Journal of Ethiopian Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (1965)

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Vol. II No. 2 Decemh-e:r 1965 IN 1'HIS ISSUE

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n�:,-v-A-.r • ro..JlA1 = hl\oiootth� : P'Aan 1 r1tri,.1-1r� = oo"JfltfliJ. 1 c-nc+ Jtfl1- (L.�flc rt


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f•� I nltli(t • 7'.'lf-lc l flitouh C1 • O,J-m i'l� 1 -,J.1,..11 1 ii.fl on�;:J--�


CASE REPORTS ARTICLES The Pen·al Sy.stem of Ethiapi•a Stev,en Lowenstein Code and CuSit-om in Ethiopia George K.rzeczu.n1owicz Juri-sdiotio,n in E.thiopia: A Commentary Robert Allen Sedler

Seoo11d Annual Repo •1·t from the Dean James C. N. P,at1l

CURRENT ISSUES Conditional Releaee

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PATRONS OF THE JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW The Journ 1al of E· La,v rwa-s .i11a, t1.gt1rated by I·Iis lm1lerial Maje::ty Haile Selassie I in tl1e Sl1mmer of 1964, as an itnportant step in the development of Etl1iopia's legal system. S1thseq11ently, tl1e Board of Edito1·s of tl1e Journal • ,vho aire mterestecl in the co11tinl1ation and eXJlansion of tho J1a;.s invit• ecl tL108e rities to exp1·ess tl1ci1· Sllllpor acti, ot1rnal 's J t by becoming Patrons of the a,v J-' 1,vin.g persons 11avc become 0110 f The. Patrons of the J 011rnal of Ethio­ a l. ourn J • J}ian La,v: H.E. Afenegl1s I(ita,\' Yitatek11

II.I➔�. �fsel1afi Taezaz Aklilt1 H. Wolde

Ho11. Blatta �Iat.ias Hilet,vork

H.E. B,i.t,vocled As£,cJ1a Wolde1uicael 1

Hon. _Ato Hagos Te,volcle Meclhin

lI.E. Ato Mamn10 1 adesse

Hon. Blatta Haile Wolde Kidan

H.E..t\.to Assefa Gehre Ma1·iam


Dr. William Bt1l1agia1·


Ne!ITtSsie Fita'\\'1'1ke '-'

I-I.E. Deja,. Berl1a;ne lV Ic,2ke1 W. Sell1a�ie II.E. Col. J_,cghesse \Volcle Han11a H.E. Ato Kete111r11a Ahehe Teshome Haile Maria1n H.E. Ato Seyo11m Haregot

H.E. B1·ig. Gen. Abehe Woldemaskel H,on. Lt. Gir:m ,a Wolcle Gio: rg�s Ato Abate Wonclemagegnel1u

Ato Ainare Degefe

Ato 1\.behe Gire

1\.to Amecle Lem1na

Alo 1\he1·ra Jem11'er.e

Mrs. Marjca Arrvani:to,po1tlo

...-\.to i\.llar�a Fr,anooiis

Ato Asfeha Kahsai

Ato Adene,\T Haile Michael

Ato _1.\ssefa Lihan

J\.to 1\.clene,\r Kidane

Ato Assefa lVIetaferia

Ato Aclmasse Gesse8se Atsheha Fanta

Dr. lVIaurice J. Aelion

Dejazmatch Bekele Beyene

Lt. Col. Ahmecl Amint1

Ato Bekele Demissie

Sl1eik .Ail11necl Osmaa1

Aito Bekele Gebre A111elak

Ato Aklilu Atlahatchew

Ato Bekele Hahte Michael

Ato Akli111 Bete Mariam

Ato Bekele Nadi


\.to Ali 'C\'.[. S. Berhatu

Ato Bekele Tesfaye

J\.to A.mam11el Amd,emicl1ael

Ato Belatchew Asrat V


• •





A to B ela.y lVIen gesha -' t\.to Be-1ete �Tolclc Se.lla.ssie \\toz. Il,�1e,·t1 Work Gel)re l\:'Ie:-kel 1\to Berl1a11c ](efle i\1l .. 1ria ·r11 l .t. Col. Berl1ar1e \Vc>] cle ·yes J\J1·. llt1S�( ! l1 B er1J1a11.





Mr·. G. Han1awi 1 . j,. .rr. N I-I a n1�l -vi Crt[Jl' . :r-Iailll 1\rsc�dc J\ l<) ,li IC 11,:r-·siC t\ ' ,v,1 · l ·1. aI c I 1c,\·



If : aile l..,ro11.l fla·IJ tc Gioro-i J )_ f'jaz111atcl1 1.clris fJi:ja111

} \l<.>

1\.t(> 13 t1lcl1a :Oe111eks., Lt. Col. Dawn Zc11g Egzcr

1-\ t.o l{ar1aa (;11111a

l\I·r. G. N. Dell]),1s

1\ l<> l'\ <.'l1c1IP, GclJrc l\· Iaria1u

Ato ])esta Gel)rtt

_:.\_t <-> l(t�IJe< le l, elcl

Mr. I� Iarrison C. l)u1] ning

�,Ir . JV[i cJ1 a<::.l J( i 11llreel

_A Lo t:11rla]<' \\ 1-' icael l .!-\lo '1�11(.la]e jjfe11gc�J11-t

[)r. Sia11ll')- KirJ�or


li:E:J1c I c�

J\ l<) J(assa Be)~e11c



Ca1JL. l-i:)·a�s11 (;eJJre If a,,·ariat

fJcgcs�e 1\ 1Je1 J c

_.\ l<)

]�,C'1111l1a \\


1Jltlc Se111a) at 1

])r. i\'IarC'ello l,0111lJar1li

l)r. E\·0]1 Gel)r,·eri�to� l)cja.

Fil<.1·c Gell re. l\f 11ri,t·111

1\ to l\Jal�o1111c11 \'\iol<le l\:far.ian1 l\'fak1:>11r1e11 �l'cBsc111a

Z. fjsl1er �\'fr. Sta11le1r •

,.\ l<>

.:\. to C:;c]Jre Gel)re. Gic.>rgis

li'it.a,vrari ulas1-a,·c '\X',>l,lc \\i·esse11

I(,.. g11. Gela Ge'!Jrc I fi. - t1111a I�_ita,v

.!\ I r.

,\. .Lo G clJrc 1-IelroL \'\; u]flc Ifalraria

LL. C<)J. _\Jcl1r1'lc Gcllre Sc]a111

Ba5l1ai GcJJre J\Je1-kcl Zeilo

.f\.tc} JY.le11g(�sha \\r<>ldc A.111a1111el


I { < d >er t

(_;. .� 1' oa 11 s

Ato C el1reyest1s Hn.ile l\[aria.n1

1-\ tc• l\'Je,fi,1 IJerl1e

BalaJ11lJaras Ge1nccla · urO'e.ssa

.t\to l\ ,fcsfi11 Fa11L�l

Ato Gc:!Lacb.1�"'' Asfa,.\'

Ato J\'lc,v,1i1 1'1:el>rat11

_A Lo Getacl1c,v K.ihret


.t\to G-ila nlicl1ael Bl1 ata

1\to 1'1 [1t I 1a1u Ltcl N ll rl1tt Sain

1)1·. Pl1iii11r>e G1:aven

13erihttn Ato Jl[r,111!.!ela .....


Micl1ael Irasil

Ato Go)'Lom Be)"er1e

A.le> 1\-l11l11gcta \,Tolde Giorgis

lVIr. E,•erett F. Gol clberg 1). r . Sa]Ja l-Iahctc] 1y

,_. t\ Lo NalJi,•'r e :Lcoltl ](ifle Ato Ncgas}1 Yifrtt

Ato flail ll Sl1enqt1le

� J:\.t<> i

o a 'l�essema Nc,r Ot:"t·

Ato Hail[1 Tesfaye • • .•



. ·-

Kegnaz1natcl1 N111·icli11e Zaye1111 Mr. Do11alcl E. Pa1·acljs

Ato 1,esfa Zion Evassu

l\tlr. Ja111es C.N.

A 1 o '.l .'csf c:1yc ](ell eele



i\I'r. ]�o])ert ·Picot


�I(.) rl'i"' :::SC'l l la

"\ r r.


S co ll. a11cl Scott,

.l\tll)l'. 11<'') TS

�\lr. Rollcrt _..\_. t,cclic�1·

Gcl)re 1' J [tr:ia111 1

[i ,l I ;1 l I I I) [l!':.!" rr csJ10111 C Gct[l ,,·


1-\to Salcl1

Ato Tesfaye D11hale


lVfr. ];c1111ctl1 11. l tccl<lc ·11 j r. t\.rakcl �l1��1 llj i�111



1\ lo rr•ei::l10111c� =


at :r,a,v

)fr. I�ola11<l J. Stn11ger 1

1\· f i <;l 1 :1 el

\,1 ()] clC Yoll r111ncs

�ru l) IJ i 11 g

!\ .to '_l,�cga)'C 'f cffcri

·o ,.

Jac:c111cs P .�[. "\1 a11,ler1in<lcn


\\Tal,:gi ra Bo11sa

i •


_,.'\.to l'n("le��c- ']'eklr (�iorgis

�.lr. li'r,111lc

!\to 'l"cfcrt1 f)cgr·fc

1\l<J \Vol tic_· Leo1t l Sc,-011111

..:\ Lo 'fp.fc�r n f\.l c Li 1-.:. ll


_.\ to 'l...efferi Berl1a11e

_'-\..!:<) \\· ot1l,c \Vol,lcycs •

.r\.lo rl'effcri



I,cg ·t1az111al(·b 'l,eg f'g 11c HnlJcsl1 .., ..L�to 1 ereffe Gc��c�se

]) .


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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW Published twice a year at the Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University In co-ope1·ation with tl1e Ministry of Justice



J11stice Belatchew Asrat, Cl1ai1·man

Dr. Philippe G·raven

Ato Nirayo Esayas

Dean James C. N. Patil

P1·ofessor Kenneth Reelden

Ato Negga Tessen1a




Kenneth Redden Stanley Z. Fisher

Selamu Bekele

Michael Kindred

Yohannes Heroll)7

Editors for Administration AJexancl.1·a Hamawi

Norman Singer

Associate Editors Ah.iyu Geleta

Semereal1 Mikael

Berhanu Bayih

Shimelis Metaferia

Fasil Nahum

Tiume-I-'issa11 Le1n1na

Kassa Beven, e ,,

Y"ilma Ghizaw

Nabiyelul Kifle

Worqu Ta£ara

Secretary Patricia Goldberg The Jo111-nal is distrib·uted outside Etl1io1Jia by O.x.fo1·d Unive1·sity Press, P.O. Box 12532, Naii·ohi, Kenya and P.O. Box 1024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at ·u.s. $ 7.00 a ) 0ar. 7

Please address cor1:esponf1ence to the Editors, J oi1mal of Ethiopian Law, J! , (). Box 1176, Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. 1-1C

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HAILE SELLASSIE I UNr,1J�RSIT1: 1:i""'ACLTJ'JT): OF LAW - .i]c Sel]a?.;ie I Un.i,,ersity, establisl1ecl iu 1963, Tl1 e Fae11lty of J., a,,r of J Ia

ma a l )lo to a11c Di1 ree cleg ancl Certi­ . J.B I J.., the to g . 1 {li1 lea v La, in es s 1r, offers coi ficate i:I1 J.,:1\v, Fo1· frt1�tl1er in·for1r1al.io11 co,ntact the A,ssista11t Dean, Fac11lty of :> .Q. Box 1176, A.clcli.s Ab·ru1Ja. l y t i! e1·s v i U11 I , sie las Sel le , . LalV'., Ha,i

FACUL1,Y J a1nes C.N. Pa11l, B.A. LI.J.B,� Dean Robert Allen Sedler, B.A., LL.B., As.s istant Dea.n

F1ill - -ti111c

Harrison Case Dt1nnii.1g, B.A., L:L.I:l. Stanley Z. Fisher, B.A., LL.B .

E . verett F. Go1d,berg, B._.t\.., LL.B. Arth1u· J. Goldlllatt, B.A., LL.B. N

: [ecl1thjlcl Im1nenk.0tter, ..i\cssess.01•ju.

lVIichael J. Kindrecl, B.A., J .D., 1\-f.C.J..,., D.E.S. George Krzecz11no,vicz, B.A., LI J.lVI.,. Lie. SC. C Ollllli., 1,IC. · S C. p 0Jit.

Rohe1·t Charles �Ieans, B.S., LL.B. K.enneth Rol:;ert Redclen, LI.J ,B,

* * Peter H. Sand, Refe1·e11dar, D.E.S., I,L.M. No1·man J. Singe1·, B.S., LL.B. Roland Jonatha11 Stanger, B.A. J .D. I

* Michael R. Toppi11g, M.A.. , LL.B. * Jacques P.M. Va11derlinden, Dr. Droit. ••



Pa1-t - time

Ama:nt1el ...L\.1ndemicael, LJ�. ·M·. Assefa Liban, B.A., B.. c.·L. Bekele Nadi, B.A., B.C.L. Belatche1\' As1·at B.A., B.C.L. Berh ane Ghebray ·, I,ic. D.roit, :o.E.S. Getachew K.ih1·et B.A., B:C.I,. No1wan P. 1Vletzge1·, B.A., Ll·,.B. 1VIul1ainacl Abcll1ra.l11.11�111, B.A., B.C.L. Negga ,.l"essema, B.A., B.C.L. Negt1ssie Fita,-vake, B.A., B.C.L. ·J-eferi Berl1ane., B ..t\ -�, B.,C.L. ;; Fall se111-ester, J.965-66 onlv. �


Spri1tg seniester, 1965-66 onl)'·



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T1\.BIJ.E OF' CONTENTS Pn.tror1s of tl1c ]<.>t1.1·n .. ,.I <)f :r�tl1iot ,ia11 I,n,v 'faLle of Cases l{c1)l>1·tcd

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t\rtic]es : 'fl 1c I'e111.\l S )·stc1t1 t).f EL l1io11.ia b) r Stcvc11, Loive11slci,11 . . . .

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Cocle t'IU(l C11�to111 i11 E,tl1iOJ >ia b)r George l(r::e<;::1111<J1vic;::;

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Cri111i11al ]t11·i�dictic)11 j11 J�t.l1ic>1>i�: ;\_ Co·u1111ci1lnry b) f l�obert _1lllcrz..Secller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seco11d i\ r1nl1al Ilc1,orl from tl1c Dea11 .... .... bj.- lr1n1es C.lV. PcciLl Current I3$Ues :

Conrlitjo11al Release






• • • •


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of Cor1 t.rilo11tions - A11tL101·s ( Vol. II)

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Inclex of La,vs Cile<l (Vol. I.I)


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Table of Contrib11tio11s - �fitles (Vol, II) . . . . . . . .. In<lex to Cases Re1)orted (Vol. II)

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54,6 . -�

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• • • • • • •• • •






Supreme Imperial Court Azana,v Aleme v. Singer Sewing Macl1ine Co. Ltd. (Civil A1)1)eal No. 12401 156) .... · · · · · · · · · · · · Beyenetcl1 Aha Nehro, Estate of (Civil Ap1leal l"�o. 227,/56)

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Gehrc H:,vet DelJa.5sai v. La F-ondiaria Fire Insl1rance Co. (Civil Appeal No. 134/56) . . . . . . . . . ... · · · · · · · · Geresou Lollo v. Tl1e Attorney General (C1·iminal Ap1)eal No. 519/56) ..

Higl1,vay A11thority v. Solel Boneh Ltd. (Civil Appeal No. 670/57) .... •









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Jos. Ha11sen & Soel1ne (Etl1iopia) Ltcl. v. l\fesfin Demissie (Civil Appeal No. 160/57) .... ... . . . .. . ...

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La Fond.iai-ia Fire I·nst1rance Co. v. Gehre Hi,vet Deha·ssai (Civil Appeal No. 1375/55) .... ... . ... . . ...


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Renato Giofrc v. Pa1:11 Ries & Sons (Ethiopia) Ltd. (Civil Appeal No. 1114/56) . ... .... • • • •

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Solel Boncl1 Ltcl. v. Mengistu TaJre (Civil Appeal No. 114,7/56) ....

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Te£ era Sebhat and Eskias Sebhat v. Bahta Tesfaye, Araya Ahay, Asge­ dom l(al1say ancl Wagaye Woldt1 ... . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . (Civil Ap1Jeal No. 629/57)



• • ••

High Court H.E. Lij Ai·aya Ahcbe v. The Impe1·ial Board of Telecomm11nications of Etl1iopia (Civil Case No.232/56) • • • • •••• • • • • •••• •••• •••• •••



P aige BeJ"-nardoni_ Giuseppe v. The I·nland Revenue Department (Civ-il A1Jpeal No. 457/56) ... .... .... ....

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�1arples Riclgway & Partners Ltcl. v. The Inland Revenue Department (Civil Case No. 406/55) .. .... .... .... .... .... .. _. Mesfin Zelellew v. The l\.finistry of Public Works and Communications (Civil Case No. 301/55) .. .... ... . . ... .... . ... .... 1\illtlugeta Ayele v. The Inlancl Revenue Department (Civil Case No. 423/56) .. .. . . ... . .... Singer Se,ving I-tfachine Co. Ltd. v. 1-\zatn•aw Aleme (Civil Case No. 260/56) . . ... . . .. . ....

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X v. The Ministry of Posts, Telephone and Telegrapl1 "' · (Civil Case No. 292/56) .. .. . . .. . . .... .... X v. Tahotu Gebre Tinsaye (Civil Appeal ( Asma1·a) No. 167/56) ..

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Labour Relations Board Emp]oyees' Associa·tio-n· of Jos. 1 -Iansen & Soehne, v. JOiS. Hansen & Soehne. Re: The dismissal of Mesfin Demissie.


Tax Appeal Commission Mulugeta Ayele v. TJ1e Inland Reven11e Department .





= m1,r = ,.-'=Y-l- , ati.+r-1t1 : f"thi"'tt·:,C = oF� = tt'l.-l- = ,,t,,IJ.' '111-"':,. : 00 1., �:," : a1:,,,",-= 'i:CJ!" = n�:,,.-; = nhfj!+f w- • �c..l!' , (l,,ff I f,f-tD(l). : <;:(-m- d n+atU'. & : lJ•h+. : f..°1'1° : Owt--+'rfl- : ��,, : pc�c; : 0°111C = f,'1'1� = 7 --fl1h : fi-flm• = m-1}�5J>;f : 'i:,!ro- :i flh.Tf'"kf cD·J''}fy : flllr6/.17 : h1C : ��'f : ODtJ.hA : ill\ :. ,f-m(l).-r : 1,.��:e t On°7C ?fr;, 01' . 1°1lL1. 1�:: V·/\:,-: A�: t\\?.: h.h+lf+."f: QIJ1'4-:fm•'}=t1'/iJ:i-'PA: h.lli.ll\'l, = a;ar rs A� tltJ9"° : 1tili'ff�l-: h.'lJ>" : iJ.1J;.. = f++t..1->(JD« : 'itf-. �(tt,f" :1 �1-�1-� : 'i:C..(- : t"'fi-'l : f;J!ft : (llf19° : :Pit-- I o�;r'f, s oP\ihA: l'lll : P' l : 'i1?-'; = ilft : ODQJ,l7flD' : fDcl}� : il9°9°�T : hit d htLU9° = llil ·t-4'C : tllt1,�1'� .. : 1--,"1�1' ' LD•il.� : fi"O(Tl"T : tj;Cf,�� : fl..e:986 = ·11AA1 : ! hfl1•ff:,, : f1:¥°/J : -OA� ; it!C .. t1t\U'1c � Oha;·n+i1 !:'Po :. � ,f-t\fOJc -�-.1 : +h:t-'ltftv : 0h°1C��: O'h.1-,tl.11�9°: ,f-1,·c:: �1;;:A =' h,.. >..,. i,.. fiD'i./\{l}c : 9°,11,V.l : ,:j>A : iiA,J--oott l1,,f• : nh++c : fill 0 1c. 1.;ffr' i f(i:C.�' � <h+:r : l\f;. � flP/...1J--T ; +�:f ' Y..n� l i11'f.. J it.+r·kf: h.flilm.C ! (� I Oh181/t"1f;;:lD' t f'i!CJ!" 1 d1+:r ' 4..e : �dl!r' I 4-'f'f t (Jc, ft" : 'h.1� : n.W'e� , h4'"lmC 1 'i'TfD' 11



,,,.?.� :

- 119



REPORTS The following seventeen decisions of the Supreme Imperial and High Courts of Ethiopia and one decision each by tl1e Labour Relations Board and the Tax Appeal Commission of Ethiopia. It is impo1·tant to note that in those cases heard before mixed benches of hoth Ethiopian and foreign ji1dges, sepa­ rate opinions are written in Amharic and in English. These opinions are not ma'll!slations of one anothel', hut •are indeJJeD!dent judgmerruts ba.secl 11pon ·agree­ ment among the jnclges as to the principles and final outcome of each case. In addition, dissents from the majority decisions are published in several of the cases immediately after the majority opinion in Amharic and in English. Dates in the ... t\.mha1·icversion of the jud gments are in the Ethiopian Calen­ dar unless othen-v-ise indicated; in the English version, they are in the Grego­ ria.n

Calendar unless they are followed hy the letters ''E.C.''

.. .


rm,j!I\� I on:,,6li].: ,l1°1:- f,f· :l•ft(\ 1 f.,tj":i}: onOJgA S m,:e.A :- htj":: ft\: f..'J°: f"t f&..I\, 9°h,.r:,• :- \'hO:Z.U:J.:,•: 'J°h1f·1� •--� fm,:t?:t\'.i:: on:,,6liJ.: ,11°1: 1,;,1,�: �5:3·9. ss fa>'}j!I\� I on:i,lfii : tl1°1: ,.,.,., I pcq:,. :- flt\ : f.°1'1� :- ill\ : 1,'J°.,:,• I f'"LflT I :PA I

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.e"lll1 : 'l � : 0,1-hfl(lO:'f· : m1j!A : 719°"!:i• : hu.�:,- • ,f•m.e,r, : T1,,f:1 1 ilfton� : fh�i· �m-: �c��: {1:i• : {l(a{l:,-: O,OD:,. r i,P'&-:i•: ?,'JJtcf>tTJ : ilfl&.t.f..o:,. I m1:C!t\·"} : ft.i'J°h·,r 1 0"1A'f':,•: 'I.e. : i' ;1P,,e.,:,. : llt\lf'I : O','/ : {1Dt\cl :1, : f.1'1�A : OOT/1\"1•: fcJ t.O : ..e"l'l:,i ,1 m·I}� I .e°lll1• : ,1·t.:J Jl.. : fh�--1·7,=m· : �C.f.: a '1"1· : (j":CJ�;: ..,.·iit:l,A ,, 1





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SUPREME lAf.PERIAL COUR'l� DiY. 6 GERESOU LOLLO v. THE ATTOIU�EY GENERAL Criminal Appeal No. 519,1 5.6 Ptnal l.a-tv - Extenuated ho1nicide Criminal procedure

- App«al

- Gross provocation - Caii3ation - Art. 524 Pen. C.

- JJ [ea of iu.iltr

- Evidence

- Arr,. 185 Crim. Pro. C.

Evidence - Pka of guilty.:$

On appeal against the Higl1 Cotrrt's con,11.ction and �entence of appellant based upon his plea o:£ guilty to a charge of extenuated hoIJticide, appellant asked for acquital on the of self-defence.

Held: Appeal allowed; co11viction and eentence quashed. 1. A homicide conviction bused solely upon the guilty plea of a young and ignorant accused cannot stand, abse11t any evidence that his admitted actions actually caused the: death of the deceaied.

2. Degpite an accu.sed�s plea of guilty lo a homicide charge, the appeal court may qu.a1h hia conriction and sentence if neither the ciraurn1tances nor the evidence in the record 1.b.ow that he cauaei tbe death of tlie daceea.ed.

Mega.hit 29, 1956 E.C. (April 7, 1964 G.C.) ; Justices: Mr. G. Dehhas., Ato Mengesha Wolde Aman11el, G.riazma:toh TeMem ·a Neged,e: - This is an aptpeal

against the conviction and ientence of the High Court (First Criminal Division) dated 6th :F.'ehruary, 1964, in Criminal Case No. 371/56, whereby the appellant was convicted under Article 524 of the new Ethiopjan Penal Code, and. senten­ eed to three yea;ra jrnprisonment. From the record of the case, which i� a matter of a fe.v, lines, it appear� that the appella n t ,-vas accused, 11nder Article 524 of the Ethiopian Penal Code, of ha\·ing caused the death of the deceased, following gross provocation, by way of ed homicide. The appellant, "Without trying to he dishonest, aclmitted all tl-1e truth to the trial court, and said th21t as he was paB B ing hy after ·midnight on ·ilie critical night, · the decea:sed heat hi!ln sud"denJ.y w.nth a broken bottle, and. the appellant, being so J)rovoked, and sl1ocked, retorted by throwi ng a stone at the deceased. Both appellant an.d deceased did not · • s..

aJ.o Art. 134 Crhn. Pro. C.

-· 193-


II - No. 2

l1t, nig the deceased passed al tic cri the er aft ths on 111 ree Th . 1 er t•· r . Know eac h o uI· t of tl1e blow li e · . 1e die d as a res l t tha d ege all on uti «ec Pro re ~ away, and the · e a1)p 11 th b ant. Tlie trial court e y . own thr e ston the from ht nig t tha on ce1ved . gt I·1ty 11n d o p a e f l h' f . o,•m is o. 1 er Article l ngt stre � convicted the appellant on the tenced h11n to tl1ree years sen and 7, 195 of e Cod al Pen ian iop Eth 524 of the imprisonment. The appellant now appeals against tl1e sentence, pleading that he ,vas acting in self-clefence against tl1e blow 1·eceived from the deceased's bottle. He asks for acq_11it.tal. It is undeniably tr11� that the arg11ments of the aJ)pella nt are not quite satisfaetory; bu!t: the iI'•e:sponc!e11t: represe: 13-·ted hy Ato Negga Te3Jsem­ _ ma, showed oo objectio·n to ,the amendn11ent oif ·tbe J L1d·gn1ent of the High Court.

It is evident beyond the least shadow of dot1bt from the 1·ecords of the High Co11rt, that the Court con,ricted tl1e aoc11sed of l1aving killed the deceased solely on the strength of his o\vn plea of gt1ilty. There are many accused per­ sons who are so yo11ng and ignorant that they do not realise the consecruences of their admitting the tr11th. Such a young boy of abot1t eighteen years confes­ sed before tl1e Co11rt tl1at he tl1rew a stone at the deceased, after the latter 1>rovoked l1im by hitting him with a bottle; and that tl1e de-ceased died three months later. There is no evidence wl1atsoever in the court 1·ecord tl1at the de­ ceased died from the wound he received from the stone thro,vn at l1in1 by the ap , 11ce is, available to tl1e eff.ect tl1 at tl1e , , pellant on tl1e critical n·igl1 t. No ev�de deceased µassed away as a result of the blo,v he received from the stone on that critical night. Under the ci1·cumstances, althot1gl1 tl1e deceased passed away, ,.ve are not satisfied that he really died fro1n the blo,v of the stone that tl1e a1Jpellant thre,v at him after he provoked him. The court of first instance sho111d l1a,,e given • cotl!side, ration to this in1portant po-int and not simply 2cce,pted tl1e plea of gujlty and jailed the aJJ•pelant for t· l1ree yea1·.s solely on tl1e strength of his miserable confession wl1ich amo11nts to nothing but telling the truth but not confessing tl1at he caused the homicide. U11der tl1e circumstances, ,vhereas the respondent himself sho,ved no ob• jection to an amendment of tl1e jt1dgn1ent of the IIigh Co11rt, ancl whereas ,ve are not satisfied that there is evide11ce 1)eyond the least shaclo,v of a doubt that the appellant did literally ca11se tl1e death of tl1e deceased, after three montl1s from the date of the accident, and lvhereas there is no expert evidence to tl1e effect that the deceased died as a res11lt of tl1e 1J lo,v he receivecl f ro1n the stone tlirown at him hy the apJlella11t, \\'e he.rehy see no j11stification to convict the a�pellant. We allo,v the arJpeal and . quash tl1e co11vic.tion and order tl1e i1nme• cliate release of the apJJellant, 11nless cletained on any otl1er charge. Deliv ered in open �ourt this 7th day of April, 1964.

19-4 -

' ,


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�c..c;. 1 t\h�+�<D" s �c .. f.:", 1t:'f- • ,,.,.ftllfi: • - 201 -


SUPREME IMPERIAL COURT Div. I A v. BAHTA TESFAYE, ARA T A H B SE S A {I SI E 1cl 1 a T A H B YA TEFERA SE ABAY, ASGEDO�I KAHSAY an d WAGA'YE WOLDU Civil Appeal No. 629/57 Civil Proceclure - Prescription - Interruption - Proc. No. 97 of 1948. Property - Usucaption - Faniil,-· Property - Art. 1168(1) Civ. C. On order from the Imperial C:l1ilot, referri11g an appeal fron1 a judg1nent of the High Court deciding that appellants' claim to land jn the possession of the respondents was l> by respondents' proof of ownersliip and by prescription;

Beul: Judgment affirmed.

1 I

l. Art. 27, Proc. No. 97 of 194,8, provides tl1at tl1e interru1ltion of prescription is con• sid;er.ed ais 1J1ot h.a,ving take11 pLace if d11e 'lo lal!k o.f diligen, ce a eJaiin1 ·in co11rt ren1ai11 s d·o,rmanL for three years. 2. Art. 1168 ( 1) Ci,,. C. provides that fa11tily property may he acquired l)y usucap· tion, unless:

a. b. c. d..

the property consists of land; the law of prescription is unkno,.vn in the area; tl1e land is in the JJossession of members of one f an1ily; tl1e plaintiff and tl1e defen«:lants are the descendants of a common ancestor ,tho once o,•.rned the land.


3. Art. 1168 (1) Civ. C. pro,rides that, even wl1ere the la,v of prescription is not nsed, a claim for family Ian<l may be barred by prescription unless made by a family mem]Jer ,vho bas been absent and ,vho has come home.

Guenhot 28, 1957 E.C. (May 5, 1965 G.C.); Justices: Aienegus Kita,v Yit�­ teku, Balamharass Tessema Wondemeneh, Ato Taddesse Tekle Giorgis: - Ini• tia1ly, the appellants had instituted proceedings against the respondents before the Tigre Tak]ay Gizet Co11rt on Al1g1ist 27, 1957, ,vherein tl 1ey alleged that lancl whicl1 had belonged to their mother, Woz. Medhi11, was 11nlawf11lly occtI• pied by people not descencled from he1· and rec1uested the court to evict them. The defendants argued that the land had not belonged to Woz. IVIedhin, b�t rather to tl1eir motlier, Woz. Tseka\-vie, and t] 1at it l1acl al '\Airays been in theJ J J > ossession. Then they citecl tl1e ]a;w o,f J)rescripti 011 of J 1rJy 17, 19•1-8, a 11 cl moi\re that the s11it he clismissed. The Cotlrt <lisregarded tl1e defencJants' motion, tried tl1e case on its merits, {llltl found for tl1e plair,itiffs by majority decision. An appeal was lodged t o tbe

.--202 -






EsrcL\S SEnl-I,\T v. B.I\IITA TESFA1:�, ET AL.

lowe1· court' � clecisi�n was 1·e:e1·sed. Theret1pon tlie Jllain­ the and t Cour High . Im1Jer1al Cl11lot, wh1cl1 ex �m1ned the two co11rts' conflict­ the to ed aJJpli tiffs tl1e St1pren1e Impe1·1al Co111·t to try the case. orde1·ed and 11s decisio ing The plaintiffs, present 8J)pe11ants, prod_ucecl wit11esses to prove tl1at the land belonged to l\1edl1in, and the clefendnnts, llresent respondents, did lik e­ wise to prove tl1at it belongecl to Tsekawie ancl int1·odl1ced cloct1mentary evi­ r e1·, they J)rod11cecl witnesses to p1·ove Moreo, ,v e. 1 1. that the dispute was as clence settled botl1 a,m·iieahly an<l tl11·ou.gl1 legal ]J1�,s in 19409 tha:t they parti­ tioned the •Janel, and t• ha't ,they ha,r e been• in po-s:iession of theh� r0S1pe:cti;e ·holdings ever since. Tl1e plaintiffs have failed to p1·ove their claim since all tl1e witnesses they prodt1ced onl); testified that they hacl 11enrcl JJeo;)le say that the land formerly belonged to Woz. Medhin. Not one witness testifiecl. that he had heard people 8ay that it belongs to Woz. �1ec111in now. The defenclants clain1ed it was W oz. Tsekawie's la!1d and their witnes­ ses have testified that tl1e land in disp11te clid formerly belong to her and that she was the cou1mon ancestor of lJoth parties. The testimony of Fitawrari AllrA­ ha is of particular im1Jortance. He testifier] tl1at the first person to settle on the land in dispute ,vas Shu1n Agame Woldt1, ,v-ho ma1·1·ied Woz. T&ekawie ancl gave he1· thls µartic11Jar piece of land. She l1ad t,-vo sons by Sh11m Agame Woldu, lfl1arnely Gehre Amiak an,d Wolde Ahzgi. T!1e plaurtiiffs - a - nd in fact ,the Fitaw­ ra.ri's wife as ,vell - a1·e descenclecl from the former, while the defendants are descended from the latter, and they 01.vned the land jointly. He added that the same land 1vas the s11hject of litigatio11 in anotl1er case in ,1/hich the in.habi­ tants of their lo,cality claimed that the descenclants of Gebre Amlak did not own it. Howeve1·, they p1·0,,ed that it forme1·ly ]Jelonged to Woz. Tseka,-vie ancl the court ruled that they 1-vere the la1vful o'½,ners. Some time later· the present respondents s11ed Gehre An1Iak's descenclants £01· a share of their· common an­ cestor's land and judgn1ent \\Tas given in their fa,1011r. Tl1e lancl was partitioned by a settlement ,\Thereby Wolde Abzgi's descendants we1·e allocated one-third of Woz. Tsekawie's Iancl and the 1·est went to Geh1·e An, lak's s11ccessors, the pre,. sent appellants. When askecl to explain ho,v he lcnew that Sh11m Agame Wold11 had given the land to Woz. Tseka,vie, Fita1v1·ari Ab1·aha reJllied that it was part of the folklore in tl1ei1· locality. Mo1·eover, he said he knew of the clispute between the present appellants ancl those people who hacl claj1uecl that it '\>Vas ''J iraff Gotit'' lancl, and the s11it instituted by the present respondents for a sl1are of the lancl in 1940. ":'l1at is mor·e, one of the aJ)pellants' witnesses, a Fitaw1·ari �oldt1, t� stifi�d that Gehre Amlak's descendants managecl to defeat the other v1llagers claim by proving that the land f orn1e1·ly helongecl to W oz. Tsekavvie. Thus, his testi­ mony tallies 1-vith Fitawrari Ah i·aha's ancl gi,,es the eviclence introdt1ced by the respond.ents mo1·e weight.


t rcc.1>on!lt'J1ts aclu1ill�t.l tliat l)ot JJre:;e11 1e t , s i n· 11 ed 1 cc )ro J 194() o I n th e l\ t1 lev . - l ants rere W . , htit they " 111 " s d ecce e , . i11-v1 , _se · T k oz. · , l\ s i1l' ella 'lJ)l) t ,;;-eil {lt· e . anr11 t)·.1 . t� . a1guerl . . ' : ntti,, oI 1 a11(1 nncl l\T1ll1 c!ra,v gra •_c .. Iina lrl cor1 ,\"110 , 11e::, 11 1a Yol or per tl 1 at E r11 the Arul �l� a11cl tri: 11sfc�rre<.l ,'111 tl1e laiAd to W �t a!'iy· tiJJle, 1la(l c,.r!cte_cl Ge.b_re_ _ _ _ olc� _ � rcle1ecl a11<1 1 t11e par� 1t1 011 of tl t ? _ h��-;::i. Tile Colirt cl 1�111 1sre,l their cla1� c land _ a 1t1 1 1,l(l t\-:V"O rf!tial ha1,,cs. J-Io,vever, as sa1cl re :��l1er, u1·b ·ators 111tervencc1 and it 1-, oL11r1 p,·n to Gel,rc 1\.,r1lnl,'s s ric lan11 tl1c , f { s 1 , o hir -L o ,v t · tlint .set-t]f•!l a:; <·<'�- 01.-: ,v antl 011e-tl 1ird to Wolc1e ...I\ bzgi's, a11cl ever si11ce 1940, hotl1 })arties hav e been it� f• sl1a1·es. �rl1e elcle1·s ,vho l1elJ)e(l settle tlie dist)Ulc i, eel resp cir 1 t1 tl f e�i-!ion J)os5 • 1 · 1 ftOC1.1me11�ary a11c. ., • l cnce ivas ev1c · corrol)orate d t l1c C.,,01trl's f'111c1·111g introduce,l to tlie �ao1 c effect. Tl111s this Court is satisficc1 tl1 at at tl1c Olltr-et tl1 e land 1'>e1ongcrl to W01:. Tsekavvie a11cl not to Woz. J\lfeclhin a11rl that the api)ellanls' elain1 mtt$t ]Je cli n1isserl .

.Altho 11 �h tl1e 1·e,�po11clc11ts }1a1.r c clrJe, atecl t11P. a11pellnnt3' clairn 011 oth r- r gJ:otincl=,. 1J1e,r J1ave 110't abanr!o11e<l t11e rlcfe 11cc -of �1rc�crir>tj0n tl1c�• rai"�rl at tli e l J c{rin11i11g of th.e s11it. He11ce, this Co11rt 11111st gjvc its r11]-ing on tl1at CJLlestion as '"�ell. The a1JIJel]ants conten.d tl1at tl1e lnw of lJrescri1)tion clc}es not apply to the la11d in clisJ?llt� and tl1at they are 11ot barred hy it.

The -preee11t s11it ,,r!ts i11stit11tecl or1 At1tn1st 27, 1957. I-Io,ve-v·er,

tl1C)' l1ad also

i11 stit11terl one i11 ]944, '"r l1crejn tl1ey clai.111ecJ �ole o,s\rnership of tJhe lancl, but they dicl 11ot p11rst1e i t any fr:rtber ,vhe 11 tl1e Co11rt dis111issed tl1cir claun in l Q45. Tl11 1s t11ere is a @:ap of J 2 )rears het,-veen tl1e t,vo a.ctions. Nolv, ... i\.rticle27 of the 1.94-8 Procla1J1atio11 11rovicles tl1at ''the interrttption of prescription is con­ siderecl as 11ot ha.-�rin{.!: taken place if cl11e to 11ot J1aving cliligently [lUrsued l1i� �lann i11 ttie court the case 1·en1ai11ed clormnnt 101· a l )eriocl of tl1ree years." 'Hence, '1 l1e Lime excee1l s tl1e J 5 )'ear r1 1•e:-c:::ri1)ti on r>eril1rl, si11c1:· it js reekoned fro1r1 ]9-10 1,vl1icl1 i.s tl1e year the reeponder1ts took 1)ossessio11 of the land. It is concedecl that in some IJlaces tl1.e la \.V of J)rescriJJtion is inapplica}J]e 1,o cli- :p11tcs in1rolvi11g family nror•ert1,,-. I 1L con11(�clion ,vith tl1at.1 ]ct 11s !'t1 1rl y A.rticle ] 168 of tl1e Civil Co�le.' It pro;icles tl1at ''tl1 e l)ossessor v.rl10 has paid for 15 co 1Jsect1ti,,e years the taxes relating to tl1e o,vnersl1iJJ of an i1nn1o·valJle sl1 all hccoJlle the o,vner of sucl1 immovable: ''Pro.,r icle:1 tb at 110 land 1vl1i C11 j ;', j ri j 11 l ly O iVll C( 1 1, )" 111t' 111l}er� 0 f (111(' r nu � i1,· i11 acco1·clance i-vit]1 cu-.loru nlay he ac<1t1irerl J:;y tt.::.l1<·a11tio11 .11 d :111�· �11::iul.icr of Sl1cl1 family l)la)r at all)' lil.llC claitll Sltcl1 I arJ cl.'' JI"O _ rr11e provisio11 in tl1e seconcl l).trao ·ra1)l1 i 8 })erti1 1c11l t.u tllio ca:::c. r1� 11is i · vision was promulgated so as not to cli�u 1�t so11.1e ] 011g slc1ucling ct1slo.111 s in _ EOlll� p,arts of the country. Bl1t tJtc 15 )'Car J>rescri111 io11 r1criod i� i11a1Jr1lica lJl e only rf tl-te_ fo]Jow1_ ng conc l.itio.11 s are prc.:e11t: 1) The catl!:ie of tJle s11jt 111.tlf- L be lanll a11d 11c1 ol•l 1 e1· i.11t111ovable; 2) The la'tv of JJJ:e"1;ri1Jti ou. Ii1t1st he rrnk1 101,,·11 i11 tl1e area; 3) Tl,c lanrl 111t1st 'be i11 t.l1e 11osscssio11 of 111cn1 l. ) ers of 011e fai:ui l)';


TEFERA SEBHAT .i\ND E�l{L.t\S St...:BI-I1\1:



BAI- 1'A 1�ESF.i.\YE,

E1· J\1 •.

Tl1e plaintiff mt1st, 1Jy refe1·ence to tl1e family tree, prove that he and the defendants are the descendants of n con1n1on ancestor wl1o o,rned the la11d at the ot1tset. The first anLl second conclitiong t11·e easily satisfied; tl1.e disrJute revolves aroti11d tl1e thii·d conclition. 1,he p,l1rase '' ... land which is jointly ownecl by ruemhers o_f one family ... '' .restricts the scope of the p1·ovision to land v.rhich is in tl1e lloasessiou of some 1nen1ber of tl1e family a11d excludes all perso-ns ·not related to tl1at family. No,t·, the a1)1Jcllants clid not s11e for a. sl1are of \Voz. 1'sekawie's land, hut on Lrie contrary, clain1 that tl1e land ir1 tl1e possession of the respondents used to belong to V:"roz. I\-:IedJ1in, and tl1at tl1ey as he1· s11ccessors J1ave exclusiv,e title to it. It is c]ea1· f1·01n Lhe pl11·ase ''lar1d wr1jcl1. is joi11tly 0,,.,11.ed .by membe1·s of . a,1)h, Ll1-at a c!aiu1 if.3 110:t �111e famil)·, ..:, iu Ar·t.iclc 1168( 1.J� seco11(1 l1'a1�a:gr l1arred by p1·esc- -ription only on tl-1e c,)nclitio11 that it ;.vas inl1e1·ited from some cou1ruou a11cestor antl been o,-vned jointly or inclivid11ally h)' 1nen1Lc1·s of the same fan1ily. In st1cJ1 a Cttse, A1·Lic1<� 1168 ( 1) provides that t.l1e lavv of pre­ icri1Jtio.n dc1e3 nat bar a- ·member of tltc frunily 1vhc> -l1a•� !Jeen a1Jse11t ,for· a Jo11i time froru claj1niI1g liis share of the lancl from his re1ati·ves, provided that he j 3 entitled to a el1arc and that the la\-v of presc1·iption is 111iknown in matte1·s per­ lni.r1ing to l;;111d in tl1at particrrlar part of tl1e country . .tis pointecl ot1t earlier, tl1e present appellants claun thctt the land formerly belo11gccl to \'{/oz. l\iecll1i11, \\rhile tJJ,e respo11ci.ents' posi:i.ion i1s tl1at it belongeti to Woz. rfseka,vie. Hence, tl1e dis1J11te involves two families and not menihe1·s of one family. Arti�le 1·168(1) 11,ro·,?ides ·tl1at, e\·cn iit ai.1 a-;:c•a \vJ1e.i.·c 1he law of 1Jrescri1)tion is not 11secl., a claim is not barred by prescri1)tiou only wl1en Lhe claim is made by a memhe1· of the family who has been absent an<l has .., come home. 'l his exception does not cover tl1ose cases tl1at involve members of clifferent families. 1

rl'he fail111·c to ba1· by p1·escri1Jtion st1its that a1·e hrougl1t against a family or indivicl11al '\-vl1ose ownershi1J of ce1·tain p1·ope1·Ly has gone 11ncontested for a tirr1e ,�rould breed nothing b11t t1Dnecessa1·y litigatio11 and obstruct-peasants from attending to their fa1·ming. It is axiomatic that a court cam1ot possibly arrive at a fair decision by relying on ,vitnesses ,vho testify tha·t they have heard people say that a ce1·tain piece of land used to belong to a certain person cen­ turies ago. In fact, tl1e la,v of 1Jresc1·i1Jtion ,vas enacted to meet exactly that problem


Th11s, the la,-v of l)rescription v.rot1ld l1ave been sufficie11t to defeat the �pJJellauts' claim, bt1t tl1 e 1·espondents we11t ft1rthe1· and traced th title to the � Janel and explained 1111de1· what ci 1·cumstances they came to 0\\711 it.

At the start of the case som e of the 1·espondents arg11ed that they should _ not hav e been mctcle parties ;o the suit becal1se their la11cl falls t1nde1· the ''J iraff



VoL. II - No.


Gotit'' category. They should not have heen joined as defendants, hut as th appellants' claim has been dismissed, there is no need to go into the merits 0� their allegation, For the above reasons, tl1e Supreme Im1Je1·ial C u1·t affirms the I-Iigh Cou 1 � decision and imposes E$20 more on the appellants in co11rt costs anrd ,clamages. Delivered in the presence of both parties on May 5, 1965.



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_4..ZLN.A,v ALE1ffi v. SINGER. SEW1NG 1\1;\ CJ�llNl� C(�). J_ 1'D. Civil Appeal No. 124,0/56 Trademarks - Exclusive - Registration. Unfair conirJetition - Trade1narlcs - lrts. 132, 133 arid 134 Con1111. C. J


On appeal frorr1 a judgment of 1}1e lligl1 Co11rt ordcrir1g 1J1e defendant lo remove hi6 trademark on the grotmd that it �s so similar to tl1at of the plaintiff as to cau�e roefasion and thus constitute 11nfair cornpetition. Eleld:

Judgmen.t reversed and euit <li::in1ji:;scd.

1. .!\. perso11 n1ay rr1011opolise a trarlcn1ark: and bave otl1er l)usi11essn1e11 burred from

using it only if he is the first person to l1ave tl1at: trade1uark rep:istcred v.-itl1 the authorities tn1po,vered to register snch trndcrnark.s; :lie 1nere Jact tl1at a person l1a� used n trnclemnrk for a long time is not sufficient.


2. In the abse11ce of legislatio11 Jlrovidi11g Ior traden1ark rcgistratior1, registration mrul he made according to current practice ,,,itl1 the l\'.fir1istry of Co1n1nerce r111d Industry.

Sene 14-, 1956 E.C. (J11ne 21, 196:1, G.C.); J t1slices: Vice-Afenegt1s I-Iagoe Te,\'olde l\-1edl1in, Dr. W. Bt1l1agiar, Ato l\�[e11gesl1a Wolcle A1 11a1111el: - The S11preme Imperial Co11rt, havi11g exami11ed the j11dg1nent given b)' the High Co11rt in Ci,,il Case No. 260/56 and l1aving examined ap1Jellant's s11bruissions and doct11uentary evidence, anc1 also l1a,,i11g examined 1·es1)ondent's opJJOsition to the ap1)eal ancl defenc�c, and ha,,ing caref11llv stt1diecl and examined all tl1e legal objections a11cl inter1Jretations of t11e la\-v.. as give11 b)r tl1e litigants, cleli­ vers tl1e following judgment. The stateme11t of claim sr1bn1ittcd Lo the l-Iigh Cot1rt 1Jy tl1e responde nt's _ counsel in Ci·vil Case No. 260/56 reads as follows: · . l "S" 1. rrl1e JJe t't' 1 1oner 1s t he owne1· of· t·l1c tra de1nark d e1)icti11g a capita with a ,.voma11 at a 1nachine an<l the English lrorcli1.1g '"Singer Se,vi11 g l\'Iachines'', applying to sewing macl1i11e.s, tl1eir r>arts a11cl attacl1n1ents (Exhibit P/1) . 2. The trademark in CJLiestion, tOtYetl1er ivith 15 other traclemarks of the petitioner have been drily rec�rcled at the Cons11late General of tlie United States of Ame1·ica at Addis AlJ aba since Deccu1]J er 17, 1930; ptihlication to that effect ,vas made in the 11e,vspaper of that tune k.nown as Cot1r1·ier d'Ethiopie, clatecl December 26, 1930, \\'l1ereby notic e




- 220·-









,vas al�,o give11 to the -p1tblic tl1at legal proceelli1J1gs wol1ld be taken against anyo11ce infr.ingi11g the saicl trademark in F�thioJlia. The respo11dent, ,vho ,¥as a })revio11s employee of tl1e lletitionei·, publi­ shed a cat1tio11ary notice i n the Etl1iOfJian Herald on Feb1·t1ary 20, 1964, ,vherehy a trademark simila 1· to that of the l)etitioner was p11blished ,vhich tends to 111isleacl tl1e cons11n1ing Jltiblic i 11to the belief tl1at the goocls ,vl1icl1 tl1e reSJ)Onclent i11te11cls to 1narket are actually the goods of tl1e petitior1er (Exhibit P/2). In particrtlttr, tl1e fo1llo,vi11g tl cgrces o.f sin1ila1:i ty are im111ecliately ap , pa1·e11t a11·cl co11&titl1te a. cn11sc 0£ 11n,f:1i1· com1>etitio11: (a) Botl1 t1·ade111arks sho,v a capital ''S'' with a sewing machine as the n1ain n1ark; :in J)al'lict1la1·, : tl1e JJrojeclir1,g e11cls o,f t11e letter ''S'' are iclentical and conspic11ot1s. (b) ResrJoncle11t's c1escriJJtion in w1·iti11g r·eads ''Sheba Selving Center'' aE- agauJJ'3-t 1)etitione1·�s de::cr.i.11tion o:E ''Sing01· Sev,�ing Machines.'' This sl10,vs tl1at 1·espondent has intentionally 11sed the name of Sl1elJa in order· to make t1se of the capital ''S''. (c) Both trademarks are for· se,ving machines and spare parts in whic·h JJetitioner lras been 01Je1·ating £01� over a century. Tl1e above clegrees of similarity will, in their cumulative effect, conn.1se the public ancl create i1nfai1· co1npetition to the great prejudice of pe­ titioner, ,-vithin tl1e IJro·visio1i =- of 1\rticles 132 a.ncl 133 ( 2) (a) of the Comn1ercial Code. As similarity is the test of unfair cornpetition and as the respondent is eviclently gt1ilty of s11ch t1nfai1· co1npetition: t ( a) A ller1Jet11al inj 1nction sl1oi.-1ld be granted enjoining and restraining the defendant, his agents, ser·vants, employees, attorneys, st1ccessors ancl assigi1s arid tl1ose in active concer·t or pa1·ticipation with them fro111 11si11g tl1e tra•demarlc as 1)11bliE,l1el1 1mcler Exhibit P/2 afore­ said (A.rtic]e 2122 .of tl1e Ci,ril a11cl i\.1·ticle l?Ll (2) (.ll) of t .h ' e Con1mercial Code) . (ll) Tl1e defe11clant sho11ld lJe 01·derecl to change his trademark. (c) The above 1·e1nedies sho11ld he ,vithout prej11dice to the petitioner's 1,igl1ts 11ncler _A1·tic,lcs 134, (]) (a) a11rJ J.3t1(2) (a) of the Com­ n1crcial Cocle. ( cl) Res1Jo11clent sho11ld he conclemnecl to pay- the costs of the present action i11clucling cou1·t and advocate fees.

� re1Jly to the petitioJ1, the 1)rese11t n1lpellant, Ato Azana,v Aleme, s11bmit­ ted his OJ)inio11 as follows: rf l1e gist of tl1e J.Jetitiol!er's claim dated March 9, 1964, is that l1e sho11ld he allo\ved to 111onopolise tl1e E111·opean lette1· ''S''. l. I, tl1e clefendant, ]1a,,e establishecl a t1·acling business enterprise by the name of. ''Sheba Se,ving Macl1 ine School'' in acco1·dance ,vith the pro-

-· 221 --

JoURNAL OF E1·1-r101,1AN

1-'AW - VoL. II - l"'�o. 2

visions of Articles 22 and 88 of the Commercial Code wl1ich gives nie and 48 Articles 47 of the llevised Co such right, and by virtue of nsti. _ ttltion of Ethiopia by ,vhich the E"? peror !1as g1ve11 freedom to Ethio. pians to establish ancl carry on trading businesses.

2. The defendant. has never 11 secl the Illaintiff'� trade n�me Singer Sewing l\ilachine nor infringed his trademark ,vhere1n a foreign lacly is seen sit­ ting under a se,ving machine.

3. Petitioner, apart from saying that it is tl1e o,vner of 15- trademarks

under paragraphs 1 and 2 of its petition, l1as clearly acl1nitted by its ap . plicatio11 dated l\1arch 9, 1964, the fact tl1 at it is riot registered witl1 tli e _ Ministry of Commerce and Industry as required by tl1e Commer, cial Code.

t{,. The petitioner has over tl1 e past years monopolised t1 1 e various b11si­

nesses in whicl1 lie is interested i11 tl1e Empire a 11cl it is indeed his in­ tention to contin11e to monopolise them. T·l1is intentio11 on tl1 e part of tl1 e petitioner is clearly ma11ifested by paragrapl1 2 of the staten1ent of claim sulln1 ittecl to tl1e Court, ,vl1erei11 tl1e Jletitioner claimecl tl1at lie has tl1e exclt1sive right to 1 1.5 trademarks for a period of 34 years starting from December 26, 1930. Tl1is contentio11 of tl1 e petitioner is n1tll and void by virtue of Article 117 of tl1e Co1nn1ercial Code. Neither the Com.mercial Code no1· tihe lal\v in force llef ore tl1e Code al11tl10.rize.• "' the use of 15 trademarks for a single b11siness. 1. he defenclant therefore prays that the Court decide against the J)etitioner on tl1 is iss11e in ac­ cordance witl1 Articles 115 and 116 of the Commercial Cocle.

5. I f it is the petitioner's clear intention to state that no one in the Em­ pire sl1ould be allowed to begin his trademark ,vith the ca1lital letter ''S'', what will happe11 ,vitl1 tl1ose traclemarks ,vhich ha,,e been depicted by the letter ''S'' Jlrevio 11, sly, to ,v-it Si·nc , - ''S'', S11.eba Boole S1101) ''S'', Sahear1 Corporation - ''S'', and the S.A.C.A.F.E.'f. Co11 1pany, im· porters of Frat oa:r,s - ''S�'. �fl 1 c -dcfencl1a11t tl1er0fore 1,rays tl1·at tl1e lion· ourable Court 01·der tl1e JJetitioner to cite tl1e relevant Civil Cocle arti• cles in his petition and that Order File No. 260/56, instit11tecl in the Court, be closed. In light of tl1e allegations of both. parties and the e,,idence brot1ght fo� · ward on both sides the Higl1 Court fo1 1 11d for tl 1e Jllaintiff. In its opinion it dealt at length with tl1e issue raised lJy the use of tl1 e letter ''S'', concluded that the plaintiff ,vas entitlecl to mo11opolise it and ordered tl1 e defen dant, p.r:es-ent app-ellant, to r,e1no;v,e the .sig · ns clisJJlaved o·n ·Ll1 e cf,oo , r, 1vall,s an,] \.\l'irt•do,r� of his shop. 1


'fhe Supreme Imperial Court has caref t1lly considered the dispute c ai ised I by t �e letter :'S'' which is claimed to he th tra tbe In ties. ho IJar tl1 e demark of _ f opin , ion of this Co11rt, the entire case is based on t,vo legal provisions: (a) the la w on registerecl trademarks an d sole o,vnership; I

-- 222 ··-


1\.ZAN;\,\\' j\J.E:\ll� I








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SINGEll SE'\\1 li.\'G 'M ,.\CIIINE



(b) tl1e Co·m1nercial Code J)rovis:ions inte 11clecl to prevent unfair commercial con11letitio11.

1 roacl 1 tl1e C:lisp11te in light of tl1e la,v on ap1, to l1el1) not registration does It of traden1arks ancl sole owne1·sl1i[l beca11se there is no such law in Ethiopia. ;\ i id since ,re 11111st resort to eq11ity to a1�rive at a sol11tion, we are compelled t.o cletern::.ine \Vl10 registered tl1is letter ''S'' as a trademark first by consulting t1 1 e register keJlt b )r tl1e l )ro_per a11tho1·ities. "£!ncler tl1e law, or more appropria­ tely, i11 ec1uit)r, a b t 1si11 essman may- 111011opolise a trademark and have other bti sinessme11 barrecl from 1.1 si11g it 011ly jf l1e was the first person to have that 1rademn1·k registerecl ,vitl1 tl1e a11 tl1orities empowered to register such trade­ marks. The 111e.rc £net tl1at a perso11 has used a tradema1·k for a long time does 1.Lot entitle J11im1 to clai111 tl1at l1e i.� tl1e o,..,v1Jcr an,1 t1l1 a•t ,o,tl1er,.s are prohi­ bitecl fron1 11sing it, ttnlcss he ,•las tl1 e first person to have tl1e trademark regis­ tered and reservecl for l1is exclusive 11se. In the absence of any legislation on trademarks, botl1 cqi1ity and tl1e spirit of fo1·eign legislation on the subject, ancl tl1e 1>rnctice abroad, dictate tl1at ,ve stt1dy tl1e registers to determine the rights of l>oth }Jarties. Sucl1 a stt1dy discloses that the appellant, Ato Azanaw Ale111e, \Vas tl1e first person to register tl1e said trademark ,-\rith the Ministry of Commerce ancl lnclt1stry ptirsuant to t11e c t11·rent practice in Ethiopia.

In at1clition, tl1e state111ent s11bmittecl ll)r the aclvocate for the Singer Com­ pany indicates conclt1:sively tl1at it hacl not registered witl1 tl1e proper authori­ ties· the traclen1ark of \vl1ich it clai1ns to be tl1e sole owner ancl on account of lvhich it instit11tcll this suit. This Co11rt cannot unclcrstancl its reluctance to re,. gister it in accorcla 11ce vvitl1 tl1e usage of th.e co11 ntry. T11crefore� tl1e action brought lJy the advocate for the respondent com1Jany aU,egi11g s-ole 01v11ersl1i11) iu1-cl recrL1c�tin,g tl1e enforce111cu t of its exclusive o .wn­ ersh1p is null a11cl ,,oill l1n,c1,cr tl1e ]a,,• a,11d in C(J11it)'. �Ioreo,;cr� tl1c resr1oncle11t com1)aI1),'s advocate, in ans,vering questions p11t to l1im b)r tl1e S1111re1 ne I1nper:ial Co11rt i11 its session of May 6, 1964, said that the s11it ,vas 11ot bro11gl1t on tl1e basis of the tradema1·k, as such, but rather to ct1rb u11fair con11nercial com1J etition. I-Ie citecl Comme1·cial Cocle Articles 132, 133(2) (u) an,c l J.3L1,('J) (a) �11,cl (2) (a) to st1J}J!}1 0 1�t l1is ca:�e. Thcee 1\.rtic]es p1·0,ricle as follows: Article 132. U11,fc1ir con1mercic1l co1n1Jetition, . r\ trader n1ay clain1 clamages 11ncle1� A1·ticle 2057 of the Civil Code from any per�on ,¥110 co111mits an act of competitio11 ,vhich amounts to a fault. Article 133. Cases of zL.1ifc1ir co11i1Jetition. 'fl1c follo,ving sl1 all ]J e clee1necl to be acts of t1nfair competition: • • • (2) (a) a11y acts likely to u1isleacl ct1stomers regarding the t1n(lertaking, JJro(l11cts 01· co1nmercial activities of a competitor. Article 134,. Effect of 11nfair co1npetitiot1.



JouRNAL oF E1·1110PIAN LAW -

VoL. II - No. 2

The colirt may, in cases of 11nfai1· competition: ) 1 ( (a) order that clamages be }laid h)' tl1e 11nfair competitor; .•. (2) the court may h1 ·pa1.·ti,c11la1·: (a) order tlie p11blication, at tl1 e c?st of the uu�ai1· co_mpetitor, of no. ticcs designed to remo,,e the effect of tl1e m 1 slead1ng acts or state­ ments of the l1 nfai1· competitor, in acco1·dance ¥lith A.1:ticle 2120 of the Ci vil Code. Tli e only evidence tl1e responclent com1Jany's ad,rocate l)l'oduced to supilort his allegation that the appellant hacl been guilty of 11 nfai1· commercial compe­ tition 1111 der the provisio11s rep1·ocl11ced above, was the aforementionecl letter �'S''. Altho11gh the respondent l1 as 11ot 1 ·egiste1·ed .tl1 e �aicl ''S'' letter to }J e a trade. mark of the Singer Sewi11 g l\1acl1i11 e Com1)a11 y in tl1 c E1n1)irc of EthioJ)ia, he ,vas asked }Jy tl1e Court to prove that he ,-vas using the said. letter ''S'' as his trademark. He llroduced vario11 s t rademarks usecl. by tl1c Singer Com1lany, which sholv that it never 11sed the letter ''S'' alone as its tr aclemark, but l1sed it ,vitl1 a wo1nan shol\'"Il se,-ving 1-vitl1in the f1·ame,vorlc. of the letter and the ,vords ''Singer Sewing Machines'' wi·itten along the contours of the letter. In lig11 t of the fact tl1at tl1 e Si11ger Co1n,pany ni ever 11sed tl1 e letter ''S'' alone as its trademarlc. and tl1 at the appella11t placed the Q11een of Sheba's crOl\'11 over the letter, \vrote ''Sl1elJa Se,vi11 g Center'' follo\ving the 011tline of the letter and depicted a se,ving macl1ine at the center of the letter, the resrJonclent comrJa• ny's claim a11 d its req11est to the Co 11rt tl1at tl1e a11pellant lJe prohibited from usi11g tl1e letter ''S'' is nothi11g more than a11 attem1)t to l1arass a competing busi­ nessman trnder the guise of the la'\-v. rfl1 e advocate for the Singer Company l1 as not addt1ced any evidence to prove that the appella11t has engagecl in 1111fair commercial com1Jetition. Con• sequ ently, the elements of the offence, according to the articles he cited, ,vl1 ich are reprod11 ced verbatim abo,re, are not satisfied and the Supreme Imperial Court herebv • disn1isses the suit. For tl1e reasons given al1ove, we find tl1e I-Iigh Co1u·t's decision in Civil Case No. 260/56 in conflict with the la"v cited and based on no evidence, and it is hereby reversed. rfl1 ere is not e,1en a reinote si1nilarity, either in a1Jpearance ?r arrangem�nt, between the Lra,le1narks usecl by tl 1 e t,vo r>ar.ties; tl1 e IJossib�l1ty oI conft1smg Cltstomei· ,s cloes 11ot ari�e, because tl1 e t\VO traclen1.arks are di3• ti11ctly �iffer �nt. Tl1erefore, tl1is Co11rt r11Ies that the ap1Jellant, Ato Azan�,v V fleme, 1s entitled to use tl1e tracle111a.rJ<:: he l 1. .atl clt1ly 1·egi.stcrecl ,vitl1 tl1e l Iu1• 1stry o:f Commerce ru1d I11dristry. Tl11:! re�;}Jo11.1clerrt con11)any .sl 1 all 11a)' tl1e �IJ· pellant $ 150 to cover court costs and tl1e damages it ca11sed l1 im by instituting a suit without good ca11se. A copy of this decision should he sent to the Hio-h Co11rt to notify it that .its decision has been re,•e1·sed a11 d to l1 a,,e it e:xeci1te �li e ncr,,v clecision. M.ajo1·ity decision given on July 8, 1964, in the presence of the appel lant and the respondent's advocate.





v. S1�cl!�R


1\1. .\CIIINECo. LTn.

1\1:INORITY OPINION Dr. W. Buha•gi,ar, cl�s,senting :- Tl1is i � un. a1)pea1 agains• t a j11clg , nnent given hy �he Higl1 Co11rt on May 16, l.964, , l)y wl11ch tl1e a1)1)ella11t was ordered forthwith to remove fron1 l1is bttsi11ess p1·e111ises ancl to to 11se in any ,vay wliatever the clisting11islung 111,11·k, or trade1nark, of ,v-l1icl1 a sample was l)ublished in the Ethi-0pia11 Heral,cl of Feb1·11a1·y 20, 1964. rfl1is1 clisting11ishing mai·k consists of a cap1tal ''S'' ent,vinecl a1·011nd ,a se,vi111g 1nachin. e witl1 a cro,\rn over the ''S''; 1 a Se,vii11g Ce11t,er'' are wi·j tte11 ,vi tJ1in tl1 e ''S''. the ,vords ''Sl1eb The respondent company also cleals in sewing machines and one of the traden1arks 11secl in co11nc.ctio11 ,vitl1 tl1e h11s.i ,ness is a capital ''S'' with a E1u·opean lacly sitting at a se,vi11g a11acll'ii11e. Tl1e respo,nclent co1npany conisicler­ ed that there ,,vas &'.i-milai·ity bet,vee11 tl1e t,vo clesig11., •su-cl1 tl1a-t it createcl con­ f11sion ancl an1011ntrecl :to tinJai1· co1, n1, )e,titio11 to the great ll1·ejl1dice o.f the 1•e, �po11clent co�pany; ,for 't11is 1·ca,son tl1e 1·es1Jonclen·t cn1u1)any brought a11 actio11 in tl1e I-Iigh Co11rt against the a1)1)ellant, p1·aying tl1at the appellant,, his se1·­ vants, agents, employees, atto1·11eys, s11ccesso1·s ancl asisigns, and those in active concert -ancl par•ticiJlation ,.vith tl1em, 1Je e11joinecl ancl 1·est1·ained from 11sing 1.l1e design compla·ined of� and tl1is in terms of Article 134, (2) ( a) an,cl (JJ) of the Co111me1·cial Code. The grouncl,s of ,appeal of tihe a1JJ)ellant are lengthy a11cl contain matte1·s ,vhich are completely i1·relevant an-cl 11nclesi1·able; tl1e Coirrt refe1·s to the corr1ments made abo11t the High Co11rt or inc1ivic111al 111en1hers of tl1at Cor11·t. Sl1b­ sta11tially, ho,,ve,rer, the g1·01mcls of aJJ}Jeal are tl1at (a) the 1·espondent company is n , ot a company 1·egiste1·ed in Etl1io1lia while the association of the appellamt is; (b) that there is no similarity h 1 et\veen tl1e clesign of the aJ)J)ellant ancl tl1a t of the respondent com1Ja11y, and (c) tl1at the 1·esponclent company cannot ]Je entitled to a 1nono1)ol)r in tl1e b11siness of sewing macl1ines, and he ca11not 1no­ nopolise the letter ''S''. As regards 1·egist1,ation, it sho11lcl JJe sta.tecl tl1at .tl1e respondent com1)any has been 1·egisterecl in E-thiopia 11ncle1· tl1e la,v in force at tl1e time, tli,at is, the Federal Crimes P1·oclamation (Proc. No. 138 of 1953, as amendecl) ; evidence to tJhis effect has been prod11cecl befo1·e this Co11rt; fo1· t,his ,1•eason ·the respon­ dent compa·ny is not precl11clecl from ]1 )1· an actio-11 ]Jy rea·son of Article 1 of ARTICLE V of tl1e Decree . t o Provicle £01· the Regist1·ation of B11siness En­ terp1·ises (Dec1·ee No. 27 of 1957, as a1nended ancl 1·en11mhe1·ecl P1·oc. No. 18L1 of 1961). F11rthermo1·e, it may be aclcled ul1at tl1at Article precl11cles a non-re­ gistered com1)any from h1·inging an action ''r1pon any cont1·act made by it in Ethio1)ia; '' it cloes not $-CC111 tl1a t, tl1e A1·ticle, '}Jrecl11cles tl1e brin.gtng of all ac­ tions. Be that a.s it n1a:y, the1·e is no c111es,tion i11 the prese.nt tl1at the ap­ pellant company has been 1·egisterecl in EthioJ)ia, altJ1011gh its l1ead office is in 1Jl1e United States of A1nerica. Before JJ1·oceecling f11rtl1e1· it is im1)01·tant to mention tl1at this case is not ha secl on the infringement of a ''registe1·ecl .traclemarlc''; there is no la,v in Et11iopia for registration of traden1arlc.s. It is t1·11e tl1at the apJ)ellan,t l1as hro11ght evidence to sl10,v tl1,at lie l1as 1·egisterec1 t11e saicl clesign ,,..,ith tl1e Ministry of


']Ol3 R·.,::\l, 0:- ETJITOP!AN

L . .\,V- Vor..

II - N{). -9

e ,:3_, ar1,1I 1111ti] 1Pgi�· 1atioii l t 11n h11rk; ina rle tra a s a trv s lu Jnc · , Comnterce an,cl i-­ tl 1c }Jro lc<·tio11 of Sllcli reg for l a11c rks n cle1 1 t · of i1 atio istr reg tl)e for � enacted � is� . cnt accepted by at arc ) ·c t tl1a s 1Js at10 1£lr reg al l actu tlie s, ! ark lcm trac tli c tered 1 Min1.LS'tt·y Olf Colllllne.rce an-d In,c1tistr)7 arc o.f 11 0 ]cg�] c.1fcct and coi1- sc(JllCilce. tl j11 Article Tlie 11rescnt case is basc(l 011 ''t1nfair. co1U1)etition'' as cx1Jlai11e _ 133(2) of 1:,l1c Co'1l1mercial Cocl,e; tJte first 11ar<1,gr:1pl1 t),[ !\rl1 r-l1: 133 pr:1,·it le� , etitio11 tl i at 311y act 0£ co 1, .11p , cn1Ttrar}' lo 11rJ11e;,t con1n1ercia l 11rarlic.c .sl1aI ] con. r r1e are t;;; - :1lC!l lo rJ(• 1inJai 1 · e c a• t ,..,J1a 11 ,Jo,v :; l.:!) (2) 1)l1 gra ra }Ja lt; fatt � e t l. e.titt , , con1petitiro11. a11cl 011e of tl1,e.:-e act,s is a!l act �ikely �· o . 1�1i.�learl c11::tn111er.:, regard. . 1, 1111e titor. '.l'h <· , 1 crcial act1,,1t1es 0,f a co inig the 11:n,de, 1·taki11g, -IJrocl·uct�, 01· c.c,rnu _ .ca�e LS ,,., :J1ctl1er tl1e act of tl1e a 1)11e}. C(lie3tion 1J ef-0re tl1e Cot 11�t in the 1Jrese11t }ant in t1si11g tl1e ''S'' lvitl1 t11e macl1ine a11- c l tl1e crov.•,11, ,vJ1eJ1 the res1)ondent co111 pany l1as been trsing the ''S�' witl1 til1e lai:ly at • tl1 c sc,vi11g macl1i11e as <le& crihecl alJove, a111ounts to an act of tmf,air compelitio,11 111 tl1at it is likely to 111.islcacl c11sto1ner.s regai1·dir1g tl1e t111dertaking, J)l'O(l11ct.s or con1111 crcia1 activi­ tie3 of the respo 11dent co 1n1)any. for tl1e regi'.stratior 1 of traclen1arks, tl1c gist \Vl1en tl1ere exi.sts legislati011 of an action for tl1e infri11geme11t of a registered trnclemark is tl1at tl1c def c11dant has 11sed, or is using, on l1 is goo,el�, or i11 conncc-ti-011 �.vitl1 l1i.s b11siness, a , of registratio11,. I11 clefat1lt of such mark \vhicl1 belongs to tl1e plaintiff b)' virt-11. e legislation, tl1c la\v still protects a t1·a<:1er by means of tl1e action for 1miair competition; no\v t 1niair competili-011 1na)r 1Je con1mittecl i11 vario11s lVa)'S and means, and one of tl1en1 is by tLsi 11g or i 1nit-ati11g a 111, ark, desig11 or na 1ne ,vl1icl1 is 11-sed by a co1upetitor i11 tl1 e s,1n1c ty1Je of lJ11si11ess. rfl1e la,\r recognises the right in any [Jerso11, lvh•o l1 a.s been 11sing a partic11Jar 11Jarl{, nan1c or design in co1111 ection with l 1 1s lJ11si11ess or good,s to prevent otl1 ers fro111 11sing s11cl1 mark, name or design so as to deceive tl1e l)t1bli,c i11to tl1i11lciJ 1 g tl1al tl1e bt1siness car­ ried on h)r sucl1 perso11 or tl1 e goods .solcl lJ)r l1i111 � are tl1e brrs.ine$S ancl goocl� of otl1er person,s. 1'11e essence of the action fo-r 1111 fair co1111Jclitio11 i::- tl1at tl1e <.lefen•claut 11 a.s \Vro11 gfi:illy re1)rescntecl t o tl1e fJt1hlic� cx1>·ressly or i1111)liedly, tl1 al the bttsines..'5 carried on by l1.in1 or tl1e goo{'i.s solcl by J 1irr1, are tl1e b11.sine..s s or t]1e. goods of tl1e 11lai11tiff. rfl1e re1ne<Jy v1hicl1 tl1 e Ia,v afforcls is based on t11e tl1 eory tl1at tl1 e plai11tiff l1 as acqu .irec1 i11 l1 i. s b 11::iness a reputation and good,-vill ,vhich i s 11is pro1)erty arid ,vl1icl1 the la,v 1,rotects fron1 appropriation h)r a11o� l1er, a11 cl also JJartly 1111011 tl1e tl1 eor)' of 11rotecti11 g the JJ11blic agai1i st fra11cl, 1n tl1e sense that tl1e }Jt1blic tl1inks it i..s <l·oi11g b1.tsi11 ess ,,vitb or b11ying tl1e goo·d s of 0 11c person '\.Vhe11 it is c.l(�ali11g witl1 an•otl1cr IJet·s011. It is not contestecl that the res1Jo11den t compait)' l 1as bec11 11sin0'0 tl1e design ''S'' wit · h tl1 e ,von1a11 at a h- c,vjng macl1i11e for ma1 1y yeans, botl1 ir1 this cotllltry _ ancl else,,vhere; 1n fact the 1·espo11 dent con11Ja n Deceniher on ago, year y 1 11a s , 1 1y _ 26, 1930, 11hli1she cl in tl1e 11 e,vs1Ja1Jcr of tl1 at ti1 r1e, tl1e Cot1rrier d'Ethi.opie, a cop) �£ the trac�emark ( the letter ''S'' v.,ith the lac] y as clescribecl above) regis­ r tered 111 tl1e United States of America \vith the 11sr1al notice tl1at action \\ oHl<l be taken again,st any perso11 who infringes 1 tl a t mark. 1�11e aJJJJellaut liars for­ -..J.-',1·1med an associ·,a1·ion ca 11e d rrh e Sheba · · . tlie Selvtng Center clt1l)' rcg1sterecl at






- 226 --




l r




E ,, • S1NGJ.�n S1t:\\1 l.i'�t. i\11i.c1-r1NE 1-\.iAN'A,,, ALEi,..I .

Co. f...,To•

.nist1•y of Co111me'l·ce ancl Inclt1,gt1·y a11c1 . i11 conn,ec. tion ,vi,tl1 J1i1s l)!1sii1-e•::-s I1c 11::ecl wit 1 a sew1ng mac111n . l 1· . ''S' e e an d. a cro,vn on top of tlie tt . 1 ' e e h t n ig s e d a s a . monopolise ''S' '. N o ,v i t. is tr11e as the ap1)ellant st1l)mitted that 11,0 }Jerso-n can and 11se as a11 excl11sive cle91gn a lette1· of tl1e alpha]Jet; l)t1t a letter of the al­ pllahet can be� in �er·y cli.ffere11t ,v,ty�; a�cl. it is also �o be remembered that ,vl1itt tl1e la,\1 1s trying to p1·-otect aga1nst JJS the conft1s1011 that may arise between one }Jerso11 ancl a con11)etitor in til1e san1e ty1Je 01£ lJt1siness; the appel, laiit }1as referrecl to s- 11ch bt1sinesses as Sl1e]Ja Book Sh•OfJ, S.A.C.A.F.E.T., Messrs. Si 11clair, a-nd Sal1ea11 Co1·1Jorc1tion; i11 s11ch in,stances tl1e initial ''S'' co11lcl not ()ossihly c.reate conf11sio11 ancl a11101u1t to 11nfair oompetition hecat1se none of these bt1sinesse-s cleal ,vitl1 se,v, i11g macl1ines; if they did, t]1e J}osition might be different. In the 1Jresen1t case the1·e 1i . s no qt1estio11 tl1at tl1e letter ''S'' tt..czed by the aJJpellant as tl1e first letter of tl1e ,vo•rcl • ''SHEBA'' is of e xactly the same design a.s that -0£ tl1e r-e5po.n,den·t co111pa:i1y; j t i,s tl1e 1sa'l11� i;n all 1·e�1J)Ccts. B11t tl1r apJJellant sta tes tl1at ,vl1ile the ''S'' o,f the 1·espon . dent con1pa.ny has a forei gn lacl)' sitting at a -se,vin g 111acl1ine, his ''S'' J1as only a 1nachine with, on top, the cro\rn of tl1e. Queen of Sl1el)a. Bt1t tl1e qt1estion i.s: ''Is the 'S' of tl1e appel­ lant likely to mislead c11stome1·s i11to t h,�ing tha1t hrs 11nclertaking is tl1e t1n<lertalcing of the l' 'CSfJOndent com1Ja11y 01· into thinking that the appellant is dealing ,vith the goo els of tl1e res1)onclent com : 1Ja11y? '' In decitling this c1uestion the test is not ,vl1ether co1tl11sion h . as act11ally occt1rred hltt whetl1er the Cou1·t is of the 01Jinio11 tl1at there is a p1·oh,tl}ility of confusion arising in -the normal course of trade. In co-11,sid ering tl1e IJrobability of co11fl1sion the Cotrrt sl1oulcl not lJe gtuded by th•e fact tl1at it l1as had tl1e 01lport11nity of ·seeing the two designs side by sicle au · cl .the fact that it l1a.s 11ad pointecl ot1t to it cl11ring the trial the points of resen1b]ance a11:d cliffere11'ce het,veen the t,vo desigi1s. In considering 1•,rhethe1· the design of the a1Jpella-nt is st1ch a,s to cat1'Se confusion or d•eception, it m·ust be 1·cmembe1·ed that tl1e t,vo clesigns are not seen side hy side h)r tl1e J)rospective c11stome1·. Altho11gl1 the 1·e may not he conf11sion wl1e11 the two designs are -seen s, ide hy sicle, tl1e C.011rt m11st take into consicleration tliat tl1e }JrOSJJective ctIBtomer does not see the two designs sa.:de by side and tl1at tliere is a p1·obability of memory conf11sion ,vl1en tl, 1e two designs are not seen simulta11eously. 1,liere is no q11estion -that ,the main characteristic o.f the two �esigns in this case is the lette1· ''S'' \vith pa1.·tirc11la1· typog1·apl1ical cl1ar, acteris­ tics ( tl1e same in botl1 cases) ; the ''S'' of t1l1e appell-a.nt a1l!d the ''S'' of the res­ tlonden,t con11Jany botl1 l1ave a se,-ving macl1ine inco1·1Jo1·atecl in tl1e ''S'' but that of the 1·espon<lent com1Jail ' l1as a lady sibling at the machi11e; f11rther­ ) more tl1e ''S'' of the a1Jpellant is s11rn101mted by a c1·0,vn•. Not,vithstancling all these different detai. ls, ho,-veve1·, tl1e n1ai11 ol1a1·aote,1:istic ancl the IJrincipal fea­ ltlte in the design which att1·acts the eye is 1l1e ''S'', and tl1is ,-vitl1 the se,ving �achine (in one fo1·m or anotl1 er) is, in my O}Jinion, lilcely to create conf11sion and amot111t to an act of unfai competition witltln tl1e meai1ing of Arti­ 1· cle 133 (2) (a) O • f• ·tl1e Co111mercial Co•cle. For these reasons, I wo11ld dismiss the appeal and confi1·m the j11clgment of the High Cot1rt.

-- 227 -

"l.e..:J-9':f·-hm·/.\ : (D•"J.b : rarlgc{l : ?t\t.'i:1 •-l\1),1\ : (llD• : --l·"lflC : i'tl\t. : {lflonrr,0,1•'1>/JJ/. r tPt• .-J-'l;'i: OP'& ·: ,.,.�:t.61]•: o0,hA: .fl\m•: Ai'i•)·- f,;-:.:1·,l1 : ·f.1,fi. C: ,)1 ., 1 )\ '!· ho)°,. I f,v°(/j : },'i: � .-,-C'& I![•,,bVtnO , ... ...........�. ,.. :: !i, 11.., ... ,. ..t'J?,°l'l�: q,e: f(l/\,A: fl}'..U : h•'l'}J': 9°h:f·A: I"'/,.: ·l·�J:t,.<•J}•: flf' iaJ•: (JD•f : J-1fl {l:




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'11C: 011: 1'.1f.tLU: hf,f.t\'J°'i ou•(b: l-th il : t-n•1 : f;f.t\ : ·r'P'Pf, : f lJ''i: t(tc: htt/\1ro·: ti1i l:'f•: (l;r: 1:'} ;Jf,: t./;\1°: �(j:�: l\.(tll,/;\: (ltU • 1t.1+c-0i; = 'P .,ro ., = tt...+OA= {lt\tr� =�lb= ti hllil = o�:,..,11 = .-nc1.. c ,nd/ -- ;;:: �m-:: �7ithlif©§ : 1'.1f.rf•ODl\.h--f•OJ• : Ot•fi wt-rf : P'/:\"11 : fOl/.rPt-: • · ffj::,,c11 : -0,lhC: £11'1= cf!'l'C: ..t?7ii tircno h.,...., .. ,... --- ... : <<tt1f:: (•: f.-f•m\'cf>lIJc'}: P't-: fl°tV'/r·o:,., "l.. l·J.: flF�OJ•: tptj,:'f-: 'f4..rf--�:m,: OP't-.: (•: P'AllJ7: P'C: fAtr�: 7'1�V'�: �,�..1-:1 : 1'.1f..J'tl : oulJ'•,..: h;t-m+: t,,Pta r: Oh l\k .,:,. t,.emr:Pr >> f,illA h'P'i·ro- : P'lr : +!l:t-611': hft/b/A : (l�U : h·'11J' : fO;t-t-: P'/r: ..-f•* t.."!b: flf�a,.: on«fb: tifl {l: OFt-: 06I"014: fi(tll,/;\: (l).U: t1•'11.. P'C: .,(' /;\lJ'�: �7�-i:1: f,fl : f+'P'P/\ : �(De:: il"h1J! fl\0149°: rPt-T�: itrP tlD- : Jil\k'IT: ffl0T9° : +,nftn : fl<f?'rC: e7t.,)1 bV«IIO : ft;::,•,11 : -0,lt. C _.. .,�•r•,.... _..,. 0

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- 2J L --





Obligati.on 3 _ Extra-co11tractual liability - Liability· for tlzc act,io11s of others _ Disti,iction bet1,veen en-iployee and i1z.de11e1icle1it cont.ractor - Arts. 2130 aricl 2134 Civ. C. On app�al fron1 a juclgmer1t of the Higl1 Cot1rt .::i,varding dumages to respondent in payiuent for stone qt1arried from respo;1de11t's la11cl lly nppella11t's su)J-co11tractor ancl used }iy appellant tn tJ1e constructio11 of a road.

Elelcl: Judgment reverse cl and responde11t's claim dismis sed. 1. A contractor is 11ot liable for 1)1e fault of an inc1epe11<.lent E1t1b-co11tractor, regardless of the fact that tl1 e co11tractor tise of n1aterials s111Jplicd l)y tl1e ::11ll-contractor and ,vbich are tl1e sullject of tl1e fault, Art. 2134 Ci,�. C.

2. A perso11 ,vho contracts ,vith auotl1er to find 111atcrials a11cl st11)ply Lhcn1 at his O\\'n

cost and upon lris o,v11 res11011sibi]ity, to olJtain tl1e necessary licenses a11d pern1its himself, and to be llairl for ,-vl1at he SUllJJlies� is an in<.lepen,lc11t co11lrnctor nr1d not an en1ployee, \\'itl1in tl1e meaning of A.rts. 2130 and 213,t Civ. C.

I-Ia1nle 11: 1956 E.C. ( J Lil),. 18, 1964, G.C. ) ; J n ·stices: Afenegi1s Kitaw Yi­ tatek11, Blatta Bekele Habte Micl1ael, Ato Tacldesse rfekle Giorgi.s: - Solel Bonel1 Ltcl. contraotecl \vith the I·Iigl1\vay A11tl1ority to }J11ilcl a roacl and then st:uJ-co11tracted ,vith � 1fr. l{alos in connectio11 ,-vitl1 h11ildir1g the road. �!r. Kalos� on tl1e basis of this contract, cr11ar.ried sto11e from the lar1d of a private indi­ \7 iclual, Balarnbarass 1'1engist11 Ta)re, to be usecl for the road..

rfl1e res1Jondent, BaJamharass l\1engist11 1"' aye, in&tituted a case in the Higli

Co11rt against Solel Bonel1 Ltcl., claiming co-mpen&ation fo1· the value of the sto11e ancl land taJccn fron1 l1im and , for the resr1lting damages.

TI1e defe11clan,t, Solel Bo11el1 Ltd., conlcncle<.l that it l1ad contracted to {Jay J\lfr. Kalos for the Sll})ply of sto11es necessary for· tl 1e cOJ1sLrr1ction of tl1e . road ancl as no relationship, contract11al 01· othcr,-vise e..xistecl het,veen it and the plaintiff, it could not he l 1el<l liable to I)ay dama�es clai 1ucd by l1im, De• fenclant the11 l1andecl over to tl1e IJlaintiff t,he doct11ner1t e,,.idencing tl1e agree­ ment 1Jet"veen it and 1\11·. Kalo.s . Th e 1-Ii�h Coi:u·t clid not acce1J t t1 1e • eo1Tlenlion oJ Solc1 }3one1 1 Lt(l., �ru.,d . dectded agau1st Solel Bo11el1, orrleri 11 g it to ·r}ay· 1�$594:0 to Baiambara£ 5 1\1engistt1 Taye. The appeal is against this judgmen t , .






is based ·not on a qi.1estion of fact, hut on a The ,argl11 11ent of Solel Bo�eh . of Jaw. ·It i8 not denied that Sole} Boneh .,l1acl contractecl ,vith the At1t.hority to -bt1ild a -road, and tl.1a ,t it :is, therelore, the •m:ain contr,actor. clcfence ,vitnesses by and f1·om ·the contract that asce1·tainecl been i a-5 l It }\'.{r. Kalos ,vas qt1arrying ancl s11p1)lying stone to ·Sole} Boneh.




f\.part fro111 receiving sto11es f1·01n l\1r. Kalos, Sole} Boneh -did not directly qtiarry or ,take any �tones f1·om t�e 1·es1)ondent'� land. It has not been denied that Solel Bonel1 bt1llt tl1e 1·oad with tl1e stones it took from Mr. Kalos accord­ iucr to its contract. Therefore, the question is wl1etl1er Sole} Boneh is responsi� bl; to the respondent. Is Solel Boneh liable to pay ;the val11e of the stone that was taken .from tl1e respondent's land and given to it? Tl1e · High Court has said that, since the appellant .ma<.le use of the stone quarried from the land of the respondent, tl1e appelan, t must pay. Bt1t it i-s necessary to recogni�e that although Sole} Boneh is -the main contractor zi.nd lVlr. Kalo,s i5 a s11h-cont1·actor, M1·. I{alos is an independent per­ son who m11st fuliill his o-w-n legal obligations.

The fourteenth cla11se of the contract between Solel ancl Mr. Kalos


states: ''The sub-contractor shall be 1·es1Jonsible for finding the ap·propriate quarries and for obtaining and securing tl1e necessary licences ancl J)ermits for e-x-ploitation of same at his own cost, and without in any way involving the contractors.'' Clatise nine of the contract fixes tl1e price to be J)aid ])y Solel Boneh to Mr. Kalos. Therefore, Mr. I(alo5 is an independent worker 11ncler Article 2134 of the Civil Code, .but not a11 employee governed by Article 2130 of the Civil Code. _,1.rticle 2130 woulcl l1ave appliecl if it '"1ere Solel Boneh ,v-110 ,vas quar­ ry-ing the stone l\!Ir. KaJog was a hi1·ed labotLrer -doing s11ch work fo1· rum. Since Mr. Kalos is an i11de1Jendent contractor wl10 has agreed to find stone fr?m any_ place 11pon his o,m respo.nsiJ)ility and to be paicl for ,vhat he s11p­ plies, he is an independent worker, 01· cont1·acto1·, t1ncle1· Article 2134. Civil Code _..\.rticle 2134 states: ''A person 5}1all not be liable for the fault!!! 0� offences committed by another ,vhile ca1·rying out wo1·k which he has asked 1:im to do, where the .a·uthor· of tl1e offence 1s 11ot , sttbjoct to ·the farmer's at1·tho­ rity and is to be considered as having retained his inde1)endence.'' M r. ICalos was working as a suh-co , nt1·actor th11s was not directly under t h e 5 upervision of Solel Boneh but 1·ather cont1·acted independently under hie free- ,vill. Civil Code Article 2134 clearly states that co11t1·actors like Solel oneh _are not responsible -con·tractors ,vhen the 1·elationship is as £01· their s11b it Was lil this case.

, iwn

. tolel Bon eh doe3 not have n.ny cont1·act ,vith tl1e o,-vner of the land from whic ston e ,-v as qu·arried. Solel Boneh's contract was signed with M1·. l(alo�. st 8olel B oneh pay twice for the stones he receives, once to M1·. Kalos an d

i, r· LY111



LAw -- ,,OL. II - No. 2

a second time to the Iand-o,mer? When the 1·es11011dent suecl for t11 e value 01 the stones used by Solel Bone h i11 its constrt1ction._, Sole} Bonel1 s�10,"red the re8• pondent the contract he had '\\ritl1 lVIr. I(alos, ,vh1cl1 sl'nte(l tl1at 1t \Vas 110 t res­ r c k1101-vn 1t1l1st er ]1a, ]and-o,\ the therefo1·e, time, this ponsible. At exactl y tlle � person who '\\Tas quarrying the stones Iron1 l11s la11d.. Sole] Bonel1. i11 sho,,·inrr the contract to tl1 e respondent, tried to l1elp Ll1e ree�ondent 11ot to 1 11 ake n.� error in filing stlit. B 11 t the respondent, rather tJ1nt1 st11ng Mr. J(alos. 11referrecl to s11e Solel Boneh.. The High Court, noting only that it ,vas Solel Bo11ch ,vh.(J 11serJ tl1e stones for construction, gave its c1ecision in fa,ro11r of tl1e responrlen.t. If a person gives a contract for the constrt1ction of a l1ol1se, ca11 j t be said that the owner of tl1e stones ancl sand t1secl i.i1 bujlding the hot1se 1nay claim from the owner of the ho11se for the value of st1cl1 materials? This is not possible. It is true that, if tl1ere is an amot1nt ,vl1ich the o,vner b . .asnot paid to the contractor, the O\.\T t1er of tl1e n1aterials may clai1n from the person on ,-vhose behalf tl1e work ,•,ras done to the ex.tent of the amount dt1e h, him to the inde1Jendent contractor. Tl1erefore, we do not find the j11clgment of the I-Iigh C,Jt11·t to ]Je in con­ lormity with the law. For these reasons, tl1e St1p1·eme Imperial Court l1as di�­ missed tl1e claim. of Balambarass l\1engistu Ta)'e against Solel Boneh Ltd.; re­ versing the j11dgn1ent of the High Court, the Supreme Imperial Court holds that Solel Boneh is not liable to IJay Mengistu. Taye.




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9°iln�:-f9'° : t,+ : O,lltF/fV· : fl!!!ft;'t : '¼ : gn : O}'l'i"f: : Omtttc> r Of'1:f,: T�T, ,f,.ilaf't(l;r'Pt\ I YilD;i·C9°: f, llllr I �l°I�� = �OC: il"fDc : ao{ltJl.lf'A :: f,t•oonnlm· j> i,\c; : fi''trh-�9° = 'lt\°1fuJ1i : fl)1'i""f: : l\f, : fan <? f...A: {JD4r�h CI f--,,H 119° ov m�O§!...': (1 f.A: u-, C...fq:flD": �1 �� ll l:11 lJ.lf.';tA :1 fro.enc> : t1t1 11l;(; ,nn:P 1 m�tCl': fif�1� = '' J·1i.,.flll1.f'i,1" 11:rcn· : 1,.cll.,1-- : lt"'Jilo0nfl : Oiijf@j : q : 9° : ll"JC�l'f : ,�/'VP : �1JJl1': n�4--:,� f&\OD'i : U£J01J1;\11:1�: ar il�r i '1il<-"/f ,.,,.,. J-,,nu ll.!�:f 71�;J..: �u : "' "' : f'l°T : �Ct... : ·t-J.CP...-OYtio'l : llt\ta�,} = ei\i'J h9°.."f..1� 0 'r : 'hCil7l:1 : ��&. -1 ,) "t-::. ' ,'i fl�: !Of: 'J°l\ifcu•�: �l-'iin.-:fc; 1 ilnA�: h�'J : «'If.ft·� I hfl•'}: C n>,ll�:r ;pto-:,. : -0� ADD'i 'l<J,C1a 11.1'9°C9° ..n_it\m• = l,6',i: flH(n�: ":'t..Pit : trli" 1 1 1l& "rf- 1" .e..-f1.e..,nw· 1 ..e..i\�1· :: h?; = me O�l\9'° = DDt,..,-,,,�-1 1 •• � : &.C.OD7i : A'Ptft�\ "} : f i.. l\--� : JiJ!,CDi:'} : f..f,fu<t : OD{l�o� : 006.l.a-i 'hC6/'f ; lj (1)• ' 1 >'fl It(&> : t.'f' t\_ : hfl"': : Of�1"' : h'l�-OC.' : 0.01.."t\�9° : 'l°loCJ>ltV• : "Ol\<D4 : 0)·t1 H,1\:fCD-- : ttA:f: : \1/tOJlfl• : �UJ : Cil;r:(-w•"} : tat�fD!f!ro� : ilOl'/ f1<W/l{i : f� � : �11-� (l. � Aij";f:w.., : '¼t\U!/fo- : t,'!'1 : f07?-1" : ODO"'�'} = f°il lllPi : i\f, f.. l\'r :1 h.tLU : fli\.e, : h1J;t\}lD· : ft.;rco-1,..t, : tlq�,nca : �-•l IL : '' 1\1:C : h1J!)\� : fcf>f.,9°·o : h"}Y..U., � : hA:,,�"ar"} : l\'}(\OVJfu.. = il61J" :: dJ1 : h�: ll6111. ltl\A rt7i : �:J'Y:7i'J = ffJT/ Y,t.. ?....'l° : flf i : h1 Y..lf� : '¼!,+'ti : /lf.Dt\ Y:?f:,! w. : AJ:1· : i'l6Lh 1' f.l\A :t mf,;ee : fif�1"9° : '' 1'-.ll,t: : £lh &.. : f l1'ru-.."l"'i : fi1':(: fQJ,fi'I't.r 1�"} :: 11t\O>•: t)l\nm•� I h�9° flm:Pl\f\lD" : 1'1 (},�: : 1\1..e.J\�: (llf17i: 11.1·i: tllDt\X-?f:1:ro. : t;\p.."f-. 00cm7i : ll� : ill\n·'S 1 1\1� : (l(O'Pl\i\lD"" : 01':( p f°2.1 fro-"} : Cl'l ,. t1 : Wi){lUCJa,.."} : fl'/0 1\ : l\,181!': iill�lc\ : ,wn�11: hC --L·'} : n�1'.t\1'�·md : 611'9° (: : 0 1•:J�(\l)• ,, "fii\ID• : ,rf•t,· ,1q'A : : &, :rm•1,,.t = >\ q � •fl C' , , 1; . ">1 ;,� : .t•".;..."?l.l•·x ,, : u·, •, : '·}'e .. o 9,,•,: e ! "; "' • ol ,,j.;,,-.,,. II •. l'\\1 "} I""• 1-·ii � ltm(lS;7frcn, : /.t�"f. : fl6J!-'' : flOllft(JJ-c : �-tf ll. : u•>:JJ'/."r : fA:e.: : {:\'f,f ¥�>•"} : i\il•l;L.�} f 1:t,=:r-:far"} : lJJf.,flt� : ,1,::1� : i'i.f!.,t;a,(\,"t�· <Of,11(� : hlt0" o 1 �:r 'J : ,,1,..1-- w• = }\tii.:1�:i;;1 ,n•· 1 nm,,t�C: hlll�lt : (\{g1- ,-,,nt.•l:"} : lritll'l ! . : l hh Fti l :J-.,�(D• : t1L;t•m t,.t it'l�·(l,{!1 : fi r,.,.(llll!J: ro . : (JP�n,,1-�· : Clt•lt;f OJ-<'/° ; 00 -flT : tDf-Ht: Of�:f = L:11Yu1- = fJ.ioo'f : hh�,:\ : �'f ,tl(lOJ• :

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..... 242











H� 1 hlltit\ : {l.(11& , f"'I.♦ t\tD� = 'lilt:,. : ¥i'ttr 'i toY.liAm�1 = 1 'AA �no+: 9"t111T J f/l'I° 11 }\OJ-�7i,_: h.ltro-�(l":,: : h.1J;.. : �,.,'}: &.K"°.7-t:\: ,flt\-' : ftDl/"f ' OJJ,fl:'f- : 1\/lfDc :i lDf,11� : fif�� : l\tDJ!,llC: : '11':f : nJ!i,'l°it-t; : /lWf,Hf!' : Jt/ton�'f :: h�lli"'1 : m-Cil : o�,f -'PA t\aJ�f'lf!' : hll.,f:C : lt'l:'f- : ,e-,q : f�fllm-1' , fttD1,II� : h.ill1t\ : (l'P,f''PA :: l\Wf..11C: : hil,f;C : °11 : l\hfl;t : J'll'l , f�fl ltD-1 : 1'•l :I: : il i\ fl,.e..t\:1:w· = t\ A:� : t\OJ�11 c� : hll ,,.1;C: h.I\. llfl,f• fa.fl 4'·9° :2 0OT/ �•:�m·r = 9°h1..£>T: m.. e,,c�= J\ft.,tcr my,,.,c: = '1.1':Chf..'P't\�9° = x wf..HC: = ]\t\(IIJ�:f9v I CD�lle flf� :f : f'AA�'il&'} :: 1'-fll:,.. : l\t\i\ : oo(tm� , hf, 'l'lTlD-9° : ,(lj\Or : fllID,,.P(D'}° : {JIJ11:,.. : fi\TlD•9° :2






flmf,tte' : Of�:f : <&-Cll. m·{l� : l-tll0r : ht,'l;JwTOJ« : hk;:l"ar�t : n'l�•fll!1 , t1-tl\tt&..i\:flD'< = ".at,.. = ,,,nl:,-. i w�t1r: = nfr,:f.. = ttwf,;-1r: = fl1:f= h,f,'P'ft:-C.- : l\.OJ�Jlr: : h•)OD}T : ffin.L:rm• 1 l\lDf.,IIC:: hil-t-C: hq:,.. : h&.. :J'lD•t-.t h'l�-fle : ..,,.,)1'"Y... : l\lD�l·IC: : hilrl;C: fi•i\fl&.. (Dc : 1,f1l,r : f',(l : hf,f...ft.'I° � fl/\f·LlJ: fl,'9°: �C�: fltr}: h'6;J'"Or�t: l'tfl�1ll!': 011,},i: tnf ,tlC:: 1'_(1,l;C h'}�: ro,.e.ff�: '11:t: '1.�-<fOfr'i: lDf.,liC:: i'l.l}oo�'f: ?t_"}l).: "" l)J1 'i·: 'h"JJ;_.r{l}c : <l;t«;.: faaz....rCt.�: }"lC: fl\9° == i\.�lt:-9°: Wf.,lfC:: itilrf:C : ft'ht\.�'i ttmnc� = hlltit\ = f,f"c\mw• = 4>C,.f· = w,e,s1e : Of�'f : fllDf.,He = )\{li1fl 1 t\OJf.HC: : 'l"}7;n,�qt> /\� I t\OJf:-liC- : itl}oo�'f : O�•ftl. : f(ltp.:far : CllT : ht\'i : tn·'l : Atit.. b\ : ,,llt\tD4 : it.Amf+.9° :2 fmfckT : �lf H.m- : LC(l : (\(JJf,flC: :\il\ : {11,A:P'i' = f+fl,na,«"} : lblt0T'J° : fl.,(11t- - : fl9>T: f+(}ma,.."} l\ ooti &.A w-:, �1c: '? "} = l\w ,,e,n C!1= hll.ti ft 11hA�,,;:f,f-fl1110>-'l= fbfrs¥1° : t\ 11 tr = :f : f +fl m(l}c = f°7..&..cit ll,r : ,"h;, 'l!=9°'n1'f:,..=fl\9° 11








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.t\.}l}leal No.


- Ca.pacity -of T.eslator - 1/nterest of Jlrilnes ses - Dz.sherison - Arts. 880, 881, 884, 937, 938 and 335-5 Civ. C. - .4rt. 41 ,Sucee!sion$ :- �orm of Will-- ·C1ist-on·1ary Law

Fetha l\

On appeal from a Juclgment of tl1e Higl1 Court d·enying a petition ' for the invalidation of a ,rill. . Held: ,Judgment ,a.ffimned.

I. A will made prior to the coming into force of '1he Civil Code is v:alid "8ccording to customary la,1 if it is read in the present of the testator and ,vitnesses, altl1ough no meniion of this formality ,is made in the lVlil itself. 2. According .to �c11ston1ary la,v only the ,last ,page o1 a ·\vill .must bear the deceased's thumb print and the ,vitnesses' signatures. 3. Arts. ·ssI and · as4 Civ. C. require tl1at n 'holo�rapbic wJll, but not a pulJlic ,vjll, 'he !igned by the testator on ·every page • . .. 4 A ,.,,ill .cannot .he invalidated _because the te:.'Jtator ,, as pl\ysically .,veak wl1 en the will , was made. 5. A ,vill leaving prqperty to a monastery cannot be �aid to benefit lVitnesses of the will some of ,vbom are attacl1ed to tl1e monastery. 6. A testator may give pre'ferential treatment· to one of l1is descenclante. · eirs-at�Iaw. 7. In cu5tomary law a testator is not required to justify the disherison of h 1

Tekemt 12, 1957 E.C. (October 22, 1964 G.C�) ; Justices: Afenegus Kitaw Yitateku, Biatta Bekele ·Hahte Micha e· I, Ato Tadcless·e Tek1e -Gio· i;gis: - The present appellants ·were plaintiffs and ·tl1e respondent was the aefe11dant in the High Court. The cause of ·the· aispute -is the succession ·t· o ·the -property of 'Woz. Beyenetch Aha N · ehro. !he , three ·appellants 'have ask·ed for ·the ,invalidation of · her ·,Vlill dra,vn on November 19, 1957 on tl1e followin·g grouncls:. 1. The said · w ill ,v-as -not -signed on every p�ge and �entain ,1-vords, tl1erein were lerased or crasse·d o.ut; 2. W oz. Beyenetch was not sa11e ·w h·en she ,hacl the ip1rrported will .drawn UIJ; 3. Tl1e said ,vill was . not drawn acc o.rclin:g ·to . lier ·wishes ·but in. the inte­ rest of tl1ose v1ho l1elped . draw it; 4. Woz. Beyenetcl1's allegea will revokes the ''llqui�a'' .will.eel .to Alema:

-- 245 -


II - No. 2


yehu _ Woz. Aster's father - and inco1·1Jorates tl1e land l1e inh er ited from Fitawrari Aha Nehro. The apJlellants nrgt1e t11at the lDt1d "villed to Alt�rnayel1u by Fita, \c'l'ari Al,, Nehro devolves 11 pon his daugl1ter, Woz. Aster, and fhould not he incluclecl in , tend con 1 sl101 tl1ey , rest The ·ld he cliv·ided n. es,sio succ ch's enet Bey Woz. equally among themselves and th e respondent. The respondent, on the other har1cl. 1uai·ntai11, tl1al tlie ,vil"I ,vns valid _ becattse (1) Woz. Beye11etch ,¥as ,vl1c11 :::}1e 111:.1cle lier ,v1ll, (2) the ,\rill ,vas signecl by tl1e testator and '\\11tnessc�, (3), 1l1erc i� 110 µ:ift earn1arked for t11e '"itues�ce. ( 4-) Woz.....\.ster is 11n"vortlr;7 o:t �11cccPrl 111µ; Woz. Beyenetcl1 be­ cause lier fat lier, .1\.le1uayehu, hac1 trie<:l to kill Woz. Be� e11etcl1 ,vitl1 a gun, Finally she cl en i-es t Woz. Beyenetcl1 '•3 ,vill .revol{ed Fita,,,r1·ari "'i\lJ a Ne­ hro' s 1\/'ill. 1

In light of the three appellants' req11.e st for tl1e invalidation of the "'ill� we ""rill first consider its validity ancl then decide ,vhether the st1ccession of the deceased is te_:i.tate or inteitate. before the Since tl1e will was made in 1957.• it means tl1at it ,vas n1ade . n force of the Cjvil Cocle. 1'itle XXI anil Title L"X II of t.l1e Civil cominig ito Code were enacted to help co11rts clecide ,,.,,}1at 1aw to apply in a sp-eci:fic sit11a­ t1on where there .i.s a. conllict between t)1e repealecl and ·ne,vly enaC'te(l l:i,v. Article 3355 provides that, ''Wills made prior to the coming j11to force of this Code (Se1)tember 11, 1960) shall be valicl ,vhe1·e (a) tl1ey ,verc valirl ttnder legislation repeal.eel by this Code or (b) tl1ey comply witl1 the req11iremenu of this Code.'' Thus a will is valid if it me0 ts the require1nents of any one of the t,vo sub-sections of this Article. In most respects the provisions of tl1e Cil--il Code on willa are a carr�'over from customary law. Accorcling to Article 880, there are three tyi>e� of ""rills, namely ( a ) ptihlic ""'ills, (b) l1olograp hie wills anc.l ( c) oral ,vjlls. _i\..11 of these were kno,\'11 in l ?e Fetha Negast and c11stomary la11,r. Woz. Beyenetch's \vill comes 11nder tlie first category. In connection with that Article 881 runs as followt:- hlic will shall ae written b)r the testator himself 01· by any J>er· (1) A pu son under the dictation of the testato1·. (2) It shall he of o effect unless it is read in the J'.>reaencc of the testa �or � and of four witnesses, ancl mentior1 of tl1 e fu]filme11t of this formality and of its date i.s made th.erein. (3) It shall he of no effect unless the testator ar1tl the 1-vitnesses in1media• tely ·sign th e will or affix th,eir 1.l1un1b mar tl ereo k 1 n. d Article 41 of the Fetha Negruit provid de Dl � be ma y ,vi.I ''A I es tha t, .m . � - g or Wl'ilm orally. A written will shall he valid if it is written by a roril,e,




testator l1imse]f in tl1e l)tesence of seven or five witne.seet the or idato1� liqu the · '' d o e · tw 1 h 01 re ,-v o. t se vi r, he ot if possible,


But 11ncler tl1e Civil Code tl1 e will is not valid if it is attested h)' less thu.11 fotlr ,vitnesses. No less tl1nt1 fi,re ,vi tncsses ,ve1·e 1·equirecl by oi1r ct1stoma11, la,:1i·. 110Je�s tl1e ti111eE- ,vere st1cl1 tl1 at on.e co11lcl 1 1ot gatl1rr 1l1at 1t1any wit11esse.-,. Ba., _A.rticle 881 (2) of 1l1c Civil Cocl<' i� sj111ilar to 0111· c11stomary la"'·, hut tl 1 ere is or1e irt11)01·tant clifferer1�e i11 tl1al '' (t11e ,vj]J) s1 1 all be of no effect 1111}e$F it is rf'atl :i11 the 11re�encc of t:l1 c l0..-..tator anrl of fo11r wit11esses and men, tion o.f t11e fr,lfilment of tl1is fo1�1nalil�r a11cl of it. (late i" 111arle tl1 e1·ein.'' For­ merJ,, tl1e ,vill ,vo11lfl st ill l}e reacl in tll.e J)rese11c<:· of tl1e testator ancl the ,vit11ess�s, l)ttt 110 111e.r1tion of tl1is fo1 ·mality ,va� 111aclc i11 1I1e ,vill, 11.or cor1lc1 Iai]u1·e to me11tio11 it be n ca11se of nt1llity. oz. Beyenetcl1 made l1er lvill i n tl1e presence of lier f atber confessor and si.,--c other ,,ritnesses and tl1 e last l)age of tl1e vvill bears lier th11 mh _print ancl the 1Y°itnesses' signat11res. Th11s J1er 1-vill is in accorclance 1,vitJ1 botl1 c11stomary law and the Civil Cocle exce1Jt for tl1e fact that no me 11tion is n1acle that it ,vas read 011t in the prese11ce of the testator ancl the witnesses .



J• /

As pointed 011t by the appellant's aclvocate, only tl1e last page of the ,vill bears the deceased's tht1nili 111·int ancl tl1 e ,v.i1:J1esses' �ig11nlt1res, hl1t tl1 is can be no ca11ee for n11llity. In the first place tl1at ..v.ras tl1e acce1Jtecl p1·actice in custo­ mary law and �econdly - as p1·ovjc]ecl JJy 1\rti.cle 88.ct - it is only a hologra­ phic '\\ill that must he signeel 011 every page . B1J t Article 881 merely proviclee that ''the testator and the ,-vit11esses (11111st) jmmedjately sign the 1vill or affix their thumb mark thereon,'' and noivl1e1·e is it saicl tl1at the ,-v-ill is of no effect unless it is signed 01· tl]11n1b-1Jrinted on eve1·y page. That along ,vith the fact that, contra1·y to tl1eir allegations, tl1e will con­ tains no erasures, cancellations or ,vo1·ds ,vritten over others defeats tl1e appel­ lants' first g1:ound for a1Jpeal.



Let 11s no,v proceed to the seconcl grouncl of a1J})eal. 'fl1e v1itnesses ,.._rho attested the will testifiec1 that the deceased, sitting })1·op1Jed 111) in bed tho11gl1 very weak, dictated her ,vill to one 1\.raya Ma 1nmo ancl that she was per£ ectly sane. Some of the appellants' "¼rit11esses saicl t11at owing to the fact that she could not take in an)r foocl, her voice trailed off once in a ,vhile. B l1t the ,vill cannot he invalidated on the strength of that alone� heca11se it cloes not prove that she ,vas notori0usly insane ,vl1e11 she dictated her ,-vill. They added that she died of stomac11 ulcers in the monaste1-y of Dehre Libanos. We conct1r with tl1e I-Iigh Cou1·t opinion and hold that the deceased was .sane when she dictated her ,¥ill. The thi1·d point 1·aised by the appellants is t11at the '\vill ,-vas dra,\7n in sucl1 a way as to benefit the ,-vitnesses. Aclmittetlly some of them were attachecl to the monaste1·y of Deb1·e Libanos, but since sl1e donated the land and hot1ae 81 Yeka to the monastery, we fail to see ,vhat personal benefit the witnesses could deriv e from it.


AW -L .\.N .. I P • lO I l· T E F O JOURNAL


II - I"lo. 2

ee appellants' ·reql1est £9r tl1r the ind f · we ons ea'"' . t.he For 811 the ah ove r ss. le d n u o r g l il ,v 1e tl f o n o ti invaJicla . r ly pa te ee He1� pogition i!5 that st 1e qt re ·',5 e1 st A . oz W er icl ns co � We ,vill no,v er y oth ert op · and pr d lan the her es lud h inc fat it er se atl bec cl • I . 18 .11 he .j: e r o1 sh ve M o. ·eo br Ne a im cla Al s J ri ra taw Fi e sh " 1 d from wi t lem ay·eht1,V?1nh er'te A ·b he was not explicitly se s au ec . ty er op pr 's ed as ce de e th of entitled to a share ,lisinherited by tl1e decea.sed. lk of he r �ather'� property, bu e tl1 to c.l de ee cc st1 tch ne ye Be . oz W l!hotlgh 1e of son 1t to Alem ayehu. t o lef br Ne a Ah ·i ra1 aw Fit t tha l vec pro en ·be h as ·1 l . . . ·1 . f ar to s1m1 ate m ,JS ''If yot1r ine, pass The Fitawrari's will runs as follo,vs: y_ 1, s obe yot not doe he if dis�ipates liis t Bu t1. yel1 ma _l\.le o t a' uin 'Ilq the down inherita11ce or does not look after the of t,he family, appoint one of your oth·er chil(lren.'' It goes on to specify '½ hat land., animals and househ old dson, none oI ,vhicl1 form part of tl1e dece ased's s11ccesaion. goods he left his gran . W oz. Beyenetch's will read5: ''Since I inheritecl all of n1y father's 11roperty at1d lie bade me bequeath it all to one of m y chil_dren, I hereby beqt1eath whatever I o,¥n and my 'Ilquina' to my daughter Askale Mesl1esha.'' 1

W o z. Aster's contention is tl1at the ''Ilquina'' devolve5 upon her because her father, AlemaJ el1u, had been appointecl "aleka'' l)y Fita,vrari Aha Nebro. Bt 1t Alen1ayehu could ha,1 e earnecl the ''llqt1ina'' only if several conditions were fulfilled. The firs, t was tl1at W oz. Beyenetch's fate he -similar to l1er father's or, to spell it out, Alemayehu \Vo11ld have to survive her, j11st as 5he s111-vived Fita\,vra1·i _;\ha Nebro. But he die<l long before 5he rlid, l1en,ee tl1e ''Il cp: 1ina" could not he transmitted to l1is daughter. Moreove1· Fitawrari Aha Nebr o bade W oz. Beye11etch hequeatl1 her pro• p ,erty to one of lier other cl1ildren if she dicl not find Alen1a)ieh11 obedient etc. and sl-1e willed it to W oz. Askale. Therefore the wil.l cannot he invalidated 011 account. of tl1e ''Ilqt1ina.'' . And now for W oz. Aster's sec ond, claim ,vherei11 �l ie argt1ed that she is · �ntitled to a -share of the deceased's property, becaus sl1 e wa e s not disinherited 1n &o ma . ny ,vord!. If a person die! inle!tate hi e children a.r e th e first to he called to hi! 5ue. eese1on. bt1t if one of h15 � · ' h · 'l d • c 1 · ren 1s c ea l d d an st1rvrve l:>)r clescend nnts, he 1s d ' 8h . by s11ch desce . a.ll �e represen,ted nclants. At o Aiemaye h11 was sl1 ot b)r tl1e Ita· : 11ans 1n 1936 and is survivecI bY l11s · · ·c1 a11ghte1·, \Voz. Aster·. Tl1e deceased's ,vill . makes n o mention of Woz· A 8t • • to the argun1ent tlia t er d an h t h a . t as given 1·1se · s he must, represent her fatl1er i n tl1 e ,succession. W oz. Askale p ointed out th • Al at e sh e t ha d th a pr ov Co -ed u. in r t Ei th ig e h .tna,}',1eh u was unwo · · · rthy of sncce��I·1ng h�s · m oll:i�.r and that ·11I1e C�urt had f·o uDd . the l-vill valid. Document ary eviclence zaJ A 1n by h t e for iss m ue , or d an of cle r W rk neh ar.c� 7, 193 4, lvherein he orclered � � : �� tl1e a.1·rest ol Alemayehu · 0 e W O · e sadik fo an r r ohbi11g W oz. Be)renetc11 was intr oduced in ·the High 1

--- _248 --




v it:r1esses testifiecl thirt once 1\J.e111a)rehu tried. to kill his 1, ver Moreo COlll·t• - · g1111, t11at tl1ey never· got along ,,vell and that sl1e used. to curse a ,vith tber nio liiro co :nstantly. Woz. A.ster triccl to 1·e])11t tl1at ,vitl1 tl1e co11tenls of a l )etition. s11hmitted to His l\'.fajcsty ,v. ]1creir1 Wo�. �eyc11etc]1 l)eggeil I ·Iin.1 to 1·estorc to l1e1· tl1e land ,lie Ji acl sigr1ecl a,,,a)r to tJ1e Ita]ia1.1s so as to sa,'c l1erself ,vl1e11 tl1ey threatened. ;0 .kiII l1er .fj,,c 111011tl1s after sl1e l1acl 1111s11cc;essfr1]]y 1)lea1:lecl ,vi tl1 them to spare Alernaych1.1 in e.xcl1a11ge £01: ]1.e1· ],111cl. B11t tl1is 11ctition ,vritten to recover her Janel clocs not J)ro,,e that sl1e J)ardo11ell Alemt1)rcl11.1, llecattse sl1e clid not ex­

IJrc3s1)r say i11 l.1c1· 1¥ill tl1at sl1e l1ncl l)arclonecl l1in1.

Tl1e cleceasecl ,ras ,vitl1in l1er 1·igl1ts ,vl1e11 sbe clisi:nl1e1·itecl her da11ghters, Bauclri Ay-.iuo1ll artl1 Asa1r1c11ecl1, l1e1: gra11clcla11ghte1·, Aster, ancl heq11eatl1ed. all the JJropei·t}- sh.e inhcritcll .fro111 lier fatl1c1· along vvit11 ,�;J1at she acquired l1 erself and tl1.e '�Ilc11rina'' to lier Ja�1gl1tcr, As.kale. A testator n1ay gi,,e prefe­ rential lreal111ent to one of l1is st1ccessors. I11 t11e J)rese:nl case, Woz. Askale E-ttcceedecl to tl1e ]31uk. of "\Voz. Be)r e11etc]1's Jll'OJ)erty ancl 11otl1·i11g n111cl1 1-vas Jeft to tl1e aJ)Jlellants. Be tl1at as it 111ay, tl1cy cannot co11test tl1c ,-vill on that gro11nd. \,;


In fact� ,vbat tl1e cleceasecl bec111eat11ed to he1· t1-,ro cla11gl1ters, Ba11chi Aymo­

lit ar1cl Asamenecl1, is 1·01.1gh])r ec111i,,ale11t to ,vl1at Alemayel111 inhe1·ited from Fita,v1·ari J\.l)a Nel)ro ,vas latc1· lra11sruittecl to ]1is da11gl1te1·, Aster. rfh1.1s it can ]Je saill thi1t Ll1e tl1ree 111111ella11ts got a11 elrrtal shru:e of tl1eir gr·and­ : father's succession.

Ho,veve1:, Woz. Aste1· did not claiu1 a sha1·e of tl1e lancl beq11eathecl to the three sisters� Ba11cl1i 1-\..ym ol11, i\.sa111e11ecl1 ancl Askale l\1es11esha; 1·ather she n1oved for tl1e invalidation of tJ1e 1vill ancl f01· a ne,v dist1·i]J11tion of the de,. ceasecl's J)roperty. B1.1t the1·e is no legal gro11ncl tl1at j11stifies tl1e invalidation of tl1e will. The ''Ilq11ina'' clicl not devolve 111Jon he1·, beca1.1se he1· father· p1:oved him­ Eelf 11n1vorthy of s11cceecling l1is mother. An)'1-vay, neithe1· the dcceased's chil­ dren no1· l1e1· g1·andchil<l1·e11 can cl1alle11ge l1e1· }Jartiality to1-var cls Woz. Askale. Tl1 e deceasecl ,vas not 1·ec111ired to give 1·easons to j11stify the flisherison of her : lieirs-at-la,v, as lJroviclecl b - Article.s 937 and 938 of the Civil Code, beca1.1se y . nl y· custon1ary la\-\7 is a1JJ)lica]Jle to this ca�e. I�. customa1·y la�v the cl�sherison 1�olcls good 1inless t l1c deceasecl Ja1·clonecl l11s l1e11� ancl called him to his si1cces­ 1 s1on. . For the ab ov·e reasons the ap1Jeal is clismissecl and the Hig'h Coi1rt decision

a ffmu e d.





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- 252 ;,







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. .








253 -


GIOFRE RENATO v. PAUL RIES & SONS (ETifIOPIA) LTD. Civil Appeal No. 1114/56 Contractual obligations - Commercial travellers pensation - Art!. 39(1), 42 and 43 Comm. C.

- Te.rmination of contract _ Com­

On appeal from a judgment of the High Court dismissing appellant's claim for com. pensation for termination of his contract as a commercial traveller, under Art. 42 Comm. c on the ground that appellant carried on a private business on the side and therefore Ios� his right to compensation under Art. 39 (IJ Comm. C.; appellant maintained tl1at respondent was aware of the private business and consented to it. Held: Judgment a.ffirmed and ap1>eal dismissed. Unless otherwise provided in the contract of employment, if commercial travellers or representatives engage in the:lr own private business on tl1e side, they lose their right to compensation under Art. 39 (1) Comm. C., regardless of tl1e fact that the employers is aware of such outside activities.

Tekemt 26, 1957 E.C. (November 5, 1964 G.C.) ; Justices: Vice-Afenegus Hagos Tewolde Medhln, Kegn Geta Gebre Hanna Kitaw, Ato l\iiengesha Wolde Amanuel: - We have given the following orde1· after examining the record and arguments submitted by both parties. As indicated by the introductory passage of the appellant's application, this is an appeal against the High Court order given on February 24, 1964 in Civil Case No. 28/55. The respondent company does not contest the fact that it had hired the appellant, Giofre Renato, as a con1me.rcial traveller. Later on it dismissed him fr<>m his joib and the appellant in'8ti.t11ted Civil Case No. 28/55 in tl1e High Court to collect compensation for dismissal a.s provided by Article 42 of the Commercial Code. The respondent company argued that the appellant was not entitled to any compensation because, apart from serving it a.s a comn1ercial traveller, he A_rt· by d p rovide carried on his , as o wn private h us, t l T blli8u1ess on . s ide. , , . ie � icle 39(1) of the Commrfll" Code, he lost any compenisiaition due to hln1 t under �icles 42 and 43. The High Court supported the defendant's argumen . and dism1SSed the case in its order given on February 24, 1964. still an appell Except � f r the fact the that his pleading is more detailed, ? . relies on Article 42 which provides as follows: ''Where the trader termJ.J1aW es ativ sent repre the contract without good cause, commercial travellers and





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into for an undefined period of time entered contract a . by bound are h ,v ha� I be entitled to fair compensation fixed in accordance with Article 2583 of s ,, t he Civil Code. In its statement of -defence, the responclent company argt1ed that this pro_is applicable only to those cases where tl1e traveller is a full-time em­ 'sion v� to the and skill tin 1 e service o·r the employer, hut that all his devoting ee oy cases similar to tl1e present one where a person carries ft is not applicable to,vl1ile serving another as a -eommercial traveller because b11siness own his on iin that ca6e ATti.cle 39 ( 1) }Jrovicle.s tl1a,t he lo,se3 th e con1i1)enJSation he· co11ld claim under Article 42. 1dent con11pany, :provi-cleis th·at: ''Unle� cited by · t he J·es1Jo11 1), ( 39 Article otherwise provided in the contract of employment, comn1ercial travellers and representatives may not carry on private business. Where they carry on private bt1siness, they shall lose their oompensation as provided in Articles 42 and 43''.


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Therefore, although both parties !)resented tl1e two provisions in the ligbt most favoura ·ble to the1n, these JJrovisions raise no clifficulties if they are viewed objectively. Article 39 ( 1) -specifies tl1e con-d,i:tions <- >f e:n1 ,ploy.ment ,and servjce tha·t must be met so that the com1nercial travellers and representatives mentioned in Article 43 may 'he entitled to claim compensation. It provides that in the ahsen�e ,of any agreement to the contrary in the contract of employment, com­ mercial travellers or representatives may not engage in their 01\111 private busi­ ness, and that if they do, they lose the compensation tl1ey could clajm under Articles 42 and 43. The appellant admits that he car1·ied on l1is own JJ1·ivate bl1siness, hut argues that he is still entitled to compensation, hecati-se, despite the absence of any a· g, reement in writing, the respondent company ,vas a,vare of his activities and did in fact consent to it. Neither the literal inter1J1·etation of the provision nor the legislative in­ tent is susceptible of any ·such interpretation. Thus, tl1e High Court's order is affirmed and tl1e appeal is dismissed. The appellant sl1all pay ·the respondent E$50 advocate's fees and court costg. Let a copy be sent to the High Court to notify it that its order has been affirmed





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JOS. HANSEN & SOEHNE (ETHIOPIA) LTD. v. MESFIN DEMISSIE Civil Appeal No. 160/57 Ci11il. procedure - Burden of proof -

Appeal& - Labour Relation& Board - A.rt. 36

CoU11 Procedure Rules. .Admin . utrative larv - Burde,, of proof - Labo1,r [{elations Board - Court Procedure RuleJ.•


On appeal from a decision of tl1e Labour Relations Board which held the reasons given by the appellant employer for dismissing an employee were not sufficient to justify the dismissal a11d ordering that ll1e employee be reinstated. Held: Affirmed. 1. While the burden is on tl1e plaintiff in a proceeding before the Labour Relation5 ;Board to introduce evidence in support of his claim (Art. 36, Court Procedure Rules), where be does not do so but the defendant introcluces evidence purportedly in contradiction of the plaintiff's claim, it is not a procedural error such as to require reversal for the Boarll to decide in favour of the plaintiff ,vitbout requiri11g the plaintiff also to submit evidence. 2. Where the Labour Relations Board held that the reasons given by an employer for dismissing an employee ,vere not sufficient to justify the disinissal and the employer ap­ pealed from the Board's decision only on the procedural ground that the Board erred in .failing to require tl1e employee to submit evidence, tl1e merits of the Board's decision are not before the Court on appeal, and it is not for the Court to say whetl1er the Board was correct in holding that the reasons given h)' tl1e employer were insufficient.

I '

Tahsas 6, 1957 E.C. (December 15, 1964 G.C.) ; Justices: Afenegus Kitaw Yitateku, Dr. W. B11h.agiar, Ato Taddesse Tekle Giorgis: - This is an appeal against a decision given on October 2, 1964, by the La-hour Relations Board which held that the 1·espondent ,v-as dismissed from his employment by the ap• pellant company ,vithout good reason. The appellant is appealing against that decision not on the me·rits of the case b11t on a 'Point of pr,o:eedure and that i3' that the Board was wrono- in calling upon the appellant to produce evidence in defence when the res1l indent had not attempted to prove the allegations on which his case was based as was inc11mhent upon him under the Court Proce­ dure Rules and in particular 11nder Article 36 of those Rules. The respondent's case was that he was dismissed from his employment because he Vt'as a memher of the employees' association of the appellant com• The Labour Relations Board decision from which this appeal wa1 taken appear• a,t p. 348.


• I

JouRNAL oF ETHIOPIAN LA,v - Vor.,. II - No. 2

t un(lc1· tl1c rt1les of tha , ted 1nil s11h ant )cl] 1 aJ) e tl as ct proce. l . corrc , pany. It 1s . . . . on s� on vY_111cl 1 1 ie bascs his clai t ega ll a t l1e \'C pro 1st 1111 tiff · 1 � i1 pla m.; if dt1re the : _r rove tl1c facts not p s cloe cl1 ,vlu 11ce e 1cl e, rice cl acl 1 J e if on ,vliicli he (loes not 01. _ tl1e cot1rt tl1at tl1cre is uo l1) t 111 s11h1 r rua) ar1t c11c.l · <lef e i tl ,., d • base · . • , I case t I 1e c a 1 m 1::s • • t1lcl be d1sm1ssccl. In tlic J>te to ans\ver ai,cl that tlic Illai11tiff's clain1 sl1o seii t case it lias ne,,cr bee11 co11te t.ccl tl1at t}Je resr)onclcnt ,..,-as a mernbcr of the em. it l1as not ]lee? cle11iecl tl1at tl1e res1)onclcn t I1as b een ancl ' ation 1 associ yees 1 o 1 disnlissecl. On tl1 ese 1111co11tcslccl facts 1t ,vas for tl1.c res1)or1clent lo slio,v that ra 1 lie ,\ at tl n mc111lJcr of tl1 e em. fact tl1c ,villi lecl con11cc ,vas 1 1 15 1111 s. sal ployee�' a$sociation; no s11cJ1. e, ,ic.l encc ,,·as adclt1ce� h)' tl1c rcsponc.lent ancl tlic Labo11 r Relations Boarcl did 11 ot ask for st1cl1 e,,1clcnce bt1l cal]ecl 11 pon the appellant to produce tl1e eviclcnce in clefc11ce. �['l1e e,,i,le11rc of tl1e res1,011dci1t _ miu1 1t l1 a,,c cotJ i·te<l i n slating that J1c clicl notl1ing ,vl1i<:l1 jL1stifiecl his disntissnl or �hat l ie knc,v of no rea�on wll)' l1e shot1ld l1a,,e been <lis1ni. secl cxce11t that li e ,vas a ll1Cn1ber of tl1 e cmplo�1 ees' association; I1e 111igl1t also l1ave been sttb­ jectccl to cross-exan1ination h )r t11e a1J11elJant. Tl1c fact 110,vc,,.er re111 ains that althougl1 tl1e res1Jonclent clid not aclclt1C( � st1cl1 11egnti,re .fclrm of e,,irlcncc, it cannot l1c 5ai<l tl1at tl1e J_,al1011r Rclatio11B Boarcl < licl 11ot l1a,r c l1cforc it tl1e evi­ dence, as aclcluce,l by t}1e a1)1,cl l· ar1l, lo .,;]10,v ,vl1y tl1e 1.·cspon<le11t ,vas (lisu1i sed. On such evidence the a1J11ella11t tricc.l to sl10,v Ll1at 1.l1 e rcs11011clent ,vas clismi"• sed not becau e lie ,vas a u1cmbe1· of tl1 e <'l1l}l1oyees' as, ociat.ion bt1t for reasons wl1ich jt:1 tifiecl tl1e r]i..,nlia�al of any CillJllo)·ec. rfl1c Boarcl, l10,ve,1 er, tlicl not accept 1l1e reasons given as being goocl reaso11s for tl1e cli. missal of tl1e re. po11cle11t. "\Vl1cll1cr tl1e Boarcl ,va� 1·igJ 1 t or 11ot i11 reac11 ing Sltcl1 a decision it is not for tl1is Court to SU)' as tl1 ere i::; no a1lpcal on tl1e 111erits of the case but only on the point of procec.lt1re, a11cl i11 the circttm ·tanccs of tl1is case tl1i - Co11rt Joes 11ot consider tl1at tl1ere has been a n1is carriaae of J0 l1stice on the crrouud o b tl1at the rules of procecl11re ,vere not strictly follo,vecl nr1<] for tl1 esc reasons the appeal must be dismissed.




I ,




,, ( f}ilD'�: .., Pi',": }ft.P'A'TJ } .. f.,OJ(}��: f)_e, I l'l\,A: (l�l}C,: 01/unc+'?/':ii J di'IA rt 2 (1611- 11 0

r�A • -it..:J-¥11· - flt1'l•t·Pr1.c, h'1-::A , OJJP-'�f • CL·Y,.:f· • �ut.r1c..c �:far , <&f\o":f _ "' art\') , fi"?.e- • ill\"'lil-t?,9° - f IA"lA I il'J"?"'I;I. - r�:,.,,. • 11,lt.C: 1 }\'}cf>:,.:r. • rn:lif Wli 1 rcr.. , 6f1§ °1,.'i r.a..i:f�?; Si f11a1·t• 1 --1..J'a'i 1 'lflP'A"J'} 1 l1t1/\,A 1 (l}.U<,· 1 li•'l'i'.<-'m� • ,".JC: 1 t11'g.t,.•1m,. , fl9°9°'1·1.. 1 flOJcl\:,:a,. • OJJI t,.:,. • h c:tl'i• 1 {D.C!. • 7i 9''"1Ac,· 1 ,(�;�'I:,. • >'I..},c;.cf>c:11 • n.A : 11�•l·ii:m• • 'i;(;.(!• , tl.·1·, fr),11crr'} • :,-1,.11·11 • n,JD:f•m9° • .eu , .e01'l�� 1 •l·t.n ,, I



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261 -






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ill\tt.u : nm-/\.. : ODlPlT : mF. : 1100Y: : �;;: = °l/A°l&\ , f"'if,'111 o+ • 9°h't.f-r = lli\ll,l\. = fh'i!+�lD' = �c.e.... = tt:i« = '"''(J)« �,-,r.. Ao'iorr1 001/fl:'f-: +ht-tJ �A s: ftiCht,,:ftl)c : v..�;J-- : htLtJ : 01\f,: 1t'}P,l\l1J": (l,lf'} J 1,U 1 �C�' 1 r1+ 1 l\nch?o rni-1:,. t1ir�m·1- = r�:,.,h = .nm�c = a,oi , h1+ge {ifj� : 1'.1-f.. +00nh+ro- � f.e,'?'11 : '11' s �1l : &.� : 'h_'}f...nrJ.l\CD4: '}{}(l I «#!TC : h'}f: 1 '' P,71"" : !il+Pi,.C : oP/"tl : (1.:'f- s °l.� ;rlD·1: 1,&.'G'f' 1 tt'J-J!· , LJil11:,;..:,. = h'6l--i\'r ,, roritA : ir«r • .e,,"1IA 11 1'1-°l.'LU , r,11-r 1 h'1 ,,"J"IC : htt.U : ·nti_e, : A1P,l\(D«: f't,lf"} ! f,U : 'i!Cf.." : n,:,.. : <<"l��>> f"'/. ft(I}« = fth'?: fPA = h'?'l1l'i" = TC1·9° = 'h"° : m1- 1 tfDD.\!' J;� 1 "1&\ '?A: I\OIJdl'l:,�: fT,.l."I: il9°9°�+: OJttr: '?�:f..: Oi"'lt\lD' : :}fill: ,4'A I ,e,if&. 1 = OJf.19° = h.eriL1- : 'h."}�lf� : "'lm:P : ill\°'l'iCll:t' 1 t\,t«llfllV'' ,· T.r<1: ll)cltt = h00iln1:i- = t-iil�.?:'l° = f.e, 111':,1 = 'lf, = �1t.: t.;e: ogi1 1 1-l�' 000hl\h.f : f°7.M-h?o0T"} : rttu•,. : £11°1 : h 1-'111'": citih6t19. («) (10(/0 AhT: fl.fq: ',(De:: Y.1iro-r = ''1ll+Pi1-?,: oop>tf: n.:,.. , '?�;rOJ•"t: t\t1D /..'A9 °: 111,m.e: n.+c = P,?fl- h.ut&. = t\Ol/llh&.A = �c.. e.:-= l\oollm:,• = 1,l-1ti\''' = f,I\IA ff





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° 1: i'1"tcJ>i·: hr� .... :11 .. c: n,1� ftf(JD.. (':: -�'1: 1A'?t\ : fll·l.U·• = rr,.::r-,11 : _ 11..111, rxi·?.; : :�'rf': : 6.'l',,e.. : ilnlf �c.· : /\.t1il-l•,�f..r. : ODp�t! : (1:,-. : {)rf•ontth --1:1·: Y.. 1,1:·;...,;: ,.r..·'} ,."J'l,91 1"·: lD"il•f' : c:1/t\.'1/A = il"tA1 l"hl\l1l\.: \''i�:,",l : 1 ,. 0 0 · ) : 1 i:7L,11jif 0./i I (t 1, f. ·1. f H (De J °7 a;J,.,,r J f,(f�· r(l,fLC: ,7, 1 : h. }4'7'


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:11 lif:i2 I 0'} {l/\.11.U : �c'}{}�� : 'l� : {'lj::i·•,l1 : ,fl,l1,(: : ,)1 ° 1 f i'11'l'X" J O·il : ''!'l'C: (j;) f rf•{/Df\.h,•f"C (IJ•1 : "] ,.�;J- · 1 ft tPJ.t\ m-1 = :J)A : .-fl;J: : 9u�,, .<>·)· = t1 J?.._,,C,:ln : nA'}f..�·?0 : 0°'/t\-r• I 01.,,1,coro< : ?°tJ,,.f,)·· J 1'1'l'; J(l.: it e , Y..fl.9° 11





aiJ!n:J-- = r,f''ln<1J•?11 1 :J'A = rn�-,-,1aJ• r,:c.(': 11 .:,... , lt1lt•C·f· �,·}� ·l·l1°{Ti}(IJ·<: �OJ•= h0'/tt,)·: fl(l,J·4'C: /\,t\: {19l'"},0(11(JJ•: :i-c::1c,z: ('i\ 9° » fll,',If.IJ : u-t\ � : ?1·} p"} ..r.y::,·, : {' l lr,:,f•�: {I)" : 'i:(:-�" ; o.:,. : r 1),11 (De : m·tit � f'I'f�ttm'l'0·1· 9" t1"}·.f:I. : ilt\tt,l\ a,·til<D•"} h?-.'1-•l'"i : �''l'l·���} a

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ro·/ti;OJ• : fJliX,•�·-1:1 : i\"iJ.;.••rm•,t,ar : �'11.U : ,n-,)� = "11A'l61:" : flh'i: ,1,=1ro• 'i:c.1:.�: fL 1" f-..�--ln,11• i fllt6li.c = 'l.,IL: t'·l·mo�: ilnll,� 1 \1.�1t. = DPckl1 i' ttl\ili�t\19° 1.,




--- 264 -..

SUPR���JE IMPEJ1JAL COURrf Div. 5 IllG-fIW1\.Y A.U1'H0lll'I'Y v. SOLEL BONEH LTD. Civil A1,pcal No. 670/57 1 Contractual otJLigations - .l<l111inislrl1tive .irbi.tratiori - Arts. 3131, 3194 ancl 3325 Cir:. C.





On ap1>eal frou1 n jutlg:ncnt of tl1e Higl1 Court or<leri11g tl1e l-ligh,vay Authority to comply '"-itb a clause of its co11trnc1 \vith Solel Eoncl1 Ltd. tl1at provided for A1Jhmissioo of uJI disputes 1111der tlie controct to nr1>itrot:io11.

Held: Judgment affirmed. 10

Art. 3194 Civ. (:. does 11ot fJrevc11t the courts fro111 ordering ad111inistrative n11tborjties comply ,-vith contract clat1ses pro·.iding for suhmisr,ior1 of die.pates to arl)itration.

Gtrenhot 6, 1957 E.C. (l\-1ay lLl, 1.965 G.C.) ; Justices: ·vice-Afenegus Abe­ . dje Deba1il<:, Blatta Bekele HalJte J\1icl]ael, Ato l(assa Beyene: - This is an ap1Jeal from the Higl1 Cot1rt's clecisio11 gi,;e11 on Feb;.·unry 25, 1965 in Civil Case No. 2tl2/57. The c1·tr=<: of tl1at clecision ,vas that acco1· to Article 3194 (1) co1trt cannot or· der a,d1, i-1in , istra•ti:ve a11t!1:o:·ritie2- :to JJeriorm t· hei1· obli­ gations, ]Jut tl1at it c,10 orcler si)ecific performance i11 proceclt1ral 1natters. In legal tei·n1iu()log)r the ,vo1·cl ''o]Jligatio11'' mea.ns perfo1·n1ing ,-vl1at one contracted to do. In the case ,1t bar, tl1e 1>laintiff }1,as alr,eady pcrfonned its obligation ancl its recr[test is tl1at tl1e defendant be ordered to refer to an arhit1·ato1· as provided in the contract. The llefen<lant's a1·gt1ment tl1at A1·ticle 3194 (1) exempts it fro·1n being com1Je11ecl to s1tbmit to third IJarty ar]Jit1·atio11 has no legal hasi�. Hence it should subruit a }Jro1Je .r statcme11t of defer1ce. The aJlpel1a:n;t con:teJ1cls tl1a ·t jn light oJ .t\.:rticle 319£1 ( 1), \V'l1ic11 })r,c>,vtirle� tliat ''the court may not order the ad1.11i. nistrative a11thorities to perform their. 0_hligation,'� the Co11rt sho11ld have only awarded clamages and granted its mo­ tion to disu1iss the case, lJ·ut thut it clistorted tl1e interr>retation of tl1e provision ., and ordered the present ,appellant to defe11cl tl1e case on its merits. rl h11s, the api)ellant 111.0\res tJ1at tlie I-ligl1 Cou1-t clecision JJe qt1ashed. )




On tl1e otl1er 11.and, tl1e positio11 of the res1Joncle11t's ad,,oc11te is tl1at Article 31 4( 1) l as n o hearirug O ll the rlisJJ11te ]Jeca113e t.J1e rJla111.ti1f,f b;ai� ah·eady acce1>­ i 1• • , te · tlie road tl1e respondent contracted to c011strt!ct. Ifence, there is no reason , Co11rt decision should wl1y it sho uld not refer to a11 arbitrator a:;1c1 tl1e I:{igl1 .. . h e affirmed.



II - No. 2

t e, i l 3194 ( 1) at . oc 1\ lv c a, t's an ll 1le ap e 1 �:l hy t ou d te m po �? es indeed s A . .� . � � 11jt1 adm1n at1ve tl1e at1tl101·ities to order not may cotlrt ''the t · prov1"de tl1a . . per. , 1ne t l1e meaning o f tl1e word "o 1 r err det to e1· ord In .'' tion iga obl eir i tl fol"m hli. · tl1e1 whe an ag1:eement to ref 011t find to ancl text con l lega the in ation'' er m11st sl1,1 cly· Artacle, 3194(2) 1g0 an arbitrator £, alls 1vitl1in j•ts sco,rle, '\V.e on whicli the advocate for the plaintiff relies most to make l1is case. It reads: ''The court may holvever, make an 01·(ler for the Jlayment of clamages unless the administra�ive authorities Jlrefer to 11lerfor11 1 tl10i1· ohliga· tio11s.'' Bef ,o1•e inter ­ preting the word ''obligation'', lVe n111st explain 1111der ,vhat circt11nstances "da. mages'' are awarcled. As we see it, ''damages'' is con1pe11satio11 alvarded lo a party ,vho st1ffered a detriment d11e to the otl1er party's fail111·e to perform l1is obligation. Under this definition the IJresent case does not i11volve dan1.age::1, 1Jt1t merely a clispute over the plaintiff's refusal to refer a disp11te to an a1·lJitrc1tor, p111·suant to the contract. Tl1e Court coulcl have awarded clarnages to the Illaintiff and exempted the defendant from IJerforming if tl1e ca11se of tl1e clisp11te hacl been the per­ formance of its obligatio11. Ifowever� it merely ir1volved a 1·ec111est to tl1e Cotirt to order tl1e present appella11t to 1·efer to arbitratio11. In that case there lv-as absol11tely no reason t o award damages, heca11se Lll1 assess111c11t of the loss in­ curred is a llrerec1uisite to awa1·ding clamages. The res1Jondent delivered tl1e roacl to tl1e I-Iigh1va 1- �!\11.tl1ority nnd asked it to refer to an arbitrator to assess tl1e extra costs t11e res1)011dcnt l1ad incurred. The appellant's refusal to comply c>n tl1e grol-111cl tl1at no corirt can order it to refer to an arbitrator is 11ntenable.

Article 3131 hel1Js ever, more to elttci(late tl1e lligl1 Co11rt's inter1J1·etatio11 of the provision. S1ih-sectio11 1 of tl1is .c\rtic]e JJrovides 1l1at ''Contracts conclu­ ded by the State or ot}1e1· 1aclministrative a11tl1orities sl1all Ile go,rerned by the provi,sions of this Code ,vl1ich relate to contracts in general or special contracts." And sub-section 2 reads: ''The }lrovisions of tl1is Title sl1all stl}lplement or re· }>lace such provisions ,vhere tl1e contract is ju tl1 e 11alurc of a11 administrative contract''.

Since the Civil Code fJrov·ides for i1rbitr,1l submissio11 fron1 Article 3325 onwards, and the articles on ,administrative contracts do 11ot }Jrohibit referri ng to an arbitrator, hy virt11e of ArticJc 31;.Jl (2) tl 1 e rt1lcs concer11ing· arbitral sub,missions are supp1en1entary p1·ovisio11s. Tl1 erefore, tl1e a1)1)ella nt's argu­ ment that the ai.ngile wo:r-d '',oblig,a:tio·n'' ir1 A.1·ticlc 319,1, ( 1) exonerates it from referring to an arbitrator is not valid. \Ve oannot ar1·ive at a11 interpretation of the ,vord ''obligation'' other than tl1at of tl1e High Cot11�t. For these two reasons, the Higlt Co11rt's decision is affirmed aud the appeal dismissed.

- 260

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-- 267 -

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ill\lf..U hI�/1/tl.i (},.tb•h-) q. 9°• m.�.. tJ: fi',,f·: 1·!1l:. ;11J! ,m,)� .e.n 11� (ID ttc; = P' t• ill\ t.:1.. o:,. 9°: 1 A 'i" .v, ti: ro.. rm n i ,1,-1- n (j::•r�: = <t:Cf,.": (1,:, .. : f7i·t.. ro•: t,1¥.."'9°: ,11:Jlf!: 9 °}11,.e:,.: ti.e' fl(l}-: {l{\(f�: �) h� .-1-�m·: �C-�·: n,:,..n,: '°"ti)..: flCll'1'PA :: I\G:1�....<'t ..f: f ,11f,J,a,.19 ° : 'rf' l: f,U: �Cf: : n,:,, : m-,,e;:,, : i',J.!·C1° ;J --A :: I\G:.t� . .ftf h·'11f: h'l°··t(lt �JC: h1f.»i•'f>q>fl.(l}-: ro·A:·:



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Yur•if: q. 9 °- �,J1(l,: 11:: :r�"'(t: "'II\:,,: f�OlO;fc: 1'il\1: '1.-h (b: iJ: cJ 4>1 Iilr.tli 11 (1'-J:i,.tt.) q. 9°• 'IOc r7i9°:,1AC:ro•: -��: �1 (1lJ:•t ..e...(l• ·,1c= h1.f?:: roe: hr;· cf>1 : un,ttODC: f 01i.,1tl : }lD•: ·f1ft": {ll\.GL),{JlJl: f(llJ;J• ,.e.(l. : �"JC: ��.•f/;\cf,(J}« : OY' il:i• : me : hi· :: ill\JI.U : (llJtL , .... : ,,,,. : lf'i:t\ ° t;ro• = f 0Tl;rf...il0T : ODbL"bl'cf m· : cf>1 : {11Jilhl9° : j;f: 7ijr'iq '¼• 'l · 1,1 : = , ....,, . ..-•--· .... ,.. ( 'I':i,9°·1·: l;/!jJ.ftk '¼. 9°-) If ;,.A ::






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ill\.tLU ot1..17f·t-1il 7·fl..o. uaLJ.11..:,-, 1 : h'l'1 1--1:(lt = ;,ic : 0-r'P'l'l\£& : c&/;\ : UDlJ'l:,- : ODh.'i"'lD·: P't�• : tiJ!,1Pt• : (\,f,0°0:i- : ·1.JI, : 1>1t-- aont1&... A t\l\&.: (('1?.11·•,m·: 1111. u = ,1,1= 1100 it.1'if.t--1il = h·'11f I ilhl9°= i·t.= 4111: Ifif.12 : ('t;/I/liflf.;f;f?) : i9°(�: '7{1)• :: hl\&,'1 --l: : r''1. 11;1(l r · ..-,.9°: 4>1: f7i9°LJJA'i" : P.ii: a,. : 1'1P.fta r : {IIJh t,OJ• : (l'l''t• : lJ•�,;J : "' :J�f:(t : 05!..U�: \'01/.. lihlhC : �(I)« : .flt\� : O.. il : h·'l'; y : run1)\1l0 1·: ,r;I, } 9°:,• : %= +1- = If1Y.2t. = '¼-9°• (I%/I/Ifir.tY.= q. 9°.) �ar :: 11a0i lhl9" t� : 1 +1: Iilf:t�: '¼-9°• (t/I/:,J;li: '¼-9°-) 1'ilh : '1�:1,9°,1·: t/IfJ.f.2?: (11:/1:/t;J;i q.r.) h.1f..' : qoo:," : ht1.P'� : (Ill:,.. : 4•1 : f,lf','A ::

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FIRE INSURANCE CO. ,,. GEBRE I-II,,iE rf DEBASS�.\I Civil Appeal No. 1375/55

Co11tractiial obligatio11.s - Arbitration. - Arbitral subnzissiori - ,,1fJJJeal Jronz "final" a,z,card - lt'f isconclitet of arbitrator - lnsrtrance -- Co11sequential clamages - Arts. 1772 and 1775 Civ. C. On appeal by botl1 parties from an order of tl1c High Court upl1olding a11 arbitral award that found tl1at an accicle11t l1acl occurrecl to tl1e insured tr11ck: ,vitl1in tl1e tern1s of th, insurance policy, ,v-bile sett.i. · ng , aside the a,\'ard i11so£ar .a.s it granted con1pensation for con• sequential dan1ages due to a11 unreasonnllle clelay jn_ tl1e rc1Jniring of the vehicle.

Held: Order of tl1e Higl1 Court and a.rbiu·al a,,·ard altered to provide for compenaation £01.r co11tsequ,e.ntial d:amages d11e:; to loss of t1E>e of t]1e ,truck for a period ojf one year a11d 13 day,. 1. An arbitral a,vard ca11 lJe set aside lJy tl1e courts, in spite of a clause in the arbitral &uhmission to the effect tl1at tl1e decision of tl1e ?rbitrators sl1all be final and that the parties shall have no appeal against that decisio11, whenever: a. the arhitral sn.bmission or the a,vard l1as ]Jeer1 improperly procured, as, for exan1ple, ,vhere tl1e arbitrator is deceived or rnaterial evidence is fraudulentlv• concealed; or b. ·the arbitrator or umpire i ,s g11ilty of misconduct. 2. The expressio11 "misconduct on tl1e part of tl1e arbitrator or umpire" is of ,v-idr import; it includes, on tl1e 011e cxtre1ne, brilJery ancl corruption, and 011 the ot.her, " mere mi.stak.e a.s to tl1e scope of th ,e autl1ority conferred by tl1e submission (many -0ther cxrunple, of misconduc:t are given in r�aragraph seven of tl1e judg1nent). 3. Where an ins11rance co1npa11y accepts an accident report and acts according to it and only a yea1r later to avoid responsi.l) ility un<ler tl1e inS1Irance 11olicy, an arbitrator acts v1it11in his authority ,vl1ea lie reqttires tl1 e inst1rn11ce con1pany to Ilrove th::it the report was false. 4. Although a clause of an insurance policy that excludes cor11pensatior1 Ior loss of u5e of the vehicle jnsured is a valid clause, it does 11ot exclude lial)ility for loss o{ nsc of the vehicle consequent 11pon unreasonable delay i 11 repairing the vehicle. 5. Notice under Article 1772 of the Civil Code is not a prereqttisitc to a claini for compensation for loss of use ,\'l1e 11 an ins11ra11ce contil:,ny bas e11tered into a contru('t \l'ith a garage providing for repair by a specified date.

eku, Yitat Sene 2, 1957 E.C. (June 9, 1965 G.C.) · J t1stices: Afeneo-1.1s l(it.a,v o , , ' , Dr. W. B11hag11ar, Ato Ta,d,des,3e Tekle G 1 or. grs: - Tl 1ese ·t,,ro a:JJpealo� ari' ..;,e. 011td of an ins11rance policy whicl1 Ato Gebre Hiwet De]J assai ( hereinafter referre







') took ol1t fro111 I.,a Fo11cli[tria Fi1·e I11 s111·ance Co.. (liereinafter i11st1reLl' �'tlie ; a: to cc co1111)any'') for tl1e ins11..1·a11ce of tl1 e ins111•ed's i11strra1,. ''tl1c as to :.1 ferre. lC' . . . . 1c 111s111·a11ce ,�.ras against tl;ie risks trrick: 11 secl for tl1e trans1)crt o f 111erc J.1anr1·1_1:c. rrl i11st1rance }Jolicjcs. Tl1e i11 s111·ance ,-vas not against tlor1113]Jy incl11cle cl jn E11cl1 all risks a11 d for tl1c JJt1rposes of tl1is j11c:lg111ent it is s11fficie11t to n1cntion that 011c of t11e ri$lcs insl11·ccl ag,tir1st ,,·as ''loss or c1amagc to tl1e tr11ck and accesso­ ries t.l1ere,on resl1lti11,g fro111 acci�lc11tal cn]1itSi,c,11 or, o, e1·t11r11 j 11 .g ,o.r col1i.::i 011 01· 0,,ertt1rning conse�r11c11t 111)011 111 ecI1a 11 ical b1•e,nlcclo,vu or co11sec111ent 11pon ,,vear anrl tear l1tlt exclt1cl i11g nccicle11t:1l llau1agc to tyres t!nless the trt1ck is damagecl at tl1e �a111t� ti'l11e.�' 'I'l1e e�ti111atecl ,,a-lt1c of tl-1e i11s11recl tr11clc is declarccl ]) y the ins1u·ecl to be ES20 ,000 . Tl1e 11olie}' con.tar11'3 Ll1e lt::l1a ,I exe.n11)tio.n.s fro.111 lia­ :·;ilit)' a11i1 ,re 11eccl 1.nc11Lion l1e1·e tl,1e cxe1n11tio11 fron1 liahil!ty for ''tl1 e conse­ fjttcntial loss s11�tai11cc1 ]Jy- Ll1e i11s11recl for loss of tl1e 11se of the tr11ck." The 1)olicy fJrovil1c.s also for nrhi Lration i.11 case of clispi.:tle arising between the in-:Ltrccl �11rl ll1c ir1s11ra11 ce con1pnny. 1

Dr1ri11g tl1c ins11rance J)eriocl tl1e i11s11recl allcgecl tl1at tl1e ins11red tr11ck �ustai11r1J at1 accirle11t a11cl lie clt1ly re1)ortecl s11cl1 accjdent to tl1e i11 sl1rance com­ J>t;.11y· an LI st1lJ111itlecl a clai1n for compe11sation; tl1e acciclent ,vas alleged to l!nvc ta1-:.e11 11lace 011 J r111e 20, 1960. Tl1e dis1)11tc ,vas at fi1·st s11hn1ittecl to the IIigb Cot1rt� I)tIL tl1e 111atter ,vas 1·cferretl to url)itratio11 as J)rovided in the i11311rr,11cc riolic)�. E,,ent11all)r � an(l to ])e exact on ,J1111c 30, 1961, a s11bn1ission of arbitralio11 ,vas IJreparecl; t,vo a1-hitrutors ,vere .:111poi11 ted, one £01· the ins·urecl_ a:1rl tl1c olJ1er for tl1e i11s11rance con11Ja11 y; Lecat,sc of certain terms in tl1 e SlUJ · 1..-1i.��ion 011e of tl1r :irl,it1·ators col1ltl in tl1e al)sence of tl1e other a1-hitrato1· give Jtl a\varc1 J)y 11i111se1f (tl1is point \'\'as tlic s11l)ject of a clecision b y- the IIigl1 Co!.!rl a11Ll tl1i:3 Cottrt). rl'l1e remaini11g sole ar}Jit1�rrtor, l\fr. Sol) l1i l(.1:onfli, gave l1is"' a,varll on �.Iarcl1 30, 1963. Tl1e ins11rn11ce corr1pa11 y appea1ecl against that - 1 Co11rt 011 J 11ly 22, 1963, a ,varr] 011 ;..ariot1s grn11nds lo tl1e lligl1 Co11rt. rfl1e IIigl ga,re an order I1olcling tl1 at tl1c a1·hitrator cxcecdcrl J1i,s j11.1·isclicti·o11 i 11 alva-::-'Cl­ . ing tl1e i11�•11retl ES2tl�5 00 a.s c 1an1agc� for ,t r;e.ri.otl o.f 2 yea1·s a11cl 6 c1ay3 at 1nt1ntl1 fo1· loss of tl1e t1 se of the tr11ck ancl the tl1e rate of ESl, 000 11cr I-Iigl1 Cot1rt set asirle tl1at IJnrt of 1l1c a,,.r,1rcl. �fl1c l)re�cnl t,vo aJJJJeals arc np1)eals again�t 01·cler of tl1e I-Iigh Co11rt. ,..fl1c insrirecl is arJI)ealing agai11st that orde1· or1 tl1 c gro11ncl tl1at the Cjlies­ t.ion of scltliog tl1e amo1111t of damages, i11clr1cli1Jg clarnages rcs11lting from los! of t1se of tl1e lrt1clc, ,vas ,vitl1i11 tl1e j11risc1iction of the arbitrator in accorclance ,vith tl1e teru1s of tl1e s11b111 ission of arlJitratio11 , a11 d tl1,at, therefore, tl1e Iligl1 Col1rt ,•,;as ,vrong i11 i11 tcrfe1·ing lvith tl1c a,varcl of tl1e a1-]Jitrator. The ins11ra11ce com1)all)' is a1JJ)ea]i11g against that orc1e1· on tl1e grot1ucl that tl1e ar]Jitrator l1 as clisregai-clcc1 tl1e co11dit1011s of tl1c policy i11 that (a) tl1e ins11red did not J ) ro vc tl1at a11 accicle11t l1ad take11 J)lacc ,vithi11 t!1c mea11 ir1g of tl1e risks of the _ IJol1cy ,·1b.icl1 proviclcs f01· collisio11 a11cl 0\ ert1tr11 i11g ancl (ll) the ar·hitrator nllo,vccl clan1agcs fo1· loss oI 11sc of the tr11ck ,vl1e11 tl1e I Jolicy exclt1cles specifi­ call:- cla111ages res11lti11g fro111 loss of l1se of tl1 e trrlclc. 1



LA ,v - VOL. II - No. 2

1ce o f th e a 1 ·bitration , 1 re fe 1·e of s -m i te nt ,ra T lie i·ele 1ty is to �1:iicalJly settle �he disp d1 ·s' ato1 ·bitr i A of rd Boa tlte tak. ,,13. The ing into consideration tl1e Ter �s, P1· ?v1s1ons .ancl Concl�t�ons of the In. 1 1l h tent ,v1.t ns1s tl1e 1nco C not , as 1 fa1· as Lavv of th icy Pol surance Empire, taking into consicleratio11 the letters exch�nge� by both par� ties the offer and ·tl1e con.tract of JVIcssrs. G. J\.f,ont.1.s90,r1 ,vl10 contr c r rty - La Fondiaria Insu1·ance Co. Ltcl. to hri: ted �vith the seco11d pa the veliicle to Addis Abal)a to repai1· it and l1and it in good nmnin! orcler in same condition as it ,vas 1-vhen tl1e accic1ent occt1r red. The Board of Arbitrators \\1 ill also decide in tl1 eir tlecisio11 ,vl1at part of tlie exr)enses. and fees each party will IJay, i.e. fees paid to the Cotirt, but not tl1e aclvooates. · y the Boarcl of Arbitrators t1nanimously or by 14. Tl1e decision gi,,en b majo1·ity shall :be con.sidered as final · b y tl1e partie9 a11 tl, tl1e 11ai·ties :shall l1ave 1110 right 'to ,rupJleal again s· t 'tl1art clercision ·01· -any pa1~t of it.... "

The first JJOint to be considered is ,vhctl 1er in ,,ie,v of the provision in clause 1.4 of the sub1ni.ssion for arbitration tl1ere could be an appeal to the Higl1 Court and whether the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt ,vas 1-vro11 g in i11terfe1,ing 1vitl1 tl1e clecision of the BoarJ of Arbitrators. There can be no qt1estion that, altl1ough in tl1e arbitral st1bmissio11 it is agreecl tl1at tl 1e a,varcl shall be final, tl1ere are occasions (and this l1as bee11 tl1e constant IJractice of these Co11rts) '\\1hen tl1e aw,a1·d or part of it can Ile cl1alle11gecl in a court of lalv. Tl1e Ci,,il Code l1as no provis�on on this point and 11eitl1er l1 a,,e the existing rules of civil procedt1re; this is a matter, 110,-ve,,er, ,vhicl1 sl1011lcl he considered in tl1e enactment of a ne,v Civil Proce­ d11re Cocle. Generall)r, ho1-veve1·, it 1nay he saicl that the grot1�ds on ,v-luch an awarcl can he set aside are (a)


that the arbitration or a,va1·d has lJeen im1Jro1Jerly proctired, as for exam1Jle, ,-vhere the arbitrator is ,leceivecl, or m , aterial evidence is f.raud1tle11tly concealec1; t11at the arbitrator or ump.i1·e misco11d11cted l1 imself.

he expr�ssion ''miscond11ct on the part of tl1e a1·bit1�ator or 11rupire" is of � . _ wide illlJ)Ort; it 1nclt1des -on tl1e one hancl bribery and corrtI•J)tion and on t�e _ 0tlier a ?1er 1:-11st ake 1e 8t1� niis-­ as tl to }Jy the &cope co11fe of r1·ed tl1e 1tho1 a �ity 1 � _ , scon eion. It 18 cl1fficult to give an e:xl1at1stive defin�rtion to tl1e e..xpression '·m · i duct'' but a few exam1Jles may he given.: th 11s miscond 11ct occ11rs if the arhi· trator 01· timpire, as tl1e case n1 ay Il e, fails to decide all the matters ,vl1icl1 ,vere by the � uhmission refer1·ecl rto him; if by hJs a,vard he p111·ports to dec!d� mat• ters whicli were not in fact included in the submission· if the award 18 incon• sisten t or is un.certain 01· am·hig11011 s or is on its face �rroneou s in matters of son­ law or even �f tliere is some mistake of fact wl ich rea any bey ond 1 is clear able doubt; if there has been irregularity in the proceedin s, as £or e..xsmple, g, la ,vhere t�ie arbitrator failed to give notice to tl1e Jla1·ties of the time aud p .c1 eriJ o.f meeting or ,vhere tl1e arbitrator refuse ina l .i of e evi den d to hear fthe c

-- 278 --




01· o t,vto being n101·e ,trllitrators, they clid not reference tl1c ,vhere or· e-n 't ,v1 �01· 11mpire failecl to act fairly to,varcls hothpai·1e arbi tralo1· tl if , • er th � to(T ' act o · . . r l1earcl a1·hrt1·ato1· tl1e 011e of tl1e pa1·t1es ancl refused t'es as fo·r ext1n1 1Jle, \\ here l,,J1ere l1e toolc i11st1·t1ctions f1·on1 01· talkecl wi t, l1 one }larty in t� l;eai· tl1e ot11er, 1 ·, 01· ,vl1ere l1e l1as taken evidence in tl1e absence of one othe tl1e of ence 5 ab e th }Jotl1 }Jarties or IJro1ni �ecl to l1ea_ r certai11 ,vi-tn�sses a11d tl1en 1nade his or Jarty _ _ _ I r a\varcl ,, itl101tt l1 ear1ng the111 ; if tl1e ar]Jrtrator 01· t1111p11·e acqt111·es an interest in tl1 e s11hject 1natter of tl1c refe 1·e11ce; or if lie takes a l)rjhe from eithe1· JJarty. ..:\s regarcls an er1·or i11 la,v 011 the face of tl1e a,varcl, it is to he mentioned that in orcler to be gro1111d for settin-g aside tl1e a,varcl, tl1 e error 1n11st he such that tliere ca11 be fot1ncl in tl1e n,vard, or a doc1tn1ent i11cor1Jora , ted therewith, some legal J)roposition ,vhicl1 is tl1e ])asis of tl1e a,vard and which is erroneo11s. If a S[Jecific q11estio1i of lcl'iv is s11hn 1 ittecl to tl1e a 1·bitrato1· for his decision and he rlecidc3 it, the fact that the decisio 11 is erroneous does 11ot make the a,-varcl had ot1 its face so as to pern1it of its being set asicle; ancl ,-vhere tl1e c1uestion referred for aflhitration is a questi-011 of la1v, the clecision of tl1e w:hi.t1·ator cann,ot he set nsicle only beca11se the Co11rt ,-vo11lcl itself co111e to a different concl11sion; b11 t if tl1e arbitrato1· l1as J)roceedecl illegally, as for example, if he has decided on evidence ,vhich '\\'as not acln1issihle 01· on p1 ·inci1)les of constr11ction 1-vl1 ich the la,v cloes not co11ntcnancc, tl1ere is erro 1· i11 la,v ,vhicl1 may JJe gro11ncl for setting asicle tl1c a,var,l. I1a,i11g e.::tablisl1ecl t.l1esc 1Jri11ci1Jles let 11s co11sider first the objections to the a,varcl raised by the inE-tu·ance con11Ja11y. Tl1ese objections may he s11mma­ rizecl as follo1-v5: it is stilin 1it1tecl tl1at tl1e arJJitrator lvc11 t 011t of the terms of reference of tl1e ar1Jitral s11.bmission 1leca11se accorcli11g to -s11cl1 s11hmission tl1e · arbitrator hacl to decid.e the disp11tc 1let,vee11 tl1e JJarties acco 1 ·din.g to, i,iter alict, the IJolic)r of insurance; this IJolicy of i11 s1u·ance cloes not cover all risks ( as the arbitrator seems to have ass11n1ecl - see the second JJaragrapl1 of the awarcl \vhere ii: is stated: ''Ato Gehre Hi,vet i11s·ured the truck ,vitl1 the Ins11rance Com­ }Jany against certain fees i11 refere11ce to tl1e saicl policy as for· any accident to . ,v--as no tl1e tr11ck ....�'). In ·tihe place� tl1e i11e11.ranc, e co11 1p1a11y s-taites� t.J-1erre acciclent at all for ,vhicl1 tl1e insu 1·ance company co11lcl JJe lia1Jle; secondly if there ,vas an accident as reportecl by the ins 11red, tl1en s11ch ,acciden,t ,vas not 511ch as to be a 1·isk co,,erecl h)r tl1e ins11ra11ce Jlolicy; ancl thirdly if there ,vas an acciclent amot1nting to a 1·isk co,rered by tl1e ins111·ance J)olicy, tl1 en the arbi­ 1se trator was "'\Vro11 o 0- i11 la,,r 1·11 allo,vi.J10-O clam-acres o for loss of t1se of ;tl1e truck beca1 t1n<ler tl1e ins111·a11ce l)olicy t}1ere is a11 exen1 JJtion from liability fo1· s11ch da111ages.

If this is tl1e case, tl1e11 clea1·ly, in accorclance ,vith tl1 e JJri11ci1Jles laid

dolv11 above, tl1e arbitrator l1as been g11ilty of n1 isconduct (s1 1ch wo1·d being Ltsed in its general meanino-) in rtl1at either he disregarcled the terms a11d con­ � itions of the ins111·ance poliC)' ,vhich 1111de1· Ai·.ticle 13 of the arbitral st1hmi1810n '\-Vere to be taken into co11sicleration in settli11g tl1 e dis1J 11Le 01· lie has ,vrongly 111terpreted tl1e legal effects of s11ch terms ancl conclitions.

-· 279 -

JounNAL or, :E·r1�r10PIAN l�A'"' - \Tc,L. II - No. 2 The first objection of t11e i11s11rance cou11Ja1_ 1y is thal there ,vas no accident . , . for ,v Ji icli the coinpany is liable 1111cle1· the IJol·,c.y. l1c lacts on tl1is !Joint are as"vs; ,-vhen th e a1legecl acciclc.nt occ1irreicl t!1e 111,;;lLre·rl 1n:1dc a cleclaration i il \\' h.ich a dei.scriptio,n orf tl1e accicle-;1t ,va:5 g iven as follo,v.5:


'',vli ile tlie truck ,,ras 011 its \-vay to ])emtJid,ollo .Ghin1l)i 011 J tine 20, 1960, at

13:30 li rs. 1,.m. a11 cl ,-vbile i t ,vas lJroceeding _ot1. tl1c ro,icl al� ng tl1e river . Bir-Bir cJ,ving to 1·ain o11e of tl1e ,-vheels �vas sl1p1)1ng tl11:s ca11s111g tl1c truck to go l) ack ancl fall into tl1e arljace11t 1·i�,1 er'' .

'flie inst:rance co1r11)any acceptetl tl1 is declaration and arra11ge111cnts ,vere made for the tra11s1Jort of the trl1clc to A .c l.dis Ababa an(1 for tl1e 11ec"'ssary repair 3 by tl1e ins11-rance cc111par1y. At a later etage t!1c i11s11rar1cc co111pany seems to have had so1ne cloulJt abo:..1l tl1e ·v<�racity of t11e declaratio11 regarcling tJ1e acci­ clent a11d Elart.c�1 Lo 111akc: certain i11, 1 c:.ligatj<.1ns; clt1ring Ll1e JJrccecclings of arbitration tl1ey s .1tl:ru1itted ti1nt tl1ere wa:: c,ri,r1enre l'o :1· !<},v tl1at tl1e rla1r1ap:c to tl1 e tr11ck \-Vas cal1�ecl by tl1e 11eglige11ce of tl1e (l1·iver anc] not as a result of tl1e accident as flescri])ecl by tl1e ins1irccl; tl1c ncgligt:r.?ce of the drive1· consisted in tl1at the driver trierl to cross l�1e river B·ir-Bir "vl1e11 the lvater ,vas too l1igl1. . mJ_)any, co11sistecl of a ,vit11ess ,vho Tl1is evidence, accorcling to tl1c ins11rc:inc� co l1ad given a statc11Jent to tlie Po}jce nl' Gl1i1nl)i on J u]y •l, 196]. Tl1c ar])itrator ga,,c tl·1e i11s111·:incc co1111Ja11y tl1t-� orlport t1nit1r o [ calling the '"'it11esses, bt1t tl1ey v1cre not 1JrodL1cei:l ( apr}arently JJecal1sc tl!ey co11lrl 11ot l:ic fot111d) ; i11 tl1ose circ11mslancee, the a.rbitrator rigl1t]y rejcctetl tl1e allegai.lo1 1 of tl1e ins11rance con1rJany lleca11sc tl1c stateu1c11ts of the ,v.itr1csses ,vere u1a{]c l)efore the Police a11(] tl1cre \vas no 1)ossibilit)r for tl1e i11s11recl to c1·0::;s-exr1:i11i!1e tl1er1:1. For t.l1ese reaso11s therefore the instlra11ce eo1111)a11y l1as no good renso11 for olljecti11g to tl1e fiucling of ll1e arbitrator tl1a.t there ,,,as an nccid.e11t. rfl1e seconJ l1bjection of tl1c i11si1rance co1111)a11y is that tl1e accide nt, as reported ])y the iruurecx, wa:� not a r:, sl( '"r]1ic-l1 i� C'.OVr�recl b)' tl10 ir�-1rra�c:� 11o]j. cy; tl1,e reaS10.n for t hi .s is tl1:1t tl1e JJolic:y e�i ,rcr� lo�s o,f !)r cla:i11age t-o tl1(' trt1cl< insttred res11lti11g front £u1y .acciidcntal colli�•Ol.t or o,r e1·lt1. 1n1mg o.r <�oll�sjon OT overt t1rn: 11 g comcc11.1 e11t ttJ>011 li1-ech ar1ical l; rcaJ:.:.(t· •o iv11 o.r co11:-ecJ:.1 e!l t u J) on ,.,·ear ancl tear'' - .see cla11.;.;;e l of t11e rinli(!)r, No\<V. it !!.- Sllfl?llilted l>y in:-11rnJ1Ce COD1 · pany, in the pres.ent case there ,.vas 110 collision ,111cl there ,vas 110 o,'erL11r1 1 ing. Furthern1ore, it il3 s11b1njttecl ti1at tl1c J)olicy cloes n.ot. cu,,e1· damage res1ilti1i g f-:.·om floocl an(l i11 the pre2c11t case the cl an . .iagc ,vas cat1secl l)y the flooding of tl1e river, ( as a restilt of l1eavy rai11s) wl1erc tl1e triicl{: grJt stt1c·k after getting to the JJe<l of the river. With reg,1rcl Lo tl1c flootli11-g tl1cre is r1othing in the a,va.rd 1vl1ich sho1>1s tl1at tl1e river cli<l 1·isc, the truck got to tl1e ]Jed, as a result of hea,ry rains. As regarcls tl1e collisio11 a"11,cl ove1.·tur!Ji:11g it i.s to be 1101eJ tl1at the ins11rance compa11y a<:ceptecl t}1.e tleclnratior1 clcsc1·ibi ng tl1e accident and acce1:ted sucl1 circ·un1stances as a1uo1111.ting to a risk covert�d }Jy tl1e insu­ rance 1:iol1cy so mt1cl1 so that l)l'CL1arations ,vcre ]J eing rnade to bring tl1e u··uck _ Lo 1\.dd1s Ababa and carry out the necessary repair·s; i t was only m11cl1 lat?r, a.bout a yeru.· later, tl1at tl1e ittst?rancc com1Jall)' tried to a,,oitl responsibil 1 t)' .





, • ,









rhen they had some inclication or s11spicion that tl1e de-claration "' ,v�s this �d trite T t hese ci1·cl1mstances, tl1e insl1rance comnot .!i.Il . was insured the by made �ny_ 8 cce p·ted hy 1ll1ea.1· con,cl ,uci t · tl1at, a1 ltho· ,1tgl1 ·1:l1e,�·e 111ay not have been colli-si.on . _ i ras a 1·1slc coverecl JJy the accident tl1e truck, '\-\ tl1e of rning policy. For overtu or t1 iese reasons tl1is objection of the insl11·ance company is 11nfo11nded.

The thir,l objection is that tl1c arhitrato1· was wrong in allowing damages for Joss of use of the trt1ck ·,vl1en ltndcr tl1e ins111·a11ce policy there is an eJ�ernp . ­ tion from 1i�hility £01· sucl1 loss. No\v in cJa11se (b) of ·the Proviso ( clealing witl1 exemptions from liability) of tl1e poljcy it is sti11l1lated that ''tb.e con11Jany shall not Le 1ial31e to make any lla)'1llent i11 1·espect of co11sequential loss st1sta­ ined . by tl1e- .insu1·ed 01· loss of t1se of any vel1icle clesc1·ihed in the scl1 ecl 1..1 lia !1ereto''. In this connection it is importa11 t to mention .that tl1e policy contain� also tlte follo,,v-ing conditior1s: 1

''4. In the event of los!:\ or damttge to any vel1icle clescrihed in tl1e sched11 le hereto the coiupa:ny 1nny at its o,vn n1)tio11 1·epair, reinstate or replace s,1ch vehicle 01· pnrt thc1·cof a11d/or il� accessories or pay in cash the amorint of lo£·s or dn.mage an(l the lia}jility of the company sl1 all not ex ceed the a-et1:r_:al vaJ1re ·orf tl1e pa.rts <lamagec1 or, plt15 th,e 1·e,as.on·able cost cf fitting a11d in no case c::.:rcceed the inst1red'. s estimate cf the valL1e of st1ch vel1icle. . . at the time of loss or damage whicheve1· is the lees.'' It i.s also to be mentioned tl1 at soon after the acciclent tl1e insurance compan�r e.,"'{ercised the opti,on - to car1·y out repairs to the t1·11ck h11t s11ch 1·epaira ,•;ere delayed. It ,_..,-ras on June 12, 1961 that the iusurcrnce enterecl into an ag1·ee,. men:t lvitl1 one M-on• for tl1-e carryin 1 g otrt ,of repan:S whi1 cl1 v1ere to ibe completed not laier than August 15, 1961. This agreement ,vas mat1e a few clays before tl1e date of the a1·bitral sul1mission, whicl1 was Jr1ne 23, 1961, and . ent betv1een the insuran.ce c·O·ID!)a11Y ancl l'I.Io11t�s.so1·i ,,.,a& a 1natter �uch agi·e-em vthich 1�1as to he taken into conside1·.a:tio11 by- th-e arilJitra:to1· in settli11g the dii3})11te. It is also to be mentioned tl1at there was cor1·0s1Jondence between the ins111·ance c-ompany and the i:us11red ,-vhich was also to he t. al�en into consi(ler·ation. Tl1e1·e ,vas also a letter sent h - y the �rbit1·ato1· to both 1)a1·ties in whicl1 certain isst1es v:ere settled and to v,rhicl1 t]ie parties ngree; the clis1J11te, ho1-vever, v1as clearly to be settled according to the ins11ra11ce IJolicy, the Civil Code of Ethiopia, and the PIIontissori cont1·a,c t aind corr.e2,p -onde11ce n1entio-n-ed. Also 'tl1e1·e is no ques­ tion that the arbit1·ator lvas given the •po1.v-e1·, s11hject to the above conditions, to sr:ec.ily tbe. period or periods d1u·ing 1-\rhich compensation fo1· loss of t1se of the truck sJ1ould be paicl. The conclusion of the arbit1·ato1· on this point '\Vas rthat compen ,sa·tion 1-va·s p . ay·able at tl1e r,ate of E S 30 a· day fo1· tl1e pe.1·i-0,d from the date of the accident 1antil the day on wl1ich the truck ,vas sanctioned by Messrs. 1\.. Besse & Co. a·s being in a fit state of repai1· and in good 1·i1nning order; from tl1is pe1iod. th·e a1�hitrator excluded a pe1·iod of 3 months ancl 20 days "¼·hich is the tiJne considered necessary to complete tl1e repairs of the truck. (This llerio<l of 3 months and 20 days was the period of 2 months origi-

28 I ··· -


L. .\.WVoL. II - No. 2


p e1·i.od o,f ] ruontl1 and r the ano , plus ri : tisso Mon __ ,, Y agr,,,.,,,.d 20 fJ aye. vv to by . . . ., llAll . . o f 1-v in v1e ce1 ta1n n1atters ,vhi . ary ess nec d ere s1d con tor itra arb e · 11 which th .c . • reck,one<l ].): tJ.l1e rrrbrtrator pe . r10 d . c Th .) ns io at ar p re f o · •e riS n co <lnr. n:rose in the s lJaya]Jle a�o11·1J1ted to 2 }'eai,a a 11 a w.a 11,se of s los for n tio nsa pe com 6 ·ing which _ f!r] 1-h o;pt1!on to bri rc1& y exe pan r:om e c n, ttra dns the e trn is it w, � Jl .� days. . No 11ecessary repairs, bt1t tl1i8 und er­ the out ry car to nnd ba Aba dis Ad to k truc the taking does not, by itself, amot:nt to an obligation to pay compen8ntion for lo&& of u-se of the truck and th1s for two reasons, namely. (a) ber.a 118 e jt i� clearly atated in the policy that tl1e compan)r is exempt fron1 liability from Josq t 1enti al upon an accident and (b) because even jf the q conse truck of me of the option amounted to an ohljgation to carry ortt re1,airs, then uncJer Article 1772 of the Civil Code the insured could not invoke no11-performance of the contract by the insurance company except after t}1e compnny had been placed ju default by requiring the com.pany by notice to carry Ollt the obligation 11ncler tl1e coti­ tract. And there is no evidence before tl1e Co11rt or hefo1·e the arbitrator that the insured had placed the company in defat1lt by 11otice gi,,en. 111 ,riew of thi� provision of law and the inst1rance policy there �· vas no litibility at this stage for compensation for loss of use of the truck. TI1e J)osition is, ho,vever, diff erent under the contract entered into metwe�o ·the -company and 1VI011ti�sori which contract was also a basis fo1· the settlement of tl1e dispute; in this con­ , k to complete t'l1e ·re,1Jai1·s witl1in a definite neriorl tract Montissori undertoo 0£ time ( which original period. of time was later extended by the arbitrator, the parties consenting). Under tl1is contract it was not necessa.ry for tl1e inst1red to place the insurance company in default becaue-e tinder JJaragraph (h) of Art1c]e 1775 of the Civil Code no noti<!e is : necessarv .. when the clebtor has assumed to perform an obligation V1°itl1in a fixecl period of time. In view of t11e Monti.ssori contract t· he insuran.oe company became li ruble for rlarr1ages :,uf• . tainecl by the insured as a result of the non-fulfillme.nt of tl1e obligation. No,v the period wl1ich the arbitrator held to be reasonable for the carryjng out of repairs was 3 months and 20 days; accorcJing to the J\fontissori contract rb.r repaire were to be completed not later than Augtist 15, 1961� '",jth the extensio11 0£ one month and 20 days, tl1e date of com1Jletion sho11ld l:> e October 3, 1961, and it is from this date tl1at the inst1rance comps11)r shot1Id l>e held liable to r pay compenisation for IosB ,of 11se of tl1e trl1ck, · n ot un•der tli. e polic)r 11nde lr1rt · the agreement 'lAi'ith Montissori. Tl1e closir1g date of the liability l1as bee11 foun� hy the arbitrator to he tl1e date on which Messrs. A. Besse and Co. sanctioned the truok to he in. a good state of repair and in good running order, which ie Octohe.r 17, 1962. The, period fron1 October 5, 1961 to October 17, 1962 is one year and thirteen days (1 year, 13 days). r






With regnrd to the amou nt awarde<l hy the arbitrato1· on this account tbe . able 1 surance company submitted : en to him that 1! ther e ,vas no evidence hefore , hJm to come to the conclttsion that tl1e ss s11.. lo slained l))' the insured amounte?8 to E$l,OOO per month. Now it is t1-ue th1 that there ,vas no e,ridence on pomt h:1t this Co'llrt considers that 0 uni 8111 able E$1,000 is not an 110:reason tbongh it may not conform exactly to the profi:t mad e by the in.siired by



t.lie ll.8e of the t1·; fo.r ·this renso.n Co11rt sees 110 reason for interfer� ing witl1 L110 montl1ly r·a �e a,s f o� - 11d_ by tl1e arbitr a tOl\ T-l1e ai1n-0nnt, there� fo;e, to ,vl1ich the in.::1n·ecl is e11t1 tlecl for Joss of 11:::e. o,f tl1 e tr11ck is E$1,000 for the 'l)eriocl of I y~ear a11t1 ] 3 cla)'�, il1al is E$12,4,33 and i11 tl1is respect tl1is (�ourt alters the a,varcl oJ ·tl1e arbit1·a ·tor anrl altrl'S tl1e. orcleJ.· of the High Co11rt: As re�;arcls tl1e HfJl >etl 1 oI tl1c ins11re�l, ,vl10 claims tl1at tl1e High Court was ,vro,1g in i11terfc-ri11g '\-V-.ill1 tl1e alvarcl of tl1e arhitr,ttor llecai1se it was within the jurisclicLio11 of tlte arbit1·ator to Jecicle tl1e cp.1estion of clamages, including ·da1 rtage:=, re::11lLing frt)Ill los� of tl�c of the t1�1ck, t11is Cot1rt holcls that the High Co11rt l1acl j11riscJictio11 I(} ir1 to tl1c for tl1e reasons set ot1t above in Lhiis j1.1clg-r11e11t• it1 1-\r ltl1 tl1(' 1)lljectio11s oI tl1.e inst1ra11ce corn1 )a11y ancl the nJ)}Jeal of 1l1e iu�11rE'c1 i8 allcJ,\-e(I in so far as the I-Iigl1 Court was wron.g in tlisallo,vi1tg all t.l1e clar11ages as a,\·arclec1 by the ar.lJitrator and in so far as this Co11rt l1olcls Ll1at tl1c a111ot111t of clan1ages to ,vhicl1 the i11 s11red is entitled for loss of 11.�e of the lr11 rk js E$12,,t33. The ,il.1.31rrance com1)any .shall pay- costs, to the :u1sured ,of E$200 and eac1 1 party will s11stain Lhe court fees p aicl for this ar>peal.



ov{l�1 : ttc,l\.(l)c ¾ t�ti7i I fP'�'1 : f OD1'J�: : Olltil--L·C �- ODt\.it : 061!' u


f,1,11-0 : OT/00."l\"li = ,f·7ihctit?>:f· = .�.111--r&.:J•.r.· = 1,{lilJ'f' = P't\tTJ1-mt.;J•i;: w•J:Y: ) r c:,.: ODJ>'tf: a.,1·: -f 1'1'P�:: •l!'l'C: «iJ?i '}, '?. � 1,1.Z•fi ( {l{lan l'}-r:1•t,"}il; "}: m C f!°h: (gu) i,c; = �·ji (r.) 11



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- 288





Civil Case No. 301/55 Comn1on. carrier regr.,Lazlor1 -- l,icencirig poiver - Limitation of competition. - Transport Board - Arts. 21 (�ia) and 21 (iii) />roe. No. 35 o/ 1943.


l-l11p -


[)Olvc, --

Transport Board.

In ail action to en.ioin the �1inistry of Pul)lic Works and Communicatio11s from limiting Lhe petitioner's buses to six trips per 111onth on the A,idis .J\JJalJa-Jimma IIeld:

I11junctior1 granted.

l. Althougl1 Art. 21 (iii), Proc. No. 35 of 1943 , , empo\vers tl1e Transport Board to set np timetables for the operation of passenger l)11ses licencecl by it, this po,ver may be exercised only in order to ins11rc good a11d reg11lar service in the i11tercst of tl1e public, a11d it may not be used as a means of limiting competition amo11g bus oJJerators. 2. The Transport Boarcl sl1ould cons:der tl1e adequacy of bus service on a given ro11te before licencing adclitional buses for 1l1e rot1te, Art. 21 (iia) ? Proc. l'fo. 35 of 1943, }Jut it may not correct its mistake in gra11ting an excessivfl 11umJJer of lice11ses by jmposing ne'\-v limitations on the licences ,vl1icl1 it l1ns granted if such ]!1nitatio11s a111ount to virtt1al clepriva­ tion oI the licences. 3. A decision of tl1c Transport Board interfering ,vitl1 private arra11gements bet,veen bus ovrners, regulating competition between them, is u11lav,r ful ,vl1ere the private arrange• ments do not upset effective service.

Sene 12, 1955 E.C. (June 19, 1963 G.C.); J11cLges: Mr. S. Stephenson, Ato Kebede Kelel, Captain Eyas211 Gehre I-la'\-variat: - The· 1Jetitione1· is the O"\-\i"Iler of tvio motorbuses and holds valid licences for their 11se in p11hlic llassenger transportation on the Addis Allaba - Jimma road.


By a letter dated April 20, 1963, Exhibit P/1, the lVlinisu:y of Pttblic Works and Communications info1·mecl tl1e petitioner that the T·ransport Board l1ad decicle<l on Ap1·il 11, 1963, that in tl1e ft1tt11·e 11.e was entitled to serve the Addis Ababa• J imma circuit only six times per montl1, tl1at is, three times with each h 11 s, instead of eight times per montl1 as lie had been unti1 then.

289 - -





VoL. II - No. 2

) ns1 of n the 'I'ra isio llec orl Board \Vas LLe L tha iws ela ,v 110 Jier itio 'l'llie pet try of .Pt1blic W�r�s he enjoinecl nis l\1 t11e t tha ys pra ll 11 a is bas � al leg iiuy otrl i l ,vit 1t trifJS pe r ruontl1 as hithert o. l eig g kin 1na 1u fro ,1 1,ir g tin 1 vei vre f i·oiu 1 1vas l;:rivftilly giveii , 1"he Ministry maintains i11 deie11r.e ti1at tl1e cleci-:::.io1 and that •tl1.1,e Jletiti.oner lllas no va�id .o-bjectio11 t? _it. "fl�e :lvlini.slr)' eoutends that the restriction in the nt1 111ber of trips the 1)et1L1one1· 1s_ allolved to make with his buses is ¼ritl1in the rights reser,red to the T1·ansport Boar,l under t11e condi ­ Lions u1)on which the iicences ,.,.ere gi.·antecl. 'fhe 'Trar1spo1·L J!r·oclamalion of 1943, P1·oc. No. 35 of 1943, lleclares in Article 21 liiiJ that the '"l'rans1)ort Boarcl, -w·hen a1lp1·oving the iss11e of a licence, may i111pose all)7 conditions it thinks fit and that it may 1·eq11i1·e the licencing officer to cancel a licence fo1· a breach of any conclition. The llrinted ap1)lica­ tion forms that were used b)r tJ1e petitioner lvhen he applied for his licences contain th.e follo, clauses: �'In the eve11L · tl1e alJov-e descril>e11 vehicle5 \v.ill lJe lice11cell as pttl) Jic se1·vice vehicles I 11erd:>y }lromisc anll agree Lhat su.c.J1 \ ·eh.iclei:! ,r1il be operated only over 1·outes, on the ti1ne �cl1edrucs, io1· tl1e Iares a1)1)1·oved aind in accord with the co11d,i,tic,11s Ja �cl do,vn fro1u tir1Je to tune by the 'l"raMpo;rt Boand.�' '1'11e licence& dCtually issuecl Lo him co11lain clauses to a effect. It follows from this that the petitioner \vould be hound to observe any tiinetable set up l)y the 'l'ransporl Board Lo en.s11re an effective and regular service of the circuit i11 the interest of the ptiblic. lt shot1l<l also be clear thal lie comrJly ,viLh an)r ame11dments in existing sched1tles that the Board hat! co11.Biclered fit lo make from time Lo tin1e will1 the said p1u·pose in vie,v. rfhe r·epret,enlatives of the Nlinislry pro{f.t1ced in court the ti1 11etable by \vhich the IJetiLioner is aiio,veu Lo serve tf1e route only six tin1es per month. 'i'he timetanle shows that other bus o,vners lice.need to use their buses in pa� senger tra,nsport over t.l1e same route ,vcre also restricted in the number of trips the� were allowed to make. It might seem to folio,,, easily fro1n this that _ the �et1t1?,ner cannot coru1Jlai11 if rhe .Board deemed it nee'- ssary to reduce the _ pet1t1oner's r111mher of trips in artier Lo set u ) an effecli,re timetable. 1 Sue � a conclusion, however, \.-Voul<l noL give sufficient allen.tion lo the real � round f?r the Boartl's decisio11. Clearly, tile Boa1·d has apr:>rovet1 too man)' llc�nce� for I1 �ssenger buses ou the J in1ma circt1 it. T1 1cre are at present 19 � -al1d lice°:ces io1· this .single ci1·cuil. 1.t seems CJLlile safe to sa)r tl1at the .BoarJ, � appi·ovmg s � many licences, ha s made ,tn error. A .1·tic1e 21 (iia) of the franspo1·t Procla1nation provides that: '·In th e ca·se of ,r nub� 11,._, ·" ""•"'e·rv1ce · J cz:;; 'l'J1t� exte11L t'O · a1.1, I corun1-e1·c1·•a I ,,0,.llJC to th e following: ''In the case of public service anJ comme1:ciaJ ,,cl1 icles: 'f1 1e extent to r eady al is which the 1·oute in res1Ject of wl1i,cl1 the apvlicotiou is ruacle 1


- 290

Th'1Esl;-.IN ZE1,.ELLE,v



v. N[cNrs·1'RY oF PunL1c W o·RKs AND Co1vrl\1UNICATIONs

Tliat the Boa1·J has o,,e1·looke<l t_his heneficie11t }J1·ovi.sion is qtiite clear fro,rn tl1 e, rema1·k of 011e o'f t lie Min.i·?t1-1',� 1·e1)1·e :;e11·tat.i,,r13 in Co1J'.rt tl 1 at: ''I.>eop]e ,� . Jit J ' a r ar>ply H:l'.11(1 ,· ve g 1'he isslte of the case is in sight. 'fl1e time schcd1tle has been set up by the Board no·t for tl1e sh1gle ptlrpose of ensuring a regt1lar ancl good service in the ·{ntei·est of the p11blic, h11t cl1i.efl 1• to regL1late and re.strair1 tl1c competiti.on be­ llveen too many Jice11cee.s. rfl1ere is no doL1ht 011 tl1is poj11t. Thut th,e Board, i11 ree-tricting the {)Ctitione1·'s 1111mbcr of trips, 11as been mo. tivated by a desire to obtain ,vhat it rua3r l1a,'e fleeme · cl rt fai1· clistribution among the bus owners of tl1e tri}JS o·ver tl1c ro1tle i� eviclcnt fron1 the Jetter, referred to above, that was adLlrcF-::-ed to tl1e petitio11e1· by tl1e lVIinistry, a11cl it is openly admitted by the clefenc.e tl1nt sr1cl1 a diotribt1tion of tri1Js formed tl1e 1·eal grottnd for tl1e clecision to restrict tl1e 11111.uber of tri1)s a11(l the resl1lting timetable. \ve · ha,·e 1101.v reacher1 t11e t1·11e issue. The 1:estricti·ve ti111etable ,vas not set Llp for the sake of setting rip a tin1e schedttlc, b-ut for tl1e sake of reg11lating private cou1petition. I\eithcr tl1e lelte1·, nor the SfJirit, of tl1e 1.,ransport Procla­ ruation allo,vs tl1e BoarJ to impose on lice11ce l1olclf�rs a condition based on 5L1ch a g·ro11ncl. lleg11Jatio11 of existi11g J)rivate corn1)elitio11 is not the concern of tl1c rl'ra11sport Boa rcl. 'Il1e <liflinclion 111a)- l,c sul)LJ<'': b11t it wou.ld appear tl1at no objection could be rai2ed tt) a condition j11l1ereut iu a timetable tl1a1, l1aving d11e regard fo1· the intere:;t:- of the pt1blic, i11 a 1·easonah]e 1-va)r obviaLecl t1nnecessary scramb : le for :Pa5SeJJ·gerf. Bt1t le:t 115 take. a11 exlr(:11i.e cxa111J)le. Su1)f}O�e tl1a•t a ]d.ceucP. w·ai,; gra11 ted to u�e a vehicle as a p11bljc service ,rehicle 011 a 1·011te '\rhicl1 co1ild easily suppo1·t claiJy- �e1�vice, ancl tl1e Boarcl tl1ere i1n1Jose(l tl1e conJition that the licencee. co1-1Jd t11·ive only 011-ce a 111011th. �l'11at ,voulll J)e eqt1iva1e-nt to de1Jriving l1ju1 of tl1e lJenefit of l1is licence, and the conclitio11 wot1lcl obviously be unla1vf11l. L1;t 11s consicler the case of the Iletitioner accorcling to this criterion. He has lice11ces Lo &en,e the J imma ro11te in passenger transportation with two lit1ses. Even allo,ving for layovers for repairs and the like, lie could mnke man),. n1ore tl1an :::ix tr,ips pPr nJ011th 1vitho11t the least diJficttlLy. With only six trips a 1nontl1, l1c i.� pr,eve11ted Lo too great an e:rctent from 11sing his b11ses to capacity. Tl1e co11c.l it ion imposed upon hi.iii a1nounts to nothing Jess than a virtual depri­ ,-atio11 of l)is licences. It cannot he a lai.,·fttl condition.

'fl1e reeuJt rujght have hcen cliffe1·ent if tl1e petitioner had applied for licen­

ces to 11se tl1e bt1ses on the route on a part-time basis, and l1ad been granted his lice · nces 1vith tl1at u11clerstandir1g, ]J11t tl1at is not the •Case at all. The }Jetitioner 1 1 as no otl1er rise for his b11ses than to drive them in prililic passenger transpor­ tation over tl1e Ji111r11a ro11te, a11cl tl1at v,;as q11ite. clearl1r ltn,derstood ,vhe11 he a�)I)liecl fo1· and v.-as gi·anted l1is licence. 'fl1e sitl1ation n1ight also have looked different if tl1e T1·ansport Board had allovved the petitioner to operate his buses 011 other rotttes \vhen they were not 11sed on the J jmma route, but the •

-·- 291



Vor.. II - No. 2

Board has not done this. Rather, it has siru.11ly de,nanded that the btises stan d irl1e for tl1e greater part of the time. 1 this on ch·c 1it, since th er,e are n itio 1pet 'TJ1 at frtll ancl ttnrestrained con £01· som•e lJtls owners , ·e il111 f l o t . leac ht mig s, der hol nce lice y � man maybe too for tll e petitiori,er, i.s not a poi11t to he cons1d•erecl l1y tl1e Co11rt. Tl1e i1idiv ict lial lJll:S 0,�l�ers should have consider·ed tl1at IJossibility ,v l1en acquiring tl1eir llus es and applying for licences. The Tranepo1·t Boa1·d co11lcl, and should, l1ave consi­ <lei"ed it ,�•} 1e.n ap1Jroving lioences. The error of tl1e Board. in apJJro ving too many licences cannot, ho,veve1·, he remedied by the Boa1·d afterward s ]1 y pre­ venting t1 1e lic-encees from making use of their licences. What tl1e Board can do is to ref t t�e to grant additional licence.s ancl to cancel exi,sting licences ,vhere la'W'f11l o-ccasion to do so arises, a.sf or instance ,.vhen a bus beco,m·e".J un� reTvicealJle.

It Shou]d finally be mentioned tl1�t in so fa1· as the clecisio11 of the Trans­ port Board interferes ,vith a private ar1·angem.ent b,et,veen h11s o,vi1ers, reg 11• la.ting competition between tl1em, the Board's decision is also illegal, provided that eucl1 arraugem,ent does not t1pset the effective service of tl1,e ro11te, ,vhich there is no indication tl1at tl1e arrangement did. In vie.1.v oJ 1v·l1at i'.3 mentioned, tl1e Co11rt lJoold,s t.l1a·t the i:tl!j11n.ction m11st be grante:l. Tl1e petitior.1er arJJJears to be satisfiecl if allo,ved to drive ei ,ght trips per month v.rith l1is t,Ro buses tll!I previously. It is, therefor·e, s11fficient for the r Co111·t to enjoin the �iinistry of P11h1ic \� 01·1,s an·c.l Co,m11111ni-catio11s fi'o1u pre­ venting the petitioner from clriving tl1ose eight t1·i1Js per month. The Court neecl not consider t. he manner i11 1,,rl1ich tl1e 1\.1inistry has set up a timetal)le for th, e circ11it in vie,v, of tl1is inj11nction. T·he re::pondent, tl1c l\iilll�!1t'l:y o. f PuJt lric \1/ oxJ<.s a!, 1.!d Comrr1-1 111i1e;xti-on.3, sl!all reimlJur:e ;Lhe })etitioner, r\.to Thfe:fin Zelellet\V fo1· 00111·t fec.s JJaicl, accorlling to receipt, and ,vith E$200 for otl1er costs of the case.

292 -



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- 296-



Aclrlis Ababa, Com. Div. No. 1

SINGER SEWING lVIACHil\TE CO. 1,1,D. v. AZAN/1.W AJ__,El\:IE Civil Case No. 260/56 Unfair con1petitio11 - 1·raden1arlcs - Arts. 133 (2) l)rtd 141 (2) Conim. c.•


Plaintiff, a 1na11uiacturcr of se,ving n1acl1i11cs, bro11 gl1t suit to obtai11 an order restraining clefencla11t from usi11g a trnde1r1arlc tl1e s11n1e as that of plaintiff. Defendant, a seller of se,ving machines, argued tl1at tl1c traden1urk: s nre 11ot similar a11cl tl1at JJlaintiff's trademark, altho11gh pnblisl1ecl in a local 11e,vspaJJcr, ,,,as not reg isterecl. Helcl: Juclgn1ent for plai11tiff ; defe11da11t ordered not to n1ake use of l1is trademark and to remove all sucl1 trademark:s fron1 ,vl1ere tl1e·y are po3ted. The use of a traden1ark:. or distingt1isl1i11g marl-: v,rJ1icl1 is lik:ely to create confusion in a 1nanner JJrejudicial to a11otl1cr tra�ler ,vl10 has been usi11 g an iclentical trademark constituteg unfair competition a11d is 1forbidde11 1))' Comn1. C. Arts. 133 (2) and 141 (2).

G11enbot 8, 1956 E.C. (l\1ay 16, ] 964 G.C.) ; Jt1clge�: Mr. S. SteJ)l1eruon� Capt:. E)0assu Gehre I-Ia,variat, Blatta 1�isl1aclc Teffe1·i: - In ·tl1is case the plain-· tiff, Singer 1v!ant1factt1ri11g Com1Ja11y, is tl1e !llt1nt1facturer of Singer Se,ving 1Vlachines. The saicl co1upan;r l1as lJeen a11tl101·is-ecl to sell se,ving machines and l 't 'the E1n1Jire of Etl1iopia. J\1oreoveJ�, t·l1e ·saicl co ,1J1!}Jany thro11ghot JJarts spare gives less,ons j:n tl1e ltE-e of 1se,vi11g m , acl1i11es. To cat·r, y -011t tl1ese co111me1·cial acti­ vi :ties tl1e �aicl com11any hru3 a tr ,acJ.1)1111 arlc o;f rt•s o,vn.· TI-1e plaintiJf ·l11a;s p1·esentecl ws Exhibit P/1 ·the trademai·lc ,vl1iol1 i:3 .tl1e st1,bject ·o, f ,t ,J1i.s ca�e. Defe11clant also has }Jrodt1ced a si,mila:r tra·denJru:lc. in ,0J:cle1· to confr1se peo,ple. This co-nstitt1teB an act of 11rufaiJ: c o,m1Jeti·ti,on; tl1e sai1 d t1·ade 1ma1·lc l1a,s been !Jlublisher ll in the 11e,vspaper. Defenclant also posted the t1·ademarlc on doors and 1,vinclo,vs. Plain­ tif, f has reque .s-ted tl1e Co111·t to sto,p ,tl1ese t1nfair acti,rities lln·<ler file. The plaintiff has prodt1ced as Exl1. P/2 th.e notice p11!:,lishecl u1 tl1e Ethiopian Heralcl on Fe1Jrua.i·y 20. 1964,. 1ll1e deif,c,11:clan:t l1as a,cl111itted t1Tat tbe ti,aitlermark shov1n in the ne,vs1;ape�· is l1is 0 ,vn. In -addition to tl1is :the Illaintiff l1as IJroclu­ cecl tl1e original t1·aclemarlc ,in an a11Jt1111; the Cot11·t l11as exan1i11ieir] j! t ain<l given it lJacl{. The clefendant co11lcl not }Jrodttce a clear statement of clefenee to the ch� rge � lJrougl1t agajnst l1i1n. He declared ge11e1·ally ·tl1at the tr.aclema1·lcs are not sun1.­ lar. He even h1·oru,g ht in a }Joint 011t,sicle the iss11e lJy ,saying t �1at the t1·ade1na1·lc _ of the plaintiff is 11ot registerecl. Tl1is argt1me11t is no , t ap1Jl1c� ble to tl1�s case becat1se, since tl1e heacl office of tliis company i.s in America, 1t has registered *

See also Art. l3tL Comm. C. and 1.\rts. 2120 and 2122 Civ. C.

-- 297


VoL. II - l\Jo. 2 I

its tra,demark there, and tl1is trademru·k l1as been ltn,o,,m all over the worl d for many years. So for tl1is 1·eason we dicl not acc€pt tl1is argument.

' I

Plaintiff company, as a m�111if acturer of sewing machines, l1as spreacl its prorl11cts in the ,vorlcl market. Since ·the .said traden?ark is t 11e,iJerty .0,f the _ _ company it is know11 all over the ,-vorld. So, also, since pla1nt1ff company has operated for a very lo11g ti1ne in t11e Empu:e of Ethiopia this same trademaTk is popular in the country. It been revealed also that defendant l1acl been an em.ployee of Jllaintiff company for many years. Plaintiff has rented another bl1ilcling and transferred its b11siness. Defendant occu1lied th.e same olcl b11ilding of plaintiff company and was carrying on the sa111e •kind of activity as l1is J)revious em1lloyer. Plain­ tiff company has sho,wn to tl1e Court its different tra,clema1·ks. Bl1t, tl1e clefen­ dant has declared orally tl1at }1ie l1as got a trad,e mark whicl1 is wl1ite and red. 1 fhe Co11rt has examined the traclem.ark •o -f the deferrtd:anrt an, d jt l1as been fo tln d an accurate co,p y of Illaintiff company'-s tJ:aclema1·k, both in tl1e letter and tlie colour.



,. I


• r

The sit11ation has been more confusing for the public due to the occ11pation of the same old building of plaintiff company by tl1e defendant, and his pasting of the tra,clemark on do o , rs and windows. In principle, the defendant is a retailer who buys se,ving macl1ines from otl1er companies and sells them; wl1ereas plaintiff co1npany sells its O\Vll pro­ ducts. Plaintiff co,mpany l1as designated its O\VD tra.demarl{ in order to cljffe­ rentiate itself from -other companies and it has been kno\vn all over tl1e world by this name. The defendant as a retailer sh•o11ld have 11�ed a different traden1ark instead of using tl1at of a ma11ufacturer of long ,stancli11g. 'fl1e defe11dant by doing tl1is has entered into an unfair competition driven by malieiollS ill-,vill. By this very act lie l1as also confused tl1e public a·nd co·Il!St1n1ers. He l1a.s also taken unfair ndvantage of the repttta,ti,o n ancl traclemark orf plaintiff com1Ja11y. In otl1er words this act has been devised to sell a cheaper q11ality of goods at tlre expense of the good name of the co111pa11y by 11sing a similar trademark atJcd at the same time confusing the cons11ming prihlic. In fact, s11011 acts should have been examined by tl1e de1lartme11t concei·11ed lJ efor<?: st1cl1 trarlemarks are exposed to the public.

l I



Art. 133 (2) and Art. 141 (2) of tl1e Con1merciul Cocle forbi 1d 1111,fair com·

petition wl1ere the distinguishing ma1·k is likely to create conf11sio11 i11 a ma11· ner prejudicial to another trader having used an identical distinguis l1ing mark, Havi11g examined the traclemarks ,s11bmitted by the plaintiff company au<l the long usage of the .same trademark both ancl jn Etl1io•pia pr�or . to 1 ar simi a of its usage by defendant, and having 11nderstoocl the intentional 11se re '\ ic, or confusing t1·a.dema.rk by the defenda·nt in order to mislea·d the publ



I l






.t\len1e not to make llse o• f the trademarlc pllblislied h ve orclerecl Ato Azena.,v . a the Ethio1Jian Fiera1cl on Feb1·l1ary 20, 1964, begi11ning from lVIay 16, 1964, :e elate on ,vhich tl1is j11dg1nent is delivered. We have also ordered defendant to remove the postecl traclema1·ks. If clefe11dant fails to remove the said trade­ marks im1necliately, the Execl1tion Office l1as been a11tho1·ised to remove the said marks tlilro11gh the local police. It l1as been orclercrl al�o that a

o•f tl1is judgment he sent to the Execu­ tion Office in orcler to e11able tl1at office to sell the Jlrop�1·ty of the clefendant in case he fails to pay E$100 cos, t·s ancl co1u·t fees l)y 1·eceipt p1·esen:ted. CO})Y

We have l111animously given· ·tl1i,s jl1clgn1ent 1·e·se1·v•m1g tl1e 1·ight of th.e Illain­ tiff lo proceed ,vitl1 tl1e case if it has a civil or c1·iminal claim against the defendant. 1'11is jt1clgment is given this 16th clay of May, 1964, in the presence of ccLtnsel for plaintiff and defenclant at the Fh·st Division of tl1,e Commercial Cour t.





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- 300




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Addis Ababa, Civ. Div. No. I H.E. LIJ ARAYA ... i\.BEBEv. 1,1-IE IMPERIAL BOARD OF TEJ"'EC01\11VIUNICATIONS OF ETHIOPIA Civil Case No. 232/56 Constitzitional law - Expropriation - Due procesJ - Retroactivity of Rev. Const. Aru. 43 and 122 Rev. Const. - Art. 6 f.Jroc. 1Vo. 114 of 1950. Property - Compensation for expro11riation � Art. 1478 Civ. C. •

- .-..,



.., ..;:z ..

.. ---.. ,

In an action to recover E$5,000 as compensation for trees felled hv tl1e Ministry of Posts, Telegraph and T.eJephunes, pursuant to Art. 6 of Proc. No. 114 of 1950. Held: The defendant l\linistry is not .r.e,1uired to pay compew,ation for felling the trees.

1. Art 1478 Civ. C. deals with the taking of possession o,f immovable property and does

not apply to the felling of trees l>y a gov.ernment ministry ,vhere the ,ministry moved tl1e trees from tl1e o,vner's land.


riot re•

2. The felling of trees ,vhich interfer.e ,vith telcpl1one service, pursuant to Art. 6 of Proc. No. 1)4 ,of 1950, (loe.; not constitute a deprivation of prope1�ty ,vithout due process of lav,r, even though there is no provision for compensa-tion of tl1e o,vner, because the enact­ ment o.f Proc. No. 114 by itself satisfies tl1e r,equireme11t of _,\rt. 43, Rev. Const. 3. Art. 6 of Proc. N-o. 114 of ]950 is not ,•oid •as contrary to Art. 43 Rev. Const., be­ cause it is only legislation enacted sul1sequent to tl1e pron1ulgation of tl1e Rev. Const. \\·hich is null and void if contrary to the Constitution. Art. 122 Rev. Const. 4. The power conferred on tl1e :rriinistry of Posts, 'felegrap11 and 'J'e1ep11ones l,y Art. 6 of Proc. No. 11,1 of 1950, is limited to felling trees ,vhicl1 interI.ere ,vith lelepl1one service, and the lVlinistry may not carry the felled trees a,vay.


Sene 1, 1956 E.C. (J 11ne 8, 1964 G.C.) ; J 11dges: Dr. �- Buhagiar, A� o 05�£ Tekle Michael, Bala1nhara�·s Alen1ayt1 Retta: - In tl11s ca.:e tl1e pla1nt1ff 13 claiming the s11.m of E$5,000 as con1pensation £01· t1·ees felled by tl1e defendant


· -- 303 --

JOURNAL 01'"' ETI·I[Ol">JAN LA\¥ - VoL.

II - r'1o. 2

it a,oted in J)lli·st ,decl h)' tlie cle·fe11cla11·t is tllat Tlie dclen-ce . plea . 11 ance of . tena11ce orf Te 1 IJJ10.�e Se1•,;1,c . e3 �1:�clan1 t�o11, Article 6 of the .lVlam � Proc. No. � , a.b le. 1h1s A1,t1cle l·)'t•ov' }ll1 0,£ 1950, a1• 1cl 1th, at , n;o c.ompensati:011 rs pay · 1cles ...: •Jllo,vs: (II,

'�Where ir1 tl1e 0 1Jinion of .tl1e �Iinistry Olf Po1sts, Teleg1·apl1 art(l rr. I phones any t1·ees are clomg har111 t� the te]e1)l10J.1-e. sc i1.:viccs, ·tl1 e Ivli11istry sh:J_" by notice to be delivered to t�e \v oreda Court .1·ecr111re ,�11� 01-vn·er .to reiuov; _ . sucli trees. If the l)ei.·.son s1 o 110t1fied fa11ls ,t o co1u1Jly ·t.l1e 1VI1n1stry o.f Posts, Tele­ gra , i)hs and Telepl1 ones shall l1 ave aritl101·ity to l1ave tl1eir own per.s 01111e} fell or lay do.\Vll the trees.''


, s re­ Lt is n,o,t co.ntested by ·the l )lain'tiff tl1a1t a notice 11nclej r Article 18 ,,,& ceived by him; in faot he 1·e1)'lied ·to su,cl1 -noti ,ce •s1tat1ng .tl1at if it i5 decicle<l that the felling of the trees is J1e1 1J fu.l for tl1e 1)11.blic trtili1Ly, l1is right sl1011lll lJe reserve d , in accordance \\TitJh Article 4,4 of ·il1e Revised ConsititLJJtion of EL11iopia and unde1· Ariticle 14,78 of rthe Civil Code ant1 tha•t co1n·pe11sation be J Jaid. Article 44 deails with expropriation -ancl llro :bably the Illairrtiff ,va11tecl to refer to Article 43 of the Co. nst1tt1ti:011 whic h , •provides ;t;l1rut no o,ne is 1to be cle·prived of pro,peil-ty withot1t clue process of la,v. A1·t1cle 14 78 o ,f ithe Civ.irl Cocle deals with t, he taking o , f potSiSession 01 �n1n1oval1le 1}rope1�ty u·nder the g-eneral heftd· ing of ''E·xp1·opriation''; this article of tl1.e Civil Co-c1e is not aJlpl�oa]Jle to the cir.c11mstanees in ithe p1·esent case. rfhe c111e.s.tion to lle d.ecicled i�'3 wl1e.the1· ,v-hen :tJ1 e l\1.inistry of Posts, 'l'ele­ g1·aiph and Tele1lho11es aiczts i-11 l)llll"St1a11·ce of Ai·tic1e 6 o;f Proc. No. 114, ca,m­ peuiSation is payable or no,t , for an)r in•con�1enie11c! e or Jan1age tl1at may be suffered by the o\vne1· of the trees. The1·e is no c111estion ·that the 1·igl1t of the • ai1-. m to tl1e tele11l1011e Mini ,stry is li111iited ;to felling the .trees ,v-l1ich ru·e cloing h 5ervices; 1:he �1inistry l1as •no ri@lrt to cu1·1·y a,vay tl1e 1trees fe:Y.led. It is not con· tested b y the plau1tiff that tl1e l\1ini,stry felled the t1·ees ancl left tl101n 0 n the land, .althougl1 iit is alleg• ecl by ·tl1e IllainifI tl1at so,me of ·the •trec£i were later f ?tmd mi�sn1g. Now it is trt1e t11a.t, as· the r,liaintii,f llointecl o·r1. t, tl1e Conslittl· tJJon prov.1cles 1that no p,e1,son ,sl1 all lle clep r. iveicl 0 . f JlI"OIJerty 1-v:iitl101rt clr1e proces.s o! 1a'\-v� b11t i n tl1e pr· ese11t case the d, ue piroc.ess od: 'la:w j,s .tl1e enrtictruerrt of P.i,oc. �0- 114 an,d rt.l1 is Procla, ma , tion cl,oe,s ,not 1provicle f,01· tl1,e IJaymeillt of co1 n !J�risa­ t1o,n for any da·mag . e · su.stainecl a, s a result of the feJ.lin.g orf :trees by th-e �1 111 ialry or£ Posts, Teleg1·a1ll1 and '1�ele1'Jl10.11eis \-v:l1e11 1tl1c trees \Ver. e 11ot d:elled lJ)' ,tlle owner rufter norti c1 e ,had been delive,rcr.l to ]rim in· acco1·dan-c c ,vitl1 Article 6 of tlic the Pro- lan1,a.tion·. Tll'e Pr clama·tio11 1� a s1Jccia] 111eas11re i<nLrocl11ced jn r � 1 . � gener al 1nte.resit of ttbe p11JJ]ic� tl1a,t i,s the te1e1JJ1ofJ1•e se.r,rices.



ed sta cl 1 The plaintiff referred to A1·,ti<:le 122 of tl1e llevised. Con a1 � 1 tit11tio1 - is ; voJJd that under tli.i-s Amicle a,ny la'\\r coutrarv an cl 11il1Jl \ S to tt 1e Con·s1it11ti. o-n· · • '











·: i

. tion, wl1ich does n· o t })t·oviicle forr comperuc;;iat� 011 ,'"i3 ,tJ1e P1·oclarma tliat J Constirt1rtio1• 1. Wl1a.t Article 122 provicle, s is tl1Ja.t ::n .:;;ry �o Article 43 of the aiiy fzitztre legislrut�on, _ cle �·ee, o.rcler, etc._ ftha·t is in.c�nsistent ,vi·tl1 1the provi­ , noit affec-t a.n;y isions of .the Const1t11Jti,on i.s n1tll aTIJcl vo1cI; tha,t Article d,oe.s legislation, 01·cler etc. rthat ,vas: in :fo1·ce at tl1e .ti1n e tl1e Congtitutio,n '\Vlas pro­ mulga terl. T-he Const' i·t11tio,n ,v,as p1·-011111lga.ter.l i11 1955 anc• l Proc. No. 114 was ciiactecl in 1950. !!'LICS

Foil' the ahove 1·ea·son s· , tl1is Co11rt l1olcl,s ·1:ha1t 110 com1)elllsrutio ,n is payable ,v.hen the l\1in:iistry ·orf P,oiSts, TeJegra1)l• 1 a.11cl 1�eleip 11one5· acts iI1 acoordanree -wit:h .J\.rticle 6 of Proc. No. 114 in felling trees ancl })laintiff's claim must he dismissed T•he plainitiJ:I shall pay E$.l 00 oo.s·ts to the cle,feclan•t a11ftbo1·ity a11cl the Exe­ cution Officer shall exec11te the 01·cler for s11cl1 costs if t'l1e ·plaintiff fails to pay.


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Adclis Aha.ha, Civ. Div. No. 1

MARPJ..,ES RIDGWAY & PARTNERS LTD. v. THE INL1\.ND REVENUE DEP��RTI\1ENT Ci,1il Case No. 406/55 Civil procedure - Controlling law. Taxation

- Lonf{•terni con.tracts - Conditional payments - Annual tax asse"1nent -

Procedure - Arts. 36 (c) and 55 Dec. No. 19 of 1956; Art. 55 Prac. No. 173 of 1961.•

On a, ppeal ,from tt decision of the Tax Appeal Commiss,ion, whlch held that the tax­ payer'.s inc.oroe tax liability ;should be determined from the payments and expenses shown on its hooks of _account, ev,en though the payments ,�ere reoei,,e,cl t1nder a Jo,ng•tenn contract and, because the payments ,vere co11ditional, the taxpayer's profit on the contract could n-0t d-efinitely be deter.mined until the contract ,vas completed. Held: Decision reversed. I. Wbere a contract is to be performed over more than a single tax year and payment.a made during jtg performance ,are only conditional until it is completed, no income tax is due with respect to such payments tintil the conditions attac}1ed to them have been resolved and the taxpayer's profit on the contract can be definitely determined. 2. The requirement that income cl1argeable uncler Scl1edttle C be declared annually, within 30 days of the end of tl1e tax year, ...\rt. 36 (c) Dec. No. 19 of 1956, appliee1 where �& income can he determined each ye,ar, hut it does not apply to income derived -from long-term contracts, wl1ere ·the taxpay,er1s income cannot he definitely determined until the contra.ct's completion.

3. An appeal from 11 decision of the T,ax Appeal Commission mnst be filed withln 30 ., days after the delivery of the notificatio11 of assessment of !he tax to the taxpayer. Art. 55, .<\rt. 55, D·ec. No. 19. 1956; Art. 55, P.roc. No. 173 of 1961.


4. As to matters of procedure, Proc. No. ] 73 of 1961 replaces Dec. No. 19 of 1956, ,vhere the proceedings take place suhseqt1en.t to publication of Proc. No. 173, even though the proceedings concen1 a tax year prior to st1ch publication.


Sene I, 1956 E.C. (J11ne 8, 1964, G.C.); J11c1ges: D1·. W. B11ha ,giar, Ato Yosei Tekle Michacl, Balambarass Alemayu Retta:- Tlus is a1n a·p.peal again,st 4 a �decision given by ·the Tax Appeal Commissicm ,on Julry 26, 1963, holding tl1a.t the appellant is ·to pay rtax acc, or-dmg :to his ,hooks of account on ithe income · ppellant, subject to· deduotion o,f expe.Dl3es inc-urred in the work made hy the a I produ,cing rthe income; the rright of ,the n!PJJel1ant was· .re.served to .suhm , it an •

" See, for present law, Arts. 35 (h) and 12 (n) Proc No. 173 of 1961. Except for special provisions for a transitional period, Proc. No. 173 of 1961 e.""tl)ressly rescinded end replaced Dec. No. 19 of 1956 and Dec. No. 34 of 1959 as of the date of publication of Proc. No. 173 in the Negarit Gazetn, whicl1 was June 2, 1961.


J oURN..\L OF E·r1110PIAN

L A ,, v \TOL, II - No. 2

r l1en 11.e tlocs 11ot agree "'·itl1 tl1 c r ,, 1cl t a if e,,errt11aU a11o,, •ance for , earl RIJ]') ) e:x. 11e11 se5.

Tllc at)rJellatit 001111Ja,t1)r l1as r1ncl. crlaken, 1J11rle1· a _ c�11·tra:t 1,�itl 1 t1 1 c I i nJJeri ­ 1 11 !Iarar Pro,"i ri ce. al liigli,,·a)' _t\.lllhority, •tl1e co11�trt1c;t1.c111. o � tl1c C�lttlJ1 l�oad _ 1 . It is not conle::tc,1 1l1at sr1cl1 a co11tract. ex,�LB, ,, ,l 1cll co1rt.a111 .. ccrtai11 terni:3 a1ld rl1 icl 1 l1a� lJ<'Cll s 1 1l111ii1t ,, co11y ract co11t lie i11 d cd to the aleiticlic 11ro,,i�io11_.; ;:i,s Court. Oiic of tl1c tcr111F of tl1e co11:lra.c.:t is tl1a,t tl1c ,vo1·k '\'as to JJe coui,,lct, cd ,vitJ1i11 36 1uo11;t.l1s fro1u • tl1c elate of t1 1 e e.xec.t1,Lio11 of tl1 c co11traol: 1l1at i$ � llot later ha11 Octol1er 1963: anrl Ll1at for ecrtai11 rea�o11 s Ll1e 1,·cJrk ,va,� clcla,'erl lintil 1963; in otlier 1-\TOl'Cls tl1c co11 lract lJet,vee 11 tl1 c aJ)11clla11.l COllJ rial1)r allll t.l1e l111per:ial I-Ii�l1,,va); At1.tl1orit)r ,ra$ 11ot a cor1l·ract to l1c 11crfo1·111erJ ,vl1o'I]�, ,vii.bin or1c a--scssa1'.>1e )�car· of inco 1 nc lJt1t ,, ia5 a 1011,g -tc1·111 co11tract. of as.::,esf111e ·11t i· 11 tl1e ·prc�e11t c"u�c i:- tl1e Tl1c year •



Tlic gro11n,cl of a1,r1eal is tl1 at tl1c 'I,ax Ap1Jeal Co1111J1i<::sior1 ,,r::ts ,vrong: in ] a"'. in 11olcli11 g t 11 at t11 e ar>Jl ella11 t oon1l ) a11y sl1011lc1 11a)r taxe.s o11 r111fi11i�.l1e<l ,v-ork an<l 011 s11 1111osecl 11ro fit� ,vhe11 tl1 f' ,vork 11 11clertake11 11acl r1ot l1ccr1 co11111lc I f'rl a11 cl tl1 e fi11 a1 1·es11 l1t 11 o I k.1 1•ov,i11 : i I: is s11bn1 ilitecl on bel1a]f of t11 e a • J>JJel­ . Et1gincers of l a 11t t1iat I lie lll'Ofi.ts. dep�11 rlf'cl 011 Ll1e fi.11. al clcter111i11 ati1011 of tl1e tlif' l1t11JJerial l-Ii�l1,vaJr A11tl1oril)r 01· 011 a.,vat·fls• to be gi,re11 hy an·l)itrators in <"' a...c. e- of clisp11te�. a-R lJro-v i d erl i11 111. c rontr:,ct. Ir- i s s, -11b;111itt, e(l on lJe11 alf of the :1rrpclla11t C0111J)al1} tl1at ,the Tax 1-\ J)J)ral Co1Tlnlis::io11 '\.Vcl3 ,vronir 111 ]al\T in l1a�­ i 11g i ts clcci io11 011 ·1l1e provisio11:: of Article �6(r) of 1l1c T11c01»f' Tax Df'rrrc of r 1 1956 (Decree No. 19 p11blisl1P1l i11 rnr): ) 16111 ic l t· of No. Gaz<�ta Nep:arit t11e . Derrcc No. 19 of 1956. 1vl1icl1 la)'S clown •tl1at flec.laraition of i 11 co111 c .sl1 all lJc 111acle in l'f"?t 1 ect of jnrn1nf" cl1arp:e1t1ble 11nclcr S c .I1c-,l 11lc C anntLal· ly ,vi1l1i11 30 (lays f1·<.1111 tl1e encl of tl1e year for ,,,l1icl1 tl1 e tax: is rlT1e. r


I11 l1i s l'<"JJl)r tl1 e 1·e::11011clent 1·ai&ed 1l1 e crt1estic1:i1 ,vl1 etl1er tl1r ap1,cal of !l ie ll f)l)ella11t wa.s 1odp;ec1 .in ti1r 1 e. Tl1ere j5 110 gro1111cl i11 tl1 i� r1lea l)P•rat1�c J,otli trnflcr i\rtir.:l e 55 of Dc�crer No. 19 of ]9S6 a�1 rl 111111 <:> r .l\,1·1.ic]c S5 of Proc. -io. 1.?3 of 1961 (anrJ tl1e la'lter Procla111,ation a,,,,Jies on tl1i� J)Oint as tl1c 111attcr �� 011e of p:rocecl1.1re) the ariJJeal is to he lo<lg�cl ,vit, l1i 11 1l1i 1,t.)' rla}·s of tlic doli• very of tlie ·oo·tjficatio1.1 of a�se,;;�111e11t 0f tl1c. 1 a·x: t<) ·t li e taXJ>{l)' Cr: 111 tlir r r > :: > t o f . esrnt ca e tl1e 11otification i•� c,l a.t�cl J 11],, �O. 196:'3 ( as i,.] i o,,iJl j 11 tlie J)l1 o oc J � iti 511�1nittecl by tlie a1JJ)ella11t) ar1i,l tl1 e npJ)cal to ,t)1 is Co11rt 1va,s lo<lged ,vitli tl11Ity clays of tl1art elate.

11 r o e 1 tl n tl1e acc u ;� O n1erits, the re�J,t)TIOf'11·t st1hn 1itte<-l tl11a.t 1111ller t]1e ]a,, IC J e f tl o e 1re J aJ J' f o n yea 11� cannot lJe trar1 merre,cl to 21 no.t l1e1� year a1J.<l tl1at: 1J1erc.fc lant can 11ot 1,e relieverl from tl1 e r>a,rrne11t of 1ax for tl i c 1rcar 1960 b ecau�c O . atl e.X:J) cctation of a lo:":<s j11 tl1e f11t- 1rc: a'1.1rl co1111lanics· like tl1e ar) iiella ;� � 1 ' N ree nre to 11ary tax eve1�y yea1· as 11rescr1bccl Dec � 11 ,r Article 36 ( c) of . e th · J..1l. loss J the res ponden,t fu1ith�+ -s1a111iLtecl ·tl1 at if the aJlIJellant nieets

.- 314 _..







L·ro. v.


.J ftJtllre, a.s fearecl, tl:1e ztJ?pe11n1 :t sha ] he free from llayi11e1l!t of tax. 'fl1e ap­ pellan.t, it ha, s l1een s11bm·ittec.1, I1as. bee1 � tax eel 011 J)r,ofitis cle1·ived i'll tl te year _ l.960 a11cl tl1eref: o1·e 1the a1)1Jeal i. s grolt11c: lle. s s. 1

rfh e clifficl1lty in tl1i::: oa ·se arises f rorr 11 tl1e ·fac•t tl1at ,tl1e in<;o:me tax legis1a­ lio.n make."3 110 p1·0,,is.io11 for ]orig tc1·1.11 co111 lracls, t11art i,s, COJJJtracll5 jn ,v-l1ich Llte final itot:al los.s or IJrofit. 011 ,voJ·lc-s t111·<ler1takcn car111ot b . e cletc1IDin.ed witl 1 .in t11e a,cco1, rnti11g J)e. riocl or 11 lie )'CaJ· of 8$SCl3s111er1.t; l!l1e })J"Ofit 01· loss car1 ,on . lJ• JJe cletermi11ecl at tlie e11rl of 1l1e co1Jtrac:l a111l s11bject : to tl1e s1Jecial ter-ms a11cl coucli­ tio·ur3 in the co11l1·act. 111 s11.cl1 co11tract_-., ca'llc,cl ]011g t.ern1 contracl3� tl1ere is 11or­ n1ally a J->ro1'-i.sio11 1111cler ,,,llic11 J)ay111c11hs a1·c 111ade 11c.nioc] ioally rus tl 1e ,,,01·k i5 pro·gressi11g, ,vitl1 a uell11cLio11 of a J)Crcc11Lage to cover an.y co11ti.11gcncy for bacl ,vork in the 11crfor111ar1ce of tl 1 e ,vo·rl( ,vJ1icl1 is riot accortli11g tos1)ecificatio11s,ancl Et1hject to cl1ecki1Jg by e11gi11ccr� regar(]ir1g tl1c c111a,]ity of the ,vork "vhic1 1 may he rejected as 11ot beiug .111 art·c>rcla11 ,ce ,-v itit tl1e s11eciJicatious a1111l conser1l1e.r1tly to refu11d of a11�- mo11ey that 111a)r l1a,,e ])ecn aclvancecl d r ,ring the r>1·ogress of tl1e ,,rork and ,to cl ..tiJ11 for cla111agcs ,t·l1at 1na)r arise atS a 1·e.s11lt of 1D a d wo1·.k:. Stich conclitions Zittel tc1·111s 11or111al i11 ]0-.1:g ter111 cc,11t1·acLs like contracts for roacl }Ji1ildi11,g or 1tl1e co11sLrl1cLio11 of 1)r1b]ic lJt1iJ cling:, like a ci1L3· hall or of f pri,;ate ]J11ildings like a l1l·1ge }Jlock o,. flats. In tl1e:3e cases, it js, in11)c>ssi:J,]e to determine ,.,,.I1at is tl1e i1sscssal)]e i11co111e j11 011e year, 1a.s 'l!l 1 e p1·oftts clo not �1�­ · - ncctl i n one acco:r111La]J le )•ea1· aittd cle­ JJencl on ,tl1e n1on e · y rtl1at l1as bcc11 a,1,,a cJ11oting tl1e ex1Jensc.s j11c11rrecl i11 1tl1a.1. yettr; ·i11 vie.,-v o·f tl1e ter1ns and condi­ tio,:ru of tl1e cor1trac.t� a11y 1uo11c)' JJai1l to tl1e contr,actor is 0111y· a conditional payme11t on ,vhich tl1ere may 01· tl1ere may 11ot be a IJrofit; to cleter111ine tl1e profit or loss tl1at may 1·e.s11lt, tl1e 1<ir]1ole co11tract fo1· ·tl1e ,,vl1ole periocl ,vith the tenn,s- ancl conclitio11s of tl1e contract n111st be takes jr1to consicleratio11 ,. It is ·tr11e tl1at tl1e prese11t i11-co1ne · tax legi�la ,tjon J.)roviile,s for tl1e 111aki11g 1 a 1 1 for tl1e J)3)'" of decla r· atio- ns: of i11co111c an1111a1ly , c- l 1lent o,f t:· ax a11n11a1ly; ancl thi,s is clearl1r intencled to aJ)JJl)r to cases· , i,t i-s -pos.siilile Ito clete.rmine t 1l1e a5se5sable income an · as i11 tl1e case of a11y 01·clina1:y 111siness or in the case of persons rcceivi11g a .f-;ala•ry or in tl1c ca-se of a r,erson '"rho exe1:cis-es a J)rofe�sion or i n tl1e case of a la11<lo,vner ,vl1ose inco111e js cle1:ivec] from rents; 1 s ca11no t hut for reasons ,vl1icl1 l1a,re llee11 se.L 011 t alJove, tl1e exj.s.ti11g 1)rovision , apply , to long te1-m con tracts. l'I1 o-tl1er ,vorcls, ·j 11 tJ1is .1·e.s1Ject the incon1e ta.x legisla.tion . is JJehi.11:cl ,tl1e fast eco110\)11ic fJrogres.s t.l1at is develo1)i11g in Etl1iopia ivhere wo1·k of great enter1)rjses j,� ])ei11g ru1clertc1,ke11 ,vl1ich cannot l)e COIDJ)let­ ed during tl1e 11criod o,f 011e fi11,a11cial year 01· year1 of a-ssessmen:t. In the prese11t case tl1e arli -l)ellai11 t l1ns ])ee.n keeJ>ing 1·egr1la1· hooks of zi.c­ count ancl tl1e rrax Appeal CoJllllli.5sio11 J1as -d.ecicle.d itha, t .-the Zl,JJ'J)ellan · t lllUSt pay tu acco1·cling to EJ11cl1 ll ook,s. 1�l1cse hooks Jla·t1t1·a]Jy sho,v t.he payn1en·t.5 that l1ave been rnarlc in respect of 'IJaJ:t o, I the road of Co 'lt� i h11i�t cl11ring the year 1960, •ut such l)ayments rr111st be considered in co1111ect1on ,vrth tl1e te1·ms

-315. '

JOURNAL OF ET1-1101> :I1\N

L,\W VoL. II -- No. 2

a.nd coudi:tio11s of rt11e conLraict.. TJ1is ,the Co·, 111.1nissio11 has failerl to do. If We · · · · ! d · l l , '\\7. s n B10, 1 v J)ro, ol1s var1 1 ltC 111 11n 1cate tl1:at itll e look at th e collil1ract, ,-ve fi d · pay. • 1 I a,s fi .] e, c .1nn1 paVil'Ylent, ..i.• Thu me11ts ma,de cannot rn ·any .sen -:e lJ>C con•s1r,er ..s ,ve • · J....... •1 . • . find fill the oo ntra,ot the follo' ,;1 n•g tet·,us: <�l�rt1 ,s,e 2 of th,e Ge11eral Provisio,118 of · ne t, o • make cI1a tl1e Co:r1tract e11a])]es ,tl1e engrr1eer a1t all)' 1 o : nges in the d .t.a.w. · 1s of tl1e coJ1ltract, an,d l'· Il case ·�11e prarties .1;or i;poc1'ficat1on iugs an11 , fail• to a,o-ree ahot1t t, l1e acl it1strmenJ1S 11eces�ary, r tl 1e 11nal tter 1,s l.o l1e st1h1nittecl to at·bi'traJt:-'io,n,. . · ro,;icle<, for termi,nation of tJ10,; . c clattse 3 of, th e . same Ger1era1 Provisions o ontraot i.11 case of clefa11lt ·a?Tcl .for cJ ,amages fo .r rlelay i11 the 1pe1·formance of thP, contract; c1.a11se 4! provirles for ,rlar1tiaJ paym011t� a,t t.11P- end of each montI; , tJ1ateria]s de'li,,ererl. F11lJje{:t al,v- ay·,s to tl 1e right of for W10 ,rk conTp1eted and an inspootion, · , d exa1ni11,,rtion ,anrl · 1Jv tl1e en1gi11eer :11::, provi.rfecl iin cia11-s,c 8, - ,-vorJc is fo1.1-11rl cl ef�1eit ive or non­ pa:ragra,pl1 ( c) o,f 1-v.hicl1 speci·fies tl1ait in ca,'3e <·onJ'o,rm.i11g 111 ,a•ny r• naterjal re3p,ect ·the ro.n·tractor i.� to clefray a1ll expenses foir the in,spection an.d examiniatio11 ancl of fa·tisfactory recon.stru,ction. 1 It is clear that •UlIJd,er 1Rt1ch :ter1n1s an . y , 11ayn1ent 1na de j,11 the periocl of an.y 011e 1·ear ca11 be ·only a con-rlitio11a • l Jlayment. tl1at i,::;� �ny ·sucl1 pa• yn1ent is .s1.1b­ · ject to ·any dedu iction · o r defrn,,ing , of costs tl1at may iJro-ve 11ecessa.1·y after in­ snection a'Ilc1 examination by • t l1e en�i111ee.r for tl1e ,vorlc per. forwe<l anid 1nateri11lts etupplied r, lltri·ng , t, l1ia: t year� anrl t.11.e ,rest1lt rr:f th� i11, spect. i on and exa111in.�tion by the engjneet· i::: no1t 11ece�::ar•ily l..:110,v11 ,.\ritl1in tl1c �a111e year. For t11e�e rein­ , nncl1t•1on ·a:?- to the as:;eBsable ·sonl$ it i� in11lco.s si�Ie-. a•-: s· taterl .a l,ove, 'l.o re-acl:i. a c in,oome for tl1e year d11ri11g '\Alllicl1 tJ1e cor, 1,ditional paymeTIJts 3re marle. • 1

J n snch ciJ:'lc1.rm,;;tran, tl1ere are. i11 tl1e opi,11.ion of tl1is Co11-rt, t,-vo po.ssi]Jle · sol11tion,s to ll1e prO'hle1n erea:tecl ·by JtJ1e p�...sen,t �tate o,f the income ·tax legisla­ tion · , n•amelJ' (a) to co1iside1· 1(1, ng ter111 con - t1 rac- t.s 011rc tas· k job o'\-·er .a period of year. '! . : an,d. 1o as9es5 the tax: \ble i.nco1ne af, ter tl1e ,-vl1ole jo.b is con1pleted: it is tl1en pO!Ssib]e to 1ha,,e ll c- lea1· pictl1re of tl1e profits m1 a·de and losses s11stained on tl1e ,vJ1o'le contract; or (h) to attrib1rte to any pa1·ticuJa1· acct1.ro1.1]ati11g r>eriorl ( year of asseF5• ment) .Sl1ch pr oport, ion of t·he e11tire •prof. it ,,r lo'\s 1vhicl1 l1a� reBtl1ten, or whieh it i.s estim.atecl ,-vill re.sult, fro1n the co1 m11l ete JJe, rforniaticr of the eonitraic.t a�· is 'J)roper]y ,a ttTibt1tj aible to that a,oco1.1111 i.I1g peri�-cl lla'\-ing regaTd to the extent to whic·h tl1e con t1·a r:t '"r;:ts 11cr•f.o,rmec, l 1ll that periocl. The s. ol11tion rut pa1,aig1,a11)]1 (h) n·1ay nt)1t 1' e 0£1 easy a,iJfJ]jcati orn in ;prra:ctice 811-r � . i taXIJaye : tl1e may hav rto . e 11nfavo11rable res11lts to t· :l1e gene;ral re,,e.nt1e a,ncl i exce!)t an � rmless tl1e ,vhole 111atter of a:lise, � 11ne111t ,:l 11 ri1i.g tl1e accou111tjri1-g:_ peri­ ods 18·d art the end of tl1e con'l'1·.1,et. 'faking a�l tl1e aJl o,re i11rto cons 1'clera· _ lion and . parti-culair]y tl1is pre2.-ent s·ta.te 01f incom'"'e tax leg1..cllilation, ,v-hicli makes






no prov1sio,ns for lon,g .ter ;111 , _ co11tracts, :tl1i is Co11rt is rnf ·tl1e O[pinion tl}iiat, ,vith­ ouit prej11dice to tl1e 1sr1b1n1$S1on t• o 1 tl1e J1 t1co111e tax a:11 t11olri· otf yearly declara­ tions, tl1e .a.ssessahle incon1c can • not he ,c1ctern1ined eXiCe.prt at 1.he en,d 0f, the co-ntract and ,tJ1a.t ;tJ.iere.f 01·e taxable i, nco1111e 1sl· 1oriJd he aissess:ecl at the encl of the co1rtract an1d ·t·ax ls ipaya]Jlc. al the e11tl of ,tl1e co111tra-ct. For the above r.e,1so.1i,s tl1i1s Co11rt rev.e1·,ses ·tl1e deci:si,on of t11e Tax Appeal · h,e assess.eel al the en,d of Co·mmission iancl '11olcls tliat tJ1c taiX.-ul)le iucon1e is to the corrtrac;L ])et,veen 1tl1e ai1J1pel1ant compa11y anr] tl1e l , h�vay A 11 tho­ · mperiaJ Ilig rity -and tax is paya,}Jle accc>.1·cli:ngly.

Tl1e respon . ,tl1e ap1)01laiJl"t corrr:t ,fees of tl1i-s aipJJeal aoco1·d­ . dent �11all pay

i11g tio .receip · t ancl costs of E$100.


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- 319 -





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(l,rl: : fODlJJ,lq : :,-•11tf1I : h nmt'\� : lD)tiJ : 2 Xir � ·Oc : hf..oumti: l\,e r (lft,f•fff1 l�: ;J°t : J!,U1: illt.1�:1· = 01�:,l,,n : dJX'a : lf}itO� hn.. CJ.': = '11 :1 c (l,)•tJ-r'i' : f'J°l\9"'1a,. : '1u·•1= �f. 9° = f ir�(Dm�1 : 1'hJf1t If it. "' TV-kf I 1: ',: OD'}dJP':,': f'? il:1": vi;. i;. 01/..tfl,f;C: rr 11)i10lm•: flODlfj.c;: 1'19°= h-r 1ilf11: n:X� 1 h' lt:·: n�A: f f-lfl"fi� : li/\lf� � '1U•1= flkwr: ftrr� lm-O�q : fl<Df..&,:,..'J° 1 t\01J.,�l�,..fl�: �ODOJJt: 1-n'l1'n : 'lu-1q:fe&: tt,e: hf -i·flf f 1'.1�.ht.t\� : 4''P"11. : ,}'h_lf11 : h1,t;_(aepA,� ¾ i'\llD{.\'rJrt-'PA :1 ..,.£'4'Clt : :t'llllr • hThlfll : ro)LU � �unro1-1:f0r � flo0 ,�lm· = O?l'lt:�· = h1..'; J o.,t 0944)/122/30 ,1'£"111 = 4'1 Ii1!ji 1. th9°fb I 'P'i • �.6JtJ,t-c "- �'i: f,,- .�e..l1�rm·1 = '?l.\.fn61!' = ii.:,,cncrA: 1 c:+ ll'C tD-9° I flao111n"': :>C: ,,..,�!LA:: h1'>'z..V"9°: l{Ht9°lb: @ : 4-''}C,: �d1 CL =ti: +1 = IHf'li Of' H': ·flC : frf--h&, ........... --...-.,...: q._ 'J°. f-i·��: v-1\:,. . = �ln1 : nm:�f\i\ = ,...,,_ /tfi-r: h_:,,cn'PA: 2 ,e,u : o-!t· : h't=C�" : ll:,rf:: :,..-,\lflf : {l:).I\ 2 �m,, :1



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+,;o,O'f/� : Thlf11 I f1tooAti:,5 : fit.-f, : ;J--9°t..T : 1'.llm.4-'i°ll : f..oo m11 : h'lP.f,flf : ot : Zi'i : +1 : 1!1!:l%- : q, : 'I° : {ltp{\O}• = 1-1\�,-,..: :rt• 1 001110- (Ltt;, = nttu• 1tt1,i::r = = l\P,��:, .. � fh«<-tt':,,1 -i111-0 1 OD/;\_{l: 06Ibllr: ODp-'/,f : a,:,-.: h.1,<;,h�A : /aOD;J•fl f f· .i: OD'}f*lftc: f{ll.�t\ Jl ODA_(l i 06lh(l)c r °l'l: 1t1Pi.ti�lt0>4: f;:rtltl0:,--1: l ' 1fl· •O : navh&.A: &..ft' 1.� tit\oulf�9° = 01\f, : h�CX- a.:,.. = Thff1f : m�.. u = httoPt\ti:P y..oa lD11 : 1'.f +cf'}(l : ,f-ODl\7i : 1,1';. .t f'J : nomID4 : ,-,.1,.,111 : ODIPl"r: l11J•{\:,-.: '" 1 f 1 00 : roe J?. roli:r(D« = l\f- oVir = 11c = TllPl\ li : f\ODl � = f..l(l� 4'C(lA TODA h+�'PA 11': �c� : hilt..1."'l.9°: l\t..�RODc: f1,n oom•"} : �°I C : 1/A'/. : f : 1 : fl h ti I\ (D« : ,l1cti1l : h 1}t\1ij:t\ : rf•tXLOl/ t, : :,--'h.•111 : ,e, (l 'l'A� ,l l'\«' : h.00Ah;tA 11 1t 00Ati:,5r ='tl = m�.u : t1'i! = fl\ Of..A ff.l1'11 TOJc : ODlf�'} : fiODOJ/\�.. : tt.e.oum•1:r-0r : ,f--�c t11 : -i'"OD/\7i : flf�OJ• ' 'l't H1l 2 'lJ' tJ I til\OJc: '£"111 2 1'1.&;.tt�f\TlD- I t\lDf..&.T9° 1'.1Prf,fl'11'1TC0-: +'P"t = +'hlf11 �1�.(lTf\:f(D« = 1tDDA hT'PA ., nt1>,:qo0r , :, 111 h(]P














-320 -






t:\ti:f I fh&..t\-:,.. : ��a;:,..'i r ht;: C� 1 fl,T 2 �'1'�11 1 lD-\tJ : f+�l.mfl=f(l)c 1 1 11c = ( Jt.t..:,.. = oo,f... = 001/1 f 111h = l"ift(l)c = f ooAll • 06J,b0r §fir fvt-0 : fth.ODAli.:ii: 11'1-'i.h&.A','': i10-1} : 4'J!.'J° : h'1f..;t«HH(D<i : lDF-kT9° I n.tr1 = +tiom- = ti e,t.l..(''l:f(Dc = 11.e.00 rolf:r(Dc = 'h">Pi.e.«'1l.1' = n�;1ori , J'tH'iA :2 T'hlftt' : ta.ehnc : 4'C,f : fi.«f,l'PflT(Dc : '?'l : t;:C�-- : (L,J: : T'h tftl''l : +:J:1ro•'l° : fi°tflltD- : '1t\P'A"l1 : /t,e : lbl\ : l\C9°jf: f"?..m(I� , oulf�1 1 h"'lilm"}«f>� : ;,c = 1,tl'1 A 11



. 321 -





I-IIG-I-1 COUI{ f Arlflis _Al,aba� A.clr11i- n. Di., ·.


X v. ,.l HE MIN. ISTR'\'.- OF POSTS, ,. f ET_,EPl:ION:I� t\.:�I) 'I'l�I.., I�GRAJ1I-I "'

Civil Case No. 292/56 Co,istil.l.Ltioual la,.o - D1r. e 1,roce.s� - A.cl111i11.i.strative JJroceedings - Art. 43 R�v. ConJt. ; Aclniirtistrative la,v


Ri�ht to i11de1Je1ide11t arljuclication ..

Civil procecl1tre - E.rec11tion of ju,l,;n1e11t,s against the iot·ernrne11t. In a11 action by an ernployee of 1}1e c.lefeJ'1 dar1t LVli11istry to 11 nn order restraiuiug the Ministxy fron1 111aking furtl1er decluction.s lroJ11 l1is r,ay. I-leld: Order granted. •

The lllaintiff subsequently again petitio11ecl t11 e Court. allegi11g tl1at the defendant had refused to f'omp]y ,\·itlJ tl1e Court's first order u11cl seek:ir1g a further order directing the defeucla11t to con1ply \\1ith tl1e first order a11d also t:o re1Jay tl1e cleductions alreaJy ruade. Hel(l: Order gra11ted. �

1. No one shall be depri,�ed of life, li1lert.y or tJroilerty \\'itl1ot1t d11e proces11 of lnw. ,\rt. 43 Rev. Con ·t. 2. An administrative proceeding in ,v]1i cl1 a governn1ent 111ir1islry adjudicates its o"'n clai111 and tl1e11 exe�utes tl1e resuJting orcler ooes 11ot afford t.l1e Olll)OSir1 g JJ�1rty due proce3s 0 f la \\'. , . • ,:;.1<,:: �;: liii.C'. .... \:;._ I t



3. An atln1inistrative order of ,I govern111ent n1ini1�Lry ,vl1i cl1 ,vitl1 bolcls a part of the pay of one ctf jts e111 pl.oyees i11 order to satisfy a clai1n ,vl1 icb it l1 as against tl1 e en1ployee, tJ1.o clai.n1 not h.avir1g Ileen independently adjudic:ated, is riot s11stai11 able at l :.1 ,v. 4. A n1oney judgment against a gover11ment 111ini�try 1uay be execuleu by lev)•ing on the Minjstry's b·ank: acco11nt.

Be]atcl1e, v ..J\..sr4 t, Ato \Volcle M11.<:.: ie Yil1<lego� _Alo 1\1ako11n.e11 G-etal11t.r1 :- i\.ftcr a �l.11ll)0 of tl �e docu.rnen1 t, 1-rc l1ave gi,1 en tl1e foll ow · ir1g orc.ler. _ o 011c� sl1:all }Jc (le1)ri,·ec l of bii; life, Iihe1·ty or pl�Ol})C['l.Y ,vitl:10Ltt clrie J)l'OCCS.5 of ]a,v. If OllC l)al'l)r c1aiJl lS tl�a. t hlJU ano·the.r owos l1io · 1 sorueLl1ing, lie J1as t.l 1e r' igl1 t .t,o 1 J ri 11,g t;i11 a(�ti.or1 again5 t in court, hut no one can he })arty, jt1llgc ancl exect1l.or in 011e a11tl tilt� sam. c ca,se. It is ,,ery rarely tl1at an admi11ist.rat.i,;f-:! ilecisior1 1lc1>ri,,es a per5o ll of �115 · · · ' .pr◊:rlerty. B 11t ,,,.e are not of tl1e OJJinion L] 1.;;lit Illl afl1111 ini,sLral• .i,. ,e d ec1�1011 ,,1J1cl1 . cle1:>�ive,d a IJe1·.son of his mo11Ll1l}- salary "IV0ltl 1 1 1 lJ e s11sitai t1 ablc al ]a·,v.

Sene 26, 1956 E.C. (July 3, 1964 G.C.) �

J 1idges: .:.L\

If every time 'll defendant claio'lecl tl11 a :L ]1is e111r)l <J ,,ces ,, ·ere at fa 11 lt, }le lJo,rer tlie were to he the sole jl1dge o-f s11ch c·laims, tl1 eu iL cannot he saicl tl1at , of the courts and the 1·ights o,f indivi1.l Ltals are safeg11ard.e.d.




Therefo· re, the cle.fe11:dan•t i! herelJy or'-·l e.recl n.ot :to cled tict from the pay of the pl.aintiff hereafter. rfh e plaintifI can :ins-titt1te a - si1it agai11st tl1e clefe1J.<] an-t to 1·ecove J� the 1 1ay 1 wl1 ich lta� alreacly hee11 clecl11ctecl. De-fencla11t is l1erell}r orclerecl Lo Ila)'- tlie })]:, ir11tiff's ex1>en·ses i n t11e filing of this su.i t. The execution of.ficer is l1eoreJJ)' ortlercrl to execL1tc t]1is 01·de1· accorclirigly. �faska1,am 27, 195·7 E.C. (October 7, 196,1 , G-.C.); Jttclges: Ato rrcf.feri · lolcle l\ '.[t1ssie )'.il1clegr>, i\Lo l)e11ck.c A�l1c11afi:- A. letter elater! Desilegn, .t\.to \l; Aug11st 5, 196�1,, Ref. No. 30::36/S6, from t11c I�xec-ttlio11 Office, 21rJcl a eta.leme11t o.f cl:1i111 clatecl Se1>temllc1� 17� 196tl � fr(>11J tl1c })lai11tilf� are a ltacJ1ecl to the file. In the letter men,tionecl al10,·e, tl1e Exec1rlio11 ()fficer ·�talc-cl :tb iat "v-J1iJe 1 1,is office e..-x.ecuti.n.g tl1e orcler gi,�c11 011 J11l)r 3, 1964,, tl1e acl ,iocate for tl1e clefenda11t: after receiving tJ1e executio11 letter, a:::kccl .for contir1t1ance on the gro1111cl tl1aL lie ba!ll api)liell to the i\Ii11istr!' of J 11s-liec for a11 i11j1.1.11ction agai11st tl1e order of the Co11rt. Plni11tif.f, on Ll1e otl1er l1a11<J, askecl tl1at lie sl1ot1lcl ])e paicl from the defendant's hank accot111t. 1'11c Exec11tio11 ()Ifice i-J1e11 rer 1t1c5Le<l a11 aclrlitio11al order to carry 01tt tl1e exectttio11 accortli11.g to tl1e rec11lcst oJ tl1e 1>laintiff. 111 lli5 st�te111ent of claim 1ue11 tiouctl al)o,;e� tl1e J)lai11Liff a.llegecl tl1at tl1c llefen­ dant hacl refttsecl to 1>a)' tl1e s111n of E$.L25 - 1>lai11liff�s cx1>e11::: e.s j11cru·re-tl i n tl1e opening of tl1is fiJ.e. Ile also alJegell Ll1at t.l1e (l0Jc11tla11L l1acl fajlecl to abiclc 1Jy tl1e or<le1· of tl1e Iligl1 Co11rt a11'-l ltatl conli111tc<] to fro111 tl1e 1J1ai11Liff�s monthly Ila)_,. � ,rl1icl1 tleclt1ctit)11 11r>,v ar11011ntccl Lo ES,Jf�O. l )Jaint.iff Lhcref1Jre re­ spectft1lly rec1t1e�Lccl tl1e I-I.igl1 Cott.rt fo.r a11 C>rllcr again3L Ll1e clefe11llant, tl1e J\·fu1istry of Posts� rl'elc1>l1011c a)tll �L'clc-gra1Jl1, Ic)r Ille 1•ay·u1c.11t c>f Ll1e r>.lain­ tiff's eXJ)en&es an<l clctlt1clecl salar)r a 11 ll alsr1 Lita l il he re, L rai 11ecl froJ11 111aking furtl1er cled11ctions from t1 1 e l)laintiff's pa)r. 'l... l1e J)lair1ti, ff ,vas askecl to introcl11ce evidence s11pJlOrtin.g 11:is allegaL:ion tl1at a clccl11cl.i.011 Iro111 l1is J>a)' ,-va� n1a<le after tl1e order o-f the IIi,gl1 Co11rL \\"as gi,•e11. }'. fc Ll1er1 ir1lroclr• 1cecl a letter· cl-ate<l · J11ly 25, 1964,, Ref. No. 09L1,99/122/30 a11-cl ·arlclressecl to ,tl1e accot111tu1g cleir>nrt­ ment, a copy of ,,vh,ic1· 1 ,v-:a1� 1gi,,e11 to t11c J)lai11Liff. ]�le also i11lrocl11ce,cl t"\-vo .rec�ipts dated Al1gtist 6 a11<l Se1>Lc1.nber 3, 1961.l, for t11e J?aJrn1e11t of tl1e stt1n of l�::-;480. 1

Additional Order 1�I 1e Ii.le sl10,vs tl1at £ollo,vi11g tl1e orc1er gi,,e1l 011 J11]y 3, to Lhe ef�fect tl1at tl1ere sho11lcl ]) e no n1ore rleclrtctjons fro111 X's r>a)r, tl1e rlc,fenclar1 L )1j11istry ,v-as orcle1·e<l to l)ay tli e l)lai11tiff's ex1.1c11scs j11<:!ttrretl i11_ tl1e � )� ning of_ t11e file. _ Defe11dant not only failecl to 1>a),. tl1e ex•r>c11scs ]Jtll a]�o farlec.l to alJ i<l� l� y tl1e _ order o.f the Co1trt, ao<.l ·tl1 e sl1111 of ES-4,80 ,v,i -5 (lcclrtcle<l iro111 · tl1e Jllarr1:t1if s ,pay after the said or ,der was gi,,e11. Statirig the cli·f..fiol1lt)i it faced. ir1 exec11ting the order, tl1e Exec11tif>n Office has asked for a11 additional orcler to carr)' 011t tl1e execution upon defenclant's l,ank noco1mt. Plaint' jff also l1as JJra)red tl1e Colut

- 323 --·



II - No. 2

fo<1.· an addi.tional order to re.strain tl1e c.lefenda:n ,t fr·o1n 1uakmg fui·Lller ded uct ions from the ,p .la·intiff's salary a·Thd a1so for a payme11t o,f tl1e ES480 �rn·d cotr , rt . 1 -1,d ,ant,,s ·bank acco11nL. e:x;penees froim ll,t,.l Therefore, it is hereby or{ tl1a,t plaintiff lJe paid Jro ,m tl1e de.fen.rl ant,� o1 Esliso <lellt1cted f 1·om l1i� saJa;r)r anc· 1 also l1is exp�1se ban1k aooount, tl1 e SllID ;:i . • • ] I . L l a.s was J)rovided inieurred irn 01u•tar11Jllllg ithe :prev1ou•s ,01rc1e- .r. t 11s a1,so o ,rd ·erec, int.he previous ord,er, that ther� ,s.J1a ll he no f turtl1e1· derl11ct�on fro ,1n tr lie plai n. : tiff'.s .sa1ary unles,s sucl1 deduction l!S orcle1·ell by a co:urt follo·lving a l)TOfJer filin,g of a suiit. Failure to abide J1y tl1i::· order an(l a furtl1,er derlrt1ction from the I) plaintiff's .sai1ary wol11rl entail grave co1�eqt1e11c0.s for the a1rtl1ori ties concerned. [ A copy oI this o .rder shall ,he .s-en't ·Lo tl1e Exe�ution Office to ca1�ry out tlie execution acco�clirnig to the gi\'Cn or-d,er.

I )







ft"l q� = q,e, , Jrt:·f = 'h1 lb x (ID A {l 2 n.6,:,, , :J·· ,1..,: , , :,,.1"I 1h f�r},h : "111fc C : ,e.d]q� : 1:TC : f.;f;t/2i CJ,. 'I°




fA1: • 171ft1'1.f - h'l•1·�,r1 1 ll/\.""lW;,. - t'A�},r • V•).;f• - ffj":,r,h , ·Oth.C, ih-J, h14>?i iftfi if!, jf�i (ji) lf unAil • (l� , h,e'?'l� , '1..e. • A'Y:, w1A'J{/\.1r'i , A��..J:• 1'1)l;rro:,,A:is, /\.A�, "'ll}.l!-1.. 1rr • <l'/\.11 , 1'1J;.hij:f\� • 0171/\.-r • till , 1'\:,,cq • t'ht.1 , ml� , fi:C.(-• a,:,. • A1t , �t»- , na, ftT • Of,"lfl� • q_e. , l\.e f(lma>-1 • ro--tt� • fhl1 • ha>-�1f , ij:CX-• fl.-r a (l/\.h1.J!.'17t»- , l\V­ t\i"� , 1.n. , ,.e.u , .e"lfl� , +ln " t»-tit1 -..e.°lqi: tL:,,P..J\A " Ii I n1atfi.ij: • t1Alf} , O.:i'A • roJ?,'I°• n11- r.➔-- , rlJ'ff.f...t.'1, fhll-r�-r. 111m�, v->.�• r,.,r '},f. � •f' ,)1,."J 'f (D-ffi. 7" .e (\ffi {D-9° If I 1 fl(l.1--� h�t}.'l· • w'}p..;;y. , '1f·f•+O/\.'f• h'1°-1·'ic , f\.:'f·• f"tml\J¾.. , A')!l-, h"'i:1-­ far flfl..-f·+c ' hi\.a'\ (la>- ' .,"JC' "?'iTOJ-'I° '}f,}."f· ih;J'f on,t•ta(lC fl\:fm-9° • I





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,,_ 327-

U•(\"l: :ro1'}:(){\•fl"r : ,J--flm::

RI,GII COTJRT Asmara, Civ. Div.

Civil Appeal No. 167/56 Fan1 ily la·w - Pater1ial filiation, - Acknowledgme1u of JJalernity - Possesion of Status - Art:s. 721 an,d 748 Civ. C.*

On .appeal from a jud.gment of tl1re A1v.raja Court allo·lving an .action foT p'3ternal fiwtion •and a o1ai:m for maintenance by ,a "''Oman in respect of her child. Held: App eal allowed.. 1. Acknowledgme.nt of 111ay only he mad.e in ,\r.ri'ting and n·o tacit admission of pa!ernity ,vill suffice to ,establish that fact. 2. No legal }Jond exists bet,¥een a child and itt1 fatl1er ,v11ere the child is the outcome of an act of proelliwtlon.

Heda.r 8� 1957 E.C. (Noiv. 17, 1964 G.C.) ; J ud.ges: Eyrussu Gehre. HaJW1ariat, Dejazmaitch Idris Lejam, F.i!talvrari Suleiim·an, Eldicen:- Thi.a i, m aippea1l SJgait11� the jurlgment of the Ker-en Aw. raja Court wl1icl1 affirmed

the decirsion of the Warec1a C·our.t whereby the present appellain,t was declared to :h.e the father of tthe respond,ent, '.s .child and adj11dged to pa-y a maintenanee

TJ1e fin,ding of the lo,�ter co111·t was •hased s.oJ.ely on ·the motl1er's testi­ mony nnder oath in ao · oordance witl1 the c111s·to.m then· exi s-ti:ug. The Awraja Couvt in iits j1l!dgmen:t la,bo1, 1red on· it.he ;ass111111)tion tl1at the appellrunt h�d iackn,oiwle1dged the pater11i, fy of ·the -child. It held tihat by virtue of Articles 307 ancl 808 of the Civil Cocle the co·n.�taT.llt fail llll'e of tl1e i reve almg t:haJ to Teply to the :aeveraJ letters ,vr1tten .to him by the iI'e,sponrle1l!t 1 a son has been horn ,to 1l1i111 .iis a tacit acceptaince of pruterniity. We aire, howerveT, of ·the opinion that th-e Articles so cited are irrelevant t.o thiis ca,re.

The mand . atory provisions of Artic]e 748 (I) o:f ·the Ci,,il Code require tliat a.okno,vledgm-en1 t of �aitemity he a11d i11 writing. A1.1y acknow1edgmenit , sh-0rt of tliart, such as a taci·t or o:ral ackonovvlerlg1ne11t, is legall)' i11e, In ad•diltion, the A,vra , ja Cou1·.t wa·s of tl1e ,opini.on, that the cl1i: lcl hacl 1:lie stwtus of he·ing rthe aippellant�s rhilcl. Filia,tion h)r }J,os,ses·sion of the s'tattIIS o£ • See also Art. 740 Civ. C.


X v. TABOTU GEBRE TINSAYE r child is bnsecl on e, irle.11ce that -tl1e father ha s, treated th-e chJlcl a•! his own allfl that tl1e cl�il<l iR regarcled RR tl1e chilcl of tJ1e 1nan by his neighllotlr.!! and society. Po-ss· es.s1on of �lat11s n111st the1·efore lJe provecl by • v\ritJ.iesse8.

T11e presen:t clisp1rte i11,,0Jves a ,,ery cl,iffererut legal iss11e. TI1e resp on cle11t 11 a.� re,r to t-l1is Co1l'rt tl1aJt ,sJ1e earns her livellliood by prostit11tion ancl hnc. a(l111vt Jtecl tl1•at gl1e 1·ecc1,res other men fo1· the ptttipose of bavinrr �Px11al intPrror1r�<" ,\·1111 tl1P111. Tt l1ns lJf'e11 ,vell e5tabli:ihecl that by ,,irh1e of Artj('lf" 72] (3) of tl1<' Ci,,jl C.o-clf' r.l1ilrlrc·r1. lJor11 or1.t of c.11cl1 relations : J1a,r e a j11riclicnl l )011cl 0.111,, ,vii-11 ·1l1eir 1T1otl1er. So nlso rloes S l1 h-ar · ticle I of t11e $a;n1p �A.rtic.1P J)ro,·i.rle tl1at rcla1ir111.:; r-:-11tn]Jl1(,ll1ccl 1Jcl,ver11. a 111an ancl woman 011�irle oI ,vecllorl� or n11t�i rl r of a11 irrr!.!'t1l.1.r 1111j 011 sl1a11 l 1avP 110 j11riclica1 effect attachen to tl1e111. 1·1, ,rip,v o:f I l1r 11rr1,,�i011� of Article 748 (1). ,-vhich clearly :t:ite� thnt 1t11 -arkno1v1P(lg:111cn1· of p·::tlPrni· 'ty l1a� 110 effec1t 1111le,13;g it is• ma<le in 1•v1·itin .�. c1.ncl al<-o l1n·vi11!:!: re�arcl t,..1 )\rticle 721. ,vl1icl1 ex11ressly provides ti1at no lef!:'a1 effef'l' �11::rll l)r :1ltar.l1ecl t<) 11are11tl10o(l 011.tsicle of wedlock or 011tsicle of irre;[11lar r,nion. t o 110],l: t.l1a1· the re:..1Jonclent's clain1 has fl legal effect attac11erl to it is in Oltr op · i,nio11 to violate the clear pro,risi.o.ns of t,be Corle. The intentio11. o· f tl1e le.f!i:;, Ja,11· 1r1� in e'l1acti11,g this Jaw waig .to restore rli,gnity to tl1e :family and pre�er,,e tl1e social 01·rler. to rliscol11·a�e acl11l t, ery a11cl p,roeti­ i h.1tion. nnd it is the judges' rl11ty to caiTeft1Jly interpret the la1-,r in light of thi! policy, a policy o·f relati,,ely l1igl1 i.m1)ortance t, l1at can'IloJ }Je jg,11-0recl or li.gl1t­ ly pa-5_secl over. ✓



y An action for cler.In1·atior1 of pate1-nitf : . co11lcl 011ly }Je ins· titr1ted. ,,,here the . mother 1Jas JJeer1 a ,ricti1n of abclltcti:on, rape or cl1111·ess anrl the chilcl ,-vns· conceived as a res11]1t. Fo1· all the�e- reaso1· 1s, ,-ve holcl tl1,at f: iliati•o n CC•ltld not l)e prove ;c l :by prodl1cing , Neiither sJ1ol1lcl a rlis,p11te be aclj11clicaterl in 1 acco1·cla , nce ,-vitl1 c11st01n•ary lnlv- b11t i11 acco,1::clan,ce ,vitl1 tl1e Civiil Co-cle. "\'i·e, t!1erefore. clismiss tl1e claim of the 1·cs1)011cl011it an,rJ tJlln:1-}1 tl1e A·w1:aja Co11rt's jt1clgn1ent. We 01·cler tl,at a co11y of tl1is juclg 1 111en.t be sent to bl1e A,V'l.·aja Court to notirf), tl1em of tl1e reve1·sal. Delivered on this 17t11 clay of Novem·beJ.·, 1964,, in the presence of both pa.rt1es.

-329 I

h.�rt = 1tn'l ·1 \'Jtili'��c =



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HIG·If COUR'f Addis _.t\.halJa, Acl,mi.11. Div. "' BERNADONI GIUSSEPE V. 1 HE INLA�1) REVENUE DEPAR,.fMENl, CiJ,,iJ Api:>eal No. ,J.57/56 Administrative law - Appellate administrative tribunals - Procedure - Tax Appeal Conimwion. Taxation - Administrative procedure - Art. 56 Proc. No. 173 of 1961.

On appeal from a decision of tl1e Tax Appeal Commission, ivhich reduced the petitioner's tax asse.siSment hut also, on .its own motion, impo,sed a f.ine on ltlm. Held: Tlie decision with respe-et .to the fine iis quashecl; tl1e decisio·n ,vith respect to the ac88easme.nt is sustained. l. An administrative decision not based on proper procedure is contrary to th� law and thenefore void. 2. Appellate administrative 11:ribunals by either party.


empowcre, d to decide matters not raised

3. Where, ·tl1e decision 0£ the Tax Appeal Con1mission fails to ,show that either the lnlanrl Revenue Department or the taxpayer had !r,equested thait ,a fine be imposed on t.he tltxpayer., the decision of the Commission imposing lSllch a fine is void. Ar.t. 56 PrO!C, l'{o. 173 of 1961.

Yekatit 15, 1957 E.C.

(Februa1·y 22, 1965 ·G.C.); J11dges: Ato rfefferi Desalegn, Ato Wolde M11ssie Yihdego, Ato Asayegn Adal:- Ot1r examination of the file r, eveals that rthe aru>ellaDit alleged:1. The decision ·of the Tax A.ppeal Commissio•n ,that tl1e appellant shoulJ pay a fine of E$3,768 was er.r-On·eous and no;t s1Lstai111ia·ble at la,v, because it '�85 l>ased on neither t· he allegrutio,nrs o.f , the 1appell 8!nt noa.· o.n ,t11ose of· :the i-es1> 00• dent. In other worc1s, rthe res1Jondent d , icl not .ask ·thrut the appeillant he requir ed to pay an 1adclitional E$3,768 wiith ·tl1e tax. 2. The appellant ,di1 d not appeal •to tl1 e C·orirmi$si-0n .on tl1e g, round tl1art he req11ested to pay a fine. Therefoce, ,the a1ppellent prayed that the Co·urt quash the cleci-sion of tlie :1u Appeal Commjis&ion as _regard,s , the s1rm of E$3,768. ResponJde:nt'a advoc· a1te alleged in his statement of def,enice lthat accoir ding 160 u 9 o he r t s f fi , aisses.sment the ap1lellant was, direot•ed to pay the -s1 n oi E$Z , · t. t 1





with tl1at aB$essme11t, he a1}pe·aled to tl1e Tax · ed e disa-g1· t n ella, p ap· use beca But , ,n 1·ecl11c �cl tl1e ,_ a:• ses·:iment �u AI?peal �o,n1mi�sion, wl 1ere111)01� ,tl1e_ Co,mmissio E$22, 608 mclud1ng.the E$3,76& fine. S 111-ce.the Tax.Appeal Co,n1 11111:s 1on took th1s ste }J ,vitl1in i'ts l)ower gi,ren 11 ncle1· Article 56 of, P1·oc. No. 173 of, 1961, res1Jon-· - e1· -0-f tl1e Co-mmis::ion. dent ,argt1ed thait a-ppellant cam1oit con,test· th-at JlOw The Hig}l Court is a,vare tl1n·t its d,11 ty on a1)peal is n-ot to enter into the merits of the assessmenlt h11.t to decicle on. q11estio,1 1rs of la:w which arise: on a11peal. Appellant a ·Uegecl tl1at ltl.s ap . 1)eal was hasecl on a Cft1estion o, f Jaw in tha·t,. wlule i� ,vas tr11e tl1at, ttl1e rl�ax Ap1)eal Co,1r1ruission l1as the po,ver to vary· the assessment, tl1is po,,ve1· can he exerc. ise-d 0 1ily wl1en eitl1er tl1e I11Jand Reven11e Depairtment 01, · t.he ot. he1·· party appea]s for an i11crease or a red-t1ction of tl 1e a'85essment. Otl1 er,vise, tl1e Tux 1\.·p1)eal,sion· Ji.,ts no 1>ower to decide , points ,vhich :aTe not appealecl. We have. found a:p1�ellant'.':l ,allegation to he s11stainable a:t 1,a,v ars a matter of procedu1·e.

Any decision should he based on proper proced1rre. · tments -having appellate j1t1·i&d1ction s· ho11ld co11sider a11-d decide Dep ar. only matter. s ,,vhicl1 are ap}lealecl. Tl1cy �- l1011ld not deci,de matters "'l1 icl 1 are no,t a .p1>ealed and thereby confer a right 111)•0n - a p·arty w110· l1ai3 s,tayecl · at hon1e ,vithout taking any aJ)-p•eal to tl1en1. If .tl1ey do co11fer s11ch a rigl1t, tl1ey are n-01t follo\ving proper procedt1re and therefore thei1· decision &l1ot1ld be review� erl according to the la,v. We have 11nderstoocl that the a1>1)cllant appealed fro,m the decision of tl1e Commi�sion an-d sot1ght to l1ave its clecision 0-11 tl1e gro11 11cl that it had follo'\-ved an· in1proper p1·occd111·e in re.acl1ing its clecision. Ba.sical1y, appellant ,va-s required ·to 1>ay the s111n of E$29,160 i1 1 tax, for the year 1962. Tl1ait tl1ere was no fine .attacl1ecl to .that reqt1 est \Vas sl10,vn by notice No. 374,/46. The ap • pella11t also appea1erl to tl1e Commission on the grot1ncl t, l1a,t 11e clid not agree ,Yith the assessment, )Jtlt lie did n·ot aipp · eal on tl1e gro11ncl that lie was fined. From the facts '\\'e have, the Tax Ap . peal Co•mmission, being a,vare that the Inland. Revenue DepaJ.·tmeillt ,vas ,vrong in its a•sses::m , e11t, _ 11 as on the one hand redt1ced the amo11nt to E$18,8il0, bt1t o-n the o,ther hand it has fined the appellant witl1out any appeal from eiitl1er party. But since it was not, &ta-ted in the decision on whose reqtleSl the fine ,vas imposed, the decisio•n is found ·to he ha:serl on impro1>er procedtlre.


J oU.BNAL dF ETHIOPIA.N LAw - VOL.. II - No. 2 A& we have previou�ly ,started, respontlent's. ad:o:cate in his statement of 173 No. Proc. of of 1961 56 Art1cle ha s t a , , e1npo1vered the defence alleged th . . · , ce, mcrease ·01 · .a n, 11111 ,a.11 asBessmen-t and llla.k. 1i001 ·to 1·e du omm1:ss C l .Appea Tax c fw·ther consequential decisi-0n tl1Breon. , e1· sense sj1nply ex-plain s tlie I.n reality, ·the law if follo,v-ed in its prop 3�uthoriity of the Com111ission to clecicle on l)oints of ap1)eaJ, ancl it does not give the Commissio.11 the power to raise 11e,v }Joi11te- a11tl. gi ve tlecision 01 1 them,


If t· he Comrr1i.ssion could do tl1is, it sl1011ld not l1ave .bee11 calieJ au .c\ppeal

Commission hut 1·athe1· a Commission of firblt i.lll&'tance, ,v l1ose cl 1i ty ,vo-tt1 tl 1 i ave been defined hJ' tl1e law as a fu·st iostance assessor· ., tl1e deci3i00l of Lhe 'l,ax il1)pea1 Commissio11 cl.elivered on J 11nc 15, 1964, as regatds the fine in the Slllll orf E$3,768 1vas not hase,cl on any point raiM}d on appeal. It was based simply on tl1e Co1nmis.&ion · ',3 ov. 1 vie\v of 1.he cal!e. We tl1ink tha·t it is thered:01·e co11t1·a11r to Lhe latv an·d ·tl1 t1s voicl. Hence th.e decision of the Commi&s1on as 1·ega1·ds· L11e fine i,s c111asli etl ant! :tl1c rest of the decision as regarcls the ,assessment s11stained. 11

Since, al,ter a 1·eductio11 of tl1e fine1 tl1e Inla rtd l{evenl1e De1Jartme1l'L'a right to collect the ta."'\: is 1·eserved, it ·&l1ali 1·ecei,re a copy oJ tl1is j11cl gm ent to be notified of the decision.


Delivered on Febr11aiy 22, 1965.




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- 3.3.9 -




l:lIGH COl.JR.1, Addis Abrl>,a, Admin. Div.


MULUGETA AYELE v. THE INL��D IlEVENUE DEPART1ffiNT Civil Case No. 423/ 56 Law - Appellate administrative tribunal, - Procedw-e - Tax Appool . . ' LOfflffll.s.s,on.• Taxation


,A.,sessment 6y e.$tiniation

Proc. No. 173 oJ 1961. •

- Admini3trative



Arts. 40 and 56

Appeal from a decision of the Tax 1\.ppeal Commission, which sustained the Inland llevenue Department's assessment of the appellant's tax by estin1ation and in addition increased the assessment on its olvn motion. Held: Decision incr&.'1ing the asseasment qu.:!.Shed and tl1e appellant taxpayer directed

to pay the tax: a,sa,essed by the Inland Revenue Department.

l. Tne Inland Revenue Department is empo-, by Art. 40 of Proc. No. 173 of 1961, to a8l6&8 income tax liability by estimation if , it finds tl1e taxpayer'.s account hooks u11reliab}.,, 2. The Appeal (�ommi..ssion is empower1cd to it1crease or red11ce tax assessmen,ts at the request of the Inland Revenue Department or the ta.xpayer, and it may annual an assess• ment if it is proved •that the taxpayer had no income. Art. 56 Proc. No. 173 of 1961. 3. The Tax Appeal Commission may not increase a tax on iu o�'ll molion under ArL 56 of :Proc. No. 173 of 1961.

Meg abit 10, 1957 E.C. (l\'Iarch 19, 1965 G.C. ) ; Judges : Ato Tefferi Dee a­ olde Mussi e Y ih.dcgo� Ato Aeayeg11 A<:lal:- 111 his original appeal leF, Ato to the Tax Appeal Commis�on, appell ant all.ogecl tl:1at tl1c I11laud l:le,•e11t ic Department a c, cepted Olli)' some oJ: ,the a,ccotLn.t-s keJJt by hrn1� a1·laitraril)1 r e­ jec ted the rest, and made i tis final assessment on. the ha.sis of estin1ation. In 5 ,,· , L ap1)eal ) a o l 11 3 nc acc01· d 1 with 1\. of tic · re· s e .Proc. :N . 17 of .L96.l, t11i r e 58 a e _


lodged from the decision of tl1c rl'ax Appeal Comn1.issiou, ,vhi cl1 also acce ptetl appellant's hook of accot11ils jn 1Jart a11-<l rejected L1L c re�l. lt also i.u1pos ecl a fine on the 21ippellant 011 its O½'ll 111otio1.1 witho1rL its loeiug rec111ec:.L<:1l Lo do so h)' the Inland Revenlt·e Department. Plain'tift fu 11J1e.r a.lJcge·s that l ie ]1,a<l ke1 )t jlroper accounts to show ·the profit l1e earr1ccl in 1961 a11Ll rccrue::; this Co111·L to qua-sh the clecisio11 given by tl1e 'l"ax AJ)f>eal (: (1111 1 ni:fion a11(l orrlcr tlie • The Tax Appeal Commies.ion decision from ,vltlc.h this 11ppenl Vt'al! taken appears at p. 353.





Inlan{l Revenue Dop ar trment to make its assessment on the basis of what '\\ras . rn in his hooks. .tJho"\\ tn its •statement of defen<!e, tihe responclen-t tle1Jarrtme11:t 1allegetl th ait the aJJpellantt .had , ,suh1nitted t. l1e .s11pposeclly p1.·ope1·ly ke1Jt hooks to ,j;ts -tax assessor., who dis<:ove1·ed that E$1 ,14,8,906,662 1vortl1 o,f =iales ,vere 'not recorded in tlie books - a s111n rtl1at i11Jdiontes ho,v 111-,F11y more 11n1·e�or-clecl � - rl'les ha,,e not vet be,e11 di�losecl. i1oreover, it aTgrterl tl1,at tl1e �tP,f>S 1 ake11 lJ "\' rtl1 e J 1,c0 111e Tax Autl1orit)r ,vere in accorda11'ce ,vi·tl1 Artj icl(-" 4.Q o,f Pro�. No. ]71 0 f. 1961, ,vhicli r>r ovides tl1a,t tl1e A11tho1·it)' may as�,�-�� tl1� 1t'ax lT�' �,ti111 atio11 jf it fincls tlle re­ cords a11cl lJooks oif acco11nt� kept J')�r tl1e tax11a);cr t 1 11ncceptablc. A 11d Article 56 o.f tl1e $a1ne Proc1a'l111ation a11 1.tho1·i·se�c. tl1r 'fax Ap11ea1 Co1nmi Fsio11 to jn­ crease an assess111ent n1acle by tl1e Income Ta'X' A11t.l1oritv if it (leP111 s it jt1$t. Acccorclin ,g]y� t11e responde11 t rlepartn1c111: req11 e.ste·(l tll:i� · Co1rrt to affir111· tl1 e rlec1sion given lJ)r tl1e Coi111mis�i-on an{l apr>lie(l fot its exec11tio. n.

The tax a:�sessed hv t11e In1an,d Reven11 e Department ,,,.as EiJ.1.300. h111t the

Ta..-c -�-;ppeal Commissi,on increaserl i. I, : JJy �2�82] .50 a11,:-l orrlerecl the aip.pell anit : sh n to pay ESlLt,121.50. The appellant a1•,�11ecl tJ1at tl1e tax - 11]1 d . n ot l1 ave , been a:::­ .:i�ed by estimation� JJ11t -on tl1e basis 0£ t11e ac�co11. 11ts l1e ](ept. He itl1 en rern1est­ ed tl1is Court to q11asl1 the rle·ci.s,io11 of tl1e T·a x Appeal Commiis::i·on arncl or· der the respondent department to ffssess the tax on tl1e basi.s o•f what i-s rec-orderl in his acco11nrt hooks. He even proclllCP.d a copy o, f a , decision of tl1 e S1 1 preme Imperial Court in a similar ca·se ancl a�lcecl for a clecision tl1e s· a1ne line . 9. · , roc. No. The :first gro11nd o,f ;,ippeal m11st he ·disn1is�ed si'Pce _A.rt,ic· le 40 of p 173 oi 1961 empowers tl1 e Income Tax A11tho1·ity to at•Ec&s tl1e tax by esrtima­ tion if it fincls the taiXJ}ayer's aco11n,t :books 11n1·eliahle.

Ho1'\rever, tl1 is Co11:rt fin ,d•c. tl1 e Tax A11JJeal Co1nmfssion�s rlecisio-n arbi1rai·y l>eca11se it may exe1·cise th.e po"\-\re-1· 1re�tec1 in ij t b�r A.i�t:jcJe 56 of P1·oc. No. 173 o·f 1961 o•nlv 11 nde-r certain coifl!cljtion.s. It: mav inc.rea · se tl1e tax jf tl1 e T11 lanrl R r,ve11:ue Depa1·tJnent claims that it i- s too 101v; i,t 1nay 1·ecl11c� ·t.l1e tax if the taxpayer p1·oves t: hart the aiSsessment ,-va .s t: oo hi. g,1,, an·tl it ma}' ann11l the asse.-:,sment if it is prroved 111,at the aJ)pe11ant .cl ,icl 11ot ea·1-n anything. BtTt t, 1nde,1· no circum­ : own motion. Such a rlecision IB stainces rmay it increa'3e tl1e •asse.ssment or• t its comparable 1o condemnin,g a •pe•·n 1,vho a.ppealecl from a ,sentence of ten yeairs imprisonment to death. •

For t11e ahove rea.soniS tl1e clec1sion gi.ven hy t, he Tax A-p:peal Commission on A11gu5,t 5, 1964,, is qi1ashed. The ap ; pella11;t sl1a11 pa)r tl1 e tax assessecl by the Inlimd Revenue Deparbnent. Tl1e parties sihill bea1� tJ1eir Ol\vn coats, hut tl1e respondent .shall pay co11rit fees -,ccorclin,g to 1·eceiipt. A copy of this deoi,sion shal.1 he sent to :the Execllftion Office. •



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J1 1J 't,a1•: .C''l'l'l:1 = ,v• ,.l',.•(J,';(l__ 9 .. } ... }\..} ..�.. JI.. U·9 11 ,1,t,.,1-�:,,,.. : O{lll·ft": --'1\"}•Y· 1\ 1.P. r:,:n,1>• I flt,IP . 1 . J f ,; : t\(l.•l : : t\ (: ll'll(:·11(: e, 71.11,v·"i . , 1 t (D•(," : 0 l.}Jt,. ,,,- ,<;: (l}• : u,, }111· A ; '11·(1 : r ,,. � ,, (()• : {> ,,, 1,.... .,. "',··• :1· • : n c: : h ·t ·�1:9:c1n : n:-i,I\ (," : 1\ S'lll.l?1 r¼ ..l',(l)• : lJ /,.•l·i;:,,1-: O.l\1.J•l,, ... ,... 7,0:1"-. ; i'1.{1 ,,.,,;,e.r. : ?'' � P'(:'J·..l· 1)r,·,·: 1·: ·1-,1: .. e : (l/... ,cJ, Y..·: <1>.('.. : l-1? ;T"I\ : t\."l,�..: h·-f•',l)(l;l. : ·1.11.: J(?l•,�·: ",(lJ• :: f1Pt. .. t'J--',�-: /A?0.'?;c;: :1·•00 ;J· ,r>·: OJ.<'.. 07J .e.;..:1 > ,('. •fl;1•: •l;})%h: )1r,:t\_: i,UJ/.(l} .. : }\l·J(l)•(?: 11. "i,'}.1.Pt.: ". . ° t t1}·19"••;J"I\: fl·l•OD(\(l: (lf;: '1 7.�•t. •1 r ,· : ·l·n ;J·: ffltJ?'J: ''71\·I· I c/'"i: •• aJ•{li 1� : '-'1flt. :� fl().,l\,,,. 9 l1 t1"i.r:,. 11.P'.?• = ,T.,,,,-,·11:,. x ht1•'l"},,frn•: ,1,c;.11. = 1·11-r- = r,J.•t.•1-- �:,o., ,·tll:,. 1 t1'"'''·1 11 (lJ•• Y·'11ln.A: o,o-n• aJ·{l'l': .PA•·l•1ilflcf1: ' 1.e•• ;J·: fl.. 1:·(:: fi'i:(:}!�·: n.:,.: 011t1(Jfl: O."Jl}(D• : l\t'l ·'11.r< rJ•: . •Jt,::fr·: i1f\it.r/->tJIJ'l) n: ·{ll\ hi· ,. '(..: '(l''Jit(JJ66k: ')'-'t}"}.r:,.: '1 ?J!,-t.··11 ,11J tc1) -c1i,-1 t-•1..�:,,}- l\.e .,... •111.. = ,,Pt\tJ1 i f'_p,1,. t\&.�7'9', h"},�. \J.t.'101· : nc.c;. : fl,r/\/\• : l\(Jl>l,V.--1--: :}-·l\ 't,A::











1 11 /'�























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§ I c)t\ll. U : 11u't<11- 111t�,1•1;:w ..•} h1,.'t• : J,"},,;.m,1 1 : ,.PJ-',l1,11«: Oliq'):�: {!1,11 << {J,.,_,t--,,1--�: = '11/tJOC i1'lA nar)u'�. , «J?'r'C = It/9.i ° 9 h"}.r:1.: tIIJc.., ·:1:co•1?u : (lw•: i11..1. t-- : 0•1,)c;•11:1.: ht\tJf.\: '!lD·>>= ,,f·•,fll\ �':.J··m:c,:,11.."}: (lcw,1•1\(\lj: 1 0'' /lJfl?,-: j\llf.\'1 :1-: l\'i..: (JDt,'J:1-: 9ut1"1 .C' 1•: 0·-f·Il (l''Pt,�:,": 9° }J F},.r:,.: {l&.lfl&�: flJ!o : ittllJ'', : l.Pt,,,.:-;=,v.,: ,(', lfD aJII· : 1·1;.:J··1,e.n:,.: -'l.lL : �(i:?1,{? : ..�t\(D•; Ul>,{1·1: : filJl>•l\.• : .. ,.c11·f}.:J): WY.P' t,W•: i,'}�..o0 fl.(): OJ{llf}'tt\. ::.







-:: .- 347 •.




"' LABOUR REJ-'A1 I()NS BOARD . r EMPLOYEES' ASSOCl.1-\ fJON OF JOS. l�IA.NSEN & SOEHNE v. JOS. l-IANSEN & SOEI-INE Re.: The rlismi�sal o·f :i\'IESFlN ·oEI\1ISSIE Labour law - Bt,rden of fJroof in actiu1L .for reiristatem.erit - Art. 30 (c) Proc . '/\'o. 210 of 1963.



Ci1;il procedi,re - Burden of JJroof - Lribour Relation.� Boarcl. * Action by tl·ie e111.ployees' as, sociation of tl1e r,espo·ndent compa11y to l 1 ave a former em­ ployee of ilie co1npa'l1y re-instated to his job. 'fh.e emt)loyees' :t$SOci.atio11 a.Jleged that the em• p]oyee l1ad hee11 cUsn1issed 1J)ecause of l1is n1e111Jberslri1J J11 tl1e, associatio11 and that the dia1nissal t11erefore ""as u11la,vful under Art. 30 (c) Proc. No. 210 of 1963.


Held: The r,e-S"po11dent co111pa11y is ordered. to rein.state tl1e em1}loyee. In .an actio11 to hav.e an en1plo�ree rein.stated 011. tl1e ground tl1at lie bas been dismissed for bei11g a v1e111her of tl1e en1plo);ecs' associatior1, co11trary to Art. 30 ( c) Proe. No. 2li) of 1963 ! l\�bere the ,e..mployee is a 1ncn1!lJer and secretary of t.l1e a1ssociation, t11e action may not b.e c1ismjsse,d o.n 11:he grou :ncl that tl1e re1111lloyee .has failed to su_bmit proof in support of }1i� allegation.

l\1aska1·am 22� 1957 E.C. ( OctrJber 2, l96t1 G.C.); �1e1nbe1·s o-f tl1e Board: Blatta Tirfie S,ht1..111iye, Blatta Kifle Igzi Y:rl1cligio, Ato Yilma Ifailt1:- 'fhe emplo1rees' a.ssociation of Jos. If.a.r1se11 {!,z. Soeliue ( Et]1.) Ltd., loclgecl ,vitl1 tl1i 5 Boarcl • an ar)plicati.011 dn.tecl Jt,ly }LJ., 1964, 11n, de1· File No. 5, 11/11-29/56 in ,-vhicl1 it h� stated that llhc ernplo')"er, Jos. 11anse11 · & Soel1.11e, fi.r�t,,ecl .a letter of disc.harge on its emJJloy-ee, ...i\.Lo 1\1·e3,fi11 TJen1issie, ,vl1c11 l1e c.ame bacl{ froiu I�ampala, 1-v l1ere he 11.a(l a Lle11<letl a t.1: a.i11·ing sE"111 j 11a r in ·1,}1 e fielc.1 o,f ''LaJJ ollr R-e.latio·ns�'. _l\.fter t}1a't the eIDip1o)rer Lra11.sferr·ecl }Ji111 to cliJTe1·e-11t sections an<l complained tl1at lie ,va,.s ·nQlt ca 1)1�tble oI l1a.11cL}jn� ,t.l1e ,vorl{ a11cl ·1J1at l ie ditl not · co--o,pe-rate \\r itl1 the en1JJloyees. }i'innJl1r, tl1e· e1111Jloyer tlb�r11issccl l1iu1 colllra:)' to Article 30(c) of tl1e Lahottr l{e,latio11.3 l)ro ,cla111atjo11, Proc. No. 2]0 0£ 196 3, The n,p•plicam.t there,£ore, petit· ionccl :tl1e Bo,arcl to exarr1i 11 e ·1l J c 111nltcr aucl order tl1e return of the er11.ployee to h :is 1)02t.

As !)er i111Slructio11s

i,sst1e1 cl

to tl1e c1r1ploycr, Jos. Ha11,5e11 & Soel111c, tlie re· _ .

spon:dent s-tihn1i1Jted a W·ritten 1·e11])' da tecl A11 gt.1st 5, 196�l•, i,nse1:Le tl :iJ1 F11 e .No ·1 5!1 /l•l-31/56, a111!d a1so made a·,1 ora 1l st.ater11e11-L as follo1-,�.:1: The _ reias.on for : \: i om ,¥]JJC f u i f1le, disclicW:ge o.f Ato Meis-fin De'lni.�sie is evi c lent fro1n .l1 is J)er,so11aJ *

The decision of the St1pre1r1e 11.nperial C:ottrl on aJJpeal fron1 tl1e L Board's decision appears at p. 259.

8 b0111. Relations


348 •


failed lo vvit �1 tl1e otl1e1· emiJlO )'•ees or h tha t s,een be � wir t li it caill c a l', s l 1. �.£\i sr l1e . c,a,s11on s re r. so ,,1 al icl, btlt Ji e e1 p . _ l y s.1:r ,-vi s a , • e v . t a ia ecl rne , , ? clid m m i. Ji is ) r e. F111·the1 more, ,vhe11 ALo Mes1, 111 was preJ)nri,ng to leave i·o, for l(aminip not _ rLl1e c.on1pan.y •Io IJ,a.Tk 111 tl1e coi111Jai1ly'. s ga:i-age tlie d by tei 1· e c111es ,va· ; }ie aJa i :chicle ,vhich l1e l1acl JJ011gl1t fro'J11 tl1e co.111r,,t11y 011 creclit a11cl Joi· wli icli he li acl no contJJ 1_)' "''i.Ll1 tl1a'l reqt1esit. I·t aJ{)peru:s also 11e di(l b11t ' t pruce, fiill , tl1e paicl uot . 1 11 , ,vJ1ere lie was ltna·ble to 1ueet· that he ,v. as rt:ra11s.fer1·ecl to tl1e S1111e11; � So�t 10 _ Lhe reci11u·em,ents, ocf tl1e ,vo1·k. 'fl1e ernployer],ed its s1tbn1�stSioJ1 lJ y addjng tl lat the eillJJJ1oycc ,va•s \Vorkiing, in ,tl1e ''Sl1eba Cl1t1 l)'' la,te at nigl1t, at a time ,vlien he l1ad to rest as a 11·e�• t 1lt of \-Vl}icl1 .lie .came ]ate Lo ,vo.1:lc a11c, l ,vas paraJy­ zin•ir the 01)eralio11 ,of tl1e 1\"hole se.cti,011, ,vrticl1 g , ave am1)le 1·easo;n forr 11:iis djs. mi$�al. 'The eDl}llo)r e.r a3&et·,tec. l that t, 1l1.e::·e lJei'ng ,tl1c ireaso,11s ,for his clisclJ1arge, ·. his l>eing a key member 0 f Ll1e as£oci.ation 11.aicl r1otl1ing Lo do with the steJ)S taken by the co11.1pany. 1


The Boa1·cl then adjoru·necl tl1e case six t.i111es j11 ortler to st'ucly tl1 e n1e.rit3 of tl1e 1natter and to decide. At the l1earing on At1gtLsl ltl, l 96tl,, tl1e Boart, l exa1ninecl t11e lvrittten orail s, ttbmi�.sio1is of, botl1 partie.s an1cl o rc1erecl tb.e 0mp1oye1· lo ·s1t1) mit to tl1 e . Boar.d on A11g11st 25, 1964,, a.Il c, loc1unentary Jlroof in Stll)po r, t of its dei.ienc•e. 1

On tJ1e l1ea.ri11g elate of A.tlgl1st 25, 1964 ,: tl1e e. mployer &l1hmi.tted the fo l· iolv­ ing docllillen·�ary evidence to t:he Board. 1. Tl1 e letla: claLed Dec01nber 27, 1962, al, l! cl.ressecl to tl1e cn1ployee, reie1·s 1 to a previous letter datecl DecemJJer 4 .and notifies tl1e e,n1 11)loyee oJ his cli,s­ !ln�sal from his �-01·k a·s oi f Feh1·11ary 28, 1963, fo1· being ,a 1Jse11t fr,om lm job mmy tinle_s. 2. The letter elated Nove·n1bcr 8, 1963, a·d·dresse 'd ilO tl1e e11,11J]oyec, ·is n waa:ni11.g letter in 1vl1ich lie was notif, ied ,concernil1g l1i.s ,vorking at the '' Club'' dt1rin:g lta:te l1011rs ancl in -v.1l1icl1 l1e \Va•s ;told to 1�t01J) ·tl1ait ,vork or l1e. wou1d he discha1·.ged. 3. The letter datecl Nove111her· 19, 1963, acld. , i·e.�secl lJy .tl"Lo lV.Iesfin Demi. sEiie to the company in reply · to tl1e Ie- t . t e.r ruent, 1onecl in ite 1· 11 2 alJove, gives an ex­ planaition ·to tl1e efl�ect .that o•ne .l1as to '\\,o,rk oveJ:ti:i11e in orcler to i,rnprove J1is livmg sta.nclar,cl. 4. The letter ,datefl Decemller 3, 1963, arl(lressecl to tl1e em,p loyee, is an additio nal warning , letter asking l1i1n to CJllrt his ,vo.i·k at tl1e '�Sl1elJa Cli1b.''

5. The letter dated Febr,t1ary 17, 1964,, aclclr.essecl by the compa1ny to 1\.;to

�esfin, is a letter in ,vhich ,t l1c e,n1ploy-ee wag asked to h1·i11g a·r1:cl park l1i, s car .in ,the compainy's gara,ge ttntiJ l1e 1·eit11rnecl fro1n K.amJJala. 6. TJ1e letter datecl A1J1·il 15, 196•1•, sent t ])y Ato l\1esfi.n iro1n I(an.1! prula to the compan � y, is a lette,1· in whicl1 he ex1llai11ed ·1:l1e im.1lo1·1Jance o,f .J1iis t· 1·aining 1

349 -




Vor... II - No. 2

to t11e 1J11siue�s of tlie co111r,aJ1�r a11cl sa'i cl tli.a L tl1· e car i1is 11ncle it1 goocl conclili.011.


c111e�t· -- 1•00 \Va_� k.. ep t 1y

·1. rfLe lcLLcr rlate(l lVIay 2?, 196-l•� t1(l,l,.· r,.��c .1..l t.o tlit: c.111:1)1.�))·ec� i� a lette l' ll), _ . . m}>:lll) - <l1�cl1argr,I At<) lV1c.sfi11 as fror11 ivJ11cl1 tl1e co

Jt,.l)� 31, ]96cJ.. 8. 1"'he11 Ly a letter rla.t<'(I :J t,l�c 6, 196�J.� tl1c C()fllJ)aTI:)' l<Jl < l tl1 c Cl)])] . .... . 1 .o, ee · · :: tl1a,L lie ,\·as tr,t11 .fe1�rcc 1 to tI If.) �J111e,11s s· er:L1011 a11t 1 ,voL1.1 (I ,v,1rk Ll i crc llllli.l, l r . ,. r 111p1J l1i 111 tl 1 1- l1i:-: tli:'111i�sal j11f1). .l1c. it f11r <�011rlr1rl; l1is irnp1·0, etl . :: s � i of .llt ;� � _ _ 31, 1964, ,va,s ca r1cellccl }J e11cl111 g f llrt.l1er C< 111s 1 (I cra t.1<)Jl 11 ). t.!1 c cor11 l) a11. 5 lLntiJ A11gtlSt 31, ].961, . . 1 tl 1 c e.1111Jlo, ·cr 1, 1.e BoAr«:l tl-1e1t gra11lctl �t 11t11111Jer of <t<ljc,t 1 r1111 1c11l::- Lr, l '< 'r111il · tc, pro(lt1ce ail)" ot.l1cr <locl1111e1tlar); .tJr<1()f cir 1vit11c.:::�c:-: itl Ll1is 111allcr� a111 I fi�a.l­ ly the c1111Jl0) C.r o!Icre,J aR il:- \vitttc:-s Jlr. l,<'ll('r� c;l1ic·f <Jf <)Ile c)f tl1r, scctio11� oJ :lie co1u1,a•J.)-. J.'l1e cr111JlcJ�·ce olJjl:<�lr1I l<> 1l1c· l<'.:-li, 111(i11:· c>[ tl1i.:; ,,·it11r .:- �) sayirig; tlJat tl1e Yrit11('.-::3 ,,0 r�-- l1.iB all,•f'r.;;ar,• r a11rl ,,-�t;-; 011c of tl1c rea:--l>11,s for l1is tli,cli ar,,e� 0 1'1Je Boal'tl� ]1a,·ing: i11 111i11rl il , :. - alJi. li1.:- lc1 \\ 'f 'i :; l1 tl 1 l: cyi,l<"11ec o[ 1.l1. i � ,r.itnes.,s, allo,vctl, J 1 iu1 to gi,·e tl1c f1,lI 1J\r i11 � .-:\v,J r11 �1 a l<"'.Ill(.:-11 l. 1




'J�l1c ",-it11 P�s �taletl i11 ::'l1ort tlt�l i1c <·a111e Ill k. 1111,r _.\11) �lc.:fi11 ,vhc11 . � \. t o }\fesf,u \•\"a5 ,,r urk. i11� llll(lcr ]1i111 Ll1c .'lt)l� C :-- 1)1..'JJaJ'llll('Jlt. 1fc -aid tl1::1t: al­ ri1ot1g.l1 A. lo �\lc::1111 ,r::t.3 c-<.>- c,111·1-ati,·e i11 tl1,· J1,·µ:iJ111i11µ-� Ile Inter rn�u�r,d i11 }Ja(l cottlluct ,,·l,i,�11 ,ro..s 11nt i11 li11e ,ritl1 1l1t'. t:01111,a ·11� \; r11lc::. --11cl1 a� co111iug late to ,· vorl,.:: h<.�ing; a ]Ju<I (.' '\:a1 1 111l1: l<) tire t>Ll1Pr e1111>l<)�·c·e.-.: . ar11l (lisacrc<'ing ,,·iLl1 l1i:­ '"'-orku1alc.s. '.l.'l1c ,,-it11e�:-- fttrllt(�r .•lalc1I 1l1al 1\1. . <J _ \lc�. fi 11 ,rn:- gi,e,1 ,,·rilte11 a11d c,1·al \varr1i11gs co11ccr11i11g tltc,c 111allcr::,, J)11t tl1,1L 1 1c lli<I Jll)l' iutJ>ro,'e l1i:"1 cu11Ll11.cL or Lli�ci11li11r l1i111::-c]f. �fl1c11 ll1c C'JllJ.>lu:f"I' i11for111ccl 1l1c ]J:>ar1l tl1at il l1a,,I Ilt> <>11:icr cloct1111e11t! 01· \-,·i,lrte.::::-c� lob,:: l1cHr1l i. ,1 tl1i;-; t·r1,<�. 'l.'J1e JJcJar1I a:--kc·<l 1\lt> .\le-fi11 ;[ lie ,ra11ted · IC) 1Jr()tlttce ,vil11c '"-P� 011 l1i-.. J>nrl; a1111 l1c �aicl tl1at J1r ,rr,11l<I 11dl 1>rn1]ut..:c ,,·i.t­ LJ1c JJcsse" 11or s11l'.>111jt cloc111J1c11lnrv• c,;;-j(ic11c.:e �ir1er tl1c c,·i1lc111· t ' .":-11l)111itlcd IJ). • elOJ).lo)·cr !Lael 1>ro,·ccl l1i..; r·,1�e.

Bc-i.r1g a\A,'3l'C ll1at it j_.. 1.l1r tl11L:· ,,r tl1<� 1l<>ar,I lo l >ri11g tl1e {'lllJllO)-Cl' and 'l11e en1J>lo�-ec LogeLl1er to , ..: c·ttlc Ll.1< cliff erc11cc.-:; a1rtica1tl )• ,\rithou.t seelci11ig t�Jc j11Ler,re11tio11 of tl1is lloarcJ, ,rario1 1 s a,ljor11·nITT1e11Ls 1vere gi,,et1 il1 tl1e l1ope of Sttch a S<)ltLLi<Jn: a11,l J)oll1 1,artic..:- ,, ('re r<'J>Cat,·<lly a,I, i :- etl lo �etLle the 111allt'l' hy· tl1CJJ1:s,�. B11l ll1.c J>arl it·:-- L<>11I tl1c Jl<>,1rcl tJ 1 al . I l1c) ctJtild 11 0L rcacl1 :tr 1)· agree1ner1t au(i a:-k.cil tl1c Ilc1arcl f<1r a 1li•<'i..,i< >Jt. _t\ < ·t<Jrcli i1 gl), l.lll� l3t>arll e.xa111i1 t· ed ·tl1e final ar1lJ111i..: .... jo11.:, <l[ .IJl>ll1 11arlit·:-= : 11.:ite(I Scr1trJr1]1(�r :!3 :t11'1I 28� J96 •1 � aii<l · g L \TC.S tl1.e 1o]J ('i,v j 11 g (I ,. .. ,. j _... j () LJ. r1e1·eb)r 1. Bccat1i::c ·tl1e aJ )jJiicar1l, _t.\.t,_, l\1r�.fi11, j.., a ltlt'llll > c�.r ,111,I l"eerf'lar)' of. tLe ro�­ r•lo)-'ees' a�.3ociat.io11, tl1e Bl)Urt'I car11101 gr :.1111 �I 1 e ctll.J>lc) y«-'r'� re1111csl tliat _ t.l,. is anatter he cl<)5-e(I on tl1e grot1.11tl l'11aL tlJf! e111t,1 < �,·ee l 1 a;-; fail<:tl. l() J>ro,"e Zt • as,' e ·c Jlo) 11 e11 1egation tl1at lie ·wa-s di�'lui.ssc<l on. I)' for bei 11...., � a, 1110111'1 J er of tlLc . . soc1atton.




r '

•, I






2. T.lie cloc11111e.nts -�Ex]1illit: 1-9) a .re 1_:llf\rs ]J)· ,,-]Jic.11 tl i c eJllJ.Jlo)·ci· clLq­ .11(' Sl1 e]Ja �01· ,v_o rk111g t �l� ) lO}'CC cm1 Clttl) at 11igJ1t-ti,itc; foi· JJo'; : chargcfl tl1c _ heiiig 011 �oocl lc1·.111,s ,v1.tJ� Jiu, �tl))er,,;1.s,:>r� �l1111 ,,· ork.111ates; for Ct)Jlii.1io· late ti) \vork; aricl for ltavi11g fai.lccl to .ke('_J.• tltl' car i11 t••-c·rl)'�e g[-trrig , :.. J 1 1 t.l l c lette.r.s <11) 1101 eo11-t .ilttl(� g(Jocl r<�a:-: 011:; for li t e' c,, 1• I. loard's OJ)i11io .11, tl1c saicl · _ plo) 'ee 's cli�111i:sal ar1<l, � l1e1:<:� urc. t 11.c·,· ,ll'P 11ot <·011�i,J.crc,l E,trffieicrtt e,�i <I C 'llC�c tJ1c cl1s1.111s�al ·,vas .Jll�t1l1ctl. 1

\�fitl1 r c.garcl lo 1l1c (Jt1(•�ti0.r1 of tl1c ti111c tl1al .ll1e cn11 ,lt) )'C'C i.� f:ai ll to · have ,rastcll, t.l1c c1111 >loyc-r, alll1c>11�l1 J1a,,i_ 11� l)c(�r1 a'.•,kc,I t<) 1,1r1J<l11ce: ca11nol prc5e11L tl1c lLJJte-ll<><>k t(> t>ro,;e -�<>. 'J'.l1c c-1111>Jo)'er al�o failc(I · for Lo pro,'e t-l1a.t. an)" n11101111t l1a(l llC('ll /l <'.l l11e1lctl fr(\.111 tl1c CJ11J,_ )lO)'cc\; salar)r coming lo ,vork 1,tlc. '1'11<' c11i1)lo)·c-r ,va.:- aµ:ai,1 a.-k.<·11 .to J.>ro,..e 1))- tt n 1ecli('al ce.rtif1cate tl1nt tl1c e1111>lo)-Cf' l1a.3 catt:-lf'tl ecr,l,ti11 <la111.,lgc lo t.11(' C<)1 111>a11)·'� ,vc,J : k r k . r ,ro lo e t . a a� r,::.1t.ll la eo111i11g ar1,l of -11!! al tl 1C' S1 1C' l >a ,,,orki ill l)ec11 , l1aYi11g }J)" . Cl11b late al 11igl1I: l,t1I tli t· e.111r>IO)'<�r·cl lo 1>ro1l11ce all)' s11cl1 <'Vi t l<'111:c-. 'J."l1c clll J)lo)·rr ,,·a,::. a::-kc1l lo call as it::. ,,· -i.t11c•:-,:-r-� (�1111,lc,ycc:- of tl 1c co1.111Jan)" otJ 1er tl.1.111 )fr. l,rJlcr to 1 >ro, e I l 1at 1l1e r1111,l<:>:'Ct� ,,·a:3 Jl()l 011 gc1o(l lc· r111� \ritl 1 I i i�. ,,·ork1ualcf� ]Jill tl1e ClllJ)lo):«:r $ai<l t l1al it lta<I r1() (>ll1cr ,\·i111e.::,. e ..:, 'J'l1c J1oarcl ta1111ol. rel�.- 011 Lite c,·icl<'lle<� gi,·e11 l)y i\1 r. l,clJr-r a::- le) tit(' eor1,I LLCl of tl1c c1111{� si11ce l\J.r. l(t·lJr,r� i11 1 1i, ;;; o,v11 statc111c:1t� a(lor )lO)'ee lo l�tle g co111ir1. 11is \\'01· J : 111ittccl tl1al altl1ol1.g] 1 11c ,vas I l1c CL111-1lo�·cc'�' �111>rrvi�or. l i e l 1 as 110t kept at1 )r recor£1 of t11c alleg;ril ]Jafl cc,1.1:1lr1c.l or lakc11 ,lO)" �I.C.\J.> agai 11 :--l tl1 c e111"' l1t� c11111l<)� er 011 its i>�trl •c.a1111ol 11i-c>(lttec a11)· otl1 cr c,,i,. 'l li111e. plo)·ee al ,tl1e deuce to sl_10,v tl1at tl1e c· 1 111 >lo)r cc ,ra.-5 ,l1�el1rtrg(�<I ft,r goocl ca11sc. '--

3. I:Iaving exa111i11erl rlc1,c:11111e11l:- s1tl1.111itlc(I b�, tl1c c1111>lO)'Cr a11ll tl1c eru1)loyee: tl1e Boar<l .l1as co11<: :lt1clr�,1 tJ1at tl1c cl.ifrrrl�11ces }J0l,vc-c11 t.l1e il.i-r,uting 1- 1arlics arose al tl1e t;111c lite c·1111- 1l<.l)'Ce�' a��ociatio11 ,,,a.; for111cll a11cl 1l1eir l1i�­ · J1i,$ JJ. rc1-1aralio11 lo lea, c �green1cnt heca.1t1c ,vor�e ,vl1c11 tl1e e11111lo)·ec 1Je�a11 Ior Ka.n111ala f01· trai.1 1irtg ir1 ll1c Jic�.l(1 t1f I.. al>o tlr .l{e Ial io11s. <:0-113ic 1 cr i.11 g tJ 1 c fact tl1al Ll1e ertl-J)'1o)'Cr Lr,t11sfi:"rre,ll tl1e c.1111.)lo)·<�c Lo a 11e,,' lecl111iral .:-ccti.011 a11cl Ll1en con11>lai11c(l of l1is .ina])ilit)· l<) COJ-1<" ,,·itl1 1l1c ,,.. ork l)eforc 11.c \va.; givc,1 a1le.cr11alc ·Lrai11i11g; ar1cl tl1c f ..tcl' tl1at 1J1e e111J Jlo)·er lli�cl1argccl tl1<' en .., flcr lie rclt.1.l'JlC(l frr)Jll l(a111r)ala all.'(l. .,ri1J1011t go<)1l . 111lo)rcc tl1rcc clay ; s 1 rcaB011; ar1<l cor1�itlcri.11g , tl1e faet t1Jat 011e o f tl1e r. t'f"L�o,11s for tl1e /li-8111is�a] of tl1e en11 ) loJ,ee ,\·as t.l1�1l J1c failc1.l lo J)ro1.l1t('e fc,.r &afckcc1Jj11g t.l1c car lie l1afl. } J t1rcl1a::-cfl 011 crc<lit: tl1e Boar1I is; o f tl1e 011i.r1io11 1l1at. nor1c of t.l1c:-:e gro1111cl.:­ co11slill1lc goo(l ca11sc for Ll1e tli3t�l1,:1 rge of t. 1 1e c1.111)lO)'Ce a11cl tl1at tl1c eru1)loyer J ia.:: lrcatetl tl1e c1111>l(J)'Ce.�s ea�e lrr1f,1irl)r. 4,. TI1ereforc� tl1.c JJoar(1 i.:; of tl1e 01)1r1ion tl1,rt tl1e c�rttJ>lo)·cr l1as -cli�cl1arg­ L rticlc 30(c) erl tl1c er111)loycc ,,ritl1c11tt gc>oc! eati.�c, ,vl1irl1 act is ro11tra-r)r lo _ \ of t.l1c Lal1ot1..r l{ela:lioJ1:, Procla1.11a,t.io11. P1·oc. l�o. 2]0 of ]963: ,vl1icl1 s·tates''Lliat ll<J c1111>lo)'Ce sl1all 1:ic cli-sc:l1argeil · .for ]:iei11g a 111cml)cr of a11 c1n1>lO)'Ce;' : associati.011 ,vill1oltl goocl ratl$C�'. \\; <' tl1ereforC' J1a,·c. cl.C'ci.(�ed tJ1a,t tl1r e1nplo)·ee sJio11ll l he rei11statecl anil tJ1at lie i:: e11titlctl to all of !)rc,riolts 1·.igl1ts.


ll/l • °1-flC 1 *


f1\1C, ar llrs· • 10.: UDJ» l.,f: 0.:1" 2 o.e°lq':lj • (}� i\f,: rroo�m•"'), �1}CJ(lan,4>mr r r+lO • .e "l'l� ro-1}1 ! -OJ•a�; : h<t: � OOl/.�"l°l: .e'?'l� = 'l.e: S 14121.50 (>,Ft.: i',t-1·: rr .u: 1\'}� • ao.y., .r1,f , h'}�•: -OC 111,9°•' = l}'}.-f:9°) : }\'}.4.ll�/t• • •l·mJ?,,J>'PA 11


,l19°l'b= z•ji: 4'1:


= q. 9°. :: f'l"flC= . _e,"1'11: hijAv1� r-t,,f�: ;jf,ft :

/AO A : U ,,fl+ : 7.,V"C'tii � 7'"9°0,!\ : i-1 .. t1t'P11


h.,f = lD/:\f.. = h(TiJ)•ii.A.

f,"1'11 : . 'l{t = mn:P :fw·1


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= = 'h1'-�u,9'1' = 11:P = 'lh = 7..1-i = &1:-- : ,,,1,1:: : n.lf1 •�',il: f·'Pf1•rj(D•: frfarq�: :,-(:·(i:. : 1 ilC: "'li'}··t1; ,: htLu--9°: = u-tt', : ·1•Clj: = h1�"}J.': : " tl. : �'?lf f9°o mw· = flQ'-"lt• = 'lv



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nft.119° 1 00·1t1l19°: 10..t;: W/Xl_�"}: ll1•ni1�.:. fUCJ...J!ill"6/:t �: O,l '}: .f?'IC 1 ll}«(ltp : 1fi.. : : 001f1f!,"} : f�1:p�ro· : mr.Q.�:.'} : ltt\ODcf'll/,\ : (l.A : UD/tTI".'f'(,0• : $ 4.234.000 i;t& 1 nfl-- :f ,J--nt..Iitar : fl'l•>/ ,,(l: 0Dlf1Q7.:l&' : �161!': Oil,,.f•cf>C: 111/.. Vf,,O : 0011,q:fm.. = <D•IXI. flillPJ..tlil : $ 42,536, 71 1 f



flt. �. l>ftil. : $ 935 .215 : fl i"'l(I,;...:,-.: f8R�:,,: Ill\ 4-·fl t1h9l:f : $ 256,I 37, 05 2 w«(L: ODho"}"} : $ 41.800: 'l"i'•ll: 7i,11'Pt\ : fl.fl"= .,,c:114-1' = h:PC


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A� I (t.,[\-: nOOt\hrf:






hH.tJ : O�l\• ,,l--(}h,lD•: 1"61 lt�ll= /\,l1 '1•fi: ,.,.. fl'P OJ•(O :h'}

• f°loflc • 1,°lrt� • -,..q1a. ,· fflmm• • �c� , o.e"l'l� : ,,,cc•ll·1· , h'i!-f•�m- = 'i:c�: ' o.:,. • fi'lmw• , �c� • 1K- , ff©i , l\.e : .e1:r-A • - 352--



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Ta.ratiori. * tl1c J11la11cl lle\'e11ue J)e11art111e1Jt's asses:;n1t:nl of tl1e nppeJlant's jnro . 111e


flP.[d: _<\ss.es3J11ent inrrease<l t.o E$14 ,121.50.

l�Iatttl(' 29. 1�)56 }�.C. (2\�1gt1;::t .::;. 196-J C.C.) � ,Ier11l,er. � <)f tl 1 c f'.on1nii,­ sior1: Hai. l e t,cL1l r�Ja])l(• Cic,rgi�� (·:a J>lai. 11 1 1:) a?,ll (;('"1 1 r<' lla,,·: 1rial. ._ \.Lo .�\,;. �efa Ifa,,•az� t\L <> \\iolcle _:\111,1.1 1 11c:']'. J\_t (.1 �\c��n l·'a11l,1. 1·.Iaj. _ \lr11l .. )aker Slicrif:-­ �'l1(!ll a::-k(!<l 110,v 111L1c.·l1 1_,r<)fil l i t' 111ac'l1.· (111 ,1 -�r 11 1i11 tal·· ( lOl)() k�.'- I. 1) 1 " ap­ }Jell.nnt ar1s,,·crec:l Ll1at it ,,arictl fr()Jll l•:s] .01) lo 1-;:s 0.,.). I3ttl. li e a d<le·d: llOl f'\"Cl.l tl1at, lJecatr�r tl1erc ,rcrc ti 111c� ,vl1e11 11<� �<1lcl al a l.1),:::. .-\z1Yl10 'I',·., J1( ' ;;aid. hi� cx�1en_e:: art<l J>rofi.t '\\'f'r(' fai·tJ 1f11lJ)· r(•<·<,r(lr·(I i r 1 l1i.-: J_1oc;}�.-l. a11,l Ll1C' J 11 lar1d lle\'ClllLc De1)art111c11L r�jeete1l tl1c ac<·<1t111l� 11<' l'-c·1,1 :-:c) a . .; tl<)t l1) iz1cl 1 1 1 le l1 i ::- px:11e11�­ r.:.: a11r] tl1e1·c-l,)1 l<),v«·r tl1C' ar-;-,_:,-3111c-nl • ,


. 1�.lic l 11la11,J 11c,·c1ltrc l)('j1art111<�1J t·s (leJ"e11ce ,\· a-:: I Lial a..-:i 1 IP f r(,111 1l1e ES4:23:J,OOO ,, ·urt11 of �ale.- :;]11,,, r1 j 11 J1 i- l)<)<.ll<.:-:, 111(' clJ >f><·11a11t l1a(l .-:ol<I l�S-J.2.5:16 \\·01·tl1 of grai:.1 a11,I flottr lr1 ·"--· ,'liko�. ES935.2J:i ,,·0rtl1 of tl11• �a111e ilt'111 to :P. Sa1�ri3, $256�]37.05 ,,·ortl1 C)f gl'air 1 a11l, l flOllr le, 111<..' !\:::-::.ocialf'«l ()il l·'aclorie:: a11d ES.J..l,800 ,vortJ1 of grai11 a11<I flc1L1r lo ..:\to \\1 011JJ(c; j-lal--: <)1111e11. .111 ::-111J11ort of it3 allegation;:; jt st1l111t1 Ltr·,I t.11(� .li�l of' tllf'..;<• F=aJf', lei tllf' l�<1111.t11i..:�io11. 'l'l1r a: J>J)ell:111t saicl tJ1,1t lie J1acl 110 fl1rtl1f'r ,,, ·ic'll�r 1i·e to i11tr1)1lt1cc a11tl re,1 1.1c::tc(l a 1.lf'ci�io11 or1 the basis of t]1e c,·i. r lc11<:c aI,·ct�tl,r itllrr,ll11(•c·1I. 1\. ftc>r ,Iuc tlf'Jil>,'raliu11 1l1t Coin• f 1uis.ion rli.s1,f1ferl r>f tl1c 111atLer a:- . c)ltc,,v:-:: 1



'' I'l1ot1gl1. tl1(� .rnla11.1l ]{c,·en11c ])c11arl111c11t l'<�jf•C-l(•tl tl1e acet)lllll:-< kept }))' . _ tl1e 8[)£.l<!llanl: t11erc ,,·a:=- 11c1 C<>11tro,c·r�.)· a,-; tc1 tl 1 c· i 11 (·111t1<'. lt lia.-: l)ec11 c�L:iJJli: :li­ ecl tl1at tl1c ,·early .-:.a.l e \•;a.:t 1:;s 1.1.: -�9()_J:-17. illl(l :11 1l1r· r.:-tlt' (Jf l.>'; 1l1c n11Jlt'.'lla111'� ptc)fit a.01011�-t.;:: l<� f;S6.'>.1�S2.�>S. Nt•\V' · J J111 .'.::11a11t I<> tl1 r- t)c,,\"cr VC'ilf'fl 111 1}11:i Co 111• 1t1ission b)1 •.t\rti(!lc 36 c,[ J "'lroc . No. ]7�; of 196�1, ,,·e i 111 ,e r . ai�<'tl tl1e lax Lo 11 } 1 r ' , J ) b) tlie Ul)J)Cla11i I.(\ 1-.�s·,. .2.12.5(1: tl1. r tll.ll(JIIJLI 1 1( 1l f "/)(),itc1I ,,·11cr1 lie .lodge, tl1c aJlfJeal to be i11l�"IL11lcc'I tl1Preir1.'' •

The clecis.ion of the Hig]1 Courl 011 atlpeal fro1n tl 1 e '.l'ax 1\1)1)eal Con1m1.ss1o 11"' a,pJlears at p. ;{.JQ. .,




f'tt.1:·r-P.·,.e : faJ'}:�:l\'i:: on:/'6L].: }'\�.e:: (

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hil·l:'fi } : l\•OJ"}"ii•I; } I 11. :,.

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- 376 -




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-381 -


> "' · : • f :, {l,fd1D}c:'kf: fh'l°ll .' q,on,l- l'l�"WJ'7 : h� Yw. : W•fi'JI' : fs1�:A • 5$ 7'tLlJ I 61--fl, fi.OV·t...,l,hr h ,LJ·c: '}f h>tO: ;11cl/: 'h_ '},�mlll= '(lli]9°: flfllt.aA;JA :1 56 fl,n1ff1'£ : •,,_e •:, "hf..'"1:,C: : u'lth.,;l:C : <D· {lT = .rllro<l fu7�•,nt.� : 111 : /\Y: �1T : h'i!A,, : l'I�" : fUoiuatf(D<}: hC¥°j?f : lfllonm"(l.t�"''i": 't\l,1:1 n"" il-i"¾. fl c , n·h t AJ!-:f: noAi19° (o 1-o) hm fl·o � = Jr11' .f!..,. � f,,,..."�I\ = tJ,11°1 t.41!:P = 067'0.'i�:,-. : 1\1, : �-(Jr :J fTA.fl = ti(i:t\9°= fA,:1:, : 1·?.� : po"l{JD n : A 1 /th:,.: A�• t1�t\ : o:Pc,,n i ' h�;i: : l1. F...a-Dd U·9 : 1f'}'1•'J,il : ,,oq: IP/ H;, � 1 ft-T'i" : Y, fJ, �- : f(.ID(l fr = f:C1:-,;f•1"-- ro. m.. t, UI/. ir; : 1, {} tim� ,,,,..-;r. f ·fOD1c; �: : fl :J'"91 �'} r h O nl-1�" : r(D flH ,:f::1:: It'h9u>C:ij" : ,)1� ti:,. : rt oi. .,. lj:;rr:f::{)TID"J·r· ; f°trP/\rr-�-t1:fm- t i1�1": f8?.{lt,� = ti«)J..ii'l. R."c:e.:,r• T"> : lf'J/ !I:9:9° , l9"°l€f1 A :.: fl iifi : uo m1: 'l taf... lfd.. : hert.,,9,:,·. rt<IKJ.&.'A {ID. CD'}!e:fl0 oohlttlt\.t:;: l\�H"t.J9°: tJJll},,f�':j'... : 'J·"},Plll:: IIl/ ,,f.:ldJ: li fl&.t\1<: 001]'�-1 : ftODlP.1! : h.:,«r•t;·f : r,11f:i'· = ·{l:J«IJ''}9° ; 1,]t;. : i'l. ll'lc : J!l1f: hllfl/{llJC. , unf...t..•1 .. : OD{!\l'}9°: �me�= Ill, 1 ttf,f..Ch : "11










:,_,.rd .C',





= ra1,:�: tt ,;: ,m :,,,.11.. ;1, e11 11ttu ,, fl 1\.£, = w· = 7._•,,,.q: = q ;-,. ?a· r m :,, "" 'h:,,cp'] ' : £Cf/, ,.euo h h :,« : /\GJJ,C = OD't; hlmJ,, : "f m,. :: il I\ •l"'1t6. (l}• : ;,. 1 hH..U : ffll\.m : 'tlC'tlC :. ,r,,r:J-- : ft.Ol1GLbOVC : f;;J:f,A I ill\ : i)f\:1- : a}n:,.: f i'\6..�?iOO•} °11: fU,:Z�: -OJip(Dc: 'fl«JSJD: }i1){l..-1-..};::: '!lD· :! tliD.�J: 01v:i•: /\'} �;r ·r(l)c : fih"lfl· : ;h'? : lO-il'r , O•l"1hi.:9-.c = onv,l..•t· : ,Bi 'lfi1" , l,1'.t;.u-9° h�rf•�: f '11\0'1?>l- : CJDi'thA'i" = (lql>{fl,,l: � f1 ;,,,,�- : m•il//!' : f1°Jl.. J..iOD·•fl.:1": h1,\ =\'} 1 OD'1hA: h'i: : .fft: A�'t;t·: }\it�= Af-�:'j�: n°n1.pe11-n'�i"fi: tt�.:x�, u e J hf1·�oo o (I 1 "h1It'lfl" = ,w 1J.' l: "'E fti'� ; fl (a·; t-\:,,, :. 'l'''t:1- = f,1--,, ."1 t. r ,: ?°C'i : f,rfl4-4- : r:,,9°u(:T : /JY.:'t\ : 1,"},�.'fC : (ltl]9'' : .('flt.A;JA =� (ID/A '19°: tti;e:a,oac : ,f-�C� A r, f� 11..usr0 = :1�-01c:1�.. : OJJ' C : -fl O t\,r� : hf;J�{D'P : 00'/.Y;c; 1 -:f°I e:,; = 01, tJJ, l ?f' = ou � :1, .rl "' i'1:r- a>�1- = >, '1J -;,,,i •, .. ,u.,. = A0 ·1 ,)� = tI ,, . :,.r�A·f : (DcflT : f11 l·f•PJ:f· = �I\ 1'"·1• : ,flJlf 1•9° : f,,,..!.f Ol:J·;J· OJ' :: ss. (1\,t{l r 1',fl'l • -ocv,c.- c (ti\� 1 'P/•'l•'"l.f I n.:,. 1 !!!f!l�) f 11..· 11 rxf? :i 56. hl\_e,, ll°IC1. , "'lll;rm7(, n,J!;r,: = !1:Z , f,f·m,1�t1,o�'} • rt1<i:•J·}i: = r,:,:.�·: n.:1- 1 rmt111· J\'J'L?J":f• I '":f1ft0;[•; fl<D"ij'>:A O }•J(:: cJ!,i'.;ffj"jf/;jf,: q_ 9-n. {'OJ(l}{f1•'}: •J•{flJt.\t}•j' :: �(.j.';: ,, >· . 1 0.-f.i, nn.v.. , m·t)>. ODtXt,t..?f a h1'P,.U 1 "(l!l.A ,1 '',.:cJ?.·= o.•l: : r,1.u·= 'i:,: <1. = r�, J. (:_, "7m:til.f. t,u I 'i'!C.Y.: l n..:,. r (lmrr1:,• • (1}'}1:h-r-:,1·- I ll.e: 1,tJ•'} : (}{\m�: ,1,"} = •/.•l· (tanfj'!�$: 1 f "7.f,;Jl{'OOO)"i : h� 1 f fl ' :f·OJC : f""L1/.\K" : �-,, •.(j! � (ll1(j!•f·�(D• 1 c,.:c.��n.:i• I TfutfA'}:,. I Oh·A 1 il.-i..hfl?- I fh.1C• °1•1:,. I "1.).fl•f;C'i : fl·l--h(l?- I ft;:C,f,.•. "'Lt ll..,_c • 1'-JJl.'\h , filllQA .. '' J














l f ! I


THE PENAL SYS1"E1Vl OF E fHIOPIA By Steven J..,owenatei·n

J.i... aculty of La1· v, Haile Sellassie I Univeraiity

I. The Legal Setting B �o1·e the advent f L11e �evenlee11Lh centu1-y, th � penal law of Ethiopia °. _. � pr1111ar1ly a n1atter of d1ve1·se custo1na1-y J)rac·LJ.ces, aJ,though ho,th ithe a.:, � . 1 Church, concer1111ng mo1·al rnalte:1·..s, and at bi.1nes, a , n Em1)ei·or at othei· tim es more localized kings, e:nJorcect wha1t mig,h t he ter,med penal s�ctions concern: y of })enal ing th °'.-� ma·�tei·J �ectl)r affect �g their power.2 No i· ntegrated bod , � _ 1egislat1on existed, ho,veve.r, unLil some time in rLhe s,evenrtee.lllth centU1·y when the ··Fetha Nagast'' or ··La·w oI 1he l(i1, 1 1gs'' ,vas intro,tluced ti.nto Ethiopia. 'l'he }'etha I�agast is a •sophisLicarted corupi· lation o·f legal .prescriptions concerning b-0th 1·eligio·u.s and ..secular ma·tte1,a vv1-itlen ci..n a1)1)roxir11ately the tlw:teenth cenlu1·y in .E gypt a5 a guide for a Christian p-0pulation living ,vithin i\loslem sociel:)r.3 Originally ,.vrrtten in Arabic, an<l inco·rporating • la:\v from the ()ld an<l Ne,v 'festan1ents togethe1· '\-Vi th l{oman, Canon and some 1\1.oslem pre• cepLs anJ the 1)1·oceedi, J1:gs of Ll1e early co un.cils of Nicaca and Antioch;' it \ras u:arulated in Ethiopia into G · e?ez, the ancient Ethiopic langt1age, and ap• !)lied Ll.uottgho11t Christian a.reas of the •ooun·try by the Ch11rch.5 1\.s is coml�hjs a1·ticle is cor1currently in l\iilner (ed.), JJ e1ial Syatems of rl/rica (1965). l. 'l'he Ethio1lian Urthodox Church, Iounde<l in the lou.rlh century on the doctrines oi ::>ai.I1t ftlark, is the .Established. Chw·ch oI the Em1J1re. Art. 126, l:i.evisecl Constitution of 1Y55. In that. period of Ethi 0pian history, the emri1re ,vas 1·eslricted lo the central and uorlhern h.JghlanJs i\"hich ,vere almost entirely CJ1ristian. 1'oday, ho'\-vever, the country is much expanded and includes large l\'Ioslem and 1>agan populations. See M. I>erham, 1'/ie Gouern111er,t of EtliioJJia 101 fl. {1948). 2. 1-;,rom the fall of the Ax111nilc lungdom, Ethlopia11 history has vacillated bet\veen centra• lized control slemming from a ca11�tal city and its r11ling Emperor, and the constant re-emergence of localized kings a11d centers of 110,ver. 'fhe Emperor receives, even today, the 1-\..mbar.ic Litle of ··1\J'egusa Nagast" meaning "King of Kings". See "The Chronicle of the Emperor, Zara Yac1oh (1434-1468) ", 5 Ethiopia Ubser'ver 152 (1961) ; 'l'he Chronicle of Ba'ede l\!Iaryam tl,168-1478) ", 6 Ethiopia Observer 63 (1962) ; and more generally, l:'erham., op. cit. �t 69 ff., 138 ff.; ll. Pankl11u·s� Eco1iomic HiJtory of EthioJJia 119 ff ., (1961). 3. The Fetha i'�egast is reputed by Ethiopian tradition to have been written by ''Three Hund .red Sages", that is, the Selest Meeti, the 318 Fathers of the Church. See Graven, lnLroduction, Le Code J)e 1ial <le l'Enipire d'Etliio11ie ( Centre Fran�ais de Droit Compare. 1959) ; Aml1aric and English translations, 1 J. Etl,. L. 207, 267 (1964) • 4. Perl1arn, op. cit. nt 139 5. The Fetha is still available only m Ge'ez exce� t for � single lr� n�la-tion �to . Italian p11blished in Nnple� jn 1936 by tl1e acholar, Ignazio Grncli. An English translation by Abba Panlo·s Tsadna, Dr. Pol. Sc., Dr. Jur., is pr.e.sently being prepared under the auspicea of the Facult7 oJ La,v, Haile Sellsssie I Univer.uty.


JouJL�AL OJ! ETHIOPIAN LA,¥ - VoL. II - I�o. 2 .

, f, the Fetl1a Nag::1-st mo11 in .ea1·ly -C"r.i:m.i.nal legi..8lation, :t he p,ena·l :seo�ions o tend 6 , f :tl1e entil.·� w0 - 1·k. Neve1·tl1:eles,s: the conce. to blend with tltc religiouB ca.Bt o ts qrunte advalllced ·fo , n:- itheir ltime.7 p of pei»al liability �t out in t· l1e law were - U!5!l-0mary law }la��uicula1r1,)r in non- Cliris Tl1e Fetha Nagast to;gethe1: wiLh c _ ­ tian areas of the Empire rem.a1ncd th,e app �1cable J���al la"\-v of E,thiopia until Novemb , ei· 2, 1930, r the day ,of itl1e co1·ou-at1on ·of Haile Sellaissie I, when th modern, codified. law, tl1e Penal Code of 1930, was 1})1·omulgatecl. The ne: Penal Code, lmlike the 11�e- tlia Nagast, r;et· out 1J1· , eoise puni, sl1111el1Jts ffoa: SJJecifi. ,cally clefin.ed crime3. PLtn.i.sl1mcnt ,-vas �63esse� in 1·e!at, ion to title ar1<l \vealth _ _ and Lhe inlliv.i.d·ua! pe1·&onali,Ly and. motives ,o.f :t�e ,oi1e- ncler. rl�he most iigoi·ous punisluner1ts were n1etetl out to offenders of title ancl wealth while decrea s­ , e.s -1-ve1·e attrib ii tli.ligly severe r,enaltie.s were provided for those whose c1·im �,, '·1·e,.lenge '', "" · 1 ... • . ·,·, '' ·? 1 t 1ery reac . , intemperance�', a,hle to ''lawl .eicsnes-s', p1·1cte , envy '·qua. rre-isuro,eo.c &s'', ··carele.s.::1iess�', all!d. ·'bullying· ·. ·1'he .Penal Co.etc of 1930 , 0 ; c.1uite n.eces-sa.1·y said. rto have .10.en l1asbd upon 'the 11'etl1a i'\J agast, an �.:)e1·tiou '


6. 'I'l1e J?etha .NagMl ia compoiseid O!f t,-v-o par:tis, the iirrs.t dealing wi:tl1 1�eligious matter..s, the see-ond \YJlL c1vJ1. 'l'J10 1.>asica11y religious nature oi the \\'Ork permeates even the civil se.cuo11s a.s niay be sec,n by t.he followi11.g cl1apter heading: XLVI - '·'l'he Punishment Ile.served for One Who tl1e Highst God, BlaJ.5epl1emes Him and Worships Olher..." and XL V ll - •"ilonuciue and Its Co:r ,pol"al and Spi .r.ittu-al Pun ,ishmeut." 7. 1'he co.11cepts of i1itent ut1d negligence are rendered by the Fetha Nagast as folio,vs (ehap. XLV!I): ''f'Clrt LX; Corlcerning one wl,o has no intention ro kill or to heat another, his iutenliou, iI1 fact, JJei11g directed Lo the killjng of a wild animal or the heating oi a boast. lt &ucl1 an individual happens 'to kill a hrrman being, the considerat1on oi his case fulls iJ1Lo Lvvo fJarls. 'l'J1e /irst part concer11s the 1dller who kno\vs that an .accjdent muy occur, ... •as when one sl1oots an arro.\v at a hird or a. ,vild animal that bas .rw1 aruo11g 1,eople in the m1actle of to'\-v-n. 'l'hi� man, since his main inte11 t1on ,vas noL to kill a per.son, ... shall -he judged a.s one \Vho killed ii.uvolun tarily ... and l1is guilt is less tb.c,11 011e \-Vl:10 n1urders another. tiimilar cases are those involv1ng toppm1g walls, il!-11Ulured alavt:s, beasts which !till, mules and camels '\\ hicl1 kick and oxen ,. vhich wound 11eople by use o , .f ho,rru when tl1e owner doe- _s not take due care or p.rov1de proper ,-va.1· '1·1-1e 1\1:osaic la.\'{ at the end of the Clia,pter corresponding co AbLtbs Jd fu.rtl1e.r provides a similar punish1ne11t for t.hose who dig a well in the, street ,vitl1out co1,eri11g 1t or ,vho make steps for external use ,vithout building a railing. 'l'l1e secou.d part concerns people \-vl10 do not know cl1al tJ1ey can cause dealh, a.a one ,vho, with intention Lo beat a beast, beats 1:1 ma11 accidentally ,vhom he did rtot see or shoots in a desert or lets a wall fall upo11 son1eone thinking that it ,vas strong. Tl1e l>t111isl1111ent of ti1e man who beats or shoots is to he exiled; the man ,vho had no ill-natured slave or da11gerous beasts nor was tl1 e well in the slreet nor stepi delapi<lated has no respo11sihilily beyo11d giving tl1e serva:11t or tl1e beasts to the relatives ,of the ir1jt1t\ed perso: n." Tra1Ds .• Abba Paulo-s Tsadua . 8. The follo,,1i11g rer>1:;senlutive provisio11s among the Code's g;neral principles cite for authority 11ot 011ly tl1e l?erha Nagast b11t tl1e Bil1le itself: 1 . ed shall pumsb '15. Oll!l· Lord u ch he s iSaicl in tl1e Gospel �1e /\Vino kno!WIB m that: l1. n . " · 12 :47) · Luke . (St much lltlt J1e ,.,vl10 k11,olv.s lirttle shall be •pu.nii shed little. : : 26. Tl1e Tl1riee I·ll1nc, lr ed, know:ing ttlmt it is no.t ,rJght ito pmiisl1 according to the, ing. have extent of tl1e Wll'-Ong l)tlt acco-rdi,n-g to 1th1e lli010illllit o f, ur nderstand , iliislinguisl1ed be-:t1ve.e.n a sentence passed on a ch ild, a d n p.erison, 11 madi , runke rnnn n,nd n �o.rgc.tful person a111d tlie :.sentence pa:ssed on a �ro,vn per.son ° 1








aeceptarnce at tl1e ·ti1n�; a· compa1·i<:11 0, n oif ·the t,vo, for its puhlic la,v-s. hu,vev· er _ 1 - h!e ,depa· i1:tt11·e, pa1·t1c.u1a1·ly in - tl1e SJ>ecial Part sho,Vis co:1 s1dera orf tl ie Penai .' ed eacl1 -c1·�mc a <l it-s -J)enalty. Al Code ,vh1cl1 specifically l)J.·e. scr � tlrough · the _ � _ J>enal C �d•e of �930 ,vas co ns1clera]Jly mo1·e ·so1)l11,st1cated than the earljei· Fetha r.a n r t 1·e l1e ecl 1nru, 1· ,,ag11e and f.or1nali·,stic, lac rt Nauast, . we · kinoll d fi d o e ne genera • .o . . 1 _ 1_ prmc1ples and a co ap:pr• o•,teh ito the -d·is1J-osition clilld tre atment of l{)ffenders. It heca:n1-e apipare11t i11 the 194,0's, afte1· the 1i·b · , and , e 1·ation of Eth"101>1a • . . �nt. of a num1her of proc}amat.1ons ,in ,,VJth t. he enactm tl 1e penal area, that a ; ne �v, com.p1·ehe111S1ve peilal c. o·de- to meet the modem •neec15 . 0:f clevelo,ping Etb.i­ opa.a ,vot1lcl il1ave to .he drafted. Pll. ·•ofesso.i· Jean Graveai, Dean ,of :�lie J-i'a,culty . of Law aud ..P1-eS'.lderrt od' the Cotlll·.t of Caissa·tion in Ge.nev.a, S\: -viitzei·la.D! cl ,vias com111i:ssion,ed •to , d1·ar , t su,oh a pen1 ai code. W.o, 1·k wa s· h· eig,un in 1954; an Avant1})rojet in French ,v, a.s p1·e.sentecl lJy P1�of.esso:1.· Graiv , en t· o the Ooclifica·liio,n ·Com­ xnissiion, whioh ,vais composerl ·oJ ·distin,::,ruished Ethio1J-ia-ns a11,d foil'. eignea.�s, and ,after considerable cliscu1ssion and the mo1ding, of a · final text, ·the Code , tr-ans1ated into Aml1aric and Engli&h9 and presented to P•a-rliament. · Tl 1e ne,v , Code -went from Parliament to His Impe1·1al I\-1ajesty rfo. r ap:p1·ov-al: ,va.s p1·om1tl-gated on July 23, 1957 and came into fo1·ce on May 5, 1958. The Penal Code� is- c.01nposed of 820 a-rticles conrsrtituting botl1 a Penal Gode Ml!d Co1de -0f Petty Offensea. Th · e Code is a m-odern, aidvanced law which draws UJ)Oll rthe legal tradttio,n ,of E·tl1i o, pia10 ,vhiJe. inco 17. p•oiJ.'at: ing, ma:ruy of t, he must recent innovations an, co,ntr inen-tal .sy;Stems. Clearly, the J)rimarry fore i. gn so1rrce of ·the Gode is the S·wiss Penal Code of 1937, to-gethe1· ,vith the pre1957 S'\\-is.s juri:&p1·udence-11 The1·e ,a:re, of COlIT ,se, .�ecornd·ary .so;i1rce,s: p1,ima1·ily full under.standing, ,and ·accordingly .the code .is meant to agree with the Feth.a Naga!st." (Cf. Nag. Pt. 47, p.303). 9. Amharic and English are tl1e official languages of the Codes and of L]1e Negarit Gazeta. The i\ml1aric text, ho1vever, i& the ·controlling Ia,v ill case of discrepancy. Art. 125 Rev. Constitution of Etl1iopia, Proc. No. 2 of 19,t2 G.C., Sf.ct. 22. The original texts of both th·e Penal and Civil Codes are i11 French. The difficulties of interpreting and reconciling three linguistic texts can, I am sure, he readily imtigined. 10. 'The legal traditions of Ethiopia tl1at have bee11 retained by the Code are primarily the deterrent and expiative f1mctions of llunishment, the death penalty and flogging. A number of Sp;ecial Part :o:ffense and several principles, -such as repentance, mismke of .la"', and .ag.gravating tand e · x-tex1uating cir.cumsta11tces although not by any means unfamiliar in Europe, drn,,· nlso upon Ethiopian tradition. Graven, op. cit. at 27 fi., Eng. t11ans. at 288 ff.; see ,ulso J. Gra-ven, "Vers un Nouv.eau DroitPenal Ethi ,orpien: de la Plus Ancienne a la Plu:3 Recente Legislation du Monde" 8 Revue lnter11at .ionale de Criminologie et de Police Teclinique 250-289 (1954) ; J. Graven., "L'Ethiopie Moderne et la Codification du i'iouveau Droit" 72 Revue Penal Suisse 397-407 .(1957), 11. After careful comparison of the General Parts of tl1c Et11iopian and S1\iss Penal Codes in French, it is quite clear that the Etl:riopian Code is grounded upon the Swiss. Departures are minimal and can usually he traced to the positions of Swiss treatises and jurisprud ence. Se·e F. Zurcher, Code Penal Suisse, Expose des Motifs de l'Avant­ projet (French ,translatio , n , , A. Gautier, 1908) ; P. Logoz, Conimentaire du Code Penal , Suisse (J9t12) ; Thormann and v-on Overiherk, ,5clzweizerishes Stra/gesetzbuch (1940) ; and Hafter, Lehrbuc}J. des Scliiueizeriscli eri Stra/rechts: Allgenzeiler Teil (1926).

- 385




VoL. II .. No. 2

the French Penal Co�e of 18_10 ,vith 1: ��pect to gen,eral foi·ma.t, 12 tl1e Y ii�slav Penal Code of 1951 1.11 r.elaLJon to military �ffen;se,S, and _mo1·e gene ·rally th _ e Codes of Noo·way (1902), (1930), B1·az1l (1940), a11d Greece (1950) .13 �ide fr·om � ote_s taken du1·ing . _

dis�sions ?f the Codification Comr , u·tually no leg1slallve hJJstor·y io1· the Ij en al Co ue. , l'he · e any travau · de ailabl t}1�

tl1ere 1JS , � not ma ara x JJ1·e11arat�i1·es that may eXkit, - fter h �v . . 1101_. ., has he wr1t�en an explicat�on de text;e; 1.:l1e 1·�coi1. c1s -oI, Pai.·liamenrt ,are fo:r t h e _ _ u:io>St p� ·t. s1m.ila.1·ly l1nava1lable. QueBt� o,ns ar1s-e as to. l1ow a1nbigtlous 11ro,,i­ s1ons within the ne.,v Code shot1ld he rn·tei�r1reLed. Article 2 4Jrovides that in­ terpreta·ti:on shall be i11 acco1·dance l\iitl1 t11e G'-spiril?', ''legl.slati, e intent:' and ··pru·po�e'' of the Colle. l\.side f1·o!lll v'r'Cli-accep·Leu. tenets of cocte ir1lerpretaL.i.ou and te.rtual analysis, 1 r. tb.e c1ucation 1· a,s to whetJ1e1· Swiss treati3e.s and jUI·i&prudence should be considered� in Lhose in.stances in ,vLich tue 6\vi.;.., provision is is clearly the ,source of the Etltiopian, as quas.i-1egisJative intent for 1rm·poses of, ,the 111ea11i11-g oI an M�Licle ,v1.i.tl11n the Etlti-01>iau Code. Although the specl.1·11111 of oprnion 1·t1ns from complete adopti,on of �" juris­ p1·udence, ii not \Vith bi.ll!Lling ei1·ecL al le'-tst wiLl1 pe1·s·ub· aive eifecl, to total di.:; ­ iegru:d of po�sible S,visb &OtlTL:e�, tl1e ,vi'ilc1· belie\-eo Lh..i t a middle _poaiLion i61oLlJ 11os.sible and sour1cl. ln the aJJscucc ol legi a.lati, ;e 11.i::,tOr)- ancl orllcial guidarlct.: ,vith res1>ect to U1e 11se of ::;w-i�s .1.ualc.riru.:,, il iL appear.s from co1111)a.1·isou oi the relevant pruvision,s, that Ll1e :,\-Yisi ::i l> cual Code ,v,1s clearly L.uc :.ource of Lhe .tthio,, the 111cauirJ.g allrij)t1.1ect Lo t11e !:,\vis� 1>1·ovision sJ1ot1lcl be aLLri­ JJuted to Lhe bthiopiau lJl'U\ _i::,iuu LL1.1iee-� �ounJ 1·caso11!:. 1·eiating to .r..L11,01)iau . al develo1Jilleut o..r tipeciiic 11ee-ds oi tl1c cot1nt.ry can be given to j u�Li.i)r <.ic· leg parL11re .Ir-om \i\'ilat can be assttll.led ·to lia:ve been tl1e d1:,1f ter�.:e. an<l, the1·eforc, as the£e are fe\>v a,;ailable debates, ll1c legi:;:;lat11re�s intent. ln a .seu.s.e this wo11Jll creale .a pre-s111111>tion in fa,;or oi pre�l9;j ( :-:, \-Vi6i> inte1·p1·eta·L10.n 1·ebutta1Jle b) reasons going to t.he dilfere.ut icga1 and social neet1S 01 :t;L.uio1),Ja. Suc11 a po�1Lion wollld allO\-V for some degi·ee 01 ce1:L,1inty of inLeJ.'1).retauon together ,,,iili control ol posoi.b.Le judicial ru:b1Lra1ri ne:>s, ru�d yet for· the quite uiife1·ent JJ.iatory and current deveio1)ment ol Switzeriar1d a-1Lct r.:thiopia. l'e.cha_p.s au exa�1)l_e Jo55ibl.11• ··1ill1 , ·niilg nec1 :> i: . c e Cod l a · l:'en ian ltio1J t E· will he helpful. Article �9 of the -c a\ h L� saiJ e b Ccln se ty'' permits a to 1·educe p11nishmenl if an offen , _JO!) been ''absolutely ,i111po,s.silale''. '1'11e meanir1g of the \>VOJ.·ds ··ab3olulely l.l.ll! • au h t. ei· rath and eot &uli>j e Lh, or on ive t l1jst isla· le re no . is 1'he lear .eihle'' is unc y g lll:LSSion,14


12. Th.e tri-partite divis:i-0n of the French Penal Code i.r1lo offenses, misdemeanors � contraventions has been al:>andorted in Lhe E1l1 io1lian Code for a simpler bi-}.Jurtittj division into penal offenses and }Jetty offenses. 13. P. Graven, An l11t1·odu ctio: i to E't!ii�pia,i Law �! ( 1 9�5). A stro 11 g argu::��: � . It _ tlie tl111t has been made by lVIr. S. ·redesch1 1n a book to lJ e })u!Jlished 1n 1965 Penal Code is an important European source. 14. These notes were taken by 1'11. Philippe Grave11, Lli c so11 of the drafter, in French autl are as yet unpublished. 64) · 15'" See Krzeczun·owicz., "'Statutory Interpretation in Et.hiopia,' ' 2 J. Etli.. L. 315 (19 d






allo,v jud_ g· e.s s .111.nply to create meanrlin: g fo1r the •teJ.u.n, rt is suggestecl that pre-1957 Sw1ss �o,1u·ces shmtlcl h-e co,rr. s11lted ·if sin1i�ar la11,g11a,ae is ttsecl ht th . ·-. e 5i,vws . '' � , le. The ,vo,rcl,s ''ab .(,o< I soltun . ent llDQ)oss1bie do ll!J)peat· 1n ·the relevant S, 16 an-cl af tei· consttltin•g fll1e Swiss j t1rispr•tl•d en,ce ancl :treartises, 11 one leal'ns ai -ticle, that '�ab-E-ol11te'' :is s, et off against ''relative'' i111:po,s&.iibilrty witl1 ce1,tain ty!P'es of i d Lha:t rilie S,viss intei·preta­ ca·ses falling ,vithin -each category. It �8 mai.ntrui1Jtei sho11.l(l be aclo1)tecl tH1less , goocl ,i·easo,:u.s to the con,t1·arv exist. tion of these ,vords , l�ow it ma)' he felt in Ethio,pia, ,des1)iJte t 1l e obje.ctive i.n1r>ossrib,j•lity 0 .f • an of­ fense, that an ii11cLivicl11al ,vho attem1)ts to co,m1nit a.It oiiense a11d ia Jlreventecl by an a}Jaol11te UUJlo .ssibiliLy oJ 1-vhicl1 11e ha,d no kuowledgt, is sLLhjcc't:ively quite as dangerous as one lvho, through }Jetter fortune, is able to complete ltls of� Fl1rll1er, it may be -iihougi1t t11at it ,is c1t1iJte 11cces3-ary i11 fo5tcriug the 1 t1·eat st1cl1 inJ.ivicltia.13 in tl 1e c;allle clevclo-rJment of 1·eha.bilita•Lio-n in. �Lhiopia to manner as ii tl1ey 11ad com pletecl ,the offen· se. 'l'l1e&e 1·ea.-;011:; 1-\70tti<l militate for a ,·er;"' 11arrow inte1·pr . etatio.11 of ''abs0It:1te�' 'Lo litniL Lise of wh,1t amotinLs tu a partial clefeuse o[ in11jossibility. Suoh a:easons woul:i o1Iset t11e prest1ru1ltiou in favour of S\,riss juris1.>rudence and allo""r fo1· flexibility within a ra1)idly cl1ar1gi1Li le-gal i-)·� t e1n. 1

1' 11e l11eo1·y l1�i1ind the Cocle's, ena·ctmerJJt ,vas �o l1ave both a naLional1y trnifyiug force aL·ll a gttitlc for the l)rogressive devel JJ>L11e1-it 0£ t11e Etl1io1)ia1.1 lleo1Jle. lf, ho,>\'cvc1·, ,l co<le of la·,v .is (lista:11t from 1>rcvai1ing social val11es, it may 1·cm�in to a large exteu t 11ua1J}Jliect ancl .serve to 11uc.[e1"Jlli·n.c tj1e very values being sought.18 rl'he c1ue&tion ar.it3es, t11erefo1·e, as rlo ho,v the co(les may Joe brought in-Lo closer 1·eia·tio11Ship ,vi -t h social valLLes. 'l'h · e .inceptior1 of the new li'acL1lt)' oi La·\-v is qttit.e im1Joi1:tam:t ill ,ti1is re-s,pect. \V ithin ten to , fifteen years a good nl1111lJer o.£ ,-vell-t1ualiJied la'\ ,,v110- have been t1·ai11ed in the t l1oory <Yi thei1: ovv-n codes a-nd rtl1e J)r•ohiems inhe1·ent in tl1eir a1, lplica­ tion ,vill be l)rocluced. 'l'hese men ,vjll staff minisle1·ial legal })Ositions, the cow:Ls, a gro,virLg bar a11cl the 1111iver3ity la,v teachi11g staJ·i. 'l'hey 1-vill l1elp i1n1nensely in !)O pttlarizing the ne\V la·, -v and seeing to its a1)1)lication, J:>r1t ti1is ·,-vill not l1e enot1�h. Co11t.ra1-y -to prac,tice on the Continent, legislative oom­ mittee_s cha1·ged ,-vith the .:rech·a. fting of ·t he codes \Vill have Lo be. constantly at 1vork -Lo kee1) the codes abreast of a ra1}idly deve-loping society. ):<"111·1J1er, a balanced position s, hould be ,vo c:rked or1t rvith 1·e�pect to ji1dicial in,Le1·1Jreta.tion 1

16. Art. 23, Code Penal Suisse. J 17. See S,viss sources in footnote 12 supra; and RO 76 . IV 153, � 1950 ,!Lt;. RO 78 1:V. 145, diques uri J Fzc III 1\ ve, Lat1 1 r. Te a '·L er, ing ibl Wa 1. 2; 8 195 J'I' , JT 1953; RO 83 IV 132 Suisses, No. 1201, Oct. 1967.

18. nlany of the conceJ)lS inc:orr,orale<l ,vitl1in the Code are ne ..v to �t�iopia, in pa�tic11 lar, tl1e ideal of rehabilitation ,\'l,icl1 pervades tl1e Code, the proVlsions concerniilg tlie d numerous treatment of juveniles, co11sent to offenses, probation, concliLio1�al r�le�se_ a� l5d1ction, attempt, JUr ung err gov se tho as l1 suc es i1)l 11c pe 1)ri ial l . er 1 Ot ses en Part off S c x and not yet ple com nre ses en off of ce ren cRr con d an ty ipa J ! partic tion, guilt, respo11si ili \'iidely comprehended.




VoL. II - No. 2

of the codes. There n1ust be s11fficient discretion to allow accom m.odatio . . n to . . . . r c . 1·espect to tLOreJJgn•N1l...tqJll.'e d law, aillld yet ging \' \ ays, prut1t1Jct1 1arIy wu·th chaIll : ' ' SU ·ffl• . . · of Iega1· co11isequ ences mty and str1lc'l1u·e to a 11.o,v for pTe d.1ct1oni ·c1ent oertru . ancl . . l arb· 1.trar111ess on t I1e pa�·t o f 311 . p revent �o � of p·otent1a . d ges. Through these _ . . mea;n,s 1t llS hoped thait •Ll1e 11e,v cod-es rnf .EthJ10�)1a ,vi:ll, in tiime, JJeooine in . · · · · · cie· r · Iy r el a:smg · ate d to functJJOOl!lng mst1tu1nons ancl J.·es-pons1ve •to ·th . e changi1ng need, of the co11,nt, ry.

II. The Purposes of Punishment Vv,ithin the Penal System Until recently retriliutiolll and deter"Ten•ce seemed to ,dominate pen l phllo.sophy in Ethiopia. The Feth·a Naigaat ha·d ah·eacly -to ,some extent move� beyond a rudimentary use of the ''lex'' hy partially individualiz ing _ 1 pnniishment to firt the .p·erso·nal ,guilt -0£ ·the offeUJdei·, but .had , 1·etaiine<l a number of rather crude punishments ancl a large element of ret1·ihutive theo1·y. The Penal Code of 1930 further indiviclualized punishment hy relating it to the sub­ jective f:a:c·bor.s tof 1wtenit, m,otive and 1pe1·sonaJ. sta-tus, yet the.i·e 1-vas no expx·essed inte1·est in the reform of cri1ninals. There ,vas, ho\\re,rer, i11 this earlier Code considerable concern with the ,velfare of injured }la1·ties . Ai t· icle 18 of the general p,riJ1cciples m�gh1 well be istudied l)y m , any modern penal legislatoo:s: If there be a JJoor man wl10 has no n1oney with which to pay a fine to the injt1recl ,pe1·son on acco11nt o·f ab11se, to the co11rt and d,amages , assaitlt or serious injury, the j11dge shall pay the money to the injur­ ed pe1·son from the fines ,vhich he keeps as a special fund and shall impris-on the perso·n who caused tl1e injury and make him ,vork and so cause him to pay the:: damages and fine. But the Govern1nent is under no obligation to pay from an¥ other source than the money from fines which is kept. Mrthou� ·the earlier· emphasi!s on retni,llutJ:i•on. is beginning 10 chan,ge to• day, ce1rtajn !&t1·onglry r,et· nibutive inisti.tu'tions rema-in, 'Ll1e moet obvio,11s of ..vl1ich iis flogging. Mutilation ha,d been tc1i.9oontinn,ed a !Dumber ,0J yea1"5 ago; flo·ggu 11 g has, h , oiweveir, ibeen retarined in the P ·enal Code of 1957. 19 Tl1e drafter hacl e:- · is• Com cation Codifi the hut , � -projet l his g eluded floggin from origina Avant n giv . s ent argwn est � t1 s , ong r 'fhe Jty. d pei»a , du.ce· the sion rund Parliament rei1-i;tr0J its t tlia ' ent, shm i , p11n, of s n o 1 . itri, t d wic 1 tra, y n in ha is mo, e r r , f s t tl1at i c it in behaJ we , : t t . c·1 t o very repugruant crl!ll1es n e "r . J te e d I)' ' n o . r t Ql . a . l . •c � 1a:s a ' · n,d 1that rt lliSe !115 restr1ote 1


e th 1 . tl 'i . g '\ t u b 0 3 19 f o e , I . the pena 1 Coc 19. Floggin was also an enumerated pnmshment 1n proviso in Art. 3 (pt. I):



01 1 1• ents. rnm gove r othe ;.. The sentence of flogging is still in use ,vith a fe,v certainly our purpose tl1at tl1e sentence of floggi11g sl1all in the futu .re :f afl�::ing, in our country, for the present we l1ave strictly reserved the sentence li ve co.IIl· , a ,vho e as it has hitherto been administered, for tl1e punisl1ment of thos

mitted some great crime which yet does not deserve sentence of death.




LA,v - Vot. II_ 'No. 2

. e:ffect.20 Mter ,m;i1ch ,deha1e in Parliament it ,vas fin·a]l!.l!Y . ' 1- ·111,cI11:cIe .e d lv 1t h 1ill • . th Code as: A- rti·.c.1,1e 120A2I and app11ecl oruly i,n instances of Agg a ai ed T h e t f t ' ' � _ . (Art. 635(3)) ,an d Ag, gravaitecl Rohhery (A;t, 637fi) , ). rf,he lilflIC· t}O!ll 0f, fl�0. d to maIe ·Offencle.r,s between ·tl1e wng. e·s -0£· ei' . 1· . g 1s · ·m11te gm • 'crl1 t · ·ee11. ancI fif .· ty and • may not exceed forty la,sl1e.s to ·he , ca,r;r1ecl ,011t nncler · •.on; the Jrle,cJ;, .,Jcal .sup . . er:v1m • • flogging m, ay !he ·&topped at any t1111e t,l1a1t tl1e ,clocto·r ,co•nlSi.der.s health t h . in · jeopa-rcly. A decree ,vas -issued in 1961 extending t, he pllllJishmen:t of o m � go g & o" t her off ens e.s ,vhich t I1e to even cr01.1•2.,..c · · clec ree cate ,,offenses � ,,."'" v.::, o · • . to the d1St11rba11rce of 1p1t.bl1c opin101i:.''22 Tl1e clec1·ee s'lates that the Ilioi0h CollI't may ;st1bem:itute flo·ggmg .for 'tl1e }Je'I1aity ·}>r-ovided and that it is to be jmfii.cted - ccordaniee with Article 120A, 1ltlt n1oti to exce·ecl thhsty Iasli es. in a Ca-pita] pnni,shment ·has a·lso. h · ee11 rretaj,necl hy the ne,v P·enal Cocle. The Code provides that i,t sl1all he exer.11tecl by han,ging and may, .in tli,e ilii E-eretion of th-e court, be carried 011t in pu·bli;c f t o iset an example ·t,o o • tl1 ers (Art. 116). In tl1e r)ia·st, tradition .an,d public ·sentime111: i11 E-tl1iop · ia l1ave ten-ded ito :co,nisider m11rder a family n1atter to ibe disposal of either bJr payment of '' ·blood money'' or re\·enge on the 'Pe11 ,letrator, o,ften in th-e · saim, e n1anIDer .iJil 1v.hich he had killed his victi,m. These feelings we1·e · so -strong tl1ait it 11-as been r�p·orted thait after enactment of the 11930 Penru1 Co ·de, ,a memh 1er otf the Jnl11 r, dered man's femily was allo,ved, in a prescribed place, to ptill the trigger ,-vhich carried out · e noted., ·however., tl1a:t the death the court's s. entence ,of cleath.23 Tit m1rst b sentence may no.t be inflicterl on pe1·sons under the nge of eighteen or of limited responsibility (A1·t. ].18), and hoth a, :n1d under Artidle 59 of the Revisecl Co-ns·tit11tion oif J.955, n, o senite·n c• e of cleath can 1be �ec11ted witil1:o-t1t the confirmation- of 1 tl1e Emper,or- . According · t o : the P,ri!son Sta·ti!Stros of 1956, E. C. (1963-64, G. C.), 977 per.3ion · is ,vere l1eld in pri•son under sentence of {leath ,\,hile only thirty-nine ,dea;th £enten,ce_s wer-e exec11ted. A�·til1,ot1Jgh rthis may parti• ally he due to inefficienicy .in ,ohta�niin ,g confivm,rtions, the more likely r.ea8on is ·the cp.tite 1Iraditional leniency or£ :nhe Em1Jer.01· in tl1e 11ise of hi..s paTdon a1I1d amne,.,� po,vers. 24 • • ttnc.Altl1-011g.h retriib11tiion a,nd pa1·tiC11larly deterrence r .emam crurte prono d ed p1ili1ic values, •the ne w la:ws moving to,,vall."d ·more m,o,dern an i::,




djn�a oi 20. Proces-verbal of the Codi•fica-ti'On Commi.ssi!on. 9, 1964 G.C. p. 3; Precee 8, 1949 E.C. le Ham on, luti reso l fina .), G.C 7 195 8, ly (Ju . E.C 9 2, 194 le the Senate, Harn (July 15, 1957 G.C.). _ 21. It is the only article ,vith an "A" indicating Parliame ?tary incl�sion. rees 22. Decree No. 45 of 1961 G.C. Under Art. 92 of the Revtsed Const1tut1 on of 1955, dec ne ,vithout action having the effect of la,v may be passecl by His Imp.erial l\iiajesty alo that cy en erg em of ses "ca in ly on _ ne d{l be to is s tl1i by Parliame nt. Art. 92 pro,,ides tl1 at ve or d1sap• pro to ap r ,ve po the has t en am rli Pa g.'' tin sit t se al"i 1vhen the Chambers are no e. It presumah}J!, prove decrees in tlieir next sf'lssion, b11 t has not so acted on tl1is Decre therefore, retains its fl'rr.e as 1-ilV. 23. Perham, op. cit. at 142 ff. :!4. Annual Report of the Prison Department, Ministry of Interior. See text accompanyin� note 33, infra, ,vith respect to the Emperor's power of pardon and amnesty.



LA,v -


II - No. 2

litiilnane (lis•position of offe11de1·s. 'fl1e Revisecl Constitt1tion of 1955, anion()' 1 other J)rotections £01· c1·imina · 1 defcn'.d all/ts, J)J·,ovicles t' ha� ''1pltnisbmen_ t is pe:r� sonal'' ancl that ''no one shall he s11b3ectell to c1·11el and 1nh11n1a11 p11n1shment'' , 1957 i11t· 1�01 dt1.ces tl1e cou,cept of 1·el1 .ahil\­ (1\1-ts. 54 a11n 57). The Penal Cocle of tation into Ethao1lia vvl1ile also 1·eta.i11�ng clete,r·rence as' a ]Ja·si, c princi1llc. His ImJJerial Majesty's Preface tio •tl1e Cocle state�: 1

. . . New conceJlts, 11ot only jt11•jdical, ])11t al8o t11ose co11tril)l1ted hy the scie11ces of sociology, r>sycl1olog!' ancl � i11deecl JJenology, 11ave been developed ancl 11111st be take11 in to co11sideration in the elaboration of any cri.minal code wJ1ich '\o\roulcl be i11spi1·ecl by the principles of jtIBti­ ce and liberty and l1y concer·n £01· tlt.e pre,,ention and SllpJJre.ssio11 of crime� for tl1e '\.\1 eJfa1·P. ancl. inrlcerl. tl1e rel1abi]itation of tl1e jnclivi r.ll1 a1 accused of crin1e . PuniP11ment car1not JJe avoicl�rl since it acts a� a deterrent to crin1es; aQ. i11deed. :it baR JJeen 5air1. ''one l\rl10 ,vitnP.��es tl1e pt1nish1nent of a ivrongrloer 1-vill l)eco1ne prl1clent. '' It ,vi]l �erve as a Ies�on to prospective w1·on?:•cloers . . :rticJP 1. s· ettinf! r,11t tJ1e ohiect anrl lJ111·11o�e of the Corle� al�o �tre��ro ll otJ1 .t\. reI1 ahilitatio11 anrl cleterre11ce as tl1e 1111cle1·1ying JJ111·po!,es c1f p11ni 1<hn1e11t. N11mero11i articles nf th� f;orlf' a·rp rle·�irn<'rf tn i1111-:ile1nen,t the ne,,, con­ r�nt of 1·el1ahilitation.. T11e _il1rlP-."e i� .'!i�,�'Il 1'l1·0a,rl fliscretinn i11 his c.hoice. of r.enalnr25 a.nil is f(necifica1l,, cautio11ecl hv A.rticle 86. to calc11Iate sentences in tl 1r - r:: • ., i' f nl]o'\-v-ing manner: �


The J>enP ltv Rl1a11 be detern1in�rl ac:co1·cling ' to tl1� rlegree- of i11cl1virlt1a1 ITT1i1t. taking jnf:o af'co11nt the da11,ger.011� clispo81tion of tl1e of£e11rler. bis ant e<'f'flf!nt·!-. 111otive arid p111�nose, hi� per�c,na l eirc11mstanre� a11cl c,f 111� of.fe-nre a11rl tl1e _,ritv lus stanclo1·rl of crl11catio11, as '"'ell as the rrr·fl . ' • · · r · crrcumR t·n11rc� <) · 1tq comm1s�1()ll. Thr- rrit,,,ria aho1rp en11111P.rDt·erl go djrectly to rehabi1it::rtion of tl1e nf­ Iend�1·. Tl.1c Cor1e provicl�s for �11�p0nrle<l �0nt0�c-e s, prc1hation n11rl conrlitio1 13l release ancl 8tates in ,"lord� that 1�ar·cl1_ n111cl1 o·F i t:� 11e,v s11i 1·it: ''co11ditional re· Jease mt1st he r(-:!garcled as a mea:r1s of refo1·m and social rei11statement'' (Art · 206). The Co<1e, ·f11rtl1er sets 011·t �pec,ja•Jizerl pc11.altie5 fo1· .il1ve11iles clesigi1 ed r01· tl1ei1· refor11126 a11,cl provi:sion•8 for th.e co,nfine, :r11e11,t o.f i1·res1Jot1,sible TJersons fo1· indefinite d11 ,ratio,n, ailt11ou;gl1 r>rovi,sio11 i·s n1arle f,ori· j11cliciial re,rie,\T. (�r!t136). Treatment for a.n in-clefinite J )Criorl aJ.lo.,vs tl1e J11·i11c1 .1Jlc of re}Jahil1tatioti !t11l play, unlike 01·clinai-y IJennlties whicJ1 emrlhasize, if anythi�g, _deterren�e, as t· hey are g1·ade,d solel)r 0,11 •the basi·s of legisiJa,tive de.te1·m111at,101 1 of t le 1

25. See text notes 29 • 32, i11.fra.

26. See


• a,ccompa•nyins note.a 45 ff.,



• I





serio,usnes;s of tl1e crime: a man reacly .for release heifoire the .set niunher of Jrears m11st remain confin ·ecl; 011, e likely to recommit l1i.s c, rime mt1:st JJ e release cl ,-vhen J1js D'ltm1ber of years expire·s. It m11st he rememberecl, 110-wever, that both rehabilitatio n and (l eter1·ence are statecl tJnrposes of p1111ishment and niay at tin1es conflict 1-vith each other. First· step g have 110- ,.,v JJeen take11 to,,rnrcl a111)ly-i11g t11 e r.e11.a,bilitHtive !)ro• . ,.ision •s of tl1c ne,v Penal Co- c le; las, t· J'ear tl1e :first prisoners were 2:i,ren concli• tiona1 release. So,1ne diffic-11" 11a,re a1·jse11, 11owe,,er, •(ltie to diffei·ences in al)1)toaiel1 het,,rec: n tl1e Mi-nistry of l1!t0rio1·. �011trolli 11 g tl1e pri 5on.s. anrl the Ministry of .T11stice, controlling t11e co111·ts. This cliv-ision of responsibility for tJ1e co11rts an-r:1 ro·r the p1·iQ011s also t'aises otl1er iss110.--. Pre-senteT?ce rei)-0rts prepared for .ind�es by tl1e police ren1ain in co1"!1·t files; t]1P, pri�on ad1ninistrati,o n is !!'jve11 acc��s to -tl1c tvl)e o,f sentence .a11rl n111nhe1· of vea.T8 imno�ed� h11t n·ot to• t11e f11Jl lJacic.1�1·011nr· l of the offP.n,de1·. P()l .i.t->'entencP , classi­ :ficntion ,vithin t11e nriso11 ,S)r,sten1 c.onfo1·1ns to tl1e se111teuce au rl. therefore.. to t11e crime co111mittecl ratl1er tl1an to ll l1e rel1ah1Ji1:.ati,,� 11eerl-- of tl1 e inrlivirl 11 nl offender. Con�ider:a1J1e reorie11tatio11 of hotl1 i11rli<'ial a111rl penal nracticc i?1 11eces$arv hefore tl1e rel!a1l)iif.itati,re j,rf· eals estahlisl1ed hy tl1e Penal Corle of 1957 can. 1Je sr,JJ�tantia.J]y imp1en1e11tecl. ✓

Me Offenders

T1.1e only availnb1e �l:atist.ics concerning- the 1111131JJrr anrl ty11e of acl11ll off.enrlcJ�fl i11 Etl1io;i1ia l1nvp lJeen collectecl lr,r lornl 1101,icc rlP111,a1·tn1P11f", n1 1 rl re.ntrali7rrl in tl1e Pr1l1lic Prn.�ec1rtin-n SPrtio·11 of 1·l1p l\tfi11,i�1·1·v of lr,.:tirr. 'Tl' . r�c .fig-11res arP i11co111nlete anrl. mo1.·e tha11 likf'J, r. rabl1e1· i11n<'r11ratr n1tJ1011r.i:l1 tl1e�r are J)1·01Jal)1y reliallle eno11p:l1 to r1ncn,rf'.r 'h1·nnfl tre11rl<1. 27 1

In 195tl,, E. C. (1961-62 G. C.). the last Vf".arr for 1\r,J1irlJ r;:tatistios •a,re ava,il­ able, 25,551 convictions a1·e reporter] .. 8,146 of ,vJ1icl1 are attrih11tecl to cri111f:'?. against prope1-ty a11r] 4,,562 to i11tentional hocliJ)r J1arm. The nl11n• ber o_f crimes agains· t proJJertv ju prolJal'.lly ·g1·eate-r tl1n11 jnrlicate.1- a<?­ figrrrea are not given for ·the re1J11teclly large n111nlJer of offenEtes ngainst tl1e pos$e&si-0n of jm1novabJe J)rope1·ty (Arts. 649-652). T]1e {!Tea'� r,.st num'ber of offenses "\-Ve re committec1 in the ,provinces o•f Shoa anc1 Har1·ai1· '\ovl11cl1 27.

Statistics are reported for eacJ1 of the provinces 01f Ethlopia except E ilrea, ,vbi: h I1aa : _ _ been separatelv aclmitlisterecl, t.,velve !Epecific categories of cr:ime. Convic t1011s _

for "n1iscellnneou.s offences'' flCCOllTI!. for more than 30% .o.f all offen.seis committed. Indications of inaccuracy are nu1nerous: only one inte11tional himicide j� re� orte cl for _ Addis A1Jabn durjng tlt e year ]954, E. C.; fi gures are given for. }J11rglary· ,vl!1ch 1s. � ot a crime set out in tb €1 Pen-al Cocle; instances of negligent hom1c1de and negligent 1nJ ­ � are reported by the police before a court ha.s determined the existence of negli­

aenee, et-e.


.1 ounNAL 01?


LA ,v - ,1 or... II _ No. 2

i.s to he exipected as eacl.1 l1rl!S a concenti:a·ti!Oll of ·ur , llarn fJOt}JlUatio 11• Stat· lSL1.c 3 are too sparse and t1n1·eliahle witl1 1·e&pect to adt1 l t c1·ime to sup}Joi·t lllo1·e tha n . . . · • t he me>st tenta·t1ve l1yipothese:s rus to c1l!ll1e cat1sa· t1 on. Cr.iJmes -ao-air1i~t • 1)er1y o .::. p10 may h e- ·prurt1•_1 liillly • cI lJY po,ve1..,t· y, tmem11 I o-y1nenrt d ,1. exp1a1ne , 1, 1e to ra•IJicl 1 . · lll")Jniz•<a· 1IJ al 'llil · 1 -�ig 1l ,ra 1lle at tac h•ed to .1a11d -0,,w1 t1on, an d rt· he 11·a•d':J.t1-0 .on,g e1·fbjp A , st -. 1. con· · h hoo.1ottr and cern. 'lV.l!t status aiuong JJe1·so,ns ,vitl1 vo1l artiJe rrJersonaI 1· t- · · , ' · 1es 1.n ay 'J: · • • .&.1_ be one , oif •w e factors 11ncl·ei·1y1ng ·rJ1e h11gl1 rate {)(f ho-clil-y- irnjll'.lj' offense� . B·a.sic . 1 . . · 1 CtillllIDO lo · - - a1DJd p;syciI1,0, J'11, · ves· t· il· gat· 1-0 · n 1n · Eith IO})i · ·grca1.1. a is u1�o-e O 11:tly 11ee ded · 11' · e prevention · hef01.·e mte 1 1gen,t p Iam1 1·ng o•f ·crim an,d tl : 1e 1·ehahiJitation o.f· off< can �egin·.28 There 1\S con ,,ahl.e •Clli:5cretio,n, 1mder the Penal Co,de , o-f 1957, in the dispo,sition of a:duJ.t offenclers. Eacl1 S1Jecial Pa1,t a1·tiole ,v-J1 i -0h sets 011 t tI1e elements of a specific crime also estal1lishes the discretiona1•)r J101mclaries "''ith­ in \.vhic'h .a judge m11st 'sente-nee 'the co,rrvictecl o.ffen,d er.29 Bo,ol{ Two of the General Part 'JJr{r'\1-iides the J:>1·.oade.r princ , ipJes go,,,e1m.illl,g }J1111cishinen1 an · d its application. th1·ee ba8ic ·forn1s of princi, p11nishme.nt: fine, Tl1e Code establisl1es : simple imp1risonment BJncl Tigoro,11,s imp1·iJSonmen · t. Tl1:e a111,o:i.1n1: of fi 11e is detea:­ mined ,by reference 'to 'the ,offender's per.s-onal sit11artion ancl h�s ,clegi·ee oJ g,.1ilt (Art. 88) . Ti1ne may be all. 01,ved for JJayme11t, but in clefa11lt a fine may he -s11cces.'sively converted into labour·, , good•s ,seizccl or :@iinple imp·risoJlflnent im­ posed (Ar·t ·s. 91.-98). T11e Code makes 1p1,• o,vi•si,o,n fo1· o:estit1rtioJ1 to the in­ J jured party "\,\,'ltl1in the crimi11al process ( A1·ts. 100-1.01) .30 Si1nple imprisonment, wl1i1c.l1 may extend fron1 :ten day-3 to tl1ree )'ear�, _ i,s m , tencled for less seritolliS offenses as a meas111·e od: saife1ty £01· tl1-e p1ibl1c an,d plllill1shmenrt for tl1e c 1·immal ( Ai·t. 105). The •OO•llrt 111a;y, l10,weve , 1·, s11hstitt1te compttlsory Iahour :foir s, imple impr,isornn-en·t 1,,rhe11 it ,believes s11ch to be con-

1' I

of crime in other countr:iies ha,,e, I feel, only lim ited .relevance to Ethiop,ia, :a country long isolated .and tl111s ,vith a unique i1istorical an d go­

28. Stu.diies concerning

the causation

cial development. 29. The fo11owing are several d: ispos-itory provisions within the Special Part typ.ical of the hr,e.adth within the Cocle: nol · · 1)r1·1Son11 1ent Art. 383 - Material Forgery ... iis pu11isl1ail)le ,vitl1 r1·.go•nous 1n1 not for t mn ne iso pr im e pl ..sim th , r exceeding fivie y.ear.s or in Jess serious ca ses '\\ri less than three mo·nths. Art. 621 - ln,cest ... is pm1j1�'ha1ble with �imple in1prjsonrneirut forr 11:ot less th-an thre-e months, ... with irigor, ous imp.riso:nmen1t not exceeding tl11·ee ye-ar$. The court may in -addition de, prive tl1e offender -0£ h.iis fa1nily rig]1ts. Art. 634 - Robbery ... is p1mishnble ,viith rigoroill!S imp:ri•sonment not exce..eding !fiiiiteen years. Th-e j11dg-e is, 110\vevrc,r, !7 vc:1 S0 ''1t.! 1?1Li<i�Lnr:e i11 cleter1ui 11 ir1g scnte.11ce \\' th�

I l


- · established houndarie. , s. See ATt. 86, Calc11,latior1. of Sentence wd .Amts. 79 - 84•, Exteni :

ting a1id Aggravati,ig Circumstcanes. SO. See also Criminal P,rocedure Code Arts. 154.. 59.





I _. 1 al)ilitati 11 of �lie offe11cler (A.rt. 106) . rel .Rigurot,!! im})rtion­ the to � _ cl lici,�e to often.�� of 3 ··,re.r)r gra,ve J}attire'' and ineut, on tl1e otl1er l1a11cl, 1s aJ. )}>l1ca"ble l c]e:5ignc cl £01· 1>t11 �js]m1e �1t, rcl1a �i -i·t �tion, stri :t c(n1·fi11e111e111:, aiid tlie SJ)ecial _ r , R1:goro11s 1r11pr ,1so11 111c 11l 1s 1101·-n1all.1r for a. r>e1 riocl soc1et) e of of fro:in , · ct1on Jrot I r -fi,re year� b11t nta)r l)e for life ,vl1e11 CX!J)l'CSSl r so I>l'Ovidecl ( •.\.rt. t,ve11L) ) one to r rcleasecl ll.J)Ofl Jlrohatio11 w]1e11 lie ha B cc>r1rlit it)11a]l) J)C n1ay offcncler 1\.11 107). � �er�ecl 't ,vo-lll1ircls o-f l1is, �c11•tc-11ce if botJ1 J)riso11 officirls ,11 11cl tl1e corLrt feel tl1at bis b.el1a,ric,r 11as i1111)ro,,ecl a11 rl ofTe-rs gro1111fl for tl1c ex11eclatio11 of co11tint1ccl 1 mpro,ren1e11t 011 J)ro]Jalio11 (A1·te-. 112, 207) .

I.f tlie cot1rt feel.� tl1at none of tlic estalJ1isl1-ecl 11enalties ,vill promote tl1e T


reform of tl1e ofrrn<ler� n.11<1 ·tl 1c of e11.�c -fc.)r ,vl1iel1 he ,-vas con,,ict.ed is ]YtT11isl1able ,ritl1 fi11c, co1111)11lsor)" lallOltr or sin11lle i111 Jlrisom11 e11!t, tl1e corrrt n1a)' s11511e11(l se-r1tenec a11rl 11lacc tl1c o-ffe11C:le1· 011 11rc>]Jatio11 (Arts. 194-95). Tl1e 11eriod of 1)robatiot1 111t1e-t he bet,vccr1 t,vo au<l fi,rc y·ears in le1:1gt.l1 a11d hotl1 sect1rity ancl r11les for goo<l co11cl11ct arc to he so.t in eac.11 case (Art�. 200-03). Probation has 11ot )r et lJee11 1)racticall)r i1n1llc111c11tell i11 ]�tl1ioJJia.

aclclilio11 to t.l1e 11ri11ci 1)al Jlt111isl1111e11ts, tl1e co11rl n1ay ap111y, togetl1er ·� ,,�itl1 st1cl1 })t1ni�h111enl� a seco11clar)r 11c11alt.y clcs1)ile tl1 e fact tl1a.t the S11ecial Pa1·t offe11se cloes 11ot n1ake pro,,ision f<)l.' a11y seco11clary J)l111isl1n1ent. Tl1ese I JJcnalties i11clr1c-le JJri111aril)r: floggj11g,=11 re1)ri111an(l, a1Jo]ogy, cler,rivation of ciYil, family or })rofessio11al riglJts, nnd cli$111issal or recl11ctjon of rank i11 tl1e n.rn1Ml 1 ! forces. Tl1c Ge11eral ]?art article JJro,1 itli 11 g f<)r each seco11clary penalty sets out the Jlt1r1Jose of t11at }Je11al1y a11cl 1:l1e i. 11stanccs i11 ,\,J1icl1: it 1nay 1Je im·po!ed (.tlrts. ]20-27). 111

F11rtl1er� ,vl1en tl1 e co11rt cleen1s it necessary, it 1nay a1J})l)', together ,vitl1 a J ' pri11ci1)al IJt111i�l1111ent, ,vhat is ter111 e«:l a ''ger1er:.\l 111eas11re''. Tl1ere are a 11un1he1· of ge11eral n1eas1.1res clesig11t�cl for 1,revc11tion a11cl J)l"CJtectio11 ,vl1ich inc111,Je i1iter alic1: recognizD . nce of goocl }Jcl1a,,ior, tl1e seizr1re of cl a11g<:rotLS articles, s11spen­ sion ancl ,vitl1clra,v-al of licenses, 11ro]1i, }Jitions from or obligations to resort to • certain j)laces ancl s111,e1.,'isjo11 a11(l cx1)11Jsjo11 of alie11s (Arts. 138-60).

,, 1�11e Cocle J_)ro, icles for SJJecial 111cas11res ,vitl1 res1Ject :to recidivists, i1·re5f 1 1011 5ible }Jersons a1.11J )'Ot111g pcrsons.:12 ]�[ahilr1al offen(lcrs ,vbo sl10,v ''ingrainecl })ro11c1J.sity to evil cloi. 11 .g, 111i:sbel1a, ior or ir1c : 11rallle ]azil1es� or l1alJitr1a11)' cleri,1e li,,elil1ootl froII1 cri111 e'' are to ]J c i.1rter11ccl 111)011 co1nmission of a f11rll1er offense 1I ?t p1111isl1a]1le ,vitl1 more 1l1au fi,,e years u111)rison.ment. lnteJ·11ment is to take lJ. lace i11 a S}lccial j11stitttlio11 for j11clefi11ite clr1ratio11 of not less than t,vo nor mo�·e tl1an Lc11 y·car:5; at any time after t,vo years, the co11rt, llJJOn recominen1 dat1011 of the cl ircclo1· of t.11c institt1 tio11, ma3r grant conditio11al 1·elease (A1�l!. . 128-32). Fi11a11cial .L1anclica11s l1ave 11re,,c11.tcd the imJJlementation of these pro1



31. See text accompa11ying notes 19 • 22, 3lt,JJra. 32, See text accoruna � 11yJ 11g note;;� 45 H ., 111· fra. 0


J oUJtNAL c,1_., E·r1i1<>r>J,t\.:\i L,\,,, - Vor,. II - No. 2

<"' 11tral 1) ri"'o11s ,vl1e . • _ al tb<)lt'rli· re(. tcll r C i11 l�ga are �cg .J r e 1 .)o;;;;" i•l� icliv ' , . . . '-',.l]Jr, \'lSll>lle c o· l _ ' 1 c otl 1 cr l1a11(1, are to lJr� lrcatc1l i11 sr 1iLab ]e 1· 11 . tl .. 011 , 11 ·-: .:0 • __ . 1 011�::,1 ·]1 1{'� 1,cr T rre..-1 _ -·· ' - � 1•lltt• _ tiotl::- a11rl i[ 11ol 1la11gcrt)ll8 Jlli\) ; l,c _ trc·atf'(l a� Olll-J),ll]Cl]il8. c( ) llfic1 e111c11 t is o[ tl�c _c:011r� c,,cry ll\T O )rears. ]Jy cl evvc re,r1 t be 11111. t1t l ) o11 rati 11 cl c i11it 11lef i1 \,'h eu tl1c c:1 1l1111 111::;trn.11,,c aL11tl1or�. l )r 1 11 11, t aJJ)J <.:UtlSt' for tlic IJ1rasitre I 1 a� 1li�at �1)earcrl, ly 111115L release tlic to tl lc co,irt for te r111i11al'io11 c1f trea l �1r�11t a11cl tl1.� cor,rt iiidi. _ orga111'l:r�l10�1 for at least one vi<.l ti al to the s:tt><'�·,-isio11 o!, a. cl1 �1' 1 talllc )'car _ . _. r ( Arts. 13'.1-37). f 11 aclc1111alc 111st 1l.11l 1 onal a11Ll 11s 1 cl11atr1c fac1l1t1c:, 11av c as vet ,�J 1)rc, e11t.crl ,..,,jf lc aJlJ 1lieati<.>11 of t· l1.c above r,ro,;isio11s. Of[ctlllcrs ,vl10 l1a·rc ])cc 11 i11carccr;1lccl 111::1)�, at [\Il y· ti111c, lJc gratilctl soYc­ reig11 Jlar(lo11 01 · a111nc--1y · (_L\.rf. 35, l�_ c ,;t·,cll Co11�tilr1tio11; .t.\rts. 239-2J.O, l) cnal Co(lc). TL j:; ci11itc; tr atlitio11al fc1r l{js l\Iajc�l)", 011 t11c a1111.i,·e r:::ar)' of I·Iis coro11a.tiotl an(I. Cltl i er j11J}>Ortar1t l1()1ic1a)r :::., lo 11se Ll1c,5c r>o,vcr5 lil)cr,1'11 );, 111 19�6} E.C. ( 1963-61 G.C.) 11ri�o11 statj.-;lif�S $l10,vc(l 1.20 f11ll 1J«rl1 011 5 ,111<.l l,18 I1 rccl11ctioiis • of :-C'lJlCllCC.33



TJ1c rc art·. a1>11roxj111 alcl)' l)ll<� l1 t1r1Jrerl [lri�o,1 -- ,vitl1i11 Etl1io1,ia, 011c i u Ca<: I 1. A\\' ra tl j a aJl(J a C<'l) l J' �11 }) ri so ll f ()l" ('acl l p 1'()\ i11cc.3'1 I11. ac:lclit{o11 , a r ar111 cn. 11111 l1 a� l1C'c11 c::tal)]i�l1c1J at Ro])i carJalJ1c of accc,111111oclating 4SO 1iri$011cr�. _-lceorlli r1 g t<.> the f ig11res of tl1c �1i ni$ll·)r <.>f 111 l.eric>r, 17,4 -59 J)Crso11s ,rerc i11car­ cera lccl i r1 1l 1c )-car 1956, E.C., :.111 i11crcasc of 2,089 o,'er tl1c prc,rio115 )'ear a11tl 5�068 o,-cr lhc )'·ear ll cfore tl1at.:1 :i �fl1c1:c ,vcre 0111.)r L,vcr1l)"•:3e,1 c11 1>er5011s i1n1lri­ :.-:011ccl £ 01· life, vvl1 ile 3,866 l'C('(!i\ CC1 sell te11ccs of rigoro11s il11})l'i$OJ'll1.lent for 111orc tl1 a11 fi,·c 1•rarR ao(l S,] 1.1 sir11J!le i11111rison111cnl f()l' lc8s Ll1a11 five year:=. ..c\. lar gt� 1111llllJ r r� 7. 19] - , ,v C:.� re i11 1)ri:-:0 t1 r>e11.<li11g j r1 cl �nJ ent. 7


1,l1 e ce11t1·al 1)riso11 for Sl1oa i11 A<.lc]i� AlJalJa is tl1e 111o�l a<l,;a11cecl I l ri:-011 ju 1] 1P ec)t111tr:··36 'Pri.�1J11c 1·s arc cla$sifi<! cl ,vit.l1i11 tl1rcc Sltb-catcgorie;;; of rigoro11s i 1111>ri_orllll('Ul a11rl tl1rcc c,f RiJll}).IC j1111)ri�()ll]llel11I.; r,riso1 1crs l)CJllli11g j11dg 111clll nt1J tho_e i 11:1 prj_one1I for life or a,vaili11, g ex.cc11li1)11 are �Pgrcgatef.1 fro1r1 11or111:il 11ri�or1cr� ,111(1 (1.o 11ot take 1,art i11. tl1c 1Jrogrn111s of tl1(� 1)riso11. Rcl1alJili Lali�'C J>la1111i J1 g j5 111i11i111 al a� tl1c Pri::-c)Jl 1\.,l111i·11islratio11 recci,,es no lJackgroL111rl 111�­ torics oo 1>ri�<)11cr' fro111 tl1e j11tlicir11·y a11cl tloC$ 11ot itscl( altc1111>t lo co11slrttcl Lller11.

. Pr<)grams of (:l.e111c1.1 t c:try c1] ttcati on, severa] cor. ref!)O 11 clc11cc cot1rsc::: :1 nd , li 111iteJ lilJra1:y faeil i· tics are flJ'<lvi(lcd for tit«" 1.,ri�on 1)01>11latio11� 95 °/o of '"1 10111 33. At1r1nal 3,L. E.r ntrea, 35. Annual sligl1 Lly

Rei1)orL1 of tl1e Priso11 Deparl111e11t, l\1ini:;try of Interior, ]956 E.C. l1u,vever, 1·ontint1es to :idrni11ieter its r>L'iF-or1s f,e par��tely. J'or. ReJ}Orts of tl1e Prison Departr11ent �\'finistry of l11terior, 195•1· -1956 E.f.. i 1� Office, l ' a S1a1i:;tiC llill'cre.11t figures, see Stotisti<·al Abstract 159 -162, Central �' Jnn)' rs perial Etbiopia11 Go·ver11rr1e�1t ( 196;t i. 'l'l1 is rii:;e i11 the 11t1111l1cr of _priso1ie attrib tt t al)le to n1ore <"OillJJlete re1,or1::i fron·1 pro,,incia I 1>risonl"\ i11 tl,e J>;n,t t\l·o_ )'. ear�-" 1 · ·· .·.-1 s 11. 1 the ].>r1::-on , . . . 36. i,:i.tlC 'llir l1 01r.1 l J1e fo IIo,v111g . farL11al 111aler1ul l1as ))eeu ol)t.a1necl Jro111 o 1 1. 11 J,I . .1. ·l �" v1::1 l · erer 1 8 · • · · and fron1 111v o,\'11 ol1servat1·or1 •1flei Ad m1n1st1-at · 1011, · M'. •1n1, sLrr · f Interior .I on l II . o . . . l . . rrec l ce11tra l pr1Sol1 Jll i.\dd r s Abaha. See also .t\11dnrgntc l o tJe l1 e,v Tes rnye, "C· 0 . c··r1111e u,r'tf · · · ,, 111 0 - 1op1a Eth · ,.,,, cu.rre,it f>ro1ecls 11' reat,,ze l -J iri rlie JJrevc11 tio11, Control a11<..l T 7 - 9 ( 1963) C





PEN.i\L SYS'.fE�'I OF E1'Jll0l'IA

r 37 A variety of ,vork. r>rograms liave c11ler 111:iso11. Llic) \vl1e11 ate been nre illiter ,vl1iel1 al]o,v for ·lrai11ir1g i11 skills, })rin1arily fan11i11g, tl1at ,vill be iti:;tit11tccl f itl iu olJla111i1.1 g a job 1111011 release. Unf<1rlr111ately, l)risoners l1ave not often bcctl l)aicl for tl1ei r ,vork as ear11ir1g sc11en1es l1a·ve r1ol :vci. 11ee11 cst:ahlisl1cJ. . S t1cl1 a scl1c1uc is co11Le:U.l}).l atc(1 11()\\'(�\'Cr, i11 a rcec11 rtl)' clraftccl :Priso11s J->roc1a­ ri(le l'CllllllleralioJJ for ,vork clo11,� i11Lo tl1rcc SC}Jarale cli, ,,�0· 1 ,lll ac,. ,vl1icl1 1 l)lUlio1 cott11ts: a c11rr,:,nt , a sa,;i11gs a11<l a11 j11cle11111ification accor1nt.38 •

Lack of fl1L1<ls l1ns kc1-it 1JJ.c,11si11g i11 J)Oor co11ilit.ion eve11 i11 tl1e A(lclis Ahaha JJriso11 a11ll l1a:: 1)re,,e11lell tl10 l1iri11g a11cl trai11i11g of aileqltale staff. Ilecreatio­ nal, l1ealtl1 a1111· t.l1crat1c11tic facilities arc li1nitecl a11cl no J)rog1·a111 for after-care J1a� }1ec11 cstabli:-l1ccl. l ) riR011ers arc rc ?i[)()rtc(I tc) lJc bitte1· a110 to feel tJ1at their ,lc.tcnlio11 is n 111i:,;earriau:c c,J j11sticc." 9 J? ro,,i1.1cial J)i·iso11s l1a,,e even fc,vc1· fa­ ·ejlities ancl for tl1c 1110.;:,t 11nrl r,ro,;jclc 011]y li111itecl O))J)orll1nil)' fo1· 1vo1·k. 1\ JJcgi1111i11g i s })eir1g r11acle ,vill1 tl1ese 11rolJlcn1s as 1·,]e officials realize tl1c r1eecl for goocl J>riso11 �1clu1i11istratic)11 a11cl Ll1e illl11orla11ce of caref1J 11la1111i11g •if tl1c J)ri11ci1,Jes establisl1ccl i.11 tl1e Pe11al Cocle are to lJe effecti,rely· i1111)le­ n1e11letl.

IV. Young Offenders J\s \\'itl1 nclr1lt offc11clers, state1ue11ts co11cer11ing j 11.ve11ile deli11crl1ency in F:thiot>ia ca11 at bc�t be tentative as tl1ere arc ,r ery fc,\r acc11rate records and 1.10 co1n1>rel.1e11�i,,e sl1tclics of tl1e 11ro1Jlem.40 A11 a11a·lysi s of the case histor)'" rr1a­ �rinl co11tai11e< l i11 tl1c fi]es of tl1e ,-J:'rai11i11g Scl1ool a11(l Rc111and I-Iome of Addis _t\._bal>a pro,,i(le$: 110,ve,,er, so1.1 1 e i11<licaLion as. to trencls in jt1venile crime. Tl1c 111c>re ittlflOrtant co11c]11sio11s tl1at 111a)r be clrzt'\-VU from tl1is n1aterial arc �11mr11arizccl i11 a rece11t re1>ort to tl1e l\i{inislr)' of Na'tional Con1111L1nity Deve37.

Ato Cl1anyaleo1t Tesl10111e, "1\-Te1nora11tlu1n tion" 1.


tl1e ln1provcu1ent of l) riso11 Atlministra­

:l8. It is hoped Ll1at t11e Prisons Pror..la1r1alion ,vill cou1e 1Jefore Parlian1e11t during it! cur• rent session. 1\]thong]1 tl1c prot)oscd Pi:oelan1atio11 �ends to be overconcerne{l ,vit11 se­ curity, there is prese11tly no ]a,v i11 l:�Ll1io]',ia gover11i11g tl1e ad1ninistratio.n of prison! a11cl its enactn1cnt \.rill effect a 11t11n1)c,r of a(lva11ccs ai1d lJe quite l1cl1lf11l in reg11larizing ad111inistration. 39. ,<\to CI1a 11 yalco11 Tes110 1nc, op. cit: at 2. •JO.

Tl1c 111ost con1plete consi <lcra1io11 of jnvc11ilc (1c1inquency ir1 E1J1iotlia l1as recently Ileen prci"cntcd by J. Riley, United Nnti.ons ronst1ltant, as a Fina] Report lo t11e �1i11istry o! Natio11al Co111n1unity l)cvclor1n1ent. 'f"·o oilier short studies l1ave lJee11 co111J)leted and are cont:lin�d in tl1e follo, ru11rnblisl1ed report:3: J. Ros�, "J11,;e11jlc Delincp1e11cy in Ethiopia" (1961) and I y·c,vein,i:-l1ct Besl1al1-Wo11red, "Son1e of tl1e Causes and Contr1but­ _ ing Factors to 1l1e i.\- akin!! of J11 vcnilc Delinquents a11d Prostitutes" (1961); see a}50 1\r1<largatcl1c,v Tesfayc, Of): cit. al 9 -11.

41. Riley, ibid. nl 8, 23 - 25.

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ted primarily in a tra e11 nc 5 co i. 111e cri le e11i jr1v of ce len cic 1 1 j e r., fe·Ir 1 0 p.n1e n t.-11 ,.fJ1. . . 1 ·cas111g. ,4'J- ,.l,J1c 111?�t. I1eav1·1 y commil . 11c 1 s 1 . 1t, 11gl l1 o11g alth ted nlajor c�ities and t 1e a11tl1 01·1t1es l1ave no, v· l gl1 1ot1 altl cy ran . ,,ag cl 1 a1 ft the clecicled ty �lcl offenses ai·e _ 10 cases of 11.1·ge11t 11eed,43 e )t exc y a11c agr , , 1 to t JJcc res h , ion t ac. e tak 1'he to not age gi·otl}) of t,vel,7e to six:tee11 years co11�tit:utes tl1e largest portion of uiale, jti­ ,· enile offe11cle1·s a11cl 0111)· 18°/4. of these offencle1·s cor11e fro111_ fau1ilies I 1 nv.iiJg r a11d 11ne1111)lo)rmc11t are also c) i]litera co111n1 01 1 fac­ 1e, 1 i11co1 )�o,v both 1 1are11ts. tors 1·elatecl to jt1,,e11ilc cri111e in Etl1io1Jia. It is 11ot ,vitl1i11 tl1e scoi)e of tl1is r>aJ)Cr to deal lvill1 tl1e carisation of ju,,e. nile crin1e� bttt a fe,v- f1:uitf1tl areas for i11\·catigatio11 1nigl1t JJe s11ggestccl. ,.fhe . clclis _i\.ba]Ja, lvitl1 tl1 e co11secrucnt rapid inig1·atio11 to t1rha11 areat-, esJ )ecia11}· A ·disassociation f1·0111 fan1ily ancl oftc11 cl11i1·cl1, 1ogell1cr ,vit11 tl1 e i11trocltiction of l\'Cste1-n ed11cational ancl cco110111ic ,•alt1 t�s is likcJ)r to l1a,'e catt sccl consi<le. 1 r 1·able 11or1nati, e co11fusion to ,,·l1icl1 adolesce11ts a1·c lla1·t ic11larly 1>ro 11c. 1 I iis J1as lecl to tbe 1Jrcaki11g do,\'JI of the traclitio11al at1Ll1orit); 5lr11ctt1re a11d J)al­ ter11s of social stra·tificatio 11, ,\·l1icl1 l1as increa.�ecl tlic· JlossiJ.i.lili ( �s of jt1,·eriile c l by tl1csc cl1a11ge.s, a11cl i 11 l�tl1io­ cri111e. ,.fl1e fa111 il)� l1as hee11 Jlrofol111dl1r i1ffecte. · 4 cri. 111 c ] )' )'OlllJg r,ia lvl1erc fa1 1 1ilies l1avc t1·aditionally bcc11 ra1:l1er 1111stab]c,-i ) . Jlc1·eo11s is likely to l1a,r e dee11 }>S)'Cl10Jogi(:al roots. l?o,rcrty, 1 1 11c 111 1Jlo)r 111c11t at1ll li 1 uitcrl cdt1catio11al 01>1 1ortunities n1ay also he s11bsta11ti;1l cat1ses of j11,,enile crime, JJarticular]y l\7 itl1 re�Jlcct to tl1e higl1 .inciclence of tl1eft. �l,l1e fact tl 1at jt1,,cnile crime is a·s lo,� as it is in EthioJJia ca11 he IJartial])r attrib t1tccl to tl1 c co11Li1 1 t1ecl strengt}i. of tracl.itio11al i 11.stitt1tio118. I{esearcl1 is ] 1 adly 11cecled to C<)r• r. oborate 01· 1·ef11te tl1 ese tentati,1 e l1yr>otl1cses a11cl t.o i11trocl11cc otl1 ers so that a sou11d fratne,,'ork for con11Jrel1e11sive a11cl c1·eati,1 e }llai1ni11g of jt1vc11ile crime J)revent io11 a.nrl trcatn1cnt can he develo1led. 1�1 1c fir�t Ia,\r clealing ,,,itl1 jr1ve11ile8 i.11 Etl1io1Jia ,va5 tl1e ''Vagranc)· a11d 1 5 Tl1i5 ]�1�oclan1atio11 llro,·i:dcrl for 11 1 ,� de­ '\ agahonclagc Procla111ation of 194:7.''·( l'e11tio11 of }lCr�on.s lJclo,v t 1 1c age of ejgl1tee11 )rear! if £01111(1 l\'8ll(lcri 11 g abroacl ,,r i. tl1 011t 1·eg11lar en11)JO)'n1 e11t or 1alv.ful resi<l�ncc,�' hrrt tl1 e enact111c11L of the



42. There are 110 accur.ite figures as lo tl1e extent of juvenile <leli11«1aency. Outside ol' r\ddis Ababa, AS:Inaira and Dir,e Da,v.a there s.eems to he yery little jt1ven.ile c.rin1e, ,,,hirh i• generally dealt witl1 unofficially lly tl1e 1>olice. See Riley, ibid. at 21- 22. -'3. Tl1e Country Statement of Ethiopia st1bmittecl to tl1e Social J)efe11ce :i\Icctiug in 1\Ion• ro,r ia in Aug11st, 1964 states at p. 2 that "In 78 case5 �ut of 100, !J oys are con1n1illccl f?r , petty thefts and vagrancy''. C,,n1mitmer1tg for vagrancy l1 ave dec1i11c<l fron1 50�-� to 2�0 111 the last year due to the :r1e,vJ,, adopted poli('y. Riley, ibic/. at 9.

(4. See Ullendorff, TJie;an,� 178 (]960) ; I�ipsky; Ethio1>ia 89 (1962). 45. Proc. No 89 of 1947 G.C. �fl1e Pe11al Cocle of Etl1iopia (1930) do1,1 co11cer11 it&elf "i· lli . javenilea in passing, see Arts. 21, 150.

-'6. Upon the g11ch of.f e.nse, a ju.venile wa1s to be ret11rned ,to ,the cu.stody of l1ie parents, Sect, . . 8.

---396. . ,

I •



Pe1 1al Coile i11 1957 re1)ealed t.l1is ea1·J :ier legisla tion. �i Unc ler tlle Pe11al Cotle, i11·fa.11ts ,vJ.10 l1a,,e not •al'tai11 ecl i-1te ao-e of 11ine-is are clee111e(l not: tc> Le _ cri1.r1inally rt'._s1>011.-:.-ilJle; offe11ses con11l1it,ted )1 y 811cJ 1 j 11• fa11ts are to .11e (lcalt ,v1t l1 lJ)' tl1e fa11t.1ly, �el100J or gt1ar<.lian concernccl (Art. 52). CJ1il(lren het,veen the a�es o. f ni11e art(l fiftee11 are refc.r1:ecl to as ''y011 ng l)Cl'· sc111 s'' a11 cl arc 11ot s11bJcct to t.lte or<li11 ar)' J)ena]lti<!R applicable to adr,lts ( ..c\ . s5essccl taki 1 1g i 11to ac­ ' rt. 53). 1-\fter a clcterr11ination of gt1ilt, sentence is a co11nt tl1e age, cl1itractt�r, <lcgrce of r1.1e11 Lal a11<.l 1nora] clevelopn1c11l of , tJ1 e )'o1111g JJerso11 .111 (1 tl1 e ,·al11c of t.l1e rr1easttres to 1Je ai>1>liecl (Art. 54,). ,.fl1 e cot1rt 111ay 11se one of the n 1 ea.st1res fron1 a 1>rescril>ccl liot, t11e n1ost im11orta11 t of ,vl1icl1 arc: a(l1ui8sio11 i10 a CtLrati,,c ir1stit11tion, st111c1rvisecl ecl11cation ]Jy re­ lati,·es, gt1ar(lian, a<lor,t.i11 g fa111il)r or cl1aritalllc i11�titt1tion, reJlrin1 a11cl or �cl1t1i:-sio11 to a eorrertive i 11stit11tio11. (1\ r.ts. 16]-69). I.n special circ11111star1ces tl1 c cor1rt 111a�' req11ire t 11c 1,�iy111 c11t of �• fine, cotJ><Jral ,r,t1 or even in11>ri­ _so11ruent if tlic offe11�e co111 111itte,J is 11orr11a] ly ,p11 11 i.sl1 al>le ,vitl 1 ten or· n1orc ')'ears rigoro11s im1>riso11 1ue11 t. ar1< . l tlie o.ffe11 <lcr ap1>cars i11corrigi]1le ( f\._rts. 170-73). �1Ieast1rcs for treatn1ent or s11pcr,1ise<.l ecl11catioi1 are ter1nir1atecl 011Jy ,vl1en tl1e n1eclical or SllJJer,,isor)' .a11tl1ority tl1irik� i t is 11eces:-:ar)r or ,vhe11 1 l1c )7 0l111g of fencler reacl1es tl1 e age of eigl1teen.. 111 tl1e case of yot111g perso.ns sent to correctional i11st.it11tio11s, tl1.e commit11.1ent is for not less t11a11 one )•Ca1· 11or r11ore tl1an five )rears; only i. 11 cases n1ay it extc11 cl l1e)•oncl tl1e 1age of eigl1tee11 yt'ars ( Art. 167) . 'l'l1e Co<le f1trtl1er r>rovicles for co11clitional release ( Art. 167) bt1t la<.�k of an orga11izecl J>robat.ion syste111 lias J)rcventccl im­ JJle111entation of Ll1is JJrovision. TJ1e Penal Cocle also estal1lisl1es a category of offe11 clers lJet,\'ce11 the ages of fifteen and cig.l1teen� a11cl altl1011gl1 orllinary }JC· nalties are aJJJ1lic,t]Jle, tl1e co11 r.t 111a)�, in assessing sentence, tak.e i11to acco1111t SJ)ecial m.itigatir1g factors (.t\rt. 56 ). Before 1961, )ror1 ng c>ffen4ilers ,vere ,tak.en Lefore orclinar)r acl1 1 lt coru·ts ,vhcre tJ1e offense co111111ilteil ,,·as of 111ore i 1 u1:>ortar1ce tl1an t.l1e ,vclf�tre of tJ 1e 1

l7. The Penal Code of 1957 eXJlre�sJ,, re1Jeals "tl1e ll enal Code of 1930 ar1cl all Jlroclan1ntions ainen< tl1e san1e". AJtJ1011gl1 �.\rt. 3 retain!! "poliee regu]utioi1s anc1 special la.,vs o;f a penal 11ature," 1.l1e '\Tagrancy a11c1 '\7 agabor1dage Pro<'larnatio11 seems to he closer in Lo legislation amending ,1}1e Penal (:ode oi 1930 tl1an a special la,Y- of a JJenal 1 1ature. The ne,v Penal Code reg11 lates tl1e area of vagrar1ey (Art. 471, Dan.gerous Vagra11.c')·) and tl1e legislature probably intcndecl, tl1erefore, altl1011gl1 it did not expressly so state, to repeal earlier Jegislatio11 t1eaJing ,vitl1 vagrancy. See Consolidated Lu,vs of Ethiopia, Institute of llublic 1\.drni11istration, wl 1icl1 lists 1J1e \i agrancy an<l '\7ngabonc1age Procla­ n1ation as im1>liedly repealed J,y tl 1e Penal Code of 1957. In 1961, 110\\'�ver, tl_1e Juve­ 1 nile Division of tl1e I-ligl1 Court (lid convict t,vo ju,,e11ilcs u11<ler A1·t. 8 of Ll1e '\ agrancy and '\7agabo11<lage Pro<'laruation, 1-Iigh Court, Juvenile f)ivision, Cri1n. File No. 5�2/53 E.C. (1961 G.C.), in I,owenstein, 11/aterial:$ For tl,e Stutl)' of tire Pe11-l1l Laiv of Eth1op1t1

189-90 (1965).

48. T11e FrencJ1 text of tli e drafter of tl ae Pen:.11 Code slates "ten" years: "Les disposjtion du pre::;e..nt code ne sont api)Jica,h]e aux enf�uts n'ay.ant JJ.!11! atteint l'�ge de. 11euf -ans •_re­ volus." The same tra11slatjon error has 1)ee11 made tor eacJ1 age ment1oned 1n the sect1 on on young offenders.


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c11 ild. In 1961� a SJ)ecial tri]J1111al _of tl1:·e� I-�:igl.1 Cot1rt jt1clges ,vas constj lrited to J1ear· jt1,-er1jle cases 1111<le.r tl1e ne,v C1· t 111� 11a.l_ P1·oc._ erlt1J:c Cc><lc; tl1is cotlrt fr,nc. tionecl l)ece1J1ber� 1962 ,\·lien a Jt1,,p1i,1Jc cc,L1rt ,1,-a� <··tal ) ]i ..:l,ed l)v 01-<ler· of I-Iis J\1ajcE-t}- tcJ sjt 1,vjcc. a· ,veek 'itt .t\. tlclis .r-\.l)JlJ:l. 'J�l,e l)irrctcur ,,f Soei;J J)efense in tl1e Mi-ni8tt�y of· Na·t.ion,1] CortlllJ ltt1 it)' Dc,,c;]<)l>l 1 Je11 t lta-, l)f•e, 1 · ar)i1ois11tecl a \Vo1·ecla Co11rt jr11lge for 111.1rr>oses of J1eari11g cases ir1 tl t c J lt \·enil Cotut . :[11 t]Je J )1·0,,j11ces, )r out1.g o{fe11cle1·s are st.ill l1ear(l llefo1·c al lttl l cotirts. e 'l'Lie C1·i111iual l)roce,"I t1re Cocle o f 1961 sets ot1t SJ >Ccia I J)roceilu · ral rules j 11 cases conce:rning �r o1 1 ug Jlc;r�oi1s (A1·ts. 171-80). 1�'l1e�c rL1lcs r,ro,, j cle for an iri­ £0.1"'111al heari11g 11 1 cl1.a11tllers 1vitl 1 011t a cl1argP- Ira111<�,1· 11)' tl1c prrl>lic 11roscctllor 11nless tJ1e offe11se coD1-111iltecl is }Jt1nisl1allle ,vitJ1 rigor<)tlS in11)ri:'<)11111(�nt cxccctl­ i11g te11 );ears or cleatlt. A co1111,lai11,t is reacl to tl. 1 e ace;11�ccl a11,l if all 111itted, con . v·ictio11 01a�r folJo,v. I.f nc,t all111itte(l, a l1eari11g is l1Pl(] at '"l1icl1 all ,,·itne8. .3cs a1·e inten·ogatecl l1�i tl1e j11,r<!JliJc jL1.<lge a11(] 1))" tl1e 1·1,·f('Il"C� ,,. -J.11J j ,:; ei1.l1< 'r a la,,·. yer or g11ardia11. A 11roJJatio11 1·c1.1orl i .;;. J)l'CJ),l.r (�fl I,)� 011P of t,vt, J>rolJ atio11 offi­ cers IJre�e11l'J�, a.llacJ.1c:cl t.c1 tl1e cot.1rt� e11ahli11g tlJc jL1cl· �r. le) i-lC'11te11ec tl 1 r offe11<l­ ing y·o11tJ1 j11 accor<l�1t1cc ,villi tl1e 1,ri11ci 1 )lc� c:-talJli�J1<'fl i11 tl1(� Pc11al Codc.49 _.t\..s Ll1f"re is as yet 110 J1or11P- for girls� 1t11.C)" are ll�l•a·l l)r ret11.r1Jecl to })arc11ts or gt1ar(lia11s or, i11 cxec 1lLio11a] c,1::-c!'� cor1111.1itl.c<l t1) 11risc)11. 50


rl'Le onl). · iu&t.itr,.L j<JJl i'.11 Etl1io1)ia co11cer11ccl ,rit.11. tl.1c rcl1alJilitat io11 of ju­ \1eniJ.e oI(enflers is t]1e rf.raj.11111g Sc]1cJ,01 ancl l1e 111,ancl Ilo111c e:-talJ li::,;l i ccl i11 19-J� in Acltlib ...i\.'ba]Ja.51 U11til ::\1a.)', ]964 tl1c sc:11001 ,vas cl· o�c�])r cor111eclell ,, r itl1 tl .1e of 111e 1\1.wii�tr)· of J 1. b11t co11si$ICr1t ,vitl1 tl. 1 e gro,Y­ Priso11 A<lrnin.i�t t-ati011 , io· g JJhi'1osoi:l}1�' o.f e<lt1.catio11 an,l 1·eJJa}Ji]it,1.tio11, it ,vas i11 196�1. tra11�fcrretl to the D:i,�i�..ion of Socjal \�1elfarc in llJc :l\.lini�Lr)· of N,llio11al Cc,1J11u1L11ity Dc­ velopn1.e0it. TJ1e i11stitutio11 r>ro,,. icle-.s acco111111oclatio11 £01· 011c l1t111(lre(l bo)·s citl1e.r coru­ n1itte1.l 01· <.) n 1·ewancl \\'ho�e a·gcs llJ>Olt ail1ni s�io11 1·ar1g<� fro111 ui11e to eigl1t.ceu )'ea1·s.5:! 'I�he scltool is st.affe,l ll�- a et111er • j�1.te111lr11t. L,v,l 1,rfil)ati 1 1ti «>ffi\'i'J'.� �11111 a DL1n1J)er of teacl1era 1-•-1110 J ):r<J,1 i<le ele.111e1.1ta,r;1 ccl t1calion tl1r<)11g}1 tl1c �1[i11i&IJ·)' of Edttcati,111. Asicle fro.111 so111e aca1f,:111ic tr[Li:11irJ1g ru1(l a �rrua11 a1110 11 11t of the.rapy rur1tl ra$e W<)1·.k. J.)rovicleli h)' tl1e r>r-oh:1ti20 11 c,fficcri:;� Ll1.c boy.s clo riot re­ cei,re ai:n)r g11iclance atlcl COll'llse]i11g tlllC to tl1c J,t<:k <Jf trai:.11ccl })Cl'SOJ]llCl. 'l'Le 49. In 1956 E.C. (1963 - 64 c;.c.),

tl1r, Jn,·cnile (:ou.rl

ju(]ge ('OJlllllille<l 58.5;� oI nll ca_ses

dealt ,vitl1 lo tl1e Tra'j1Jin{{ ;;eliool a11d Re1na11d I] 0111 e; J:3?o \\'ere 11laeed or1 probation and 35% ,,,ere relt[r11e1.l to J)a1:en1.s or guar<lia11s. lliley, UJ>. cir. al 20.

50. At A11dar �atcl 1c,,, 1'ef-lfaye, 1J1e }'>resen �uveniJe Court judge, st.ates tl1at aside �- �o,n 1 ��� � f _ _ � _ 0 . l a ck lack of an msltlut1ot1 for girls, 1J1e rna1r1 11rol,Jen 1s arc! 11oor equ11,1nt!r1t. aud a operation het\v-een pro·vir1cial 11olice aa,1 tlie 1· 11 ver1ile (�ot11·t. Jntervie,\', Dec. 16, 1964· . ons '1•)1ere such . . 51. Y oung o ffea ders 1n t l1e J)rovif'tC'eS are sent lo Se'- 'r e1ratcd sect1011s o f }Jr1 , facilities exist. 52. In December, 1964, tl1e Scl1uol ,,,as accornn1oclati r ig 138 l1oys; 126 for1r1a ll )' coUlluitted and twelve on rema11d. Rile)' op. cit at 26. l')





. 1c11t 811d ])]ar111i its ctncl t1g it.1 C .l l1ool l)e Lo cl sc loose, tl1e cc111i )J of 1 • io11 t 1izn, J · · · O 3 0r•rrai r "'l rl .'J . 1 c1. c 11a;:; J)ec11 -iio after,e1 y J)OOl' · a nc1 staf f· 1n·acl C'•· ]JOll�i,1g relati, . care or .follc>,r-t111 of j11,,e11i]c offo11<ler.�. �['IJ02-c ,vl10 ar,� 110,v rc s- 1101, 1silJle for tli e uf rcJ1i:tlliliL ..lLjo11� 1 10,rc,·cr, a11cl are $CI J ool arc 1:11 s)· 1111)all1)r ,vitl1 Ll1c f)l"i11eij,lc,; . ].1eigi r1ni11g to 111alcc l1cacl,,·a)·· J\ corr1r1rcl1r1; -i\·c rcorga11i. zali �n a1111 1·1�veloi)rlJCJll 1 J:>1a 11 for tl1c scJ1ool l1as rrc(��tl l)r l)C'f•J1 111·,,11aretl i11 I lie :i) li11i;;t _ry of Natio11al : 1 tl1crc a11tl C\"Ctl')r -1101)(:� tl1at, jt \vill 50011 be i111J (�0111111u11i ,Ly Dc, 1)le111011-tecl.51




�r111� Secor,cl Ji'i- ve 1rcc,r Dc'liCl()J}llLC/1,t Plc111. 1963-] 967 G.C. inc'Ittclcs a sla­ te1uer1l i11 1J1�i •11ci1>le Ll1at tl1c I�111 1)irc� ,viJl t1r1dc1·1a]c.e '' ,t'l1c rcl1alJi'l-ita1.io11 of ,-· 011tl1 1 so tl1al. deli11<rt1c. 1.1e)- r a11tl ,,agrarlc)r n111crr1g tcrn-ag.r·r ,;. 15 co11Lrollc<1 a11f'f · 1-11c'l1 1°011tl1s arc I1clr>cl1 to lJcco111c t1�cf11l 1r1e11tl)e:r� 1>J �ocicL)'·'�.;� Ne,v legi�lalio:i1 -j� 6 �l'J11c ;10,,, lJndJ)r 11cetlcrl to re.alizc tl1is i<lcal.,; Soci,al ,Velfarc ])ivisio-11 of tl1c . )Iir1i�Lr)· o.f l\a-Lio11al Co111111u11it:.)r Dc,,clo11111c,11L. i5 i11i1i n,li1, 1g n111I coorcli'.I. 1a.li11g : · cfforl$ i11 tl1is fielll a11(l i5 J>rc�c.r111y <'lr·afti.r1g a co11111rel1cn�ive Cliilc] Welfare · Act. 'l'l1e l)olicc� force l1as 1·ecc11tl)' or,c-11c<.l ,1 $J1ccial de1>arl111c11L clcalir1g ,riLb ,1t11cl tl1t� :l\f t111ici 1 >ali1t}r of J\clclis 1\.])al)a a11(l �ucl1 orgnt1izalions j11,,e11ile a:ffnir�:, . l.l:- 1 J,c y. l\1. C.i\.. a11 cl s C 011 l::; j 1a ,,e b Cgl 111 to f ()r Ill co lll 1ll ll l1.i-t)' CCll ,l er�� cl11]) � fl ll cl otl1er fr1ciliLies to l)l"l)\'i<l<� ueti,ri1ly a11ll ,Lrai11i,11� Jo-r )'Ot1ll-1s. Altl1ot1gl1. E1]1io1Jia J1a:3 lJeeu s1o,\· i11 realizi11g Ll1e 11ce.css1L)' of J)re,r c11ti11g jt1,rc1, 1ile cri1uc n11Ll c:.ari]1g . 0 Lo l:.av·c eslal)lisl1ecl n /:!:OOll 1Jegir1nir1 1!:!: lJrfore for , ot111g offe-11clcr5, iit i, s .fo,rl11r1ale 1 tl1e JJroble111 l1a-:: n�<5-t1111ecl serio11.s 1>ro1)ortio11s. 1






V. Con cl usion The alJo,re is a brief 011tli. 1 11e <Jf Ll1c r>c11al S)'t•le111 of Etl1io1)ia , . i\.ltl1ougl1 a goo<.l c1cal n1ore clcL-ail coul!l lJ<; acl<lecl ,vi.tl1 r<:>S]>CC'L Lo ,vri,LLc:t1 la,v, vr-r)' litt'lc, inclced, is kr10,v11 of tl1e l] a)� ,to <1a)r f t111clio11i11g of tlie S)1 �te111. 1-\..s l1as lJccr1 sce11, is cousicleralJle clis11arjty lJot,vcc11 ,tl1e 1)rir1ci 1 >lo.s n11ll iilc: als 3CL olrt i11 tl1c Lhe1·e . 11e,,- riositi,,e la,v a·nll ar>1)]icaitio11 ,vitl, 1iill tile r>c.11al systc111. Bu ,tl1 lJasic r cscarc.11, antl CXJ)antlell ccltrcatio11al 0111)01�tt1nil)" arc vcr)' 1ut1cl1 r1er.!Jccl if tl1is gar) i.s to ll<� s11lJsla.11ti1a1])r T1,1.:rro,,·c(l. A gooi:] sl-a,rt l1a.s 1lcc11 111a(lc a11rJ eocortra­ ge111e11t ca :11 ]Jc Lakcn fro111 tl1c gro,ri11g a·, of -tl1c cxi.ste11ce of tl1csc 1 1rr1]Jleu1s antl tl1e clc.sire on tl1c Jlar,L of 111atl)' i-11 EtJ1io1)ia Lo se<� Lo tJ1ci.r eve11lrrnl soltttion. 53. See I{iley, iclen1, an(l Si11gl1, "1\cldis •..\Lnl,a I-Io.n1e for J11ve11ile Delinquents" ( 1959). �4. Riley, ibill., Cl1a1). II. 55. (Addis Al>al)a, Bcr11ancna Se1ant J?rinting Press, 1962) 301.

56. See High Co11rt, J11venile D1visio11, Crjn1. f'ile No 522/53 SllJJra at. nole 50 ,,1l1cre the Court at lLe e11cl of its opinion stales: ';Th.e Con.rt co.11.2-iders tl1:Jt a re.su1ue of this jLtdgn1e11L s11oulcl lJe se11L to Ilis Excel­ lency, t1te l\:lir1if-ler of l11lerior arid ll·is Ex('e1lcnc-y, the nli1.:5ter of J uslice, tltrough t11e Presider1l of 1I1e fligl1 Co11rt, together ,vitl1 explanations of tl1c cliffic11lties \,·ith ,rl1iel1 the Juver.1ile Court is faced ir1 dcali11g ,vitJ1 j11venilcs under 1l1e existing legj.



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1§ :




























424 --



CODE AND CUSTOM IN ETHIOPIA By Professor Geo.rge l(1· Fac11lty -of La,v, Ha,ile Sellassie I Univer-si;ty

Introduction Ethiopia's jttrii-stic clev0lop111en ,t {)resen•ts, in 1no,st re.spects, a striking con.� trast .to the .rest of s111h-Sahara. . t code · n Africa. Only Et11.iopia l1a,d. i:ts o,m. ancie:n ; uf law. E·thioJ)ja alone evolve<l a 11niqt1e legal syste1n :related to its tra,lition and to both continental .a11d con1mo11 la.w con,cepts. Also extremely or,igina · l is the pace of dcvelo11merut in, respec.tively, E·thiopiian 1)11hlic ,ancl priva • te law. Indeed, ,�hile iu1 .thie co11sti!Lt1ti,ona1 fielcl, Etl1i•opia can he diistingtiished from most of Afr.ioa hy tJ1e cat1tion ancl gradua1ne, ss with whicl1 its _political structures evolvecl from tl1e :m:- .ad · itional Etl1-io1Jia'I1 co11ce:pts of governmen:t,2 ir1 the si)hell'e of privaite la,-v ,tl1e rever&e is· tr11e: in a • :notl1er con .lira.s·t , to most of Africa, J 1 pi a s udden and total. T ie rewcl!I'd wa, s the 11'e- cenit 1...eform of pri,r,ar te 1a,v in Etl1io · 1 · fo.r th-e gradualness i11 Etl1�opian co1n stitt1ti1onal d,evelopment l1as been a poli­ tical sitial)il�ty ttnique on ,tl1is 1st-rife-to r, n coiilltine. n,t. As to th,e reason:- for tl1e ahn1ptnesa of Oillr p ·rivate la,v 1·efo•rm, they are cli·scus-sed below. It iis now generally ad:mi,tted in Af,rica3 tl1at: 1the diversity alll.d ,the com­ features ,o f rtrihal ct1f,tom in the fields of lrund tenure, , fa.mi]y la,v and eucceasi,on, and 1ts void,s 111 otl1er .aireas of lia,1/" ( e.g. contract) l1amper tracle, .investment an-cl social IJrogre:-)s. Th,e necessairy modernization of Africa's pri­ v·a,te lar1-v ·strl1ctt1res h·as -star, tecl 01· is o,re.rdue. It :us hardes.t it.o a • chieve in the above-namecl fi.eldis of la,v, 1vl1er-ein ,t1·acliti•on. is strongest and elahor,ate. Grant­ ed this, by whrut meitl1ocls sl10,11ld 11rivate law be trefoTmed: sl�ould there he a legal evolution, oir •a juristic revolution? The expert drafter of the Ethiot)ia, .n Civil Cocle, Professor R. David, hae dec1ared hin1se]f in f avot1:1� of arnd has f o· llo,vecl ,Viha:t may he called -the ''revo­ 1 lutiio.nar),'' app - ro,ach. He ex1p1aiil1-ed -his a ttiitt1de as. follolvs: The develo1Jme11t ,ancl 1nod, ernizati!oi11 of Etihiop:iia necessitate the adoption of a ''rea ,dy 1na,de'' system ... in s11ch a manner -as to ·ass·ure as qt1ickly w; possible a mi.nim , al sec111·iit)r in legal crel�tions. 1. This paper is largely •based on G. Krzeczuno,,vicz, "A Ne,v Legislati,:e Approach to Cus­ tomary Law'',]. Eth. Studies, vol. I, no. 1 (1963), JJ. 57, which iJS out of print. The lat­ ter article was never published in a Ia½' journal or in the 1\mharic language.

2· Cf. G. Krzeczunowicz, "The Regime of AssemhlJ' in Ethiopia,'' ]. Eth. Studies, vol. I, no. 1 (1963),p.79.


3· For the last decade consult, e.g., tl1 e several of Journal oJ African Laiu and of R«cueil Penant.


T • · v 11 N JOURNAL OF' E·rHlOl�IAN LA V\ - OL. . - - 0. 2 r

We [E11ropeans] observe tl1e stalJilily of ou1· IJrivate la,v, and ,,.,e believe with di.f.fici1lty irn the effioacy of _1a,vs \vl1ich pretend to. )rm pose on pi·i,nate . individua-1s ainoitl1er mod,e o, f concl11ct :th,ar1 t. l1ait praC!ticed by ,tl1em ... Thi,s position ms not that of tl1e Ethi1opia:us ... While E!a.feguarding cartiain tra­ ditional values , 1Jo , ,.vl1icl1 she t"emains profoundly· ait1tached, Etlrio1)iia wi:s.htes to modi,fy l1er st1'11ctures completely, ov-en to the. � t1:y ,of life of her people. Con8equrently E·tliiopia!Ilis clJo n.ot expect •the new Co-de to he a work of con­ solidai tion ... of a,c.tual customary 1:u1es. 1,hey wiisil1 it to he a- p1:o-grrrm en­ visagiaig ia tot, al :troarnsf'rna, tion of .sociie1ty .and · tlrey clemand that forr the most part, it set out nev,r rnle-s appro1Jr· 1a:ve for the &-ociety they wish to create, [furthei· arg1.,1ments are o:n1itte11] .4 The ahove view h8!8 been Buhstantiially� .s11pporrted by ,,l1-iJter: . ctical ThOill"'exiist.e:nce in E,tl1ic1piia of c·us.tomacy r11les on No doubt the pr a, certain matters (e.g. in cont. r.act ]a'\-\') ancl tl1e f2.ct tl1at i11 otl1er matters (e.g. in famiJ.y la'¼·) most customs aire unc,e;rtain ,or vary :£1•0,m IJlace to place, gr,oup to group rund ti1ne to ti111e, made i-t inconceivable even to c.onsicler the idea of a me.rte legis1ast�ve co,nsolid-a,tion of all ,suah c11[stom1a:ry rt1les aiS are found to be followed in practice. La1v coult1 not be simply ''fo11nd'' and affi1'D.led in Ethiopia. It had to .JJe '·maclc'' by rat.iona] cl1oice from 11atio­ na : ire co11lcl · l and fweign A homogeneo11s legal syistem Fcu:· tJ1i.s Emp o.nly he creruted by a co11,sci,011sly 1·efo-rn1ing effo11�. In the Emperor's w.01·ds ... ,the p1·imary recruiren1-en, t \v1a,s ''i.he modenniz,ation -of tlllc legal framework of Ot1r E1n ·pire's . .s,'' Tl:.(� ter1.ets o-:f tl10.;::e l1i:torical and s.ociolo� :scl1ools of juriE,prl1deince wl1ich st:1·ess t, l1ait law g1, pri­ marily from custom t-l1roug1l1 an 01·ga1.1i1C no11:-deliiherate p1-:ocess, seem va­ lid ... onlJr in ciJ.·cl1mstance-s of ;r,e1aitive e.tabil�ty. They .rure 11a1·dly a,pp1'0prifate foc ·those ancier1t wci.�ties v.1ilticl1, as in Etlti,01)i.a, are sudd·enly e.x­ po.sed ,to the iin1pact of a v•io1ently oom1)eti1ive 011tside -w·orld. In s1.1ch! cir­ cu.m stanc. es, the a - im of 0111· C0id.e, 1·artl1er tl1an to .san-ctif)'· exirst�ng llrac­ tices, to offer a l1nifiocl legal moc1e] for tl1e society to cr}111e. (J\..s evincerl by the Feth.a Nagast, such refor-ming aim..s 11ot novel in Ethiopian 5 history.) • The leg al role of Ethiopia's traditional customis l1a1S thus <lrvir1dled and is n-0w ,reclucedA It has, how,ever, 11cwt disap . perured a1I1cl may be researched ,vith profit. We &}113]1 atte1npt in this f>a , 11e1· to rleterm�n,e , h ),. an.alytioa.I pJ.iocess, the 4. R. Davjd, "J� Civil Code fo� Etl1iopiia", Tttla11.e L.R .. vol. 37 (1963), pp. 188 · 89, p. 193. · seft1. ln,ess, Relatio1n. to Cuslorn 311 d 5. G. Krzeczu,no1wicz, <'The .Fitl1iopian C.ivil Code: Its u Applicability", J. African L., vol. 7 (1963), J)p. 173. 74. Sucl 1 reforo1s J}erbaps o,ved their success in Ethiopia to the traditional uttitt1de of. at tl 1 e most. bare sufferance town.rd tho&-e customary rules ,vhich did 110L accord ,vith cl 1 ristian i,deaJs and equity (r,ontrasling ,vith the undibcer11ing reverer1ce wbich ,vas accord.eel to ancestral cu5Lom B _ in otlier parts of Africa). It seems thot foreil!n intere st i11 tl1 e usages of EtliioJJian _ �.ociety ha,s ;failed ,to •li.raID,s.form this 1.&ou11d1 )' diJfident attilt1d.e it1to one of e11tl1usiasro for customary law''!

-426, .

Cot>E AND Cus·roIVr IN


d main of ClLStom 1md,er th,e Civil Cocle. W,e ,shall discrrss, j,n tlrrn, the Code's r ClIF?ltom r:pea1s provi·si-0n, ;the •factJOirs exi:1ainmg it, and 1tl1e five : 0�1tlets fo · _ subsisting uncleir ithe Coeele. 1111:i:s ,vhll he follo.\ved by a conclusion.

The Repeals P1·ovision. Among tl1e 111,at, tera consirle1·ed by tJh.e Lonclon Confe1·ence on ''The Ft1ture of J.,aw in Africai'' (J. a11utti:ry, 1960) figr1recl tl1ie p1·ohle.m of jl1cliciaJ ancl legis­ l ative aclap·tation o,f c11iStoma1·3r 1,w 1,o · existing need.s.6 Tl1e mertthods of gradual adaptation t, herein preooil1ize�l seem stril(ingly .a•l vari,amce the all-ol1t re­ peals contained ful tihe con1prehensive Etl1i,01)iacr1 Civil Code of tl1e same year (1960), whose Article 3347. (1) xea,dis a.s £0110,vs (regardiJng ''Repoals'': 1

Unless otlier-r,vise expressly JJrovicled, c1ll rz1,les -ivlietlier u1ritten 01· custom­ ary previozisl)' i11 force conce1· 1ii1ig 1n,cltters provicled for i11, this Code shall be replaced by tliis Code and are hereby re zJectlecl.

The ahove Article ·rei)eals p1·ior la.w ancl c11stolln 1\rhetJ1er it be contra or praeter lege,n. It might ha,re been less d.est1·uctive of t1·a<lition and ct1stom to rep1aoo the s,ve·e1)i1I1g terms ''co ,nce:rn:ing matters pr•ovided foil.· in :this Code'' hy . s '¼�011ld the terms ''inco,nsistent ,.vith itl1e p1·oviisions 1of ·tl1is Co,de.'' Such ter m have restricted :t.he repeial to 1vha.t con;li.radi,ots the law, 1-vi:th,out ,affecting what ,voitlcl mero]y 1Sl1pple1nenit j ,t.7 _..\.s it stia;nc1s·, -this rasa 1·e,peal of tl1e legal past iiS -without J)rececleu1t m A.£rioa a .ncl cam. only be l�keJn.ed , t o tl11e Frooch law of Ventos.e 30, Yea1· XII, on ,vl1ich M. P1ainio • l, in his Civil La,v T .reati·se, 8 com­ . t statute, :iJn p1·01n11lgating ·tilie Civil Code. <repea1ed in ments as follo,v-s: ''Tha its . otirety all. ,tl1e old la,v ... No o,th,er repeal is comparable to this colo6Sal ; o operation ... '' But 1-\ihile tl1e F1·encl1 Civil Code me1·ely frualizecl ai m•at11re :rn,. i porl, is 1mf.a111ili,a.:r legal concepts from t6rn1 al evolt1tion, 1the Etluiopian o•ne .m. ahroacl. So it may i:ncleed. he expected tha.t its effeots ,v-ill sometimes he '' ...stuJtifiecl 1-v-he1·e the people ·tl11emselves pe1· in1 -a 1-vhich tl1ey Rre 1SUJ)p,os.ed by legislati,o.n ,to 11,ave· d from doing ... ''9 S11011 })eirsistence, if generalized, co1tld llncler1nine tl1e IJlililic 01·cle1·; disJ)tttes migl1t he settle cl pre­ . valently ot1t of co111·t and. la,v. One aim of this paper is to sho,-v that tl1is need not necessarily or 01re1·,vl1elmj11gly l1apJJen. Incleed, tl1ere are certain (1) tradi­ tional, (2) actl1al and (3) tecl1nical factors su1Jporti11g ancl explaining the Ethi­ OJJian choice of a con1p1·el1ensive coclification with all-ot1t repeals. These exp]a� natory factors a1·e clisc11ssed below.

Explanatory Factors 6. See A.N. Allot (ed.), Tlie Fut1rre of Lau: in. .11/rica (London, Buttenvorth, 1960). 7. Or •cour•a.e, ·the &ame res1tlt, had it ,been desired, co11ld l1ave be.en atta.ined by n.ot en.a·c• ti.?-g any general repeals clu11se (a less desira: ble metl1od an a isociety not conversant w1tl1 the co11cept of "implied" reJlcals). S. IVI. Planiol and G. Ri.pert, Treatise ori tlze Civil La1v (12th ed. 1939), (Tra'.D!Slation, Louisiana State Law Institirte, 1959), vol. 1, no. 227. 9. Allot, op. cit. note 6, nit p. 33.

J ouRNAL oF E·r1110PIAN LA,v --

VoL. II - No. 2

EthioJ)Da ca11n,o ;t }J e consiclerecl i� 1 a purely �frioan c11stoma,1·y conten. lli! ti·aditio•Il embodies eleme11,ts of l\1ed1te.1·1·aa:iea.n (LI1cor.1�ectly oalled ''Western '') , oompoi11ent s. Co11&tan civilization , witJi its Jticleo-Cl1ris-tian a11d G1�eco-Ron1an tin ancl the Nicaea cot111cil 10,0111 large in Etl1iopi,a.n loire. The kingclom of \fas an ally of J11stinia11 . A]Jove all, there is a t1:aclition of one basic a11thority . und lalv at tl1e ce11t1·e, ,-vl1ich }J1·ese1·ved tl11s em1J1re tl1rot1gh cent11ries of trih ti ­ lation. Coclification is n , o 11ie\,r oonce1Jt l1ere. The Ethiopian Christians' ancient oai1-on and civil la,,v ,va.s con1p1·el1ensively fo ,rn1ula,tecl - po.&si]Jly 111 tl1e 16th oe11tt1ry - in tl1e Fetlirt Nctgast (La,,v o· f ·the King ,s), dll';a,ving nearly all its pr·ece1}ts fron1 .th-e monopl1ysit, e mother· cl111rcl1 at• Alex.anclria. The civil law among others, elemen�s o;f Ea ,st-Rom part contains, , a,n la\v. Reade1�s mterested 1 cl fu1·uhe1· bibliography in iin tl1is topic \.vill fi11d introdt1c·to,ry in , formaition ran . 1 R.R. Caneva1·i's F etha Nctg·ast, lVJlilano, 19:36. 10


Now let us pass ;to actuality. Tho · ugh coclifica.tiolll, in its comp1·ehensive aspect is a familiar c-oncept l1ere, tl1e ve11e•rallle Fetlict !1as become so , ot1tda ted ais , to he 1·arely invoke,d. Pr�o;r to 1960 Et- hio1Ji•an c.ivhl acljudication wats based ma, inly -on eqt1ity (1nc'l11diing persuasive foreign prececlents) ancl cus­ tom, tl1e latter bei, ng varied • and L1n • ce1•;tain. Save for Ei·iti·ea, 11 Ethiopia(Il custo­ ma1·y laws were not re<l11ced to writing, tho11gl1 descri1Jtions of social customs have appeared, e.g., in trav,elleh,3' repo1:ts a11d in· the etl1nol , ogical h11lletins of tl1e lJniversity College of Atl<liF Ababa. 12 Tl1e t1·ibal and local variations of legal c11stoms are legio11. Tl1ei1· }J1·c,gressive unifica,tion . by g1·aclt1al p1·ocesses might take gene1·ati0ns, ,.vl1ile Etl1jo.pia's s111·vival and p•rogress in ;a non · -leis1u·ely age 1·eq11ire BJJeedier s,olt1ti,ons. So rightly oJ.· wron , gly, a ,short c11t wa,s taken. in enacting the pres.ent Ethior,ia · itl1 its s, \veeping ah1·og8!tion of the , n Civil C,ode w legal !last. Thi13 n1ost 11nt1s11al n1etl10,d include3, l1oweve.r, devices £01· safeg11ard­ ing some contin11ity. Tl1e new tecl1iniq11e, of inte1·est to the la,ryer, ,vill he dis­ c11ssed below at length. It i8 l1oped tl1at tl1e disting11ished expert13 ,vho drafted the code -0n continental lii1es, will be ,villing to add his niises au [Joint, if any. 1



To stairt witl1, i.t n1ay Le i,n point to q11ote f1·om IIiis Majesty the Emperor's preface to the Etl1io1lia£11 Civil Code.

Tlie ritles containecl i1i this Code c1re i,i lic1rn1ony ivith �Jz.e well-establislz-ed legal tradition,s of Our EntJJire . .., a1id liave called, as ivell, upori tlie best systems of law i1i tlie 1,vorld. lVo lciw wliicli is designed to define tl1.e riglits 10. 1\ complete a11notated Englisl1 translation of tl1e f?etl1a J\Tagast by Abba Pa11l0is Tsadua 1,,ill he publis]1ed in tl1c near ft1lure by th,e li'uct1lty of L:i,v, .Haile Sellnss.ic I U11iver sity. 11. �ee F.F. Ru::scl, "Eritrean Cl1stomary Lav.-·,'' J. Africa11 L., vol. 3 (1959), p. 99. Tl !e �end· 1ng recent ,vorl( i11 1!1is field is F. Osti11i, 1'rcittato di Di,-itto Co1isuell1.dinario dell Eritrea (As1nara, Corriere Erilreo, 1956). j 12. Also, e.g., in vario11s issues of Etliiopia Observ· er, and j 11 Anil1aric boolcs by Balamb arae ltlahten1a Sela· \Volde Masl<.al. 13. Professor Reo.e David, the reno,,·ned con11)ara. tivist of tl1 e Univer.sity of Paris Lii:-ir , Faculty.

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Cus·roi:vr l:'1 ETI-IIOPIA


and dzities of tlie people arid to set oiit the [Jrinci7Jles gover1iing tlieir niu­ relc,tio1is cc11i ever be effective if it fails to reacli tlie Jiearts of tliose to 1J]z'. o11z, it is interided to apJJly a1icl does not reszJ01id to thei1· 1ieeds c,,id cus­ toms c,nd to 1iatural jiistice.


This moBt wise anc,l ge11 e1�ol1s llro,11 01111cement :seen1s, z11·inic1 fcrcie, in com!)a· · · · : d t. ne '' , r ep ea en I '' 1o prov s m 1s e1on. T ab av e o cite h t a gain h t ,vi tible


• Unless otlierwise ex11ressly provided, all ri1les ivlietlier ivritten or ciistonz.ary previoz1,sly i11, force concernin.g 11ic1tters [Jrovided f01· i1i tliis Code shall be rezJlaced by tliis Code c11id are liereby re1Jec1led.

B11t a closer a -naly,sits ,viJI 1·eveal fi,,e aven11es 1aloiDg v.rhic-11 'traditio11al r11les a11cl c11stoms are 0.1.· n1ay ]Je IJreserved. These outlets fot1: c11s-tom are: 1. inco,1·­ poratiolll1·' 0£ c· t1stom, 2. 1·eference to c11stom, 3. filli11g co-cle vac1111ms, 4. j t1di­ cial interprel• aition ·a.incl 5. pai·a-legal outlets. We ,shall disc11:ss .them in t11rn.

Outlets for Custom. l. l11corporation of Custom. A large core of Etl1iorJian c11sitoma1·y Ia,v is IJres-erved thro11gh its incor­ poration :tnto the Civil Co,de. In tl1 is ,vay, fo.rml1lated c11stom becon1e-s general stat11te law. Tl1e very na-ttu·e of tl1i1s me,tho,d i.ts a1Jpljcatio ,11 to local c11stoms. B11t even withi.I1 gene1,al c11·s-tom, the codifier',s a,ppro,acl1 ,vas cliscri­ minatory. Belo,v, is a ilenta,tive 011tli n 1 e of tJ1e Etl1i-opia11 legisla.tor's se11sible standards of choice in tihis field. rfl1e cl1oice is all-impo,rtan.t .l11ere, si11ce 1mcler tl1e ''repeals'' pro,vision ,vl-1at ii s n,ot incl11clecl in t; l1e Code :i!s a , brogated. The Coclification Co111missio11's ancl PaJ. ·lia111e11t's record.s are not )'et ,IJ11lJ­ lished. But ,ve ca11 already ass11111e - juclging 11ot 1ner-ely ·fro1n hearsay b11t from tl1e v�ery 1·es1Uits of 1Jl1e co-clifioa,tion 1vo;1_·lc. - -tl1at t, he ''ge11e1�al'' c11sto111 of tl1e 1and (its ''commOtll la\v'') has been 1110r, e or less incl11clecl i,11 tl1e Etl1·iopian. Ci"il C,ode ,-vhere: (a • ). it is ,s11ffici ,e11tly ''general'' ,a,s t•o be IJI'actised by a,t least a majo·rity of the 11ighla11d pOJ)Ulatio, 11; (b) it is 110.t rep11gn8!nt , t o .tl1e natr1ral justice ,, vhicl1 •permeatecl that ulti·111ate olrl a11thorit)r, tl1e, Fetlic1 Negast; (c) it is not con-lra•rv- to impeirati,,es of s, ocia • l ancl eco,nomic I)I'ogress {tl1e retention of retrograde ·}J ractices in land transfers 15 is provision -al and non-1111iforru: it concern,s local c11ston1s) ; ( d) it is ,s11fficiently clear ancl artic11la-te as to be capa1Jle of definitio-n in civil la,v terms. The incorpo,1·a,tecl c11sto1n has incleecl been molded, togethler "-'iLh ''1·eceived'' fo1·eign .sol11tions, into, , the technical 14. Ratl1 er tl1an "codification". since the customs nre not intact bnt ,vcre resl1aped Lo fit in ·"lvith solutions received •fron1 ribro1cl, or "co11solirlatio11'\ 1\1l1icl1 ter111 ,vould, in addi1ion;

suggest a retention of past inciclences of custon1. IS, Civ. Co., Arts. 3363. 67.


J ounNAL oF ·E·r1-rror"u\N L,,\,v - VoL. II - No. 2 ·c l,assificati.<oiD!s.16 Incicl entally th frame of civil 1a·w conce1pts, catego{ries· aflld. ' e 1· · . ' above fotlif req11i :irements a-1-e so,rne"''l1at nnp 1c:ut m ·tl1e E:in11Jero1· {s cited llreface ' · · ' t �'' (h 1 ' ' a ct1s om oil1 f ( ) d' t' ' I 1 /) a ti·a . 1 , ... ) natlu·al jttstic '' · wh. , 1ch 8·ho,.vs apprec1at1011 , o e ' 17 (c) ''needs'' of ,the 1·ecipie11its ,and (cl) legal clai·ity. The, me.ntioned staiIJ.drurc1s of choice cart.1&ed tl1e Civil Cod,e',.s Book 001 Obli­ gations and..the se1la1·ately enactecl ComL11e1·-cial Code to be ovcrwl1elmin 11lv · as �{1 foreign in origin, ,as i11 tl1e::e e$sentia lly mocle1·n 1Jranc]1es •of la,v- tli.e1·e w un,cle.1·,standable lack of incligenous rules 1·espoinr. li11g :to tl1e set 1. ·,er1uirements On the cont r. ary, ·in the t1·ad·itionally c11ltivated 1Jra11cl1es of Ja,,v concerni ii tr. family, land a11d succession, ma11y ·fitting ge11er al c11aton1s l1a·ve lJeen preserved t.hro, ugh their incl·t1s1o;n in ;the C, od , e. It wot1ld. he beyond t1J !e .scope of rtl1is IJapffr to a,ttempt an enumerat ion . of th,e Code-inooirpoi1:ated general c11s:toms (_as dis'l: i in-ct from ''r eceived'' law). Several of •tliem oo,11ct�a·11 peir&olllal 1 at11d farnil)' la1v, 1vhicl1 1s rno,v one for all, wha.tever tl1.e IJa;rtic11laJ.· fa1nily ctisljo,ms l1eld hy clis.tinc.t g1·011ps. As :tl1is unil,or­ mity has l:>-een widely '\\ra1"11ed agait1.s.t a111d . is unicrue in A:£1·ica, tl�e ,clevices mi­ tigating 1ts impact ,on diis&ente,rs will be st1·ess.ed t, hro11gho11t t• l1�s pape1:. Some f.ilne points of la;w are involved in the- qt1es.tioiil ,vhethei· - on the face of the sweeping '' 1·epealrs'' provision - tl1e dj;s,tinct 11e:rsonal statu.s a:ecognized to ?\1 os,. lems in a prior lll'Oced1u·al 1J1�oclai11atio1118 1n11st be cleemed abrogatecl ¥l-.i ,th the rest of llast ci,ri.l la·\v ancl ct1&tom. I do not feel e11titled to, pr,011ormce on this q1.1estion ( ,vhich has IJoliiticaJ. im1Jli0ation.s). It 1&ee1ns provisio11a]]y solvec1 - in favo11.r of �1oslems - by tl1re c-on, tinu�ng factt1al 1·ecog11ition by state co1mts of the jt1.ri.sdi<.:tio , ,of Kadis Coun•ci1s ·a:pplyi1J1g Moslem pe1.,sonal law. Cla.i·ifying le,. : n gislat; ion migl1ti f.ollow m d , ue ti:ir1e. By ,•.ray of exam1Jle and by 11t1'lnher, here are •a few ,of the Civil Code arti­ cles which Ste.em ,t o i1I1corpo,rate, ,vholly o,r IJaxtly, , a J.1 im1Jo,1'tant c11ston1.a.1·y rule: 560 ff., 652, 725, 849, 852 ( in1plyiiilg excl11si,on -0f .s1Jouse f1·om mte,.state inheri• tan�e), 1168, 1.1.70-79, 2067 wi1Jh 2113-14,, 2142. 2. References to Custom. The ''re1Je · nde1· d:iiscus· sion ai11roga.tes, v1ithin. :tl1e Code'� · a1s'' pr-0visi-0n u wide ambit, all llast cUEitomary r11les ''t1.n1ess otb-e1·\-vise e, xpressly })rovided,'' th,a.t iis, eave where .the Cotle ifbself expressly 1·efe1�s :t10 custom. Tl1,e Code rep eals \vhat 1t ,h as not incori pwated o.r :iincl11.<led by r,cfe1·ence. Legiisl�ttive p rovisions, 16. Jn,eidootally, thiis cau.sed ,some insLTperaJJle difficlllties n1 tr.a11slations from tl1e Co de' . _ ) e French master draft i11. to tl1 uncongen.iial official la11guagos of An1l1a1·ic (a11tl1o(l'Jtative and English. Amharic lack� leg! 1l te�rni_ 11olo?y. As for E! 1glisl1 legal ter111S, the do n-0 t . � _ v fit 1n. See G. Krzeczuno·wtcz, 'Eth1op1an Legal Education" (s. . Lnngt1age PiobJ.e.m ) ' J. Etli. Studies, vol. I, no. 1 (1963), pp. 69. 70. 17. The relevant quotaition being: ''It is ressenit:iial that ,lhe lavv he clear .. •••·" 18. Kadi..s .and Councils Pr.oclama.tion, 19-t4, P.roc. No. 62, 1Veg. Caz., yeaz. 3, no•. 9·





Cus·rol\1 IN


.ement:ilng c11s.tom, .rure no;t even ist1,pplemen!tecl by it. 19 And ,the stl}Jpl fr0 nl r : s to cu•E,tom. It 1naiY be :mstructive to s1unmarize f a 1 -o_w.1y m· few in& i tru11ces ref.e1i . e oae . • 1 i con�ern v aI'. YJJng local cust,o,111s, ,as d1ts:t�ct f 1�om ,th� gene)' The ce.s. . insta.n tl iree r, ,v;l1ere a.n -app rove Clea[l"l) abo; v e,. , cl CU.8ltom ,lJS, 1t need . s cu<Ssed , cli : es . , on al r t · p 1 ,·t·he Oo de. ll: ra o co e d'' 111 m S l ,�· · 1-t , bt :to :ed , r et1• ! -ef 1 be not , 's rwre ;r.eferences Be1o\v is ,an ill11mirnating l.iSit ,of tl1e Et· hlopi,am Civil Co,de reflect s t, he }Jreviailing trend .rru·ity Theu: .:fot1· unification. We . 119age . ocal l Lo 1.e 11-eia<lin�s F�mhl.y, Succession, Property, 1111Jcler tl ·tl'l! e 1n 011tline o. r te 110 shall q Contracts, Torts. . 1


A.rt. 567. - For111. of betrothal.

The form -0f betiro,th•a l shall · b e regt1lated by the usage ·of the place where i,t 1s oelebr-atecl . .Art, . 573. - 2. Moral [JrejzLclice [ca11ired by breaci h Oif betro.t.ha1]. (2) In establi8hing the amount of i:udemni1ty ,allld ,vho is qu:1Jlifi ed for r� quiring it, , the colhl·t shall hav•e rega1rd .to looaJ c11<Stom. _,\r.t. 577. - f/arious I�inds of n1.arriages. ma. ;y 1b e co,n•ur,ructecl before a.n officer ofi civil stat'lts [such (I) MM"riages , officers ,are non-eJ.:istent in -the countryside; cf. Article 3361 on ans,. pension of rth e introd111ction of civil statt1s• r,eg1ste.ns]. ( 2) l\1atrriages co,·ted accou.·di;ng t, o ·the religion of the parties or to , 1so be valid 1tn,deir ·llhi,s Code. local custom20 shall a

Art. 580. - [ C11stoma•ry mar.riage resul,tis fron1 .s11ch rite.s as, uncler a commu­ unity'a r11le3, con,stitute a per,manen . t nuion.]

Art. 606. - Marriage accordin.g to custom. (I) The co11ditions on ·wl1i. cl1 a 111arriage acco :r11ing to c11sto111 n1ay lJ e cel­ eb1:ated anc. l the for111alitie.3 of s11cJ1 celebration .s l1all be a!', . presc1·ibed by 1oc·al custom.

Art. 624•. - [ T.I1e co ,nditio11·s an:cl f · or, n1aJities of oust-omary mar1·.i:aige may he sanction,ed h}' c11stomary fines or clan1ages. l .r'lrts. 807-8. - [Tl1e legal oibligations of ma,ilntenance hemveen relalt1,res hy blood or mam:i!age iin l, lhe ili1:edt :Line, M1d ,between fwll ,and ha:H h1.�or and si11-­ te1�s, are assessecl 1·egar-el to local c11stows . J 19. It remains to be seen ,vhetl1er tl1is ,exclnEiion nee , d apply to •future custom-s. The Code repeals only those "·pre·viou.sly in force." But ,vl1at ,vi11 give "force'' to future customs? Their !force m.ay l)e ma·inly per.suaSti, e jn that they influence the judges in itheir inter• Pljetation of Lavrs (cf., infra, our r.emarrks on tl1e .o,utlet o.f "Judicial Interpretation"). Ho;\" ,.lifferent is this Fr-e.J1ch - Etlrio1)ian ap}Jcr,oac.h from, e.g., the S,viss Civil Code ,.,hich, so far from repealing CUJ£tom, clearly e. njoins its ,application JJraeter legem , (Art. 1) ! 20• Panadoxi cally, memher of the national establisl1ed church marry more ohen in custo.s · mary tltan in religious forms. 1

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J ouRNAI. 01•' Err;IIOPJAN


-- VOL.

II -



N o te: It hias been stated t,l1art: sevea.,al of· the Cocle-ii11oor11)oif,aited geir1e:r:al cttsLoms are fotrod in the family law. \Ve 111o;w , see thart rtil1e 1rutrter aiLso. co!JJitai 1Ds eom ref.e,ronces t o loo,al ct1�toms. Tlllese Jll··,e ,a wel-0ome mitigwtio n of th: law's impaot 011 groru1ls lOf cl1&ti.i111ot f, cus·tom. Ouhm· cushiiolil,i'n.g cle-vices coram mores farniliae ·will be desc11::ilhecl below s.v. ''Prut i ,a-L�gal Otrttl.ets''. .Succession N o te: The law of ,sttcce<ssio11, ruimJS n,o r•efei.,ences to Cll&llom, so tihait clistinot e1istoms of inhe11itrunce 11,ave llt O\V 111 0 iiI11depem•d1ent v.aliclity rund orun sru-vive only by bemg follo,vetl 111 ;teEtame1:1 tiS •01· i·n co,m1Jt"Oiluiises. Tl1e la iw of intes­ tate inheritance - wl1ile ineor1)orating tl1e genera 1 ct1stou1ar)' •rt1le of pa­ terria paternis, 111,aterna 111c1tc1·1iis �.Art. 8,-J.9 ff.) - cli3rcga1·tls local ,,aria­ tiioDiS i� the ord.ex of in,tesLacy. Local J)t�acLices may, in t11vn, d.is1·ega1rd ttl1 at l aw - tl1rough, effeoLing those c1181iomaa:y com1)1·omi£es descril)ed below .s.v. ''Patta-Legal Outl.ets''.

Property .tW. 1132. - Definition [oi ''intrinsic element'']. (1) A·n.ything \¥hiol1 by cusliom i,s 1·ega.r<lecl IDS fo 11 •m,ing pairt of a thing shall lJ e <l.eeimed 'to he an int1·insi-c elemerllt 1tl1e1·,eof [fo1· the pu1·pose of deal­ ing:;; in sucl1 thm19s - Art. 1131]. Axt. 1168. - Pririciple [od: us11ca, ptionj. (]) [ estahlish 1 e5 a ·£i£teen yea1· period ,:f.or lruncl.,a,cq11�sirtio,n hy adverse pos­ v ecl hy membeJ:"ts of session] P1rovided ·that 11co Ia(IJ.J ,v.h1ch itS joi, 'l1-tly 01 ,n 011c family .in acco1·da!l1 1c e \,r:iJul1 c11sto1r1 may he 1acc11u!l·ed by 11 :sucaiption allld thait aJUY member ,of 1 s11ch f c1111hly mruy . a t runy tim•e cl,ari.m s11oh land . .Al:;t. 1371. - Rights of way and rural servitudes. l They] sl1, all be of such extent as is recognized hy loca1 ct1,stom. , Art. ].489. - Principle [of commu·naJ. exploitation]. Laiucl own.eel l)y run agricultt1raJ. communilty sl1ch ,ais ,a village 01· t, J:ibe -,.hall be ex p1oited collectively wheneve1· ,such mocle of exploitaitiQ/ll confo1·m� to t!he ,btiaidrutii()[l altlJd. custo'J11 10.f the comm1m�tv 001noeinned. Art. l.'1.90. - [r)ro,riding for ft1to1·e codificalio11 of sucl1


by cl1arters.]

Ar't.s. 1496-97 - [givi_ng further 't:f.!-co,g·11il'i.or1 .to ct1ston1aJ•,r•' ,mode.s <)f cOJ11111t111a1 exploitation.] facili· rure 1\/ote: Proced11res far progressive , reviis1011 o:f s11ch (imes) ''modes'' 1 tarted Joy Artioles 14,98-99 . Arts. 3363-67. - [i·etaini,nig the c11!Stoona1·y 1prae'ti:ces ,as to tr-alDJEier.s of riights in




CooE _.c\ND CusTOI\1 IN ETHIOPIA lon as as g lancl re�i,striatio!Il provisionis21 are not in for omnes, , erga land force]. •tJl1e cttstomrury p:r,actiice ,alrewdy is registration. eiw r ru developilllg few a In tVote: Contracts ATL

1713. - Contents of co1itract. '.Dhe parties shaill he b,ou:11,d by ,11he ,tea'Ill.s oif lll1re ooiilltuiaot 1amd by suoh mci­ clental effe<!ts ms ar,e a;Ul acl1ecl .to tl1te oblii g,a,ticms co!Il!oen'lll!ed by cl.lSltlom ...

Note: This i:mp,or�ant •r eco,gwiitrilon of ''co!llventi001,al usaig:es'' ,hailidly oalls foit comment, s1cr}ce it ,iJs p,atr �t of most legail •syiStems. Its s.p·eoi£ic a7JJJlicartriions :in E . tlriopi,a a1re most f r.eq11enit ,and iinter, estimg ilil 1eaise of 18illld: see Ar. ts. 2983(2). 2990(1-2), 2997(2), 3006(2), 3013(3). Tort$

Art. 2116. - Custoni. (1) In ,fi., the amoun . t of the fa�tr compensation [for, m •O!I'ail , injury] pro­ vided for in t , he !Jt• ecedmig Ar-ti'cles, a!Ild 1n estab1ishrung 1v-ho iis quali­ fied t-0 aot · ais rep1,esein1Jattive ·of ·the f.ain1ily, •llhe court .i'hall have regard to local u.saiges. (2) The cou.:vt may no:t ,cJmsregrur-d usages un1ese tili.ey are ·runaohroru.stie or m3ill.ifestly coo1trairy illo reaison o · r mwals. Note: Thls reference ;to usaige supplements ,irncorpoIDaited geineo:,aJ. cu1Stom 1

on morarl inj1u�.22 'Tihe laitter illlcludes (Ar, t. 2113) whlait was o , nce, with less ,sophietioation, called b],ood m001ey, ,v-irth ,thrns ·baisic dir£ference: tihe ''blood'' money of old did ,s1Jop IJen•al procee.c1irng,s, wil' Oil.llr ''mor,al'' oompe11,saitio111 does noL

3. Fillirig Code V acuzirrzs The c.Lisc11ssed ''1·ep ;eals'' p . riovis,:iion aibr·o , garte.s ,aJ1 .pr,.iJOll' ct1Sltlomcairy rules ''c,on­ : cerning matte1·s }Jrovided for in this code.'' A coritrario, ct1stomary law may apply to matters no,t p1·ovided ·fo 1, · rtihe1•eJin.. BUJt dn the :file1ds ooveved by the Code, custom does not even Bt1pplemenit patl'!t ' iculrur leg.ail,, pr,o:vuisioilliS. Otherwise, the legislator 1vould lfiave •repeal,ed oni1y ill.hose :ntles itncolll!sistent witl1 the eaiac­ ted ones, ,rund not a1l rules in pari materia. As pomted ou , t, in maitmer,s ly;irng b·e.yo!ll!d ilie Code'IS •ambi!t, c11stomacy law La pre6erved ( wl1ere JJl'Oit inC0:1];9$tellt wiith o;tiheir l1e·giisla1ti/01D.) , But tlie Erl1iiopi81Il Civil Code, w.1th its 3,367 atiticles, is so oomp1·eheins,ive rtihait har.dly any fitting field w·ais left o-ut. So far, only one occu;r,s -�o me, in relation to . a, ohain of­ lative omissions: the Civil Co.d e says ·no:thiing ,aho11.1t co-'oipe11aroives, except for the ,ones; s, u·dh ''saiving'' co-01peraimves ·a,re merely subjected (Ar.t. 405 (1) ) .tJo '',tihe ;p1"10visio(I]JS of rthe Con1meTciia.J Oo,de'' wtli.ich (Art. 212), 21. Title X, Civ. C. 22· Civ. C., Arts. 2105. IS. 1

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II - No. 2

in n.ll'Il, subjoots !them •to possi:ble en.acitments, ,vbioh have n · ot e:x:isi:e<l 60 fell' bu·t are .in mhe p1.1XJ,c.eEs 0& �na,C/tnJ.OOit a , st the :ti. me o� w1;.i;ti!ng. Nof\v, m 111hti.s OOlmtry: . mi(llg th110:i1i@h mt!lh1·ail. ,s,a,,1nigrs, �oirunis, etc. ·are customary variious g1·olll!ps e;. o..?pe1.1.·a __ ( e.g. the Ekub). , of :tihe11· 1"11.1les iseem to ha,,e o1, ·1gm.a te· d am.on· g -�l1e Gtlrage 1 1 0 tribes. Tl1:eij r deso1-iip·tilon .iis beyo!Ild ,th e, irta'Ill@e_, f ti11iis PatJ.)e-r.23 Bltt irt i, ls siibm�:bte.d , !i'.l•d •thus could have hee111 arppliecl 'cllll1lo­ that 1s11oh ntles .d:iJd fill .a co,de vfl!cuum a , t f1·om 1.1Jsia1g it:ilJ,e oo(llc,eipt 0£ conven11illoo1ial usruge 1.lllld ·er .A....rt. 1713. nomousl.y, apar




Judicial Interpretation.

e EthiopiJrun oo�s. aire of cont�ei11�al typ· e. � J)tu,e conrtrinental t· heory, � . l _ . . 3ndic1lk'Ll. IDterpr:eibart l!on l, S no ·soll!rce of hmdtIDg law, which CailUlJo,t be j11clge-ma<le. But 84)peml courts heii11:g gt1rui.·diiao:11s ,oJ' oolJJitlirnrnty, 1Ihe for, ce ·of tlieir 24 s t1cili th· a t, 1as 1'{. P1amd· o J · p 11t.s il t , ''m fiact tJl1Je 1a,m0iunt o£ la1\r e.sta­ ws juc1gments , · hlii&J1:ed [in FraiI1tCe] 1h y •d,eciis.ion:s od: the co lJJts since 1804 is co, n61de1·a , ible.'' �'1ncl , t s t, he coaDm,oin La1-v tones, ,rui.·e ovei.1·wJ1elmingly cOJ1Jtin.enroal 1aw treaitffises, just a baised Oil1 oaise law. The la:Lter will lJe c1·eaited by E.tili.;iorpj1a11 hi1gh:er co1wtrs when� in -Oirden· to deoide a • case, 1tih1ey ,vill :nave ;t:10 ,ap1)ly · co,de a.:t1les -w,hoise meaning m ditsputed bei, f we them. F·oo.· ·thii& 11·eaiso1n - a:£ter having c1iiscussied mco1rpoirat, ion of cnstrom, r-efe1·en.ce 100 ,cuSlbom, 1a1J1Jd co1de ,nac11u.1ns - we set •OiLlit j:i.1diciaJ.. inter­ pretsaitmnn ,as the £oill11lh 1egtl!l ,av,en11Je a1olllg whicl1 Etlhiio�)j,an c11Jstiomarry la,v may De p1�a.�ed. 1





This av•en.ue l1ec·omes of over1:iclin,g im,portance ,vl1en we con':.ider the Emp· t· is of legal signi.fican.ce, er-0r'.s preface to t· he code. "fhe Ruler's pronot111ceme:n , emainatmg as it does £rom H· e who 1 sha'l·es tihe s11preme legislative po,ver undeT tme Etili.ioipiam. Collll8tiit11itiio!Il of 195 5.25 IL:iJs p1·efa, ce, a • s quoited supra s.v. ''E�pla­ natocy Factioirs'', c. leai:rly ffi1JOWS ;thait, COill'l::I' ,airy to wl11ait rtili.e sol1e ''repearus'' pr-0\ti­ siron WO'ltid ·st1g_g6&t, ,a break w.iJtm ;fira, d:iit.i!001 raf[llrl c1,1St:om wais noit eon•templarued. There crun l)e n , o better evidence of mhe le.giis1aito1·' 1s mte'lllt 1vlhireh, •acoorriding to continental doctrine, &houlcl gt1id ,e om inte:i.0preita · oe.rut J.aiw. _A_ break • itio1DJ3 orf ,re , rthiait Ethiopian ·wit!h legal ti�aditron no,t being i!n ed, rut is i!.Il!deed suhmitted , , too.d, , rury mea:nmng.s to 1 the Code's coll.J.1bs -should, -w-:her,e :aippi1.·1 0r. 11·iirute, Z1.1Esiign cust;om ph'.Il.aseolog • y. 1

In doing .it, :they must -aot d , iiscernilllllgly. ATiti.cle J.733 :£0,1-hids iit1teripretrution o.f 0001t, raiotis and, a fortiori, 1Strutt1tes whOise p1·ovisio'Dl8 a. ve clear. �iruny Code a1·ti­

cles aire elem-, oc fully c1a.ruied by the con:l:ie.'rt 01· ·t1l1e French m·a.ste1-:tex:t. A1non:g those t,h(ait, being less clea1·, oir •1loio gene1:aJ., a1cln1iiit ·otf moi·e iLl1a:n one meaning, we must ,dLS!tinguiJsh. Cust-0ma1ry merunilngs ( 1) s11011tld he assi1gneid to Code texiU3 inco.rporartmg priioo:- crnsitJoon �Chl." r, eferrin1g mo mt ( e.g. -iin :frumiiJy . 1aw) a . nd (2) sl1ou1d not he 11,n,liiscermia1g1y ,aJSsigned it o te:,rts r-epiro�eintii1l 1g ''received'' 1a,v, as these may l10se -sense and oo:nsretency unJ:ess rotm·'l:yrerted thn.,ough tlicir docti:rinBS of 23. On tms toipic see A:sf;81W Damte, "Ekuh'', Univ. Coll. of A lldis Ababa Ethnol. Soc. Bull,., no. 8 (1958), p. 63.

24. Plan.i-01 and Riper.t, op. cit. note 8, a• t no. 14b. 25. See, e.g., Arrt. 88, R-ev. Const.

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ohID1gs1it10[l]Js 1aiw)• Being '.b�roiWed :£1�om ''.tihe •heSit 1system18 of Ja� in , e.g. : ( i n orio ·'s rn·etace, OJJ. cit.), • Sltch tex-ts wea-e imftended illo m,eian iii �e lV'oll·1d'' (Empe1·0,.1 e. 1· e h i t r t run e y m , e tfu r r t a h w · e r e: h no.1v eX!emplify rtili:e aih·o;ve p.r.op·01s1tions: We shall , (1) (-a) In rthe sect1oi11 on Refe1:encea rto Gusliom, we quoted Article 1168 whicl1 exclt1dc.s l1s11ca1)tions of Ia11cl l1elc1 i:n c11s,tcma1·y joi.J1 t O'\\.'ller­ sh·ip by ''men1]Jer.s of 011e .fa1nil3r'', wl!o can allvay , s clai111 s11ch '. . . . 'll.l•] Ialld. 1,h . · C 'te:nn ''f31111!1y '' l\1':tUJ.OUt CJI11al li, '.(OaJllJOfll U!Sll ailly means Iiil E1IT0p , e ''si11gle'' fia1 mil, y (1Jairel]ts w±t'.h clJ.ildcren) . It is submitted tha:t here ·11l1e t, e1·m ''fa111ily'' m11Jst •acc111iiJre tihe ct1isLomary meall]ri.:n,g of ·an extencled mruss ,of pe1:scms desce:nd.iJng £.ro m ,ain even remote co1n111 on .aID.cestoil: 11:om whom 1 til1e tmd:iividei1 d 1)d·r0perLy o!lii:giinart:ed; this allo,v:- each .s11ch J)e.rHon at all ti1ue to clai 1n the joint lancl or· J, ris �h1a1·e i, n irt., Ar-ti. ,ole 55·1 (2) is1eems to. set a lion i, t to st1oh clai1 11s hy ri; 1111)lymg th·wt ,11he c1ai, 1, na · n;t (,vho chaJJenges the n&i1ca1)tro,n.) no:t he sepoo:-rutecl h;y m.o[·e rtthan seven gC1D.eria.. ti-0ns n�om -the ..runcestorr concerned•.

r •

(b) The so cailled ''ir:regtuaa.· uni!()]l'' (Art. 708) h·etw.eren m•arn .and wo-­ man l1ais, .in co111n1on lv.iith m,au-1-.iage, : lihe :fo1lowing two effects: tihe JJraesu11iptio paternitatis wiilll.1 1.·es,1)eC1t 11Jo cihi1cltren co!Ilceivecl ox boa.-n ,cl111":iJng the .1,miiio111 (Ai·tiS. 715 alllld 74.5), 8!I1cl rtfue man's lia­ h:ility for : the 1vomllill 'is l1iot1sehold clebills (Art. 714,, cf. Art. 660). By virtue ,o,f Artiole 709 ( 1) .s11oh ll'l'e ,g1tlao: unio!IIB ·ai�ise ,vhere 1t:he heihavio11r of ,t he ,man ' all:d wom·an is '',analo , g, ot, IS :to 11:ihait of mair­ , hottld s11ch 1all.lalogy lle extended to o.o:ver ried people.'' Noi'\v, s beh·a,rirotll' 'L)rJ)ioaJ. foa.· tJ10 ,se customai1·y 'lliIDOills oalled bc,Mda1noz, , fui w I.ii-ch the ,voman iJs tem1J-0.rairily thio:ecl f 01· aJJ-1·0 t1 1nd cluties · to thois.e .of .a 1, •eg1ilao:, peri·m M som·e,vhatt &in1ilai. 1 1ent (cf. A.i·,t. 580) 1 1-vife? I-Ie1·e 1a1ffi1ma1tjve c, maiy 1s,artisfy c11.sitom 1vi1 tl10 il'rt h e­ :it1g legally t1J1so ,1tnll. They ma;r .c1·eai�e p:1.·eoedents .iJn a · issig n .ing 11 , nce to ba-dct111o (li111ited) -si,gniJic a , z unions. Th�IS, m ,s11cl1 11n ii, ons, , fdmm :ed. creditr 1v-ill he •obta: \ inf'jcl, �nd •off-sprmgs' fili•a1li io(I]J ruf (2) (a.) Tl1e d , f, ''an.·tiliciail -in1sen1irn1ation'' ]J emg 1m­ , egeneo.·�rte p1�a:ctiiee o known :Lo EthioJJirun ·e,11.1st-om, ·the mea!DaiI1g of ,tJllillS rterm fox the p1u·pos-e !()if _A..1�ticle 794 ( de, aJ.:iJng ,v i. •th .the effec.t of 6l1ch msemin11.­ tion O/ll ohild ,c1]is o1v11, icr1g) must ,needs lJe dra, ,vn £1·om its foa:eign 1


I' '

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(h) M11cl1 o , f 1tl1e Cod·e '�s ''.received'' oontJ.iaot Jaw is arbs.m,aot •M.Icl makes liJ11tle !Sense unless expla:. iJn:ed rtilir-0[ i!Jr s Roma1I1,ist4c do,ctri, nes of •


(c) Iltit tl1is ,is neeclless wl1ere ithe .con •tlraiCt law riis -clerur; e· .g. st1ch f� miliai· rule ·as! ''Offer or ·accep�arnce may ibe n1:a1de . . . l)y iSi:gn,s llQi'Rn:ally :ilil use ... '' (A,rrt. 1681) - mP.:arnis qttlte -ohvtiously that




No. 2

whwteve,r be the omstom1ai1-y concluding,dt.shake orr ch·iinik etc., . t r rule 'amo1mb1ng to one of iit .seals 1the accep ta111ice (l1e , those iref,ereoJce;s to cus-tom <l.iiscu1 ss. ed in a p1rior secitiio.n).

Wliether th,e couirt;s will ,oo: wiill noit -cl10:ose to ,aiccepi't our 1sugge stio!ll-s, iit is

essenti,aJ td11att they be, oon.11:,:iistenrt runid do, [liCYt va ,ry 11he:iu.· mterpreta:tioirus, as this laiwles-sness. Ca1se 1·epo11titng Ifll t.his Journal in , • lieu 0£ c, la-w wol1ld prod11ce - s to ha s, ic 1·t11es of inte11.·p1·etation 11nder ,\--01 he1p to enslll·e -sucli consis:tency . .:l Etlll.!iiopian 1aw , , the r, eader iiQ, 1refe1·recl tlo G. ICi·zecz11D,owicz, ''Startrutory , Intei·pre­ tatio1n in Ethio1pia'', iiri v,ol. I (1964,), p. 315 of ;thiJ3 Journail. 5.

Para-Legal Ozitlets

T,l1;e aili.ove di,sc11ssed ''legaJ." •011tlet1s fio 11· custo,marry law, i.e., ; t1he inoorpoi·a­ tion of crns,tom, references Ito custom, fitlliing co,de gvarc11urns, ,an. d juclioial inter­ pretation, d10 no,t eX' .haiust ,the .pr-01blem ·of the iinc�d-ences otf custom-ary rttles in praC!tice. Tihere remain foo.· u,s .to exar111iine oert, a�Jll l)eculrar ''pft1•a-legal'' outletJ.s for robe factual reappearance ,of su-cl1 c11-sitoma,ry 111les as l1ave no i11depenclent 26• We shall analyze in tt11,n: (1) J)1·0vB!li!dity in terID.ts ,orf tJhe ''repeals'' p1·0:visio n i , : viiis.iio·ns of fs mily la:w leaving c· e.-rtain .d.iJsc·retiotnary J)OWe:lis ,-vith m-arria,ge par­ ·tiies or armitrato , rs; (2) 1Jr-0vi:::i,0111s of tl1c of co111rJ1ror11isc� @ivi11g in­ d1root e.amction to '\-'"M•iioue Cl1JStomai7 a:rrm.geme'DJl:Js; (3) ithe 011tlet ''.Aissociati •ons''. 1



Family Law.

It hais been £ho�rn that the j.1111Jact of tl1e u11ifo1·1n -fa111iJ)' law on gro1rps of distinct c11istoan irs mi·tigartJed by 1·�fei�ences to looa'l us-aige. IIe1·e '\-ve .shall e:_!('an1ine two general devices c11shioni11g tl1at in11)aci: tl1ro11gl1 sanctio11in:g tl1e tratlitional inter-familial autonomy in mar1·iage affairs: ( a)

Wiit}1i,n an elaistic fran1e oif bi.rndring 1s11bstantive, ttl:1e Co ·de vests a la11gely discretiona, i•)r 27 legal jtn·�sdiotion i ,11 tl1e ct1stomary ''family ru:­ biiti�abo1:s'' (the ma1·ri·age 1-\-111t11esses). They· clec1de on mar' r· iage disp11tes :!8 and . on tl1e g1·a11ti11g of arid tl1_e 1)er2c>11,1l a11ll 1:>ec1111iary effects of clivorce, wl1ich is pron,ol:tncecl by the1n legally ou:t of co111�t. 29 Theiil- cle­ cisi-0lll!.s a1, ·e wiitl10,ut ·aip1)eal sa,·ve by special 1.11npe a, cJ1n1ea:rt (A.i,t. 736) •

26. The main �t1ch loophole for custont, bu.t one not an1enable to analysis ,vitl1in this article, perhnps con ::ists in the ahsc11ce in ot1r Code of a concept of voicl rnnrriage. Eve11 bi i;an1ous marriage., Ilrohihitcd }Jy _,\rt:. 585, can 0J1ly l)e "clissolved" 011 application of $pouse or prosecuLor (Art. 612), ,-vl1ich tl1e latter 1 1ardly ever botl1ers arid tl1e former (,vl10 is punisJ-10.lJle 11nder Pen. C. A11. 616) ,daTes to do! Tl1e s,veepi11g c0Tl!Sceq11e1ice3 of tl1is "loopl1ole'' ""itl1 respect to factual preservation of custom call for a field study ratl1er tJ1an a cliscussion ir1 this paper. 27. See, e. g., Art. 695 (2). 28· See Civ. C., Arts. 641(2), 648(2), 655(2), 656(c), 660(3) a11 cl bnsjcally, Art. 725 point_ing at that �u 5lomary figure, tl1e Nagar Abl)at ("father of tl 1e case") or JJre-agreed arbite r o{ marriage, who may also he "first witness" and /or gt1arantor of the marriage compact. 29· See civ · . C ., Arts. 666 - 82, 691 - 95 and basically, Art. 727 � 28.



l I I


Betrobl1al ,v1tnesses ,sirrniLwr1y arhirtr.a:te hetrotiliiail c , 1 isp1�tes (Art. 723). , ens · a ba Thiis , op i ck -d1 01oil", 1i n &aet i, if illlot i n rtiheoiry, to, looaJ. 01tston1s, which , .arre ''re,pealecl'', 11}1:at j,s, no,t rBferred ·t o by ltlh.e Coid e in ,the express ,viay 1·equired ])y the ''1·ep-eaJrs'' provision. Repealecl c11tStoma1:y law may ,tht1s Te-ap1Jea1r vict comp1uso[I")r a r. hiit.T,ation. , r pail'la-leg,aJ. -outlet for frumily (h) 1\..rticlos 627 ain!cl 632-33 .r1·ov�de aniot:11e c11is,to111.s. rf.lie)' allo,v tJ1e epo11s, e or sp,01, 1:Ses, eiltiher jo:imtly (he1oire ma1rria1ge) or thro11gl1 tl1e fa .miJy a,i·b1tra·to[l·. s (d 1. 1ri!Ilg marri, !aige), to fix or vary lJotl1 tl1e·ir JJersor1al stat11s in tl1e 111nrriage a1. 1cl its JJCcunia1· y effects llci11g, save exce,ptiori �, .J lJenmiiS­ (the Co(lc rt1lr,s in t!1e::e J·e�1Jects , si,re - cf. Ai-t. 634). Clea;rly CUiSloms of, lllO mdepende • nJt valriidrty will i pe·1meaite Sttch n1a r, 1·ia,ge - a1·rru tl!ge.menrts, ,-vhiioh m11&t, .11:owever, respect the ma!Il1clartory legal dt1ti -es of S· t1.ppo1·t a ·n1cl 00l1 1alJiJtartio·n.30 One effect of this S)".Slem is tha t, 1 conl:iratty rtJo ,a wo.1�1d-,viide p l'l: iin.•oiple that perison.aJ stat11s is not in coniniercio, ,tl1e spo11ses mai: y iset ,some'\\',hait freely even ''their reci}Jrooal rigl1ts and ,o.hl�gamion. s in mai . tihei:.r , t:tens con-0em.iing ; n persona,} �.-ela:tio , s'' (A1�t. 627 (2), ,vhich rightis the framily -aThi, nrators may later moclify (A.r;t. 632 (2) ) . S11CJb.: marriage avrang , ement, or mo­ di:: ficatio11 111ay for -ins-, ta.nce, ooDJtrairy to ,a ,rl.'on-m,alD!datory .rrule pro�i.cle that it is tl1e h11::bancl ,.vJ10 "'is l1011ncl lo atten c. l �o Lhe 11011.seh•olcl rl1rties'' (cf. Ar�t. 64,6) (a11 i1111J.rotba , hle conjecture). Or, , ithat it ii.s tl1e Wlife "'�h.o cho,o, ses 11he com1non res i, Jdence (cf. Ar-t. 641). Prima facie, a maJI.Tiage arrangen1ent col1lcl also cancel tl1c cl11ty o,f .ficlelit)r }JToviclecl 1Jy i\rticle 64,331 01·, in accorclancr. ,vitl1 so'lue c11stom5, ]i,111it st1cl1 cl11ty to the wife. 32 B11t 011r Penal Co·cle !J:n.akes 6110h inference inaclrrnissahle; 11ndeT : -i:ts Arti�le 618, a,d11ltery i6 a JJllnrifshable od:fenoe. Ethiopian marriage 111a)' tl1u·� be viewed as a stnt1.1s 'i-vl10�e , llroxi,mate incicl­ ences may be 1Jartly fixed b), tl1e parlies· e11teri11g it, JJos-silJly i11 accordance ,vibh c11sto,m, a11d whose 1·emote ii11ciden,ces alllicl/or te1'1111111at:i:on by divo.rce are made depenclen,t o,n a · 1.·bi1tra-l clecisions ,vhi:oh acre ,also open 't o ''cu,stJomacy'' in­ £111ences. ''P11re and 1Si1n11le'' reference to �11tstom iis, !ll.01-v:ever, pro�1iibited (Art. 631 (2) ) . 1



Co11iprom.ise. We ha,,e disc11ssecl ·the legal j1t1·iscliction of, f.an1ily ·airb1trato:r:s (ma!l:riage ,vitnesses). B 11 t mo1·e m,rtjters m• a y ]Jc a.ffectecl ]Jy fact11a1l a1,bitratti-0n 1 1Jy elcler'5, 33 ,-vhich is 11eitl1e:r con11J11J.sory, no,1· 1.1511ally co!1JJt1·act11aJ i· in t, erms otf Ar·lls. 3325-26, h11t in 1-vhicl1 c11stom.a:ry dj3IJ11tants o.fte11 cian11ot l1e•l1J 1J11t con C • ll'r, ef.f. ecti·ng a , compromise. Fo1· example, i1u1e .ritanc- c conflicts n1ay be tltrl!s ac· ljt1sed ]Jy t- l1e '�repealed'' c11sto·mary r111es, t· J1 e 1·es11J.ti11g ar1,ange·ments being valid a: s co11tra-cts 30. Arts. 636 and 640. See a]so mandatory 1-\.rti,. 638 · 39. . 31· �bo:e S11b-nrticle (3), forlJ idcling coritrary arra11gements, ,,,as struclc out by the Codi· f�car.,on co1nmission: sec Corri�e11rla of Etl1iopian Civ il Code. 32_ Vthich \\,onld 11ot i>revent aduitery from beinr0r n cause for quick: divorce under Arts. 668-69. 53. The so • called semagelle.

- 4.31 -



II - No. 2

unider tl1e Cocle'.s 1·egi11atio11 of oomJJt�om·:ilses,34 w.hicl1 &1:e made ll/Jl•,t-S:!' ailab • le 'by A1·ticle 3312, 1·ega11·L-ling ·the. ,��/Iiisitake of 1·ight,'' ·to w.1:t: (I) As bet\-veen tl1e pa·rties, tl1e con11)ro1nise ·sl1·a11 l1ave the fo,i·ce of res judicata :w i·thout appeal. (2) It 1nary not -he contested on the grol: 1.ncl o , f a :miisualce m,aide by- o , ne or both of mhe JJao.11:rires concel'.•11ri11g the ,1•1ght£ ·nn vv-.hioh 11hey have com­ promiised. C001.s<eCJ11ently, •a .pair.ty'!S ignora11 1oe, which .is 1�•olll[1d iflo .he co1nmoin, of C-0-de law u to the ttrue e.x,terut -0£ ibhe il'1gh1tis (e.g·. ,succe.ssio!l.1 1rigihts) comprom.1sed by 1 c . not invalidate tl1e om• 1 )r o n 1ise apJllying custon1ary 1· 1 l1im. doe·s .les. R 11 les repeal­ ed in la1,v n1ay th11s rea1)peai· i'n fa,ct. They ,vi11 11:ot ·J)iud qi1,a ct1stoma1•,r 1•1tle 5 but qua oompTomn5e. They ·M'e. not :a ,fJ1b 1stl1dy ,ob jec·t :£or rllhe la1t');er, but, fm 'thle ethnolog:iist. The s, aime iis •tn1e of rtilie c1rstomaxy 1."ltles a1ppliecl pail.·a-le0ua. lly iin ma.r1·iag,e. Tl1.ey ihave , n.o indepenclent vailidity ·h11Jt hincl q11a ma•1-iiaige con.. tria.ot or qua M.b1tra!l deciJscuO!ll, 'llJS shown :a.hove. (3)


It iis pO&&iJJle to recognize cer.tadn traidition:aJ. . •B!l?}&-gr,acle, hJood, wor.srup ( Art. 407) oir m1 s·to,m,ao:y g1·otl}lil1.fBS .ais v:alicl ''n on-p1.·o,fi, t'' 'ltls-soeiwtions (Art:. 404,) . If t· his ever l1a1)per1s, tl1cir rt1les vvill 11at1.11·ally JJind 11ot qlta c11ston1 but qua legal m . emoranda . of .association ( Art. 4-08). T11e ·poinJt m�ry often. be ? ,: g practically i1 1•elevant lJeca1tse ''le , al ' ipfiOceecli'ngs seem need1ess, indeed un­ welc-ome, in most sucl1. tribal g1.·ol1pin g , s.

Conclusion The Civil Code'is ''re!peals'' prov,isioi11 severely limits the fieild ad' legal ap­ plrioa'li-Olll af -c11stom m Ethiopia .. Tl1is lim.itati-011 is ·tl1e 0·1111come orr tl1e specific tr;aiclitioo -arud cofllJdition,s .of the tCOJJ.lrutry 1, res1tltecl in a st.r,ol]g -11nirfication ti·emid. Neve11-thele,31s, and ap , a1. -rt f1�om tl1 ·e jtlist· ecl JJail·a-Ie, gaJ. o. t, 1tlet-s for cusitom, an21ly.siis has 1·.e,,ealecl ,fot1r le. g a.l 011tlets for ct1sto· rma1l7 la,v. Tl1e legal outlet of oustom-iincor1Jotrarti-on is n,01v frozen, J1ail'ritDJg f1u,ther. s't1pplemenm­ .tiion :f.rom otitside. The reinaini ng three legal 01rtlets, to w�t, Co,de. ....referenc· es to cus:tom, Co.d e vateiuums an,c1 jurlicial interpretat. io·n., s.a,fe.gtLa1·d a minin11Un field for .st11dy of Cll&toma:ry laws. T!1ere is, 0:f cot1r&e, n · o �'mi11im1m1'' foir tlie tlie B11t ethnologist ,who �udie.s 11sage irres:J_lective 10f, its h larw. 1n fo(t"ce il i lcljng . : larvtyer is, in 111s research, irest 1·1cted 1:lo wha-t is saructio1necl at sta,te Je,rel. Fur. J. 1 analv-:e,3 of . . thei·mo1·e, th�11gl1 he �an a�te1npt, ,,v l1erc arrpro1)1·1ate, Jt1:·1L11ca .. J - s, of the ethnO:log1.s· t's, h1s proper sot1rce for 1s 0011:r't . report . · • , ta c r 1J r . e t i in 1 ,--v . .. � ,., • · · 1 t , -· .. ., .0 .u.. ,. , , cui::; c&ses whffi'e1n · b.Jnd.l!ntg oustlom •11s pr,oveci o, r not1cer1, 01· sy :: . g 11 e1Jortr r . a a11cl tions •sanctioned. The Ethiopian. Civil Cotle• b,�ing rece11t� _ . h ·, d1�c11sstem not 1ret developed,. tl1ere are no <R11eh. cas· e 1·e1Jol·ts yet on t e t:,sues 1




94. Civ. C., Arts. 3307 - 24.

-- 438 -



i s thu The s u:e little ooope for law 1·esearch in repor,tecl cases. r. pa1J e , this in ed This eXiplains the rather ahslr:act chai1:actex of my arg11memit, f,or which I be.0a forgive·ness. Do1 1,bts have been e.x.1J.r03sed by err1incnt lavvyers 35 on the practicability of a tmiiorm Etl1iopian coddfi,cation of ci,,il 1a,v· in, tha·t -0f famiJ.y, land ancl succes-sion, wherein• cr1sto,ros are st,1,ong·est. "l,his £.eat, TllillIJrececlented i 11 Afr,ioa, is DlO•'\-V acl1ieved in Etl1iopia !Jy ·tl1e tecl1'llli r111es disc11ssod above. It would be presumptuo11s to detaile,d l)r,ogno.�tics 011 tl1e f11t11re mea,s11re zyf succes. s 0,£ that .gigantic ;piece of Jeigislatiion witl1 .its s,,rc01Jin ,g t1:e1peals .a:nd all-embra�­ ing -conterut. A ne1v legal t11nic, e.veJ1 fi·.oon ,the best tailo1;s, is bo11nd to scr-atch the social ]Jorl)'• I:t i•s to be ho:1Jed tJ1at the Ethio-pian jucl;rciary-� u,sjn,g the iliclic-ated 011tlets f.01· in a consisten·t ,vay and reporting decisions relevant bhereito, ,,vhl.l succeed in, 1nitiga·ting tl1e l1arsh.ue:s-s and inicerti:tr1d·es of transition froim tl1e a11cient to the nelv 1'Va}rs. 36

35. E.g. Ostini, op. cit. nort:e 11, at p., 8. 36.


th e ,time -of goin-g -to press, ,ve vvere s.b.o,,m Professor Va11dcrlin-den's pamphlet "An Intro<lucti -0 11 to 'the Sources ,of E·tJ1iopia11 Ln,v", appearing .in ,101. III No. 1 of tl1e Journal o/ Ethiopia1i La1v. T]1e·oricnl ari1 cl 1Ji•hli o gra.pbicnl aspects of Profess.or Van­ derlinden',s ,vo:rk ar.e very v,aju.ahle. S0111e of his .legal a• ar.e less so. In Part I, dealli1 g ,•ritlt Custom, Pr, ofet:,sor V.1n.derliJ11cle11 d.isc11sses o . ur ca-rijer '.lJ.nper, ,of ,vhic]1 thi,s n:rticle is but .a dev,eloprnent (see not, e 1, supra). llis disc11ssion ,j;ncludes son1e ratbeiI' 1 -e. With r.e6pect illl1ccura,te references to and un,va.r1�aJ1ted constructi.onis of the Civil Cod , of i\llo.slem lavv: see Pa.rt IV) in Ethiopia, to the enforcea.bility· of customary ln,v (n·ncl 0-ur learned colleague reaches exaggerated conclusi,oJl!S ,,,hi.cl1, in 0111· vje,v, are quite i11-co1npatible ,vith the Ju,v 011 <the book.s ancl f'Onlra.ry ·ro, b,oth legislative i.111tent• and judicjaJ decisions. Professor '\ia:nderlinde.n · seems to advocate tl1e sn1dy of cnstoms for tl1e sake of advnncjng the la\.\,. Brut '11is ia:tlempt, if follo\ved ,vo11ld amo11nt r-ather to ''pu�ting tl1e legal clock bacl.:." for the sake of studying c11stoi11-s! In ordcT ;to p-reve.nt s11cl1 uuto�varcl reS11lt, we shall conunen!t on this ma,tter as soon as ,space is availwhlc in the ]our,ial of Etliiopian Sue� �0�1e11t �ll 110-t affect the mentioned great me:r!its of Professor V.anderli'n• e.u s ,vork rn ills maJor ia_spect.




:,.r-kf, m1,:A1 • f01/.. 00t\11T: J»A1 " 1- I ftth+1r:,..: OO"JfltfiliJ. 11 n1t.

heflCT: hf"} l : a�i\C ! 114'�"7'1! = :}f,i\ : P'l\it = �t7icht = f ,11'? , :,.C'J°uc:,.. = fbT 11 flD1lh�: (10:,,ffJ. 1 ,"h<? : lt"}f.;;:: ODg",h� • '11-+�: � 1 9°6t-.�: f 1 11,;:� = g i rm,�ll� = (JD:,,65J. = t11" 1 = P''I = rco:,.. , h."tf.� • oog-,h�, 9°/J&.'t- : � I 'h'i : ht-+� : 00 g"(h<;: � 9°6&. � I J{tl )


1,- OD'?(lJ f- h.1f.�: ,nflf(ll4 J


h�A) - tla>11..i\� • oo:t,65}. , rt!'? 1 ODLPl:,C ll9>l- I 1 (

'Pt;a,. I P'AtrJ"t




f ti.:,..r-k, : 'P'if&c I J»AflJ't : fOI/..OUt\h;t-:flD' J . °llf:,..: m-rt'P 1 (v) flhT . V-kf= 17--lP = .,,,.,:,.. on1aip,:,., f01/..lP?- I a>"t)!IF'f It (h ) fll1Jc'>lb : 1t1C : flhT . V-k1: '}7'-lP , '11/"T': OD"t'?P'T : d}lf :,C : l\f, I f°tlP?- J tD'}ifF'f 11 (m) fllD'611' : n1C : f"'lf,f.&..C : ou,n:,.. : 11':far, n...+V-k ft1Jcf 1 = 'lt\P'A"l'i'f: 'h.'i : fh.+r A - ·f: 1"l•IP : .,, p:,, 1 OD'}'?P'T' • ro;t-Y-�'f I fllir611' • 1t1c tr'l� • fOl/.lP?-'f'TO,. : tD'}ifF-:f If (g) f'P'i� :I J»AllJ.1- I (D(l'} .. /\.- +h:r,f,: (it'lh+;;:) J»AllJ.'t d (/i) fh.+Vkf: +h;J--.f-: (h'lfl+�): /"Al " i:f"'l.oni\h;t-:fllJcJ (v) OD1Ufllro'I! : oo,n:,,: (h·l\.'J;t-'P. : /"COT) : OJf,'J°: fll't. 1 +c'ift.V-A 'i s ,n'? 1 = flllJc6JJ' = ti"lc = fatrP?a = m1 1..IF':f d (t\) fl�· 2 i'i 1C I foY.rP?-: ibit ':f : m"tllr'l- • (th) f 1'1...T'V"kf: 't7--IP :i '11/PT: OD'}'?P':tc : OJ;f-1'�':f 1 0fDc61b : h1C I V''l� : f«'/.. rP?-'P:flJ}(: m1-)!�1'� (1!)










�1'1: 1 rh1• • f..,_.('ourq:far; s "fcric:l· , ("l"IP'l·) , 01fC11C • mA.f» 1 ft.OD +i·t-1 1 lll\A"� ,f.(\1 f fl./ra":{- I ,f•Al.D?& 1 D?{ll,jfflJl-'i I f')!C� I "J•��":j,- I th'T;l'- I 1'fltJ I J:aA r,.'1,),0'D�9° JI


(I) f+t1;t-,e, : (h�hi•�ar) = P'f:\"l'l • ro(l·}


,h--f'i!&, : '11� : tI'ftll,,P l\f :t



(l!) 'P'iro• = l·"'A"Yt :• (1) +n;t-,e (t,. �r,_ ..�;;:) PA"l"> ••





m'lf- : (tJ�A) -f�c�� : (1,f-� : P,/;\a,"} �

U-lD"};el\-o� : fO'/,.(]Dt\h..'l• : P'AllJ"}


/\-fl :r'f : (P'�&.'P.-fh"l"' fl...f) PAllJ"} 11 dt--ffi:&, = .,-,� = U? ,11:1>n.e .. ooiOlJtf : OU"l(tf :: f h.Tf-kf : �c�-- : fl,,f:.f : ro1ifl�l� : O°t{ID/\h.,l• = i\� = fl\f(l}c : P'A"l1 : trl\T : m'lf":f'} : f,tf : �1»;;1!\ :: fOlJlootfm· : mll_e : f<ry__ou /\h,t-m- = 1--�_.e : flh.+r·A·f : fro"}il\ � : (1D;p61iJ, = itt'? : P'C ill\/\:• nSP.f : �lD'=1 ntt..rrl•r-A�1 = fro'>lflt.i: oo�66J, = ,1i'? re= f It-- = n?J:f u•tt: = ntl, +V-kf = 'hC�· = {l....f-:f = P'A'fl'J = P'C. = t;:,:ro.. == fJr� ....-,""r-A�..r = fm1ll\�: = oo�iiliJ. = ;,1°119° = 'POlD' = fl.11'-- = •<i:c.�· = n.:,...= +cnro.. = t\.t..�'l:Ta,. f,f /\A ff OtD'ltl\�: (1D:p6lij, : ,1'1'1 : P'C : ilt\hh.. : ilt\li.tJ?° : n>-1..•r\>'"A'f 'i!C..f: = fbT:f P'A"l'J: P'C ilt\ = o9':f = 1-->;�e. = nro"}lt\'1 :ou�ti6J. ,h°l : h_'}f...� : OD�"",h'i� : l-i1+1' : I : 'F'lJt-<i'- : I : tJ�t\ : I = (h<J?. !� : 1'Clh : I!!) : +HC1f£!> : f/1-.;:IA :: irft.,J-�a r1 : n1 fl,e, : fOIJ..oot\h.+m- : 1-�f, : f..'?'1° : ill\ : 'i�C�' : O,,f•1' P'A"l1 : ',(Ow :t f i''"':,·r•A·f : tj:C� : fl�,f:f : f�C.(" : ·1-P,J!, : l\,(loo• : .fl\rlD4 P'tt«rt<; J n,-..9° : f-l"' : {l;t• : 011(la,:,-. : 1i.1f..°t'l'lW4 : OD'J/lp: ht\fl-r :: t\9°i\l\, = t10• ilJtil = h.O'l = 11il;1:t\w• = n(i:+tj': : �� = n�·1--; cD,e'/° = n.e« "fi� : 1lC?1 : i\CD•�jf : ��-- : fl.7• I ro,,�'J°: f..dJ'l11 : O"i"t\l\, : OJl� : �C..(:•: fL ,r: 011(1<r-J:,•: J'll'lro•: )i'}Y..O''l: t17(\:l.. :. ',lD• := l1'1H.U9°: 1'"?.V':}"• � (lm'} .: 1 -i{\�: 0D�"6r.],: ,7.dJ : F't : p-1co,:,.: '111..'1 : uoi ,,,<;-:: ¥' ot,<): : � ,,,,. h.�+'1 : oo�,l1ri:: 1 9 110�',::: !{: -f--�1°11'PA: (<l�. !! s % 1 % ! 'h'-,· : hjv.-f.%) tf trt\+'1 t h.11..�a r : n1llfr-flaJ'1j!ll'i: : 00�"6"/,: ;,,'?:PC: il�











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ji. ,,1.r: <i:cs.-- r1,:,..: Oh"}.�·= c1�.,:, .. m1;e._t\ = f\.e= .el\<D•= P'/.\llJ1= Om"}]!I\�:: uo:/ 6GJ.: ,).,.Q'I: P''I: P'CO-)- ·: i',1f..1;:a1•: t)'}1r1l'lt": ,,.,,, . ° o·t ,11l 1·f. = t,.,. : r,:c:Y.· r1.:1, = ,,, .. .. ;;: 1 , t· 11 c,: = ll A ,e (D•V flS: fl(TlC = ,of,'/° ll"1ro•t•>l· ..-:c�· : o.:8. = Oml-'� c,:c.e..· ,1,:,0'/ "l'lll)•: .e,n{l','f,\: (,,?. 9.) :: �CY.": it:,.. : 1r,ro(l0IJ:3.: . �- i',·f'l1 l�:m�1 : 'P,,R ·B.: 1i1 ..e.· : f ,v1:(!A : till : 00 ,:.rf,)•: ftllJ."lllOJ• OJ'} :e.n· : 0•8·6c �lffl{l;g,(: fl;f' : ',OJ•:: .e:ti?° : '''/{\:,.; ilO·: flhaJ•t-->r : 'i:c..r..-- : (l, "l" : OD (AlfPJ:9... : f 0?."l '1 OJ• : fl. ll'"} : m"})! i\ ·: fl;f• OD �l-r : t,a�t-,. �·: agn«:,... : lii�C � � : ,i.:,.. : OD(l'111--1·: t,t\ll•), = (4?_. jjj) ::






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- 465 -



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. £· foY..h-t-1\�:t-: u--),;t-?11':

n.. ,,f ,:,,rao• = hh1-1:' � f!Yn,�,.: �c�- : fl4l•:


P:t-'l! : (F��'l! t fit'Pflf ) : P'A"l'}: aflar�Tm,, f,:1•1\ A:: O tt. r u9° : 'l.H. : 0:1,a, : "1'1• = n�n· = a tit. : rof,. 3 OdYlcnw- : P'l\t1J1 : lDf...hflllr : �c� : {1,T : ho•"} = �aot..tpA � (�.. Ii) :!J . (iJ) fro"}lh-' f..'C'l..} I\,I\ P' <j':.t--. -r&.. K"'lfD � m..m ..,: = � "1 lfD r + /\f: P'<t-�: ff...ln: °'l'i" = h� tLiD : pn��?J":f,: n�,1�,: = : fro"}ttt hit �C1 tiAlf�· .. : ... : : FC 1'� � fl,f.. &.. iou n-} : P'AflJ"} . F<t-� .noiz.1� FAflJ1 = 'll\(Dc �c,: � n�;g,, = ro1,'f°:,arm.1! · flf...lnn:,.. r�� '11\,o• = 'll\P'Afll1 : �c�" n.-r = fLc#>c,,1 = f,:J!I\A : (4!. £) :: (/\) it"},,f_• : f:C't-1': h/\,1\ : CD'J)!A : ;JC : fil\m«: GJ'}""f-�T: �h'} fT: 'h."}f.: ro'}lt\: lf'i: hrl'c�ml I ftLU W'J]!A: h{l: U•ftrf: ID'Jll\0",,.f: (lrf--&.?.OO•(l:,-C: {l;r: l\ft•-l<l: ,µ.;AKJJ'J : i\i\:fm◄ : �c�· f1..f:f: ho-/\rf:: h1,�-: tl1f:: fL'i>C-fi: �i--i\A: (cl?. !ii):: (d1) hA� : A� : P'�&.?1-:f l1Jc{l'P (lf:,,;;:ro, : P''i�t. m;ltt· : h1f.....,-. t.?.OD = fA ..,-.l;; 1 ,n = n.. lf"} ! ro'l J!I\• ni1 &..A tt.1Y: = P'<i;&,.: nh�t\: f...d/'F : (llbti: P''t-/r.: f,f--l,?.OD : (),If'} : m'} : h>t"}f.." : Oflt\m· : P''t-�91 :.f : oo&c?t_{JI)« : (L<f>TA'J : ro'} -,_tt- f+&.?,OD(De = nA� = A� = F<i:b'?1--:,: f,,.,, &..?,(ID«:,.., tt..rlb = fm"}j!f.\ : +01'1�:f--1 : nODP'�:,.. : 1).. lf"}: fW'Jj!h· : t,(J : P'A flJ'J: 'lt\lD· h�H..U: P'�t.?J:f.. : lD·ll'I' it1-�- 1-111: = l\UCJ.11ar= ij:c_r_- n.:,.. fL+c,n f,:fl\.A (cf?. ti) == (OD) ro'}j!tr: f+t.KODl1Jc : ro'JJ!t\'1 (De: 111·t' : l\.,e till : fff� 1'1 f.lf't 1 w1j!n'1ro· • mJ!.,'J° f,1--nf...nro·: (tar= mf.,'J°: ro1lt\ = f+�KOD11:,-. = �1c n1-t•l1Jc = ,1oi..eA(j:n:,, P'fi:tr l\OIJ.1,·ar = P'AflJ"}: l\(\Or: <,;cf..': n.:,. : fm"}j!tr: till : lL<f>C,fl: tl-1\ A: (ct?. fr) == (LP) flh�TV-A·f : ODCh11 : lDf.,9°: >tl'bf!11'i\'t : I\,�: h>,.. -rr-A-f : "llfT llr'i" f+&.KOD = m'tJ!A = n°1,,t'1 a,..9° h.-rr-�·,r = ro-ll� 'I/\. (j:CJ7 = n.:,.. t\.(1°7 = J?,-:fl\A :: ,e"fi¥° ,, n. = �ar = ( 4!. fQ) :: (l) ti{l'}'J°: (Of._ : {bf\ : P'�t- : f0'/tf a>c: : "r'h•·111 : (lih'? : tf!, if ODLPlT: {L(ltp: f.,;f-1\ /;\::



























.. •

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by Robert Al\llen Sedler, Faculty of Law, Haile Sella,ssi.e ·i Univerdity: · (Title I, Cl1npter II, Section 2 of Lbe Penai Code and· B�ok I Chapter l and Book IV, Chn_pter 2 of the Criminal Procedure C�de) J. Introduction JI. ThG First Elen1ant: Persons S1tbject. to tlia Paraal Code •


Principal Jurisdiction

.. .

I. Persons subject to EtliioJJia's /Jrinci1Jal juriscliction a.


Of fences con1n1itted in Etl1io1Jia

b. Offences con,11,itted in a foreign country al(ainst Ethiopia • •

• • c. Offence., co111n1ittecl i n a foreign couritry b,· Etl iioJJian officials en1oying i111rnu11it)' ancl by n1en1bers of tlze Etli iopiari Arnied /?orces

2. Limitations L1po11 tlie exercise of JJrinciJJal jurisdiction

B. SubJidiary Jurisdiction. I. Persons subject lo Ethiopia's su.bsicliary jurisdiction a.

Offences cnn1mitted in a foreign cnuntr-v against international latv or uni­ versal order

b. Other (Jflerices co111n1ited i n


foreign country

c. Offences conzmitted iri a foreign country by members of the Armed Force3

2. Limitations upon the e.1.:erci�e of sz,bsi<.liary jurisdiction ..

C. Summary

I. Principal jurisdictior, 2. Subsidiary jurisdiction Ul. The Seconcl Elernent: ]uris(liction of Courts 1f. Jurisdiction over 0/ferices B. Local Jurisdiction C. Summtitry I.


'fl1ere are t,vo cJcnJen:hs involved i11 tl1e exerci,s e of c1-.iminal jtu-i-scli<?tion e?t to ·...11e j s11b son _ per s , tl1 i lv· ls dea 11t me ele f. l e t 5 rfh e . ir rts 11 n 1)ia co 1io Etl _ hy it. i Penal Cocle of Ethiopia. All J)erso11G st1bject to tl1 e Pe:nal C,oc; l� of E�l1 1o1) 1 a .�re_ , ts, a11cl ·tl1ey �ay be ,t1 � ed au.hject to the jttrisdict· i, on of .the Etl1iopi1an cot1r _ l 1 ts. 2 l�.L\.. n iQ ot Se , II r te a1) Ch I, tle Ti here for violations of tJ1 e Pen·al Code. •

· to provi· d e explanatory treatment o-f this area of • Thoe pur p,o•se of tlur3 commentary 1s .. . tlU1t may s em lll ro l a P leg e th l al af la.w. It is not intended to ·he a detailed · analysl's ·· d DlJl.ter i.aJ arj!!e and it doe.fl not contain a discuss.ion of and secqn



J ou1tNAL oF l�TH.IOl'IAN

L.-\,-v -

·voL, II - l'Jo. 2

qt1-e�tion of '",,hat 1Jc1·son;; nre sit1 · ect 11-22) of tl1e Penal Cocle covers tl1e __to 1 . . 1· . 1 I • • ... f3Ir n court.s. the Pen�al Coc I e� a11d l1ence to t11e J Llr1sc 1ct1011 o·f t l1e £·rn1CP

'· · Tl1e �eco11<l element dea1s .,¥.itl1 1.l1c jt11·.iaclicti,01.1 of cor�.rts. It niust } e

to hear s � ,letermined ,vhicl1 cot11·t in Etl1iOJ)ia l1as . ju1·iscliction t11e e ca and . IO whioh area of l�thiopia tlte. caiS e 111L15t be tr. i-ccl, e.g., s hot1lrl tl1c case be tried Lef-0re , ir1 Atlclis At1a!)a or tl1c .!\.,vJra,lj:1 Col1rt of Debr,., . tl1e Higl1 Court sitt; ing ,v1·adja or tl1e \V01·eda Co111·t of �uellele Wo:re(la. Tl1.cae c1t1estio ns ar; Berhan ... 4. co\·ered by Bo-ok I, Cl1a1lte1· 1 a11d Bo.ok IV, Cl1apter 2 of tl1c Crin1inal }lroce­ dure Code. (.Ar�. 4-, 6, 7 and 99-107). 11. Tlie First Elenient;: Perso11s S11 b jr�ct to tfie PP11 r,l (:ode ,v11etl1er 01· not a person i•! s11JJjecl' to 1}1e Pe11al Cocle cler)e11<l,s on (I) the ·place ,vl1ere the offe11-ce ,va s, co1nmiltocl, (2) tl1e na;tionali,ty o ,f t.11c acci1sell aiid (3) tl1e kind of offence that l1as }Jeen co111111ittt�<l. 111 certain ci-rc111nsi-ances an accused is saicl to he sullject to Etl1iopia's JJ1·i11ci fJt1l j11ri.sclictio1i; i11 rJtl1er cir­ cuJThstance�, altl10.ugl1 he i,s not •£uh ject to E tl1io,1Jia 's }Jrin1c i11ul jttri!.diction, he is srui d to be subject to Ftl1-iopia's s11.lJsilli<tr)' j111·isdicti<.>12.. 1'l1c co11cl:,tion, f'or the exercise •of jt1ri�.dictio·n rli, f fer ,dc1)e11cli·ng 011 v;l1etl10r tl1e nccu3ecl is st1bject to Et.l1iopia's p1·incipal o.r st1lJsicliar)r jl1risclictio11. T\1ost significantly� ,vl1ere a person is subject to Ethiopia's p1·i11cipal ju1·iscliction, cliscl1arge or acquittal i11 a foreign co1.111try cloes not 11re, 0ent a 111·osecutio11 for the same offence in Etl1iopia; it cloes so if l1e is 011ly st1llject to Etl1iopia's s11bsicliary ju.r·is�iction. 1


PririciJ Jal Jurisdictio11- (Pe11,al Cod-c, 1\...i.·.tsr . 11-16) Princi1Jal jt1riscliction exists as tc) an acc11se(l ,vl10 is ( l) cl1arged ,vitl1 1}1e commissio11 of an offence in Ethi.01)ia� (2) cl1argecl ,,ritl1 tl1c co- n 1t11ission of certau1 offences again•st Etl1io1J·i-,1 j11 a for.eign co1111tr)'·, (3) clJ-argecl ,vit.l1 t.l1e 001111nissi1o•n of an offe11ce i11 a fo reig11 cottllltry ,•{l1ere lie IJos. scsses im11111• 11ity fro111 prosec11ti-on by vj1·t11e of l1�s ,stat11s a-s a11 Etl1io1, )ian officia], (4) c�harged ,vitl1 tl1e commissio,n of certai11 offences i11 ,t fo1·eig11 co11ntr)' \Vl1ile a n1emhe1· of tl1e Etl1iopian A .rme,d }i'orces. First ,vc \,�ill co11sicler ,· vl1e11 .a11 acc11. sed is subject to Ethiopia's J)rinci1lal j111·iscliction; then ,ve \vill consicler tl1e conditi·ons for the exerci,::,e of J)t·inciJ:lal jt1ri.�di.ctio, 11. 1.

Persons s11.b ject to Etl1.io1Jic1's[J<tl jttrisdict:io 11,

EtliiOJJi<t (Penal Code, Arts. 11, 12) Article 11 ( 1) provide� tba,t tl1e Code is 11,p:[llicable to r11iy [Jersor i \\')1o eom?1its any off�rice _;;ipecifiecl jn tl1e Corle 011 Etl i io,pian 1er1·itory. Territor)' consists of la,nd, sea and air. a.

Offence.s coni.111.itte. d


EXAMPLE: A nation� l of Ke11y,1� ,vl1ile visiti11g Etl1 i-opia, allegecl ly _raJJe5 a - 11other Ke11yan in ,,iolatiori] of Article 5l39. Since t11c :1lleged offence ,vas co1nn1it:tecl <}Il tl1e territorv of Etl1i:r1 ...1i;1: lllc aeeus• ed i,s st1bje:cl to tl1e Code ancl 111ay l;e trie·d in tlJe Ethi• opi�n co11rts for a violation of Article 589. ·






0s S11 cla W a 11 l1il Ai e 1·,v a) PLE: flivl1 1 EXAJ\1 O t is . • na

JJai-:.,j 11 o o- ov•er E tI11· o}) 1• a, a f-ltocrl1·t al ' le()' -- 1It ·; a fe 1 . ·]y· a��at

.t1onal a])oarcl tl1e S11 dane�e lo.,v pa·ssenger, ,,,}10 is also St1clanesc. Siiice Et - I1·.J0}-.11n · 11. a1t • •1 • . ·" 1£1pace J.8 E t h1op1a11 terr1toL1·:y·. tl1c allc.,rf•cl offr. • 1 �,\·,, ·a-,:-, COlll· 0, ' '- ncc 111i,ttec.l on Etl1io1>ia1.1 territc>r)'; ,vl1icl1 sl,lJjec-.ts tlic acc11�ccl to the Pe11al �ocle, .a11cl �e 1nay IJc trice] j11 tl1e Etl1iotJia11 corirts _ r for a , 101atro-11 of i\.rt1clc Stl�l.

Certain pe.rso11s s 11cl1 as lli1p]o111a1lic_ of,ficials are i111111u11 -c fr0111 cri il tinal J>rooec11ti,on in tl1e col1ntry to ,vl1ich ·tl1e)'· ·are a , ccred.itecl 11nclcr tJrii1oci·tJles of J>uhlic international la,v. SL1cl1 i111m1111ity is recognizecl 11nder Article 11 (2), and a person enjoying tl1is immt1nity is riot st1lJject to tl1e Penal Cocle, an{l thus, not Euhject .t-0 tl1e jt1riscliction o.f tl1e Etl1io'{Jian co11rt.�.

EX.r11\fPLE: TJ1e amba-ssadt)r o·f a cot111try ,.,,·i 1tl1 ,vl1on1 l. �itl1io1Jia 11as <lir)lo­

matic rela·tioniS reckle.ssly clrives l1i :s a11to111ohiJc in Aclcl i:;. ... t\haba�killin:g a11 Etl1io,p i, a n. S11cl1 concl11ct ,vc>l1lcl co·nstitt1tc l1omioi·cle by neglige11,ce unclcr Article 526. Si-11ce 11ncler prin­ c· i. 1)les of p11lJlic i11ternatio11al la ,,v, aml1a$tSa1cl1or3 are 11,o;t s11b­ ject to tl1e r>enal la· ,v· of ·tl1e country to ,vl1icl1 tl1cy a1·c ac­ creclitecl, tl1e am·bassa•cloT may noit l1e ;triec l. i•n tl1e Ethi-01)ia, n co11rts for a violation of Article 526. •

.c\ person wl10 l1as committed flll offence in Ethiopia may l1ave s11ccessfull}· escaped and taken ref11ge i11 a fo,reig - n co1u1-try. In st1c,l1 a ca, se :tl1e Etl1iopia11 . re direct.eel 11nr:le.r Article ]. l ( 3) to rec111est l1i:; ext1.·aclit.i,o,n .so tl1,at a11tl1orities a lie may be tried uncler Etl1.io1)ian 1a,v. Ext1,aclition is tl1e process lJy ,,,l1icl1 a per,son ,vl10 has co1nn1itted an offei1ce in uine c-0t1·n:try an<, l l1as take·.11 reft1ge i'l1 an1other is ret1u-ned to tl1e co11ntr)r ,vhere ,tl1e offence ,va,s co,n1111itted i11 0, 1·,der . that he may stand ·trial tl1ere. U11fo.rt11-na , s not lJJavc e>..-tra­ · tely. E-tl1io,p ia cloe dition treaties 1\'-itl1 very many eo11nt, .ries, a- nd 1110,st cot111tries ,vill riot rpern1i'f. anyone to l1e extradi:tecl 11nle::.s there is a treaty ,v.itl1 tl1c cot1-111try 1·ec111esti11:g cxtraditio.n. That is the la,v in Etl1io,p�a; no •o,ne may be cx.traclite(l fron1 Ethiopia except in accord,ance ,vrtl1 i111ler11Jat. io,11al agreen1enrt. Rev., Art. 50. See also Pe11al Code, 1\.rt. 21. 111 li.ght of tl1e absen,ce of extrad-itio11 treaties, Article 11 ( 3) is not likely to ]1e ,rery effective. Where extraclition oan-11ot be. o -bt,1i-11ecl, _i.\.rticle 12 (1) direct� tl1e Etl1io­ pia11 a11tl1orities to req11e51t that .tl1e offencler be t-riecl in tl1e cot1in:try of ref 11gc. If that is honoree] b,, the co11n; t.rv in ,vl1ich tl1e offencle1· l1as take11 refuge, a11ci he is tried an<l a�quitted tlie1:e, lie cannot be t1·iec1 agai11 for the same offence in· Etl1io1Jia if he i , J)p ·rehendecl l1ere. Tl1itS i,s also 3 sub,seq11en-tly a · enforce·rnent of t l1e se.nten-ce true if h'is sentence l1a .s been Te'mittecl tl1ere or 1f . is barred hy 1imita t. ion. Penal Cocle, _.\rt. 12 (2). , E Y.,. . 1I11 PLE : A foreign natioiial SlISJ)ec�tecl of coinmitti11g l101nicide i11 Ethiopi� flees to hi,3 hor ne coun,try, ,vhere he is apprel1en­ d.ccl. 1-Ie i� no.t extracli:ted, bl1 t· 1\JlOil tl1e r. ec11iest t:lf t11c

-- 469 -

.. . .

JouRNAL oF E·r1-11or1AN LAW - VoL. II





Ethiopian autl1orities he is triecl fo r tl1e homicide alle e g dly .. He 1s acqu1tted a n d rettlrn8 co111mittecl in Ethio1Jia. 10 Etl1io1Jia. Since he was acquitted of the horr1icide cliar he cannot he again triecl for that offell1oe in EthioJJia. ge,


EXAMPLE: Same fac, ts a� above except ith,a.t the Et· lti,opia.11 atrtliori,t· e •

make. no reqt1e�,t •tl1iat he l1e :tried in the coun·try of ref11:, s 1 r au:tl1. o , r i the tie:; ther,e ap ati,,e t j in-i own On their · pr•el1 end. hi: and cl1atrg, e hi111 with tl1e J1om,ici:cle allegeclly eommitted m Ethiopia. He is itr.ied an(l acquttted. Sul}se'quently� h e r etttrns to Ethiop.ia , l1 c is npprel1en d , -ed. Si, nce he ,vas n·ot tried ·at the reque�t of th'? Ethi,opj an - .at1tl1ori,ties, A1�ticle 12 (2) is not a1111licitble,. ancl .sinee the :g•cn�r.aJ r11le i1S t· hat per5ons .st1bject ,to Etl1iopia's f, Jr�n,c.ijpal jtli1·�sclk�on ean he retried in Ethio1Jia though they have been tried and acqt1itted for the 1 l Codeo Anticle 16 sia ,me offence in a f.oreign c-o:i1ntry (Pe,na (2), ·to he di�c11s�ed mor· e f11l]y) � lie m,ay be tried ag · ain for , the h . omicide in. Ethiopia:

Where the .offencler bas · been co·nvi.cter] follo\ving . a request ttncler Article , a1Jon-0t again l1e 1pt1rn:ished in Ethio,pia. 12 and has, s· er· ved o.t1t his 5- entence, he e But il he ha•� . been convicted a,n cl has not t1n-(levgo11e ,any �f tl1e p11ni:�1ment or h�� q · ndergone only par,t , cif it, i.f .J1e is apJJrehe11d,ed in Ethiopia, tl1e remain­ der shall. b� enfor·ced in . Ethiopia provirled. th_at enfo1·cement orf .the. p11n1 ,sh1nent is not barred by Ethiopia's law of lin;iitation. Penal Code, Art. 12(3). . . . . .. . . ._.. .. . · EXAMPLE: A £-0reigner -has comn1i:tte,cl an offence in · Ethiopia• · and ha�.. - fl.ed ·to hi,s :home ·co11n ,try, ·wl1 ere l1e -is apprel1encled. U 1J on tl1e· request of the Ethiq}i·an auth,or-ities, lie· is trie.d for tl1e offen­ ee i n- hi� hon:1e eou - itry·, convicted ancl �en,tence(l to on� . n . . year's imprisonment. Before ser,·ing a11y ol tl1c sentenc·e, · J1e osca:pes ,and flees to Ethio p • ia, l1e is ap · prel1ended. Once irt is pro,,ed that l1e was s, entencecl for 1tl1e · offence and did not ,serve any pari il of the· sen·te11-ce, he ma · y be t· e11tenced to one year's impr,i,s-�nmen·t, p , ro,vicl iO. Jg tl, 1iat enforeen1enJ. of th, e penalty is n-0t h·atTed ·by lu11-rtation. .. : EXAMPLE: A foreigner, who has· eon1n1itted itheft in Ertl1iopia, flees to his home cot1ntry wl1ere he is a1JJprel1encled. Upon re_qtiest of tl1e Ethiopian at1thor,itie is he is 1 triecl ifo,r. tl1e offence. , victed ancl sentencell t o tl1ree years' iroi)ri. sr oru:nent. Ile con escapes hefoire he l1a3 ser\'ed any l)a1·t• of tl1e sentence.. Filteeo years later he is apprel1en,ded in Etl1io1Ji•a . Un :der Art1cl e 234· fo; .. · ent 1 �onn Pen·al, enforce111 ent of a in1pri , , pena • lty of te a ! ed g uisli . more -tha . n 011-e yeatr but less tl1,an ten is extin, ten. y.ea.r1.S. Since en•forcen1c11t of tJ1e ,pf'filalty is b.arr@d by JunJ•

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tati-on untler Etl1iopian lalv, l1 e oan11 o , t he reqti1red to serve . th e tl 1ree year3 1-1111)risonment '11ere.


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b. Offences co1111riittecl ir1 n foreigri co11ntry <igainst Ethio[Jir, ( Pe,1.r,l Code, .Art. 13). 1�his article covers offences con1n1itted in ,a foreio-.n cotmtrY •� tl1rut 1 1ave tI1e1[ O · · · Eth'1op1-· a.. N ot a ll sue Ii o ff e11ces sub1·ect t!ie offend e!ieet m · er ,. 1,0 ti 1Q f)TlllClOQ z • • • • • jurisdiction of t }1e Et�1tO[ coi1rts. 011ly tl1e o,f,fences })roliibitecl by ATti�le,s · 24&-272 (offen-ces again-st tl1e En1peror an-d tl1e Empire tliei'r ..,!lf e· t y or 1111te ,. . , . . . . . . gr1:t , ·and oifences against E�l110,JJ1a11 1n·�t1tt1tio·ns) and those prolubiterl ]Jy , · _ Articles 366-382 ( o"ffences against Etl110JJ1an currency and official seal�) su]a­ ject tihe offender to Etl1io.pi,a's princip,al. jurisdicti.on. Bt1t wl. 1en ilJ•c;l1 offe 11ceJ!l have been committed, tl1e o£fender i s- :subject to E,t}1iopia's principal juri�cljc. tion whether he is an Etl1iopian or a forei gn er.


EXAMPLE: In a forei,gn co11ntry, a for, eign •national cons,pires- witl1 Ethio­ pian exile3 to overtl1r,o,v the Emperor in violation of Article. 2,1-9. In funtl1e.r,ance of tl1e plot he also coun,terfei t, s Ethio1Jia-11 ct1rrency in ,,i,olatio-n of Ar.ticle 266. both oi tl1ese gf. fen<:e.s are vjola·ti,ons of the Articles specified j,n Article 13. the offender is subject to the pr,inciJJal jurisdiction of Etl1io­ JJia an1d, if apprehenrle<l he·re, mny be itried !or a violation of ·those articles.

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E.YAMPLE: In , .a foreign cou11try, a foreign n·atio\11al tries to prevent tl1e

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pur.cl1as.e of Etl1io-pi,a.n · bon·ds being orffer�d ifor sale there by rfalsely telling , J)rospectivc JJUrcl1asers tl1,a,t tl1e Etliiopian · dollar is a· bo11t to be dcval11ecl. This con,:;tiitt1tes ,a viol, attio·n of Article 359. Altl1ougl1 such c,o.n-cluct m·ay }1;ave a detrin1ental effect in Ethiopi!a, -since Aa-ticle 359 i:5 no-t ·onc- o=f tl1e Arti:Cler. iSet for.tl1 in Article 13, _tl1e offender h.'-- not S'ltl)je�t to the principal jt1ri•. : diotion of Etl1iopia. 1

c. Offences co111mitted in a foreign country by Ethiopictn of/icial..<.: enjoy ing im.mziniry and by 111.em.bers of the Ethiofiian Arn1erl F-orces (Penal Code, Arts. 14. 15 .f Ethiopiam. offi�i als are subject to Etl1io1Jia • al juriscliotion ivl1i]e· , '1S princip ahr-oad; men1ber.s of the Arm ed Forces are iSt1bject to Et-l1iopia',s princip a : l j111:is. diction with res;pect tio certain offe11ces oomn1ittetl \vhile abroad, altl1_0-11gl1 with re.speot 1.o certain other offenoes tl1ey ·are only suibject to Etl1i0ipia's st�­ _ sidiary jurisd-iotioiil. Excep t for .the of.fences specifiecl ·in Article 13, otl1�r Ethiop1a:ns acticng abroad are only subject t·o Ethi,op ' ia's �11bsidia;ry j11,ri.�dictio1.1 as provide, d in Article 18. Under Article 14, dii)lornatic, cons11lar and otl1er government officials wli.o commit an offence in a foreign co-1rn,try for ,vl1ich they cann•ot }Je r)ro-

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secuted there because tl1�y p�ssess _ ir \1ru �1i �t.y . ll �cler. 1:>1·i11<�i1>1e.; o � inter·national . J 11c.l :ni:iv 1aiw, are ,snhJect to Etl11 ,01l1a � p1·1 ·ne1paJ Jt1r1sd1ot1011 1J e Ili·ose Clltet1 . . . 1 . . . . ,("• �o,ae ( otl1er t.] 1 , aJl th l::.ere 1 · tI. 1e offeruce 1.s Jltln1.shable 1111 d e1· t' l 1e ]...,�t l11or)1an ose offences specified i,n Article 13, ,vl1icl1 1na)r in all cai!'es he· l)l'Oieet1ted l i ere) . · Ullll . 1· pun1s . 1· 1a bl. e 1111 der t 11e 1 aw of t I1e co11ntry """IA· cre 1t 'il1a:1 con1mittetl. lit 1s a· so other l\ro1,cls, , tl1e of-fen·ce 1n11st be })t111�sl1ablc u11clc1· Etl1i ,o,1Jian ]a,v arit1 . . . . . th .e 1aw o f t he p 1a-ce -o f comn11ss1or1. j'f t l1e offence J.>S J)JJ.u1z:l1aflle onlv llJ) .I OJ ., . . • 1 . . . t, un der eith er 1aw, p .rocee d1ngtS n1ay 11ot h. e 111st1tl1l.e (1 1n Ethi OJ)ia lllloompla1J11 lcss s1.1cl1 a complaint l1as been lodgecl .


EX .:.t\MPLE: An Etl1io,p-ia•n arr1ba-:5sa<.lo1· L·o1n111it•3 l,orriici,<le by 11eglige ncc in the country ,vl1eJ:c lie is servi11g. Tl1;,s is a ,1 iolartio11 o.f tli e JJenal la,v o,f tl1e cot1nt: ry \\ lie •acted a11cl is also ,1 ,,iola­ tion· of Ar•tic1e 526. Unclc1· })1·inci1Jle,s of i11ter11iaLional la,v amha�a.dors er1jo1r im111,111:i.ty. £1·0111 })ro-sectition in tl1e coiu·L:: of th-e country ,vl1erc t.l1ey l�ervir1,g. SiJ1cc tl1e amba·ssaclor ei1joys imn1·unily in tl1,� foreig11 co1u1tr}' a11d si11ce tl1c act i1s a vio1ation of tl1c lia,v of tl1e lllatce of c·o·m111i3sio11 and of t'l1e Etl1iopi1a11 Cocle, tl1e arnba.ssai(lo1· is s1:1hject i:o Etl11opia's principal j-.1ri,5clictio'ft a11cl n1ay 1Je u·ied he1·e fo1· a v1olatio11 of Article 526. -. ••

EX.A.1\if PLE: A.n Etl1iopian a1n,bas::iador callHe, :: a 1)crs�11 to -::.r�1ffer,. co_111�on a 1s 1:s fl1 1g. 1 1, se , 1s llc re l1e ,. ,, tr� nn co e 1 l t. ir1 )r lir i!iij l ,vi1fu _ . �

violBJtion of tl1.e ]al v of the Jllace o,f coru1111.ss10,n and of Art!• cle 539. Unider A1�ticle 539 ( 1) �1tch a11 offet1ce i:s r,t111isl1ablc onJy on com1)lain,t. lJ11 (]e.r tl1 e la,v of tl1e tlla·ce of �0111111i�6'ion i- t is })t1n,i•.sl1a.ble it1 tl1e al)�e11ce of oon1pla int. No con1f)l1aint has bee11 filed. Sir1cc }:thiopia·n, la,v . rec1t1ire� st1. cl1 proceedings to l>e instituted by 001t11Jlai11t a·11ll no co1111)la1nt has been· filed, tl1 cre can be 110 r>.rosecrttion for tl1i3 offence. The .same ,vould •be tn1e if a co,mplai11t l1ad to be filetl 11ndor the law of tl1e pl,ace of co1ru11 iE- : ion, tl1ot1gl1 a co1nplai1rt (lid not have to be fi, lecl llil'tlle1· E:tl1 iopitln la,¥.

�le 15 deals witl1 offences comrr1itted abroad. by• 111e1ubers of tlie Ethiopian Armed Forces sta.ti.011ed there. Unlike officials e11joying in1111u11jt)"· uot all offences oommitted a,b1·0,ad by 111em1b ers of• tl.1.e _.\r1_11ecl Forces s1ibJecl' them to Ethiopia',s pri. inci_r)al ju,risllictio11. \�TI 1ere ,1 111en1ber of tl1e Armed Forces comm i, ts an offence a.g,ain•Elt the 01•,di•na , ry law of ,a foreigin c- oir11tr! , he is not stihjec� to Et�i�ia� s �1·i11ci'pial jurisd icti<.J· n. He i:s s · ttlJject to tlie_ or?111 � . law an.d te.rr11:or1al. Jt11ns<l1,ct1o·n of tl1at cot1•ntry. I.f he l1as flerl to Eth10J ? 1� a_ � extradition is not granted, 11,� is to be triecl 11nde1· tl1c }Jrovisions of tl1e Eth10· be ,vi]l ,vl1icl1 Code governing t'1 1 e exerci � e o f �lib jl11·�dic1tio11� idi,,ry , � d11SCussed suhsequenitly. ri· offe aiti Where, however�, a ted , membe1· of tl1e .,.t\.rrnecl Forces l1 a•3 commit ro aga•inst . international la\\' or a s11ecifieally 111il11:a1 ·y offence, ·tl1at is, ,vlicre lie

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?olation of tl1e offences defined in Book III, Titles a mitt ed com ' II has Pa:1"1 ?'f the Code (Ai,ts. 281-�31), he remai, n.s subject to ec1al S the of III � : _Jtrr1.sd1otion a· nd ,and sl1nll he tried l>y Ethiopian miliitary Ethiopia�� princ- c0urts. a foreign cotmtry, a mem·ber of the in s�atio, n ed W· h ile LE: EXAMP Gro11nd Fo·rces commits aggravated l1omicide· a,gainst a . foir­ ei,gn national. Since tl1•i1s is an offence against tl1e oTdinary la,v o: the f.o�·ei 1 � country, 11� is not ;subject to Etl1:io!pia's pri:n­ _ _ . he ,turned -OiVe.r to the forei gn nd w1ll c1p,al J"L1r1s-cl1otion a , a11thor.i<ties for trial there. Iif ,he e£ica1pes rto, Ethio:piia 2md m aip,prehended here, l1e is su1bjeot rto Etl1iopia.'s subsidi,ary juriisdicti,on and, ass.11•mi1J1g there is no ex,tr,ad1tion, he will he tried in ithe 1-Iigh Cotrr.t fo.r a viola:tion of Article 522. EXA!J,lPLE: W.hi. Je srtation-ed in ·a foreign· eo11ntry, .a meml,er of the Iru­ periinl Bodyg11ard ahsents him·sclf ,v1tl1out leave in violation of Article 301. Simice this is a ·specif·.i:oally military offen,ee u defin,ecl , Ln Article 15, he :remains .s1rhject .to• E:thiopia'� prin• cipal jurisdiction and will he n·ied thy the Etl1io.pian military col.lrt,s.

2. Limitation, upon tlie exercise of principal jzirisdiction (Penal Code, Art. 16). Wh en a person ls subjecit ,t o Etl1iopia•'. s .pri,ncipal jurisdi,c:tiom, tht3 mearn.8 i9io n 1 m1! , · of the com gecl nllB the hy erl ect aff that Ethiop1a ,ia ithe counitry most ' o!Ience. Consequently, the limitations imposed upon the exercise of subsicliary jm:isdiction (w • here, ·by ,clef.inri.1ti:orn, E·thio·pia· is no,t rthe co11ntry affected 1,y it.he commission of tihe offence), are n,o,t imJJo:�ed upoin the exer.ciise •of prin­ cipal jnri-sdicti-0-n·. Most siign.ifica.ntly, ,a pe1,son ,s1ilijecit t o Ethio·pia's principaJ jnr�ruction, if foun1cl in· Ethi:o·pi,a or extrrudj,ted here, m.ay be tried for the offence here, or not he ivas tried in a foreign co1.tntry for the same \ offence and if lie was tried, wlietl1er or rzot he was discliarged or acquvtted. The onl y limitation imp,osed upon tl1e exercise of princip , .al jurisdiction i. is that where the offen-der h a,s :been convicted of the o , ,ffen,ce in a :£.o,reig: n country, an,y pairt of the p , 11n,Jrshmen1: already ,served ,shall he deducted from the nm , v � ,entence. In -this connection, ,it ,sh,oulcl Jsi e noted tha,t ,vl1ere the p , er.s-o,n ha,s · been . ed ,aibroad at 1 the request of tl1 Etl1iopi n auth rt es pursu1awt to. Art!c1e 12, . t: � � � � � _ _ . _ i 8 no longer .suhJe-ct rto Eth1o p ' • • 1.a' s ·pr1nc1pal Jl1T1•sd1ot1on ,and tl1a:t Article 14, �hich has all'eady been discussed, imposes certain limitations upon the exer-• c.ise of jur-iisdiction orver g•ove:ru,mAnt of.ficials enjoying dip1o,ma;tic immunity. EXA�!PLE : Wl1ile in Ethiopia, a l(enyan national allegedly rapes an­ other Kenyan. He return•s to Kenya ,vhe•r.e he is . a ·pprehen­ ded. He is triecl for the rape there ,a:nd ,acquitted. He then ,ref.urng to Ethio:pia. If ap.p1·ehencled ihere, he may be tried f-or i! violation of, Article 589, no;twithsita-11·ding his acquittal

--- 473 -



in I(enya. Sia�e t,h• ·alleg, . �d ,@ffoniee wu eommitted in Eth· p · ia, he iJS is11bje.cli n Etl1iopi�'� vr-mzrip�l jut"irsdi.C'tion 1111d;; Ar,tire1e 11 ( 1 ) , and: Arti�� l i ti) !I}t�d& ·tl1a-t the <li,scliar. ie or acquittal of •t1eh pel'\tOOS in � f-or@ign •ountr.y ii no· 1,.ar to a it1·ia'l for .the i1am.e offence in Etl1to,pia. EXAMPLE: Som·e facts as a. 1li,•1"• �copt tl1at ,the ,aocu:,ed W:ll\!j conyicted of lfhe rrope in Kenyia allld :se11tenced to tl1ree 3rear;g' imprison­ ment, w.hich 11e 1e:rved. If he ii eonvicied h · ere . and the c,o 1ttt im·poses t. l1e m.aximum selllten·ce of ten. yeat\S' imp 1�onment \ iauthorized 1hy -�rtiiele ,589, tit m11Jgt d�duet from the sentenoe the tthree years Jready •M;l"Ted f-01· tn.G �i,,ame offence in Ken y.a. 1





Subsidiary ]tlr-isdictien Subsidiary j'u1·isdic·tio• o-xists !, •! to a11. a�cl1sed ,vho ii (l) eh·ar�ed with offenc es committed in a , foreign c, 0,:1:ntry •&il'i:inst in . te.rnational law a·nd certain toffences -again,st puhl1o l1iealtl1 or morals, (2) 1cl1atJ..·ge(l tWith ce1".ta:in o· ff,encea �ommitted in, . a .fo1·eig-n co11ntry a�'inst E1:hi:opii· an nrutioilllals ancl ( 3) charged '\Vith ce 1·tain se1·iou,s offence3 oon11n1· t1ted in ,a foreiign icounlf!1·y a.gainst 11.-ny per­ BOn. It also e:xiists with re!pect t:o Ethj:o,pien.s oha:1�gecl ,vi1th ce1·tai11 oiffenees committed in :foreign .coUilltr.ies an , d wi. ,tl1 respect to1 memhe1•,si 1otf the .4..rmed J1'01·ces who c- on1m,it ,o.ffences in· f.01·-eign oount1·.ies a,gainst ·the or,cl.inary law o,£ ithat country, }Jut wl10 escape ·to Eth1opi.a (see 1the [Pl'ior dnsc11J�su.011 of A1,ticle 15 �n Part II (A) (1) h, above.). A:s we will ree, tl1e lin1,itatioillls upo(tl the exerci� of subsidiary juriisdiction .are �• lig11·i,fiea11·tly diffe1·.el'l!t fr.o,m tho,se imposed 11pon the exercise o:f prin1cip a1 l j1u�i!1-dic. tio,n. FiJ.1 ·st vre 1'V'ill consid·er the c· i1·e11n1stance,, m which a ,p erso!Il is Bl1hjeo.t to E·tl1io1pia's subSi1dna_1'Y j1u·i·sd1cti,on. Then we -will oonsieler the limita ;ti,on•5 upon t.h� �x@1� ,ci�e ol. Sllhii,diia,1-y juriiadieti.011. 1. Pllrsons subject iE> Et:hioz1ia's si1,bsidiarr j-,,.,rwdiction

Offen,Ct'HJ com1nitted iri a foreign country «gt1in,·t ffliHNULrio•nl law or universal order (PeJtfll Code, Art. 17) Under this •article 1all pers-on� who eommift .the o'ffenees epe�,i.fied l1erein • • at0 'S11lJ}ect to Ethio;pia�.s ,s1msidiary j11ri!sdi,ction except Etl1io·pians emJ 0r1n1· !immunity 1vho com1n.iit t.l1e�e offencea iJn a fo1·e1gn <1-01;1n;t1-y (they are subject to Etl1io1Jia's p1·incipal jlrrisdiction under J\.1··ticle 14) and members of tli• �1·1ned Forces ,.vl10 commit violationB of A1·ticles 281 ..331. (tl1ey are sl1hject to Etl1iopia's p1·incipal j111·isdiction under Articl e 15 (2) ) . Also, pe1·sons ,vl1o are s11hject to Etl1iopia's J)1·incipa] jt1rieicliction uncle1· the provisions of Article 13, _ of conrse, a· re not 1Stihject tto E·th1o,pi,a,'• :s1.:cltsidinry jur,isclic·tio. n·. Any person who, in a f 01·eign country, has committecl an offence again9t d .nternationa- l law ·or ,an inter11,ati•on,al of.fence ,,pecified i111 E1tl1-iio:pian · legis]a�on ect . b1 11 s dis or s· pecified in an international treaty to ..,,.}i.i<?h E'thiopci-a h,ais. adl1ered • 11' 1a,v tionial to Etliiop , ia's wbsi· diary ju1·isdic·tioJI1. Offenc&i •agari1D1st in:tema: bert to red mar those p1�0hibirted lty Articlca 281-295. The other offenlCOI -L





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is1atio11 in :the Nega: rj,t Gazeita a.ncl the treaties to 1eg the in found woul d Jte · inco1·1)oa�rute penal -provisionis. })811-y tl1at .a � Ethiopia h ,�hi-o

EXAMPLE : During a civil wa1· in State A, one side interns all foreign na­

rt;iona1s as hostu,ges• and 1 pe1·iodica11y execute.a ,a number of them. 1'hi� constitt1tes ,a c1·iJne ag,ainSit the civili,an .ipo,pti­ . lrution in violatio11 oJ A r· ticle 282. S111,ce ·tl1e Penal C·oide defi­ ne! •thiii as an of: ,fen,ce a, g-n-i11st the law of na;tion ,s, .the ,persons reEtpons ihle £01· tl1e ·ta,king ancl exe,c11tion• o,f horsrllages a-re ••u»jec;t to Etl1iopi a'•� suh.sid.iary jt11·ischlotion and may be trtied hcJ:e :tor a viol·ation of A11ticle 282.

In additi{)lll, ,pe1·.,ons ,,r ho� i11 a f 01·eign oot1irutry, h·arve committed offences against p11hlic health or morals as specified in Article 17 (1) are ru.bject to Ethiopia.'.il !SU.1'sic1ia:ry j11r�di,ction. -offences 1a1·e :the violation of Article 510 (na1·ootic!), A rticle 567 .(.slave ,t.raidilng), .A: rt, icles 605-606 (tr,af­ lic in ;women, children 11nd young pe1·son1), Bnd Articl� 609-610 (ol,,scene or in<le<!enlt p , uhlication-5 or pe1·f.ormances) .


EXAMPLE: I·n State A, n pe1· ,son p1·ocu.res .a woman :to en,gage m


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pros·titutiou. Since this ia a ""'io1ait:ion of Ar,ticle 605, that · pOilson is euhject to Ethiopia�s :Sttl>1Sid.i,ary jur�diotiOiD and may he ·tried here foJ� a violation of Article 605.

Other offence$ comniitted in a foreign country (Penal Code, Art. 18)

In order £or a per�on ·to lsJ stthsidiary j11r,isdictio1.11 · e .s1ihject to Ethiopiia's . under tlti.a article, ,mv:o conditions m11•st JJe iSatisfiecl. Fir,s.t, the a·ct for ,-\Thich he ii cha· rgecl m11ist :be proh�ibited Jay tl1e la,v orf ·the 1s'lialte 1-\The1·e it ,-vas eommit­ ted ancl J. · y Ethiopiiia:n laiw. Secondly, the ao't m11, st- be -0f .!!l1fficient gr.avity under Ethiopian la.w t-0 ju5tify ex:tra-cliti'O'll·. 1-n· orde1· rto cl�termine wl1elher the aet i� of eufficient gravity to justify extradition, the cot1rt must look to any ex.tra­ rli1iion legi5laiti-0n .and wl1atever e..�tria.clition treaitie.� E·tli.i1Q\pia may l1Jave. If the a-c t i � extraditable under 1tl1e ipr0Yi!ions1 � olf r,ny of the treatieJ o:r rt.he I_eg,i;s�ation, lit ia of iufificient gr,aivirty to j11�tilfy extr.a,ditiion it tl1e :°1�an1�g ;> f � � Article 18 (11) (·s) 1and :thua 8ubjee1:ii t11e a•e11:1ed to EtliI01p1a s, e,ub.s1clia1-y JUr-1•­ dietion. here TheJ:e are tw 1 -0 :tY})O! of sitl1t1Jtion-' •oTer .od hy Ar1ticle 18. T?e frrst 'IS . w• iinst an the .c1· ii,1 committed i n a for-eig11 cot1nt1-y either •r • foreigner ·aga . . t. .5 r fir d om ll 1 l e h ic wh • n , tio � 11a !it i : lthiop an O!r by an E'thiopian. It j.5 th·is � : � � Y on , • s JJt i, . · n, 1o : ct i cl 11� 1r Jt v r n d� 1 :i. . "_ • I ·: l..; · op 1- ia Sll: � In order rto !u:hJect 1he ·a.ccu5ecl to Ethi 1 on g � I � . J.ed iY be �atI:Sf . : · 0115 v1 pre to d e er1· ry ref 5 e ion t :i! t e tha ond c , rt.he • o !!Sa . • C!ts th e -01�f 1-Je _U!J • 1· en• "l ..u it n io t ir d ra xt e _ ence ,is o 'th� uJ.1 , f 1u.f.ficienrt: ,g,1·avifty to JUSti• 1Y . · . · 'y the l aw O f the place . der to Ethiopia'a 811hsidiary jurisdiction (1f prohibited L • . 1- at t t! en in 1sh 1n p1 of the e iv ct pe r es o rr i ) w la n � i ia i m op 001 lu d Et a;n s 5, •f � :m authorized. The questi-001s /to Jt e ,a·�k.ed in �uch a :�itu,ation ia.:re: (1) w. a. !S . t � o � • p1an, 1o h t E an y :b or f•n�c eommitted in fl foreign col1ntry again n ia op 1 · h Et nn st



LA ,v -

VoL. II .. l\To. 2

12, is tl1? o !fe �<!e prolubitec� .b)r tl1e law of tl1e c�t1ntry 1-vl1.ere it was com mitte d .mrl by Etl1 1op1an law; ( 3) 1s tl1e offence extraditable tinder any of Ethiop • a , ,·�t:ra<litio11 t1·eaties or legislation. If t11e answer· to each of the tl11·ee qllestion: .ISs . . h aff'11·mat1ve, . ."L • Ject to ➔ t 1op1a s b' Eh' st1 1s Btu;s1a1ary h d . acct1se . t. e 111 t e jririsdiction . 111av �ttd , be •tried .h,e,re £or tl1e comn1i is: sio·n of the offe·nce. ?


EXAl\llPLE: In Stiate A� a fo,reign na:tional jn;tenti,onally ·s1J)t·ei a,d8 a coni­ muniieaibl,e diseas• e to an Ethiop • i. ,arn, which is a vi,olation of ...\..rticle 503. Thiis is ,no1t })r,ol�ihited hy ,the larw of State A. Sinee ·the a ct i.JS not pro:l1i])i. tecl b)r th.e 1aw of tl1e pl a ce where i: 1 vt'as. clone, that pe1·Eo11 is ·not s1 1ihjecrl to Ethiop.ia'·s �ubsi­ s· ·ame ""r.oruld ]Je ir,t1e if tl1e act ,vere diary juris, di c, tion. 1'11e . OO immittied by an , Ethio1, )ian� either agai.I1.�1t anotl1 er Ethiopian or aga,inst a i. oreigner. 1

EX ✓4.MPLE : In State �.i\,. a foreign r1atio11al commits l1omicide in tl1e se­ cO!IlJd clegree against. -an Ethi,o,pian. T .hi 1s is a violiatio111 of .i\rt, i� de 523 an - flees to EthioJ, )ia, wh , ere i -d ,the law .of Stat,e A. Ile ·he iis ,a,pprehe.n(led. ·E,thio , t. lutve an extradition · pia doei5 no tr,eaty -witl1 State A. It tl,oes }1a , ve Ltn ex·ti,a,djt. .ion ilre a .ty ,vi1th State B, tinder which l-1omi,cide in tl1e ·seconcl degree is fill . extrai diita,ble of,fence. ,.fl1e a, ceused is stIJbject to Etl1iopi•a's s11:bsidi-ary jurLsdjctio11 an.d m.ay be ·Lrie-cl l1ere for a violia­ ticm of A·rticle 523 sin-ce ( 1 ) tl1e o,ffence '''"16 comm.Ltted aigainst an Ethjo,JJian� (2) t· he aet :cs ,p, rol1ilJiitecl both D)7 the 1aw of the pla.ce ,oif commission a!Ild by Ethiop, ian l1a1r a nd ( 3) tl1,e act is o fi 1£1t1fficient gravi ty to j11istify ex.tradution UDJder Etl1iopi-an law. Th,e same \- �ould be tn1e ii the act were comn1itted in a £01·ei,gn count1·)' by . a n Ethiopian ,vho . Ethiopia'-� prin,cipal j1rr.isdiiction. i,s not �Ulbje, ct to 1


�fhe eec()II1d type ,of siituatio.n cover.eel i;_i1 Art:icle 18 iis the commi�ion of n ,-"!1�y· se.rio1.1s offenee in a. fo.reign courntry by a t foreigner. The oommission od ,11cl1 a111 act by a. foreigne, r agiai1JJst anyone irn a fotreign cot1ntry subjects him to Etl1iopia's j·urisclicti.on if (]) the act is prol1ibited both by the la'\\1 of the citate of commission an d · . by Etl1iopiian la,\>\', (2) it is extr, ad·itable 11nder Ethio­ f;ian la'\\r c1n.d (3) it is [Jlt1iisl1able itnder Ethiopic,ri laiv by death, or rigoror,s im/Jrisonment for not less tlian ten years. rl'he second situation then differ:; "fno1n tl1e first in two ·respects: ( 1 J it i.s not - n-ecessar· y t1 l1at .tl1e offell!Ce l,1 a;ve been. committed a�ainst an Ethrueipia,n and (2) i. ti is n,ec, e...�a1·y that tl1e offence i;; sufficienitJ'}r serious ,so tl11at i·t is fJUrui;sl1a1ble un,de;r Ethiopiii:n laf\-\' b�· deatll r>r :riJgl).J\Ous im;p·risonmen1 for m,ore tl1an ten yea1�s.

EX.AMPLE: In Starte A, a nationa· l of t!1 at 00 11- nLr,r con1m1it1 s agg1·aYated :' . , homicide against anotl1er Starte A. r1a. ti-0;1al. 1 •his is a vioLation o,f Al'lticle 522 an·d is 1pd.·.ohilhi1 ited by· ,tl1e la,v of Sta:te A. Under Arti!cle 522 aggr.avatecl ]10m , icide



pt1ni.sl1aihle by or



rigo · ro11,s in11J1�is.on;rnent for life. The offelllder flees to E:tltio­ JJia, wJ1ere he i !s a•p}Jrel1ended. Under a:n extrad,ition treatv ,vith State B agg·ravated .J1omicicle i8 an extra,ditable offei1.c,;_ �he o!fender is s11-Joj�t to �t �iOJJi . a's subsid,iary j1:1t·is1.lir:­ t1on smce (1) •the act 1.s 1J.r·ol1il)rted l· Joth by tl : 1e. la\V' of :th e place of commis·sio11 an<·f 1Jy Etl1io1Pia;u 1a: w, (2) it is e�x.tra­ dii.table t1ncler E :tl1ioiJJi 1a· n Jaw and (3) i t is fJtmi .sl1.aiJJ l,e tlD{ler: · , pia11 1aw by c1e·at.l1 01· ri�oro115 im11ri,so11me'IJJl f.01· li,ft . E·tliio

i lI




Offences coni111.itted iri c1 Joreigri cou11.try by rrien1.l>ers of t/1. e Arn1.Pci Forces (Penal Code, .4rt. 15 (1) ) .

Wl1en a member of the Etl1iopia11 Armed Forces comn1its i.I1 a foreig•.1 ,oollfllt, ry an offence a: - g;ainst tl1e ordtinary 1a ,\r of tl1at cot1nt1·y, li e is riot: sttb· ject to Ethio,p.iia.'s· ,pr.incipal jt1riscliation. B11,t lie is st1:bject to E t· 11iOJJia,s &. WJ­ :Sidiary juri:sidicti-0 . n, an·d if lie is a:pprel1e, n,cled l1ere, he n1a)r be triecl LLncleJ· : hjec,t to EtJ1 i.<,� Ethiopian law. It is imJJortant to remomlJer .tl1at l1e -i s only �u 1>ia's suhsidiiary jurisdiction, ,sinc: e , tl1e li111ii:t:atio!Ils ,on the exercise oif subsidia1-� 'jurisdicti:on differ f1�on1 t, l1ose .in1ipo1secl U}JOn tl1e exeJ.·cise of prir1cirJal juri:::,,.. diction.


Limitations zi11on tlie exerci-.i:;e of s1.1.bsidiary jzi.risdictiori ( Penal Co,l,�, Arts. 19(3), 20).

Under Article 19 ( 3) it i.s pro-virled tl11at: the J)Uni�Jm1en-t i1u1Josed ttr1der the PeJ:lal Co d , e "\t-.l1en the court i•s exercising s, ubstidiar, y jurisclic, tion, shall r1c1'1 exceed the heaviest pe11a1ty ·p rescribed by the 1aw of the co111rtJ.·) ·wJ1ere Lb.t­ . i, ,a. offence ,is committed� so long· as tl-1at co1t1-11try is 1·eco,gi1iz e d by E ,tl1io1J 1

EXAMPLE: In State A, whicl1 is rcc-0gnized b)r E·tl1io1J)!i,a, a Statf' . ·\ : l10.n1icicle a,gaicnst .an Etl1. n-atio,n al con1111ibs aggra, vatecl 1 ior>iru1 whicl1 offence is JJrol1ih:i.ted lly tl1e la,,v of Sta,te i\ as \Ve]] a­ . by Article 522. State A l1as aboliJ5hed ca1)ital p , 11 n , i.shmerul .an·d the maxin1t1m -pi.:1n �isl1n1erut a t1th,orized for homicide by State A 1a,v i,s life imJJI·isonment. T.herefore, altl1ough i\.rtirlc 522 al1th-ori-zes rt 11e imposition of t· l1e death JJen,a1ty in c:as,; .:.. , icide, the Etl1 iopia11 court can 01i: Jy ia111:,o::::e o-f ag-grav.ated hom a $CDtence o·f life imp1�i501i:111e11:t. 1

11 a pr-r. 1e �Tl ce. ten sen d Article 20 deals witJ1 ,tl1e e.ffect o. f ·fore:ign trial an , e d a11d acrrui:t.ted -tri i5 l1e eon is stl!bjeat to Ethio'}Jia's . princ, ip a n, o ti c i=:d.i jttr l , , · _ : in a foreign country for ·the of,fe,n,ce, .t-here is no bar to his rtr1al 0 :r. tlie. 5��'I O.�' o,ffen,ce in Etbi-0pia. But v,,here a JJer.son i 15 oinly st1-bject .to Etl1 101J1a's- _�TLh ,�:­ clia ,ry jurisdiotion, P.�rti:cle 20 ( 1) :piriovicl,ea that ,bl1.e pe.nson ca,i,iot he tri�rl lJi a,"! e n1 sa . l1e r t · fo ted uit q ac or d e' g , o : ar hi cl1 Et pia for <the offence if l1 e ,..,.-ro, di.s in a foreig n country.





Vor,,. II� No. 2

, e ation,g i11 St1ate A� a S,ta-te A nat · mil�tia1·y op L0 ,11'8i· • · • : :r1 A1·mecl F'o1·ce a. ,nd a me:in'1Jer 01£ tl1e E ·th101)1 a · s · ia1legee11Y L · Io,o,t· 1· ng. enga�e d. 1n .nave · <'a- ipttu·ed, t1.•,1ecl :un St ite A 1 · B o;t}1 are ,a, nd ta1cqui1.rt.ed. When ho.stilii,ties a . .re e:ndecl, ho·tl1 rei tti:.U · e , �. �he_ Stiate A , 1: e a ppr �hencl , e1·e t�y � . . ·lliatio n:� �tloop�a, wh _ 1li tSuhJ ect. t o Etlm. o p 1a · s �1ib 51d ; 1-ary JUl•IJsd.ietion -..nd er th t A1.1ticl e ns Fovim of (I). o The 17 p E hiopia.11: : i,5 e11 h J. eot ,r;() ,,,. e • • ail . . ..l1! ..,.,, • ' ...1_ e ·IJJ. ·oiVi:S:' f E...� .1_ !,01p;i,ai ,5 , p1·m.c1� 1 Jn1�1.1S1l.lW1 CL· on lTill:d · el. � : . p i 1 Ar:ic�e 1-5 (2 ! . ? �•Ce tl1e E tl11op1an � �1ll,Jeet t, o'.s . prmicupa . l JUr11Sdrotron, he 1naiy Jo.e -t-i:1ed f.01· a vio1ati,on f . rthe a.cquittial fo1· tl1 e aame o�­ Article 285, no:twi;th, stai11dting ren�e .i�1• �ta.rte � - _Sin,c� •t�e �:tate � A o.1rutionaJ is only ill!» joot to Eth.101>1a. & ·suhs1dl!ary JUl'.IJS.CU!ct1;on, he may not he tried again £or the i1ame of.fence in EctJl1.iQpiR.



Where the offender tried ,ancl ie:DJtenced in a fo1·eig,n •ountry, .but d..i.d not 11,nd , er10 o.ny ,or ll - ll of .his pun�1sl1me11lt , i·t i8 p1·0,ricled 11ncl er Article 20 (2) the remaining part, if not ha1·1·ed by li1nitation, may he enforced in Ethiopia. Tihis l!I the aame k:i.nd of prov1ision as [is contained m A 1·ticle 12 ( 3) wher,e the Ethiopian autho1·ities have 1:eq11estecl tl1e trial of an offender 8uh. ject to Ethiopia'! p1·inei1)al jurisdiction, and he hns been triecl in the foreign co11nt.ry in which he hai taken 1·efuge. The previoue di1cu1sion and examples are equally applicaltle to Article 20 (2). See II (A) (1), a'bove. 3.

Other matter� relating to the: exercise of si1,bsi: dia1-y j1.iri.,dicti0n (Penal Code, .A.rt. 19 (I) (2) )

Artiicle 19 (I) 1Sets £orth cer.t:Ja:in JJI'esrt11npt.ions 1-\'1.ith 1·es1loct to the oondi­ rtiOD!i necessary for the exereiise of s, u:bsidiaTy j1t1isdi· c:tri.on - .· Wher-e tl1� fril'ing: of a oomp1ain;t: hy the victim :i:! a eoncliiti,011 £01· pr orecution and tr' eiitho:r nnder , 1, an law, it ia p1·e111med the law of the plaice of roommii.Mion o:r uncler E· tltiiop , !:ffendo1· i1 in th• t: hwt .tueh oomplai1 mt w.u lodged. lit ·i! ,also p1·e.'ium,ed lbhast the o Empire a10,d ha8 not been extraditied or that 1f he rwwll extr,adit ied, ·it \ lty ;reMoo of t. he offence commirtJted. Finally, .itt . j,s 1J1·es.11 med that itihe offen� ,vas not legall_y pardoned and that Jlro1ecution i� not ha1·red under eit.her the la,\' of the place of commi1sion or 11nder Ethiopian law. Th••• p1·e1umption1 can he reltutted. to ,uJ.j�t :iii &11,sed 0 a tl1e . e whe1· on! ro�eel1ti p Arttiele 19 (2) pooYidei tthat eneral ney-G J,lttor the »r uted he inetit shall iction iary ju1·isd Ethiopia'• 1u1Dsid dter oonwltaition <with tthe Mmiswr of }UJttice. iC.



Principal jurisdiction .a..

The following person!§ are jztbject to tlifl the Ethiopian coz,rts:


JJri ncipa l jzirisdictior1,


( t






{1) porson•s ,vl10 have commitit�d offences on ,1Jl1e ,territory of Ethiopia (A1·t. 11) ; : in ,fl i•o,r•eu.�n 00111llt1ry hav ,e committed the offen­ (2) periSons 1vl10 ces ·again1st Eth,iou)ia tlIJn:t -ao:e ,p1·0Jiihited ·lay Ar.ticles 248-272 an• Arti-0}05 366-382 (A,r,t. 13) ;


J (3) Ethio p . ia t officials e11joying imn1l1nity lv'ho in a foreign co1l'n-try .J11ave c- o,m11111tted nn act R3:ol1ibitecl 1:>y the law of that country nnd by Etl1iopLan la,v (A.i·t. 14) ;


(4) memhe1·& of tl1e Etl1io1)ian Arn1ed Forces who in a foreign co11ntry have committed the o - £fen�_es .nga • rost mterna.tional la,,v a,nd t- l1e •s1Jecilically military ,offe·nces that iare proW­ ihited by A-rticles 281-331 (A11t. 15 (2) ) .

Tlie follo1vi1ig 11ririciple.s are "f'plicable to tlie exerci�e of princr pRl ji,.risdiction: (1) dis«hn1·ge ·O!r a,ccp1li;ttal in a Io1·eign co11ntry -is 11,ot ,a �·ar to ftu·tl1e1� pro-secuti:on in Ethiopia except i\Vhere the 1Jerson w:ai t: ried in a tf01·eig,n country p11r.st1a111rt to a · 1·ecfl1es.t ma,de by Ethiopin,n ,BJu:th,orime! 11nder Article 12 (A1·t. '16 (1) (2) ) ;



(2) whe1·e 1a ·person ha•� unclergon� rtl1e whole -01· par•t of punish­ ment fo1· the -offence in 2- foreign cot1ntry, ·thrut 1}01·tion sl1all he 1ded11cted from the :;e.Jttanee im1Jo,ied hy ·the Ethiopian courl5 (A1·:t. 16 t3) ) .

Si1,bsidiary jzirisdiction a. T/1e folloiui1ig z1e1·sons are subject of the Ethiopiari courts:

t,o tJh9

si1,bsidiary jztrisdiction

(1) memher:a of the Ethiopi� Aa:med Forces whro 11ave com­ ·Illitted ,in ,a fore.ign - i-nst it: l1e 01·f]ina1·y · cot�n·t.J:y an offence aga harv� taken 1·,efuge m E.tl1iopia 1a,v of ,tl1�rt country ·und ,vho (.L·t. 15 (1) ) ; (2) .any IP,erson who in a f.01·eigi1 eo11ntry ihais committed an of­ fence again5t i.ptet.n.aif:ional law (Arts. 28.1 - 295) 01· an' inter­ national offence as �pecified in Ethiopian legislation and ll:re11:tie1 01· •a•n o!fence }J1·ohiliited hy Articles 510, 567, 605, 606., 609 cl)lld 610 (Art. 1,7) , (3) any per.son ,-vl1,o in n fo:rcign country l1a!! oomn1itted an, of­ fence ,agai.n,st an Ethiopian rrati-0nal or a!ll Ethiopian nation , ·al - a.s committed an o.ffe11ce tl1at does who in !a fo1·eign cot1-Ditry h not :Subject him ,to Ethiopia's princi1Jal . j111·isdi-ction, provi­ ded rthat ( 1) rtJ1e ,act is a n , ,o;ffence 1�ncl�1· hotl1 EthioJJian law and the law of the place of con1n1ossio11 ·and (2) the



II - No. 2

�.....v 1s an extr,aclita.ble one lmde:r�)i.ta O.ff,,.n�e · -v (A·rt. ' n 1a,

' r I


18 (1) ;

( 4) :any penson ,· vh•o in a f 0. 1·eign C:Oll!!1t1·y l1a.s comm irtte,d an • f. o iClil'.ce tl1at i·s Jlllll1js,J1ahle 1m: cle. 1· Etl1U.opiarn 1aw 1J y deatr h 0 rigoa•,011s. imr)1·i.sonmei1]t for n-ot le1ss ·tl1a11 :te11 y-e a · ri·s pro,ricle� that (1) tl1e a, Ctt is a11.1 o , d:fe·nce ltl1'cle1� bo:til1 Eitl1 1 0 1)ian law an1cl tl1e la,-v- of t· l1e place of connui�.slo1i and (2) the offe,nce is an ext1·aclitable 011e 11nde1· Etl1iopia11 law (Art. 18 (2) ) .


The Jolloivirig principles are applicable to t:he e.xe1·cise of siibsidia ry jurisdiction:

(1) tl1e punisl1ment imposed sl1all not be more severe than the · unishmerut ,presc1·ihed .by· tl1e lalv of the place of heaviest p con1mission (A1·t. 19 ( 3) ;

(2) discha1·ge or acquittal in a foreign country preven� further prose,eution £,or the same o , ffence in ��thiC. 'fJin (Art. 20 (1);

(3) a , n off.ender who h·as se1·ved ootly p1art of his sen,ten�e in a foreig11 co1tn:try may he sa1ten-0ed to se1-ve the remainder of the sentence in Etl1.�oipia, i f enf,01·r,emer1t of tl1e punish­ ment is not ha , 1:red hy the EtJ1io1)ian. la i w· of li, mi,tatior, 1 (Art.

20 (2). III.

The Second Elenient: ]urisdictiori of Coi,.rts.

To determin•e wh , icl1 OOllI t in Etluo1lria l1ais j1u·i'3dic , tion to l1ear a parti­ cular criminal oase., it .iis ,t0 - oons·ide1· (] .) wh- a t level o-f co111·ts has jurisdiction to hear the case, i.e., is it to Ile triecl befor·e the High Co1u·t, the :Awr.adja Court or the W-01·eda Co1wt, ancl (2) in what area of Ethio1li,a tl1e c&se is to he tried. Tl1e firat qt1es·tio11, is 1·efe1·1·ecl -to ais one of jurisclictio11 over offences, the second is 1·eferred to as one of local j111·isrliction. A. Jurisdiction over Offences ( Criminal Procedzire Code, Arts. 4, 7, 182 and First Schedztle) . Article 4 of the Criminal . Procedure C-o•de p1,ovides t· h,at t! l1e j·urisdictio11 of com;ts over offences is Jto be, ,dete:rmi11ed. in ,acoord.ainoe 1-v.itb. the Fir.s it Sche­ dule appended to the Code. Tl1e Mini;ter of Juetice .may �lter tl1iis Schedule by •order published in t11e Negarirt GazCita. J11irtsd. ic1t�o1J1. 00\1er of£ei1ces is al!�­ 01-ed,a Co111-t arri1d Mili­ catecl amon;g tl1e High Co11Tt, tl1ie Aw.r·,a,dja Co11rt, :the tary Courts. I1n or. der to determine, wl1icl1 co11rt 1 1a . s; j11-1·ri. s diotion over tl1e offen­ . secuto;r s, l10u ce, the pro , ld c001sult the l�jr,st Sched11le witJ1 1·efe1·ence to the • if rthe Penal Code under wl 1 ich prosec11t:iJonJ iis b1·ought Anticle Oil" Articl,es o . EXAMPLE: The accused is ch. a;pged ,vi:th hreach of t1·t1st i11 vio'lati �� of Article 641 ·of ·tlic Penal Co,de. The ,proisec1rtor sh�t11 � ecuti 1 priOlS t consult the Fi;rst Scihedule, which p:ro:v1des tl1a -









tfor viola·tion of Ar·ticle 641 ,are to be brought in the High Co11r,t. , n is :£or •a!ll- ofif�c- e ·nort covm-ed in tlie Penal Code, W· •the prosi, ec11ti o e.g., a violation of a s11hseq11ent proclamation published in the Negarit Gazeta, dep h co11r l t t he a i:i. o , f c tion ends 0,n rtJhe 1naximum pena1ty that can be 1 , isd j e t the la:w. Wl1ere -the ,penalty does not exceed three jmpo ;sed for violati001 of 1 Dment w 1tl1 or wi1 tl1.011t fine, -the prois-ecuti.on is to be pris, 0 y(¾l!l"S of sim-ple lllli jmtiti1ted � the W ?reel-a C?urt. \VJiere _it d·�es not ex.ceed five years oif im·pri­ ronment vt'1tl1 or ,,,l!blioi11 i:£, JJrosecuti- on 1is t-o he insti:a.rted in the A,Yr-a dja , emalty is in excess otf -the a.loove, prosecutioill is Co111 :t. Where the m.a..-xim11m p to he institutecl in the IIigl1 C-our.t. 1

EXAMPLE: The accused is cliargcd ,vith the v,io1a tiJon of a proclamation,

ithe ma..-x:im:um punishment f-0,r w.l1ich 1s four years of impri­ .eo1Mnent. In the opmrion of the px- osecutoir �here are mitiga­ ting ciir,c�u111 ;s- taJI1ces, and he .cloes not plan .to ask the court to impose a . - s• entence of• m,ore tl1a1n one year, otf simple im­ prisonn1ent. Since it.he .p.enalty authorized for the offence excood,s :three years of irn,prisonrnent wnd does not exceed five years ,of, impr- isnnmemt, prosecution ti.s to he im-tiituited in the Awra.dja Co11rt.



It is pro-vided in Article 7 that courts shall exercise appellate jurisdiction in ac· cordance ,V'ith cthe J)rovision,s of Ar.ticle 182. Under Article 1-82 , axe two a , 1J1)e.als in crimiTI .al cases except ,vhere p,1"1015ecution is :iin'8ltituted in the iHiigh Court. \ tl-1e ,ca•se is Ul!Stituted in the W o-reda Court, an appeal , lies to the A1vT, aclja Co1u·t, ,an-cl ,an cllPl})eal f1·om bl1e clecu.siIOn of tl1e Awradja Com·t lie� to the High Coiu·t. ,v-11ere the case is instit1tted in the Awradja ;Cour;t, an appeal lies rto t· l1e High Court, an-d an ap1 peal lie.s f,r,om the decir ·sion of the ffigl1 Coiu·t ·to .bhe S 111J1·eme In11Jerial Cour-t. \Vhere the case isi i1JJS1ti­ tuted in the High Co11rt, tl1ere is, of cotu·se, only one appeal, to the Supreme Im11e1;ial Cot11�t. It sho,uld 1be noted tl1at 11nd-er Ar-ticle 1·83, 1an ap'})licanrt ,-vho has exl1au-s:ted l1is rights oif a1lpeal 1111:der Arti<!le 182 may stilil pe:ti1lion Hie IW{Per1al Majesty's Chi10tt :f.01· a r,eview of the carSe. 1


Local Jurisdiction ( Criminal Code, Art5. 6, 99-107).

Local jurisdiction refers to the area of Ethiopia in which the case is to he tried. Ii j11ri!Sdiotio n -0ver the offence is- in the Awradja Court, the q.11es1:ion �s in whicl1 Awiiadja Court, 'tl1e partic11lar c,�e is to he tried,. Article 6 provides that the courts shall exercise local jurisdiction in accordance with the provi­ isions of Articles 99-107. The geinei.·al pr- inci p 1 le, embo-d,ied ·� �il"ticle 99, is. t�t c� e offen ce shall he tried by tlie court within the local )1m1ts of wh se �ur1s­ ? r_y dict1on the o:ffenoo is cormrni·tted. In this conn ·eotion, wh · n offence 18 tmable - ere a heiore t, he High Court, w.hich now :siJtJs per:m1aine'Dlt1y ID some of .the -provincial capitals, the ''local limits of who•s-e jurisdiction" should he interpreted to mean




II - No. 2

with1i n the local ]irn,i,t� .ef t,, l1e 11r,o,,n1ce i11 ,vJ1ich ·tl1e Higl1 C·omt is sitt' 'l�hus, an· oifence !(JOmmittecl in Gojj,am P1· �ho11ld lle h1·ou�l1t ·before�� Hiigh Co·ur·t ,sitting in Gojjan11 Provi'Il.!ce 1·athe1� :than iiefo1·@ tl1e IIiill Com� in Shoa �ittiing ; Where all tl1e ope1· , .ative eve11.ts if11volvn:a-� tthe ,olf,ence •o.ec1l1"1·ed ,vi.thin .th� , f the c, o11.1rt; in which -j·t i. ti ·to he ·t1·,iecl, tl1e1·-e is no j11ri,5•diction o · pr,o b lem. Th, ! proh lem ariise� when p·erati·ve fa,cb� occu1·1·ed ,vitl1rin the local �ome of tl1e O · r tion is eovere-d li.m,its of the j1u·�sdiction o , f the 1nore ·tha1 n· one o· om·t. T.his sitl1a· , •hv Articles 100 - 103. Und , er Ar,tic1e 100 ,iJt i! - p:r-0vi·ded t, l1·tut wher·e .t.l1e ac, t wl1ich c�llsecl :tlie hanu , O • <.?curred i11 011e juris,d i, ction and tl1e harn1 resul·ti11,g :£1·0-m the act ,o,cc11rred in another, th ·e offence may be tried befo1·e eitl1e1· the court within the limits o,f whose j1um,diooion tl1e a1ct took ,p1ace or 'tl1e ·COllrt ,vi1tl1in . the lim.i� of whose jurisdiction the consequences rest1lting f1·om the act took place .

EXAMPLE: In B�gemde1· Provii-nce, .tl1e accused p1·epa1·ed a s11i-pmenrt of po -isoned 1£1·uit a1ncl ,�ent it to the victi111 who • re�tic: lecl in Goj­ j1am Pr-oivin·c e, inrtending tl1at tl1e victim sl1011ld be p · -Oi !aG ,ned. The victim died lt!I a 1•,esult -of .ea.ting tl1e poi.so111eid fr11it: . Tlie .accused m,ay be tried £01· a vi•o-lartion o , f A1�ticle 522, Penal Code, either hefore the High Cot11tt eitting in Begemde1· Pro­ vince or befo'l·e t- he Higl1 Cot1rt si1.ting ,in Gojjam P1·0-via:ice.

Certain acts become offenees 1,y 1·eaeon of th�ir relation to othe1· offences. For example, Article 449, Penal Code, prohibits solicitini an.0the1· to �ive false testimony. Tl1ie act is p11nishable, :becau5e it can ind11c" -.lie con1mi.1ion of the offence of pe1·jury. Article 101 provides th-at whe1·e an act is an offence 1,y reason of its relation to anotl1er offence, a charge of the first n1entioned offence may he tried by a court '"rithin the losal limit• of who11e ju1·i.diction either act was done.

EXAMPLE: In Harra1·ghe Provincf,, the acc11sed per1i1ad11 a•other person to give false te5timony in a trial that ia taking p lace in Shoa Province, and that per.on does give false testimony. ·v.iio1at1on, o.f Article 44,9 JJ.r•e triable lletfore the Higl1 Court. Sinee the act of tl1e accueed took. place in Ha1·1·arghe Pro• vince and the act constit·uting tl1e related offence took place in Shoa ProTince, the acc11eed can he t.rie(l for a violation of Article 449 l,efore either the Hiih Co11rt iitting in �ar· rar8he Province 01· the High Cot1rt 1ittin& in Shoa Pro vince,

Arti� le 102 d als with th ituation where, in he 'broad eonee, t11e plac: � � � _ � � _ of 1everal I .c offence 11 uncertain. Where 1t 1s factually uncertain 1n which • trie :be areai an offence was committed, Article 102 (a) provide• that it may 'hefore the eourt in any of the, local areae.




EXAMPLE: The accused i1 charged with the abduction of a minor in

violation of A1·ticle 560, Penal Code. Such offences are ibe:f.01·e the Awi�a,clja Court. The ohi1cl cannot remem­ ti.·1able : ber exnotly 1vher-e he wais ·at the time -of the .abd't1ction ,. 1tt1t it ii, -elem- that h e win,s ei;their within the li•mita •o,f Dehre B erhan A.wraclja or De1tra Sina A1. Y1·adj.a. T-he at'1UJ1ed •aJr ille t,1·iod l»•for• •itlier Aw1·adj,a Cour.t. 1

The same is tr11e ,,,he1·e the offence ii committed 1Ja1�tly in one local ru.·ea and partly in another (Art. 102 (h) ) , ,vhere an offence continue! to he com­ mitted in more than one local area (A1·t. 102 ( c) ) , and ,vhere an offence con. ,ists of different act1 done in clifferent local areai (Art 102 ( d) ) .

EXAMPLE: Near the ho1·der between Shoa and Sidamo Province!, the accused .,trikes l1ie victim three time1 with a club and then drag• him acroaa the border into Shoa Province, where he .1trike.s hi,n1 a fotu·th time. The viieti1n dies after the fo11rth 1tlow. The accused may he triecl for homicide before either the High Court iittin1 in Sl1oa P1·ovince or the Hii• Court �ittmg in Sidamo Pr ovince, sinoe rLhe offence ,-va1 p,artJy oommitte<l in Shoa and IJartly co1n1nitted in Sidamo.

EX_,4,MPLE: 1...lie accuied, contrary to law, a1·re1t1 a per1on in Sendafa Awradja and takei him to a lJolice 1tation in Sheno A,vradja. The illegal reatrnint conetitt1te1 a violation of A.i·ticle 557, Pm:1a:l C·odo. Sinc, • the ihle@}al restriain•t coDJLim.11$cl wl10n ·th.o vietim ,va. taken to the }Jolice station in Sheno A,vradja, tl1e aoct11ed may be tried before either Awradja Court.


'The acct1eed, liYing in Begemder Provineo, 1end1 a letter from there to a. IJerson living in Shoa Province, etating that he i1 ontitlecl to 4tertain property posseseed by the other 1Jer1on. ,.fhe accuied come• to Shoa Province and obtain, the pr-0per-ty f1·om the vieti'lll ·•• a re111lt of -ttl1e mrauc1u1e'.D!t m:isre­ p1·osentc·tiona. TJ1,is •condt1-ct -oonwtitute1 .a, viola·tion of A1.·ticle 656, Penal Code. The offence consisted of the writing of the frat1dulent letter ancl the r�ceipt of tho property as a reault of the frauclulent misrepresentations. Since tl1e ,vriting of tho lette1· occur1·ed in Begemcler Province ancl tho receipt of the property occt1rred in Shoa Province the acct1sed is t1·iahle before either the High Court eitting in Beiemder Provi•H or the High Colll·t 1itting in Shoa Province. 1

Wh , ere an oof,en-.e ,i1 csommirtteid wl1ile tl1e. offt'Jl!der ii, irn the ,course ol per­ fo� mi, ng a jour-ney ,or vo-yag,e, Article 103 p1•0,vj, d� tJ1at the offencler- may he tried by· any coll.rt through or iii to the limits of wl1ose jurisdiction eitlier the offend-er, tl1e vietim o-r the thin, •r;ainat ,vJ1ieh rt.lie orffGnoe, committed pa.1-


J ouRNAL ou· ETI-IIOPIAN LAW - VoL. II • l\10. 2 sed during the course of the journey. I t is not necessary tliat the ofJenee Was committed in the jurisdiction of the cot11·t so long as tl1e offender, the victi Ill . . . d"1ct1on . 1·1s · the Jt1 or the tl1ing passed th rough



The accused anicl the victim we·re l}assen,g,ers on a htI-: tha·t pas, sed tl1ro,11gl1 Guell .a, Aracl.a., Kebena and Otlreal \Voredas. 1.'he accused boarded the ht1s in Guella Woreda, assaulted ,the ,,ictim and left the bus, all w.hile ·it ·wais still in G11ella W oreda. TI1e victi1n continued on to A1·ada Woreda. Since the victim passed through Arada Woreda during the co·urse of tl1e journey, the accused may he tried for a viola. tion of Article 554, Penal Code, in either the Guella Woreda Court or tl1e Arada Woreda Court.



Goods we1·e loaded on a lo1·ry in Dehre Sina A,\Tl·adja. The lorry continued through Debre Berha11 Awraclja and stop­ ped in Sheno Awradja. The accused allegedly committed the theft of tl1e goods wl1ile the lorry ,vas stopped. Since the go.ods, were ,all th, ree Awradj ais during the cour,se of the journey, the accused may be tried for a violation of Article 630, Penal Code, in any of the tl1ree Awradja Courts.


Article 104 provides that when an offence is committed outside Ethiopia on an Ethiopian ship or aircraft, it is deemed to have been committed in Ethiopia. This a,rticle does not specify in what area tl1e case is triable. However, ArticJ.e 107 pcroviides tluart in the cruses ttnder A.i·ti,cle 100�104 the p , ublic prosecu­ tor shall decide the court in which the cliiarge IS•hall ,be filed, a.nd on the filing .of the charge, the court in which the charge is filed shall have jurisdiction. In other words, where the case is triable in more than one court, the decision as to where th.e case is to be tried rests with the public prosecutor.

EXAMPLE: An o£fence triaihle 1be,f,ore .the A,vra,dja Couiit is committed on

an Ethiopian Airlines plane while the J)lane is flying over the Sudan. Assuming the accused is subject to the Penal Code, the case can he tried in any Awradj a Court in Ethio­ pia in the discretion of the public prosecutor.

Article 106 deals with cha,nge of venue. This is the process by whic h, for valid reasons, a case is transferred from one court having local juri sdiction to another court. Application for a cl1ange of venue mt1st be made to the High , plicati on is grmrr ted, ,mu•st lne to a co11rt authorized Court. The tMnsfer, ,iif the ap to try the offence under the First Schedule or to the Higl1 Court itself. Thus, if according to the First Schedule tl1e case is to be tried in tl1e Woreda Court , t 1le High Court may transfer the case to another Woreda Court or may hear 1·t iteeH, but it may not trans£e1· the case to an Awradja Cou,rt. The order of tb e High Court granting or denying the application is not appealable.











Article 106 sets forth four situations in which the High Court may grant where a fair and impartial trial cannot he held 1) ( are y Tl1 tion. plica � _ _ the ap cr1m1nal court, (2) wl1ere a question of law of unusual clif­ rdinate subo in a 3 ,vhere such an order is necessary for the general ( arise, ) to likely is f' ulty :nvenience of the parties or witnesses and ( 4) where such an order is expe­ or is required justice by any provision of the Criminal of ends the for t en � Procedure Code. with cl1arged is acct1sed sav­ life widow's a of theft the The E : XAMPL E

htgs. The theft has caused great resentment in the area. The accused contends that he was somewhere else at the time of the alleged offence, hut that witnesses who could testify to this fact will not testify on behalf of the accused because threats have been made against them if they so testify. If the High Court believes this, it can order the case to he tried before another Awradja Court or can hear the case itself.

EXAMPLE: The accused is cl1arged with a violation of Article 613, Penal Code, which prohibits the public display of writings that ''stimulate unduly ... the sexual instinct.'' Such cases are triable before the Woreda Court. The defendant main­ tains that the material displayed did not ''stimulate unduly ... the seX11al instinct'' witl1in the meaning of Article 613. The inrte11pretation of ''&tiin1 t1lrute ... t1•n. d't1ly t!l1e .sextllail inistinct'' ma,r constitute a qr1estion of la,v of t1nusual difficulty, ancl upon application, the High Court may decide to hear the case itself.

EXAMPLE: Goods loaded on a lorry that passed throt1gh Debre Sina,

Debre Berl1an and Sheno Awradjas were allegedly stolen by the accused while the truck was stopped in Sheno Awradja. The public prosect1tor l1as elected to file tl1e charges in the Debre Sina Awradja Cot1rt. Tl1e accused and all the witnes­ ses reside in Sheno Awradja. Upon application, the High Court may decide to transfer the case to tl1e Sheno Awradja Court on the ground that this is necessary for the conveni­ ence of the witnesses and the accused.

Article 106 ( d) gives the Cotirt the discretion to order transfer in any other �roper case or where anotl1er provision of tl1e Code would indicate that trial in a particular court is required.

Finally, requests for reinst.ateme·DJt ue rt'O he b · rou,:ght before the ooui:t ·1:11,at

passed the original sentence, cancellation of which is now sought. Procedure Code, Art. 105.



J ounNAL oF


LAw - VorJ. II - No. 2 .. . .

C. Summ•ry



The juriatliotion of a c;:ourt over a partiet1la.r otfeinee i! tpe e ifie d in the Fir,�t Schedu · le •to tl1e Cri1ninal Procedt1re Code. Tl1i:s schedu , le detc .. m1ines whether the cmse i� to he :triecl in the IIigh Court, A:wradja Cou� Wore.da Court or Military C-01.trts (Art. 4).


Ordinarily, an offence i! to he tried at the Jllace ""here it is committed · :ia1hle ,befor e th� thait :iJ!, if iit ii� wia· ble hefo,1·e the Awi•a,dja CoU:J.1:, it i:s o Ai:wiradja Court with-in the looal limit• of who.Ee jt1risd,j.ction - i1t wu com•. mittcd (Art. 99).


In t.he following circum!tance1 more thnn on� cot11·t haa local jr1riedic­ tion. The deci!ion as to the court in wl1ich the cl1a1·ge8 are to he filed r..t, with the IJuhlic prosecutor (Art. 107) : a. Where the act and. eon1equeneoa oaet1r1·ed i1t diff�r••t juri�dietion!, th� char�e may be filed in tl1e court in who3e juriidietio11 either tlie aet or the eonsequences occu1·1·ecl (A1·t. 100) ; It. 'Wltere an act is an offence ny reason of ite relation to another offenee, a •harge for that offenee may he filed in a @ourt within the local limit• of whose jurisdiction either offence Wai committed ( ....\.rt. 101) ;

c. Where it ia uncertain in which of geveral local areas an offence i1 committed, ,vl1ere an offence is committed pa1·tly in one local area and partly in anotl1er, where a.n offence is continued in another local a.rea and where an offence coniist1 of seTeral acts done in. different local areas, the charge may be filed in any cot11·t haTin� j11ri1diction oTer any of the local areas ( Art. I 02) ; i. Where thca offenee ie committed while the offender ia on a jo11rney� the eharge may J.e filed aefore any cotirt throt1�h or into the loeal limits of who!e jurisdiction the offender, the victim or tl1e thing ai to whieh t, he offence waa committed 1r)aMed in the eo11r�e of the journey ( Art. 103) ; e. An offence committed aboard an Ethiopian aircraft or 1l1ip e11t&i�• the territorial limit! of Ethiopia ie triable be.fore any court 111 Ethiopia before which trial of the particular 6>ffence i• proper (Art. 104). 4.

Change of venue may he orde1·ed in aeeord an�e witl 1 the pr0Yi1ion• of .A.rticle I 06.








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-513 -











J a1ues C .. N. J> a1u, Professor of La,v and Dean Facttlty oI La,v, l[a.jJe Sellassie I Unive1·sity•



Once again I am happy, at the reque st of tl1e Editors, to repor t on the progress of our Fac11lty of Law during its second year in operation. I 'II

My report covei.r·:-t only tl1e ·acaclen1ic yeair 1964-65 ( 1957 E.C.), .a.1DJcl I wiJJ use Gregorian Calendar elates for tl1e benefit of foreign readers of it. On Nove m ber 25, 196!1, there occurrecl the first graduation of students under the auspices of thi s Faculty - the award of Certificates in Law to the first class to complete tl1at program. For all of us who attended, this was a moving event. The significance of the occasion may he reflected in these re marks of His llllJlerial Majesty ,vho, as Chancello1· of the University, presided: "' ... T-he l1a,, v o,f ·tl1e Em pire is n · o , ,v n1o ·clern, -0on1pJex and .scienti-fic in the sense that it has been prepared by ex1lerts after careful st11dy. The admini­ stration of tl1e la,\!' of the EmrJire increasingly demands highly trained persons.

In a real sense the cleveloJJD1e11t of tl1e nation cle1Jencl� upon thP develor>­

ment of

legal institutiorJs .... . . . So tl1e, need for per.soru 1tr,ained i-11 la,v is obvi:ot' ts. . . . We 1are ple�ed ·to. learn th-a1 otl1e1•,s rure foll,1·,vi11:g ha1·cl llifJOn tl1e foot­ steps of this class. We are Jlleased to k.i1ow tl1at soon the n11m ber of Ethio:p:i,an lawyers. hol, ding a 11rrive1·s, iity degree in law \VUI be virtu·a]Jy doubled. 011r

We are especially J)leasecl to see that so many j11d.ges and other civil servants and advocates ai·e tal<ing time to con tin11e their education even as they continue to perform their 1·egular daily duties. • .. EthioJ)ia needs a modern },egal J)rofes:sion j11st a,s ·s.-he needs the n1oclern legal system she is biiilding. The one cannot exist with tl1e o ther. Y-011 - all of yo11 who ar e taking University training in la,-v - are l1el1)i ng in tl1e task of b 11 ilrlin,g a p1 •,ofcs ·s·io · n • · · · �, 'fhe�e ,vords identify o11r m i ssion here - to help in the b11ilding of 3 profession ,vhich stem . Fronl 8Y l lega the g ldin bui for e 11rc reso in tur11 will be a

-- 51 5 -


II - No. 2

phe loso and phi en esm stat rs have stress ed clay own our to le stot Ari of e tli e tim _ ss e 1)1n hap and unless.they live uncle dom free . in live not can men t tha e the them s, inspire men's confiden r law _ under law·s framed to secure attainable ideal ce . ion can Ia,v serve those d nat e1·n mo no in B11t om. freed tl1eir ard 11 g ends and unless it is fran1ed and a elm inisr te ·recl by n1e11 wl10 L111cl,crs'l:and i·ts f11nction. a! \veil as its letter and its metl1od as lve]l as its intricacy. In no nation can Jal\• win respect unless there is a p1·ofession dedicated to public service and to pro­ gressive, on-goil)jg developmen.t o,f t. he law as a:1 . i11·str11mer1t to execu·te programs of economic development and soc1lal an,d pol1L1cal cha · n·ge. Thus ttl1e �, tudv of l a,w •at Haile Sellia1ssie I Univer.sity is, in a "-ery 1·eal .sense, tl1e study of prohiems confronting the Empire and measlll·es taken to meet and solve those problems and the role of the profession in this task. I l1ope it is not � miss to add my belief that these initial years } in a lmique way, have 1Jee11 intellectuall)' exciting for all of us who have been privfleged to work l1ere. 1


The Development of Educational Progrcnns During Our Second Year (1) The Development of Prog1·a11is of Part-Time Legal Education. The past year marked the initiation of the Law Diploma progran1 - a tluee-year evening course. The entry 1·er1uirement for this JJt·ogram is liberal: completion of secondary school, an i11tervie\v and 1Jassing an English comprehension test, plus professional experience in la,v, public adn1inist1·ation 01· some closely relat­ ed field. The course is designed for government officials, advocates, prosecutors, judges and members of Parliament. We enrolled, in September, 1964, about ninty persons in the Diploma course. Approximately fifty-five sat for final examinations in June, 1965. There may well he some further attrition. But for those who have both tl1e caJ)acity and the perservenance for Jthe hard wo1·k whicl1 tl1e D�ploma coll!l·se requi1·es, we believe the experience will be beneficial to tl1em and to Ethiopia. The teachers have expressed a deep sense of satisfaction in wo1·king with tl1e students, and we hope there will continue to he considerable enth11siasm in tl1is program. Most of the students are em1lloyed by government, and many directly in legal • • ca pac1t1es. We also enrolled in Se1Jtembe1·, 1964, a new class of two l111ndred in tlie Certificate program, which provides instructio11 for th1·ee afternoons a week in the basic principles of the Ethiopian codes and Constitutio11. Tl1e majority in. these classes aTe pro.s.ec1 1tor1s, government l a: ,vye1·s, juclges a•11cl advocates Seventy-nine persons were a.vardecl Certificates in Jtine, 1965 a11cl o,,er oxie h11ndred in the class which graduated in November, 1964. At the r �quest of officials from tl1e Minist1-y of Justice in Asmara, ' :e . . . · r the dure irutiated special extension courses in penal law ancl pe11al proce





These co11rses were ta11ght hy Mr. Norman Metzger of otu- staff. The student body of •sixty pe_r,sons ,vas. ·m a,cle ll?. of j11dges, lIJ•ro,securtor.s and government officials: Tl1e Assistant Dean ancl I v1s1ted �sn �ara several times. In our opinion the proJect l1as bee� successf1tl; the exam1r1at1ons show, generally, a good per­ formance; st11dent interest has been keen. 111 fact the students have asked for instruction in tl1e Civil Code and public la,v _ and the awa 8 further year of rd _ ate in J.,aw. Furtl1er, some fifty adclitional persons of the University's Certific have requested the starting of a ne,.v co11rse of instr11ction next year. We have decided to continue ancl eXJJancl 01 _ �r extension JJrogram in Asmara by meeting these req11ests. Tl1anks to the w1ll1ugness of Ato Amanuel Amclemichael and J 11 stice Negussie Fita,vake, adclitional inst.ruction is being furnished in the fall, 1965, a new class enrolled and tl1e prese11t class contin11ecl. A small law collection will he establishecl as a ne\v part of the As1nara city library; when resources permit '\\r e hope ,ve ca11 b11ilcl llJJ that basic collectiton of books necessary for elementary legal reference.


We also engaged this _past year in a st11dy of tl1e possibility of creating a Diploma level course of instrl1ctio11 in r'lmliaric. Tl1is is clearly an urgent object­ ive if University instr11ction in la,v at a more advancecl level is to be made available to more persons now engaged in the adn1i11istration of law. The ·prol>lem wlltich confronts TIS is tl1e absence of textbooks and otl1 er legal m1rte� !'ials in the Amharic lang·uage. Tl1e q11estion is whether we can translate a suf­ ficient body of materials to make aclvanced instr11ction possible. We have decid­ ed to try; the objective is obviously important; we must make a beginning. 1\.ccordingly, beginning in SeJJtember, 1965, we shall offer a Diploma level, three-year evening co11rse, ta11ght in An1I-1aric ancl using Amharic translations of course materials used in tl1e Englisl1 program. There ,.vill be close collaboration J1etween Diploma teachers of the Englisl1 section a11d of tl1e Amharic, and every effort ,vill be made to cover the same ground and apply the same exami­ nations and grading stanclards. It ,vill be an experiment - but an experiment ,vell ,vorth the effort.






} I



These part-time progi·ams are designed to meet urge1rt manpower n�eds. There are far too few trained la,vyers in the En1pire. The shortage of trained personnel, the neer] to upgra.cle professional standards and to _ sr1pply training to _ officials in government, i n the hanks and development agencies who are nctmg in legal capacities, seems clear. -ba.=ed Hopentlly, these parrt..time JJrog.r.a11l!s ,vill begin to prod�ce •a ih�oa� manpow er pool of persons wh o ha ve had at least elementary instruction 10 law, and an increased s11p1Jly ,vho wi ll ha ve l1ad considerable instruct _ ion � deptb, ly b a. er id ns co e id ov pr 1ld o1 sh ch hi e, nc when coupled 1,vith practical experie � increased professional capacity. er w po an m l ga l he of p t e th � � � . �2) Tlie University LL.B. Program. .i\t . tratning J)yra.mid stands our LL.B. program now beg1n1ng its third year.




· o. 2 ETI-IIOJ,IAN LA w - VoL. I] - N

We enrolled a new first year class in that program in Septeruher, 1964 of the government. from half were The others came f;o thirty perso.ns. Nearly two years of Unive1·sity training..Attrition l1as 1·ed.ucecl thi.s class to and may reduce it a bit furth�r. Gene1·ally, howe�er, the J:i,acu! ty has been pleased with the prog1·ess of this class and pleasecl with the clear 1mpi ·overn of the second year LL.B. class and the ev ening LL.B. class now in its secoe� year. I congratulate these students on their achievement so far, and th:r professional esprit. In the LL.B. program, we are trJring of course, to p1·ovide both the roost intensive and t h . e most relevant instrl1ction possible. The task of self-criticism and re-examiQJttion of ,vhat we a1·e doing must be unending. Fo1· tl1is reason the Faculty has engaged in four efforts this year:

(·a) We rhaive ha d tl1e henefi-t of a two week visit, co0Cl.su1tati!Qn and exter­ nal evaluation by Professor l\,f. L. Sch\-vartz of tl1e University of California. Professor Schwartz is an ex1)erienced. la,v teacher who has enjoyed visits to a n11n1her of African universities. We are encouraged by his evaluation report. External evaluation - prolongecl visits by teachers d1·a,vn f1·om Europe, Britain and America - is a ''must''. I 11ope we can have at least two visitors next year. (h) A special Factilty committee on academic standarcls was c reated. The committee foct1Sed pa1 ·tict1larly on the CflICstion: what can we do to streng• then programs entailing written work? It is th1·ough wi·itten ,vork that novice lawyers learn, tliat all la,vyers OJlerate; it is tl11·011gh constant drill and the development of a tight discipline in writing that many legal skills are primarily imparted. After a series of faculty· meetings the committee submitted a final report which reflects a faculty consensi1s. It pro1Joses a detailed, three-year integu.,ated prograrm of written w .ork as a ba1sic part o•f 01rr c1l!l·ric111l1m: starting with analysis and memoranclt1m w1·iting on elementary JJ 1·oblems in the first year and leading gradually into intensi,re Jib1·a1·y· resea1·ch assignments, legisla• tive drafting, moot-court, anc l finally, in the last year, the writing of a major r:e.s-earch paper of thesis iSC'o .pe ,dealing some iproible1n in a11 unsettl,ed or in. the developing area of the law. These suo-crestions incorporated being are 00 curricltlum. This past year, for example stt1dents in cot1rses on administrat ive · law and penal proced11re have written t� 1·m par.>ers dealir1g ,vitl- 1 sucl1 subjects as ''The Right to Bail in Ethiopia'' and tl1 e ''Operatio11s of the N·ationtil Coffee Board'' . Many papers entailed both lih1·a1·y and. field 1·esea1·cl1. 1"l1e best of tlie1ll are, we believe, significant contributions to knowledge of law in Ethiopia, au cl J look forward to the day when some pape1·s may he p11blished :by the Faciilty . 1

, h:; � �, ea y the Cc) The Curricul11m Committee of the Facttlty·, throt1gl1out . a e stJti-died on agree l i our total progr \-vil] e,rer t il:, .. I cl r eac ram. N, o l two , , aw t , 1 e s st a as ed curriculum. Nor, in my view, should a cl1rricttl t1m ever· be regard _ :: matter. However, certain important decisions were made. The Facitl ty

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I' ,



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I r




strongly e?dorsecl . the senio: re� earch:paper (thesis) Jlrogram discussed above, be devoted to this work. We have and a maJor amo11nt of senior time will aJ so . ,, . Placed heavy emphas 1. s on tl·1e ,, l)ll bl 1 c la,v sector of our ctirricultim, for 1•t 1s . 1 ma f ny o · �1 r 1n . .1t 1aI grad � ates may come to be ''governrof!nt our asst�ption tha_t _ lawyers ' engaged 10 co1msell1ng and ad1n 1n 1 strative functions within various ministries: and man� may com e to be engaged in the drafting of important legis­ Jation or 1mplement 1 ng rules; all should l1ave a broad perspective 00 the rela­ tionship between law and clevelopment policies. For the framing of la,v and the administration of laws are the means by ,vhich development programs are carried out. Tl1e layman too often assumes that the writing and admini�tering of law is a mere technical step in the execu­ tion of government policy. Not so. If lawyers are not both broaclly ed 11cated in terms of the goals and problems of imJ)ortant, new national legislation, and �apahle of disciplined thoro11gh performance in exercising the role of drafts­ man, counsellor and adminii,trator - if these �kills are not marshalled, one may find that the most noble of refo.rms or changes, desirecl as a matter of policy, are as a dead letter in fact. Tl1is point is, I believe, too often ignored in conceptions of high level manpower needs and in conceptions of the role of legal education in developing countries; lalvyers must be available and able to function effectively as ''engineers'' contributing to the development process. Not only is instruction necessary in the general framework of constit1rtional law, the legi.slrati1Ve proce.s$ and aclm i, nis·trative ,procedure, ibu.t theire n1 ust a,]so be some study, in depth, of selected, concrete fields illustrating concrete rela­ tionships between law, the <'l<lministrative process and economic development. Thus, we are initiating a major senior course, running the full year: ''Law and Government Economic Polic)r''. It will foct1s first on the development plan, the planning process and the legal implications of the plan; it will examine pro­ blems of taxation - the form11lation of reven11 e policy, the writing and inter­ pretation of tax laws and problems of effective tax administration; it will exa­ mine government policJr and action in relation to the promotion of commercial development as reflected, for examJ)le, in legislation creating government cor­ f>orations in tl1e investment decree, banking legislation and related areas of tl1e codes. These are onl y illustrative examples of what we hope will be an in�el­ lectually exciting ne1,v depart11re and one- which is highly relevant to the function of legal education, here and no w. ( d) Pre-legal education. P 11 rst1ant to a mandate from the Unive:sity's Facult y Council we have begun the development of a pre-law pro�am . in tlie Faculty of Arts. Under this nelv proced11re a limited numbe· r of University st�1dents will ha ve the chance to op t for the pre-la,v program at the end of_ the1 r _ first University y·ear. They will then be permitted to choo:e fro� a selection of . courses offered by the Faculty of Arts for their second University year -: the curriculum is beina jointly worked out. In addition tl1ey will have some orienta­ tio n programs designed to acquaint students witl1 the method of law study



LAw -


II - No. 2

s blem pro cted of law in Etliiop. sele of es seri a of n atio min exa the throtigh '" at the end of the year, they will then ) I' factO satis is move to t�: age aver If their La,w School for 'three yea:rts of professio11Jal study. Muc.h can be said for and agai11st a ''pre-law'' program. However, our situa­ tion presents certain compelling considerations. First, hy clint of circumstances notably the high cost of u11ivers�ty education, we are fo1·ced for the time hein� to set our entry level of professional study at the encl of tl1e second 1miversity year. This means ithat we must do 011r best t· o prepare. ,s tudents in a very brief time for sophisticated� intensive professional study. A certain amot1nt of cove­ rage in the social sciences is necessary; so is intensive wo1·k in developing com­ munication skills. I.n my personal view lve mt1st ultimately aim at tl1e raising of our entry. level, f,oir ·in Ethiopia, I believe, heavy d-ema-nds wi'll he p-11t t1po,n f11tu·re laiwyers: and a broad, solid, general educational base seems wise. However, this is a mat­ ter to he judged by further experience. For the moment we are pleased that well qualified students are opting for law, and we seem assirred of an intake from the univer.sity ·stream o,f at least twenrty ·st-udents for tl1e next few years. The almost total deartl1 of textllooks, commentary and p11hlished court decisions on EthioJlian law cannot he overstressed. Witl1out a great body of such literature, the professional lalvyer - the tl1inking lawyer - works in a vacuum. These materials are truly the life-blood of any modern, rational legal f!ystem. Our program, developed thro11gl1 an active faculty Committee, has been at the need to produce Ethiopian. law hooks, to meet Ethiopian needs. Toward end the Faculty has, in its two years of existence made the following be�nning: (I) Journal of Ethiopian Law. In cooperation with the Ministry of J us, tice we have initiated puhlication of this Journal in both Amharic and English - and through it publication of coi1rt decisions and the beginnings of u.seful commentary on tl1e la\\r of Ethiopia. The Journal has now become semi­ ann11al and nearly self-s11pporting thanks to strenuo11s efforts of members of its editorial committee to enla.rge sales, include advertising and - most re'\\'arding - thanks to response to our effort to secure patrons to st1pport public atio�. The persons who are now s11pporting the J011rnal as patrons - $25.00 s11bs?r1• hers - are listed at the beginning of tl1e J ot1rnal. Their help is a most grati fy­ ing response ·to a public appeal to lawyers and ji1clges to make publication pos­ sible. I should also like particular1y to note the many long hours spent on Journal work by my colleagtres, Professor Reclde11, Mr. Lo'\\re nstein, Mr. ear y this that Kindred, Mr. Singer, and M1·. Fisl1er. I am also pleasecl to report es naxn their four members of the stt1dent body joined tl1e Eclitorial Staff; ,ve g, liDin appear on the masitheia d , . Th - ey ha, e ,d,one fine ·work. T·hi, s is the beg,ii 11 oxne llec 1ho.�e, of ,a tra,ditional 1stud,e'IJ,t edi:tooci,al partic�p ,rution ·which will ma1o · r factor in maintaining the Journal. 1




' I


(2) Faczr,lty of Laiv Pz1,blicatio11, S<?.ries. We J)uh1is: hecl .first tllree hooks i11 J11ly, 1965. rfl1ey are: Graven, Dr. PhiJippe. l1itroditction, t:o Etl-iiopian Criminc,l Lc,w (A�i·ticles 1-84 Penal Code), T,l1e firs- ,t c-om1ne·nta,1:y on tl1e Genei,al Part of the p n 1 Code of Ethiopia i11cl11ding re.fc1·cnc• e to Co ,dific- at, io11 Commi-ss io•n N:t:s and S1\-riss s01trCes. , · , Steven·. !ttfa �eri �ls 011, Co, �-,,parative Criniinal L atv as based upon the P e1ial Codes of Et:!1,io1J1.n arid Sivitzerl(11id-, A collection of. textual. co(l.e and case m a· terials -d erivecl from Etl1iio,pia11, Swiss other so11rce� to11ether ,vit.h notes, g1.1estions and pro-l)len1 s- designed for r.efere11.ce -and te;cl 1 ing of, Ethiopian J)ena- l lavt'. Sed1er, Robert Allen. Tlie Co11.flict of La·rvs i1i Ethiopia, A disc11ssion of the 11istorioal developme:rrt an-cl tl1eories asi 1o tl1e nnture of the co-nflict of laws , and the prospective de,,elo•1)n1ent of that fielcl in Ethiopia.

In addition Pro1fesso1· Reclclen l1ns, been " on, an Ethiopian legal

form hook containin,g sam1)le coJJies, ,vitl1 a11notatiorns, of bt1Siness ancl com­ . ou1d he n uaef11l mercial forrn.s, leases, co11,traclis. cou1·t clo-c11ments, etc. This .�h hook for teaching p1rrpo•ses, and ho-pe it ·v,rill he he1pf11l in- a practical ,.,r.ay to the profession. . (3) Tlie Lan,d Tenure Series of Pi,,blication.s. Be.fore land law and land refo-rm can he initiated and 1J1·0p , erty courses well-tn,t1ght, the cu·rremt .s-ys.tern of land h - olding m11s -t he ]Jetter known. Tl1e Instit11te of Etl1iop , ian Studies to­ gether ,vith ·the F -ac11lty of La,v ha3: 11nclertaken ;to .p11:Dlisl1 a ,serie-s of materials on lmd ten1u·e i n Ethiopia. Tl1e t1vo bo·oks have now been pt1hli1s l1ed: 1

H11:nting : ford, Dr. G. W. B. (D. Litt., Senior Lect1rrer, School of Oriental and Africa11 St11dies, Univer·sity of Lonclon). Land Cl1-c1rters of Northern Etlii­ opia, This is .a documented examination of tr-aditionaJ. sovereign land ·grants to- tl1e Cl111rcl1 ancl noihility.

Mann, Dr. H. S. (Ph. D., R11ral Instin1ti,on s Officer, F.A.O., United NatioDIS). Pilot Field St11,dy, Cl1..ore ( .5lioa) , Tl1is monog• r· a·ph report,s on a fielcl �tudy 1

of land tenl1re ancl reveals tl1e variation\s i1 n ten1.1:re 1vhich exist 1-v-ithin a small r:epresenta1tive area .in soutl1er, n S11oa · and gives a picture of a lvi,de range of economic. an- c l social JJhenomena related to land use. Special en1p h ; asis is give-n to Ia·ndlorcl-tenan-t rela:tions-· hip-s in the area.

( 4) Teaclii1z.� J1.1aterials. Th-e forrei g;n .• �011r• ces of Ethioipia-n l� w are- ext: e­ niely d:.'..verse: ( a) penal l a"-v is derived prim·arily from t�� S,VJJE-S co-cle 1vith : s1lb-sicli1ary .sources in Yu, goslav-ia� Greeice ,and Brazil; (h) c 1v1l and comm,ercJ:al law from tb. e F.renoh and German; ( c) pr:o<!edlrre fro-m ·the common l1a� thro11gh IndiJa; and ( d) :the Constit11t• �on ancl a consideraible ·body -of p�lic law legislation is p·atterned in pa:rt upon jmpo:rtant Anglo - �er1can solrrces. Tlie Ja·,v of Ethiiop : , ra caiino,t possibly ]Je taugh·t from foreign case-

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LA,v - VoL. I�[ .. !\Io. 2

· m e s i · la1 c11 . rtii e al })a th 1 leg to ed r i gea s , s ok t bo d e y, of Ethl.· . : 11eec o. .1.uooks or troiva,.t.ise-S' ,-ve ne • , • • 1� Th a11 d , ch·a11.Jg1n g . e 1)1·e1larat'. t11t10 1nst1 try's co1111 the d .1o 11 of an op1a . . � 1•s� thClle � COllf;��e are . . , an esserut ial f . ore ry eve · st o , · alm m � ta:, :lc of separate materials , 1�a p 1cog J1 n11n d of • s r 1m:t 1ate an10 a1·ge iaJ s a.r e b l be1· mem . ty � � ti Fac , ein g � . each _ .ses relating fo ·e1g;1 1 ·sour a n c des co , , 5 xt1 t t , o g settm only � � not ;� prepared, ces _ . � t1nig ,ilo1a s, uch Eth101) 1an materials 111-cor b11t 1)1a, Eth10 y nt-da prese to l law 01 ti e · s, cruesi tion,s an,d no•tes clesigned to en­ � ,ve can find ·an,d J)1·esenting p1·oblem =�UMge students to develop e&sential �egal skilfa aIJJ � independ ent thin king. 1s t11,den;ts 1lll ea,cJ1 o 1 f e tl J . 1 · oo-u1•,ses, ·an-d i, t ,is the 1 • by ecl s u: ,are S iali mater se e Th . , rise 11)ool{•S h.eoome •refined and Factllty's hope tl1at ,as the mi1neo-@raiphed eou developed. they ,viJJ be pl1blis, herl .�o tl1iat tl�1 ey. will ]Je aviai1ahle in more perma, nent, usable fom1 fioo· memibe:ns ,of 1ihe E1 th .o,1J1!an legal· p1·oifession as ,vell 8!S }a,v st1.1dents. The a. chieveme111t of tfiliS goal •w,i1J a1so f1·ee f11t11re fa-culty time foJ; -othe1· important resea1·ch l )rojectis. (5) Other lndividztal Fac1ilt)1 Co1itribz1,tioris. All of tl1e Faculty l1ia,;e con­ tributed to ,a vig.orous 1·eseaTch p1�ogra111. A few .:iJtem·s not mentioned abo,re are: ( a) Professor K·rzecz11nowicz h·as con:trih11ted a1•,ticles to tl1e J 01rrnal of Ethiopiatn Law ancl l1a:s . prepared a 1·.evis·ed 1�ng1ish tra11-sJ.ation o, f the F1·encl1 ver.sion of rthe no,11-co-nt1·.actual o}Jligart:io.n•s ,articles of the Civil Code. Thus wo1·k will g1·eatly facilitat, e 11ncle1·.stan·ding of this part of the Code ·and is a part of l1is comme;n.tary on ·t11is part of t!ie Code now in draft. f· orm.

(h) Mr. Fi.sher has ipu,hlisl1ed a conco1·.da11l!ce of the Eithiopia:n Criminal Procedure Code with thait o,f lndia - ill11:st1·ating concretely sources and relatioIIBhips of t-hi•s law. Thi,s ·i:s a fi1·st stQp in his ,vork on a Sourcebook of Ethi<1pian Criminal Proceditre. ( c) Dr·. Vanderlinden just finisl1ed a• hook ent: iitled ''La 1zotion de code en EuroJJe occidentale (ill Xlle au XT/J]le siecle - Essai de definition''; an •ar-ticle entitled ''.4spects cle lc1 jztstice incligerie en pays zande en 1956, 1957 et 1958''. Ile l1as pr ·e1lai·ed an article for · the J 011rna1 of Ethiopian La,\<' on ''The Rele·varice of tlie Stz,dy of Legal History for Better Understandirig of Jltfoderri Etliio11iari Law'', a· nd he ,is finishing a l)ook eDJtitled Cozituniier ma,iu.el et j1iris11rz1der�-­ ce du droit zande.:' Since his ar1, ·ival I1e l1as also i.nstit11½ed our Ethv opian Legal Archives Project, de3cri.bed helorw. (6) Unpztblished Research Material: The L egtz l Arch.ives Project. Teachers of �he Faculty of Law have had 1 � en.gago in indiv�dual research �: _ u M xt. e t co1ir gather materials of all sor.ts helpf11I ·to ;teachu1g l!Il . s ei s •, , rthe11· co111 of what was unearthed co11ld not ,he puh �shed .as -an article or a book hut it was hackgroun,d for classr,oom disc1.1ssion. All . of this info.ranatron (.siicli :the ee, ecr as data on tthe hanking system, the tax structur.e, the· investmP..nt d , 0





. , parliamen.tary p • rocedt1r ·e, e tc.) l1a 1S ·been co11'ated and Jre.. cess pro . uclg te :1-Ythe recently eireatecl Arcli-iv es 01£ Ethiopia n· Law ,vhere it ,v:ill heJ in � erved in 1... ,.. -. 1e fo on-go · g , 1 1n acce, , a s o • .:, 1,u f · 1 e.d _1:n • g1 cartalo _ � �- re.searc·h ,vork . The x:ed and �e- .. � tmcler the c1u·ect1on: of D1·. Vanclerlmclen ,, 1s .als.o a r°'pository forr . r lrc 1. 11,,es, . . .r . •. . 1 :t 01 F.· h i g t1 l J1a n u. ec re n eg 1 al ts , ·t:ra.d1t1on. The gathei·ing . ocumen ,.0 1 " 0f Jeual d its p / ·Pd � .. n'=l at ion 0 .f tl1is 1na t. e rial ancl - 1·eservation f.o.r future la,v s.cliolar s · � a w. l •Jl tance. imJJOr , great . of

Sii11z.11ier R esearc/i. Over th e long vacation JJeriod dtll'ing , the nt St,tde (7) . ain y season the Fa·ct11lty of La,v e:n 1ploy�cl 1J ts stt1clen,ts on research progriams. sttt-cle11'1:8� 1-v1tl1 Fac1tlty SUJJervision, 11ndertook a � urin u tJie s1ID1.mer o-£ 196,l, · pilot I�nd ten1ue field st : 1dy in the G11�· a1·e� aipJJroximately 100 kms. south 1 ,,alua· b le 1nfor1na• t 1on , d er1vecl for tl1e co11T a ncl se in Pro•perty. kbaha , \f Addis , Other s. t11dents ,,vere ·set : t o isolatin .g cli-sci·e(!Janciesr between ; the English and 1 niharic versions of the codes ,s o tl1:at foreign teacheJ.'ls co11lcl to some ex.tent

Iocun1ents. D1l.Tillg the ,s11n1m,er of 1965 a maJor court repoxt1JD.g rprogiram was '1�unchecl · attempting to uncove1· vaJu�rble oa,ses dooi,ded over ,the past several �ears in the S11preme a-nd High Cot1rts ho-th in Adcl:iis .A:haha and elserwl1ere. My colleague 1tr. Kindred 11-a,s bee11 c1iI·e�ting this effort. All cases. will be noted and doc11me.nted in tl1 e Law Li·b1·ary, an·cl those of corrsiid,erahle i1n1)ortan-ce ( �may he edited and puhli.shed later in this La,v J 011 rn,al. If eno11gh sl1ch cases . are uncovered, perl1a:ps this will ju-stify a sep.a1·a.te ca·se repo1-ting vehicle. A dt1plicatio n mach ine hais ,hee11 p11rcha.secl so itl1at ¥.1e can efficiently re.produce _reports ,�th the ultunate o· JJjecti,,e of ht1ildmg tl1e La1v F·ac11lty lilJ1·ary to i,mportant clecicled jt1dgemen.:ts. Stt 1dents are also 1providing ,1asistance to Facttlty memlJers on va ·rio11-s ·re• sea1·-cl1 projects. 1

Students are paid to JJerfo1 ·m tl1is in1 portant s11mme1· research work; over t,fenty-five ,,vorked in this ,program 111l'der clo ,se fa · culty iSupeirviision. Tl1e ex­ : fPe_ rience has pro,rided ft11·tl1er legal eclt1ca tion to tl1ese stl1de�ts, ancl also s11p­ : _ pl1ed :them 1v1th needecl financ.ial help. \V,1th .adeq11ate finanom,g m the f1Tt11 re, I hope ,ve can make vacation wo-rk a 1·egt1la1· pa rt orf the Lmv Scl1ool program.


Other Recent Developments Within ihe Faculty of Law

(l) Faculty Senii1iars on Law and Eco1iomic Development. Tl1 e Faculty ( ?f La,v, in cooper.ation ,vith the College 0 , f Bt1sirness, helcl a iSe1·ies of ten in­ f form al semi nar.s on J .a,v and economic -clevelopment clurdng 1964-65. The prtr­ ?ose of the seminars was the of he:r.s mem hten e1tlig and 1late stin11 ·to 111 ri p arily , , i l U.N. experts - were ,called. to .1n1e: anc p

m·a ke '.a ,presentati�n to each �e�i�a:· _ esses, gove1 nmental mmi.stries, ea rs is k e reiJresentecl a number of bt m i �e -s 1 /nern ber s of tl1e Planni.11,, ,vere two or re he t . ; hers teac ty i vers lJni d rd an Boa , ! ,b · · d• 1hr e " e Jerts ov p ns r i io sess ;! e x1 '' at each session to leacl :tl1e d.1scussions. Many II I

l 1



oF E·1·1-1roPIAN

LA'" - VoL. II .. No. 2

ed frank and :intereE1ting d�scussior1. The :f(ll1owing topi-0.s were cliscussed du.r,J, the seminai·s:

Legal .and economic fra1new-crrks of develc;,pmenrt:

.� ;lal , Five Yea1· Pla11 2. Etl1iopia'.s ,second 3. Developme11t of :b�thioJJian na tt11·al reso11rces ·,;lfl 4. Etl1iopian 111anpowe1· neeM .;�� p-, 5. Investment la,-v- a,n,cl so111·,cB.s of invest1nent pr 6. Creclit instit11tions in Etl1iopia· 1 ea 1ess, hl1£�1 of izatio J]ems J or-gan pro n ical p1·act and ' in l Lega 7. Etlliopi 8. The Ethio11ian taxation syrs,�e.m 9. Land la""r ll1·ob]em.s 11nde1· tJ1e Civil Code and c1.1sto1uary Ia,v, and \'f-11 10. Labour la,v p1·oblem1s, ,£1e. fi ' 1 (2) St11.,dent Sponsorecl [Jaw Fori ni!-- On A1)ril 9, 1965, t, he Lalv Studen ' tj As.sociation a11thoJ:iz.ed. the c1�catio·n of a La,v Fort1m Co1nn1ittee. The Associ tion chargecl the Co1nmit.tee wjt]1 tl1e 01·ga·nization of a se1·ies of I,emi11a rs of .1 I Fo The the s wa, 1·11m fi 1·st s11ch institr,i inter·est 1:o tl1e Etl1iopian legal comn.-1un1 ty. �t r · by sn1dents within t11e U11iversity. tion ore:anized V



Ato Kehede, Ka-ssa, P,resident o;f tl1e A.ssociation, Ato Alem11 Deneke1ft • 't, Ato Girma Tadesse, ·and Ato Fi� <=eI1e BEi.yil1 1,re:r.e 1selectecJ and start .· · orga1:1izin.g a series of p , 1·og1·ams imn:ec!i:1t�ly. In tl1e short time rr,mainiTl{ to tl1en1� t1.11·ee ve1·y s11cce�sful p1·og · r: am-s 1-v·ere pu·t together, c11lminating in tru � 1 , Law Day on the 29th of May. a] 1

On May 7, 1965, the Fo,rum Comm.itt -ee .sponsor-eel a ta TI{ in tl1e Uni,rerai fttr Sti1den t. Lounge by Ju�. tice Stanle)r J\1osk o · f tl1e Sl1pre1ne Cotu·t of the State. · of Caljfo,1·nia, U.S.A..Tt1filic,e Mos· lr J1ad be-en a i·e.cent vis, itor •at the Intern a a national Co11rt of J11sti,ce at the Ha-f!11e a11r1 ailtencled sessions o-f tl1 e Cot1 · Jur concernerl "¾rit.11 tl1e ca�e of Eth,io1">ia and Liberia v. 8011th, Africa. He 011tline� ( the h!�tory -�nd functions of the Court ·before adi!re�sing him �elf to the iseue te of this cru01al curr, ent con-t-ro,reris-v. At. tl1e con ,cl 11 s1on of hi s ta1k,s, l1 e :{Ila P wered a se1·ies of crue:,tions reJate.d· to the role and ft1t111·e -of rtl1 e Internation � Com"t in m•aintaining 1'\rorld peace a·nd ..iustice tl1 ro11rh i a:rc ., law. . 1

Two ,veeks later, in ·the Fac11lty of I... aw, ·tl1e For11m Comm.itie·e ho Bt ed � t,\11 _ � _ _ _ my s '\\l'a. aemmar ·on the Role of Pc1rlia1n en,t in a J),?veln1J1,ng Coz1,,r. It J):'1ltlre velege to ·�eTve a.B mode1·ator and. di-:eu3g t:he legal fr.ameworl< for th. e Parlia, ment in Ethioipi:a. 'I'he Hon. IJt, G-ir,n.a °\\f.(1J(le Gio1·gi!s, President of tl1e C1i�.m: (4 her· of De1Jutie�, 011t1in,e d. the acti.vitif•,;.; of Pa1·li1ament 111 practice from t11e vi�, ion of -his cha.mber, wihile Senwtor Shashm:a9'h'!I Zewi!e Otoro, ,a member of Parli ?� h me11t (an,d a .St' 11clent at ou1· Fact1ltv too •) c•o'1nr11ented on tl1e 1nak eup ancl ro 0 f D , atBrioll id_ c , of tl1 e Senate. W.oiz. yaineab e, ba, {al:o Ja ,5'lll der 1t at 0111· Fact1lty) � a d a:n , D tJ elec o n : for the Cham:ber of Deputies in tl1e Cl1lTen·t electio·n, comn1ented o t lve campaig � a,nd practice•s i 11 Etl1io1)ia..A •8JJirited q11estion period kept tl1e. pr o·lft h , g;ram womg for more than .two hours. . ho



t I


For111n Co111miittee ,s1)on5ored it� final program . the 196 5, 21, ay M On f 01 before a11 ove1·fio.w crowd 0£ tl11·ee hun<h·ecl at R as l\1akonnen er oest ,5er 0 . a ll, The title of :the .p1·ogram v\Ta•3 �cLnd l�eform: Tlie Te11,a1icy Bill iri Parlia­ 1ts o•f tl1e 11 ac,1!lY: 11.acl stucli tSt1.1cle n year ecl tenancy .p1·oblems for l;nt. Seconcl Pro,per.ty co11rse. Ato Sela1n·u Bekele, ,a sec· ond y-ear &tllclent, thei1· in ester �em ed to 111ode1·atc ,tlie 1)1'0,gra1J.11 n'Il:� ,to raise the issues of ;s, therefore, req11est _ tl1e area o.f c11a 1cy refo r rr ent conce1·n m t 'l .rn1. Ato JY.Iesfi:n \V.olcle l\1ariam, thio · ead of :the D part ne:�t of Geo ra rl 1y at Uni,1c1·siLy College, aclclre$SC•Cl h ­ i • � � . � � _ . p _ rto stomary e and . r1c11lt11ral _ •devel □'llmenrt '1D pract1c s th�ir cff�ct 111) �11. a g c11 . e , Prope ·-ty J_,aw I'llstr11cto · .at 011r i a �1io p.ra. He ,va fol o"vec l by l\, · · Owe ylk _ � : 1 � � 1 � � nd : _ . _ 1tli11e t11e · C d n: r lI o t br1ef. -8itat11 ly s · o f 1and 1vho tenan cy leg11Slation, [iculty, � � : _ t,ich is ,..,.holly contarne(l 1n tl1e C1,- 1 1l Code. TI.e I-Ion. Lt. Girma Walde lu�en1torrr is then comn1ented UJJOU the atait1J11 of t: l1 e c11rrent legislation before � · ·li�ment an d ttpon th e pros1Jects for f111.·tl1er legislat1 ion.


. 1g n1ee t .Lh l ro1 · t h 1ngs . 1 1 t. e , h , t t n: i F O• r mo . t 1m e Con 1m1ttee of tl1e Law , . In on llll�,)de11ts' As.$ociation ha·s s·hov'trn tl1 at ,st11,ients of t l- 1e U11ive1�sity can make a �-s 1 lJ.• 11 ctive,n to th� rli�c11�sio •n of develo1J111ent o,f Etl1io1Jia11 lega] fi. li-t11tions. They a1·c ·to he co,n·grat1tlated iJ1 t, l1is effor.t; I hor)e tl11.3 marks the .inning oI a fine profe�.�ion·al tra·diti-on here.


1 1·ee


, , ", (3) Other Gziests. 'I'he Fac11lty e11joyecl ;'3evcral ot, l1e1· •d.isti.11.ig11isl1cd visi, Ill rs in the cou1·!'.e of tl1e )rear. :Dr. C. '\Ji!. J e11 l<s of the I , 1:rte1·.natio11al La]Jo11r ,ganization gave a Iect11re� 11n c· 1er ,c11:r ;:rrr.•�•pices O·n ''Due P1·oce::.s of IJa,v in · ernational Organizations-�� J)ean ZaJ\.i l\'111:::-tafa of the l{11artol1111 llniver::ity ulty of I,ai,v srioke lo 011r ·st11clc11ts .on ''I...,cgal Dcvcl0p•n1en t a11cl Legal cation in tl1e St1rla11.�' I)r• Sear1 1\!lcBl'icle o:f the. J11ter?1.atio11al Com111iss· ion Jurists lectt1red on the Commi9sion's recent 111eeti11� ii1 Bangl{ol<, n'l1cl ''1�he le of La,vyer.s in De,;eloping Nat-ior.iB.'' I11for111al seminars \Vere held i11 111y e ,vith gro11ps of strtcle11ts and vi,sili.n.g J11clge Cl1arles Far111er of l\1£iel1igan 1 1.e d Pro.fessor t\.. G. Lel1mann of Rearling U11i'{:ersit)"· Pxo.fe,3!01· � • B. Ilarvey the University of l\1icl1ign-::1 also vi:, tlte La1v Scl1001 ir1 c0n11ectio11 1vith arch he is doing ou jnternational i,1�ganizatio11s a11cl economic clevelop1nent ( Africa. Professo1· NI. Ti. Sch,va1·tz of tl1� University o:f California vi�ite� 11: �e�. hvo ,..,.eek.:;; as 111entioned above;. l1is evalL1�ti.011 rcpo·rt J1as 'been s11bmrtte,d f P� the. U1uversity, tl1 e Fo1·d Founclatio11, a11d the Faculty. 1!l'lia·, l ;asni;, (4) Tli<1 Library. Tl1e law lihrar)r is Elo·,vly growing . 'fhis year our col­ , l1ave the s<�rvices of a fttll :viei�ion came to an estimated 7,000 ite-r..!'s. We now rei-nnient la go, sion, Ilrofes tl1e an librari l 11-sed by The eing ra . is lil y r J 'a�Af;e w ,) · I rolf\d _ U.N. peraon , ne]. It is, I hope, tho1-,igl1t to be. a la1, \T -reis?11rce for ;the pro­ 1 l�� z10�1- I t is cert_an1ly an i nte:gra1 }) art of tl1e law �chool. It �s Ju1�.:;y �J1ro11g�o ut _ _ _ 0 ee tt! : ,v k - anll tl1ro-11gl1out tl1e long ,,acat1on. In J11ne we profitecl fronl a : pill'��t by our consulting la,v lili 1·a1·ia.n� Professo,1· Albert Blauste,in, ,vho help eel r yeni·5 Pr?f�ss�r Blau: [� t our c o11x se of development foT t he f1rtu1·e. Fo:r two _ _ ;� has re::ide1·e,d very val11 e, indis1)ensable serV'Jc e ID tl1e 1JuJ lclinµ; of om abl t





II - No. 2

..;q( )

library.. Forni�a• tely, thr·ou.g h_ For,d Fo11��a:t�on h�1p, · '\-\�� �1rc no1v able to cod . . builcl to a dr1'\le 1:l1e 1 , l1h1· 1nue t conr ry of we ais es 111 tern at' o 1 tinue his servic i n� distinction. [

AddifS Ab,ah,a is tl1e tSi:te of 1the O.A.U. and tl1e_ D:N.E.C.A. Ad.dis A!l)a�,, The need to- clev:elop a s· 1©n1ficant 11s0 . is an in1ter.D1ationaJ caipital. fril . coll e ct1C( • J'. • . a· :ls here seem,Si 1 o bvJ.ous. Mo:r-eove1· , ,since, E·t hiopi a'•s Iemijl of African 1egrl mater1 . . . 1na11y iclea8 of tn syetem dra,ws_ ifrom ,d1 �erse •s0111·ces n.�•d 11!1'lqr�e1 y- _ comb 1nes i hot world, there 1s a p.ressmg need ·to 1 h111lcl a. ba,s1c lili1·a1·y collection o f i l · civ , e1·e. In .s,ho1·t, we need ul1e finest la-w Iibrar am.d oommon law mate1·ials h , ncial help, "'re are goin� r, Africa, •and I b elieve, 1-virth luck in sect1ring fi.n a � • L 111ave it. • (5) Visits Abroad. In A,pril, I jou1·-ne· yecl to Ibadan? Nigeria, with 1ll colleagues Professo1· G. Krzeczt1nowicz and • Negga Tcssema. We at. teTIJd� a conference of law teac, hers in Af r·ica convened to dis-cuss , problems of t}j development of legal education on tl1is continent. One concl1181ton•, 11naniin01, ly adopted by .the conference, 1\ra•s tl1e 1·es•ol11tion ·to t1·y to c1·eate an a•ssociatid 1 of teacher.s of law in Africa w11ich wo 1ld sponsor f111·the1· meeti i1igs- a·nd pro,,ir·• much-needed exchanges a ,m•ong the ,,ariotis Af1•i,ca.n Ja,v sch-o,ols. In May, I wa1S privileged to jour11ey �o the Un-iver�iity of Dakar in Seneg -:ticipated . with Dean Ahr .ah am Demmoz of tl1e FaC \Ve t. y of A1·ts in c. pa1 L11 . 1 cussions ooncerning cooperatio11 between Fr·ench a n - d. English rspea.king Univ sities in Africa. A �y-pxodt1ct -0£ :this was ·tl1e 0;1),1101·t11n1ity to meet w.ith f Dean of the Faculty of Law at Da.kat·; 1ve l1a,,e framed a plan fo:r lib rary ai book exch.anges and, hopefully, teache1· excl1anges. I,f f11nds can 1Je obtaini. I hope this project ,will hea1· fr11ut in t11e coining yea1·. Two of our students, Ato Selam-11 Bekele ,and Ato Fa,sa.l Nal11un vis�ted nei.g{I horting un:iver.sity l1M-V 1sch-0ols -d11ri11g -o,u1· lorng vaoation. · Ato Fais.iJ. a1tten<l classes at the Universit)r of ICI1a·rtol1m; A·to Selam11 a·tten.cled clas�es at �­ Faculty o - f Law of the Unive1·.sity of East Atfric, a in Dai· e·s Salaam. I hoF > we -may -continue such exchanges in the f11tt11·e.









Ato 1\.babiya Aha'.jrobir Carpt. Abehe Guangoul J.,t. Aberra· Bantiwal11 Lt. Dmiel Zelleke Lt. E)rass11 A.yaJl Ato Gcbrel1i,vet Aregary Lt. Getah11n Dru1te 1-\.to Girma Tadesse Ato Haile l\tl.ikael Kebede


l\fi.g,.g, Ale:xiain•dra Hama,vi Ato Kanaa Guma J...t. Marmmo Mezemer i\:to Sel1ul Micael Ato Selamu Bekele Ato Sl1e1nellis H·ol1sse.iin Allo Yacoh Haile Mariam Ato Yol1annes Herori.1y Ato Zerahrtik. Aherr-a

LL.B. Class · of 1967 (Full-time) Ato Ahebe Worke Lt. Alema)rel111 Asfa;w­ Ato Alem11 Deneke,v Ato Bekele Wolde Lt. Berhan11 Bayil1 _iito Fasil Nah1rm Ato Fisseha Beyih Lt. Hailu 1\1ak,onnen Ato I(e}Jede Kassa Ato Kesete Haile Lt. Mesfin Ge·b1·e Kal Ato SemerealJ l\1ikael

Lt. Shime1i.s l\1etafe:ria Capt. T,a·cle:-1se Abdi Ato Tadesse Gtrrmu Ato Taklo11 Makonnen Ato Taye Ni !gatu 1-\.to Beyene Ato Ti11me Lissan Lemma Lt. Won,dayen Geh1·e Meclhin Lt. Yilma Gl1iza1v Ato Zegaye Asfa,v Ato Zemene Kais·segn Lt. Ze1·ay IIaibte SeJ,as; sie

LL.B. Class of 1967 (Part-time) Ato Aherra Jembere A:to 1\.biyt1 Geleta Ato Assefa Tsegaye Ato Ayalew Zelleke Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato

Beqele HalJte Michael B11lcha Demeksa ljji gt1 Demissie Kassa Beyene Ke1ede Gebre-Marjam

Ato Makonnen E11natu A:to Meb1,ahtt1 Yohannes Ato Mengesha Workeneh Ato Nahi)relt1l IGfle Ato lvlr. �'lto A:to.


Nega Fanta R.H.R. Rajaiah Se. if11 Felleke Work11 rrafara


• •

J' OURNAL OF ETIIIOPIAN Lt-\w - ·voL. II .. No. 2 Law Diploma Class of 1967 Lt. Ahei·a Gohena Ato Abraham Tsegaye Ato Adinelv H,aile Michael Ato Aklilu _,\tlahachew Ato Aklilu Bete !vlariaim Ato .AJS-sefa Bekele Lt. &sefa Hailem.ariaJDl M1♦ Arakel P. Saikadjian i\:to Bekele Te..,qfaye ..L\.to Berhanu Sahl,e Giiorgis Aoo Birban11.1 Kifete,v Lt. Damtew Minlke _.c\.-to Demesse Bekele I.,t. Erd•a1'v-DnTge At-0 Gehreyesus Haile !\1Ia1·ia:a1 Ato Ger·may Zewalde Geta.ht1n Bekele Ato Girma Dessaleg]U _,\to Gudeta Berou Ato Haile Wolde Mariam Ato Ha:ilu l\i1ichael Ato Jemaneh Meknsh•a Ato Joseph Haile Mr. Joachim Mato'\1-u •

Ato Ka�aye Adam Capt. Kassay Manfredo

A:Lo Kefeleg11,e J\,'fanyazil1a1 po1tlo . :rvI1·s. Marica A.1.V1anil:o. Ato Mangist· e Imrtt Ato Mengues·tu W o , lde .P1.1·egaye r\ Menku: Ga1b1·e Ma1·ian1 A·to lfesfin A1n:lJ a=tcl1e1.v Ato 1\1e,sfi11 Fa11:ta Ato :l!vlinesaie DegtL A·to 1vl11latt1 Likasa Lt. Neg:asl1 T. Mariani t\ to Sa'.lnt1el \V01·crneh i\.to Sayif11 Fayisia i\. to Seifu Yete.shawork ltto . Seyft1 Anage t--:�11)t. Tam1·t1 Haile GalJ1·iel t\.Lo Ta1·ekenge Haile Le11l CatJt . T,a-ye W-olde Giorgj,g ..' ':faye Wondemagegnel111 1\.to Te:rfaye Alemou 1\.to 'fc.sfay e Salule ., l�t. ,.l esl1ome Beyene Ato 'fes-hoime G. Sell,a,ssie 1-\to ,.J_'�c.ileke Tekle Carrt. V✓-el!de Hawariat G. Mariam Majo1· Y.-iln1a Woldesemayat I-Ic11. Zewc1e Otoro I.

Certificate in Law Class of 1965 (Graduates) Fitai\oi,r rari Feei10 Ato Allat, e Sen1egnee Ato _J\.hebe Bore3h.e Sgt. Al>ehe Wolde Ghiorgl1is At-0 Admass11 Ewunatu Ato Aklil11 Teferra Ato Alem11 Mele�

l\..t<J _l\111 arc 1,eklc Hai1.ua111Qte .t\.to Asrat l., ill.() .i\ � . e.efn IIalJte Marinn1 J�t. fl&sE·f a l\-1c11gesha P,..tcJ Aycnc,vu "Wolrtle �Iariam r'\t. o Bekele GeLlele J\to Bclcele Obsc




rc Tsega ) l .Th1eske 10 Bcrll!ane Berl1ane Negzi;t11 l p ·• t1ge Keel ene ay 1 , Bez1 0 ,.o Derebe B11ta �o Enclale \Volde 1'v.Iicl1ael

E�l1ete Der11is:1ie . Fekadu V/akenee 0 GehTe 11a.ria1u An1ba)r c 1 J, 0 Gebrc Ivlaria111 l\i[erge)r a 0

to GetacJ1e,,, l\1er1ilikalewt1

1\-f ajor l\1r1]att1 Enclayelalu At(_) �111Jl1getta Beril1un-e

J\to Mulugelta Hab te Gebriel

f\.to 1\(I-ulugctta Makm:1:nen

i\to Negash Tekele 1\'.Iarian:i

r\'lo Neg�a Bisat

A. to Ne�11.ssie Abebe

Ato Ne.gt1s, .:-ie N a11tel1

{to Getal111r1 \Volde Ser.1bet

Ato Seif i.:l A·s.ress


Gezal1egne ·wolde

ho Girma Abebe

o Giza,v B ezane

o Goiton1 Beyene

tu Gossa,,e Ze,me(lkocJrl J1-0 Hailr!- l\'lariai11 Gen1eda


flo Hacilernu:riam Tesf at to Fiailu Bc)rCJ1e azm·atch Abc1�a

( lo l(ebede Chekol �o Keiale Wolcle Marian1

� Keflc Genre Selassie

\. Ketemma De�ta to Lege�se :-\.hebe

·ro Lemma Hago&

\t0 Lemma Wo -• ema•vat •

f0 Makonnen 1\..gonafer


f0 iVIakonneu \Vo1c1c 1\1ariam i\ifebrat11 Gob a


J\,Iezcrucr Iv!elkesedek Wolde Selassie

to Getache,r A-sfa,v

o Getache:\f lVIenljkalc,\'l.1


Ato Mechegeya Biratl1 J_,t.. CrJ]. 1\1:ehere;t Gebre Selam

1\. to Olen� 1 Batee

Ato Sl1emellis Tefera

Ato She,vn)'e Le.n11ua

Ato Shen-vangiza,v Woldc Yohannt',S

1\.to Sultan Sayid

c:a1)t. TadefrSe Enge1Ja

Ato Tade· sse Hago'3

Ato Tar, lesse H,arile Mariam

1\.to �r.arlesse Wolcle l\1e.:.kel

1\to "fe-fera Deneke

., 1 Ato erefe Gesesse

CaJYt. Tesfaye l\iiengesl1n

Ato Walelengu lv.Ie.1.·a

Ato Wolde

Ato Wo]de lVJicael Gebrea: b

Ato Wolde Ml1 s-e Yehadego · CJ)l. Wold-e Selassie Debela

Lt. Yilma Men,gistu

_/\.to Yibna Tade.3se

Crown Sgt. Zewde Haile

5?) --· ..,J,


. . . . ..


VOJ.,. II - No.


Certificate in Law Class of 1966

(Addis Ababa/ Class A)

Alto Ahel1e A\\rt1getchew Ato AJoral1a,m Deressa

1 Ato Makonnen _.i\.sfaw A.·to Meqoya Esh-ete

A!h1·a·han1 Tekle . .. i\:to

Lt. Col. Me1·ecl Asfaiw

Ca1lt. Amare A. de1·a

Ato Mesge'llavv Tarkegne

•..\1:o, And11 Alem Belay

Ato Mt1l11Jgetta Yemen11

Ato Asfa,v Ye·tba1·ek :

Ato Negat11 Hahte Ma1·iam

Ato Asha· gere Haile

Meine1·e Sahle Dengel Geli> 1·e Kristos

Ato ..L\.,sseibe Geh1·e Selassie

Lt. Sehsehe Kebede

Ato Assefa Akale Hm\Tot

Ato. Seleshi Desta

...i\.to A·�.sef,a, Ayele

Ato Sewasevv E11yevv

Ato As.sefa Tegne

Ato Solomon Dagnatche\v

_..\to A-v-ale\v Dest a

_..\to T,a,desse Abete1-v

Ato Ayele Wolde Hawa1·-iat

At· o Ta,d,e�se W olcle I(icla•n

Ato Bekele Wo1cle Yohannes

lfaj. Tam1·at Goheze

Ato Belay Getal1111n

Ato Tefer1·a Beyene

Lt. Ool. Beyene Z. Amanuel

Ato Teka Geh1·e flew.ot

Lt. Col. Debalke Geda

Ato Tes£aye BezaJbeh

Ato Desalegne Alemu

Ato Tesl1ome Gelagele

A:to En,dale,v 1\1:en.gesha

Ato Tewoclos A1·efe Ayene

A:to E1llgeda Gete Work11

Ato Tilahl111 1\sfa,v

Ato Es· l1ete Gebre Ma1·1an1

Ato Tilahun Haile

Aito F e]eke Demiissie

A·to Tsige Dershe

Ato Fure Hewot Beyh , eyene

l\-1aj. \Von ,deml1 Geh1·e Mariam

Atio Haile Sela,ssie Bezaiheh

Ato W 01·ku Wolde Aregay

Ato Haile Selassie Hagos

Ato W11be Wolde)res

Ato Haile Wo1de Hana

Cap:t. Hailu Desta






reho u I a) m e d, ol Ato Yemane Be1·l1an W ,::;

l\!Iaj. Yeneneh

Ato K a,sa.hun Aheibe

Maj. Ze1·ihun Gebre Selassie

Cap!!:. Kebede Senhet11

Ato Zewde Mezegehu

Ato Lemma Degefu

Ato Zew,de Tedla


l I )

Certificate in Law Class of 1966 (Addis Abctba, Class B)

�, I l '



I l I


Ato Ahel,e 1\isgelette ...L\..rto _A.hebe 1,essema Arto Admasse Gess:esse Ato Asere�e lVlajor Admitss11 G0111lJere 1\.to Aga Negash Lt. Col. Ahmed 1-\'J11ii1111 Ato 1\..lemayehou Aga Ato _l\.lem,ayel1011 W011clem11 _/\to Alemsegecl A1·aya Ato _t\lene Woncle 1\to An1are Degefe Capt, Ainru.·e Negatt1 Ato .1-\rga,,, \Volde .r\:to Asfa,,v Geb1·eyes11,s Ato 1\.sef-a,v MeEJ1esl1a _.i\.to - Assefa Desta _(to .r\ssefa Z. Amanuel "roz. i\.)•enea]Jeba She,vangeze,ve Ato Bekele Dem i. ssie _.\.to Berh •anu Abaye Ato Berk11 AJJa-seran Ato Da!h ,a S1mt.a Ato Demetros Gehre Hana Ato Eshete K.ehede Ato Es11he Desta Ato JTantahun Be1·han11 Ato Feta,vo1·ke Demeyesus Ato Gebre Sela$sie Desta Ato Getahun P.tJbate Ato, Gemetchu Guta Ga1pt. Goshu Yemer 1\.to Ha-ile Agonafe1· J\to Haile Le11l Habte Yohannes Ato Haile Selassie ki;:;fa,v

- 531

l\to I·Iaileyesus M11late Ato I(a,sal11m Workenel1 1-\to Kebede Tei·efe JJt. l(efale Adgel1e Ato Lemma 1,erefe J..,t. Col. Lttl1se,ged Haile Lt. L1tlseged Negussie Ato- l\1runo Wolde Mar1am 1\.to �1amuye lVIeshesl1a 1\.to Melese Alemu Capt. Melese Mechesa J.,t. l\'lengesha Ze,vde Lt. Mengr&tll Begashaw C·pl. Menyelshewa I-Iaht .e Ato. l\tle1·giya Segne A-to Mesfin �1amo '. 1-\to l\tfesfin 1 afari Hajri Moha-mmecl Si.vaj, e Ato IVIo,siisa Ga1·i Ato l\tiult1getta Enclale Ato Sahle l\ileherett1 Ato Seif11 Bo,o-0ia A:to rfad,esse Wolcle Tsadik Lt. Taye l(1unelache1v Ato TefY11 · I-IailJtu 0 e Ato Tegnc \Von.daferashe Ato. Tekeste B1·ehane Deba1h11 Ato Tekle ·Gebre l\tleskel Col. Teklem1a1.·, iam Mayere Ato Teref.e Gehre l\'Ieskel Ato Tes:f.aye Doha.le Ato Teshome Bi1·esarlv-n Ato Tesl1ome Demi5:!\1e Ato - e Tessema• Lt. Tilah1m Tsemere

J OUJiNAJ.. 01•' ETHIOPIAN LA,,r .i.\.to Scvour11 Abehe .,_i\.t.o Se)ro11ru I-Iaile Micl1ael l�apt. Sl1ifera·,v !vfeshe-sl1a .,

Ato 1 a, des-se Abehe Sgt. 1,adesse Feyesa 1\.to Ta , ,de,:,1e Tcheche Ayebell1 . Ca}• Jt. , l'adesse Tesfa

·vOL. II - No. 2 .,

Ato Walde 1 ensai Gebre l\1ichael "'"L\.to Wolcle Tsadik W-olde Semayat Ato \V o-nde1n11 Ge:bre l\1edhjn r-\.to o-ncl, ossen Bekele �Ato Ye.Jna11e B1·el1ane Melaku


.Ato. Y etl, J.are]c Teshon1e .£\to Yilm-a Belr.ele

Certificate in Law Cl-ass of 1966 (Asmara) Ato Afelverki Giorgis

Ato I{11hrom Zeilo

Ato Aria G-hebresellasie

_l\tc; Makonne11 .A.. sressu .c\.to Makonnen Desta

Ato Asfaha Ahetew Ato Beiene Ghebresellasie Ato Berhane Kiflemariam

.. J\..tol\1a,-v�til 1\rieh1·aht11 Ato l\tiohamed Hankil

Ato Beyene Asfaha Grazn1atcl1 EyolJ Toklu Constahle Fassil Demsas Ato Ghebremicael Besserat

i\to Mohan1ecl Ib1·ahim Hangalay ),_to Mohamed N11r l(11sn1alla A.t o l\1I ohamid Ali Hassan

Ato Ghe.bresellasie Gherensae Ato Gheb1·eten�ae Woldesellasie .!\.to Ghebrezghebier Tesfamicael Maj or Ghirmai I(a.sal11m.

Ato Ogbazghi Adcheme Said I-Ialifa

_.\to Han1id Osman Idris ��to Haptemariam Debbas Ato H11ssein Farah

Ato Issia.s Haptesellasie Sgt. Johannes Teclies Ato Kahsai Asfaha Ato Kn.liffa l\fohamid Ali Ato Kasahun Derres Capt. Kehreah Berhe Kessete Fessahaie .. 1-to Mohamid Id1·is Omlilr

Ato Saicl Khalifa Ato Sale}1 Shifa Ato Seit1ru Ehdego Ato Seyo11n1 Fessahazion t Solomon Khasai .\to Ato Techie Ghehrecristos

Ato Teele Khasai Ato Tesfazio11 Eyasu Ato �fesfit Zemicael Ato 1,zehaye Jol1anneli Ato Woldu Berl1e

Sgt. Woreta 'f ecle11a.imonot Ato Zeggai Bairt1

532 ��

f"l,.tf,tD• l\hODti{!' s



h_l}l}fL 1










( Om1:"e:l\� 1 oo�ai ' ih°l ' 4:. fY.R I Kfi ·- xi • 'h'. , nro1-,:l\� , ao:J,Aj, , h., , i 1 JP', • pco:i• cf:. lfJ.i =-IZ, ' OO,vt,:,, • t\1',011hc- • fi,J•ro(I} 1 1&11 , fll\nnJ.;J•,r ,- roo l\4'ih , l}•},:J·P';f, •- font.;J••r 1 :r'h1111 • fauflm·l· 1 P'A"J1- •- 7'°h'Iti, f°l,(1'}'(17' , JP'l I P'CO:t- I ) oPDJQ.f


07tll�1" = 1''},':..4'm• 1 f--r&clf_q:1:ar : 'l,llt.7f1, : frrA.lf..'l:far : fhil &.1.. : 1.,tL : houb«�(Jl)c : flfu1" : 0�11''1 : n+m(l ). : ,r}.;J--9':}"... : ODIPl:,_.. : <J:ay__ LlAlf� , m•ti�i; 1 ll1'tODhC1 : 't,i-�,..--� : fii't"rl•r-A"f = t'm'}1:fl.� , ooq.,66J. 1 ,11"1 J $. XII : "r.<!'} 0l:1it\ :: 1''}-'tu--9° : (lro'},:(\� : OD�>liliJ. : ,la°l I ti!. gx%J ODlPl1" : fthDDh(� : fDD<i=:J--,r : :,..'hl-f1l : fOl/..omm• : n�c� : fL·f':f:�ar .. h� tLU : m;',J,ftf\ : �1-ll:f : f°th+ir1''} : Tfi:9'-:f. : �+fl1'/\/\- -, (ti) fih.ODDC' : foP�;J-«rl• : ThlJ1f : 'h'}� : 9°'} : 'li\ : i'1ti'l(L ll trt;t- S 011(Jm:,. : f;1'ltfA ? (g) :,..'h,1 ,.,., 1 flOD{lmr} 1 P't\OJ.'} 1 fllar • �c�.. = (1,}c • fr}-i:j: (Dc : 1 �(De (r) :t·?,•1wll , f 0t(arrn:,.. 1 ,rtitJA�= r'I , rco:i- 9°'lY:"} = �(De 1


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,11,:J'E : y..�:r?Jl- : ,f.."J.A+m· : tJA,f11,1"f. : i\l'1ounei : foa�;t-:,. : :,..� ,'h"l : <I?. fII J ff1i : 11ftn'r9° :: 11� 1·1..u : U,.1;r9':l-... : nm·1il\.� : ftD4 • 1'llli;;:W4 i!ri: 1"lfC1-Jliq>A :: 1t'lfl·9'1 : &ll:,.. : 'i':far s.1 rov1.,.out 'h'i: --. O}illc = f�f llrl·1 : "L.l·t'i = ft.�ouro• : m1lA = filh+t\m·"} f1...,v.:,_. = '1"1 roioaft.h.!'t-. : fa,lf1 :; U,cfi»-l"'iffl« : f..�'{P i f'hlll�l&',, : m'l� 1 ou?fifA1t; • 00 :rt..9°1 : f01J 011 . fLllT : �m« If (li) (o) ho,.t\• : OkT : ,f--pQJ.m« : h-i mfl�flT : f'hll�:,-. : 1..ft:(Dc{l'r Y..hrf.:"} : (L,(i = h1'�.. t..�"9° : fqA I :Pill·� : f61:IPL : An : th t�:'f- : (l(f} : 1.tL9'1 : +'176117llr : Of I qou:,-C : ntllc : 'h1..'L <f>� : fqA : (fro1;.?:h'1 : on:PtiliJ» = ,11"1 = th. f!I (�)) 11 (It) fiT�°11t9° = .,...�� : f'12�0Dt\h-f•(Dc 1 ++6il.. : 0lPb"lD4 = CD"} )!A : 9°n1,,r,}JI , ll£l(lOJ«, 1--Y:ll:,. 1 (11Jm1i1 1 f.lf1 1 H1X" l

ou::;� :



- 533-

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- 534·-

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- 536-





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- 537 -



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- 538-





( Conditional release 1i11der Arts.

112, 206 · 12 Pen C. and Arts. 216 • 17 Crim. Pro. Co _

Conditions for release - Jurisdiction to order release - Procedure /or release.)





Article 112 provideis tl1at prisoners sentP-ncerl to irnpri ·sonment may, on certain conclitions laid ,do,vn by la,v, l)e releasecl o. n })·rohation prior to the expiration of the term •of ·sentence. Ft1rtl1ermore, accorcling to Article 207, orders for co,ndition·al release are to •h e · m ade by tl1e courts. The&e general r111es involve the Iollo'lving question·s: (a) · o n wh·at conclition.s may an, or(ler for conditional releas• e be macle? (b) wl1ich court i s co1npeten1t to make st1ch an r or der? and (c) f\\ hat is the '})roced11re for making .such an order? Similar questions arise with respect to . t he con<lition•a l release of; rpr.isoners sentenced .to interoment,2 which ,vill n:ot be discussed hcxe.


Accorcling to Articles 112 and 207, no order for conrlitional release mav. iie made in the absence o:f the fo]lo,,ni11g n1aterial a·ncl per,so, nal co.nditiona: (A) ( i) T,,,o-third,s of the sentence 1n11st l1ave been· r. iervecl or, in case of a life .sentence, t,vei:rt-y years m1L,;;t l1ave ·been ,senred ; 3 and �

(ii) T•he pris·oner co,ncernecl must ha,,e ,satisfied, to tl1e best of his alJility, st1ch order or agreement as may l1ave been made or en: te1:ed into regarding h1is civil liability for tl1e damage arising i from the offence.4



(B) ( i) Conditional release mtl'st be ''deserved'' by the prisoner con­ eemed,5 ·and it -may n· o t ihe deemed : to be deserved 11nless this prisone1r's con·dt1ct ''11as bee11 .satis-factory''6; i.e., hy his behavi­ our and tVork while in prison he gave ''ta·n·gi.hle proo• f of his :i.inp1·ovement.''i


(ii) Since an order (for cond.itional r· elea,se may not be made 11nles-! ''it a.f, for<ls -a reasionab · le ch·ance -of success,''8 it does not suffice





Unless otherwise indicated all -r.eferences are to the Penal Code of 1957, Arts. 130 (2), 131. Art. 112 (1 ). Art. 207 (h). Att. 206, para. 2. Art. 112 (1). 7• Art. 207 (a). 8· Art. 206, p ara . 2. ' .. .

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




J ounNAL

OF ET1-110J>IAN LAV\' -

,roL. II - No. 2

tl:1at tl1e IJrisoner ,3]101:11(1 l1aiVe ]Je·e11 o·f gooLl co11d11ct in J)rison It :1s also nece-ssary :that 111:3 ch�11·acter as well as t.l1e concliition� in ,vl1ich l1e \\'ill fincI himself upon 1·elease sl1011lcl be .':J11cJ1 tha.t an •o.pti1nistic IJ1·ognosiis n1·ay be . mac.le.9 Tl1-e risk inherent in J.·eleaising p1.·isone.1·s on p1.·01l)a:tlio 11 n, att1rall}- ,r a1·ie,s depe11 d"ing on whether they ,vi11 fi11cl jobs afte1· release, :r:,�ceive mat-erial ancl moral s11ppo11: f1·om thei1· families ancl tl1e like. Theee itre th-e o"?-�Y co-ndition•s �I• JOn .the ft1l�llmcn·t o.f :-vhic!1 the makinig al an order for c-ond1t1onal •1·eleas-e de11encls. Adul1ttedly•, A1·t1cle 112 (2) states tha1t penitentiary 1·egt1lartions will IJ1·escr.ibe the conclitio111S £01·, 1.rnd manner o.f, im1p Jementing the provisions of Ar·ticle 112 ( 1) . Tlte fac�t that regl·1lations oif the kci•nd as. yet n o . • excuse , t tbeen made sl1oulcl not, ho1Wever, be t1sed as an for dre]inung to order conditional 1·elea£ ·e, .since tl1ey will not lay <lo1rn 511 b. rtantive requirements different from tl1otse l·aicl d10,-vJ1 in· t. l1e Penal Code. These rr�gulatioDlS will, for instance, p1·es-cri. he :t11e minimum 1na :rk,s wl1icl1 .a l)r:isoner sho]1ld get before ,h•e iis eli-giJble f,or relezt<:e·, tl1e tim-e fo1· whicl1 01· conditions on which he, may ,be made to live in tl1ose lal1011r se.ttlen1ents n1entionecl in Art. icle 112 (1) (second paragrap · h) etc., s, o that tl1e decision ,vhether he· gave tanglible .proof o1 his impro,7emen;t may be ma,cle in accorda11ce ,-vith precise c.1·iteria. But it does not ·and i:t carmo,t f,oJlow that:, so Jo.11g ..., a·s ·tl1e1se criteria do not exist, a. prisoner may n,o·t ]Je deerne(l to l1ave ceor1·ectecl J1i1n,seli and to be fit for conditional rel-ease.






' I



JURISDICTION TO ORDER RELE.ASE No authority other than · tl1e co.tut is competent to n1ftk.e a11 01·de1· fo1· con­ dti.tional releaire, Such Ml 01·de1· by its ve1-y nat111·e r,eq11u·es a new j11 clicial deoi­ iSion -smce it aifeots a matter wl1ich i s 1·es juclicctta ancl in11Jlies tl1e I'evision of ., a juclgment in · force. 1 hus tl1e Prisons Aclmin.ifJt1·ation may 11ot of itE o,v11 motion rele&Ee prisone1·� on }Jrobati1on, ,eve11 tl1o·ugl1 it C'.Onside1·s tl1e1n to be pe-rfectly fit for relea�e; its only d11ty is to a-cl.vise tl1e col11·t as to whether an r a pa!1'ti-ct11f y n r ca3e. No1· clo o,tl1er e.x• to 011ght release for i,-q. o·r,deT be made • ecuti11 e authorities -plaiy any pa1·t in the deci,sion :"vh0tl1er a 1p1ii, s o'ner sl1011ld h� J."'eleased, since this ,decision is :within the excl11;sive, · j1rrisd ictio11. of tl1e co11rts. Any other 'solution 1<vould, in adclitio'n to cont. 1·adicti,ng tl1e '{Jrinciple of separa­ tion of powers laid down in Article 110 o,f tl1 , 0 Con,stitutio11, aU1011nt to corrfu�­ ing - t1vo steps which a1.-e ·fundan1entally differern.t; 11:aJ11ely, condj tional release. •an,d pardon. is no more 1·eais10.n for th,e exec -L1tivc Lo l1ave n sa)r in tl1 e former than there is for the j11dicia1··y to ha-ve a say in tl1c la·tLe,r. The cou.rt competen1: ·to •orcle1· co:nrditio:rl!al r·elense i,s ''tl1e coTtrt having · passed the tSenrtence dn irela1tion to ,-vhicl1 ,s11ch ,01·cie1· j1s to ]Je 111acle.''10 lit is- 110 t ; ence seuc required that this ord , er sho,u-ld be ma,dc by t.hc jud ,ges who _passed the



l '




'... I I


9. Art. 207 (c). lO, CD.i!in. Pro. C., A.rt, 216, Suh.;alt'tis. (I) md (2) (e).


. . '.






.uch · a reqruremen-t .a!S for at�o j11st n s ifi no -he tld � 1 wo e,,en the 1a,tter ? these t110 l)l'IS'O�e1· ,veil eno1 gl1 to JJe .a'hle to _decide ,vl1ether, , -v. :n ot du es : jt1cl,g h� _ :is fit -to - b e ·released.. ..ill thnt 1:s .r.e. qt.urecl I.S -that �hei com·.t that :gave the final .he when releaise ra .a,pplied for, shou1d whoever 1t� s. �ay , Jent, juclg n _ : be satisfied by tl1e pr1s1011 a11thor1rtres that tl1e co11ditions for or.dci·in ·g release •aTe - f11lfilled.








.An orde.1· for con(l_itio11al re]cnse 1r1a)..- 11o· t �e .mad.e except on an applica­ 11 eitl1er by the lo�gt:cl being priso11er l1imself thro11_gh t} 1e effect this to .tion son a11 ,thorities ( ,vho must s11bn1it it tcJ tl1e court even tl1-ougl1 they do not Jri I agree that the applicarrt sl1ould he releasecl ;- i11. s11ch a case, tl1ejr o • n ,ly 1Jo,ver is to 15tate the reasons for ;tJ1ci1· disag1:eement 1vl1e11 the application is co.11sider­ ed by the co1rrt) or cl.irectly hy tl1 e prison autl1orities ( ,vhicl1 sl10,11lcl be the they are i1.1. favo11r of tl1e applicant 'being released.) The 1)ra·ctice "lV-henever . application, hy ,v homsoever .made, m11st giv·e,ns, ru1d ·the . regulatio_n•s :to .1De ·ch·afte:d under AI1·ticle IJ.2 ,vill 1)re311ma, 1b ly s1Jecify its. form and e:xiact con­ tents; iit 1V"iJl then he d ecicled in a · ccorclauce 111i· tl1 S1l!b-articles (2)-(5) of Artie.le 217 of the C.rimmal Procedure Cocle ( rrote that tli-e puhlic prosecutor may, for •"good cause t· o be sho,,'trn to ·tl1e com·t, object to t · he g1·antin-g of ,tl1e application) ·and, if it j,. gra:11-ted, tl1e fallowing r11.les vvill ap,i)ly: 1. The com·t fix a JJrohation periocl not .shorter than m-o, nor longer than.Jive, _ years12 ancl •the sente·nc, e ,vill not JJe deem.eel to h a• .ve �ee·n f1111y served unless and until tl1is l)eriod expires -,vitl1011t a11y intervening revocl!ltion of the relea_se order. 2. The court 1r1c1'\' fix ,so-called r11les of corl!clt1ct 13 i.e., niles .of tl1e na• tiu:e defined in AJ:ticle 202, ,vith a vie,v to le0seni11g the riisk of a relapse. The coU.I·t may rlispense 1-vith these r111es 1,vhen it considers tl1em to he 1mnece. 5.51ary. It is often advisable 1]1wt released prisoner-s sho11ld, in tl1eir o,-\'11 interest, 1,e s11bjected to a ce1·tain amount ,of , s1 1per,rision, ;'\Vhicl1 is norma11y to ·be carri­ ed out 1by probation officers 01· cl1ru. ·itable iiistitutio.ns.14 The fact tl1at the ser­ · o1:11d not he- invok­ vices of ·such office1·s 01· institutions are not availa1)le n·ovr sh e d as a gro11ncl for not r·elea.sing prison·eris; to refu:ie 1·ezlease onl y for this a-eason lvoulcl be co11trairy t o tl1e ],alv, .since A:rti:cle 210 (2) expressly provides that no orcler foi· 811 1ervision· may be \vhich is 11np1·actica� or 11seles s,. Th� 1 Cocle, there£or e, envisaiges that it may he jm, to ·s1t�e1·vise releas�d . pri­ soners, hut it doe5 110 t regard this a n obstacle to the ,grantmg of ·a condrnon·a1 release. 11. 12. 1 3. 14


Ant. 217 (I). .t\.rt, (210) (1). Art. (210) (1). r\rt.210 (2). ut


J ouBNAL oF E·rn10PIAN L,<\w - VOL. II .. No. 2 rs in nt vicle e . o i n· is e • n l11tio o locar � s tl1is • for niind tliat the Tlie . . . 1·1cat1o . ,, • . · , l re f or n ease? or d p p a: an er g tin, DJ gra a1 1y meaisll e f . ' cou.1_.1,• may ' on . . . d. ''IS Th .• . l' or · . . . u f s 1 , 1r . e on c a t1 b· t • 1·o p s e 11 tl1 p of e , 1· ess v1:sion ca· nnot , .seour1111g the succ h e . • . co1 11.-t . f . . tl . rom 1e t , • en 01: ·der111g e g t· h e � · g to p1·ev 1_ere· 18 not11u1 . • Ad , ...,L!ll ,exercllSiv elea'Sed. • ·, ..., , • .• . • . • . . Iegul at e polic e th, or t -cour the to 1 ar Jnler va l, s or rt repo o o t ; .a • oner .. rep r1 0 if-r o» U4 . . .. • . 1:,r1-s· . m· ,g a reliable perison, ,v l1iet h· er or no,t, a re-1.1.at1ve . o· t ·l f 1us o ner, to vouc qu1r . h 1 . 1 to e1·ally ge c.a1·ry O · or 'llt ·tl1e d 1ties of a 1_1 fiOr the J,a,tter's .go,od ccmd11ct . J.)'to, hia.. •there 'l•S alll1I}le 1·oon1 111 tl1e C,ode for super · rtion office[". In other '\\'lords, v lJ':),,,•1011 · · · tll't,1· ons, as mhe 0011 . ble 1-11stl' otherwise than , by ,pr.oh·at1.on ·offi1ce,1\s 01· ·Ci·ha.1·1ta rt 1l!as . 1 ... 1 • • !. full powel'S to p.rescrwe any ·requ11·ements rt. deems 11ecessa1·y in vie,v of tile p.risoner's rd'orma, tion, so Iong ais tI1ese requirements ru:e not inreonsistent with the aims of conditional release. reason



SUMMARY No applica·tion for conditional relea;s e -sho11ld he flis-missed by the court except for wa.nt of any ,of the material or pe1·1so,n a · l cond • itions mentioned under paraigrwphs (A) and (B) above. Any di:�missal 01·de1·e1d on other grounds must he considered u.nlaiwtful; so too, -any art.tempt to storp a.pplications from �eimg sent t-0 co11rt or ,any intteirference wi·th tthe courts' powers regardin-g the gr,anting of applications, wo111d ,be unla,v£wl. A p , risone1· who ''deserves'' -to ime releias·ed may not he -de; n,ied the JJ.e11efit of what he h as ea11�ned thro11gh lili igood oond11ct and hls ,desire to ,co1:1·ect hi1nself ;�imply 1hecause supervisocy , authorities are non-exiistent (,si!llc· e ;the punpose rw;}1ich the .legislature had ; in lJIJ.ind when ,pr-0viding ·foT superviision may he served ,equa1ly ,vell by different \methodia to he specified by it.he ,court from case to oaBe) 01· hooause h - is re1eas e 5:hould, e.g., di.spleaiSe the pe-r-son, Jlhy,&ical 01· juridioa·l, a 1 e com­ · igainst whom h mitted his offence. 1





15. Art.a. 202 an.d 210.


542 -


(1PD 7...,h.,I: : f�,f,au• : 1','} �i-;i.. : "'I llrff'J. 1

.� '


i ) I llf.t..(l. ::

u A ( ii �9 :






i\·�17i ,f.."} i fl.-t 7i1 : fh..,rr.. $1;f : rm'}�Itc;: : oo:J,tiliJ. :


;, •h4_ (;i..'} 'l' •C• ,I ,.) -: • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • 355



0,,R·t\C i (!'(1C1·: i'1t\'} :- · OJ,.:1•r-� ..e: ro'}J!A1 : ilt\01/.oolth1• : p-'G\_ll]'}

i <li',ll--1'",.<'f;l. : UD�·1l\.6bl;


... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

• • •

• • •

• • • •

, t1·�1·'fo.71.,. ¾ J£c:�: = � ..(i:.;f"tl, = ,n,,hc = '1-:'rc = it�t - itili 1 I -rm,.,,, t , -ib,n in·.r : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . 129

. . . . 1 s1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401


'? �01 f kn.T1 l\UDn ll il, OfJ.,ru .. ,..� rll' �.:,.... = o?>:.1.,. = ;-, r1,i: :1-- =

n. 4'c•n


,fJ;J! : rh fl.., : 1--.e.,e. : ft(/Dll;J--.,f•A: f'"l:-1:Aq:fro• : 1..�v-'fi . . . 11 I

-· 543 -



TABLE OF CON fRIBU1,IONS (VOL. II) -· TITLES Page GrBJVen,, Phili1111pe, Prosecuting Cri1ninal Offences Pu,iislictble Only Upon Private ComJJlaint ..


• • • •


. ,. .

• •••


Krzeczuno,vicz, George, Civil Code Article� 758-761: Side Issues Code and Custom in Etliiopia ... Lowenstein, Steven, The Penal System, of Ethiopia

• • • •

. .. . . . . . .

Paul, James C. N., Second Anniial Report from tlie Dean

• ••

. .. . . ••••

. . .. . • • • •

185 425 383


Sedl er, Robert Allen, Crirninal Jurisdiction in Ethiopia: A Commen.tary .. . .

. .. .

. . ..

. ., . .

. .. .

. . . ..

.. . . .

. . ..

. .. .


Nationality, Donz,icile an.d the Personal Law in Ethiopia ..

• •

• •


.. �· . .


•••• •••




Von Baudissin., George Graf, An /11,troduction to Labour Developments in Ethiopia

• • • •

. . . .,







. . . ,.


' I



{l(IDK'"th,.i: f;t-+ao- h1.,,il- °'I� I < ii'A�9° • �l\irf-� 2�· 1 .firfrrP.m • qou :r'E 7tauh Eo7 11


,/\ Ii.•

rr,,., � l:t\.

1\-b ; I• Jr;\.

r > 1 n11.ctrh'T 11

1,t 'I OD�fldliJ»



· · · · · ··· · · ·· ··• ·


• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •


t\Ol1h(l(l: {JIJ,flirfc� : flf).:,-, ll9l:f: t,ct--1:;r : (t+c,,n: ,fl7: fh (le'}= 7-Pz _e, = h (fiil n :r,,..A� r ou1.:1! t\ 'l :i: (I}1 = '7"-J; r·:r« x kil.. , "l � 1 . . . . -1 1 'I





t\hODhr.1 : fl.rfclD(l� : "IJ.1'..·fl = lli\(ID�:r:i-- I ·. • · · · · · · ·. · . . ... · · ·. 533

ilfl: h..,rr-A· .r I .rf'lDt\:e:1:i� ( '1°1f!C/OJJrt"}/ on,.e.o� 2 OD'jl,f) ht:; : f-1'ftf = '?i\'l:.lD4 = ir1u°l ; C'OC'T I itl\.1 : (l,�·t\C ] . • . . . . . . . . , 129



n co•�il.1 I




.• • . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

�nc:,- :

'1.{�"} : (i.S:i\C I • • • . . . • • . . . • . . . . 441

fro1:e1t� , on:,,Q;J,: tt�x: ( :,,,�:,.) J htii't



11-�I ll a.., ni..r:t�,.J ..�


h7i:r?�� .i I IK..'! 1 I


• •

• • •

f'i::,--J-a 1 1ldi.C: �'TC' •


• •• • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • •e

• • • •


• • • •

• • • •


:lf2i - if:£6 1 irf-a;tll'Jts �,f l(O'f I ;(C� •

- 545-

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• •




Civil Code Articles 758 - 761: Side Issues, Geo11ge lu-zecz-uno1viicz . Code and Custom in Etl1iopia, George K1·zeczlmowicz .. Conditional Release

• •

. -•


• •

• • • •

• • •

• • •

• • • •

. . . ..




.. •


• •

Criniinal }ztrisdiction in Etl,.iopia: A Comnie,itary, Robert Allen Sedler An Introduction to Labour De1-1elop111-ents


185 42S 539 467

Etliio[Jia, Graf Von • •


Nationality, Domicile and the Personal Law in Et/1.iopia, Robert Allen S ed,le. r, .... .... . ... .... .... .... .... . ... ... .


Tk.e Penal System of Etliiopia, Steven Lowenstein



• •

• ••

• •

• • • •

• • •

• • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• •

• •••

Prosecutin& Criminal Offences Pitnisliable Onty Upon Private Co111plaint, Philippe Graven .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Second Annual Report from the Dean, James C. N. ·Pa11l



■ ■ ■

■ ■



( (




A"'i�'f : if1d/ :2 tD/lf:: t,d/f: ! °l!o:r9'71", = (f) ,n� 1 f0tl\ro•1 = -,..onAh,1, A�'l-r : (f) v-�:,,. • i'1'lT'I,), I ° : (illl) 9'1' "1 1 I f 02.l\W•"} I ..-f•OD/;\h,1, If ft tht]'}: OD-f'"C?o'J° I "'11�ar9° = n,nai = ro•il'r = f1-�t. = :J'A = (Lrf.. 1..1or , 'l':J = 1Lfili1 : fUC/..7f•llw«i : :,..CT-'J°:OD{l(J):,' s i',lln:,-«::-rf•c;, : mc:P r ,,rfi�. i 1, 0D A\-J1: f�,f; : me� : ll1(l ·J rf•:J''l'CP/.. :r. • 68 • "11 I ( f ) OD'} 0Jp-':,, I ,ndJ 1: <<t"h�}>> f OT/../llD• : ii 'I;J1C i fJ't{l,J•P,f..C:oDf'-'tf:(1:,.. ,ron,<?P':,.. ,,T,iP,f,: W•l}� : (L{l'J' J "'I\ lD• I OJ 11 : n,"11<? : r,,..(t m (D•:OD11:,.. : +m11�":-I'A:ll"1/ll:,.. : l,filJ!!C'l°==-r 00 1�1F,),, onF tf f1.'}, = f'i!c..e-= fltt()P, • Olf'1 1'i!CJ;..:]',t.K�'J°:-fOD"}°f P':,.. : {IPp-'tf:(1:,,: htP t1r,1-�:i: il'},';..'} = 'lfl6Pi = 'IU = 0111/t\:,.. = hmc • J.!.'l°1r : nh �I:\ 1 i,f �lm= flODP' tf: n,,1:=1 n. = i,1,�.lf1 ll..ff!iC-? i',f. :f../:\.'f° :: ·--------------1, ,.y.. : ,,.Ill, . i l1'1�li If 7'. ,f;. ,f;. OIZ.til,f.:C: ,f•h'17i :: . . 318 ��.,:,.. : (f) .,,.,:,.. 1 fi't{l,f•P.J.!.C : flllP'AllJ1 : ..,.�1flc: n.v,�-,:,.. : .,,.,:,.. : ilf.: ll}/;\:)> :(t..1fl:'l';, : f t\,lllD•'i=W•f:�'=lf'i : f,<D(t'i/;\::-JJ.7f:f.. • :It1:0D'J<J"JFrf:=n(tllJ:fm• = FAllJ1 = ,.,_ h,n1 = OD'}01F1: 1·:J't1rt , flf'l="lA:J'=1 ..n.,:,.. = (LJ.!.l<? 1 1,1.'lu = fllw-1 = ,,..� 'lC : h'f°19° s i\f,�'I'?- : ih°11 : "n;J! : flODhrl'A : ODP,7.'}• : ,,t\tJfw- -�t--11°1:,-.. = m·(1 rof,\f... P'ilrt 4· i',.ODAti:r.. 1 J.!.Jf11CPJ°:f, : h&..l\.ar : lDt\.f-. :9i_e,� i ODAil : (ltiJ!» :: • • • • • • 50 °It\ : (flt\) ,,fll.-f•1� : ODW(tf: I












i',<J>� 1 floY/.f11tlOJ• : P''i : P'CO:,-C : ODIPl:,-: fOD"} dJP'T : oop,tf :1 {1:,.. : flf'I : hi'11_e- : (tar : oo1o:,-. = f:"}:Jf,: �',:{!1: 'ltfmll}: n.&../,\'I' 1,'h11 OD'}dJP'�'}: i', f, ,:l>m9'1� :2 - fi',m--.t--: 10Pz'i : fll\P't\."11 : "h'i : f1,llti1ilh : h·l11f { f,<?q� : fl}?, 1 OD,fi�,f: , -�P'dt I ooA(l 1 (t� .: • • - 547-



<<ht\ I 1/A I 1-illrr I ODOJ(lf: I (l,rf-(\f, = {1°1.. a>ll)ro.; � ,'h�tJ)) � ,r1lft-•Oih"l•DD'}•t:1r1:,�il'l'•f,tm<f>(lw• -e O�Tdi I ildb� 1 l> a>-(11' I +(IT.f,'1A:1-'1tito:t- I (l(Lirf: 1 t.i'fttJYf I hfn li i ft!Tf//J 1:1'i I foP1-C?P'T 1 11ll:'f- 1 61., tilrf:C ·I ODC\_{l 1 (i6lb :i. • 55 f,f:i\.t;:1 • h"IA°lftoT • ii'P·� , fl"?.. &'.. 'l>� ; DDIP/.i�Tl i fr it;J-- I ,t:/ ,t;/ "itili:C I f rtAh I 00/PoPr:i[� I UD(l.€j'ht\ 2 fU' ).:,C1 • If t::1' , tt�cT 1 �'4 , r..,,.,,l«[o:,- , ft(Jl}l z fn = ihOJ • 111l i:1- 1 tt l1J : i\...'1 A I tu f,:,:A9v, RI hll'C •_A� I i1Ctuf I hnn J hti7i l f..-J;(h,f"bao-ttb1i1 : (lC..(!' t �-All I il� 11 300 ,dZt,f-C?or l ihc."J't I OD,f-C1•9° I fUl/�t\W41 1 ..,,.OD&\h:,, !f -+tiT l t;::,C,h •• (f) ,0,h.C•clt"!l•·P'a; • P'CO;�;f0tAm·1 z ,f..ooAh-l· :1 .,hl.)f • f"'l·�l.11 1 ,r).;r .i 'i!Tm • (r) P''l , Fco:,,, .a..f;1 ; '7JJ!u·:J�?J1:. = (f) :.1�1-1 ftF/.. tt-r, 1 +-Ah:t- 11 0

(f) A�lj,r·J (�Jtt<.:F) llsP7f , .(nil) 1 f"tt\ar1 -. ,r{IDAn:i• 11 'Pf I (f) -�QC J m'};e:t\f • (f) oo:,,Q;J. 1 ih<7J'i , fro1}!fl� P''I I P'COT l'f"?�fl.OJ-1 • ,,..ooAhT 12



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32 5


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•• •




1 ..�t\&..'1:,-. .. m·A s (h) m·� 1 faaz.e.cll :;: ,,�:,-. : f�l(tfl1•: (lro•: fi'P'r;J--: lt.1if t,.1' {t: (l6L1.,ro•1=hfl(t: il"tr {Lmf,� =t,,,e·:f..A'J":=-h.1ift..1ll: {lbf.lro•: ooht'\ hf=h017:,,l1l : {]D111· h./\(1}«::-�tnctiA = i\.,if•t.'Jil=1·�Jt1•1, h·llif = ILoiz..,1-Y: , .e°1 'l1 q,.e i 1"fil= on h�,, A = ,,..n "' -� ooAll= 06J.b 9 1f: : t,.(l-"}: ll:Fh � nt--o•: P'AllJ"}: t, .. 'P'i': P't.: .,-.. .9:t,.�: d l\OIJ.LP&,. :f{l;r".-}"=P' t,. ' ,,.. t,.� I T-i..:,- I '�I\&.. I i't,,el.f"}'J° :: -f{tll,/,\1 (l};U: l},()"}..e� .eOJ fl�: (}f,ion1ry P'rf:: ;rf-lODf,\fl: 06Lh:= 228 &.:11f: , foo{lm :'f· 1 P't\llJ'J ! 0 (f) J<i{lrf'� �c .. : ;,,�, f f £J./\CW1 : ...,..OD/,\ h:,- 11 { �t,h • (f) -O,lbc 1 ,n°l I P''I I Fco:,-- x {JD ,,,..1:t:,-. I t,1f: , (l� 1 lbf\ro� 1 (l� 1 /L1Pt.1 (l,.«f'm.C'i'=n1tu•=P't.='J°h .. hil=dllPttD•: w f,'J°:cl'llJtlD• : fooh 1y:,..: l\°l.. e.c(lro•tf�C(';: t.hC1ihl\k-;:,..: (Lro{l .,f;:,,e1�f\A::-fhro-t.: 7°�c;: 111\P'AllJ1: 32 h 'i'=11lll:t1' till: h·fl1f."i_e.91 q.e,: (}f,fOD,,fi t,.,f:=�P',f1 IOD/,\{l: (16[.b:2 ·------------------"'illl� I Ol/:Pl-0 ;; rf'TI/}if I {l/\ f rf•ODIJ'lrf'fiT I hit :I ODflf\h,.f : OIJ{ll� I f<f' 1..n I i1�lf'I , Pc.<;.. 1 .eu1).:f,J-·htiif1=0Dhl\hf , 01/llli • ODLPl:'f- =nOtJ 1:l°l •�c.e- = fL{lT = rnti"li , 07ill� = ta,,eoCPJ , ro•t)}; :rf•(lT,f,tlA=·l•,,{1,\o: J!,1i W•it�·t.1:1-=h�rf•i1:fP''I : P'C o:'f- :OD:}�A = {ll\ll''I � m•i\};m•=n.e.:;11'1�= ll.ifC , i'tf,:J!A'.I° : 1 -fftll=chi(li: h·fl'J fi,,e,tJJ '11='1,,e1ou{l�'} 2f..'J°{b;ovA{l: (ltJJ,.:1 256 h1.ctv--'1° = rJ!ll , ,6,1(1"} = tt-'1"}.r = zpt,.,,--7f:r.. D?--�nc � h ODAIi1: 1 f)!{l I ,h"}(I"} : h· '11y ."i ODA{l : 061!' : f01.I\ O}•"} : ��� : TODAh-r lil f,C;, 1 hi\7i 1 �1?-1 : i'Jf,14,. 1 Y'il1' : qov,r I f�,r= h"}f..l.f� : ..,.. C{D I f�fil(J}-1 ! ff,C;,2 {ID�ffiCI ,,..*C((l1 i\i�t\�fil= lf'r 1 .ecJ�mt-A n�r"f--d1="0dhC=,'h°1 • ro,riT I ff,C;J = il1� 1 +&..?t0l/.. =roitr1n:n-=v-},;J--9'-:f--=..-1--&.t.. 1 ri11,h-r'i' 1,ilh.. f{l 1. h1ltl1 T : _e� 'l� : flf -1" I '1U;J-- : rf"{ltj..f-o : 11Cf'1,,r : O'lf, 1 . '1{11?,.� 2 tiuvg_ec; ll 'P,:Jf-o : ro/;\f; : OV&\.{l I (l611'9l:l".. 1J 19 5








== -


- 555-



-·- .. ,



.. · · - -

('\Tol. II) Page [ istr<1 ti1ie C011 tracts Ad111i11i�trati,�c a11tl1oritie� c.0111r>l) '\\'Jll1 co11lrncl c.l a l1c:.ei. pro·,·idi11g for suh11.1i�fio11 of Lli8J)ltl<�s to arl1itral., io11 - ]IIG11\VA 1'.., _.t\U�fII0l{I1'Y ,r. SOJ_,EJ.1 BOl\·l�I-I L1 D ......................

_4.d111 irl



A[J['Jell<tle .4.,lr11inistrc1li-1;e 1 rib11rzc1ls u1ini�Lrati,7e <l eci s; ()11 11ot l1a�ecl or1 111·011cr J)l'OCP(l tl1·e ,,oid _t\pr1ellatc .1\cl111i·11i:3trati,·, e 1.,1·ilJ·1111nl� 1101 1:-111i1,)·,rc.'. rerl t1J (1ecicle rr1atler,s llOt .l"cli:-c<l hv· eit'l1rr J)ar13- - l�T{rs·��l:Jl:)E BEI1Ni\RDONI v. �r.·111;: I�L.t\. ND. 1{1�VJ:£�UE l:>E�IJ .:\.J:lT�1I�NT............. . 1

Lic·Pn.sirzg Po1<·cr Settir1g of I ii11elahlcs for 0·1 >e1·a,tio11 of J)as3enger lJll�cs 11)' 'f1·a1ls11ort Boa1·c1 111a)r not be u�c:-rl as a 111e"11s of li111iti111g: co11ii)clitio11 a111cing ht1s OJ1f'rators - J 11lerfr•'!"('ll C'<' 1vi tl1 JJ·ri,r n tc a rra11ge111c11t� l1et1,-er11 r ,.. 1 bll� O\V-11,Cl·� llllla1�rf11l - J\ fESFJN ZEJ..JELI;E\�T ,,_ rI'I·IE w[INIS 1'R.) OF PUBLIC \VORI{.S _A.ND COl\11\'flTNICA'fIONS........... . fJDOPTION ., SEE PERSONS� J_,A \V Of


289 I




., 1 4 .- .RB11 R. 1 TION



. · SEE PENAT.. 1 JA \V ANl) J>J {l)CE:f)lJR I·�



B11rcle11, of Proof \Vhere ticfenci ant


t1:ocll1ces evi tle11ce

- �56-


cont1·adic til)Jl of 11lain·


p1:ocell11rai cr-ror s11ci1 as to reversai ti.If;s ci :1 i.m, it .is not a ·1,al)o11r Boartl lo d.ccillc i11 fa, c,11r of J)lai1i,Liff ,villi otlt e i tl of :,. : rcc[Lli• rin,g tl1_ c r l�t_tc·r_ aho t_o ,::ul)t1lil e,·it. l c- nc·,, - J()S. I�[1.\NS'E:N & so:t:l·IN.t� ��� J'I{l()l> J,.\,1 [,J'D. , ,. l\lESI•'.l.N D ��:� 1IlSSll�........ . i\.l�o :E�tPJ.,0)'.E.f�S' 1\SS()(�J1\'l'IC.)�, <)I·' J<'>S. Jl:\J\·s· EN & S() El I· :NE ,1�·r1-IJ()' ( ) JJ\) 1.·r1). ,·. J()S. ll 1\NSl£N & S()EJJN]� r {E1'flIOPl1\.) L J'l) . .... · ... · ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ...... . .. .



t I




JJrescriJJt i <Jr1 1 tio11 is Ct)11�irle,rcfl a . :-: not J1avi11!! L::U c11 }> . l 11lcrrl11)Lio11 of J)rc .::cri1, l ace ( " jJ <lr1c to lack o. f clilig<'tl(·t· a clai.111 i11 court rc111ai11-' dor111a11L for ,,ear.3 - (.�011(litio11s for 11. :- ll('H))lit)ll i11 the <.:i·vil Cod e -- 'rEJ<'l�ll­ . �l�1J]ll\·r ,·. fl 1\ll'l'A 'J' ESlt' 1\.YJ�:. i, 1\. SEBI:l1\.'I' a11rl l•:SJZJ1\S AR1-\YJ\. 1\B:\.1" 1 ..:\.SGl�J)():\'1 l :C:\l[S1\Y aud \'\i1\CEYE \\'<)I ., l )U ..· :


S11brc,gatio1i I>er�o11 ,vorki11g 011 ],el1alf cJi a11<>tl11"r 111a�· £:trb,:;titulc tl1c latt,�r "-➔ a lJarl)' to a s11it ,rl1t·re 1l1e latter a<·cr·1,1.:- 11) dcfc11ll or a1>1)cal sui.l� in connectio11 ,,·i. tl1 ,,·c,rk -- Il]f:�1:r\� 1.! \ y 1\1j'l_ 'I·I ()l{l1.'"Y allil t . co.,,. JIEl�J{,c\1. 'U 1�1ss:r1:[1\. ................ ... . E SI(t\NISK.\


CH1JRGE., COl\11'E1V1'S SEE PEN:\.IJ L1-\.\'\1 _,\.ND J ? .1{ OCl�DU.111�




C01ll111ERCI,,.JL Con1.r1zerci(ll

L11JTI Trcr·vPllers

Con1111ercial �l"ra,·<·llrr, cngag:ir1g ir1 1]1C'ir o,,·11 i1ri,1 ale l>11�i11r�.s on tl1c side lose tl1eir ri g: ]11, to ct)lllJ1l;I1:-atic>11 Jnr ler111inaLio11 of cu11. 'O ,,. f'1\.UJ., .l{.ll�S & S(>�S (E:'.L'I-IJ<>slract - GIOF'l�'IlE I{l�.X_\'J. F11·..r1.. _,,) LTD • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..

2 5•1

Dissol11tiori of a Co1111Jc111y Lic1t1iclatio11 fJrocellt.1re - ])j5trilJuli()Il of rc111ai11i11g asEcls an1011g associ.ates - Protee L io11 c>f creel it l) r::; JJ ). :,ta)-i II g of deJJ L� c lainicc.l l)) ' company 1111,til f i 11 a I a fJ 1Joi11.L111e11 l of li c1 t1i1..Ia tor - \1.c-\SK]�i� SISSIAN v. J 1\.I(OB J�OGSrf 1-\.D a11il s ·y�JJ ,111\. \ ' 11\.Cl-I1- \.T{<:J�IGIAN


Administrative J)roccclli11 g, a(ljl1ilicali11,g a go,,crru.11c11t claiJ11 do not afforcl opposi11 g parL); cltie }Jrocc:::.s - ]�xccr1tio11 l)f j11dg111cr1t5



a;gainst the goivea·nment - Gove1·11men,t may ll'01t withhold pay of r X. v. h THE • ns . a�a} l\tIINI elai1n S fRY �. �:� employee to satisfy a

OF POSTS, TELEPH01\1E AND TELEGRAPH ................ •

32 2


Quarrying of stone hy g•oviernment a;gency ,in a1ccor, danee with pro­

visions of ai proiela.mati-0n does TI·01t violate Cons·titt1tion - HIG · H­ WAY AUTHORI'fY a;o,rl ESKANlSl(A CO. v. MEBRA HTU FISSIHA. ........... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . .. .


Civil Code tSet-s forth expr.0iIJ1·iation p1·o·cedure refen·ed to in Constitution - S.A.C.A.F.F�.'I'., S OCIETA ANONI1V1A v. THE

Mll�S1�RY OF STA1"E DOMAIN AND MINES ................



Felling rof tiree.s interfering Wiith telephone service pm,sua:rut to Tele1)hone Se1-vice Procla,mation does not constitute deprivation of pro.per·ty witho11t due IJ r,ocess - H.E. LIJ ARA Y-A ABEBE v. THE II\!IPERIAL BOARD OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF

ETHIOPIA ................................................ . 303

Independence of the Judiciary

Action of executive OT ,adm.inist1·ative autl1or.ities inte1-fering with indepen-d,ence of tl1e judicirury w,ill he d,eclM:"ecl nrull and void Judges sh·o1.tld disregrur·d 1111.consititutional inter£erence ,vith their constitutional p1'el"ogwtives ,and adjudicate clisputes ,i n acco1·dance with law - GRAZMATCH WOUBE WOLDE S ELASS IE v. DE-

JAZMATCH KEFELEW \VOLDE rfSADII(.....................
















In an appeal from LaUJot1-r Boa,rcl baserl oJuy 011 p1·0-cedit11·al

•grounds, merits o , f B-oarcl'.s clecision are not before cot1rt o.f apJJeal

- JOS. HANSEN & SOEI-INE (E'fl-IIOPI1\.) L1,D. v. MESF,IN DEMISSIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Burden of Pro?f Action for r-einsta·tement , may not be dism,isse-d on gi,o·und th,a t employee ·hais failed to ,su.b1n it }Jroof in s11ip1Jort of hi1s allegations

EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION OF JOS. HANSEN & SOEHI'l"'E (ETHIOPIA) LTD. v. JOS. I·IANSEN & SOEHNE (ETHIOPIA) I LTJ..,I. T\ • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• • •• •• • •••••••••••••••••••••.•,, LICENSING POWER SEE ADMINISTRATIVE LA\V OBLIGATIONS, CONTRACTU,�1L



Antichresi� It is a oontract hy '"'J1icl1 le11de1� takes 111·01Jcrty of »orrol- vcr as. secttr·it)r ar1,(l :receivc3 t.l1c ·11se� 1·c·11.ta, frttit� or fJroJiL.s frou1 Ill e prop1�1·t)r in t11e })lace of i11Le1·e5·L - zE·1�}:Nu· _t\. f3f)ELLA ,,. \VOBl�f\. YEiflJ Sl�:&1 i\.I·IT�(; N]� .. ............................



Conditions for setti111g aside arlliLral a1l'{a.rcl - Misco•11cl11ct on tl ie }Ja1·t of arbitrato1· ·- In.ter1>rcta tio11 of ir1st1:1·a11ce r><) licies - J..,A l�ONJ)l1\.R.[A E'IRE IN'SUl{1\NCE CO. ,,. G-EBI{E I·II\,'1�'1' DEBESSA..I ....... .... . . .. .................... ....... . ..... .




\�Trittetl e,r iclence co11c]11sive - 1Vrea11ir1g o.f ,vrittr.n inslrt1111eJ1t cannot be cha1J-gecl h}r ex.tra11eo11� evirJe11ce - DOlv.1:ENf(;() CJlOCE v. I'.l,ALA F'OCCACli-\.. ....................................



Extra-C()n: trrLct1,c1l Liability pa,rty may n,ot cla,i.J11


l)el)�a l j 011 cli r. ecLl:r f ron1 lia}, Jili t)r ins11.rer -- l�iallili,ty i11�11rer e11Lit]er1 to rai�c clefe11ccs - U'NlVE11SAL INS .UR_I-\.NCE .1-\.GEN.'fS rl'RADlNG- CO. ,,. GI-IEBRE �JESKEL Tl�KL . E ................................................


Contractor 11ot liable for the faL1lt of an in<le1)c11tle11t 1 tor - SOLEL BONEI-I J_,rJ.'D. v. �IENGIS l'U 'l�A Y.Ji:. .. . . ...... .




.I •



.} I

Blood 1'1oney


Mtlrcle1·er may not CS,CaJlC lia lJilj ty £01· 11111rcl er })y Jla)·11ie,11 l of hlood money - NF�DDI I- I ..i\.ILE ,r. 'l'IIE A])\TOCA1'l� GENEllAI.J. Charge, Contents of

Cl1a·rge that do,es not spec, if), aggrttvatio11 is .-lcfcctivt; - l\:[ ..1.\.KON-

NEN WOLDE.YES v. rl,HE PUBT.JIC PR ()SECU1"01{ ........... .


Negligerit Co11,duct

Overt �ng v�l1icle witl1011t pro1)er visillili ty is negligent condt1ct - MAKONNEN WOLDE)�ES v. 1'1IE :PUBJ..,:rc PROSECU1,0ll .. I





p�a of Gzlilty r yo_11ng Homicide conviction llasecl ·soie)" 111)on tl1e o "ttf·it"\,· pie a 01 ; . 1c l alJsent . gnora11t. accu�ec _ l cannot. sta a·ny e,,:iclen-ce. ,th�t· h,e a.n•cl 1 �, _ _ actti�ll� ca11secl tl1e cleatl1 of t.l�e v1ct�11.1 - cotirt may ciua.�l.1 co.nvict1on Ancl sentence <les1)1:le gr1.1ltJr Illea, - GERESOU LOL­ J.,O v. r1'HE AT1'0IlNEY GENEI{A.I.J · · · · · · · · ... . . · · ··

.. .

] . 93

Prosecrttion for co1cl�:b1ooclecl ·m11rflcr cloes not der)e 11 d 011 {)t.ivate co·mplain.t - NEDDI HAILE ,,. �fI·IE ADVOCA1'1� GEN�R-AL ...


· ··


Private Co111,11lc1int

Pro/essio11al .DiLty

' I

Person has profe.ssion:t1 rlrtty to safeg11arcl life wl 1en l1 is job· reqrure� S})ecial care Lo $a.fcgt1arcl ,perso1i,s ,,,J1ose pll)'· iriteigl'it).­ is temp01·arily 1111{ler l1is care - 1:'rofesio·n,al o,\-es ''special'' J>r�fes­ -iional clt1ty only to those for v.rhom lie is respo,nsillle - �IAKON1'{.EN w·oLDEYES ,r. 1'I-IE PUBLIC J)ROSECUrfOR............


Sentence, 1l1itigation of Reco11ciliat:on ,vjtl 1 tl1e re1ati·ve,s of ,tl1e <leeea�r.,l 111ay Ile taken a.s exte11r1ating circ11mstance i11 fixing i Ee11te11ce - Nl�DPI [f_..\.I IJ� v. r

rrHE ADVOCA fE GENERAL.............................. .

/JERSONS, L.4JTi' Oli'

.. .. .


Adoption cloes not create legal rigl1.:ts of nn Relation.ship of ''yema1· lij'' . adopted child, s11cl1 a,s 1·i.ght to ··n - Adoptive fi]iation <'FER.1. GHIZ1\. \V v. MANN_-\ I 1'E cl a.te cre lly ma for he st mu


• •






a a

...................... � ..�.......


Filiation, Paternal Acknowledgen1ent of IJ.ate,1·11ity n1ay on])' he ma?.e i:n ,vriting � No leaal boncl bet,veen fatl1er a11il cl1ild '""l1e1�e cl11ld ·15 outcome of 0 a.ct of prostitution - X. v. 1'ABO'fU GEBRE 'fINSAYE· · · · · · · ·


- 561' -




. .



STATUTORY INTERPREjATION Every word of tl1e larw •is to be con.st1-11ed so . as to l1ave ,a meM1ing - TiENAGNE WORKE .A.BDI v. YEJ()TE: \VORKE LEGESSE.



..',UCCESSl.ONS Family Property Where d eceased not .survivecl by d,e&eendant, fatl1e1� and m,other Bhall inherit - Predecea,s-ed father repr-esented by descendanrts - Rule of IP-a1ernia p,ate.rill!is matcrna maiternis - Person who would be entitled to- pr-oper,ty i!f it were not farmily ,property is still entitled to a ulS'lllructuairy in:t�re·st in ·it - TENAGNE WORK.

ABDI "· YEJOTE WORK LEGESSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Form of Will

Will ID-llde prior o tl1e coming intto f-orce of Civil Code valid ac­ cording ,to Customar y law - ESTATE OF BEYENETCH ABA NEBRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..TAX APPEAL COMMISSION SEE TAXATION TAXATION Assessment by Estimation

When taxpa,yer'.s ,�011nit ,h-ooke


un.re1ia,hle, tax may lite BlSsessed





by estimation - l\1ULUGETA AYELE v. TIIE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT ................... · · · · · · · · • • • • • • • • • • •









Income Tax

No written agreemen.t is neecled to esta·blish that expe.D5es were inc1rrre� by a concern_, f01· ex.1J.e1·t � · er�onn e, l - Definition of capital exp-end!hrre - Re pa·rr.s o-f 1na.chmery constit11te r· evenue a . nd not ., c. a, pital e.."'\:pen-diture - H.V.A. E1 lIIOPIA v. TI-IE INLAND R - EVENU"'E DEPARTMENT.. . .... ... .............. .... . .. . C-onditional payments - No income tax due on paym.ents made d11ring perrorman,ce of long-ter.m c- ontract unrtil final, cleteronination of tax:payer's, profits on contr.a.ct - P,rocedure forr .appeal fr-om Tax AppeaJ Con1,mi-s.sio.n - MA'RPLES RIDGWAY & PART-



• J.





of Tax Appeal Com,missiori

The Commission l1as po,v•er to• inicrease or red'l.1ce tax assessment only at the req uest of the Inla-nd Revent1.e Depar.tment or the taxpayer - Also po.,ver to an , nul a.sse3·sment if pvo:ved thart taxipayer r had no in.come - lVIULUGE J'A AYEI.. E v. TfIE INLAND RE-

V""ENUE DEPARTMENT. .. .. .... . ...... ....... .. ........... .




I l

UNJUST ENRICFI1l1ENT Claim agairist Liability Insurer Injured party •hais no 1rnjust enirichment claim .agadniSt liahility

i- nsurer - UNIVERSAL INSURANCE AGENTS TRADING CO. LTD. v. GHEBRE MESKEL TEKLE... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

15 )




- 563-


- -----·----

( 7iA� 9'Ll

-- y ,),1 f :, ,. :, .. q. ?. - 'l 4>«-•l'C

35 38 39 43


.:J,5 1.i6 47 48


50 5-4,



tD � '



"I I-"' ;1•

1:v. f�'] t '} 9" ::

11'},f, g--



140 129 33,36.300,301:318 33,36�56,69,300) 301.,302 l .J-2 1.:12 ] J.- 2, 209'

209 142 142

6 Ll ,

67 88

(•() ()


9:2 95 96 103 ·1 l. (l 11 l.


366 366 365



14,2 14,0 56,59 56. 59 56, �9 3fi:"i J.-lO J.:JO ..J 0 1 -


.) ..,�., c t)•

1':1, 0 300 302 358 i) - -





17-l, 175 177 J.78

183 184 185

186 187

]89 190 11 98 389 390 391 392 393 404 405





560 :"i65 567 -�3 577

.:il 0 ,J] 9



148 157


137 93 14,1 14,2


14,1 141 141




616 618





682 632-33


- 564


4,22 4,23 (>9 7]_


144 148


4,07 40,8 550


1Li3 14,7 1,.19 14-1 1 ..15. 1.:16 148 1.-15 146 147 148




.::J.]. 1

Ll,11 1.111 Ll, ], J , Lj, J 8 ]83 4:] 2. :,118 4,] 9 419

�1:21 �J.21

-'J.20, tJ,21 tJ.21 LJ.21 420

• "1' '•


63:1 636 638-39 6:11 643

' I


618 652 655 656 660 666-682 668-669 691-695 695

703 709 I






·,11 71,i

71 :5 ,.. ? ,_ J

...1-J ') ')

'79 -

._;::,-'7·) ,_8

727-,28 '"'9() '-· 7;37 7 :J I)




758 7.)8-761 760 761 79.1, 807-808 808 8-12 8-12-836 8,13 8J.9 850

852 880 881 884

Ll,21 ,J.21 tJ.21 4,20, 4,21 ,121 ._1.21



93f) 1065 107().79 ]132


]371 J.,1139 a -.1.90 ] l 68 J-1-96-97 J .. t, 98-99 168() J (>fl2


,}20 -120

-12() ,J20 4-21 -120 :J.20 183 �1 .1 8

171 ;3



183, 4-18 L118 :J 18

1)8 181 18·) 1' 83 3•}:-'L)' '•3° .:.., 6 �1:20 .J.J 0. Lj 2() 157 ,:{.20 ].57 4.20 325 •



)- �





183� 4-18

9 39r:?6) ]8 . -, ..:..U 3·181 183 181- 182 !

327 181,183


326. 4,12

182,183 69, 71 69.70 , 69,71 69:70:71,410,4,12 72

.�t 10

235 23·7

•)'.JC: -•) 9')7 ')')8 ')'.1<1 -•JV ,-,,�J ...-V'..I


7:) 1

173-t J 771 1772 1775 2()02 �006 20:300') 9 - �);:)

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21f)7 2].13 l :,_,-1 ,...I 9 J.... _, 211 J. 2116

?..,3· 2-13 235 2,'.!3 4-10 iJ.J.O tJ,13 �

56, 57, 58: 4,13


tl,J 3

195: ]99.200,210,413,417 .4.13 ,J,13 L1J8

183 -Jl-1, � 115 21, :17 1 B�1 ,,1 .J. 7 20 21 27LJ.

267 273 267 27°1 21

20 21 182 182

2]2 tJ,10 LJl .iJ 18l L.l,10 ., 182:•l-10 .iJ. J 4, Ll,



213 293

2 J 3ll, 21-1-2



228 230 228 230

2Ll,79 2S8:3

9 19 11 12 J: l 183 tLL1 4-6 251

2997 3006 3013

,J l LJ. tj. J. i1 .J.lt1

2161 2166 2983 2990

- 565,, .. .-

Lj,]Ll, LJ. J Lj.



3059-3083 3080 3117 3121 3124 3131 3194

39 42 43 88

115 116 117 132


1· 1

13 14

15 Z.l


39 40 ' 42 43 44


47 48 49




3307-24 3312 3325 3347 3355 3363-3367 3367

237 44 46 44 46 44 44 45 56 44 45 46 4,7 261 263 264 261 262 264.

250 251 252 250 252 250,251,252 209 210 210 210 207,208,212,216, 219,293

458 112 112,115 114 115 113 114 11·5 115 115 115 116 116 117 116 '117 118 119 116 llfi 119 113 114 115 118


1134 141 212 68·5

687 688

1.05 107 108 ·113 122 ].34 141




,157-159 '166 '167-170 170 ].72 ·221




261 4;04 23,5 409,413 41.5

207 208 212 215 293 295 207 209 212 213 293 295 415 9, 10, l·l, 12, 14 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

191 118 11·8 117 1.16 191 116 117 118 117 119 115 119 119 11.,8 115 11·8 118 1'15 116

-,,..£J'C mf,'r h "t +1.·


' ' I


I 3 4 6 7

11-12 11-16 11


12 13 14 15 16 17 18


20 21








37 52



53 54

56 79.84

86 88

91-98 99 99-107 100 100-101 100-103 100-104 101 102 103 104 105 106

107 110 112


111,367 378

442,458,,'.f.61,4.65 442,4,60 442,458,460

443 442

443 443,444,445,456,457 445,446,450 446,447,448,451,457 447,448,450,451,457 447,448,449,451,454,456 4-t5,449,450,451,452,456,458 447,452,4.54,458 455,456,457,458 455,456,458 444

40 40




379 370 367 370 370 370 460,465 442,460 115,461,466 370 461 463 466 461,462,466 463,466 463,466 371,465 371,464,465,466 371,4,63,466 535 371,533,53tl,536

ill6 118 120-127 120 1128-132 133-.137 136 138-160 154 �154-159 161-169 '167 170-173 ·1l 71-180 1,82 183 1194-195 rl00-203 202 206 206-212


209 210 216 216-17 217

·218 �19 221 222 234 239-240 24-8-272 2L19

:256 266 276 278 281-295 281•298 281-331' 282

__;· .567 -

365 365 373

364,365 372 376 370 372 143 370 379 379 379 380


460 371 371 537 367,534 533 371,533,534 536 537 112,'113,535 533 112,116,536 115 115 116 11 ,5, 116 4.46 373

446,457 447 112 447 112 112 451 458 449,451 452

.,.._�c 285


359 366-82 385) 388



409 441.

4,71 4,99 503

<Df,'I° ,.,♦1.:·

609 6()9-6] 0 610 6)2 61 �\ 6].4 61:8 621 6..., .. ·95 629 630

456 44.9 4.1,7 IJ,4 7

370 1.22 45·7

112 112 116


461 453

510 522


,...,1-1, .;)_


1 153

526 5;39

3, 4, 5, 6, 448



544 552

--3 554. 555 556 558 ;:)�l

560 561 5·63 567 570


587 5f�9 593 596 597 598 6()5



632 6;{5 636 637 6:.l:l 643 644 64-5 64,9-652 649 653 656

449, 454, 4,55


5J1 •')


112, 117,-1 18 112, 1).7 112. 44L1 112 112 1



66]. 665 666 671-676 680



182 462

681 72:l 12�i

112 11.2 458


778 787

112 1 ·12

4-58 tis2 458

J 1.2


112 1.12

370 112

113 115 ].1.9 1.-13 364

37() 36�1, 459

113 113 119 113 369

113 113 462 11·3 113 113 113 113 1.13 113 118 1·13 113 113 113 113 J 13 113

443� .:144, 450 112 ·11.2 182

794 79(i 798 805








452 452 4,58


-· ,68







t �

l \


li I

22/L!2 29/4,2


88 120



143 143 377

36,'4,3 57/4li



91 135 91 90


6/52 15/57

23'/61 .. .




. .. .. .. . .


114/50 115/51 173/61 210/63 2/30




. ··- ..


195 300,301,302 • • 33 62,306,307,330,337,�38 92,94,342 .. 358




. ·-;,_.. (\ 1-J�...



1, 'PA�f.'




. -



26/62 27/62 28/62 37/64



. .



142 86 90

62, 63,308 62


. .


f,'h°l :,ry{l;t-ro,1!f, · == '.

215/58 258/62



• •

- .. 267';162·








. •

• ••

• •


. .

. '

-�569 ... •

TAl3LE OF LAWS C11,ED <rn-,.....

(Vol. Il) '



• le Aritc

38 39

88 89 90



37,39,303,304,321 37,39,60,61,304 169 169 169,222

45 46 47



50 57

64 67

894 168




169,469 390 390




95 96


].�10 111 122 125


Page '

169 168

ti0,61,434 60,61



168 168

168 54,55,540


54,303,304 385

CIVIt CODE OF 1960 174 175 177


1-83 184

185 186 187 119 190 198


390 391


404 407


550 551 560

567 612

170 170 170, 171

173 170,171 .,172,173 171, 172,173

616 624


�31 632


172 170 173 173,l78 173


169 169

652 655

166 106,168,169 169 438

43�,438 438


639 640


"' 648 645

656 660 666-682


73,74,435 430 431



695 708 709

- 570



437 437 437 437 437

437 437 437 436,437

437 437 436 430 436 436 435,436 436

436 436 435,487 435












4,36 327 187,435 186 185,187 1851 186

' . .

807 808

842-856 842 843 849



880 881 884 937 1132 l:170-79

1371 1461 1478





.:� '



1489 rl 490 1496 I

1497 1498 ..> • 1499 1681 1682 1713' · ,., · . ' . 1731 !

I t



1733 ·1734

187,434 23,24 .. 276 276 23,25 23,24.- --._ · , .. 23,24

. ,

. · 5· 1 1 1


2002 2005 2006 2030




186 223 430

2035 2067


2113 2114 2120 2122

;· ·



435 327,431 186,187,327,· 431 73,74 73,74 73,74 73, 74, 75,430,432 75,430 245,246 245�24,6,247







185,186,187,327,328 437 430,436











736 743 745 748




115 721 723 725 725-728. 727-728

' l

. Page


2130 2134 21422161 2166.. 2479 ·2983 2990 2997 245.247 3006 245,249 202,430,432�435 3013 .3059-3083 430 '3080 432 3117 60,61 3121 303,304 3124 432 ... 31 31 432 3194 432 3307-3324 432 3312 · 432 · ·3325 432 3325-3326 435 3_347 186 .. 5 33 433,434 3363-3367 50

186 430,433 186,430... 224,297 :·,· · 297 232,233 232,233 430 15,16,17,18 186 48,50 433 433

433 433 433

48,49 48,49 • 48 48,49 .. 48,49,50 265.266 . . 265,266· 438 . . 438 265,266 427 427 245,246 . ..: 432 '

,. .

-. 571 - _. •


>' •




22 39 42 43 88 115 116 117

1.4 IJ.5

220,22 2 . I . 220,222 �22 6,227,2'97_,29 254,255 8 254,255 220,222,2i5,297 254.,2S.5 297.,29S 222 £133 ' ' 222 15,16:17,18 222 15 ,16,17,18 222 15,161] J,18 ( CRIMINAL PllOCEDlJRE CODE OF 1961

• '

· '

21 -22

39 40 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 94 9, 99'!.07 ·100 100-lOo 101 102

2 3

11 ,11-16, 11-22

103 468,480,486 'IM 468,481 -105 468,480,481 1.06 121 107 121,123 108 123 113 123 122 122,123 141 124 . IBO 124 115()..153 123 153 124.. 1:25 ·1.54 124, 125 125,126,127 155 125 157.-l59 166 126 167--1?iO l'.27 170 122 172 123 182 124 183 486 1.85 468,481 �16 486 217 482 . 221 482,486 . 126, 482,483;486:

483,486 484,486 185 485,486 126,486 126





125 124


124 125 126


·125 126

126 126 126 l.24,126



123 480,481 481 193 539,540 539,541 124,125





�132 133 13-4 1.41 212 685 687 688



4 6 7 111 13






.. ..,..--., .. .. ' .

PENAL CODE OF il.�'57. , 479 8 'il21 3,4 7, � j 468,:4:69,470,47 1.2 386 470,471,472,474,479 13 397 471,473,474,479 14 464,469,474,,49. 15 471,472,473,474,477,478 ,479 468 470,473,4,74 ,479 16 468 �











1. 18 19

-. ...

9i .20. I


l r 53

I I 54

I ' 56



I · 105 \I 107 I, 6 � 1 1 112

• 116


' 118

120.121 120A

128-132 � 130 . 133-137

It 136138-l6o:\ ·f

j 150


� 161-169 } 167 1zo-173



( 194-195




I •88" 91-98 .100 i00-104 101



8• )


�l f



4·74,4, 751 £178,449 388,471,4754•80 L177,4,78,4,80, Lt77 ,1178,480 386


.• ,52




202 206 106-212 207 210 216 217 21s

397 397 397 42 392 390,392 392 392 12,t,392 484 392 392 393,484 393,484 393,539,540,541 389 389 393 389 393 539 394 390 393396





221 222 234 239 240 24,8-272 Q,t9 256

2-66 276

278 281-295 281-331 282 28 5 301 359 ·366-382 383

388 407


441 449 471 150 3 '510 .522 1523





539543 544 552:-553 55,1 555 1557




393 393 54,1 390 539 393,539

558 '560



563 567 570

. 121,123 42,4,3, 121






4,2,43,124 1 12'3,124 470 394

394 471,479 471 122 471 122 122 474,479 474,479


478 473 471 271,479 392 121 121

121 124

482 397 476 475,479 4 73,476,477,481. 476 193 7,8,472,L169 122,125,472 122,125 122,469


484 122 483 185 483 122 122 475,479 122







122 185,468,473,474 '186



590-595 593 596

122 122,185 122

598 599


475,479 475,479 122 485,469 122,437 123 392

605-696 609-610

612 613 618 619





122,123 127,484


389 392 389 480,481


636 637




649-652 649 650

653 . 656 661 665 666 671-676 680 681 721 778 787

794 796-798 805 806 807 810 81.3


2/42 22/42 29/42 35/43 36/43 57/44 89/47 19/56


1/43 6/52 15/57 23/61

2.15/58 258/62

Page .


385 103 127


169 169


97/48 114/50 115/51 138/53 173/61 210/63

DECREES 66,312,313 3 4/59 225 45/61 105 164 105


ORDERS 26/62 27/62 28/62


LEGAL NOT,ICES 66,67,68 267/62 66 - 574-


391 122 122


483 122 122 122 '122 122 122


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122 122 122

122 122 122 122 122 122

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Page 202 303,304 37,38

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66,312,3;13,333,334,335,339,34Q 105,107,347,350 •,

312 389 169 102 104 107 107







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