio11s of Ot1 r I 1nperial Gover11me11t; ft1rtl1er to the same We 1 10\,, l1ereby order a11d direct tl1at all dt1ties a11d respo11sibi­ lities a11d all powers and a11tl1ority therci11 granted sl1all be asst1111ed at1d exercised by 011r Ministers i11dividually whe 11 ,vitlJi11 tl1eir respective co111 1)ete11ce or collectively i 11 Otir Council of Mi11isters for the carrying out· of the fecier,11 j t1risdictio 11 in all 1 natters in Ot1r En1pire of defe1 1se, foreig11 afl"a.irs, ct1rre11cy a11d fi11a11ce, foreigt1 a 1 1d i11terstate commerce a11d exter11al a 1 1d i11terstate co1n1n11 11icatio 11 s, i11cl11ding ports, a1 1d for the maintenc11 1ce of U1e i 11tegrity of Ot1r En1pire a11d tl1e asst1rance to all of Ot1r s11bjects of their J1t1n1a11 rights and fu1 1da111e11tal liberties.

CllOSS REFEP-.ENCE Ministers (Definition of Power) Order, 2/5 (1943) 0.1 3 Consol. L. Et/1. 1, iv1inisters (Definition of Po\ver) (An1end1nent), 3/1 (1943) 0.2, establisl1ing a J\1inistry of Pubiic Healtl1, 7/7 (1948) 0.4.

3. Tl1e tern1 ''En1pire�' as t1sed i11 tl1e present Order is to be 11nderstoocl i11 t.l1e 1 11eaning and se11se defined i11 Ot1r I11corporatio11 and I11clusio11 of Eritrea withi11 tl1e En1pire of Etl1iopia Order of 11 tl1 September, 1952. CROSS REFEF..ENCE Incorporation and Inclusion of tJ1e Territory of Eritrea ,vithin the E111pire of Ethiopia, 12/1 (1952) 0.6, 2 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 3.

Give11 at Addis Ababa t11is 11 tl1 dtl�' of Septe111l1er, 1952.

B. APPLICATION OF CERTAIN I,EGISLATION FEDERALLY 12/2 (1952) P. 126* A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR FEDERAL REVENUE CONQUE.RING LION OF THE TRIBE OF J.UDAH H AILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD , EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Pursuant to Articles 6, 9 and 1 I of Ot1r Co11stitt1tio11 and i11 accordance ,vitl, paragraph 3 of the Federal Act as rati�ed by :U� for the Federat�o11 of Eritrea vvith Ethiopia, 011 the advice of Ot1r Council of M1rusters, We proclaim as follo,:vs: CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Constitution referred to here is tl1e Constitution of 1931. Tl1is Constitution, ,,.,as repe� led and replaced by the Re,,ised Constitution of.1955, 1�/2(1955) P. 149, 1 Corr_sol._L. Eth. 1. �he Articles of the Revised Constitt1tion Parallel to the cited Art1cl<S of the 1931 Const1tut1on are Articles 26, 27, and 92.

1. The Proclamation may be cited as tre ''Feclera.1 Reve 1 111e Procla111ation of l 952'', a11d shall come into force 11po11 publ :catio11 . *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 12/4 (1952) C.30; imp/. a,ncl. Pen. C. 16/Ex. J (1957).

- 47 -



2. All Ct1stoms and Export Dt1ties proclan1atio11s, an1e11d,111e11ts, regulatio11s, 11otices, general 11otices, legal notices, orders, rtiles and decrees and all taxes, duties a11d i1 11posts 011 in1ports and exports as _pt1blished i11 011r Negarit Gazetc1 and in force 011 the, effective date l1ereof. are h . ereby exte11ded for aJ)plicatio11 throt1ghout tl1e Ei:11pire of Ethiopia. 3. Ct1ston1s duties collected 011 goods e11tering or leavi11g the E1111)jre of Ethio­ pia., which have their origin or final destinatio11 i11 Eritrea are l1ereby ordered to be assig11ed a11d paid to the Government cf Eritrea i11 accorda11ce \vith arraµge1ne11ts to be made between Our Iv1inister of Fina11ce and Ot1r fi11ancial at1tl1orities i11 Eritrea. . 4. No customs duties or taxes of auy kind shall be collected or paid 011 goods entering tl1e En1pire of Ethiopia in tra1tsit tl1rough t11e E111pire of Ethiopia to or from countries having a commo11 land l:ot1ndary witl1 tl1e E111pire of Etl1iopia, pro­ vided, I10,¥ever, tl1at goods shall p�y a tra11sit fee of one and 011e-l1alf percent of the value of the goods determi11ed i1 the san1e 111a1111er as tl1e val11e of goods im'ported into Ethiopia. Fail11re to pay such tra11sit fee or violation of a11y tra11sit fee regulatio11 sl1all be punisl1ed in accorda11ce with tl1e pro, risio11s of Articles 354-356, 360 of the Penal Code. · CONSOLID.�TION NOTE Imp/. a,,,,rf. Pen. C. 16/Ex. l (L957) Arts. 354-356, Art. 3.60. (Part of Article 4, whicl1 provided penalties for failure to pay the transit fee, has been superceded by Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1(1957), Art. 360. The pe.naltie-s originally provicl.ed for violation of transit fee regulations have been stiperceded by Arts. 354-356 of the Penal Code).

5. For the purpose of aJ)plying, a.ssessing, levyi11g and collecti11g customs duties, charges a11d taxes on i1nports i11to a11d exports fron1 tl1e Empire of Ethiopia, for all imJJorts a11d exports by land, the land bot111daries of Our Empire as 110w co11stitt1ted sl1all be utilized for detern1i1ting the 1110-veme11t of all i1nports into and exports from Our, and for all imports and eiports by sea, the frontiers shall be held to extend for twelve 1narine miles fron1 the n1ea11 low-water n1ark at neap tide, except in the case of the Dahlac Archipela.go, vhere, 11.ntil ft1rther regulatio11s, the custon1s boun 1 daries sl1all be considered as bei1.1g co11stituted by the qt1adrilateral co11sisti11g of lines joining tt1e outermost northeastern a11d southeaster11 islands with the inner­ m@st nortl1western a11d southwestern islands and except in the case of ports where nhe boundaries shall be tL1e port areas as defi.ned fron1 time to time. All barrieus to, burdens upon and conspiracies i11 restraint of free and unrestrict­ ed trade and moveme:nt of goods and persons bet\veen Ethiopia and Eritrea are h.ereby declared t1nlawful and any sttch barriers, burdens or conspiracies presently existing or hereafter created are hereby declared 1 1ull and void and without effect. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 12/4 (1952) C. 30.

6. EGbsolete.] Ou. r Minister of i 1 nake sue� regulations as may be 11ecessary 7. ance sh aJ� � _ to g�ve e1fect t0 the prov1s1011s-0.f this Proclamation. Giiven at Adclis Ababa this 15th day of Se,ptember, 1952. -48-

---------------------· lNCORPORA'rION Of ERITREA


12/2 (1952)!P. 127*


CONQUERING LION. OF THE '"fRIBE OF J'UDAH HAILE SE.LASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EivIPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Purst1a11t to 1-\rticles 6, 9 a11d 11 of Our Co11stitt1tion, on the advice of Our Co11ncil of �1inisters, We proclai111 as ·follcws: CONSOLIDATlON NOTE T11e Constitution referred to here is tl1e Co11stitution of 1931. Thjs Constitution was repealed and replaced by tl1e Revised Constitt1tion of 195�, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, l Consol. L. Et/1. 1. The Articles of the Revised Constitution parallel to tl1e cited Articles of 1931 Constitution are Articles 26, 27, and 92.

1. This Proc]amatio11 may be cited as the ''ApJ)lication of Ct1rrency a11d Legal Tender Proclamation, 1945, as a1nended'', and shall be to come into force ttpon pu'blicatio11. 2. There is hereby exte11ded to be aJ)plied a11d e11forced throt1gl1ot1t Our Empire as defined i11 Our I11corporatio11 a11d I11clusion of Eritrea witl1in the Empire of Ethiopia Order of 11th Septe111ber, 1952, Pr::>clamation No. 76 of 1945, establisliing tl1e Ethio_pia11 dollar as the monetary unit £11d the cl1rrency notes and coins issued p11rst1ant thereto as the legal tender in Our Empire. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,ncl. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 Art. 41, 15 Con.,;ol. L Eth. 4-41 (wl1ich repealed 4/9 (1945) P.76, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 1, with the exception of Sched. C, Sec. 4 which remains in force).

CROSS REFERENCE Incorporation and Inclusion of Eritrea witl1in the Empire of Ethiopia, 12/1 (1952) 0.6, 2 Consol. L. Erh. 3, Currency and Legal Tender, 4/9 (1945) P.75, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 1, Monetary and Bankin� 22/20 (1963) P.206, 15 Consol. L. Etlz. 4.

Done at Addis Ababa this 15th day of September, 1952.

_______________ ,


l1r1pl. amd. 22/20 (1963) P.206, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 4. (The title of tl1is Proclamation was orginially ''A Proclamation for the Application of Currency and Legal Tender Proclamation, 1945, as a.mended, and the M.aria Theresa Dollar Proclamation of 194? as Federal Legislation." This title was irnp/. amd. by the Monetary and Banking Proclamation, 22/20 (1963) P. 206.

- 49-



12/2 (1952) P. 128*

A PROCLAMATION FOR THE APPLICATION OF CERTAIN OF OUR LEGISLATION AS FEDERAL LEGISLATION CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAI-1 HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Ptrrsuant to Article 6, 9 and 11 of Our Co11stitution, on the advice of Our Cot111cil of Ministers, We proclaim as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to here is the Constitution of 1931. Tl1is Constitution was repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Erh. I. The Articles of the Revised Constitution parallel to the cited Articles of 1931 Constitution are Articles 26, 27, and 92.

1. This Proclamation n1ay be cited as the ''Extension of Certai11 Legislatio11 of Federal 'Legislatio11 Proclan1atio11' ', a11d sl1all be deen1ed to co111e i11to force upon publicatio11. 2. Tl1ere are hereby extended to be applied a11d eriforced tl1rot1ghout Our Empire as defined i11 Our Incorporation a11d I11clt1sio11 of Eritrea withi11 the En1p.ire of Ethiopia of l l tl1 September, 1952, the following of Our proclamations, witl1 all the notices general a11d legal issued purs11ant tl1ereto and prese11tly i11 force, and the general notices and legal 11otices, as published in Ot1r Negarit Gazetct and as an1ended hereafter: (a) [Repd. 25/22 (1966) P. 240, 22 Consol. L. Et/1. l .] (b) [Repd. 22/20 (1963) 0.30, 15 Consol. L. Et/1. 7-9.) (c) [Repd. 23/6 (1963) P. 211.] (d) Proclrunation No. 24 of 1942, Da1Jgerous Drugs Proclamation, (e) [Repd. 28/25 (1969) P. 271, 9 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2.] (f) Proclamation No. 43 of 1943, export (Gold, Silver and Platinum), (g) Proclamation No. 113 of 1950, creating the Ethiopia11 Grain Board, and Proclamation No. 121 of 1952, prohibiting export of lincleaned and ungraded coffee. (b) [Repd. 28/25 (1969) 271, 9 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2.] (i) [Repd. 25/4 (1965) 0.41, 32 Consol. L.. Eth. 13.] CROSS REFERENCE Incorporation and Inclusion of Eritrea within. the Empire of Ethiopia, 12/1 (1952) 0.6, 2 Corzsol. L. Eth. 3; Dangerous Drugs Proclan1ation, 2/1 (1942) P. 24, 23 Consol. L. Eth. 6; Prol1ibition of E.xport (gold, silver and platinum) 3/4 (1943) P.43, 25 Consol. L. Eth. 1; Ethiopian Grah1 Board Proclamation, 9/9 (1950)P.l 13, 24 Consol. L. Eth. 8.

3. [Obsolete.] Given at Addis Ababa this 15th day of Septe1nber, 1952. •INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Imp/. amd. 22/20 (1963) 0. 30, 23/6 (1963) P. 211.

- 50-


Section 3 MINISTERIAL ORGANIZATION 2/5 (1945) 0.1*

AN ORDER TO DEFINE 'I'HE POWERS AND DUTIES OF OUR MJNISTERS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHE.REAS, in Article 11 of Our Constitution it is provided that We shall lay down the organization and the regulation of all administrative depart1nents; AND WHEREAS, it is 11ecessary that the powers and dt1ties of Ot1r Ministers should be defined; NOW, THEREFORE, WE order as follows: The Preamble to Order No. 44 recited as follows: WHEREAS, in 1943 We promulgated Order No. 1 under Article 11 of Our Constitution of 1930; a11d WHEREAS, the promt1lgation by Us in 1955 of Our Revised Constitution provided the necessary basis for the expansion a11d simplification of the powers and duties of Our Ministers and the further development of a system of res­ ponsible Ministerial government; and WHEREAS, it has accordingly become necessary to amend Order No. 1 of 1943; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accordance with Articles 27 and 66 of Our Revised Constitution, We hereby order as follows: *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE This Order was originally cited as the ''Ministers (Definition of Powers) Order, 1943''. Its substance, including the form of citation, was entirely repealed and replaced in 1966. Present Articles 1-14 were contained in tJ1e Ministers (Definition of Powers) (Amendment) Order, 25/10 (1966) 0.44, which effective on the date of its pub]icatjon in the Negarit Gazeta, March 23, 1966. Present Articles 15-34 were contained in the Ministers (Definition of Powers) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 25/23 (1960) 0.46, which provided that it should come into effect on April 23, 1966, and was publish­ ed in the Negarit Gaze/a dated July 27, 1966. E:-ct. to Eritrea, 12/1 (1952) 0.7; amd. 3/1 (1943) 0.2, 7/7 (1948) 0.4, 10/5 (1951) P. 115, 13/3 (1953) 0.11, 13/3 (1953) 0.12, 13/4 (1953) 0.13, 14/2 (1954) 0.14, 16/5 (1957) 0.15 as corr. 16/6 (1957)

C.37, 16/10 (1957) 0.17, 17/8 (1958) 0.19, 17/9 (1958) 0.20, 23/10 (1964) 0.33, 24/12 (1965) 0.40, 25/10 (1966) 0.44, 25/23 (1966) 0.46; i1npl. amd. 4/7 (1945) P.74, 12/5 (1952) P.131, Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P.149, 21/3 (1961) P.179, 21/3 (1961) 0.23, 21/18 (1962) 0.26, 22/6 (1962) L.269, 22/20 (1963) P.206, 23/3 (1963) P.210; 27/6 (19o7) 0.49. See also 25/9B (1966) 0.43 Art. 4(1) (g), 7 Consol. L. Eth. 3.

- 51 -



The Prea111ble to Order No. 46 recited that it \Vas JJro1nt1lga.ted ''i11 accorda11ce with Article 27 of Our Revised Co11stitutio11 '' becat1se ''i11 ft1rtl1erar1ce of tl1e objectives expressed i11 Order No. 44 of 1966, it bas beco111e necessar)' to revise extensively the powers of the Mi11isters of Ot1r Govern111e11t ... " CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to in the Preamble of this Order is tl1e Constitution of 1931. This Constitution was repeaied and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1?55, 15/� (1955) P.14Y, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1. The Article of th.e Revised Constitlttion parallel to the cited Arf'1cle of the 1931 Constitution is Article 27.

GENERAL 1. This Order may be cited as the ''Ministers (De:fi11itio11 of Po\vers) (Amend­ ment) Order, 1966''. 2. Articles I through 21A of Order No. I of 1943, as a111ended, are hereby repealed and replaced by Articles 1 through 14 of tl1is Order. MINlSTERS 3. Ot1r Prime Mi11ister is the b.ead of all Ot1r Ministers a11d sl1all be directl)'' responsible to Us and tl1e State for e11suri11g tl1e execution of the dttties, tl1e 1Jrogran1mes and the laws concerni11g tl1e Mi11istries. Our Prime Mi11ister sl1all have all po,vers and a11thority 11ecessary tl1ereto. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The office of Prime Minister was establisl1ed by 3/1 (1943) 0.2 (making l1i111 l1ead of all other Min.istries and giving l1im various powers formerly perforn1ed by the Ministry of the Pen); in1pi. anid. Rev. Co11st. 15/2 (1955J P.149 Art. 75, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1 (providing that 11inisters n1ay be tried before the Supreme Imperial Court for offences connected witl1 their official funrlions and thus repealing Prin1e Minister's power to supervise the special court to be established for tl1is pur­ pose under Article 54 of the Constitution of 1931), 21 /3 (1961) P. 179, 14 Consol. L. Etli. 2 (establish­ ing an independent Auditor General a.nd thus taking from Prin1e Minister autl1ority to supervise com111ission which audited accounts of the Jn1perial Governn1ent); an1d. 25/10 (1966) 0.44 (giving Prim.e Minister power of J)roposing other Ministers for appoiotn1e11t by the Emperor (Art. 4) a11d making each Minister directly responsible to tl1e Prime Minister and, above him, to tl1e En1peror and the State (Art. 7)). See also Rev. Const. Arts. 66-74.

4. (a) Ou.r Prime Minister shall be appointed and dismissed by Us. (b) All otl1er Ministers sliall be proposed for appointment to Us by Ot1r Prime Minister and therea.fter duly appoi11ted by Us. (c) All other Government officials above the ran.k of Assistant Minister shall, after consultatio11 with the appropriate Mirlisters, be proposed for appoi11tment to Us by 011r Prime Minister a11d thereafter dulJ' a_ppoi11ted by Us. CONSOLIDATION NOTE r 2/5 (1943? 0.1 Art. IO, Ministers were �prohibited to in tl1e Chan1ber of Deputies or .Sen.aUnde te except when mstruc!e� by the ��1peror; rm_pl. repd. R.ev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Arts. 72-73, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1, (g1vmg all M1n1sters the right to attend any meeting of Parliament or one of its co�!ttees and to speak at s_ucb meetin�, and· requiring the Prime Minister or his dep11ty to attend either Chamber, when bis presence 1s requested by a n1ajority vote•• and all l\1inisters or their deputies to answer ''verbally _o� in writing'' certajn Parliamentary qu�tions). . Under 2/5 (1943) 0.1. Art. �5, MlillSters were empowered to appoint 1nembers of their Minis­ tries, except those whose appo1nt�ent was reserved to tl1e E1nperor; inipl repd._ 21/3 (1961) 0.23, 8 Co,zsoi. L. Et/1. 2, 22/? (1962) L. -69, 8 Consol. L.Eth. 3., (the two laws establtsh,ng a Central Per­ sonnel Agency and unified �u.les an� procedures governing ap1Jointment and dismissal of public servants of the ranlc of AssIStant MI.Illster and below).

- 52-



·------------------------------· Uncler 2/5 (1943) 0.1 Art. 19, Ministers could be cl1arged for offences arising out of official d11ties only before a special court established under Article 54 of tl1e Constitution of 1931; in1pl. repd. Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 75, 1 Consol. L. Etl1. 1 (re1,ealing Constitution of 1931 and that Ministers n1ay be tried before tl1e St1pre1ne Tn1perial Court). See also Rev. Cot1st. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Arts. 66-69, 71, 74, 1 Co11sol. L. Etlz. l .

5. Be.fore taki11g ll]J tl1eir appoi11tn1e11t, all ofiicials above tl1e rank of Assistant M. inister shall take tl1e o,1tl1 of fideJity set fortl1 i11 Article 66 of Our Revised Consti­ tt1tio11. CROSS REFERENCE Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1.

6. Ministers n1ay tra11sact State bl1siness and n1ay enter into contracts or agree­ n1e11ts and incttr :fina11cial liability i11 res1Ject of tl1eir Ministries within the limits of their bltdgets a11d s11bject to tl1e require111e11ts of tl1e law and Ot1r Revisecl Consti­ tl1tion. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Under 2/5 (1943) 0.1 Art.12, Ministers were empowered to enter into co11tracts a11d agreements and to incur .financial liability in respect of tl1eir Ministries on]y ''after approval by [the Emperor] and the Council of Ministers''; a111d. 25/10 (1966) 0.44.

7. (a) Eacl1 Ministe1· shall be directly responsible to Our Pri1ne Minister a11d, above him, to ·us a·nd tl1e State for the exec1Ltio11 of: the duties of l1is .M..i11istry, including tl1e executio11 of the Ia,vs co11cerning that Mi11istry. (b) Each Minister shall pre1Jare a11d sub1nit to Ot1r Cot1ncil of Ministers draft Iavvs necessary · for tl1e proper operatio11 of his Mi11istry and for the proper car1·)ri11g 011t of any other matters confined to jurisdiction. (c ) Each Ministe1· shall make regltlations .in accorda11ce with the laws confiding st1ch po,ver to l1is respo11sibility. CONSOLIDATION NOTE No law before Order No. 44 provided for Ministers to be responsible to the Pri111e Minister, altl1ough 3/1 (1943) 0.2 provided that depart1nents and Ministers sl1ot1ld carry ot1t tl1eir duties ''under the direction of tl1e Prime Minister, who is subordinate to Ot1r Orders." Order No. 1, 2/5 (1943) 0.1, as amended until Order No. 44, did not specifically empower Ministers to make regulations on their own responsibility; amd. 25/10 (1966) 0.44.

8. Mi11isters may 111ake administrative reg111ations 11ot inconsistent with the la\-VS of Our En1pire for application in their Ministries. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Under 2/5 (1943) 0.1 Art. 13, no adn1inistrative regulations within Ministries could be put into effect until the Emperor had signified His pleas11re thro11gh the Minister of Pen; a111cl. 3/1 (1943) 0.2 Art. 7 (providing that pleasure should be signified through Prin1e Minister), 25/10 (1966) 0.44.

9. Whe11ever a Minister is prevented by a11y cause fron1 f11lfilling the duties of his office, said duties, includi11g attendance and voting at ·Ot1r Cot1ncil of Ministers, shall be ft11filled by the 11ext senior official in said Ministry holcli11g the rank of Vice or above. THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS 10. Our Ministers shall collectively forn1 Ol1r Co1111cil of Ministers a11d shall be responsible for all d.ecisions ta.ken by them in Council. - 53 -



------------------------ -----· CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The Council of Ministers was established b) 2/5 (1943) 0.1; a111c/. 25/10 �1966) 0.44 (giving the power to "make decisions concerning all matters brought before the111''). See also Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P.149 Arts. 69, 71, l Consol. L. Eth. I.

I I. Our Ministers shall, after ciscus�ion in Cou11cil, 111ake decisio11s co11cernir1g all matters brought before them. All dc-�isions on n1atters of policy shall be sub1nitted by Our Prime Mi11ister to Us. 12. Our Prio1e Minister shalJ be the Cl1airn1a11 of Our Cot111cil of Mi11isters and shall preside at all meetings of the Cot111cil. 13. Our Council shall draw up its n1les of proceciure and subn1it then1 to Us for approval. 14. Our Co11ncil of Ministers shall have its O\Vn Secretariat. TJ1e Secretary General of the Secretariat shall be appotnted by Us upo11 the recomme11dation of Our Prime Minister. 15. The The The The Tl1e The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

MINISTRIES Ministries at prese11t esta b:ished are as follows: Ministry of National Community Developn1ent and Social Affairs Mi11istry of Public Health Ministry of Land Reform and Administratio11 Ministry of Commu11icatioos Ministry of Inforn1atio11 and ToL1risn1 Ministry of Mines Ministry of Public Works Mi11istry of Education and Fi11e Arts Ministry of Com.n1erce and I11d ttstry Ministry of National Defence Ministry of I11terior Ministry of Agricultt1re Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Finance Ministry of the Imperial Court Mi1listry of Pen Ministry of Justice Ministry of Plan11ing a11d Development Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones CONSOLlD.\TION NOTE

was established by 17/8 (1958) 0. '19; repd. 23/10 (1964) 0.33. � !"finistry of �tores and SuppIies _ A M101stry of�ens1 . ?0s. wa � est �bl1 ��ed by 1 .7/S (1958) O.�O; �epd. 25/23 (19�6) 0.46. Tile J1istory of the other Mmtstries 1s given 1nd1v1dually 1n 1he Co11so/1datton Note follow1ng each one.


16. The Minister of National Com.m11nity Development and Social Affairs is

the he�d of one of th � Departme11ts transacti o � State _affairs, nan1ely, the Ministry of National Community Developm.ent and Social Affairs. The M'inister of National Community Development and Social Affairs, in accordance witl1 the law, shall:

-54 -

----------------------�MIN1s·rERIAL 0.RGANISA'[ION


(a) in the fi�ld of co1nn1L1.nity develop111ent, plan, co-ordinate an d implement co.mm11n1ty deve�o_pme11t progran1n1es, i11cludi11g of self-help _ and mL1t11al aid , 10_rural a11d 11rba11 con1m1111ities tl1ro11gl1 researcl1, training, _ demo11strauo11 and other app _ ropriate 11 1eat1s; (b) i11 the field of social welfare: (i) develop �11d ca�ry 011t, 011 llis ow11 i11itiative a11d responsibility or in co-operat1011 ,v1th other Mi11isters a11d Pt1blic Authorities concerned, and 0 �1er pt1 1?�ic �nd private ?rganizations and instit11tions, program­ and physically the poor, the me �. of rel1ab1l1tat1on a for assistance 1d � _ _ socially l1ar1d1capped, v1ct11ns of natt1ral and other disasters, and other persons who, wit11011t t.l1eir ow11 fault, are 1111able to care for them­ selves; (ii) develop a11d carry 011t, i11 co-operatio11 witl1 other Ministries and Public Authorities concerned, progrru1 11nes for the reforming a11d rehabilita­ tion of delinque11t minors, i11cluding the establislm1ent and operation of ct1rative educational i11 stitutions for s11cl1 persons; a11d (iii) encourage and pro111ote the carrying out of _programmes intended to provide recreatio11 and other facilities to the yo11th of the nation; (c) in the field of labour: (i) develop carry out, in co-operation with other Ministries and Public Authorities co11cer11ed, programmes to facilitate the sec11ring of employment by persons the same, tl1e protection of labourers from accidents and disease, the improvement of working conditions, and the regulation and supervision of child and female labo11r; (ii) encourage and promote the training of Ethiopia11 nationals in modern skills and techniq11es; (iii) register and assist labot1r u11io11s and e1nployers associations; and (iv) co-operate and assist in tl1e settleme11t of labour disp11tes; and (d) in the field of co-operatives, foste1· and encourage, i11 co-operation with other Ministries and P11blic Autl1orities concerned, the creation of co­ operative societies and s11pervise and assist in the management thereof.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ministr·y of National Community Development was established by 16/5 (1957) 0.15; corr. 16/6 ( 1957) C.37; irr1pl. all'1d. 21 /18 (1962) 0.26, 28 Co11sol. L. Eth. 2 (giving Ministry of National Community Development authority over Public En1ployment Adiµinistration), 23/3 (1963) P. 210, 28 Co,1s0/. L. Eth. 6 (giving Ministry of National Community Development responsibility for labour matters); a,nd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (cl1angiog name; deleting special authority over pomadic peoples and inJ1abirants of ''Special Areas," i.e., ''localities not conducive, due to Natural Phenomena, to social progress''; transferring to Ministry of Land Reform and Adn1inistration responsibility for land settlen1ent programmes and for investigating programn1es to enable people to become landowners; adding responsibility for progran1mes for l1aodicapped, disaster victims, delinquent minors, facilities for youth ,ind co-operatives; and transferring from Ministry of Interior authority for unemployment and anti-poverty programmes.

THE MI.NISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 17. The Mi11ister of Public HealtJ1 is the head of one of the Departments trans­ acting State affairs, namely, the Ministry of Public Health. The Mi11 ister of Public ·Health, in accorda11ce with the law, shall: 55 -



(a) promote and. preserve pt1blic healtl1 withi11 tl1e nation; (b) su.pervise tl1.e enforcement of pt1blic l1ealtl1 ]egjslatio11 a11cl e11st1re ! l1c execution of bis orders concer11ing the promotio11 a11d preservat1011 of public health; (c) plan and establish Gover11n1ent-operated l1ealt!1 _insti� utio11s, seryi_ces and facilities and arrange for their ge11eral ad1n11ustrat1011, st11Jerv1s1011 and control, exce1Jt insofar as specific power tlJerefor l1as bee11 legally delegated to another ivlinistry or Public A11tl1orit)'; (d) approve and register privately opera.ted pt1blic l1ealtl1 i11stitL1tio11s, services a11d facilities; (e) set minimum sta11dards for both Gover11n1ent-operated and JJrivatel)' operated public health institt1tions, services a11d facilities a11d ensure, by inspection and otl1erwise, tl1at stanclards are met; (f) license and register all categories of JJerson11el enga.ged i11 public l1ealt]1 activities and establish and enforce minimt1n1 standards of qt1alifi.cation and activity for said perso1111el; (g) arrange for the establislune11t of 1nedical a11d sanitary ed11catio11al facilities, a.rrru1ge for and supervise the eclt1catio11 and traini11g of stt1de11ts therein, set sta11dards and arrange !�or the exa1nination of students and coil.fer diplon1as a11d certificates, except i11sofar as s_pecific power therefor l1as bee11 legally delegated to a11otl1er Ministry or .Pt1blic Authority; (h) carry out nation-wide ca.mpaig1Js to infor11J a11d ed11cate tl1e public concerni11,g n1atters of public 11ealth; and (i) be princiJJally responsible, toget11er with otl1er Mi11istries and Public A11tl1orities concen1ed, for represe11ting and protecti11g tl1e it1terests of tl1e Governn1ent in enterprises i11 tl1e field of p11blic l1ealth i11 whicl1 the Government has a fina11cial interest. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The Ministry of Public Health was establisl1ed by 7/7 (1948) 0.4; a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (provid­ ing the Ministry of Public Health the po\ver to establish and su1Jervise "medical and sanitary edu­ cational facilities.'').

THE MINIS·TRY O.F LAND REFO.RM AND ADMINISTRATION 18. The Minister of Land Ref or111 a11d Admi11istratio11 is the l1ef1d of o11e of the Departments transacti11g State affairs, 11amely, the Ministry of Land Reforn1 and Administration. T·he Minister of Land Refor1n and Admi11jstratio11, i,1 accord­ ance with the law, shall: (a), recomme11d a.nd implen1e11t reforn1s i11 tl1e field of land te11ure; (b) prepare, recomm.end and imple1ne11t refor111s i11 relations betwee11 landlord and tenant regard.i1;ig tenure, rents, cro1J-sharin0' arra11 ge0 ments and similar matters; (c) admi1uster all Government la11ds, except insofar a.s specific power therefo� has been legally delegated to another Ministry or Public Authority; - 56 -



(d) dispose of a11d distrib11te Gover11111e11t · la11cls ad1nii1 istered by ! J im in co1111ectio11 wi th :ilJ)proved 1a11 cl refor111 progra 1 n1nes; (e) propo_ �e land res�ttlen1e11t proira111111es a11d l)rovide, 0L1t of la11ds ad111 11 11stered by I11m, la11d for 1se i11 co111 1ectio11 witl1 aJ)J)roved pro­ gran1n1es; (f) ens11re the establisl1 111 e11t a11d 111ai1 1te11a11 ce of registers of la1 1d a11 cl � interests tl1 erei 1 1; (g) co11d11ct c �dastral a1 1d otl1er J211d SL1rveys, i11clL1di1 1g mappi11g a11 d topograpl11 cal s11rveys, exce1)t ir.sofar as specific p0Vi er therefor J1as bee11 legalI)' delegated to ,111otl1er Mi11istry or Pt1blic A11tl1ority; (h) t,l �e measures to expedite the setlle1nent of all claims relating to ow11er­ sl11p of Ja11d \vl1icl1 arise i11 co11nectio1 1 vvith tl1 e co11 cl11ct of cadastral s11rveys and tl1e registratio11 of land a1 1d i 11 terests tl1erei11 ; (i) st1 1dy a11 d 1nake reco111 n1e11 datiot1s to the 1\lli11istr)' ot· Fi 11 a11ce co11 cern­ ir1g ]and taxatio11; a11cl (j) classify land for la11d taxatio11 a:id otl1er purposes. 1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The i\1inistry of Land Refor111 a11d Acl111inistratia1 was established by 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (in1pliedly repealing 24/12 (1965) 0.40, whic]1 hacl establi�hed a Land Refon11 ancl Development Au­ tl1ority).

. THE MINISTRY OF COlvlMUNICATIONS 19. Tl1e Minister of Con11n1111jcatjo1 1s is tb. e 11ead of 011e of the De1)1:1rt111e1 1ts transacti11g State affai1·s, 11a1nely, the Mi11istry of Comn1u11ications. Tl1e J\1[inister of Con1m11nicatio11s, in accordance vvith the la\\', sl1all: (a) [/1111;!. ,·epcl. 27/6 (1967) 0.49, 21 Corz.s·o!. L. Etl1. S (givi11 g a11tonomo11s Road Transport Ad111inistration authority a11cl respo11sibility to co11 trol commercial 1·oad tra11 sport services a11d. th11s repealing tl1is Article ,:ivhjch gave s11cl1 respo11sibility to 1'v1iniste1· of Co1J11nt1nicatio11s).] (b) reg11Iate and control the operatio11 of air a11d rail tra1 1sport services; (c) reg11late a11 d co11trol tra.1 1 sport ::Jil i11la11d v;,aterways a11d territorial waters·' (d) s11pervise a1 1d operate the port, ha.rbo11r and navigation facilities of tl1 e 11atjo11 a11d deli1nit, i11 agreement ,:vith other :tvli11 istries and Public A11thorities concer11ed, free port areas; (e) foster, e1 1co11rage and st11)e1·vise tl1e develop111e1 1t a11 cl� 01)eratio11 of a 11 atio11al mercl1ant 1nari11e; (f) be responsible for tl1e registratioL1 of all vellicles a11d the lice11sit1g of tl1e operators thereof; (g) fix or a1)prove the fixing of the tariffs chargeable f'or all co111111ercial tra1 1sport withi11 t11e 11ation, whether by Ja.11c1, air o.r i11 Ja11 d or 111ari11 e waterways, except for road tra11sport; . (11) establish a11d 1naintai11 111eterological services; a11cl (i) be pri1 1cipally responsible, togetl1er with otl1er Mi1.1istries ,111d PL 1 blic A11tl1 0J�ities concer11ed, ·for represe11ti11g a11d protecting the i11 terests of the Gove1·nment i11 comrµ1111ica:io1 1s e11ter1)rises i11 wl1icl1 tl1e Go,1er11me11t bas a fina11cia.l interest.

� 57 -

----------------------------------· 3-1


CONSOLIDATION NOTE The M'inistry of Co1nmunications and Public Works was establis.hed by 2/5 l1943) 0.1; a_rncl. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (splitting the former Ministr! into two separate Ministries_ of Co1nmunicat1o_ns a.nd of Public Works; e1npowering the Ministry of Con1munications to fi� tariffs of a�l ?�':'Ilmerc1al transport; and transferring to Ministry of Comn1unications the follow1og �espo_ ns1bilities: f� o_n1 Min,istry of Interior responsibility for n1otor vel1icle registration and operator I1ceos1ng, fron1 Mrn1s­ try of Agriclllture at1thority over meterological services, and from Minjstry of National Defence th.e Authority described in Subarticles (c), (d), (e) and, so far as it relates to water transport, (g) of this Article); i111pl. amd. 21/6 (1967) 0.49 21 c�nsol. L. Eth. 5 (giving autonon1ous Road T.ra.nsp� rt ,<\dministratio:n authority to control and regulat:. commercial road transport and to establ1sl1 tariffs therefor). For ltlstory of Ministry of CommuJJications ancl Public Works before it was divided, see Consolidation Note to Art. 22 below.

THE MINISTR'Y OF INFORMAT"ION AND TOURISM 20. The Minister of Information a11d To11risn1 is tl1e head of one of the Depart­ ments transacting State affairs, namely, the Mi11istry of Information and Tourism. The Mi1tister of Informatio11 at1d Tourism, in accordance \Vith tl1e law, shall: (a) be principally respo11sible for, a11d, i11 co-operation v.1ith other Minis­ tries and P11blic Authorities co11cerned, prepare, print a.nd publish informatio11 co11cerning Etl1iopia a11d l1er people botl1 within and witho11t the nation; (b) be pri11cipally respo11sible for e11s111·ing that the p11blic is informed 0011cer11ing the pla11s, progran1mes, inte11tio11s and activities of the Government; (c) be principally respo11sible, i11 co-operation witl1 other Mi11istries a11d Publjc Authorities co11cerned, for all Government announcements a11d p11blicatio11s both with.i11 a11d without tl1e nation; (d) ow11, n1anage and operate 11ewspapers aJ1d n1agazines; (e) issue licences for the private ownership, 111anage1ne11t and operation of newspapers a11d n1agazine�; (f) ow11, and operate Government-owned radio and televisio11 stations; (g) issue licences for the private ow·nership, n1anagement at1d operation of radio and television statio11s, except insofar as specific power there­ for ha.s been legally delegattd to another Ministry or P11blic Authority; (b) ensure that fil1ns, plays, rev11es and ot11er pub.lie e11tertainment pre­ sented within Ethiopia do not offe11d pL1blic morality or endanger the security of the t1atio11; (i) b � r�sponsi?le !or ensuri11g that pri11ted matter in1ported into or printed tl1e w1th1n Ethiopia does not offend publjc morality or endanoer 0 security of the nation; (j) regis �.er_ all journalists a11d representatives of ne\vspapers, periodicals, p11bltsh1ng h ?uses and news age11cjes within Ethiopia ax1d re11der 11ecessacy assistance to theo1; and (k) foster and pron1ote tourisrn. CONSOLID.a..TION NOTE

3/10 (1964)0.33; c1111d. 25/23 (1966)0 ..46(changThe Minis�q- of ln �o.!111atio11 a?lisbed by was st � t: _ _ . 1ag !1al:!1e of M1rustcy, g1v1ng 1t _ respons _1b1hty for Lour1sn1 �nd for ensuring that matter printed within Ethiopia ,doe..s n.ot offend public moral1t� o_r_ endanger national security, and transferring to Ministry of PJann1ng and Development respon.s1b1lity for collecting and publishing statistics).

- 58 -



THE MINISTRY OF MINES 21. �he Mii,ister of M �117s .is the l1�ad of 011e of the Depart11 1e11ts tra11 sacting State affairs, nan1el)', tl1e M 1111stry of M 111es. Tl1 e ivii11 ister of Mi11es, i 11 accordance \Vith the law, sl1all: (a) recom111�nd tl1e adoptio11 of and i111ple 1 11e11t �1 11 d e1 1force ge11eral policies concer11 111g tl1e developme11t of n1i11 eral resottrces; (b) regt1l �te . a11d st1pe:vise tl1e exploratio11s for a11d develo1Jment a 1 1d explo1tat10 1 1 of 11 11neral resot 1rces '· (c) colle�t. 1n.ineral data a11 d st1pervise tl1e 1Jreparatio11 a11d publicatio11 of n11n111g st1rveys and n1aps a11 d the 111ai11tenance of a depository for all st1 rveys and data relati11g to mi 11eral resot1rces; (d) i 1 1 co-operatio11 ,.vitl1 otl1er ivli1 1istries a 1 1d Pt1 blic At1thorities concerned a�d i 11 accordance ,,,itl1 establisl1ed JJrocedures, 11 egotiate a11 d conclude 1111 11eral co 1 1cessio11 s and st1_pervise a11d co11 trol all activities carried 011 theret11 1der; (e) carry on or arra 1 1ge for tl1 e exploratio11 for a1 1d clevelopment and ex­ ploitation of rni11eral resot1rces, i11 cl11ding tl1e co11d11ct o.f geological st1rveys, by or 0 1 1 bel1a]f of tl1e Gover11 1 ne11 t; ,111d (f) be principally respo11sible, together \Vitl1 other Mi11istries and Pt1 blic Authorities co11cerned, for re1Jresenting and :protecting the interests of tl1e Government i11 1nini 1 1g enterprises i11 which tl1e Gover11me11 t has a fi11a11cial i 1 1terest. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e N1inistry of Mines was established by 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (in1pliedly re1Jealing l 3/4 (1953) G. 167, w.hich bad established an In1perial MiningBoard under jurisdiction of Ministry of Finance).

THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 22. T.he Minister of Public Works is the ]1e::1d·· of one of tl1 e Depart111e 11 ts tra11s­ acting State affairs, namely, the Ministry of PL1blic \1/orks. The Mi11ister of Pt1blic Works, in accordance with the law, shall: (a) undertake and carry ot1 t authorized Governn1e11 t construction, mai11te11a 1 1ce and repair work, i11cluding .highways, except insofar as specific power therefor has bee11 legally delegated to another Ministry or .Pt1blic Authority; (b) prepare and implement, in co-operation with other Ministries a11d Pt 1 blic Autho.rities concerned, pla11 s for the developn1e11 t a11 d exploita­ tio11 of the water resources of the natio 1 1; (c) supervise the frami 11g a11d itnplementation of all co11strt1ction contracts entered i 1 1to by Ministries and Pttblic At1 tl1 orities; (d) establish bt1 ilding codes of general applicatio 1 1; (e) e 1 1st1re tl1 at private constrt1 ction activities co11for1n to mi11in1t1 m esta­ blished sta11dards, except insofar as specific power tl1 erefor has bee11 legally delegated to another Mi 1 1istry or Pt1blic At1thority; a1 1cl (f) prepare, recommend a 1 1d in1plement programmes for Gover1�1ne11 t­ spo1 1soreci ho·using develo1Jments and encot 1rage t11e t111dertak111g of st1ch programmes by private individuals a1 1d e11tities.

- 59 -



CONSOJ.,IDATION NOTE The Ministry of Co111n1unications and Pt1blic Works was establisbed by 2/� (1943) 0.1; iinpl. a1nd. 4/7 (1945) P. 74 Art. 4(iii) (a), 7 Consol. L. Et/1. 1 (giving Municipa l Councils pow�r to dec1d.� on "l aying out, closing and keeping of streets, squares, bridges, promenades a,nd public gardens and on '"paving of roads'' in municipalities); an1cl. I0/5 (1951) P.l 15 Art. 3, 20 G_o1;s0/. L. Eth. _3 (transferring ''all functions, duties and authority l1eretofore performed by th� Ministry of Public : Works and Communications ,:vith respect to tl1e design, construction and 111amte_nanc� of govern1nent l1ighways, roads. bridges, ctdverts and highway appurtenances'' to ln1per1al I11ghway Au­ thority), 13/3 (1951) 0.11 Art. 5 {transferring a ll authority over waterways a�� wat�r-bome transport to Ministry of National Defence), 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (splitting former Ministry 1oto t,vo separale Ministries of Public Works and Con101unications).

THE 1\1INISTRY OF EDUCA.TION AND FINE ARTS 23. The Minister of Edt1catio11 a11d Fi11e Arts is the bead of one of the Depart111ents transacting State affairs, namely, the 1'1inistry of Education and Fi11e Arts. The MiJ1ister of Edt1catiou and Fine Arts, it1 accordance ,,.,ith the law, sl1all: (a) e11cot1rage and develop general edt1cation. and fine arts withir1 tl1e natio11; (b) e'6tab1ish, OJJerate, maintain, be responsible for and define the 11att1re of a11d ct1rricula for all edt1catio11al i11stitt1tio11s financed, i11 \Vhole or iu part, by Gover11ment reve11ues, arrange for and supervjse the educa­ tion a11d training of stu.de11ts tl1erein, set sta11dards and arrange for tl1e ex.a1ni11a.tio11 of students a.nd co1uer diplomas ftnd certificates, except i11sofar as specific power therefor has bee11 legally delegated to a11other Ministry of Pt1blic Authority; (c) License the operation of private edt1cational institutio11s, establish 1nirumum standards for s11ch ins·tittrtions a11cl ensure that st1cl1 stand­ ards are 1net, except i11sofar as specific po\'.\1er therefor has been legally delegated to another Mi11istry of Pt1blic A11tl1ority; (d) supervise and ens1ire, ir1 co-operation with ot11er 1vlii1istries and Ptiblic A11tl1orities concer11ed, that establis.h.ed ct1rrict1la a11d sta11dards for courses iI1 ge11eral edt1cation are adhered to i11 Governme11t-operated educational institutions ad1ninistered by other Ministries or Pt1blic Authorities; (e) arrange for and st1pervise the traini11g of teachers and establish tl1e 11eoessary facilities therefore; (f) i11 co-opera.tion wit11 other Ministries and Pt1blic Authorities co11cerned and private bodies and t1gencies, e11courage, supervise a11d control J)rogrammes of adt1lt ed11catio11 a11d literac)'; (g) :promote ct1ltu�al a,ctivities and the advancem.e11t of tl1e fme arts, exceJ)t 111�o�ar as specific_ po\.ver th�refor bas bee11 legally delegated to another MID1stry or Pt1bl1c Authority; at1d (b) encourage the creat !o11 of a11d supervise public libraries and muset1ms throughout th.e natllo11, except inso'far as specific 110,ver therefor has been legally delegated to another Ministry or Public At1thority. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Th.e �inistry �f Bducatio� ��d Pine Arts \Vas established by 2/5 (1943) O.l; 0111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46_ (add1ng s��1 .fic respoos1b1l:1ty for teacher training a,nd literacy programn1es and deletin specific respons1_b1l1ty to kno\vn through publications the progress of sc·ience a' n .d ar ts ;!.n ti:leg ,vorld, to e�ta:bhsh m.useu,ms and to estab]isb an academy for prom · 0 t·ion of research 1n la11guages and fine arts).

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THE MINISTRY O.F COMivlERCE AND INDUSTRY 24. The N !i11ister of Co1:1merce a1 1d I11clustr)' is tl1e l1ead of one of the De1)art­ n1e11ts transact111g State affairs, 11an1ely, tl1e ivfinistry of Co111merce and I 11d 11stry. Tl1e Minister of Comn,erce a 1 1d I11d11 stry, in accorcla11ce ,vitl1 the law, sl1all: (a) foster a11d e11co11rage tl1e do1ne:;tic a11cl foreig11 trade a11d co1111nerce of the 11atio11; (b) foster a11d e11cot1rage tl1e cleve]op1ne11t of' i11d11str.)' at1d handicrafts; , (c) subject to treaties a11d agreen1ents co11clt1clecl bet\vee 11 tl1e 11ation and foreign states, regttlate i111ports i11to and ex1)orts l�ro1 11 the 11ation; (d) establish and admi11ister tl1e Con1n1ercial Register a11d registers of patents a11d trade 111arks; (e) e 1 1co11rage the establisl1111ent of Cl1an1bers of Co111merce throL1gho11t tJ1e nation a11d the creation of a National Federatio11 of C.ban1bers of Co111111erce for the developme11t of trade a11d co1n1nerce; (f) regulate a11d st1pervise tl1e t1se of weights and n1east1res; ( g) lice11se a11d supervise the opera:io11s of b11si11esses a11d trades, exce1)t inso.far as specific power tl1erefo; has been legally de]egated to a11other Ministry or Public At1 thority; (h) establisl1 general rules and pri11c:ples to gover11 tl1e lice11sing of specific bt1sinesses and trades by Mi.11ist�ies a11d P11blic Authorities a11tl1orized tl1ereto and enst1re tl1at said r11les a11d pri11ciples are bei1 1g co1npliecl \,Vith; (i) regulate the carrying on of trad, a11d con1111erce \Vhere this is req L1ired i11. the i11terests of the eco11omy, inclt1 ding tl1e fixi11g a11d enforceme11t of J)rices a11d the preve11tion of unfair trade practices; (j) organize exl1ibitions of trade, i11d11stry a11d l1a 1 1dicrafts i11side a11d 0 11t­ side the nation; (k) co11trol the carrying on of the l:11si11ess of i11s11rance; ancl (1) be principally responsible, togetl1er \Vith otl1er Ministries a 1 1d Public A11 thorities concer11ed, for representi11g a11d protecti11g the interests of the Govern1ne11t in comn1ercnl a11d i11dt1strial e11terprises in which the Governn1ent l1as a fina11cia: interest.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ministry of Con1merce and Industry was established by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; i111pl. a111cl. 13/3 (1953) 0.12 (see Consolidation Note to Article 25 of Jresent Order) a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (adding responsibility for licensing and supervision of busine$eS and trades, for regulating carrying on of b11sinesses and trades and for preventing unfair tra1e practices; removing necessity to consult Nlinistry of Finance in fixing prices; deleting special po,vers of Ministry of National Defence over port and 1naritime commerce; and transferring to Ministry of Planning and Developn1ent responsibility to collect and publish commercial statistcs).

THE MINISTRY OF NA1IONAL DEFENCE 25. The Minister of Natio11al Defence is the l1ead of 011e of tl1e Depa1·tn1e.11ts transacting State affairs, 11amely, tl1e Mi11ist:cy of National Defe11ce. T11e Mit1ister o.f National Defence, in accordance with the law, sl1all: (a) initiate and enst1re the development and revie,:v of overall plans a11d programmes for the defence of the 11ation; - 61 -



(b) c,o-operate with i 1 1ter1Jational defence orga11izatio11s and age11c1es; (c) co-ordin.ate and i11tegrate pla11s a11d progran1mes for tl1e maj11tenance of effective military preparedness with tbe overall defence effor� to e11sure tl1e maximum 11tilization of the n1aterial resources of the 11at1on; (d) co-operate witl1 a11d co-ordi11ate the activities o� other � 1i11istries a11d Public At1thorities concerned ii1 n1atters affect111g national defence; (e) establish and enstire the effective implementatio11 of the eco� o� 1ic policies and procedures of the Armed Forces to the en_ d of acl11ev1! 1g an effective and efficient defe11ce establishn1e11t gt1arantee1ng the sect1r1ty of the natjon; (f) acquire supplies a11d 111aterial a11d co1 1str11ct facilities reqt1ired by tl1e Armed Forces; (g) enforce all maritin1e laws and all treaties, conve11tions and international obligations of tl1e 11at, io11 in fields withi11 con1pete11ce, except insofar as specifi.c power tl1erefor has bee11 legally delegated to anotl1er Mi 11is­ try or Public Attthority; (h) issue and e11force, pr11suant to said, treatjes, co11ventions and internatioi1al obligatio11s, all necessary a11d appropriate regttlations; a11d with other Ministries ,111d (i) be pri11cipally respo11sible, in co-operatio11 . Public At1tl1orities concer11ed, for the co11trol and protectio11 o·f tl1e isla.nds, arohipelagoes a11d territorial waters of the 11ation. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Tl1e Ministry of War was e-stabJished by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; a,nd. 13/3 (1953) 0.11 (changi11g nan1e to pre.sent 11an1e; esta.blish.iog DeJJartn1ents of Army, Marine and Air Force within the Ministry and thus addil1g Marine and Ajr Force powers to tl1ose specified in Order No. 1; and transferring to Department of M.arine fron1 Ministry of Agricu]t11re a.utbority over fishing, and from Ministry of Commu.nications and Public Works authority over waterways and water-borne traffic), 13/3 (1953) 0.12 (transferring from various Ministries their responsibilities and at1thority over maritime, shipping and po.lit inatters, including comm.erce, co.mmunications, treaties, foreign affairs, taxes, fee-s, dories, and security), 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (deleting references to separate Departments; increasing po,vers of Minister vis-a-vis military officers; transferring back to Ministry of Agriculture authority over fisheries and to Ministry of Conlffiunications a.uthority described in Article 19 (c), (d), (e) and, to the extent it relates to waterways, (g) of present Order; and restoring to other Ministries san1e powers over n1arine and port areas that they have over rest of E1npire, except as specified in Sub­ articles (g), (b) and (i) o.f the present Article).

THE MINISTRY OF IN'TERIOR 26. �he Minister of lnJe !ior is the h �ad of 011e _o � the Depart111euts transacti 1 1g State affairs, namely, the M1n1stry of Intenor. The Minister of Interior, i11 accordance with the law, shall: • (a) e-nsure the m.aintenance of peace and sec11rity throughout tile 11ation; (b) p11ovid.e for the establishme11t of, and ad.vise, counsel and ensure the lawful adminjstration of, provincial and other local administrative -units, includ111g chartered municipalities; (c) prepare and_, upon approval, impleme11t progran1mes in tbe field of town plao111ng;

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-----------------------· MINISTERIAL ORGANISATION

(d) direct and st1perv.ise tl1e police; (e) direct a11d s11pervise tl1e adn1i11 istration of priso 11 s; (f ) i 11 co-operatio11 witl1 other Mi11istries a11 d Pt1blic At1thorities co11cer11ed, _provide .for tl1e registratio 11 of and co 1 1trol tl1 e 111 ove111 ent of foreig11 nat1011als to, fron1 a11d vvitl1 i 1 1 the natio11: (g) arra11ge for, Sll pervise a11 d carr)' ot1t tl1 e syste1natic registratio11 of births, marriages a11 d deatl1s; (h) arra11ge !or a11 d st1pervise tl1e taki11g of a ce11 st1s of tl1 e popL11ation at regular 111 tervals, except i11sofar as specific J)O\.ver therefor has bee11 legally delegated to a11 otl1 er Mi 11 istry or P11blic Autl1 ority; (i) direct a11d st1pervise tl1 e electio11 of dep11ties to tl1e Chamber of De­ p11ties; a11d (j) be pri11cipally respo11 sible, i 11 co-operatio11 \Vith other Nlinistr.ies and Public At1thorities co11cernecl, for the co11 trol and protectio11 of i 11land \\'aters, s11 ch as lakes a11 cl ri, ers. 1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ministry of Interior was establisl1ed by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; a111cl. 7/7 (1948) 0.4 (transferring to new Ministry of Public Healtl1 some of former powers of Ministry of Interior); irr1pl. a111d. 13/3 (1953) 0.12 (see Consolidation Note to Article 25 of present Order); a111d. 13/4 ('1953) 0.13 (transfer­ ring responsibility for mineral concessions and mineral rights to Ministry of Finance), 24/12 (1965) 0.40 (transferring authority over lands and surveys to Land Reform and Develop1nent AL1tlJority), 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (transferring responsibility for une1nploy111ent and at1ti-poverty progra111n1es to Ministry of Natio.nal Conununity Development and Social Affairs, transferring responsibility for registering motor vehicles and licensing operatives to Ministry of Con1mt1nications, transferring responsibility for administering Government lands to Ministry of Land Reform and Ad1ninistration, adding responsibilities described in Subarticles (c), (i) and (j) of tl1e present Article, and deleting special responsibility for port sect1rity give11 to Ministry of National Defence by Order No. 12). ,

THE M.INISTRY OF AGRICULTU.RE 27. The Mi11ister of Agric11lture is tl1e l1ead of one of the Depart1 11 ents transact­ i11g State affairs, namely, the Mi1 1istry of Agric11lt11re. TJ1 e Minister of Agric11lt1 1 re, in accordance \Vith the law, sl1all: (a) encourage, develop and protect agricL1ltl1re and foster agricultural developme11t; (b) organize agrict1ltural exllibitions i11side and outside the nation; (c) plan and establish Government-ow11 ed agricultural schools, arra11 ge for and supervise the education and training of students therein, set standards, and arra11ge for the examination of students and co11fer diplomas and certificates, except i11sofar as specific power tl1erefor has been legally delegated to anotl1er Ministry or P11blic A11thority; (d) promote the improvement of crops at1d the increase of the yield of the soil; (e) promote the improvement of livestock; (f) establish and operate veterinary services; (g) take measures to control and exterminate crop pests and co-operate with international bodies to this e11d; (h) promote and develop fisheries; (i) ensure the enforcement of game laws, the protection of game reserves and, generally, promote and supervise the protection of wildlife; - 63 -

CONSOLID,\TED LA\VS OF ETf-IIOPIA 3-1 --------------------------· Ministries and 1er otl l1 wit 11 tio era op co.it1 e, tak der d age u11 an ot1r enc (j) Public Autho1·ities cot1cer11ed irrigatio11 a1 1d drainage works designed to foster and improve agricultt1ral clevelop111e11t; ist ass d a1 age ot1r a11d f o n atio : cre the for es 1nm e gra k. pro erta t1nd ��� (k) _ i 11 the development of stora5 e at1d market111g fac1l1t1es for agr1ct1ltt1ral p·rodt1oe; (1) st1pervise at1d e11st1re the pro1)er operation of Gover1 1n1e11t-owned farms; (1n) encotu-age the developn1ent of agrict1ltural co-operatives; (n) conserve, develop a11d promote tl1e cooservatio11 a1 ld developme11t of forests, inclt1di11g national parks; (o) in co-operation \.Vitl1 other Mi1 1istries a11d Pt1blic Authorities concer11ed, and in accorda11ce wi1h establisl1ed procedures, negotiate and conclt1de agrict1ltural, fores1ry, fishi11g a11d wjJdlife concessions; (p) l)ropose and encot1rage programn1es for the exte11sio11 of agrict1It11ral credit facilities; and (q) be pri11cipally res1�onsible, together witl1 other Mi11istries and Public A11tl1orities 00 1 1cer 1 1ed, for representi11g a11cl protecti11g tl1e interests of the Government in agricult11ral e 1 1terprises i11 wllicl1 tl1e Go,,er111ne1 1t l1as a fi11ancial i11terest.


Tl1e Mii1islry of Agriculture was established b)' 2/5 (1943) 0.1; a111cl. 13/3 (1953) 0.11 A.rt. 5 (transferring authority over fishing to Ministry of National Defence), 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (transferring to Ministry of Coo.11nu,nications authority over 11eteorological services, transferring fro111 Ministry of National Defence autl1ority over fisl1ing and expanding Agriculture Ministry's mandate in fields of agric11ltura1 educaLion, fisl1eries, agricultural co-operatives, wildlife protection ancl national parks).

THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS 28. Tl1e Minister for Foreign Affai1s is the l1ead of on.e of the Departme11ts transacting State a.ffairs, 11amely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Minister for Foreig11 Affairs, in accordance with the law, shall: (a) be responsible for the co11d11ct o·f the foreig1 1 rela.tions of the 1 1atio11; (b) establish and maintain rela.tions with the diplomatic and co11sular rep.resentatives of foreign governn1e11ts; (c) negotiate a·nd conclude treaties, agreements a11d treat of otl1er matters of mutual interest to the nation and foreign states in co-operation with Ministries and Public Authorities concerned, except insofar as specific power therefor has · J een lega11y delegated to Ministry another : or Pt1bl1c Authority; (d) enst1re that obligations under treaties and agreements are carried out except insofar as specific pO\,ver therefor has bee11 legally · d.elegated t� another Ministry or Publie At1tl1ority; (e) safegu�rd and pro?lote �he interests . of the n a. tion vis-a-vis foreign states r11 co-operat1on W'Ith other Ministries a11d Public Authorities eo0.ce:r11ed ;

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--------------------· --f) safegt1 rd tl1e ( i1�t�r�sts a11d r�gl1ts of Ethiopia11 natio11als abroad; � (g) supervise th� act1v1t1es of all d1r-Io111atic a11d co11sular missio ab 11s road; _ (11) a �t�r o_bta111111g Our a1)pro a�, 11otify tl1e accepta11ce of appo intment : ?f fore1g11 A1ubassador�, l\�1111ster� a11d Missio11s and issue exequaturs; (i) 1ss . 11e passport. s to Eth1op1an rat1011als '· (j) 1sst1e entr)' visas to foreig11 11a1io11als; a11d (k) control tl1e iss11a11ce a11cl revocatio11 of certificates of naturalization.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE _The Mi�i�try of For� ign Affairs \.vas establisl1edby2/5 (1943) 0.1; i1r1pl. a,nd. 13/3(1953) 0.12 . (g1v1ng to !vl10.1stry of Nat1o_nal Defence responsibility to enforce n1aritime trea ties and agreements); t1111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46(deleting f r 111er staten1ent of autl1ority to reco1nn1end can didates for appoint­ �. env oys, coostils a.nd n11l1tar)1 anc l con1mercial attaches). n1ent as

THE MIN.ISTRY OF FINANCE 29. T11e Mi11ister of Fi11ance is the l1ead of one of tl1e Departments transacting State affairs, namely, the Ministry of Fi11a11ce. T11e Minister of Finance, in accordance \Vith the la \V, shalI : (a) receive b11dget prOJ)osals from each Ministry and Government depart­ . n1et1t each year, inclt1d.i11g tl1e development budget; analyse said budget pro_posals; consolidate said proi:osals into a si11gle consolidated budget; prepare appropriate alter11ativ1: budget proposals, and present said consolidated budget and said alternative b11dget proposals together \:vith a report setting forth the differences in the two proposals and his recon1mendations tl1ereon, to �he Cou11cil of Ministers for review, modifications and approval; (b) admi11ister the budget of the Gover11n1ent; (c) ensure that the fiscal system of the Gover11ment is appropriate to and co11sistent with the rapid advarceme11t of the nation and is reg1.1larly reviewed to ensure that it meets the 11eeds of economic and social development; (d) ensure that tax laws are prope1ly e11forced and that all revenues due from taxes, c11stoms a11d excise duties, fees and monopoly dues and other sources are properly assessed, collected and accounted for; (e) organize, regulate and control the acco11nting procedures to be follow­ ed in all Ministries and Government departments; (f) submit to the Council of Mini;ters periodic financial reports during the year and the a11nt1al report of the accou11ts of the Government required by Article 120 of the levised Constitution; (g) take all fina11cial and monetary meast1res necessary for the balanced eco11omic and social developm:!11t of the 11ation, within the frame­ work of the policies of tl1e Go-ver11me11t; (h) negotiate and co11clude, i11 co-operation with other Ministries and Public Authorities concerned and in accordance with approved pro­ jects, programmes and plans, i1ternatio11al fi11ancial agreements _and arrangements and external and internal loans to be made or received by the Government, except inso:ar as specific power therefor has been legally delegated to another Ministry or P11blic Autl1ority; (i) supervise and administer the nc.tional debt; - 65 -



(i) be the repository of and safeg11ard the Government's sl1ares, i1egoti­ able and non-negotiable instruments a11d otl1er sin1ilar fina11cial assets; and (k) account for a11d ad1ninister in1rnovable property of the Gover11me11t which is not being administered or u.sed by a.ny otl1er M·i,1istry or' Public Authority. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The Ministry of Finance was established by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; in1p/. an1d. 13/3 (1953) 0.12 (giving Ministry of National Defen.ce responsibility for marine and port revenue colJection a�d expendi� ure); amd. 13/4 (1953) 0.13 (transferring to Finance Ministry fron1 Ministry of Interior authority to "grant and control mineral rights''), 14/2 (1954) 0.14 transferring to Finance Ministry from Ministry of Pen authority over "propaganda, information and press services''); imp!. an1d. 22/20 (1963) P.206 (creating tl1e National Ban.k of Ethiopia and giving it the power to "supervise other Banks'' and to ''control the transfer of credits, the rates of exchange, a.nd the stock exchange''); an1d. 23/10 (1964) 0.33 (transferring authority granted to Finance Minjstry by Order No. 14 to new Ministry of Infor­ matioa), 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (deleting Ministry of National Defence's special responsibility for marine and port revenues and transferring authority given to Finance Ministry by Order No. 13 to new Ministry of MinesJ. CROSS REFERENCE Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 120.

THE MINISTRY OF THE IMPERIAL COURT 30. The Minister of tl1e Imperial Co11rt is tl1e 11ead. of 011e of tl1e Departments transa.cting State affairs, namely, the Ministry of the In1perial Court. The Minister of the Imperial Court, i11 accorda11ce with the law, shall: (a) prepare a:nd submit to Us draft regulations 11ecessary for the proper admi11istration of the Imperial Court; (b) collect income and revenue from all properties of tl1e Imperial Cot1rt; (c) properly register and enst1re tl1e conservation of all properties of tl1e Imperial Court; and (e) ensure the enforcelne11t and i111plementation of all n1Jes and regula­ tions of the Imperial Co11rt. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ministry of the Imperial Court was established by 16/10 (1957) 0.17.

THE MINISTRY OF PEN 31 ..1:'he Minister of P �n . is the head of on� �f the Departments transacting State affairs, namely, the M1rustry of Pe11. The Minister of Pen, in accordance with the law, shall: (a) be the keeper of the Imperial Great Seal; (b) be the Registrar of tJ1e births, m.arriages ar1d deaths of members of th.e Imperial Fa.mily; (c) notify a �d publis � in the Negarit Gazeta all appointments 111ade by Us and issue certificates of such appointments; (d) be the Registra_r ?·f Imperial Orders and Decorations and issue certi­ ficates of adm1ss1on thereto; (e) be the keeper of all treaties, agreements and other State documents;


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(f) sign cllld catise to be pt1blisl1ed in t]1e Negarit Gazeta all Procla mations Decre �s a11d Orclers isst1ed by T!s a11d cat1se to be published in th� . _ /Vega, Lt Gazetcz all regt1lat1011s 1sst1ed by con1petent offi cials of the Gover11n1e11t; (g) cat1se orders for 111011etary a11d otl1er gra11ts n1ad.e by Us to be executed, a11d for\\1 ard all letters n1acie or give11 by Us; and (h) on Our i11strt1ctions, read Ot1r n1essages a11d speec11es. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The Ministr � ?f Pen was estab1isl1ed by �/5 (l9 13 i 0.1; a111d. 3/l (1943) 0.2(transferring the major _ po :V�r of th1s M101stry to the �ffi.ce of tl1e Pr1n1e �11n1ster), 14/2 (1954) 0.14 (transferring to Finance " po,vers and dt1t1es to condttct ancl control tl1e propaganda, information and press M1n1str all _ f, services ).


32. The M . i11ister of Jt1stice is the l1ead cf one of the Departme11ts transacting State aflairs, namely, the Mi11jstry of Jt1stice. The Mi11ister of Jt1stice, in accordance \Vith the law, sl1all: (a) that the 11omination, l·eappoint1ne11t, promotio11, transfer, removal and retireme11t of judges are accon1plished in accordance with the law; (b) make all arrangen1e11ts for the establishment and administration of appropriate courts tl1rougl1out the natio11; (c) ensure and supervise the impartial admi11istration of justice; (d) ensure tl1e enforcen1ent of the law and compliance witl1 all forms a11d procedures prescribed by law c1r regulations for the administration of justice; (e) be respo11sible for the conduct i)f all cri1ni11al actions prosecuted · by tf1e Gover11ment; (f) supervise the cond11ct of all ci\lil actio11s and claims brought by or against the Government; (g) advise and assist prosecutors and advocates acting in any case brought by or against the Govern111ent; (h) provide for the maintenance of proper and appropriate records of all proceedi11gs brought or defended on behalf of the Government and for the appropriate and systematic publication of the decisions of the co·urts, including the opinions of the judges; (i) submit to Us the record of each case in which sentence of death has been passed, together witl1 his recomn1endatio11s; (j) submit to Us petitions concer11ing pardons, together with his recom­ mendations; (k) issue to persons of high n1oral character and proper educational 9 uali­ fications licences to practice as advocates and enst1re the cont1nued suitability of such perso11s as advo_cate�; and . . . . (1) upon reg_·uest, prepare drafts of Ieg1slat1on reqt11red by any M.1n1stry. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ministry of Justice was established by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (extensively _ redefining responsibilities and adding the responsibilites described in Subart1c)e_s (d) - (h) and (J) of the present Article).

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THE MINISTRY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 33. The Minister of Planojng and Developme11t is the head of one of tl1e Depart­ n1ents transacting State affairs, nam ely, the Ministry of Planning and D evelopme11t. The Minist er of Planning and Development, in accorda11ce witl1 the law, shall: (a) be generally respo11sible for the conduct of the Governme11t's pla1111i11g activities; (b) sup ervise and co-ordi11ate tl1e activities of the Gove rnment's pla1111ing administration; (c) in co-opera tion witl1 other Mi11is tri es and Public Au thorities concern­ e d, initiate , prepare and organize long-term dev elopme11t plans a11d submit the same for approval by the Cottncil of Ministers; (d) receiv e each year from the Ministries and Public Aut horities concer11ed, or, if the same are not so received, initiate a11d prepare a1111t1al deve­ lopment programmes and tl1e s upporting developn1 ent budget pro­ posals; analy se, evaluat e and co11solidate said annt1al en t programm es and development budgets a11d present the same to th e Ministry of Finance for consolidation into the an11t1al Government budge t; (e) in agr ee·me11t witl1 other Ministries and Public Authorit ies concer11ed, establish appropriate and effective procedures to e11sure that approved developm ent plans and p rogra1nmes are prop erly i111plen1ented a11d that tl1e development budget is properly expe11ded for tl1e p11rpos es for whicl1 ap1Jropriated; (f) carry out or cause to b e carried 011t technical and eco11omic feasibility stu.dies of individt1al develop1nent proj ects; (g) be r esponsible for the securing, compilation, analysis, collation and publication of data and s tatis tics; and (h) n egotiat e a.nd co11clude, in accordance with approved projects, pro­ grammes and pla11s, agreements and arrangements conce rning the provisio11 of bilateral, a11d multilateral assistance, and co-ordinate the san1e with oth er Ministries and Public Authorities concerned; (i) formulate and enforce general credit polcies of Government financial institutions a11d corporatio11s engaged in the fi11a11ci11g of development plans and programmes; and U) b e principally r esponsible, together with other Ministries and Public Authorities concerned, for r eprese nting and protecting the interests of th.e Governm ent in public financial instit11tions and corporations engaged in th e financing of d evelopment plans and programme s. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

T�e Minist ?' of Pl �niog and Development was established by 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (impliedly repealing Cou.ncd of National Economy Order, 14/3 (1954) 0.15).

'l'HE MINISTRY OF POSTS, TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES 34. The Miruster of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones i s th e head of one of the Departments tFansacti _ 1:1g Stat e affairs , namely, the Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs a �d Tel ephones. Th.e Min1.ster of Posts , Tele graphs and T elephones , in accordance with the law, shall :

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---------------------------------· MINISTERIAL ORGANISATION

(a) JJrovide and n1ai11tai11 a service for the tra11smission of letters, packages, parcels and other postal ite1ns \Vithin the 11ation; (b) provide and maintain a service for tl1e tra11sn1ission of letters, packages, parcels and otl1er postal iten1s bet,vee11 Etltiopia a11d other parts of the ,vorld, in accordance with tl1e provisions of tl1e Universal Postal Conventio11 or a11y other agreeme11t to which Ethiopia is a party; (c) arrange i'or tl1e s11pply a11d sale of postage sta1nps postcards, letter cards, aerograms, i11ternational reply coupons a11d other related ite111s; (d) provide a postal mo11ey order syste1n for the remittance of limited s11ms of 111011ey witl1i11 the natio11; (e) establisl1 a11d n1aintain a Post Office Savings Service; (f) maintai11 philatelic and related services; and (g) be principally respo11sible, together with other Ministries and Public Authorities concerned, for representing and protecting the interests of the Government in telecommunicatio11s enterprises in which the Government has a fi11ancial interest. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The l\tlinistry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones was establisl1ed by 2/5 (1943) 0.1; imp/. amd. 12/5 (1952) P.131 (giving the Imperial Board of Telecommunications ''exclusive right'' to construct, operate and maintain non-military telecommunications, which was formerly done by Ministry

of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones).

Done at Addis Ababa·, this 29tl1 day of January, 1943.


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Section 4 PARLIAMEN-T AND ELECTIONS 28/15 (1569) P. 264

A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE LAW RELATING TO THE ELECTION OF DEPUTIES TO THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EM?EROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the law relating to the election of Deputies requires amendment and consolidation; NOW, THEREFORE, in accorda.oce witl1 the provisio11s of Articles 34 and 88 of 011r Constitution, We approve the re�olutions of Our Senate and Chamber of Dept1ties and We hereby proclaim as follows: 1. SHORT TITLE This Proclan1ation may be cited as the ''Chan1ber of Deputies Electoral Procla­ mation, 1969''. 2. REPEAL The following are repealed by this Proclamatio11 : (1) the Chamber of Deputies Electo�al Law (Proclan1atio11 No. 152 of 1956); (2) the Amendment Proclamatio11 of tl1 e Chamber of Deputies Electoral Law= 1957 (Proclamation No. 153 of 1956); and (3) the Chamber of Deputies Electo1al Law (Amendment) Proclamation 1960 (Procla.mation No. 168 of 1960} DEFINITIONS In this Proclamation the use of the masculine shall refer to perso11s of botl1 sexes, the use of the singular sh.all, as appropriate, embrace the plural, and unless the context otb.erwise requires: (I) ''Board'' shall mean the Central Elections Board established hereunder; (2) ''Ca·ndidate'' shall mean a perso1 seeking election to the Chamber of De­ puties and registered as such he�eu11der; (3) ' �Certificate o·f �om.ination'' shall mean the certificate delivered by a Co11s­ t1t �ency Co �nutte� to a person who has been registered as a candidate h1m to campaign for election as provided berei11; which authonzes : 3.

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--- ------------------------· (4) ''C?11solidated List o. f Voters'' sl1all n1ean the consolidated listing of all registered voters _prepared from Registers of Voters l1ere1111 der for 11se in e�ectio!1 year 1961 and t1sed thereafter as tl1 e basis for the permane1 1t re­ g1strat1on of voters as provided herei 1 1; (5) ''Constitt1e11cy Committee'' sl1all mea11 tl1e Committee appointed in each 11rban and rt1ral co1 1s tituency as provided l1 erei1 1; (6) ''Co11stitt1e11cy'' shall n1ean a desig11atecl geograJJl1i.c area co1 1forming to tl1e reqt1ireme11ts of Article 6 l1ereof in whicl1 tl1e i11 babitants \.vho are registered as voters are e11 titled to elect 011e (I) or 111 ore Dept 1ties to repre­ _ sent them 111 the Cl1a111ber of Dept1ties; (7) ''Ele.ction year'' shall 111ea11 the Etl1iopian : cale11dar year begi11 ning with the month of Meskerem i11 wlucl1 electio11s are to be held; (8) ''Minister'' a 1 1d ''Ministry'' shall n1ean the Miruster a1 1d Ministry of 111terior, respectively; (9) ''Register of Voters'' shall n1 ean tl1e list of all persons registered as voters \.vith respect to the election year 1961 and 11sed as tl1 e basis for the prepara­ tion of Consolidated Lists of Voters heret11 1der; JJrovided, however, that witl1 respect to any electio11 year s11bseq11ent to electio11 year 1961, said term shall mea11 tl1e Co11solidated List (s) of Voters; (10) ''Registration Officer'' shall 1nean an official appointed here1111 der to register voters and sl1all include an Assista11 t Registratio1 1 Officer; (11) ''Rural constituency'' shall mean a co11 stituency in which. there is no town of thirty thousand (30,000) it1habitat11 s or more; (12) ''Sub-comn1ittee'' sl1all mea11 tl1e s11 b-committee appoi1 1ted hereunder charged with responsibility for overseei1 1g voting at a polling station; (13) ''Urban constit11 ency'' shall n1ea11 a constit11 ency comprisi11g a Municipality or town co11taining 1 1ot Jess than thirty thousa11d (30,000) inhabitants; (14) ''Voter's Registration Card'' shall mea11 the card iss11ed to a person upon bjs being registered as a voter; ( 15) ''Voting Card'' shall mea11 tl1 e card iss11ed to a voter to enable him to obtain a Voting Slip for the purpose of voti11g; (16) ''Voting Slip'' shall mean the ballot paper issued to a v? ter at the polling station 11pon surrender of his Voting Card and t1sed by him for the purpose of voting.

4. HOLDING OF ELECTIONS (1) Elections shall be held every fo11 r (4) )'ears for the ptirpose of electing Deputies to the Chamber of Dept1ties. (2) The first election year after tl1e entry i 1 1to force hereof shall be 1961 (E.C.). (3) Except as is otherwise specifically provided in Article 27 here� f, and subject to paragraph ( 4) of this Article 4, elections shall be held 1n accordance with the following schedule: (a) Registration of voters shall take place duri1!g tl1e m.011ths ?f Meskerem, Tekemt Hidar and Tabisas of each elect1 011 year, provided however that registration for the 1961 (E.C.) electio11s shall take place during the period Tahisas 1 tl1rough Yekatit 30.




(b) The making of applications for registration as candidates as provi�ed in paragr�tph (I) and (2) of Article 17 hereof shall t,1ke place dur� ng the period Miazia l through Mia.zia 15, inclt1sive, of each election year. (c) The registration as candidates of ,1pplicants therefor as provi� Ied in paragraphs (3) and (4) of Article 17 hereof slJall take place dur1ng the period Miazia 16 tl1rough Guenbot 1.4, inclusive, of each election )'ear. (d) Ca.mpaigning for election sl1all take place as from Guenbot 15 through the last day of the polling period,· i11clusive, of eacJ1 election year. (e) Polling shall take place during the period Sene 16 through Sene 30, inclusive, of each election year. (4) Where various recognized difficulties occur during an election year, tl1e Minister may, anything herein to tl1e contrary notwithstanding, fix by Legal Notice published in the Negarit Gazetc1, d.ifferent times or periods of time within an election year for the holding of elections in all consti­ tuencies or in designated constituencies. 5.

BOARD ( 1 ) There is l1ereby establis'hed in the Ministry a Central Election Board wl1ich s11all b e composed of: (a) the Minister, who sl1all be C11airn1an; (b) a Vice-Minister of Interior, wl10 sl1all be ,tppoi11ted by Us as Vice­ Cl1airman and Cllief Executive Of:ficer of the Board; (c) a representative of the Ministry of Justice, who sJ1all be designated by the Minister of Justice; (d) two (2) other persons wl10 shall be appointed by Us. (2) The Vice-Chairman shall carry out the decision of tl1e .Board ,ind shall exercise such powers a.s may be delegated to l1im by the Board. (3) The quorum for meetings of the Board. shall be three (3) members. Deci­ sions shall be taken or by majority vote. In case of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall l1ave a second or casting vote. (4) The Board s.hall have tl1e followi11g powers and duties: (a) generally, to carry out all elections held pursuant l1ereto; (b) to issue necessary instructions a11d directives to Gove.mors, Ender,tsyes. Kentibas, and all other officials and employees of the Government performing duties hereunder; (c) to appoint a Constituency Co.mmittee in eacl1 constituency; (d) to designate the place(s) within eacl1 co11stitueocy where polling sta­ tions shall be located; (e) to appoint a sub-committee for each polling station; (f) to issue necessary instructions and directives to the Constituency Committee and sub-committees appointed l1ereunder; (g) to carry out studies and prepa,re reports regarding the location and _ bo�daries of rural an.d urba11 constituencies and the number of De­ puties to be elected from each sucl1 constituency; - 72 -


------------------------------· · PARLIAMENT AND ELECTIONS

(h) to engage and direct st1cJ1 cleric;tl a11 cl otl1 er staff as are 11ecessary for


(j) (k) (I)

(m) (11)

tl1e proper carryi11g 011t of tl1e provisio11 s hereof, i 11 cl11di1 1g Gover11me11t o.flicials and employees te1 11por,trily assig11ed for tJ1e performance of d11ties here11nder; to _prepare tl1e ann11al b11ciget for t1 1e fi11 a11 cing of activities to be carried ot1 t heret1nder, to s11b111it said bL1dget to the Mi11istry for i11 clusio11 in its a11 n11al b11dget req11est, a11d to allocate and SJ)end f1111ds appropriated for tl1e p11rpose hereof; to provide to tl1e appropriate oflicials i11 tl1e co 11stit11encies s11 cl1 forn1s, 11 otices, books and otl1er n1ateria]s as are 11ecessary for the proper carrying 011t of tl1 e provisio11 l1 ereof; to l1ear a11d detern1ine appeals of perso 11 s aggrieved by decisio11s of Constit11e11cy Co11 1111 ittees 011 a _pplicat.ions for candidacy; to carry 011t st11dies a 1 1d pre.1)are re1)orts co11 cerni11 g tI1e irnprove1ne11t of tl1 e electoral proced11res laid do\v11 l1erein; geoerall)', to do all s11cl1 otl1er a�ts and exercise all sucl1 other powers as are co11siste 11t \Vith tl1e provi;io11 hereof; a11 d when the co1 1 nti11g of votes has bee11 cornpleted, to hear a11d Iegall)' determine appeals of ca 11 didates aggrieved by decisio11s of Co11stit11e 11 cy Committees.

6. CON. STITUENCIES (1) For the p1 1 rpose of holdi11g electio:1s, tl1e territory of Etl1 iopja sJ1all be divided into r11ral constittLencies and 11rba11 coi1stih1encies. (2) (a) Each r11ral constit11e11cy sha.11 con:ai11, ,1s 11early as possible, two l111 11 dred thousand (200,000) inhabitants. (b) Two (2) Deputies shall be electe:i fro111 each r11ral co11stit11e11 cy . (3) .Each t 1 rban constituency shall contai11 more tl1an thirty tl1011sa11d (30,000) i11 J1abitants, and one additio11aI Dep11ty shall be elected for every additio11al fifty tbo11sa11d (50,000) inl1abitants. (4) The Nli11ister may, by Legal Notice p1 1 blisl1ed i11 the Negc1rit Gazeta, fix the location and the bo11ndaries of constituencies and the n111nber of De­ puties to be elected from eacl1 co11stit11ency; provided, however that a11 y modificatio11 hereunder sl1all 11ot reduce the 1111mber of· Deputies a11 d consti­ tuencies existing I1eretofore. (5) The Board sl1all from time to tin1e cc.rry out st11dies to determine whether: (a) any alteration in the bou11daries of r11ral co 11stit11encies is required so as to ensure that each rural co 1stituency shall co11 tain, as as possible, two ht1ndred tho11sa11d (200,000) i11habitants; a11d (b) any increase or decrease i11 the n1 11nber of Dept 1 ties to be elected from a11 11rba11 constit11eocy is required as the rest1lt of a11 i 11 crease or decrease in the popuJatio 1 1 in an 1 1r·ba11 co11stituency. (6) (a) Where the Board fi11ds that ,L11y actio11 is req_11 ired as the result of studies carried out 11nder paragiapl1 (5) of tl1is Article 6, it sl1all so report to the Mjnister. - 73 -

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--------------------------------· CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETHIOPIA

(b) On receipt oJ' such report, the Minister shall, subject to the provisions of paragrapl1 (4) of this A rticle 6, by Legal N·otjce publis]1ed in the Negarit Gazeta, n1ake such amendments as may, be appropriat �; pro­ vided, however, that no sucl1 an1e1 1dme11 t shall be made dt1r1 ng an election year. .

7. CONSTITUENCY COMMITTEES after const1lta­ ( I) Co11stituency Comn1ittees sl1all be apJ>oioted by tl1e Board : tio11s: (a) i11 the case of a rural constituency, with tl1e Gover11or g e11eral or E 11derasye of the Tekla.y Gllizat ,vit11in whicl1 such co11 stituency lies; (b) in the case of an urban constituency, with tl1e Kentiba or Tow11 Officer of the : Municipality or township witbi11 which such co11stitt1ency lies. (2) Each Constituency Committee appointed heret11 1der s·ball consist o f three (3) 1nen1bers, of whom one (1) sha.ll be chairn1a11. (3) Eacl1 Constitue11cy Comn1itte e shall l1ave the followi11g powers a11 d duties: (a) to carry out tl1e instructions and directives of tl1e Board; (b) afte·r co11suJtatio11 witl1 tl1 e Board, to appoi11t Registratio1 1 Officers; (c) to enst1re tl1at tl1e reg'istratio1 1 of voters is properly carried out and that the Registers o f Voters are properl.y mai11 tai11ed; (d) to 11ear ar1d decide on: (i) appeals f ro1n reft1sals of Registratio11 Officers to r egister or to change tl,e registration of a person as a voter; a11d. (ii) obj ectio11s to the registration of a person as a vot er ; (e) to receive a1 1d review applications s11b1uitted by perso11s see.ki11g to be registered as candidates, to ensure that sucl1 persons have the 11ecessary qualifications, to register such perso11 in tl1e Register of Candidates, at1d to issue Certificates of Nomination; (f) to recommend to the Board sites l'or the establishn1 ent of polling statio11s and to establish st1ch polli11g stations when the location tl1ere­ of ha.s been designated by the Board; (g) to reqL1.isition bL1ildings for te n1porary use as Registration Offic es, polling statio11s and otl1er pt1rposes l1ereunder a11d to fix tl1e re11t payable th,erefore, which s.hall be based on the re11t being paid fo r similar buildings in the area; (h) to ensur e that polling is properly carried 011t, that polling stations are properly controlled and super vised, a.nd that secrecy of voti11g is main­ _ tained; (i) to ensL1re that: (i) a s�fficie11t 11urnber of ballot boxes are available at eacl1 polling · station·' (ii) the ballot boxes are sect1re a11d 11 ot ta111pered witl1 ; ai:td (iii) the ballot boxes are securely transported to the place wl1ene the votes are to be cou11ted when voting is completed; (j) to count the votes whe11 voti1 1g is completed; --· 74 i




(k) to _11otify tl1e B�ard and tl1e E11derasye of tl1 e Teklay G hizat withi11 . which the co11st1tue11 cy lie s o .f tl1e st1ccessft1l ca11clidates '· a11 d (1) to per�orn1 the dt1ties a11cl resJ011sibilities assignecl to Constitt1ency Com_nuttees l1erein. 8.

RIGHT TO VOTE A11y person ,vho: (I) is an Etl1iopia11 st1 bject by birtl1 ; (2) will 11ave attajned t,:venty-one (21) years of age as of tl1e first day of tl1e electio 1 1; (3) is not insa11e; (4) is not serving a sente11ce of i111_priso11 11 1e 11 t; (5) has not bee11 deprived of his civil rigtts by a cot1rt of co 1 11pete11t jurisdictio11; and (6) is registered as a voter hereu11der; shall l1a, e tl1e right to vote at elections held heret1nder. 1

9. REGISTRATION OFFICERS (1) As soon as possible after the e1 1try i11:o 1·orce l1ereof, tl1e B . oard shall appoint a_n ad.equate number of Officers tl1roughot1t Ethiopia \.Vith who1n persons may register as voters. (2) There shall be at least 011e (1) Registra.tio11 Officer appoi11ted for each \Voreda. (3) Whenever possible, Registratio 1 1 Officers shall n1ai11tai11 perma11ent offices; provided, l1owever, that where tl1ey deen1 it appropriate, Registratio11 Officers may, with the approval of their respective Co 1 1stit11ency Com111ittees, travel throughot1t the area of tl1eir _t1risdiction duri1 1g t11e period specified for the registration of voters i11 orcer to effect tl1e maximt1m registration of voters. 10. REGISTRATION AS A VOTER (I) (a) Withot1t prejt1dice to the right of a11y perso11 see.king to register as a candidate during the registration period i 11 the area wl1 ere he had lived before leaving said are to stt1dy or work elsewhere, a person seeking to register to vote sl1alI prese 1 1t hin1self personally during office hours duri1 1g the registration period. established in paragraph (3) (a) or Article 4 hereof to the Registrrtio11 Officer in tl1e Woreda where, for at least one (1) year imrnediately preceeding the date 011 which he so JJrese11ts himself, he has bee11 regt1 larly domiciled or habitually present. (b) The Registratio 11 Officer shall satisfy himself that the perso11 seeki 11g to register is entitled to be regis:ered as a voter, and 11pon so satisfying himself the Registration Oflicer shall register said perso 1 1 in the Register of Voters, s b. all con1ply with 1he other i'ormalities incidental to the registration of voters, and shall issue to said perso11 a Voter's Registra­ tion Card. (c) Where the Registratio11 Officer is not satisfiecl that said person is entitled to be registered, lie shall refuse to register that person in the Register of Voters.

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----- ---------------------- --· (2) (a) A person ,vho l1as been regstered with a Registration Officer ii � ?ne Woreda a11d who changes tbe place where l1e is regularl)' do�1c1led or habitL1ally present to a11otber Woreda withi11 the sa1ne const1tt�ency may, dt1ring office I1011rs duri11g the regjstration ·periocl a.s estab }1shed pursu.ant to paragrapl1 (3) (a) of Article 4 hereof, J)resent l111nself personally to a Registration Office i11 the latter Woreda for the p11rpose of changing his registratior. (b) The Registratio11 Officer sl1all satisfy l1imself that tJ1e person seeki11g to cl1ange his registration is domiciled or habitually present in the Woreda, and, t1pon so satisfying himself, tl1e Registratio � Officer _ s.hall require tl1at said perso11 surrender the Voter's Reg1strat1011 Card previously issued to hin1. (c) Upon such st1rre11der, the Registratio11 Officer shall notify tl1e Regis­ tratio11 Officer \-Vith wl1om 1be J)erson -v.1as previously registered, and the Registratio11 Officer shall J)romptly strike the registration of said person from the Register of Voters. (d) Upo11 ·being notified that said registratio11 J1as bee11 so strt1ck, the Registration Officer of the VToreda to whicl1 the person in seeking to c11ange l1is registratio11 shall destroy tbe Voter's Registration Card st1rrendered to 11in1, shall register said person in the Register of Voters and shall issue a new Voter's Registratio11 Card to saicl J)erso11. (e) W]1ere tl1e Registratior1 Off.cer :is 11ot satisfied that said person is e11title,d to change his registratio11, he sl1all refuse to register that perso11 in tl1e Register of Voters a11d sl1all retur11 to bjm tl1e Voter's Registra­ tio11 Ca.rd earlier surrendered. (3) (a) A11y person a.ggrie,1ed by a refusal of a Registratio11 Officer under paragraphs (1) (c) or (2) (e) of tl1is Article 10 may, \Vithi11 te11 (10) days thereof, appeal to the Constitt1e11cy Committee. (b) The Constitue11cy Comn1ittee shall fix a date f. or heari11g tl1e appeal. At the l1earing, tl1e person making the appeal and the Registration Officer shall h . ave the right :o be present and to present evidence. (c) After hearing the appeal, the Co11stituency Committee sh.all either disn1iss the appeal, or allo'r' the appeal and order tl1e Registration Officer to register that perso11 .i11 the Register of Voters and to issue a Voter's Registration Card to him. Tbe Registratio11. Officer sl1all iu:i.mediately comply with a111 SL1ch order. A11y person \vl10 is re.fused registration may, wh.ere he is 11ot satisfied witl1 tl1e decision of the ConstitL1ency Committee, appeal to tl1e Board; tl1e Boa.rd 's decision shall be fi11al.


REGISTRATION OF VOTERS TO BE PERMANENT (I) R�gis1Tration 11ere11��er as a voter sl1all b� perma.ne11t ar1d, subject to all 01 t�e other I?rov1s1o�s hereof, sl1all entitle the perso n so registered to _ vote _in successive elect1011 w1tl1�t1� a11y reqt1ireme11t of ft1rther regis tration; provided, however, that the M1ruster may, upon the recomm etldatio11 of . the Board, b y Legal Not1ce _ published i11 the Negarit Gazeta no t later than Meskeren1 15 of an election year, reqt1ire, vt1itb respect to all constituencies -- 76 -




or vv �t�1 respect to desi �11ated constitt1e11cies, tl1at all voters re-register as a _ co11d1t1on to be111g e11t1tled to vote i11 the forthcon1i11g electio11. (2) The widest possible p11bljcity sl1all Je give11 to a11y actio11 of tl1e M.inister taken p11rs11a11 t to p11ragra ()11 ( l ) of this Article 11. (3) �erso11� registered as voters dttriog electio11 year 1961 sl1all be registered 1n Registers of Voters as providecl l1erei11. Perso11s registered as voters i11 s11bseq11ent electio11 years� sl1all be added to tl1e Co11solidated List of Voters prepared pt1rs11a11t to Article 14 l1ereof for 11se i11 election year 196 I, and tl1e Co11solidated List of Voters, :ts so SUJJple11-1e11ted, a11d as modified purst1a11t to Article 12 l1ereof, sl1all be 11sed for tl1e preparatio11 of a revised Consolidated List ·of Voters. 12. REVISION OF REGISTER OF VOTERS Not later tl1a11 Tir 30 of eacl1 electio11 ye:tr, each Registratio11 Officer sl1all strike from the Register of Voters a11y perso11 ,v]10 l1as, since his registration as a voter: (1) died; (2) failed to vote i11 two (2) s11ccessive elections; or . (3) other\\1ise ceased to be qt1alified for registratio11 as a voter; provided, how­ ever, tl1at before striki11g a11y person f ro1n tl1e Register of Voters for any reaso11 falli11g vvitl1in this paragrapl1 (3), tl1e Registratio11 Officer sl1all satisfy himself that said person bas ceased to be q11alified for registratio11 as a voter a11d shall, if possible, gi,1 e notice of the actio11 to be take11 to said person, and provided, ft1rther, tl1at such person shall, if aggrieved by tl1e decision, be entitled to appeal there:ro.n1 i11 accordance vvitl1 paragraph (3) of i\rticle IO hereof. 13.

INSPECTION OF REGISTERS OF \1 0TERS (1) Each. Registration Officer shall, d11riJg tl1e period Yekatit 1 to 15, i11clt1sive, of each election year, ope11 the Register of Voters for i11spectio11 by the publjc; provided, however, tha. t for 1961 (E . .C.) tl1e period sl1all exte11d from Megabit 15 to 30, incl11sive. (2) (a) Any perso11 registered in the Register of Voters may, by vvritten notice given to the Constituency Coruo1ittee stati11g the grou11d or grou11ds of the objectio11, object to the registratio11 of any other person register­ ed in said Register. (b) The Constitt1ency Con1mittee stall fix a date for heari11g the objection. At the hearing, the person making the objection, the person who is the st1bject of the objection, and the .Registratio11 Officer concerned shall have the right to be pres<:11t and to JJresent evidence. (c) After heari11g the objection, th� Co11stituency Comn1ittee shall eitl1er dismiss the objectio11 or allow the objection and order the Registratio11 Officer to strike tl1e registratio11 of the perso11 to which objection vvas taken. The Registration Officer shall immediately comply with any st1ch order. . 14. CONSOLIDATED VOTING LIST ( l ) O.n Megabit 16 of each election yea�, each Registration Officer shall send to the Constitue11cy Committee two (2) copies of the Register of Voters, brought up to date as of Megabit 15.

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(2) Upo11 receipt of all Registers of Voters witl1 respect to any si11gle \Voreda, the Co11stituen, cy Con1n1ittee shall, 11ot later tJ1a11 Megabit 30, prepare a Co11solidated List of Voters registered witl1in sucl1 Woreda; provided, l10\\1ever, tb,at in any c,1se iJl wl1ich two (2) or n1ore polli11g statio11s are established i11 any single Woreda, the Coosolid�1ted List of Voters sl1all be in st1ch a \.vay as to show, witl1 respect to each polling station, the voters entitled to vote at such polling statio11. (3) Consolidated Lists of Voters as so prepared sl1alJ be promptly provided to each Registration Officer, and sh.all, ·i11 accordan,ce witl1 the provisions of paragraph (3) of Article 1 I hereof, replace the Register of Voters fro111 which prepared, and said Consolidated Lists of Voters shall tl1ereafter form the basis for the list of per1na11e11tly registered voters as provicled in said Article 11. (4) Not later tba11 Guenbot 15 of each election year, the Constitt1e11cy Com­ mittee shall provide at least two (2) copies of st1cJ1 Consolidated List of Voters to each official wl10 is to be in cl1arge of a polling statio11 witl1in the Woreda. 15.

RIGHT TO BE A CANDIDATE Any perso11 who: (1) is au Ethiopian subject by birth; (2) l1as attained twenty-five (25) years of age; (3) l1as been a bona fide reside11t in the constituei1cy i11 wbic11 he seeks to be­ come a ca11didate for at least one (1) yea.r im111ediately precedi11g the election, ex.cept if l1e had left that constitt1ency to study or work elsewhere; (4) owns in the constit11eoc:y in which he seeks to become a ca11didate im­ movable property having a value of not less than 011e tl1ot1sa11d Eth.iopian dollars (Bth. $1,000) or movable property havi11g a valt1e of not less than t\.\10 thousa.nd Ethiopia11 dollars (Eth. $2,000); (5) is not disqt1alified u11der Article 16 hereof; and (6) com,plies ,,vith tl1e requirements of paragraph (1) of Article 17 hereof; shall have the right to be a candidate for election as a Deputy.

16. DISQUALIFICATION AS A CANDIDATE (I) No person shall be registered as a candidate for election as a Deputy who: (a) is in.sane; (b) is serving a sente11ce of imprisonn1ent; (c) has been, deprived of hi.s civil rights by a cot1rt of con1petent jurisdiction; (d) is an 1:1ndisoharged bankrupt; (e) is t1nable to read at1d ,vrite; (f) has been convicted of an offense under a11y electio11 la\-\, or Article 460 to 470, inclu.sive, of the Penal Code• (g) bas bee:n registered as a voter in more than one (I) Re,gister of Voters; (b) has a];>plied for reg�stratio11 or been registered as a candid.ate in more than one (1);




has been co11v �cted at an)' tin1�, wl1etl1er i11 Ethiopia or abroad, of an offense pt1 111 sl1able by six (6) 1 11onths in1 1Jriso11111e1 1t or fl 11e of one thousand Etl1iopia11 dollars (E:11. $1,000); or ( j) ha� taken a11 oatl1 pt1 rs1 1 a11t to paragrapl1 (1) (c) of Article 17 J1ereof which has s11bseqt 1 e 11tly bee11 fot1 11d to be false. l1as been registerej as a candidate wl10 is s11bsequently (2) Any person ,vho "'. fot1 11d not to t L1 lfill all of tl1e co11ditions of eligibility as set forth i1 1 Article 15 hereof or to be s11bject to a11 y one of the disqt1alificatio11s set forth i11 this Article 16 sl1a11 be i1n1nedia.tely stn1 ck fro1 11 tl1e Register of Ca11didates and said perso11 sl1all be brot1 gl1t before a court. (i)

C,ROSS REFERENCE Pen. C. 16/E,x. 1 (1957) Arts. 460-470

17. REGISTRATION AS A CANDIDATE: CERTIFICATE OF NOMINATION (l) Any persor1 desiri11g to be registered as a ca11didate for electio11 as a Deputy shall apply therefor bj' complyi1 1g \:\'itl1 the followi1 1g requireme11ts d1 1 ri11g the period established i11 IJaragraph (3) (b) of Article 4 hereof: (a) he shall prese11t i11 perso11 to the Co11stituency Committee ot· the consti­ tl1ency in \.\1 l1icl1 he seeks to become a ca 1 1didate a petitio1 1 signed by hin1 a,pplying to be registered cs ,l candidate; (b) he shall cause fifty (50) registered voters of tl1e san1e constitr1e 1 1cy who have 11ot endorsed a11y otl1er application to prese11t themselves in person to the Co11stit11ency Com1nittee and to e11dorse nis applica­ tion in writi11g; (c) be shall s,vear before the Board or tl1e Co11stituency Comn1ittee a11d sign ai1 oatl1 that he is q1 1 alified 1111der Article 15 hereof to be registered as a candidate and that he is not st1bject to any of the disqualifications set forth i 1 1 Article 16 hereof; a11d (d) he shall deposit Five Hu11dred Ethiopian Dollars (Etl1. $500) with said Constitt1ency Committee. (2) In the case of a person serving as a Dept1ty a11d applying to be a candidate for re-election, his petition, oath a11d deposit may be presented to the Constituency Committee or to the Board by his authorized agent. (3) (a) The Constitue11cy Co1nn1ittee siall, duri11g the period established in paragrapl1 (3) (c) of Article 4 1ereof, determi11e whether tl1e perso11 applying for registration is ent:tled to be registered as a candidate. On so satisfying itself, it shall 1egister said person in the Register of Candidates and co111ply with the other formalities incidental to tl1e registration of candidates. (b) Where the Constituency Committee is not satisfied that said person is entitled to be registered, it shall refr1 se to register that person in the Register of Ca11didates, shall record th.e reasons for its refusal, a11d shall provide copies of the reaso11s to s,1id perso1 1 and to the Board without delay. (4) (a) Any person aggrieved by a ref11ffil of a Constit11 eocy Con1mittee 11nder paragraph (3) (b) of this Article 17 may, within te11 (10) days thereof, appeal to the Board.

79 -



(b) Tl1e Boa,rd shall fix a d.ate for l1earing tl1e appeal. At the .l1earing, the person n1aki11g tl1e appeal and a representative ot· tl1e Consti_tt1e11cy Co1111nittee shall have the right to be prese11t a11d to prese11t evidence. (c) After hearing the appeal, the Board sl1all eitl1er dismiss tl1e �lpJ)eal or allow the appeal a11d order the Co11stitt1e11cy Com111ittee to register, tlie perso11 i11 the Register cf Ca11did.ates a11d comply with tl1e otl1� r formalities i11cide11tal to the registration of ca11didates. The Co11st1tt1eucy Com111ittee sl1all in1mediately co1nply \vitJ1 any st1cl1 order. (5) Upon being registered as sucl1, each candidate shall, \.vitl1i11 st1cl1 time as tl1e Constituency Con1mittee n11y specify: (a) st1pply to the Constituency Co1nn1ittee photogra1 Jl1s of l1i1nself of the type and in the nun1ber flied by the Co11stitt1e11cy Co111mittee for candidates in the Constitt1ency; and (b) pay to the Constitue11cy Conn1ittee tl1e sum of Ten Etl1io1 Jia11 Dollars (Eth. $10) multiplied by th� nu111ber of 1Jolli11g statio11s established i11 tl1e constitt1e11cy. (6) Upon con1plying witl1 tl1e requireme11ts of paragrapI1s ( l) of tl1is Artjcle 17, tL1e Co11stitt1ency Comn1ittee sl1all isst1e to the ca11djdai-e a Certificate of Non1i11atio11. 18. CAMPAIGNING (1) Campaig11i1Jg may be c,trried on by ca11didates 011ly dt1ri11g the period established i11 paragraph (3) (d) of Article 4 hereof. (2) Each ca11didate sh.all carry his Certi:ficate of Nomi11atio11 with I1im at all tin1es \\1llile campaig11ing a11d sh�ll produce the sa111e upon the req11est of a11y person perfor111ing duties hereunder. (3) Upon receivi11g their Certificates ,)f Nomination, ca11didates 111ay, in person or thro11gl1 their agents a11d supporters, travel thro11ghot1t tl1eir respective constitue11cies a11d express tl1eir ideas orally and/or in writi11g at1d make speeches, without JJrejudice, hovever, to the rigl1ts of otl1er ca11didates.


POLLING OFFIC{ALS (1) At least one (1) mo11th before polling comn1ences, tl1e Board shall appoint a sub-committee for each polli11g statio11 to be in cl1arge of polli11g at said polling stations a11d to perform :he duties assigned to them herein. (2) At least two (2) weeks before polli11g co1n1ne11ces, each Constituency Con1mittee shall appoint a sufficient nun1ber of additional perso11s to assist the sl!lb-committee in the performance of their duties hereunder. (3) Each person appointed pt1rst1ant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article 19 shall, before taking up l1is c:uties, swear before the chairman of the Constituency Committee the fo1owing oatl1: '' I, in Almighty he office of-----, serving , swear by � . God that I will trt1ly and fa1thf11]ly carry out the duties of my office a11d I will not re·�eal to any umt1tborized Perso11 anything which comes . to my knowledge 1n the perforrr..a.nce of my duties in st1ch office." Having taken oath, each such person shall subscribe his nan1e thereto in the presence of the Chai1·mar of the Constitue11cy Committee. - fO -




20. REQUIREMENTS FOR POLLING STATIONS 011 tl1e first day of tl1 e period of polling establishecl i11 paragra 1)]1 (3) (e) of . Article l1ereof, a11 cl 011 eacl1 day d t1 ri1 1g tl1 :: [)Olli11 g period, eacl1 st1 b-con1111ittee sl1all e11st1 re: (1) �I1 a_t photograp�s of I-Iis In1perial Iviajesty are pro 1 11 i11 e11t]y clisplayed 1 11s1de an d ot1ts1de tl1e 1Jolli11g sta�io11; (2 ) tl1at tl1 e 11atio11al flag is t1ov,111 at :l1e polli 11 g statio11; (3) tl1at tl1e polli11g statio11 co11sists of tvvo (2) roo111s i 11 order to preserve tl1e secrec)� of the ballot. or, \1/l1ere it is 011ly possible to t1 se 011e (1) roo11 1, tl1at a portion tl1ereof 1s_ scree11ed off fJr tl1is pt1rJJose; (4) that a pl1 otograp� a11 cl a11 approvec syn1bol of each ca11diclate is clisplayecl _ ot1ts1 de the poll111 g stati.011; (5) tl1 at a photogra1Jl1 a11d a 1 1 ap1Jrovec sy111 bol of eacl1 ca11didate is clis1J]ayed over l1 is ballot box i11side tl1e 1Jolh11 g statio11 ; (6) that tl1ere are at tl1e polli11g statio11 tvvo (2) copies of tl1 e Co11 solidated List of Voters for the \Voreda; and (7) that adeqt 1 ate 1 11east1res are i11 force to e11st 1 re tl1 at ballot boxes are safe fron1 ta1nperi11g. Moreover, eacl1 c111 didate n1a)' lock llis ballot box vvitl1 his o,:vn key. 21. CONDUCT OF VOTING (1) Each polli11g statio11 sl1 all be 01Jen for polli11g fro111 7: 00 A.M. to 6: 00 P. rvr. on each day, inclt 1 di11 g St111d,.ys, dttring the polling period. (2) D11ring the polli11g period, any perso11 registered as a voter may prese11t himself at the appropriate polli11g statio1 1 in the Woreda i11 wllicl1 l1e is registered and shall show his Voler's Registration Card to the official designated to issue Voti11 g Card. Said official shall satisfy l1i1nself as to the person's ide11tity and tl1 at l1e is registered as a voter 11po11 tl1 e Co11so1idated List of Voters for said WJreda, an.d t1pon so satisfyi1 1g hi1 nself shall issue a Voting Card to said perso11 a 11 d shall record 11po11 tl1e Conso­ lidated List of Voters that a Voti11J Card l1as been so iss11ed to l1j 1 n. (3) Upon receipt of his Voting Card, eacl1 voter shall immediately IJroceed to tl1e official desig1 1ated to iss11e 'voti11g Slips at the polli1 1g station a11cl sl1all surre11der said Card to said official. Said official sl1all satisfv l1 in1 self as to the voter's ide 11 tity a11d tl1at l1e is registered as a voter upo1 1 tl1e Co11solidated J_, ist of Voters for said v\'oreda a11d, 11pon so satisfyi11g l1i111self, shall deliver a Voting Slip to said perso11 a11cl shall record on the Conso­ lidated List of Voters that a voting slip l1as bee11 so iss11ed to hi111. (4) Any candidate or his age11t has the rigl1t to be prese11t witl1 the officials in every polli11g statio11 to e11sure tl1e reg11 larity of the proceedi11gs clescribed i11 the foregoi11g paragraphs. (5) U1Jo11 receipt of l1is Voti11g SJip, 1l1e voter s.hall immediately proceed to tl1e place i11 tl1 e p0Jli11g station set aside for polli11 g a 1 1d tl1ere place llis Voting Slip in the ballot box with the photograpl1 and special symbol of the ca11clidate for \Vhorn he wishes to cast his vote. 22. DAILY VERIFICATION OF VOTI�G CARDS AND VOTING SLIPS Eacl1 su·b-con1n1ittee sl1all, at the e11d of eacl1 day dt1ri11 g the polli11g period, check the n11n1ber of Voti11g Cards issued against the 1 1t1mber of Voting Sli1Js re�

- 81 -


corded as l1aving bee11 isst1ed, a11d. cl1eck the n111nber of said Voti11g Cards a11d the number of saicl Voti11g Sli1)s agai11st tl1e 11umber of voters recorded 011 tl1e Co11so­ lidated Lists o·f Voter as }1avi1 1g received Voting Cards a11d Voti11g Slips. Any dis­ crep, ancies shall be imn1 edia.tely reported to the Co11stitue 11C)' Co1nmittee. 23. COUNTING OF VOTES: TNVALIDATlON. OF VOTES: lNVALIDATION OF ELECTION (I) When the polling period come to a11 end, all ballot boxes shall be take11 to the office of the Co11stit1eucy Con11nittee, and the votes shall be counted tl1ere in the prese11ce of the Cbairn1 a11 a 11d other 111embers of said Co111mittee. Candidates or tl1eir cgeots a1 1d other observers i11vited by the Con1mittee may also be present durj11g tl1e co1111ti11g of votes. (2) Tl1e votes in each ballot box sl1all be properly cot1nted a11d. kept i11 same until tl1e rest1lt of the electio11s is declared; tl1e Co1nrnittee a11 d, if immediately present, tl1e ca11didaBs or their age11ts sl1all, by their signature, co1tlir111 tl1at this requirement l1a.s been complied witl1. (3) Each Constitu.e11cy Committee shall check the total nt1n1ber of votes cast · oting Slips recorded as a.gai 11st tl1e total 1111mber of Votng Cards and v havit1g been isst1ed at all polling Etatio11 s. Wl1ere Voti11g Cards a11 d Voting Sli 1Js other tl1an those which l1a\e bee11 issued at eacl1 polli11g statio11 of tlie Coustitl1e11cy l1ave been frat1dulent ly t1sed, tl1e Co11stitue11cy Co111 mittee shall segregate at1d declare as i1Jvalid said Voti11g Cards and Slips, and shall coui1t 011 ly the ide11tical \ioti11g Slips. (4) 1 11 any case in wbicl1: (a) the 11un1ber of votes cast :11 a polli11g station is i 11 ex.cess of the n l11 11ber of voters registered in said polling statio11; or (b) the 11t11nber of votes cast i n [ polli 11g station is more than ten percent (J 0%) in excess of eitl1er the 11 un1ber of Voting Cards or tl1e n11mber of Voting Slips recorded as having bee11 iss11ed i11 said polling statio11; the Co11stitt1ency Con1n1ittee sl1all declare all of the votes cast i 11 said ·polli11g station as invalid, and said votes sl1all not be co11nted in cletermi11iog the electio11 i 11 tl1e co11stitue11cy. (5) In any case in which: (a) the nun1ber of votes cast in a co11stit11ency is in excess of tl1e 11u111ber of voters registered in said constitt1e11cy; or (b) the number of votes cast in a co11stitt1ency is more tha.11 ten percent (10%) in excess of either the nt11nber of Voting Cards or the 1111n1ber �f Voting Slips . recorded, as having bee11 issued in said constit11e11cy; the Constituency Committee shall cleclare tl1e electio11 iJ1 said constit11ency as null a1 1d void, and an extra-ordi11ary election shall be held as provided i 11 para­ graph (3) of Artiole 27 hereof. 24. ANNOUN'CEMENT OF RESULTS: REPORT TO BOARD (1) The counting of votes shall be co11?-pleted by tl1e Constitt1e11cy Committee not later tba.n ten (I 0) days follow1og tl1e end of the pollimg period. (2) Immed�ately upon completio11_ of the coti nting of votes, the Constitt1e11cy Con1 m1ttee shall mak.e a pt1bJ 1c a110ou11ce111ent of the results of the election.

- 82-




(3) WJ1e 11 _tl1e rest1lt of t11e electio11 l1as bee11 a11no1111cecl, tl1e Co11stitL1e11cy Con11111ttee sl1,1ll se11cl to tl1e Board ,1 reJJOrt setti 11 g fortl1: (a) tl1e resL1lt of t11e electio11; (b) a f11.ll staten1e11t of a11y irregL1larities or cliscre1Ja11cies w .bich vvere 11otecl dL1ri11g the electio11; a11d. (c) a ge11eral co1n111e11tary 0 1 1 tl1e co11clt1ct of tl1e electio 1 1� drawi11g 111Jo11 rei1orts s11bmitted b:)' tl1e s11b-co1.11n1ittees a11d }Jolli11g statio11 officials ap_poi11ted l1eret111der. 25. PUBLICATIONS BY TI-IE BOARD: CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION (I) When the rest1lts of electio11s i11 all C:)t1stituencies have been co 1 nmu11icated to it� tl1e Board sl1all p11blisl1 a list of tl1e s11ccessful ca11didates i11 tl1e press a11d sl1 all give otl1er appropriate p11blicity tl1ereto. (2) Tl1e Board shall i111111ediately tl1ereafter pre1Jare Certificate (s) of ElectioJ1 certifyi11g tl1at the perso11 11an1ed tl1erei11 l1as bee11 elected as a Dep11ty fron1 the co11stit11e11c)' named. a11d sl1all deliver said Certificates to tl1e successfLil candidates. (3) Each s11ccessful candidate sl1all pr1:se11t l1is Certificate of Election to tJ1e Akabie Gt1baie of the Cha111ber of Dep11ties before taki11g his seat i11 the Cl1amber of Dep11ties; provided, however, that 11otl1ing herei11 co 1 1tai 1 1ed shall be deemed to 1:estrict or in1pair the constit11tional right of the Cl1a1nber of Dep11ties to deter111ine the q11alificatio11s of its 111e111bers. 26.

REFU'ND OR FORFEITURE OF DEPOSIT (1) Deposits received by a Co11stitt1e11c) Con1n1ittee _p11rs11a11t to paragrapl1 ( 1) (d) of Article 17 l1ereof shall be seg1egated a11d kept by tl1e Com111ittee for disposition pLirs11ant to this Article 26. (2) The deposit sl1all be ref1111ded to tbe perso11 n1aki11g the same if: (a) he is ref11sed registratio11 as a ca11didate; (b) he dies, or withdraws l1is ca11dida11cy before the co1nn1encen1e11t of polli11g; or (c) he receives at least five perce11t (5%) of the total 11111nber of votes cast, if be is a ca11didate for electio11 in a co11stit11e11cy from wllich 011e (1), two (2) or more Dep11ties are to be elected. (3) In all other cases, the deposit sl1all be forfeited and shall be transmitted by the Constit11ency Comn1ittee to tl1e Board.

27. EXTRAORDINARY ELECTIONS ( 1) (a) If a seat in the Cha1nber of Dep11ties becon1es vaca11t more tl1an one ( l ) year prior to tl1e nor1nal 1:xpiratio11 of the life of tl1e Cha1nber, the Board 011 receipt of advice of said vaca11cy from the Akabie Gubaie of the Chamber, sl1all order the appropriate Constituency Committee to ho]d a11 extraorji11ary electio11. (b) Tl1e ConstitL1ency Con1mittee shall, witbi11 ten (10) days O'f the givi11g of such order, a1111ot111ce tl1e 1·.olding of the election and proceed to hold tl1e same in accordance wi:11 tl1e following 11ine (9) \Veek scl1ed11le: - 83 -



------------------------------ -· .

(4) : preJJara t:ory work ca� · 1·r1·ed Ollt .r. ( 1.) wee_k s one (1) t· 11rough i:our by tl1e Co11stitue11cy Con11uittee; (ii) weeks five (5) a11d six (6): registration of ca11didates; (iii) \.veeks seve11 (7) and eigl1t (8): campaigning by ca11didates; (iv) wee.k nine (9): polling.

(2) If tl1e Chamber of Depl1ties is dissolved a11d tl1e electiot1 of a 11ew Chamb�r is ordered pursl1a11t to Article 33 of the Constitt1tion, a11d. except as sa1d order may otherwise provide; extraordina1·y electio11s sl1all be l1eld in accordance with the following eleve11 (11) week schedule: (a) weeks one (1) tl1rougl1 fot1r (4): pre1)aratory work carried out by tl1e Board a11d tl1e Co11stit11ency Con1m.ittees; (b) weeks five (5) and six (6): registration of candidates; (c) weeks seven (7) tl1rough nine (9): can1paigning by ca11clidates; (d) weeks ten (10) a11d eleven (II): polling; (y) the retuaining period of time shall be devoted to bearing appeals a11d declaring results. (3) l f au electio11 is declarecl null and void pt1rst1ant to paragra1Jh (4) of Article 23 hereof, an extraordinary e]ectio11 sl1all be held wit11 the participation of tl1e same ca.odidates in accorda11ce with the following four (4) weeks schedule: (a) weeks one (1) and two (2): preparatory work by tl1e Constitt1e11cy Committee; (b) weele tl1ree (3): campaigr1ing by candidates; (c) week fot1r (4): polli11g. (4) Excei)t as is otJ1erwise expressly provided herein, the provisions of this Proclan1ation shall� n1i1tatis 111t.ffanclis, apply to extraordinary elections l1eld ptrrst1.a11t to this Article 27. CROSS REFERENCE Revised Co11stitution, 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 33.


REGULATIONS (I) Tl1e Mi11ister, as CI1airma11 of the Board, n1ay, by publication in tl1e Negarit Gazeta, issue reg1tlatio11s specifyi11g i11 detail the procedttres to be followed in con11ection with extraordinary elections, and ge11erally for the better carrying Ollt of the provisions hereof.

29. PENAL PROVISIONS (1) Any perso11 wl10 \'iolates any provision o·f any regt1latio11 iss11ed hereunder is ,�ith simple in1prisonm�nt not exceedi11g one (1) month or _ fine not exceeding One Hu11dred Etb1op1a11 Dollars (Eth. $100). (2) Any person who: (a) withot1t being e11titled thereto and knowing he is not e11titled thereto' votes at any election; - 84-


--------------------· --(b by )


�11y fra11d11lent 1n�a11s obtairlS or 11ses a Voter's Registration Card Voting Card or Vot111g SliJJ l1e is 11 ot e11titlecl to obt,Li11 or 11se tl1e sa111e here1111der;

(c) forges or co_1111te1�feits or fra11 clule11tly alters, clefaces or destroys a11y , Voter s �eg1 strat1011 Card� Votog Sli1 J, Register of Voters, Register of Candidates, Co11solidated Li;t of Voters, }Jetitio11 for ca11cliciat11re, ball�t box, or a11y re1Jort, record or otl1er doc111ne11t relati11g to a1 1y elect1011s or the co11d11ct of a11'/. election·' (d) \Vi�l1011t d11e autl1ority, s11p 1)lies to a11y perso11 a1 1y o·f tl1 e ite111s a11d obJects e1111n1erated i1 1 sub-paragra1Jl1 (b) above; (e) witho11t being entitled thereto a1d k110,vi11g he is 11ot e11titled tl1ereto, retains possessio11 of a11y of tl1e items a1 1cl objects e1111111erated i11 s11b­ paragraph (b) above; (f) l1aving 11nlawf11lly obtained JJOSEessio11 of a11y of the ite1ns a11d objects en11merated in s11b-paragra1Jh (b) above, secrets tl1e sa111e or ref11ses to s11rre11der the sa111e to a d11:y a11thorized official or a11thority; (g) witho11t being a11thorized to do so, re1noves fro111 any Registratior1 Office, polling statio11 or other place a11y of tl1e iten1s and objects ent1merated i11 s11 b-paragraph :b) above; (b) frat1dulently places i11 any ballot box anything other tl1a11 a Voting Slip;

(i) fra11dulently forges or co111 1terfe:t s a Voti11g Slip, and places the san1e in a·ny ballot box or goes i11 to place l1is Voting Slip in a ballot box but comes 011t witho11t so doirg; (j)

destroys, tampers with, defaces1 or withot1t a1rthority vvrites, prints, marks or colo11rs a11y Registration Office, polling station or ballot box;

(k) without authority destroys, tampers with, defaces or removes from any ballot box any Voting Slip, seal or other paper or thing;


being a person who has swor11 such oath, comn1its any breach of the oath of secrecy take11 p11rs11ant to Article 19 (3) hereof;

(m) not being a registered voter, e1dorses a petitio11 for candidacy or, being a registered voter, signs more than one such petition; (n) not being a person lawfL1lly a111horized to carry arms in the cot1rse of his official cluties, bas i11 his possession in tl1e vicinity o.f any polling statio11 d.uri11g tl1e hot1rs of pollil1g a11 y firearm, sword, knil·e, dagger, cl11b, stick, or other dangero11s weapon;

(o) attempts to co1u1nit, or aids or abets in the commission or tl1e attempt to co.mmit a11y o·f the acts ent1merated iu s11b-paragraphs (a) t.l11·011gl1 (1) above; is p11nishable by sirnJJle impriso11111ent not exceedi11g one ( 1) year or fine not exceeding Ore Thousand Two Hu11dred Etl1iopia11 Dollars (Eth. $1,200). - 85 -



(3) (a) The offences a.od puoisl1me11ts provided in JJaragrap11s (I) ai�d (2) of tl1is Artjc\e 30 sl1all be in additiot1 to the offenses a11cl pt1111s]1me11ts provided tinder tl1e Pe11al Code. (b) Articles 469 a11d 470 of tl1e Pe11al Code shall apJ:,ly to offe11ses vided i11 paragraphs (I) and (2) of this Article 30.


CROSS REFER.ENC.E Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 460-470.

30. EFFECTIVE DATE This Proclamation shall enter i11to force 011 the date of its (Jt1blicatio11 in the Negarit Gazeta.

Do11e at Addis Ababa tl1is 9th day of April, 1969. 21/11 (1962) P. 187

A P'ROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA In accordance wit11 Articles 34, 83 a11d 88 of Our Revised Constitt1tio11, We approve the resolt1tions of Our Senate a11d Cl1a1nber of Dept1ties a11d l1ereby pro­ olajm as follows: l. This Procla1uatio11 may be cited as the '' Members of Parliame11t Salaries Pro­ clamation, 1962''. 2. Each. n1ember of Parliament shall recejve a monthly salar)' of five 11t111dred Ethiopian dollars ($500.00). 3. Our Minister of FinatJce is hereb)1 directed to exect1te the provisio118 of t11is Proclamation. Done at Adrus Ababa this 6th d.,ty of January, 1962. - 86•


Section 5

COURTS AND JUSTICE A" Courts a11d Procedure 1/1 (J942) P. 2:;: ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PROCLAMATION CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH I-IAILE SELlASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We recog11ize the 11eed to .reorga11ize tl1e Ad111inistratio11 of Jt1stice i11 011r Empire 1111der the provisio11s of Articles 9, 10, 11 a11d 16 of Ot1r Constittrtio11; ON THE ADVICE of Ot1r Cot111cil of Mi11isters a11d 011 the reco111111e11datio11 of Ot1r Minister of J11stice; WE PROCLAI!vl AS FOLLOWS: CONSOLIDATJON NOTE The Constitution referred to here is the ConstitJtion of 1931. Tl1is Constitution ,vas repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1. Tl1e Articles of the Revised Constitution parallel to the c.ted Articles are Articles 92, 36, 27, 29, 35.

Part J Prelimin:1ry

1. This Proclamatio11 may be cited as :l1e ''Admi11istratio11 of J11stice Procla­ mation''. 2. The following Courts shall be established i11 011r E1npire a11d sl1all be cons­ tituted in the ma1111er hereinafter described and sl1all exercise tl1e powers co11ferred on them by this Proclamation over· all persons i11 Ethiopia: (a) The Supreme Imperial Court, (b) The High Co11rt, (c) [/111pl. repd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. l (1961) Arts. 4, 182, 223, Sched. 1, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, Ci'v'. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18, 321 (prescribing j11risdiction of co11rts in all cases without giving any jurisdiction to t'be teklay gl1izat :;011rt, wllich \Vas 11amed in the present S11barticle).] ··--------*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A_1r1d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 8/4 (1948) P. 102; in1pl. am(i. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 10, wbicl1, because it was in effect for a short period, n1igl1t technically be taken to have repealed Arts. 1-18 of the present Proc]am£tion except that it is clear t11at the legislative intent in subsequently suspending the appljcation of P. 195 was to keep the present Proclan1ation in effect.

- 87-



(d) Tl1e Awraja Gbizat Cot1rt, (e) The Woreda GI1izat Cot1rt,

. ed cl1 , I, 3 �2 2, 18 ts 4, Ar ) � 61 (19 1 x. /E (f) [In1pl. reJJd. Crin1. Pro. C. 21 1 s t , -18 12 : ) . 65 9 (1_ x.3 /E 25 C. � o. Pr v. Cj 3, t. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Ar 1 tho�1 t givirig aiiy w s se ca all 1 1 i ts ur co 1 of io1 ict bi 1g 1 32 (prescri 1 jt1risd jt 1risdictioi1 to tl1e rnektl woreda cot1rt, wl1icl1 was nan1ed 1 11 the tJrese11t Suba:rticle).]


CONSOLIDATION NOTE '2 Arnd. 8/4 (1948) P. 102 Art. 2; in1pl. an1d. Cri1n. Pro: C. 2 1 /Ex. I C 1 96l) A ��(ji)' �� r 5• 1, 25/Ex.. 3 (l 965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, C,v. Pro. C. 251Ex. 3 .( (a.mendn1ents noted above).


PART II The Supreme Imperial Court

3. Tl1e St1pren1e In1perial Co11rt sl1all comprise tl1e Af� Negt1s as Presi?ent, togetl1er witl1 two j11dges of the High Cot1rt, wl10 sl1all be no111L11ated by tl1e Pres1dent _ _ o·f t11e I-ligl1 Cot1rt for the l1eari11g of a 11y appeal fro111 tl1e I-I1gl1 Co11rt. No_ J11clge sl1all be non1i11ated b)' tl1e President of the 11igl1 Court to l1ear a11y appeal 1n a11y case tlpon whicl1 l1e adjt 1dicated as a n1ember of tl1e High Co11rt. Wl1en i11_ a! lY matter tl1e me1u hers of the St1pren1e In1perial Co11rt 11ot t 1 11animo11s, the op1n1on of tl1e 1najority sl1all prevail. PAR'f ill The High Court

4. T11e Eligh Court of Ethiopia shall con1prise sL1ch 11umber of jt1dges as We may from tin1e to time tl1ink necessary, of who1n 011e sl1all be designated the Pre­ sident. The H.ig11 Court shall co11tai11 s11ch n11mber of judges of British Nationality as We shall consider to be desirable. 5. No perso11 s11all be appoi11ted by Us to the office of J11dge of 011r High Co11 rt 1111Iess he is a regularly q1 1alified legal practitio11er or is certified to Us by 011r Mi1 1ister of' Jt1stice to be q11a1ified for s11ch office by reaso11 of long judicial experience or s011nd knowledge of law. to time fit perso11s a.s aclditional judges of 6.. We 1nay also appo j1 1t fron1 time _ the High Co1rrt for the trial of part1c11lar cases or for a specified period or while holding any specified office. 7.. The High Co11rt shall have full cri111ioal and civil jt1risdictio 11 in Ethiopia according to law. 8. The High �ourt s�all be dee�11ed to be f11]ly co11stituted for the l1earing of auy matter when 1t comprr _ses three Jt1dg�s? a 11d vvhere in a11y 1natter the members of the Coiirt are not u11a11 1mous, the op1111on of the majority shall prevail. 9. The High Cotrrt may sit at any place withi11 Our En1pire as may 'be convenient · for the dispatcl1 of busi11ess. - 88 -



10-11. [J,77pl. reJJcl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 116 (2), (s11persedi11 g Art. 11 _ approves all deatl1 se11te11ces), Cri111. Pro. C. 21/Ex.l reqL11reme11t that the E111peror _1 1g Art. 10 provisio11. for a1Jpeal of l{jgh Co11rt criminal (s11persed1 182 Art. ) (19�1 _ dec1s1ons to tl1e S11pren1e I1n_perial <;011rt), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3 , Civ. Pro. �- �5/Ex._ � (1965) Art. 321 (st1presed1ng Art. 10 provisio11 for a1J1Jeal of High Cot1rt c1v1l dec1s1ons to S11pren1e I11 1perial Court).] 12-18. [ImtJ!. repd. Cri1n._ Pro. C. 21/Ex. l (1961) Arts. 4, 182, 22 3 , Scl1ed. I, 3 �1965) D.52 A �t. 3 , C1v. Pro. C. 25/Ex.3 (1965) Arts. 12-18, 321 (prescribi11 g �5/Ex _ : Jt1r1sd1 ct10 :11 of co11rts �n all ca�es vvitl1011t givi11g a11y jurisdictio11 to teklay ghizat court, w�c ?- ' :a� provided for 111 Arts. 12-17, a11d witl1011t pro,,jding f· or establish­ ment of Jl1 r1sd1ct1on of a1 1y otl1er co11rts as wa.3 provided for by Art. 18). The present Articles were ·previo11sly a1 ne11cled by 4/9 (1945) P.76 a11d 8/4 (1948) P.102 AJ·ts. 3-6].

PART '\il Assessors

19. A11y court co11stit11ted 1111der this Proclamation n1ay, if it sees fit, sit with t'vvo or more s11ita.ble perso11s i11 the capacity cf Assessors. Assessors shall be entitled to put any relevant q11estion to any ,vitness aod, at tl1e co11clL1sion of the case sb· all give their opinions ot1 tl1e facts i11 isst1e, but tbe co11rt sl1all 11ot be bo11ncl by tl1e opi­ nions of the Assessors.

PART VII Rules of Court

20. Rules of Court may be made, vvifh tbe approval of 011r Minister of J11stice, by the Afe Neg·us in respect of the Supreme I1 nperial Co11rt and by the President of the High Court in respect of any other Courts established by this Procla111atio11 for the purpose of: (a) reg11lating the admi11istratio11 of the Court, and those aspects of the instit11 tion, conduct and heari11 g of criminal proceedings therei11 that are not regulated by the crimiral proced11re code; (b) regulati1 1g the admission, condt1ct and discipline of legal practitioners; (c) regulating the selection a1 1d dt1tjes of assessors; (d) [Imp!. repd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/E<. : 1 (1961) Art. 106 (s11perseding tJ1e prese11t St1barticle, which dealt \Vith ''committa.l of crin1inal cases from lower courts to higl1er cotrts'').] (e) [Imp!. rep{!. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 88-98, 171, 7�8-710, �! im. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Art. 209 (the two Codes s11persed1ng proV1 s1ons i11 the present Subarticle which clealt witl1 im1Jositio11 and recovery of fines and imprisonme11 t in defa11lt of payn1e11t), 25/Ex.3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 371-461, 481, _482-48� (repeal­ ing and st1persedi11g provisio11s :11 the present S11bart1cle wl11ch dealt vvith imposition a·nd recovery of fines in civil cases and the proced11re relating to execution and attachnent).] - 89 -



(f) [Irnpl. rep d. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961) Art. 111, Schecls. 2, 3 (s111Jer­ seding provision i11 tl1e prese11t St1barticle for forn1s in crimi11 al cases), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, Civ. Pro. C. 25/.Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 80, 94, Sc11eds. 1-4 (repealing a11d superseding provision it1 tl1e prese11t Sub­ article for forms i11 civil cases).] (g) Fixing fees; (h) regulating tl1 e general ad111inistratio11 of justice, except i11sofa.r as s1,cl1 power is granted to tl1 e Mioister of J11stice l1 imself by A1·ticles 482-483 of tl1e Civil Procedure Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE .Imp/. a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. cited above, Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. l (1961) Arts. cited

above Arts. 40-48, 60-202 (ameooing provision io Subarticle (a) for reg11lation of institution, conduct and hearing of crin1inal proceedings), '25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (l 965) Arts. cited above arrl Arts. 32-370, 482-483 (repealing and superseding provision in Subarticle (a) for regulation of insiitution, conduct and l1earing of civil proceedings and giving rbjs power to Min.ister of Justice).

PART vm GeDeral

21. For the better exanlination of laws s11bmitted to Us for e11act111 e11t tl1 ere is hereby established a co11s11ltative co1nmittee for legislation, which sl1 all comprise Our Judicial Adviser, tl1e President of tl1 1; High Co11rt, a11d three (3) perso11s l1aving recogn-ized legal q11alifications or being qtalified by reason of 1011g judicial experie11ce and so1111d knowledge of law to be espe�, ially appoi11 ted by Us. Tl1 e duty of sucl1 committee sh.all be to draft laws ttpon C11r direction or to revie\V the draft of any proposed law. No la\\1 sl1 all be Sl1bmitted. to Us for enactment 11nless it is accom­ panied b)' a certificate sig.ned by a majority of tl1 e members of the said comm.ittee certifying that the law to which the certificate relates is not repugna11t to 11 atural justice and humanity and is a fit a,nd prcper Jaw to be apJJlied witho11t descri1nina­ tio·n to Ethiopians and foreigners alike. 22. When a11y law has bee11 enacted by Us it shall be published i11 tl1 e Official Gazette of Etl:tiopia in the Am11 a.ric and English lang11ages, and sl1all come into force from the d.ate of publication in the Gazette or from any other date wl1icl1 may be specified in the law. w �ch pro�ided for the settlement of minor disputes i11 a [This AJ: 1 ticl , 2_ 3. � : manner until such time as regular. courts can be established for tl1e beari11,g of s11ch dispt1tes by ju.dges d11ly appoi11 ted'', is obsolete]. 24. It is hereby d �cla �ed that no c �urt shall �ive effect to any existi 11 g la\v which .1s oontr8 1)' to natural Justice or h un1an1ty, or w �ch makes any harsh or inequitable : _ _ _ d11fferent1at1ot1 between Oltr subJects and foreigners. Done at Addis Ababa this 31st day of January, 1942. - �0-



3/2 (1943) L. 33 �:: RULES ISSUED PURSUANT rfO TI-ill ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PROCLAMATION, 1942 Tbes� �t1Jes are is�t1ecl by tl1e President of the Higl1 Co11rt witl1 t]1e approval o� the _M1111ster o! Jt1st1ce p11rs� 1a11t to at1tlJority vestecl by Article 20 of tl1e Admi111strat1011 of J11st1ce Proclan1atto11, (No. 2 o� 1942). PART I PRELIMil\ARY l. Tl1ese Rt1les 111ay be citecl as tl1e ''Cot1rt frocedure Rules, 1943'', a11cl sl1all apply to all 1 )roceedi11gs i11 the Higl1 Cot1rt t11d provi11cial co11 rts. 2-65. [In1p!. repel. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) (con1prel1e11sively prescribi11g cot1rt j11risdictio11 a11d procedures in civil cases, and tl1·us impliedly re1 ?eali11g :l1e present Articles a11d tl1e a11tl1ority given in 1/1 (1942) P.2 Art. 20 ·for tl1eir iss11a11ce by tl1e Preside11t of tl1e High Co11rt). Vario11s of the present Articles vvere previot1,ly ame11clecl or repealed b)' 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Sched. C. Art. 4(a), 1 5 Co11s0!. L. Et/1. :, 10/11 (1945) L. 155Art. 36, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 3, 12/12 (1953) L. 176 Art.. 32, 8/4 (1948) P.102.] PART XIII CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS 66-78. [l111pl. repd. Rev. Co11st. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 52, 1 Co11sol. L. Et/1. l, Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 11, 16, 25, 26, 50-52, 58, 94-96, 124-125, 129149, 220-222 (s11persedi11g prese11t Articles, wl1icl1 provided for com11laint, s111n­ mons, warra11t, arrest, \vit11esses, heari11g a11j j11d,gn1e11t in crimi11al proceedings).] PART :XIV CRIMINAL APPEALS 79-81. [J111pl. reJJd. Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (�961)_ ;\rts. 181, 18�, 187, 1 �9-195 _ (superseding present Articles, vvl1icl1 p1·ov1ded for 111st1t11t1011 and hearing of cr1m1nal appeals).] 82. Whe11ever a criminal appeal is decided tl1e appellate cot1rt sl1all inforn1 tl1e lower court of its decision. 83. Any perso 11 wishi11g to appeal agai1st a co11victio11 or se11tence shall prty a fee of Eth. $5.00 to the Registry of the ai:pellate court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Amti. 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 10/11 (1951) L. 155, 12/9(1953) L. 174, 12/12 (1953) L. 176; i111pl..a,11d. 8/4 (1948) P. 102, Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149, Crim. Pro. C. 21 /Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/ 1 (1962) P. 195, 5 Cor1sol. L. Et/1. 10.

- 91 -



-------- ------------------------' PART XV

COURT VACATIONS 84. There shall be vacatio11s of the co11rts eacl1 vear fro111 15 I�a111Jie to 15 Nel1assie inclusive. 85. During the vacations the courts sh.all sit for tl1e transactio11 of civil b11siness of a11 urgent nature only b11t cri111i11al bl1si11ess s]1all be dealt lvith as 11s11al. 86. D11ring the vacations the co11rts' offices sl1all be OJ)e11 every day d11ri11g the ordi11ary office l1ours.

PART XVI EVIDENCE ON COMMISSION 87. Whe11 a11)' criminal 111atter is pending before a co11rt a11d it apJ)ears to a judge of such co11rt tl1at it is necessary to obtai11 tl1e evide11ce of s0111e person within the E1npire a11d that for re.asons of the ]1ealth of s11cl1 person, diffic11Jties of com­ m11nications, or distance it is in1practicable that s11ch evicle11ce be given orally in s11ch co11rt, tl1e court may order tlJat s11ch evide11ce be take11 011 commissio11. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l11wl. c111zd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 A rL 3, 5 Consol. JJ, Eth. JI, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Aris. 122-136 (superseding a,od repealing applicability of the present Article to civil proceedings).

88. (i) Al1y party interested i11 any criminal matter pending before a court may make an application for the evidence of a11y person to be taken on comnussio11. S11ch applicatio11 sl1all be made in open co11rt and may be 1n.ade duri11g the hearing of the matter. (ii) U11less the application is made during the hearing of the 111atter the party : i11tending to make s11cb applicatio11 shall give seven days notice of his inte11tion to all the other parties i11terested i11 the matter. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln1pl. a,ncl. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (I 965) Arts. 122-136 (superseding and repealing applicability of tl1e pre-sent Article to civil proceed.ings).

89. (i) The examination n1ay be ordered to be take11 by any otl1er cot1rt or by any fit and proper person nominated i11 vvriti11g by th.e court in which the application u11der this Part is ·1uade. (ii) The order shall clearly state the names of the parties, the name of the wit11ess and the nat11re of tl1e evide11ce required.

90. Every person givi11g evidence under Part shall be S\-vorn or affirmed.

91. 'Ilhe co11rt or perso11 t �king evide11ce tinder �is Part sl1all, 011 its completion, fo:ward the same �o . the Reg1.strar o·f t:11e cottrt wh1ch_ ordered the takir1g of sucl1 e·v1clence on com.m1ss1on, and sl1a]l certify that s11cb evidence was given on oath or affirmation.


------------------------------ · 92. Evidence take11 oi1 COURTS AND JUSTICE


co111n1 i�sio11 s11all be read in ope1 1 cot1rt at tl1 e I1earing � ot tl1e matter by tl1� party at vv.l1ose 111sta11ce the orcler for tl1e taki11 g of s11ch evide11ce ,11,as made, or by 111s ad,1ocate, or by a j11dge.

PART XVII MISCELLANEOUS 93-96. [I111pl. reJJc/. Cri 11 1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. l (1961) Arts. 106, I IO, 113, 118-121, 130-131, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co11.fiol. L ..Et/1 . 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 9, 16, 3], 208, 244-245 (s11 pe.rsecli11g prese11 t Articles, wl1 icl1 provided for tra11sfer of cases betwee11 co11rts a11d for a1 11 encl.ments to l)leadings a11d iss11es). Art. 93 was previo11sly a 1 11 e11ded by 12/9 (1953) L. 174 a11cl i 1npliedly ame11ded by 8/4 (1948) P.102 (cl1a11 gi11g 11a111cs of co11rts).] 97. In an)' crin1i11�l pi:oceedi11g, s11 bject to the provisio11s of tl1e Criminal Pro­ cedure Code, ,vl1ere �111y f)eriod is gra11ted or fixed by the coL1 rt for tl1e doi11 g of any act, tl1e co1 1 rt may for good reaso11s fro111 time to ti111e e11large s11ch period, even tho1 1 gL1 the period orjgi11ally fixed 1 nay 11ave exJJired. CONSOLIDATION NOTE J111pl. a111cl. Cri111. P1 o. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) P, rts. 94-96, 193 (prescribing certain rules witl1 respect to adjournnJents), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 192, J 94 (repealing ancl supersedi11g aJJJJlicability of tJ1e present Article to civil proceedi11gs).

98-99. Sched1 1le [Imp!. repd. Cri111 . Pro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961) Art. 188, Scheds., 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Cjv. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 ( 1965) Arts. 332-336, Scheds. (supersedi1 1g prese11t Articles a11d Scl1ed11le, vvl1ich provicled fo1· stays of execution a1 1d forn1s).] Do11e at A.ddis Ababa this 10t11 day of May, 1943 . 10/11 (1951) L. 155*

RULES ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PROCLAMATION, 1942 These Rt1les are iss11ed by the Afe Neg1 1s of the S11preme Imperial Court with the approval of the Minister of J1 1stice purs11ant to a11 thority vested by Article 20 of the Admi11istratio11 of J11stice Procla1nation (No. 2 of 1942).

PART I 1. These Rules may be cited as tl1e ''S1 1preme I1 npcrial Court Proced11re Rules, 1951''.

Interpretation 2. In t11ese rules, 11 nless the context otherwise requires: ''appeal'' sl,all 1nea 1 1 an appeal to tl1e Supre1 11e Imperial Cot1rt; ··----------

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A,nd. 11/10 (1952) L. 165; impl. amd. Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149, Pen. C. 16/Ex 1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, S Consol. L. Et/1. 10.

- 93 -



istra-, tl1e 11in Ad1 of 8 e I 1c t. r A er d l111 rt cou ecl tt1t 1sti co1 ly '' ft1l a11s a ''cot1rt n1e tion of Jt1stice Proclamatio11, 1942; e f 1n re rial IJJ pe SL m e tl1 or t · · · t1r Co l1 ig H e tli of ce ffi ' th , e o t '' means 1 . .., eg1s ry · ''R Court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE D. 52 Art. 3, 5 . ts. 184, 187-202, 25/Ex. 3 (19 65) lnip · l. an1 · d. Cr1.· m. pro. C . ?l/ _ Ex. 1 (1961) Ar . . .ng dly phe eali (1n1 rep Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 194-195, 320, 323-346_ Articles hereof containing certain \.Vords previously defined in tl1e present Article).

PART II Civil Appeals

3-16. [Jrnpl. repd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 1 1 , Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 194-195, 320, 323-336 (repealing and st1persedi11g the prese11t Articles, whicl1 dealt witl1 procedt1res for civil appeals to St1pren1e In1perial Court). Arts. 1 l-12 were previot1sly a,n1ended by 11/10 (1952) L.165.] Appeals to be beard in open court o.r


the chambers

17. All a,ppeals shall, l111less tl1e Afe Neg11s or tl1e Vice Afe Neg11s in cases co11€er11ing pt1blic order or offe11ce agai11st decency a11d morality orcler otl1er,vise, be 11eard j11 ope11 cot1rt. CONSOLIDATION NOTE See also R,ev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 112, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1.

18-24. [l111pl. re11cl. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Cot1sol. L. Et/1. I I, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 328-329, 337-346 (repealing and superseding the present Articles, which dealt with procedt1res for hearing civil appeals i11 tl1e St1pre111e J n1perial Cot1rt).]

PART ill Evidence on Comrnission

25. When any criminal appeal is pe11diog l)efore a cot1rt a11d it a,pJ)ears to tbe court tl1at it is 11ecessary to obtain tl1e eviclence of son1e pers 011 witlu 1 1 tl,e En,pire and that for reasons of the health of st1cJ1 1Jerso11, difficttlties of c01111uunications, or distance it is impracticable that suoh evide11ce be given orally i,1 sttch cotirt tl1e court may order that Sltch evid,ence be take11 011 commission. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Imp/. anzd. 25fF:x, 3 (1965) D. 52 _ Art. 3, � �onsol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. c. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79 , 122-136 (repealmg and superseding prov1s1on in present Article wllich made it' applicable to civil as well as criminal appeals).



26. (i) A11 y 11arty i11terested


i11 a11 y cri111 i11al a1Jpeal pe11 c1i 11 g before a cot1rt

1nay 111ake a11 apt)licatio11 for the evide11ce of a11y person to be take11 011 co111missio11. St1cl1 ap1Jlicatio11 sl1 a11 be 111acle i 11 ope11 cot1rt 0111y a11 d n1 ay be made dt1ri11g tl1e heari11g of tl1e 111atter. (ii) U11less tl1e c1pplication is 111 ade clt1ri 11 g tl,e l1 eari 1 1g of tl1e a11peal the l)art)1 i11tendi11 g to 111ake st1cl1 aJJ)licatio11 sl1 all give seve11 days 1 1otice of l1 is i11tention to all tl1e otl1 eďż˝ parties i 11terestecl i11 tl1 e 111atter. CONSOLlDATICN NOTE [111pl. a111cl. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 ConsoiL. Et/1. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 122-136 (repealing and superseding provision in present Article wl1icl1 made it applicable to civil as ,:vell as criminal appeals).

27. (i) Tl1e exami11atio1.1 11 1ay be ordered to be taken by a11y other cot1rt or by any fit a11 d _prOJJer perso11 nomi11 ated in vvriti11 g by tl1e co11rt i11 ,vllicl1 the applicatio11 t111 der this part is 111ade. (ii) Tl1 e orcler sl1 all clearly state tl1e 11a1nes of the parties, tl1e 11 an1 e of the vvitness a11d tl1e 11att1re of tl1e evidet1ce reqt1ired.

28. (i) The coL1rt orderi11g evide11ce to be take11 by com1nissio11 111t1st give every opportt11lity to t l1e op1)osi11 g party to be JJrese11t i11 perso11 or by advocate vvhe11 st1cl1 evidence is give11 a11 cl cross-examine tl1 e vvit11 ess if the opposing party so wisl1<:s. (ii) Every person giving evide11ce t111 der tl1is part sl1 all be swor11 or affirn1ed. . 29. The co11rt or perso11 taki11g evide11 ce u11der this part shall, 011 its co111 pletio11, forward the same to the Registrar of the Court ,vl1 ich orderecl the taking of st1ch evidence 011 com1nissio11 , a11 d shall certify tl1at sucl1 evide11 ce 'rvas give11 011 oath or affirmation. 30. Evidence take11 on con1111 ission shaL be read i11 ope11 cot1rt at the l1 eari11 g of the appeal by the party at wl1 ose i11 sta11ce the order for the taki11 g of s11ch evide11ce was n1 ade or by his advocate, or by a j11dge. Pronouncement of judgment on appeal 31. 111 criminal appeals, The St1pren1e Inperial Cot1rt, after hearing the parties and referri11g to any part of tl1e proceedings ,vhetl1er on ap1Jeal or i11 the co11rt fron1 whose decree or order the a1)peal is _preferred_ to wl1 ich refere11 ce n1ay be considered necessary, sl1all pro 1 1ot111ce jt1dgn1ent i11 01Je11 cot1rt, eitl1er at 011ce or on s0111e futt1re clay of wl1ich 11otice shall be give11 to the 11arties. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ltnpl. a111d. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co1isol. 1:.,. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) A.rts. 79, 180 (repealing ancl st1perseding applicability of tl1e present Article to civil appeals).

- 95 -



Judgment to be r,ed.uced to Wliiting and contents

32. In crimi11al appeals, the jt1dgmei1t o·f t11e n1ajority of tl1e 111embers of tl1e aippellate oourt sl1aJl be redt1ced into writi11g and sl1all state: (a) the points for d,etermiuatiGIJ; (b) the decision tl1ereof; (c) tl1e reason for the decisior; ancl (d) wl1ere tl1e decree appealed fron1 is reversecl or varied, the relief to which the appellant is e11titled; a11d . sh a. ll at the time that it is pro11011nced re sig1Jecl a11d dated by the Judge or by the judges conou.rring therein. TJ1e judg1nent of tl1e n1ajority shall be the jt1dgment of the court. CONSOLID.L\.T'ION NOTE ln-,pl. anul. 25/Bx. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 181-182 (repealing and superseding applicablity of tl1e present Article to civil appeals).

Judgment may confirm, vary or reverse decision of lower court

33. [bnJJ/. re1;d. Cri111. Pro. C. 21/Ex.l (1961) Art. 195 (superseding the prese11t Article with resp�ct to crin1inal ap1Jeals), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Et/1. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Art. 348 (repealing and st1persedi11g the present Article with res]>ect to civil appeals).] Judge may dissent from decision of majority

34. 1I1 crimi11al appeals, any judge u1y dissent from the jtJdgment or order of the court and �nay give lus reason th�refor and redt1ce the sa1ne to writing. CONSOLID.L\.TION NOTE I,npl. an1d. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 79, 181 (2) (repealing and superseding a.pplicab1ity of the present Article to civil appeals).

35-36. [Imp!. repd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 1 l, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 323-329, 337-339, 345-346, 371, 482-483 (repealing a11d st1perseding the p·rese·nt Articles, which dealt with exect1tion of Supreme In1perial Court judgm.ents aind whioh 3/2 (1943) L.33 Arts. 59-65, 5 Cot1sol..L. Et}1 . 2 ina,pplicable to appeals to Supreme Imperial Co11rt).] PAIT IV Criminal Appeals

37. [I n1 pl . repd. Crim. PFo. C. 2 1/Ei. l (1961) Arts. 187, 189-191 (superseding the pr8sent Article whic11 pre.scribed procedt1re for i11stitt1ti, on of cri 11uual appeals t0 Supr�me 1IIlperia1 l Col!lrt).] -96 -




Criminal appeals to have preference

38. As a �ti�e criminal appeals sl1all be g ve11 preferet1ce i11 tl1e St1pren1 e In1perial i Cot1rt over C 1 �1 l appeal�, �11 d a111 011g the cr.11 1i11al appeals 1)referet1 ce sl1 all be given to appeals ag a_ 111 st co11 v1 ct1 011s, especially wf.1ere tl1e ap1)ella11t is i 1 11 priso11ed or i11 ct1 stody pe11 d111g tl�e rest1lt of the a1)peal. It sl1all be tl1e clt 1 ty of the Afe Negus of the S11pren1e Imperial Co11rt to see to it tl1at tl1 e beari 11g a11 cl decicli 11 g of s11cb ap1Jeals shall not be dela.,,,ed. [/ 39 ; 1pl. reJJd. Cri 111 . Pro. C. _2 1/Ex I (1961) Art. 195 (st1perseding prese11t �· . ; _. Article s 11st of powers of S11_pren1e I1 11per1al Cot1rt) .] 40. Wl1 erever a cri1ninal ap 1Jeal is deciced tl1e appellate cot1rt sl,all i11.form the lower cot1rt of its clecisio11 . 41. Any perso11 wisJ1i1 1g to appeal agai11st a co11victio11 or sentence shall pay a fee of 5 dollars to the Registry of tl1e appellate cot1 rt.


Specific civil procedure rules to apply to cr:minal appeals

42. The provisions of Rules 17, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 3 I, 32 a11 d 34 of these Rt1les shall apply to criminal appeals before the St1pren1e I1n_perial Cot1rt. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a111cl. Rev. Const. 15/2 (1955) P. 149 Art. 59, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Art. 116, Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Art. 204 (all s11perseding provision in the present Article which provided for confirn1ation of deatl1 sente11ces by the Emperor), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Art. 188 (1) (superseding provision in the present Article providing for stay of execution of flogging, sentence pending appeal), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1S61J Art<.,. 184, 187-202 (superseding provisions in the present Article applying to crin1inal appeals various Rules governing proced11res for instituting appea.Is, stays of execution, hearings and additional evidence on appeal).

Right of appeal against conviction or acquittal

43. [/nip!. repel. Crim. Pro. C. 2 1/Ex. 1 ( 1961) Arts, 181, 185 (superseding the present Article, which provided for right of appeal).] Amendment

44. Part XIV of the ''Co11 rt Procedure R11 les, 1943'' shall 110 longer apply to criminal appeals to the Supreme In1perial i::ot 1rt. CROSS REFER.ENCE Court Procedure Rules, 3/2 (1943) L. 33 Arts. �9-83, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 2.


45. Any appeal commenced or pending whe11 these R11 1es come into operation shall be deemed to have been properly brc11 ght in accordance with any rules or procedures in force prior to the coming into force of tl1ese Rt1 les, but tl1ese Rt1les shall apply as nearly as possible to all pendi11 g appeals from the stage they have reached, st1bject to the discretion of the St1 pren1e T111 perial Court to relax them in respect of any appeal to any exte11 t that it may think fit. Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of July, 195 1. - 97 -





11/11 (1952) L. 166*

RULES ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE .PROCLAMATION, 1942 These Rules of Court are issued by tl1e Afe Negus a11d the Preside�1t of tl1 e High Court with the approval of the Mit1 ister of Justice p11rsua11t to at1tl1or1ty vested in them by Article 20 of the Admj11istratio11 of J11stice Procla111atio11 (No. 2 of 1942), in respect of the Supreme In1perial Court, of tl1e High Cot1rt and of all o�her Cot1rts _ _ for estab]isl1ed by that Proclamation, the adn1issio11, co11dt1ct a11d d1sc1pl1ne of legal practitioners a11d for the fixi11g of fees. Register to be maintained

1. T'he Mi11ister of Jt1stice (herei11after referred to as ''The Mi11 ister'') shall ca11se to be prepared a11d maintained a register (herei11 after referred to as the ''Re­ gister'') .i11 whicl1 sl1all be recorded the nan1e and 11s11al place of bt1si11ess of every perso11 entitled to be registered, togetl1er \Vith "!Jarticulars of a11y litnitatio11 imposed u11 der tl1ese rt1les with regard to the Co11rts before \vl1ich s11cl1 perso11 may practise. Prohibition from practice unless registered

2. No person, other tl1an a person l1olding an office wl1erei11 l1e is bot111d to practise onl)' for tl,e Crow11, shall practise 11nless he is registered, a11d the11 not before such cottrts as specified i11 the Register as those before whicl1 he is precl11ded from practisi11g. Registration as of right in a proper case

3. Any perso11 shall, 011 application to the Minister, or to sucl1 person as the Mi11ister sl1all authorize be entitled to be registered if the Mi11ister or st1ch perso11 f as the Minister sl,all authorize is satis ied that: (a) he l1as tl1e skill and knov.,Jedge 11ecessary to e11able l1 in1 properly to practise; and (b) he is of a cl1aracter suitable for assisti11g i11 tl1e proper administration of justice; Provided tl1at: (a) if the �1inister is 11ot satisfied that s11ch perso11 h:1s the skill a11d know­ �edge_ necessary to e11able hi1:-1 properly to practise in every co11rt, bttt rs satisfied that l1e l1as tl1e skLll ai1d knowledge necessary to e11a.ble hi in to practise other..,vise thaa before the St1preme lnJperial Court or the High Cot1rt, s11cl1 person sball be et1titled to be registered but with the appropriate limitation as to the Cot1rts before wJ1icl1 he �11 ay practise;


*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A1nd. 13/4 (1953) L. 179; imp/. an1d. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 10.

- 98 -



(b) a JJerso11 � 1 1titled to be registered shall 011 l1is ow11 applicatio11 be e11titled t � be re�istere� s �1bj �ct to st1cl1 li111itatio 1 1 as is referred to in this pro­ viso, be111g a l1111 1 tat1 0 1 1 11ot less restrictive tl1a11 tl1e Mi11ister or st1cl1 perso 11 as tl1e Mi11ister sl1all antl1orize wot1ld l1ave i 1111Josecl L1po11 J1is _ practice had st1cl1 a11 a1)plicatio11 11ot beer, 111acle. CONSOLIDAT:ON NOTE l111pl. a111cl. Crin1. �ro. C. 21/Ex. I (1961) Arts. i, 7, 182, Sched. 1, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3,

? Consol. L. E�I,. 11, C _1v_. Pro. C .. 25/E�. � (1965) A,ts. 12-18, 32 l (1Jrescribing jurisdiction of cot1rls 1n all cases \V1th?t1t g1\11ng any Jur1schct1on to Tekhy Ghizat Court and thus implieclly repealing . for1ner reference 1n tl1e present Article to practice refore that court).

Ren10Yal from Register or subsequent limit:ition 4. (I) The Mi11ister or st1cl1 J)erso11 as tl1e Mi 1 1ister s]1all autl1orize 111ay at a11y tin1e re1110\1 e tl1e 11a 1 11e of a11y advocate fro 1 11 the Register or 111ay in a 1 1 appropriate case e 1 1ter i11 tl1e Register ,vitl1 regard to a11y perso11 st1cl1 lin1itation as is referred t,) i 1 1 tl1e proviso to the last proceedi11g Rt 1 le on bei11g so reqt1ested b 1 st1ch persor1 ; or (2) On his ceasi11g to be satisfied as to tl1e skill a 1 1d k11owledge of a 1 1y advocate 11ecessary to e 1 1able l1irn properly to practise or whe11 he co 1 1siders that a11y ad, 1ocate is 11ot of a character st1itable for tl1e acl1ninis­ tratio11 of jt1stice tl1e Mi11ister or st1 cl1 J)erso11 as tl1e Mi11ister shall authorize 111ay fortl1wit]1 SL1spe:1d st1cl1 advocate fro111 practisi11g pro­ vided always tl1at the cat1se for Stich s11spensio11 sl1all in1mediately be referred to the Advocates Discipli11ary Co 1 111nittee tinder Article 8 of this rt1le.

Minister or such person as the Minister sh31I authorize may impose test 5. For the pt1rpose of satisfyi11g hi111self as to tl1e skill a.11d k11owledge of any perso11 necessary to e11a ble l1in1 pro1)erly to practise, \Vhetl1er with or ,¥itl1ot1t li111ita­ tion as to the co11rts before wl1ich st1cl1 pe1s011 n1ay practise, tl1e Mi11ister or st1ch person as the Mi11ister shall at1 thorize ma) reqt1ire a11y [)erso11 registered, or who has aJ)pliecl for registration fro1n ti111e to ti1t1e to t111dergo such test as the Minister or such person as the Mi11ister shall at1thorize sl1all tl1i11k fit, provided that 110 person shall be obliged to t111dergo st1ch a test withi11 a period of 011e year of l1is havi11g satisfied the Minister as a rest1lt of st1ch a test.

Issue of Certificate 6. (I) As s0011 as is reaso11ably possible after tl1e l1a.i1pening of a11y of one of the f0Jlowi11g events: (a) tJ1e pay111e11t i11 fL1II of a11y sun1 d11e Linder Rt1le 10 of these Rt1les; (b) the restoration of the 11a111e of a11y perso 1 1 to the Register after its removal therefro111; (c) the e11try i11 the .R.egister of any li111itation 011 a perso11's rigJ1t to practice, other tl1an the e 1try of a11 order for st1spe1 1sio11 made Ltnder Rt1le 9 of these R 11les, or of the entry of the ren1oval or altera­ tion of st1cl1 limitation;

- 99-



(d) tl1e satisfying of tl1e Minister or such JJerso11 as the Minister sl1all authorize that a certificate issued under these rules ha s been. lost or destroyed, and payment of the prescribed fee. The Mi11ister s.hall ca11se to be iss11ed to tlie person co11cer11ed a certificate i �, writjng, sign ed by l1 im or on his behalf, w]1ich shall be, witl1 tl1e necessary _modi­ fications it1 tl1e form set out in the scl1ed11le hereto a11d wl1icl1 sl1all co,1ta1n full particul�rs of the matters recorded in respect of s11dh 1Jerso11 in. the Register, and wl1ich shall state the period of validity of that certjficate, provided tl1at n � �11cl1 certificate sball be iss11ed unless the perso11 concer11ed l1�ts ret11rned to tl1e M1111s_ ter or s11ch person as the Minister shall a11tl1orize a11y certificate 1111der tl1ese r11les wh!ch has been iss11ed to him or l1 as given the Mi11ister reaso11able gro1111 ds for s11ppos1ng tl1at by reaso11 of its loss or destructio11 he is 11nable to do so. (2) such a certificate shall be valid only u11til: (a) the last da)' of Pag1.1n1e of tl1e year in respect of which it is iss11ed; or (b) tl1e date of the ren10,1 al of tl1e name of the person concerned from the Regjster or the making of an entry i11 the Register affecting · at1y Iimitatio11 011 sucl1 perso11 's right to pra.ctise, not bei11g the e11try of an order for suspe11 sion made under r11le 9 of these Rt11es, whichever of such date is the earlier. Con.rt may dema11d certificate

7. A11y co11rt before wl1icl1 a perso11 appears claimi11g to practise, may, i f it has reasonable gro11ncts for doubti11g tl1at st1cl1 perso11 is authorized tinder these Rt1les to practise before it, demand the proclt1ction before it of a valid certificate given 11nder tl1ese R11les in respect of that perso11, a11cl unless or 1111til such a certificate is so produced, n1ay proltlbit such person fro1u appearing before it. 111 the case of such a prohibitio11 s11ch a person shall 11ot, not\vithsta11di11g tl1e fact tl1at l1e may be regis­ tered 11.Dder tl1ese R11les, practise before the said court u11less a11d until he prodt1ces to the court such a certiiicate. Advocates' Disciplinary Committee

8. (1) There s.l1all be co11stit11ted a11 Advocates' Disci 1Jli11ary Con1mittee (heiie� nafter referred _t� as the ''Conu11ittee'') consisting of five persons appo111 ted by the M1111sler or by s11cl1 person as tl1e Mi11ister shall a11tborize either generally or for th.e pur·pose of 011e or n1ore of tl1e i11quiries herei11after referred to. (2) It shall be the d_t1ty of �be Co1nmittee to inq11ire into any coiidt1ct of a per�o11 at a11y_ t1n1e reg1�tered _ alleged to have take11 place either while registered or 111 con11ect1on with a11 applicatio11 for reo-istration which 0 na is of such a ture as to s11ggest that person is 11 ot of a cbaracter ;uitable in the a?�inistratjon of j11stice, ancl to report their findings ng �o r as_sisti _ 1n \Vrtting to the M1ruster or to such perso11 as tl1e Minister sha·ll authorize forthwith. - 100 -

-------------------· -Removal from Register COURTS AND JUSTICE


(3) If the C_o1runittee 011 st1ch a11 i11::it1iry fi11ds tl1at a J)erso11 registered has bee11 gl1 1lty of �011dt1ct of the 11att1re and taki 11 g JJlace i11 the circt1111s­ ta11ces set 011t 111 tl1e last prececli 1 1g 1JaragratJl1, tl1e Mi11ister or s11cl1 pers?11 as tl1e Mi11ister sl1all at 1 �l1orize 111 ay re111ove l1 is 11 a111e fro111 the Register for st1cl1 period as 111a;, to l1i 1 11 see1 11 proper. (4) (a) 011 a11_ i11qt1iry t111cler tl1is rt1le tl1e Ji11di 1 1gs of a n1ajority of tl1e Con1m1ttee sl1all be a fi11diug of tl1e Comn1ittee. (b) 0 1 1 a11 i11qt1iry t111der tl1 is rt1le a perso11 ,vl1ose condt1ct is i11q11irecl i11to sl1all be e11 titled to b:! ] 1 eard by the Co1n111 ittee i11 his ow11 defence a1 1d to call eviderce relati11g to the n1 atte.r i 1 1 q11estio11, i11 clt1ding e,1idence as to l1i5 character. Summary SuspensiJn by a Cot1rt

9. (I) Jf d1 1 ring the course of any proceedi11gs be.fore it a Court considers tl1at the condt1ct of a11 advoca:e i11 st1cl1 proceedi11gs sho,vs disrespect for the Co11rt or is Sltch as to s11ggest that st1ch aclvocate is 11ot of a character suitable for tl1 e admi11istratio 1 1 of jt1stice, it n1ay fortl1with order tl1at he be s11spe11ded fron1 practisi 11 g for a IJeriod 11ot exceedi11g 011 e mo11 th or may subject hin1 to a fu1e not exceeding two h1 1 11 dred a11d fifty dollars ($250) or n1ay botl1 orcler s11ch Sl 1 spensio11 a11d st1bject hin1 to s ucl1 a fine. (2) On the making of an order fer st1spe11sio11 11nder the last preceding paragraph the Cot1rt n1aki11 g st1cl1 order sl1all forthwith i 1 1form the Minister or s1 1 ch person as tl1e Mi11ister shall a11tl1orize in writing tl1ere­ of, giving f11ll partic11lars of tl1e· reason tl1erefor and stating vvhether any, and if so what, fi 11 e \Vas in11Josed 11pon the advocate co11cerned in addition to s11ch s1 1 spe11sion. (3) The maki1 1g of a 1 1 order or the imposing of a fi 1 1e tinder this rl1 le shall 11ot affect the power o:f the Minister under R11le 4 of these Rt1les. (4) No person shall practise d11ring tl1 e period of operation of a11 order for s11spension made t111cler this Rule, notwithsta11ding the fact that he may be registered dt1 ri1 1g that i;eriod. Fees...;:

10. (1) 011 bei11g for tl1e first tin1e registered a perso 1 1 sl1all pay to the 11i11istry · all a11thorize a fee of 50 Etl1iopia1 1 or to s11ch perso11 as the Mi11ister sh dollars. (2) Be·fore every last day of Pagl11�e occt1ri1 1g after the date of lus ·first registratio11, every person regislered s11all pay to the Ministry or to such perso11 as tl1e N1inister shall at1tl1orize, in respect of tl1e f. ollo,ving •vear; - 101-



(a) if he is registered witl1ot1t li111 itatio11 as to the Co11rts l)efore which lie 1na)' practise, a. fee of 300 Etl1iopian dollars; or (b) if l1e is registered st1bject :o tl1e Iin1itatio11 tl,at lie 11 1,1y 11ot practise before th; St1pre111e 1 n11)erial Cot1rt or the I-ligl1 Cott rt a fee of 150 Ethiopia 11 doll,trs. (3) 011 a11 application for a certificate t111 der st1b-paragraph ( d) of 1�ara­ _ graph (1) of R11le 6 of tl1 ese R1Jles the applica11t sl1all JJay to tl1� M! 111stry _ or to s11ch perso11 as the Min:ster shall autl1orize a fee of 5 Etl1101)1an dollars. (4) The Mi 11 ister or st1cJ1 perso11 a; the Mi11ister shall a11 tl1 orize r11 a� ren1ove

from the Register tl1 e name of a11 y perso11 1vvl10 shall l1ave fa1lecl dul)1 to pay tl1 e fees or any JJart thereof prescribed t1 1 1cler tl,is_ Rt1le t111 til su cl1 _ fees are wl1 olly paid, a11d, 011 such a perso11 11 ext apply111g for a certifi­ cate after st1ch failt1re, sl1all rot isst1e st1cl1 certific,1te sa\1e 011 the pay­ n1e11t of a fee of 25 Ethiopian dollars in addition to a11y other fee payable.

CONSOLTDAfION NOTE Jn,pl. a111d. Cri111. Pro. C. 21/E.x. J (1961) A1ts. 4, 7, 182, Sched. I, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Art. 3. 5 Co,isol. L. Et!,. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (J 965) .�rts. 12-18, 321 (in1pliedly repealing reference in the present Article to fee for practice before the Teklay Ghizat Court - see Consolidation Note to Art:. 3 above).


1 J . The ''Courts (Advocates) Rt1les, l 944 ) '' are l1 ereby repealed. Saving of exisiing certificates

J 2. On tl1 e coming i11to force of these Rules a perso11 who i111mediately prior to such con1ing into force held a valid certificate 11nder the ''Co11rts (Advocates) Rules, 1944," shall be registered, a11d any limitatio11 contained in sucl1 certificate wbelieby such person was the11 permitted to practise in specified co11rts 011ly sl1all be recorded in tbe Register as a }jmitation :>recluding hin1 from practice before cotirts otl1 1 er than those so speciiied. St1c,h a certificate s·hall be deemed tc have bee11 given tinder tL1ese R11Jes. 13. For tl1e same purpose of clarificatio11 1 1othing in these Rt1les sh.all: (a) apply t o the Judicial Advisor or to any pt1blic prosecutor; (b) prevent any h �sband, brothe:r, . _son, father, grandfather of any party to any proceedings appearing w1thot1t reward on behalf of sucl1 party; (c) pFevent any party from pleading l1is own cat1se; (d) app,ly to the Advocate Geoeral or to the Deputy Advocate Gen.eral; (e) �ueyelilJt any official of a com?auy l1 olding a power of attorney .fro111 a such �0!11painy in oourt or any partner 1imuted c@mpainy to represent . 0n 'b�htaHf of a partimersbip, or adn11111strator of at1 estate a trustee �iqlliid'a.tor, or any persom holding a general or a partieula; power of - 1)2 -



12/14 (1953) L. 176*

RULES ISSUE.D PURSUANT TO TI-IE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PROCLAMATION 1942 These Rt1les are issued by the President of the Higl1 Court with tl1e approv� l of the Mi11ister of Justice pt1rst1ai1t to authority vested by Article 20 (h) of the Admi­ nistration of Jt1stice Proclan1ation (No. 2 of I 942). I. These Rt1les n1ay be cjtecl as the ''Costs a11d Aclvocate Fe�s Rt1�es, 1953'', and shall apply to all proceedings in tl1e High Cot1rt a11d tl1e A,vraJa Gh1zat Court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l,npl. amd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 4, 7, 182, 223, Sched. 1, 25/E�- _3 (1_96?) ?·. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18, 321 (prescn_ bmg Jt1r1sd1� t1on of courts in all cases, without giving any jurisdiction to the Teklay Ghizat Court, wl11cl1 was previous­ ly named in the present Article).

2. When gra11ti11g costs tl1e court shall grant a fixed sun1 i11 accorda11ce with tl1e scale set out in the Schedule I I1ereto. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a111d. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Bx. l (1961) Arts. 220-222, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11 , Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 462-466 (prescribing for payn1ent of costs in all cases and thus superseding the original first paragraph of the present Article, which provided for costs to be in discretion of cot1rt).

3-6. [Imp!. repd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 220-222, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D.52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 462-466 (prescrib­ ing for paymeIJt of costs in all cases and thus superseding the present Articles, which set forth variot1s rules with respect thereto).] 7. This Rule does not affect advocate fees which have been determined by agneement between the advocate and his clie.nt.

S CHE D U L E NATURE OF WORK F0r instructi0n to mak. e or ©fp@se a startem.ent of claim 01r ap , peal



Higlter Scale

Et11. $30.00, or such sum as tl1e court on hearing thereof shall certify.

Eth. $ 1 00.00, or such sun1 as the court on hearing sl1all certify.

*JNFRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE 1 ( 21/ Cni C. 196 Ex. 1 m. Pi:0. Intpl. amd. 1), 25/Ex. 3 (1965J D. 52, Civ. Pro. c. 25/Ex. 3 (196 ) 5 _ 0 See· a1.'io 22/V {$962) P. •195, 5 Consol. L. Eth. I0. Due to an err0r 10 ,,n;.be .....�,L r:·og 1 � another Iega1 . 1" f gments, J · d 0 u · d .1;;,Xec1:1t10n t:. 1 ealiS rL e rega:i: . m g t h natiee, number 176. 1

- 104 -





For drawi11g or [Jer11sing a state­ ment of claim, defe11ce or reply. For drawing or perusing a·state­ ment of appeal. For making necessary COJ)ies of staten1ent of claim, ap_peal, • defence, or reply or of a11y ·•. document whicl1 tl1e cotrrt de..seides was properly f11rnished, for each foolscap page or part thereof. Attending before co11rt or judge on hearing any applicatio11 or attending on trial of case. Attending on beari11g of appeal Attending to hear deferred judgment. Procuring entry of judgn1e11t and decree in defa11lt of appear­ ance of pleading. Disbursement

Lower Scale

Higher Scale

Etl1. $10.00

Etl1. $30.00

Etl1. $10.00

Etl1. $30.00

Etl1. $0.50


Eth. $0.50 '

Stich sum as the court Such st1111 as the co11rt sl1all certjfy. sl1all certify. S11cl1 s11m as the co11rt St1cl1 st1111 as the court shall certifv. sl1all certify. Etl1. $5.00 Etl1. $10.00 Eth.. $5.00

Eth. $10.00

All expe11diture 011 co11rt fees, affidavit fees and witness allowa11ce and other expendit11re certified by tl1e registrar to have been properly inct1rred. D011e at Addis Ababa this 27th day of .T11ne, 1953.

12/15 (1953) L. 177*

RULES ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PROCLAMATION, 1942 These Rules are issued by the President of the High Cot1rt with the approval of the Minister of Justice pursuant to author.ty vested by Article 20 of the Adminis­ tration of Justice Proclamation (No. 2 o f 1942). 1. These Rules may be cited as the ''Cc11rts (Fees) Rules, 1953' ', and shall be applied in the High Co11rt and all courts st1bordinate thereto. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Irnpl. a,nd. 16/Ex. l (1957) P. 158, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195, 5 ConsiJ/. L. Eth. 10. References at various points in the present legal Notice to TekJay Gl1izat Co11rts l1a"e been impliedly repealed by D. 52 Art. 3 and Civ. Pro. C. Arts 12-18, 182 (prescribing j11risdiction of courts in all civil cases without giving any jurisdiction to TekJay Ghizat Courts). These changei have not been noted individually.

- 105 -



2. (a) Tl1e follo,,,ing fees sl1all be paid 011 fili11g an actio11: Whe11 tl1e a1110L111t or valL1e c,f tl1e sL1bject 1n,1tter i11 dispLite exceeds Zero for every te11 dollars or part tl1ereof, i11 excess of Zero, tip to 011e hL111dred dollars.

E . $0.50

When sL1ch an10L111t or v,:1lL1e exceeds 011e ht111dred dollars for, every fifty dollars or part 1l1ereof i11 excess of 011e ht111dred dollars ' t10 . to one tho11sa11d collars.


Wl1 e11 sucl1 a111ot1nt or value exceeds 011e tl10L1sa11d clollars for every one hundred dolla�s or part tl1ereof i11 excess of one tl10L1sand dollars, 1111 to t:!11 tl10L1sa11d dollars.


Whe11 such an1 ot111t or value exceeds te11 thoL1sand dollars for every two L1undred dollars or part tl1ereof i11 excess of te11 thousand dollars, up to fifty tl1ot1sa11d dollars.


WJ1en sL1cl1 a1noL111t or value exceeds fifty tl10L1sa11d dollars, for every fi ve l1 t1ndred dolla·s or JJart thereof i11 excess of fifty thousa11cl dollars, up to 011e l1t111dred tl10L1sa11d dollars.

E$ I 5.00

Nore: The above 1ne11tio11ed court fees are writte11 i11 cletail i11 the ScJ1edL1le.

Fron1 100,000 to 200,000 the fee pa)able will be that 011 100,000 plus 011e ancl one-half per ce11t of the an1ou11t i11 excess J, f J 00,000 for exa111ple, a claim for 140,000 pays a fee of 3,950. Any an10L1nt i11 excess of 200,000 will JJay tl1e fee payable 011 200,000 as as­ certained above plus 011e per cent 011 the an1ot1nt i11 excess of 200,000; for exan1ple, a claim for 280,000 pays a fee of 5,650.

Note: i'o the above fees n1ust be ad.ded ½ E$ in respect of each party arid every tiime to be served. (b ) Ce,rtified copy of decree: (whether action was contested or judgment obtained by d.efault) in action i11volving E$i00.0G or less in acti©n in-volving 1nore than E$ l 00.00 (c) Certfficate that ain actio11 wa� tind.efended or that ·no appeal · has been entex;ed: ilm action inv0lviin,g E$100.00 or less inv:olvi1rrg n10ue than E$ I 00.00 i1lil aa_tL0n , - 106 -


E$1.00 E$3.00

E$1.00 :E$3.00



(d) Certifiecl copy of jt1clg111e11t or a11y cot1rt cloct1111e11ts: per page or JJart thereof (e) ExectLtio11 of jt1clg111e11ts: apJJlication for exect1tio11 011 n1oval1le or i111111ov,1ble property of a v,ilt1e of E$100.00 or less of a valt1e greater tha11 E$100.00 of a valt.te boreater. tl1a11 E$500.00 of a valt1e ..greater tl1a11 E$100.00 .. of a value greater tl1a11 £$10.000 �

E$1.00 E$3.00 E$5.00 E$ l0.00 E$25.00

i11ct1rred i11 exect1ti11g tl1e judg111e11t 1 11 addition ,111 ex pe11ses . \Viii l1e paid. (f) Certificate tha.t ,1 jt1dg111e11t J1as 11ot bee11 s,ttisfiecl after exect1tio11 l1as bee11 levied: in actio11s i11volving E$100 or less


i11 actio11s i11volvi11g 111ore tJ1an E$100


(g) [/1r11JI. reJJ(/. I 6/Ex. l (1957) P.158 Art. 3, 5 Co11sol. L. Et!,. 1 2, Pe11 C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) (repealing Pe11al Code of 1930, whicl1 recognized payme11t of blood n1011ey in certai11 sitt1,1tions a11d thus in1pliedly repeali:1g prese11t St1barticle, wl1icl1 prescribed fee for registration of blood 111oney agreen1e11t i11 homicide cases).] (h) Registratio11 of testa.111e11tar)' cli�positio11s a11d deeds of gift: (i) R.egistratio11 of divorce (to be shared equally by the IJa.rties): (j) Registratio11 of a11 arbitratio11 (to be shared eqttally by both parties): (k) Witness st1n1mons:


An)' writte11 doct1n1e11t tJrovided by a co11rt a11d 11ot specifiecl elsewl1ere:

E$10.00 .E$2.00 E$ l0.00 E$ ½

3. Any i11crease i11 the an1ou11t of tl1e �lai111 e11tails tl1e payrr1ent of i11creased fees accordi11g to the tariff. 4. A cot111terclai111 e11tails the payme11t )f the s,1111e fees as clai111. 5. Claims for a11 i11defi11ite amou11t wi'l p,1y fees ,1s follows: When the claim lodges ir1 the High Court:


Whe11 the clai r11 lodges i11 the Awraja Ghizat Cot1rt and otl1er E$10.00

st1bordi11ate cot1rts to it:

- 107-



6. Application for i11terlocutory orders a11d i11j1111ction vvill also entail tl1e £$10.00 payn1ent of a fee of 7. Tl1e opposition to a j11dgn1et1t re11derecl in defa11It of p leading will only 1? e _ tl1e a1nou11t 111 registered after payn1e11t by defe11da11t of the fees corres1Jo11d111g to issue of the action opposed to pl11s a ·fine of E$10. 8. The costs of an appeal will be half of tl1e fees paid 011 tl1e origi11al fili�� of the actio11. Provided that where the appeal is agai11st i11terloc11tory order or dec1s1011 the fees to be paid will be as follows: When tl1e appeal lodges to the Supreme Im1Jerial Co11rt: When the appeal lodges to tl1e High Co11rt: When the appeal lodges to tl1e Awraja Court or to the co11rt subordinate to it.

E$30.00 E$20.00 E$10.00

9. [Imp!. repd. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co11sol. L. E1l1. I1, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 215, 462-479 (repealing a11d s11perseding present Article wbicl1 dealt with payme11t of fees).] IO. The fact tl1at a defendant n1ay 11ot be able to satisfy a judgn1e11t 0\\1ing to i11solvecny in 110 case e11titles the plaintiff to claim the retl1rn of the fees paid by him. 11. If a claim is withdraw11 before trial, th.e Treasurer of the Mi11istry of Fina11ce on a certificate fro1u the registrar vvill refu11d tl1e fees _paid, retaining for expe11ses tl1e following IJrOJJortions: Where Wh.ere Where Where

the the th e the

fees fees fees fees

were were were were

less than E$30.00, one qttarter fro111 E$30.00 to E$150.00� 011e fiftl1 from E$150.00 to E$600, 011e sixth fron1 E$600 upwards, one tenth.

12. Th.e President of the High Court may with tl1e approval of the Minister of J11stiGe fix the fee to be paid for a11y service rendered by a court which has not been &f)eci..fil..ed in these Rules. 3. 1lla.ese Rules shall come u1to force on the 9th day of De cember, 1953. Legal Notiee No. 34 of 1943 concerning cot1rts fees is hereby repealed.

SCHEDULE (Under Article 2 of these Rules) When tibe amount or vaiue of tbe subject ma.tti er exceeds


0 10 20 3Q 40


but does not exceed




40 SID 0©

Proper Fee


When the amount or value of tl1e subjec� matter exceeds

but does not exceed

Proper Fee

$ 60

$ 70

$ 3.50

0.50 l .00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.©0

70 80 90 100 150

ll(i)8 -

80 90 10© 150 200

4.00 4.50 5.00 7.50 10.0©



When rl1e an1ot1nt or value of the subject matter exceeds

$ 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1.000 1,100 1,200 1.300 , 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1.800 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3 )200 3,300 3.400 3,500 3,600 3,700

SCHEDULE (U11der Article 2 of these Rules) bt1t does not exceecl

Proper Fee

$ 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1,000 1,100 1�200 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200 3,300 3,400 3,500 3,600 3,700 3,800

$ 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35.00 37.50 40.00 42.50 45.00 47.50 50.00 54.00 58.00 62.00 66.00 70.00 74.00 78.00 82.00 86.00 90.00 94.00 98.00 102.00 106.00 110.00 114.00 I I 8.00 122.00 126.00 130.00 134.00 138.00 142.00 146.00 150.00 154.00 158.00 162.00

Wl1en tl1e amount or valt1e of tl1e st1bject 111a1ter but does exceeds not exceed


- l09 -

$ 3,800 3,900 4.000 4,100 4.200 4,300 4,400 4,500 4.600 4,700 4,800 4,900 5,000 5,100 5,200 5,300 5,400 5,500 5,600 5,700 5,800 5,900 6,000 6,100 6,200 6,300 6,400 6,500 6,600 6,700 6,800 6,900 7,000 7,100 7,200 7,300 7,400 7,500 7,600 7,700 7,800 7,900 8,000

$3,900 4,000 4, I 00 4,200 4,300 4,400 4,500 4,600 4,700 4,800 4,900 5,000 5,100 5,200 5,300 5,400 5,500 5,600 5,700 5.800 5,900 6,000 6,100 6,200 6,300 6,400 6,500 6,600 6,700 6,800 6,900 7,000 7,100 7,200 7,300 7.400 7,500 7,600 7,700 7,800 7.900 8,000 8,100

Proper Fee

$ 166.00 170.00 174.00 178.00 182.00 186.00 190.00 194.00 198.00 202.00 206.00 210.00 214.00 218.00 222.00 226.00 230.00 234.00 238.00 242.00 246.00 250.00 254.00 258.00 262.00 266.00 270.00 274.00 278.00 282.00 286.00 290.00 294.00 298.00 302.00 306.00 310.00 314.00 318.00 322.00 326.00 330.00 334.00



SCJ-IEDULE (Under Article 2 of these Rules) When tl1e an1ount or value of the subject n1atter exceeds

$8,100 8.200 8,300 8,400 8.500 . 8,600 8,700 8,800 8,900 9,000 9,100 9,200 9,300 9,400 9,500 9,600 9,700 9,800 9.900 • 10,000 10,250 10,500

I 0,750


I 1,250 I 1,500 11,750 12,000 12,250 12,500 �2,750 13,000 13,250 13,5©0 13,750 14i000 14,250 ]4,500 14,150 15,000 15,250 l 5,5QO 15�750

but does not exceed

$ 8.200

8,300 8,400 8,500 8,600 8,700 8,800 8.900 • 9,000 9,100 9.200 , 9,300 9,400 9,500 9,600 9,700 9,800 9,900 I 0,000 10,250 I 0,500 ]0,750 I I ,000 11,250 11.500 , 11,750 12,000 12,250 12,500 12.,750 13,000 13,250 13,500 13,750 14,000 � 4,250 14,500 �4.750


15,250 15,500 15,750 16 '())00

Proper Fee

When the an1ou11l or value of the but does suhject n1atter not exceed exceeds

$ 338.00

342.00 346.00 350.00 354.00 358.00 362.00 366.00 370.00 374.00 378.00 382.00 386.00 390.00 394.00 398.00 402.00 406.00 410.00 419.00 428.00 437.00 446.00 455.00 464.00 473.00 482.00 491.00 500.00 509.00 518.00 527.00 536.00 545.00 554.00 563.00 572.00 581.00 590.00 599.00 608.00 617.00 626.00 -- 1�0 -

$ 16,000

l 6,250 16.500 , I 6,750 I 7,000 17,250 17,500 17,750 18,000 1. 8,250 I 8,500 l 8,750 19,000 19,250 I 9,500 I 9,750 20.000 . 20,250 20,500 20.750 , 21,000 21,250 21,500 21,750 22,000 22,250 22,500 22,750 23,000 23,250 23,500 23,750 24,000 24,250 24,500 24,750 25,000 25 l250 25,500 25,750

$ 16,250 16,500 16. 750 I. 7,000 17,250 17,500 17,750 18,000 18,250 18.500 18.750 J 9,000 19,250 19,500 19,750 20,000 20,250 20,500 20,750 21,000 21,250 21,500 21,750 22,000 22,250 22,500 22,750 23,000 23,250 .23,500 23,750 24,000 24,250 24,500 24,750 25,000 25,250 25,500 25,750 26,000

Proper Fee

$ 635.00

644.00 653.00 662.00 671.00 680.00 689.00 698.00 707.oO 716.00 725.00 734.00 743.00 752.00 76 I .00 770.00 779.00 788.00 797.00 806.00 815.00 824.00 833.00 842.00 851.00 860.00 869.00 878.00 886.00 896.00 905.00 914.00 923.00 932.00 941.00 950.00 959.00 968.00 977.00 986.00



SCHEDULE (Under Article 2 of these Rt1les) When the an1ot1nt or value of the st1bject matter bt1t does exceecls not exceecl

$26,000 26,250 26,500 26,750 27,000 27,250 27,500 27,750 28,000 ?8 1 ·o - ,_.:, 28,500 28,750 29,000 29,250 29,500 29,750 30,000 30,250 30,500 30,750 31,000 31,250 31.500 3J.750 32,000 32,250 32,500 32,750 33,000 33,250 33,500 33,750 34,000 34,250 34,500 34,750 35,000 35,250 , ,


26,250 26,500 26,750 27,000 27.250 27,500 27,750 28,000 28,250 28,500 28,750 29,000 29,250 29,500 29,750 30,000 30,250 30,500 30,750 31,000 31,250 31,500 31,750 32,000 32,250 32,500 32,750 33,000 33,250 33,500 33,750 34,000 34,250 34,500 34,750 35,000 35,250 35,500 ,

Proper Fee

When the an1oun1 C)r value of the su l)ject 1na tter exceeds


995.00 1,004.00 1,013.00 1,022.00 1,031.00 1,040.00 1,049.00 1,058.00 1,067.00 1,076.00 1,085.00 l,094.00 I, I 03.00 1,112.00 l, 121.00 1,130.00 1,139.00 1,148.00 I,157.00 I, I66.00 l,175.00 1,184.00 1,193.00 1,202.00 1,211.00 1,220.00 1,229.00 1,238.00 1,247.00 1,256.00 J ,265.00 1,274.00 1,283.00 1,292.00 1,301.00 1,310.00 1,319.00 1,328.00 - 111 -


35,500 35,750 36,000 36,250 36,500 36,750 37,000 37,250 37,500 37,750 38,000 38.250 38,500 38,750 39,000 39,250 39,500 39,750 40,000 40,250 40,500 40,750 41,000 41,250 41,500 41,750 42,000 42,250 42,500 42,750 43,000 43,250 43,500 43,750 44,000 44,250 44,500 44,750 ,

!:>ut does .Proper not exceed ·Fee

35,750 36,000 36,250 36,500 36,750 37,000 37.250 37,500 37,750 38.000 38.250 38,500 38,750 39,000 39,250 39,500 39,750 40,000 40,250 40,500 40,750 41,000 41,250 41,500 41,750 42,000 42,250 42,500 42,750 43,000 43,250 43,500 43,750 44,000 44,250 44,500 44,750 45,000

1,337.00 1,346.00 1,355.00 1,364.00 1,373.25 1,382.00 1,391.75 1,400.50 1,409.25 J .418.00 J ,427.71 J ,436.50 1,445.25 l ,454.00 1,463.75 1,472.50 1,481.25 1,490.00 ]�499.75 1,508.50 1,517.25 1,526.00 1,535.75 1,544.50 1,553.25 1,562.00 1,571.75 1,580.50 1,589.25 1,598.00 1,607.75 1,616.50 1,625.25 1,634.00 1,643.75 1,652.50 1,661.25 1,670.00

•· ',...,



\Vhen tl1e an1ount or value of tl1e subject matter but does exceeds not exceed


$ 45,000 45,250 45,500 45,750 46,000 46,250 46,500 46,750 47,000 47,250 47,500 47,750 48,000 48,250 48,500 48,750 49,000 49,250 49,500 49,750 50,000 50,500 51,000 51�500 52,000 52,500 53,000 53�500 54,000 54,500 55,000 55,500 56,000 56,500 51,000

57,:500 58,000 58,500 59,000 59,500 00,000

00,5@.© �i .OID©

proper Fee

$ 45,250 $ 1,679.75

45,500 45,750 46,000 46,250 46,500 46,75(j) 47,�0 47;2'§Q 47,500 47,750 48,000 48,250 48,500 48,750 49,000 49,250 49,500 49,750 50,000 50,500 51,000 51,500 52,000 52,500 53,000 53,500 54,000 54,500 55,000 55,500 56,000 56,500 57,000 57,500 58,000 58,500 59,000 59,500 60,000 60.500 61,000 61.500

1,688.50 1,697,25 1,706.00 1,715.75 1,724.50 1,733.25 1,742.00. 1,751.75 _ 1,760.50 1,769.25 I,778.00 1,787.75 I,796.50 1,805.25 1,814.00 1,823.75 1,832.50 1,841.25 1,850.00 1,865.00 1,880.00 1,895.00 1,910.00 1,925.00 1,940.00 1,955.00 1,970.00 1,985.00 2,000.00 2,015.00 2,030.00 2,045.00 2.060.00 2,075.00 2,090.00 2,105.00 2,120,00 2,135.00 2,150.00 2,166.00 2,180.00 2,195.00

Wl1en tl1e an1ount or value of tl1e subje:::t n1atter exceeds

$ 61,500

- 112 -

62,000 62,500 63,000 63,500 64-.000 64,500 65,000 65,500 66,000 66,500 67,000 67,500 68,000 68,500 69,000 69,500 70,000 70,500 71,000 71,500 72,000 72,500 73,000 73,500 74,000 74,500 75,000 75,500 76,000 76,500 77,000 77,500 78,000 78,500 79,000 79,500 80,000 80,500 81,000 81,500 82,000 82,500

but does not exceed

Proper Fee

$ 62,000 $ 2,210.00

62,500 63,000 63,500 64,000 64.500 , 65,000 65,500 66,000 66,500 67,000 67,500 68,000 68,500 69,000 69,500 70,000 70,500 7 J ,000 71,500 72,000 72,500 73,000 73,500 74,000 74,500 75,000 75,500 76,000 76,500 77,000 77,500 78,000 78,500 79,000 79,500 80,000 80,500 81,000 81,500 82,000 82,500 83,000

2,225.00 2,240.00 2,255.00 2,270.00 2,285.00 2,300.00 2,315.00 2,330.00 2,345.00 2,360.00 2,375.00 2,390.00 2,405.00 2,420.00 2,435.00 2,450.00 2,465.00 2,480.00 2,495.00 2,510.00 2,525.00 2,540.00 2,555.00 2,570.00 2,585.00 2,600.00 2,615.00 2,630.00 2,645.00 2,660.00 2.675.00 2,690.00 2,705.00 2,720.00 2,735.00 2,750.00 2,765.00 2,780.00 2,795.00 2,810.00 2,825.00 2,840.©0



SCHEDULE (Under Article 2 of these Rules) \Vl1en the an1ol1nt or value of the subject matter bt1t does exceeds not exceed

$ 83,000

83.500 84,000 84,500 85,000 85,500 86,000 86,500 87,000 87,500 88,000 88,500 89,000 89,500 90,000 90,500 91,000

proper Fee

$ 83,500 $ 2,855.00

84,000 84,500 85,000 85,500 86,000 86,500 87,000 87,500 88,000 88,500 89,000 89,500 90,000 90,500 9 1,000 91,500

2,870.00 2,885.00 2,900.00 2,915.00 2,930.00 2,945.00 2,960.00 2,975.00 2,990.00 3,005.00 3,020.00 3,035.00 3,050.00 3,065.00 3,080.00 3,095.00

Whe11 the a111ount or value of the subject 111a tter but cloes exceeds not exceed

$ 91,500

92,000 92,500 93,000 93,500 94,000 94,500 95,000 95,500 96,000 96,500 97,000 97,500 98,000 98,500 99,000 99,500

proper Fee

$ 92,000 $ 3,110.00 92,500 3,125.00 93,000 3,140.00 93,500 3,155.00 94,000 3,170.00 94,500 3,185.00 95,000 3,200.00 95,500 3,215.00 96,000 3,230.00 96,500 3,245.00 3,260.00 . 97,000 . . 97,500 3,275.00 98,000 3,290.00 98,500 3,305.00 99,000 3,320.00 99,500 3,335.00 100,000 3,350.00


WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: l . This Proclamatio11 may be cited as the Pt1blic Prosect1tors Proclamation, 1942. 2. A Public Prosect1tor is a11 advocate for the prosect1tion of cases before the col1rts and his dt1ty is to prosect1te the cases which affect public security in general. 3. Upo11 recommendation of Ot1r Minister of JL1stice We shall appoi11t, fron1 time to time, an Advocate-Ge11eral, a Dept1ty Advocate-Ge11eral, a11d all other Pt1blic .Prosecutors i11 Ot1r Empire.•


*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A111d. 10/11 (1951) P. 118, 11/11 (1952) P. 123; i1r1pl. a,nd. 8/4 (1948) P. 102, Crim. Pro. C. 21/ Ex. 1 (1961): 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965).

- 113 ,·



CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 10/11 (1951) P. 118, 11/11 (1952) P. 123.

· l al ve sh or ha w la of ge led now k d n sol1 a sess 4. A Public Prosecutor shall pos · · · · · ted 'a Pt1 bl1c Prosecutor other bad JUd1c1al experience. No person sha.II b e appo111 than: (a) advocates, •

(b) officials in the Government service, (c) police officers of or a.bove the rank of Assistant Inspector of Poljce.


5. Public Prosecutors shall be st1bject to the general directions of Our Minister of Ju.stice. 6. In the High Court all prosecutions, other than private prosecutions, shall be conducted by a Pt1blic Prosecutor. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Imp/. amd. 8/4 (1948) P. 102 (cl1anging Provincial Courts, formerly referred to herein, to Teklay Gbiza:t Courts), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 4, 7, 182, Sched. 1, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D, 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18, 321 (prescribing jurisdiction of courts without giving any jurisdiction to Teklay Ghizat Courts).

7. A Public Prosecutor may appear and plead without authority before any oot1rt i11 which any criminal case of wl1ich he has charge is under enquiry, trial or appeal, and if any person instructs an advocate to prosecute in any s11ch case the Public Prosecutor n1ay conduct the prosecutio11 and the advocate so instructed sha.11 act under his directions. 8-11. [lmpl. re11d. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 44 (1), 122 (st1perseding the present Articles, which provided for private prosecutions and for withdrawal of charges on certain conditions). Articles 8, I 0, 11 were previously amended by 10/11 (1951) P. I 18.] 12. A Registe:r of Public Prosecutors shall be kept by th.e AdvoGate General and a certified true c. opy of all entries th.erein shall be sent to the Minister of Justice.

A:md. 10/12 (1951) P. 118.


!Done at Aclciis Ababa this 31st day of October, 1942. - 114 -




6/10 (194�) P. 90* A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR TI-IE ESTABLISHMENT OF LOCAL JUDGES CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAI-1 HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMFEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We 11ave co1 1siderecl tl1:1t tl1e nt1111ber of Cot1rts established by Ot1r Adn1i11istration of Jt1stice Proclan1atio1 1 of 1942 bet\:vee1 1 wide areas in Our Empire have 1 1ot met tl1e diffict1lties of Ot1r people ca11sed by the delay j 1 1 the settli11g of tl1eir dispt1tes; and WHEREAS, i 11 Article 23 of t11e said Proclan1atio 11 jt is providecl tl1at cases of small significa 1 1ce ca11 be settled accordi11g to tl1e tr,1ditio11ally recog11ized Ethiopia 1 1 La \V or by the con1proniise of the Partie;; WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: I. Tl1js Proclamation 111ay be cited as tl1e ''Establisl1ment of Local J11dges Proclan1atio 11, 1947' '. 2. There shall be establisl1ed i11 each locality 0 1 1e local jt1dge. 3. A local j11dge shall, as far as possible, settle all cases, by the compro.mises of the parties, within the limits of his j11ri3dictio11; that is to say, within the lin1its of the place under his j1 1 risdictio 11 a11d: (a) i 1 1 civil cases the st1bject matter of wmch does not exceed 25 dollars; (b) in crimi1 1al cl1arges entr11sted to bis jurisdictio11 by the crimi11al pro­ cedure code, provided that where a compromise is impossible the judge can n1ake a decisio11 in accordance witl1 the Crimi11al Procedure Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln1pl. a111d. Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 223-224 (superseding present Article's definition of material jurisdiction of local judge i11 crin1inal n1atters), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co11sol. L. Et/1. II, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18 (establishing trial jurisdiction of courts in all civil cases without giving any jurisdiction to local judges, and thus impliedly repealing tl1e present Article's previous authorization to local judges to decisions in certain civil cases). The AmJ1aric version of Subarticle (a) reads "26 dollars''.

4-5. [ln1pl. repel. Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 1 82, 223, 224 (sl1 persedi1 1g the present Articles' previot1s provisio11s for proced11re of local jt1dges in crimi11al matters a 11d for appeals therefrom), 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Co,1.'}0/. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (I965) Arts. 12-18 (prescribi11g trial j11risdictio11 of co11rts in all civil cases witl1011 t giving any jurisdiction to local jt1dges, a1 1d th11s in1pliedly repealing the prese11t Articles' provisio11s ¼itl1 respect to procedure for and appeals from clecisions of local judges ir1 civil cases).] *INTllODUCTORY FOOTNOTE l1111JI. a,r,cl. Crim. J>ro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961), 25/Ex. 3 (1965 D. 52, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). See also 22/7 (1962) P. 195 Art. 23, 5 Co11sol. L. E"z. 10. Tl1e names of courts referred to in tJ1e present Proclan1ation J1ave been changed in tl1e English version hereof to conform to current 11sage as s110\m by 8/4 (1948) P. 102 and Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965). Tl1ese changes have not been noted indivic'ually.

- 115 -



6. A list deterniining the area for a locality and tl1e judges to be appointed for the same shall be prepared by the Preside11ts and s11b-Presidents of the appropriate Woreda Gl1izat Courts with elders of the area and st1bn1itted to the Preside11t of th.e appropriate Awraja Ghizat Court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE amd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 4, 7, 182, 223, Sched. 1, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12-18, 321 (prescribing jurisdiction of courts in all cases without giving any jurisdiction to Mektl Woreda Courts, which y,,ere formerly nan1ed in the present Article). l111p/.

7. ln places used to be administered by Chika Shum wl1ere there are 110 Melkegna estates the local judges to be appointed shall be: (a) owner of rist-gult land; (b) owner of ga bar land; (c) owner of ballabat land. Io every locality where there is no Melkegoa right the judge to be appointed shaJI be determi11ed in the ma1111er prescribed in Article 6 herein before. 8. The president and the sub-presid.ent of the appropriate Awraja Ghizat Court after exan1ining the list prepared in accordance with Article 6 thereof shall trans,fer such list to the Ministry of Justice through the appropriate High Court. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Imp/. amd. Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex. 1 (1961) Arts. 4, 7, 182, Sched. I, 25/Ex. 3 (1965) D. 52 Art. 3, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 11, Civ. Bro. C. 25/Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 12..18, 321 (prescribing jurisdiction of courts in all cases without giving any jurisdiction to Teklay Ghi1·at Court and tl1us impliedly substituting High Court for previo·usly nan1ed Teklay Ghizat Court as agent to tra.nsn1it list to Ministry of Ju , stice).

9. 'Jibe Minister o:f Justice shall put such recommendations into effect. 1©. The M1rnister @f Justice shall submit to and get deeisio1Jcs from th.e Council 0f Ministers with. regard to the remuneration of the local jt1dges. !li. Net.rung in this Pr0c1 :amation shall be deemed to affect the tradition of the e0l!lntry in settim,g disputes by compromise. .J1Done at Aacl1is Ababa th1is 28·th day oI June, 1947. - [[6 -



21/Ex. 1 (1961)* THE CRIMINi.\L PROCEDURE CODE PROCLAMATION, 1961 CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROROF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, a_ Crimi11al Proced11re Code l1as bee11 prepared 11nder 011r super­ .. and has received the approval of 0.1r Se11ate a11d Cha111ber of Deputies; v1s1on NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance Vi1itl1 Articles 34 a11d 88 of 011 r Revjsed Co11stitution We approve tl1e resol11tions ::>f Ot1r Senate a11cl Cl1an1ber of Dep11ties and We accordi11gly proclaim as follows: 1. This Proclamation may be cited as ''Tl1e Crin1i11al Procecl11re Code Procla­ mation, 1961''. 2. The Crinli11al Proced11re Code 1961, as published in a separate volt1n1e appearing as Extraordinary Iss11e No. 1 cf 1961 of the Negarit Gazeta shall come i11to force three months from tl1e date of its publicatio11 in the Negarit Gazeta. Given at Addis Ababa tl1is 2nd day of November: 1961. 22/7 (1962) P. 195** (THIS PROCLAMATION IS NOT PRESENTLY IN EFFECT) THE COURTS PROCLAMATION OF 1962 CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMFEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, i1 is necessa.ry that Courts in the Empire sho11ld be reorga11ized and their jurisdiction varied; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance witl1 Articles 34 a11d 88 of Our Revised Constitution, We approve the resol11tions of Our Se11ate and Chamber of Dep11ties, and We hereby proclaim as follows: 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Courts Proc]amatio11, 1962'' and shall come into force on s11ch day as sl1all be fixed by order p11blished in the Negarit Gazeta. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 22/16 (1963) P. 203. As of September 10, 1969, no order fixing the effective date of the present Proclamation had appeared in the Nega,it Gazeta.

2. Interpretation In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise req11ires, the following expressions shall have the following meaning: ·----------

*INTRODUCTOF..Y FOOTNOTE This Proclamation was never published in a 1egular issue of tl1e Negarit Gazeta, a.nd it never received a Proclamation nun1ber. Although one printing of its Englisl1 version indicates it is P. 185, it does not bear this number in tl1e Amharic versio.n, and anotl1er Proclamation bears tl1e P. 185 in both languages. * *INTRODUCTOR.Y FOOTNOTE An1d. 22/16 (1963) P. 203.

- 117 -



' Court'' sl1all n1ean a Cot1rt established by law; ··Judge'' sl1all n1ean a jt1dge dt1ly api:oi11ted by Us accordit1g to the law a11cl and s11all i11clude a11 acti11g judge; ''Law'' shall include proclamatio11s, decrees, orders �L11d ar1y subsidiary legisla­ tion made theret1nder; ''Yc11ng person'' shall 1nea11 a person betwee11 the ages of nine and fiftee11. 3. Establishment of Courts

(1) There are hereby establisl1ed tl1e followi11g Co11rts: (a) (b) (c) (d)

the the the the

Woreda Court; A\vraja Co11rt; Hjgh Court; Supren1e In1perial Court.


(2) Tl1ese cot1rts sl1all exercise crirni11al and civil jurisdictio11 as l1ereit1after provid.ed: (a) the Woreda Court shall exercise jt1risdiction within the local limits of the Woreda Ghizat; (b) the Awraja Court shall exercise jurisdiction within the local limits of the Awraja Glli2at; (c) the High Co11rt a11d the Supreme Imperial Co11rt sl1all exercise jurisdiction t llfot1ghot1t Ethiopia. Tl1e High Co11rt shall sit ·per­ ma.ne11tly in each Teklay Ohizat in accordance with this Proclan1a­ tio11. 4. Constitution of Courts

(1) Wh.en sitti11g i11 first insta.nce and on appeal: (a) the Woreda Court shall be fully constitt1ted by any on.e of the j11dges theFeof; (b) tihe Awraja Oourt sh.all be fully constjtuted by any one of the jlil.clges thelleof; (c) the Awraja Court when si�ti11g on appeal shall be fully constituted by any tb'.llee j110:ges thereJf;

(cl) every divisi0El of th � Hig11 Cou.rt and the Supreme Imperial Court saall be ft1I1Jy constituted by not less th.a.n three jt1dges thereof.

(2) Whe1tever We it nece-ssary, We may appoint from time 0 tiime �er-sons as additio1:aI judges _ of the Higa Court Suplieme ifmperi _ail 00ni:t £mr the tt1a� of ?air1!1cul1 ar cases 0r for a specifiee period ©F w�iJle holdt1Rg a,ny speo1fie?, office . Such additio11al jtidges shall be . . _ aJilfO.I!Iltecl _ OR the C@1il011\1nons la11<i down 1n the law relating ito the appoint­ menit of Jlllcl-ges. - [18-



5. Divisions of Court Any co11rt n1ay sit in s11ch n111nber of divisio11s as may be necessary for the proper dispatch of its b11si11ess.

6. Jurisdiction of Courts in criminal cases Whe11 sitti11g for the trial of crimi11al cases, courts shall have jurisdiction i11 accordance with the provisio11s of Articles 4-7 of tl1e Code of Cri1ninal Proced11re. 7. Jurisdiction of courts in civil cases (1) Subject to the provisio11s of Subarticle (3) of this Article the Woreda Co11rt shall have j11risdiction to try all cases of movables where the amount involved does nut exceed E. $500.00, a11d all cases of immovables where the amo1111t involved does not exceed E.$1,000.00. (2) St1bject to tl1e provisions of S11barticle (3) of tl1is Article tl1e Awraja Court shall have jurisdictio11 to try all cases not relating to in1movable property where the amount i11volved does not exceed E$5000.00 and all cases relating to immovable property where the amount involved does not exceed E$10,000.00. (3)

(i) The High Co11rt shall have jurisdictio11 to try all cases not relati11g to immovable property where the amount involved exceeds E$ 5,000.00 and any case relating to immovable property where tl1e amo11nt involved exceeds E$10,000.00. (ii) It shall have jurisdictio11 to try cases relati11g to: (a) the forn1ation, organization and dissol11tion of b11siness or­ ganizations established in accordance with the Commercial Code of 1960 11egotiable instrume11ts, bankruptcy, insurance and maritime law where the subject matter of the case is not susceptible of bei11g expressed in money: Provided that where the subject matter of the case is susceptible of being expressed in money, such case shall be tried by the court having jurisdiction with regard to the amount involved; (b) trade marks, pate11ts and copyright; (c) nationality. (iii) It shall decide on applicatio11s for the enforcement of foreign jt1dgments.

8. Appeals An a·ppeal shall lie fron1 the decision of: (a) a Woreda Court to the Awraja Court in whose area of jurisdiction such Woreda Court lies;

- 119 -



(b) an Awraja Cot1rt to the High Cotirt; (c) the Higl1 Cot1rt .to the St11)reme ln1perial Cot1rt. 9. 1-Iis Imperial Majesty's Chilot (I) Nothing in Article 8 shall prevent a 11 appellant wl10 has ex�austed l�s rights of appeal u11der said Article 8 from ap1)lyi 11g to His Imperial Majesty's Chilot for a review of the case. (2) The applicatio 11 to His Imperial Majesty's Chilot shall be accon1pa 1 1ied b·y: (a) a copy of the judgme11t or jt1dgme11ts witl1 wl1ich tl1e applica11t is dissatisfied; a 11d (b) a reasoned memorandt1111 setti11g fortl1 clearly and concisely tl1e

reasons on which the applicaJ1t bases his reqt1est for a review.

10. Military Courts Nothi11.g i 11 this Proclamation shall affect the provisions o.f special laws regard­ ing the establishment, jt1risdiction a11cl procedt1re of n1ilitary co11rts. 11. Place of sittings (I) T\he Woreda Court shall only sit i11 the prescribed place. (2) Tl1e Awraja Court n1ay sit in a 11y place within the area of its jurisdiction. (3) The High Court shall sit in Addis Ababa and in the Teklay Ghizats and in st1ch other places in Ethiopia as the proper dispatch of high c@t1rt bt1sin.ess requires. (4) The Supreme Imperial Cot1rt shall sit in Addis Ababa and in sucl1 other places as the Minister s.halJ consider desirable. 12. Court Yacations (1) 17her:e shailil be two court vacations in each yea.r: (a) the long. vaca1ii@11 from the 15th Hamle to tl1e end of Pagume; (b) the Easter vacation from Maundy Thursday until Low Sunday. (2) fill!J.Jfing �acauron- s the court shall sit for the transaction of civil busi11ess of an urgent, nature only. Criminal cases s.hall be dealt with as ust1al. (3) The conrts shall not sit on Sund,ays or Pulblic Holidays. ]3. Causing distu11bances in court hly pe1rs0n 1Wh0 oa:ases a d1istl!lfbance while hlle court is sitting may ee sum­ ma� f)Nnishe<ll witrhi 1 a ful'e n0t e�ceed1ilm rg ten dollars (JR$ I 0) 0r imprisonment not 1 g �buee f1lays an� may he Femoved fr0m nhe court if tifue c0u1rt so orders. - [49a -




14. Cases to be heard in open court (1) All cases both civil and crjn1i11al sl1all be l1eard i11 ope11 cot1rt. (2) The cot1rt shall sit i11 can1era wl1 ere: (a) it is 11ecessary for the pt1blic safety; (b) a secret process or a secret cloct11nent 111igl1t be djsc]osed to the pt1blic; (c) the cot1rt is of the opinio11 tl1at wit11esses are hj11dered in or pre­ vented from giving eviclence by tl1e prese11ce of the })Ubljc; (d) i n a11y proceecli11gs for a11 offe11ce against morality or decency, evidence is give11 by· yot1ng perso11s; (e) yot1ng persons are cl1arged with a cri1ni11al offence. 15. Decisions binding on subordinate courts

All decisions on matters of law give11 by SL1perior cot1rts shall be binding on all subordinate co11rts. 16. Withdrawal of judges (I) No judge shall sit i11 ,L11y case wl1 ere; (a) he is related to 011e ot� the parties by co11sa11gui11ity or by affi.11ity as laid down in Articles 551-553 Civil Code or where one of the parties is his wife, divorced wife or fia11cee or is a person for whom be acted as t11tor, legal represe11tative or advocate; or (b) he has previously acted in some capacity in con11ection with tl1e case or the s11bject 1natter of tl1e dispt1te, or (c) he is related to the advocate of one of the parties; or (d) he has a case with 011e of the parties. • (2) The jt1dge co11cer11ed sh::111 witl1draw as soo11 as he is aware that he shot1ld 11ot sit and shall be replaced by an other jt1dge. 17. Application for removal of judge (I) Where a party to a case is of the opinion that a judge should not sit for one of tl1e reaso11s set ot1t i11 Article 16 hereof he shall sub.n1it a written application to tl1e co11rt asl<ing that the jt1dge shall not sit. (2) The app]ication shall set ot1t cle,1rly the reasons for such ap1)lication. (3) Tl1e a_pplicatio11 shall be made ·before the trial ope11s or at the n1oment that tl1e party becomes aware of the reason for making st1ch an application. - 119b -



18. Where judge sitting alone (1)

(2) (3) (4)

tio e th ica g pl i11 ap er id 11 11s co ter af all sl1 e he 1 1 alo g tin Where the judge is sit r l1e o ot isi a11 to div 11 io 11 cis de r fo er att 111 e tl1 fer re all sh either withdraw or all er sh he ref 11 tl1e io vis di r l1e ot 110 is e er th e er 1 1 t. W ttr e of th same Co d m ar he fro e ar tl1e als pe ap 1 icl wh in t 11r co e tl1 to r ion r tte cis fo de ma decisions of his court. Wh.ere the judge is sitti11g with 011e or n1 ore j11dges 11� sh�II witl1dr�w and the remaining judge or judges sl1all J1 ear the appl1cat1011 and give a decision. Any decisio11 give11 1111der this Article sl1all be final and tl1ere shall be no appeal. A judge sl1 all comply forthwitl1 with a11y decisio11 give11 1111.der tbis Art1c�. . 1 e.

19. Costs of application The costs of any applicatio11 1111der Article 17 l1ereof shall form part of the costs in the case. Where the application is dismissed the costs shall be bor11e by tl1e applicai11t whatever the result of the case. 20. Fine where application without good cause Where a party m.akes an application uncier Article 17 hereof witl1out goo_d cau�e the coutt in addition to dismissing the applicatio11 may impose a ·fine on the ap-plicanit 11ot exceeding fifty dollars ($50). 21. Restmctions on appeal No appeal shall lie, until final judgment, from an order i11 a civil case: (a) graating or refusing an adjournment; or (b) all1 owing the opening of a file in forma pauperis. 22. T,11ansitory provision Case p,emcl,�ng O,Jl the c0ming1 into force of this Proclamation s.ha . ll be conti111ted arncler thls P1io0Iamation. 23. .t\tbia DagJiias Atbjas Dag,ui1ais shall have jurisdiction in civil cases in accordance with Pro­ clam.atian Ne. 9© 0f 1947. ,¼i>F,>eaiJis £ro:m a decision of an atbia dagnia shall lie to · �.e W0necla C0Mt. 24. Rep:eals

�ele-s l t0 18 (inclusive) of the A<dministraition of J1!lstice Proclamation No. 2 of 194!2 mne ie11e8� riepeatecl. meae ait "dls Ahwha thls 3lst day of December, 1962. - ltr9c -




CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, E!vIPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, it is des.irable tl1at ft1rther a11d better 1)rov.isio11s be macte regard­ ing the adn1i11istratio11 of jt1stice i11 civil n1atters: NOW, THEREFORE, in accorcla11ce witl1 Article 92 of 011r Revised Con­ stit11tion and on the advice of 011r Cot111cil of Mi11isters We herby decree as follows: 1. This D ecree n1ay be cited


�'The Civil Proced11re Code :Decree, 1965''.

2. The Civil Proced11re Code of 1965 shall be p11blisl1ed i11 a separate voll1me appearing as Extraordinary Iss11e No. 3 of 1965 of tl1e Negarit Gc1zeta. 3. All r11lcs, wl1ether \Vritte11 or c11sto1nar)1, previously in force concerning matters provided for u1 the Civil Proced11re Code of 1965 shall be replaced by this Code and are hereby repealed. Done at Addis Ababa� this 8th day of October, 1965.

B. Certain Code Legislation 16/11 (1957) P. 158** THE PENAL CODE PROCLAMATION, 1957 CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the progress achieved by Ethiopia req11ires the replacement of the Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia, of 1930; NOW THEREFORE, i11 accordance witl1 Article 34 and 88 of Our Co11stitu­ tion, We ;pprove the resol11tions of 011r Parlian1ent and We accordi11gly proclain1 as follows: I. This Procla1natio11 may be cited as ·'Tl1e Penal Code Proclan1atio11, of 1957''. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE . . The Civil Procedure Code itself, 25/Ex. 3 (1965), is not printed in the Co,1s0/idated La•vs. **INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE The Penal Code itself, 16/Ex. 1 (1957), is not printed in the Co,1s0/idated Laws.

- 119d -

5-12, 13,14




2. The Penal Code of 1957 as published in a separa te volu1ne app earin g a.s Ext raord.inary Issue No. 1 of 1957 of tl1e Negaric Gaze ta, sl1all come i11to force 011 the 5th day of May, 1958. 3. The Penal Code of 1930 and all Proclamations an1encling the san1e, shall be repealed as from the 5th of May, 1958, e xcept to tel1 extent as otl1er\vise p rovided 9 in the aforesaid Penal Code of 1957. Give11 at Addis Ababa this 23rd day of Jt1ly, 1957. 17/4 (1957) C. 38

PENAL CODE CORRIGENDUM Jn Negarit Gazeta No. I of tbe ltth yea.r Ga.zette extraordi11 ary, 23rd July �957, in tlhe Penal Code Proclamation (Amharic text only): (a) page 326, in Art. 772, for '·is pl111ishable tinder Art. 271 '' read: ''is punishable t1t1der .\rt. 77 1''. (b) page 331, in Art. 783, for ''is punisl1able u11der Art. 786'' Fead ''is punis.hable Art. 781''. 21st October, 1950 Minister of Justice

20/15 (1961) D. 45

THE PENAL CODE !PENALTIES) 'DECREE Q01�QUERINO Li£0N OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAI!LE SELLAS'8IE I HUCT OP GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WH.GR,EAS, it is aeee-ssary pro\i-sio11 be made for t1he in1position of flogging as a p11nish1meat in , respeet of certain offe·nces which re] :ate to the disturba.nce of poblie 0;pinion; N(�W :, T-$IRR�PORE, .in aoo0Fdi-ance wi, t:h Ariticte 92 of Our Revised CoE1sti'fl!l­ nie�, ana en Eke a:l!ivice: 0i Our Council )1 f Ministers, We heteby decree as fol1lows: I . 'ffi'il:ns ilslecFee m'a;.y be Gitecd as tlht ''Penal C0d.e QPena1ties� IDecnee, 1�6,1''. - 119e -



2. (a) Where a11y IJerso11 is convicted by the High Cot1rt of an offe11ce under Articles 256, 445,451, 474� 479, 480 or 481 of tl1e Pe11al Code committed after t]1e con1ing into force of tl1is Decree, tl1e High Col1rt may in Sll b­ stitt1tio11 for tl1e pe11alt:ies provicle i11 saicl Articles se11tence tl1e co11victed perso11 to a floggi11g 11ot exceedi11g tl1irty strokes. (b) S11ch floggings sl1all be carried ot1t i11 accorda11ce \:vitl1 tl1e provisio11s of Article 120 A of tl1e Pe11al Cocle. 3. Tl1is Decree shall co1ne i11to force 011 the date of its pL1blication i11 the Negarit G,izeta. Do11e at Addis Ababa tl1is 28tl1 day of Ju11e, 1961. 19/8 (1960) P. 165*


HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, it is essential to the orderly development of the legal syste111 of Ot1r Empire that a codified civil ]a\V be enacted; and WHEREAS, a C.ivil Code has bee11 prepared 11ncler Ot1r supervision a11d has received the approval of Ot1r Senate a11d Chamber of Deputies; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accorda11ce with Articles 34 a11d 88 of Ot1r Revised Constitt1tion, We approve the resolt1tions of Ot1r Se11ate and Chamber of Deptiues and We l1ereby proclaim as follo\VS: I. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Civil Code Proclan1ation, 1960''. 2. The Civil Code of 1960, as pt1b]ished i11 a separate volume appearing as Extraordinary Issue No. 2 of 1960 of the Negarit Gazeta, shall con1e into force 011 the 11th day of September, 1960. Done at Addis Ababa this 5th clay of May, 1960. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Tl1e Civil Code itself, 19/Ex. 2 (1960), is not printed in the Co11solic/ated La•vs.

- 119f -


Section 6


CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Pursuant to Article Eleven of tL1e Constitutio11, We l1ave approved a11d gra11ted the attached Admi1ristrative Regulatio11s. We have comn1a11ded Our Minister of Interior to execute a11d adn1inister these Regt1lations. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Constitution referred to here is the Constitution of 1931. Tl1is Constitution was repealed and replaced by tl1e Revised Co11stitutio11 of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P.149. The Article of the Revised Constitution parallel to tl1e cited Article of the 1931 Constitution is Article 27. •

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE 1-1,nd. 5/10 (1946) D. 6, 6/5 (1947) D. 7; i111pl. amcl. 2/5 (1943) 0. 1, 2/7 (1943) P. 35 13/3

(1953) 0. 11 13/10 (1953) G. 172, Consol. L. A.A. Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex.1 (1961), Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex.3 (1965). See also 4/7 (1945) P.74, 7 Corisol..L. Et/1,. 1.

Th.1rougl1out this Decree the followi11g terms l1ave been amended by 5/10 (1946) D. 6: "Province" and ''Awraja" to ''Teklay Ghizat", "Woreda" to "Awraja Ghizat" and "M, islenie" district to "Woreda Ghizat". These cl1ai1ges are 11ot individually noted. The word "mislenie" was used in tl1is Jaw as o.riginaly promulgated to refer to the gov­ ernor of a n1islenie district. Since tl1e nan1e of tl1e district was cl1anged to "woreda ghizat" as noted above, Vhe title of the official 11as been changed in tl1e Corisolidated Laws to "gevernor of a wo.reaa gl1izat." Furthermore, to avoid ambiguity, tl1e term "governor," was originally used to refer to tl1e go·vernor of what is now an a\vraja ghizat, has been altered to reaa "governor oi an awraja ghizat." Where tb.e word "governors" now appears witl1out quali·tiieation, it refers to all governors, of both categories, unless th.e context otherwise reqUllies. The title 0£ the Mrioiste1· of interior, whioh originally appeared generally tluoughout tl1i s Decliee as "Mi1nister of tlhe !nterioT", was in1pl'iedly amended to read Mjnister of Interior by 2/5 (1943) 0. 1 Arts, 22, 3J-36, as am,d., 3 Consol. L. Eth.. 1-15, 26. 1:be Charter of the City of Ad.dis Ab.aha, 13/10 (1954) G. 172 Art. 60, Consol. L. A.A. pro:wdes that its provisions with respect to Addis Ababa in �be event of conflict be� tween its pi:ovisions and the pFovisions of _the present Decree; l1?w �ver, except as noted at Parts 71-73 hereof, no cha.nge-s have made 1n the present text to indicate any conflict which may e-xist between the two laws. 'ifl1e p11ovisi0os of rhe pliesent Decree will be affected by tl1e Local Self-Administration QrdeJi , 25/9B (196,6i) 0. 43, 7 Consol. Laivs of Euh. 3, establishing a systeru of local seLf administration at it!he awi:aja level legally effective as amended, 8 Jul� 1968. Because of th.e delay 1.n efi £ectweo.ess of that Onder, and beeal!lse the Iielation of its pr,ovislons t0 these of this Decnee is 11,ot yet elear;, 110 Glaange has fueen niade ii.n the text of the pnese11t Decree.

- [20 -


------- ----------------· 6-1


Article One Go,,ernor General Part I. The En1peror will appoi11t 011 tl1e recon1111e11dation of tl1e Ministry of I11terior, one Gover11or-Ge11eral respo11sible for tl1e admi11istratio11 of eacl1 Tek]ay Ghizat. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Aml1aric versio11 of tl1is part does not refer to the Ministry of Interior recommend­ ing the persons to be appoi11tecl gover11ors-genera].

Part 2. The Governor-Ge11eral is tl1e Gover11 1ne11t representative for tl1e Teklay Ghizat to which he is appoin ..ed. Gover11ors sl1all exercise ge11eral s11pervision over all officials appointed in tl1eir Teklay Ghizat by the Mi11istry of Interior and other Ministries. B11t tl1ey are responsible to the Ministers of Fina11ce, Justice, Agrict1ltt1re and other Ministers according to the nature of the bt1si11ess. On 111atters directly affecting a particular Minister, governors shall con1m11nicate derectly witl1 tl1at Minister. On matters of direct concern to a particular Mi11ister b11t also aftecti11g general administrative policy tl1ey will cons11lt with the Minister of Interior. They will pass copies of all corresponde11ce with other Mi11isters to the Minister of l11terior. Part 3. Governor-Generals shall reside i11 tl1e appoi11ted capital of tbe Teklay Gl1izat.

Part 4. The Governor General is empowered to give orders in accordance with the regulations issued to him by the Ministry of Interior, to the Director, Governors and town officials a11d to give orders in accorda11ce with reg11lations issued by other -Ministries, to their departmental offici,11s appointed in J1is Teklay Ghizat. Part 5. Tl1c Governor-General sl1all transact all the public bt1siness of his Teklay Ghizat throttgh the intermediary of the Director, of the Head of the Pri11cipal Secre­ tariat and of the Gover,nors. - 121 -



P�rt 6. The Governor-Ge11eral shall be resronsible for tl1e st1pervisio11 of the due pay­ ment into the Government Trea(3ttrv• of all taxes a1.1d dt1es legally fixed by the Imperial Government. As it is forbidde11 :o collect taxes a11cl d11es 11ot legally fixed by the Governn1ent all such offe11ders, officials and Gover11me11t employees sl1all be prosec11ted before the Crimi11al Cou·ts. P�rt 7.

In accorda11ce with the new administrative regt1lations, Governor-Generals,

Directors, Governors} Judges, Soldiers, ?olice Officers a11d the Police and all other Government employees are paid monthly salaries accordi11g to the rates fixed by the Imperial Government. They are forbidden to receive any n1oney from the people other than what has been fixed for then by the Government. Part 8. The Governor-General shall exercise all necessary care in accordance witl1 the regulations for the proper a11d peaceful protection of the people in his Teklay Ghi!Zat. He sha]l transmit to the Ministr) of Interior a. 1no1Jtbly report on the condi­ tion of t1 h.e people and the country. 111 urgent cases he shall communicate telegra­ phically or by other mea11s as \\1ould speedily deljver 11is 1uessage. Part 9. By virnu€ of the fact that he is the Gover11ment representative in the Teklay to which he is a;ppoimted, Ghizat supervisor the G,?Jvernor-General is the supreme : . , no n1ake the Gove.r111nent employees u11d�r hin1 and the officials sent by the variol1s MiinListliies fiu]ifll rhe regulations and in5tructions defining their mutual relations which have been jssued to then1 by their respective Ministries. The Governor-General, tfne Direet.0r, 1jhe Prjn_oifall Secretary and Governors of Awraja G·hizats shall consuJt t@,get!herr reswectiog inclividlUlals whether n:1.tives of the Teklay Ghizat or others found. in the Telday Gh�zat, to be appointed in charge of administrative or otl1er posts aa<i having made their selecti0n inform tlle Ministry concerned. They sh.all conti tltle t© mfl0n:n tae Mio1istry co.acerned of the names, services, stand.ard of knowledge ancl capabiifiti.ies of iradividuals designated for a post. Pait 10. ::Fh.e GoVeii n©r-Genei:al can give clecisio,ns based on the regulatio11s on any cliffeFences hetw,een Go·:vernment emp.loyees u11der him and arising out of their ©,ffieial d\N1fiies. S1fi@l!ll10 the ma. titer be @f a na·ture 011tsi<:le tb.e regulations, h e is re­ 'll'M� t0 e@ns11l,!t ltvhe C0mmissi0n r,eferJeli to �1Fl Part 12 0r the Mimis1lry 0:f In,tecio:u, aee©JJ<:iiiliirg t@ tf, ie n.atl!l!r1_e ©i tihe 0ase . ��


6.. 1

Part 11. As the E1nperor gra11ts ancl \Vitl1dra\vs titles, appoi11t111e11 ts a11d }1or1011rs, the Gover11or-Ge11eral or officials L1r1der l1i111 ca11 1 1ot directly appoi 1 1t or dismiss or relieve from duty, or tra11sfer a11yone, btit sl1011ld tl1ere be a.11 1 11divicl11al in the Tek]ay Gliizat deservi11g of titles or appoi11t111e11t or l1ono11rs tl1 ey sl1all s11bn1it tl1e n1atter i11 writi11g to the 11i11istry co11cer11ed, specifyi11g tl1e i11divid11al 's services and 1)ro­ fessio11, and tl1e s11ggestecl title or appoi11tn1ent or I1011011rs.

Part 12. Wl1en i11 any Teklay Gl1izat differences of opi11io11 betwee11 the vario11s sectio11s of Government departme11ts occ11r 011 tl1e 1nan11er of the exec11tion of any reg11lation, the Gover11or-General, the Director, the Pri11cipal Secretary and 011e Governor of an A \Vraja Ghiza t, and tl1e officials of tl1e vario11s Mi11istries sl1all sit i11 comn1ission and decide the issue b y a 1najority vote. The decisio11 so arrived at shall be p11t i 11 to effect a11d speedi]J, sent for confirn1atio11 to tl1e Mi11istry of I11terior or to tl1e iviinistry cocner11ed.

Part 13. The Governor-General n1a)' stay from carryi11 g 011 their dt1ties any Gover11ment employees under l1im or Gover11me11t e1nployees se11t by the vario11s Ministries shoulcl there be s11fficient evide11ce of fa11lt i11 the work entrusted. to them. He shall see tl1at the matter is bro11gl1t before the Commission referred to in Part 12 above within :fifteen days. Should tl1e Commissio11 clecide that the offender sho11ld co11ti 1 111e to be restrained from carryi11g on his d11ties, the Governor-General s]1all se11d a report to tbe Ministry of I11terior a11d i11forn1 the Mi11istry concerned. From tl1e tin1e such offender l1as bee11 restrained from carryi11g on bis duties and 1111til the Ministry concerned gives its decisio11, the Governor-Ge11eral shall arra11ge for tl1e work to be carried on by a s11itable Governn1e11t en1ployee.

Part 14. Where a Government e1nployee is charged in due forn1 with any offence other than one arising out of his official d11ties, he shall p11t his dep11ty in cl1arge of the \Vork and inform the Gover11or-General or the Director or tl1e Governor, or his senior, according · to the section he is 1111der, a11d appear before the appropriate co11rt or police coL1rt as th� case may be.

Part 15. Where in a11y Teklay Ghizat a11y Government official or en1ployee is co11victed by the appropriate court on a criminal charge, tl1e Governor-General sl1all obtai11 a copy of the j1 1 dge1nent a11d tra11smit it to the appro_priate lvlinistry. The Minister

- 123 -


- --------------------·-

sl1all su.bmit the matter to the En1peror a11d may reco111me11d the dismissal of tl1e o.ffe.nder as from the date of co11victio11. Part 16. A Governor-General shall receive from the Imperial Gover11n1ent the necessary police force for en.Su.ring respect and execution of the law a11d the security of the public but shall not himself recruit ii1dividt1als for police pur_poses unless at1thorized to do so by th.e Ministry of Interior. Part 17. A Governor-General shall order through their officers to essential points the police determined by the Emperor and given to him for the public sect1rity of the Teklay Ghizat. Part 18. A Governor-General must make a tou.r of inspection of the ''Awraja Gh.izats'' 0f his Teklaiy Ghizat twice a year, and shall submit in writing to the M.inistry of lntftri0r a ue;port 0n th.e condition of the country based on enquiries made in tl1e 0@uFse ©f his tour. Should he d.esire to go outside his Teklay Ghizat, he must pre­ viously obtain tlie 00nsent of the Ministry of Interior. Part 19.

A G:0;ver�or-GeJiler� is strictly forbidde·n to receive ''Metin, Metaya, Meste11�icl.0, ijmensha'' allil<d sim ,ilar kinds of gifts which may be brought to him in the e0WJSe 0f his itou,r,. P�t 20. � @0¥"ern&F-6ene1:al 0r 0ffiC$iaJls a,n<fteF .him cannot negotiate or sign treaties f wittToi th_e atttlI01nities 0i' e@ttnt, ities nei1gh �'©U11dng 0a EthioJJ)ia, relating to boundary l([aes,ti€5as �r peiitica!l aa� millri1tauy cquestli0ms.. He ean 0F1ly carry on his official cluty 01 a:am:ifJ.iliste;Dimg fi:is 'ili'e.�lay GJ.ii�at in g00d agueemeait witih those autihorities. It j,s t11e Jl)aitrnictdar clgty 0f a @0v.er00r-General or 0ffieials unde.r him to safe.guard wi1tin eane fie e�miai:uraiuee 0£ frieadJlM l lielatr0ns e-x:isting with the foreign G0vera­ m:en1ti ®F te.1rni1t0Fies 00.ncl:eiiirrg ell tb rte1r11it0Dies 0f tlile im.(1)e;nial O@iVernment of �lilu�Dia. mi' mai�teliS w,hwBJ aine be�0n:_a his aiut1.b0rit� a11e 0»0ught t0 bi, m., he aust ili�0ftl t0 till� immpe.ll0F ibaTF01Jl:ig� the MimstFf 0] [ljniteroi@F. - ��-

------ ----- -- --------¡ TEKLAY GI-IJZAT ADMINISTRATION


Part 21.

[This Part, \vhich dealt witl1 ';Officers fo the British Forces ... te1nporarily present until the end of the war'' is 11 0\v obsolete.]

Part 22. A Governor-General will be respo11sible for tl1e s11pervisio11 of the expenditure of the funds legally provided as the b11dget for the adn1i 11 istration of a Teklay Gbizat.

ARTICLE TWO TeklaJr Ghizat Council Part 23. A Teklay Ghizat Cou11cil sl1 all be instit11ted in every Teklay Ghizat to discuss and advise on matters relating to the welfare of the inhabitants and the prosperity of the Teklay Ghizat. Thjs Cou11cil shall meet three times a year.

Part 24. ln of 11rge11t questio11s, the Governor-General may convoke the Councillors at times other than defined above.

Pa.rt 25. The Teklay Ghizat Council shall consist of the Governor-General, as Chairman, the Director, the Principal Secretary, the Governors of the Awraja Ghizats, the Pri11cipal Employees of the various Ministries and the Chief Police Officer of the area concer¡ned and the Officer of the mu11icipality of the Capital of the Teklay Ghizat.

Part 26. In any matter where the Council is not 11nanimous the opinion of the majority shall prevail. In cases where the votes are equal the opinion of the party to which the Chairman adheres shall prevail.

Part 27. The Chairma11 must transmit to the Ministry of Interior any decision of the Council which is not covered by law or c11stom.

Part 28. In the absence of the Governor-General, the Director shall be Chairman of the Council.

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--------------------- -· ARTICLE THREE Directors Part 29.

On the recommendation of the Ministry of lt1terior, tl1e Emperor will appoint one Director for each Teklay Ghizat whose duty will be to assist the GovernorGeneral in his work. Part 30.

The. Director shall administer under tl1e Governor-Ge11eral tl1e Teklay Ghizat. He is [e.sponsible to bis chief, the Governor-General, for the proper administration of the Teklay Ghizat. Part 31.

The Director shall SL1pervise, u11der the Governor-General, the expenditure of the funds legally provided for tl1e Teklay Ghizat. He sl1all transn1,it the authorized expenditure after the Governor has sig11ed it to the officials concerned, and after the Gov, ernor-Genera.l has si,gm.ed the accounts, forward them to the Ministry of Finance. ARTICLE FOUR 'li'he Officer of the Principal Secretariat of the Teklay Gbizat Part 32.

"iJ.:;h.e Emr>eu@r wiJLl appoint ene officer of the Principal Secretariat for each TeW!aiy @lhizait t@ dilieet the Puincipal Secretariat of the Te.klay Ghizat.

fie ())ffi , eeF @f t!he Pliinoipa!l Seeneta1riat is r,esp,onsi0Ie, ttnder the Diirector, fi@Tr ttlte }1)lt0J.@er diir._eeti0.m of ineommg and outgoi1ng le'ttters of the Secr , etariat aad ittfet wi0peI mainten:aa0e 0ft the at"QhiMes. Me is 1tesp0nsibJe £01r the cljrection of Secnet­ amiaiJ. mattet�. Prut 3�. The !Pfiin, ei1 (l)al S:'eGJietairy shaJlil ne�i;ve 8!Jil.a e,Bteli aifil ne�©lits and ©.ffioiail matters �tiJroliin g ta rone @0¥.e11R0.F:JG'.en.eJ1al l\1Ji0m tlte Miilll)isfeits, Q0velim01s and ether Gov:era­ ��paiJJmn.enttS �V>eJ'y, ifil.� •iBJtllaJl. He sJitaJl!l! tllten �J:ilL1lg i1 t 0et:�11.1e ilie Ge�em©rr­ Gen:eFa!l 0,1r tlfie [D,itttest011, i�Gei¥e tilte i1iep1f �, and pass iit to those 1G$tl<relJineC!i.


- tiB-



Part 35. The Principal Secretary sl1aJl direct tl1e work of tl1e Secretariat a11d give orders to the staff i11 it. 1\.RTICLE FIVE Governors of Awraja Ghizats ·Part 36. The E1nperor will appoi11t 011 tl1e recon1mendatio11 of tl1e Nlinistry of Interior Governors whose dt1ty sl1all be to adn1inister tl1e f\wraja Ghizats under a Governor­ General. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Ambaric version of tltis part J,as a11 adcitio11al se11te11ce JJroviding tl1at the Gover11or­ Generals have tl1e rigl1t t'o reco1n111e11cl sttitable perso11s to be appointed as Governors of Awraja Gl1izats.

Part 37. A Governor shall receive his i11strt1cticns fron1 the Governor-General, a11d he is responsible to his chief, tl1e Gover11or-Ge11eral for the co11 d11ct of affairs. Part �8. The residence of a Governor shall be tfle town appointed as the centre for the adminjstration of the Awraja Ghizat. Part �9. As the Governor of an Awraja Ghizat is the chief of the Governors of the Woreda Ghizats he shall conduct tl1e affairs of his area and other affairs for the public welfare through the Governors of tl1 e Woreda Ghizats, according to the regulations. Pa.rt 40. The Gover11 or of an Awraja Gl1izat s '.1all l1ear all complaints arising out of their official duties against the Gover11ors of the Woreda Ghizats and the clerks of the Awraja G}1 izat and against the staff se11t to the Awraja Ghizat by the various Ministries. Appeals from decisions of tl1e Gover11or shall be heard by tl1e Commission referred to in Part 12. Part 41. A Governor must forward a montl1ly report to the Governor-Ge11eral sl1owing the condition of the inhabitants and cot1r1t�y i11 order that the inhabitants in the territory which he is administering in acccrdance with the laws and regulations - '127-

·--------------------e matter CONSOLIDATED L\WS OF ETH10PJA

th ld ot1 Sh er. n11 ma 1l eft ac pe d an er op pr a in ted ec y be en m, to ot hi n1a giv pr tild wo as s an me r l1e ot ch st1 by or lly ica 1 pl ra eg be urgent he shall commu11icate tel speedily deliver his message. Part 42. The Gover,nor, having taken 11ote of the regulations which defi11e the relation of the duties of the employees sent to bis area according to reg11lations by the Governor-General and Ministerial departments, is the supreme st1pervisor to make th.e employees selected by the various Mi11istries fulfil the i11structio11s a11d regulations by which they work. Part 43. Every Governor shall receive the necessary police force for ensuring respect and execution of the law and the security of the public but shall not himself recruit individuals for police purposes. Parf 44. The G·over11or may post to any area where tl1ey may be necessary for the se­ cUFity of the area, the police given for an Awraja Ghizat under the command of their officer. Part 45. The Governor must visit and inspect all the parts of bis Awraja Ghizat twice a year. He must forward to the Governor-General a written report on the condition of the country based on en.quiries made :luring his to11r.


Part 46. A GoverBor is forbidden to receive ';Metin, Metaya, Mesteng11ido, Ijmensha'',. similar kinds of gifts which may be bro11ght to him in the course of his tour. ARTICLE SIX The Governer's Council Part 47.

A Council of the Governor shall be constituted in every Awraja Ghizat to ai,scuss and adv, ise on matters relating to the welfare of the inhabita.nts and the ];i>FOS!i)e1ri ty of the territory. The Coun , cil shall meet three times a year. Part 48. In eases wller� a mee.:ting is lll!rgent, the Go¥e11nor may convene the CoWJi1eil at �imes ether ithan. sta!ted wbe�e.

-128 -



Part 49. The Council of tl1e Gover11or shall consist of the Gover11or as Chairn1an the Cot1ncillors being tl1e Principal Secretary of the Awraja Gl1izat the Wornher'' of the Awraja Ghizat, the officer of tl1e tow11 mt111icipality, the Gover�ors of the Woreda Ghizats, the officials of tl1e vario11s 111i11istries wl10 may be statio11ed in the town and sl1all inclL1de 1101 111ore tl1a11 t\vo local elders.

Part 50. In any n1atter wl1ere the Cou11cillors are 11ot t1na11imot1s tl1e o_pi11ion of the majority shall prevail. 111 cases where the votes are equal the opi11ion of the party to which the Chairman, whether it be the Governor or in his absence his deputy, adheres shall prevail.

Part 51. In order that the decisio11 of the Council may have effect the Chairman 1nust forward it to the Governor-General.

ARTICLE SEVEN Principal Secretary of the Governor Part 52. The Emperor shall appoint one Principal Secretary for each Awraja Gl1izat as an assistant to the Governor.

Part 53. The Principal Secretary shall transact tinder the Governor the bttsiness of the A'rvraja Ghizat and give orders to th.e clerks i11 the Awraja Ghizat.

Part 54. In the absence of the Gover11or the Principal Secretary shall transact on his behalf the public bt1siness.

Part 55. The Principal Secretary is respo11sible for receivi11g all reports and official matters coming to the Governor from the Woreda Ghizats, other Government departments and from all individuals and bri11ging them before the Governor, and l1aving taken the replies thereon, pass them on to those co11cerned.

Part 56. The Principal Secretary shall have recorded all commt1nic�ttio11s and records in the office and keep all such in the office in proper form. Unless it be to the at1tho­ rities he is responsible that all such records and letters are not taken ot1t or other contents disclosed. - 128 a -



ARTICLE EIG'HT Governors of Woreda Ghizats Part 57. The Emperor will appoi11t on the reco1111nendatio11 of tl1e Ministry of I11terior one Governor for each Woreda Ghizat i11 an Awraja Gllizat. A Gover11or of a11 Awraja Ghizat 1n.ay, however, recom.n1e11d i11dividuals st1itabl� for s11cl1 pos� ti?ns, to the Governor General who may submit st1ch recomme11dat1ons to tl1e M111istry of Interior. Part 58. The Governor of the Woreda Ghizat takes his instructio11s from the Governor of th.e Awraja Ghizat and is responsible for the work to bis chief, the Governor of the Awraja Gh:izat. Part 59. The Governor of a Woreda Ghizat shall reside in the appointed town of the district. Part 60. As the Governor of a Woreda Ghizat is the Head of tl1e official staff i11 his area he shall transaot all m.atters dealing with the adn1i11istratio11 and the welfare 0f bis aiistrict through the official staff u11der Part 61. :fke Governor 0f a Wored.a Ghizat shall forward to the Gover·nor with com­ ments aJI complaints against the official staff of his district relative to their duties. Part 62. One Prinoipal SecretaTy shall be appoi11ted i11 a Woreda Ghizat district to assist the G 0vennor �hereof in the administration of the area. The Principal Secretary of tlhe W 011eda Glhizat shall deputise for the Gover11or of the Woreda Ghizat in 'fifue latlt�r's ah,s,ence and me s1hall give instrt1ctions to the clerks in the a,rea. Part 63. l'i� is the PFinei:pal S,ecretary wh.o receives official letters and petitio11s com·iog i'f1 t0 the W01ie<1la Olm:at an.d havimg laid them before the Gove·rnor thereof receives fih.e !lt�lies tJbereom and passes tbe.m t0 those co111cerned.

Par,t 64. tmvefr¥ �©¥6J.ii.llOli efl a W ©JJeda Glhwat must forwaud a m@nt.bly report to the lj,0�em0rr 0:f tlre �wraja t'.illiizait sn0W-i1E;g t!he e@.nai1lion of t\he jltllabitants and dis­ Wiet in 0,1rcle1r tb.:aA; nhe iwaJt>1ta.mtis 0f the distmic:t which he is acrlminister; ing in aGcond­ �ne.e �i1bhi the �;ws and. Fe�ati0ns give;n. to h�m for hls anea, may be protected in �1le;JlleF a,nl\l ,eaeetiul maD1ner. jlt0utld tne ma.tter be urgent he s-haJI oommirnicate ttle�aJh\iea1lil}, @r by Sl!l©lit means tJhat w0l!II0 speecl1illy deliver his �nessage. Parrt <fii. � ff0Me1111I0l' Jljj a �0Feaa· Qfi:i�ait, aa¥,i1Jil}g �ru�o n0te 0f 1llte negu�atti 0ns whieh �l.�e tllie 1.t�lai1ii;0111.s <lif tie ¥ami@1!ls mt.mtiies 0f the em:pi 0yees sen , ti hr tine Ga:v.eFR'©JJ

- ��88 -


------------- ---- ----------·

of tl1e A\vraja Gl1iz'-1t _a11d tl1e tvJi11isterial cle1Jart111ents, is tl1e st1preme st1pervisor to n1ake tl1e af�re1ne11t1011ed e111ployees fttl:fil tl1e i11strt1ctio'I1s a11d regt1latio11s wl1ich tl1e)' l1ave ·rece1\ 1ecl fron1 tl1eir Nli11istries. Part 66.

verno�· of a _\Voreda Gl1izat sl1all l1ear cases of com1Jlaint arising out Tl1e G � _ official d t1t1es aga111st the clerks a11cl tl1e staff sent to J1is district by the variot1s of tl1c1r M i11istries, c111 cl tl1e Gover11or of tl1e A.\\1raja Gl1izat sl1all I1ear the apJJeal thereof. Part 67. E,,ery Gover11or of a \,\1 oreda Gluzat sl1all receive tl1e necessary 1Jolice force for e11 st1ri11g respect a11d exect1tio11 of tl1e la\v a11d sect1rity of tl1e pt1blic bt1t shall 11ot l1in1self recrt1it i11dividt1als for police pt1rposes. Part 68. The Go,1er11or of a Woreda Ghlzat 1nay post to a11y area where they 1nay be 11ecessary for the security of tl1e area, tl1e police give11 for a11 Awraja GI1izat under tl1e com111a11cl of tl1eir officer. Part 69.

The Governor of a Woreda Gl1izat mt1st visit and inspect t\vice a year all parts of his district and mt1st for\\1ard to tl1e Governor of the A.wraja Gl1izat a report i11 vvriting 011 the condition of tl1e country based. 011 enquiries 1nade dt1ri11g these tours. Part 70. T11e Gover11or of a Woreda Ghizat is f orbidde11 to accept ''Metin, Metaya, !v[este11gt1ido, Jj111ensl1a'', and si1nilar ki11cls of gifts ,vl1icl1 n1ay be bro11ght to him dt1ri11g his tot1r of his district. ARTICLE NINE Municipalities Part 71. The Emperor vvill appoint on the recom111e11datio11 of the Ministry of Interior the follo\ving officials for the direction of mt1nicipal affairs: (a) [This s11b-part, relating to the Ka11tiba of Addis Ababa, has been impliedly repealed by the Charter of the City of Addis Ababa, 13/10 (1954) G. 172 Arts. 8,60 Consol. L. A.A.] (b) One Kantiba for tl1e city of Go11dar. (c) One Officer of the town jn every other tow11. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The original first sentence of tl1is Part, relating to the Kantiba of Addis Ababa, l1as been im­ pliedly repealed by the Charter of tl1e City of Addis Ababa, 13/10 (1954) G. 172 Arts. 3,9, 59, 60, Consol. L. A.A.

Part 72. The Kantiba of Goodar and the other officers of towns shall receive instructions fron1. the respective Gover11or-Generals. - 129 -



-----------------------------· Part 73. A Municipal Council \1/itl1 th.e Kantiba or officer of the to\,v11 as Cl1air1�an sl1_ all be institt1ted for tl1e purpose of deliberating and advis.i11g 011 n1atters dealing w1t�1 the prosperity of the city or town and the welfare of its i11l1,1bita1� ts a11d to �x mu111cipal taxes in accordance witl1 tl1e Ia,�,. Except in the case of the city of Addis A�aba the Councillors shall be the representatives in t11e cities and towns of the var1ot1s Ministries and seven Ethiopian residents elected )'early fro1n amongst property owners and principal n1ercha11ts a11d know11 by their ,vorks and good co11duct. Election is made the elders of the tow11 or city have been cons11lted. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 6/5 (1947) D.7 (n1akiog special provisions for councillors of Addis Ababa); i111pl. a,r,cl. 13/10 (1954) 0.172 Arts. 11-30, Consol. L. Eth. A. A. (comprehensively legislating w_ ith regar_ d to the Addis Ababa Council and thereby repealing provisions herein relevant to Addis Ababa) .

Part 74. The following are tl1e principal m.atters to be exec11ted by the 1nt111icipalities ui1der tl1e responsibilities of the Kantibas a11d Officers of th.e t0\1/11s: (a) the mainte11a.nce of tl1e peace of tl1e town or city; (b) registration of property 111 tbe town or city; (c) public hygiene it1 the city or town; (d) inscribing the jnJaabitants of tl1e city or tow11 in the ''Register of Ho11our'', i.e. births, marriages, deaths; (e) the constructio11, repair a11d mainte11a.11ce of the city's or tow11 's water supply, light and roads; Cf) the proper supervision o·f animals and cars and such like for people movi11g afuou,t m the oity or town, according to the. law; (g) no register and give permits for all vehicles propelled by petrol or naphtl1a or carts dra\�n by animals, accordi11g to the law; (la) [lmpl. repd. Proola1nation, 2/7 (1943) P. 35 Arts. 29-44, 21 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 4 (comprehensively legislating with regard to licensi11g at a11tomobile and lorry· drivers).] €i ) to maintain and guard places of public assembly in the town or city; U) issue licences for theatres, cinema�, hotels, restaurants, public l1ouses, shops, butoh.eries, meat shops, stalls, accordi11g to the Jaw; tt ) define alieas for cemetnies, amd control aud re.gister graves; �ml I1eeeiVce the anth0rized munic1pall taxes, and pay the a11thorized expenditure; (m) 'lle':frne mar&�t aincl tol!l areas; (0} maiint, ain fire br,iga<d-es; �} generally, carry on the g0od aamirustratiom of the city or town. Part 75. In. �verf tOWB! 0r ci�ty t�es ll)aid mtto the muni©�pality shall be expe,11ded on , lfellailf @1 :Vae itawm o:v e,tl1 o/ aaa shallil n0t be 3ipp1iopr1ated for any oth�r purpose. Part 76. . 'ili1he Ka&tiiba or Qffieer @f the ��;w,n 0an11ot _imrpose taxes in his sole authority C0u:ncl'l ancl a,F>l1>1iovecl my the G0Yera01c­ 0tllieJJ 'tlb:an. �Jifat.eed i� the IJ}W\01 J.i>all : @ene1rall, aeeeirdhig ti© tJie lruw. - �3© -



Part 77. The Ka �tiba or Offic�r _of tl1e tow11 comma11cls througl1 tl1eir Officer the police force at1tl1or1zed for n1t1n1c1pal dt1ties.

AJiTICLE 1'.EN Courts of Law Part's 78-80.


[These Parts, deali11g vvith Teklay Gl1izat Cot1rts establisl1ed tinder the Admi11istration of Jt1stice Proclan1ation, 1/1 (1942) P.2 Arts. 2, 12-17, 5 Consol. L. Eth. J-2, 12-17, and the positio11s of the Gover11ors-Ge11eral as Presidents of those courts, were impliedly repealed b)' tl1e i1111Jlied abolitio11 of tl1ose cot1rts i11 tl1e Criminal Procedure Code, 21/Ex.l (1961) Art. 4, First Sched., a11d tl1e Civil Procedure Code, 25/Ex.3 (1965) Arts. 12-15. See also Co11rts Proclamatio11, 22/7 (1962) P. 195 Art. 24, suspe11decl, 22/16 (I 963) P.203, 5 Co11s0!. L. Et/1. 12 (specifically repealing Articles of P.2 establishing Teklay Ghizat cot1rts bt1t tJresently not in effect).] Part 81. The Governor-General shall work 011 judicial matters i11 accorda11ce 'vVith the regulations and directives tra11s1uitted by tl1e Ministry of Jt1stice. For this portion of his work l1e sl1all comm11nicate vvitl1 the Ministry of J t1stice. Part 82. 'The Governor of an A\vraja Ghizat, sl1all be the President of the Awraja Ghizat Courts instituted at tl1e to,:vns where Gover11ors reside. TI1e Emperor will app_oint on the reconJn1endation of the Ministry of Jt1stice 11ot less than two judges to j11dge with the Governor. Matters relating to A1Jpeals a11d other details will be defined by Orders respecting the regulatio11s co11stit11ti11g tl1e Co11rts. Part 83. The Governor of a Woreda Ghizat shall be tl1e President of the Co11rts to be constituted in a Woreda Ghizat district. The En1peror will appoi11t, on the recom1uendation of the Ministry of Justice, the j11dges ,v·l10 will judge with him. Tl1e num­ ber of these judges shall be determined according to tL1e extent of the district. Matters relating to Appeals a11d other details will be defined by the regt1lation constituting the Court.

ARTICLE ELEVEN Military Forces Pa.rt 84. The Emperor shall deter1nine the Military Forces necessary for the security of a Teklay Ghizat. Part 85. The Emperor vvill appoint on the recom1nendation of tl1e Mi11istry of National Defence 011e Officer to command the above mentioned Military Force. CONSOLIDATION NOTE lrnpl. an1d. 13/3 (1953) 0.11 (changing Ministry of War, originally referred to herein, to Ministry of National Defence).

- 131 -



Part 86. Ca,mps will be alloted i t 1 various q11arters to Military Officers ,111d soldiers. They shall receive their salaries accordi11g to the rate fixed by tl1e In1perial Governn1ent. Part 87. I11 the event of seriotts disturbance i1 the Teklay Ghiza.t beyon.d the JJOwers of the Police to cope witl1, the Governor-Ge11eral is at1tborized to call 11po11 tl1e Military Forces in lus Teklay Gl1izat for assista11ce. When circumsta11ces per111it he n1ust first of all consult with a com.mi�sio11 consisti11g of the Senior Officials of tJ;ie various Minjstries who may be presenr, tl1e Co1nn1a11cling Officer a11d five cllief elders, and must also notify the superior authority of bjs i11tention to call t1po11 the Miljtary Forces for assistance and shall 2wait his instrt1ctions. Whe11, 110,.vever, a case of emergency end.a1Jgeri11g the safety Df tl1e co1111try exists he 1nay directly call upon the Military Forces for assistance. On the receiJ?t of a reqtiest for ,1ssistance ftom tl1e Goveruor-Ge11eral the Officer con1mandi11g the Military Forces 111 the Teklay Ghizat, shall, \Vhen circu.msta11ces per111it, 11otify the Mi11istry of Natio□al Defe11ce, a11d await i11structions. Wl1ere, l1owever, a case of e111erge11cy ex.ists l1e must render the assistance .ueqt1ested in1mediately, 11otifying tl1e Ministry of Natio11al Defence of tile action he J1as taket1. CONSOLIDATION NOTE lnrp/. arnd. 13/3 (1953) 0,11 (cl1a.oging Ministry of War, originaJly referred to l1erei.n, to Ministry e,f !Mationa:l Defence).

Part 88. The Military Forces given for the protection of a Teklay Ghizat reoei,,e their 0:uclers di1ue0tly from the Commarndi11g Officer only. Part 89. ;Jvery 0ilcer 0·f the army must be responsible that his solcliers do not com·mit ill@galities snoo as pilfil.a,gjmg a11d all deeds of oppressing the peoples. •

ARTI.CLE TWELVE Mektil-V/oredas Part 90. leach �@Fed:a shailil funiher he divi<:bd into Mektil-Woredas. CG>NSOLD>A"?ION NOTiE JlliiletJ b� 5/,lia (1946) D.6 and renumbel.ied iii Consolidation.

i.ID1001e at Aac1:is Ababa �his 251:k day )f Wovembeli, 1941. 00NS(l)L,;J!ID:A7it©N NO'ifE · M�gfi �ted N0¥emoer 25, 19�1, this :D.e·e,ee wa · t ' 1"'nu'"'uli'·s,.u�.ed · s no · 1•0 .,1,,. Y,/!,ga � 1, 1e ,'Air '9:aze 1a un.��·11 .rr·r � A.'-uffit 1,V;,, l9�2.

- ]:32-

7-1 _ _ __ _ ______ _ _____:__:_, •

Section 7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT A. Municipalities 4/7 (1945) P. 74* l\ PRO,CLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF MUNICIPALITIES AND TO\VNSHIPS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD EMPEROR OF ETfIIOPIA WHEREAS, by Ot1r Decree No. 1 W e approved 1\d1ninistrative Regulatio11s for Ot1r Govern.n1ent:, and . WHEREAS, this Regulations, Article 9 Part 73, it is prescribed that Mt1nicipal Cou11cils n1ay fix Mt1nicipal taxes i11 accorda11ce \Vith tl1e law; and WHEREAS, it is 11ecessary to clefi11e· wl1at Nft1nicipal taxes it shall be lawft1l for a Municipality to impose; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to n1ake provisio11s for tl1e s1rm1noni11g of Municipal Councils: IN ACCORDANCE witl1 Article 34 of 011r Co11stitution We approve the resolt1tio11s of 011r Senate and tl1e Cl1a111ber of Dep11ties a11d We Proclain1 as follows: CONSOLIDAT ION NOTE Corr. 4/10 (1945) C. 7 (Englisl1 only). The Constitution referred to l1ere is the Constitution of 1931. This Constitution was repealed and replaced by tbe Revised Constitution of 1955, 15 /2 (1955) P. 149. The Articles of the Revised Constitution parallel to the cited Articles of the 1931 Constitution are r'\rtic]es 88, 89 and 90.






Te,rl. Corr. 4/10 (1945) C.7; anzd. 4/9 (1945) P.76, 6/5 (1947) P.85, 6/12 (1947) P.92; i111pl. an1d. 7/7 (1948)0.4, 13/10 (1954) G.172, Pen. C. 16/EX. 1(1957), Crim. Pro. C. 20/Ex.1 (1961). See also 1/6 (1942) D. 1, 6 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1. Scl1edt1les: Amel. 7/7 (1948) L. 115, 11/12 (1952) L. 168, 15/6 (1956) L.200, 15/8 (1956) L.202, 16/3 (1956) L.209, 16/3 (1956) L.210, 16/10 (1957) L.211, 19/7 (1960) L.230, 20/5 (1960) L.235, 20/12 (1961 )L.237, 20/15 (1961) L.238, 20/15 (1961) L.239, 2l/4 (196l)L.247, 21/4 (196l)L.248, 21/6 (1961) L.249, 21/7 (1962) L.251, 22/1 (1962) L.259, 22/1 (1962) L.260, 22/4 (1962) L.263, 22/4 (1962) L.264, 22/5 (1962)L.268, 22/9 (1963) L.271, 23/7 (1964) L.281, 24/4 (1964)L.300, 24/9 (1965) L.304, 25/6 (1965) L.312, 27/13 (1968) L.338, 27/9 (1968) L.340, 28/2 (1968) L.352, 28/16 (1969) L.367. The laws and regtllatjoos applicable solely to the Municip ality of Addis Ababa are not con­ tained in the Co11soliclatecl La1,vs. They are published in a separate pan1phlet ent itled Co11solidated La1vs of Aclclis Ababa and available from tl1e Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University. To the extent that it is consistent wit.l1 the Cl1arter of t h e City of Addis Ababa, 13/10(1964) G. 1·12, lhe present Proclamation also applies to that City.

-- 133 -



CROSS REFERENCE Ado1inistrative Regulations, 1/6 (1942) D.1, 6 Consol. L. Etli. 1

1. This psoolamation n1ay be cited as the ''Municipalities Proclamatio11, 1945' '• 2. In this Proclamatiot1, ''Ad1ninistrative Regulatio11s'' means the Adminis­ trative Regulations promulgated in Decree No. 1 of 1942. CROSS REFERENCE Adn1loistrative Regulations, 1/6 (1942) D.l, 6 Consol..L. Eth.].

3. Except in th.e case of Addis Aaba, Municipal Cou11cil as defined in Part 73 of the Administrative Regulabtioi1s shall be con1posed as follows: (i) Official m.embers representing tvlinistries shall be no1ninated by tl1e Governor General. (ii) Seven Ethiopian Resideirt members sl1all be elected by tl1e o,v11ers of immovable property in the town at a meeting to be summoned by the Kantiba or Town Officer; provided always that 110 foreig·aer or person u.n.der sentence of imprisonment or 1111discl1arged bankrupt shall be entitJed to be summoned to the said meeti11g or to vote threat or to be elected or to remain a member. (iii) - (iv) [Jn1pl. repd. 13/10 (1954) G.172 Arts. 11-30 (comprehensively legi,slatirag witl1 respect to Addis Ababa Co1111cil, and th11s repealing tlLose provisions, wbicl1 were relevant only thereto).] (v) The ter1N of office of resident 1nerobers shall be for one year and they shall re�ire at the end of eac.h year. (vi� A Fetiring member may be re-elected. (v;ii) If a retiri 11g member dies or becomes disq11alified or resigns, a new member w,i ll be elected instead of him to serve for the of his term. (,riii) 1Fh_e o:rrdin,ac1 y date of th.e electio11 shall be a date i11 the n1onth of Pagt1me lDut thiis date may be altered if necessary at tbe discretion of the Minister of Interior. C@NSOLIDAT!ON NOTE C-or.r. 4'7,JlO (1945) C.7; a111d. 6/12 (1947) P.92 Art.2; in1pl. anzd. 13/10 (1954) G.172 Arts. 11-30 (c_gmprettensively legis)a,ting with respest to Ada1 is Ababa Mu.nicipal Council and thereby impliedly �xccpting Addis A!baba fFom previsions of this Article relevant thereto). h

4!. A M 11F1icifal Council sha,11 have po\¥er to consider and decide the f ollowi 11g ma�ters 0 1. 1: •t n0 su�b. de�siom S'lil:all l 00me i1nto 1 t©ree ttntil it has beet1 oonfirmed by Om Minister @f kteliii@r: i (J� 11?0\\!n haclg, et ]>:F©Jl>©saiJs. �iiD Assessmenit ana ©(llFJeotioa ol Mlllnieipa1l tax1es as weEl as ru1e ad.mi 1ris­ 'ti1rati0n 0f M1unioi! Ii��eads of any kind. ¢ ( iij} ija, it,a,iin:1g @l:11t cl0s1n g, an.a �ee_p>ing of �fl �eets, SQ! uarres, ibridge:s, iPFO­ :menae.e� � �01� gaJtG.611S, ta© fJXSf!lil,g 0£ tames f'0, r ta�i CaiFS, �rts, s.acl�e, �Kd�n ain.lil t1JJaetti1@F.l ani, mals; sehemes affe�tiilmg seweF­ age� �1�gn1me11tt 0f bafil<l11�Eilgs, an:d g-ene1uaJlly t]h_e whale @f tl©w1;i Jllcut,lie, serviees well as warterr; light, }l)a�ing 0f v©a(![s, eleansin1 g, - iltt -



111 arket

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

ar ea s, ce1neteries, slattghter hot1ses a11d drains, tl1eatres, . all pt1bl1c hot1�es and batl1s a11d anytbi11g that is likel)' to contrib t1te to tl1e en1bell1sl1me11t and tl1e clea11Ji11ess of tl1e to\vn; The fire services a11d all n1east1res related tl1ereto · ' Poor �·eli�f, �sylt1ms, l1ospitals, schools a11d other 1nu11icipal welfare 111stitutions; To\v11 !1�alth an d l1ygie11e services 11ot otl1erwise providecl for by tl1e M1111stry of Pttblic I-Iealtl1, A.ny other laws a11d regt1latio11s wl1icl1 t11e Govern1ne11t may ask st1cl1 Cot111cil to co11sider '· All plar1s for b11ildi11gs, large repairs, de.rnolitions, the \Vidth level a11d co11str11ctio11 of any 11e\V roads and generally for all works to be t1ndertake11 by private individt1als; wllich shall be first of all st1bmitted to tl1e Municipal Cot111cil for co11sideration as to the pt1blic l1ealtl1 a11d safety sta·ndards.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 4/10 (1945) C.7; i111pl. an1d. 7/7 (1948) 0.4. (substitt1ting Ministry of Public Health for Medical Department).

5. Municipal Cot1ncils shall have power to draw up their i11ter11al regulatio11s a11d then1 for the approval of Ot1r Mirnster of Interior, who, if l1e approves them, shall cat1se such regL1lations to be pt1blished by 11otice i11 the Negarit Gazeta. Corr. 4/10 (1945) C.7.



(i) The to\\-1 t1s specified i11 Scl1edt1le A in this Proclamation are hereby declared to be Mt1ilicipalities for the purposes of this Proclamation; the to\\1ns specified i11 Schedule B \\1ill be classified as Tovv11sl1ips of the first, second or tl1ird class. (a) 011r Minister of l11terior 111ay from time to ti1ne declare as Muni­ cipalities or To\v11sl1ips of 1st, 211d or 3rd class a11y other towns than those specified in Schedule A a11d B. (b) Our 1'1inister of I11terior may from time to time change the Tow11sbip class from 1st to 2nd or 3rd or from 3rd to 2nd and 1st of any of the Tow11ships specified i11 Schedule B. (ii) The bot111daries ot� all Mt1nicipalities, other than Addis Ababa, shall be fixed, with the approval of tl1e Mi11ister of Interior, by the Governor General of the Province in wl1ich the Mt111ici1Jality is sit11ated. 7. St1bject to the provisio11s of tl1is Procl,1111ation, tl1e control, 1nanagement a11d good governme11t of Municipalities shall be vested i11 the Kantiba, or in the Tow11 Officer whe11 there is no Kantiba. 8. [Imp!. repd. Cri1n. Pro. C. 20/Ex. I (1961) Arts. 3, 8, 9, 40 (providing that pt1blic prosectrtors a11d 1Jolice appointed as prosect1tors shall institute and conduct prosecutio11s a11d tht1s i111pliedly repealing Article, wll.ich pro­ vided for JJrosecutio11 by tl1e Kantiba, Town Officer or otl1er autl1orized persons, as well as prosect1tors a11d police officers).] - 135 --


------------- --------· abli11g tl1e Ka11tiba or To,\ 7-1



9. The Minister of Interior may n1ake rules en _ . Officer to carry 011t or co11trol the n1atters as s1JeciJ1ed 1n Ar�1cle 4 of tl11s Proclamation and in Part 74 of tl1e Adn1i11.istrative Reg11lat1ons. p shi wn or ty To ali cip 111i Mt a i11 a are ip 1sll w1 To or lity pa ici in a 10. With Mu11 street th.e Kantiba or T0Vi111 Officer may: (i) cause a11y street to be drained or repaired; (ji) for the purpose of repairs or 011 tl1e occasio11 of public asse111bli�s or processions, temporarily close a11y street to traffic or to �111y particular class of traffic; (iii) do all things which n1ay be necessary for the ligl1ti11g of tow11 by electri­ city, and/or by any other n1eans; (iv) establish, manage or control potinds for the keepi11g of stray a11i111als; (v) control a11d manage ce1neteries; (vi) define a11d prevent street obstrt1ctions. Corr.,

4/10 (1945) C.7.


11. A K.aotiba or Town Officer n1ay with the approval of tl1e Governor General impose a11d collect the following rates, dues, taxes and fees to be fixed by M11nicipal Co11ncils on the inl1abitants of Mu11icipalities in respect of tl1e following matters: (i) Local rates; (a) a ge11eral rate 011 all immovable property calculated as a percent­ age of tl1e rental value of tl1e property; (b) a water rate. (ii) Licences to carry on trades a11d professions: (a) Licences for, theatres,, da11cing l1alis, hotels, resta11rants, pensions, lodging-l1ouses, cl11bs, garages, benzine pumps and rustrib11tors, b11teb.ers' shops, slaugl1ter-houses, shops and stal�s; (0, Lic'enGes to carry 011 all other trades and professibns. (iii) Ma.rk,et fees: Ma.rket stall fees and. fees for the 11se of Market; (d;v) Fees ff0;F Munic�wal public services; (a) a sallitary rate, or rate for sanitary services inclt1ding i11spectioos; (fu� s]anr1gbte:r house fees; -Oel fees for vhe services of fire brigades; (lti;) m.oI.ntn!laiiy, ilearse anild burtial fees-; €e) e�aF�es to cover tihe o·ost of medical services tendered ID¥ a Muni­ Q1pa1l1i-y; (E) fees f0r: oo�. sid�ring and app1·0v, i@g bujlding plans; (g} f �es reg1s·te1"ct[!}g property a.nd s.ui:-. veyi1 1g ll)r0p�rty :Kor !liegistra­ tit©J.i; (� ) ©h�ges li©r the mse �r hilie @f Munio,1pal traasport, ecquii meNt 01' .(l) _ . emflo�ees, �0t �th.eJrW11se specilfi.ed henein, anm su ch 0fue F sercviee&. as a Mwi111101pality 1 may :pr@¥ide;

- [36 -



(v) Pt1blicati �11? o� Rates_: N � rates, cl11es a11cl .fees sl1all be i111posecl i 11 a11y M un1c1pal1ty t111til ,vr, tte11 ,11Jproval 11as bee11 recei 1ed fron1 the Minister of I11terior a11cl 1111til st1ct1 rates, dt1es a11cl fees I1ave bee11 pt1blisl1ed by Notice i11 tl1e 1Vegarit Gazetct. For the l )llfpose of giving this apJ)ro,,al tl1e ivli11ister 111ay call for all i11for1nation, i11clt1di11g s11b111issio11 of accot111ts a11cl bt1dget estin1at �s, ,:vl1icl1 he 111ay consicler 11ecessary for decicli11g 011 tl1e cq11ity of tl1e 111te11decl rates, cities or fees. 1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE .1l111rl. 6/5 (1947) P. 85 Arts. 2-3.

12. Any perso11 who acts i11 co11trave11tio11 of or fails to co111ply witl1 tl1e J)ro­ visio11s of this Procla111atio11 or of a11)' rt1les or order 111ade tl1eret111der is g11ilt)1 of an offe11ce. 111 tl1.ose cases i11 \Vl1icl1 (I) the offence does 11ot fall 1111der a11�>' St)ecific prol1ibitio11 of th.e Pe11al Code; (2) 110 pe11alty i s specially J)rovided i11 a reg"L1latio11 or orcler viol,:ited; at1d (3) a regulation or orcler violated does 11ot fall ,vitl1i11 the category of re­ gt1lations a11d orders e111bracecl witl1i11. Article 354- of the Pe11,1l Code; . the offe11c{er sl1all be liable 011 co11victio11 to a fi11e not exceedi11g five ht111dred dollars (Eth.$500.00) or to i1npriso111ne11t 11ot exceedi11g six n1ontl1s or to botl1 st1cl1 fine and in1priso11me11t. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Sched. C (Art. 4 (a), 15 Co11so!. L. Et/1. 1; i111pl. a111d. Pen.C. 16/Ex. l (1957) (substitt1ting penalties provided in tl1e Penal Code in 111any cases for 1,enalties provided in this Proclamation).

SCHEDULE A The follovviog ...., to,v11s are l1ereb)' declared to be Mu11icipalities: Name of l\tlunicipalitJ


Addis Ababa Dessie Dire-Da\va Gondar Harar Ji111111a

Name of Teklay Ghizat Sl1oa WolJo I-Iararge Begen1dir & Se111e11 Hararge


S C I-I ED ·u LE B TI1e f0Jlovvi11g towns are hereby declared to be T0Vi,nsbi1)s: 1st. Class Teklay G]1izat Name of Town Name of To,vn Teklay Gl1izat Tigre Ad,tma Ax11m SL1oa Shoa Debre Berl1a11 Adigrat ,..[igre Gojja111 .Debre Marcos Adua Tigre Shoa Debre Si11,t Aggaro l(,tffa Begemdir & An1bo Sl1oa Semen Debre Tabor Asbeteferi ·wolleg,l De111bidollo (Cl1ercl1er) H.ararge 137 -



Name of Town Dilla Fitche Gardula Gimbi Gobba Gore Rossana Kelafo

Teklay Ghizat Sidamo Sboa Gamu. Gofa Wollega Bale [llubabor Shoa Hararge

Anzd. 22/1 (1962) L. 259.

2nd Class Name of Town Addis Alem Adola A.fdem Ankober Assellla Asso.ssa Bati Beddelle Bicl1eoa Bishofiru '.B<llnga Buliki B'1llie Buire Chenoha ChjJg, a t>a{fuat Dangel, a IDeeer Dem0eoha 3i:d Olass Name of 'Fown A@ , i A<fli A:(:}iati>a Aa€1eil! .At\lclis liemem Aai A;b0 A.(disfufu@ �a11ci (H©S:&G©a) �falil'fua Kl!litiltl0 Alamaita M e1Fla1¥ai of Town Mekele Negelle Neke111te Sodo (Wolla1110) Ticcl1io Wollisso Wondo Yirgale111

Teklay Ghizat Tigre Sidamo Wollega Sidan10 Art1ssi Shoa Sidan10 Sida1110


Teklay Ghizat Shoa Sidan10 Hararge SJ1oa Arussi Wollega Wollo [llubabor Gojjam Shoa KafFa. Ge1nu Gofla Gojjam lllubabor Gemu Goffa Begemdir & Semen Begemdir & £emen G0ijarn frltararge Gi:@jtl·am

Name of Town Gambela Gedo Gennet Giggiga Ginnir Ki11di (Mocl1a) Korem Megg,l Mjesso Mifli (l11active) Moggio Motta Neggjo ShasI1a.i11a1J11e Wobolli WoJcait Wolkittie Wold.ia Woreilt1 Yabello Yubdo

'lekla� Gbizat ifi·gFe Baile <l0jj� !Begem.d,im & Sem.0;n Tigr,€" Tigrne �oa �Jioa W0lt0 Hatag�

Name of 1'own Arbegona Argi0 Assayitra Awash Aw·assa Aysna Baoo Bah0,1rda, ri Beda:(}ssa iBeclem0 - �31 8 -

Teklay Ghizat Illubabor Shoa Shoa Hararge Bale Illubabor Wollo Sidamo H,trarge Sl1oa Gojjan1 Wollega Shoa Wollo WolJo Shoa Wollo Wollo Sidamo Wollega

Teklay Gbizat Sl1oa Sidamo Wollega Wol1o Sho,a Siaamo Plararge Sho . a G0jjami ffaliaFge Haa;atfige



3rd Class (cont'd.) ~Name of Town

Beghi Bekogi Biyo11 Boko11 Bt1ttagira Cha11cl10 Cl1eleklekt11 CJ1elle11ko Cl1ercher Cofele Danka Debark Debre"'ork Degahabo11r Deira Deje11 Dodola Dt1ran1ie Efeson Elias Eogibara Erer Felege Birl1a11 Finote Selam F11gnao Bira Gasra-Ali Gebre G11ratcba Ghele1nso Ghintcl1j Giarso (lo active) Gida Ayana Gimjabet Marian1 Gobessa Gogger (Inactive) Gohazio11 Gololcha Gotta Graua Guder G11rra Ferda (Inactive) Hagere Maria111 Hagere Selam H·aik flaile Selassie I Ber Harewacha Hirna

Teklay Ghizat

Wollega Ar11ssi Hararge Hararge Shoa Sl1oa Sida1no Hararge Ti eore Art1ssi Wollo Bege111dir & Sen1e11 Gojja111 Hararge Arussi Gojja111 Bale Shoa Sl1oa Gojja.111 Gojja111 Hararge Gojja111 Gojjam Hararge Bale Sboa Hararge Sl1oa Wollega Gojjan1 Art1ssi Sl1oa Bale Hararge Hararge Shoa Sida1no Sidamo Wollo Gojjam Hararge I-Iararge

Nan1e of 1...o,,,,n l-Io,vze11 I-I11r111 oLl I-I11rt1ta ljjaji I111dbir l11dabagt111a I11daselassie l11ticho Iste Jiga Ji11 ka Karsa Kara Kore l(ebre Del1ar Kobo Koka Kola Diba Kombolcl1a Komso Lek11 Maicl1c\v Maji Ma.rtti la M�1ria111 Mattu Mehal l\1ed,t Meki J\.1elk,t Ro11fa Me11a M . e11di Miza11 Tafari Moyale Mt1ggi Nasselo (T11active) Ne: fas Mewtcl1a Neghelli Robi Robi Sebeta (Aletn Gue11a) Sekotta Seleklel<a Se11dafa Serbo Shan1b11 Sl1ebe J.39 -

Teklay Ghizat

Tigre Illt1b,:1bor A.rLISSi

Sl1oa Sl1oa �figre Tigre Tigre Begemdir & Semen Gojja111 Gam11 Goffa I1a.rarge SI1oa I--Ia.rarge Wollo Shoa Bege1ndir & Sen1e11 Wallo Ga.111u Goffa Sida1no Tigre Kaffa Gojjam lll11babor Sl1oa Sl1oa Hararge Bale Wollega Kaffa Sida1uo \Vollega Begen1dir & Se1ne11 Shoa Arussi Bale Shoa Wallo Tigre Shoa Kaffa Wollega Kafl·a

7-1,2 3rd Class (cont'd.) Nan1e of Town Sne110 Sire Sire Sittit Stmtugenet Tafari Ber (Togu WtLtcl1ale) Tafari Kela Taji Tepi Tefki Ten.ta Tinsaye Birl1an Toba

CoNsoL10A·rEo LI\.WS 01· E·ri110P1A

Teklay Ghizat Shoa Arussi Wollega Begemdir & Se1ne11 Ka-ffa Hararge ([t1active) Sida1110 Shoa Jllt1babor Shoa Wollo Art1ssi I1lt1babor

Name of Tow11 T11llo BL1llo Wa.ka We11ago ,vereta Wili11cbitti Wolo11kome \Vombera Wewedir Wt1kro Ya)'O Yejt1be 1'erga Ch,1ffe Zeglte Zt1\:\1ai

TcklaJ' Gbizat Sl1oa KaJTa Sidamo Bege1ndir & Seme11 Sl1oa Sl1oa Gojja111 Hararge Tigre Illubabor Gojjam Sidamo Gojjam Sl1oa

CONSOLIDA1"10N NOTE Anic/. 7/7 (1948.> L.115; 11 /12 (1952) L.168; 15/6 (1956) J... 200; 15/8 (l 956)L.202; 16/3 (1956)L.209; 16/3 (1956) L.210; 16/10 (1957) L.211 ; 19/ I (1960) L.230; 20/5 (1960) L.235; 20/12 (1961) L.237; 20/15 (196l) L.238; 20/15(196l)L.239; 21/4 (1961) L.247; 21/4 (1961) L.248; 21/6 (1961) L.249; 21/7 (1962) L.251; 22/1 (1962) L.260; 2'2./4 ( 1962) L.263; 22/4 (1962) L.264; 22/5 (1962) L.268; 22/9 (1963) L.271; 23/1 (1964) L.281; 24/4 (1964) L.300; 24/9 (1965) L.304; 25/6 (1965) I...312; 27/13 (1968) L.338; 27/19 (1968) L.340; 28/2 (1968) L.352; 28/16 (1969) L.367. Th.e towns 111arkecl inactive \Vere esta.blisl1ed by la\v ancl have never bee.n cancelled. Ho'vvever, in practice they are no longer operatiug towrsl1ips.

5/3 (1945) L. 91''' Rules Issued Pursuant to the Municipalities Procla.mation, 1945 17Ete R se es are issued by �e Min!st�r of Interior pursuant to authority v�sted fil: . _ _ 1a him li>y Aiit10l� 9 of tlle Mu11 11c1.palit1e s Proclan1atio11, 1945 (No. 74 of 1945). WATE . R. RULES 1. 1Tlil.ese Ruh�s m.ay b� oitled as tl1e '' 1¥ater Rules, 1945''.

I. IN'flERPRETAT[ON 1. r,� rbese '.RtLles, unless thte 0011text otherwise reqt1ires: (i) ''WA'fJERWO�$'' .mea11s a11y struott1re or aipplia11ce t16�d or G©11s­ _ ru � ct�d f@r 011>�a1!lilm1g, stor1rn�, purifying, conveying, distribl!Ltli!ng, 1neas:ar­ ing @r 11egirul_at11lilg waiter; wluch are trtsed or ha,;,e bee1 co11s1 tul!lol!ed b,1 or o.i1 b�ha4fi ©f 1ib.e (3over11u;nt}t1t a11d at·e t11e ptoier ty 'ttlle. ne.0 f @JJ which s1�11 hereafit®: be use0 @Jr cc11sl!ruotecd by tlae G o;veram:elilt mr :b--y bhe_ waill�F Al!l.tlfil,_ Q,r1ffly; *m1f&Q>IDt.Je'iPOR.y FO©TNQ]'ili *HmpZ. a,,rd. :Pea.C. �6fi&.1 (1957)., Oiv. Pr.e.C. 25-�x. 3 (1!165».

- ¾,ID -



(ii) ''\YATER 1-\UTHORlTY'' 111ea11 s the l)erson aJ )p 11tecl b oi · y tl1e Go-· · \ er 11o r Gener·1l · )erv1se tl1e ,vaterworks a11cl c to 111.'anage 0 1· st1 ·. . tl1e st1 p1) ly o f \Vater therefrom 111 a11y defired area· ' : · (iii) ''PREIYII · SES'� n1 eans a11y la11d \Vitl1 or witl1ot1t bt 1 ildi 1 1as whicl1 is held or occt1p1ed as a disti11ct c,r se1)arate l10Icli 11 g or te 1a 1 �1cy·' .... (.iv) ''11ETER'' 111 e�us a 11 ap1)aratt· 1,, for · 111eas11r11· 1 g water a11cl a11y 111eter . box, cover and. 111 d1c ator 11 1arl<.irg tl1e _positio11 a11cl size of s11ch 111eter; (v) ''OW�E �'' 1�1 ea11 s tl1 e J?erso11 for tl1e tin1e bei 11 g receivi 1 1g tl1e re11 t of _tl e PI em _ 1 1se s 1 1 1 co1 11 1 ect 101 1 \\ 1tl1 ,vbicl1 tl1e word is t1sed wl1 ether 011 � his ? wn acco11nt or ::1s age11t or lrt1stee for a11 y otl1 er J)erso11 ,:vbo �1ot1ld _ receive the rent if the J)remises \Vere let to a te11 a11t a11 d inclt1cles tl1e ' l1older of pre11 1ises direct fro1 11 tl1e Cro,:v 1 1; (vi) ''OCC�PIER �' n1 ea11 s any J)erson i11 occt1J)atio11 of tl1e pre11 1ises in co1111ect1on w1t11 ,vl1 jch the wo�d is used; (vii) ''C1-\TCI-IMENT AREA'' 111 eans a1 1y area of la11d or water deli111 ited by tl1e Gover11 or General, tl1e ,vater fro1n wllich contribt1tes to tl1 e sttp1)ly of an)' ,vater\\'Orks. 1

II. DEFINED A REA 3. The 11i1lister of I11terior 111 ay by order declare a11 y area to wluch ,vater supplied by the watenvorks to be a ''defi11ed area'' 1111 der these Rt1Ies.


III. v,1 A.TER AUTHOI�ITY 4. Tl1e Water 1-\1itho1·ity: (i) sl1all constrt1ct or take over any \Vaterwork:s; ,t11 d (ii) shall n1 a11age, 1nai 11 tai 11, exte11d a11cl alter s11ch vvaterworlcs a11 d sl1all ma11age a11d distribt1te tl1e water tl1 erei11 s11bject to the ,11)proval of the Governor Ge11eral, a11 d may s11_pply \V,1ter st1bject to tl1ese R11les and all subsidiary legislatio11 to a11y prenuses 0 11 ap1Jlicatio 1 1 bei11g made by the ovvner or occ11pie: thereof; a11cl (iii) may, in a11y public thoro11gl1farc, lay do\\111, 111ai11tai11 , take up, re11e\\1 or alter, inSJ)ect, atte11d to, exa111 i11e a11 d test a11 y waterworks; a11d (iv) may, after givi11g reaso11able 11otice i11 writi11g to tl1e owner and/or occupier a11d \vith tl1e writte11 co11sent of the ovvner and/or occ11pier carry any water pipe i11 to, 111Jo11, tl1ro11gb, across or 11nc ler a11y premises whatsoever; a11 d (v) may, at sucl1 ti111es as 111ay be 111at11a.lly conve11ie11t to the occ11pier a11 cl the said authority, enter 111Jon such 1)re1nises for the l)tlrposes of: (a) maintenance a11d repairs of a11y waterworks; or (b) maintenance a11 cl repairs and reading of any 111eter; (vi) may, disco11 11ect or witl1 hold the s11pply of water as l)rescribed i11 sectio11 8 l1ere11nder withot1t prejudice to the recovery of any cl1arges, 111eterre11 t or other su · 1ns cl1 1 e l111der these F.l1les. 5.

IV. SUPPLY OUTSIDE DEFINED AREA (i) Notwithsta11 ding a11ything in these Rt1les co11tai11ed, tl1 e Gover 11 or Ge11 eral 1nay at1thorize a Water A11tl1ority to SllJ)l)ly water ot1tside its - J4l --



-------------------- ----- ----· defined area. The Governor Ge11eral 1nay prescribe the cI,arge for �ater so strpplied a.nd the conditio11, 011 wl1ich a supply shall be autl1or1zed. Provided that a11y cl1 arge so prescribed shall not be less than _the cl1 arge for a si111ilar s11pply wi:hi11 the defined area a11d sl1all be SLtbJect to approval by tl1e Minister of I11terior. (ii) Whe11 a s11pply of' water is so autl1orized, tl1e provisio11s of these Ru l�s a11d all s11bsidiary legislation 1nade thereu11 der sl1all apply, 1111,1tat�s· 111i1ta11dis, to such supply, subj�ct always to the cl1arges and a11y condi­ tions prescribed by the Mi11ister of I11terior.

V. WATER RATE 6. The charges i'or meter re11t and w:1.ter registered by meter shall be payable by the occupier on the last day of tl1e cal:!ndar n1011tl1 i11 wl1icl1 such cl1arges shall l1ave bee11 inc11rred. 7. The c la.arges for water supplied at a rate shall be payable i11 adva11ce on the first day of each calendar n1 ontl1 bf the occ11pier. 8. Tl1e Water Authority 111ay cut off or withdraw the water s11pply fro1n any lJremises in respect of which the water rate or any other charges i11 co□nectio11 ,vith the supply are not fully paid within tl1irtJ days after receipt of the 11otificatio11 by the Waiter At1tl1ority, provided that tl1e occupier shall ]1ave the right to appeal to court within the said thirty days. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Impl. a11·1d. Giv. Pro. C. 25/Ex.3 (1965)Arts.12-18 (prescribing jurisdiction of courts and thereby impliedly abolishing Conm1unal Court, whiclJ was origina11y referred to herein).

VI. DISC,O NTJN'UANCE OF USE O F WATER 9. The occu1pier 0f an)' premises liable to the payment of any water rate shall git\'e Botice of his inte.ntiou to discontinl!le the use of the water or of his intention t© vaeate the px,emises and shall pay the ntes to the end of the calendar month in whidh. h.e eeases to occupy tbe premises ard/o·r to use the water s·upplied, provided t\hait w!he,ue tJhe owm6r is J,ia, ble for an)' rate, st1cll Botices shall be given by the owner. VU. RECOVERY OF AMOUN'T DU'E 1.t©. f.Jmp/. i;_e,pd. (Cjq. lPro.C., 25/Ex. 3 (1965)AFts. 151-153 (comprehensively legislat­ ing Wlit, li JJespe0t t© attac. hment @f property bef@re jud.ginent).] 11. Tu!l aBo/ action before the court f 01 the recovery of any amount du.e under th&se mifes a cGetmfi.eate oocler 11ke '.hand cf the Water Attthority such surn is clltle '.ifu@m the Veif.endant, sha!ll, 1ra the a10se11ce ®f eviidence to the contrary, be ooncl1u­ si¥e evidence of s,uc:h am.@lll41lt and of t!he no:a-paymenti 1!hereof ll>y the Defen.dant. 1

CONSOl.IDATION NOTE {'ff!IJZ. an1a e:iM.P1to.C �5,WX.3 (1965) A �ts. 12-18 CJ?1i�cribinaJurisdicti0n otiC011rts ancl tiherebf , : brog C0:m�mnnal Court, wh1oh W'5 en1gmally •rtmpl1ed.lf ao0l1s i;eferr.�d to berein).

V[ti·. PENAL'iflES lk�. [tlmp1. fP '!P_dJ. iPe:n. C. 16/�x .� (19�:J Arts. 506, 65[, 653-54, 810 <eo�erring ti� @ifeEee-s �igm�aa� �ein:ed m ffllls �bn1e whlieh deaJlt wtinTo: iinljurri11g, -waterworks � w:eter.s, dl1\.ll:ffll.l!l:lg W(b , teB, aindl po�ll!llM!IilJB eatchmeat aueas�,.J - 14J -

7-2,3 ---- ---- ----------------· LOCAL GOVERNf\1ENT

! 3: [J1111J I. repd. Pen. C. �6/Ex. 1 (1957) Art. 100 (coveri 1 1g sitt1atio 1 1s i11 w]1ich an 1 1 1Jured perso11 ma y reqt11re tl1at a1 1 offe11der 1nay be reqt1ired to 11 1ake good the damage or pa y damages by ,vay of co1111)e 1 1satio11).] 14 . Any perso 1 1 ,vl10: (i) wa�hes or batl1 es i11 a11y _part of the watervvorks or catclm1 e11t area or 10 any vessel t1secl b)' tl1e Water 1\t1tl1ority for st1pplyi1 1g water; or . (11.) ,vashes, tl1ro\.\ 'S or cat 1 ses or per 1 nits to enter i 1 1to a11y part of the water­ "''orks or catcl1 111e11t arecl or in ail)' vessel tised by tl1e ·water Autl1ority for st1pplying \.Valer, a11)1 a11i11 1al, clotl1 ing 1 11 ,tterial or tl1ing; sl1all be g11ilty of a, n offe11ce a11d sl1all i11 tl1 ose cases whicl1 do 11ot f,1l l under Article 506 of the Pe11 a l Code, be liable to tl1e pe11,1lties prescribed by A1·ticles 364, 740 or 785 of the Pe 1 1al Code.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE I111pl. c1111d. Pen.C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 364, 506, 740, 785, (amending St1barticles (i) ancl (H) by prescribing pt1nishn1e11t for contan1it1ating drinki11g water and contravening provisions relating to the salubrity tl1ereof and to tl1e exploitation of natural resources), Arts. 653,654,810 (impliedly repealing Subarlicle (iii) \Vhicl1 dealt \Vith wrongft11ly opening or closing water\vorks locks, cocks. valves, sluice<; or manl1oles).

IX. SUBSIDIARY RULES 15. The Gover11 or General 1na,y pu. blish st1bsidiar)' rtiles, subject to tl1e a[Jproval of the wliruster of Interior, i 1 1 tl1e Negc1rit Gaze ta: (i) i 1 1 respect of the control and 111 an11 er i11 wl1ich \Vater 111 ay be supplied a 11 d the price to be cl1arged for \Yater so s11pplied; (ii) in respect of the conditions t111der which "''ater 111ay be st1ppliect; (iii) in respect of 1neter re 1 1t; (iv) i 1 1 respect of the preve11tio11 of waste; (v) in respect of the i11spectio 1 1 of waterw�rks a11 d n1eter� ; and (vi) in respect of for1ns a11d the a11101111t of issue of all 11ot1ces to be g1ven and se1 1t u11der these r1 1 les. 16 . [Imp/. repd. Peo.C. l 6/Ex. I (1957) Art. 354 (pr� vidi11g that pt111ish1: 1e11t for breacl1 of a wide ranoe of s11bsidiary r11les a11 d regulations sh,1ll be determ11 1ed O in accorda11ce with the Penal Code and tht1 s repeali1 1g tltis Article, whicl1 said . that fiL1es for breach of rt 1 les isst1ed 1111der Article 15 could 11 ot exceecl fifty dollars (Eth . $ 50)).] Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 30tl1 day of N·oven1 ber 1945.

B. Awraja Self-Administration

25/9.B (I 966) 0 . 43 * An o rder t. o Establish Local Self-Administration PREAN1BLE


1. Short Title CHAPTER I - AWRAJA LOCAL SELF-ADMINISTRATION. Section I : Basic Provisions Amd. 26/6 (1967 ) 0.47.

2. Institutio11 of Local Self-Adn1inistratio11 3. Legal Stat11s 4. Po\vers a11d D11ties 5. Basic Orga11ization 6. Char1ge of A,vraja Bou11daries


- 143 -



----------------:�---:--:--:---:-:-· tt1s <)f Stal�� of Local Ad1ninis-

Constitution of Cot1ncil Section 2: 7. Compositio11 8. Electoral Districts 9. 1�er111s of Office; Re-Electio11 Section 3: Election of Representatives 10. Qualit1catio11s of Voters 11. Qt1alificatio11s of Ca11didates 12. Electoral Board l 3. Fu11ctio11s of Electoral Board 14. Regis1Jration of Voters 15. ApJJlicatio11 for Candidacy 16. Presentation of Candidates to Voters 17. Election Day or Period 18. Polli11g Statio11s 19. Ballots a1Jd Voting 20. Protectio11 of Ballots and Ballot Boxes 2 l. Counti.J1g of Ballots 22. Notification to Elected .Representatives 23. Complaints 24. Electio11 Costs 25. Fil Ii r1g1 of V aca11cjes �ecru.on 4: Conncil Procedures 26. I naugt1ratiou of Cout1oiJ 27. Electio11 of Cl1airma11 ar1d ViceChairmarJ 28. �eg1:1lair Sessions 2�. Sl, }}eciall Meetings 3©. Oucler i!n Mee1iings 31. S'ran<lting 01rde:rs



33. Decisions 34. Mdn,1:1,tes 35. 81:thnmissioL1 of Minutes to Rneileras¥e 16. PUJo1ioiity gf Activities 37. !Ltem.wte,,r,ati@,.m oo<!L 'fra:vt}l AJJow­ a,ae€S m»ganization ol Local S'."ection 5� .Administration :S1 S. @, Fgan.iizaroion a1ncil S:ta�g J�. [[in-BerMioe TJ.Faiatl}ll;g if_©. Re&fl©I11sibi!l!tties of '.fumcail­ tmaitri.0.111 8i�alffi �1. �esp0nshei1Jliitlte.s 0·f Awnaja Aena,i­ �i-s· tinait@li'

42. Sta tration 43. Costs of Adn1i11istration

Section 6: Property 44. Acquisitio11 of Property 45. Ad1ninistratio11 of Property 46. DisJ )ositio11 of Property Section 7: Budget

An11ua.l Bt1dget Pre_paratio11 of A1111t1al Budget Approval of A1111t1al Budget Publicatio11 of A11nual Bt1dget Fail11re to Con1p]ete Budgetary Proceclt1res before Begi11ni11g of Fiscal Year 52. St1pJ)ler11e11tary Btidget 53. Fiscal Yea.r 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Section 8: Annual Accounts ao{l Audit 54. St1b111issio11 of An1111al Accou11ts 55. Audit Proced11res Section 9 : Legal Proceedings 56. Capacity 57. Representatio11 58. Settlen1e11t of Claims i11 Litigatio11

CHAPTER II - CENTRAL GOVERNMEN'T SUPERVISION AND CONTROL 59. Supervising and Co11trolling Attthorities 60. Pri11ciples of Supervision a11d Control 01. Powers and Dt1ties of Enderasye G2. Powers and Dt1ties of Minister of Interior 6 .J. Inter-Ministerial Relations CHAPTER III - tMPl,BMENTA­ T]ON AND TRANSlTOR.Y PROVISi.llON� 64. Eirective Dates 65. Trrans:fer 0f Cl.enrtral Qo�e-rinm.ent PMibJJi€ Serv�ts GC\l. 'ifliansfeli 0f CJentrml 00veJJinme11t !Pn0pert.y


------------------· ---�:--C O NQUERING LION OF TH LOCAL GOVERNNIENT



WJ:��EAS, �t is Ot1r desire that Ot1r beloved people shall enjoy the benefits for l 1de JJr a 111oder1 provision by makes full acl111i11istratio11 an� fac1l1t1es which � ?� � _ _ tl1e1r active part1c1pat1011 111 tl1e bt1s111ess of local governme11t; a11d WHEREAS, by Ot1r Decree No. I of 1942 We provided for tl1e establishment of a syste111 of n1oder11 provir1cial ad.111i11istratio11 tl1ro11ghout Ot1r Empire; and WHEREAS, tl1e tasks a11d respo11sibilities of tl1e territorial sub-divisio11s of Our Empire have co11ti11t1ed to gro\.v wit11 tl1e adva11ci11g tech11ical and econon1ic evolution of the 11atio11 so tl1at a ft1rther decentralizatio11 of such system wot1ld TTO\.V be ad,ra11tageot1s; NOW, THEREFORE i11 accordance witl1 Article 27 of Our Revised ConstitLI­ tion and 011 the ad.vice of Our Cot111cil of Mi11isters, We l1ereby order as follows: 1. Short Title Tl1is Order 111ay be cited as tl1e ''Local Self-Administratio11 Order, 1966''. CROSS REFERENCE Ad.rni.nistrative Reg11lations, 1/6 (1942) D.1, 6 Consol..L. Et/1. 1.

CHAPTER I AWRAJA LOCAL SELF-ADMINISTRATION. Section I: Basic Provisions 2. Institt1tion of Local Self-Administratio11 (1) There is hereby establisl1ed at the Av.iraja level an Awraja Local Adminis­ tration (hereinafter tl1e ''Local Administration'') to exercise the system of local self-administration i11stitt1ted by tl1is Order. (2) All towns other than 111unicipalities presently or hereafter to be chartered in accordance 'vvith the law shall be comprised within the Local Admi11istra­ tio11. 3. Legal Statt1s (I) Every Local Administration shall be a public body corporate and politic. (2) A contract co11cluded by a Local Administration shall for purposes of the Civil Code of 1960 be deemed a contract concluded by an administrative authority and shall be s11bject to tl1e provisions of said Code relating ,to Admjnistrative Contracts. CROSS REFERENCE Civ. C. 19/Ex 2. (1960) Arts. 3131 - 3306.

4. Powers a11d Duties (I) Every Local Administration shall, subject to s�pervision and control as provided in this Order, have all powers and duties �ecessary to 1:Ilake- and car·ry ot1 t within the area of its jt1risdiction decisions 1n tl1e following fields: - 145 -



(a) i11 tl1e field of educatio11: tl1e building, fL1r11ishing, ma.inte11a11ce a1 1d 01Jeratio11 of ele1nentary schools; (b) in the field of public health: . . the bt1ilding, fu1·11ishir1g, n1aintenance a11d OJJer,1t1011 �� �1ealtl1 st�t1�11s, health centres, sanitation a.nd otl1er public healtl1 fac1J1t1es of a s1n11lar or related 11att1_re; (c) in the field of JJ11blic \.Vorks: . . the construction and 1nai11te11a11ce of local roads and 1111nor bridges other than such as n1ay be built and maintai11ed by the J111perial High­ way Authority; (d) in the field of water ·st1pply: drilling for undergro1md water; tl1e provisio11 of com1nL1111ty water supplies; and tl1e building of sn1all irrigatio11 ca11als a11cl 111i11or da111s; (e) in the fields of agriculture and commt11lity developn1e11t: collaboration with the Mi·nistries performi11g activities in these fields; (f) in the field of trade a11d commerce; fostering and encou.ragin.g trade a11d commerce a 1 1d tJ1e developn1e11t of local markets and 111arl<etu.1g arra11gen1ents; a11d (g) in other fields: oontrol of private construction a11d st1ch other n1atters as 1nay be deter­ mined to be local affairs by Our Mi11ister of Interior i11 a.greeme11t with s11ch other Minister or Mi11isters as may be concer11ed. (2) The activities mentioned in paragrapl1 (1) of this Article 4 shall be carried out i n accorda11ce with such t1ational or regional plan.s, programs and policies as may be a.dopted by th.e con1pete11t authorities. (31) 'Fhe L@cal Administration shall, vvithin th.e area of its jurisdictio11, carry ou.t such specific tasks on behalf of the Central Government as Ou.r Mi11ister @f fute.rior, in agreement with sucl1 other Mi,nister or Ministers as may be ceneemed, may dirBct. §.

Basie Or:gan,i�a:ti0n shall be established in the Awraja a11 Awraja Cou11cil (herei11after the ''C@ancil'') te ea,rry oa.t the functio11s assig11ed to it by this Order, and a11 admi­ nis�ati:ve ©liganizatiolil to implement the decisions of the Council and to carry @lllt such ©tlher fiunetions as may be assigned to it persuant to this Orde.r or abneJcwi, se b� ain,ropriate legislation. The Cot1ncil shall have its own budget.

6:. aiange of Awraja Boundaries A change of !Awraja boundaries, whether caused by the creation of a ch.artered m.urueipatify in "a:ccoJtdance wiith tlhe law or 1.ihe disolttti.011 or amal.gai11atio11 of Awr:ajas @rm airn.y o'tiher manner, shali be dete1rmined bf Q·ur Council of Miais­ teFs. �er,_e, in the ev �nt of a,ny su �h change 0f Awraja 'b.oundaries, a. cli ,spute regar�ng &,.e ec0E0nnc an·d fin:aao1al e0nseqiuenoes thereof shollrld arise, such diis,1:JJte sb:�]l be sl!l1bmi1tte<d to jn.e iEBcl:e11asre ©F IE,mdeoas-yetca c011.eemecl 0r to @u MinisteE �:£ il!.nteJJJ0r an;a if n0t settled up,0n sEel1l su1bm'fissi@J, 1 sihaill1 be deteF­ m:illed DJ ©ur @eun<:;il 0f MiUJiste1cs.

- W4':6 l ij

7-3 ---- ----------- -----· LOCAL GOVERNMENT

Section 2:

Constit1tion of Cot1ncil

7. Compositio11 Tl1e Cou11cil s11all co11 sist of tl1e follo,vi11g 11t1.1nber of .Representatives, to be elected by th e voters of eacl1 electoral district: ( 1) (a) t\vo (2) Represe11tatives fro111 eacl1 Wo.recla electoral district; (b) 011e (I) adclitio11al Represe11tative frorn each Woreda electoral district l1avi 11g a JJ0 .pt1latio11 o1� 111ore than tl1irty six thot1sa11d (36,000) inbabit­ a11ts or .hav111g n1ore tl1,111 11i11e tl1ot1sancl (9,000) registered voters: (2) (a) 011e (1) Represe11tative fro111 each tow11 co11stitt1ted as an electoral dis­ trict pt1rst1ant to J)a.ragrapl1 (2) of Article 8 of tl1is Order; (b) 011 e (1) additio11al Representati"e fron1 eacl1 stich town having a popu� latio11 of more tl1a11 six thot1sancl (6,000) bt1t fe"ver tha11 ten tl1ousand (I 0,000) inl1abita11ts; a11d (c) 1\VO (2) additio11al Represe11tati\ies from eacl1 such town having a popu­ latio11 of ten thousand (10,000) or more i11l1abitants. 8. Electoral Districts (1) Each Woreda, witl1 the exception of chartered 1nt1nicipalities and the towns specified in paragraph (2) of this Article 8, shall constitute a separate electoral djst.rict. (2) Each established town, with the exceptio11 of c11 artered mu11icipalities, having a population of not fewer tl1an three thousand (3,000) i11l1abitants shall constitl1te a separate electora: district. (3) Each to\vn having a popt1latio11 of fewer than tl1ree thot1sand (3,000) inha­ bitants sl1all constitt1te part of the Woreda electoral district in \Vhich it is located. 9. Terms of office; Re-Electio11 (1) Representatives shall be elected to the Cot111cil for a term of four (4) years. (2) Represe11tatives sl1all be eligible fo1 re-election st1bject to their continuing satisfaction of the qualifications set forth i11 Article 11 of this Order. Section 3:

Election of Representatives

I 0. Qualifications of Voters

(1) Every person who: (a) is o·f Ethiopian nationality; (b) will have attained twenty one (21) years of age as of the first day of the electio11; (c) has for at least one (1) year i11Jmediately preceding the election main­ tained his principal reside11 ce a; defined i11 the Civil Code of 1960 in the electoral districts; and (d) is registered as a voter, shall have the right to vote. (2) the provisions of paragraph (1) of this. �rticle 10, no person who at the time of tl1e election is insane or by dec1s1on of a court of com_petent jurisdiction is deprived of his civil rights shall be allo\ved to vote. -- 147 -



CROSS REFERENCE Civ. C., 19/Ex. 2 (1960) Arts. 174-182. Pen. C., 16/Ex. 1 (1957).

11. Qualifications of Candidates (1) Every perso11 who: (a) is of Ethiopian natio11ality; (b) will have attained twent)' fiv� (25) years of age as of the fi_rst day of • the election; (c) has for at least one (1) year immediately preceding the electio11 1nain­ tained his principal residence as defi11ed in the Civil Code of 1960 i11 the electoral district; and ,. (d) is registered as a voter; •• may be a candidate for election as a Represei1tative. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of t11is Article 11, no p�rsoL1 who : (a) is insane; or (b) has appljed for candidacy in 111ore tl1a11 one (1) electoral district; or (c) is registered as a voter in m)re tha11 one (1) electoral district; or (d) at the time of tl1e electio11 is deprived by dec.isio11 of a co111pete1 1t cot1rt of his personal liberty or ci'lil rigl1ts; or (e) has been convicted in a foreign cot1ntry of an oft�ense recog11ized as an. offense under the Ethiopian Penal Code of 1957 and pt111isl1able tl1ere­ under by a minimttm term of i1nprisonment of six (6) mont11s or 1nore or a minimum fine of one tbot1sand dollars (Eth.$ 1,000) or more and has not served the ter·n1 or the fi11e i1nposed; or (f) is an undischarged ba11krup:; may be a candida.te for election as a Representative. •

CROSS REFERENCE Civ. e. 19/Rx. 2 (1960) Arts. 174-182. Pen. C. 16/E,i:. 1 (1957).

12. Electoral Board (1) An Rlectoral Board shall be established in each Awraja within a11 appro­ pri,aite pe.rii0d pri0r to the holdi11g of an election. (2) 'i.lhe '.electo.uall B,oard shall consi�.t o.f the Aw:raja Admi11istrator or, in his a.,bs�Bee, his Depl!lty, as Chairma:i ancl 'three (3) members appointed by the Rna'.�1ras�e 0f tib.e Teklay Ghizat upon recommendation of the Awraja Admi­ nistFator. (J) Mem1bers 0f the Electoral Boalid may 0e reap}l)oiBted. �4} .A memll>�F ef the Elleotoral B0ata who a.pp.lies foF cand�d-acy as a Repre­ sentatt:ve s!Jlal[ resign from the B0a1rcci. 13. �eti0:ns ef Bilect@Fal !B@ard (lj ']1J![e fileotoua.,l Beaircl shaJtl be Ee-spons10le £or maki u 1 g arrange-meurs for aaa re011,<lluctmsg tine ele0ti0ns 0f R'e1>11esen.tatives atS providea in this Ouaer. 'iJTihe Rleet0,ml IB' @aFal, in exieuojsing its Fl!lllG1lions, shall hiazv� ta.e p0weJJ" a11d aiaty l l.i es rand neeessaiiv <1le0isi0ns and taikle 3lPJi>J lll a1l!l lietev:a!JJJ!t measu opriate �e i t . i,u: aeG@1t<! wifill the law :t© em oree such clecisio.n.s. The f)lectetal B0acra

- 14!8 -




shall decide 011 t �e ,,a}jdity of elections, st1bject to appeal to the Enders e _ of th� :el<lay �liizat or to a11r pe�·s011 cti11g on llis bel1a lf for this pu o:e; � provi�ed, h?'' �v�r, that nothi11g 1n tl11s 1\rticle 1 3 sl1all Iin 1it or affeTt the _ po,ver .a11cl Jt1r1 sd1ct1on of con1pete ·ti1e cases or con· nt co t1r ts to de t erm • ine · . . ti. .oversies of a pe11al or civ il 11att1re arisi11g i11 con11ectio11 with a decisio11 of tl1e Electora I Board. (?-) Our Mi11ister. of I11 · te1·1·01· shall 1sst · 1e 1egu · · I at-·1011s gover111· n.g the · · performa11ce of tl1e ft1nct1 01 1s of the Elector,1l Board. 14. RegistJ.·ation of Voters ( l) !he Electoral Boa!·� shall be res1) 011sible, ii1 accorda11ce with the regulations _ issued br <?t1r M1111ster of I11ter1or , for tl1e establishme11t of a register o f voters w1th111 each of the electoral districts of the Awraja. (2) Such r _egt1latio 1 1s shall i11clt1cle, without li111itatio11, rules and proccdt1res governing the n1anner in which: (a) tl1e reg�ster sl1all b� 111ade accessible to tl1e pt1blic; (b) complaints concern111g registration may be st, bmitted; a11d (c) such complaints sl1all be co11sidered and res<)lved. 15. ,'\pplication for Candidacy (1) Fron1 the day the register of voters is made accessible to tl1e p11blic and there�·fter until the date six (6) \\1eeks prior to electio11 day, application for cat1d1dacy as a Represe11tative may be filed at tl1e Electoral Board by a11y person who ca11 J)rove, to the sat.isfactio11 of the Boarcl, tl1at his candidacy is st1pported by at least t'rventy five (25) registered voters in · the electoral district. (2) The Electoral Boa.rq shall reject for. candidacy only such applicants as fail to fulfi.11 the qt1alifications set fortl1 i11 Article 11 of this Order or tl1e requirements of paragraph (1) of t11is Article 15. .. (3) Every applica11t shall be i11forn1ed by the Electoral Board i11 'rvriting not later tha11 011e (I) week after the last day for application for ca11didacy whether the application l1as been accepted or rejected. 16. Presentation of Candidates to Voters The Electoral Board shall prese11t all accepted ca11didates to the voters at public gatJ1eri1 1gs or by other st1itable arra11geme11ts 11ot later than one (1) montl1 before tl1e first day of the electio11. · 17. E]ectio11 Day o.r Period Electio11s shall take place 011 tJ1e first (1st) day of Yekatit in all electoral districts of a11 Awraja; provided, 11owever, that where exceptional circumstances may preve11t the elections fro1n taking place 011 such day or their being carried through in 011e (1) day, t]1e Electoral Board may, witl1 the approval of the Enderasye of the Teklay Ghizat, decide tha t elections i11 one (1) or 1nore electoral districts, as necessary, shall be held 011 another day or over a period of several days.


CONSOLIDATION NOTE The 1st day of Yekatit in the Et11iopian Calendar corresponds to 8 February (9 February in Leap Years) in the Gregoria.n Calendar.

18. Polli11g Stations (I) The Electoral Board shall establish as many polli11g stations as may be 11ecessary to the rapid co11duct of the election; provided, l1owever, that - 149 -



C0Nsor..10A1·Eo LAWS OF ET1-r101>1A

in the area of every polling statio11 there shall be a sufficient 11umber of voters to maintain the secrecy of tl1e ballots cast. (2) Polling stations shall remain open from seven o'clock jL1 tl1e mor11ing (7 :00 a.m.) until seven o'clock in tl1e eveni11g (7 :00 p.n1.) on every day of tl1e election.

19. Ballots and Voting ( 1 ) The Electoral Board sl1all be responsible for providi11g to each of tl1e polling stations sucl1 ballots, lists, registers and other n1aterials and equipn1ent as may be necessary for the condt1ct of the electio11. (2) Ballots shall be cast by voters individually i11 voting booths. (3) The Electoral Board shall make the 11ecessary arrangeme11ts to protect the secrecy of ballots and to secure 110 voter shall vote more than 011ce in any election. 20. Protection of Ballots and Ballot Boxes The Electoral Board shall be responsible for th.e proper protectio11 of ballots and ballot boxes prior to and d11ring the election and the cou11ting of ballots and for their trainsportation to and. from the polling stations. 21. Counting of Brullots (1) The Electoral Board shall count the ballots. Ballot boxes shall be sent for countin.g unopened a.nd sealed from t11e polling stations to the Electoral Board. (2) After tl1e ballots have bee11 counted, the results shall be n1ade p11blicly knowt1 by suitab , le means a11d shall be reported by the Electoral Board to tbe Enderasye of the Te,klay Ghizat. (3) The candidate or candidates, as appropriate, receiving the bjghest number of votes in the electoral district shall be deemed elected. In any case where two (2) or more candidates receive an identical number of votes, the election shall b>e determined by lot drawn by the candidates concer11ed before the Blectoral Board. �� 'FJiie ballo:ts oast at the elect.ion s11all be preserved by the Awraja Adminis­ tratet, s�parately .for eaoh of the poll�ng stations, 11ntil after the next election. ;22. Noiliicatlion to Elected Rep.:Fese11tatives Tue Gandi<iates e1eotes sl1all be notified of their election by the Electoral Board. 23. Coml'laimt-s (1) C0m1plaints again, st the validity of arl election n1ay be submitted by any eandidate t0 tbe Hleet©:rai] Boaire no1! later than two (2) weeks after the Jiesuit, ,s ef 1lae ele.cbien ha·v,e beea aEnotince<ll. (2� Within 0ne (1) week f0l[0mi11ilg recej p, t of any sucl1 co111plaint the E.leatoral Boatrd sh.al1l fre>rW·8!Jicl same witila its �Olil1l!ffi.elilits thereo11 attached to tihe En­ cle.ra:syce 0f tire �ekl�� G'Mat wh0 s.halll �Ioceed to clecide same iiil ac@o11aance wimt item (i:v� of Article 6a (2) Cb) of this . 21. �leGttli©ni 00sts :Elie e@sls efi �le©bi0as sfiaJI!l Ihle �oliine 0y 1'hle L0ca1l Ad m , i n.istra:ui0n. 1;}je neeessa� f1mn:0s sh,aJII �e }l)FOiVided rrr@rr in the ll>adget t:n��@fr� - tS© -



-------------------------· 25. Filli11g of Vacancies (I) A seat i11 tl1e Co1111cil sl1all becon1e vaca11t: (a) 11po11 tl1e cleath of a Representative; or (b) vvl1ere a· Represe11tative has ceased to ft1Lfill the qt1alificatio11s set forth i11 Article 11 of this Order;· or (c) upon tl1e resig11atio.11 of a Re_prese11tative. (2) Where a seat i11 tl1e Co11ncil beco111es vacant, it shall be filled by the candi­ date havi11g received the 11ext. l1igl1est 11u1nber of ballots, after the retired �eprese11tati,1 e, cast i11 t]1e relevant electoral district during the preceding electio11; provided, 110,vever, tl1at wl1ere a vacanc)' occurs less than six (6) rnontl1s before tl1e expiratio11 of tl1e tern1 of office, the seat shall remain vaca11 t. Section 4:

Council Procedures

26. I11augr1ratio11 of Cot1ncil (1) The Avvraja Administrator, or i11 his abse11ce his De_p11ty, shall co11vene tl1e Representatives for tl1eir i11a11g1.1ration to the Cou11cil on the twenty seventh (27th) day of Mjazia following tl1e electio11. (2) The Awraja Admi11istrator sha.11 preside ,vitl1ot1t vote over the first meeting of a new Co11ncil 1111til tl1e Chairrna11 of the Co1111cil is elected. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . Tl1e 27tl1 of Miazia in the Ethiopian Calendar corresponds to 5 May in the Gregorian Calendar.

27. Electio11 of Chair111an a11d Vice.:c11airn1a11 (1) (a) The Represe11tatives shall, in the first meeting of a new Cot1ncil and i11 the first meeting of eacl1 of the fallowing three (3) years, elect .from amo11g... tl1en1selves a Chairn1a11 a11d a Vice-Chai1·n1an, to act in such capacities for 011e (1) year, subject to re-electio11. (b) The Cl1airman for a11y 011e (I) year except the fo11rth year shall convene t11e first meeti11g of the follo�1i11g year a11d shall t]1ere preside until · the new Chairman is elected. (c) The Cou11cil shall not con1mence its ft1rther deliberations f'qr any year t111til the Cl1airn1an is elected. (2) The Cl1airma11 a11d the Vice-Chairman sl1all possess sufficient educational qualifications to e11able tl1em to _perforn1 their functions. (3) The Chairman or tl1e Vice-Chairn1an may -resign fro1n such position at any time, and the rest1lting vacancy shall be filled by election for tl1e re1nai 11der of the year. (4) Tl1e A'rvraja Admi11istrator shall provide a11 official of the Local Adminis­ tration to perform the secretarial ft111ctions of the Co11ncil. 28. Regular Sessio11s (I) There shalJ, i11 addition to the inaugt1ration of the· Council as provided for under Article 26 of this Order, be three (3) reg111ar sessions of the Council duri11g each year. 011e (I) such session shall be held at the appropriate time for discussion and determination of the Awraja budget for the coming fiscal year. - 151 -



(2) (a) The Cl1airman shall convene each n1eeting of tl1e Council. (b) The Chairman shall, in consultatiot1 with tl1e Awraja Admi11istrator, fix the times of the sessions and meeti11gs. (c) The Chairma.n shall, i11 co11st1ltation \\1itl1 the Awraja Admi11istrator, determine the agenda of eacl1 sessio11 and co1nn1u11icat e sucl1 age11?a _ to the Represe11tatives i11 due time before the session begins. The Chair­ man shall include on the Agenda all st1ch items of bt1si11ess as may be requested by the A,vraja Adn1inistrator. 29. Special Meetings (1) The Chairman may, in consultation with the Av.1raja Ad1ninistrator, co11ve11e a special meeting of the Cou.ncil at a11y time, where any 1natter arises of such u.rgency that discussion thereof and decisio11 thereo11 by the Cot111cil cannot await the next regular session or meeti11g. (2) The Chairman shall convene a special 111eeting of tl1e Cou11cil at a11y time upon request signed by at least one third (1/3) of the Representatives. (3) The Cbairn1an shall convene a special n1eeti11g of tl1e Cot1ncil at any ti1ue upon request by the Enderasye of the Teklay Ghizat stating the item or items to be discussed and/or decided at such special n1eetit1g. 30. Order in Meetings The Chairman shall be respo11sible for the maintenance of order i11 Co11ncil meetings. He shall give and reft1se tb.e floor to the Representatives. J-fe shall, in accordance with Sta11ding Orders of the Council, l1ave power to exclude Representatives from atte11ding a meeti11g. 31. Standing Orders Subject to applioval by Our Minister of Interior, the Cou11cil may adopt Stand­ ing Orclers inol1uding provisions for establishment of committees, rt1Jes of con­ duct, attendance a.n.d other matters. Our Minister of Interior may issue model Stan.ding Ora.ers. 32. Qu.ormu (1) Two thirds (2/3) of tlbe Representatives shall form a qt1orum of the Cot1ncil. (2) Represe·ntatives shall attend n1eetings in peison and not by de·puty or proxy. 31A Ifleoisi0as (1) (ai) Decisions of tJ1e Coun.cil shall be made by majority vote of rl1e Repre­ se-otative:s votfun.g in tm.e prese.m.oe of aquoru.m. (b) 11h.e Chairman shala have a casti11g vote. (2) No decisi0a shall t>e take11 by the Cotin.cil at any session on any matter n0t irn:clu<llecl. 0n the agenaa communicated to the Representatives i11 advance 0f tlne firrst m_eeting 0f su0h session, unless: · atter has arisen afiter the dispateh (a:) th.e ma_tter or the urgeacy of 11me m 0f tihe a,ge11<:la a:na s0 la/te that alil adclitiona· l, agenaa colllld 11ot have heeu e�pected to r. eae:h tlile Rep:»ese.JiJ.1taitives hefore the l!Ueeting; and (� ihe maj0mt� 0f the Re:J.l)xeseaitatives present fit1ds tl1•at Vhe metter is @f sueh a!fl! :uingaBil Ghara�er that <damage wi'lll be Gausea if w cileoisj0n be macl·e. - 152 -





---------- -·

(3) If a Representative sl1ot1l� be of tl1e opi11 io11 tl1at a decisio11 pt1t ll}) for voting. wo11ld exceed the at1tl1 or1ty of tl1e Cot11Jcil or \VOt1ld otl1erv,1ise v .iolate tl1e la\:7s, �he 11 he shall state l1is objectio11 l,efore tl1.e vote is take11, and st1cl1 obJect1on sl1all be recorded i11 tl1e 111 i1 1t1tes of tl1 e n1eeting.

34. Mi 11t1tes (I) !he �roceedi11gs of n1eeti11gs of tl1e Co1111cil sl1all be recorclecl by the Secretary 111 illllllltes.

(2) �he n1in11tes ?f t.he Cot111cil shall i11cl11 cle tl1e votes for ancl against, abste 11t1ons a 1 1d obJect10 1 1s to eacl1 decisio 1 1 a11d to tl1e 111inutes t}1emselves. Tl1c Standing Orders of tl1e Cot1ncil 111ay provicle for other iten1s or proceedi1 1gs to be recorded i 11 tJ1e n1i1111 tes. (3) The mint1tes take11 n t 111eeti 11gs sl1all be l)repared and apJ)roved at the e11d of the sessio11 or of a special n1eeti11g, as ap1)ropriate, a11d sl1all be sig 1 1ed by tl1e Ch,1irrna 1 1 a 1 1d tl1e Secretary. Objectio11s to the 111i11t1tes n1ay be raised by a 11 y Representative, and, w]1ere a11 objection does not lead to a 1 1 alteration of tl1e n1int1tes, the objectio11 shall be recorded at the e11d of tl1e mi11utes. 35. St1bn1issio11 of Mi 1 1l1tes to E11derasye Tl1e mintites of a session or special n1eetit1g sl1all be st1 bn1itted to tl1e E11derasye of the Teklay Gbizat i111111ediately after the e11d of the meeti11g of st1ch sessio1.1 or special 111 eeting, as ap1)ropr.iate. 36. Pt1blicity of Activities (I) Cou11cil rneeti11gs sl1all be ope11 to the press a11d to the J)Ltblic. (2) -r11e Cot1ncil may, l1owever, decide to de 11y st1ch ad 1 11 itta11ce to a11y 111eeti11g v1hen the)' dee111 it necessary for· tl1e be11efit of the Ce11tral Gover111ne11t or tl1e Awraja. I-11 st1cl1 case, the Cot111cil 111 ay also decicle that secrecy sl1all be observed with regard to tl1e discussio 1 1s l1eld a11d decisions 1nade at such n1eeting. 37. Remt1neration a11 d Travel Allo,vances Within the framevvork of ge11eral regulatio11s isst1ed. by Ot1r Mi11ister of I11terior based on the laws applicable to tl1e Public Service, the Co11ncil shall decide the ren1 t1nera.tion a11cl travel allowa11ces dt1e to Represe11tatives for attendance at Cou11cil 111eetings a 11d for attenda11ce at 1ueetings of Cot111cil Committees as elected n1em bers of st1cl1 Co111mittees. •

Section 5:

Organization of· Local Ad1ninistration

38. Org,111ization a11d Staffi11g (l) Tl1e A \Vraja Administrator sl1 all be tl1e head of the Local Ad1ninistr,1tio11. (2) The Local Administration shall l1ave sucl1 organization a11d staff as are required to . 01 eet its 11eeds a11d perforn1 its ft111ctions. (3) Ot 1 r Mi11ister of Interior shall, 111 const1ltatio11 v,,itl1 sucl1 otl1er Mi11ister or Ministers as may be concerned, issL1e ge11eral instrL1ctions for tl1e orga11iza­ tio11 and staffi11g of the Local Ad111i11istratio1 1. (4) Oltr Minister of Interior shall iss11e ge11eral regulations ftpplicable to tl1e Local Administration concer11i1 1g the activities and tl1e establishment a11d ,1dministratio11 of non-chartered tow11s. - 153 -



39. In-Service Trai11j11g (1) Ot1r Mi11isters responsible for tl1e various fields of activities SJJec� fied. in paragraplJ (1) of Article 4 of tl1is Order shall JJrovicle for aJJpropr1�te in­ service traini11g of staff n1e1nbers of the I-ocal Adn1i11istratjo11 in the1r res­ JJective fields. (2) If 11ecessary, the Cou1Jcil sl1all partake i11 tl1e ex1Je11ses of st1cJ1 trai11i11g of statf n1embers. 40. Responsibilities of Local Adnli11jstration Staff The staff of the Local Ad□1i11istration sl1all be responsible, u11der the st11 Jervisio11 of the Awraja Admi11istrator, for: (I) ad,1ising the Cou11cil on all qt1estio11s witbi11 the fields of activities specified in paragraph (1) of Article 4 of this Order; (2) (a) implementing tl1e decisions of tl1e Council within such fields; (b) carrying out all pre_pa.ratory a11d execl1tive functio11s connected there­ witl1; and (c) co-ordinating these activities with the 11atio11al or regio11a.l progra1ns a.dopted by the co1npetent at1thorities; (3) implementililg the decj�io11s of the Cou11cil i11 fields of activities other tha11 those specified i11 paragratJl1 (I) of Artic!e 4 of this Order, ,vhe11 tl1e perforn,ance of such activities, eitl1er generally or specifically, is laid t1pon nbe Cou11cil by Our Mi11ister of Interior; (4) jm accorda11ce witl1 ge11eral regt1latio11s to be issued by Our Minister of l11terior in ooi1sl1ltation witJ1 Our Mjnister of Finance: (a) preparing tihe btidget a11d, as necessary, st1pple111entary bt1dgets of the Local Adn1inistration, with appropriate detail as to amouo.ts required for the variot1s fields of activity a11d for the vario·u.s territorial st1b-divisions of the Awraja including 11011-chartered towns; (b) accounting for the exec11tion of tl1e ap_proved bt1dget; a11d (c) preparing accounts for subnlission to the Cot111cil as reqt1ired u11der Artiale §4 of this Order; and (§� ea10ry1ng 011t all other ft111ctions O"f tl1e Local. Adminjstratio11 i11 its capacity as a pl!l@lie b>odr coriporate. 4� . .Respa111sibil�ties of Awraja Administrator (1) 'ir1te Awraja Adm.ioistrator, in ae.dition to his respo11sjbilities as an official 0f llh_e Ce0rtaJ Govelinment, shall: � �a) carry out the ft1noti6n,s inoun1be1Jt t1po11 him as of� the Electoral Boar;d; (b) �@£low,iln1g each electi,on ffor the C@tmcil, preserve t11e ballots cast l!tntil after 'Vbe m.ext e]eotio11; aiu1d (e) £-0llowmg each suob. eJectiom, cou1vene the Represe11taru.ves f0r their : jra,alll)�ati0n ail.ild pteside ovf¼r t· he Coum.cil meeting until the Cl1airma11 is elected. (� Jin :hJs capaeitty, alS adviseli U@ the Col!I!lilcil, tlile Awraija Adm 1 inistrat@rr shal1l: �a) in flhe firrst m:<ieniimrg -01' a lll.�w C0u1Dcill, i m1 •f@lillil tth.e Repliese:otatiives eon­ ©eriJJiing flhe f unonions @f Mae C@uneil a111cl 01' t'he L0Gal .Aidmim1ist1ratti0rn,

- �54 -


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)


atJd th e relations of th e CoL111 cil a11 cl. Local Ad 1ni11 istratio11 to tl1 e Central Gover 11 ment; advise the �l1 air11 1an of tl1 e Cot111cil concer11i11g the ti 111 es to be fixed for the sess1011 s and meeti 11 gs a 1 1d tl1e preparatio11 of age11clas; advise tl1e Cl1 air.ma11 of tl1 e Co1111cil of special 111 eeti11gs as reqL1ired · u11 de r paragraph (1) of Article 29 of tl1 is Order·' provide a staff 111e111ber of tl1e Local Ad 1 11i11istratio11 to serve as Secretary to tl1 e Co1111cil; sect1re the _proper J)reparatio11 of all 111atters to be J)rese11 ted by tl1 e � staff of the Local Aclm.i11istratio 11 to tl1e CoL1 11 cil for disct1ssio 11 a11cl/or decisio11 ; atte.11 d tl1e n1 eeti 1 1gs of the Co11ncil, or, i11 l1is abse11ce, provide for ?�aff 1n�n1 ber of tl1e ·Loc::11 Admi11istratio11 to attend i 1 1 l1is stead, and, if he deerns ap1)rop.riate, bring additional stafl: 1 n.e11 1bers of the Loc�tl Adn1ir1istration to assist at s11ch r1 1eeting; ans\ver q11 estio11 s IJUt to l1i111 by the Represer1 tatives, speak at a11y tirn.e 011 111atters u11 der discussio11 a11 d advise tl1.e CoLtncil 011 all problems, especially 011 interpretatio11 of· Ia,vs; be SL1bject to the provisio11s of paragrapl1 (3) o .f Article 33 a11d tl1e secoL1cl se11tence of paragraph (3) of Article 34 of this Orcler; a11d advise the Co1111cil 011 tl1e ap1Jointn1 e11t of otl1er staff 111 embers of the Local Adn1111istra.tio11 .

(3) As head of the Local A.d111 irtistration, tl1e Awraja Ad111i11 istrator sl1all: (a) e11s11re tl1e proJ)er ad.mi 11 .istration, including tl1e proper protectio11 of movable and im11 1ovable p.roperty, of tl1e Loc::11 Admi11 istratio11; (b) ens1 1 re the pro_per exec11tion of tl1e decisio11s of the Co1111cil a 11 d report thereon to tl1e Co1111cil, as req11ested; (c) draft the consolidated a11 11t1al budget of tl1e Local Admi11istratio11 and supplen1e11tary b11dgets, as necess,:1ry, \vith appropriate explanatio11 s and submit sa111 e to the Cou11cil, vvitl1 a copy to f· he Enderasye of tl1e · eklay Ghizat; T (d) e1 1s11re the proJJer exec11tio11 of approved b11dgets, be res1Jo 11 sible for the a11tl1 orizatio11 of payments witliin tl1e bttdgetary ap_propriatio11s ar1d 1nake 11se of budgetary a.ppropriatio11s 011ly as 11ecessary f. or tl1e efficie11 t and economic administratio11 of the Local r\dn1i11 istratio11; (e) e11s11re the prOJJer acco1111 ting a11d i11ter11al co11trol of accot1ntiog for exec1itio11 of approved bt1dgets; (f) st1bn1 it the acco11nts to the CoL1 11 cil after the end of the fiscal year a11d, thereafter, t 1pon at1thorization by tl1e Chair1na 11 of the Council, t'or'rvard the accoti11ts to the A 11ditor-General witl1 a copy to tl1e Enderasye of the Teklay Ghizat; (g) ensure that data rec111ired by tl1e exter11al a1 1 ditors are promptly JJrovided; (h) notify the Cl1airn1a11 of the Cot1 1 1cil of any s11it or otl1 er legal proceedi11 g in which tl1e Local Administration 1uay be i11 volved and represe 1 1t tl1e Cou11 cil i11 all s11ch proceedings; - 155 -



---------------------------------· (i) 11otify the E11derasye of the TekJay Ghizat of a1Jy c)ai111 in Iitigati?n·

or a11)1 series of clai111s in litigatio1. 1 raised by a11y one ('I) perso11 during any period of twelve (12) n1outbs, where tl1e an1ot111t of st1ch claim or clain1s exceeds two tl1ot1sand dollars (EtJ1. $ 2,000); (j) a.dvise the Chairma11 of tl1e Cot111cil co11cer11i11g tl1e ·n1a.ki11g of an a1)pl i­ catio11 to th.e E11derasye of the Tek:lay Ghizat to sect1re 11is approval of the settleme11t of a11y claim in Iitigatio11, as reqt1ired purst1ant to Article 58 of tl1is Order; ( k) ensure the JJrovisions of JJaragraJ?ll (3) of Article 34 of tl1is Order are co1nplied witl1 and that the 11lint1tes of Cotrncil meetii1gs are pre­ sented to the E11derasye of tl1e Teklay Ghizat as provided i11 Article 35 hereof; (1) gra11t any Representative access to records, books a11d doct1111e11ts relating to the affajrs of the Cou11cil; a11d (u1) carry ot1t such other duties as n1a)', from tin1e to ti1ne, be assig11ed to him by the Cot111cil. 42. Statt1s of Staff of Local Adn1i11istratio11 (I) Staff 111en1bers of tJ1e Local Ad:ministratio11 sl1all be en1ployees of tJJe Cot111cil. (2) (a) The Awraja Administr,1tor sl1all be aJ)poi11ted by Us 11po11 recommenda­ tio11 of Our Mit1ister of I11terior. (b) All other e1nployees of tl1e Cou11cil sl1all be appointed by tl1e Aw.raja Ad11linistrator subject to Article 38 (3) hereof and to legislatio11 in force relatj11g to 1ll1e appoiutn1e11t of Public Serva11ts. (3) The Awraja Adn1inistrator and other e111ployees of the Cot111cil s11,tll be subject to Jegislatio11 affecti11g the Pt1blic Service, includi11g PL1blic Service Pensions. 43. Costs of Ad1ninistra:tio11 (1) Th.e 0osts of carryin. g 011 local ad1ninistratio11 shall be bor11e by tl1e Local AdB, li 1oistration, except that costs of administration i11ct1rred i11 co1111ectio11 with tasks laid Uipon. the Co1111cil p11rsua11t to paragraph (3) of Article 4 of thii8 Q110er shall, unless otherwise agreed, be borne by t11e Central Govem­ n1ef1;t.

(2) Grants-in-aid may be provided for Local Admi11istratio11s i11 tl1e Budget (i)f the Central Government on recommendation of Our Mi11ister of' I11terior macle in 0011sultati0n with st1ch other: Minister or Mi11isters as n:1ay be 1 00ncern.ed; pr0vide0, howeve,r, t'aitat prior to ma.king a11y st1cl1 recom1nenda­ ni©n, @·arr Mi1 n�st©Ii 0f ]utetior may d.ema11d th.e necessary inforn1atio11 a11d shall 1;,e given iu11l access to malke al� necess-airy investigations to eost1re ttJ.;iat ea:o,h JL0ca[ A:dmjnis,fJratioo, c011cerliled ca1111.ot reasonably b� expected to lJaJl�ce .iits bQdget witlhou,t a grant-in-aid. Seclion 6: Property

Ml!. �e<qm��iition @1 Jl>11W]i>�.Ft3/ 'ill'he 1L0oaJl Acimii1L1JistraitDj011� sha!l� aGC\ll!tire 0'.fujeets of �IOJDertry 0a11y i 11 so far as; p©ui0d of �es, Elil'&'Y ble [11e(lJJl1l!ooe0 to imeet its tieSJi>.onsihilli!ties ©¥er a ueasona�� i t1me.

- 1f§r6 -



45. Ad111i11istratio11 of Property Property of the Local Acl111i11istratio 11 sl1all be ad111i 11istered and 1 1 tilized i 11 a cqreful a 1 1d eco11omical 111a1111er. 46. Disposition of Property (1) .The Co1111cil 111ay dis_ ��s � of objects of J)roperty wl1ich are 11ot reqt1ired the res1)011s1b1l1t1es _of tl1e Local Ad111i11istratio11 withi 1 1 a JJeriod to n1eet _ wh1cl1 ca11 be foresee11 or ,vh1cl1 are 1 10 l011ger t1seft1 l for s1lcl1 JJUrpose. (2) Dispositio 1 1 of prOJJerty of tl1e Local Ad1ni 1 1istra.tio 11 sl1all be made i11 accorcl­ a11ce '\\1ith reg11Iatio11s isst1ed by 011 r Mi 11ister of T11terior i 11 cons11ltatio11 ,vith 011r lvii11ister of l:;-i11a11ce. Section 7:


47. An 1 111al Bt1dget Tl1e a11n1 1 al bt1dget of tl1e Local A.d111i 1 1istratio11 shall, i11 accorda11ce witl1 re­ g11lations isst 1ed by 011 r Minister of I11terior in co11s11ltation witl1 0 Lt r 1vii11ister of Fin,111ce, provide estin1ates of all i 1ico1ne a11d expe11dit11re of tl1e Local Ad 1 11i11istration. Tl1e b11dget sl1all co11stitt1te the legal basis for tl1e ad111inistratio 11 of all inco111e a11d expendit11res, a11d 110 expenditt 1 re shall be 1nade 1 1 11less pro­ vided for i11 tl1e bt1dget. 48. Preparation of Ano11al Bt1dget (1) The A \vraja Ad11111iistrator sl1all J)reJJare a dr,1ft of tl1e a111111al budget a11d present it ,vith his expla11atio1.1s to tl1e Cot1ncil 1101 later tl1an tl1e twenty se,,entl1 (27t11) day of Mjazia JJreceding tl1e begi1111i11g of tl1e fiscal year. He shall simt1lta11eously for�1ard a COJJY of tl1e clraft a11d expJa 1 1atio11s to the E11derasye of tl1e Teklay Gl1izat. (2) Wl1ere it appears that a grant-i 11-aid as provided for 1111cler J)aragrapl1 (2) of Article 43 of tl1is Order n1ay be 11ecessary to bala11ce tl1e b11clget, specifica.­ tions concerni11g sucl1 gra11t-in-aid sl1all be set fortl1 i11 tl1e draft. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The 27th of Miazia it1 tl1e Ethiopian Calendar corresponds to 5 May in the Gregorian Calendar.

49. Approval of A11 1 11 1 al Bt1dget (I) Upon prese11tatio11 of tl1e draft au11t1al bt1dget by the A\vraja Ad1ni11.istrator, the Council shall discuss a11d a1Jprove sa111e not late.r tl1an the fiftee11th (I 5tl1) day of Sene preceding the begin11i11g of the fiscal year. (2) The Co1111cil may provide i11 tl1e a 1 11111al b11dget a11d appropriatio11, for 11tilizatio11 in case of emerge11cy arisi11g 011t of 11nforeseeable eve11ts, 11ot to exceed five percent (5%) of tl1e total r1111ni11g expe 11ses a11d costs of adn1i­ nistration as provided in tl1e budget. (3) If tl1e annt1al budget as approved inclt1des a ba.la11ci11g ite111 wliich can be provided 0 11ly tl1rot1gl1 a gra11t-in-aid, the Co11ncil sl1all decide on tl1e specific projects and otl1er tasks of the Local Adn1inistratiot1 which sl1all be st1s­ pended 1111til s11ch gra 1 1t-in-aid is approvecl a.11d sl1a]l also decide upon the priority of performa11ce of these projects at1cl otl1er tasks i11 tl1e eve11t that Stich grant-in-aid is a.pproved 011ly in part.

- 157 -



(4) In101ediately ltpon approval of tl1e annt1al budget by tl1e Cot1ncil, thre� (3) COJ)ies tbereo:f shall be forwarded to tl1e End.erasye of the Teklay Gh1zat. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e 15th of Sen.e in the Btl1iopian Calendar corresponds to 22 June in tl1e Gregorian Calendar.

50. Pt1blication of An111:ial B11dget The ru1nt1al budget as approved by the CotLOcil s h. all be n1ade public!)' know11 by st1itable 1nean.s to the inhabitants of tl1e Awraja. 51. Failu1·e to Complete Budgetary Procedt1res before Begi1111ing of Fjscal Yea1:, I11 the event that no annl1al bt1dget shall have bee11 approved by the Co1111c1l be·fore the beginning of the fiscal )'ear, tl1e budget for the previo11s year shall conti1111e i11 force until a new budget l1as bee11 approved. 52. Supplementa.ry Bt1d.get (1) The ann.ua1 bu.dget approved for ai1y fiscal year may be amended 0111y by supplementary b1:1dget approved during tl1e co11rse of tl1at fiscal yea.r. (2) With the exception of the dates therei11 specified, Articles 47 thro11gh 50 of this Order shall govern the preparation and. approval of a sup1)len1entary bl!ldget. 53. Fiscal Y eair The laws determining the fiscal year for the Ce11tral Governn1e11t shall apply to Administrations. CROSS REFERENCE See Fiscal Year P11ocla1natrion, 18/13 (1959) P. 162, 14 Consol. L. Eth. 1.

Section 8: Annual Accounts and Audit 541. Snlbmission 0f Aoco11nts The AwFaja Admini, strator sh.aiII, not late.r than three (3) montl1s following the e11d of tlJe fiscal year, s111bmit to the Cot1ncil the accounts ot· income a .nd e:>1.pe110irm.iue for that fiscal year a11d, 11pon authorization by the Chairma11 of tilie @0l!l1 E10i1t, s11afil £orwaird suoh account to the Aud,itor General, with a copy t© the Enderasye of tl1e Teklay Ghizat.

§5. Audiiit Froced�es (I) �ai) The An€1�1t0F-Gen�caJl shall issl!le xegulations for the performance of tlie aiuditt @ f, the a:ccoui1tts of the L0cal Admitlistration, aiud such accounts sh:aJI b>e secrl!ltini2e0 accorcl.lingly. ft>» lrhe �GeFs of the Audi1tor-Gene1iaJL m.ay demand from the Awraja Aaminist.valior al!l d.ata neoessairy for tme pert'ormaooe of filte prop,er ai11clit an:<d 0G>ni1F0l of sllloh aecounts. (2� t .Jiw0im QomJ,le1lie>1il 0.f the IDl!1cl1it, tbe. Auditor-Ge11eraJ , shall riep@lit uhe resuJts, t:h�rre@F to !he C.0nlJiG-i1E , wJlnmJ ai ©Of>¥ io illbe Enderasy,e of fu_e 'ife�lay Ohi�at. �3� 'iEhe �@l!1, 1;11;J sha1�l �,baite bhe ace0a10t& an.d tlla.e report of tire Audit0r General. A timlllL _ je©@:r _<ll @'£ sl!l©h cl:eeaite, toge11h� ! wirtJh am3/ oomBlleitts 0r '11.\U,estious r-ega11tmig sai� ae �@n , n1Js aad 1iep0rt wJa1oi may t>e rraisea hy itilile �.<lienasfe @f t,he 'ife�l�y G�Jzat aina the all}s;we:r-s filileuete, slila111 �pear in. tile m,i1nutes.


- Jt8 -


7-3 (4) (,1) Following tl1 e debat �, tl1 e Cct111 �il sl1all 111ake a decisio11 IJrovicli1 1g, as_ tl1 e case may be, either a ft1.l cl1scharge of the ,i\vvraja Ad1ni 11 istrator :-''1th respect to tl1e accot111 ts or a discl1arge witl1 tl1e exceptio11 of SJJecified 1ten1s. To tl1 e exte 11 t tl1 at a ft1L discharge is cle11ied, a decision sl1 all be 111ade as to _tl �e ac�io11 to be t(.ke11 to recover any loss accrt1i11 g tc) the Local Acl111 1111strat1011 b)' reaso11 of irregularities clisc]osed. (b) No decisio1 � 111,1de 1 111cler s11b-raragrapl1 (,:1) of tl1is paragrapl1 (4) sl1all be fi11al ltnt1l appro,,ed b)' tl1e E11 clerasye of tl1 e Tek la)' Gl1 izat.

Section 9: Legal Proceedings

56. Capacity As a p11blic bod)1 corporate a11cl JJolitic tl1e Local Acl111i 1 1istratio11 be st1ed i11 its 0\�/11 nan,e.

111 ay

st1e or

57. Represe11tatio11 The Local Ad111 i11istratio11 sJ1 all be re1Jresented i11 legal 1Jroceedi11 gs b)' the Cot1ncil actii1g throt1gl1 tl 1 e Awraja Adr11i11 istra tor. 58. Settleme11t of Claims i11 Litigatio11 No settlen1 e1 1t of at1 )' clai111 i11 excess ,)f two tl1ot1sa11cl dollars (Etl1.$2,000) ir 1 litigation bet\veen tL1e Local Admi11istratio11 a11d a11 otJ1 er :party shall be valid 11 11less st1cl1 settlement is approved by tl1 e :E11derasye of tl1 e Teklay Gl1 izat. CH:APTER II CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. AND CONTROL 59. Supervising and Controlli11 g A11tl1 oriti�s (]) Except as otber\vise providecl i11 this Order or i11 other legislatio11, tl1 e Enderasye of tl1e Teklay Ghizat sh(.11 be respo11 sible for the -first li11e st 1 1Jer­ vision and control of tl1e Local Adn1i 11 istratio11. (2) The respo11 sibility for seco11d Ii11e st1pervisio11 sl1 all rest witl1 Ot1r Mi 1 1ister of Interior. (3) Our Ministers co11cer11 ed with tl1E fields s_peci:fied ir1 s11b-paragraphs (a) througl1 (f) of i\rticle 4(1) of this Order sl1all, each withi11 his respective field, have p0\\1er to s11pervise a11d co11trol the activities of the Local Admi11istration i 11 SL1cl1 field. 60. Principles of Strpervisio11 ancl . Co11trol (1) The authorities specified i 11 Article 59 of tliis Order shall enst1re that: (a) the Local Admi11istration shall perform its functions i11 accordar1 ce with tl1e law, a11 d decision of tl1e Council shall be properly exect1ted; (b) decisio11s of tl1e Co1111cil shall 11ot conflict with or hinder t 11e in1 ple­ mentation of the plans, progran1s and policies me11 tio11ed i1 1 paragrapl1 (2) of Article 4 of this Order; a11d ( c) decisions of the Col1ncil shall not e11da11ger t11 e fi11ancial or econo11 1ic stability of the Local Administration. (2) (a) The authorities specified in Article 59 of this Order may, at . a�1 y ti1:11e, send officials to conduct a11 inspection of the Local Adnun1strat1011 a11 d n1ay reqt1est reports from the Chairma11 of tl1e Cot111cil or the

- 159-



--------------------------------· Awraja Administrator or botl1; provided, bov.1ever, t11at the E11derasye of tl1e Teklay Gllizat sl1all be i11for111ed of any ins_pection co11dL1cted t111der tl1is sub-paragraph (a) by a.ny at1thority specified i1J l )aragraph (2) or (3) of said Article 59. (b) Tl1e Chairn1a11 of tl1e Cot1ncil a11d tl1e Awraja Ad111inistrator shall fttr11is]1 all informatio11 a11d ·shall prodLice all st1ch records a11d otl1er i11formatio1i1 as n1a)' be requested by tl1e a11tl1orities specified tinder Article 59 of tl1is Order or perso11s desig11ated by the1u to co11dt1ct a11 i11spection 1.1nder st1b-paragrapl1 (a) of tl1is paragrai)h (2). (3) The authorities specified u11der Article 59 of t11is Order sl1all in t.l1c exercise of their functions of st1pervisio11 and co11trol re11der all possible assista11ce to tl1e Council in tl1e perforn1ance of its dt1ties a11d obligatio11s. 61. Powers a11d D11ties of Euderasye (I) Generally: (a) (i) 'Where the Enderasye determines tl1at �t Local Admi11istratio11 within the Tekla.y Ghizat is 11ot perfor1ni11g its dt1ties a11d obliga­ tiions in accorcla11ce with the law, l1e n1ay order the Council to take approi)riate re111edial measures a11d to abando11 certain acti­ vitties witl1iL1 a specified period. St1cl1 order sl1all be give11 i11 writi11g and shall sp.ecify in detail the 111east1res to be taken ancl tl1e activities to be aba11doued a11d the reaso11s tl1erefor. (ii) Where appropriate, tl1e E11derasye sl1all, prior to tl1e isst1ance of any s11oh order as aforesaid, give to the Cou11cil the opportt111ity, withi11 a speoilied p · eriod, to express its views a11d, wl1ere investiga­ ti.ons l1ave been carried ot1t, to s11pplementary inforn1atio11 ai11d reports. (iii) Tlhe Counoil 1nay, witl1i11 four (4) \Veeks fo1lo,ving the receipt of suoh an order, appeal tl1erefrom to Ot1r Minister of Interior, whose decision on stioh appeal shall be fi11al. Such appeal shall st1spend the order, pending decisio11 thereon by Ottr Minister of Interior, w1]ess he shall otl1erwise decide purstiant to sub-paragraph (e) of Article 62(1) of this Order. (b) The End6rasye may direct, pe11cling the making of any decisio11 or o:i;cleJJ, that: (i) in any case arising under item (a) (i) of this (1) tl1e Colil!noil shall temporarily take appropriate remedial measure'8 aacl ab>ando,n certain acnivities; and tii) in an-y case wneFe tae Awrarla Administrator or a Representative 01b>jects to a aecision o.f the Col!lnoil as provided for under paragrap.h (3) 0f AJFticle 13 or paragriaph (3) of Article 34 or sub-paragraph (h) 0f A1.nti0le 41 (!) of this Orclerr, the decision in dispute s.hall be te:m:p0:rarill� suspended. �(S) A,fiter mak.i/J:Lg a dliiJ.ie0tive under S'l!Ib>-pa!fagraph (b) of this paliag- raiph (1) 'bn:e !IBD.d.erias� m•a:y st11.1Dwti gFave and comp1icatea e:ases t0 Our Mlinis.ter of J\1i1temmr i0i ap,])rO]>jjria·te decisi0n a1rna or-cle,r. �� lli®:0111 neijtttest by G>:ur Minister 0f Jlrn1lerio.r, �he Radeta,sye shail!l e0nduet atl �pl'ln@l!)FJate 4n\',est�garni0J1 tl0 dete,r111ine w1he�heli blft:e dfl!llties ana 0'.Blliga­ bi@ns 0f an, b0eail ��miinis·tnal'ion within 't11e 'Jireklay �hi:zat ane eeiag - 160 -


7-3 _::· _:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · l v _v _ _ l � c _· Ie �d�i�,1 Q-cco 1 l a 1 ce Ltl�fi�l� --------;:f� itl _ t_ l,e-la , ·v,, a11c , shall report to tl1e �1i11ister tl1e resL1l ts of st1cl1 investigatio,1. (2) Specificall y: Ji, accordai,ce. vvi tli tl1 e provisio11s of tl1is O reler, tJ1 e E11clerasye sl1 all: (a) i ,1 tl,e eveiit of a dispute arisi 11g t111der Article 6 of tl 1is Orcler where ;�:,��1111ot s_�ttl: tl1e_cl isp\1te by 111ecliatio11 betwee11 tl1e l)arties co1;cer11ed, .1: le 1 tlie d t �ptiLe w1tl1 l11s co111111e11ts to O L1r 1'1i 1 1ister of I11 terior; _ (b) vv1tl1 regard to Cot111cil cl ecti o11s: (i) a_ppoi11t 111e111bers of Electora l Boarcls '· (i i). 111 a case arising t111der tl 1 e 1Jroviso to Articl e 17 of this Order, deter1n i rre tl 1e day or period of days for electio11s; (iii ) receive reports 011 t]1e resttlts of electio11s; (i v) pt1rs L1an� to para �ra1)l1 (2) of Articl e 23 of this Order, decide, as appropriate, to d1s111i ss a co1111Jlai 11t; or if a11 error co111111 itted is reparabl e i11 tl1e abse11ce of a 11ew electio11, to correct ,it; or if an error con111utted is 1 1ot so reparable, to direct the Electoral Board to carry ot1t a 11evv electi o11 or el ections i11 the electoral district co11cer11ed or i 11 ti1e e11ti re A v\1raja, as circttl11stances 1nay require; (c) ,vith regard to 111eeti ngs of Cot111cjl s: (i ) reqt1est tl1e Chair111a11 of a. Cou11cil to co11ve11 e a special n1eeti11g of the Cot111cil ; a11d (ij) receive t11e mi11t1tes of all 111eeti11gs of Cot111cils; (d) wi tl1 regard to bt1dgets of Local Ad111i11istratio11s: (i) receive a copy of draft bt1dgets vvitl1 expla11ati ons and, if appro­ priate, co11 1111e11t thereo11; (ii) receive cop ies of a1Jproved bt1dgets; a11d (iii) advise Ot1r Mi11ister of I11terior 011 n1atters of gra11ts-i11-aid as J)rovided for t111der JJaragrap. h (2) of Article 43 of this Order; (e) \-Vith regard to the a11dit of Local Ad111i 11istratio11 accot1nts; (i) receive a copy of t11e accot111ts forvvarded pt1rst1a11t to Article 54 of tl1is Order a11cl, if aJJpropriate, comment tl1ereo11; (ii) recei ve a copy of the at1dit report pt1rs11aot to paragraph (2) of Article 55 of tl1is Order a11 d, if appropriate, s11b1nit his comments or qt 1 estio11s tJ1ereon to tl1e Co11ncil; (iii) \Vl1en the Co1111cil l1as debated the afo1·ementioned accou11ts and at1dit report, review a11swers to l1is co11unents a11d qt1estio11s as contai11 ed i11 the 111in1.1 tes of tl1e Cot111c. il meetings; a11d (iv) decide 111)011 tl1e discl1arge of ai1 A,vraja Ad111i11istrator pt 1rsuant to s11b-paragrap]1 (b) of Article 55 (4) of this Order; a11d (f) with regarci to legal proceedings i11volvi11g a Local Adn1inistratio11: (j) receive reports of clain1s raised i11 legal proceedi11gs involving a • Local Ad111ioistration as mentioned i 11 st1b-_paragraph (i) of Article 41 (3) of tl1is Order, a11d aclvise the Cot1ncil witl1 regard tl1 ereto; ancl

- 161 -

-----------------------------· 7-3


ation pt1rst1a11t litig i11 c]aim a of 11t en1e settl osed ve prop a11y (ii) appro _ to Article 58 of this Order.

62. Powers and D11ties o·f Minister. of Interior ( 1) Generally: (a) o·ur Minister of It1terior shall decide such. cases as may be referred to him pursL1aut to sub-paragraph (c) of Article 61 ( 1.) of tl1is Order. (b) Our Minister of Interior sl1all decide cases i11 which he l1as requested that a11 investiga.tio11 be condt1cted by a11 E11derasye as provided in SLI b­ paragraph (d) of Articl.e 61(1) of this Order or by his own i11spectors as provided in s11b-paragraph (a) of Article 60 (2) of Order. (c) Our Mi11ister of Interior shall decide ot1 cases a1Jpealed to J1in1 purst1a11t to item (iij) of Article 61(1) (a) of this Order. (d) Our Minister of Interior shall, before decidi11g on qL1estions relati11g to th.e proper execution of any of the activities mentioned .i11 paragrapl1 ( I) of Article 4 of Order, cons11lt the Minister or Mi11ist �rs co11cer11ed witb tl1e field or fields of activities in questior1. (e) In cases arising tinder sub-paragraphs (a) throLtgh (d) of this 1Jaragrapl1 (1) Oar Minister of I11terior s.h.all h.ave and may exercise, 111utatis m1,1ta11clis, lt he powers specified in items (a) (i) a11d (a) (ii) a11d st1b-paragrapl1 . ) of Artiole 61(1) of the Order . (b • (f) (i) In the eve11.t a11 Awra ja Cou11cil shall refuse to carry out a decisio11 made under a11y of sub-paragraphs (a) through (d) of this paragrapl1 (l ) or a decisio11 1nade tinder sL1b-paragraph (a) of Article 61 (I) of this Order, Ot1r Council of Ministers may, 011 recom111eodation of Our M.inister of Interior or, in cases i11volving a decision under sub-paragraph (d) of this pauagraph (1), on the recommendatio11 of any other Minister or Ministers concerned, dissolve tl1e Awraja Council and call for the holding of 11e'rv elections withi11 three (3) m0nths from such dissolt1tion. (ii) Wiaere a question has been referred to 011r Cou.ucil of Mi11isters for deoision under item (i) of this sub-paragraph (f), Our Mi11ister 0f :1Jn1terior n1ay s11spend tl1e powers of the A,vra ja Council p�11djng smdh. decision by the Coru1cil of M i11isters. ,iii) Where a11 Awraja Col!looil has beet1 dissolved or its powers sus­ peaded l:l!ltc!ler irt6m. �i) or (ii) of this st1b-para.graph (f), the Awraja �cl1m.i, ,nistrato:r: sha!l1, smlb> je0t to any specific it1structions made by Q:t!lq- Ministe;F @f Inteui@i-, perf@rm th.e functions of the Awraja Cl©m©i� :pen: 0i fil, 1g the e1e-stion of a new Awraja Cou11cil or th.e deci­ si@.n @f the Councia of Min1isteFs, as appnopriate. t2� $,]1feGm:ea!l!ly: 1\n a.G.OOFdatnce wilin 1:he provisio-;ms of this, Ot1r ,Mj11ister of r nterior sfia1llll: �Bl} td1etemu1ne, jra. agFee,meat wttlli bh.e Minl!st�r @1i Mlnisterrs c0ncerned, as i0cal aiiaiws p1wsua.m1 110 sub-,a11agtaJ1>h fille wnoti0ms ft© be designwtecl r ��) 0E �J�Je 4 (1). r0fi 1Jlrnis O,i;clei; �) MeJJ. aJll)Jln&ipliiate,, ancl! ·!Iil ag1te®n.en-m widr ISl!le,h 0Vhe:r ffl imster ©Ii Mimii :s­ rters �s may �e c@neeFaed, cl.Hreet a L0oail Admirrist· rait i@,A t0 0aooy �'t - 102 -



----- --------------------·

withi11 the area of its jLtrisdiction s1Jecific tasks on bel1alf of the Central Gover11n1e1 1t as 111e11tio11ed i11 p£ragraph (3) of Article 4 of this Order; (c) atte111pt to settle diS}Jtttes arisi1 1g J11der Article 6 of this Order, as referred �o him by a 1 1 �11clerasye, a11d � L1nable to settle a1 1y s11ch dispute 111 agree111e11t with tJ1e parties co11cer11ed, refer tl1e 1natter with his com111e11ts to Ot1r Cot111cil of 1\ 1 i11isters '· (d) isst1e reg11la tions gover11i 1 1g tl1e p�rfor111a11ce of tl1e ft111ctio11s of Electoral Boards and tl1e establisl1n1e11t of registers of voters: (e) isstie n1oclel Sta11di 1 1g Orders and a1Jprove the Sta11ding Orders adopted by Co11ncils: (f) isst1 e ge11eral regt1lations co11cerri11g ren1uneration a11d travel allowa11ces dt1e Represe 1 1tatives for atte 1 1dai1ce at Cou11cil meeti 11gs and committee meeti11gs as appropriate; (g) i11 co11sultation v.1 itl1 st1ch otl1er Minister or Ministers as may be con­ cerned, isst1e general i11strt1ctio1s as to tl1e orga11ization and staffing of tl1e Local Adn1i 11istration; (h) issue general regt1latio11s to be followed by tl1e Local Ad1ninistration concer11ing tl1e activities and tlle establish1ne 1 1t of ad1ni11istration of no11-cl1artered towns; (i) in consultatio11 with Ot1r Minist�r of Finance, isst1e general regulations concerning the prepara.tio1 1 of the Local Admi11istration bt1dget and the keeping of accou11ts; (j) recon1n1end persons for appoi11tme11t as Awraja Admi11istrators; and (k) follo\ving consultation, as necessary, with s11ch other Mi11ister or Minis­ ters as 1nay be concer11ed, advise Ot1r Cou11cil of Ministers concerni11g grants-i11-aid to be re11dered to Local Adn1inistratio11s from the Central Government B�1dget. 1

63. Inter-Ministerial Relations In any case where Ot1r Mi11ister of I11terior 111ay, p11rsuant to the provisions of this Order, act i11 any field in co11st1ltatio11, agree1nent or witl1 the approval of such other Minister or Ministers as may be concerned, Our Minister of In­ terior or any such other Minister or Min:sters 111ay, ,:vhere he deems appropriate, refer the case with his reco1nmendatio11s 10 Ot1r Co1111cil of Ministers for decision. CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS 64. Effective Dates This Order shall enter into force on the first (1st) day of Hamle, 1960, (E.C.); provided, h . owever, that: (l) tl1e first Councils to be constituted :1s provided in Chapter I, Section 2 of _ this Order shall be elected on the 1rst (1st) day of Yekat1t, 1960 (E.C.), or on st1ch other date or during st1cl1 other period of said year as may be provided purst1a11t to tl1e proviso to Article J 7 of this Order, in elections held i11 accordance with this Order; (2) The Councils so elected shall be convened for inaugt1ration on � he twenty seventh (27th) day of Miazia, 1960 (E.C.) and s11all therea.fter discuss and - 163 -


decide tl1e an11t1al bt1dget of the Local Ad111i11istration for t}1e fiscal year fron1 the first (1st) day of Hamle, 1960 (E.C.) to the tl1irtietl1 (30tl1) day of Se11e, 196 1 (E.C.); a11d (3) the provisio11s of tl1is Order concer11i11g Awraj�1 Adn1i11istrators s11all �pply to perso11s holdi11g the positio11 of Awraja Gover11or as of the date of 111aLt­ guratio11 of the first Cot111cil i11 the Awraja. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1ncl. 26/6(1967)0.47 (delaying for year effective date of Order). Tl1e dates referred to, according to tl1e Ethiopian Calendar, correspond to the following dates in the Gregorian Calendar: 1 Hamle 1960 E.C....... 8 July 1968 G.C. 1 Yekatit 1960 E.C....... 9 February 1968 G.C. 27 Miazia 1960 E. C....... 5 May 1968 0. C. 30 Sene 1961 E.C.......7 July 1969 G.C.

65. Transfer of Central Gover11n1ent P·ublic Serva11ts As and from the effective date of tJ1is Order all Ce11tra.l Gover11111e11t Public Serva11ts charged witl1 the perfor1nance of tl1e a.ctivities 1ue11tio11ed i11 paragraph (1) of Article 4 of tL1is Order within a11y Awraja shall be tra11sferred to a11cl becon1e the e1nployees of the Local Admi11istratio11 i11 st1cl1 Awraja. 66. Tra11sfer of Ce11tral Goverrunent Property (1) As a11d from tl1e effective date of tl1is Order all Govern111ent ele111e11tary scl1ools not tbe11 administered iu co1nbi11atioo wjth secondary schools a11d all Gove1�on1e11t bealtl1 stations a11d I1ealth centres 11ot tl1e11 ad111irlistered i11 oombina:tion with hosJJita]s withi11 a11y Awraja sl1all be tra11sferred to a11d be vested i11 the Local Ad1ni11istratio11 i11 st1cl1 Awraja. (2) Until the !Local Ad1ni11istraitior1 is able to obtain t11e necessary offices a11d facilities to carry on its proper ad1nj11istration, t]1e Ce11tral Gover11111e11t shall, so far as possible, provide sucl1 offices and facilities \Vithi11 tl1e Awraja. (3) SL1bject to the recomn1eodatio11s of the E11der:1sye of the Teklay Gl1izat and the approval of the Mi11ister or Mi11isters concerned, the Local Acln1inis­ tration shall be permitted. to Lttilize free of charge ar1y land ow11ed by tl1e Ceat1ral Governm�11t withi11 the Awraja 011 which 110 bt1ildings �•re per­ maneatly constructed. Done at Addis Ababa this 14th day of Marcl1, 1966. 26/3 (1966) L. 322 Begnlations Issued Purisuant to the Local Self-Administration Order, 1966 Table of Contents CRAPTER I - IN"TlRODUCTORY 1. ]ssl!litng All!il th0.rity 2. Sh@rt TitLle 3. JiJefiniti©llS c·m�mR m: - GiENERAL �- Sl!lipewisi0n ancd. �p}i>oiitmtments

�- Baites ana !PFelirrniiI11atf _A:((}mirustmaiti©El

CHAPTER rrr - RBGISTRATIO'N· OF VOTER� 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. �1. 1 !.

- 104 -

Voting ltegisters Time a11d Place of Registration Regis'fii-atiio11 iProcednre A,ppeal to Boaocd ApJDeal to Enderasye Submissi011 of Voting r&e:gisbe1rs D>ouble RegisttaitioID!

I l I



------------------- -- -·

CI-IAPTER IV - CA1\fDI.DATES ] 3. Petition for Ca11clidacy 14. Registratio11 Proceclt1res 15. Incl1111be11t ReJ)rese11tatives 16. De11ial of Registratio11: A J)l)eal 17. Pt1bl.icatio11 of List of Ca11cliclates 18. PLtblic Meetings a11d Pt1blicity 19. Vv'itl1drawal of Ca11didates 20. Reft111d of Deposit 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

CHAPTER V - VOTING Polling Statio11s Ballot Boxes Ballots Preparatio11 for Voti11g Voti11g I-Io·urs; I11spection of Ballot Boxes Voti11g Procedlue De11ial of Vote

28. Respo11sibi Jity of Presiding Official 29. T11spectio11 by Boarcl 30. Co111pletio11 of Votii1g

CHAPTER V I - ELECTION RESULTS 31. Cot111ti11g Proced11re 32. Rett1r11s 33. A1111t1Jl11Je11t of Electio11 34. Determi11ation a11d Declaration of Electio11 35. Co1111Jlaints 36. Special Electio11s CHAPTER VII MISCELLANEOUS AND FINAL 37. Board Proceclure 38. Effecti,1e Date

CHAPTER I - INT.RODUCTORY I. l.ssL1ing AL1thority These Regt1latio11s are issued by the Mi11ister of I11terior pt1rs11ant to ,1t1thority vested in liim by Article 62 (2) (d) of the Loca.I Self-Ad111i11istration Order, 1966 (Order No. 43 of 1966).

2. Sl1ort Title Tl1ese Regt1latio11s n1ay be cited as tl1e ''Awraja Col111cil Elections RegL1latio11s, 1966''. 3. Definitions 111 these Regulatio11s, t111less tl1e co11text otl1erwise reqL1ires: (I) ''Ad1ninistration roon1'' sl1all n1ea11 the roo111 or sectio11 o.f a roo111 in a J)olling statio11 i11 which tl1e process of ide11tification of prospective voters shall take !)lace and i11 w11ich they shall avvait their tt1rn to vote; . (2) ''Ballot'' shall 111ea11 a 1111mbered slip attached to a cot111terfoil beari11g the same nu111ber \vl1icl1 sl1all be 11sed for de_posit in a ballot box in accord­ ance with Article 26 11.ereof; (3) ''Candidate'' sJ1all mean a11y perso11 wl10 seeks electio11 to the Cou11cil ancl is registered i11 accorda11ce witl1 Article 14 hereof; (4) ''Boarcl'' shall 1ne�1n tJ1e Awraja Electoral Board; (5) ''Cot111cil'' sl1all 111ea11 tl1e Awraja Co1111cil; (6) ''Electio11 '' shall 1nean an electio11 to tl1e Co1111cil; (7) ''Electoral district'' sl1all mea11 a11 electoral district establisl1ed _pursua11t to Article 8 of the Order; (8) ''Official'' shall me�111 a11 official appoi11ted JJL1rsL1a11t to st1b-paragr�p!1 (c) of Article 5 (2) or s11b-paragraph (e) of Article 24 (1) hereof to JJart1c1pate i11 the admi11istratj_o11 of a11 electio11; -- 165 -



(9) ''Order'' shall mean the Local Self Administratio11 Order, 1966 (Order No. 43 of I966); (10) ''Pollex digital imprint'' shall me1n the pri11t made by placing ink on the upper part of the thumb, on the reverse side from tl1e nail, and pressing the inked area onto paper; (11) ''Presiding official'' shall mean the official at eacl1 polling station designated pursua.ot to sub-parag·raipl1 (c) of Article 24 (1) l1ereof to be in charge o f that station; (12) ''To publicize'' shall mean to 11, ake know11 to the i11terested public by poster, newspaper, radio and all other available a11d appropriate n1ea.ns; (13) ''R.egistra.tion card'' shall mean the card. issued pt1rsua11t to sub-paragraph (d) of Article 8 (2) hereof to each perso11 registered a.s a voter; , (14) ''Registration office'' shall mean a registration office established pt1rst1a11t to sub i -paragraph (a) of Article 5 (2) hereof; (J 5) ''Registration. officer'' shall n1ean the official d.esig11ated pursua11t to st1b­ paragraph . (c) of Article 5 (2) hereof to be in charge of registration at a registration office; (16) ''RegistFatioa period'' shall mean the voter registration period establisl1ed ,ursuant to Sllb-JJaragraph (b) of Article 5 (I) hereof; (17) ''Voting booth'' shall mean that room or sectio.n of �t roon1 in a polling stati0n in which ballot boxes s.hall be placed and voters shall cast tl1eir votes; (18) ''Voting register'' shall rt1eat1' a register of perso11s eligible to vote, prepared pursuant to Chapter III hereof; and (J �) '·Waiting spa.ce'' shall mean an area sufficient to acco1nmodate approxi­ mately ten (10) persons, within t 1e adn1i11istration roon1 and immediately acd1aeeJrt to t'he v0ting b@oth, sep�rate<!l from the remainder of the adminis­ tration room by a guard rail 01 gu.ard rope, wb.erein ·perso11s to whom l>alJots h·ave been issaed sh.all awiit their turn to vote. CUAP1f.ER If - GENERA:L 4. BoaFcl S11per\lisi0n an.a as Fequiuecl by the Or<der u11der the saper­ (]) RleQtii@ns shal� h>e €@,lil<da�ted l "Misi©:n 0! tibe B0aJJ:<il aiecl im the rn�nliler prescribed in tll.ese R_eg;uJatio11s. [2) App0i1ntmemts to the Boa1rd shall me n1ade by the E.r.tae,rasye, as necessary, rr0�t lateri t.b.ain the tfi!iist (1st� d�y di Hamle ilFl 1lhe year pFeceding an election �ear. O@NS'C>L!iOATION N©ilifi

':Flie !lrst efi £ramie in the E�hi0pia:n Gaieo. cl ar c0JJresp0nds ta 8 ;July i.n tl1e G:Iiegonian Calendar.

�- i}ates ana !P11el1im , in , a Aan;mBistir�tim:a iiJ Net JaitelJ than th:e tweBtieoh. (20th) day 0£ Wehassje im 'tlle fecl!r }l>lieceditng 1 l an.i eleG1ll'©lil y,ea\t, �'he B0atnal shall!: �) detevmiine j ,n a:000rudanee wibtt Ji>aiFagt�Jh €2) 0f this A1nui01e 5 fle d'ates af bse ele�tii.011; 1�


- -----------------· --(b) establish a i:eriod of 11 t less LOCAL GOVERNMENT


than tl1irty (30) days for voter registra. _ � tion, beg11111111g 11ot e,1rl1er tba11 tl1e first (1st) <la)' of Meskerem in tl1e . elect1011 year a11d e11ding 11ot later tl1a11 tl1e fiftee11tl1 ( l 5tl1) day of Bedar; a11d (c) determi11e the locatio11 \vitl1i11 eacl1 electoral district of a registratio11 office. (2) Not later tl1a11 three (3) da)'S, before co111n1e11ce111e11t of the registratio11 period, tl1e Board sl1all; (a) establisl1 at eacl1 deter111i11ed locatio11 a registration office; (b) detern1i11e i11 accorda11ce \Vitl1 paragraph (4) of this Article 5 the 1111m­ ber a11d locatio11 of polli11g statio11s to be establish withi11 eacl1 electoral district; (c) appoi11t a11d assig11 to et1cl1 registratio11 office such n11111ber of officials as it deen1s 11ecessary for tl1e J)roper carryi11g on of voter registration and designate fron1 a1no11g s11ch officials 011e (1) official to be tl1e registration officer at each registratio11 office; a11d (d) sup_ply to each registratio11 office s11ch f11r11itt1re, voti11g registers and registratio11 cards as may be 11ecessary for voter registration. (3) The Board sl1all p11blicize, conti11ually tl1rougl1011t the appropriate period, the dates of the electio11, tl1e location of each registratio11 office a11d tl1e dates of the registratio11 period. (4) ·The electio11 shall be held i11 eacl1 electoral district 1·or a period of not n1ore than seven (7) days i11cl11sive co1n1nencing t·ro111 the first (1st) day of Yekatit. Wl1en the Board detern1i11es that the election i11 a11y electoral district sl1011ld conunence 011 a. day otl1er than the first (1st) da.y of Yekatit or sho11ld cootin11e for more tl1a11 011e (l) day it shall immediately so in­ form the Enderasye i11 \\1riti11g. The Enderasye 111ay notify the Board be­ fore the first (1st) day of the registratio11 period that the dates determined by the Board are unsatisfactory and tl1at tl1e electio11 must be l1eld on such other date or dates withi11 tl1e above-mentio11ed period co1n1nencing fron1 the first (1st) day of els l1e 1nay specify. Where tl1e Enderasye does not so 11otify the Board l1e shall be deemed to have approved, i11 accord­ ance \.vith Article 1 7 of t11e Order, the dates determined by the Board.


determi11i11g the number and location of polling stations to be established in each electoral district tl1e Board shall observe the provisions of Article 18 of the Order a11d shall consider tl1e following factors: (a) the si. ze and population of tl1e electoral district; (b) the locatio11 of population ce11ters; (c) the availability of transportation; a11d (d) the availability of perso11s to be appointed as officials; 111

Provided, however, that: (a) at least 011e (1) polli11g statio11 shall be establisl1ed i11 every electoral district at the registration office; a11d (b) polli11g statio11s shall be desig11ated for s1Jecified Kebeles, so that all persons in any one (l) Kebele sJ1all be assignecl to vote at t11e same polling station.

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------------ --.-----� ----·

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e daites referred to, according to tl1e Ethiopian Calendar, correspond to the following dates i n tl1e Gregorian Calendar: 20 Nel1assie ...... 26 Au.gust. 1 Meskerem ...... 11 Septen1ber (12 Septen1ber in tbe year JJrece d"�ng a Leap year)• 15 Hedar ...... 24 November (25 No,re111ber in tl1e year JJreced1og a Leap Year). 1 Yekatit ...... 8 Febrt1ary (9 Febrwry in Leap Years).


CHAPTER III - REGISTRATfON OF VOTERS 6. Voting Registers (1) Voting registers sl1all be in st1ch for111 as to 1Jrovide for at least fiftec,1 ( 15) colt1mns of entries, headed as follo,vs: (a) serial nttmber of registration; (b) date of registration; (c) ft1ll name of prospective voter; (d) naime of paternal gra1Jdfather; (e) age; (f) ]JI ace of resicle11ce; (g) period of residence at present locatio11; (h) i11111lediately previot1s residence; (i) J1un1ber of 111embers r>f i1nmediate fanuly (s1Jot1se a11d childre11); (j) registratJ011 number; (k) sigi1at11re or 1Jollex digital i..1-1prj11t at tin1e of registratior1; (I) sig1natrure or po]lex digjtal i.11pri11t at tin1e of voting; and (m) th11ee (3) ui:1hea.ded ool11m11s for other e11t1·ies. (2) Th�re shall b€ a separate voti11g register or registers, as 11ecessary, for ev©ry pollJng statio11 it1 a11 electoral district. (3) Jtaoh v0tit1g register shall be arra11ged to provide, by carbo11 paper or @therwise, for the si111ultaneot1s 1Jrodt1ctioo of at least one {l) copy, i11 ad<lli, tion to the origiooal, of all e11tries, except tl1at tl1e _pollex digital iiuprit1t slitall me entreusd separately on tl·e original and eacl1 copy. 7. 'fooe aad Pla0e of Registration {l) Amy JPB:fSOIIl �1ho desires to be registered as a voter sl1aU, dttriL1g the regis­ \ra1tri0n period, prese11t hin1self to the registra1t:iot1 officeT i11 the electoral 11ti&tttlot ,�he�·e sl!Ld.b perso11 resides. No �ersou shall seek to be registered in m.@LJ @ thatR oae (I) @l601l0,ral dlistriet. (2) !&egistrati&itI 0ffioes s•l1all aarmally be open durir1g Gover11me11t office h@1:1�s thro�gm.01, :1Jt tb.e :i:�g�stratiom. peliiod. 1l'liley shall further li>e ope11 011 all mai11ket days i11 th€ area, i1ocl1!1diimg, such as 1n.ay occur on £aturdays, 8lillJ.1l.aaiys, alild Pl!llblic Ht.o1idays a1 defined by law, 0ontti ,nt1ot1sly fron1 11ine @'©lock m fiae FO@FELi 1m 1g (9:0© a.m.) n�mrtil five o'ol0ok io the eveF1iAg (5:00 11).m.}. 8. ffiegi:StFa,i-ti(tlll IPr0se<litl!lJJe (ll} Wk_� a pe1rs0,m wrese11,t.s h�m1seln fo1· Ieg�strat1i0n, t'h.e registFatti0n. officeT s[ii:a11!1 a.�t�lfuja 1 e -wheV, .aeF �e :nnee,ts tlhe ijualidioo1lio:ms set ti'ortb i111 Ali�©te IQ @f Ilse �i<lieJl. iFfu.e iliegis1l�am.i@m offioer mraty reijll!li, ire the J!le:1rs0NJ tt0 sl!lp:WhY !Sl\l©hi i ill!fr@l' 111 il'.atni@a aiti@11l!t �se11f as m .ay @'© aecessairiy to ma�� tne dete1filim·n:a­ 1 ;


- �6·8 -



----- --------------------·

(2) If a perso11 is q 11alified to be registerecl i11 t11e electoral district ,vl1ere he _ l1_as prese1 1ted h 1 �self a11 cl it aJ)pears tl1at lie I1as 11ot previo11 sly bee,1 re­ _ gistered, tl1e 1·eg1str,1t101 1 officer sl1all: (a) deter111i11e tl1e I(ebele ,vJ1ere tl1e registra 11t resicies a11cl 011 tl1 e basis tl1er eof assi gn tl1 e registra11.t to t]1e a l)[Jropriate polli 11 g statio11; . (b) assig1 1 to tl1e registra11t a registratio11 11 t1 1 11 ber; (c) recorcl i1 1 tl1e voti11 g register of tl1e JJolli11g statio 11 to wl1icl1 tl1 e regis­ tra11t l1as bee1 1 assig11ed; (i) tl1e appro1Jriate i11for111atior1 lt11cler tl1e first te11 ( I 0) col 11 m11s of e11tries as SJJecified i11 1\rtic]e 6 J1ereof; (ii) tl1e registra11t's sig11att 1re or pollex d igital i 1 11 1)ri11 t; ,111d (iii) ail)' adclit io11al i. 11for11 1atio 11 releva11t to registration; a 11 d (d) isst1e to tl1e registra11 t a registra.tio11 carel beari1 1g: (i) t11e registra11t's 11a111e; (ii) l1is registratio11 11t1111 ber; (iii) tl1e locatio11 a1Jd 11a1ne or 11u111ber of l1is polli11g statio11; (iv ) the nai11e or 1111t11 ber of tl1e electoral clistrict in \v]1ich t11e registra11t is registered to vote; a 1 1d (v) tl1e sig11att1re of tl1 e registratio11 officer.

9. A_ppeal to Board (1) If a. registratio11 officer refl1ses to register a 1 1y perso11 as a voter, tl1at perso11 may apper1l to Jl1e Boarcl at a11y ti111e lIIJ to a11d inclt1ding t11e s ixth (6t11) day of Tahsas. (2) The Board. s]1all i1 11n1ediatel)' i11 c1 t1ire i11 to tJ1e appeal. ,t\s 1Jart of its i11qt1iry, it sl1a]l give the appella11t a fair opportL111ity to be bearcl by it a1 1d to prese 11t evide11ce i11 his favo11r. (3) After co111JJleti11g its i11qL1iry, tl1e Boarcl sl1all JJrepare a11 order in 1vvriti11g either req11iri11g tl1e registratio,1 officer to register tl1e appella11t or cle11yi11g tl1e appeal. (c:1) If tl1e Board orclers tl1at t11e a1 J1Jella11t be registered, 011e ( 1) copy of the order sl1all be deliverecl to tl1e clJJIJfO{)riate registratio11 officer, one (1) copy sl1all be delivered to the appellant a11 d 011e (I) copy sl1all be retai11ed by tl1e Board. (b) lf ti1e ap1JeaJ is de 1 1ied: (i) the order shall state tl1e 1'acts fot111 d by the :Board and tl1e reaso11 s based 011 the facts f0L111d ,vl1icl1 reqt1ire tl1e cle11ial; (ii) two (2) copies of tl1e order sh,111 be delivered to tl1e appellant; and (iii) one ( 1 ) copy of tl1 e order sl1all be retai11ed by tl1e Board. CONSOJ.JJDATION NOTE The 6t11 Tahsas in the Ethiopian Calendar corresponds to 15 Decen1ber (16 .Decen1ber in the year preceding a Leap Year) in the Gregorjan Cale11dar.

10. AppeaJ to E 11 derasye . ( J ) If an appeal is de11iecl by tl1 e Board, tl1e appellant 111ay a. p peal t't1rtl1er to tl1e E11derasye at any tin1e lip to ,111d i11clL1di11g tl1e fot1rtee11th (]4tl1) day of Tal1sas. A copy of the Board's order sl1all accom1Jany tl1e A1Jpeal. - 169 -



---------------------------------· (2) T'he Enderasye shall imrnedjately co11sider the appeal. St1c}1 consideration shall be confined i11itially to qt1e;tio11s of la,:v, and shall 11ot be_ cle 11ovo. The E11derasye may proceed to coJ1sider a11y appeal on tl1e 111er1ts of the case only if he first deterroj11es that: (a) the Board ·failed to give the appella11t a fair OJJportt111it)1 to be heard by it or to prese11t rele,1ant !Vide11ce i11 J1is fa,1ot1r or (b) the fi11dings of fact set forth .n tl1e order of the Board do not warra11t the conclt1sions which gave rise to tJ1e denial; or (c) tJ1e Board was clearly inaccurate i11 n1aking findi11gs of fact. (3) Tf the Enderasye reverses tl1e orcer of the Board '11e shall, 11ot 111ore tl1an five (5) days a.fter he makes his decisio11, a11d, in a11y case, 11ot less than fifteen (15) days before the election, prepare a written j11dg1nent stating the reaso11s for his decision. A copy of tl1e j11dgment sl1all be delivered to the Cl1airman of the Board, wl10 sl1alJ order the appropriate registratio11 officer to reg- ister tl1e appella11t.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e 14th of Tal1sas in t1Je Ethiopian Calencar, corresponds to 23 Decen1ber (24 Decen1ber in Ube year preceding a Leap Year) in tb,e Grege:rian Calendar.

11. Submjssio11 o·f Votj11g Registers (I) In1medjately after the registratio11 .Period ter111i11ates, each registratio11 officer shall personaJly rett1rn to the Board enclosed i11 a sealed contai11er the voting registers and remai11ing registration cards for his registration -0ffice. (2) If a.ii appeal to either the Board or tl1e E11derasye is decided i11 favour of t/he appellant af11,er the termi11atioo of tl1e registration period, a n1ember of the Board shall perforn1 the ft1nctions of a registratio11 officer under paragrapl1 (2) of Article 8 of these Reg11lations a11d shall register the appel­ lant. J11 such case, the registration card shall be signed by sucl1 member @f the .Board illl lieu of a regjstration officer. 12. D011ble Registration (1) Affuer v@IEilig registers l1ave bee11 st1bmitted to the Board at1d before the �l, �ot,i©a begiins, the Board or ofl-.cials designated by it sl1a.ll co111pare the riegisfeFs of the dhlif 1 eil'emt. p,olli11g stations a11d electoral districts a11d shall Ga11.Gel th� registration of and strike 01J1t al� e·ntries pertaining to any person who bas been register,ed more tbain once i1� any 011e (1) voting register or iin Fn@Fe tihan 0me (J) vo-oing register. (1) An. al1Ji)li1aifu@ti0al li1 st @f }l)eusons wh0se registratiot1s ,have beeL1 cancelled pl!lltiSMaRt t@ J 1>ar:agnapJ1 (!) 0f tlilts Ar, ttiGJe l 2 sbaIDl be JDrepared 1·or each ele€t0Tail €f,is, twt€t. ft.e fBoauidl sb, all _ll>@st such llist at th.e Wored.a office for that <d!islirict and sh.all JPl!l10lioiz.e notice 1:!ha· t su.oh list been so posted. (J) N0 [Plerson whose registratio11 been car'.cl elled pursuat1t to this Arliicle 12 si.fuail,l ee A!l.eemecl tl.@ R•&ve v0gi-ste11e0. •

CMAP1'1EJR ]V -CANDJIDATeS I 1 J. ��fdtjm1� €011 Can.(fjjidaey {!) Ja 0nclfeJ? ta satti,s'fi'i illil !ll)alFt ffli:e neqfl;li�eme1a,ts iaf .-h1rti€Je, 15 (J) at· li11e Oi;aeu. ewrr¥ l}e1rs0� s,ee,k,i,ng t0 fueo@me a eandtaatte shalli i11:1 aco@.r<damce witl1 th•is

- mi», -



Article 13 procure tl1 e sig 11i11 g of a petitio11 forin provided by the ·soarcl b � n ?t less tha11 t\.vet1ty-five (25) 1Jerso11s registerecl to vote i11 tl1e electoral d1str1 ct wl1ere h e seeks to beco111e a ca11didate. (2) Tl1e Board sh�Jl c,1t1se peti�ion f'or111s to be isst1ed to ail)' ca,,didate \vlio ap�e �rs to satisfy tl1e req111 re1ne 1 1ts set fortl1 in Article ] J of tlie Order. Pet1t 1 0 11 forn1 s s�1all ?e avail _able dt1ri11g the period fron1 tl1 e con1,ne11ce­ ?1e11 t _of tl1e reg1strat1011 period u11til tl1e fiftee 1 1th (J 5tl1) clay of Tal1 sas, 1 11 clus1ve. (3) Every p �rso11 soliciting s.ig 11 �tt1res 011 a petitio11 sl1all state to eacl1 JJerso11 \vhose s��11ature l1e seeks prior to tl1e e11try of st1c }1 :perso 11's signattire 011 tl1e pet1t 1 011: . an1e of the JJerso 1 1 whose ca11didacy tl1e petitio11 stt}Jports; (a) tl1e n (b) that 110 perso11 n1ay be a candidate 111 1Iess l1e st1b111 its a petitio11 beari11g twe11ty-five (25) sig11atures; a11d (c) that 11 0 perso 1 1 n1ay sig11 1 11 ore tl1a11 011 e (I) petitio11. (4) Every signature 011 a petitio11 forn1 sl1all be acco 1 11p�111ied by the clearly writte11 name, registratio11 11t1 mber a11d Kebele of tl1e perso11 signi1 1g. (5) No perso11 n1ay sig11 1 11ore tl1an 011e (I) [Jetitio11. (6) If a person is registered to vote, btit a11d JJollex digital i.n1pri11t appears i 1 1 the voting register, he sl1all }Jlace l1is pollex digital impri11 t 011 the JJetitio11 form and the pollex digital i111pri11t shall be treated as a sig11att1re for p11r­ poses of these Regulatio11 s. The 11a111e, registratio11 11 t1n1ber a11d Kebele of any such perso11 1nay be e11 tered 011 the petitio1 1 by tl1 e {Jerso11 soliciti11g his signat1.1re. CONSOLIDATION NOT.E The 15t11 of Tal1sas in tl1e Et11iopian Calendar corresponds lo 24 Dece111ber (25 Decen1ber in the year preceding a Leap Year) in the Gregorian Calendar.

14. Registratio11 Procedure (I) A11y perso11 wl10 desires to be registered as a ca11 didate sl1,1II, at a11y ti111 e during the period fro1n the sixtee 1 1th ( l 6tl1 ) day of Hedar tl1rot1gh the fifteenth (15) day of Tal1 sas, inclusive, st1b1 11 it to the Board a writte11 appli­ catio 11 on the for1n JJrovidecl by tl1e Board showing that he meets the quali­ ficatio11 s set forth i 1 1 Article 11 of the Order and specifyi11g the electoral he seeks electio11 . The application sl1 all be dated ancl sig 1 1ecl djstrict j n which • by the ap_plicant a11 d shall be accompanied by: (a) the applicant's registration card; (b) the petition form competed purst1a11 t to Article 13 hereof; (c) six ( 6) photographs of tl1 e applicant; a11d (d) a deposit of fifty dollars (Eth. $50). (2) After receivi 11g an applicatio.o, the ·Board sl1 aLI proceed 1·�rtl1witl1 to exa 1 11ine _ same. It may summon the applica11t to a.ppear before 1t a11d 111ay req� 11re him to supply any ft1 rther i 1 1for:matio11 which is 11 ecessa.ry to a determ1�1a­ tion wl1et.her he is qualified to be registered as a candidate. Tl1 e .per� od betwee11 receipt of an applicatio 11 a11 d completio11 of tl1 e exar111 1 1at10 1 1 sl1 all not exceed seven (7) days. (3) The Boa. rd s]Jall examine the petitio11 for11J, and sl1all delete fron1 it a11y signatt 1 re which:

- 17.1. -



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(a) does not appe,1r i 1 1 the votj11g registers of tl;e a1Jpropriate electora.l district; or (b) is 11ot accon11Ja 1 1ied l1y a registratio11 11t11 11ber; or (c) is acco111paoied by i:1 registration 11t1111ber otl1er tl1a11 tl1e registration 1 1111 11ber wl1ich acco 1 11pa11ies it i11 tl1e voti11g register; or (d) bas appeared 011 a petitio 11 for111 previot1sl)1 st1bn1ittecl. (4) If, 11po1 1 exami 11atio11 of tl1e ap1Jlicatio1.1, tl1e Board deter1ni11es tl1at tl1c JJetitio11 forn1 co11tains at least tVi,e11ty-fi,1c (25) valicl sigr1atures and tl1e :JJJp1icant is otherwise qt1alified to be registered as a c,111clidate, the Board sl1all fortbwitl1 d.eclare tl1e applicant to be a candiclate a11d sl1all: (a) assig 1 1 to tl1e ca 1 1didaie a. registratiot1 1111111ber; . . (ti) record i11 a SJ)ecial register of caodiclal'es tl1e ca11did,tte's reg 1 s�rftt1011 1111J11ber, 11an;ie, age, address, sigoat11re, occt1patio11, S)1n1bol, 1[ a 11y, a11d any a.dclitio11al inforn1atio 1 1 releva11t to l1is candid,tcy; a11d (c) attach 011.e (1) pl1otograpb of t]1e ca 1 1didate to tJ1e register. (5) A ca 11didate n1ay 11ave a syn1bol, if reqt1ested by hi1n a 11cl aJJproved by the Board as suitable. Tl1e Board shall not approve tJJe same syn1·bol for more tl1ar1 011e (J.) ca11dida.te in a11 electoral district. (6) Tl1e Board sl,all i 11 all cases retl1rc1 to tl1e a1Jplica11t l1is registra.tion card. CONSOLIDATTON NOTE The tiiue period I 6 l-Jedar tl1rou,gl1 15 Tahsas in tl1e Ethiopia11 Calendar corresponds lo 25 Nove111b6r tl1rrougl� 24 December (26 Nove1uber tl1rot1gh 25 Decen1ber in the year preceding a :tea.@ :Yeali) in tl1e Gregor'ian Calendar.

15. Imow11be11t Representatives A11y appLica 1 1t ror registratio11 as a candidate who is a Represe11ta.tive to tl1e from the electoral d.istrict \Vbere lie seeks re-election sha]I be exen1pt C, o t1m, c i� i i rom ul1e req11ire 1ne11tls of Article 13 l1ereof. [11 sL1cl1, pa.ragratJl1s (1) (b) a 1 1d (3) ai1d tl1at JJar1 t of paragraph (4) of Article 1 4 l1ereof referring to tl1e peti­ tljo11 form shall 11ot apply. 10. Denial of J�egistra1Jion: Appeal (1) If tme ig@aFcl determiE@S 1:1po11 co1n1Jletio1 1 or its exa1111i1Jatio11 of his a pplica­ ti0,til tl11at an 1 apwJica11t js mol e1iltitled to i be registered ,1s a ca11didate, it sl1adl f<:JFthwitili prepa,re an 0r.der i11 ,vriti11g de 1 1ying the applicatio11 a11d stati,mg rtlre facts fou111cl by 1t a11d tl1@ reaso11s based on the facts foL1nd whic1fu ifeqJlltire 11h,e de11lal. l1he Board 1ua, y 11ot deuy a 1 1 apJJlication ,vithoLtt giviili1g the appljcant a fajF opport111111iiity to be lileard b )1 it and to IJreseL1t 1iBleva1�t e.vid011J1ce um fuis fa�our. 11ot later (2) 'Tw@ (2) �o�ies of 11he o,rdeir s1h1all be deliver�d Le> tihe appl icant 1 �h ai, 11 thn@e (J) da)'ls followmg com;ipleitJom of tl1e Board's exa111inatiou of his app,1icaifiio'FI. UP,>@lil receiU!>t G>'f the or@eJi t:lue aJl)plica11t 1nay appeal sa11ile t© itlle Emcdeia:s-ye of the lfekla" Gl1izait, proviclecl, however, that any sucl1 aip;weal s:fuaila be diil�d 110,t �auer t11ai1 sevem (7) day· s follo,ving re0eip11 of tl1.e 0.'Ii@@F i im �,o tWie.wt Iameli tihaim the tw:emtry-eigbtuil (281th) <llay o[ T aihsas. ��!) 'flile �mae11asye s'fualU �mmeclna,te1y 00Bsi<ller a111a appeal. Stich oou1&iderattio11 sililaill IJij oouiifi:aeril jlfrlitiiaJ!Ly to qt1estti10'li\s of raw amd sJhaJll not be de no,,o. 'iihe �nm�PaJ&ye l1Illl:ar li)I:@Geed oQ GQJlilSird1t�JJ aury, caise ©la itts merits @l�ly if he fUli'8:tl ��m.mes �ait ; - l:72 --



railed t? �ive tl1c a �plica11t _ a fair opi)ortt111ity to L,e l1 earcl (a) tl1e Board _ _ by it or to l)tese11t rele,1a11t ev1de11ce 111 l1 is favolir • or (b) tl1e_ fi11cli11gs o_f fact set fortl1_ i11 tl1e order do 11ot vvarr�nt tlie coi,cl usio,is wh1cl1 gave rise to tl1e cler11al; or (c) tJ1e Boarcl ,,,as clearly i11accl1rate i11 111nl(i11g fitidiiigs of fact. (4) If tl1e E11 derasye 011 co11sideratio11 of tl1e 111erits reverses tlie order of tl,e Boar � l1e sl1all, 11ot 111ore tl1an fi,,e (5) days after I1e 111akes liis decisiori an?, 111 _a11y c1:1se, 110� inter tl1a11 tl1e te11tl1 {IOtl1) day of Ter, j)repare a vvr1tte11 Jt1dg1ner1t �tat111g tl1 e reas011s for l1is decisio11. A coiJY of the jLidg_ . be sl1al 111e11t clel1vered fortl1\.v1tl1 to tl1e Boarcl \vl1icl1 sliall register tlie � a1)pella11t 111 accorcla11ce ,vitl1 Article 14 l1ereof. CONSO:LlDATION NOTE Leap i11 tl1e ·r11 � 28tl1 of Tahsas 6 January (7 January in Etl1io1)ia11 Calendar corresponds to _ Years) 1n the Gregortan Calendar.

17. J)11blication or List oi� Ca11diclates ( l ) Ori the t\Vet1t)1 -seco11d (2211d) day of Tal1sas tl1e Board sl1all preJ)are a11d p11blicize cl Jist of tl1e cat1diclates i11 eacl1 electoral clistrict. 1�1,e list sl1all st1p )le11 1 e11ted wl1ere so reqt1irecl pl1rs11a11 t to a11y sL1bseot1e11t thereafter be 1 1 • Jltdgi11e11t 011 appeal L111der paragra1)l1 (4) of Article 16 J-1ereof or a11y ,vitl1drawal of a ca11didate 1111der Article 19 l1ereof. I111111 ediately follovvi11g preparation of t11e list, tl1e Bo,trd sl1 all forward sa111e to the ,1 1)propriate registratio11 office, \¥l1ere it sl1all be pro111i11e11tly distJla.yecl. Tl1e Board s11al 1 thereafter fl1rtl1er plt blicize tl1e list. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The 22nd of Tabsas in tl1e Ethiopia11 Calendar correSJ)oncls to 3 l :December in tl1e Gregorian Calendar, except in the year preceding a Lea1) Year, ,vhen it falls on 1 Jant1ary of the Leap Year.

I 8. PLtblic Jvleetings a11d I) t1blicity (1) The Board shall orgar1ize a11d carry ot1t ,tt aJ)propriate locatio11s i,1 eacl1 electoral district at least t,:vo (2) {Jll blic 1neeti11gs 011 a1J1Jro1Jriate elates dL1ri11g the period fron1 tl1e sixtee11 tl1 ( l 6ti1) day of "fahsas to tl1e twenty­ fifth (25tl1) day of Ter, i11cll1sive; 1Jrovided, 110,vever, tl1at at least one (1) ; st1ch n1eeti11g sl1all be l1elcl before the first (1st) day of Ter; and provided, !�urtl1er, that at least 011e (1) s11cl1 111eeting shall be l1elcl after a11)1 registratio11 of a ca11didate p11rsL1a11t to a11y jL1dg111e11t 011 appeal tinder paragrapl1 (4) of Article 16 l1ereof. (2) Every ca11diclate sl1a]l be 11oti:fied by tl1e Board at least seve,1 (7) clays before each pt1blic n1eeti11 g to be ]1eld i11 l1is electoral district. (3) At least 011e (1) 1nen1ber or ql1alif1ed represe11tative of tl1e Board sl1all be IJresent at every JJltblic 111eeti11 g l1eld p11rsL1aot to tl1is Article 18. SL1cl1 111 en · 1 ber or represe11tative sl1all IJreside at tl1e 1 11 eeti11g. He shall explain to the persons assembled the 11atlrre a11 d pl1rposes of tl1e Col111cil a11d tl1e Board., tl1e 11at11re a11d J)11r1Joses of the e.lectio11 process, the dates of the electio11 a11d the locatior1s of all l)olli11g st,1tio11s \.Yitl1i11 the electoral district. Upo11 con1pletion of tl1is expla11atio11 he sl1a.IJ read tl1 e list of tl1e ca11didates i11 the electoral district a11d i11trodt1ce to tl1e n1eeti11g eacl1 cat1didate wl10 is prese11t. Each s11ch ca11didate sl1all tl1ereafter be e11titled to address tl1e · po11 co111pletio11 of ::1ddresses n1eeti11g for riot more tha11 ten (l 0) 111j1111tes. u - 173 -



by all tJ1e ca11didates desiri11g to speak, persons ,1ssembled at tl1e. n1 eeting sl1 all be entitled to a.ddress aJ:1 Jropriate questio11s to tl1e candidates or a11 y of then1 for a11 appropria1e period. (4) Throt1ghot1t th.e period fro1u the sixtee11tl1 (16) day of Ta .11s� s to tl1 e end of tl1e eleotion, tbe Board shall r, t1blicize i11 eacl1 electoral d1� tr1ct tl1e � 1an.1 es . of the ca11didates a11d tl1e locat.011s of all polli11 g stat1011s 111 tl1at d1str1ct. CONSOLID,\TION NOTE Th.e dates referred to, according to the Ethbpian Calendar, correspond to the following dates in the Gregorian Calendar: 16 Tahsas ...... 25 Decet11ber (26 December in tl1e year preceding a Leap Year). 1 Ter ...... 9 January (10 Janua-y in Leap Years). 25 Ter 2 February (3 Febri:ary i.n Leap Years).

19. WitJ1drawal of Candidates A registered ca11didate 1nay withdraw bis ca11didacy at any before the first (1st) day of the election by subn1itti11 g to the Board written notice sig11ed by l1i111 of his deoisio11 so to withdraw. 20. Refu11d of Deposit T'he deposit submitted by a11 appli:;a11t for registration as a ca11didate shall be returned to the app]ica11t or l1is lfgal represe11tative if tl1e applica11t; (1) is 11ot registered as a ca11 didate; or (2) is uegjstered as a candidate arx:1; (a) dies beforre tl1e first (1st) day of the electio11; or (b) witl1dra,vs as a ca11didate p·urs11a11t to Article 19 hereof before the first (I st) day of Ter; or (c) obtains 1nore than five per c.ent (5%) of the votes cast in the electoral district wl1ere l1e is a candid.ate. CONSOLI ATION NOTE The 1st 0f Tei· in the Ethiopia.n Calendar corresponds to 9 Jan11ary (JO January i.n Leap Years) in Ube Gr.&gorian Calendar. D


21. P@lllri!ng S'.tiahions (t) N0t lat6li tha,n th.e si.Xt1reentb (16th) day of Tahsas, tibe Board shall establish p@.l[jmg stati@ns at the locatio1:is previously detern1i11ed in accorda11ce witl1 paragira,ph (5) of Article 5 henof. (2} �aoh. pollin. g suatioJJ1s shall be so a!franged as to permit a voter to cast his balliot i n QOmll!)lete seeJiecy. It shaUI consist of an admi11istration room an� a voting b0oth which shall b>e so sc_reeneGi off or arranged that the acbi�ilt:�es in the v0,ting b00ih sh�J[ be o.0m,p1etely hidden from th.e view Foom. of ip�irsons im �he a<dm.ilJilistrati@n , 0@nt1 aio a b>alll@t b0x for each candid,ate in the (2) TM M0tlitmg1 b001]h shall : eleo:t.01· ral €1\iistiFict ain0 sl!lch fni:liittui,ue as is aippru0�e<d by tb.e B@a.rd. €4� ill\la:e_ a� ?Wn.1is• ti· 11altii.01:1 ro®m . s �aill o@;�roaulil . alt least @lile (I) <desk and two (2) .eg1sfiri01t10 � a Fefuse 00nname. r ftor destmoy­ all s e �evitf1J!lllg ©F u ai1!frs efil n 0iie1. � � , , � e<ll r.egls�r@__tuon 03111�8 ,aJlila Sl!l©h @;tla�r im!u"11�tl11�e as may b e, appli0¥ed sy tile B@ameJ. � mi.air�-naiiili 0x gmaJrol-j@�e s:h :all be pJa�ed i1m: nae a<:lroi1ni�tr1iaiffi.00 ,ri.00m ilil�air \Vae eca1W<:anoo e·f tme V,:@tiin:g 000th �@ p,roviae enel0sed wait, i : n;g - 1'714 -



----- ------------------ ----· space accessible fro 11 1 t11c re11 1ai 1 1cler of tl1e ad111i11istratio11 roo111 by a si11gle _ entra11ce a11d extt. (5) At �ac � polli1 1g statio 1 1 at all I1 0L1rs \vl1e11 voting is in progress, ot1e (I) Etl11op1a1 1 flag sl1all be J)ostecl ot1tside tl1e statio11 , 0 1 1e (I) Etl1iopia11 flag shall be posted 11ext to tl1e table where officials verifyi 1 1g registratio 1 1 are seated, ancl 011e (I) pictt1re of f1is I1nperial Majesty sl1all be posted i 11 tl1e voting booth. (6) Thro11gl1out tl1e period co111111 e11ci11g tl1ree (3) d,1ys before tJ1e electio 11 a 11d co 1 1ti 1 1L 1 i 11 g t111til tl1e re111oval of all ballot boxes t1po11 completion of voting, every polling statio 11 sl1 all be sec11rely closed a 1 1d gt1arded u11der lock a11d key at all l1ot1rs wl1e 1 1 ,1oti 1 1g is 11ot i 1 1 JJrogress. DL1ri11g st1cl1 l1ours, e11try i 11to polling statio11s sl1all be strictly prol1ibited to all perso11s otl1er tha1 1 Board 111 e1 11bers a 1 1cl a11tl1orized officials.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The ,l 6tl1 of Tahsas in the Ethiopian Calendar correspo11cls to 25 Deccn,ber (26 Deccn1ber in the year preceding a Lea1J Year) in the Gregorian Calendar.

22. Ballot Boxes (l) Every ballot box sl1all be co11strt1cted \Vitl1 ,1 si 1 1gle lid \Vl1icl1 ca11 be ope 1 1ccl at1d locked. Eacl1 lid sl1all contai 1 1 a11 apertt1re st1 fficie11tly l�irge to per111it a ballot to be inserted into the box b11 t 11ot large e11ot1gh to pern1 it a ballot to be withdraw11 fron1 tl1e box otl1ervvise tha11 by 01Je 1 1it1g tl1e licl. (2) Eacl1 ballot box sl1all ]1tlve affixed to it the 11a111e, photograpl1, registr,1tio 1 1 11t1mber at1d S)'n1bol, if a 1 1y, of 011e ( 1) ca 1 1didate. (3) Eacl1 ballot box shall be kept locked at all tin1es, except as at1thorized 111 1der these Regt1latio11s. Tl1e aperttlre i11 eacl1 box s·ha,l l be kept sealed at all times, except wl:ule voti11g is i 1 1 progress. (4) The seal on the apert11re of a ·ballot box shall co11sist of a paper signed by at ]east three (3) officials a11d affixed to tl1e box j 11 SL1ch n1a11ner that 110 ballot may be i11serted or \vithdraw 1 1 throt1gl1 tl1e apert11re witl1ot1t tearing the paper across all three (3) sig11atL1res. 23. Ballots A ballot sl1all co11 sist of a nt1n1 bered slip attached to a coL11 1terf,oil beari 11 g the same number. Ballots shall be 11umbered serially. 24. Preparation for Voti11g (1) Not later than three (3) clays before tl1e day 011 whjch t11e electio11 is to begin, the Board shall: (a) ft1r11ish to eacl1 polling statio11 tl1 e ft1rniture a11 d otl1er ite1 ns specified i11 Article 21 l1ereof or otherwise approved by it; (b) ft1rnish to each polling station one (1) ballot box for eacl1 candidate i11 the electoral district in wl1ich the 1Jolli11g statio11 is sitt1ated; _ (c) ft 1 r 1 1isl1 to each polli11g statio 11 a 11 adeqt 1 ate 11t1mber of ballots, and record the c1t1antity of and 1 1t1mbers 011 the ballots ft1r 1 1isl1ed to each station; (d) fur1tish to eacl1 polling station tl1e pro_per voting registers; and tJ1at (e) appoint and assig 1 1 as n1a11y officials as are 11ecessar1 to e11st1re _ at least three (3) officials wjll be prese 1 1t at each poll111 g stat1011 at all

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ti111es \vbe11 voti11g is i 1 1 progress a11d desig11ate fro111 among sticl1 _ officials one (1) official tc be the JJresidi1 1g official at eacl1 1:>olling statio11. . oard shall pre1Jare ,111d retai11 a sti:fl1cie11t 11t1n1ber of ballots to e11a? le (2) The B it lo supply additio11 al ballots to a11y polli11g statio11 ,1s 11ecessary cl L1r111g tl1e course o·f tl1e electio11. 25. Voting Hours: I 11spectio11 of Ballot Boxes (I) Voting shall be deen1ed to be i11 progress cooti111 1 011sly dt1ri1 1g tl1e l1?urs SJJecified in Article 18 (2) of tJ1e Order. Registered voters sl1all be 1 Jerm1tted to vote d11ri11g these ]1ours. (2) 0 1 1 the first (1st) d.a)' of ai1 electio1J, votj11g sl1all 11ot begin i11 a11y polling station ttntil an official desig11a1ecl by tl1e Board as c:111 i11s1:>ector sl1all have broken the seal on the a1Jert11re a11d 1111locked the lid of eacL1 ballot box i11 tl1e statio11. If the i11spector discovers ballots i11 ,111y ballot box, he sl1all co 1 16scate sucl1 ballots a 11cl sl1all record tl1e ti1 11e a11d pl,1ce of tl1e co11fisca­ tio11 a11d tl1e name of tl1e ca11clidate i11 w11ose ballot box the b,tllots were fot1 11d. The i11spector shall s11bnit tl1e ballot a11d tl1e i11forr11ation recorded by him to tl1e Board, which snail retai11 tl1e1n as evide11ce to be t1sed ju any criJuiraal prosecutio11 \v]1ich ma)' tl1ereafter arise i11 res1Ject of tl1e in­ of all ballot boxes i11 tl1e polling cide11t. A filer ao.mpletion of the in.spectio11 . statio11, tee boxes sJ1all be relocked a11d voting sl1all begi 11. 26. Voting Procedttre (I) Two (2) of tl1e assig11�d to eacl1 Polling statio11 shal.l be seated . ,1t a table i11 the ad111i11istratic 11 roon1 11ear tl1e e11tra11ce to tl1e station. 011e (.1) of tl1e ofl'icja]s sh.all have before hj1n the apJJropriate voting register. 11he o�l1er official sl1all J1ave the books of ballots. (2) Every JJrospective voter sL1all prese11t l1uuself to tl1e offici,11 l1aving before hiim1 t11e voting register. The rp:ospective voter sl1all clearly a11oou11ce his 11a'. ione a11d sh.all prese11t his registration card to st 1cl1 official. Tl1e official &l11.aU1 c]ueck rtle identity of tl1e prospective voter by comparing the ru.11101111c­ ed name \Vith tl1at staited 011 the registratiou card a11d by co1nparing tl1e signature or pollex digitaJ in1ixint thereo1 1 agai11st that appearing in the voti111.g register at the Tegistration 11t1mber sho\vn on the registration card. ff Gfuere is any doubt as to the .d.e,ntity of tJ1e prospective voter tli_e o·fficial may re<iJ.t1es1l the prosp, ective voter to a 11swer at1y inquiries relevant tl1ereto. 1Jf the official deen1s app,ropriate, be may request tl1e prospective voter 'tl@ �laGe his sigmaturie or Ji>OIL�x digital im[PFint on a separate piece of paper 1 an<d may oompar,e saw11e wiith the relevant sriigL1att11ie or pollex digital in1pri11t in th� ¥otrim1g register. (3) Wl1ere it awweairs tihat a J!>-rospe0tiNe voter is duly i-egistered to vote iu the elect10rail rustr, i©t am<i 11:as m.011 _p»evi@l!lsly voted ia the elecfiion, he shall �groi tlile v@:niim.1g Ii@gis1:®.T, �f h.e ll,as J!)re�i011s]y d .oue so in regi&tLUeri 11g as a ¥0teF, @Ii s1Ji)La11 p]!aee t11ile:rei1:i fu,i s _w0llex digital imnprim! t. .r Any previous signa­ i1tHifne, as s0ntaiin 1 e0 in tihe re.gisoor, shailil be c0aceal�d f11om tdae prospective v0te� lby a pie0e @if o;p,aqll!le (Paper 111JJ1 1tiil c00,fill\Pletiom of itibi:e seoo1;id signature. f4} �@mil '1e sat1is, fiaatr0ary ©©,JOOl4!>1,e'fikl>ll ot' 1liae fi0r©:g@img :fiorm:a.lli 1ties, the Fegis­ . �.ualli@n caili<ii sJn•aJl! tle fi:allild:em 'to nhe sec0ncl @fficial alti llhe ttah1e. H@ �h . nJll iV.©�!F' �11e !Eegii 1srura1d.0a earoa m 1YG1ll1lli �4) 1/}ieees aJild! 0e , p,0s1t ii t ia rbhe iliefuse - 1ir� -



-�ont ainer provid �d for this })Urpo�e. He sl1all tl1e11 sta1111J on the top ballot 10 the cou11 terfo1l book be.fore 111111 t]1e elated seal of the polljng statio11. He sl1all tl1en separate tl1e ballot fro111 tl1e cot111terfoil a11cl l1a11d it to tl1e voter. (5) Upon receipt of a ballot, tl1e voter sl1all in1n1ediately !Jass i11to tl1e waiting space and sl1all tl1ere a \Vait l1is tur11 to vote. Officials sl1all condt1ct the process of identification of voters a11d disbt1rsal of ballots at st1ch rate as to ensure tl1at 11ot n1 ore thar1 te11 (10) voters sl1all be witl1in the waiting space at the san1e tin1 e. No perso11 other tl1a11 a11 official or a l)erson holding a ballot isst1ed to l1i111 sl1all be adJ11itted to the \vaiti11g space. (6) Throt1gho11t tl1e period \vl1ile voting is i11 progress, a11 official shall explain to eacl1 voter ad111 itted to tl1e vvaitir1g s1Jace the method of voting as specified in paragraph (7) of this Article 26. (7) Voters shall enter tl1e voting booth or1ly one (1) at 11 ti111e. No voter may remain i11 the voti11g bootl1 for more tl1an one (1) n1i11ute. No official or other person shall be prese11 t with a voter in the voting booth except that t\VO (2) officials may be present at a voter's reqt1est to aid l1im in voting if he is unable to perform the act o·f voti11g by hin1self because of a physical l1andicap. A voter sl1all vote by placing the ballot given to him in the ballot box bearing tl1e 11ame, photograpl1 a11 d syn1bol, if any, of the candidate for \Vhon1 he \vishes to vote. • (8) The voting booth shall be i11spected by two (2) officials immediately after the exit of each voter therefrom in order to ascertain a11d correct any defacing of or tan1 pering with tl1e ballot boxes or the interior of the voting booth. (Q) At seven o'cloc]< in the evening (7 :00 p.n1 .), the door to the polling statio11 shall be closed, a11d no more prospective voters shall thereafter be admitted into the station. Those perso11s wl10 l1ave at tl1at time begun the formalities of identification or are within the waiti11g space sl1all be permitted to vote. (I0) At the e11d of eacl1 day's voti11g tl1e presiding official at each polling station shall i11 the presence of at least two (2) other officials seal all ballot boxes therein as provided i11 paragraph (4) of Article 22 hereof. The boxes sl1all remain sealed until the beginning of voti11g on tl1e next day of voting, \Vhen tb.ey shall be unsealed by the presidi11g official in the presence of at least two (2) other officials. 27. Denial of Vote (1) If a person has presented l1imself to vote at the wrong polling station, an official shall direct the person to tl1e correct polling station as specified on the person's registration card. (2) Tl1e officials at a polling station sl1all not issue a ballot to any person whose identity has not been established, or whose registration number, signat11re or pollex digital i1npri11t does 11ot correspond with that indicated in the voting register provided, hov,1ever, that tl1e decisio11 of a n1ajority of the officials present at the polling statio11 shall determine whether any person presenting a registration card shall be denied a ballot, a11d such decision shall be recorded a11d sig·ned by the majority on the form tl1erefor J)rovided by. the Board. 011e (I) copy of the form, with the registration ca.rd in question affixed thereto, shall immediately be submitted to the

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Board, and one (I) copy of the form shall be given. to t11e perso11 ,vl10 presented the card. (3) In the event of a decision deryi11g a ballot to a �1erso11 who J)rese11ts a registration card made 011 the gro1111ds that s11c)1 person is 11ot e_ntitled to possess such card, officials shall ren1a11d the perso11 to the police for prosect1tio11 in accordance with the Penal Code of 1957. CROSS REFERENCE Peo.C., 16/Ex. 1(1957) Arts. 464. 466.

28. Respo11sibility of Presiding Official The presiding official at each polling station shall be responsible for tl1e conduct of tl1e election at that station and f)r tl1e observa11ce therein of the provisions of these Regulations and of i11structions issued purs11ant hereto. He may expel fro111 the station any person wl10 disobeys a11y order or instructio11s made by him in conformity with tl1ese Regulations. He may, i11 case of necessity, i11voke tl1e assistance of tlle police or of guuds assigned to the station; provided, hov,1ever, that no member of the police or armed forces may enter a polling statio11 during the electio11 other,vise than for the p11rpose of voting or in response to a request for a.ssistance n1ade by the presiding official. 29. In.spection by Board Du1·ing the election the Board sl1all co11duct s11cl1 inspections of polling stations as it may deem appropriate to e11st1re complia11ce with the la\-v and the reqttire­ ments of the Order and these Reg11latio11s. In particular, bt1t without lin1itation, the Board sh.all forthwith inspect an/ polling station upon complaint of irregu­ larities made by any candidate. Ea:h suc·h inspection shall be conducted by two (2) members of the Board or a.ny two (2) persons appointed by the Board to act on its behalf and report to it. 30. Completion of Voting (1) Immediately upon con1pletion of votin.g on the last day of the election, tJluee (3) officials, including the presiding official, shall sign a sufficient number of completion of voting forms to be provided by the Board and shall together deposit o-ne (I) s11ch form in each of the ballot boxes in the polling station. The presiding �fficial shall tbereupo11 iu the presence of at two (2) other officials immediately seal each of the ballot boxes as provided in paragraph (4) of Article 22 hereof. The signatures 011 each seal shall be those of the san1e tliree (3) officials as have signed the comple­ tion of voting, forms. The presiding official shall then prepare a stateme11t indioatin, g: (a) the number of ballots futnished to the station; €ID) the num'b>er of unuse<d baiU.ots rema.iuing; (e) the senial n111n1berrs of the ballots ft1rnished and of th.e unused ballots • • rem:am1ng; �cl) Vhe numJbeF ©f haUots used; �e) t�e nu.m!h>e1r @f voters regi�e11ed to vot€ at til1e station; and (f) 1lhe 11,unmlller 0:f v0ters 11oted in the VC>ti11g register as having Been isstlecll ha1Ml0ts. 'fl.rte sta1teme:at sh�fil ee signe<d by hln aincll by a majorit.y of the ©'�her 0Hi© ;assig: necl te ttb st-allieD. -1�-



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(2) The presiding official accompa11ied by ap1)ropriate gl1ards sL1all transport to the office of the Board at tl1e Awraja ca1 )ital all ballot boxes u11used ballots and the voti11g register, as well as tl1e staten1ent reql1ired by para­ grapl1 (1) of this Article 30. All of the afore111 e11tio11ed items shall be de­ posited with the Boarcl ,vl1jch sl1all retain them as delivered in a locked and gl1arded room pendi11g ft1rtl1er action i11 accorda11ce witl1 these Regula­ tions. CHAPTER VI- ELECTION RESULTS

31. Cot111ting Procedt1re (I) Ballots sl1all be cot111ted by electoral district. Every candidate shall be entitled to be prese11t i11 perso11 or 1:-Jy l1is represe11tative wl1ile tl1e ballots from his electorc.11 district are bei11g cot1nted. (2) In tl1e prese11ce of tl1e Board, officials shall unlock each ballot box withot1t breaking the seal 011 the aperture. Tl1ey sl1all compare tl1e signatures on the seal witl1 tl1ose appearing 011 tl1e co111pletio11 of voting form witl1in the box and sl1all immeruately re1)ort any irregularities to the Board for its action. They shall then im111ediately proceed to cot111t the ballots in the box and shall co11tinue l111til all the ballots therein have been cou11ted. The ballots and the completion of voting for1n sL1all the11 be replaced in the box and the 11umber of valid ballots cot111ted shall be clearly marked on the box. Tl1e box shall tl1en agai11 be locked, the seal on the aperture being retai11ed thereon intact. (3) A ballot sl1all be void and shall not be cot111ted if it is not stamped with the official dated seal of the appropriate polli11g station or if the number appearing on the ballot is not among the 11 t1mbers on the ballots ft1rnished by the Board to that polling station. 32. Retl1rns (I) The Board shall prepare for eacl1 electoral district a retur11 sho\ving: (a) the nun1ber of ballots fur11isl1ed to the polling stations in that district and the serial numbers of st1cl1 ballots; (b) the 11umber of unused ballots returned from the polling stations in tl1at district and the serial numbers thereof; (c) the. difference betwee11 the nt1mber of ballots furnished and the number of ballots returned 11nused for each polling station in that district and for the district as a whole; (d) the nt1mber of voters registered to vote in that district; (e) the number of registerecl voters noted in the voting registers of that district as having bee11 isst1ed ballots; (f) the total nt1mber of void ballots in the ballot boxes from that district; (g) tl1e total nt1mber of valid ballots co11nted from that district; and (11) the number of votes received by each candidate from that district. (2) The rett1rn reqt1ired by _paragraph (1) of tl1 is Article 32 shall be signed by all tl1e members of the Board and shall constitute the official election return. The stateme11t required by paragraph (1) of Article 30 hereof, the

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-----------------------· 7-4

voting registers ai1d the ballot box� s with _f'h _e ballots therein shall _ be e11trusted by the Boa.rd to the AwraJa Adm,1n1strator who shall retain aJ1d guard san1 e tintil after the 11ext electi� n, _except that ballots ma y be removed . w1th1n three (3) mo11ths bef �re the next from the ballot boxes at any t1me election. Th.e official election return shall be permanently retained by the Awraja Local Administratior as a record.

33. Annulment of Election (1) The Board shall declare a11 el�ction to. be null an _ � void i11 any electoral district if the nt1n1ber of votes counted 1n that d1str1ct exceeds: (a) the number of voters registered to vote in that district; or ( b) by five per cent (5%), the n1n1ber of voters noted in the voting registers of that district as having b�en issued ballots; except, that, where every candidate who ,vould, if the election were valid, be elected enjoys a plurality of votes greater tha11 such excess over the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes but not so provisionally elected, the Board may waive the provisions of this sub-paragra1Jh (b). (2) The Board shall declare an election to be nt1ll and void in any electoral district if it determines that, as a result of irregularities discovered by it in the course of a11y inspection under Article 29 11ereof or othe.rwise brought to its attentio11, there is substantial doubt as to the validity of the results of the election. The Board shall not otherwise than in case of substantial doubt declare an election to be nt111 a11d void because of irregularities. 34. Determination and Declaration of Election (1) In any case where two (2) or more candidates receive an identical number of votes there shall, if necessazy, be a recount of the ballots cast for s·ucl1 candidates. If 11one of such ca.ndidates receives a plurality upon the recount, the eleotion shall be determined between such candidates by lot in accord­ a.noe with Article 21 (3) of tle Order. (2, Ilf t!he differ6nce between the number of votes coooted for any candidate a1ndJ any ether candidate appea�ing to be provisionally elected in the, same eleeitoral district is less than three cent (3%) of the total number of bawlots eounted in. tae district, then th.e ballots of both ca.ndidates shall be 1iec0unted up©B. reql!l.est of :b.e candidate receivin,g such lower number 0f :votes, er his delegate. CJ) Whe1te a111 the bal4ots cas1i ilil an electoral <district have ll>eee ooootecl and a0 recoUBt is reqmred F)ursua11it to these R.egulations and the Board 00es n0t !f>Ursua!l1lt rto Article 33 hereof' d.eolare the election to he null and v0id, tfu.e B'©arcl shall immediately declare the provision-a!, nesnlts of the electtiolil m that dist1det by posting Ol!ltside tlie place where 1\he e0l:ln,ting of 0alll0ts took place a list snowing the name. s of all the cancl idates in tlhat ! a.list:rict, the num , ber of Viotes 1"eceived by each caindidatte and tire cane:Iiaat e 0.F cGan , a!iaates pr0wsiona;l1ly ehcted as determinea ill aecer.d·anoe with �iele 21(3D 01' the Olicler ana f)atag11aiphs (l) aina (2) 10f this �litiele 34-. ffie Board shal[ tnereafite-r pulnlicize such list. , ij4� Da-eb Eancl, idate [ll}t70�isi0nml: ily e1eetecll slllal!l foobwiifill Jl>e clliu, eeblf a0'1lifi.e� l!n:eireaf h¥ ib:e B0aitd jplil$S&ant to AJtiele 22 0f llh_e - 180 -



----------------------· (5) If n? complaints concer11ing tl1e electio11 in an electoral district have been rece1y�d by the Board \Vithi1! fo11rtee11 (14) days after tl1 e IJOsting of the r>ro,v1s1onal res11lts for tl1at district, tl1e JJrovisio11al rest1lts for tl1at district sJ1all becon1e final. Where a11y co1nplai11t l1 as bee11 received as aforesaid tl1e results in . th�t district sl1all re111ain provisio11al pe11ding resol11tio1� of the complaint 111 accorclance vvitl1 Article 35 l1ereof. Where the res11lts in any electio11 becon1e fi11al the Board sl1all for\vard to eacl1 candidate elected a certificate of electio11 sig11ed by tl1e Cl1airman and sta111ped with the seal of the Board. Tl1e certificate shall be proof of the candidate's election.

35. Complait1ts (I) Any candidate sl1all be e11t.itled to s11b1nit to the Board at any tiu1e up to and the date fourtee11 (14) days after tl1e posting of the 1Jrovi­ sional election res11lts for llis electoral district a11 y complaints wl1ich he 1nay have concer11ing tl1e cond11ct of the electio11. Each such complaint shall be s11bnlitted in ,vriting and shall incl11de a clear stateme11t of the grounds thereof. (2) The Board shall consider each s11ch con1pla.i11t as submitted and shall ,vithin seven (7) days after receipt thereof f or,vard same with its con1ments attached to the Enderasye for l1is decision. (3) The Enderasye shall withi11 011e (I) week after receipt of a complai11t deter­ mine same and order appropriate actio11, as necessary, in accordance with Article 61 (2)(b) (iv) of the Order. 36. Special Elections (I) If an election i11 any electoral district is declared null a11 d void pursua11t to Article 32 hereof or by order of the Enderasye on determinatio11 of a complaint, a special electio11 sl1all be held in that electoral district not less than thirty (30) nor n1 ore than seventy:.five (75) days after the last day of the regular electioi1. The exact dates of any s11cl1 special election shall be determined and publicized by the Board. (2) The candidates in a special election shall be tl1e sa111e as those in the regular electio11 declared n11ll and void, except that a11y ca11didate f ou11d by the Board to have participated i11 any illegal activities in connecti_?n wit� the reg1tlar election who admits his guilt in this regard or who 1s convicted by a competent court of an offence involvi11g s11ch activities shall not be a ca11didate in the special electio11. (3) Those persons registered as voters for the r�gular �lectio11 declared fl:Ull and void shall be entitled to vote in the special election. The same voting registers shall be employed. The voting, co11nti11g of ballots and deternlina­ tion of election shall be generally, in accordance with Chapte�s V �nd "YI of tl1ese Regi1lations; provicled, however, that the dates specified 10 said Chapters sl1all not apply, and provided, further, tha� only those perso!ls \.vho did not vote in the regular election shall be required to present regis­ tration cards as a condition of voting in the special election.

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------------------------------· CHAPTER VII - MISCELLANEOUS AND FINAL

37. Board All decisions of the Board shall be by n1ajority vote i11 the presence of a quorum. Three (3) members shall form a quorun1. The Cl1airn1an shall have a casting vote. 38. Effective Date These Regulatio11s shall enter into =-orce 011 the date of their publication in the Negarit Gazetta. Done at Addis Ababa this 9th day of December, 1966 .

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------ -------- --------· Section 8 PUBLIC S1ERVICE 1/2 (1942) G.2* It is notified for p11blic i11for111atio11 tl1at Governn1ent Offices will be ope11 daily from 9 a.n1. t1ntil 1 p.111. a11d fron1 3 p.n1. u11til 6 p.m. Government Offices will be closed fro1n 1 p.m. 011 Sat11rday until 9 a.m. 011 ivlonday. Addis Ababa, 30th day of April, 1942. 21/3 (1962) 0.23**

AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR TI-IE CREATION AND FUNCTIONS OF TI-IE IMPERIAL ETHIOPIAN CENTRAL PERSONNEL AGENCY CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS We have deemed 11ecessary and ap_pro_priate that all matters relat­ ing to Otir Public Service and its syste1n should come under a11 immediate and centralised jurisd.iction; and WHEREAS the progress acl1ieved by Ethiopia requires the establishment of a homogenous Public Service governed by u11iform rules and pri11ciples; and WHEREAS We desire to derive tl1e greatest benefit from Our Public Service with the minimum necessary expense; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with Art. 27 and 66 of Our Revised Cons­ titution, We hereby order as follows:1. This Order 1nay be cited as the ''Ce11tral Personnel Agency and Public Service Order''. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE See also 22/6 (1962) L.269, 8 Conso/.L.Etlz.3. **INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 22/6 ( 1962) C.45 (English only); Amel. 23/2 (1963) L.277

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PART 1. The Central Personnel Age11cy.

- .

2. Establish1nent. 1. We hereby establish a Central Per�on11el Age11cy (l1ereinafter referred to as the ''Agency'') to act as the exec:.1tive body to establish and n1ai11tain a homoge-neous Service in Our Empire. 2. There sl1all be a l1igh Public Service Commissfoner and two (2) other Public Service Commissio11ers and, to act in their absence, such De1Juty­ sioners as may be necessary, appointed by Us. Each or all of these may be removed and replaced at any time by Us. Sucl1 appoint1nent� shall be publish­ ed in the Negarit Gazeta. 3. The Commissioners shall frame Regulations, to be pt1blished i11 the Negarit Gazeta, for the distribution of functions among themselves and their deputies and for the organizatio11 of tl1e work of the Central Personnel Agency, pro­ vided that all n1ajor decisions mt1st be taken by majority vote of the three (3) Commissioners. . CONSOLIDA�ION NOTE Corr. 22/6 (1962) C.45 (English only). '

·· · ·

3. Scope of Functions. I. Th.e term ''Public Servant'' shall inclu,de all officials, employees and servants of the government and of Public At1thorities and Administrations of the government which enjoy independent juridical status, whether such Autho­ rities and A.dministrations are cre,ted by Order, Decree, Proclamation o-r su.bsidi_ary legislation; provided, however, that the Public Service Comrnissi­ on_ers, by notice published in the .Vegarit Gazeta with the approval of the Council of Ministers, may provide for the exclusion fron1 the coverage of this term of designated categories of persons and designated Public A11tho­ rities and Adm , inistrations. 2. Unifto.rrned members of the Armed Forces, members of tihe Police Force an.d judges shall not be governed by the ·provisions of this Order. 3. For bhe purposes of ca.rryin.g out this Orde.r, diffe-rent arrangen1ents n1a)' l!>e made and different conditions of serviGe established for different categories 0f Public Servants and for Publie Servants working in different organizatio11s, and the responsibilities of the Ageocy may be delegated, in respect of parti­ cular categoiies of Public Serva11ts, to other government organizations whioh shall, ho\vever, follow the geaeral principles laid down by the Regulations issued by the Agency, as amended from tin1e to time. Amd. ll /6 (1962) 0.28 Art.2.


4. Pei:s_@na!l Responsibility. 1. The C0mmissione1rs and Deputy Commissioners shall, dru::ing their ten.ure 0f office, hold no otiher official post u;11.less duly auvh0m2:ed. · 2. Tine Qom,missioneFs aaa Deputy Comimissioners shall O])etate 1!1JmdeF tihe gg1iaan<re ef Oar Conaoi of Ministers.






---_,,....._ -..----· _ �-.,,.,,,,.. ----------1 5. Ad1 1inistrative Arra11geme11ts. The Con1 1nissio11e-:s shall �ppoint the staff needed to carr'y out tl1eir functions and shall be f11rn1shed_ ,�1th accornmodatio11 a11 d other facilities. Tl1e b11dget adopted by tl1e Con1n11 ss1oners sl1all fo�1n }Jart of 011r 11 atio11al b11dget. 6. Public Service Regt1lations. 1. The Agency sl1all iss11e Regt1latio11s 11ecessary for tl1e establisb11 1e11 t of a ho1n�geneous Pt �blic_ S �rvice according to tl1 e JJri 11ciples laid dow11 in Part II of _this Order, \v1tl111! six (6) n1ontl1s of tl1e Con1111issio11ers havi11g · been ap­ pointed,. and shall 1ss11e an1endn1e11 ts a 11 cl additio11s to these Reg11lations as req11rred thereafter. 2. S11ch Regulatio11s sl1 all be presented to 011 r Co1111cil of Ministers for approval a.nd shall be publisl1ed i n tl1e Negarii' Gazeta a11d shall not enter i 11 to force 11 nti1 so publisl1ed.

7. Positions Classificatio11 . . . . 1. The garding and salary structure of Our Public Service is based 0 1 1 the posi­ . tioh classification ·systen1. The Age11cy sl1all .determi11e the classified and the unclassified service, and shall approve the classification plans of Our Minis­ tries, public authorities and chartered gover11me11t agencies. 1 1a11ce, shall iss11e Mi11ister Our consultatio11 after - . 2. i F • with Agency, The .of · principles and standards for position classification and n1ay order a· revisio11 of classifications from time to tirrc. 8. S11rveys .. 1. -Th · e Agency may 1nake. appropriate. surveys for the preparatio.n of P11blic Service Regulations a11d any 11 eces5ary amend1nents thereto a11d ens1ue that such Regulations are being car1ied out, 2. On Our request, tl1e Agency s11all male stu_dies of the perso11nel orga 11izatio11 of Our Mi11istries and chartered gove1nment agencies to secure the efficie11cy of the administration with the minirnu1n necessary expense. 9. Recruitment a11d Selection. 1. The Agency shall be responsible for recr11itn1ent of classified a11d. u11classified public servants and may conduct sucl open competitive exan1inatioos, i11ter­ views or other tests for admissio 11 to the service as will fairly test the. relative capacity and fitness of the persons e,"<amined for the position to be filled. The qualifications and/or skills required for individual positions or groups of positions shall be laid dow11 i11 the Reg11 lations to be issued under Article 6 of this Order. 2. !"Jo appointment or pro1notion to and below the rank of Assistant Minister or its equivalent shall be made withott the consent o.f the Agency. 3. The conditions of service of Public Serva11ts above the rank of Assistant Minister shall be determi11ed by special legislatio11. 10 . Registers. 1. The Age11cy shall keep a register of all persons employed in tl1e Public Service in Ethiopia ai1d 011r Diplomatic Mi�sio11s. 2. The Agency shall also keep a register of eligible applicants for appoint111ents in the Ethiopian administration.

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11. Reports. 1. The Age11cy shall submit to Us a11:l Our Cou11cil of Mi11isters a11nual reports and a.ny 11ecessary special repor1s. 2. Stich a11nual reports shall, i11ter aja, co11tai11 deta.ils of t�e total 11t1rnber of Pt1blic Servants e111ployed by graC:e, tt1r11over, new appo1ntme11ts a11d other statistics. CONSOLID/i.TION NOTE The Amharic version of Subarticle (1) does not contain the words "Us and Our'' and states tl1at the reports shall be subn1itted only to Coun:il of Ministers.

PART II. Public Servi:e Principles. I 2. Vacancies, Recruitme11t. I. All vacancies in the Public Service shall be reported to the Age11cy as tl1ey arise, unless power has been delegated u11der Article 3 (3). 2. The Agency shall advertise widel) to obtai11 a high standard of applica11ts. Suitable ca11didates shall be determined by competitive examination. The same principles a.pply in cases ,vhe�e the power to recr'uit has bee11 delegated. 13. Selection, Medical Exa111i11atio11. 1. The Agency shall, wherever possible, offer to the office concerned three (3) eligible candidates for each vacarcy, from whicl1 the office may select a11d appoi11t one. 2. No person shall be �ppointed as a Public Servant unless he has been medical­ ly exatnined and passed as fit for service. 14. Appointment. No a.ppoint111e11t sl1all be deemed to l:e effective t1nless a Letter of Ap·pointment has been issued to the Public Servt11t. 15. Ttaiui1:1Jg. Trrainin,g in tlhe Public Service is aimed ait assisting Public Servants at all level� to perf0rm their work efficiently an.d to develop their personal capacities. 16. Resp0n,sibilities for Training. The Agency, in co-,0peration with the Ministries, public authorities a:nd chartered g@'¥er11�t, agenc. ies, is responsible for formulating the soh.emes of training of theJ'11 s1lafif and :for €ar• rying them 01Jit. 'Jlhe Agency may cl.elegate the 1iesponsi­ bhlli 1t¥ for s,peciaJlized and technical training to the Ministrie-s, public authorities aind onarrte-i:ecl g0vernment agencies under Article 3 (3). 17. !ID·utues of Pl)Lbllc Se.rvants. I. 0-veriy !PUlbli� ge:r¥aiot is 0eli 1ged t0 coace11trare his whole energy ancl ability on �he -weJJCare ana the interests 0:� tJhe B�hiopimn Em}l)i Fe ana n-aiti0n. J. !Be.f011e en.terrng, 1!lrp>@n his jain:©ti@EJS eaeh Ptrb1ic Se1w-an1t s1h:all t�ke an 0ath 'W'f fitleity an� l0�alty ti@ the Eqer0,r aincll t0 the �e11s·tituti0e.

- fij6 -





------------------------------· 18. Liability of the Public Serva11 t. Tl1 e legal provisio11s co11cer11 i11 g tl1e liability of a P t1blic Serva11 t for damage cat1sed i11 con11 ection vvith l1 is official dt1ties sl1all remain u11affected.

19. Perso11al Co11duct. Every Pt1blic Servant is expectecl to 111ai 11 tain at all ti 111es a l1 igh standard of integrity and conduct. 20. Protectio11 b)' t11 e State. As co111 pensation for fidelity a11d loyalty every P t1blic Serva11 t e11joys tl1 e special protectio11 of the State. 21. Leave. I. Every Pt1blic Serva11 t sl1all be granted an11t1al leave, appropriate to his grade. 2. Every Public Ser,,ant sl1 all be granted sick leave 011 full or part l)ay. 3. Under special circumsta11 ces a Public Servant may be gra11 ted special leave with or without pay. 22. Disciplinary Penalties and Procedure. 1. For breach of duties the following penalties 1nay be imposed: a) warning; b) reprin1and ; c) fine, not exceeding two months pay; d) postponement of the next increment of })ay for a period 11 ot exceedi11g four years; e) down-grading; f) dismissal; provided, 11 0,vever, that tl1e legal provisio11s on forfeitt1re or loss of pen­ sion rights ren1ai11 unaffected. 2. In case of complicated evidence or if a punisl1111 ent of 11ot less tha11 down­ grading is to be expected, a formal disciplinary procedure shall be followed, which shall consist of an i11 vestigation by a disciplinary investigator, tl1e discipli11ary decis.ion and the possibility of appeal. 23. Promotion. 1. The principal reason for pro1notion and tra11 sfer is tl1e iinproveme 1 1t of the adm.inistration. 2. Promotion shall be based on the ground of 011tstandi11g fitness and shall only be made to vacant or newly created positions. 24. Transfer. A Public Serva11 t 1nay be required to serve within the whole admi11istration in any part of the Empire and d11ty stations outside tl1 e co11 ntry. 25. Resignatio11, Retirement. 1. A Public Serva11t n1 ay resign from the Service at any time. 2. A male Public Servant shall retire on attaining tl1e age of sixty (60), a female Public Servant 011 attai11i11g the age of fifty five (55); provided, l1owever, that a P11blic Serva11 t may be retained in service beyond the retireme11t age for a period 11 ot to exceed ten (10) years. - 187 -



3. A Public Serva11t shall be retired if be does 11ot fulfil the medical conditions ·o f service, 11nless there is a prospect of recovery within suitable tin1e. 4. A Pt1blic Servant n1ay be retired if his position is abolished. 26. Dismissal. 1. A P11blic Serva.ut may be dismissed 011 gro1111ds qf inefficiency, by a for1na] procedure. 2. A Public Servant is auto111aticall) dismis�ed without specia.l I)rocedure if he is sentenced by a court of compe:ent jurisdiction to two (2) years impriso11ment. 27. Salaries and Allowa11ces. 1. The pay for n1en and women und�r the same conditions of service and in the same positions is equal. 2. The salaries in the Public Service c,)nsist of a basic salary a11d possible addi­ tional allowa.nces. .




28. R.ank, Title, Grade, Pay Scale. ..


1. Ra11ks, Titles and Grades sl1all be determined by position classificatio11. 2. The Central Personnel Agency and Our Minister of· Finance shall issue a uniforn1 pay· scale for the P11blic Service. If Sllitable individual pay scales may be issued for specialised branches of the Public Service. Such pay sca]es shall be published in the Negarit Gazeta and may be amended from time to time. PAR-=- ID. General Frovisions.

29. Making of Regulations. .Regulations for the implementation of the provisio11s of this Order 01ay be an<ll s11tpplemented from time to time, by the Agency. mattle, altered i 3ID. [.rnrteripre1lati©n of RegIDlati0ns. E>ec;ision,s of the Public Service Corr1mission.eifs on the interpretatio.n of this Oufileli, f>.f Regulations made therel!lnder and on the and exercise of any cl:._eJegati@n.s made therreunder, are final and conclusive. 31. Drutes ef (J.perations. iPatrts I and Iii of this Order shall come into force 011 th.e publication therieof an.<i faFt m 0n a date to be fiixea b:r the ll?UJli>lic Service Commissren�,11s and [ll)I:Jiblislil.e<ll iin tih:e Negan'iie Gaz-e.ta, suob mate to be not later th:a.a si!K (6i) m©nths �Ir �he' ©@mmi,ssi0n.ers [have 0een ar_l>p.ointed. )E)one �ti J\ddiSJ Ama�ai �s 2©tlh d-ay of Oct0ber, 1961. - 183 -








l. Autl1orization . .. . . . 2. Short Title ••• •••

]>age . .. ... ... 190 • •• . .. ... 190

I. DEFINITIONS 3. Public Serva.nt ... ... ... ... ... 191

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

II. STAFFING 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Eligibility for tl1e Public Service • • • 191 ••• . . . 191 Disqualification ••• ••• ••• Nullity of Appointment . . . 191 . . . • • • • • . . . • • • 192 Age Lin1it •

2. RECRUITME:t---'f Rule of Filling Vacancies . . . .. . Procedure of Filling Vacancies ... Recruitment ... . .. . .. ... ... :Nied.ical Examination ... ... ... Notification of Rejected Applicants WaitiI1g List ... ... ... . .. .. .

192 192 192 193 194 194

3. SELECTION ;\.ND APPOINTMENT 14. Selection ... .. . ... ... ... ... 194 15. Appointment .. . . .. .. . ... ... 194 16. Probation . .. . .. ... ... ... ... 195 17. Perm.anent Appointment ... ... 195 18. Temporary Appointment ... ... 195

4. TRANSFER 19. Procedure of Transfers . .. ... . . . 195 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

5. PROMOTION Defin.ition . . . . .. .. . ... ... ... ... .. . Principles of Promotion .. . . .. Selection for Pron1otion Consent of the Central Perso11nel Agency ... ... ... ... .. . . .. Letter of Promotion ... .. . . . .

III. TRAINING 25. Training Scl1emes .. . • • • • • • 26. Fields of Training ... • • • • • • 27. Training Proceclure ... . .. . . .

-· ------------

• •• • •• •


196 196 196 197 197 197 197 197



28. Workir1g I-lours ... • • • . . . ... 198 29. Overti1ne ... . .. ... . . . • • • .. . 198 30. 3 J. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. · 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

2. LEAVE Annual Leave ... ... ... ... .. . Allo\vance of Annual Leave . .. Accumulation of Anntral ... Unused Leave ... ... ... ... ... Sick Leave .. . . .. ... ... ... Deduction of Sick Leave froo1 Annual Leave ... ... .. . ... ... Injury Leave .. . .. . ... ... ... Clain1s for Loss of Services .. . . .. Maternity Leave ... ... ... ... 11ottrning Leave ... ... ... . .. Special Leave witl1 or without Pay Sundays and Pttblic Holidays ... Loss of Pay in Case of Unatrthorized Absence .. . . .. ... ... ... .. . Leave for Crunpaigniog for a Seat in Parliament ... ... ... .. . .. . Application for Leave . .. ... . .. Travel Time . .. ... ... .. . ... Paicl Employ1nent on Leave ... ... Transfer and Leave ... ... ...

199 200 200 200 200 200 20 I

3. GRADES AND SALARIES Principle .. . ... ... . .. ... ... Pay-Scale .. . ... ... .. . ... .. . Starting Rate ... ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . . .. ... .. . Increments Promotion . . . ... ... . . . .. . .. . Travel Allowance ... .. . ... ... Prol1ibition of other payments ... Mode of Payment. Payment in Aclvance . . . . . . ... ... . .. ...

201 20 l 201 202 202 202 202

198 199 199 199 199

201 201 201 201 201 201


4. POSITION CLASSIFICATION 56. General ... ... ... ... ... ... 202 57. 58. 59.

5. REPORTS ON STAFF General • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Reports • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Reports during Probation • • •

• •• • •• •••

202 203 203

*INfRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 22/8 (1963) C.46 (Aml1aric only); ar11d. 23/2 (1963) L.277; irr1p/. arnd. 22/23 (1963) P.209, 23/3 (1964) P.210, 25/23 (1966) 0.46

- 189 •


--2.----�--=-:�=--· --------DISCIPLINARY PENALTIES. Page 8-3

60. Secrecy of Reports ... . . . • • • . .. • • • 61. Inefficiency Reports 62. Adverse Reports ... .. . •...

• •• ••• • ••

6. COMPLAINTS 63. Principle .. . ... .. . ... ... ... 204 64. Formal Investigation and decisio.n 204 V. TERMJNATION OF SERVICE ... ... ... ... ... 65. Resignation 66. Retirment ... ... ... ... ... ... 67. Public Servants Elected lo Parlian1ent . .. ... ... . .. ... 68. Dis.missal on Grounds of lJ1effi­ ciency and witl1out Special Procedure ... .. . ... ... ... ...


203 203 203

204 204 205 205

VI. DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF PUBLIC SERVANfS 69. Loyalty ... ... ... .. . ... ... 205 70. Personal Conduct ... ... ... ... 205 71. Obedience ... ... . .. . .. . .. ... 206 72. References and Testimonials ... 206 73. Re,lations witl1 the Public ... . .. 206 74. Secrecy . .. . .. . .. ... ... . .. 207 75. Borrowing or Lending Money ... 207 76. Gifts ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 207 '77. Arrest or Co.nviction ... . .. ... 207 78. Conflict of Dety and Private Interest 207 7,9. Private Co.rresl)o.ndence ... ... ... 207 80. Use of Official Telephones ... . .. 207 81. Working fer other Governn1ent Offices or for Private Interest ... 208 82. RrJhllcanons ... ... . .. ... ... 208 8i3. Strike ... .. . ... ... ... .. . .. . 208 84. Other Income Besides Salary ... .. . 208 Vilil. PERSONAL RECORDS 8j, �er,sonail File Rersona1l Card ... 208 86. &amina.tion of PeFSonal Records ... 209 VDI!I. DISOliPLINE 1. GBNBR.AL. S·tJSPENS.IC'.>N BROM DUTY s·1. lnsubariclination ... ... . . . ... 209 88. Suspensian frQm Outy ... ... ... 209


89. Disciplinary Penalties • • • ... ... 210 90. Inquiries ... . .. ... ... • • • • • • 210 91. Decision ... . .. . .. . .. • • • • • • 210

92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

3. FORMAL DJSCIPLINARY PROCEDUR.E Cliarge Sheet ... ... ... .. . .. . Powers and Duties of tl1e Disciplinary Investigator . . . ... Defence Cotinsel .. . ... . .. . .. Closing of the Investigation ... . .. Final Report ... ... ... ... ... Decision ... . .. ... ... . .. ...

4. APPEAL 98. Public Service Tribunal ... ... ... 99. Notice and Men1orandun1 of Appeal ... ... ... 100. Appeal out of Time 101. Appeal to be forwarded to the PubHc Service Tribunal ... ... ... ... 102. Procedure of the PubJjc Service Tribu.nal . .. ... ... ... .. . ... 103. Findings ... ... ... .. . ... .. . l 04. Decision of Public Service Commissioners ... ... .. . ... ... 105. Execution of DiscipHnary Decisions

106. 107. 108. 109.

IX. GENEllAL. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Delegation ... ... ... ... ... Official Gazette ... ... ... ... Forn1s ... ... ... ... ... . .. Employees other than Public Servant

211 211 211 21 I 212 212

212 212 212 212 213 213 213 214

214 214 214 214

2. TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 110. Delegations . .. ... .. . • • • • • • 215 111. Position Classification • • • • • • • • • 215 112. Grades and Salarie-s ... .. . .. . 215 3. FINAL PROVISIONS 113. Entry in:ta Force . ' . ... . ... ... 215

1-. 1:liese il�gl;llati@ns aue issued b¥ the Cen'tiral Personnel A.gency wiilh th.e C0UJnGi l @f IM11nisterrs paJJsruaat to an,th ' oricy 1 ves11ed 'by Article 6 of the Cent· �al iPe'JE­ s@Mtl A�e11ley ams P�t>lic S.eIYice Or£le1i,. 1961 (Order No.23 0f 1961), he1·6m,aiFter aalled '�@rd�r' '. !. 'Irlliese R�gt!l111ai&e·ns may �e ciited as "P1mbl'ie S-ewice Rlegl!lia�0ns Ne. . 1'' . : il, JJl96 - JJ�O -


3. PL1IJ.lic Serva11t.


(1) Tl1e ter111 ''PL1blic Serva11t'' sl1all l1a,1e tl1e 111ea11ing prescribecl in Arts. 3 a11d 9 (2,3) of tl1e Orc1er, a11cl sl1all il{JJJly to e111ployees of Mi11istries, Charter­ ed Gover11111e11t Age11cies and otl1er PL1blic AL1thorities a11d shall excl L1 de: (a) n1e111bers of the Ar111ed a11d Police Forces (Art. 3 (2) of the Order) a11d all otl1er perso11s witl1 regard to wl10111 salary, 11nifor111, cliscipline, cri111inal offences, allo,,1ances a11d otl1er co11ditions of service are deter111ined by 111i]itar)' a11cl/or IJo]ice regL1latio11s; (b) J Lldges (r\rt. 3 (2) of tl1e Order) as clefined by JaVi'; (c) P L1blic Servants or other employees above tl1e ra11l< of Assista11t Minis­ ter or its eqt1ivaler1t (Art. 9 (3) of the Order) together with all otl1er appointees s_pecifiecl u11der Art. 9 (3) of the Orcler and n1embers of both Hot1ses of Parliament; (d) Emplo)1 ees Vi1l10 ha,,e been exclt1ded fron1 the coverage of the term ''P11blic Serva11t'' by the Pt1blic Service Com111issioners witl1 the ap­ IJroval of the Co1111cil of :Niinisters pt1rs11ant to Art. 3 (I) of the Order, as amended; (e) temporary em1Jloyees as prescribed in Art. 18 of these Regulations seaso11al and co11tractt1al emploj1ees who are employed for a specific length of ti111e and ,vhose services tern1i11ate \vith tl1e ex1Jiration of st1ch period of ti111e or a give11 project. (2) Cases of dotibt sl1all be decided by tl1e P11blic Service Commissio11ers in accorda11ce \Vith Art. 30 of the Order. II. STAFFIN'G

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 4. Eligibility for the Pt1blic Service. Ethiopian Nationals shall l1ave tl1e preJere11ce i11 accordance witl1 these Reg11la­ tions to beco1ne Pttblic Serva11ts.

5. Disq11alificatio11 No person shall be eligible to become a P11blic Servant who: (1) has been dis1nissed i11 accordance witl1 Arts. 22 (I) (f) a11d 26 (2) of the Order a11d Arts. 68 (1) and 89 (f) belo\v ;. (2) has been sente11ced by a cot1rt of competent jt1risdiction to two (2) years imprisonement or more, 1111less st1cl1 se11tence has been ca11celled i11 accord­ ance vvitl1 the law. 6. N11llity of Appoint111ent. (1) Tl1e appointme11t as Public Servant in violatio11 of Art. 5 a·bove shall be declftred null and void; the san,e shall apply with regard to an appoint­ me11t based on false statement given i11tentio11ally or u11inte11tio11ally unless the appointment would have bee11 1nade in knowledge of the facts. (2) TJ1e declaration (St1bart. (1) of this Art. (6) shall be made in writing by the superior of the appointee who is authorized to dismiss (Art. 22 (1) (f) - 191 -



of the Order, Art. 87 et seq. telo,,.,) to t11e appoi11tec and to the Central Person11el A.gency. (3) Th.e right to declare an appointn1ent ntill and void (Subart. 6) shall be exercised within six (6) montts after the knowledge of the violation of Art. 5 above or th.e facts (Su cart.. (1) of this Art. 6) has been acquired. (4) Any appointment made by an unautl1orized office or t111authorized officer or in violation of a.ny relating r,rovisions of the Order or these Regulations shall be declared null a.nd void in accorda11ce with Subart. (2) of this Art. 6, or by the Central Perso11nel Agency. 7. Age Limit. As a general rule no person less tha1 eighteen (18) years of age shall be appoint­ ed as Public Servant. Tl1e Central Personnel Agency may make exception in individt1al cases or for special categories of P11blic Serva11ts. 2. RECF�UITMENT 8. Rule of Fillin.g · vacancies (1) Vacancies shall only be filled ii there is an indispensable need for it in the interest of the administration. To tl1e greatest extent possible the order of precedence for filling vacant posts sl1all be as follows: (a) by assignment of a Public Servant of the same grade available a.nd s11itable \.\1ithin the Ministr/, Chartered Government Agency or other Authority, (b) by transfer (Art. 19 belov) of a Public Servant of the same grad.e available and suitable from another Ministry, Chartered Government Age11cy or other Public Autl1ority, (c) by promotion of a Public Servant, circumsta.nces requiring connected with a transfer (Subart. (I) (b) of Art. 8), (d) by recruitment and appojntment. (2) All vacan.cies shall be reported to the Central Personnel Agency with the e�c0wtion of those which are intended to be filled in accordance with Sub­ art. (1) {a) of this A,rt. 8. 9. PF00ecdure of fillimg Vacancies. (I) With r.e,gard to filling of vacaicies by promotion (Art. 8 (1) (c) above) Art. 20 et seq. below shall apply. (2) Ucless declaration has been made in accordance with Art. 3 (3) of the Or-der, the Cent. ral Personn.el Agency shall be responsible for recruitment (Art. 8 (l ) (d) ab0ve). 10. Rie�tment. (J) �e CenmraJl Peisonnel A.gene)· shall adv:ertise wid.ely by suitable mea11s all vacancies. Tl1e advertisement or notification shaJJil contain tl1e Ministry, CChamerea G:0,qe!fnm , en1t AgeOG! OF o�her P1.11hlic A1!ltborit1 y in whieh the vaeancy e-xists, a bliief deser1pnen of the funGtlons, req(l:liiEements, grade ant:I salary, ea[\een pF0spe0:ts, if any, and may contain 01lher i1n.f@limation. ffl) 14.�Ji)fil • cations £er £tecruitmeJ:1t sh,11 lt>e t.o 1lhe CenttJJal PersoB,n" el Agency, iffl![es& <:lelegabio,n. fias leen. made (�t. 3 (J� 0f bhe Oricler). �"Jl>�eaiti0n f0lilllS slffill ioe ruv•aiill'.a�le ait the OeatrraJ] Persen.BeJ �getrey, the Mfinis·tFies, Oo:attt'err- 19i-





----------------------- ---------· ed Gover11n1e11t Agencies a1Jcl other Ptiblic At1tl1orities to wl1ich delegatio11 has bee11 mad e (Art. 3 (3) of the Order), a11d at regio11al a11d local govert1111ent Authorities as deter.n1i11ed by tl1e Central Perso11nel Agency.

(3) Applica11ts vvho seen1 to be st1itable for recrt1itn1ent on the basis of tl1e application shall be exa1nined by tl1e Ce11tral Perso1111el Agency, t10Jess delegatio11 l1as been 111acle (Art. 3 (3) of tl-1e Order). The examination shall be cond11cted i11 accorcla11ce witl1 tl1e pect1liarities of tl1e vaca11cy co11cer11ed, taki11g into co11sidera.tio11 a11y existi11g career aspect. Tl1e examinatio11 sl1all inclt1cle, as st1.itable, a writte11 a11d/or _perforn1a11ce test, a11d/or an interview to be co11dt1cted by at least three (3) perso11s, 011e of whon1 at least sl1all be a11 official of the Ce11tral Person11el Agency. (4) In the case of writte11 tests (St1bart. (3) of tl1is Art. 10) necessary arra11ge­ n1ents sl1all be n1ade for ob jective assessme11t of the test, e.g. by having tbe111 written on net1tral sheets of paper marked ,vitl1 11un1bers instead of nan1es of applica11ts. (5) The qt1ali:fications and/or skills reqt1ired for tl1e vacancies shall be laid down in the classification of positio11s (Art. 7 of the Order a11d Art. 56 below). The qt1alifications and/or skills for grot1ps of positio11s (career) shall be based ttpon tl1e classifications of positions. (6) In tl1e case of delegatio11 of the responsibility for recrt1itme11t this Art. 10 sl1all apply accordi11gly. The Central Personnel Agency n1ay isst1e binding instrt1ctions. 11. Medical Exanunation. (I) The Central Perso.1111el Agency shall, after tl1e recruitme11t process has been completed (Art. 10 above), provide for a n1edical examination for tl1ose tl1ree (3) applicants witl1 tl1e highest assessments in order to deter1nine tl1eir f itness for service (Art, 13 (2) of tl1e Order). The Central Personnel Age11cy may provide for a n1edical exa.n1ination at any stage of the recruit­ me11t process. (2) If tl1e medical reports i11dicate medical fitness for less than all three (3) applicants, the Central Person11el Agency may provide for a medical exami­ - nation of other applicants \Vith the 11ext lower assessments, if such applicants are qt1alified, in order to be able to offer, if possible, three (3) applicants for selectio11 (Art. 14 (I) below). (3) The Central Perso11nel Age11cy sl1all determine the requirements for medical fitness for the service i11 consultation witl1 the Minister of Pensions and the Pt1blic Service Pension Cornmissio11 and may, in consultation with the above me11tioned authorities, authorize medical doctors and/or insti­ tt1tions to make such examinatio11s. Such reqt1ireme11ts and authorizations shall be pt1blished (Art. I07 below). (4) Medical reports shall be treated as confidential. They shall be kept as a special part of the perso11al files (Art. 86 below) and may be exam�n�d only by persons specifically authorized i11 writing by the Head of the Minis­ tr y, Chartered Government Agency or other Public Authority concerned. (5) In the case of delegation (Art. 3 (3 ) of tl1e Order) this Art. 11 shall apply accordingly. - 193 -




12. Notification of Rejected Applicants. Any applicant found not suitable er q11alified_ d11ri�g a�y. part of the �ecru_it­ ment p·rocess (Arts. 9, 10 a.hove) slaJl be 11ot1fied 1n wr1t1ng by th� a11tl1or1ty conducting the recr11.itment. Docwne11ts, photograpl1s arid other 1te1J1s sub­ n1itted by the applica11t in the co11rre of tl1e recrt1itme11t process sl1a]I be give11 to 11101. 13. Waiti n 1 .g List. (1) The Ce11tral Perso11nel Agency or the Mi1ustry, Cl1artered Government Agency and/or other Public Authority to which delegation has been n1ade (Art. 3 (3) o·f the Order), shaU keep the 11an1es of s11ch applicants who l1ave been offered for selection (Art. I 3 (1) of tl1e Order) but 11ot selected (Art. 14 below) in the register of eligible applicants (Art. 10 (2) of tl1e Order), the waiting list, for one (1) year. (2) During the time du1·ing whicl1 a.11 applicant's 11a1ne is kept iu the register (Sub article (1) of this Art. 13) b.e shall be notified personally about any vacancy for which his eligibility has been established. He may the11 reapply withot1t being required to 11nder�o the recru.itment process (Art. IO above). A n�w medical exami11ation 01.ay be proYided (Art. 1 1 above). 3. SELECTION AtiD A"PPOINTMENT

14. SeleGtion.. (I) If the medical reports (Art. 11 above) indicate that all three (3) appl.ica,11ts are fit for service they shall be o:Tered to the respective Ministry, Chartered Gover. nment Agency or otl1er Public A11thority for selection (Art, 13 (I) of the If necessary, less t�1an three (3) applicants 1nay be offered. (2) The Mi11istry, Chartered Go · ve111ment Age11cy or other Public Authorit)' sbai:11 select one (I) applicant, 1eport his nan1e to the Ceattal Personnel Ageacy, a1l1cl nouify the selected applica.nt. Art. 12 above s.hall apply ac­ eording, ly for appl.ica.nts who h.£ve 110t been selected. (3) 'Jibe selectiL1g Ministry, C11artered Government Agency or other Public Al:})tk@riiey may for an i11terview of the ap1Jlicants (Sub­ aiJJt. fl) 0f tl1is Art. 14). (4) m tthe ©ase @f d�lega�ion (Art. J (3) of tl1e Order), Art. 14 s.haJl apply a€00rrd.ing1y. 15. �JDpoinmnent. (1) The }>0\ve-r t0 a;ppeint shall vest with the Head of the Ministry, Ohartered t'i0�eramenrt Agency or other Pibfic At1tnority, unless otlherwise provided fuJ law. (2} Tke appoim..tment shall be confirmed by a Letter ot· Appoin,traent. The t.eOOer 0f Appointment s.haill be haaded ho the new entrant n0t later tl.ha11 Konlf (4} wee-ks aiter his ap,om1traent ana a copy sent t0 the Ceatrall Per­ s0»el �geu0y, aln<ll sh.a.LI h.e evicden.oe :f@li bis rall11t, gra.cle and <\laite 0f ap>p@lililffilentt. {�, A pe1;sn wn:0 has JFulfil!lecll tie ��emen�s of �Ftttcles lt0 'iliF011gh 14 aad ti,s e!r�1e 'tL© apJl)@ilI!l&ment to tih.e 1i:a11!k et� Diir-ect(j)u-O&lil'eEaJl 0r A,ssjsfant Moiaiiste11 ©I e([llil��ail�imts sb,aill1 -neoei�..e �ae e0nitim , p0iai\lm._eet 1 naini0lJ l 0f hi& a[l) a, His lnaiJ.l)eliiiail Majes·tv 011 1llFe�nta1ti0m li>y the ClentEal Rens00a, el Agen�. - 19� 1




(4) The tra 11 sfer (Art. 24 of the Order a11cl Art. 19 et seq. below) of a Pt1blic Servant to a Ministry, Charterecl Governn1e1rt Age11 cy or other Public At1thority sl1all not be co1.1siclerecl as a1JtJoi11 l111e11t. . 16. Pro·batiotJ. (1) The appoiI1tn1e11t of a ne,v entra11t (car1didate 0 11 1)robatio 1 1) sl1all be made on probatio11. An a1Jpoi11tn1ent 011 probatio11 n1 ay be tern1 i11 ated on two (2) weeks' notice. (2) Tl1 e period of probation shall be six (6) 1 11 ontlJs a 1 1d 111ay be exte11ded i 11 dot1btft1l case for a11 additional period o .f tl1ree (3) mo11tl1s. Dt1ring proba­ tion a candidate shall 11ot be eligible for promotio11. (3) There is no period o1� probatio11 i11 the case of the ap1)ointn1e11t to tl1e rank of Director-General or Assista11t Minister or equivale 1 1ts. St1cl1 a1 1 appoint­ ment, accordi11g to Article 15 (3), is co11sidered per111a11ent. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1e Aml1aric ,,ersion of Subarlicle (1) says, the appointment of a ne\V entrant ''can be made'' on probation.

17. Permanent Appoi1 1t1uent . . If a candidate on probatio11 satisfactorily con1pletes the period of probation be shall be apJ)ointed as a }Jermat1ent Public Serva11t. He shall receive a new Letter of Appointme 1 1t (Art. 15 (2) above) i1 1 wllich he is confrr1ned as a per­ n,anent Public Servant. A ca11didate on probatio11 who is not fit for permanent appo.intment shall be dismissed; a copy of the dismissal shall be sent to the Central Personnel Age11cy. 18. Temporary Appoi11tment. (1) Tl1e Central Person1 1el Agency may at1thorize the appointn1ent of a te111porary employee w11ose service is needed for a li1nited period, or for a desig 1 1ated project for st1cl1 SJ)ecitic period, or for tl1e duration of the project. (2) A temporary employment n1ay be terminated at any time with one (1) n1onth 's notice. CONSOLIDATION NOTE


23/2 (1963) L.277 Art.3

4. TRANSFER 19. Procedt1re of Tra11sfers. (1) Transfers (Art. 24 of the Order) 1uay be ordered in the interest of the admi­ nistratio11 (Art. 23 (1) of the Order), st1bject to prior approval of the Central Perso11nel Agency. Tl1e transfer of a Public Serva11t shall be ordered by tl1e Mi1 1istry, Chartered Governme11t Agency or otl1er Public Authority under the authority of whicl1 the Pt 1blic Servant is working, in agreement with the Mi 1ustry, Chartered Gover11ment Agency or other Public Authority u11der which authority the Ptiblic Servant shall work in ft1ture. The order of tra11sfer shall be handed to the Public Servant, a11d a copy sent at the sanJe time to the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or other Public At1thority to which the Pt1blic Servant is transferred, stating the agreement of botl1.

- 195 -



(2) A Public Servant may aJ)J)eal agai11st an order of transfer to the I-Ieacl of the respective Mirustry, Chartered Gover11111ent Age11cy or otJ1er Pub.lie Authority. (3) A Pt1blic Servant may apply for transfer a11d a_ t� ansf� r be ordered if l1is wisl1 corresponds wjth the interest of tl1e adm1n1strat1on. (4) A transfer shall apart from the cases of Art. 8 (I) (c) only be ordered ro a position witrun the san1e graje, and no loss of basjc salary or seniority sl1al1 result from st1ch transfer. (5) The Central Person11el Agenc)' jointly with the Minister of Finance s11all issue regulations to be published in the Negarit Gazeta on con1pe11sations to be paid in the case of a Public Servant being forced to ii1cur additional expenses because of trans·fer to the new duty statio11. (6) Posting or assignment of func:io11s \Vithin a Ministry, Chartered Govern­ ment Agency or other Public Aathority shall not be deemed to be a transfer. (7) A Public Servant may be assigaed to another Ministry, Chartered Govern­ ment Agency or other Public Authority for the performance of temporar)' duties without transfer for a �riod not exceeding three (3) months. Such assignment may be renewed once ·for a period of additional three (3) months. If the conti11ued services of the Public Servant are required after such period, he shall be transferrec. S11barts (I), (4) and (5) of this Art. 19 sh.all apply accordingly. During s11ch assignme11t the Public Servant shall .Fem.ain under the disciplinary at1thority (Art. 87 et seq. below) of his Minis­ try, Chartered Government Agency or other Pt1blic A11thority. CONSOLIDATION NOTE C'orr. 22/8 (1962) C.46 (An1baric only).

5. PROMOTION 20. Definiti0n. Promotion (Art. 23 of the Order) is the assignment of a Public Serva11t to a higher grade. 21. Priaciples of Promotion. (I) Ouitsta.nding performan.ce, anticipation of aptitude for the new position and seniority shall be the basic criteria for promotion. (2) No one can give an e11forceable promise of promotion in the ft1t11re. 22. Sele@ti.oa. for Pr0motion. (1) ru-ts. 10 (5) am.d 15 (1) above sb.all a:wply acoordingly. In seleotio.g a Public Servanit f@x :f)remotuon period!ical reports on staff shall be ta.ken into due oons, icle.ITaltio:a (A.rt. 57 et seq. below); special rieport'8 m.ay be requested. fl) ';fb.,e Pab'fie Serva:nt, may be required 110 perf@rm the duties ofi the new p0sitlion !ir0r a sp,ecifie<d time o.Iil a triarl basis. '3)' 'fh:e Ministry, ©ha�ened Go¥eirnment A.ge11cy or 0theJJ Public Authority s1ft�ll es,toorish PiF0m0ti0:n ColIJroi, ttees to aclvise Olll the seleetiolll f0,r pro� m0ti0n {SU1l1art. (1} @f tirus A.ft. 2i,. Th.e Cen�a11 Pe.rs0noel :i\gency shall issa , e .,r,eg1:1�ati011s g0,ver·rung tlte a_p·pointment, alura�ion am.a pl!0oed'a(es of PFomotion Committees.


(4) Tl1e Promotio11 Comn1ittees shall be furnished with all available relating inforn1ation about the Pt1blic Serva11t and may conduct i11terviews. The Promotio11 Com1nittees shall 111ake a report to the official a11tl1orized to pron1ote (S11bart. (I) of tl1is Art. 22) witl1 clear recon1mendatio11s. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 22/8 (1962) C.46 (Amharic only).

23. Consent of tl1e Ce11tral Person11el Age11cy. Unless delegatio11 has bee11 n1ade (Art. 3 (3) of tl1e Order) or general conse11t has been give11 witl1 regard to i11dividtLal positions or careers, the Ministry, Chartered Governme11t Age11cy or otl1er Public Autl1ority sl1all, after the selectio11 process (Art. 22 above) l1as bee11 completed, apply for tl1e co11sent of the Ce11tral Perso1111el Age11cy to the }Jromotion (Art. 9 (2) of tl1e Order). 24. Letter of Pron1otion. (1) Promotion shall be 1nade effective as of the first day of a month a11d shall be confirmed by a Letter of Promotion. Art. 15 (2) above shall apply. The Letter of Promotio11 shall be ha11ded to the Public Servant not later than four (4) ,veeks after his pron1otion and a copy sent to the Ce11tral Personnel Agency and shall be evide11ce of liis ne\v rank, grade and tl1e date of promotion. (2) In the case of promotio11 to the rank of Director-General or Assistant Minister or equivalents Article 15 (3) shall apply correspondingly. III. TRAINING

25. Training Schemes. (I) The training scl1e111es (Art. 16 of the Order) shall be based 011 the Positio11 Classifications (Art. 7 of tl1e Order) and shall determi11e the fields in whic]1 training after appoi11t1nent as a Public Servant (inservice training) shall be given to individual Public Servants or careers (Art. 10 (5) above). (2) In the case of delegatio11 (Art. 16 of tl1e Order) the respective :tvlinistry, Chartered Government Agency or other Public Authority shall send a copy of the training sche1ne to the Central Personnel Agency. (3) The Central Personnel Agency may utilize existing training facilities of Mi11istries, Cl1artered Government Agencies or other Public Authorities in agreement with s11ch Ministry, Chartered Gover11ment Agency or other Public At1thority for the training of Public Servants. 26. Fields of Training. The training schemes (Art. 25 above) shall JJrovide for training in the field of work, as described by positio11 classificatio11 (Art. 56 be.low) for the indivi­ dual position or the career (Art. IO (5) above) if any, and enable the Public Servant at the same ti111e to acquire general knowledge about tl1e Constitt1tion and the state and the organization of Gover111ne11t activities. 27. Training Procedu.r�. (I) Unless delegation has bee11 made in accordance with Art. 16 of the Order tl1e Central Personnel Agency shall detern1ine whether a11d i11 wl1ich cases training shall be cot1d11cted i11 cot1rses, seminars, by correspo11dence, 111obile training teams, or other suitable means. 197 -



(2) Every Ministr)', Chartered Gover11me11t A�e11cy and o! her Pttblic Au. thority shall assign tl1e responsibility for train111g to a Public S�rvan.t withi11 such Ministry, Chartered Government A_gency and ?ther Public Au� horit)', either as his sole function or tc be carried 011t bes1des other funct1011s be may have a.nd to be assisted by othe: Pt1blic Serv�nts, �ependi11g 011 tl1e size of, and the necessity for trai11ing 111 the respective M1rustry, Chartered Government Age11cy or other P 1blic Autl1ority. The name of t]1e Traini11g Officer shall be reported to the Ce11tral Personnel Agency. I11 adclitio11 to these arra11gemeuts, however, e\.e1·y supervisor sl1all have the responsibility of advising bis subordi11ates at any time how to improve their skills. IV. CONDITIO'.'fS OF SERVICE 1. ATTENDANCE


28. Working Hours. {I) The Head 0f a Ministry, Cl1artered Gover11n1ent Age11cy or other Public Authority shall be respo.nsible for tl1e attendance of his subordinates during office ho. urs. Every Publi: Servant s.hall report bis late arrival, early departlllre, and/or other cases of absence to bis st1pervisor or other official to wh1 om such funotio11 may h:tve been assigned. (2) The Office hours sh.all be detern:ined. by the Head of the Ministry, Charter­ ecd Governmeet Agency or other Public Authority, subject to any relating de©ision of the PFime Mi1nister or the Council of Ministers. CONSOLIDATION NOTE See also 1/2 (1942) G.2, 8 Consol.L.Eth.1

2.9. Overtime. (I) 'Tb.e Public Servant is obliged to work overtime when instructed by the competent oflioia1 (Art. 28 (l) above). (2) Normally compensiltory tin1e off shall be granted in lieu of overtime. (3) O�ertime werk sh.all only be ordered if the work cannot be done during BOJillal working hours, ,vith all due care and concern, to the extent feasible, to the interest of the Public Servant. 2. LEAVE

30. An.nual Leave. (1) The aa.mual leave year is th.e hLid.getary year. The PubliG Servant sl1ould he �¥.en the @pp0rmunity of taking the full period of leave to whicl1 he is enti:Vlea. (2� ADIi1 l1.& �1 le&¥ � shaLI be. airraD�eo so thati t!h.e efficient pBlif@rmanoo �f the w0rki 1S n0t •Je:ded; rn pa.a1c11lair, a£rain.gements s·llall be maae £01.i suffi­ eient S1;JJJer;w,;is0.ry offi.�rs to lile 0n dll!lt9 at any one time aad fot all fu:nctions 0£ the Minis·try, Chartered Go1VermmeBit Agency or o�her PUJbliG Author.tty te ne pelf0mied irres�eotiv.e 0f the absence 0$ the �uli>1lie Serr¥attt t@ wl10.m a sp>eeffie funeffion: is assiig11ed. To saffegtIJaFd the Fl61i.&l 1 rma:nGe 0€ �vA©rk , y,ear 1eav� haffil be �staellisbee new b>ef01ie leai ¥ � 1'.!) 1 �.he a 0egin lil g 01 n i 1 1 �� � ffl e �ezy ffli ,m�� Vhavte,i:ed GeNerrnmen1ti t\,'-gency aincd �fi«i �l!l!h1iG Au­ Vb amt, y. - [98 -



31. Allo\\1a11ce of At1nt1al Leave. (I) The following allowance of a1111ual leave sl1all be gra11ted: (a) to Pt1blic Servants fro111 grade I to 3 (Art. 48 et.seq.below) fiftee11 (15) days; (b) to all other Pt1blic Servants: (i) tlp to five (5) years after tl1eir ap1)oi11t1ne11t (Art. 15 above) twenty (20) days; (ii) above five (5) years after their a1)1)oi11t1nent (Art. 15 �bove) twe11ty­ six (26) days. (2) Ann11al leave should be take11 withot1t i11terr11ptio11. I11 special cases it may be pern1itted t o a1111ual leave i11 ttnits of days. 32. Accumt1latio11 of Annt1al Leave. (1) Ann11al leave is based 011 the gro11nds that every Pt1blic Servant needs a time of relaxatio11 if l1e is to perfor111 l1is work adequately. Hence, an11ual leave should be take11 during the leave year. (2) If the exigencies of the service unexpectedly preve11t a Public Servant from taking his fttll a1111ual leave or pa.rt of it by tl1e e11d of the leave year, lie may be requested to carry tl1e leave over to the 11ext leave year. (3) 111 exceptional cases, the Head of a Ministry, Chartered Gover11ment Age11cy or other Pt1blic At1tl1ority 111ay allow a Pt1blic Serva11t to acc111n11late leave for two (2) years. 33. Unused Leave. If for reasons other than those stated in Art, 32 above the full allowance of aont1al leave is not taken, a11y u11t1sed leave shall be forfeited. 34. Sick Leave: (1) A Public Servant n1ay be granted sick leave on full pay llp to a n1aximt1m of 011e (1) mo11th and ft1rther sick leave on l1alf pay up. to a maximum of further two (2) n1011ths in a11y period of twelve (12) 1nontl1s. (2) When a Public Ser,1ant has had eigl1t (8) months sick leave in tl1e aggregate in any period of four (4) years no further sick leave shall be granted. (3) After three (3) days of illness a Public Servant shall submit a medical certificate signed by a medical doctor. Tl1e medical certificate shall show tl1e kind of illness, a statement of inability to work, a11d the estimated duration of illness. Medical certificates shall be treated in the san1e ma11ner as provided for medical reports under Art. 11 (4) above. (4) The Head of the Ministry, Chartered Governme11t Agency or other Public Authority may order a medical examination by the medical doctors and/or i11stit11tions authorized t1nder Art. 11 (3) without giving any reason. 35. Deduction of Sick Leave fro1n A11n11al Leave. (1) If the number of d�ys d11ring wl1ich a P11blic Servant is absent from office on sick leave without a medical certificate exceeds six (6) during any one leave year tl1e 1111mber of days exceeding six (6) shall be ded11cted from his a111111al leave. (2) In case 110 annual leave is left, the days will be deducted from the 11ext ·year's leave allowance, or treated as unpaid leave. - 199 ,



36. Injury Leave. (I) Absence on accou11t of an inju�y arising out of. the pe: forn1ance of an o·fficial duty, or through co11tra�tj11g an occupati�n�l d1sea_se 3:s defined in the ''Public Servants Pe11siou Decree'' or s11bs1d1a.ry leg1slat1on n1ade thereunder, is called i11jury leave. (2) In case of injury leave tl1e perio:ls of paid and u11paid sick leave may be extended. 37. Claims for Loss of Services. (1) When a Public Serva11t suffers aIJ inj11ry either on or off duty, which neces­ sitates absence from duty, and evidence is available which shows that a third party is responsible, the Ministry, Cl1artered Government Agency or other Public A11thority shall use all legal and reaso11able ways to claim compensation for the loss of the services of tl1e P11blic Servant. (2) In the event that the Public Ser·ra11t receives compensation, the Ministry, Chartered Governme11t Agency or other Pt1blic Authority may deduct the due amou.nt from bis basic salary. 38. Maternity Leave. (1) Maternity leave sha.ll be gra11ted :or up to six (6) weeks on full pay, reckon­ ing against normal sick leave entitlement. Fttrther sick leave within nor1nal entitlement shall be allo\\ ed on production of a medical certifica.te, for as long a period thereafter a.s may be necessary. Leave in excess of two (2) montl1s will be reckoned a.s ann□al leave or as special leave without pay, unless the Public Servant presents a medical certificate. (2) Sick leave, for any cause, during the early months of pregnancy will be regarded as ordina.ry sick leave. 1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 22/8 (1962) C.46 (Amharic only).

3�. Mo1:1,rning Leave. (1) Ia case of tlh.e d.eath of his father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister or ehilcl a Public Servant may re granted three (3) days n1ourning leave. (2) If a c;fose relative or a olose friend dies, a Public Servant may be granted up �0 ene (I) clay mourning leave, not exceeding, however, six (6) days dun, ing a year. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. '22/8 �1962) C.46 (Amharic only).

40. SpeeJaJl Leave wiili or wi f, hout pay. (1) Special lea�e wi�h pay may be g1anted under the fol'lowin,g circumstan.ces: (a) MaFriage of a Plllblic Servant, up to three (3) days, (rt,� Public Ser¥aiat's e�ami, aati03,s, for the days @f the e,xam,in:aiti0n, (c) €:011rt atten.daiace 0:n promu<!llion a£ the d;0cl:lm:eait compel!l,i,1�g atte11d· anee at G©ll!l't-. (J) �eeial lealV,e wit!h@ut @ay may he granted it' the purpose fc11r ,vhich tlh� lea� !is Reijnest.ed roeets the interest 0f the aclm , inistmat, i@lll. S'.uch leave sn:aJN fiat atfeett t'loce seni'©liity 0f a iPublie SeJJ�alllt bll!lt shal l, rr0t ee ©@-U11tecl fer Vl!ie pur;p,ose 0f ae:1ie1U1ming .ineFements (�t. 51 eelow).






--------------------------------· 41. Su.ndays and Public Holidays. · Sundays a11d Public Holidays occt1ri11g at the begi1111i11g, end, or within a period of a11nt1al leave sl1all 11ot be recko11ed as leave days. All other days shall be regarded as lea,,e days irrespective of wl1etl1er actual work is being perforn1ed. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 22/8 (1962 ) C.46 (An1haric only).

42. Loss of Pay i11 case of t111at1thorized Abse11ce. (1) In any case ,vhere a Pt1blic Serva11t is abse11t fro111 dL1ty witl10L1t authority the 11ecessary arrangeme11ts for withholdi1Jg l1is salary for the days of his abse11ce shall be made. (2) If the PL1blic Ser,,ant can produce legitimate reasons for his abs"e11ce, l1e 111ay get full or part payment for tl1e time of absence. 43. Leave for Campaig11ing for a Seat i11 Parlia111e11t. If a Public Servant wa11ts to can1paign for a seat i11 Parliament he may be ·granted unpaid special leave u1:, to three (3) n1ontl1s prior to the election day. 44. Application for Leave. With the exception of sick leave, whe11 the Public Serva11t is u11able to do so, ·all leave shall be applied for in writi11g. 45. Travel Time. In the case of ann11al leave (Art. 30) a11d special leave witl1 pay (Art. 40 (1) ), add_itional travel time 111ay be granted, ,vl1ere appro1:,riate, 11ot to exceed two (2) days, as 11npaid leave. 46. Paid Employme11t on Leave. The PL1blic Serva11t shall not accept or e11gage i11 any paid employmenf ·or other activity with remt1neration during a11y kind of leave witl1out prior per­ mission of tl1e Head of the Ministry, Cl1artered Governme11t Agency or otl1er Public Authority. 47. Transfer a11d Leave. Transfer does not affect a11y e11title1nent for leave. 3. GRADES AND SALARIES

48. Principle. The pay for n1en and �1ome11 under tl1e sa111e co11ditions of service and same positio11 shall be equal.



49. Pay-Scale. The scales of pay shall provide grad�s for every classified positio11s and shall provide for incre1nents (steps) within tl1e grades. 50. Starti11g Rctte. (1) New entra11ts sl1all be paid the starti11g rate (step I) of tl1e grade they assigned to. Exceptions may only be allowed by the Central Personnel Agency, based on education and experience. - 201 -



(2) If a Ptiblic Servant has bee11 transferred to a Ministry, Chartered. Govern­ ment Agency or otl1er Public Autl1ority (Art. 19 et �eq. above) he shall keep hjs grade and step. If 11ecessary, the 11earest eq111vale11t grade or step shall be assigned to tl1e P11blic Serva11t. 51. Incren1e11ts. (1) In accord.ance with the pay-scale (Art. 49 above)· every Public Servant shall be entitled to periodical increme11ts. (2) Increments ma)' be denied for a specified period by discipli11ary decision (A.rt. 22 (I) (d) of the Order). (3) The date from which a11 i11creme11t becon1es d11e, shall be based 011 tl1e date of the Public Servant's appoi11tment, i11 accordance with the pay scale, but n1ay vary due to certain circu.mstances, e.g. promotion, get1eral · pay awards, leave witho11t pay. He shall be informed i11 writi11g one n1011tl1 before the i11cren1ent becomes effective . .

52. Promotion. In case of pron1otion (Art. 20 et seq. above) the Pttblic Serva11t shall receive in the new grade his salary \vl1iob is eq11al or the 11ext above tl1e salary of the step fron1 which he has bee11 promoted. 53. Travel Allowa11ces. Travel Allov.1ances shall be 1 Jaid i11 accordance with special regl1latio11s. 54. Prol1ibition of otL1er Payn1ents. (I) No other payments i11 additio11 to the salary of a Pttblic Serva.11t sl1all be n. 1ade except . as authorized by law. (2) No P11blic Serva11t shall be paid more tl1a11 one salary except by the co11se11t of the Ce11tral Personnel Agency i11 extraordi11ary circ111nsta11ces. 55. Mode of Pay111e11t. Payme11t in Advance. (1) A Public Servant is not entitled to a payn1e11t of' sala.ry in advance; pay­ ment for any period becomes due on tl1e last day of tl1e period in question. (2) I11 case of Leave, extending over at least 011e pay-date and 11nder \1ery exceptional circumstances to be specified by the Head of tl1e Mi11istry, Cl1artered Governme11t Age11cy or other Pt1blic At1tbority, tl1e adva11c,e­ i)ayme11t of not n1ore than one (I) montl1's salary ma.y be at1tl1orized, provided that st1itabJe arrangements are 1nade for repayment. 4. POSITION CLASSIFICATION

56. Ge11eral. The determi11atio11 of the classified and t1nclassified Public Service (Art. 7 (1) of t}1e Order) a11d the principles and standards for JJositio11 classification (Art. 7 (2) of tl1e Order sl1all be issued by separate Regt1latio11s (Art. 29 of tl1e Order). 5. REPORTS ON STAF.F.

57. Ge11eral. l The Purpose of reports on staff (ef iciency reports) is to bttild tl!J, syste1natically, a record of tl1e . qualificatio11s, JJrogress, performa11ce a11d achieveme11ts of all public servants in a Ministry, Cl1artered Gover11me11t Agency or other Public




Authority, i11 accorda11ce witl1 a co.n1111011 sta11dard, thereby to i1nprove tl1e ad111inistratio11, the ability of tl1e staff, a11d to facilitate selectio11 for transfer a11d pro1notion. 58. Reports. (I) As a rt1le, efficie11cy re1Jorts on all pt1blic Serva11ts shall be 111ade to the llead of tl1e Mi11istry, Cl1artered Gover11ment Agency or other Public At1thority withi11 tl1e· first six (6) mo11tl1s of each year, wl10 sl1all cot111ter­ sign st1ch reports. Tl1e Head of tl1e Ministry, Cl1artered Government Agency or otl1er Public Autl1ority or tl1e Ce11tral Perso11nel Age11cy may reqt1est additio11al reports at ail)' tin1e. (2) The Head of the Mi11istry, CI1arterecl Govern111ent Age11cy or other Pt1blic At1tl1ority 111ay delegate tl1e power of counter-signature of the efficie11cy report of the Pt1blic Servants below the ra11k of Assista11t Ministers, Di­ rector-Generals, Directors or equivalent. (3) All efficie11cy reports, t111less otherwise decided by tl1e Ce11tral Perso11nel Agency, shall be forwarded to tl1e Central Person11el Agency for infor111a­ tion. St1cl1 reports, upo11 completio11 of tl1e required formalities, sl1all be d t1ly forwarcled to the respective lvli11istries, Chartered Governn1ent Age11cies a11d other Public· At1thorities. (4) A copy of tl1e efficiency reports 011 Assistant Mi11isters, Director-Ge11erals, Directors and equivalents shall be retained in th.e Central Perso1111el Agency. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 22 /8 (l 962) C.46 (An1haric only).

59. Reports during Probation. On a ca11didate on r>robation (Art. I 6 above) tl1e· first effi.cie11cy report sl1all be rendered three (3) months after tl1e appoi11tme11t. The 11ext report shall be made after two (2) additional mo11tl1s. 60. Secrecy of Reports. (I) All reports 011 the efficiency of Public Servar1ts shall be treated as co11fidential and be incorporated in tl1e personal file of tl1e P11blic Servant (Art. 85 below) after the Ce11tral Personnel Agency has taken notice of such reports (Art. 58 above) a11d has affixed its official sta1nps to st1ch reports. (2) Efficiency reports whic11 are not in conformity to the provision of Art. 58 (3) above sJ1all not be considered to be part of the personal file.

61. Inefficie11cy Reports.

If any mark j 11 the effi.cie11cy report is ''below average'' the reporting su 1)ervisor

shall discuss orally the whole report with the Pt1blic Servant concer11ed. The Public Serva11t may con1ment i11 writing 011 the report a11d such comme11t shall be incorporated i11 the personal file together with tl1e report concerned. 62. Adverse Reports. 111 case tbe efficie11cy of a permanent Public Serva11t (Art. 17 above) is so low that a decisio11 1111der Art. 68 below has to be co11sidered the st1pervisor shall 1nark the report as an ''adverse report''. No actio11 on report shall be taken before tl1e Public Servant has received proper additional trai11ing. - 203.-




63. Principle. if he feels prejudiced Every Public Servant shall the rigl1t to complain . or aggrieved, l1owever, 11ot before at least twenty-four (24) l1ours _have �� apsed since the incide11t occt1red. Complaints shall nor1nally be n1a� e 111 wr1t1ng to the superior of the Public Servant who lat111ched the complaint. 64. Formal Investigation and Decisio11. (I) When necessary the Head of the Ministry. Chartered Gover1101ent Agency or other Pt1blic Authority may crder a formal investigation. (2) The Head of the Mi11istry, Chartered Governmellt Agency or other Public Authority sha.11 decide on the CJmplaint. V. TERMINATION OF SERVICE

65. Resignation. (I) A Public Servant may resig11 from· the service at any time (Art. 25 (.I) of the Order). (2) Notification of resig11ation should be given in writing at least 011e (1) 1nontl1 before the resignation is to take effect. The Pt1blic Serva11t shall receive a letter of separatio11 giving the date at which the resig11ation. becomes effective. (3) The effective date of tl1e resignation (St1bart. (2) of this Art. 65) n1ay be postpo11ed for not longer than six (6) months, if upon tl1e request of the Ministry, Chartered Governmert Agency or other Public Authority, the Central Personnel Agency deter:ni11es the retention of the Public Serva11t to be in the interest of the administration. 66. Retiren1ent. (I) Tl1e retireme11t of a Public Servant (Art.25 (2) of the Order) shall become efl�ective on the last day of the month in which he attains the retiremet1t age, without special procedt1re. The Public Serva11t shall be informed three (3) months in. advance about the date of his retirement, a copy to be sent Central Personnel Agency and. the Public Service Pensions Comto• tl1e • n11ss1on. (2) With the approval of the Centril Person11el Agency a Pt1blic Servant ma.y be retained in service beyond the retirement age for a period not to exceed te11 (IO) years (Art.25 (2) of the Order), only if it is absolutely necessary i11 the interest of the administratio11 and the Public Servant still ft1lfills the requireme11ts set fortl1 i11 the position classification and the n1edical con­ ditions of service and agrees to a retention in service. Tl1e Head of the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or otl1er Public Authority shall request tl1e approval of the Central Personnel Agency to retain a Public Servant beyond retiren1ent age, not later tl1an tl1ree (3) months before liis retirement would become effecti·,e; givi11g reasons and all necessa.ry i11for1nation. The decision of tl1e Certral Persor1nel Age11cy sl1all be forwarded within a period of one (I) 111ontll. (3) A Public Servant sl1aJI be retired if tl1ere is 110 prospect of early recover)'. In any case, if the sick leave (Arts. 34 a.nd 35 above) ta.ke11, exceeds eight - 2C4 -



(8) months "''it.lli11 f011r (4) years, it sl1all be presu111ed tl1at the Pt1blic Servant is no longer fit l�or service. The retire111e11t sl1all be ordered by tl1e I-lead of the Ministry, Cl1artered Gover11n1e11t Age11cy or otl1er Ptiblic Atithority to becon1e effective 011 tl1e last day of a 111011tl1. A copy of tl1e order shall be se11t to the Ce11tral Perso11nel Agency a11d tl,e Ptiblic Service Pe11sions Con1n1issio11. (4) If the Positio11 or ft1nctio11 of a Pt1blic Serva11t is abolished all endeavot1rs shall be 11sed to tra11sfer the Pt1blic Serva11t to anotl1er J)osition or ft111ction within tl1e sa1ne grade. Tl1e Ce11tral :Perso1111el Agency shall be i11formecl abo11t s11cl1 abolition ancl shall assist i11 s11cl1 endeavo11rs. If st1ch tra11sfer . ' can11ot be 111ade ,vitl1in one (l) year the Pt1blic Serva11t may be retired, (t�rt.25 (4) of the Order). Tl1e retiren1e11t shall be ordered by the I-lead of the Mi1listry, CJ,arterect Gover111ne11t Age11cy or other Public Authority to become effective on tl,e last day of a mo11tl1. A copy of tl1e order sl1all be sent to the Central Personnel Age11cy and tl1e Public Service Pensio11s Commissio11. 67. Public Serva11ts Elected to Parliament. If a Public Servant is elected to Parlian1e11t l1e sl1all sub111it lus resig11ation before he takes up his 1na11date as, a Dep11ty. Art.65 (3) shall not apply. 68. Disn1issal on Grounds of Inefficie11cy a11d wit11out S1)ecial Procedt1re. (I) A Public Servant may be disnussed on grot111ds of inefficie11cy 011 at least a four (4) \Veeks' notice j11 accordance with Art.26 of the Order and Arts.61 tl1rough 62 above. He shall be notified o.f the dismissal by a letter of dis­ cl1arge, giving the effective date of tl,e discharge a11d findings of the i11vestigation m,tde. (2) A Pt1blic Serva11t shall ber .deemed dismissecl withottt a special procedure if he is sentenced by a co1:art of compete11t jt1risdiction to t,vo (2) years impriso11ment (Art.26 (2) of' tl1.e Order), or 111ore, or if he refuses to render tl1e o,1th prescribed in Art. I 7. (2) of the Order and Art.69 below. A letter confirmi11g the fact of his disn1issal and determi11i11g the date shall he se11t to him and a copy to the Central Personnel Agency. VI. DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF PUBLIC SERVANTS 69. Loyalty. (I) The Public Servant is obliged to concentrate his whole energy a11d ability to the welfare and the interests of the Ethiopian Empire and the Ethiopian Nation (Art.17 (I) of the Order). (2) Before e11tering t1po11 l1is f1111ctio11s, the P11blic Servant shall in accordance witl1 Art. 17 (2) of the Order take, before �he Head of the Ministry, Charter­ ed Government Age11cy or other P11blic Authority, the followi11g oath of fidelity ,tnd loyalty to the Emperor and to the Co11stitutio11: ''l11 the 11ame of the Almighty, I hereby swear fidelity and loyalty to 1ny · Sovereig11, His Imperial Majesty........................and that as a P11blic Servant, 1 will faithfully place above all else the i11terest and welfare of Ethiopi�, and of its Sovereig11; that, I will at all times, faithfully respect tl1e Const1- 205 -



tution and laws of the En1pire, and tJ1at I will disclose 110 seoret or con­ fide11tial information revealed to 1ne in connectio11 with 1ny official duties. So help me God''. (3) Th ' e Public Servant who administered the oath sJ1all make a relating entry in the personal file of the Public Servant who rendered the oath.

70. Personal Conduct. The Public Servant is expected to mai11tai11 at aJl tit11es, withi11 and outside the office, good bebaviol1r a11d conduct whicJ1 v.1 ill gain the respect and con­ fide11ce of tl1e Public. 71. Obedience. (I) The Public serva11t shall perfonn l1is dt1ties to his best k11owlcdge and ability. He is reqt1ired to discharge the ust1al duties of the gracle a11d the position to which l1e has been appointed and other suitable dt1ties. (2) TL1e Public Servant shall obey the orders of his st1periors. A Pt1blic Servan.t shall refuse to obey an order which is obviously 11ot in accordance with tl1e law, and sl1a11 report st1cl1 inc:de11t to the I-lead of the Mi11istry, Charter­ ed Governme11t Age11cy or othe: Ptiblic Authority. In all other cases tl1e st1perior is responsible for tl1e legality of his orders. 72. Refere11ces and Testimo11ials. U pot1 terminatio11 of l1is service a fon1er Pt1bljc Servant may reqt1est a reference or testunooial. The re·fere11ce or testi1nonial shall consist of statements about: •

(a) the period of service, (b) the reasons for tern1inatio11 of service, (c) If service was satisfactory, i11dication of the degree of satisfactory service, e.g.: (i) the service was below iverage, (ii) the service was average, (iii) the service was above average, (iv) the service was disti11ctly above average a11d. tl1e Public Servant showed a h.igh sta11dard of ability in perforn1i11g the work, (d) a description of the duties e:n which the Pt1blic Servant \Vas e11gaged, (e) a note of 011tsta11ding abiJjty in a.ny respect, e.g. aptitude ir1 dealing with the pt1blic, capacity for st1pervising staff, tact a11d cottrtesy, (f) if service was 11ot satisfactory, details of tl1e u11satisfactory 11att1re of the service. 73. Relations with the Pt1blic. The interests of all citize11s �Lre affected to a great exte11t by the ,1ctions of Publjc Servants. It is therefore 11ecessary ;l1at tl1e Public Serva11t bears consta11tly i11 mind that the citizen has a rigl1t to expect, not 011ly tl1at l1is affairs will be dealt with effectively and expeditiously, bt1t also that 11is perso11al feelings, 110 less th.a11 bis rights as an i11dividual, will be sympatl1etically .and fairly cons­ idered. The Pt1blic Serva11t is to serve tl1e citize11s and 11ot to be served.

- 2C6 -



74. Secrecy. (J) Tl1e Pt1blic Serva11t shall 11ot cljsclose to a11y tJerson, otl1er tha11 in cliscl1arge of liis official dl1ties a11d tl1rot1gl1 officja} cl1a1111els a11y i11forn1atio11 gained in tl1e cotirse of l1is official cltities or otl1er,vise, t1nless s11cl1 i11formatio11 is of n1i11or in1porta11ce or ge11erall)' know11. (2) The Pl1blic Serva11t sl1all 11ot cl:sclose i11for111atio11, proceedi11gs, pla11s, n1east1res or simila.r official 111atte.·s \1/l1ich, i11 accordance with regi1lations l1ave bee11 declared secret, co11Jide11tial or a11ytl1ir1g similar, to another perso11 i11 tl1e discl1arge of l1is o.ffcial dtities or Ol1tside, t111less s11cl1 other perso11 is officially JJer111ittecl to ha:1dle st1cl1 1natters or if tl1e Pt1blic Servant is ordered. 75. Borrowi11g or Le11ding Mo11ey. (1) Tl1e P11blic Serva11t sl1all 11ot conclt1ct, 11eitl1er as age11t nor pri11cipal, a 111oney-le11ding bt1si11ess. (2) Persiste11t borro\\1i11g or borrowi11g 111011ey from a Sltbordi11ate shall be ·regarded as a seriotrs breacl1 of discipli11e: (3) Borro,:ving rno11ey or attempti11g :o borrow n1011ey from a n1en1ber of the Public \.Vith \.\1ho1n a Pttblic Serva111 is brot1gl1t i11to contact dt1ri11g tl1e cot1rse of l1is official dt1ties is strictly :r-rohibited. 76. Gifts. The Public Servant sl1all 11ot de111a11d or acce1)t a11y forn1 of ren1t1ner�ttio11 or consideration from tl1e pt1blic i n re:;pect of services re11derecl or expected. 77. Arrest or Conviction. If a Pt1blic Servant is arrested, charged, or co11victed on any charge, l1e sl1all take immediately all reasonable actton to i11for111 the respective Ministry, Chartered ·Government Age11cy or other Pt1b1ic Al1fhority of st1ch a sitt1atioi1. 78. Conflict of Dt1ty and Private Interest. The Pttblic Servant shall report to hi� st1perior every case i11 \.Vh.icl1 a co11flict bet\-veeo bis private interest a11d his dt1ties bas rise11 or is likely to arise. The same js true witl1 regard to i11terests of friends or relatives. The PL1blic Servant shall not use his official positio11 to ft1rther such i11terests. If necessary, another Pt1blic Serva11t shall be assigned to fulfill the specific duties \vhicl1 are or are likely to be in conflict \Vitl1 the i11terest as 1ne11tio11ed above. 79. Private Corresponde11ce. ( l) Private corresponde11ce may be 1ddressed to or fron1 ollicial premises. The Ministry, Chartered Gover11ment Age11cy or other Pt1blic A11thority sl1all, however, accept no liabjl.ity for th.e loss of any private letter, parcel, or other unit or tJ1eir conte11ts. P,11 inc11rring costs shall be borne by the P11 blic Servant. (2) Private corresponde11ce sl1all not be dispatcl1ed 11sing office facilities. 80. Use of Official Telepl1ones. The use of telephone services by Pt1bic Servants shall be kept to a minimum consiste1Jt with efficiency. Before t1sjng the telephone every Public Servant shall consider conscientiously if it js possibJe to avoid the call. Official tele-

- 207-




pl1011es sl1all not be t1sed for privat� p11rposes, except in occasions of s1Jecial necessity. Local calls under these conditions are free of charge. Long dista11ce calls for private pt1rposes shall be for a11d sl1all be authorized i11 adva11ce 81. Working for other Government Offices or for Private I11terest. (I) The Public Servant sl1all, d11ring official hoL1rs, give his ftLll energy and atte11tion to I1is official job for ,vhicl1 he is paid. By order tl1e PL1blic Servant shall undertake to ,:vork i11 another Ministry, Cl1artered Government Agency or other PL1blic Authority. If he is requested by persons or autho­ rities to do s11cl1 work h.e shall ob:ai11 pern1ission. before accepti11g it, paid or 11npaid. (2) No Public Servant sl1all 11ndertake ar1y ot1tside activity which wot1ld i11 a11y way tend to impair his t1seft1 :11ess as representative of rhe Pt1blic Service or which mjght, i11 a11y way, conflict with lus dt1ties or be i11consiste11t with the position as a Public Servant. (3) No Public Serva11t shall take up or accept part i11 professio11al activities of a11y ki11d with or without renuneration besides the performance of bis official d11tjes without prior writc11 permjssion of the Head of the Mjnjstry, Cl1artered Governme11t Agency or other PL1blic Authority. Noth.i11g shall prevent a PLtblic Servant from being a 1nember of professional associations. 82. Pt1blicatio11s. No Publjc Serva11t shall pLtblish or 1rra11ge to be publjsl1ed a11y book; article, letter, parag,rapl1 or other work, 01 partici1Jate i11 radio or television broad­ casts, or give lect11res, in relation to or havi11g a bearing 011 the official business of tl1e Etl1iopia11 Public Service, without first obtainjng the consent of the Head of the Mi11istry, Chartered Gover111ne11t Age11cy or other Pt1blic A11thority. 83. Strike. No PL1blic Serva11t shall be allowed to go on strike or participate in any con­ • certed action wl1ich prese11ts itself as a refL1sal to \Vork or to urge others to e11gage in such activities. Provided, however, that perso11s employed by any ind11strial, con11nercial or other prcfit-making e11terprise admjnistered by tl1e governme11t or its adn1i11istrative or tecl1nical departments shall not, for tl1e pt1rposes hereof be considered a Pllblic Servant. CONSOLIDATION NOTE In1pl.a111c/. Labour relations Proclamation 23/3 (l 963) P.210 Art.2 (f) (4), 2 (g), 2 (s) (I) (2), 20 (a), 28 Consol.L.Eth.6 (Providing for tl1e Public Serva1ts n1entioned in the second sentence of tl1e present Article the right to organize and to strike, thus making necessary the addition of this sentence).

84. Other Incon1e Beside Salary. The Public Serva11t . sl1all report all income other tl1a11 bis salarv as a Public Servant whe11 necessary and 11pon req11est of t:l1e Ce11tral Pers◊-1111el �A..geocy. Such report shall ·be treated as co11fide11tia1. Art. 11 (4) above sl1a.ll apply. VII. PERSON.L\L RECORDS 85. Perso11al File a11d Personal card. The Ministry, Chartered Government Age11cy- or other Public A11tl1ority sl1all keep for every Public Servant a perso11al fi . le and a separate personal card. The Personal fiJe · of a Public Servent is designed to give the ft1llest p�ssible

- 208 -



i1 1forn1atio11 abot1t the Pt1blic Serva11t related, i11clt1di 11g, bt1t witl1out Iimita­ tio11,_ his _personal . a1�d service history, perso11al date, educatio11, trai11 i11g, special skills, clescr1pt1on of o:fficial functio11 s etc. TI1 e originals or copies, as tl1e matter n1ay be, of the applicatio 1 1s, tl1e letters of appoi11t111 e 1 1t, pron1otio1 1, of the notifications of incren1e 1 1ts, of tl1e ap_plicatio11s for leave, of efficiency reports, of letters on discipli11ary 1neast1res, of letters of separatio1 1 or dismissal etc. shall be kept i 1 1 the personal file. Tl1e personal card sl1all contain the 1 nost in1portant data a11d i11 forn1 ation abo11t the Public Servant, as an excerpt from the personal files. 86. Exan1ination of Perso11al Records. (1) Tl1e Ptiblic Servant sl1all be perso11 ally entitlecl to exami11e his perso11al records vvith the exception of tl1ose co11tained i11 the special file (Subart. (3) of this Art. 86) t1 po11 reqt 1est a11d to n1 ake copies, proxy bei 1 1g adn1itted only tinder special circt11nstances, vvl1icl1 are to be presented in writing. Other perso11s from inside or otitside tl1e Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or other PLrblic At1 tl1ority n1ay examine tl1e perso11al file of a Public Servant only with \vritten permission of tl1e Head of tl1e Ivlinistry, Cl1artered Government Agency or other PL1blic Authority. (2) It shall be unlawful to keep any secret personal files or other records or parts tl1ereof 11 ot accessible to the Pt1b]ic Servant ·u11 der Subart. (1) of tl1 is Art. 86. (3) Medical Reports (Art. 11 above) a 11 d efficiency reports (Art. 57 et seq. above) shall be kept in special files, not to be exan1ined by tl1 e Pt1blic Servant. VIII. DISCIPLINE I. GENERAL SUSPENSION FROM DUTY 87. Insubordi11ation. A Public Servant vvho 11eglects or fails to perform his dL1ty, or commits any other breach of discipline, shall be liable to be dealt witl1 tinder the following provisions without prejudice to any civil or criminal proceeding to whicl1 he may have rendered himself liable. 88. Suspension from Duty. (I) A Public Serva11t n1ay be s11spended from duty for a period not exceeding two (2) mo 1 1ths if that course is 1 1ecessary in the public interest. A Public Serva11t shall be suspended if he is formally charged with a criminal or disciplinary offence for which his disn1issal is to be exacted if it is proved against him. Tl1e Ce 1 1tral Perso111 1el Age 11cy may extend the period of s11spension. The Public Servant shall be i1iformed, a11 d reasons for the _ s11spension given in \vriting. If the w11ereabouts of the Public Servant are 11ot· known or it is otherwise-not possible to hand tl1e suspension order to hin1, it shall be fixed to the notice board of the Ministry, Chartered Government Age11cy or other Public Authority for at � eas� t:n (10) day_s. The st1spension shall take effect from tl1e date on which 1 t 1s handed 1 n \:Vriting against receipt to the Public Servant or from the day after the day \Vhen it bas been fixed to the notice board.

- 209 -



(2) Disciplinary actions and/or proceedings may be undertaken irrespective of any court actions and/or proceedings. (3) When a Public Serva.nt is suspe11ded, his salary sl1all be withheld so long as such suspension continues. Tie Head of tl1e Ministry, Chartered Govern� ment Agency or other Public Authority may, if the circumstances justify it, allow the payment of a part of the salary, but not exceeding half of the salary. If, as a result of any criminal or disciplinary proceedings against hin1 the Public Servant is not dismissed, he shall receive his full pay for the period of suspension or the balance of it without interest. The effec­ tive date from which the salary of the st1spe11ded Public Servant shall be withheld, shall be stated in the decision. The decision shall be h�nded to the Public Servant in writing against receipt or fixed to the 11otice board like the suspension order. (4) The status of the Public Servant, his dt1ties a11d rights remain u11affected by the suspension, with the e}.ceptio11 of such d11ties and rights as are inconsistent with the nat11re a1xi purposes of the suspensio11. The Public Servant may during the pericx::l of s11spensio11 undertake private work which is consistent with bis position, after lie has informed the Head of the Ministry, Chartered Goven1me11t Agency or other Pt1blic At1thority accordingly. 2. DISCIPLINARY PEN.ALTIES . ORDINARY DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE

. ..

89. Disciplinary Penalties. For of discipline the penalties, as set forth in Art. 22 of the Order, may be io1posed :· (a) war1ting, (b) reprimand, (c) fine, not exceedi11g two (2) months' pay, (d) postponement of the next ircrement of pay for a period 11ot exceedi11g four (4) years, . . (e) down-grading, (f) dismissal, provided, however, that the legal provisions on forfeitt1re of pension rig.hts remai11 11naffected. •



90. Inquiries. . If cases are brought to the atte11tio11 of the I-lead of the Mi11istry, Chartered Go:vernn1ent Agenc� or other Public Altthority which may require disciplinary shall designate one action he or several Public Serva11ts wl10 shall conduct • • • an inquiry. . -. 91 .. Decisio11. . -: (1) At the conclusion of the inqu:ry the Head of tl1e Ministry, Chartered .. - . Government· Agency or other P11blic Authority shall d.isn1iss tl1e charge .. • or order a for_ �al _disciplinary_ p1ocedure (Ai:t. 92 et seq._ below), or impose any of the disciplinary penalties (Art. 89 above),. except in cases provided - 210 -�


for in Art. 22 (2) of the Order. Tl1e decisio11 shall be handed to the Public Servant i n �vriti11g stati11g tl1e reasons agai11st receipt. If the whereibouts of the Pub�1c S �r-1a11t are_ �1ot k11ow11, or if it is otl1erwise not possible to . hand tl1e d1sc1plinary clec1s1011 to l1im, it sl1all be fixed to the n.otice board for at least ten (I 0) days. · (2) The Head _ of the Mi11istry,_ Chartered Gover11111e11t Age11cy or other Public A :1tl1or1ty n1ay _delegate l11s at1thority to 1nake decisions (Subart. (I) of this Art. 9 I) ,.v1tl1 regard to \Var11ing, reprin1a11d and fine 11ot exceeding l1alf a 111ontl1's pay (Art. 89 (a), (b), (c) above) to st1bordinates of no lower rank t11an Director-General or its equivalent, provided, such decision is made with regard to a. Public Servant of 110 l1igl1er grade than two (2) grades belo\V the grade of tl1e PL1blic Serva11t to \vhon1 sucl1 delegatio11 l1as been made. 111 tl1e case of a f or111al discipli11,1ry procedt1re (Art. 92 et seq. belo\v) the decision shall al\\'ays be 111ade by the Head of Mi11istry, Chartered Government Agency or other Pt1blic Authority. 111 cases of diffic11lt com­ municatio11s or long dista11ces bet,veen a Mi11istry, Cl1artered Government Age11cy or other Public A11tl1ority and tl1cir subordi11ate 1111its the Head of that Ministry, Chartered G·overnment Agency and other P11blic Au­ thority may delegate his fL1ll a11thority (Subart. (1) of this Art. 91) to the. head of sucl1 11nits, unless otherwise provided by law. (3) The Head of the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or other Public Authority may establish a disciplinary committee to advise on the decision. 3. FORMAL DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE 92. C.ha�ge Sheet. If a formal discipli.nary procedt1re (Art. 22 (2) of the Order) is ordered, a charge sheet shall be ha11ded to the Public Servant concerned. The charge sheet shall contain all facts which constitute a breach of discipline, the suspension of the PL1blic Servant and witl1holding of salary as it l1as been ordered (Art. 88 above) and the name of the disciplinary investigator. A formal discipli11ary procedure shall also be observed if p1111ishment of postponen1ent of the next increment (Art. 22 (I) (d) of the Order) is to be expected. 93. Po\vers and :puties of the Disciplinary Investigator. The disciplinary investigator shall establish facts and shall have, subject to the law, the power to apply the necessary procedures. 94. Defence Counsel. • The accused Public Servant has the rigl1t to be represented by anybody he chooses at any stage of the formal disciplinary procedure. 95. Closing of the Investigation. Before closing the investigation the disciplinary investigato� s� all give the acc11secl Public Servant an opport11nity for final comments w1th1n reasonable time. 96. Final Report. After careful consideration of all facts and evidence the disciplinary investigator shall ret11rn the case to the Head of the Ministry, Chartered Government - 211 -



Agency or other Public At1thority. 1I1 a final report ·he. sha]l exl?res.s his opinion whether the Public Servant is gt1ilty or t11e charge should be d1sn11ssed. In case he finds the P11blic Serva11t guilty re sl1a.ll st1ggest a penalty. 97. Decision. If the investigation does 11ot appear to be sufficient or comJ?lete the I:Iead of the Ministry, Chartered Govern1neJt Agency or other Public At1thor1ty may order an additional investigation by tl1e same or a11other i11vestigator. Other­ wise a. decision in accordance with Art. 91 above shall be made. 4. APPEAL

98. Public Service Tribunal. (1) There shall be established a P.1blic Service Tribunal within the Central Personnel Agency to process: (a) appeals a.gainst declarations made under Art. 6 of these Regulation; (b) appeals against dow11grading or dismissal (Arts. 68 and 89 (e), (f) above) a11d against a11y decisio11 (Art. 97 above) which has been made following a formal discipli11ary proced11re, i11clt1ding the postponement of incren1e11ts exceeding six (6) montl1s, all s11ch ap,peal procedures to require tl1e prior conse11t of the Public Service Commissioners; (c) aJ1y otl1er appeal or questioIL relating to tl1e i11terpretatio11 of the Order and Regulations made under Art. 30 of the Order, specifically referred to tl1e P11blic Service Trib11nal by tl1e Pt1blic Service Commissioners. (2) In the case of delegation (Art. 91 (2) above) the Public Servant concer11ed may appeal to the Head of tl1e Ministry, Chartered Governme11t Agency or other Pttblic A11thority, who shall decide finally. 99. Notice and Memora11dum of Appeal. Notice of appeal made in accordance witl1 Art. 98 (1) above shall be given i11 writing by the appellant or his defe1ce co1111sel {Art. 94 above) to the Central Personnel Agency, within ot1e (I) rr.011tl1 after the pertine11t decision has been delivered to the appella.nt. Withi11 two (2) weeks after tl1e notice of appeal has bee11 given, the appellant sl1all file z men1orandum of appeal with the Central Personnel Agency. The memorandtm of appeal shall set fortl1 concisely and tinder distinct heads the gro11nds of objection to tl1e decision appealed against. The n1emorandum of appeal shall state the nat11re of the relief tl1at is sot1ght. 100. Appeal 011t of Time.

(I) Where a11 appeal is filed 011t of tin1e, the P11blic Service Co111111issioners shall refuse to accept s11ch appeal. (2) The Public Service Commissioners n1ay accept an apJ)eal, n1ade ottt of tim.e, if they are satisfied t11at the delay was 11ot occasio11ed by the fa11lt of the appella11t.

101. Appeal to be Forwarded to tl1e Public Service Tribt1t1al. (I) The Public Service Co1nn1issio�ers shall: (a) in the case of an_appea� 1nade it1 accordance witl1 Art. 98 (1) (a) above, refer the appeal 1mmed1ately to the Public Service Tribunal;

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(b) in th� case ?f an appeal n1ade in accorda11ce with A1·t. 98 (1) (b) and (c), 1n1111ed1ately reqt1est from tl1e respective Mi11istry, Chartered Gover11me1�t Age11cy or otl1er Pt1blic At1tl1ority all J)ertinent records _ _ nd or exh 1b1t s, a11d decide whether conse11t to the a1Jpeal procedure � z 1s g1ve11. (2) Tl1e Pt1blic Service Com111issioners shall 011ly deny the co11se11t to the appeal procedt1re (St1bart. (1) (b) of tl1is Art. 101) if it appears fron1 tl1e n1emorandt1m of appeal (Art. 99 above) a11d/or the records a11d exhibits (St1bart. (I) (b) of this Art. 101) tl1at tl1e appeal prima facie lacks 1nerits. In case conse11t to the appeal procedure is give11, the appeal sl1all be for­ warded to tl1e Pt1blic Service Tribt111al. 102. Procedt1re of the Public Service Tribt1nal. (1) l11 tl1e case of a11 appeal n1ade in accordance with Art. 98 (1) above, the Chairn1an of the Pt1blic Service Tribunal shall fix a day on which the appeal "''ill be heard. Tl1e appellant a11d tl1e Head of the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or other P11blic Authority who made tl1e decision (Art. 91 above) \vl1ich l1a.d been appealed agai11st, shall be notified in due time. (2) Where the appella11t or his defence counsel (Art. 94 above) is not present on the day fixed for tl1e l1eari11g of the appeal and he has been 11otified of the hearing date, the appeal shall be struck out, provided that the appeal may be restored to the list where the appellant or his defe11ce counsel can show that he was not present owi11g to circt1mstances beyond his control. Where the Head of the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or otl1er Public Autl1ority or a represe11tative is not prese11t. the appeal shall proceed in his absence. (3) Tl1e appellant shall ope11 the apJ)eal. The Head of the Ministry, Cl1artered Government Agency or otl1er Pt1blic Authority or his representative shall be given an opportt1nity to reply. ( 4) ·The Public Service Tribunal is authorized to take or admit any evidence it considers to be relevant. • 103. Findings. (I) At any time during the hearing of an appeal the Public Service Tribunal shall recommend to dismiss the appeal where there is no sufficient ground for interference. (2) Where it considers that there is suffi.cie11t ground for interference the Public Service Tribunal may recomn1end to: (a) reverse the decision (Art. 91 above), or (b) affirm the decision (Art. 91 above), or (c) in disciplinary cases reduce the penalty, or ( d) impose any of the disciplinary pe11alties prescribed i11 Art. 89 above. (3) The Public Service Trib11nal shall take all decisions by majority vote. 104. Decision of Public Service Commissioners. (1) All findi110s of the Public Service Tribunal shall become valid only and O co11stit11te a decision upon confirmation by the Public Service Com�s­ sioners, and no findings shall be made known before st1ch coofirmat1on bas been expressed. - 21 3 -

8-3 . .


(2) The Public Service Tribunal sl1all present its .fi.t1dings·to the Public Service .. Commissioners for confirmation withi11 one (1) we.ek after the last day of the hearing. (3) The Public Service Commissioners shall not be bou11d by the recomn1enda­ tion of tl1e Pttblic Service Tril:unal. (4) The confirn1ed recommendatio11 (decision) sl1aJl be handed in writing to the appellant, and shall contain tl1e reasons for the acquital, punishment or other measure and shall be signed by the Public Service Commissioners. Such decision shall be final with no possibility of a further appeal.

105. Ex.ecution of Disciplinary Decision;. (1) All disciplinary decisions (Art. 91 and 104 above) shall be executed by the Ministry, Chartered Government Agency or other P·ublic Authority by the Head of which the decision in the .first i11stance (Art. 91 above) had been made. (2) The general administrative cost� of disciplinary procedt1res shall be borne by the Ministry, Chartered Goverome11t Agency or other Pt1blic At1thority which conducts such procedt1res, or, in tl1e case of appeal by the Central Personnel Agency. The costs for witnesses, expertf or other evidence taken duri11g the pro­ cedures shall be borne by the party who requested the hearing of evidence. The costs of a Defence Counsel (Art. 94) shall in any. case be borne by . th.e Public Servant. • IX. GENERAL TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS - . w PROVISIONS I. GEN ERAL.....


106. Delegation. U11less otherwise provided in these P\.egulations or by law the Head. of a · Minis­ try, Chartered Gover11n1ent Agency or other Public Authority may delegate by writing his authority to subordinates. A copy of the delegation shall· be . . sent to the C . entral Personnel Agency. . . .


I07. Official Gazette. The Central Personnel Agency may establish an ''Official Gazette of the Central • Personnel Agency'' in ·which it may·pt1blish annou11_ceinents and decisions of in the Negarit gene.ral interest which are. not. required to be publisl1ed . . G·azeta. . ,


CONSOLIDATION NOTE .. . . 22/8 (1963) C..46 (Amharic only). . Corr._ .

. .


108. For· ms. The Central Personnel Agency shaL prescribe forms to· be used by all Mi11is­ tries, Chartered Government Ageocies and other Public Authorities. 109. Employees other the Public Servart. Any contract of employment with· a perso11 other than a Public Servant (Art. 3 above) shall require the prior conseot of the Central Person11el Age11cy. •


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1 IO. Delegat.io11.


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(1) six (6) n1onths after the publication of tl1ese Regulations· 1ri the Neg�rit Gazet � �he Ministries, Chartered Govern111e11t Age11cies · and other Public Author1t1es shall be al1o,:ved to recrt1it and select Public Serva11 ts fo!· vacancie� (Arts.. 10 through 14 above)· tlIJ to a11d i 11cluding tl1e ra11k of Director or 1ts eqt11yalent and to pron1te tl1e111 to tl1 is rank. The Central Personnel Agency n1ay veto a11y appoint111 e11 t of an applicant so recrt1ited and selected '-'1itbi11 tvvo (2) ,,i1eeks after tl1 e report on selection (Art. I 4 (2) or his promotio11 (Art. 23) l1as bee11 received. (2) Until f11rtl1 er notice tl1e Mi11istries, Chartered Governn1ent Age11cies a11d other Public A11thorities sl1all be responsible for formt1lating training schemes (A.rt. 25 above)· a11d for the training procedt1re (Art. 27 above). A copy shall be se11t to the Central Personnel Agency which shall be i11formed about any train.i11g activity. I 11: · Position Classification. Until further notice any existing classification pla11s (Art. 56 above) shall con­ tinue to remain in force witl1 the Ministries, Chartered Government Agencies and other P11blic Authorities. No amendment or change of st1ch plan shall, . Agency. Personnel however, be made without the approval the Central of . . . .

112. Grades and Salaries. . Until further notice a.ny existing pay-scales (Art. 49 above) shall continue to remain in force with the Ministries, Chartered Government Agencies and other Public Authorities. No ainei1dment· or change of s·uch plan or of any salary of a Public Servant, ho,vever, sl1 all be made without the approval of · · · · · · the Central Personnel Agency. .



.. . . .

. 3 .. FINAL. PROVISIONS .. _ 113 . . Entry into force.. · · · · n in. .the Negarft ns· shall enter . These Regulatio .-into . p11blicatio . . . . . . .. Gazeta. .. . . force upon . Done ·at Addis Ababa, ·tl1is 19th day: o.f Decemb�r, ·1962._.





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� 22/9 ( 1963) ·L.-270


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. . ... . . .REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT.- . ·1:. 0·�:. .-·- .·._... . . '

THE CENTRAL PERSONNEL-· AGENC1t: . ·. . . AND PUBLIC SERVICE ORDER. 1961 · · . . . . . . .. .. . ••

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I. General .- . . . ..


.. . . . .'




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I. These Regulations are issued by the Public Service Commissio�ers_ pursuant to authority vested in the Commissioners by Article 3 of the Central �ersonnel Agency and Public Service Order, 1961 hereinafter called the ''Order''. 2. These Regulations may be• cit�d as ''regulations for the Organization of the - Central Personnel Agency''.

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II. Organization of the Central Personnel Agency.

3. The Central Personnel Agency sha] consist of: (I) Staffing Department,

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Traini11g Department, Adn1jnistrative Services Department, Classification and Compe11satio1 Departme11t, Public Service Tribunal, Secretariat of the Com.missioners and Public Relatio11s Office.

4. (1) The Staffing Department shall consist of: (a) Registratio11 and Statistical Divisio11, (b) Recruitment and Selection Division, (c) Appointment, Promotion a1d Transfer Division. It shall keep a register of all perso11s en1ployed in tl1e Public Service, includ­ ing a register of eligible candidates and a register of vacancies reported by Ministries, Chartered Governn1ent Agencies and Public Autl1orities, recruit and select competent candidates through competitive exa.minations, offer eligible candidates to Ministri�s, Chartered Gover11ment Agencies and Public Authorities, ensure tha: all promotions, appointments, transfers performed in the manner set forth in the Order and Regula.tions to be issued thereunder. (2) The Training Department shall consist of: (a) Management Trai11ing Divi,ion, (b) Vocational Training Division, (c) Clerical and other Training Division. It shall plan, organize and carzy out training programmes of all levels of the Public Service. It sl1all arra11ge semi11ars, conferences, lectures, including courses by correspondence for t:1e purpose of developing the required skills essential for efficie11t and effective performance of Public activities. The department shall explore and specify areas of trai11ing to be delegated to Ministries, Chartered Governmet1t Agencies and. Public A·uthorities reservi11g and exercising the power of over all guidance and supervision. (3) The Administrative Services Depa.rtment shall co11sist o.f: (a) Personnel Division, (b) Finance Division, (c) General Services Division. It shall be responsible for internal services, necessary for the operatio11s of all other units of the Agency engaged with pri111ary functions. It shall provide staff to all the units of tbe same, keep registers of all persons employ­ ed in the Agency and the accounts of all expenditures and receipts and render such services as filing, registry, typing, translation a11d ma11ipulativ e services. •

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(4) Tl1e Classification a11d Compensatio11 Department shall consist of: (a) Classificat.io11 Divisio11, (b) Compensatio11 a11d conditio11s of Service Divisio11, (c) Separation and Disciplinary Divisio11. It shall determine tl1e classified a11d u11classified services of Mi11istries, Chartered. Government Age11cies a11d Public At1tl1orities, set tl1e u11its a11d the nt1mbers of grades i11 tl1e Publi_c S_ervices, isst1e pri11ciples and standards of classificatio11 and co111pe11satio11, appro\1e tl1e classificatio11 plans of the Order, formulate u11iform pay plan a11d (Jay . ad111i11istratio11, a11d carry out st1cl1 functions as relate to conditio11s of service, se1Jaratio11 a11d discipline.

(5) (a) The Public Service Tribu11al co11sisti11g of three perma11e11t perso11s one of ,vl1on1 shall serve as a chair111an, sl1all be ap1Joi11ted by the Public Service Con1n1issio11ers. (b) Tl1e Pttblic Service Commissio11ers may in additio11 appoi11t adhoc members when deen1ed necessary. (c) Tl1e Public Service Tribunal shall perform st1cl1 functio11s as set forth in the Public Service Regulatio11s to be publisl1ed u11der tl1e Order. (6) The Secretariat of the Con1n1issioners and Public Regulations Office shall ·keep the minutes of all the meeti11gs of the Con1n1issioners, scree11visitors, schedt1le appointments, transmit messages a11d instructions, prepare agenda, take care of all paper work inclt1ding typing and translation and all other activities related ,vitl1 public relations.

5. The Public Service Commissio11ers, n1ay when deemed necessary, establisl1 additional units or modify the structure of the existi11g units. m. Powers and Duties of Public Service Commissioners

6. (I) The High Public Service Com1nissioner and the two other Public Service Comn1issioners heading the Ce11tral Perso11nel Agency shall jointly co11clude all major policy decisions of the organizatio11 involving policy framing and policy interpretations including over all co-ordi11ation a11d genera] guidance. .


(2) They shall determine the number of their regular sessio11s. .

(3) They shall frame and interpret policies relating to recruitment, selection, appointment, promotion, transfer, registration a11d all policy matters per­ taining to classification and compensation, and all other fields· of authority as provided in the· Order. (4) T11e High Public Service Con11nissio11er presides over the meetings of the Pt1blic Service Commissioners, determines tl1e order of the age11da, calls additional meetings other than tl1e regular ones wl1en deemed necessary and signs the letter of appoi11tment of tl1e se11ior officials of the Agency. He shall as the top at1thoritative spokesn1an of the Organization, whe11 necessary, hold press conferences, issue press releases, make public addresses and carry out otl1er functions agreed among the Commissioners.

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_ _____ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ________ · ervice Cominlssioner tlre Senior P of -ilie HJgh-Public s CONSOI-IDATED LAWS OF ETHIOPIA



ublic In the absence Service Commissioner will act as Chairman of th.e. Cen-tr�l Person .nel Agency. (5) Each Deputy Commissioner unjer th� guidance and· o�er-all s· u p�rvisio11 _ of the Commissioners shall be respo11s1 ble for the execution, direction and supervision of tl1e activities �f the departn1e11t or depa�tme11ts wl1ich are specifically assigned . to l1in1. .


IV. Transitional and Final Provision

7. The Organization of the Agency as provided i11 these Regulation shall on gradual basis, exercise all functions set forth in the Public Service Order and Regulatio11s issued thereunder and shall therefore ·arrange the activities in the initial stage, in a manner more fit to carry out its duties. .

8. These Regttlations sl1all enter into f)rce upon tl1eir J)ublication in tl1e Negarit · · Gazetta.

.. Done at Addis Ababa this 28th cay of . February .1963. 23/4 (1963) L.�78 * Accordi11g to the Centra1 Personne] Agency a11d Public. Service (Amendment) Order, 1962 (Order No. 28 of 1962), tl1e P11blic Service Con1missioners, after approval of the Council of Ministers, hereby an11cunce the exclusion of the employees of the following Pt1blic Authorities fron1. the ccverage of the term ''Public Servant'�: I. Boy Scout Associatio11 2. Natio11al Lottery 3. Haile Sellassie I Foundation 4. Horse Racing Club -. . 5. Me11elik IT Fund · · · 6. National Sports Confederation . 7. Red Crqss Society · 8.· · Society for the_ Protection of AI1in1als . . 9. Tri1rity Monastery -10. Women's Welfare Association· 11. Young Men's Christian Association ·· · · · ·· 12. Haile Sellassie I Theatre : . ciation. . . 13.. . Imperial Saving & Home O.wn�rship. Public Asso ·_ , �4. Ceritra1 .Medical _Stores Corpor1tion· . ·· . . · . · · Institute. Pasteur . -. 15. . . . . . .. . : - . . . . . . . . .



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The aforesaid exclusion, however, does cover those Public Serva.nts ,vho are r ,temporarily attached to th.e above mentioned .Public Authorities by "''ay of transfe · . .or appointment fron1 a Ministry or a Public·'Authority. Done at Addis Ababa this 2nd day of December, 1963.


*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Amd. 23/12 (1964) L.285, 23/16 (1964) L.!86.

_:.: 2°L8'-._;_





22/23!(1963) P. 209* . .












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. WHEREAS,· We deem it 11ecessary. to make provisio11 for the •maintenance of n1embe_ rs of Ot1r Public Service \.vho l1a·ve served Us faitl1fttlly; _ NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accorda11ce ,:vith Articles 34 a11d 8. 8 of Our Revised Constit11tion We approve the resolutions of Our Se11ate and Cl1amber of Deputies and We hereby proclain1 as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE . The Preambles of 20/17 (1961) D.46 and 22/23 (1963) P.209 have bee11. combined . herein. .



TITLE I: GENERAL . . . . Short Title . . · . . This Proclamation 1nay be cited as the ''Public Servants Pension Proclarriation, . . 1963''.

1·.: .:




CONSOLIDATION NOTE . . Orig. 20/17. (1961) D.. 46: a111d. 22/23 (1963) P. 209 Art. 2 :. --· : ·· : • . . . .



(a). . .


Repeal . . . (1) Unless otherwis·e expressly provided in. this .Proclamatio:n -or -in subsidiary . . . . . . legi�latjon issued uqder A.rti_cle. 49· below� .a]J .legislatio11, regulations or orders pi;-evioµsJy ·iQ _forc;e__coQc;erning n1atters _ proyide4 for . i.n this Pro�Iarri.ation, . ·- · · whether written �or;1ry, ·are rep)��ed py th)s ;Froc_ l�matio11 and are _hereby repealed. . : . . ... ·· . . . .. .. . (2) ·Any legal sitt1ation · created, right acquired. or. consequence :.arisirig out of . _such l_egislati_oo,.. regul_atiQI)� or. O{'.d�rs r¢peal�d ner�by sha]J r¢main valid ,. .. · ..·. . . · oo1y if �tJtis ·J:>,rQClan;ation or. _sub�idi�ry._ legislation. is�-q.eq under, ·Article 49 . · . . · . .:. . . . _ · ·.· · · · · . below expressly · so proyjg�$ .. .· · .. . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . · . --·:. ·... · .= · . : .--:. o lo at lic pp A e · . . . . :- . . . .. . . . .:.3_ Scop of . . . . . . . . . . Thi� _Pro�lamati<;>n shall apply to servants . of. the Imperial Ethiopian Govern­ meJ)t and of autonomous institutions and agencies, whether or no� incorporated by Imperial Charter, wl10 haye Ethiopian nationality by birth or acquisition . • - J�









*INTRODUCTORY fOOTNOTE ·. · Orig. 20/17 (1961) D.46; Corr. 21/3 (1961) C.42 amd. and re11u111. 22/23 (1963) P.209; Corr. 23/6 (.1963) C.52 (English only).

- 2·19·.-



----- -- ----------- ------· TITLE ll Benefits Chapter I, Retirement Pensions and Gratuities

4. Retirement Pensions (1) A Public Servant, other than a 1ne111ber of tl1e �rmed Forces, \vho

(a) bas completed at least te11 (IO) years of service, and (i) retires <;>n attaini11g the retireme11t age of sixty (60) years in the case · of men, and fifty-five (5:) years in the case of women; o.r (ii) is retired because he does not fulfil the 1nedical conditions of service; or (b) resig11s after completjng t\.ve1ty (20) years of service; sl1all receive a retirement pension for life; provided, however, that any such Public Servant who resigns as set fortl1 in (b) above shall receive no pension until he has attai11�d the retiren1ent age set forth in (a) above; and provided, further, that if such public servant prior to attaining retireme11t age, is incapacitat�d rus pension shall conunence upon s11ch happening, and if he dies hi� pensio11 shall be payable to his survivers i11 accordance ,vith the pro\'isions of Artjcles 15-25 inclusive hereof. (2) A 111ernber of.the Armed Forces who l1as·completed at· least te11.(IO) years of service and retired eitl1er: (a) on attaining the retirenJent of: (i) sixty (60) years for n1ar�l1als, generals and lieute11ant-genera.Is and assimilated. ra11ks; (ii) fifty-five (55) years for major-generals and brigadier-generals and assimilated ranks; (iii) fifty (50) years for senior officers; (iv) forty-five (45) years for junior officers; (v) forty-five (45) years for 0011-comrnissioned officers and other ranks; or (b) is retired because he does 110t fulfil the n1edical conditio11s of service; sl1all receive a retirement pension for life. (3) Tl1e term ''Pt1blic Servant'' shall include all perso11s who are to a. ny degree . repositories of the _power or auth,)rity of tl1e State, such as members of the public at1thorities, government officials and agents and servants of the government and public admjnis1rations of any ki11d or men1bers of the Armed Forces or Police Forces. term ''member of the Armej Forces'' shall mean a person rendering The · (4) · military service and entitled to wear a military uniform, and includes n1em­ bers of the Grot111d, Air and Naval (5) Men1bers of the Police Forces sh:1.ll, for tl1e purposes of this Proclamation, . . be assimilated to members of tre Armed Forces. . (6) A11y Public Servant or member of the Armed Forces retained in service beyond the retirement age in acccrdance witl1 the IJrovisions of Article 27 (3) below shall continue to accumulate pensio11 credits dt1ri11g said period, s11bject to the limitatio11s set forth in Article 5 below. . Orig. 20/17 ·(1961) D.46;


CONSOLIDATION NOTE a111(/. 22/23 (1963) F. 209 Art. 2 (c); Corr. 23/6 (1963) C.52 (English

· - 220_- ..



5. Amo11nt of Pension (1) For a retired Pt1blic Serva11t otl1er tl1a11 a 111e111ber of tl1e Ar111ed Forces, the pe11sion shall a111ount to tl1irty J)e1cent (30%) of the average basic salary for tl1e last tl1ree (3) years preceding retireme11t, increased by one l)ercent (I%) of such average basic salary fe>r eacl1 year of service beyond ten (IO) years; pro,1ided, l1owever, tl1at tl1e 1etireme11t JJensio11 sl1all 11ot exceed sixty percent (60%) of s11cl1 average basic salary. (2) For a retired 111e111ber of tl1e Ar111ecl Forces, tl1e pe11sio11 shall amount to thirty percent (30%) of tl1e average basic salary for the last three (3) years preceding retireme11t� increased by one a11d 011e-l1alf perce11t (1 ½%) of such average basic salary for eacl1 year of service beyo11d ten (I 0) years; provided, l1owever, tl1at the retire1nent pension shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of st1ch average basic salary. 6. Gratuities A Pt1blic Servant w.ho l1as 11ot co111pletec te11 (10) years of service and who eitl1er: (1) retires on attai11ing pensionable age; or (2) is retired beca11se l1e does not f11lfil the medical co11ditio11s of service, sl1all receive a grat11ity i11 the form of a lt1mp st1m, but shall 11ot be e11titled to any other be11efit tinder tl1is Proclamatio11. CONSOLIDAT:ON NOTE Orig. 20/17 (1961) D. 46; an1d. 22/23 (1963) P 209 Art. 2 (d).

7. Amount of Gratuity The gratuity payable in accorda11ce with Article 6 above shall be: (a) for a Public Servant other thaa a me1nber of tl1e Armed Forces, the basic salary of tl1e month prececi11g retiren1ent n111ltiplied by the nt1mber of years of service. (b) for a member of the Armed Forces; 011e a11d one-half (1 ½) tin1es the basic salary for the month preceding retirement 1nt1ltiplied by the number of years of service. 8. Resignation (a) A Public Serva11t wl10 volt1ntarily resigns prior to completing te11 (10) years of service shall be entitl<:d to no benefits hereunder. . (b) A Public Servant who volt111tariiy resigns after completing ten (10) years b11t prior to completi11g twenty (20) years of service shall be paid an amount equal to the total an1ot1nt of the contrib11tions theretofore made by him. 9. Other Separation In case of separation under circumstarces provided by reg11lation, the Public Servant shall be paid an amount equal to tl1e total amot1nt of the co11tributions thereto[ore n1ade by him. - 221 -



Chapter .



Incapacity Pensions and Gratuities


I 0. Occupational Injury (1) An occupation� injury is: , or an official duty; or tl1e perforn1ance · out of ·ca) an. .injury arising . (b) an occupational djsease contracted wl1ile on official duty, provided that in neither case was there intent to inflict the injt1ry tipon himself or negligence on the part of tl1e injured person. (2) The provisions of sub-paragraph (1) of this Article IO a_pply i11 tl1e case of injuries or cliseases contracted by· Public Seryants as a result of military '. service, while defending the Empire, while carrying ot1t security measures or whlle working in a civil or military capacity o� the· i1�str11ctjo11s of a con1· pete11t authority. 11. Incapacity Pension A Public Servant wl10 has been retired because he does 11ot fulfil the medical conditions of service due to occupational injury shall receive a11 incapacity pension .for life, regardless of bis nun1ber of years of service. J 2. Amount of Incapacity Pension The incapacity pe11sio11 payable i11 accordance with Article 11 above shall be calculated in accorda.nce with and be s11bject to . the sixty percent (60%) limitation set forth in Article 5 above; ..provided, .however:,. that. the JP,inimum pension awardable shall be at the rate of forty-five percent (45) of the basic salary for the month preceding the month i11 which the inj11ry occurred. I 3. Incapacity Gratuity A Public Servant who has suffered an ,occupational injury as defined in Article 10 above but still fulfils the·medical co11ditions of service. shall receive an i11ca­ pacity gratt1ity in tl1e form of a l11n1p s11n1. I 4. Amount of Incapacity Gratuity . . . . . . . The amount of incapacity gratuity payable in accordance with Article 13 above shall be five (5) times the proportion tl1at the injt1red person's assessed perce11tage of incapacity bears to one hundred (100), multjplied by the annual an1ou11t of the incapacity pension which would have been payable if Articles 11 and 12 above had been applicable; provided, however, that 110 gratuit.y sl1all be paid if the incapacity is assessed at less tha11 te11 percent (10%). ..



Ill: ·survi,,ors' Pensions and Gratuities · Chapter . . . -· .. , , , .. 15. Widow's. Pension If a Public Servant who is entitled to a pension dies either before or .after retire· : · ·· ment, a pension shall be paid to his widow. ..-. . -. ' . .. . . . . -. .. .. .. . . . .. . .,. . . . ·-. . :..


· · . · - ·· ·- - ··· · CONSOLIDATION . . . NOTE . , . .... .. .. . .. .. . . . ... ......, ,.,, ..,,, ... . . . Orig. 20/17 (1961) D.46; a111rl. 22/23 (1963) P. 209 Art..2 (e). '



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. .- .


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16. Amount of '''ido,v's Pension

8-6 .


Tl1e amount of a \Vido\;i,,'s pe11sion payable i11 accorda11ce witl1 Article 15 above sl1all be fifty percent (50%) of tl1e pensio11 to "''hicl1 tl1e deceased \;i, as or wot1ld, if l1e bad retirecl at tl1e date of l1is deatl1, l1a\re bee11 e11titled. 1

17. Orphan's Pension If a Pt1blic Serva11t who is entitled to a pe11sio11 dies either before or after .retire­ ment, a pe11sio11 sl1all be paid to each st1rviving cl1ild ,vhile tb·e cluld is under eighteen (18) years of age. 18. Amount of Orphan's Pension The amo1111t of a11 orpl1a11's pension payable i11 accorcla11ce witl1 Article 17 above sl1all be ten perce11t (10%) of the pe11sio11 to wllich the deceased was or \Vot1ld, if he had retired at the date of lus death, have been entitled. If both parents are dead, the a1not1nt shall b _e t\ve11ty percent (20%). 19. Parent's Pension If a P11blic Servant \Vho is e11titled to a pe11sio11 dies either before or after retire­ ment a11d, at the time of his deatl1 had \Vholly or mai11ly supported either Of both parents, each parent so st1pported may be granted a pe11sion. Tl1e J)ension n1ay be granted for life. 20. Amount of Parent's Pension The amo11nt of the pare11t's pension payable in accordance with Article 19 above shall 11ot exceed for any 011e parent twe11ty percent (20%) of the· pe11sion to which the deceased was or wot1ld, if· he had retired at tl1e date of his death, l1ave been e11titled. ,

21. Re-marriage of a W�dow r \Vido\v's pensio11 shall be disconti1111ed from the begi1111ing of the montl1 follow­ ing re-marriage. On re-marriage the ,vidow shall receive a lt1n11) su111 eqtiivale11t to twice the annual amot1nt of tl1e wido\v's pe11sion. 22.. Survivor's Gratuity The st1rvivors n1entioned i11 Articles 15 throt1gh 18 above of a deceased Public Servant who would not have been entitled to a pension at the date of his qeath ·shall recejve a gratuity to be shared among them in accordanc�_ with.the pro­ portions mentioned in Articles 16 and 18 above. -� . . '•

23. Amount of Survivor's Gratuity The amot111t of gratuity payable in accordance with Article 22 above shall be calculated and paid in accordance with Articles 7 and 22 above.

24. Widower's Pension , The _provisions of Articles 15 a11d 16 above shall apply to a widower who was wholly or mainly supported by his wife at the time of her death. 25. T,imit of Survivor's Benefits . .. . . .. . If the total of all' benefits for wido\v or wido\ver, cl1ildr�n anq parents calculated in accordance with Article 1_5 tl1rot1gh 20 and 24 ab.ove is in excess �

- 223·. ..



of 011e hundred perce11t (100%) of tl1e pensio11 to wh.ich th� deceased . was or would, . if he had retired at tl1e date of his deatl1, have been e11t1tled, tl1e amount of the benefit of each stirvivor shall be proportio11ately recluced by the amou11t re­ quired to reduce the total amot111t payable to ��id one hu11dred percent (100%).­ Similar limitatio11s apply to survivors' gratt11t1es. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/17 (1961) D. 46; a111d. 22/23 (1963) P. 209 Art. 2 (f).

Chapter IV: Service Period 26. Principle (I) T11e period of serv:ce of a Public Servant begins with the date o.f his appoint­

ment as a Public Servan.t and is calct1lated i11 complete years only. (2) For the purpose of calculating years of service, a11y calendar year in whjch at least two (200) days were spent in the Pttblic Service sha.II be counted as a year of service.

27. Spec.ial Cases ( l) Suspensions from office or positio11 as a Pt1blic Serva11t by a con1petent authority sl1all 11ot interrupt a period of service provided that the Pt1blic Servant subseqt1eotly returns to his job. (2) Periods of service spent in places designated by regulation as unhealthy areas which are dangerot1s to life or healtl1 and periods of service spent on especially haza�dous duty as defined by regulation shall count as double or as one a11d one-half (I½) times the actt1al period of service as determined by said regt1lations. (3) A Pu b:ic Servant n1ay be retained in service beyond tl1e retirement age for a period not to exceed te11 (IO) years. (4) Periods of n1ilitary service i11 time of,war or declared national emergency rendered by a Pt1blic Servant other tha11 a member of the Armed Forces shall cot1nt as one a11d one-half (1 ½) times the actt1al period of service. (5) Periods spe11t by a Public Servant in activities specified by regt1lations shall be considered as periods of service i11 the Public Service. (6) A period of service by a Public Servant which is termi11ated by a criminal judgement shall not be considered a period of service for the purposes of . this Proclan1ation. Chapter V: General Benefit Provisions

28. Period of Payment of Pensions Pensions sl1all be paid begi1111i11g with tl1e mo11tl1 followi11g that in ,vl1ich retire­ ment �akes pla�e. St!rvivors' pe11sions shall be paid beginning with tl�e 111011th follow1ng that 1n which the Pti'blic Servant or retired Public Serva11t dies. , 29. Mode of Payment �ensi ?ns shall b� paid �6nthly in arrears and sl1all becon1e payable 011 the Iast working day of the n1onth in qt1estion. - 224 ,-



30. Relationship between Entitlements (I) The entitlement to receive a be11efit shall not be affected by the right to receive salaries or other en1ol11me11ts fro111 e111ployme11t other tl1an the Pt1blic Service. (2) A Public Servant wl10, after retire111e11t, re-enters tl1e Pt1blic Service shaJl have the optio11 to receive either l1is pe11sio11 or tl1e salary of his new employ­ me11t. (3) A Pt1blic Servant ,vl10 is qtialified to receive two (2) or more pe11sions in respect of P11blic Service sl1a 11 be e11titled to receive 011ly the largest of sucl1 pe11s1ons. (4) Reg11latio11s 111�y be made prescribing tl1e effect of this Article 30 in relation to st1rvivors.

31. Members of the Armed Forces Assigned to other Public Duties Any period s_pent by a Member of tl1e Ar1ned Forces i11 Pt1blic Services other tl1an on militar)' service upon orders of a compete11t a11thority shall be treated as military service, 11nless he has been formally tra11sferred to s11cl1 service.

32. Pension Entitlement not Transferable (1) Tl1e right to receive a pe11sion shall not be inherited. (2) The right to receive a pension shall not be assigned to a third party (Civil Code Article 1962), transferred by co11tract (Civil Code Article 2411), pledged (Civil Code Article 2867) or waived. CROSS REFERENCE Civ. C. 19/Ex. 2 (J 960) Arts. 1962, 2411, 2867.

33. Attachment of Benefits Benefits shall not be attached i11 respect of any debts otl1er than public fines, taxes and p11blic fees, and only when attachment is ordered by a court of com­ pete11t jurisdiction.

34. Criminal Punishments A pensioner shall lose 11is pension rights if he is sentenced by a court of competent jurisdiction to a n1inimum of two (2) years imprisonment, an'd if the co11rt orders such loss of pension rights as a11 additional pe11alty.

TITLE III: THE PUBLIC SERVICE PENSIONS COMMISSION 35. Establishment A p11blic body corporate, the Public Service Pensions Commissio11 (hereinafter ca]Jecl the ''Commission''), shall be set 111J to carry ot1t the ft1nctions set forth in this Proclamation and st1ch subsidiary legislation, includ.i11g its Cl1arter as may be iss11ed tinder Article 49 below. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Corr. 21/3 (1961) C. 42 (English only).

- 225 -



36. Functions The Commission shall be responsible for: (a) establishing two funds: . . . . (i) th e Public Service Civilian Pens1_ons Fund; and (ii) th e Public Service Military Pensions Ft1nd, (b) collecting, safeguarding and investing money due to these funds; (c) determining title to benefits to be paid from the f11nds; and (d) arrangin.g for payment to be n1ade to beneficiaries from the funds. 3 7. Commissioners Th.e Commission shall consist of three _ (3) Commissioners ap1Joi11ted by Us.

38. General Manager The General Manager, who shall be the Chief Executive of the Con1n1ission; shall be appointed by the Commissioners in consultation with Our Higl1 Com­ missioner of Pensions. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . Irnpl. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 3 Cor1sol. L. B./1. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensioni, which was formerly given certain. powers by this Article).

39. Supervision and Appeals (1) Our High Commissioner of Pensio11s shall ensure that the operatio11s of the Commission are in accordance \\ith the law. (2) Our High Commissioner of Pension.s shall, u11der the power given to h.i.n1 by Article 49 below, make provisio11 for a procedure of appeal against benefit determinations made _by tae Commission and shall establish a Pen­ sions Appeal Tribunal to hear a11d. finally determine such appeals.


CONSOLIDATION NOTE J1np/. an1d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1 (abolishing Minisn·y of Pensions, \Vhich ,vas formerly given certain powers by this Article).

40. Audit The accounts of the Commission, vhich shall contain details of all income, expenditure, balances and investme11t; of each of the funds mentioned i11 Article 36 above, shall be audited annually b/ the A11ditor General. 41. Reports TJ1e Commission shall submit to Us and to Parliame11t annt1al reports on its activities, inclt1ding statements of ac-counts, whicl1 shall be made available to the public. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111p/. �md. 25/23_ (1966) 0.�6, � _Co11sol. L. lt/1. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, whicl1 ,vas . formerly given cert am respons1b1l1t1es by this A.rticle). I


42. Contributions (I) The amounts to be co· ntributed to the Pt1blic Service Civilian Pensioiis Ft:1nd and to the Pt1blic Service Military Pensions Ft1nd by the Government - 226 -


i i' 'I




a11d by the persons enjoyi11g be11efits theretinder shall be deternlined by a s11bsequent law to be e11acted follo\vi11g con1pletion of an act11arial study of th.e fina11cial basis hereof. (2) Reg1 �lations sl1all be 111acle to provide that co11tributio11s d11e to be paid by P11bl1c Serva11ts shall be ded11ctecl :fro111 tl1eir salaries by Ot1r Minister of Fi11ance and paid by l1i1n to the funds. (3) Our Mi11ister of Pe11sions shall arra11ge for an act11rial review of the pensio11 scheme to be 1111clertaken every five years. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l1npl. a1-r1cl. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co,1s0/. L. Eth. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, which was fom1erly given certain powers by this Article).

43. Administrative Expenses

All administrative expenses in connectio11 with the imple1uentation of this Pro­ clan1ation, i11cluding the salaries of the perso1111el and the ru1111ing expenses of the Con1mission, shall be paid fro111 011r national budget. Tl1e High Com­ n1issioner shall provide for all s11cl1 expe11dit11re in the a111111al b11dget of his Ministry and shall arra11ge for the 11ecessary allotme11ts to be n1ade to the Com­ mission as required. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a,11d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11so/. L. Et/1. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, which was formerly given certain responsibilities by this Article).


44. Former Public Servants (1) A for111er Public Serva11t who has received la11d or other lump sum benefit for his services rendered sl1all not be entitled to receive any benefit under tllis Proclamation. (2) A former Public Servant wl10 has not received any benefit for his services rendered shall continue to e11joy any st1ch rights thereto as he may have enjoyed prior to the enactment hereof b11t shall not be entitled to receive any additional benefit tinder this Proclamation. 45. Benefits for Present Public Servants A Pt1blic Servant who retires or is retired after the entry into force of this Pro­ clamation and who satisfies the conditio11s for the receipt of benefits shall be eligible to receive the benefits provided for i11 this Proclamation regardless of the lengtl1 of time for which contrib11tio11s in accordance with Article 42 hereof l1ave been paid by or in respect of hin1. 46. Existing Pension Schemes (I) A retired. Pt1blic Servant who is in receipt of a pension or other contint1ing be11efit at the date of tl1e entry into force of this Proclamation shall continue to receive such benefit.

- 227 •



(2) All existing pension sche1nes est1blis�ed for Publi? Serva11t� shall be wound ttp on the coming into force of this Proclamation. Pt1blic Servants who have tl1emselves made co11tributions to such schemes s.ha.11 l1ave al] st,ch c;ontri'bl1tio11s repaid without interest. Chapter II: General Provisions 47.. Supply of Information

Every pl1blic a11thority, p11blic or private body corporate and individual sJ1all furnish the competent authorities under this Proclamation witl1out delay with the infor1nation req11ired by them for the implen1entatio11 of this Proclan1ation. Tl1e pensioner, when requested to furnish informatio11, 1nay submit written statements or call wit11esses to testify in his behalf. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/17 (1961) D.46; all1d. 22/23 (1963) P. 209 Art. 2 (g).


48. Penal Provisions The provisio11s of the Penal Code of 1957 shall apply to offences arisi11g ot1t of Proclamatio11. •

49. Subsidiary Legislation Our Minjster o·f Pe11sio11s shall is�11e reg11latio11s for the better carryirJg 011t of tl1e provisio11s hereof.


CONSOLIDATION NOTE I,npl. a,nd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Corzsol. L.Erh. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, \Vhich was formerly given certain powers by this Artice).

50. Entry into Force

This Proclan1ation shall come into force on the date of its p11blication in the Negarit Gazeta.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Th.e original entry into force of 20/17 (1%1) D.46 was 3 months after its ptLblication in the Negarit Gazeta (31 August 1961). The Public Servant's Pensions Proclan1atio11 was pt1blished on 5 Septe.mber 1963 and can1e into force on the chte of its publication.

Done at Addis Ababa this 5th day of September, 1963. 21/7 (1962) L. 250* CHAR1'ER OF TEE PUBLIC SERVICE PENSIONS COMMISSION The Charter of the Pt1blic Service Pensions Con101ission is iss11ed pt1rsuant to · authority vested in the Minister of Pensions by Articles 35 and 49 of tl1e ''Pt1blic Servants' Pe11sions Decree, 1961'' (Decree No. 46 of 1961) (hereinafter the ''Decree''). PREAMBLE The Ministry of Pensions l1as been abolishtrl by 25/23 (1966) 0.46 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1. In practice the Public Service Co1)1mission has been amaJga111ated witl1 the Central I>ersonnel Agency and both bodies have the same Higl1 Commissioner. ..

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE · I,npl. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46.

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Chapter I: General

I. Short Title This Legal Notice may be cited as the ''P11blic Service Pensio11s Com1nissio11 Charter''. 2. Definitions 111 this Charter, 11nless tl1e co11text otherwise requires: (a) ''beneficiary'' shall n1ea11 a11y perso11 e11titled to a11y benefit 11nder the Decree; . (b) ''benef i t '' sl1all i11clude retiren1e11t 1Jensio11s, gratuities, i11ca1Jacity pe11_ s1011s and grattLities, and survivors' pe11sio11s a11d grat11ities, all as de­ fined in tl1e Decree; and (c) ''Commissio11'' sl1all 1nean tl1e public body co· rporate referred to in Article 35 of tl1e Decree a11d created hereby.· Chapter II: Polvers an_d Duties of the Commission. · · 3. Po,vers The Comn1ission shall have all t11e po,vers necessary to carry out its functions as set forth i11 tl1e Decree.. . . 4. Duties The Comnussion shall, ·ii1 accordace ,vith tl1e law,. be respo11sible for: . (a) establishing, organizing, n1a11agi11g a11d. operating:· .. · (i) the P11blic · Service Civilian Pensio11s Fund; a nd · · (ii) the P11blic Service M'ilitary Pensio11s F11nd; (b) collecti11g, administeri11g a11d sa.fegt1arding contrib11tions from P11blic Servants, the Governn1ent and all otl1er P11blic-Authorities whicl1 employ Public Servants; (c) investing contributio11s so rece_ ived econo1nically a11d safely; (d) determining, in accorda11ce 'vVith Title II of the Decree, the nat11re a11d amount of the benefit to ,,,11icl1 each beneficiary is entitle·d; (e) notifyi11g each beneficiary of his benefit entitlement and of the dates and manner of payment thereof; (f) providing each beneficiary with· the necessary iclentificatio11 pay-book required to obtain 1)ayme11t of· the benefit .to which he is entitled; (g) arranging, thro11gh existi11g Public A11thorities for the designation or establishment of pay offices and providing them with the funds required for the payment of benefits; provided, however, that special bra11ch offices for the payment of pe11sions or other benefits to be administered directly by the Con1n1ission shall not· be established except with the . approval of the Minister of Pensions; (h) st1pervising the payment of benefits by th·e pay officers 1naking the same; (i) reviewing, 11po11 complai11t of i11divid11al be11eficiaries,. -decisio11s con­ cerning the entitleme11t or payment of be11efits; and (j) transmitting to the Pe11sion A1Jpeal Tribu11al to be established under Article 39 (2) of the Decree any appeal made by any b"e11eficiary against a decision made t111der l)aragraph (i) of this Article 4. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Imp/. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, which was formerly given certain powers by tl1is Article). : . . .

- 229 "-:.



5. Functions The Commissioners appoi11 ted pursuant to Article 37 of the Decree shall, i,1 accordance witl1 the law, be respoasible for: (a) determ.injng the inter11al orga.nization of the Con1mission and its staff complement; (b) adopting position classification plans and job descriptions prepared and submitted by the General Ma11ager and a.pJ?ointing and taking personnel action, subject, however, to the prov1s1ons of the Central Personnel A.gency and Public Service Order (Order No. 23 of 1961); (c) determining the general polcies to govern investn1ents made i11 accord­ ance with Article 4 (c) hereof; (d) adopting, in accordance wi1h Article 43 of the Decree, a11011al budget estimates for the operation of the commissio11 prepared and submitted by the General Manager; (e) deciding cases brought 11nder Article 4 (h) hereof taking into considera­ tion the recomn1endations of the General Manager; (f) adopting and submitting to the Emperor and Parliament, through the reports prepared and submtted. by the General Manager required by Article 41 of the Decree; and (g) distributing among themselves, subject to Article 6 hereof, their func­ tions. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . Imp/. amd. 25/23 (l 966) 0.46 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, which was formerly given certain by this Article). CROSS F.EFERENCE Central Personnel Agency and Public Ser{ice Order, 21/3 (1961) 0.23, 8 Consol. L. Eth. 2.

6. Conduct of Business (a) The Chairma.n of the Commissio11 shall be appointed by tl1e Minister of Pensions to serve for a pe,iod of six (6) months. If the Chairman's appointment as a Commissioner is terminated for a11y reason prior to th.e end of said period, a new Chairman shall be appointed by the Minister of Pensions to serve for the rem[ inder of the term. (b) The Commissioners shall determine thr 1·1umber and frequency of tl1eir regular meetings. The Chairman may call additio11al n1eetings at any time. The Commissioners shall appoint an official of the Con1111issio11 ,vho shall serve as Secretary at said meetings witl1ot1t additional ren1 u11e­ ration. (c) Three (3) Commissioners shall be req11ired to constitute a quorum at any meeting; provided, ho\liever that in the absence of one (1) Com­ missioner the General Manager shall be considered as a Commissioner for the purpose of constitt1ti11g a quon1m, and, in st1ch event, sl1all be entitled to vote. Dtcisio11 s shall be take11 by majority vote. A11y per�o11 ' voting at a m�eting ·shall -have the right to require tl1at his dissenting opinion be recorded in the mi11utes thereof.

- 230 l



(d) :'.11 de �isions taken at any n1eeti11g shall be recorded by the Secretary .111 a m1nt1!e book a11d, after having bee11 approved. at the next meeting, shall be s1g11ed by tl1e Secretary, the Commissioners who attend st1ch 1neeting and. the G·e11eral Manager, if l1e was eI1titled to vote at said meeting pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Article 6. ( e) �l1e Com�issioners shall ado rt regt1lations consistent with the provi­ s1011s of this Charter for tl1e conduct of their bt1si11ess. CONSOLIDATION NOTE /111pl. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions' whlcl1 was formerly given certain powers by this Article).

Chapter IV: Ge1eral Manager

7. Appointment

(a) The General Manager shall be a1Jpointed by tl1e Commissioners i11 accordance "''ith Article 38 of the Decree. {b) In the absence of the General Manager, the Co111missioners sl1all appoint an . Acting General. Manager. . .

CONSOLIDA lION NOTE lllzpl. an1d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46 (abolishing Ministry of Pensions, which was formerly given certain powers by this Article).

8. Functions The General Manager, i11 accordance with Article 38 of the Decree, shall be the Chief Executive of the Commission. The General Manager shall, in accord­ ance \-vith the law and the provisions hereof, be responsible for: (a) directing the management anc operations of the Commission, under the st1per visio11 and guidance of the Commissioners; (b) administering all personnel actons relating to the staff of the sion, including recrt1itment, s�lection, allocation, discipline and dis­ missal, under tl1e supervision Gnd guidance of the i;ommission subject, however, to the provisions of the Central Personnel Agency and Public Service Order; (c) prepa,ring and submitting to the Comm.issioners annual budget estin1ates for the operation of the Coomission; (d) establishing all books and records and designing all' forms as may be required from time to time for the operations of the Commission; (e) establishing a complete list of beneficiaries and determining the annual increases in the number of beneficiaries and the amount of benefits paid; (f) making necessary arrangements for payment and �nsuring that all benefits are paid on the due date; and (g) preparing and submitting to 1he Com1nissioners the reports required by Article 41 of the Decree.

- 231.-





9. Attendance at Meetings (a) The Ge11eral Manager shall attend each meeting of th.e Comn1issioners. (b) In the. · absence of the Gene1al Manager, the Acting General Manager shall attend said meetings. (c) The General Manager may. speak at any meeting at a11y time. The General Manager shall be entitled to vote only in the circumstances set forth ·in paragraph (c) 1) f Article 6 l1ereof. · Chapter V: Audit

10. Internal an.d Annual Audit (a) The Commissioners upon the recomme11dation of the Ge11eral Mat1ager, sl1all establish i11ter11al audit procedt1res for the Con1111issio11 by· ,vhich the accounts of the Com.mission ca11 be accurately checked. . . (b) The annual audit of the accounts of the Co1nmission shall be perfor111ed in accorda11ce with Article 40 · of the Decree. '

Chapter VI: Final Provisions

11. [I,npl. a,nd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Cons()/. L. Eth.. 1 (abolishing Ministry of Pensio11s which was formerly authorized _to SU?ervise . th� operations of the Commissio11).] .



12. Entry Into Force This Legal Notice shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta.



WHEREAS, Article 42 (1) of tl1e Public Servants' Pensions Decree, 1961 (Decree No.- 46 of 1961), provides that the amot1nts to be contribt1ted to the Public Service Civilian Pensions Fund and to the Public Service Military Pensio11s Fund by the Government and by the persons enjoying benefits tl1ereu11der sl1all be determi11ed by a subsequent law to be enacted followi11g completion of a11 actt1arial study of the financial basis; and. WHEREAS, the said actt1arial stt1dy l1as been completed; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accorda11ce with Articles 34 a11d 88 of Ot1r Revised Co11stitution We approve the resolutions Jf Our Senate a11d the Chan1ber of Dep11ties and We accor<;lingly proclaim as follows: - 232,-



I . Short Title This Procla1nation n1ay be cited as the ''Public Serva11ts' Pe11sio11s Co11tributions Proclamation, I 963' '. 2. Definitions (a) ''Public Servant'' sl1all n1ea11· a11y perso11 otl1er tl1a11 a me111ber of tl1e Armed Forces \\'110 is covered by tl1e ''Public Serva11ts' Pe11sio11s.Procla­ n1ation 1963' ', and regt1lations i:nade tl1eret1nder; (b) ''Employer'' sl1all n1ean the Governn1e11t or a11y at1to11omous institutio11 or agency whicl1 pays the salaries of. Pt1bli� Serva11ts or 1nembers of the Armed Forces; (c) ''Contribt1tion'' sl1all mean the an1ot1rit to be co11tribt1ted to the Public Ser,1ice Civilia11 Pensio11s Fund or tl1e Pt1blic Service Mili tar)'. Pe11sions Ftind, as tl1e case may be, by Pt1blic Serva11ts, me1nbers of tl1e Armed Forces a11d their Employers; {d) ''Basic Salary'' shall mean sala.ry, inclt1di11g taxable allo\.va11ces otl1er than payments for ' overtime, b11t excludi11g non-taxable allowances, and \vitl1out the ded11ction of any amo11nts i11 respect of i11come tax, fines, loa11 repay111e11ts or any toher matter; (e) ''Member of the Armed Forces'' shall have tl1e 1nea11ing prescribed in the Public Servants' Pensions Proclamatio11, 1963, and shall include members of the Police Force. CROSS REFERENCE Public Servants' Pensions Proclamation, 22/23 (1963) P. 209, 8 Co11sol. L. Etlz. 6.

3. Total Amount of Contributions Payable The total amo11nt of the contribution payable to the P11blic Service Civilia11 Pensions Fund or the Public Service Military Pensions Fu11d, as the case n1ay be, by the Employers, by Public Servants, and by n1embers of the Armed Forces shall be: (a) to the Public Service Civilia11 Pensio11s F11nd: ten percent (I 0%) of tl1e basic salaries of all P11blic Serva11ts; and (b) to the Public Service Military Pensions Fu11d: t,ve11ty percent (20%) of the basic salaries of all members of the Armed Forces. 4. Proportionate Amount of Contributions Payable The contributions payable in accordance with Article 3 l1ereof shall be paid in tl1e following proportions of tl1e basic salary of the Public Servant and me1n­ bers of tl1e Armed Forces: (a) to the Public Service Civilia11 Pe11sio1Js Fu11d: by the Employer six perce11t (6%); by the Public Servant four percent (4%); (b) to the Public Service Military Pensions Fund: by the Employer sixtee11 percent ( I 6%); by the me111bers of the Armed Forces as from the Rank of Seco11d Lieutenant upward four perce11t (4%). - 233 -



5. Pensions Benefit Not-Taxable Notwithstanding the provisi·ons of Article 4 (a) of the Income Tax Pr0clamation (No. 173 of 1961) no incon1e tax cf a11y kind shall be payable with i;espect. t� pensions received under this Proclamation. CROSS REFERENCE Income Tax Proclamation, 20/13 (1961) 1. 173, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 9.

6. Entry into Force This Proclamation shall enter intc1 force a11d shall apply to salaries payable with respect to the month of publication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 8th da! of July, 1963.


-234 -


Section 9 Nationality and Aliens A. N·ationality ETI-IIOPIAN NATIONALITY LAW OF 1930* NATIONALI'I'Y OF Cl-JtLDREN BORN OF ETIDOPIAN SUBJECTS : IN ETIDOPIA OR ABROAD 1. Any person born i11 Ethiopia or abroad, whose father or n1otl1er is Etliiopian, i-s a11 Ethiopia11 subject. NATIONALITY IN CASE OF MA.RRIAGE BETWEEN ETHIOPIANS AND FOREIGNERS 2. A lawf111 marriage of an Ethiopian st1bject witl1 a foreign won1an co11fers the Ethiopian nationality 11pon her. 3. Lawful marriages in this case are as follows: (a) A marriage contracted in Etliiopia of an Ethiopian ,vith a foreign woman, in accordance with the form of the Ethiopian Religion or with the f or1n of an Ethiopian civil marriage, creati11g between wife and l111sband a community of goods. (b) A marriage contracted abroad of an Ethiopian subject "vitl1 a foreign woman, in accordance with the law and the forms of the place where the marriage is contracted. 4. A lawful marriage contracted abroad of an Ethiopia11 ,1/oman witl1 a foreigner deprives her of the Ethiopian natio1Jality if her marriage with the foreigner gives her· the nationality of her h11sbaod; otherwise she keeps her Ethiopian nationality. In case wl1e11 tl1e woman, losing her Etl1iopian nationality; is the proprietor of real estate the administration of I1er property shall be settled i11 confornlity ,vitl1 the Ia,v given to that effect by the Imperial _Ethiopian Governn1ent.

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE This Proclan1ation, one of the few laws promulgated before tl1e Italian invasion of Ethiopia is still effective, was published in Berl1c1ner1a Se/am newspaper, Vol. 6, No. 30 (July 24, 1930); amd. Berhanena Se/am, Vol. 9 No. 41 (October 5, 1933). The English Version given here is a translation from the French version of the Original. •

- 235 --

_____________________________ 5. Lawful marriages in this case are as follows: CoNSOLfDA'fED L1.WS OF E1'IDOPIA


(a) A marriage contracted in Ethiopia of an Ethiopian woJ11an with a fore­ ig11er before the co11s11lar autl1orities of tl1e husband. (b) A marriage, co11tracted abroad, of an Ethiopian woman with a ·foreigner in accordance with the law of the husband a11d with the legal forms of the place wl1ere the 1narriage is contracted.

NATIONALITY OF CHILDREN OF A MARRIAGE BETW"EEN ETHIOPIAN AND FOREICN •SUBJECTS 6. Every child born in a lawf11l mixed ma.rriage, as provided for in the preceding Articles, follows tl1e nationality of its father. A cl1ild born of an Ethiopia11 father and a foreign mother u11ited by tl1e bonds of a lawf11l marriage should, however, pr•)Ve before the Ethiopian A11thorities that l1e does not belong to the original nationality of his mother, if requested to do so. 7. A child born in lawf11l marriage o; a.11 Ethiopian mother with a foreigner is always able to recover the benefit to Ethio1Jia11 nationality, provided he lives in Ethiopia and proves div!sted of the paternal 11ationality . he is completely . .




8. If the lawful marriage according tD the 11a.tional law of the foreign fatl1er is posterjor to the birth of th.e child issued fron1 J1is relatio11s with a11 Ethiopian \Voman, the child legitimated tl1rot1gh tlus subse�uent marriage follows the nationality of his foreig11 father only on co11dition that the 11atio11al law of tl1e latter co11fers 11pon hin1 the foreign natio11ality \vitl1 all inhe:ing rigl1ts. O�erwise the cllild preserves l1js Ethiopian r1atjonaljty. .



_ . 9. The legitimatio11, ,vithot1t subsequent la\vfu'I ma.rriage betwee11 the f oreig11 fa;ther a.nd tl1e Etliiopian mother, of the child issued frob.1 the relation outside mar­ ri:age deprives the child of his Eth.iopia11 nationality only if the legitimation, 1nade in accordance witl1 tJ1e forms of law of 1he foreign father, co11fers 11pon the child tl1us ]egitimated the natio11ality of his fat1er with all inJ1ering right. .


NATION ALITY OF ETHIOPIAN CEILD ADOPTED BY A FOREIGNER , .. , 10. The adoption of an Ethiopia11 Ghild by a n1an or wom,1n of for:eign natio11ali­ ty, tl1e adoption being made in accordance with the forms of la,v of tl1e ado_pting person, does not imply any change of the ado 1)ted cl1ild 's original natio11ality. LOSS OF ETI'.JIOPit\N NATIONALITY •

-11. Loss of Ethiopian 11ationality: . (a)· Ethiopifl,ti subject wl10- acquires anotl1er nationality, . (b) Etl1iopiari wo111an throL1gh· marriage with a foreigner. (Art .. 4). - 236 ._ '1




NATURALIZAT'ION Every foreigi1er ft1lfilliug tl1e following co11ditio11s: Of ftill age accordi11g to the:regul,ttions of tl1e natio11al la\v, Resident in Ethiopia:for:at least five years, Able to earn his living, to _provide for }1imself a11cl l1is fatnily, K110\vi11g An1l1aric la11g11age J)erfectly, speaking a11cI wr.iting it flt1ently, Provi11g tl1at l1e has not 1)reviot1sly been co11den1ned to any p11nishment for cri1ne or break of con1mo11 law, may obtain the Ethiopian 11ationality. 12. (I) (a.) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(2) If the Imperial Etl1iopia11 Government dee1ns any foreigner wl10 applies for Ethiopian citizenship to be of value or if it finds otl1er special reason wh.ich convinces it tl1at the applicant sl1ould be gra11ted citize11sl1ip it may grant him/her Etl1iopia.11 citizensh.ip even if l1e / sl1e does not ft1lfil tl1e rec1uirements prescribed in Article 1.2 (b) and (d) of the Nationality Law of 1930. CONSOLlDATlON NOTE Arr1d. Ber/1ar1e11a Sela111, Vol. 9, No. 41 (October 5, 1933) (adding Subartic]e (2)).

13. The application for natL1ralization sl1all be 1nade b)' tl1e iI1terested perso11. to the Ministry of Foreig11 Affairs. To tl1is application shall be attached the f oreig11er's ide11tity papers togetl1er ,vith a certificate of imp1t11ity. 14. A special Government com111issio11 comprisi11g tl1e Minister of I11terior, tl1e Minister of Foreign Affairs and another Dignitary of the En1pire shall exami11e tl1e application, proceed to necessary inquiries a11d after l1avi11g heard the applica11t in person approve or refuse the naturalizatio11. 15. The 11aturalization shall be co11ferred by decree a11d the 11ew Ethiopia11 sL1bject shall take an oath of allegiance to tl1e Empire before the con1mission. 16. The naturalization tl1us conferred does not extend its effects to the legitin1ate wife of tl1e naturalized man, 11nless she applies personally for this benefit. RE-ADMISSION TO ETHIOPIAN NATIONALITY 17. Origi11al Ethiopian subjects having acqt1ired a foreign nationality may always obtain the benefit of Ethiopian Nationality whe11 they retur11 to reside in the co11ntry a11d apply to tl1e Imperial Government for re-admissio11. 18. An Etl1iopian woman having lost her Ethiopian nationality througl1 her marriage with a foreigner may res111ne it after the dissolutio11 of marriage by reason of divorce, separatio11 or tl1e death of her husband, if she ret11rns to domicile i11 Ethiopia and applies to the Ethiopia11 Goven1111ent for re-adn1ission to her original Ethiopian nationality. The present law abrogates every law previo11sly promulgated on this subject. Done at Addis Ababa 22nd day of July, 1930 (15th of Hamle 1922). - 237 •



B. Aliens and Immigration 28/25 (1969) P.271

A PROCLAMATION TO REGULATE TI-IE ISSUANCE OF TRAVE·rJ DOCUMENTS AND VISAS, AND REGISTRATION OF FOREIGNERS IN ETfllOPIA CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHJOPIA WHEREAS, tl1e improveme11t of economic, cultural and Social relations among nations in the modem world requires t�e establishment of procedures governing the n1oveme11t of persons to and from Ethiopia a11d Registration of Forejg11ers in Ethiopia. NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accordance with Article 34 a11d 88 of Ot1r Revised Constitution, We approye the resolt1tions of Ot1r Senate and Cl1amber of Dept1ties a11d We hereby proclaim as follows: I. Short Title: This proclamation may be cited as tl1e ''Proclamation regulating the issua.nce of Travel Docun1ents and Visas, and Registration of foreigners in Ethiopia, 1969."

2. Repeal: Unless tl1e contrary is clearly stated, all legislation, regulations and orders previously enforced covering matters provided for herein, wl1ether written or cus­ tomary, i11cluding, without limitation, the Immigration Procla1nation 1943 (Procla­ mation No. 36 of 1943) and the Foreigners (Registration) Proclamation 1944 (Procla­ mation No. 57 of 1944), are hereby repealed and replaced by this Proclan1ation. 3. Definitions: In this Proclamation, unless the co1 text otherwise requires: (1) ''child'' shall mean any person less than eighteen (18) years of age. (2) ''conveyance'' shall mean any vessel, ship, boat, aircraft, rail-road car, vehicle or other means of trans1Jortation capable of transporti11g one or more persons at a time; (3) ''dependant'' shall mean tl1e wife or child of, or any other person wl10 is st1bstantially. su.pported by, a foreigner; (4) ''foreigner'' shall mean any person carryi11g a travel doct1111e11t issued by a foreign government or international body recognized by Our Govern­ ment, and any person registered i 1 a foreign diplomatic 1nissio11 or cons1.1ltate of a foreign government as its national and shall i11clt1de llis dependant; (5) ''foreigner-in-transit'' shall mean any foreigner \Vl10 is on a contint1ot1s trip to a distination outside of Etbjo1Jia and wl10 is ten1porarily _l)resent in Ethiopia solely for the pt1rp)se of changi11g fro1n one co11veyance to another; --238 -



(6) �'perso11'' sl1all mea11 at1)' pl1ysical or natt1ral person at1d shall also i11cl11de any jt1ridical perso11; (7) ''port of E11try'' shall mean a desigi1ated point or place, located at or near �111dar)' of Etl1iopia, in tl1e of e11try into or departure fron1 Ethiopia b)' \Vater or by la11d, a11cl at or 11ear a11 airport in the case of e11try into or departure fron1 EtbioJ)ift by, at \Vllich perso11s and goods are allowed to e11ter i11to a11d depart fron1 Ethiopia, a11d at whicl1 Customs Inspectors and Imnugratiot1 Ofiicers are statio11ed for the purpose of ensur­ ing compliance with all _proced11res a11d forn1alities relati11g to the entry into or departt1re from Etl1iopia of persons and goods. (8) ''prescribed'' shall mean prescribed i11 Regt1lations issued hereunder; (9) ''resident foreigner'' sl1all n1ean any foreigner who has established a fixed abode i11 Ethiopia to \Vllich l1e rett1r11s fro1n tin1e to time, irrespective of \Vhetber or not l1e maintains a fixed abode in anotl1er country as well; (10) ''travel document'' sl1all mea11 a11y passport or other document bearing the photograph and sig11att1re of the person to whom issued and containing a statement by the iss11ing authority as to the natio11ality, if any, of other l1older, wbicl1 is isst1ed by Our Ministry of Foreig11 Affairs, or by a foreign governn1ent or by a11 i11ternational body recognized by Ot1r Government; (1 I) ''undesirable foreigner'' shall mean a11y foreigner, whether resident or non­ resident, who is declared to be sucl1 by Our Minister of Interior, because said foreigner: (a) bas no visible n1eans of support or is likely to become a pt1blic bt1rden; (b) has been convicted of a crime involving moral tt1rpitude i11 a foreign co1i11try or in Ethiopia; (c) bas been declared a cbro11ic alcoholic; (d) has been found gi.1ilty of disturbing or e11dangeri11g the Security of the State; (e) has been found guilty of pro1noting inm1orality in Ethiopia; or (f) has been found guilty of violating any provisio11 l1ereof or of any Regulations issued heret1nder. 4. Immigration Officers: (I) There shall be appoi11ted by Our Minister of Interior, an adequate number

of Immigration Officers, who shall be responsible for controlling entries into and departures from Ethiopia a11d for discharging such other duties and responsibilities imposed 11po11 Ot1r Minjster of Interior heret1nder as said Minister shall prescribe. (2) An Immigration Officer shall, i11 exercising lus duties and responsibilities heret1nder, be empowered to: (a) board and search any conveyance i11 Ethiopia; (b) i11spect travel docttments, visas and all other documents prescribed herein or in Reg11lations issued here11nder; . . (c) detain for investigation any person whom he has reason to believe 1s attempting to enter or depart from Ethiopia in violation of t� e require­ ments hereof or of any Regt1lations issued hereunder; provided, how­ ever, that any such perso11 sl1all be brought before the con1petent co11rt witho11t delay in accordance with the law: and

- 239 -



(d) detain for investigation aily co11veyance in Ethiopia in which there is reason to believe any perso.n is being carried into or out of Btl1iop ia in violation of any provision hereof or any Reg,ulations issued here­ tmder or with respect to which any st1ch violation has bee11 establish ed; provided, however, that tle matter shall be brought before the compe· tent court without delay 1nd in a.ccordance with tl1e law. 5. Issuance of Travel Documents: (I) Diplomatic, Special an.d Ordin1ry Passports sl1all be issued by OL1r Mi11ister of Foreign Affairs as follows: (a ) Diplomatic or special passport shall be issued to sL1ch perso11s as Ot1r Minister of Foreign Affairs shall prescribe. (b ) Ordinary passports s.hall be issued to Ethiopian nationals who go abroad for pleasure or on business; provided, however, that Our Minister of Foreign Affairs shall first satisfy himself that no such perso11 is likely to become a public charge while abroad. (2) En1erge11cy travel documents may be issued by Ot1r Minister of Foreign Affairs to any resident foreigner under st1ch conditions as he n1ay prescribe. (3) The duration of the validity of all travel docume11ts issl1ed by Our Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be detern1ined by him. 6. Entry into Ethiopia: (1) No foreig11er shall enter Ethiopia ttnless he is in possession of: (a) a valid travel doc11ment; (b) a valid visa; ( c) a valid it1ternational heal:h certificate demonstrating that he has re­ ceived sttch imn1unizations as Our Minister of· Public Health n1ay from , ti111e to time prescribe; aod (d) such other documents as Ot1r Minister of Foreig11 Affairs may fron1 tin1e to time prescribe. (2) A foreigner holding a transit or tot1rist visa shall in addition possess; (a ) a ticket valid for travel from Ethiopia to a11other cot1ntry; and (b) a valid visa and international health certificate as required for entry to s11cl1 country. (3) No foreig11 child shall enter Ethiopia unless; (b) he is in possession of a valid travel docu111e11t a11d valid visa and is received by an adult witl:in Ethiopia who ass111nes responsibility for bin1; or (b) he is registered in the tra·vel doc11ment of an adt1lt who accompani es hin1. 7. Type and Issuance of Visas: (I) Visas shall be issued to foreigners as follows: (a) TRANSIT VISA: (i) A transit visa shall be isst1ed by Ottr diplomatic and consular • .missions or by Our Minister of Foreign Affairs abroad or by Ot1r Minister of Interior at a port of entry. (ii) A transit visa shall Jpo11 issuance be valid t·or not more tl1an seve11 (7) days. - 240· -



(b) TO URIST VISA: (i) A . t�11rist visa shall be iS511ed by 011r diplon1.atic a11d co11sular 011r by or Mi11ister 1r 0 by or ons n11ss abroad irs a Aff Foreig11 of ! � _ M1n1ster of Inter.tor at a port of e11try. (ii) A to11rist visa shall, 11pon isst1a11ce, be valid for 11ot more than three (3) mo11ths. (iii) No foreig11er e11teri11g Etl1i)pia with a tot1rist visa shall be allowed to take up local en1ploy�11ent withi11 Etl1iopia. (c) ENTRY VISA: (l) An e11try visa sl1all be is;ued by Our diplomatic and cons11lar n1issions abroad or by Otli Minister of Foreign Affairs to a fore­ igner who i11te11ds to co1Tie to Etl1iopia for p11rposes other than those specified i11 paragraphs (a) a11d (b) above; provided, l1ow­ ever, that before isst1ing :111 entry visa to a11y foreigner falling \.Vitl1in any of the following categories, Our Mi1iister of Foreign Affairs shall consult with the appropriate Governn1ent Depart­ n1ent to determine wl1etl1e� or 11.ot an Ethiopian or Ethiopians i11 sufficient nt1mber are avaiable to do tl,e work or to occupy the post of such foreigner: (i) persons who are to be employed by Our Government; (ii) persons who are to be employed by private business enterprises; (iii) persons who intend to establish private business or industries or to e11gage in otl1er i11depende11t enterprises witl1in Ethiopia; (iv) persons who are to serve i11 private schools and l1ospitals establish­ ed witl1i11 Ethiopia; (v) persons who intend to take up residence in Ethiopia with or with­ out their depeQdant without being engaged in any gainft1l activity provided, further, that tl1e actt1al period of residence of the fore­ igner shall be detern1ined in accordance with Article 11 hereof. (2) Where serious or unforeseen difficulties arise, application for an extensio11 of the validity of transit and tourist visas may be submitted to Our Minister of Interior who may, where l1e deems it appropriate, grant such extension for a total of fifteen (15) days, in the case of a transit visa, and nine (9) months, in the case of a tourist vi�a. (3) Our Minister of Interior shall, frorn time to tin1e, prescribe ports of entry to Ethiopia. (4) Our Minister of Foreign Affairs may revoke any visa after its issuance but prior to the entry into Ethiopia of the foreigner to whom issued, if he deems such action necessary i11 the best interests of the country. 8. Refusal of Entry :

Any foreig11er who has been dec]ared a11 t1ndesirable foreigner shall not be all­ owed to enter i11to Ethiopia.

9. Departure from Ethiopia: (1) No person shall depart from Ethiopia ·unless he is in possession of: (a) A valid travel docu1nent; (b) A more valid exit visa; - 241


(c) A valid visa a11d it1ternatio11al health certificate as required for entry • to the country of destinat,i:>n. (2) Ou.r Minister of Interior may refuse to issue an exit visa; (a) If a court of competent j ruisdiction has ordered· that the person stay . , in Ethiopia; or (b) If a court of competent juri&liction has summoned the person to appear within one ( I.) month as a 'Nitness in a pending civil o·r criminal case. (3) Our Minister of Interior shall at his discretion issue a re-entry visa to any .resident-foreigner who wishes 10 leave Ethiopia for a temporary period. (4) Our Minister of Interior may,_ after the issua11ce of an exit visa or a re­ entry visa at any time, if he deens action ne�essary jn the best interests of the country. ..

10. Deportation:

(1) Any foreigner may be order:ed tc leave Ethiopia by Ot1r Minister of Interior; (a) if he bas entered Ethiopia in violation of ·any provisio11 hereof or of .. any regulations issued hereunder; or . • (b) if he is lawfully i11 Ethiop:a but whose .. visa or. residence permit, as the. case may be, has expired and 11ot be renewed. • (2) Our Minister. of Interior shall issue a deportatio11 order a11d effect the deportatioµ of a11y foreigner who has been declared an undesirable foreigner. (3) Upon the issuance of a deportation order, Our Minister of Interior shall inform the foreigner to be deported of the reason thereof, the date and the route by which he is to leave Ethiopia. (4 ) Any property owned by a foreigner being deported may be applied to the payment of transportation expenses. . (5) Our Mi11ister of Interior may in addition order the deportation of a11y deper1da11ts of the person bein� deported. •


11. R·eg.istration of Foreigners: (I) The following persons shall be required to register with Our Minister of Interior: (a) All foreigners -residing i11 Ethiopia; (b) Any foreigner who enters Ethiopia under an entry visa, within tlurly (30) days of the date of hls arrival. . ( 2) A11y foreigner who is registered under paragraph (1) of tllis Article 11 shall be iss11ed a residence permit valid for a period of one year fro111 tl1e date of his registration. (3) (a). Wl1enever req!,lested by a duly at1thorized official, a foreigner sl1all produce his residence pemit or the travel docun1ent under whicl1 lie entered Ethiopia. (b) Any foreigner who fails _ to produce l1is registratio11 permit or tr�v el . .·. . doc1�111ent _may _ be take� int� temporary ct1stody pending investigation of his n _ational1ty and 1dent1ty and, if ap1Jropriate, brougl1t befor e a cou.rt without delay. . . . - 242-



12. Notification of Change of Address:

(1) If any foreig11er holdi11g a reside11ce ?ermit changes his residence from one to a11other, he shall, p1ior to 111aki11g s11ch c11ange, so notify city or tO\\'ll . the office at wl1icl1 be is registered. (2) S11ch foreigner sl1all register i11 l1is rew place of reside11ce within ten (10) days of taki11g 11p residence there.

13. Information to be Provided b)1 1-Iotel and Innkeepers: l-Iotel Ma11agers, In11keepers a11d proprietors of sin1ilar establishments where ]edgings are let on a daily or otl1er basis sl1all: {l) req11ire that all foreig11ers sl1all pro"ide such i11formation as may be pre­ scribed; a11d (2) transmit s11cl1 inforn1ation at s11cl1 tin1es a11d to such offices as may be prescribed. 14. Responsibilities of Masters of Conveyances Touching Ports o� Entry into Ethiopia (I) The master of any conveyance carrying any foreigner who intends to enter Ethiopia shall ensure that each s11cb. foreigner satisfies the requirements of Article 6 hereof. (2) The master of any co11veya11ce carrying any foreigner who intends to enter Ethiopia sh.all be responsible for e11;11ring that s11ch foreigner lands only at designated ports of entry. (3) The master of any conveyance wl10 fails to comply with the requirements to carry to paragrap11s (I) and (2) above shall be required, at his expense, ·· out of Ethiopia any foreigner co11cer11ed. (4) The master of a11y co11veya11ce carr)'ing persons into or out of Ethiopia shall, 11po11 arrival at and prior to depart11re from a11y port of entry, submit to the Im1nigratio11 Officer at such rort a list of all persons being carried into or out of Ethiopia, whicl1 list shal l meet such requirements as Our Minjster of Interior may prescribe. (5) The master of any co11veyance carrying any person out of Ethiopia shall be responsible for determining that each such person satisfies the require­ ments of paragraph (I) of Article 9 hereof. 15. Exemptions from Coverage hereunder: The provisions hereof shall not apply to :·oreign officials of diplomatic or con­ sular missions accredited to Ethiopia and members of international organiza­ tio11s on the basis of reciprocity, international practice or convention to whicl1 Ethiopia is a party. 16. Polver to Issue Regulations: (I) 011r Nlinister of Interiqr is 11ereby a11thorized to issue Regulations consist­ ent herewith a11d: (a) designating ports of e11try to Ethiopia; • (b) setti11g forth the procedures to govern the declaration of a foreigner as an u11desirable foreigner; (c) setting forth tl1e procedures to govern the registration of foreigners hereunder and desig·nating the offices at which such registration may be made·' - 243 -



(d) setting forth the procedt1res to govern the issu.ance and renewal of residence permits; (e) fixing fees to be paid in connectio� with the issua� ce of exit_ visas, : the extensio,n of transit an1· tourist visas, the reg1strat1on of fore1g]1ers, and the issuance and renewal of residence permits; (f) prescribe the type of infom1ation_ to b� provided and o�ces to_ which such information shall be subm1tted 10 accordance with Article 13 hereof; (g) setting forth the procedu1es to govern the issuance of a deportation order; (h) setting forth procedures tu govern the extension of a transit or tou rist visa; (i) setting forth the procedu1es to govern the iss11ance of an exit visa; and (j) generally for the better carrying out of the dt1ties and respo11sibilities imposed on him hereunder. (2) Our Minister of Foreign Affairs is hereby at1thorized to iss11e Regulations consistent herewith, and (a) setting forth the proced11r<:s to gover11 the application for a11d iss11a11ce of travel documents; (b) setting forth procedures tu gover11 the application for and issuance of transit, tourist and entry visas; (c) prescribing additional docu111ents to be complied witL1 by persons seeking to e11 ter Ethiopia; (d) fixing fees to be paid in connectio11 witl1 tl1e iss11a11ce of travel doct1ments and transit, tourist and entry visas; (e) generally, for the better carrying 011t of tl1e d11ties and responsibilities imposed 011 him hereu11der.

17. Penal Provisions: (1) A11y foreig11er who in violaticn ot· tl1is Proclan1ation enters Ethiopia, or wilfully remains in Ethiopia after ca11cellation of his reside11t permit or after the expiration of tl1e period for whicl1 his permit was granted, sl1all on conviction be liable to pu11ishment 1rnder paragraph two (2) of this Article 17. (2) Any person who: (a) leaves or atten1pts to leave Ethjopia i11 vio.latio11 of Article nine (9) hereof; or (b) assists any perso11 to enter or to leave Etl1iopia knowi11g that st1cl1 other person l1as not been. a11thorized to do so; or r to foreigner rer any ain in Ethiopia k11owjng tl1at s11ch foreig11er assists ) (c has no right to do so; or (d) by fraudulent means obtai11s for hin1self or JJroc11res for a third person any type of visa or a resident permit for 11se in Etl1iopia; shall on conviction be liable to be punished by i1npriso11n1e11t 11p to five (5) years or fine 11p to $10,000 (Ten Thot1sand) Ethiopian Dollars, or both. - 244 -

l I




(3) The master of a11y co11,1eyance wl10: (a) knowingly brings i11to or carries ot1t of Etl1io_pia a11y perso11 in viola­ tion of a11y provision l1ereof or of a11y Regt1lations isst1ed heret111der; or (b) fails to provide a con1plete and trt1e list of all perso11s brought into or carried out of Ethiopia; (c) fails to exercise dt1e care to establish tl1at only perso11s duly at1thorizect are brot1gl1t i11to or carried ot1t of Etl1iopia; (d) fails to carry out of Etl1iopia any foreigner covered by the provisio11s of paragrapl1 (3) of Article 14 hereof; is punisable with simple in1priso111ne11t of 11ot n1ore tl1an two years or fine of not n1ore tha11 $5,000 (Five T.l1ot1sa11d) Ethiopia11 Dollars, or both. (4) A11y foreig11er req11ired to .register or to renew his reside11ce permit p11rs11ant l1ereto wl10 fails to do so is p1111isl1able with simple in1prisonment of not n1ore tl1a11 two (2) years or fine of 11ot more than $2,000 (Two Tl1ot1sand) Ethiopian Dollars, or botl1. (5) A11y person who; (a) ,vilf11lly obstrt1cts, hi11ders, resists or i11terfere with a11 Imn1igratio11 Officer in the Ia,vf11l performa11ce of his duties; or (b) violated a11y provisio11 hereof or of a11y Regulatio11s iss11ed hereu11der ,:vhich is not otherwise covered i n this Article 17 is p11nishable in ac­ cordance ,vith tl1e Penal Code. (6) In the case where tl1e J)erso11 co11victed tinder paragraphs 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, of this Article 17 is a juridical perso11, tl1e pu11ishment shall be a fine of up to $20,000 (Twenty Tl1ousand) Ethiopia11 Dollars. 18. Effective Date:

This Proclamation sl1all enter into force thirty (30) days after tl1e date of its publication in the Negarit Gazetta. •

D011e at Addis Ababa this 2211d day of July, 1969.

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Section 10 DEFENCE AND ARMED FORCES . - 3/10 (1944) P. 63* A PROCLAMATION GOVERNING THE WEARING OF l\1ILITARY UNIFORMS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS:1. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Proclamatio11 Governing the Wear­ i11g of Military Uniforms, 1944''. 2. The term ''military uniform'' includes all insignia, belts, caps, badges, buttons, shoulder marks, ribbons, stripes, n1edals and distinctions as well as swords, side arms and all articles of clothing, in:luding coats and capes, commonly referred to as military uniforms of any nation. Anid. 7/5 (1948) P.96 Art. 2.


3. No person other than a member of His Imperial Majesty's Reg11lar Am1ed Forces may wear any Ethiopian military uniform. 4. No member of His Imperial Majesty's Armed Forces may sell or other\vise dispose of any military 11niform witho1Jt special permission of the Ministry of De­ fence. 5. No tailor or sm.ith may produce a11y part of a military uniform \Vit11out authorization from the Ministry of National Defence. 6. Any person violating the provisions of the present Proclan1atio11 shall, upo11 conviction be liable to punishn1ent in accordance with Articles 338, 339, 340 or 364 of the Penal Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 4/9 (1945) P.76 Sched. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1; i111pl. an1d. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 338-40, 364 (providing punis.hment for unauthorized manufacture of, traffic in or ,vear· ing of military uniforms, insignia or decorations, for violating provisions isst1ed to safeguard military interests and for violating provisions concerning import, storage or transport of n1aterials subject to prohibition, licence or control).


*INfRODUCTORY F001'NOTE Amd. 4/9 (1945) P.76, 7/5 (1�48) r.96; con·.�/? (1948) C.20; imp/. arr1d. 13/3 (1953) 0.11, lJen . C. 16/Ex.1 (1957). All references in tl11s law, as or1gmally published to the "Ministry of War'' have been impliedly amended by 13/3 (1953) 0.11, 3 Consol. L. Erl,. l -to read "Ministry of National Defence." These implied amendments are not individually noted.

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---- ... -

-· ...

. 7..011r Mi�ster of Natio11al Defe11ce is cliarged with tl1e execution of tb . e pre. . se11t Proclan1at1on. · · 8. This Proclamation shall co1ne into force on tl1e tl1irtieth day followi 11 g its


· . ..

9. (I) No· person shall \Vithout a permit issued by Ot1r Minister of National Defence: · (i) in1 port, sell or dispose or offer or .atte1npt to i111port, sell or dispose · of any 1nilitary uniforn1; (ii) possess, acquire or buy, or offer or attempt to acquire or buy, any military uniform"" (2) A11y ag�11t of -Our Mi11ister of Natio11al Defence, authorized in that behalf 111ay seize any military unifortn \Vhicl1 l1e l1as good reaso11 to believe will be the s11bject of a conviction under this Proclamatio11. He may hold the n1ilitary uniforn1 so seized until an order for its disposal l1as been made by a court of compete11t jurisdiction.

Added 7/5 (1948) P.96.


10. (1) Any person desiring to obta-i11 a permit under Article 9 of this Proclan1a­

tion shall apply in writing .to Our Minister of Natio11al Defe11ce. . . (2) Our Minister of National Defence shall, in his absolute discretio11 such permit, subject to conditions. grant or refuse ·such permit, or . . grant . (3) If any person to whom a ·per·mit has- been granted subject to conditions, fails to. comply with· such conditio11s ·he shall be guilty of an offence agai11st this Proclamatio11.

Added 7/5 (1948) P.96:


.. .

11. (I) All traders and owners of warehouses and storage sheds owning or having in their po��(?ssion, _ charge or control any military 11niforms, whether i11

their actual or constructive possession ·or in storag_e or awaiting delivery or clear­ ance at Our Customs, shall within fifteen (I 5) days from the date of the publication of.this Proclamation declare the· san1e-'in ·writing ·to Our Minister of National Defence and shall furnish l1im with all in�formation . concer11ing s11ch military 11niform. (2) The declaratio11 required under section (I) of this Article shall contain: (i) a full description of the military uniform including the quality and · type of article; .. (ii) the number of articles of military uniform·; . . ·· (iii) the 11ame of the country _of origin. · ·· · · . (3) Any person who knowingly makes a declaration Tor the purpose of this Proclamation which. is fals.e. or .incorrect in a material particular shall be _guilty of an offenc� . against this Proclamation, �nd in ad��on the co11rt may order the materials in respect of which the conv1ct1on is made to be forfeited to the Imperial Gov�rnment. _.. .. Added 1/5 (1948) P.96.


- 247 -



12. Our Minister of National Defeoce, or bis duly authorized agent, may do all or any of the followiog things:(i) enter at all reasonable a11d sea� ch_ any premises o� place � here he has reasonable grounds for bel1ev1ng that there 1s a m1l1tar y uniform which has been acquired or is being offered for sale in contravention of this Proclamation. (ii) make such enquiries and exa.minations as may be necessary for ascertaining the origin of any military uniform in the possession of any person� (iii) in the presence of a police officer not below t� 1e ra11k o� � nspector, require the production of docume�ts to establish the or1g1n of and • subsequent transactions c�oncerning any military uniforms. Added 1/5 (1948) P.96.


Done at Addis Ababa this 28th day of Ju11e, 1944. 3/11 (19�4) P. 68 * A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF A FORCE STYLED THE IMPERIAL ARMY CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE S3LASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETiilOPIA WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Imperial Army Proclamation, 1944''. 2. In this Proclan1ation, unless the context otherwise requires: ''commanding officer'' n1ean� the officer in command of a battalio11, and in relation to any officer or soldier means the officer in con1mand of the battalio11 to which such officer or soldier belongs; ''enemy'' includes all armed mutineers, armed rebels and armed rioters; ''imprisonment'' means imprisonment with hard labour unless the cot1rt imposing such imprisonment otherwise :>rders; ''officer'' means an officer commissioned by .His Imperial Majesty; ''soldier'' does not include an officer but otherwise includes every perso11 subject to this Proclamation; ''person'' means an officer or soldier subject to military law, and nothing in this 'Proclamation shall affect a civilian unless the contrary is specifically stated. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . The original reference to "an officer seconred from the British Army'' has been omitted as obsolete. *INTRODUCTCRY FOOTNOTE A1nd. 4/9 (1945) P.76; i1np/. a,ncl. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957), Crim. Pro. C 21/Ex.l (1961).

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(i) There sl1all be established a11d n1ai11tai11ed i11 Our Etnpire one or more battalio11s of i11fa11try and st1cl1 otl1er troops as 1nay fron1 ti111e to tin1e be clecided. (ii) The army sl1all be cl1arged witl1 tl1e defe11ce of Our EmJ)ire a11d tl1e 111aintena11ce of good. order. PART II DISCIPLINE

4-33. [These Articles, ,.vh a11d Punisl11ne11ts: Offe11ces in . ich dealt ,vitl1 ''Crin1es . Respect of Military Service'' and ''Offe11ces Pt1nisha ble by Ordinary Law'' were imp­ liedly repealed by Penal Code, Titie III, Chapter I, ''Military Offences'', Pen. C. I 6/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 296-331 (comprel1e11sively legislating with regard to serious military offences) and by Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex.l (1961) Art. 4 Scl1ed. A (prescribing c.rimioal jurisdictio11 of military and civil courts). Precise parallels between the impliedly repealed provisions of the prese11t Proclamatio11 a11d the provisions of the Penal Code are not possible. Some acts formerly specified as ''Offences i11 respect of Military Service'' tinder this Proclamation are no lo11ger classified as ''Nli]itary Offenses'' in the Pe11al Code but are dealt witl1 under other provisions thereof. Under the Crimi11al Procedt1re Code jurisdiction over all non-military offe11ces is given to the civil co11rts.] COMPLAINTS BY SOLDIERS 34. When an officer or soldier receives a lawful order from l1is superior officer. he must obey immediately without demur or hesitatio11. If after obeying the order he feels that he has a grievance, he n1ay complain thereof to his company con1mander. If after seeing his con1pany con1n1ander, he still feels aggrieved he may request to see his Commanding Officer. If after seeing his Con1n1anding Officer, he still feels aggrieved he 111ay complai11 thereof to the General Officer Commanding the Army. If he is not co11tent with the ruling of the General Officer Commandi11g the Army or in his absence l1is repre­ sentative, he may request tl1at his grievance be laid before Us, as Commander-i11Chief of the Imperial Regular Army. 35. [Imp/. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) (comprehensively providing penal­ ties for serious n1ilitary offences, which was the f11nction formerly performed by this Article).] ARREST 36. Tl1e following regulations shall be observed with respect to perso11s when charged with offences punishable under Articles 296-331 of the Penal Code (I) every perso11 when so charged 1nay be taken i11to military custody: Provided that in every case where any offender ren1ai11s in sucl1 military custody for a longer period than eight days without a co11rt-martial for his trial being ordered - 249 -



- -. t. o assemble, a specjal re_lX)rt of the necessity for further delay shall be made by commandmg officer ·a.nd . a similar rep<rt shall be. forwarded every fourteen days until a court-martial is assembled or the offender 1s released from custody; (2) military custody means putting tl1e offender under arrest or putting him in confinement. (3) an officer or non-commissioned officer may order into military custody any soldier of the army, and any sucl1 order shall be ob�yed notwithstanding the person giving the order and the person in respecl of whom the · order· is given do not belong to the same corps, arm or brandi of the service; (4) an officer or non-commissioned officer, or non-commissioned officer com­ manding a guard, or a provost marshal cr, assistant provost marsl1al, shall not refuse to receive or keep any person who is mm,mitted to l1is custody by any officer or non-commissioned officer who commits any person into custody to deliver at the time of such committal or as soon a.s p�acticable and in every case within twenty­ four hours thereafter, to the officer, noo-commissioned officer· , provost-martial or assistant provost-martial, into whose custody the person is committed, an account either verbal or in writing of the offence with which the person so committed is charged; (5) the charge made against every person ta.ken 'into military· c.ustody sha]I without unnecessary delay be investiga'.ed by the proper military authority, and, as soon as may be, either proceedings shall be taken for punishing. tl1e offence or such person shall be discharged from custody. -. CONSOLIDATION NOTE '


a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 2�6-331 (defining seriot1s military offences, thus in,­

pliedly repealing provisions of the present Proclamation performing tl1ose functions, and thereby, implied(�, amending former reference in this Article to ''offences punishable under this Proclan1a­ tion ''). See also Crin1. Pro. C. 21/Ex.1 (1961) Art. 4 Sched. A (giving Militar)' Courts jurisdiction to try violatio11s of Penal Code Arts. 296-331) •




37. The Commanding Officer shaD, 11pbn an investigation being n1ade of a charge made against a person of having committed an offence under ·the Pehal Code or � ·disci.pljnary offence, dismiss 'the charge, if he in his discretion thinks. tl1at it ought not to be proceeded with; but where he thinks the charges ought to be proceed­ ed with, l1e may take steps for bringing 1he offender to a co11rt-martial or in the case of a soldier he may deal with the case summarily. .. . Where he deals with the ca�e su mmarily: (1) If the offender is a soldier not being a non-commissioned officer, tl1e com­ manding officer may, within the limits of punishment prescribed by the ·Penal Code and, i11 cases of disciplinary offences, b1 the Code of Petty Offe11ces: A. save in the case of absence without leave or drunkeness, impose 011 the offender any one or n1ore of the foilowing pt1nishn1ents: .. . . '(a) award the offender imprisc,nment for any J)eriod 11ot exceeai11g forty­ t\vo (42) days; (b) dismiss the offender from the Army; (c) impose a fine not exceeding twenty-one -(21) days pay, to be levied by stoppages from the offender's pay; - 250-



- (d) order tl1e offende·r to SL1ffer aLly dedL1ction from l1is ordi11ary pay to make good the an1ou11t of any loss or damage l1e 1nay l1ave caused; (e) o!der confi11e1ne11t to barracks for a11y period 11ot exceedi11g twenty­ eight (28) days, s11cl1 co11finen1ent i11volvi11g tl1e taki11g of all dtities in reg11lar tt1r11, atteL1di11g _parades a11d pt111ishn1e11t drills 11ot exceeding 011e (1) ho11r at a ti111e 11or fot1r (4) l1ot1rs i11 all 011 tl1e same day, ex­ clL1sive of ordi11ary paracles, a11d also liability to employ111ent on duties . of fatigue; . (f) order extra g11ards a11d pickets, but 011ly for .111i11or offe11ces or i. rregulari­ ties wl1en on or parading for gL1ard or picket; (g) avvard corporal punishme11t 11ot exceeding twenty strokes in lieu of or in addition to other pu11isl1me11t under tl1is Article: Provided tl1at tl1e General Officer Corn111andi11g the Arn1y sl1all, by regt1lations, prescribe the instr111ne11t witl1 ,vhich corporal punishme11t sl1all be i11flicted and that, 111tless the offender be on active service, corporal punisl1111e11t sl1all 11ot be awarded except for offences committed on t11e line of march against the perso11s or property of inhabita11ts of the co11ntry; · -Provided f1irther that each case i11 ,vl1ich corporal punishment is awarded sl1all be reported at the san1e time by tl1e Co111manding Officer to tl1e Ge11eral Officer Commanding the Army; (h) 011 active service award st1ch field pt111ish1nent as 1nay be directed by rules to be made from time to tin1e by tl1e Ge11eral Officer Co1n111anding tl1e Army; st1cl1 field .Punishment sl1all be of the character of persot1al restraint or of hard labour b11t shall not be of a natt1re to caL1se i11jL1ry to life or limb, and shall be a,varded for any period 11ot exceeding t\\renty-eight (28) days; for tl1e pt1rpose o.f co1n1nt1tation of p11nish111ent such field p11nisbment shall be deemed to stand i11 the scale of p11nisl1ments next below impriso11ment; (i) 011 active service, i11 addition to, or witl1out a11y other pt111ish111ent, order tl1at tl1e offender forfeit all ordi11ary pay for a period commenci11g on the day of the sentence and 11ot exceedi11g twenty-eigl1t (28) days. B� In. the case of absence witho11t leave of a soldier 11ot being a non-coin� missioned officer, the co1nmanding officer may deal with the case summaril)1 .. a11d may a,vard im_prisonme11t up to any period nqt· exceeding forty-two d.ays or confi11ement to barracks; Provided that the IJeriod of impriso11me11t awarded, if exceeding seve11· days, · sl1all not exceed the term of absence. A soldier not bei11g a non-commissioned officer shall also forfeit one day's ·· · pay for 'every day of absence. C. The offe11ce of dr11nkenness by a soldier 11ot · bei11g a no11-co1nrnissio11ed offi.cer n1ay be dealt witl1 and summarily p1111ishe� by tl1e commaodi11g officer as t�ollows: (a) for tl1e first offence the offender shall be ,tdn1onished or co11fined to barracks, but no fine shall be inflicted; (b) for the second a11cl every s11bsequent offe11ce as follows: if within tl1ree (3) n1onths of the previous offe11ce, by fine to the amoL1ot of ni11e (9) days' 1Jay with or ,vitl1011t confinement to barracks; if over - 251 -

--· -----------------------mont s of th previous offence,



by � � th.ree (3) months and within six (6) fine to the amount of six (6) days' pay with or without confinement to barracks; If over six (6) n1onths a.nd within nine(;) mon�hs of �e previous offen.ce, by fine to the am , o11nt of three (3) days pay w1th or without confi11ement to barracks; if over nine (9) months of the previo11s offe11�e, by admonitio11 or con­ finement to barracks; all such fines to be levied by stoppages from the offender's pay; (c) where a soldier not being a non-con1missio11ed officer is liable to a fi11e, and four (4) preceding instances of drunkenness have been recorded against him within the pre\ious twelve (12) months, an a1nount of three (3) days' pay shall be added to the amount of the fine imposed; (d) for a11 act of drunkenness on duty, or when an act of drunken11ess is accompa.nied by any other offence, the offender may be sentenced, a.s provided by sub-sectio11 (1) of this Article, to imprisonn1ent or con­ finement to barracks in a.ddi1io11 to the fine. (2) A. If the offender is a warra11t or 11011-con1111issioned officer, the conm1anding officer may, within the limits of p1111ishment prescribed by the Penal Code and, in cases of discipli11ary offeJFeS, by the Code of Petty Offences, impose on the offender any one or more of tl1e following punishn1e11ts, that is to say he may: (a) reprin1a11d, severely reprin1aJd, or reduce a11y ,varrant or 11011-com.­ missio11ed officer to a 1ower ra11k or to the ranks; (b) disn1iss the offender fron1 tle arn1y; (c) in1pose a fine not exceeding twenty-one (21) days' pay to be levied by stoppages fro111 the offe11der's pay; (d) order the offender to suffer any ded11ctio11 fro111 his ordinary pay to 111ake good the amount of ,ny loss or da111age he may have cat1sed. B. A warrant or non-commissioned officer shall also forfeit 011e day's pay for every day of absence without leave. C. A ,varrant or non-comn1issioned officer convicted of dr11nken11ess may be fi11ed as laid dow11 in Subarticle (1) (C) of tllis Article i11 additio11 to any of the punishn1ents laid down in Subarticle (2) (A) of tl1is Article.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE I,npl. a111d. Pen. C. J 6/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 2%-331, 748 (see Co1Jsolidation Note to Article 36 of the present Proclamation). Since Article 35 was impliedly repealed and since Subarticles (1) (A) (g) and (1) (A) (h) of the present Article were dependent on part of Article35, those Subarticles have been in1pliedly an1ended to incorporate n1uch of the language of the forner Article 35 (ii) - (v).

POWERS OF OFFICER COMMANDING A DETACHMENT 38. Any officer con1manding a detachment 111ay exan1ine into tl1e truth of a11y charge against a soldier, and if l1is decisio11 is against the accused he 1nay impose on him any one or more of tl1e following p1111ishments, \\1itl1in tl1e limits of punish­ ment prescribed by the Pe11al Code a11d, in cases of disciplinaf)' offences, by the Code of Petty Offences:

- 252-



(I) if a soldier not bei11g a 11011-co111111issio11ed officer, save in tl1e case of absence witbot1t leave or of drl111kenness: (a) impriso11t11e11t for a11y J)eriod 11ot exceecli11g f ot1rtee11 ( 14) days; (b) fi11e 11ot exceecli11g te11 ( l 0) days' pay, to be leviecl by stoppages fron1 tl1e offender's l)ay; (c) co11fi11en1ent to barr,1cks for a11y period. 11ot exceedi11g twe11ty-011e {21) da.ys, st1cl1 co11fi11e111e11t .i11volvi11g tl1e taking of all duties in reg11lar t11rn, atter1cling parades a11cl pu11ishme11t drills, 11ot exceeding 011e l1ot1r at a tin1e, for fo11r l1011rs i11 all 0,1 tl1e sa.n1e day, exclusive of ordi11ary parades, a11d also liability to e1111)loy1ne11t on duties of fatigue; {d) in adclitio11 to or \vitl1011t any other pt111ishme11t, dedt1ction from or­ dinary pay to n1ake good tl1e an1ot111t of a11y loss or dan1age l1e may have ca11sed; (e) extra guards a11d Pickets, bt1t 011ly for n1i11or offences or irregularities . when 011 or paradi11g for gt1ard or picket; (2) If a no11-co1111nissioned officer: (a) fine not exceeding te11 (10) days' pay to be levied by stoppages fro111 the offender's pay; (b) repri1nand; (c) deductio11 fron1 his ordi11ary pay to 111ake good the a111ou11t of any loss or damage l1e n1ay have caused; (3) A. Tl1e offence of drt111ken11ess by a soldier n1ay be dealt witl1 a11d st1m1narily punished, as laid down i n Article 37 (I) (C) a11d Article 37 (2) (C) of this P . roclamatio11 by s11ch officer. B. In tl1e case of absence without leave, the soldier 111ay be dealt \Vith as laid down in Article 37 (I) (B) and Article 37 (2) (B). CONSOLIDATION NOTE J11·1pl. a111cl. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 296-331, 748 (See Consolidation Note .to Article 36 of the present Proclamation).

39. (1) It shalJ be la\.vft1l for tl1e co111n1anding officer by writi11g u11der l1is l1a11d to confer the powers of a comn1a11di11g officer, as defined by Article 37 of tl1is Procla­ mation, on the officer comn1anding a11y detachme11t, u11der such restrictio11s and for such period as he may think fit, a11d to revoke the sa111e. A11y sentence of reductio11 in the case of a non-commissioned officer, and any sentence of dismissal from the service, imposed 1111der this Article, shall be st1bject to the approval of tl1e con1manding officer. (2) Whenever it shall appear to the officer comma11diog a detachment that tl1e offe11ce which any soldier has committed wot1ld, by reason of its seriousness or by reason of the previous offences of the accused, 11ot be adeqt1ately pt111ished by any of the aforesaid pt1nishments, or combi11atio11 of punisb111ents, l1e shall delay passing sentence and sha11 report the whole proceedi11gs in the case to the comma.nding officer, who may send back s11cl1 report for any f11rther inquiry he co11siders requisite, or may make any fL1rther or other order, or may rehear the case as he n1ay see fit. (3) Any awards of punishment tinder this Article shall be subject to any remis­ sion the comman.ding officer may order, bt1t cannot be increased. '

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POWERS OF OFFIC-ER COMMANDING A COMPAN Y 40. Ai1y officer con1Diandi11g a con1pa11r 111ay_ exa1uine i11to the tr11tl1 of atiy charge a.gainst a soldier, a11d, if his decis�o11 1s _against�used, _he_ may i111pose upon him any one or more of the followin� pun1sbn1e11ts, �1�111? tl1e l1m1ts of punisll­ me11t prescribed by the Penal Code and, 1n the case of d1sc1pl1nary offe11ces, by the Code of Petty Offences: (1) if a soldier not being a 11on-con1111issio11ed officer, save in t11e case of abse1ice ,,1 itho11t leave or dr·unkenness: (a) confinement to barracks for any period 11ot · exceeding seven (7) days; (b) extra guards and pickets, but only for n1inor offe11ces or irreg11larities when on, or parading for, guard or picket; (c) dedt1ction ·from his ordit1ary pay to make good the amo11nt of any loss or dan1age he may have caused; (2) if a 11011-conm1issioned officer: reprin1a11d � (3) i11 tl1e case of a.bse11ce without leave, the soldier 111ay be dealt with as laid clow11 i11 Article 37 (1) (C) and Article 3, (2) (C). (4) in the case of drunken11ess the soldier may be dealt with as laid down in Article 37 (1) (C) and Article 37 (2) (C). Similar powers may at tl1e discretio11 of the commandit1g officer be give11 to a11y other officer temporarily i11 comma11d of a compa11y. A11y awards of pu11ishment under th.s Article shall be subject to a11y remissio11 the com111anding officer may order, bt1t cannot be increased. CONSOLIDATION NOTE . ln1pl. <1111cl. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. l (1957) Arts. 2%-331, 748 (see Consolidation Note to Article 36 of tl1e present Proclamation).

Courts • Martial

41. (1) For the purposes of this Prcclamatio11 and the Penal Code, tl1er� shall be t\\ 0 kinds of courts-1nartial, that is to say: (a) general court-111artial; (b) district court-martial. (2) A general cot1rt-1nartial sl1all be convened b)' tl1e ge11eral Officer Comn1and­ l cot1rt-111artia a general iL1g the Ar1ny or son1e officer derivi11g autl1ority to conve11e · from. the Ge11eral Officer Con1manding tl1e Army. .. (3) A district co11rt-martial shall be co11ve11ed by a11 officer at1tl1orized to co11vene a district court-n1artial or some other officer derivi11g at1thority to convene a district court-111artial fro1n a11 officer at1tl1orized to conve11e general courts-martial. (4) A ge11eral court-111artial sl1all consist of 11ot less tl1a11 five.officers each of \vhom n1ust have l1eld a con1mission i11 Ot1r service of not less tl1a11 three (3) years, 11nless the officer co11veni11g the cot1rt-1n�rtial is of 01)inio11 tl1at five (5) officers are not available, having due regard to the p11blic service, i11 wl1icl1 case tl1e court-martial may consist of three officers, i11 whicl1 case also the conve11i11g officer- may !)reside . (5) A district cottrt-martial shall co11sist of 11ot less th,111 tl1ree officers , · each one: of wl1on1 1nust l1ave held a con11nissio11 in Ot1r service for 11ot· less tl1an two (2) years. - 254 1



(6) A general cot1rt-n1artial sl1all ]1�1ve JO\ver to try all persons for offe11ces i11 Articles 296-331 of tl1e Pe11al Code or for disciplinary offe11ces a11d to pass sente11ce of deatl1 or such less IJt111isl1111e11t as i11 tl1c Pe11al Code or tl1is Proclamatio11 111et1tio11ed: Provided that if tl1e cot1rt-111artial co11sists of less tl1a11 five 111embers, se11tence of death shall not be pa.ssed 011 a11y priso11�r \Vitl1011t tl1e concurrence of all tl1e members. (7) A district court-martial s]1all 11ot a1varcl tl1e pt111isl1me11t of death or of i111prisonment in excess of t\vo years, b11t, subject as aforesaid, a11y offence tinder Articles 296-331 of tl1e Pe11al Code a11d a11J disciplinary offence con11nitted by a person may be !ried a11d pt111ished by a district court-martial. (8) Tl1e preside11t of a cot1rt-martial shall be appoi11ted by order of the at1thority convening the Court and, i11 tl1e case qf a dist�ict co11rt-n1artial, the conve11ing officer may appoint himself as presidet1t. (9) One (I) of the n1e111bers of the cot1rt shall, if possible, be a11 officer of the battalion i11 \Vhich the person acct1sed is serving, a11d tl1e other me1nbers of tl1e court n1ay be officers of otl1er 11nits of tl1e army. CONSOLIDATICN NOTE l111pl. a111cl. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 296-331, 748 (see Cossolidation Note to Article 36 of the present Proclamation).

FIELD GENERAL COTJRTS-MARTIAL 42. (I) Where a complaint is n1ade to any officer in coIIDnand of any detach­ n1ent or portion of troops or to the con1111anding officer of any cor1Js or portio.11 of a cor1Js on active service, or to a11y officer i11 in1n1ediate command of a body of forces on active service, that an offence l1as been committed by a11y.person, then, if in the opinion of such officer it is not practicable that s11cl1 offe11ce shot1ld be tried by an ordi11ary general court-n1artial, it sl1all be lavft1l for him, altho11gl1 not at1thorized to convene general courts-martial, to conve11� a court-martial in this Proclamation referred to as a field general co11rt-martial, fc ,r the trial of the person, charged with such offence: Provided as fallows : (a) an officer in co111n1a11d of a deta:;h111e11t or portion of troops 011 active service shall 11ot co11vene a field general "co11rt-martial for the trial of any person unless that perso11 s tinder comma11d nor 11nless the offence with which the person is charged is an offence agai11st the pro­ perty or person of an inhabitant of or resident in the co1111try in which the offence is alleged to l1ave reen committed; (b) a field general court-1nartial shill consist of not less tl1a11 three (3) officers, 11nless tl1e officer convening the same is of the opi11ion that tl1ree (3) officers are not available havi11g due regard to the public service in which case the court-martial n1ay consist of two officers; (c) tl1e conveni.11g officer may preside; but he shall whenever he deems it practicable -appoint another oflicer as president, who may be of any rank, but shall, if practicable i11 the opinion of the convening officer, be not belo'rv the rank of captain; - 255

....c.. ·




(d) where a field general oourt-nartial consists of less than three (3) officer s, the sentence shall not exceed imprisom.ment or such field punishment as may be directed by r11les to be n1ade from time to time by the Genexal Officer Commanding the Army; such field punishment shall be o·f the character of personal restraint or of hard labour, bt1t shall not be of a natt1re to cause injury to l.ife or limb.

(2) Nothing in Article 41 of this Proclamation, except Suba.rticle (9) thereof, s.hall apply to a field general court-martial but sentence of death shall not be passed on any prisoner by a field general court-martial without the concurrence of all the membe;rs. (3) A field general court-martial, may try any person who is under the comma.nd - ce of the convening officer, and is charg�d with any disciplinary offence or offen Articles 296-331 of the Penal Code and may award for such oftence any se11tence which a general court-martial is co1npetent to award for such offence; Provided always, that no sentence of any such court-martial shall be executed t111til confirn1ed as provid.ed by this Proclamation. CONSOLIDATION NOT'E J11·1pl. a111c/. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 296-331, 748; Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex.1 (1961) Art. 4 Sched. A (See note explaining implied •repeal 1)f Articles 4-33 and Consolidation Notes to Artices 36, 37 of the present Proclamation).

43. (1) The following authorities shall have power to confirm the findings and sente11ces of cot1rts-1nartial, that is to �ay: (a) in tl1e case of a district c,)urt-martial, the officer having a11thority to convene such a co1trt-n1artial at the date of the submission of the find­ ing and sentence thereof: Provided that in the case of a sentence of imprisonment being passed, the period of impriso11me11t does 11ot exceed six months; if the sentence of imprisonment exceeds six n1011tl1s it sha.11 be confirn1ed by tie General Officer Comma11ding the Arn1y, or by some officer having authority from him to confirm the fi11dings a11d sente11ces of general courts-ma.rtia1; Provided further that the president of a co11rt-111artial shall 11ot have authority to confirm the finding or se11tence of tl1at court-n1artial; but shall refer the finding and se11te.nce of that court-111artia.l to the General Officer Con1mandi11g the Arn1y or to son1e officer having authority fro111 him to confirm the findings and sente11ces of cot1rts-martial; (b) in the case of a general coJrt-ma.rtial tl1e General Officer Com111a11ding the Arn1y or some officer derivi11g authority fro1u l1i1n to co11firm the findi11gs and sentences of ge11eral cot1rts-111artial; (c) in the case of a field general co11rt-martial, a11 officer l1aving autl1ority to co11firm the findi11g or sente11ce of general courts-marti,1l for tl1e trial of offe11ces i11 the fo�ce of wl1icl1 the detachn1e11t or portion of troops 11nder tl,,e com1naud of tl1e convening officer forms part. (2) The co11firming at1thority may, }vl1e11 confirn1ing the sentence of any co11rt­ martial, mitigate or the punishment thereby awarded, or co1nmute such pu11ish ­ me11t for a11y less punishme11t or punish111ents to whicl1 the offe11der migl1t bee11 sente11ced by the said co11rt-martial. -256 -


10-2 ..

(3) .S11bject to tl �e IJrovisions of this Procla111ation witl1 respect to the fi11di11g

of acquittal, tl1e find111g and se11te11ce of a cot1rt-111artial sl1all 11ot be valid except in so far as tl1e same may b e confir111ed by a11 at1thority at1thorized to confirm tl1e sa.111e. (4) Sentence of death shall 11ot be carried into effect t111less in addition to the C<?nfirmation other\\1ise reqt1ired by tl1is Procla1natio11, it is ap1)roved by Us. (5) W11e11 the sente11ce in1posed by a cot1rt-martial exceeds six montl1s imprison-· n1e11t the proceedings of tl1e cot1rt sl1all be forvvarded to tl1e General Officer Com­ manding tl1e Arn1y. (6) Wl1en a sente11ce pas�ed by a co11rt-martial l1as bee11 confi.rn1ed, the General Officer Con1n1a11di11g tl1e Arn1y sl1all have power to n1itigate or remit the punisl1ment tl1ereby a,varded or to con1mt1te st1cJ1 p11nishn1e11t for any less pt1nishn1e11t or pt1nishments to vvl1icl1 the offe11der 111ight l1ave bee11 sente11ced by the saicl cot1rt­ n1artial. EXECUTION OF SENTENCES .

44. (1) Any sentence of imprisonme11t in1posed t1pon a11y person may be carried 011t in any military prison established witl1i11 Our Empire, or, wl1ere the sentei1ce of i111priso11n1ent in1posed does not exceed forty-two days, in a11y lock-UJ) house or cells w'hich for that J)Uf!Jose tl1e General Officer Co111111anding the Army may think fit to attach to any fort or barracks. 1�he General Officer Co1nma11ding the Army may fron1 ti1ue to time make regulations for the govern111ent of such l)risons a11d of any lock-up hot1se or cells attachecl by l1i1n to a11y fort or-barracks, and witl1 regard to the adn1ission, discharge, ctistody, ren1oval, safeguarding, diet, labot1r, occupation, discipline, instructiot1 a11d offences of any persons confi11ed therei11, and with regard to any and every. other 111atter relati11g to and connected with the carryi11g ot1t and ma11ageme11t of imprisonment i11 any Stich priso11, lock-t1p hot1s� or. cells; .. Provided tl1at no persons sl1all be imprisor\ed in any sucl1 prisons, lock-up bot1se, or cells 1111til such regulations as aforesaid shall have bee11 made and provided tl1at a11y perso11, 11otwitl1standing that his sente11ce exceeds forty-two days, may, vvbile a\vaiting re1noval to a prison, be te1nporarily impriso11ed in any such lock-11p l1ot1se or cells. (2) A sentence passed upon any person shall be in 110 re�pect affected by st1ch perso11 ceasing to be subject to tl1is Proclamation by discharge or otherwise. (3) Every gaoler shall receive i11to his ct1stody and carry out the sentence upon any person sentenced to in1prisonm.e11t for any offence under Articles 296-331 of the Pe11al Code or disciplinary offence, t1pon an order in \Vriting in that behalf being delivered to him under the ha11d of tl1e com1nandi11g officer or the officer imposing t11e sente11ce, which order sl1all specify the offence a11d the period and description of impriso11ment. (4) Every person while t1ndergoi11g a11y such sentence of imprisonme11t sl1all be deemed to be and be dealt with as a criminal prisoner. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111p!. a111cl. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 113 (providing that members of armed forces shall serve sentences involving deprivation of personal liberty in military facilities and tl1us in1pliedly repealing Subarticle (1)'s alternative of ''civil'' prison) ,- Arts. 296-331, 748 (see Consolidation Note to Article 36 of the present Proclamation).

- 257 - . •.



--------... ----------accrue or beco e due t? any soldier in respe 10-2


ct_ of any � 45. _(1) No_ pay s�all day during :Whic� he 1s absent on des_ert1on or w�thout leave or_ underg?�ng any sentence of 1mpr1sonment, or field_ pun1s_hment, or _is u�der d�te�t1on await ing any trial by a civil cou.rt or court"martial which results 1n his conviction for any offeiice or is on a charge of absence without lee.Ve for which he is afterwa.rds awarded im­ prisonment or field punishment by a competent ai1thority. (2) Any such period of absence or imprisonment or field punishment or deten­ tion lasting six hours or upwards, whether wholly in one day, or partly in one day and partly in another, may ·be deemed for the purpose of this Article to constitute a day of absence or a day of imprison.ment or of dete11tion: Provided that where the soldier has been thereby prevented from fulfilling any military duty which was consequently thrown upon som.e other person, any such period of absence or imprisonment or field punishment or detention may for the purpose of this Article be deemed to constitute a day not,vithstanding that the dt1ra­ tion thereof was less than six hours. 46. (1) All fines imposed upon soldiers for offences under Articles 296-331 of the Penal Code or for disciplinary offe1ces shall be recovered by stoppages from the offender's pay due at the time of committing s11ch offence, or tl1ereafter accr11iog due, and 11ot from any other source i11 any other manner. (2) The an1ount of stoppages shall be in discretion of the officers authorized to impose fines, in no case exceeding orte-half of tl1e -monthly pay of the offe11der; and whenever 1nore than one order of st)ppage for any cause .is in force against the same person, so mucl1 only of his pay shall be stopped as shall leave l1im a residue <?f at least one-half of his monthly pay. (3) When more than one order of stoppage is made t1pon the same person the order or orders later in date shall, if necessary, be postponed as to their enforcement until the earlier orders are discharged. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Jmpl. a1nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 2�' 6-331, 798 (see Consolidation Note to Article 36 of the present Proclamation).

47. (I) All fines recovered within Our _Empire from soldiers shall be paid over to the Ge11eral Officer Con1n1anding the Army to be placed to the credit of a fund to be styled the ''Military Fines Fund''. (2) No payment shall be made ·fron1 the Military Fines Fund except on the at1thority of the General Officer Commandi11g the Army. (3) The General Officer Commandiag the Ar1ny on the reco1nmendation or a comma11ding officer may sanction payme11ts fron1 tl1e Military Fines Fund for a 11Y of the fallowing purposes, nan1ely: (a) assistance to the wives or fa1nilies of deceased soldiers, or soldier s discharged as invalids, who may be in immediate wa11t; (b) co11tributions towards p�izes to be given at athletic meetings and similar events organized by or for tl1e benefit of the soldiers of the army; (c) purchase of arnrnt1nition fer tl1e encot1r,1geme11t of rifle sl1ooting; (d) provision of any articles for tl1e t1�e of the army, wher1 the cost of Sltch provision cannot be met otb.erwise out of army f11nds; - 258 -




(e) as a reward to the apprel1e11der or a1)prel1enclers of a deserter, and as a re\vard for recruiti11g; (f) provisio11 of medal ribbons for discl1arged soldiers wl10 are attending a parade as sucl1. (4) Annt1al staten1ents of receipts a11d expe11diture on accou11t of tl1e Military Fines Ft1nd sl1all be renclered by the cor11n1a11ding officer to the General Officer Com111a11ding tl1e Ar111y. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS AS TO DISCIPLINE 48. The sentence 011 a no11-co111n1issioned officer for a11y offe11ce shall in no case incltide corporal punishn1e11t or i1111)risonme11t u11less it also incl11des reduction of the offender to tl1e ra11k of a private. 49. No sente11ce of corporal p1rnishn1e11t shall be carried ot1t t1ntil a period of twenty-four hot1rs has elapsed since the award, exce1)t 011 the li11e of tnarch or on active service.

ENLISTMENT, DISCHARGE AND SERVICE shall 50. (I ) Every soldier other tl1an a clerk, 111edical orderly, syce, or sweeper _ be enlisted for a first ter1n of e11gage111ent to service i11 the arn1y of seven years. (2) Clerks, n1edical orderlies, syces a11d sweepers shall be enlisted for such terms as may fro1n time to time be fixed by tl1e General Officer Commanding the Army. 51. In reckoning the service of any soldier for discharge or re-engagement, there shall be exclt1ded therefrom all periods dt1ri11g which l1e has been absent from his duty fron1 any o·f the followiI1g causes:(a) imprisonment for a11y cause save that of detention awaiting any trial wllich rest1lts in the acqt1ittal or discharge of the prisoner; (b) desertion for any period; (c) absence without leave exceeding forty-eight hot1rs. 52. (1) Any soldier of good character who at any time has completed, or is within three months of completing, the term of his engagement with the colours may, with the approval of his commanding officer, be re-engaged to serve for periods of one year tip to a total maximun1 of twe11ty-one years, or in exceptional circums­ tances twenty-five years. (2) Guardsmen will receive eleven Ethiopian dollars a month, other privates ten Ethiopian dollars a11d non-commissioned officers will receive such higher rates as may be decided by the General Officer Commanding the }:\rmy. (3) Every man will receive ration allowance of eight Ethiopian dollars a month or rations to the same value. (4) Clothing, military equipment a11d lodging will be provided free. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1ncl. 4/9 (1945) P.76 Scheel. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Conro/. L. Eth. 1.

53. Every soldier who is enlisted, re-e11listed, or re-engaged shall, previous to his being enlisted, re-enlisted or re-engaged, make the following declaration, and shall confirm Stich declaration by oatl1 i11 such manner as he may declare to be most binding on his conscience: - 259 -

10-2 "


I swear that I shall faithfully serv� as a mem?er of th� Impe!ial Army and that I shall be faithful and bear true allegian�e to His Imperial Ma�esty Haile Selassie the First, His l1eirs a11d Successors, a11d will obe� a� ?�ders of His Imperial Majesty and of the officers placed over me and t? at I WLll faithfully perform all taks which may be imposed upon me by any sup· er1or_ o�cer set oyer me, and s11bject myself to all Proclamations, Laws, Orders, �ot1ces, Regulations, etc., relating to, the Imperial Army. Signati,re or ,nark of person takirig the oat/1. Signature or ,nark of witness Signature of Officer. 54. A11y soldier whose period of service e;,pires duri11g a state of war, insurrec­ tion, or hostilities, may be detained, and his service prolonged for such further period, not exceedi11g twelve months, as the General Officer Commanding tl1e Army may direct. 55. Subject to tl1e l )rovisions of Article 51 and the last preceding Article, every soldier who has completed his period or periods of engagement or service according to the provisions of tllis Proclamation, sl1all be djscl1arged by his comn1anding officer, unless at tl1e expiration of a11y period he is t1ndergoing punishment for or stands charge.d witl1, the co11unjssion of a11y offe11ce u11der Articles 296-331 of tl1e Penal Code or any discipljuary offe11ce: and in case he is u11dergoing such pt1njsh­ me11t or is charged with any such offence, his service shall be prolo11ged and his discharge deferred until st1ch punishm�11t shall l1ave terminated_, or until he l1as t1ndergone ms trial a11d any pt1nishment awarded in respect of the offence with wh.ich he is charged, t1nless ms sentence carries witl1 it dismissal from tl1e An11y. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. !96-331, 748 (see Consolidation Note to Article 36 of the present Proclamation).

56. E,,ery soldier, until he l1as received a certificate of ciiscbarge, shall remain subject to all the provisio11s of tl1is Procla1nation and to all rt1les and regttlations made in J)urst1ance thereof. 57. A. soldier may be discharged bJ co1111nandi11g officer at a11y tin1e during the c11rrency of any ter1n of e11ga.gemeut: (a) when pro11out1ced ·by a 111edical officer men.tally or pl1ysically unfit for further service; (b) whe11 sentenced to be dismissed fron1 the Arrny for n1iscond11ct; � (c) if withi11 two years from the date of attest:1tion his con1n1andiI 1g officer shall co11sider t11at l1e is u1likely to beco1ue a11 efficie11t soldier; (d) on reductio11 of establish111ent. 58. Wl1en any soldier ceases to belo11g to tl1e Ar111y, eitl1er by being dismissed therefrom, or by being discharged on the ternli11ation of his 1Jeriod of engagement, or as unfit for f'11rtl1er service, or on :ed11ction of establishment, all powers a�d a11tl1orities vested in him shall 11pon a certificate of discharo-e bei11g give11 to 11111 1 irnJ?l�diately cease and determir;e, I-le shall bef. ore a certificate �f discl1arge is deliver­ _ed to him, deliver over his arn1s amm1111itio11 acco11tre1ne11ts ui:Liforn1 and o�her at appointnien"ts wllich are the Ar�y to stich )er;on a11d s11ch 1111 e prop�rty of t the l . . . . - 260 -



and place as shall be di1·ected by the officer 1111der wl1ose con1n1a11d. l1e may be at tl1e tin1e of his ceasing to belo11g to the Ar111y. 59. It sl1all be la\.vful for tl1e Ge11eral (lfficer Co111111andi11g tl1e Ar1ny, s11bject to 011r clirections, \vhe11 occasion arises, to enroll for a li1njted periocl suc11 n11mber of officers warrant and 11011-con1missioned officers al1d soldiers as he shall deem 1iecessary; the period or 11un1ber li111ited by s11ch order n1ay fron1 ti111e to time be prolo11ged, sl1orte11ed, i11creased, red11ced or varied by a11y s11bseq11e11t order of the General Officer Con1n1a11ding tl1e Arn1y. Provided tl1at a11y perso11 shall 11ot be co1npelled to remain i11 the forces at the ex_[)iry of the term of his engagen1e11t. 60. Save as herei11after e11acted, all tl1e provisio11s of this Proclan1atio11, a11d of any proclan1ation an1e11di11g or exte11di11g the same, a11d of the r11les and regula­ tio11s wl1ich may fron1 time to tin1e be i11 force: shall, so far as they may be applicable, apply to all officers, ,varra11t and 11011-con11Tiissio11ed officers and soldiers, e11rolled 1111der the last precedi11g Article, and s11cl1 officers "'arra11t a11d non-commissio11ed officers shall be deen1ed to be for all purposes part of tl1e ar1ny as long as tl1ey shall be serving therei11. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Tl1e Amharic version of tl1is Proclan.1ation conta.i11s in Article 61 provision that the General Officer Commanding tbe Army n1ay isst1e regulations for tbe carrying out of this Proclan1ation.

Done at Addjs Ababa this 28th day. of J11ly, 1944-. 17/5 (1957) 0. 18* NATIONAL DEFENCE COUNCIL ORDER CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA \VHEREAS, the a11gmented 11ational an1i i11ter11atio11al respo11sibilities of Ot1r Empire req11.ire an increased measure of co-ordination a11d planning in the field of defence; NOW, THEREFORE, by virt11e of Otr responsibilities as Sovereign of the Empire and as Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces of Our Empire including the A1my, the Navy a11d the Air Force We order as follows: I. This Order may be cited as ''Our Nat:onal Defence Council Order of 1957''. 2. There is hereby established a Cou11cil to be known as the National Defence Cou11cil. 3. The National Defence Cot1ncil will meet in Our presence. In the event of Our absence, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince will preside. 4. The N'ational Defence Council will re composed of His Imperial Highness the Crow11 Prince, the Prime Minister, the Minister of National Defence, the Minister of Foreig11 Affairs and the Minister of Interior, provided, that other officials of the Government shall attend meeti11gs of the National Defence Council for consultation as We shall, from time to time, require and d.irect. *INfRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr.

21/10 (1962) C. 43.

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--------------------· o al De-fence Coun il shall be to s


� _ 5. The function of the Nati � �bmit to Us advice, with respect to the a?aptat1on of d� fence po!�c1es to t?� foreign policy of� Ethiopia a.nd to the integration of domestic a11d military policies relating to the national defence, so as to enable the Armed Forces a11d other Agencies of the Government to co-operate more effectively in matters involving the national de­ fence. The National Defence Council shall, from time to time, make such recom­ mendations and such other reports to Us as We may require or as it deems appr o­ priate. 6. In addition to performing such other functions as We may direct, it shall be the duty of the National Defence Council, subject to Our directio11, (a) To assess and appraise the National objectives, commitments a11d risks • in relation to Ethiopia's actual and potential military power, in the interest of 11ational defence, for the purpose of making recomme11datio11s to Us in connection therewith; and, (b) To consider policies on matters o·f com.n1on interest to the agencies of the Government co11cerned with national defence, and to make re­ commendation.s to Us in co11nectio11 therewith. 7. The National Defence Council shall ha\,e a staff to be headed by an Executive Secretary who will be appointed by Us. The Executive Secretary will, in accordance with the needs of the Natio11aJ Defence Council and the authority granted by Us , appoint such personnel as may be necessary to perform such dt1ties as may be pres­ cribed by the National Defence Cou11cil in connectio11 with the performance of its functions. Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of November, 1957.



18/2 (1958) 0. 21 * IMPERIAL TERRITORIAL ARMY ORDER CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH . HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, We have found it necessary to establisl1 auxiliary armed. forces to provide additional military strength in timelof war and to assist i11 e.nsuring the internal security of Our Empire in time of peace; NOW, THEREFORE, in accorda.nce with Article 29 of Ot1r Revised Cor1sti­ tution and upon the advice of Our Cou11cil of Ministers, We l1ereby order as follo\vs: PART I CREATION OF TERRITORIAL AR11Y

1. This Order shall be cited as ''The I1nperial Territorial Ar1ny Order of 1958_". 2. Our Imperial Territorial Army shall co11sist of Provi11cial Territorial Ar 11:11es to be established within st1ch of the provinces of Ot1r Empire as We shall deter111111e. 3. (a) The personnel of tl1e Imperial Territorial Ar111y shall comprise the following: Corr. 21/10 (1962) C. 43.


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(i) per sons who • are holders o: Maderia land ' the holdinob of which . imposes specific military seivice obligatio11s upon the holder thereof, and ,vho are not incap1citated by reasons of i]l l1 ealth from rendering st1ch service; (ii) per�ons who have agreed to serve as members of the In1perial Terri­ tor1_al �rn1y on behalf of ard in discharging of the military service obl1gat1ons of the holders cf Maderia land of the sort referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above who are i11capacitated by reaso11 of ill health from discl1argi11g tl1ei� military service obligatio11s perso11ally, and who have been acce_pted for service therein by the Governor­ Ge11eral of the provi11ce concerned; and (iii) persons who l1ave volunteered for service in the Imperial Territorial Army and have been accepted for service by the Governor General of tl1e province c011cerned; provided, however, that only persons bet,veen the age of eigl1teen (18) and twenty-five (25) years n1ay be accepted as volunteers. (b) Nothing contained in this Order slall be deemed to prevent persons pre­ sently holding Maderial land of the sort described in paragraph (a) (i) above from volunteering for additional service in the [mperial Territorial Army pursuant to paragraph (a) (iii) above. (c) The Chief of Staff of the I1nperial Territorial Army shall, by regulation, establish the conditions of service of persot1nel of the Imperial Territorial Army, which shall include, withot1t limiting the generality of the foregoing: (i) the length of the period of active duty to be performed annually whicl1 shall not, however, in the case of persons performing service in discharge of their military obligatio11s imposed by the holding of Maderia la11d of tl1e sort described in paragraph (a) (i) above, exceed two (2) montl1s per year; (ii) tl1e compensation to be paid to persons who are rendering service as volunteers pursuant to ::,aragraph (a) (iii) above, which com­ pensation may be in land of the sort described in paragraph (a) (i) above, in casl1, or a combination of both; and (iii) tl1e total number of years se1vice which must be served as the period of enlistment of personnel who have volunteered for service in the Imperial Territorial Army pursuant to paragraph (a) (iii) above. PART II ORGANIZATION OF TERRITORIAL ARMY 4. The Imperial Territorial Army sha.l be under the responsibility of Our !vlinister of Interior. There shall be, within :he Ministry of Interior a General Staff of the Imperial Territorial Army which shall be comma11ded by tl1e Chi�f of the General Staff, who shall be a dignitary holding the title of Ras or DedJazmatch appointed by Us. 5. (a) Each Provincial Territorial Arm; shall be commanded by the Governor­ General of the province in which sitt1ated, ·1Vho shall discharge his dt1ties pursuant to instructions of the Cl1ief of the General Staff of the Imperial Territorial Army. hall be _ass�sted by a (b) Each Governor-General, in discharging his duties, � _ staff tinder the command of the Ch.ief of Staff of the Prov1nc1al Terr1tor1al Army, who shall be an officer of senior rank.

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6. The activities of· eacl1 �rovincial .Territorial A�m� shall _be �arried 00 by th.e Staff of said Army. 'f11e �hie� of Staff of �a�h Pr?v11101al·�e:rr1tor1al Army shall 11e responsible for the orgaruzat1on and adn11n1stratr1011 of said Army and for the, traini11g and discipline of all personnel thereo-f. - 7. (a) Toe Governors of Awraja� shall, within tb.eir respec_tive jurisdicti ons, be . responsible for· carrying out the instructio11s - of the Governor General of th.e province co11cerned with respect to the enlistment of per�onilel of the Provincial Territorial Army and the organization, administration and djsposition of said personnel. · (b) The Govern9rs 9f Awrajas shall be assis_ted i11 the perfqrmanc e of their duties by Staff Officers d.esignated for such A\\'raJ<l:S. (c) The senior Staff Officer designated for each Awraja shall be responsible for carryi11g out the organization and administration of the Provi11cial Territorial Army and for the uniforming, training and discipline for all person11el witl1in said Awraja. 8. Each Provincial Territorial Arrny shall be organized- �n '-!�ordance witl1 a t_�ble of organization prepared by the Chief of the Ge11eral Staff of the Imperial Territorial-Army, which sl1all consist of .u11its such as squads, platoons, companies_ and such. other army u1tits. as said .. <;hi�f of the General Staff shall determine. Each · unit : ·above the squad level sliall be�urider the co1nma11d of 9filcers of the�l. Territorial Army appointed by Us. .· • .. .. - - ... 9._ (a) For purposes -�f rank, -personnel of -tl1e Imperial Territorial Army s·hall · ·· • be classified as follows: • .. .(i) privates; (ii) non-commissioned officers; and (iii) officers..· . · (b) Personnel of tlie Imperial Territorial Army shall hold titles follo\ving our a11cieut traditio11, according to tl1eir rank, · as follows; · Ras; Dedjazn1atch; Fitaur·ari; Kegnazmatch; Gi"azn1atch; Balambaras; Meto-Aleka; Amsa-Aleka; and Asir-Aleka. 10. Commissions as officers i n the Imperial Territorial Army shall be gra11t ed by lJs, . and shall be ·b3:se9. upon reports o·f tli.e officer's a.biJity and o. ther n1ilita ry ch�racteristics · and capaciti_es which be bas demonstrated· d11ring_ past periods of s_ervice which shall be submitted to Us by tbe·Chief of Staff of the Imperial Territorial Army llpon the recommendation of the Governor�General: ' . �





· . I I. Each Provincial Territorial Army shall carry 011 its activities ,vitbin �l1e provinc_e in whlch it is established; provided, however, tl1at 011r Minister of Interior may, with Our approval, direct that tl1e activities of a11d Provi11ciaJ Territori�l Arn1 Y shall be carried on 011tside of the provi11ce in whicl1 it is establisl1ed. · 12. (a) In time of peace, the In1pe r ial Territorial Army shall re11der ser,,ices i11 ensuring the internal sec11rity of 011r E1npire, and; ,:vben called by the Governor General purs11ant to Article I 5 hereof, sl1all assist Our Police Forces i11 the per­ f orn1ance of their duties; i11 additio11, the Imperial Territorial Ar1ny shall ut1dergo .such courses . of instr11ction and training as shall be prescribed by tl1e Chief of the General Staff of the Imperial Territorial Army.

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(b) I 1 1 time of war, the duties of tl1e Iniperial Territorial Arn1y shall be to gt1ard stores of war mater- ia.l, 111agazines, comn11111icatio11 li11es a11cl similar installa­ tio11s, to report .on la 1 1di" 1 1gs of e11e1ny paratroopers, to 111i11i111ize tl1e e11emy's fighting povver, to carry o�tt g11erilla activities bel1ind eoen1y fro11t Ii 11 es and generally to make the most effective co11tribl1tio11 to the defe11ce of Ol1.r E1 11pire. -13. (a) Pers·ons who are re11deri11g services i11 the Int_perial . Territorial Arn1y as volt1nteers purs11ant to paragraph (a) (iii) of·A�ticle 3 _ l1ereof, shall, 11po11 completio11 of their initial intensive ·co�1rse of i11strt1ctio11 a11cl trai11i11g, · be··reealled during tl1e period of their enlistn1e11t for additio11al trai11i11g periods of · 11ot n1ore than two (2) 111ontbs p· er year. ·· ··. · · (b) Persons re 11 dering services in tl1e I 1 n11eria] Territorial Army i11 discl1arge of military ·ser,1 ice obl.igatio11·s im·posed by tl1e holding of lands· of the sort described in paragra_ph (a) (i) of Article 3 hereof, shall be called to active duty eacl1 year for a period of ·not tl1a11 t\.VO (2) months,· to re11de�.services which shall consist only of· the ·perforn1a11ce of guard d11ties and similar auxiliary· activities. (c) Tl1e active duty served. by . Personnel of tl1e Imperial Territorial Army shall be carried 011t 11nder the directio11 of se11ior· o:ffi:cers of the Staff of the Provincial Territorial Arnlles, · ac· ti1Jg ·p11rsuarit to· instructions issued b)' the ·Governors.Gerieral . . · 14.. All personnel of tl1e Territorial. A:i;iny sl1all-,: iµ . ti1ne·_ · ot war o·r whe11ever. We_ .: · specially direct, hold themselves i11 readiness imn1ediate1y to report for active ·duty and to carry out .the d11ties as�igned .to tl1e1n by orders give1.1 by a11tl1orjzed officers · · Territorial-Army. Provincial of the . . . . '15.· . 1n case of necessity, the Govern' or ·oeneral may,- with the approval· of Ollf Minister of Interior, mobilize all or part of the Provinc1t1l T�rritorial Arn1 y under . his conlllland a11d take all necessary action· to deal witl1.the situatiot1. · . · Territorial· Army shall: · 16. When on active d1 1 ty, perso1 111el of the Imperial . (a) be subject to the orders of tl1eir responsible'·superior officers a11d to tl1e laws,· .decrees and regt1lations prescribed for·the In1 perial Territorial Arn1y and for · · Our Imperial Army; and - . · . (b). w·ear tl1e 11 niform and.insignia prescribed for·such perso11nel in the n1a1111er·. prescr_ ibed: which shall. be prescribed by the Chief of the General Staff of the Imperial Territorial Army, sl1all identify such personnel as being rrie1n­ b�r� ··q( _tl1e _-lp.JP..ei:ial _-Terri�oril:1-l : A_r-91y w_i��_raqk -:jn4i��.j:ed� _·: - · · ' ·. .- ·. 17. Any ·m .ember:. of- the�I111perial .Teriitorial:Army who:fails to re_port for·active duty whe11 called or in case of n1objlizatio11 shall be s11bject to tne discipli11ary action a11d--punjshment prescriped_ · by applicable-:laws; ·de9rees and .regulations. • . . .. . . PART IV "



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18. Our Minister of Interior is hereby empowered to prom11lgate all regulations necessary for the organization c1:�d adnu11istration qf the Imperial Territorial Army created by this Order a11d for the carryi11g ot1t of the dt1ties and responsibilities pres­ cribed therei11. 19. This Order shall become. effective 11pon tl1e date of its p1.1blicatiot1 i11 the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addjs Ababa this 31 st day of October· , 1958. - 265 -




HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETIIlOPIA WHEREAS, the rank badges to be worn by commissioned and non-commis­ sioned officers of Our Ground Forces,■regulated by the Army Badges of Rank Order · of 1957 (Proclamation No. 156 of 1957), are desired to be complete in their symbolism and arrangement; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 29 of Our Revised Constitu­ tion and upon the advice of Our Council of Ministers, We hereby order as follows:

ARTICLE I: GENERAL I. This Order may be cited as the ''Army Badges of Rank Order, 1962''. 2. The Army Badges of Rank Order, 1957 (Proclamation No. 156 of 1957) is hereby repealed a.nd replaced by this Order.

ARTICLE II: NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS The rank badges of non-comn1issioned officers shall be as hereinafter prescribed: I. Lance-Corporal: one chevron of bronze or of white cloth fixed. 011 a material to match with the uniform, on the upper part of the right sleeve. 2. Corporal: Two chevro11s of bronze or of white cloth fixed 011 a material to match with the 11niform, on the upper part of the right sleeve. 3. Sergeant: three chevrons of bronze or of white cloth fixed on a material to match with the 11niform, on the upper part of the right sleeve. 4. Company Quartermaster Sergeant: three chevrons and one shield of bronze or of white cloth fixed on a material to match with the uniform, on the upper part of the rigl1t sleeve. 5. Company Sergeant Major: three chevrons with a lion in seriti ,vreath in bro11ze or in white cloth fixed on a material to match with the uniform, on the upper part of the right sleeve. 6. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant: three chevro11s and a . star ,vithin a wreatl1 of seriti of bronze or of white cloth fixed 011 a material to n1atch ,vith the uniform, on the t1pper part of the right sleeve. 7. Regimental Sergeant Major: three chevrons and a crow11 in a wre�th of palm leaves of bronze or of white cloth fixed on a 1naterial to n1atch with the u111forn1, on the upper part of the right sleeve.

ARTICLE III: CADETS The rank badges of cadets shall be as hereinafter prescribed: I. First Year Cadet: one white stripe across each shoulder strap. . . strap der 2. Second Year Cadet: two parallel white stripes across each shoul 3. Third Year Cadet: three parallel white stripes across each shoul der stra p. - 266 -



--------------------�-----------· ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS·

Tl1e ra1lk badges of officers sl1all be as l1erei11after prescribed: I. Second Lieutenant: 011e sl1ielcl of 18 n1111. dian1eter ot1 eacl1 shoulder strap. 2. Lieutenant: two s·b.ields of 18 mm. dtameter i11 a ro\.v on eacl1 shoulder strap. 3. Captain: three sllields of I 8 1n111. dia.1neter in a ro,v 011 eacl1 shoulder strap. 4. Major: one shield a11d one cro\v1.1, both of 18 111111. diatneter, set in a row on each shot1lder strap. 5. Lieutenant Colonel: 011e slue.Id, one star and 011e crown, all of 18 11101. diameter, set in a row length\.vise alo11g e1cl1 sl1oulder strap. 6. Colonel: one sl1ield, t\VO stars a11d one crow11, all of 18 11101. dia1neter, set i11 a row le11gtl1\\1ise along each shoulder strap. 7. Brigadier General: one bato11 and one sword crossed, with 011e slueld placed on crossing poi11t, t\\1 0 stars and one cro,vn, all set in a row lengtl1wise alo11g each shot1lder strap. 8. Major General: ·one baton and one sword crossed, with one shield placed 011 crossing point, t,vo stars a11d 011e crown, all set i11 a row le11gth,vise alo11g each sl1oulder strap. 9. Lieutenant General: 011e crossed baton a11d sword, with one shield placed on crossing point, a11d three stars, set in triangular form with a crown above. 10. General: 011e crossed bato11 a11d sword, witl1 one shield placed 011 crossing point, with four stars set i11 a sqt1are with a cro,vn above. 11. Marshal: two crossed red batons i11 a ,vreat11 of palm leaves witl1 St. George and the drago11, the arc in the form of a star with a crown above, set in a row le11gth­ \-vise along eacl1 sl1oulder strap. ARTICLE V: HEADDRESS BADGES 1 . All commissioned and 11011-comn1issioned officers, with the exception of generals but inclt1ding marshals, shall wear the old headdress badge. 2. Generals shall wear a headdress badge prescribed as follows: crossed baton and sword with a shield ui:on the crossing point, within a wreath or palm leaves witl1 a crown above, all in golden embroidery on black background. Corr. 21/10 (1962) C. 43.


ARTICLE VI: 1. No perso11 shall manufacture, sell, blly or act as an age11t for the 1na11t1facture, sale or purchase of the badges prescribed berei11 withot1t a valid permit from the Ministry o.f Natio11al Defence. 2. No person gra11ted a pern1it tinder paragraph I of this Article VI shall sell Army badges to a11y non-commissioned or commissio11ed officer unless said officer shall produce identity card and purchase permit issued by the General Headquarters of the Chief of Staff of Our Armed Forces. 3. No person other tl1an 1100-commi�sioned or co111n1issioned officers of the Imperial Ethiopian Grot111d Forces shall wear tl1e badges prescribed l1erein.

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4_ Any person violating the provisions of this Order sh.all be punishable unde; the Penal Code of 1957. CROSS REFERENCE The Articles of the Penal Code referred to by this Article apJJear to be Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (f ) 957 Arts. 338, 339.

ARTICLE VII: SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION: ENTRY INTO F ORCE 1. · Ottr Minister of National · Defence shall issue regulations for the better · carrying out of the provisions hereof. ·2. This Order shall enter i11to force 011 the date of its pt1blicatio11 in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 23r, i day of Jant1ary, 1962. •

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23/10 (1964) .o. 32


CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA.H HAILE SELASSfE I ELECT OF GOD. EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA . WHEREAS, the Government of tl1e Republic of Somalia has carried on a cot1ti11t1ot1s campaign of brigandage, sabotage a11d. subversio11 alo11g the Ethio­ So111ali fro11tier e11d.a11ge· ring the pt1blic security and tl1reate11i1ig the well-beit1g and safety of the inhabitants of the region, ct1lminati11g i n a11 armed attack on Etl1iopian security police carried ot1t within Ethbpian territory by the armed forces of the Republic of Somalia 011 February 7, 1964; and . WHEREAS, it is essential that n1�as11res be taken to asst1re tl1e security and region and to protect the perso11s property n1�iotai11· 1�,y: a11d witl1in said and · · · · · · of the i11habitants thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accordance with Article 29 of Ot1r Co11stitt1tio11 a11d 011 tl1e advice of Ottr Council of Minister�, We hereby order as follows: I. This Order may be cited as the ''Declaration of State of Emergenc)' i11 the Region Bordering the Republic of Somalia Order, 1964''. . , · · 2. · A state · of emergency is hereb, declared to exist in the regio11 borderi i1 g tl1e Rep11blic of Somalia. 3. Said regi-on shall be under the administratio11 of Our Jvfi11ister of Natio11al Defence a11d said Mi1uster shall take such meas11res as 11ecessary to asst1re the sectirity and n1ai11tai11 law and order ¥-ithin said region and to protect the JJerso i1s and pr�perty of the inhabitants tl1ereof. 4. Our Mit1ister of Natio11al Defe11ce 111a.y issue regt1l,itio11s: · . · (a) deluniting those areas i11 th� region bordering tl1e Rept1blic of Somalia to which this Orcler sl1all apply; and -·

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--------------------------------· (b) providi11g l�or tl1c -i1111Jle1J1e11tatio11 a11cl carryi11g 011t of tl1e provisiot1s of this Order. 5. 1-1,e state of en1erge11cy is cleclared lo be effective as fro111 Febr11ary 8, 1964. Do11e at Addis Ababa tl1is 8tl1 day of Febr11ary, 1964. 23/11 (1964) L. 284

REGULATION ISSUED PURSUANT TO TfIE J)ECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY Ii� TI-lE REGION BORDERING THE REPUBLIC OF SOlVIALIA ORDER, 1964 1. Issuing Authority These Reg11Iatio11s are issued b)' tl1e Mi11ister of Natio11al Defence pt1rs11ant to authority ve_sted in hi111 by Article 4 of the Declaratio11 of a State of Emerge11cy in the Region Bordering tl1e Rep11blic of Somalia Order, 1964 (Order No. 32 of 1964) (hereinafter the ''Order''). 2. Short Title These Reg11lations n1ay be cited as the ''State of En1erge11cy i11 the Region Bordering the Republic of So1na.Iia Regt1lations, 1964''.

3. Delimitation of Area in Which the State of Emergency Exists The area in wl1ich the state of e111ergency exists (l1erei11 after the ''En1ergency Area'') is hereby delin1ited as follo\.vs: comn1ei1cing at tl1e point of it1tersectio11 of tl1e bo11ndaries between Etl1.iopia, the territory of French Somalila11d and the Republic of Somalia; tl1eoce i11 a line in a West-South-Westerly directio11 to Ya11qalan; thence it1 a straight li11e in a sot1therly direction to Melo Station; tbe11ce i11 a generally s011therly direction along the wester11 li111its of the Awraja of Jigiga a11d the Administrative Division of the Ogaden; the11ce in a generally so11th-westerly direction alo11g the western limits of tl1e Awraja El Kere to the point of inter­ section of the boundary bet�een Ethiopia, Kenya and tl1e Rep11blic of Somalia. 4. Prohibited Area Within the E1nergency Area, there sl1all be a Prohibited Area delimited as follows: all of that area ,vithin Ethiopia between the bo11ndary of Ethiopia at1d the Republic of Somalia, of a width at a11y 1Joint of 11ot less than fifteen (15) kilo111eters, and a li11e drawn as follows: . coID1ne11cing at the point of i11tersectio11 of the bot1ndaries between Ethiopia, the territory of Fre11ch Somaliland and the Republic of Somalia; thence along the line of the Emerge11cy area to a point fifteen (15) kilon1eters distant fron1 the border of tl1e Rep11blic of Somalia; tl1ence along a line paralleling ge11erally the bou11dary between Ethiopia a11d the Republic of Somalia and· passing through the followi11g poi11ts: Mordale, Biogurgt1r, Gocti, Bibili, Hijiter, Domo, Bali-Megalli, D11bab, Sust1l, God-Dere, God-God, Bt1r-Hosh, Ararro and Woladdaie to a point directly Nortl1 of the point of i11tersection of tl;ie boundaries of Ethiopia, Kenya and the Rep11blic of Somalia; tl1ence due soutl1 to said point of intersection. •. . . .

- 269 . ..

---=��-:-----��-5. Evacuation of Inhabitants from Prohibited Area 10-7


ays of the ��ective date of these Regulations, all inhabitan ? Withiil twenty (20) ts _ who Area are d not Prohib1t ex.pressly authorized to � and other persons within the remain within said Area shall leave said area _and shall take w1tl1 them all livestock and all personal and 1novable possessions. 6. Movement within Prohibited Area (1) No person shall enter the prohibited area without express authorization thereto. (2) Any person autho.rized to remai11 i11 . or to enter tl1e Prohi_ bited Area shaIJ at all times during his presence there be subJect to a11d comply \V1th all lawful re­ gulatio11s and directions concerning his movetnent therein.

7. Obligation to Stop upon Challenge Any person in the Emergency Area sl1all immediately stop upon being chal­ lenged by any member of the Armed Forces or Police assigned to duty in said area. 8. Use of Force by Armed Forces and Police Any member of tl1e Arn1ed Forces or Police assigned to duty within the emer­ gency area may, within said area, use force to the exte11t b11t only to tl1e extent that st1cl1 use is reaso11ably justified, taking into consideration all of tl1e circt1mstances of the case, to maintai11 law and order, to effect a lawful arrest, and protect the persons and property of the inhabita11ts a11d other persons within said area. 9. Prohibition on Possession of Arms No person within the en1ergency area may possess any weapo11, i11cluding, wjthout limitation, any firearm, without permission. IO. Po\ver of Armed Forces and Police to Search Without Warrant (I) A11y member of the Armed Forces or Poljce assigned to duty ,:vithin the emerge11cy area may at any time, without warra11t enter and search a11y premises in the emerge11cy area and may, without warra11t, search a11y person, con,,eyance, vehicle, aircraft, baggage, pack, package, parcel, co11tainer or tl1ing fo·und in, e11ter­ ing or leaving, seeking to enter or leave or reasonably suspected of being abot1t to enter or of l1aving left said Area, and may stop a11d detain a11y such person, con­ veyance, vehicle, aircraft, baggage, pack, lJackage, parcel, container or thing for the p11rpose of searching him or it. (2) Any article with or in respect of \vltich an offe11ce l1as been com111itted or is reasonably st1spected of having been con1mitted or whicl1 is 11ecessary to the cond�ct of an investigation into any offence committed or reaso11ably st1spected of having been committed may be seized by the member of the Arn1ed l�orces or Police con­ ducting the search. · (3) Any article seized purs11ant to this Article JO sl1all promptly be brought before the autl1orities. \4) �y person who is detained for the pt1r1Jose of bei11g searcl1ed purs uatlt to this Article 10 shall be deemed to be in lawf 11l custody. 11. Power of Armed Forces and Police to Arrest Without Warrant Any inember of the Armed Forces or Police assigned to d11ty \Vithin the Emer­ gency Area may at any time, without \varrant detain, take into custody and arreSt _. 270 -



a11y perso11 witl1in tl1e Emerge11cy Area ,vho is reaso11ably st1spected of having violated the provisio11s of these Regulations or of otherwise co11stituti11g a tl1reat to the n1ai11te11a11ce of la\V a11d order i11 tl1e E1nerge11cy Area. 12. Reference to Pro·visional Acl1ninistrative Li11c All references to tl1e bo1111dary bet\vee11 Etl1joJ)ia a11cl tl1at portion of the Ile­ public of Somalia vvl1ich forn1erly comprised tl1e Trust 1�erritory of Sornaliland shall be deemed refere11ces to the Provisio11al Ad111j11istrative Li11e established by the General Assen1bly of the U11ited Natio11s Organizatio11. 13. Penal Provisions A11y person \Vho: (a) violates the provisio11s of Articles 5, 6, 7, or 9 l1ereof; or (b) fajJs, after l1avi11g been challengecl twice by a member of the Arn1ed Forces or Police assigned to d11ty in the Ernerge11c)r Area; shall be subject to im­ mediate arrest and sl1all be tried by military court martial. 14. Administering Authority; Delegation of .Authority All civilian and n1ilitary a11thorities \vitl1in tl1e E1nergency Area sl1all be res­ ponsible to and shall discharge their duties u11der tl1e direction of the senjor military officer of the Armed Forces stationed within the Emerge11cy Area. Said officer shall be fully empowered to take all n1east1res reasonably required to assure tl1e sec11rity and maintain law and order withi11 the Emerge11cy Area and to protect the persons and property of the inhabitants thereof. Sucl1 at1thority may be delegated at the sole discretion of said officer. 15. Inconsistent Legislation Insofar as any provision of these Regt1lations are inconsiste11t with the provision of any other legislation presently i11 force, the provisio11s hereof shall prevail. 16. Obligation of Administering Authorities (1) The administration of tl1e emergency area shall be carried on i11 sucl1 a manner as to minimize any possible hardship imposed upon the i11habitants of a11d other persons in said Area. (2) The Emergency Area shall be progressively reduced as quickly as circums­ tances permit in order that perso·ns affected thereby shall be relieved of the unusual measures required to be placed in force as the rest1lt of the sitt1ation prevailing withi11 said Area. 17. Effective Date T'hese Reg1.1lations shall become effective on Febrttary 10th, 1964.

Done at Addis Ababa tl:tis 10th day of February, 1964.

- 271 -




CONQUE.RING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT- OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA Ptirsu.ant to Article 13 of Ot1r Ccnstitu.tion We proclain1 as f ollo\vs: CONSOL:DATION NOTE The Constitution referred to here is tl1e Constitution of 1931, whicl1 was repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitt1tion of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P.149. The Article of the Revised Constitution parallel to the cited Article of the 1931 Con;titt1tion is Article 29.

1. This Procla1nation may be cited as the ''Coast Gt1ard Proclamation of 1951 '\

2. T�e I�1pe1:ial Ethiopian Coas� Guard is hereby ·created and established. . The Coast Gt1ard shall co11stitute a part of tl1e armed forces of the Empire of� pia an.d shall operate ttnder our Min:stry of Natio11al Defence. 3. The Coast Guard shall be composed of a Commanding Office appointed by Us, and such other officers, warrilnt officers, petty officers·, cadets, and coast guards as shall be determined from time to time by Our Minister of National Defence. 4. Officers of the Coast G11ard ma.y be com1n1ssioned eitl1 er as line ofi'icers or as tecl1nical and other officers. 5. Until a Code of Discipline and a Penal Code for Our Coast Guard are enacted, tl1e Code of Discipline of the Ar1ny (Part rr· of No. 68 of 1.944, tl1e Imperial Army Procla.111ation of 1944) shall be mi1tatis mutandis the Code of Discipli11e for the Imperial Ethiopian Coast Guard. CROSS REFERENCE _ ...Tl1e Imperial. Arn:iy Proclamation, 3/11 (19.44) P.68, 10 .Co,zsol. L. Et/1. 2.

6. Comn1issioned officers of the Coast Gt1a.rd and officers of the Arn1y a11d Air Corps shall be a.s follo,vs:

Army _ . .. Colonel Lieut. Colonel . Major. Captain Lieutenant Second Lie11tenant

Coast Gl!ard Captai11 . . Commander . . Lie11t. Comma11der Lieute11ant · Sub-Liet1te11ant Warrant Officer - 272.. -·

Air Force Grot1p Captai11 _ Wipg Co�n1�11der _ Squadro11 Leader Flight Lieutenant Flying Officer Pilot Officer



-------- ---- ------ -- - -- ---·

7. Non-con1111issio11ed grades of the Coast Guard and tl1eir ra11k relative to 11on-co1nmissio11ed grades i11 tl1e ar111y a11d air force sl1all be as follows: Arm)1 Sergeant Major Sergea11t First Class Sergeant Seco11d Class Sergea11t Corporal Private First Class Private

Coast Guard Qt1artern1aster Sergea11t First Class Sergea11t Second Class Sergea11t Corporal Coast Gt1ard First Class Coast Gt1ard

• Air Force Sergea11t Major Sergea11t First Class Sergeant Seco11d Class Sergeant Corporal Private First CJass Private 8. Our Mi11ister of Natio11al Defe11ce sl1all l1ave power to establisl1, a1)point tl1e person11el and stafl�, to operate st1cl1 Coast Gt1ard Scl1ools a11cl to n1ake st1ch rules a11d regulations therefor as he n1ay ciee111 11ecessary. 9. Our Mi11ister of Natio11al Defe11ce shall have power to 111ake a11cl pron1ulgate st1ch rules a11d regt1latio11s as l1e may deem necessary to carry out tl1e provisions o.f this Proclamatio11 and to administer a11cl co11trol tl1e Coast Gt1ard herein established.

Given at Addis Ababa tliis 25tl1 day of September, 1953.

13/1 (1953) P. 137* MARITIME PROCLAMATION CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELEC1� OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA . WHEREAS, paragraph 3 of the Feder:il Act for tl1e federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia under tl1e sovereignty of Ot1r Crown prescribes that the jt1risdiction of the_ Federal Gover11me11t shall extend i11te1 alia to defence, foreign and interstate _commerce and exter11al a11d i11terstate co1].111t111ications, i11clt1ding ports; and WHEREAS, it is esse11tial for tl1e defence of the Empire and the Federation and for tl1e reg11lation of foreig11 and inters1ate commerce and of external and infer­ state co111111t1nicatio11s, inclt1di11g ports, to provide by law for jurisdiction,. admi11is­ tratio11 ar1d control esse11tial for the natio111l defence as well as for the jurisdiction and laws to be i11 force of and over the territorial waters and mariti111e domain of Otrr E111pire, a11d of and over cert:1i11 areas to be designated as defence areas withi11 Our E111pire, a11d of and over Ethiopia11 ships a11d vessels on the high seas as well as withi11 Our territorial waters and• m.aritime domain, and of and over the marine indt1stries and enterprises established withi11 Our Empire. NOW, THEREFORE, as Sovereign of the Federatio11, and in conformity with Article 9 of Our Constitt1tio11, We Proclai111 as follows: *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 13/2 (1953) C.34, an1cl. 16/3 (1956) P.154, 19/8 (1960) P.164; in-,pl. a111d. Pen. C. 16/E?(.1 (1957), Civ.C. 19/Ex.2 (1960), 22/3 (1962) 0.27, ;5/23 (1966) 0.46. This Proclamation originally referred to 'Our Federal Courts, Our Federal High Court' and 'Our Supreme Court sitting as Our Federal Supreme Court.' Tl1ese tern1S were i11·1pl. a111d. by tl1e Order Terminating the Federal Status of Eritrea 22./3 (1962) 0.27 to eliminate tl1e word Federal.

- 27� -



CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to here is tb.e Constitution of 1931, �hich was repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (1955) P.1�9. T�e Article of the Revised Constitution _ _ 1s Article parallel to the cited Article of the 1931 Cons11tut1on 92. The ''Federation'' referred to herein wru abolished by the Order Terminating the .Federal Status of Eritrea, 22/3 (1962) 0.27 (integrating Eritrea into the Empire).

1. The 'psesent Proclamation may be cited as the ''Maritime Proclamation No. 137 of 1953''. A: Jurisdictional Provisions Public Necessity - Jurisdiction

2. Jurisdiction, adn1inistration and co11trol of and over the territorial waters, maritime domain and defe11ce areas cf 011r Empire, and of and over Ethiopian ships ai1d vessels on the high seas and elsewhere, and of and over the marine in� du.stries and enterprises established or to be established within Our Empire,. are l1ereby declared and determined to be of public necessity and of pri111ary concern to the natio11al defence and to the regulatio11 of foreign and i11terstate commerce a11d of external and interstate comm11nications, includi11g ports. Tl1e said jurisdiction, administratio11 a11d control shall be vested exclt1sively in the Imperial Ethiopian Government except i11sofar as specified portions of the maritime domain and defence areas may be declared by Imperial Decrees to be not subject to the exclt1sive jt1ris­ diction and co11trol of the said Gove1nment. 3. The establishment of defe11ce areas along or in the vici11ity of 011r coast and elsewhere within Our Empire is dec:ared to be of public 11ecessity and of primary concern to the national d.efence. Such defence areas may include ports. Imperial Decrees shall determine and establish such defence areas a11d tl1e rigl1ts, jurisdiction, legislatio11, regulation a11d controls tl1at may be exercised therei11. 4. Our Minister of Communications a11d National Defence shall have general st1pervision of the territorial waters, and the 1naritin1e domai11 of Ot1r Empire. The Ministry of Con1munications shall h·ave general a11d exclt1sive supervision · of all EtJ1iopian 1nercha11t ships and vessels, and of the crews of the same and of all marine industries and enterprises withi11 011r Empire. The Ministry of National Defe11ce shall be charged with the direction of Our G11ard and s11pervision of the defence areas of 011r Empire. These Ministries shall iss11e all s11clL regulations as 1nay be necessary a11d app� opriate, i11 confo,rmity with tl1e provisio11S of the 'present Procla111atio11, in the exercise and i11 the direction of the said activities." of-the s·aid supervision . . ,

CONSOLDATION NOTE . _ l111pl. a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11so/. L. Eth. 1-19 (transferring to Ministry of Co�11�unica : -t1ons many of the powers described herein, ail of w.hicl1 were originally delegated to M 101stry 01 National Defence).

5. J·urisdiction over and admi11istration a11d control of all n1ea11s of marin es telecommunications and telecomm11ni�ations utilized for 111ari11e transportatio n are declared to-be ·of p11blic necessity fer the 11atio11a.l defe11ce as well as for exter 11al and interstate con1mu1tications ,. ·i11cluding ports a11d as s11ch sl1a.ll be s11bject t� �uch and regt1lations as sha1i from 1iine to time be pro1nulgated by Ot1r M1111ster . · Illeasures .of National Defence a11d Our In1perial Board of Telecommunications. -274 -






l\1ercantile Marine Provisions

6. (a) - (d). [Repd. 19/8 (1960) P.164, Art.4, 11 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 5.] (e) An i11dt1stry or enterprise is a n1arine i11dt1stry or e11terprise to the extent that it is deternli11ed by Ot1r Mi11ister of Co111111t111icatio11s in consultation witl1 Ot1r Mi11isters of Con1n1erce a11d I11dustry a11d of Fina11ce, to be e11gaged in tl1e operatio11 of sl1iJJS or vessels for tl1e transportation of passe11gers or goods, for towing, or salvage i11 tl1e operation of ship­ yards or tl1e construction, repair or clea11i11g of sl1ips or their accessories; i11 port ser,,ices, i11cludi11g ligl1terage, loading or unloadi11g of ships, the tra11sport of \.varehouse stores ,vithi11 a port area a11d the supply or furnisl1i11g of food-stt1ffs or other com111odities to ships; i11 the represe11t­ ation of shippi11g con1pa11ies; or in the processing of sect water. All n1arine indt1stries and e11terprises established \Vitbi11 Our E111pire shall be registered i11 conformity witl1 regulatio11s isst1ecl by Ot1r Ministry of Con1n1t1nications. (f) Tl1e territorial ,vaters of Ot1r E111pire are defined as exte11ding fron1 the extremity of sea-board at maximt11n annt1al high tide of the Etlliopian continental coast and of the coast of Ethiopian isla11ds, in-parallel line on the entire sea-board a11d to an ot1t-ward distance of twelve nautical miles, except that in tl1e case of the Dahlak Archipelago tl1e seaward limit of the territorial waters sl1all be that defined in Ot1r Federal Revenue Proclamation No. 1 26 of 1952, a11d that i11 the case of pearl and other sedentary fisheries tl1e seaward limit of tl1e territorial waters shall extend to the limits of the said fisheries. The I111perial Ethiopia11 Government has full dominion over the said waters and exclusive control over the natt1ral resources \Vithin a11d beneath the said ,vaters. Fishing, of all sorts, including pearl fishing, \\'ithin the said territorial \Vaters shall be reserved exclusively to natio11als of Ot1r Empire. (g) The maritin1e domai11 of Ot1r Empire is defmed as extending inward from the extremity of sea-board at maxin1un1 annual high tide to a dis­ tance of one hundred n1eters alo11g each of the aforesaid coasts a11d as inclt1ding, in addition, the gt11fs and bays. along the said coasts; the areas heretofore reserved, on or near the said coasts, for military, naval and aeronautical installations; and the port a�eas defined in regulations of Our Ministry of Commu11.ications. Tl1e said domain shall be within the- exclt1sive jurisdiction a11d control of the Imperial Ethiopian Govern­ ment except insofar as may be otherwise determined by Imperial Decree. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

The Amharic version of Subarticle (g) contains the following additional sentence: "As the Federal Parliament may determine, any property witl1in the said territory n1ay be taken by paying due con1pensation. '' Corr. 13/2 (1953) C.34 (English only); c111icl. 19/8 (1960) P.164Art.4, 11 Consol. L. E�lz. 5. (rep�l­ ing Subarticles (a), (b), (c), (d) and (l1) and impliedly repealing the original referen� 1n Subar� 1cle (f) to the possibility of granting fishing rights to foreigners under Article 9 of this Proclan1at1?n, which was also repealed by P.164); imp!. a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11sol. L. Etlz. l-19 (transfe£! 1?g to Ministry of Comn1unications powers mentioned l1erein, wl1ich were originally delegated to M1rus­ try of National Defence.)

CROSS REFERENCE Federal Revenue Proclamation, 12/2 (1952) P.126, 2 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1. 7-27 Repd. 19/8 (1960) P. J 64 Art.4, 11 Consol. L. Eth. 5.

- 275 -



XII. Taxes; Dues 28. (a) Ethiopia11 merchant sh!P� and vessels d·ul� re_�istered ttnd .er the regul a­ tions isst1ed by Our M1n1stry o � Commu111c�t1011s shall be exe1npt fron, all taxes, dt1es, fees an,d charges ill Our En1p1re other than: ( 1) a.n annual tax which shall not exceed $1.25 per net registered ton. (2) taxes, dt1es, fees and charges imposed eqt1 ally on all ships and vessel� calli11g at Ethiopian ports; a 1 1d (3) the registratio11 fees that may be l)rescribed by regulations of the said Ministry. (b) Tl1e registratio11 fees prescribed by the said regt1latio11s shall not be in excess of Eth.$2.00 per dead-weight ton. (c) No duties and no restrictio11s of any kind sl1all be imposed upo 1 1 the i1 11portation of fuels, oils, macl1i 1 1ery, ft1r11itt1 re, 11tensils, or materials of any ki11d that may be necessary for the move1nent, mainte11ance, repair a11d use of tl1e said ships a11d vessels. (d) The owners and co-ow1 1ers of the said ships and vessels shall be subject to no taxatio11 of any kind i11 Our Etnpire by reason of tl1eir i11teresl in or i11co1ne from the said ships and vessels. (e) The salaries and wages of the captains and crews of the said sh.ips,and vessels and the sums paid to independe 1 1t craftsmen a11d other i11dividuals for services con11ected witl1 tl1e operation, mai1 1tena1 1ce and repair of tl1e said ships and, vessels shall 1 1ot be subject to any taxatio1 1 or ,vith­ holding for tax.ation i11 Our Empire. 29. Marine i11dustries and enterprises dt 1 ly registered under tl1e regt1lations isst1ed by Ou.r M.inistry of Communicatio11s sl1all be exe 1 npt, in respect of ships and vessels ow11ed i 1 1 wl1ole or i11 part or operated by tl1e 1 n 1111der bare boat charter, from all taxes, dues, fees a11d charges in Our Empire except fees, dues, fees and charges levied Article 28 of the present Procla111ation and except the fees 1 that may be prescribed by reg11lations of the said 1 inistry for tl1e registration of the said i11dustries a11d enterprises� The said fe�s for registratio11 a 1 1d an1111 al re11e\val tl1ereof, respectively, sl1all not be i11 excess of Eth.$ 2.00 per EtJ1.$ 100.00 of tl1e invested ca1 Jital. Tl1is Article is not to be co11strt1ed as providi11g for tl1e exemption of t11e prodµcts of the said indt1stries a11d enterprises fron1 taxes 1 1 po11 tl1e sale or consumptio11 thereof. The said Ministry is, 1noreover, a1 1tl1orized, wl1e11 11ecessary in the p11blic i11terest, to fix the !)rices at wl1ich the s,lid products n1a.y be sold ?Y the said indt 1stries and enterJ)rises, st 1bject to the rigl1t of any of the said indt1�t�1es . and e11terprises, to l1eari1 1g and final decisio11 by a sectio11 of 01 1 r Higl1 Co11rt s1tt1ng i11 admiralty on the reasonable11ess of the !)rices so fixed. 30. Upon tl1e presentatio11 by a11y d11ly regis(ered 1 1e,,, m11 1·ine industry or e11ter­ prise of satisfactory e,,ide11ce that · it l1as bee11 establisl1ed 011 a lo1 1g-ter1u basis and that it ·has made i11 Ethiopia dt1ri 1 1g its first ye�tr of· operatio11, and vvill tl1ereafte. r maintain in Etl1iopia a11 inveslme 1 1t of not less thar1 Etl1.$ 500,000.00 i 1 1 its ltnder­ tak.ii1g, Ot1r _Ministry of Finance may gra1 1t to tl1e said i 1 1dt1stry or enterprise ex· ceptio11 fron1 all incon1e taxes withi11 Our Empire for a period 11ot to exceed five . years fro111 the date of tl1e establishn1e11t of tl1e sftid i11d1 1str)' or e11terprise.


_ CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Atnharic version of tl1is Article says tl1at a 11ew industry 111ay be exen1pted fro n1 taxauon ..u10,l if its investment is not less tl1an Etl1.$ 200,000. • rovid (p Etlz:3 L. Consol. I_nvestment Proclan1 See also 19 . tion, 26/2 (1966) P.242 Art.5, � . . income tax relief for agricultural, industrial, 111ining, transport a_od touristic enterprises). -

--276 -



31. :tvlarine i11d11stries a11d e11terprises d11]y registered 1111 der tl1 e reg11latio11s of Our l'vli11istry of Com1111111icatio11s may be JJer111itted to i1nport free of customs dt1ties a11 d other cl1arges a11y n1 aterials, e11gi11es or n1,1cl1i11es req11ired for tl1 e initial i11stallatio11, equi1Jn1e11t a11d ft111ctio11i11 g of tl1 e saicl i11 clt1stries a11cl e11 ter1Jrises a11d for sl1cl1 period thereafter as shall be 11ecessary i11 tl1e 01Ji11io11 of Ot1r Mi 11istry of Fi11a11ce, for the proper developn1e11t of st1ch i11dt1stries a11cl e11ter1Jrises. The condi­ tio11 s 1111der wl1icl1 materials, e11gi11es or n1acl1i11es so i 1nportecl may be transferred to third parties sl1all be deter111ined by Ot1r Ivfi11istry of Fina11ce. CONSOLIDATION NOTE /1npl. a111d. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Consol. L. Et/1. 1-19 (transferring to Ministry of Con1111un.ications powers mentioned herein, vvl1icl1 were originally delegated to Ministry of National· Defence.) See also Investn1ent Proclan1ation, 26/2 (1966) P.242 Art.6, 19 Consol. L. Eth. 3 (providing i1nport d�ty relief for "agricultural, industrial, 1nining, transport and touristic enterprises'').

32-35.[ ReJJd. 19/8 (1960) P.1 64 Art.4, 11 Co11s0/. L. Et/1. 5.] C:

Competent Courts and Applicable Laws

I. Courts Sitting in Admiralt)'- Disciplinar)' Boards:-- Police Court:s 36. J11risdiction over a]l n1atters based on or co11cerni11g tl1e application or i11terpretation of tl1e present or a 11y otl1er 1nariti111e la\.\' of 011r E1npire sl1all be veste� excl11sively i11 011r Cot1rts. Ot1r I:-Iigl1 Court shall l1ave origi11al jurisruction in all such n1atters, sub ject to tl1e right of appea.l to Otir St11Jren1e Co11rt as determin­ ed by the Civil Proced11re Code. In all s11ch n1atters, Ot1r Higl1 Court shall sit i11 s11cl1 admiralty divisio11s as may be 11ecessary for the pron1pt and efficient considera­ tio11 and judgmer1t of the same. CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. an1d. Civ. Pro. C. 25/Ex.3 (1965) Arts. 12, 15, 320, 321 (1Jrescribing court jurisdiction in admiralty cases a.nd rigJ1ts of appeal, and tl1us in1pliedly an1ending former JJrovision of this Article describing rigl1t of appeal as "determined by the rules of court of Our Supre1ne Court''.)

37. 111 every divisio11 of Our Higl1 Co11rt sitting i 11 admiralty at least 011e-tl1ird of the judges sl1all be graduates of recog11ized 11 a, 1al schools and l1ave expert kno,v­ ledge of n1aritime affairs. 38. The procedure of a11d before the said divisio11s of 011r High Court shall be governecl by special r11 les of co11rt issued by Our Minister of J11stice 11po11 the recomrnendatio11 of a j11dicial committee co11 sisting of the Pres.ident of 011r Higl1 Court, t11e Presidents of all sections of 011r Higl1 Court of which any admiralty division depends and two admiralty jtidges as defined in Article . 37 above. The said rules shall also provide for libels in ren1 of ships and their cargoes, in appropriate cases, and for other proceedi11gs i11 re111, as well as for st1its i11 persona,n aga.inst captains , ow11ers and otl1ers who may be liable. 39. [ l,nJJI. repd. 19/8 (1960) P.164 Art. 4, 11 Consol. L. Eth. 5 ( re1 Jealing Arts. 54, 55, 57 and 87 of the present Proclamation to wl1ich the prese11t Article re­ ferred).] 40. Injuries to tl1e perso11 or to perso11al rigl1ts a11d i11 terests as \>Veil as damages to or destrttction of property or i11terests when effected withi11 the territorial waters or n1ariti1ne clomai11 of Ot1r En1pire or on Ethiopia11 ships on the high seas shall be 'rvithj11 the exclt1sive j11risdictioo of Our Cot1rts sitting i11 adn1iralty. - 277-

----------�-----------41. The regulatio11s that may be issued b� �ur M_inistry of Comn1unications 11-2


for the maintenance of discipli�1e on board Eth1op1an s�ps a11d _vess� ls may provide for the imposition, by disciplinary ?cards, of penalt1_es for v1ol�tion of the said regulations. The said penalties may 1nclttde a fu1e! which, for a single violation of the said regulations, shall not exceed the amount of one month's wages of a meJnb er of the crew, and i1nprisonment for a period whi��' for a single violatio� of the said _ reg-ulations, shall not exceed one month. In1pos1t1 011 of the said penalties shall tlot exclude prosecution on account of the same act for any of the crimes and offences defined by law. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article reads, '' ... it is necessary tl1at penalties be imposed.... " •

42. The reg11Iations that may be issued b)' Our Ministry of National Defe11ce for the maintenance of order withi11 Our maritime domain and Our defence areas may provide for the establishment of police courts u11der the direction of Ot1r port authorities and may provide penalties in accord,ance with Article 749 of the Penal Code to 'be imposed by the said police courts, after d1ue hearing in each case, for offences, not constituting felonies or n1isdemeanours, which may be specified in the said regula,tions. CONSOLIDATION NOTE 111-,p/. amd. Pea. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 749 (defining penalty for violation of orders, rules or regulations issued by appropriate military authority).

II. Applicable Laws 43. Our co11rts sitting in admiralty shall i 1 1 all crin1inal cases and in all cases calling for the application of criminal law and in all cases involving i11juries to the person or to personal rights or interests or destr11ction of or damage to propert)' or interests, apply the law of Our Empire exce_pt that the said courts may, in tl1eir discretion, apply the approprjate foreign law (a) when the internal discipline of a foreign ship or vessel is alone involved; (b) in cases in wluch a foreign wrongft 1l death statute could by its terms be applied; and (c) in cases in which a foreign statute for limitation of liability could by its terms be applied. 44. Our Courts sitting in ad1niralty sl1all, in any case of 111ariti1ne co11tra,ct, have the discretion to apply inter11ationally accepted r11les of co11flicts of laws for detern1ining the law of the co1 1tract. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article does not include tl1e word "n1aritime.''

45. Our Courts sitting i11 admiralty sl1all, i11 all ca,ses of tort and/or co11 tract in the absence of statutory provisio11s, a1)ply the princiJ)les generally recog11i �ed in admiralty courts throughout tl1e world incl11di 11g proced11ral a11d remedial prin­ ciples as well as substantive pri11ciples a11d, i11 tl1e n1atter of tort, the ge11erally r�­ cognized principles of adnuralty law i11 respect of co11trib 11tory 11egligence, co11tr1bution between tort feasors, etc. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of tl1is Article includes tl1e phrase ''Crin1inal n1atters''.

·- 278 -



D. Proper1y Rigl1ts . Expropriation - Requisition - Price Control 46. (a) If certain plots of land or builci11gs are co11sidered by Our Ministry of Con1mt1n _ �cati?ns to ?e indispe11sa ?le for tl1e ft1nctio11i11g of tl1e ports or for n1ar1t1me 1ndt1str1es or enterJr1ses a11d if tl1e ow11ers of tl1e said land or . bt1ildings reft1se to sell or d�ma11d excessive co111pensation, tl1e said _ M11.11stry shall decide vvl1etl1er 1be acquisitio11 thereof is reaso11ably re­ quired for tl1e developn1e11t of tl1e maritin1e interests of Our Empire. If the decisio11 o.f tl1e Mi11istry is i11 the affirmative, tl1e Ministry ,nay order tl1e expropriation of tl1e la11d or tl1e bt1ildings in questio11. (b) Ow11ership of lands or bt1ildi11g ,vitl1i11 tl1e maritime dornai11 of Our Empire n1ay not be acqt1ired by a11yone except as provided in tl1e laws a11d regt1lations applicable to tl1e said domain. (c) Whenever Our Mi11istry of Commt111ications shall find that Ethiopia11 sl1ips or vessels or n1arine i11dustries or enterprises duly registered u11der the regt1lations of Ot1r Ministry of Natio11al Defence are being subjected to tl1e t1nreaso11able demands in ::01111ectio11 witl1 the purchase of 111aterials and supplies requjred for their operations, the said Ministry n1ay, 011 the advice of con1pete11t experts, proclaim reasonable prices of sucl1 materials a11d SlIJJplies, a11d 1nai, if 11ecessary, reqt1isitio11 sucl1 materials and supplies at the said prices, for delivery against payn1e11t to the said shlps, vessels, i11dustries or enterprises. In -the event tl1at materials and supplies are so requisitio11ed, any party aggrieved shall l1ave tl1e rigl1t to a hearing before a divisio11 ·of Our High Co11rt sitting in admiralty and the said divisio11 of the said Court sl1all be competent to render a final decisio11 whicl1 shall not be subject to appeal, as to tl1e reasonable­ ness of the prices fixed by the said Ministry. (d) Whenever Ot1r Ministry of Conm1u11ications shall find t11at the acqt1isi­ tion of any materials, machines or equipment owned by at1y natural or juridical perso11 is necessary for a11)' of tl1e operations conducted under the supervision of tl1e said Mi11istry a11d that tl1_ e said 111aterials, machi11es or equipment cannot be acqui�d at a reasonable price without expro­ priation, tl1e said Ministry n1ay order tl1e expropriation of the said materials, machines or equipment, and the price payable to the owners shall be fixed, on tl1e petition of any of the parties concerned, and within :fifteen days from tl1e date of s1ch petition, by a division of Our lligh Court sitting in adllllralty who�e decision shall be final and not subject to appeal, on the basis of the price paid by the said owners in a bona fide transactio11 and the additio11 of a reasonable profit. CONSOLIDA110N NOTE The Aml1aric version of tWs Article includes tl1e plrrase ''or by compulsion'', I111pl. a,nd. Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Arts. 1460-1488 (comprel1ensively legislating with respect to procedure for expropriation of immovable prcperty and thereby repealing provisions of Art. 46 (a) relevant thereto). Note also that Art. 46 (d), :o the extent it is applied to ''intrisic elements'' as defined in Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Art.1132, or ''accessories'', as defined in Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Art. 1136, of inunovables \Viii also be affected by Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Arts. 1460-1488. .

47. (a) Etlliopian merchant ships or ve,sels and the properties of marine i11dt1s­ tries a11d enterprises duly registered under the regulations of Our Minis-

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------------------------· 11-2,3

try of Comn1t1nication.s may be requisitioned in case of necessity by Our Ministry of Comn1unicationE, our military authorities, Our port autho.. rities or comma11ders of Our Coast Guard vessels. (b) In case of necessity and with the specific approval of Our Cou11cil of Ministers in each i11stance, the said. authorities may also requisition the services of the crews of Ethiopian merchant ships or vessels requisitioned by the said authorities or tl1c services of Ethiopian sean1en to complete or form the crews of such ships or vessels. (c) In case of necessity and in ptrsuance of an Imperial order, Our Ministry of Communications may mobilize port workers and perso11t1el of marine indu$tries and ente;rprises and may assign the personnel to the opera­ tion of the said i11dustries and enterprises for the account of .tl1e Imperial · · Ethiopian GoverQment. . (d) The requisition of at1y Ethi)pia11 ship ·or· vessel shall be gover11ed by the following general rules: (1) A reasonable rental shall be paid for the use of the ship or vessel; (2) Throughout the period of requisitio11 all expenses of operation, movement, taxes, dues, 'Nages, etc. a11d all liabilities of the owners to third parties created within .the said period shall be incumbent on the In1perial Ethiop:an Governn1ent; (3) The ship or vessel shall be i11sured by and at the expense of the Government with an i11surance organization of the choice of the owner; (4) Any armament or conve1sion or alteration of the ship or vessel shall be entirely at the expense of the said Governme11t, wllich, after the termit1ation of the requ.isition, shall return the ship or vessel to the owner in the same condition as at the time of requisitio11ing. (e) The requisitio11 of propertie� of n1arine industries and enterprises sl1all be subject, 1ni1tatis mz1tandis: to the same rules. 48. - 102. [Repd. 19/8 (1960) P. 16i Art.4, 11 Consol. L. Eth. 5.] Given at Addis Ababa this 25th day of September, 1953. 14/5 (1955) L. 193*



_ These Rules are issued by the Mi11ister of Justice pt1rs11ant tQ at1tl1orit)'. vested in hin1 by Article 38 of tl1e Mariti111e Proclamation No. 137 of 1953. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A111d. 19/8 (1960) L.231; i111p/. a,nd. Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960), 22/3 (1962) 0.27. Reference herein to "Federal I-Iigl1 Court'', ''Federal Supreme Court'' "Federal Governn�ent" and "Federal Law'' were impliedly amended by tl1e Order Terminating tl1e Federal Status of Eritrea, 22/3 (1962) 0.27, to cause the deletion of the vord "Federal.''

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PARf I Preliminary

. 1. T.hese Rules may be .cited as tl1e ''\1aritin1c Cot1rt Procedt1re Rules, 1955." .




2. 111 these Rules, t1nless the co11text otherwise reql1ires: .. .. fa). ''Marjti111e Cot1rt'' n1ea11s any admiralty Divisio11 of tl1e Fligh Court. . . .. . . (b )· ''Registrar'' · n1ea11s tl1e officer i11 cl1arge of tl1e Registry of tl1e Higl1 Court or any sectio11 tl1ereof, 011 whicl1 a11y·�d111i_ralty Divisio11 depends or of tl1e Registry of a11y Acl111iralty Divisioi1. (c) ''1:i�el _(s�1jt) i_I� re111'_' 111�a11s c.llY pr�ceedi11g a.gai11st a ·s11ip or vessel, .able for service · its acces�ories, and/or its freig1t (a1not1nts paid or pay · · · · - of sllip or vessel). (d) ''Libel (suit) i11 perso11an1'' n1eaos a11y · proceeding against ma·sters, O\vners or other·persons liable ir .Adn1iralty, and tl1e n1eaning of ''masters, o,vners or otl1er persons'' is i11 c�i111inal proceedings 011ly physical perso11s. . (e) ''Public Prosecu' tor'' means a1y I)rosecutor · a1)pointed i11 accorda11ce \Vith tl1e provisions of tl1e Pt1blic Prosecutors Procla1na.'tio11; No. 29 of · · · 1942.. as amended, arid expres;ly desig11a:ted to Marit11rie Coii-rts. · · . .. . . . . . . . .. . -. . . (f) ''Execution Officer'' n1ea.ns tl1e Execution .. Officer of tl1e High Court _or any section thereof, 011 •which a11y Adn1iralty Divisip11 de1Je11ds, or. tl1e Exect1tio11 Officer desig11ated to an Adn1iralty Divisio11. , . (g) ''Cargo'' 1nea11s the goods car1ied by a sl1ip or vessel, a11d i11clt1ded i11 tL1e manifest, tip to tl1e n1on1e11t :>f tl1e ter1ni11atio11 of the sl1ip's or vessel's responsibility therefor. �

CROSS REFEREN.CE Public Prosecutors Proclan1ation, 2/25 (1942) P.29, 5 Consol. L. Eth. 8.

3. Tl1e Maritime Courts shall i11 all c:ises apply the Rules iss11ed in pt1rst1a11ce . of Article 20 of the Adm1nis tration of Jt1sti:e Proclamatio11 No.2 of 1942, as amend­ ed, provided the said Rt1les are not incon,;ista11t with Ethiopia11 Law or the Rtiles contained in this Legal Notice. CROSS REFERENCE Administration of Justice Proclamation, 1/1 (1942) P.2, 5 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1.

4. In all cases not expressly provided for . by the present Rules, a Maritime Court may regulate its practice · in accordance with generally established judici!ll · practice. 5. A Maritime Cot1rt may i11 a11y actio11, order the attorneys of t11e parties to appear before it or before a jt1dge thereoi to consider simplificatio11 of the issue, including admissio11 of faGts a11d docu1nents in order to avoid unnecessary proofs as \-Veil as other matters that 1nay aid in tre dispositio11 of the action. 6. Whe11 a Maritime Court has found obviot1s ·exaggeratio11 of a clai1u, it 1nay by st1mmary action award damages again;t the claimant. - 28l -





l\1arine Inv.estigation 7. A Port Man�ger o! a _Captain of a _ Co�st Guard Ship 1nay be authori zed by the court to make 1nvest1gat1on as In,est1gat1ng Officer:

In regard to shipping casualties: strand d, or (a) When a11y . sh!P or ves�el _i; lost, abandone?, materially � _ · damaged within the terr1tor1tl waters or mar1t1me domain of the Empire. (b) When any loss �f life ensues by reaso11 of any casualty happening to 0; on board any ship or vessel ·within the territorial waters or maritime domain of the Empire; (c) When in any place such casualty as described above u, (a) or (b) of this paragraph occ11rs to or on board a11 Ethiopian ship or vessel.


B. In regard to other maritime matters: (a) marine accidents, including indemnities to labourers; (b) disputes in respect of charter parties a11d averages; (c) disputes in respect of seamen a11d labourers. in n1arine industries a11d enterprises. 8. For the purpose of the inquiry an Investigation Offi�er may compel atte11d­ ance of persons or production of docume11ts with the same powers as a Maritime Court exercises in proceedings: Provided, that the en.forcement of a11y pena.lty imposed by an Investigati11g Officer for failure to appear or produce docu­ ments before him shall be stayed pending the order of a Maritime Court 11pon an application for relief from sucl1 pena.ty. 9. A11 Investigation Officer shall conclude his inquiry by st1bmitting to the Registrar of the nearest Admiralty DiYision a full report on the investigation to­ gether witl1 tl1e doct1me11ts relevant thereto. A copy of this report he shall simul­ taneously submit to the Department of Marine. The report with the doct1me11ts shall be it1m1ecliately submitted by the Registrar to the Admiralty Division.. 10. Upon an Investigating Officer's request in his full re ,port or in the course of his i11vestigation, or when tl1e Admi�alty Division finds that the report ougl1t to be completed, the Cou.rt may appoint assessors as provided for by Article 26 of the present Rules. I 1. A11y report subnlitted by an In·,estigating Officer to an Admiralty Divisio11 shall 11ot be finally disposed of except by the Court's written conclt1sio11 that tl1e matter may be co11tinued in eitl1er civi: or crin1inal proceedings, or tl1e Cot1rt finds no ground for further action before a Maritime Co11rt. In· the latter case tl1e conclusion shall also state the reasons therefor and sh.all, jf costs have been i11ct1rred, determine the an1ot111t to be paid fro1n the fund placed at the Court's disposal [or Mari11e Investigations. There shall be 110 appeal against the Co11rt's conclt1s10 11 that the n1atter may be continued in civil or criminal proceedings. 12. The provisions of this Part of the Rules shall, mutatis 1nuta11dis, also app!Y to a report subn1itted to an Admiralty Division by an Ethiopiar1 cons11l or a c ��taiti of a Coast G11ard sl1ip abroad in accorda11ce \Vitl1 regulatio11s isst1ed by the M1rustrY of National Defe11ce, provided, ho,ve, ver, tl1at the Admiralty Divisio11 sh�ll �ot appoint assessors if st1ch consul or captain has in the course of l1is iovest1g�txon y iralt Adm the already heard scientific referees, appraisers, or otl1er experts, t1nless . Division finds that the report is insutficie11t.

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t l



---------------�------�----------·· - PAR1 ID Ci,,n Proceedings



13. A?Y case where n1erely � decl �ratcry jt1dg111e11t or decree is sot1ght bt1t no a.ctt1al relJef or enforcement of r1gl1ts 1s reqtrested sl1all, t11Jon application' be I1eard in civil proceedings. 14. Clai_n1s for da.n1ages, inde11111ities or con1pe11satio11 shall be dealt witl1 as exclusively civil cases except in so far as tl1e gro1111ds for st1ch claims· co11stitute offences punisl1able by stat11te. 15. Suits for salvage may be i11 re,11 agai11st the proJ)erty salvaged or the proceeds tl1ereof and/or ;,-, perso11am agai11st any party liable for salvage service. 16. 111 civil cases ,vitl1 respect to marine insurance, averages a11d charter-parties the suit shall be in-personarrz against ow11ers or charterers, st1bject, ho,vever, in respect of marine liens, loans and n1ortgages to tl1e provisions of Part VII of these Rules. _ 17. In cases involving eval11ation of property, 11nder Articie 46 of the Maritirpe Proclamatio11 No.137 of 1953 or other,vise, tl1e Mariti111e Co11rt shall cause appraisers to be nominated, one by the claima11t or applicant and 011e by tq.e respondent. Should either party fail to 11on1inate an appraise�, the Court will nominate a11 appraiser on behalf of s11cl1 party. Tb.e two appraisers so nominated shall_, within one week aft�! ha-xi:ng been requested by_ the Court to do so, submit to tl1e Court a proposal (or a _third appraiser to be membe _r and chairma11 for the evaluation. If either of th� appraisers fails so to pr�pose or if they ar� not unanimous, the Court will appoint the_ third men1ber fron1 among persons not directly or indirectly interested in the matter and who are technically cot1versa11t with marine ins11ran�e. 18. Objection to the registratio11 of a s1:ip or vessel, or objectio11 to the cancella­ tion of such registration, shall 11pon applic1tion be heard i11 civil proceedings. .


PAR1 IV Criminal Proceedings 19. A crimi11al case before a Maritime Cotrrt shall be filed and condt1cted only by a pt1blic pro·secutor.· A private complai1ant may, however, be beard in the civil of any suc)l aspects case and may plead �nd . present evide11ce. . . . 20. No charge shall be accepted by the- Registrar 11nless it states the offence, tl1e particulars thereof and the Jaw applicable thereto. 21. Except as provided in Article 22 of this Part of the R11les, a Maritime Court shall in criminal proceedings when reqtie5ted also deal with the civil matters of damages, indemnities or compensation arising from the criminal act charged. 22. The Co11rt may for good reasons in 1ny case separate the q11estion of criminal respo11sibility fron1 the questions of damages, indemnities or compensation and require the private complainant to procee ,i civilly with the latter q11estions. 23. In all suits based on statutory offences comn1itted 011 board an Ethiopian ship or vessel within or 011tside the territorial waters or 111aritime domain of the :Empire or on board a foreign ship or vessel witl1in tl1e territorial ,vaters or 1naritime domain of the En1pire, the st1it sl1all be only in JJersor1a1n against the wrongdoer. 24. In any criminal case where tl1ere bas been raised a question of confiscat_ion of a ship or vessel, its accessories or its freight, or confiscation of any otl1er obJect - 283 -



within the maritime jurisdictio11, tl1e Court shall before giving final decision as to confiscation give due notice to tl1e ow11er of the object, if such owner is not already a party to the proceedi11gs. PAltT V Evidence

- · __-25. 111 a11y action before a Maritime Court, the Court n1ay require the party or ,parties to present to the Court all documents perti11ent to the proper registratio 11 of the ship or vessel, marine industry or enterprise, seaman or labot1rer as the case 1nay be. CONSOLIDATION NOTE · · Tl1e Atnl1aric version of tl1is Article says, ''... the Court must require the party.... " .

. 26. In any civil or criminal case as well as in any matter s11bmitted to a,1 Admiralty Division 11nder the provisionf of Part 11 of these Rules, the Maritime Courts· may appoint one or three assess:>rs to take testimony a11d report thereon to. the Court. S11ch assessors or assesso1 shall have the power s11bject to control by the court to l1ear parties a11d witnesse, u11der oath ai1d ·10 co1npel atte11dance of perso11s and productio11 of doc11ments w:tb the same po\vers as a Maritime Court exercises in criminal proceedings. The hea.ring by the assessors n1a)1 be of any issue of law, fact or value. Assessors shall be appointed fro1n among persons expert in maritin1e affairs. A ljst of such persons stall be submitted annt1ally to the Maritin1e Courts by the Mari11e Deparlme11t of the Mi11istry of National De.fence. A Mari­ time Court sl1all 11ot a1Jpoi11t as assesso1 a11y person who is directly or i11directly interested i11 tl1e case. The assessors' report, which sl1all be in writing, n1ay be adopt­ ed or rejected by the Co11rt, provided that, when the submission to assessors or a11 assessor bas been n1ade OIJ civil matters with express consent by the parties that the report shall be considered as a11 award by arbitrators, the Co11rt may review and confirn1 or reject the same only in accordance ,vitl1 the pri11ciples governing st1cl1 an a\vard. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The only nt1n1ber of assessors specified in the Amharic version of this Article is ll1ree.


27. In case of evaluation of property as provided for by Article 17 of tl1ese Rt1les, the report by the appraisers shall be sub1nitted to tl1e Co11rt i11 writi11g. S11ch report or, in case the appraisers are not 1111a11imo11s, tl1e re1Jort of tl1e n1ajority shall be considered as pri111afacie evidence of the value of the object concer11ed. Addition­ al evide11ce may be prod11ced 011ly by special leave of the Co11rt wl1ich further n1ay appoi11t assessors or an assessor i11 accorda11ce with Article 26 of this Part of these R11Ies. 28. The Maritime Cotirts have t11e power, 11.pon their o,v11 motio11 or at the request of any party, to require evidence 011 com111ission or be letters rogatory fro111 foreign countries. The correspondence incidental to tl1e taki11g of st1cl1 evidence sl1all be conducted through the intermediary Gf the Mi11istry of Foreig11 Aft,airs. Where the taki11g of such evide11ce is reqt1ested b� a11y party tl1e said party sl1all be reqt1ired to deposit s11ch st1n1 as the Co11rt 111ay direct fron1 pay1ne11t of the costs. 29. An Ad111iralty Division 111ay at the request of either party and 11po11 sucl1 party making deposit as described i11 the .1lreceding Article, refer to scie11tific referees q

- 284 -




---- ----------------------- -------

a qt1estio11 of constrt1ctio11 or desig11 or of scie11tific diffict1lty or i111portant te chnical principle. St1cl1 refete11ce 111ay also be 111ade 011 a11 Ad1J1iralty Divisio11 's ow11 111otion. If the refere11ce is to a scie11tific referee abroad, the refere11ce sl1al.l be n1ad e tl1rot1gh tl1e i11 ter111ediary of tl1e Mi11istry of Foreig11 Affairs or clirectly tl1rot1gl1 tl1e Etl1iopia1 1 constil. 30. If, a party or \.Vit11ess w]10 l1as bee11 J1eard i11 1Jrocee di11gs before a11 Investiga­ tio11 Officer or assessors sl1all i11 later civil or crin1i1 1al proceedings give a staten1e 11t co11 flicti11g witl1 his previot1s state111e11t, tl1e Co11rt sl1all ex o_/j'icio dema11d clarifica­ tio11 fron1 l 1 im. Tl1e Cottrt sh,tll tl1en attac]1 st1cl1 valt1e to st1cl1 clarificatio11 as the Cot1rt deen1 s ap p. ropriate . 31. A Maritin1e Cot1rt n1ay i11 its discretio11 accept as eviclc11ce any officially attested doc11ment prod11ced if the P. erso11al atte11da11ce of the perso11 who sig11e cl tl1e doc11n1e nt can11ot be obtai11ed v.1 itl1011t co11siderable delay or expense.

PART VI Judgments, Decisions, Orders and Decrees ·

32. Every jt1dgn1e11t, decisio11, order or decree give11 by a Maritime Cot1rt sl1all contain th.e state rnent tl1at it 11as bee11 give11 i11 Ad1niralty a11 d shall describe tl1e con1posit.ion of the Court and shall further sl1 ow the place where and tl1e d�1te when it was given and pro11ot111ced. It shall also state the 11ames of the parties a11cl tl1eir representatives. 33. When a Maritime Cotirt l1as ordered ame11cl111e11t · or clarificatio11 of a11y written statement st1b1nitted to the Cot1rt, it may if a party fails to comply with its order, close the file or proceed as 11po11 defatilt of tl1e said party, subject to tl1e J)ro­ . 11le 47 of tl1e Court Procedt1re Rt1le s, 1943 isst1ed in pt1rst1a11ce of Article visions of R 20 of the Adn1inistratio11 of J11stice Proclan1 atio11 No.2 of 1 942. CROSS REFERENCE Court ProcedL1re Rules, 3/2 (1943) L.33 Art. 47, 5 Consol. L.



34. The Cot1rt's decisiot1 shall be tl1e one voted for by the n1ajority of the jt1dges. 35. In appointing asse ssors, appraisers or scie11tific referees the Co11rt. shall appo.i nt the one who in the deliberation obtai11s more votes tl1an a11y of the otl1ers. If the votes are equally divided among tl1e judges, tl1e one shall be appointed for \Vhom the presiding j11dge has voted. If tl1e votes are divided between two grot1ps of the judges, \Vith one jt1dge disse11ting fron1 tl1e two gro11ps, the presiding jt1dge shall exercise a casting vote be twee11 the two gro11. ps. ..... . .� 36. If i11 civil proceedings there is 110 majority for a decision as to the ai11ou11t of liability or as to qt1antity the Court's clecisio11 shall be the decision \.vhich will be obtained by acct1n1ulating the vote for the highest amount or greatest qua11tity with the vote for the seco11d h.ighest amount or second greatest quantity and so on 11ntil a majority decision is obtai11 ecl 011 the principle tl1at tl1e greater inclt1cles the less. 37. In cri111i11al proceedings i11 which the defe11dant is co11victed bt1t there is no n1,1jority dete r1nining the punish1nent the Cottrt's decision shall be tJ1e de cisio11 which will be obtai11ed by acct1mulating tl1e vote for the severest punislllllent with tl1e vote for the second severest punishment and so 011 u11til a majority decision is obtain ed. on the princi 1)]e that the greater i11clt1des tl1e less.

� 285 -



38. Wh.en a Maritime Court has re11d�red a final d.ecision ip. .11egarrd to a seaman 0r · lab0urer as a defendant or accused, the Registrar shall without delay forward a copy of the decision to the De[:>artment of Mari-oe in tibe Ministry of Communica­ tions. -· . PART VII Marine Liens, Lmns and Mortgages •

39. No payment of a lien, loan or mortgage which is su.bject by law to registration may be claimed in a.n action before ;1. Maritime Court unless the claimant pro­ duces to the Court extracts from the pro?er register of such lien, loa11 or mortgage. 40. When a loan or mortgage is contracted before the Regi�trar of a Maritime Court, the Registrar shall retain two copies of the agreement, one copy to be filled by him a.nd the other copy to be certified .and forwarded by him for registratio11 in accordance with the ·regulations made by the Ministry of National Defence.

PART vrn·.. PART IX 41 - 56 [Repd. 19/8 (1960) L.231 Art. 3.] PART X Advocates





57. A foreign advocate shall be allo•�ed to appear in a single case or a single series of cases before a Maritime Cou1t withot1t complying with the regulations governing registration of advocates, provtded that such advocates satisfies the Court that he is a member of the bar of a court of record in his own country. ..

. PART XI . . Costs,· B�ls, ·Sureties


58. A Maritime Court may order the payment by way of costs, including attorneys fees, of such sun1 as it thinks fit .. · . , 59. A foreig11 party or representative of a foreign party ma_ y be reqt1ired bei'ore comme11cement of proceedings as claim:int or applicant in a Mariti1ne Court, to give surety for any costs that may be avarded against him. 60. In all suits in personam, a Maritime Court, or when the Court is not sitting, the President of the Court, or the Acting President thereof, may allow bail. 61. Except as ordered by the Court, 110 official in the pay of the Gover11roent sha.ll demand any extra payment for se1vices re11dered by l1im at the request of a · Maritime Court. "'


PAR1 XII. Cou1t . Fees


62. The following fees sl1all be levied i11 tl1e· · Mariti1ne Courts: A. Special Rules · t e e 0bject y E b o e b a p d i _ -- �-·: -$__ _ _ ... F_ T _ _ :!_ . _ � _ � ::.....:: _ ___: -=- ::..:..:.:..:.:.......: _ a) application for a decision -u11der i.\rticle 46 (d) of the Maritime 100.00 Proclamation Applicant - 286 -




To be paid by

b) Application for a l1eari11g 11nder Article 46 (c) of tl1e Mariti111e Proclamatio11" · ·

Fee Eth.$



c) [J,npl. repel. 19/8 (1960) P.164 Art.4 (repealing Maritime Proclamatio11 Art. 53, to whicl1 this rule referred).] ----------------d) Application for declaratory jt1dg­ rnent or decree Applicant 90.00 e) Claim for specific performance Claimant - ------ - -------- -------[) Application for arrest or attachn1e11t. ApJJlicant 1. of a 111ercl1ant ship as deJined by the Maritime Proclamation 2. of a mercha11t vessel as defined by the Maritime : Proclamatio11 3. of other property '

g) Application for inju'ction

90.00 -------


250.00 50.00 I 00.00 90.00

h) [/111pl.repd. 19/8 (1960) P. I 64 Art. 4 (repealing Maritime Proclamation Art. 49, to which this rule referred).] i)'s .application for loa11 or part sa_l_e qr urg�nt needs

j) Master's request.. for· perh1issio11 to sell the sl1ip or vessel

. k) Application for a hearing i11 regard. to. registration· of.·sl1ip or . vessel

The Master


The Master





1) [Iinpl. repel. 19/8 {1960)· P.164 Art. 4 (repealing Maritime Proclamation Arts. 23 (b) and 25, 'to which this rule referred).]

m) Acknowledgement

before the Registrar under the regulatio11s issued by the Ministry of National Defence

Each party mak­ ing ihe acknow­ ledgement


n) [J,npl. repd. 19/8 (1960) P. 164 Art. 4 (repeali11g Maritime Proclamation Art. 54, to which this rt1le referred).] B. General Rules (a) For any claim or counter-claim of payment including damages, indemni­ ties or compensation, whetl1er made in civil or criminal proceedings, the Court fees o . n filing the action shall be in accordance_ with the follo,v­ ing tariff: •

· - 287 -



. ..... .. . .


l. When the a.n1ount or value of the s·ubject n1atter in dispute is 11ot n1ore than: $1,000.00 dollars for every ...... ....... ...... ...... · $5.00 $1 00.00 dollars for part thereof 2. When the amou11t or valt1e of the s11bject matter in. ·· dispute exceeds ($1,000.00) but not 10,000.00 dollars the fee for 1,000 dollars (i.e-. a fee of 50 dollars plus for every 1,000 dollars er part �thereof in adciitio11 to the first 1,000 nollars ..�.. ...... ...... .... .. ...... ...... ...... 22½ dollars 3. When the amount or value of the subject matter in dispute exceeds $10,00) dollars but not $50,000 dollars the fee for $10,0CO i.e. a fee of $252.50 dollars plus for every 1,000 dolltrs or· part thereof i11 addition to the first I 0,000 dollars ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 12½ dollars 4. When tl1e. amount or value of the sttbject matter in dispttte exceeds 50,000 d, )llars but not 100,000 dollars the fee for 50,000 dollars (i.e: a fee of 252.50 dollars, J)lus ·for every 1,000 dolltrs or part thereof in additiot1 to the first 50,000 dollars- ...... · ·...... ...... ...... ......· ...... 6½ dollars 5. When the amo1111t or v2lue of the s11bject · matter in disp1ite exceeds 100,001) dollars but not 200,000 dollars, the fee for 100,0CO dollars (i.e. a fee of 1077.50 dollars plus for every 1,000 dollars or part thereof in addition to the first l 00,000 dollars ...... . ...... ...... 3½ dollars 6. Whe11 tl1e amou.nt or vtlue of the subje�t- matter in dispute exceeds 200,000 dollars tl1e fee for 200,000 -­ dollars (i.e. a fee of 1,427.50 dollars plus -for every 1,000 dollars or part thereof in ·addition .to the first 200,000 ·dollars (provid�d . that -tl1e total: fee shall 11ever be in excess of 2,(,00 dollars) ..:... ...... ...... · ...... 1 dollar 7. Whe11 tl1e claim or counterclaim is for.:a11 i11defu1ite.· a1nount or u11k11ow11 value ·. ...... ...... . ...... ...... : ..:.... 90 dollars 8. A fee of ½ doll,trs is to be added in respect of each! party to be served ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...: .. (b) A11y i11crease in the an1otmt or value of the clain1 or co1111ter-claim e11tails the payn1ent of i11c:eased fees according ·to the tariff. (c) OpJJOsitio11 to a judgn1e11t rendered in de1'at1lt will be filed only upo11 oppone11t's payi11g the fee correspondi11g to tl1e amot1nt or value 01)posed agai11st plus an additio11 fee of 10 dollars. (d) The costs of· a11 appeal will Je haif·of tl1e Court fees paid 011 the original _ · . filing of the action; provided tl1at wl1ere tl1e a.ppeal is to tl1e Supreme . . . ,- . · Co11rt . ag�inst a decision other than a j·udgme11t, the fees to be paid will be 30 dollars. (e) For ar1y service 11ot expreIBly providecl for by the prese11t Rules, fees shall be paid according to tile Co11rt (Fees) R11les, 1953, Article 2, para­ graphs (b) to (f) and (j) to (I) i11clt1sive.

. .. '

CONSOLIDATION NOTE 'The An1har�c version of Subarticle A (a) reacts "Appficaticin for a·_decision under (a) and (b) of the Maritin1e·Proclan1ation:'' And it does rot n1ention Article 46. Tl1e An1haric version of Subarticle B (e) reads paragrapl1s (b), (f), (j) and (1).

· - 288 -

I t



------- ------- --- ------ --------- -·

The Atnl1aric version of Subartic]e A (f) inclttdes the pl1rase "as definecl by the Maritime Proclan1ation ''. J111pl. a111cl. Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Arts. 1460 - 1488 (i111plieclly repealing provisions of Mari­ tin1e Proclan,ation Art. 46 (a) dealing ,vith ex1)ropriation proceclure and affecting Maritin1e Procla­ n1ation Art. 46 (d) insofar as it deals ,vith iinn1ovable property, a11d thus impliedly amending Rule 62A (a) ). C.ROSS REFERENCE Court (Fees) Rl1les, 12/15 (1953) L.177 Art.2 (b)- (f), (j)- (I), 5 Consol. L. Eth. 7.

63. All co11rt fees sl1all be paid by tl1e l)arty :fili11g tl1e clain1 or co1111ter-claim, · provided that the Imperial Etl1io11ia11 Gover11ment a11d any Ministry or depart111ent tl1ereof is exen1pted fro111 payme11t of a11y of the above mentioned fees. The fees will be added to the amo11t1t of tl1e jt1dgr11e11t t11Jo11 the jt1dgme11t creditor prodL1cing to tl1e Exec11tive Officer receipts for tl1e Courts fees paid. 64. Whe11 an action l1as beet1 i11stitt1ted witl1ot1t f'ees 11avi11g been paid, either becat1se t.l1e party filing the actio11 is exe111pted fro111 paying fees or tl1e action has been institt1ted in for1r1a pai,peris, the Court shall i11 its jt1dgme11t add to the judg­ me11t debt the fees payable 011 the a111ot1nt or valt1e adj11dged. 65. If a claim or cou11ter-claim is vvitl1draw11 before judg1nent, the Registrar shall isst1e a certificate al1thorizi11g the IJarty wl10 paid tl1e Court fees to be reimbL1rs­ ed the fees paid accordi11g to receipts , provided, l1owever, that the Registrar shall retain one-tenth of tl1e fees paid for expenses. PART XIII Appeals

66. Unless oth.erwise provided by la.w, appeal lies agai11st any decision or judg­ ment rende1·ed by a11 Admiralty Divisio11 of the I-Iigh Co11rt to the St1preme Cot1rt. 67. Period of appeal: (a) i11 civil matters, 90 days , (b) in crin1i11al matters, 30 days, (c) against a decision under Article 11 of these Rules by \Vhich decision an Ad1niralty Division l1as fou11d 110 grot1nd for fL1rther action one year. 68. Documents to accon1pany notice of appeal are copies of the judgment or decision appealed against, i11 nu1nbers st1fficient to be served upon all the oppone11ts. The Cot1rt appealed to s .hall decide the time withi11 wl1ich tl1e ft1ll memorandum of appeal and a copy of the entire records sha]l be submitted by the appella11t, and may order the Regjstrar of the Court \-Vhich gave the judgment or decisiot1 appealed against to hancl over the entire file to the Cot1rt appealed to. 69. It shall be the dtity of appellant to st1pply the Court which gave the judgme11t or decision appealed against witl1 a copy of tl1e notice of appeal and tl1e me?1oran­ dun1 of appeal at the same time when the 11otice or memorandun1 is submitted to tl1e Court appealed to. 70. Forn1s and models for writs, sumn1011s, warrants and other such forms and models to serve in Adn1iralty proceedings may be prescribed by the President of the High Cot1rt or by the President of any section thereof on which an Admiralty Division depends. Do11e at Addis Ababa this 29th day of January, 1955. - 289 -



13/3 (1953) 0.12* MARITI\1E ORDER

CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, ElviPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the maritime zone o: Our Empire, inclt1ding the islands are of primary concern to the defence of Our Empire; and WHEREAS, it is essential that the maritime zones of Our Empire be ad1niuis­ te·red in a n1anner consistent with the interna·tio11al responsibilities involved and with fhe international treaties, and obligations applicable thereto; and WHEREAS, it is essential that appropriate prov�sions b� made for meeting the ttrgent necessities of the national defence and the 1nternat1onal responsibilitjes of the lmpe.rial Ethiopian Governme·n�; and WHEREAS, paragraph 3 o·f the Federal Act for the federation of Eritrea \.Vith Ethiopia provides that the jurisdiction of the Federal Governn1ent shall extend to defence, foreign affairs, foreigt1 at1d i11terstate com1nerce and external and interstate communications, inclt1di11g ports, as W!ll as to other fields of federal jurisdiction; a11d

WHEREAS, Our Order No. 7 of 1952 for the Desig11ation and the Exte11sio11 of tl1e Ft1nctio11s of Our Federal Mi11is1ers issued i11 conformity with tl1e provisions of paragraph 3 of the said Federal Ac1, provides i11ter alia for tl1e exercise by Our Ministers of National Defence, Foreign Affairs and Commt1nications a11d Public Works of federal jurisdiction in respect of defence, foreign affairs and of external ...a11d interstate communications, including ports; a.nd WHEREAS, Our Ministry of National Defe11ce Order No. 11 of 1953, ·provides for the jurisdiction and functions of Our Mi11ister of National Defence i11 respect of tl1e defence of the Empire; and WHEREAS, paragraphs 24 a11d 25 of tl1e aforecited Order of 1943 as ame11ded, provide for the jurisdiction a11d ft1nctic11s of Our Minister of Comn1t1nications and Minister of Public Works i n respect of water-ways a11d all water-bor11e traffic and of tariffs in respect of the same; NOW, THEREFORE, in order tJ provide for the proper administration of the national defence of the Empire and for the rational adininistration, t111der a ·si11gle ministry, of the diverse gover1101ental and administrative problems in the mariti1ne zones of Ot1r Em_pire, in co11fi)rn1ity with Our responsibilities as Sovereign of the Federation a11d as Commander-in-Chief of tl1e Defence Forces of Our Empire and, ft1rther, in conformity with the r-rovisions of Article 11 of Our Co11stitution and witl1 the foregoi11g consideratio11s, We order as follov.1s: CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Minist�y of Cotnmuo�cati�� and Public Works, referred to l1ere, \Vas split into tl1e Minis­ . Consol 3 19, Art. 0.46 try of Commun1cat1ons and the Mm1stry of Fublic Works by 25/23 (1960) L. Et/1. 1. ed la re � and p to repealed The C�nstit1.1tion !ef�rred l1ere is the C)nstitution of 1931, wliicl1 \Vas by the Revised �onst1t�t1on of 1955, 15/2 (1}55) P.149. Tile Article of the Revised Const itution parallel to the cited Art1cle of the 1931 Conltitt1tion is Article 27. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE lr11pl. an1d. 22/3 (1962) 0.27, 25/23 (1966) 0.46.

-290 -




1. This Order may be cited as Ot1r ''tv1ariti 1 11e Order, 1953''. 2. Ot1r Minister of Natio11al Defence shall, in accordance with Ot1r Mi11istry of Natio11al Defe11ce Order No. 11 of 1953, be �esponsible for the taki11g of all adniinist­ rative meast1res to asst1re tl1e clefe11ce of tle En1pire i11 tl1e 1 11ariti 1ne zones of Our Empire which shall inclt1de the territorial 'Vaters and the 1nariti111e domain as well as Ethiopian sl1ips a1 1d vessels on tl1e l1igl1 s<:as as clefi11ed i1 1 Our Mariti 1ne Proclama­ tion No. 137 of 1953, as well as tl1e defe 11ce zones of Ot1 r Em1Jire as provided for i 11 Oi,r National Defe11ce Ore/er No. 11 of 1)53. CROSS .REFERENCE Marili111e Proclan1ation, 13/1 (1953) P.137, 11 Consol. L. Eth. 2. Ministry of National Defence Orde.r, 13/3 (1953) 0.11.

3. Our Minister of Comrnt1nications shall be responsible for the proper ful­ filme 1 1t of the duties a 11d ft1 11ctions in respect of water-w,1ys, water-borne traffic and tariffs as set forth in paragraph 19 of tl1e Ministers (De:fi11ition of Powers) Order 1943, as a.mended. The dt1ties a11d functions i11 respect of fislli11g as set forth in para­ graph 27 of the same Order shall be tl1e respo11sibility of tl1e Ministry of Agric11ltt1re. CONSOLIDAT[ON NOTE Tl1is Article originally referred all the responsibilities enumerated to the Ministry of National Defence. But \Vas changed by tl1e above mentioned Order 1. CROSS REFERENCE ivlinisters (Definitions of Powers) Order, 2/5 (1943) 0.1, 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1. Ministry of National Defence Order, 13/3 (1953) 0.11.

4. In addition to the responsibilities l::id upon l1in1 by paragraphs 2 and 3 of the present Order, Ot1r Mi 11ister of Natio1al Defence shall be responsible in tl1e field of foreig 11 affairs for those 1natters delimited i 11 sub-paragraph (d) of Article 5 of the present Order. 5. Ot1r Minister of Natio 11al Defe11ce sl1all be respo 11sible for: (a) Tl1e taking of all steJJS appropriate for encouraging, developing and regu]ati11g merchant marine sl1ipping and marine industries and enter­ prises within Our Empire; (b) The st1pervision of all commerce a11d co1 11mt1nications within all ports, territorial waters and n1aritime zones of Our Empire; (c) The establishment, administration and collection of all marine and port tar.iffs, dues, i1nposts, :fees and charges; (d) Tl1e enforcement of all n1aritime laws, treaties, international conven­ tions and obligations of Our Em1Jire; (e) ,.fhe iss11ance, pursuant to the aforesaid maritime laws, treaties, and internatio1 1al conventions and obligations, of all necessary and appro­ priate regulations and the enfor �, ement of the said regulations, including but not limited to regt1lations: (i) establishl11g restricted zones and zones of surveillance within the territorial waters or the m1riti111e domain of Our Empire; (ii) determining minimum qualifications for employment on Ethio­ pia·n ships or vessels or i11 port services or in marine industries or enterprises, n1inimt1m standards in respect of co11ditions of work and rates of pay for such employment, rates of compensation for - 291 -




. ..


acciden t or de ath i11;,ident to such employment, ans max.imum cha rges for services renderecl by m.arine agents, ships ehandJers and othe r suppliers in Ou r ports; (iii) prescribing rules of discipline on Ethiopiam ships and vessels and in Our ports and establishing d,isciplinary boards for the enfolice­ m en,t of such rules; . d delimiting free zo11es, in agr eement with the Minister (iv) d eclaring an of Fin.ance, within wh.ich ooill.llloditi es i n t ransit may be deposited and ship repairs may be eff . ected, and i nto which raw m.aterials m ay be introduced, f1ee of all duties and charge s, to be processed for re-export; (v) esta.blishing procedures with respect to exemptions granted by Our maritime l aws from taxes, dues, fees and charge s; (vi) presc ribi ng rules of navigation and pilotage within Our territorial waters; (f) The recon1IDend.atio11 and preparation for submission to Us, tJ1rougl1 Our Council of Ministers, of all necessary and appropriate legislation in respect of maritime matters; (g) The preparatio11 of a bt1dget of: Our Coast Gu ard; (h) T'he collectio11 of revenue., and expe 11ditt1r e of all funds at1thorized in the b11dget of the Departme11t of Mari11e as approved from year to year; (i) The orga11ization and comn1and of Our Coast Guard Corps; (j) The operatio11 of all ships a11d vessels ow11ed or chartered by the Im­ perial Ethiopiat1 Governme11t i11clt1di11g ships and vessels t1sed i11 com­ m.erce; (k) The en1ployn1ent a11d sup!rvjsion of all 11ecess ary perso1111el; (I) The a.dn1i1listration a11d supervision of all light-l1ot1ses, lights, bt1oys, marine a11d st1b-n1arine cables, harbot1r a11d port str11ctt1res a11d installa­ tions; (n1) Subject to Our Defe11ce Grders, the defence, sec11rity a11d mai11tenance of order in and. the protection of all ports, territorial waters and 111aritime zo11es of Our Empire; (11) The admi11istration of all i,lands and archipelagoes with sttch exceptio11s as to partict1lar islands as may .from time to ti1ue by In1perial Decree . be established; (o) TI1e co11trol, co11servatio11 and exploitatio11 of all ma.rine .resotirces and _properties, i11cludit1g 111arine life, mi11erals inclt1ding salts, derelicts, wrecks; sunken or otl1erwise, ca·btes, mari11e a11d sub-1nari11e, and other objects as well as tl1e resources of the seabed declared to be pa.rt of tl1e national don1ain; (p) Tl1e registratio11 of sbi1Js, vessels, a11d 111ari11e industries a11d e11terprises, and t11e maintena11ce and _preservatio11 of.all port and shiJJping records ; (q) The s11pervisio11 and directio11, through Otu· .E1nbassies a11d Legatio1 1s, of all actions of Ot1r Const1lar. At1thorities witl1 respect to maritime ,. affairs; (r) Co-operatio11 with foreign const1ls and, 11pon directio11 by Ot1r C��ncil of Mi11isters, with other foreig11 represe11tatives, i11sofar as n1ar1t1n1e, · · - port a11d shipping JJroblens are concer11ed; - ·292 .




(s) Tl1e co11trol a11d st1_pervisio11 of all n1aritin1e at1d telecom1nunications origi11ating or termi11ati11g in the ports, territorial ,vaters or 111aritime zo11es of Our E111pire; (t) Tl�e � xercise, pl1rst1a11t to law, _of _ the 1)0 :vers of reqt1isitio11s a11d expro­ pr1at101 1 for tl1e 11eeds of Eth1op1a11 sl11_ps a11cl vessels a11d of mari11e .i11dt1stries and enterprises, a11d for tl1e 11eeds of tl1e services of Ot1r Depart111e11t of Marine, i11clt1di11g port services; (ti) The establishrne11t a11d. 111ainte11a11ce witllin 011r Mariti1 ne don1ain of telecon1m1111ication i11stallatio11s a11cl facilities.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tlus Article appeared originally as part of Art.5, but becat1se of an1eodn1ents introduced by 2/5 (1943) 0.1 as an1ended, it becan1e n1ore conve11ient to treat the rights and clt1ties of the Ministry of National Defence separate fro111 tl1ose of the Ministry of Communications.

6. Tl1e regulations issued i11. purs11a11ce of this Order a11d of Our Mariti111e Laws shall beco1ne efrective eigl1t days after posti11g, i11 either Amharic or Englisl1, in three conspic11ot1s places in eacl1 of Ot1r ports. Tl1e date of J)Osting shall be certified by Ot1r port officers. 7. No service shall pt1blish any reguiatio11s aJ)plicable to or i11 the n1aritime zones of Ol1r Empire ,vitl1ot1t first 11avi11g tra11sn1itted to Ot1r Minister of National Defence and to the official in charge of the Departme11t of Marine, at least' ten days in advance of projected publications, a complete a11d final text of the pro1)osed regulations. Ot1r Minister of National Defence sl1all have the a11thority to order the suspension of such public.ation pending refere11ce of the matter to Ot1r Cou11cil of Mi11isters at its next weekly n1.eeti11g, in the event tl1at l1e is of opinion that the publication of such regulatio11s would not be conducive to the proper admi11is­ tration of services within tl1e mariti1ne zo 11es of Ot1r Empire. 111 the event of a co11-flict of ji1risdictio11 bet\:vee11 or amo11g two or 1nores services o_perating within the mariti111e domai11 or territorial waters, tl1e official in charge of tl1e Department of Marine sl1all promptly refer the matter to the Minister of Defence and, pendi11g reference of the same by the latter to Our Cou11cil of Mi11isters a11d the decisio11. by that body, shall have authority to J)lace i11 force such minimum n1eas11res as may be essential to assure the conti11ued OJ)eration of tl1e port services and functions under consideratio11. !11 the event that t11e conflict of jurisdiction is betwee11 the Department of Mari11e and anotl1er service or services, tl1e official in charge of the Department of Marine shall be authorized to order such other service or services to take, or conti11ue, or to desist fro111 taking or co11ti11uing such action as he shall specify pendi11g the taki11g of a decisio11 i11 the matter by Ot1r Council of Ministers, or, in any eventuality, by Ourselves. w

CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln1pl. a111d. 22/3 (1962) 0.27, 2 Co11sol L. Et/1. 5. (terminating tl1e Federal status of Eritrea and thus impliedly deleting the reference herein to ''federal'' service).

8. The provisions of this O�der st1persede any inconsiste11t JJrovisions of Our Order No. 1 of 1943, as amended. CROSS REFERENCE Minis1ers (Definit'ion of Powers) Order, 2/5 (1943) 0.1, 3 Cor1sol. L. Eth. 1.

Give11 at Addis Ababa tl1is 25tl1 day of September, 1953. - 293 -



19/8 (1960) P. 164

THE MARITIME OODE PROCLAMATION OiF 1960 CONQUERilNG LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the development of tlle ports of Our Empire and the expansio11 of Our merchant navy require that a comprehensive Maritime Code be enacted; and WHEREAS, a Maritime Code has been prepared under Our supervision and has received the approval of Our Senate and Chamber of Deputies; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Articles 34 and 88 of Our Revised Constitution, We approve the resolution of Our Senate and Chamber of Deputies and We hereby proclaim as follows: 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Maritime Code Proclamatiot1, 1960''. 2. The Maritime Code of 1960, as pt1blished in a separate volt1me appearing as Extraordinary lss·ue No. 1 of 1960 of the Negarit Gazeta, shall come into force on the 5th day of May, 1960. 3. Nothing contained in the Maritime Code shall affect the natio11ality of ships registered prior to the coining into force of said Code. 4. The Maritime Proclamation Ne. 137 of 1953, as amended by the Maritime (Amendment) Proclamation of 1956, is hereby repealed except for Articles 2 to 5 inclusive, paragraphs (e) to (g) i11clusive of Article 6, Articles 28 to 31 inclusive, and Articles 36 and 47 inclusive. Done at Ababa this 5tt day of May, 1960 .

- 294 --




Section 12 Internal Security A. Police and Prisons 1/1 (1942 ) P.6* A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANIZATION DISCIPLINE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE POLICE FORCE AND FOR MATTERS INCIDENTAL THERETO CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: Part I Preliminary Short Title 1. This Procla1natio11 1nay be cited as the ''Police Proclamation, 1942'' a11d shall be deemed to have come into-force on tl1e 31st January, 1942. 2. In this Proclamatio11, 11nless tl1e co11text otherwise requires: ''Commissioner'' means the Con1n1issioner of Police and includes the Dep11ty Co111missioner of Police; ''Constable'' means a11y police officer below tl1e rank of 11011-con1n1issioned officer; ''Force'' mea11s The Ethiopian Police Force established 11nder this Procla­ mation; ''Inspector'' includes assistant i11spector and sub-inspector; ''Non-commissioned officer'' means a police officer of the rank of sergea11t or corporal; ''Police Officer'' means any member of the Force; ''Police Station'' means a11y place appointed by the Comn1issio11er to be a police station; ''Superior Police Officer'' 1neans any police officer or above the rank of assistant superintendent of police; *INfRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 1/2 (.1942) C.l (English only); a,nd. 4/9 (1945) P.76, 6/4 (1946) P.83 as Corr. 6/5 (1947) C.15 (Amharic only); i,npl. a,nd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957), Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex.l (1961).

- 295 -



''Su.perintendent'' means the supe1:ior police officer appointed by the Com­ missioner to take charge of police withi.Il a certain area and tl1e superior police officer acting for hin1 during his absence from stich area; ''Assistant Superintendent'' means tile officer appointed by the Co111111issio11er to act as an Assistant Superintendent of iPolioe. Part II Constitutio1 and Administration 3. Constitution of the Force There shall be established in Ethiopja a Force which sl1all be k11ow11 as The Ethiopian Police. 4. Constitution of the Force (continued) (I) The Force shall consist of such 11u11ber of superior police officers, i11spectors, non-commissioned officers and constables as Our Minister o.f Interior n1ay from time to time direct, and. be subject to s11ch conditions of service as th.e Commissioner n1ay prescribe. (2) The Commissio11er may enlist cJnstables and no11-comn1issiooed officers in accordance witl1 an establisbme11t authorized by Ou.r Minister o.f Interior a11d may make recommendations to Our Minister of Interior for the filling, by promotion or otherwise, of all vacancies in the ranks of s11perior police officers a11d i11spectors. (3) Any police officer may exercise any of the powers vested in any police officer of a lower rank. (4) The Commissioner may appoint a.ny police officer to d. ischarge or exercise, subject to conditio11s, any or all the dt1ties or powers of a superior police officer. An1d. 6/4 (1946) P.83.


5. Functions of the Force The Force shall be employed for t:b.e prevention of crime, tl1e mainte11ance of peace and good order, the apprerension of offenders, the safety of perso11s and property and the control of traffic. 6. General Powers of the Commission The Commissioner shall, subject to the orders and directioi1s of Ot1r Minister of Interior, have tl1e comma11d, superintendence a11d directio11 9.f tl1e Force. 7. Administration of the Force

(I) The administration of the Force ,hall be vested i11 tl1e Co111n1issio11er, \vl10 shall be responsible for the co11trol of all mo11eys expe11ded in connectio11 with the Force and for all p11blic stores belo11ging to the Force. (2) The control of the police in a11y place or area shall be vested in s11cl1 police officer as may be appointed by the Commissio11er to be in charge tl1ereof. Such officer shall be s11bordinate to, and carry ot1t tl1e orders of tl1e Co1J1n1i• s1011er.

- 296. -



-------------------- ---- ---------· Part III Enlistn1ent and Discharge

8. Enlistment and Re-engagen1ent

(1) Every 11011-co111111issio11ecl officer a11cl co11stable sl1all be e11listed to serve in the Force .for a JJrobc1tio11ary period of 11ot less tl1an t\velve n1011tl1s con­ ti11t1ot1s service a11d for s11cl1 additio11al periocl as 111ay from ti111e to tin1e be fixed by tl1e Co111missio11er; Provided tl1at the probatio11ary JJeriod a11d st1cl1 aclclitio11al JJeriocl sl1all 11ot together exceed tl1ree years. (2) Every non-con1missio11ed officer a11d co11stable of good cl1aracter wl10 l1as completed or is \Vitl1i11 three 1no11tl1s of con1JJ]eting I1is .first period of e11slit111ent may, with tJ1e approval of the Co1u.missio11er, re-e11gage to serve for s11ch f11rther periods 11ot exceeding tl1ree years eacl1 as may be fixed by tl1e Commissioner from ti1ue to ti111e.

9. Signature on Attention Paper Every person e11listecl 1111der this Procla1natio11 shall sig11, or make his n1ark on, an attestation paper before a s11perior police officer. S11cl1 attestatio11 paper sl1all be in the form prescribed a11d shall be attested by s11ch officer. 10. Conditions of _Resignation No police officer shall resig11 fron1 the Force or withdraw fro111 lus d11ties before the expiration of the tin1e of his e11gageme11t 1111less expressly permitted to do so by tJ1e Commissioner or by some other officer a11thorized to gra11t Stich per111i­ ssion; in defa11lt he shall be liable to be charged witl1 bei11g absent witl1011t leave and to forfeit all pay theL1 dt1e to him. 11. Discharge on Medical Grounds Any police officer at any tirne clL1ring the ct1rre11cy of a11y ter111 of engageme11t may be discharged if he has bee11 pronot1nced by a11y competent medical aL1thority to be me11tally or pl1ysically 1111fit for f11rther service in the Force. Part IV Powers, Duties and Privileges of Police Officers I 2. Police Officers Not to Engage in Other Employment No police officer shall, witl1ot1t the conse11t of Ot1� Minister of Interior, engage jn any employment or office whatsoever otl1er tha11 i n accordance \vitl1 his duties 11nder this Proclamation. 13. Powers and Duties of Police Officers (I) Every police officer shall exercise such pov.,ers a11d perforn1 such duties as are by law conferred or imposed on police officers, and sl1all obey all lawful clirections in respect of tl1e execution of his office which he may from time to time receive from a11y competent at1thority. (2) Every police officer shall be deemed to be on duty at all times and may at any tin1e be detailecl for dt1ty i11 a11y part of Ethiopia. (3) It shall be tl1e duty of every police officer JJron:iptly to obey a11d exec�1te all orclers and warra11ts Jawft1lly iss11ed to l1i111 by any co1111Jetent autl1or1ty, to collect and comn1unicate intellige11ce affecting the public peace, to JJre­ vent the commission of offences and pt1blic 11uisances, to cletect and bring - 297 -



offenders to justice, to tak,e charge of all found and unclaimed propert), which shall be disposed of i11 tte manner prescribed,, and t0 apprehend all persons wmom he is legally at1tllorized to apprehend and for wl1ose appre­ hension sufficient ground exis1s. 14. [Jn1pl. repd. Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex.1 (196 I) Arts. 29, 49-51 (comprehensively legislating with respect to arrest without warrant and presentation of arrested person before a court, and thereby impliedly repealing Article 14, which dealt with those subjects.).l 15-17. [Imp/. repd. 21/Ex.1 (1961) Arts. 32-34 (compre,hensively legislating with respect to searches and seizures ard thereby repealing these Articles on that subject). Article 15(1) was previously corrected by 1/2 (I 942) C.l).] 18. [lr11p/. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. l (1957) Arts. 415-17, 752, Civ. C.19/Ex.2 (1960) Arts. 13, 2038-42, 2053-54 ( com?rehensively regulating criminal and civjl liability of public servants and other persons for unauthorized arrest or searcl1 and thus impliedly repealin,g this Article on that subject).] 19-20. [Imp/. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 332-346, 349-53, 427-37, 749-50 (comprehensively legislating with respect to offences com1nitted against police and other pt1blic servants a11d thus impliedly repealing prov.isio11s of these Articles on offences against police), Arts. 32-40 (comprehensively legislating with respect to participation in offences a11d thus impliedly repealing provisions of these Articles on that st1bject), Cri1n. Pro. C. 21/Ex.1 (1961) Arts. 49-51 (con1prehensively legislati11g with re;pect to arrest without warrant a11d. thereb)' impliedly repeali11g provisions of the present Articles on that s11bject).] 21. Offences Against Order and Discipline ( 1) If any non-commissioned office1 or constable com111its any offence contrary to the good order and discipline of the Force, he may st1bject to the provi­ sions of Regt1latio11s made under this Proclamation, be arrested by any Police Officer of higher rank than himself, a11d pe11ding i11vestigatio11, be detained at a Police Station or Lock-up. (2) A superior police officer may enq11ire into the truth of the cl1arge. TJ1e enqt1iry shall be recorded in writing, and shall be reported to tl1e super­ j11te11dent of police who, if he is of the opi11ion that the acct1sed is gu.ilt)', may i1npose a11y one or more of the following pu11.ishments: (a) a fine not exceeding 14 days' pay; (b) co11fineme11t to barracks wh.en off dt1ty for a tern1 not exceeding 14 days; (c) repri111and; provided that, if the superinte11dent is of tl1e opinio11 tl1at the oftence requires a more severe penalty, ]1e 1nay recomme11d to tl1e Con1missioner the imposition of one or n�ore of the follo¥,1ing penalties i11 Jiet1 of or in addition to the above pt1nisbments: (a) dismissal; ( b) redt1ction in rank or grade; (c) deprivatio11 of good conclt1ct pay; a11d tl1e Co111111issioner 111ay impose any one or more of st1ch penalties and may depute his po\vers under this section to award any :>r all of such penalties.

-298 -




Provided also tl1at, if tl1e offence is 11ot of a seriot1s 11ature a11d the acct1sed co11sents, tl1e case n1ay be tried by a11y st1perior police officer ,:vl10 n1ay impose a11y 011e or 1nore of tl1e followi11g punishme11ts: ' (a) fine not exceeding 7 days' pay; (b) co11fi11ement to barracks for a period 11ot exceedi11g 7 days; (c) reprimand. Charge against Inspector

(3) If a11 I11spector is cl1arged ,:vit11 st1cl1 a11 offe11ce, a11 e11qt1iry sl1all be made in tl1e like ma1111er by a st1perior police officer, and sl1all be reported to the Co1nmissioner, ,vl10 may in1pose any 011e or more of tl1e followi11g pt1nishments: (i) dismissal; (ij) red11ctio11 i11 ra11k or grade; (iii) a fine 11ot exceeding Eth.$50.00 (fifty dollars); (iv) stoppage of incren1ent; (v) reprirna11d. (4) Tl1e Commissio11er n1ay s11spe11d, redLice i11 rank, discharge or dis111iss a11y police officer (otl1er tl1a11 a s11perior police officer) who is proved to his satisfaction to be 11egligent or generally i11efficient in tl1e djscharge of his duties, or oilier,vise unfit to carry out tl1ose duties. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 4/9 (I 945) P. 76 Scl1ed. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Co11s0!. L. Et/1. 1.

22. [I111pl. repd. Pen. C. I 6/Ex. l (1957) Arts. 296-331, 349-53, 410-26, 747-48, 750-56 (comprehensively legislati11g witl1 respect to 11on-disciplinary 0£Ie11ces committed by police and other pt1blic serva11ts and tl111s in1pliedly repealing this Article, ,vhlch dealt with ''Trial of Pt1blic Officers for More Serio11s Offences'').] 23. Regulations

Part VII Miscellaneous

(1) Our Minister of Interior, on the advice of the Commissioner of Police, may make regulations for carrying this Proclan1ation into effect. (2) In particular and ,vitho11t prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power such regulations may prescribe: (a) the form of attestation on enlistment; (b) the disposal of found or unclaimed property and the proceeds thereof; (c) the payn1e11t of allowa11ces, proficiency pay and good cond.uct pay to members of the Force; (d) tl1e enroln1e11t and employme11t of special, sL1pernL1merary and addi­ tional poljce officers and the fees to be paid !�or the employment thereof; (e) the direction and aJ)J)licatio11 of mo11ies paicl into the General Police Fund. Done at Addis Ababa, tl1js 31st day of January, 1942. - 299 -





3/5 (194L) P.45*


CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HArLE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHfOPIA In accorda11ce with Article 34 of Our Constitution We approve the resolutions of Ottr Senate and the Chamber o:f Depu1ies and We proclaim as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE

T11e Constitution Leferred to here is the Constitution of 1931. This Constitution was repealed a.nd replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955,15/2 (1955) P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Et/1.1. The Article of the Revised Constitution parallel to the cited kticle of tl1e 1931 Constitutjon is Article 88.

I. This Proclamation may be cited as. the ''Prisons Proclamation, 1944''. 2. In this Proclamatio11; ''Superintendent'' n1eans the Superit1tei1dent of Prisons a11d i11cludes an Assistant Superintendent; ''Priso11 '' includes a ten1porary prisJtl; ''Priso11er'' means any person, whether convicted or not, under detention i11 any pr1s011. ESTABLISHMENT OF PRISONS 3. 011r Mi11ister of Interior n1ay by notce declare any b1illd.i11g in the En1pire to be a prison Proclamation and may in like manner order tl1at any st1ch priso11 shall cease to be a prison for the p11rposes of Proclamation. 4. 011r Minister of Interior shall appoint s11ch officers and warders for the control of prisons as l1e deems necessary. 5. AU priso11 officers and warders shall exercise s11cl1 powers a11d tJerform such d11ties as shall be alloted to them by Our Minister of I11terior.


(i) All n1011ey, clotl1es, k11ives and other effects bro11ght i11to a IJriso.n by any prisonet or sent to the prison for hls 11se, which he is not allowed to retain, shall be placed in the custody cf the S11perinte11de11t wl10 shall keep a11 inventory of them, and all such property shall be ret11rned to the priso11er when he is released. (ij) S11ch property shall be know11 :is ''prohibited articles''. Every prisoner on adm.ission m11st be warned by the officer admitting bi111 that an)' pr o­ hibited articles fo11nd on hin1 a: any time after admissio11 are liable to confiscation. (iii) A prison officer shall seize all prohibited articles fo11t1d i11 the possessio11 of a prisoner and l1and the1n t o the St1peri11te11de11t, w110 n1ay order tl1at s11cl1 articles be confiscated. *INTRODUCTO::lY FOOTNOTE I111p/. a111cf.

Pen.C. 16/Ex.1 (1957).

- 300 -



GENERAL PROVISIONS 7. No perso11 sl1all be ad11littccl i11to any JJriso11, t111less acco111JJa11iecl by a re111a11d lVarra11t, a \Varra11t or or[ler of [lete11tior1 or a 1varrc111t oj'co11Fiction or of co111111ictal: provided tl1at the child of a fen1ale priso11er 111ay be ad111itted into the priso11 with its 111other if it is at tl1e breast ancl less tl1ar1 eigl1teen mo11tl1s old. 8. [S11perseded by Pe11. C. 16/ Ex. l (19:7) Art. 110.] 9. (i)-(ii) [l111JJ!. repel. Pe11. C. 16 /Ex.l (1957) Arts. 112,206 ,207 (whicl1 deal \vitl1 co11ditional release of priso11ers before expiry of tl1eir period of se11tence).] (iii) On the reco1111ne11datio11 of the St1perinte11de11t, the Director General of Pt1olic Sec11rity 111ay refer to Ot1r Minister of Interior for a grant of a f11r­ tl1er ren1issio11 011 special gro11110s, st1cl1 as exceptional merit or pern1anent ill-l1ealtl1. (iv) [lt1·1pl. repel. Pen C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 112, 206, 207 (whicl1 deal with conditional release of priso11ers before eXJJiry of tl1eir period of se11tence).] D lSCfPLINE IO. 11. 12. I 3.

[J,npl. repel. Pe11 C. 16/Ex. l (I 957) A.rt. 111.]

[J111JJ!. re1;c/. Pe11. C. · 16/Ex.l (1957) Arts. 111, 120 A.) [I111pl. repel. Pe11. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Art. 120 A.l

The 1\1i11ister of I11terior n1ay n1ake regula_ tio11s or sta11ding orclers i11 respect of tl1e followi11g :

(a) tl1e dLities, powers a11d co11clt1ct of priso11 officers a11d other perso11s en1ployed in tl1e priso11s ancl for tl1e pt1nisl1111e11t of SL1ch officers or otl1er perso11s: (b) the establishment of . rewards and fil1es. ft111d for priso11 oflicers or otl1er . l)erso11s; · , - (c) tl1e appointment a11d co11trol o: prison medical officers; ( d) the health and sa11itatio11 of priso11s; (e) [In1pl. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex. l (]957) Art. 109.] (f) the safe ct1stody, the classification, hours ·of labo11r 1node of e111ploy111e11t, separatio11 diet, clothing, 111ai11tena11ce, i11strt1ction, discipline, discharge and .treatment of priso11ers; (g) tl1e rem.ission of positions of se11te11ces to be ear11ed by good conduct; (l1) tl1e procedtire to be followecl 1egardi11g corporal p t1nishme11t; �rs property; (i) tl1e procedure to be t�ollowed in respect· of prison . . ,, (j) [!1111;/. repel. Pe11. C. 16/Ex. l (1957) Art. 1 I 6. J (k) t11e definition of prison offe11ces; (l) any other purpose of object for w_l1ich by this Procla1natio11 it is provided that rt1les or standing orders may be made; (1n) [J,npl. repel. Pen. C. 16/Ex.I (1957) Art. 108. ] <


' '

Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of Jant1ary, 1944. - 301 -



B. Orders of the Minister of I·nteriors 1/2 (1942) P.13*


WHEREAS, tl1e steady rise in tl1e standard of living of Our people has made necessary tl1e ensuring in a 1nore effective manner the sect1rity of Our people; and WHEREAS, to this e11d We deen1 :t necessary to provide for proper control and admi11istratio11 of ar,ns; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accordance \Vitl1 Article 92 of Ot1r Revised Consti­ tL1tion and on the advice of Ot1r Cou11cil of Ministers, We l1ereby decree as follo\vs: 1. Tl1is Proclrunation may be cited as tb.e ''At1thority to Isst1e Orders Proclama­ tio11, 1942' '. 2. Subject to tl1e provision of a11y Proclan1ation. for tl1e ti111e bei11g in force, the · · · Mi11ister of I11terior may by order: (a) restrict the manufacture, distillation or sale of intoxicati11g liqt1ors. (b) (i) In this Decree, t111less the co11text otherwise requires; ''arn1s'' 111ea11s a11y gun, n1a:l1ine-gun, auton1atic rifle, pistol, revolver or any otl1er instrument frcn1 which a projectile ca11 be discl1arged; ''firearm'' means a shot-gt11 or other gu11 1nade solely for ht111ting or target practice; ·'amn111nition'' mea11s the projectile tl1row11 against a11 object sucl1 tis bullets a11d shells with th�ir necessary propellants; ''da11gerot1s weapons'' inclt1de swords, daggers, bows and arro\VS and such other lethal weapons as the Minister of Interior shall from ti1ne to time specify; ''t1nlawful assembly'' means tl1e 111eeting of arn1ed perso11s, \Vith intent, in concert, to disturb public peace and order, or to comn1it any n1ore serio11s crime as defined bj the la\V. (ii) Our Minister of Interior may 111ake rules for the follo\vi11g: (a) to issue permits for the import or export of firearn1s a11d to pern1it, prol1ibit, restrict and regulate tl1e repair, sale, tra11sfer, deali11g i11, ownersl1ip, 11se storage, possession a11d disposi:1I of arms withi11 the Empire; (b) the prescribing of for1ns of application a11d certificates of lice11ces and registration; (c) the fixi11g of fees thereef; *INTRODUCTORY 1=- 00TNOTE A111cl. 18/1 (1958) D.31.

- �02 -



---- --------- ----- --------------· (d) tl1e better carryi11g i11to efrcct of tl1e }Jrovisio11s of this IJresent Decree.

(iii) All persons in posessio11 of can11011s, 111achine-gL111s a11d a111111unitio11s thereof sl1all l1a11cl then1 over to tl1e l1111Jerial Gover11111e11t witbi11 s11ch times a11d co11ditio11s as sl1all be JJrescribed by Legal Notice to be isst1ed by 011r 1Yii11ister of I11terior. (iv) No perso11 1111der eigl1teen years of age 111ay possess arn1s a11d it shall co11stitt1te a violatio11 of tl1e present Decree for any perso11 to give, sell, lend or part \-Vitl1 possession of arms, to a11y s11cl1 person 1111der eigl1teeu j'ears of age; provided tl1at if any Stich person shall acq11ire any arms tl1ro11gl1 gift or inheritance sucl1 arms sl1all be safegt1arded on llis bel1alf by l1is guardian or acl1ninistrator u11til such time as such person sl1all attai,1 the age of eigl1teen years. (v) No perso11 sl1alJ engage in tl1e tusiness of repairi11g, selling, tra11sfer­ riog, or deali11g i11 arms, and/01 of in1porting or exporting firearms, except that he shall at all ti1nes lie in possessio11 of a lice11ce a11 d of all registratio11 certificates for ar111s as required by the regt1lations issued from ti1ne to tin1e by Our Mi1lister of l11terior. (vi) Following tl1e e11try into force of this Decree, every person sl1all pro1111J­ tly register ,vith the a11tl1orities 5pecified by Ot1r Mi11ister of Interior by Legal Notice published in tie Negarit Gazeta, all arn1s i11 tl1eir possessio11 a11d no 011e may own, store, utilize or possess a11y 1111register­ ed arms. (vii) Our Mi11ister of Interior is further at1thorized by Legal Notice pttbli­ shed i11 the Negarit Gazetta or by i11clividt1al order to order tl1e arrest a11d the producing i11to cot1rt 0f: (a) any member of an t1nli1wf1d assen1bly; (b) any person carrying arms on l1is person or concealed by hi111 in any ma1111er in violatio11 of the J)rovisions of this !)resent Decree or of a11y regt1latio11s issued pursua11t thereto. (viii) The provisio11s of tl1is S11 barticlt: (b) shall not apply to: (a) Members of the I111perial Armed Forces and Police Forces it1 the performa11ce of their d11ties; (b) the Ar1ned Forces of a foreig11 state allowed to e11ter Ethiopia pursuant to agreements, understa11dings or inter11atio11al obliga­ tio11s entered in,to by tl1e Ethiopian Governme11t. (c) St1bject to the prov.isio11s of a11y Proclamation for tl1e time bei11g in force, tl1e Minister of I11t�rior n1ay impose a curfew req11iring all or specified classes of persons to remai11 indoors at certain• CONSOLJ'DATIO� NOTE

,,.1,11c/. 18/1 (1958) D.31 Art.2.

3. Tl1e Mi11ister of Interior n1ay, by order to be published i 1 1 tl1e Negarit Gazetta dep11te Governor G·eneral or a Governor :o exercise the powers conferred upon l1in1 by this Proclamation to the exte11t a11d st1bject to st1ch conditions as he may specify in s11ch order. - 303 -



4. Any person who contravenes the piiovisions of this Decree shall be guilty i an offence at1d shall, ora con�iction,. ?e liabl� to forfeit the arms, the stibje�t of such cot1viction,. and shal1 1n ad, dttJon be liable to � fine from o·ne huiidred to one thousand dollars ($100.00 to $1000.00) or to 1mprisoom.ent to a tern1 from one to six months. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 18/1 (1958) D.31 Art.3.

Done at Addis Ababa 30th day of April, 1942. 4/10 (1945) L.79

LEGAL NOTICE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORI'IY TO ISSUE ORDERS PROCLAtVIATION, 1942 Tl1 is Legal Notice is issued by tl1e Minister of l11terior pursuant to autl1ority vested in him by Article 2 of tl1e Authority to Issue Orders Proclamation, 1942 (No.13 of 1942). 1. Th� following places of b11siness shall be closed at the hours hereinafter i11dicated: (a) Tej sl101Js and any other clrink.i11g shops at 12 p.m. (b) Cafe and Bar Dancing at 12 p.m. (c) Cinen1 as at 12 p.m. 2. Legal Notice No.SI of 1944 is l1ereby revo.ked. 3. Tl1e Police Force are. charged with the strict exec11tion of this Order. "

Done at Addis Ababa this 28th :lay of Jt111e, 1945.

19 /7 (1960) L.229 • U

REG LATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE A.UTHORI'IY TO ISSUE ORDERS PROCLAMATION, 1942 I. These Regt1latio11s are issued by the Mi11 ister of l11terior purst1a11t to authority vested in hin1 by ·paragra1Jl1 (b) (ii) of Article 2 of tl1 e Al1tl1ority to Issue Orders Procla1nation, I942, (No.13 of 19i2 l1ereinafter referred to as tl1e ''Proclan1a­ tion''), as a111e11 ded by Decree· No. 31 of ·1958. 2. The�e Regulatio11 s may be cited as the ';Arn1s Regt1ltttio11 s, 1960''. 3. Legal Notice No. 9 of 1942 is l1�reby resci11ded.




20/18 (1961) L.240, 21/10 (1962) L.256, 22/5 (1962) L.265.

- 304 -



. 4. (a) (b)



I. Registratio11 By Septen1ber 11, 1963, every perso11 i11 possessio11 of a11 ar111 sl1all register tl1e sa111e as provided i11 paragraph (b) l1ereof. Perso11s possessi11g arn1s sl1all register tl1e111 wl1ere tl1ey live: (i) i11 a n1t111icipality, \vith tl1e 111u11ici 1)al at1tl1ority; (ii) in a to\v11sJ1ip, v,1itl1 tl1e tow11sbip at1tl1ority; (iii) i11 a \voreda, \Vitl1 tl1e Gover11::>r of the Woreda. Upo11 the registratio11 of a11y ar1n with hi111, tl1e Registering Authority sl1all isst1e or cat1se to be issued a registratiot1 certificate i11 the form an11execl hereto as Scl1edt1le A whicl1 sl1all c1t1tl1orize tl1e perso11 to wl1om isst1ed to ow11 and .POSsess said ar1n. Any perso11 who is ir1 possessio11 of a11 ar111 011 tl1e date on wl1icl1 tl1ese Regt1latio11s con1e i11to force a11d who aJJJJlies for registratio11 thereof sl1all be e11titled to l1ave said ar1n registe1ed t11)011 payn1e11t of t11e prescribed fee. CONSOLIDATJON NOTE

A1r1cl. 20/18 (1961) L.240 Art.3, 21/10 (1962) L.256 Art.3, 22/5 (1962) L.265 Art.3.

5. A fee of two dollars (Etl1.$2.00) per a1111 shall be paid i11 co1111ectio11 \Vith the registration of aro,s u11der Article 4 hereof. II. Li.ce11si11g Provisio11s 6. (a) A11y perso11, whicl1 sl1all i11clt1de a11)· com1)a11y, orga11izatio11 or other entity, · rearn1s or desiri11g to e11gage i11 the b11si11ess :)f the i1nport or export of fi to deal or trade in arn1s or to repair ar1ns shall first obtai11 a licence there• for fro111 tl1e Mi11istry of I11terior, provided, l1owever, that a11y perso11 i11 possessio11 011 tl1e date 11pon \Vl1ich these regulatio11s co111e i11to force of a lice11ce earlier iss11ed by a con1petent at1thority shall l1ave a period of one hundred twenty ( 120) days ,vitl1i11 'Nhicl1 to obtai11 tl1e lice11ce specified i11 this Article 6. (b) Licences isst1ed purst1a11t to paragraph (a) of this Article 6 shall be i11 tl1e for111s annexed l1ereto as Scl1edt1le B, i11 tl1e case of lice11ces to engage i11 the b11siness of the i1nport a11d export cf firearn1s or to deal or trade in arms, a11d as Schedule C, i11 the case of licences to repair arms. Said licences shall be promine11tly displayed i11 the place of b11siness of tl1e person to whon1 isstied. 7. (a) Any perso11 desiring to i1nport or export a firearm for his own personal use shall obtain a permit therefor fro111 tl1e Registering A11thority referred to in Article 4 hereof. (b) Per1nits isst1ed pursua11t to paragrapl1s (a) of this Article 7 shall be i11 the form annexed hereto as Sched11le A. 8. The followi11g fees shall be paid in co1111ectio11 \Vitl1 isst1ance of licences and permits under Articles 6 and 7 hereof: to engage in the br1si11ess of the imporl and export of firearn1s ar1d to deal or trade in arn1s ................................................................................... Etl1.$ 500 to re p�lir ar1ns ····································································•n••···················································· Eth.$ ·100 to import a11d _possess firearms for J)ersonal t1se .............................. Etl1.$ 10 eaclJ - 305�


III. Records and Reports 9. Any person in possession on the date upon which th.ese Regulations come into t'orce of a licence to engage in the business of the import and export of firearms or to deal or trade in arms shall, vithin sixty (60) d.ays following said date file a report with the Licensing Authority specified m. AFticle 6 hereof sl1owing the stock of arms then on hamd and the type and cal11Dre of the same. I 0. Any person to whom a licence to engage i11 the business of the import and export of firearm.s Qr to deal or trade in arms is issued hereu.nder shall: (a) each y�.r during the month of Maskaram, file a report with the Licensing Authority specified in Article 6 hereof showi11g, with respect to the preced­ ing twelve (12) month period, the stock o·f arms on hand alild the type and calibre of the same at the beginning and end of said twelve (12) month period; and (b) maintain a cu.rrent register in which he shall enter each day all partict1lars concerning each arms transaction, including the name a11d address of eacl1 buyer or seller, and a descriptioa of the article purchased or sold with its serial number. 11. Any perso11 to whom a licence to repair arms is issued hereunder shall maintain a current register, in which he shall e11ter each day all particulars concerning each arm repaired, includi11g the na1ne of the perso11 delivering the for repairs and a description of the arm repaired with its serial number. I 2. Registers maintained pursuant to Articles 10 and 11 hereof, a11d any arms i11 the possessio11 of the persons required to maintain said registers, shall at all dt1riL1g business hours be avail£ble for inspectio11 by officials of the Minis­ try of I11terior. IV. Restrictio11s en Transfer of Arms 13. Any perso11 who is not in possession of a11 arm on the date t1pon which these Regulatio11s come into force or who, :r i11 possessio11 of an arm, desires to acqt1ire an addjtional arm, may apply to the Registering Authority referred to in Article 4 hereof for permission to acquire aTI arm, and shall, promptly upon acquisitio11 thereof, register the same in the mat1ner provided i11 said Article 4. 14. Nothing herein sl1all be deen1ed to a11thorize the sale or transfer of any arm to a11y person to who a permit authorizi11g him to acquire an arm has not bee11 iss11ed p11rsuant to Article 13 l1e�of. V. Restrictions 011 Carrying Arms 15. No person may carry any arm: (i) into any place where intox.icati11g liqt1ors are sold; (ii) into any pt1blic gathering or any place v,1here a11y religious cere111ony or festivity is being held; or (iii) into any hotel, ci11ema, restaura11 t or similar place of a111t1se1nent; provided, l1owever, that tbe provisio11s of tl1is Article 15 shall 11ot apply to any perso11 who carries a11 arm into a hotel i11 \vliich he is registered as a guest or resident. -�'306 -



VI. Effective Date I 6. These Reg·ulations shall co111e i11to fore� 11po11 tl1e elate of their publication i11 the Negarit Gazetta. SCHEDULE A REGISTRATION CERTIFJCATE FOR ARMS: No.---1. Nan1e ................ ....... . . . ..............'". ...................... A. Type of arm .......................................... 2. Address ....................... .......... .. ............. .......... ...... B. At1tomatic, se1ni-auton1atic or si11gle shot ................................................ 3. Nationality ........................... .. . ... ............. .... C. Maker ............................................................ 4. Occt1pation .................. ........... .... ................. D. Serial Number .......................................... 5. (a) Identity Carel No. ...... ....... ........ . (if a foreigner) (b) Identification Prese11ted ............................. . ................................. ..... (If an Ethiopian natio11al) .................................................................. is hereby at1 thorized to own and possess the arm described (name of registrant) herein. Eth.$2.00 fee paid (stamp a11d seal) is hereby a11thori.:ed to in1port/export and possess for his own personal use the arm described herein. Eth.$10.00 fee paid (stamp a11d seal) (strike out inappl.cable clause and fee) ···············�--·-··••-•·········································

(Date of Registration)

•...•••..•........•.•....•...••....•............ ·····································································································

Regi:>tering A11thority


I. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.


No.-------Nan1e .�.................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... . If a con1pany, name of n1anager ................................... ........................................................ .................... . Address of Place of Business ....................................:........................................................................................ Nationality ......................................._..............................................:......................................................................................... . Occupation ............................................................................................................................................................................. . f\ddress of any other place where arms 1nay be kept ............................................................ (a) Identity Card No. ............................................................................................................................................... (If a foreigner) (b) Ide11tification Presented ........... :..................................................................................................................... . (If an Eth.iopian natio11al) (c) Company Registratio11 No. .............. .... ....... .. .............. .... ...................................... . ................... .... ............ (If a company) . · If a compa11y, name and address of per�o11 making application ..........................·-······ ....... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... ········································ ..···�···

(name of licensee)

is hereby aL1th.ori�ed to engage i11 the business of the import and export of firearms. is hereby a11tl1orized to deal and trade in arms. (strike out inapp:icable clause) five ht1ndred dollais ($500.00) fee paid (stamp and seal)

...... ···· · ······ ················•····· · ···· ··· ········ ··· ················································ ······················································................................................

Licensing Authority

(Date of Isst1ance of Licence)

- 307 -





- .... . ·························................................. Nan'l�e . ....... If a con1pany, n,ame""' of manager ....................................................................... ................................ ... .. ... .. ... Ad.dress of Place ol Business ............., ...... ..... ....................................... .................... ... . Nati 011ality .....................,,,...... ... ..................... ........ .,..................... ........................................ .............,................" ....... .... ..· ·- ·.. ...... ...... Occupatio·o ........................................................."'··················· ..······················..···..······················,··········••u••····........ ..... .. .... ... .······ Address of any otl1er place where arms may be kept .............................................. .... .......... (a) Identity Card No. .................................... ................... .... ...... . ............................. . ....................... ....................... ..... (if a foreign"e·r) .. ............. ........ ............ ... ........... ..... ....... ........................ ...... ... ... ........ .."'•···· · ..···... ......,.... ....... .... .. .. .... ....... (b) lde11tificatiot1 Presented ..............,.................................................................................................................... (if an Ethiopian national) (c) Company Registration No. ........ ........ ... .. .. .... .......................... .... .......................... ................ ................... ... ... (if a compa11y) 8. If a co1upa11y, nam.e and addrest of a person making application ........................

I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. •



o • •o •• oo · o ooo O♦0 00 o o• ooo •••IoOoI11•0IIoo♦Io♦o• oo o•-• •••

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o♦♦ oo•I•• oooo

of•• too♦•• o

•••••• •u.,,

u. ...... ............ . . . .. . ...



•••••••••••••••••••••••••H••••..• ..•••••�00••1>• ..•••••••••••·••.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••>t•••••••••••••••••••••••• .. • ••• •• •• �••• •••• ••••••• ••••••• ♦-•• •••• •••0 010.••••• ••••• ••·•••••oo oo •ooo oo,0o•• •• oo•• •• oo •• o0

is hereby authorized to e11gage i11 the business of repair1ng arms (t1ame of lice11see) Etl1.$IOO.OO fee paid (sta1np and seal) ................ ..................................... ·�........................................ .......... ....... ..... ....... ..... .... .. .... .... .......... ························· ····························� Licensing Authority (Date of Jsst1ance of Licence) .................. ........ ... . .' ... ..... ........... .... -

Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of March, 1960. C.


1/5 (1942) P . .19* A PROCLAMATION TO RES1"RICT AND CONTROL THE POSSESSION OF EXPLOSIVES CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: I. This Proclamatio11 may be cited as tl1e ''Explosive Procla111atior1, 1942''. 2. I11. tl1is J)roclamatio11, ''explosive'' 111ea11s: (a) g1111powcler, 11itroglyceri11e, dy11a111ite, gt1ncotto11, blasting powders, f11l­ n1i11ate of n1ercury or other 111etals, a11d every other s11bsta11ce \li1l1etl1er simjlar to those herei11 1ne11tio11ed . or 11ot; (b) a11y other s11bstance which we may by N· otice i11 tl1e Negarit Gazella declare to be explosive; a11d i11cludes a bo1u b ·but doe, 11ot i11clL1cle cartridges .for s.n1all ar1ns .. 3. (i) No perso11 shall. possess ao explosive t1nless J1e sl1all first l1ave obta111.ed fron1 the Gover11or of the Tov.1n or Provi11ce i11 \1/l1icl1 s11ch person resides a permit it1. tl1e forn1 set O\lt in the Schedtile to t.l1is Proclamatio n . A111d.

*INTRO.DUCTORY FOOTNOTE 4/9 (1945) P.76; J1np/.a111d. Pen. c:. 16/Ex.l (1957).

- 308 -




Provided this Article sl1all 11ot a1JJJly to 111e111bers of Ot1r Arn1ed Forces a1 1d Police Forces ,vl10 are i 11 a 1Jossessio11 of ex1Jto·sives i1 1 tl1 e exect1tion of their dt1ty. (ii) Tl1e annt1al fee for a per11 1it shall be te11 Etl1ioJJia11 dollars (Etl1 .$lO.OO). a11d a11y st1cl1 pern1it sl1all expire 011 tl1e last day of Pagt1111 e 11 ext after it ,vas isst1ed. (iii) A11y perso11 ,:vho l1as obtainecl a JJer111it sl1all carry s11cb per111it whilst l1e is i11 possessio11 of explosives. CONSOLIDATION NOTE r1111d. ,iJ9 (1945) P.76; Scl1ed.C, Art.4 (a) 15 Consol. L..Eth.I. Scl1ed.C. Art.4 (a).


(i) A11y person ,vl10 co1 1tra,1e11es tl1e provisio11 s of tllis Procla1natio11 sl1all be gt1ilty of a11 offence a11d sf1all be liable 011 co11viction to pt1nisl11 11e1 1t .i11 accorda11ce ,vitl1 tl1e provisio11s of the Penal Code. (ii) 111 additio11 to a11y other pe11a.lty a co11rt may order that any explosives in respect of ,vl1icl1 a co11victio11 is l1ad sl1all be forfeited to the I1nperial Governn1 ent.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE l111pl. a,ncl. Pen. C.16/Ex.I (1957) Art. 784 (whicl1 provides for penalties for contravening tJ1e rules regulating tJ1e possession of explosives).

SCHEDULE Tl1e Ex1Jlosives Procla1natio11, 1942 PERMIT TO POSSESS EXPLOSIVES Permissio11 is hereby gra11ted to ................................................ (insert na111e of permit l1older) ................................................ of ................................................ (i11sert address of permit l1older) ................................................ to possess tl1e following explosives ................................................ (i11sert descriptio11 and qtiantity of explosives) ................................................ . This permit expires on tl1e last day of Pagt1n1e, 19................... . Fee paid: Eth$10.00 Sig11ed (Lice11si11g Ai,thority) Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 28tl1 day of Jt1ly, 1942.

D. Gambling

5/2 (1945) P.77*

A PROCLAMATION PROVIDED -FOR THE PROHIBITION OF UNLAWFUL GAMING CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIB� OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA In. accordance with Article 34 of Our Co11stitutio11 We approve tl1e resolutions of Ottr Senate and tl1e Cham·ber of Deputies a11d We proclain1 as follows: ----------*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 5/3 (1945) C.11; c11r1d. 12/16 (1953) P.133, 19/11 (1960) D.42; c1r11cl. and (1961) P.183; irnpl. c1n1d. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957).

- 309 -


21/3 •


'Fhis Constitutien referred to here is t.he CJnstitutien of 1931. -:Vhis Censtitutioµ was re pealed an.d replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 15/2 (19S5) P.149, l Consol. L. Eth. 1. The Article of the Revised Constitution parall_e l to the cited Article of the 1931 Consti­ tution is Article 88.

1. Proclamation may be cited as the ''Unlawful �aming �ro�lamation, 1946'', and shall come into operation from the date of its publ1cat1on.

I. INTERPRETATION 2. For th.e purposes of tl1is Proclamation, unless tl1e co.11text otherwise requires: (i) ''UNLAWFUL GAMING:' shall in,clude the act of betting or playi t1g a game for a stake when practised: (a) in a public place; (b) in an unauthorjzed common gimi11_g; (c) in premises licenced to distil, manufacture, sell or possess any intoxicating alcoholic beverages; (ii) ''COMMON GA�1ING FLACE'' sl1all include any place kept or used for bettin.g or the playing of games for stakes and to which the public l1as access with or vithout payment; (iii) Any person being the owner or occupier, or having the use of ''common gaming place'', and a11y person who, being the owner or occupier of any house, room or place siall knowingly and wilfully pern1it the same to be opened, kept or used by any person havin,g the care or manage­ ment of or in any manner assisting in conducting the business of any house, room or place ope11�d, kept or used for the p11rpose aforemen­ tioned, is s.aid to keep a common gaming place; (iv) ''PUBLIC PLACE'' shall include any public way or b11ilding, or any ground to which the public for the time being have access with or without restriction; (v) ''STREET'' shall include any highway and public bridges, roa.d, lane, footway, court, alley, or i:assage, whether a thoro11gl1fare or not, to which the public has acces,; (vi) ''FOR.EIGNER'' shall mean a11y person 11ot a.11 Ethiopian st1bject according to Ethiopian La,w; (vii) [Repd. 19/11 (1960) D.42, Art.2] (viii) ''TOTALISATOR'' shall nean and include tl1e instrument, machine or contrivance commonly known as the totalisator, and any otl1er instrument, machine or contrivance of a like natt1re, or any scheme for enabling any n11mber of persons to make bets 011 the like principles. -

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1nd. 12/16 (1953) P.133 Art.2. -



II. UNLAWFUL GAMING 3. P.uly person who ke ��s a common gan1ing place, �xcept i u spe(:;ial cases �itl1 license from 011r M1n1st�r of Interjor, �hall be liable on co11viction to pt1n1sh­ - _ me11t jn �c�ordan �e wi�h .the proy:sions of the Penal Code; provided al,vays that nothing herein contained shall make illegal the, use o.f a t,Jtalisator b)' a .'


·- 310 -



12-7 '

r�ce club, gy1nka11a cl11b or sports club, recog11ized by the Gover11111ent, at any pttblic 111eeting, \vitl1 the approval in eacl1 case of tl1e Minister of tl1e I11teri"or 011 pay.1ne11t of s11cl1 fees a11d u11der stcl1 co11ditio11s as 111ay be prescribed fro111 ti1ne to tin1e by tl1e Minister of tl1e I11terior. •

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111cl. 12/16 (1953) P.133 Art.2; i111pl. a1nc/. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art.744 (which provides for punisllillent for violations of gan1bling regulatons).

4. Any person otl1er tl1an tl1e persons 111::ntio11ed i11 st1b-section 2 (iii) hereof who .is fo11nd i11 a con1Il1011 ga111ing place sl1all be deemed u11less the co11trary is IJroved, to be there for the p11r1Jose of 1111lawful gaming a11d is liable 011 co11vic­ tio11 to pu11isl1111e11t i11 accordance wit1 the Pe11al Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE /111pl. a1nd. Pet1. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 744 (\vhich provides for punisl1ment for violations of gan1bling regulations).

5. Any perso11 \vho takes part or indt1ces others to take part or is present at 11nlaw­ f11l gaming in a public place or street :s liable on conviction in accorda11ce with the Penal Code. 6. Any device , machi11e or thi11g used or appare11tly i11tended to be used for the purpose of 11nla,vful gan1ing fo1111d i11 or 11pon any ho11se, room or place kept or alleged to be kept or 11sed for the p1r1Jose of 11nlawf11I gaming, may be seized by a police officer and 11po11 tl1e trial of any person in connection with the keep­ ing or 11se of sucl1 ho11se , room or plaee, co11trary to tl1e provisions of this Pro­ clamation, the co11rt may n1ake sucl1 orders as to tl1e forfeiture, detruction of a11y device, machine or things , as tre court deems fit. (i) A Police Officer of any ra11k n1ay arrest without \Varrant a11y person 7. ,vhon1 he finds taki11g part or prese11t at 11nla,vf11l gan1i11g i11. a public place otl1er tha11 a place 11sed at tl1at time as a dwelli11g ho11se, or club, or store, or office or shop, or premises licensed to distil, man11fact11re, sell or possess any intoxicati1g alcoholic beverages, and if he deems it advisable search s11ch perso11 arrested and seize a11y instrument or appliance of gami11g fo11nd with or near sucl1 person and pr�duce then1 before the court. Provided, always that no woma11 may be search­ ed except by anotl1er wo1naa. (ii) A Police Officer of the rank of inspector and above may have access without a warrant to a publc place 11sed at that time as a dwelling house; or club, or store, or office, or shop, or to any premises licensed to distil, manufact11re, sell or possess any intoxicating alcoholic bever­ ages \Vhich is being 11sed as c1)mn1on gaming place, and he may arrest whom he finds taking part or present without a warrant any perso1 _ at unlawful gaming _tl1erein, and if he deems it desirable, he may search such person arre_sted and seize a11y instruments or appliance� of gaming found in such place and produ:e them before the court. Provided always that no woman may be se�rched except by another woman. III. (Repealed)

/3 8. [Repd. 19/ 11 ( 1960) D.42 Art. 2. This Article was. previously corrected by 5 . (1945) C.11. ]

- 311. -



9. Any pei:son who appears, acts or beh. aves a.s n1aster or n1istress, or as a perso11 having the care or u1anagement of aray ho111se, room or set of roo111s or place as is men 'tioned m seetioias 2 and 3 of this Proola1natio11 is to be taken to be the keeper �}uel,ie©f, wihetliler be i.s ©F is o@t tti;ie real ·keeper. 10. Any �oreigim.�r who strukes, f]1ay;s, o:r bets Oli indttces directlr or indirectly, otl1ers t© s1a�, flay @r fueli 0F ieei_lLls a common galifiling hot1se may on co11victio11 be e�o,fitem ffom tlJ,mr I,:m[i>we a1itcl. slaialll aJls© be l�·aal� to such pe11alties a.s are pre­ semi�&a iilil seetd0111 3 1t0 t.ilil.i:s Pr0cTantati0n. .iID)0ne at �cifis A/fualh,a tms l[st ©alY 0£ G>0tober, 1945. 21/'J, (1901) rP.183* A PiROCLAMATION 'FO PRf>¥1mE fi'O[R A NADONAL LOTTERY COJNQUERING LJ,ON OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, on 28 July, 1960, the Natio11al Lottery Decree \Vas promtilgated. as Decree No. 42 of 1960; a1-1d WHEREAS, said Decree was thereafter dt1Iy transo1itted to P,1rlian1e1-1t for consideration pt1rsuant to Article 92 of Our Revised Constit11tio11; and WHEREAS, Parliament has i11trod11ced certai11 a111endn1ents i11to said Decree and. approved a. revised text of law; NO\V, THEREFORE, in accordance witl1 Article 34 and 88 of Our Revised Co1-1stitt1tion, ,ve apJ)rove tl1e resoltitions of 01ir Senate a11d Cha111ber of Deputies and We hereby proclai111 as follo,vs: I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The Proclamatio1-1 111ay be cited as tl1e ''Natio11al Lottery Procla111atio11, 196 l ''. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 19/11 (1960) D.42; a,nc/. 21/3 (1961) P.183 Art.2

2. (a) Proclan1atio11 No. 134 of 1953, the Na.tio11al I�ottery Procla111atio11, 1953, is l1ereby repealed. (b) Articles 2 (vii) and 8 of Proclamatio11 No. 77 of 1945, tl1e 1111la,vft1l Ga111ing Proclamation, 1945, are hereby repealecl. CJtOSS REFERE.NCE Unla\vfttl Gaming Proclamation, 5/2 (1945) P.77, 12 Consol. L. Etli.7.

3. (a) A ''Lottery'' is hereby defined for all pt1rposes of tl1is Procla111atio11 a11d all otl1er lavvs to whic11 such defir1itiot1 is 1Jerti11e11t, as a11y ga111e, sche1ne, device or e11terprise for stal<es i11 wl1ich the distribt1tio11 of prizes is deter­ mined by lot or cha11ce, wl1etl1er by tl1e t]1rovvi11g or casting of dice, tl1e *INTRODUC"fORY FOOTl'{OTE Orig. 19/11 (1960) D.42; a111cl. ancl re11ur11. 21/3 (1961) P.183

- 312 -



drawing of tickets, lots, 11t1111 bers or otl1ervvise, wJ1etl1er by tl1e ttse of l1 t11na11 . a11 ir11al or 111 ecl1a11ical 111 eans, or i11 ,. vl1icl1 st1cl1 cleter111inatio r1 is 111 ade a� tl1 e rest1lt of the cl1oice b)' tl1 e partici 1Ja11ts of wi1111ing e11tries ir1 sporti 11 g contests or tl1e esti111atio11 of tl1e scores 011 rest1lts of said co11 tests or otl1 er­ to partici1Jate ir1 tl1 e lottery ,.vise, and \vl1etl1 er or 11ot tl1e cost of tl1 e ri gl1t . is paid separately by tl1e ]Jartici1)a11t or is i11clt1clecl i11 tl1 e price of goods or services pt1rcl1ased by l1im. (b) For the pt1r1)oses of tl1 is Proc]a111 atio11 011ly, lotteries i11 ,vl1icl1 prizes are distribt1ted i n 1no11 ey are referred to as '"1no11 ey lotteries''. (c) For the p11rposes of tl1 is Procla111atio11 011ly, lotteries i11 wl1 icl1 prizes are distributed i11 goods or 111 ercha11dise, ratl1 er tl1 a11 i11 111011 ey, are referred to as ''rafl�Jes'' or ''to111bolas''. II. CREATION OF


4. Tl1ere is hereby establisl1 ed a state n1ct10JJoly i11 respect of 1no11 e)' lotteries, as tl1a t tern1 is defi11ed i11 Article 3 (b) l1ereof. 5. For tl1e operatio11 of the state mo11opoly: tl1ere is hereby created a11 a11to11 0111ot1s agency of the In1perial Etl1iopia11 Gover111ne11t wbicl1 shall be l<11ovv11 as tl1e Natio11al L.ottery Administration (hereinafter referred to as the '' Administra­ tio11' '). 6. (a) Tl1e Principal pt1rpose of tl1e Admi11i�tratio11 shall be to orgi:111ize a11d operate lotteries i11 accorda11ce wi�h tl1e provisio11s l1ereof. (b) Tl1e Ad1ni11 istratio11 sl1all l1ave all ,)f the power a11d autl1ority 11ecessary to tl1e accomplishn1e11t of tl1e res1Jo11sibilities imposed t1pon it hereby, wl1icl1 shall i11clude, \.Vithot1t Iin1iti11g tl1e ge .1erality of tl1e foregoi11g, the power to: (i) i11 accorda11ce ,.,,,itl1 tl1e Ia,v, to s.1e a11 d be stied a11d act fully in its ow11 11 an1e as a juridical JJerso11; (ii) e11ter into co11tracts with eitl1er private fir111s or persons or ptiblic at1thorities; (iii) receive, l1 old, deposit witl1 a ba11k a11d expend mo11 ies made available to it by this Proclamation or received by it as a rest1lt of its operatio11s here11nder. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 19/11 (1960) D.42; a11·1d. 21/3 (1961) F.183 Art.2.

7. Ot1r .l'vfi11ister of Fina11ce is I1ereby autho:ized to tra11sfer to the Adn1i11istratio11, as a \vorking ft1nd, the amot111t of 011e h11ndred thottsand Ethiopian dollars (Eth.$100,000), which amot1nt shall be repaid by said Admi11istration in the n1an11er specitied in Article 8 l1ereof. 8. AJJ reve11t1es received by tl1e Administratio11 fro1n operation carried 011 l1ere11nder shall, at tl1e e11cl of e,tcb fiscal year, be dis_posed of in the follo,vi11g fasllio11: (a) all operating costs of such operaticns shall be cled11cted fron1 a11d shall co11stitt.1te a first charge t1pon said :eventies; (b) te11 percent (10%) of the balance sball be set aside for tl1e creatio11 of a reserve fu11d ttntil tl1 e an1011nt of said fu11d 'is eqt1al to 011e ht111clred tl1ousa11d Ethiopian dollars (EtL1.$IOO,OOO); p1ovided, ho1vvever, that if saicl r_ ese�ve fund, after havi11g reachecl the s11m o.f one ht111dred thousand Etl11op1a11 - 313 -


dollaros (Eth.$100,000), shahl be Feduced for whatever reason, tei1 percent (10%} 0ii the balance Eemam1ng each year s,laall be set aside in each following year l!intil �he reseliv� fu11d is again eqtia.1 to oire n.Mndred thousand Ethiopia11 d·allax;s (�nh.$J 00,00©); �c) tea Dereenit (!ID%' 0f s'ali<il fumlaJ.iJee sha1llL le applied t� t_he repayD:eut of any @I11,ts,t� 1ag �alan€e 0f tihe adNaililee ma• cle by the M1n1stry of Finance pt1rS1l!lant �� .Arotliele 7J h.erie@i; �td� � l�lane-e riemaim,0:g �1teafteF slhailll :fue �ram1sferred, within fo11r (4) 1nonths @J �ne: elil� l!>f taco: :ti.sea[ �ea4i, to @'l!l!F (;e:filbFa!l Treasury as ordinary reven11e <01' tiee 1�eniail fflfil0pia1n @,oiV�li1.11mrent. �- (a� No fflms <llism.-1el1.I!tecl ras p>JJiizes iilll m:0ney l0tte11ies 0ond11cted by the Adminis­ tnatiios shall, in the hand,s of the • Fecipien'ts, be co11sidered as i11come for 1he purpose of the assessment of income tax. (b) The teum.s a:na e@ucllitlions go:veming t.h e o,eration of a11y lottery co11ducted by the Adilin:inistration., includiI:g, among oth.ers, the date or dates of draw­ tlilg of �rizes, shall be clearly displayed in each place in wl1ich tl1e tickets therefore are on sale. Said terms and co11ditions s11a11 not be altered after rhey have been notified to the public. 10. (a) (b) (c)


III. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS All of the powers and functiOllS of the Administration shall be exercized by, and said Adn1inistration shall be gover11ed by, a Board of Comnlissioners. The Board of Con1missioners sl1all co11sist of a chairn1an and fot1r (4) otl1er n1embers to be appointed by Us upon tl1e 1101ni11ation of Ot1r Minister of Fi11ance. The Board of Co1nn1issioners shall 1neet at least once each 1nontl1, and oftener, if necessary, upon the call of the Chair111an or a1.1y two (2) members lhereof. The Board of Commi)sioners shall ma'ke its ow11 r11les to govern meetings; provided, however, that a majority of n1embers the11 serving shall co11stit11te the quorum necessary for the tra11sa,ction of business at ai1y st1cl1 n1eeting; a11d JJrovided, f11rther that decisions at any sucl1 meeting; sl1all be taken by a majority vote of said q11orum. Without lin1iting the generality of the foregoing, the Board of Comn1issioners sl1a11 l1ave tl1e following functions, d11ties a11d responsibilities: (i) to negotiate a11d enter i1110 a contract witl1 the G·eneral Manager of the Administration; (ii) to establish policies conrerning the form and extent of tl1e n1011ey lotteries to be conducted by the Administration, and tl1e ma1111er i11 wl1icl1 they are to be co11d11cted; (iii) to adopt the annual budget of the Admi11istra.tion and to a1J prove the an1.1ual balance sheet and profit and loss staten1ei1t. GENERAL MANAGER

11. The General Manager of the Ad11 1i t1j stratio11 shall have tl1e follo,vi11g fu11ctio11s, duties and res1Jonsibili,ties: (a) he shall be the pri11cipal exec.t1tive officer of the Administratio11, and, in accordance ,vith policies establisl1ed by tl1e Board of Comn1issioners, he - - 314 -


(b) (c) (d) (e)



sl1all_ exercise the l )O\Vers of tl1e Ad111i11istratio11 and direct a11d be respo,11sible for its manage111e11t and operatio1s; in accordance vvith the policies a11:l i11strt1ctio11s establisl1ed by the Board of Con11nissioners, he sl1a]l en1p]oy and cliscl1arge all perso11nel, dispose of their services a11d fix their salaries, ,vages a11d allowances; lie sl1all make st1111mary qt1arter]y reports to the Board of Co1nmissio11ers ,vith respect to the activities of 1i1e Adnunistratio11; 11e sl1all prepare an an1111al report ,vl1icl1 sl1all co11tai11 a stateme11t of the receipts and expe11ditt1res of tl1e Adt11i11istratio11 atidited by perso11s appoint­ ed by the Board of Con1n1issio11et·s; he shall keep the Board of Co111111is.5io11ers i11formed 011 all 111atters co11cern­ i11g the activities of the Ad1ni11ist1ation, and shall furnisl1 such other in­ for111atio11 concer11i11g tl1e activitie; of the Ad111i11istration as the Board of Con1n1issio11ers 1nay at a11y ti1ne reqt1est; in accordance witl1 the policies establisl1ed by the Board of Commissioners, he s}1all prepare bt1dgetary propo�als a11d a proposed pla11 of operations for tl1e Admi11istratio11 for each fiscal year a11d shall sub111it tl1em for revie,v a11d approval by said Board. .

V. RAFFLES Ai\D TOMBOLAS 12. Except for such as n1ay be lice11sed 1Jursua11t to Article 13 l1ereof, all raffles and tombolas are prohibited. I 3. Our Mi11ister of Fi11a11ce is l1ereby at1t1orized to isst1e regulatio11s setti11g forth the conditio11s t111der whicl1 raffles a11d tombolas 111ay be held and to desig11ate authorities who 1nay isst1e lice11ces 1herefor. 14. A fee amounti11g to two per ce11t (2%) ,Jf the total valt1e of all tickets to be sold for any raffle or ton1bola shall be paJable i n co11nectio11 witl1 the isst1ance of any licence u11der A1·ticle 13 hereof at 1he tin1e such licence is isst1ed; provided, ho,vever, tl1at the following classes of raffles or tombolas shall be exempted from pajrment of said fee: (a) raffles or to1nbolas i n wllich the to1al value of all tickets to be sold therefor does 11ot exceed fifty Etl1iopia11 dollars (Etl1.$50.00); (b) raffles or tombolas organized exc1'1sively for charitable p11rposes in whicl1 the total value of all tickets to be sold therefor does not exceed five hu11dred Ethiopia11 dollars (Eth.$500.00). • VI. PENAL PROVISIONS .

15. Whosoever: (a) organizes for profit any mo11ey lottery except as authorized hereby, or engages in the sale or distribution of tickets or cot1po11s for any 1noney lottery except as a11tl1orized hereby, or collects money for such tickets or coupons, or engages in a11y kind of advertising o.f any nature whatsoever therefor, or otl1er-wise e11gages or takes part in the promotio11 or operation of any s·uch mo11ey lottery; ·or (b) p·ublicly organize any raffle or tombola except as authorized 11ereby, or engages in the sale or distribution of tickets or coupons for any raffle or

-- 31: -




tombola except as a11thorized he:eby, or collects n1011ey for st1ch tickets or ootrpo�s, or engages j11 any :kim:1 of advertisi11g of a11y ·natt1re wh a. tsoev er therefor, or otl1er,vise e11gages or takes part i11 tl1e promotion or operation ot· aJ1IlY such raffle or tombola, is pu11jshable in accorda11ce with tJ1e provi­ sio11s of tl1e Penal Code of 1957. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 19/11 (1960) D.42; a,ncl. 21/3 (1961) P.183 Art.2 CROS:S REFERENCE

Pen. C. '1r 6/LEx.[ (195-n ht. 7�

I e. il1'ilite [f)F@eeeds, aualli wriitz� @fr 81Iil11 m.:©,ney J.@ntery or raffie or tom bola carried 011 ©,ta©li �a•m 81Ulhlll@I; fi.Ze"&c ,�F09j' ma� me �©.lil!il.SCated ptusu.ant to the a 1)plicable p110¥iisi@ns @fi saii� �eo:al Ce�e., aina ll!l(!) elaim there-for or for the valtie there of Sihal JJie. l 7. This Fr00l�nta'tni@a sliaEl come into fc,rce 011 the date of its p11blication i11 the Ne[J{Jrit Gazetlta. Doa& 8)1 .A:cd<llis Ab>aJfua this 2©th d,ty of October, 1961. CONSOLIDArION NOTE Tl1.e origi 1Ja1 Decree was publisl1ed on 28 Jul) 1960. Tl1e date· given l1ere is the elate of publica­ tion of tl1e National Lottery Proclamation.

26/10 (1967) L.327

REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE NATIONAL LOTrfERY PROCLAM-J\.TION OF 1961. 1. Iss1ti11g At1tl1ority: These Regu]atio11s are iss11ed by the 1v.li11ister of Fina.nee purs11a11t to autl1ority ,,esteci i11 ]1i111 b)' Article 13 of t]1e Natio11al Lottery Proclal11atio11, (Procla111atio11 No. 183 of 1961) (herei11after t11e ''Proclama.tio11' '). 2. Short Title: These Regl1lations 1J1ay be cited as tl1e ''raffle a11d To1nbola Lice11ce Regula­ tions, 1967''. 3. Desig11atio11 of Lice11si ng At1t]1ority: (I) TI1e :Board of Co111n1issioners (l1erei11after ''tl1e Lice11sing At1tl1ority' ') created by Article IO of the Proclamatio11 is hereby clesignated as tl1e a11tl1ority \¥l1ich 111ay iss11e lice11ces [or raffles a11cl to1nbol,ts to be l1eld i11 atl)' _part of Ethiopia. (2) Except as li111ited by virt11e of des;g11atio11s 111acie purst1a11t to paragrapl1 (1) of Article 4 hereof, tl1e Ge11eral Mat1ager sl1all exercise all of tl1e po,vers of tl1e Boar. d here11nder witl1 respect to tl1e licensi11g of raffles ,111d ton1bolas. 4. Delegatio11 of A11thority: (1) The Board n1ay, from ti1ne to time, clesignate Bejiro11ds (l1erei11after ''Loc al Lice11si11g At1tl1orities' ') i11 sucl1 Teklay Ghizats as it sl1all specify as the represe11tatives a11cl aget1ts of tl1e Board e111povvered to iss11e, 011 bel1alf of - 3�6 -

12-9 ------------------------�----- ---· the Board, lice11 ces for rafl'les a11d to 111 bolas JJrotJosed to be l1eld i11 saicl Teklay Gl1izats. (2 ) Desig1 1atio11 of Local Lice11si 11 g Atithorities 111ade pt1rs11a11t to JJaragr,tpl1 (I) of tl1is Article 4 sl1all be Revocable ·by tl1e B . oard at will. (3) Desig1 1ation of Local .Lice11si11g A11tl1orities 111ade pt1rst1a11t to paragraph (I) of tl1is Article 4 sl1all be subject to st1cl1 ft1rtl1er li111itatio11 a11cl co11ditio11s · as tl1e Board 111 a)1 fro11 1 ti1ne to ti111e i1111Jose; tJrovidecl, l1owever tl1at s11ch li1nitations a11 d co11ditio11s sl1all aJJJJiy t1 11ifor111ly to al J clesig 11 atio 11 s so 111ade. INTERNAL SECURI1'Y

5. Co11 cli tions Applicable to Lice11sed Raffles clr1d Ton1bolas: St1bject 011ly to tl1e provisio11s of Article 6 l1ereof, all lice11ces for raffles ancl ton1bolas isst1ed pt1rst 1 a 1 1t to tl1e JJrovisio11s l1ereof by eitl1er tl1e Lice11si11g At1tl10rity or ,111y Local Lice11si11g At1thority sl1all be subject to the follovvi11g condi­ tio11s: (1) the prizes offered for tl1e raffle or ton1 bola sl1all be i11 the form of n1ercl1a11 dise or other 111 ov::1ble or i111 111 ovable goods a11d property, a 11 d 11 ot in tl1e forn1 of 111 011ey; (2) tl1e 11et IJrofit fron1 tl1e rafl'le or ton1bola sl1all be desti11ed entirely a11 cl exclttsively for edt1cational, artistic or cl1aritable ptirposes or for Jegiti111ate ,111d recognized sporti11g orga11izatio11 s; a 1 1d (3) the orga11izer (s) of tl1e ra.ffle or ton1bola sl1all give a guarat1tee \-Vl1icl1, i11 the opinion of tl1e Lice 11si11g AL1tl1ority or Local Licensing A11thority, as appropriate, sl1all be adeqt1ate to e11s11re tl1 e orderly co11d11ct of tl1 e raffle or ton1bola and to guara11tee tl1at the proceecls thereof are ha11ded over to the orga11izatio 11 for the benefit of which the raffle or tombola is bei11 g l1 eld a 1 1d are devoted to the pt1rposes a1 1d objects i11te1 1ded.

6. Special Raffles a11d Ton1bolas: The Licensing Autl1ority 111ay, i11 its sole discretion a11d sL1bject to tl1e co11 di­ tions 11erei11after set forth; issL1e licenses for raffles and to111bolas despite the fact that all of t11e co11ditior1s set fortl1 i 11 Article 5 l1ereof l1ave not bee11 satisfied, in the followi11 g two cases: (1) Where the raffle or ton1bola is orga11ized as part of a festival, ball or other similar event of a p11blic 11 at11re; provided, however, that: ( a) tl1e value of all tickets J)roposed to be sold for such raffle or to111bola shall not exceed Five Tl1ot1sa11d Ethiopia11 Dollars (Eth. $5,000); (b) tl1e tickets for st1cl1 raft"Jes or to111bola sl1all be sold only dL1ri11 g the coL1rse of st1cl1 festival, ball or otl1er similar ever1t; and. • (c ) none of the proceeds tl1ereof are retained by or accrue to i11dividt1als, as opposed to orga11izatio 1 1s or associatio11s. (2) Where tl1e raffle or to111bola is orga1uzed by a bt1siness e11terprise as part of a pro111otio1 1al or aclvertising ca1npaign; provided, however, that: (a) tl1e rigl1t to partici1Jate in the ralfl� or tombola shall be acqL1ired a� a conseqt1e11ce of or i11 co11nectio11 with the pL1rcl1ase of 1nercl1a11d1se ordi 11 arily and t1sually sold by tl1e bL1si11ess enterprise orga11izing t11e raffle or tombola, and not by the separate p11rch,1se of tickets for money: and - 317 -



(b) the p'rizes offered .ti'0r the raffle or too1bola shall be distribL1ted in tlle form of merchandise or other movable or im111ovable goods a11d pro­ perty, and not im the form of n1oi1ey. 7. Application for Licence: (1) Each person or body applying for a lice11ce to hold a raft'le or tornbola slia.ll su�miit1 to the Licensitt1.g A�thority or �ocal _Licei1si11g Authority? as a_ppro­ ; _ pri1:aite, a com(pleted aJp1icat1on, llil d1uplLtcate, in the for1n set fortl1 111 Schedule A 1l0 :t! Regulatiil!>ns. (2.l 1nhe �1:e:visi0:ns @£ pana:gr-ai])h (l) €)f tthis Article 7 to the contrary not,vith­ rstaa�mg, ea;e1a aipfieaniga e'f a lisemce sh.all state the following partict1lars: �) the, namets� am.qi pcl.Iiess(e:sl err the mdtividt1al, organization or associatio 11 0r.�1Ui1Ng �he 1r.a1ffte oi: tomll,ola: ; (@9 the !l>l!l!IT[P@Ses {er whlch the raffle or tombola is being organized; 4e) the naDUxe aincd the vaEee of the wrizes proposed to be offered; (d) the tetal rnum10er and the value of tickets _proposed to sold; (e) the manner, place and time of rthe sale of tickets a11d the fi11ancial arrange­ ments, if any, pr@posed to be 0011clt1ded with the persons selling the fickets; (f) the time and place of dra\\iing; and (g) the type and amot1nt of pt1blicity proposed to be given to the raffle or tombola. 8. Issua.nce a11d Validity of Licence:. (1) Licence sl1all be isstted l1ereunder by e11dorsen1ent on the back of the applica­ tio1J i11 the forn1 set fortl1 in Schedt1le B to these Regt1latio11s. (2) Eacl1 licence issued hereunder shall be valid 011ly for tl1e single drawi11g described and held i11 a.ccorda11ce ,vitl1 the terms set forth in the application therefore. Such raffle or tombolas shaJl be draw11 11ot later tl1a11 th ree (3) 1nontl1s following the date of is�uar1ce of' the licence. (3) Notification of a11y cl1anges proposed to be 111ad. e in the infor111atio11 set forth in the application for the issua11ce of t]1e ]icence shall be made to tl1e Licensing Authority or Local Llcensing Autl1ority as a1Jpropriate, at least three (3) days prior to the proposed. effective date of st1cl1 cl1anges. Failure to coinply with tl1is reqt1iren1e1t sl1all jnvalidate tl1e licer1ce and render illegal the l1oldi11g of the raffle )f to1nbola. 9. St1pervision of Raffles a1Jd To1nbolas: The A uthority issuing the Lice11ce may, at its descretio11: (a) appoi11t a person of a con1mittee co11sisti11g of 11ot more tl1a11 three (3) per­ so11s to supervise tl1e orga11izatio11, n1a11�tge111e11t a11d dr,1\,,i11g of a11y rafl"le or tombola; (b) require proof that the 11et profit derived from tl1e ralTle or tombola shall be or l1as been a1)plied entirely a11d exclusively for the objects or IJt1r1Jose J'or wl1icl1 tl1e raffle or ton1bola l1as bee11 at1thorized. 10. Payn1ent of Fees: Licences for the holding of raffles a11d ton1bola.s sl1all only be isst1ed againSt payment of the fee prescribed i11 Article 14 of the Proclamation. - 318 -

12-9 ---------------------:------- -· 11. Et1try into Force: These Regulatio11s sl1all con1e into force 011 tl1e date of tl1eir pt1blication i11 tl1e Negarit Gazella. INTERNAL SE:URITY

Schedult: A



(or appropriate title of Local Lice11si11g Authority)

I/We ············· ······························································································• · ················•······ ·········· ············ ·························· ··········· Address ·····························································································�········································ ........ ....... ............................... ............... Nationality ....................... . ...................... ................................................................................ ......................... .............................. . Professio11 ................................. ....................................................... ....... do hereby apply for a lice11ce to organize a raff le or to mbola fro111 .............. ........................................................ to ......................................... ..... . for the following p11rposes: (ft1ll particulars) ..................... ....................................... .... ...... ............... ...... The natt1re and the valt1e of tl1e prize� to be offered are: .The 11nit values of tickets whicl1 are proposed to be iss11ed are: The serial nt1n1bers of tickets to be issued are: ................................................................ .. ............................... .............. ............... ...... ........ The tickets will be sold: (a) by ................................................................................ ... .............................................................................. ..................... . (b) where .................................................................................................................................................................................... (c) when .............................................................................................................................................................. ...... ............. . Con11nissions or other remu11eration payable to tickets sellers are: ..... .. .................... . ............ The prizes \.vill be draw11: (a) whe11 (date and hour) ........................................................................ ................................. ........ ............... (b) where ( exact place ) ...................:................... ... ................. ............................................... ..................... ............ Tl1e date by which prizes mt1st be claimec: .................................. ...................... ........................................ The following publicity is proposed: ........................................ ......... ..... :......................... .................................... .. I/We, the 11ndersigned, u11dertake that in the eve11t of a lice11ce bei11g issued for the above raffle or tombola I/We w.ill c-)nd11ct the raffle or tombola in accord­ ance with the law ancl will subn1it to the AJtl1ority issuing the Licence, within one (I) mo11th from the date of drawing, a complete account of the proceeds of the raffle or tombola and the distrib11tion of prizes and net proceeds. Date·. . . .... . . ... . .... . .... ... . . ... . .. .. ... . . ... . .... .. . . .... . . ... . .. . .... . . . .. .. ... ... .... Sig11ed: .............................. ._........................................ . '

Schedule B

FOR USE BY LICENSING AUTHORITY OR LOCA.L LICENSING AUTHORITY Registration No. Licence issued/ref11sed sttbject to the condjtions set fortl1 belo\v: Date: Signature/ Seal of A11thority Accounts shall be presented to (name a11d place) by (date). Done at Addis Ababa fifth day of Ju11e, 1967.

- 319-

-:_.:...,_ -=- --:--------. ------ CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETHlOPIA


E. Associatic)OS ll.egistration '

26/1 (1966) L.321

REGULATIONS ISSl.T.IDD PURSUANT TO THE t:ONl'RHJL OF ASSOCIATIONS PROVISIONS OFr 'iEIIE CiiWL CODE OF 1960 I . Ilss �g A,�tn.e:ui;tr. 111hes:e Re��a)fif@as a:Rei iJSs�<lll \ij:Y fllt0 Mimister of Interior pttrsuant to at1tl1ority ve.stea i1 nJ him fu'f, A.1ntuQle 4!19 @f t, be Ci�l Code of the E1npire of Ethiopia of I960. 2. Saort Tittle. Tues€ R'.egml:atii@:ms may be ojted a� the ''Associations Registration Regt1lations, � ,66''. 3. Definitiofil,S. In these Regulanions, unless the context other\vise requires: (l) ''Associatio11'' shall have the mea11i11g set forth i11 Article 404 of tl1e Code; (2) ''Cocle'' shall mea11 tl1e Civil Code of (he En11)ire of Et11iopia of 1960; (3) ''Mi11ister'' sl1all 1nea11 the Minister of I11terior or, for pt1rposes of Article 16 l1ereof, sucl1 JJerso11 or JJerso11� as l1e n1ay desig11ate to act i11 l1is stead; and (4) ''Office'' sl1all n1ea11s tl1e Offire of Associatio11s established by tl1e Minister

J)t1rsua11t to Article 468 of the Cocle i11 tl1e Tel<lay Gl1izat \Vl1ere tl1e l1ead office of the releva11t associatio11 is or will be located, a11d faili11g s11ch. esta­ blisl1111ent i11 any partict1lar --=-eklay Gl1izat, sl1all for tl1at Teklay Gl1izat 111ett11 tl1e Head Office of As�ociatio11s at Addis AbalJa. •

CROSS llEFERENC.E Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Arls. 404, 468.

4. Est,1blishme11t a11d I{egistr,1tio11 c,f Associ�ltio11s. No associatio11 sl1a]l carry 011 a11y activities otl1er tha11 tl1ose necessary to effect tl1e eslablishn1e11t t·l1ereof t111lcss a11d u11til tl1e Men1ora11dL1111 of Associatio11 or Statt1tes thereof have bee11 regis1ered. i11 accorda11ce ,:vitl1 the ]a,v a11d these Regt1latio11s a11d a Certificate of Registratio11 l1a.s bee11 iss11ecl to ll1e fou11ders tl1ereof p 11rsua11t to Article 9 hereof. A11y J)erso11 acti11g 011 bel1alf of or i� the 11a1ne of an association not so rcgisterecl sl1all be jointly a11cl severally liable witl1 tl1e .association for a11y sucl1 acts.

5. Applicatio11 for Registratio11. (1) A11 n1Jplicatio11 for tl1e regis1ratio11 of an associatio11 sl1all be st1b1nitted

to the Office i11 five (5) co1Jies in tl1e form att�1ched hereto as Scl1ed ule A. S11cJ1 a1) �]ic�tio11 sl1all be accon11)a11ied by five (5) coi)ies of a rv1e111ora 11 du111 of Assoc1at1on a11d by tl1e fee specified i11 1\rticle 17 hereof. - 320 -



--------------------------------· (2) St1cl1 application shall bear tl1e 11a111�s of not fewer tl1a11 five (5) fot111ding 1nembers of the associatio11. 1\ll co1)ies of st1cl1 applicatio11s a11d of tl1e men10ra11du111 of Associatio11 sl1all be s.igred by all the fo11nders. (3) Stich a1)plicatio11 sl1all co11tai11 or b� acco1npa11ied by tl1e followi11g; (a) tl1e nan1es, 11atio11alities, acldresses a11d occt1patio11s of tl1e fo11nders; (b) t\VO (2) passport size l1ead a11d sl1ot1lcler pl1otograJ)hs of each of the f 011nders; (c) a brief biograpl1y of eacl1 of tl1e fot1nders i11dicati11g his place of birtl1, place of resiclence, and 1Jartic11Iars as to l1is ed11catio11 and previot1s employment; and (d) tl1e na1nes, addresses and 11atio11a.lities of a11y advisers, age11ts or admi11istrators to be e111ployed by 1l1e associatio11.

6. Memora11d11m of Associatio11. A Memorand11n1 of Association shall be prepared in Amharic a11d shall co11tain ·witho11t limitatio11, the following: (I) the 11ame of the association; (2) the locatio11 of tl1e head office a11d a11y branch offices of the association; (3) the pt1rposes of the association; (4) tl1e qualifications for n1embersl1i J) i11 tl1e association i11clt1ding any fees and d11es payable by n1embers; (5) a description of the u11ifor1ns, badge�, insignia or otl1er mea11s of ide11tifica­ tion, if any, to be carried or wor11 by 1l1e officers and members of the associa­ tion; (6) the initial capital of the association, if any, and tl1e manner of its acqt1isition; (7) the n1anner of election or appoi11t111ent of the directors, officers a11d agents of the association; (8) the number of directors to be appci11ted to the board of manageme11t, tl1e d11ratio11 of appointment and the partic11lar po,vers assigned to the board of n1anageme11t; (9) tl1e period for which the associatio11 is to be established; (IO) the auditors of the associatio11 or specifications as to the manner of appoint­ ment of st1ch. a11ditors; and (11) the manner in wl1ich the association shall prepare and publish its reports. 7. Verification of Application. Withjn sixty (60) days after the s11bn1issi011 of an application for the registration of an association which appears to be ,;omplete and in the proper form, the Office shall concl11de all sucl1 meas11res of exami11ation a11d investigation as may be necessary to determine whether: (1) the stateme11ts a11d information contained in such application and tl1e accon1panying Memorand11m of Association are accurate and reliable; and (2) st1cl1 doc11n1ents co111ply in all parti:11lars with tl1e requireme11ts imposed by la ,v and these Regt1latio11s. - 321 -



8. Grant of Application. The Office shall in all cases grant an application for tl1e registratio11 of a11 asso­ ciation, except that: (I) The Office may deny any appli::ation where it deter111.ines t'ollowi1 1g appro­ priate investigation that: (a) the partict1lars contained in the applicatio11 or in the accompanying Memorandum of Association are false or misleading in any material as@eet; (b) the pU1,iip©ses of the intended association are t1nlawful or imn1oral; or te} &e �u :rp0ses of th.e inten.aed associatiot1 are against national t11iity or interest; pr0¥ided, however, that any su::h denial sh.all be 1nade in writing and sL1aJJ specifically state the reasons far such denial and a11y facts revealed in the col!lrse of any such investigaticn which are relevant to s11ch denial. (2) Any such application shall subject to denial by reason of the fact that the application or any of the acccmpanyi11g docun1ents or partict1lars are in­ complete or s·ubstantially fail t,) n1eet the req11irements in1posed by Ja,v or these Regulation.s; provided, hcwever, that the Office shall advise the found­ ers in writing as to relevant defects and such remedial meas11res i11 respect thereof as may be necessary. 9. Registration. (I) Upon verification of an ap1)licatioi1 for the registratio11 of an association and the accompanying Memo1a11dun1 of Association, and except as pro­ vided in Article 8 l1ereof, tl1e Office shall register the applicant association by entering tl1e name thereof in tl1e register established pursuant to Article 470 of the Code and shall isst1{ to the association a Certificate of Registra­ tio11 in tl1e form attached her�to as Schedule B. (2) Said Certificate of Registration shall bear tl1e progressive 11t11nber assig11ed to the associatio11 pt1rs11ant to Article 471 of the Code. (3) Said Ce. rtificate of Registration shall be at ail tin1es pron1i11e11tly displayed at the l1ead office of the association, a11d tl1e loss or destrt1ctio11 thereof shall be im111ediately noti'fied to the Office in ,vriti11g. (4) Said Certificate of Registratio11 sl1all be ret11r11ed to t.]1e Office on dissolution or liquidatio11 of tl1e associatio:1 for a11y reaso11. CONSOLDATION NOTE Civ. C., 19/EX.2 (1960 ) Arts. 470-1.

10. Notification of Addresses, Meetit1§S, A111e11dments a11d Electio11s. (I) Tl1e board of 1nanagen1e11t of t11 associatio11 sl1t1ll notify the Office i11 \Vrit­ ing o� t�1e time and locatio11 of a11y ge11eral 111eeti11g of tl1e 1nembers of tl1e �ssoc1at1on, not later than seven (7) days previot1s to the elate of sucl1 1neet1ng. (2) The board ?f n1anage1nent sl1aJ within tl1irty (30) days after tl1e occtirren ce thereof notify the Office in wr:ting of a.ny of the following:

-322 -



(a) a11y cl1anges i11 the tl1e of o11 con1po it among board or management of � � _ tl1e officers, a11d1tors, aclm1111strators, age11ts or advisors of the associa­ tion, includjng tl1e 11a111es addresses a11d 11atio11alities of all persons elected or appointed to serve i11 any of sL1cl1 ca1Jacities and, i11 respect of al� 11e,v_ officers of tl1e associatio11, tl1e partict1lars req11ired to be subm1ttecl 111 respect of fo1111ders pt1rst1a11t to paragrapl1 (3) of Article 5 hereof; a11d (b) the ft1ll text of sucl1 Stat11tes as n1ay be adopted by the association and of any amendme11ts tl1ereto or to tl1e MemorandL1m of Association. 11. Stat11tes. The Stat11tes of an associatio11 sl1all re prepared as req11ired i11 accordance ,vith the law ,ind shall co11tain fL1rt.l1er J)artic11lars of all n1atters requirecl to be contained in a Men1orandt1m of Ass:>ciatio11. In appropriate cases, Statutes may be filed in lieu of a 11emora11d11r1 of Associatio11 UJJon application for th.e registratio11 of an associatio11. 12. Auditors a11d Acco1111ts. (1) Every associatio11 shall keep adequate accot111ts and records of i11co111e and expenclit11re and shall make t 1e same available to inspection from time to time or at any time 11pon 1eq11est by a duly a11thorized official of the office. (2) Every association shall appoi11t one (1) or more a11ditors certified by law as professionally qualified or apprDved by the Office. S11ch auditors or a11ditor sbalJ not be n1e1nbers of tl1� association. The provisions of Article 374 to 376 of tl1e Co111n1ercial Code of the En1pire of Ethiopia of 1960 shall apply, n1i1tatis 111l1ta11clis, in respect o:- the powers and d11ties of s11ch auditor or a11ditors. (3) Wliere an associat.io11 so req11ests and. where the initial capital or the pro­ jected ann11al revent1e of st1ch assoc:ation is less tha11 ten tl1ousand dollars (Etl1. $10,000), the Office n1ay waive the requiren1ent of paragraph (2) of this Article 12; provided, however, 1l1at tl1e Office 1nay in any st1ch case at a11y time or from time to tin1e itself 1111dertake to serve as a11ditor of the associatio11, exercising the same pow�rs as an a11ditor or a11ditors appointed tinder said paragraph (2). CROSS REPER.ENCE Comn1. Code, 19/Ex.3 (1960) Arts. 374-376.

13. Reports. Every associatio11 shall annually not later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of the preceding :fina1cial year thereof, st1bmit to the Office a report which shall include the follovi11g particulars: as of the last day of said preceding :fi11ancial year; (1) a balance sheet for the association showing the assets liabilities thereof (2) the auditor's report in respect of said precedi11g financial year; and (3) a description of the major activities of the association d.Ltring said prececling fi11ancial year. 14. SL1pervision of Management of Associ1tions. (I) The board of management of a11 a;sociation shall order the convocation of a general meeting of the association upon written request by any ten (10) - 323 -




n1embers thereof or such smaller n un1ber as is equal to 11ot less tha11 te · per cent (10%) of the m.eu1b �r� thereof. Such 1·equest sh.all state tl1e reaso� for the calli11g of s11cl1 meet1n.g. Wh�re tl1e board of 111a11agen1ent reftt ses to ca;ll s 11ch Illeeting it shall c�mn1urucate sucl1 r equest and a written state­ ment of the reasons for refu_s111g. sa�e to_ tl1e Office, and tl1e Office nlay, thereafter, :following appropriate inquiry, itself order the convocation of a general meeting. (2) The Office m:ay, u.pon reques1t by any te11 (LO) members or sucl1 smaller anm!ber as is 6(1)!1:Ial t© n@t less rthan ten per ce11t ( 10%) of the members of '.he ass©0iaJti0n e0ndu::ct an m'Vestiigation into the n1anagement of tl1e affairs mfr aiJillM a,ss�mciami0B. tT@0111 c0JillPletiom of inv_estigation, th� �ffi.ce 111a)', UiF,>@lit filll'.<d!1a,g 0f fa<St that ainy 0f tlae offi.ce·rs, d1rectors, adn111ustrators or aevi6@rs 0I such ass0ciation hru failed properly to carry out ltis obligatiot1s w,ith respect theEetlo as stated b·y law or i11 the Memora11dun1 of Association or!1tes of the association, order the removal fron1 office of any of such peFso:m.s or the suspension of any of such perso11s from office pe1 1di 11 g the completion of any crim'inal prcsecution which may be instituted as a result @f such irn1Vestigation or to which sttch person may be st1bject for any reason in connection with his activities i11 such office. (3) Where a majority of the directors of an associatio11 are removed or sus­ pe11ded fro111 office pttrsua11t tc this Article 14, the Ministry sl1all convoke a ge11 eral meeting o:f the asso:iatio11 for the electio11 of new or interin1 directors or n1 ay, pursua11t to Article 432 of the Code, apply to t11e court for tl1e a1)pointment of provisio11al directors of the associatio11 pending tlJe convocation of st1ch a general n1eeting. CROSS REFERENCE Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960 ) Art. 432.

15. D.issoltrtion of Associations. A11 association shall be st1b ject to dissolutio11 by order of the Office purs11ant to Article 462 of tl1e Code in tl1e ev�nt of the occurence of a11y of tl1e follo\1/ing: (I) tl1 e association wilft 1 lly t111dertakes activities 11 11rela.ted to and 11ot in furtl1era11ce of t11e pt1rposes tl1erecf [ts set forth in the Men1ora11d11111 of Asso­ ciatio11 or the Stat11tes of the association; (2) The associatio 11 fails to con1ply witl1 a11y rec1t1 iren1ent of tl1e law or of tl1ese I<.egulations rela.ti1Jg to r1otices, re1Jorts or i11formatio11 reqtiired to be pro­ vided by association or 'v\1itl1 Ia,vfttl orders of the Office relati11g to tl1e con­ dt1ct of the activities of the a�sociatio11; or (3) it appears to tl1e Office that the associ,:1tion I1a.s bee11 orga11ized or is being carried 011 for 1111la\\1t1.1l or i 111n1oral pt1rposes or the association or any substa.ntial portio11 of the men1·Jers tl1ereof l1 ave bee11 co11victed by a co1 11pete11t cot1rt of any crime arisi11g 01 1 t oC or i11 co1111ectio11 \ :vitl1 tl1e activities of the associatio11 ; Provicled, however, that any s11ch orcler for tl1e clissolt1tio11 of a t1 associa.tioi i shall be 111ade i11 vvriti11g a11d sl1all state the facts fo1111d by tl1 e Office a11d reasons based on s11ch facts 011 wl1icl1 s11 ch order is based. CROSS R.EFE.R.ENCE Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Art. 462.

- 324 -



16. Appeal. (I) A11y de11ial of registration u11cler /1.rticle 8 l1ereof and a11y order for the ren1oval or st1spe11sio11 of a11y pers)11 1111der Article 14 l1ereof or for tl1e dissol11tion of a �1 _associatio11 u11de1 Article 15 I1ereof sl1all be st1bject to appeal to tl1e M1n1ster by any pers011 directly affected tl1ereby ,vitl1i11 thirty (30) days after tl1e service of sucl1 1enial or orcler. (2) An ap1Jeal sl1all be n1ade by writte11 stateme11t setti11g fortl1 tl1e grot111ds . of tl1e appeal. (3) The Minister sl1all revie\.v tl1e writte11 stateme11t of a1Jpeal a11d the writte11 staten1e11t of tl1e Office preparecl pu1st1ant to the reqtureme11t of tl1e Article l1ereof a11 thorizing the releva11 t order or denial. He 111ay theret1pon su111marily reverse st1ch order or de11ial or sl1all order a f11rther hearing to be held before hi111 at \vhicl1 the appella11t sL1all be entitled to be prese11t and to adduce st1itable evide11ce i11 support of l1i� appeal. (4) Tl1e Minister shall i11 every case prepare a writte11 decision, signed by l1in1, ,;vl1ich shall be presented to the ap?ella11t. St1cl1 decisio11 shall: (a) recite the natt1re of the question u11der consicleration; (b) recite the substance and source of all relevant testimo11y a11d evide11ce received and considered; (c) recite tl1e findings of fact 1nade by the Mi11ister, and in the case of re­ levant evide11ce whicl1 is ex1Jres;ly contradictory, tl1e evalt1ation which leads the Minister to make tl1e factt1al findings he does resolvi11g the conflict; (d) state the resolution of the qt1e;tion t111der consideration; and (e) state the dis1Josition ordered iI.1 respect thereof. 17. Fees. (I) The fee payable t1pon applicatio11 :or registratio11 of a11 association shall be one hundred dollars (Eth.$100). (2) The fee payable upon ap.plicatio11 for registratio11 of the Statt1tes of an associatior1 or any amendn1e11t the1eto shall be twe11ty five dollars (Eth.$ 25.00). 18. Exceptions. The Office sJ1all, wl1ere it deems appropriate, provide for the exceptio11 of any association or class of associatio11s from any of the reqt1irements set forth in these Regulatio11s. The Office may, in particular, and witL1out limitation of the foregoing, establish simplified proct:dures for the organization, registration and• supervision of informal association possessi11g no sl1bstantial property or income. 19. Existing Associations. (I) All associatio.11s whether previously registered with the �i11istry of Interior or other\vise existing or established prior to tJ1e entry into force of .t� ese Regt1lations, shall apply for registrition in accordance with the prov1s1ons hereof not later than three (3) n1ooths following said entry into force.

- 325 -


------------------· g so to appl witl1i11 aid period or


to be so re� � (2) Any such association failin gistered within four (4) month? from said entr� 111to �orce shall be deemed dissolved and shall Jiquidated 1n accordance w1tl1 Articles 463 tl1rott gh 467 of the Code. (3) Peiicling such registration or c.issolution, � t1ch association shall be e11titled to carry on its activities in accordance with tl1e law.

CROSS REFERENCE c;iv. C. 19'/Ex.2 (1:960.) Ants. 463-467. '

11 .. Penal. ALW •e�t©T ©li' m:em�eF � ai_n ass@siatiion which: (r\J) j,s nei OC16.giste11ed at feijniite� by A.4.itiole 4 hereof; or '2) :las 'eeea JJe.6used Fegis1ma1li0n pur1 sl!lant to Article 8 hereof; or (3� ttas li>een �ssolv-ed pUirsl!lant t0 Article 19 hereof; wh0 caxries 0,,n. alilfy activit1 y of Sl!tch association not expressly permitted by law or t!h.ese lle�l.!llation-s or, knowing th:ait such association has 11ot bee11 so dissolved, takes part ilil ai:rit rY activity shill be gtlilty of an offence 11nder 1-\rticle 476 C)f the Penal Code of 1957, and sha�l, upon convictio11, be subject, to tl1e penalties the11ein provided. CROSS REFERENCE Pen. C. 16/Ex. l (1957) Art. 476.

21. Effective Date. These Regulatio11s sl1all e11ter i11to force 011 the date of tl1eir publication in the Negarit Gazetta. SCHEDULE A Application for Registration of Association I. (1) The nan1e of the association fer wl1ich registratio11 is s011gl1t by this ap1Jlica­ tion is: (2) The head office of the association is located at: ... ... ........ .................................. ... .......... ... ...... .. ... ..... . . ........ ................ ............. ... ..... ... .... .... ............ ....... . ........... ... .................. . ....... .... .... ............. .. ......... . ....... .. . .... .... .. . . ... (3) Comm11nications to tl1e associ:1.tio11 sl1ould be addressed to: ... ....... .... .. .. ... . ............. ... ... ..... ... .. ... ... .. . .... . ...... ...... ............ ... .. ... ... ········ ····•········· ··········· ····................................................... ... ............ . ............. .... ......... (4) The objects and pu_rposes of the associatio11 are as stated iu tl1e Ivle111ora11dum of Association/Statutes which l1ave been attached }1ereto (delete whicl1ever is inapplicable) and signed by tl1e founders. 2. The following perso11s l1ereby app:y for tl1e registration a11d legal establisl1me11t purs11ant to the Civil Code of 1960 and the Associations Registratio11 Regula­ tio11s, (Legal Notice No. 321 of 1966) of the association described above 811d do declare themselves to be all tr.e founders of such associatio11: '


-326 -



(1) Nan1e: ..............................................._................................... Attacl1 here two (2) passport Address: ............................................................................. size l1ead a11d sho11lder photo­ Place of Birtl1: ........ . ..... .. ... .. .. .. . . .. . .. ... .... . .. .. . ... ......... . . grapl1s Natio11ality: ................................................................. Occ11pation: ................................................................. Dates and Addresses of Previous Employme11t: .................................................................. '

. ... . .. . ...... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. . .. .. . ...... . ... .. . .. ........... .. ... .. .. . .. .. ... ... .... . . .. .. ... ....... .. . ..... .' .................................................

Highest grade of forn1al ed11catjoJ completed, and address of institutio11 ,:vhere such grade ,:vas co1n1Jleted a11d a11y degrees or other certificates of education received: ...................... ................................................................................................................. . '

(2)·· Narne: ................................................................................... Attach here two (2) passport Address: ............................................................................. size head and shoulder pl1oto­ Place of Birth: ........................................................... grapl1s. Natio11ality: ............................................. .................... Oc.cupation: ................................................................. Dates a11d Addresses of Previous Enployment: ..................................................... ...... ....... ...... • •• •..• u•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Highest grade of formal educatioJ completed, and address of i11stitution where s11ch grade was completed a11d any degrees or other certificates of edt1cation received: ......................................................................................................................................... (3) Name: ··············••u••······························································· Attach here two (2) passport Address: ............................................................................. size head a11d shoulder photo­ Place of Birth: ........................................................... graphs. Nationality: ................................................................. Occupation: ................................................................. Dates and Addresses of Previo11s Employment: .............................................................. .......... .... .... .. . ...... .. . .. .. . .. ... .... . ... .. .. . ... . ... ... .. .... . . . .... . .. ... . ................................................. '........................................... Highest grade of formal education completed, and address of institution where s11ch grade was completed and any degrees or other certificates of education received: ...................................................................: ···..··························..······-···..··...................... (4) Name: .................................................................................. . Attach here two (2) passport Address: ............................................................................ . size head a11d shoulder photo­ ·Place of Birth: ........................................................... graphs. National_ity: .......... ...................................................... Occupation: ................................................................. Dates and Addresses of Previous Employment: ................................................. ............ ·· ····· ········ ·· ··· ········ ············· ··· ·································· · ···· ······· ··········· ··· ·· ··· ··· ·········· ········· ·········· ······· ···················

Highest grade of formal education completed, and address of �nstitution where such grade was completed a11d any degrees or other certificates of education received: .......... ......................... ..... ............. .................................................................................... (5) Name.. ............................................... ..· ·················· ····�·········· Attach here two (2) passport Address: ............................................................................. . size head and shoulder photo­ Place of Birth: ........................................................... graphs. Nationality: ................................................................. Occupation: ............ ..................................................... . Dates and Addresses of Previous Employment: ............................................................ . .... . . . .. .. .. ......-� . ... .... .. . .. . .. ... .. .. ......... . . .. .... .... .............................. ............................................. . .......... ..... ....... .



- 327-



---------------------------· grad.e of educition con1pleted., and address of Highest it1stitutioil where such grade was completed a11d any degrees or other certificates of educati·on received: .................................._ ............. .... .. ......................................... ...................... ... ........... ............... .... ..... ........

Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960)


('Il:'he na,m_es of and pertinent detuls relating to additional fot1nders may be aitta:ehecl h6Iiet0 0n separate sheets.) :3., The liLam:es, a:dtli�s� ains ma�i0na1ities @f any advisers, agents, or adininistrators t0 \be enru,t_<!lfecl Dy � aiss�Gia�©l!J aFe as follows: �!), P:@·�tim.�: .............................. · ............ ... ... .....�---·········· ·········· !I\ ....... ............ ...... .............. . ..... .

�li".lr'i'i''-- � • '!l)IIIQ:.111!.J.;,_\;i •

................. ..... ............. .r-c-c •• • • •••••• • • •••••••·•• • •• ••.••••·• • ,•..••. . ••• •• ••••· • ••...•••••·•· ....• ..•···• .. ... ......................

M�ml.66:SS � ........o

....................................... ................................ ......... ■••····..••••....•..•••••••....... -. ... . . . .

Na� 0a_ail,ity (2� Pesiaon: ................. .................. •·• • ................................................................................. Name: .....................................................................................,................................................ .. Acldrress: ..........................�····· ··..·. ............................................................................................................. Nationa.Iity : .................... .................. ... ....._.. ..................................................................... . (Further such particulars may b� attacl1ed l1ereto on separate sheets.) :

t•-· ................................ :................................................................................... ..

Signature of all Fo1111ders: .................................................................................................................................


....... .................. .............. .................... ............... ...........................................................

....................................................... ································· ..·····.............. ....................... .

. ....... .... .... ... .... .... ... ..... ..... ........... ... .......... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ............ .............................. ... ........ .. . .. .. .... ..... ......... . .... . .... ............. .... . .... ...... . . . ..... ... ...... ..... .... . .... ..... ...............

Received at Office of Associatio11 at ....................................................................... this·················· ·········-······· .......................................................................... day of ....................................................................................................................., 19 ............ .. ........ .......................... ............. ..............................................................................................................

· A11thorized Officer

SCI-IEDULE B Certificate of Registratio11 of Association

Application for the registration of the ........ .. ................... ..................................................... ....... .. ............ (nan1e of associatio11) having been received at the Office of A.ssociatio11 at ........................................................................... . . ................................................................ 011 tl1e ................................................................ day of ....................................., 19 .......... . and verified as required by law, said application and tl1e Me1nora11d t1111 of Asso cia­ tion/Statutes (delete, whicl1ever is i11a1)J)licable) subn1itted in conjunctio11 there­ with are hereby approved as in co11fcrmity ,vitl1 all a1)plicable reqt1iren1ents, and said associatio11 i s l1ereby registered to hrtve and exercise the l)L1r1)oses, rights, po,�'ers and d11ties provided in tl1e Memora11dt1m of Associatior1 and Stat11tes thereo f a.11d by law. This Certificate beari11g the regist1·a.tio11 n11mber ··················· ··········· ········ ········ ······· ······ · which shall l1encefortl1 be used as the identifyi11g 11un1ber of the associatio11 as re'

- 328 -


--.�--:----- ------- ------· q by law, shall be INTERNAL SECURITY

valid for .........................................·. ............................ . .... ..... ... .......................................... uired (period for ,:vhicl1 associatio11 is establisl1ed). Don e at ····················································································································.... this ····················-·················· ·· ······· ··· ········· day of .............................................................., .·19............• By ....................................-� .............. .............. ..... ........ ... ................ .. .....'....... . Registrar of Associatio11s Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 26tl1 day of Se1Jte111ber, 1966.

F. P11blic Demonstrations 26/6 (1967) P.243 P.ROCLAMATION TO GOVERN THE l-lOLDING OF PEACEFUL PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAI-1 �E SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the protectio11 a11d e11joyment of the rights of Ot1r subjects in accordance with the requirements of public order and the general welfare will best be served by the establish.ment of definite proced11res governing tl1e l1oldi11g of peaceful public demonstrations; NOW, THEREFORE, in accorda11ce with Article 34, 45 and 88 of Our Revised Constitution, We approve the resol11tions of 011r Cl1a111ber of Dep11ties a11d Se11ate and We hereby proclaim as follows: .I. Short Titie This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Peaceful Public Demo11strations Pro­ clamation, 1967''. 2. Definitions In this Proclamation, u111ess the co11text otl1er\vise requires: ( 1) ''ivlinister'' and ''Mi11istry'' shall mea11, respectively, the Minister and Mi11istry of Interior; (2) ''person'' shall mean, as appropriate, any nat11ral or juridical person; (3) ''reg·ulate'' shall mean the implementatio11 of this Proclan1ation by the Minister by the issuance of regi.11ations or otherwise; (4) ''peaceful public demonstration'' shall n1ean any assemblage, procession, gathering or other manifestation of opi11ion conducted 011, in or througl1 any public place, b11t shall exclude traditional gatherings, religious a11d marriage ceremonies, fLtneral processio1 .1s, official n1eetings, gatheri11gs, heJcl pt1rs11a11t to law, a11d similar eve11ts; (5) ''public place'' sl1all 111ean any highway, pt1blic park, garde11, bridge, road or other place, area or way freely accessible to tl1e pt1blic, "''hether ge11e­ · ei11g, ,vl1etl1er on payment of a fee or otherwise; ancl rally or for tl1e tin1e b (6) ''Super ·visi11g AL1thority'' shall mean st1c]1 at1thority as the Minister may designate. - 329 -



3. Perniit Required for the Holding of Peaceful P·ublic Demon�trations A peaceful public demonstration shall be c�nducted o!ilY under and 1n a�c?rdat1ce with the conditio11s set forth in a Perllllt tl1erefor issued by the Superv1s1ng Authority pursuant to Article 5 hereof. 4. Application for Pern�its Application for a Permit shall be submitted. to the Supervising Authority i r1 two (2.) e0pies, in such form as rnay be_ l?rescr1bed, �ot less t�an seve11 (7) days, or Se.GD. sh@F�r peri0d as the Su?ervi1s1ng Authority may 1n a11y case allo�, . onstration in qt1estion. Sucl1 applicatio,� befe l;. e tlh.e e0inMoeaitooa <lJF the dem sfta111 s:et �frtb. · {a) lhe \tdme, i\Ilate and fiace � as,em._�� For the demo11stration; (2j a briei ;deso{Qit'ti0n 0f ._e n:a'rutie and purpose of the demonstration a11d the maim1neli in wlliioli iit wJJll Jbe eonducted ; £3) tllile r.0trte, ifi any, io be fro]1]0we0 by the demonstratio11 and the expected i:,e11io<1l 0f iits dl!l!ration; (4} tine n111JDlher of persons expected to participate; (5) a desciip.ti0.n ef any signs and placards to be carried or displa 1·ed at the aemons1lration; (6) th.e names and addresses of al l persons, groups, associations or other or­ ganizations tlnder whose auspices or by which the demonstration is organized or con.ducted, and the sig11ature of an authorized person on behalf of each such person, group, associatioo or otl1er orga11ization; and (7) tl1e nam.e and address of a person who may be contacted to provide furtl1er information in respect of the demonstration where the same is required and to whom all comn111nications from such Autl1ority i11 respect of st1cl1 de111011stratio11, including tl1e Permit, sl1all be sent. 5. Isst1ance of Pern1it ( 1) (a) Tl1e St1pervisi11g AuthoritJ shall act 011 each a1Jplicatio11 for a Permit Vlitru11 five (5) days after receipt of a.pplication therefor. (b) Wl1ere tl1e SupervisiI1g A11thority fails to act on a11 applicatio11 for a Permit \Vithin five (5) days after receipt of application therefor, the Permit shall be deemed to have been isst1ed. (c) WI1ere the Supervising Authority deter111ines tl1at the carrying on of a peaceful p11blic demo11stration would regardless of such conditio11s as n1ight be imposed 11nder para.graph (2) of tllis Article 5, e11danger tl1e 111aintenance of p11blic health or pt1blic order, or be contrary to law or morality or to tl1e purposes or objectives of any grot1p or asso­ ciation i11volved or partic.pating therei11, it n1ay, ,vithi11 five (5) da)'5 a,fter receipt of applicatior for a, issue a written denial of stich applicatio11 setting forth in detail the gro1111ds of such de11ial. (2) A Per 111it may be isst1ed subject to sucl1 conditions as the Supervising A11tb o­ rity 111ay impose with respect to: (a) the }Jreventio11 and avoica11ce of i 1 1terfe1·e11ce with the activities of any Ministry, Agency or Pt1blic Atrthority of tl1e G· overnn1ent; ns , sig Jriate (b) the restrictions or prohibjtior1 of the carrying of inapJJI"OJ placards and da11gerous articles;

-330 -

INTERNAL SEcu1�1·r,�


(c) tl1e observa11ce of traffic regt1lations ancl the rnainte11a11ce of norn1al circt1latio11 of traffic; (d) the ensurance of tl1e orderly a11cl pro1)er co11dt1ct of tl1e den1011stratio11; (e) the maintena11ce of qt1iet at 11igl1t; and (f) such cl1anges in the rot1te, place or time of tl1e de111onstration as may be necessary to avoicl danger to pt1blic l1ealth or public order. 6. Penal (1) Any person \Vl10 ·t1ndert,1kes ir1 tl1e co11clt1ct of or tJarticipates i11 a peaceful pt1blic assembly except p11rst1a11t to a Per1nit a11cl i11 accorda11ce with the conclitions imposed therein shall be gt1ilty of a11 offence and shall upo11 co11victio11 be st1bject to the penalties provided i11 Article 478 of tl1e Pe11al Code. (2) A11y person who is 11ot an official of the Governn1ent 011 duty and wl10 l1as \.vith hin1 a11y \\1 eapon ,vhile prese11t at any peaceft1I public demonstration, or \.Vho violates the conditions set fortl1 in a Permit restricting or prohibiting the carrying of dangerous articles, sl1all be gt1ilty of a11 offense and shall, upon co11victio11, be subject to the penalties provided i11 Article 478 of the Penal Code. CROSS REFERENCE Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 478.

7. Implementation The Minister shall l1ave at1tl1ority to regtrlate tl1e implen1entation of this Pro­ clamation. 8. Effective Date This Proclan1atio11 shall enter into force two (2) n1011ths after the date of publica­ tion in the Negarit Gazeta. Do11e at Addis Ababa tl1is 11th day of February, 1967.


- 331 -


Section 13 JlNFORMA TION AND CENSORSHIP 1/il (l£>42) P. I A: PRD.·Ck__1tMA'OBN _TO ESTABLISH l1liE �(;IMffT GAZETA e!©'.N@UJE!RJJ.iN,@� @F 'lDFIE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAJ!LE mLASSIE I BLDjCf OF OOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAJ,M AS FOLLOWS 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Establish111e11t of the Negarit Gazeta Proc]amation, 1942." 2. Tl1ere is hereby esta,blisl1ed the Official Gazeta wl1icl1 sl1all be called the Negarit Gazeta i11 whicl1 shall be p11blished: (a) all Proclan1ations, Decrees,, Rules, Reg11Iatio11s, Orders, Notices and subsidiary legisla tio11; (b) tl1e 11otificatio11 of all senior appointme11ts, dismissals from office, titles, decorations and ho11ours; (c) notices concerning the establishment of Societies for pro111oting Education a11d Chambers of Commerce: ( d) notices for ge11eral i11formation concerni11g 111atters of public i11terest. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of Suba.rticle (c) pr ,)vides that tl1ere sl1all be publisl1ed in the Negarit Gazeta: ''notices concerning the establishment of Societies, Schools, Chan1bers of Co111n1erce."

3. 011r Keeper of the Great Seal, the Mi11ister of Pen, shall be respo11sible for }JUblishing the Negarit Gazeta at least 011ce a month. 4. The Official Gazette sl1all be referre:d to i11 all legislation as the J\Tegarit Gazeta a11d sl1all i11clude any supple111ent thereto or a11y Gazette extraordinary. 5. A co11rt sl1all take j11dicia] 11otice of: (a) all Proclamations, Decrees, Lav,s, R11[es, Reg11lations, Orclers, Notices and s11bsidiary legislation published in the Negarit Gaze ta; (b) tl1e accession to office, 11ames, titles, f1111ctio11s ancl signat11res of the perso11s filli11g for t]1e ti111e being a11y 1,ublic office i11 a11y part of 011r E111pire, if the fa.ct of tl1eir a1Jpoi11tn1e11t to such office is notified in tl1e Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 1 Otl1 day of March, 1942. - 332-



2/2 (1942) P. 28':< ,. "' 1\ PROCLAlYI.A fION TO PROVIDE }i'OR 1 1-IE CONTROL OF PRINTING PRESSES CONQUERING LION OF TI-IE TRIBE OF J'UDAH HAI'LE SELASSIE I "' ELEC1 OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WE PROCLAIM AS l�OLLOWS: 1. This Proclan1atio11 n1ay be cited as the ''Printi11g (Co11trol) Procla111atio11, 1942." 2. (i) Every perso11 who is tl1e proprietor, ma11ager� lessee or occt1pier of a 1Jrint­ i11g press shall declare tl1e sa111e to Ot1r Minister of Informatio11 and To11rism vvitl1in 15 days of the con1i11g into force of this Proclamation. (ii) Sucl1 declaratio11 sl1all contai11 tl1e follo,vir1g information: (a) the address of the place at which the press is situated; (b) the type of press or presses therein i11stalled·; (c) tl1e name and address of the proprietor, manager, lessee or occt1pier; a11d (d) wl1ether tl1e press is being t1sed or i11tended to be t1sed. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln1pl. a111cl. 14/2 (1954) 0.14 (transferring from Ministry of Pen to Nlinistry of Finance "all po,vers and duties to conduct and control the propaganda, information and press services''), 23/ 10 (1964) 0.33 (transferring to new iv!inistry of lnforn1ation power granted Finance Ministry by Order No. 14), 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Consol. L. Eth. 1 (cl1anging nan1e of forn1er Ministry of Information to "Ministry of Information and Tourisn1'').

3. No perso11 sl1all establish a IJrinting press after the coming into force of tl1is Proclamatio11 without first obtai11ing a per111it fron1 Ot1r Mir1ister of Infor111atio11 a11d Touris111. CONSOLIDATION NOTE See Consolidation Note to Article 2 of the present Proclamation.

4. All printed n1atter prodt1ced at a press i11 Ot1r Empire shall have clearly statecl on it the nan1e of the printing press from whicl1 the n1atter emanated; Provided that the provisions of this Article shall not apply to visiti11g cards, 111enus, announcements of birtl1s, deaths and marriages, and other pri11ted 1natter of a similar 11atl1re. 5. Any person contrave11ing tl1e provisions of this Proclamation is guilty of an offe11ce a11d shall on co11v.iction be liable to punishment in accorda11ce witl1 the 1Jrovisio11s of Article 746, 767 or 776 of the Penal Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A11 zcl. 4/9 (1945) P.76 Scl1ed. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1; i111pl. a111d. P�n. C. 16/E�. 1 (1957) Arts. 746, 767, 776 (providing !Jenalties for contravening rules _and regulations �ega�d1ng licensing, registration or control of co1nmercial undertakin gs and concern1ng press a.nd publ1cat1ons).

Done at Addis Ababa this 31st day of October, 1942. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE A111d. 4/9 (1945) P.76; i1np/. c1rncl. 14/2 (1954) 0.14, Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957), 23/10 (1964) 0.33,. 25/23 (1966) 0.46.

- 333 -





BLBC"F OF GOD, E�APEROR OF ETIDOPIA I� a��0.JJlliallee with �tiele 3� r@.f Obr Cwstimution, We approve tl1e resol11tions

0fJ@)t:u bn�ite an<ll :tirle Gliam�er @ff ID�uitiies amd We accordingly proclaim as follows:

�@NS@Jl.iml�'ili'l@N NOTE W.lte Censtitutien tefemred te hene is �lie ©:lnstitu.t:ien ef 1931, which was repealed and replaced by me Re¥isetl ©0nstimt1ion ofr 19i,$, 15J'2. (19§5) P. 149, l Consol. L. Etlz. 1. Tl1e Article of the Re­ vised CanSl!itution panallel tQ tihe eited Antiele of the 1931 Constitution is Article 88.

l. 'fhis Proclamation m·8JY be cited as the ''Entertainme11 ts Censorship Procla111 a­ ti©Iil, 194J. ,, 2. Tin this Proc]amatio.n, ''entertarinmerrts censor'' n1eans a11 official appointed to be enterta1inn1ents eensor by Our Mi11ister of l11formatio11 and Tourism. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

/111pl. amd. 14/2 (1954) 0.14 (transferring fro1n lvlinistry of Pen to Ministry of Finance "all

powers a,nd duties to conduct and control tile propaganda, inforn1ation and press services"), 23/10 (1964) 0.33 (transferring to new Ministry of lIJforn1ation po\-ver-graoted Finance Ministry by Order No. 14, including specific staten1ent of power to censor public entertainments), 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11so/. L. Erl,. 1 (cl1anging name of former Ministry of Information to ''Ministry of Inforn1ation a11d Tottrisn1'').

3. Ot1r Minister of Inforn1ation a11d Touris1u may a1)poi11t by Notice ii1 the 1Vegarit Gazeta e11tertai11me11ts ce 11 sors i11 such to\vns of 011r E 1npire as lie 111ay thi11k necessary. CONSOLDATION NOTE See Consolidation N'ote to Article 2 of 1he present Procla1T1ation.

4. Fiftee11 days after tl 1e date of the co1nj1 1g i11to force of tl1is Proclan1ation, no filn1, JJJ,ty, rev11e or other sin1ilar entertai11n1ent shall be presented for pt1 blic exhibitio11 1111less and 11ntil it b . as bee11 passed by a1 1 e11tertai11 ments censor for JJL1blic exl1 ibition. 5. There shall be payable in respect of every fil111, play, revue or otl1er si1nilar entertainn1ent which is submitted for tl1e aJ)proval of a 11 e11tertainme11ts ce11sor a fee of five Ethiopian dollars. ... CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Sched. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Consol. L. Et/1. 1.

by val appro sl1all be !' o r s11bn1itted to a11 entertai11n1ents ce11sor 6. (i) A fil111 . cleliveri11g to hin1 J)artic11lars ia \vriti11g of tl1e title, 11ature and description on da. y s J the 1 d of tl1e fi 11 1 , togetl1er with the 11ame of tl1e tl1 eatre i 11 vvl1icl1 a1 •INTRODUCTOR.Y FOOTNOTE 33 A111cl. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; i,npl. a111cl. 14/2 (1?54) 0.14' l'en. C. 16/Ex. I (1957) ' 23/10 (196 4) o. , 25/23 (1966) 0.46.

-334 -



vvhich it is to be prese11tecl for p11 blic exl1ibition. Sl1ot1ld the e11tertai11ments censor so reqt1ire, the ow11er or 111anager of tl1e tl1eatre in ,vl1icl1 a fi.1111 is to be prese11ted for pttblic exl1ibition shall exl1ibit tl1e fil1n to tl1e entertai11ments censor 011 sucl1 day a11d at �t1ch l1ot1rs as he 111ay reqt1ire. (ii) A play, revt1e or otl1er e11tertain111ent sl1all be st1bmittecl to the entertain­ ments censor by deli,1 eri11g to hin1 a ,:opy of tl1e script as it is to be prese11ted to the public, together \vith partict1lars of the tl1eatre i11 wl1ich a11d t11e days on w]iich it is to be prese11ted to 111e public. 7. An entertainments censor in decidi11g \Vliether or not a film, play, revtte or other similar e11tertainn1e11t sl1all be IJassed fer IJublic exhibition, shall be gt1ided by co11siderations of pt1blic sect1rity and d:!ce11cy. An entertainments censor may pass a filn1, play, revue or similar entertai11ment for pt1blic exhibition to all classes of the pttblic or to certain clas;es only. 8. The owner and n1anager of a11y cinen1a or tl1eatre i11 whicl1 a fi.1111, play, revue or other similar entertainn1e11t is prese11ted for pt1blic exhibition witl1out having been passed by a11 entertainme11ts ce11sor are gt1ilty of an offence. 9. Tl1e n1anager, organiser, director or age11t of any play, revue or otl1er similar entertain111ent wllicl1 is presented for public exhjbitio11 witl1011t having been passed by at1 e11tertainments censor, art: guilty of an offe11ce. CONSOLIDATION NOTE /111pl. a111d. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Art. 776 (pro�ding tl1at ''owner, organizer, director, 111anager or agent who contravenes the rules or regulations :::oncerning tl1eatrical performances ancl enter­ tainments'' is punisl1able and tl1us in1pliedly amending the former provisions of this Article which n1ade punishable the "manager and producer of, the participants in," public enter1ainn1ents 1vvl1.ich are presented \vithout being sub1nitted to th,, censor).

I 0. Any perso11 gt1ilty of an offe11ce against this Proclamation shall be liable on conviction to punishment i11 accorda11ce witl1 the provisions of Article 776 of the Pe11al Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE .. A111d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Scl1ed. C. Art. 4 (a), 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1; i111pl. an1tl. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 746, 767, 776 (providing punishment fo� violation of regulations concerning entertain­

n1ents, particularly in regard to censorship).

Done at Addis Ababa this 30tl1 day of April, 1943. 27/15 (196&) 0.50

AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR TI-IE CREATION OF THE ETIDOPIAN BROADCASTING SERVICE CONQUERJNG LION OF 1HE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SEI.ASSIE I '" ELEC f OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WI-IEREAS, the rapid growth of all ccmmu11ications .media is esse11tial to the continued education and enlightenment of Ot1r People; and WHEREAS, radio and television l1ave den1onstrated particular merit as edt1cational and informational services f'or the entire Ethiopian people; and - 335 -



WHEREAS, it is appropriate tbait a11 ind .epende11� autl1ority .b� created to establish, maintain ruid operate Gove1n1n.ent-owned radio and telev1s1011 facili ties, to promote the expansion of st1ch faoj)jties, to e11s11re that tl1ey render the maxi111t1n 1 services to the nation. NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 27 of Ottr Revised Consti­ buti@n, ancl on tlhe ae:tviee of Ot1r Coun:)il of Ministers, We hereby order as follov,s: ll. �ort 11itle 1bis 01n<ieF m�y

me eitea as the ''EbhioJ!)ia1il B.roadcasting Service Order, 1968."

2. BsJ;ttblislime�I Dene i,s ieJi�b) e-staiml�slhea! tire iw1l.lil!i0;pian. Broadcasting Service (herei11after "' tie '�erwice '), as atlllr ai�t@n0moa : s J?wjJJic Authority witl1in the In1perial Etl1io­ pia1tI @-0�elinm:emit. 3. Responsibility of Semce (I) 'flie iervice slilaJl[ li>e the sole entity of the Governme11t at1thorized to engage im 0oml)ilereial iradio and television broadcasting. (2) ln €arrying out its ope,rations, the Service shall be subject to tl1e Iice11sing and authorization powereS of the Imperial Board of Telecommt1nications of Ethiopja. 4. Supervision by the Minister of Information & Tourism: Powers The Service shall operate u11der t1e direction, co11trol and supervision of tl1e Minister of Infor1nation & Tot1r.ism (I1ereinafter tl1e ''Minister''), ,vho shall be responsible for all of its operations a11d wl10 shall have all o·f tl1e po,vers a11d at1tl1ority 11ecessary tl1ereto. 5. General Manager: Functions (I) Tl1e Service shall be headed by a General Ma11ager, who sl1all be appointed by Us. (2) Tl1e General Manager shall be the chief exect1tive officer of tl1e Service and sl1all direct and manage all its operatio11s st1bject to Article 4 above. 6. Purpose of the Service The pri11cipal purposes of the Service sl1all be to establish, n1ai11tai11 and operate radio and television broadcasting facilities within the Empire in tl1e interest of providing educatio11al, iriformational and. entertai11ment program111ing of st1ch nature as will best serve tl1e ptiblic i11terest. 7. Powers of the Service The Service shall have all powers 11ecessary to the a.ttainn1e11t of its purposes, i11cluding, \1/itl1ot1t li1nitation, the power to: (I) b11y, ow11 a11d dispose of movable a11d inlll1ovable J)ro1Jerty; (2) e11ter i11to contracts vvith pri\.ate, Gover11n1e11tal a11d se1ni-Govern1nental bodies, agencies a11d J?ersons in Ethiopia a11d abroad for purposes related to its functions; (3) borrow, wl1en authorizecl by law, for the ptlfJJoses of financing operatio tlS carried on by it; (4) establish a11d maintain brancb offices i11 Ethiopia; . -336 -




(5) erect tra11s111issio11, relay a11d st1cl1 other radio and televisio11 facilities as are 11ecessary for its operatio11s at aJJpropriate locations within Ethiopia; (6) transn1it radio, and televisio11 bro:1.dcasts '· (7) plan, prodt�ce, broadcast and tra11srnit regt1lar and special progran1mes of valt1e a11d interest to tl1e public; (8) sell radio a11d televisio11 broadcast tn1e at st1ch rates ancl st1bject to st1c11 terms a11d co11ditions as it 1nay deter111ine; (9) establish, maintain and operate radio a11cl television receiving facilities i11 pt1blic places so as to e11st1re tl1c rec�ptio11 and dissemination of radio and televisio11 broadcasts as widely as possible to the Ethiopian people; (IO) carry out sucl1 other dt1ties as 1nay be assigned to it by law; and (11) generally, do all such other acts anc things necessary to ensure the fullest and most effective 11tilizatio11 of the Service's radio a11d television media in the public interest. 8. Transfer of Existing Equipment & Facilities All existing eqt1ipment a11d facilities presently being used by the Governme11t for the p11rposes of tl1e Service, together with that portio11 of tl1e budget of the Ministry of Information & Tourism annually appropriated for the pt1rposes assig11ed to the Service, sl1all be l1ereby transferred to the Service, \.Vhich sl1all enter all such assets on its books of a:count. 9. Budget: Financing of the Ser,1ice's Ope,atioris (1) The Service shall prepare an annual budget which sl1all be approved by the Mi11ister. (2) The fi.nat1cial operations and activities of the Service shall be established as follows: (a) There shall be establisl1ed a fund -which shall consist of: (i) all monies received by the Service from the lease or sale of broadcasting time·' (ii) any other monies received by tbe Service in ·connection with any other activities carried on by it herein; (iii) all contribt1tions and donations made to the Service; and (iv) an annual Government subsidy as provided in paragraph (8) and such additional appropriation as the Government may from time to time provide to the Service. (b) The Service shall be responsible for the expenditure of the fund to effectuate the objectives and purposes of this Order in accordance \Vith its annual budget. (c) Such fund shall be lodged in the rfational Bank of Ethiopia or in other banks designated by the same in a separate deposit account in the name of the Service. (d) The Service shall set aside and hold as reserve any portions of the ft1nd which remain uncommitted at the end of any fiscal year. (e) The Service shall keep full and acc11rate acco11nts of revenues and expendi­ tures and shall, three (3) mcnths after the expiration of each fiscal year, prepare and submit to the Minister a statement of the revenues a11d expenditures for the previous yea1.

- 337\



10. Annual Repo.rt . • • . d an t1 es v1 t1 he ac s it r ss of og pr rt o ep t R e l ua nn A an h is bl pu l al e _ ic sh rv The Se ch t r Su ll! l b_ Su l rt and a al po sh d an , es os rp i:u � its g i1l ev hi ac in e ad m _ s that it ha r te in is ith in w e M th re to th ar ye e (3) l ca s fi g ir m co e th r fo . rk wo programme of months after the end of each fiscal year. 11. Subsidiary Regulations er ag an al e M 1er may issue tbe of � on ati nd me om rec � the on r up s� e Th Miru f. reo s he 011 1s1 ov pr e th of t ou ing rry ca r tte be e rh for 1re-g. ular1 i.@ns 12. ffileetti:t:e date 'iJfilc'S @tide; n shalll eome inte f0Ii€e :iln t�e date @f its publicatio11 i11 th.e Negarit rJD�elll!.

Hon:e ait :Ad�s Alllaba, tlhls l/jtlii dar of June, 1968. 27/1 'JJ (1968) 0.51 AN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF THE ETHIOPIAN NEWS AGENCY CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETI-IIOPIA WHEREAS, t11e accelerated gro,vth of all com11111njcatio11s media is essential to the co11ti11ued educatio11 a11d e11lightenn1ent of Otir People; a11d WHEREAS, tl1e creatio11 of a 11e 1Ns agency for tl1e pt1rposes of collecting and distribt1ti11g co1n1Jlete and acctirate i11formatio11 co11cerni11g Ethiopia and the rest of tl1e world, both to tl1e Etl1iopian people a11d abroad will co11trib11te to the attain1ne11t of these ends; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordc..11ce witl1 Article 27 of Ot1r Revised Consti­ tutio11 and on the advice of Our Co�11:;il of Mi11isters, We hereby order as follows: I. Short Title This Order 1nay be cited as tl1e ''Ethiopian News Agency Oreler, I 968." 2. Establishment There is hereby establish.ed ,1n Ethiopia11 Ne,�,1s Age1 1cy (hereinafter the ''Agency'') as an autonomot1s Pt1blic A11thority v\1itl1in tl1e In1perial Ethiopian _ Go,1er11n1ent (hereinafter the ''Gover11me11t''). 3. Supervision by the Minister of lnfor111ation and Tourism: Po,vers T�e _Agency sl1all op�rate 1111der the directio11� control and supervision of the M1n1ster o� Informat1011 � nd Tot1risn1 (l1ereinafter tl1e ''Minister''), who shall be respo11s1ble for all of its operations and \Vl10 sl1all }1ave all of tl1e powers and authority 11ecessary thereto. 4. General Manager: Functions (I) -The Agency sl1all be l1eaded b:; a General Manager, wI1o shall be appointed by Us.

- 338, -



(2) TI1.e G �11eral l'v1a11,1ger sl1all be tl1e :;ltief exec·utive officer of tl1e Age11cy ar1d shall cl1rect a11d 11 1a11age all its OJJeratio11s st1bject to Paragra1Jl1 3 above. 5. Purpose of tl1e AgenC)' Tl1e pri11ci1Jal pt1rpose of the 1\.ge11cy sl1all be to e11.st1re tl1at co1111Jlete a11d ac­ ct1rate inforn1atio11 concer11i11g Etl1iopia a11d tl1e rest of tl1e world sl1all be avail­ able for pttblicatio11 botl1 1vvitl1i11 tl1e 11,1�io11 a11d abroad, and to tl1at end it sl1 all gatl1er 11e\VS n1aterial a11d clistribt1te tl1e sa111e to i11dividuals and e11tities e11gaged i11 tl1e busi11ess of disse111i11ati11g a11cl pttblishi11g st1cl1 material 011 sucl1 ter1ns and co11ditio11s, i11clt1di11g payn1e11t tl1erefor, as may be ·fixed by agreeme11t. 6. Po,vers TJ1e Agency shall l1ave all powers necessary to tl1e attainme11t of its pt1rposes, i11clt1ding \vitl1011t lin1itation, the po,ver to: (1) bt1y, o\vn and dispose of 1novable and i1nn1ovable proJJerty; (2) enter into co11tracts \vith private, se111i-Gover111ne11tal and Governn1�ntal bodies, age11cies a11d persons in Etl1iopia and abroad for purposes· related to its fu11ctions; (3) establisl1 and n1ai11tai11 bra11ch offi.:;es in Ethiopia and abroad; (4) establish, erect, n1ai11tai11 ·a11d operate at apprOJ)riate locations within Etl1io­ pia, sttbject to tl1e lice11sing and auti.1orization powers of tl1e I111perial Board of Telecom1nu11icatio11s, sucl1 transmission, rece_ption, relay a11d otl1er commt1nicatio11s facilities as are 11:!cessary for its operations; (5) Collect, gatl1er a11d disse1ni11ate 11e\i,,s a11d news 1naterial co11cer11i11g Etl1iopia and the rest of tl1e world; (6) borro\v, \Vhe11 authorized by law, :or the l )ltrpose of financi11g operatio11s carried 011 by it; (7) carry otit st1cl1 other dt1ties as n1as be assigned to it by law; and (8) generaily, to do all acts a11d tlti11gi calct1lated to facilitate and contribt1te to the achieveme11t of its pur1Joses aud to e11st1re the fullest a11d most effective exercise of the }Jowers of the Agency i11 tl1e pt1blic i11terest. 7. Transfer of Existing Equipment & Fac1lities All existing eqt1ipme11t and facilities p;ese11tly being used by tl1e Government for the pt1rposes of tl1e Agency together \vith that portion of the bt1dget of the Mi11istry of I11for1natio11 a11d Tot1risn1 a1111t1ally appropriated for the purposes assigned to the Age11 cy hereby, sl1all be tra11sferred to the Agency, which shall enter all s11cl1 assets on its books of accot111t. 8. Budget: Financing of the Agency's Op�rations (I) Tl1e Agency sl1all prepare a11 a11n11al bt1dget wltich sl1all be approved by · tl1e Ivlinister. (2) The operatiot1s and activities of tl-e Age11cy sl1all be financed out of the follo\vi11g: (a) There shall be established a ft1nd wl1ich shall consist of: (i) all monies received by the A�ncy as cb�1rges for services performed as provided herei11; (ii) all contributions and do11atious n1ade to th.e Agency;

- 339-



- ------------------ ------·

{0) (tel t�) (e)

(riii) any other monies received by the Agency as a result of activities carri ed out hereunder; and (iv) an annual Government subsidy as provided in Paragraph �7) and such additional appropriation as the Goverome11t may from time to time provide to the Agency. T:he Ageney shall be responsible for the expenditure of the ft1nd to effectuate the ebjecfiiv:es and pa!Cposes 0f this Order in accordance witl1 its an11ual • iuag�t. Su.e,h iuncl.i shaJIIJ. ae 10<:l:gen in. th.e National B·ank of Ethiopia or in other bai�s £1.esi.g.B.'._aited, 1l>¥ llie same in a separrate deposit account in the name M' the A;\geBej,. '!:he Age� s1 set ast<te a11tlli held a•s reserve any portions of the fund wru:eh 1tem�n u.neemafi'ted at the eRa ©f any fiscal year. 1ne �gellGY sad kee]) fil!llll aad aeol!lrate accounts of revenues and expendi­ tures and sha!ll, within thnee (3) m0J;1ths after the expiration of each fiscal year, ptell)aie a:ad s,uemit to the Minister a statement of t11e reve11ues and ei!epend'.itUFes f0F the previous year. �

9. Annual Report The Agency shall publish an Anr,1ual Report of its activities and the progress that it has made in achieving its purposes, and shall submit s11cl1 report and a programme of work for the coming fiscal year to the Minister within three (3) months after the end of each fiscal year. 10. Subsidiary Regulations The Minister upon the recom1net1dation of tl1e General Manager may issue regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions hereof. 1 I. Effective Date This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa, this 6th da.y of Ju11e, 1968.

- 340-


------ ------------------------··

Section 14


CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETIIlOPIA In accordance with Articles 34, 88 a11d 115 of Our Revised Constitution, We approve the resolutions of Our Senate and Chamber of Dep11ties, and We hereby proclaim as follo,vs: 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the ''Fiscal Year Proclamation''. 2. The fiscal year is hereby fixed at a period of one (1) year commencing on 1st Ramie and encling on 30th Sene of the following year. However, the first fiscal year foilowing the entry into force of this Proclamation shall commence on 1st Maskaram, 1952, and end on 30th Sene, 1952. 3. The budget for the following year shall be presented to Parliament not later than 15th Megabit of eacl1 year. CONSOLIDATION NOTE

Amd. 22/8 (1963) P. 196 Art. 2.

4. This Proclamation shall come into for,�e on the date of its pt1blication in the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 27tl1 day of August, 1959. 21/3 (1961) P. 179* A PROCLAMATION TO DEFINE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL

CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETillOPIA WHEREAS, on 30 September, 1958, the Auditor General (Ft1nctions) Decree was promulgated as Decree No. 32 of 19j8; and •INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Amd. 22/8 (1963) P. 196.

*INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Orig. 18/1 (1958) D. 32, amd. and re11u111. 21/3 (1961) P. 179. Throughout tl1e present law, the amending Proclamation replaced the word "Decree" with the word "Proclamation''; these cl1anges have not been noted individually.

- 341-


WHEREAS said Decree was thereafter dt1ly transmitted to Parliament for consideration pt1;·sua11t to Article 92 o'f Ot1r Revised Constitutio11; and WHEREAS ' Parliament has introd11ced certai11 amendments i11to said Decree and approved a revised text of law; NOW, THEREFORE, i11 accordance with Articles 34 a11d 88 of 011r Revised Constitutio11, We approve tt1e resolutions of Our Senate and Chan1ber of Deputies and We lilereby proclaitlil as iollows: 1. Tus Proclamation may be cited as the ''Auditor General (Ft1nctio11s) Procla­ Iililati€llil, 1961 ''. @@NSOTu!EIDATir:@N NOTE (Jlpig,. l 8fl (llf9S'8� !ID. 32; 'Omd. 2ll/3 (196·1) lP. 17�.


2. Where shal ll 0·e ain �Drui1i@F OeD:eJra[ who shall be appointed by Us i11 accorda11ce with tihe prr0¥i&i0n-s @·f �NieJe 1:21 of Ol!l!l' R:evised Constit11tion and ,vho shall s€Jr:ve at 01111F pleasure. Ta@ Auditor Ge :neral or his deputy shall attend the Cl1am­ 'bers when bis f)reseFic© is request6d by a majority vote of the n1en1bers of either Chamber or of 00th Chan1bers jointly to explai11 co11cer11i11g exe.cL1tio11. of the functions entrl!lste<d to him. The Auditor G·eneral sl1all pe1·form the functions an4 duties set fortb herejn a11d shall report directly to Us a11d to Our. Parliament. Tbe]jie shall be a first Deputy Auditor Ge11eral a11d a Second Dep11ty Auditor General who shall assist the Auditor General, both of vvhom shal1 be appointed by Us. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 18/1 (1958) D. 32; anicl. 21/3 (1961) P. 179.

3. A. Tl1e Departrne11t of A11ditor; Ge11eral sl1all be i11depe11de11t of ,111 Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Our Gover11111ent. B. The Department , of Auditor Ge11era1 shall be the direct supervision a11d co11trol of the A11ditor Ge11eral, or, i11 case of his absence or incapa::;ity, of the First Deputy A11ditor General, or, in the case of tl1e abse11ce or in­ capacity of botl1 the Auditor Ge11eral and the First Deputj' At1ditor General, of tl1e Seco11d Deputy A.uditor Ge11eral. C. The budget of the Depart111ent of A11ditor General. shall be prepared by tl1e A11ditor General and sl1all be trar1smitted to tl1e Minister of Finance, who shall i11cl11de said b11dget i11 tl1e b11dget of Our Government st1bmitted of Article 115 Our to the Cou11cil of Mi11isters pL1rs11a11 t to tl1e provisio11s of · · Revised Constitutio11. . 4. �l\... The A11ditor Ge11eral. shall establisl1 a system of a11dit dt!signed to provide full disclosure of the rest1lts of the financial OJ)erations of Ot1r Governn1ent , and t_ o obtain th� fi11a .nc;ial i11for111ation 11ecessary for tl1e 111anagen1e11t of 011r Gover11ment and tl1e exercise of effective co11trol o\,er Governn1ent i11come, expenditt1res, f1111ds, propert)' and otl1er assets. B. Tl1e At1ditor Ge11eral shall a11clit all Gover11n1ent ;1cco1111ts a11d shall n1ake periodic reports to Us a11cl to Our Parliament 011 tl1e results of said audit s. As used l1erein, tl1e ter111 ''Gover�ment accot1nts'' sl1all con1prise tl1e ac­ cot1nts of all Ministries, De1)artn1e11ts· and Age11cies of Ot1r Gover11me_nt an_d the accounts of all auto11ori1ous .bodies existing by virt11e of In1per1al Charters granted by Us i11 whicl1 Our G·overnme11t has a financial interest. - 342-



C. Tl1e Atiditor General shall audit all Gover11me11t accou11ts in an efficient manner, and, in performing s11ch a11dits, sl1all satisfy himself that: (1 ) all payme11ts are properly s11pported by vo11chers or other proofs of payment; (2) all expenditt1res a11d all sun1s debited to tl1e accounts have been autho­ rized by co1npete11t at1tl1ority, l1ave bee11 charged to tl1e correct account and are properly chargeable either to Our Governn1ent \Vithin the limits provided in the budget or to a11 auto11omot1s body described in Article 4 B hereof; (3) all entries relating to the receipt and isst1e of stores are correct and are properly s11pported by voucl1ers; (4) all incon1e and revenue owing or d11e to the Government has been pro­ perly collected and received and all s11ch incon1e a.nd revenue l1as bee11 properly brought into account; a11d (5) all immovable and movable property of the Government has been pro­ perly recorded, and pro.per records ,vith res1)ect to such property are being maintained. D. The Auditor General may a11dit accounts i11 f11ll or by a system of spot­ checking, whichever he shall deem a1Jpropriate i11 a11y given case; provided, however, that any report _,vhich the Auditor Ge11eral shall submit to Us and to Our Parliament co11cerning the results of audits of Government accounts shall contain a stateme11t describing tl1e nat11re and extent of the a11dit conducted ,vith respect to each acco11nt. E. The auditing by the Auditor General of all Government accounts shall be completed not later than seven (7) months after the close of the preceding · fiscal year. • F. A11dits conducted by the Auditor General shall not cover periods earlier than two (2) fiscal years prior to the fiscal year, i n which the is to be performed, 11nless the Auditor General shall have determined that such audit must .be held because of some serious deficiency i11 the audit earlier conducted or because evidence· has been subseque11tly developed which indicates that fraud or dishonesty. was involved in the concealment of facts and material essential to the conducting of a proper audit. G: The Auditor Q-eneral and members o.f tl1e Department of Auditor General · authorized by hi1n shall have free access to all books, documents, ledgers, vo11chers and other material relating to acco11nts being audited by the Auditor General which he n1ay dee1n useful or necessary for the proper auditing thereof: If the Auditor General has reason to believe that· any account has . been kept in a fraudule�t or dis�onest manner, he shall have the right and authority to impound ·such books, documents, ledgers, vouchers and otl1er mat(?rial· relating to ·such acco11nt ·a s·� he may consider necessary. H. At the completion of any a11dit by the Auditor General of any account or portion thereof, a s11mmary report shall be prepared by the a11ditor per­ forming the audit which shall specify the object of the• audit, the period covered by it, the findi11gs of the a11ditor, and any objections raised during the course of said audit and explanations submitted in response thereto. Such report shall b · e signed in duplicate by said auditor and the official and/or employee responsible for the account concerned, each of whom shall retain one signed copy. ___:,343 -



I. (1) If, in atiditing a 11y account, the Auditor G·eneral_ sl1all object to any entry or other matter conce:ning sa�d. accou.nt, 11ot1ce of such o �jecti011 s1 �le for sl1all be promptly given to th.� official and/or e_mployee respon _ said account, who shall be g1ve11 an opportttn1ty to explain or Jtlstify said entry or matter as to which objection has. been t�ke�. If � 11e At1ditor General shall be satisfied as to such explanation or JUSt1ficat1011, appro­ priate notation shall be made of this fact and said objection shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. (2) If the Auditor General shall not be satisfied as to tl1e explanatio n or jlistifi.caiti0a :i;,nesented bf the official or employee responsible for the acc0:un,t wit, h res,eet to which said objection was made, the Auditor GeneJJal sllia· lN ente-r sucb. ebjectien and the explanation or justification suJbmittcea ill bis T6:f)@rt.

5. A. 'Fh.e detaiiled report @f receipt� and expenclit11res (hereinafter called the '�Aa!l,nuaJl &e:wort €lf Go:vernme.Et Accounts'') which is submitted to Us and to Our Parliament by tne Cot1.ncil of Ministers each year purst1ant to Article 120 of Otir Revised Constitt1tiJn shall, promptly ltpon its receipt by Our Parliament, be referred to the Auditor General for review and comment. The Auaitor General shall, witltiD three (3) months of receipt of said report, present his comments thereon 10 Us and to Our Parliament. B. The comments of the At1clitor General on said Ann11al Report shall contain the following: (I) a statement that the acco1m.ts concerned in said Annual Report have been examined by him i11 accordance with the provisio11s hereof; (2) an in.dication of the procedures followecl in reviewing said Annual Report and the extent to Vi'bich the Depa.rtment of Auditor General l1as a11dited the acco1111t tipon which said Ann11al Report is based; (3) a detailed statement of his comments 011 said A1111ual Report; (4) such other recom.menclations and observations in con11ection with said Annual Report as he may deem necessary and appropriate; a11d (5) a certification that said Annual Report is correct or incorrect. 6. A. The At1ditor General and Our Minister of Fi11ance shall properly discharge t11eir �·espective d11ties and responsibilities \.vith a vie\.V to tl1e acluevement of maxim11m efficiency, and, in partic11lar, 11,1Jon request submitted to eitl1er of them, shall establish a uniform accou11ting proced11re to be 11sed through­ out Our Government. B. Our Auditor General and tl1e Executive head of each of the autonon1ous bodies whose accounts are to �e at1dited by t11e A11ditor General pursuant to Article 4 hereof shall consult together from tin1e to time in order to ens11re that all necessary actio11 shall be taken to facilitate the rapid and efficient discharging by tl1e A11ditor General of his f1111ctions a11d d11ties here11nder. Orig.






an1d. 21/3




7. The Imperial Charters heretofore gra11ted by Us to auto11omot1s bodies ,vhose accounts are to be audited by the At1ditor General 1)urs11an.t to Article 4 hereof, to the extent that they provide for a system or method of accounti11g inconsistent with the provisions of this Proclcmation, hereby an1ended and modified.

- 344-






8. The Government Accounts (Co11trol and At1dit) Proclamation, No. 69 of 1944, as amended by the Control a11d At1dit o:· Gover11me11t Accot1nts (Amendment) Proclamation, No. 79 of 1946, are hereby replaced by this Proclamation. 9. This Proclamation shall come into force on the date of its publication in the }legarit Gazeia. Done at Addis Ababa 20th day of October, 1961.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The date given here is the date upon ,vhich 21/3 (1961) P. 179 became effective; 18/1 (1958) D. 32 became effective on 11 Septen1ber 1958.



.. •

- 345-







4/9..(1945) P. 76* .


<CQN;QIDlE.R'.iFNB ILION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAllLB SELLASSIE I BL:ECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise the monetary arrangements of Our Empire a11d to provide a 11ational currency system suitable for tl1e needs of Our People and the oom:merce of Our Empire; WE PROCLAIM AS FOLLOWS: I. This Proclam.atio.n may be cited as the ''C11rrency and Legal Tender Proclama­ tion, 1945''. 2- 11. [Repd. 22/20 (1963) P.206 Art.41, 15 Consol. L. Et/1. 4.] SCHEDULES A a11d B. [.Repd. 22/20 (1963) P.206 Art.41, 15 Co11s0!. L. Etli. 4.] SCI-IED ULE C. (Tra11sition Period) 1 - 3. [Repd. 22/20 (1963) P.206 Art. 41, 15 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 4.] 4. Fron1 the date of the coming i11to f)rce of tl1is Procla1nation, the f\.1aria Tl1eresa dollar shall 110 lo11ger be lega.l tender Vl'ithi11 Ethiopia. I-Iencefortl1, tl1e tvlaria Theresa dollar shall be treated as silver bt1llio11 a11d s11all be p11rchased by Our State Bank of Ethiopia as a commodity at rates to be fixed by the Ba11k. (a) An1ounts appearing i11 any la\V, decree, p11blic regulatio11 or order observed i11 Ethiopia at the date of the coming i11to force of this Procla111atio11 and expressed i11 l'viaria Tl1eresa doLars sl1all be co11verted into Etl1iopian dollars at the rate of one Ethiopian dollar equals 011e l\1aria Theresa dollar. (b) E,,ery contract, sale, payme11t, bill, note, instru111ent a11d security for n1oney and every transaction dealing :n any 1natter a11d thi 1 1g vvhatsoever relatin g to mo11ey, entered i11to before tl1e coining into force of tl1is Proclamation a11d i11volvi11g the pay1ne11t of, or representing a liability to _pay n1oney in Etliiopia i11 Maria Theresa dollars, on or after the date of the coining into force of this Procla1nation (ot: 1er tl1an tl1ose provided for i11 Article 4 (a) •INTRODUCTORY FOO"fNOTE E:o:t. to Eritrea, 12/2 (1952) P.127; a,nd. 6/3 (1946) P.81, 6/8 (1947) P.88, 8/12 (1949) P.105 9/1 (1949) P.109, 9/7 (1950) P.112, 12/2 (1952) P.127, 22/20 (1963) P.206.

-'346 -



of Schedule), shall be paid in E1l1iopian dollars at tl1e rate to be .fixed by tl1e Ba11k witl1 regard to b11llio11, a11d fron1 the date of the comi11g into force of this Proclamatio11 the Maria Theresa dollar sl1all neither be tendered nor acceptecl i11 settlen1e11t of a11y contract, sale, pay1ne11t, bill, note, instru1nent or security for money or a11y trru1sactio11 relati11g to n1011ey or involvi11g the payn1ent of, or tl1e liability to J)ay, any 111oney i11 Ethiopia. (c) From the date of tl1e co111i11g i11to force of tl1is Proclan1ation, no co11tract, sale, payme11t, bill, 11ote, i11strt1111e11t er sec11rity for n1011ey or a11y transaction dealing in a11y n1atter or tl1i11g wl1at,oever relating to money, or involving the payme11t of, or re1)rese11ti11g a liability to J)ay mo11ey i11 Ethiopia shall be made, entered i11to, done or l1ad i11 Etl1iopia i11 Maria Tl1eresa dollars; provided, however, tl1at tl1e provisio11s of this J)aragrapl1 shall 11ot preve11t l1olders fro111 selling Maria Theresa dollars to the State Ba11k of Etl1iopia as provided in Article 4 of tl1is Scl1edule. (d) Fro1n tl1e date of tl1e comi11g i11to force of this Proclamatio11, the State Ba11k of Ethiopia sl1all accept 110 ft1rther deposits in Maria Theresa dollars. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1r1d. 6/3 (1946) P.81, 6/8 (1947) P.88 Art. 2, 8f12 (1949) P.105 Art. 2. The present Proclamation provided in Article 11 tl1at it \Voulcl con1e into force "as from tl1e 23rd day of July, 1945." Tl1e functions of the State Bank described l1ertin are now 1,erfor1ned by the National Ba.nk of Ethiopia. 22/20 (1963) P.206 Arts. 2, 11, 41, 15 Consol. L. Etlz. 4.

D011e at Addis Ababa this 29th day cf May, 1945. 10/7 (1951) P. 116':' A PROCLAMATION FOR TI-.IE. ESTABLISI-IMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF ETl-IIOPIA

CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH 1-IAILE SELLASSIE I ELEC·T OF GOD, EMPE?,OR OF E�fl-IIOPIA. In accordance \Vith Article 34 of Ot1r C:,nstitutio11 \Ve .approve tl1e resolutions of Our Senate and the Chan1ber ofDeputi�s and We accordingly proclaim as follows: CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Constitution referred to here is the Constitution of 1931. "This Constitution was repealed and replaced by the Revised Constitution of 1955, 1s:2 (1955) P.149, l' Consol. L. Eth. 1. Tl1e Article of the Revised Constit11tion parallel- to the cited Article Article 88. .· .of the 1931 . �


WHEREAS, it is Our desire to encot11age the· development· of indt1strial and · agricultural prodt1ction in Our En1pire; an_d WHEREAS, it l1as seemed fitti11g to u� to create a· corporation to accom1)lish this end; NOW, THEREFORE, We, of Ot1r especial grace, certain knowledge and n1ere 1notion, do by this Ot1r Imperial Procla1nati)n for Us ancl 011r Imperial Successors A111d.

21/3 (1961) P.179.


- 347-



e rat po in cor d an 11ame a11d de�d tic li po dy bo a be ll sha re the t tha nt gra and ordain _ _ _ (hereinafter referred t? as tlie by the name of the Development Baok of E�h1op1� ''Bank'') which shall have perpetual succession with a comn10�. seal whicl1 may be adopted, changed or v·aried at tl1e p_leasure o[ _ the Bank and wit� fur�her �owe rs and authorities, subject to the following cond1t1ons and declarations 10 this Our Imperial Proclamation contained: 1. The purposes for which the Bani: is formed are: (a) t.o assist in the development of industrial and agric11ltural prod11ctio11 in O:ur Empire and (a) ta fester tile i�vestmerut of private ca}i)jtal for private }Jllrposes in Our �mpii;e. '

CONSOLIDATION NOTE In the Amha.i:ic ;v.ersie:pi of the present Amele th.e phrase ''of private capital for private pur­ poses'' is lacking.

2. To enable it to carry out its pur_roses the Bank shall l1ave the power to: (a) make guarantee or participate in loans to any i11d11strial, agricult11ral or business enterprise on such 1erms and conditions as it shall deem appro­ priate. Except in special circumsta11ces, loans to i11d11strial or b11siness e11ter­ prises shall be for specific prod11ctive projects; (b) purcl1ase, hold and sell stocks or other evidence of ow11ership of a11y i11dt1s­ trial, agricult11ral or busines� enterprise; (c) borrow money, float loans, aad issue bonds or otl1er evide11ce of indebted­ ness and give sect1rity for the same; (d) employ the f11nds of the Ba1k in all types of ind11strial, agriucltural or b11siness enterprises in 011r Empire a11d to manage, sell or otherwise dispose of s11ch enterprises; (e) to • act as agent or representative of any perso11, corporatio11, firm or enterpnses; (f) ope11 and maintain acco11nts \vith ba.11ks and banking correspo11dents in 011r Empire and abroad; (g) issue its capital stock on s11ch terms and for s11ch consideration as it shall determine; (h) malce and perform contracts of any kind and descriptior1, ,1nd guarantee the performance of any contract or obligation; (i) act as the agent of 011r Empire for the })Urpose of making v;1ithdra,vals from the Loan Acco11nt opened purs11ant to the provisio11s of the Loan Agreemen_t (Development Banl( Projector) dated Septen1ber 13, 1950 between Our Empire and tl1e Interna1io11al Bank for Reco11strt1ctio11 and Develop­ ment; (j) i�vest �ny �f its f11nds 11ot at the time reqt1ireci in its operatio11s in a11y sect1ri­ t1es which 1t shall deem app1opriate; (k) do any a1;1d all other things and exercise an)' and ,tll other l)O\vers ,vhicl1 a partnership or natural perso11 co11ld do and exercise, or whicl1 now or here­ after be authorizecl by law.

- 348 -



-------------------------------- -·

3. �n the_ cond11ct �� ?II i!s a�airs the . Ba11k shall act 1Jrt1dently. In 1naking, gt1a_ 111g or _parL1c1pat1ng 1n 1a11tee loa11s 1t shall p1:1y dt1e regard to the prospects of. repayment, and j11 m.aking otl1er investn1ents it sl1all pay d11e regard to the pros­ pects that st1cl1 i11vestments \1/ill l1ave val11e and yield returns commensurate with t.l1e amot111ts invested. 4. The principal office of tl1e Bank shall be at Acldis Ababa, but bra11cb offices may be establisl1ed at other locatio11s. 5. The term ot· existence of the Bank sl1all be perpett1al. 6. The Bank may maintain legal actions and processes a11d have legal actio11s and processes majntained against it i11 the co11.rts of Our Empire. Withot1t limiting the generality of the foregoi11g, tl1e Bank n1ay maintain legal actions: (a) to enforce the payment of any amot111ts due on account of Ioa11s 1nade g11aranteed or participated in by it; (b) to protect any sect1rity obtai11ed for a11y s11cl1 Ioa11s; and (c) to foreclose, realize on or collect the val11e of any st1ch security. 7. The aflairs of the Ba11k shall be conducted by a Board of Directors co11sisti11g of not less than five 11or more than seve11 Directors to be appoi11ted by ·us and who shall serve at Otrr pleasure. All corporate powers shall be exercised by the Board of Directors. Except as l1ereinafter provided, tl1e Directors shall serve withot1t remu11eration. 8. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at strch time and at such place or places as the Board may from tin1e to time determi11e. Special meetings may be called by any two Directors. Written notice of special meetings of not less than three days sl1all be given by the secretary to each Director 11nless s11ch notice is waived i11 writing. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum, and decisions of the Board may be taken by a majority of Directors present a11d voting.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of tl1e present Article lacks the sentence, "Special n1eetings may be called by any two Directors.'' "'

9. The President and Vice President of the Bank shall be appointed by Us. 1 he principal dut)' of the President shall be to preside at meetings of the Board of Directors, and perform such other duties not inconsistent with the provisions of this Proclamation, as the Board may fron1 time to time direct. The principal duties of the Vice President shall be to discharge the duties of the President in tl1e event of the absence or disability for any cause of the President. 10. Th · e Board of Directors shall on behalf of the Bank negotiate and e11ter into a contract of employment (including renumeration and allowances) with a person to be desig11ated by Us, who shall be the Managing Director of the Bank. The Managing Director shall thereupon become a member of the Board of Directors. The functions, duties and authority of the Managing Director of the Bank shall be as follows: (a) He shall be the head executive of tl1e Bank a11d, subject to the general oirec­ _ tion of the Board of Directors, shall direct the management and operations of the Bank. - 349 -



(b) H@ n1ay cn1ploy and discharge a� l tbe offic�rs and �taff of ll1e Bank, aiid, _ .in accorda11ce with ge11eral policies dete·rID.111ed by the Board, fix salaries, "''ages and allowances of individt1al officers and 111e111bers of tl1e st aff. (c) He n1ay delegate st1C:h of 1:lis ft1nction.s, duties and at1tl1ority to st1ch perso11 . or persons eu1ployed by the Bank as he 1nay deern appropriate for t11e effi­ cient n1aoage1ne1i1t o f· tl1e b11siu�ss of the Ba11k. 11. Th.e fiscal year of the Bank sl1all be fron1 Hamle 1 to Se11e 30. The Board of Directors shall submit to Us an11ttaJly 0;1 the first of, a report 011 the opera­ tions of the Bank, whiol1 reporrt shall be prepared 11nder tl1e s·upervisio11 of the Managing Sl[oa rep<:>rt sbaH contain state!Ilents sl1owing the fi11ancial . 00 ncliibi: 0,n an� r,emltbs of O])erraihl0ns of the Bank aud1ted by the At1d1tor General. The a1llIDl11:w J �aJaimoe sliteet ara<li 11).roft and loss accot1nt sl1all be published i11 tl1e Nega1iit G�eta. CONSOLDAliION NOTE A,nd. 21/3 (1961) P.179 Arts. 4B, 7, 14 C'Jttso/. L. Eth.2.

11. Toe au1Jhorized cap>it:al stocl( of the Ba11k sl1all be 13 111illion Etl1iopian Dollars. Tb.e amount of Ii million Ethiopian Dollars sha.11 re1Jresent tl1e ordinary stock divided inito 11,000 shares of 1,000 Ethio1Jian Dollars eacl1. Tl1e amount of 2 million Ethiopian Dollars s.hall represe11t the preferred stock divided i11to 20,000 sl1ares of 100 Ethiopia11 Dollars each. l 3. The authorjzed ca.pita! stock is l1ere�y s11bscribecl by the Imperial Etl1iopian Gover11n1e11t under the following co11ditio11s: (a) An amo1111t of 2 millio11 Ethi)pia11 Dollars re1Jrese11ti11g 1Ja.yn1ent i11 full for 2,000 sl1ares sl1all be paid in1mediately i11 c,1s11. (b) A11 a.n1ot1nt of 1,000,000 Ethi)pian Dollars representing payme11t i11 full of 1,000 shares and re1Jlaci11g tlie capital of the fo..gricl1ltural and Comn1ercial Ba.11k of Ethiopia sl1all be deened to have bee11 paid 11po11 con1pletion of the merger provided for i11 Sectio11 15 of this Proclan1ation. Tl1e In1perial Eth.iopia11 Govern111e11t asst1me:s t11e responsibility for and g11,1ra11tees tl1e full and t111in1paired value of t:1e above 111entio11ed capital. (c) An arnou11t of 3,000,000 Etl1i)JJian Dollars representi11g JJay111ent i11 fl1ll for 3,000 shares shall be payable i11 wl1o]e or i11 parts t1po11 call n1ade b)1 the Board of tl1e Directors. (d) Tl1e balance of the subscriptio11of tl1e ordi11ary stock s.l1all be paid as follo\vs: Wl1e11ever a11y an1011nt sl1all b� witl1draw11, a.s provided i11 Sectio11 2 (i) of this Proclamation, from tl1e lo2n accot111t ope11ed by tl1e I11ter11ational Bank for Reco11strt1ction an.d DeveloJJ111ent tl1e eql1ivale11t in Etl1iopian Dollars of tl1e amou11ts so \Vitl1draw11 sl1all be credited to tl1e I1111Jerial Ethiopia11 Gover11rne11t as a payme11t 011 Sl1cl1 st1bscriptio11. If a11y a111ou11t i11 excess of the bala11ce of st1ch st1bscriptio11 sl1all be so credited tl1e at1tl1orized capital stock of the Ba11lc sl1all be increased by a11 a111011nt eqt1ivale11t to such excess amou11t and shall be st1bscrib::!d by tl1e In11)erial Etl1io1 Jian Gover11n1e11t · 14. Tl1e preferred stock may co11sist of several series of shares. 1~L1e Board of Direc­ tors E;hall detern1i11e special rights ,vJ1ich they n1ay e11joy or li1nitatio11s to vvhicl1 they may be st1bject. They n1ay be offered for sale i11 tl1e way of pl1blic or private Sltbscription by the decisio11 of tl1e Board of Directors. - 350 -




15. The Agriculttiral and Conm1ercial Ba11k of Ethiopia, establisl1ed by Proclan1a­ tion No. 75 of 1945 as ame11decl by P�ocla111atio11 1-.To. 110 of 1949, shall be merged into ancl consolidatecl witl1 the Ba11k a11d sl1all cease to exjst as a separate firm as of the date on wl1icl1 tl1e Develop1nent Ba11lc starts its b11si11ess. The Bank shall \Vind up all busir1ess tal<e11 over from the Agricultural and Com­ n1ercial Ba11k of Ethiopia by tl1is merger i11sofar as it is 11ot a11tl1orized by this Proclamatio11. In such \vi11cli11g 11p tl1e Ba11k shall act as pr11de11tly and in accordance \Vith the best interests of tl1e Bank. 16. The stockl1olders sl1all 11ot be liable for the debts of tl1e Bank. except to the amount . . of the stock capital subscribed 17. The Board of Directors sl1all establisl1 511cl1 reserves as tl1ey deen1 aJ)_propriate. After the deduction of s11ch reserves, the Board of Directors n1ay dec]are and pay dividencls on 011tstanding sh.ares 01t of tl1e .ren1aining surpl11s profits. 18. The Board of Directors n1ay aclopt, alter, an1e11d or rescincl by-laws 11ot in­ , consistent with tl1is 011r Imperial Proclan1atio11. [9.· All operations of tl1e Bank and the in1_?ortatio11 of all or any s11pplies, equip­ ll?ent or n1aterial 11sed in connection with s11cl1 operations and all reven�1es ancl income of the Bank shall be exempt fron1 all taxes, d11ties a11d customs of the Imperial Ethiopian Government or an:y sub-division, Ministry or Department thereof. Done at Addis Ababa this 19th day. Qf March, 1951. .. ,

21/11 (1962) P. 188 *




WHEREAS, it is Our desire to encour,ge thrift on tl1e· part of Our people and to provide a means by which they may borrow: mobey at reasonable rates of interest in order -to facilitate the individttal 's owner�l1ip of his own home; and WHEREAS, We deem it appropriate to cre_ate the_ Imperial S�vings a�d Home Ownership Public Associatio11 for the achieveme11t o�� these objectives, ; 88 of Our Revised E.,, 111 accordance with.Articles 34 a11d THEREFOR NOW . ' . . Constitutio11, We approve the resoluti�ns of 011r Senate and Chamber_ of Deputies and We hereby proclaim as follows: ' . ,



,' ' •




Orig. 20/19 (1961 ) D.47; a,nd. a11d renun1. 21/11 (1962) P.188; a111d. 28/17 (1969) P.265; itnP!• a�nd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46. The _Prearnbles to Decree No 47 and Proclamat_ ion No. 188 h� ve been combi­ ned in the Consolidated Laws. Througl1out the present law tl1e amending Proclamation replaced the word "Decree'' with the word "Proclamation''; trese changes have not' been noted individually.

- 351-

---------------ial--------, Savings and Home CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF ETH10PJA

I. 'fhis Proclamation may be cited as the ''Imper Pt1bJic Association Proclamation, 1962''.


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Ordg. 20/19 (1961) D.47;


21/11 (1962) F.188 Art. 2 (a).

2. Creation of Associatio11: There is l1ereby created the. lJr� perial Sa-vi11gs and _ Htlme Ownership Public Association as an autonomo�� 111st1tut1011 to be govern� ea in all of its opetations and activities by the prov1s1ons of the Proclamation and ef tie law. 3. /meji.n#ions: As nsea b1rein, the Kol0wing term.s shall have the 1neaning ascribe d ib;elew: (ru) ''A\6s0eiatii0n" means tine •pe,ri�l SaViings and Home Ownership Public A-ssecian©n; fh) ''savings aocount(s)'' mea®.s t:1e account(s) held by a member(s) with the Ass00iati0n, and shall consist of all deposits mad_e in and earnings credited to said accouot(s), less withdrawals therefrom; (c) '' def>osits'' m e. ans the total monetary value of all savi11gs accounts and inclu.des any earnings credited thereto; (d) ''St1pervising Authority'' means tl1at body designated by la\v charged with responsibility for supervising a.nd overseeing the operatio11s of commercial ba11ki11g institutions within the Empire of Ethiopia; · (e) ''withdrawal value'' means the amot1nt credited to a savi11gs accot111t of a n1ember, less any lawful deductions therefro1n, as show11 by the records of the Association. CONSOUDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; an1d. 21/11 (1952) P.188 Art. 2 (c).

4. Pi,rposes of Association: The pt1rposes of tl1e Association, by \Vhich it shall be guided in all its actio11s, are io pro111ote tl1rift by providing a convenient and safe method for people to save and i11vest their n1oney and to p rovide for the sound a11d economical fi11ancing of tl1e individ11al's ownership of his o,vn residence. 5. Formalities of Co11stitution: (a) The Association shall not co1nmence its operations t1ntil a Men1orandum of Association is filed with Our Mi11ister of Commerce a11d I11dustry, signed b� at least five (5) i11corporators to be designated b)' Us, specifying: (1) that at least one l1u11dred tl1ousa11d dolla rs (Eth. $100,000) has been deposited in savings accounts with tl1e Association by at least t\1/0 hundred fifty (25 ?) meml:ers l1avi11g savi11gs acco1111ts; JJrovided, how­ ever, tha_t for this purpose, 011ly five tl1ot1sa11d dollars (Etl1. $5,000) shall be in.eluded from any individ11al savings accot111t; (ii) the names of the temporary oft1cers wl10 shall act t111til their s11ccessors are d11ly elected and qt1alified; and (iii) the principal place of business of the Associatio11. (b) Immediately u�on tl1eir desi �a�ion, the five (5) incorporators shall consti­ tute themselves into an organ1z1t1011 con1mittee, and s11all perfect a temporary organization by:

- 352-

--------------------------------· BANKING AND CURRENCY


(i) adopting by-la\.vs \.Vhich shall cJnstitute the By-laws of the Association

t111til other by-laws have been a:lopted by the Association and approved by the Supervising At1tl1ority; and (ii) electing a Chairman, a Vice-OJ.airman and a Secretary who shall act as temporary officers of the Association until their st1ccessors are duly elected and qt1alified. (c) Upon completion of the formalities provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article 5, the temporary officers sl1all call the first meeting of the mem­ bers of the Associatio11. At said mee�ing, tl1e quort1m required to do business shall be the members having saving5 accot1nts with the Association holding a majority of the voting rights in �aid Association. CONSOLIDAT:ON NOTE l111pl. amd. 25/23 (1966) 0.46, 3 Co11so/. L. Etli.1 (giving the Minister originally referred to herein as "Minister of Commerce, Industry and Planning'' the title "Minister of Commerce and Industry'', and establishing a separate 1vlinistry of Planning and Developn1ent). Tl1e Amharic versions of Article 5 (a) (ii) has tle phrase "duly appointed'' modifying "tempo­ rary officers''.

6. Polvers:

(a) The Association shall have separate juridical personality, and, in partict1lar, the capacity: (i) to contract; (ii) to st1e and be sued in its own name; (iii) to acquire, own, possess, mortgage, lease and dispose of property; (iv) to have a seal; (v) to l1ave by-laws not inconsistent with Oi1r Revised Constitution, the laws of Ethiopia and this Proclamation; (vi) to accept savings accot1nts under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by its Board of Directors; and (vii) generally, to carry out all operations and activities necessary to the achievement of its purposes. (b) The Association may establish and close branch offices in Our Empire. \

7. Me111bers: Voting Rights Quorum:

(a) All persons having savings accounts with the association and all borrowers from the Association shall be members of the Association. (b) In the co11sideration of questions 1equiring action by the members, each member having a savings account \"\ith the Association shall have the right to cast one (I) vote for each one hundred dollars (Eth. $100) or fraction thereof of the withdra\val valt1e of his savings accot1nt, and each. borrower from the Association shall have the right to cast one (1) vote in addition to votes which he may be entitled to cast as a member having a savings account; provided, however, that ro member n1ay in any case cast more tha·n fifty (50) votes in his own right. (c) Any member may cast his vote or votes by proxy duly given to another member. (d) Persons representing a majority of the voting rights at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

- 353-


Tl-lIOJ> IA E F O S W A L C E 'f A ID L O S N CO

ng eti y an me a shall be neces­ ion est qu y an � ?� st ca (e) A majority of the votes . ng ti ee m e th y b n S1o c1 de a of 1g 1 ki sary fo r t .he ta h ing as of which eac eet ing ced pre te da the fi.{ l l . � .ha s s tor rec Di ) of ard e Bo Th (f� _ the members entitled to vote ai!ld the n1unber of votes wl11ch each 1s entitled t0 cast shall be determined by reference to the books of the Association; to be a n1ember prior ed s . cea s ha wh son per 00 t tha r, eve ed, w · ho provid ? vote thereat. 1ti0 th e d.ate 0f: tJlae m .eeting shaUI be entitled to CO�:S@L[IS)JfFION NOTE @r,ig. 't0Y,'F9 (00811) ®.41; a,ndi. JJl/11 �ttt96l) IF.IJ:8·8. Art. 2 (d). �e �ham'G �elisian 0f Submiele 7 �-0') slli0:\vs tih.atl eYen a non-member of the Associat ion

can �eplie:&eut ra mem_ber.

8. fP'<!l)we'lfSi B:eserued rt,a MembrJ, ,:,a: �*�3P,1i afS m•ay t>e otherwise specifically provided �eJei!l!l:, m.e F0lfowiraig !l>©We,£s, an� n0 others, are reserved to the members of tlle Ass. ocia1lio11: (a) tlb.e eleGtioa 0f the '.Board of Directors, the determination of their n11mber and the fi!xjng of their remuaeration; (b) �he adopti0·n and amendment of the By-laws of the Associatio11; and (c) the acceptance and the approval of the An11ual Report of the Board of Directors. CONSOUDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; a111cl. 21/11 (1962) P.188 Art. 2


9. Board of Directors: Qitalificat io11i: Election: (a) Tl1e Associatio11 sl1all be t111der the direction of a Board of Directors com­ prisi11g not less than five (5) 11;:>r more tl1an nine (9) persons, as determi 11ed and elected. by the men1bers of tl1e Associatio11. (b) Directors sl1all be elected by ballot from an10 11g the .membership of the Associatio11. A director sl1a]l cease to be such if he ceases to be a member. (c) The initial Board of Director) shall be elected at the first meeti11g of the men1bers of tl1e Associatio11 211d shall serve u11til tl1e first an11t1al n1eeting and until tl1eir successors are dL1ly elected a.11d qt1 ,tlified. Tl1ereafter, directors sl1all be elected for s11cl1 periJd, to serve 011 sL1cl1 conditio11s a.s shall be determined in the By-laws. 10. 0.ffjcers: Qi1al(ficatio11s: Electiol'1: ,\t tl1e first 1neeti11g of tl1c Board of Directors, tl1e Board sl1all elect a Preside11t, ::>11e or 111ore Vice l::>residents, a Secretary and a Treas11rer. Officers sl1all be elected for s11cl1 JJeriod. ai1d shall serve 011 such conditions as shall be determi11ed i11 tl1e By-laws. I I. Pol,ver to Borrov.1 : (a) The Association sl1 �ll l1ave the power to borro\\' 111oney a11d to pledge, mortgage or otl1er\.v1se e11ct1mbcr a11y of its assets to sectire its debts. (b) The Association may issue d�bentures in denominations of one l1undred doliars (E �h.$100) or multi1Jles thereof, without discount beariiJg an interest ' . rate not 1n excess of: - 354 -



(i) one-ha!f perce11t ( ½ 0) greater tha11 _ tl1e divide11d rate ct1rrently payable on savings accot1nts 1f tl1e matu11ty date of said debentt1res is 11ot later than five (5) years after the date of isst1e; or (ii) 011� perce11t (I%) _ greater tha11 tb.e div.ide11d rate ct1rre11tly payable 011 sav111gs accot111ts 1f tl1e n1att1rity date of said debe11tures is from six (6) to ten (10) years after the elate of isst1e; provided, however, that no debe11tt1res sl1all be isst1ed u11ti: the Association shall have declared a11d paid its first clividend. 12. Fi11a11cial Year: Tl1e financial year of tht Associatio11 shall begin 011 Maskaram 1st and e11d on Pagt1me 5tl1 of eacl1 Ethiopian Cale11dar year. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; a111cl. 21/11 (1962) P.188 Ar t. 2 (f).

I 3. Net Ear11i11gs: Reserves: Divide11ds: (a) Within one (I) month following Yekatit 30th and Nel1asse 30tl1 of each Ethiopian Calendar year the Associa.tio11 shall . Prepare a Profit and Loss Statement for tl1e rele,1a.11t six (6) montl1 period. (b) Net earnings for the releva11t six (6) mo11tl1 period sl1all be determi11ed by deducting fron1 gross ear11i11gs all expe11ses, all losses, other tha11 tl1at portion of losses which the Board of Directors shall have determined to charge to reserves, all allowances n1ade for dei:reciatio11, bad and doubtft1l debts and appropriate transfers to tl1e reqt1ired reserves a11d additional transfers to other reserve acco11nts i11clt1di11g a11 t1nallocated reserve accot111t a11d st1ch other co11tinge11cies as tl1e Board of Directors may determine. (c) Fifteen perce11t (15%) of the 11et .ear11i11gs for eacl1 six (6) mo11th period shall ·be IJaid i11to a Ge11eral Reserve .i\.ccount 1111til said Accou11t shall eq11al fifteen percent (15%) of tl1e savi11gs deposits of the Association. After said perce11tage has bee11 attained, the BJard of Directors sl1all determine the amo11nt to be JJaid into tl1e Ge11eral Reserve Accou11t. (d) The Board of Directors shall distribt1te the balance remaining therea.fter as divide11ds to men1bers having savir ,gs accot111ts ratably on the withdrawal value tl1ereof. (e) Net losses of the Association shall be debited to the Ge11eral Reserve Account. (f) If at any tin1e, as a restrlt of any lo;ses sustained by the Association, ·the Ge11eral Reserve Accou11t shall be less than fifteen percent (15%) of the savings deposits of the Associatio11, 1he .Provisions of paragraph (c) of this Article 13 sl1all apply u11til tl1e General Reserve Account shall again eq11al fifteen percent (15%) of the sav.ings deposits of the Association. (g) The Board of Directors may order the distribution of dividends ol1t of t1nallocated reserve accounts to the n1e1nbers having savings accot1nts ratably on tl1e withdrawal valt1e thereof. (h) All members having savings accounts shall participate at the same rate and 011 the same basis in the distrib11tion of dividends by the Association; pro­ vided, however, that the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretio11, determine that 110 dividend sh.all be payable on savings accounts of five dollars (Eth. $5.00) or less. -,355 -



(i) Dividends on accounts shall be credited to such acco11nts on tlie books of th.e Association as of a distribution date to be fixed by the Board of Directors. ( j) Dividends shall be declared on the withdrawal value of each savings acco unt caleulated as from the beginning of the period for which such comput ation is made, plus deposits made therein during said period and l _ess amounts withdrawn daring saiid period, at the declared rate for the period invested. ']'he date of aep,esit shall be deemed to be the date o·f act11al receipt of s11cl1 l:1)c\/ym:elllt a� &e Ass0eiation; Wliess the Board of ��ecto �s shall fix a date, n0:t {ate:r itb:alJil �e l§tlh aa:¥ � a month, flor cleterm1n1ng said date of deposit. @@NS61/li>�TI@N NOTE <ilr:ig.. 201,1�9 (19611� in,41i; amd. 2'11 �11 �1f962� P.lt88 Art. 2 (g).

14. Withdnawals : An� memeer having a savings account shall have the right at any time 1l0 withdraw alll 0r a part of the withdrawal valt1e of said account in acee. riclance with 'bhe pFe�isions 0f the By-laws.

15. Loans Made on the Security of Savings Accounts: (a) The Association may make a loan for any purpose to any 1nember having a savings account upon the sole security of said account, and the Association sh.all obtain a pledge of said account upon the making of any such loan. (b) Upon any default on any loan made 11nder this Article 15, the Association may, witho11t notice to or consent of the member havi11g said savings account, adjust on its books the acco11nt pledged and a1Jply tl1e amount required o:f said acco11nt to payme11t of tl1e loa11 a11d interest. (c) No loan made 11nder tliis Article 15 shall exceed ninety percent (90%) of the withdrawal ,,alue of the savi11gs acco1111t sec11ring s11ch loan, and no s11ch loan shall be made when t]1e Associ ation has applications for \¥itl1drav1al wllich have been 011 file for more than tl1irty (30) days and wl1ich l1ave not bee11 reached for payment. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; amd. 21/11 (1962) P. 188 Art. 2 (h).

16. Loans Made on the Security of Real Estate ll1ortgages: (a) Tl1e Association may make real esta.te loans only 11pon the sec11rity of frrst mortgages on: (i) single-family dwellings a11d the }Jroperty on v1hich located; provided, however, that 110 s11ch loan may exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the property mortgaged, or twenty thot1sa.ncl dollars (EtlJ. $20,000) v1hlchever is less; and (ii) two-family d\velli11gs and the property on ,vhich located; provided, however, that no such loan may exceed seve11ty-fi,,e percent (75%) of the value of the property mortgaged, or thirty thousand dollru·s (Eth. $30,000), whichever is less; (b) No loan may b� :111ad � under thi� Article 16 for any purpose other tl1an to finance the 1nd1v1dual s ownership of his own residence. - 356 -



(c) No loan shall be made t1pon tl1e security of real estate unless at least two (2) q11alified persons selected by the Board of Directors shall have st1bn1itted a signed appraisal of said real estate, a copy of which shall be retained in the records of the Association. (d) The Board of Directors sl1all determine, from time to time, the rate of inte�est and other charges to be in1_posed in connection vvith loans secured by first 1nortgages on real estate; provided, ho\vever, tl1at: (i) such rate of interest shall be at1thorized by tl1e National Bank and shall be determi11ed witl1 reference to the clivic!encls paid by the Asso­ ciation to members having savings accot1nts, at1d to the estimated financial require111ents of the Association 11ecessary for the conduct of its operations; and (ii) the charges wltlch may be i1nposed in addition to suoh interest shall be st1ch as may be required to cover the Association's costs in connec­ tion witl1 tl1e making of any loan bt1t shall in no event exceed five per­ cent (5 %) of the amount of the loan. Amd. 28/17 (1969) P. 265.


17. Li,nitations Upon Loans Made o,z the SeciJrity of Real Estate: (a) The Association sl1all not make any real estate loan to an officer, director or employee of the Association except upon the sec11ri,ty of a first mortgage upon a single-family dwelling already occupied, or to be occt1pied, if new construction is involved, by such borrowing officer, director or employee. Not more than one (1) loan may, be made to any officer, director or em­ ployee of the Association in any five (5) year period. (b) Not more than one (1) real estate loan may be made to any person, includ­ ing officers, di1·ectors and employees of the Association, while there are loan applications on file submitted by persons who have not theretofore received any loans, it being the policy of the Association to provide to as many individt1als as possible tl1e opportunity to own their own homes.

18. General Limitations Upon Loar1s:

(a) No loan shall be made by the Association \Vhen the borrower is req11ired to pay to another person i11 connection therewith any charge or fee which is unlawful or, i11 the opinion of the Board of Directors, t1nreasonable. (b) The Association shall ascertain the total amot1nt paid by each borrower to it and to any person in connection with the making of each loan, and shall furnish to each borrower, upon the closing of tp.e loan, a loan settle­ ment statement which shall indicate in detail the charges or fees st1ch bor­ rower had paid or obligated himself to pay to the Association or to any other person in connection with said loan. A copy of said statement shall be retained in the records of the Association.

19. Loa1z Plan for Real Estate Loar1s: (a)

(i) Loans on real estate shall be repayable in monthly instalments, which may be eqt1al or t111equal, beginning not later than thirty (30) days follo,ving the date upon which the final advance is made uncler tl1e

- 357-



loan, sufficient in amount, to retire the interest �md prinoipa l of the ich tlle wh n o, first monthly up te da the ) of rs yea (16 n tee in n h t{ six loa \\ti instalment falls doe. (ii) No loa11 co11tract shall call for the pay1nent in �ny month of an amot1nt larger than the amount payable for any earlier month. (iii) In the case of loans made for new co11s�ruction, the first payment shall 11ot be later than four (4) months follow1ng the date of the first advance mad,e the loan.

(b) 11onthly pa),ments shall be applied fi.rst !o the payment of _interest on the unpaid balance of th.e loan and the remainder to the reduction of the loan r1ntil tl1e same is repaid in ft1ll. (c)

(i) Each real estate loan shall be secured b� a mortgage or other i11stru­ ment coostitt1ting a first lien or the eq1uvalent thereof, upon the real estate securi11g the loan. (ii) The i11str11n1e11t securing a real estate loan shall provide for ft1ll pro­ tectio11 of the Association and shall be recorded. It shall provide speci­ fically for the full J)rotectio11 with respect to ins 11ra11ce, taxes, assessments, other Governme11tal levies, mainte11ance and repairs. (iii) The Association 1nay pay taxes, assessments, inst1ra11ce premiums, a11d may adva11ce premit1ms on any ]ife i11surance held as additional collateral for real estate loans if the Association l1as a first lien on said life insura.nce policy, all for tl1e protectio11 of its interest in tl1e property on wl1ich it l1as loans. A11y st1cl1 payme11ts may, wl1en lawfully made, be aclded to the unpaid balance of the loan. (iv) 1-11e Associatio11 sl1a11 reqt1ire tl1at the eqt1ivale11t of one-t\.velftl1 (l /12) of the esti1nated a1111t1al taxes, assess1ne11ts, insura11ce premiums and ot11er charges, or a11y of tl1e1n, 111)011 mortgaged real estate shall be paid in ad,1a11ce to tl1e Association in adclition to interest and principal on its loans so as to e11able the Association to pay sucl1 charges as they become d11e fro111 the funds so received. (v) The Association shall mai11tai11 a record of tl1e statt1s of taxes, assess­ ments, insurance premi11ms a11d otl1er charges on all real estate on the security of whicl1 tl1e Association l1as 111acle loans or "''hich is owned by the Associatio11.

(d) The Board of Directors shall, \Vithi11 the lin1itatio11 provided herein, deter­ mine, from time to time, the rate of i11terest, 1)re111i11 ms, fees and other charges to be made in con11ection with loa11s n1ade by tl1e Associatio11. In fixing such charges, f11ll consideration shall be give11 to sot111d and econon1ical financing of the individual's ovv11ership of· his ow11 residence. (e) All mor! _ gages shall_ provide _ for an11t1al inspection o.f the property by th_e Assoc1at1on. If maJo.r repairs appear reqt1ired, tlle Association may, 1f requ �sted by_ the borrower, �dvance ft 1 nds for tl1e ptlrpose of n1 aking such repairs against a11 undertaking to repay sticl1 advance with itlterest at the same rate _ as is provided in tl1e mortgage, in not more tllan thirty-six (36) monthly instalments. (f) Borrowers shall have th e right to pre-pay their loar1s wjthout penalty. - 358 -



(g) The pro _ yisions ?f this Article 19 shall apJ)ly to sales of d,vellings by the Assoc1at1on against deferred payme11ls on tl1e sec11rity of a first mortgage thereon.

20. Rigl1ts of llolders of Savi11gs Accoi1tzts i,r. tl1e Eve11t of Liqiticlatio11: All holders of savings acco1111ts shall be e1titled to equal clistribution of the net assets of �he Association, pro rata to the \'Vithdravval val11e of tl1eir savings accounts, 1n the event of vol1111tary or invol1111tary liq11idatio11, dissolution or winding-11p of the Association. 21. Liqi1idity Reqi1ire111e11ts: (a) Whenever the Association's casl1 011 ha11d and in banks, less its current obligations and commitme11ts, shall be less than five percent (5%) of the total \-vith<;Ira,val value of all outstand:ng savings acco11nts, no further mort­ gage loa11s may be made by the Assocatio11 u11til said percentage shall again exceed five percent (5%). (b) Nothing in tl1is Article 21 sl1all be deemed to lJrevent tl1e Board of Directors from fixing a liqL1idity reqtlirement hig�er tha11 that set forth in paragraph (a) hereof. 22. Examinatio11 of t/1e Associatio11: (a) The Auditor General shall, once eacb year, examine the books and records of the Association for tl1e protection of tl1e 1nembers of said Association, and of the public. (b) In addition, the Associatio11 sl1all be a11dited at least once each year by a qualified chartered acco11ntant who is 11either a director, officer or employee of said Associatio11. The a1)point1ne1Jt of said accountant shall be subject to approval by tl1e S11pervising A1thority. (c) The scope of the audit carried 011t l:y the accountant appointed p11rsuant to paragraph (b) of this Article 22 shall conform to the requirements of the Commercial Code of 1960. (d) The results of st1ch audit shall be pre;ented to the Board of Directors over the certificate of the accountant carrying out such audit and, through the Annual Report of the Board of Directors, to the members of the Association at the next annual meeting thereof. (e) No persons other than the savings or borrowing member, authorized per­ sonnel of the Association, and person) carrying out duties under this Article 22, s·hall have access to any books ard records of the Association, and any information so obtained shall, unless required by other provision hereof or upon court order, remain confidential. CROSS REFERENCE The relevant Articles of the Commercial Code appear to be Comm. C. 19/Ex.3 (1960) Arts.


23. Forec/os·ure: ' In the event that a borrower or purchaser from the Associatio11 should default on a mortgage-secured loa11 or sale agreement, the Associatio11 may institute - 359 -



--------------------------------· foreclos·ure proceedings against said defaulting borrower or purchaser in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of 1960.

CROSS REFERENCE The relevant Articles of the Civil Code appear to be Civ. C. 19/Ex.2 (1960) Arts. 3059-3108.

24. Validity of Mortgage-Secured Loan or Sale: (a) Any mortgage-seot1red loan or sale made by the,,Association shall constitute a charge against the real estate described in the mortgage without regard to the true ow·nership of.said real estate, and shall have priority for payment in f· oreclosure proceedings, in accordance with its recordation. (b) The provisions of para.graph (a) of this Article 24 shall be subject to the fallowing conditions: (i) the loa.n must have been made in good faith reliance by the Association on its examination of such public record of title of the real estate in question a.s is available, or, if no such record exists with respect to said real estate, in reliance on such other information as is available regarding title thereto ; (ii) at the time said loan is made, the Association has no knowledge of any adverse valid claim; and (iii) on compliance with such other conditions as the Association may reasonably impose. (c) Nothing in tl1is Article 24 shall be const1·t1ed to affect any valid claim to title to any real estate, whether said claim is of record or not, except to the extent of the charge deri,ring from any loan made by the Association 011 the security of said real estate. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; an1d. 21/11 (1962) P.188 Art. 2 (i).

25. Dissoli,tiorz: (a) The Association may be dissolved at any time p11rsuant to a plan of dissolu­ tion proposed by the Board of Directors and st1bmitted to and approved b)' the members of the P.Lssociation holding a majority of the votes therein and by the Supervising At1thority. (b) After dissolution has been completed i11 accordance with the plan adopted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article 25, the existence of the Association shall termi11a.te upon tl1e filing with the Ministry of Com­ merce and Industry by the Board of Directors of the Association of a certi­ ficate evidencing such fact. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Imp!. a,rzd. 25/23 (1966? 0.�6� 3 Consol .. L. Etlz. l (establishi11g separate �1inistry of Pla �i�g and Development and thus 1mpl1c1tJy amending tl1e present Article's original reference to a ''Mm1s· try of Commerce, Industry and Planning'').

26. Appoint11zent o.f Receiver: Merger: Consolidatiorz: Reorganization: Liquidation: (a) The St1pervising At1thority shall appoiut a receiver or receivers for the Association: 1. upon request of the Board of Directors; or 2. when the Association:

- 360-



(i) is cond11cti11g its b11siness in a11 1111Iawful, una11thorized or unsafe manner; (ii) is in a11 11nso11nd or unsafe condition, or has a manage111e11t ,vhich is 11nsafe or 1111fit to manage the Association; (iii) cannot \Vith sa.fety co11tin11e i11 busi11ess; (iv) �s impaired in that its assets de not have an aggregate val11e, in the Judgment of the A11thority, at least eq11al to the aggregate amo11nt of its liabilities to its members, creditors, a11d all otl1er persons; (v) is in imnunent da11ger of becoming impaired; (vi) is p1rrsuing a course t11at is jeopardizing or injurious to the interests of its members, creditors or the public; (vii) has s11spended payment of its :>bligations; (viii) has refused to submit its books, papers, records or affairs for inspectio11 to a11y lawf 111 exa.miner appoi11ted by the Supervising Authority; (ix) has ref11sed, by the ref11sal of an) of its officers, directors or employees, to be exami11ed 011 oath by the Supervising Authority concerning its affairs. (b) Pursuant to regulations, orders or instructions issued by the Supervising Authority and s11bject to this super'lision, such receiver, as successor by operation of law to all the rights, powers and privileges of the Association, its officers and directors, shall take such action as may be necessary to conserve the assets of the Associati:>n pending f11rther disposition of its affairs, or to recommend or execute a plan of reorga11ization, consolidation, merger or liquidation. (c) The Supervising Authority n1ay order the discharge of the receiver and return to the Association all its rights, po,vers and privileges of its officers and directors, as of the time and to the extent provided in the order if, in the judgment of the Authority, such order is in the best interests of the members and creditors of the Association and all other persons.

27. Tax Exemption: (a) The Association shall be exempt frcm taxes on income earned by it and on property owned by the Association for a period of five (5) years from the date upon which it commences its operatio11s as determined by this Proclamation. (b) Following said five (5) year period, amounts distributed by the Association to its members as dividends will be'. deducted from the gross earnings of the Association in calculating its lia )ility for income tax. (c) Amounts distribt1ted to members having savings accounts shall be consider­ ed dividends for all purposes and shall not be deemed to be interest on said accounts. 28. Transitional Provisio11s: D11ring the first five (5) years of the Association's existence: (a) loans sec11red by a first n1ortgage on real estate shall be made only to ¡.finance the construction of new dwellings; and - 361 -



(b) the Association may not n1ake disbursements on loans secured by a first mortgage 011 real estate except ptrrsuant to a contract between the builder and the Association. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Orig. 20/19 (1961) D.47; an1d. 21/11 (1962) P.188 Art. 2 (j).

29. Effective Date: This Proclan1atio11 shall come irnto force 011 the date of its publication in the Negarit G·azeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of April, 1962. CON"SOLJDATION NOTE The date given here is the date of publicatjon of 21/11 (1962) P.188; 20/19 (1961) D.47 was published on 8 September 1961.

22/20 ( 1963) P. 206* A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATIONS OF THE MONETARY AND BANKING SYSTEI\1 OF OUR EMPIRE COl�QUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELLASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPE'ROR OF ETHIOPIA W1-IEREAS, the accelerated eco11on1ic clevelopment of 011r En1pire requires the establishn1ent of a modern n1oneta.ry a11d ba11king system which will provide a sou11cl basis for the co11ti11t1ed ex1Ja11sio11 of the econon1y of Our Empire; No,,✓, THEREFORE, i11 ,Lccord,111ce witl1 Articles 34 . and 88 of 011r Revised Constit11tio11, We appro, 1 e the resolutions of 011r Senate and. Cl1an1ber of Deputies a.nd We hereby proclai111 as follows: 1. This Procla1natio11 may be cited as tl1e ''Mo11etary and Banki11g Proclama­ tion, 1963''. Chapter I Powers of the National Bank of Ethiopia

2. Tl1e Natio11al Ba11k of Ethio1Jia. (hereinafter the ''Bank''), in the exercise of the functions entr11sted to it by its Charter a11d by tl1is Proclamatio11 shall have, i11 particular, tl1e JJower: (a) to regulate the supply, availability and. cost of n1011ey and credit; (b) to n1anage and. ad1ni11ister tl1e i11ternational reser,,es of Our Empir e; (c) to lice11se a11d supervise ba11ks; a11d (d) to perform s11ch other f11nctio11s as natio11al ba11ks custo111arily n1ay perform. I

"'INTRODUCTORY FOOTN01�E An·,cl. 25/21 (1966) D.53 as app. 26/8 (1967) N.A. 9, 28/26 (1969) D. 54.

- 362 -



Chapter I[ The lVIonetary Unit and Legal Tender Money 3. (1) Th� monetary t1nit of Ot1r Empire sl1:1ll be tl1e Ethiopia11 dollar, eqt1al to 9ec1n1al three five five f011r six eigl1t (.355468) gran1 of fi11e gold tl1e official ' abbreviation of wl1ich sl1all be ''Etl1.$''. (2) The monetary 11nit shall be divided i11to one l1t1ndred (100) eqt1al parts named ''ce11ts'', tl1e official abbreviation of which shall be ''ct.''. (3) If the balance of payn1e11ts positio11 ::>f Our Empire shall so reqt1ire, the gold content of the Etl1iopia11 dollar 11�ay be changed by Us by Order, 111Jon the recon1mendation of Ot1r Co1111cil ,Jf Ministers. 4. (1) AJI monetary transactions taking place in Our Empire sl1all be JJresumed to be expressed in Etl1iopian dollars, t111less otherwise validly agreed upon by the parties. (2) All monetary tra11sactio11s shall be reccrded and settled in Ethiopian dollars, tinless otherwise provided for i11 a11y ?ttblic, domestic or international law n1eas11re or u11Iess otl1erwise validly agreed 11po11 by tl1e parties. 5. (1) Notes and coi11s isstted t111der the autl1ority of the Ct1rre11cy and Legal Tender Proclamation, 1945 (Proclamatio11 NJ. 76 of 1945), as an1ended by the Ct1rrency (Amendment) Procla1nation, 1950 (Proclamation 'No. 112 of 1950) a11d the Application of Currency and Legal Te11der Proclamation of 1945, as amended, and the Maria Theresa Dollar Proclamation of 1949 as Federal Legislation Proclan1ation (P1oclamatio11 No. 127 of 1952) sl1a]l remain legal tender until otherwise determined in accordance \Vith the provisio11s of Article 11 hereof. (2) The Bank may put into circulatio11 nctes printed for and in the possession of the State Ba11k of Etl1iopia prior to December 31, 1963. CROSS REFERENCES Currency and Legal Tender Proclamation, 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 15 C'o11sol. L. Eth. 1. Currency (amendment) Proclamation, 9/7 (1950) P. 112. Appli::ation of Currency and Legal Tender Pro­ clamation, 1945, as amended, and the Maria Theresa. DolJar Proclamation of 1949 as Federal Legislation Proclamation, 12/2 (1952) P. 127, 2 Co11:ol. L. Eth. 8.

6. (I) The notes to be issued by the Ba11k may be of the denominatio11 of one (1), five (5), ten (10), twenty (20), fifty (50), one hundred (100) and five hundred (500) Ethiopian dollars. (2) The inscription, dimensio11, design and otl1er characteristics of lawfully issued notes shall be determined by the Bank. 7. Notes lawfully in circulation withi11 Our Empire sl1all be unlimited legal tender in the settlen1ent of all p11bljc or private debts. 8. (1) The Bank shall maintain among its assets a11 i11ternational reserve fund consisting of gold or assets i11 foreign c11rrencies inclt1ding bank balances or foreign securities readily convertible into gold. (2) The international reserve fund referred to in section 1 of this Article 8 shall be at all times eq11al to at least tvventy-five percent (25%) of the total of the notes issued ·by and tl1e sight liabilities of the Bank. 9. (I) The coins to be issued by the Ba11k may be of the denomination of one (I), five (5), ten (10), twenty-'five (25) and fifty (50) Ethiopian cents. - 363 -



---------- ---- ---------. (2) The weight, fineness, inscription, dimensi�o, design and otl1er characteristics of lawfully issued coi11s shall be determined by the Bank. (3) In addition to the coins at1tl1orized under paragraph (1) of this Article 9 the Ban1< may issue special commemorative coins �ltich s�all not be subject to the limitation on value as legal te11der set forth 1n Article 10 hereof. The n11mber of a.ny such coins to be minted, the maximum amot1nts in which they shall be acceptable as legal tender and the denominations , weig ht fineness, inscription, dimension, design and other characteristics thereof shall be prescribed in regulations issued by the Bank and published in the Negarit Gazeta.

CONSOI,IDA.TION NOTE Amd. 25/21 (1966) D. 53 as app. 26/8 (1967) N..A. 9.

10. Coins lawfully in circulation within Our Empire shall be legal tender in the settlement of all public or private debts for amo11nts not exceeding ten Ethiopian dollars (Eth.$10); provided, however, that the Bank shall, at the request of any, cl1ange into notes any amount of coin. 11. The Bank m.a)' declare, by notice published in newspapers of ge11eral distribution, that a partic11lar issue or denomination of notes or coins shall cease to be legal tender as of a certain date. Any such notice shall give holders of the notes or coins to be withd.rawn a reasonable time witllin which to exchange st1ch notes or coi11s at the Ba.nk against other c11rrently valid legal tender. Chapter ID Relations of the Bank with the Government

12. (1) The Banlc shall act as fiscal agent for tl1e In1perial Ethiopian Government (hereinafter the ''Government''). (2) In this capacity, the Bank shall: (a) be the official depository of the Gover11ment and shall accept deposits and effect payments for the account of the Government; provided, however, that the Bank, after cons11ltation with the Governme.nt, may select banks or designated financial institutions to act in its name and for its accot1nt as the official depository of the Government at places where the Bank has no brancl1es. (b) be the administrator of specified Governn1ent accounts in accordance with arrangements to be made between the Bank and the Ministry concerned; and (c) manage l)t1blic debt transactions, inclt1ding the isst1e a11d service of bonds and other securities of the Government. 13. (1) The Bank shall act as banker for tl1e Government. (2) In this capacity, tl1e Ban1< may, in tl1e name and. for the account of the Government, engage in the following transactions: (a) pay, remit, collect or take custody of f11nds in Our Empire or abro ad; (b) purchase, .s�ll, transfer or take ct1stody of cheques, bills of exchange and secunt1es;

- 364-



(4) (5) (6)




(c) collect the proceeds, vvhetl1er principal or i11terest, resulting fron1 the sale for the Gover11me11t of, or acc�ui11g to tl1e Gover11ment as the holder of, sec11rities; (d) purchase, sell, transfer or take into ct1stody golcl, silver and foreign exchange; and (e) 11ndervvrite or guara11tee valiclly co11tracted loans of tl1e Gover11ment. For the purpose of overco111i11g flt1c·.t1ations in the ordinary reven11es of the <?overnment, the Bank 111ay .malcE direct adva11ces to tl1e Government; provided, ho\vever, that the total of t1e outstandi11g direct adva11ces to the �overnment shall not exceed at a11y ti111e twe11ty perce11t (20%) of the or­ dinary reven11es collected d11ri11g the l)eceding fiscal year of the Gover11me11t; and provided, f11rther, tl1at st1cl1 adva1ces shall be repayable not later than six (6) months follo\\1iog the end of the fiscal year of the Government during v-vhicl1 made. Repayn1e11t of all advances n1ade during the preceding fiscal J'ear withi11 the six (6) 111011tl1s l)eriod specified above sl1all be a co11ditio11 to tl1e malcing of a11y advances i11 the 11ew fiscal year. Such direct advances shall bear interest at a rate to be agreed by the Ministry of Finance a11d tl1e Bank, which shall in no event be les� than three percent (3%) per annt11n. The Bank may p11rchase in the open narket freely negotiable Treasury Bills iss11ed by the Government maturing not later than twelve (12) months from the date of ilie acquisition by the Bank. The Bank may accept Treas11ry Bills of the kind specified in Section 4 of this Article 13 as sec11rity for loa11s o� advances made by tl1e Ba11k to bor­ rowers other than the Governn1ent. At no time shall the amo11nt of the 1reas11ry Bills referred to in Sectio11s 4 and 5 of this Article 13 and in Article 40 l1ereof which are owned or held as security by the Bank exceed a11 amount eq11ivalent to twelve and a half percent (12 ½%) of the ordinary re-yen11es collected d11ring the preceding fiscal year of the Government. The Bank may purchase freely negotia:>le Government Bo11ds with maturities of not more than ten (10) years from the date of acq11isition by the Bank; provided, however, that no such bonds shall be acquired \vhe11 the total of s11ch bonds held by the Bank together \\1ith the Imperial Treasury Obliga­ tions referred to in Article 40 and any interest-bearing negotiable securities issued in conversion thereof pursua11t to the same Article is in the aggregate eq11al to or exceeds an an1oui1t eqtiiYalent to three times the Capital and General Reserve F11nd of the Bank plt1s eighty-two million dollars (Eth. $82,000,000.00). (i) Within the limits established by this law the amo11nt of credit to be extended by the Bank to tl1e Government for each fiscal year shall be determined in the light of prevaiing economic conditions and shall be consistent with the mainte11ance of monetary stability and balance of payments eq11ilibrit1m within a fr£mework of liberal trade and payments policies. (ii) Except as provided in Sections 3,4,5, 6 and 7 of this Article 13, the Bank shall not directly or indire:;tly extend a11y credit to the Govern­ ment, Government-owned autonomous institutio11s and enterprises,

- 365 -



agencies, boards, local govert1meot bodies and political sub-divis ions of Our Empire. A111d.

28/26 (1969) D. 54.


14. (1) The Bank shall render advice to the Governn1ent 011 any matter which in its opinion is likely to affect the achievement of the purposes of the Bank as defit1ed i11 Article 2 of its Ch,arter. (2) The Bank may render advice to the Governme11t, orally or in writing, on .any matter within its jt1risdiction ,vhe11ever this appears necessary. (3) Tl1e Gover11me11t may request th.e Gover11or to render advice on partict11ar measures, situations or transactions, or 011 the conditio11s of money and banking in Our Empire in general. (4) The Governor, if he can11ot associate himself with the advice rendered by the Bank pursuant to sections I and 2 of Article 14, shall commt1nicate to the Governrn,ent his views in writing on tl1e n1atter concerned. Chapter IV Relations of the Bank with Banks and otl1er Financial Institutions

Part 1. Regz,!ation


Co11tro/ of Credit

15. ( 1) For t11e pt1r1Jose of fosteri11g 111011etary stability a11d credit and excha11ge conditio11s co11dt1cive to tl1e balanced growth of t]1e economy of Our Empire, tl1e Ba11k n1ay, whe11ever st1ch transactio11s 1nay significantly affect economic co11ditions .i.11 Ot1r E1npire, iss11e regt1latio11s governing: (a) its own credit transactio11s \Vitl1 ba11ks a11d ot11er desig11ated fina11cial i11stitutio11s; a11d (b ) credit tra11sactions of banks a11d other designated fi11a.11cial institutio11s. "' (2) 1 he regulatio11s isst1ed by the Bani( bereu11der s]Jall not l1ave retroacti\1 e effect, and 111a)' be either u11ifor1nly a1Jplicable to all banks and designated fina11c.ial i11stitt1tio11s, or, if tl1e Ba11k so provides, 011ly to those banks or i11stitutions whicl1 carry on tl1e creclit tra11sactio11s covered by tl1e regt1lations. 16. (I) Tl1e Bank shall deter111i11e the standard rate of i11terest at ,vhicl1 it is prepared to discount or rediscoi111t eligible paper (l1erei11after ''t11e standa.rd rate of i11 terest' ') . (2 ) The Ba11k 1nay vary the standard rate of interest a11d. JJrescribe different interest rates for different categories of tra11sactions. 17. The Bank may fix tl1e 11:unin1u111 a11d maxi111t1m rates of interest ,vhich banks and other desig1Jated fina11cial i11stitt1tio11s may: (a) cl1arge for differe11t types of loans, adva11ces a11d. other credit trans ac­ tio11s; and (b) pa)' on various classes of deposits. - 366 ..



I8. (I) !he _ B �nk may fr?m _ti111e to tin1e reqt1ire banks a11d designated fi11ancial 1nst1tut1ons to ma1nta1n with the Bark a bala11ce of 1Jot 1nore tha11 twe11ty per ce11t (20%) o.f tl1eir deposit liabilities. (2) Within tl1e above lin1it tl1e Ba11k n1:1y prescribe different perce11tages for demand deposits, savi11gs a11d time de1 )osits. (3) Any prescription regardi11g, or cl1,1nge ir1, tL1e 1nini111t1m reserves to be mai11tained i11 acc�rdance wi tl1 tl1is Article 18 shall be preceded by at least thirty (30) days notice to tl1e ba11ks a11d firancial i11stitt1tions co11cer11ed. 19. The Ba11k may, when it considers suet actio11 11ecessary for effective credit control, in respect o.f the loa11s, adva11ces a11d i11vest1nents of ba11ks a11d clesignat­ ed financial institt1tio11s: (a) prescribe the pt1r1)oses for vvJ1ich tl1ey may or 1nay 11ot be 111ade; or (b) prescribe maximt1n1 n1att1rities, or, in the case of loans, advances or letters of credit, tl1e type or a111oi:11t of security wluch shall be reqt1ired; or (c) establish limits for any J)artict1l:1r categories of loans, adva11ces and i11vestments or .for tl1eir total amot111t outstandi11g. 20. All measures of general application presc�ibed by the Ba11k J)t1rsuant to Articles 15 through 19 hereof shall be pt1blisl1ed with tl1eir effective date in 11ewspapers of general distribt1tio11. •1

Part 2. Credit Tra11sactio11, Deposits a11d Relatecl Matters 21. The Bank n1ay e11gage with ba11ks i11 transactions i11volvi11g tl1e discot1nt, redis­ count, pt1rchase or sale, as the case may be, of duly signeci and e11dorsecl bills of exchange, promissory 11otes, accepta.1ices and otl1er credit i11str11me11ts with maturities of not more than 011e ht111dred eighty (180) days from the date of their discoL1nt, rediscoL111t or acqt1isitio11 by the Ba11k, rest1lti11g from transactio11s related to: (a) the importatio11, ex1 )ortatio11, pt1rch2se or sale of goods at1d prodt1cts or their transportation \vi thin Our En1rire; (b) the storing of non-perishable goods and J)roducts which are duly inst1red and deposited, under conditio11s assuring their preservation, in at1thorized \Varehot1ses or in other places appro'\'ed by the Ba11k; a11d (c) the production or processing of agri:;111tural, a11imal, mineral or industrial products; provided, however, that docume11ts or i11strume11ts wl1ich are owned or held by the Ba11k as a resul: of a transaction under this paragraph ( c) shall be secured by a pledge, hypothecation or assig11ment of the rest1lting prodt1cts; and provided, ft1rther, tha'. the Bank may, if it finds this i11 the interest of the natio11al eco11on1y, extend the matt1rity of one hundred eighty ( 1 80) clays up to two l1u11dred seventy (270) days in respect of instruments relating to the prodL1ction or of agric11ltt1ral products. 22. The Bank may n1ake adva11ces or loans tJ banks a11d otl1er desig11ated financial institutions for fixed periods, not to exceed one (I) year, agai11st the following sec11rity: (a) the credit instrt1me11ts referred to in .\rticle 2 1 hereof; a11d (b) freely negotiable Treasury Bills issued by the Govern1ne11t, st1bject to the limitations prescribed i11 section 6 of Article 13 l1ereof.

- 367 -


23. (1) The Bamk shall accept money on deposit from, a11d collect mon.ey for and on account of, banks and desig11ated financial institutions. (2) The Bank may provide appropriate services for commercial banks operating in Our Empire, including inter-bank clearing. (3) The Bank may keep balances a.nd act as agent or correspondent of banks and designated financial institutions. Part 3. Foreig,z Exchange and Gold Transactions 24. (1) The Bank may buy, sell and hold foreign notes and coins and such doct1ments and instruments, including telegraphic transfers, as are c11stomarily employed in international payments or transfers of f11nds. (2) The Bank may keep balances, denominated in foreign currencies, with foreign Ce11tral Banks or its agents or correspondents abroad and may invest, at its discretion, such balances in gold or readily negotiable foreign • • securities. 25. The Bank may engage in foreign exchange transactio11s only with the fallowing: (a) ba11ks and d.esignated :financial institutions that have their seat in Our Empire; (b) the Gover11ment, its agencies or political subdivisions; (c) foreign central banks, foreign banks and :financial institutions; (d) foreign governments and agencies of foreign governments; and (e) internatio1ial financial instit11tions. CONSOLIDATION NOTE W11ere the Englisl1 version of the present Article has tl1e word ''and'' at tl1e end of Subarticle (d), the Aml1a.ric says, ''or''.

26. Any otl1er provisions of la\:v to the co11trary notwithsta11ding, the Bank may, at its sole djscretion, import, export, buy, sell, hold or otherwise deal in gold and silver. 27. (1) The Bank may appoint authorized banks a11d authorized dealers to engage in transactions i11volving gold and/or foreig11 exchange. (2) The Bank may in accordance with the law, issue regtllations relating to gold and foreign exchange transactions. 28. The Bank shall ensure that the miuimt1m and. maxin111m rates at which trans­ actions in foreign currencies place in Ot1r Empire are within the limits prescribed by and in accordance ,vitl1 i11ternational agreements to \Vliich Our Empire is a party. Chapter V Licensing and Supervision of Banks 29. (1) No IJerson shall carry on banking bt1siness in Our En1pire witl1out having obtained a licence fro111 the Bank; provided, ho\.\1ever, that the Develop­ ment Bank of Ethiopia shall be exempt fron1 this req11ireme11t. (2) Any person carrying on banking b11siness in Otrr Empire on December 31, 1963, shall apply to the Bank within thirty (30) days thereof for a licence under Section 1 of this Article 29. The Ba11k shall, as soon as practicable, - 368 -



b11t_ �ot later than three (3) months after receipt of the application, take a dec1s1on on sue� applicatio11. The person co11cerned may contin11e to carry _ bt1s1nes� u11der its existing na1ne pencling the decisio11 of the on banki11g Bank on s11cl1 application. (3) S11bject to the provisions of section 2 of tl1is Article 29, no person shall use the word ''bank'' or its derivatives as part of the name of any business unless he has sec11red a licence from the Bank. (4) � list of all lice11sed banks shall be published once a year by the Ban.l< in its Ann11al Report, and any additio11s to or deletions from said list shall be published promptly in newspapers of general distribution. 30. (1) Any application for licence to carry on banking business in Our E1npire shall indicate the place of the prospective principal office of the applicant and of the branch offices, if any, to be established. (2) Approval by the Bank is req11ired for the openjog of a new branch office, the closing of an existing branch, or for the tra11sfer of an existing office to another part of the country. 31. The amalgamation of banking business shall require the prior approval of the Bank. 32. (1) A licence to carry on ba11king business in Our Empire may be granted only to partnerships or companies of Ethiopian nationality, at least fifty-one per cent (51%) of the capital of which is owned by Ethiopian nationals. (2) Any application to the Bank for a licence to carry on banking business in Our Empire shall include, as a mi11imun1, the following information in writing: (a) if the prospective bank is to be organized as a partnership: (i) the name, residence and nationality of the partners; (ii) the business and other experience of the partners; (iii) the proposed articles of partnership; (iv) the name under which the proposed banking business is to be con­ ducted, which shall include the word ''bank'' or its derivatives; (v) the seat of the principal office and the location of branch offices, if any; (vi) the transactions and operations which the Bank proposes to carry out, which shall include the provisions of general banking services; (vii) the amount of authorized capital, subscription to capital and paid-up capital; and (viii) a detailed statement of the scope and character of the financial liability undertaken individually or jointly by the partners. (b) If the prospective bank is to be organized as a company: (i) the name, residence and nationality of the founders; (ii) business and other experience of the founders; (iii) the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association of the com­ pany; (iv) the name under which the proposed b� nkin� busi�ess _ is to be cond11cted, which shall include the word ''bank or its derivatives; (v) the seat of the principal office and the loca�� n of branch o�ces! if any; _ (vi) the numbe·r of directors, their names, residence and nat1onal1ty;

- 369 -



(vii) tl1� functions, powers and respo'nsibilitti.e s of tl1e directors; (viii) th.e transactions aod operations which the bank propose s to carry out, which shall inol11de the provision of general banking s ervices; (ix) the amo11ot of at1thorized capital, subscription to capital and paid-up capital; and (x) a detailed statement 011 fhe scope of tbe fi11a11cial liability undertaken. by the company. 33. (I) The Bank shall, within Olil.e (1) year fro111 tlLe receipt of an application under Article 32 hereof, eithe,r grant or reft1se the issuance of a licence to tl1e applicant. (2) The Bank, in granting a lice11ce to carry on banki11g b11 s iness in Ou.r Empire, may impose such conditions as it d.eeros appropriate. (3) A licence granted by the Banl( sl1all constit11te fi11al authorization to carry on bt1si11ess i11 011r En1pire. (4) The Bank sl1all collect 011 acco1111t of the Ministry of Comn1erce a11d Industry from tl1e lice11see the fee· curre11tly prescribed by tl1at Mi11is try for registra­ tion of tl1e Men1ora11dt11n and Articles of Associatio11 of a company. Upon payment of tl1e fee by tl1e Ba11k to M.i11istry, a11cl after s11bn1ission of a certified COJ)Y of s11cl1 Me1norandt1111 ar1d A1·ticles of Associatio11 or Part11er­ sl1i1J, as tl1e case n1a)' be, by th.e Bank to said Mi11istry, tl1e Iice11see sl1all be deen1ed to be registered vvitl1 said Mi11istry. 34. (I) Eacl1 ba11k carrying on b11siness i11 Ot1r Empire shall, ,vithi11 tl1e first fifteen (15) days of eacl1 111011tl1, se11d to the B,1nk a dL1ly sig11ed balance sheet show­ ing the positio11 011 the last worl<i11g day of tl1e ])receding 1nonth. (2) Tl1e Ba11k sl1all p11blisl1 mo11thly not later tha11 tl1e last worki11g day of the mo11tl1 following tl1e period covered ir1 the b,1la11ce s11eet of the individ11al bank s a co11s01idated bala11ce sheet of tl1e balances of the individL1al banks carryi11g on b11si11ess i11 011r Empire. (3) Eacl1 ba11k carryi11g 011 ·business i11 Ot1r Empire shall, i11. Ja11uary of eacl1 year, send to the Ba.11k a dt11y signed ba.la11ce sl1eet a11d 1Jrofit and loss state­ ment for tl1e preceding year. (4) Bra11cl1es of foreigr1 banks which carry or1 bt1si11ess i11 011r E111pire shaJl send to the Ba11k, or1ce each year, a certified general bala11ce sl1eet of the pare11t orga11izatio11, together \Vith a co1JY of tl1e A1111t1al Report, if a11y, of said organization. (5) Tl1e Bank n1ay prescribe tl1e form i11 wl1ich the period for \vhicl1 tl1e monthly and yearl>' balance sheets and tl1e yearly IJrofit a11d loss state111e11t sl1all be prepared. 35. (I) The Bank 1nay req11ire each banlc carryi11g 011 bt1siness i11 OL1r E1n1Jire to fur11ish to it, JJeriodically or 11po11 reqL1est, s11cl1 i11for1natio11 as it co11siders necessary to fulfil its ft1nctio11s, provided, l1owever, tl1at ba11ks sl1all 11ot be required to f\1r11isl1 i11formation i11 s11cb. detail tl1at tl1e tra11sactions of a11y persons shall be disclosed eitl1er to tl1e Ba11k, the Gover11ment or tl1e public. (2) The Bank may i11 partic11lar req11ire fro111 bar1ks st1ch infor111ation as will e11able Our En11Jire to carry out its obligatio11s t1nder i11ter11ational agree­ ments to which it is a JJarty. - 370 -



36. (1) Tl1e Ba11k 111ay, JJeriodically or at a11y ti111e, witl1out previo11s notice, make or cause an i11spection to be made of a11y b,1nk carryi11g on bt1si11ess i11 Ot1r En1pire a11d, i1 1 _partic11lar, of tl1e books a11d accou11ts of sucl1 ba11k. (2) I11s1Jectio11 of banl<s 111ay be carried ot1t by 011e or more officers of tl1e Bank, or tl1e Ba11k 111ay e111plO)' for tl1is pt1rpose trt1stwortl1y persons or firms who are properly qt1alified to act as acco1111ta11ts or exter11al at1d.itors for ba11ks. (3) Perso11s cl1arged by tl1e Ba11k 'rV.itl1 inspectio11 of ba11lcs are authorized to reqt1est f ro111 tl1e perso1111el of tl1e i 11s1)ected ba 11k st1ch infor111atio11 or ex­ planatio11 of the records or tra11sactions of the ins1Jectecl ba11k as is cttstom­ ary 11ncler generally recognized princiJJles of exter11al a11ditir1g. The iuforma­ tio11 gathered in tl1e co11rse of tl1e ios1Jection of a11y ba11lc sl1all be considered confide11tial by tl1e 1Jerso1 1s carryi 1 1g 011t tl1e inspection. The report on s1 1ch iospectio11, to be st1bn1itted to the Ba11k, sl1all not co11tai11 a11y i 11foru1atio11 \Vhich 'rvo11ld be i 11co1npatible vvith sectio11 I of Article 35 hereof. The content of the report to tl1e Bank sl1all be considered as co11fide1 1tial, both by the Ba11k and by tl1e JJerso11s carrying ot1t tl1e i 11spection. (4) Upo11 con1pletio11 of eacl1 i11spectio11, the Ba11k shall l1ave a report prepared and shall co1n111t1nicate to each inspected ba 11k a copy of its re1Jort. Before the report is made final, tl1e i11spected ba11k sl1all be given au opport11nity to express its views 011 tl1e report to tl1e Bank. TJ1e Ba11k's report 011 ins­ pectio11 sl1all be co1 1sidered as confide11tial. 37. If inspection of a11 i11dividt1al bat1k resttlts i11 a fi11di11g by tl1e Bauk that the inspected ba11k has failed to con1ply witl1 a1Jplicable la\VS a 11d regt1lations or the teru1s a11d co11ditio11s of the liceuce to carry 011 ba·nking bt1siness i11 Ot1r Empire, the Ba 11k may, with tl1e dt1e regard to tl1e i11terest of the creditors of tl1e inspected Bank, take 011e or all of the following steps: (a) st1ggest corrective action to be take11 by the inspected ba11k; (b) prol1ibit the inspected bank fro111 accepti11g 11ew deposits a11d publish a notice of st1cl1 prol1ibitio11 i11 ne\\ 1spapers of general distribution and other• wise; (c) direct tl1e inspected ba11k ten11Jo.rarily to s11spend busi11ess i11 whole or i11 part; or (d) initiate a liqt1idatio11 procedt1re. 38. ( 1 ) Each bank carryi11g 011 b11siness in Ot1r Empire shall maintain liq1tid assets at least i11 s11cl1 ratio to its short-tern1 liabilities as the Bank may prescribe fron1 ti1 11e to tin1e; providecl, however, tl1at tl1e ratio so prescribed shall 11ot exceed thirty per cent (30%). (2) ''Liqttid assets'' for tl1e p11rposes of this Article 38 are cash, dep? sits with _ the Bank, such readily co11vertible assets expressed and payable 111 fore1g11 ct1rrency as are approved by the Bank, a11d s�cl1 other assets as the Bank 1nay from tin1e to tin1e declare acceptable. (3) ''Short-term liabilities'' for the purposes of tl1is Article 38 are den1aud de­ _posits and all liabilities payable within thirty (30) days. 39. To the extent that any provisions hereof are inconsistent with the provisions of the Commercial Code of 1960, the provisions hereof shall prevail. CROSS REFERENCE Conm1. C. 19/Ex. 3 (1960).

- 371. -



Chapter VI Transitory and General Provisions '

40. The Ba.nlc may hold those Imperial Treasury Obligations issued under Article 4 (a) of the Cur·rency and Legal Tender Proclamation No. 76 of 1945, as amended, which are held by the State Bank of Ethiopia at the date of the entry into force hereof. The Government shall gradually cot1vert said Obligations into interest-bearing negotiabJe securities, such as Govern.ment Bonds with maturities of up to ten (10) years. Amd. 28/26 (1969) D. 54.


CROSS REFERENCE Currency and Legal Tender Proclamaition, 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 1.

41. The Currency and Legal Tender Proclamation, 1945 (Proclamation No. 76 of 1945), the Currency (Amendment) Proclamation of 1947 (P1·oclamation No. 88 of 1949), the Ma.ria Theresa Dollar Proclamation of 1949 (Proclamation No. 105 of 1949), The Currency (Amendment) Proclamation, 1949 (Proclamation No. 109 of 1949), the Currency (Amendment) Proclamation, 1950 (Proclamation No. 112 of 1950) are hereby repealed, provided, however, that Section 4 of Schedule C of Proclamation No. 76 of 1945 relating to the demonetization of the Maria Theresa Dollar shall remain in force. CROSS REFERENCE Currency and Legal Tender Proclamation, 4/9 (1945) P. 76, 15 Consol. L. Eth. 1. Currency (Amendment) Proclamation, 6/8 (1947) P. 88, repd. 8/12 (1949) P. 105. Maria Theresa Dollar Proclamation, 8/12 (1949) P. 105. Currency (Amendment) Proclamation, 9/1 (1949) P. 109. Currency (Amendment) Procla.mation, 9/7 (1950) P. 112.

42. Any regulation, notice or report issued or published by the Bank pursuant to the provisions hereof may, if the Bank deems it appropriate, be published by the Bank for record purposes in the Negarit Gazeta. 43. This Proclamation shall enter into force on December 31, 1963. Done at Addis Ababa this 27th day of July, 1963. 25/21 (1966) L. 318 REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE MONETARY AND BANKING PROCLAMATION, 1963 1. Issuing Authority These Regulations are isst1ed by the National Bank of Ethiopia pursuant to authority vested in it by Article 9 (3) of the Monetary and Ba.nkiog Proclamation, 1963, a.s amended (Proclamation No. 206 of 1963). 2. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the ''1966 Commemorative Coins Issue Regulations, 1966''. 3. Commemorative Issue The coins to be issued by the Bank shall include a special commemorative issue (hereinafter the ''1966 Commemorative Issue'') honoring the seve11ty-fifth (75th) anniversary of the birth of His Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie I and the fifty (50) years of His leadership. -372-



4. Design and Inscription The 1966 Commemorative Isst1e shall bear the follo,ving design and inscription: (1) on the obverse: (a) in the center, the image of I-Iis Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie I; (b) along the upper edge, following the curve of the coin the words in two (2) lines in the Amharic Jang1.1age a11d characters: ''H�ile Sellassie I 75th Birthday 50 Years of Leadership''; (c) along the lower edge, foll0Vi1ing the curve of the coin the words in two (2) lines in the English language and Latin characters; ''Haile Sellassie I 75th Birthday and 50 Years of Leadershit)''; (d) at the left side of the image, the reproduction of the Imperial Crown; and (e) at the right side of the image, the reproduction of the Imperial Mono­ graph. (2) on the reverse: (a) in the center, the reproduction of the Lion of Judah and immediately thereunder, the date ''1958'' in Amharic nt1merals and ''1966'' in Arabic numerals; (b) along the upper edge, follo\ving the curve of the coin, the words in the Amharic language and characters: ''Empire of Ethiopia''; (c) along the lower edge, following the curve of the coin, the words in the English language and Latin characters: ''Empire of Ethiopia''; (d) at the left of the Lion of Judah the value of the coin in Amharic characters and numerals; and (e) at the right of the Lion of Judah, the symbol for the Ethiopian dollar and the value of the coin in Latin characters and Arabic numerals. 5. Denominations, Dimensions, Weight The 1966 Commemorative Issue shall consist of coins of the following denomi­ nations, dimensions, weight and number: Denomination in Ethiopian dollars

Diameter in

10 20

20 25 33 45


100 200



Tolerance on the


Weight per Thousand

Maximum Number to be Minted


20 20


Weight in


20 40 80


10 10


30,000 20,000 12,000

6. Fineness All coins in the 1966 Commemorative Issue shall be of a fineness of nine hundred (900) gold to one hundred (100) silver, copper and other metals. 7. Progressive Number Coins in the 1966 Commemorative Issue of the denomination of two hundred Ethiopian dollars (Eth. $200.00) shall be numbered as minted progressively from·one (I) to twelve thousand (12,000). - 373 -



8. Legal Tender Coins in the 1966 Con1n1en1orative Isslte shall be legal tet1der iii the settlement of all public or private debts i11 11nlimited amounts. 9. Effective Date These R .egulatio1�s sl1all enter into force on tl1e date of their publicatio11 i11 the Negarit Gazeta. D011e at Addis Ababa this 21st d.ay of Jt1ly, 1966. .


CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SE.LASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, the accelerated econo111ic develop111e11t of Ot1r En1pire req11ires tl1e creation of a modern ba11ki11g S)'Stem whicl1 will provide a sou11d basis for the co11ti1111ed expansio11 of the economy of 011r E111pire a11d; WHEREAS, it bas appeared expedient to Us to separate tl1e central bank and con1.111ercial ba1ilc functio11s heretofore con1bined i11 the State Bank of Ethiopia established by Us i n 1942; NOW, TI·IEREFORE, in accorda11ce with Artjcles 27 a11d 32 of Our Revised Co11stit1.1tion, and on tl1e advice of 011r Co1111ci] of Mi11isters, V..1e l1ereby order as f ollo\¥S: Chapter I Name, Pt1rpose, Legal Status and Seat

I. This Order may be cited a.s the ''Natio11al Ba11k of Etl1iopia Charter, 1963 ,:. 2. There is l1ereby created t11e National Ba.11k of Ethio1?ia (l1erei11after the ''Bank'') as a11 at1to11omot1s institt1tion to be go,1er11ed by the provisions hereof. 3. The purpose of the Bank, by wl1icb it shall be g11ided i11 all its actio11s, is to foster m . onetary stability a11d sucl1 credit a11d excba11ge co11ditions as are con­ dt1ci,1e to tl1e balanced grov1tl1 of tl1e econon1y of 011r Empire. 4. The Bank s11all have sepa.rate j11ridical perso11ality a11d, i11 partict1lar, the capacity: (a) to co11tract; (b) to s11e a11d be s11ed in its owr1 oa1ne; a11d (c) to acquire, ow11, possess and dis]JOse of pro11erty. 5. The Bank shall act consiste11tly \Vith i11ternatio11al 111onetary a11d banking agree­ ments to which 011r En1pire is a party. 6. (I) The Ba11k sl1all have its JJrincipal office i11 Addis Ababa. (2) The Bank may establish a11d close bra11ch offices i11 Our Empire. (3) The Bank n1ay designate, and revoke tl1e desig11ation of, agents and corres­ pondents i11 Our E1npire and abroad. *INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Corr. 23/14 (1964) C. 53 (A1nharic only); a1nd. 24/7 (1965) 0.39.

- 374-



Chapter II Function and Po,vers of the Bank 7. The Bank �l1all perforrn the ft111ctio11s e11trustecl to it hereunder a11d by law for tl1e reg11lat1on a11cl co11trol of tl1e n1011etary a11cl ba11ki11g regin1e of Our Empire. 8. The right to coi11, pri11t a11cl isst1e n10 11ey tl1rot1gl1ot1t Ot1r Empire conferred on _ by Us Article 32 of ?or Revised Coustitution is l1ereby exclt1sively vested i11 the Ba.11k, to be exercised by tl1e Ba11k. in accordance with tl1e law. CROSS REFERENCE Revised Constitt1tion, 15/2 (1955) P.149 Art. 32, 1 Consol. L. Eth. 1.

Chapter ill Capital, ReserYes and Financial Statements

9. The capital of tl1e Bani< sl1all be te11 millio11 EthioJJia11 dollars (Eth.$10,000,000). 10. The :financial year of tl1e Bank sl1all begi110111·anuary 1st and end on December 31st of each year. 11. (I) Within three (3) 1no11tl1s of tl1e erid of each financial year, the Bank shall _prepare and sub1nit to the Imperial Etl1iopia11 Gover11rnent (hereinafter the ''Governn1ent' ') a profit ancl loss staten1ent. (2) Net profits for tl1e 'fi11a11cial year shall be deter1nined by ded11cting from gross profits all administrative expe11ditt1res and all allowances made for depreciation, bad and do11btf11l debts a11d s11ch other co11tingencies as the Bank m . ay d.ecide. Sixty per cent (60%) of the net profits shall be paid each :fi11ancial year i11to the Ge11eral F.eserve F11ncl, and the balance shall be credited to the acco1111t of the Miristry of Finance. (3) As soon as the General Reserve Fund equals the capital of the Bank, the 11et profit duri1 1g the proceedi11g fi11:1ncial year sl1all be distribt1ted as follows: (a) twenty per cent (20%) tl1ereof sl1all be credited to the general reserve fund and/or to any special re;erve f1111d whicl1 may be establisl1ed by the Bank; a11d (b) eigl1ty per cent (80%) tl1ereof shall be credited to the accot1nt of the Ministry of Fi11ance. 12. (I) Profits and losses arisi11g fro111 a111 revaluation of tl1e Bank's net assets or liabilities in gold or foreig11 curre11cies as a result of cha11ges i11 the par value of the Etl1iopian dollar, or of charges in the par val11e of the n1onetary unit of other countries, shall be excluded fron1 the computation of the annual profits and losses of t� e Bank. (2) All such profits and losses sl1all re carried in a special account 11amed the ''International Reserve Revalt1atic,n Acco1111t''. 13. (I) Net losses of tl1e Bank shall be debited to the General Reserve Fund. (2) If at a11y tin1e, as a res11lt of net losses s�1stained by the Bank, the �e11eral . Reserve Fund shall be less tb.a11 tb.e capital of the Bank, the prov1s1011s of paragraph (2) of Article 11 hereof sl1all apply 11nti1 the general reserve fund shall again equal tl1e capital of th� Ba11k.

- 3�5 -



(3) The Government shall ensure the capital of the Bank shall remain intact at all times. 14. (1) A duly audited and signed balance sheet a11d annual profit and loss state­ me·nt shall be published in the annual report of tlie Bank. (2) An abbreviated balance s·heet shall be prepared and published monthly.

Chapter IV Organization and Administration of the Bank 15. The powers, resp·onsibilities and functions of the Bank provided for (herein shall be vested in the Board of Di]jectors hereinafter the ''Board''). 16. Th.e Board shall be composed of five (5) members, of v.rhich Our Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Bank shall be ex officio members and three (3) other members shall be appointed by Us. Amd. '1.4/1 (1965) 0.39.


17. (1) The Board shall be convened under the Chairmanship of the President, or in bis absence, the Vice-President, both of whom shall be nominated by Us from among the members of the Board; provided that in the absence of both tl1e President and the Vice-President the Dir�ctors present shall elect a Chairman. (2) The Board shall meet at least once month. (3) Meetings of the Board sl1all be convened by the President by notice to the other Directors. (4) The President shall convene a meeting promptly at any time if two (2) other Directors so req11est. (5) Meetings of the Board sl1all be held at the pri11ci1)al office of the Bank in Addis Ababa, unless the President consid.ers it advisable to hold the meeting else\¥here. Amd. 24/7 (1965) 0.39.


18. (1) Three (3) members ?f the Board shall co11stitute a quort1m. (2) All formal decisions of the Boa.rd shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of the members r>resent. In the case of a tie vote, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. In lieu of requiring a formal vote on a question before the Board, the Cl1air111an may ascertain the sense of the meeting unless any member of the Board present s11all reqt1ire a formal vote. (3) Minutes of each. meeting of the Board shall be recorded in st1ch form as the Board may determine; provided, l1owever, that forn1al decisions or resolu­ tions of the Board shall 'be recorded verbatim. Unless the Board shall decide otherwise, minutes of the Board shall be co11fidential. 19. (1) The Goven1or shall be the chief executive officer of the Bank. (2) The Governor shall be appointed by Us for a term of five (5) years or such lesser period as We may determine. The Governor shall be eligible for reappointment. - 376 -



(3) The Vice-Governor of the Bank shall be appointed by Us for s11ch period as We may determine. In the absenct of the Governor the Vice-Governor shall discharge all of the functions c)n.fen·ed on the Governor here11nder. (4) The Governor ancl the Vice-Governor shall devote their services exclusively to the Bank. 20. (1) The Governor shall in all his actions be g11ided by tl1e purpose of the Bank as set forth in Article 3 hereof. (2) The Board may from time to time delegate any of its powers hereunder to the Gover11or for such periods and on such terms and conditions as the Board shall consider appropriate. (3) The Governor shall keep tl1e Board currently informed on matters which require the Board's attention, and shall provide the Board, as far as possible, \vith such data and advice as will facilitate the form11lation of decisions and policies by the Board. The Go,ernor may at any time submit to the Board for adoption drafts of 111eas11res or resolution which in his vie\v are necessary to make the purpose and policies of the Bank effective. (4) The Governor shall guide and s11per'lise the administration and operations of the Bank in accordance with this Charter and with the decisions of the Board. (5) The Governor shall be the principal representative of the Bank, and shall, in this capacity: (a) represent the Bank in all relations with other persons, including the Government; (b) represent, either personally or tl.rough counsel, the Bank in any legal proceedings to \Vhich the Bank i:i a party; (c) sign individually, or jointly with other persons, contracts co11cl11ded by the Bank, notes or securities issued by the Bank, an11ual reports, balance sheets, profit and loss staten1ents, correspondence and other docu­ ments of the Bank. (6) The Governor may delegate his power to represent the Bank, as provided in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of section 5 of this Article 20, to other officers of the Bank upon his own ri:sponsibility. 21. The Board may adopt by-Ia,vs consistent with this Charter and may fix the remuneration of its members.

Chapter V General Provisions 22. The State Bank Proclamation (General Notice No. 21 of 1942), the Charter of the State Bank of Ethiopia (General Notice No. 18 of 1943) and the Interpreta­ tion of Certain Po,vers granted in the Charter of the State Bank of Ethiopia (General i'fotice No. 29 of 1944) are hereby repealed as of, and the State Bank of Ethiopia shall cease to exist on, December 31, 1963. CROSS REFERENCES State Bank Proclan1ation 1/6 (1942) P.21 (errmeously cited as a General Notice). Charter of the State Bank of Ethiopia', 3/3 (1943) G. 18. Interpretation of Certain Po\vers Granted in the Charter of the State Bank of Ethiopia, 4/3 (1944), G. 29.

- 377-





23. The manner of transfe-r of adl or certain of the asset's of, ood the assumption of alJ or certain of the liabilities of, the State Bank of Ethiopia by the Ba11k shall be determined by la\v. CROSS REFERENCE Tl1e law referred to in th.e present Article is the Disposition �ssets and L!abilities of the State Bank of Ethiopia Proclamation, 22/20 (1963) P.207. Becat1se 1t 1s only transrtory, that Proclan1ation is not included in the Co11solidated La1vs.


24. This Order shall come into force and tl1e Bank shall acquire juridical personality on December 31, 1963; provided, bowever, that prior to De� ember 31, 1963, the Bank may exercise only such po?1ers a.nd take only st1ch actions as are neces­ sary or desirable to impl.en1ent and make effective the transfer of assets to, and the assumption of liabilitie-s by, tlie Ba.nk to be made i11 a.ccordat1ce with the provisions of Article 23 hereo·f a11d generally to prepare for tl1e carrying on of business after December 31, 1963. Do11e at Addis Ababa this 27th day of July, 1963. 23/6 (1963) P. 211 A PROCLAMATION TO REGULATE TRANSACTIONS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONQUERil\TG LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDi\H l-IAILE SELA.SSIE I ELECT OF GOD. EV[PEROR OF ETHIOPIA \1/HEREAS, it is essential that a 1ew law deali11g \vitl1 transactio11s in foreign excba11ge be enacted; NO\\', THEREFORE, ir1 accorda11ce with Articles 34 a11d 88 of 011r Revised Constit11tion, We a.pprove tl1e resolutio11s of 011r Se11ate and Cl1an1ber of Dept1ties · ,1e l1ereby proclaim as follows: a11d v. 1. This Proclamation 1nay be cited as tl1e ''Foreigr1 Excha11ge Proclamatio11, 1963 ''. 2. 1 1 1 this Procla1nation tl1e following 1erms shall have tl1e n1ea11i11gs ascribed below: (a) ''A11thorized ba11l<'' 111ea11s the National Ba11l< o·f Etl1iopia or a11y Bank appoi11ted by tl1e Natio11al Ba11k of Etl1io1Jia witl1 tl1e a1J1Jroval of Our Minister of Fi11ance to e11gage i11 tra11sactions in foreig11 excl1a11ge; (b) ''a·utl1orized dealer'' mea11s any 1)erso11, otl1er than a bank, \Vl1icl1 is au­ thorized by t]1e National Bank )f J:<:thiopia \Vith tl1e ap1Jroval of Our 1\1inister of Finance to e11gage in certaii.1 s1Jecified transactio11s i11 t-oreig-r1 exchange ; (c) ''foreign ct1rrency'' n1ea11s �1ry ct1rre11cy other than Etl1iopia11 currency which is legal tender i11 a11y cot1ntry ot1tside 011r Empire; (d) ''foreign'' 111ea1 1s a11) foreig11 ct1rre11cy, cheq11es, bills of exchange, pro1nisory 11otes, drafts, sect11ities a11d otl1er 11egotiable or 11011-negotiable i11str11ments expressed i11 foreig11 n10 1 1etary t111its a.s well as bank bala nces l1eld abroad or assets i11 the for111 of foreign acco11nti11g or crediti11g arran�e­ ments, whether expressed or pa.y,tble in foreign c11rre i1cies or in Eth iopian dollars; - 378 -



(e) ''person'' . means an� individual, oody of l)ersons, corporatio11 1 compa11y, part11ersl11p or assoc1atio11; (f) ''temporary visito� to Ot1r En1pire·' n1ea11s a perso11 \vl10 is 11ot e1nployed by any employer 1n Ot1r �111pire and vvho does 11ot stay in Ot1r E1npire for more than one l1t111dred e1gl1ty-tl1ree ( I 83) days i11 tJ1e aggregate i 11 a11y one year; (g) ''tra11sactio11 i11 f oreig11 excl1a11ge'' 111ea11s: (i) the �ransfer, borrowing, le11cling, assig11111e11t, excha11ge, pt1rcl1ase, sale, receipt, :payn1e11t or crecliti11g of foreign excha11ge witl1i11 Ot1r Em1)ire; and (ii) the conclt1sio11 \.Yitl1i11 Ot1r E111)ire of a11y contractl aoreeme11t O , arra11°eo . ment or trnderstanding by a i:erson within Ot1r E1npire as a rest1lt of \1/l1ich a11y foreig11 excl1a11ge is tra11sferrecl, borrowed, le11t, asig11ed, excl1anged, pt1rchased, sold, r�ceived, paid or credited, \vl1ether \Vithi11 or without Ot1r En1pire; (h) ''valt1able thi11g'' n1ea11s any article of val11e a11d a11y goods a11d n1ercba11dis�, b11t sl1all 11ot i11cl11de foreign excha11ge or a11y bo11a .ficle baggage of a pas­ senger defined .i11 tl1e customs tari.lf. CROSS REFERENCE The custon1s tariff provision referred to in Su)article (h) appears to be 10/8 (1951) L.153 Art. 388, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 7.

3. (a) No perso11, i11clt1di11g a tem1)orary \isitor to Our E111pire, shall e11gage \.Vithi11 Our Empire i n any tra11saction in foreign exchange which falls witl1i11 tl1e meani11g of paragraph (g) (i) of A1ticle 2 hereof exce1)t with a11 at1thorized bank or an a11tl1orized dealer or ,vith the per1nissio11 of a11 at1tl1orized ba11k. (b) Any person other tha11 a tem1)orary visitor to Ot1r Empire \Vho e11gages i 1 1 a transaction in foreig11 excl1a11ge ,vl1:ch falls witbi11 tl1e n1eani11g of paragraph (g) (ii) of Article 2 hereof a11d wl10 acquires foreig11 excl1a11ge or tl1e right to receive foreig11 excl1a11ge as a rest1lt of st1ch transactio11, shall be s11bject to tl1e provisions of Article 5 hereof. 4. (a) No valuable thing ma.y, i11 a11y 1111n11er, be ex1)orted or tra11sferred across the customs bo11ndaries or frontiers of 011r En1J)ire unless and 1111til the owner, shipper or consignor of tl1e valuable thing sl1all have declared, on a forn1 or forms prescribed by the N·ational Ba11k of Etl1iopia, a full descrip­ tion of tl1e valt1able thing and a recital of all foreig11 excl1ange rest1lting or to result directly or indirectly frc,m such export or transfer. Stich declara­ tion shall also include an 11ndertaki11g to pay or assign to an authorized bank within a 111axim11m period cf six (6) n1011ths from the date of st1ch declaratio11, at the establisl1ed rate of excba11ge, any a11d all foreig11 excl1ange res11lting or to result directly· from: Vi1l1etl1er within or ,vitho11t Our Empire, such export or tra11sfer. (b) The declaratio11 referred to i11 para�raph (a) of this Article 4 sl1all be subject to the approval of an authorizecl rank ancl shall be annexed to the ct1stollls declaration. (c) Tl1e Custo1ns Administratio11 of 0Jr Ministry of Fi11ance shall not pass for export any valt1able thing 11nless the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article 4 sl1all have been complied with.

-.379 -



5. Any person· other than a temperary visitor to Our Empire who acquires foreign exchange or the right to receive foreign ex�hange as the result o�.a transa.ction in foreign exchange falling within the mean1ng of .paragraph (g) {u) of Article 2 h.ereof shall, promptly upon acquiring said fore1gn exchange or the right to receive the same declare it to an authorized ban.k on a form or forms prescribed by the National Bank of Ethiopia, wbic.h declaration shall c� ntain a full des­ cription of the foreign exchange and a recital of the � ransa_ct1on �ut of which the same arises. Said person shall the.reafter pay or assign said fore1gn exchange or the right to receive the same to said al1thorized ban� within a maximum period of three (3) months from the date of such declaration, at the established rate of exchange; provided, however, that th.e provisions of this Article 5 shall not apply to cases in which the declaration re.ferred to in paragraph (a) of Article 4 hereof shall therefor have been made. 6. No person wh0 has the right to receive any foreign exchange resulting from any transaction in foreign exchange as defined in Ai·ticle 2 shall, without th e prior approval of an authorized bank, do or refrain from doing any act with the intention of d.elaying receipt of or of extinguishing his right to receive any or all of said foreign exchange. 7. No person entering into or departing from Our Empire shall ca.rry with him an. amot1nt of Ethiopian currency in excess of an amount fixed by the National Bank of Ethiopia by regulation. 8. The 1-Iational Banlc of Ethiopia may, from time to time, prescribe by regulations the terms and conditions upon which persons departing from Our Empire may cai·ry with them foreign exchange. 9. The National Bank of Ethiopia may, from time to time, isstLe st1ch regulations and notices as may be necessary for the better carrying 011t of the provisions of this Proclamation, including, without limiti11g the generality of the foregoing, regulatio11s specifying the terms and conditions 11pon vi1hich foreign exchange may be made available to applicants therefor . Any reg11lations so issued may, if tl1e l'-l'atio11al Bank of Ethiopia deems it ap1Jropriate or necessary, be published in the Negarit Gazeta over the signattrre of a d11ly authorized official of said National Bank. 10. Any person in Our Empire shall, when so directed by the ·National Bank of Ethiopia, produce to said National Bank or to its designated representative all information, books, records, accounts and other documents in his possession or control which may be req11ired for the purpose of securing compliance with or detecting evasion of the provisions of this Proclamation. 11. The Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia may, for good ca11se shown , by regulatio11 exempt certain categories of transactions i11 foreign excl1a.nge from the application of the provisions of this Proclamation. 12. The following laws and all regulations issued purst1ant tl1ereto are hereby re­ pealed and replaced by this Proclamatio11: (a) Prohibition of Export (Maria Theresa Dollars) Proclamation, 1942 (Pro­ clamation No. 23 of 1942);

- 380-



(b) Currency Proclamatio11, 1942 (Prodamation No. 31 of 1942); (c) Currency (Ame11dment) Proclan1ation, 1948 (Proclan1ation No. 99 of 1948). CROSS REFERENCES Prohibition of Export (Maria Theresa Dollars) Proclamation, 2/1 (1942) Currency Proclama­ tion, 2/2s (1942) P. 31. Currency (Amendment) Pnclamation, 7/10 (1948) P. 99.

13. Any violation of the provisions of this Proclamation shall be punisl1able in accordance ,vith the provisio11s of the Ethiopian Penal Code, 1957. CROSS REFERENCE The relevant Articles of the Penal Code appear to be Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 357,428, 733.

14. Tlus Proclamation shall come into force on the date of its publicatio11 i11 the Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa this 25th day Df December, 1963.

- 381 -



Section 16


A PROCLAMATION TO CONSOLIDATE AND AMEND THE LAW RfELA.TING TO THE CUSTOMS CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EMPEROR OF .ET·HIOPIA accordance with Article 34 of 0.1r Constitution We approve the resolutions of Our Senate and tl1e Cl1an1ber of Dei:uties and We proclaim ,Ls follows: 111

CONSOLIDATION NOTE The ConsLitutio11 referred to J1ere is the Co11stitu1ion of 1931. Tl1is Constitution was repealed and replaced by tl1e llevised Conslitt1lion of 1955, 15/2 (1955). P. 149, 1 Consol. L. Et/1. 1. The Arri­ ' le of tl1e Revisecl Constilt1tion parallel to tl1e cited Article of the 1931 Constitt1tion is Article 88.

Part I. PB.ELIMINAR Y 1. Tlus Procla111atio11 may be cited as tl1e ''Ct1stoms ProcJamatio11, 1955''. 2. I11 tl1is Proclan1ation a11d i11 a11y n1les and reg11l:1tio11s 111ade tl1ereunder the follo,vi11g words a11d expressions sl1all :1ave the mear1i11g hereby assigned to t11en1 1111less tl1e co11 text othervvise req11ires. ''By a11tl1ority'' n1ea11s by the a11tlLority of tl1e Director Ge11eral of Custo1ns or any officer of Custon1s doi11g d111y i11 t]1e n1atter i11 relatio11 to vvhicl1 the expres­ sio11 is used; ''Ct1stoms'' 1nea11s the Customs Ad111i11istratio11; ''Director'' n1eans tl1e Djrector of C11sto1ns or a11y officer for the tin1e being J awfully acti11g in that capacity; ''Court'' 111ea11s a court established 1111der tl1e Adn1i11istratio11 of Jt1stice Pro­ cla1natio11, 1942; ''C11stoms Officer'' includes all pers)11s employed in the service of the CL1ston1s otl1er tha11 labourers; ''Days'' does 11ot inclttde Su11days or J)ttblic holidays; ''Doc11n1ents'' includes books; ''Drawback'' mea11s a repayment of the dL1ty t111der tl1e provisior1s of tl1e Cus­ to111s Procla1natio11 ltpon goocls t1po11 re-�XJ)Ortatio11. Tl1e ter111 ''dravvback'' i11cludes bo11nty or allowance; *INTRODUC1DRY FOOTNOTE J111p/. a111d.

Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957), 22/20 (1963) P. 206.

- 382 -



''Dutiable goocls'' i11cl11des all goods i11 resJJect of \.vl1ich a11)' dt1ty of Ct1stoms is payable; ''Entry'' n1ea11s tl1e prese11tatio11 to tl1e Director of Custo111s of tl1e co111iJletecl .i111port or export declaratio11; '.'Explosive � '' n1eans 11itro-glyceri11e, dynan1ite, gu11-cotto11, blasti11g-powder, fulminate of 111erct1ry or �tl1er 111e�als, a11d every otl1er explosive st1bsta11ce being any corupot�11d of, or hav111g a11y 111gredie11ts i11 comn1011 witl1, a11y of tl1e above, and not be111g gt111po,vcler j)erct1ssio11 caps, rockets, or ft1ses, bt1t i11clt1di11g fire­ ,vorks; , ''Exportati.011'' or ''exporti11g'' 111ea11s tl1e co11veya11ce of goods across tl1e frontier to a foreign port; ''Foreig11 port'' 111ea11s a11y place be)1011d tl1e lin1its of the E1npire; ''Gazette'' mea11s tl1e Negarit Gazeta; ''Goods'' i11clt1des all kinds of 1110,,eable (Jro1Jerty or perso11al property a11d i.11cl11des animals; ''Goods 11nder dra'rvback'' i11cludes all goods i11 respect of wbjch a11y clai111 for drawback has bee11 n1acle; ''Governme11t ,varel1ot1se'' n1ea11s a11y JJlace provided by the Governme11t a11cl approved by the Director for the stori11g of goods entered to be warel1011secl; ''Importation'' or ''importi11g'' 111ea11s t]1e bri11ging of goods i11to or within the Em1)ire by sea, air, or la11d fro111 a foreig11 port; ''Licensed ,varehouse'' 111eat1s a11y warehouse lice11sed for t11e deposit of dt1tiable goods on which d11ty l1as 11ot bee11 J)aid; ''.Licensed'' n1eans lice11sed by the Director; ''Prescribed'' mea11s prescribed by Regt1]atio11s; ''Owner'' in respect of goods i11clt1des a11y 1)ersot1 (otl1er tl1a11 a11 officer or Ct1stoms acti11g in l1is official capacity) being or holdi11g hi111self ot1t to be the O\vner, importer, exporter, consig11ee, age11t, or person in possessio11 of or be11eficial]y interested in, or having a11y co11trol of, or power of dispositio11 over the goods; ''Parts beyond tl1e Seas'' 111eans any country or place outside the En1pire; ''Package'' i11cludes every 111eans by 'rvl1icl1 goods for carriage n1ay be cased, covered, enclosed, contai11ed or packed; ''SmuggLing'' means a11y i111portatio11 or exportatio11 of goods with i11tent to defraud tb.e revent1e or to evade a11y prohibitio11 of, restriction 011, or regulation as to the importation or ex1Jortatio11; ''Sn1t1ggle'' a11d ''smuggled goods'' have corresponding n1eanings; ''This Procla1natio11'' i11clt1des all regt1lations made tl1ereunder. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tbe A1nharic text of this Article on1its tJ1e definition of tl1e word "Customs''.

CROSS REFERENCE Adn1inistration of Justice Proclamation, 1/1 (1942) P.2, 5 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1. See also Crim. Pro. C. 21/Ex.I (1961) Arts. 4-7, Sched. ( �lt �r� g jurisdiction o_f c�u�ts in crin1inal matters), Civ. Pro. C. 25/.Ex. 3 (1965) Arts. 4-31 (altering Jar1sd1ct1on of courts 10 civil matters), 22/7 (1962) P.195, 5 Consol. L. Et/1• 10 as amd. 22/16 (1963) P. 203, (repealing P.2 but indefinitely suspended by tl1e amendment contaioeli in P. 203).

- 383 -

-------.-. -son--�-------------is �eq1:J�red _to answer any 3. Whenever by this Proclamation any per _ que s 16-1


tion, such person shall, to the best of his knowledge, 1nformat1on and belief, truly answer any such question that may be asl<:ed. 4. When.ever by this Proclamation any person is required _to produce docume­ nts, such person shall, to the best of his power, produce to the Director all documents relating to the subject-matter mentioned. Part II. ADMINISTRATION 5. There shall be a Director <Jenera! of Custonts who shall be the permanent head of the Customs and shaN, under the Minister of Finance, have the chief control of the Customs throughout tie Empire. 6. The Director Gen.era! shall ha'\'e the control and management of the collec­ tion of duties and of matters incidental thereto and of the officers and persons em­ ployed in the Customs, subject to any law or regulations governing public service. The Director General and Director of Customs shall be appointed by His Imperial Majesty. 7. All or any of the powers and d11ties conferred or imposed by this Procla­ mation on the Director General be exercised or perf armed by st1ch other person as the Director G-e11eral may, with the consent of the Minister of Finance, by writ­ in.g under his hand appointed in that behalf. 8. A delegation shall be revocable in writing at will, ancl no delegation sl1all prevent the exercise of any l)O\ver by tile Chief of Cl.1stoms. 9. All Officers acting in the Custc,n1s at the co:ming into force of this Proclamation shall be deemed to have been d11ly appoi11ted. 10. The seal of the Customs shall be tl1e seal in use at the commencement of this Proclamation, until a f11rther or other seal be prescribed. Such seal shall be judicially noticed. 11. The Director General may appoint such places for the examination of goods as he may consider necessary. 12. All examination places appointed as s11ch when this Proclamation conies into effect sl1all be deemed to have been appointed under thls Proclamation. 13. Declarations 11nder this Procla1natio11 n1ay be n1ade before a court regis­ trar, Director of Customs, or before a.1:y other officer a11thorized in tl1at behalf by the Director General. 14. No person shall knowingly receive a cleclaration made under tllis Procla­ mation by any person apparently under the age of eighteen years. 15. The w�rking d�ys_ and hours of the C11stoms shall be as prescribed, and �x­ cept when special permission to work cargo outside of Customs ordinary worki ng hours is granted by the Director cargo shall only be received, loaded, or worked on, on working days and during worki.1g hours. 16. Supervision Fees at t?e presc�bed rates will be payable when the ser vices or rs, are hou reqwred, r e 0:ffic. outstde of Customs Customs ordi11ary working of a on Sundays or holidays.




.Part III. CUSTOMS ADMIN1STRAT1V.E CONTROL, EXAMINATION, . E1�TRIES, AND SEC URJTIES GE. N"ER.ALLY 17. Goods sl1�tll be st1bject to tl1e co11:rol of the Ct1stoms as follo\.vs: (a) As to all goods in11)ortecl, fron1 the tin1e of i1nportatio11 ut1til all ct1sto111sdues a11d dt1ties sl1all have bee11 ftilly paid. (b) As to ,111 goods t111cler dravvbacl, fron1 the tin1e of tl1e claim for draw­ baclc until exportatio11. (c) As to all goods st1bject to a11y export dt1ties, from the tin1e when tl1e same are brot1gl1t to any place for exportatio11 1111til tl1e pay1nent of duty. (d) As to all goods for export, tl1e e1portatio11 of wllicl1 is subject to compli­ ance with a.ny co11dition or restriction 1111der any Proclamatio11 from tl1e time the goods are made or prepared i11 or are brought i11to, any prescribed place for export, 1111til their exportation. 18. The co11trol of tl1e Customs i11clt1d�s the right of the Customs to examine all goods subject to sucl1 co11trol: (a) packages sl1all be 01Je11ed for exa1nination in the presence of tl1e owner or co11sig11ee or tl1e agent of eitl1er; (b) provided that goods i111ported throt1gh the post office may be dealt with :is prescribed by a11y regulation concerning the post office, but sl1all nevertheless be s11bject to tl1e control of the C11stoms. (c) If tl1e owner or co11sig11ee of an/ goods is u11l<no,v11 or cannot be fou11d or does not appear i11 perso11 or by l1is agent witllin 31 days of the goods coming into Customs control, the Director accompanied by three Ct1s­ ton1s officers shall a.pen and exa1nine the goods, making a detailed list of the goods which sl1all be sig1ed by said Di1·ector a11d officers copies of ,vllich shall be fo'rvarded to the Ministry of Fina11ce a11d the court. Provided that, if the officer s11spects that any package co11tains peri­ shable, proltibited or da11gerous �oods, he may 01Je11 st1ch })aclcage at any tin1e after tl1e goods come i11t<l C11ston1s control. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tbe Amharic version of this A.rticle includes St1barticle (b) in Subarticle (a) and makes Subarticle (c) Subarticle (b) and omits the last paragraph. It also lacks the clause "or does not appear in person or by his agent \Vithin 31 dcys of the goods coming into Customs control".

19. All t1Je expe11ses of a11y examination of goods by the custon1s shall be borne

by the owner. 20. No goods subject to the control of the C11stoms shall be moved, altered, or interfered ,vitl1 except by a11tl1ority and in accordance with this Procla1nation. 21. Wl1en goods are imported i11to tl1e E1npire throt1gh the Post Office the de­ claration for1n or label aff1Xed to the package 11nder the Postal Regulations may, at the Director's discretion, be accepted i11 lieu of the e11try required under the provisio11s of this Proclamation, a11d the acco1111t of tl1e contents, value and other partic11lars e11tered on s11cl1 declaration form or label and signed by the sender may, subject to C11stoms verification, be accepted for the p11rpose of assessi11g the duty payable. All goocls contaj11ed in any packets imported by post and found not to agree with tl1e particulars e11tered on the declaration 1�orm signed by the owner shall be liable to ·forfeiture. - 38� -


22. Entries may be made and passed fer all goods subject to the control of the Customs. 23. Entries shall be m.ade by th.e delivery of the entry with the prescribed number of duplicates thereof by the owner to the Director. 24. The Director m.ay permit the entry of any go�ds in_ such form a11d ma11ner and on such conditions as he may direct to meet the ex1genc1�s of any case to which the provisions of this Proclamatio11 cannot nor1nally be applied. 25. Any p.erso,n m·aki,ng any entry shall, if required by the Director, answer ques­ tions relating to the goods referred to in the e11try. 26. Eatiries shall be passea by the Director sig11iID.g the entry, a11d on passing of the e·nt.ry the goods shall be d.eemed ta be e11tered, and any entry so passed sl1all be warra.nt for dealin.g with the goods in. accorda11ce with the entry. 27. All goods in respect of which any entry has bee11 made a11d passed shall f orthwith be dealt witl1 in accordance "itl1 the entry. 28. Goods being the personal baggage of passengers may be imported or ex­ ported witb.ottt entry. 29. The Director G·e 1 1eral of Ct1storns shall have the right to req11ire and take se­ curities for compliance with tl1 is Procltmation and generally for the protection of tl1e reven11 e of the C11stoms, and pendi11g tl1e giving of the req11 ired security in relation to a11y goods st1bject to the con1rol of the Custon1s may reft1se to deliver the goods or to pass any e11try relating tl1ereto. 30. Where a11y sec11rity is req11ired to be given s11ch sec11rity 1nay be by bond 01· guarantee or cash deposit or all or any such n1etbods as 111ay be apJJroved by the Director General. 31. Whe11 security is reqt1ired for any partict1lar lJlLrpose, sec·urity ma.y be accep­ ted to cover all tra11sactio11s for s11cl1 1ime a11d. for such a11101111t as tl1e Director General of Customs may aJJprove. 32. Custon1s security 111ay, after the exJJiration of three years from the date the­ reof or from the date specified for tl1 e performances of the co11.ditio1 1s tl1ereof, be ca11celled by the Director General of C11stoms. 33. If the Director Ge11 eral of Custon1s shall 11 ot at a11y tin1e be satisfied with the strfficiency of any security he 11Jay 1equire a fresh security ,l 1 1d a fresl1 sect1rity shall be give11 accordingly. 34. The form of Ct1ston1s sect1rity iu the Sched11le to this Proclan1ation shall sttf­ fice for all the pt1rposes of a bond or g11 arantee u11der this Proc'la.111 a.tion, ftnd, unless otherwise provided tl1erein, sl1all bi11d its st1bscribers joi 11 tly at1d severally for the full an1ou11t. ­ oduc p the s11ch Custo1ns any ever seCL1rity Wbe is pt1t Director st1it r i11 35. by tl1e � . tion thereof w1thot1 t f11rther proof shall entitle the Director to jiidgment for its state d liability against the person or pe!·sorJS appearing to }1ave exectited the same , was y prove sec11rit s_ h a11 compl1ancc they or with he the tI1e con. d itio11 nless or that 1 1 not exect1ted by lu.m or tl1em or shall prove release or satisfaction. 36 . All permits shall be issued subject to such conditions as may be pre scri­ bed, and may be revoked, altered, or suspended by the Director. -386 -



Part IV. rfHE IMPORTATION OF GOODS Division I. Prohibited and Restricted Imports 37. No prohibited imports sl1all be i1nported. The follo\vi11g are prohibited imports: (a) G�ods the i1nJ)Ort�tio11 of \Vluct is prohibited u11der the :1utl1ority of this or any otl1er Proclamatio11 or any la\v for tl1e time being in force i11 tl1e Empire. (b) �alse and co1111terfei � n1011ey, coi11of tl1e Empire, and any 1noney p11rport111g to be sucl1, not being of the establisl1ed sta11dard i11 ,veight or fi11e11ess. (c) lndece11t or _obscene prints, J)ai11tings, books, cards, lithographic or other engrav111gs or any other i1Jdece11t or obsce11e articles. (d) Nlatcl1es 1n tl1e manufacture of\vhich white phosphorus bas been employed. 38. Goods of ,vl1ich the i111portation is for the tin1e being restricted or regulated by a11y law for the time being i11 force in tl1e Empire (i11 tl1is Proclamation referred to as restricted or reg11lated i1n1Jorts) sl1all not be i1111Jorted except i11 accorda11ce wi.tl1 the restrictions or reg11lations applica)le. Division II. The Importat ion of Goods By Air 39. For the purpose ot� co11trolling the importation of goods by air: (a) the craft may be boarded; (b) the cargo shall be rep0rted; (c) the goods n1anifestedfor discl1arge ;l1all be unloaded, and n1ay be exan1i11ed. Importation of Go,}ds Otherwise Than by Air 40. (1) Goods i1nported otherwise tl1an by air shall be bro11ght to an appoi11ted place of e11try and n1ust be co11veyed by a route defined for la11cl carriage to the place of entry. (2) If the c11stoms house is 11ot on tie fro11tier, the goods s11all be co11veyed by the defi11ed route to it fro.rr; the frontier. (3) If the 11earest c11stoms ho11se is 11n:1.ble to receive any goods imported they sl1all be carried on to the neare·,t customs house able to receive them, bt1t the JJersons in charge of the g1)ods shall obtain from the first customs . ho11se a certificate that they hare visited it and declared the goods . . ( 4) The 111ea11s of co11veyance n1ay be boarded. 41. The ow11er or perso11 co11veying gcods to Ethiopia fron1 elsewhere other­ wise than by air sl1all immediately after arri,al at the frontier customs house or the appointed place of entry, make report of the mea� s o� co11veya11c� and tl1e goods by deliveri11g to the offi.cer in charge a declaration, 1n the prescribed form, of particulars of the means of co11veyance and the goods conveyed and sl1all facilitate boarding of the means of conveyarce by the proper officer. Division ID.


The Entry, Landing and_ Examination of Goods 42. All in1ported goods shall be entered in the prescribed forn1 either: (a) for home consumption; (b) for warel1ousing; (c) for transit. - 387Division IV.





43. If the owneT cannot imD1ediately supply tlw full par!iculars for making an entry and shall make a declwation to tiat eft'ect before the Drriect�r, he may mak e a provisional entry and deposit a sU1n stfficient to cover the duty involved. 44. A provisio11al entry on being passed by the Director s�all be warrant for the landing or unloading and exanlinati9n of the goocl.s. Delivery of the goods may be made. 45. ([) The owner of goods include<!l in a provisio�aI_ e11try shall, witlii11 three months after the passing of th. e entry or w1tbi11 such further tim e, if any, as the Director may see fit tio allow, make com,plete entry there of. (2) A e0mplete en.try of the goods included in a provisional entr·y sl1all be mad.e 1n such. a manner as if the provisional entry J1ad not been made. 46. Errtrie.s shall be m.ade of the whole of every cargo la11ded ✓ithin such time as the Director may allow. (a) If de.fault shall be made in the entry of any goods p11rs11ant to this Article and if no claim is submitted within a period of three 111onths or if the owner fails to appear within one month from the time of tl1e notice of the sale of goods, the Director accompanied by three officers will make a detailed list of tl1e goods a11d sl1all sell sa111e by p11blic a11ctio11. (b) If tl1e goods are of a per.i5hable nat1u·e they may be sold at any time tl1e Director thinks fit eitber before or after warel1ousing. T


Part V. THE WAREI-IOUSING OF GOODS License1! Warehouses 4-7. Suitable goods 1nay be \1/areho11sed in warehouses licensed by tl1e Di­ rector General of Custon1s subject to any prescribed. conditions. 48. Tl1e Director General of Ct1sto111s may specify i11 s11cl1 licence in what man­ ner a11)' gooels a11d \vl1at sort of goods mB.y and ma.y only be Vi'areho11sed. 49. There ma)' be two classes of .icensed v1arehouses as follows: Class I - General warehou&::s to be 11sed for \Vare]1ot1si11g goods generally. Class II - Private warel1o·ures to be 11sed 0111)' for \Varel1011sing goods tl1e property of the Licensee. 50. Fees for warel1ouse licences according to a scale prescribed shall lJe paid b y tl1e licensee in adva11ce 011 the first day of Maskaram in eacl1 ye,1r. 51. The pro1)rietor or occ11pier of any licensed \Varehouse "''ho fails to re11ew the licence at1d continues to warehotise goods tl1ere11nder after tl1e expiration of s11cl1 licence sl1all be liable to a fi11e fro111 ten to fifty Etl1iopia11 dollars according to the quantity of the goods as estimated b)' the Director ,1.nd three officers for e,1ery day duri11g which he shall co11tin11e so to wareho11se goods without licence. · 1a)' by 11otice in writing cancel a11y lice11ce: 52. The Du·ector General of Customs n (a) in default of payment of fny l)art of the lice11ce fee; or (b) where the owner or keeper of the warel1ouse 11as bee11 co 11victed of a breach of this Proclamation or has becon1e ba11krupt. 53. The Director General of Customs may at a11y time for good cause ca ncel a licence. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of tl1is Article reads ''......may at any time without good cause cancel a 't


- 388 -

16-1 ------------- ---------· CUSTOMS, IMPORT AND EXPORT TAXES

54. Whet1ever a licence is cancelled: (a) tl1e duties on tl1e warel1ot1sed goods sl1all be paid or the goods shall be removed to a11other apJ)roved warehot1se \Vithin such ti1ne as the Director General of Ct1sto1ns shall direct. Goods 11ot so cleared or removed shall be taken by the Director Ge11eral to tl1e Government \\ arehouse at tl1e owner's ex1)ense; (b) the warehouse sl1all cease to be a licensed warehot1se unless relicensed tinder this Proclamatio11. 55. All warehouses licensed whe11 this Proclamation came into effect shall be deemed to be licensed under this Procla111ation for the term of such lice11ce. 56. Upon the arrival of a11y goods to be warebot1sed, or as soon as practicable thereafter, a Customs officer shall take a particl1lar accol1nt of the goods and shall enter st1cb account in a book. Except where otl1erwise provided, such account shall be that upon ,vhich the dt1ties shall be ascertained and paid. . 57. When any goods e11tered for warehousing have been dt1ly deposited in the vvarehouse, the officer shall certify that the warehot1sing is complete by signing a receipt for the goods. 58. If any goods entered to be warehot1sed are not warehot1sed accordingly by the owner, the Director may remove tl1em to the warehot1se. The licensee of the warehouse shall pay all charges for the removal of the goods removed by the Director and shall have a lien on the goods for st1ch charges. 59. Goods entered for warehousing shall be deposited in the warehouse in the packages in which they were imported, except goods repacked at the landing place which shall be deposited in tl1e packages in ,vhich they were wl1en the account was taken. 60. The licensee of every warehouse shall: (a) keep books sho-vving date of entry of goods, date of release of goods, name of owner of goods, and \varehouse charges; (b) stack and arrange the goods in the warehouse so that reasonable access to and examination of every package may be bad at all times; (c) provide st1fficient lights and just scales and weights for the use of the officer; (d) find all labour and materials reqt1isite for the storing, examining, pack­ ing, marking, cooperii1g, V.'eighing and taking stock of the warehoused goods whenever the Director may desire; (e) pay the duty on _all warehoused goods remov�d from his warehouse except by authority and on all .warehoused goods not produce� to !he officer on demand unless st1ch goods are accounted for to the sat1sfact1on of the Director. 61. No person shall, except by authority, open any warehouse or gain access to the goods therein. 62. The Director may by notice .in writing require the owi1er of any goods in any private wareho11se, within a time to be specified in the _ notice to re?1ove them to some general wareho11se or to pay the �uty thereon,. and 1f the or�er 1s not c_om­ plied with the goods may be sold by the Director; provided that the time prescribed shall not be less than three n1ontl1s from the date of receipt of such 1

- 389 -



63. The Director at all houvs of tt.e day 0r aight sh�M h.ave access to aJily part of any waFehol1se and power to exami11e the goods th�rem and for that purpos e to break open nhe warelt.ouse aJiJ.d any premises Necessary to be passed. through to secure access. CONSOLIDATION NOl:E

The Anlhari� version of this Article reads! ''Wbenev�r something d?ubtful is found in any warehouse the Director of Customs shall enter 1t along with the owner. If the owner of the ware­ house has gone out of the country where the warehouse is situated without n?tifying and receiving ])er-mission fir0m tb.e Director of Customs, the wareh.011se ma,y be sealed _unttl tl1e owner appears. When it is felt there is something dangerous lcpt in the warehouse the D1r�tor_accompanied by 3 Customs officers may open or break open the warehouse and make an exam1nat10�. He shall make a List of goods which sl1all be signed by the Director and the officers. If the own�r ts not found, th.e Director accompanied by three other Custon:s officers sha]l do whatever he thinks a.ppropriate."

64. Warehoused goods may be regauged, remeasured, reweighed or examined by the officer, either by direction of tl1e Director or at the req11est and expens e of the owner, and diuty shall be payable according to the rest1lt. No reduction in duty can be n1ade for shortage of contentE in bottles. Allo,vance will be made where bottles contai11i11g beverages have beer broken or destroyed. 65. The Director may allow the O'Vt1er or other perso11 having co·ntrol of ware.­ housed goods to sort, separate, pack and re-pack such goods and to make such lav,1 ft1I alterations therei11 or arrangen1ents and assort1nents thereof as may be neces­ sary for tl1e preser,,ation of s11ch goods or in preparation for the sales, shipment or legal disposal of tl1e san1e. Tl1e Direc:or shall notify tl1e ow11er of any perishable goocls, in writing, setti11g 011t tl1e reas0ns therefor to dest1·oy such goods by fire or other 111ea11s, if the perishable goods are s11ch as to bring abo11t insanitation or be­ con1e a da11ger to public I1ealth. If tl1e 01,,vner of the goods ca1111ot be found or located the Director giving bis reasons in detai] i11 ,vriting sl1all proceed to clestroy the goods by fire or other means. 66. Warehot1sed goods subject to an ad .. valorem dtrty which have deteriorated in q11a.lity may be reval11ecl 011 ap1Jlication of the ow11er, and dt1ty sl1all be paid according to the result if tl1e Director is satisfied tl1at the deterioratio11 11as been accide11tally caused. 67. The Director General of Ct1ston1s may cause any warehoused goods which in the 01Ji11ion of the Custon1s are not �ort11 the d11ty paya'ble thereon to be destro)1ed and may ren1it the d11t31 • CONSOLIDATION NOTE I n additio� to ":;!1at appears in the Engli�l1 version, tl1e Ainl1aric version of the present Article says the follow1ng: fhe owner of any goods destroyed shall pay to the licensee of the \\1arehouse, ble paya charges tl1e of Ct1storns if goods VYere Director in th. e a Governme11t warel 1 ouse, or to the in respect of the destroyed goods.''

68. The Director 1na� order goods of a readily co111b11stible or inflammable 11ature to be ,vareho11sed 111 a separat� warel1ot1se. 69. Warehoused goods may be entered (a) for home cons11n1ption; (b) for export; (c) for removal for wareho11sing elsewl1ere. - 390 -



70. If, after goods l 1ave bee11 e11tered for ,varehot1si11 g either on importatio11 entered be they shall hav tl1ey bee11 ac1t1ally warehot1sed, or ren1oval a11d before � _ f ?r home co11s11n1_pt�o1 1, exportation or re111oval, the goods so e11tered shall be con­ s1der �d �s constrtrctively w �rel1 011secl a1 1d 1nay be delivered for l101ne co11surnptio11, expo1tat1011 or ren1oval as 1f act11ally vvarel:i.ot1sed. GOVERNMENT WAREI-IOUSES 71. Goverll?1e�t warel1ot1ses n1ay be appoi11tecl by tl1e Director General of Customs by notice 1n the Negarit Gazeta. 72. Fees shall be paid in respect of aoy goods warehot1sed or deposited in any Government \varel1ouse according to the prescribed scale. 73. All fees shall be paid before the removal of the goods. 74. If a11y goods deposited in a Governn1ent warehouse are not removed within six months after deposit, the goods may be sold by the Director. Perishable goods may be sold at any time tl1e Director thlIJks fit. 75. Government vvarel1ot1ses shall be wholly tincler the co1 1trol of the Customs, and shall be especially available for the examination of goods and storage of seized and unclaimed goods, but otherwise all the provisions of this Proclamation relating to warehouses shall so far as is practicable apply to Gover11n1ent \Varehouses. 76. The Director may refuse to allo,v delivery of any goods deposited in a Government \Varehouse unless all dues a1d duties, freight, removal charges and rent dt1es in respect of the goods have been paid. Part VI - EXPORTATION OF GOODS 77. No prohibited goods shall be exported. 78. Goods the export of which for the time being is restricted or regulated by any law for the ti.n1e bei11g in force shall not be ex1Jorted except in accordance with the restriction or regulations applicable. 79. If any goods e11tered for export are not exported according to the entry: (1) the owner sl1all imn1ediately 1e1Jort the fact to the officer and amend his entry for the goods; (2) the goods if d11tiable shall fo1thwith be \Varehot1 sed or re-entered for sttbsequent exportation. 80. Tl1e Director may require the owner to produce documents for any goods entered for export, and in the case of goods subje_ct to the control of the �ustoms to give security that the same will be landed or d�l1ver_ed at the pl� ce for which they are entered or otherwise accot1nted for to t.1e sat1sfact1on of the Director. Part VII -THE PAYMENT AND COMPUTATION OF DUTIES GENERALLY 81. Customs import duties shall not l:e levied on the following goods: (a) goods which are IJroved to ha,e been produced or manufactured within the Empire; (b) goods reimported into the Empire on which no clrawback has been allowecl on exportation;

- 39L -



Provided that ,vlaere goods re-imported after altera�on, renovation, or repair duty shall be chargeable on such cos� of alteration, renovation, or repair effeeted in parts beyond the Bm1P1re. 82. (1) The Minister of Finanoe may by order pu �tished in the _ Negarit Gazeta a11tborize tl1e temporary admission of specified goods -vv:1tho�1t payment of duty vvl,en s11ch goods imported, wholly or pr1mar1ly, for the pttrpose of being manufac1ured in Ethiopia into products or articles which are to be exported. (2) The conditions of importat:on shal[ be as prescribed. 83. (I) All goods which have been imported free of duty on the ground that t!hey are the property of the Imperial Govern�ent o� of any company, firm or person privile.ged by contract or otherwise to import such goods free of duty shall, in case of the sale thereof be liable to and be charged witl1 duty at the assessed va.lue at the time of sale. (2) Any person who causes such goods to be sold shall, before the sale furnish the Director General of C11stoms witl1 particulars of the sale tl1ereof and 011t of the proceeds of tl1e sale, pay to the Director Ge11eral of Customs the duties which may be due tl1ereo11. 84. Sm.all sam1)les of the b · l1lk of any goods subject to the control of the ct1stoms may, subject to the prescribed co11ditions, be delivered free of d.uty. 85. If after any agreen1ent is made for tl1e sale or delivery of goods duty paid any a1teratior1 takes }Jlace in tl1e duty collected aftecting sl1ch goods before they are entered for l1ome co11st1n1ption, tl1en in the abse11ce of the express \\1ritten provision to tl1e contrary, the agreeme11t sl1all be altered as follows: (a) In tl1e event of the alteration bei11g a 11ew or i11creased duty, the seller after 1Jay1ne11t of tl1e 11ew or i11creased d11ty may add the difterence ca11sed by tl1e alteration to tl1e agreed price. (b) In the event of the alteration being the abolition or red11ctio11 of duty, the pt11·chaser shall dedt1ct the difference cal1sed. by the alteration from the agreed price. (c) Any pay111ent of increased dt1ty or ref11nd res11lting fron1 the alteration not being finally• ado1Jted s11all be allo\ved betwee11 tl1e parties as the case n1ay req111re. 86. AJI import d11ties shall be paid at the rate in force when the goods are e11tered for ho1ne cons11mption. 87. All export d11ties shall be l)aid at t11e rate in force whe11 tl1e goods are en­ tered for export. 88. Where duties are imposed according to \Jireigl1t and measure, the ,veight and measurement of the goods shall be ascertained accordi11g to tl1e standard weights and meast1res by law established. 89. Allowances for tare shall be made as prescribed. 90. Where ?t1ties are im1�osed. ao�ording to specified qua11tity, weigl1t,. size _ dt1tl shal es l ap1) 1n the ly proport1011 to a 11y greater or less qt1a11tity, weigh t, or value, size or value. of be, to are sol goods l or pre1)ared rept1ted Whe�ever f' o r sale, or are 91. � . size or_ quantity greater tha � their �ctual size or quantity, duty s11 all be charged according to such first ment1o·ned size or qt1antity.

-392 -



---- ----------------------· 92. The value of any article for the purpose of assessment of ad-valorem duties sh�ll be talcen �o be the _price \Vbich a11 importer \Vould g.i\'e for the article if the a!ticle \Vere delivered, freight a11d i11st1ra11ce paid, i11 boncl at the place for importa­ uon.


93. With the e11try of a11y goods tl1ere sl1all be delivered to the Director the original invoices, bi!ls ot· ladi11g, bill of parcels, or other sucl1 doct1ments sho,ving th� valu� of the art1cles at the place at which they were purchased together witl1 the freight, 1nsura11ce, a11cl otl1er cl1arges 011 the same. 94. Invoices reqt1ired t1nder Article 93 shall, at the discretion of the Director be submitted in d11plicate, 011e copy of ,1/l1icl1 �hall be retained and fued as the Direc� tor may direct. 95. All invoices and certificates thereto relating to goods i1uported into the Empire shall contain full particulars of tl1e goods concerned. 96. \\'here the invoices cost is 11ot expressed in Ethiopian dollars the Director sl1all ascertain the correct rate of excl1ange from the Natio11al Bank of Ethiopia. CONSOLIDATION NOT.E l1npl. am.d. 22/20 (1963) P. 206 Arts. 2, 14, 27, 41, 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 4 (abolishing the former State Bank, to ,vhich the present Article originally referred, and establishing the National Bank �s the government central bank).

97. (I) The Director at his discretion may require tl1e ow11er to state the place and date of purchase, a11d the name and style of the firm from whom the goods are purchased, or any other information he may deem neces­ sary for the pt1r1)ose of ascertaini11g tl1e accuracy of the value for clt1ty as sho,vn i11 any i11voices. (2) If the O\vner fails to give sucl1 :nformation he is guilty of a11 offe11ce and is liable to a fine from 10 to 500 Ethiopian clollars. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of tl1e present Article states the fine as "from 10 dollars to 50 dollars''.

98. Whenever the Director has a dot1t ,t as to the accuracy of the declared valt1e of the dutiable goods, he may detain such goods and assess the value thereof. 99. If an.y goods are, or can be, classeC: under two or more names, headings or descriptions witl1 a resulting differe11ce as to d11ty, duty shall be charged when it is a difference between liability to or freedon from clt1ty, · and the higher or highest of the dt1ties applicable shall be charged when it is a difference as to two. or more duties. 100. Whe11ever any goods subject to d11t) c1;t ad-valorem rates are composed of two or more separate pa1·ts, any part thot1gh imported by itself sl1all be chargeable with d11ty at the rate applicable to tl1e con1p!ete goods. 101. Whenever goods not e]se\v]Jere specified in. the tariff are composed of two or more materials, any or all of ·wl1ich are dutiable, the duty sl1all be charged at the highest rate of d11ty chargeable. 102. Goods charged with dt1ty by .measurene11t shall, at the expense of the ? wner, be heaped, piled, sorted, framed or otherwise placed in such n1anner as the D1rect?r may require to enable the measurement and account thereof to be taken; and 1n - 393 -



all cases where tb.-e g0ods a!le n1easu1e0 jn bulk, the meas'l!l.\fen1e11t s1:ialL be take n to the full extent o.f the heap or pile. 103. When any good.s wh ' ich are subject to duty at _ad_-valo�em rates are sol d a t any customs sale, the value of stich goods may be take 11 to be the value as shown by the sale. 104. All eustoms d1:1es and duties sl1all co11stitt1!e debts due to the Imperial Government charged upon the goods in respect of vvh1ch same are pay� ble and shall b>e p.ayable by the owner of the goods and be recoverable at any time 1n a cor1rt by proceedings in the name of the Diinec1or General of Customs. Deposits, A.batements, Remis,ions and Refund of Duties

105. Whenever: (a) good.s have suffered darnage or pilferage e·n route; (b) goods have whilst under Customs control been damaged, pilfered or destroyed; or (c) duty has 'been paid through manifest error of fact or patent misconception of the law; a :reft1nd, rebate, or remission of duty, as the case may require, shall be made. Pro­ vided tl1at no ref1111d, rebate or remjssion sl1a]l be made t111less a claim for such is 111ade previous to the removal of tl1e good.s fron1 t l1e Ct1stoms co11trol. 106. When any duty l1as bee11 sl1ort levied or erroneously refunded, the person wl10 sl1ould have paid the amou11t short levied or to \Vhom tl1e reft1nd has erroneous­ ly bee11 made shall pay the amo11nt sl1ort levied or repay the amo11nt erro11eously ref u11ded 011 demand being made by t11e Director within ·five years of tl1e date of s11ch levy or refund. 107. If an)' practice of the Ct1stoms relating to classification or enun1erating a11y article for duty sl1all be altered so that less d11ty is charged upot1 s11ch article, no perso11 shall tl1ereby becon1e entitled to any ref1111d 011 acco11nt of a11y d11ty paid before such alteratio11 took effect. 108. If a perso11 reside11t in Ethiopia takes or sends abroad. an)' goods, whether of Ethiopia11 or foreign origi11, which are of a11 easily identifiable nat11re, without obtaining any dra\vback or reftrnd of tl1e dt1ties already paid, if a11y, and gives notice before export thereof to the Director with particulars st1fncient to establish U1e identity of the goods, st1cl1 goods shall be exempt fro111 import duty on reimportation, if their identity be established to tl1e satisfaction of tl1e Director and tl1ey are re­ imported within 011e year from tl1e date of export. Dispute as to Doty

109. (1) If any dispute arises as tc the amot1nt or rate of dtity payable in respe�t of any go?ds, or as to the liability of a11y goods to dt1ty, under this Proclamat1011, tl1e o_wner of the goods n1ay pay tinder protest the sun1 demanded by the D!rector as tl1e duty payable on the goods, and there11pon the sum so paid shall as against tb.e owner of th e goods be dee med �o be the J?IOper_ duty palable i11 respect of tl1e goods , unless the contrary .. rmined 1n an action brougl1 t in 1s dete pursttance of this Article. - 394 -



--------------------------· (2) Th� owner 1nay with!n three mo11tl1s after tl1e date of payme11t bri11g an _ action agru11st the Drrector, i11 a cot1rt, for the recovery of tl1e wl1ole or an y pa rt of tl1e s11m so IJaid. (3) A protest in pttrsuance of tl1is Article shall be 111ade by writi11g on the entry of the goods the words ''i:aid 11nder protest'' and addi11g the sig11a­ ture of tl1e owner of tl1e goods. (4) No Cot1rt actio11 shall lie for the recovery of a11y s111n _paid to the Cus­ !oms as tl1e duty payable in respect of any goods unless the payment 1s n1ade u11der protest i11 p11r;t1a11ce of this section and sucl1 actio11 is commenced \Vitllin tl1ree 1uo11ths after the date of payn1e11t. (5) Nothing in thls Art icle shall a.Teet the tern1s and provisions of Article 106. Part VII.I - DP1..AWBACKS 11 0. Drawback of im1Jort dt1ty may be allowed on re-exportatio11 of imported goods when the o,vner of the goods prove5 to the satisfaction of tl1e Director that · the goods have s11ffered damage. 111. No drawback shall be allowed on any goods of a less val11e for l1ome con­ sumption than the amount of the drawbac( or on which i1n1Jort d11ty paid did 11ot amount to Fifty Ethiopian dollars. 112. All goods in respect of which any claim for clra,vback shall be made sl1all before re-exportatio11 be produced for exa1ninatio11 by tl1e C11stoms a11d shall be examined accordingly. 113. For the JJUrpose of claiming drawtack a drawback claim shall be presented to the Director. 114. (1) The person claiming drawbac� on any goods shall make a declaratio11 11pon the claim that the goods l1ave been re-exported and have not been relanded and are not interded to be relanded, a11d that s11ch person at the time of export was e11titled to tl1e drawback. (2) The name of such person shall be stated in the claim, and the receipt of such person on the claim cCt11ntersigned by the holder of sucl1 claim if the same shall have bee11 transferred i11 the meantime, shall be a sufficient discharge for such. 115. (1) N·o drawback claim shall be pa;d except with the consent of the Director General of C11stoms ltnless presented for payment within three montl1s from the date of the re-export of the goods. (2) The Director General of Customs may prohibit the payment in ,vhole or in part of any drawback. 116. Legal proceedings to recover the payment of a drawhack, w�ich has been _ must be announced within 30 days of refused by the Director General of Customs such reft1sal. After that period all proceedings shall be considered prescribed. Part IX - AGENTS 117. Any owner o.f goocls may comply �vitb the provisio11s of this Proclamatio11 by an agent lawfully a11thorized. S11cl1 ag�nt shall be either a person exclusi�ely _ in the employment of the owner or shall be a Customs agent ? t� ly l1ce11sed. �rov1ded that passengers' baggage may be cleared by the person who 1s 1n cl1arge of 1t.

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118. An� officer may require from any �gent the production of this written _ ,luthority from the principal for \Vhon1 he clrun� s to act, and JJll d.efault of the pro­ duction of such autl1ority may refuse t,) recogruze tihe aigency. 119. Any person who acts as the age 11rit of the owner of any goods for a11y of the pur·poses of this Proclamation sha 1· be deemed to be uh@ owner of the goods and shall accordingly be personally lj�ble for payment of any Customs dues and duties payable in res·peot of goods, and shalJ be l�able to perforn1 all acts in respect to the goods which tfue owner is u:rnder t!his Proc1amatiou liable to perform; but nothin.g herei, n contained shall re,lieve the princii}J>al from any liability. 120. (1) Any person who autherizes an agen! to act for �m in relatio� to a11y goods for any @f the pl!l!p>Jses of this Proclamation shall be liable for the acts and declarations of his agent, and may accordingly be prosecut­ ed for any offence comn1itted by the agent v.1ith respect to any st1ch goods in the same manner as if he himself had comniitted the offence, but shall not, if convicted, be sentenced to imprisonn1e11t unless he actually consented to the commissio11 of the offence. (2) Nothing in tl1is section shall relieve tl1e agent from liability to pro­ secution. Part X - POWERS OF OFFICERS 121. A Director may at th e 1isl<: of the owner cat1se paclcages to be opened and exan1.ined, weigl1, mark a11d seal, any �oods s11bject to the co11trol of the Customs, a11d tl1e expe11ses of the . exan1-ination inclt1di11g tl1e cost of removal to the place of exa1ni11ation sl1all be borne by the ov,ner. 122. Any officer l1aving reasonable ca11se to believe that a breach of this Pro­ clamation has occurred may: (I) inspect, search a11d sect1re a.ny goods of a11y aircraft. Inspection and searcl1 must be made in the con1pa.ny of a.n officer of the aircraft. (2) Stop, searcl1 and secure an)' goods on any other mea11s of conveya11ce. Tl1e dri,1er of an)' such means of conveyance s11all stop and permit such searcl1 wl1enever required by a11 officer of the Ct1ston1s. 123. The po,ver of a11 officer to search shall exte11d to every part of any' aircraft or other n1eans of co11veyance and shall a.11tl1orize the openi11g of a11y ·package, locker, or IJlace, and the examination of all goods. 124. The owner or perso11 i11 charge of a11 aircraft or ofher n1eans of conveyance shall be req11ired to be prese11t at the search, a11d is req11ired to re11der all possible assista11ce to tl1e officer co11ducting the searcJ1. 125. The power of a11 officer to sec11re any goods sl1all extend to locking up, sealing, marking, or otherwise securin� a11y goods or the re111oval of' a11y goods to an Imperial Warehouse. 12 6. Any 1111,1ut�orized perso1.1 wl1c, defaces, or removes, or breaks a Customs seal or oth_er f astenmg placed upon any 1nercl1a11dise, baggage, or bonded goo�s, or on a vehicle, warehot1se, or a11y place11nder C·ustoms co11trol i 11 ,:vhich n1erchand is e is stored shall be guilty of a11 offence t111der this Proclan1ation. 127. Any officer and any person acting in lus aicl when on duty may patrol upon a�d pass freely along_ a11d over any !ake, river, railway, road, railv,ay track or lands w1th1n the boundaries of Ot1r Empire.

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1 28. Any person on. boarcl any aircr�1ft or otl1er n1eaus of co11vey,111ce or \Vl1 0 n1ay have la11ded or got Ollt of a11y aircraft or otl1er .111ea11s of co11ve)1,111ce or i11 a11y other manner h �\'e e11tered tl1e E1111)ire n1ay be qt1estio11ed by a11y officer as to whether he l1as a11y dut!able goods, _or �11 y JJrollibited, restricted, or regulated i111ports or exports t11Jo11 his person or 111 his baggage. 1 �9. Any officer l1avi11g �·easo11able ca·use to believe that any 1Jerso11 is trnlawfully carr�1ng or l1as goods �ub3ect to tl1e co11trol of the C11sto111s or a11y prol1 ibited, restricted, or reg11lated lIDIJOrts or exports secreted abo11t hjn1, 1nay: (1) detain a11d searcl1 the SllSJJected person; or (2) req11est tl1 e suspected perso11 to appear before the Director, wl1 0 may den1and the proclt1ctio11 of all d11tiable articles, and if tl1e d.e111a11d is refused, ca11se tl1e s11spected person to be searcl1ed. 130. Search of perso11s shall be made i11 the presence of a11other C11sto111s officer or of a tl1 ird party. Search of f e111ales shall be 111ade by Ct1sto1ns fe111ale searchers. 131. Officers ,vl1ile co11dt1cti11g an inspection or search shall wear 11nifor1ns or ca� n·y vvith them badges or son1e otl1er mark to iclentify tl1eir official capacity. 132. An.y officer may seize a11y goods i11 res1Ject of which a11 offence has bee11 or is being com1Jutted. 133. Any officer lawfully n1akiug a11y seizure •11nder this Proclamatio11 may call lipon any person present to assist him, a11d sucl1 assistance sl1all be rendered accordingly. . 134. All seized goods sl1all be taken to the 11ef1rest Customs or bonded \Vareho11se or to Stich other place of sect1rity as tl1e Director shall direct. 135. When any goods have been seized as f'orfeitecl, the seizing officer shall give notice in writing of such seizt1re and the cause tl1ereof to the owner or agent of the owner of the goods (1111less sucl1 owner or agent be present at the seizt1re in whicl1 case no notice shall be 11ecessary). If tl1e goods so seized are of a perisl1able nature or are live animals the officer shall notify the o,vner thereof a11d if s11ch owner cannot be located or fails to aJJpear the Di1·ector a.ccompanied ·by three officers shall prepare an'inve11tory of the goods seized, which shall be sig11ed by the Director and the officers, and may sell s11ch goods ·by P11blic auction. 136. A Director may authorize a11 y goods seized to be deli,,ered to the claimant on his giving sec11rity _to pay their valt1e in case of their condemnatio11. 137. (1) Whenever any goods have been seized by a11y officer and cl�im to such _ goods has been served by the owner on the J?irector, the Director may retajn possessio11 of the goods, and may either: (a) witho11t taking any proce� dings for their ? On?emnatio�, by _ notice under his l1and require the claimant to 1nst1tute a su1t aga­ ii1st him for the recovery of ilie goods. The notice must state that the periocl withi.11 which such suit n1ay be lodged is one m?n!h from the date of sucl1 notice. If such claimant shall not w1th1n one month after the date of st1ch 11otice enter such st1it, the goods shall be deen1ed to be condemned witho11tany further proceeding; or (b) may himself cause a suit to be instit11ted in a cot1rt for the for­ feiture of the goods. - 397 -


HlQ)P1A T E F O S W .-\ L D E T A ID L O S CoN

e _Direct?r has n eith er th m, cla the i _ i11g �iv ree e� aft h nt mo e n on (2) If, withi . d oe ti? en as m m (I) (a) n or .1t su a te �u. st1 n 11? to _ t a im cla d require the d 111 ne o tI. (1) (b), the goods en m as ed ut t1t 11s 1 b� to it stt a himself caused shall be baaded over t.o the claimant. 138. For the disposal of all forfei1ed goods tl1e Dire�tor accompanied by three persons shall make an . inventory of s1ch goods, to be signed �y them after which goods may be sold by auction destroyed or disposed of otherwise. 139. Any officer m.ay without warrint arrest any pe�son whom h� has re�sonable ground.s to believe is guilty of c@mmitting, or attempt1ng to commit or be1ng con­ cermed u1 com.mi8sion of any of the following offem.ces: (a) smuggling; or (b) unlawfully oonveyi11g or navin.g in possession any smt1ggled goods. 140. Any officer arresting any pe�son shall forthwith give him a. statement in writing of th.e reason for his arrest. 141. Every persoll a.rrested shall be taken before a c.ot1 rt. CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Amharic version of this Article rea.ds, ''...... sL1all ii1unediately be taken before a court."

142. Wl1e11ever i 1uorrnatio11 i11 �11iti11g l1as been give11 on oath to the Director that goods l1ave been sm11ggled, 1111dervalt1ed, unlawft1lly e11tered, or illegally d.eaJt with, or tl1at it is i11tended to smuggle: t1ndervalue, t1nlawt1.1lly enter, or deal illegally vvith any goods, or wl1e11ever ariy goods l1ave bee11 seized. or detained, the owner shall i111mediatel:)' 11po11 bei11g req11ested so to do by the Director ])rodt1ce a11d hand o,,er to him all bool<s doc11111e11ts relati11g to a1 1y goods or to any other good.s imported or exported by him at any tl111e witl1i11 a Period of three years immediately . preceding st1cl1 request, and. sl1all also prod11ce for tl1e inspection of the Director and pern1it hi111 or a11y officer a11tl1ori?:ed by hin1 to n1ake copies of, or extracts froa1 all bool(s or doct1ments of a11y l<i11d whatsoever wherein a 11y e11try or 1nemoran­ d11n1 appears in. any ,vay relati11g to the goods. 143. The Director may i111po1111d or retai11 a11y doc11ment presented in co11nection ,v; ith any e11try required to be l)rodtced u11der this Proclan1atio11, b11t the person otl1erwise entitled to such doct1n1ent shall i11 lie11 thereof b·e entitled to a copy certified as correct by the Director ancl such certified copy sl1all be received i11 all courts as evide11ce and of eq11al validity with tie original. Ref11sal by the Director forth,vith to issue such person ,vith s11ch a certified copy sl1all 111ake t11e Director gujlt�, of an offence under Proclamation 144. T'he D_irector may rec1uire fro1n the ovv11er of any goods 1:>roof by declar ation or the product1011 of docu111e 1 1ts t11at the goods are 0\\111ed as clai111ed a11d are pro­ perly described, val11ed, or rated for dt1ty, and tl1e Director may reft1se to deliver tl1e goocls or to pass a11y entry relati1g thereto J)e11ding st1cl1 proof. 145. If any docum�11t i11 a foreign language be presentecl to all)' officer for any purpose connected with the Custo1us bt1si11ess tl1e Director may req11ire to be : st1pplied wjth an Amharic translatio11 thereof.

Protection of Officers 146: No officer shall incur any li�bil.ity f'or any seizure utider this Proclamation for which there shall have bee11 reaso11able cause, atld whetl any clain1ant recovers - 398 -



any goods seized or any proceecls tl1 ereof a.11d ,tt tl1e san1e time reasonable cause for the sei�re is f �uncl, suc} 1 fi11di11g shall bar all proceedings against all officers concerned 10 tl1e se1z11re. 147. �\ fine, not exceeding three d,tys' pay, for neglige11ce, miscondt1ct, un­ punctuality or any breach of discipli11e may be i1nposed by tl1e Director on any officer whose a1111ual salary, exclt1sive of a.llo,va11ce, is less tha11 tl1ree tbot1sand Ethiopian dollars. Obligations of Officers

148. Any officer shall be liable to be trarlSferred from any one place to a11y other place within the Empire a11cl shall act for s11clt statio11s or districts as sl1al I be assigned to him for that p11rpose by the Director General of Customs a11d sl1a]l perform such dt1ties as may be rec111ired ot· bi111 bl' th� senior officer at any particular statio11 or district at ,vhich st1cl1 officer n1 ay be statio11ed. 149. If any officer shall take or receive any fee, perqt1isite, or reward, wl1 etl1 er pecuniary or otber\vise, directly or indirectl/, fron1 any person on accot1nt of any­ thing done or orni tted to be done b y him, or i11 any way relati.og to his said office or employment, except such as he shall receive under any law, s11ch officer sl1 all, in addition to any lJl1nishment tl1 at a co11rt of Justice n1ay in1pose i11 accorda11ce \Vitl1 the law, also be liable to be dismissed from l1is office by the Director General of Custon1.S. 150. Every person wl10 shall be appointed to any office or employ111ent i11 the custon1s sl1all, 011 his admission tl1ereto, n1ake the following declaration before t11 e Director Ge11eral of Ct1sto111s.

''I............................................................................................................................................................, do declare that· I will be true and faithful in the executio11 of the trust con11nitted to n1y cl1arge in the service of the Customs Administration cf His Imperial Majesty, and that I will not require, take, or receive a11y fee, perq1iisite, or reward, whether pec11niary or otherwise, directly or indirectly, in respect of the d11ties of my office or employ1nent''. (oath). .

Part XI - FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES 151. The following goods shall be forfeited to the Imperial Governn1 e11t: (a) all- smuggled goods; (b) all goods i1nported in contraventio11 of any probibitio11, restriction or regulation, excepting 011ly gt)ods the importation of wbich is pro­ hibited, restricted, or regulated by notice and which shall _have been despatched to be i1nported witho11t knowledge o� the notice by !�e sender and before the expiration of a reaso11able time for the acqu1s1� tion of knowledge tl1ereof at the place of despatcl1 and so that s11ch expected goods shall, at the diocretion of the Director Ge11eral. either be re-exported or be disposed of in s11ch a manner as the Director General may approve; . (c) all goods tha. t are d11tiable fotmd in any aircraft or other 111eans of conveyance which have not beerr declared to the Customs;

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(d) ail[ goods in respect oF wh:0h bulk is unlawfully broken by the owner; (e) all goods which being subject to tl1e con,trol ?f Ct1sto_ ms shall be moved, altered or i11terfered with except by authority a111d 1n accordance with this proclan1ation; (f) all goods which by this Proclamation 3lre requi1·ed to be removed or de:alt with in any way and which shall not be removed or dealt with accordingly; (g) all good.s in respect of wl1ich any entry, invoice, declaratio.11, a.nswer statemei1t, or representatio11 which is false or wilfully misleading i� any partict1la.r bas been delivered, made, or produced; (h) [I,npl. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957 Arts. 36, 37, 363 (providing for the offences of contraband, complicity in the commission of and con­ spiracy to comn 1 tit a crirre and thus superseding the present Article, which made punishable any conspiracy to use a conveyance in smuggling).] (i) all prohibited exports put on any aircraft or otl1er means of conveyance for export or brot1gbt to any place for the I)tlrpose of export, and all restricted or regttlated exports, wl1icb, i11 co11travention of any restriction or regulatio,n are put 011 any aircraft or otlier means of conveyance for export or brot1ght to 2ny place for tl1e pt1rpose of e.xport; (j) all. dutiable goods concealed i11 any ma1111er; (k) any JJacl<age havi11g conc�aled therein goods not e11umerated in the entry or bei11g so packed as to deceive the C11stoms officer; (I) all dt1tiable goods fo1111d i11 the J)ossession or in tl1e baggage of any perso11 who has in ar1y 111an11er entered tl1e Empire a11d wl10 l1as denied that be has an)' d11tiable goods i11 his possession. CONSOLIDATION NOTE ln1pl. amd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.l (1957) Art. 36, 37, 363.

I 52. \¥he11 any s1lit is i11stit11ted for the i'orfeitt1re of a 11y goods seized tinder this Procla.n1atio11, there shall be at the same ti111e filed a11 ,1ppraisen1ent of tl1e goods seized, by a11 officer or other person tt1thorized by tl1e Director. 153. The forfeit11re of any goods shall exte11d to tl1e forfeiture of the packages in wl1ich tl1e goods are contai11ed and tl1e forfeit11re of a11y l)ackages t1nder Article 151 shall exte11d to all goods }Jacl <ed or contai11ed i11 tl1e package. Penalties

154. All persons to the 11umber of two or 111ore assen1bled for the purpose of sm11ggling, or for preve11ting tl1e seizure of' or for tl1e l)tlrpose of' savi1 1g any smuggl ed goods after their seizure, u1)011 decision duly 111ade are guilty of' a. n ofte11ce a11d shall be liable on convictio11 to p1111isbn1ent in accorda11ce vvith t'he ·lJro,,isio11s of the Penal Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE An ob:vious t ypogr�pJ:tical error in tl1e Eng1isl1 version of tl1is JJrovision 11as been corrected by translation of the m1ss1ng words from th:, Amharic. ( 1957) Arts.3�, 81 (?), 354-355 (pro,,iding�cl1es of �6 C. /�x. Pe�. l a,ncl. l111pl. .. d pr1nc legislat1on sl1all be e��nom1c 1p�s ao �� punished accordance with tlie and 10 f1s1 s case � f penalty th_ e P�nal Code o a�d providing for aggravation of the pun1t1ve _proV1s1ons of consp1ra�y, and thu s impliedly repealinE the pttnitive provisio11 originally contained 1n tbe present Article).

- 400 -




155-156 [11111;/. reJJ�. Pe11 . C. _16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 412, 414, 420, Li23, 425, 430 , 432-433 (n1ak�ng p11111�l1able var1 ous for1:11s of maladn1i11istratio11 by p11 blic serva11 ts _ _ va1 as 1ot is_ act �ons by th11:d parties agai11st J)t1blic servants and the pt1blic as \V_clJ service, a11d tl1 tis !n :pl1e� ly re1Jeal111g tl1e J)resent Articles, wl1ich prohibitecl various fo�1ns of maladm1�ustrat1011 by c11 ston1s officials, as well as the 11nlawf111 ren1oval, se1zt1re o!· destruction of goods, solicitation of corr11_pt J)ractices, and resisti11g ct1s­ torns officers).] 157. No perso1 1 shall: (a) [l111pl. repel. Pe11. C. 16/Ex.1 (I 957) Art.363 (maki1 1g pu11isl1 able ''co11traba1 1d'' a11d thus supersedi11g tL 1e prese11t Subarticle's prohibitio11 against sn111ggli11g)]; (b) have in his possessio11, power or co11trol any goods of whicl1 the export is for the time being, prohibited, restricted, or regulatecl with intent to smt1ggle, or knowing that they are i11te11decl to be sm11ggled. J111pl. a111d.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) (ilnpliedly repealing Subarticle (a)).

158. [l1T1pl. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1(1957) Arts. 354, 363, 364, 740 (providing that breaches of fiscal and eco1 1 omic legislation are to be p1111ished in accorda11ce with the principles and pt1nitive provisions of the Penal Code, providing specific penalties for contraband and for other intentional violatio11 of provisions co1 1cer11ing import and export, and thus i1npliedly repeali11g tl1e prese11t Article, wluch prescribed punishment for certain offe11ces).] 159. No JJerson shall:(a) evade payment oi� any cluty wl1ich is payable; (b) obtain any drawback wl1ich is not payable; (c) prepare, pass or present any dpcument purporting to be a ge1111i11e invoice which is 11ot in fact a genuine invoice; (d) make any entry whicl1 is false or incorrect in a11y particular; (e) move, alter, or i11 terfere witl1, except by authority, any goods s11bject to the control of the Customs; (f) refuse or fail to answer q11estions or to produce documents. 160. Any perso11 \Vho acts in contravention of or who fails to comply with the provisions of this proclamation or of any regulation made theret111der or who acts in contraventio11 or who fails to comply with any order, demand, requirements or direction issued t111der this proclan1ation shall be g1.1 ilty of an offence against this proclamation. 161. [I1npl. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957) Arts. 354, _364, �40 (providing �at breaches of fiscal a.nd economic legislation shall be punished m accordance w11:h �l1e principles and punitive provision� of the �e11al Code and thus imp�edly 1:epeal1ng the present Article, prescribed purushments for offences agamst this pro· clamation).] , 162. I11 any Customs !)rosecutio11 or proceedings wl1ere the penalty is besed _on the value of tbe goods, st1ch value shall ·be taken to be the value of goods of the like kind but of the best quality upon which the duties of importation shall have been paid as sold at or about the time of the offence at Addis Ababa, even tl1ough such penalty may have been inc11rred at any other place in the Empire. - 401 -




Part XII - CUSTOMS PROSECUTIONS 163. Customs prosecutions may be instituted in the natne of the Advocate Gene­ ral by suit, or other appropriate proceedin.g in a court. 164. flmpl. repd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.. 1(1957) �ts .. 225-231, 7�0 (setting periods of limitation for criminal prosecutions and thus impliedly repealing the present Article which established such period for customs prosecut1011s).] Part XIII - SETTLEMENT OF CASES BY THE CHIEF OF CUSTOMS 165. (1) If any dis,ute sha�l arise betweei: any oflic?r and any person with re­ ference to any contraven:tio n of this Prcclaimatton, the Director General of Customs may with the c onsent of such perso n inquire into the dispute and if both parties agree they shall settle the matter; provided that no punishment shall be impose d by any officer but by a court. (2) On payment of such sum to the Director General of Customs, no further proceedings in regard to that particular offence, or act shall be taken against the person who has so comp ounded, and if he is in custody l1e shall be discharged. 166. Every order made u11der A rticle 165 of this Proclamation shall be final and no appeal shall lie therefrom. A copy of such order shall be delivered to the person to whom it applies and may re e11forced by a court. Part XVI- REGULATIONS 167. (1) The Jvlinister of Fina11ce nay make Regulations not inconsistent with this Proclamatio11 prescrtbing all matters which by this Procl ama­ tion are required or pernitted to be prescribed or for giving effect to this Proclamatio11 or for the condt1ct of any business relating to the Customs excer-t for punishments and for incre asing or decreasi11g taxation rates and in partic11la r for IJrescribing: (a) the co11ditio ns u11der which goods may pass through tl1e En1pi­ re in transit·' (b) the fee to be paid fo� any licence, certificate or form issued un d er this Proclamation; (c) the charge to be made for storage of good.s on premis es adnunistered by the Customs; (d) tl1e conditions under v;,hich the re1noval from or i11to the Empire may take place of gcods wl1icl1 are s11bject to any agreement made or to be made under this Proclamatio1 1 with tl1e Go,1er11ment of any otl1er territory; (e) the syste1n. of tem]:X)rary admission of goods without pa yn1ent of duty; (f) the maximum rates which n1ay be charged for the porte rage of goods at an y place under tl1e co11trol of the Customs . (2) All Reg11lations shall be pt1blished in the ]\Tegarit Gqzeta. 168. At sales by the Director: (a) the.goods shall be sold by auction or by tender a11d after such publi c notice as may be prescribed; (b) the �00?8 may be sold either free of or st1bject to duty and charges ; (c) n o b1dd1ng or te�der shc.ll be necessarily accepted and the goods ro aY be re-offered until sold at a price satisfactory to th e Director; - 402-



(d) tl1e purcha�e 1noney sh �ll be paicl i11 casl1 011 the acceptance of t11e bid or tende!; if 11ot so paid the lot n1ay be again offered, bt1t tl1e JJerson 'vvhos � bid was acceptecl shall be liable to pay to the Director any loss s11sta1ned by reason of l1is failure to cornply ,vith this conditio11 ; (e) sho11l? there be any discrepa11cy betvveen the quantity stated in the sale 11st a11d the actt1al qua11tity available, a11d if st1ch attribt1table to acts done by officers or employees the Director, officials or employees, as the case n1ay be, shall be responsible therefor; (f) tl1e goods sl1all be ren1oved fro111 the warel1011se \Vi thin tl1ree days after the sale, a11d if not so removed, sl1all be charged vvareho11se fees from the date of sale up to the date of delivery; (g) all goods remaining in the warehouse after tl1e sale shall be at the pur­ chaser's risk and expense. 169. The proceeds of any goods sold by the Director shall be applied as follows: (a) in the payn1ent of expe11ses of tl1e sale; (b) in the payn1ent of dt1ty; (c) in the payment of the warehouse re11t and cl1anges; (d) in the payn1ent of freight, if any, due 11pon the goods if written 11otice of sucl1 freight sl1all have been given to the Director. And the balance, if a11y, shall be paid into general reven11es, but it may be re­ funded to the person entitled thereto if clain1ed within a reasonable period from the date of sale. 170. Our Minister of Fina11ce iuay p _ rescribe the forms of all bonds, docu111ents, and papers 11ecessary for the carrying 011t of this Proclamation, and n1 alce any addi­ tion or alteratjon to existing or prescribed forms. 171. Our Minister of Fir1ance 111ay e11ter into an agreement with the Gover11. ment of any neig hbot1ring_ territory providing: (a) that goods grown, prodt1ced or manufach1red in 011r Empire shall be ad.mitted into that territory free of Customs duty and that goods grown, produced or n1a11ufactured in that territory shall be adn1itted into Our Empire free of C11stoms duty. (b) tl1at one party to the agreement shall collect on behalf of the other party the Customs duties imposed in respect of goods \Vhich, having been imported into its territory, or removed into the territory of the other party. CONSOLIDATION NOTE TI1e A.n1haric version of this Article reads "Our Prime Minister'' instead of "Our Minister of Finance''.

172. Articles 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 of tl1e C11stoms and Exports Dt1ties Proclamation, 1943 are hereby repealed. Provided that this repeal shall not affect the validity of the Regulations �ade under the Customs and Exports Dt1ties Proclamation, 1943 and such regulations shall have effect as if 1nade under this Proclamatio11. CROSS REFERENCE Custon1s and Export Duties Proclamation, 2/10 (1943) P. 39, 16 Consol. L. Etlz. 2.

- 403 -



SCHEDULE Security 10 the Customs (Article 34) Form of Security ti on, By this secu,rity the subsoribers are, p·u.rsuant to th.e Cu�to1:ll.s proclama . 1955 bound to the Director General of the Customs of the Eth1op1an Empire in the sum of (here insert an1ount or mode of ascertaining amount i11tend.ed to be paid in d.efault of compliance with condition). Subject only to this condition that if . . (h.ere insert the condition of the security), then this sect1r1ty sl1all be thereby dis� cha.rged. 19 day of Dated Signature of Signature of Names and description su·Jscribers Witness of subscribers Note: If liability is not intended to te joint and several and for the full amoun t l1ere state what is intended as, for example, this: ''The liability of the subscribers is joint only'' or The liability of (mentioning subscribers) is limited to (here state the amount of limit of liability or mode of ascertaining limit).


CONQUERil�G LIOl� OF TfIE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I ELECT OF GOD, EWIPEROR OF ETI-IIOPIA WI-IEREAS, it is necessary to regulate the imposition of ct1stoms a11d export duties on goods im1)orted into and exported fron1 Ot1r En1pire; In accordance with Article 34 of Ot1r Constitt1tion, We approve tl1e resolutions of Our Senate and tl1e Chamber of Dep.1ties and vVe accordi11gly 1)roclain1 as follov,s: CONSOLIDATION NOTE T11e Constitutio11 referred to l1ere is tl1e 2onstit11tio11 of 1931. 1�l1is Constitt1tion v.ras repealed and replac�d by the R;evi?ed Constitu�ion of �955, 15/2 (1955) P. 149 , 1 Co11sol. L. Et/1. 1. Tl1e Article of the Revised Const1lut1on parallel to the cited Article of tl1e 1931 Co11stitt1tion is Article 88.

1. This Proclamation 1nay be cited as tl1e ''Ct1sto111s a11d Export Dt1ties Pro­ clamatio11, 1943''.

CONSOL[DATION NOTE o int put be of this version Article contains shall the additional se11te1.1ce, ''It The Amharic effect frc;>m tl1e date of promulgation. ,, *INTRODUCTORY ·FOOTNOTE Text: Amd. 14/7 t1955) P . 145; i1npl. arid. 12/2 (1952) p. 126. Schedule: Rep/. 6/11 (1947) L. 103.

- 404 -



------------- -----------·

2. [Repd. 14/7 (1955) P. 145 Art. 172, 16 CorzL,;;ol. L. Et/1 . I.] . 3. There shall be charged, levied, collected at1d paid d 11ties on all goods import­ ed into and export �d from 0111: E1npire at tl1e rates specified i 11 the tariff set out in the Sched11le to th1� Procla111at 1on, except as provicled i11 Article 4 of the Federal Reven11e Proclamation.

CONSOLlDATION NOTE l111pl. an1d. 12/2 (1952) P.126 Art. 4, 2 Consol. L. Etlz. 7-4 (providing exemption from duty for certain goods in transit).

4� [Repel. 14/7 (1955) P.145 Art. 172, 16 Co11sol. L..Et/1 . l.] 5. Our 11inister of Finance, with the consent of tl1e Council of Mi11isters' may by reg11 Iation p11blished in the Negarit Gaze ta: (a) amend the rate of d11ty payable in respect of any item contained in the tariff; (b) grant total or partial exemption from the payme 1 1t of duty on any goods ,vhich i11 the public interest sl1ould be granted such exemption. 6-7. [Rep(!. 14/7 (1955) P.145 Art. 172, 16 Consol. L. Et/1. 1.l 8. Our Minister of Fi1Ja11ce may enter into agreen1e 11ts with the Governments or Adniinistratioos, incl11ding Customs Administrations, of neighbouring territories, or with the a11thorized representatives of s11ch Gover11n1ents or Administrations, for the purpose of faci]itating the transit of goods a11d the carrying 011t and enforce­ ment of the Customs Laws in force in 011r Empire and in those territories. 9. [Repel. 14/7 (1955) P:145 Art. 172, 16 Consol. L. Eth. l.] 10. All Sched11les, tariffs and d11ties in force at the date of the coming into force of this Proclamation are hereby repealed. Done at Addis Ababa this 30th day of June, 1943. 3/6 (1944) L. 42* REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE CUSTOMS AND EXPORT DUTIES PROCLAMATION, 1943 These Regulations are issued by the Minister of Finance pursuant to authority vested in him by Article 9 of the Customs and Export Duties Proclamation (Pro­ clamation No. 39 of 1943). CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Ct1stoms and E�port Duties Proclamation, 2/10 (1943) P.39 Art. 9, under wl1ich these Regulations were issued was repealed by 14/7 (1955) P. 145 Art. 172, 16 Consol. L. Eth. 1-172, but without effect on the v �lidity of these Regulations.

1. These Regulations may be cited as ''Customs (Clearing Agents) Regulations, 1944''. 2. In these Regulations the term ''clearing agent'' includes any firm, company or individual engaged in the b11 siness of passing goods through the Customs on behalf of others, or of preparing declarations so that goods may be passed through the Customs. Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76.


- 405 -



s may m to e uS th C b ug r� th ds )o gi ss pa to ng ri ?mploy for 3. Any perso11 desi l ms ro sto nt Cu co to rn accorda. ct bJe st1 be al1 sh o wh t, en this purpose a clearitlg ag a.nee with these Regulatio11s. 4. No firm, company or individual ma� operate as a clearing agemt without a licence issued 11J1der tl1e a11thority of the Director. of Customs, w�o may suspend or cancel such licence if, in his opinion, the regulations are not being properly ad­ hered to. The licence shall be in the form in the Schedule to these Regulations. 5. The fee for the iss11e of a licence shall be fifty Ethi?pi�n dollars (Eth. $50.) and the ae.nual renewal fee for such licence shall be ten Ethi?p1an dollars (Eth. $10). Licences shalll be re-newable du:ring! the month of January 10 each year. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Sched. C Art. 3 (t), 15 Consol. L. Eth. 1 - Sc/1ed. C - Art. 3 (b).

6. Application for the issue of licence shall be made to the Director of C11stoms on the form prescribed in tl1e Sched11le to tl1ese Reg·ulations. 7. Ever· y applicant for a licence must furnish a cash sec11rity of five hundred Ethiopian dollars (Eth. $500), which :;um shall be deposited with the Director of Customs dt1ring the• c11rrency of bis licence. CONSOLDATION NOTE A11ul. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Scl1ed. C Art. 3 (b), 15 Co,zsol. L. Etlz. 1-Sclzed. C-Arl. 3 (b). "'

8. 1 he Director of C11stoms may i11 his discretio11 ref11se to grant, or to renew, a lice11ce without ascribing a11y reasor for such reft1sal. 9. A clearing agent 1nay operate under 011e name 011ly, and. lus seal, or the seal of tl1e firm or company, 1nt1st be registered at the Headq11arters of the Customs Administration in Addis Ababa. The signah1re or seals of any en1ployees a11thorized to act for the clearing agent m11st also be registered i11 a si1nilar man11er. 10. A cleari11g agent shall be held fully responsible for the acts of his en1ployee s, 1ho n1ust carry out legitimate i11struc:ions given to them by Ct1stoms officials. 11. A clearing agent must indicate on every declaration and otl1er document ha11ded in to the ct1sto1ns the name of the client for whom he is acting. 12. A clearing agent shall comply with a11d be bound. by all Ct1ston1s Proclama­ tions and Regulations, and shall be liable to 1Jrosecutio11 for any offences committed by him t1nder such Proclamations and Regt1lations. He sl1all, in addition be required to m�ke good an� loss to the Custo1nsreyenue whicl1 l1e 111ay cat1se by fraud, forgery or m1srepresentat1on, or by the presen1at1011 of a declaration \iVhicl1 to his k11owledge cont_ains a false declaration of weigl1t, vall1e, q11antity or qtiality of goods, or other particulars. on pers any these Regt1lation� preventi11g i1 1 shall _ be co1 1 str11ed. as 13. �othing r­ le a of through the goods Cl1ston1s assistance a c h11nself withol1t tl1e from passing ing agent. 5t rou ts · 14. A:II firms, co1npani�s or i�di:iduals now operating as clearing agen comply with these Regulations within thirty days of their publicatio11. \1

- 406 -



SCI-IEDULE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS A CUSTOMS CLEARING AGENT The Director of Ct1ston1s Customs Administratio11 Head Office Addis Ababa l/\ve make application for registration and for the issue of a Licence to enable me/us to act as Ct1stoms Clearing Agei1ts. I/we agree to abide by tl1e regulations governii1g the control of Customs Clearing Agents and to abide by all Customs Proclamation, Laws ancl Regulations. Name

............................................................................................................. Age ······�-·-········································································································ Nationality ................................................................................................

Domicile .................... .a.••·····················..·······--················································· Former occupation ..............................................................................

Signatures of employees authorized to sign for the company Customs Clearing Agents Licence No. issued Licence Fee Eth. $50.


19 Director of Customs -

Imperial Ethiopian Government Ministry of Finance , CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION AGENTS. LICENCE CUSTOMS CLEARING . • • Messrs . Administration·· as Customs are registered with the Imperial Ethiopia� Customs . .. Clearing Agents for the Year 19 . .. .. ·· · Director of Customs · : .. Addis Ababa ., . .. . ' . . �"• 19 ., .. , . ....... .. :-'I . .. Director of· ·customs· · · Renewed ·--� - ------· 19. •• • I ' •


• ,


Done at Addis Ababa this 29th day of February, 1944. - 407 -




3/7 (1944) L. 47*

REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE CUSTOMS AND EXPORT DUTIES PROCLAMATION, 1943 T�ese ReguJatio11s are issu.ed by the Minister of Financ� purs11ant to �uthority vested in him by Article 9 of the Ct1s11oms and Export D11t1es Proclamation (Proclamation No. 39 of 1943). CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Customs and Export Duties Proclamation, 2/10 (1943) P. 39 Art. 9 under which these Regulations were isst1ed, was repealed by 14/7 (1955) P. 145 Art. 172, 16 Consol. L. Etlz. 1-172, but without effect on the validity of these R_egu.lations.

1. These Reg·ulations may be cited as the ''Ctistoms (vVareho11ses) Reg·ulations, 1944''. 2. ''Warehouse'' mea11s any place lice11sed 11nder tl1ese reg11lations for the storage of goods before delivery to the consignee or before exportation from Ethio­ pia and wl1icl1 is s11bject to the co11trol of tl1e C11sto1ns Administration. 3. No perso11 shall 11se a place as a wareho11se 1111less it is licensed as such under tl1ese reg11lations. 4. Tl1e Director of Ct1sto1ns, or a11y perso11 in charge of a Customs Post, may refuse to licence a warel1ouse if i11 his opinion s11ch warehouse is 11ns11itable by reason of its location, constr11ction or general arra11gements. 5. (1) \Vareho11ses shall be divided i11to t,vo classes as follows: A. Class I. Ge11eral warehouses, to be 11sed. for tl1e warel1ousing of good.s generally; a11d B. Class II. Private warel1011ses, to be 11sed solely for warehousing the goods of the licences. (2) The followi11g fees shall be })ayable on tl1e iss11e of a licence: for a Class I wareho11se Etl1. $500 per a11n11n1. for a Class II V11areho11se Eth. $250 per ann11m. COl'-TSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Scl1ed. C Art. 3 (b), 15 Consol. L. Etlz. 1 - Sc/1ecl. C- Art. 3 (b).

6. In addition to the lice11ce fee tl1ere shall be pa;,able b)' the licencee at the time of the grant of a warel1011se lice11ce a deposit of, or an. ,1cceptable guara11t ee for, such s11n1 as shall be fixed by the Director of C11sto1ns, having dt1e regard to the particular circumstances of each case. Tl1is su111 shall be rett1r11ed on the expira­ tion or withdrawal of the licence. 7. Every licence for a wareho11se shall be valid for one cale11dar year a11d shall be rene,vable on tl1e 1st Ja1111ary in every year. 8. The proprietor or occupier of a licensed warehol1se \\'l1o fails to renew the licence in respect of s11ch warehot1se a11d continues to tise the v,1,trel1ouse as such is •

•INTRODUCTORY FOOTNOTE Anul. 4/9 (1945) P. 76; imp/. arnd. Pen. C. 16/Ex.1 (1957).

- 408 -




guilty of an offence and shall be liable on co11viction to punis11n1e11t in accor­ dance to the Penal Code.

CONSOLJDATIDN NOTE .1ln1rl. 4/9 (1945) P.76 Scheel ;, C Art. 3 (b) 15 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1-Sched C - Art. 3 (b); . l. a_nz<l. Pen .. C. 16/Ex. 1 (19:,7) Arts. 354, ,,np 355, (providing for penalties for violation of _ regulat.tons . �oncern11:1g the control _ � f in1ports ::>r exports and thus impliedly superseding penal prov1s1on prev1ot1sly contained 1n present .Article).

9. Licence and supervisio11 fees for wa�ehot1ses shall be collected by the Cus­ toms Administration at the station co11cerned. 10. Wareho11ses shall onJy be worked during C11stoms working hours. 1 I. The licensee of every ,varel1ouse �l1all: (a) keep books sho,ving tl1e date of �ntry of goods, date of release of goods, _ 11an1e of o,vner of goods, and varehot1se charges levied by him; (b) stock and arrange the goods i11 :l1e warehot1se so t11at reasonable access to a11d exan1ination of every package may be had at all times; (c) provide sufficient lights and just scales and weights for the 11se of C11s­ toms Officers; (d) find all labour a11d materials requiste for storing, examining, packing, marking, coopering, weighing and taking stock of the warehoused goods whenever the Customs Administration may so desire; (e) pay the duty 011 all \Varehoused goods ren1oved from his warehouse except by at1thority of the Customs Adn1inistration and 011 all ware­ housed goods 11ot produced to tie officer on demand unless st1ch goods are acco11nted for to the satisfaction of the Customs Administration. 12. Any person who hinders an officer of tl1e C11stoms Administration in tl1e exanuna tion of books or warel1oused goods is guilty of an offence. 13. The proprietor or occupier of a gereral warehouse shall s11bmit a11y ware­ house rules drawn by him, as well as his rites for storage and other charges for receiving or releasing goods, to the C11stoms Administration for approval. 14. The Customs Administration shalJ have 110 responsibility wl1atever for any loss of, or dan1age to, wareho11sed goods �11 account of theft, fire, robbery, or any other cause. 15. The Customs Administration may at any time withdraw or st1spend a warehouse licence without assigning a11y rea:;on for so doing, but the licencee of a ge11eral warehot1se shall not withdraw such warehouse from 11se without the consent of the Customs Administration ·being frst obtained. . . 16. Goods removed from a Ct1ston1s sta.tion to a ,varehouse shall be escorted' by a Customs Officer. 17. Supervising fees in respect of services rendered by a Customs Officer shall be as follows: Eth. $150 per mensem; (a) examining officer Eth. $ 5 per diem. (b) escorting officer .

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 4/9 (1945) P. 76 Scbed. C Art. 3 (b), 15 (,Onsol. L. Eth. 1 - Sched. C-Art. 3 (b).

- 409 -




18. Any person who contravenes the_ p:ovisiorns of these r�gulations is guilty of an offence and shall be liaJble on :;onv1ctton to pttnisrunent m accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 4/9 (1945) P.76 Scbed. C Art. 3 (b115 Co11�ol. L. Eth. 1 -�clied. C_- Ar! 3 (b); i1npl. a,nd. Pen. c. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 354, 355 (wticb prov1de for penalties for v1olat1ng of regulations concerning the control of imports or experts).

Done at Addis Abat>a this 30th day of March, 1944. 3/7 (1944) L. 48

REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE CUSTOMS AND EXPORT DU'OES PROCLAMATION, 1943 Tl1ese Regulations are issued by the Minister of Finance pursuant to a11thority vested in him by Article 9 of the Custon1s and Export Duties Proclamation (No. 39 of 1943). CONSOLIDATION NOTE The Custon1s and Export Duties Prodamation, 2/10 (1943) P.39 Art. 9 under wb,ich these Regulations were issued was repealed by 14/7 (1955) P. 145 Art. 172, 16 Co11sol. L. Eth. 1-172, but v.,1ithout effect on tl1e validity of these Regulations.

I. Tl1ese Regulations may be cited as the ''Customs and Export Duties (Mea­ surement) Regl1lations, 1944'', and shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st April, 1944. 2. The Director of Custon1s may issue notices specif),ing the manner in which goods entered, sh.all be measured for the purpose of assessi11g C11stoms Duties. Done at Acldis Ababa this 30tt day of March, 1944.

5/6 (1946) L. 92�;�




�ese �egulatio ?s are issued by the Mi11ister of Finance pursuant to authority vested 1n him by Article 9 of the Cu.s:oms and Export D11ties Proclamation (No. 39 110f 1943). CONSOLIDATION NOTE Tl1� Custorns. and Expor ·t Duties Procl amation, 2/10 (1943) P. 39 Art. 9 under wJuch these Regulations were issued, was repealeq by lL/7 (1955) P. 145. Art. 172 16 co,isol.' L. Etli. 1-172 but · · without effect on the·. .validity of these Reg1lations. ·�· - . ' •








"'INTRODt.:CTORY FOOTNOTE . . . · I111pl. c1md. Pen. C. 16/Ex.· 1 (1957).

- 410 -




,. •





1. These Regulations n1ay be cited a� tl1e ''Ct1stoms (Control of Com1nercial Aircraft) Reg11lations, 1946' '.

2. In these Regulatio11s ''Aircraft'' n1ea11s a11y heavier tha11 air flying machine. ''Ct1sto1:11s Aerodro111es'' 111eans aerodro111es that l1ave been approvecl for land_ . and takin off of aircr g aft carrying pas)e11gers a11cl merchandise. ing : 3. A Customs officer vvill be i11 atte11da11ce at all Custo1ns aerodron1es fro1n 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. St1ndays and Holjclays inc:11ded for the purposes of: (a) Entering and clearing aircraft; (b) Examinatio11 of passengers' 1:Rggage; (c) Exan1inatio11 . of i11vvard ancl outward merchandise·' (d) The collectio11 of Customs dues and duties. 4. Notification of arrivals and departrres: The aerodrome authorities and/or the aircraft con1panies age11ts shall supJ)ly the Customs in advance, \\'ith a copy of the sched11le shovving the tin1e of arrival a1d deparh1re of com1nercial aircraft, and shall notify the C11sto1ns of a11y subsequent changes made therein. 5. Aircraft arriving: Aircraft arriving i11 the En1pire from abroad must 11ot land for the first time in any jo11rney except at 011e or other of the Customs aero­ dromes, and all Custon1s formalities in relation to the aircraft, its cargo, stores and passengers must be completed at the aercdrome. Similarly aircraft must not start on any voyage to a destinatio11 abroad frcm any other place than a C11stoms aero­ drome. 6. Forced landings: If a11y aircraft to or from abroad is compelled to land before arrivi11g at a Customs aerodrome owing to unavoidable cat1se� the pilot must report forthwith at the nearest Customs Station. 7. Examjnation station: Tl1e pilot of an aircraft arrivi11g with or without pas­ sengers or cargo, must forthwith bring his aircraft to the Exami11ation Station. No passengers, baggage, or goods may be landed except at this station. 8. Reporting: The pilot of every aircraft arriving vvitl1 or without passengers or cargo, must make dt1e report of his ai1craft to the Ct1stoms officer at the aero­ drome and answer such q11estions as are p11t to him by the Customs officer. 9. Documents to be produced: Under international arrangements every air­ craft engaged in an international flight is required to carry a manifest in the pres­ cribed form of all the cargo on board, and a list of the passengers and their baggage. At the time of reporting the pilot must produce to the Customs these documents together with the aircrafts journey log book and the senders declarations giving detailed particulars of the cargo. If no cargo or passengers are carried, a certified statement to that effect in the aircrafts journey log book may take the p:ace of manifest and passenger list. The Customs officer shall verify, sign and tl1e last entry in the journey log book, which he shall rett1rn to the pilot retaining the manifest, passenger list '· ' · · · and declarations. 10. Aircraft proceeding -abroad: Aircraft leaving the Empire for -a destination - · . · '; abroad must obtain Customs cleara11ce a11d a11thority to proceed. Befor� ap.y goods intended for. ex:portation are loade_d, the_ pilot-must deliver to the Customs officer at the aerodrome of departure a notice of intended ·de partt1re, ,









- 411 -

- '




his journey log book, a manifest of the goods to be takei:_om _board �ith decla rations annexed giving detailed particulars, and a passenger 11st 1n duplicate containing the names of the passengers and particulars of their baggage. If the doouments are i t1 the Ct1stoms officer shall sign a11d stamp them returning to t11e pilot the jo11rney log book, the manifest and one passeng er list. If no passengers or goods are to be carried a staten1ent to that effect in the journey log book may be certified by the Cu.stoms officer o·n request, in place of the manifest and passenger list. 11. Sealing of cargo: All 011tward cargo shall be secured by the Customs with wire and seals. 12. Examination: The examination of all inward and outward merchandise an.d passengers' baggage will take place at the Customs Examination Station at the aerodrome. 13. Prevention of smuggling: The general regulations in regard to smuggling will apply also to aircraft. No person in any aircraft entering the En1pire may break or alter any seal placed upon any part of the aircraft, or on any goods therein at the aerodrome of departure. 14. Penalties: Any person who contravenes the provisio11s of these Regulations is guilty of an offence a.nd shall be liable on conviction to tl1e pe11alties prescribed by the Penal Code. CONSOLIDATION NOTE anid. Pen. C. 16/Ex. 1 (1957) Arts. 354-5 (whicl1 provides penalties for violations of regulations concerning the assessme11t and collection of taxes and dues a.nd tl1e control of imports or exports). J1i1pl.

Done at Addis Ababa tl1is 28tl1 day of Febr11ary, 1946. 10/8 (1951) L. 153 :i:

REGULATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE CUSTOMS AND EXPORT DUTIES PROCLAMATION 1943 These Reg11latio11s are issued by the Minister of l:;-ina.nce after their appro val by the Council of Ministers purs11ant to Article 5 (a) of the Custon1s and Export Duties Proclamation, 1943 (Proclamatio11 N·o. 39 of 1943). *INfRODUC"fORY FOOTNOTE Amd. 11/6 (1952) L.159, 1 1/8 (1 952) L.162, 12/3 (1952) L.170, 12/3 (1952) L.171, 12/6 (1952) L.173, 13/4 (1953) L.1 78, 1 3/7 (1954) L. 1 80, 13/7 (1954) L.181, 13/9 (1954) L.183, 13/9 ( 1 954) L .185, 14 /Z (1954) L.190, 15/4 (1955) L.199, 16/9 (1957) L.212, 17/2 ( 1 957) L.212, 1 9/1 (1959) L.222, 19/2 (1959) L.224, 20/1 8 (1961) L.241, 21/9 (1962) L.253, as con·. 21/10 (1962) C.44, 22/5 (1962) L.266, 226/ll (1963) L.272, 23/9 (1964) L.283, 24/3 (1964) L.299, 25/5 (1965) L.309, 25/5 (1965) L.310, 2 5/1 1 (1 9 6) L.313, 25/15 (1966) L.314, 25/20 (1966) L.317, 26/9 (1967) L.326, 27/2 ( 1 967) L.328, 27/3 (196 7) L .332, , 19 42 P.2 as corr. 28/17 (1969) (1966) L.354, C. 71 (Anlharic also 26/2 (1969) only). See 28/6 Consol. L. Eth.3.

- 412-



1. These Regt1lations 1nay be cited as tl1e ''Customs Revised Import and Export Regt1lations, 1951." 2. The ''Schedt1le'' attached to the Custo1ns a11d Export Notice No. 103 of 1947, js 1rvithdrawn and replaced by this Revised J11port a11d Export Tariff, 1951. CLASS I - ANIMALS, AGRICULTURAL, MARINE & PASTORAL PRO­ DUCTS AND FOODSTUFFS Commodity

1. Animals, living: Asses Camels Cattle Goats Horses Mules Pigs Poultry Sheep Others, n.e.e. 2. Asparagus (in ca11s or bottles) 3. Bacon & Hams: (a) in btilk (b) canned or i11 any other packing 4. Baby Foods (excluding Virol or sin1iltr tonics) 5. Bisct1its, cakes and pastries


Duty (E.$s.)

Eacl1 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Free '' ,' ', ,, ', ', '' ', ''

Ad valorem

'' '' Ad valorem ''

40% 5 0% 5 0% 10 % 60%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

6. Bones, casings, hoofs, skins, and teeti of anin1als, fishes, or reptiles, in raw ancl u11mantifactured state 7. Butter, imported

'' ,'

10% 60% •


A,nd. 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (a).


8. Butter, Bazaar (Ghee)

50 %


An1cl. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

9. Cereals, raw: (a) Barley, dhurra, dukuro, maize, mil'.et and wheat (b) Others (oats, pulses, rice, etc.) CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 25/11 (1966) L.313 Art. 3, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

10. Cereals, prepared as proprietary foods ,11d vegetables CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

- 413-

,, ''

Free 40%







Ad valorem

11. Cheese

Duty (E.$s.}



Amd. 22/5 (1962) L.266 Art. 4.


12. Chocolate, con.fectionery or oth0.1 CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3A, 28/6 (1969) L..354 Art. 4.

13. Cocoa: (a) Beans (b) Others Amd. 28/6 t1969) L.354 Art.

Ad valorem ''

1 5% 30%

'' ''

100% 50%

Ad valorem



14. Coffee 15. Confectionery, and Candied Fruits and Vegetables CONSOLIDATION NOTE A11ul. 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 28/6 (1S69) L.354 Art. 4.

16. Currants and Raisi11s 17. Extracts and Essences or S11bstances for food or for Flavo11ring food



_) 0


Arnd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

18. Fish, Sl1ell Fish, and Fish Roes: cressed or other\vise 19. Flot1r, wl1eat A111d.

'' ''

15% 75 %

COl'-TSOLIDATlON l�OTE 25/11 (1966) L.313 Art. 3, 25/20 (1966) L.317 Art. 3, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

20. Flour, other cereals

Ad valorem


Ad valorem


Ad valorem

40/o 0/0


20¼ 20%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amel. 25/11 (1966) L.313 Art. 3, 28/6 ('.969) L.354 Art. 4.

21. Foodstuffs n.e.e. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

22. Fruits, Table or pie (in cans or bottles) CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

23. Fruits Vegetables: (a) Fresh or Green (b) Dates in b111k (c) Dates in packets (including the weight of the packet) ( d) Dried n.e.e. - 414 -

per 100 kilogrammes ''

Ad valoren1






(e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) (k)


Garlic 011ions Potatoes In vinegar, brine or olive oil In spirits Canned as sot1ps Fruits and Vegetables n.e.e.

Ad valorem ,' ,, '' '' ,, ,'



30 % 30 % 5 0% 40% 5 0% 30% 30%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

2 4. 2 5. 26. 27. 28.

Glt1e Henna Honey Hops: in bulk or in packets Invalid Foods, not being medicines, e.g., Ovaltine, Virol and similar preparations, also extracts of fisl1 oil and malt 29. Jams, Marmalades, and Jellies (in tins, glass, jars or packets)

'' '' '' ''


30. Malt and Malt Extracts for brewing 31. Meat fresh, frozen, dried or salted, or 1nade up as fresh or preserved, dried Sat1sages, bt1t 1ot i11cludi11g ca11Iled or bottled n1eat CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

32. Meat ex tracts and soups manufactured frorn meat CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (a), 28/6 (1969� L.354 Art. 4.









Arnd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

10% 30% 50% 10%



Ad valorem


per 100 kilogrammes


33. Meat, canned or in glass bottles or jars CONSOLIDATIO� NOTE Amd.20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (a) 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

34. Milk and Cream: evaporated or sterlized (including weight of tl1e immediate packing) 35. Milk, condensed, sweet or unsweetened (inclt1ding weight of the imn1ediate packing)



CONSOLIDATION' NOTE Arrul. 28/ 6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4. as Corr. 28/17 (1969) C. 71 (Amharic only).

36. Milk Food: (includi11g dried milk, Klim, Lactogen, Glaxo etc.) 37. Oils and fats, animals, fish or vegetable, for consumption CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

- 415 -

Ad valorem






38. Oils and Fats: a11imal, fisl1, or vegetable for ir1dustrial use 39. Sago: (a) for the use i11 production of yarns and textile fabrics (b) other CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arr1d. 25/15 (1966 ) L.314 Art. 3A.

40. 41. 42. 43.

Semolina Salt, Rock Salt, common: ''With Permit'' Salt, table, in cans, packets, or bottles




Ad valorem per 100 kilogrammes '' Ad valorem

Duty (E.$s.)

10 % Free 50 % 50% 4.00 5.00 40%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE An'ld. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

44. Seeds, Bulbs, plants, trees, roots, and tubers for . . sowing 45. Seeds, Oil: i.e., castor, cotto11 linseed, sesame, soya etc. 46. Seeds, Otl1er, n.e.e. 47. Spices CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

48. Sponges 49. Starch in b111k; (a) for the use in productio11 of yarns al1d textile fabrics (b) other CONSOLIDATIOI� NOTE Arnd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3A.

50. Starch, household, i11 packets or tins

Free '' ''

Free 20% 40%




Free 10%


40 %

CONSOLIDA�fION NOTE A111d. 28/6 (1969 ) L.354 Art. 4.

51. Sugar of all kinds (brown, comn1011 crystallized, refined, l1ousehold, lump or castor). IJer I 00 kilogra1nmes


CONSOLIDATION NOT.E A111cl. 22/5 (1962) L.266 Art. 4.

52. Sweets or sweet 111eats in b11 l k, bottled or ca1111ed

Ad ,,aloren1

5 0%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

53. Tea: (a) in bulk (b) i11 packets or tins

per kilogramn1e net ''

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 11/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 3, 24/3 (1964 ) L.299 Art. 4.

- 416 -

3.00 3.50



,------------------- -- ----· Commodity

54. Ton1ato Extracts and To111ato Jt1ice 55. Wheat Paste: n1acaro11i, spaghetti, etc. 56-60. [Tl1ese classificatio11 nu1nbers h,1ve never bee11 11sed.]


Ad valorern ,'

Duty (E.$s.)

100% 50%


per litre of alcol1 ol


CONSOLIDATION NOTE 1lnzd. 13/9 (1954J L.183 Art. 3, 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 4.

62. Ale, Beer, Cider, Perry & Sto11t: (a) Bottles containi11g not n1ore than 350 cc (b) Bottles containing 111ore than 350 cc but not 111ore than 650 cc (c) Bottles co11taining 1nore tl1an 650 cc

J)er bottle


'' Ad valore1n

0.50 100%

per litre of liq11id per litre of alcohol


CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 13/9 {1954) L.183 Art. 3.

63. Brandy, Whisky, Rum, Geneva, Gin and other spi­ rituous beverages: (a) of an alcoholic strength 11ot exceeding 50% by volume (b) of an alcoholic stre11gth exceeding 50% by volume


CONSOLIDATICN NOTE 1ln1d. 13/9 (1954) L.183 Art. 3, 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 4, 22/11 (1963J L.272 Art. 4, 25/5 ll965) L.309 Art. 3 (a).

64. Liqt1eurs: Cordial and mixed potable spirits: (a) of an alcol1olic strength 11ot exceeding 50% by volume (b) of a11 alcoholic strength exceeding 50% by volume

per litre of liquid per litre of alcol1ol

12.00 24.00

CONSOLIDATICN NOTE A,nd. 13/9 (1954) L.183 Art. 3, 17/2 (1957) L.212Art. 4, 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4, 25/5 (1965) L. 309 Art. 3 (a).

65. Methylated and denatured spirits: not potable 66. Port, Maderia, Malaga, Marsala and Sherry: (a) in bottles (b) in bulks i.e. barrels, casks, kegs



per case of 9 36.00 litres (12 rep11ted quarts) 3.50 per litre demi-johns

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 13/9 (1954) L.183 Art. 3.

IJer kilogram1ne 67. Power Alcohol, not potable 68. Rectified spirits: to be used solely i11 the con1pound­ ing of drugs and 1nedicines: on proof to the satisfactio11 of the Director of Customs - 417 -

1.50 Free





69. Sparkling Wines :

Duty (E,$s.)

per case of I 2 bottle or 24 l1alf bottles 54.00 per case of 12 bottles or 24 half bottles 42.0 0

(a) Champagne and any other Wine sold under the label ''Champag:r1e" (b) others

70. Still Wines: Red or White, including Vermouth: per case of 9 litres (a) in bottles (12 reputed quarts) per 1itre (h>) in bulk: i.e. barrels, casks, kegs, or demi-joh11s

18.0 0 1.50

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 13/9 t1954) L.183 Art. 3.

71. Sacramental Wines: on p·roof to the satisfaction of the Director of Cu.stoms that it js imported for 11se as such 72. Water, mi11eral, aerated and table

Ad valorem

Free 30%

CONSOLIDA1'ION NOTE Arr1.d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

73. [Repel. 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.5. The present Article was previously ainended by 22/5 (1962) L.266 Art.4.] Ad valorem 40% 74. Fr11it jt1ices a11cl sqt1ashes, i.e., lemon, ora11ge, etc. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Adcled 13/9 (1954) L.183 Art. 4•; a111d. 22/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

75-78. [Tl1ese classificatio11 n111nbers have never been used.] CLASS III-TOBACCO AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF 79. Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarillos per kilogramme net


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 5.

80. Cigarettes (With Permit from Tobacco Monopoly Board)


CONSOLIDATION NOl'E A1nd. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 5.


81. Snuff

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 5.

82. Tobacco Ma11ufactures

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Arnd. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 5.

per kilogra111 me net

83. Tobacco Raw, or semi-prepared

CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 5.

84-85. [These classification 11umbers :ha7e never bee11 used.] -418 -


10.00 •

10.00 10.00 5.00


16..7 Unit

Duty (E.$s.)

CLASS IV-TEXTILES, FIBRES, YARNS AND M . ANUFACTURES THEREOF Cotton and lVIanufactures Thereof 86. Cotto11 Ra\v for 111a11t1factt1ri11g p11rposes per kilogram111e 0.10 CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3.



87. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 A1:t.3B (replacing this and other Articles with new Articles 139-142). The present Article was previo11sly amended by 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.4, 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art.3 (b).] 88. (a) [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art.3B (replacing this and other Articles with new Articles 139-142).] per kilogramme (b) second hand clothing a.nd sewn articles


86A. Artificial cotton, 11nspt111

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3, 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B.

89. [Repel. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art.3B (replacing this and other Articles \vith new Articles 139-142). The present Article was previously amended by 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art.4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.5.] 90. Hosiery (a) Socks, stockings, ties, gloves a11d baby a11d infa11t Ad valorem 50% undergarments 10.00 per piece or 100% ad (b) Sweaters, pullovers, cardigans a11d valorem whichever is the higher similar kn.itted garments 9.00 per dozen ·pieces or 60% ad (c) Others, incl11ding knitted shirts valorem whichever is the higher a11d t1ndergarn1ents CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 21/9 (1962) L.253 Art. 4, 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (c), 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

91. Mosquito Netting 92�97. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B (replacing these and other Articles with new Articles 139-142). One or more of the prese11t Articles wa s previously amended by 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3, 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art.4 (a), 21/9 (1962) L.253 Art.4, 22/5 (1962) L.266 Art.4, 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.4, 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art.4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.5.] 98. Cotton sewing a11d embroidery thread A111d.


Ad valorem




CONSOLIDATION NOTE 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

99. Cotton Unsewn' Unmanufact11red Goods: e.g., lace, embroidery, braid, etc. 1l111d.

Ad valoren1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3.

- 419 -

-------. ---- - ----Duty IOPIA CONSOLIDATED LAW6 OF ETH




100. Cotton and Cotton Velvet Carpets




° 10%

Ad valoren1 ''

25% 15%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3.

101. Cotton waste and old cotton rags imported solely for cleaning purposes by indt1strial enterprises, garages, worksho·ps and simila.r establishments. CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (cl).

102. Cotton Cloth: waxed, oiled, ta.rred or similar cloth 103. Cotton-wool gauze, or medicated CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1n£l. 28/6 {1969) L.354 Art. 4.


104. Cotton yams: (a) Grey or Bleacl1ed (irrespective of fold) per kilogramme 1.25 (1) Co11nts up to and including 20½ '' (2) Counts above 20½ and up to and including 40 1.5 0 '' (3) Co11nts above 40 and up to a11d including 60 2.25 '' Counts above 60 (4) 3.50 (b) Coloured or Mercerized (irrespective of fold): '' (1) Counts up to a11d including 20½ 1.50 '' (1) Co1111ts up to and -incl11diog 20½ 1.50 '' (2) Co11nts above 20½ a11cl up to and incl11ding 40 2.75 '' (3) Co11nts above 40 and 11p to and incl11di11g 60 3.40 '' (4) Co11nts above 60 5.00 Note: Cou11ts according to Britisl1 or Inter11ational syste1n number of hanks of 840 yards in the 1 lb. C01�SOLIDATION NOTE A;11d. 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4.

105. (a) Cotto11 Goods Misce]laneo11s 11.e.e. (b) [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B (replacing tl1is and other Articles witl1 11ew Articl�s 139-142).]

Ad valorem


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amel. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3, 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 6, 25/15 (19�6) L.314 Art. 3B.

Flax, llemp, Jute and Manufactures Thereof (inciuding those mixed ,-vith cotton)

106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

Flax RaVI' Ad valoren1 '' 1-lemp Ra\v '' Jute Raw '' Oakum (a) [ReJJd. 25/15 (!966) 1:,314 Art.3B (replacing tl1is and other Articles . w1tl1 new Articles 139-142).] (b) Seco11d hand clothing and sewn articles per kilogramn1e

10% IO% 10% 15% $7.00

CONSOLIDATION NOTE · An1d. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3, 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art.4 24/3 (1964 L ?99 Art 4 2 5/15 (1966) ' J ·• ' 3B. L.314 Art.

- 420-


--------------------------·, Commodity·


111. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art.3B (repla1;ing tl1is and other Articles with new Articles 139-142).] 112. Gunny bags made of Flax, I-Iemp or Jt1te per 100 kilogra111mes CONSOLIDATIO� NOTE Anzd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3, 20/18 (1961) L.2�1 Art. 4 (a).

113. Gtmny bags used

per 100 kilogrammes

Duty (E.$s.)

50.00 50.00

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3, 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (a), 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4.

114. Hessian cloth, ''B t1tvills'', ''D.W.Cloth'' and similar textiles

per 100 kilogrammes


CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. t;. (aJ, 22/11 (1963) L.272 1-\rt. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A (i), 27/3 (1967) L.232 Art. 3.

114A. Gunny bags made of Flax, }Iemp or Jute, ne,v or used, which are intended for packing of 5alt or sugar, produced within the Empire and exported abroad


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (b); an1d. 21/S (1962) L.253 Art. 4.

115. Lace, Trimmings, Embroidered Goo:ls, and all materials used for decorative or ornamertal purposes, and all products made v1holly or partls tl1ereof 116. Tarpaulins and canvas, of any fibre or any mixture of fibres

Ad valorem




CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 25/15 (19661 L.314 Art. 3A.

117. Twine and cordage of flax, hemp ind/or jute; mixed Ad valoren1 or not mixed with cotton


118. Yarn and thread of flax, hemp and/or jtte; mixed or not mixed with cotton



I 19. Miscellaneous goods made of flax, hen:p or jute, n.e.e.





CONSOLIDATIO� NOTE Amd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A11·1d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

CONSOLIDATIO'.'t NOTE Amd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

120. Vegetable Fibres, Others, n.e.e.

Silk & Artificial Silk & Manufactures Thereof (including those mixed llith any other fibre) 121. Clothing and sewn articles, including ho11sehold linen: (a)-(d) [Rep d. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B (replacing these and other provisions with new Articles 139-142).]

- 421 -




(e) Second ha11d clothi11g of si1i:� artificial silk and mixtures thereof

Duty �E.$s.)

per kilogramme 3.0Q

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Anzd.15 /4 (1955J L.199 Art.3, 17/2 (1957)L.212 Art.6, 25/5 {1965) L.309 Art. 3 �e), 25/15 (1966 ) L.314 Art. 3B.

122. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 A.1Jt.3i6 (replaoimg this and o�heF Artieles wit:h m.ew Articles 139-142). The present Article was previously amended 'Jy 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3, 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art.6, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.7, 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art.3 (f).] 123. H0siery: (a) Socks, stockings, ties, gloves a11d baby and infa11t undergarments. Ad valorem 65% (i) of nat1rral silk (ij) of artificial silk or of natural or artificial silk ,, mixed with other fibres 60% 10.00 per piece or 100% (b) Sweaters, pullovers, cardigans and ad valorem whichever is si111ilar lc.nitted gar1nents the higher (c) Others, including k11itted sl1irts a11d 11ndergarn1e11ts Ad valorem 65% (i) of natural silk (ii) of artificial sillc or of 9.00 per dozen pieces or natural or artificial sillc 60% ad valoren1 which­ mixed V11itl1 otl1er fibres ever is the higher CONSOLCDA'IlON NOTE A111d. 15/4(1955) L.199 Art. 3, 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 6, 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (g), 28/6 (1969) L.354 Ait. 4.

124-125. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Ar:.3B (replaci11g these and other Articles with new Ar:icles 139-142). One or more of the present Articles was previously an1end­ ed by 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3, 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art.6, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.8, 25/5 (I 965) L.309 Art.3 (h).] 126. Yarns: 40Jo 0/0 (a) Natural Silk Ad valorero (b) Artificial Silk ,, 35¾ (c) Of synthetic fibres whicl1 are sl10\Vn to the satis­ faction of the Director to be imported for use in 2o o. industry per kilogramme . CONSOIJDATION NOTE Arne/. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art . 3, 23/9 (1�64) L.283 Art. 4, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

- 422 -'


16-7 Duty


127. Silk Goods a11d Jvlant1factt1res tl1ereof, n.e.e. (a) Natural Silk (b) Artificial Silk Note: Rayon a11d Nylon or a11y other t\rtificial Fibre (man-made fibres) will be cla�sifiecl as Artifi­ cial Silk.



Ad valorem ''

65% 60%

Ad valorem


CONSOLIDA1ION NOTE Atnd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 _Art. 3 , 24/3 (1964 ) L.299 Art. 4 . •

Wool and l\1anufactures Thereof (including those mixed with any other fibres except silk) 128. Carpets CONSOLIDAlION NOTE Arnd. 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (i).

129. [Repd. 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art.3 (j). The present Article was previously amended by 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.4.] 130. (a) [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art.3B (replacing this a.nd other Articles with new A:-ticles 139-142).] (b) Second hand clothing and sewn articles per kilogramme


CONSOLIDAlION NOTE Amd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 3, 22/11 (1963) 1.272 Art. 4, 23/9 (1964 ) L.283 Art.4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B. .

131. Hosiery: (a) Socks, stockings, ties, gloves and baby and infant Ad valorem 65% undergarments 10.00 per piece or 100% (b) Sweaters, pullovers, cardigans and ad valorem whichever is similar knitted garments the higher 9.00 per dozen pieces (c) Others, including knitted shirts £nd or 60% ad valorem undergarments whichever is the higher CONSOLIDATION NOTE A11zd. 21/9 (1962) L.253 Art. 4, 25/5 (1965) 1.309 Art. 3 (k), 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

132-134. [Repd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B (replacing these and other Articles with new Articles 139-142). The present Articles were previously amended by 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.4, 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art.4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.9.] 135. Yarn and thread (a) Yam a.n d thread put up on reels: bobbins, cops, spools, cylinders and other similar forms, intended for and suitable only for processing into fabrics per kilogramme by industries in Ethiopia - 423 -






(b) Woollen yar11 a11d thread rejects a.nd sc1rap weollen goods, inte11ded for and suitable only for . tl1e _ recovery of yar11 a.nd thread for processing roto fabrics by i11dustries in Eohiopia (c) Other, including knittin.g wool, put 11p tn forms generally u.sed in the retail trade

'' ''

Duty tE.$s.)

0.20 2.00

CONSOLIBATION NOTE Az11d. 25/5 (1965) L.309 Aut. 3 (1), 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

136. [Repel. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B (replacing this and other Articles with ne�, Articles 139-142). The present Article was previously amended by 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art.3, 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art.4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art.9.]

137. Miscellaneous Woolle11 Goods or Mantuactures

Ad valorem

CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1cl. 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4.

138. Raw wool

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Addecl 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (01).


per kilogramme 0.10

139. Woven. textile fa'brics n.e.e.: I. of wool, not 1nixed wit.11 a11y other fibres (a) in the piece Ad valorem 65% (b) fents per kilogramme 4.00 2. of cotto11 otl1er vegetable fibre, silk, artificial silk·, or of anyfibre, or of a11y mixtl1re of fibres (a) in the piece: (i) for· 11se as it1tegral parts of indt1strial 1na­ chinery, st1ch as roller cloth, ·bolting clotl1, and similar textiles 10% Ad valorezn (ii) waxed, oiled, tarred or siuula1·ly in1preg11,1ted P....d valorem 25% (iii) otl1er 1.25 per square meter or I 00% ad valorero whiche,,e1· is the higher (b) fents Ad valorem 100% . CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B.

140. Textile man11factures of any fibres, for t1se as i11tegral parts of ind11strial machinery, st1ch as driving ba11ds and similar articles CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 25/15 t1966) L.314 Art. 3B.

Ad valorem


141. Blankets and travelling rt1gs of a11y fib1·e or a11y 111ixt11re of fibres _ per kilogran1me 5.00

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4, 23/9 (1964 L.28 3 Art . 4' 25/5 (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (n ), 25 /lS (1966) L.314 Art. 3B, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4. .

- 424 -




I 42. Clothing a11d sew11 articles, i11clt1di11g household articles, of a11y fibre, or of a11y n1ixtu1·e of fibres


Ad valore111

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Repd. 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 5; addecl 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3B.

Duty (E.$s.)


143-145. [These classification 1111mbers have 11ever bee11 used.] CLASS V - METALS AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF (including Macbj11ery and Vehicles) Metals 146. Aluminium: Grains, Ingots or Slabs per 100 kilogrammes $30.00 147. Alumi11it1m sheets and plates, plain perforated or '' corr11gated n.e.e. 40.00 CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 20/18 t196l) L.241 Art. 4 (c).

147A. Aluminium sheets plain and cut to shape, but other­ \vise unmant1factured, which are shown to be imported for further processing and manufacture within tl1e Empire

Ad valorem


Ad valorem


per I 00 kilogram1nes


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (d).

148. Aluminium n.e.e. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3A.

149. Brass or Yellow Metal: Bars and Rods 150. Brass or Yellow Metal: Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Washers 151. Brass or Yellow Metal: Ingots 152. '' '' '' '' Nails, Screws, Tacks 153. '' '' '' '' Plates and Sheets 154. '' '' '' '' Tubes and Pipes 155. '' '' '' '' Wire '' '' '' n.e.e. '' 156. 157. Copper: Bars and Rods 158. '' Bolts, Nuts, Rivets a11d Washers 159. '' Ingots and Slabs 160. '' Nails, Screws, Tacks 161. '' Plates and Sheets '' 162. Tubes and Pipes '' 163. Wire '' 164. n.e.e. 165. Iron & steel: Galvanized or ·ungalvanized: Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Washers - 425 - .


Ad valore1n

25.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20% 30.00 40.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 20%

per 100 kilogrammes


per 100 kilogrammes '' '' ,, '' Ad valorem per 100 kilogrammes ,, '' ,, '' '' ''




166. Iron & steel ingots ane slabs: (a) lf imported for further processing and manufacture within the Empire (b) others CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 25/15 (1966) L.314 Art. 3A.


Duty ''·E.., ts.)


Free 6.00


167. Iron & steel: Nails, ScFews and Tacks 168. Iron & steel plates and sheets (a) Shown to the satisfaction of Customs to be im­ ported by a petroleum refinery exclusively for the manufacture of drums as containers for asphalt or bitum.en {b) Black iron and steel sheets of 111 kinds and din1en­ sions imported for further prJcessing in Ethiopia (c) oth.ers


Free '' ''

3.00 20.00

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 24/3 (1964 ) L.299 Art. 4, 25/15 (19(6) L.314 Art. 3A, 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A(li), 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

169. Iron & Steel: Pipes and Tubes a11d fitti ngs tl1ereof 170. Iron & Steel: Rods a11d Bars

per 100 ki logrammes ,'

10.00 12.00

CONSOIIDATION 1�0TE r1n1d. 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art. 4.

171. Iron & Steel: Tees, Chan11els, Joists, Angles, Girders and other StrL1ctio11al Sections





Ad v�1lorem ''

10Jo 0/0 10%

CONSOLIDATION l\IOTE 28/6 (1969 ) L.354 Art. 4.

172. Iron & Steel: Wire n.e.e. CONSOlIDATIO�� NOTE A111d. 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (e).

I 73. Iron & Steel: n.e.e. 174. Metals: Otl1er n.e.e. CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1nd. 12 /3 (1952) L.171 Art. 3.

175. Iro11 & steel wire rod (a) lm �ort�d exclusively for furtl1er processing in E th1op1a (b) Other CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 (f ); Mld. 28/6 (1969 ) L.354 Art. 4.

176-180. [These classification nt1mbers have never been tlsed.] - 426 -

'' l'



-----------------------· Commodity

Metal Manufactures 181. Arms and Am111unitio11 , for personal or sporting use CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 7.

182. Bedsteads, cots, camp breds, cl1airs and otl1er kinds of furniture 111ade wl1olly or cl1iefl:r of n1etal, and parts and accessories tl1ereof





Ad valoren1


Ad valorem




CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1nd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

I 83. Builders req11isites: doors a11d fitting:; for same, ve11ti­ lators, windows and fittings, sanitary applicances and fittings, house frames in sections, made wholly or cl1iefly of n1etal CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 28/6 (1969) L. 354 Art. 4

184. Bullion: (a) in bars or sl1eets (b) Foreign coin or specie, with Per.n1it issued by tl1e Ministry of Finance 185. Buckets, Dustbins, Destructors, Incinerators a11d similar appliance imported for pt1bli� service i11 co11nection with the destr11ction of reftse 186. Fencing material: G·ates, H11rdles, Posts, Standards, Staples, Winders and other materals or fasteners normally used for fencing I 87. Filters: not being parts of n1otor car, or vehicles, for the purification or softening of waer or for 11se it1 connection with machinery for rnanufacturit1g or industrial p·urposes 188. Radiators, toasters, cookers, fans, fash-lights, irons and other similar electric appliances and parts tl1ereof

Free ''

15% Free






353/.: , 0


An1d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

189. Railway and Tramway construction and- eq11ipme11t reqt1isites: Rails, Sleepers, Fastenings for same, Switchboxes, Culvert tops, Turntables and similar equipment 190. Safes, Strong Boxes, and Strong Room Doors 191. Signs, metal name plates, bearing commercial ad­ vertisements or name and qualifications of the im­ porter, metal licence plates or badgef imported by or on behalf of a pt1blic body CONSOLIDATION NOTE

An1d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

- 427 -

Ad valorem

Free 20%







192. Spring Steel 193. Stoves, Ranges, etc., for cooking or heating, n.e.e. 194. Tanks: complete or in sections: (a) Imported for use with a p1!1blic water supply system (b) Others 195. Other metal manufactur, es (a) Enamelware (b) Other


', ''

,' '' ''


�E.$s.) 20 % 10% Pree 10% 45 % 15%

eoNBOLIDATION NOifE Amd. 12/3 (1952) L.171 Art. 3, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.


196. Metal Drums, empty CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 4.


197. Cyli11ders in use or for use as containers of gas CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 23/9 (1964) L.283 Art. 5.

198-200. [These classification numbers have never bee1111sed.]

Machinery mtd Tools 201. Agric11ltt1ral Machinery a.nd parts thereof 202. Electrical lvlachine1·y: for Power Generati11g such as Dynamos, Alterna.tors, Motors, Transformers, Con,,ertors, etc., and materials for the tra11sn1ission and distribt1tion of electricity, but not inclt1ding v·1ir­ i11g, fixtures, bell fittings, pushes, switches, plugs, bra.ckets, lamJ)holders, or st1ch like material for 11se inside of buildings 203. Fire Extingl1ishi11g Apparatus, and parts and refills thereof 204. 1VIachine Tools: such as Lathes, Pla11ers, Drill Presses� and parts thereof 205. Machine Shop Tools: such as Cutters, Drills, ltea­ mers, etc., and parts thereof, including I-Ia11d Tools made wholly or chiefly of metal 206<. Tools: comrponly used by labot1rers, artisans, and mechanics 207. Prime Movers: i.e. Gas Engines, Oil Engines, Steam Engines, Hydrauli_c Steam Turbines, Turbo-ge11erator sets, and other Prime Movers and parts thereof 208. Sewing and Knitting Machines, and parts thereof, but not to inclt1de 11eedles for same - 428 -


Free Ad valoren1

IO% Free Free Free free

Ad valorem





209. Sprayers,. Spri11klers, Vermin Tra1)s, and a1)J),tratus and appliances l1sed for the preve11tio11 ai1d destrt1c­ tion of pests, or of diseases i11 stock, .l)la11ts, or trees 210. Steam Boilers, Economizers, St1perheaters, Mechanic­ al Stokers, a11d otl1er Boiler Roo111 Accessories and parts tl1ereof 211 . Typewriters, at1tomatic sales n1acbi11es, calculati11g machines, cash registers, copy l)resses, cheque per­ forators, dating n1achi11es, dll.l)licating n1achines, 11umbering n1achlnes and sin1ilar office macl1ines for clerical or accounting p11rposes, or J)arts thereof.


Duty (E.$s.)

Free Free



CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 28/6 (1969 ) L.354 Art. 4.

212. Telegraphic a11d Telephonic Eqt1ipme11t, instrt1ments and, materials in1ported for 11se by a public 11ti]ity Company for the co11struction, worki11g, and main­ tenance of telegrapl1 or telephone lines, or for the transmission and reception of wireless telegraphy or telephony, excluding stationery, or electric batteries suitable for 11se in motor velucles 213. Weighing or measuring machines a11d ,tpJ)lia11ces, n.e.e., inclt1ding petrol and oil pl1111ps

Free Ad valorem

�001 .)


Free 10%


CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1nd. 28/6 (1969J L.354 Art. 4.

214. Nlachlnery and parts thereof n.e.e. (a) Pumps inclt1ding motor and rotor, centrifugal and immersion, hydraulic rams, liquid elevators and other similar machinery and appliances pri­ marily i11tended for irrigation pl1rposes (b) Others CONSOLIDATION NOTE Anzd. 12/3 (1952) L.171 Art. 3, 28/6 t1969) L.354 Art. 4.

215. Grain elevators and silos, imported for the bulk stor­ age of grai11 and having a capacity of not less than 50 tons, and parts a11d accessories thereof CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 23/9 tl964) L.283 Art. 5.

216. Machinery especially designed for boring or ?rilli11g for the purpose of exploration and prospectmg for minerals or for undergro11nd water or for the pump­ i11g or raising of undergrot1nd water to the surface, including motor vehicles for tl1e carriage, erection or

- 429-


A J l> JO H 'F E P G S W A L D C0NS©It.tIDAliE




operatio11 of st1ch macl1irnery, so. far as they ca� be considered as a part 0f said macl11nery and cannot be t1sed for any other transport purposes

Duty (E.$s.)


CONSOLIDA'fION NOTE Added 25/S (1965) L.309 Art. 3 (o).

217-219. [These classification numbers ·ta. ve never bee11 used.] Vehicles 220. Aeroplanes, Hydroplanes, and all other Flying Ma­ chines, and parts thereof Free 221. Ambulances: when importea in a complete state, and parts and accessories thereof: (but not including I.amps, bt1lbs, tyres and tt1bes when imported se­ parately) Free 222. Fire Engines, Fire Escapes, Hydra.nts, and other fire fig]1ting appliances, irrespective ,)f propelling power Free 223. Ca1ts, Trailers a11d Wagons, and pa.rts tl1ereof: (a) When in11 Jorted by a public body for the collection a11d disposal of reft1se Free 15 % Ad valorem (b) Others '' 224. Bicycles a11d Tricycles 15 % 225. Bicycle a11d Tricycle parts and accessories tl1ereof, but 11ot i11cludi11g n1bber tyres and t11bes vvhen in1.­ '' ported separately 226. Carriages: includi11g Baby Carriages a11d parts and accessories thereof, b11t not includi11g rt1bber tyres '' and tubes when imported separately 1 5% 227. Railway a11d Tran1v.1 a.y Loco1notives and Te11ders Free and parts a11d accessories therec,f 228. Railway a11d Tramwa.y Coacl1es aod Wago11s a 11cl Free other rolling stock, and parts a11d accessories tl1ereot· 229. Tar and Pitch Boilers, Street S1)rayi11g machi t1 es a11d similar vehicles ordinarily e1nployecl i11 tl1e co11str 11c­ Free tion and mainte11ance of roac1s (a) When im1Jorted by a l)llblic body free '' (b) Others JO¾ 230. Motor Vehicles: (a) Mo_ !or passenger ca:s, statiot1 \Vago11s, ¾ acl valore111 on the 50 _ utility cars and similar vehicles, rst 3 000 of tl1e dutiable fi wl1etl1er assembled or unassembled °1 ad valor enl ' l11e 'plus 85 lo ' va . h the togetl1er with their appropriate ic wh 011 th e a·mount by 00 initial eqt1ipment 0 3, s d11tiable value exceed - 430 , 0


Cus1·0Ms, lMPOll'f A1'D EXPOll'f TAXES .

·. commodity·

Duty (E.$s.)


(b) Land Rovers, Jeeps a11d sin1ilar fc11r-wheel clrive vel1icles, Pick-11ps and light delivery va11s incl11ding lorries, tr11cks a11d sin1ilar v:!hicles' witl1 a carrying capacity 11ot exceecli11g 1500 kgs., including microbuses, n1inibuses, m:nicoaches and similar vehicles, whether asse111bled or unassembled, toget11er with their appro1Jriate initial equip­ ment (c) Motor cycles, motor tricycles and motor scooters and carava11s, whether as�e1ubled or un� assembled, together \.\1it]1 tl1eir appropriate initial equipment (d) Omnibuses, coaches, motor lorries, big b11ses, trucks and similar vehicles, with a carrying capacity of more than 1, 500 kilogrann1es, wl1ether assembled or 1111assembled, toget:1er with tl1eir appropriate i11itial eq11ipment (i) omnibuses, big buses and coa:;hes (ii) lorries, trucks and similar vehicles

Ad valore111

50 %



'' ''

20 % 10%


CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 12/3 (1952) L.170 Art. 3, 21/9 (1962) L.253 Art. 4 as corr. 21/10 (1962) C.44, 22/11 (1963) L.272 Art. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 28 /6 (1969: L.354 Arts. 4-5.

231. Motor or Steam: road and farm tractors and trailers, with parts and accessories thereof but not i11cluding lan1ps, bulbs, tyres and tubes when i111ported se­ parately A111d.


CONSOLIDATJON NOTE 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4.

232. Motor or steam, road rollers, stone crLshers, graders, scarifiers, road sweepers, road sprayer,, and vehicles ordinarily .employed in tl1e construction and main­ tenance of roads, parts and accessories thereof, but not including lamps, b11Jbs, tyres and tubes, \Vhen imp.orted separately




,;J,nd. 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4.

233. Motor vehicle bodies and parts a11d accessories thereof

Ad valorem

50 %

CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1d. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 4, 22/11 (19631 L.�72 Art. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4. l

234. Motor vehicle engines an.d parts and accessories thereof A,1ul.


Ad valorem

5 0%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 4, 22/11 (1963) L.1/2 Art. 4, 24/3 (1964) L.299 Art. 4, 28/6 (1969)

L.354 Art. 4.

- 431-




Ad valorem

235. Vehicles: n.e.e.

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 4.

236. Ships a, nd other vessels for coastal, inland an.d har­ botrr navigation, includin:g steamecs, l�l!lriches,, e0a.:ts, sailing craft, lighters aRa bai;ges elle., 1mpotuted eJiltlFe or in. sections etc.


CONSO'DWA'FION NOTE Added 12/3 (1952) L.171 Art. 3.

237�240. [These classification numbers have never been 11sed.] CLASS VI - MINERAL, EAF..THENWARE AND GLASSWARE 241. Asbestos and asbestos cement m£nt1factures, nan1ely sheets, plain or corrugated, slates, tiles, ridging, gt1tter­ i11g, washers, gaskets and packing

Ad valorem


CONSOLIDATION NOTE An1(l. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

242. Asphalt, bih1men, pitch and tar 1n bulk (a) Imported by a local refinery \1itb special permis­ sion of the Mi11isters of Co1nmerce and Industry and of Finance (b) In other cases

per ton

Free 50.00

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A111d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

243. Bottles and Jars, Common: of glass or earthenware, and bottles ordinarily used for aerated waters, not including sparklet or similar syphons 244. Bricks and slates for building ptirposes

Ad valoren1 ',

30% 20%

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 20/18 (1961) L.241 Art. 4 <.g), 28/6 ll969) L.354 Art. 4.

245. Cement: (a) Portland and similar ceme11t for building purposes (b) Cement Clinker ·cc) P11dlo, ironite, cemento11e, an,i similar s11bstances for proofing, hardening or colouring cement (d) Plaster of Paris in bulk

l 00 kilograro1nes $5.00 20% Ad valoren1

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 21/9 (19621 L.253 Art. 4, 27/2 (1967) L.328 A.rt , 3A ('" Ill). .

-432 -

', ''

10% · 10%




246. Coal, Coke, a11cl. Pate11t Ft1el 247. Crt1cibles, Ct1pels, Ct1pelli11g Fur11aces: I11got Mot1lds, a11d Fur11aces for recasti11g .n1etal 248. Emery, CorL111dt11n, Carbort1ndt1111 a11d sin1ilar abr::1sives in bulk, or in the for111 of cloth paJ)er, stones or \vbeels, sa11d glass ,111d flint paper, g�indsto11es, ancl scytl1e-stones 249. Filters: not being !)arts of motor cars or vehicles, .for the pt1rificatio11 or softening of wate1, or for use i11 connection with n1aclli11ery for 1nruit1fact11ri11g or .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . ... indtistrial purposes 250. Firebricks, F"ireclay, Fire-ceme11t, a11d Furnace Ce­ ment, not bei11g con1po11e11t parts of a ft1rnace or boiler installatio11 in1ported complete or in sections 251. Talc Powder: jn bt1lk, 11ot beit1g a to]et preparation 252. Glass (a) Illt1minated wi11dows im1)orted ·Jy or for _presentatio11 to any religiot1s body (b) Polished plate, not silvered or b!velled . . . ... (c) Polished plate, silvered a11d/or revelled ... ... (d) Sl1eet plain, clear ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... (e) Other .. . ... .. . ... ... . . . .. ... •··




Free Free

Ad valorern




Ad valoren1 ''

10% 10%

'' '' '' ''

Free 30% 40% 20% 35%

Free 5% 25% 10% 10%






• ••





CONSOLIDATION NOTE Ar11d. 28/6 (1969J L.354 Art. 4.

253. G.lass\.vare, Eartl1enware, Cl1i11aware :ind Porcelai11ware: (a) for laboratory t1se or scie11ti:fic pt1rpose ... • • • (b) Lenses, optically grout1d for spe-:;tacles • • • • • • (c) Others, 11.e.e. ... .. . ... . . . ..• •·· • • • • • • 254. Grapl1ite or Plun1bago .. . ... ... ..-. • • • • • • • • • 255. Marble: (a) in tl1e rot1gh or sawn .. . . .. .. • • · · · ·· · · · (b) Tombstones a11d memorials for graves, engraved with a commemorative inscription of the deceased perso11 256. Pipes, Pipi11g, and Tt1bes of earthenware for drain�ge, irrigatio11, sewerage, water st1pply, or ·.vater pumping, or for t1se in ma11ufacturing or industrial plants 257. Sanitary eartl1enware, stoneware or porcelain�are, baths, lavatory basins, cisterns, water_ closet�, urinals and sinks, but not i11cluding portat>le toilet ware CONSOLIDATION NOTE A1nd. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

- 433 -




• ••





'' '' ''

·· ·



Free ''




'tl'BIO,PIA n F O S : W A L D B T A IW L O S N Co




258. Minerals in bulk: n.e.e. 259. Tiles and mosaics, glazed or unglazed, white, coloured or decorated, for building purpcses... • • • • · · · · · · · ·

Duty Unit <E.$s.) Ad valorem 10% ,,


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 20/18 (1961) L.24[ Art.4 (h); a"d. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

260-263. [These classification numbers have never been used.]


264. Belt Dressing 265. Furnace and fuel oil

15% 0.25

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Amd. 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A (iv). See Notes 1 an.d 2 following Article 282 below.

266. Grease and oil lubricating (a) Wholly or partly of mineral origi11 (b) Other

per kilogramme .net

Free 0.235

COl�SOLIDATION NOTE Arr1d. 27/2 (19(17) L.328 Art. 3A (v). Sc-e Note 3 follo'vving Article 282 below.

267. Benzi11e, benzoli11e, gasoli11e, JJet1ol and other motor spirits n.e.e.

per litre

CONSOLDATION l'-TOTE A.1nd. 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A (vi). See Notes follo\viJ.1g Art. 282 belov.


268. Oils: (a) Trat1sforn1er (b) Batching and ingredients thereof, on proof to the satisfaction of the Director of Customs, tl1at they are imported solely for 11se in the manu­ fact11re of rope, cordage, twine or similar 1naterial 269. Oils: essential and .essences (a) 1:5sed in the man11fact11re of wines, spirits a11d liqueurs; such as Anethol, !\.nisette, etc. (b) Used in the manufacture of syrtlJJ cordials, mineral waters and soft be\erages . . . . . . . ..



Ad valoren1




Ad valoren1





CONSOLTIATION NOTE A1ncl. 28/6 (1969) L.354 Art. 4.

270. Naphtha, gas oil and diesel oil

per litre

CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,nd. 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A (viiJ. See Notes follo,ving Ar 28 below. t. 2

· - 434 -

0. 185





271. Oils: Lt1bricating (a) Wholly or partly of mi11eral ori gi11 (b) Other kinds, 11 .e.e. . .. . . . .. '



• • •

Duty (E.$s.)

per kilogra111me ''

$0.10 $0.15

per litre

Free 0. 35

• • •

• I I

CONSOLID1-\TJON NOTl� See Note 3 follo,ving Art. 282 belo\v.

272. Crt1de or partly refined mineral oils (a) In1ported for ft1rther refining i 11 Ethiopia (b) Other

CONSOLIDATJON NOTE A111d. 12/3 ,1952) L.170 Art. 4, 15/4 (1955) L.199 Art. 10, 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A (viii). See Note 1 follo\ving Art. 282 below.

273. Oils: Tar and Creosote, in bulk, incltding solig11um and similar substances for the preserva.tiot1 of wood, but not inclt1ding wood preserving or11ame11tal stains 274. Oils, Others, 11.e.e. ... ... . .. ... .. . .. . ... 275. Paints, colours, varnis11es and driers, inclt1ding dis­ temper, red and white leacl, enamels, cellulose a11d similar paints, Japan, Berlin and Bruns\vick black, lamp black, whiting, liqt1id size, shellac, French polisl1, \Vood stains, lacquer, linseed oil, hempseed oil, terebine, turpentine and turpe11tine substitt1tes A111d.

Ad valorem '' • •• • ••



10% 15%

3 0%

CONSOLIDATJON NOTE 28/6 (1969J L.354 Art. 4.

276. Soap per 100 kilogran1rnes (a) Cornn1on, in bt1lk, bars or do11blets Ad .valoren1 (b) Toilet . , ' (c ) Liquid soap, soap powders and soap, n.e.e.

20.00 35% 35%


CONSOLIDATION NOTE A,ncl. 17/2 (1957) L.212 Art. 8, 24/3 t1964) L299 Art. 4, 28/6 (1 969) L.354 Art. 4.

277. Coconut oil for industrial purposes (containing 11ot less than one percent of citronella oil or similar denatt1rant)


CONSOLIDATION NOTE .1fdded 15/4 (1955J L.199 Art. 5.

278. Gas in bt11k or compressed in cylinders (a ) Liquid petroleum gas of a kin d normally t1sed . per kilogramme net for cooking and heating ( b) For medical use as a11 anaestheti� (c) Other ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ''

0.30 Free 0.10

CONSOLIDATION NOTE rldtled 27/2 (1967J L.328 Art. 3A (ix) (replacing former Art. 297). See Notes 2 and 3 following Art. 282 below.

- 435-



Commo,dity . . 279. Lubricants and aviation fuel other than av1at1on kerosene Uet fuel) for use in aircraft


Duty 00.$s.)


CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3A tx) (replacing former Art. 422). See Notes 2 and 3 following Art. 282 below.

280. Kerosene and paraffin, illumina:ing and p0wer cluding aviation kerosene


per litre


CONSOLIDATI, ON NOTE Added 27/2 (1967, L.328 Art. 3B. See Notes following Art. 282 below.

281. Paraffin wax, petroleum jelly and vaseline (a) Imported in bulk by hospitals (b) Other

Ad valorem

CONSOLIDATION NOTE Added 27/2 (1967) L.328 Art. 3B.

Free 30%

282. [Tbjs classification number has never been used.] NOTES

I. The duty provided u11der items 265, 267, 270, 272 and 280 of tl1e Customs Tarifi shall be levied on the quantities calculated by adjusting specific gravity and volume of observed te1nperature to tliose at a standard temperature of 20 degrees centigrade ( 68 degrees Fahrenheit). 2. Petroleu1n l)roducts and Lubrica11ts covered by items 265, 267, 270. 278 (a), 279 and 280, if in1ported by a locaI refinery with a special permission of the Minister of Commerce and Industry, sl1all be free of customs duty. 3. Petroleun1 Prod11cts and Lubricants covered by items 266 (a), 267, 270, 271 (a), 278 (a), 279 a11d 280, w]lich at the ti1ne of coming into force of Legal Notice No. 328 [13t11 October 1967] l1ave been imported and deposited in a Customs Licensed Bo11ded Warehous�, but which ba11e not been removed there• from sl1all at tl1e time such remova: be liable to payment only tl1e tax at the rates specified under the Petroleum Prod11cts and L11bricants Excise Tax Procla­ mation and Regulations made there111d,er, but not of the d11ties set out in Legal Notice No. 328. CONSOLIDA fIOl-.:f NOTE Notes 1-3, above, added 27/2 (1967) L.3l8 Arts. 4, 5, 6. r

CROSS REFERENCE Petroleun1 Products and Lubricants Tax Proclan1 ation, 26/14 (1967) P. 249, 17 Consol. L. Et/1. 6. . Petroleum Products and Lubricants Excise Tax Exe111ptions Regulations, 27/3 (1967) L 33I, 17 Consol. L. Eth. 1.

283. 284. 285. 286.

CLASS VIII - CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND FERTILIZERS Acids: Acetic, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Sulpl1uric, etc. Ad valorem A11imal Dips: for eliminating disease and insects An�mal Glands _ an� Tiss11es a11d their preparations, toxms, and a11t1-tox1ns, lympl1, serums, and vaccines Arsenate and Arsenite of Lead., Potash or Soda

- 436-


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