Journal of Ethiopian Law Vol. 5 No. 3 (1968)

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Beginni11g at Page 583




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Vol. V No. 3 DECEMBER 1968

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CASE REPORTS ARTICLES The Prerogative of t11e En11)eror to Determine Powers of Admi11istrative Agencies 1-I.E. Ato Aberra Jen1bere



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Language and Law in Ethiopia Fass.ii Abebe and Stanley Z. Fisher

CURRENT ISSUE Public Servants' Right to Organize William H. Ewing

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PATRO-NS OF THE JOURNAL OF E1'I�iIOPIAN LAW tecl gt1ra was inat1 by Law His n pi� Etliio Imperial Maje t .. of nal Jour The aile B. Y s v 0 i an as t rt n. n1po step a11t f i 1964 · iner sum he I • the 1 de in el Se 1 ass1e opn1e11 t of . _ . Ed ·t ue �t 1Y, tl1e Bo_ a ·d ·of i_ors Subseq of . system !he Jot1r11al h legal � Ethiopia's . · . .. .., as the L1at1on co11t1n 111 d n c:1. sted intere expan are sion who of t· he Law • •t· ed those 1nv1 • . · b support Y · . . b eco1111ng tl1e1r patro11s of tlle express to ctivites Journal?� � Journal of Ethiop1an Law. H.E. Afenegus Teshome H,:1ile Marian1. H.E. Afenegus Kitaw Yitatekt1 Hon. Blatta Matias Hjletework. Hon. Ato Hagos Tewolde Medhin Hon. Blatta Haile Welde Kidan Hoo. Ato Tibebu Beyene Hon. Kebede Kelel Hon. Ato Negussie Fitav.,ake Hon. Kassa Beyene

Ato Abate Abare \Vondemageg11ehu Ato Abdul . Aziz Mohammed Ato Abebe Gire Ato Abraham Tesfc:1tsio11 Bala1nbaras Adane Deressa Ato Adarra Francois Ato A . dmasse Gessesse Dr. Maurice J. Aelion Lt. Col. Ah111ed Ami11 u Ato Aklilu Atlabatchew Ato Aklilu Bete Mariarn Ato Alene A . ligaz Ato Amare Degefe Ato Amede Lemma Dr. Aradom Tedla At@ Arege Arsido M�rica ArvaJilitopoulo '1}'ta�asm Asegainegn A Fay a �Jo �la tltruhsm - i 1


H.E. Tesha-ti Taezaz Aklilt1 Habte Wolde I-I. E. Ato Abebe Reta H.B. Ato Nla.n1mo Tadesse H.E. Ato Seyot1m l:laregot H.E. Dr. I-Iaile Giorgis \Vorki11el1 H.B. Bitwoded Asfel1a Wolde1nicl1ael H.B. Ato Kete1ne Abebe ·H.E. Ato Goyto1n Petros l-f .E. Dejaz111atch iv1eske1 Wolde Selassie H.E. Lij Kassa Wolde Maria1n : H.E. Dejazmatch Fjl,re Selassie Habte I\1ariam H.E. Ato Bulcha Demel(sa \H.E. Ato Aberra Je111bere H.E. Ato Belatche\v Asrat H.E. Ato Tefe1~ri Le1n111a H.E. Ato Yoha1111es Tsegie H.E. Ato Tesl1ome Gebre Maria1n H.E. Ato 1\.1t1l1 a111ed Abdt1ra.l1man H.E. Maj. Ge11. Abebe Wolde Meske! 1:-1.E. Col. Leghese Wolde l-Ia11na Hon. Ato A1111nant1el Amdemichael I-Ion. Fita\,1 rari B�1)1 isa Jen11110 A to Assefa Li ba11 Kegnazn1atch Asse:fa. Nt1clew Ato Assef,1 Met,1f,1ria. Ato f\ssef,1 Tsegaye Ato Atsl1eba Fa11ta Ato Ayalew Gobe Mr. J·o]111 H. Beck:stro111 Ato Bet'el<aclu Taclesse Dejaz111atcl1 Bekele Bcye11e Ato Blcle Den1issie Ato Bekele Gebre LL\111lak A . to Bekele flabte Micl1ftel Ato Bel<ele Nadi Ato Bekele Tesfaye Col. Belatchew Je1na11el1 Ato Belatchew N"igru Ato Belay Meketa Ato Belay Me11gesba. . Ato Belete W olde Sellass1e el Mesk Woiz. Beley11 Work Gebre


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Bekele ,1 Assef At.o Gebre Bereket . Medl1in n. Ge , . Brig. M ar1an1 . e1·1e :i K e n 1 :: li er B Ato es ey W ld 1e o a1 h er B . ol Lt. C Beyene erhe B to A 11 1a r e B ll se s u 1: R rvr r. Ato Beyene Abdt _ 1 11 ,11 a1 H l1 se T :1 eg in B Ato _ r 1a g 1a u . B � m a ti il W Dr. ta e e d a l1 a Y h C ch t a zm ra G Dr. Christopl1er Clap l1a1n s g 1n 11 11 n t1 C rd a l1 ic R tvlr. Lt. Col. Dam,1 Zeng Egzer Ato Deroerew Tashu Ato De1nissew Assaye Blatta Den1issie \Vorkageg11al1yt1 ,'-\to Desta Gebre Mr. J-Iarrison I)t11111i11g Ato Endale Wolcle Micl1ael ,L\to Endale Me11gesl1a Ato Enye\v Gessesse Kess E. r111ias Kebede Ato Eshete Berl1ane J\,fr. Willit11n Ewing Capt. EyassL1 Gebre Ha\1/ariat Dr. Eyol1 Gebrecristos Ato Falke Araga\V Ato .Fantaye Ta1nre Dr. Fiam1netta Prota. Kaypaghia11 Ato Fissel1a Gebre E\vostate\VOS Mr. Stanley Z. Fisl1er Dr. Gaetano Latilla Ato Gayi111 As1ne]ash .1\- to Gebre Gebre Giorgis K.egn. Geta Gebre Ha1111a Kita\v Ato Gebre fie,vot \¥olde IIa - \.Variat Kegnazmatcl1 Gebre Hiwot Mebratu Ato Gebre tvfedhin Dr,1r Ato Gebreyest1s ·Haile l\1ari,1m Balamba ras Gen1eda Urgessa Grazmatch Gessesse Ivf esfin Ato Getacl1ew Ad1nasst1 Ato Getachew Asfaw Ato Getacl1ew Kibret Ato Getache\v Ht111eg11aw Ato Getacl1ew Tessema. Ato Gila Mikael B al 1t a Ato Girma Abebe Lt. Girma Wolde Giorgis Ato Goito1n Beyene Mr. Everett Goldber g gr. Philippe Graven r. Saba J-Iabachy Ato Haile A 1nan

Ato Haile Giorgis Difer A to Haile W olde Mariam A to Hailu Alemayehu Capt. Hailu Arsede Capt. Hailu Sl1e11qute Ato .Hailu Tesf aye Mr. G. Hamawi : Mr. N. Han1,Lwi Ato I-Iaile Let1l 1-Iabte Giorgis _ Miss Mechtild Im111enkotter Dr. Quinti11 Joh11stone Mr. Jt1lian C. Juergens1neyer Ca1Jt. Ka1111a Gurna Ato Kebede At11afseged Ato K.ebede Gebre Mariam Ato Kebede Habte Mariam Ato Kebede Serir Kebede Waga Ato K . ida11e Equba Egzi Ato K . ida11t1 Kassa Mr. Michael Ki11dred Ato Kirkos Nigatu Mr. Lawre11ce Knowles Maj. Legesse Wolde Maria111 Ato Len11na Robbi Ato Len1-i11a Wolde Sen1ay,tt Dr. Marcello Lombardi Dr. Maria-Grazia Prota Mr. Steven :Lo\venstein Ato Leul Mei1beru Ato Mako1111en Wolde Marj am Mr. :Paul McCartl1y Mr. Robert C. Means Brig. Gen. Mebrahitu Fisseha Lt. Col. Mel1ret Gebre Selam Ato Mesfi.11 Fa11ta Ato Mewael 1'Iebratu Keg11. Geta Mezen1er Hawaz Ato Michael Fasil Keg11azmatch Misgana Gebre-Egzy Fero,v Fitawrari Haji Mohan1med Seredge Ato Mt1ha1nud Nt1r Husain Ato M11lL1geta Beriht111 Ato Mulugeta Walde Giorgis Ato Nabiye Leoul Kifle Ato Negga Tesemma Ostini M r. Donald E. Paradis Mr. James C.N. Paul M r. Robert Picot Mr. G. Prota M r. Kennetl1. Redden Mr. Harry D. Ricl1ards Mr. Ezio Rusmi11i ••


Mr. Ato Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ato Ato Ato Mr. Ato Mr. Mr. Ato Ato Ato Mr. Mr. Dr. Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato

Arakel Sakadjian Saleh A. Kebire Peter H. Sand Olin B . Scott Robert D. Scott Robert A. Sedler Seifu Walde Kida11 Seifu Gebre Yohannes Seifu Yeteshawork D. G. Sgolombis Shiferaw Worku Norman J. Singer Ronald B. Sklar Solomon Abebe Solomon Habte Giorgis Solomon Kahsai Rola.nd J. Stanger peter L. Strauss G.O. Zacharias Sundstrom Tadesse Abebe Tadesse Asfaw Tadesse Tekle Giorgis Tadesse Wolde Giorgis Tadesse Yersaw Taffara Deguefe Tefere Sertse Dengel Teferi Berhane Tegegn Bitew Tekle Gebre Meskel Teklit Makonnen Temesgen Worku •

Ato Terefe Gessesse Ato Tesfa Mariam Sebll at Ato Tesfaye Kebede Ato Teshorne Bahrt1 Balan1baras ,..fesl1orne Getaw Ato Tessema Wolde Yohannes Ato '"filah1111 Fettena Ato Tibeb11 Abraha1n Ato Tibebu Tegegn Ato Tsegaye Tefe1·i Ato Tsegaye Wolde Mariam Mr. Michael To_pping Dr. Jacques P.M. Vanclerli 11den Mr. Vittorio Vercellino Mr. Nicola P. Vosjkis Mr. Frank D. Winston Ato W olde Leot1l Seyoym Ato Wolde Berhe Ato Work11 Tafara Ato Wo11be G·ebre Yoha1111es Ato Woube Woldeyes Ato Yeshewa \Vork Hailu Ato Yilma Gebre Ato Yilma Hailu Dr. Yohannes Berhane A to Zelleke Desta Ato Zeude Engeda Ato Zeude Mekwane11t Ato Zewde Kassa Ato Zewdu Asfaw

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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LA. W a11nt1ally ti111es at the Faculty of Law, I-:Ia.ile Sellassie [ three ished Ptibl ·university, in co-operatio11 Y11itl1 the Ministry of Justice. EDITORIAL BOARD H .E. Ato Belatcl1e\v As rat, Chair1nan Dean Q11i11ti11 J'ol111stone Ato Negga Tesse1na Mr. Michael Kindred Ato Semereab .Niicl1ael

I-I. E. Afeneg11s Teshon1e H. Maria111 l-:Io11. ,\to Amma1111el Amden1ichael Hon. Ato Negt1ssie Fita\vake EDITORli\L STAFF Chairman

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Articles Editors Zyg111u11t B. Plater Ge1neda Gonfa

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The Faculty o� La"v of I-Iaile Sellassie I University, established in I 963, offe- rs to the LL.B clegree and to a Diploma or Certificate in Law. lead ing law in our·ses � further inforn1 ation contact the Assit�tnt Dean, Faculty of Law' Haile Sellassie 6, 117 s x ldi Bo Ac . Ab ab a. P.O y, rsit ive n °� 1 . FACULTY Q uitl�i 11 Johnsto?e,. A; B., J.D. ,_ LL.M:., J.� .�-, Dean Harrison C. Dt:111111110 , .13.A., .L�.B., 1?,SS1sta11t Dea11 John .B. Marsl1,111, . LL.B., LL.M.-,_ Ass1sta11� Dea11 Litt . . Richarci M. C11n11111 �gs,. A.B., LL..B., M. 1t o r D . r D l, e d E ic Er . . .B. _ g, .B., LL William I-I. E\v1n A fasil Nal111n1, LL.B. . Julian C . J11ergensn1eyer, A.B., LL.B. 1'1ichael J. K indred, B.A., J.D ., M.C.L., D.E.S. Gerooe Krzeczt1nov.1 icz, B.A., LL.M., :Lie. Sc. Comm., Lie. Sc. Polit. Jaine; C.N. Pa11l, B.A., LL.B. Zygn1u11t J.B. Plater, A_. B., LL.!3 . Paul Po11jaert, Dr. Dro1t, M.C.L Semereab Michael, LL.B. Ronald B. Skla.r, B.S., LL.B. :LL.M. G.O. Zacl1arias S1111dstrom, LL.B., LL.M., M.C.L. 1'-1ichael R. ToJJping, B.A., LL.B. Jacques P.Nl. Va11derli11cle11, ·or. Droit, Agrege Ens. Sup. Work11 Tafara, LL.B.


1-\bebe Guangot1l, LL.B. Abiyu Geleta, LL.B. Assefa Libe11, B.A., :B.C.L. Belatche\.v Je111a11el1, B.A., LL.B., LL.1'1. Berhanu Bayih, LL. B. Getahu11 D amte, LL.B . Kassa. Be�/e11e, LL.B. Kessete Haile, LL.B. Legesse \,Volde Maria1n. M.C.L. B.C.L. Mohammed Abdt1rah1n;n, B.A., . . Nabiye Leul Kifle, LL.B. ·Negga Tessen1a, B.1\., B.C.L. Neg ussie Fitawal<e, B.A., B.C.L. Se�a1n11 Bekele, L'L.B. S�bn1 Seif11, LJ...,.B. Sh,melis Metaferia, LL. B. Tafari Berba11e, B.A., B.C.L . Yohannes Hero11i, LL.B. Zerabruk Aberra, LL.B.



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Table o f Cases ...........................................................


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Case ReJJorts

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Articles: The Prerogative of the EnJJJeror to Deterrnine Po\vers of Aclrninistrative Agencies

by fl.E. Ato Aberra Jembere ................. • . • • • • • • · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · La11guage a11d Law in Et[J iopia bJ' Passi! Abebe ancl Sta11ley Z. Fisl-zer... .. . Current Isst1e:

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521 553 573





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TABLE OF CASES REPORTED Supreme Imperial Co1rrt Haile Desta v. Abebecl1 Gebre Sela.ssie (Civil ApJJeal No.1186/56) • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Page •

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1-Jigh Court

Public Prosect1tor v. Assefa Bel<ele · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · C · • . · · • • ... 57) 87/ e .. al ( rirni11 Cas No. Almaz �fefera v. Mu11cipality of I-Iosaena · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · C · · · · · · · vi · · l · • • C as . e 1Vo. 182/58) ...... ( i Katherina Ibert v. Teferi Asegede . . .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. · .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . l . ) . 3 /60 .. . (C i1 i Appeal 1Vo. 32 Ministry of State Do111ain v. 1'111nici1)ality of Debre Zeit . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. (Civ il AJJJJeal No. 825/60) . . · ·

District Court Munic ipality of Debre in a m o D te ta S f o y tr is in Zeit v. M. (Civ il Case No. 71/60) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . •

466 472 477 481









MANUAL ON THE ETHIOPIAN LAW OF PERSONS, by J. Vanderlinden MANUAL ON THE ETHIOPIAN LAW OF SALES, by lvf. /mme,ikotter C01\11\1ENTARY ON CONTRACTS IN ETl-IlOPIA (i11 English), by R. David, translated by M. Kindred L'ORGANISATION DE L'ADI\1INISTRATIO.N LOCALE EN ETfilOPIE (in French), by Berhane Ghebray LEGAL ETIIlCS IN ETHIOPIA (in Amharic), by Tafari Berhane ROMAN LAW IN ETHIOPIA, by M. Topping



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1,aw. . We have inaugurated a new airmail edition of the Journal of Ethiopia ri ref er 8�F>� ent �1iten �akes as long as six months, so many subscribers �ay p � a the ecdi ��n: w.lien w1ll reach you within one month of publication. You simply p y �illlfii0lfJi f©�tage by se.nding twice the regular price per issue.

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ffl c.-<;,. = i', 'l /\:01'= }, 'i" = fODf.'rib"f: : J1I-J;J:�:?J1• :: REPORTS Tl1e f ollowi11g reports are cases decicled by tl1e S11pre111e Irn_perial a11d tl1e I-Iigl1 Courts of Ethiopia. The Aml1,tric j11dg1ne11t is official a11d al\vays precedes the ·Eng­ lish. The Journal of Ell1ior)ia.11 La\-v is a scl1olary publicatio11, a.ddressi11g itself to all mernbers of tl1e professio11. Its purpose i:n. p11blisl1i11g jt1dg111ents is to n1al(e k11ow11 to the professio n interesti11g decisio11s ·which iil tl1e opi11ion of tl1e Board a11d Edito rs raise i111portant issues of Ia,.v. J11 selecti11g a pc1rticular jt1clg1ne11t for pu.blicatio.11, t11e Board and Editors do not ,vish to co11vey tl1e i111pression that t11e jt1dgment is defi nitive 011 any tJroi)sitio11 for which it may sta11d altho11gl1 t11e qualit_y of tl1e the dec isio11 is al,vays an importa11t co11sideration i11 c1etermin_i11g whether 1t sh�ulcl be_ 1.ncludecl i11 tl1e Jotirnal. Wl 1 en, j 11 t11e opinio11 of a Bo,1rd Nfe:mber or �11 Editor, a Judg1uent is of ii 1 terest a11 c1 raises an importa11t iss11e of la\v but there 1s reason 10 belie ve tl1at aspects of t11 e decision are co11testable or tl1at tl1e result reached _ c se the o e a not t 11, s10 e clu co11 le tab � por sup rt � is y ly r a. onl t cle 110 the ?Y h c?tl _ re ed erp 111t ?e to ver fte ,ve bo ot 1s te lu no 1:1c a � � ch su . . ded of Tlle absence 1;1 ? � _ ed ect exp t is as 1 ca e, the 1 in sed raL g ! t1es at1n � n c iss fi the . complete 11ality o tshatu d . on the s on 1111 op g rin e f dif i lcl me I1o y ua 1 ers nb els lev all of the profession 011 _ o . . mer1ts f any JU . d gme11t publ1sl1e d here1n. The Members of th e Board and The Editors.




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- 459 -








Div. No. 1


J'ustices: Af. enegus Kita,v Yitateku '

Ba]am baras Tessema W011dj111neh



Ci\1 il




Evide11ce-Proof of 011 i11ersl1ip- Title Deec/- Civ.C. Arts. 1195, 2010.

On appeal froi.11 the l-ligl1 Court's r11ling de11yi11g apJJella1.1t's 111otio11 to i11troduce oral evidence to prove that, despite what ,,.,as indicated 011 t]1e respo11dent's title deed, tl1e latter did appropriale .some of his land. Jfe/d: Rt1Jing affirn1e<l.

l. A title deed only raises the 1Jresu111ptio11 tl1at tl1e perso11 it ,vas issued to is the o\vner of an in1movab1e an.d is cl1a11engeable. 2. Where the deed is in the nature of a11 at1thentic deed, the court mt1st not admiL oral evidence to rebut the contents of tbe deed vvl1ere it is satisfied tbat it was drawn after proper investigation by the authorities in cl1a.rge of drav1i.1)g 11p title deeds.

Jl.JDGMEN1, Both aJJpellant ao4 respo11dents ow11 la11d in tl1e Temerlja Yaiz qt1arter of Bole district. The original st1it Vlc1S filed by tl1e present ap1-)ella11t who alleged that respondents crossed the ·boundary a11d. took a piece of l1is land . roi f ed The two i11l1erit respo11dents tl1ey have divic{ed betwee11 thern the lar1d � . t �eu fatl1er. w_o�zer? A°?ebecl1 �as obtaine? a t�tle cleed �or l1er s_11are of. tl1e ,� �d from the Mun1c1pal1ty. But W 01zero Mam1te 11e1tl1er obtaJ11ecl a title deed r 1o r . the H. - 1g.h c·ourt pass Jt1dgment as rega1·ds 11er sJ1are of tl1e 1 a11d. T11.1s 1·s beca11se . l·ae C" ch,l the the appellants' land only adjoins tl1at of Woizero A bebecl1 ,1.od as Sl1cl1 must involve this 1·espo11dent 011ly. In the High Court, Ato Haile wanted to introduce witnesses to pr ove 1 land was take11 by responde11ts. Bt1t Woizero Abebecl1 objected to tbi� and ll fficia Y o ed 1111 tllat appellant ca11not do so si11ce the extent of li er ]a11d \V[tS detern · t by aill<l she has_ got a title deed to that effect. Her a�gument w,1s that 011e cantlO means of witnesses disprove what is established by a title deed. in . d e rul . . . b , 'flli 1s a]?pea1 wais taken from tc b vV Court the Judgment of the H1 gl1 to 1 biJ) · �&W@:lllt ffji .Pe,S,€>Jn<il'.ecnt. On ap:peal, Ato Haile requested tl1e court to allo,v _ wi trn,ess,es. mllltme:�� 1


===- 460 -


. und enia ble is tha t it a , title ical dee ly d . .lS a very issu ed Bas by a InUillC.lpality . . pro o ve t t n1e ow n ne rs do h cu 1p. Still even if we ma ai1t por · y say one may t · 1111 . 1· mea by deed '1 1s I o a t'tle . witnesses it does not mean that e rov disp . not a title deed t1o na Be b]e f o un . q11 e es one n1akes ely � olu t _ sucl1 � decision one should thoro11ghly ab is ? no t tl1e titl e deed 111 q11est·ion wa' s draw or 1er wh etl 111e m n after necessary · ex,aJ.J• • d been 1nad e. ha ation estig inv vided in Article 2010 of. t· he c·1v1-1 Code A title cleed is a11 autl1entic deecl . as pro . . ) h' A I�LIC e f ( is I 0 .. · })ro vide s 1 tl1,tt o1 � ''sta � !eme11ts whicl1 the public officer sub-secti personally ver1fiecl 111a.y not be cl1allenged except witli the pernl ission of the cotirt." The q_ 11estion here is:. did the_ officials of the Municipality the necessary investigato111. before _ tl1ey 1ss11ed . title cleed No. 8210? This iill plies that officials concerned \V1tl1 the 1ss11ance of t1tle cleeds sl1011ld n1ake cliligent study themselves and make sure tl1at all doct1me11ts and otl1er n1eans of proof prese i ited to them are valid. It is 11 ot contested that Woizero Abebech ow11s s0111e 1a11d for which sl1e ob­ tained a title deed . The isslle, rather, is wl1etl1er the title deed included a portio11 of appellant's land. ality regt1lations der1Ii11g witl1 boundaries of land ' the to Nf unicip . duty of the officials 1s to 1uark the div.idi11g li11es after obtai11ing the conse11t of all persons wl10 o,v11 la11d adjoi11i11g the one in qt1estion. This is to preve11t later disagreeme11t about the bot111daries. Tl1e question thus becomes w.l1 etl1 er or not this was done before tl1 e deed i11 iss11e was give11 to \Voizero Abebech. The appella11t argues tl1at the deed is 11ot valid since one of the :perso11s \Vbo signed the deed ,vas Woizero Man1ite, Abebecl1's sister. But we do 11ot acceJJt this argument since as an o\vner of an adjoi11i11g piece of la11d vVoizero Ma1nite was required to sig11 the deed a11d was 011ly right in doing so. "tv1oreover, the res1)011den.ts argued in the I-Iigl1 Co11rt that appella11t's sisters, Irnahoy Tirunesh and Woizero Jenberu\va Desta, l1ad institt1ted an action against them (appellants) in tl1e Awradja Co11rt ancl that Ato Haile's sisters lost the case. The High Co11rt obtai11ed the saicl record and fou11 d out tl1at the above stateme11t was true. We l1ave also u11d.erstood that □o appeal was taken agc1inst this lower court judgment giver1 011 ]Line 24, 1957. In was on the basis of the above judgn1ent that the title deed was drawn in 1957. The officials of the Addis Aba ba Municipality required tl1e witnesses who testified in the Awradja Colirt to identify the bo11nd.ary in question and carried out t11e drav,ing of the deed in line witli tI1e decision of the same Co11rt. Since the boundary involving Ato Haile was drawn in the above 1nanner. we find no defect in the pro­ cedure of the Municipality. On the whole the M11niciI?ality, in the opinion of this _ Court, issued title deed No. 821 o after all d11e invest1gat1on had been made . To order that \Vitnesses be he ar d to challenge the validity o� an authen :t.ic deed, the cour t should be satisfiecl of the existence of falsehood or fa1J11re to satisfy rules deali ng with deed s. But no s11ch evidence bas been proffered· t an lev re th ith w ce an rd co ac in vn a\ , dr us Th the Court finds that the deed was � r eS qu re s an ell ap ruI�s and after e e tl 1 cts eje � d an e, ? ! ry st11dies were mad th ssa ce ne t. ur Co 1gh to introduce fl e th of t en m dg Ju e tl1 oral e,;idence. We, therefore, affirn1 Cos t of litigatio n to be borne by appella11t • Marcl1 26, 1965 - 461 -


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HIGH cou:RT Addis Ababa, Div. .No. 3 Judges:

Ato Tecola Wolde Kidan Ato Haile V,.lolde Giorgis



Ato Tibebu Abrahan1 PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v. ASSEFA BEKELE Crin1 inal



\ I


Penal Law-Ho'll'1icide-CaL1Sal relations/zip /Jetwee11 act of acci,sed a11cl deatlz-Ele,nenrs of aggra­ vated lwmicide-Petz. C. Arts. 24, 522, 523. Trial on a cl1arge of aggravated l1omicide under Article 522 of tl1e Penal Code, which alleged that defendant caused the death of tl1e deceased by beatit1g l1im on tl1e l1ead.


Held: Defendant found not guilty of violating P�rticle 522; fo11nd gt1ilty of violating Article

I . There is a causal relationship under Article 2.i:t of tl1e Penal Code where tl1e bodily condi­ tion that resulted in the deat11 of the deceased was caused by tl1e act of the defendant. 2. It is the normal cot1rse of tl1i11gs for a l1ead injt1ry caused by tl1e defendant to produce a flow of blood into tbe brain. 3. Where death is concurrently cat1secl by teta11L1s germs, tl1e gern1s will not constitute a� intervening cause interrupting the re]a.tio11Sbip between tl1e act of tl1e defendant and tl1e death ol the deceased when the germs were caused by the defe11da11t's act and the deceased could not have suffered from such germs had it not been for tl1e injury inflicted by the defe11dant. 4. A necessary ele1nent t111der Article 522 of the Pe11al Code is premeditatio11 to kill. 5. Where �h �re is no evid_e11ce of pre111editation to l<ill, defendant cann�t be found g�ii�);�J a.ggravated bom1c1de under Article 522 of the Penal Code, but will be convicted under Article • of the Penal Code.


In the charge brought u11der Artjcle 522 c,f' the ·Pe11al Code, it is Ileg:� t�:: � on September_ 13, 1964, at about 4 p.1n., the defe11dant sta.rted a qt1arr el. deceased, Yasin Yus11f. The place was near Miazia Tv.,e11ty-Se,,enth Squ(i re in\:VI�ddis by Ababa. The defendant is said to l 1ave tl1 rown ,l sto11e at the dece ,ised �herebis injuring him on the forel1ead. The11 he knocked hi1n clow11 a11d beat li inl witl l � 1 5t afte 1 whicl e fi . � 1 he tried to escape. But he was a.p1Jrehended by neigbb0Ltrii g, � o�h� YaSin died on September 23 of the same year, allegedly f ro1n tl1e effecr f _ above beatmg . ,vas or , Since the defendant denied committing tl1e c1·in secut pro pt1blic tl 1e 1e , and t mstruc �ed to J?roduce witnesses. Tw · cott r appeared 111 pr o os 1e ec ss w 11t it1 es io 11 _ 'tae fo.llowing 1s a summary of their statement. desa"' . mi:. x· .l!l 6 lli� uirs:t . public witness testified that on Septembe 13, at 5 5l1 e r • ad, b e 15 Fen�� � mw i g, followed by the deceased. The latter was injured on b 1

--- 466 -







the de�e11d,1t1t, wl10 was trying to escape he (deceased) fell caL1gl1t ed e,1s After dec n the defe11da11t lut deceased r�pe,1tedly wit.11 his fist on the back of he T _ n. v do, them apart detend,t11t tried to escape but was arrested took people r Afte . the neck . ce1na n. by a polt The seco11d \Vitness said_ she did 11ot k110,v what tlle cause of the figllt was. deceased cry111g _as a result of wl1ich sl1e walked out of hou tl1e rd l1ea se She . perso�ls fight�ilg Tl1e de�eased carried on ltis ar111 a 11ew pie two tl1e _ v sav ce and 01 sale. Ele was crying for help. Tl f \Vas 1 vvl1tc l tl1 1en sl1e took tl1e cloth clo . of later lJe was kll()Cl<ed do\v11 by tl1e defendant \Vl10 also beat little A . l1in1 m fro 11i,n repeatedly 0 � tl1e back of tl1e nee!<. Tl1e deceased was bleedi11g from I,i.s foreJ1ead even earlier. Thereafter tl1ey ,vere separated by bystanders. Si11ce tbe tl1ird pt1blic wit11ess is said to l1ave died, the public prosectitor requested tl,e Cot1rt to record tl1e sta te111e11t sl1e 11,1d macle at the police statiotl.

TJ1e defenda11t was told to name his witnesses but said he had none. Follo\.vi11g this tl1e doctor \vl10 had per[or111ed a post 111ortem exa111i11ation Doctor Codoleo\vo11cini of Me11elik If I-Iospital, \Vas summo11ed to court. He said he exan1ined tl1e corpse on Septe111ber 23, 1964. His findi11gs included a \.Vo1111d on tl1e left side of tl1e heacl, ca11secl abo11t two \Veeks before the exan1ination; tl1e tongue of tl1e deceased sl10\vecl a black stai11, a11d the corpse \Vas bent at the back. Tl1e latter \.Vas ca11sed by ger111s called teta11us \Vhicl1 blocked tl1e blood vessels. The lt111gs \Vere also i11fected by the sa1ne ger111s. 1'1oreover, blood ha.d rt111 into his brain. To su1n tip, l1e said tl1[tt tl1e teta1111s ger111s, wltich disrUJJted tl1e 11ormal circulation of blood and the fu11ctioning of the lu11gs, were the result of tl1e i 11jury the deceased sustai11ed 011 l1is J1ead. Tl1e flo\v of blood i11to the brain also contri­ buted to the deatl1. Tl1e injtlr.)' to his l1ead coL1ld l1ave bee11 caused by a stone or stick. Tl1e doctor could 11ot exactly sa.y \Vhat the chances of st1rvival vvould have been had the deceased been treated immediately after l1e \Vas inj11red. Subseqt1ently, botl1 parties conclt1ded their argume11ts.

It has bee11 testified by the two prosect1tio11 \Vitnesses that the defendant beat up the deceased. Ne,,ertl1eless tl1e forn1er did. 11ot 111ake ,1ny defe11ce. According to the said witnesses tl1e defenda11t beat tl1e deceased repeatedly a11d tl1is is further strengthened by t11e testi111or1y of the doctor wl1 0 stated tl1at the i11jury was ca11sed by a sto11e or sticlc and that tl1e i11j11ry was the ca11se of death. Considering the stateinent of the doctor a11d tl1e circt1mstances of tl1e case the court is confro1rted witl1 the followi11g questions: I. Is the cat1se of the cleatl1 the cri1ninaI act of the defenda11t or an extra11eot1s event? 2. Was tl1ere an i11terr11ptio11 i. n th e effect caused by tl1e defendant? To fu1d ans\vers to th e a.b ove, one shotild turn to the Penal Code Article 24 \V hi·ch state s: ve gi a of t e? em ev h.i ac � th es iir qt re n ce rt "I cases where tl1e con1n1issio11 of a11 offen rest1lt, the offence shall be deemed to l1ave been con1m1tted on!y tf th_e resu the ch hi w • h it w . • n o 1· ss · 1 m m ac1lliev co or ed 1s tl1e co11sequence of the act accu sed person is cl1argecl .

- 467 -

JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW - Vol. \1 - r'1o. 3

e 1m l b l . st 1a d re sl p ct o fe ef d st n exi t e s . u � ca f o wl1en the ip sh � i1 o ti la re This _ ac 1ld , o1 1e w .w tl la 1n t of tb. e ns 1o 1s ov 1o pr e th o n rma hi I 1 it w u n c io or OJI:riss r , se , of • e d u:g r cb t 1l st re e th ce things produ In view of this, we see tl1at the beati11g Wtls tl1e cat1se that restilted 1. t � he by the fact tl1at supported is bloocl This deceased. ran of th dea into the brain . . deceased because of t�e head 111Jt1ry th at .wc.1s. caused _ b· y d e�r.� 11dant . Tllis in of th� f cot1rse things. norn1al Altl1ot1gl a court 1s the opinioii of � � 1t 111ay be said th the tetanus germs were co11current c� .ttses, 1t canno_t �e a valid argt1ment since t� germs then1selves were brought about by the act of the defe11da11t. One co11ld say that there . was no. cat1sa} relationship between the act of the d.efendant and the death of Yasin 011ly 1f the germs were the rest1lt of an extraneous cause - i.e. a cause other than tl1e act of tl1e defencia11t. If tl1at were tr ue, one could have validly concluded tl1 at �he deat� \,,�s cat1sed b� tl1.e. extraneous event because then there would be an 1nterrupt1011 1n th.e relat1011 sl11p between the act and the death. of Yasin.

Ne, ertheless, since tl1e germs were caused by the defendant's act and since he could not have suffered from such germs, had it 11ot been for the injury that he sustained, there was no interve11ing cause. Nor did the concurrent effect by itself cat1se the deatl1 since it has been proved that the flow of blood into the brain a11 d the that resulted from 1

the injury caused the death. Moreover, it was 11ot clear fron1 tl1e state111e11t of the doctor, \Vl1etl1er the deceased could. have survived had l1 e bee11 treated early. We, therefore, conclude that tl1e cat1se of death was the cri1ninal act of the defend.ant. However, the defendant is charged under Article 522, a 11ecessary element of which is premeditation to kill. But the charge does not say anythi11g as tc) whether tl1e defendant killed the deceased after premeditating to do so. From the testimo11y of the witnesses it has bee11 ascertai11ed that the defendant was running and the deceased was chasi11g hi 111. J t \Vas at·ter the latter ca11g�t hin1 that the defendant beat the deceased. This shovvs t11at the fight ,vas only accidental and it has not been proved that t11e defe11 dant l1ad a11y revengeful 1notives. TI�ere- _ fore, we find the defendant guilty of violati11g a diflere11t provisio11, Article 52j ot the Pe n.a l Code. The public prosecutor requested tr1e co11rt that his rigl1t to clppeal be reserved on the grou.nd that t.he Court changed the charge, ancl ::1sked tL1at sentenc e be passed. n­ cui cir The defend.ant, on the other ha11d., prayed tl1at the court consider tl1e stances of the case and do h1·m mercy.


The deceased is proved to have died from the criminal act of defeo<lant. � n,e th.e 0ther hand, it has not been shown tha bet� rel �e de­ t there was a prior quar two autl thus we find no ground for agg ravatio11. We, therefore, sentence t 1964. linclant. to seve:n years 1mp ' · r1son · ment from the date he was arrested-, Septem ber 13 1967 26, ber Decem - 468

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- 469 -

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- 471 -

IDGI-I COURT Addis Ababa


Ato Tefferi :oesa]egne Ato Asayehegne Adal Ato I-Iaile Sellassie Sbiferaw

ALMAZ TEFERA v. THE MUNICIPALITY OF I{OSAENA Civil Case No. 182/58 E:xpropriatio1z-Payr11e1zt of ComJJer1satio11-Civ. C. Arts. 1474-, 1478. Age11c.v-Agent's .'5co_pe of Po}ver-Civ. C. ,.,trts. 2199, 2205, 2206.

Petitory a.ction to recover expropriated land 011 tl1e ground that co111pensation for the land paid to o,vner's representative in legal actions coL1lcl 11ot be l1eld to be com1Jeosation paid to the Field: Actjon dismissed. I. It is within tl1e scope of power of a perso11 duly autl1orized to act as one's representa­ tive in sujts related to land to accept payn1ent of co1111Jensatio11 wl1ere tl1e land is expropriated. 2. Wl1ere an agent acting ,vitl1i11 tl1e scope of l1is po\ver fails to l1and over to the principal mon.ey l1e received in l)is capacity as a.ge11t, tl1e proper cc)urse of action is to sL1e tJ1e agent and not the third pa.rty who made the payn1et1t to tl1e agent. 3. The payment of tl1e st1m assessed by elders as the value of a piece of land constirutes fair compensation for tl1e expropriated la.11d.


In her state111et1t of c iaim dated December 23, I965, tl1e plaintiff stated that sh,e owned in tbe town. of Hosaena a big piece of la.nd adjacent to a r?ad and to the lands of Ato Tefe1�a An1are and. Woizero Yesl1i111ebet A1nare. SI1e claims that the defendant has now taken tl1is from l1er a11ci fencecl it witho1rt p aying h� ; the prope� �ompensatio11 i11 accord.a11ce witl1 Articles 1478, 14-63, �028, 2053 a11d 2�r�' of the Civil Code. Sl1e asks tl1is Co11rt to order tl1e restor,1tto11 of l1er p rop ./ "' n' a d eferi_ I1e and to grant her con1pensa.tion for d:11nages ancl costs of litigatio11. 1 d ice : efe� of d who is the Chief of the .Iv1 u11icipa.litv"' of IIosaena i 11 .l1is staten1er1t n . , 1o sa . ' . n t _p 11 No: 5�-790-749, of April. 23, 1 966 cla1n1s co of tl1at tl1e ,:t111011�t � : ent , · d t; 11s o which is E $ 4,700, w,1s paid to Ato Dele]egi1 Kassa, tl1e plai11t1ff' s autl1 a�in· . and attorney. Tl1e defendant argu.ed that Ato Deleleg11 is the h11sb a11d. of. ti le. P 011 tiff �s well as her agent a11d ,tttor11ey t·he val11e o .f tl1e lar)d vvas paid 111� by re�e1pt. He c�ain1s that if' the age11t de11ies · this payn1ent l1e cotild_ pro�� 11ot evide11c�, but if the agent admits tl1e 1 :,ay111e11t tbe11 l1e (the defendant) sh 1 d th e ];)a� t "Y1ce and the s11it should, tl1erefore, be dis1nissed. The defer1dant p roduce following two documentary pieces of evidence i 11 his defe11ce: l An agreem�nt dated Aug11st 20, 1959 and reg:stered wi·�h the J{eOJ· •ff and ber 1 t 111 ll>aDa AwradJa Court 11nder No. 2733-536, in wl1icl1 tbe pla resent e p r t'el�;ti\re:s a�poi,lilted Ato Delelegn as their agent as11d attorney to


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�hei11 i11 st1its co11cer�ing_ laJ1d or other property, itl whicJ1 they 111ay be involved either as pla1nt1ffs or as defendants. 2. In accor�ance with ai1 order �,tde by the Awradj,1 Gizat Office, the value of _ the piece of la nd ui1der clrspute was assessed by elders at its cu .rre 11t price. The a111ount assessed, E $ 4,700, was paid to Ato Deleleg 1 1 by defendant th e h�r No. 10433. � �J1is payment voucher wa al 0 11 1Jay111ent v_otic s so produced , by �e�endant as ev1de1 1ce, after wl11cl1 lie asked t11e court to pass judgn ent. 1 The pla111t1ff a11S\Ve�ed th,tt Ato Deleleg11 \vas autl1orised to bring or defend ai1. action, but not �. o receive pay�lent. Sl1e ?e111a11ded tl1at judgment be given agai1 1st the def �nda11t fo1 _ I?�Yn1er1t l)� t�1e su1 11 cla1n1ed by her, because he is atten1pti11g to evade �rs respo_11s1b1l1ty by cla1 1111�g that l1e made payn1e11t to a11 u 11authorised persoi1. This case involves _tl1e quest1_011_ of a1 1 age11t's scope of power. ft is not disput­ ed that Ato Deleleg11 1s ,tl1e pla111t_1ff'� �1ttor11ey a11d age11t. I-Iowever, tl1e plaii1tiff argues that Ato Deleleg11 s povver 1_s ]1J111ted to representi1.1g her in legal proceedings, and that l1e has no po\ver to receive payn1ent 0 11 her behalf. Therefore she claims that the defe11dar1t's co11 te11tion as to pay111ent is untenable. 0 1 1 the other I1and the defendant argues tl1 t1t i11 tl1e circumsta 1 Jces of tllis case, Ato Delelegn has a JJOvver of attorney as well as authority to receive paym.e11ts. He claims that payn1ent ,vas made to Ato Deleleg 11 bearing i11 mi11d tl1e authority co1 1ferred upo11 him and therefore the }Jlai11tiff's claim is grou11dless. As me11tio11ed above, we say that Ato Delelegn is plaintiff's agent and attor1 1ey. Article 2199 of t11e Civil Code provides that age11 cy is a co1 1tract whereby a person, the agent, agrees ,vitl1 a11otl1er person, the principal, to represe11t him and to per­ form 0 1 1 his bel1alf one or several legally binding acts. Article 2205 provides tlJat the age11t, unless vested vvitl1 special autl1ority, ca11not bring or defend ar1 actio1 1. Fron1 this legal pri11ciple it could. be cleduced that agency and the power of attor­ ney are t\VO indepe11de11t co11cepts. Wl1e11 tl1e plai11tiff apJJoi11ted Ato Delelegn as l1 er special age11t to see to it tl1 ,:1t her 1Jroperty gets a fair valuation whe11 she brings an action, tl1is co11ferred t:itrthority upon Ato Deleleg 1 1 to safeguard tl1e fruits of tl1e litigation on her bel1alf. We 11 ,tve pointed out tl1 e legc1l provisions dealing witl1 agency a11 d power of attorney. It l1as also bee11 111e11tioned that Ato Deleleg11 is not only tl1e agent a11d a.ttorJ1ey of the JJlai11tiff, but tl1at lie is also her husb,1nd. If Ato Deleleg11 has not handed over to the plai11tiff the Jnoney l1e received in his capacity as agent, t11e1 1 l1e ca11 be l1eld liable for it. Leaving this _ proper _ course aside and derna11ding double payn1ent fro1n tl1e govern1J1ent treasury JS not differe11t from trying to e 11 ricl1 011eself ,vitl1ot1t just cat1se. The clai1n wot1ld been proper l1ad there been reaso11 to believe that Ato Delelegn denied receiving the mo1 1ey, a11 d if the suit alleged that eitl1er the Municipality had to prove payment, or that it had to be held responsible for the payment de11ied by tl1e age11 t. The chief of the Mtlilicipality, Grazmatch Bekele I-labte Ma�iam, has prodt1ced enougl1 evide 11 ce to prove llis contentio11 that the land under d1spt1te was ass_ess_ed . . by elders and tlle proper con,pei1sa.tion was paid to the . agent of the pla1nt1ff, Ato Delelegn Kassa, wlio signed tI1 e above-mentioned rece1p!. Therefo e _,ve hold � that to demand paynient of a debt which has � !ready been d1scl1ar_ged JS _ 111:p! oper and rule that the I-Iowever, 1f Ato Delelegn de 111es rece� v1no the case be dismissed. money, the municipality is botitld to prove payme11t by means of the rece1� t. The plaintiff slJall pay the defendant E$ I 00 for damages. The AlvradJa Court shall execute this order from the plaintiff's property. July 18, 1966 - 473 -

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- 476 -·-




Addis Ababa, Div. No. 1 Judges:

Ato Ato Ato

:Enda1ew Mengesl1a Feleke Desta Atsebel1a Fantu KATI-IERINA:IBERT v. TEFERI ASEGEDE Civil

Contra ctual 1763.




Obligatior,s - .Lease - Ter,ninatiorz of contract - Variation of tern1s _ Civ. C. Art.

An appeal from an A\vraclja Cot1rt decision refusing to pern1it a lessee to vacate the leased

premises wi !ho�t :first paying compensation, \vh �re tl1e lease stated that four month's compe11Salion must be paid 1n advance ,vhere the lessee tern1mates the lease before its regular expiry. Held: Decision affirmed.

Where the contract requires payn1ent of compensation prior to termination, the court will not order tl1e lessor to take over tl1e premises until st1ch compensation has been paid.

JUDGMENT The appellant Woz. Katheri11a has appeared \Vitl1 her lawyer, Ato Getacl1 ew. The respo11dent, as he has 11ot been served, did 11 ot appear. We have carefully co11sidered the decision 011 the case of the ap_pella11 t and the responde11 t given by tl1e Addis Ababa Awradja Court under File] No. 2107/59. The appella11t a11d tl1e respo11de11 t ]1ad 111ade a contract \Vbereby the latter \Vas to lease his ho11se for 2 years and tl1e for111er was to pay a rent of E$260 per n1onth for the san1e. Article 5 of their co11tract states that if the appellaot were to termi11ate the contract before tl1 e expiration of tl1 e 2 years, sl1e bad to pay to tl1e responde11t four months' rent i11 advance. After using the house for a year the "1ppella11t \Vanted. to ter1ninate tl1e lease aod in conseq11e11ce tl1ereof she asked tl1e respo11dent to take possession of t e ? house. Ho\:vev er, be refL1sed, sayi11g tl1at tl1 e tern1 s of the con�ract were not satis­ fied. So, she filed a suit to have I1 im ordered to take possession of the ho11se. The respo11 dent appeared in co11rt and gave the same answer. The Court decided i i, favour of the res1Jondent on tl1 e ground tl1at a contract cannot be tern1in ated witho11t satisfying its tern1s. Hence, this appeal. �he appell 11t hacl agreed j 11 tl,e contra.ct that she :Vo� Id pay fot1r mo� ths' � rent in adv . a11ce if she \:\/ere to ter1ni11ate tl1e lease before t]1e expiration of the agreed time. On the basis of tlle coiltract ho w can she tl1 en ask for t11e termination of the ' , · contra' ct Wit· hout ad vance ?· 111 t 1 re1 payi11g tl1e fo11r 1nonths - 477 -

1 ol. V - 1�o. 3 W \ LA N A PI O Jl TIE F O L JOURNA

d 11e 1e 1 o 1· tl si ci ,1ffi de e n av of l1 e the w te vo Awradja C y it or · aJ nl by e . . . . f or , ere Th our t. . n ty r1 1o 1o 111 p 1a o e 11 th h it w ed One o f the judges disagre Dissenting Opinion

rity 1najo opini o11 given. Basica I ' the J·udge n1entioned abo,,e, disagree with the . C . ·. Y 11 I would not say that it_ �s prope� ·for tl1e Aw1 ·-� dJaC_o�1rtC to f·a1.1 to grant the re ques; 3 6 7 e f tt1 o 1v1 l d o e. _. 1 cle rti A g 1n c1t by nt lla pe ap e th of . C t Tl1e reason is th the Addis Ababa Aw1·a?Ja o 1rt dated June 30, 19;; the appellant i11 her petition to pointed otlt that tl1e prese11t re�po11dent l1as leased hrs l1otlse t? 11�.r for residenc e. Her busba11d is ill. Tl1e house 1s .near a st1·eam a11d as tl1e a11· 1s n ot good f health and moreover as the l1ouse is t,vo-story it �as . f OL111d to be ·unsuitable f�� nursing the patie11t. As a rest1lt she wa11ted the te1·1111n,tt1on of tl1e lease a11ct asked the owner to take possession of tl1e hous�. However, t_l1e ow11er i�stead of co 111 plying with her request kept l1er Linder surve1lla11ce. As 1s shown 1n the record she as_ked for a c ourt order to termi11ate the lease for the reasons give11 above. Tl1e respo.odent objected to this reqttest. The A·wradja Court decicled tl1 at the appellant sl1ould pay the four mo11ths' rent to the responde11t in advance; failing that she s.hould 11ot leave the J1011se. Before co11sidering th_e issues i11 tl1e c,1se let 11s cleter111i11e tl1e 1nea11i11g of t11e co11tract ot· lease 1nade by tl1e parties on May 10, 1966. It is tr11e that the petitioner rented the house o f tl1e respo11de11t located on Itegue Taitt1 Street for two years. Neve1�theless, tl1e contract sho\VS that the right of ter1nin[ttion 01· the same is given to the petitio11er provided she pays four 1nonths' re11t i11 advance. If this is so, and if the appellant wants to vacate the l1ot1se afte1· stati11g its ur1st1itableness, I think it is a miscarriage of jt1stice for tl1e ow11er to object or for the A\vradja Cot1rt t o cite Article 1763 wl1icl1 is irreleva11t a11d thereby t1t1llify the petitio11. In the co11tract entered, by tl1e appellant and respondent, the for111er was bound to pay four mo11tbs' rent. He11ce, the co11t1·act gives tl1e petitioners the right to vacate the house at a11y time by payi11g tl1e four 1no11tl1s' rent. If so, is Article 1763 violated by ordering the e11force1nent of the co11tract by asking the owner to take possession of this house and at the same ti1ne safegL1a1·cli11g his i11terest if he asks for payment? I thiJ1k it is 11ot. Tl1e J)OWer of the appella11t to leave tl1e l1ouse at any time, as stated i n the contract is 11ot co11trary to law. Tl1is is ·because_ con· tracts which restrict the right of i11dividuals to choose their reside11ces are void. 11 1 t 11 re ' n1011ths Actually, tl1e appellant is bou11d i11 tl1e c o11tract to pay four • advance at t'he time she asked tl1e owner to t,tke JJOssessio11 of tl1e hol1se. · Tl 1ere �s IS 1 1t ren1e req111 no reason why she sho11ld not vacate the l1ouse provicled tl1e above 111 �nt nd satisfied. What if tl1e appelJa11t does 11ot pay · tb.e n respo . 1oney to tl1e advance? The answer is that as tbe petitioner· clid not IJay the four 1no.ntl1s re it and as this money would have benefittecl tl1e respo11de11t the for_mer \Votild. e · ' a . . ° 11 b 0 O er 1 requ.1re l d · to of pay tl1e said an1oun exte11t t the plus da1nag es. 1s Tl11s . ,vas · · · 1 •act · tion. The r1g 1' · · ht of term1nat1o n of a lease, e�en 1f 11ot stated, wl11c 1 1 ? . done here, d�es not pre:vent anyone fron1 ter1n11.1ati. 11g the contr�tct by whicli e bad t�en possession of the immovable property by c:1ski11g tl1e lesso1· to take �ack h osse" tbe P 1 s�on of the same. By so doing, however, it does not n1ea11 that l1e "''111 the ri,ght to demand the return of interest or securities given or acts done rea­ the performance �f the contract or the rigl1t of aski11g for da111.age s. For all see he t . at s .0n.s, the dec1s, ion of the Awradja Court that the petitio11er should 11ot �ac . h�us� not Q.nlty entails financial loss but also, infringes the individ,ual's rights 68 19 21, February •



- 478 -

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- 480 '

,. ,

HIGH COURT Addis Ababa, Div. No. l Judges:

Ato Bekele I-labte Micl1ael f\to Fisel1aye Gebre A"''estatewos Ato Tesl1 01ne Tessema MINISTI{Y OF STATE DOMAIN v. MUNICIPALITY OF DEBRE ZEIT* Civil Appeal No. 825/60

Ta,ratio11 - A1unicipal TaY:ation - E:cen1ptiorz of Government Property - State-oJvned Con1mercial Enterprises. Proc/an1atio11 No. 74 of 1945, (Afunicipalities Proc/a111ation of 1945J, Section 4(2) ,(3). Juclg,nents - Stare Dec isis - Effect of Precede11t in Co11srr11ing Questions of Tax LaJv. An Appeal fron1 a11 order of tl1e District Court t o compel payment of assessed mtn1icipal tax and service fees by a State-o,vned com111ercial enterprise. 1/eld: Order aft1.rn1ed. l. A State-owned comn1ercial enterprise cannot refuse to pay a municipal assessment of taxes on tbe ground of its government O\Vnership.

2. The prior judgment of tl1e I-Iigh Court on exemption of similar State-o\voed commercial enterprises is distinguished. 3. Dicta: "The A\Vradja Court is not required by law to strictly foilow prior decisions of bigber courts."

JUDGMENT The appella11 t ha.s i11troduced the record co11tai11ing the decision of the Yerer and Keryti Awradja. Co11rt a11cl the rest of tl1e 111en1ora11 du1n of appeal. Tl1e district �inourt had JJassecl judg1ne11t in fa.vo11r of present respo11dents on March 22, 1968 Civil Case No. 7/60. . The follo\ving facts \Vere established in tl1e lower court. The Debre Zeit J\1uni­ cipality requirecl from tl1e Debre Zeit Grand I-Iotel the pa.yment of E$1041 fo tl1e � _ Year 1966, and E$738 for 1966-67 for reasons of reve11ue and repair and sanitary work provided to the I-Iote1 by the M11nicipality. The Ministry of State 1 the above request on \ Vitl to comply ref11sed Domain the �ro11nd that st 1 exempted fro 1 c and tlle as \ State to tile 1-Iotel belonged ! � � � taxation. TI1 e Ministry referred to a precede11t wl1ere the High Court rule� 111 Civ_il Case No. 452/ 57 tl1 at state properties should not pay revenue. On the basis of this *

The loive r cou rt opinion i11 this case appears on page 485.

- 481 -


sed. dis1nis be The A suit the that ,,,radja Court h . ted reques as w · it ,· . d Cls o Wever, � · 'u id s the at su1~a be paid red tl1 . ,1 orde to the · M n1 � tei dn, th . i's argument and reJeC c1pality, examining the case l1as not f ou11d any grou11d to rev e This Court after . . rse the .. · Court dec1s 1011. AwradJa The. documen� introduc�� b� appella11t to_ d.efe11d . its sta11d is a _ c? JJY. of the e. r tl1e Add1 betwe�11 s l1t1gat.10 Ababa th<: 11 ta1ned co M t1111c 1pality and th . cord which � _ . e tl1e f where111 ?rme� Don1a111, reql11red Ministry of State pay1nent . o! bllildiil g tax _ by the latter. True, the High C ?11rt d�c1ded 1n favour of tl1e M1n.1stry. Neverthe­ less, one should. note th�t ther� 1s a d1ffere:1ce between tl1e pres�nt case and the o ne decided earlier; one deals w1tl1 hotel bus111ess a11d the other with ownership of buildings. Moreover, the Awradja Court is 11ot 1·eqt1ired by law to strictly follow prior decisions of higher courts. The Hotel is required to paJ' a11 amo·unt detern1i11ed by the appropriate council of the town. The Hotel therefore car1not, under the cove1· of bei11g state property, refuse to pay the tax \Vhile it is engaged in a comme1·cial activity. We therefore affirm the judgment of the Awradja Court. April 12, 1968

=- 482 -



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- 484-



COURT Yerer and ·Keryeu Awradja Judges:

Ato Woldetsadik Banti 1-\to

Yen1 ane Hailegiorgis

Ato Tefera Lulu IvJUN1CIPt\LITY OF DEBRE ZEIT v. THE MINISTRY OF STATE DOMAIN AND BERI-IAN E ALEMU, MANAGER OF THE ·oEBRE ZEIT GRAND I-IOTEL Civil Case No. 7 /60 Taxation-,\tlu11ici1,al taJ�atio11-Exen1ption of Governn1ent Propert;i-State 011111ecl com,nercial enter­ prises. Proc!a,nation No. 74 of 1945, ( Nfitnicipalities .Procla1natio11 of 1945), Section 4(2),(3). Judgn1ents-Stare decisis-Effect of precerlent in co11str11i11g· questions of tax la�11. Original action to compel payn1ent of municipal revent1e tax and charges for n1unicipal services, assessed against a governn1ent-O\Vt1ed enterprise. Held: Payn1e11t of assessed a1nount ordered. I. Municipalities l1ave the right to collect revenues from con1n1ercial enterprises located within their boundaries.

2. There is no statutory at1tl1ority for exen1pting governn1ent-owned commercial enterprises like the subject hotel fron1 mtmici1Jal taxation. 3. The fact that a judgment for exen1ption �;as granted to the subject l'v1inistry in a si1nilar previous case is irrelevant. I



In its statement of clairn dated Se1)te1nber 12, 1967, the plaintiff stated that the defenda11t failed to p,iy a sL1m of E $ I,779 assessed by the M 1111icip,ility co111-1cil by �ay of revenue, and mo11ey cliarged for repair \Vork and the n1ainte11ance of clean­ liness. Despi te a letter n1t1nbered 5177-59, J11ly 17, 1967, ask:ing for the pay1nent ot· the above stated s11.m, the defend.c1.nts failed to co1nply witl1 the rec1uest. Therefore, the �unicipality req11ests this court to co111pel tl1e defendant to pay tb.e . money in que�t1on. It cited Proclamation 74 of 1945, Neg. Gazeta Year 4, No. 5 111 s11pport of its reqttest. the e a11s bec d sue n bee e l1av 11ot e e uld h sho he w l1at 1t' d n da1 tio s coi1.ten as t hot�IT ise f n govern111ent property. It took the Col1rt some time to study tl1e case a�1d th� ISSUes t tip wi th ie can nt end def the 7, 196 at 29, ber � a cem De re raised tl1erein. 011 h �:ritten evide11 ce which co11vinced the Co11rt that h e is 11ot the riglit person to be e Th se. ca . e th e_ g11 ar ld 011 sl1 te sta d e arg of th ued that the represe11ta11tive Ce rt 1-Ie 1 d war1 1�d a1 1ve tat sen re r�p te sta re tl1e o t n ing br en e e o h'unu th he f re i 11strl1 cted th d f da t to at he would carr\' tl1e wl1ole respo11sibility if he failed to do so. The said represent e th h 1g o1 th al f at th d ue o ar e I-l t· a ive appearecl 1.n court 011 Jan11ary 8, 1968 · '0 - 485 -

JOURNAL OF ETJ-IIOPIAN. LA... W - Vol. V - l�o. 3

m is it r11 ve , es go e11t property atld iti tiv ac l cia er m. 111 co in s ge ga en hotel t . o herec o als 1:fe ed . err e. ref enu rev to pay a 1 re to ed pre viou s h Id not be requi1· d d sue g111en1 JU tl1e had e 1. san · ho y aut alit cip 1ni Mt es. riti a b a Ab dis Ad :;e�e the We have careft11Iy studied tl1e st�te111e11� _o f. �lai111, the (Jefence ai1d a co , M11111c1pal1ty. Ze1t Debre the Tl1e by made of P) latter assessment the n1akes it le the Mui1icipal Co11ncil assessed :E $1041 :f9r tl1e year 1965-66 a11d E $738 f ir �� that ( against the defe?da11t. 011 tl1e _ otl1er .. �a.11d, th� ciefe11da11t J1as_ 11ot denied tha�6�67 hotel engages 111. a con1merc1al act1v1ty. No1. l1as l1e 1ne11t1011ed. any law ,h.he _ 1ern111e11t fro1n v. ich Go\ tl1e to belongs h at payi11g re\'eIJLie. hotel t. exen1pts a

It is e�ident tJ1at tl1e Municipality carries o u· t its f u11ctio�. witl.1 the inoney th r,at among fron1, Lle ot11ers, e11 v re· of 111. bl1s111ess Of f the it obtai11s JO orga11ization s the hotel in questior1. T�e Ministry of State .D 0111,ti11� wl1ile it ca11, i11 the man�:; t provided . b_y l�w, c.ollect its �har� of taxes, ca11_11ot p�s�1bly reftise to pay r evenue to 1 the Mu111crpal1ty after eng�tg111g 1n a. co111merc1al act1v1ty. co �rt . attaches �o impor !a11ce to tl1e. argt1111e11t t!1at tl1e clefend ant got The . a Judgm.ent 1n its fa·vour in a previous case aga111st the Ad.d1s Ababa MunicipaJj�,. We, therefore, l1old that the defe11da11t should pay the st1m of E $1779 plus E $50 costs and cot1rt fees to the extent s h o'vv11 i11 tl1e receipt.

• I




We order that a copy of this judgn1e11t be sent to the 'tioreda CoLirt of the area. The above judgn1e11t shol1ld be e11forced by req11iring the defe11clant to pay the court ·fees to t h e treasury and the rest to tl1e plaintiff. If tl1e government a.gency in qu.estion does not con1ply i11 paying tl1e st1n1, tl1e 111a11ager of the Hotel shall be forced to do so.



March 23, 1968


4 5 6 7 8 9







-.:.... 486-




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- 519 -





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- 520-





ARTICLES TIVE OF THE EMPEROR TO DETERMINE POWERS OF ROGA E R P. THE ADMINISTRA'llVE AGENCIES* by ff. E. Ato Aberrc, Je,nbere, B.A ., LL.B. ** ..The Emperor dete�111ines the organizatio11, powers and duties of all ministries, executive depart1nents and the administrations of the Governn1ent ... ·, Article 27 of the Revised Constitution.


The ter1n ''�tdininistrative age11cies'' is used i11 this article to cle11ote tl1ose 2 1 authorities blic ei created tl1er IJU or ove an by ntal notice, general order, rnme g or legal not.ice3 as aL1to11on1ous bodies, d.istinct from a mi11ist.ry, a department or a branch thereof, or a cotirt, or a legislative body. Admi11istrative age11cies are called in Etl1iopia eitl1er a board,4 at1tl1ority, 5 office, 6 comn1ission, 7 111unicipality, 8 adn1inistration, 9 corporatio11, 10 cornmittee, 11 i11stitute, 12 organizcttion, 13 or ager1cy. 14 Administrative age11cies, as repositories of exect1tive, ql1asi-Jegislative or qt1asi­ judicial po\vers, affect the rigl1ts of private parties tl1rougl1 either acl1ninistrc1tio11, adjudjcatio11 or rule n1aki11g. 15

* This study was originally submitted as a research paper in a senior sen1inar of the Faculty of Law 1-iailes Sellassie I University. It has been re-arra11ged for publication in the Journal of Ethiopian La\\ ** Secretary - Ge11eral to tJ1e Council of Ministers with the Rank of Vice -Minister. I. Civil Aviation Order 1962 Orcler No. 25, Neg. Gaz., y ear 21, no. 17. 2. A\vash Valley Autho;ity Cl;arter, 1962, GeneraJ Notice No. 299, Neg, Gaz., year 21, no. 7. 3. Public Service Per1sions Co1nn1ission Cl1arter, 1962, Legal Notice No. 250, Neg. Gaz., year 21, no. 7. 4. The Imperial Board of Telecomn1unications of Ethiopia. 5. The Ethiopian Electric Light and Po,ver Authority. 6. The Post Office. 7 · The Public Service Pension Commissio11. 8 · The Nlunicipality of Addis Ababa. 9 · The Ethiopian A11tiquiiies Administration. IO. The Grain Corporation of Ethiopia. I I. The Investment Com111ittee. 12· The Institute of Agricultural Researcl,. 13 · The Ethiopian Tourist Organizatio11. 1 4• The Centra l perso11nel Agency. . process bY w I11·ch lbe • · adn11·ois• · l 5. In _this ve t1 ra st n.i 1111 d a I 1� _t \Vlth articJ .e we are not co!1cerned . tions, or nc fu d te la re d an g in ak n, e 1 ru tr�tive agencies carry out their task �f adJudication l recia di ju d an es ur ed oc p; ' s ' er \v po e with the law - acln1inistrative la\V - wl11ch governs t h vie\v of the acts of the administrative agei,cies. 1•

- 521 -

JOURNAL 01=' ETH IO.PIAN LA\V - \'01..,. V - I'�o. 3

the. following qt1estio11s: \Vhat .In tl·.• 11• :s� stud.y we are concer.ned . fo.1 rn of . . . . . , 1st 1 n111 ,tc at1 age1 a.1 1 , ?. U l er what cy create to � used_ � e _ ld sl1ot on � legislati � �� _ � at1tl1orit, ;� should sucl1 leg1slat1on be is�ued? To what _exte_t1'. t ina) IJO';ers be g1�11ted to acl1ninist; ative agencies by ru1 Imper i al orde1· u_nd:r A_1 t!cle . �- � ot tl1� Revised Cor:stitution? Do such powers as n1,ry be granted t? ,1cl1111111_stra�1ve . age11c1es t111der Article 27 1e or q11asi-jt1 exect1t1ve, qL1as1-leg1slat1. \ i11clt1de Constitutio11 Revised dicial power�� the 111 orde1· to ans\ver tl1ese qL1estio11s, tl1e writer ot� . t _ article atten1pts: (l) to be gra11ted by an order ai1.d 111 _ draw the line betwee11 the powers that m ay ose which m LI st be co11t·erred b)'. a proc�a�1at1011 or decree; a11d (2). t? correlate the _the powers_ of a11 ac�1n1�1strative agency prerogative of. th� E1np�ro_r 1�1 deter1ru11111g _ with tl1e const1tut.1011al l1m1tat1ons provided Ill tl1e Revised Co11st1t11t1011 of Ethiopia. To tl1is end, \Ve m11st examine the releva11t l1isto.rical develop1. neot of the Ethiopian legal system. the multidimensio11al powers of the Em1Jeror, a11d the cons­ t itutio11al 9efi11.itio11s of the .1na11ner in wllicl1 various powers 1nay be granted to adn11nistrative age11cies. Ho\vever, tl1e a11alysis is of a preli111i11ary natt1re, because of a lack of materials a11d cases on Etl1iopia11 constitutio11al la.\v. Vlitl1

Tl1e the writer of this article atte111pts to adva11ce may be sum1narized: a) Matters dealing with the organizatio11 a.11d deter111i11atio11 of d11ties a11d powers which do not involve regulatory power, police po\ver, or J)O\\'ers regulating matters of p11blic fi11ance may be dealt \Vith i11 the for111 of �111 order uuder Article 27. b) Effective delegatio11 to ad1ni11istrative agencies of regt1latory po\vers, police powers, a11d powers regulating matters of public fi11a·nce, requires a11 en­ abling proclan1atio11, 1111der Articles 34 an. d 88, or a decree, under Article 92 oi� tl1e Revised Co11stitution i11 cases of' en1erge11cy tl1at arise \vl1en the Cl1ambers are not sitti11g, a11d st1bject to the app1·oval of tl1e Parlian1ent at its subseque11 t session. c) \Vhere an order ·under Article 27 l1as apparently delegated regt�Iat�ry, police or fina11cial powers to a11 age11cy, appropriate ena.bli11g leg1slation is necessary before the delegatio11 can beco1ne effective. d�!eg r ula partic Having thus i: t forn1ulate? _a ba�is on which to predict wl1ether . lc -;7 . t1on of power to an adm1n1strat1ve age11cy graotecl by an order u11der Arti� would be legally e�ective in the ,1bse1:ce of e1:abli11g legislatio11 enact�d 111 ��� v t\, e 1 tl t form of a proclamat1011 or decree, a special study of the powers g1·ar1ted o . ci co Valley Authority (AVA) is made. The pt1r.�ose_ of tl1is st11dy is to gi,, �. a _ � ��: example of the general analysis_ prese11ted. It 1s foL1nd th i:tt s0111e provis ions ot ui. e eq � _ rs � otl1e Awash Valley Authority Char ter are im1nedi,1.tely effective where,1s 1� cle arti legislative actio11 to become effective, if the 'thesis of this accepted. PART I: GENERAL CONSIDERA1,IONS I. The Prerogative of the Emperor A. 1-liistoraical perspective - separation of powers . to �� l�st stu�y the prerogative of the Emperor from a historical perspect�:� of rsc:e ii tit 18 fossibl� to determ i11e s-ome lines of develop111e11t. F.or the pu rl' - 522 -







tl1 e leg,11 history of Ethiopi,l c,111 be divided 1·. cle , art i 11to th ree ge1 1eral periods· 1]11.s · t · t · ion, u st1 11 Co post-1931 Co11stitt1tio11 a11d . 2) . 1931 ( . Pre(3 (1) · ' p ) os t.- Rev1sed C011st1. po 55 w 1e Tl er s ex e1 . 9 c1 · se l c by th e Emperor i11 ea, ch tutl.on of 1 .111z pe r10d 111 . . . deter111111· . · an ·I c 1 1 0 po we at1 rs o f' org a ad 1n1111strative agencies vary. ing the

Prior to 1931 Constitutio11 Tl1e notio11 � f separati_011 . ?f JJowers bet,vee11 lhree bra11cl1es cf gover111ne11t Jegislati�e, exectitI\'e . ai'.cl J Lidicia_ry - w as ur1k 1 1ow11 cl 11ring tl1is first part of tl1 e y of Etl1101 J1 a. I111·per 1 al laws were e11 acted by tlJe E mperor, J11st or l ler,a ::i 1 1ever b e w he felt �l1e 11 e\V. la\VS sl,otild b_ e 111ade_ or 11e,v administr,itive agencies should be createcl. fhe sources of . power 1 11 e11act 1 11g I1 11 perial laws were the11 custo111 con­ ventio11 ar1d tl1e free ,,,111 of tl1e 1110 11 arcl1. Tl1t1s, prior to tl1 e 193l Constit 11tion, . e of t?e En11)eror to create, clnd 1t1v ero g p to deterrnine po\vers a11d dt1ties of the � � adn1 in1strat1ve agencies was ;,Lbsolute. 1.




In tl1e seco 1 1d period . of .Etl1 iopia's legal llistory (1931-1955), tl1 e doctri 11 e of separation of po\vers was 1r1troducecl by tl1e prese11t Emperor in very ge11 era] terms, and the absol11te . po\ver of tl1� f:mperor was li.mited to a certain exte 1 1t. Tl1e pre­ rogative to deter 1 11111e tl1e orga111zat1on a11d the regulatio 11 of all administrative de1Jart­ ments of tl1 e go,,ern.111ent \Vas reserved to tl1e E 111peror. Hovvever, Article 1 1 or the 1931 Constit 11 tio 11 provided tl1at: "Tl1e E111peror sl1all l11y dowr1 the organizatio11 ar1d tbe regulations nistrative de_part111e11ts. ''


c:1ll c1d 111 i­

Tl1is provision 011ly co11cer11s tl1 e power of t.he £ 111peror to determi 11 e tl1 e organization a11d i11ter 11 a] rt 1les of adn1i11istr�1tive departments, wl1 icb of course include adn1 inistrative agencies. U11 der Article 34 of tl1e 1931 Co 11 stitution, the po\ver to enact a st1bsta11tive law, \Vhicl1 affects tl1e rights of i11dividuals, \Vas sl1 ared by the E111 peror and the Parliament. Stich ''la\vs," correspo11di11g to _present procla111ations, ,vere to be e11acted 011 ly after l1avi 11g been discussed by tl1e t\-vo chan1 bers of Parlia111e11t a11 d J1avi11g obtained the co 1 1firmatio11 of the E111 peror. 16 Article 11 re::1d i 11 co11junction witl1 Article 34 gives a b,1 sis for co 11 cluding that the En1peror by own free \Vill Iin1ited His prerogatives. I-le retai11ecl sole power to create ad1ni 1 1istrative age11 cies, detern1i 11 e their orga1 1ization, a11 d lay do\vn �l1 e regulatio11s wl1icl1 go,,ern.ecl tl1 em. Bt1t I-le reserved tl1e po\ver to e11act a substantive la\v affecti 11 g tl1e rigl1 ts of i 11 dividuals, sucl1 as a gra11t of regulatory po\vers to an ad11!inistrative agency, to I-Iin1self acti11g together \Vitl1 Parliame11t. By vi�·t 11e of Article 11 of 1931 Co11sti1ution the En1peror could act alone to determine the internal rules _ ''reotllations'' � under ,vl1 icl1 the administrative agencies to operate. Bt1t ''la\vs," � 11 Ies directly aflectir1g the rights of citizens, had to be enacted by Parlia 1ne 11t ancl the Emperor jointly. That a gra!1 t of reg11latory po,:vers to _ an adn1i nistrative agency s1 1ould be mad e by a ''law'' 1s sl1 own by the proclan1at1011s

. 16. Art 3 o force without having o int t pu be y ma , J ''N d av. . 0 b · 4 f the 193 l Co11stitution provide�: een discussed bv the C11an1bers and having obtrune tl1�e con6rma·tion of t11e En1peror." •

- · 523 -


e ial B oa , r d of Telecom np e I1 th · t t o_ en hm is bl ta es e th r fo Promulgated municat.1008 : 18 . 11 a11d the Charter of the Scr a, p [1 on Board. of Etlliopia 3.

Post-Revised Constitution of 1955


The doctri i1e of sepa1·atio11 of powers a11d . tl1e. pri11ciple of cl1ec . ks and ba lances between the three branches o f the gover11111e11t �11e spe11 ed out 1n great er det .1 1. 1 tile Coiistitutio11 ?f 1955 _tha11 in �l1e first <;011�tit11ti°.11 of_ �th�opi�. �e verth�l es � tile scope of Article 27 of tl1e Revised Const1tut1011, at least 111 1ts E11gJisJ1 ve. 1. 0 appears to be wider �ha11 its counterpar_t, Article . 11 . of . tl1_e 1 ?3 -� Constitutio�� 1� the .language of Article 27 o� tl1� Rev1s�d �011st1tut1011 1t 1s w1t�111, the prero gativ e , organ1zat10111 po�er� and. duties ' ?f administr the deter1?1ne to En 1 peror the of a­ tive a¥enc1es: tinder A:,rt:cle ! 1 of tl�e 1931 Const1tut1011 H,e_ detern�111ed only the regulations of the adm101strat1ve age11c1es. Tl1e la.11g11age of Arti cle_ �7 1n tl1e English version th�s suggests that the Empero1· 111ay . delegate to �d11:1.1111strative age11 cies powers wl11cl1 may extend to the people 011ts1de tl1e org,in1zat1or1; wl1ereas under Article l l of the 1931 a,nd tl1e Amharic versio11 of Article 27 of the Revised Constitutio11, it seems tl1at He is able to delegate to adn1inistrati\1e age11cies 011ly tl1e right to adopt reg11lations limited to the i11ter11al ad111i11istratio11 of the agencies. When we later co11side,r the 11ature of powers to be gra11ted to admi11istrati\1e agencies under Article 27 of the Revised Co11stitutio11 of 1955, we \vi11 ask whetl1er the liistorical progression does 11ot suggest a narro\\'er readi11g for tl1e article t11an its language alone might suggest.


B. Discretionary powers of the Emperor provided in the Constitution Here we are particularly co11cerned witl1 tl1e exclusive, special or discretionary powers of tl1e E111peror, with respect to determini11g the organizatio11, powers and duties of ad111inistrative agencies in co11f orn1ity with the provisions of the Revised Constitution of Ethiopia. At present, tl1e E111pe1·or exercises bis prerogatives in six major areas, as ot1tlined below. The E1nperor's power is n1ultidin1e11sional, because he plays a great role in the affairs of the State as I-lead of State, Fountain of J·ustice, legislator, secular head of the establisl1ed Cl111rcl1, Con11nau<ler­ i11-Chief of the armed forces and Cluef Exect1tive. Accordingly, the Emperor, by virt11e of the prerogatives set 011t in Cl1apter � ower:i. p na. r y of the Revised Constitution exercises, inter alia, the follo,vi11g discretio


I. Acc�r?ing to Article 36 be may take measu1:es con�istent with o�her , to ensL1re ' znter al1a the safety au<l . nal prov1s1on s that may be necessary tut1o r d e ' · tin t r f . . 0 . !he 1nhab1tants of the Empire. Tl1at Article n1ay be tl1e general atitho t Y r'th case which s01:lle semi-public organs have been organized, as appears to be tl,e_ '':he for s the granting of the Charter of the Haile Sellassie I University. 19 Tl1e basi o, N n to ProclaOJat .

17 ·

The Imperial Board of Telecommunications of Ethiop Proclan1ation, 1.952, ia 131, Neg. Gaz., year 12, no . 5. aeneflll 3 , 18. �n �p kon Board Charter (as amended by General Notice No. 268 of 1960) 195 , � ot1ee Wo. 168, Neg. Gaz., year 13, no ycs! . 4. Gat,, ltf9i ��tte:n °i the- Haile Sell assie I University' 1961 ' General Notice No. 284, Neg. "'- , �e� �== 8. ,,







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Ch of tl1e Haile Sellassie I Founda ar te r th e of e . suaiic tion20 could also possibly be the source of power provided i11 Article 36. to uted rib �tt • wer of tl1e Ethlop·' ? ,..,. By virtue of tl1e resid11c.1l po . i·a 11 monarch to review cases · of res1. dtiu· fJ·u . Cbilot • and d ue to t•he pre1 ogat. 1ve . . . . 1 t� m i o · 2 stic e , r. e mainta111s Jllst1ce as 1n . 3 h · le :>� It s _otl Id be noted, ho\vever, that the po provid ed 1L? 1 Artie ssibility of Article 35 ag e11 cr c1es for tl1� ad 1. 11i11istration of justice being used to e�tte is severely restricted nd ; \ t c 109 of the Re,,1sed Constittltio11_22 s 108 �1 le i r by 3. I-le. deleg�tes legislative, _adjuclicative or regl1lative power to ad1 11inistrative or later approval (Article 92) of botl1 cl1a1n­ ag encies ,v1tl1_ prior ::1:� proval (Article 88) ? 23 t lie 1 . 1 Po 111e 1 st Par l1a bers of . Office IS ::t11 exa1111Jle of an ad1 ninistrati,1e aoe11cy _ creat ed \Vith powers g!v� 1 1 to . 1 t. by e11abl_in� legislatio11 e11acted with prior app�oval of Parlia111en t . The C1 �1l Av1at1011 1-\dn11 111str,1tion is a11 exan1ple of an ad1 ni 11is­ trative agency to_ ,,vl1icl124 po,,vers \Vere given b)1 e11,1bli 11g legislation appro,,ed later by tl1e P,1rl1a1 nent. 4. I-le pron111Jgat�s t�1e ?ecrees, eclicts ancl public reg11latio11s of tl1e Ethiopian Ort hodox ChL1rc!1, (,,vl11�l1_ 1s g1ve 11 the status of an admi11istrative body by 1-\ 1·ticles 398 and 399 of tl1e C1v1] Code of 1960) by virtue of Article 127. Tl1e issuance of the Menelik II M e111.orial fu11d a11d the Tri11ity M 011astery Cl1arter25 or tl1e Church Administration Order26 are examples of the exercise of this prerogative. 5. I-le organizes ar111ed forces a11d decides what armecl forces shall be mai11tai11ed, boih in time of l)eace a11d i11 ti1ne of w::1r t111der Article 29. Tl1e creatio11 of th.e In1perial Territorial Ar111y is a11 exa111ple of this a11thority. 27

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6. Fi11ally, I-le determi11es tl1e org;,1nizatio1J, po,,1ers and d11ties of all n1inistries, executive de_part1nen ts a11d tl1e administratio11s of tl1e governn1e11t, llnder Article 27 .


Il. Constitutio11al Limitations to tl1e En1peror's Prerogatives ;\. Limitir1g provisions of tl1e Constitution Even t boL1gl1 tl1e E1n1)eror alo11e u11der His O\v11 sovereig11 po,,vers and }Jre­ rogatives, set out i11 Chapter II of tl1e Revised Constitt1tio11, 1nrty create a 11e,,v adn1inistrative age11cy by issua1 1ce of an order, l.\rticles 115-118 of the Revised Constitt1tio11 reqt1ire that all fiscal appropriatio11s for its per1nanent operatio11 1nl1 st be expressly approved by Parlja111e11L .. /\rticle 119 also stipt 1lates that no bra11ch of




20. Charter of the I-Iailc Sellassie l Four1 dation, .1959, General Notice No. 253 (as an1ended by General Notice No. 261 of 1960) Neg. Gaz., year 18, 110. 11 . ... . 21. R.f\. Sedler "The Chilot Jurisdiction of tl1e Emperor of Ethiopia: A Legal Analysis in �1s­ ' torical and con1parative J)erspective" Journal of African La1v, vol. 8, no. 2 (! 964), p. 156· 22 Th Administrative Court in the C�ntral Perso1mel Agenc� w as est�����r:i uTI<ler Art. 27 of e the Revised Constitution, rather than Art. 109 of the .Revised Cons 1 · year 25, no. 22· z., Ga 23 · Post Ofif ce g. Ne 0, 1 2' . No on ati lam oc Pr Procla1natio11, 1966, 110. 17, later approved by 21 ar ye . 7 Ga . . eg N AS 24. c·1v1·, A v1at1011 · �-, ' Decree, 1962, Decree No. � , Notice of Approval No. 8 ' Neg. Gaz., year 22, no. 9. . . Mon ast ery • . 1d Tr1n1ty a1 nd Fu oin ild Bu a 1 · i or enl 25. c,reatto M II n of the Trustees of the. Menehk of 1960) Neg. Gaz., 3 26 o N · ° en · G bv � d de 11 ame Charter, 1957, General Notice No. 229 (as year 17, no. 5. 110. 9. , 26 ar ye . . . ., 26 · Ch urch az G . eg N 8 . 4 ' · o. Ad1n1n1strat1011 Order, 1967, 01 der.. N , no. 2• 18 ar ye , z. a G . ea 1v . ?1 o 0 N Th er ' 27 · e Imperial Tcrritl)rial Arm y Order, 1958, , 0rd

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ge or ]ed or � r 1 cli oa1 l o l<.e \1/ith erta und � ! � Llt rna � tl1 e ex t 11en 1 � � ern � gov . _ tl1e Press to a11 t1 l11s d. 1111 11te ad gra ve ,1.t1 1s we Po . 11 1t aoe 1e1 an cy · b approval of tJ1e Parl. i . a vaJ'd Y . ·o · 1 1 . b . . I d ·1, . ., Ll1 e 1 e1 t . y J?ea b e ,1 I� 111ay or a pe E1n 111aJ l1e � b)' � ority � ed isst1 _ . � � decree . Vot . _ e _ ' 1 . of cl e 111 1de ticl Ar , 92 of p10 as Ll1e t, 1e11 l1an . evised Con R both cllan1bers of the Par t u. J l S es ee11 a11c etw 1 1 b e tl a11d s e thre b ck l � l) cl1e of e tri11 doc l ra11c tl the · l 1 ce He es O f the tlor ces 1Jl2 o11, io tuti itat 1sti li111 Cot 11 s up 011 tlie tl1e i11 d ate por cor 11 i 1 t' nei gov�r111 ' J)O\Vers .,8 of the E1n_pe1·or. -



Thtis, tl1 e powers to be_ �ranted to a11 . ad111i11istrative age11cy by a11 ord er 29 issued u11der Article 27 are l11111ted to a certa111 extent by tl1e otl1er l)rovisi ons 0f the Revised Constitution, 11otabl)1 , Articles 88, 92, 115-1 I 9 a11d 122.


B. Article 4 vs. other provisions of the Constitution A provisjo11 im·posi11� any lir11itatio11 ?11 tl1e � powers o� tl1e E111peror nJight seern to be s·11perflt1ous 1t1 tl1e face of Article 4 of tl1e Revised Co11stit11tio n for . is power i11clispl1tal;le'' is ltsed i11 tl1is f\rticle in sucJ1 stro11g language as ''. . . H refe1·rir1g to tl1e powers of tl1e E1nperor.


· 111JJeror to take al] 111eo.s11res tl1.a.t n1a.)' be 11ecessary to en­ Tl1e duty of the E sure, al all times, tl1e defe11ce a11d i11tegrity of tl1e E1npire, tl1e safety and \Velfare of its inl1abita11ts (Article 36); or tl1e prerogative to exercise tl1e SUJ)ren1e authority o, er all tl1e affairs of tl1e En1pire (Article 26); or tl1e s11pre111e clirectio11 of the fo­ reig11 relatio11s of tl1e E1npire (Article 30); or the d11ty to 111ai11 tai11 jt1stice (Article 35); all are duties that do 11.ot go beyonc. l the provisio11s of tl1e Re, ised Constitu­ tion. To t1:iis effect, Chapter II of tl1e Revised Co11stitutio11, i11 e11t1n1erati11g the · ses sucl1 la11gL1age as ''. . . i11 the n1an11er powers and prerogatives of tl1e E1nperor, u provided for in the prese11t Co11stitL1tio11'' (Article 26); a11d ''sL1bject to tl1e other pro­ visio11s of this Constitution'' (Article 36). Botl1 tl1e openi11g a11d tl1e closing articles i11 Cl1apter II of the Re,1ised Co11stitL1tio11, wl1ich deals with tl1e powers a11d pre­ rogatives of tl1e Emperor, stipulate the lin1it,1tio11s tl1ereto. 1



One 1nay then cor1c]·ude tha.t all po\vers of the E1111Jeror are li111itecl by the o­ p the of scope other provisio11s of tl1e Revised Co11stitt1ti 011. It follo\vs tl1at t}1e wers to be granted to admir1 istrative age11cies t111der Article 27 or other co11stit titional e­ el eror � E1111) articles is 'limited by the restrjctio11s in1posecl 011 t'!1e ]JO\Vers of t.l1e where ir1 the Constitt1tion. Tl1e S'L1pre 1nacy clattse, set ot1.t i11 Article 122 of the Revt_�­ Stt Con � tl1e vvitl1 · cleclares futL1re laws t·hat are i11consiste11t ed Co11stitution, which rh t �� effec tl1e to tutio11 ''11ull a11d void," defeats the argt1ment 011e 111ay p _ resent · 1: ies genc a _ any d.elegation of po,ve.r n1ade by tl1e E 11 1peror to ai1y · ,1d111i11istr�ttive i u q re unchallenge�ble due t? Article 4 of tl,e Re·vised Co11 stit11tior1. A�·ticle 122 _ p ;�. er 1 otl tl1e tl!� conclus1on tl1at 1f a delegatio11 of power is i 1 1co11sister1t \¥1tl1 v1s1ons of the Constitutio11 st1c}1 delegation beco111es u11co11stit11tio11a1. 28. Kenneth Redden, The L�i.v. A1alci11g .Process i11. Etl1iopic1, 1966 Addis Ababa, �I'·. 6 7 , � ·forill of _ i 29 · An o�der, even_ though �t 1s a primary w la on its ow11 n1erit, i.e. as tl1e JJ rinc ��visjons. of x �trrttve law� 1s st1bordrnate to a proclamatio11 promLilgated. pt1rsu�t11t to �he 11• 10 ut it � :t.icles onst pc sed ·SS, 89 or 90. or to a decree enacted t1nder Art. 92 of tl1e }levi e of tJie � · • 1 acy c aus ,1n l!Iil.�t0.em1ally, no 1 c ·· e 1s . re.c · mace up1e1 . ierenc I 11� tl1e A1nb.aric version of tl1e s �n1 f faW ��:,hed ;a.e� (- e, ?tISt o_ tttltt r o.n, Ar�. . 122, (again d tie to bad tra11slatio11) to tl1e f o be publi � / � � , . rcleI1 , �'"'en tllomgh it lS enum to ire � ws e erat r in ed 88 la u1on g r tl1e qu A d as a t. m t�e iW/eQ.a1rtJ:






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. These ba�ic co11 flicts of tl1 e constitutio11 al p r ovisioils ust. be reco11c1.l�d so rne. att \-VO e 111 tild pt r to e \v r1t rec on cil e Th e Article 4 t tl1e tl r prov1s101 1s of �� � ! • . t on t tt1 e 1 tl1 sti on ll we b)1 i li ab est C sl1 ed r 1le 111 terpretat1011 of law that · · 1ev Revised 1s1? thlo1, · . preva1 1 s _ ov�r a ge11 eral provision. Siiice 1-\ . 11 pro v ecifi c . 4 r tic]e is _111 . th e ge 11 e1a 1 a sp Co 11st 1tt1 . t10 Re 1 1 vis ed , tl1e specific provisiot1 s of tl1e C onst1tut1011 shoulcl 'part .of t l1e. . • �e1 · · 0,. 1era1 pt.O\,1s10 . . . � . 1 1 11s 1 , t t l1 a t 1s ove to 1 sa, . ".1,, tl1e 11- 1ru·ta t·1011s p1 aced on t11 e . pt·eva' il .. · 1 e E1n1 )eror 111 Artic l es 26 ' 36 88-9? , tl of es oativ ? ' 12 a1 · 1 d ero tl · 1e ot.11e' r prov1s1 011s . • pr· 0 · .·. · · 1 st1tut1011 1 1n1 1l111 g or bala1 1c,ng tl,e pov 01 1 C 1sec Rev the ,v'er·s of the En1 pero1.s·l1ot1Id be · · 0f 011 o·f Art1cl t1 a 1 c . 1-f· :: t1 11 e q 4. a s a ed rd rega The prerogatives of the E1111Jeror referred to earlier a11 cl provided i11 the different Re,,ised Co11 stitui�o11 apply to differei,t cases. For the ptirpose of ll1e of ions rovi s p . 1 this stti dy, tl1 e 111 ost rele, ,111 t co11st1tut1011 al provision is Article 27.Ai,alysis of tliese can be a n1odel for tl1e a11alysis of otl1er cases. III. Analysis of Article 27



A Discrepa11cy bet,,•ce11 the f\n1haric a11d English versions and its reconciliation The Englisl1 version of Article 27 of tl1 e Revised Co11stitution reads: "The En1peror determi1 1es the orga11izatior.1, powers and dt1ties of all 111 i1 1istries executive de·part1ne11 ts ,ind tl1 e adn1inistratio11 s of tl1e Governme11t ,ar,d ,lppoi iits: pron1otes, tr,111s fers, susper1 ds ,111 d disr11 isses the officials of the same.. It sho11ld l1e 11 oted tl1a t tl1 e A111 l1 aric versio11 of tl1 e sa111e Article differs fron, the English versio11. Tl1e l iteral tra11sl�1tio11 of the Am l1 aric version is: "The Emperor deter1 ni11 es tl1e \vorki11g co11ditio11 s, establishes the clep,1rtn1 e11 ts whicl1 carry gover11me11t fu11 ctions, :ind all ni inistries. 30 1 -l e appoints, pro111otes, tr,111sfers, suspends a11 cl dis111 isses tl1 e oflicials of tl1 e de1)art111e11ts. '' In addition tc) t l1 e dilTere11 ce i11 co11strt1ctio11 of tl1 e se11te11ce, i.e. one 1011g sentence in tl1e E11 g l isl1 versio11 in contrast to two sl1ort se11te11ces in tl1e A111 l1aric, the con 1parisio11 reveals t l 1e follo\.ving 111 ajor diffe re11ces i11 s11bsta11 ce. First, 011ly ministries ancl clepart111 ents are 1 11 e11tion.ed in. tl1 e An1 l1aric versio11, unLike tl1e E11glis l1 which n1e11tions 111 inistries, exect1tive departments a11d ad1ninistrations of ll1 e gover11 n1ent. Secondly, "1 vagt1e ter1n, sucl1 as ''setting of \-Vorking co11ditio11 s" is 11sed i11 t11e first se11te11ce of the A 111 l1aric text, 'rvhile tl1e ter1ns ''orga11ization, p0\1/­ ers and duties'' are i11cor1)orc1ted i11 tl1 e E11 glisl1 versio11. Tl1irdly, tl1e Aml1aric version, \Vbile na1ning departmc11ts a11 d 111 i1 1istries i11 tl1 e first se11tence, refers to de1 Jart­ n1ents (age11cies) C)nly ii1 tl1 e sec o11 cl sentence. Tl1e Englis l1 version 0_11 tl1e other l est,1bl1s l 1ments, as hand see,ns to refer Lo all the tl1ree categories of governn1er1ta . e tenc it uses the ter111 '' ...of tl1 e sa.111 e'' at tl1e e11 d of tl1e se11 Jn short, tl1e A111 haric versio11 seen1s to embody the spirit of Article 11 of the l 1e � d an n tio iza an ?rg tl1e ly 11 0 es 1 1i1 1 1 ter de r ro 1pe !93 I ConstitL1tio11, to wit: tli e En inter nal regulati c..1115 of tile 111inistries a11d ,1cl1ni11istrative i:1genc1es_, and �l1ares with the Parli, 1n,er,L tlic 1 11atter of grailting po\.vers to tl1 em. The E11 gl1sl1 vers1011 on.t?e 1 ly to set up in1�1s­ o1 t no r \ve po t ial er er 1p h In jze n g11 ha co d 1nigl1t l1e read to re o_ tr1es,_ . executive departn1e11 ts a11 d tl1e ad1 n!nistrat�on of tl1e gover1:ment, inea11t_ng 1ve 11t ec ex by s t1e dt1 d an rs we po adm1111strative af!:e11cies b eir th ne , · 11t also to detern11 � Iaw, with certai11 li111 itatio11 s. r ession ''deterp · ex e gu va e h t r. r io ed . Whil e the ter1n ''cl 11ties'' cot1lci be substitut m1nation of ,vorl(ing co1 1ditio11 '' existi11 g in the Amharic version, tl1e tern1 ''power," nt. ri p is m a is · is th t ,a tt s 11 e1 30 In fact the word "ministers" is used . It se

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. 1 ai11 s witl1out a cou 11 ren n, sio ver lish Eng e th in ) tetl art . t whi c b 1s• included m · he rd ey the wo is i11 the topic of k er ow ''p '' 1n ter the As tl1 1s articJe, · sion· An1- han·c ver . .t\VO maJ•o.r. q_L1e . st· •1011s. p· . t, -·1rs 1 on 1 nt10 1s atte otir the absence is foct to · we have · · · tl1e An1bar1c ve1s· 10 1 acc1'd.e11 taI o d l'b of 1 e? erat 111 � � � s'' Sec wer . ond hat_ the term ''po 111 Article 27 of tl1e Revised. Consti tutio ' .; lated emp cont is ers pow n' attlre of · �oocltide that we. 11ave to read the word ''power'' i11to botl1 versioiis 0� t�! Article under rev1ew? The_ writer b�lieves that the discrep�11cy be��een -�11.e �n1l1aric an�l t1�e English version 1s more l1kelY,, t? be tl1e _rest1!t �f b �d ,;1a11sla�on . tl1 a11 �f Iegisl�tive intent. As tbe word ''pow ers 1s correlative to, the E11 gl1sl1 version which conta· ns e di11 g ter1n ''orga11ization," appears to be prec � the both, and relates then1 witl1 01 . re . logical tha11 the Amhar1c version. The Revised Constitutio11 as a wl1ole was origi11 ally drafted in English and tra11slated into An1l1aric. f-Ie11ce, it is n1ore lil<el)' that tl1e discre1)ancy between the two versions is a r es11lt of bad translation tl1an of legislative inte11t. However since tl1e legislating authorities, pa·rticularly tl1e m - embers of both Chambers of Parliame11t, were familiar with the A1nl1 aric versio11, and deliberated on that alone, one n1igl1t argue tl1 at tl1e A.1ul1aric versio11 sho11ld be co11 sidered as tl1e trtie intent of the legislators, and as such should co11trol. In additio11 Article 125 of the Revised Constitution stipulates that A1nharic is the official langt1age of tl1e E1npire. But, how to reconcile the two te xts? The vagueness of the A1nharic version calls for clar.ificatio11 of its precise mean­ ing. One of the .possible ways of clarifyi11g tl1e true n1ea11i11 g of Article 27, partict1Iarly in its Amharic versio11, is con1paring the two texts - An1l1aric a11d Engl isl1 - and going back to the original draft. Tl1 e above e11un1erated findit1gs, on the comparison of the two texts, coupled with tl1e fact that the text was originally d rafted in English, gives a ground to a,rgue that the de ficie11cy i11 the An1l1aric version should at least be co1uplen1ented by \Vhat is provided in tl1e English versio11. In spite of its vagu.ene ss, tl1e Amharic version cr eates an argt1111e nt in fav�ur of interpreting the English version fairly restrictively, beca11se the A111l1aric \,ersio� implie-s that only powers to regulate the internal worl(i11g of the gover n111 ent �n 1g f<lt acco � the administrative ·agencies may be g1·anted t1nder Article 27. I11 other words, cies

to the Amharic version, th e powers tl1at may be grar1ted to ad.n1i11istrative agen under Article 27 seem to be limited i11 sco:pe a11d ap·plication. B. The scope of powers to be granted under Article 27

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under • icie No e _ a g effectiv e regu tive atory po 1inistr e. r acl1 may � be gra11te to cl � _ : t : scope · � _ � . Article 2� o� the Rev1sed Co11s_t1_tut1on, because the Aml1ar1c vers101 1 111111 �:s h the in d and . appl1cat1on of that prov1s1on. The term ''power'' expressly provide . of · · · g E� I18h ve�s1on, �hould be interpreted, therefore, fai ly 1·estrictively, 111 tl1 e ]Io-ht· �vern· .the Am � _ e haric version, to 1nean powers to r egt1late tl1 e 111ter11al working of �-h g rties, �ent a�d ad�nistrative agencie s, as opposed to jurisdictio11 over th1rd ver· _ tif: i._e. 0rdmary c1t1zens. In short, from tl1e g En ud a ana th e A1nl1a r1c lysi of s . 810:n.s Qf Article 27 on e may conclude that: • roight be d 1· 'fll.11!,e-. !l§,1Jt,g fE7 :t· an 1118 h version is mo re logical ion, ver s . version; Am haric tha n e th ric .Jit,s�d! as ai m.e1ans of clarification ha Am the to understand properly .


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. ve rs io 11 sh ou ar ic ld be read to inea11 what the An1h e Tl l · E tlg 1 1sh version pro2· · • a attse t rogativ e pr e b , d . o et ern11ne the organization v1 ?e.s, . ec . an d du ties of all ex d e ect 1t1v ep art 1n e 11ts and tl1e ad 1ninistration · s of the �overnment mtn1str1es, ·be able to grant some sort of powers " sl1ould. at le.ast , 1or, accord1no to the . · · · · ve1s1011, no 1 mn1ectiat ely effect ive po\'ver may A111l1a1 ic be gra11ted under A�ticle 27.

estio11 is the11 \Vhat . ki11d of po..,ver inay eu The qu et:'ect ·1ve1y be granted to . : . t,v a e �c ·.1es tJ . executive la\v � 1 1der the Co11stitutio11 ? According to the � adn11n1,st�a � � auth?r. s. 1nt�ipre �it io� of the latlgua_ge of Article 27, tl1e 11ature of powers to be gra11ted to ad�1 111_str�t1_ve 3oenc1e_s . :11all 11�t. 111:0lve : (�) regu�atory po\vers, for i 11stance, gra11 t 1 1rd _parti s, I.e ., or�l1!1ary . c1tize11 tl e ov ct10� 1 1sd _ 1 s, as opposed to powers to 11r � of : regulate tl1e Jntern,ll \Vo.rktilg ?f tl,e t1d1 n1111str�1t 1ve agencies; (2) police powers, for insta11ce, tl1e po\ver to establi�l1 _ 1 1_e\v offenc es or 11ew pu11ishn1ents for old 01 1es, or tl1e_ JJ O\ver to secure �l1e Jtidic 1 al el�forcer11ent of regl1lations; a11d (3) powers regulat11 1g _ 1natters of publJc fiiiance, \V}11cl1 are explicitly or implicitly reserved for parlian1entary ::Lpproval. \Vith _tl1ese li1 11itatio�1s t11e po\vers. tl1,1t 1nay be gra11t ed to administrat ive agencjes under Article 27 n1,1y 1ncl11 cie exec1 1t1ve, cr11asi-legis]ative and qt1�1si-jtidicial powers. Jn sl1ort, 11011-regulato:y JJowers, and powers not de1Jrivi11g a11 individual of life, liberty or property \V1tl1out d11e JJroce ss of la\v, or in1posing ta.xes, or spending money, or borro\ving 111oney \Vitl1out ap1Jroval of Parlian1e11t, 111ay effectively be to ad111i11istra.tive age11 oranted ..., c ies L111der Article 27. 011 the other l1a11d' for a11 effective :::, grant of tl1e substantive po\vers exclt1ded above, the legislative for111s partic11larly prescribed for then1 in the Co11st itutio 1 1 111ust be followed. This ans\ver raises 1Jroblems, beca11se the Exect1tive 1nay \Vish to form some agency \Vithot1t vva.itir1g for tl1e occ:1sio11,1lly slo\v legislative processes, \vl1 icl1 as indicated earlier \v. ill be necessary to clelegate effectively certai 11 desirable substa11tive po\vers. It 1nay fe el tl1at tl1e 11e\v body sl1011l d be created a11d its powers clefi11ed all at 011ce, by an order or charter, a11d 1 1ot IJiecemeal through tl1e clel iber,1tions of various legislati\ie 1111its; there are acl.va11t ages to be gai11ed fro1 n forceful prese nta­ tion of a co111prehe11sive scl1eme. For any or all of these reaso1 1s, or others, one may find tl1e Exec11tive appe,1ri11g to do by orcler, u11der t l1e a11tl1ority of 1-\rticle 27, \vhat sho11ld properly 011ly be done by procl::1n1atio11 or, i11 the appropri:1te consti­ tutional circu111sta1 1 ces, by decree. What is the legal effect of such an order or a charter? When one l1as been published, 110,:v ougl1t matt ers to proceed? Tl1e Cl1arter of the �wasl1 Valley Autl1.o­ rity n1ay be tal<er1 as a11 e xa1 11ple of this ki1 1d of proble 111. Br1e fl� put, tl1e op_111.101_1 of the author is, that \Vhile t here 1 nay be v,1lid reaso11s f?r 011tl1n1ng the cles1rable structure of a ne w agency j 1 1 ftill by an order l1 11der Art1_cl� 27, the_se _reasons c a11 not serve to give legal effect to provisioris that are not w1tl11 n coost1t11 t1on_al power _ to _"make law'' u11der t l1is provision. One wo1tld _ha:'e to presume that, in all 1_ts action, the gover11111e 1 1t means to a.ct \Vithin tl1e l1n11 ts of its power as ?�fined 111 1 s 1011s are ov pr ch su e r e . wb t ha s e v he lie be ! � Co11 stitutio11. Therefore, the atlthor . 1er rtl fu r fo l al a as d te re p er � 1n be lu inc ded in a,1 order o r clJarter tlley should � _ en \.Vh y nl O y. r1t ho ut al 11 10 t 1 1tl t 11s co i � act on to implemeilt th em by th e approJJriat e - e. Such action is ta ke n will s11cl1 provisions beco1ne legally effectiv



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·s ing we1 min Po ter De ot· of mi Ad i,,e rat rog Pre tr nis the ative Agenc1es to as gs din Fin IV.. e 11acl sis n::tly , tl1 abo a11d ' . lead. to a re sicle ! con � or fact � � tl1e �� All � ? s oi 1 . ne d tl1e \ 1se Re of 27 1tt 11st Co e ticl A1· 11 1t10 of . 0 11 acc . what narrow read111g ount of tl1e es at1v ror ro 1pe pre E11 tl1e by 011 ed Jos � tile othe r of the limitations ii111 r P_ o. tl1e E1n 1ty of r, hor at1t )ero tl1e 1 vid pro 11, 1tio ed in Art1cie 1 ·008 o·f tl1e Constitt V·51 . . . • · . .· . · · a11 cy d d e age11 t 1111g . 1 er1111 at1ve n1str ad1111 its 1nter,1 al or . a11 1 g 11 creat to uited i li is. 27 a 1�1za�j 011, juterr1al powers and d�ties 0 1 1ly. In. otl1er words, t11e nature of pow ers· fO e · h b. \' ld cle sl1ou rt al e der d. t1 011ly 27 i 1c1es A age1 n \ it e rativ inist adn1 t I to e 1 11ternal g· ·anted · · . Organizatio 1 1 , duties and po\¥. ers,· wl11·cl 1 do 11ot .111vo1ve regulato . ry powers, p powers, a11d poVirers regt1J_at1ng 111atters of pub! 1c fi11a11ce wl1 1cJ1 are explicitly or implicitly reser,,ed f. or parl1a111e11tary approval. V. The .Nature of Powers to be G·ranted to Administrative 1\gencies b)' Executive La"' Given the responsibilitie� of ste,vardsl1ip attrjbL1t:ed to Hin1 u11der Article 36 of tl1e Co11stitution, the E111peror as Sovereig11 a11d Cl1ief Executive is expected to take tl1e 11ecessary n1easures for tl1e public good so far at as tl1e Constitution does not inl1ibit them. One of the means by vlhjch tJ1is f u11ctio11 111ay be fulfilled is by creating adn1inistrative agencies, wl1ose p0\\1ers a11d duties are determined by executive law under Article 27 of tl1e Cor1sti t L1tio11. In Etl1iopia, execl1tive laws are n1ade i11 tl1e f'or m . of orclers, ge11eral notices and legal 11otices. The SUJ)erio1� for1ns of legislatio11 a.1·e procla1nations a11d decrees. As Corwi11 pt1ts it: '' Exec11tive laws fall into t\VO C[ltegories: first, tl1ose that co11cern primarily the internal orga11isatio11 of tl1e administratior1, and so are of interest cl1iefly to its 111en1bers or \"/Ot1ld-be 111e1nbers; seco11d]y, tl1ose that supple­ ment the general law." 31 In Ethiopia,, as a general sur,1ey of tl1e e>:ecutive la\VS so far issued shows, heads of admi11istrative agencies are us11ally give11 pO\Ve1·s to 111ake r11les regarding the internal str11cture of their orga11izatio11, as V1 ell ,1s to 1nake regul,1tio11s i11 specified fields witrun their ju1�1sdictio11. Tl1ere m . 11st be, however, some li11uta.tions to tl1e latter type of power, i.e, _ to making regulatio11s �1hich affect tl1e rigl1ts of i11dividuals or i111pose new obligat�ons on the public in ge11eral. For example, an adn1inistrative age11cy sl1ot1ld 1 1ot be given by an execu.tive la.w such powers as to 1·egt1late the co11duct or to lin1it tl1e ntunber 1a· n procla b ,1 y of perso11s wl10 practice a J)rofessio11 11nless a standard is laicl clow11 an cl1ec � tl1e 1 i � tion. or a decree, beca1 se a meast1re which is not made st bject to 0 al cleiii a11d balance process might lead to the employ111e11 t of sL1bjective stt111cl:1rds . law. d·ue process of






VI. Definition a.od Usage of the Ter1n Charter s a O 0\V The legislatio11 which the Awash. Vally Autl1ority is created l·s 1o1 a ''Charter." l . icia o f l Proclamat1on No . I of 1942 ' wl1ich estab}jshed tl1e N· ega.rit Gazeta - �lie '. of 1011 · t law rreporter o f Eth s]a · · · · 1 op1a-11sts the types 0 of pri1 1]ar· y a11d subord1n,:1te tea1 y k �:S. ©0,win, The Pliesident (Office or New ) 1957 an d ed. ers, 7) (4th Pow -195 1787 rSt� R.Ress� Hew York , p. 393.

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tJ ·1ver· n





P.REROGATIVE T O DETERl'vJTNE AG ENCIES" POWERS 1e list i 11clt1de s tl1e followi11g for1118 of leo l T ia. ·op o·1sIa 1-1 0n . proclamat1ons decrees . E th I .1s � o�·der_s, 11�t1ces , a11 d s11bsidiary s , reg tt I at·101 e ru l _ legislation. 32 N;i tl1er th� _1 al notice Ia,v,. s, . JS listed 111 tl1e Proclamatio1 ge1 1e or 1 . practice tl1e latter 1 . er · ' ' 1 · BLlt· 10 cI1'art . o I f aw orrn , . d f an . . a tl1e as for 111er as a ca 1Jti o11 of a pa itic d use . ·'·s . ula r _ki . n of ? _ . cl1:1rters are i ssu ed a� ge_ ,1eral notices \:vords tl1er n A ge1 1eral notice 1s a . 1a,v. f 1 wl11 cl1 IS 111 tl1e border J111e at10 1 . Ieg1 sl ·mar of . betv veen · pri -v , ·J anc 1 s L1 fornl SI .d. b 1ary 1eg1s.· . .· · · . 111 y pt 1 ] l11n eg 1� es 1 at1011 s11c]1 as tbe Cl1arter of tl1e AVA i �� lation. So1ne s enacted of � _ genet,11 notice. (See G·e11cral Noti.ce 1'fo. 299 for o1 the of 1962). At in _ _ 1 d111ate enact 111e11ts, SLtch ,1 s llie st1b o s, r1111 e Sta' tei,,e,,t of] 11con1e a11d Expe11ses Other · , · · · ISSLle d 1 11 t 11�. f 011. 11 ol� a ge11eral no is .T. E. tice. (See General Notice No. of I.B 339 of . l9�?). Ge11eral. 110lt�es . llSL1ally f�1ll L111cler eitl1er ''la\vs'' or ''rules'' or "regulal!ons . _as enL1111e1ated _1_11 � roclan1at1 ?11 No._ J of J9.:'.i2, depei,ding of cotlrse, tc1nce of tlie l�gislatio,1 �o ?e 1sst1ecl 1n the for 111 of Ll1e general notice. 011 the 1 1:1_po1 The ec 1u,valent tern, Ltsed 111 A111 l1ar1c 1s ''go, er1 1111e11t notice."

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All at1 tl1110111ous age 11c1es ar� ge11er,1lly referred to ,LS ''chartered'' age11 cies, whether they are created by procl,tn1at1on, decree, order or ge11eri1I notice Prior to the en­ . Code Civ_ i l of: the �tl1io pj,1 f of o I 960, im Jerial e11t charters vvere gra11ted to actm _ 1 both pt1bhc a11d private as_soc1,:1t1011s, �n orcler to give tl1e statt1s of corporate boclies, as there \Vas no legal basrs for for111111g such associatio11s other,vise. That is 110,.v privale associalions like tl1e Y1\.1CA received a11 i111perial charter, pt1blisbed i11 the of the Civil Code in l 960 ' 33 110,vever., no Ne 0::,arit G::izeta. Since, tl1e IJro1 nL1 lgation . .., charter has bee 11 gra.11t .ed to private associations or orga11izatio11s except tl1e Haile Sellassie 1 Fou11datio11 . ''II. The Forni ancl the Source of tl1e Legislation Tl1e Cl1arter l1f tl1e Awasl1 v�1lley A11 tl1ority w,1s isst1ed i11 the for1n of a ge1 1e­ ral notice. Ad 111i11istati\1 e age1 1cies 011 tl1e otl1er hand have 11sually been createcl as autonon1ot1s boclies botl1 i11 practice an.d as a 111atter of la,v in the for1n of a11 order, rather tl1a11 i11 tl1e for111 of ge 11eral 11otice, since tl1e pro11111 lgatio11 of the Revisecl Constitutio11 in 1955. l\!f <)reover, tl1e E1 11peror refers to tl1e acl\1ice of the Council of Jv1 i1 1isters onIv ,vl1e11 He e111:1cts orders or decrees, and 11ot vvher1 I-Ie issues general 11otices. To the best k11owleclge of the a11tl1or, tl1e 011ly cases vvhere no reference to the ad,,ice of tl1e Council of tv1i11isters \vas 1n,1de regarding orders \Vere in the Ce11tral Person11el Agei 1cy a11d Public Service Order (Order No. 23 of 1961); ancl the Ministers (Defi11ilion of Po\-vers) Order, An1e11dme11ts _No. 1 a 11 cl No. �, (Orders No. 44 a 11 d 46 of I966). TI1e refere11ce to tl1e ad,11ce of the Cot11 1c1l of 1v1inisters in Ge11eral Notice Nl1. 299 of 1962, wl1icl1 creates tbe Awasl1 Valley Autl1o rity, ap1)ears to be an exceJ)tion. An enc1uirv rnade by tl1 e aLttl1or revealed thclt this ])iece of leg!slation w�s 1originally draft;cl j 1 1 tli e for111 of a1 1 order, citi11g Article 27 of th e_ Revised Co11st34 tution as t11e sotrrce of atitllority for tl1e Iegislatiot1, wi!l1 the capt1_011 ''Charter;'' the drafter appLlre,,tJy tool< fo r gratlted tI1e JJast practice of creatrng auto11on1ot1s 32· Establishme nt of Negarit Gazela Proclan1ation, 1942, Art. 2(a) Proclaniation No. l, iYeg. Gaz., vear l ' t10· 1 · stered gi re d an ed rm fo . � ns io at ci so as e t · 33 · T va pri . . b�dy to . l1 e Civil Code gives status of corpor,�te 1n accordance . \Vith Articles 404-482 inclusive. · pa I d.ra ft sc1 • 1n pr e th 11 10 at ar . . . in prep as \V 34. ·T11e1.e 1� r e ·t ,ar l C ,e l 1 that t1n1e d te an ev1den.ce that at t)1e gr be ly on d ul co A V A e th f man pointed out that certain of the eoun1erale"d 0 by Proclan1ation.

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to the ce advi ce feren e r_ of Tl1e the Council of r. arte 1 cl _ by s ritie o . auth . blic M· . 1 n1s­ ft; la�er d1· on l1 al or1g1�1 r . owev� , . tl1e forin of � f:rs was incorporated in the _ t l1e ce, aJ 1 noti gene an to tl1e r orde 1o c1tat f:o� i1 11ged a cb. was of � legislation Arti cle . . _ 27 on hor s tl1e rea. aut for tl1e of fer pre n 111o op1 e enc of a e was omitted. In tl1 e g er l ecuti ranch e e of the tl1e that v b · � a notice to a11 order see1ns to be x gover11111e11t b elIev · ed 1• e AVA bY 1mp e1 ··al · · t11 · . 1 I to d . c 1te 1arter tha11 could �hat more po�er co11l�. be gra1 . b . e 1. de an or of n1 or f e tl1 111 y all on 1t1 t1h ns co give11


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Dtie to the fact tl1at the origi11,tl d1·aft was �1ade in the f or1n of an ord r and to some of tl1e ,vording of the prea111ble, espec1ally the refere11ce to the ad � , e of the Cou11cil of Ministers, it seen1s that tl1 e source of a11tl1or.ity for tbe issuavic ce � 27 of tl1e Revisecl Article Co11stitutioo, despite the form of tl1e AVA Charte.r is general noti ce, a nd the �bs�nce o� citation to Article 27. 1�11e for1n does 11ot �1;;� tl1.e legislation u11co11st1tut1onal. 3)

i I

VIII. Legal Anal)rsis of the Provisions of the Charter Let us proceed to exami11e now \Vhat provisio11s of the Cl1arter of the AVA are inlillediately effecti,,e and which requ_ire furtl1er legislative actio11, from tl1e power given to the autl1ority u n. der Article 27. A. Purpose of the A'VA The ge11eral purpose of tl1e AV A is laid do\:vn in tl1e first clat1se of Article 4 in the fallowing words:


''The purpose of the AV P1.. is to ad1n.inister and. develop tl1e natural resources of the Valley.... " It sbou.ld be 11oted here that the word ''pu1·pose'' is t1sed to lities and duties as \vell.




Specific duties

In addition to tb.e ge11e1·al power Jaicl down in Article 4, tl1e sco_pe of w_l1ich is u.ot limitecl by the subseque11t enumerations, the SJ)ecific respo11sibilities _ Ii5 Led from (a) to (11) in the cited Article, are given to tl1e AVA. Soine of these dutLes do not require special constitutio11al co11sjderation. Two specific provisions, however, do require special consideratio11. 1. Control and distribution of water . . a) Sub -secti�n (f) of. A_rtic�e 4. gives to tl1e I>� VA speci�l po,1/e:r _to a�sign_ wa \�:! of the A.wash River for 1rr1gat1on a11d other l)·urposes. This prov1s1on 1n1p lies t ... le t the waters i11 the Awas11 Valley a1·e J)art of' tl1e state do1nai11. i.\ccordi11g t� Ard i_c · · · · . e Rev1se 130 of th · d. const1tt1t1on, the 11att1ral resources o f. t l1e E111p11· ·e , incl u inei f the . �rs, lakes and _riv�rs, 447 w�t a1·e made stat� don1c1j11; Articles 1228 �11d 1 Civil <;ode of Ethiop1� of 1960 also st1p11Iate that . tl1e ow11ersh1p of all _ rin ning tbe _ t to and still water vests 1n the State, ancl tbe co111111t1111ty bas only the 11 gb es beco IJl use. of the wat·er. As p�ov1_·ded in Article 1229 of:' tl1e Civil C?de, ter t \V� cis , prr� ate J?top�rty where 1t 1s collected in a n1a11-made reservoir, basi�. or erJJ n ing . ch it does run from whi all not flow Article 1228 (2) stipt11ates also that 0


LibrarY• 'a°:i e�. :P,au1, '' (?ases a,nd M'ater unp ub}j shed, 67 )'' (19 ls 66 -1 9 on I La Pu w bli c i � M � of' Law . , Plaiile Sellass_1e I Un1 versity, Chapter XIII, p. 23. .'

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sl1all be controlled and protected by tile co er \vat still ii pe te nt autJ1or1 ty. More� and 1 icle i1 e Art Cod 0(3) 123 ,· p ro \ Ides t hat nothing shal 1 ie Civil . t . . ver . , l affect the Pro, o a11 law d s al ad m1 111s spe trat1ve regtilations' w]letller f ci of ns io O general or local . vis . tl1e Charter of tlle A yA is · a special law of local application appl1.c,t, f10 11 · Since . . • ct· . . , I ] oal provisions 1eg,1r 1ng water 1 11 corporated in tile c· ·' . . ·i e d · · 1v1 Co e ar e not b1L1 d1ng t 1e O • . . . � VA exercises tl1is power or1ty , pro v1• de d. t hat. t?e at1t h the by vir· tue of a de1 egaon enabl111g leg1slat1011 by r e v po\of 1 . uor Tl1erefore, tl1 e ft111 ctio11 of assigni11g \Yater of the A \Vash River for irrigation urposes b� tlie AVA _ to tliose \vho rneet its req11ir p r oth e en1ents is immediate},· _ and 1s 1nade 1t \V1tl1011t a11y discrimi riatiotl. provid ed ve, · ecti efl b) A:ticle 9 of tl1 e_ Cl i�rter safeguards tl1e existi11 g water rigl1ts i 11 tl1e Awash Valley which are e111bod.1ed 1n agree111e11 ts existi11g betwee11 the users of said water and any ageiit of _ tlie gover�1 1 11eii t. This is a provisio11 deliberately i 11 serteci to re­ cognize the \Vt1ter r1gl1ts acquired ?Y J-1.y.A.. El hiopia Sliare Company (Wonji) under an agree 111ent. Tl1e purp ose of tl11s A �·t1c�e _1s t_o reaffir11 1 the rights acq11ired 11nder an agreen1ent :1 1 1d 11 ot to 1 11ake a.11y d1scr1111111at1011 bet\vee11 u sers of the said waters. 1er111ne11 t, tl1e AV go\ tl1e of agent A. has tl1e power to reoi11ate tlie uses of As an the \Yater in its jt1risdictio11, \Vitl1 o u t affecti11 g existing water-rights i11 tl1e A\vash \'alley wl1ich are e111bodied i11 a11 ag.reement. 2. Taking any action to assure the best use

Article 4 (11) assig11s to AVA a general respo11sibility, to do all sucl1 tl1 ings as may be 11ecessary to ass11re tl1e best use a 11 ct develo_pme11t of tl1e resources of the A\vash Valley . By virtue of tl1is 1Jrovisio11 , tl1e Authority may take any action \vhich 111 igl1 L aflect the r1at11ral flow of tl1 e river by b11ilcli1 1 g a reservoir ,1t tl1e upper IJart of the A \Vash b;1sin, to collect tl1e flovvi11g \Vater or divert tl1e co11rse of the river in order to develop certa.i11 areas of the Avvash Valley. This act n1ight beco111e delrin1ental to persons do\v11strean1, vvl10 use such water for do. n1 estic purposes a11cl irrigatio11 as \Veil ,1s for incl11stri::1I 11se. To ,1ss11re at ]east the right of water 11se to persons do"vnstream certai11 safegtiards to tl1is rigl1 t of 11se guara11 teed by tl1e provisions of the Civil Cocle should be 111ade, or the la11 g11age of this sub-sectio11 qualifiecl to tl1 is effect. C. Ordinary powers

The powers gra11ted 1111 der Article 5 of tl1e Charter are po\.vers a juridical person (corporate body) 111,1y 11 0r111ally ha\re. Those JJO\Vers in�lude tl1 e po\ver to co1�tract, to s11e and be sued36 j 11 its O\VJl 11am e , ai1d to acqtL1re, ow11 , possess a11d d1spose of property. tice l no ra ne ge a r eth ,vh f e st1 i e th � l1 gt len ? � r. at . g i11 i, � Poguck 37 after co11sider _ published in th e Negarit Gazeta constitutes ad1n1111st �at1ve law 1n the mea11 1ng of the Civil Code or 11ot, co11cluded tl1at tl1 e general notice d�es. not. have the c�arac­ ter of ad111inistrative law as JJrescribed by the Ci vi l Code. This implies that Article 5 ue" and "s of . d ea st in · · r te ap Ch e th f · b) 0 5( 36 r·he words "use'' and "used" are ernpJoyed 1n Art. "sued". This is certainly a misprint. 4. p. d) he lis b pu 37. n (u 67 19 A V A ' R.J.H. Poguc]ci, Preliminary Ar,alysis of the Clzarter 01 the

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JOUl{NAL OF ET.HlOPIAN l..,f'.\. W - VOL. 'I � No. 3

jt1r dic i l pers?1�ality to A VA t ,1r sep giv to � t1t � mea is � · rte! � Clla _ _ tile _ � of' ,. btit 011ly s es 1 1gl1t 1n c1v1l law on beh rcis .1t1. p LIblic la\v and that tl1e AVA exe . a , lf f • . • . . _ . . o . � . t . h t101 1 1 a11 1t1es rat e h c er b1 pu 11 t11a er oth of on ,1li beh , 011 its or ies .1 ·i.n1·str o 11 le gal or tio11 w corp i c 11g a l1avi bl a u 1 sepi is · · r i ,1 it }J· te l1se beca e · · r• � 1t not f e i 1 · ty es u vrr , • , rom the Government. The v\iriter subscribes to this co11clusion, · a.·s tl1e· A VA� is a11 ,lcln1inis trativ a e gency · · · 1 1 111 g exerc1s r1 1ts pre�cr1b ed by dnlin · 11 1�\-\', · c1, � and � ot a legal pe.rson 111 _ jstrative � ; _ . law, 1n t11e. pr?per sense of th� ,vord�. The q�al1fication� �f tl1e extraordinary po,vers of the Authority, e11u111erated 1n Art1cle 6 of tl1e Cl1a1 te1, by st1cl1 ter111s as ''in opera·tio� �i�'' and ''as a_ge11t. of tl:e. G�vernr"L1e111'' �r ''as age11t for otI1 er Gove��� inent . ttf 111 �str1es . an� _ Pt1bl1c Au.tl1or1t1es, n1ay be cited a� !3- �roof tl1at the A.VA exercis�s r1gl1ts 1.n ctvtl law 011 behalf of tl1e co:1�erne� 1111111str1es �nd otI1 er public authorities; a11d not on account of the ad111.1n1strat1ve laws er1v1saged i,1 Artie!e 397 of the Civil Code of Etl1iopia. · ve11 tl1ot1gl1 they are listed in the Cl1arter in tl1e sectio11 which cleals \Vith e the extraordinary powers grr-tnted to the A,,A - (tl1e IJO\Ver to receive and ad� minister, as agent of the Govert1111ent, i11ter11atio11al aid a11d credits (Article 6 ( f);38 the po\ver to act as agent for mi11istries a11d ot}1er public autl1orities (Article 6(g): the power to ,1sce1·tain lat1d ow11ership in the .A\Vasl1 Valley and to admjnister all state-owned land (Article 7); the power to perfor111 tl1e ft111ctio11s e11tr11sted to it for the 1nost efficient a11d economic development a11cl 11se of tl1e resources of the Awash Valley (Article 8); a11d tl1e power to c:1dopt by-la\vs consiste11t witl1 the provisions of tl1e Charter (Article 20) ) -- tl1ese are delegatio11s of powers, whicl1 do r1ot involve constitutio1.1al issues.



D. Extra-ordinary powers

The extra-ordinary powers granted to the AV A are classified under tJ1e follo\ving headings and exami11ed i11 successio11. 1.




The point at issue in tllis sectio11 is: - tl1e Charter sin1ply distribt1tes powers witl1i11 tl1e go,1 ernn1ent by saying that the AVA is the rtppropria te ,1gency to exercise sucl1 po\\ �ers, or whether the Cl1arter grants tl1e AV A powers over tl1 ird parties ,vhicb the governmen.t did not previo11sly ·possess . ·with this in mind, the writer exami11es the followi11g specific provisions � I� to1) ' uu[a ''re B the Cha,rte.r under w • . h'1c I1 regulatory p0\1/ers are gra11tecl to the AVA Y · t, . • ., c; 5 z cit ary po•rver'' we mean the grant of jurisdictio11 over thircl parties, i.e. ordi11 �; � as opposed to powers to regulate the internal worl(ing of t11e go,,er11111e 11 t 811 AVA. a) Expropriation

b" expro­ ; rty prope A e 6 (a) empowers the AV tic � to other ! acquire ctnd real . prLat1on 1n accordance with the law.



\ " . Art . 6{f) �. nd'i1;1g , te later expl�natioo by the principal draftsman of tl1e Cl1arter ' ble for we � " �lj teidt ecl �0 permit r:m,et the AVA to administer, but not itself to beco me J ats � e� . �- 1he eife�tts would actually be artm dep ent concluded by otl1er governm

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J1 at the ''law'' 1nentio11ed t ass um es ter \v ri i11 thi Ar .·cl� f. the l1 _rter Tl1e � ; � � .is the special exp ro�ri�tio11 law e11visaged ir1 Article 44 of �he ev1se �011 st1tutiou. . . 4 la n t1o r1a 1 ,, e1 ro \v is ag ed i11 Article Ll exp p l ecia sp t r or ted lll the Civil h p _ � ll]C \ ) ) E v les 146 � tic 8 i; 148 A 060, r· cl11si e. XJ rOI riat n r ocee � ng s 19 ·or �e are de�,1�d o p i ,v vil e de Ci J) tl1 Co of as ceed. i11gs bereby the con1 etent author1t1es ro · ..u1 Article ]460 . . p . 1 s11 1e d r er 1 1 t_ o t 1 e ow ne 1 ow 11 ers h 1 1 p of a11 i 1n1novable requir _ ed b con1pel a1 such p11 1 1 oses. 1 bl c r\ 1 . rt 1 cle 1463 of tlie Civil Coc-1e giv · es 1 1gbt toY ,v11at autl10rities ,,for pic 11 r oseps ,, 111e,1. 11 . s, l)y stating tl1at tl1e l)roject wbicl1 rende 11b 1. p p 1 ter � � ex the rs _ 11ust b e cte� to serve th� ptt 1 ece ssa 1y 1 ion �l�c itlterest or public titility. riat prop � ,, tl1e tecl fact 1 n1ca of l 1 term s atte '' A s 'a. n1 . . J)ltbli-c llttli·ty, ,,p11bl'1c 11· 1terest·., and ,, . . "public p urposes . �1 e t1 sed 1 11tercl1a11gec1bly Ln the provisio,1s of the expropriation section of the C1. v1 I Code. The test for deter111i11 i11g if a concern is of pliblic 11tility is w]JetlJer the project req1 �irir1� the exp ro1Jri,1ti_o11 . serves tl1 e ptib lic i11terest and is required in the prev ailin� s1tuat1011 f�r tl1e public 111terest. I� 1s true that the purpose of t11e AVA n1eets tl11s test. Besides, even thot1?l1 �.1�t1 cle 1464(1) of tJ1e Civil Code places a lin1itation on tl1e co1 1cept of J) 11bl1c utility, by stip11lati1 1g that no exp ropriation proceeding� 111ay ?e used for tl1e . pu1-pose solely of obtai11i11g fi11a1 1cial be11 efits, tl1 is J imitatio11 ,s qt1al1 fied �y �11b -sect1011 (2) of tl1 e same Article, by prefixing tlie word "ho\vever'' at tl1e beg1 1111 1ng of tl1 e sente11ce i11 tl1e origi11al Fre11 cl1 text a11d tl1e - 1haric version of tl1 e same Article, 11 11 like the E11glisl1 version . 1\n A ccordingly, tl1erefore, eXJJropriatio11 proceedi11gs 111ay b e used. by tl1 e AVA, to enable tl1 e p ublic to be11 efi t by tl 1 e i11crease i11 tl1e value of la11 d arisi11g fron1 1rvorks do11e i11 the p11blic i1 1terest. Since darns ,1nd irrigation seem to b e clearly a matter of p t1 blic 11tilit}1, it woulcl be legal to exprop riate land at present t111der­ utilised for tl1 e p t1rpose of developi11 g it, by virt11e of Article Jl�6L� (2) of tl1e Civil Code. Ex1)ropri,1tio11 ·for p11blic t1tility is jt1 stified 111ore explicitly in the A 111l1aric version of Article 44 of tl1 e Revised Co11 stitution, wl1ere, u11Jike tl1 e E11glish version, the tern1 ''public service'' (·utility) is tised. Therefore, provided tJ1at the ter1n ''law'' as t1sed i11 Article 6 of tl1 e Charter 111ea11s the special la\v of expropriatio11 cited above, ,111d st1bseqt1 ent legislation enacted for the implen1e11 tation of tl1e san1e, tl1e pov1er gra11ted to the AVA u11der Article 6(a) of the Charter is in1 n1ediately effective. B11t if the ter1n '']a\v'' t1sed tl1erein means any exec11tive law, a11d 11ot the special exp ropr.iation law provided i n the Civil Code, the po\ver so delegated to exr:irop riate requires ft1rther legislative action, be­ cause the exercise of s11cl1 power requires e11a bling legislatio11 enacted in the for 1n of a proclan1 ation or decree. b) Regulating the t1se of ,vater and facilities 1� �egt1lations 1 s is_ _ to A_ A� the les tit en er le art tic �r s 4(e) a11d 6(d) of th e Ch . 111 its Jt1r1sd1ct1 011. relating to the tise of \Yater, laiJcI an d other facilities w1tb As indicated earlier, Artic]e 1228 (2) of tl1e Civil Code recog11izes the p_ower of th.e coin.petent at1 t]1ority of tl1 e gover11 111ent to �011 _tro_l �nd protect all run11 ing and still \Yater. Since th e AvA is give11 exclusive JUr1sd1ct1011 over the Awa�J1 yal �e�, as p rovided i tl rticle 3 of tlle c11arter, the A VA :is the co111p�te1�t au_tl1or1ty 111 tl1 �s A tliis 11e 185 n tio �� r a a d as suc11 JlI ap l ca lo of J s 1 �� a11y acl111 inistrative regi1latio11 aAuet , ? _ as 1 0 de 0 Co vil Ci e t]J of ) (3 h0r1 ty are valid as . Article 123 0 in ed lat JU sti ' g't1 1 are e su J is to · A . ,, far A e 1 tl to ' e a d t n s gra . the llse of \'.·vate:r 1s co 11 cerned. Tl1 e p owe1 . . . . 1 ca11ses no proble1n, . 1 hons as to tl1e e 10 ct d1 r1s JU s it r de 11n ed ac pl s l1s of tl1 e facilitie


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JOURNAL OP ETHIOPIAN LAW - VOL. V - No. 3 11 �ge!1t . o� tl1 e governm for te ria rop app � is it t tha t fac ent to regula due to the 1 der its Jttr1sd1ct1011. t11 te e r a. ch hi w s ie lit ci fa e th of t.he use But a difficult question arises as to Vlh_etl1e1· tl1e po\ver gr,1nted to tl)e . AVA 111 tl1e A'Yasl1 '✓alley is limi to issue regulations as to the use of land ted 39 the or wl1ether it extends to private private and ptlblic domain of tl1e St,1te, Ia��d or leased la11d as well. A.·rticle 3 (a) of the C.harter stipulates tl1,1t the A·vA shall exclusive J .uris. ct· 1c1ar ·er t l t 1e over I Cl 111 t. ort 1 1e area comprising the wateition for the purposes set· f 1 · . 11Y de11r1e 1c b � d 1�hu�, the regulatory PO\Ve geograp as basin, Awash shed of t�e � _ rs _set forth 1 n the Charter see1n not to be l1n11ted to tl1e private a11d. publjc dom .n of the State only. Since the purpose of the . AVA is to administer and deve� the natural resources of the Awasl1 Valley (A.rt1cle 4 of the Cl1arter) the AVA seemp to be entitled to issue regt1lations as !o the use of I_a11d wi!'hi11 _th: Awash valley� But to the best kno\vledge of the writer, 110 la\\' ex1sts wh1cl1 l1mits the rioht to own and dispose of property (la11d) guaran.teed b)1 Article 44 of the Constituti�n. As a matter of fact, the Aml1aric version of Article 44 states that: '' Everyo11e !1as the right, within the lin1its of the law, to acquire (land) and to use it for \Vhatever purpose he wishes.'' I11 the context of tl1is Article tl1e \Vords ''within tl1e limits of the law'' mean. ''within the limits of Parlian1e11t-e11acted law'' as provided in the same Article of the Constitution. ..




In the presence of sucl1 constit11 tional freedom as to the use of private land, and it1 the absence of Parlia111e11t-enacted ]aw restricting that freedom, the AV A does not have, a-i1 d cannot legally !1ave, a power to regulate tl1e use of priv.ate land, except to give guida11ce as to good l111sbandry. Therefore the power... granted to tb.e AVA under Article 6( d) to issue regt1latio11 s relating to the use 01 land subject to its jurisdiction seen1s to require f t1rtl1er legislative ,1ctio11. Tl1e t\VA may only issue regulations relating to the use of st,:1te-owned la11d tran sferred to it by the ministries and public aut]1orities by virt11e of Article 7 of the Charter and leased land of tl1e State. . In all cases, the rights guaranteed u11der Articles 37, 38 a11d 43 of. the Cons�f tut1on should be respected. If a11y of the regulatio11s issued under Article 6(d� ations regul the Ch.arter denies any of tl1e rights guara11teed b the , · y the Co11stitutio11 should be declared null and void u11cier Article 122 of tL1e Constitution. c) Granting concessions · · con 1t ora1 t . Th e power gtven u11der �rticle 6(e) of the Ch,1.rter to _the AVA· . 0 0 . ·at and str1 1nd cessions for the use of land 1n the Awash va.lley for agr1ct 1lt11ral, � . 0. Il other _purposes, is is i111 AVA ediate_ I y I1 ective. the e 1 case, ac� his tg _ � �he _ � � . _ tl operation with appropriate m.1111str1es a1.1d pt1bl1c at1thor1t1es or as ,811 age h o\ver p c 811 �overnment. Since tl1e exect1tive branch of the gover11111e11t possesses tn any event, the AVA is not given additio11al powers i11 tl1js res_pect. 2. Fiscal powers the d in In this section we deal with matters of public fina11ce incorporate Charter.



bY . out ointed · A icle l'lh!e a·�· · 16 p t b !I � lGtlO ate D. et�e en • publ ic t and priv e at dom ai11 of the St � d on �r e ruu 88&11 S, Bemn n in ''National Base R Control and Resour ces: � Owner ship Slate 'IB.lil �f tlile �"'1o1secl 'Constitution,'' J. Et/1. L. 553· (19 P· 66 ) 2 no III . , vo , l. 1 .;;..;;...' 536 -



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s d ge an ar ch es fe ng xi Fi a) /\rlicle 6(b) e���\Vers t�le . A VI-_\ 1? �x . fe_es and cl1 arges for the use of w,1ter 1 er fac ilities StlbJect to its Jurisd ictioi,. otl and land ,, The Livest ock ancl· Nle,1t Boarc·l Proclamation. of 1964 defl11es ,,r.1ee as a charge • . acco1•c·t a11 ce \VItl1 t·I1e J)rov1s1on of the citecl Proclamatio 40 Tl e E 11 •1op1a • fi1 ,ed 111 11 t 4� . · °: \fx11tiquities• •Ad111 i 11 istratio11 Order also ,,refers to fees for adm , 1ss101 1. One 11 1ay . ,, · t 1J�t fees . n1 eans charges for service ro111 aII t_·h1� f 1nf e� y ical l s re 11derecl or log . 1 decl by acl111 1ntstrat1ve age11c1es or governinent pro v s ilitie departinei,ts. fac

Acco rdi11 gl:y, tl,e po�e!·. give11 to th.e A V,A.. to fix fees a11d cl1 arges for tl1 e 11se otl 1 er fa�ilit ies, e.g. da1.ns a11 cl reservoirs, is i 1nm a11d er ,vat ediately effective . of Beca use "fees'' as ttsed Ill the Cl1arte r 111 eans charges for services rendered or cost of ,vater strpplied lo . tlJe 11sers, ai1 d 11 ot taxes i11 the proper se11se of the te r111 the fees to be fixed by tl1 e A VA for la11cls subject to its jurisdiction are a sort of 're11t for state-owned la1:ds i11 t]1 e A_vvasb Valley. As rigl1tly stated i 11 Professor Pa11l's teacl1ing materials for pt1bl1c la\¥, Article J 13 of tl1 e Revised Co11stit11tion seems to refer only to taxes or fees de pe11de 11t for tl1eir collectio11 on tl1e power of tl1 e gover11111ent qua gover11n1e11t, a11 d not to 1.ra11sactio11s wl1 icl1 are not c1ualitatively different fron1 r.hose u11dert,1k,e11 by ::1 private firm. 42 Fe es are ch.arges for tl1e services­ ed by the gL1ver11111et1t or gover11 1nent age11cy. Fees and c11arges c:1re fixed by adr11i­ nistrative agencies, as age11t s of t l1e gover11ment, as payn1 ent for the ser\iices tl1 ey render on delegatio11 of pov1er eitl1er si1nply by a11 exec11 tive law as in tl1e ease of the Etl1iopia11 A 1 1tiq11 ities Ad111i11 istra.tion Order, or by proc1an1atio11 as in the case of tl1e Livestock: a 11 d Meat Board Proclamatio11, cited above. Tl1e \vriter is 11L1t st 1 ggesti11 g, ho\vever, that there sl1011]cl 11ot be a lin1 it to tl1 e a11101111t of fees t hat tl1e AVA cot1ld charge for the use of water a11d otl1er facilities. Tl1 e AVA, being in a 111 011opolistic sit11ation, might try to cha.rge an arbitrary a .n1ou11t. To check s11ch te11 11)tatio11 , tl1 e exect1tive br,111ch of tl1e gover11111ent shot 1ld fix at least the 11pper limit or tl1e ceiling of the fees to be charged, by req11iring tl1e Authority to s11 b111 it its �1ropc.1sal of rates of cl1arges a 11d fees, before e11act111ent, to the Cot1ncil of ]V1inisters for approval. Alternatively tl1 e \vriter st1b111 its tl1at safegt1ards similar to those set up in the Livestock and Meat Board .Proclamation be ctdopted as a standard for fixing fees and charges by ad111inistra tive age 1 1cies. The relevant Article of tl1at Proclamatio11 r eads in part: 1 1y sort provicle? a of ies ilit fac 11g usi . .. all 011 s fee to ct lle f co se x, d po an i im " by tl1e Board, ... provided, }1o\veve r, that s11cb �ees shall be �xed upon a uni­ 1e tl of l11e va cl ,1� st co the , e bl ssi po as ly ar ne m for basis a,1 d s11aII reflect, as cl ar reg � du g v1n l1a , of �re tb rs e us e th to ed id ov e servic s and t11 e facilities being pr to the 11 eed to expand and finance the expa1 1sion, 1na1ntenance a 1 1d improve­ ment of s11ch services and facilities.''43

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212, Neg. Gaz., o. N n io at m la oc Pr ), (3 · 2 · A rt. 40 t·ivestock and Meat Board Proclan,ation, 1964, Year 23, no. 13. az., ye ar G . eg N , 45 er rd O ), (6 4 41 · Ethiopian . rt A A ntiqu i tics Aclmi11istration Order, .1966, · 25 no. 17 . , p. 453. ba ba A is dd A 69 19 JI I O y ' 42 · · velopinent De al ion ut tit ns Co a ian op hi d Et n1, a ha ap Cl n ul (JO) · ' 3 . rt A 9 3 te 43 ·· P o n · ' t Livestock and Meat Board Proclamat1on, cite · d ahove a •

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o11 s doe ituti 11ot o11st ir e eqt1. of t? s !3 1 cle Arti gh tlJou � � that fee? ai1d char Eveii _ ved by _ ges appr n 11t, lat1o 1a111e leg1s Pa1l with the � ce rdan acco 1 \Vrite r is f be fixed i r t 1e � fee o d n r-t. i1 wer c11 P of rges · ation lJe dele the � .� give11 itliti�Il ? � ?, opiniotl tliat if _� Y �n 111 a11ce law, ccord 1 .:: tive with execu the tl1e 10 than er 1 d prece eilt created 1n tb.e basic la'VI' ratl . · Livest .. · · · · . · 1 pL B ·d , · · b 1 · 1c oal eat i..;r 1t1s1n1 d M an ock wo11ld be stifle d . the the case of . _ . · 1n be wot1ld 111ore uals 111d1v1d tely ac]eqt1a safegLlarded. advance and tl1e rights of b) Using fees a11d charges collected Article 6(b) b�stows power 011 t11e ,.'\.'!A to u�� fees a11d cl1arges collected in carry. _ ing out its operations, 1n accordance w1tl1 pol1c1es adopted by the Board of Direc. tors.44 Tb.e fees ru1d charges collected by tl1e Al1th.ority in carrying ot1t its operations are public revenues _ by defi.nition eve11 tho11�l1 they are disti11ct f. ro1n taxes. Taxes are levied for :fina11c10.g a11y govern1ne11t service, whereas fees are charged for the specific service rendered by a depart1ne11t of the gove1·11111ent. Tl1e proviso in Article 6(b) of the Cha1·ter itself s11ggests that the fees and cl1arges collected by the Authority are part of tl1e public reve1111es, as it reqtLires tl1at ,111y s11rplus of such rncon1e be turned over to the general treasu1·y of the govern1ne11t. Article 114 of the Revised Constit11tio11 explicitly states that 11one of the public revenues shall ·be expended, except as a11thorized by la\v. By ''Jaw'' we 111ean, in tl1e context of tl1e Co11stit11tio11, a procla111atio11 approved by Parliament and enacted by the E1npero.r. The last part of Article 34- of the Constit11tion substa11tiates this contentio11, as it reads, '' ... t/1-e E111peror !1as the rigl1t proclairrz all la1vs, after the sanie sl1all lza1,e been passed bJ1 tl1e Parliame11t." (empl1asis added). Article 119 of tbe Revised Co11stitutio·n also affirms tl1e same. Thus, Article 114 of the Constitution \Vould see1n to r1egate in explicit tern1s the exjstence o.f power to reg11la.te tb.e fi11ancial operatio11s of adn1inistrative agencies, except by a Proclamation. 111 otl1er ,vords, no power to regulate tl1e financial operation of administrative agencies, such as spending of f11nds by a.11 executive I_a,v; may be derived from Article 27 of the Constitution. CJ1a11ter VII of tl1e Rev,sea Constitutio.n, being the specific pa1·t deali11g with fi11a11cic1l 111atters, co11trols all 0�1er provisions of the Constitution in respect to finance. Besides, in tl1e presence of a specific provision negating the autbo1-ization of the 11se of p· 11blic reve1111e witl1out a procla· mation, one may not logically infer fro111 Article 21 th,1t the power to deter111i11e the organization, powers and duties of ad111i11istrative age11cies i11cludes tl1e po\ver to a11thorise the use o.f public reve11·ues by exec11tive law. Therefore, the power granted to the AVA to t1se fees and charges c?llected it1 the carrying out of its operatio11s seems to req11ire f 11 rtl1er legislative act,orl. c) Borrowing money e nc f<la [tcco 1 i11 Article 6(c) 111one) of the c barter borrow empowers the AV A to . : w1th law. . · n or o Since the term ''law'' is used in this legislation without ar1y qualific au .,,a· a. l . 111eans ''pr oc re. ference to executive law' it should be take11 for granted tl1at 1t . :tion'' as argued earlier. .lJ•


as . bt, , rsig ov · by e Articl : cS:@nrs I. h at ith:e d.F:after u!fed the term ''Board of Directors'' in tl1is · : 1 and :e- Jlepea1tffllty used tlie Jter,in 'tBoar.d of Commissioners'' in Articles 10, 13 ,

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. n1o ne� _ b tl1e y ex 1g e ro� ctttive bra ursua iit to a la\.v_ t\s bor vi1 du ly adoJ?te� 10 1 prov1s101 s of he Articles with l 88' 89 �r 90· 0f th e Revised Const1t nce . . . rda o ut1on ' acc · . 119 of tl1e Const1t11t1on ' the •power gr·ai1ted to t Article v by ed 'r he AVA as at1 ag e11 t . . aIlo 1s 11t to borrow 111 a ccorda11 ce vvitl1 l'aw-a pioc nme . ao,rer 1amat1on. to be approved f . o o . . ::, ated b y tl1e Einperor-is constitutional 11 d pi o 1 11u Io a 1t e1 tn a l1 ar P . by · used is '' i11 Artic le 6(c) to mean a n If tJ1 e tern1 ''law executive 1a\v then the . . . . . is ion beco1nes 11 cons�ste11t w1ll1 A �t1cle 119 of the Constitutio11. As su� J1 v it is lo � pro ' a11 vo1d tinder Article 122 of the Co11stit11tio11 . ll 11u ared decl be Arti�le .l 19 � f tl1e �evis�d � 01 1.stitLition stipulates that no lo a 11 m a y be contracted h0.11t t 1.e "'In.:pire, by ai�y govern1ne1 1tal organization (wltich i 11 cludes for, .'-''_itb.111. or wit· adro101strat1ve agencies) except a s, at1t�1 or�zecl by a law adopted in accorda11ce witl1 Articles 88, 89_ or 90 of tlie. Coi1s t1t11t1011. This . co11stitution,il provision eXI)licitly negate� Ll1e ex1ste11ce of � 1 1y 111de1Jencler1t borrow111g po\ver for the AVA, linless authorLzed by a p rocla111at1011 duly a clopted by Parlia111 ent a 11cl pro1nulg a.ted by the Emperor. l.I1 short, tl1e AVA bei11g a govern1nental orga 11izatiot1, by virtue of Article 2 of the Cl1arter, c�tn11ot borrow 111oney JJurst1a11t to Article 6(c) of the CI1arter, uiiless it is duly approved as reqt1ired by Article 119 of the Constitt1tior1 . d) l11vestiog in public companies Article 6(11) en1powers tl1e AVA to i11vest its fu11ds-presun1ably its reve11t1es collected as fees and cl1arges-i11 p1 1 blic compa11ies. In,1 esting in p11blic com1 Janies, i . e. co1n1J anies esta blished u11 der the Commercial Code of 1960, is for all practical p11rposes expendi1 1g public revent1es, because to invest in a co11 1JJa11y 011.e h�ts to draw fro1n tl1 e public r eve1111es u11der 011e's disposal. Such dra\vi11g, eve11 if 11ot s1Je11di11g tl1e fu11d directly, ,1111 ounts to utilisi11g the fu11d in a venture tl1 at might be profit,1ble or 1 1ot. Since investing in public con11 Janies amounts to expe11ding public rev en11es it requires prior at1thoriza.tio11 by tl1e Pa rlian1ent as stip11lated in Article 114 of the Revised Co11stitutio11, o r a bla11ket delegation of power to invest autl101ized by the Pa rliament a 1 1cl tl1e E111peror joi11tly. A1Jparently, i11vestme11t by the governme11t in such co1npa11ies req11ires p a rli,tme1Jtary approval i.o the budget. 45 Tl1e po\ver give11 to tl1e AVA to invest in pt1blic co.mpa1 1ies without a prior approval in tl1e for111 of a JJrocla111atio1 1 or a bla nket delegation of suc J1 power by Parlian1e11t seems to reqt1ire furtl1er legislative actio 11 or revision of tl1e Chart er. e) Approving the budget . Article 1 O of tl1e Ch a rter provides that tl1� A:'A s�all h ave an a11n11al budget \V_b1ch shall be a pi)roved by tlle Bo,1rd whe11 1t 1s partially :fi.11a11ced by the A A dire ctly otit of its resources-presuinably fron1 fees and c�arges collect ed �111der Article d an c) le 6( ic rt A r d e un ed iv ce re its ed cr 6(b) and, for that inatter, frorn loans an d e (f) of the Cl1 arter respectively. This i111plies that upo11 approval by the Boa� d th . hor1t y ut A e th of s 1e n1 ve e r he t om fr d budget of tlle Autli ority wllicl1. is fina 1 1c e becon1es effective.



11 No. io at rn a cl ro P ), (5 4 d ea H re tr it 45. B udget ·Proclan1ation J 959 (E.C.), J966, Capital Expend 239 , Neg. Gaz., yea� 25, no. 19.

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JOURNAL O F ETfllOPIAN LAW - VOL. ,, - No. - 3

s rce ot1 of res tr1e ial AV anc fin A t11e . are l)Ublic re , ·lier eai ted oca adv As e y I n1a y f1111 a\v e reve11ues_ lic end � exp pt1b the ed ��� o! � e non � e UtJl ll Sl.lC � as ss _ _ atld . . 01 1e11t a11cl l1a11 Pa1 )t by 1lgat 0111t d r·ove app ed n l by tile E . lamatio . . d by a proc ize . . . mperor 011 , Y A e 11 rt1c 1 10 I d. expe d er s 1t111·e un 11ot covered 6 Under tlle c11arter, specifically t � he etary bt1dg al sses 1101·111 proce to ct subje a11d are · the coiist t t AVA's OWll receipts reqltiren1e 11ts Laid down i11 Articles 114, 115 a11d 116 of tl1e Revised c011:ti��t���l Si:l�e no_ proper _delegatio11 of po\.v�r is ��·anted to AVA by a proclanlation atithorisi i1g it to use its r�sources a�1cl to fix its . �wn budget a1111·ually, Article 10 f tlle Cbai·ter . is not v�id; 1t co.11t1�ad1cts tl1e 1Jrov1s_1011s of tl1e Re,,i_sed Constitutio� nota'bly Article 11�. I:1 otl1e,r words, the prerogat1v�s. enun1er,1t_ ed 1n_ Chapter II of the Re\'ised Const1tut1on do not preclude tl1e prov1s1011s provided 1n Cl1 apter VU of the Constitution. Conseqt1e1.1tly, the powers gra.11ted to the AVA 1111der Article 10 of t11e Charter require f11rther legislative actio11. A11d tl1e 1nere fact that the AVA earned its receipts certairtly sl1ould 11ot remove tbe receipts fro1n the budget arv processes of the government.



f) Fixio.g remuneration of the members of the board Article. 20 of the Charter authorizes the Board of Com111issio11ers to fix its own remunerat1o t1. Tl1e remuneration payable to the men1bers of the Board of Com niission­ ers shot1ld be fixed by a higher authority in the course of the b ·udget-making process. As such it sl1ould be appro ved along witl1 the other items of the budget of tl1e AVA, in accordance with the reql1iren1e11ts of the law as pointed 011t on the preceding page. E. Internal organization ·under Article 13 of the Charter, the powers, responsibilities and ft1nctions of the AVA are vested in the Board of Cornn1issio11ers, composecl of seven me1nbers, includ­ ing the General Manager of the A11thority.

On the othe.r hand, Article 19(e) gives to the Ge11eral Manager a f ull p ov,er to act and give decisio11s 011 bel1alf of the Board, i11 case of emerger1cy. Tlie teSt for existence of such emergency as laid down i11 tl1e Article just cited are: -delay i11 taking action 011 any matter or i11 givi11g a decision 'vVhich . in th� 1 ° f ion operat opinion of the Ge11.eral Manager would adversely af ect tl1e the AVA, a11d · · it. · to · tter -1t 1s 1mposs1ble to convene tl1e Board in ti111e to preser1t s11cl1 111a · · lin11 . . its S1n_ce th.e te�t is by the personal judg111e11t of_ t}1e. Generc\l Man:1ger: the ,,. _ . ,ric, 1 tation 1n effect 1s not as narrow as It see ns. W1tl1 tl1e pretext of en ei0 ) or· � n _ s hi ve General Ma11ager might com1nit tl1e At1tl1or1ty by acting abo over a11cl mal powers. · h a11d the . . Be�ides, there seems th�t there IS a drfference betwee11 tl;1e Ei1 g115· b tter _ la . e . . . Amharic vers1 1 of the prov1s01 I?rov1d e 9 1 e Ar ucl of ed 1n tl1e last pa rt _ �; ) ( T o so'' _ d : 0 pr,ovides that the Board shall g1ve to the Ger1eral Manager a1-1tl1or 1 tY t ,, such . (aiake such . �c!1on). The for1ner on the other ha11d si·.mply reads tl1at · · . a©ts and deo1s1ons shall have the full a·utl1ority of the Board.'' 10Jl, a . . ho t . riz he Amiharie vers1?n states t at the Board shall give a special aut � t e ? ,_ le �ec tl o i a �y t � ! a d, 1 s sta® � a . 1E,g n Boa r _ �= liesQ lutio n sio the duly ado by pted ci d e 1· · m� aeneliaJl Manager ive shall have full power to act and g e


540 '





rd, whe11 i11 th e opinion of tlle . B oa the of f llal G ra1 M nager delay in on b e an y inatter o r giving a decision would �� o n n �c tio ; ect he a 1g er i1 I se a k ­ era op t t _ d a11 is i11 1 ble ssi po it to conven e tl1e Board In t 1n1e to prese the AV A n of � s nt tIO the case. TlJe E11glisl1 versio11 seer11s _to say si1 n1 Jly that tlie action taken or decisions Ge11eral 11a11ager 1f tl1ey 11;1eet tl1e test provided in tl1e by e tlie same Article niad ball be take11 to 11_ave tl1e ful l a11th?r1ty of tlie Board \Vithotit an.y implication resolt1t1011 of tl1e Board 1s required j11 advance. ;bat a speci::11 Gra nli11g s11cl1 �111de:fin�cl at1d 111�limited power to the General Manager, as provided _i11 tl1e Ei1gli�� v�rsr�Il 0�. Art�cle !9(e) of the Cl1arter, see1ns to be i t1 co11sistent w1tl1 tl1e pro_v1��0_11s of Article. 13 of tl1e Charter, \Vhich vests in the Board the povvers, r e_ spons1b1l1t1es a11 d f1111ct!o11s of tl1e A VA. In Sllch a . state of affairs, the . shou l1av� lcl � rul11 1g vers_ 1 0.11 f?rce , as logical conclt1sion so req11ires in ric Amha the poi11t at issue. _As . An1har1c 1s. tl1e o�c1al _Ia11g11age of the Empire (Article 125 of the Revised Co11st1tt1t1011), \vl1 at 1s :prov1decl 111 the A111l1aric version of Article 19(e) of the C11arter sho11Id be taken as tl1e trt1e i11te11tio11 of tl1e legislator, and as such should overrule wl1at is provided ir1 the English versio11.



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Gra11tir1g sucl1 special fJo,ver to tl1e Ge11eral Ma11ager does 11ot by itself seem to exceed tl1e compete11ce of tl1e co11stitl1.ti 011al a11thority, but tl1e langl1age sl1ot1ld be clearer a11d prior delegation of po\vers or later approval or endorser11e11t of the act or decisio11 by tl1e Board sl1ot1ld be made a legal req11iren1e11t, so tl1 at the apparent inconsister1cy bet\vee11 Articles 13 and 19( e) ,vo11Id be reconciled. Conclusi011

The foregoing a11alysis of the C l1arter of the Awash Valley Author,ity, Article 27 and other relevant provisions of tl1e Revised Co11stit11tio11? and tl1e r�leva11t articles of the Civil Code of 1960 i11 st1m11 1ary leads to tl1 e follo\v111g conclt1s1ons: ,:\. Findings 1. The Charter of tlie AVA a) Form of the legislation I. The Cl1arter con1bii1es matters tl1at sl1011ld be e11acted t1nd_er Article 27, in �11 executive Ia \V-order-and those tha t should be prom11Igated . 1n accord�tnc� with Article s 88-90 by a proclaination, or tinder . Article 92 of. the Rev�s�cl Const1tut1on by a decree if tl1e e11act1ne11t 111eeLs the reql11ren1e11ts provided tl1e1eiil. 1 of rn fo te ria op pr ap e th be cl 11l wo e tic no 2. A11 order ratl1er tha11 a aeneral legislation to create an a11to1101not� public a11thority lil<e the Awash Valley Autllorrty.

s · · ad le er rt ha C e th 11° 1ti a1 QT r fo O y it or th O . au 3. • Tl1� 11011-citatio11 ot· tl1 e constttlrti_�na1 . i1. of wllich courts \,,ould face t�. spec11la_t1on of tl1e s011r�es of auth rity, as a res _ ? . l : authority for legislation is 1 difilcttlty 1n reachi11g consistent dec1s10�1s If ever t challenged in the courts of la\V by a11 interested party. . of order, . d ea st in . . ce ti o n al er n . ae As po111ted ot1t earlier despite tbe foim, i.e. 0 Of a.ut1iori•1Y for the e11actn1ent ce ao<l the absenc e of ur so e th 27 le ic rt f\ , citatio� to - 541 -


Al1.tl101·it)1 seems to lJe Article Valley Awash the ot· Charter of the 27 . n1al e o legis t does form lation tb. e . The n t ti f < c n un � Constitution o stit tiona . he Revised •

b) Content of the legislation

ibilities vested. i11 tl1e f\wash Valley A . l. Soiue of tl1e powers ancl 1·espons h ­ u · f te1·s o. 111a p11 blt? � e 1a11c 1 fi. ('\rticles 4(h), � � rity, especially- the. powers to 1·e�t1la.te -� g w�r 1late tl1e po to t1se ?f private Iailds e th an� 0) I � �� �ticle and (h), a.nd _ _ _ \Vb�} ; . A the VA n (Article 6(d)), seem t · exclusive JUr1sd1ct1o of are located withi.n t11e . o re . n. tio ac ive quire further leg1s1at Mr. Berina1146 suggested that Articles 3, ?(c), 6(e) and . 7 of the Charter should also be co11firme-d and approved b� Parl1an1e11t. Tl1e writer, however, does not s11bscribe to findi11g for the follo\v1ng reaso11s: (a) Article 3, even tl1ougl1 it uses the te1·1n ''excl11sive jurisdiction'' and ''all artifi­ cial means of controlling and.. diverti11g tl1e fl?w of w�ter'' .is n. ot an article giving specific po,¥er to t11e Authority, but a11 article defi11111g tl1e area over which the Autl1.ority may exercise the powers gra11ted to it by the other p· rovisio11s of the Charter.

(b) Article 6(c) a. s poi11ted 01tt earlier, gives tl1e power to borro\v as a separate juridical perso11ality (corporate body) witl1ir1 the limits of ''la\v'' so special parliamentary approval is required for every AVA loan, a11d does 11oi give indepe11dent borrowing power to the AVA, Since tl1e Charter itself states tl1e requireme11t of law, getting the approval of Parlia1ne11t for the same provis.io11s serves no p11rpose. (c) Article 6(e) does n.ot give extra powers to tl1e AVA, b11t j11st affirms tbat the AVA, as an agent of the goverr1tne·nt exercises the po\vers legally vested on the executi,,e bra11cb of the gove1·n1ne11t, i11 co-operation ,;vitl1 appropria .te go�er�­ ment mi11istries and public autl1orities. Tl1e l)ower of granting co11cessio11s ljes \ the domai11 of the execl1tive bra11ch of the Gover111ne11t by its natt1re, a11d grant­ ing such power to tl1e AVA does not need parlia111e11tary approval. (d) Finally, Article 7 of the Charter j11st delegates to the AVA tl1e povvers ass�gued to ·ministries and other pttblic at1tl1orities bv ad1ni11istrc1tive la\v. Again, assigr� me11t of pov1er to ascertain la11d ownersl1ip47 ., a11d to a.dmi11ister �1ll state-o\vne f 0 48 ch brail land in a given area is an act \Vithi.11 tl1e do1nai11 of tl1e exec11tive 46. B er man, work cit ed above at note 38. of 646 . 553 48. Even _tl�ough the rules relating to property and provitied i11 Articles i -I asccJ· t tl1� Civil Code are provisionally st1spe11ded by AJ�t. 3363 of t11e Civil Code, tl1e dut� �ure by ta m land ownership at1d register tl1e san1e is assigned to tl1e M iL1i stry of A�r1f�ate that Art. 1554 _of the Civil Code.. Tl1e ptirpose of Art. 7 of tl1e_ C:l1art_er �e:?18. t? ,n� provide� !he AV A 18 the keeper _of registers of 1mn1ovable pro1,erty w1tlJLO its Ju11stl1 �t ,o fe· and u�al in Art. 1553 of the C1v1l Code, when Tjtl e X of t11e sa111 e 'becomes a1Jp1icab relat:Iog s • 1 then to canry out as stipulated in Art. 3364 of the Civil Code tl1e custon1ary ru_ � of it11• l1 1P • ers . t0 the fiorma1·t· own 1 ies to be complied as to tl1e transfer or extinct1011 of t I1e · . ·res ·, borl 1Jl va:bl t a : ?roperty as an agent for other government ministries and public _ � goverIJ• � a�I 48. er 11st e of adm a 'iPh: M,irustf� d to anot Jie ; L 1;1,d Reform and Administration is given power to 11 �.lattes,, exce�t msofar. as sp ecific power theerfo l1as been legally del��ate po,vers re ��ru:or public author1cy, similarly by an order. See Ministers (Defin it,on ofno, 23· _ r 2s, Ill ent \Mo. 2J �»der, 1966, yea ., Gaz Art. 18 (c), Order No. 46, Neg. '


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1t. Th us , gr an tin g to the AVA tl1 e1 1 n ve rn e po\ver to ascerta1. n 1and ow . the Go ne rs ip . the state-ow11ed land 1n " b. e1 t . n1s adID.I . the ·Awash valley nee ds no and to . 1ent. 49 approval of the :Par11an Therefore, . the writer of this article does not see tl1 e legal basis fo r st1ggesti11g po\.vers granted to the A VA . should cu lar pa rti se the be confun1 ed. and approved that by Parlian1 e11t. 2. !he excepti °.�al pO\Ver g1:a11ted to the General 11ai1ager of the Awash Valley f\utho r1ty_ t111der A.t tt�le _ 19(e) of the C� arter . o�erlaps with tl1e powers, responsibilities and functions vested 111 �he B?ard �f Co1nn11ss1oners of the AV A under Article 13 of the C harter, ·u11 Iess qtialified . .1s to say, tl1e Board by prior resolutio11 should delegate its P�\vers to the �ene�al Manager to act and give decisions on behalf of the Board 1n en1erge11cy s1tuat1011s e11visaged i11 ,\rticle 19(e) of the c11 arter. The le�al deficiencies JJOit1te� ot1t in the first paragraph above may be rectified by re-enact111g !l1 e s�1ne deleg,tt1011 of po\vers i11 tl1e forn1 of a procla1natio11 with tlie approval o � Parl1a�1ent and the assent_ of t11 e E. mperor, as they are n1atters to be enacted 11 1 c� b�s1c �aw rather tha11 1n an executive Jaw. "fhe deficiency in the internal org;1n1zat1011 111 tl1 e second paragrapl1, i.e. the inco11 sistency of tl1e powers granted to t_l1e :B0�1rd and the Ge11er�l Manager of tl1 e A 1vvasb Valley Authority, u11der Articles .13 a11cl 19(e) respectively, n1 ay be re1nedied by 1naking the la11guage of i\rticle 19(e) clearer, a11d by requiring pi"ior at1 tl1 orizatjo11 or later approval by the Board of the acts or deci.sio11s of the Ge11eral Manager.

2. Constitutional aut,1ority a) Article 27 of the Constitution 1. There is a basic discrepancy bet\veen t11e Amhr-tric a11d E11 gli.sl1 versions of the Ar ticle as demonstrated earlier. 2. The discrepancy is a resl1lt of bad tra11 slation ratl1 er tl1 a11 of legislative intent. Tl1t1s, the A111 ]1 aric versio11 sho11ld be complen1 ented by the E11glish versio11. 3. The nature of po\vers to be granted to administrative age.ncies by an order under Article 27 sl1011ld deal 011ly witl1 the internal organizatio11 and the determina­ tion of dl1ties and powers, \Vl1ich cloes 11 ot involve: (1) regulatory .powers, (2) po_ �ice powers, and (3) po\vers regulating 1natters of pt1blic finance \Vl11ch are expl1c1tly or implicitly reserved for parlia111entary a·pproval. b) Other provisions Insofar as po'rvers as iii 3 abo,1e, wl1ich cannot be given by autl1ority of Article 27, are sotigli t to be given to admi11 istrative_ �gencies, they sh�uld have been given by ,1 uthority of other co11stitt1tional prov1s1ons, notably Articles 88, 89, or 90. B . Recommendations · · · · I • As a rL1]e adm1n1strat1ve agencies sh ot1Id be· cre'ated by . - tl1e legislation within'the execu tive po we r _ tiiider Article 27 of the Revised Co11st1tut1on.


d A,dm nis. an m or ef R nd La 49 • lb·1�-, Art. 18 of y str ni 1 ' M e_ th (c) - (11) of the Ord e_r assigns to e th re su en to s· d lan nt nie ern ov t · e .. ri tratio1;1 the duties to administer, d1spo�e of a o<l dt s� �� e th ite d pe ex 'to s re su ea 111 ke ta t� f d ' estabhsbment and mainte11ance of registers o a 11d , settleme11t of all claims relati11g to ovvnership of1 Jand-

- 543 -


i11 to er d al it ; li1n ar1i org be o uld � !ati sho 11 of the ers ord h suc of � � pe sco The adJ · n . . n1s 1a1. tl1e y . rd11 t e�·s and po\v ted crea and � be to ; duties of � trative agencies . _ _ agencies, while the basic .la�v, such as 1egulato1,y P?We�_s, p�l1ce powers and PO\:ch rs d cte e11a 111 the f or1n of a be . e anc fin l1c b . pu of rs tte iua pro c1amat101 regulatino-o 1 or decree. 2. Whenever ar1 order or a ge11eral notice is e11actec_ l, tl1e co11stitutional authority should be cited so that courts can know l111 der wh1c11 article the order or the d. ue genera l notice is iss 3. By requiring administrative agencies to sub11ut before e11actment ti1eir pro 1 of fees and charges to the Council of Ministers f�r . approval, t�-� executive br���� of the government s_h�uld _ fix at lea�t the upp�r l1m1t �1- the ce1l1ng of the fees to be charged_ by �d1111n1strat1ve agen�1es fro111 t �me to time or adopt t11e standard laid down t11 Ar;tlcle 3(10) of tl1e L1vestoc]c ar1a Meat Board P1·oclamation of 1964_ 4. Even tl1ough Article 113 of th� R �vised Constitt1tion does 11ot reqliire fees and charges to be fixed pursuant to legtslat1on approved by Parliame11t, if the deleot, a. tion of power to fix fees and cl1arges be given initially i11 the basic la\v rather than in the executive law, public criticis1n \Vould be stifled i11 advance, and tl1e rights of individuals would b· e safeguarded adeq11ately. 5. The powers granted to the AVA under Articles 4(h), 6(b), 6(d), 6(h), IO, and 20, s·hould be re-enacted in the f or1n of a proclan1ation pl1rsuant to Articles 88 - 90 of the Revised Co11stitution, while tl1e rest of the provisions of the Charter of tb,e AVA may be re-enacted in the for1n of an order, with some clarification of the language .

� 544-

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- 549 -


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- 550 -


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- 551 -





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' '

LANGUAGE AND LAW IN r E fFIIOPIA BJ) Fassil Abebe* atrcl Sta,1 /e y z. Fisher**

The purpose of tlus article is twofold: 'first to introduce our .readers to the ii1o�ogy ill Et�iopi�'s c des' a11d to problem s of legal term explain what tl1e Fac1ilty � _ . at ten be 1pt111g to acl11eve 111 th.ts area; second, e11 ha s V La \ of to give some speci.fic fro n1 the IJrocedt1ral codes, of these langiiage prob example s, draw1 1 lems.

I. The Language Proble111: Bacl(ground Fron1 1955 to 1965 Etl1io1Jia e11acted a series of 111odern legal codes predomina11tly based upo11 \Ves� er 1 1 1nodels: So111e of the codes 1 were drafted in E 1 1glish, tra 11s­ Iated into Arol1ar1c, enactecl 11: A111l1,1ric by the Parliament, a11d then officially pub­ lished in both langt1age versions. Most,2 l1owever, \Vere drafted i11 French, then tra 11slated i11to A 1 nl1aric a 11 d English (t1st1ally, it seems, by different tra 11 slators), enacted i n A111haric a11d p11blisl1ed officia.lly i 11 An1I1aric and English. In the bilin­ gual situations, tl1e A111l1arjc versio�1s are tl1e at1tl1oritative ones, b t1 t the E11glisl1 versions prest1n1ably l1ave so 1 ne o-ffic1al status as ,veil by virtt1e of tl1eir p11blication in the official go\'ernn1e 1 1t gazette. The tri-ling1.1al situations are more complex, in that the (original) French versions l:1ave no official status, the A1nl1aric versions are authoritative and the Englisl1 versions, altl1011gh not passed by the Parliament, by virtue of official p11blication more authoritative tha11 the original French versions. In. tl1ese circun1stances it is 11ot surprisi11g that many s1Jeci,tl difficulties in i1.1 ter­ pretation of the codes should arise. Often the t\vo (or three) la11guage versions conflict with eacl1 otl1er. 3 We e11co1111ter three ty1Jes of tra11slation problems i11 tl1e codes and otl1er legal m.aterials: I A single f oreig11 ]eg,11 ter1n may be tra11 slated differently i11 variot1s p �rts of the codes etc. so that discrepa11t A 1 nharic (or, where relevant, E11gl1sh) eq11ivale11ts ;xist for terms in the ''origi11al'' version. Tl1ese we might call ''equivale11cy discre1)ancies. '' - . ''Discrep,1ncies'' exist in the se11se tl1at legal or no�-�egal ter1!1s h�v� been nlis-trar1slated or not translated at all-e.g. th� or1g1nal vers1�n 1s �n Ji. be affirmative ,lnd the tr,1nslation is in the 11egat1ve. The A1nhar1c vers10 11 .of *

** l·

2· 3·

Fourth year stude11t, Law Facul ty, I-Iaile Sellassie I University. · Professor of Law, · rs1·t),, B ost On , Mass • ·, Assistant Associ·ate Professor of Law, Boston un1ve Haile Sellassie I University, 1966-68 • . · · n wa s also · 1o ·ut 1 t"t s ·i.e:, The Crin1inal C on d se i v Re e Th · s de Co re d p l oe� -1 . Procedure and c 1v 1 r i edly ort rep is tion era sid con er und · · no d c_ r ence evid o 1g in�lly drafted in English, a11d tl1e draft : r and adject i val areas of the law , also Ill . English: It is note worthy that these c nst i� ra 1-�l���ced \Vhereas the substantive codes, _ dra fted 1n English, are predominantly mo com n _ � · . ' drafted o r iginally i11 French, are predon1inantly ci ,,iJ lav,' mfluence. d rit M ey and are l, Pena l, the iv l, Com 1ercia \� � c � � � � � ., 1963), an (J 1 . no I, l. vo s, lie uc t � � _;1 ee G. Krzeczunov11cz, "E th1op1an L�g�l Educ�ti n, prompted Profes­ � ns tio la ns ra ist m i sh l ng -E ch ren pp. 69-70. I-I is �xamination of tl1e C1v1l Codes e Ia,v and try th op dr ld ou sh d ve ol nv i s sor Krzeczunow 1cz to ren1arl,, "Tl1e lega l translator fiction." lei., at n. 12.

- 553 -


le vab an 111o i111 of ma.y not be made f se lea a s say de Co il Civ the more says . 60 years ish E11gl e the TJ1es and )'ears we 50 thari Dli;{t call ''true discrepancies.'' 3. Legal terins i11 the original a1·e mis-tra11slated 01· tra11slated literal ly . s ch a way that the Aml1a1.·ic ·ve1·sio11 111ay to i111po1·t the tecJ111 ical i��e � e 1nea11i11g of tl1e ter111 in tl1e original, e.g., '� due process of law'' i s tra �l slat � d ''itl accor·da11ce witl1 la\\'.'' Tl1ese vve n11gl1t call ''defi11itio11al cliscrepan: i es�'s W11ere disc1·epancies exist . it is proble1natic to cl�cide whet11e.r the or i gi nal bu un. official version should prevail over the frequently 1111st1·a11slated but official vers· t These problems are 1nagnified greatly b· y tl1e fact tl1at tl1e aut}1oritative, Amh��� version, sta11ding alone, ofte1� 1nakes no se11se to the reader. That is becatise the .Aml1aric langu1:1ge was a11d 1s not adequate to express _1nany of the foreign legal concepts which pe1·vade the new codes. It \Vas at one t1111e s11ggested4 tl1at before new codes. were �dopted a ''La11guage Acac:emy'' be establisl1ed to decide upon the Aml1ar1c terfillnology to be used, but this was never done. Tl1erefore, the code translators were forced, when translating fa.reign legal co11cepts, to create 11e'i)1 Amha­ ric term·inology - often i11consiste11tly within particular codes or as bet\veen the vari­ ot1s codes - or else to try and express sopllisticated tecl1nical concepts with existing Amharic terms wl1ich could only approximately c1nd/or with great awk \Vard11ess con­ vey the i11tended, mea11ing. These practices have led, 1nany :feel, to an alarming degree of chaos i11 the law. 5





Such a serious problem ca11not btit affect the E1npire's e11tire legal syste111 adversely. It must introdt1ce uncertainty into the law, and l1inder the govern1ne11t's attempt to further modernise the legal str11ct11re. The codes are now still so ''11ew'' tl1at, in fa.ct, they are not yet in use in ma11y courts of the cot1ntry. For tl1e fleeting prese.nt, some of those jt1dges anc1 advocates \vho use the codes can and do rely upon the E11glish or French la11guage versio11s. But probably 90% of Ethiopia's judges and advocates are 11ot sufficiently flue11t in foreign langL1age to get �y in this way; as the new codes come grad11ally into extensive use, the Anl11anc ve�sions will assume over\vhelming importance. It is a n1atter of extre1ne t1rgency,, to assure the existence of adeq11ate A.n1l1aric legal tern1i11ology for _t 1se by the legal community in the very near f11ture. Francopho11ic African countries can run their legal affairs .in French _; tl1e fo1·mer commonwealtl1 co11ntries i11 . � ri ca c�;i 11ts vn " l1t1g · operate well . and in J English. But udges Ethiopia es t wl1ose voca. d a a ' ' · · I '' b·or1b contmue to use Amharic rather tl1an any f oreig11 to11g11e, can11ot s1n1p Y a s e 1 1 t ss expr alien. legal terms into Amharic· the la11gt1aoe to � developed . must be o us . . . . . <Yt1o . " '. n1l11 :, 1 ore1gn 1 ega1 concepts of th.e codes without 11111 1 ecessar1ly 111co11s1ste11t and a usage.

10ran· 1 0 hed bl· e 0 4 · BY Lilee-Ma�uas Tadesse Negash, former Vice-Minister of Jt1stice. I-Iis unpu 15 y cult f a dum, A Pro1ect for the Improvement of the Judiciar date July 12, 1957 in Archives, d y, · o,f Law, H.S.I-.U., stated p. 30·. . but aJoog·II · ly a ·''M . g of Code s . . . is a long term object and should be plLrsued VIgoro��cide upon a . kin �tcle It a� A,cademy of Language must be establis.hed to ascerta in and �ega.1 tepineJogy to be usecl in such co des . '' I. �ee �J:IODb-z, cited ab ove at note 3, passim.

- 554"








Project: Aims and Progress to Date L xi con e be 1 In 1964 tl1e Resear ch a11d Publications ComiJlittee of the Faculty of le L _ w decided , University � , I-Iru. }las tl1at a high priority need of h I sie ' e e E t S 1 op1an legal th ex a 1co or · I f n wa . _o s f A 111haric legal ter111s. Although . co01I1lunity ult imately a true ter . An ms 1ha r1c w1 tl1 legal defi11itio11s would be . des11a . ble, th at. goal _ was dictionary of aside for the i1n1nediate future i11 favoL1r .of the pre. Ii trunary goal of a register ut P 1c· eqL.1,z·11t1/e11ts fo r tl1e foreio0t1 (Freilc m11 ,1r A , d ove f app r E11glish) 1egal terms · h and 0 ' ·he co des. Tl11s . · t tas k by was tl1 ere[ore div1·decl 1·nto t \VO s tages, each of uce d trod · · 1.o independe11t va 1 ue: 1. Co111pilii?g a r�gister of e.tistir1g Amharic legal termi11ology as fot111d i11 the _ ilts record 0� l1ow foreign legal terms l1ave so far been trans­ la\VS of the Empi�e. T lated into Amlia�_ic is to be con1pile d �y stt1d_y iog all _of the ne w codes' provisio1Js (tl1ere are approxiiua_tely_ 7, 000). The lexicon w1l.l be ultimately pL1blished i11 tri-lingual forn1 for tise by leg1sla tors, t�·a11slat?rs a11d the legal comn1 unity itl general. It will not only sho\:v tl1e code eq_L11val�nc1es _of all Aml1aric legal terms, ,vith precise re­ ferences t? all tl1e c?de ,trt1cle� 111 ,vl11ch each Amharic appears, but it will also pro�1�e tl1e bas_1s for . ,1n �11 for1 11ed assessn1ent of tl1e ''1ang11age crisis areas.'' These cr1s1s areas exist 1 na.111ly 11 1 the real1n of ''equivale11cy discrepancies," where a inlo two or 1nore differe11t A1 nharic single - foreig11 legal ter111 l1 as been translated . tern1s - rest1lti11 g i11 a11 t11 111ecessary and co11fusi11g 111ultiplicity of An1haric eqt1ivalents, and also ,vl1ere ,t si1 1gle An1l1aric tern1 l1a.s bee11 t1sed to translate two or more disti11ct foreig11 legal ter1ns. 6 J 11 the latter case the poverty of the A111.baric equivalents results i11 t11111ecessary a11cl confusing a1nbiguity. A \v,1re of tl1ese clifficul­ ties, tl1e lexicon user \vill be in a JJositio1 1 to choose the best existi11g Aml1aric equivalent, or, wl1ere appropriate, create 11eeded 11e\V eqt 1ivale11ts. \Vithout any lexi­ con to refer to, l1e \Vould at least l1,1\1e to n1al<e tl1ese choices i11 tl1e dark, and risk unnecessarily prolifer,1ting ,L\1nl1aric terms becat1se of l1is ig11ora11 ce of the exist­ ing choices. TI1e project has so far been co11 centrating its efforts t1po11 the enorn1ous task of co1npiling tl1e lexico11 of existi11g tern1i11ology describecl above. 2. 011ce tl1e above task is co1npleted, \Ve foresee tl1e possibility of a seco .nd stage, i11 \vhicl1 \Ve \VOltld conve11e a Li11 gt1istic Co1n1nissio1 1, composed of Ge'ez and 1\1nl1aric li11gt1ists, and gov er11111e11t and acade111ic lawy ers a11d jt11:ists, to. review the existi11g Amharic tern1i11ology . \.-Vl1ere terms had been Llnn�cessar�ly proliferated in tl1e codes, the Con1 1nissio11 wot1ld choose tl1e best A111har.1c eqt11valent for th.e foreign co11cept concerned. Wl1ere 11ew An1l1aric terms were 11eeded _ to_ translate foreign concepts beca.tise tlle existing ter111s \Vere i11adequate, the Con11n1ss1011 :"oltld coi1 1 ne\v equivalents. Where existirig te r111s \Vere fou?d_ to be adeqt1ale and co�1s1ste11_t­ ,s ':ork woulcl cul1n111 ate 1n 11 s10 11s 1�1n ly en1 1Jloyed, it would approve thein. The Co an ''approved'' lexico, 1 of Ari1I1aric legal term11 1ology, wh1cl1 !1opefully w_o�ld not oruy gl1icle usage itl all future legisl,ttion a11d other A11:l1c1r1� . legal_ act1v1t�, b�1 t WOllld also eiJcourage atld assist in revisio11 of the n1any l1 ngu1st1c d1screpanc1es 1 n the existing law. pancies'.' and re sc e di ru "t d be ri sc de ve ha e w 6. The t\"O o th 1d rector t ec · �r t ypes . o f t ranslat·•1on. pr,oblems oj pr e .''. th ,, r, ve ve o\ }l t. . e Pro·ec defin1t1onal 1d screpanc1es" are not d1r ecL c<:nce�IlS ? f th . boutJ these discrepancies as colleagues u has attemptecl to collect ancl record s ch info ii n ati on : uch inforn,ation may be put to s ay e 1lave bee11 \Villing to pass on, in tl1e J10JJe that soin use by academics, parliarnentar ia11s, etc.

- 555 -

1 0L. V - No. J W LA N \ A PI IO H T E F O JOURNAL

ec 11 1 i ed p1· l1as 1 1 T:.-t112a11ia, ,v11ere t ssio 'I mi com a ch . k st1 \V � The or of a _ w ell� rs to yea 1e p1 s011 ce odu a for sat ov ppr rs ntee volu ed : Swa' mi·1 leg q ual1..6. ed oroup of . a1 e . h t fi · f d. r 1 . ete reco omp 111g 11st, to e stag c . y ssar nece o s· 1 is . tl le Le te,rnis. 1nce it . . . . . . , . �. xico . n wor s can k b n eg111, u1ss1o con11 1t 1s a e · befo1 pren lattlre t pro ·ect in Ethiop1a .4u;. m-e� to solicit the Ooovern1ne11t cooperatio11 a11d sponso1·sl1i.J) which a coinma.i �his ssion sitting later should have. , tio11 a 1. p o· a11 beg in 1965 I) e ge (sta ect fi.11a11ced by a Proj icon Lex The :;"acuity of La,v, the to - i le Se llassie r U, ��w� IIa grant } exhau.sted Ford Fo·u11datio11 sity, for research and pt1bli�atio11 i11 ge11e1·al. ·using stude11t labo11 r uiider �:;;� faculty supervision, the ProJect l1as already p1·ocessed over 5,000 legal terJns 8 These terms, recorded _in triplicate, tri-lingtial c�rd drawers 111 the Law Faculty's library where the public n1ay use_ t�em, a.lready proved valuable to student _ translators for tl1e J ourna] of Eth1op1an La_w and o!he1· resea1·chers into Ethiopian law. But, of course, the great bulk of the Job ren1a111s to be do11e. Only J ,000 of the 7,000 provisions in the Ethiopian codes have been processed. 9 Because of the diffi.culty a11d expe11se in finding workers who possess tl1e 11ecessary requirements_ legal training, and fluency in French as well a.s Amharic a11d English - we have been forced to neglect tl1e n1ajor work i11 the trilingu,11 codes, \.Vllile ,ve l1ave almost completed the bi-lingual (E11glish-A1nl1aric) codes. Unfortu11ately tl1e Faculty of La\v was rece11tly led by :fina11cial consideratio11s to suspend work on the Project alto• gether, u11til sufficie11t funds to carry it forward ca11 be found. t:,



m. Some Ling·uistic Problems in the Adjective Law Areas

By way of illustration, we would like to point ol1t a few language problems arising mainly in the adjective law areas: criminal a11d civil procedt1re. Of course, since these are bi-lingual areas, having no Fre11ch , ersions, 10 the linguistic situation in these area,s is bound to be much less complex than in the tri-lingt1al s11bstantive 1

7. See A.B. Weston, ''Law iu Swahili - Prol1lems in Developing tl1e National La�guage," �a�� Afr. L.J., vol. 1, no. 1 (March, .1966), p. 60; L. I-Iarries, ''La11guage and Law rn Ta.n_zarua! J. Afr. L., vol. 10, no. 3 (At1tunm, 1966), p. 164; A.B. Westo11, ''La11gL1age and La�v ll1 T8?2ania,'' �- Afr.. L., vol. 11, no. 1 (Sp_ring. 1967!, p. 63. . . Pr1?r to national mdep�nd_ence all l aws 1_n Tanzania were �n�cted only 1n .�11 ghsl1. Th�efore, ess l r unlike the case of Etb.1op1a, the Tanzai11a langL1age cornm1ss1on started w1tl1 a n 1ore 0. Et! ee _ 1a n l ''? �a.n sl�t_e'' to cre�te ��abilj l egal terminology fo: fi,�ure t1se. !his would ! ve b · io;ia p1a s pos1!1on had l_ingu1:st1c wor� prece.ded �od_1ficat1on i Anll1ar1c, _ bt1t at tl11� point th mu� obviously begin with the Job of descr1pt1ve record�ing before 1t can aspire to st�h nor· mat1ve work as was done in Tanz::inia. _t1 11. P1. a, neighbors1 , . For some c�� m��ts on t_he compl1cate-d legal lan�uage proble1n� 1n one ?f.� � s e ti1 ara . on? see P. Contllll, Integration of Legal Systems 10 tl1e S0111al1 Rept1bl1c, J,,t I C !J) L.J., vol. 16 (1967), pp. 1090-91. kes ta ker · e thod emp1oyed by the Le�i�on Project is tedi. oL1s but not com p! ex. Tl1e \vor 8 · The m t age and . a code. a.nd goes through the or1g1na l versio11 syst ematically starting \\1 1th tl1e. fi��e �-aosJat-ed pro�eeding to the last. Every legal term is sele on are locat ed in equ ival ctec e11ts l, its di g versions, an.d t�� set of equivalents epen n D . cards index is registered on 5'' by 7'' pared, re �ether . the ?rigmal term is English or French, duplicate or triplicate car_ds J: e [tbiopian ere will ultm1ately b e a triplicate car lil J d ind ex leg t a]] erminolo gy used of al cedes. re u ce d Pro 9· S0 'far the follOwin l . . Civi · · �. h, ave b een completed; Cr1m 11 Procedure Co d e, a· ' ti•t tion al· l· 1nal @.00 ' �, J\a;ts " • i...-57; Gi�il Code, Arts. 1126-75 and Arts. 1675-1717; Revised Cons u 1' co de's ©rr�inal iPnocedure Code was initially drafted in French b y th en �f::1. anguage f.k'C!J. , E g en, later bu that by d d lante :ta.t't was supp larg ly ,t e �:v . ur � �wu f",i -i\Tuafts 'fti es Mathew, an English jur st. i

�a:¥ D�t S' · !F

556 -



LANGUAGE AND LAW IN ETI�llOPIA 11 Never thel ess, as we sl1 all sl1 es ow ' there ar cod · e seriotis problen1s just i11 th e 11 slations. tra ic har A� ish�;l a t one type of translat1· 01·1 pro We ha\'e alread y no• te d tl1 b · l em 1• s the sort where . · I er t I n eg n 1 � l � tr�nslatecl �y d iff rent n1haric term a single . foreig � � s . in d ifferent t11 ne ho So s -v. , m ev er, tl1 e v�r1at1on is ,1ttr1bl1tab � l e to the very nature co de articles.. equ 1vale11 t. Becat 1se A 111har1c r1c n11 1a · legal concepts are qt11·te 1oose 111 m e an­ A he t 0f · l1as oft:11 �esorte d to a logical deve]opme11 r a11� Jato tr e _ th ing, t of a verb to fit tl1 e _ defi11itio11� l J11111ts of the 1 oreigrl t� rn1,_ or l 1as combi1 1ecl several Amharic words to describe 1n a pllrase � COilce pt \V]Jrcl� 18 . expressed by a si11 gle foreign word. Inevit­ ably t11e developec� verb or th e cor11 b1 nat1on of_ \Vords cannot be t1sed. u11ifor1nly in diffe r� nt cod� articl es bec,at1 se a sl1ade of_ d1 ffe�ence derloted by the English \vord used 10 a d1ffere11 t context ca.nnot be ac}11eved 111 the Amharic without changing the structt1 re of tl1e cleveloped verl) or tl1e co1nbinatio11 of words to fit the new 11e n1 ere gramn1a tical e �J)edie11cy n1ili ta tes for a change in tlie com­ 01 eaning. Son1 eti1 s bination of \VO�ds. 011e sl1 ould . 11 ot be disturbed by st1cl1 discrepancies, because tl1 ey are 1 1ot conft1 s1 11�-tl1e �n1l1,1r1c rea der wil l see immedia tely the essentially simi lar n1 eaning of se�m11!gl)1 discrepant An1I1aric equivale11ts. Se e, for exampl e, tl1e diverse An1haric con1 b11 1a t1 0 11 of \'1/ords t 1sed to translate the word ''evidence'' i 11 Articles 258, 261, 265 �1nd 129, Civil Procedure Code, and Articles 97, 147 and 204, 12 d e. e Co ed ur c Pro 1al 1 Crimi

In other cases w l1 ere a single foreig1 1 ter1n havi11g a single a1 1d definite mea1 1iog is translated by various Aml1aric terms, the difficulty in fi r1ding 011e Aml1aric tern1 tha.t can be llsed co 1 1siste1 1tly to denote tl1 e foreig11 co11ceJJ t arises fron1 tl1e fact that tl1e co11cept ir1 qt1estio11 l1as been unknovvn to Ethiopia11 experience. Tl1ere­ fore, although tl1e t ranslator 111ay l1ave creat ed an An1 l1aric term in one area of the code \Vi tl1 so1 11e satisfaction as regards its foreign co11ceptual bot1ndaries, l1e finds lhat the A n1haric creatio11 is no t as versati le as its English eql1ivale11t an.d is rendered meaningless by a 11ew context. See for example the dive rse Amh�Lric words used to translate tl1e word ''jurisdictio11'' in Articles 4, 44, 45, and 223, Criminal Proce­ dure Code. 13 Anotl1er prevalent problen1 co11cer11s the cases \Vhere seve ral foreign ] �gal words are tra11slated by a single Aml1aric ter111. This n1ay not always_ _be � serious prob­ lem, becatise .for purposes of clarity i 11 tl1e la.w tl 1e st1 b tle d1 st1nct1ons drawn by the foreign te rn1 s n 1ay not be useft1l a11d a single An1l1aric term may suffice to describe slightly diff e rent sitL1ations. Tl1is is tl1e case wit11 the Eng!isl1 ."release on bail" and ''release on bone!'' which }1ave bee11 translated by an 1dent1cal pl1rase:


dif!ic�lt�es see W ; 11s!ati o �a c ari ml1 h-A glis -En nch r an Fre 1e son le of n1p exa �.1opia, · Etl1· L • ; 1· I 1. Fo , E in · n tio nta ese epr "A Con1n1ent ary on the La\v of Agency-R p. 314 (Appe·ndix). . rally " ev1·denceor au th on' ty" ,• lite , ja) sre ,ne 1 n lta ese (y "e:" . "An1"",:"1{lt.·•• 111"\··• 2. Art • 129, ci·v• Pro· C • tises "o , C1v• 305 • t , Ar " t' " ton "' a rm · · 1rr1o ly, ral lite , Arts · 4?-, 98 , c·iv. p ro. C · use " ou t.7> .r," :" (rnere . ja) ble pa ca nt me cu do en itt wr "a y II era I l't , u t tseh if) z Pro. C. uses "f<Pf.·Yt.•·Jo;J gag ,ere rni; (J,e :" ·1 era11Y, 1 ,'i! � : " (m1s1 ;p:,r. '' 1 · t 1 , ) en . er 'k . 1 f· � of proving," Arts. 147, 97, 204, Crim. Pro. C· use "9°lltic• , "being a witness". . �c.Y.·. o :,-.:" (kis !ema;,et ,nebit lt. 13 · Arts. 44 and 45, Cri1n. Pro 0 1 . C. use "�{l = l't '1�,1· au ,o:,-_ �{ t:e·�a��;'; Art. 4, Crim. Pro. C. uses _ yalelv /ird bet), literally, "the court w1tl1 the riglit to deci .Art · 22 3 ' Crim. Pro. c. t" ur co f a ' O "f'i:CY..·: 0.:1. = llt\al�}" (! bet siltcuz), Jit�;ally, "the power uses " Ot\"l"} : " (siltan), literally, "po\ver ·

- 557 -


i 1 el e 1 ( ,, . yewast11a �:� · c t a�fe�·,11� .s�le111e/ lce /(,) . 14 ''' ffP il:t·'i: wt.4,:,-: Jt{'tt.C'P': llt\DP On � the 1c har d An1 wor le s111g or a re wl1e 1Ia s1111 s case r are A e J tller nl1ar·c o 0ther hand ds r _ w · ! l ter lega reig o n1s. I11 s11cl1 cases a i11ct u dist t· rly clea e t� slat e tran d1st1nc tio . are us d. . .· s e as h. a11 see, t_1 1e consequeiJce n s111ce, 1c \V Anilia 1 the 1n made be to ht oug . s o f n 0l . d e 111g . roce or \v l 1 < a 111ay m to , party al l) a e 1dice prej1 t e · 1 x may so a ng ·do 1clear . ui · l1ave b. ee11 seve�a · l cases 111 whic aild difficult to apply. For exa111pIe,_ t-'here h the se of becau tl1e ble el1ens1 t1ou con1pr an1b1g 11ot s were character o f _the ",..·onrts' . decisions . . . . ese cases J1ave inv Amharic tei·n1 11se� to a1 1no1.1:11ce t-he accuse d's c:·I.1_s�_ost10�1. Th olv ed t 1c, two d1st.11 for terms sl1 E11gl1 ter1ns: ''acquit'' a tlle use of imprecise Amharic n d co11J:t of that decisio11 a ''discharge." ''Acquittal'' refers to . . . . . the accused is 110t gll.J 1 ty as charged; it has tl1e eff�ct of prevent111g th � 1nst1tut1011 of proceedi11gs against run1 on the s�me charge 111 the ft1t1rre. Acq111ttal co11�!u:fes the ,,case excep t for appellate re1?ed1es. _15 w.11e11, 0�1 tl1e otl1er l1and, � court ·discharges an acctis ed, it has 11ot d.ec1ded his g111lt or 111nocence of the cr11ne cl1arged, a11d the p11biic prose­ 16 on the sa1ne cl1arge accused tl1e The prosecute later may An1haric version cuto1· . . of the Criminal Procedure Code generally us_es the ve1.·b ''o0f.\cf'q> ='' (n1ellce/<,), JiteraIJy . terms, altl1ougJ1 for botl1 English 1t ofte11 qualifies the ''to release'' or, ''to let go'' verb witl1 the adjective '' O"Ll·LOr :'' (begize1v), n1ea11i11g ''temporarily," or ''n�R :" (be11etsa), 1uea11ing ''free," to indica,te discha,rge and acquittal respectively. 17 But, at times ''oot\:cf>:,, :'' (mel/(ek.J alo11e is used to translate ''discl1arge''. 18 Si11ce the terrru­ nology is neither s11fficiently precise nor consistently employed, many courts seen1 n. ot to appreciate the disti11ctio11 betwee11 the two co11cepts, which was probably not known to the traditiot1a.l legal syste1n. Thus in tl1e case of Pi,blic Prosecuior v. Jada Elalo 19 the trial court ruled that co11ti11uing to l1old tl1e accused for trial was u_nwarraoted; as for disposition, the court said of the accused, ''t\cf>}tPA :" ( lekene1,val), literally, ''we release hi1n," without any indicatio11 as to whether this oon-stituted an acquittal or a discharge. Obvio11sly st1cl1 a1nbigi.1ity co11ld have the unfortunate effect of leaving the accused and the prosecutor u11certain as to the 20 · status of the case. In a11other case, Pi1blic Prosec1,1tor v. Berl1ane Gebresel!assie, the tria.I c-0urt closed tl1e case and ordered tl1e acc11sed released fro1n prison c11stody because of the prosecution's failure to present its witnesses; the disposition \1/as ambiguously phrased: '' 1·htia•: n�--r�,l· : 'h1-J;./\�l:,:,, : J-,tic.·/.\: '' ( telcasasf1u bejt11et er1di!ekek azenal), literally, ''the accused should be released i1nn1ediately.''

A4> :,,:


Similar difficulty is encountered with the Amharic word ''hll :'' (kis), literally, ''accusation,'' which is used to translate four E11glish ter111s altl1011gh in each case -----14. Art. 28(1), 63(1), Crim. Pro. C. 15. See Art. 130(2) (b), Crim. Pro. C. 16. See, for example, Art. 122(3), (5), Crin1. Pro. C. ,.k) �. " . tsa ,neleke · ' 1 17 · In 1 A rts. ( 130(2) (b), 158, 177, a11d 221{2), ''acquittal'' is translated as ''�1.: or>t\" --r . ,re. (1)41I�·•" litera �ly, ''to be released to be free:'' and in Pen.C. Arts. 12(2) a11d 16(2) as_''h;,, �T , 1 .��·:slated as _ (kekltat ,zetsa mewtat) literally, ''to be fre from pt1nisl1n1e11t." ''D1scl1 aige !5 tr e 181(1), . Arts in ''ll'Lltm-:oufl+:J> :'' (legizew me/eke/,), literally, ''to be released te111por aril)1," · 184, 185(2) (a), Crim . Pro. c. 6V' , I · · red as ''hhil OJ" 18 · Arts. 1 �2, 158, Crim. Pro. C. In Pen. rende ' C. Art. 16(2) ''cliscl1arge' is 2 (kekiu witch meho11), literally, ''be 1' � of n." acc usa tio out ing side � facultY . . 1!9. �lgli @.,, Aadis .A!baba, 1965), Crim. Case No. 257-54, unpublisl1ed, Library, � !Hl.&.i IJ. )' of It U faC '"" i1 � '\�� ifitij::Jo:Ji, �!,tl,,, �fl '-'\�1;:i• A li. ,1.. , bro a,J,J' �uuts �uaua, 19.66), Crim. Case No. 104-59, unpublish ed , Lt' �w, "IJSE

- 558 ,



I '




• •




ad dition to tl1e \Vord. Tl1e an es 1e ti 1n so n is four words are ''prosecution'' re,. '' the · I '' � t· '' '.>t '' :1 ·· ·11t'' · , 1· a1· ge" ''con1p a111 t a1 1d 'acc usa ion. · C on 11 )l a1 1s at t11nes tra11 slated b y '·cI · 2 '' t · 11 : ,, · t 1 ' ' ) er · a ut e a ' b 1 (a � �' ,!10 ice, ,1t t1111es b1 ' 'fhll : 1',0..-f::J·:'' (y ,. ,, .,t�;J e le is abetitta), 23 .1011 -� �n "a 11 otr ce of acc11sat and elsewhere s1 111 pl)' by '' lly' . h.•tera"j h{l :'' (!,is). 24 ''Acctisa · · i ' ' l b ' (k . ) d ,1t e e1 t 1er y ' lfl . 11s s l • a lon e, 25 or by '' · • str .t a ' 26 �• · ·;:� ro A : n ht 1 :'' (y o e �ve 1i1e l l <u. 1s) ' ' ' ' ''Charge ' a11d · · t· f 1011 o acc11sa crime. ''a11 , ll)' ''prosecution'' are both translated Jttera. ,, ' · • ,1 one ca 11 re ad' · ,, (,ci s) '' = h{ l 1 l Y by 1111 �g111e the �r11biguity. whic� ca11 arise ,; -�. simply . _ of _t1tl =. (/\rs) b y _a court, o: 1n a pleac! rng, especially 111 use tl1e m fro try111g to _ _ distinguisl1. co1np��1nt fr 0111 accL1sat10! 1, �11d e1tl1er of tl1ose fron1 th.e _c �arge. It 1s t11nes drffic� lt to tell , �ro111 1 eacl111 g a case report, \Vl1 ether e 1 1 501 o the 1nJt1red pa.rty als co111pla1na11 t or prtvat e prosect1lor. as ared .. pe, ap Conclusio11

Otl1er Ii11gt1istic proble111 s i11 tl1e adjective law codes could easily be cited, 28 but our i11tentio11 l1as bee11 _011ly .to . give a few illustrations_ of the ''eqt1ivale11cy discrepancies'' \Vl1 icl1 t l1e Lexicon ProJect files reveal. As po1r1ted out above, the jor part of tl1e taslc - to create a11 adequate, clear and unifor111 A111 l1aric �!al terminology - is still before us. Hopefully, this article will help sti'.'1ulate our ;;tl1ren of the Etl1iopia11 legal JJrofession to SLil)port ,1n early resu1npt1on of the ,vork \Vhicl1 l1as been started.

21. For the distinction bet\vec11 "co1nplaint" and '. · "accusation" see P. Graven, "Prosect1ting Cri, 121 ), p. 965 2(1 . vol L., 11• Et1 J. , ;, t • 1 a1n 1p C on 1 te va p minal Offences Punishable Only U po11 rt at n. 1. . n. pro . c·; A.rts. 216-17 Pen. C 151 Cru . 22. Arts. 28(1), 32(2) (b), 98(1) (a), 176(3), 150, c.; Arts. 8, 14(2), 19(1) (a), . Pro tn. Cri , 151 (2), 1), 44( rt 1), 27( 23, 23. A s. 13, 14(1), 15, 16, 218, 219, Pen. C. nslated tra so al is it 8 t Ar p C e In C _24. Art. 13, Crin1. Pro . C., Arts. 216, 220-22, Pen . ority". th au in e on e � ·so to e n� va � 1e , gr s · e on as "h fl.:I·: () ,e � :1•: ,, (abet ba_vnet) n1eaning "telling 25 · Art. 217, Pe11. C. 26. Art. 14, Crim. f-'ro. C . 27- Arts. 42(l)(c), · C . Pen • 721 . Art C.; . Pro 1. , Crin 108 < lletkal),literally, "w�rd of ern (y :'' 28- For example the terrn ''f1,?°�f:,. the Anlharic use o ts in the ep ' nc co ct in st di e it qu , o tw . , � . , y• 1 :J 1 b ehef," to signify both "confession a11d "plea o gu1 Criminal Procedure Code.


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j •








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?° ;,,1. ,,.1: ,1,·1 = Ol11"1P'·)· <f�<rc u;:z '' OIJ1 �m-r ..-).. : a7c,·:1=aJ•"}9' : on,µt_ 1 .. r·A· 1 tL;J : fl,)1'? '¼.e',,}- : P? : l,fwl,. : f : f} : ... 0 .. ,:c � 1c;:1:m }?"° = q_e .,:,. fFt- /"�0c il'1'lcJ:<J:rc; : n01Jc;:i.:m•r o1..�nc = ..-)· : ""'"" fl f\il OD,fl lJ''} I !!-,ill,\ :: '?OD'}"]J-"':,. = wt,.r1'•7fl· I fwt,..,,.. ;;: : : D : 1, A <PJ�,nc:: ttffC/cJ?cJ:9°9'1 : ll'', Ol/"�Oc--1-�: : fl011lf1 � ,,C'l\:fm..'} : ou,n:,. : ,)1•, .. : 9u1 : .e vA : 1,1,,e.0rz. m{l ',(D• : fOIJmcl! : 1-.v,.e : h1.1·1.w.. : ,.,,,tan. : 'P,,C'<l:?J-:'f : i','}J1• �at• : �(D• ::











{'UD'}"JF'T: v•t--1,7r:1. J OlJ{lr/•.V,f.t,,r: ,n:,,,..J!_,: ODJ-"'t,,r: 11:,-c;: fOD'} '11F'1· = ,,,t.-1..7r:.1·- :,.,,,111 i h1.e....t•7t·'il·il, 'l,1.<;.u-r n,-1.u• = ,,1.,,,111 P'C 2 f(I) ffJ (Ir : f,)1OJ : tJ {j: f.\ : U'J{l ;J·•(!)cf!,\' : CCfOD'}"]P' r"J• : lJ.' /r ,,.,...7,0:1. - '': f°! fl OJ• : :J'/,\ : 07, c;: ro·19° : un1 o-iP' --)· = a>.e9'1 fou 1"JP' :i- q flFt.\ tTJ'} : noF'1,,,r: ,,. 3 r n,-l•: fc n1la>• } : (Im• : fOJJ..,,rn1:JJ' At.\ : Ol'lf)-1 : 0.1f.\7'" I fOD'}"Jp':t- : lJ-•t,... ·I· 7i'"f : °7 fl ,,.I ..� Y..t.e : h Oil 7L.', C :.1: : f'"l. 'l.{l ·lt c�:f : ?' h c : 11 rl· : 0 oiz••r7'J'.• c/ ro.- : 1.:,. : f11-�1 �, : v,t-,,.1,. �0:.}4..1 : {l l l· .. U : .4, A : ·f·,nj'fl(J}- : 1,1.q.e,,n�- : ll.f,,r..


= =





- 561 -





-- c� : fl {lll.tPJ<;-.. : .. e.. ...(:l:irr,.-:,:. � (D•(l�1�: fatw�. � 1\:1 : '?F:}-· 1,fT(llJ' (lOD1 : r



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. · 562 -

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- 570 -



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27 ·

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- 572-





PlIBLIC SERVANTS' RlGllT TO ORGANIZE U/i/lia,n H. E'rving* I.ntroduction Article 47 of tl1 e Revised C o11 stitL1tio n of 1955 provides, ''E . . very Etl11· op1·a11 sub. accorda11ce \VJ· t11 t l1 e. law, 111 y . . ject, 1 0 � live engaging 1 11 any occupatioii; Ile has the right. t � f��:11 any sort. _of occ11pat1011al associatio_n and to be a member of an y assoc1at1on. . Tl1e question of_ �11 e exte11t to ,vl11cl1 the law restricts gover11 1ne11t employees' r1gl1 t to for1n or Jo111 labour-1111 io11 -like associations has been in the news recently. Tl1e Central Person11eJ Age11 cy a11 cl P11blic Service Order of 1961 as amended, and the Legal Not�ce iss11ed tl1ereu �der, 2 provide that all perso11s en{plo),ed by the govern111 �nt or ?Y 1 ndepe�cl�nt public_ autl1 orjties are ''public servants'' 3 except tl1at the Public Service Cornm1ss1011 ers, w1tl1 the approval of the Council of Mi11 isters, are empo'vvered to exclude certain en1 ployees from the coverage of this tern1.4 f-Iow­ ever, for discussio11 of the above iss11e, it is useful to co11 sider separately the two categories into \vl1icl1 tl1e Civil Code ar1d the Labour Relatio11s Proclan1 atio11 divide governn1ent er11ployees. Tl1ese categories are: (1) those government e1 nployees 'vvl10 are eo1ployeci i11 tl1.e ordi11ary adnunistratio11 of tl1e govern1nent, a11 d (2) tl1ose \vho are employed by a.n ''industrial, co1n111 ercial or other profit-1naking enterprise ad111 inis­ tered by tl1e Governn1e11 t or its adn1inistra.tive or technical departments. '' 5



" I










* '.




3· 4.

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Haile Sel lassic I University. I am indebted to Dr. Syoun1 Gebre­ gziabher, I-lead of the Depart111ent of Public Administrati on, I-Iaile Sellassie I U11iversity and to Ato Emmanuel Negassa, student in the Faculty of La\.v, for a number of fruitful observa­ tions on a draft of this comn1ent. The version of Articl e 47 given in text is a new translation of the Amharic version. 'fhe English versi o11 says, ''Every Ethiopian subject has the right t? engage i n. any occupation and, to that end. to forn1 or join associations, i11 accordanc� \V1th the la\.v.,. T�e n1ore a�­ curate version of the An1haric is used in the text, because Article 125 of the Revised Consti­ tution says, "The official language of the Ernpire is Amhari�.". Gratitude_ is ?Ue _to Ato i:·asil Nahun1, Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of La\.v, for po1nt1ng out this d1spar1ty and provid ing the 11e\.v translation. Order No. 23, .Neg. Gaz., year 21, no. 3, as an1ended by the Cet!tra l Personnel Agene,-y a11d Publi c Ser.vice (An1end1nent) Order, 1962, _Order �o. 28, ,';1e�. ?,az., year 22_, no .. ? (Orde� No. 23 as amended by Order No. 28 hereina.fter cited as Order ), and Publ!c Serv1c� Reg ulations No. 1, 1962. Leg. Not. No . 269, Neg. Gaz., year 22, no. 6 (hereinafter cited as "Legal Notice"). A lthough they are clefi11ed as pt1bl ic servants, uniforn1ed rge;bers ofL the a���� . sebv:�:;• e pol ice and judges are exclud ed from the coverage of the r er and e�a1 cited above al note 2, Art. 3; Legal Noti ce, cited above at note 2, Art. · Ibid. Lab our. Relations Proclan1ation, l 9?3, , Art. 2 (f) CJ\') ' Proc No. ? 10 Ner;. Gaz., year 23tl,y. noIt. ffers sLigb 3 (h�re1n aficr cited as "Pro�l a111at1o_r1 .·). :he Ja�guag� of the Ci vil c;de di ll aJJply to "contracts sha de co e 1 tl ,, 1 l ia spec provides that "unless othcr\VtS� prov�ded 111 . �11dertakings adn1inistered by the State of �mploy�e�t c�nclticled by _1ndustr1al o r coi:1;1 me rcia�" does not nt me m co t en es pr e Th ). 3(2 l ?S t or its �dn11n1strat1vc or techn1�n l depar tn,ents · Ar . � t o . language bet\.veen Code in n i at i var 1 l i deal with the interesting question ?f whether the 5 i og of either pl 1rasc n ea n ise ec pr , e th and Proclamation makes a differe11ce 10 substance, 11or ,vith .

- 573 -

. V - l\lo. 3 ' L A 'A L O V N IA P IO H T E F O JOU'RNAL

1g ri i1 rp1 k s a te n se M E tfi ro P , n u R ten m rn ve o G Employees of ts tly ':n ici gr pl ex m 11� 110 n io at ag lam a11 oc P: ns erial em lo, io lat Re ur bo La The 1l11 s }e P h 1r o lab \\ 1s 1n v · 101 for 11n cl1 1 to e ha ht rig e the t e r1 Ooh . · th_e 1atte· .r category m . . 6 t has been arg uec, t t o h 1 . 1 , · ve1 \ve o 1. t tha I g. run gru bar t e . s engage 1·n col•lective op ,,. . . of e c . . t s . e e_ e11 1 or oy p e� e1n r1s . to e1p . d . cte tr1 res pli ex be citly excl d these provisions should d e � u ot1c by 1e al S N Leg l!c Pub tl and v er Ord er the of' ice e erag from the cov Com 1 11 �· ed adva be or ay this or � � � been m have ti posi ons reas on. 7 Two ers. sion Firs ' it 1011 a111at P1·ocl the ed intend of rs drafte the definiti·o the that sted sugge be may ''employees'' covered by th� Proclan1ation _to hav e �nly �· J1is nar:o� �c�pe, or �h�� it should be so construed 1n order to avoid an ove1Ia.pp111g of Jur1sd1ct 1011 bet\v e the Central Personnel Agency and the _Minis!ry of Nati�11al Commut1ity DeveJ� � ment and Social Affairs. The prob!e1!1 wrth tl11s argu1ne11t 1s that the langu age usfd contains no l1i11t of such a restr1ct10 _ _ 11. Tl1e res�11:1bla11ce betwee1� the langu age of the Proclamation and that of the C1v1l Cod�, wl11ch_ \.Vas drafted 111dependently an d before the Central Personnel Agency can1e into ex1ste.11ce, st1ggests that the drafters of the Proclamation were thinking of the Civil Code rather t]1an of the Central Personnel Agency and Public Service Orde1·. Tl1ere is 110 suggestion in either the Proclamation or the Order that the Public Se1·vice Con1missioners sl1ould have the power to d.eterm.ine which employees are entitled to the 1·ights granted by the Proc­ lam.ation. On the contrary, the Co1nmissioners' jurisdictio.n is to decide which em­ ployees of the go vernment come within tl1e coverage of the Order and Legal Noiice. If overlapping jurisdictio11 is a proble1n, the Com1nissioners ca11 solve it sunply by excluding all non-managerial employees of gover111nent-1·u11, profit-1naking enterprises fro·m the coverage of the Order and Legal Notice.

A seco11d argument is that tl1e Order a11d Legal Notice issued under it must prevail over any conflicting provisions of the Proclamation becat1se the Order derives its authority from Article 27 o·f tl1e Revised Constitutio11 (oftet1 called the Order Power Article), which provides: Th.e E.n1peror deter1nines tl1e orga11isation, powers a11d d11ties of all Mi11istries, executive departments a11d the ad.mi11istrations of the Goverrunent and appoints, promotes, transfers, suspends a11d dis.misses tl1e officials of the same. y u a. of 1ts serva1 Persons who deny th.e ap.plicability of the Proclamatio11 to public lo)'.· erop their sort argue that this Article entrusts reg11lation of public servants and oss i· p the ment-related activities solely to the E1npero1·, th 11s re1novi 1 1g tl1e1n f ro111 bility of regu1ation by procla:rnation. 8 6. 7·

Cited above at note 5, Arts. 2 (f), 20 (a), 23. 11•011 • Procfanu1 See y·1m 1 a Hai·1u, Em_ployees Protected by and Subject to the LahoLtr Re!atio�is . 23-26, of 1963 (1968, unpublished, Archives, Faculty of Law, Haile Sell ssie I Un1versity?, PP a ·ovides: 8 · The Prean1ble to the Order also cites Article on, wbi�b ·pJP \n·e 66 of t11 e Revised Co11s tituti · 1 ncl d1sc1 ''The· ·appo·Ln tmen t, promot1on · , tra11sfer suspension retiren1ent disro1ss a a ploenl of all otl1er [except for Ministers and Vice ud Js a offici a nt Gov ernt� e M· i niste 1: s ] . ·ali ?e governed by roved app � s sh regulations made by tl1e Cow1cil of Mit1isters aud � an wuocla1m ed b> y ta e Emperor '' .1 d in the Mit©a,gJli -ltb iis Miele _might als� seem to be relevant, especially because it is c 30unci l of =�'mite!&; tlh.e Qudeu its�f, . Ull]jike many other 1at t�: states tJia� tl state not does Orders, r e!i otJ ��S he a'lll$r ,an ni 11ts prepa N do l e Lega ration e . tl 1 otic of Wlule Article 1 :N" al _ f· t iY¥8.Sa Jnfmlllga te d �1th e the �PPFoval of the of Ministers, the .L g

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tlti s ar�u �1ent to �h� pr e e·nt problem is fal of . io1 1 lic at pp a laciou s. The � The of M1n1sters part1c1pate 1 n the process of nci l Co u th d 1 ar . enacting pro­ � eror a111at1011 c�n become law u11less and until it is Pr oc l o N s. approved by £:atio n . The �abo1u Relatio s Procla1nation was �rst promulgated as a decree ero r _ � � p 1 En . �e mperor h11nse!f a11d later, after n11nor Parliam ntary ame�dments, again E � b I the d a1 1 pro m ulgated as a proclamati?n. The Empe1?r tl1e by. . pr�visions speci­ e d a) rov ei�pl?) ees of. governn1ent-run, p�ofit-111ak1 g enterprises to form w111g all? � r!c�uy un1011s appear in o�h. tl1e Decree a11d tl1e Proclamatio n. Thus, the En1p�ror . bour ? al P1 ovisions. Beca.11se he prom11lgated the Labo11r Relations e the oved appr � _ twice .rnore recently t�a11 I1e promul ?ated tl1 e Order and tl1 e P11blic Service on n at1 clai rro 1 11Igated_ tl1e Legal Not1ce,10 .he must l1ave decided tl1at the pron s io11er Coroniiss . . Proc la111_ a�, 1011 sho11ld ap1)ly to certa 1,1 p11b �ic ser an.ts and prevail 1e t� of ns isio prov . � . provis1o11s of 1ct111 the g Ord er and Legal Notice issued tl1erel1nder. confl _ any over exclu r sive has JJ�wer to regulate public servants' right of assoEn1pe ro the if Even ently -e11ac more 11ce of 11is intent (i.e. -rec tl1e the Proclan1ation) on , ' .ted C1.ati' ' 11 . 1· o11 r 1er ati ea 1sl er leg ov l vai pre should Eve1.1 if one \Vere t() reacl1 the t111likely co n. cl11sio11 that the Order and Legal Notice sl1ould pre,,ail over the Procl,1111atio11 ii1 the event of conflict, J1e \VOLLld. not find a1.1y co11flict on tl1e prese11t iss11e. As is demonstrated below, neither the not appear to have bee11 approved and was not proclai111ed by the En1peror. A some\vhat strained argume11t may be made that the citation of Article 66 in the Preamble to the Or­ ders sb o\VS that the Council "111ade'' tl1e provisions of the Order or that tbe participation of the E111peror and the Cot1ncil of Ministers i11 tl1e combi11ed legislation of Order and Legal Notice is sutliciet1t to satisfy Article 66. Even if one of these argt1n1ents is successful, the reasons adduced i.11 the text for rejecting tl1e relevance of .Article 27 to the present problen1 apply equally to Article 66. 9. Decree No. 49, 1962, l\'eg. Gaz., year 21, 110. 18. JO. The chrono logical orcier of IJromulgation was: Order, Decree, a111eoding Order, Legal N'o ti.ce, Proclarnation. Sec dates a11d isstles of f.legarit Gazet{t cited i11 notes 2, 5 and 9 above. 11. This conclusion follows fron1 tl1e t111iversal rt1le of statutory construction leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant, vvhicl1 prescribes that, \vhere t\VO provisions of law conflict, tl1e later one prevails over the for111er. See I -I. Bekaert, l11troduction a l'etucle {/u clroit (1964 ) pp. 246-247; S. Edgar, Craies on Statute Lalv (6th ed. J 963) pp. 363-381; Halsbury's La1vs of England (3rd ed. 1958), vol. 36, Statutes, secs. 709-713; 1\1. PI,111iol a11cl G. Ripert, Treatise on the Civil La11, (12th ed., 1939) (translation, Louisiana State L. Inst., 1959), vol. 1, pt. 1, nos. 223, 228; Krze.czuno\vicz, "Stat11tory InterJJretatio11 in Ethiopia", J. Et/1. L., vol. l (1964), pp. 321-323; Alen1a11te Gebre Sellassie The Ejject of the Penal Coc/e 011 the Prisons Proclart1a­ rion of 1944 anc/ the Resulting State of t/1e LaJv (1968, ttnpublished, Arcl1ives� Faculty of La\v, l-Jaile Sellasste I University), pp. 10-18. Anot:l1er rule of stattitor� co11s�ru�t1on supports the above co11clusio11 in the present circumstances. This rule, gen�ralza spe_cra/1bus 11011 dero­ gant, say s that, if two s tatu tory provisions conflict 1 the n1ore s1Jeci:fic prevails over the �1?re general. See Edgar, Hals bury, f>Ja11iol and K1·zeczunowicz, cited_ above. Because th� p.r:ov1s1on of the Procla.matio11 deal specifically witJ1 certain types of pubhc servants and their �ight to fo _rm and join Jabour 11nions, wl1ereas t11e pro,,isions of the Order and_ Legal Notice _ �eal With pubU c servants generally and do not refer SJJecifically to labo�1r unions� the prov1s1ons �f the Pro�lamatio n prevail over those of tl1 e Order an_d Lega] N_ot1�e. A fu1al ar �u11:e11t . to u por th ls onl) w1t11 tl1e dea 1t1on st1t� Con sed Rev e 1 i 27 of t tl is icle io Art clus con 11 is that p ?inte rnal organization of tl1e goverrunent and t!Je relation of t}1e various _parts of the gove�n­ ment to one another. Sec Aberra Je;11bere, T/1e Prerogative of t/1e E111pero1: ' ? Deter111111e Powers of Adn1inis z LaJv, at trative ,;.fge11cies (appearing in tl1is �ssue ?f the Jol�·na/.of Etlu_op,a, g alo11e, . tl1e tin ac Page 52.1), pp. r, ro pe E1n tl,� es giv le tic Ar s tl1i . 527-528 It is dot1btful tl1a t _ (st1c � as the r1g?t g PO\ver to regulate hts ri l civi teed ran gua s tl1 e exercise of con titutionally of as�ociation) kno�Ly , even by p11blic servants. TJ 1e present co.nun _e11t does not deal_ w1_ tl1 tl1e lue t,_ on of tl1e extent to w11icl1 tl1e Em1Jeror or even Parlta111ent n1ay const1tut1onal1 y restrict e s right of association granted by Article 47.

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. 1y \Vay the .form. a tio n of at i11 s bit hi pro tice No labour u1 . Ord& nor: the Legal 1 . 1ons . by pt1blic servants tl1e. _ 1· ict1la ot1r � _ t part L,: 1 . i.1 IZelatio 118 �rocla , o:pia Ethi of laws Thus, the m atio 10_ 1 s 1 1 by ur tl1e our lab -m 11on f o. anagerial e 1 n, . . ly. provide for the forroat1on clear . . . . oyees mp . o N 1 . . s. aw prise 1 e1 t JJrov . d , en es . otl1erwise e of government-run profit-making en if � ic ce v Ser and der c 01· bli the i Legal Not e is sued t ·he Central Person�el Ag· ency and Pt1 · �· e supe�seded by tl1. thereunder di� so provide, they would b e d�e1necl to e Pro. . claoiation, which wa.s approved ai1d promulgated 1nore 1 ece11 tly by the Eill pero r.

Public Se.rvants Generally· Other govem1nent employees are not covered by the provisio 11 s of the Labo R.elations Proclamation. �s R.C. �ea'?s has pointed ot1t i11 a11 earlier issue of th�; Joitmal, the effect of this exclus10?- 1s that the� ca1111ot �or1 n a ''union' ' as that term is defined in the Labour Relat1011 s P�ocla�at1 011, 12 ''tl1e1r e. mployer, the govern­ ment, is under no legal duty to barga111 with the1u, a11d tl1e Labour Relations 13 tl1e with 11t." disputes gover11me their over n jurisdictio 110 has Board : The exclusion of most public serva11ts fro1n the coverage of the Labo11r Rela­ tions Proclamation does not, however, by itself prol1ibit the1n fron1 forn1i11g union­ like associations. There is no indicatio11 tl1at the P1·oclan1atio11 was intended to be the only law regulating all types of associations for furthe1·i11g tl1e interests of \Vork­ ers. Rather, the Proclan1ation deals ,vith those associations, called ''unions'', wl1ich have the legal rights to strike and to require en1ployers to bargain collectively \vith them . Because, as shown above, 1nost associatio11s of pl1blic servants do not have these rights, it would have been awkward to incl'ude then1 \Vithin the coverage of the Proclamation. Thus, the drafters of the Proclan1ation n1ay well have concluded t.hat associations of ordinary public servants sl1ould be covered by otl1er legislation, and interested persons must search other laws to fi11 d the in1plen1entation and regula­ tion of ordinary public serva.nts' right of associatio11.

The following survey of the relevant legislation shows that no law clearly pro­ hibits the for1 nation of union-like associatio11s by pt1blic servants. Altl1ough son1e provisions of the previously mentio11ed Legal Notice n1ight at first glance �e. unde_ r ­ . stood to allovr1 public servants' superiors to de 11y the1n tl1e 1·ight to part1c1pate 10 rary cont the s such an organization, a closer analysis of those provisio11s indicate to be th.e intent of the legislator. As �ill be shown, this interpretation. of tl1e Legal Notice is bolste red_ �ot 01 �� by consideration of the special protection give11 to occupatio11al associ� tlOJlS . ) e 1 . . . e Arti ReVIse . d Constitut�on Article 47 but also by another elen1e11t ciescr1'b d 1 n . abour � . 1 nal 122 o� t�e Const1tut1on as ''s11pre1ue law of the Emp11·e," a11 I11ternat1o Orgaruzat1 on Convention which Ethiopi. a subseql1ently ratified. : . a,vs J · · c • • 1esti . Asl•de from the Con.st1tu�1on · , t 11e 011 ly prov1s101 1s of Etl�1op · 1_a,s don t . · he der un directly relevant to this question are foun.d in tl1e Legal Notice issued Central Personnel Agency and Public Service Order; i11 Title III, Chapter 2 0f the

)JiS a S 12. i'!Bmpl0:y:ees Who May Not Strike ' J Eth L ans Me 1in jtJ As ; y �, 168 . p. 4 (1 v 96 ol ' 7) , , • • ., • ees t;1�111�0 fil 1!0,n el ploy , '');8 · ; 10 ''em s fr om t h e fact that oFdinary pub. lic servants are not � � '. . ia _ "l!�e ��\•1mi w�en 1n t.he Pr,oclamation. fl,, iffil., Jl. il:Y@ {m&J!)tfi�tes omitted).

576 .





As sociations Re gistratio? Regulations issued th e in 1d a in 1966 under _ . .l Co de; ,. Article s 1 of the Legal Notice prov ides, in relevant part, as fallows: t i code. _ an t Se ba r l c 111dertake a11y outside t Pu bl i ! � No activity which would � (Z) 1 1n a11 b1s useftilne s as rep o e11 d � "va p y ese nta � tive of the Public � nY � a _ in 1ght, 10 a11y \V y, cont11ct with his 1 . "vh1 ch � or duties or be inconsis� . Ser vice pos1t1011 as a Public Serva11t. the "vith · t ten (3 ) No Ptibli� Serya11t sh�ll take 11p or accept part j1 1 professional 1 tl1 or w1 tl1011t nd k any of � s � �emuneration besides the performance vitie _ acti _ 1tl1out )r \v 1 or \\1 r1tte11 per1nission of duti es al offici l the Head of the of 11is Gov ernm e11t tered Age11�y or otl1er Public Authority. Nothing Cl1a r , _ istry Mitl shall preve11t a Public Serva11t fro1n be111g 3. 111e1nber of professional associa­ tion s. regulatio11� iss;1ed tl1eret1nder provide for the forniatio11 of nd a Code Civil The _ 110 1d111g ''t�a�e 11 �1ons' covered by special laws, by registration i11clt ns, � iatio assoc _ tl1e 111 Assoc1at1ons 1 11 1stry of I 11terior. 15 Sucl1 M of are associations Office ,vith the . 1 11le s contrary to lavv or inorality. 16 It is 1 registered inconceivable be to � entitled that an associatio n could be 11 n111oral witl1out te11ding to impair a public servant's usefulness or conflicti11g \Vith l1is duties or being inconsistent with his position as a public serva11t. Theref ore, the q11es�:i ?11 111ay be solved i11 terms of Article 8 I (2) and (3) of tl1e Order, the 011ly prov1s1ons of la\v \Vhich such an associatio11 1night be arg11ed to violate. Any analysis of tl1ese provisions 1nt1st take i11to accou11t their two aspects: on the one l1and, they prol1ibit certai11 activities; on the otl1er hand, Subarticle (3) ernphaticalJy guarantees that ''not/ling shall prevent a Public Servant from being a member of professional associations.'' (Etnphasis added.) For clarity of a11alysis, it is best to start ,vith tl1e second aspect. 1

T\.vo initial questions arise ,vith respect to the last sente11ce of St1barticle (3). First, does it n1ean 011ly that p11 blic servants ca11 be ordinary members of profes­ sional associatio11s� bt1t tl1at t11eir su1)eriors 111ay deny t11em permisison to play a more active role, for i11sta11ce as officers of associatio11s? Second, what are ''profes­ sional associations''? In a11s\vering these q11estio11s, it is i1n1)ortant to keep in mind

--· 14 ·


Leg. Not. No. 321, Neg. Caz., year 26, no. I. 15· Civ. C., Arts. 406, 409, 4 13, 468, �1-69; Associations Registration Regulations, 1966, cited abov e at note 14, Arts. 4-9. 16· !he C:o_ e itself d says not11ing abotit the possibility of de11ying regist.rat_io�, so long as _ all the iorn1a1Jt1es are complied \Vitll. It does, 11 owever, provide t]1at an ass?c1at1011 m�y. _be dissolved by the Office of ,.i\ssociations in t!1e Ministry of Interior if its obJect or a�t1v1t1es. are co11ry to I_a\v or . �1orality. Civ. c., A.rt. 462. As the d1:after� of tl1e regulat!o�s w1s�ly cot1� ;� d�d: this prov1s1on inust nllo1,,v t!1e Office to refuse reg1strat1on to an assoc1at1011 ."v1_th such r htbited _ purp oses. Jt \vould be fruitless to require the _ Office to_ register a11 assoc�at�on a�d ih� to d 1�solve it in1 n.1ediately. TI1erefore, tl1e regulations J)ro�rde tl1at _a11_ assoc1at�o11 ':'1111 n tn 1strat1on Reg ons �1at1 Asso egi _ r . al1ty o n1or or e ste v c law to red ary ontr obje its if es are cti R bl tion s, 1 966, cited above at not e 14, Art . 8 (1) (b). These regulations also al_low tl1e u a 0: 1 �f Asso ?�ed 1nte the of �s pos J)ur e "tl1 t tha und gro ion the 1 ciat on as � s y atio to 1 den registr ciation 0 v• 10 pro ue s �ag 5. tl11 . If (c) �I) re t. 9_ a _ Ar . , lei. agains t natio11al t111ity or interest." ad � J is e d an a yt 1ng to Article Co !l C1v the 8 (1) (b) it goes beyond the prov1s1ons _of b � s u/ c: a vzres the regt1latory power grantee! to the Minister of Inte�·1or by �rt!cle �79 of_ th_e l11op1a Et d See Essayas ,,, s 1on 1at soc 1,s h _ l ll'l g lirt v De s 1 of La � J-Jaile Mariam, Legalit_y (196�-' unp ubli shed, Arcl1ives, FacLilty of Law, I-laile SeJlass1e I Uruvers1ty), l)P, 8 1-83.

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le tic �r 7 of the R.evised Co l 'in d ine 11ta co e nte ara gu the . of · nst th e breadth 1tut1011 · the ''to , a� ·rz 1· o fi t r1gh· t'' · b ec � 1 st �ort n · 1a p io · tb E y er ev '' of occupa tio to g n . assuri . n a . oc1 ' a1 1011 ass 1· , ' E (' ,, . . . � any "hJ 1np f o s er as1 mb n1e a be e add to and d ) I.t se em assoc1a , . .- t·100 . . . . s . · 1e (,,, .)J was 111serted to ·mak .11kely that the emphatic last sentence �f ·S 11 ba.rt1c e cle� r ·e we1 47 t o icle n. to Art be er und ts o righ abr gate d . E ve11 if . that public servants' . . 1s h u_at10 tor, 1 . • 11 s ho 1ld not be � l "' r�� Ieg1s the of nund the in not � this was_ : inte rpreted _ l 011a t�1t1 1st1 ed co1 st�t gl1a1antee, unless such 1ly clea a l1 st1c y den or to restrict n ed. the 1nten �1nce b o clearl � 1 o1: an 1·egl1lati cl � le � ineyitab an reas na � interpretation is be interprete� cons1ste11tly with A�tlcle 47, as 1s sh?wn below, 1� 1? uniiecessary wbetl1er or not su.cl1 a restr1ct 1011 or d en . Y1 · here to consider the further question . 1a . by a legal notice pron1ulgated tinder an Article 27 orde1· would violate the Constitution.. The first question above sl1ould not be answered by reqt1iring public serv ants to subordinate their desire to be founders 01· officers of associations to the dis­ cretion of their _superiors. Not only does Article 47 explicitly guarantee the right to ''forn1'' a.ssoc1atlons, but also, becal1se of the present state of develop1nent of the Empire and th.e predonlina11t role of the government, tl1ere are a number of professions, for instance journalism, al1nost all of \vhose me1nbers are p11blic servants. To place officership of associations of such employees at the wl1im of certaii1 gover­ m.ent officials b·y requiring tl1eir permission before a public servant cot1Jd become an officer would effectively frustrate the formation of s u· ch associations, or at least would greatly linrit them. Furthermore, men1bersl1.ip without eligibility to become an officer is not full membership. Thus, the 11a1·row i11terpretation would frustrate the purpose of the last se11tence of Subarticle (3) ·by effectively pre,;enting public servants from becoming f11ll n1embers of those associations. Stich an interpretation would be unrea.sona.ble. Tl1eref ore, tl1e last sentence of S11barticle (3) m11st authorize public servants to be officers as well a.s ordi11ary me1nbers of ''professional associa­ tions. '' 17 Tl1e qu, estion of the mearring of ''professio11al associations'' cru1 be f11rther broken down into two parts. First, does it mea11 011ly associations of perso 11s gen­ erally regarded as belonging to one of the ''learned professions''? Second, what kinds of activities can sucl1 ''associatjo11s'' t1n.dertake? In particular, can th.ey unde�­ t�ke activitie� for the purpose of gai11ing higher ,vage� a11d bet�er \1/ork�ng_ ��n:�: t1ons for the1r members? The answer to the first q11est:1011 mt1st be 11egative. P n �. rso � f o e ons fessional associations'' must be taken to incl11de occupatio11al associati ; other than those who are me1nbers of ''lea1·ned professions." Fron1 tl1 e tirne ? 10 . t no e opl 18 pe Emperor tl1e Menelik's Proclamation rj11g of 11 J · adJ 1900 Ter 7th ' . . · Jll· 1 · !' UC l 5 101 n1ent insult these who p11nisl1 e g enga. i11 manual labour providing a11d . . 110 that · , · suIts, �e �th1op1a1: government bas bee·n: �edic�ted to the _propo?1 t:1011 the . . of 8 3 occupat1on .1s superior to another. This principle 1s ensl1 r111ecl 111 Article 1·an . . . 1 . 11op t Et R ev1se . d Con.st1tut1on of 1955: ''There shaJI be 110 discrinli11atio11 a111oi igs · 17 ·



the d� of on · . · . · . . e 1rst issi · · fi Th sent:nce of St1bart1cle (3) n1ay be 'taken to reqt11re "'rr1tlen perm se the b . . signated superiors of the public servant even for activities w]1icl1 are guarai1teed �ncursiofl d con<l sen�ence. Becat1se sucl1 a req rement k nvo r : interprete1 11ecessitate useless pape wo uld � on the time ?f tl1e busy men designated, 0 ould s e � sent enc araotee first l1ow e,,er, tbe u . g ta regu_1re wntten permission only for ilie O 11ot fall ,vithJ activ ities wl1ic do h \tM seeond sentence. I (1967), Vol. Jl. ��ul & C� Clapham., Ethiopian Constiti,tional .Developme11t: A Sourceboo/(, iP,. �0.9.

578 -



PUBLJC SERVANTS' RIGHT TO ORGANIZE eo� to the :njoy �e11t of all civil rig!i�s. ,, Article 47 re�p 1 ,vitl ina. kes the _ s ·ect . _ 111 �o.n�ec�ion with employme�t � c1v1l To allow lawyers t1on oc1a ass of . deny :i�a�t 1 at10 asso 11s c_ and to form r10 this right to electricians or m essen­ to ts aLis urn or !·o uld coi1traven� Article 38 as well as the term ''every Ethiopian subject'' ger? ,vo odu ces _Article 47. Tl1ere�ore, the word ''professioilal'' in Article 8I(3) intr h c v;ihi no t mu b st e 111terpret ed to limit the associatio ce No ti al 11s a11thorize d Leo O h t e of • •ons of n1em bers o f any part1c1tlar occupations• oc1at1 ass to therebY . • of type he s ass_ociations \Vl1ich that se11tence contemplates? ar� � tl1en , t, Wlia : _ co1n1no11 111terests r elated to thei employassoc1at1011s of people . \V1th be ust U . They I 1 sue asso 1 c1at1011s tl1e wor ld over are to disc11ss mat rs o f · se p11rp o The te e t 19 :r :;utual i11te�est, to . pro�ote l1i�her stand�rds in their fields, and to adva11ce the 1n. relat1011 to tl1e1r employmet1t. Such associatioi1s in all 111emb ers their of rests .in te e 111 �e eI< �. 1 1g bY leg�l .means to improve tl1e labour condig a g n e ly n o n .r m . co s ie . couittr Co11s1der1 11g tl1ts f,let as well as the breadth of the membe rs. tl1eir of 15 f ��stitutio11al protectio11 of ''at1y sort of occupational association," it would be ''I)rofessional ,1ssoc�at!o11s'' was used i11 this Legal Notice ter!n tl1e if nary aordi . �xtr for111_ J1tn1ted ?f assoc1at1 ou. Tl1e 1nore limited interpretation 1J1ore some n mea to could be justified 011ly if other prov1s1oi1s of la\V rec1uired it. As has bee1.1 pointed out , the only relevant provisions of don1estic law ,ire Subarticles (2) and (3) of Article 81 \vhicl1 are quoted above. Si11ce a.11.y e111ployee l1as an interest i11 improving l1is o\;n labour co11ditions, l1is me1nbersl1ip or even. officership i11 an organization de­ dicated to that e11d would creclte no conflic t other tl1an whatever conflict is al­ ready implicit in the e111ployer-employee relatio11sl1ip. So long as he did 11ot engage in association activities, as opJ)Osed to official d11ties, clt1ri11g his regular vvorking hours, he \:Vould not violate Article 81 or a11y other article of the Legal Notice. The only activities of sucl1 a11 associatio11 \Vhich might cause a violatiot1 of otl1er pr ovisions of tl1e Legal Notice are strikes a11d other concerted reft1sals to wor.k. Such activities are separately a11d explicitly prohibited by Article 83. 20 So 1011g as the associatio11 was willi11g to recogr1ize tl1e limitatio11 011 its activitie s co11tained i11 Article 83, there is 110 reaso11 u11der the lavv \Vhy pt1blic serva11ts sl1011ld not be allowed to forn1 a11d joi11 an associatio11 \Vl1ich wo11ld have, arr1011g its other pt1r­ poses, the goal of attempti11g to i111prove tl1e labour co11ditions of its n1en1bers. It may be objected tl1at this i 1 1terpretatior1 re11ders 11seless the fi_: rst se11te11ce of t\r�icle 81 (3), vvl1ich prohibits pl1blic servants from engaging in ''professional acti­ vrt1es" \vitbot1t pern1ission of tl1e l1ead of tl1eir 1nir1istry or agency. This objectio11 \Voul d not be valicl, for the interpretation advanced 1nerely excludes activities co11�ected \Vitb professional ctssociations f· ro111 tl1e ge11eral ter111 ''professio11al activities'' 10 the first se11te11ce 011 tbe ground tl1at tl1e seco11d sentence sl1ows that the first 5 � ten ce \ as : : not intencled to �PJJly to associatio11-related activity: The fir�t . �entence ?ull prohibits p11blic serva11ts fro1n e11gagi11g i11 other J)rofesstonal act1v1t1es-for m� tance, it prohibits lawyer p11·blic ser\,ants from taking cases for private clients· . • withou · t perm 1·ss1on of their superiors.


ction to associations of people wit11 con1n1on interests i:eiated to �l1e!r ��1ploy _ment \Vou[d seem to be required by tl,e Legal Notice's tern1 "1)rofess1�nal assoc1�t1?.n, as interPreted above at 11ote 19, and by tl1e Constitt1tion's term "occupat1011al asso�1at1on.,, .. 20, Sec g enera lly J\1eans, cited above at note 12. As �1eans points out, evet1 tl11s prov1s1011 \Vas em_ploye : � 0i goyernf to ly l app to ts por pur it as ep far inso n cla1 n by the Pro cl atio eale r y Pro� , in r ac 1 o enl-ab s r ike str � \V]1 nt lln, v ser _.!Jrofit-1nakin g enterprises. Id., p. 169. A public � � � s Professional or stat11tory obligatio11s'' 111ay also be J)e11ally liable. Pen. C., Art. 41-'·

- 579 I


W A L � VOL. V � No. 3 N IA I> IO H T E F O L A JOURN

tl1e is sed ent po 11n1 arg be lt tl1c: y ma a union-l'Ik e ich wh n tio iec ob J er . • • Anoth ass n a f' th s, 1 e d re se . e u r is h e ? . k e ri st � t to O t rder and L o� � iation without the righ 1 h c 1ze s11 1 or 1a oc t. egaJ ass au s 1on . t to . d rue nst co w 1-Io be t no eve uld r sho "' 0t'1�e N Suell f ft1l ns use tio an 1111c of for er mb 11l1 its a . ll n1 for le per ld cou er mb ' ' 011 . • s' .. assoc1ati· . and � f or s1g11r t 1can a �t1m t1n n1 b er . by of , tai1ce in For � ersoi � � ls for the government. J? he the ero1 to 1 E er u11d t1011 pet1 a 11g Arti en!1 : �res le � �� � 63 of the purpose of Revised Constitution, . 1t could rende.r �ucl1 a_ �et_1t1on �ore persuasi ve. Moreov:e r, nu of 1at n orn i ng l 1011 poo f a the held i for icle by veh a by furnishing mb er of · · · · · · 1� work1ng public servants, it could discove�. 1neq t11t1es 11_1__ tl �onditio_11s of its various members and co11centrate �tte�1t1on 01;1 specific 1nstan.ce� of t111sat1sf actory w orki conditions. By bringing this 1nform�t1?n to the atte1:t1on of supervisors and. t�! Central Personnel, the assoc1at1011 could contribute to tl1e efficie ncy of th­e public service . T"his interpretatio11 of �be . law today . is supported- i11.deed required_ by the International Labo:ur. Orgaruzat1on c;onvent1on N?. _ 87, the C�nv� ntio11. C�ncerning Freedom qf Assoc1at1on and Protection of tl1e Right to Organize. - 1 Etl11opia's rati­ fication of this Con,1e11tion was registered witl1 tl1e ILO on June 4, 1963.22 Thus Ethiopia is a. party to the Co.11ve11tio11, and, purst1ant to Article 122 of the Revised Constitution of Ethiopia, tl1e Co11ve11tion is part of tl1e ''supreme law of tl1e Empire." · if the Legal Notice Any legislation i11consistent with it is ''11ull a11d void." Even or otl1er la\vs could previously have bee11 inte1·preted to have prohibited public serv·a.nts from forming or being me111bers of labot1r-t1nion-like organizations, those laws would necessarily be modified by tl1e s·ubseqt1ent adoption of new provisions of sup.reme law. This co11clusion follows a fortio,·i from the discussion of the Lab­ ou.r Relations Pr: oclamation, above. Tl1t1s, if Convention No. 87 req11ires tl1at public servants be allowed to form and join union-like associations, then other Jaws should not be interpreted to prohibit sucl1 orga11izations. ff tl1ey p1·eviously had tl1at mean­ ing, they would be impliedly an1e11ded by the subseque11t ratification of the Con­ ventio·n; otherwise tbey wo11ld be null and void. The Convention provides that ''workers ... , without distinction \Vhatsoever, shall have tl1e right to establish and . . . to join orga11izations of their ow11 cl1oos­ ing without previous authorizatio11. ''23 The ter111 ''orga.nizatio11'' is defu1ed to inclu de ''any organization of workers . . . for furthering a11d defending their iriter_e5fs 24 Further, the Conventio11 provides that st1ch organizatio11s shall bave tl1e_ �ig�; .•.• " to formulate their own programmes \-Vitl1011t interference fro1n public a 11 tho�it1�·­ Article � of the Convention. says, ''In exer?ising the rigl1ts P:ov.!ded f� 1 � 111 _ . a Convention workers and employers nd their respective org,1n1zat1011s , Ji_ke 0 1 1 1 bti pers�ns or organized collectivities, shall respect tJ1e law of the la11d," t � f�:t ;t� provides, ''The law of the Ian.d shall not be st1c.h as to i111pair, nor sb,ill it applied as to impair, the guara11tees provided for in tl1is Conventioi1." .15 ublic . o here 1s no T doubt wl1ose tha. t ' the '' term tl1ose incl11d es 'work \1/ .ers . rk1 wasP pre. service as gover·nme·nt employees. T11 fact, the explanatory report w·l11c1


21 . 22 ·

2�. �-


763-66 . · at10 . 0, Con • 6 I n·tema · tion • al Labour Organ1z ve11t1011s wzcl Reco1nme11dat1ons (1966), PP· 11,) ,Efll• . 10, s genera . ee Int · · t· I L b ' · erna iona a our Office, Official Bulletin, vol. 46 (1963), JJp. 481, 4�7· abour Leg1s • . , an ue L l Negassa, The l1npact of Internatio11al Labo11r Standards 011 Etl110P10•11 � npn (1969, unpublished, Archives, Faculty of Law, liaile Sellassie I Ut1iversity). Aftt. 2. r A\.-..i pu ill), l &:, � l\

- 580


PUBLIC SER\' ANTS' RlOI-IT TO ORGANIZE etent �omn1ittee ?f th e I11 ter1�atio11al Labour p co m the Co nference and which by ed par nvent1011 wl1e1 1 1 t was subn 11tt ed for adopt Co tlie ed i o n by the Conference i i ai aco0��il stresses the fact . tha.t the Co11vention g11ara11tees freedom of ass ociatio n to expLi_ci y 26 with other workers. ally eqt1 ts rvan s ub he e .. p . No . 8? _ C?f tl1 e l ntern,1t1 onal �abour Organization, as part 1t10 onv e1 C !� s, Tbu _ Eth of iop ia, gtia law ran t e es to Etl11op1ao public servan ts 1e ren ''su p (ex c ept · I e 1 t · f o t l1 e p o1·ice a11c·l ai m e d forces, who are excepted from t11e of rs n-ib e C onve nfor ineJu . •l e 9 .t l1ere a uar a11 tees by A• rtic . o f) as well as t o other .Ethiopi . .an workers full ' uon s i:, organ1zat101 1s ''for f 11rther11· 1g a11d defendi11g their i tlt erests'' by m for to · fl. Oht 5 101n to w · 1 1s l t 1 . rig · I 1t erso11 s P is deni L1S. ed have the right 1 1ot only to n1ea _ ;al l eclition tl1e E111peror _u t 1der Art1cle 63 of tl1e Revised Co11st itution or to bring � .. · c o urt u nder f\rt1cles 62 a1 1d 110, btrt also to co111plain to tl1 e IL021 ough thr . • . :>till 1 0 · \Yorke rs' asso?1at1 011. If· 1t. determ111 �s t1 1at a 111en1ber state is failing to observe a a state has rat1 fied, tl1e ILO has tl1.e power to atte1 11pt t o l1e htch tion J ooveu "_' C 2 a11ce. 1 con1pl secure .•



A study of the orcli11ary la,vs of EthioJJia, botl1 indepe11dently a11d i 1 1 tl1 e l ight of the provisio11s of ''st1pre me la\v'' co11tai11ed i11 tl1e Revised Co11siitutio1 1 an.d ILO Conventio11 No. 87, reve als tl1at public serva nts l1ave tl1e right to form t111io1 1-type associations. For public servants en1ployed by governn1e11t-r11n, profit-1naking enter­ prises, this rigl1t a11d tl1e 1n ea11s for its fulfill1nent are clearly give n by the Labour Relations Procla1nation. Such e1 11ployees have tl1e rigl1t t o have tl1e Mi11ister of National Com1nut1ity Develop1nen.t a11cl Affairs register any union s they 1nay forn1 in con1plia11ce ,vith tl1e provisio11s of tl1e Pr oclamation. Otl1er p11blic servants are not prol1ibited fro1n for111i11g Ui1io11-type associa.tio11s. I11 fact, ILO Conve11tion No. 87 gives all workers except 111embers of the police and arn1e d forces the right to form s11cl1 orga.11izat io11s. Tl1ese \Vorkers may tal< e advantage of that righ.t by registration of tl1eir associatio11s witl1 the M i11istry of Int erior in ttccordance \Vith the pro\1isions of t'l1e Civil Cod e. I-Iowever, t111like tl1e e111ployees of profit­ n1aking enterprises, t l1e ordi11ary J)li°b]ic servants 11av e 11 0 legal rigl1t to co111 pel tl1e ir en1ployer (t11e gover11ment) to bargai1 1 coll ectively \-Vith tl1e ir o rga11jzatio11. They 1nust rely on the good\vill of resp onsible 111e1 nbers of tl1e gover11111e 1.1t or on the po\ver of enligbte1 1ed public opin io1 1 to bring ut s erio11s co11si deration of the posit io ns taken by their organizatio11s .


26· Inlernational Labour Office. Tire fnter11ational Lc1bour Code (1951), vol. 1, p. 681 note 3. The subsequent Right to Organize and Collectiv-; Bargaini11g Conv�ntior�. 1949, Con�ention No. 9_8, explicitly excepts public servants from its guarantees, which include the r1gl1t of collective bargai11ing Art. 6, id., p. 697. · . . eve theless, the explanatory report of the competent �on1m.1ttee \Vh1cl 1 considered Con�ent1011 � � _ dviser of o. 98 n1akes clear that tile 111en,bers of tl1e committee, as well as the Legal A the Internati nal servan . public to t,g applyi as 87 No. 11tion Conve r Labou ered consid Office � cl.,_ PP. 697o-701 t1lns 1e Son note 23. Sc� also Syoum Gebregziabl1er, T/1e. Developrnent of ; 11 10 p �1s Con�e,�nec! ivith I�ahour Relations i �z E�/1 fopia (J 969, 1n1n1eog�aphed, Departn1e11t _ o� ubltc �dn11n1s ion, trat Haile Sellassie I U111vers1ty), p_p. 102-103. (q�1ot 1ng spe�ch �f Atoat. Fis the �a �rip T�ion Tekie, secrclary general of tl1e Confeclerat1on of Etl:11op1a11 Labour Unio �1S, artit e Na tional Industrial Relations Conference l1eld at Africa flall, AtlgttSl 23--7, 196 6). 27. t :� ern ational Labour Organizatio11. Co11stitutio11 (1955 ed.), Art._ ?4. Etl,iopia joined the �LO. of Nat1011s, ue ag Le tl1e ec o i d ne JOi she 1en \-Vl 3, 192 b in 11, art lio titu E:�anueJm ng J) y to ils Cons Negassa, citecl above at note 22, pp. 8-10. 28. ILo _ Const1 tufion, Arts. 25-34.

- 581 -







"7(&65! ::


f h. :,.. y, � f




oP g_· ,l1,

T ::

Jour11al of Ethiopialn Law


Table of Articles by Authors

Subject Index firf'm,l>(t,,;i., : f �'h.01 = 'P"'-1'C'1.... : fOl/cf ltf., : 1IC1-f C ::

Table of La,vs Cited

I f


f 9° C 9° C :

-': C (IT:f


"1 ID-liliJ. :,

(flf..t,ilf1 : )

-�C(li: :

.('./,-(1..� :



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2/355 4/ 154

flDD1'?P':,-- : f1',{t--,-.�f..C : F'l : P'cq:,.. = f.-J,ro(t� = 1--�r·:f1 : Ofi: Cf.." : 11,,}- : "/,1 f..1'," :: fUl/f:,.. : fl rll 1


OD"}"J /».-), :

P't\"11 i

f ..,..f.1 &,. :



= q = 'I° = r1<a,c.-rt- , r w� +<;: : h«f'"lmC : t,'P,: : Olitr� : 1 ..Jt : f /\llr : '11:'J° I


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�.-. _.. ....


.ft\it'? '111 : flt/ll OA7''? : l\f, : f°7.0DlPl.T : t,(I : t\.«f'C 11 : fO'/:ft\<D• : {lOUal.l?f : f-l.� : l\f, : i'l..1� : ((t,fl(t.Jl.f61: : (t.'i l.OJ•) :


�(D• :

fiP/./\lD• : OOlPl..-f" :

n t...l.1 °1 ,e'i it tt•fl rit'? : lD•il'l' 1

= n "· 1.. .. r·ft, =

fOJJ.tfl,)·c>'f : 'J°hC : o,:t- : fltl1'? : t,lD flJ 'P : l1S: : {t I\ DI/.. t...?iODOJc : rt-OJ fie 1

fh.,:1-r-ftf1 : ,"h'? : {1Dlf111 : 11:, .. : (itcn:11) = h1t,'ln,..?1:f-- = ;,c = I\ °1 il.-f"'P(D:,, I {t "OD1.ODb,,f lD"' : = t,,�1Y.." = fl�.:,,v-A·f ft�p..�". :; .. 2 : 1 f! 'f ,01/ 'l� tltt.:1-�A·..e = {ti\ ;J11fl:J!?J:f, : ovt;:l./l I


- 585 -





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- 589 -

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TABLE Aberra Je11Jbere, Anonymous, Anonymous,


ARTICLES BY AUTI-IOR_S The Prerogative of tL1e E1nperor to Determine Powe1·s of Administrative Agencies Conditional Release Criminal Appeals

Baudissin Georg, Graf von,

An Introduction to Labot1r De\,elop­ ments in Ethiopia

Berman, Russel S.,

Natural Reso11rces: State Owner­ ship and Co11trol Based 011 . Article 130 of the Revised Co11stitution

I, 349 II, IOl



Buhagiar, William,

Marriage under the Civil Code of Ethiopia

Bulc-ha Demeksa

The Eth i opia11 Budget

I, 7 £ IV, 369

Chu,rch, W.L.,

A Con1me11tary on the Law of Agency-Representation i11 Ethiopia

III, 303

David, ·Re11e,

,.i\dmi11istrative Contracts Ethiopian. Civil Code

IV, 143

David., Rene,

Sources of the Etbiopia11 Civil Code

IV, 341

Dunning, Harrison C.,

Expropriatio11 by the I1nperial High­ way Authority

V, 217

Dunning, Harri,son C.,

Public-Private Conflicts over Sub­ Surface Stone

Ewing, William Ii.,

Pu.blic Servants' Right to Organize

V, 447 V, 573

Fassil Abebe, and Stanley Z. Fisher

Language and Law in Etl1iopia

V ' 553 Nahum,

International Law, State S11ccession

V' 201

Fisher, Stanley Z.,

Involuntary Confessions a11d A1�ti­ cle 35, Crin1i11al Procedure Code

III, 330, Stanley Z.,

Reveiw: 1-I.L.A. Hart, The Morality of the Criminal Law

III, 6 45

Some Aspects of Ethio_pian Arrest Law: Tl1e Eclectic Approach to Codification

Ill, 463

Fisher, Stanley z .• �isher, Stanley Z., and l'as-sl Abeh0'



Language and Law in Ethiopia The Administrative Fra1nework for Eeonomic Development in Ethiopia



V, 521 II, 539




V, 553 l I

Ill, 118

n, Jea ' I] ara\le G

, lippe Pl1i raven,

lippe, Phi , ven Gra 1e, Qt1i11t�n, oi nst Job J., ichael M , dred Kin

The Penal Code of the En1pire of Ethiopia Joinder of Criminal and Civil Proceedings Prosecuting Criminal Offences Punishable 011ly upon. Private Complaint Fifth Annt1al Report from the Dean Formal Requirem.ents for the Con­ clt1sio11 and Iv1odification of Contr­ acts under the Ethiopian Civil Code of 19 60

!, 261 I, 135

II, J 2 1 V, 15

IV, 218

Krzeczun o,:vicz, George,

Civil Code Articles 758-761: Side Issues

II, 185

Krzeczunowicz, G-eorge, K.rzeczu11owicz, George,

Code a11d Custon1 i11 Ethiopia

II, 425

Hie.rarc11y of Laws i11 Ethiopia

1, 111

Krzeczu110,vicz, George,

The La\v of Filiation t1nder the Civil Code

III, 511

Krzeczuno,1/icz, George,

Statutory Interpretatio11 i11 Ethiopia

Krzeczunowicz, George,

Turning the Legal Clock Back

III, 62 1

Lowenstein, Steve11,

The Pe11al System of Ethiopia

II, 3 83

''De Facto'' and C11sto1nary ,Partner­ sl1ips in Etl1iopian Law

V, 105

The Constitutional Right to Judicial Revie,:v of Administrative Proceed­ ings: Threshold Q11estio11s

rrr, 115

En1ployees \vho may not strike

IV, 167

IcCartl1)', Patil,

1 �

N!eans, Robert C.,. Means, Robert C., Means, Robert C., Paul, James C.N., Paul, James C.N., Paul, Jame s C.N.,

Paul, James C.N., Sand, Peter H .,

Sedler, Robert Alle11, Sedler, R obert

Allen '

Tl1e Eritrean Employme11t Act of 1958: Its Prese11t Statt1s First Annual Report from the Dea11 Second A11nual Report from the Dean

I, 315

V, 139 I, 335 II, 515

Thircl Annual Report from the Dean

III, 591

Fourth Annt1al Report from the Dean

IV.r 21

A11tl1e11ticatio11 and Validatio11 of Wills

IV, 18 8

Criminal Jt1risdiction in Ethiopia: A Co.mmentary

II, 467

Natio.nality, Domicile and the Personal Law in Etl1iopia

II, 161

- 591 -

Sela,mu Bekele and r. v anderlinden Semereab Michael,

Seyourn Haregot, Singer, Norn1an J., Strauss, Pete.r L.,


The Role of the Council of' Ministers in the Legislative Process The Dissolution of Religious Marriages in Ethiopia On Interpreting the Ethiopian Penal Code

V, 173 V , 281 IV, 205 V, 375

IV, 230

Vanderlinden, Jacques,

A Further Note on an Introduction to the Sources of Ethiopian Law

III, 635

Vand.erlinden, Jacques,

An Introduction to the Sources of Ethiopian Law from the 13th to the 20th Century

III, 227

Vanderlinden,, and Selamu Bekele

Introducing the Ethiopian Law Archives: Some Documents on the First Ethiopian Cabinet

IV, 411


A Supplement to the Bibliography of Ethiopian Law

IV, 433


- ·.,


The Doctrine of ''Subsidiarity of .' the Actio11 for Recovery of an TJn­ just Enrichment'' in Frencl1 and Ethiopian Law

IV, 41 I

Review: S. Lowenstein, Materials for the Study o·f the Penal Law of Ethiopia

Tedeschi, Salvatore,


Introducing the Etl1iopian Law Archives: Some Documents on the First Ethiopia11 Cabinet


: : C , , � '? � fttil -t �Y. ;h{l1•?,f..{: : tJC,:A: ODp-1l,f: fi...f1" : f"7.f f,.C�:f(Dc :I (Dc/koT :2 fhlJJ"b' : 7o�c; : flj\p-'t!\_11}"} : .e"lfl� ' 'I.e. I fllbA: fl1U'i" : "'1�,nl e'1 ,tt'f:t: : {JlJt\il : (1611» :: .... : iiA�9°: r: e : f � ·OIJ.).il1•t,1)◄ V--1): m·•ftoT: ntt.1,.f·kf: ll• O>it .. : oop-11,,. ( ?i.� C t n f Qc;:: ii'A�9°: fq:,)�,h • •fl,li.C: ,"11"1: OJ•ilT :: -- : f: ti�: {1:'f .,, = (lV'',: u :,,. '�?,.�(:: ODp-'l, OD�]T ro11: f ,n :: : o ni l ro: f hll7i i J-,1·: 'h"lib I •l'hti·li:; f7·(l:J·· : ,t;,,:: Ol/.).il ...l:C :i ....e�: : ii'A�?"°: f'?-OC = JtOD.�..e..,n = .e°lll� = t1,)1i 1 f11f1•0 : l't).il ...l:C : '11l : 6.-r: ! •l"hit"li I OO•(L : ).flt\: lttil:: ·-iii1 : ii'A�?"° : 1J)lr, tt01!1:l'f' : fOT/f,1··/l• : v.•t.,1,'lf1, :: Qt1: iiA�?° : -- (lm• : f i'1ili·�.e..c : 'lt\1-,.,A"11: f"1··(lm : :,:.'h.'111 :: O,h'1 : I''AIIJ'} : 'IA...f t,.rtt,,o" = ovf\(l 1 hti7i I f tt•'tll = itnfl : h"1'°1: 01t1;J� = n>"l· 1 ooAil : iiAf..9° : i'i1 0611' :: •• ntto,t-PiJ?..c o0Pt.. '11.. = f··f•t..iOD• = P't-9l:f1 = n�c�.. = f17• 'h'JF. 1c; : illl CIIJf ,)-- :: ii<; ·- : flA�9° : O h{l,f·P,J!..C: ODP'tf : n,:,.. : f ...f..(lm- : cn•lt�9'l-•'J: o�c:.. �: {1,} : lll\ 07


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261 125 318 197 154 34 103

101 379 7 284 330 196

- 593 -

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- $94 •





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62 483

.e°]f)� : n,e :;: f{OD'}'-iilJ»;l .. : -,. ..fllT : OIJ..t{lrl;C = '11l : &c 1; 1 UDA ii : > : .l:� ;=i A f..9' : 479 0"£b I ff, {ll : 11,e:a.. : lfJY/ l-1,:J;<f : 111-- :: 1 J. .. fai,nc -= ,.e.,, q� = noaz.. = 1 'lh, = JP� = 1 (:q:,.. 1 00 f11 .. f = = ':'t ·1n. c = il'r • ro· ,c r,,, ,e . ; � n. c .c; % : Pt·.(l.. 1: ., .e�q � = q 1 ilDt!\_i} : {l6f!' :: g� : (lt\(!9°: 330 e, : : m,, I\I\ 1:,' n,1 '{lC 1 : . : ro2 . = . .A �f: °l 1(1 h& !:' ��:9°1\ ' : 07if6P.-97 !!�: (lt\f..9°== f'l o·m- : '1if'61'1-- ::


- 613 -

.. _=

"Yft001f1-0 == ,.,. ,. : f . • l16o"r :,r.· : h-'l1f ¾ htfr.'OJ- : l}t\"'L ,z: J?,°111�: ()f, :;: (I, }lC aoA(I : {161!-7 •• =) :, f1 � _r.-c � = :i:r '11 P = -I -J�;;: = P..A �9°: 1 (m:,,t\f, = f 207 r> t\1ic : filtc.�' : (JlJh.'-,' : h·ll1f l {lf,t1Jfl1: hll li J J-1•1'i·0J c : q(\"'t: �;;: : p"t\_ i9° : DPAil : (161!' :: 293 if-"l(l : f!Alf'I : -0/AK'"l'i' : fI\"l ll11 1 o (JD n A�"I = I\ J?, = r''t 00 lP l :,-. = h (1 : Ii..4, c "fl : ruiz..-:f..a <IJc = (l,'il(D"): �(De: fai {lODQ;tltl.: F.l� I l\f,: (L1�: ((l..


�:;: : ii'A �9": 15] rT7->J; : (la,«: n.10-t-1il : (l6lh1 : t\OUmf;'J, : f{\(D� : OD,.,(l;I.. :: 1ai = h·' l, .r : ¾ J-t..t iic 4A = t1..1 n:t.1 il = tt.i1 il = :,-. f,"lfl� : Qf, I 11ll : oo{l<f'A : +nt\ ¾ 00 Ail : (t61b :: �� : PA �9°: 15




r I














Al)l\ID�STRATIVE LA\V contra_cts ive strat o.uni d A . Highway A_11thor1ty v. S?lel Boneh Ltd. ... ... ... • • • • • • _ Adiuinistrat1ve contracts 1n the Ethiopian Civil Code ... • • • • • • pr?c�edi11gs of Mi11istry adjudicating own claim trative unis Adn of Posts, Telephone and Telegraph M1n1stry Tl1e v. • • • • • • X · t D: 11� s1 es ss ax a T of al }\ppe • • • · Advocate of the M1111stry of Fina11ce v. Nicola Sarris • • • • • • E111plo)1ees ·who 111ay 11ot ... . . . .. . ... • • • • • • • • • Exercise of power by 11011-autl1orized perso11 Ayalew :Nfeles v. M11nicipality of A.ddis A.baba ... • • • • • • • • • . .. .. . ... • • • • • • • • • Judicial revie,,v of adtni11istra.tive acts Judicial revie\\' of ad1ni11istrative decisions Mosvold (Ethiopia) Ltd. v. TJ1e Iula11d Revenue Department • • • Jurisdiction of Ecclesia.stical Cou11cil She\van Gizaw Ingida Warq v. Nigat1.1 Yimer . . . . . . . . . .. . . Jurisdictio11 of Labour Relatio11s Board Sera Nlikael Brick Factory \'. Tl1e Association of Demissie Eshete • • • Licensing po\ver of Tra11sport Board Nfesfi.n Zelelle\v v. Ministry of� Public Works and Co1nmunications ... Powers of ap1Jellate administrative tribunals Bernadoni Giuseppe v. The Inland Reven11e Department ... .. . . Po,vers of Ecclesiastical Co1111cil Tl1e Dissol11tion of Religions 1narriages in Etl1iopia • • • • • • • • • Po\vers of Tax Ap1Jeal Comn1ission • • • • • • • • • Mulugeta Ayele v. The I11land Revenue Department Taxatio11 of State owned : property Municipa lity of Debre Zeit v. The l\1inistry of State Domain (Yerer and Kerj'U Awraclja Court) ... . .. • . • • • • • · · • • • Mi11istry of State D01nai11 v. Murucipality of Debre Zeit (High Co11rt Addis Ababa) ... ... . · · · · · · · · · · · • • • The Admi11istrative fra.n1ework for economic development in Et l1iopia. . . . . .. . . . ... ... ... ... .. . .. . • • • • • • The co11sti tutional right to judicial review of administrative proceedings. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... ... . • - • • • • • •

II, 265 IV, 143 II, 322 I, 198 IV, 167 III, 38 I, 116 IV, 104 III, 390 III,


II, 289 II, 334 IV, 205 II, 340 V, 485 V, 481 III, 118 Ill, 175


In adi:r11· 11ls · trative contracts ··· . Highway Authority ..-.,. Solel Bonel1 Ltd Jurisdictio11 of fa111ily arbitrators in divorce cases She wa11 Gizaw Ingida vVorq v. Nigatu Yimer - 615 -




• • •

II, 265




• • •

III, 390


or arbitr,1 . ! of nduct �,fisoo Fi1· e [nsura11ce Fo11diaria La Co . .. ,,. . t a s , s a b e D t e iw H Gebr. e

CIV"IL PROCEDURE l il w f o y it d li a v st te n co to ,A..ction e n l1 bt ay es Az el • • • B of te • ta Es v. di Ab l e . ha ic Tekle 'M ds un o �r r� t1 ed oc pr on ly on · d se Appeal ba in e esf v. . ssi M Ltd 1ni De . ... 1a) op 1 tb (E ne eh So & en 11s Ha · Jos, Appeal tro111 Tax Appeal Co1n1nissio11 Marples Ridgeway Ltd. v. Tl1e I:nla11d Reve11ue De par tme11t, ... Appeals of interloc11tory orders _ . Addis Ababa . Modern Bakery S.A. v. Yvo11ne Nou1na1r ... Arbitral awards can be set aside by Co11rts Gebre Hi,:vet Debassai v. La Fondiaria Fire Insurance Co. ... Civil actio11 for restoratio11 of possessio 11 o1: la.nd Belete Aberash's petitio11 • • ... .. . ... ... . .. Dismissal of suit • • • Negest Makonnen v. E.A.L. Sbarel1olders Co. • • • Execution of decisions of Labour Relations Board Sera Mikael Brjck Factory v. Tl1e Association of� Den1issie Eshete •



- t116 -

ll, 313

• • •

III, 258

• • •

V, 72

• • •

11·r. 13

• •

• • •

II, 322

• • •

• • •

IV, 266

• •

IIJ, 348

IJ, 202 T, l 35

• • •

• •

• • •


. .

• • •

II, 276

• •

IV, 87 IV, 1 I 4

• • •

• •

r, 1ss

• • •

IV, 307

III, 406

• • •

• • •

If, 60

• • •

II' 31


I V' 51

• • •


l l, 259

Guarantor's right to req11ire creditor to proceed against debtor ... ... • • • • • • Bisrat Woldehanna v. Gessesse Makonnen Interruption of prescription Tefera Sebhat v. Bahta Tesfaye ... ... • • • • • • • • • ' . . Joinder of criminal and civil proceedings • • • • • • • • • • • Jt1risdjction, inju11ction relief Ethiopia11 Cen1e11t Corporatior1 v. Com111erci,1l Ba11.k ot' Etl1iopia. (Sup. Imp. Ct.,) . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • • • • (High Co11rt, Ad.dis Ababa.) ... ... ... ... ...

• •

• •

Labour Relation's Board discretionary power Fogstad Woodworks Labour Unio11 v. Jakob Fogstad Position of unsecured creditors Eleni Nikita v. Saverio Ma1·tirado11i1cl . . . ... ... • • • Prescription Tigist Fisseha v. Berl1a·nu Ab. ba Gossa ... ".. • • Procedure for expropriation S., A.C._A.F.E.T.,Societa Anonima v. The M i11 istry of State Doma1a · and Mines . . . . . . . . . -• . . .. . . • • • • • • �l!ll· bstiltutio..n of parties ffir�-wa, Al11ihor' i1ty v. Mebratu Fisseha • • • • • • • • • �Ult� �1tg�g iimm@iViable property . l:1taj)g� Y�u-f Maktl v. Aba Lochis Kidryas ... • • • • • • ..

III, 2s

I, 179

• • •

• •

• • •

Executio11 of judgment agai11st tl1e Govern1nent X v. The Ministry of Posts , Telephone a.nd Telegraph Ex parte judgment Abebe Lebele\v v. Mol1anuned A .bdurl1ama11 • • • • • •

lJ, 276

• •

• • •

• •

• •

• •

• • •




.d arty intervention, service of summons fb1.r v. Eq11be E11da ane Gebrekristo s ... . .. • • • Berh !sci }( . 01 tion of Court order V 1 � "vdie Meq11a1 1e11t v. The ·Natior1al Coffee Boa.rd ... • • • e w LA AL RCI coIVlNfE e g ia Carr Air v. Ethiopia11 en Airli11es In.c. ako1111 M • • • st • • • Negi Association of cles Arti _ Ababa Modern Bakery S.A. v. Yvo 11ne No11 n1air Addis with respect to i11ve11tory val tl atio118 unt acco of s Book • • • s11aio1n Shalomay v. Tl1e I11lat1d Re,,en11e D J)aertment Business 1\ssoci,1tions, Ia_ck of w�it�e11 co11tract .. . .. . . .. • • • • • • Teresa Foca v. M,tr11.10 N.[ar1n1 l "De Facto ' and ct1ston1ary part11ersl1iJJS i11 Ethiopian law Dissolution a�d _ for111al liq11idation of com.panies Vasken S1ss1a11 v. Jacob Fogstad . .. ... . .. • • • • • • Purchase b)1 a con1pa11y of jts ow11 shares The Etlliopia11 Abattoirs' Associatio11 v. A. Bess Compa11y Use of lrade1narks Azana\v Ale111e v. Si11ger Sewi11g .i\1;1chi11e Co. Ltd. (Sup. In1p. Ct.,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . Singer Sewing Mac.l1ir1e Co. Ltd. v. Aza11aw Aleme (Higb Court, i\.cldis Ababa) . . . . . . . . . . .. • • •

• • •

• • •

V-, 253

• • •

V, 269

• • •

• • •

III, 71

• • • •

I, 179

• • •

• • •

III, 58

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

II, 29

• • •

• • •

V, 41

• •

• •


• • •

• • •

II, 220

• • •

• •

• • •

JI, 297

COi'iFLICT OF LAWS Jurisdiction, do111icile . .. .. . Ezabel Y 011st1f Matul v. Aba Lochis Kiclrya.s . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Guetty Forty v. Al1gi.1ste Forti .. . . . . . .. . . . Marry Shatto v. Tl1eodore Sl1atteo Thomas Hallock v. Dorothy I-Iallock . .. . . . .. . . .. Natio n. ality, domicile and tl1e perso11al la\v i11 Ethiopia

.. . . .. .. . ...

. .. . .. ... . ..

• • •

• • •

CONSTITUTION1-��I., LAW • • • • • • • • • Acquisitio n a11cl loss of Etl1iopia11 nationality • • • Constitu tionality of expropriatio11s by the Imperial · · ·· ··· ··· · · · 1-Iigh\vay AutJ1ority · • · • • . . . ... . . . Developme nt of policy-making a,11d planning authorities . . . The Adn1inistrative Frame,vorlc for Economic Develop1ne11t 10 Eth1op1a Due process of la\V • • • • • • Xv. raph Teleg The and hone try Telep Iv1inis , of Posts . · · · · · · · Hierarchy of lavvs in Et11iopia · · · • · • • . . .. .. . 1ndependence of the J11dicia ry . • • • • • • Woube v'/olde Selctssie v. Ke-ele\V Wolde Tsad1k • • • Judicial review of 1nu . .. . nicipal orders Ayalew Meles v. M11nicipality of Addis Ababa · · · · · · · · · · · · Natural resou rces. State ownership and control based on . · ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· Article I 30 of tbe Revisecl Co11stit11tion - 617 -

IV, 95 V, 105

lV, V, I, V, J'f,

57 68 190 28 161

II, 161 v, 217 III, 1 I 8 JI, 322 I, 11 I II, 54 III, 38 III, 55 I

· n o ti ia r p l o p x e r · fo e r u d e Proc Mi 11istry o,f State The v. ma n r o n A ta ie c o S.A.C.A.F.E.T., S · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · • • • • · · s e in M d n Domaii1 a al io on at ti ci pa so cu as ns oc . in jo d an rm fo to t gh ri ' · ts an . public serv _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e .. • iz an rg O to t h ig R ' ts an rv Se Public · ly d n1 p1 ate 11e v .i fro ow Y n 1d ag la1 11t me rn ve Go y ? � ne sto � of Quarrying Highway Authority v. i\1ebratu F1ss1ha . .. .. . . . . ... ... . , . Retroactivity of Revised Constitutio11 Araya Abebe v. The In1perial Board of Telecon11nu11ications of

II, 60












V, 573

II, 37

• •

Right to stand for election to Parlia1nent • • • • • Takle Gebre Sellassie v· . Sebl1atu Wolden1ariam • • • • • • • • • • • Some aspects of Ethiopian arrest law • • • • • The constitutional allocatio11 of wealth • The Constitt1tional right to judicial review of ad1nin.istrative • • proceedings ... ... . .. . .. .. . .. . ... ... ... The functions of the 1,1i11istry of Finance, Cot111cil of Ministers • • ... Parlia.me11t and Emperor in preparing tb. e budget The prerogative of the Empe·ror to deter111ine powers of: Adn1inistrati\1e Agencies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... Th.e principle of .legality in pe11al law ... The role of tl1e Council of Mjnisters i11 the legislative process •

• •

• •

• • •

• • •

• •

• •

• •

• • •

• • •

111, 175

• • •

IV, 36 9

• • •

• •

• •

• •

• •

• •

• • •

' ,7


= 6[8 -

• • • • • •

• •

• •

• •

• •

• •

• • •

416 4 63 447

• •


• • •

CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS A commentary of the law of agency - representation in Ethiopia .. . ... Administrative contracts in the Ethiopian Civil Code Almaz Tefera v. The Cl1ief of the Municipality of Hosaena Agency • Napoli Vicenzo v. Rita Ri11a • • • • • Societa Natio11al Transpo1i Gondrad Brothers v. Seyum Mesgena Agreement in restraint of trade • Francesconi Facondo v. Pedretti Giuseppe • • • • • • Arbitration in ad1ninistrative co11tracts • Highway Authority v. Solel Bo11eh 'Ltd. • • • Bailment • Alemayehu Haile v. Kendo Mekesha • • • Commercial travellers Giofre Renato v. Paul Ries & S011s (Etlliopia) Ltcl. ... ... • • Conclu.sive effect of written instrument D·omenico Croce v. Italo Focaccia • • • • • • • • • ContFact for pelrformance of services • • • • • • • • • • • Kiidalil� Temels-o v. Shebiru Geg11ie • • • • • • • • • • • • • O-@lit�ra:0t iDt aiEtiehFesis ltta;ssa We�klllit-0 v. Aklilfu Gobeze ... ... . . . ... ... • • • IDDlflli�:t � -�Wesis as cl:istimguqshed from contract of loan · -� AtlfAtd� v. �G>fuaey©b.l!l Semab.egne ... .. . . .. • • • • •

If, 303

V, 521 V, 373 V, 281 III, 303 IV, 143 V' IV, 324 rv, 293 I,


II, 265 III,


• • •

II, 25 4 II, 2 3

• • •

Ill, 411

• •

IV, 69

• • •

48 11,







disti11guished from employment wor k of t ntraC ,., co Waqgira v. a·1rma Tegere ... . .. . .. ... f{aile • • • • • • • • • . tors' Ji,1bility for fat1lt of independent sub-contractor 011 . a 1 h v. is 1g M d. e1 Lt T ye eh 1 . . i . . . . ... • • • • • • • • • C t;�fel Bo ... . .. . .. ... • • • • • • . claiiniog signature 011 . con_trac t • • • ,p ,s :N j Said v. Aldul Mel1k Moha1nmed ... . .. • • • • • • • • • ad . ponatio11 B agdf1sar1a11 . v. Al1naz Ambaye • • • • • • ffajlu • • • • • • • • • • • • Yishao1ousl1 Gir111ay v. K,1ssa .Retta .. . ... . .• . • • • • • • • • • . . Ear nest . . v. nq11oselass1e Wadayo Y1111er • • • Te,vabech J • • • • • • • • • • • ac for bility 1 li:: r's . loye �iclents of e1nployee Emp f\eftiba Ma111aJ111gs v. Zapul,t & Ca111usa Co. • • • • • • • • • • • • Employ er's lia?ilit)'. for l1arrrl st1ffered. by employee . . . ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Eftyl1ia Man1al1ngas v. ZaJJpt1Ia Ltd. Evidence i11 relation to \.Vritten co11tracts . . . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • Araya f\tnde Michael v. Kahsay Gebre Tens,te • • • • • • • • • • • • for1n of v,1riation o.f co11tract Bayessa Ja1111110 v. Assefa Wolcle Giorgis • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • formal require111e11ts for tJ1e concl11sio11 a11d modification of contracts 11nder tl1e Etl1iopia11 Civil Code of J 960 • • • • • • Guara11tee Abebe Lebelew v. :tvloha1n:n1ed Abdurl1aman • • • • • • • • • • • • ... .. . . . . . .. • • Bisrat \Voldel1an11,L v. Gessesse M,1kon11en Cen1e11t Corporation v. Con11nercial Bank of .Etlliopia . Ethiopian (Sup. Imp. Ct.,) ... . . . .. . ... . .. . . . ... .. . ... • • • (fligh Court, Adliis Ababa) ... ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. • • • Hiring of intellect11al work • • • • • • Tadesse Delnessal1ou v. Bekeletcl1 Kassa • • • • • • • • • Insurance Gebre Hiwet Debassai v. La Fo11diaria Fire Ins11rance Co. • • • • • • fnvaUdation of contracts T11e Ethiopia11 Abatoirs' Association v. A. Bess Con1pa11y • • • • • • Woldemichael Tewolde Medl1i11 v. Idris U1ner kel<iya ...

IV, n, 232 V, 48 III, 369 III, 48 III, 377 IV,

I, 204 IV, 276 III, 401

IV, 218 IV, 266 III, 348



Lease, termination of co11tract • • • • • • Katherina Ibert v. Teferi Asegede liabil�ty of carrier i11 charter agreement . Negist Makonnen v. Etl1.iopia11 Airlines, Inc. t·ien on 1novables in leased estate Eleni Nik:ita v. Saverio Martiradonna . .. • • •


• • •

• •

• •

• • •

• • •



• • •

• •

- 619 -







II, 276 V, 41 V, 261 V, 477

• • •

. .. . . Yobanes Kida11e v. Berhanu Wolde Giorgis • • • • • • Long • term contr acts . . Marples Ridgway Ltd. v. The I1tland Reve1Jt1e :Department • • • • • Rig �. of purchaser in promise of sale of land sigba Wayne Tasfa • • Mariam v. Tadesse Ambaye

IV, 87 IV, 114



III, 71

IV, 307


IV, 259

I, 170

Sale of. i mmo�a_bles r Br 11 oth s v. ey e un dr an r d M S esg o en 1 G t a Tr an · sp l o •· a 11 10 t a N . ta 1 e c So n o ti a g li f b o o ce n te is ex f o f o ro p s . a . Sign�d cheque . . . . . . . . . . ey . . 1d G . n o .. ... m lo o S v. . td L . th E se es . A B Unlawful or immoral object in . ia ar 111 .. de • ol W u at • • • bh Se v. ie ss • • lla Se re eb G e kl Te · •

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Conditional Release Conditional release

• •

• •

• •

• • •

• • •

• • •


Contents of Charge ... ... • • • Mako1men Woldeyes v. :Public Prosecl1tor Criminal jurisdiction of courts • ... ... ... ... • • Duty to in.stitute proceedjogs ... .. Neddi Haile v. Advocate General ... ... ... • • • • Involuntary confessions and Article 35, Criminal Procedu1Ae Code Joinder of criminal a.nd civil proceeedi11gs ... ... • • • Number of appeals ... . .. ... ... ... . .. • • Number of appeals • Public Prosecutor v. Bezunesh Boka11 . .. ... ... • Prosecuting cr·iminal offences ptmishable 011ly upon p1·ivate complaint. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... • • • Some aspects of Ethiopia11 arrest law • • • • •

• • •

• • •

• •

• •

• • •

. . '

• •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• •

• •

• •

• •


• • • •

• •

• • •

V, 61 III , 416 II, 539 If, 7 II, 467 II, 42 III, 330 I, 135 I, 349 IV, 37

• • •

II, 121 III. 463

• •

V, 245

III, 48

• •

• •

• •

II, 81

• •

III. 635

• •

• •


III, 22 7 II, 425

• •

• •

II. 48 V, 105

• • •

IV, 240

• • •

JI., 245


• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• •

cu·sTOMARY LAW Acknowledgment of paterruty Mulunesh Hailu v. Bekeletch Hailu • • • • Adoption and donation created prior to enactn1ent of Civil Code Yishamoush Girmay v. Kassa Retta • • • • Adoptive filiation and ''Yemar lij'' Teffera Ghizaw v. Me11na Bekelesh ... • • • • A further note on an introduction to the so·ur. oes ot· Ethiopia11 law ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... • An introdt1ction to tl1e sources of Ethiopia_n law fro111 th.e l 3tl1 to the 20th century ... • • • • • • • • • Code and custom in Etlliopia • • • • • • • • • • Contract of antich.resis Zeyenu Abdella v. Wobeayeh·u Se·mabegne ... ... • • • • De Facto and customary partnerships in Etl1iopian law • • • Filiation. of child born out of wedlock Tsgie H.abte Sellassie v. Se.nayit ... ... . . ... • • • • • . F@rm of will E s,tate of Beyenetch Aba Nebro ... ... ... ... • • • • • �m,@f @i ID),a1ern.aJ. filiation I'll� law Qf Piiatiem uder the Civil Co de ... ... • • • • • Wt©i�B,S,ml 8-ezab>ila v. Yid.enekou -- .. • • • • • • • • • • • • '1bM1 � fggat.l oF(!lek '.baek • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •

• •

• • •

I V, 29 3

• •

• • • • • •

1 s1 nr,

I, 17 III, 621

. . ation of iminovable property .i11 Addis Ababa t e z k 1 l1 e li b v. o e .. . ... . .. to i ku ea N � ? a R g ssa _ _ Eth1op1a11 C1v1l Code .. . . .. ... the of . sources · 1 1g1ous 111arriages i11 Ethiopia re of n 1tio 80J1 d. T·he is • • • • • • .. . • • • • • • • • • st Nega a feth The J \Vills tecl nda l Neg estie Fe11taye v. Sahle Maria1n l\r1e11gesha ...

E\'lDENCE of pa�:rnity 1e11t edg1� ow! Ackn . . Selasslc v. Se11ayet Tsgte Habte xv. Tabot11 Gebre Tinsaye ...

• •

• • •

• •

•• • •

.. •"

• • •

• •

• ••

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• •

., .. •


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Burden of proo.f

. . . .. . ... • • • • • A. Besse Eth. Ltd v. Solo111on Gidey .. . . .. • • • • • • Aeftil1a Mamali11gs ,,. Z,tpula & Ca1nusa Co. Jos. Ha11ser1 & Soel111e (Etl1iopia) Ltd. v. 't\,1esfin De.n1issie (Stip. fmp. Ct.,) . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ... • • • • • En1ployees' Associatio11 of Jos. I-:Ianse11 & Soel111e v. Jos. Hansen . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . & Soel1ne (Labour Relations Board) • • Kidane Temelso v. S]1ebir11 Geg11ie . .. . . . .. . ... . .. • • �l[amo \Volcle v. I11la11d Reve1111e Depart1ne11t . . . ... ... . . . ExtraneolIS e\1ide11ce to prove i11te11tio11s of pa. rties to \vrjtte11 instrurne11t Domer1ico Groce v. Italo Focaicia . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. • • • Involuntary confessio11s a11d A1·ticle 35, Criminal Procedure Code • • •• Oral evidence on writte11 agreements Araya i\n1de Michael v. Kahsay Gebre T·e11sae ... • • • . . . ... . Oral testimon)' 011 111odification of \vrit.ten co11tracts Bayessa Ia1111110 v. Assefa Wolcle Giorgis . . . . .. . . . . . . ... •


•• 4

- 621 -


:rv, 341

IV, 205 I, 267

IV, 272 IV, 240 II, 328 V, 61 IV,. 45 II, 259 II, 348 III, 441 313


II, 23 III, 330 IV, 276 III, 401

Plea of guilty to l1omicide c]1arge \Vitl1 no evidence th:1t acct1secl caused t11e dea.tl1 II, ... ... .. . .. . .. . . . • • • Geresou Lollo \i. A tor11ey Ge11eral Presumption of IJaternity · V' • • • • • Gebre Iemanel1 v. Tarekeg11 . . . . .. ... • • • • • • • • Proof of bailment III , .. . • • • • • • • • • • • Alemayeht1 Ilaile • • • v. l(e11do n1ekesl1a Proof of deceit i11 forn1atio11 of co11tract IV, Yol1a11es l(idane v. Berl1ant1 Wolde Giorgis ... • • • • • • • • • • • • Proof of filiation III, • • • • • • Tri11gali Carmelo Teresa v. Maltese Vincenze • • • Proof of ho1nicide, confessio11 . IV, Moha mn1ed Abuissa v. Public Prosectrtor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Proof f � o\v11ers}1jp. V., • • • • • • • • • Haile Desta v. AlJebech Gebre Selassie . . . .' • • • Proof of pat ·ernal f'1I.ratio . n I, Worki11esl1 Bezabil1 v. Yidenel<ou . . . • · · • • • • • • • • •• • • • .., .' •



1.93 53 5 259 511 246 460 17

ritin g han dw or ture VerJ·ncatio11 of signa • • • • • d • • • une • Moh an Mel ik Abd ul Naclj Said v. LIT Y LIA �I L A. RAC TU EXTRA C01'1T . . . . .. r mot he • • • a rned unn 1 . by s. dam age Claims for ty r a p d e r ju in to r re su in f o . .td . Direct liability . . . xe . � v. eb A J1 . L e o G s C k e g l in d ra T ts en ag ce n ra su In · Universal · · · . · · · • • · · · • • · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . .. le Tek lt u fa 's ee y lo p em r fo y it il ab li Employer's . .. . . . aw • sf A a w • at ul M v. 1 o1 ti ca du E of Ministry LLability f o:r actions of others • • • • • • • ye Ta u st gi en M v. d. Lt eh n Bo l Sole Negligence • • • • • • Antonis Hajoglou v. Imperial Highway Autl1ority •

• •

• • •

• •

• •

FAMILY LAW Adoption In the matter of the adoption of a minor child, G1Jnawork • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Teffera G'hizaw v. Men11a Bekelech Yishamoush Girmay v. Kassa Retta • • • • • • • • • • • Dissolution of marriage • • • • • • Dissolution of marriage ... .... • • • • • Guetty Forti v. Augu.sta Forti ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thomas H.allock v. Dorothy Hallock Disso1ution of religious marriage • Shewan Gizaw Ingida Worq v. Nigatu Yi mer • • • • • • The djssolution of religious marriage in Ethiopia • • • Divorce of foreigners Mary Shatto v. Theodore Shatto • • • • • • • • • • Filiation The law of filiation under the Civil Code ... • • • • ... • Gebre Jemaneh v. Tarekegn • • • • • Mulunesh Hailu v. Bek.eletch Hailu . . . . .. . • Tsgie Habte Sela.ssie v. Senayit .. . • • • • • • • • • Worknesh Bezabih v. Yidenekou ... • • • • • • • Guardianship In the matter of the Guardiansl1ip of Al1naz Fufa Joint owners �ip of p·roperty by spouses �ekle Mikael Abdi v. Estate of Belaynesh Azbte ... • • • Marnage under the Civil Code o f Ethio • pia ... . .. • • Faitern1al filiation X v. Tabotu Gebre Tinsaye • • • • • • • • • • • • • �al1 em�fy claims • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •

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., - �'.!2 ..

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II, 232

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I, 190

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Ill, 422 II, 8 I III, 48 V, 201 V, 68 V, 28

• • • •

I, 155

Tb al!ltpi.M,is:tm:artii�© fitlam.0wO . T!k r\:ar "r->·r econ . omic devel. opment 1n ��. . . . . . ... . · · · · · • lb �taTl: imdlgtt . ,.. . . . . • • • • • • •

IV, 313

• •

• •

• •

111, 390 IV, 205

• • •

II, 15

• • •

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II, 185

• •

• • •

V , 48

• • •

• • •

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511 53 245 240 17

V, 79

• •

III, 25

• • • •

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• • •

III. V V, IV, I.

I, 73


328 185

Ill, IV,

l 18 3 69





. v USPRVDENCE . J. 1nt rod uct1on to the sources of Ethiopia an on e not r e h n law JA furt . e sources of Ethiopian law from the IJth th to n o ti c u d o t . r 1n An . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. tl 20th centt1ry the . .. to of precedent t c e. eff s nt Judan1e ' . of De bre z 1.t v. The Ministry of State Domain . .. al1ty � nic. i p ::,:Mu . . . ... . .. ... ... (Yere r and Kery·u AwradJa Court) Niinistry of State. D01nain v. Municipality of Debre Zeit· (High Court Addis Ababa.) . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. ck . . k . .. . . . ... . .. ... ... ba oc cl l ga le e th : g puttin . cl1 t o coti1ficat1on oa pr . . ap . .. . .. . . . . ... c ti ec ecl The _ _ 1m cr e 1nal law th ... .. . .. . . . . .. . ... of ty ali or ro The LAB OUR LAW • • • • • An intr oductio11 to labour developn1ents i11 Etl1iopia Coropensatio11 for u11jutified dis1nissal .. . .. . ... • • • • • • Kidane Te111elso v. Sl1ebiru Geg11ie Distinction between e111ployee and independent contractor Solel Bo11eh Ltd. v. Mengistu Taye . .. .. . . .. • • • . . •. .. . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • Employees who 111ay not strike Employer's liability for accidents of en1ployee Aeftiha Ma111alingas v. Zapula & Ca1nusa Co. • • • • • • • • Employer's liability for e111ployee's fault Ministry of Educatio11 v. ivlulatwa. Asfaw • • • • • • • • • • • • Employer's liability for harn1 suffered by employee Eftyhia ivlan1alingas ,,. Zappula Ltd. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . Independent contractor distinguished from employee Haile Waqgira v. Girn1a Gegere . . . ... . .. • • • . . . • • • Injury in the cot1rse of employ111ent • • • • • • Antorlis Hajoglot1 v. Imperial I-Iighway Authority Labour Relations Board, jt1risdiction Sera Mikael Brick Factory v. The Association of Demissie Eshete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. • • • labour Relations Decree • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mammo Yinberbert1 v. Yirgu Abebe Powers of Labour Relations Board Fogstad Wood\vorks Labol1r Union v. Jakob Fogstad • .. • • • Proceedings of Labour Relations Board Jos.Hanse11 & Soehne (Ethiopia) Ltd. v. Mesfin Demissie (Sup . Imp. Ct . ,) . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . · · · · • • • Employees' Association of Jos Hansen & Soehne v. Jos. Hansen & Soehne (Labour Relations Board) . . . • · · · · · · · · • • • Public servants' right to organize ... .. . • • · · · · · · · • • • Right to compensation for dismissal •·· ··· ··· ••• Yesurbvara Jesopie v. Gashaw Bezza Zerfu The Eritrean • • • s statu ent pres Its : 1958 Employmen.t Act of •





- 623 -

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• • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •

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• • •

• •

III, 227 V, 485 V, III, III, III'

481 621 463 645

..II, IO1 III, 411 II, 232 IV, I 67 JV, 45 JV, 313


I, 204

IV, 77

• •

• • •

• •

• • •

r ' 1ss III, 13 I, 36

• •

I, 185

• •

II, 259

• • • • • •

• •

• • •

II, 348 V, 57� III, 32 V, 139

LEGAL HISTORY es rc � t1 ot so ia p : lo 1e th .tl E · n to n io ct ti od tr iii an on A furt- her n;ote. · · · · · · · · ··· ··· . · • • · · · · · · · · law · · · · an law fr o m tl1e i p io th E · f o es rc u so e th • 1c oducti- 0.1-1 to Aa 1:I!lllr · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · • cen · tur y 20t h : 13th to th.e . 1an la\V . .. ... p 1o th E f o y h p rf.l g o li ib b e th A supplement to · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • . . ia p io th E 1 i1 Code and cus·tom . . . . . . . . .. . . t ge d t1 b n ia p o 1i tl E e th f o ch et sk l Historica . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . k c . ba k oc cl l Putting the lega . . . t .. . ne bi C a n ia op hi Et st fir e th on ts en m cu do Some . . . . . . .. ... . e od C l vi Ci n ia op hi Et e Sources of th . . . . .. ... ia op hi Et of re pi Em e tl1 of de Co l The Pena . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ia op l1i Et of n1 ste sy l na The pe The prerogative of the Emperor, historical perspective

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LEGAL PROFESSION Advocate's obligatio11s towards clie11ts • • • • • Tadesse Delnessal1ou v. Bekeletch Kassa • • • Conduct of lawyers Advocate of the Ministry of Fina11ce v. Nicola Sarris

• •

• • •

:N"EGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Cheques, responsibility of drawer • • • • A. Besse Eth. Ltd. v. Solomo11 Gidey • • Loan under Bill of Exchange Araya An1d.e Michael v. Kahsay Gebre Tensae Promissory note Abebe Lebelew v. Mohammed Abd11ral1an1an A

• • •

• • •

• • •

IV, 276

• •

IV, 266

• • •

I, 162

• •

• •

. � .

• ...






• ,.

I, 198 V. 61

• •

• • •

TI.I, 6 5

• • •

III, 227 IV, 433 II, 425 IV, 369 III, 621 IV, 411 IV, 341 I, 267 IT, 383 V, 521

• • •

• •

• •

rn, 63s

• • •

PENL LAW Bribery Belete Belaineh v. PL1blic P,rosecutor • • • • • • • • • Conditional release • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • Zeryhun Makonnen v. Public Prosecutor • • • Crimes upo11 private complaint Neddi Haile v. Advocate General • • • ,. . . • • Criminal action for restoration of possessio11 of land :Belete Aberash's Petition • • • • • • • • • • • Crimrnal irresponsibility Getacl1ew Gizaw v. Advocate General ... • • • • jurisdiction in Ethiopia .. . ... • • • • E:&tenl!laJted homicide �1es0M. Lallo v. Attorney Gen.era l • i• • • • • ·lt@ro� eia�, eaJnsal relationship l?i1:1;�l\i:e ft@�€El1!EGI!' Y. Assefa Bekele • • • •�*rt,, f§�essie:n 111 1i � �bi'Ssa v • Pubic !Pv0se0utor . . �•

• •

• •

• •

• •

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I 195 II, 42

• • •


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•• 1• -


• •

• tl'

• • •

II. 539

• • •

• • •

• •


11 II, 467


11, t93 V, 4 66

6 4 z , .IV

j I



. ··de provocation J-fo� �� �ye Gebre Medl1in v. Pt1blic Prosecutor . .. . . . . .. • • • g of stu tl1e Penal Law of Ethiopia dy tl1e r fo ·a1s • • • 1v.(ater1 • • • .c1de .. ·aonu ent I' Neg �akonnen Woldeyes v. Public Prosecutor • • • • • • • • • • • • 011ly upo11 private complaint . . . . .. . .. shable pui1i ces • • • oen fli . . the E . tl 11op.1a11 penal Code .. . ... .. .... ... eting terpr • • • • On .tn . . o f the cr1Illinal law • • • y • • • lit ra • • • • • • o m • • • • • • . The n1 tl1e 1re of of Code Etl1iopia � • • • enal � • • • • • • p ."'• . The of Etl11op1a . . . .. . . .. . .. . ... ... ..... 11 e1 st sy al 1 i pe The OF LAW ONS PERS s 11 o s r e p f o y it c a p a C . .. In tl1e 111atter of the G11ard1ansl11p of Al1naz Fufa .... • • • . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... • • • Legal personality of' partr1ersl1ips .... .. . . . . . .. • • • N.larriage i1nder Civil Code of Etl1iopia • • • • • • Natio nalit)' , don1icile and the perso11al law i11 Etl1iopia Rig11t of prefer�1.1ce Societa National Transport Gondrand Brotb.ers v. Seyun1 • • •


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,L\.cquisitio.n by usucaptio11 of fa111ily property Tefera Shebat v. Bahta • • • • • •

• •

• • •

• • •

Compensatio11 for expropri,ttio11 Araya A'bebe v. TJ1e It11perial Board of Telecommunications of Etl1 iopia .. . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. . ... Distt1rba11ce of possessio11 Belete Aberasl1's Petitio11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Expropriatio11 Al1naz Tefera v. The Cl1ie·f of tJ1e M11nicipality of H · osae11a Taffa Seg11 v. TJ1e In1perial f. l.igl1v.1ay Authority . .. . .. ... ... Expropriation by the Imperial I-Iigl1,vay A11thority •


• • •

• ••

7 121 375 645 267 383

V, V, I, II,

79 105 73 161



• • •

• • •

II, 202

• • •


II, 303

• • •

• •

III, 358

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

. " . ...

Expropriation, iss11ance of title deeds Ze\vdie :tv1eq11a11ent v. The National Coffee Board ... • • • • • • Expropr iation of Iancl s11bject to co11tra.ct of lease S.A.C.A.F.E.T . .. Societa 1-\no11in1a v. The Ministry of State Do111ain ancl Mines . .. . . . .. • · · · · · · · · · • • • • • • Lien 011 movables i11 Ieasecl estate • • • • • • • • • Eleni Nilcita v. Sa,1erio J\1artiradonna • • • • • • Mor�agage to sect1re third party's debt _ B1srat \ v. Gessesse Makonnen . • • · · · · · · · · � Natural reso11rces: State ow11ership and control based 011 Article 130 of the Revisecl Constit11tion • · · · · · · · · .. · · Quarryii1g of sto11e by I-Iighway A11tbor.ity from IJriv�tely-o�n�d · la�1 d P11blic-private conflicts over s11·6-s11rface stone 1n Ethiopia ··· ··· •·· ··· 1:Iig hway Authority v. MemlJrat11 Fissil1a · - 625 -

II, n, V, III, I, II,

V, 472 V, 234 V, 217

• • •

V, 269

• • •

JI, 60

• • •

IV, 307

III, 348

• •

Ill, 551

• • •

• • •

V, 449 II, · 37

rty prope able immov . Registration of . ' . • • • • • • • • obeze • G · Aklilu v. to Meaku . Kassa . tion of sale of land, bad faith . . . � , .egis.tra. •. 1 rs 1n v. y1 he Se ot Br g es M d an dr a oo en G t or sp · an Tr 1 a o o n a N ta Soc1e t n e m h tt c a to t c je b su y � rt e p ro .,,. Sale of immovable p ya er <:1 111 . el . . s U . I\.. r1 d A . v . . in h ed M e ld vo e\ T l ae h Woldemic c an rm o f er p c ifi ec � sp s, le b va o m im Sale of • • • • • • • • er 1m Y o • • • aj ad W v. e si as el os qu In h ec Tewab Sp�offic performance . • • • Tsig·ha Wayne Tasfa Mariam v. Tadesse Ambaye Title d,eed as proof of ownershjp . • • • • • • • • • • • Haile Desta v. Abebech Gebre Selassie •

• •

PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Applicability of Warsaw Co_ nv� ntion_ t_o domestic flights ... ... Negist Makonnen v. Eth1op1an A1rl1nes, Inc Criminal jurisdiction of Ethiopian courts for offences committed abroad .. . ... . .. ... . .. ... State succession ... . . . .. . . .. ... .. . . .. RESTRAINT OF TRADE Presumption of invalidity Francesco·ni Facondo v. Pedertti Giuseppe

• • •

• • •

• •




Irr, 377

• •

I, 170

• • •

V, 460

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

I, 6

• • •

V, 573

• • •

• •

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• •• • ••

1 II, 71 II, 467 V, 201


V, 261

• • •

• •

• • •

• • •

Statutory Interpretation in Ethiopia • • • • • • Labour Relations Decree, construed Mammo YinberberN v. Yirga Abebe • • • • • • ... ••• • • • Lailii�age and law in Et.hi'©pia •�um Lab0ur Conditions Regulations, co nstrued �es:urr-ll>�alia Jesopie v. Gashaw Bezza Zer fu @n intetql)11efii111i1 g tih.e Ethi0pian Code • •• a��mecffi IOeRsti�tiQn AmGle 27, comst.r ued •• • A�iBlia �t,Jidi\u,1ian Aira.ele 13@ , (€0tllstnrecl •• • WI� fti��� �innist>S 0�e:r- luie -S)llffaee Stom.e • • •

IV, 292

• •

• • •

• • •

• •

IV, 69

STATUTORY INTERPRETATION Central Personnel Agency and Public Service Order a· n d Labou.r Relations Proclamation provisions affecting rights of civil servants" construed . . . ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Code and cu.stom in Ethiopia • • • ••• • • • • • • • • Criminal Procedure Code, Article 35, construed • • • Criminal Procedure Cod,e Arts. 195, construed • • • • • • •• • Every wo·rd of a law is to be construed so as to have a meaning ... • • Tenagne Work Abdi v. Yejote Work Legesse Imperial Highway Authority Proclamation, construed Expropriation by the Imperial Highway Authority ... • ... ... • • • Taffa Segn v. Imperial Highway Authority •

• •

II, 425 m, 330 I, 349 , JI, 73

V. 217 ·v 234 I, 3 I 5 , J, 36

V, 553 2 3 Ill,

V, 373 V, 521 5 , III 5 1 9 4 4 V,


I ,

right to judjcial review of Administrativ ona l tuti sti e on rrbe c ; pro ceedings ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... . .. . .. Act of yment 1958, its emplo present status ... rea .Erit e . · fh 1a p t f E h' 1o o . . . n ... ... .. . .. . ... e1 st sy l na e P The S SION cES suc 11 s10 es re cc tu st1 fu on nt .re roe ;\g �bebe Wolde Tsadik v. Ingida Wolde Tsadik • • • • • • on of wills ati lid d va a11 ... .. . . .. ... o11 ati c nti ;\uthe s vo a11d wills vi ter i11 s on ati Don • • • Yisha moush G'1rn1ay v. K assa Retta • • • • • • • • • t1sa c mortis � ation Don Hailu Bagdasar1a11 v. Al1naz A1nbaye • • • • • • • • • • • • Fan1 i.Iy property Tenagne Work Abdi v. Yejote Work Legesse • • • • • • Form of 'tvill Chake Avakia11 v. Artin Avakian • • • • • • • • • • • • (Sup. In11J. Ct.) • • • • • • • • • • • • In the Matter of the Estate of Setrak Avakian (Higl1 Court, Addis Ababa),... . .. . .. ... • • • • • • Estate of Beyenetcl1 Aba Nebro • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jnherita11ce by illegiti1nate childre11 Nlulu11esl1 Hailu v. Bekeletch Hailu • • • • • • • • • • • • Wills Negestie Fentaye v. Sallle 11ariam :Mengesha • • • • • • Tekle Mikael Abdi v. Estate of Belaynesl1 Azbte ... Wills, disherison Ezabel Youst1f Nlatul v. Aba Lochis .Kidiyas ... • • • • • • ♦



• •



11, V� 1g9 IT, 383

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• ••

• • •

V, 33 .IV, 188

• • •

III, 48

• •

• • •

III, 369

• • •


73 '

I, 26

• •

• ••

I, 32 II, 245

• •

• • •

V, 245

• •

• •

• • •

IV' 57

• • •

I, 198

II, 340

• •

• • •


IV, 272 III, 25


Appeal of income tax assessmet1t • • • Advocate of the Ministry of Fina11ce, v. Nicola Sarris Assessment of i11co111e tax liability by esti1natio11 Mulugeta Ayele v. The I11la11d Reve11ue Depart1nent ... .. . ... . · · • • • • • • (High Court, Addis Ababa) Muluget,t Ayele v. TJ1e I11la11d Revenue Depart1nent (Tax Appea] Com111issjon) . . . .. . . • • · · · · · · · · · • • • f\sses sme11t of taxable j 11come derived from long ter.m co11tracts Marples Riclgway Ltd. v. Tl1e I11la11d Revenue Department • • • Inco me Tax Mamo Wolde ,,. Inla11d Revenue Departn1e11t .. • • • • • • • M�svold (Ethiopia) Ltd. v. The Inla11d Revenue Department (Hi gh Co11rt, i\ddis }\baba) . . . ... · · · · · · · · · · · · • • • (Tax Appeal Co111rnissio11) ... . . . ... . • • · · · · · · • • • . . Income T ax, . ded L1ct1011s for losses, d eprec1at·10n a11d employees salaries Shalom Shalom.ay v. The In1and Revent1e Department •• • - 627 -

• • •

• • •

• •



II' 313 IV, 318

• • •

IV, 104 IV, 122

• ••

III' 58


p r es of os pu r i fo at tax 1e . n co . in on tn fro s on cti du de x., Ta c. , 1t e1 t1n ctr ep e D 1u e1 ev R ... nd 1la p I1 e Th • • v. Iia o:�v.A. Ethio ia . · Municip}tl . · · 1n1 . . str s o tat M f y e e h T .D0 v. 1na 111 t e1 Z re eb D f o y _ Jit a ip Mtinic _ ) . . . . .. . . . . .. • • • rt ou C a dJ ra w A yu er K d an er er (Y Ministry of State Domai11 v. Ml111icipalit:y of Debre Zeit (High Court A.ddis Ababa) .. . . . . .. . .. . ... • • • Pt@cedure of Tax Appeal Commission Bemado11i Guissepe v. The Inland Reven11e Departn1ent ... Tu:rt1over tax, wholesale sales Nicola Pappasi110s v. The Inland Reve11ue Departn1en.t • • • • •

• •

• • •

• •

• • •

• •

• •

.' , ..


V, 481

IV, 99

• •

• •

1r· 220

• ••

Ir ' 297

• •

•• • •


V, 485

UNJUST ENRICHMENT The doctrine of ''St1bsidiarity of tl1e actio11 for recovery· of · .... an unjust enrichn1ent'' in Frencl1 and Ethiopian law Victin1's claim against insurer Universal I11surance A gents Trading Co ..Ltd. v. Ghebre Mesl<el Tel<le.


• • •

• •

Jr, 66

• • •

TRADEMARKS Registration Azanaw Aleme v. Si11ger Se\ving Machine. Co. Ltd . • • (Sup. Imp. Ct.) .. . . .. • • • • Singer Sewing Machlne Co. Ltd. v. Azanaw AJerne (High Court, Addis Ababa) . . . . ..

• • •

V, 173

rr, 1s




:, (I«�'} : f ;,.. ol < , �m f = ff





30 31 33 34 35 36 37 37-63 38 f

f '

39 40 41 43



45 •

46 47

V, I, III, V, l, V, III, V,

f i'1..:,..

r < 'P�1�

: f"tf /tf,

: lfC1JC ::

v-w, = ,n.1 : on1a,,,.,:,. = Iut�i = q = "° == ...



494-95,503 106 206 492,494-95 104,106 273,276 206 208,276,487-89,491500,500-03,512,517, 519-20 206 276,493 206


50 51 53 54

55 6l 62

Ill, V' III, 494 V, 541,543 III, 206 Ill, 206 III, 282-83,490 V, 373 II, 4-92 V, 106 l, 82,206 III, 492,494-95 V, 156,619 III, V, 509 I, 106 II' 140 IIT' 619 V, 509,569 II, 129 III, 166 ID, 166 II, 33,36,300,301,318, III, 151,164-174,537,541 V,' 509 II, 33,36,56,59,302 Ill, 166,537-38,542,544 IV, 176 V, 208,209,212,227,232, 265,266,273,508-09 II, 142 III, 166 II, 14-2 II, 142,209 III, 166 V, 561,564,566 V, 567-69 142

63 64 65




70 71 79 86(u) 87


88-90 88-92 89 90 90

91 92



II, Ill, Ill, I' II' III, V, III, I, III, V, I, V, II, IV' III, V, II, III, III, V, IV, V, I, IV' I, II, III, IV, V, V, V, II, III, V, II, III, IV, V, IV, V, I, II, III, IV, V, TI,


142 445,453,458,459 317






105-109 151 572


570,572 142 213 170-73 563 140 86 83 273,275,276,277,279 363 276 105 363 104,106 56,59,416


363 l 29,208,276,279,489, 492,494,513 517,520 495 56,59 206 513 56,59 206 364 208,513 364 276


365 206 362 127,273,492-94 140

II c•• � III r t IV � � V �

- 629 -


'lf'PC 96 [03 108 109 110


113 114

115 115-118 115-119 116



9 10 11 74 97 146 J 48-151 154 157 174 175 177 178 183



ll8 t> }

IS'il Til'.9'



lwt , , '



fiA. fl,

II, V, V, II, III,

V, II, V, IV, V, fII, IV, V, V, V, IV,

V, IV'

494 353 514 352,362

632 440 440 241 504 504 506 287 494 143 143 143,147 149 187-189 144-46,148 54

I, II, IV, V, I, II, V' II, Il, II,








V, I,

: ,n'?




354 277 493,514 I 03-06,109, 306 300,302 152-55, 157,158-62 200, 208 19 s, 209,212, 49 95 509, 513,566,570 358 207,443 214 497,516,561 4 93 525-43, 5 4 5-46,548 207,212,504 103,105

445 ( i .


•"ie,,.... : '¼- 'F'1 ..... ,.fi _f .... ,,_ ii'}�?.

210 211 212 215 217 218 223 233 234(1) 280 282(1)(2) 336





147 1 44 148 148,,157 149 117 5§


127 130

369 389 390

187-8 145-48


II, III ' IV' V, V' If f,






512 109 370 277,514



119 122




1 I8

140 140 492 492 5 I ,53 154,157,159,161, 633,634 572 140 511,520

f ij::,,.th : 11"1.C

Ill, II,



393 394 397 398 399 404

-ttA. V, V,

V, V V, V, V, V, V, l, III, V, III, I, I, II, II, IV,

II, IV, II, V, V' V, V, II,


74 74



74 74 74 74 74 306 285

I '

172 614

]30 44 91-, }41-42 141 86, 2 4, 28 2 '>8 279, ,., . ' 289-90 141 -90 289 286, 279' 284' 14 l 88 506 398 493 422





( ,




40 4-82 406

407 408

409 413 429


462 468 469 479 550


551 560





562 567 577

578 579 580





l' '•


J \





581-96 582-86 588-89 591 592-93 595-97 599 600-01 602 603 604 605 606 607-20 608-09 ,612

616 ·6l 7-18 620 ·623 623•25 -624



V, ·v' V'



II, V, V, I, V, V, V, V, I' II, II, J, [I'


l I, I CI,

JV' V' IV, lII, IV,


502 566 422 423 566 566 306 567 566 566 567 44 69,7] 69,71,417 46 410 47 41 I 213 197 199 197 386 197 199 213 197 44 197

627 628-29 629 630 631 631-32 632 633 635 636 637 637-40 638


V, III, lV, I, IV, I, 4,i I, 44 I, 45-46 I' 46 I, 47 I, 48 I, 48 I, 48 I, 48,52 I, 48,52 V, 199 III, 213 III' 387 I, 5] I., 51 II, 419 II, 419 I, 52 I, 50,52 Il I, 213,379,383,386 I, 53 II, 53


641 643 646 648 649




652 653 654-55 655 656

658 659 660 661


- 631 -

-(It!\.. III' II, Ill, I, III, I, II, III, I,


III, I, II, I, I, II, III' I, III, I, II, III, I, II, Ill, I, II, III, I, fl, II, Ill, II, I, II, I, III,

I. ,

III, II, I, I, II, I, II, I, I, I, II, I, III, IV,



420-21 213-14,632 54 613 54,57 421 614 54 54 214 54,57 420 55 55-56 421




55-56,59 421 632

55-56 421.

632 55-56 421

632 56 420�21 421







58-59 364


57 59

420 59




57,60 420 60

383-84,386 198-99,202-03

-� 1


I,, III, III, I, III, IV, II, III, IV, V, I, III, I, III, IV, I, IV,


(563-95 6 .64 664-68


6€>6-82 6.68


669-70 669-71 671 672 673 674-7'5 674-76 a16-77 676-80 678 680-81 683-85 684 685 6.86-88 689


IV, I, IV, I, I, I, III, III, I, I,


690-96 (591-95 695 697 708 709




420 387-88

197 65 62 387

53,62 384,386-88 1 99-200,203 63


63 198 63


62-63 64 65 365 365 65 66 365 62-63,66-68,72 420

I, II, II, 420 V, 199 II, 418 I, 69 II, 481 I, 69 II, 183,418 I, 69 II' 418 I, 69 II, 118, l 81-83,325-326 m, 496 I, 70-71 III, 633 II, 420 HI, 386 I, 61,71 H, 410,420 B,. 157

710-13 711 115 718-20 721 721-24 '7:22 1;"l�j 11�-37 ii� '


135 ·- Ti"t


47 386 615






..... A. . (l ,,,

730 732-35 736 737 740 740-61 741 741-45




746 746-47






754 755 756 757



759-61 761



764 765


769 769-70




771 772 773 773-74 774 777

II, I, I' II, III, I'



157 70-71 72 420 633 62,71-72 493 493 1s 50 493 494, 502 494 183,418 495 239 4-93,496 70 182,325-26 239 241,243 497 498 498 497 498 498-501,509 501 13 0 181,183 18 l-82 501 l 81, I 83 493 503 493 493,5 09 503 241 s04 500 15 504 239,24 1 5 04 23 9 50 5 23 8 5 10 504 8 3 73 2



( ) I


( '

l ( .

f f ; ' !




5 07

.. .



f l '



778-8 I 780 782 783 785-87 786 788 789 790 794 796

796-806 798 803 805 807-08 808 810 826( I) 836 842 842-56 843 844 849 850 858 859 880 881 881-83 882





884 885


897(2) 902- 03 906 910

937 938 939

947 973


rAIII, III, I' .Ill ' IJJ, III, III, Ill, III, III, V, II, III, IV, I Ir,


Ill, flJ,

rr '





V' I I,


II, III, I I, II, fll ' [II, II,



I, IV, JI ' JV, I, IV, .IV , IV, I, TV, II' IV' IV, III, III, lTI,



507 504 130 494,507 495 495 495 496 496 495 50 418 500 23"7-38 497 75 420 419-20 326,412 502 502 54 243 69,71 69-70 69,7 l 364 69-71,410,412 72 362-66 47,498 235,237 23,30 235,237-36 181 177 31 56 535 177 30 269-70 180 177 25 182 243 269-70 52,55-56,247 364 18,23-24 24



fl IA .

V, I' I, I, I, III, V, III, III, V, III,


306 1012 305 1048 305 1114 66 47 31 1115 47 1 l 16 47 1126 548 1127-39 300 1130 V, 227,231 1132 II, 413 1140 Ill, 547 1149 III, 354-55 V' 227,230 1151 III' 547 1152 III, 5457 I I 68 III, 506,541 1170-79 II., 410 1184 V, 227,232 I I 95 V, 457 1204(2) V, 227,233 1206 III, 354 V, 172 J.209 V, 227,233 1216-19 JlI, 549 1228 V, 504,508 1228-56 11.I, 541 1229 V' 504 1230(3) V, 504,508 1347 I, 305 1371 l l, 56-58,413 1386-1401. IV, 280 1400 I, ]65,168 1416 I, 165,168 1444 III, 529 529 1445-49 III, 1446 529 III, 504 V, 1447 V' 227,230 1450 Ill, 529 1455 542 JIJ, 1460 V, 507 210,507 V, 1460-88 56-57 1·1, 1461 210 V, 1462 V, 227,230,232,469,507 1463 227,232,507-508 ·v' 1464 227,232 V' 1466(2) 265,266 V, 1467 227,232 V, 1470

- 633 -







V, V' V'

1�74 1475(2) 14·77 1477-79 1478


I\ "'4.+q I' h...



265,266 265,266 211,213,227,230,469 213-15



229 2-?7

1753-3�, 1734 1736

301 II, V, 229,232,265-266,469 229 V' 1479· 210 V, 1488. 413 Jr, 1489 413 .I I' 1490 413 II, 1496-98 518 V, 1553 65 1553-1646 IV, V.• 518 v, 518 1554 IV, 284 1644 1675 ill, 615 1675-1717 V' 548 1677 III, 615 1681 II, 418 16-82 II' 183 IV, 130 1683-86 IV, 130 1686 IV" 130 1688 rv, 287 JV, 16.96 256,258 1704 rv' 256,258 1706 I, 311 1709 Ilf, 615 1713 I, 310 II, 414-15 1715 J716

I, Ill, Ill, III, IV,



IV, IV, V' IV, IV'

1719-27 1720




l 712..2




l1i3�25 11AM







1Dl� I� ,

-�v� ..




.1738-39 1758

1763-70 "1772

1772-75 1775 1776 1793

1798 1803

1806-07 1808 I 808-17 1808-.I 8 1813 1815 1816


413,415,418 413,415,418 399 211-15 211-12 212 94 284,287 297 399-400 211-16 212,283,285,287 212 212

1962 1995 1996

2001 200,2 2005 - �3;4 -


11, I,


1., III '

1, I, IV' l' 1·1 '

.rv, II, III, I, r' I, IV,


1i;· 21 47 34 l,343�4 4 30 3 .303.04 "I 83,417 303 20-21 303 ,305 3 41,343 303 308 132 308 267,273 142 267.274 37 4 309 308 308 ]42 309 99,101 284 290, 294 ,


367 99








1836 1874 1885 1920 1923 1926 1933

l938 1942


1J ,

V, IV,


212 114-1$


l817(I) 1831








V, V, IT, II, IV,





I (



83 84 306 J"74 ' 376 85 80


34 I ,343-44 ,346 1 07,112 341,344 263-65 34 1-47


{ l


618 J35 305 25 6,258-5 9 256,258-;�

21 20-21 214-15




n't4'�· 2006 �


2007(1) ?008 ,., ?OJO


2028 ,., 2031 2032 2033 "-0.," 5

2038 2039 2040-42




2054 2061 2067 2081 2095

! { J

1l 1

' '

2098 2102 2106 2107 2113 2114 2116 2119 2120 2121 2122 2124-25 2126 2126- 27 2130 2134 2138 2139 2140 2142 2143

. t\ i


If, JV, V, V,


V, }.

J If, J,

1, l If, 1, lI, III,






IT, I, I, IV, I.,



JI, l .I,

rr ' If, 1' JV, II, IV, II,


I, 1 rr, II, lV' fl, IV, I, II I' I, Il, I,

"I 7'"

,., _.) <J, ?i"

20-21 256-57,274-75



2148 2149 2152 2153 2154 2161 2162 2166 2179 2179-98 2180 2181

46 457-58 56 119 440 107 105 •440 105,107,.l09,119 182 318,440 469 440,452 440 452 431 549 469 469 505 410 J20 130 40 153-54 153-54 127 181 1 81 410 ]82,410 ]30 310 213,293 86 293 121 105,10'7,109,311 440 228,230 310-11 228,230 76 311 291 105 410 123,129,133

2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2]88 2189 2190 2190-9 I 2191 2192




I' JV, I, I, I, I, IV 11, V,





]32 4© 124 125,127 153-54 131 40 9,Il-12,14,19 155, 1'70-172 183 284 284 285,301 286,288,290,301


286-87,301 301 288,297 m, 288,297 III, 286 III, 289-91,301-02 ITI, 290-91,297,301-02 I.II, 287-91,299,301-02 III, 286,292-93,30 J IV, 288 If I, 293-95,301 III, 286,294,301 IV, 320,322 2193 III, 295-96,301. 2194 III, 295,298 2195 ITI, 288-89,293,295-96, 301-02 2196 III, 297-98;301-02 2197 III, 291,298-302 2198 III, 300 V, 2199 Ll69-70 2199-2265 IIJ, 284 • 2200 III, 296 2201 rv, 321 2202 IV, 320-22 I, 2203 306 IV, 320,322 V, 96 I, 306 2204320-22 IV' 2205 469-70 V' 469 2206 V, 293 III, 2207 320,322 IV, 299-300 III, 2222 300 III, 2222-23 299-300 Ill, 2223 I

- 635 -






21,64 2403-07 2411


255] 2552 2553

124 409


2567-93 25t59

-� . -11m,�11i ..

' '


202 41-42,44 202-03 40-42,44 41-42 202



1v, :Ill,

lS . 8'8 1594. ,,97 2-aiJJO J(\)�4 1�3)3 J�fi 111fi

202-03 40-42 202 42,44 42,44

123,130 34

Ill, V'






157 562

202 202


2573 2574



I, V,

2558 2559




2556 2556-58


IV, 1·v,

IV' I, IV, IV, I, V, I,






285 285 293 286-87


V, I' IV, I, IV ' IV, I,



III, Ill,




305 366 362-66


2516 2536 2542




2472 2479 2512



IV, I,

2427 2428

278 f. -83 2782 279·2-2802





Ill, 111,


2234 2248-52 2252


}1 }c�?t"

V, IV, Ill, Il[, ll],

arm, ■I, �



29-31,409 29-31,409


156 409


74 61-62


61,.63 61,,63-64 0�,0� I


.2800 2800-02 2801 2802

2865-68 2877

2892 2896-2944

2924 294-5-74 2975 2983 2990

2997 3006 3013


3020(1) 3039


3080 3086

3090 3106

3117 3119 3121

3124 3130

3131 3132 3 134-71 3135 3135-39 3136-3306 3137 3137-39 3138

3]39 3142 3145 3146


3170 3171

3172-78 3172-3206 3175

fl A.


III, III, III' 1r1·' III, III, 111 '

3 3-4 3 3 3 3 3-4



IIJ, 1,


284,287 374

305 305 306 615

IV' I'


II. II '

414 414 414 414 414


II, II, IV, IV' IV, II, 11, IV, III' III, II, IV, II, IV, II, IV, JI, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV. IV, JV, lV, IV, IV, IV, JV, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV, ,


214 3 I 0-1 I 237 44,46 283 347 341.347 44 66 44-46 66-57 44-47 311 261,263-64 l 29 129 133 ,


125 130 13 0 J30 130 131 131,133 1 31 131 J31 131 I 31 1 29 1 32

1t1•11�· 3177 3178 3179 3179 -82 3179-93 3180



3)82 3)83-89 3190-93

3194 3194-3200 3196 3197 3198 3199


3200 3201-06 3207 3207-43





3237 3228

3229-35 3234 3236

3237 3243



IV, IV, IV, IV,. IV,

l32 132 132-133 133 132 132,135 132 132





ll ' lV, .





I\ ''

rv' .

TV , IV,







TV, I\! '

3244-45 324-1-96 3246-49 3250-60

lV, [V,

3261-73 3268

IV '




r�:,. l !-.

If 1l.



8(2) Il

15 18 20

33 41 42 69 70

n1:+� 3269 3270 3271 3274-8 l 3283-85 3286-87 3288-92 3312


133 261-62,264 133 133 133 133-34 l 33-34, 144 134 134

3325 3344 3347



134 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 134 136 136 136 136

3348-49 3350 3351 3353 3355 3358-60 3361 3363 3363-67 3364

4298 4363

-fl I!\. lV, IV, IV, IV, IV,


13� 136 136 137 IV, 137 IV, 137 I, 123 II, 42 JI, 261 I, 124 I ' 70,302,309- I 0 IT, 404 lII, 215,403-04 V,125,21 J ,214,227, 230-31


Ill, rv' V' V' III, ITT ' III, TI,


Ill, TIJ., IV, V' II, JV, V, V,


213-14,631 53-54,237,239 239,243 127 403-04

214-15,631 614 235 270 505 504 288 409,413 65

518 549 518

u_ •• -{1 tDlo (".. : ;,l '"I : F 01 : P'(,'" '}-)w : .� 'iiJ�iij: : q9 . � ,,... � �





V, IV' V' III, III, JV, V, V, V, V,


71 73 74 98 105 108 129 180-84 182 211 217

V' V, ·v' ·v' ·v' IV, V, V, V, V' V,




355 355



249,250 549 70 24-9,251 - 637 -


70 70 70


249,251 107,111


252 227,233 234,229 252


.....1\ p - .

244 25$ 2'61 265

V, V,

V, V,


IV, V, .IV, V, IV, V. V,

305 320 329 345 34"8


549 549 549



286,292 249,251 285 227,229,233 227,233

f'}'?j; = ;h'? ck1'C 1 5 16-21 2-2

116 117 132 133 134 141 210 211 212 213



218(1) 2'.li

�mii, i'IS


--· �,� al •








° 91 i·



281(3) 289 294 296 298 301 (3) 304 305 306 332 357 362 363 416 495 496 510

V, V' V, V' V, V,

103 92,96

� ...



V, 227,233,265,268 V, 265,268


: �--... rifjr•ie __ .,.., ...... : q-

IV, V, IV ..' TV'



: I

460 463

r·v '

25] 286 292 252




4. 5(-;




287 56 209 285 285,286 rrr, 285 250-52 II, rr, 250,252 11' 250-52 52,53,56,57 III, fl, 209 II, 210 V, 92,98 II, 210 II, 210 II,207,208,212,216, 219,293 IT, 207,208,212,215,293,295 II, 207,209,212,213 II, 293,295 V, 85,89 V, 85 II, 415 V, 87 V, 87 V, 35,92 V, 98 V, 88,94 V, 86 g,9 V, 8�,�5 V, s,,,9s,�m[ 81' ,91

39 42 43 84 &8 115

358 358-60 359 360


ilA. 111, I, II, III, III'

32 35 36


.flt\. " .r -,✓'



512 685

687 688 766 766-68 768 775(3) 790 825 840 850 1177 1815 21.90 2193(1)


I, I' V, I, I, V, V,

1, I, I' V, I, II, II, II, IV,


IV, IV, IV, JV, V,



V, V, V,


97 97

97 87 177 177


174 174 38 38

173,176,177 173,176,177 177 87

177 9-12, I 4 9-12.14


264- ,265 262,265 262-63 ?63-65


263-65 5 6,58 56, 58 173,177 35,40 35,40 35,40



r OJ '}l • •· t\ �· ,..





]-84 2





II, ll f, JV,



3 5-10 5-22 11 I 1-12 11-16 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19


21 23 24 25(2) 26-3 I 27 32 32-40



40 41



45 46

47 48


Il, V'

TV' .

I, 11, f I, rI I I, V' fl, II, V, I,

II, If, V, 1 [,

II ' II,



II, J' I,


V, Ifl'

IV, V, IV,

IV, IV ' I, IV, I,




: £IDiP 6£J.- :

11" 247,255 111,367

1'-TC 49

50 51


233,309 378 610,617-18 227


52-56 53


121,240 378 314

54 55 56

228 233 443


443 442 443-45,456-57 550 445-46,450 446-48,45 I ,457 550 233,245 44 7-48,450-51,457 447-49,451,454,456 550 456,449-52,546,458 447,452,454,458 455-58 550 455,456,458 444 233,240 -?3 .),., 228 328 317,322,326



9, 10,233 244



J.I' I, J,

Jr, I,





V, V, I,

.111, V,


r, V' rv' V, ·v '

69-70 70 71

V, lV,

72 73 7,4 75 76 77 78


I, I, I, I, II ' I,

V, IV,




59 60 60-63 63


228 233 249

'r •


64-84 66 66-78

228 233,235

: '}.

57-59 58


228 328 228 228

I, I,


,...,,'? : !Jlf�f!


V, l'





V '' TII, IV'

V, V,

Ill, J,




IV, V,

- 639 -


9, 10,233,250 233

233,242 233,244 378 244 233 378 233 378 233,242 233,244 379 233,235 295 317 356 295,299,315,341 295,315 228 323 130,233 323-24,336-37


233,245 440


233 309 228 327-28 327 3.27-28 245 327


295 295,327 233,245 327 440 228,250-52 295,317-19,329 295,3J7-19,327,33 l

233 233,249 327 233,249 250 327-28







.IV, l, V, l, V

85 86








II, I' I' I, l'

132-37 134 136

II, I, I, 1·1 ' I, II, I, I, I, I'

138 138-160 139 141 142 144 146



I, I' J

149 J 50 154 154-59 160 161 161-]69 167 170 I 71-180 172


II, 1·





11· '






174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 181* 182 183 184



-�40 'I ·,




V' 1, J' I,


256 I, 248 l, 97 119 I, 99 442,460 II, 9'9-107 I, 119,122, 125,130,154248 100 II, l 15,461,466 100-101 11, 371 100-103 II, 461 100-104 463 Il, 101 I, 13 I,132,154,248,257 101 I, 131 II, 466 101-]03 I, 257 102 I, 243,256,257 IT, 461-62,466 102-103 I, 243 103 I, 243,256,257 1J 463,466 104 II, 463,466 [05 I, 243,256,257 rr, 371.465 V 324 106 II, 371 ,464-466 107 I, 243,257 ]I, 371,463,466 V' 324 1@9 ·r' ]25 �10 II, 53 5 [12 Jil, 371,533,534,536 113 I, 245 IJa I, 245,248 u, 365 ffll�ii I, 24. 8 i11 E]� 3 0 5 , · �l]) l 2Ji,2§m



128 128* 128-32 129 132



I, II, II'

121-22 124

255 367,370 325

I, II '

·-(l A .

120-.l 27 I 21

233 323




370 228 233,249 235,255




I, I, 11,



· g 1

1.'i" : ·f-h:J·f>•;�

T, l, l,

I' I' I, I, ]''

I, I, I,








259 125 120 257 372 120

126 235,244,257 257 376 244,250 244,250



372 236


125,127,128 I 19 259 259 259 ?_)'"9

143 370 259 235,242,244 379



380 258 ?�8 250,258 250 250 250,259 250 250 250 250-51 258 244,252 233 233 249,252






4!'fC 185 J89

189-92 192

J94 )94-95 J 94-215 195 196


fi'A. V, V, I, V,


V' I,

II, T' l' I,



198 199


201 202

II, 11, I,

200 200-03

203 204 205


206-12 207 2[0 210-14 216 216-17

2] 6-47 217 218

219 220 220-22 221

222 223 225 234 239-40 240


242* 248* 249


11, 1,


I, I, II, II, I, I,


II, III ' V,






II' V'

I I.


V, II., V. ' JI.• f I., .I, I, II ' IJ ' T' I, I' I' II,





327,328 327-28,331 233 323 323,324 334 234-35,258 37] 234 234,257 234 234 234 234,257 234 371 234 234 537 234 234 234 258 367,534 533 258 258 232 112, l I 3,535 430 551 550 234 112,116,536 551 115 550 I 15 550 115 551

256 260 266 270 273 276 278 281-95


I, II, I, I'

II, II, I, II, II,

281-331 285 296-348 300 301


I, Ifl, Ill, I' I, I,


317 320 323-27 330


I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, 1, I, II, I,


334 335 337 349-55 350 354-65 355 358 359 360 364 366-82 370 373 380 381 383 387 388 389 396 404 404-09 405 407 408 409 410 410-37

1 I6 1 15-16

132 235 446 373 1.33 133

T, II, I,

I, I' I, II, I,

II, I, I, I,


235,258 252




- 641 -

• , 1, •: ·r :J h •f, '1 'h

I, I, II, I, II, I, I, I, I,

'1W 112 260


235 119 112 112 260 451 449,451,458 456 243 457 449

236 236 236 236 235 240 235 236 236 243 235 244 243 ?- 2 _:,

447 236 236 447 237 236 235 235,236 370 245 122 245 235 245 261 236 112

236 l 12

235,244 244 50,302 50



414 416 417 425 428 433 438-459 441 442 449

453 456 457 460-70 461-63 464 466 471 471-87 472 475 484-87 485 488 488-502 499 499-500 503

509 51(:) 510-12 513 516 517 518-20 §21




·• '


pt!\. III, III, III, III, I, V, III, I, II, Ill, III, l, II, Ill, I, I, I


I, I, I, II,

II f, .I,


V, I, IIT, Ill"' l' V, I, I, IV,

I, I' II, I, II, I, I, I, I, I, I, V,



RP, if J


,;' ?;'

«J?1t c


lV ' V'

440,457 440 440,441,452 318,320 158,160,161 92 440,452,456 260 .l I 6 431 435 236 461 456 236 245 260 236 236 235 2 3 6,261 378 457 261 1 92,193 290 236 457 458 237 331,33 2 261 237 156 261 253 453 253 452 ,458 237 235 253 235 263 235 293,308,321 9,235 449,454,455 244,249�250 11Jl@,�i,3ll4,, 321, �<ii�,-ti� 451






526 527 529 530 533 537 53·7_44 538 539

542 543 544 552-53 554 555 556 558 560 561 563 565 567 568 569 -70 570 572 573 574 580 584 586 587 589

.I fl, V, II, V, V, JJI, V, I, I, 1·., I' V, T• II ' V' V' •


II, ll ' JI ' .


TI, ],

lI, I II, II, II, fl, [,

243,245 293,304-05 7 _ 3 I 4-I 6,319'.�i 8, )23,52 4' 528 62 , 4 ,465I, 1 1-49-so 91 293, 297, 299,30 32�2 5 0� 08, 3 I 4,3 I 6,31 21. 3 23, 329, 330 ,33{ 644



293,315,324 { 293,321




112,117,448 308,316,324 308,309 11 21117 J 12,444 112 463 112 462... ?� _)J

182 501 462 112



If, 1,


235 235 192,193 I 308,324 122

I 12 235,263 431 235 235 I J2 4 "6 443 444 5'01 ' ,323 3 22



, ?_.))




293 f 3,4,5,6,448 ,

237,253 458 5 J ,253 2 61 I I2








I r



,�,rC 589-98 59 0

59 J-95 • 593

594 596 598 599 600-0l 601 605-06 606 607 608


609-10 609-11 609-13 610


613 614 615 616 616-18 618 619 619 620

621 � ') 6.. ) 626




634� 37 635


,.-A. V, V' V, I, II, I, V, ] (,

I' II., V, II, I fl, I, I l, I, I'


ll , II, .[ '

l, Il ' ll ' II, .



I, I., I, IT, III, I. I I, I., TI, I, Il, I, I, I I, I, II Ifl, V l, I, II' III' V, II, III, �



322 322 322 237 112 237 312,313,314 112,182 235 112 322,323 J 15 644 235 452

637 641

641 642 643 644 646 647 649-52 650 651

235 50 313,314,325,326


458 452

237 262 458

653-54 653-55




50 11.2 50 51 253 112,421 613 79 115 79,253 370 119 112

655 656

656-59 657 661


663-66 665


668 670 671 671-76 673 673-76 678 680

262 235

113,115 236,344 119 456 312 235 236,245 364 4-56,457 312 370 456

681 681-82 687-88 689 690



I, 236 II, 364 I, 236,347 11, 459 I, 236 1, 236 II, 113 I., 344 I, 237 I' 237 III, 456 JI, 369 II, 113 III' 354,356-57 III, 357 IV, 35 I, 130,193 II, 113 V, 337,338-42,332,334, 336 V, 337,34,0 V' 331-32,336 .192-93,235,26.I I, IV ' 35,156 V, 334,336-42 235 I, V, 333-43 236 I, 462 II, 357 III, 236 I, 262 I, 237 I, 113 II, 235,240 I, 262 I, 113 II, 113 II, 237 I, 235 I, 244 I, ]13 II' 237 I, 262 I, 235 I, 235 I, 133 TI, 113 II, 237 I, 262 I, 263 I, 240 I,

- 643 ,

4:Tt: 691 696 69rt 7�0





314 240 244 642


431 253 243,244,245 244 243 113,118 430 240,244 156





ill, III,


l, I, I, II, III, I,

705 7(16 7(19 710 721

737 738 741 741-46 747-49 748 750 751-52 751-62 755 761




I, I, 1 ·' I, I, I, I, Ill, I,

r, III, rr1·,

f {D'} -l t\ i1 : Jt')�g-


II, V,

6 7 11 12 13

II, II '

14 1§


18 I� 19-ll

rt ll

:5 '





781 782


263 252 244 243 240 24-3 440 244

oo:,, imJ,



23 24-30 25 26 27( I)

458 442,460 442,460 112 431 112,115 551 114 434,445 55] 115

II, III, II, V, II, III, V' II, V, lll, 431,433 Ill, 446-53 n1, 42(7,435,442,452, 4i6,4$9 llil l 448-9,4§ [ ,4§1 !Bf ).! l 11.. 14 �5,..�i,M� l\11!, Wit


29 30 32 33 34 38 39 40. 40-48 42 43 44




1?i· · 237 457 457


263 I I3 \ 253 263 237,263 263 235 114 113 253 113 I 13 237 1 113 237 113 240 240 113 253 244



C'¼:,.. ..7.. .., ,,,.,...f,....1i,..o : q. 9°.

h 1cf>1i�



II' 11' I, II ' II, I, JI, I, II, I, I, II, T'

815 817-20

: ,"h C!Jl} : ,,., ", :

Ill, Ill·, J' Tl, I.' I,

794 796-98 803-04 805 806 807

812 813

452 440,459

T, 11·1 '




(l I,\.






771 772 776


-fl A.


551 434 1·r1, 44 1 438, 434-36 I LI, ' 436 lIJ, 551 \1 ' 440 37, ,4 328,430 l 11, 51 550V, lII, 323,326,429,j�� V'

Ill, l ll,


434 551




4 2 322317,-320' 452 ID, 11·5 II, 115 II, 430 III, 6 -1 5 1 1 II, . · 7 1 61 1 11, 551 V, I 31 1,·













45 46 47 48 49 50 50-5 l 51

53 55 57 58



67 73 76 80-93 82


97 98 99 99-107 1 00 10 0-03 I 01 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Il3

117 122 124 125



116-19 II, 320,432 III, 549-51 V, 549 V' 1 I6 II, 118 11, 119 Il, 113 II, 432 III, 114 II, III, 435,445-6,450,452,459 442 III, IIJ, 322,442,445,447,449, 452-55,457-58 433,436,446-47 III, 431 III, 446 III, 429 111, 326,328,429-30,432, JI[, 434 328,430 III, V' 550 ID, 446 III, 432,446 III, 432 I I l, 430 III. ' 430 I, 125 II ' I J5 V,. 549 V, 549 l I, 465 11, 422,460 JI, II,



I I, II, I I, II, II, V, I' I, II, V,

II ' V,




128-29 130(2)(b) 132 133 134 136 1: 37-38 139 141

I, V,


146-47 147 148 149


150-53 151 153 154 155 156 157 157-59 158




159 160 164 166 167 167-70 168 170


461 461,465 J 18,461-62 462,465 463,465 191 464-65

172 176(3) 181(I ) 182


118 551 125 344,47 117



116 550 125 432

184 185 185-86 - 645 -


I, l, I, I, J' I, II, I, I, I, Ill, V,

r, l,

II, V, II., V, JI,

I, II, I, II ' I, I, II, I' V, I' Ill, III, II, III, JI, I., I, II, II, V' V, I, II, IV, I, II, V, II, V, I,


120 550 126 126 12f 126 125 126 127 116 125,127-28 127 127 318 549 128-29 128-29 117 550 118 550 117 119,126,130 119

l 19, I 21-24 119 119,125,128 119,122


119,126-29,132 550 119-20,129-30 432 321 1 'I 8 438 115,118 121 12 I 118 115 550 550 341-42 458,460 36 106 460 550 191 550 131

.... . • fl A

h:>+� 264

I, IV, I,




V, V,


t1."} + ""

'l �-


341-47 35 JO 549 131 550

h't4'K' 126, 127



1' II, III,


1, III, I' I, I' I.I, I,

4-34 6-34 16-34 19-34 22-34 24-35 26-35 29-35

m, I, II,


3-36 35-36

I, II, II, I,

36-J6 41-36 57-36 58-36 62-3·6


V' I., IV'

66-36 68-30 1i-3'i 7J1 ..J7

V, I, I, IV, V,

14-37 lf;sJJ ,��18 �J8l1

1, I, ff�

-� -�, '



68,70 68




m, m �,





415 498 703-06

f 'lrhC �


ii A.


I I. I, III '

.132 133


;�i /,\.

90-39 91-39 93-40 94-40 95-40 97-40

I, III, I' IV, IV, II, III, I, 102-41 I, 107-49 II, 1 l 4-42 II, 115-43 V, 116-43 III, 1 :, 118-4-3 I, 123-45 1·' 130-45 130(a)-45 I, TIT, 131-45 Tl I,

227 358 324 226 35

226 226 226 88 226 35 227

120 54 226 284 143

226 143

123 227 204 206 226 302

135-53 137-46 141-47 149-48 158-49 160-50 162-51 165-53 173-61



226 2i6 3�1 3�i






1 30 549


42 7


ih°l :




·v '

1:, ·y'

], [,

,i, 68,70 70

,g, 227

34 302 358 358 195 403,531 227 198 300-02

33 205-08,211,227,230 79 1i.-r;7

1?7 --

192 --,--,7

[55 78






! '




2 10



82 232 352 351,353' ]96

IJI, I, IV, IV, IV, 201 38 1I, 3 3 o 33 307, 2 0 1 Ill, 62,306' 09 IV, 106'15 6 I, IV,





,p. rC 1


196-55 105 -55 206-56 ..,.., I 0-56

.-A (1 A , .

1 �·

JV, IV, Ill,

35 3


97 79,108

92,94,342 II, 7,30 Ill, IV, 154-6, 158-60, 164-5




II, If I, IV . , V, J If, fl,





,, ,.



15-47 21-52 22-52 -,3_5,,"f




rr Ill ' V, IV, II. IV, V, )





') ,. ,_•.))

19-56 23-50 37-51 41-52


353 206 83 135 125 91 358 90 157,165 502 17'..




29-55 30-55 37-55






200,202 108-9 128-9


25-54 26-54 27-54

123, 127,56�

510,520 527 527 124,129 514



,. A.



IT' IV, V'



44-58 45-58 46-58



V, V,

212-56 225-56 227-56 232-56 239-56 ·}·· 0 •. , ..,.,


..fl&\ -

V, V,


487 142 86 280,282,284-5,289-90 126,196 90 561 81 79 94 124 502 510 210,502,518

J!.'1 ;J 1,



48-54 49-54



I, IV,



493 34,183,302 154 125,564

f ,11 '? : u'lit;J--m,f!�f ::



I 1-46 215-50



250-54 258-54



62-3,308 103

'R'J'C 59-38 168- 46 213-48

rr, II,


-(It\. III, V, III, V,


cf?'rC 267-55 269-55 282-56 285-56

487 62 101

(>av"} 01 P' :,.. : 07 {l ;J-m ct,,f 1

•• ••




229-50 253-52 284-54 299-54

491 78 210 - 647 -

(I I,\.


IV, V, IV,


11" 94 157,165 561

98 158

' · 1 1 (It\. 493 V, 492 V' 492 V, V, 210,487,503-4,510-20








16 23






54 53-4

fn..llJiL! : f<;::,•d, : 1ldhC : ,n °1 : P''I : ""




V, V'


'1.14'?i 548 550 554 554-5 570 j'J0-1 571 577 861-62 1165 1166


1312 1341

ft-.l..1°1� : f�:f dt : ,,fl,li.C :


I 53 153

V, V,


V V'

153 153 153 153 161




V, V' V,

161 153





1347 1381. 1437 1673 1793 1864 1926 1947 2080 2] 02(3) 2103(4)(5) 2175 2279-80

153 153



'l 7t·

158 153 153 153 158 153 153 J 53 153 153 159 153 158





V, V,

·v' V


V, V, V' V,

f'l°C:ti : f'i:T,h : 11,h,C , ih 1 : 0

n1+�.. 67





,b1 = OD'J°IF:,.. -= 1rt ,,4, t

,ort;f .... -- ...... :


' .'

.. ,. .


1 X'




. .

W.8 -





1. ,r .

iiA.. V,



}', "}4>,...



,,_,cq:,-. :

1� 54 54


V, V,

1 X'

456 923




,,, 1 ,:,� �t·






f LP&,.,f-'i: : JtcJ,")m(: : i,.<p� ::

tt't4'?; 21 ?2 24(3)




�, K"

V, V, V, V, V,


'1. "}4'g-

66-7 77-781


124 124 124


I 00-01



- 649 -


V, V, V, V,


130 128



TABLE OF LA\\1S CITED ·· d Constittttion of The R evise Vol.


526-27,532 V, 113,116 I, .238 III, 524,526-27 V, I. 112,113 281,284 V 238 TII, V, 2 l9,284,521-22,525-32, 538,541-43,574,578 238 Ifl, 284,525 V, 239 III, V' 526 III ' 563,565 238 Ill, III, 238 V, 279-81,522 II, 394 V' 525-26 I, II3 III, 123,238 V, 524-27 III, 179,627 V, 536 I, 113 II, 168 III, 627 V, 536,578-79 II, 161 III, 185 III, 185 II, 37,39,303,304,322 III, 175,184,185,176,187 188,190,191,560,563 V, 536 II, 37,39,60,61,304 III' 185,560,563 IV,. 188 V, 219,222,234,238, 269-70,281,535-36 II, 169 Ill, 185 II, 169 Ill, 185 H, 169,22.2 m, 1g5 v� j'l],.�1115-7/!(i,,518-79

26 26-36 27 28

29 30

31 33. 34 35 36

37 37-,63 38 39 40 41 43












50 5l 53 54.


61 62 •


64 65

66 67 69

70 71 79 76(a) 87


88-90 88-92 89 90

91 92


Il, I ll, 336,476,477?s,�:: 484,48 7-8 9 l [I' 330 I, 290 II, 390 III' 185 V' 375 III, 185 I, 112-116 III, 175 V, 5 81 T, 113 V, 580-81 II, 169 IV, 188 Ifl, 188-90 V, 574-75 Tl, 168 III, 123,125 123 III, 281-283,285 V, 379 IV, " } ...8 J V' 113 I 379 IV, I 13 I, 60-61 ,434 1·r, 238 Irr, 9 37 IV V'' 143 ' 219' 270,281, 282 )�4., , 'J -26,539 522,525 · 4 ,11 2 11 r., 541,544 V' �? 7 :,_ V 61 601 r' 23� rir: 54J 9,539, 2 7 0 ?7 \/ ?19 60-16 .' _. ' ' TI, ?38 Ilf' �380 IV


IV, V, I, II, III, IV,

9 ,�i� J s , 0 1 ,2 9 1 2

282 112,114 389 23 8 37 8


,Article 95

96 J03 J08 109 lI 0

I JI 1I 3 I J4

115 I1 5-118


I 16





142,282,525-26 V, 168 JI, 168 JI, ]68 JJ, 525 V' 525 V, 54-55,540 Tl, III, 176, 18 l ,246,625-26, 628,638 581 V' 168 .I J, 537,544 V, 370 IV, 538-40 V' 143 III, 370 IV, 283,540 V' V, 525 V, 526 370 IV,



1 I7 118



540 370,378 143

III, IV' 370 V, 283 V, 525,539 I, 111-114,116,319 II, 54,303-04 I.II, 175-77,179,181-83, 190,478,560 V, 203,220-22,526-27, 536,539,576,580 II, 385 III, 240,477 V, 528,541,573 V, 525 ITT 552,553-55,557-63, 565-67,570 V' 2] 8,222,532 I, .111,113

119 122


127 130 ]31

Civil Code of 1960 Article



9 10 ll

111, Ill '

637 475 475

-4 I.

90 97 146 148-151

154 157

174 175 177 178 183


t I


184 185 186 187 189 190 198






III, III, III, fl' II, II, II' I, II, IV V, I II, V, II, II, II, II ' II, II, )


205 210 211

246 19

212 215 217 218

519 519 520 305 513 170

223 233

234(1) 280




V, Y, V' V' V, V, V'

79 79 80 79


·v' .

I, III, 282(1)(2) V, III, 286 III, 336 I, 351 I, 369 II, 389 II, 390 IV II 391 IV, II, 393 V, 394 V, 397 V, 398 V, 399

170 170-71 173

190 170-73 59


190-91 171-73


172 170 173 173,178 173 166 -- 651 -



79 79 79 79 319 304 192,792 25 • 624 147 74 106,168-69 169 294,296,298-99,30 l-02 169 294,296,298-99,301-02 169 109 234,236-37,534 525 525


404-82 400 @1' 4.0i


413 429 462 468 469 419

5SO 551



562 '567 577 i18 579 580


j81-96 !82-86 588-89 591 §92-93 595-97


ij0©-€i01 0@2 i�� �ID4.



lnIDi-lO i©8-'1ID� �1�

:ffli i1ID 11:(1

• (f� .,

. ' . --




. .

ll, V' V, V, 11, 11, V, V, I, V, V. , V, V, I, II, II, I, II ,


II, III, IV' V, IVI ' II , IV, V, III, IV, I, IV, I, I, I, I, I, l, I, I, I, I, V, ]II,


I, [,

II Bi, L





438 107 531 139,577 433,438 438 577 577 319 577 57·7 577 577 74 73,74 73,74,435 76 430 76 43 I 244,396 206 204 206 396 206 204 444 206 74 20 74 74 75-76 76 76-77 78 78 77 77,82 77,82 204 244 397 80 80 436 �3@ iJ




Ar. ticle 624 627 628-29 629 630 631 631-32

632 633 634

635 636 637

637-40 638 639

640 641 643

646 648 649 650 650-52 651 652 653 654-55 6.55 656 658 659 660


Vol. 1·1' Ill' II, III, I, III, I, II, 1:11, 1, II, I fI. , I, II, I, I, I, II, III, I, III, J, II, III, I, II, Ill, I, II, III, I, II, II, Iff, If, I, II, I.•. III, I, III, II, I, I, II, I, II, I, I, I, II, I, '

P ag e 431 244 437 244 -45 ,637 83 624 83,86 437 624 83 437 245 83.8' 6 437 83 84 83,85 437 244,624,637 84 624 84-85,87 437 637 84-85 437 637 83-85 437 637 84 436-37 437 637 437 87 436 84 371 87 371 430 86 88 436 87-88,319 436 83,93 89 86,89 435-36 89

Ar ticle

662 663 663-95 664



666-82 668 669 669-70 669-71 671 672 673 674-75 674-76 676-77 676-80 678 680-81 683-85 684 686 686-88 689



690-96 691-95 695 697 708 709


711 715 717

718-20 721 721-24


723 723-37





394-96 206-207,209-210 77 336


.II, I.II, IV, V' I, III, I, II I, LV, I, IV, I, IV, ],

IV, I, I, I, I lI' III, J' I, III ' l, TI, II, V, 11

I, II, I, II, I, II, I, I, II, III' I' III ' II, lII, I, II,


90 397



725-28 726 727-28 728 729

II, I, II, I, I, II, 1,

730 732-35 736


436 397-98


737 739

68-69 9l 397 82,91 394,397-98 206-207,210

740 740-6] 741 741-45 743 744 745

91 207 92 207 91 205

746 746-47 746-57 748

92 · 2 9

93 371 371 93 94 371-72 90,92,94-95,99 436 436

750 752 753 754 755 756 757 758


435 96 435 97 187 97 435 97

758-61 758-62 759-61 761 762 762-64 764 765 768 769 769-70 769-72 769-77 770


185-87,328-29 514 98 638 437 396 90,99 430,436


-- 653 -


II, III, l,

I, I l, III, 1, V' Ill ' Ill ' III, II, III, l


III, I, II, IV, V' JIT, III, Jil, Ill,

III, III, JTI, I, ll,





99 436 99 90-91 179 97-99 99 436 638 90,99 18 512 512 17-18 53 512 513,518 513 187,435 513 245 512,514 18,98 186 241 246,248 515 515 515 515 515 516-17,523 516 147 185,187 185-86 18 517 187 512 518 512 512,523 518 246 519 516 17,19-21 519 245-46 519



713 773-74



778-81 773-95 780 78.2 783 785-87 786 18'8 789 790

794 796 796-806

798 803 805 807 808




241 520


IV' 1·v '









858 85.9

III, Ill, IV, V, II, II'


Ill, II, II'



88� 8,81

88· 1 �83 t8'8�


II, I, II, IV,


I, IV;




-. f811

ill, W,:.




810 826(1) 836 842 842-56 843 844 849 850




241 523 519


521 520 20 519 19,147 513,521 514 514 514 514 514 513 . 53 435 517 241 514

80 423 422 327,431 186-87,327,43 I 518 618 57.,59 24-8 73-74 73-74 73-74 70-71 73-75,420,432 75,430 37] 369-72,73 48,515 245-46 26-27,32-33 245-47 191 188 27,33 57,61 245,247 189 27"1]-JJ 2'11:-1'9,

902-03 906

910 937 938

939 947 973 996



1048 1114

1115 1116 1117 1126 1127-39 1130 1132 114-0 114-9 1151 1152 1168 J 170-79 1184 1195 1204(2)1206 1209 l 216-19 1228 1228-56 1229 J 230(3) 1347 1371 1386-1401 1400 1416 1444 1445-49 1446 1447

Page 190 188 28

I, IV' 192 II ' 245 ,249 III, 28 IV, 272-73 IV, 57-58, 60-61,27 27 3 III, 371 III, 25,2


8 25 245 319 319 319


I, I, I, I, III V, III, III, V,





II, V' V, V, III, V, V,





I, II, IV, I, I, III, III, III, V,


48,51 33 48,51 48,51 33 556 314 234,237 432 568 358-60 234,236 568 568 563 430 234,236,238 460 ?34.238 358 192 234,238 569 532,535 563 '" ) 3? 533,535 319 432 295 170,172 110,172 -







. 554

554,558 554 532





1450 1.455 {460 J460-88 J461 1462


1464 1466(2)

1467 1470 ]471 1472



V, III, III, V, V, JI, V,



V, V' V,

V, V, V,

V, V, V' V, 1477-7 9 II' 1478 V, V, 1479 V, 1488 II ' 1489 II' 1490 11, 1496 II, 1497 1498 II ' 1499 II, 1553 V, 1553-1646 IV, V, 1554 V, 1644 IV' 1675 III' 1675-1717 V, 1677 III, 1681. II, 1682 II, IV, 1683-86 IV, 1686 IV' 1688 IV, 1696 IV, 1704 IV, 1 706 I, 1709 III, 1 713 I, II, 1715 I, 1716 III, 1717 III, 1. 474 1475(2) 1477




561,564 220 220,235 60-61 221 234-37,269-70,472, 477-78 234,238,535 234-,237 269-70 234,237 269-70 269-70 221-22,234,236,472 222-24 235 234 303-04 235,238,269- 70,472 235

1719-27 1720



1738-39 1758 1763-70 1772

432 432 432 ,.,? 4.:,_ 542

71 542

J 772-75 1775 1776 1793 1798 1803


297,300-01 _) 6?�

556 625

1806-07 1808 1808-17 1808-18 1813 1815 1816

435 186 147 1 �1-7 147-48 299


259,261 322

1817(1) 1831 1836 1874 1885 1920 1923


321 433-34

6 416-17


- 655 -

40[ 218-21 218 218-19 114 297,299-300 297 401 219-22 219,271,274 218 219 219 218-21 515 218-19,271-72






1723 1723-25· 1724 1725 1726 1727

1733-37 1734 1736


IV, V, IV' IV,

1721 l 721-23 1722

1732 1733



II, Ill, I, I, 11 ' I II, I, III' I' I' IV, I, II, IV, TI, ITT, r' I, I' JV' I, V, IV, III, III, V, IV, )

. '


V, IV, IV, I, III, IV, JV,


348,352,624-25 318 318 187'434 ' 317 23-24 318 348-49 318 320

149 320 276 150 276 377 320 320 320 150

320 118,120 297 307,310 373 118 295 119

119 90

90-91 319 377-78 91 87


87 348,350,352 l 18,144,267 348,350 267-68



)938 1942


I' V,

1962 1995 1996 2001 2002 2005


V, II,





2007(1) 200:s 2010 2019(1)


V, V,



L Ill, I, II,





III, I, II, Ill,

2035 2038 2039 2040-42 2042 2044 2053

V, Ill, III,



2054 2061






I, III, I,



2©�,8 IIIDi !llill

l, I, I, A Fi, ffli�




. '









II!, Im,

. ..

331,348-50,353 87



319 261,263-64 261,263-64 61 23,25

23-24 276-77 23-24 259-60,276-77 48 48 460 61 315 475 115 186 113


113-14,116,135 223 330,475


475,484 475 484 468

569 472 472

520 430 137 74 147


155,157 155

144 J i6 18ij




2116 2119 2120


2122 2124-25 2126 2126-27 2130

2134 2138 2139 2140 2142 2143 2144 2146 2148 2149 2152


2154 2161 2162 2166




2181 2182 2183 2184 2185

2 1 86 2187 2188



2190-91 2191 2192 2193

2194 2195 2196 2197 2198

·vol. J' IV,

147 313-14 224,2 97 92 297

' � 1 11'' J, I,

IV '

1 47 113,113-16,322 475 232-33 313



III, Tl,


III, I, II, 1, I,

IV, I, I,

:r, I,

I, IV, II, V,

232-33 77-78 380 113 430

140,146,150 150

45 138,140 141

141,144 155,157 1 48



II, Ill,

176,190,192-93 l 8,6 303



III, ·a1 III,




303 304,314 304,306,315

305,3 I 4 30s 306,312 306


JII' ITT, ' 111· '

306 307-8,315-16 307-8,312,316 305,308-9,314, 316 304 ' 309,314-15


rn' rv:

304,310,31 4-15 324,326






I-II '

., III · ' Ill, III,

300 309-10, 314

310,314-15 311-12


306,3 1 1,31 5 311-1 6 308 313-16 '






It t f •

I l I

! i •


t I '






2199 ,. ) 226 2 199 2200 2201 2202 2203





r·v, V,

2204 2205 2206 2207

2222 2222-23 2223 2230 2232 2234 2248-52 2252 2253 2257-65 2264 2403-07 2411 2427 2428 2472 2479 2512 2513 2516

2536 2542 2549 2550 255 1 255?2553 2554

2555 2556 2556-58 2557 2558


IV, V' V, Ill, JV, I I 1, III, 111, III, III, III, I.II, Ill, III' III, III, IV, I, III., III, III, II, IV, IV, V' V' ITT, V,

I, IV., I, IV, 1·v' I, I, IV, I, IV, IV, I' V' I, I,

303 311 325

324-25 319 324-25

116 319 324-26 472-73 472 309 324-25 3 I 3-14 314 313-14 305 305 316 308 308 304

304 309


319 372 369-73 5-6 48,50 77-78,167 169 573 139 411-12 140 204-05 45_4·7


47,49 47-48 204 I 55-56 45-48 156,204-05

L1r5-48 46-,�7



2559 2562 2567-93 2569 2573 2574 2575 2581 2588 2594-97 2610 2632 2633 2636 2637 2638 2779-95 2781-83 2782 2792-2802 2800 2800-02 2801 2802 2865-68 2877 2892 2896-2944 2924 2945-74 2975 2983 2990 2997 3006 30]3 3019-40 3020(1) 3039 3059-83 3080 3086 3090 3106 3117 3119 3121




3124 3130 3131 3132

155-56 140 156 156-57 - 657 -



139,144 36 411-12

32-33,411 32-33,411-12 148 168-69

411-12 144

77 65-66 65-66 66 65-66 65-66 5 5 5-6 5 5 5 5 5-6 319 297,300 377 319 308 319 625 433 433 433 433 433 152 220 313-14 48-49 48-49 297 348,352 348,352 49 69,72 48-49 69.72-73 , 48-50 314 265-66 147

Article 3134-71 3135 3135-39 3136-3306 3137 3137-39 3138 3139 3142 3145 3146 3147-69 3170 3171 3172-78 3172-3206 3175 3177 3178 3179 3179-82 3179-93 3180 3181 3182 3183-89 3190-93 3194 3194-3200 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201-06 3207 · 3207-43 3223-24 3225-26 3227 3228 3229-35 3234 •

Article i

8Ct) 11





147 150 147 143 147 147 147-48 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 147 148-49 148 148 150 149 149 149,151 149,151 149 149 149 265-66 150 150 150 150 ]50 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 151











II, IV, IV, [V ,







V, IV, V, IIIi,



3237 324-3 3244-45 324-4-96 3246-49 3250-60 3261-73 3268 3269 3270 3271 3274-81 3283-85 3286-87 3288-92 3312 3325 3344 3347


3348-49 3350 3351 3353 3355 3358-60 3361 3363 3363-67 3364

Civil Procedure Code of 1965 Page Article 234,236 60 255 359

18 20 33 41 - 658 -




1 51 151 1 51 IV, 1 51 JV' 1 50 J\/ ' 15! IV, 152 IV, 152 IV, 152 IV, 152 JV, 152 IV, 152 IV, 152 IV, 1 52 JV, �J l )_ IV, 1 52 I, 140 II, 438 TI, 265-66 I, 141 I' 97,317,321 II, 427 III, 244,246,406,501 , 622-28 140,221, 223,234, V, 236-37 17,.21 r' III, 43,48,244-45,624,636 57,60,241 IV, 245,248 V, 142 V, 406-08 III, III, 245-46.624-25,636 624 III, 245-46 II, 73 272 60, 57, IV, 519 III, 9 51 III, 300 IV, 42 5 V 432 II, 1 69,7 IV, 542



! I l


·v '



III, IV, V, V,

page 359

60 253 255 '253



,.\r ticle



98 105


,, ,.





42 69 70 71 73 74


I 80-84 182 2II

217 244 ?"8 _)


265 284



V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V, IV, V, V,, V... V, V, V., V' V, V, IV '

557 72 253-54 72 72 72 557 253-54 114,116 557 255 234,238 234,236 255 243,254 557 557 557 267


305 320 320 345 348 350 358 358-60 359 360 456 460 463 464 466



557 299,303 253-54 IV, 298 V, 234,236,238 V, 234,238 IV, 299,300 IV, 299 V, 255 IV' 299 IV, 303 V 255 IV 60 IV 60 IV, 326 V, 234,238,269,271 V, 269,271 ·v, 255

V, IV, V,

Con101ercial Code of 1960

Article l -

16-21 22 32 ,, .-


36 39 42 43 84


115 116 117

132 133

134 141 210

211 212 213 214 216 218(1) 223




V' 4 .I III, 305 I, 85 II ' 222 III, 304 III, 304 III, 304 Il, 254-55 II, 254-55 ll, 254-55 III, 58,60 II, 222 II, 222 V, 112,118 II, 222 II, 222 II, 220,222 II, 220,222,226-27,29·7-98 II, 220,222,225,297 II, 297-98 V' 107,109 V, 107 II, 433 V' ]08 V, 304 V, 41,112 V, 117 V' l} l�

229(1) 268 269 270 272 276(2) 281(3) 289 294 296 298 3()1(3) 304 305 306 332 357 362 363 416 495 496 510

512 685 687 688 - 659 -



V, V, V, V, V, V, V, ·v' V' V, V, V' V,

107 110 110,115 110,115,120 108, I I 6-17 117 120 112, J 16 109 l .l 6 117 117 108 181 181 41 179 179 43 43 179,181 179,181 181 108 181 15-18 15-18 15-18

l, I'


T' I, ..

V, V' I, I, I, V, I, II, II, IT,

Article 1,66

1'66-68 768 775(3) i90 8'25






267 268 267 277 267 267-68

840, 850 1177 1815 2190 2193(1)

V, V'

Penal Vol.


1 1-84


IV, I, II, II II, II, V, II, II, V

13 14 15

I ,,


II, II, V' II,



2Q 21 23 23-25 24

11, II, I' I,

16 18




li(2) 20-J�

1V, V'


iii], fV, I, V, f �,


. . . '•·


375 284-85,321 386 622,626-27 233 375 1.37 397 395 233 281 464,469,474,479 468 468 468-70,473,478-79 558 470-72,474,479 471,473-74,479 559


5-10 5-22 I1 11-16 11-22 12



I, II, III, IV, V' I, II,



. ..


.. .• .,




41-47 44 48 48-63 49 51 52 52-56 53 54 55 56 57 57-59 58


471-74,477-79 470,473-74,479 558 449,474-75,478 388,471,475,480 477,478,480 559 477-78,480 386 285 281 379,466-67 233 406 479 233

59 60 60-63 63 64 64-84





JV ,


JV ,

I, I, I, 1, I, I I I' .I, .fl, I, 11., II, I, II, I, V'





IV, V, I' V, 1, Ill, V' 1, V,


69-70 70 71


72 �60


66-78 67 67-78


281 4IDI �l\3


195 / 34 40 41


V, V, V'

61,63 61,62 179,181 41,45 41, 45 4 l ,45



. Page






V, V, V,


IV, V,





281 148 11- I 3,287 281 11-13,290 488 12,186


287 397 397 286 397 2.82 381,396 398 360 381,38 4 381,396,409 23 4







147 402,409-16


475 381 281 391 234 405-06 405 405-06 288 405 234 381 5 40 .t, 38



t t



73 74 75 75 76 78 79 79-84 81










91-98 92



97 99 100

100-104 101 102-103


106 107




109 I I 0-12 112 113 116



I, V, Ill, IV,

V, V, V,

Ill, I,


I, IV, V' Ir.

IV, f, V, .l ' V' I, I' 11, \I ' I, V' I, II., I, Ir, I, I,

r. r, ,

I I, If. I, JI,

I, I, I I, V, Il ' I' II, V, J,

I, II, I, I, II, I,



288 405 475 234,254 381,398-99 381,398-99,405-06, 408 484 290 405 290 254 405-06 392 234 290 405 195-96 402 282,292 292 390,392 403 282,285 403 282,293 392 293 392 293 289 136 135,138, 14•2,147 124,392 484 149 392 286,293 286,293 392 403 393,484 286,293 393,484 403 141 293 393,539,540-41 288 288 389 289

118 120 120-27 120A 121 121-22 124 126 128 128-32 129 130 132 133 133-37

l 34-27 136 138 138-60 139 1,i1 142 144 146-47 148 149-59 150 154 160 161 161-69 161-82 167 170 170-73 171-80 172 I 73-74 174-81 177 181 182 183-93 184 185 189 189-92 192

- 661 -


11, I, IT, I, IJ, V, I, I' I, I, II, I, II, I, I, I, II, I, 11, I, 11, I, I, I, I' I, I, I., II, I I' I, I, II' I, II, I, II, II, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, IV, V, V,


V, V, V,



282,.292 393 289 389 403 294 141 288 136,293 393 136 539

143 282,293 142-43,287 394 290 390 J 42,282,292 393 143,294 144 142-43,145 136,294 144,294 145-46 136-49,294 396 169 294 282,286,294 397 138,287 397 138,282,294 397 398 294 294 290 294 299 210 148,28 I 253,255 405-06 405-06,408 195-96 402,410 400 410





II, I, I, I, I, II,




196 199



201-03 202 20.6

II, '



I' 11,


I, II, I,

210 213 216


III, I, II, II, ·v' 1I, V,

216-47 217 218 219



V, II, I, II, I I,

229-22 221

222 223

225 233 234

l II, II, II, I, I, I, II, II, II, I,

239 240 240-41 242 248

248-72 249


260 266 ]1Q

1·1 I, I,

213 1lij liki l�l-Ylj

I ],

it, 13� al



.' .


. ... .• .. . . '. '

ll, I, Ill, lit,


282,293 393 281 293 293 293 393 293 541 282 390 539 293 393,539 149,293



285 296-,348 300 301 316 31.7 320

Il, I, III, II,

323-27 330 331

334 335 337 349-53 350 354-65


282 121,123 467 281 42-43, 121 123 559 123 559 123 559 42-43,124 147 123-24 150 282 282 470 394 394 150

358 359 360 364

366-82 373 380 381

383 387 388 389 396

404404-09 407 409

410 410-37 4I J


2.82,293 291




471 122

41.6 417

295 47J 282 135

425 428 433 438-59





442 449

474 47(}) 4?4,4119 �1§




I, I, I' l, I' r' J, l,

I' I, I' I, II, l' I, II, I, J' J,

11, l, II' l, I' I' I, II,



l, l. l ll, l, flf, V, Ill, III, III, '



rr_r, r,




Page 478 135, 287 487 473

283 283 283 283


282 285


l 43,283 28 3 287


287 29l 47.1 -?8J"

283 271.479 , 283

282 282


288 12 l 288 282

288 _95 I 21 I 21 282


l I


475 80,317 475.,48


475 475,484 330,332 162,164 ]12 487 83, 4 475 95 2 ' 124 468 47 1 ?.,,,83 4 82 48 7






i\ rricle

456 457 460-70 461-63 462 466 471 472






474 485-87 485 488

488-502 491 495-96 499 499-500 500 503 509 510 510-12 513 516

517 518 518-20 521



522-24 523





5 25


r, :r,


I, lII, I, I, If, III, I, V,

J, I,

III, JII, I, V, I, I, I, Il IV' I' I, 1,



II, I, I, I, I, I, I., I, V

r, Jr.





288 295 283

527 528 529 530 533 537 537-44 538



283 397 484,487 195-96 377

283 283 488




543 544 552-53 554 555 557




?-8 .) "I




283,295 283 291 476

558 560




563 565 567

283 282


291 282

569-70 570 572 573 574 580 584

283,29 .l




11.1,i ,

473,476-77,481 IV, 247,253-55 V' 379,381,395,400,401, tl66,468 ?-8,,L I, If, .ci76 IV, 246-48 V, 380,388-390,396,397, 398-403,406,466,468 II ' 193 IV, 353-54 V 380-81,384,388-9 l, 398-402,406-4()8 III 64-7 V, 379


587 589 589 589 589-98 590 590-95 591-95

593 594 596

- 663 -



II, V, V, I, III,

7-8,469,4Vl 380,396,402 379,400


I, I, I, I, V' I, II, V, V, II' Il, II, II, II., II, III, I' ll, Ill,

II, II II, I, 11,

I, I, II, I, II ' I, III, I, I, II, II, III, V' V, V' .

II, V, I, TI, I, V' II,


647 403 282

282-83 282

195-96 390,402


1 22,125,472 390,397,402 390,391



122 484 122 483 475


185 517 483 122 122

283,291 475,4,79

80 295 122 282 122 282,296 468 282 282


185,468,473-74 517 401,402 401 40]



283 122


393-95,403-04 122,185





_I ' IT, V'







606 60.7 608(2) 609 609-11 612 613 614 615 616 608

619 619-20 620 621

II, III, I, II, I, I, V, I, I, II, II, I, I, I' II, Ill, V, II, I, I, II, .I, TI,

625 625 626

I, I, II, I, IT,


029 630

Ill, 634-37



f.J37 641

a4I 0�2


I, I, lI, J[f, V, II., III, II, I, II, I, I,






I, I,



ia,, j]i�


Bi .

' ' '


..L i::!♦








282 122 401-02 124 647 282 475,479 282 79 393-95,403-04 283 79,283 122 469,485 79-80 80 291 122,437 624 394 123 79 282 392 135 122 296 282 122-23 283,350 127,484 487 393-94 282 283,288 389 487 393-94 392 487 389 352 480-81 283 282-83,288 122 350 2 8. 3 283 4!87 283,�91

649-52 650


651 653 653-54 653-55 654655 656 656-59 657 659 661 662 663-66 665 666 668 670 671 671-76 673 673-76 678 680 68 .I 681-82 684 687-88 689 690 (191 696 697 700 703-06 705 706 709 710




. .....� ' .



IV' I l I, V, V, V,



IV' V,


V, II, III' I, I,

I, I' II, I,


II, II, I, I, I, JI, I, 1, J,






I, I, I, V' I, .I, III,


III, I, I, I, I,


39] 12? 358-60 360 37 147,195 122 409-1 0,411-15 412,414 408-09 195-6,282,295 37 409-4]6 28?409-16 483 360 283 296 296 283 122 282,285

296 122 122

283 282 287 122 283





l I



282 282 122 122



296 296 285



285 2 87

6 46 646 4 67

291 8 7�8 8 2 287

?87 ,.,








II, III, V' I' IV, I,

733 737

738 741

741-46 747-49 748 750 751-52 751-62 755

761 762 770

771 772 776




122,126 467

778 780 781 782 783-85 787 793

II, I, I, I, I, II, I' II, II, I



168 296

296 291 287 287


I' I, I, I, I, III, I, I, III, III, I, III, III,


796-98 803-04 805 806 807


287 475 287 283 483 475,487,489

810 812

283 488


488 646 296




8 I 7-20


II, I, II, I, II, I I, II, I, I,


121 291 296 283,296 296 122 282 122 122

291 122 122 283 122 283 122 285 285 122



Criminal Procedure Code of 1961 Article



II, V, II, II, II, III, II, V, II, III, V, II,

6 7 1I

12 13 14

15 16 18 19 19-21




23 24-30

25 26









468,481 468,480-81 121 468 121,123 559

123 470


29 30 32


33 34 38 39 40





40-48 42 43

45 46




- 665 -



559 123 559 559 468 478-83 468,470,476,486,488 479-81,483-84 122-23 479 124 559






559 467,472,476 558-59 466,472,476 470 470 559 470 470 467


123 467 124-25 124-25 559 148 125-27 467



557 125 126








1 r,




. .

51 S§ 5i

58 5. 9 03

Ill, :11.I, III, III. III, III, V' Ill, III, III, TII, IIL I, II, V, V, IT, IT, II, ,.

67 73


80-93 82 94 97

98 99


100 100-103 101 102


104 105

106 107




117 122

124 125 118-29 13Q"(2)(b) l3i



ill 1,J


142 14-6-47 147


II, II, II, II, IT, II,. II, II, V, I, I, II, V' II, V, I, Ill, I, V, I, I, I,, I, it,

484,486,488 467,476 480,484-86,488 468,479-80 468 483 466 466,469 467 558 479 469,479 469 467 467 142 124 557 557 486 468,481 486 482 482,486 J 26,482-83,486 483,486 484,486 185 485-86 126,486 126 559

J 4,8

14-9 150

150-53 151 153 154

155 156 157 157-59 158 159 160 164 166 167 167-70 168 170

172 176(3) J 81(1) 182

'\1 ol.



I, Ill' V, I, I,


:Page 124 1.42, 145 144


557 145 145-46 125 559 153

V, II, V, 559 IT, 125 I, 135-36,143 II, 126 II, 126 I, 135-36, 141-42.1 , 45 I' I 35-36,138 II' 126 I, 135-36, 144,146,149 V 558 I, l 35-36,146-48 'III' 469 III, 473 ]J ' 126 III, 473 II' 124,126 I, 138 138 I.126 II, 123 II, 559 V, 558 V, 349-50 I, 480-81 TI' 37-38 IV, 133 I, 481 II, 558 V' 193 1[ ' 558 V, 148 I' 52 349I, 37 IV' ]4 I, 557 V, 149 I, 58 5 V, 147 I, 557 V, 468 11·1'


t I





., 84 185


185-86 195

136 558 143 143 142


350,352 558 124

141 469



222 223

143 144









] ll, 470, 478-79,481-82,

50-5 l 51

' .




-• :,



I . . � ,..









Tl r, Vol.

V, I' II, lII,

4-42 6-42 16-42 19-42 ??-42 --

1, .III, I, l,

-?4-42 26-42 29-42


36-43 41-43 57-44 58-44 61-44 62-44 66-44 68-44 70-44 71-45 74-45 76-45 77-45 78-46 80-46 89-47 90-47 91-47 93-47 94-47 95-47 97-48 102-48


71-72 71


1-42 ?- -42

3-43 35-43


I, JI,

] J .I '


11, IV ' I, JJ'

I I, r' I I., V, lll ' I, Ill ' IV V, ]' l, IV' V, I, I, IV,


I, II, I, III, I, IV, IV' TI, III, I,

132 133



III, lll,

71 72

Proclamations Page


530-31 277 385 335 277 475,485 277 277 277 103 277 38 277 127 59-60 277 289-90 169 277 169 139 569 277 627-28 206 218 277 317 369 218,481,485 277 277 369 369 277 396-97 277


107-49 1 I 4-50 1 J 5-5 I


.116-51 .118-51 123-52 J 24-52 130-52 I 30A-53 ]31-52 135-53 137-53 138-53 141-54 149-55 l 58-57 160-58 162-59 165-60 166-60 173-61

J 95-62 196-63 203-63 205-63 206-63 210-63


3)7 374 374 202 406,555 277

212-64 - 667 -


198,200 11, 303-04 II, 37-38 111, 186 V, 217-J 9,221,224,236-37 Ill, 120 l, 277 I, 277 IV' 302 I, 195 1, 277 III, 178 Ill, 120 V, 220,524 r, .112,195 V, 220 II, 225 I, 277 I, 277-78 III, 123 I, 280 IV, 370 IV, 369,371 III ' 393,396 IV, 205 Ill, 120 I, 198 II, 66,312-13,333-35,



58 104-05 113,116 626 58,60 371


99-100 121-22 105,107,347,350 13,32-33 167-69,171-74 139,142,573 537,544



225-65 227- 65






552 552

232-66 239-66





Page 140,14 4_4 5 539


Orders Page





105 120,123,142,145





16-52 15-57 21-58 :i2:..60 23-61

25-62 26-62 27-62





164 141 178,187 105


IV ' V,

Vol. V,

Page 143

IV, V,

29-63 30-63 37-64

525 374 104 169,174 531

II, V, III' III, II' V' V, V, V,

521 169 102 189-90 294 -95,298-3 02 141,202 104 573 122 12] 107 140,144 531 537 220,531,542






44-66 45-66 46-66





Article 2-42 19-56

Page 209 115 66,312,313 143-44 312 106 374

Vol. IV,

I, II, V, II, IV'

23-57 34-59 35-59 37-59



41-60 45-61 48-62 49-62




11-53 215-58

N, II, IV, V'

25©-62 2i58-62



�Qle Jii.ll'J 11:8�13


m, V,


, Y� V


, !�.




0 .






. , '





369 66-68 105/06 521 66 104

267-62 269-62


282-64 285-64

IV, V, IV, IV ' '


Page 120 524

Article 253-59 284-61 299-62

Vol. V,




110 2im


36 167







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V, V,

107 169,175



page 525 524


99�100 169


31 s 521, 220' 540� 531




Article 1I 16







59 59 59-60







59-60 59

Italian Civil Procedure Code Article Vol Page 94 IV, 60 95 IV, 60 Notice of Approval Article






Notice of Disapproval Article

1-63 French . .\rticle



V, V, V,

550 554 554-5 570 570-1


577 861-62 1165 1166 1241 1312









174-75 175 175 175 175 174 175 175 174 181 181 174 174 178


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178 174 174-75 174 178 174 174 174 174 174

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1 43 143 297 397,310 373 118 295

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