Journal of Ethiopian Law Vol. 5 No. 1 (1968)

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Vol. V No. 1 JUNE 1968



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Me1norian1 ..; Jj )� Fifth A11nual Report fror11 the Dean Q11i11tin Johnstone CASE .REPORTS ARTIC:LES De facto and C·uston1ary ·Part11erships i11 Ethiopia11 La\v Paul McC'artl1y I l'lhi Erittean Employ1ne11t Act of 1958: . ts Prese11t StatL1s Robert C. Means 1rllre D,o©trillil� ©f �'Subsidiarity ot� the Action f01· Recovery of an Enrichn1e11t'' i11 French and Etl1iopia11 La\1\1. Sen1erea' b Micha.el CA,SE COMMENT CURRENT ISSUES (11



PUBLICATIONS OF THE FA(ULT¥· OF LAW HAILE SELLASSIE I UNIV'ERSITY PERfOOICAL 1�HE JOURN'AL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW Published tv.iice anaual]y at tl1e Faculty of Law, Haile SeIJassie I University in co-opera­ tion \Vith the Ministry of Justice, Imperial Ethiopian Government. BOOKS MATERIALS FOil THE STUDY OF THE PEN� AIJ LAW OF ETHIOPIA (1965) Steven Lowenstein, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University. :\N INTRODUCTION TO ETHIOPIAN PENAL J _AvV (1965). Philippe Graven, Ministry of Jusrjcc, Jmpcrial Etl1iopia11 Government. El.l-JIOPIAN LEGAL FORMBOOK (1966): \'OLUME ONE (FORMS OF LAW AND I_EG1\L DOCUMENTS) Ke11neth Robert Redden, Professor of Law, J-laile Sellassie I University.

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Joint Publications of the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Ethiopian Studies



G.W. 8. Huntingford, D.Lit., School of Orien· tal and African Studies, University of London. LAND TENURE JN CHORE (SHOA) (1965) H.S. Mann, Rural Institutions Officer. F.A.0., United. Nations.


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STATE AND LAND IN ETHIOPIAN HISTORY ( 1967) Richard P�nkhurst, Director, Institute of Etl,iopian Studies . • Ctl



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Vol. V No. 1 JUNE 1968 -·-----·------·------IN THIS ISSUE

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In :rvre111oria111 Fifth An1111al Report fron1 tl1e Dea.11 Q11i11ti11 Jol1nsto11e CASE REPORTS ARTICLES De facto a11d CL1sto111ary Partnersl1ips i11 Etbiopia11 Law Paul McCartl1y The Eritrea11. E1nploy111ent Act of 1958: Its P1·ese11t Sta.tus Robert C. Mea11s Tl1e Doctrj11e of ''Si1bsidiarity of the Action for Recovery of Unjust E11ricl11nent'' i11 :Fre11cl1 a11d Ethiopia11 Law. Semereab Micl1ael CASE COM1\1ENT CURRENT ISSUES


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y j b Iis I l eria ated I1up 1gur inat Ma was Law esty I-Iaile a11 iopi Eth of _ l rna Jou _ e h T' Selassie I i 11 the sum1ner of 1964 as an 1n1po1·tant step 1n tl1e develop1nent of Ethio­ tors of the Ec1i rn of Jou � r . �oa �l l1as invited the tly uen seq Sltb , _ em. syst l lega pia's those wh o are interested in the cont111l1at1011 and ex1Ja11s1011 of tl1e La w Journal's of s the JOl11.·r1al of Etliiopiai1 ro11 Pat ing om bec by t por sl1p r thei ress exp to acti,,ities Law. H.B. Tsl1a:fi Taezaz Aklilu I-Iabte Wolde H.E. Afeneg11s Kitaw Yitateku H.E.. Afenegl1s Tesl10111e Haile Maria.n1 H.E. Ato Abe be Reta 1-I.E. Bitv.roded Asfel1a V✓olden1ichael Ho11. Blatta Matias I-Iiletework Ato tvian1tno Tadesse II.B. Hon. Ato Hagos Te,volde Medhi11 H.E. Dejazmatcl1 Fil<re Selassie Habte Hon. Blatta Haile Walde Kidan !v1aria111 Ho11. Ato Tibebu Beye·ne H.B. Lij K,Lssa Welde Mariam Hon. Ato Kebede Kelel H.E. D1·. Haile Giorgis Workineh Hon. Ato Negussie Fitawake H.E. Ato Seyoun1 Haregot Ho11. Kasa Beyene H.B. Ato Yohannes Tsegaye I-1.E. Ato Go>rto1n Petros H.B. Ato Keteme Abebe H.E. Ato Assefa Gebre Maria1n I-J.E. Dejazmatch Ber11ane !vleskel Wolde Selassie H.E. Col. Legl1ese Wolde I-Ia11na H.E. Aber1·a Jembere H. E. Ato Belatcl1evv Asrat I-1. E. Ato !v1uban1ed Abc1t1rahma11 H.E. Brig. Gen. Abebe Wolde Meskel H.E. Ato Nirayo Bsayas ·1 H.E. Ato Tesbo1ne Gebre Maria111 H.E. Ato Bt1lcha D e111eksa H.B. Ato Teferri Len11na Ho11. Ato Amman11el A111den1icbael Hon. Fita\vrari Bayisa 1·emmo Ato Abate Abare Wo11demagegnehu Ato Assefa Liban Ato Abebe Gire Kegn�1z1na.tcl1 Assefa Nadew Ato Abdt1l Aziz Moha111n1ed Ato Assefa Metafaria Ato Abraham Tesfatsion Ato Assefa Tsegaye Balambaras Adane Deressa. Ato Atsheba Fanta Ato Ada.rra Francoise Ato Ayalew Gobe Ato Admasse Gessess Ato Befekadt1 Tadesse Dr. Maurice J. Aelion Dejazmatch Bekele Beye11e Lt. . Col. Ahmed Ami11t1. Ato Bekele De1nissie Ato Aklilu Atlabatch. ew Ato Bekele Gebre Amlak. Ato Aklilu Bete Mariam Ato Bekele Habte Michael Ato Alene Aligaz Ato Bekele Nadi Ato Amare Degefe · Ato Bekele Tesfaye Ato Amede Lemma Col. Belatchew Je1naneb Ato Arege Arsid.o Ato Belatcbew Nigru Marica Arvanitopou.lo Ato Belay Meketa F1.t. A.segahegn Araya Ato Belay Mengesha � Asfeha Kahsai Ato Belete Walde Sellassie i At� �s�efa Bekele Woiz. Beleyu Work Gebre Meskel Vl

Brig. Gen. Bereket Gebre Medhin Ato Berha11e Kefle Mariam Lt. Col. Berha11e Woldeyes Ato Berhe Beyene Mr. Russell Berman Ato Beyene Abdi Ato Binega Tsehai Hailu Dr. William Bul1agiar Grazmatch Chalie Yadeta Dr. Christopher Clapha.m Mr. Richard Cum1nings Lt. Col. Dama Zeng Egzer Ato Demerew Tashu I Ato Demmissew Assa,,ve Blatta Demissie Workagegnal1u Ato Desta Gebre Mr. Harrison Dunning Ato En dale W olde Michael · Ato Endale Me11gesha Ato Enyevv Gessesse Kess Ermias Kebede Ato Eshete Berha11e Mr. William Ewing Capt. Eyassu Gebre Hawariat Dr. Eyob Gebrecristos Ato Falke A.ragaw Graz1natch Fessahaie Zegheie Dr. Fia.mmetta Prota Kaypaghia11 Ato Fisseha Gebre E\vostatewos Mr. Stanlev Z. Fisher Ato Gayim. Asmelash Ato Gebre G·ebre G-iorgis Kegn. Geta Kitaw Gebre Hanna : . Ato Ge bre Hewet \Volde Ha,variat i Bashai Gebre Nleskel Zeilo Ato Gebreyesus Haile Mariam Balambaras Gemeda Urgessa Grazmatch Gessesse !v1esfin Ato Getachew Admass11 Ato Getachew Asfav, Ato Getachew Kibret Ato Getachew Hunegna\V Ato Gila. IVIikael Bahta Ato Girma Ab�be Lt. Girma Wolde Giorgis Ato Goitorr1 Beye11e Mr. Everett Goldbe1·g Dr. Philippe Graven Dr. Saba Haba.cl1y Ato I-f.aile Aman Ato Haile Giorgis Differ Ato Haile ¥/. I\1ariain Mr. Norman J. Si11ger Ato I-Iail11 A1emayel1tt

Capt. Hailu Arsede Capt. Hailu Shenqute Ato Hailu Tesfaye Mr. G. Hamawi Mr. N. Hamawi .Ato Haile Leoul Habte Giorgis Dejazmatch Idris Lejam Ato I11quo Bahrey Gebre Mikael Dr. Quinti11 Johnstone Miss Mechtild Immenkotter Capt. Kant1a Guma : Ato Kassa Beyene Ato Kebede Atnafseged Ato Kebede Gebre Mariam Ato Kebede Seri Ato Kebede Waga Ato Kidane Equba Egzi Ato Kidanu Kassa Mr. Michael Kindred Ato Kirkos Nigatu Mr. Lawrence Ki1o·wles Capt. Legesse Welde Mariam Ato Lemn1a \Volde Semayat Dr. Marcello Lombardi Dr. Maria-Grazia Prota Mr. Steven Lowenstein Ato Leul Menberu Ato Makon11e11 Wolde Marian1 Mr. Paul McCarthy Mr. Robert C. Means Brig. Ge11. Mebrahitu Lt. Col. Mehrete Gebre Selam. Ato Mesfin Fanta Mr. N orma11 Metzger Ato 1v1ewail Mebratu Kegn. Geta Mezemer Hawaz Ato Michael Fasil Fitawrari Haji Mohammed Seredge Ato Muhamud Nur I-Iusai11 Ato Mulugeta Berihun Ato Ml1lugeta Wolde Giorgis Ato Nabiye Leo11l Kille Ato Negga Tesemma Kegnazmatch N11ridine Zayenu M1·. Donald E. Paradis Mr. James C.N. Paul Mr. Robert Picot Mr. G. Prota 1\111·. Ke11netl1 Redden 1\tlr. Fiarry D. Richa1·ds Mr. Ezio Rus1nini Mr. A .rake! Sakadjia11 Ato Salel1 A. Kebire Mr. Peter I-I. Sa11d ••


: Mr. Mr. Mr. Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Mr. Mr. Dr. Ato Ato Ato "L\.to A,to Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato Ato

Olin B. Scott Robert D. Scott Robert A. Sedler Seifu Wolde Kida1J Seifu Geb·re y·oha1111es Seifu Yeteshawor:k. Sllife1·aw Work·u Solomon Abebe Solomon Ha.bte Giorgis Rola11d J. Stanger Peter L. Strauss G.O. Zacharias S11ndstrom Tadesse Abebe Tadesse Asfaw Tadesse Tekle Giorgis · ersaw Tadesse Y Tefera Degefe Tefere Sertse De11gel Teferi Be1·ha11e Tegeg11 Bitew Tek]e Gebre Meskel Teklit Makon11en Ternesgen Work Tereffe Gessesse Tesfa Mariam Sebl1at Tesfa Zio11 Eyass11

Ato Tesi'aye I(ebede Ato Teshome Bahru Balamba1·as Tesb.01ne Getaw Ato Tesse1na Walde Yohat111es Ato Tilahu11 Fettena Ato TilJebu A'braha1n Ato Tibeb11 Tegeg11 Ato Tsegaye Tefferi Ato Tsegaye Wolde Mariain Mr. Jvlicha.el Topping Dr. Jacq11es P.M. Va11derli11de11 M1·. Vittorio Vercellino M.r. Nicola P. Vosikis Mr. Fran.k D. Winsto11 Ato Wolde Leo11l Seyoum Ato Wold11 Berl1e Ato Woube G·ebre Y<..1ha11nes Ato ,:voube Woldeyes Ato Yeshewa Work I-Iail11 Ato Yilma Gebre Yil1na Hailu Dr. Yohannes Berha11e Ato Zelleke Desta Ato Zeude E .ngeda Ato Ze11de Mekwane11t •




AN IN'l'RODUCOON TO THE LAW, OF TORTS Clarendon Law Series John G. Fleming 52s (UK) Tl1e principal concern of the law of torts is Lo rt:pair accident losses. Once practically the only available source for co1npens,1tiog tl1e disabled, it has long been shrinking in relative importance as others have assun1ed a larger share: most important are the social security benefits associated with the welfare state, and private insurance against the calamities of life. At tl1e same time, liability insurance has drastically changed the role of tort law by 11ot only easing the burden of adverse judgements but, more importantly, by spreading the cost. To ponder the effect of these changes on the content.­ place, and future of the law of torts is the pri111ary aim of this book, rather than to offer yet another potted versio11 of black]etter rules.




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This standard 1.vork \vas first issued in Oxford J->aperbacks in 1961. Subsequently the author revisEd his book to take account of new case-la\v and statutory c,h.angc, and the hardbound sevent}1 edition was pub1ishcd in 1964. That edition \Viii no\v be available as :.1 paperback.

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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW Published Twice a11nually at tl1e Faculty of, Haile Sellassie I University in co-operation with tl1e Mi11istry of J11stice. EDITORIAL BOARD H.B. Ato Belatchew Asrat, Cl1air1nan


Dr. William Buhagiar

H.B. Ato Nirayo Esayas

Dean Quintin Johnstone

Hon. Ato Amma11t1el Amde-Micl1ael

Professor Peter H. Sand

Hon. Ato Neg11ssie Fita\Vake

Ato Negga. Tessema

Professor Norma11 J. Singer EDITORIA.L STAFF

Case Editors

Articles Editors

Richard M. Cummi11gs

Peter L. Strauss

Bilillign Mandefro

Gedle A111manuel Kidane Mariam

SPECIAL EDITOR FOR VOLU1\1E IV No. 2 AND V No. 1 Jacques P. M. Vanderlinden ASSOCIATE EDITORS Alemu Fokion

1\1e1aku Dessalegr1e

Alemante Gebreselassie

Seifu Tekle Marian1

Fasil Abebe

Te1uesge11 Samuel

Gemeda Gonfa

Tesfatsion Medl1ane Yoseph Gebre Egziabher

SECRETARY Tsedale Bekele

. op The journal is distributed outside Ethi ia by· Oxford U11iversity Press. P.Q. Box 1024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at U.S.$ 7.00 · a year. . P·��as:e add:ress correspondence to ti.llle Ed1'tors Jo · , aw ur L an h' · na f p1 l E o t. 1o ' . _•.1rc0 n � 'ffi. iD. D©« l l lo, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ••


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HAILE SELLASSIE I UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF LAW ed ish abl est in 1963, 011a-e1 rs The Faculty of Law of Haile Sellassie I University, . a om or Certificate in Law rp 1 d a D to an 1·ee cleg B LL. tl1e to ing lead · courses in law of ulty , 1 .1 Fac Dea Law, Haile Sellassi� nt ista Ass tl1e tact con tion rma info her For furt I U11iversity, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa.

FACUI..1TY Quintin Jol1nsto11e, A.. B., J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., Dean I-Iarrison C. Dt111ning, B. A. , LL. B . , Assistant Dean Joh11 B. Marshall, LL.B., LL.M., Assistant Dea11 Ricl1ard M. C11mrnings, A.B., LL.B., 1\.1. Litt. Eric Edel. Dr. Droit Willian1 H. Ewi1Jg, A.B., LL.B. Stanley Z. Fisl1er, B.A., LL.B. Jea11-.Denis Gagnon, Lie. Droit, D.E.S. Fra11.k I-Io1·0�1itz, B.A., L.L.B. MiclJael J. Kindrecl, B.A., J.D., 1'1.C.L., D.E.S. L.awre11ce Knovvles, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. George KrzecZl1nowicz, B.A., LL.B., Lie. Sc. Con1n1., Lie. Sc. Polit Paul McCartl1y, A.B., J.D., M.C.L. Jan1es <2.N. Paul, B.A., LL.B. Paul Ponjaert, Dr. Droit, M.C.L. Peter H. Sa11d. Referendar, D.E.S., LL.M. Norman Si11ger, B.S., LL.B. Peter Stra11ss, B.A., LL.B. G.O. Zacl1arias S11ndstrom, LL.B., LL.M., M. Con1p.L. Michael R. Topping, B.A., LL.B. Jacques P.M. Vanderli11den, Dr. Droit, Agr·ege E11s. Sup.

PART-TTh'IE FACULTY Ababiya Abajo'bir, LL.B. Abebe Gu.angoul, LL.B. Abiyu Geletan LL.B. Assefa Liban, BA., B.C.L. Belatcbew Jemaneh, B.A., LL. B., LL. M. Berhanu Bayih, LL.B. Getachew Kibret, B.A., B.C.L. Getahu.11 Damte, LL.B. Legesse Wolde Mariam, M.C.L. Mohammed Abdurah111an, B.A., B.C.L. Negga Tessen1a, B.A., B.C.L. Negussie Fitawake, B.A., B.C.L. Shi1nelis Metaferia, LL.B. Tafari Berhan.e, B.A., B.C.L. . Worku Tafara, LL.B. Y©h•anliles Helii·oui, LL.B. ��E�'mllilllk Afl>err,a, LL.B. •




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• • • • • Patrons of the Jou1·nal of Etlliopian Law... • • • • • • • • • • • • • Table of Cases reported . . . . .. . . . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · In Memoriam ... . . . . . . . .. . .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • by Qui11tin Jo/1nstone ... • • • • Fifth Annual Report from the Dean Case reports .. . . . . ... . . . .. . .. . . . . ... ... .. . ... .. . Articles: . De Facto and Customary Pa1inerships in Ethiopian Law by Paul McCarthJ1 The Erit.rean Employment Act of 1958: Its Prese11t Status by Robert C. Means . . . . .. .. . ... ... . .. ... . . . . .. . .. The Doctrine of ''Subsidiarity of the Action for Recovery of an by Semereab Afichael Unjust Enrichn1ent'' i11 French and Ethiopian Law · Case Comment: International Law: State Succession by Fasil Nahitm. . .. • • • • • • • • • Current Issu · e: Expropriation by the Imperial Higl1way At1thority by Harrison C. Dunning •


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Table of Cases Reported Supreme Imperial Court Thomas [Hallock v. Dorothy Hallock (Civil Appeal No. 247/50) ...

• • •

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• • •

• •

AI . et k di sa T de ol W da gi I11 v. . Al et k di sa Abebe Wolde T . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 55 6/ 57 o. N al pe Ap vil ( Ci The Ethiopian Abattoirs Associatio11 v. A. Besse Con1pa11y ... ..• . . .. ... .. . ... (Civil Appeal N. 11 /57) Nadj Said v. A.bdul Melik 1'Iol1ammed (Civil Appeal No. 978/57) . .. ...

• • •

• •

Gebre Jema11eh. and Jen1anesh Belel1u v. Tarekegn (Civil Appeal N. 638/57) ... . .. • • • • • •


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53 61


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A. Besse Eth. Ltd. v. Solomon Gidey a11d A'braham Me·konen (Civil AppeaJ No. 1673/57) ... . .. . .. .. . ... ...

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High Court Guetty Forti V. At1gt1ste Forti (Civil Case No. 174/55)

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Woizerit Negest Makonnen et Al. v. E.A.L. Sb.areholders Co. • • • • • • • • • • • • (Civil Case No. 701/55)

In re Almaz F ·ufa

(Civil Case No. 132/56)

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IN MEMORIAM We are most profoundly grieved at the death of H.E. Ato Nerayo Isayas wh-0 was a distinguished member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ethiopian Law since its inception until his death on October 13, 1968. The late Ato Nerayo Isayas who was one of Ethiopia's first and leading lawyers · was not, as we all know, limited to distinguishing himself in his official duties in the administration of justice, but was also an energetic participant in the promotion of legal education in Ethiopia. Through the untimely departure of H.E. Ato Nerayo Isayas, the legal profession of Ethiopia and the ,Journai of Ethiopian Law have lost one of their most active memberss We, the Editorial Board and Staff of this Journal and the Faculty and Students of the }Kaile Sellassie I University Law School, share the deep sorrow of his family 811d friends.


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1967-68 '(1960


Quintin Johnstone, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law, 11aile Se/lassie I Ul'ziversity '

This report, p_repared �t the close of the 1967-68 academic year, is principally directed to alu1nn1 a11d friends of the Law Faculty in Ethiopia. The advice and assistance of these two g1·ot1ps are esse11tial to ou·r success, and they must be kept informed of what \Ve are doing and the problems we face. _What follows is a summary of Fact1lt.y accomplishme11ts during the past year and our major needs for the f titure. Alumni.

011e. of the most important developments during the year was the founding o.t� ai1 Alun1ni Association of the Law Faculty. A draft c011stitution for the. Associatio.n was prepared by an able committee composed of Abiyu G· eleta, Kebede Habte �1Iaria111, Mesfin Fanta, Selamu Bekele ai1d Shimelis Metaferia. Late in the spring, following an al�m1.11i luncl1eon, a group of two hundred alumni approved the constitLition in a f our-l1our meeti11g at which the d1·aft was debated section by sec.tion and some modificatio11s adopted. Ali degree, diploma and certificate gradu­ �t_es of the Law· Faculty are entitled . to beco1n� 1ne1nbers of the new a1um11i org­ anization, whether resident in Addis Ababa or elsewhere. After ap·proval of the · Geleta \Vas elected President of the Constitution at the f ouqders' 111eeting, Abiyu · . Association.

Of- considerable interest · to the Fa.culty are those alumni who went abroad for further law study. Dt1.ring the year, · these included Mebratu Yohan11es, ,vho ,vent to McGill U11iversity, Montreal, Canada; Eyassu Ayalkepet, Hailu Makon11en and Yacob Haile Nlariam, who· \·�,rent to the Ur1iversity of California,·· Los l\ngeles; ., · and Alexandra Hamawi; who went to the , Uniyersity of London. Accepted for foreign la\V study this con1i11g year are · Ababiya · Abajobir at McGill University; Sh'imelis Metaferia at the University of- Chica·go, Chicago, Illir1ois; ·Yohan11es Heroui at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London; Zeray Habte Selassie at Ohio at the Unive1·sity of Wisconsin, State University, Columbus, Ohio; and z;egay Asfaw · · Nladison, Wisconsin. · Students. 1-\t the opening of the 1967-6� sch<;)ol year, there were enro�led in f the La\v Faculty· 192 degree students, 25.7 diploma stude11ts . and 294 certiicate students, includi11g 52 new eveni11g LL.B . canclidates �11d 123 certificate student� i� a new cot1rse offered i n Har1·ar. Shortly after the regt1lar school year opened, addi­ d" arte st , ere w nts, stude of l t 565 tiona lme11 e11rol l initia total icate with certif ses cour ' ' . . . . · e first year ·or new evening ' 10 Jimma, Asmara; a11d Addis A'baba. Attrition �n : · th courses was about 50 per cen.t, similar . to previOllS years. Attrition among new day LL.B stl1dents 'Nas considerably less. · . . · . · ; •. .. . · - At the close of the acaclemic year,· 17 ;st-uc. le�t� �ere grant� d 'L�.13. de�e�s_ a ��· . 99 :were granted diplomas. I\lo ce1·tificates were g�ve�r as no ·cert1�c�te classes were 10 · their final· year. Prizes for outsta11dirrg .acageD?ic p�rf qr�:1�nce- wer� ,awarde� , to , the _ : _ ! follo\vi11 g. s tud.e n.ts:. Fa sil :Nah11to, ... CJ1aii.cellor's ··- Medal·;---B11lil 1g11 Mandefro·, best aca.




e st ad ac be ic , ne r cla pe :KJ 1 n1 ha fo � t ; en ud ma st !3 . _ .B m. LL nce an : by ce an rm rfo pe demic _ t, ul st ela G be hu ad ac 1ay :Jen A ; on m1c per­ cti se 1sh g En � e tli � � in nt de stu _ a by a diplom . S 1fu kle n, Te tio ar sec M 1c h An e t 1n nt de �am, best stu � a 1 � �� � lon dip a . formance by a rm , G1 ro ss ef lla Se a:q M 1e 1gn ll1l B1 ? on nt1 1ne Aray a, le rab no ho .), L.B (L legal writing � d 1 ma Le a G s1l Fa 1tem en Ed on a; nti me le rab � no and ho � nt, :: e d. stu ved pro im st mo � . g ric dm cur an ratst ext ou for r ze ula pri ul Pa N. contC. es Jam m, ria Ma le Tek fu Sei ributions. Ethiopian University Service prior to graduation will continue as a requ!Iemen t . for all day LL.B. candidates in the Faculty of Law, except for the few entitled to exemptions. As in tl1e past, law students 'Yill ?e assigned _ to legal work, n1ostly in Government ministries. However, the Un1vers1ty has decided that all unexempted · degree ca.ndidates, ours included, should be sent 011 service prior to their last year of classroom stud.y and should · perform their service outside Addis Ababa and As:mara. Heretofore,· law students have gone on service after completing all course requirements for their degrees, and most have worked in the capital. The advantage of the University rule is that students will bring back to their classes the realism and understanding of a year's employment in provincial communities, thereby en , riching the subsequent learning experience of themselves and their fellow students. We are gradually phasing into compliance with the University regulation by sendin.g some of our Law ill students on service this coming year, along with all of our unexempted Law IV class. The percentage of Law III going on service will be increased over the following two years until the shiftover is complete.

Reflecting both t.he quality of our students and the shortage of trained lawyers in the Government, this past semester we had far more requests for service students than could be filled. After considerable negotiation and regretful disappointment of some ministries and agencies, final EUS assignments for the coming year are these: Chilalo Agricultural Development Unit-Tesfaye Berhane; Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority-Essayas Haile Mariam; Ministry of Fi11ance Alemseged T�sfai, Gerl.le Ammanuel Kidane Maria,m; Girma Selassie Araya and Tesfa Ayana; Ministry of Ju.stice-Aberra Degu, Alemu Fokion, Amha Tsiyon Don1enico, Eden Fasil,. Eyassu Imnetu, Fisseha Yimer, Gideon Agegn, Girma Haile Gebriel, Hailo Chernet, Joh.annes Habte Sellassie, Kebede Worke,, I(jfle Lemma, Weredewold Waldie and Yoseph Gebre Egziabher; Ministry of Land Reform-Alemante Gebre Sellassie and Bilillign Mandefro; and Ministry of Mines-Alemayehu Seifu Zawdie a.nd Tesfaye Chemer. Student extracu'rricular activities remained much same as last year. In several �f o� publicati?n _ventures, notably the Journal of Ethiopian Law and the Con�0-, l1dat1on o� Ethiopian Laws, student translation work contintied to be essential. Stud�nt editor� als� aided materially in case selection and the many miscellaneous . tion ��� s required 1n putting,, out the Journal. On their own, students publis hed _ y of Tlle Balance and the Sword, th� annual Law Faculty yearbook. For a v.ar1e t . rea s.,.0n. th s, ! Law S�uden,t Asso01at1on was less active than usual, but it did. sponsor . �e�engl 80�ail evewngs aBd lecture�,. as well as the television program, ''You are ffi� 1-f an� heijeL d. collect add1t1onal funds for Law House •• the on rs e g IAeas) Mi� s:taff du,�ng �he year consisted of twenty teache ._ �� -�-, �pi -� llJ& and Ra§lls s41 l@m;a ers ch tea al addition sses a cl, and ighteen e � ? _: 1';!, 11.t _,lnte sltf ,_ , �a�fG 01Jll)l0ma, and certificate classes. Of pararoouo�



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graduates of our Law Faculty and next year will teach both degree and sub-degriee courses. These are the flfst Ethiopians to join the full-time teaching faculty. Others will be appointed in th.e near fL1ture so that within a few years it is expected thait most of the full-time teaching staff will be Ethiopian. Some new courses have been added to the teaching obligations. of the full-time sta.f.f New LL.B. cot1rses this past year were Introduction to Private Law (Law I), Revolt1tions and Constitutional Change in 1..:Iistory (Law I), Employme11t Relatio11s Law (Law III and IV elective), Evidence (Law III), Taxatio11 (Law IV elective), Transnational Transactions (La\iv IV elective), International Organizations (Law IV elective) and Urban Problen1s and Local Government (Law IV elective). Approved for next year are these 11ew LL.B. co11rses: Government contracts (La\v III elective), Tl1.e Legal Profess.ion in Etl1io .pia (:Law IV), Agricultural Land Refo1·m (Law IV electi,1 e), Law of Natt1ral Resources (Law IV elective), Legal Analysis (Law IV electi,1e) a11d Islamic :Law (Law IV elective). Also, this coming year, Administrative Law and Advanced Penal La,v II (Disposition of Offenders) will be new diploma offerings. In addition to teaching, the full-time staff bas done a substantial amount of research and writing, l1elped administer the many activities that the law school is engaged in, and participated in important but time consuming University committee work. A 'brief re\'iew of bt1t some of the non-teaching work of this staff is as follows: James C. N. Paul. Is the Academic Vice President of the University, but remains a member of the Law Faculty; has been a most belpft1l adviser and counselor to the Law School all year and somehow found time to see through the printers VolunJe I of his book on Ethiopian constitutional development and to substantially complete Volume II. Richard Cum1nings. Took over as principal Faculty editor of the Jou.rn· al in the latter part of the year, prepared supplemental international law teaching materials and has several articles under way. Harrison. Dunning. Assistant Dean in cha.rge of physical plant, non-teaching staff and miscellaneous problems; Chairman of the Curriculum Committee; mem·ber, University Faculty Council; con1pleted an article on comparative eminent domain law and s11pervised ot1r old Ethiopian judgments project. William Ewing. Chairman of the Law School's Student Relations Committee, key men1ber of the U11iversity Student Affairs Committee, in cha,rge of the Consoli­ dation of Ethiopian Laws project. Stanley Fisher. Chairmar1 of the Research and Publication Committee; supervisor of the lexicon project; by the close of the year had i11 the hands of the printer the rnanuscript for bis comprehensive book, Cases and Materials on the Etltiopian Lav,1 of Criminal Procedure. Jea11 - Denis Gagnon. Con1pleted teaching n1aterials on labor law and on . extra-contractual liability, is working on several labor law articles. Frank Horowitz. Peace Corps volunteer who came to us following a year o. f secondary school teachi11g in Etl1iopian schools. Did considerable tutorial wor.k .· on student writing assignments, gave special t11toring to students on academic. proba­ , tion, assisted :i\1r. Marshall in student advisory work and helped in Law House .' fund raising.



Mechthild I1nmenkotter. Co11tinued i11 reside11ce d11ring tl1e fi rs t semester on a grant fro n1 the German Govern111ent to co1nplete her book on Et11iopia11 commercial law. Micl1ael Ki11dred. Assista11t De an until the e11d of the firs t semester Secretary of the Exect1tive Com111ittee of tl1e Faculty C u.ncil tr�ns lated for publi� � l catio11 t,vo in1portant civil lav.1 articles, preparing an article �11 r1g 1ts of ininors. Lawre1.1ce I<.nowles. Cl1airman of the Law H use Committee, revised teacl1ing materials on Legal Process ancl an art?icle 011 the Etl1 complete d iopian legal professio11. George I(rzeczu11owicz. Completed t\VO articles 011 civil code problems· on leave �ec�n d se111ester worlcing on his treatise, Ethio1Jian Law of Extra-Co ntra� ctual Obl1gat1ons. Jol111 Mar�l1all. �ssist�nt Dea11 ?egin11ing tl1e second sen1ester, in cl1arge ? of _ stt1d� 11t cot1nsell1ng, re_g1strat1on, adm1ss1o n a.nd. tl1e extensio11 program. Jvfember, U111vers1ty Fact1lty Cot1nc1l. Prepc:Lring te,1cl1i11g materials for admi11istrative la\v and also taxatio11. I-las several articles i11 preparatio11. Paul 1vlcCartl1y. Pu.blicatio11s business 111anager. Co1npleted article on De Facto Bt1si11ess Orga11iz�1tions i11 Etl 1iopia,. i11cluded i11 this isst1e. Pa.ul Ponjaert. Assista11t to Dr. Va11derli11den i11 the doct1me11t,1tion and bibliographical work of our Center for African Legal Develop111e11t. Peter Sa11d. Chairn1an of tl1e Library Committee. Com1)leted a series of articles 011 Ethiopian la\v, a.nd is working on teacl1i11g for tl1e Ethiopian law of st1ccessions a11d fa111ily la\v a11d. a 1na11ual on Etl1iopian la\v of succession s.


Norman Singer. 1�or111al or i11formal faculty adviser on all stude11t activities; , worked on several field research projects of a legal-a11thropological nature; l1as three 1uonographs on Etl1iopian legal institutions co1npleted or near comp l etion. Zacl1arias Sundstro111. Completed a three-volu1n.e set of teaching materials on Transnatio11al Transactions. Peter Strauss. Held JJrin1ary responsibility for tl1e Journal of Ethiopian 1 La\V dtlrii1g most of the year; editor of tl1e ne\V English editio11 of tl1e Fe�ha l1� ng tea law to our enal nt d leme a plete supp con1 ; isl1ed publ � be to 1 soo1 p , N·egast materials· has a major article u11der way 011 pe11al law; work111g on a dec1s1on Proa11d ts men oint App New tl1e of a11 irm Cl1a 1g; )pi1 To1 l hae Jv1ic \Vith cle theory a;ti 1uotions Co111mittee; Cl1airman of the Honor Board. v La 1an n Ro to on 1cti : odt Intr l1, rap 11og 1110 a : , ed Micl1ael Top1Jing. Prepar 110 Etl of d)' stt1 a on a11d s aus er Str h Pet wit icle working on a decision tl1eory art pi an i11st1ra11ce la-Yv. , · vel De P al ? Leg 11 rica Af for ter e1 the � � Jacques Vanderlinden. Director of ian iop Eth 11s, rso Pe of w La n pia hio ment. Has under way mo11ographs on tl1e Et Law of i\1arriage, a11d Ethiopian Legal History. IO , . nate fortu t s mo een b e av h .. ve r , rar og pr 11 s10 ten ex th of n tio � � Si11ce the i11cep � ch· tea d dd a s ha t tl1a p o:u gr our part-ti1ne certificate an d drplon1a st �ff, a ded1cated . � ion go es da n u m1 co lar ct1 rt1 Pa s. t1le � ed sc g tin us ha ex d an � sy bu dy ea alr to s dge tie du ing Ju d an i yil Ba ti an rh Be r, ra ar H 1n e nt ar D n 1u al et G : rs he ac te to our provincial

- 18 -



Kassa Beyene in Asmara and Ababiya Abajobir in Jimma .. These men have 001:o·t only started new programs this year, but have to be responsible for­ able administratio11 as well. 1v1uch missed will be Ababiya Abajobir who is going abroad for special study. 1-Ie did a remarkable job in J'imma and has shown tl1e great intellectual and professional potential of provincial extension courses. Special mention sbo·uld · be made of two staff men1be1·s whose contributions dur­ ing the year were particularly nota.ble: Mrs. George Krzeczu11owicz, who took over as Admi11istrative Assistant a11d Regist1·ar, ably pe·rformi11g difficult and often frust­ rating jobs; and Mrs. 1·oseph. G·ru11feld, a11 experie11ced lawyer, who was of invalu­ able help in preparatio11 of the Co11solidation of Ethiopia11 Laws. Eight members of tl1e ft1ll-ti1ne teaching staff completed tl1eir work with us at the e11d of the year a11d retur11ed home; four will co11tinue teaching law: Peter Sa11d at McGill University, Stanley Fisher and Paul 1v1cCartl1y at Boston ·university and La\\1rence K11owles at the University of Louisville. Peter Strauss will be on the staff of the Solicitor Ge11eral of tl1e U11ited States; Jea11 - Denis Gagno11 will be in 1'Iontrea.l private practice; No1·111a11 Si11ger in advanced graduate work at Harvard University; and Fra11k Horowitz will be con1pleting his law studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. In addition Alan Butler, our librarian, left to become head librarian at Chung Chi College, 1Iong Ko11g. Foreign Funding. Establishing a ne\v law faculty of high quality is a tremend­ ously expensi\'e endeavor. Fi11ancia.l help from f. oreign governments and foundations has greatly assisted Haile Sellassie I U11iversity in being able to create the kind of high level Law Faculty that it now bas. The largest single donor has been the Ford Foundation, a benefactor that has just made another large grant to the Law Faculty s11pplementing tl1e Foundation's n1ajor grant of several years ago. The new allocation of funds is to be spent du1·ing the academic years 1968-69 and 1969-70. For 011r foreign assistance, we are most grateful. Library and Documentation. Library holdings con.tint1e to grow. Including books on order, tl1e L.a\\1 Faculty collection consists of about 15,000 volu·mes and, in addition, we ct1rre11tly a1·e receiving 300 periodicals. In order to hot1se new acquisi­ tions expected during tl1e next t\vo years, library space is being expanded by en­ closure of the portico area 011 the west side of the main law building. A major supplen1e11t to tl1e library's l1oldings will be the great collection of microfiched com, parati,;e African legal materials, both legislation and articles, now being assembled · by the Law Faculty's Center for African Legal Development, largely financed by the Belgian Government, and llnder the able directorship of Dr. Jacques Vanderlin­ den. Toward tl1e close of the year, the first microfiche duplications were n1ade and delivered to the Law Faculty, starting , will be a regi.1lar flow of such document­ ation. The Center bas bee·n concentrating on the collection of materials from 1946 to date; b11t v1ith additional ft1nds just obtained, it will soon expand its acquisitions to include n1ate1·ials back to 1900. An exte11sive bibliography of boo.ks, articles and other documentation on African law is also beu1g prepared by the Center, and tl1e first installrnent of this bibliography was published a few montl1s ago. Law I-louse. During the first sen1ester, construction began on Law House, our student residence hall and meeting center made possible by generous contributions of hundred of individ11als a11d organizations. The start of building \Vas delayed some what a11d costs juc1·eased by a last min11te relocation of our structure required . determination to run a large sev,er line throt1gh our original site. Law House � . ?Y IS situated on the main University ca1npus several hundred metres from our class­ room buildi11gs. Completion is sched.uled for shortly after school reopens this next •



sen1ester. The Law Faculty is deepl y appreciative of the rna11y gifts from u r tl1at are e11abli11g tl1is mucl1-needed strt1cture to be built. It is the fi s; u _frie nds building ii1 Ethiopia to be financed by public s11bscriptio11. We pl :n thll lVer sity ' · · at Law or 011r ence s u f t d t b "d e11 a res1 s, e b only 11t not use will o also H a11 impo tant cen te r f or pr ofessio11al gathe rings of Ethiopian lawyers, j11dges and la\v students� · s of modern Needs and Problen1s. One of the educati onal success storie AJr·ica has been this Law Faculty. I 11 onIY fi_ve years, a Iaw_ school 11as been est bl' that is as good as any on the cont1ne11t. But as v,11th every institution t�e ished : needs and problen1s that must be frankly recogi1ized and w�rrie. Law has Faculty · d own. our ld · O s�tlS S - factio · accomplishn over · n with 1f we are to progress or even h �f the p a �t a?d co1np!ac�11ce t o\v�rd _threats o . t 1e t.1:1tu1·e ca11 o n. ly 1nean deteri1ents ora1ocr1 y d1f!ic h� .. ·1es u1r me� to in t f ! l e . dr t �b 111ev1 w e face m.t1st be recogr tion and : J lized �1v 1e e ers d out t 1011 1ty s1 . d r1en s s _ and our a�u111n1 and f . 1 1 d be n1ade aware of them f or educat1onal progress 1n modern Etl11op1a reqt11res 11nderstandi11g and help from' 1 many sources. This is especially true of a professional school. In my view, an1011g the n1ore important problems a11d needs of the La\:v Faculty are tl1ese: I. Transition !o a pre?omi11a11tl� �thi�pian full-ti_t11e teachi11g staff. To develop such a staff of b1gl1 quality and v1tal1t y 1s our maJor l)roblem i11 tl1e in1mediate t�uture. I am confide11t tl1at Etl1iopians of l1igl1 i11tellect ual pote11tii:1l ca11 be attracted to our teaching stafl:�. Bt1t co11verting begi11ners of proo1ise into top flight teachers and scholars is more diffict1lt. Ot1r ne\v Ethiopia11 teachers sl1011ld be give11 assistanc e and encouragement: adequate salaries and ranlz, opportu11ities for foreign study \vhen needed, prompt pron1otio11 wl1en earned, teaching loads light enot1gh to make \Vriting and researcl1 possible, and a.ssurance of pt1blication for \Vriting th at me rits it. Ulti­ mately, however, much will depe11d on tl1e degree of con1111itn1e11t of tl1e Ethiopian teachers themsel ves. It is they who must perform. Others can only provide opportunities. 2. More degree students. Ethi opia, t o a greater exte11t than any othe r major country in Africa, desperately needs more \vell-trained lawyers and judges. O ur sub­ degree programs are a belpft1 l stop-gap panacea but not a solution. There must_ be a gre,iter output of well-q.ualified LL.B. graduates. I-Iowever, our La,v Faculty is not doing enough to fill this need because we do not have a sufficient nu mber of degree students. Yet we n ow are eg11ipped t o handle at least double o ur present LL.B. enrollment without impairi11g the quality of 011r educatio11. More stude�ts ' of ability �ant . t o enter the �a� Faculty tl1an we_ are . peri:nitte_d to_ take ��e :� Je c present Uruvers1ty quota restr1ct1ons. Improv�n1ent 1n th1_s .· s1tt1at1�n 1�. deih on· . e ng i reflect on such factors as manpo,ver - allocat1on studies more real1st1c ally f stud · O uot q y t tribution of and need for law-trained. personnel ; a higl1er U11iversi �t enroll· ents f or the Law Faculty; and in the long run, a 1nt1ch larger Univ ers Y aculties 1 er f otl a11d we ment, thus providing a greater pool of stude11ts from which may draw. It)' a cu f o . ur ros . robl p n . More o p1� research . � 3 and writing on high priorit y Etbi co�e or f has d one a good job in preparing course teaching n1a.ter1als, partic ul�1 y to basic · · ·1ncreased at tio n w · ·on we shou1d ten ' courses. In my op1n1 a I o now start g1v111g e f ol e �esearch on_ the legal problems of Ethiopia, with special stress on th � ring inter· , i re ne _ o 1n. accelerating development. This i s a difficult assignment and q d at i on of · er · 1·1nary s1 ·. c on re n1 mo d1sc1p co . competence and cooperation. It also should enta11 with s, ns comparative law of developing countries-of the ways that other natio hard o ne para1?le problems have used law as a devel opment tool. The tasks are but if. done well, the pay-off for Ethiopia should be great.


20 -


4. Curricular impr,ovement. We have a fairly broad and satis.factory .LL.B. ' currriculum, bu.t I think it can be in1proved. It is 11nduly heavy on private law subjects and does not concentrate enough on cr11cial Ethiopian problems. A serious difficulty is lack of available data on the effects of existing laws and tl1e probable implicatio11s of recommend ations to improve these laws. The1·e js reJati\ ely little ' acct11·ate and syste1natic ,vriti11g about tl1e way Ethiopian soci ety operates that can "' be used to evaluate the need s of the legal ord er·. 1 ht1s c11r1·ic·u]ar in1provement is depe11de11t i11 pa1·t on n101·e resea1·cb. and writi11g of the. ki1Jd rneptioned . i11 tl1e paragrapl1 jt1st above, researcl1 a11 d writi11g by botl1 legal scl1olars a11d social scie11tists. At the certificate a11d d .iplon1a levels, special curricL1lar difficL1lties exist becat1se we • 11eed to think tl11·ot1gh n1ore carefttlly wl1at we are tryi11g to accomplish with these progran1s ancl the11 \\1l1at courses a11d course coverage ca·n best a.chjeve 011r object­ ives. 111 particular, re11ewed attentio11 sholtld be given to what distir1ctions there should be between. certificate and di1)lon1a offeri11gs a11d the kir1cls of students e,tch sbolud attract. The de111a·nd for st1b-degi·ee extensio11 Ia.\v stt1.dy j11 Ethiopia is tre­ rnendot1 s, and we have a fu11ctio11ing syste111 al1nost ·uniqtre i11 the ,:vorld. We must make sure tl1at \\'e are getting the best possible r est1 lts from these efforts. 1

5. A11 active and meani11gful alun1ni associatio11. No\V that the ne\V Association bas bee11 forme d , it 11eed s to be useful, for a 111ere paper organization is of n. o val11e. \\1e ha,,e hopes tl1at it will begi 11 to asstime some of tl1e fu11ctio11s of a bar association or Ia,v society, foct1sing atte11tion on professional p1·oble 1us, deve­ lo_ping standard s of co11duct for be11c]1 a11d bar a11d creating a. se11se of professional identity 011 tl1e p,1rt of tl1ose ,vl10 are lavv trai11 ed . Regular and frequent meetings are esse11tial. Co11ceivably tl1e Association cot1ld work coope1·atively \V.itl1 the Faculty · s jn pre_paring a11d distributing to la,vyers a serie s of sl1ort n1ant1als and monograph on Ethiopian la\v. Tbrot1 gh grot1p meetu1gs a11 d ind ividual advisory sessions, th e Associatio11 n1.igl1t also be of help in easing the transition of our students. from acaden1ic life to tl1e realities of the professional vvorld . 6. A satisfactory physical pla11t. We no\V occupy a set of b11ildi11gs that are shoddy, poorly n1aintained and ill-st1ited to a \Vell-f1 1 11ctio11ing la\v school. For tl1e next few years we can get by with what we have, bl1 t plans sho11ld soon be made for a ne\v buildi11g that will comfortably l101 1 se l1nder one roof all classrooms and offices, as well as a lib1·ary attractive for stt1dy and large e11ot1gh to accom­ modate a11ticipated gro\vtl1 in. bolcli11gs. We are cro\vded now, but conditions wi]l becom e mt1cl1 worse as e11rollment gro\VS a11d tl1e library expands. Crl1cial to any new ]a\v school st1·uctt1re is i11clt1sion of the full law library in that structure, and thjs library sl1oulcl be controlled by the Law Fact1lty. 7. Fr11itful ties witl1 tbe 011tsi de worlcl. I see so111e danger tl1at over the 11ext decade tl1e Law Fact1lty m.ay be co111e t1nd uly 11arrow in its professio11al concer:ns and i11cre�1singly isol,ttecl fro1n intellectt1al and ed11cational d evelopme11ts outsi de Etl1iopia. Tl1is is a big cou11try a11cl such is the tende11cy of professional scl1ools in big countries as they become locally staffecl. Tl1e Fac11lty should concentrate heavily on Ethiopian i11stitt1tio11s and prolJle1ns, bl1t if it beco111es too inner-directed and parocl1ial tJ1e education it offers will s11:ffer. A proJ)er bala11ce sl1ot1ld be maintain.ed , and the Ethiopian staff should retain f amiJiarity \ivitl1 relevant laws, legal litera.t1 1 re and legal JJerso11alities abroacl-particu]arly tl1ose in otl1er At1·ica11 countries. Tl1is will enrich our teacl1ers' k11ow]edge ,tnd broade11 their frame o. f reference for more ·. creatively a11alyzing tl1e Ethiopian legal It will also 1nake tl1 em i .ntellectually and pedagogically 1nore alert an d eJ{citing, a11d ena.ble Ethiopia to contribute its . · fair share to scholarship. 21

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REPORTS Tl1e fallowing are ni11e cases decided by tl1e Supreme Imperial an.d lfhe Nigh Cot11·ts of Ethiopia. The Amharic j·udgment is official and always precedes t%te English. It is impo1·tant to note that in those cases heard before mixed benches t both Ethiopian and foreign of j 1dges, two separate opinio11s are written, one in Amharic and one in Englisl1. These opinions not tra11slations of one another, but are independent judg.ments based ll_pon comn1on agreement among the judges as the to p1·inciples a11d final ot1tcome of the case.

The Journal of Ethiopian Law is a scholary publication, addressing itself to all membe1·s of the p1·ofessio11. Its pl1rpose in publishing judgments is to make known to the profession interesti11g decisions wl1ich in tl1e opinion of the Board and Editors raise important issl1es of law. In selecting a pa1·tict1la1· jt1dgment for publication, the Board and Editors do not wish to co11vey the i1npression tl1at tl1e judgment is definitive on any pro1Josition for which it may stand altl1011gl1 the quality of the decision is al\vays an im_portant consideration in determining \Vl1et·her it should be included in the Jot1rnaJ. When in the opinion of a Board Me.tuber or an Eclitor, a judgment is of interest and raises an in1portant issue of law but there is reason to believe that aspects of the decision are contestable or tl1at the result reached by the court is not clearly the only s11ppo1·ta·b1e conclusion, a note on the case is often included. The absence of such a note is not however to be interpreted as indicating complete finality on the issues raised in the case, as it is expected that members of tl1e profession on all levels may hold differing opinions on the n1erits of any judgment published herein. Tl1e Members of the Board and The Editors.










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- 25 -

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- 26-



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'll\9° :}f.ll = OIJCf9° : 'l!Af9° : fi«dt:{fC : '1_,f- : ouh«tf

-27 -



T R u · o c IAL R E IMP SUPREME Div. No. 2 Justices:


Bal. Haile Mariarn Dr. W. Buhagiar

Ato M ek11 ria






Private friternational Law - Juriscliction - Do1nicile - 1Vationalit_v - Residence. on appeal from a decision of the Hi�l1 Co t1rt \-Vhi�h l1�ld that it l1_ad no juri�dict�on to _ entertain the petition of the appellant who 1s seeking a d1ssolut1011 of 1narr1age fron1 his wife on tbe grou.nd of desertion.

Held: Decision affirmed. J • Where a. suit is bet,veen t,vo foreig11 11atioi1als involving tl1eir· personal status, the fact of residence of one or both of then1 in Etl1iopia is not sufficiei1t t o give jurisdiction to an Ethiopian Court. 2. A party to use the Ethiopian process for the deterrnioation of n1atters relating to the dissolution of n1arriage must establisl1 that l1e is a national or a t least a domiciliary of Etbio111a. 3. The contrary provisions of the lavv of any otl1er cot111h·y, which requires n1erely the simple fact of residence, has no extra - territoria.l effects and is tl1erefore not binding in Ethiopia.

Tl1is is a11 appeal from a decisio11 of th e Higl1 Col1rt wl1icll held tl1at it l1ad n o ju ris?iction to e11!ertai n th e p etition of tl1e app ellant vvllo is seeking a dissolt1ti_on of n1 ,L rr1 age from l11s wife, the respo n de11t, on the groL1nd. of desertio 1 1. The I-I1gh C:0urt I1eld tl1at as there was no codified la \V on private i 1 1te r11atio11al lavv i11 Etluo­ pia, the Qltestion of jurisdictio11 had to be decided by l1avi11g recourse to tl1e s_ysteni most coinll?on °_n tl1e _European conti11e11t, tl1at is, tl1at there is jl1risdic tio11 1_f tile d�feu<lan_t 18 resident 1n th e country where t h e cour t is sitti11g, or, if tl1e s111� �or ? 1vorce is based on abandonme11t o r desertio11, if tl1e defe11dant l1ad be en re5 iding in the c�u� try of t he cour t a11d f'ro 1n tl1at cou er. oth tl1 rted e 11try 011e spo11se dese . be presiding Jttdge of tl1e Hig h Court was Je_ opi 11io11 tl1at tl1e stiit s I,oul d also of s lick o� t on the groun d tha t t her a rt cou 1 for eig1 e was alreacly pe11di 1 10- i11 a. �llI t v r a d.1ssolutio n of n 1arriage i11stituted by tl1e respot1d;nt. Se,,eral sLibmissioos e � ee .n �� � Illade 0� th is poi11t by th e appella11t i 11 l1is 111 e111orancl1 1111 o f aJJpe alt b ,a0t� re;s�1s �hich shall appear late r (apa r t fron1 the fact tl1at tl1is \Vas no the ssac.e c.e11 d 11ec o f the e i1ot major ity j11dgment of the l·Iigl1 Court) it is z fi. � z y r for 11s ourt to deal \Vith this question. The appellant the h b e . nc . de i · s here for over a ' year· us a_nd, is now residing i n Ethiopia and .l1as. b�d reAi_ rlines · posses � he ts employed on a contract by tl1e Etb101J1an Inc.·' he is· 10 f o · y istr sion of a resident's identi ty card issued by the 1'1in

- 28 -





the Interior. He claims that his wife, the respondent, has deserted him anti on: ·this ground he is seeking a dissolution of marriage. The appellant's ground of: appeal is that under the law of Alabama, which both parties have accepted as a. pplicable to them, residence in the State (of Alabama) for at least one year, of the plaintiff is sufficient to establish jurisdiction when divorce is sought on the ground of ,,oluntary abandonment. As the fligh Court rightly poi11ted out there is no codified law at present in Ethiopia with regard to 1·ules of private i11ternational law nor with regard to the jur.isdiction of tl1e Courts in 111atters where, as in the present case, the personal statt1s of fo1·eign natio11als may be affected a11d a confict of laws may, therefore, arise. In default ot· an express provision of law on the subject it is necessary to turn to gene1·al principles of jl1risprude11ce accepted in other countries. There are three possible solutio11s to tl1e prolJle111, b11t tl1ere is no unifo.rmity in foreign systems of legislation in accepti11g one solution in preference to the other. The three possible solutions are nationality, domicile and residence. In some countries the only courts which are l1eld to have jurisdiction to dissolve a marriage are the courts of the cot1ntry to whose nation,1lity the parties belong; in others it is the courts of the country ,vhere tl1e parties are domiciled; in. otl1ers residence of the parties or of one of tl1em is sufficient to give jurisdiction to the courts of the country \-Vhere the parties or one of then1 are or is residing. It may also be stated here tl1at the princjple of residence for the purpose of giving jurisdictio11 to a court in ma.tters of divorce is an exceptional one; it is of very recent growth in some countries. It is also hardly necessary to stress the fundan1ental difference bet\-veen don1ici1e ancl n1ere residence. Residence consists o.f the n1ere fact of a person being for a particular period of time in a particu.Iar place, wl1ile domicile consists of that fact with, in addition the animi,s manendi or the animits non revertendi, that is the intention to stay in a particular country and make that count1·y his adopted hon1e or the intention of not returning back to his country of origin. It is also generally accepted that while the wife has t.he domicile of her husband, she need not necessarily have the residence of her husband. As pointed out earlier, the appellant alleges tl1at as the law of Alabama lay do111n that residence is sufficient to give jurisdiction to a court to deal with a suit for a dissolution of marriage, the courts of Ethiopia have jurisdiction to deal with the appellant's petition. This argt1ment is not tenable. Any express provision of lav1 as the law of Alabama on which the ap_pellant relies cannot have any extraterritorial effect and cannot be binding on the Empire of Ethiopia. Such a provision is not a, provision dealing with the personal status of the citizens of Alabama but is merely a provision giving the courts of Alabama jurisdiction to deal with certain matters in certain cases and is a provision of which any person, whatever his nationality or domicile, may take advantage while he is resident in Alaban1a. Such a provision cannot have the effect, and was not intended to have the effect, of giving jurisdiction to a11y court outside Alabama to take cognizance of matters of divorce whenever a citizen of Alabama happens to be in a foreign country. In the opir1ion of this Court, the principle of simple residence of the plaintiff �ho·uld not be accepted, in default of an express provision of law, as gr� nting Jurisdictior1 to the courts of Ethiopia to take cognjzance of matters of divorce between fo1·eign nationals. In our view, at least domicile in Ethiopia should be


eeoz_ ....--....--


established before the courts of Ethiopi� can take cognizance of a suit fo r a 1s nt not appella led the domici and e, in marriag dissolution. of Ethiopia. For the above · reasons we confirm the judgment of the I-Iigh Court ai1d di st . nden $100 respo of the to Costs al. appe the miss Genbot, 27, 19SO










- 30 -

/ll�"_e : f1'1--LP : 'l�FT II 'i:C..(' : n,:,. ! h1-f..� : lctr,:,. s

J hL1'1·P' : �llJm- : f,; •n1«f? 1

f.n+c = <f!AY9'° = n·t1t>1:.rc ;:

Jct,,,-. = :J--f.fl = ,1··nt\ 11 :,

n,,f : h(l(l : OJA'f. : ?tf::Pli' : fl,tr,:f 11 o.,e,'?fl� : htii'll- j

Jct..f. . : i\.'J'?� : ro/,\f.. : K�-- :,,li' : lbfr>"f • Of,'?fl� : +htiii·'f I

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hi n�:,.m -Oth.c = mctJ P--TC ji,1:ifI� , tTDIPl.T � 1c; • om.e,m-1: = 'lt\ar , om- , 0>-ch , ltf., : l\ : rf•,)ti,. : '11\:far : m·1<r":f· : Oh·A : fUCJ..Y..l.1-- : lD-/l 1·'i I OJ�;:J--?'':f I U·it· • J.&--ii':f 1 'i":fm- :-:


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- 32 -




Justices: Afenegus Ketaw Yitateku Dr.



Ato Taddese Tekle Giorgis ABEBE WOLDE TSADIK et AL. v. INGIDA WOLDE TSADIK et AL. Civil




Sz,ccessions - Prol1ibition of pacts on future s11ccessions - Partitions made by donations - Civil Code Arts. 1114, 1117.

On appeal from the decision of the High Court, holding that agreements made by the res­ pondents on prospective inheritance of the property of their father who was alive. are of no effect. Held:

Affirmed with one modification.

l . Agreement among prospective heirs relating to the succession of their father who is alive is invalid by virtue of Art. 1114 Civ. C. 2. The agreement relating to the property of the mother of the respondents made together with the agreement relating to the property of their father is valid since she was deceased at the time of tl1e agreement. 3. This case is not one of partition under Art. 1117 Civ. C., because it does not appear that it was executed by tl1e father.

Having examined the Juclgment rendered by the High Court in File No. 319/54 on the dispute over inheritance between these two parties, and having scrutinized and heard the written and oral evidence respectively submitted by both parties before this court, ,,1-1e give the follo\vi1Jg decision: The appellants, the six sons of Kegnazmach Wolde-Tsadik by Woizero Hawa, and the repondents, the tl1ree children by another woman, having unanimously reach.ed a compromise tlrrough the n1edium of elders on Hidar 21, 1951, divided an1ong them­ selves the p1·operty of Kegnazmach ,1volde-Tsad.ik and that which the mothe·r of the six appellants was entitlecl to receive as a share from her husband, Kegnazmacb Wolde-Tsadik.

The deatl1 of Woizero flawa, tl1e 1nother of the six appellants, had occurred hefore that of her ht1sband, Kegnazmach Wolde-Tsadik. The tl1ree responclents have conte11ded that tl1e compron1ise reached in the High Court was untenable on tb.e ground that it was made while their father was alive. On Hidar 21, 1955, the f-Iigl1 Cot1rt, citing Article 1114 of the Civil Code, e­ cons decjd and , dden forbi ed e is itanc inher ve pecti that pros on e n1ad an e11t m e. agre _. quently unte11able.





e nt. In principle we agre e judgm this n st . agai . with th e appe al is 1odged The . . on of the High Court. decxsi full take co11 t rol of tl1eir to children of t par the fath • . , er s It is in1proper on . t permi 11 no� h w1 s�c a co11� prac�1ce to t a e. A aliv still is e h . e . w�l . ke property to 1s e forbid Cod tl1e C1v1l the makin of 114 g l t'cle 1 r of such A · O f aim · root· The · · ' ·1 1 . 1m1 I'd s l ar 1nva · 1t y, 11der an e r agree to e mad men t mad e a11 agree11:ent , an. d ' if n trol of l1is pros1J ective i11herita nce that a co ; full b s tak he b y e er . . hs . by an he1r, \V I en t·ireI y, 1s 111 va I'd or y rt pa t 1 s 1 • ce un no re or , m hi on up d ve ol not "dev e �t infrin ges upon t?e right sinc act an sucl1 den forbid has of the law The Reachi n g an agr ee1n ent 1n violati rules. moral o t repugna11t ·s 1 d on of an c. ther 1a · · · • h the dec1�10 · 11 f o ee w1� agr .. th e High Court inwe gh Thou ssible impo is law the . .., ach on n K e childre tl1e gna.(.,m . by Wolde- Tsadik 's validatiilg the agreemen t made property \Vllile he was alive, we l1ave 11ot co11� e u�on ��y �round for repudiatiiig the agreen1ent with respect to the property wh1cl1. th e wife o7 Kegnaz n1ach WoldeTsadik, the mother of the appellants, ,vould b e e11t1tled to receive frorn her husba nd as l1er sl1are. As for Kegnazmach Wolde-Tsadik's inl1eritance, as already stated, \Ve are of the opinio11 that the partition of his property while alive should not be a precedent, and it is forbidden by law.

We ca11not say that tl1e partition was do11 e by the fatl1 er \Vl1ile ali,1e i11 accor­ d.ance \Vith Article 1117 of the Civil Code bec, e it cloes not appear to be so; it was executed by the children at will. It l1as been alleged tl1at Kegnazn1ach Wolde-Tsadik gave a verbal conse nt; b11t the partitio11 ,vas 11ot done by l1im. Si11ce l1e did not sign, we car1r1ot say that he exect1ted the allocation. Although we a.gree with the I-Jigl1 Court's decision on tl1is poi11t, the agree1ne11t reacl1ed by the sons of Woizero 1-Jawa a11d the cl1ildre11 of the otl1er woman 011 the alleged sl1are of the deceased sl1ould 11ot be r ejected, since 11othi n g prol1ibits tl1em from dividi11g amo11g tl1en1selves by agreement the sl1are of th e deceased wife of Kegnazmatch Wolde-Tsadik. We are of tl1e opinio11 tl1at i t should be maintai ned. . For all _ these !easons, having affirmed the I-Iigl1 Co11rt's decision made in ac­ cordance �1th Article 1114 of the Civil Code, re pudiati11g the a.greement reach�d by the ch�ldren of Kegnazmach W olde-Tsad.ik as regards dividin g l1is property \Vbtle lie was alive, we amend the High Cot1rt's decision to tl1 e extent that the agree· ment made by the children of Woizero Hawa and the tl1ree cl1ildren of Kegnaz□1ach Wolde-Ts�dik by. the other woma.n on the alleged share of Woizero I-Iawa sliould not b e reJected; 1t must be maintained. The fees of the original court must be born e by both parties, tl1ose of the appellants by _respond.ents; both must pay their respective la\v·yer's fees. Judgment was rendered in the presence of both parties on I-Iidar 23, 1956, E. C.



- 34-

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- 35 -


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- 36 -





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- 37 -

- 38 -





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- 40 -

SUPREME IMPERIAL COUR1' Div. No. 4 Justices: Vice A f. enegus Tebebu Beyene Ato Wolde Hanna Gebre Kida11 Ato Tekola Wolde Kiclan THE ETHIOPIAN ABATTOIRS' ASSOCIATION v. A. BESSE COMPANY Civil




Contracts - Invalidation - Effect of Invalidation - Arts. l, 216, Comm. C., Arts. 2190, 2193(1), 1815, Civ. C. Companies - P1,rchase by a company of its own shares - Art. 332, Comm. C. On appeal from a majority decision of the High Court rejecting the appellant company's request that the court invalidate the contract whereby the respondent company sold its rights over shares of the appellant company to the chairman of the appellant company.

Held: Decision reversed. 1 . The granting of \vide powers to the director of a company under the memorandum of association does not amount to an authorization by a meeting of the shareholders to make cont­ racts under Art. 332 of the Commercial Code. 2. A contract made without an authorization by a meeting of the shareholders under Art. 332 of the ConID1ercial Code must be ratified or repudiated in a meeting of the shareholders, in accordance with Art. 2190, Civ. C.; where the contract is repudiated by a meetin.g of the share­ holders, then the contract must be invalidated.

After the Ethiopian Abattoirs' Association, the appellant, was established, A Besse Company, the respondent, loaned to Hadji Rahmato Muktar a sum of $196,600 to be repaid in a period of 25 years. In the contract of loan, the borrower entered into an obligation that the money would be used to buy shares in the Ethiopian Abattoirs' Association and that the borrower 'Nould not donate or transfer the ownership of the shares to a third party without the written conse11t of the lender. Since the loan is interest-free, the lender receives the profit derived from the shares from time to time. . Plaintiff's first IJiece of evidence: The loan was later reduced to $136, 600. Since no profit was derived from tl1e shares, in 1950 E.C., the lender and the borrower agreed that tl1e shares sho11ld be sold to Ethiopians at a price ei�her lower or thar1 the 01·iginal buying price and that the sum thus obtained should be give11 to tJ1e lender. . Plaintiff's second piece of evidence: In 1965 the respondent company so! d its nght over tl1e sun1 of· $136,600 referred to above for $150,000 to the chauman of the appellant compa11y. The directors of the appellant company repeatedly ex-

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-----. . L o 1 V W O N A V L N IA P IO TH E F O L JOURNA

on tl1e grol111d that tli e s um pany com nt 11de . . o bJ.ection respo the t0 0f ir e h t d e ss e al. ut c illeg as tl1e pr respondent omB e tlie sale \.V k sinc . bac d $150,00? should be p e ctors. ir d e th f o t s e u q e r e :� . pany did not accep t t e11 nd spo the _re ce mp co Sin ce: y e11 an vid e f o reje e c pie cte . h d t r fou . 's ff · tl n i . la P of tl1e nt 1g ella et11 app me l era p n com ge the a11y rs cto dire w ' a s e th · f o · st e u . q re the · , th e c11a1rn1a�1 · a11 d d1rec · tor . s expressed ting mee eral n ge the At · . held c o�veo�d and e Pric of rt t1se was read repo erho Wat the and ing meet eral en ·g e th their VJ ews t o c ontr act o f s aJ e an d pass e d a resoIt1ti·on th' · the ed diat repu g n ti· e at , me T he general 1. t y e . sur o ret urn to th rea t o f· tl1e associaent nd o p res the pel oin c ally leg ard o the B . se ha rc pu 1e tl r fo ed us 00 ,0 50 $1 o f tion, the sum 1idence: As tl1e �-espondent con1pany \\'as unwilli , e f o e ec pi th en elev ng s ' f ntif Plai had ed ing pass meet ral a. resolutio11, the gene he t after e y mon e th burse reim to t Cour for I-Iigl1 the the in�alida tion of in s�1it a filed lant appel e th of e cat o adv the contract. Tl1e respondent subm1tted a statement o f defense allegi11g that the contract s11ould not be invalidated. After both n1ade a lengthy argu111ent, tl1e I-Iigh Court iii a n1ajority opinion gave a jt1dgn1ent tl1at the contract 1n,1y no t be in­ validated since it was legal, and that the plaintiff must pay the cotirt fee for the sun1 of $150, 000.




But the dissenting judge expressed his opinion tl1at the co11trac t made between tl1e chairn1an of the a.ppellan t compan y and the defenda11t company must be in­ validated sin ce it was inconsistent witl1 Art. 332 of the Com111ercial Code of Eth_io-


Tl1e advo cate of the appellant con1pa11y l1as lodged this appeal for tl1e reversal of tl1e majority opin ion of t he Higl1 Court. Tl1e facts of tl1e petition are briefly as follows:

Tl1e board of directors of the c ompa11y gra11ted full po,ver to Balambaras A�hebir as �ha\rman. It is clear t hat the c l1air1nan executes bis dL1ty in accorda11ce with the obJect1,1es of the company an d tl1e Com111ercial Code.

He bought for $15 0,�00 in the na1ne of tl1e co1npany tl1e rigl1t clai1ned by the res�o11de 11t com . pany against the he irs of At o Ral1mato :rvr tiktar, the estimate of whJch was $136,000. Tl1o ugh it was l1is ob ligation t o co11st1lt tl1e me111bers of the conl pa□y or the sharehoders in the gen l1ad been era l co n1e ntr eti act ng be the for e completed, he did not do so an d there fo r e wa s no t officially authorize d to act. It ,vas only after tl1e c ontract had the be en to sig pa icl ne d an be d e11 th m l1a e on d ev J ' respondent that the dI�ec • . ·tors and sl1arel1olders .k11ew of tl1e cbair1nan's actio 1. Wh en 1 they learnt of the action, the y immediately objected. !�e feneral mee ting of the sl1areh.olders the l1at t n o res olt 1ti the pa n sse a d resp en mtist pay back the sur.u of $ 150,000 whi ch w as 11nduly paid. · The majority opinion · 1an . airn was 1 c mos 1 t ly the based that on tl1e assun1ption of the com n h s b eei1 granted morandum �; :Sso: _ full power u11der Arts. 29 and 30 of the n�e­ ia t _ does n ot enable h 1 I�n of the company. But the scope of power granted to bJOl buy the shares of a com1J a s share pledge . Under Art � s t� receive to any or do this is not vai 32 of �I1e Commercia l Code it is stat ed tha t tl1e po ,vei ­ i d unless e ar t s has e holde rs. The j udgm th been I _of authoriz ht n1eeting ed the b y ent has c on.firmed the fact that the company acqt1ir ed the rig f of ownership of the 1oan 0 aud !hat it received l the contract sign res ut the shares in pledge as a ed bY the chai rman. •


- 42 -





Since Art. 332 of �he Commercial Code . applies only to the relationship, bet­ ween a company and . 1ts _ shar �holders, and not to third parties, the court held that (4) of Art. 332 1s 1nappl1cable to this case. The purpose of the law is to protect the rights of share�olders �nd creditors. T �e decision with respect to the payment_ of the co11rt fe � 1s also 1n �orrect. According to the opinion of the dis­ senting Judge, the sum given to HadJ1 Ral1mato under the disguise of a loan was not actually a loan. It \Vas a purchase of shares executed under the disguise of loan which created a pledge if there was actually no purchase. It is only if the provisions of Art. 332 of the Commercial Code were satisfied that the t.ransfer of a rigl1t \vou1d be binding on the company. Tl1erefore, the minority opinion should be affirmed and the 111ajority opi11ion should be reversed. Counsel for the respo11de11t co1npany in his response petitioned for the dis­ missal of the appeal on tl1e ground that the minority opinion of the High Court is erroneous a11d that the majority opi11ion sho·uld be affirmed since it was proper. The facts as co11tained in the argument of the petition of the respondent are as follows: The majorit.)' opinion \Vitl1 respect to the paymen.t of the court fee was correct beca11se when he filed the st1it with tl1e l-ligl1 Court the appellant in his statement of claim asked for the repayment of tl1e money in addition to his petition for the cancellation of tl1e contract. Thus, it is clear that since in his statement of claim he asked for the repayn1e11t of $150,000, the decision ordering him to pay the court fee fixed for tl1at sum \Vas correct. When Ha.dji Rah1nato asked for a loan, the respondent company gave it to him. The minority opinion gave a differe11t interpretation without anything to s11pport it; hovvever, there is nothing obscure or illegal about the loa.n. There is no law that forbids a person from borrowing a sum sufficient to buy shares. If the view of the appella11t is correct, it wo11ld lead to various interpretations of Art. 332 of the Comn1ercial Code with regard to pledged shares. \\lhen the respo11dent compa11y sold its claim to the loan to the appellant company, it was not a shareholder; it was a third party. Balambaras Ashebir was tl1e chairman of the company, who was granted wide po\vers under the articles of association. The co11tract of sale between them was not a contract to sell the shares of I-Iadji Rahmato. It was only to sell the claim to the loan against Hadji Rahmato. And such a co11tract, besides its not being rendered void by the law, is permitted under Arts. 29, 30, 31 and 44 of tl1e memorandum of association. Moreover, sir1ce tl1e respondent company acted in good faith and did not try to defraud the chairma11 of the appellant company or anyone else, this may be an adequate defense. As for the contentio11 based on the legal provisions Art. 332 of the Commer­ cial Code, it is inapplicable in this case. This article discusses the acquisition of one's own shares throt1gh purchase. B11t the appellant con1pany not purchase its own shares. The s,tn1e article discusses the relationship between a compan.y and its shareholders. The respondent compan.y, however, is not a shareholder in the appel­ lant company. Sub Art. (4) of the same article lays down the requirements to be fulfilled wb.en a sharel1older in a company borrows a sum from it and seeks. to pledge his sl1ares. In this case the l1eirs of I-Iadji Ra.hmato did not receive a · loan and did not pledge tl1eir shares. Even if St1b Art. (4) is considered rele� ant, it must be applied in accordance with Arts. 363 and 416, and therefore the nght of a third party in good faith is reserved.


L. V - No. 1 O V W A L N IA P IO H T E JOURNAL OF 011 Art. 363 of the Commer nt argume lengthy a •tten c· 1 ri a nde o sp re d !o it in the Hj�� ��; : ; the appellant_ had repeatedly refere The � h o r g e th n o g n111 cer Ll1e contr act which Con s. Code ent um arg r i the red e nsid o c LI f u · c_ a re ave h We t. r u ch whi and Co ✓ as alleged to be ' \. ence evid of ff' � e piec s ti n a i a o in Pl t erred e f r · s · · dge s t aLe Jll wa • d b t . nt1ng 1at d1sse the the nt, cont nde respo ra the b n , o a l f o contract _ Y related to the contract of loan. According to bis opini ct on ot n was o nt i 1· entered o , s · l · f 11 t11e ner s ow h ares up on the b e t p fer con o t s wa an o l the th e purpose Of n that reaso a for \Vas not disclosed to ato Rahm h Hadji rough t y defendant compan the court. d n fi no profit \\/�atsoever which we n, loa of ac! ntr o c e h t f o n o ti ina On exam loa11.. �be loan 1s used f�r the h� t _ m fro es r�v ?e r, we o r bor the to, ma Hadji Rah _1on. AncJ �h� loan 1_s [or A ss 1at o� � o1r a�t b A 1a� 1op Eth e h t f o re sha the purchas e of a A n b tt a hi e 1_ t E o t h op b 1r h s Associat ion 1c w 10 te da e th om fr s r a ye 25 f o n a duratio ?er ived fro m the share was fit pro the of tion frac a n eve t No d. ishe tabl was es It 1s also er. ed ress lend exp the that H adji to t wen all er; row bor the for rved res e ate or don not may transfer the shares. es, shar the of r wne o al min o n the o, mat Rah If the association goes bankrupt, the lender l1as no claim whatsoever against the property of the borrower except ove r the shares. T�e �orrower is not responsi­ bl e. Thus , it is clear that the respondent company 1nd1rectly bo11ght the shares through the instrumentality of Hadji Rahmato, since the latter was an employee of the respondent company. As for the o pinion of the disse11ting judge that the o,l/ner­ ship of shares was transferred to the defendant company througl1 th e medium of Hadji Rahmato, it is clear from the memorandum of association, that 30% o f the s hares could be bought by Ethiopians and only 4-0% by foreigners. The res ponden t company bought indirectly for fear that i f it bought in its name the prescribed limit of 40% would b e exceeded. When we examine the plaintiff's second piece of evidence, since th e shares bought i n the name of Hadji Rahmato were not profita ble at the time, bo th parties agree that the sum obtained thro ugh the sale of shares to Ethiopians at a lower or higher selling price should be due to the company of Mr. A. Bess e. There fore, Hadji Rah mato confirms that he made a complete transfer to the company of Mr. A. Besse. A. Bess e agreed to receive the p rice when Hadji Ral101ato sold the shar es.

_ ndent coI?pa�y had been the actual lender, why shotild it have . If the respo decided to recei ve any price n stead of receiving the borro,ver fro diff m the ere i nce �hen the value o f the share was re duced ? An d if the share was u11profita ble_ "'.h�t teres! had he �o dema�d th e sale of the sl1are? As it is written in the plai ntifl 5 :rs pi �ce o f ev i denc e, since the the eiv es sha re rec . � wa s its its elf ow it sin an n ce d pro t, i t is clear that the decisio un · \.Va s n to sto ck se ll wa tl1 e s bec m ause ade profi table.

Since the sum was recei s b wa e ve ar d b · s the r espondent company \vhe11 t he d sold the ow rs h' Y p of s ares _ nominal ly owned by Hadji Rahrnato \vas trans fer.:le by the contr:i I� a � si e on sru<l resp that the was only duty Hadji Rahmato for was the s�le 0� i be he. to _ ha r es. ;, They_ sold for $150,000 \vhich was stated_ unprofitable under 1 f o �vidence states th at ; �nti . s second . piece of evidence. Plaintiff's fourth piecfon· h mg what was paid f O �nee . was estimated in the contract at $150,000 by r:� nal relate d expense s A· � he transfer of ownership, plu s the interest and a�ditio of s t was _ stated in !he plaintiff's first and second p iec evidence, �!res, since there i; no interest an d s ince no pr of it is de riv ed from the 5

- 44 -








rea to son give other than that this was an excuse devised suffi cien t no is e ther � the respondent to take th� money of the appella�t. The respondent _has repeatedly raised t11e defense of good faith. But we have come to tl1e con�I1:1s1on that the act of the �espond�nt. did from beginning to end arise 011t of. ba? faith and not out of good f �1th. This 1s because: firstly, it bought the shares 1nd1rectly and not openly and 1n good faith, secondly, it was agreed that the shares sl1ould be sold 011ly to . Etl1iopians instead of to any buyer ·when it knew tl1at tl1e sl1ares were unprofitable; and tl1irdly, it sold the shares which bad no profit and i11terest as tl1ough it l1ad, these for $150,000 which was beyond its price. As for the petition of the responclent that the contract shou1d be valid since the chairm,t11 was gra11ted wicle power tlnder Arts. 29 and 30 of the me1norandum of associ,1tion of the a1Jpellant compa11y, it is only to do tl1ose acts prescribed by law that directors are gr,t11ted wide po\ver under tl1e articles of association. Tl1ey are 11ot granted po,¥er to do acts \VJ1ich are inconsistent with. the Jaw. Even if they are gr,111ted it will not l)e s11pported by the law. It may be difficult for a thu:d p,1rty to knov\' \Vl1etl1er or not the sl1areholders gave an authorization on the basis of Art. 332 of tl1e Commercial Code. Had it been in other cases it wo11ld have been diffic11lt to say that l1e sl1ould have known it.



Si11ce this article refers to the possibility of bu.ying a11d pledging one's own shares and since it affects tl1e i11terest of tl1e sha1·eholders, it would not be difficult for a sharel1older to know whether or 11ot a11 autho1·ization has been granted. And since the responde11t company is, though indirectly, the owner of the shares and since it ,vas able to know tl1at the shares vvere unprofitable, it is impossible to say that it did not know this. In general, the contract entered into by the respondent company and the chair­ man of the appellant company was a contract made without the authorization of the shareholders according to Art. 332 of the Commercial Code. Moreover, \Vhen we exan1ine tl1e Civil Code on tl1e basis of Arts. 1 and 216 of the Commercial Code, since this contract must be ratified or repudiated in a meeting of shareholders in accordance with Art. 2190, a resolution was passed in the meeting of tl1e sl1a1·eholders repudiating the contract; and in such a case there is no 1·eason to justify the validity of the contract. It is impossible to say that the shares 1nust be transferred back to the appellant on the ground that, though the men1ora11dum of associatio11 of the company lin1its to 40% the number of sl1ares that may be bo11ght by foreigners, the sl1ares of the respondent exceeds this limit; 11ot 011ly is the contention not based on tl1is fact, but it has also bee11 stated in the plaintiff's eleventh piece of evidence that the shares of foreigners do not exceed 3%. Therefore, havir1g supported the mi11ority opinion of the High Court and having reversed the majority o_pinion, ,ve have decided the co.ntract which was n1ade between the 1·espo11dent compa11y a11d the chairman of the appellant compa11y an? which was .referred to under tl1e plaintiff's fourth piece of evidence must be invali­ dated; tl1at tl1e respondent must pay back to the appellant company the sum of $150,000 in accordance ""'ith Arts. 2193 (1) and 1815, and that the respondent must on receiving receipt pay the cou1·t fees paid by the app�llant and $500 for expenses incurred since the decision of the IIigh Co11rt ordering the payment of the court fees a11d the fact tl1at tl1e payment was made it1 this case were proper. the h wit e anc ord acc in ed cut exe Let be to t1rt Co it h I-Iig the be d to itte rem . . Megabit 14, 1957 E.C . J·udgment. .

- 45


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-47 -






Vice A.fenegus Tebebu Beyene Ato Woldehana Gebre Kidan


Ato Tekola Wolde Kidan NADJ SAID v. ABDUL MELIK MOHAMMED Civil





Proof in relation to contracts - Disclainiing signature - Disclaiming signature or haruJ»,riting under oath - Verification of signature or ha11dwriti1zg- Civ. C. .4.rts. 2007-1, 2008. On appeal from a decision of the High Court striking ot1t tl1e suit on tl1e ground that the plaintiff may not require an examination of the signature of the defendant after the defendant bas denied the same under oath. Held: Decision reversed.

1. A signature or handwriting denied under oath may be examined by experts by virtue of Art. 2008. Civ. C. . 2. Ordering the verification of a signature or I1andwriting immediately after a party_ �as denied under oath that the same is bis, saves the time of the litigants and that of tl1e exam1rung expert.

. . The appellant has filed a suit in the Higl1 Court alleging that having paid to Nicola La,zaridi.s, the creditor, the amount of $9719.95 as gt1arantor to the respoo<l­ ent, he has been subrogated to the rights of the creditor and hence the respondent should pay him the said a1uount. Since the respondent has not only denied any debt but also alleged tl1at the appellant owes him some money, the appellant J1as introdt1ced so111e docun1ents. The respoo dent, having disdained his alleged sig11ature, J1as for111ally de11ied tlie same under oath on the application of th ap e pella11t. Later, the appellant argued that tl1e sign�1tt 1re be ex�-trnined tl1at pers ons ,vh� h ave seen. the. respondent replied t od int e w b hat neither the it oe;ses s11'o.uld r uced . n or th · e signature be exanune · d si· nce he l1as given his affidavit und er oath anit that the •t b e s ru k out. 1 �u:�d tl t ot i e ck strt1 t C . T? majority of the o 1rt has on the g:��nd th :t cthe 1 i e pl�i ntiff should. not ask t l1at tl1e signature be x� r tY i after the defendant has d o nin i The enied re. under signatu oath . that his it is judg. e dissent ed' saying th at the signature should b e exanuned. s ba 'The respo ndent after . d, vali rep is I ying st ' that again .. _the judgment appealed �aicll that be does not oppose th e examination of his signature .

-48 -




As we examined the matter, Art. 2007-1 of the Civil Code states tl\ ,i111e 111t.ends up set is against who� a _ non-�uthenticated i11st�ument shall, h here :V � . . _ not to recognize 1t as h1s ?�, for �ally d1sda1n his allege� handwr1t111g or signature''. Whether tl1is express denial 1s under oath or not, tl1e signature or the hai1dwriting cannot escape exa1ni11ation l1nde1· Art. 2008. Even, instead of wasting the the of that l1a1Jdwriting and experts by sending the signatlrre litigants the of tinle or tl1 e handwriting to be exa111i 11.ed just beca 11se tl1e party carelessly disclaimed it, the fear of the resu1t of denial under oath \Yo11ld redL1ce n111ch litigatio11, if the band\\'riting or tl1e sig11ature is se11t to be examined 011ly after the party bas dis­ claime d it l1nder oatl1 bavi11g careft1lly examined it. \Ve therefore cl1ange the :n1ajority decision, and rule supporting the n1inority so that tl1e signature be technically exa111ined and proved. Tl1e respondent shall pay tl1e Co11rt fees for tl1e appeal according to receipt. The parties shall bear tl1eir O\Vn costs. So tl1at the l-ligh Court shall get the docu­ ment examined and give jt1dgment in accordance with the result obtained, a copy of this judgn1ent shall be sent to the l-Iigl1 Court. Maskaram 6, 1958 E.C.


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- 50 -










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Div. No. 4

Justices: Vice Afenegus Tebebu Beyene Ato \Voldel1ana Gebre Kiclan Ato Kabteh Yimer Afrasie GEBRE JEMANEH and. JEMANESI-I BELEHU v. TAREKEGN Civil Appeal No. 638/57 Family /a}v - Filiatio11 - Presumption of Paternity - Institution of action to disown - Civil Code Arts, 741, 790. On appeal from the order of the High Cot1rt allowing the respondent to introduce witnesses to prove the fact that the respondent is the child of a deceased despite tl1e fact that the patern­ ity of the respondent is attributed by law to another person, the law·ful husband of the respond­ ent's mother at the time of l1is birth. Held: High C.ourt order reversed. 1 . A child born in a lawful marriage may not institute proceedings to contest the status of the person to whom bis paternity is attributed by law and introduce witnesses to prove the fact that he is the child of anotl1er person with whom bis motl1er bad relations during the marriage.

Appellants opened a probate file No. 12/56 with the High Court requesting . that they be declared as the heirs to the sl1ccession of their brother, the deceased, who died on Nehassie 2, 1955 without leaving any descendants and whose only nearest relatives in the line entitled to the succession were the appellants. The respondent appeared as the son of the deceased through his guardian, a. nd the wife of the deceased appeared as such. Considering the contention of both sides, the High Court ordered respondent to open a separate probate file, and accordingly his gi.1ardian openeti probate file No. 164/56. The pr. esent appellants had denied. the contention of respondent. The guardian applied to the col1rt to produce witnesses to ascertain that res­ p�ndent is the son of the deceased. The appellants objected to the hearing of any witness on such issue, their reason being that the mother of the respondent was married to a man f1·om whom sl1e had many children, and that she could not bring witness to prove tl1at only one of them is the son of the deceased, who was not her husba.nd; accordi11g to the Civil Code her husband the priest should be the father of the respondent. The guardian of the respon.dent stated in reply tl1at the argume�t of �he 3:p­ pel� ants would have been appropriate if the deceased had � o_t recognized h�s child While he was alive. But in this case the deceased recogn1zing and accept1ng the respondent as his child had looked after him and supported mm in every respect.

- 53


his 1er e motl whil was with her 1 eived conc was nt e d n respo a the u th. a t true . I of the wf nde ; respo It .is er 1noth nt the this as of lt sep resu a e t ra as ted b But d 1 an • b . t a b hus om 111s was nt llnc1e ,s hotise responde the and d a b us Aft r from her lawful h e . ed home. deceas � � k11 d's husban Tb :U her owing to rned l l th is v e n that also she � ::; responsibility that the respo tldent h s under i was it and Wa s had accepted his brought up. t o be allowed Court to High submit wit nesses the to applied t en d n o p s e r e h T to ascertain a]l these facts. de Co �l Ci: the n of isio rov is bas s th� on t�ey tlioug ht ued ar� s side h After bot � � it d ssar nece foun to ascerta in wl1eth r, rt Cou h H1g the ons, enti cont their relevant to e the 1uotner of tl1e prese nt reduring the pregnaiicy period tl1e lawful h_usband of anot her man and as the resu lt from eived the child was conc . spondent knew that · ' separated from lier wl1ile she \Vas still pregnant, w he! h_ er t h.e b· aby was born at her brother's house and whether tl1e deceased recogn1z1ng the respondent as his son brought up by maintai11ing him, and therefore ordered that witness es be heard. This appeal was brought on tl1e contention that such order allo\ving to hear witnesses was illegal and tl1at it be reversed; while the respondents insist that the order given by the I-Iigh Court was legal. Tl1is . Court in tbe process of examini11g the argume.nts a11cl evidence on each sid.e asked the respondent wl1ether the lawful l1usband of his n1other l1ad brought an actio11 in a court in connection with the fact that the respondent \Vas not his son, and the respondent answered that sucl1 action ,vas brougl1t ,vith tl1e Addis Ababa Woreda Court, No. 3. Accordingly this court wrote to the \Voreda Court to have the file, to which the court answered that it coul d not find any such file i11 spite of its thorough search. . Accordi�g t? �- 741 of the Civil Code, tl1e father of any cl1ild con_ceived dunng married life 1s the lawful husband of tl1e mo the r at the ti1ne. According to Art. 790, the one who is e11titled to institute an actio11 t dis o\Vll a ch.i l d is the o one to . \-vhoin paternity of the child is attribute . It is clearly express�d d by la\ V that the motlier,. nor_ the man wh the public no o r cla pa im ter th s nit e y, prosecutor ca11 apply to 1nst1tute such action. The efef ct of this pro. vision is that t\-1/0 persons ev en if be tw ch a ild ee bo is n rn ot bouu<l by lawful wedlock bu th d t th e ar rie m d ot he r leg is alr all m ea y dy au er wfu.I_ husbarr<l ?f the m?tl1er kn t w ow e s of th e � e r fa cl1 cts oic of e th tl1 e bi e th , h b_ t b ng a actJ on to disown dis to tl1e or ch ild � e de at cla rin ille : g git be to it im f g �ue . a proceeding for 0 the reaso� of keepin.g the i11tegrity and hoi 1our �s �.ami J Y intact, depends solely on th e lawful husband's o w n discretion. Up to this day the Iaw t� · titu f u ins I h usb a11d n�t . of the respondent's mo ther has ed · any action to . de sown the o l respo �dent under Article 790 of the Civi _ C ; Therefore in the ab�� n 00 of t suc d, act1 : on ?n bro11ght b y the lawful b usba� !o whom paternity of ��e . � � s � hi t ld 18 h 1s proceeding to atnbuted by law, th e actio11· by ,vruc d • t e disown his lawful ci ve provisions. father is in contradiction. to the abo



. . Therefore the order S Ue is given b y t h e Higl1 i5 th 1:s 1llega..l and Court t o h ea r witnesses o n we consequently r�vers e the order. -54 -







The court fees paid by the appellants should be refun.ded to taem: 011 tl'ei r oth damages resulting from the suit be shared e<4ualllJ and ipts, rec their � of � basis betWeen the parties on each �1de. The copy of this judgment should be sent to the High Cou.rt for execution as decided. Hidar 2, 1958 E. C .

- 55 -

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- 60-


SUPREME IMPERIAL COURT Div. No. 4 Justices: Vice Afenegl1s Tebebu Beye11e Ato Woldehana Gebre Kidan Blata Demessie Work Ageg11ehu : A. BESSE ETH. LTD. v. SOLOMON GIDEY and ABRAHAM MEKONEN Civil




Commercial Code - CJzeqi,es - Respo11sibility of the drawer - Arts. 840, 850, Comm. C. C.ivil Code - Contracti1al obligatio11s - Burde,z of proof-Arts. 2001, 2019(1), Civ. C.

On appeal from a decision of tl1e l{igh Court rejecting the appellant's request that tbe Court order the defendants to pay the price of 100 boxes of batteries which defe.ndant No. 1 bougl1t from appellant through defendant No. 2.

Held: Decision reversed witl1 respect to the 1st respondent and affirmed with respect to the 2nd respondent. 1. Art. 840, Comm. C. implies tl1at once a person has signed and given a cheque to another he guarantees its payment. This guara11tee cannot be cancelled except for sufficient reason. 2. Producing a signed cheque is sufficient proof of the existence of an obligation for purpo­ ses of Arts. 2001(1) and 2019(1), Civ. C. 3. A legally valid cheque may not be cancelled jt1st because the person who gave the cheque in payment for goods he bougl1t, contends that be did not receive the goods at a time when it cannot be remembered 110w delivery was made, having kept silent u.ntil tl1e time when the cheque was payable and suit was filed against him.

The appellant pleaded that, ''Defe11dant No. I customarily bought batteries from us through defendant 1'To. 2. On April 13, 1962, defendant No. I bought 100 boxes of batteries f1·om 11s, sigr1ed a receipt No. 1107 and paid the price by a cheque bearing the nun1ber 169412. The cheque was written and brought to us and the batteries ·were taken to defendant No. 1 by defendant No. 2. The cheque bears the date f'✓Iiazia 25/62. When we presented it to the bank, we were told there was not enough money. We are thus not paid the price of the batteries, which is $7,900. '' The appellant filed suit, civil case File No. 631/55, in the I-ligh Court requesting that the court order the defendants to pay tl1e p·rice of the batteries jointly and singly. In his statement of defense, defe11da11t No. I pleaded, ''l have sigi1ed the cheque but I did not receive any batteries. I did not sign the receipt numbered 1107. I do 11ot have to pa.y the price of goods that I did not receive .. " Defen dant No. 2, in ms statement of defence, pleaded, ''l am a salesman of � the office of d.efendant l�o. 1. It is not true that defenclant No. 1 took battenes. 61



I wrote the cl1eque a.nd tl1e receipt. My duty is not to deliver and I do not have responsibility'' (responsibility for the delivery). his documentary and oral evide11 ce' the lo After the . plai11tiff produced . Wer . . Court d concluded that the defendants were st1e improper1y. '' A...ltho11gh it is know that 11 • a be 11as whom d signe for 1er a anotl to e cl1equ ted indeb person is , when h 18 su� d pointed is as in out rigl1t, legal Art. the bas he 850 of the to pay, 1 er al :n -?J ci have to pay by i11vok.i11g l1is existing defend tl1at he does not to Code · ' rela tions 11ip · · . I t with the person . for whom he ?1gned t he c heq11e. Al . 1ot1g�1 Ato Solomon (defenda t. s1g11ed the cl1eque , his pleacl1ng that since the pl . ?ff he that I) adn11tted has No. . a1nt1 . e so 1 h l d, Ato Solomon d did not, accord1ng .to t he co11tract, de Iiver t he . gooas . oes s1 e g· d n Th fi ence. e 111 r o g f· a cheqt1e is not sufiic• not have to pay, 1s a prope ent i evidence for the delivery of the goods.


''Ato Solomon has denied the sig11ature 011 tl1e receipt of the goods. The plain­ tiff should have asked the Court to order verificatio11 of the signature as is p rovid­ ed in Art. 2008 of the Civil Code. B11t si11ce tl1e plaintiff failed to do this the first and second pieces of evide11ce will not be binding 011 Ato Solomon. ' Even though it is admitted that Ato Makonnen \Vrote tl1e cl1eq11e a11d plaintiff's first piece of evidence, since there is no evide11ce to sho\v that the batteries \Vere delive­ red to hin1, defendants do not have to pay the price of the batteries." The appella.nt has appealed agai11st the judgment of tl1e High Court. In his memorandt1m of appeal, the appellant in sl1ort stateci ''tl1at eviclence has been introdl1ced to show that respondent No. 2 \Vas i11 cl1arge of the appella11t's sales and delivery section. He l1ad loaded the batteries in dispute in a. lorry which \1/as driven by him to deliver them to respondent No. 1. ''Respondent No. 1 received the batteries, signed a cheque cashable i11 tl1 e future e e and gave it to respondent No. 2. Had not the goods been delivered to him, th r was no need for him to sign the cheque. After he gave the cheq11e be did not notify tl1e appellant that he did not. receive the goods. If respondent No. I �ad not received the goods, he would have asked that his cheque be rett1rned to him. It was after the appellant failed to cash the cheqt1e and filed s11it tl1at respondent No. I said that he did not receive the goods. It \Vas beca11se respondent No. 2 stated that the goods were delivered to respo11dent No. I that I sued tl1em togefher. unt an1o tl1e me Therefore, I request that the Court order that one of the t'rVO pay I claimed." l Hig the of � The two respondents in their reply stated that since t}1e j11cigment or upp 5 to 1ts Court is proper, it should be affirmed. They gave oral argume1 their reply. . dgme nt of . . l J:1 b tbe . W� have examine? carefully the arguments of both sides . and tie th� High Court. Article 850 of the Commercial �o�e whicl1 \-vas �ited :rson p e t of High Cou.rt to show that so long as the cheque 1s 1n the l1ands d � an e en de t prese who st r received can n sot set fi it, eql1e the person who wrote the cl1 · . · • ob�ect1ons against its being cashed reads ' ''Persons sued 011 a ch eque cann ra•wer ' · d the · up a¥a1nst t�e holder defenses founded on t�eir per��nal relat1011s WI·th ly wing kno or with previous �olders, unless the holder 1n acquir111g the cheque b .as · nt de on es acted to the detriment of the debtor." Appella11t did not obJec t to r _P · 00 of in 1 p o the o t No. l's ng defense against who Accordi the cashing cheque of the . 0 · so the High Court and respondent No. J, it is a sufficient defense 1·r th per "vrote wrote the cheque states that the cheque has no value . since the respeoodent -62-







I .. r


acce tl1e pt not goo ds. We l di say !his because the resp0. n. d eIi, 1t did he hen � w it sho\ v to that he }lad not received the goods and had signea· evid ence ce p rodu · not the cheque because of fraud or something of that sort. Art. 840 of the _ Commercial Code states, ''The drawer guarantees payment. Any provision by which the drawer himself from this guarantee shall be of no effect.'' What this article sl1�ws is tl1at once � person has signed and give.n a cheque to a.nether he guarantees its payment and this guarantee cannot be cancelled because of petty reasons. In a case like tl1is, if the drawer finds sufficient .reason to ''can­ cel'' tl1e cheque, he 111·ust do it then tl1rough the appropriate channels. Failing this, a person ca11not, at tl1e ti1ne of tl1e payment avoid his liability by stating that he does 11ot have to pay the money. Art. 2001 of tl1e Civil Code states, ''(1) He who demands performance of an obligation shall pro\1e its existence. (2) He who alleges that an obligation is void, bas been ,,aried or is exting11ished shall prove the facts causing such nullity, variation or extinction.'' So also A.rt. 2019(1) of the Civil Code states, ''Where a person has promised to mak.e a payment or acknowledged a debt, the person in whose favour the pro·mise was made or the debt acknowledged need not prove a cause justifying them.'' Examination of the case in ligl1t of these articles shows that the appellant has satisfied his burden of proof by producing the cheque signed by respondent No. 1. That respondent admitted that the cheq·ue and the signature on it are his. But he did not produce any evidence to show that the cheque is without validit)'. The only defense produced by the goods. If, as he contends, be then in two or th1·ee days time say 13, 1962. T11e cheque was payable transaction until the appellant triecl suit against the two respondents.

respondent No. 1 is that he did not receive had not received the goods, why did he not so? He wrote and gave the cheque on April on April 25, 1962. He was silent about the to cash the cheque \Vithout success and filed

In order to prove that the goods have been delivered to the respondent, the appellant has prodl1ced the receipt. . The respondent objects on the ground that the signatt1re on the receipt is not his. Since it is Cl1ston1ary that people who deliver goods take them to the shop of the buyer and deliver them to him if he is there or to anyone who is in charge of the shop if the owner is not f011nd, if respondent No. I had immediate­ ly informed tl1e appellant that the goods were not delivered, it would have been possible to knov1 who received them. Both law and conscience prevent us from deny­ ing the validity of a legally valid cl1eque jl1st because respondent No. 1 contends _ that he did not receive the goods. He contends this at a time w�en 1t c�n no 1?nger be reme1nbered how the delivery was 1nade, having kept silent until the _ ti?le when the chec1ue was payable and until the time whe11 suit was filed agamst . him. If a cheque is to lose its validity and. if commercial activity is to be disturbed because of such pett:"J reasons, this will harm not only businessmen bl1t the econo­ my of the country a,s well.

- 63 - -


he cls go� ts, the s wan b11y a11cl pays tll e pric p, sho a to goes on A pers e . 111 a his ey 1non for asks fro111 r owne t�e sl1op buyer, llaviilg _ cheqlie. w11e11 the first e tl1e son a11s per bec o v1h ed fail t s1g bu 11 que ed che the the cheque l1as tried to cash ' · · · �onten t·100· tl1at 1.1� s1g 11 ed s uyer e h t b 'f k 1 ' ban the at y _ 010�e got . not the clie ·ue _ _ g the goods 1s to be a s11ffic1ent defense, won t busitlessme n . q_ withot · it rece1 v111 1ns1s . · t 1. · . o f o ? , ses c� t1es sen WIL pre r tt1e are 1n s sa · 1 goo d es of a]l goods on selling their . .o t _ these that es said practic be safely are not in COllf0fl11Jty be in writi11g? It ca11 . . . 1 transact1ons are carried o t with modern con1merce. Moder11 co1umerc1a u in more . to drag are efficient procedures. Tb.111gs th at hi nder com111erce and ca11se 1t 0 to �ers?n a forces sig11 a ch_eque and give it acceptable.. There is nothing that aootlier. When be does, l1e creates an obl1gat1on .to pay or 1f a perso n, \Vitho ut being forced, pa.ys \Vhen be does not have to pay, he bas no one to blame except himself. The goods were taken out of appellant's store. Since respondent N·o. 1, kno,v­ iog he had to pay, sign�d a c�e que wbicl1 \Vas payable a 1no°:th later a11d gave it to the appellant and did not inform tl 1e respo11de11t that he did not receive the goods, before the suit was filed against him and clid not prod11ce any e,,idence to show that he was forced to sig11 the cheq11e, it is not a.ppropriate that appellant should not get the price of his goods. We reverse the jt1dgment of the Hig11 Court and we give the following judgn1ent: Respo11dent No. l shall p ay the appellant the $7,900 with 9% interest fron1 the time the suit was filed until tl1e resp ondent pays the money plus $200 for costs. We affirm the part of the judgme1rt of tl1e High Court that excludes appellant No. 2 fron1 liability. (Let a copy of the judgment be sent to tl1e High Court so that the judgment may be exec11ted).


Ter 26, 1958 E. C.


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March 28, 1963 {JP.'.' fi -l· I!! :: A : Cj 4 : , C tif cf' -0 ro c uttfid\ � :i�A.. ,.un/.\ h;tt : ,1\f, tt u o,,.!"'''�m: 1 n 1 {l f · : !\. O � h i Cf 1 . : , ' =�°b1fD·l··: 7:: cJ,1: ui hll"l i?l = '1t 1, 'i" nltt1 . Jim·: ° t f.9°li "} ' 9 h r : : f , : f ,, fi , J · q'�·';u : (}, : ti,: it: ) .., •• ro· -,oc :: \11· •• ?° 'l,N _fb : ?i ,111 : ?Jr : � : -- h 7 : .- l m J : h : . ' : .. ° li : ti 4' ti" i ii fl :..: i'1t\'i?,,9° ¾ 1,11 'i" ...} j!_ / (": 1 /\fV-:: ll..-f-l\f�(l,r'/° ° « -9 ( : , ; C '17i'I°: 9u19° : q_e-,:1. : l, � J hl,\ t n :�rf�:�:!l'l'"ro : t\.�"l" : itt\mft�.9°: --: O ( \: i'b: i'1: ) :�9°ci: it{ h : hlt"li: lDf.: h�.{l: lfl (]IJ"Jl- .."f h. t!lf::.�1: q: ',f': } •il'f': 'it-n.:f ! hU·"} : fi',.�·r·A·.r : .:i"f �--l {l: 1 itlJ·'}: a> '�' .. i' : hrc: {l h: h 6 : · · .."f f·A·f : r'1 IV -, I hi' 1!' t\,t\ : ODlfl,f : fl\·1·9'1 :: frf•hti·o: lD f u. • t· : , t .. , "} � : { 1 · 01/t9'° .. h " : Ohil ll /0D . 9 :: D -m r.Ll, 0rf' , ° : :1 : ;1 e, t i' 'iC ti li , n,l1�,llJr1•: oo'jC: i'tl\O A 0 0 h : : :r lL;J 'll.CO. : f"lt aJ 1fS:1'. : -i·i1tu7 i : f.."l'l° : i'i.flJlt.•P'P.: ·{l ' f ' : 'P h : {JDlf'I·, } : 1A'l.n.:f :: ( \..ODlODC) r01i1'l(D• 6f.!',n1� f,u _,,n:1: h1 n{/D;e{/Dt.r l\..wn1 f �.&.. C{l: f4' l(la>-'} : nil: /\Of/f.."f-- : rt1.:i•f·St.·.r : �(:,,f: : ,1, ..-y..�: : P'{.\fl)'} : },'}� l\:f,o• : mJ!,'I'· : 1, 1J.'../bl\;fro·: �ro- :: f,U"}"}9° : (\{TD(D0.'1 : -:,�.01('::l:: 'l'P{]DUJ•<;f.\:: foo"f_{/lJ tfm·: :r-,11c : f{IIJ{l]{� : Oi',.::1-v·A·..r : r�,,1·,11 : ·tl,i"bC: ;,1"1 : m•{ltp : {l(\ : 6}1\ 'P. : rt,.1,1,c:c;(Lf·'i"A : ,'h'? : ruc1.c;1t;.. : -�"};;1_.9>":j'• : '1/\{]lJ'•�;faJ•: (l .tf'} : f.°l'I°: lll\lLU• : 7-P,J!,: ,,ilh: i',tJ•1 : r ...1-·om◄:,. : <£.Cf!,·.-1�- : m·,11:,. : rl•OD tilt!!, '1/l{JDlf'I• �m· trlf9° i(l\io--"t Oii.:l·f·x·.vi r,:c�... n,•f•:1: lll\1·1.u: • 1--P,f, : f.-f•(lm�1' : W•l}t?J:f : OD(fl�� : "f•UDl}I}�',,)• : j?,;J"'J!,fl;f:cp{.\ :: ,e"fiaJ: f�C..�": i'11Y:�·1·: {';l• fm·: �C..�': 0,,y.:,�: fh"}f.. �<D· : ,1·ht-ilt: m11: rOD er tf n,:,. fi.1·r·A·..r m•ll'f' = {/Dlf.,.. ,n,- = rJ-1...:1-v--�.r = �C-�" n.•f·1· ,1� 1�.. : ·(1Y� : It OD {lm:,. : P'A "11 : itI\ :1: m,: l\ l1l/ l\ :,-.: i'1.f(l ·:f·A 'l',: (1(Ill I\:,..: � <D· :: f� •�f •,f1 : •fl,lbC: ,11"1 : "hP'lr : I\J!,: h'Pl\ : OJJ;.U : ''ooJ.'..{lt; : fi;J"'' fOIJ.f}/l(J}• l 0·ttl1,; : r,,.}"ll\.11 : r;,, 01 :,,1 �::,. : h'12.h· l•l\W·: ·1·C i : : £/PIJ'l:t"'P. 1l t1t t'i't · : .1 1 •· ?'- = r,rnr = <t::t: = J!,!J.A. r�•1",11 11,lbc = ,11 "1 <h'1�£.. r"wi' = r ''0Jl.e.o'1 = Cl:J''' 1 1-c�oi o,(l'l' : ,,,.._,re r1r·o f.01'1° r}1 ti"ri ::iia·:1- = rntJ.mof.'n :,.., : u--�:r : f{lt.,�t\:: n+mcJ>(l.;I� ;· rt;: .."f·,h : ,(1,li.C : ;,,<'} : 4>....,rr:1�·: ODJJ' -- : l:,· = hti"ii : Oi'1.:1-- v-�.r : (D•il'f' : ''uo�n;;: : {l;J"''' } .. \ ' P l\.."f· } , : J/;\?.. �(1}• :: . tt " ] ', ,,, = r ,,..flt\ m• : uo lJ' l ;J··'C : itti-'{l : f� t c� - --- : {1,.f·:-,: : pl,\,nJ 1 : .eilnJA : : ° t\OIJ..' 11\m· ; �U11 : t1.t'l•11: fi�'CO· : ·fltl· : <,:C.f1 e : �} : ,f.\,f•n,J•t\•·1·9 : . 'J°=tf� .eu : llhu--'I- : ·1--�.e : ;,1.em:,,9'-,9° :: 9',h'}_f..-J:9" : hti",it; : ,,l·hlt7i : 11,'11�:J• f ro• frf•flff = �m- hlt"ii : 01, ..."f--f·A ·f : lD•{l 1• : lI0,.<'.. {1'1 : fl:J" : t)l\f\:, •�·: it': 1 : ..-1--11'1]_ : f/\O;I. : {1:J, : ill\A;J--w J, : _eu 'i:(:.. -- : {L.."f--: ( 11•?.i : llf., : : � , m ti�.-l\�{lm.."f:• p-'t\_fl}"}:J-1 W•:.:ft W !>l{JD C): f'fl/."1'10J•:l)•{\•·l··'1=6l.11•0'r � 1\ . (l "}: l\ ( .O 0�1 ,I, . •ndi.C: ,)1"1 : ro•ilT : (1..-f--(l "'-'{•o . ;,.. : (IDVJ/.;I P : {llJ"f. tJ tJ· m m• : r I 1 .. 1·1 • .. .. f . fO,r -: Hoof;. 7i ·tL! : , J!,{ D f1"f:. rar: .e1··1\ : Gl/"lfl,5P;I.. ti I lm•'i" : ., ..,-;... } : ti,e,�£:n1·: <t:C-�" = J!, 1 : f' A : f ° • : :: t?J � ;f . � 1t � ',(JJ r�:,-, ,, : � ; /l (1,I hrl•hb'ti 1 ,) : . : · L • 1 hit · V-A· r m I ,. : 'I° : ,, o.lm o:,, .,.1 .. 1.H, 61]> • n.lf1 : mJ!,9u : it�"t.. 7im· : {10'-' :,-: r 0 ' 1-' r 1 : n1Pi/\11"} .· i'iJ>(l · '� f -: 9 l :: iJJ' /;\ " � : : hU·1 1 O .;J· ro· · 1·1' }\ " }P, P,� '1 : �f· : & n. (1 /\ 06', ,),,;: f,), : . 0 f,; ro:,, " l h • � t\,� 4' 7i01/ · : f.." llff .. n:, • f (l,.l D ;JJ : "1/ ' 1\ 1' : 'l : U· f fClt·1 : "lC .• 1 1 oo • , J:, l 9"?- : {ID� l 'P : 'i:fu : Qil : -, lD' :: ilt\ ll'� f' : f f , (11




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- 66-




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- 67 -

J-IIGH COURT n No. 2 io is iv D l ia rc 1e rr m o C , a b a b A r\ddis Just ices:

Dr. W . Buhagiar A ot De nki Asl1enafe Ato Ajebew Wolde Me ske !

I RT E FO ST U G AU v. I RT FO IY ET GU Civ il case



Civ. C. 184 d an 183 ts. Ar cile n1i Do on icti isd Jur e clur oce Pr Civil Fa111i/;1 /a�v - Dissolution of n1arriage - Desertion - Art. 669 Civ. C. Action for dissolution of 1narriage celebrated in Egyr)t betv;een plaintiff, a Greek, and de­ fenda.nt, an Italian. Fle/d: Dissolution of 1narriage ordered.

1. Ethiopian cou.rts J1ave jurisdiction t o entertain a claim instituted by a party domiciled in Ethiopia. 2. The procedure laid down in the Civil Code regarding tl1e appointment and decision of family arbitrators does not apply to the case where one of tl1e parties is outside of Ethiopia or wl1ere his ,vl1ereabouts are unkno,vn.

In th.e se proceedit1gs ht e plaintift" is praying for a dissolL1tion of ht e marriage wllich was celebrated in Egypt on May 7, 1943 (Gr. Cal.) bet\veen herself and the defendant; tl1e ground f or the dissolutio11 is desertion since August 20, 1943 (Gr. Cal.). The claim of th e plaintiff is supported by an affidavi t swor11 on January 2 3, 1963 ( Gr.Cal.) i n which she state d, inter alia, that lt 1e whereabouts of the defeo<la�t n�­ are_ not �own, hat t atten1pts through a la\vye r in Alexandria ot establisl1 co 111rou cat1on wi th defe ndan t l1ave been witl1o ut sL1cce ss and that sl1e does not know whc· ther _ ht e defe ndant is living or de ad. 111 vie ,v of hese fact_ s lt 1e Cour t �Uowef t su bst1tuted s� mmons through the ne wspaper but 011 tl1e appointed date March �s' 1963 (Megabit 19, 1955), the defendant did not appear in a11swe r to the suroroo '!he fac st in this case have bee11 e stablished. by means of tl1e affidavi t ab�v� rrie . entioned. �rom tl1is it roa � were re sults that the plaintiff and the de fenda11 t 0; d Alex dria, Egypt, on May 7, e t ara e s se p parti tl1e 1943 that (Gr Cal ) �ug t � 1 943 d defen uS a.of (Gr.Cal.); that si11ce the sepa;ati�n he and the iff plaint t . ' rt hti:e °�ver 1 ived togethe r and su e th the defe ndant has not contribute d to ppo o ff t e 1 ai n cam i t P · t h at there · · 1tiff ar. e no ch'l1 d ren of the marriage; that the p1a11 . in . Iy Addis Ababa · E h ' pia, 10 t h e Y�ar 1946 (Gr.Cal.) and has live ? c�ntinu � as �� b this country � in� �� ye . s, n� v ng or _ a r, she_ r · A 1s employe d i Ethiopia Li_ n b y the no home outside E� o i li 18 pi �. It IS not known :Yhether t h e ?e fe ndant onaiitY dead. The plaintiff st ; i t a a es in _he r statement of claim that she 1s of Gree k n . and th e defend . an t i s of Italian n ationality.

- 68-


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cons ider ed be is whet� er th� courts of Ethiopia have §ntis:­ to er mat first � The pr presen ye t for the d1 solut1o wit n of deal arriag e. � The � � to � diffiett lties on � dicti _ Code of Eth1op1a conta . _ ins C1v1l no the prov1 s1on dealing with private . art•se because hi� m�tter have n �t been uniform. There has d d ecis1ons on t . an law, nal rnatio inte . _ . of un1for�1ty 10 Eth1op1an cases in rejecting simple amount certain a ver, howe n, bee other of the parties as a the ground for establishing ju.risdiction. or one of ence resid of tl1e force Civil Code, ''domicile'' has into acquired a different coming the Since meanin g from tl1at in the Anglo-America11 systems of law; Article 182 of the Civil Code defines ''do111icile'' and Article 184 creates a presumption as to intention. Under these two articles it is clear that the plaintiff has acquired a domicile in Ethiopia. As to the principle of. nationality for establishing jurisdiction it may be said that this has not been f1·eque11t]y followed in rece11t cases and in any case that principle would not be of 111uch help in the present case where the parties seem to be of different natio11aJity. For these reasons this Cot1rt holds that it has jurisdiction in the matter before it, on the grot1nd that the plaintiff has a domicile in Ethiopia and the whereabouts of tl1e defe11dant are not known. The second point to consider is whether this Court can take cognizance of the matter before the arbitratio11 provisio11s of tl1e Civil Code have been complied with. The Civil Code makes no provision for situations where one of the parties is out­ side Ethiopia or where the wl1ereabouts of 011e of the parties are not known. Under these circumstances it seen1s to tl1is Court that the appointment of arbitra­ tors for one of tl1e parties who is abse11t and whose ,vhereabouts are not known would be mea11i11gless and tl1erefore tl1e said provisions of the Code do 11ot apply and the Court ca11 take cognizance of tl1e matter without the said formalities having been fulfilled. There is no qt1estion that desertio11 is a good and indeecl a seriot1s ground for divorce under the Civil Code (see article 669(b) ). For the above reasons this Court orders the dissolt1tion of 1narriage celebrated between the plaintiff and tl1e defendant in Alexandria on Ma.y 7, 1943 (Gr.Cal.) on the ground of desertion on tl1e part of the defendant. As tl1ere are no children of the marriage a11d as there is 110 property, co1n1no11 or personal, to be dealt with, no order is made 011 these points. Megabit 24, 1955 E.C.






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• .





lllGH COURT Addis Ababa, Commercial Ju.dges:


Dr. W. Buhagiar Ato Abebe Awgitchaw Ato Ta desse M e11gesha



AL . v. E.A.L.


Civil Case No. 701/55 Civil Procedure - Striking of suit-

Dismissal of suit - Arts. 69, 73 and 71, Civ. Pro. C.

Motion for decision. Held:

Motion denied.

1. Where neither party appears on the date fIXed for hearing, a suit may be struck out. 2. Where the plaintiff does not appear on tl1e date fixed for l1earing and wl1ere no evidence been brought before the court, the court may dismiss the suit. 3. Wl1ere the plaintiff d.oes not appear after evidence has been offered and an adjournment is necessary for son1e reason, then tl1e proper remedy is not dismissal but rather to grant costs to the other party who applies for sucl1 costs.

The case was a djourned t o Te kemt 8, 1959, for the purp ose of the cross­ examination of the expert witness, Franz Schneider, (PW-5); 011 tl1e said date tl1 e advocat e for the plaintiffs did n ot appear but sent a message to Court to the effec t that the ?aid witness had not returned to Ethiopia fro m abroad, o� so t�e advocate was inf ormed by the Haile Se llassie I U 11iversity, where the witness. 15 a Professor; the advo cate for the plaintiffs was ltimself out of Addis Ababa. The �dvo cate for the defendant prayed th e C ourt that all e vidence of the plai11tiffs be ignore? . and that a decision be given; he referred to articles 69, 7 3 and 74 of the C1v1 l Pro cedure Code. It is to be mentioned that this case has been pending for some tin1e and d an several docum�nts have been submitte d by ant d a11d tl1e defen plai the ntiff s bee also sev eral Y'1tnesses have been called has ny by wh the pla o se testi1no int iffs � e ecor ed. 1� 1� n ot_ for the d pro c e n Co urt e vid to say e e at th thi s stage wl1ether �� �y t pla n ffs de i �i 18 sufficient to Justify a decision in their favour or a ci si�d0 a gai�s: them' but the fact rem rt Co a d· e th ain . s re tha o t bef the 11ce r e evi e is d � S·u ch. ev1dence cann o re gno 1 t' as th e ad vocate for the defendants prays' be JUS t · •th A · rt.•1cIe 69 · quoted b the d WI n s · endant doe s no t support his praye r for a dec·i i� f . � Y · ing the or without i• gnor Y m · t a s evi dence before th e Court under that article a ui fi" d ck out be stru·· ·' e " • te (not a decis'o a d e 1 n g·i ven when ne ther party appears on tl1 · t ) foli hea ring. Arti· cle 73 i tha s quoted by the advocate for the d e fe11dant prov·ae i










app �a : o� the _ date fixed for hearing, the OO"Qtrf sil!iaff not e d plainti � � ? the _ when suit, thi article, the d1sm1ss1n however, g applies where there is a;.€1 order � an ke the Court; 1n other before words this article tsoever can have­ wl1a nce _ :;de first date of hearing or on any subsequent hearing the plaintiff the on n whe tion id no e ence ther is before the d Court. Let a us assume for appear � � not 1:1 . does _ example that a pla111t1ff brings a suit 1n Col1rt. and after a defence has been filed . he produces docun1e11t�ry a11cl or�l ev1denc� W ?1ch shows . clearly that, o� that evi­ dence l1e is clearly e11t1tled to a Judgn1ent 1n hts favour; 1t would be unJust if the Court \Vere to give a decision dismissing the claim simply because he fails to appear in Court; it . is open to tl1e defe�da11t to bring Sl�ch_ evidence _as he co1:1siders necessary and sufficient to rebut the ev1de11ce of the pla1nt1ff; when, 1n such crrcum­ stances the plaintiff does not appear and an adjournme11t is for some reason or other necessary then tl1e p1�oper re1nedy is to grant costs to the other party who applies for such costs. For the above n1entio11ed reaso11s the Court rejects the prayer of the defendant to have a judgment and as there has been no prayer for costs there shall be no order for costs. Hedar 16, 1959 E. C.


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- 73


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Addis Ababa, Civil Division No. 1 Judges: (J11dges' na1nes 11ot reported)





Civil Case No.

MINO.R. 132/56

Capacit)' of perso11s - Gz1ardia11s a11d ti1tors - Cessatior1 of tJze fi,r1ctio1is of guardiari and tutor - .4.ppoir1tn·1e11t b.v Coi1rt of guardian and f 1,1.tor - Re,noval of guardiarz a11d tutor - Civil Cocle Arts. 210, 211, 212, 217, 218, 223, 234(1).


In a petition subinitted. by tl1e Attorney General by virtt1e of tl1e powers vested in him under Art. 234(1) of the Civ"il Code, n1ovi11g this High Cot1rt to qt1ash its order of Tal1sas 8, 1956, in which it appointed a gt1a.rdia11 and tt1tor for a n1inor. Held: Petition allowed and order quasl1ed. 1. Under Art. 234(1) of tl1e Civil Code, a11 application for the ren1oval of a guardia.n or of a tutor may be n1ade only by a relati\re by con.sangt1inity or by affinity of the minor, or by tl1e public prosecutor. 2. Guardianship is a duty of pare11ts and not simply a right or a privilege whicl1 can easily be waived. Tl1e courts are enjoined by Art. 233 to declare only with extreme cat1tion tl1e removal of the father or 111otl1er or other ascet1da11ts as guardians or tt1tors of their children or descendants.

3. Arts. 217 and 218 do 11ot apply to tl1e appoit1tme11t of a guardian. Guardianship remains . tl1e parents of a mi11or. w1tb

4. Art. 215 cioes not allo\v a person in whom the duty of gt1ardian and tutor is vested to

renounce sucl1 duty, or be presumecl dead, as a result of not fulfilli11g it.

By at1 Orde1· da.ted. Tal1sas 8, 1956, tllis Court appointed Mr. Leslie H. Cramer as t];le guardian and tutor of Almaz F11fa, a 1ninor, the legiti1nate dalighter of Fufa Deressa and Woize1·0 Zerfinesh Len1111a. This Order was made on the applica­ tion of Mr. Leslie H. Cra1ner, \'1l10, in l1is application, stated that the sajd child was placed in l1is ct1stody on Hida1· 1950 (Eth.Cal.) by her father, 33 years old, a peasant residing in the village of Metti, as he was divorced fron1 his wife and had no n1ea11s of supporting the child; that si11ce the said Mr. Cra1ner had taken custody of the child., he had looked after her as bis own child a11d had fed, clad ai1d sent her to scl100J ,1.11d moreover he l1ad made financial arrange.n1ent for her future; fhat the chilc1 ,;as then about 11i11e years old and had bee11 living with l1im for five years or 1nore ancl as l1e had no child of his ow11 he wished to keep t�e child indeJinitely ancl as her JJare11ts \Vere satisfied with the car� a11d tre�tment 1 ven t_o the child they had agreed tl1at tl1e child be entrt1sted to Mr. Cran1er in the ?lnte rest ancl welfare of the child. - 79-

-----AW - VOL. V - 1'-Jo. 1 L N IA P IO TH E F O JOURNAL

of the child, /\to Fufa Deres her fat the of ce den evi . The Cou rt h �ar d the rn on Februar y 11 19;; bo ild ch s hi s wa fa, Fu z nia Al d hil c e t t a th ? te a st o h w 1 Lem111a, that the child 1esl rfi1 Ze ro ize Wo e wif r�m · 'his · n ai· th · 1 w k c o l d e w 1n ) l ( Gr Ca s d · er a w st si · 1t emplo�ed h a1 1� rv �e a 1d a1 s ar ye O · t\V r fo s ; � � � aKen � ed with the parent t1 a r w e n1 ra r. po d 10 res . t gh ou br b . nsi !o s wa ity by Mr Cramer the child o rce . The motlie r, Woi d 1v re we fe wi s hi d an s) es n t wi zero he t ( for tll� child; he t m �d e by he r l11 1sb a1 1d ai 1d botl� paren en �1 te sta e th ed m r i nf ts co Zerfin esh Lemma, be 1111der tl1e responsibility of to e inu nt co ild ch e th t ha t ed isfi sat said they were Mr. Cramer. r. Lesli� H. C�a111er l1ad . app ! i ed t o the Court M hat t ed stat be also uld sho It � d _an e his rrie wif 1s ma had _11ot given he as . b�t ld, chi the of n ptio ado for the 1011 to ect a11 obJ tl1e s wa de Co making of an 1l C1v 1 e l t of 798 icle Art t, sen con her that Mr. Cra 111 �r stated tha t tl1ere may be a . ws sho rd reco e Tl1 11. ptio ado of order divorce from hls wife and then he 1vv1Il ad opt the cl11ld. The Depu ty Attorney General has now submitted a petitio11 to this Court mov ing the Court to quash the order made on Tahsa s 8, 1956. The petition is made i11 virtue of the powers vested in him by Article 234(1) of the Civil Code and the grounds of tl1e petitio11 may be su1nn1arised as follows: (a) under Article 223 of the Ci vil Code g1.1ardianship is a dt1ty of parents and not sin1ply a rigl1t or a privilege \Vltich can be easily 1vvaived; guardianshi p is a duty and he who is ves ted wi tl1 it can only relinqt1isl1 it in rare a11d excep­ tional circumstan ces.

(b) Article 233 enjoins the Court to declare only with extre111e caut io11 the removal of the father or rnother or of the other ascendants as guardians or tutors of thei r children or descenda11ts; (c) under Article 217 the father or mother may, wl1ere they thi11k fit, appoint a t�1tor to the cl1iJd, rese rving to tl1emselves the f1111ctions of guardian, and u11der Art1cl� 218 the Co11rt may for good cause appoi11t as tutor a person other tl1an the guardian, wh�re it has the right to n1ake s11ch appoi11tme11t ; tl1ese articles provide for the appointment of a tutor but 11ot of a guardian. Mr. Lesli� H. Cramer, duly notified of the petition of the Acting Attorney General, sub1:11itted a reply dealing with questio11s of fact ancl witl1 questions of ]a'rV: As to quest ons of fact he submit ted that the Cou in n1aking the Order 01 rt i Tahsas 8, 1956 had ascertained t hat the cl1 i Jd Al1naz Fufa had bee11 abandoned by her paren�s and since the age of two 1 er n Cra Mr . by she aft ha s er Joo bee11 kecl who prov· ided care, mai·ntei1ance and d ao d ce. divo r edu wer cati e on; that tl1e pare11ts had no . means to look after the cl1ild ' that Mr · Cra mer 11ot l1aving a cl1ild _of . h1s own wa·nted to adopt th e ch wife · 15 h f o il d a11d conse11t as there was not the h h d no �lternatJ. ye left to ert sec u r e tl1 e fut ur e of tl1e ch ild , by acquiri11g prop y, rir �er u he divorces his � i fe and is . able to adopt tl1e child officially: teO� points of ?:� Cramer submitted that as the pa rent s had not sho1vvn any i � ;s est in the chil�;·b ha uar cea g s ed to exe rcise the fu11ctio and s r tuto of ns ��ild and under Article I 5 t i _ey were to be p r esun1ed dead and therefore as the . remained without a d te oin r a and tu or by the Court under � - 1i � ! such fu11ction s devolved on persons app oj nt ­ c e l 2 and it was under this a ap t Cour the ed Mr. C rame rticle that � the r as th; gi.iar<li. an n so rea and these t utor for of Almaz Fufa '· Order of Ta•b·sas 8 ' 1956 8h0 uJd be up held in its ent irety.


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Attorney General stated in It should be me11tioned that �l1e �eputy the oi : a} _ argument before the_ Cour� that l11s pet1t1on was made because in his opinion the _ was this was g the Order of 111 wrong and that, as Court ak1 T hsas 8, 1956, 1:1 � � . the first case of its kind since the promulgation of the Civil Code, the Order of Tahsas 8, 1956 would create a bad _precedent in the interpretation of the Code. Now, the petition of tl1e Deputy Attorney General is not concerned with the w u estio11 q, the �et�er .tl1e Co�rt investigated the facts fully and tho­ with or facts, roughly to find 011t whether 1t 1s 111 tl1e interest of the child that the Order be made. The petition of the De_puty Atto1·oey General is attacking the legality of the Order on purely legal grounds. B11t as the reply to the petitio11 mentions certain facts it is expedient to deal with tl1ese poi11ts. In the first place it is stated that tl1e parents of tl1e child }Jave no mea11s to provide _for the cl1ild; the rec?rd . of tl1� Co11rt does not show that any evidence was available to show t11at this 1s so; 1t may be that tl1e child is better looked after now than if the pare11ts fulfilled their· dt1ties within their means; secondly it is stated that Mr. Cra111er has 1nade financial arrange1ne11ts for her future; again there is no evidence ,vhat arrangements l1ave been made. The Court seems also to have borne in mind tl1at Mr. Cran1er bad stated that he was about to get a divorce from bis ,vife; b11t there is nothi11g on tl1e record to indicate that there is a ground for divorce or tl1at proceedi11gs have been initiated; the Court assumed that a divorce ,vould be granted and that tl1en the adoption of the child would be possible. The Court seems also to have been i11fluenced by the declaration made by the parents to the effect that they \Vere satisfied witl1 the existing situation ar1d that they had no objection to bei11g relievecl of any future respo11sibility for the child. The of the child said the he \Vas divorced fron1 his wife; it is not clear when the divorce took place b11t it seems to have taken place before the coming into force of tl1e Civil Code, be :fore tl1e i11stitution of the family arbitrators with power to decide abo11t the c11stocly of children had been established. As stated above, l1owever, the oppositio11 of the Dep11ty Attor11ey General is based not on the questio11 ,vhethe1· tl1e facts 011 wl1ich the Court relied were correct or not; his opposition is 011 poi11ts of law, proceclure and substantive. In the first place Article 234(1) of the Civil Code provides that tl1e removal of the guardian or of the tutor ma.y be 1nade by any relative of tl1e minor, by consanguinity or by affinity, or by the pl1blic prosec11tor. The reaso11 for tl1is is obvious; the relatives of the minor are the p_ erso11s who are closely acquainted with tl1e manner in which tutorship or guardianship is exercised and it is i11 the interest of the child that the lawful guardian or tutor be re1noved \vhen those fu11ctions are exercised to the detriment of the child's moral or material interest. The p11blic prosec11tor is given the same rights as tl1e relatives becat1se it is in the interest of society at large and of the family i11stitution in particular that tl1ere should be some authority to protect the moral welfare and the material interests of all minors when there are no relatives w110 ca.n take actio11 or wl1ere the relatives - througl1 negligence or for fraudulent motives or for s01ne other reaso11 do not move. Io this particular case the application for rem.oval of the guardia11 a11d t11tor was made by Mr. Cramer who is not one of tl1e perso11s conten1plated in Article 234(1) of the Civil Code. . Secondl)', Article 223 of the Civil Code provides that tl1e functio11s of a guard­ ian or tutor o.t� a minor are compulsory for the person wl10 is vested with . t?em. As the J?ep11ty Attorney General rightly pointed ot1t this article and the s.piri� of _ 11 ship 18 a 0ther articles particularly Articles 217 and 218 show clearly that gt1ard1a 81 -

-----. . L 1 o V O W N V A L N IA P IO H T E F O JOURNAL

d with veste this is duty \vho he cann and that ot at t u d eav duty, �nd a � r �. a person ca 11 be re 1 11oved fro in sucl1 duties only in re lin­ quish it at_ 1118 P _ eas�� tances that is whe11 tl1e duty is exercised agai11st the rare 11 ra c 1 rcu s 1 i1a o 1 excep� I and cie o 1 fore, there su 11t, for not is ffi the It ; � inor. pare 1 1ts of he n of . . are . . lf . . we l mater1a and 1 e i e, ,e d · 0f _a111 r_espon s1b 1 l1 ty �or r g 1n be d in m t no do·ild ·rto· say that they whole concept of t l1 e f am11 Y 111s1tu't1on, as establi the ir · shed the so 1.n re e w t 1 1 ; cluld Ethiopia, would collapse. the appointn:e1 1t of a tutor by tile parents for e vid pro 8 21 d an 217 les tic Ar Thirdly, icles do not deal with the se art the , urt Co the by s, nce sta um circ or, in certain ere �he pare11ts are not �ompet­ wh es ca� be y ma ere Th an. rdi gua a of appointment . a ld 1 n1 tl1e . ch_ y have; then 10 such 1ch ,vh ty per pro any ly per pro ter inis adm to ent l eria mat interest of the c I1iid, but tl1e rd gua safe to ed oint app be may cases a ttitor the guardia1 1ship remains witl1 the parents. In his reply to tl1e Deputy Attorney General's. 111otion, l\,fr. Cramer submitted various points; lie stated that _the parents of the cl11ld l1a_d ceased to functio11 as guardians and tt1tors of the child and therefore under Article 215 tl1ey are presun1ed to be dead. Wl1at tl1at article says is that when the pare11ts beco1ne incapable of performing their duties as guardians a 11d tl1tors t l1en they are presumed to be dead; that article does 11ot allow a perso11 i11 who111 tl1e duty of gt1ardian and tutor is vested to renounce such duty simply by 11ot exercisi 11g it. The article referred to above, that is Art. 233, 1 11akes that very clear. Article 215 is intended to cover those cases wl1ere a tutor or g11ardian, becon1es i11capable of exercising the functions by reaso 1 1 o·f ill 11 ess, j11dicial interdiction and si1nilar In s11ch cases, under that article, a person is to be to be dea.d and the proced11re for t11e appoint­ me 11 t of a guardia11 and tutor sl1all apply as specified i n the previous articles, (particularly Articles 210 and 211, which deal with the order amongst relatives, to be followed in tl1e appointme11t, and \vitl1 modifications to be n1ade to such order by the fa 1 11ily council). It is not correct to say that in this case tl1e cl1ild remained wi_thout _ a guardia11 and tutor after applying the said articles, simply because the , sa1d_ . article� . were 1 1ot put into operation; therefore, it ca1 1 11 ot -be said that the ong 1nal p�t1t10 11 for guardiansl1 ip and t11torship made by Mr. Cran1er wa s made tir 1der Article 212. For t11e above reaso11s, the obje ctio 11s are not valid at law . It may be that in making tl1e Order of Tahsa.s 8 1956 the Court was guided t w e Y � �rthy motive of t�e material \velfare of tl�e child, ?�t tl1e fact rema! ns � hat 1. n doing �o th� Court side-stepped clear and defi 11ite prov1s1011s of law, ,�hie� •: tak_e into conSiderati o11 not only the n1aterial 1• 10st the also bt1t 11or ben s mi efit of · s tut1on of the fatnily. For the above reasons the Court allows tl1 e petition of the Deputy Attorney General and quashes the Order rn r rd thi of s ade on Tahsas 8 ' 1956. A COJJY O �ie sh all be served o n· Ato F t'. . . Lesl uia D eressa and W 01zero Zerfi11esl1 Lem111a bY Mr· . H · Cramer without delay. Yekatit 2, 1956. E. C. " 1

- 82-

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- 83 -


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ARTICLES CUSTOMARY PARTNERSHIPS IN AND ETHIOPIAN LAW TO'' FAC ''DE by Paul McCartliy* In 1960, the Empire of Etl1iopia adopted. for the first tin1e a comprehensive Commercial Code, based for the most part 011 Co11tinental European Jaw. This Code introdt1ced ,t nt1111ber ot· ne:w c?nceJ)ts into Ethiopi,1n law and profoundly modified a nun1ber of others. Fall111� into the latter category is the concept of a is carried on by two or n1ore partnersh�P: Arrangen1e11ts t1n�er w1?ch . a _ busines � _ . persons Joint!Y ba,,e long exist�d 1n E�h1op1a. These ''pa.rtnersh1ps'' may vary a great deal w1tl1 regard to tl1e forms which they may take or the local customary rules \Vhich 111ay gover11 the1n. Before 1960, no attempt to bri11g all such organiza­ tion tinder a single set of rules met with a11y st1ccess. As early as the 15th century the Fetha Negast 1 or ''L,1.w of tl1e Ki11gs'' devoted an entire chapter to the regulation ot, partnerships. Based u:pon Byza11tine legal concepts, the Fetha Negast was the ''official'' law of tl1e Empire bt1t. it is doubtful whether it was ever applied very t'ar fron1 the I111perial capital. The Law of Companies, adopted in 1933, and largely copied fro1n French law, represented an atte1npt to introduce modem legal regulation for business organizations, including pa.rtnerships. Ho\vever, with the outbreak of the war \iVith Italy, little real effort was 1nade to apply this law to local business. These business arra11ge111ents n1ay 110 longer ignore, or be ignored by, the modem law. The co11cept of a cod.e (comn1ercial or otherwise) in1plies that it is to govern all of tl1e legal relatio11sl1ips which fall within its• scope and we m� safely assume that this was the inte11tio11 of the parliament i11 adopting a Com­ mercial Code. 111 the preface to the Com1nercial Code, Emperor Haile Sellassie I speak.s of the code as ''regulating tl1e co11stitt1tion and activities of all business organizations. . .. '' All bt1sinesses created prior to the coming into · force of the Commercial Code l1ad to co1nply witl1 it \Vithin six months of that date. Commer­ cial relationships hich may not have been f01·med with the Con1mercial Code in mind, must novv co111ply \Vith it in order to comform to the law; customary rules m.ay no longer be applied by tl1e cou1·ts. 011 the otl1er hand, custo1nary institutions do still exist. The probletn is, tl1erefore, to provide legal rt1les which may accom­ modate s11ch institutio1is wl1icl1 at the same time are· consistent \Vith the Commercial Code. 1N

Persons may f01·1n, ''partnerships'' witl1 the intention of co�plying with t�e Commercial Code yet fail to do so for 011e reason or another. Usually, they will fail to comply \Vitl1 some required formality such as a w1·itte11 c?ntra� t or �e rules, relating to registration a11d publicity. The consequences of this f�1lure w1!l be discussed below. For the n101nent, we can say at least that tl1e parties to this · to form a partnersl1ip as defined by the Commercial Code contract have inte11ded and so it sl1ould be treated a s11cb. When 01,1e deals with a co11tract between two (or more) persons wl10 have only some customary institution in n1ind, the situation


AsS'ista11t Professor, S'clzool of LaJ.-v, B'osto11 U11iverslty, formerly Assistant Professor, Fa&lty of Law, Haile Se!la.r;s[e I U11iversity. 1 · Fetha Negast, Cf1apt er X,"X}�/.

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sl1011ld'' q11estio11 of wheth ''tl1ere J the ose mtist we I Here er t n e r e . d.fl 1 · t a l1 w e ·fi as s a 1� a t 1 1·s s01n· . . JJar i1ersb.1p within th 1 qu 1 n r f o to d e d r1 te in y e th e tl1e org anizat1 Cwhicli l·al uld l 1e11 1t sl1o t be t reated t·l le s doe it , If C · ode same , erc . 1 10 11 0 1e 1 t f O g n i n1ean who 1ntend ed to 1 1av e their organiz s so11 per . t,;vo by ted crea ay as a pa rt ershi �­ u be ld 1 rue wo of s thi io Etb t t tha 1 11 ly pia like jt c Is ll� C � st ode· � ?. · t1011 gover ned Y t s h 1p t s r e r 11 a p le b 1u se re l1 ic l1 w s n io 1t t1 mary i11sti


The Present Situation in Ethiopia Very little field research l1as b�en d?ne int tl1e c m1nercial r�latio_11ships exist­ � � , ing in Ethiopia. Tl1e author has !11vest1gated _t�e �ystem of relat1011ships prevalent among Gurage 111erchants in Addis Aba?a. T�1s 1s _probably not the only such institution in Ethiopia nor is it nece�sa r1ly typical. Tl�ere sever� ! reason s for this clioice. A s indica ted abo,1 e, very l ittle l1as bee11 \Vr1tten about tl11s subject ai1d 80 one must rely 011 person al intervie\VS. In tb.e prese11t case, su.cl1 interviews \Vere in fact available with Gt1rage mercha11ts. Second, \Vhile partnerships probably exist a111ong otl1er group s of Ethiopia11s a11d ar e fai rly commo11 an1011g Arab and I11dian merchants , an1011g t]1e G· they are the most com111011 ,vay of doing business. Third, while the G11rage constitute a rather small per centage of the total population of Ethiopia, tl1ey are extremely important in tl1e com1ner ce carried on in Addis Ababa. I11 any case, the legal tests herein di s c11ssed \Vo11ld apply i11 analogous fasl1io11 to otl1er institutions. The Gurage institutio11 w ill ser ve as an exan1ple. A.s 111e11tioned above, part11ersllip is tl1e predo1ni11ant way of doi11g busi11ess among the Gurage. A mercha11t wl10 wishes to i11vest i11 a 11ew b11si11ess will seek someon e who kno,vs how to run sucl1. a b11si11ess a11d i.11 \.Vho1n he has co11.fidence. When l1e can find such a IJerson, they will enter into an agreemer1t \.Vl1erel1y the one ,:vill contribute the 11ecessary ca.pital to start the b11siness and tl 1e other will act11ally operate it. If the n1ercha11t cannot fi11d such a perso11, he will l1ire son1e­ one to ma11age tl1e business for him. If tl1is arrange111e11t proves sati sfactory to both J)arties, they v.1ill often the11 conclude tl1e same type of agreeme11t.2 Under such a11 agree1nent, the two me11 involved ,vill sl1are botl1 profits and loss�s, 11s11ally equally. Tl1e parties consider thernselves to be joint O\v·ners of the busu:ess. (b11ilding, i11ve1 1tory, etc.) and both 1nay participate i 1 1 decisions. U�on . te�mination of the arr angeme1 1t, after all debts are 1Jaid, tl1e capital contr1but1?n will . be returned to tl1e co11tributor, not in kind but in val11e. Jl 1e remainder, in­ �lu<ling a.ny increa se in the value of t11e business as a wl10Ie or of any given asset, is shared by botli parties accordi11g to tl1e agree111e For . occu r 1nay Var iatio 11s 11t. exainple, both parties n1�y contribute ca.pita! in e wl1e r ; rtio 11s pro po equ a l or 1111equ,tl _ . a large u.ndertaking is involved, n1ore than two . persons n1ay joi11. However, even . 2 · This process of convert· , is not aut. . in g an e1nployn1ent relat1onsl11p • , · 'ble to into one of "partn�r s�1p. on,atic but the G ur o :� fo rm know exactl y why :i� �isiow a niarked pre�erence for !he latter. \V�ile 1t 1s imp tl1 e. case, a partial explana tion �na y be 1nferr�d fron1 that a partnersliip a ee me�t will ta ke. Such a� ag reement will t1sually be ! n the � rm 0r· a ? usuallY Gurda. This institufon 1 1 rro tran slated as a "bond of ri� n}e . m�re fully d1scussed below; l1owever, this t �1nst �e inter ­ ship. Any a_ct ta ken by one of tl1e !Jart_ies a�a . penal· e�t of the ot11er is cons � idere a s a. very serious b g curr�n 111 t1ons, ties of a quasi su a obhg e r acl1 of one's even o a r l na tu_re ssess such a s illness to one's fan1ily,. loss of po death. If sucJ1 a b��� :� f � r�!io the 0 serio�s for_ a mere employment situat ion, tl11s roaY � P adva. ntage to ? fa ct the merchant n a the 1an ' er m otl1 e bis kmg I O . . � ,, • the mployee n " partner a o n that a b d of frie nd81 ·11P is Involved would preclude i ts use betwee11 stra nger s.


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usua be lly will ne party wl1ose contribution consists sol�l� in there case, � this in ement of th e bt1s1ness. g . na ma l ua act th� It is the author's co�tention that this i11stitution is a partnership within th.e Code Com merc nd ial must therefore be governed by it. The the of � ning niea 3 as ''a a par ersh1p :fines de agreeme11 t Code contract whereby two or ! -°: Com m ercial _1nte11d to J0111 together a11cl to cooperate undertake to bring more persons wl1 ? tocrether contributions f01· tl1e pt1rpose of ca1·rying out activities of an economic nature and of partjcipati11g in tl1e profits and losses arising out thereof, if any."4 This defi11ition contains se,,eral elen1ents, all of w11ich are satisfied by the Gurage customary i1��titl1tion. First, one n1t1st l1ave tl1e intention of t11e parties to ''join together and co� operate."5 Tl1_is implies that the parties may botl1 actively participate on a level of equality iI1 the a.ffairs of the bttsiness. Even where one party manages the business, botl1 participate in in1_porta11t clecisions. T11e institution may be distn1guished ·from a lease or a loa11. Tho11gh either a lease or a loa11 may satisfy some of the other elemet1ts of a partnership agree111e11t, the le11der or lessor's role is al\vays passive as rega1·ds tl1e busi11ess.6 Also, with a loan or lease, the objects sought by the parties are essentially different; that is, one party may very well work against the i11terest of tl1e otl1er. A partt1ership implies that all parties collaborate and work to\vards a con1n1on goal. A part11ership agree1net1t may also be distingt1ished from an en1ployn1ent contract si11ce the latter in1plies a subordination on the part of the employee, whicl1 is 11ot to be fou11d between partners.7 Second, all parties m11st contrib11te to the ll11dertaking. As indicated above, among the Gurage 011e party 11ormally contributes capital while the other contri­ butes services. Both of tl1ese acts are recognized as valid contributions by the Co111rnercial Code. 8 Third, tl1e purpose of the organization must be to carry 011t activities of an eco11omic nature. This is certainly trt1e of tl1e Gurage ''partnershjps'' ,ve have bee11 describing wl1ich normally engaged in coinmerce.9 Fi11ally, a. partnership agreen1ent n1ust e11visage the sharing of profits and. losses. This is cer­ tainly true of the Gu1·age instit11tion. These relationships are not mere associations, institutions which e11visage ''a result otl1er tl1a11 the sect1ri11g or sharing of profits." 1_0 One might also point out t11at while loans, leases or employment contacts often involve the sharing of profits tl1ey seldom involve the shari11g of losses.

3 · A ''partnership agreeroe11t'' is a contract whicl1 forms a.ny business organization, not jt1st a partnership. See, Cornrn . . C., Art. 210(1). 4 · Id., Article 211. In Professor Escarra's origi11al draft, tl1ere was but a single definition (a ''business orga11ization'') b11t thjs was altered by tl1e Codification Commission to distingujsh the organization and the co11tract whicl1 esta.blisbes it. 5 · Often referred to as lhe ''affectio societatis. '' See Escarra, Cours cle Droit Comrnercial (2d ed., 1952), p. 312. 6 · It is tr11e that wl1ere a large Joan is n1acle to financially t111Sotmd companies, the lender often p]ays a ve1�y active role i11 the direction of tl1e company. It is probable, however, that the "le11der'' ,\.·ould be treated as a partner. See, Escarra, cited above at note 5, p. 312. 7 · For a f11ll discussion of these distinctions, see Escarra, cited abo,1e at 11ote 5, pp. 310-313. 8 · Comm. C., Art. 229 (1). 9 · Usually, tl1ey carr:,' 011 one or 111ore of the acti,1ities described as ''commercial'' t1nder article 5 of ti1e Commercial Code. are JO. Civ. C., 1-\rt. 404. ruid trre nat 1ic 11on eco an of ies ivit act out ry car not 1s 1 , do atic Associ not formecl to secure profits.




1ercia.I relatio11ships sati·sf e mn ag co ur G e th at tl1 s ow sh on ssi cu a·s 1 oin re g e h g h Y n ti dis d he be n1a L1is i d ng an f r 11t o e y 111 ree ao. ot rsllip O . ne art � _f er i f . T • a . f o p 11 . 10 1t n e d · 11 o f t 11e parties, w110 con tl1e t10 e11 111t e t h l1 w1t s ree ag fact . s1 in is Th t ac r t o 11 c . f es typ • r be r f de e r nsi the co ed uld b sho e o as e Tl1 '' usi rs ile ss y ne ' art · ' be o t p s e 1 v se 1n . · 1 11 1e t der . so d a11 are 1 ver r s h'1ps, go ne art 1ed all fic by c1 spe p th y e r e mo . d an · 8 , t 10n a 111z ga or 1aIIy f;a1-1 to co1nply \Vith t\vo r11 no s hi s er rtn pa cl1 su p r, ve we Ho Commer cial Code. e. d o C l a ci er m n1 o C 1e tl f o provision s In the first place, m ost of these partnership agreements are 11. ot i11 writing as reqLlired by a rticle 214 a11d therefore are i11va�id. 12 G11rage part11e_rships . a re formed throligJ1 a contract called a ''Yeket G11rda'' . (literally, ''�011d of fr1e11dsh1p''). This is as much a ceremony as a contract, and 1s alway s bilateral. Tl1e two (or more) parties repeat thr ee times a series of pro1nises before a ''j11clge'' wl10 is usL1ally an elde r. 13 In case of a dispute over the performar1ce of the contract, the parties will go to this judge. Thus l1e is more tha°: Just a ��t11es� .. The sanction f or breaching the contract will be a misfor tu11e of sp1r1tuaJ or1g111 v1s1ted on the breacher. 14 S1ich oral pa rtnership agreen1en ts are probably 11ot lin1ited to tl1e G·urage. Fo r example, Fetha Negast states that ''A partoers11ip is formed by word, by \Vork a11d by service ... '', never mention ing a ,vr itte11 co11tract. 15 Si11ce tl1ese partnersl1ips are not supported by a. writte11 agree1nent, the par tt1ersip agree111e11ts tl1e1nselves ar e invalid. Under the Civil Code, this 11or1nally n1eans that t]1e existence of a contract is ignored. a11d tl1e parties are re turned to tl1eir pre-co11tract positio11s. Yet tl1e ''part­ nerships'' will ofte11 l1ave operated for a considerable period of tin1e. I11 sucl1 a case, t11e ruJes of ii1validity will ha,,e to be applied in s11ch a \1/ay as to take acco11nt of tl1e con1 plex relationships of the parties. .


In the second place, none of tl1ese pa rtnersl1ips are registered o r publicized as requ!red by articl e 219. The Ministry of Con1merce and Industry has made a considerable effort to get businesses to registe r. As a. res11lt, i11 Addis Ababa, tl1ere

l l. �h�se arran_gements do not il1clude any set capital nor is the liability of all t11e parties h.n,i�ed, as is the case with share companies (Corn1n. C., Art. 304) or private limited com­ pan_ies (Comm. C., Art. 510 (1) ). The object is usually comrnercial \Vitl1in the n1eaning of C., Article 5 of tb_e Commercial Code and so they cannot be ordinary pa r tnerships (Cornn,. t\ire Art. 213) nor is the J)a rticipation of any party 11ormally keJ)t secret as with a joint ve n i i��rnm. c;., Art. �7�(l) ). Theref?re, they shot1ld usually be considered genera! �a rtn�rslit� ps . ' limited partnerships \V l1ere so1ne of tl1e parties anticipated enJoy1n g hn1 ed < IIablli ty. 12. Article 214 actually st. ·ates tl1at ·it s the means this h a that 11 . be ''of no effect. " Tl1e argun1ent . same th1ng as _ "1nval1d" will be n1ade below. 13 • Thus, the Judge will ask " w 1 as to "So 1 1 O rep Y ,, a d have a partnersh·1 ,, Tbe !udge Y d you seek tl,is Gtirda ?'' The parties r tl,en J says ''This is ai1 'Arger yewortin' Gurda" ("��ge ;e "Wortin"' being �he names o at or 1�in ed ?" the l1ave • f_ two to persons supposed who are Gu rda contract ) wh1ch the urda . parties · t · th e11 repe at. The j udge asks "lf yo u violate this g to \\'l1i . ch the par ies reply "On Mas ra gs , . . r ) I e wea . t k a1 . d ay (a C l1r1st1an Etb1op1an feast , � m d swers . carry a basket and com e_'t0 . a�urda are stated three times Finally,you (.t�e Jt1dge) and beg.'' All of tl1ese q uestions anth1s tl,e Judge disn1isses tl1en1 witb tl1e blessing, "Let · keep you from violat·ing yot1r agreement." 14. See note 2, abo e. S 1966· • · s ee also s p v re w· 1· 11 1an1 A. SI1ack, The Guraoe Oxfo rd Un1ver s1ty tr ' ' e f o ''Yeket Gurda" 1·s th 0• ' l · sa · e con act u sed ior 1rnpor�ant co1nrnerc1al contracts su�J1 as t11e . 1and. !he:e 1s l a sea also "Yeden,, (blood ! . to ) !)T "AnJet (111testine ) Gurda'' \s, l11cl1 �s tise� the t,vo reco!1c1J1at1on wh ere one J . 11 ,vliic 1n " Gurda parties promise m· perpettuJ?erson bas killed another· and "Yerbret · ty no · t · t0 lDJttre eacl1 otl1er in any way. 15 • Fetha Negast, Ch.apter XXXIV. 1

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me 10,000 businesses registered, of which 400 are r partn . �1s Ui e sh i· ps 16 ''Tr't..J . ws .a: so . are num l to the er . f o tha partnersh ew�r �ps in f existence ar and may f : � y : inl � certa y � ten_ ency o trade_ r s . to reg1s!er �s individuals rather d explr un� . be ps erha Reg1stra_t1011 1s ne\v tg Eth1op1a and 1t will. req1:ire a certain ers. par_ t n as �an . . full into effe ct. put · The be resu lt can of t non -reg 1 istra. tion' however' ore bef e . ti.m · av s a. s s e no r h p I I 11 h '' e 1 eg h' · n a t ex r 1st a e1 1ce nor personality," according p e s e . is that th n1erc1al Code. e m th Co of 3 22 le tic Ar to · •


The ren1ai_nder . o.f this artic�e examines. the conseque�1ces of a failure to put a partnership 1n w1-1t111g o� a f�1l�e to reg1ste:· The thesis presented is that such organizations are part11ersl11ps :11th1n tl1e 1nean1_n? of the Commercial Code. How­ ever, the failure to_ con1ply w1tl1 all the prov1s1ons of the code means that they cannot be treated 1n exactly the same way as otl1er partnershi p_ s. We ma.y refer to then1 as ''de facto'' part11ersl1ips. Since an u11writte11 partnersl1ip agreement may not be registered, we n1ay co11venie11tly disc·uss the legal position of l1nregistered ''de facto'' partnerships and then the effects of a11 unwritten partnership agreement. Article 223: ''A bilsi11ess orga11izatio11 slzall have no legal existence nor per­ so11aliiJ' ttntil all t/1e pl·ovisions of this code relating to publicity liave bee.n corrzplied witli and registratio11 is publisl1ed in accordance 1-vith Art. 87 of this Code.''

Legal Personality - Under the Civil and Con1D1ercial Codes, only ''persons''

may be the subject of 1·ights or obligations. The term ''persons'' as used in the Codes is not limited to huma11 beings howeve1·. The law has attributed some aspects of personality to certai11 organizations. For example, the State is co11sidered as a person and so may exercise rights and be subject to obligations. 18 Since these organizations are considered ''perso11s'' by crea.tion of the law, they are referred to as ''legal'' persons. If it fulfllls the conditions imposed by the Commercial Code, a partnership is deemed to be a legal person. 19 As such, the partnership is not identical \Vith the partners who created it; rather, it is in itself a separate entity. As a con_sequence, it 1nay acco1nplisl1 certain things, s11ch as owning or disposing of property, which the law requires to be done by persons. on�lity pers legal In of ance t11e signific al practjc case t of greates rships, the partne . . 20 anses upon the disso]utio11 at1d liquidation of the partnership. Because 1t 1s a person, the partnersl1ip, a11d not the individual partners, ca11 be the O\Vner of assets. Parties who deal with a partnership become creditors or debtors of the P. art11ers.hip -a legal person. Wl1ile such partnership creditors may ultimately have a claim against the partners as individ·uals, this claim is indirect; they must first claim against the partnersbip,21 the person with ,�hich they have dealt.

16· As compared to 200 share companies, 400 private limited companies and 9,000 individual proprietorships. 17 · The concept of registratiori of partnersI1ips \Vas .fi1·st introdt1ced in tl1e Companies Law of 1933. I-Iowever, tl1ese orovisions were never ertforced. 18 · Civ. C., Art. 394. 19 · Comm. C., Art 2 . 10(2). 20· G. Ripert, Tra;te E'le1ne11taire de Droit Com1nercial (3rd ed. 1954), p. 268. 21 · Comm. C., Art. 294.

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. L W O V - l�o. 1 V A L N IA P IO H T E F O JOURNAL

s i111 cla tl1e of partnership cre · d, ate uid liq is p i rsh tne Par ct1tors ., . Whe11 a so1vent . t t e Th par e 22 s. s ners s a s are ip h s r tl1en pa· ct e tn r a p e th f o t u o 'd a1 th e ar� . first p l the actua 11ot rty )rope (but l ons ibuti contr contribu.ited) 2 their . f o . e u l a v l · a ' orig1n 3 t . 11 d ··b ute 1s to d' . t are d h e an . ts t r pa. profi 11 are ers . left m· equ24al . . whatever assets may be · o d tl m e in 'fi ec p sp r� s ne art on rt1 po 1e h1p � pr i er e oth agr � e no t e t, shares provided tha ffi t t y p en o t_ c1 t he claims of credito su o n re a ip sh er n rt a p � 1e tl f o s et ss a rs, 2s Where the t bu r1 1ons. r nt fo rs co ne rt pa e th on up ll ca ay m rs the Jjquidato ution of distrib nce _ is that tl1e creditors seque this of aspect ta11t impor The most , se us the Th s. ditors h�ve a priority 1er rt1 cre pa the e_ for be id pa are hip ers rtn pa tlie of d ers e an rtn yon pa r the an ove hip ers n t_ cl�1ming through par the of ets ass the to as the partners. This priority IS based on !he idea that th� partn�rsh1p is an entity separate fron1 its members. The result .1s that pa�tnersl111), creditors also enjoy a priority as to the assets of th� part11ersh1J? o_v�r creditors of. cl1e_ part11ers tbeniselves (''personal creditors''). A creditor of . an 11_1d1v�dual �artner 1s given no direct claim agai11st partnership assets. Rathe:, his cl�1m 1s a.�a1ns_t �he asse_ts of his debtor, the individual partner. An1ong his debtor s assets 1s his interest 111 the partnership. As bee11 seen above, this interest gives the partner a clai1n agai11st partnership assets but a clain1 which is inferior to that of partnership creditors. A personal creditor ma,y exercise the partner's clain1 but in doi11g so, he sta11ds in the place of the partner a11d acquires no clain1 superior to that of the partner.

For example, let tis suppose that A, B and C have formed a partnership, complying with all tl1e requiren1e11ts of tl1e Co111mercial Code, including Article 223. A ba,s deali11gs with X in the name of the partnership; as a result, a debt of $1, 000 is inct1rred. Tl1e debtor in this situation is the legal person, the partnership, and not A, B or C. X's clai1n is against tl1e assets owned by tl1e partnership. Let us further suppose that A owes Y $1000 and that this is a debt wruch he has inctirred in his persona.I capacity. A has 110 assets other tl1a11 his interest in th� partnership. As far as X is concerned, as a partnership creditor, he will _be paid. before �ny assets are distributed to A (or the ot}1er partners). Y may claim A's 1nteres� 1n the partnership but, in doing so, l1e is exercising A's right. There­ fore, Y will. l1ave only the rigl1t of a partner a11d tl1is clai1n is i11ferior to that of X, wl1o 1s a . creditor. The result is that y \vill not be paid if there are no assets left after X is paid. If there are assets left over Y \Vil! recei\'e tl1 at part which is du� to A. Y's clain1 is still only equal to th�t of B ,1nd C, the .other partners.. Y is a creditor vis-a-vis A; he is treated 011ly as a partner vis-a-vis the Part nersliip, partnership creditors or the other partners. If tl1e I)artnership were to . s. have assets of $3000, X would first be paid ne pa_ r t the � for $2000 Ieav $10 i11g 00, 3 In the absence of any agreeme11t to ive re�e \vou { ld partner the co11 eac trar l1 y, y on or_ about $?66- Therefore, since A ive rece tely ultin 1a rece ived will $666 Y , th1s much, if A has no other assets. son per legal a­ · Lac� of Legal Personality - To say that a partnersl1ip is cle11ied n a , son per 1ity, as In Art. 223, is to say that legal a as it will not b e co11sidered 22.

C <?mm . C , Art. t h1r d 23. Comm . C., Art. 24. Comn1. C., A rt. 25. Comm . C . , At r.

268. Wl1ere Partners are owed n1oney, they too are paid but 0nlY after 269. 270(1) (3). 268(1)

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mem The bers . effe ct its of t.his is twofold. F�st, as- there is from arat e sep entity O:"fl the er of the be asse ts o� to the n I?art ners pers hip, o the part neFS al . leg 0 0 ownership of them . Seco reta n . d, s111ce third parties did not deal in ust m s elve · s · · · tbero sepa e t entit a ra y, as h t ey must ershi p have a partn direct claim against the \Vl·th ' '' ' ons pers w1'th w' hom t'hey dea It. I y 011 tl1e ers, n part the that A, B ancl st1pp�se C _have �ormed a partnership but �s let rate� illust To . Art1c!e 223. A has dealings w1th X m the name of the \Vtth ed compli not have a debt to X of of wl11ch $1,000 rest1lt is i11curred. If the part­ a as ersbip artn X's clai1n would be person, against it. But legal in our case, the a were p �ershi partn ersllip is . n�t . a legal perso11, and. tl1erefore X's claim is directly against A, . A B, and C are the only ''persons'' with 1nd1v1duals whom X has as C and B dealt. Each wot1ld t1ltin1ately be liable in the amo11nt of $333. Let tis look at tl1e liqt1idatio11 of a part11ership which l1a.s been de11ied legal personality. 111 this case, there is no questio11 of. d�stribution. o� assets to the_ pa.r t.ners since they are already tl1e o,vners of tl1em. Rathe1·, 1t 1s of a qt1est1on of allocation. Each partner is allotted the vall1e of his original co11tribution. Any excess of asset.s is allotted eql1all)' an1011g the part11ers in the abse11ce of any agreement to the cont­ rary. If there are only part11ersl1ip creditors, st1ch as X i n our previous illustration, their position \vill not 'be significantly different from the case of a partnership with legal personalitj'. Partnership creditors may present their claims directly against the partners themselves. Hovlever, the denial of legal personality is a penalty imposed on A, B a11d C for thei.I· failure to register and publicize their partnershi_p. It is not a penalty directed at X, who is a third party in good faith. In this situatio11 A, B and C shot1ld 11ot be allowed to use the lack of legal personality agai11st X. Thus, if X wishes to treat tl1e partnership as a normal one, that is, treat it as a legal person and st1e it d.irectly rather than the partners as inclivid.t1als, he sho11ld be allo,ved to do so in spite of the fact that the partnership wot1ld not be allov.'­ ed to sue in its own name. On tJ:1e otl1er hand, X has the option to claim djrect­ ly against the part11ers themselves. In eitl1er case, he will be able to satisfy his debt from all available assets. The real si gn_ificance of a lack of legal personality lies in a sit11ation where personal creditors of the partners are involved. Ret11rning to our illustration, let us also suppose that J.\ owes Y $ I ,000 and that this is a which he incurred in his personal capacity. We sa\v previo11sly that wl1ere a partnership bas legal personality, a creditor· of the partnership st1ch as X wo11ld have priority over a credjtor of 011e oi, the partners st1cl1 as Y, as to partnersllip asset�. But �ere � there 1s no legal perso11ality, we have seen, there are no ''partnersh1p assets as such. The partners - - 11ot the partnership - - own all assets and X's claim is against the partners - - not the partnership. T11t1s, part of X's claim is against the p ersona_! assets of A, o�e of the partners. Y has exactly the same type of cla1n1 against tl1e assets w�1ch A o,v11s. Thus, even as regards the partnership assets: X no lo�ger has a priority over Y. Althot1gh we have said A, B and C, being responsi� le for _the lack of registration, n1ay not take advantage of tl1e lack of legal personality aga! nst X, Y is not respo11sible for this situa.tion. Therefore, he may take advantage of � t and have tl1e ''part11ersbip'' treated as lacki11g legal personality. Let us assume again that 011r ''part.nersl1ip'' bftS a.ssets of $3,000. In fact, since there is . no legal erso . $ n, s th of OOO the i _ o,vns ½ ers partn situa � tl1e t of tion each is really hat t us, .A has_ assets of $1000. Aga .inst these assets, X l1as � cla.1m of $333 Cs. of � h total claim ng wru Ass 00. $10 of n1 cla1 ' a has Y against th.e 'partne1·ship'') and - 1]1


receive ¾ or $750 (compared ely mat ulti will y ts asse With · that � has no �ti·ier x mp le . rece ' ) ive X will $25 0 whi le a e -· s u 1o v e r p $666 1n our e1· ist reg to e. � V· s ve hip ha ers rtn pa so far intering uir req for s son rea y Polic 111er. To be certa111 tl1at our ma1 ual cept con ly high a analys.s p reted a.rt'ic1e ? 23 in i fi d j che y rea 1lt res n1a be the 11 1 er eth 1 sti wl ed e min exa b st mu any Y . mak es sense, we 1 tl h 1e s . . 1 • • 1 w 11c egr re atu s ent gem Jud lit 1rug ue v�I or hav e has s icie pol le sib pos e of th 3. 22 le ic rt A d te p o ad it 1 ei h w d in in m lit� l ona lega pers f is o _ to. ial de1i a of place personal ence sequ con ary prim Tlie 1here b t 1 1 cla1 v. 111g foot l equa an �n itor� cred ?. � �g�111st partnership and partnership_ r� to of a �a1lu nce e _ 1eg1ster and publi­ sequ con a n r tu. 1n 1s t esul r this e Sinc assets. . 26 1 e reg1strat1011 of partnersh ip is tl nd behi y pol1c 011e that r e inf may to e 011 cize protect personal creditors, even at the ex1)e11se of JJart11ersl1ip �reditors. A_pparently it is felt tl1at non-registration n1 ay be 1nore barn1ful to tl1e 111terests of personal creditors than to those of partnersl1ip creditors. Is tr11e? Persons who deal with a par t11ersbip ma.y derive son1 e benefit from the fact that it is registered and publicized because certai11 j11for111atio11 1nay be readily available by cons1Llting tl1e co1nn1ercial register. Tbt1s, they may verify that there really is such a partnership, wl10 tl1e partners are, the val11e of the original contri­ butions, etc.27 Of cr t1cial m1porta11ce to a per son who is dealing \vith a11 intermed­ iary, which is al,va)'S the case ,vith a pa.rtnershiIJ, 28 is tl1e exte11t of tl1e intermedi­ ary's authority. Tl1e power s of the n1a11ager of a ge11eral partnersl1ip extend to all juridical a.cts which fall \Vithi11 tl1e ·purJ)Ose of tl1e par tnership . 29 A third party ,vill find this pL1rpose set out in tl1e co111111ercial register. Any 30 furtl1er restriction placed upon tl1ese exte11 sive powers is 011ly bindi11g on third parties wl1ere it has been entered. in the commercial register or is in fact know11 to tl1e third party in ques­ tion. In practic.e, this rule ,vorks 1 11ore to the adva11tage of the partnership than the third parties since it allows the partners to restrict a manager's po,:vers and to 111ake the restriction effective against all tl1ird parties, even those wl10 ]1a,1e no actual k no�ledge of the restr iction. 31 I11 this case, the Iacl< of registration will not affe�t a third p�rty since he ,vill not be bot111d by that wl1icl1 is not pt1blisl1ed. He _,viii lose noth�g as a result of 11011- registration. Eve11 though the co111 mercial reg1ster co�ld provide .useful information for tl1 ird parties wl10 wish to deal ,vith � parto�r­ ship, the d_enial of legal personality for failure to register seen1 s to be ineffective as a sa-11ct1on. 2 6 · [a� eaf� p �obabl y several. "policies'' b . ehind registr ation. For example, \Vl1ere all pa,rtne�::�ii� : tl· rtfor111atio11 t o tJ1e ta x . a u u si_nesses) are registered, tl11s w i ll provide · need i. ed 11 00· es· por tb 1s reason , pen a1 · · ra t reg1s . 110 r or n 1 ties In the form of fines may be 1n1posed . ould (See A • 1 of l p th e C o mmercial Code a11d 428 of the Penal Code). Such a o tcy \V tils . no t ex;}�: · e d erua 1 of legal personality. 27 · Comm. C., Art. 216. 28. Comm. C., Art · 289(1) (See tl1e French or Aml1aric version of the code). 29 · comm. C., Art. 216(4). 30 · Comm. C., Art. 289(2). 31. In the United Stat estrJC. r es hips r wh ere rtn there 1 s no provision for t 1 1e registration of pa � s the third tions on the powers ' f a manager are . 01;UY effective against a. t�.i;rd party w1 ���ive 0otic�­ Par!y has actaal knoile Uniform Partnership Actdg of the restr1ct1_on . There .IS n o poss1bil1ty of co11st�, partnersf11p (2d ed., 1952), p. 5SJ. · (� .S.A.), § 9(4), 1n J. Crane, Ha11dbook 011 the Law 'J

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I '




hen we diffe re11t examine. the position of pers0rral credito.i:::s r rath e � .i s ase . The c ev1 usly, p where state a partnership enjoys legal personality As � � � bers. . m me of_ the n itself orga may n1za own t1o prop erty. the Where a member cont·n·­� that ans e 1 th1s n · 11ers h par b a · 1p, t . 1t to ecom es the property of the partnership, asset onal pers a of .the men1ber's personal �reditors, property which .wa� view of point the ���: debts of owed to payme tl1em 11t 1s no longer the availa ble. for In its ble . . a . .1 vai a ' h 1nte e t 111 est s art p _ er b er h1p. n1en1 As w bav th s e en is � although � e � � tlier � � , lace � _ P b personal creditors may exercise the member s interest, this claim 1s inferior to 011e rn_igh.t say th �t fr?m !he creditor's poiiit of creditors. p partnersl1i of claim :h: exc]1anged for asset an something has 1nfer1or partner 1_ n value. . the , view Article 22.3 offers personal creditors s01ne protection from this situation. The asset in qt1estion \vill 011ly pass out of tl1e hands of his debtor (that is, become the property of a legal person� Vi1l1ere this_ fact I1as bee11 registered and publicized. In this case, tl1e personal creditors may not JJrevent the formatio·n of the partner­ ship but they may n1ake . a11 in1111ediate clai111 against their debto1·'s partnership . _ 111 the fact tl1at at the moment of formation and before ii1terest. The adva11tage lies the partnership l1as begt1n to ope1 ·ate the value of the partner's interest should eqttal the valt1e of the assets co11tributed before tl1e commenceme11t of the bu.siness. That is, the part11ersh.ip will not yet l1ave incurred a11y losses \Vhich could diminish the value of their debtor's i11terest i11 tl1e part11ership. As a pratical matter the personal creditor's claim \-Vill not have to con1pete with that of partnership creditors since the latter do not yet exist. Legal Existence - I11 addition to de11ying legal personality to a11 unregistered and unpublicized partnersl1ip, Article 223 also de11ies it ''legal exister1ce. '' In tl1is case, the consequer1ces of· Article 223 are far fro1n clear si11ce, t1nlike ''legal persona­ lity," the term ''legal existence'' does not h.ave a fixed or teciu1ical meaning in

Anglo-American law. Nor does the term ''existe11ce legale'' have a technical meaning in. French Ia.w. This is not to say that the term is never used. One m,:1y in fact say that where a partnership lacks legal personalit)', it 111ay still actually exjst b11t it is not recognized by the la\\/ as a separate e11tity and so l1as no ''legal'' existence. The effect of sucl1 an i11terpretation is to n1ake the additio11 of ''legal existence'' to ''legal perso11ality'' p11rely redt111da11t. One should presu1ne that the legislature did not intend to be redu11dant and so one 1nust search for other possible 1neanings of the tern1.

The t1se of tl1e tern1inology ''110 legal existence'' might indicate that the law should completely ignore the situation arisi11g 011t of the partnership. An example of such an approach is to be found in American · la\v. Where a partnership wa.s formed for an illegal pt1rpose, st1ch as illicit gan1bling or robbery, courts have re­ fused to deal with it at all, eve11 to the exte11t of ordering an accounting between the partners. 32 The pa.rtners are left in tl1e position in whicl1 tl1ey are fou11d. Although this might be rather 11nfair to s0111e of tl1e partners, the illegality is co�sidered to so tai11t the partnership that a. cot1rt will notJ eve11 recog11ize that it exists. A failure to cor.apiy witl1 tl1e ru.les of publicity is a far less serious offense than a partnership witl1 an illegal pt1rpose and so st1cl1 a penalty seems rather extreme. 32· A. Corbin, A Treatise o,z the Rttles of Contract La,v (1951), vol. 6, IJP, 1036-1040,

_.;....· · 113 -


that the term ''no legal ex1·st be t migh on etati pr inter . e . · '' nce . Anot her poss1"ble • 1s s h t par ner lJ) exists 1n cont 1e 1 t t tha t fac the rav eOt·Ion of meant OnlY t emphasize , ever How ed. liciz tl1e fact tliat tlie pub been not has it s a. • ong 1 · rtner. . the. law, so pa . us b · o v1o so 1s tl1at t. 11ere IS 110 reas w a 1 the h wit ed ipli con n sh1P 1ias. 0ot to o d far so n usse b disc ns tatio rpre inte see1n s reaso a le. reempb as1ze 1•t. Neitlier of the ial den of t the tha gal ''le y ilit sib pos ste exi tl1e nce'' 1· 8 mean t is e 1 n eso ubl . M ore tro . . makes t11e J?artnersb1p em agre 1c1ty publ ent itself invalid of t wan the tliat . ate indic to of _g1v111g tl1e ter1n ''legal existence" ge anta adv the has also n tatio rpre inte This · ity''. onal pers S�cb l a _ ''lega r1�1e \Vould liardly b: of that from ct distin iiJg mean unusual since invalidity 34is the penalty for Jack ?f r�g1_strat1?n 111 s11ch coutltries as , France3J and Lebauo11. The co�sequences of 1nval1d1�y will be discussed i il detail below. The primary conseq_t1ence 1s tha! th� _par�11ersh1p agree�1e11t cannot be en­ forced in the ft1ture. As will be see11, 1nval1d1ty 1s a n1ore ser1ot1s ''penalt y" than lack of legal personality.


There are two arguments which m.ilitate ag,1inst this in terpretatio11. First, the Civil Code states the principle tl1at ''u11less otl1erwise provided, a co11tract shal l be valid not withsta11ding tl1at prescribed 1neasures of p11b]icatio11 l1ave not been co mp­ lied with."35 The general rule is clearly stated. Au exceptio11 to the rule sl1ould be equally clear. This is certainly not the case witl1 the term ''110 legal existence," an a.mbiguous term with 110 set or technical meaning. Since a11 exact \Vorel was available (i.e. ''invalid'' or ''null'') one would expect the legislator to use it if that was what he meant. Second, Article 214 of the Co1nmercial Code, i11 clear ter1ns, provides that any partnership agreement not in writi11g is invalid. If the legislature wishes to provide the same penalty for lack of registration as for lack of writing, they \Vou ld have used the same ter1ninology. F11rthermore, i11terpreting article 223 to require invalidatio11 would itself create a redundancy. By its very 11att1re, a11 un\vritten partnership agree111e11t cannot be registered. Article 223 enco111passes all 11n\vritten partnership agreements as well as those writte11 agreements wl1ich 11ave 11ot been a for need registered. If 110 Art 223 required be wo11ld invalidation tl1ere then ' ' . special article dealing with unwritten agreements. In view of these co11siderations, it is 111ore reaso11able to conclude again5t_ the en· xist e al ''leg presumption, to against referri11° redundancy. One in must infer that b · ' · · tered gis ce ' the leg1slature only 111tended unre that to give emphasis to tl1e fact Partnersh"ips are not to be considered as entities separate from the 1nen1bers then 1selves. 33 ·






· Code de Law Of 24 Ju1.Y 1867 (France), modified by Deer. L 30 October 1935, Art. 5 8 1.n · of the . er mmerc� (Petits codes draft 1al Dalloz, 58th eel., 1962) p. 52. As the origi1 g� ractice. J mmercial Code was French, one n1ight arg u 1 re e that l1e probabl)' follov,1e d F nch 5 r Jau f· H e r c e 2 3 r A t i in b l 2 its , presen t \Va form, cod draft �� tl1e � y _P o��1 i�h arise s add ed to fr ;��� the death of Professor s lt c d v s Escarra of tJ1e 1ffi n1any u ie as a oid to o · Frenc.11 lav.,. 1n ' 11pa1s fra 34. Code de commerc tes e (Leb anon), Art. 44, E Boustany Codes Libana1.s en ]4,x provides eh. (1 955) C0 a see C_ivil And 1 . IC 1 2) V.' (196 Com 1015 n1erc ia] Art. Code (Tl1� il�nd ), loss · 0°f leg Personal ity as the sole penalty for a f ailt1re to register. 35 . cIV, C ·• Art. 1720(3).

;r ,

- 114 -






Personality on Other Aspect s Legal of of Partnership Law ack L of Effect majo e r signi fican , ce ov ?f legal a p �rsona�ity, or lack of. it: tione d � � men � _ As n of assets to d1st r1bu cre t1o dito rs at the diss olu tion g . At this time, dur in . . es . . com e par t h ners on f th o tp, ce� ta1n _ ques_t1on� may arise to which _ oper ati the ng . duri or _ could be s1gn1ficant. Tl1es 111 r1 r1ly nalit involve the matter of y � erso t? fl:1� � p oal Je the manage1· of and l1m1tecl liab1l1ty. powers ons, ibuti c;ntr Contribution -:- Where a partnersl1ip attains legal personality, the partnership, as a separate e11t1ty, ma_y o�vn p�ope1·ty: Among the property owned by the partner­ ship will be �e co11tr1b:1t1ons _ it receives �ro D:1 the _partners; the partners do not retain ownership of tl1�1r particular contr1but1ons, b ut _ . have only an undivided interest in the partnership as a whole. If the partnership 1s not treated as a separ­ ate entity, it cannot ow11 property. The partners themselves must be the owners of what appears to be partnersl1ip property. The question is whether each remains the owner of his particular co11tribution or, rather, becomes a joint ow·ner of all contribtitions.36 One \Vay to solve this problem is to begin with the proposition that the partnership agreement itself is valid as between the contracting parties, that is, the partners. We l1ave already conclt1ded that in the case of a written partnership agreen1ent this statement is true \vhether or 11ot the partnership is registered. As discussed above, one of the elen1ents of a partnership agreement is the pooling of resources. If tl1e partners have agreed among themselves to pool their contributions and this agreement is valid, it should be given effect. In cases where the partnership lacks legal personality beca11se of a failure to register, it can be given effect by treati11g each partner as a joint owner of all contributions. This solution is mor·e equitable than the alternative sol11tion of considering e.ach to remain owner of his ow11 co11tribution from two points of view. First, it honors tl1e expectatio11s of the contracting parties, the part.ners. Under a normal partnership agree1nent, although each partner may contrib11te specific assets to the partnership, he has 110 right to 1·eceive back that specific contribution. He has a claim only to its val11e. 37 If the part11ership incurs losses so that some of these contributio11s are lost, tl1is loss must be bor11e by all the partners, 38 and not just those who contributed the lost assets. This sharing of losses is of the essence of a partnership agreeme11t. The effect of holding that each partner retains individual ow11ership of his contribt1tion \vould violate this basic principle of a p � rtnership agreement. The partners wl1ose property was used up_ (usually the con­ tributors of fungible goods, such as money) would bear all the loss. To illustrate, let us assume that A, B and C are parties to a written bt1t unregistered p· art­ nership agreeme11t. 1\ and B each contributed $5,000 in cash while C contributed. machinery worth $5,000. At a latter point u.1 time, tl1e business has, as assets, the -�achinery and $3,000 in cash. If C has a right to receive back his contribution · lnery), only A a11d B would bear the $ 7,000 loss incurred by In kind (the mach . the b11s1ness. In this illustration, C vvot1ld only share the loss where, and to the extent that, it exceeded $10,000. TJ1js rt1ns counter to the expectations of all.

36 · As ior iassets in were acquir ed on 37 · Comm. C., Art. 38 · Comm. C., Art.

excess of tl1e valt1e of contrib11tio11s, tl1ese represent pro fits. S1'nce they behalf of all tl1e n1embers, they n1ust be jointly o\vned. 269. 270(2).

- 115 -


. L O V � No. 1 W V A L N IA P IO H T E F O L A N JOUR d registration, the po int was made hin be licy po the th :t It econd . n d.18 cussing g i11 t of ld fec l1o ef ne . at rs th ito O d e cr the par er I 1a oi rs pe of � ' sts S e r e t . n i _ h e t ts _ c prote rather than joint owners of a n s 1s, utio trib con t ual d ivi d _ f in r thei ll . ,.. of remain owners o· h ns e t pe ex at rs e or ito d er cre oth s · To return n al rso pe e som t tec · pro · o t · . . 1s , them 1 no 1ave d C .1 an ot 1er ! B 1a tl s se asset o p p su , and that n o ti ra st lu il s u o vi re p r u to o owed � $5,000 and C o�e d y B ip sh er tn ar _p e t� of n io at rm fo the previous to s Ter the sut an? �es d los ill:e for n cr the des 1s ip rsh ibed. If B tne par e Th . t. . n . ou am e csam ual ut1 1v1d tr1b 111d co� ir_ the on, o� y s 11er o\v will collect the as d te trea are c a.nd 111s debtor, C �111 ge; back the e sinc ) 0 ,00 5 ($ . d owe is he machin­ t the full a.moun 500, tl1a t 1s, B s on�-I1a tf of $1, t lec col to le ab be ly n o l wil x the ery wliile remaining $3,000, in spite of the fact that X a11d Y are equally third parties in good faith. of a partnership extend Powers of the Manager - The powers of the 111a11ager 39 This scope of auth­ to all acts which fall witl1in the purpose of the partnership. ority is considerably broader than would 11ormally be inferred by civil law, where the designation of one as ''manager'' would be considered to be an authorization ''expressed in general terms." Such authority wo11ld n or111ally be i11trepreted as being restricted to ''acts of management."40 Does the fact that a partnership is not registere d mean that the ''1nanager'' is 011ly a11 agent in the sense of the Civil Code and not the Commercial Code? If so, a third party who dealt with a person whom l1e assumed to 11ave the broa.d powers of the manager of a part11ership ntight find- himself in the position of l1avi11g dealt witl1 01 1e \Vho acted beyond the scope of bjs powers. In this case, tl1e ''partnership'' would not be bo11nd. Where the partners clearly inte11ded their agent, the manager, to have the powers of the normal n1anager of a partnership, there is 110 problem. The relevant rules of the Civil Co de are only rules of i11terpretation. The scope of an agent's authority is normally set i11 accordance with the actual i11ten tio11 of the parties.41 A problem may arise where the parties intended to li111it the scope of the manager's authority. The Commercial Code provides that a11y restrictions on the extent of the powers of a _ manager ''shall only affect third parties where such provisio_ns have been entered 1n the commercial register of if it is shown that the third part1es �ere . aware of such provisions."42 This provision states a policy in favor of com­ mer�ial_ certainty which sho11ld be respected. Since the partnership is n ot register�d, having restr 1ctions 011 the n1a11ager's powers should affect only these third partie s · actual knowledge of them. s thi , Limited ered Li�bility regist If a limite d partnership is formed but not . raises the quest10n whether the resulting lack of legal personality \Vill n1ake all the partners fully liable. �be A limit� d p�rt�ership is an organiza.tion of_ all not but some , which in t JO�n partners enJoy l1m1ted liability.43 a in ants par tici Un p like the of ide nti ty · 44 ies venture' the existe part . , d partners is d ir · nee Of 11m1te h' t normally 1nad e known to

39· 40 • 41. 42. 43. 44·

Comm. C., Art. 289(1) (re�er to French text). · c1v• c•t Art. 2203. Civ. C., Art. 2181(1). Comm. c., Art. 289(2). Comm. C., Art. 296. Comm. C., Art. 272(1).

-- 116 -




stere mem d oran r d the re�� un in i as ed such 1 The 4s s law i ited _ e allow s _ a ! ! l m they _. d , an th l1ab1l1ty �or firm s their underta l1m1t }an�s only 80 long , as they � to ers _ . artn m1gh t slead th ner 11; third p�t1�s into considering them to roan a ! 111 � � act _ . not �o l unl1m ab1l1ty 1ted . Where a l1m1ted partner involves himself with rs partne � eral gen b part11e 1p, h rsh the comes f o ''fully ent jointly ? and severally liable anag � _ � _ m �� . the : 46 '' . s of 1t1e his t t1v g ot1 a� s1n ar1 es for any liabil1t1 Here ,ve are dealing with a clea1· policy i11 f aver of the protection of third 11 e rship. p other tl1e rt1 a hand, l1 th re wi 0 seems deal to be no � � who � � es . parti . _ . a11d legal l1ab1l1ty personality. In spite of the fact that n1ted l11 between n conn 47 and is l leg rsonality enj y neve ? � i:iot registered,48 some of : � J?� 49 a joint ventt1re so long as third parties are not misled enJoy l1n11ted l1ab1l1ty its members may 50 Tl1ere is 110 reason to deny limited liability to partners in as to their status. an unregistered partnership so long as the policy of protecting third parties is safeguarded . Wl1ether third parties might have been 1nisled in a given case_ will depend on the factors of that c,ise. It must be ad1nitted, however, that where the partnership is not registered, it will in fact be 1nore likely that t'hird parties will be misled. i\lmost a11y deali11gs witl1 third parties will probably niake a limited partner fully liable. '


Lack of Registration and Publicity as ''Good Cause'' for Dissolution of a Partnership As indicated above, 1nost of the problems involved with un1·egistered partner­ ships arise at dissolution and liquidation. Moreover, a Jack of registration may in

itself be a reaso11 for dissolt1tion of a partnersl1ip. The Commercial Code provides that a partnership ''1nay be dissolved for good cat1se on the applicatio11 of a part­ ner."51 A member of a partnership wl1ich exists i11 violation of tl1e law bas an interest in extricating himself fro1n the situatio11. Dissolving the partnersl1ip is one way of doing this.

To say that a pa1iner bas ''good cat1se'' for dissolving the partnership is not to say that the partnership agreement may be invalidated. As indicated above, the agreement itself is ,,alid (asst1mi11g it is in writing). It is only the organization which will be dissolved; tl1ere sl1ould be no question of any retroactive effect, such as might arise if the agreement were considered void from the start. As will be seen below, any interested pa1iy n1ay attack a11 invalid partnership agreement w,here­ as only a partner 1nay request the dissol1,1tion of a partnership for ''good cause.''' .

When a partnership is attacked for lack of publicity, Fre11ch law permits this defect to be ''cured'' by the registratio11 and publication of tl1e partnership agree. ' '•



45 · Comm. C.t Art. 298. �46 · � omm. C., Art. 301 (3). ''Wl1ere appropriate, l1e may be declared jointly and severally liable , in respect of some or all the firm's undertalcings.'' 47 · Comm. C., Art. 272 (3). 48 · Comm. C., Art. 272(2). 49 · Comm. C., Art. 276(2). SO· Com m. C., Art. 272(4). I11 tl1is case, merely revealing tl1e existence of the joir1t venture· might cause third parties to rely 011 tl1e perso11al credit of the revealed members.· 51. Comm. C., At~t. 2.l.8(1).

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52 is sho11 Id be equally Tl1 un. beg e hav ngs edi c Pro Urt t rue i ment e. ve11 after co · n e d 1 e cur eas -1 y . b ay 0 , 11 . f r cou and 1 se ial triv registration . ia. The defec t is Etbiop uire l acq \1/il legal J)ersonality only hip 1ers 1 t par The t · c · effe · f ron1 e v cti· .es fro the prev1ot per10 . has no retroa • d part ' l1 d wl1et Thir � er n.53 ! tratio regis cre dit ors f of � the day 1 rs tr1e o par \,VJ be · s itor cred tl1oro ughly protect al son per or ship tner _ par of the ed c e n1m 1al Co tl1e de. �o ?f � ere Th ore, the onl � by the operation of Article . 223 11 of the partners11 1p a11d to give it 0 ut1 sol d1s the lt lia to a legJ effect will be personality for the future. Article 214: ''T/1e formation of any busi11ess organizatio11. ot/1er t/1at1 a joint ve11ture sl1all be of 110 effect unless it is made i,1 ivriting. '' Invalidity of the Partnership Agre�ment - We have b_ee11 dealing until no\v with written but u11registered partnersh1p agreements. In r11ov1 11g on to a discussion of unwritte11 partnership a.greeme11ts, one n11tst bear i11 111ind tl1at tl1ese agreements are 11ecessarily unregistered. 54 In additio 1 1 to the penalties in1posed for the lack of a writing, the partnership will be denied legal personality. The conseque11 ce of an unv.1ritten partnership agree1 11e11t is tl1at tl1e a.gree111ent itself is i11valid. 55 This is not to say that the agreeme11t does not exist at all or tl1at it is ''at1ton1a. tically'' 11ull and void. \Vhe 1 1 we say tl1at tl1e agree1nent is in­ valid, \Ve mean that someone may go to co11rt and req11est that tl1e co11tract be invalidated. Depending on the circun1stances, the ''s0111eo 11e'' n1ay be 011e or all of the parties to the co11tract or even an ''interested thircl party. '' 56 Until i11valida­ tion is gra11ted by a court, the contract remains i1 1 effect. A11 ''invalid" contract ma.y very well be acceptable to tl1e perso1 1s involved or no 011e 1 11ay be a,vare of the fact that son1e ground for invalidatio11 exists. As a l)ractical matter, such a; contract will be indistinguishable from a valid contract, so long as it is 11ot invalid­ ated.




The issue is the time when invalidatio11 tak e s effect; that is, wl1ether the agreement is i11validated retroactively fro1n the mo111e11t it ,vas 1nade or only for the future, as from the moment it is invalidated by the court. As a general rule, th � effect of invalidatio1 1 is to return the parties to the positio11 \-vl1icl1 \Vould have existed had the co11tract not been made a11d to nullify all acts do11e i11 perfo rmance of the contract.57 This means tl1at co 11tracts are i11validatecl retro�1ctiv el)1 froin the tin1e they were made a11d so are considered as havi11 g 11ever existed. For exanlple, _let us s�ppose that X and Y entered into an i 1 1valid contract for tl1e sale of an a tr coi the � �� r automobile �ith X as seller and Y as buyer. If X later i1 1validates the �ffect will be to r eturn the automobile to X and the price to Y. X \VIII cons1dered to have always bee11 the owner of the a11to111obile.

52. Ripert, cited above at note 20 ' P · 434 · 53 . . The t�·10I:t·.' on �f I?ena l p rovisions (See Con1. 1n. C., Ar t . .l J 5) 54 See · e iscussion as to the meaning of "no legal effect" at . 55.· Although the Engl'ish version o f Article 214 says it is "of of the prench term . · IS ".1nva I'd' 1 '. Lack of v,1riti11g vaUdating a par t r h1'"nul" P a g reement. Since t he agreeme11t is general ru les o f ��n��act . For ex an1ple, the co11tr act may be sent or Jack of acity on th e part of one of tl1e partne . rs ;;:. 56. Civ. c., Art. 1 57 · Civ. C., Art. 18 5 1 .

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• eI, cured. ti n,ay not be retroac v ) note 35 abov e. latioD .. ans t r effect", tI1e b etter d for 111• no . n r t only g ou e h not to Ll1e IS · . . t bjec .a c�ntract, it isa �uefect in con· 1nval1dated for




. .


exc ept ions to the 1�t1_Ie of retroactivity. Where the in:teF­ two are the �e ver, we Ho concerne?, acts done 1n performance of the contract are are parties . third ests of ple, if y ha? already resold the automobile to Z, it exam r Fo ted._sR alida not inv unfair to ·force z to return 1t to X . T l1e account betw een x and y e b uld \vo of pa�m n1_ 0 11ey ent �nly tl1e . Nor by are ed act� nullifie.d where this s�ttl e b · ld wou _ involv seriou e s '\voul� disadv a�tag es or or ble 1nconveruences. s9 For possi not 15 had bee.n destroyed, 1t c_ould no longer be returned. at1ton 1ob1le the if mple, exa Y to pay order to an have appropriate su.m of money to x. would rt c ou · The If one considers the i11validation of a part11ership agi·eement which has not been executed, that is, where the I?artnership l1as 11�ver operated as such, one may apply the general rule. The parties may co11ve11iently be returned to their previous positions. I-Iowe_ver, ver� ofte11, tl1e _ partnersh�p will }�ave actua�y operated, _perhaps for a long period of time, a11cl this fact w1ll be difficult to ignore. The interests of third parties ,vl10 dealt with tl1e part11ership will be involved. The situation among the partners tl1e111selves may be quite complicated and so it may be diffic·ult or even impossible to restore them to their original positions. These practical consider­ ations vvill n1itigate agai11st retroactive invalidatio11 to such a11 extent that it will be the exception ratl1er tl1a11 the rule when deali11g with partnerships. The partnership \Vill i11 effect be treated as ,,alid up to the 1noment of invalidation and be nullified for the future; tl1ose things do11e in the past will be enforced.60 When the partnership agreement is prospectively invalidated, the partnership can no longer exist since there will no longer be an u11derlying contract to support it. The partners are no longer bot1nd by a11y contract; their affairs must be sorted out and the assets held in comn1on must be apportioned. The practical effect of invalidation of the partnership agreeme11t is to dissolve the partnership, which will, in turn, lead to liquidatio11 of the partnership assets. Tb.e same practical co11side1·ation, that is, tl1e interests of third parties and the complexity of the arrangements betwee11 tl1e partners, has led the Frencl1 jurists to develop a tl1eory of ''de facto'' partnersl1ips (''societes de fait'') to deal with a partnership which is subject to invalidation, 61 and which has operated over a period of time. 62 U11der this theory, the partnership agreement is considered as valid up until the tin1e that a court pronounces its invalidation. Both third par·ties and the part11ers themselves 1nay prove this ''de facto'' existence by any means, where it is a question of liqt1idati11g the partnership rather than of enforcing the agreement in the future. 63 We l1ave jt1st suggested the same solutio11 for Ethiopia by an application of the rules of the Civil Code. In developi11g a special theory for partnerships, Frencl1 law recognized that partnership agreen1ents are especially complicated contracts and, as such cannot �lw�ys be subject to the normal r11les of the Civil Code. One result of this analys­ is 1s to treat an u11written partnership agreement in the same way as a ,vritten 58· Civ. C., Art. 181 6. 59· Civ. C., Art. 1817(1). 60· Professor Davicl l1imself recognized tl1at tl1e exception might become the rule. See, R. David, Avan t-Projet· of the Ethionian Civil Code (t1npt1blisl1ed). 61 · Note tl1at in Frcncl1 law, la partnership agreement n1a)1 be invalida!ed for lack of regiStration as well as lack of a writte11 agreement. Law of 1867, Art. 58, cited above at note 3J. 62. A Moreau, /:1ssociatio11s en Participatiotz et Societes de Fait (1958), p. 863. _ 63. Ripert, cited ab ove at note 20, p. 292 .


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l1ip ers s rtn l1a pa ted and th the era op t tha . ed vid pro ' t en em · at but unregiSlered agre 11ot involved. is future Howeve the · t r there are 10 n e m e re g a . e . th f o t n e m e the en. forc s, n o t1 a tu o s1 tw e th n . ee tw e b s ·a-.11erence two s1gn1ficant d11 de in tl1e prescrib ed form m ma 1ot act ntr co a , de Co il Civ 1 a p·1rs t under the yt A' T 64 . ed est i te y rty ird th !)a a by r h n n it to or e eu1ec ,. b.e 1nv . . a 1.1d' ated. by the parties . . t . 11e a1sso1ut1.on an d liqu rce 1o !" to es rti pa rd tlu d ste idatio n ere int . . · to allow o·r th·1s 1s t en A . eem agr mong ''mtere sted th ird tten wr! a �y ted por sup not ip rsh tne par of any bly ba d pro nal creditors of a11 . rso ors _pe dit cre 1p �sh tne par e lud inc y ma we parties," , hip red ers iste rtn reg pa u11 ly on t bu the partners n tte wn a of e cas the In rs. the partne may force dissolution. Second, the partnership assets will often be distributed according to the Com­ niercial Code rather than according to t�e part11ership agreen1e nt. Normally, the partners may freely agree in the partnership agreem�r�t o� the proportional distri­ bution of profits.65 In the absence of such66 a provision 1n the partnership agree­ W11e11 the partnership agreen1ent is ment, profits are to be distributed equally. invalidated, the parties n1ust be considered to have failed to agree since liquidation according to the invalid agreen1ent would be e11forcing one part of the agreement in the future. The entire agreement will have been invalidated. 011e cannot enforce one part of it. However, it is very important to note that this latter statement is based on the assun1ption that the partnership agreement has been invalidated. As stated above, invalida.tion is not auto111atic; the partnersl1ip may be dissolved with­ out invalidation , for example, by agreement among the partners. 111 this situation, the assets would be distributed according to the agreement.67 ''Apparent Partnerships'' and Third Parties - A related problem arises where a tl1ird party has dealt witl1 what he supposed to be a partnership and he noi,.v wishes to hold someone liable as a partner. To do so, 11eed he only sl1ow that tl1e individ11al in questio11 held hirnself 011t to the public as a partner, that is, that there �as ostensibly a partnership, or must he prove the actual elements of a partnership contract that is, that the persons in,,olved really intended to be �artners? Ethiopian law has no specific provisio11 on this subject but possible solu­ tions may be suggested by the rules apJ)lied in other countries. American law has gone the farthest in dealing with this situation. Recogni�g a need to protect the innocent third party who I1as relied even where 110 gen uine 64. 65 · 66. 67.

Civ.- C., Art. 1808(2)

Comm. C., Art. 270(3).

Ibid. . d resolve A disagreement may ari· �e over wh . be ether to invalid ate or not. TI1e co1tlhc t 1nay artners accordin to th f l ow n wo prin p e t and 11 . vali di tY parties t e 1 cipl third A.s s. between any � l � . � � themselv th h1r art1es should _prevail. The partners are responsible fo r the r� or as and should n�t be a1fowed r ie p a rd tl1r to e us between it against As third parties. between part hose invalidation shou prevail. ld What partners e t �e practical effect of tl1ese. prin?iples iJ:?. a �ase wh ere theartnersbiP wished to invalidate their . partner s�1p agreement while third parties did_ not ? 1:he P comP· agreement would be t ted as es t as valid �ea until all litigation involving the thrrd Pat: i a: action to �eted. At this point t artn ers, or any one of them, would b e free t o br1i;:. agreement invalid ate the contra�t ;,; 1P u s er no partn er partn the could of use the invalidity as a defense to an . a c·t·ion· b,rought by a third party.

t· w��I�

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I '





doc trin the e of ed, par tner ship t'�rm a �y s w_ esto ppe l p has been develop, ed,. ersh i partn ,, pe wh a rso en 11 r�p resents . h_1mself, or consents to another ctr 1ne , d this ? Under s a ru1yon rt11er e, 111 an to ex1st11 1g him �� partn�rship or with one or � enting res rep partn ers, l1e actua l may not be held fully liable as jf he were a ons pers more 68 er. par�n In Ethiopian la\-V, a perso11 wl10 per1nits his name to be used in the firm eve11 part11 tl1ough h� may 11ot actually be a partner_69 Alth­ er a as liable be will ough there is 110 general rul� co:1·espo11d1ng to partnership by estoppel, the above pro,,isio11 demonstrates , a �Jol1cy _in favor of P!Otecting third pa1·ties who may be misled as to a person s �tatus_ 1n a partnersh1J? e�en though that person may not actually be a partner. This policy may lead. Eth1op1an courts to develop a doctrine similar to tl1at in An1erican law. Even if tl1e courts decline to follow the American solution, the results reached in actual cases may not be very differe11t. An alternative approach 1nay be illust­ rated by a French case,70 si11ce Fre11cl1 law does not accept the doctrine of estop­ pel. In this case, a ''de facto'' part11ersl1ip for the operation of a bank \Vas found to exist between a father and a s011. Typical of the evidence prese11ted was the fact that the s011 often referred to hi111self a. s a ba11ker, that the firm nan1e of the bank w,1s ''Cl1,:1rles Do.rient & Co., ba11kers'' (indicating a partnersl1ip), tl1at the son often sig11ed for tl1e bank without i11dicati11g that he so by a power of attorney, etc. The court comi:,letely ignores the i11ternal relations of the two men and relies v,1holly 011 external appea1·ance. Tl1e result is justified si11ce, as a general principle of contract 1,lW, 011e may rely 011 a person's manifested intention and ignore aL1y unexpressed 1·eservations. The result is curiot1s in one respect; the court finds a real part11ersl1ip as 1·egards third parties wl1ereas it might not find a partnership in a suit between the ''part11e1·s." The ''partners'' themselves wo11ld have to sho\1/ that in their inter11al relatio11, they really operated as a partnership. The result under tl1is Fre11ch approacl1 is very close to that reached under American law. Tl1e ad\ a11tage of tl1e A1nerican rule is that it is more realistic in that it recognizes that the real i11terest at stake is the protectio11 of tl1.ird parties. One is not really interested in the intentio11 ot' the parties except where dealing with a dispute bet\veen the partne1·s. If one follows the Fre·ncl1, since \Ve have assumed that the third party cannot prod11ce a written pa1·tnership agreement, he will have shown tl1e existe11ce of an invalid part11ership. This will be treated in the manner described above, tl1at is, valid in the past b11t unenforceable for the future. 1


In dealing with agreeme11ts by wl1ich a b11si11ess shall be operated by two or �ore persons, the co11rts rc1ust first deal witl1 the questio11 of whether the agree1nent 15 a ''partnership'' within the mea11i11g of the Comn1ercial Code. \Vhere the agree­ ment does satisfy these cor1ditions, it sho11lcl be treated as a part11ersl1ip eve11 where the parties were not av1are of the Co1111nercia1 Code, fallowed c11stomary rules or

68· Uniform Partnership Act, cited above at 11ote 31, § 16. 69 · Comm. C., Art. 281(3). 220· p. ?O. Dorient c. Cat1bit es , 1932 etes, Soci des Rev. ), 1932 5, lt1Iy , Fra. qualite (Bordeaux,





or of publicity \Vere ignored ti11g wri a of ies . alit form . the e The for1ns, or wh e · l probl m specia raises e1ns but proble ·s lities h · for1na � t · w1 ce 11 . 1a l p m co not lack of bl 1s o e11 pr me ise sa ar e T� e 1er �l s." 1ip rsl rte pa persons Wh o ary tom us ''c to eculiar ss thele none · ode m omit 1a 111erc Com C l some the a rrl witll P for · ply co . to li ty 1ntended tl1ese part11erslups co11 er1n s1 'd g y b d e lv · to ha ve a· so be ay n1 s m le ob pr e es All of th ''de facto'' existe11ce. We have exan1ined two varieties of ''de facto'' partnership, the unregistered pa.rtnership and the partnership established by a_ contract 11�t in writing . In both cases, "'e have seen that a n1e1:"e lack of a written co11trac� or lac_k of publicity does not preclude treating the111 _ 1_n some respects as . partne�sl11ps provided that they otherwise conform to the defin1t1on of a partnership as found 1n the Comn1ercial Code. Further, in botl1 cases, the prior acts of tl1e J?artners. n1ust be recognized by Jaw and given effect, whether these a.cts concern third parties or only the partner s themselves. However, neither type of ''de facto'' part11ersbip may e11joy legal person­ ality. This is tl1e very n1ea11ing of the tern1 ''de facto''. Nonetheless, certain differ­ ences exist betwee11 the two types. Where the ''de facto'' part11ersl1ip is not support­ ed by a written agreement, its existe11ce n1ay or1ly be recognized in the past. The agreement itself is 11ot valid and so n1ay 11ot be enforced i11 the future. Where there is a. written but t1nregistered partnersl1ip agree1nent, the co11tract itself is valid a11d so n1ay be e11forced prospectively. Any part11er 111ay co11vert the partnership into a ''de jt1re'' orga11ization simply by re gistering it. TI1ere are two practical conse­ quences to this difference. First tl1e relations betwee11 the IJartners, even where third 1Jarties are concerned, will be regulated by their valid agree111ent in tl1e case of an unre gistered partr1ersl1ip. Where tl1e p,irtnership agree111e11t is not in writi11g, the relatjoos between the parties 111ust be regulated by the rules of tl1e Con1mercial Code. Second, only the partners may force the dissolution of a partnership which is supported by a \Vritte11 co11tract; any ''i11terested'' third party n1ay attack an unwritten part11ership agreement a11d thus bring abot1t tl1e dissolt1tion of the partner­ ship.

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THE ERITREAN EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1958: ITS PRESENT STATUS by .Robert C. Means* One of the i1�porta11t pieces of legislatio11 e11acted by the Eritrean Assembly 1 was l1e En ployn1e1 2 ,1t10 11 1t Fede A. c t of 1 95 � the . This � act, � during � superseding a _ . _ miscellany of Errtrea11 1eg1slat1on go111g back into tl1e Ital1a11 coloniaJ period., 3 estab­ lished a broad ra11ge of 111i1 1i11-�u 1n l,1bottr co11 ?itio�s and a syste.m of labour inspec­ 11ded for the reg1strat1o pro, and tl1en1 enfor n of employe1·s' associations and ce io tion labour unions. •

The En1ployn1e11t i\ct was several years i11 adva11ce of similar legis1ation i 11 the rest of the Empire. OL1tside of' Eritrea the first Ethiopian legislation establishing rnioin111n1 labour co11ditio11s vvas tlie Civil Code of 1960,4 a11d it was probably not w_1til promulgation of Legal Notice No. 302 of 19645 tl1at 1J1inimum condition.s were established for the Eo1pire as a wl1o]e that were ge11erally as favourable to e111ploy­ yees as tl1ose of the En1ployn1e11t Act for Eritrea.6 Tl1e first statutor·y reference to labour unions outside of Eriti·ea appears also to have been i11 the Civil Code,7 and the first E111pire-\vide systen1 of labour i11spectio118 \Vas established by the Lab-


2. 3· 4·

5· 6·

7· &.

Forn1er r1ssista11t Professor, Fac11/ty of La,v, Haile Se/lassie I Urziversity. From 1952 to 1962, from tJ1e e11d of Britisl1 111ilitary administration of Eritrea to the i11corporatiCin of Eritrea i11to a t111ified Empire, Eritrea was federated \Vith Etl1iopia as an autonomoL1s unit under the so,,ereignty of tl1e E111peror. For a discussion of Eritrea's _legal status during and after the Federatior1, see Zaera.brLlk Aberra, ''T'J1e Legal Status of Eritrea, lvfaterials for Pt,blic La1v If 1964--65 (K. Redde11, eel., unpublished, FacLtlt)' of La\V Library, 1965). Eritrean Caz., vol. 20, no . 5 (Sll{Jp.). See Schedule II of the Act, listing the legislation repealed wl1olly or i11 part. The Factorie s Proclan,atio11, .l 944-, Proc. No. 58, Neg. Gaz., year 3, no. 8, en1pow��ed tl�e Minis�er of Co111mcrce a11d Industry to issLte regulatio11s \vitl1 respect to JaboLl� condJt1o 11 s 111 factories, bL1t this power 11ever was exercised. G. von Bat1dissi11, "f\n I11trod11ct1011 to L_a�our � evelopn1ents i11 Ethiopia," J. Et/1. L., vol. 2, p. 10.l, 103 (1965). vVhen in. 1964 the � 1n1st�r did pron,ulgate regL1lations of tl1is k.ind to s11pple111e11t and improve on tl1ose coi,tained In the Civil Code, he did so under the LaboL1r Relations Proclamation of 1963, Proc. No. 210, Neg. Gaz., year 23, 110. 3, rather tl1a11 tinder the Factories Procian1ation. See L. Not. No. 302, 1964, Neg. Gaz., year 24, no . 5. Neg. Caz., year 24. 110. 5. �ertain Civil Code- provisions vvere more favourable to employees than correspanditlg provi­ s1?0s of the E111ployn1ent Act for exan1ple the provisions for paid a1m11 al leave". Con1pare Civ. C., Art. 2562, ;11it!, En1ploynJent Act,' Art. 22. Bt1t taking eacl1 !avv as a vvliole,. th.e Employment Act appears to 1,ave been tl1e n1or e ge11erot1s of tl1e two, if 011ly because it 18 more detailed a11d ciea1s with matters not tot1ched 011 by t]1e Code. See Civ. C., Arts. 406(2) (registration of Jabot1r 11nio11s), and 251 6 (negol'iation of collective agreements between en1ployers and labour 1111ions). f fa ent he inti,i ? appo Fact the or d e vic.l ries 4, pr v c 1�roclan1ation, ited abo e at 11ote. o ! �J-7:Zt � � into inspectors, bt1t 1t does not PLlt fact tl1at a factory 111s 1Ject1on system was 10 ar a1Jpc under that law.

139 -


AW - VOL. V - 1-.Jo. 1 L AN PI IO H T E F O AL JOURN 9 an d tl1e Labour Standa 64 rds Pro clamati 1.9 of r de Or ce rvi Se on our Inspection 10 6. 196 of eral Et,l1iopja11 legislation co gen t exis d re the r, eve how �.? 6, 196 vering At least by 1 oyn 1 n� Act. Tl1e purpose of tre� _ED?-pl 1 the as � _ und � � gro e sam tile . this substantially 11, t10 a11d of tlle term· ian is1a iop Ieg Eth s thi of ct effe al leg the r side con 1nanote 1.8• to er et t 1e 1 h ·h \V ct . . A . : ct A sti 1t ll e1 ym ha lo s p m E e th legal 1"orce on n io at er ed • · · · F ' of n 1 t·o n ses 1es :a1 stio l 1ss1 que 11s th.�t are of general 11t. xte at wh � to _ so, if � , and in Eritrea . law . It also has 1111porta11ce 111 its own rigllt t importance to Ethiopia11 public its bearing on the rights an� d:Uties ?f. Eritrean e1n1Jloyers �11d e1nployees. To tai; tl1e . �r1trea11 Employment Act only one exan1ple, the Etl11op�an C1_v1l . Code and . Tl1e C1,11l Code allows emplo leave sick paid g er111n conc s isio11 prov yees differ i n their 11 , wl1ile tbe. En1ployn1ent Act allo\vs y pa lf ha at ve lea k sic of nth mo up to one _ 12 111 tl1e case of a11 Er1trean e1nployee absent virt11ally no paid sick leave at all. fro1n work by reas ?n of sickness, the obligation of the �1�1ployer to pay the employ­ ee wages during his abse11ce 1nay be defir1ed b y the C1v1l Code or the Employn1ent Act, but not by botl1.

The Employment Act during the Federation: 1958-1962

Before the end of the Federation, two }Jieces of Ethiopia11 legislation partly matcl1in g the covera,ge of the En1ployment Act were e11acted, tl1e Civil Code of 1960 and the L,1bour Relatio11s Decree of 1962.13 Both laws i11cl11ded broad repeals provisio11s. The Code repealed ''all rules wl1ether writte11 or custon1ary previo11sly in force concerning n1atters provided for in this Code." 14 Ir1 similar terms the Labour Relations Decree repealed ''all legislation, reg11lations or orders previously in force co n. cerning n1atters JJrovided for herein." 15 By tl1ese provisio11s all earlier legislation oo. matters dealt with in the Code or the decree was repealed lvl,erever the Code a11d decree applied. Neitl1er Code nor decree applied ir1 Eritrea, l1owever.

i I

During the Federatio11, legisla.tio11 i n the Empire fell i11to tl1ree classes ,vith res�ect to territorial application. Tl1ere was federal legislation, which applied to both _ Ethiopia and Eritrea; such legislatio11 was limited by Article 3 of the Federal


9. Order No. 37, Neg. Gaz., year 24, no. 4. 10. P oc. No. 232, Neg. Gaz., year 25, 110 . 13. � 11. C1v. C., Art. 2542. is· 12. Article 24(3) o f the Emp1oyme:ot . he . .Act l m en . ' 1. w pay day s full a entitles to en1ployee an Act . the es par.rd of. that day by reason of accident on or sickness but there is no provis i in En,pJoy· ;or pai sick See leave \Vb ere the employee misses one or' work . or clays f uH nore · 1 ment A ct, Art. 25. tbe . . • Such general prov·1 1ons making . . th s · 1 ·0 1 f f ron r paid d1st1ngu1sl1ed sick � e a.r leave be to . employer liabl t �e SJ?e�ial case where accident or sickness arises out of .t � . en,pJoyee's such in , work· Under �ot� tlle Civil t habilt · Code and the En11)loyment Act, tl1e employer s Y s d'ffer a case me 1udes some compensat·ion a f t I1e two ] ,v I la , o provisions lost 1or " tl1e earnings; particu r and whic.h is the ere 1 e t I of favourable to �n employee de1,eods on tl1e facts case. Compare Civ °h Arts. 2556-58, V/1th En1ployn1ent Art, Arts, 44-46. , · • 'Ar · 13. Dec . No. 49 ,veg az., year 21 no 18 ' a re . . 14. Art. 3347. Subsequ 0 tions . ' ica ent · art·ICI_es modify this general repeals provision, bt1 t tl1e modif n.ot relevant to tb· · i·s' ct1scuss1on. 1 5 · Art. 36 .

- 140 -


\ 1



elds, such as defense, foreign affairs, a � ( 6 to. certai11 desig nated fi n . a11 d . . com me Act F ee , e we en Eth· t b d . nes 1op 1a and Eritrea. There was also Eth . cou nt igr1 "'ore . . h ,1' · .,¥1t 1op1an • . t on y Eth· 1 d 1· _ o ie iop1 a app an d not whic to h Erit rea, , and Eritrean legislation isla 1g ly to Eritrea. on lied app ich wh � , t1on The Labour Relations Decree fell . within the category of purely Ethiopian was no_t �ppJ1cable as a matter of law in Eritrea. �ecr� e the on; slati Nor legi . the le_gislat1011 that was federal 1n application that cou 1 11 11g any tl11 re the was ld mod or ify the re_ p eal Eu1p loym e11t to Act. At le,1st to the end of the true d cons be E111pl the oy111e nt Act 1·emained in full force in Eritrea. ore, tl1eref ation, Feder The End of the Federation:


Five \,,eeks after the Labot1r Relations :Decree became effective, the Federation 1� a11d � 01:de , I_ n 1p�ria l Eritre a by becam e part of a 1111ified Ethiopian was ended . Empire. The leg1slat1ve JU1�1sd1ct1011 of_ tl1e Emperor and Ethiopian Parliament was extended to all parts of tl1e E1:1p!re; t�eir . future enactments would apply to Eritrea as elsewhere. B11t vvl1at of ex1st1ng leg1slat1on-legislation that had been applic­ able previously to 011ly 011e part of tl1e for mer Federation? The Imperial order dissolving the Federation dealt explicitly with this problem. As interpreted, the order esse.t1tially preserved the sta.tus quo. Existing Eritrean Jegis-. lation was to co11ti11t1e to apply i11 Eritrea, a11d, as a 11ecessary corollary although not stated in the order, existi11g Ethiopian legislation deali11g with the same subject matter was not to be exte11ded to Eritrea, This res11lt followed principally from the broad interpretatio11 given to Articles 4 and 6 of the order, 18 which pro\rided as follows: ''4. All rights, i11cluding the right to own a.nd dispose of real property, exemptions, concessions and privileges of wb.atsoever nature hereto­ fore granted, conferred or acq·uired within Eritrea, whether by law, order, contract or otl1erwise, and whether granted or co11ferred upon o.r acquired by Ethiopian or foreign persons, whether natural or legal, shall remai11 in force a11d effect. . . .

l6. Under the treaty of peace bet\veen tl1e Four Powers (tl1 e U_nited States, Great � ritain, the Soviet Union and Fra11ce) ancl Italy, the disposition of Eritrea, as a former Italian colony, was to be governed by recommendation of tl1e United Nations General Assen1 bly.. Treaty of Peace, Annex XI, Para. 3, quoted in N. Marein, !he Etlziopia11 Empire Fe1eration and Laws (Rotterdan1 1964), p. 354. Tl1 e Federal A. c t cons1st�d of tl1e first seven articles of �he Gener al Assembly resolt1tio11 of December 10, 1950, relating to th� �en proposed f�� eration of Eritrea with Etl1iopia. Rc1tification of these provisions by Eth1op1a was a condition f�r DD:ited .Nations approval of tl1e Federatio11. Ibid., P: 356. . Nei�er tl1e Fe<l:ral Ac� nor its ratification was published in tl1e Negarit Gazeta, b11t its ratrfication was referied to 111 OJd�r No. 6, 1952, Neg. Gaz., year J 2, no . 1, and. tl1e text of the Federal Act may be foun ID Appendix II of the !VIarein book. 17· Order No. 27, 1962, Neg. Gaz., year 22, no. 3. . B •tr 18 · It is possib of cis ktu I?,e sor e sav to ed stru con le that Article 5 of the orcler migl1t be IegiSlation not saved by Articles 4 and 6. Article 5 provides that ''all rights, 1 ?0:ers, u es aud . obligations of tl1e former Adn1u1istration of Eritrea beco1ne • · · tl1e rig ts, powers, duties and obligatio ns of the I1nperial Ethiopian Gover1unent. ''


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------W - VOL. V - No. l A L N IA P IO H T E F O JOURNAL


1luct are e e ts h t_ ar or f s on l�t gu re d 11 a presently s Jaw \ are de_no �1na� e� �co All eilactments, 1c 1 . wh e_ of or . federal ea itr Er n thi wi rce in fo. . _ l n 1cat1o app h t the ereof t tl1a 1s t exten 11ece the . to ssary ' rl . o . . . t , appI1ca 1 . . , t1011 of eX1st1ng a d 1n1111strat1ons, until such ra ope ued ltin i co the to . by ced repla 11 eql1e essly subs expr tly e11acted e b shall same the . . ' t lffie as ex e� a_ 1 is d ffi d e 1 t ti ng ad m in istrations n e a rc o f ll fu 1 i� n ai m re , . ii o legislati . tl1e same 1111de t er 1n1s ad1n and nt eme mpl i o r tile slla11 corltir1ue t atithority of the In1perial Etl1iopia11 Governme11t. ''

Article 4 and 6 preserved Eritrean legislation !o tl1e exte11.t that it conferred rights 011 any person or was ''necessary_ to the �ont1nued _o_pe�at1on of _the existing administratiox1." Both articles are suscept1ble to widely varying 1nterpretat1011s. Article 4 for example, might be li111ited to tl1e !)reservation of rights already in1mediately p�ssessed by par ticular i ndividuals 19 or ext�1. 1ded to the less de�11ite and more ge11eral right to take adva.ntage of . legal �rov1s1�11s at some futt1re time. Applied to tl1e E1111)lo yment Act, the first 111terpretat1on rrugl1t at most :preserve tl1e Act's ini11in1u111 labot1r co11dition provisions for perso11s subject to tl1e provisions as of the end of the Federation ; tl1e latter i11terpretatio11 would !)reserve then1 in full force for the benefit of a11yo11e wishing to take adva11tage of tl1e111 i11 tl1e future. In practice, the order bas beei1 construed broadly to inclt1de ,111 or vir tt1ally all existing Eritrean legislatio11 . The Empl oyn1e11t Act a11d other Eritrean legislation i11 force in1mediately before the end of tl1e Federation still re111ai11ed in force in11nediately after the Federatio11 's end. The Employment Act since the Federation

We l1ave n ow to consider tl1e effect of post-1962 Ethiopia11 legislatil)Il 011 the Employn1e11t Act. The Imperial order tern1inating the Federation has been inter­ preted to save 1nost or all Eritrean laws then i11 force from bei11g repealed as an automatic co11sequence of the e11d of Eritrea's au tonomo11s status. But tl1e Order did not-and, indeed, consti tutio11ally could not-1Jrotect Eri trean laws fron1 repeal or modification by Ethiopian legislat ion e11acted. after the e11d of the Federation. Since the Federation there l1ave been four impor ta11t labotu· law enactments apart _from tl1ose dealing witl1 gover11111ent employees: the Labot1r Relations Pro­ clan1at.1on of 1963,20 the Labour Inspectio11 Service Order of 1964, tl1e Lab�ur Standards Procla1nation of 1966, and Legal Notice No. 302 of 1964. Their combin­ ed effect appears to have been to repeal mt1cl1 but 11ot all of tl1e Eritrean Employ­ ment Act . a­ The Labou� Relations Decree l1ad been proc Pa�li while pero r En1 the lai1n by ed ment _wa� 0 In sessio1�, pursuant to ise Rev tl1e � of 92 His Art pow icle ers und er �} Co�Siitution. As requrred by Art t nex the o icle 92 ' the dec tted t sub mi . \Vas ree n session of Par . . ., the liam e · t h' n . ' a,,,, 1 w ich approved 1t with nunor amendme11 ts. The . was reissued a s the Labour R elations :Proclamation of I 963. 1 9. Cf. Civ. C ,. Arts . 3348 49 d' . . . ' repeals provisions, ist1ngu ' 1sh1ng, for. pur poses of tl1e Code s ose not between legal situations fl u th d na Y created at the time of enactment of the Code an then finally created 20 . Pro �. No. 210, Neg. Gaz., year 23 no . 3. 21. Article 92 allows , when e the aris E t a o th e Chambers ( of Parl ia:���) r to proclaim de crees "in cases of emergency th are not sitting.',

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decree former as a the of proclamation was 1n · 1ega1 effect a Ie ce n · sua. s Rel ha wl1 d at pre vio t1sl law y ; bee n a 1962 decree became a 1903 ent of the ctm e �� roation. Tl1e signifi cance_ of this change goes beyond a mere chatlge he in t p. c]a e mino r h a. m t e11 d d ments that were made. As we have an la\V . the of seen, . tit1e . • d 1n te 1t d"d 1962 c n a 1 ot n e s ex a te \V nd to e E re ri tr ec ea d and ' as a resuIt' e th ' n · · h · e w · d t a p.p1Y to the Er1·trea� Employme11t Act. B d 1 n 1o 1s v ro p efore it was the repeals 110,ve at1on, ver, the Fede1·at1on bad ended, aild the proclama­ procla m a as c ted na ree 01·e t�eref exte.11d ed to decree , the entir� the Empire. The repeals pro­ e unlik , tion to the applied Employ ment no· � Act 1n 1962 did apply to it in bad that n visio . the of ns �mp l�ym ent prov Act 1_ s 1o that concern matters dealt with the and . , 1963 c. Pr J amat 101� 111 particular, the Act's provisions concerniilg Relat ions r Labou the � . in 22 - were 1 ers assoc1at1011s en1ploJ and tl1ereby repealed. labor unions That all this sbo11ld foilow fro111 reenactment ot� the law after tl1e end of the Federation seems :plain enough. Wl1at perhaps does 11ot appear quite so plain is why Parliament's approv·al of an Imperial decree with minor ame·ndments should be regarded as a reer1,1ctn1e11t of the e11tire law, and not merely as a1nen.dment of an existing law. The reaso11 lies in tl1e relationship between the Imperial decree power on one b,1nd and the .PO\Ver to enact proclamations shared by the Emperor and Parlian1ent on tl1e otl1er hand. We have all·eady said that Article 92 requires that In1perial decrees be sub1nitted to tl1e next session of Parliament. Article 92 itself contemplates 011ly two co11rses of actio11 on the part of Parliament. Parliament may disapprove the decree, in \Vbich case the decree ceases to be law,23 or it may appro\'e the decree, in which case tl1e decree co11tinues in force as a clecree.24 Whether Parliame11t's u11qualified approval of a. decree sbot1ld be treated as reenact­ ment of the law is not entirely clear,25 but it seems that it probably sho11ld not. But what if Parliame11t's action is not merely to approve the decree as it stands but rather to approve it with. a111endments? Parlian1ent then is no longer acting pursua.11t to Article 92. R.ather, it necessru·ily is acting purs11a11t to its power to enact proclamatio11s (subject to In1perial veto) under Artic]es 88-90. No m;:1tter how minor the an1e11dn1ents, Pa.rlian1ent's actio11 constitutes enactment of a new

proclamation to replace the old decree. 26

This distinction betv1ee11 approval of a decree witl1 amendme11ts an.� unq�ali.fied approval of a decree is reflected i11 tl1e forn1 given to each as published 1n the 22· Enipl oyme11t Act, Arts. 82-85 and 100-01. It appears tl1at Articles 77-781, relating to . tL1e re solution of labot1r disptites, also were re1Jealed wl1olly or in part by the Labour Relations Proclamation,. 23 · See Not. of No. Dec. vi�g ?pro disa _10, no. 22, ar e y_ l ., Gaz Disapproval No. 1, 1963, Neg. 41, l 960, 1Veg . Gaz., year 19, no. 11. This apparently 1s tl1e only instance 1n wl11ch a decree has been djsapproved. �3, 24· See, e.g., Not. of Appro·val No . 1, 1960, Neg. GcTz., year _19, no. 4,. approving. Dec. No. mg 1957 , Neg. Gc1z., year 17, 110. 1. Tl1e notice of approval 1s qu ote d 1n th.e text acconJpany note 28, below. a 25 · The langu ves pro ap nt me rlia Pa n e wh t, tha s age of Article 92 points botl1 ,vays. It state upoil law le on bec d cr�e, _(l) tl1e decree "sha.11 all 1 ''sl ree dec tl1e co11tin11e j11 force'' a11d (2) � P bhcation, in tl1e Negarit Gazeta, of said approval." 26' ne c ns ence of this clistinction is tha t Parliament's appro,,al of a < l:cr� witl, . oieu<l?1e f! ; � � S�lb�J equ sim a e 1 is w b , tion ect to Imperial veto under Article 88 of tl1e Revi�ed Co�stitu Parliamentary approval or disap1Jro,,al of a decree under Art1cle 92 JS not.

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s e le of tl1 tic r ar ou o ab tw L st fir a el R d an tio le ns m ea pr ie Pro­ Tl . ta � ze Ga Negarit . s w o ll fo s a d a e r n o ti clama ur 1s bo io1 e La lat tl1 1 F,e 2, cr 96 De ee wa s pro­ 5, r be 1 n pte Se on ''Whereas d n a ; 2 6 9 I f o 9 4 . o N e re ec D n1ulgated as 11ts ir1to said Decree 111e 11 tai e11d cer am d 1ce odi intr has nt me rlia Pa Whereas ; w lo 1e tl of t x te d se vi re a and approved No,v, tlierefore, in accorda11:e 11,it/1 Article 34 a11cl 88 of Oi,r Revised Co,,sti­ tutio,1, We approve the resolut1011s of 011r Se11ate and Chan1ber of Deputies, and We hereby proclaim as follows: 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the Labour Relations Proclamation, 1963. 2. The Labour Relations Decree (Decree No. 49 of 1962) is l1ereby re11un1bered as Procla1nation No. 210 of 1963, a11cl incorporated l1erein, si,bject to t/1e cl,anges set fortl1 below." (Empl1asis added.) As indicated by tl1e reference of the prea1nble to Article 88 of the Revised Constitution and by the title given to the law by Article 1, tl1e la\v constitl1tes a new proclamation a11d not merely a continuation of tl1e old decree. A11d, as indicated by Article 2, the proclamatio11 enacts the e11tire text of the old decree except tl1ose provisions amended in Parliament. This form n1ay be contrasted with the 011e 11sed to annol1nce Parliament's un­ qualified approval of a decree, for exan1ple, its approval of Decree No. 23 of 1957 :27 ''Decree No. 23 of 1957 having been duly transmitted to Parliament for consideration pursuant to Article 92 of tl1e Revised Constitutio11, ancl due notice l1aving been given by Parliament of tl1e approval of said Decree, ''The Annual Highway Re11ovation Expenditure (An1endment) Decree, 1957'', pursu.ant to said Article 92, continues in force in law." . To return 110w to the other post-1962 legislatio11 referred to above. Tl1is legi�I�­ t1or1, taken together, raised the 111ini1nl1m labol1r conditions establisl1ed by tl1e Civil Code,28 established minimmn co11ditions with respect to 111atters 11ot dealt witl1 by tile �ode,29 created a system of labour i I1spectors,30 and took steps to ensure that t res 31 e he tl1es 111spectors all we�e able to carry 011t their work effectively. In p�c s ! it p�r�llelled provisions of the Eritrean Employ1ne11t Act. Not all tl1e correspond1ng prov1s1ons of the Employment Act were re1)ealed, ho\vever. 27 ·

28 • 29.

30. 31.

7 Approval No . 1, 1960, Neg. Gaz., year 19 r10. 4, approvin.g Dec. No. 23• 195 ' ' iveg. Gaz, ye ar 17 , no. 2. .1 I Oyee \VIl1 With respect tO a1:1nual ]eave, for emp 2562 an Article examp ]e, Code under Civil • under e four e e r � �(�) ot ser;rce had be�n entitled to te!1 co� s ecutive �ays of paid a nnual l av , A ticl ( ) O Legal Notice No. 302 l1e 1s entitled to sixteen days. ns so per For examp]e tlie c·rvi] Cod e n . . . 0f You g 94.97). nt. e y�1 n1plo e c P!a_ e d no a the hn11t t 1ons on . 25 apart from tlle f special prov1s1ons gov erning contTacts of appre1�t1 �esh 1p (ArtsI�yment of Articl e 13 of th ra bour Standards p _ e e n t s t h i loyment of persons under �e age of fourt_e P�ocl �ma tio ,?- now in �enera l proh1b1 erop en 1n 1ndustr1al entel"J?r1s e s and__ al lows the persons of age iourteen up to eighteen on ly under specilie d cond1t1ons. Art· 5' Labo ur In· spe ction Service Order Arts. 7 and 8, Labou r Standards Pro cl�ation. �ot.


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. It appears that_ this_ legis�a�ion did •�ave t�e effect o. f repealing the provisi©fis ard lab 1ng our re Ac 1 t spe ct1o n, me bot nt h • � hos e � e st blishmg, a .system plo y � m � E . he t 0f and Erit tho rea se for inte nde s d to . ecto r fac1 l1ta te the insp insp ecto rs' k 32, wor . ur b . . . g a syst m- of 1abour 1nspect1on '".lOf of la O establ1•sh1n � Et hiopia repealed all. earlier s w la h 33_ and tb Ject, su? same e is nothi ng, the in these �� 0� laws that would n tio . �sta � spect 1 10. n prov1s1ons from the general- repeal. The law ur lab r1trea � � � � the �a�e . appears respe this ct 111 now . to be the Labour Inspection 10 Eritrea le Iicab . and the Labour Sta11da 1964 rds · of Proclam ation . of 1966, not the rder O ce ;�fvi Act. · 1ent , . Eroployn ean Eritr So far as mini1num labour conclitions are co11cerned, however, it appe· that n1ploy ment Act re.1nai11 i11 force. There · are two reasons the of 1?parts rtant mpo i No. Notice 302 and the Labour Standards Proclamation both Legal First, this. for any st,1tute or otl1er saving legal· arrangement ns that creates· laboYr provisio in conta · conditions more favot1rable to e111ployees tha11 those of· the legal notice and 'J)ro:.. 34 S0111e provisions <)f tl1e Employn1e11t Act are more- favourable to emplo­ ion. clamat legislation,· 'and those proyees than the corresponding provisions of the Ethiopian 35 saved bee11 have fron1 eal. Act p re_ the of vjsions , Defining exactly ,:vbicl1 of. tl1e Act's provisions meet thi� ''more favourab16',' standard is not withot1t its diffict1lties, l1owever. First, there is the probl�m of wha� to do ,vjth related provisio11s. To i]lt1strate this problem, we will take a hypotbetical case that presents tl1e proble1n in more extren1e forn1 than do the . act11al · pro­ I visions of the Act . Suppose that tl1e Employment Act providecl .for a nine-hou.r work day and a fi,,e-day \.Vork \Veek, but that Legal Notice No. 302 provided for an eight-hour work day and a six-day work week. A literal application of the "more favourable'' standard ,vould allow employees i11 Eritrea the · best of each set of provisions: an eight-hour work day from Legal Notice No. 302 and a five-day work week from tl1e Employment Act. In consequence, they would have a forty.. ► hour work week - shorter than that provided by eit/1er law. •




One strongly st1s1Jects that such a result would ·not 1·e:flect the intention of the draftsmen or legislature. Presun1ably, where provisions are as closely related as thqse fi;ting the number of hours to be ,vorked each day and the number of days to be worked each ,veek, the related provisions m11st be taken together -- either _ the nineh�ur day and the five-day week or the eight-hour day arzd the six-day week. Yet., this p_rinciple cannot be taken too far. E xtended· to the limits of its logic, it · wol1Id leave th.e saving provisions of Legal Notice No. 302 and the Labour Standards Proclamation with virtually no legal effect as tl1ey apply· to tl1e Employment Act. In one importa11t sense every 1ni11im11n1 labo111· · conclition provision within · ea�h -· of _ t�e two systems of law - Ethiopia11 an.d Eritrean - is related to every other. Virtual­ ly any improven1ent in working conditio11s increases employers' costs· at l east·· ih · the .. .... ·�,· · �--�� .. '. . . '

, ·


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·· · : · ·32· Arts. 66-67, Employrrie:n Pkct t . · . : : :; · · 33· 1:he �abot ir Inspection Service Order c ontained no ·explicit repeals pr?visioo ? but· it _ptesu�ably did implicitly repeal a11y ea.rlier legislation estab1is11ing a la�our !nspect! 0? service. � : any ll .·· a eal rep l� l�ctt exp d1d t n at1o cl�m Pro e ve rds nd� Sta eal fawsn , th _ rep � provisio11 of t�e Labol1r p reviousl y 1n force concerning matters provided for 1n the Proclan1at,on. (�¼t. 2) 34. A t. . .. r 10 , L. Not r-Jo . � 02, and Art. 15, Labot1r Stand_ards P�·oclan1ation.. . _ . ons ti1at e1n c1early to �all inro �l11s category IS Art� cle J�� t �� 0e o e fe se 1,•1s1 n f th v, pro _ 35, E01 _ n t a pay . m 1 o · with ut s · 1day l1ol s g1ou en rel1 e ?Ym � Act, allovvir1g employees to tak .. the Psix national holiclays \Vitl1 pay.

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-.W � VOL. 'I -1\lo. l LA AN PI IO H ET OF L NA UR JO

ges but ,va also her hig of of ge lon y onl r paid va . not true s · 1 is Th• . _ run at ,short ions, ' � er's ty loy bili emp for ac li,t d ease n incr cide or ts s , r . • and s1ckne shorter . w. ork 1ng hou ss. a as 1 h w _o e ns are, prov1s1o or ns at conditio least • shou Id be, . . T he m1n1mum labour . inst ag t cos d . d nee 1e t h to ease a incr r p this otec ing t lanc the ba of · · the outcome interests . . . ,, e bl ura f avo 1s1on e prov mor f ,, a or of ion any titut subs existin A 0f wor kers 0• P: g al to r s to t ate efi .• gre ben t ke ing wor giv rs e and 1 mpos1ng : VJSlOll Shift . s· that· balanc ' · not usua }ly so obvious as in I 1 ·t 1s g reater total costs �n employers. The s h·r the 1 rs hou of rk of 'No ber num per the of day e cas s . and day 0f above hypothetical al . r re at fo s th e les th y an t no is it t bu , ek we r work pe

There appear to be three possible solutions. One is to allo\V· the substituf of any provision that taken b y itself !s . more favourable . to employees, with�:� regard to its relationship to other pr�v1s1ons. Th� ..hypo tl1_et1cal c�se of daily and . of t result a tb_ kin� the. this sts sugge solution may produce hours and weekly work in some instances. A second solution 1s to recognize tl1at all of the mini111 u m ' labour condition· provisions of each legal system - Ethiopian and Eritrea 11 - are related to on.e and therefore to choose between the Ethiopia11 provisions as a whole and the Eritrean provisions as a whole. The logic of this solution cannot be faulted, but it cannot easily be squared witl1 the savi11g provisions of the Labour Standards Proclamation and Legal Notice No. 302, which see111 to conten1plate that at least some more favourable provisions could be applied. in p reference to particular i provisions of those laws. 36 Finally, a n1ore or less arbitrary distinction can be , drawn between provisions that are very closely related a11d those that are less so. This, it appears, is what has to be done if reasonable effect is to be given to the saving clauses.

The complexity of this process can be unde rstood by viewing a concrete · pro­ blem likely to arise - a problem requiring the analyst to answer also the questions, more favourable to »)hon1 and under what circu,nstances? The saving provisions refer to labour conditions more favourable ''to employees." But employees are not a homogeneous group; wl1at may be more favourable for one en1ploye e may be less. favourable for another. Also, eve11 for a single en1ployee, wl1ich of two pro­ visions is the more favourable may vary according to the circumstan ces. . . This p�oblem is illustrated in both of its asl?ects by the severa�ce pay pr�­ visions, Article 36 of the En1ploymeot Act and Article 9 of Legal Notice No. 30�· Article 36 divides employees into two classes: those earning more tl1an one hu.ndred ' dollars per month, and those earning one hun dred dollars per month o r 1 .Severance pay for the first group of en1ployees who have been employ ed for �� � years or mo�e is three months' pay plt1 s a n additional half n1onth's pay for � ac � i t 1 .year of service over five; for ·tho se who hav wor s� year five tl1a n less ked . e : reduced proport1ona. tely. For the second group of employees, severance pay 1 s one quarter of a month's pay for each ye '• ar of en1ployn1ent. ee rti_ cle 9 of Legal Noti oy e111pl 1 1 . 02 ce No 3 n1akes no disti11ctio11 bet\\ ee1 � �� t l the asis of the amount of Y their wage. For any employee wl10 l1as bee n em p d ail Y e fior one _year or mo re, severance verag a e's employe pay the is times thirty after wage, with a twenty-five t roe per cent increment for each year of employ i1 ·· ree· · · 36 They certainl y cont e . · ded by· ag,v,t• ·h provi mp 1 . ate d were this s where • more favourable condition ments betw ·11 m loyers ethe r to� sed clas . _ legislation : "�ga� arra and employees, and such private agreeme11ts are ngements" by the saving provisions. · ·

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,: tf . ,


the _length of se�vice, however, an employee isof rdles s Rega · one. n�t t· firs e th · 1 d to more than 180 times his average .daily wage. . ent1t e comparing �hese tw � _provisio��, t�ere is an initial probl�m as to the mean� , In 1:;, of u i p�r1 od t1°:1e a d1�1 �ed by the total number of days· i'n the ng d r es wag 5 . per the dur iod ing d1v 1ded age only by. the number of work days. s . bis or � d Y rio it seems that 1t probably �as �ntended to . mean th_e _former, but on :ither interconclu • the s1on same 1s ,- Legal Notice No. 302 provides. greater genera l the n tio reta earning ernpl�y one ees hu11dred dollars per month or less and for pay ce eran ;ev earn111g more th�n one l1undred dollars per month who have ees employ r fo also tha11 a certain number . of years_- on the interpretation of less for loyed emp been here, st1ggested that number 1s approx1mately two.37 For emplo­ wage daily age aver hundr on. e than ed dollar s per month who have been employed more g earnin yees . Employme11t Act provides the greater amount of severance the this, than r longe for pay. Thus,. whether Article 36 of' the Employment Act or Article ? of Legal N·otice No. 302 1s the more favourable to employees depends on which employees one means.


The t\\10 provisions also present the question of under what circumstances. The amount of severance pay fixed by law is of no concern to an employee whose .. employment is terminated under circumstances tl1at do not meet the requjrements of the severance pay pro,,ision. Althot1gh Legal Notice No. 302 provides for the greater amount of severance pay for wl1at is probably the majority of employees, the Employment Act entitles en1ployees to severance pay under a broader range of · circumstances.

·rhe Employment Act provides for severance pay in all circumstances with two exceptions. The exceptio11s are (1) ,vhere the employee is dismissed for certain kinds � of misconduct, whicl1 are enumerated in Article 33 a11d (2) where the employee � himself terminates the employment contract. The first exception applies to all employees. The second, however, does not apply to employees earning more than one bundred dollars per month v1ith at least five years of service or to other employees with at least two years of service; tl1ese en1ployees are entitled to severance pay even -when contract. rather than the e1nploye1·, they, terminate the employment '

Legal Notice No. 302 in effect works from the opposite direction; rather than specif ying the cases in whicl1 an employee is not en.titled to severance pay, it specifies the one case in whicl1 he is e11titled to it, which is where the employer

dismis ses the employee 'Nithout good cause. Comparing this case with the circumstances under which an employee \Vould be entitled to severance pay under the Emptor­ _ ment Act, Legal Notice No. 302 appears to ·be less · favourable to employees 1n two respects. First, under tl1e legal notice an employee is never entitled to sev�re n 1 �- e p_ay if he termi11ates his employment himself.· Second, good cause for dis•

37. U?der the Em ploym�nt Act, an employee earning more than one hu.ndred dollars per month o t ee hr fil�s f !1 h l to s equa t pay l t ance sever e to is ed e . entitl of �rvic han years ·fi,,e wi s· �onl b's pay for eacl1 ye r of service. For an employee with only one year of service, �s a Is clearly less th tb s mon a of fths e�-fi (thr 302 No. tice N� al Leg by d , service the t o am_o ay versus a fullan tl1 e amou11t provide s. year two � � employee ,,v1th ��� an ti1's for ); mon pay yi, e early equal (one and a fiftl1 pa th5 mon . rter qua a a1:1d on t1s }) vers l1s' ay e mont e ar en th e ro · · d nt vid Y p n,ou the ice 1 serv ont f w m l s after cornpletion of the second y ear of Emp �· , loym ent Act becomes tl1e greater. · · .,

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LAW VOL. V - No. 1 N A I P O I H T E F O · L A N R U JO

the e ich ee wh loy np . in s guilty i ces tan s in 1 two t s lea ·of n . at .. .missal exists in su rr o e it a11c mst uld rcu vvo s, not ci the ''in be re whe ' reaso11a ble ' . ' conduct. T hes e are t o fil '' d a1 d re ,1 , ewe e ren t or , 1e h '/,; 1 ed a end o ext situ ti be o t t n l e e.xp�c t the contrac 38 d by h bot of n i s th. e the a inst fai d goo I " n ce in s ' ed lisll abo ' t aPPears .< . the e mploy ee is En1ployment I er toe t o severance pay u11c tled ent� �e uld o w e Act. aij e�ploye rable favou ard stand more the to this mixture apply ne o does ; o . . . . Now' h . of . . I ne . a e 0 1ve ? d • . 1 �1at s h te1 eac 1s o t 011 take th e ad,vantages and disadvantages of . each: the Employme11t Act to control 011 the q11es t1on �l1e_ther any severan ce pay is due and also 011 the an:iount of severa11ce pay \Vl1ere 1t 1s the m ore gener­ No. �02 to co�trol on . the amount of severance ous• in that res pect; Legal N ot1ce pay where it i s the more generous. . !his alternative req111res , however , not mere! another, . but th� se_lection of o nl� _ the separation of one relatecl prov1s1on f�om the most favourable parts . of single pr_oy1s 1o�s a1;1d their c?mb1nat�on to form a hybrid pr ovis ion that is like no prov 1s 1on 1n . either law. fl1at th1s is what thi s alternative requires does not make the alter11at1ve clearly wrong - the questio ns of e ligibility for severance pay and of t�e a�1ou11t of severa_n�e pay for each group of e mployees could have been dealt with 1n se1)arate prov1s1ons , and the fact. thai they were not may be regarded as merely a prs>blen1 of form. But the same sort of doubts about the inte11t of the draftsn1en and legislat11re that would arise in the hypotl1etical case of · daily and weekly work ho11rs a rises l1ere in the actual cas e of eligibility for a11d the am ount of severance pay.




, ·

A second alternative is somehow to weigh tl1e advantages and disadvantages of each prov ision and declare one or the other the n1ore .favourable on the whole. T l1e difficulty with tl1is alter11ative i s tl1at a standard of measure1ne11t is lacking. It is not diffict1lt to compare an eight-hour day and s ix-day week with a nine­ hour day and five-day week, because there is an obvious stilndard against wh.ich each ca n be measured - the total number of ho11rs per week. But there is no very obvious sta ndard against _ wh.icl1 to measure a greater an1ount of severance pay for , some employees on one h and against a greater runoi1nt fo r others and a greater DU!]1ber of cas es in which s ever ance pay will be due on the otl1er; a11d such stan­ dards as do suggest themselves - su ch as the average amount of severance pay for all_ employee� disc ounted b� the �kelihood that no sever,1nce p _ay will be .due - ar ; . fo ble �ei�h�r po ssible of application with the da ta available nor, probably, suita JUd1c1al application in an y event. l . . , . . o ns1 ·ct C e r1n& the legal and practical pro?Iems ra.ised by botl1 of these a Itern_ at1ve-s, . d f o there may be an understandable te1nptat1on to n1eet the problem by a _k in · · · n t11ey 1o, caI option - a 11ow the w orkers of each enterpris e to decide wlu·ch provisio r . \veve , . . • ho . . '-" is think e, m ore _ 1 av oura · ble. _Desp1t� . tl1e practical advantages �f · tl11s cours , loy· . · · it . seems of doubtful legality. From. the combina tion of Article 36 of the Erop · . N 0 302 cer tai 0 . . ment Act an d Art·1c1 e 9 and the · . . saving prov 1s1on of Legal Notic e . • ' ' us· \ d s �verance p ay rights are conferred di rec e 11�ffic�fcies on s the p A em Er itre plo an yee s. . sion has show ·n, 1· t i·s not easy d1 1 ut b , e ar to dete rm those rights . wha ne t i ter· in e . of inte. rpretat ion do not relieve th e ma k o t n a o co ob ur lig t of ati law of ter· its en n pr�tat�·o� �rid . decide the: case a in a ccordingly. Let us suppose, then, tha t bo�Id : s s f� : 1: decided by the employees tha t Article 9 of Legal No tice N�- 302rnonthl Y I 0 r� : - owev er. a , minority of employees-presumably those witl1 higher \ ..


:-::---'---· .


Civ. C., Art. 2575.

. ...


. .


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, �

. ► �


gree. If on e of this. minority of employees is edis ser vic lon g dismissed � the severance . aes and co11rt to obtain l?ay. that . wo u�d �e. due to him under ,vad goes to an tb� �our t be J usti:fied in disn1iss111g bis case simply Act w?u , l. d n1e11 t loy the Emp i1d that a maJor1ty of bis employees had chosen Legal Notice No. 3o2? _ wot1ld n t . Ratl1e , tl1e the grou ourt would be o?ligated to deterinine 1t � that . � � nls see , 1nterpretat1 _ s on co11rt of the the releva 11t r prov1 s1ons unde th r, ·e Emp!oyment . the _ : \vhe 1plo ye cla11 the ns. as If tl1e court deter� ines that it does, rn gove � �� . es do _ . Act l . e11t1t to 1 le Jt1?g be 111e11 t 1ld acco rd111gly, tl1e dec1 s1 on of a majority � the e□ p loye e wo 39 1 1 w nd ot ta g. 11 1s s 11 tl ee oy pl em of his fellow The second reaso11 for co11clt1ding tl1,1t 11ot all of the .E1n.ployn1ent Act's Jabour re peal were is tl1at son1 s o1 establish provisi minimum staridards on . � n � ditio con _ �� by either Legal Notice No. 30 2 or tl1e J..,abour Standards at al w1tl1 dealt ! no ts � poin _ _ 40 S11ch prov1s1011s may be regarded as berng of necessjty ''more Procl an1 at1on. tl1a11 tl1e correspo11di11g yees p lo provisions of Legal Notice No. em: to e'' urabl favo are no s· u . c h correspo11d­ 302 and the Labour Sta11darcls Proclan1atio11-si11ce tl1ere . ing provisions-or as si111ply not being within the am bit of the Ethiopian laws' · een repeals pro\risio11s i11 tl1e ·first place. 011 eitl1er view, st1ch. provisio11s have not b repealed.



In considering tl1e prese11t legal stat11s of tl1e Eritrea11 Employment Act of 1958, the history of tl1e act falls i11to three parts. Tl1e first is the period fro111 enact­ ment of the law to tl1e e11d of tl1e Federatio11. D11ring this period, tl1e law could have been re1)ealed or 111odified 011ly by subseq L1e11t Federal or Eritrean legislation. Since there appears 11ot to J1ave bee11 a11y sL1cl1 legislation deali11g \Vith. tl1e s11bject matter of tl1e Employ1ne11t Act, the act appare11tly re111ai11ed in full force to the end of the Federation. The end of tl1e Federatio11 co11stit11tes tl1e second part of the act's history. The Federation's e11d could l1ave l1ad t11e eft�ect of repeali11g all Eritrea11 legislation, and even the provisions of the In1perial order e11di11g tl1e Fede1·atio11 probably \Vould not have saved more tl1an a part of s11cl1 legislation it' tl1ose provisio11s had ?een interpreted narro,vly. 111 any eve11t, 110\vever, the provisions l1ave been broadly interpreted to save all or nearly all Eritrean legislation from repeal, a11d the Emplo­ yment Act conti11ued i11 force after tl1e e11d of Federation.

Since the end of Federatio11, tl1ere have bee11 fo11r pieces ot� Ethiopian legislation dealing with the subject matter of tl1e Employ1ne11t Act. The effect of this Iegislatio11 011 tl1e Employme11t Act appears to have been as follows: 39 · It may or n1ay not f ollovv tl1 at, 011 tl1is l1 ypotl1 etical court's interpretation of the l�w, jttdg­ n:ient shot1ld go against one of tl,e majority of employees ,vl1 0 soug:l1t to e11force 111s allege� ri_�hts under Legal 1-Totice No. 302 aga inst tl,e employer. Tvvo. qt1est1ons �ould. be prese�te� · Fir�t , again tl1 e question of the interrelationsl1ips between prov1s1ons a11d, in t�,s case, witl11 n a smgle provision: Can prr,visio11s be divided t1p so tl1a t s0111 e_ e111ployees enJOY the � dvant ­ ages of one part of fa.rticle 36 of tl1e En1ployme11t Act wl1 1l� otl1er en1ployees eilJO_Y the adv a��ages (to them) of o11e 1,1art of Article 9 of Leg al Notice N?· 302? Secooci, i f tp e P_rovisio11 s can be divicled tlp does the cot1rt agree ,vith tl1e aJJparent Jttclgi11ent of the maJor ty of en1ployees t11at for then1 Legal Notice No. 302 is the more favottrable? 40_ i neithe� ll1 e legal notice nor the proclamation deals witl1 t]1 e liability of the e111 ployer for wor k­ nected s1ck11ess and accidents.


149 -





e11 repealed: ,,e be to I1a ar pe ap s 1 o.r isi ov pr of s nd ki e Tllre a. Provisions relatit1g to labol1r u11i 011s �nd en1ployers' as�ociatio ns, appear to 11ave been repealed ,}./11en t1 1e L abour Relations Dec.ree\Vhic1i Was reenacted as the L,tbour Relatio11s Proc]a1natio11 i11 1963; b. Provisio11� relati1Jg to Jabour i11s1Jectio�1, wl1ic�1 appear to have repealed 1n part by tl1e L,1bo11 r Jns1Ject1011 Service Order of 1964 andbee. 0 111 part by tl1e Labour StarJdards Procla111atio11 of 1966; a11d c. Miniinu111 labour condit�o11 pro�is_io11s tl!at are 11ot as favourable 10 employees as correspondu1g pro_ ,,1s1ons . of Leg,11 Notice No. 302 or of ,1 \Vl11cl1 apJJear to _ l1a\ �e been repealed ' tlJe La?o11r Sta11dards Proclama11011, . respectively, b)' tl1e pron111lgat1on of the legal 11ot1ce 1n 1964 by the e11actn1ent of tl1e proclan1ation in 1966.

T\VO kinds of provisio11s appear 11ot to 11, been re1Jealed: a. Mi1Jin1t1n1 labour_ co11dit��11 }Jrovisi?11s 1nore fayo�rable to e111ployees tl1an corres1Jo11d111g prov1s1ons of either Legal Notice No. 302 or the Labour Sta1.1dards iJrocla111atio11; a11d b. Mi11i1n11111 labo11r co11dition 1:irovisio11s for wl1icl1 tl1ere are 110 correspond­ ing J)rovisio11s in eitl1er Legal Notice No. 302 or the Labour Standards Procla111ation.




- J 50 -.

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- 151 -


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- 152 -


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- 171 -





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The purpose. of this article is to Illake a co111parative study of the doctrine of ''subsidiarity'' of the unjust e11ricl1n1ent actio11 in Fre11ch and Ethiopia - n law. The overall tl1e of ot1;tli11e o.rga.r1izatio11 of the paper, a11 is wing follo . . . 111 order to provide ba.ckgi·ot1nd for our discussion of the ''subsidiarity'' doct.,. rine, we ,viii touch on the st1bject of u11just enrichme11t in g�neral in Roman law and on \Vhat the Fre11cl1 Civil Code has to say abou.t it, We will the11 trace briefly the esta'blishment by Fre11ch cot1;rts '1nd writers of the principle of enrichment as an auton,omous source of obligations i11 Frenc11 law, Tbe second major section �xarrtines th� doctrine of f'subsidjarity�' of the u11just �nrichme11t action i11 French la\v. It is preceded by a short consideration of the c;Ioctrine of ''just cause'' because of the i11terplay t.l1at �xists betw�e.n the two doct.. rines. An tmderstanding of both doctri11es as tb.ey appear in French law is esse11tial for our discussiot1 of Ethiopian law. Because the tern1 ''subsidiarjty'' e11compasses s(;;}veral principles, it bas been anaJysed from the point of view of fo11.r different situations., or type-cases. With respect to each t)rpe-:case, F1·e11ch jt1dicial decisions and tl1e solt1;tions proposed by legal th�orists h�v� been considered! That in tt1;r11 is followed by a disc11ssion of the major theories d�veloped to explain the doctrine o .f ''subsidiarity'' and the overe:.­ lap between it qnd the doctrine of ''just cause''. Proceeding in the n1anner indicat­ �d here serves q d1,1al p11rpose. To begin with, it will obvio�sly serve as an expos11re of the doctrf11e of subsidiarity in French la\V: More imponant though, as we are handicapped by a con1plete sile11c� in th� Ethiopian Civil Code as regard.s the ?octrine of ''su.bsidiarity�', o·ur of Fre11ch law will provide us witl1 a start1ng point for, our di�cussio11 in Part II of the doctrine in Et4iopian law and elucid­ ate the points on� ought to bear in mind in considering the doctrine.


Historical DevelopmeQt of the Notion a�d of the Action!

1 ! Roman law he civil Ia·w notion of ''enrichme11t without j11st cause? � origi11ated in Roman T 1 awt although �'it ca1inot be said that there was any such general rule''2 that prohibited al1 forms of u11j11st enrichme11t. What th� Ro.µ1ans did was to establisb




Faculty of La�v, Haile Se/lassie I l'11iversity. � · Mazeaud et Mizeaud, Ler,ons de droit ci;,il, · Tome II, No. 693, p. 636. g. W: Buckland, A Text-Boo,!, of Romat1 !aiv (3rd ed. revised 1963), p. 545:

- 17)- '


p h i1 a , ic rt s h ict1lar i11sta,1ces allo e \V n io it d 11 o c r o � , S il o ti c a l a n o wed of P ers · . n1 a_ 11u 0ti1e1· aL,. l11s expe11se to claim )ecu . 11 a y b . d · se li a re t . en m h c ' r1 en l n1ary the v1ct11n of an . . d re e ff su e li e 1c d Ju re p e compensation for th t ''Ro1r�a11 law recogitized so tha tes sta es alli Cl1 es, io11 dit con the to _ . In addition n tl1e tai n ob t1o to t1tu as res of ich wh tinjust etlri :� of se rpo pu ": the s ioil act other , 1e, lay wh so itllou t th ve a ere sla\ de e111 , r r in actio w the J 3 , ese tl O , le of i . . ment e 1 . authorization of his master, 1nade a co11tract with a11ot11er a11 d transferred to the he otl1er 's party fro1n ed result �erfor1na 11ce of llis � that t 11 me e11rich the r owne . obligations under the contract. _The 1mpover1sl1ed .party could bri11g the said action 1 ved fron deri ter the co11tract. mas the ch whi e11t chm e11ri the ver reco aild This action de irz re111 verso, originally of such a narro,v scope, was later extend ­ ed to cover many otl1er cases of unjust enrichn1ent. Nicholas explains the d.evelopment tht1s: ''Tl1e basis for an extensive interpretatio11 (of the actio de i11 re,11 verso) was provided by a few interpolated. texts (in tl1e Codes a11d Digest) vvl1ich ap­ peared to allow the actio de irz re,n verso i11 sit11ations in which tl1e defend­ a11t had benefitted as a result of a co11tract betwee11 the plaintiff a11d a (free) third pa.rty. 011 this sle11der basis later con1mentators built up a remedy, first for a11y e11richme11t arisi11g through a. third party's co11tract a11d tl1e11 for any enrichme11t whatever."4 2. The French Civil Code and After One does not find in the Frencl1 Civil Code a stated general principle to the effect that 110 011e may unjt1stly e11rich himself at tl1e expe11se of another, 5 but there are found i11 the Code a nt1mber of provisions6 whicl1 are IJarticL1lar applications of the broad principle of unj11st enrichment. Accordi11g to Coli11 and Capitant, ''The most in1portant and the most ust1al (a1 Jplicatio11 of tl1e JJrinciple of u11just enrichment) can be stated thus: Whe11ever a JJerson is obliged to restitute a tl1ing, be it because his title of acquisitio11 is ,1nnt1lled or be­ cause it is 11ull, he is entitled to reimbt1rsement of t11e necessary expenses he incurred as well as his useful expenses to tl1e exte11t of tl1e va1ue added to the _ thing. Tl1at is wl1at Articles 861-862 provided for where an im1no­ vable 1s returned to the estate by a hereditary don nee; Article I 673 where tl1e seller avails himself of a I'ight of redemption; Article 1381 \1/l1ere the_ person to �h?rn the thi11g is rett1r11ed must comper1sate tl1e possessor eve11 if the latter 1s 1n bad faith; Article 1947 which provicles for the rei111bu r�e­ �ent of . expe11ses a depositor i11curs to preserve the thing deposited witb �m; article 2080 which provides for the rei1nburse111e11t of tl1e expe11ses _ 111curred. by a creditor to preserve a pa\Vn; a11d Article 217 5 '-''hich provides 3

· g�dC���li!� { he Doctrine 01 Unjustifiecl E11ric/1111 ent i11 tire La1v of tl1 e Prol'ince of Quebec s ) ' p. 2. Rei'., 4· B. Nicholas, "Unjustified L. ne " Tula Enric Law, hmen t in Lot1i siana the Civil Law a11d VO,l 36 (1961-62), p. 619. 00· 5 · PJanioJ et Ripert T.ra, · 7, ol ') v ' n · 1e, pratrque ' Esmei • P. de by dro ed. cil'il 5 it fi·a11fais (2nd 7 2, p. 47. 6. Planiol et Rip rt being as . . 15 1 0 ' op. cit., . footnote (3) to No. 7 52, p. 47 e11t1n1erates tl1e prov 151 47 2080, Article 548 ;S4-S, 9 1 I 6 2 570-71, 19 1 1864, 861-62, 1673, 1241, 1312, 1381, 1437, 2102(3), 2175.

- 174 -





for reimbu1·sement w�e �e the thi�d party possesso,r relinquishes a mortgaged iroroovable or where 1t 1s expropr1ated from him. ''7 Article s 548, 554, 555, 570, 571 and 577, which deal with various cases of w?ic� governs 1437, the community Article of property and between on, essi acc spouses are also, they say, applications of the same principle. In the second l1alf of tl1e 11ineteenth century, some authors began a movement to set up unjust en1·ichent as a . sot1rce of o ?ligations and to make the actio de iii re,ri verso ,10 at1!ono111ous act1011. A?1ong 1ts for�most pr �ponents were Aubry . and Rau, wl10 considered pa1e11'1e11t de l 111du a11d gestLon d'affaires as but two inst311ces of unjt1st enricl1me11t and pro_posed that the actio de in rem l'erso be open \Vhenever one's patrimony is enricl1ed at tl1e expe11se of another.8 The Court of Cassatio11 ignored these proposals for quite some time,9 but in 1873 it gave in to 10 action an based 011 a theory of allowing x gestion d'affaires anormale. of te11t the e In a later case, 11 the Court of Cassation fell back upon the same technique 12 111 tl1e Boudier t1njt1st enricl1men. t . of case, the Court abandon­ case a 1t to preve1 ed the above practice a11d established the t1njust e11richment action as an independ­ ent source of obligations. Its defi11ition of the nature and scope of the action for the recovery of a11 1111just e11ricbmen.t differed 111arkedly from Aubry and Rau's, from ,vhose formula it was i11spired. 13 The Court espoused the said authors' formula in two subseqt1ent cases. 1� As spelled ot1t f11lly i11 tl1e Brian/1aitt case, the u11just enrichment action may ·be i11stituted if the f ollowi11g ele1nents are shown to be present; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Defenda11t's e11ric]1n1ent; Plaintiff's i1npoverishn1ent; A causal relationship ·between the i1npoverishment and enrichn1ent; i\bsence of a just cause for the enrichment; Plaintiff does 11ot or did not have any action arisi11g from a con.tract, a quasi-co11tract, a delict or quasi-delict or the law.

The last conclitio11 was taken by legal \.Vriters 15 to be a manifestation of the In Sectio11 II we will try ''subsidiary character of the actio11 de in re,11 1,erso." to determine what exactly this doctrine of st1bsidiarity co11notes. 7 · A. CoJin et H. Capita11t, Coi1rs elemerztaire de droit civil franrais (7th ed. 1932), vol. 2, no. 238, p. 223- 334. 8 · Mazeaud et �Aazeat1d, op. cit. No. 694, p. 637. 9 · Ibi?· No. 695, p. 637, TI1ey add tl1at the Cot1rt was prevailed upon by Rau to grant tl:te action. JO. Commune de Sai11t-Cl1inian c. Guy, D. 1873.1.457. 11 · Lemaire c. Chambon, Sy11dic de Ia faillite Lao1ot1ret1x, D. 1891.1. 49, note by Planiol. t's 12· Julie n-Patureatt-M.iran c. Cotir the of ns natio expla ible poss for 596 .1. Botldier, D. 1892 move see l--Iicl1olas, op. cit., a11d Planiol et Rjpert, op. cit., No. 752, P• 49. 13 · '.fhe at1tl1o_r' , s formt1]a as stated i11 At1bry et Rat1, Cours £1� droit � ivil J!·anr,ais (4tll . No. 578 1s reproduced 1 i, aux depe11s d autru1 (1949), no. ei· in L'e1zrichzssen1e11t F. Gore, p. 188. 14· CJayette c. Liquid. cle Ia co11gregation des Missio11aires de la Salette, S. 19IS.l,4l aDci Ville de Bag11er es-de-Bigorre c. Brianl1at1t, D. 1920.1.102. 15 · Planiol et Ripert, op. cit., 110. 761, p. 66.

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11ciatio n of t11e req· uiren1e11ts for the enu d aile det the 'itli " ast r t. con . ,e exe tc1s · Fre�ch I aw,. Eth·IOJ.?1a11 I · . B·y . aw 1? 1 0n . act t merel y states 1 hme1 enr1c st unju of the tha t th o�t d 1_· t h w _ e Jus 1c enr se 1s cati n so per by a the Wor k or . the action lies where l6 ·1ty 1a1 s1d IS de. st1b n1a of n tio n me o n property of a11other a11d II. ''Subsidiarity'' This article is primarily concerned with tl1e doctri11e of tl1e subsidiarity of th ho:Vever, prefera�!e, to is It action. i:r�cede our study of ''su unjust eiiricliment bsi� t. n 111e r�q1��re Tl11s ''�aus� 1s tl1e �-t for look brief two a . by diarity'' r_easons First, in . . nch la\v, \ve will see Fre 111 ou.r a11a.Iysis of the doctrine . of ' subs1d1ar1ty . that 0ne · '' aspect of the doctrine is ass1m1·1 ated with the. ''ca11se requ1re.rn�nt . Second, we \Viii 11ave to rely mainly on t]1e ''cause'' req111remen t to dete1·m1 ne tl1e presence 0 absence of tl1e doctrine �f ''s11bsidiarity'' i11 Etl1iopia n l�w. To see the overla; bet,vee11 the two doctrines 111 French Ia.w and to proceed with our co11sideration of the existence or 11011-existence of the doctrine in Ethiopia11 law, \Ve m ust hav e some idea as to wl1at sources constit11te a just cause for a11 e nricl1111e11t . Tl1at do11e we will move 011 to the central theme of the article as far as Fre11ch law goes, i.e., the doctrine of ''subsidiarity'', wbicl1 in tur11 is followed by a look at the justi1i­ catio11s profef red for the existence of the doctri11e a nd tl1e overlap tl1at exists betw­ een it a11d the doctrine of ''just ca.use . '' 1. ''Just Cause'' In the 01Ji11ion of Planiol and Ripert,

''E11richment 11as a jt1st ca11se \vl1e n it is obtained in co11forn1ity \vitl1 t11e stipulations 1nade in a contract by onero11s or gratt1itous title or i11 the perforn1ance of a legal or 11 at11ral obligation. '' 17

Thus ar1y enricl1me11t or impoverishment which flo\vs fron1 tl1e tern1s of a valid co11 tract concl11ded between tl1e impoverished a11d e11ricl1ed parties has a just cause . Similarly an e 1 1ricbment has a j11st cause where it is obtai11ed purst1a nt to the terms. of a valid contract concluded between tl1e enriched party and a third paJty even If tl1e latter obtained the mea11 s for the performance of his obli0atio1 1s tinder the contract _from .the impoverished party and did n ot con1pe1 1sate bi111 fo r it. 18 B)' way of 1 II11strat1on tl1ey cite a case 19 \vhere a lessee l1ired a labourer to do some \vork on tl1e i111movable he hel d 1111der the lease b t1t failed to pay hitn the a� greed � tim . Since it . was p�ovided _in tl1e con t�e lessee . \vould tra tl1a of eas ct t e I .i be ent i tled to ai1y 111den1111ty for im a pro vem ent 1 ake 111 tl1e 1mm ov ? ' s n h ght m e d the laboti.rer's action bro11gl1t agai 11 faile e less e 1 the st sun the less the rec or ove to r to pay h im was dis1nissed b y th e Court. 20 or The enrichme 11t o f a person ate) liber re 1 su lt fron1 in (;11te11tio1 the g generosity the performa11ce of a natu just a bas ral obligation by the i11 1poverished party


16 · Civil Code Art. 2162. 17. p la.niol et Ripert, op.cit., no. 757, p. 57. l 18, d ., no. 759, p. 61. 19. Herbert c. Bois-H d ar y et Chans on, D. 1900.2.154. 20. Id., no. 760, p. 63-64.

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SUBSIDIARJTY OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT 21 An 1 an to . actio1 de vers rem rise in give t y contrary solution, canno ? nd a e caus \VOt1Id for all inte11ts a11d purposes abolish donations and deny the i e t g th�Y ar f natural obligations. ce o ten xis e e11ri cl1m just_ ent is the of law e . sour i!s�l c f If a perso11 discharges an ]ast e Th the by 111111 law, upo11 the rec1p1ent of the benefit is not ensed impo n ati · o · . obl.1g 22 ca11se. 3ust 11t riched witho We need not consider the opi11ions of other �uthors separately, because tl1ey so11rc es e11111ne1·ated by Plan1ol and Ripert, a11d the slight tl1e dt1ce repro re1y :�iati ons they introcluce l1ere ancl there are i11co11seqt1ential. 23

2. ''Subsidiarity' ' The requiren1ent tl1at the plaintiff have no other course of action or must and it could be taken ha.\'e had no other action does 11ot co11vey a11ytl1i11g expl i cit 24 pointed out that i11sta11ce For tl1i11gs. se,,eral of Bartin 011e any to mean ''the term ''st1bsidi,Lry'' could n1ea11 three tl1i11gs: first, that the plaintiff in the action cannot s11cceed 1111less tl1e facts givi11g rise to the enrichme11t of the defe11dant l1ave given 11i1.n 110 otl1er possible action agai11st either defendant or a third party; seco11clly1, that tl1e plaintiff must, if anotl1er action was ope11 to h i111, have lost tl1at recourse; or third, tl1at the other possible action mt1st l1ave bee11 rendered useless by tl1e · insolvency of the person a.gainst wl1om it 111igl1t l1ave bee11 taken''. In order to clear 11p do11bts l i l<e these a11d to detern1i11e tl1e ex,1ct purport of the said requiren1ent, it is proposed to take four d i ffere11t s i tuatio11s ar1d co11sider the solt1tio11s offered both by doctrine a11d jt1risprt1de11ce. (1) The plaintiff had a11other actio11 at l1 is d isposal but it is blocked by a legal obstacle, i.e. a 1Jrovisio11 of la\ V. Can he take the action cle in re,11 verso? To give an illustration, the plaintiff could have brotight a co11tractual actio11 to vi ndicate his cla i111 bt1t it is· now bar1·ed by prescription. The autl1ors a.gree u11anin1ously that the ,tctio11 cle in rem verso does not lie. "The reason for st1cl1 una11imity is tl1at co11trary view vvo11lc1 permit the enrichn1ent acti on to upset the establisl1ed legal order." 25

. The f ollo\vi11g excerpts fro1n Pla11iol a11d Ripert, a11d Mazea11d a11d Mazeaud, are typical of the view e11tertained by otl1er authors. Planiol and Ripert, after revie\:vi11g with approval cot1rt decisio11s \vl1ich held �lie unjt1st enrichn1e11t actio11 inad111issible Vt'he11ever an alternative actio11 is rendered ineffect i ve by a provision or provisio11s in the law, jt1stify tl1e co11rt's holdings thus:

21 · Ibid.

22. See f r insta t, itan Cap et in Col 641; 640p. 5, -70 702 nos. cit., nce op. d d, eaL1 Maz et Mazeat1 ? . Trazte cle droit civil (1959), vol. 2, nos. 1321-1323, p. 749-750. ., 23 · Note 10, p. 361, para. 578 i n Aubry et RaL1, op. cit., (5tl1 ed.) vol. 9; quoted in op, cit., p. 120. 24· This is a more or less stanclard patter11 of analysis and is t1sed by most at1thors. See for · example Mazeaud et Mazeaucl, op. cit., 110s. 707-709, p. 642-643. 25. Challi es, op. cit., p. 128.

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s ed ase ov the cot�rts to decl ese tl all n � ich wh � � � son rea _ . are ''The obvious 1s that by gra11t1ng 1t they l 1b 1ss m a 1n o rs � ve � m re in would _ 11 Jaw, Sllch tlle action ,le . as 1tte \Vr se r tl1o ot1 ot es rul li dea r1 ed g ish abl est . \V 1tl1 , set at naugl1t . . 1 . ata. E ve11 . . 1 rc 1 t 1ua •r 1e ,es and ect of these eff re eitu forf . . proof, prescI-iIJtion� .rt (co11tr 1 1111 t 1ol 1 co w1 t . t pa . ere11 l1m 1·1c en � _ e-partie), rtlles is to sanction a11 . ous , l11t 1rse c1rc co1 11s 1 t as, for ii lstai,ce, by d ate rog J al" be not tl,ey slJould _ d by tl e pr ee fr cess of prescription b ot 11 1l o1 w er ? ? ow rr bo � a t �. saying tlJa . 1 ot J?a)11ng baclc the 1 d by cl1 en11 stl)' unJu 1s he � that ai,,ount 111d gro1 011 tbe . _ . lie borrovved. One 111ay conten1plate a.bol1shing the 111st1t11t1011 of extiiictive prescriptio11 or tl1e requir�me11t o � \vritten proof. But doi11g . so by the cir� cl const1tl1te a sc1Jen 1e cuitous ineans of the action de ll'l re,rz verso woul26 " v. la\ tl1e on ud fra a g) tin tra rpe (pe to 11ts w]1icl1 amou Uttlike Planiol and Ripert, Mazeaud .a11 d M� zea11d do 1�ot 111 ake a broad general staterr1ent to tl1e effect tl1at the u11Just enr1chn1 ent action does 11ot lie in tllese circumstances, ratl1er they deal with specific i11sta11ces where an alter11ative action is blocked by s0111e rt1Ie _ of Jaw._ Tl1ey say, ''\.vhere tl1e . actio11 the law l1ad put at tl1e disposal of tl1e 1m1Jover1sl1ed l )erson hfLS prescribed, 011 e cannot JJossibly allo,v l1im to i11stit11te the action de in re,n verso. Holdi11g other\.vise would ' i11 effect, be evadi11g the rt1les 011 prescri1)tio11. By the sa111 e toke11, tl1e action de i11 rerrz verso could not serve ,1s a n1ea11s of getting aro1111cl tl1 e rt1les on usucap­ tion or C. Civ. Article 2279."27 With that, let 11s tur11 to a stucJy of decisio11s given by tl1 e courts, particularly tl1 e Court of Cassatio11, whe11 co11fro11ted \ iritl1 this sit11atio11. 1

Decisions \.Vl1erei11 tl1e u11jt1st e11 ricl1111 e11t actio11 was clis111 issed if brought \vhen another actio11 was blocked by a legal provisio11 are q11ite 11u111erous.28 In the Cla;·ette case, tl1e wido\v's 1111jt1st enrich1ne11t actio11 vvas tl1ro,vn out because tipholding it wo11ld been ta1)tar11ou11t to allo\vi11g her to get around Articles 134 I and 1347, fai111re to 1neet the req11ire111e11ts of wl1icl1 l1ad caused her original actio11 basecl 011 tl1e loa11 to fail. Sin1ilarly tlJ e u11just e11 richme11t action. \vas dismissed i11 the Bria11/Jaut case because tl1 e plaintiff resorted to it only to get aro1111d the requiren1e nts of Article 9 2 179 3 . A si111ilar case is Den1oisel/e d'Ai;gu�;te cle The Cie . et ac/ 1 L1n1 Gr c. b Si11ce11J; _ . pl �int1ff brot1gl1t a11 unjt1st e11richme11t aciio11 agai 11st a :fir111 for 17,000 francs, that being the sum she paid 011t to recover t11 e ov;,nersl1 ip of l1 er je,vel-bo x from the perso11 who bad it in bis possessio11. The possessor bo11gl1t it fron1 tl1e tl1ie f ,vho st01e the box fron1 the plaintifl'. Her c]ai111 was dis1nissed beca11se sl1e could not ha�e met tlie requirements of Articles 2279 and 2280 if sl1e had bro11gl it anot her action, presun1 ably 011e based on the extr,1-contrc:ciual liability of tli e firm; she u Jd not l ave prov e sell y e ediar tl1e :�: 1 � commissio11 of a. fat1lt by tl1 e i11tern � �� ; ·1.11 tl1at IS, on wl11ch sole grol111d sl1e c.ould l1ave recovered the sutl paid the possessor from tl1 e com pa11y. · obs r2) The plaii1tiff could have n a brougl1t another actio11 but it is blocked by




26. .iol et Ripert, op. ci ., no. 761, p. 67. t : :eaud. et Mazea 7. ud, op. cit., no. 708 , p. 643 . . (J-1) 28. See p lan1ol et Ripert 2 s note op foot 67 o. p , t., n 76], p. 66, footnotes (1), (3-7) . 29. D. P. 1931. l _ 1 ' ci . 29.

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abou brou t ght l1y . his f au.It. May he bring an unjus. t enwas whic h fact of le c t� the to obs ? e tacl e xerc ise of the alternative action lies i.n the Tl1e i1 actio t • r1cbme11 he did e 111easu a th II tak' !es e prescr1"be d by the law for the exe·rcise , t 11 � t tha . _ : ct f} the a ction. Thi� 1n t111·11 w�s d11e to lus fa11lt which consists eit?er of his ignor0 la1cl dow n by the law or sheer 11egligence to comply rem e11ts req11 1 the of c a� : tlJero.30 We have found 110 autho1· who 1naintai11s that the u n. j11st enrichment these circun1sta.nces. Plc111iol and Ripert see1n to make 110 distinction i11 lie otild sh :;�0 11 _ a11d a le al fact obstacle of as . tl1ey consider both obstacles in obstacle � an n wee bet 1• tl1e laVi of .rl1ey state: 011 1tJ. ve1 u1n circ of s term ''But tl1ere are i11star1ces wl1ere fa �ed with interrelated enrichment and imp­ overishment 011e ca11not be certa111 whetl1er or not an in1perative rule of Jaw obstr1 1cts (tl1e pay1ne11t of) a11 i11clemnity. Tl1is n1ay happen in certain cases where a perso11 v\1 110 l1c1s a clai1n agai11st another for the payn1e11t of tl1e price of s11pplies he provicled l1i1n \Vith a11d who could have got a security e11titling l1i111 to a rigl1t of· prefere11ce (over other creditors) and thereby make sure that he \Vould get paid fails, by his 11egligence, to take this measure so tl1a.t tl1e otl1er credito1·s ra11k equally witl1 bi1n or even get a priority over 11i1n. Wo·uld the ,1ctio11 de i11 ,·en,, which l1e institutes against them to recover tl1e gai11 that l1e procured for them at his expense, find an obstacle in tl1e principle of the equality of creditors which provides that a rigl1t of preference subjected by the la\v to certain formalities does not exist unless tl1e latter l1ave bee11 met? The a11swer sl1ou1d, we believe, be in the affirn1ative." (Citation to D. 1924.1.129)31 Nfarty and Ray11aud as well a1·e of the opinion tl1at tl1e unjust enrichment action can11ot lie. Like P1a11iol and Ripert, tl1ey 1nake no distinction betvveen an obstacle of fact and a legal obstacle and cite the san1e case cited by Planiol and Ripert in support of their co11te11tio11. Tl1ey say, ''if t·be nor1nal actio11 is rendered ineffective by an obstacle of law, 011e may not resort to tl1e action de irz rem verso to make up for tl1e loss (ot' the norn1al actio11). Tl1us . . . a creditor with a right of prefere11ce or a. 1nortgagee \Vl10 has let his security be lost, as for example by failing to 1·egister it as he 011gl1t to have done, cannot act against the equally ranked creditors who benefit f1·om this situatio11 by alleging that they are 32 en riched (\vithout jt1st cause)." 1924.1.129). (Citatio11 to D. And Roua st p11t it st1cci11ctly \Vl1e11 he. wrote ''le caractere subsidiaire s'oppose a ce qu'elle soit 11tilisee con1me 1111e bol1ee de sa11vetage par celui qui a fait nat1frage par sa faute. '' 33 (The st1bsidiary cl1aracter (of the u11just e11richment action) is 3o. In additio n to tl1ese obstacles i.e. ignorance or negligence, there are some authors wl10 allegedly treat "fortuitous error''' as a� obstacle of fact. According to Cl1allies, op. cit., P- 121; Colin et Capitant, op. cit., (5th eel.), vol. 2, JJ. 417; Jossera11d, Coi,rs c/e droit civil positif fran9ais (2nd ed.), vol. 2, no. 574, p. 316 and Ripert, La Regle Nlorale, _(2nd ed.), �- 15�; �vould grant the action de in re11'1 verso in st1cl1 instances. Of tl1e works cited only R1 pert s 18 . available in tl1e library, an exan1ioation of wl1icl1 discl?ses tl1at _the page ref�red to deals witl1 tl1e rescision or n1odificatio11 of conh·acts. As tlJat 1s somet]11ng \,Vholly different fron1 unjus! enrichment, I I1ave disregarded CJ1allies' assertion and . exclt1ded "forttiitous error'' from my discussion of obstacles of fact. 31 · Pianiol et Ripert, op. cit., no. 762, p. 68. 32. Marty et Rayna11d , Droit civil, Paris (1965), no. 353(2), p. 320-321. 33 · Rouast, 2, 192 ., Civ . Dr 7._ n Tri _. v Re ', ile' civ e 'en e11c ''L richissem e11t sans cat1se et ]a jt1risprud ; 8�; 9 11oted in Drakidis, ''La st1bsidiarite, caractere specifique et international de l'action � enricl 11ssement sans cat1se'', Rev. tri111. Droit civil, vol. 59 (1961)., p. 585·

179 •

W - VOL. V - 1-.Jo. I LA N A PI IO H ET F O L A N R U JO

as a !ifebuoy by som eone used be can it that n otio Wllo was oppose d to tl1 e n . ). lt u fa is h y b ed k c e r shipw . . dec.1 s1on . . . . vvh s 1 ch dismissed the unJ·u . 1 al c J·udi of ber num st a en r1c _ . There are h . 1 1 was b 1ocl( ed by an obstacle of ' 0 act1 ive rnat alte . an fact• 34 1n· re whe n1 ent act10n . . . son_-1• 11-1 aw n1011�y to pa y for t he his ned loa ff nt1 1 pla the 5 n,3 . supplY a 1924 decisio 1 of a bu1Id111g on land w 1 ct10 ere the h or ed uir f req our lab b e­ hic and ·als 1 r te , . of ma o_f t.h e wor ks, . both the b�il?ing and t1on pl� com tl1e on Up er. latt the to longed the � 11-1n-la� 1ad Joined. e 1c h s0 th wh hip ers rtn pa a _ to ted ibu ntr co re we After a land as a? w se its er d ts e l1q t u1dated. The plaintif f up kr n ba e m co be _ p hi rs _ 11e rt pa e th le wlli 1011 against tl1e other creditors of the parti1e act ent richm 1 e1 1 a1 ted. institu then rshi � and alleged that he s11ould be given prefere11ce over t 1e1n as regards tl1e increas� in the value of the la 11d brought about by tl1e erection of tl1e buildi11g t11 ereon Tl1at he contended, was 111ade possible by the money l1e loaned his son-ir1-Ia w and the �ther creditors were therefore e11riched witl1out just cause at his expense. The clai1n was rejected beca11se the plain!iff h�d failecl to _secure for l1in1s_elf a right of pre­ ference over other creditors by co111ply1ng with the requ1ren1er1ts of Article 2103 (4)and(5). (3) The plai 11tiff could i 1 1stitute a11other ,1ctio11 b11t it is re11dered i 11effective by an obstacle of fa.ct wl1ich was not bro11gl1t abo11t by his fault. For all practical pur­ poses, 36 t}tis situation ca 11 arise 0 11ly where a co11tractt1al actio1 1 is rendered useless by the i11s0lvency of one of the contracting parties. Hence tl1 e e11 ricl1 n1e1 1t action is aimed at a third party, a11d the quest.io1 1 is whether or not it can be take11 against him. With very few exceptio 1 1s, practically aJl a11tl1 ors are of opinio11 that the en­ richment action can be brougl1t against tl1e third party. This sittiation can be distinguished from the preceding and subseq11ei1t situatio11s in tl1at it involves three perso11s instead of t,:vo a11d tl1 e q11estio11 of givi11 g the plaintiff a choice as to ,vhat action to exercise does 11ot arise because the normal action and. the u11just enrich­ ment actio11 are not directed to tl1e same person. Moreover it should be noted tl1at the matter of exercise of the action ca11 not come up if t11e tl1ird party \.Vas enriched with just cause. It is only where the plaintiff's performa11ce of his ob liga­ tions under the contract 11ave benefitted a third party without just c,1use that th_ e authors say that the enrichn1ent action can be take1 1. As poi11ted out by Pla�iol and Ripert,37 even if the third party's enrich111 ent is related to tl1e plai11tiff 's 101· poverishment, most often tl1e latter cot1ld not i11stit11te an actio1 1 de i11 rein verso against the former because the third party's enrich111e 11t l1as a j11st cause. ''But it _may that he (the enriched third party) l1ad no good cause. 1��en the unpaid creditor may certainly act £le in ren1 verso against tl1e tI11rd party. By granting it 110 contrave1 1tio1 1 like that 1nentioned above (fratid on the law) is perpetrated on the written law. (Here) no 011 e is looking for a roundabout mea.ns of attainit1g a goal can 11ot be bad throug11 the norn1al course, as, in theory, the contractual actio11 is (still) opei1." Drakidi� too,38 W?uld grant the action because, he says, equity dem,1nds it and _ . the enrichment action 1n this instance does no jeopa rdize the legal order. t 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 •

ino! Bert t et oncier de France c. Arrazat, D. 1889 .1.393; Jacquin c. Lebel frere s ;��� ri ' · 1913 .1 · 433. Several more are to be found in otJ1er reporters. . Laurrens, syndic. de la faillite Soc. 29 .1. 1 19 24 Miguel et Tarayre c. Marty, D. P. Mar �y et R ynaud, op. cit., n o. 353(2), p. 321. � Plan1?l et R1pert, op. cit., no. 763(2), p. 72. . D,rak1d1s, op. cit., p. 586_

- 180 -









wh� i� � proponent of the theor� that the enrichme u thor a an _ er,38 vali nt Che . 11 should be denied only 1f 1_t 1s t1sed as a n1eans of circumventing the law t a�t1 011 the sho t�at uld lie, i� this case. He says ''it is only a1 11atu r �� only � � it . th'is (contractt1al) action runs 111to the debtor s insolvency that the supplier can aga i_ 11st �l 1e thir?, party to recover from the latter th� act , tion ac � c liar� ; a subsi 1 10 right t o k.eep. d a h h e . h ic h w t n enrichnie a com 111en _ i n tary 011 a decisio11 given by the Court of ,:vell , as ein,4 0 Esm 1 0 1 1 was gra 1 1ted t1nder these circumstances said in act tl1e where on part' ' ' . . , CaSsatj gra11t11 f o 1g h e _ a ct � 1 01 1 cle iii rem verso in this instance. . .. _t�1e cts obstru g hi.Il ''Not 1 on of tl1e law 1s circumvented by the institutio11 of this action prov1s erative iii,p No '' . y . . t r a p d ir l 1 t . a t s n agai In contract to Esn1ein and the great 111ajority of at1tl1ors, Gore asserts that the eorichme 1 1t action shot1ld 4111ot lie, for otherwise it wot1lcl violate an imperative rule Sl1011 lcl the action be granted u11der the circumstances of law. He reasons tl1t1s : in qt1estion, it \vould a 1 11ot111t to giving tl1e i1npoverished party a direct action aoai11st the eoricl1ed third party. A direct actio 1 1 ca 11 ho\vever , only be brought by the creclitor agai11st tl1e debtor of l1is debtor, wl1ereas here the action is brought not against the debtor of the i1npoverished party's debtor but agai11st a third party intermediary. Another autl1or \Vl10 l1as qt1alms ctbout gra11ting the unjt1st enrichment actio11 is Aimosni1 10.43 He states that tl1e i 1 11poverisl1ed party can take tl1e enrichn1ent actio11 against tl1e enriched t]1ird party 0 1 1Jy if tl1e n1ass of the creditors of the in­ sol\1ent party ca11not sue tl1e tl1ird party. In otl1er \Vords, the impoverished person can institute tl1e t111just e11richment action if he is tl1e insolve11t party's sole creditor. But if there are other creditors, he can11ot claim from the third party an indemnity corresponding to his impoverisl1n1e 1 1t becat1se tl1at would be confering a privilege upon him. 111 tl1e absen.ce of an express provision conferi1 1g such a privilege, he must be treated like a11y otl1er creditor and take whatever portion of the third party's assets accrues to llim. The stand taken by the courts agrees with tl1at of the majority of the aut.hors. They grant the i1npoverisl1ed J)arty an t 1 nj11st enrichment action against . a !hird party enriched withot1t just cause by I1is perforn1ance of l1is contractual obl1 gat1 ons, provided tl1at the insolve1 1cy of the otl1er contracti11g party is established. 111 1940, the Court of Cassatio11 affrrn1ed a lower court's decision give11 along tl1ese Ii1 1es. 44 A person who bought a l1ot1 se from a company engaged a contractor to do some ,vork on t11e bt1ilding. So111etime late1· he became insolvent a1 1d was unable to 39 · J.. hevalie r, "Observations stir Ia repetition des enricl1issements non causes'' in Le c/roit <; prive Jra119ais Gl{ ,nilielt etc, xxe siecle (1950), vol.2, p. 248. 4o. Quoted in footnote 181 in Gore, op. cit., p. 185. 41 · Gore, op. cit., no. 180, p. 184. 42 · Art. 1165 provides that co11tracts produce effects 011ly as bet\vee� the contr�cting parties, but uocter Art. 1166 a creditor is entitled to sue tl1e debtor of 111s debtor drrectly as long as that right is reserved to the cred itor's d ebtor. 43. Almos et 166 P• 83, no. ), (1931 nin e cliair o, si,bsi tere carac ricl1 · L'e11 issemer1t sa,1s cac,se et so11 seq.� ·1ted 111 Cl1allies, op. cit., p. 122-123. 44_ S cie. � uced in od pr re 0 15 e 40 19 ' · des D.H. � Gorge, c. habitations Saint-Servan � bon marcJ1e de P rt in Mazea ud et Mazeat1d, op. cit., pp. 642-643, 648, 649.

- 181


upon the_ co1npa11 y took b ere wh , tor ac ntr co e 1 tl or ack ff tl conlpatlY pa the al 1 t trac 1 on co1 acti a t l1ad inst r aga u to . trac •tt d ly tlie con the · ? � b nll g. io uild ? hut was insolve11t. latter e 1 tl 1-Ie tl because 1 e11 instit� one b:inoing e i�ld s e t 1 1 s a t n a 1 0 . tl1e o11 111 y d gro 1 11 t 1Ja tl1a co1n e 1 it tl l 1 i11st a aga ; d ben efi1 t i ':"'lst en11. cl11 11e11t ction . unJt ted . tl t d 1 o b e d v1 , pro .e uyer d 1 a a. 1d tl1e action 11e b ls . eria mat d 1 a1 ur labo the from Was 1 . 01 ed t1 11 sa r1 f as o affi C 1 e C ou rt tl al pe ap n O . le ib ss ilu ad held d ispo s I a�ot er effective action. his at has y !?art d ishe over imp � Can he � . . (4) The ust enr1cb1ne11 t acti on . J un an g 1 11 br d an e i d as leave tliat Tlle prepondera nce of d octrinal opini?n is tl:at the _plai11 tiff ca1111ot d o so. For instance, Mazeaud and Mazeau d say: ''1 f tl1 e 1n1�ove�1sl1ed 1Jerso11 can bring an actioi1 arisiiig fro1n a contract,_ a de11ct o� a q11as1-d�l1ct, a11 11nd 11e payn1ent, un­ authorized agency or a real right, tl1 ere 1s 110 quest1011 but tl1at the principle of subsid iarity lead s to the dis1nissal of the actio11 de irz reni verso: the impoverished perso1 1 need 011ly resort to tl1e normal action J)tlt a.t his disposal." 45


According to Marty and R.aynau d, ''. . . the rL1les of 1111 j11st enrich111ent \Vbich are judge-mad e ;:1nd a c]1aracteristic dis1)lay of tbe j11dge's i11terventio11 to fill i11 gaps gaps are Ja\v) the (i11 i11 tl1e law ca11 co111 e into play only to tl1 e_ extent tl1 �t. the\ �46 and a re exclud ed if there are (other) applicabl e prov 1s1ons.

To the questio11: ''Wl1 at is the exact consec111e 1 1ce or significa11ce of s11bsidiarity," tl1 ey a11sv,1er that such a q11estio11 never arises wl1 ere the otl1er actio11 can be effect­ l ly more ad vantageous ively exercised . They 011t tl1at t]1e 11or1 11al action is ust::1 1 than t]1e e11 ricbn1ent actio11, however ''if tl1e q11estio11 does arise, t1 1e actio11 de in ren1 verso 111 ust be de 11 ied. . .. ''

Similarly Gore ,vo11ld allow the plaintiff no optio11 . 1-Ie ju stified l1 is stand on a theory of hicra rc11y of sou rces of Iaw47 in t11e French legal systen1. According to this theory decisions of courts and c11sto11 1, vis-a-vis legisl atively e11acted rt1les, are a subsidiary source of law. A11d as tl1e principle of 11nj11st enricl1 1ne11 t \Vas expounded by the coL1rts, the action a rising fron1 it cannot be tal<e11 w11 ere tl1e la\V provides the 48 Pla11iol a11d RiiJert4 9 say that tl 1e question d in1poveris action. another 1 witl person 1e l . ?f cl1oice of action does not arise as regards co11 tra.cts ancl tl1a.t it is i11conceiva.ble rf tl1 e ?the: action is one based 01 1 t1na11thorized a.ge11cy. TI1 e questio11 of opt 10!1 ma y a rise, 111 theory that is, if the other actio11 is l1ased 011 extra-contractual habi­ lity, but tl1 e �ction for 11njust enric11 me11t is r11led ot 1 t by tl1e reqt1ire1nent of a causal co11nect1011 betwee11 the e11richment and i111 po,,erish111 e11 t. Witll that, let 11s turn to the a11tl1 ors wl1 0 advocate tl1 at tl1e JJ1ai11tiff sliould be l eft free to choose wha.t action to bring. h � . vie,�' so a � tell s us that it is the recent ,vriters \Vl1 0 h. ol d sucl1 . Clial lie� o giSt of tlletr arguments is ''that the 011ly limitatio11 t1po11 the (e11ricl11n e11t) acti 45. Mazeaud et Mazeaud, op. cit., no, 70 7, .P• 642. 46. Mar�y et Raynaud, op. ci t., no. 353(2), p. 320. . n l 47. · G ore, op. cit., no. 199-204 p 202-209' Th "1s tl1eo ry \Viii be anal)1sed i11 greater detai in 1ater par t of this section. ' · 48. Id., no. 288 p. 3 00-301. , 49. Plani l et Ripert, op ? . cit., no. 763(1), 1), 72. 50. Chall1es, op. cit., p. 125_

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requ iren1ent tl1at no imperative law be contraven_ijd tl1e is diar ity 811bs i m fro • • arisi�g , words that other there in be no or ''fraude ed a Ia loi , vent um rc c1 or 51 that Esmein in his says note to S. 1941.1.121 criticized the he for exrunple and Aubry Ra11 a11d of suggested that the requirement of subula form ity diar ubsi : d as se ws es llo pr . fo ex be ld ou 1 s1 ·ty 5.d1ar1 51 the tl1at actio11 say cle in. re111 verso cannot be taken where to better is ''It it is institutecl to replace a11otl1er actio11 \vl1icl1 the plaintiff cannot exercise because of prescriptio11, a f orfeitt1re or f orclusion or because it is res ji,di­ catci, or because l1e ca1-1not prodt1ce tl1e proof tl1e action requires or be­ catise of a11other legal obstacle. 1

is analogo11s to that prevaili1-1g in Fra11ce as regards As tl1e sitt1atio11 i11 Belgit1m 52 tl1e opi11io11s of Belgia11 writers on the action, question of choice tlle enrichn1ent 53 in discussing the our to relevant disc11ssion here. Rutsaert, be ca11 of actions issue of cl1oice of actio11s wrote, ''b11t if, tl1e i11te11tio11 of fraud aside, the require111ents for the exercise of the actio11 cle i11 ren1 verso are met at the same time that the requiren1ents of a11otl1er action are, 011e ca11not at all see why the choice be­ t\veen those actions sl1ould be prol1ibited ...'' Al1nosni110 54 and Beguet,55 we are told. entertain tl1e sa111e view. ,

Urtlike doctrinal opi11ion, the co11rts are 11na11imot1s i11 rejecti11g the unjust en­ richn1ent action where the plai11tiff has another action at his disposal. Beginning \Vith the ClaJ:ette and Bria11/1aut cases, tl1e courts have repeatedly and consistentJy held that the unjust e11ricl1n1e11t action 1n11st give way to the other action. For instance, in 1949, tl1e Co11rt of Cassation said: ''The theory of u11jt1st enrichn1ent applies where it is sufficiently shown that no contract \Vas concluded bet\vee11 the parties, and that the impoverisl1ed perso11 does not l1ave a11 actio11 arising from a delict, a qt1asi-delict ...''56 And as late as 1959, the same court reiterated its position in the followi1Jg words:

''By virtue of its su.bsidiary character, the action de in rem verso must 11ot be granted except i11 cases wl1ere the patrimony of one perso11 being en­ riched without just cause at the expense of the patrin1ony of another, tl1e latter does not 11ave any action arisi1-1g from a contract, a quasi-contract, a delict, a quasi-delict or tl1e law to recover wl1at is o\ving to him." 5 7 The troubl e with assertio11s like tl1ese, ho\vever, is that they were not made i11 cas�s that denied t·he plaintiff. an option of actions where he could bring another action arising from some other ground. They were merely made by way of dicta, because in all these cases the enrichment action was dismissed on some ground 51. Ibid., p. 126. 2. Challies, id., p. 160. � 3 · Rutsa ert, "Du i,e Rev se,'' cau s san t men isse 1ricb d'e1 1 tio1 l'ac e caracter non sL1bsidiaire de du Droit Beige, 1937, no. 13, p 40, qL1oted i11 Cl1aUies, op. cit., p. 128. . 54. Almo snin o , o'P, c1·1., no. 86, IJ. 177. 55_ B et 263· . 54, . o 253, p 1 . n p. 147, e 110. 1945, " Paris, nt , sseme cause nrichi sa11s "L' , egu 56 _ Bttll. Cass. Civ. 1949. 614, quoted in Drakidis, op. cit., p. 601. 57 · Bull. Cass. Civ. 1951 .1.26, qt1oted in Drakidis, op. cit., P• 601.


W - VOL. V - No. 1 LA N A PI IO H ET F O L A N R JOU

. 11Jle, tl1e Claye a11 ex r Fo s. ion act tte of d an ce en B ui·r nc co . • . a 1 ut 1 n rr . other than the a n f o . 1t1o ve1 t1 ve .legal prov· um era c1rc 1mp a t ven pre to d isse dism · · · . h bot ns 1s1o . . cases were 11t action was drsinissed me h 1c . e11r an ere wh e cas a d fin to for th� It is difficult t, trac a co11 sho ld u say, be i11stituted rat on, · d base o11 a�ti a11 that on reas precise her tha.n the enrichment action. 58 tl1at loz Dal a11 enrichn1ent actio ie ped yclo Enc n \Vas Though one· reads in the · · 59 one, c Ia11· n that the dec181011 turned 1o r c lli es a Ch , rs he ot , nd ou gr is th 00 d se is dism . t� co11r seem the do , may . to subscribe to the 1t as that Be t. 1 poi1 r ot11e e som . on . ?0 1_ act .an 1n equity created by juris ­ ng bei so, ver rein in de ion act the t tha 11otion . prudence, cannot be ranked equally with actions . ar1s1ng from other sources. And the implication of dicta like those qu?te� abov e 1s clearly that they would bar the action if some other actio11 could be 111st1tuted. (5) To tl1e above four situatio11s \Ve ma)' add a fiftl1 011e, vvl1ich in fact is so 60 er or even consid to n mentio botl1er it. rarely s It is the author tl1e obvious that situation where tl1e impoverisl1ed perso11 has 110 actio11 whatsoever at his disposal· i.e., he can invoke 110 contract, quasi-co11tract, deljct or q11asi-delict or rule of la\� to base his actio11 upon. 111 other words, there su11ply is nothi11g i11 the law to govern the fact situtation and the granting of the actio11 does 11ot give rise to any controversial issues. In fact tl1e actio11 \Vas primarily establisl1ed to give tl1e in1pover­ shed party a relief i11 sucl1 insta11ces. It serves the useful l )Urpose of :filli11g i11 voids in the law and sees to it tl1at a person who is enriched witho11t just cause does not get away witl1 it. Besides, the pl1rasing of the form11la itself, be it Aubry and Rau's or the modified version adapted by the courts, dictates tl1at the actio11 should lie. The following t\VO decisio11s illustrate \vhat is 1neant by absence of any other course of action. In the first, 61 a wo1ua11 died intestate i11 France a11d l1er estate was partitioned among her collateral heirs. A genealogist did some research 011 his o\vn a11d dis­ covered that the deceased was survived by nephews living in America. I-le co11tact­ ed and inforn1ed the1n, \Vithout disclosing anythi11g specific, tl1at there was a su�­ cession to which they could be called. A few days later, he told tben1 tl1at_ if they made a contract with hin1 promising l1im a certai11 perce11tage of the succession, he �ould disclose to them the place \vhere the succession could be claimed �nd provide them with details as to how much it was worth etc. 111 the n1eant1n1e however, they had contacted the American Cons11l i11 France and were assured tlia� they could have . any in.formation that was obtained regarding their li11eage free. 01 charge. Armed with that assurance they told the gene,:1logist they would l1ave 110th10g �o do with him. In due tim.e, they were declared l1eirs of the deceased ar1 d caiue into �he successio;11. The _genealogist t�en brought suit agai11st tl1e1n clai1ning coro[; nsation for the 1nfor�at1on he supplied them wit11. Tl.1 e defe11da11ts ,t rgued tliat rt : ad no ground on which he could make such a claim as 110 contract of any .so d e oriz was concluded with him and as he could not utli be c'onsidered as an una se, cau . s • Dal/oz Encycope san • •d·ique, repertoire de droit l ·a·ze Jurz ssem ent E:i1ricl11 2, vol. (1952), civil no. 135_ 59. Challies, op. cit., p. 130. 60 • Drakidis, o · c,•1., is · one of the few exceptions. See p. 588. 61. Consorts ;uour& c. Antoine, Db. 1908. 2 . 332.

58 •

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instan conce ce ded that fil:Uch, but held that beea1).}'.Se, he first of court The _ ent. _ �uc the ack ess10 b a?-� cl�1m 1t, he should be indemnifiea tra�e _ thell l; � ed � help ,, :;d , le pr1nc1p e d 1d, s quite qu.1 v�eut que nul ne s'enrichisse aux w1se, !t � , other � as it, _ _ sera1t v1ole; que ce pnnc1 for e ouvre a Antoine !'action dite de in trw d'au � s epen d Court of Cassat1on affirmed the lower court's decision. the appeal n O o." vers rem 62 the _plaintiff, initially emplo case, yed as the defendant's house­ In the other a11ct went mistre ss 011 �tte11� ing to the house work, but without l1is me beca er, keep sl1 e beca111.e his mistress. She was given to understand n1ome 11t the of as s wage a.ny _ _ _ l1ad divorced \Vl10 h1s wife, nt, would marry her when he became defencla the that free to do so. After seven years, the defenclant breached l1is promise and put a.n The plai11tiff re]atio11ship i11stituted a11 action wherein she claimed . tl1eir to end damages (a) grot111ds: the for two breach of the promise of on fra11cs 000 35 rendered duri11g the seven. years. m�riage and (b) co111pe11sation for the services 63 As for the second here cor1cern us 11ot 11eed ground, the Court . The first grou11d of Cassatio11 said that i11 default of a·ny contract concluded between them, the plainti � cot1ld see.k recover� by way of th� �cti?n de in rem verso. It held that . . (he defenda11t l1ad been e11r1ched by the plaintiff Ill that she served h1m for seven years \.Vitl1out re111u11eration; and tl1ereby spared him the tro11ble of hiring othe·r maids. And since l1is e11richn1ent could not 'be justified on any ground, the Court ruled tl1at he had to ide1nnify her for her services. 3. Justifications of The Doctrine of Subsidiarity

From the foregoing stt1dy of doctrii1e and judicial decisions, we may discern two theories behind the doctrine of st1bsidiarity whicl1 are offered as justifications of the doctrine. We may call the first the theory of hierarchy in the so·urces of law. The pro·ponents of this theory maintain that legislatively enacted laws are the primary source of law it1 the French legal systen1 a11d other sources are subordinate or in­ ferior to tl1en1.64 The pri11ciple of u11just e11ricb1nent, and the action deriving th,ere­ from, they say, based 011 custo1n and enu11ciated by jt1dicial decisions. Conse­ quently the role of the 11njust enrichment action is supplementary and subordinate in that it can be taken only \Vhere the plai11tiff can bring no action based on an express provisio11 of the law. According to Ro11ast, the Cllstomary source of the unjust enrichmeI1t actio11 is a pri11ciple of 11atural law. In otl1er words1 it was �ns�ired by that sense of justice or equity w11ich is opposed to one person's . un­ Justrfied enrichment at the expense of anotl1er. This principle was in turn given effect by tl1e courts wl1icl1 establisl1ed it as a source of rights and obljgations and ? efi ned the scope of its application. Gore65 is of the same opinion. �e s_ ays t�ere 16 no doubt that unjust enricl1ment is a sotrrce of obligations whic.h 1s derived from customary law. I-Iis definition of customary law is elastic and embraces �'all _s.ources of law other th,tn (legislatively enacted) law, taking �he last word. in its widest application. ''66 The only point on wl1ich he takes issue w1tl1 Rouast IS as 6263 · 64 ·

Leblanc c. Dame Via), D. 1928.2.169. Court's rt1ling on procedural issues omitted. R · ou?st, op. cit., No. 38 ancl following, qt1oted in Drakidis, op. cit., no. 3 3, p. Gore, op. cit., no. 204, p. 207-209; Planiol and Ripert, op. cit., no. 761, p. 67• 65. Iii c.·, no. 201, p. 204 and followi11g..

66 · lbicl.

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5 ,·



. customary into existe11ce. I-le disagrees with Ro e ca1n Jaw · 's . uast .. . . to tl1e way tl11s s e d 11 1 J b s to 1 over1• 1� e em 111d p 1n1 tl1e ie nif of d for his � l1t rig � 1e ''tl t tha t uen. ter sta b tl t 1atl1er b y a 11sage wllich rts, cou e t h . by ted crea 10t 1 was , argtres t 11at. !•t was the courts 1mpover1s11meot was t tl1a "61 Gore dec!ared the er. ror!1°1 tlie b)' ct effe _ _ n give 1nere ex1ste11ce of tl1e usage 011 wlitch . the se becau ple pi·tnci ' 1·t ,.vVas . . . . existe11ce Of the only d �ou.l as 1t 1ns1) 1re tl1e legislator e ectiv ineff ined rema have d l wou to based did not sto1J at tl1at; their decisions rts cou Tl1e it. 011 ed bas e cipl prin a te eiltlncia beca 1ue a source of law. That said, Gore proceeds to defe11d Rouast's, a11d l1is own tl1eory against tlie criticisin levelled at it by Bollllecase.68 The essence of Bo111 1ecase's criticism is that one ca11110t invoke the inferior position of custom vis-a-vis legislatively enacted la,vs to justify the st1bsidiarity of the unjust enricl�ment acti_o11. R�11as� never said, Gore points out, that custo1 n by contrast to �-h� written la\V 1s a�1 111�er1or so11rce of Ia,v. He n1erely said tl1at custo1n l1as a subsidiary role or f11nct1011 1n Frencl1 la,v and caa 11ot co1ne i11to play i11 tl1ose situatio 1 1s wl1icb l1ave been covered by legislation. An action based on custon1ary la\V ca1111ot ra.nk equally \Vith an action arisi11g from writte11 lega.l provisio11s where the two actions lead to the same res11lt. Custom merely fills i1 1 voids i11 tl1e law.69 After thus defending and elaborati11g 011 tl1e theory of ltierarcl1y i11 the sources of law, Gore proceeds to discuss the Courts' stand on tl1e question of the respective roles of cL1sto1nary and legislatively e11acted rules. Tl1ere is a school of thought, he points out, that 111ai11tains tl1at legislatively e1 1acted rules are replaced by customary !av., as they !�,111 i11to disLise. 01 1 the other hand, the courts l1ave al,vays been l1osti.le to sucl1 opinions a 11d 11ave ofte11 decided that a legislatively e11acted rule \Viii stay in force as l ong as it is 11ot abrogated by a 11ew 011e. ''l11 ligl1t of the courts' sta.i1d," 11e conclLtdes, ''011e must admit tl1at from the poi11t of vie\.v of case-law, CL1sto1n is a seco11dary source of law. 01 1e 111ay therefore say, as M. Ro11ast did, that the subsidiary character of the action de in rem verJ·o, is a logical result of the subsidiary character of custom as a formal source of la\.v." 70 Fi11ally, Gore points out that this theory has 1 1othi11g to do witl1 prevention of ''circ1,n1ventio11 of tl1e law''; it 111erely mea11s tJ1at an actio11 arising f'rom custom mtlst give way to an action arisi11g trom legal provisio11s if botl1 serve to vindicate the sarne claiin.71 ·sonnecase72 arrives at tl1e same conclusion by a slightly different route .. R e _ le, rincip nalyze s the matte r in f terms of separation of p owers. As a matter ? p � Judges must, he says, apply the laws enacted by the legislattire i11 adjt1d1cat1ng cases. Th�y r�iay resort to c11stom or equity b y \Vay of filli 11g in gaps in the Ia,1/, wb� �e �egislati��ly enacted rules are lacking. Frorn that it follo\vs tl1at custon1 or �q� y ry idia is Sllbsidiary to legislation. Logically, actions subs are based 0 11 tl1e for1ner 67 · R ouast, op. cit., no. 38, p. 104, not e I. Quoted it1 Gore ' op. cit., 110. 202 , P· 205· . erie 68 • Bonnecase S11pplerne 1 11t111 . . Laca d.1) _ . , t/1eor1q11e , . 11 au 111.a1te t pratique de de droit civil Bau e (1926), voj · 3, P, 297; quoted i11 Gore, op. cit., no. 201, p. 204. <>9 · G9re, op. cit., no. 203, p. 206. 70 · Ibid., 110. 204, p. 207208. 71 . Ibid., p. 209 · 72· Bonnecase, op. cit., reproduced in narrative forn1 in Gore, op. cit., p. 209• 1

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and latt er thei r the sub sid , arit on. y deri ves 1 ed from the subsidia rf bas se tho to nate ema they . from rces sou the of ter charac The other t��?ry behi�d tl1e d ?ctrine of _subsidiarity is _that of prevention of t�11s gist of tl1eor � The 1s that the unJust enricI1ment action 101. Ia a de u "fra where a11 other act1011 assert111g tl1 e same or substantially the same taken be not ca the by law. Tl1e rationale is that gra11ting tl1e enrichment inef f e ctive recl rende is n i � cl at · · wot1 I · Id s1mp amo11 ances n y '' t t t o ( '' eva d 10s 1ng to11rner) an imperative · h sue in · on tl . ac .1t pu.rpose. \VO co1nmon T d exampl �s of sucl1 an ''evasion'' e1e�t1ng r and � law of . rule are granti11 g tl1 e u1�ust e11r1cb11� e11 t act1011 \Vhere an alter11at1ve action fails for lack requ1ren1 e11ts tl1e of form of contracts or where it is baiTed with n rmatio confo of 73 _ pl1� it, �'since tl1e is Drakic A_s �egislat�r did_ n�t want the plaintiff ptio�. � by prescri to achie ve bis a11n (by 111st1tut111 g tl1e alter11at1ve act1011), rt 1s ixnproper that }1e should be able to achieve it by a. strategem, tha11ks to the devious mea11 s (provided by) tl1e action de in re �1·1 ,,�rso. " Obviously if tl:e rules _a11d institution� of the writ­ . ten law are to be 1na.111ta1ned 11Jtact and re1na1n n1ean1ngful, such sleights of hand cannot possibly be tolerated. Pla11iol aucl Ripert74 rightly point pt1t that the law cannot at the sa111e tin1e p1·ovide for the i11stitutio11 of prescription a11d allow the exercise of the unjust e11rich111ent action by so111eone who has let the period of prescription expire; for a self-contradictory stand like that wot1ld strip the i11sti­ tution of prescription of a11 y effect. In short it is, in the words of the sa1ne autl1ors, "logical and practical consideratio11s''75 tl1at lead both doctrine and jt1risprudence to deny tl1e exercise of the u11just enrichme11t actio11 in these circumsta·nces.

Whereas tl1e theory of preventio11 of ''frat1de a ]a Joi'' is accepted by all at1tbors, the theory of ''l1ierarcl1y in the sot1rces of law'' does not find any favo11r with recent \Vriters. As far as the dissenters are concer·ned then, the two tl1 eories are competing. The prepo11clerance of the autl1ors and the co11rts 011 the other ha11d, treat the t,vo tl1eories as st1pple1ne11 tary and employ botl1 of them to define the reach of the t1njust enrichme11t actio11 . 4.

Overlap Between The Doctrines of ''Just Cause'' and ''Subsidiarity''

It v1ilI b e recalled tl1 at we preceded our study of the doctrin.e of ''subsidiarity'' by a brief look at the doctri11e of ''just cat1se." One of the reaso11s give11 for so doing was that ''sl1bsidiarity'' is often analysed in ter1ns of ·'jl1st cause'' and tl1at \Ve ,vould not be able to see the relationship between the two doctrines t111less we knew sources constitt1ted a jt1st for· enrichn1ent. Now tl1at we have co11 sidered both doctrines we will exa1nine wl1ere and how tl1e overlap between tben1 occtrrs. Mazeaud and Mazea11d take it as a self-explanatory proposition tl1at there is a11 overlap l1etween the two doctrines. They say, ''t1ndoubtedly, in all cases wl1ere an enricbm e11t has a just cat1se, tl1e principle of st1bsidiarity overlaps (fait do11ble emp loi ) with tl1 e requirement of a.bse11ce of just cause ...''76 ­ sub of e trin doc the , Now ind beh ries if theo tl1e \Ve of s e term wer i11 to talk . sidiarity, whicl1 of tl1e1n cot1lcl they have l1ad in mind when they ·· 1nade tl1e above 73 · 4 7 . 75 · 76.

Drakidis, op. cit., no. 8, p. 584-. Pianiol et Ripert, op. cit., no. 761, p. 68. Ibid. Mazeat1cl et Mazeat1d, op. elf., no. 711, p. 644.

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y rch of era ory ''hi tl1e the of be sotirces of 1aw ,, 11ot ld cou y ainl cert . It ? . t statemen · . w1� 1 1011t just cause 1 ere t h e _ e nr1· ch 1 nent· 1s wl es c�s l1 wit ls dea it . and because (a) use b 1 eca 1t 1n1p Y s _ d 1 1�s c o11curr erltly ion 1s exc 1 11de act nt me i�b en� t jus n u with (b) tlle as ere . .e we are coi icer11e he1 o 11tract, a. del1ct etc Wh c a m fro g sm ari tl o i act . d another JUSt cause, w 1 1erefore the t111Jt1st enric hm a as h e11t icl1m enr an re whe s . . ent . case WI·th . t .1 1at 1�. b e wit n� m� h . u1re req �11t _ a Just cause is tl1e e a11s bec en tak be t o in i ca action , ted 1t :111a ans ew1 n1� n 1 t 1s the theory bee h�s ory the er oth tl1e ce Sin not met. of e1 1 t of ''Just cause.'' em u1r req e th tl1 1 w es cid n i o c t tha o i'' I la ''fraude a This conclusion is borne out by the examples _Mazea11d and Mazea1id give to illustrate their above q11oted assertio11 a11d by tl1e1r s11bseq11ent discussion of the reach of the respective doctri11es of ''j11st cause'' and ''subsidiarity." For further corroboration of tl1e conclusion we reached, let us take another author who deals with the overlap bet\veen the t\VO doctrines fro1n another angle. Chevalier bolds the view that the ''subsidiarity'' req11iren1e11t is superflous a11d mea11ingless because the scope o f tl1e actio de irz re,rz verso ca.n be determined by the sole analysis of tl1e ''cause'' requirernen.t. He writes: '' A.utl1ors (la. doctrine) explai11 the exclusio11 of tl1e actio11 for the recovery of an enrichn1e11t only i11 terms of the s11bsidiary character tl1ey attribute to it. That is obscuring tl1e reason for the exclusion. The action is excluded... beca11se the defendar1t has a rigl1t to retai11 the e 11ricl1ment and be cat1se this e11ricl1ment fmds a cat1se to justify it in the application of r11les of la\v as well as in agreements (conclt1ded between the parties). This defi11itio11 of Uust) cause for enrich.ment suffices to har1no11ize (the exercise of) the action for recovery (of a.n enricl1ment) witl1 (the functioning) of 011r judi­ cial system. It serves to assure that the actio11 for the recover)' of a11 en­ ricl1n1eot is not lised as a means of 1nodifying imperative rules of law by a rule of idemnity left to equity or to tl1e discretio11 of lo\ver court judges."77 Accordi11g to him, the just cat1ses for e11ricbment are contracts78 or legal provisions ''which all ow a defe11dant in an action (for u11just enricl1n1e11t) to retai11 tl1e e11ricl1ment. As the enrichment is conferred by the Jaw it is 11 ot witho11t a jt1st ca11se."79 By w�y ?f illustratio11 be cites several cases \vh'erei 11 tl1e 11njt1st enricl1n1ent action was d1sm1s�ed because a.n alternative action was blocked by an imperative rule of law. Th�t 1_s to say tl1ey were dismissed to preve11t a ''fraude a la Ioi." I-Ience far �ro_111 reJectm� the doctrine of ''st1bsidiarity'' i11 its entirety, Cl1evalier co11cedes t�1 at it Is pre�ent !� �rench law to th_e extent that it overl,1ps with the ''cat1se' ' reqt iire m�nt.. His cr1t1c1sm of the d?ctrroe of ''subsidiarity'' tl1 e11 r�all)' comes do\VIl t? � reJ�ction of th� theory of ''hierarcl1y of sources of law," wl11ch excl11des tl1e t111�ustt enrichnlent action for co11siderations other tba11 the presence or abse11ce of JUS r v o cause. From his staten1ent that Rouast s theory of � ation prin1acy of legisl the ' 15 t cuStom a a source of tha that 80 it is clear la\v is ''too good to be trtie." � what he 1s really opposed to. 77 · Chevalier, op. cit., p. 246. 78 · Id., p. 243-245. 79 · Id., p. 245. SO. Id., p. 247.

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i11co rpo1 th. ·ation of the theory of ''fraud on the la e that 1itte d subn is ,, It is "cau a tena se'' ble of one The rine former holds that an enri�­ doct . the _ : with lie �here another act1011 1s barred by a legal provision. The t cru1U o 1 oi acti roen t · ie of ''jt1 st cat1se'' rn t11rn states tl1at the action cannot be taken where the . doctru , · W · l 1ere cau as se. 111 the case of the theory of ''fraud. on the JUSt a has nt } . une b the ars alte r at ativ e ac t ion · whi ru1 c acts � the a � the � just cause for is � � it � ,. _ . the s011rce o.f the e11r1chn1e11t itself which acts as the just 1s 1t ment, rich en h n_t !n the case of the doctri�e . of ''just cause.'' Therefore, enric hn1e. the for �se �a . 111terv e11es one �tep later, 1� 1s the law that acts as the except for the fact _ tl1at 1t : vvl1ere the e11r1cl enr1cl 1. t 11e11t 1n1ent action 1s excluded to prevent a •ust cause for �'fraud on the la\Y." To tl1at exte11t the11, tl1ere is a11 overlap betwee11 the doctrines " e. us t d ca 11s an ''j ' y' rit ia sid ub "s of




The doctrine of ''subsicliarity'' co11notes the following thi11gs in French Jaw: (a) The action for tl1e recovery of an _unjust e11ricl11ne11t does not lie \Vb ere another action arisi11g from a co11tract, a quas1-co11tract, a delict, a quasi-delict or f. rom the Jaw is blocked by a legal obstacle or a.11 obstacle of fact brought about by the plaintiff's fault. Botl1 the courts and. authors agree 11nanimously on this point. An obstacle of fact is disti11guished fron1 a legal obstacle in that the former consists of a plai11tift''s fail11re to 1neet the conditions laid down by the law for the exercise of an action arising f1·om any of the s011rces enumerated, above, either throt1gh his ignorance of the existence of tl1ose requirements or through mere negligence to comply witl1 tl1e1n. A legal obstacle, on the other hand, is a rule of law that operates i11depende11tly of' the plai11tiff's ignorance or negligence. Tl1e dis­ tinction is obscure at best and 1nost authors lu1np both types of obstacle into one an d talk of a legal obstacle. But the reasons give11 for the exclusion of the action vary. The courts and the great 1najo1·ity of authors exclude it or advocate its exclusion in order to prevent a ''fra11.d on tl1e law," i.e., to prevent the evasion of imperative rules of law. Others l1old that the action should be excluded simply because the enricl1ment in these insta11ces has a just cause. (b) Tl1e unjust enrichment actio11 carmot be taken where the plaintiff has another

e_ffecti,,e action arisi11g fron1 a contract, delict, etc. at his disposal. This is tl1e clear implica­ t10� of the courts' opi11io11s, expressed by \V,lY of dicta, in discussi11g the conditions under \vl11ch the action can lie. rv.rost authors e11te1·tain tl1e same view. The underlyi11g reason i� t_ hat they conside1· tl1e t111just enrichment actio11 as one that arises fron1 a . sub­ sidiary so11rce of la\v. Recent authors, on tl1e contrary, reject this theory of hierar­ chy of sources and 111aintain that the plaintiff is free to choose between the con­ current actions at his disposal. (c) The 11njust e11ricl11ne11t actio11 lies where tl1e plai11tiff is faced b y an obstacle of fact which was not brougl1t about by l1is fa11lt. For all practical purposes this means that if the plai11tiff is co11fronted by tl1e insolvency of the person he cont­ rac�e� ';ith, he may sue a tl1ird party who wa_s e riched without j11s_t cause by th.e � . pla�ntiff s performa11ce of his contract11al obl1gat1ons. Here the unJtist enrichment action is subsidiary in tl1e procedural se11se of the term b �caus� i! can ?e taken _ . only if his no1·mal, and therefore his primary cotirse of action, 1s ineffective. (d) The unjust e11ricl11n .e11t action lies wl1ere the }Jlaintiff h,1s no action aris�ng from a contract, a quasi-co11tract, a delict, a quasi-clelict or fro1n the law. Nei! her the · auth0rs nor the cot1rts to hed blis esta y aril prim vvas o11 acti tl1e co11test this because -- 189 -

W - VOL. \r - No. 1 A L N IA P iO I IT E F [O L A N R JOU

r tl1ere can possi'b es. s eove ca. Mor sl1cl1 i11 relief a n . perso lY b e ,, . . pove11·'shed give t1 1e 1m ent 1 rep t ace111 1e .. . f or 1 o la\v n actio the s arisi'· n g from on . d ''frau a . of · , 1011 t a tr pe per . no . .· ,. . r a ng f. 0111 ,tr1s1 11 CL1ston1ary solirce of act10 an by 0 on slatt · 1· Ie 011 d o 1 a\v. sources base



Source of tl1e Law _ tl1e d�ctrir1� . of ''st1bsidiarity'' of the Our starting poi11t i11 the co11sid_eration of t 1s hn1en C1v1l enr1c t 1nJus Code a11 of Article 2162. For er)' recov tlle � for l actioi _ . 1e sor czun rofes Ki·ze P t1se \ 1cz's 111 v. corrected English , !)aper is 1 tl of � � ses � purpo tlie _ tra□slatioi1s1 of the I::;-re11cl1 vers1011 of Title XIII of the C1,11l Code firstly becaus" French and second� it presents a 111ore fa.itb.ft1l re11dition of tl1e n1aster �ex t draftecl i11 _ _ 111g preva1l tl1e to f\111l1ar1c version of Article closer 1nt1ch is latter tlie 1 se becat ly 2162 tha 11 the Englisl1 version. 82 Professor Kzreczl111ov1icz's trans]ation runs: ''WJ10_ soever has deri·ved a gain fro1n tl1e work or })roperty of without a cause justifying sucl1 gain, sl1aJJ i11dem11ify tl1e perso11 at wl1ose expe11se lie has ei1ric]1ed llimself to the extent of tl1e latter's impoverislllle11t ,1nd witl1in tl1e li1nit of his own e11ricl11ne11t." Tl1e source of the provisio11 is uot, as one would be pro11e to assun1e, Frencl1 law per se, ratl1er it is Article 67 of tl1e Moroccan Code of Obli­ gations83 \Vl1icl1 provides, ''Celui q11i de bo1111e f oi a retire u11 profit dt1 travail ou de la cl1ose d'autr11i sa11s une ca11se qt1i j11stifie ce profit, est tenu d'indemniser celui aux clepens cleq11el il s'est enrichi dans la 111esure ou il a profite de son fait ou de sa c11ose. ''84 f-Io,�1ever, the n1ere fact that the J)rinciple \vas introducecl to Ethiopian law by a circL1itot1s rot1te, does not re11der a compariso11 between Frencl1 law and Ethiopian lav\, a11y less valid. Co11sidering France's colo11ial prese11ce in Morocco, it is fairly safe to asst1me that it was responsible for codifyi11g the Moroccan la\ll of obligatjons. Th,Lt aside, tl1e fact tl1at tl1e said Article 67 reflects closely the French positio11 011 tl1e qt1estio11 of u11jt1st enricl1me11t bears Olit tl1e above assump­ tio11. r.Te11ce for all i11te11ts a11d purposes, Ar. ticle 2162 traces back its source directly to Fre11ch la,v. But Oltr law �s disting11isl1able fro111 its Fre11cl1 cou11terpart i11 tv.10 imp?�t� nt res pects: �I) U11like tl1e jt1dge-made Fre11cl1 Ia,v, a general principle prol11b1t1ng �DJt1st enr1chme11t l1as been expressly i11corporated in tl1e Civil Code and (2) there 1s no 1nention of the subsidiarity of the enricbme11t action i11 Article 2162 or elsewhere. As it stands, the ele1ne11ts of Article 2162 are, (a) tl1e plai11tiff's impoverishment; (b) the defenda11t's enrichme11t; (c) � cat1sal connection between tl1e two; (d) absence O"f ca.use justifying the enrichme11t. 81- Dis ributed as class materials in tl1e Faculty of Law ' H. S. I. U.. � the oo1 82 • · Article 2162 o f t1·1 Eng1·1s • fr e l1 version reads th11s: "Wl1osoever l1as d er1ve • d a gain peose 0 k e or r ; ; p_ oper ty of auotl1er witbo11t just c ause sl1all id en1nify tl1e person at \vbos exertY" e ,as enri ched hin,self to tl1e exte11t t ro o wl 1ic l1 he has be11efitted fTom his wor k or p p_ 1·p· e du r1n� &3 · Ex.planatory notes e .ed . . . ·. I e u p�I ob lpigat1ons by the Codtficat1on Com1111ss1ou, p. 56 "Ja fo�n1 yartlcle · general adn us par 1n d es a 130 n1aro c (Art. 2162) Code au em ru est ntee p (art. 67)." 84. Rep.reduced in Cb a llies, op. Cl(., p. 170.


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'' ·t ·w b S '' y 1 r f a I � u Consideration O . . w_1ll consider _whether the doctrine of ''stibsidiarity'' we_ n sec ti this ? exists, In . law Eth des iop pite 1a11 the consp1cuol1s absence of any mention of 1n exis t, ild hot 8 ?r . th e Code. A convenient way of doing that is to take up the two theories �e��d the doctri11e in Fre11cl1 la.w ancl consider argu 0. 1ent of hierarchy in the sources of law holds good in Ethio­ the her wlJet (a) pian Jaw; st1bsidiar'ity exists in of Etlliopia to the extent that it is doctrine the er wheth ) (b compelled by tl1e ''fraud 011 the la,1/'' theory.



(a) Hierarchy of Sources. \Ve 11oted above tl1at as regards unj11st et1ric.l1me11t, our law differs markedly fro111 the Fre11ch i11 tl1at it i11corporates a stated ge11eral _principle vvhicl1 provides for the payme11t of inden1nity for· u1tjust enricl1ment. Unlike the French Code, the Ethiopian Civil Code does not co1tfi11e itself to enun1erati11g a few s_pecific applications of the pri11ciple. Ratl1er it states the 11rinciple expressly in s11ch ,:l way that it co,1 ers the \\1 }10Ie range of t1njust enrichn1ent. The principle of unjust enricl11nent then l1as not de,1 eloped as a.11 ''extra-coda!'' prod11ct of jurisprudence,85 becal1se it was legislati,,ely e11acted. Tl1u.s the source of the u11jt1st enrichme11t actio11 is on an equal footing witl1 all othe1· sources of actio11s p1:ovided by the lavv, such as contracts, delicts etc. Like a.II other pri11cipJes, of course, tl1e pri11ciple of enrichment is desigr1ed to cover specific situa.tions and whenever a sit11atio11 is such that it falls witllin tl1e purvie,v of the principle, an u11just en1·icl1IDent actio11 can be brought witho11t furtl1er ado about the existe11ce or 11on-existence of other actions arising fron1 otl1er s011rces. Tl1eref ore tl1e doctri11e of s11bsidiarity as expressed by the ''hierarchy of sot1rces'' tl1eory i11 Fre11ch law ca11not exist i11 Ethiopia. (b) Fraud on the Law.

Does or should tl1e ''fra11c1 on tl1e law'' theory prevail i11 011r la,v? To begin with, thjs pri11ciple or tl1eory is not stated a11ywhere in the Ethiopian Civil Code; nor for that n1atter is it ever stated. in any otl1er code. Still tl1e pri11ciple is inher­ ent in the idea of la\v itself. Tl1e sta11d taken by Fre11ch cloct1·i11e and brings hon1e thjs _point very vvell. We l1ave see11 ho\V concer11ed all tl1e tl1eorists and cot1rts are about preservi11g tl1e establisl1ed legal order and ho·w they arg11ed that it \vould be fallaciot1s a11d. 1nea.11i11gless to enact some provision or set up some institutio11 if it could be co11travened with. i111punity. Si1nilar argt1n1ents c,111 be. Pt1t forth in the context of Ethiopian la\V i11 f,1vo11r of tl1e excl11sio11 of the UnJu st enricl1n1e11t actio11 , vbere an alter11ative actio11 is barred by a legal obstacle. Take for exa1111Jle a co11tractual actio11 tl1at is barred by prescription. If the plai11tiff could t11rn arou11d, i11stit11te an linj11st enrichme11t actio11 a.nd s11cceed i11 11is actio11 \Vhat Wo11ld happe11 to Article 18 4 ? It wot ild for all i11tents a11d }Jllrposes be 5 redticed to na11ght as would all the p1·ovisions \vhich for son1e reason 01· other frevent_ the exercise of a11 otherwise valid action. _No\v, if \Ve are to a.ss11me that �e legislator wanted d �hat he hol 111ust \Ve code, to work111g enact a11d a cohere11t did not inte11d the en1·ichment actio11 to lie ,vbere ai1other action asserting the 85 · Nicholas, on. r cit., p. 639.

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by d al a c�e leg blo is io im vis cla !)ro e sam 11. Any othe the lly ntia sta sub e or r l. ca ti ac r pr o 11 l ca gi lo r 1e tl ei n be ld ou w n o si lu :c �� of 11_alcing tl1e sa1ne point tho ay w cin� 1�vi�1 c? e mor and rical rheto less A ugh ; �ust ca11se. W e ]1ave seen o erms t 111 y d 1ar1t s1 b su f o. rine doct the yse anal tl ' is to ine doctr the of e11 bet,ve ''s11bsiclia�·ity'' ailcl tI�!i p . overla an is there law, in French of ''J·ust cause'' to the extent that . the for111er connotes tl1at tl1e e11r1cl1mei1t act·ion · ac�1oi1 1s . barre d bY a IegaI o bstacle. The ration cantlot lie where an alternative ale was that the law co11fers tl1e enr1ch111ent on the defe11cla11t a11d tl1erefore acts just cause for tl1e enrichment by 1?I oclcing the plaintiff's alter1�ative action . \Ve ,v�� here co11sider wl1etber or not tl1at line of reaso111ng ca 11 be validly 11tilized j 11 Ethio­ pian la\V. According to Article _2162 , the 11nj1 1s_t e11richn1e11t action does not lie if, among other things, the enr1cl1111e11t l1as a. J ust cause. A study of the Civil Code discloses tl1at in Ethiopian law tl1e j11st causes for e11ricl1ment are either contracts or the law itself. Tl1e question here is whether or 11ot a rule that bars a11other action is a just cause for enrichment i11 the same way tl1at a contract or a provisio11 that express­ ly confers an enrichme11t is. Before decidi11g either \Vay let us consider a hypothetical case. S11ppose a succession devolves on a mi11or, and his tutor, purs11ant to Article 282(1) prepares an inve11tory specifying tl1e val11e of tl1e successio1 1. Let 11s also assume that sometl1ing was due to the tutor fro1n tl1e succession b1 1t 1Je fails to state it in the inventory. After son1e time lie is re111oved fro1n l1is office and he institt1tes a. petitory actio11 u 11der Article 1206 to clai111 that part of tl1e s11ccession which was dt1e to him. 1-Iis action will fail because tl1e req11ire1ne11t of Article 282(2) is not met. The minor of co11rse keeps l1is ex-t11tor's sl1are of tl1e s11ccession and is thereby enriched some more. No\v wl1at was the ca11se for his e11richn1ent? It is definitely not a contract, so that leaves us \Vitl1 tl1e law.

In this fact sit11ation we can distinguish bet\veen t,vo \Vays i11 \vhich the Ia,v operates as a j11st ca11se for enricl11nent. The mi11or's enrichme11t which resulted from that part of the succession which devolved UJ)On perso11ally is {!ire�tl.JJ confered upon him by the la\v, namely t11e law of successions. His enricl1111ent \\1h1ch resulted fro1n his ex-tutor's default on tl1e other l1and is confered 11pon hi1n only i,idirec�ly because it depends on l1is ex-tutor's fajl t1 re to' comply witl1 the require 1ner�t of Article 282(1 ). Th11s, but for the matter of direct11ess or i 11directness the Ia,¥ i_ s the jtist cause for the nlinor's enrichment in botl1 instances. The sa111e can be said of all other cases where a legal provision, s11ch as J)rescriJ)tion, 111odes o� proof etc:, bars an ot�er�ise valid action. It follows fro. m tha� tl1at the unj11st e11richine,!! . 11t. fen?� acti_on cannot l1e 1n sucl1 instanc d the e es beca11se the reqt11reme11t tl1at e��i�hment be :Vithou� just cause cannot be met. I-Tence tl1e doctri11e of ' 'Slib�idia�f !Y i s present 10 Etl11opian law to the extent that it overlaps witl1 tl1e doctrine Just cause.

CONCLUSION b of 0thin g is ne stated· in the Ethiopian Civil Code as regards tl1e doctri . . � "� t· or eu s1d1anty · '' . 0f the action for the reco\ ery of our. In 11t. enricl1n 1e an 11njust ian to d�te rmine whether, despite tl Code's silence the doctrine prevails iii E l iopr·es the 1 I aw 1n some form O� 0ther, ' . e h . t t\�,o o he t we f · o analy sed term s the q11es 1n t1on . behind · · the doct. rine 10 Frencl1 la,v, from whicl1 it rest1lts that a 50 The doctrine of ''subsidia rity'' does not in. / f: w �� la n Etlu opia in hold good 0 it co.nnotes th,e exclusion sis ba of th e unjust enrichment action on the 1

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sou rce of s law the ." Th e in y rarc h _principle ·of unjust enrichmen·t · ''hi e [ . the o�� �ct of Iegislati�e ena�t �ent , and the action arising therefrom cannot d p h er sources. a .d.ary to other act1011s ar1s1ng f rom ot. subs1 i , by the the ry f expressed ''fra on the as law,, � is ? ine, present � � doctr _ . The . . b practical co11s1de.rat1ons and m1l1tate for its presence. That Logical Jaw. an iopi � ). Eth 10 t11e ''cause'' requirement in. Article 2162. In by co111pelled is e11ce pres its 8�1 d the for sta11ds propositio11 theory tl1at tl1e tl1is u11jL1st enrichment s analysi , �ast :c�on ca i1not be take11 where the defenclant's e11richment l1as a just cause.s6 BIBLIOGRAPHY

1_ 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.


TABLE OF C1\SES Clayette c. Liquid. de la congregatio11 des Missio11na.ires de la Salette (Cou.r de Cassation), Sirey, 1918, p. 41. Con1mu11e de Saint - Cl1i11ia11 c. Guy (Co11r de Cassation. J·uly 5, 1873), Dal/oz J11r. Ge11., 1873, p. 457 . Consorts Dt1bourg c. A-ntoi11e (Trib. civ. de la Rochelle) April 23, 1907, Dctlloz Ji,r. Ge11., 1908, p. 332. Den1oiselle d' Augt1ste de Si11ce11y c. Gr11n1bacl1 et Cie. (Cot1r de Cassati011, Feb. 11, 1931), Dal/oz Per., 1931, p. 129. Julie11 - Patureat1 - t✓iirar1 c. Boudier (Cour de Cassatio11, J11ne 15, 1892), Dal­ /oz Jitr. Ge11., 1892, p. 596. Laurre11s, sy11dic de la faillite Soc. Miquel et Tarayre c. Marty (Co11r de Cas­ sation, Feb. 12, 1923), Dalloz Per. et Crit., 1924, p. 130. Leba]anc c. Dame Vial (Cour de Dijo11, Feb, 7, 1928), Dc,!!oz Per., 1928, p. l 69. Lemaire c. Cl1an1bo11, sy11dic de la _faillite Lan1ot1reux (Cot1r cle Cassation, Dec. 31, 1884), Dal/oz Ji11·. Gen., 1884, p. 49.

9 · Societe des habitatio11s a bo11 111arcl1e de S,1int Gervon c. Gorge (Co11r de Cassatio11), Dal/oz Heb., 1940, p. 150. lO. Ville de Bagneres-de-Biggore c. Bria11ha.11t (Co11r de Cassat.ion, J11ne 8, 1915), Dal/oz Jur. Gen., 1920, J) . 102. OTI-IER



1 · �l1allies, G.S., The Doctrine of Unjt1stified Enricl1ment in tl1e La\v of the Pro­ vince of Quebec (211d ed., Mo11treal, Wilso11 & Lafle·ur Ltd., 1952) 86· Tbe inter pretations given to t11e doctrj11e of ''st1bsidiarity'' in Moroccan la\V �re sin?ilar to �hose_ P;1t forth here. Witl1ottt goi11g so far as to suggest that tbe inte�preta . ti�ns g1''.en_ to principle by tl1e ]egal syste1n of a cou11try wl1icl1 \-Vas the sot1rc� of a s•n�tlar .prmcip� e _ . ti­ pa e dapt tllIS Jn d by another country should b e accepted invariably, it is su?1111tte� that � � _ trtn 1 cloc e r t to ca en giv 1 � e 01 1 s t eta rpr t i11te � ere t'he � 11 �� � � , cannot be any clivergence bet\-vee _ _ st1hs 1d1ar1ty'' by Moroccan and Etl1iopian law. Tl1is is so because the con 5 ideiations uo<ler Yin g them are ide11tical.


- 193 -


2 . Colin, A., et Capita11t, f:I·, Cour s 2ele 1�entaire de droit civil fra119ais (7th ed l l ' vo s 3 ) 9 t, er b il G h p se ., Jo ie ir ra ib L . Pari s, d'c1i1trui c!epe11s aux (. P aris, en1e11t Librairie Dalloz , 1richiss L'e, ., p , . , G ore 3. 1949). . . . . . 4_ Marty, G. et Raynaud, P., Drort Civil (Paris, S1rey, 1965) 2 vols. 5. Ma.zeaud, L. et H. et. Mazeaud, 1., Lefo11s de droit civil (2 nd ecf ., Paris' · Edi 1 vo s . 3 9) 5 19 o, tie tio11s Montchres 1 .eoriqzte et JJratiqz.1e de {lroit civil l t Traite G., / 6· PJaniol. M. et Ripert, · · · G' ' 1 f ran ra,s D ·t d e e ra e ro1 d ene e t 1e 11 ra1r r1 L1b sp is, rt Par J 1c l e11ce, 1954) 13 (2tld ed., · vols. r11orale cla11s les· ob!igatio11s civiles (211d ed·' ·Paris, . 7. Ripert, G ·, La reo-le c, Li'bra1r..1e Ge11erale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1927). 8. Bt1ckland, W.W., A Text-.f!ook of R_o111a11 L �l•V f :0111 Ai1gi1stus to Justi,iia, 1 ()rd ed., Revised by Peter Ste111, Ca1nbr1dge U111vers1ty Press, .1963). 9. Dal/oz Er1c;,clopedie juridiqite, reJJertoire de droit civil (Paris, Dalloz, 1952) 4



ARTICLES I . Cl1eva.lier, J., ''Observations sur Ia repetition des e11richisse1ne11ts 11011 causes" l e Le droit prive .fra11cais au 111iliei1 d1.1 xx siecle, vol. I (1950), p. 237. 2. Drakidis, P., ''L.a 'st1bsidiarite', caractere specifiq11e et i11ter □ atio11al de J'action d'enricl1issen1e11t sa11s cause," (Revue trirr,e.strielle de droit civil, vol. 59 (1961), JJ. 577. 3. Nicholas, B., ''Unj11stified E11ricl1111e11t ir1 tl1e Civil L:1w and Lot1siana La,v", Tulc111e La1,v Revierv, vol. 3 6 (1961-62), p. 605. I I


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by Fasil Nahum* In 1958,** the plaintiff, Tri11gali Carmelo Teresa, and the defendant Maltese Vincenze, celebrated a marriage in Eritrea following the rites of the Rom;n Catho­ lic Church. The marriage was subsequently registered by the officer of civil status of the municipality of Asmara. In August 1962, Plaintiff petitioned the Supreme Court in Asmara to declare the n1arriage juridically 11on-existent for- purposes of the civil law, to declare null and void of any jt1ridical power the entry of the marriage in the register of civil status of the municipality of Asmara, and to order the officer of civil statt1s to correct the register accordingly. To understand the problems raised by tl1is petition, one must bear in mind the relevant historical backgrot1nd. In 1929 Italy and the Holy See entered into a Concordat (treaty) u11der which Italy agreed to recogn.ise religious marriages cele­ brated in Italian territory f ollowi11g the rites of' the Roman Catholic Church for civil law purposes. The Italian Gover11ment st1bsequently promulgated a law, No. 847 of 1929, to enforce the Concordat. This law also extended the application of · the Concordat to all Italian colonies, including Eritrea. Formal Italian sovereig11ty over Eritrea came to an end through the Peace Treaty of September 15, 1947, signed by Italy and the four allied powers.1 In reality Italy had ceased to exercise any co11trol over Eritrea in 1941. ''The final disposal .. . (of Eritrea. was to be) determined jointly by the governments of the Soviet Union, of the U11ited Ki11gdom, of the United States, and of France within one year from tl1e coming into force of the present Treaty, in the manner laid down in the joint declaration of February 10, 1947, issued by the said Govern­ ments .... ,,2 Since these powers did not agree as to what was to happen to Eritrea, the respo nsibility to decide its fut11re statt1s was transferred to the United Nations General Assen1bly follo\ving the procedt1res laicl down in the decla!ation. In Decem­ _ ber 1950, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution which became the basis for the federation between Ethiopia and Eritrea. This legal instrument was adopted by Ethiopia and Eritrea in September 1952. Later, on November 15, 1962,

Faculty of Law, Haile Se/lassie I U11iversity : . All dates are given according to the Gregorian Calendar. l. Italy renounce s all rigl1t Art. 23 (1) The Peace Treaty. ea.'' Eritr . . : to . arid title 2· rt. 23 (3), The Peace Treaty.

- 201


, pia i11g 1io 11at Et1 111i ter by tl1e ed issu eratioi1 anct fed s \Va 3 962 l of 27 . No Order . e ir p m E cl e ifi n t1 a f o rt tht1s n1aking Eritrea pa r tl1e e C 0_11cord,1t of 1929 etlt tl:e wl1 is e cas s thi by sed rai e issu d ere The 01ajor f _ E orce !11 in rea still "rit was at tl1e time of the See y Hol the and y Ital by into at, 1l s ord �1v t1rt 11c co Co the uld wo . der U11 be bound b 8. 195 in ge rria ina ' parties 1g, rd11 for exa1nple, dissolution J. rega 1r�h Ch1 c holi Cat the of s rtile ious relig the . a11 ct, 1ent effe l1111 1n ,111n s -�a dat could. be grai lted 1cor Co1 tl1e if s, Thu es 111arriag rs that 110 appea It sl1cl1 sa 11ctio11 had been r1t1es. autho l1 Cl1urc by ned sanctio if only given i11 this case. By 1958 Eritrea and the �ederatio11 l1�d succeeded to tl1e sovereig11ty forn1e rly exercised by Italy. Whetl1er Eritrea was still bou11d by tl1e Co11corda.t depends 011 the principles of the law of 11ations governing the rig11ts a11d. cl uties of st1ch succes­ sor states. It1 dealing witl1 tl1is issue, the Supre1ne Court stated that a11 ''undisput ed prit1ciple of public i11ternatio11al la\v provides that in the succession of States, the successor State does 11ot inherit ipso Jure the treaties of the States fro1n wltich it derives.'' FurtJ1ermore, tl1e Court held that ''a lin1itl:1tion 011 tl1e jurisdiction of o·ne State in favour of another may be admitte� 011ly if and to the exte11t that tl1e State concerned agrees, and not as a. result of a law existi11g before tl1e State can1e into being." The Court by this last ren1ark simply mea11s that the Co!1cordat \vould be in force in Eritrea only if Eritre,1 l1ad ratified it subseq11ent to ass11ming sovereig 11ty.­ Under the rE itrean Co11stitutio1 14 the IJOWer of ratifying i11ter11atio11al agree1ne11ts is expressly reserved to the E1n1 Jeror as Sovereign of tl1e Federation. Since tl1e E1nper­ or never took steps to ratify tl1e Concordat, the Court rightly concluded tl1at the Concordat of 1929 betwee11 Italy and tl1e Holy See had ceased to be i11 force in Eri­ trea by 1958. T.he Court did not determine at what poi11t prior to 1958 the Concordat became ineffective, wl1ether it did so with the end. of de fc,cto Italian presence and rule__ . in 1941, or \vit11 tl1e Peace Treaty of 1947, or witl1 tl1e tern1ination of the Br1t �sh Civil Adrninjstration and the creation of the Federatio11 with tE l1iopia i11 19)2. Sjnce . th� marriage in q11estion took place in 1958, the Court did not have to commit itself to any of these possible choices. · 111 this res�ect the Court acted witl1i11 tl1e generally held pri11ciple that a_ co� rt should 11ot decide 1no�e than is necessary for the dis position o.f tl1e case before it. . Althougli the Court did not decide the iss11e ' however ' it did i11dicate son1e c�n· cer11 o\,er the question, stati11g tl1at' ''Perhaps it can be arg11ecl that i 1 1 t:J1e 1··1 1te:1 n1· · · 1e . . t1 n between the t1!Il e h t e. \Vhe11 Italy gave up . its d an sovere1g 11ty over Eritrea, when the tE hiopian Crown assumed 1t 011 Septe1nber 11, 1952, tl1e Concordat a.nd the related norms could be co11sidered to ha ve beer1 i 11 force.'' · · tb · . d e There is, ceas 111deed, no question but tl1at after t had Con cord a tl1e 1952 · een · · tw · force In be 10 e b as E ntrea. law G·enerally speaking, ''a treaty 011ly creates 3

� ��der !0r Pro,,ide for the Tern1ination of the Fe deral Stat. us of Eritrea ai1d tl�e·· �.PPt��� Eri t ea O f tl1e Sy 1 "'; n 5!em of Unitary A dministra.tion of tl1e E1npire to Eth10 P Gaz· No• y ear 22nd. 3 C 4. The Britrean onstitution, Art. 5 (1). ·

- 202-

INT ERNATIONAL LAW - STATE SU CCESSION , 5 Erit rea to it. part ies ' had through the Federation assimilated are � h whic tes Sta becoming par·� of a di�ere11t i:1ternational personality. ther eby , pi i Eth � � ir to princ i ples of the .la\v of na! 1ons such international personality is not the Under trea t i es entered 1nto by anotl1 er State; thus tlie by bo1 1nd be to Con cordat ed . uir q · re r 11t B 195'1 ft ·ea m . a ay r1t on · E e go f11 1n rther and conclud.e that orce ! � no � . _ liad period before the Federatio11 the Concordat had ceased 1nte r1n1 the g duri n even ?. force to be in 111e Court gav � no . r �aso1 � ,vhy . it tl1 ough � that tl1.e Concordat might have 1n ter !111 per iod, a11d 1t appears that such an argument tl11s 1n force in ained renl _ law tl1e of pr111ctples of 11ations. There is general agree­ tl1e by rebtrtted be ;vould �eot an1ong i11ternatio�al j11rists today . on t]�e pri11ciple that a State which s11cceeds anot}1 er St,1te in so,1 ere1gnty over a territory 1s not a successor to tl1 e constit11tional authorit)' of the predecessor State. It follows from tl1is tl1at the public law of the 1e the e:1-d of its sovereig1Jty. 6 Treaties e11tered i 11to i , st1rv can11ot s State or predec es 7 It tl1us law public the of such of part 1 States. forn follows that States between tl1e Concordat ceased to l1ave force in .Eritrea from the time that the Italian State lost its so, iereignty over it. Tl1is n1ea11s tl1at even during the interim period, the Concordat had lost its force because Italia11 sovereignty l1ad given place to British effective sovereig11ty. 8



So far ,ve l1ave been dealing with t·he effectiveness of the Concordat. Tl1ere is a related and necessary ql1estion regardi11g the effectiveness of what tl1e Court referred to as tl1e ''related norms," namely, law No. 847 of 1929. It was this legislation, ratl1er tl1an the Concordat itself that was the im 1nediate basis of the claimed indissolvability of tl1e religio11s marriage.

The Court held that once the Co11cordat became ineffective, law No. 847 o_f 1929 ceased to be in force in Eritrea.. To s11pport its view, the Court quoted a11 Italian authority's statement: ''If a treat)' is exting11ished for a11y reason whatsoever, the norms set up as a rest1lt of the treaty aJso become extinguished, without the necessity of a11y declaration to tl1is effect." The Co11rt a11alogised tbe sit11ation to a collapsi11g roof. A c l1 a11 delier ]1a11ging from the roof wo11Id have to co1ne down as the roof does. The chandelier a11alogy is colourful, bt1t not very precise. It is not necessarJ;, as a n1atter of logic, tl1at tl1e norms set tip as a rest1lt of a treaty auto1natically becon1e i11effective as s0011 as the treaty itself is exting11isl1ecl. This _\.yas recognised by the German Reicl1sgericht, the higl1est German col1rt, when it was co11fronted with the san1e issue. It held that, ''even if it be admitted tha.t the binding force of t]1e Co11l✓entio11 1111der internatio11al law . . . ceases ipso facto • • • the contents of the Convention, insofar as they have become · part of 011r civil �aw, do 11ot cease to be valid . . . Tl1e i11ternational validity a11d tl1e inter11al e_ffect­ iveness are 11ot 11ecessarily i11terclepende11t. '' 9 . (Emphasis added).

'V1e. Perma11ent Cot1rt of International Justice, in the case of Certai11 Gern1ar1 Jrzterests in ohs h Upper Silesia, P.C.T.J., Ser. 1-\ No. 7 p. 29 (1926). 6· R.P. O 'Connell, The La,.,.,) of State S11ccessio11 (1956). p. 211. 7 · Refer for instance to Art. 122 of tli e Etli iopian Revised Constitt1tion of 1955. 0'Conne1l, I11ter11atio11al LaJv (1965), vol. I p. 3 68 . . gericfits i,z, J,s eic · es R v. L .CI-I. i11 Paris (R eicl1sgericl1t, Gern1a11y, 1914), E11tsc,1i eid.u;1ge,z d · · . 11a a v (1965 v 1 1 e1 ' u�P1tsc �h 1 vol. 85 p. 374; as fo t1nd in R. Stanger, Materials o11 P11blrc l11ternat10 l L l ibhshed, Law Library, 1-I.S.I.U niversity), p. 496.

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·----.. JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW - Vol. V - l\fo. 1

king a sin1ple example. by a t_ 11 itio p�s this for is bas the see If One can . a cl1 wh1 by one . into e red Stat ente u 1s ty trea ndertakes to cial mer com I era b1-1at . : 'ff . . s . d ut1e d n 1 ta1_ om s,_ .tl1ese regulatio ns, cus on � � ns Jat1o reg al icip mun � its amend if , de 111effect1ve 1r the treaty is l11a ally at1c on1 aut and rily essa nec not are abr oenacted, be t ma le stat edly with no law the pect unex then f ed, u y arg_ � is rary cont the . gated. If _ ror the mer law must be treat at all on an important subJect of tax regulation, 1f ed as repealed. It is not easy to make a general rule as to ,vhen sue� nor�1s . �utomatically beconie ineffective and when � ot. Ea_ch case has to be examined 1nd1v1dually. Dif­ fe.rences in fact may result 111 a difference of Ia,v. Tl1e Cot1rt shot1ld not have tried to create a universal pri11ciple but 011ly solved tl1e questions raised by the particular facts. In . th� particular cir�11n:stances of the Tringali case, tl1e Court's reasoning and application of the pr1nc.1ple seem sou11d. In the abse11ce of the Concordat, law No. 847 is 11seless; the legislation refers to the Concordat and the ineffectiveness of the Concordat results in tl1e ineffectiveness of the legislation as wel]. Since the Concordat and its related norms l1ad, at the tin1e of the parties' marriage, ceased to be effective, the Court gra11ted the petitio11 tl1at the marriage be declared juridically non-existent for p11rposes of the civil la\v a11d ordered. the correction of the register of civil status of the n1unicipalty of Asmara accordingly. While t11e conclusio11 that the Concordat no longer had effect at tl1e time of the parties' n1arriage is unimpeachable, serious questio11s can be raised from the perspective of do1nestic law whetl1er the marriage should have been declared ''non­ existent.'' Jf the court really meant tl1at tl1e civil law statt1s of the parties was as i'f their marriage had never occurred, it wo11ld seem to have adopted two rather tro11blesome sets of results. First, all Eritrean marriages entered into in the Catholic Church during the period of tl1e Concordat's ineffectiveness would seen1 to be null and void; second, none of the civil i11cidents of marriage - - for exan1ple, the right of the spouse to share communal property l1eld with an intestate deceased spouse - would seem to apply. Such results are questio11able. The opposite result would. have been reached, for example, under the Civil Code of 1960 which becan1e appl1cable in Eritrea in November 1962 upon dissolution of the Federation. U11der tl1e �ode, any marriage celebrated in accordance with the rites of the parties' religion 15 b_y that fact valid, whether or not registered by the officer of civil status. 10 �� case, however, the issue was 011ly wl1etl1er dissolution could be aut11orised despite the Concordat. While the Court's language may h � ve been u11for�unate, its result w�} . correct. This paper has been concerned only with the International Law aspects the case, and leaves to another court and another writer the troublesome probl em of the domestic impact of this decision.

10 .

c· . IV. c • Arts. 577, 579, 605, 697 ff. - 204-



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c·t.JRRENT ISSUE EXPROPRIATION B'Y THE IMPERIAL JilGI-IWAY AUTHORITY .Har,·ison C. Dun11ing* Tlle Jn1p eri,1l Higl1\vay Authority was establisl1ed by _proclamation in 1951. 1 Although the reasons for �rans:ferri11g l1igl1way construction a11d maintenance activity y are not autl1or 1 getb lt er clea e11de11t , the cl1a11ge was apparently � indep ? � an : to _ _ 2 111crea to se adnu1 desire 11strat 1ve a effic1e ncy. by Indeed it appears the ted motiva International Ba11k .for Reco11struction a11d Develop1nent, wllich has pro,,ided most of the external financing for Ethiopia's bigl1\vay prog1·a1ns, made this reorganiza­ tion a conditior1 for extendi11g in 1 951 its initial loan of US $5,000,000.3 Whatever the reasons for its creation, tl1e IHA has proved itself one of Ethiopia's most active and in1portant aclmir1istrative age11cies, contributing substantially to the develop­ ment of the Empire. 4 Since the IFIA was constituted to carry out highvvay con.struction and main­ tenance throughout Ethiopia, 5 it was natural to empower the A.uthority to acquire

' Assistant Professor of La\v and Assistant Dean, Fact1lty of Law, 1-Iaile Sellassie I University. The assistance of tJ1e following perso11s, who granted tl1e at1tl1or interviews on expropriation by the IHA, is hereby gratefully ackno\vledged: Ato Shiffera\v Bizuneh, Dept1ty Chief Engineer, IHA; Ato Ze\vdou iv1es11esl1a, Legal Officer, IHA; Ato Kebede Beyene, Right-of-Way Officer, IHA; Ato Seyfe M. Yetesl1awork:, Dep11ty RigJ1t-of-\Vay Officer, IHA; Major Lemma Gebre­ tzadik, Right-of-Way Brancl1, IHA; :tvfr. Park Wilson, forn1erly Bt1sioess Manager, IHA; and Mr. Robert D. Scott, Cot1nsellor a t Law, Addis Ababa. 1 · High,vay Authority Proclamation, 1951, Proc. No. 115, Neg. Gc1z., year 10, no. 5. 2· Interview \Vith Mr. Robert D. Scott, a drafts1nar1 of tl1e proclamation, on 11, 1968. For the �rst twelve years of the A11tl1ority's existe11ce, mauagen1ent services and personne� were provided by t.l1e U.S. BureaL1 of Public Roads, wl1ich 1nay have preferred to work w1tl1 an mdependent autl1ority. 3 · !his .co ndition is evident from the prean1ble to tl1e proclamation, \vhicb reads as _follows: WHEREAS, it is Our desire to improve the transportation systen1 of Our Empire and; WHEREAS, to accon1plish this pur1Jose We l1ave acceptecl the cooperation of tl1e Interna_tion�J �ank for Reconstruction and Developn1ent, a11d; \VHEREAS, to facilitate such co-op�rat1on rt is necessary to reorganize the adn1i11istration of Our l1igl1way development· and ma1nte11ance pro�am;" High'.1/ay AL1tl1ority Proclamation, .1950, Proc. No. 115, Neg. Gaz., �ear �O, no. 5. · An independent authority greater fiscal 1ntegr1ty as well providjng may as regarded J. 1 ave been as greater administr ative efficiency. 4· In the first sixteen years of its existence the I IIA built or reconstructed over 5, 0?0 kilo•­ meters of all-weatL1er extensive 11igl1way maintenance and improve­ its I1igl1way to dition d a. i11 ent wo . Imperial Highwa� Autl1ority, Ethiopia: Progress in Ifigh;vf!Y Tra,zsport (1 9?7), r� m 2 ring 0, $ u 000 on l1igl1way construction, r this s 58,00 u· ci perio nded ly it nea ex1Je D · . w�lch about 72% was providecl by foreign loans a11d grants, and 11early US $ 47, 000, 000 00 igh ay maintenance. lei. at 4. 5. In ; ':' . . . . ractice the II-IA. does tances. . ms c1;cu . 1 a spec to only i 1t1es cipal mt1ni n \Vithi ay bigl1w work · · Although �ection 3 e dut ''th _ rity tho �u tl1e 011 s�; o _ imp n of tio 1na cla Pro the y rity wa I-Iigl1 .1\utl1o � of develo 1ng n tra s t1on � [L1nc spec1fi� tl1e a , 1d pire Em 1 Our i n of ntai t 111ai en ing syst y 1wa l1e l1igl � ferred to 1t by i . 10 b u . l f p o ry ist in · M e t.1at san1e sect1on th by d _ ,, . 01n1e rf pe ore . were tl1ose ''l1eretof . W or ks au<l Com 115, No. munications'' (sic). Sectio11 3, 1�ligl1way A.t1tl1ority ProcJamatJon, 1950, Proc.


- 217 -


ay l1\v Hig the Al1tl1ority Proclamation of ) 5(d 1 tio1 Sec .6 tion ria rop exp 1 nd by l)roi11 n1a t y do e11 an 1i11 e11 te by va pri e ]ak ly ''[t owiled 1ands . v1�ded tha.t ·tll.e IHA could a11y 'Id. b f s, or u1 111g on sati ps, pen cro com the · vegetation fix ,111d . tise lic pub for 7 It t h 1s 01111ttecl fro1n tl1e " 11. e tak list of con1 e�� so � ds other fixttires 011 the lan . 11t 1n rta po for st 1m 111o of J)roperty in Ettio the 1 101 est qt1 11t ho wit c/, 1 Ja, 1s iten _ sable _ ­ tice tl1e prac of the IHf\ since 1951 pia.s The omission was not. ac-e1denta1, and_ . 9 The ed I a11 d. priat expro r�ft1sal of com pen sa­ or f . 1011 ensat co1np has bee11 to deny _ _ tion 11as been ratio11alized 011 the grou11d that the b:11ld1ng of a. l11ghway increases the valtie of land in the region ope11ed tip by the l11gl1way a11d tl1at tl1is increase in value, alo11g \-Vitl1 other n1aterial benefits brought. by the l1igl1\vay, is sufficie nt con1pe11satio11 to landowners ,vho lose some of tl1e1r land to tl1e J1igh\vay itself. JO Neg. Ga.z., year 10, no. 5. Although tbe M i11 i ster of Conu11unicatio11s and Publ ic Works had been respo nsib le "for. tl1e co nstruct�o1;1, 1nanufact��e and repair of governn 1en t roads, bridges, ai1d \vat erwa.ys," Sect1011 25(b), M1111sters (D efin1t10L1 of Po\vers) Order, 1943, Order No. 1 Neg. Gaz., year 2, no. 5, n1L1nicipaJities un der the control of the Minister of Inl erior had bee� given the power t o decide on tl1e "[ l ] aying out, closing and keepi11g of streets, squares, brid­ ges, pro n1enades and public gardens." Section 4(i i i)(a), Mun icipal ities Proc]a111atio n , 1945, Proc. No. 74, Neg. Griz., ye ar 4, n o. 7. See also Sect io11 4, Class i fication of Roads Proclamation, 1944, Proc. No. 66, Neg. Gaz., year 3, no. 10 (Supp lem en t). I11 practic e the 01unicipalities have perf orn1ed the function of road constructio11 and n1ai11tenat1ce \V ithin th.eir areas of jurisdiction, except \1/hen special arrangen1 en ts l1ave be en m ade w itl1 tl1e IHA. 6. Alt.hougl1 the J-Iigl1,vay Author ity Proclan1atio11, following A. n1erica11 practice, uses the ter111 "eminent doma in," "expropriation" \Vill be used 11ere as that is the t erm used in the Civil Code. 7. Sect io11 5(d), I-Iigl1way Authority Proclan1ation, 1950, Proc. No. 115, Neg Gaz., year 10, no. 5. See also Corr igendum, 1954, Corrigendun1 No. 35, Neg. Gaz., year 14, no. 1 (Amharic on ly). Sectio11 IO of the san1e procla1nat ion provided tl1at ''[t]he right of tl1e Author ity to ent�r upon or take by en1in e11t domain any pr ivately ow11ed lands pursua11t to Section 5(d) of t_h1s Proclan,ation , sl1aJI 11ot be subject to rev ie\v or ap1)roval by a11y court. Any person h_av1�g an interest in any l an d so taken 1nay bring an act iot1 aaai11st the Autl1ority i n the prov1nc1al courts of the province in which the land so taken is situated or in tl1e High Court to review the fair11ess of the compe11sation f i xed by tl1e At1tl1ori ty for tl1e bu ild ings, crops, vegetation or oth er fixtures on such lands or th e al location of sucl 1 co n1pen sation bet\veet l the respective pers ons hav ing an i n terest in such la11d." 8. Since Section 5(d) referred only to con1pensation for obiects 011 la11cl taken by exprop riation, · J . such . it . n take11 to bar con1pen .sat1011 · l1as b ee for obJects 1u1cler the surface of tJ1e Ian d as st0n e or sand. The IHA takes a considera bl e an1oun t of sucl1 bu ilding n1aterials, aud rt con1pen sates o nly for _conco� ita.11t interferen ce witl1 tl1 e surface, e.g., the cl:s!_ru�tion of a h t � �J � n an 0 or n ear a qu arry site. This practic e l 1as i.J1 recen t years led to i ncre asinf: ht1gat1on, ? �. ( Sup. I Judgn1en _ ts hav e _f�vor ect the IHA. See , e.g., T�ffa Segn v. Jn1perial 1ghvvay Autl1011�� es is ! as Imp. �t., 1968, C1v1I �pp. No. 1291 /56) (to apJ) ear 1n J. Et/1. L.) The resolution 9ua�ry of these coniplicat ed b y Article 130 of the Rev isect Co11stitution of 1955 v,1J1 ich states inte, a!I.0 that · 1s I ath · . ' . . bene • • · e natura 1 re sources of, and 1n the st1b-s01l of tl1e En1p1re, u1cludLng those · "(t)h waters, are State Don1ain." It is on]y if stone a 11d o tl1er bt1 ilding n1aterials fo�.nd b!0 �ath 1cir 1 ° the Surf�ce_ of the earth are l1eld to be subj question ect to pr ivate rights tl1at tl1 e "expropr1at1on" arises. 8 4 9 · 1 ?terviev, �ith Ato Kebede Beye_n 2 A, 011 J��Y e, Righ t-of-Wa y ffic the in er �I-I O �8���� S Section 5(d) o� the I-I1ghw ay Author ,o� r pro v 1s a Pro cla n1a tioo it y cified s pe ��= � � p r t? the Authonty to e t te for certa con1per1sa xpropriate a nd l power to and o b' �ects, it has been construed by I 1e t rity ot some IHA n en y i ng t l1e Autho d as offic s ia l Id cou t com.l:' ensate for �th er objects th e IHA ctio n, tht1s where , con stru acco his rd ng ' to t i f , c ange its compens ation prac. tices r e f it wished to do so !11 son1e cases, bo�; a corn· even i aJ o r part. of a person's land 1 the for o· l1as b 1np pr ee11 take 11 to be t1s a c �s d a e · ned para ble amount of land ha · • · · f· 1 state-ow J n ro " s b ee11 giv rce, l 111d1v1dua en to tl1e e xpropriat ed pa . pert y Wh e be alue of the 0Id the of Jue v :; t new parc el is eqt1 ivalent to tl1e va th e · •·n'ei.,ec ion. priat t:h e i ?d ividt1al has � expro b een compensa tecl for land taken by '10. lntenrV.Jews with va.r1 ous officia ls of th e IHA.

- 2.18 -


I 1



. this ratio11alization, the II-IA has ge11erally compensated for objects on the it e s p p 5eucll as houses, as it is empowered to do by Section 5(d).11 land The Highway Authority Proclamation and the Revised Constitution �1·_ocla111 ati�11 was issued_ pur�uant to the Constittttioil At1 tho rity . wa y Hig h The pl1c 1tly req ire co1np�ns�t1on 1n case of depriva u n?t . did wbi cl1 tion of �; of 1931, The Rev r1at 1s�d 1011. Co11_st1t�tion of. 1955, however, does so . expr op by erty rop P O ui1certain terms. A1·t1cle 4i:i of t his constrtt1t1on provides botl1 tl1at ''(n]o one 10 prope1·ty exce1Jt t1po11 a fincli11g by ministe1·ial order issued his of ed dep riv be � · · n1a) · · · 1_ s o t f a specta reqt11r 1 e1ne1 exprop r1at i 1 o11 tl1e aw enacted 111 accordance ursuant to Ar�1c les ?8, or of 89 90 of tl1 e present Constitl1tion'' and t11 at 11s provi sio the th �i "just co111pe11sat io11, deter111111ecl,_ :n tl1e abse11ce o_f a?reeme11t, by judicial procedti res esta blis11ed by la\\'' is a cond1t1011 for t11e depr1vat1011 of property. 13 .Despite the pri111a jacie i11co111patibility betwee11 the la11guage of Article 44 of the Revised Co11stit11tio11 a11d tl1e practice of tl1e IHA, as based 011 its interpreta­ ti o11 of the High,vay Autl1ority Procla111ation, tl1at practice did not change following prom1.1lgation of t11e co11stitution. Yet rarel� \Vas it subject to cba]le11ge. Land­ o\:vners vvere ge11era.lly pleased to l1ave a h i ghway come to their regio11 and they seem to l1ave been satisfied witl1 co111_pensatio11 for b11ildings, crops a11d otl1er '':fixtures." In tl1e only publisl1ed case in ,vhicl1 a la11do,v11er cl1allenged on co11stitt1tional grounds the compe11satio11 provisio11s of tl1e Highway Authority Proclamatio11, the Su­ pre1ne In1perial Co11rt l1eld tl1ese provisio11s to be constitt1tio11al, primarily on tl1e ground that both Art icle 44 and tl1e Highvvay A11thority Proclamation are intended ''to benefit 11. Although reliable statistics are difficL1lt to locate, the amounts paid I1ave apparently never been large. In the early years of the IHA, n1ost n1ajor work co11sisted of l1ighway rehabili tation, so that very little la11d l1ad to be tal(e11 by expropriatio11. Indeed, the Rigl1t-of-Way :Bra11ch of the II-LA.. was apparent ly formed only iI1 1957. Co1npe11sation :figL1res reported for recent years, \Vl1ich appear to be typical, are Eth. $9,208.90 for 1959 and Eth. $4,738 for 1960. See tl1e IHA anntLal reports for tl1 ese years at, respectively, page 44 and page 40. Presun1ably in addition to this son1e compensation was paid in _kjnd, tl1rough provision of land from that owi1ed by the state. 12. Article 27 of this constitutioi1 n1erely stated tl1 e follo\vi11g: "Except in cases of public utility determined by la\v, no-one s l1 all be entitled to deJ Jrive an Ethiopian subject o.f the movable or landed property wl1icl1 h e l1olds." The Constitutio11 of 1931 is reproduced in J. Paul & C. Clapham, Etl1iopia11 Co,1stitzttio11al Develop1ne11t (1967), voJ. 1, pp. 326-330 and i11 Eth. G_bser11er, vol. 5 (1962), pp. 363-365. A conternporaneoLis but then unpublished ''cornrne11tary" 00 this constilt1 tion stater], hovvever, \vitl1 regard to ''exen1ption'' fro1n confiscation of land, t�at "if it is necessary for the Government to co11strL1ct on anotJ1er perso.n's land inst_alJa­ tions �or the public \Velfare, sucl1 as forts, roads, markets, cht1rcl1es,. scl1ools, h_osp1t�ls, towns hips or any \vork: of tl1is l(ind it is deter111i11ed by law tl1at if tl1e Deliberative Chambers l1ave declared it 11ecessary,' 1!1e la11dorv11er slzall be give11 a fair pric � s detern7ii7 ed � b;, lal-v, or, sitbject to tl1e lu11doH·11er's co11se11t, lie sl1all receive so,ne otlzer s11111lar co111p_e,,­ _ . satzo,z, ancl he sJ1all be cornpelled to strrrender tl1e property ... '' (en1pl1as1s added). Section 6, Den,missje Wolde-�rr1a�c1el, Co,zstitittion L111cl arlia1ne11t of Etlziopia: A l·listoriccil Record, :s � translated by S. Wr1gl'it 111 Pa.uJ & Clapl1am, cited above, pp. 331, 334. 13 · Rev. Const., Art. 44. Article 44 also reqL1ires tl1at tl1 is n1inisterial order, ''to �e effective," u�t. be approv�? by tl1e Cou11cil of Mirust�rs a�d publisl1ed i11 tl1e . N_egarrt G��eta. A ;ivisio!1 of the I-I1gl1 C'otirl has tal(en tl1e se11s1ble view that tl1e expropriat100. provisiotls of . �e . Civil Cod� co11stit L1te the "special expropriatio11_ ]aw'' ref�r�ed to by Article 44. of tlle vised "' onstitu t ion. M�ines � S. A.C .J\..F.E .1 ., Socie ta ' Ano o1n1a v. Ministry of . State Don1auis and me1:1t (H igl1 C�u:t, Addis Ababa, 1962), J. Et !�. L., vol. .�, _pp. 60, 61. Before tt1 e enact­ of the C1v.!1 Code tl1ere \Vas no special expropriation lavv e11a.ctecl pursuant to 1 ti e 4 of \. l � � pri�tion 4could tlJe Reviseci Co11stitution wl1icl1 led at least one court to state tl1_ at no exp!·�­ pahty of Addisthen be constilt1tionalJy' carried OLtt. See Ilaji Ali AJ1D1ed Abog111 v. � tinici­ 1\baba (I-ligh Ct., Addis Ababa, 1961, Civil Case No. 832/50) (Linptlbltshed).

- 219 -


. ety.,,14 Tl11·s conclusion was reached \.Vithot1t reference to /-,.rticle .122 of tile R e . soci . 11e II'.:TA d v1se . . t s •t s 1 1 'tl est w1 ro11g �1 t strt co11 l1es sl1pp n t1tio fact al 11 j ch whi argu n1ent . . n . t' 10 u 1 , C.onst't ,, • ]I a ,, es s t t t tl 011, 1a. v1s1 p1o [t 1e cy 111a pre ''st1 se pre . . ia's 111 r ev1s. ect· iop Eth . ? . -, 12 1 . Art 1c e . . . . . . 1 t1 ea ties, 1011a t1o r11at ve11 1nte con ns a 11d obligations e tl1os with ther toge , Coiistitution 1 en1e SlI the aw be hall of tl1� Ein�ire, and y, part be : J? l shal � ; opia . Ethi to wllicli all . , dec1s:011s ,1nd acts 111co11 s1stent ther future legislation, decrees, orders, JUdg� 11ents e­ witli, slJall be null and ,,oid'' (emp11as1s added). S1 �ce tl1e Ie�isl�tio11 uncler W]Jic h the IHA operates was prorol1lga�ed before the. Revised �011st1tL1t101 1, tl1e Autborit can certainly maintain that it 1s 11ot, accord111g to Article 122, st1bject to tlia� constitution. 15 The llighway Authority Proclamation a11d the Civil Code

Aside fro1n the constitutional q l1estion, a seconc1 grou11d f<)r attack on the IHA practice of denying compensation for exprOJ)riated land is provided by tl1e Civil Code of 1960. This not 011ly repeals those provisions of tl1e I-ljgh,vay At1thority Proclamation on ,vhicl1 the IHA relies but also replaces tl1e1n ,vith provisions specifically req.t1iring compe11sation. Articles 1460 thro11gh 1488 of the Civil Code lay do,v11 comprel1ensi,1e rules coveril1g tl1e a\l;,ard of co111pensation as well as tl1e prc)ced11re to be follo\ved in case of expropriation. of i1nmo,1able property by ''cornpete11t at1tl1orities ." Altl1ough tl1e terrn ''competent a11tl1orites'' - l'ad1ni11istration in the original Fre11ch - is not defi11ed in the Civil Code, it seems a fair interpretatio11 to treat it as cover­ ing all bodies authorized to e11gage iu expropriation, ir1cl t1di11g the IHA.16 The Higl1way Autl1ority & Eskaniska Co. v. Mebratt1 Fissiha (Sup. Imp. Ct., 1964), J. Eth. L., vol. 2, pp. 37, 39. Tl1is seems a. fair reading of tl1e opinion, even thougl1 this \Vas a st�ne case and tl1e Supreme Jn1perial Court. which declared null and void an order of the 1-ir�b Court enjoining the quarrying of stone ot1 certain privately-owned land, at one poi�t said its decision did 11ot bar the ]ando\vner "fron1 briI1ging an action in connection \Vtlh the con1pensat.io11 to be given." Id. at 39.· 15 · This reasoning, \vith regard to tl1e Mainte11ance of Telepl1one Services Proclaf!1ation, 195�, Proc. No. 114, '/'leg. Gaz., year 9, no. 11, was used b y a division of the 1-lrg h Cot irt 1? Araya Abebe v. In1perial Board of Telecommunicatio11s of Ethiopia C�-Iigh Co u�, Ad1�s Ababa, 1964), J. Et/1. L:, vol. 2, pp. 303, -305. For material 011 the n1ea111 g of Acti�le. 1 --j � se� Paul & Clapham, cited above at note 12, pp. 414-416; R. Mea11s, "fJ1e C on 5 litut1ona Right to Judicial Review of AdmiI1istrative Proceedings: Thresl10Jd Questions," J. Ellt. l., vol. 3 (1966), pp. 175, 179. .16. It is. not e�tirely cle�r u.nder � tl1ioJ?ian law e 1!1e_ P���!: 1a autl1ori ? ties r J 1ental v nn ve icl g �� � r0 to expropriate. One 1nterpretat1on 1s tl1at m1n1s tr1es 1nl1erently l1ave the po\ver to exp P 1 ,e �ut that other governmental bodies must be given tl1e po\.ver specifically if th ey ar e_ to ;��h \V�99 it. For so1;11� e?'amples of grants of tl1e power bodies cnt 1 governn expropriation to of f . e not mirustries, see Section 6(a), Awash Vall Autl Not Ge�. iority Charter, 1962, . ey � r�;�ve; �e1ii G_az., year 21, no. 7; Section 4(e), Charter of tl1e EtJ1iopia11 Electric L! ght ;(n) Boa d r u ority, 195�, en. Not. No. 213, n Sectio � Neg. Gaz., year 15, no. 5; and g' There on ��v I�:� 1muni cations Proclamat ion, 1952, Proc: �o. 131, N_eg: Gaz., year �2, n�- �iariti1ne . 1str1es, e.g., Section 4 n� however, grants of tl1e po\ver of expropriation to m10 of ' •rustrY pro�la.mation, 1953, Proc. No. 137 N Ga7 year 13 no 1 \vhicl1 gav· e· tJ1e �•. . This eg Nat1on .a·l Defienc� rs i,a1 ' · . � ,, . · a e 1 t1n 1 ' : ' . . I: t mar le power to expropriate 1n connection w1tl1 . expro· p t as mpl t e d ly � _ transferred to tl1e Ministry of Comn1unicat�ons, excep , _ �i:t 1�nwis i 01 p0wers) or maritime defence purposes, by ti int rs (Def Ministe tl1e of section 19 �� see also A e f d . m N t o· 2) Order, 1966, Order No . 46, Neg . Gaz., year 25, no· - ·s no, s�� n. e.a 22� n r of e wh!� �� �lt Post Office Proclamatio� 1966, Proc. No. 240, Neg. Gaz. yef {1inistrY 01 g 'es e P0st office, stated to be an ''independent Departn1ent" 0f t 1e 14.

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requ ires t�e y competent authority to pay compensation estio nabl unqu Code . . 1 1 v lan d acquired by expropriation, whetl1er that land ha� � 1 f 01· kin d, in or h 10 cas it or 11ot. Thl1s Article 1474(1) states as follows: ''The amount on crop s or tl 1nay be given to replace the ex�� ��� pensation or the value ?f the land t hat _ eqt1al the to an1ol1nt of tl1e actual dan1age callsed by ex­ be sl1all land d riate . t 7 Where a n a�·�et in lancl exis s tl1e market value of the expropriated . �, p���riatioi1 " _ . � _ P ma y be tl1e s111est 111d1cat1011· of the actual da1nage'' to the landowner' but · 1 and 1 k :et I 111ar 1� an d , no t(1ere 1s. • 1 I generally be damage for which w1 tl1ere re \vhe even at1 on. ns pe es 1n 11r co qt re e od C l vi Ci th e That tl1e Civil Code requires compe11satio11 for land, whether developed or not, is tlius clear; it is equ,:tlly clear that tl1e Civil Code repeals those provisions of the Higl1,vay 1-\utl1ority Procla111a.tio11 wl1ich deal witl1 expropriatio11, with the excep­ tion of the provision givi11g tl1e IHA the power to expropriate. 18 Article 3347 of the Civil Code, ,1 re:peals article re111arkable for its sweep, 19 provicles as follows: "Unless otl1erwise expressly provided, all r11les wl1ether written or CL1ston1ary pre­ viously in force concer11i11g n1atters provided for i11 tllis Code shall be replaced by this Code and are l1ereby repealed.'' Expropriation is a matter provided for-in detail-in the Civil Code, Sectio11s 5(d) and 10 of the High,vay Authority Proclama­ tion are rules pre,,iously i11 force concerni11g expropriation, and tl1ere is no express provision saving these earlier rules: the conclusio11 that they are therefore repealed seems inescapable. • The IHA has tl1L1s far resistecl t11is co11clusio11. 20 The ground of resista11ce seems to be the fear that if the Civil Code ,vere followed the costs of land acqui­ sition would soar, thus forcing a significant reduction in ''productive'' highway expenditure. This fear l1as appare11tly led some within the IHA to argue for ne\v legislation whicl1 wot1ld exempt the IHA fro1n the reqt1irements of the Civil Code

Posts, Telegrapl1s and Telepl1ones, tl1e po\-ver of expropriation. "Concessionaires," i11clucling those wl10 l1ave contracted to carry on a pL1blic service, can expropriate where the power to do so is explicitly granted by the concession agree111ent. Civ. C., Art. 1462. 17 · Article 1474(1) in the original Frencl1 refers to co111pensation egale a la valet,r du don1mage actuel et certai,1. It should be noted tl1at ''actL1al'' tl111s has the sense of ''contemporary'' or "current," ratl1er tl1an tl1e sense of ''real." IS. The Civil Code does not give to tl,e II-IA, or any other partict1far admiL1istrative agen�y, the powe� to expropriate. It is important to treat the provision of tl1e Highw�y Atit!1ority Proclan1at1on giving the II-IA the power to expropriate as 11.nrepealed, for w1thout it the Atlthority may lack that po\-ver. See supra, note 16. 19 · See G • Krzeczunowicz, ''Code a11d Custo1n i11 Etl1iopia," J. Etf1. L., voJ. 2 (1965), PP· 425: 427-1�9 ; G. Krzecz11no\vicz, ''A New Legislative Approacl1 to Ct1sto111ary La\.V: The 'Repeals Provi sion of the Ethiopian Civil Code of I 960," J. Etli. Sti,c/ies, vol.. 1,. no. 1 (1.963), P· 57. See also R. Sedler, ''Tl1e De,1elopn1e11t of Legal Systen1s: The Etl11op1an Experienc�,,, Iowa �- Rev., vol. 53 (1967), p[). 562, 594-602; J. Vancler1inden, ''A Further Note on an Introduc11?0 to the Sources of Etl1ior>ian Law," J. Et/1. Law, vol. 3 (1966), pp. 635; G. Krzeczuno­ wicz, "�utting the Legal Clock Back?'' J. Etli. Law, vol. 3 (1966), PP• 621, 623-625; J. Vaucierhnden, ''An Introductio11 to tl1e Sotu·ces of Etl1iopian Lavv from the 13t.11 to tl1e 20th Ce� tury," 1. Eth. L., vol. 3 (1966), pp. 227, 244- 246. . . 20· J.h!s is'. so despite j1.1dicial recognitio11, on a.t least one occasion, tl1at tl1e e�proprJation pro­ he of 7 334 icle Art by o �1led repe J been 1ave P e � as l1way Authority roclan1ation ��'? IHA �v.,t.nsCodfe. thSeeI-Iig s11pra,. n� te S. Tile , rit tl1o Au f Taf ay a ig]1w I I-11 l Seg eria v. In1p � . _ P titioned to I-l1s In1perial Ivlajesty's Cl1ilot for recons1derat1on of tl11 s Judgment.

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- VOL. V - No. 1 W LA N IA OP I-Il ET OF L NA jOUR

io11 1sat 1)e1 com ay 011ly .for buildings p d nee _ it t tha rule old the . . .· act , crops and reen . 21 . es k ta it d n la n o s re tu x fi r 1e tl and o d rate 11d gge ex� t is tha r a fea . this closer look at at t � ted nut � It is sub . st1t ed Co11 Rev ut1011 a11d the Civil the of ents irem requ � n atio pens com � the Code _ the c�sts of a developmeilt h :wit ed cern con e hos t to ng suri reas ve pro may pro­ _ 1\va construct1 on. 1:he c1.ux of tl1e problem is tlie grain as_�rta11t as h1g� � . ,,. 44 of tl1e Revised _ l,., Arttc lated. calcu 1s on e11sat1 comp i Const wl1ich 111 manner tuti simply requires ''jus! con1p�ns�tio_n'' for ''propert�." Si11ce la. n d. is �he most import.a:� form of property 1n Etl11op1a, it �ould �2e un�en�ble to 1na1nta111 tl1at land is not property within tl1e meani11g of Article 44. - This 1s _as tr11e of undevelop ed land as of developed Ia11d. It is much less clear from Article 44, 110\vever, wl1at amoun ts , pensatio11'' wl1en land is expropriated. The expropriation provisions to ''just com of the Civil Code seem to strike a reasonable balai1ce betvveen tl1e i11terests of the State and tl1ose of the private ow11er and tl1erefore to satisfy this constitutional requirement,23 so that it is of critical importance to determi11e precisely what it is fhat, the Civil Code requires by way of compensatio11. The basic principle of the Civil Code, ,ts already noted, is co1npensation equal to the amount of ''acttial damage'' caused by expropriation. 24 Tl1e expropriation of land obviously causes damage to any person whose rigl1ts on that land are therebv• extinguished, so that on.e begins \Vith the proposition that s11ch persons are owed compensation for their loss. 1-Iowever, this basic con1pensatio11 principle is subject to several qualifications: the one of importance here is fo1111d in Article 1475(2), which states in the original French that in maki11g its decision 011 compensation the arbitration committee shall take into accou.nt a11y i11crease i11 value for remaini11g pro­ perty arising from the construction of public works. 25 Such increase in value is 21 .



24. 25 ·

It is of importance to note that if the old rule is reenacted tl1e II-IA will be on much less firm constiiutio11a1 ground tl1an previoL1sly, for it can no longer use Article 122 for supp ort. Any legislation no,v promu1gatecl will unquestionably be subject to the requiren1ents of t�e Revised Constitution, including t11e requirement of Art icle 44 that jL1st compensation be for property taken by expropriation. On Article 122, see SLtpra, P· . 222. The Revised Coostjtution, the Civil Code and Ethiopian tradition all indicate witho_ut any doubt that in contemporary Etl1iopia trrban land and rural agricultural land are subJect �o private rights� whether fanlilial or individL1a.l in nature. T11ere is son1e doubt . about certar otlier categories of I.and, e.g. ''grazing lands'' as that tern1 is used in Article 130(d) 0� tl1e Revised Constitution. , Freq�ei�tly_ in tl1e Revised Constitution rigl1ts are guaranteed <'in accordance �th the I:��ut it ts important to note that this is 1101 the case with the guara11tee of Just c on lp . d·· t:!on. Article. 44 prohibits the deprivation of property unless, as noted previou sly, t\.VO con i-�1 tions are satisfied: there must be a "fi nding'' by n1inister it to a spec r iaJ order issued pursuai · · ··1on I�w-the nature rneot o �xpi·opr1at of this finding is not specified-and there 1nust be pa,y br15be d a. est JUSt conipensatton determined in the res procedu jt1dicial absence of agreen1ent ' by it · · · sati on, n1pen by law · Thus altl·1ough' law establishes tJ1e proceclure for detern1111 · 111g co bJy i res . ppears the itse. l f requirement of just compensation stems from the constitution � .P � r�ion �f a court _were to exerci�e � power of judicial review of_ t�1e constitt1ti nality of of o � 1f 1t _could strike _down a leg1slat1v app e c form omp ula 1f 1t found tl1at the e11sa tion fo r . 18 formula did no t result in th "just compensatioL1'' being 1:,aid. : C1v . C., Art. 1474(1). .g1•�••al e th of ;� � nfortunately the English of Article 1475(2) is a poorly translatecl versio°: r�ych. The latter states that the com111ittee which awards compensation "u ent c<-:� added ), d a plus-value p�ocuree par les travaux publics ar, si,rp/1,s de la propriete" (empb:�� increase ; er s the. �nglisb me1ely states that tl1e committee ''sl1all take i11to acc ounkfc (2) f 1475 e l � va�ue a�istng from the 1 of ric Am ha con stru ction of public works." The a.. ppa:rentl,lY 18 a more accurate translation.



�::r �

- 222 -








. the to lower order total in amoun t of compen:saitiom. t@ be unt acco · to taken ��it is thus, in �ature, a set-off. In highway expropriation. it is rare tlitat awarde owner s land n1ust be_ taken1-generally only a strip s ufficient fot r icula part 0f a ade qu�te ''right of_ way'' 011 eithe� sid� is needed. In a11 all w and itself . ay . the high expropriated ow11ers will be left with part of therr o.r1gin al parcel of . ses n1ost ca · · t rl1c f cons on o 1e h a l · · 1 ti' h t at new · 11g t way n w1JI lead to a considerable certai is it d d !an n the value of that re1nainde1·. Little system.atic data on land values in i iocr�as pia is available, but appare11tly la11d in most places if on a highway o Ethi ur �15 �o�th at least two or three tin1es what it wol1ld be \vortl1 if it were not ru \\' S diffe re11ce valu . e can be set off agai11st amou11ts owed for s i11 uch ay h a g . · on 26 A h IR . e t b y d te ia r p property expro



In conclusion it is maintai11ed that the expropriation provisions of the Highway Aut1iority Proclan1atio11, eve11 if co11stitutional, have been repealed by Article 3347 of the Civil Code, \Vitl1 tl1e exceptio11 of tl1at provision giving the IHA the power to carry out expropriation; tl1a. t the II-IA, like other governme11t agencies engaged · in expropriation, is presently bot111d to use the Civil Code provisio11s on expro­ priatio11; a11d that, if proper use is 1nade of tl1e set-off provision of Article. 1475(2), the costs of acquiring land for l1ighway construction should not rise dangerously, if at all. The rationale for Article 1475(2) appears to be esse11tially the same as the rationalization \vl1ich l1as been. offered for omitting land from the list of compen­ sable items under the liighway Authority Proclamatio11: that is, where Ia11downers benefit gre1tly from public ¥larks constr11cted by the State at its expense, the State should not have to compe11sate those o\v11ers for loss wl1ich does not exceed their direct and im1nediate gai11. The difference betwee11 the forn111la of the High\1/ay Authority Proclamation a11d Article 14-75(2) of the Civil Code lies in the precision with which this reaso11ing is applied: Article 1475(2) allows each case to be consider­ ed on its merits, \Vl1ereas the Higl1way Al1thority Proclamatio11 allowed only a very rough approach. No co.mpensation was ever to be paid for la11d, yet compe11sa­ tion was al'tvays o\ved for buildi11gs, crops, vegetation and other fixtures. In addition to providi11g greater fair11ess in particula.r cases, Article 1475(2) offers anotl1er direct advantage to tl1e IHA. It can be used to provide a set­ off to amounts O\ved as compe11satio11 for those objects on the land for wllich compensation was owed l111de1· the liigh,vay Authority Proclan1ation.27 A good 26· This suggests that it n1ay be advantageot1s for tl1e IHA to acquire at the time of original construction - wl1en this great increase in valLle to remaining land occurs -;- not �nly t�e property needed for tl1e construction itself bt1t also catnp sites and quarry sites which will be needed for f utL1re maintenance work. 27 · lt is i_ntere sting to note that tl1e original ''balance of benefits'' rationale of the Highway Aut�ority Proclamation \vas not applied to hot1ses and crops as well as to land. Those engag­ ed 10 II-IA expropriation ss o l_ tl,e to ly sharp nJore much react d woul le peop ate tl1at indic of a �ouse withottt porno:11 a of loss the to clo tl1ey t11an sation iate con1pen immed ry n1oneta of their land witl1out e11sation. It shot1ld be ren1en�bered that, fair comp diate im1J1e tary mone as the theory of t]1eory of Article 1475(2) 1s w11en O\'er-all a11ce tl1e ''bal or of fits'' bene values are considered ps .perba and ' paper' ''on is der ren1ain ' the 1·n• crease 1·n · tl1e valt1e of . a not eas ·1 reali· · 1ch th at t h w ns aga lo�s J tl1e eas wl1er able tion, at t11e rr1oment of expropria z . se i Y increa 18 set off is immediate and direct. Tbt1s a man whose I1ouse 1s clestroyed to ma k.e casli �� ds fo a ne� he � anc inst t. n1os , in 11e\.V and way fi high se hou mt1st nd a wiyr I a re ne\.v , tie 1 n i \a ase incre · or the b with t1se r const o a new uct a one s 1 · · for . ere Ph1s pay He nnot c · · . 1east not • J at way 1 a 1 , ning new a ' of iig land resulting from tl1 e pl at1necl construction unless m i he sells part of that re.maind er.

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- No. 1

m of ble pro . con1pe11sating for coA:the y b ed vid pro . is le 11 ee mp .1t. 1s c 1ear t h . pract1ca1 exa tre e s. s 1 1 at1 at� 1 , lan pe roc com i 0 t rity nsa P tho mu Atl on . Utider tlle Highw ay t be n tio or a er et oth veg s e op tur ''cr 11x , s are . y ''28 the It 1,8 reported ' pal'd &-1or co fl�ee trees ' as . 1 _ u e�1t I p r · and } are s tre� pe1 o�1 c _ fee cof 1.sat1on for re whe eas r . a ai11 cert . that in the m ct effe 111 l1as If!A said the 1t ly, cost will construct at inarket value would be the area the_ agree .to �n. ers landown _for��o compen satio . new llighway only if t�e n to t1on c 8: cive 11re coer req1 of 111d1vid 1�als. to Waiv for their coffee trees. Tlus sort e ble, a s1r n 11nde eve_ gh s tl1ou these ind i viduals d rights they have under the law see1n 1Jens a t1on for their coff�e co� 110 an� 1 ay highw a e� betwe e choic a ve ha trees 0� the one hand a11d tl1e1r coffee trees .wi th. no highway 011 the other. Soc i al pressure particularly as ma11ifested throt1gh d1str1ct governors, may freque11tly 1ne an tliat tb'' 1s : 29 1 The ad\ a11tage of Article 1475(2), again lies choice will not be e11tirely free. its precisio11: it ca11 be used �or ind_ividt1al cases s� that t�e greatest fairness �� acliieved. For 111ost la11downers 1n a g1ve11 area, tl1e 1r1crease 1n valt1e to remaining l a11d rnigl1t be far greater tha11 tl1e valt1e of lost coffee trees, bt1t for soine Jand­ ow11ers this 1nigl1t n�t be true. Tl1e latt�r would tl1e�ef ore receive an appropriate amot1nt a.s compensat100, an an1our1t equivalent to tl1e1r net loss of value.Jo Fi11ally, it is suggested th.a t from the poir1t of view of Etl1iopian legal develop­ ment a.s a wl10Ie it is desirable for tl1e II1A to t i se tl1e Ci\1il Code in carrying out expropriation. 011e aim of tl1e Civil Code \Vas to bri11g i111ifor111itJJ i11 different areas of the law, inc] tl1e law of ex1)ropriatio11. 31 If the II-IA ''opts out"­ i.e., st1cceeds in l1aving its owr1 expropriation legislation and st1cceeds in upholding t11e co11stitt1tio11ality of that legislatio11-it seen1s likely that otl1er agencies er1gaged in expropriatio11 will attempt to follow suit . This would be most t1nfortt111ate both for clarity a11d for u11.iforrnity i11 what is one of the 1nore i1nporta11t areas of co11� temporary Ethiopian law.

Section 5(d), Highway Authority Proclamation, 1951, Proc. No. 115, Neg. Gaz., year IO, no. 5. 29 · The author is aware of no such case tl1us far wl1er e the local people have op ted againSl tl1e new l1ighway . der . consi to ·1s f a, . blem wit. I1 a ''.balanc,ng 30 • 0ne pro ·t . 1 · . tI1at of values'' approac]1 of course 1s ,x those. �ho gai n but do not ]ose-i.e., owners in tl1� region \.vho lose 1 1o thi_ ng thr0 1·1a�d: p ropriat1on, but \.Vhose land increases greatly in value becat1se of the 11ew high�vay . owner� who lose some land are in �ff�ct charged for tl1e l1i gh\.vay, t�roug l1 l1 av��g .1 corn­ s o! ;lbour _ i eu pensat1 on owed them reduced or el1n11nated then fairnes 1 s may requu:e t11at tl gh tbe u se of who do not l ose land be cl1arged as weli· 011e way of doi ng tl1is is tl1rou "betterment'' levies of some sort. · i·on . . • , a// expropriat . . · has been suggested 1n 31 · Indeed, it some qt1a.rters that to achieve t1ruformit) of Jent . tn ar for go ye�nment agenc!es should be done by one ver 1une11t body, sucl1 as a d_ { 0,it y and, go 0 tbe Ministry of Interior. Certainly such cen t z uni er great to rali ation would lead �s1 central­ resi pro�ably, greater expert ise, but those \Vell · Jf the agenc ies engaged i 11 expropriat ion n1ay 5 m r iz ation _ as Jik ely to lea.a to still more bure�ucracy a11d delay for thei! prog � wy case unct1o of land acqt1isiti on for gove t 1a {e ri rnmen t projects is to be centralized, i 1 1 �J�inistration p e erable to place tl1e functi on i Reform an� Lan d tl1e of n nist M ry i 0 f develop· :ather tba� tbe Ministry of s nes tI1e busi in Interior. no\v is It js tl1 cl1 e fo wl1 i r m e r ing e xpertise on land m atters in Ethiopia.



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