Journal of Ethiopian Law Vol. 6 No. 2 (1969)

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· ARTICLES Haile Sellassie I University - Northwestern University Research Project Introduction Q11intin Johnstone Divorce in Urban Ethiopia Ten Years after the Civil Code John H. Beckstrom People, Practices, Attitudes and Problems in the Lower Courts of Ethiopia Thomas Geraghty


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OF TI-IE JOURNAL OF E1 1-IlOPIAN LAW PATRONS . The J011rnal of Etl1iopia11 Law was ina�1gurated by . l·Iis . I1nperial Majest SeJlassie J in the st1mmer of 1964 as a11 1mportant step 1n tl1e develo Y Baile 1t of B tl1e ar l tly of q11e� St1bs _ ? c systen1 . % Editors opia's legal t h of �: � the Jo r�:i � � . _ _ has 1 n1 v 1ted tl1.ose who are interested .111 the co11t11111at1011 �nd ex_pa1151011 of th e La\v Jo11rna.l's activities to express their support by beco1n1ng Patrons of the J ournal of Ethiopian Law. H.E. Afenegus Teshon1e Haile Maria111 'H.B. Afenegus Kitaw Yitateku Hon. Blata Matias Hiletework Hon. Ato Hagos - Te\volde Medhin Hoo. Blata I-laile \Volde Kjdan Hoo. Ato Tibebu Beye11e Hon. Ato Kebede Kelii Hon. Ato Negussie Fitawake H· o11. Ato Kassa Beyene

Dr. Aklilu Habte Ato. Abate Wondemagegneh11 Ato Abdul Aziz Mohan1med Ato A'bebe Gire Ato Abraharn Tesfatsion Balambaras Adane Deressa. Ato Adera Francois Ato Admassie Gessesse Dr. Maurice J.Aelion Lt. Col. Ahmed Ami11u Ato Aklilu Bete Mariam Ato AJene Aligaz Mr. A.M. Akit1mi Ato Amare Degefe Kegnazmatch Amede Le1nma Dr. Aradom Tedla Ato Arege Arsido Mrs. . Marcia Advan ti topouJo

Tsehafi Taezaz Al(lilu I-Iabte W0Id . Ato Abebe Reta A to Ma1n1no Tadesse Ato Seyot11n I-Iaregot Dr. Haile Giorgis Workne11 Bitwoded Asfel1a Wolde Michael Ato Goytom Petros Dejaz1natch Berl1ane Meskel Wo1de Selassie H.E. De �azmatch Kassa Wo1de Mariam H.E. DeJ az111atch Fikre Selassie Habte Mariam H.E. Ato Bt1ltcl1a Den1eksa H.E. Ato Aberra Jembere H.E. Ato Belatchew Asrat H.E. Ato Yol1a11nes Tsige H.E. Ato Teshome Gebre Mariam H.E. Ato M11ham111ed Abd11rahn1an H.E. Maj. Gen. Abebe Wolde Meske! H.E. Col. Legesse Wolde I-Ianna Hon. Ato A111manuel Wolde Hanna Hon. Ato An1mant1eI Arndemicl1ael I-Ion. Fita wrari Bayissa Jen1mo Ho11. Ato Seife Taddesse Ho11. Ato Ta.fesse Bekele






H.E. I-I.E. H.B. H.E. H.B. H.E. H. E. H.:E.

Fitawrari Assegal1eg11 Aray,1 Sgt. Asn1are Walde Selassie Ato Assefa .Bekele Ato Assefa Gere111ew Ato Assefa Libe11 Kegnazmatch Assefa Nadew Ato Asef,1 Metaferia Ato Assef a Tsegaye Ato Asf11a Kal1sai Ato Atsbel1a Fa11ta Ato Ayale�, Gobe .tvfr. Fran· k Ballar1ce Mr. Jol111 .H.Beckstro1n Dr. Bekele Beye11e Ato Bekele Demissie Ato Bekele Gebre A1nlak Ato Bekele Habte Michael Ato Bekele Nadi •





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Tesfaye le Beke Ao h e n a w m e J e h tc a el B t l Co . er11 N' 1g \V 1e cl at el B Ato ·Meketa Belay to A Mengesha y Bela. AtO t1 m le A te le e B . Ato olde Sel,1ss1e W e let Be to A Woiz. Beliyu-work Gebre Meske} Brig. Ge11. Bereket Gebre Medhi11 Dr. Berha11e Gl1ebray Ato Berhane Kifle Mariam Lt. Col . Berhane Woldeyes Ato Berhe Beyene M r. R11ssell Bern1an Ato Betrt1 Ad111assie D r. Frank Bowles Dr. E. Bevilaq11a Ato. Beye11e Abdi Ato Bineg::1-Tsehay Hailt1 Mr. Brian T. Bo,vyer Dr. vVilliam B11hagiar Grazn1atcl1 Cl1alie Yadeta. Dr. Christopher Clapl1am Mr. Richard C1111111iings Lt. Col. Dan1a Ze11g-Egzier Ato Demerew Tassew Ato Demissew Assaye Bl ata Demissie Workagegnel1u Ato Desta Gebrt1 Mr. Harrison D111111ing Ato Endale M·engesha Ato Endale V✓olde Michael Ato Enyew Gessesse K.ess Ermias Kebede Mr. William Ewing Capt. Eyass11 Gebre Hawariat Dr. Eyob Gebre Cl1ristos Ato Fantaye Ta· mre Ato Feleke Aragaw Mr. Sta11ley Z. Fisher Ato Fisseha Gebre Yostatios Ato Gayim Asmelasb Ato Gebre Gebre Giorgis Kegn-Geta Gebrehanna Kitaw Kegnazmatch Gebrehiwot Mebrahtu Ato Gebrehiwot Woldehawariat Ato Gebre Leoul Gebre Ato Gebre Medhi11 Drar Ato Gebreyesu s Hailemariam Balmbaras Gemmeda Urgessa Grazn1atch Gessesse Mesfin Ato Getachew Admassll Ato Getachew Asfaw Ato Getachew Kibret

Ato Getal1un Ht1negnaw Ato Getachew Tessema Dr. Pollera Giancarlo i\ to Gill a-Michael Bahta Ato Girma Abebe Lt. Girma Wolde Giorgis Ato Goitom Beyene Mr. Everett Goldberg Dr. l)l1illippe Graven Dr. Saba Habachy Ato l:Iaile Aman Ato Haile Giorgis Difer Ato Haile-leot1l Habte Giorgis Ato Haile Wolde Mariam Ato I-Iail11 AJemayebu Capt. Hail11 Arsede Capt. I-lail11 Shenqute Ato · I-Iail11 Tesfaye Mr. G. Ha1nawi Mr. N. Hama\vi Imperial Ethiopian Tobacco Monopoly Mrs. Mecl1tild Immenkotter Dr. Qt1intin Johnstone Mr. Jt1lia11 C. Juergensmeyer Ka1111a Ato Kassa Beye11e :or. Fian1meta Prata Kaypaghian Ato Kebdonad Wassie Ato Kebede Atnafseged Ato Kebede Cl1ekol Ato Kebede Gebre Mariam Ato Kebede Habte Mariam Ato Kebede Waga Ato Kidane Equiba-Egzi Ato K.idanu Kassa Mr. Michael Kindred Ato Kirkos Negatu Mr. Lawrence Knowles Dr. Gaetano Latilla Maj. Legesse Wolde Mariam Ato Lemma Rebi Ato Lemma Wolde Semaiat Ato Leo11.l Menberu Dr. Marcello Lon1bardi 11r. Steven Lo\venstein l\1r. Meritt C. L11dwig Ato Mal1mt1d Nur Ht1ssien Dr. l\1akonnen Kibret Ato Makonne11 Wolde Mariam Mr. Pa11l McCarthy Mr. Robert C. Mea11s Brig.Gen. Mebrabt11 Fisseba Lt. Col. Mebret Gebre Selan1 Ato Mek11ria Worku ••


Ato Mesfin Fanta 1'1r. John Messing Keo11-Geta Mezen1ir Hawaz At; Michael F assil Mr. Michael G.Pagulatos Ato Million Wolde Meske] Kegnazn1atch Misgina Gebre Egziabl1er Ato Mulugeta Berihun Ato Mulugeta \Vo1de Giorgis H.B. Ato Nebiye - Leul Kifle Ato Negga Tessema Ato 0111ar Yassi11 Miss Katherine O'Donovan .Dr. P. Felice Mr. Donald E. ·Paradis Mr. James C. N. Paul Mr. Zygmu11t B. Plater Mr. G. Prota Dr. Maria Grazia ·Prota Mr. Ken11eth Jledde11 Dr. William Reed !vfr. I-Tarry D. Ricl1ards Dr. Ken11eth J. Rothwell 'Mr. Ezio Rt1smini Mr. Arakel Sakadjian Ato Sa.lal1 A. Kabire Alo Seifu Gebre Yohannes Mr. Peter .H. Sa.nd Mr. Olin B. Scott · Mr. Robert D. Scott Mr. Robert D. Sedler Ato SeifL1 Wolde Kidan Ato Seift1 Yetesba Work Ato Seyoum Tessen1a Ato Shiferraw Worku Mr. D.G. Sgolombis 1vfr. Norma11 J. Singer Ato Solomon Abebe Ato Solomon Habte Giorgis Ato Soloo1on K.ahsai Mr. Roland J. Stanger Mr. Ronald B. Sklar Mr. Peter L. Strat1ss Dr. G.O. Zacharias Sundstrom Ato Tadesse Abebe Ato Tadesse Asfaw Ato Tadesse Tekle Giorgis Ato Tadesse Wolde Giorgis Ato Ta:ffara Deguefe

Ato Taffara Serse-Dingle Ato Teferi Ber1Jane Ato '"fegeg11 Bite\v Ato Ternesgen Worku Ato Terefe Gessesse Ato Tesfa-Alem Worku Ato Tesfa. Maria1n Sebl1at Ato Tesfaye Kebede Ato Tesl10111e Bahru Balambaras Tessen1a Wolde Yol1 annes Ato Tibebt1 Abral1am Ato Tibebtt Tegeg11 Mr. Cliff F. Tl1ompson Ato Tilaht1t1 Fetere Mr. Michael Toppi11g Ato Tsegaye Wolcle Mariani Dr. Jacqt1es P.M. Vanderlinden Mr. Vittorio Vercellino Mr. Thierry Verhelst !vfr. Nicola P. Voskjs Mr. Nicolas CI-IR. Voskis Ivlr. Fra11k D. Wi11ston Ato Walde Berhe Ato Welde Leot11 Seyoum Ato Workt1 Taffara Ato WoL1be Gebre Yohannes Ato Woube Woldeyes Ato Yeshewa. Work Ha.ilu Ato Yilma Gebre Ato Y'ilma I-Iailt1 Dr. Yohannes Berhane Ato Zeleke Desta Capt. Zerai Habte Selassie Ato Zewde E11gida Ato Zewde !vfekt1anent Ato Zewde Kassa Ato Ze\vdu Asfaw






�t\.WARD PATRONS Ato Beye11e Abcli Ato Bilillign Ma11defro Ato Den1el,1sh Tegegn Ato Getneda Go11fa Ato Gett1cl1e\v Me11gistu Ato Sahlu Birrl1 Ato Shi1nelis Abebe Ato Teco]a Gebre Medl1in Ato Wondneh Walde Medhin II




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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW Pttblished twice �nnually at the _Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University, with the co-operation of the Mi 11 istry of Justice. EDITORIAL


H..E. Ato Belatchew Asrat, Cl1 airman Dean Cliff Thompson Ato Negga Tessema Mr. Zygn1t1nt Plater Ato Yohan11es Herolti

EI.E. Afe1Jegus Tesbo1ne Haile Marian1 1-:Ion. Ato Ammanuel Amdemichael Hon. Ato Negussie Fitawake EDITORIAL STAFF Chairman



Case Editors

Article Editors

Yohannes Heroui Alemu Fokion

Katherine O'Donovan Fisseha Yi mer A.SSOCTATE EDITORS

Aklilu \Volde Amman11el Ayanew Wassie Daniel Haile Fassil Abebe Fikre Zergaw Getachew Sharew Girma Wolde Selassie

Girma Dessalegn Hagos Ha.ile Nardos Lemma Shiferaw Wolde Michael Tamiru Wondimagegnehu Yewo ndwossen Mekbib

BUSINESS MANAGER Ato Z ewde Seyoum SECRETARIES Yeshi Emebet Jemaneh Tesfaye Tekle the Journal is at U.S. $3.50 tl 1e Law Faculty distributed outside Ethiopia by · per n b er. Journal of Please nce, a1rmru·1! to The Editors, . �m e address correspon d Eth1op1an Law, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa� Ethiopia. XI


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FACULTY OF LAW of Haile Law Sellassie I University, established in 1953, offers o[ ty Facul The to the LL.B degree leading a11d to a Diploma or Certificate in Law. law in s urse o �or furth:r inforn1atio11 contact tl1� Assista11t Dean, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie Box 1176, P.O. Acld1s Ababa. rsity, Unive 1

FACULTY 1969-1970 Cliff F. Thompson, Dean, A. B., J..,L.B., M.A. Abiyu Geleta, LL.B. Frank Ballance, B.A., LL.B. Berhane Ghebray, Dr. en Droit Jacques Bureau, Lie. en Droit William H. Ewing, A.B., LL.B. Fasil Nahum, LL.B. George Krzeczunowicz, B.A., LL.M., Lie. Sc. Comm., Lie. Sc. Polit. Jolin :tvlessi11g, A.B., LL.B. Peter Mutharika, LL.B., LL.M. Katherine O'Donovan, B.C.L., LL.M. Don Parris, B.A., J.D. Zygmunt Plater, A,B., LL.B. PaLLI Ponjaert, Dr. en Droit, M.C.L. Semereab Michael, LL. B. Ronald Sklar, B.S., LL.B., LL.M. Jacques Vanderlinden, Dr. en Droit, Agrege Ens. Sup. Thierry Verhelst, Dr. en Droit, M.C.L. Worku Tafara, LL.B. Yohannes Heroui, LL.B., LL.M.

PART-TIME FACULTY Abebe Guangoul, LL.B. Assefa Liban, B.A., B.C.L. Belatcbew Jemaneh, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Berhanu Bayih, LL.B. Bilillign Mandefro, LL.B. Fassil Abebe. Habtemariam Assefa, Dr. en Droit Kassa Beyene, LL.B.· Kessete Haile, LL.B. Mohammed, B.A., B.C.L. Negga Tessema, B.A., B.C.L. Se�amu Bekele, LL.B. Shibru Seifu, LL.B. Wondimu Kassa. xv

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iPatrons of the Journal of Ethiopian Law ............................... . Table of Cases Reported Case Reports

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Articles: Introduction to HSIU-Northwestern University Research Project by Quintin Johnstone

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Divorce in Urban Ethiopia Te11 Years after the Civil Code by

JTohn j

H. Beckstrom

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Peopl e, Practice, Attit11des and Problems in the Lower Co1irts of Ethiopia, by Thomas Geraghty

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · • · . · . . . . .... ••




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TABLE OF CASES REPORTED Supreme Imperial Court

Yeshowalul Hailemariam v. Abebe I-Iaile (Civil Appeal No. 608-59) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tefera Workalemal1u v. Tir11work Negasb (Civil Appeal Nos. 12762-59, 36-60) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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PRINTERS OF VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS, 1'r1AGAZINES i'ft<j:� h.:J,OIJ.91� I h'J iiA "1'i ..�11 AND BOOKS. ,,,-.C I 'h1JtV•9° 11.ll..c» n.1A.'SJ/\vT · l\fANlJFACTURERS OF fOl/,.lf� h_:,llqo";f,r; ,f'(ft "l&,?J1-a (lifj EXERCISE BOOKS T9° hH.?'J;.9':f I J�N,'ELOPES STATIONERY A:NU LABELS. f"f..A :Pei· ni:e, 1t<t1 °1'i nqo 1,YPE. COMPOSITION: ���TIO'l°��T'i0���7�TI BY I -IAND, 01{ BY MONOTYPE, G:.ftt,1'1 61 °' f "tfl,;Pa 1 MONOPHO ,-ro, LINOTYPE .ilND PHOTO LETTERING. hT9° I I fl/...�fl,:, JJl{ESSES : LETTERPRESS A.ND fl {!1;.f--6 "'/-f.. °tf OD ti.Cj?J"f.. f O'J. fl OFFSET INCLUDING ROT ARY MACHINES. 'i� 12 OD�




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THE FETHA NAGAST, LAW OF TI-IE KINGS translatecl by Aba Pauloi,s Tsadua and editecl by P. St1·c1uss


(in Englis/1), by R. David,




a Se 7 �v. , La pia hio Et of l 11a ur Jo the of n We itio ed il ma ve air ha d w _ inaugurate a ne _ . sh�p ment often takes as long as six months, so many SL� bscri bers n1_ ay prefer this _ _ edit�� n which will reach yo11 within one month of_ pt1bl1ca_t1011. You simply pay the addition al postage by sending twice the regular price per 1ssue.

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The following reports are cases decided by the Supreme Imperial and tl1e High Courts of Ethiopia. 1·11e Amharic jt1dgment is otficial a11d always precedes the Eng­ lish. The Journal of Ethiopian Law is a scholarly pt1blication, addressing itself to all member s of the profession. Its pt1rpose in pt1blisbing judgments is to make kn_own to_ the profession interesting decisio11s ,vhich in the opinion of the Boa rd �nd _Editors raise importa11t issues of la\v. In selecting a particular judgment for publication, t�e Board and Editors do not wish to convey the impression that the Jti?gment 18 definitive on any proposio11 for which it may stand altho_u�h the qualit;y of the the. decision is always an in1porta11t consideration in determ1111ng whether it sh�uld be_ included in the Jot1rnal. When, in the opinion of a Board Member or an Editor, d a Judgment is of che rea tlt reSl tl1e but law of e issu ant ort imp an es rais t interes and 0� the case e 11ot a the n, sio clu con co le tab por r sup y is onl t tl1e not clearly u ?Y 18 ?ften incl interpreted L1ded. The absence of suc h a note is not however to ?e . as indicating 1� expected it as se, c the in ed rais � es issu _ complete finality on the . on the tha t members s on ini op ng eri diff ld ho y ma els lev all of the profession on _ meri ts of any ju dgment published herein. The Members of the Board and The Editors.








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- 234 -


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. · : fv--ll"f:9° :,. 'i = f1t .c.· q:,.. : :, fh k'l i'tl\ h;J{l;r : f,t-1-Y•;t- : f"?ti,e. -, : t)?, : == · 'lro = ..et11 · .. :fm : :,.. .. 'l:J l\ hn it : 'f : f Al! u-1: v--tt-9° : �(& 1 A l\ = , 1 = J;. 1, i'l:,.. (t = tt · . ro :f ;1, v-0 t. = ,;1 rtil. H. u = ",... = 11orz.�c(lID" = f Al : Ul/�1.f : :,..A+� : 1l l\'i'A :: - 235 iSt

SUPREI\-1E IMPERIAL COURT Addis Ababa, Div. No. 1


Afe11egus Kitaw Yitateku Kegnazmatcl1 Mulat Beyene Nagadras Alemu Taye YESI-IOWALUL HAILE MARIAM v. DEBEBE HAILE Civil Appe al No. 660/59

Family /aw-Divorce-Family arbitrators-Failure of family arbitrators to rencler a decision-Divorce for ,ion-serious causes-Date for decision-EqualitJ' of spo11ses before the la1,v-Failure of party at fault to object to penalry inzposec/-Civil Code .4rts. 664, 668-71, 674, 678, 691-94, 737. An appeal from the decision of the High Court holding that divorce cannot be declared for nonser1ous causes. Held: Decisio11 reversed. 1. Divorce may be declared ':for non-serious causes. 2. Neither the court nor the fan1ily arbitrators ca11 decide on a request for divorce for non­ serious causes before tl1e lapse of a year following sucl1 request. 3. The fa111ily arbitrators mt1st determine the spouse at fault, or the spot1se whose refusal of reconciliation precipitates the divorce. 4•. The spouse who is responsible for the divorce due to non-serious causes should be liable to the penalty prescribed by la\v. Eds. Note: AI1 article presenting another vie\v of th.e isst1es disct1ssed in this case appears in this issue; see Becl{strorn, "Divorce in Urban Ethiopia Ten years After the Civil Code".

This is a case of divorce. Tl1e appellant but the l1usband r efused.


her husbar1d to divorce her,

Tl1e wife left her l1usba11d's l1 011se and went to fathe r's l1ouse with the i11tent of divorcing her husband. 0� Co�rt igh I IWhile livi11g with her father, th e wife filed a petition in the N�vember 10, 1?64. !n the p�titio11, she stated that, '' since my husba11d cororo1tte� d l _ r atte h serious fault wl11cl1 , 1f stated 1n detail wotild affect our childre11 t he 1n s ?.tion be considered by f�mily arbitrators to whom I shall explain ti1e cause. I peti that an order for divorce be gi ven.'' coup �; The husband submitted: ''We have b een li te i leg it �� ving toge ther as a f�r ov er twenty year s; we hav e se ven children '' He xpressed his op pos ition to t e e nc di:orce �d mo v e d that the c ase rda o acc be r o rs in t eferre d to family arb itra . with Art1cles 664, 666, 674 of tl 1e Civil Code. . The case w·as refierred t o the c law tl1e J.ailll·1Y arbitrator s in accor dance WI'th - 236-


co nt sta i11 yi ue ng at her fa ther's house and d The wife · the 1ram1-1Y arbitrators • . · cons1'd er1ng the ca�e. The f am·11 y arbit rators tried, for seven months,, to solv . started e th fa ey e il d. bu t A s a em , re su lt, the case came back to the court. the . probl Whil e the case w as before the High Cot1rt, th e wife insisted that divorce b e ordered. She alleged that her ht1sband committ ed adultery with a number of women, cllilclren, that he insulted. both her and her father and illegitimate begot he t tlia er i11 pt1blic . h bea t he t tha .No evide_nce was give� in support of tl1e yommission of adultery by the hus­ band. The \V1tnesses subnutted tl1at they must not testify on such a 1uatter which is criminal in nature, a?d. they did not t e stify. Anotl1er group of witness es called to testify on the comm1ss1on of adultery by tl1e husband with a certain woman testified that they had no knowledge of the said adultery. The wife, however, con­ tended that she clea:lY kn_e w that l1er l1usband committed adultery and that she would not be reco11c1led with h er husband. She stood by her petitio11 for divorce. The majority of the High Court d e cid ed that marriage should not be dissolved on the ground that the existence of a s erious caus e for divorce was not established. The dissenting judge of the High Court gave the followi ng opi nion : (1) the wife stayed away from her husband's house for a period of two years duri ng \\1hich time she was involved in a dispute concerning divorce . In their briefs, the spouses i nclud­ ed many obscene words directed against each other - this \Vould create a serious grudge bet,veen them. (2) In a lett er which the husband sent to his father-i n-law on August 19, 1965, he wrote very obscen e words directed agai nst the petitioner and her father. (3) The husband admitted that he beat his wife i n a market place. For the above reasons, an order for divorce must be given. This is an appeal by the wife against the majority opinion of the I-Iigh Col1rt. The husband submits that the decisio11 of the I-Iigh Court must be �med. We shall

now examine

the question of law.

The High Court said that divorce may not be order ed unless there is a seriolIS �ause; the dissenting judge, howe ver, said that an order for divorce m� y be given 10 the absence of any s erious cause provided that the spouses cannot live toge ther. Before we examin e the position of our Civil Code of 1960 on this P? int, we shall analyse the position of our pr e-Code law with regard to such a question. A section of the Fetha Nagast dealing with marriage provides: ''The pharisees also came unto him, tempting h im, and saying u nto him, is it l�wful for a man to , put away his wife for e very cause? And he answered and said u11to them, have you not read that he which n1ade them at the be ginni ng made them male a11d female, and said, for tl1is cause sl1all a man l eave his father and mother, a11d shall clea�e to his wife: and they twain shall be on e fle sh? Therefore, they are no more twam, but one flesh. What there fore Go d bath joined together l�t not ��n put �under.' They say unto him, 'why did 1''1oses t11en command to give a wr1t1ng of divorcement and to put l1er away ?' He saith unto them, 'Moses because of �h e _ h�rdness of yot1r he m t�e begm­ fr but s: e wiv r you � y awa put to you arts suffered e, exce pt wif g 1s a aw t pu it ll ba r � e e s v wa oso wh u, � n yo ot so. And I say unto � � be for fornication, and shall marry another comm.Itteth adultery. - 237 -


on u1J tl1.e ly 011 th dea e nat mi ter of one t o n s . doe . age · 1 rr ma o . f Therefore, . • t . he h e r1ag f mar ave o e com t1on 11na tern into existenee· • spouses; var1·ous causes for. the . coun.t ry a1;1 ts er y t e t. hat has legis ia . b . If . y er lt u ad ts s . se u ca in 1a n e th ti o ne of on' , 1es 1n are 11tr cou er oth the 1n country in ques.. .· g d'1vor ce ,causes for divorce prohib'1t1n . . ,. ' b · ce d ng or 1;,,1 ut 1v d or 1o 1 It \V ered. ly te ra pa se g in liv r fo es us ca tion, made In our country spouses could either live t?getber �r have tl1e m�rriage dissolved by div orce. Livitlg separately for a long period of t1n1e or fore ver 1s not acce ptable in our c ountry. Although, j 11 the past, relatives. and friends acting as . arbitrators reconciled sp ouses wh o were in good tern1s \VIth each ot!1e� by _orde.r1ng the party at fault ab?l1sh1ng d1�orce completely was found to give c on1pensation to the innocent �arty, t o be impossible; the relatives and friends act111g as arbitrat ors ordered divorce in such cases. Eve11 wl1ere the case was taken to cou.rt, the c o11rt referred it to the arbitrators· but the c ourt did not give an order for div orce. T•his shows the operation of th� pre-Code law. The CiYil Code of 1960

According t o Article 663 of the Ci vil Code, n1arriage terminates (1) by the death of the spouses, (2) \Vhere tl1e court orders its dissolution as a sanction of one of the c onditi ons of marriage (wl1ere Articles 607,609,611,614,619 apply)and(3) by divorce. Our age old c11st omary law was enacted in the Civil Code of 1960 and pro­ vides that tl1e spo11ses go to tl1e fan1ily arbitra.tors whenever a11y disagreement arises between tben1 and that the family arbitrators try to reconcile them instead of giving an order for divorce imn1ediately. Although the Civil Code of 1960 does not introduce a new rule prohibiting divorc e con1pletely, it provides, for the control of divorce, rules which ,,,e shall analyse bel ow. Where one of tl1e spouses makes a petition for divorce for ca11ses vvl1ich are not seri ous, neither the family arbitrators nor tl1e judges may, before tl1e expiry of o ne year from tl1e tin1e when the petitio11 for div orce is n1ade, n1ake an order · for divorce (see Articles 668, 678). rise �� 1g givi1 o ccordi�g t the C�vil fault Code, the the spouse o whom t . � . t�e d�vorce 1s Imp�table !s subject t o pecu11iary pe11 aJty. The code do_es not �ut �ut rise. either the family arbitrators or the court to give an order for divorce with y. part at th on finding the party at fault and imposjng t11 e appropriate pe11alty . The a?ov� mentioned two condi_tions �1:e desig11ed to co11trol divor c� . W� _ ��� ; t said t�at, 111 the present case,the wife pet1t1o ns for divorce by alleg1 ng th e exis of seri ous causes a11d causes whi cl1 ar e not serious. s use ca cc o rdi�g ous to Articl es 669 to 67 I of the Civil Code one of the seri � for di vorce 1s the commission of adulte · ry by one of the spouses. was t As we h ave stated earlier, the co mm e d the respon no t11e n iss io by ad ult of ery ot proved. We ca � ot h o . ld th at . th e responde11t c o niroitted adultery merelY n �as1_ s of the allegation of the appellant. - 238 -





) of the Civil Co de provides ''Any other ground 0f d.iv . A rticle 671(1 o · ' rc e invoked ll ties sha par n o t e , th co n stitute a serious cause o · f divorce , ser • o s by one of fiv e caus es w�ich are provided under Artic th e on ly ;. } are s use les 66 9�6 71 ca • 1s e s s cau are not er s eriou s . mea ns that ot h Article 673 of the Civil Code do es. not s pecify what the said other causes are; h owever, where ther� exi·s t _ onIy non-serious causes of divorce and one of the spouses it� l1e. otl1e.� s_pouse, an ?rder for divorce must refuses to . be r�;�nc( �led be given ) � 7� an s 1n ce it is no t possible to prevent es l e Arti r the divorce. unde The questi?n o.f divorce is not a s imple matter that may be dispo sed of in mu be st divo rce ordered, the law requires that the party at fault be e Whe r aste. h punished. With �espect to__the said otl1er causes of divorce Article 678 (1) of the Civil Code pr ovides, ''_Fa1l1ng �gr�ement between the parties, the family arbitrato rs sl1all pronounce the d1vo�ce w1tb111 one year fro_m the JJetition for divorce h aving been made to them." T h is st1ggests that the fan11ly arbitrato rs give decision not immedi­ ately after the receipt of the petition for divorce; t h is is to enable the family ar bitrators to attempt for a period of one year to reconcile tl1e spouses; if it is not possible to reconcile tl1em, the family arbitrators must give decision upon the ( expiry of the said period of one year see Articles 673 and 678). *

f '





Prior to the coming into force of the Civil Code, reconciliation of spo uses who were not in good terms wit_h each other wa s practised by family arbitrat ors on a very wide scale. But our pre-Code law did not provide that the family arbitrators give an order of divorce within one year from the petition o f divorce h aving been made.



The Civil Code specifies tl1e seriot1s causes of divorce, but it does not specify causes ,vhich are not s eriot1s. This is to make the concerned sp o 11se reveal the causes of the disagreement to the family arbitrato rs so that the spo uses ,vill be reconciled and tl1e party at fault will compensate the other party.



� .


E,1 en where it is not poss ible to reconcile the sp ous es, the family arbitrators do n ot have any power to give tl1e necessary decision.


,, ·'"" •






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The family arbitrators may not dispose of the case merely by stating that they have tried to reconcile th e spouses, t h at they have not succeeded and that they have given an order for divorce as a result. The decision of th e family arbitrator s must specify the spouse at fault or,_ �h�re t h_ere are no serious caus es for divorce, the spouse whose refusal of reconc1l1ation with the other spouse brought about the divorce. . . Where a marriage is dissolved for a serious cause, the spouse to whom fault 16 impu table must be fined by the family arbitrators by virtue of Article 693 of the Civil Code. Article 693 refer s u s to Article 69 1 an d 692. The penalty to be imposed on !h e le tic Ar · 2 69 le tic Ar rty r de un ly lar at cu rti pa � ault is provided under these articles, �; 2 provides a s follows: 1 · ''The family arbitrators m ay award to one of the spouses a greater portion or even the whole of the common property."



Eds. Not·• Cf . Art·ICIe.

- 239 s


s use op spo erty beI011gi pr the of e on to ard a,v ng to the o als y ma 2. ''They ty does no t represent more per JJro h suc of tie val e th · .ded Ovl ,, th an otber spouse, pr . n o rs e p er th o ch su f o e at one third o f the est a s mit com ot1s wl10 seri us� spo fault that results a ch whi er und la�' e th is This . r e pe Tl1 pro em d. orc he enf nis pu 1s ent of this Ja,v e ag rri ma e th of on uti in the dissel ensures the protection of n1a.rriage. Ar ticle 694 which applies to cases of divorc e for causes which ar e not serious provides: I. ''Where divorce is not ordered for a serious ca use, tl1e penalties mentioned in the preceeding articles shall apply to the spouse \vbo ha s made the petition for divorc e.'' 2. ''They may not be appli ed to the other spouse.'' A spo11se requesting divorce for cause s that are not ser1ous must, under the law, be punished." I. ''The family arbitrators shall as a rule b e bound to apply the penalty n1en­ tioned in the preceeding articles.

2. ''Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-a rticl e (1) they l1ave a discretionary power ,vl1etl1 er to apply them or 11ot as well as for establisl1ing in \1/hich measure to apply them.'' 3. ''In making their decision, they shall have regard to al.I the circumstances of the case and. i11 particular to the importance a11d the gravity of the faults by reason of which the divorc e has been ordered and the more or less morally repre11er1 sible nature of the petition for divorce." After providing, u11der Article 679, t hat tl1e family arbitrators decide the ques­ tion of tl1e n1ai11t e11ance and custody of the children, the code furtl1er provides, under Articl e 68 I, that tl1e family arbitrators have regard to the interest of tbe children born of the n1arriage in giving a decision on sucl1 a qt1estion.

In d eciding the pr ese11t case, w e mt1st follow the above stated provis ions;. 10 partic11lar we must consider the custody and n1aintenance as well as the education of the seven children born of the marriage. W e have sa id tl1at the existenc e of a seriot1s cause for divorce was not esta· ?lisbed; one of the otl1er ca11ses alleged by tJ1e appellant is tlJat tl1e respondent insulted l1er and her fath er. In a l ett er whicl1 J1e se1.1t to tlJ e appella11t's father oil Augi1st 19, 1964 respo11d ent stated tha.t his \vife i 11st1lted hin1 duri11g a telephone . . ed 1n · · Tl e 1e tt er also caI.I which he r eceiv Harar from h er wl1e11 she \Vas 1n Addis. J d an stated, ''you k11ow that your act of treating your two cl1ildre11 (yo11r daug hte r I) unequally to t he d etrim ent of n1y cl1ildre11 and myself n1otivated l1er to act as she did; even if I do not have a f a ther as feared as yo11 are is it prop r e , e �� ar your part to all�w h er to call an d insult me by you t pre se t elepl1one ? At � d • a a �ta �e of n1o�rn1ng; I h:ard you saying that ur in r e bel fi m iev you O r are L a th1s is a period of fasting preceeding tlJ l e f east of the Assumption, _as suc l ,[ay, sllould have not allowed h er to i11sult m e in p a rti cu lar du ri1.1g tl1is period; an%u to �he n1at ter must be considered wbe11 you co m e back• u11til tl1e11 I beg Y instruc t her not to repeat such a ' disgracefu l act." •


- 240-

I l


must understand that our custom has go we . po int . th is od At hi l o so p P 1c h a · 1 basis that · · ded in prov1 ev er y ers marriage there be chosen ''marriage fa , h � orefa ,, f thers ; our we re ch fa th os er en s by both parties. Any disagreement betwee age ar ri m " e n th . e Th ref to err ed tho be se ''fatl1ers'' · The matter would not be ta d wo ul s Use k en to spo father of �-he concerned spouse unl�ss th� problem was very serious an ura � nat d the ' fathers were unable to solve 1t. This was designed to prevent age arr i ''m pro­ the present one. the e lik s blem The intervention of the father in tl1e case at hand made the father a party to the conflict. From the above mentioned letter it can be seen that the respondent addressed witl1o ut due respect _a�d io�ulted the appellant. Although the r-i�-l aw fathe his respondent insulted the appellant by wr1t1ng, divorce may not be ordered 011 the mere ground that a ht1sband has addressed his wife in arrogant language. The father of the appellant may for the sake of maintaining the marriage for the benefit of the children born of the n1arriage, be perst1aded by mediators- to pardon his son-in-law. We feel tl1at the main cause of the conflict is jealousy, although no evidence ,vas produced in support of the cause of the appellant's jealousy. In responding to the allegation tl1at · the appellant was beaten in a market place, the respondent submits that he tried to beat the appellant because she in­ sulted him, but that he was prevented from doing so by some people. Even if she was beaten, that would not bar reconciliation and result in divorce. Furthermore, after the case was brought be.fore this court we ordered that the respondent send mediators to the appellant so that they would reconcile the spouses, but the arbitrators could not reconcile them. Two years have elapsed since the wife submitted a petition for divorce; during the said two years many arbitrators tried to reconcile them, but they failed.




By virtue of Article 694 of the Civil Code we hold that the penalty provided under Article 692 be imposed on the appellant who petitioned for divorce and that the marriage be dissolved.




-· ., ,•


\• ,,,, I


The dissolution of a marriage which has lasted for over twenty three years and of w.hich seve·n children were born is really depressing. It will adversely affect the upbringing of the children. We do not have any basis to say that the appellant is solely at fault. How­ ever, she should have abandoned the question of divorce for the sake o� her home and her children. It does not appear fai r to decide that she mu�t grve up her whole share of the common property for the maintenance of the children. The burden of bringing up the children falls both on the father and the mother; and all the children are presently with the father. the of are sh r he of r i th e � on e giv ef her nt ore, we bold that the appella c T . _ ommon property as a contribution to the cost of ma1nta1rung the children. May 16, 1967

''I .,




- 241 It

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- 242-




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I ' '



SUPREME IMPERIAL COURT Addis Ababa, Div. No. 1 Civil Appeals No. 1762/59 and 36/60 Justices:

Afe-Negus Kitaw Yitateku Ato Walde-Hana Gebre Kidan



Ato Tadesse Tekle Giorgis


TEFERA WORKALEMAHU v. TIRUWORK NEGASH Family La»1-Divorce-Mainte11ance Allowance-Civil Code Art. 817.


An appeal from the decision of the Hjgb Court ordering the husband to pay a maintenan•ce allowance.


Held: Decision reversed.

1. Spouses have the obligation to support their children. 2. Article 817 of the Civil Code bars the spouse who is owed a from claiming the same after the e,cpiry of the statutory period.

maintenance allowance

JUDGMENT Ato Tefera brought a suit against Woz. Tiruwork in the High Court allegjng that the latter had c onunitted bigan1y and failed to pay the price of a house.


On the o ther hand, W oz. Tiruwork n1ade a cou11terclaim demanding the payment �f maintenance allowance for their four cl1ildren. The High Court ordered Ato Te·fera to pay Woz. Tiruwork E $5040 as maintenance allo wance f or f· ive years and instructed him to refile his suit in a clear manner. Tbat a valid marriage existed bet ween the t w o parties was not clearly establish­ ed by Ato Tefera. They were separated a lo ng time ago and have each taken a new spouse. The first part of the action brought by Ato Tefera was therefore dismissed. Both parties admit that the fo ur children were born to them. It is obvious that both Ato Tefera and Woz. Tiruwork h::ive the responsibility of supporting these children. . Woz. Tiru\vor k contends that Ato Tefera deserted her some ten years ago leav1. g all_ the four children with her. She claims E $5040 which she says she spent on t�e chil ren during the period of five years. d Ato Tefera's reply to this is that he built two large houses 011 Woz. Tiruwork's work used f ro Ti� z. Wo t tha ds ten d con I-Ie i ntl ich mo wh ly. 0 $40 she ea ns E r m !��18 of one ce pri the o s and dem ey e h . re, n1 o F r he to l urt n. dre po cl1i sup t r the n housemfrom Wo z. Tiruwork. The latter denies this.

- 245 litk.


ed on cid up de by t no s the wa 1 icl 1 w] High CoUrt, ue iss n a. is s thi ce 11 si t Bt1 it . al can 11ot be discussed o:U appe 1ce 11a1 inte any ma d ime i cl;: allow�11ce from �r nev ork uw Tir oz. w t, In tlie pas At o ma e to t par tl1e rn her on k cl ate 1 pr pro inap i 11ow it fi id � \ 1 we . Tefera. Hence, V oz Tiruwork made the clain1 011ly w? en At o Tefera charged lier with bigamy and demaTided that s1,e pay him tl1e price of tl1e J1o�se..Moreover, the E $ 400 rent of the house, wl1ich Woz. Tiruwork earns monthly, 1s 111gl1 er tha1 1 the mo11thly inconle of Ato Tefera. A father js 11ot the only person obliged to bri11g UJJ his children. The motl1 er shares it equally. Four children \Vere born to the parties. Therefore, each party must support two of t11e childre11. We l1ave ascertained that Woz. Tiruwork has a higher income than Ato Tefera. Consequerrtly, we reject lier clairn that the latter pay tl1e n1aintenance allo,vance for all the chilclre11. Woz. Tiruwork has the responsibility of st1pporting two of the child.re11. The father can be l1eld respor1sible only for tl1e maintenance of the other two. Now that we have concluded that botl1 the parties share the responsibility of supporting the cl1ildren, is it proper on tl1e part of Woz. Tiruwork to demand E $ 5040 as a maintenance allowance for the cl1ildren for a period covering five ye ars? J t seen1s to 11s tl1at suc]1 a demand causes serious problems in the family.Fur­ thermore, Article 817 of the Civil Code forecloses the rights of \Voz. Tiruwork in the follo\ving words: ''All arrears \Vbich have 11 ot been received or claimed ,vithin . 1ontl1s from their falli11g due shall cease to be d11e t1nless the creditor proves three n that sucl1 arrears were 1 1ecessary for his subsistence." Since sl1e earn.ed E $ 400 every month and did not need it, she did not in the last te11 years claim any rnaintaince allowa11ce from Ato Tefera. The time limit fixed i11 tl1e above provision bars Woz. Tiru\\1ork from instituting an action to collect arrears after ten years. It bas been ascertair1ed that Woz. Tiruwork sends the cluldre11 to a good school i11 Addis Ababa. On tl1e other l1and, Ato Tefera lives in a small 'lillage \Vhere there are no scl1ools. In passing judgment, tl1 e court has to consider the interest of the children. It seems to the court that the interest of the childre11 \vould be better looked after if they lived. witl1 their mother. In the fu�ure, ho\vever, Ato Tefera shall pay \Voz. Tiruwork a third of the total produce of his land, as of the day the suit \Vas brought against him. For all the above reasons, we hereby quash the fligh Court jt1dgment aad order that Ato Tefera pay Woz. Tir11work a third of his income every montll. November 9, 1968

- 246-







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INTRODUCTION llaile Sellassie I University-Northwestern University Research Project Articl es by John H. Beckstrom, Thomas Geraghty, and Lynn G. Morehous by Quintin Johnstone* .

Law a�d legal institutio?s are not ends in themselves but mea.ns to the bette r ord�r1ng of h�ma� �airs. T11e test of the value of a law is its impact on the society to whtch it 1s meant to apply. If that impact is beneficial, the law is of value; if the law bas no effect or an adverse effect, it is meaningless or worse and may need to be repealed or its administration drastically altered. The same law can be enacted in two countries and have very different con­ sequences in each. Merely because the language is identical gives no assurance of identical results.. Impact of a law is dependent on a host of cultural factors that can vary greatly from one society to another. Anyone familiar with such fields as comparative constitutional law or the history of received codes should be well aware of this fact. Although different persons may have different standards as to what is good or bad and this may lead to different conclusions as to a law's merits, an ess­ ential prerequisite to adequate evaluation of a law is knowledge as to its impact. It makes little sense to apply moral standards unless one knows what he is app­ lying them to. A law's impact can be guessed at and those high�y familiar with the society, ·especially if working in fields touched by the law in question, can often guesses that have considerable validity. But the more �ystematic and con1prebensive the impact study, the niore accurate the evaluation. Also the more objective the investigators, the better. Too often, in both developed a_nd developing countries, hunch and intuition by· biased individuals are th� sole sources of reliance in eva• luation of a law's impact. Similar to the study of a l_a w's impact is the study of some sygment of a society devoid of applicable law to determine if a law shot1ld be ena� ted. Facts are analyzed to ascertain needs and ._then estimates made as to what various possible laws might ach.ieve in filling. these ·needs. Impact studi�s . of pros� ective laws, howev er, usually lead to more tenuous. conclusions than stmJ.lar studies . of actua ! laws, as in the prospective kin d - of investigation there are more. hypothetical as distinct from existing relationships to be analyzed. But even studies of: actual laws are often accompanied by much. of. this �enuousness, for they commonly· include _i cons deration. of the desirability_ and probable . effect� of proposed amendm�nts or rep eal. _·, What does all this abstract talk ·have· to do -with the three st�dies that these commen ts of mine are supposed to ( introduce? · Simply this: Profe·ssor BeckStr0ni · •

e I ssi lla Se ail H , aw .L of or es� qf Pr d · an n f e� Y�le University;. ..ror�e' rly·· :p •. ' ,.

* Professor of Law '

· University.


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L. Vf - No. 2 O V W LA N A PI IO ETH F O L A N JOUR t e so m e �mporta11t Ethiopia 11 laws _an a_ u al_ ev �o ed tri e v ha d leg al and his associates n._y Iega: -�cholarsh1p p e � m� l1k Un t. pa im 1r tl1e g 111 ?y stu y l ve cti e j ob by s roj cts � institution te �t or its 1 nterpretat1on by co ory tut sta a th wi d e pp sto t no urts or theirs have . l aws and legal insti h?w ne rn11 dete to ht so11g e hav t bu tutions commentators, actually work. This, r subn1it, is not only 1nore d ifficult but muc h more impor tant 1e y hav e come ot11" of tI1e 11 1onastic Tl t. tex a g 11 i oss l g or ng rizi 1ma n su other­ than l d of pre se11 t day .Etl1 iopia. r \vo l rea tl1e into ics dem aca of eat retr \Vordly The have d ealt with the legal process at its applie d level, the l evel that counts, t� ultimate te sti1 1g grot1nd of merit. Before Professor Beckstrom came t o E thiopia I had bee11_ told by some of n1y expatriate colleagt1e s that for n1an� decades _legal scl1?larsh1p of the lcind he proposed oould not be don e effectively rn. deve lop111g countries. _Legal schola rs didn't know l1 ow; expatriates, even if tl1ey co11 ld learn tl1e metl1ods, did not know enough about the socie tie s and were unfa1 niliar with tl1e l ocal lai1guages; there were no foundation studie s on which to builcl; no one wot1 l d :fi11 ance tl1 e studies; i11formants would not talk; and results would not be published. Wot1 ld it 11 ot be better, they said , to peruse a11otl1er text ar1d prepare a11 other gloss? I submit that tl1ose who worke d on tl1 e studies reported 11.ere, the three principal a11thors and the thirty or so Ethiopian la\v students wl1 0 did 1nost of tl1e fiel d \Vork, l1,1ve proven these do11bters wrong. The in1pact of importa11 t la\VS a11d le gal i11stit11tio11 s l1 as been studied, in1portar1t issues l1ave be e11 inquired into, a great deal of data has been assembled, knowled geable Ethiopians have cooperated and the studies are bei11g p11blished. It is 11 0 surprise that these studies were d one at Hail e Sellassie I University. It quickly was apparent to 111e upon my arrival in Et hiopia that tl1 e spirit of inde pendent a11 d productive i11qt1iry \Vas deeply ingrai11 ed in tl1e U 11iversity and tl1at ol)jective re se arcl1 on Ethiopia1 1 proble111s was ,l respo11sibility that the University i11c re asin gly was expe cted to assu1ne in the best tradition of universi­ ties all ove r the world . I hope these st11dies are tl 1e forer11nners of others of a similar 11 ature. I hope t oo that as Ethiopian s become better establisl1 ed as f ull-tin1e teac hers t he y wi.ll take over the direction of SL1 ch studies. Tl1e l1 igh level of perf orma11ce sl1 ow11 by the stud ents who assisted i11 tl1 e st t1dies i11dic::1tes that law­ trained Etl1 iopians have a particul ar aptit11 de for field-type i1 1qt1iry. As the social sc ience side of tl1e Unive rsity develops it nligl1t be 111 u tually ad vantageous for joir1 t impact stud y research pl a1 1s to be \\'Orked ot1t by tl1e La,v Faculty with departments in the social sciences and schools of admi11istr:1tion. Each group has something to l earn from the otl1ers and coope ratior1 slJ011ld accel�rate the systematic accumulation of kn owledge about .Ethiopia 11 ecessary if the Univ er­ sity is to fulfil l its re search obligations to tl1e natio11 J11tegra ted researcl1 progran1s also sl1oul d. en able better materials to be prepared .for ne\V arid expanded course �fferings about Ethiopian go_ve rn?1e11t and . soci;l control s so badly 11eeded in. t�� Law Fa��lt y and ?tl1 e� Un1:ve:s1 �y fac11lt ies as :v�II. Joint researcl1 efforts e�en fac 111tate genuine 1nterd1sc1pl1nar y cot1 rses m1 x1n g students and teaol1ers ���in .dtffer_ ei:i, t . parts of the University, in cl t1 ding law, n d maki11g me a11ingful th e d:­ a . a �e:d1sc1pl1n ary proposal s that currentl y are such y ersit Uni v op t amo ng d a fa 1n1 strators . . t ' i . JS . s R_esearch is_ expensive ces suc and although mo ne y is n o guarantee of the e ssent1?1 t o maJor r�search to d eb_ t e efforts. Haile Sellassie I Unive rsity is ind Council for. Intersoc1etal Stud ies at N orthwester U11ive rsity, a1 1d part 1oul rl to n a �ssor ro ss or Richard D. Sch artz, its Director, for f11nding these studies by p�o: \vill : � � . . ec strom _ . _an d. hi s associates. We can bu t l1 ope that ot her funding bod1 } ture. provide as sist ance for similar HSIU u the in s oje Law Faculty researcl1 p r ct

- 252-


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- 253 -



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- 254-


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- 255 -

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- 258 -




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- 259 -



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- 280 ·�

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- 281 -

. Oh,�.. il : i',nll : f°t1.,.. : '111:." : filA� : ll9°,;t-: l}O!It,,-)-.: ;,,,1m-1:1-.: (>, ., t\ O : VUD .eu11- : Ylt•O : filtt:1, : ·fl"tD' {l h I· ! 1:f,:no : ,,fl\(D•'} ! 01-tu : ,.�'�:: J �. I · ,,.'}: ,,(]AU: iafl"l ...ffi": t)'P1·q> :;: Ont;::..-f"t1: �l;<f: f·f•10D,t-m A ,. 0 0 : f : '' fdJAdJt\ : �1�:,.. : {ll\trcil..f--{l ,, . 1t p '"J,.Y....l'? : flUHJU'). I 1\1·1.u : "r"l'lC = 11.-111 = 0D<f10A = ml!,'!° = � m.f�, = ..-1•10 = �ipef.{\9° :: �1c = : 0 '?"t ;: on 1°1r :,. = = tf £W,: = ii ? '11 A� = Pn "fi� j fl n 1--Ps = fl 0·1 t1:t-l..:P : fl�:n- : cf?'f•C : ·11 tl•O : Cl.n� : i'tCt�aJ'J°� ::''





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' ·'

- 282-





Ii. Bec/{strorl'z:1:


The drafter of the Civil Code of the E11 11)ire of Etl1 jopia, Professor Rene 1 at l1e t�,ok to be a flexible scl1e1 :1e for l1 andli 1 1g 111arital disputes vvl drafted 1 , David . l1111tte a to a laclc _of precise a11.d tl1orottgI1 J<i1.owledge of He . ? cot1ntry � e 1 . in tI . . . custo11 1s regard111 g 11 1aritttl d1�p11 �es 111_ Etl1101)1a, a1.1 i11forn1atio11 I:ick sI 1ared by evet1 · tl1e n1ost . lear11 �� Etl1101)1a 11 s d11e to the diversity of practice a111 011g the 2 a11d rel1g1ot1s ical 1 geograpl grot1pi11gs i11 etl111.1c, the . 1 atiot 1 1 AltI1otir1I1 rious 01ultifa Professor David tl1011gl1t l1e had ide11tified a11 d codified the prevaili11g, or at le;st for resol,;i11g 111arital clisputes, l1e was \vary of rigidly a very co111 111011, procedt1re _ imposing any part 1c11lar scl1e111 e 011 tl1e country as a v1l1ole. As a consequet1 ce, the Code provisio11 s co11 tai11 111 ostly ''reco111me11 datio11 s'' a!1 d a fe,v 1na11datory requiren1e11ts, t11e n1ost 11otable of wl1icl1 is that disJJLttes arising fro111 a marriage should be st1bmitted to ''fa1nily arbitrators'', private citize11s selected by tl1e partjes, i11 the first i11stance r,ttl1er tl1 a11 tl1e co11rts.3 Witl1i11 tl1is fra11 1ework, the autl1 or of tl1e Cocle l1oped to see tl1e ''e,101 t1tion of Ethiopi.a11 society to ,L proper ap1J­ lication of tl1e Code." Professor Dav id recog11ized tl1 at it \Votilcl be diffict1lt to say when tl1 is evolt1tio11 vvot1ld occt1r and tl1 at it \Vot1ld probably occt1r i11 cliffere11 t places at different. ti1nes bec,1use of var.iatio11 s i11 the cotintry. 4 I-le n1igl1t have added tl1at it vvould probably occt1r i11 differe11t ways i11 differe11t places. This article is inte11ded IJrin1arily as a report 011 the ''evolutio11'' of Ethjopjan society regarding n1arital dispt1tes i11 the pri11cipal urba11 areas dt1rii1g the decade since the Code's enact111e11t. It will also ver1 ture observatio11 s 011 ct1rrent sociolo­ gical aspects of n1arital clisJ)t1tes in the n1etropolita11 areas. Three large cities, Addis Ababa, Asrnara and I-Iarar an d . tl1eir e11viro11s, 'Nere pri­ marily co11cer1trated t1po11 i11 tl1 js st11dy. 011e l1 t1ndred a11 d five i11diviclt1al 111ar­ rital dispt1tes were selected at random a11 d exan1i11ed, by i11 terviewing in respect to each a fa111ily arbitrator vvl10 l1ad participated in_ its \esolt1tio1�.. AJ�o thirty �dvocates \.'Vl1ose practices incltided considerable marital d1spt1te . litigation were e Interviewed. I11 additio11 sixty-fi,,e rece11t 111arital disp11te case files 111 tl1e Stiprem _ Imperial Cot1rt a11d I-lig}1 Co11rt were exami11ed. Finally, tall<s_ �ere 11� ld with a . of jt1dobes a11 ct social. workers to obtain their valuable 111s1gbts 1nto tl1ese questions. The article is divided into two parts. The first will make so1ne atl1er bro d . � _ � sociological observations as backgro11ncl for the seco11 d part, wl1icl1 will deal with * Profe ssor of ject. I�av,, Northwestern University, Director of tl1e Research Pro l. R. David, Le 1io1Jien 1967, p. 6· Et1 il Civ de Co le s dan ille Fam oit de la Dr

2. Id., p. 3_

3- Civ. C •, Arts. 725, 731. . 4 · R · D av1· ct , cited above at note 1, p. 6.

- 283 -


the mecllanics of family dispute resolt1tion together with its legal and soci ological implications.

PART I. Marital Disputes in the Cities l\1igration, Marriage and Trouble One thing that the sociological treatises, travel?gi.1es ar1d the like dealing ,vith are lightly taken in the 11ation and tl1at the �1vo_rce rate 1s high. A.nother thing they have in common is the lack of any sc1ent1fi.c data to make such statements meaningf11l by a co1nparison with otl1er societies. There would seem to be little doubt, l1owever, tl1at even in rural Ethiopia where cohesive11ess i11 the family would be thou.ght to be il stronger force than in the cities, it is the minority of male and fe1nale 11nions that e11d i11 the death of one of the J)a.rties. The term ''marriage'' is avoided here because of the formal ceremonial tie that this connotes and the fact that the variety of types of Ethiopian male and female unions shade off into some quite i11formal arrangements. 6 Where the term ''divorce'' is used in this article it will refer, unless other,vise indicated, to a forn1al separation of a union farmed by a f orn1al ceremonial tie.


If marital dissolution has in the been comn1on in rural Ethiopia, the growth of cities l1as added to its incidence. Young men and won1en lured to the cities by tl1e promise of opportunity have often left behind families whose existence is eventually put out of mind.7 Upon arrival in tl1e urban n1elting pot the young 1nigrant is n1ucl1 more likely than he was in his village to establish a liaison witl1 someone of a different ethnic, religious or economic backgrou11d. This opportt1nity for diverse unions is avail�ble also to tb.e young wl10 are born and raised in the urban environment. Sucl1 n11xed liaisons, oi1e can hypothesize, have less cl1a11ce of long-lasting success than the more homogeneous variety. 5 · �.g. _, Andargachew Tes faye, "The Problem of Prostitution", U11iversity College Alun,ni Asso· , Lulller E. c1at�on_ Bulletin, vol. 1 (1967), p. 30; \V. Shac.k, The Gurage 1966, pp. 80-90; , ar) nipor Eth,op1.a Today 1958, p. 37; 1-iartlmaier, Golderz Lio,z 1956, P. 37; 1'albot, Conte Ethiopia 1952, p.47. 6 . "T�11e • B e Dc1noz'' arrange111ent w hereby a wo1nan i s hired for a salary on a montl1 to-monih - the _ title u11der basis to be a housek.eeper a11d wife is given lin1-ited legal ... ack110\vledgn1e11t ''Irregular Union" in the Civil Code (Cl1ap.8). 7 · S� I{. Castel,_ S!,rvey 011. tl1e Neecls of Cl1 ildre1z irz Etl1iopic1 (1966, unpt1blis� 1e d,. Library, I�f e _ ll st1tu�e of Ethiopian Studies, Hail_ e Sellassie 1 t I Unive rsity) p. 34 and Un1vers ) Co egf.nc11' Ad�1s Ababa, The Mt1nicipality of Addis Ababa, and Th� Econo� jc Comn1ission for A Social Survey o( Addis Ababa (1960), p.27. JulY ld, Hera A female version of the rule of the cities \Vas summarized in Tlie Ethiopian first a<l 6,. 1969, p.3, col. 1 l _ , ''I. was b?rn in a rural community, got n1arried at 9 m�f the ry , child at 10, go� d1s1llus1o_ned '"'.1th marital life ... TlltIS begins the depressing_ sto urban f . of a skirt :-Vho bids ad10s to r � dys_sey home and 11eartl1 and heads for the glitt_e t�e Jatest !1fe in searcl1 of exc1te�ent and 'tl1e good life'. What she finds instead, as told in_ _c \vor ld t1 n1s i ue of a USIS An1bar1c quarterly called IDGET, rt oppo � k and iDIO sadis tic is a J1arsh � oo l c t at soon sl1�es her out of her illusions . ros cop1 mic . a . . gives (T)l1 e arti� le . an all-too-fan11l1ar way of lif e that is fast developing into a social probl em." ,







- 284 -



Whe n the ne w arrival to the city settles down with a rt er he. usu a�y finds mo re ide iso rab lat ly e d con s an d independant than fu� �ounterpart h·rnself in th e m fin it ay d e ex H hi la ra e. tin g ys id to be relatively free of the pre c01 untr ss . u · res and · 1 y r d f 1e an a:°1 n f; 1 · s f d in o h"is relations with· his partner. O opinions n the other e ar 1e 1 1o 11d r t f s e as e y to come by in the city atld he band, clos may find it e h. to a th v e m no t to turn to when he needs h elp or ad depressing . vic e du rin g 1n the iods r pe d. el1ol l1ous the stormy And few l1ousel1olds are _able . to avoid such stormy periods. s After th e initial days �f en�l1antm��t. with 111s partner l1ave passed, tI1e young man fitlds great te�1pta t1ons_ �n the t�J a11d tell_a bets'', the one-woman Etl1iopian bars that abound 1 n the c1t1es and d1spe11se drinks and other things at all I1ours. We have found in our san1ple tl1at n1ost m_arital disputes where the husband was thought to be at fault could be traced either through one of these establishments or to anothe r woman of more lasting acquaintance. 9



• <




But these same establisl11nents hav e a g reat lure for the female partner as well. Ma.ny young girls leave their men to set up shop after passing by one and noticing the pretty d resses and oth er amenities possessed by their sisters therein and finding themselves poor in comparison. 10




• <


Buffeted by thes e big city problems plus others common to spouses in country and city the ,vorld over , any given union is likely to one day produce a serious flare-u.p. When tl1is happens a common pattern is discernible. The woman leaves the hous e and usually goes to stay with friends or family. This ge11erally occurs regardless of wl10 might be thought to blame or who is most desirous of separation. It is the Ethiopian male's pride and prerogative to stay in the home and send or l et the woma11 go away. 11 This puts tl1e man at a great practical advantage, of course. Except for the little that the woman can stealthily pack on her back, all of the co11ple's p roperty remains under the man's control, so tl1at in any case, the next move is up to l1er.


8. Compare the situation in Zambia (tl1en Northern Rhodesia) in 1941 where it was said tbat "the instability of marriage is greater in town than in the country".. This was related ''to the lack of traditional restraints in town, tl1e idleness of the women mak1ng then1, all the more ready for sexual adventures' the disproportion of men and women and to tl1e nt1mber of inter-tribal marriages, Soutl1ali (ed.), Social CJzange in Modern Africa (1961), p. 32. 7 9. See also The Ethiopian He rald, June 4, 1969, p. 6, col. 3 _reporti_ng, an interview wit� Ato Belaye Telahun, Registrar of the Addis Ababa Courts: " 'It 1s a pity , he added, looking at the records of divorce cases of tl1e local courts, 'that both men and "Yomen �re to . blame for the breakdown of morals... By far tJ1e most common cause �f divorces 1s. negligence. Many of tl1e men did not care for their familes but went to t�verns 1nst�ad of going liome... It was common for tl1ese men to drink tl1eir salaries away w1tl1 unroa�ried women... W�n:en too are often to blame for failing marriages... When girls have boyfriends tl1ey start giv1Dg hell to their husbands' ". . ndarg achew bar 'fesfaye, cited above at note 5, p. 34. Tl1e autho� states tl1 at 95% of 3oo Id., IO '\ girls surveyed were divorced and most l1ad been .married and divorced mo�e tJ 1a� '?nee. at p. 30, see also B. eloprnent 111 E_tlu �p,a ( 1967, v De . 11ity n1nu Co1 a11d fare ial f,Vel Soc jee, tter 10 � ng uses p. 2�: "_(W)hen we Cha , lessen t]1e attraction for ever increasing nu�1bers of ba�j o/am : lit?, e e · tY Prost 1tu t1on (sic) we increase the chances for happy, l1arroonious and sta 11. Our sa . . e Habte mple bore this also been made by I-Ion Shaleka Bekel J1as Tl1e point out. •M·Ic11�el and aba io an Ab dis Ad our' t · . C 1 1 l fl'g 1e 1 t. of s Judge Hon. Ato Tadesse Gurm u, lnterview on May 15, 1969.

- 285 ►


s ng di ee of oc for the settlen1e t pr e11 rc pe ty 11e ni at th 1clicated 1 i Ottr s11r·vey nt of 12 n. ne Oi W by ma,rital disp11tes in 11rba11 Etlliopia a1·e beg1111 Reconciliation, Divorce "'.\nd Informal Separatior1 Altt1011g11 11 0 figures are av�i�ab_le, it see1ns q�ile lil<ely tl1,tt the 1najority of _ 1 811c11 proceedir1gs end in a _ reco11c1l1at1011 of : l1 e p,art1es. : I11 our sa 1n1)le, j 11 t�osc _ 4 , w s he � 11sually required cases v✓here the n1an ,�,as fo11nd to l1ave bec11 at fault, by t11e arlJitrntors to gi�le tl1e won1a11 a toke11 recompe11se of Je\\1elry or clothing. The average Iengtl1 of tl1 ose 111arriages ,.,,,here arbitrc1ted clisptttes ended in reco11ciliatiot1 \Vas fot111d to be tvv_eJ,,e a11d 011e-l1�lf years \Vhile tl1� t of tl1ose ending i11 a decree of separatio11 \\1as 11111e and 011e-tl11rcl years. Oi1e 1111gl1t conclude fiom tl1is tl1at tl1e lo11ger "1 couple is able to stay togetl1er, t]1 e better cl1ance they have of survivi11g tl1 e JJeriodic storn1s of n1arried life. I

A survey reporting 01 1 tl1e i11cidence of di\1orce i11 Etl1io1Jia is needed and bop­ eft1l]y will be t111dertakei1 in t11e 11ear ft1tt1re. 1 5 In tl1e atse11ce of co111prehensive statistics, it 111a,y 11ot l1c re111 iss to reJJort cc.111tiot1s1y tl1e collective OJ)i11ion of thirly divorce ad\1ocates, \\rl10 are perl1 t1ps .i11 as good a position as a11yone to estin1ate , ir1 tl1is 111atter. Tbeir ro ugh estir11ates of tl1e 1111111ber of forn1al 1narriages \vhich end in for1nal di,,orce i11 tl1 c t1rba 1 1 co1n1n1111ities \Vitl1 \\ l1icl1 tl1ey \\'ere familiai ,1vera,ged 011 t to approxi111�1tcly t\ve11ty-five perce11t. Tl1e u11relial)ility of s11ch estimates fro1n so111ev.1l1at i 1 1terested observers :is obviot1s JJarticularly i11 ligl1 t of an official religious policy frow11i11g upo11 divorce.16 In adclitio11, tl1ese eslin1ates, of course, inc1t1C:le second, il1ird or fot1rtl1 111arriages ,vl1erei11 preSl!111ably s0111e peOJJle i11evitably beco111e \-Ve,1ry a1-1d decide to settle dov.1n for tl1eir olcl �1ge. 1


F11rtl1ern1ore, a11d 111ost i111porta11t1y, 011e n1t1st l1 aste11 to adci tl1::it these inter­ vie\vees al1nost u 1 1iversally reSJ)011ded that ''many'' forn1ally 111arried couples simply


12. 2% \vere .in stituted by botl1 }Jartics. 13. As Otlr sampling \Vas randorn and to a great extent co11d11cted i11 courtyards \Vherc the n1ore serious disputes are liable to fi n d their \,vay no co n clusion cru1 be dravvn fron1 the brcakdo \\'11 of 65 divorces and 38 reconciliations in ot1� sarnpl�. 14. Thi s reJJrcsentecl 74/� of the 15. An interview :Vith Dr.. R. Giel. Associate Pr<)fessor of psychintric n1edicin e in the iviedical Faculty of f-Iaile Sellass1e l University in the Aclrlis Reporter, Jnnc 27, 1969, p. 14, re_vea!fi� a survey conducted ar nongst adults. ''Of those vvl10 were 1118rried or had bec 1: so ,n l ,: past, 50 percent had a l1islory of at least o11e divorce T,veJvc percent had been di vo rced t�e ,i ce" No i nfor n,a!ion could be obtai11ed as to ,vbcr� tllis survey \vas conducted or !!0\Y I�te san1ple was c�nst1lutcd. See also The Et(1iopian J{era ld, April 5, J 969, p. 2: c ol. 4: 0 1evcrY the rate . of divorce and n1utual separation has assu111ed alarn1in proportions. Out g obi· \vas t�n 1narr1ages contacted only tvvo are genuine" . .It te is not lcnovvi1 llO\\' this estin1a a1ned. t tha 62 , · · ,I Sio· i,,e y "of Aclc�ts S . ee So�ic · Aoabcz, cited above a t 11ote 7, ,vl1cre it is repor�ed 011. p. ache□e 111 Addis �baba tht;,,, lazgest 11un1ber of seJ)arated n f( ocl i foti 1s a11d divorced \.\ 0111e□ cl Lid· an Shola (s�ctio11), w11ere tl1e rate of their inci dence , nian n1arried ,v o is 0.86 eve ry to tterjee, la C e. � (section), \vhe�e tlie rate is 0.8. These are _B. also � opul· See the are two as." ricl 1est . _ 1 ci�ed ,lbove at 11ore 10, �· 20;. wl1ere tl1e averag e t L in al n1 f]le es .1 J1.,; n 1 11ber of divorced fe ' 0 atzon of 19 to\vns, not 1nclud1og Addis .J be to 1 Ab sl1o aba w1 an d wa · As s 1nara · ' " figure for 1-larar \Vas 8.6'.?�. 16. Talbot, cited above at note 5 , p. 47 .










-� 286



11eve r to ret1nite a11d more ofte11 t11 a1 , r1 11a lly inf o e ra t 1 110t Slibseq·ue iJtl y to t . pa e _a?v o�ates ve1?tur�d th t this hr e � s. 1 o1 u1 1i occ urs 111?re freq uently tl1 a11 fo ��her r�� �I � b1 tr at 1o a1 1ly n. 11 1 It a 1s lik el f y y tl1 at 1 nost stioh 111 1' . r.ornJa· l separ at'ions occtrr d.1vorce b · . ar b le to s ettl e qt 1est1ons of e a. es pa rt i e th property divisio11 and cllild ca re n whe ucl1 c se s t l 1ey hav e no. _11e ed � I11 . ow 11 r for �lie cotrnsel of otllers regarding . th ei on � these really p( a.ct1;,al_ pr obl�;11s 111volv�ci in separa.t1011. Tl1e tecl111ical qt1estio11 of whetl1�r tl1 ey are. dlvo��ed . or_ n_ot i n �l1e eyes of the la w is of l1ndersta11dably tl1e pa1 ties, If 1t IS co11s1dered at all. to terest 1 11 e l litt One advocate st1gges ted. tl1at s ucl1 in fo r111al separations were n1ore Iil<ely to occur in the lovver eco11 01111c stra.ta as pro1Jerty clivisio11 proble1ns were i i1clined to be less trot1bleson1e there. 011 tl1e otl1er l1a11d, a 11 u 111ber of cases were clisco­ vered \Vhere parties develop_ecl differe�1ces regarding tl1e division of a fairly s11bstantial a n1ot1nt of property a co11s1de rable t111 1e a fter separati11g or ''divorci,,g'' tl1emselves.11 When tl 1is happe11ed, tl1ey we re t1s u all:)1 told by a co11rt or fau1ily arbitrators tbat a forn1al di,,orce decree was a legal prerequisite to a division of property by a11 adjudicative body. 18



l l




Inforn1al separation has a ve ry practical adva11tage for parties ,vl10 are certain that they do not �1a11t to live togeth er at prese11t, bt1t who are \\1ise e11ough to realize the possibility that afte r livi11g apart for awl1ile, with or \vitho11t someone ne,v, they may fi11 d that tl1e old p artner was 11ot so bad after all . It was reported in our survey tl1at n1any p arties have tl1is in mi11d whe11 it1 forn1ally separati11g and get back togetl1er i11 tl 1is way, without the for1nal remarriage tl1at wot1ld be necessary had tl1ey bee11 legally divorced. 111 a society l ike Ethiopia that is not preoccupied \vith the social acceptability of its n1e1nhers based upon the legal niceties of tl1eir marital conditio11 , 19 informal separatio11 tl1t1s has distinct adva11tages over formal divorce . A11d tl 1e evi de nce is that it is very pop11lar in Ethiopian cities.













Religion and the Code Divorce of tl1e formal variety, at least, is . frowned upo11 by tl1e o:ffi� ial religion of the Empire, tl1e Ethiopian Ortl1odox Church, e xcept u11der rather ser1011s e11um­ erated circumstances. 20


( ;I '












!, I

l?. E.g., M intiwab Tezera v. Ye11ualashet Da111 tie, (I-ligh Ct. , Addis �baba, 1963, Civil Case N?· • se c t ). ln cour to 1ng con1 re befo s year 2 56. for ed t ublis ra (unp ties seJJa (JJar l1ed) 481�an � ha� tl lius e and 1 our sample from Harar, the parties l1ad been separa�ed _ 19 months married another won1an before tJ1e wife filed her pet1t1on. 18 · E· G •, Terunesh Tekle Berl1an v. Gebre WoIde M askaI , (H"gh Ct., Addis Ababa, 1963 Civil .1 Case No. 78-56 ) (unpublished) . 19· See R. Forbes, Fro,11 Reel Sea to Blue Nile (1925), P· 8 4. . 20· See . G MacCreagh, T/1e Last of Free Africa 1928, p. 334, aocl_ R. Forbes, c;:��1 a��v� et/�! note 19, pp. 78-79 where tl1e following causes for a Church d1vor , c lled � l . (2) Inability r e 11 s , are se t ffi n �� :;, t t : (I? 1-Iusband and _ wife agree to_ becon1 _1 ��: ou Nag� � tly cie su if of e�ther to d ba 0 cas in procreate cl11lclren; (3) Unfaithfulness, b_ut - � (S)-. For epilepsy contracted Pu 6 lie to cause scandal ·' ( ) A tt-"'111pt by one on life Of ot�tler' · 4 . 1s I eprosy or c t ra n b�ore f!1arr1. co er th Ei (6) . •t a • p , Y_ ,. 1er 1 ot age n by tbe e �ephantiasis; (7) anct previously u11k11ow to a long ter111 ot in11Jr1s0L · ent . (8) Either publicly is condemned }; se;m to present consi-, nd fal sely �c���es tl1e other of inficl�lity.. Tl e latter gro n1s � i­ go co � re l1 � rc 1u £l a r fo erable poss1b1hl1es for us �� �x · ai u 1 c in tt1e CJiur l ied marr n JJerso a Zed divo rce. V


- 287 -


The Cllurch has had very little eff�ct .on tl1e . inci_�enc� of div�rce, ho\v ever directly appl1es Churcl1 its divorce criteria Basically this is becatise tl1e on1 to couples 'w110 are married in the Church a11d not to me111bers v1l1o are e monies. 1\. nd, partly ce for civil or this customary in together reaso �, the �: s� . � _ . majority of men1bers �re not married_ 1n _tl1e Chu1ch. '!'l1e �011sequenc� of th1 s has be reported to be technical excommun1cat1on a11d de111al of comn1un1on,21 but ther en. e is evidence that these sanctions are often not applied today. 22


TI1ose not married in Church � r� not legally restrai11ed from divorcing if one go tl1rol1gl1 to the procedure outliiled in or botl1 really \Vant it a11d are w1lli11g the Civil Code a11d possibly �uffer property . l_os� consequences. 23 The Civil Code only requires that they submit to a reconc1l1at1on_ atte1np � by a �roup of family arbitrators, who, if tl1ey are unsuccessf11l, are obliged to 1ss11e a divorce decree.24 As far as the civil la\V is concerned, this ''easy'' divorce applies to religious mar­ riages as well. 25 It is interesting to note that, i11 our sample, tl1ere \Vere two Church 111arriages endi11g in formal divorce in Asn1ara, in 11either of which was there an allegation of a grounds acceptable to the Cl111rch. 26 In the process of tl1e enactment of the Civil Code it was left unclear whether Moslem fan1ily law questions, including divorce, were to be governed by the Code or left to the cot1rts and laws of that religion.27 Ir1 this survey, no attempt was rnade to stt1dy the :tvfoslem systen1 in ge11eral. Ho\vever, a Moslem court in Harar was discovered endorsing the use, by a Moslem co11ple, of virtually every detail of the divorce apparatus established by the Code.

21. M. Perham, The Government of Etl1iopia (1948), p. 116. 22. Interview with adn1inistrators of Trinity Catl1e dral, conducted by Jo11r11al editor, Septen1ber 1970. 23. Yesl10\va]ul Haile l'v1ariam v Debebe Haile (Sup. In1p. Ct., 1967, Civil App. No. 608-59) (pu­ blished in this isst1e of J. Eth. L.) Also, R. David (M. Kindred translation), "Sources of the Etl1iopian Civil Code", J.Et/1.L., vol. 4 (1967), p. 345. 24. Jbicl. 25. �evi v. �evi (Su�. Imp. Ct., 1�6�, Civil App. No. 1109-56) (unpublished) I1el�, . by in1pli caii�� . in affirming a I-l1gJ1 Court dec1s1on, tl1at family arbitrators are not to take int o a':c?unt ! . at�itudes of the parties' religion or 11ation of origin in deter111ini11g a divorce pel1ti _on. 11� � H1gl1 �our� _bad reverse� as "unreasonable'' (Civ. C. Art. 736) the 111ajori�y of f,uuil y ar trators dec1s1on of no divorce because the Catl1olic Cburcl1 did 11ot pern1it 1t. 26. See also Tirfe M�asl10 _v. Abrel1et Gl1ebrernesk.el (Stip. Jn,p. Ct., Asn1ara, 1967, C.ivil_ A��� y l�r�il a o. atfrrn1ed 149-59) (pub!Jshed rn recent issue of J.Eth. L., wl1ere the Court � bad orities auth b1trators' decree of divorce in spite of t11e fact that a conm,ittee of religious not found grounds for a divorce. he re t · · . \.vhe See aIso N. Marem · , T,'he Eth1op1a1z E111p1re, Fecleration arid Lal·\IS (1954), P· 16?-, . the n i 1ed autl�or_ alludes to pre-code divorces granted by tl,e IJigl1 Court to persons n1arr Eth1op1an Orthodox Cl1urch. · e Church · 10 th It_ has bee� reported th'3:t a number of young people J1ave begun to be 1!1arried frorn . ut taking c?mmun1on em th es \V1tho as pa�t of tl1e cereo1ony. Tl1ey argue t.l1at tl11s rel�as tervie�v J n .. . r s�me of tl1e strict Church marriage dogma - inclt1ding IJrohibitions o11 divo ce . is Add f 0 wifb Leoul Seged Bekele, Deputy Director of tl1e Censt1s and Social D eparttnent Ababa, on Marcl1 12, 1969. . . 51 ft rov1s101 . . 27. See R. David, cited a1:>�ve at note l, p. 6. whe r: d c uss� s dis at1th or e�ain diV· re tl1e . c never ena��ed m o the Civil Code regarding Mosle m s including an application ' orce proV1s1ons to them.

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------111111111111111 DIVORCE IN URBAN ETHIOPIA

Easy Divorce � The People's Attitudes

The drafter of the Civil Co de did not . merely codify what he understood to · th d e f o_ res il' in ? 1 v1n g a pre ma . . v rit al_ dis p11tes in Ethiopia. For reasons the . be � r i h eir t a as1 s 1� European ideals of Christian moralit ,2s ent ly_ par ap t tha h e term be ed might ''di vor ce hindra wha t nce devices''• 29 These d ev1_Yces w1.11 d dde . a . · · he 11�xt p_art. Suffice 1t to say here that they are In 1 t eta 1 d 1n ed cuss dis intended be co11ples f�om d_1vor�1ng by_ providing that usually one or the other ge oura disc to pen aliz ed, d be i� d vorc� 1s granted� b giving some of his or her shou l use spo � � ,, ?71e se oth div er. orce . h1!-1drance devices have, theoretically at least pro perty to the made divorce n:ore �1fficult to obta1t1 111 Eth.iopia than it was under the prevailin� c ustomary practice prior to tl1e Code. Jo Many of the fa�ily arbitrator� intervie\ved volunteered opinions as to whether divorce should be difficult to get In Ethiopia and all of the advocates interviewed were asked this qt1estion. Tl1e majority tended to favor ''difficult divorce''. Many of these resp�°:ses appeare� t� be prompted by the desire to show a sophis­ ticated recognition that this 1s what the ''new law'' requires. Furthermore it mu st be noted that married people have a tendency to separate in their think­ ing the objective standard that they would have others abide by regarding divorce, and that which they would want applied to them if they should wish a divorce. Most of the responses were undoubtedly framed in the former category. Nevertheless some of these responses seemed well-considered. For example a·n Addis Ababa advocate, if not technically accurate in every respect at least was being constructive when he said divorce should be difficult to get becat1se then ''prostitution can be eliminated, tl1e number of divorces can be reduced because people will not go to courts or family arbitrators without good cause and God may bless the Country''. One of the number ,vho thought divorce should be easy to obtain said, ''I think the main purpose of marriage is to live in harmony. If people are forced to live together when there is no love between them, the purpose of tl1e law, which is to create harmony in society, has failed in its mission''. Perhaps the most judicious and impressive response received was given by an elder in Asmara who said:


''If the husband and wife come to the point where they hate each other so much to want a divorce, I feel they should be allowed to get it. At the same time it is foolish to say divorce must be easy to get as many families may be divorced due to some temporary misunderstandings. Therefore, I feel that divorce should be given by looking at the circumstances of the particular case and should not be limited by rigid divorce laws''·

It is noteworthy that this viewpoint reflects the tradi_tional family _ arbitration scheme which in turn is reflected in th e Civil Code with the exception of the "divorce hindrance devices''. like to ld ou \V ns ea . 28 · "Th'ts Code op ur E . an 1 sti r' . 1 l C as we 1s not w11at ge rria ma , Id and on rce divo ''The desire 50 49_ .see, but , rld _wo the ot t�is Code is f�r Ethio_pia, n?t tbe . rest · _695 ,,Pjd. ' P. 61_ ·, 90 es ticl 6 Ar in make divorces less easily obtainable 1s manifested o · _ t 29 i 30 ·· � utv. C ., Arts. 690-695. . (1920), p. 343.· "The basis of dissol11tion . see G MacCreagh, The Last of Free .tj.frica deducted is n tio sa en m� co _. h ii \vl m fro f ,, � o the marital partners11ip is that all property 1s muttial, ce from th.e one side and paid to tl1e otl1er side wh.ich can establish a grievan ·

- 289 -


1t d.ivorce voiced a 001 ct1 i ff di ely tiv la re 1g 1 ri er ef pr s se 1 or sp re e tll ' 1 ceru S on1e Of. . h tt1oug ar ar 1 l. r 1-· t 111 t t te 1.a ca vo ad under an e n A e. g . ria 1ar 1 a 1 of n re ild cll e tli f t a decent family to live ge to lt cu i f dif it d fin uld wo ids "k e em sch dl�orce p be rly ld ?e o ou · sl1 d d ari are d f Go of t gif r''. the , � o,v l{ri f\JlYon: u yo , � : And kids are _ . 1 orcles of streetboys 111 Addi s Abab 31 l the b� d ate cre n1 ble pro the a familiar with will be irnpressed by tl1is co11sider� t1 �n. _ A. r�cent st_L1dy has s�o\,v11 tl1 at tl1 e inci­ as l1 for en l11g ce ldr twi chi 1s 1a 11op Etl con1 jng from in cy 1 11e1 inq dei le eni juv ce of den brok.en l1on1es32 as for cl:lildren from 11on-broken ho1nes.


Q11e might suspect tl1at our wise elder from Asinara would inclL1de tl1e presence of cl1ildrer1 in a n1::1rriage as one of the ''circ11 1nstances'' to be looked at \Vhen deciding v1hether or not a cot1ple sl1ould l1e pern1itted an easy divorce.


Part II. The 1\1ecl1anics of l\1Iarital Dispt1te Resolutuon


Earlier it was poit1ted out that t11 e drafter of the Civil Code i 11 tended to create a flexible framework within wl1ich 1 11arital disp11te resolt1 tion cot 1 ld evolve in Ethio­ pia accordi11g to the demonstrated needs of the society. Tl1is part "vill focus on ,vbat is curre11 tly happe 11 i11g ir1 the larger url,an areas in tl1is respect. Code provisions will be referred to ,vher1 appropriate, and particularly when practice see1ns to be strain­ ir1g at tl1 e guidelines of t11e Codes. No attempt \vill be n1ade, 11 0\vever, to set out all tl1e code provisions relati11g to the resolution of 111 arital disputes. For this the reader is referred to an article by Will.ia1n Bul1agiar i 11 an earlier iss11e of the Joi-1r11al of Ethiopia,z Lal-v.3 3


Initiating the Arbitration Process

One of the few mandates in tl1e Codes regarding marital dispute resolution is that the parties should submit the dispt1te to arbitrators selected by the1n. 34 The implication is c]ear that tl1e courts have no jurisdiction i11 first i 11 sta11ce to sit upon these c1uestions,35 although tl1ey ca.n review the prOJJriety of the arbitrators' decisions and alter then1 if gross irregularities are fot111d. 36 The courts can also ''ho111ologize", i.e., certify the proper re11dition of divorce decisio11s by fan1ily arbitrators .37




31. See Dereje Deressa, ''Street BoJ,s, 111e peripheral Society", Addis Reporter, l\1ay 9, 1969, p. zo. 32. See report of i:°terview witl1 Dr. R. Giel ir1 the Ade/is Reporter, June 27, 1969, p. 22. The broke·n 11omes included tl1ose brok e11 by death a s \Vell as divorce. · · · C0de of 33 • Dr .. w1_·11·1an1 B u11ag1a r Forn1er Presi·dent, I-Tig}1 Cotirt ' ''Marriage under tl1e Civil Eth1op1 a," J Eth. L. Vol. l. (1964), p. 73. 34. Civ. C. Arts. 725, 727, 731. ?u t ing 35. Tt·1e courts, l1owever are ch a rged witl1 resolving in the aris s n first instance' dispute ' • un1o of "irre · 'l!�Iar L�n,o,7s · '' (C'IV. . c., Art. 730 (2)), and V:1itJ1 decicling vvheth er an irr�?uJar\vhetJ1er _ 1 to dc1.:id� _ 1s has b�11 estab! 1�hed. Id., Art. 730 (1). Furt herrnore 1t fu11c t101 the cot1rt's eguI r'' "irr a partlcular liaison is "regular," so as to be i or 11 1 a11dled by fa111il)' arbitratio ;ee 72 to be �1anctled by t11 e _cottrt, wl1en ihere is n1atter. Id., Art. l1��hed). a disp o,;e ute the r pub also Teferra Bayu v. Ley1sh Gebre (Sup. In1p. (un 0) 3466 Ct., 1968, Civil A1,p. No. 36 • I�., Art. 736; Civ. Pro. C., Arts. 319 (1) , 350-351. 37. Ctv. C., Art. 729.

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This system of having relatives, neighbors ar1d friends ttempt o r solve a from aside � re � , g flectin dispute c1 1 ' . ry stoma practices m'lk ple s � go d ou 1nent c abstract . A s the Supreme Imperial Court l1as 'note'd ;; t�m Y � the in se e ese pe I p e w ll �, ! w the tl1e an ir d jes ba ck gro pa rt u1 1 ds an d sl1ould be rr1uch 'better equ1pp ? · 1 . �o · e d t o . an Jll ·b t d ge d1s · s pu �e wl 1 0 m1 gl 1 t see the parties and hear their argumen resolve the ts or two. l1ear1ng a briefly at r11 e court�, at least, are today . well aware o f the fact that the Civil Code assigns th� pr�1 ary tas� . o f resolv1n� marital disp·utes to family arbitrators. But pet 1t_ d1v 1 o ns �re corn111g to co11rts initially or? e wit h ts 1 ai in j11creasing numbers in litig the cities. T_he parties are 111var1ably told to go· back home and cI1 oose family arbitra­ tors, but, 1t should be n oted, a file l1as the11 been opened at the court and the court usually calls for a report fron1 the family arbitrators at the end of their proce edings. T11e advocates i11terviewed_ were_ asked why litiga11ts thus approach a Many answered that people Just did not ki.1ow the la\v and assume tliat i f fi rst. · ourt c a court de�ls _ with other di�putes i� will handle a divorce petition. But a large proportion _1nd�cated that this practice was k no wing and purposeful, with two po ssible obJect1ves. One is to obtain the autl1ority of a court behind any rec1uest the spouses 1night make to pe ople in the community to act as famjly arbitrators. Fan1 arbitration is a codified c·ustomary practice with its origins in a rural Ethiopia before the rise of cities. 111 that milieu, desti11ies are closely i11terwined. Family, friends and community elders are quick t o agree and o ften v olunteer to arbitrate material disputes. But in the city filled with migrants, \-Vhere independence is fo stered, it is relatively difficult to get acquai11tances to devote the l ong h o11rs, seldom compen­ sated, that are required of family arbitrators. 39 For this reason then, 1na11y couples approach a co11rt to obtain an ''order' ' that arbitrators, whon1 the parties solicit, shall act in a d.ispute. It apparently puts tl1e fear of authority int o some otl1er\vise reluctant canclidates.40 The other reportedly purposeful objective in going to court first is to secure the enforcement authority of a court bel1ind any order regarding property or chil­ dren that family arbitrators might band down pursuant to a divorce.41 A family 38- Sey fu Yeteshawork v. Beleyu Tadesse (Sup. Imp. Ct., 1968, Civil App. No. 574-60) (unpublishe d). . 39 · Compare the sittiation in Southern Nige ria where a fan1ily arbitratio� scl1en:ie ex!sts similar to _the one in Ethiopia : "(A) n over increasing pro�ortion of divorces 1s . ob�ained ,n courts... This does not mean that extra -- judical divorce 1s no longer lawful; 1� simply nieans _that a_s society becomes n1or e and more impersonal, as less people become �va,Ia1;>le for tl1e often­ tlmeconsuming and intricate business of ascertaining wl1at payments (bride-price) l1 ave or have not been made ancl ho� n1ucl1 of this sl1ould be repaid in a given case . in respect of a ma�riage wl1ich has probably subsisted for many years, it become� progressively . mo� c �: venient for all concerned to hav e sucl1 mat ters . settled before ,a tribunal of full-time J�dg � · S. Chi nwubi Obi, Modern Family La}v in,z Nigeria (1966), P· 37o. . . 40. See also Case No. v1l C1 , 68 · 19 ba ba A is dd ' A · Ct gh 1 M'lk d · 1 . e G u rmu v. N ad ass a. B e da a ::i ·, · 8·60) (unp.ublished) wl1ere tl1e court orde�ed the husband to appear before f.amilY ar b1• ;:ators . , previously cl1 osen, wl11cl ually refused to do. contin l1ad he 1 41 · -�-, . pub -5 No Cas l �ivi is Dec ma, Jim n io_ Ct., of February 19, 1965 (1-lig� � . �th $) �� irde�e� b �•���1 ( (E 5 sba ife o 2 cx-vv u pay · fox·Uoh · nd Jailed for 6 mo11tl1s after refusing to · h· wing _ a\vard by arbitrators of tl1at an1ount); Abera .Tebaye v. Emman, eshe Alemu HJg Ioy er. �rd.ered Ct. ddis en1p s d ba11 I1us (exd) ( ishe ubl 41unp l , Civil Ap p • No • 4 . 60• lde W o to , deAduct Ababa, 1968 e r1 b e G v. n ha er B e k] e T 1 l paycl1eck amot1nts clue ex-wife); Terunes .she. d) (same)· M.eskal (l-lig. from bh pti (un h Ct., Adclis Ababa, 1963, Civil Case No. 78-56




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its ce for for en 11rt co to ment l)O\Vers 1r, e11 tak be can l i isio • . arb·t 1 rat 01·s' dec. . Cl.Iler 42 Ther.e ts 11. b . no cs a rty pa eed to approac :° its rendition wl1en the recalc1t1·ant . 1 1tly r ecogn 1 ze this re p a Ie peo fe But n. p tratio arbi l? distinction� � the re befo � a court _ . y st1 ts, en n1o cl1 bis f es vis le, ad ma he to llav e the t tha ted � or rep te ca One ad,,o . family arbitration :first, the11 go t � court an d ask tl1at tl1e dec1s1011 be ''approve d" M·any of his clients nevertheless insist tl1at a court be approacl1ed first ''to be safie,,·. Whatever reaso11s the parties may have for approaching a court first it . clear tliat it bas many beneficial. r�sults. �ot . the l �ast of these �s the _practice th;� has arisen in tl1e courts of appointing a chrur1 nan for the family arbi tration from among tbe advocates, scri?es an� other legally knowledgeable and literate people arou11d the courthouse. This practi ce encourages an or�erly �onduct of the arbit ration alo11g the guideli11es of the Code and en.sures a ,vritte11 Judgment emanating from the proceedings in case a divorce results. Because the courts also ask the chairman to file a report witl1 then1 it furtl1ern1ore provides the only record, albeit incom­ plete, of divorces i n Ethiopia.43 The supervisory practice of appointing arbitration chairn1e11 a11d calling for reports from them is difficult to support in tl1e codes.44 As a technical matter it 1 may be i1 11proper in as 1nuch as the Civil Code suggests that a co11rt should enter a case ortly to review an.d approve, whe11 asked to do so, after family arbitrators have acted. But the Code seems :flexible enoug11 to accomodate thjs much needed . nuance. If it js not, it should be a1nended As beneficial as the instit11tion of court-appointed arbitration cl1,1irn1en may be, it does create problems for the chairmen themselves. There is little system in their t appointrr1ent. Tl1e parties are usua1ly asked if they k 1 1ow any advocate or scribe around the courthouse. If they do, that man is usually appointed. If not, the closest qualified person at hand is selected. The chairn1an receives no re1nuneration for his e·fforts and l1aphazard selection scheme can become very burdenson1e to the man who happens to be in the judge's line of sight too often. One advocate ex· pressed pride in his role as arbitration cl1airman and recognized its great value, but said be currently was chairman in eight sucl1 arbitratio11s and found little tin1e to devote to income producing business.45 On the otl1er hand, advocates \Vith many years / I

42. Civ. Pro. C., Art. 319 (2). 43. During 1960 (E.C.) there were 623 divorces noted in tl1e Addis Ababa courts' files according to the registrar. Tl1e Ethiopian Herald, June 4, J 969, p. 6, col. 3. . 44. �iv. �ro. C., A:t. 316. (1) provides t11at ''wher e a court is requi red to app oint an arbitra!�: s court including a fan11ly arbitrator, suc1 1 appointment .may but "; court ' be n1a de. by any . n . . nev� r so reqt11re d excep� when o ne party reft1ses to cl1oose arbitrators v,1J1en aske . d ?1. a chose uired arb1trat�r refuse _ o r fails to function (Civ. c., 733 (2), 735) or '',vl1ere tl1e pa rties to appoint an 81�bitrator by agreement between tl1e111selves do not agree on sucl1 appoi-���ent" ort upon tl1e_ request of a party. Id., Art. 734. TJ 1is latter provision 1night b e used to sut�de. the appointment o f chairman, bt1t contin u e d. supervision is still unsuppor ted by the 574.60 See Se�fu Yetesha ork v. Be]eyu Tadesse, (S�ip. l r Jlp. Ct., 1968! �i�il App. . , arbi i� N°· � 1 (unpublished) wbe1e the lack of any lega] basis for a court's jur1s d1ct1011 o ver fam.J) rra A ba a rato rs was argtled, but not directly answerecl. See v. Amh bi l· also A sslefetcl1 Maknonen a r d dere (Sup. Imp. Ct., _ 1968, Civil App. No. 614 59 or ot (t1np u]1e d) ,vl1ere tl1e c ourt n did d r�tors to rec_onsider the case though tl1ey said aa ed ura g o disc the y were ti red and wish to continue. ,.r 1� 0. c· ·1 case 45. see aIso L'is_h a.0·1e Belay v. Keten,a Yi JVl , 196 4 a, lm a (IAb aJread Y I igh ab Ct .,. A d dis a 5- 5� (unpublisl�ed) \1✓l1 ere an advocate ng that 11e _w sseriouslY avoi d e d plead a i cl1air n1an by sl1ip a � ting as such in otl1er cases, was g oing being was le to sch nig edu · l1t scl1ool an d J1is d1s,rupte d.

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courts were fo un d wh o ha d never been t}1 e in appointed· It wot1ld see1n serVl·ce of two •th'ings cou Id be don e t o make such appointme11ts more e on b t eq u1 ta · ta · bl e wo h Id d" is h. w i� tr b 1 m u te th syste e ta sk equally among those practicin � . Either a � g1v t e11 1n y e sh ou an ld at � �e de s veloped or funds sl1ould be alloc . . the c ourt fted appointed those for the 46 ro tirse time spent. to rei b Wben a party selects a court in which to file a divorce petition, tlie awradja, cou:ts seem to be mo st popular.47 A number of such lev el n� sec o petitio11s were or 1n the �oreda, or first l��el cot1rts and High Court 1na d ng � bei nd fou (third level) Ar of tic rea le din 8_ 1 g o. th f e A Ci vil Proc�clure Code wotlld suggest that 48 we ll. . as _ the are pro cou rts adJa l?�r tr1b �1nals to ha11dle divorce matters w} 1en litigants first a\.vr e th I appr oach the court sys.ten1 WlLh their proble1n: Tl1at Article states tl1at ''where the subje ct roa�ter of a suit can11ot _be express�d . 1n. �011,�y, sucli _s·?it shall �e tried by the Aw�adJa . Guezat �011rt bav1n� 1�c�l JUr1sd1ct1on ·. Autho:1t1es have interpreted 4 divo the rce que ng stio n 1nclu inasmuch as divorce 1 s a matter of status d1 this as and intangible, thus a subject matt er tl1at is not capable of expression .in money terms._ However, d��bt 5�as been cast on thi� interpretation by a recent Supre1;11e Imperial Court d�c1s1on. In . that case the 11.igh Court had been approached with a petition for . divorce and. _it proceeded to appoint an arbitration c11airman and otherwis e exercise a superv1s1ng role. One of the parties objected that this should have been done by an a\vradja court and cited Article 18. The Hjgh Court simply answered that Article 18 not help the objecting party and on appeal to the Supreme Imperial Court it affirmed. The Court apparently took Article 18 to mean that awradja courts are to have initial jurisd.iction of cases where the amount of money involved cannot be exactly determined before trial. Whether or not this is precisely what the draftsman of Article 18 had in mind, it makes some sense because jurisdiction of the various courts in the Ethiopian system is based primarily on rno11ey amounts involved in the case and if the amount is diffi.ct1lt to deter1nine before trial it may as Vi'ell be put to the middle level awradja court. Bl1t the Supreme Imperial Court went on to say that because the case involved not only property division questions of vague monetary amounts but the divorce status questio11 as well, it could be initially tal<en to the High Court. Tl1is latter point seems wrong, for the divorce question WOllld appear to be even more clearly assig­ ned to awradja courts under Article 18 than cases involving vag11e 111onetary amounts. Awradja courts have demonstrated an ability to st1pervise family arbitrations as well as the High Court, so there would seen1 to be no need f�r the I-Iigh Court to disturb the distribution of work scheme of the Codes by taking on these t supe rvisory cases. Furthermore, if the awradja courts were pointed to as the . bod.ies �o deal with this business excltisively they would soon develop a real expertise that 51 18 not now ts. cour of s level possible because the work is spread over three


46· Inter iew with I-Ion. Ato Assefa Liban, Vice President of the High Court,. �n May 8, 1969· v 47· E.g., Abera 441 . No p. Ap il Ctv 8, 196 , ab� Ab dis Ad Ct., gh Tebeye v. Emmanesb Alemu (Hi 48 60) (unpublished). The case was here on appeal from tl1e A \VradJ� . Court. -59 (un532 · B '· Berh an u . No p. Ap il Civ 7, 196 , Ct. . ln1p p. (Su fu bies v. Azaletcl1 Kin . P�tlished). TheRa case w as here on appeal from the H1gl1 Court. 49 · :· �edler, Ethiopian Civil procedure (1968), p. 28 . 50 . slled). p bl" u un . ( ) i 60 . 172 . No e p. Ap il e Civ n t., 7, A SJ la1 sh• weke v . Nega Fenta (Sup. I1np. C 196 . l re 1e w a b b a . A is dd A • A ste P in the rigl1t 10 rt · ou C tie 1 1-r g h by made been l1as direction aIill di"vor ce cases are cu rrently being handled by the same i two-J.udo0e panel· Dis cussion with . on Ato Neg 1969 3 ' July on t, Cour 1gl1 l lussie Fitaweke, President of the

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HolV Family ArbitTation V✓orks: Selecting Arbitrators to urn re to the told are y the �r c�1nmunities and ',' st r fi _ rt cou to go � J·f parties 1s selection 1s �he first step tl t t1r to co go t 11o do y he If : . rs ato itr ,trb ily f,tm ! ect sel _ I . d1spu e. Tl1e w r o cl fe an ose husbao� relatives of each ! _ � ! � in the resolution of tl1e1r _ I . r thei side - a11d son1et1111es the select an equal number of arbitrators to. �epresent partjes of the relatives agree on an adclit1onal net1tral person . to make the tot al an odd number. 53 If they do not so agree54 on a neutral arbitrator, tl1e ori boinal ' I group th.emselves often select sucl1 a person. · I

The most freque11t total number of arbitrators found in our sample \Vas five.55 with three, four and. six occurrii1g next with aln1ost the sa1ne freqt1ency. Two cas,es had eight arbitrators and one 11ad one. The 0\1erwl1elming majority 88% of arbitratio11s supervised by a court l1ad five arl1itrators. Occasio11ally arbitrators t appoint themselves when tl1ey hear that a couple is having difficL1lties. Such 'I ''hearings'' n1.ay be of the very audible kind. 011e arbitrator said that he and other neigl1bors had become weary of listening to loud argume11ts emanating from the 1 couple's l1ouse at all hot1rs of the nigl1t, so they l1ad taken tl1ings into their own bands a11d begun a family arbitra.tion. 56 TJ1e average age of arbitrators in the sample was forty-four years. The ages ranged from twenty-five to seventy with the majority in the thirty-five to forty-five 1 age group. Arbitration is generally tho11ght to be a function of� the older, ,,,iser meinbers of the corrununity a.s reflected by the con1ment of one advocate in his early t'Vlrenties w110 saicl t11at he had never been a family arbitrator because he was too young for tl1e job. Representation in the san1ple of neighbors, relatives and friends, in that order of, was ratl1er evenly balanced (146, 137 an.d 106 respectively). Tl1e friends au � neigl1b?rs had known tl1e parties an average of nine years by the intervie�ees' estimates. Whe11 ''fatl1ers of the marriage'' 57 or other witnesses to it are ava1Ia ble they are usually among those selected. 52. See Civ. C., Arts . 725, 731. 53 · A_ court ca.n be asked to inake tl1e selection for a party if he refuses or fa.ils t o do i�� l11n�self. See note 44 abov�. _It l1as .?een l1eld, l1owever, that a court sho�ld not arbitrators for a party \Vl1<? 1s !n _absentia. In tl1at case tl1e proper p ocedure 1s for theapp iurt r c •ol. , e a nd decide 1t itself. Forti to take th_e cas Eth . v. J:;"orti (Sup. lmJJ. Ct. , 1963) J. 1�,ey 5, . p. 68- It_ has also been held . that �ne spouse cannot select all tl1e arbitr�tors, th uL., ghe u· o re were the witnesses to .the weddmg, w1thot1t the approval of tl1e other. A d1vorce dec1P· . , . rSuant t<;> _sucl1 an arbitration is i11 valid. Teliks aw Bogale v. 'ferecbt SJlifar,v (Sup. ln 1 1�67, C1v1I Ap p. No. 39-50) (unpublis hed). 54. See Civ. C., Art. . 732. 55. 4.8 average. 56. In <;>ne ca�e from \Vo]lega province tl1e youn 2 wives took it u_pon hers� lf e�o ger of fam_1Jy arbitrators for tl1e. dispute between he r nt o1 ap p , ,v1f e llusband an d llis first chairman an d succeeded 1n reconciling th e couple. t anen 57 . It i·s tl1e cu . ston1 to l1ave one or two close fr pe r a act s s e m rela tiv ien ds or re -ote _t l trm oublc, couns el ors to th e couple to whom tliey . roa r1 a f o go t o case get o i11 advice bJective . See Yesbowalul'le. M' ariam v. Debebe Hail_ e, cit_ ed at note 23 above.



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DIVORCE IN URBAN ETI-IIOPIA e "'omen arbitra tors wer e foun d in the 508 repr.ese . the e thr y Onl n te d 1n · terv · ss J s a inp e. 1ewed ba d a1ready reco 1n

gniz ed this · ocate 1· m b a 1 ance and though adv , . e . . t I·t on .in th at the won1an s s1'd e of a dispute ca11uot be as re adil nfortunate ec1ated i{o e �he _pan e com l_ pos of arbitrators. Ethiopian \Von1en ��� men onlY w _ n h . :he a ve ' tl1e v1e 1r \vp n1a om ke ts kn o\v to n in fam·ily arb \Va y · itrati·ons'. Fem a1e witnessa d ..100n · . ar 1 y 1 mo h t ers of the spouses, are r s, par t1ct1 . ctat · o e ' sp oft en nd t h · e . m · o st vocal · . ar b'1trat1on sessions. es a participa nts 1n Arguably the Civil . P�ocecl11re _C?de ca�s fo� . family arbitra tors to sigrlify their refu�al of t�e appo111t?. 1e11� 111 wr1t111g I-Iowever, the applic ability of or . nc� ta ep acc app�1es to _arb1trat ons of va�i_.ous sorts a?.d n1ay ·be limited �h1c b on, o�is1 p� �9 . this . n tn1ent s 1s �u�st1onable. . It cert ai nly 1n a kes little practic a l app o1_ al dici sense . to Ju l11gh �111teracy rate. I_n any even t, suclJ written replies are a \�1th ry co11n a � in seldom (16�) given except 1n. co11rt supervised c a se s where the cotirt appointed chairn1an writes out the accepta nce for tl1e whole group and files it with the court. The Conduct of Arbitration Sessions

By far tl1e most pop11lar pl a ce and ti111e for f amily arbitration sessio11s are churchyards 011 Sunday n1orning (50%). The other most pop11l ar lo cations in decli11ing order of incide11ce were f ou11d to be the cou1)le's house, an arbitrator's house the house of 011e of the spouse's relati,1es, a court co1npound and an open field: One undoubtedly relaxed arbitration took pl ace i11 a bar. Although no figures were obtained on the n 1atter, a large percentage of those arbitr a tion sessions that did not take place in a churcl1yard probably involved 11011-Christi ans. In the churchyards the participan ts in family arbitr ations assemble in little clust­ ers each a good distance from the others after services on Sund ay morning. So1n e­ times the husband a11d wife sit apart fro1n the arbitrators a11d only joi11 tbe gro·up when called. More often, though, al] participants sit or st and together t11roughout. In most of our cases only the arbitrators and tl1e spouses \Vere prese11t at the sessions, though rela tives an d friends son1etimes attended (25% of the cases). The Civil Code provides that a petition for divorce sh all be st1bmitted to the arbitrators but it does not specify that it need be in writi11g. 60 As a matter of practice in cases n ot supervised by a court only 11% 11ad writ�en peti t io·ns, 11st1 aJly prepared by a scribe or an advocate, submitted to the arbitr ators. The normal pat�ern in our sample was for the pl aintiff as well as the ?efendant to present thetr cases to the arbitrators entirely orally. In court superv1�ed �ases� of course , the plaintiff always pres e11ted a written petition to the co�rt, wh1_ ch 1� turn � as usually read to the group by the ch airm an at the first family arbitrator s meeung. ls? i court �upervised cases the court-appointed �hairman always co??ucted A the arbitrati n_ on sessions in our san1ple. In the cases without co11rt sup�rv1s1on, a . chairman w as usually (67%) elected or chosen by consensus of the arbitrators at


­ ke Be o W on at 1 tl ted or ep judge from the Agancha Kedama Medama Meherit in Manz � �eman� as a l ua in contin ts etc� from that ea e . sh d an se wi ry ve be to ar is considered [ arbitrator ,ly am c· 59· �v. Pro. C., Art. 316 (3). 60 · Civ. C., Arts. 727, 666. 58'

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at st tr e de bi th el o r. Occasiona ar to g in g o _ n. te of r n o o l1 e th l lly the ii, o i ss tl e first se s he was self- a w ce fe a an st in in d an an rm a1 1 cl e tl1 t ed lec se fe wi p poin. liusband and ted. \Vitnesses other than tl1e husband an d wife were l1eard. i11 onl� 20% of tl 1 e sto ry fr?� the parties tJ1en l v :: tl ot g _ s ator rbitr a _ the rest the In sel e ns. arbitratio though no t infrequently relat1ve_s a1 1d �r1er1cls \Vho . h_ad 1ns11 1uated. tl1emselv es iiito the gatllerings 'vvould interject 11 1for111at1on and op11 11011 . When witnesses attende d they us11ally were simply brougl1� along by tl1e party for_ whom t hey \.Vere to speak. But in 30% o f t11e cases where w1�n�sses �tter1ded! the cha1r111an l1ad. taken advantage of the statLitory mechanism pern11 tt111 g l11m to issue a fo rmal \Vr1tten st1mm oos to tJ1e wit1 1ess. 61 By one o' clock in tl1e afternoon 011 any Sunday tl1e arbitration groups have usually adjour1 1ed and left the churchyards for tl1at d:1y. Bt1t many ,vill be back tl1e 11ext Sunday and tl1e Su11day after that. The a,, arbitration ending in divorce in tl1e survey lasted. for 19 ½ \Veeks fron1 the ti1ne tl1e arbitrators �vere selected to the final judg111e11t and. the arbitrators averaged between six and seven meetings. T11ose arbitrations e11di11g in reconoilation took only one-tb.ird as much time (six weeks) and required only five 1neetings 0 1 1 the average.



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Replacen1e11ts of arbitrators were made i11 16.5% of tl1e cases. The most fre- 1 quent reason given by i11terviewees for such replace111ents was that the replaced arbi- I trator l1ad moved out of to'.vn. Tl1e other reasons given were rather equally dis- j tributed between tl1e categories of d.eath or sickness, cl1ronic absenteeis1n or resigna­ tion and disagree1nent with other arbitrators. A case in the latter category involved two arbitrators, one relative fr om each side, asked by the others to leave pern1anent]y when heated words betwee1 1 the1n ended in a fist fight.

When replacements were required the new selections \Vere alvvays n1ade by the spo11se, or the relatives of the spouse, who had thereby lost a represe11tative on the panel.61

The a·bsence of an arbitrator for whatever cat1se can be very troublesome to everyone involved in .asm11cl1 as tl1 e prevaili11g practice is not to co11duct any given session unless all arbitrators are present.


Concluding the A.rbitration

The Civil Cocle requires that in all cases \Vl1ere certai11 e11un1erated ''serious" causes. for divorce are not found to be present, the a.rbitrators shall atten1pt to reconcile the parties.63 It is n o t clear why tl1e drafts111an of tl1 e Code ilid not expressly call f or a reconcili�tio11 attempt \Vh�11 a seri ous cause was found to be pre �e �� Could not a marriage be worth sa.v1i1g even when a party has, for exan1pJe, comn11tt t so. ugh tho adultery, one of the serio11s gro11nds? The Ethiopians at least, 11ave s, se cau us :'-1though almost o· ne-half of o ur sample cases l1ad 'allegatio11s of serio t inp t a in only four of the sixty-five cases ending in divorce \-vas a reco1 1ciliatio11 � e a not made. So metimes arbitrators f orcibly ''reconciled'' tl1e parties by denying


I l

61. Civ. Pro. C., Art. 317 (3). 62. See Civ. C., Art. 733 (1). 63. Civ. C., Art. 676.

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one of the parties conti11l1ed to insist tipon it. Tl• ugh tho 1 1s 1s ally res lted rce . ?'vo e arties goi11g back togetl1er at last report, altl1 ouol1 ti e l � · usuch ' s o 1 a t 1 b 1 1t y p o t h f . .· 1n 11 b qt1est1011e e we d. Occasionally a party desi·ru• 1 g a d.1vor ld . cou ld seho ·i ce does • ,, . · a· hou . accep t a 1or c 'bl e c1 .. ,, reco11c1 1at1on by faintly arbitra . ily tor s . At doc th' is wr1.t1ng . . not who was .. t h tis d' 1sa :-iarar ppo111tecl has appealed to the Em eror's _J 1 .I' n fro wjfe . . r tl1e �.1.b1t1 a . _ ators reft1sal to gra1 afte , Cb1l ot 1 t a divorce was affirrlied b court, tlie Y l er1a 1e I111p Courts. d St1pre11 an h }:-Iig the The legality of for_ced reconc�iatio11s . is d�·ubtft1l. This is JJarticularly true in _ser1ou cause 1s esta,bl1sl1ed. since the Civil Code does not expressly a wher� s case se . � tho call for a reco11c1l1at1_?11 atte11 1 pt tl1er�.6 1 Bt1t 1t \vould. also see 1u to be improper grou11 d e�1sts. _111 st1ol1 cases tJ1 e Code says that if a non-se r1ou? a onl� n whe reconciliat1on atte111pt fails, tl1e family arbitrators ''shall'' pronotince the divorce.65 For a tin1 e a nt11nber of lower courts, particularly, v1ere uncertain as to whether the Code even permitted �1 divorce whe11 a party wa11 ted one but could not establish a serious cause for it. Tl1 e Code is 11ot easily rea d in this respect. A recent Supreme Jmperi�l Cou�t case, l1owever, has . _m�de it clear t�1at a divorce sl1all be granted by family arbitrators whe11 a reco11c1l1at1on attempt fails even tl1ough no more reason is given by one or both of the parties than that he or they simply d. o not want 66 . er r1g y lo an ed rri to be ma Generally our fan1ily arbitrators did grant a divorce wl1enever one of the parties remained adamant even after a reco11ciliation attempt. When both p arties continued to want the divorce they always were granted it in our s67ample. It sl1ould be noted here that the Code prohibits divorce by ''mutt1al conserit''. Tl1is does not mean that if tl1e spot1ses both agree upon the divorce t .hey ca11not obtain it. This means only tJ1at spouses cannot become divorced in the eyes of the law merely by so agreeing, even if, let us say, tl1ey should enter into a formal agree 1. 11ent to that effect signed by themselves and writnesses. They n1ust go to family arbitrators and be subjected to a reconciliatio11 attempt before they c an be legally divorced. The Civil Code sets certain time limits within i.vhich a divorce must be granted if a reconciliation attempt fails. I11 the case of a serious cause for divorce being est��lished, divorce must be pronounced withi_n one month fr�m the da:te of t�e 9 Tl1e _ arb1_ trators 1n �e. Co tl1e of n sio petition accordin g to the official Amharic ver our sample were ver y casual in thi s respect as well they i:rught be 1n view ot: the fact that the ''original'' Amharic text7o as well as the Engl1s� and Fre11�h vers!or1s all say "three months''. Certainly considering the general practice of holding arb1tra64. Ibid. 65 · Civ. C ., Art. 678. Tir fe Measho v. o als e Se 66· Yeshow aJul Mariam v. Debebe Haile, cited at note 23 above. H e Abrehet Ghebremeskel, cited at note 26, above. 67 · Civ. C., Art. 665 (1). . . ri· se A Ca 67 19 VJJ C:i 68 · • a ab Ab ddis , A t., igh (H C tte me Da et sh ala hu v. ra Ye sse Te b cf wa Mi 8 nte ) (unpublished . See also, Lewetegne Metaferia v. Egigay�l1u f�nb?ba (H!! � !·� agree� � ef th . Th ��S6 ) �:V 1 : es •m a rti pa e wh�r e is e o aba, 19�7, Civil App. No. 276-60) (un p ublished) m nt d H� of divorce in front of three witnesses. An awradJa c?urt �la pp d not been se lected. a b rs to tra bi ar 5 _igh Court reversed an d sent tl1e case back only because family 9 C1v. C., 70. Art. 668. · W. Buhagia , cited above at note 33, p. 90.




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JOURNAL OF ETI-IIOPIAN LAW - VOL. VI - No. 2 11 th is too sI1ort � ti e if r co11c o m o11e , \Veek a once only ngs iliation _ r:i � tion meeti . . rce divo re 1s �ranted in a se befo be, d shou ey tl1 � as e, mad be to attenlpts are rio _ us s se cl1 as 1 cau ry 1 1lte 101 adt ser or desertiou � cause case. 011 the otlier ha.1d, 1_f a . � is _ 01 g d wr tl1e y : � part to re1nain ii1 the established it would seem unfair to req�1re matriinonial bonds, unable legal�y to establ1sl1 an?tl1er l 1 a1s0�, for �oo long a period if tlley continue to \va11t a divorce. The official Ainharic vers10 11 of the Code sl1ould be an1ended to read ''tl1ree 1nonths''.




Where there is no serious c�use f�� _tl1� ,�ivorce tl1e Code _ sa)'S the farnily arbitrators must pronou11ce tl1e divorce w1tl1111 0 1 1e year fro1n the date of the petitior1 if reconciliation attem·pts are uncuccessful unless the parties agree on an extension. 71 Just as in the case of a seriot1s cause being established, this means that tl1e divorce n111st be pronot1nced duri11g tl1is tin1e period, before it expires so that the parties are not required to be tied into the 1natrin1onial bonds fo; too 1011g a period if reconciliation attempts f,: 1 il. 72 A rece 1 1t Supre 1ne Imperial Court staten1ent casts doubt on this i11terpretation, by s11ggesti1 1g tl1at divorce cannot be prono1111ced u 11 til the one year period l1as expired. 73 This ren1ark �vas made in passing, however, a 1 1d was not necessary for tl1e resolutio11 of the case. It is likely that the Court will set 1natters straight 0 1 1 this poi11t when a case directly presenti11g the issue co1nes before it.

' f I

If tl1e fanlily arbitrators are derelict in tl1eir duty and do not pronounce the divorce withi11 tl1e a.Uotted time period, the Civil Code provides that tl1e proper court can take it out of tl1eir hands upo11 the application of one of the parties.i 4


Handing Down the Decree

A few cases were found in our sample where arbitrators voted at the end of the arbitration as to whether a divorce sl1ould be granted or riot, and the majority prevailed. 75 This, of course, is impro1)er for reaso11s outlir1ed above. If reconciliation is fo1111d to be impossible tl1e Code requires tl1at a divorce be given - tl1e arbitrators l1ave no choice in the n1atter ' so no vote need be taken. \Vhat ren1ains to be done is merely the writi11 g o·ut of the divorce ''judgn1ent", 71. Civ. C., Art. 678. 72. R. ?�vid, cited above �! note I, p. 60. one ad,,ocate in Acldis f\baba in respons: t� �!�� 9-uest1on of \vl1at tl1e l1t1gants wl10 co1ne to him tJ1i1lk of the ne,v codes respo nd"d · rs n1uch better now. But tl1ey prefer fan1ily problems to be settled in the custon1 ar� ,var· For ioStance, it is unfair for a l1usbaod and "vife to be forced to stay togethe r until the rr case becon1es settled by the fa1nily arbitrators." 73. Yesl1owalul Haile Maria1n v. Debebe I-Iaile, cited above at no te 23. I-Jigh · · . ?" 74 · c·iv. C., Art• 737. Jn tI 1e Yeshov:.1alul I-Ia1l the , e Mar1a111 case, c1ied above at note --> Court took the �as� away from fan1ily arbitrators and decided it itself \-v hen the r .t 10rs a 1bi :laY, _. ad 1� made no s1gn1ficant progress after 7 mo11tl1s and l1ad no good excuse for � � APP · 75. See also, Getenesh _Bekele v. Mulunu11 Azene, (l-ligl1 Ct., Adclis Ababa, 1 969,. 1Crv: �e pro· N?. 246-61) (u.npu.bhsbed) wl1ere 2 arbitrators left g 1� rega rd taken was befo The vote re a r _,ety of gran ing . a divorce The 3 remaining decre e a . di:�:t \Vith to arb itra dec i ided tors � : ·--lig h �ourt re, ersed, for ,,ar1?us reasons, and sent tl1e cas back to the aw adJa t ,vas .in.struc e ; r ttons tl1a! 8:-nother fan:11ly arbitration wit h 11e\ co e fl l1el d. � � v arbitrators be decree ea l cor rec t If rt was thereby indicatin all family arbitrators should Sign. of �\ � ;,r . e ? vot I �o�ce (Ci v. Pro. C., Art. 318 (4), tf tI1oug_h O a t thnl ssf ul, rec on cili un suc ati on ce is til� arbitrators need be taken as tl1e orce d1v of law dec say ree s t they ,n11s graCnt a POI�.


- 298 -




l (




. h contains a recitation as to whether the cause ,-i,a yy s serious . or non-ser ,vbJc · . I?u s f o d k' Jn b at prope rty w ine punis hmen t m should be made see d1scuss (to d�,eter 1on � ment that reconciliation was atten··1pted b state a 76 and U t d 1 d not succeed be lOlv, divorce wa s ord ered . I 11 additio11 where appropri'ate a . re refo the th.i , s JU d and gm • ' ent er t a a • I 1 t t d � e, on � no e t ate te r than six n1ontl1s, 77 should recite ara sep a . r o wh at 1trat d ors ec1 e d b ar d s h ould be 1nade of the par·ti·es' propert d.1spositi. on the y and . ' . iss t as I ues ese · 1 s_ 1ou Th .Id be decided by a maJority vote if any cl11ld ren. tl1e re is 1s ng tl1e amo trators. arbi ent reem disag anY The preparation of a writte11 jt1dgn1e11t is called for by the Civil Procedure 79 en din ns arb g wi itr tl1 ati o div orc e all and in all of our court-supervised Code in so and prepared filed was witl1 the one court. oases On the other ha!1d, in 24% of _t?e non-court-supervised cases in otir sample ending 81 no d1vo wr1_ r_ t c 1ng � of was ee prep ared . decr And in 0111y 12% of tlle a in remainder was the wr1t1n� ii.Jed 1n a cou�t. In the rest oopies were given to the parties, kept bl the cbatrn1an an d ?ccas10:1ally given. to a priest. TJ1is suggests that about 91 % of non-court-supervised divorces, which most likely outnumber the )upen1ised type, never receive the relatively per,manent men1orialization of a writing filed i11 court. This, of course, can have serious future consequences for the parties; for example if one of the parties later marries and the question arises whether the marriage is legitimate or bigamous and none of the family arbitrators can be found to stand witness to the divorce. 82 This state of affairs calls for encouragement, by code additions if necessary, of the practice that bas spontaneot1sly arisen of court supervision of marital dispute arbitration. The registration of civil status set up by the Civil Code, 83 which appears to be many years from complete i111plementation throughot1t the country, does not specifically call for t]Je registration of divorce. Even if it did it would be visionary to expect tl1e often functionally illiterate arbitration chairman in the non-supervised case to get a written judgme11t filed in the proper place. 84 In this connection it is important to note that in some of the non-supervised cases in our sample, an advocate or other person versed in the law was on the

76. 77. 78, ?9. 80,

81 ·

82· 83 · 84,

See Yeshowa]ul Haile Mariam case, cited above at note 23. See Cive. C., Arts. 679-680., Civ. Pro. C., Art. 318 (3). By implication. See Civ. Pro. C., Art. 318(4). �ccasionaJly when a court-supervised case ends in reconciliation a copy of. the "agreement'' signed by the parties and tl1e arbitrators is filed with the court, There ts, of course, no real need to do so. Arbitr ations in Asmara appear to be particularly lacking in this respect. Bigamy is prohibited by Civ. C., Art. 585 and punisl1ed by pen. C., Arts. 614 �3), 615, 616• ed), Pbr2 ltsh pub (un 70) _(19 s son of Per a v La1 ia11 iop Et/ the rl nde / of n ntia 1 nde Ma i11 his : i J. is eSla to ry � ne of Vdraft, say as s that in dealing with the 9uesion of �igamy, "lt is ;�: � pl that the first spouse n take had rce divo to establish that a as was dead · civ. C., Arts. 59 et seq. . · · g1s e re t11 th wi ed fit en be . "OnIY once or twice' e ecre d . rce years has a divo last 7 the ing dt1r . ges recor ded 10 ' • r1a ar n1 tra.r of l vi ci 6 37 2 e wer • · . 1er� . c_ivrl n1arriages in Addis Ababa thoug11 t 1 are st re e th �J . ' vi ci e th e city in 1960 ·t c tie 1 in .) alone. Only JO% of the marriages (E.C and us ns Ce e th of : cuos t.0 ary or �ct D� epu ged Bekele, � 7 l I9 9 and The Et/1 iopian I religi Leou with ous. l S� nterv iew S af epar 6 1 Z' arc on a Abab s Addi of Mu tment of lity D c, the nicipa It · era/d , November 14, 1968, p. 1, coJ. 2.

- 299 -



. nder remai tl1e of 92% 11· c· o 1 . B u per1el of arb1trators. fron1 anyo11e b y the arbitrators.


legal advice was so ught

Disposition of Children and l:>roperty Divorce Hindrance Devices. The cllildren of a divorce in our san1ple were, as a ge1! eral rule, given to t11 e care of t11 e 1notl1er if five. ye,1rs and to tl1e fatl1er__ 1f over five regard­ less of Altho11gl1 our survey did not trace brol<:en fa.1111l1es after the point of separatio11 it appears to be tl1e pre,rai!ing 1Jractice _for childre11 regardless of sex, to be given over to the father, 1f he so desires, wl1en tl1ey the age of five. 86 Tl1is practice see1ns to be based upon the pr?positio11 that a child needs a motl1er's care w11e11 yo11ng but can be a prodt1ct1ve member of its father's enterpr. ise V1rl1en older. ,vhile cl1ildren vvere in the care of their 1notl1er, arbitrators us11ally decreed tl1at the fatl1er should pay a certai11 su111 to her monthly for the cl1ildrer1's care. 111 two of the cases in the sample it was sti1)ulated tl1at this pay1nent sl1011ld cease upon the child reaching five years and possibly tl1is \Vas sin1ply understood in the others. Va.riations in tl1e normal pattern of cl1jld arra11ge1nents occurred for various reasons. 111 one case the motl1er was sl1own to have mistreated the cllild so it was gi,,en to the father, tl1ougl1 11nder five years. In another, tl1e fatl1er ,vas not required to make support pa.yments because lie was 'bli11d a11d jobless. In no case i11 our sample was an ex-l1usband required to 1nake periodic pay­ n1ents for l1is ex-v.1ife's support that were not i11 respect to a division of their con1n1on property or property bro11gl1t by tl1e ,vife into tl1e n1arriage. S11ch payments, termed ''alimony'' in some co1111tries, are reportedly 11ot recognized in the Etl1iopian culture.87 A wife, however, is ofte11 give11 strpport payments pendi11g the con• clt1sion of the litigation to be subtracted from l1er sl1are of tl1e property in case divorce ultimately results.



I• 1



The property of a couple, botl1 1uovable and i 1 111novable \-Vas ust1ally given half to each upon divorce as reported 'by the intervie,vees. \Vl1er1 tl1e arbitrators were able to identify property tha.t was brought into the n1arriage by a party, not always an easy task, it was generally give 1 1 o,,er to him or l1er, then the property that l1ad been jointly acquired during 1narriage - tl1e co111mon property-:­ was split half and half.88 In one case the couple ovvned a hot1se vvitl1 six roon1s in a . row. Th�ee we�e given to eacl1. Prest11nably tlle)' boarded-t1p ar1y door in �l�e _ . half and _ ' cas middle. Var1at1011s 1n tl1e one In . l1aJf pattern occurred for var 1011 s reaso11s for example, a husband agreed tl1at his wife cotlld J1ave all tl1e oon1mon pro perty in order to facilitate getti11g the divorce that he dearly \¥anted.


85. See also Teshoa1e Gezahegn v. TewabetcI1 Makonnen (I-I.igh Ct., Addis Ababa, 1968, .4:PP· No. 75�-60) (u11l_)ttblished) (12 year old girl to father). Occasionally a child over given the cho1ce of \V1th whom it wi sh e.s to li\·e. l.· ske � 86 • H. artlmaier, cited at note 5 above, p. 38. See brern Aberehet G·el1 also , Tirf e v. Mea sho cited above at note 23. 87. N. Marcin, cited above at note 26 p. 163. , 88. See Civ. C., Arts. 690-691, 683-689.

- 300-




. . The ''divorce �ndrance devices''? 89 menti oned earlier, which were butlt �11to dr aft er, we re 1nte11ded t o its by e od C w ork as foll ows. W l1en a · · the Civ· il div s seriou bl h a t e e ' s is d is e an d rc dl o v o rce ' en sue s' the arbitrat ors are ,, as a . .· . . 1scret1on cauSe for . 1s ru le '' . h wit ary t h em d t 1 t . o tak h . e. property up to a spec1·5.ed 1nax11n 0 · ouo - tb · um om h t e I 1 w_ t o �er 10: o11 1 se s ca 11 sp s e 1s imputable aild give it to tlle from tlle other. e 1_ 1 111 de ar t d en t o tly di . sc o ur �p ag p e spo uses from doiilg things This wa s th at m ight mar e ital th relat i n o dist1 1rb a. nd tl1t1s lead to divorce. seriously On the other h�11d,. if n? seriollS cause is establisl1ed btit divorce restilts tlle arbi­ d1 the s c,1:et�on but ''as a r1 1 le'', are t o plIIlis 1_ r at 1 a_ g �1 ors , h the one �ho mak es trat "the pet1t1on f or d_1vorce _ 1n tl�e sa1ne ma11ner - by uneqtial property division. This, it seems, wa s 111tend�d to d1scoltrage tl1e ter.mination of marriages wllen parties merely become weary of 1t for s on1e reason. In our sample where a seri ou s ca11se was alleged in the petition and the defe11_ dant "''as found t o be at faul t, h e was punished by an unequal property division in two-thirds of the case �.. B�t in n on� of the cases was a party punished in this way for n1erely pet1t1011111g for div orce when n o serious cause existed. further more, only one case, wl1ich will be discussed below, was found where a court reversed o r altered an arbitrato rs' decision because no property punishm ents were meted out. A practical rea son f or not punishing the petitioners in n on-serious cause cases is not hard t o find. As point ed out earlier in this article, petitioners in divorce cases ar e usually women, r egardless of where the fault li es or who actually wants the divorce. The man custo1narily ejects the \Vo1nan from the hous eh old and keeps all of their property, farcing th e woma11 to initiate an action if she wishes her share. 90 Under tl1es e circumstances it makes good sens e n ot to apply the ''general rule'' of the code that p etitioners be punishe d.


The one instance f ound where a petitioner in a non-serio11s caus e case w_as punished by an unequal prop erty division occurred in a recent St1preme I1;11per1al Court decision.91 But the punishme nt there was n ot merely beca11se the pet1t1oner, the woman, bad filed t he petition. The Court foct1sed instead on t�e �act that the petiti oner bad c ontinued to insist on a divorce thr oughout the arbitration attempts. The Court said ''she should hav e abandoned the question of divorce for the sake of her ho me and h er children''. This criteria o f refusing reconciliation seems to be a much m ore sensible 011e than ''who made the petition'' as no\V provided in the Code - if a punishment sh ould be meted o ut in a non-serious caus e case at all. 92


89 · See note 29 above. tht1s d an e" ut sp 90 · Of co urse a di e th ve ol es "r s or at tr bi ar plaintiff cot1ld mere Iy as . k that fam·11y not be "petitioning for divorce'' as per the statute, but it is probably too much to expect lba t this n1essage ulation. couJcl be con1n1uoicated to the women in the pop 9 1 · Yesho walul 1-IaiJe Maria1n case ' cited above at note 23· 92 If ti e e d one if b to JS . at ,h ,,. f o e is ar en th . . · b thl C?U rt's t est were accepted the question wo, uId se ca n io at tr bi ar e on In . o tra Parties continue. to i �sist on divorce througl1out the a�br � : fe ,ed not to \.va�t clain i an r u sample ll1e 1nterv1ewee reported t!Jat _both h�isban_ ? d 1 g this pos1i ki ta e er a iv ce, \.V ey l T s. mtentio true but r thei he not ld cou was this ect det rce o iv d a r fo f s k as tion �_ e said, o ll w .1 e on hard on t 1e be ld cou se it cau . be ew y kn th the bo , When it comes to the division of property.


- 301. -

W - VOL. VI - l\lo. 2 A L . N J,.\ P IO -I J: T E F O L A JOURN

,lrds o� so111e ye �rs ago sho 11d sta a pe 1ro E1 if e � bl na tio es qu ul It is certaiilly e th blo ck ep t? 1ng t 1J) ra e11 att on of i·ncom� by � ty ci s � � n pia � hio Et on � sed � po im be er e oth ,vh d1 e 01c tl1e is or ne grant ed. It is g h1n ':' n1s p11 gh ou � � thr _ es 1pl co1 patible 111n to _ co1 tl1ml< tl1at mere in con 0\v 1 are 1 101 11at rn ste We � t . � tlia al nic iro 1• somewhat .t]1e p�.�r�_1es a1e _ _ 1f rce required to Wait d1v for und gro ? be patibility slJotild � 93 Tl1e . on y 1s1 st ec l1a a d 01 drafter of the � a certaiil period of time so as to a:1 111 _ a co111me11tary 011 this n tre tl1e ize ogn rec � to d me see f isel hin e part Cod . Civil . r 111 E�iuop1a to let all ma�ried cou t bet be ot it J1t Mi � 4 de.9 ple, of the C? � _ � _ mpt by _ .· fa1n1ly arbitrators fails divorce without pun1 s11ment 1f a reconc1l1at1on atte as was the custon1 before the Code? In any event, the ''divorce l1indrance devices'' l1ave reportedly l1ad some effects at least on knowledgeable Ethiopians of the propertied class. One interview ee said she knew of son1e couples who \Vere stayi11g together principally because the husband was fearful of losi11g much of his property to l1is \\1ife if tl1ey should be divorced.95 •



Review by a Court

The courts are empowered to revie\V an arbitrators' decision and alter .it in certain circumstances, tl1e broadest of wl1icl1 is ''t]1e illegal or ma11ifestly unreasonable character'' of the decisiori. 96 Most appeals appear to be based on tl1is alegation. The typical appeal is made by the ex-huba11d or \Vife to co1nplain that the property division or child mai11tenance pa)r1nents decreed by the arbitrators was unreaso11able. 97 The usual respoi1se of tl1e court is a11 affirma11ce together \Vith a staten1ent that family arbitrator's decisions will note be distr11bed without good caLise. 98



A number of litigants have come to the co11rts to ask for a property division after arbitrators l1ave decreed a divorce and were sent back \Vit11 the message that only family arbitrators are competent to decide!"' property division questions initially. 99 The Civil Code provides that ''only the court is co1npete11t to decide v,hethe r a divorce has bee11 pronounced or not." 100 Th e co11rts are often called on under this Code provision to certify or endorse a fan1ily arbitrators' decree-the

93 • See P.. �ygb, ''Living, Se�arate and Apart, as a G rot111d for Dissolution of _'t\:arriage ..� Australia , Journal of _Fa,nzly La»', vol. 6 (1966), p. 219, wJ1 ere the author state :-; that , ,, · books e statut least t\venty-four Amer1can jurisdictions have legislation of this tyJJe on their Id., at p. 220. Mother England has rece11tly followed st1it. 94. R.David, cited above at note 1, JJ. 50. 95 · Interview with Woz. Alma.z Zewde of the Haile Sellas·sie 1· I:;-oundation 011 A pril 23, 1969' t11c . . . . . . . . use . ca e b Al e · so ID two cases tn ou.r sample it was reportecl that reconc1)1at1011 took plac e, orc div on ht_1sband was told that_ he would lose so111e of ]1is· prope;ty il; he continued to insist 96. Civ. C., � t. 736; C,v. Pro. C., Arts. 319 (1), 350-357. � 97 • E.g., Decision of !1.1:ne 22, 196? . �Higl1 Ct., As 1ara, Civil App. o. 2 5 ( n u b ·shed) N 9 - 8),., u196 igh n _ (ex husba�d compla, n about d1,1 1s1on of property) and Decision of !'-'f.ay z.,, p 7 l(.J-IJj1tle � � 0 to out Ct�, Add!s Ababa, CivLl ab A()p. No. 163-59) (t1npublisl1ed) (ex-\vife con1pla1nmg cbtld ma1ntena.nce 1noney). 98. Ibid. 11ed) bl' 99. D�i.sion 0 _ October 14, 1964 (High Ct. , As1nara, Civil Case No. 19-57) (unpo _,s ed) . -57 ) (un publ1sh D ecJsion f ! ugust 14, 1965 (Sup. Imp. Ct., Asma 23 ra, Civil App. ·. · No. 100, Ctv. C., Art. 729.





- 302-

(I I / I I


.I I


I 1



sometimes called ''homologation'' · 101 It 1· nvolves n o t h'1ng more th. an . . to as cot 1rt whe th the r the arbit ratio11 followed the pro by � 11 . . isio er procedure dec ,02 A nd tl1e pr1nc1pal q·uest1on in that p reg ard is wl1ether a sincere attemp ot n . r · o · s wa s 111ade by tl1e t pa rtie h e t ile arbitrators b efore the d'1vorce decree . to rec onc d. T.he cour t 1s · not to review the ere proprie ty of th. e arb'1trators .was rend . . . r e 1at·ing to property an d child ec1· s1o ns · d e ntiv disposition, unless sPecifi ca11Y sta . sub on e of the parties. by so do to asked cases i volve resident foreigiiers. 103 A divorce decree on omologati � b Many . . c1t1 zens, private ad11 irable syste 111 that it is, is not known of o a . . by � � ered :�f rend Et 1op1an court s sta1np of approval helps to ensure an so , tr1e � co t � � mos _ � in . e try m 1er un s l1o 1g1 co re e fo tl1 1n y 1l1t tab its accep proceSs is


Remuneration of Family Arbitrators The Civil Procedur e Code provides that family arbitrators can fix a reasonable fee to be paid to tl1em for tl1eir services.105 Probably few are aware of this prov­ ision but even for those who are, t radition and a sense of pride 1nilitate agai11st its being given and received. 111 only four of the 105 family arbitration case studies in ou r sample was monetary remuneration given. 106 If candidates for the family arbitrator's role are reluctant to give of their time for the purpose, which seems to be increasi.11gly the case in the cities, a greater use of this code provision may be a pa rtial solution to the problem.


It would seem to be necessary, however, either in an am e11dment to the Civil Procedtire Code or in guidelines set out by the courts, to be more specific as to the source of the fee payments. In three of the four cases in tl1e sample where remuneration was paid it was given by the petitioner who appeared to have gatl1ered the more advantageous result from the arbitrators. This points up the danger of leaving it to the parties to pay the remuneratio11. A see mingly better way to handle this matter is illustrated by our fot1rtl1 case, which was court-supervise?. The court made an allowance for re1nuneration from the common property which was sub­ tracted before it was distributed to the parties. Another possible way to handle the matter of remuneration was suggested by an advocate in Harar: ''To help p eople who are in trouble is always a noble job. However, . since arbitr ation takes much of ot1r time, I wish the Government could assign some money from its budget for this purpose''.


00· lOl /S6) lOl · E.g., Jem p. Ap vil Ci 3, 196 ., Ct p. Im anesh Amare v. Teferra Wolde Amanuel (Sup. (unpublished). ���- See Shatto v. Shatto (Sup. Imp. Ct., 1964), J. Etlz. L., vol. 1, P· 19o. · E.g., lbicl te no 104· Similar e (se ria ge Ni <l ao ) 64 P• s;stems exist in Brazil (R. David, cited at note I, above, 40 above ) 105 · Cv1.· Pro. C., Art. 318 (5). 106- Food d • . es m o h m d el l1 s n io ss se ion an drtok were alm ost invariably servecl at arb"1tra t·

- 303 -


A sixty-eigI1 t year old ''sl1amagele'' elder from Addis Ababa developed this the me further: ''It is not proper to accept or ask for money because arbitrati o11 is l- or the sake of Cl1rist. But I would not mi11d if the Governrne11t wotild ::,0lVe 1·rat·10n where Ll1ey are able t s01ne money for a11y arb"t fam1·1 y ar·b1trators · 0 reco.ncile the parties''.


• I





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• · : f·l•'l ftj::C� f1T1- : {ID�&.C : f01/.ouflt1-I: : fi,f•a111ttt.e, ; 9°tJ"t.,r1 t\flm•: ncn:i• : !ft· : 1--P.r-1· : {l{I D'J-fl(l'�il\ 0'J'}�(D•'}° ! ' : ro�fl'r: ...,,..,.�ti;y,'•'l>A -' fi:Cf.." : (t;t- } : fOD ;J/4,:t- • 011:l'!t!\ : (j':C�· : fL--1: : (D (�..flD"�-- : 1'"11,. " : /t.(IJ{l't : h'}.Jt'fA: "',.TC: Qf�r : (lt.;,,,f..'9° : i',�.h : 'i-..eA : l}�h'i:1 c\,.f? �c�10J• . 00 :f-lr't = 1'1f,<;1_C'I° :: : :1• 0 , A' ,l\llr : r�c�· .: 001AO'l' : 9"°h1·!-l· : f..O}'Jl> � ftDl�lD· : <j:c:..f..' : J;f faJJ..milf..CD•: 9°hl ' !T: fl\,l\ar : hC?°� : a,al•::






- 422-






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- 423 -


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- 425 -


PRACTICE, A· TTITUDES AND PROBLEMS IN THE LOWER COURTS OF ETHIOPIA b;, Tl1on1as Gerag/1 ty* l11troduction Today , tl1e w o re d a a11cl awraclja courts in the large to wns of Ethiopia hear . _ ca th se at s th of i11 e ''o]cl clays'' were decided 1n smal the k_j11ds l villages by res­ pected elders or local judges 11nder a tree. PEOPLE,

No\.V a courtl1ouse pr?vides the sl1elter once give11 by tl1 e tree , la rg e towns 1 pl ac of th e 1ll e \ ag e11 es , a11 tak d tl1e judges are assigned by a ceiitral go have _ ve rn­ . ca 111 se l1e s 01 ar 1e lo ca lit to y fo r a\vl1ile an d then 1nove on. Elders co ment nt ­ u exe tl1e rci tra se ir ditional arbitral power \vl1en disputes are submitted in e to to then1 .1

Tllis article follows the evolution of tl1e present day ''lower cotirt'' an d 1 1 describes tl1e lov. er cot1rt S) Sten1 as it exists today, discussing the backgrot1nds a11d attitudes of tl1e people wh o con1pose it to\vards the system and towards each other. finally, in tl1e A_[Jpendix, cases taken fron1 two representative courts are a11a­ lysed for the p11rpose of ascertaining the basic problems tl1at exist today in tl1e administratio11 of justice. Hopefully, this article ide11tifies some problems which are susceptible to fairly superficial sol11tions - sol11tio11s t]1at do 11ot require a completely new start. While administration of justice \\'ill continue i11 so1ne\vbat better form if these measures are taken, real i1nprovern.e11ts, ,is \1/ill be seen, require a fu11da1nental change in spirit arnong aI I concer11ecl.


LL.B. 1970 No r th\veste rn Uoive rsity. rvi e111ber, 1--ISIU N ort hwester n University :Research project, 1969. The inforn1atio 1 1 cot1tainecl i11 tl1e ar ticle is derived fron1 inter views with 42 judges, 10 atbia danias, 72 advoca te s. 30 scribe s, 75 court c l erks and 170 litig'_1-llts; �ese_arch was t1ndertaket1 in 1-lara r, As n1ara, and Addis Ababa and prin1arily in the latter . All n1ter v1ew1ng was cond�1cted b _ y law students fron1 t he J-ISIU l aw factilty wit h questionaire s provided by the author ; 1nlerv1ews of judges, atbia da1 1ias a11d so1ne advocates wer e conducted jointly with t he autho r • l. In Ethiopian society t J1ere are a nun1ber of institutio11alized means of settling serious disputes o_urside of court. T he n1ost in1por tant of t l1 ese inst itut ions are the " s.hamageles", res pected persons 1_n the communit y wl10 a re chosen by the disputants, (t\VO are usually chosen by each par ty wirll a chairman agreed t1 po11 b etween the parties) t o effe ct a settlement. They _are rnoSt ofte n r� sort.�d lo in family dispt1 tes but are active in all ki11ds of c��es from petty ins ults to l and di sp�tes, loan cases, as sault and n1urder. 111 1l1e old d ays, a dec1s1on_ of t h� sham ageles_ as �espe�� �s la\v. In the count r yside tl1eir disposition of a dispute stdl carries _great weig;t. spec ,i ly m ·· ' · the c1t1 es, h o\,1e ver, their effectiveness appe ars t O be decreasing TJ11s may be due to th.e f• act y to serve as that m odern wor k p ressure and the n1011etary economy Iiave nia, de. citizens less read · · , dec1 s1ons as bi"n · . ct·1 ng e 1 s g e a o1 sha tl1e d r ga e r �o luntary arbitra _tors, a11d also that p eople no l ong:r . ct·1 0 s al w�ys exclude th e sharoa gel es ' in court. (But this do es 11ot n1ean that form al court pr ?cee . � rol �. In 0 11e crimi 1 1al tre?pass dispute, a shamagele intei ve ed a d asked t he judge not to . � decide tbe case bccat1se 1t ,vas of grea t co11c e.rn t o his com�1 nit �nd should be settle d there _. The JU · d_ge agr eed and t l1roug 1 1 11 1·s en�otirageni ent the parties · evYentually went back to their J,ave no set forn1. The shamageles com°!unity_ for ar bitrati?n.) TI1e proceechngs_ b� fore t1 1e eId may 1nte r_ v1ew the parties sepa rately. If te stimony O f w���esses is required, sl1amageles _wil l . re th e el der s - ofte n 1n a fo e b r he t e to ocur e ear ap P� It . Or t he p arties ancl t he w1 tness 111�y � t l1eir own concept ?f ly pp a s ele ag :rn Sh urch yard on sunday morning - and te ll tl1e1r stories. �_ ai.roess to arrive at a compr on1ise. They often a lso app1Y cust omary law. u1 son1e case s their · - · ·ons . decis, nts. e doc un1 iese tl are wr itt en, ancl cot1rt s show .respe ct for

- 427 -


The Lower Courts: General Description Most people ii1volved in ljtjgatio11 i11 the governn1.ent jt1dicial syste1n of Ethiopia l1 ave tl1eir l1eard in the woreda a11d awradja co·urts - tl1e two '�lower'' courts of the Ethiopian jt1dicial system.. In combination, th.ese courts h.ave JUr� sdic tio11 to try civil cases i 1 1volving movables up to a val-ue of E $ 5, 000. 00 a11d 11n1novables worth E $ 10,000.002 Their crin1 ina1 jurisdictio11 ra11ges fron1. JJower to punish mis­ demea11ors sucl1 as vagrancy to charges of theft. Each of tl1ese courts exercises jurisdiction within its assigned administra. tive .su? division, eitl1er a :�w?r�d�'' or an ''awradja'' ''ghezat''. 3 Woreda courts are w1tb1n tl1e appellate Jt1r1sd1ct1011 and adn1inistrative co11trol of awradja co11rts. Below tl1e woreda co11rts in the co11ntryside and .in Asmara, are local jt1dges or ''atbia danias." These judges were originally empowered by a 1947 procl,Lmati on to hear very n1inor civil and criminal cases arising witl1in tl1eir j11 risdiction. 4 Tho11gl1 the Crin1inal Procedure Code enacted in 1961 gave the1n jL1risdiction to hear minor cri1ninal cases, the Civil Procedure Code enacted in 1965 did not 1uention tl1e111 as having any civil jurisdiction. There \Vas s01ne co11fusion, as a res11lt of tl1 e Civil Code's omission, over wl1etl1er atbi,1 danias \Vere 1neant to continue to exercise civil jurisdiction. Tl1e Ministry of J11stice attempted to eliminate tl1e confusion by stating, in a c.ircular sent to all Governorate Generals, tl1at atbia dania courts could continue to exerc.ise civil jurisdiction when parties agreed to submit their disputes to them. 5 Two judges usually are assigned to n1etropolita11 woreda courts - one who l1ears civil cases and another who considers criminal charges. A\Vradja courts 0L1tside of Eritrea6 are co111posed of tl1ree judges - a presiding j11dge and two associate judges - \vho hear cases together. In large towns, awra<.ija courts l1ave divisio11s, eacl1 co1nposed of three judges, which specialize in civil, criminal or con1mercial cases. The most common kind. of civil case in an. Addis Ababa woreda cot1rt involves a sma1J debt arising from a contract of loan. These clebts n1ay also arise from failure to pay debts, or unwillingness to abide by ekub7 contracts. Re 1 1t clefault cases are also common.

2. Civ. Pro. C. Arts. 13, 14. 3. Civ. Pro. C. Art. 19. ''Ghe�a t" mea�� .literally "place governed'', ''woreda" is the second _ "mek1til n: i aJies place governed, Wore�a 1s the smallest place governed. Tl1e next largest, adn1! � 1n1str at1ve enti.ty above the "woreda'' ,s the "awra.dja''. 4 Loc al Jt1dges Proclam ation of 1947, Proc. No . 62, Neg. Gaz. Year 6 No 10 . . d 5 St11 y of Agricultural Land Dispt1tes in Ki,ni J,Voreda and Cl cller •a Courts (Haro r a e A u r [} . . t Provi11ce ), I,nperial Ethiopian Gover11ment Ministry 0'Jr L ai•// } � . Addis ...,, R eJo, 111 a,,d A c.1nin1s 1·atl:011, , Aba ba 1969, p. 60. 6. In Eritrea _awra dja courts are constituted by one judge in jud ges . th e fi tlir ee d Jrs a n t instance • . •. when bearing appeals. 7. An ''e�ub'' is a wage pooling volunta ry association. Me s. Jot �• dra . mb ers an d pool weekly dues T�e wmner . takes the pool. Often a wmner one week If t nex tlle wi· u · b ute . t reftise to con r1 . l this happens. the ".J udge'' Of th u r' o · e eku b will bring tl1e c to y a . r:e hun . an' . d �� to pay pursuant to tl1e latter's written person who refuses to phe t h e ed joi n or oral agreement when �soc1a,t1on to keep up weekly payments for a cert a in length of time. 7

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THE LOWE R COURTS OF ETfllOPfA est proportion of crin1j11al cases liea g . ar J e c r d ·111 wore da . Th . . . 8 courts are 1n1t1at . ed m a d o n st by o ft nt e n in v o ai ompl . lv e ·i ss a u c lt · . · lllSU It or trespassing. v·1o a te . r1v la t1on s P municipal regula t1on s Slich as tl1ose deal ji1g � i tll bl .ic b ealtl1 ancl u f oal so brot1ght to tl1ese cot1 r ts. St1spects acc11secl of t{eft are brougllt totraffic are w oreda · . pursuant to police Article tl1e 29 of tb e c r11n111a l p rocedure Code . . . courts by fo�t.y-e.1ght h � tlr 1·rn11t to fo � br 111 g11 1g a defenda11t to court after arres satisfy the 111 t l1at A rt1cle an d A rticle t . r fo 51 of tlle Re vi·sed const·1t·11t.1on. prOvided Nfos t of an awradja court's civil case-load is con,posed of 1.t1ga • t1. 0 relat1 1g I t succession to land, loa11 cases i11volving 111ore inoney ·t 1l an L 1a th. ose l 1eard �1n wored o • . . · . amag es ar1s11 . · 1g ot1t of OJury to person or proper I " c 1or s claim s ourt ty, pet1.t1ons C · ' I , d" f ce or and bou11dary dispu te s. o 1v n 1o at og ol m ho for �1ost of the crim· i11a · ·l cases hea rd in tl1e f irst instance by awract·Ja courts invo vl e thef t and ar_e 1111t1ated bY. �l1_e pt1blic prosecutor. A smalel r number of ca ses heard by an awradJa col1rt are 1n1t1ated by p riva te co.n1plainants. These are serious oases of trespass? _damage _to. p r operty, and. assat1l t. A substantial nu1nber of awradja court cases are CJ\;11 and c r1ID1nal appeals from woreda courts within their jurisdiction. L


Depending upon their location - even wit hin a city - courts bear different kinds of cri111inal or civil oases. 011e judge said that l 1e tl1ought the reaso11 \vhy eighty percent of hls cases invol,,ed traffic offence s was tl1at l1is court was near cl lot of traffic lights. Cou r ts i11 market or industrial areas hear a great n1any beati11 g a11d criminal trespass cases. I11 the town of Akaki, near Addis Ababa, wher e there is a .large factory, en1ployee-e1nployer dispu tes \Vere mentioned as b eing qt1 ite common. In tl1e Mercato area of Addis Ababa, c ri111 ir1al trespass case s are commo11 clue to close living conditions at1d undefined bo·undaries. l11 another area of Addis Ababa, inst1lt case s seem to pr edominate. Tl1e criminal judge for tl1at area gave as the reas�11 for tl1e many insta11ces of st1cl1 cases tl1e ·fact tl1at if a perso11 is inst1lted th ere he \1/ill usually know wl1ere to find the offender because it .is a residential neighborhood. I11 the Merca to, l1owever, whe re there are proportio11ately fewer insult cases brougl1t to court, tl1e con1.n1t111ity is not so tigh tly knit a11d people are ins11ltecl by strangers who cannot be fot1nd for tl1e pt1rpose of summoning the m to oot1rt. Courts: Physical Description


ey Courtroo111 bt1ildings are ust1ally in a dilapidate d conditio11. In . th e cities t_h are 11s ually const rt1ct ed of stone in so111e cas es le cracies of the I tal ian occupation . In the countryside tl,ey are gede ral ly of c/2ikka ;lay construction with dirt floors. ri· n g differ ea e h s ge d · JU e re b t as y , In one courtroon1, whe re there m ay be as man ent cases at the same time; litigants an d spectat�rs crowd the benc_hes. Clerks des ks are located within th e cot1rtr oom itself, adding to the congeStt 0n bec �use d1ngs ea 1 p e av h to . r o es n fi ay p t O People are cont.inually n1ov1ng to and from t bem . Ud¥ e, s ch am­ a as J s le ub do he k ed for proper form · Tl1e recris tra r's office usually · 0 e cber c b to • d er 1 ts u o an to rs a e p s.. F'l1 es are kept in a s eparate offic e in wb at ap 1 utes ·n fi • e il f Iete disorder, though filing clerks c!�im th ey. can Oll:; : table� � � ��� u co ; �� � � fi tsl 1 es, who write out pleadings for l1t1gants, s1t ou or in smal l 1 h 1ts. . Crtm. Pro. s-:-C. Art. 13, Pen. C. Arts. 217-222 and 721 ·

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- No. 2 I V . L O V W A L N IA P O lI l1' E JOURNAL O F

s rt ou C er ow L e th d un ro A 1d a1 In el nn so er P

e s th 1 io h i iss n1 e writt en 1 1 e1 of t 1n v1 111 co 1 t us m ts Lir � � � co ian op hj Et in n tio All ljtiga ch o ai wh ei 1 ot ar or . at i1d er op E t � $ en 1d 1 � pe 1 . 50 de _ in s be ri Se t. t1r co e th s to ng di ea pl 111g statement t of . 1 \Vr e vic ser e tl1 1 rn rfo pe s of s i11g ad ple for a complete set of _ tes or ca vo o ad wh ve ha t are not 11o do o wh 11ts ga ]iti for claj 1n or defence co11fident of their legal knowledge. ly il \-ve er1t lo suf ite wr ble ena d n a. d rea to them ,v ho ow kn s ibe , scr ally ner Ge 11e cas es tl1a t co1ne to w oreda ti rou rly fai t]1e for s icle art e cod llt to cite the rig _ . a.11d awradja coU1·ts. Some of the111 have made up their �w11 SLtbJect matter index ro tl1e codes and worlc 011t their own for1ns for pleadings. Otl1ers follow the for1ns in the appe"I1dix of the Civil Procedttre Code. Alt'l1ot1gl1 they l1ave to aJJply to tl1e _presidi 11g j11dge of tl1e court where Ll1ey \vish to work. for pernlission to set up a table, scribes are not supervis ed by tl1e court or by Ll1e Mi11istry of Justice. Tl1ey may I1ovi1 ever, be reprimanded by a judge jf t11ey 1nake a 1nistake in writi11g ot1t a state1nent of clai1n or defence. Also \\'orking i11 and arou11d tl1ese cot1rts are professional pleaders who appear ror litiga 11ts. They are of two types. Tl1e ''advocate'' is the professional ,vbo �1ppears for j11clividt1al litigants. I-le is lice11sed by tl1e Mi11istry of Justice. 9 The ad,,ocate, i11 order to practice law, ]1as to take an exan1 10 give11 by the 1vlinjst[)' of Justice. a11d pay a yearly registration fee. A.clvocates are registered to practice in the variolls levels of the courts according to tl1eir compete11ce as detern1ined by the M.inistry. The other professional legal representative is the so-called ''age11t''11 or by .more com111on Etbiopia11 designation, the ''11egara fedge'' (literally: ''a perso11 \vho handles tl1e affairs of others''). Negara fedges are of tvvo types - one professional and tl1e. ot11er not. T11e professional appears for a gover111ne11t agency, or private corporations ,vhose ow11ers do not reside ,vitl1in tl1e jt1risciictio11 of the court where tl1e a.ppeara_nce is 1nade. 12 Tl1ey are not required to pass at1 exa111ir1ation but _ appear cont111ually for tl1e business or tl1e governn1ent age11cy t]1at e111ploys tl1en1. Negara feclges \vho appear for gover11me11t age11cies sucl1 a.s a 111u11icipality or the Department of J11land Reve 11ue have sta11dardized ta.sks i 11 court. Tl1us one negara . f�dg� will specialize in prosectrti11g violations of sa11jtatio11 regt1latio11s for a ?1 uruc1pal1ty and a11other will go to court 011 Iy to obtain judgn1e 11 ts against _ . del1nqt1ent tax-payers for tl1e M1n 1stry of Finar1ce. The other class of 11�gara f �dges - no11-professiorlals _ apJJectr for faniily n1en 1bers. They are chosen by their relatives for t11eir abi.Lities as liti (rators atid 111ay l1andle. ;::)

9. Courts (Re�istratio� o� Ac�vocates) Rules, 1952, l_eg. N t N o . o. 166, Neg. Gaz., yea r 11, No, 11 · 10. In 1966, this exa.m1n�t1011 tncJuded suc11 questions a ,voul� . a 0 0fr• d ?'' ''wlJen unciat1on contract of sale of 1111movables have an effect .as'. ''.Wllat 18 re� 011 . ,?;, , - and tl1ird en 1s ,7r · , 1Jart.1es ,vJ1en . of succession valid an .r the · d wl1en does · 0 · 1't h ave no effe p rrh ·110// 'J ost t? . '' .A.b erra �ctL1t1walu _, .I.'_e .11,diciary in Ethiopia, 1966 (un.publisl1ed) LibraIY, A re 1 Lav · ,1 liv es, c H a1le Un 1ve Sel rs1t ass y ie J appendix. 11 . Civ. Pro. C. Art. 58. J 2. :fd.,, Arts. 5·8 a11d 59 .

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tin1e. T'hese faJ11ily pleade a at ses ' rs are not per1111·tted to Ca l severa c their services. 13 ept re1n u nacc eration ,or

. Each cot1rt, too, has a staff of professional court p. ersoi1ne1 - the Ju dges' core r e , ks g cl 1s r a e t I · s, fi J a k n d s, messe11gers. All o·f these staff peop _ _ � ing cler le are 11sed by tl1e M1111stry super, of Justice. bfred and

n: Civil io at tig ;Li of s es oc Pr 'fbe The first step for a litigant, wl1e11 he takes a case to court as a plai11tiff moned to court as a defe11da11 t is to have bis pleading written out, sum is Or 14 e. scr1 b a · usually by \Vhen a litiga?t comes �o ,t scribe witl1 a legal problem, the scribe attempts to make an a �alys1s of t�e d1spt1te. He asks questions - much like a lawyer would­ which are des1g11ed to b1_-1ng out the true natt1re of the dispute so that the relevant code articles .111ay be cited. For example, i11 a n1011ey dispute, \Vllere one party refused to pay what the other had loaned l1im, tl1e scribe asked \.vhether tl1 e de­ fendant adm_itted that he had borrowed t11e n1011ey, whether the contract of loan ,vas in \Vritir1g, ,vhy the defendant reft1 sed to pay, and for the purpose of jurisdictjon, ,\,here the contract was 1nade and ,vhere tl1e defendant resided.


TI1e scribe writes tl1e pleadings usually while tl1 e litiga11t w:1its. Tl1e pleading must co11tait1 t11e relief which the plaintiff de111ands 15 a11d infor111atio11 required by Article 222 of the Civil Procedure Code - basically the na1nes a11d addresses of the plaintiff and defe11da11t, ''the facts constituting the ca11ses of actio11 and when a11d ,vbere it arose'', ''the facts showing the co1t11 has jurisdictio11'', a11d ''the facts sl1owing that the defendant is or clai111s to be i11terested i11 tl1e subject 1n;1tter and is liable to be called upo11 to answer the clain1''. 1 c, Required to be attached to tl1e plead­ ing is an annex 17 containir1g the nan1es of wit11esses to be callecl and doct11nents if any npo11 whic]1 tl1e plaintiff relies. Staten1e.nts of defe11ce 11111st contai]1 objections to jurisclictio11 and facts upon which the defendant relies for defe11ce. The defenda11t is also required. to attacl1 an "annex'' to lus staten1e11t containing the na111es of l1is wit11esses and documents upon which he relies for I1is defence.18 lf the litigant is a pl ai1 1tiff, tl1 e scribe ,vrites ot1 t rougl1 for service 11pon eacl1 defend,t11t. The I itigant takes t?ese who checks the1n to se e if th ey are in th e forn1 provided 223 of the Civil ·Procedure Code. The registrar may reject

copies of the pleadii1 g copies to tile registrar for by Articles 222 and the pleadings if they do

[ 13. Id., Art. 58. ment of te a st a g n li fi y b d te u it st in 14 c·1 p D hall b e ·t s i su ry ve "e at ents of th m s te ire a qu st re 3 e ir u · q re . c ! . C. Art . 21 ro �· P · laim v 34 d n 3 3 . ts the In court." of 2 A registry 1ons. the n 1n su h it w � efen ce d e rv ; ;e ;;: e to be brought to court by a de,en d an t w1a10 t1?s i; is · c·tv. Pro. . Art. C 224. 1 6 · Id., Art. 222 17. ld., Art. -??3 • · 18 · fci., Art. 234.

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no t co11 form to req111rement s I 9 11ew staten1e11t of clain1. 18

t 1dice to the litiga11t's rigl1 t to file a prej without

If the plaintiffs' J)leadings are acceptecl by tl1e registrar, upo11 payment of court fees20 tl1e case ,viii be officiall)' ope11 ed. 22 Tl1e plaintiff attem_pts to bring his adversary to cot1rt by persu,tsio n ratI1er tl1an by co11rt order beca11 se s11 ID1nonses cost mo11ey - botl1 in fees and in the financia.l e11co11 ragement relJuired by s01ne clerks \�11:o are respo11si ble for issuing t]1e1 11 . If tl1e ad,,erse IJarty does not respo11d to tl1e 1nfor1n,1l request, the plaintiff obtains a s11 1nn1ons and serves it on the defe11dant l1in1self. Tl1e police are called in to brino0 the defendant to court when tl1e s111n111ons is of 110 a,,ail. Witnesses are officially sun1moned to co11rt23 011ly after the J)arty ]1as failed to produce tl1e111. If a s11n1mo11 s is necessary for a \Vit11ess i1 1 a civil case, it is served by the party wl1 0 desires his attendc111ce. The procedure for sched11ling c:1ses is basically on a first co111e - first served basis. Wl1 en the litigant has l1is file accepted by the registrar b. e is told when l1is case will be l1eard. Tl1e time bet\vee1 1 filing a case a11 d appearing before the judge for tl1e first ti111e oa11 range anywl1ere from 011e day to a 11101 1tl1. Wl1en tl1e case is called for l1eari1 1g, if botl1 parties are prese1 1t, tJ1e judge first reads the file co11ta.i11ing tl1 e state1nents of claim a11 d defence as n1 ost judges do not prepare for tl1e day's 1vvork by readi1 1g cases before11and. Once tl1e judge bas familiarized bi1nself ,:vith the case, both sides give tl1 eir versio11 of tl1e dispute and if r1ecessary, witnesses are called. The judges nat11ra II)' dominate the proceedings, doing most of the crossexa1ni11ation of parties a1 1d wit11esses. During this hearing tl1 e j11dge records tl1e testimony given, sometin1 es s�/llable by syllable. If tl1e is 1111co1uplicated and the j11 dge feels tl1at l1e can render a decision witl1out thinki1 1g very long abo1it it, l1e does so i1 nmediately after both sides have pre­ . sented all tl1eir e,1 ic{e1 1ce. Otl1 er,:vise be \Vill consider the facts a.nd iss11es of law and give tl1e decisio11 at a la.ter da.te. Writing tl1e decisio11s takes a oreat deal of tin1e a1 1d the j11dge 11sually does this after the parties have fi r1isI1;d prese1 1ti11g tl1eir cases, before tl1e cases are hearcl in tl1e morning ' or son1 etiine d11rii1 o- tl1e after1 1oo n when the caseload is lighter. :::,

It ust1ally takes th·ree to four heari11gs before a case is f111ally decided. In rooSt cases qt1ite a fe,v continuances are granted for various reaso11s-t11 e absence of one of the parties, absence of a wit11ess, or the sl1 eer number of cases \vhicl1 con1e before a judge in a day.

19. Id., Art. 229. 20 . Id., Art. 232(2) 21. Id., Art. 215.

22. Civil cases may be institt1ted by paupers pursuant to Ar ticles 467-480, Civ. Pro. C. 23. Crim Pro. C. Article 111.

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party wishes to appe g losin · al' J1 e lisually n1.ak es 11.1 s desire the If own to the kn · h t ter e af d ge y JU ' I has iate read n1ed . dl7e im tl1e decision. . :, JU . Tile appella 11 t tl1e 11 ha s .to l1ave a co py of proceedii1. s • the . al tr1 court ade � 1 r wl fo 1 1cl tl �� 1 rks ere cle is ( a set court fee a b the court I as a frequent ,?1don1 norandun1 of app eal, stating tl1.e grouiJd n1e . A s • 11po 11 \V}1jch the party app1 n"). at�o . . . . .tt.e11 011t b y t h e scr1 b es. The copy of the file \.Vr.1 15 a11d the memora11dum of eals' 1 e appe 1late court by the Jjtiga,1.t. 1 to t taken are l appea ess : Crin1inal oc Pr ion at tig Li e Th "Criminal· prosec11tio11s initiated by J)rivate complaint · to the po1·ice compose a case oa f l l 1e d . 111 · tl1e· woreda and awradja co1 1rts. These cases t o rtion prop o . e larg ar e_ initiated .p11rsuant to �rt,cJ�s 1n _ the P�na_ l Code and Code of Petty Offences ,vhich proscr1be acts resu 1ting . 1n personal lllJL1ry, property damage, or instllt of a non-seriot1s natL1re. Tl1e p11bl�c _pro_sec11tor_ 1?ay not ii1stittite proceedings for tllis class of offences4 he 111ust wait 11 nt1l the 1 nJured or offended individtial complains 2 police." o the t

A perso 1 1 desiri 11 g to . n�ake sucl1 a ?on1plai11t, tl1ereby injtiati 11g an i 11vestigation ,vhic h may lead to a cr11n.111al J)rosec11t1011, goes to a local police station to have his accusation recorded. The con1plai 11 t is writtei1 dow11 by police officials25 and signed by the complaina11 t. TL1 e investigati11 g police officer has tl1 e power to s11 1nmon the person ''he has reaso11 to believe ...l1as conu11.itted the o.ffe 1 1ce... to appear before hin1 ,"26 to i 1 1terrogate l1im, 27 and to reqt1ire tl1at the person sun1 mo 11ed execute a bond, with or witho11t sureties. 28



The results of tl1e i11vestigatio11 are forwarcled to the public prosect1tor 29 who decides \:i.;bether or 11ot tl1ere are sufficient grot1nds for prosecutio11. If tl1 e pros­ ecutor decides tl1ere are sufficie11 t gro1111ds J1e \Viii prosecL1te the case J1 imself. If tl1e public prosectitor refL1ses to instit11te, he may author�ze, a.mong others, the co111plaining party l1 imself, the i11j11red party's legal representative, or the husband or wife of the i11jured party to co 11dt1ct a pri,;ate prosecution. 30

Thus the con1plaini11g J Jarty in a crimi11 al case initiated by . private complaint : I ca? ha ve a pttblic prosec11tor as l1 is a.dvocate. Very fe\\1 -pr1v_ate compla,�ants bring tl1eir cases to cotirt if the ptiblic prosecutor refuses t_o 111st1tt1te proceedi11 gs. Complai11ants who find tl1 at tl1ey \vill l1 ave to proceed on the1� own may be deterred by court fees and tl1e time a.nd effort reqtiired to present their cases by themselves. Defendants in crin1jnal cases - both those in cases brought upon rivate c?m­ � plaint, and those in cases initiated by tl1e public prosecutor - have a difficult


24 See p• Graven, "Prosecuting Criminal 1· Eth. L. Vol. 11 No. 1, p. 121. 25 · Id., Art. 14. 26· Id., Art. 25 27 · d I ., 1-\r t. 27 (1). 28· Id., Art. 28 (1). 29· Id., t. Ar 37 (?) -· 30 . Id., Arts. 44 and 47.

int", la p n1 o C e at v ri P n o y nl O le orr,,ences Puru·shab

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ant of es end typ def se s is pro duc­ tl1e of one er eith for m ble pro st r fi i i l court. The 31 ty) a�ter . bein g arrested sure tor rau ( gt1a a tio11 of n1011ey for bor1d or locati11g or •'sun1 moned'' to the police sta.tion. M:ost defe 11da1 1ts ar>pear1ng 1 1 1 woreda aiid ,iwradja cotlrts a.s crin1i11al defe11darJts in cases brot1.ght upo 1 1 complaint can not afl�ord to furnish bond mo11ey the 111selves tl1ot1gl1 tl1ey 11sually c,t11 find guara11 tors. l-:lovi1ever defendai1ts acct1sed · of 111ore serio11s cri111es brougl1 t by tl1e public prose­ ctitor 01� his own i11itiative are less lil<ely to be able to fL1r11ish bo11d or find a gt1a.ra11tor due to tl1e fact that tl1e latter are o f. ten vagabo11ds accused of theft \Vbo have no local ties i11 tl1e conlffitt11ity where tl1ey are cl1arged. A gre,1t ma11y defend­ ants, then, obliged to spe1 1d Jong periods of time i11 police ct1stody a\vaiting tl1e completio11 of the police investigatio11 a11cl trial. Tl1oug]1 tl1e Criminal Procedt1re Code provides tl1at the police sl1all bri1 1g the accused before the nearest cotirt withi1 1 forty-eight J1o·urs after l1is arrest32 (for 1L1e purpose of deciding wl1etl1er tl1e accused will be released 0 11 bail or held in cL1stody and/or to gra11t the police J11ore tir11e to i11 vestiga.te the accused's case .if needed) in practice tl1is procedt1re is 11ot fo]lo1vved religiously a11cl even if the ace.used is brought to court wit11i11 tl1e prescribed time li 1nit, the police may ask the court to allow tl1e111 111ore ti111e (up to 15 days) to co111plete tl1e investigation. 33 Tl1e police may ask for this exte11sio1 1 as ofte11 as they like. Once tl1e case is brought to trial, the defe11cl,1nt is asked for l1is plea. If he pleads gt1ilty, sentence is given an.d the case is closed. Bt1t .if he pleads 11ot guiJty tl1e prosecutor is 11ever ready to prese 1 1t l1is case a11d the defe11da11t, if be is in custody, is sent baok to jail to await tl1e prosect1tor's preparation of l1is case and his next appearar1ce before tl1e cot1rt. Of course, it is ofte11 tl1e defendant who causes tl1e delay beca.t1se l1e has been u11 able to have his wit11esses i11 court. Judges give contint1a11ces liberally to defend­ a.nts to e11able them to prodt1ce wit.11esses so that tl1ey 111ay prese11t t11eir cases in · the most favorable 1ig11t. Ninety percent of cri111i11a.l defe11da.11 ts cl1arged in tl1e lower courts are not repre­ sented by counsel. It is likely tl1[tt 111any of tl1ese defenda.nts ca11 not afford to retai11 cot1nsel. Article 52 of the Revised Constitution of Etl1iOJJia of 1955 provides t11at a crinJinal defe11dant l1as tl1e rigl1t to ''11ave tl1e assista11ce of counsel for bis defence, who, if the accused is 11nable to obt,1in tl1e san1e by his own efforts or througl1 his ow11 f11nds sl1all be assig 1 1ed ,tnd pro,,ided to t!Je. a�c­ used by the co1 1rt''. The 11sual proced11re for ,lJJpoi11ti11 g cot1 1 1sel for i11dige11t cr11n1nal defenda11ts, when tl1ey are appointed, is for tl1e j11dge si1 111Jly to appoi11t an advocate who happens to be i11 co11rt. But s11cl1 a1Jpoint111e11ts i nfreque11tly n1 ade for two reasons: w kno not First, tl1ere are many JJoor defenc1a11ts in cri1 11j11al ccises wl1o do t no do e, that advocates are avai!able for tl1e111 witl1ot1t charge. These people, tl1erefor up g 1 bri1 y ask to �ay� one appo?Jt�d for tl1en1, a 11d. tl1e judge does not necessaril the poss1b1l1ty of appo111t1ng an advocate l111less the litigant does.

31. Id., Arts. 63 et. seq. 32. ld., Art. 29. 33. Id., Art. 59.

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l.. l






1 \¥ h ic l1 c 1rtails t�1e fu lle�t a The otl1er . p pJjcatio11 of Article 52 . n e a e 11 tu o 1t f 1 r m 111any of tl1e cr1n11na is tl1e ber and 1 l cases brought to court It n ;: b , for example, f or _a d�fe11d a t to b e is . � � le b ro 11 gh i t to co ur t on a cruninal charge p o 1e l n r r ne ,v 1g at l b e o 1 r s in b cr r e ad. Ii1sult ca ou r O ses , wb·1ch make up a larg r P fo ca oa . se · d e in wor ec1a courts ' are ofte11 f t he . I o o1 1 p or ti · I a11era1r in co 1 1sequen t1a · . s, a11 d Pro 1 1n la SL 1 de t I JC 1 fe ca 11c s . e s ca1111ot af·ford a11 advocate. usu·ally the , f lowever, whe1 1 t1 1e . . ". . , a pp . ea ut a1 rs 1 or d sp e os aks_ ��r the pla111t1ff ,vl1 icl1 ublic pr ec ha pp en s \\'hen the _ c se 11t p e 1t ? s r or os ca _ e ec s L 111 1t1 pr at ed by private co�n �ublic pl aint purstiaiit to � C .11 1�1 1_ th n al e _ P ro of e c du re Cocle, tl1e def�ndai1t is Articl e _ ou tman.ned. Wliile 11t r e �s ,tt 1o r� 1 1 n, 1 ca p s e s _brot1gl1t upo11 priva such uneqlial te conlplaint, niay lead to _ lia t s, it 1s cl e ar appo�11t111e,nt of cou11sel _i 11 eacl1 su 1 1lt res 1 t nju s u cl � case wottld a bt of ird e mu cl1 1 1 �1 1 toclay s legal profession and would imp ose to? resu lt i11 1 nc tl1 1e tl a es re 1 alt eady are for the purposes of co11sult 111u 111 ore cont • a ation witl1 . · ne\vly appo1nted cotinseI and procI Lict10 11 o f evidence.

The 011ly f orn1 of rep rese11tatio11 a1 1 ir1dige11t defe11dant in a crin1 inal case bas ,vhen tl1e court does 11ot provide hin1 ,vith a11 advocate is the n1oderating influe11ce prosec11tor if l1e is so i11clined. It is re ported that judges of the public son1e tin1es order tl1e public pros ec11tor to cross-exa1nine the plaintiff's witnesses f ro1n the defendant�s poi 11t of vi e w ancl to spe ak for the defe11 da11t gen erally. It n1ust be note d, l1owever , that th ere a.r e 1nany poor defendants i11 cri111inal cases vvho JJr efer to �epres e_n� tl1e111selve_s as op1Josed to _havi11 g a�. �dvocate either because they have a h1gl1 op1n1on of their o\.v11 ,1rgum.entat1ve capab1l 1 t1es or because they• do not trust advocates tl1ey do not k110,v . Tl1is tl1en. L1as been a basic descriptio11 of 11 0\v tl1 e lower courts in Etl1 iopia operate �11d tl� e kinds of disp11tes th ey hear. The nex t section describes tl1 e his­ torical evolution o f tl1ese co11rts.

I-Iistorical Evolutioi1 of tl1e Present Da)' Lo\Yer Courts of Etl1iopia

. , .tl1e re \Vas 110 UJll'f'.0 1.1� formal judicial systen1 \Villi Before tl1e .Itali. a11 T11vas1on courts of fixed jurisdiction,. 1:e q11ii:i11g co11_rt �ouses 01. ·roDess • n al erson11el confi at ��5 ' 10!st levels, Iiti­ cer? ed solely \.Vitl1 tl1 e adnun1strat1on of Jti5tice. Especia gatro n ,vas conducte d inforn1ally and procedural aild su 5tantive law lacked unifor­ ion · from at ig lit w ho t ou · ab e d a m m1ty re a t a th ·� . s area to ar e a. Th11s ge11 eralization . . 1J ar t0 that of the woreda a11cl \Vas cond 11cted on e hundred y ears ago at l evels SIDl lace p k o to t ha w o f . s nc a, 10 t. J) . l.'ra rI sc e d J� w d' e . co11rts of today are deriv ·ro111 a_ f · ed f e, useful r 11 d ce ro p ry a m n particula to s u c Of P!ctur� neral r e g a Jocaljti r, e I{owev s. e �r d ce ie p e b n ca em st y s t n e cu o an historical p erspective from \Vl1ich to view th e �lers in Et11iopia. A con1tog�th er from vario11s acco11nts left to ·us by early !rav� l disputes will serve to e ga Parison of th e olcl } ving so e r ly or1nal f f o and ne\v ways l ia ic d ju w e 11 1e tl ' t a clari·rY the th 's em l b pro the f 0 111any reaso of 1 1s for th e e xiste11ce eople p e th n . . . ttO o t c e 3Ystem has ff e s it d n a .· il tra n1s n11 ad l tl 11a bo 1 in te rms of its i11 ter Who now 1 nust cope vvith tl1 is new creation.


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Up to the Italian Invasion

The general picture that en1erges fron1 a� cot1 nts left to us_ b� early European travellers in Etl1iopia is that during the period . fron1 tl1e beg1nn111g of the 20th . tl1ree basically \\'ere there .levels on wl11 ch format centtiry up to the Italian Invasion, litigation was co11ducted. 34 At the lowest level \.Vas a jt1dge who ust1ally l1ad large Ja11d .holdings and l1eld allegiance to the provincial government and Emperor. In many areas, because la11d was inherited from father to son, this office was l1ereditary. Fro111 early desoriptio11s the f11nctio11s of this judge resembled tl1at of the }Jresent day atbia da11ja_ 35 I-Ie heard disputes over land, assa11lt, tl1eft, and ins11lt \\'llich arose in his con1mt1nity. Since he was a member of tl1e con1munity wl1ere he sat and was acquainted witl1 the people ,:vl10 brought their disputes to him l1e could often effect a. settlen1ent rather than impose a judgment.

The procedure for prese11tation of a case varied from area to area, and local ways of m.aki11g a11 accusation, prese11ti11g evide11ce, or l1earing tl1e testi111011y of witnesses were strictly adhered to. According to one writer, argume11ts before the jL1dge were not struct11red by refere11ces to substantive ct1stornary law. Litigants, rather, depended upon their oratorical skill and knowledge of local procedure to influence the outcome of a case. 36 When two people decided to litigate, both of them had to fmd guarantors to assure tha.t either way tl1e case was decided, money wo11ld be available to satisfy the judg111ent. 37 The11 both parties, depending on l1ow sL1re tl1ey \Vere of the 1nerits of their case would make wagers - ''I wager one sl1eep that tl1e tree belo11gs to me and that tl1 e cot1rt will so find''. The otl1er party wot1ld counter witl1 a \\'ager of equal or greater value to the san1e effect and this would go 011 t1ntil the parties had risked as m11ch 011 the outcome of the case as they thougl1 t wise. Often a wager would be more of a 111.anifestation of feeli11 g tl1a11 an intended bet on. the outcome of a case. Th11s a litigant migl1 t wager an amou11t of n1011ey or an article vvhicl1 h.e cot1ld 11ot u11der any circu111sta11ces provicle sl1ol1ld be lose the case. In suc}1 sit11atio11s the jl1dge wo11ld decide on a realistic a11d appropriate wa.ger.


Each party would tl1e11 tell his story to the judge a11cl. present his eviden.ce and witnesses. The judge wo11ld decide the i1nmediatel}' after the parties \Vere

34. By formal adjudjcation is meant litigation co11ducted i 11 the presence of a governn1ent designee exc.luding the settlement of dispt1tes by sban1ageles. an� nce; 35. �•Tl_1ere �s _in �acl? village one heredita.ry officer tl1at ca11110t be displa.ced on a 11y Prete . 1t 1s this 1nst1tut1on that alone preserves so1ne appear. ance of order iii the abse nce of al written docu1;11ents, am.idst tl1e whirl of revolutions and rJ1e rapid stic�ession of dynasties an � · governors this humble officer takes one-te11t]1 of all tI1at J1 e collects for J1 is chief ".. Thts officer also kept track of bot111daries --''the bo1u1daries tl1at 11 e h. a s to defi 1 1 e are ,,ery su nple . A brook, �ush, or st?ne_ n1arks tl1� limit of a village, but wJ1 e11 tlleir 11 eighbor's fields, as often, ar� interlaced, 1t 1s a complicated task and gives rise to endless litigation, often to violence. J.C. Hotten ,. Abyssi11ia a11d its People, 1868. p. 157 ,, 36. ''An Abyssinian suit is much more a trial of wordy skill than an elucidation of the tru lll · · · [d,, ,t:>. 185 . �i. !la .., p. 1 s3. I

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th ca ei ses. T h e judge would nt r in g re se . p h . . 00 ei th er gi th e his . .dec1s1. on witl1o ut after hearmg th e opinions of m o r n atio embers f ;e pu bl1; 1 de �.be� present in co­ 38 The Josin g p ar ty W?�ld h av e to p ay h is wager � tZ t 1 Judge. 9 If an urt the �ec1s1011 of tl1is judge, payment appeal � . . ,ve �e taken from of he wager might b e s de c1 of s1 on th th e e 11e xt liighest J· udi·ci'a( l o . u I. spended until ffi .1c1a 1 was received•40 I n _so . sy wa ste ge m r me wa s 11o t practiced the the re . ,vh e 5 e dge could imp?se �rb1trary g losin 1e l t party wl1icl1, of cours; the li acoru�t costs on ' J dge wou l d receive h imself.41 But in civil cases a litigant sometimes • . l1a d to ta ( ke th e · 1n ·t· . 1 1a t· 1v e m brmgi. ng · to . th e act· 1d1ca . t1v c c an in d t e1e d r: n t . itr an e system described a·bove. D Jl a re al • ·, 1o • rr b e to rs t n d"d _co o ey m • • e _1 h v o1. t111tar1l� to . court, would be instance, if t accosted by their d1 lil sp lti th t1t al e e t o determine 1f there was cause creditors and to bring the de­ d be l he wo ar d u b� any person ¥:'ho happened to be pa btor to _court . ssing by.42 If . th th at e ere l P; a1n t1ff ha d a leg1t1IDate cause, the debt it \Vas discov d or vvould be loc th aJ e Judge who had pe opl e to execute jlidgm bound over to ents at his comm and. 1:fetl1ods_ of enf�rcement t1sed by this judge incltidecl chaining the debtor to bis _cred1to�, for cin g _ the debtor to work ou t bis debt, or chaiiiing him to a sold�er until. he clec1ded to pay. 43 _ I11 Asmara, dl1ring tl1e I 930's, if a litigant was adjudged l ta?le to pay . a cert�1n ·fi11e bt1t did not have the mo11ey to do so be was kept i n Cl1stod.y 1n tl 1e Judge's house lliltil the judgment was • "fied 44 saus

If, after a certain perio d of tin1e, the j udgn1ent debtor was found not to have

the resources to satisfy tl1e judg1nent against him, 11e was set free, the time spent in chains or in service being a sort of pu11isl1rnent for 11ot fulfilling his obligations.

Criminals suspected of serious crimes were seized by local people led by tl1e chiqua sl1un1 and brot1ght before tl1e judge. The people \Vere encol1raged to enforce· the laws against tl1eir fellovv tow11sme11 because it was tl1e practice of the local

38. S.D. Messing, The J-figl1/a11cl Plateau ,;1111hara of Etl1iopia, 1 963, p. 330. 39. Tbe \vager system as practiced in 1935 in As1nara before district ju�ges appo inted by the governor has been described as follows : "A11other reason �or the J?Opularity of these law courts is th a t here the native passion for gainbling is officially hn.ked with tl1e search for truth and justice. Eitber or botl1 the plai11tiff and defenclant, \Vhen he has n1ade a statement, may lay a bet v o p tiud � , ,e s a h alf I 1. d fin_ t he a so is t_ will cour i r tl1a.t tl1e gl1t and l _ ,vh1te horse may be wagered dependmg on tl1e 1n1portance O j t�e d. ispu� e. lf �n��rt1g�: ��er� n t t. e t and then such a bet, the otl1er can only ''take the bet"' or el e retract 11s lose the suit. Often in the. end, these bets are ':7°�tr1 more t�a f�: t:i�i �� �bject which from tbe ely sol live the y ? . r l s tl1ese street courts _ri;;ce,ve n started tl1e quarrel. Judges 1n �r?c eeds of \Vagers. Wl1oever loses must pay their fee, an� tt : ��d J ges seem to earn a good hVJng as some bad large houses." . ,, iv, . ol (V e, in az ag M ic ph ra og Ge l na ti"o "'a , H.P. Lechenperg, "Open Air Law Courts of Ethiopia LXVIII No. 5) Nov. 1935' pp. 633 et. seq. . 40 · S.D. Messin '. g, cited above at note 38, P• 331 . 4 ting, ac ex o to if at th r a i:ie I · ''The sum 1s . . . 1e 1 t , . 1s . ty arbitrary; and the only c1 1eck tIP?0 their capac, es before elders and friends., J•C• the country people ,vill cease to dispute, or will deci"de a II cas 42 Botten, cited above at note 35, p. 183 d de on sc . ab an of O' n ti ee m e · 0 1 ti · ''In · sma 11 affairs such as a sudden dispute on th·e l11gl1 roa d, act as a to ed g li b o is d n u fo b ebtor, or any 'civil m to ,. dtem atter, tl1e first decent person � po�a judge ... '' J.C. 1-Iotten, cited above at note 35, - 8o. _ ? � _ _ _ 44 43_ �-P · Dimotheos , Det1x A11s De Sejour ert Etl11opie, 1871, P 27 ·I>· Lecbe nperg, cited above at note 39, P· 36.

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chiefs to in1pose fines upo11 \Vl1ole coI11111t1nities wl10 reft1sed to deliver to the authorities. 45


tl1e guilt y


Another \Vay of i11st1ri11g that 11111rderers a11d thieves V✓ere broL1� I1:t to justice \Vas by mea·ns of an ''afarsata'' - an asse 1 11bly conve11ed by tl1e local ad1n1111strator to wl1ich all people in a l�cality, oftet1 excepting tl1e clergy, were oblig�d to con1e after a cri1 11e had bee11 com1)lained of. Tl1ere tl1e people of the co1n1n11111ty v;ould be obliged to prod11ce tl1e cr.in1inal, tl1e assu111ption bei11g tl1at s01neo11e i1 1 tl1e area n1ust have see.n the crin1e conunitted or l<:110,v tl1e cri111inal. Tl1e procedL1res at these afarsatas differed from area to area. In son1e localities each perso11 prese11t ,vas interrogat ed . tl1e evide11ce poi11ted to one 1na11 or 1111til the g11ilty perso11 co11fessed due to u11til public pressure. I11 other areas, the afarsatas were merely discL1ssions among the people but they were not recessed until the cri1ni11al \Vas fo1111d. 46 Today, \Vhere af'arsa.tas exist, t]1ey are l1npop11Iar a1no11g tl1e people and. a com11111nity may chose to pay tl1e collective fine in1posed by tl1e woreda gover11or ratl1er than atte11d the tin1e consum .ing assembly. 47 I11 one co1um11nity it was reported that tl1e :fine is sometimes paid in advance so tl1at an afa.rsata \vill not be called. T11ot1gh the pay1nent of these local j11dges can1e fro111 tl1e parties then1selves, the :fi11ancial rewards of the job were s11fficient to enco11rage perso11s of stat11re \Vl10 kne\v the people i11 their co1mnu11ities to become judges. Tl1e syste111. also 111ade it possible for the gover11me11t to appoi11t judges witl1011t l1avi11g to pay them. It l1as bee11 s11ggested, however, tl1at the adniinistrative adva11tages of this system ,vere 011t\veigl1ed b)' the fact that tl1e amount of the wagers 11ecessary to bri11g a case preve11ted poorer peasants from initiati11g legal action \\1itl1011t the assista11ce of 1nany relatives, tho11gh measures were tal(e11 by the central govern111e11t to'vvards the end of t]1e 19th ce11tury to prevent tl1is situation fron1 arisi11g.48 011e \Vriter 11::1s, l1owever, st1ggested that this system was adva.ntageo11s to the poor, si11ce a judge \Vo11ld 11a.tL1rally prefer to call the giver of the highest wager, 11s11ally the wealtl1ier of the two, tl1e loser, in order to recei,,e the greater fee for l1is services.49 Few of tl1e early European travellers in Etl1iopia suggest tl1at. bribery \1/as a serious proble1n under tl1e customa.ry system. Arbitrari11ess of tl1e jt1dge, as opposed to his dishonesty, seemed to be the system's 111ost serious clefect. 50 .A Iso tl1e influ45. J.C. Hotten, cited above at note 35, p. 186. 46. S. D. Messing, cited above at note 38, p. 326. Afarsatas are still 11eld i i 1 rural areas today. 47. In some areas, in additio11 to paying a fi11e i11 order to dispe11se witl1 an "nfarsata" the \1/0reda governor needs to be persuaded rno11etarily. 48. 011e wr!ter_, speaking of tl1e area arot1nd Go11dar, slates: ''Until very rece11tly, a11d in ren� ote __ on. rural clistr1cts even today, tl1e wager. or bet 011 tl1e ot1lcon1e, was an esse11tial factor i11 lit1gat1 _ It took the place of cot1rt fees, for tl1e loser forfeitecl liis bet to the jtidge. This �,as the salary of the jt1dg�. Without tl1}s wager, it was not possible to go to cotirt. Tl �e poor n1an w� s. at a great d1sadva11tage since l1e cot1ld not, even witl1 tl1e lielp of l1is k111smen, keep ra1s,ng t.l 1e . bet � eqt1al to those of his wealtl1ier adversary. To Jimi.t sttcl1 jttdicial excesses , ErnP· eror Menel1k II decreed that wagers had to consist of tangible iteo1s sucli as l1011ey, a I1orse, or a. mttle! \Vitl1 a fixed cash eqt1ivalent ... and judges were urged. to exercise fairness." S.D. Messing, cited above at note 38, p. 329. e o dg 49. ''T �.is is �ccasionalJy a safeguard to tl1e poor, inasmucl1 as it ju tl1e � is tL1e interest of decide against the one that ca.n afford to pay." J.C. Hotten cited at note 35 above, P· 18 · the 5 @ • ''The judge bas certai11 perquisities, as usual in ea' of p sli eacl1 ch province·' 011 · · tengue, on. eacl· 1 oatt1 t. hat 1s taken on tl1e Gospel, nay even sllottld exciteme11t cause a move· · ment of the band or change of position during tl1e pleadi ngs .. '' Ibid.

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an d rases on j11dicial s r1 1o r e go v . J)roceedi·iigs ca, 11sed Stl1ier1 en ce ofw l1tt1 e co1 1c ept of an 111 er:- •noo •t o 1·1t1g · d · a11ts. e pe1 1 dent jtidiciary. 51 as re he T But b riber· y,. \V·,lS occ asio11ally a problen1. One writer in · 1868 \Vas of the opinion th at Ct1 Jlld ges co t1.ld. exa ct fro111 litigants when \Vh 1 es . fi11 be tl . 1e latter a o r to ti ist akes, plus the �pportt1111t1es for rece iving bribes, inade it in th 11?- � : , � r1ca� e J11 oe s interest goin for g as e 1011g s2 cas as possible. �o keep the Tbo11 gh tl1 e opportunities for corr111)tion 11i1der tlie waooer system were n1 an y, er ar e g I · 1 s a e d g d � l U · . � l 10 J d . os er t s an d �-espected persons in tl1eir co since m � 1n munities s11s b cep 1 r th e l 1 tl1a 1ty t to y 1n11 )ro_p er infltieuce was slight. it is likel Appeals fro1n tl1e j11dge �f first insta11ce could be taken t o a ''meslanie'' vvh o t fir a \Vl 1)p s �e1 o11 1 1� e d 1al ly, by E111pero r Tl1eodore in the 1850's aiid 1860's, was origi1 . roo s no vv1t t or h 111 tl1e . co 111n1un1ty to which lie was sent by the a ta.x collect Emperor for the pllfl)Ose of gat l1er111g f1111ds. 53 It is appare11t that over tlle years tl1e ter111 ''1!1e �la11ie'' l1as co11�e to be_ a ter111 applied to a local official, appoi­ nted by the pro,1111c1al governor, w1tl1 a 1111xtL1r e of admi11istrative and judicial duties.54 According to 011 e pre sent day atbi,t dag11a fro1n i\1enz, in that rich area landlords 1est bidde r paying l1is bid to the provincial g o ver.nor used to bid for tl1e job, the higl . ppoin t tn1e11 e a Thereafter, this atbia dagna said, the meslanie collected tl1 and receivu1g as court fees te11 p erce11t of th e amo1111t recov ered from the l osii1g party. 55 An appeal fro1n tl1e 1ne slanie \.\1as take11 to th e ''won1bar'' appointed by tl1e governo r general of t11e province. This j11clge was part of the governor's retent1e and althougl1 he spent 1nost of l1is ti111e in tl1e provincial capital, li e also rode circtiit. 56

The jurisdiction of tl1ese three officials, - dag11as, meslanies, a11d won1bars, - was not fixed. One co uld if it w as desired, start a case by goi11g to tl1e n1eslanie or wom­ bar. Of cot1rse it w as 11su ally more eco110111ic al a11 d co11ve11ient for parties to initiate proceedi11gs before tl1e 11earest j11dicial o fficial a11d tl1e practice therefore was to proceed ste p by step thro11gl1 the l1ierarcl1y with the hope that eacl1 step wo11ld be the last. 57 5 I. Litie:�ants who were denied justice i11 thei r local courts because of the influe�ce_ of admini 5 Lrator� r. o ern or gov ras al nc1 ov1 r p the of urt o c e i · t 1 . t a ice t· · JUS \Vere forced to endure l1ardsl1ips · tam · to ob . . .St be so g1 1t at the mu lice JllS the us o aci rap "Almost all th e subordinate governor s being ?. � ey seId0 m l t ... ve tra o t e hav · ts) gan l1t1 or (p o y fountainhead and tl1e11 witl1 the distance tl1e · return bo1ne' witl1ot1t, in sorne sl1ape, repenting t·he1· r success." Id·, p· J 83· 52. Id., p. 185. 53. S.D. Messing, cited above at n ote 38, P• 256• 54 • NO\V th e governo!s of n1el<i_•t1l• woredas, . wh O .• co11 ect taxes are ca11 ed mes1 ani·es by so·me ofd ' ll . cia Y exerci·se some judicial power an the rural population. In Eritrea, mesla111es still unoffi settle a great· man y disputes according to ctistomary law. . elkeM · · re w he se I e d . se ci er . ex es n1 la es m 55 · Jn some areas, "111elk egnas'' ex ercise d the san1e _power tbat d n a. s xe ta al ri pe im d e ct e l co h o w e l T d gnas wer� appointees_ of en1perors befo�e the �eign \Vbere they s ie lit ca lo e th in d le tt �� o �� !� °� . who received land in rett1rn for ti1e1r services an rpose pu e m sa 1e tl r o f re o d o e l, T by were sent by the Emperor. Meslanies . beg� to be appo t ed oo n1any t e av h to d e v o r p : as n eg of tax . collectio n as his direct e m1ssar1es wl1ere Joe . n Jk r and were _ o er 1p n E e th f o es ti . l�epu lo�a l ties to do . the job e�ect1vely; tl1ey vve r� sa lf1 edcal ties . S.D. Messing, cited above at shifted fr om Iocal1ty to locahty to prevent creation ° 1 o note 38, p. 2S6. �6. Id., p. 326. 7 · lvl. Perh 14445· pp. 1948• n, o Lond am, The Gover11n1e111 of Etlziopia,

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Appeals from any court's decisio11 to tl1e 11ext hi;5�est �o:1rt. and all t�e ay � . tip to chilot were quite common. Apparently th:re wa� no !,11n1ta11011 on thi righ � t of' appeal and it appears to have been used w1tl1out restraint - even excessiveJ

In. addition to pressing appeals all t�e way__up througl1 tl1e _judicial system to the Emperor - the ultimate judicial autl1or1ty - l1t1ga11ts ofte11 a1Jpl1ed to loc_al gover­ nors for assistance in their cases even thougl1 tl1e gover11or vi1as not offic1ally part of tl1e judicial S)'Ste1n. Still l1e l1a� the . po\ver �� appoi11t, remov�, a11d direct the jl1dges under l1im a·nd was not l1es1tant 111 that JJrerogat1ve. Judoments by a11y court-no matter l1ow l1igh ii1 the judicial hierarcl1y - were 0 executed by agents of tl1e governor or ras of a pro,,ince as 'Nell as of the ce11tral government, called ''chiqa shurns.'' These officers were village head n1en, whose duties also included the collection of taxes a11d procla111ation of tl1e centraJ govern­ n1ent's decrees. Tl1t1s, even lacking detailed in.forn1ation about the judicial syste111, as it existed · efore tl1e Italia11 Invasion, some generalizatio11s abol1t j t 111ay be macle. b First, though the system was ce11tra.lized at the top in the perso11 of the E 1npe­ ror a11d thot1gl1 the governors wl10 aJ)pointed tl1e jud.icial perso1111el O\ved allegiance to J1im, Etl1iopia's legal system ,vas not i111ified e11ot1gl1 fifty years ago to e11sure thal judjcial practices \Vere everywhere the s,11ne. Therefore, it is likely tl1at tl1e judicial syste1n, especially at its lowest levels, en1ployed procedures and applied substantive laws wl1ic]1 reflected local custo111s. Even ir1 tl1e larger cities - which were then co11siderably sn1aller tha11 they are 110w - peoJJle brougl1t their customs in from il1e cou11tryside 59 a11d were allowed to practice the111 with 011ly 1ninor variations restllting fron1 ct1ltural amalga1natio11 cat1sed by city life. No \Vritten pleadings were required to be filed by the parties. Th L1 s 1l1ere was no need for scribes or of any professional perso1111el to help litiga11ts tl1rot1gh the initial stages of litigatio11. When tl1e litigants appeared before tl1e judge all they were required to do vva.s to tell their story. Tl1e oratorical powers of which 1nar1y observers tell us \vas learned as part of growing up b)' n1a11y litigants,60 a11d so i 1 1 court litiga 11ts be­ haved as they thought 11atural under tl1e circurnsta11ces. There were local proced11res to be fallowed in e\,ery case for prese11tation of evidence and witnesses. Judgment 011 substantive n1atters o:f law was given on the basis of local practices a11d equity. Thus a. party to a la11d disiJute, n1igl1t have to rts a.nd co 58. '' ... In s�me parts o ! tl1 e Empire it wa s JJossible to take app :fifteen rotigl 1 eals tJ 1 � . mu �b . weight was give11 to \Vbetl1er or not th e litigant received a favorable verdict from . of these courts''. Jbicl. p. 143. maJority er earli by observed 59. Tl1e litigation described by one traveller in Asmara in 1935 resen1bJes tliat travellers in tl1e Ethiopian countryside in the latter part of tlle ninetee11tl1 century : "These c?urts use no regular . court building, but meet for trials on a.1iy couveiiient � treet corner 0� v1llag � plaza. There l1ke s.l1opkeeper s or p edlars, they may sit down and watt for cases t come. ' H.P. Lecbenp erg, cited above a t note 39, p. 633. bs ver pr and ? r� 60. ''The Ethiopia� are fond of �itigation �nd n1ost of them skilled i 11 tl1e quibbles ;; tl1at �re essential t ? success 1n �n 7 d1sput e. It is the favorite sport of boys_ and child , 51 en . exp es omettm and tp.e s �llest difference of op1n1on fur11.1shes n1atter for a long and s _ . lawsui,t. . . J.C. Hotten, cited above at note 35, p. 137.

- 440, t


of cer ogy tain people i 1 1 liis locality . gen eol the 0,,,, 1• and · certa1n 1 ocal rules re11.n . t , t b tl 1a wo11l d co1ne nat11rally to I 11m ll ession suc c jno d . Th"IS k11owledge - of • oar O es an d ru l proced11ral practice - would be par t1ve . sta n st1b 1 . t of h· 1s ::ibotl • upbr11 1g1. ng. Liti g ation before tl1e lowest gover1m1enta1 jt1?ici al officers was basically sponta­ . s11111m ary. A wl1ole case was heard 111 one sitt d a11 s ing . . . eou an d the JUdges gave . . . 11 d.1a te1 Y a·ft·er hear111g the evjdence of botll sides. 11nm e s1011 s i dec r thei The next generaliza.ti o1 1 tl1a t ca n . be made is a deduction fron1 ti 1e one above. . Jeers ass!gned to l1andle litigation were not too busy Gen erally t be govern111e11t o ffi ade qua arid te attention t o every case. Litigants could have tl1eir pro mp t ive g to disputes resolved \vl1e11 tl1e neecl arose 11nder t1nhurried conditioiis. The po\ver of gover11ors to app oi11t and remove judges meant tha t the execu­ tive and jttdicial branches of governn1e11 ts were not separate. Judges were considered delegates of the local governor and of the E1nperor - of men and not the law. In most i11stances, the governor of a locality sat \Vith his judges as l1e still does in son1e locali ties today and had po\ver to i nfluence their decisions. As a res11lt of tl1eir knowledge o f ct1sto111ary l aw and procedure, tl1 e spo11ta­ nejty of litigation, and the cal ibre of the j11dges, litigants enjoyed lit iga tion. The)' \Vere not restrained by European manners a11d could present their cases according to their 0\1/Jl tradi tio11s, t aking pride in their ability to quote old proverbs and clever sayings. Advocates were not a 11ecessity for illiterate litigants with 110 k11 0\vledge of courtroom procedure since n1ost litiga11ts - ,tside from won1en or persons tinder incapacity - could plead b y merely sa ying they had to say. Bribery \Vas not a great problem. J11dges were proud of t}1eir positions . �n d recei ved fees from litiga11ts adequate to n1a intain a respectable stand ard of l1v1ng for the countryside. Ju· dges \Vere respected and powerf111 n1en in their localities. Generally tl1ey could decide cases and isst1e orders as their discretion d ictated, so long as tl1ey did not offend the conscience of tl1e community too often. Thus all kinds of . ed t fix no re we ts ur co e th of its y l all Fin , jurisdictiona lim the to same came , ity n nt1 n11 o c tl1e n i tus sta disputes, involving people of different courts to be resolved. The Italian Occupation f �� er up ie l t_ e tir ct ru st re � ; � I ! a ttempt to �� o id d gh ns e d ia th al It u . !h r u a e iv nt ta bs sti y ar m to 1s c1 t � ex is mg Ethiopian cot1rt structure, ian al It r , r we lo _ re� �ined, for th e most part, untot1ched at t_ h e !:�::ive �:t �; Though crlJil1nal courts were establi sl1ed for each Italian Adlllln itted m m co y l. e d w o v a e r e w d n a the Ita_Iians pro!°ulgated_ a c_ode cuopia ior Etr re 1e tl , e . the ic st ju f o n o ti a tr . is mm 10 ges chan a Ill g � r�t1v m km s,veep1ng adm1n1st i­ rt a p a t o n s a w d o ri e Were few attempts at reorgaruzat1on:61 Th:15 tlle l�a ' � n f o s rt 11 o c r e w _ lo e th cuJarly formative one for tl1 e ad m1n1strat1on f JllSti ce



61. cited b a ove at note 57 pp. 152-1 53

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LAW - VOT-. VT. - No. 2

Etlliopia. At the levels of t}1e cot1rt syste111 cliscussed in tl1is article, practices conti nt1ed as before. �4fter the Italian Invasion to the Present

Tl1e present judicial system in Etl1iopia was basically provided for by the Ad� 111i11istratio11 of Jt1stice Proclarnatio11 of 1942, and62 later t)y the promulgation of Of course, the procla n1ations s11bstantive a11d procedt1ral codes b y proclan1atio11. l1aving il1e greatest effect t1po11 tl1e str11ct11re of tl1e co11rt syste1n are tl1ose deali 11 g with the establishn1ent a11d adn1 i11istratio11 of the cou.rts a11d tl1ose deali11g wit]1 the proce dure to be follo,ved in tl1en1. But i11 Etl1iopia, _since 194-2, tl1e la\vs es�ablisrung the vario11s courts (and thus the co11rt syste111 itself) l1ave been modified not by subseque11t Ia,vs expressly providing for changes i11 th�t st�uc�ur�, _b11t ratl1er by inference frorn articles 01· tl1e Ci, il Procedure Code grar1t111g Jur1sd1ct1011 to certain co11rts and 11ot 1nentio11i1 1g the jl1risdictio11 of other courts still for1na1Iy i11 ex.istence by statute. 63 1

The Proclamation of 1942 was J)romulgated b)1 tJ1e En1peror before Parliament retired to its postwar sessions upo11 t11e advice of the Cou11cil of Tvfinisters and on the recon11ne11dation of the Mi11ister of Justice. 64 Tl.1 e En1peror acted w.itho1.1 t the ad,rice or couse11t of tl1e legislature p11rs11ant to Article 9, l 0, I I, and 16 of the Constitutio11 of 193 I ,vl1icl1 in ge11eral gave tl1e E111peror pov✓er to act inde1Jende 11tly in tin1es of national 11eed wJ1en tl1e legislatt1re ,x;as 11ot sitting. Tl1rougl1ot1t these procla1natious a11d rt1Ies, discussed belo\v, it is clear tl1at the En1peror retains the po,ver to appoint jl1dges a:1d generally to regl1}ate tl1eir 1111mber and q11alificatio11s requisite for appoi11t111ent. ,�11d just as i111portant, it is tl1e E1npe­ ror who by formal enac.tments creates tl1e co11rts, delegati11g the po,ver to ad1ninister then1 to the Afe-Neg11s, :rv1inister of Jt1stice, and tl1e Preside11t of tl1c J-Iigh Court. 65 Thus, tinder the system crecJ.ted in 1942, tl1e ce11tral govern111e11t tool� prin1ary responsibility for the administration of j11stice tl1rot1gl10L1t Ethiopia. 1�1,at res_po11sibility. as discussed above, was traditionally held ·by tl1e 1Jrovincif1l governors. The Administration of Justice P1·oclamatio11 of 194266 establisl1ed tl1e SL1prc111e 67 ur Imperial Court with appellate jurisdictior1 to l1ear cases D])pealed .fro111 the ffigl1 Co t,68 a High Co11rt witl1 ''full crim�11a}. and civil jurisdictio11 i n Etl1 ioJJia according to 1,1w':, and teklay ghezgt or prov1nc1al co11rts witl1 jt1risclictio 1 1 to try civil cases i11, olv111g 1

62. A ''procla1natio11'' is legi�Iation passe � b;y I? arliarnent and aJ)proved by tile E111peror. See K. _ Redden, Tl1e .f-alv Mal,111g ('1:ocess 1n (;-tl11op1a, ] 966 p. 5 et. seq. A Pe,Jal Code was promulga�ed 1n 1�57, a C1v1l <?ode 1n 1960, a Crirnin,ll Procedure Code in 1961, a . Cod Com mercial e 1n 1960, a C1V1l Procedure Code in 1965, and a, Maritin.1e Code in 1960 . 63. Ci,,. Pro. C. Arts. 14, 15, 16. 64. A�inistration. of Justice Proclam.ation, 1942, Preamble, Proc. No. 2 Neg. Gaz. year l, No. 1· . seq This proclamation was St1b uently amended by No. 102 of 1955. 65. Administration of Jt1stice Proclamation, 1942, cited above at note 64 Article 20. 66. Tl\is Proclamation was o� igioally an annex to the Anglo-Etliiopian ary, Jan u of 31s t of Agre�nent 1942. See M. Perham, cited above at note 58, PP• 154 a 11 ct 423. . . '67. The Administration of Jt1stice Proclamation, 1942 , cited abov e at not"e 64 p t• lf. L_·g . .Id ., pt. n l.. "'

- 442 -




. 000 . 00 an d crin1ir1al jt1riscl ic tio n to 2, $ E i mpose • mpris to on nt me for not 111.ore es fi of n d n not a � mo re yea rs tha n 6 E $ 2, 000. 00. �ta n 'five Tl,e Supreme In1perial Court as provided by the proe1a1nat1on was comp ose d . N p ·ct . res1 e11t as . egu an s d two Hig 70 h Ate Cou rt the jud ges . Tl e H 0f igh Court an d l . il urt t re co we ez to gh t be co prised of tl ee d es a ,t ach tek.la1y ppoi11ted by the g JU . � i e at gh ts a 11r y l co ek re we z to be establ sh d in eac h tekl ay ghezat of eE mperor. 7 T ·1011 establ1s · · . am t ro e a 1 o P Th l1e re. d on e I Ii pi gh Em C ou rt w . hi ch . the couId sit. in any 12 part o f tl1e Empire. The Procla1natiou of 1942 _d!d n ot describe th e jurisdiction of the awradja 'rVorecla gl 1ezat, or mek1t1l woreda gliezat cotirts though it did in , er t ohez at e11ec · o . · 1 the ,,1 Tl1 e pr�c 1ama t·ion !nereI Y 1ne11t1oned tl1at tl1ese courts were estah 1s 1· i "estab � . ;\-Var� ants , co11l d . b� 1ss11ed by the Emperor desoribina their consti­ blished and that tution, local a11d s11bJ�c� 111atter Jt1r1.sdiction, and appellate jurisdicti�l, as well as 4- Purs ad11_1 1111st ered be by tl 1 em''. to uant to the I 942 Proclamation, � "law the lo'rver courts - awracl Ja, wored a and mel(1t1I woreda - were establisl1ed and their po\vers e11u111erated pr_obably by . a circ11la� issued by the Ministry of Justice.1s Governors a11d 1n eslan1es cot1ld sit as presidents p11rsuan t to a later decree. 76 TI1is po\111 er today is ger1eralJy 11ot exercised i11 l arge cities but is so1uetimes invoked by administr ators in the co1111tryside.

Court proced11re rules, appl icable to all existing courts were issued in 1943. 77 Due to the i11fl11e11ce of British judicial personnel on the for111ation a nd adminis­ tration of tl1e legal system - three j11dges of t]1e High Co11rt were Britisl1 i L1 194378 - the rules were cast in the n1anner of Englisl1 procedure. These rules gave the High Co11rt first i11sta11ce jurisdiction of disp11tes involving 1nore tl1an E $ 2,000.00 and co,1ered such aspects of court procedure as the manner in which79 a suit could be instit11ted, allowa11ce of advoc ates to practice before the coLirts, joi11der of parties and ca11se of actions, issue a11d service of s11mmons, pleadings, appeals etc. ced by prese11ti11g a Tl1ese rt1les JJrovided tl1at all s11its had to be commen 80 s ing ead ''pl t tha but rt'' cou te a i opr ppr a the of ar istr reg e11t tem the i1n to of cla "sta 81 d goo for ) uld (co 1rt t cot a '' t tha 1d a 1n'' for of 11t wa for d could not be attacke 8� This provisio�, of co11rse allo\-ved co11rts with s''. ns i11g ad ? easo ple se h � _ dispen \Vit s. 11re ced pro se the ing low fol of sity ces ne the t hou 1nsuffic1ent person 11el to operate wi t

69. Id., pts. II(, IV . 70. Id., pt. JI. 71. Id., pts. IV, and Ill(S). 72. Id., pt. Ill (9) 73 · Id., pt. 1(2) d-q 74. Id., pt. V. 75 · R. Sedler, Etl1iopian Civil Proceclure, 1968, P• 9. 1 No. 6. 76· Administrative Regulations, 1942, Article 10, Decree No. l, Neg. Gaz. yea� 77 · Court Procedure Rules, 1943, Legal Notice N o. 33 ;Veg. Gaz., year J, No. -· 78· M. Perham, cited above at note 57, p. 156. 79· At this time advocates were not licensed. SO. Court Procedure Rules 1943 part II (1), cited at note 77 above. ' , : 1· Id., Rule 30 (1). 2· ld., Rule 30 (1 I).

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rty pa to a st1it i11 any a s wa 0 wl1 n rso P a11y t tl1a ed vid : pro o Tl1ese rules als com 11a] or at), l1ez (v.'oreda) court g �� a rad (a,:v al ion reg , J zat) ghe lay _ (tek ial \'i11c J)rO on visi pro 1s TlJ n1ay have been . urt Co 1gh I Ithe to red sfer tran e 11is cas cou ld l1ave tl1e res11It of lack of co11fidence in the lower cot1rts as. far a� educated litigants were co11cerned a11d was probably desig11ed to preve11t foreign 11at1onals : fro1n bein g 83 rts. cou er low the n subjected to Iitigatio . in Ft1rther rules governi11g appeals to the St1pre1ne . I111peria� �ourt fro1n the Hig}1 Court \Vere isst1ed in I 95J .84 Rules gover11it1g tl1e adm1ss1011 of advocates to JJractice, their licer1.si11g a11.d discipline were pro1n11lgated in 1952. 85 Later, rules for exec11tio11 of j11dgme11t, applicable to all courts J)rovided various ways of enforcing the jt1dgme11ts of the courts tl11·ougl1 a11 ''executio11 officer�' (a j11dge or person appointed by tl1e Ministry of Justice) such as arrest and deten­ tion of judg1nent debtors, 86 and attacl11nent and sale of property. 87 However, the Exect1tion of Judgments Rules of 1953 provided t]1at a j11dgme11t debtor should not l)e sent to prison if the court believed tha.t he could 11ot pay 88 and that in situ,1lio11s \vl1ere the enforce1ne11t of the payme11t of tl1e debt owed would deprive t]1e debtor of his u1ea11s of subsiste11ce, the creditor sho11ld pay t11e debtor a sub­ siste11ce all0\\1 ance determined b�>' the court. 89 Tl1e Rules go on to specify rnetl1ods of sale of JJroperty to satisfy judg111ents a11d tl1e priorities of tl1e co111peting inter­ ests for tl1e proceeds of tl1e judg1nent. There were also rules enacted p11rsuant to tl1e Adrnirustration of Justice Proc­ la111ation of 1942 according to ,vl1icl1 tl1e costs of a suit, to be assessecl to the ]osi11g pa.rty, were deternu11ed.90 Otl1er rules were iss11ed \vhicl1 set out the scl1edule for court fees.9 1 Pub]ic J)ros ecutors were governed, as far as tl1e 1netl1ods and sta.11dards for appointment, · b y the Public Prosecutors Procla111atio11 of 1942. 92 Provisior1 \,\1as 111ade by this Procla111ation for tl1eir appoint1nent by tl1e En1peror throt1g]1 the !vlir1ister1 9 e of J11stice a11d tl1ey were made subject to tile directio11s of tl1e l\ll i 11 istr); of J11stic . · According to tl1is Proclan1ation� prosecl1tors \Vere reqt1ired to a sot1r1d k110\V­ Jedge of the Ja,v a.n.d l1ad to l1ave baclcgrou11ds in la\v as aci,,ocates, service as

83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

90. 91.. 92. 9�.



M. Perha.r11, cited a·bove at note 57, p. 154. Supreme l111perial Cot1rt Procedure Rules, 1951, Leg. Not. 155, Neg. Gaz. year 10, No. 11. Courts (Registration of Advocates) Rules, cited above at note 9 ' Execution of J11dgn1ents Rules 1953, Rt1le 6(a), J..,eg. Not J 76, Neg. Gtiz. year J 2. No, 12. Id., Rule 6(b). Id., R11le 8. Jd., Rule 2 · ·Thi � rule n:iay refer to the �ractice of 11avi iig judgrrient debtors -vvork out th eir . . nnrng serv _ ices for tl1e1r . deb� by perf creditors. Rule 6 of tJ1e Executioil of Judgn1e.nts Rul es ? provided tl1at Judgments could be executed � Y arrest, attacllffient, and also ''ii, such other m�o­ . as Jhe _nature ?f the relie f may require." This last _provision could incltlde the practice of m1pr1s011mg tl1e Jt1dg111ent debtor referred to. �osts an.d f\dvocate Pee .Rules, 1953, Leg. Not. No. 176 JVeg. Gaz. year 17. No. 14. Cot1 ts (Fees) Rules, 1952, Leg. No t. No . 17 7, Neg. Gaz. yea � r 11. No. 123 . Public Prosecutor's Proclan1ation 1942, Prac. No• 29 , ,vi "'reg. Gaz. year l . Id., Art. 5.




- L0v\'E 1� COURT S OF T lIE ETHJOPTA ci�J, or JJolice experie11 ce obt � o 11t e 11 r111 ai1 1ed above tl1e ra11 k of Assista ve a go nt p . ice l o f . o Jnspeotor . were esta b lished or recogilized cour ts m osle .· bY proc1a!11 atio11 .1 11 1945. These M . j11ri sd i ctio11 to J1 andle fam il y Illatte give t1 were r �g�, divorce, and st1c ­ urts � :� � 1 t the Procl a11 1,1tion also provide d that b1 ; 1 on,95 1ct1on of these cot1 rts ��ssi . . '1nd the proced11re to be followed i11 them couJd be r�g11�:' ted by th e M 1n1ster o·f ' . 96 e .Justic . Another .produc_t ,, of tl1 is j11 dicial syste1 n created by a series of proclarnations , , atb1 a da11.1a . P11rs11a11 t to _tl 1.e Loe al Judges Procla1natio11 of 1947, l ocal \Vas the . judges, call e? ."a.tbia da11ias'', vvit!1 c1v1l s11bJect matter jtirisdictio11 of up to E $ 26.00 and of cr11111t1a� cJ1�rges p11111 sl1 ,�ble with a fi11e 110t exceediiig E $ 15.0Q97 \Vere to be appo111 lecl 111 ��cl1 l ocal 1ty. A.J)peals from tlieir decisions were to be taken to t_l 1e 11earest 1nekit1l \voreda or_ woreda gl,ezat court.98 Basically these men, appo111 ted for tl1e J)t1 rpose of settl1 t1g disputes i11 areas reinote froni the official 0011rt�o11 se, _,vere to be_ powerfLtl 111 e11 in tl1 eir localities_ usually fairl y Jarge landholders . 1 11 tl1e1 r c�1n1nt1n1t1es.99 Ofte11 tl1 ose jL1dges appointed had exercised unofficial ly tl1e po,:ver given them by the Local Judges Procla1nation.


The most recent 1-1rocl a1nation dea ling with admi11istration of th e cot1rts ,-vas the Adn1ir:Listr,1tio11 of Jt1stice Procl amatio11 of 1962. 100 Tl1ougl1 tl1is Procla111atio11 was suspe11ded fro1n oper�ttio11 every\vl1ere i 11 Etl1 iopia e}:cept for Eritrea before it was i1nple111e11 ted,101 tl1e co11rt systen1 it described is esse11tially the syste111 a.s it exists today ee111 d for tl1e 1nost p�1rt i11 1pl e11 1e11tation of this Proclamatio11's refor1ns has bee1 1 achieved despite its s11spe11 sion, by other 111 ea11s, as 'vvill be see11 belo\v. Tl1is Procla111 atio11 abolis l 1ed the n1e .kitil woreda gl1ezat courts and tl1e t e!(lay gl1 ezat co11 rts102 Jeavi11g four levels of jt1risdictio11 - tl1e \voreda courts ,vith jurisdictio11 to hear c ases i11volving movables of a val11e 11ot exceecLi11g E $ 500.00 ai1d ]and 11ot exceedi11g a va l 11e of E $ 1,000.00 103 avvradja cot1rts ,vitb jurisdictio'l1 to I1e,tr ,1ppeals fron1 woreda 0011rts 104 ancl to l1ear cases involving 11 1ovabl es wortl1 bet,,,eet1 E $ 500. 00 and E $ 5,000.00 ancl i111n1ovables of a val11e of above E $ 1,000.00 b11t 1 1ot exceecling E $ l 0,000.00 105 tl1 e I-Iigl1 Court to l1ear appeals fro1 11 the awr,tdja co11rts a11d original j11riscliction. to hear cases involving immovable property ,vortl1 n1ore that1 E $ 5,000.00 a11cl 1n11novable

-·--94. 95. 96. 97 ·

98 · 99 · IOO.

I 01 ·

02. : OJ· 104. I 05 ·

Id., Art. 4 (a-c). 3, No. 9· ar ye . az G . eg N , 62 o. N c. ro P Kadis and Nabias Councils Procla1nation, Article 2, Id. Art· 6· . 10. o N 6 ar ye 62 o N c ro P ' · · I e 3 (a b) n io ct Local Judges Proclamation of 1947, Art�c di is 1r jt l vi ci ve 1,; �s ni da ia · - at' atb ili ys sa 11 1o at m la oc Pr e · try · e th er is of wh in m th e Englisl1 version e th b d r Y ie p ap en be as latter l1 e th d an 0 .0 $ 26 ys sa ic t ar h m e up o $ 25.00, th A Id., Art. 5. Id., Art. 7. 7· . o N • 2 r a 2 e y , z. a G . Courts Proclam . 16. . atio11' 1962, No. 195, Neg o N , 2 2 r a e y a G eg · ,;,, 3, N 0 , . o N 3, 6 19 Courts n, o ti 1a an m cl nd . (Ame ent) Pro Courts Proc]amatio11, 1962, cited above at note IOO. Id., Art. 7(1). Id., Art. 8(a). Id·, Arts. 7(2), S(a).

- 445 -

JOURN,'\L OF E"I'HlOPIAN LAW - VOL. VI - f'f o. 2

property above the valtie of E $ 10,000.00. 106 The Supren1e In1perial Cot1rt co11stit11ted to hear appeals fron1 the Higl1 Colirt. 107


Tl1e Higl1 CoL1rt and Supren1e In1.peri�.l �ourt, a�c?r_di.11g t? this I?roclamation, \\• ·ot1l d exercise iurisdictio11 thro11gl1011t Etl11op1a a11d d1v1s1ons ot these co11rts could l1e convened wf1ere,,er i11 the E1npire the 1v1inister of_ J t1stice tl�oL1_gl1t it . necess ary a;1d p.roper. 118 Woreda and a\vradja co11rts co11ld sit 011ly w1tl1!': tl1e1r wor eda a11d aVl'radja gl1.ezats and were looked u1)on as separate courts exerc1s1ng local juris­ diction. The Procla111ation of 1962 also provided tl1at a\.\1radj,1 courts could be fully co11stituted by 0111)' ooe of the tl1ree j11dges provided for i11 1l1e Procla111atio11 of 1942 \Vl1er1 sitting as courts of first i11sta11ce, a11d by three j11dges 011]y wl1en l1earing appeals.109 A judge could be disq11alified from sitti11g i11 cases wl1ere there \Vas a co11flict of i11terest eitber by his ow11 111otion 110 or by ap1)licatio11 of one of the pa.rties in a case.111 The jurisdictio11 of ;1tbia da.gnas as set fortl1 ii1 the Local Judges Proclamation o·f 1947 was affir1ned. by the 1962 Proclan1ation.1 12 PursL1ant to this Proclan1tio11 clll cases both c.ivil and crimi11al were to be heard 111 open court except under circumsta11ces wl1ere public safety, general security, the L1nl1i11dered givi11g of evidence, or t11e protectio11 of the i11terests of young people r.:!e111 anded that closed sessio11s be held.113 Thus tl1e cha11ges tl1at tl1is Proclan1ation \Vas to n1ake were: 1. The abolition of co11rts;

two cot1rts, tl1e 1nekitil woreda and tl1e telclay ghezat

2. The reorga1nzatio11 of tl1e jurisdiction of the re.mai11ing coL1rts to compensate for tl1e abo1itio11 of the n1ekitil woreda and teklay gl1ezat co11rts; 3. ,.fl1e reduction of tl1e 11un1ber of a\-vradja court j11dges 11eeded to co11stitute fully a11 avlra.dja court !1earing a case on first i11stai1ce; a.11d 4. The authorization of the creation of divisio11s of tl1e l-ligl1 and Supre1ne Im.perial Courts to sit j11 tl1e provinces. As su¥ge �ted earlier, tl10�1gl1 tl1is procl,t1natio11 was s11spc11ded fro1n or,eratio11 in 114 except all of the cl1anges ,:vl1cl1 it was desigi1ed to for Eth1op1a of Eritrea � place n tak l1ave 1111plement provisio11 tl1e for except fully be coL1rts dja 1 awr:: that � _ co11st1tt1ted. on first 1nsta11ce by one judge.

l 06. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111, 112.

Id., Id., Id., Id., Id., Id., Id.,

Arts. 7(3), (1). Art. S(c). Arts. 2 and 5. Art. 4. Art. 16(2). Art. 17. Art. 23.

113. I�., Art. 14.

114. . Courts (Amen.dment) Proclam · atio · n , c·te 1 d a bove a t note 101.

- 44-6 \ )




Mek itil ,vo reda and teklay gl1ezat cotirts 110 1011 er ex. 1. . - Tli� tr . . abol1.t1. on was tl1 th at fa ey ct . ': er � �� tl1 11o e t giv en jllrisdicti�I b , n·ecte d by e r mi �a� �ro_cedure 1 i_ � ; the by C nor 1v1l l edu _ Proc 96 J f re Code of 1 65. ;�e e de o �� woreda, avvradj a_, I-Iigh and Supren1e f1J11)erial Co�rts 110 \v �;�� ll�1sd;�t10�- �f d c � it e s iv1l i th sa s e 1n ' e a , s tl Cocle 1a t se t fo dttre rt h i 11 the 1962 proe1amat1on. c proc"' gh Court presently l1a s clivisio11s i1 1 the capitals of ti1e gove The Hi rnorates o-eneral · · llJJ re1 t 11e 1e l s I d 111p er1al Court has a bran.cl1 in · of Ethiopia an As1nara. t t6 o TI,e Civil Procedt1re Cocle and tl1e Crim·i11al Proced · tii··e Code sect·IOUS dea1-111g Wi· t 11 of tl1e· fo11r leve·ls of cot1.rts - woreda awr"adJ·a, -1·7r 1·gh· a . eme 11•1·sctictio11 .t n d t1p1 . s · · � J . Cot1rts ..- is t•he_ 1 e�1slat10 . . ' �l1 1cl1 no, v ,n effect dictates the nu1nber a11d l1nper1al . _ the courts 111 Etl11op1 a. of tence con1pe In sum1na�y_, �be!1, . tl�ere are fot1r levels of courts of ge11eral ju· risdiction i 11 11l Jur1sd!c�1 011 of tl1e two c1� be courts with w.Itich this paper js co,1ia. Ethiop � cerned set torth 111 tl1e C1v1I Procedure Code of 1965 is as follows: "Article 13 - vVoreda ghezat cot1rts sl1all l1ave jt1risdictio11 to try: (a) all suits not regardir1g i1runovable propert)' wl1ere the a11101111t involved does not exceed E $ 5,000.00; a11d (b) all st1its regardi11g i 1nmovab.le property vvbere tl1e amount invol­ ved does 11ot exceed E $ 1,000.00.






1-\rticle 14 - Awra.dja gbezat courts sl1 all have jt1risdictio11 to try : (a) all suits 11ot regardi11g i1nn1ovable property w]1ere the amo1111t involved does not exceed E $ 5,000.00; a11d (b) all suits regarding i1nmovable property where tl1e amou11t invol­ ved does 11ot exceed E $ I 0,000.00. '' 1-\II st1its l1ave to be tried i1 1 tl1e ''lowest grade'' of co11rt compete11t to try the,n _ 111 Article 18 of the Civil Proced11re Code provides tl1at avvradja cot1rts shal l also have juris dictio11 ''w11ere tl1e sttb ject matter of a st1it cannot . be exl ?ressed i_,1 m_oney· Such suits ge11erally i11clt1de review of tl1e decisions �f family_ arbi trators 1n di�e_rse proceedings, the gr,111ti 1 1g of a petitio 1 1 for ho111ologat1on of divorce, and recognit1011 of the right to succeed to property. urt _co ja ard aw a11 1 1d a at ez gl1 a red \VO cl1 ea se1 i11 Pre t l1r 1tly there is a \Vorecia co . '-" dants ,vho reside o r · . en 1' de st oin in eac l1 awradJa ghezat. Tl1ese co11rt s ·11e,11 cases agcUJ,




115 · Civ• Pr o. C· A rt s. 13 15 - · r111s 1t fo re e th en 1 I · w e d d . n )e s1 su 116 · Thus •�t n11g as w ht be asked wl1y tl1e 1962 p ro_clanla f10n the by ed ov pr ap t en m lia ar P b d embo died are a real ity today. The Proclan1ation. was passe n ki as s g that ce in �v pr e th f 1 e Emperor, but the Minister of Justice wrote a _c1:fcular t� :,� 1plement in to rd fo f a. t no ld u c� e it le 1962 Proclamation after the !he P roclamation not be applied becaus� tJ1e _ M_in istry of it.. �he Senate and Chamber of Dept1t1es officially suspen from t�at em st sy al ci di ju s it l in Minister of Justice's action. Eritrea, however, tben � l a�g on t1 1a an cl ro P 62 19 1e t1 d te en m left ?Y the British to tl1e Ethiopian system, _I1 ad alrea,ie ���fet er, �et N. z� See Emperor. he aocl !t . was allowed to remain in force the�e w1th the cot n , ty s er iv n U i I ie ss la el S te ai Ad,ninistration of Justice in Eritrea, (unpublished) Asn1 ara, 1965 p. 7, I-T a Faculty Library L � . 11 7 · Artic le 12, Crin1. Pro. Code.


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do bt1siness 11-8 witl1i1 1 their ghezats a11d. that arise \Vi tl1i11 tl1eir gl1ezats. 1 19 A\vra. dja courts have jurisdiction to l1ea1· app�als fron1 wor�d.ct courts within their jurisdiction.120 The awradja court of A: dd1s 0-baba for 1nstan�e �as te11 woreda courts under its jurisdiction, all located 111 Adcl1s Ababa, from \il1h1cl1 it l1ears a1)peals. Otlier a\vradja courts 11ave a11 average of tl1ree or fol1 r woreda cot1rts over \vl1ic }1 they exercise appellate jurisdiction. The cri1 ninal j11risdictio11 of the woreda a11d awracija co11rts is set forth i11 the Criminal Procedure Code of 1961. Generally an offence is to be ·'tried by the court witl1i11 the local li1nits of' whose jurisdictio11 it was co111111itted''. 121 Courts are given jl1risdiotio11 over oertai11 offences by Article 4 of the Cri1ninal Procedure Code accordi11g to a schedule published at the e11cl of tl1e Code; basically tl1e graver the o.ffe11ce, tl1e the l1igber the court tl1at is competent to handle it. Woreda oourts, for instance, have jurisdictio11 to try petty assa.11lt cases, 122 offen­ ces co11cer 1 1ing brawls, 123 i1 1timidation, 124 tl1reat of accusation or disgrace, 125 ins­ tilting behavior a11d outrage, 126 traffic offe:nces, 127 sedl1ctio11, 128 vagrancy, 129 damage to property caused by ani111als 130 and distl1rba11ce of possessio11. 131 In large meast1re, crimi11al offences l1eard in woreda courts are initiated by private coinplaint. 132 Ge 1 1erally they are offences which arise out of disputes between people, from acts com1nitted without pre n. 1editation, offences resulting from negligence, vio]atio11s encornpassi11g the concept of disorderly co11dt1ct, and breach of municipal regt1lations concerning sa1 1itation and hours of places of e11tertai11n1ent. The awra.dja court l1as cri111inal jurisdictio1 1 over such offences ,1s theft, 133 aggravated cases of da111age to property, 134 ad·b11ction, 135 abortio11, 136 grave 118. Civ. Proc. C. Art. 19. 119. Civil Procedure Code Article 24 gra.nts jurisdiction over a co11tract dispute to the court where the contract was made or executed t1nless some other place was 01entioned in the contract. to Article 27, suits regarding wrongs to n10,1ables or persons n1ay be instituted in the pla.ce where tl1e wrong \.Vas con1n1itted or wl1ere tl1e defendant resides. J 20. Civ. Pro. C. Art. 321. 121. CrinJ. Pro, C. Art. 99. Otl1er provisions govern c.ases w11ere the act was con1.n1itted in one ju!isdictio � and its conseq�ences ensued in anotl1er (Art. 100 Crin,. Pro. C.), ,vl1cre the place of the offence was uncerta111 (Art. 102 Crim. Pro. C.), and where the offence ,vas comn1itted outside of Etl1iopi.a (Art. 104 Crim. Pro. C.). 122. Pen. C. Art. 544. 123. Id., Art. 549. 124. Id., Art. 552. 125. Id., Art. 533. 126. Id., Art. 583. 127. Id., Art. 783. 128. Id., Art. 596. 129. Id., Art. 471. 130. Id., Art. 649. 131. Id., Art. 650. 132. Arts. 13 and 40 Cr1·m. Pro · . C., Art s. 217 -222 and 721 Pen. C. 133. Pen. C. Art., 630. 134. Id., Art. 654. 135 . Id., Art. 558. 116. Id., Arts. 529-530.

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. fy 13, forgery,138 disclosure of . 1JU scie11tific, indt1str1·a1, or trade secrets 139 ,,1·11ful • 11 140' \"f ' 1y. an and b1g cri mi11al appeals fro111 cases brougl1t i11 the woreda courts Awradja cot1rts l1ear 141 . n io t ic d is ir jt under their

Erit rea Since this . pap�r "'ill 011 occasio� allude to t!1e administration of justice in . _ Eritrea :-especially 111 f Slllara- aud stn�e �l1e JUd1c1al syste1n evolved differently i11 �1 1 l1e rest of Etl11 p1a, shor discussio11 of the background l1a Eritrea _s1�ce 1900 1 u � � � � _ _ � _ of admuustrat1on tl1e1e 1s 1 n_ order. Tl1e cl1scuss1on will concentrate on the evolutio11 of the 1tvored� an? awradJa C ?tirts currently exercising jurisdiction in Eritrea pt1rsuant _ to the Ad1111n1stration of ! ust1ce Procla1nation of I 962. Tl1e Italia11s ocot1pied Eritre,1 i11 1900 and made it an Italian colony. The y established cot1rts for two groups of people -one system for Italia11s a11d assi1 1ulated Eritreans and anotl1er f�r nati ve Eritrea11s.142 The colonial aclministration gave . e 143 but tl1 ese cl:tiefs could a11s 11at1ve Er1tr over to ''native chiefs'' tio11 j11risdic civil only pass judg1 11e11t upo11 people of the sa1ne regio11s and who had sil1 11ilar c11sto­ mary Ja,vs.144 T]1e Italia11s also allowed the Moslem courts to function in similar fashion.145 Italian regional co1111nis sioners and district officers cot1ld l1ear cases i11volving disputes of native Eritreans of different custon1ary backgrounds and appeals from the native cl1iefs witl1 tl1e assistance of native Eritreans. TI1ese officers heard cri_mina1 cases i11volving Eritreans. 146 ers was the J talia11 c offi rict clist tl1e and rs one issi 11m co 1 al io11 reg the e bov 1\ enc e s co1UJ11itted off l ina crim ous seri r ove 11 ctio isdi jt1r had icl1 vvl1 l u11a trib er's sion 1nis Com 147 . rity tl1o Au ial lon Co e bv. Eritrea11s ' feuds bet\\1ee11 tribes ' and offences 148against th Eritreans sat witl1 the co1nmissio11er a s advisors. Tl1e Governor of tl1e Colony I1eard appeals fro111 tl1e Com1nissio11ers' Tribunal ,vilh four Italians a11d fot1r 11ative assessors. 149



Customary law was apJJlied to disp _ utes bet1tvee11 � ritreans, the Eritreans having codes of ct1sto1nary laws i11 tl1e Tigryg11a la11gt1age. 1 :>0 l\1t1ch of tl1e procedtire

J 37. Id., Art. 538. 138. Id., Art. 383-384. 139. Id., Art. 409 l40. Id., Art. 616. 141. Crim. Pro. C. Art. 182 (1) (a). 142· N. Marein, Ethiopian Empire Fecleration and Laws, 1954, p. 371· 143. Id., p. 373_ 144. Ibid. 145. Ibid. 146. Id., p. 374. l47. Ibid. 148. Ibid. ;49. Id., p. 375. 50. Id., _ p. 376.




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•fol] owed in t11ose co11rts was like tl1at clescribed i11 the section of tl1is IJaper dealing witl1 tl1e evolution of co11rts in other areas of Etl1iopia. In 1941, tl1e British conq·L1ered Eritrea. U i1der the British ad1ninistratio11 village }1ead1nen ¥lere give11 jt1risdiction of first i11.sta11ce.151 District and tribal chiefs l1eard appeals fro111 tl1ese l1e(:1 d.n1e11. 152 A so-called ''sta11� 1ing c?tirt'' con1posed of Bri tisl1 perso1111el heard cases of Eritrea11s acc11sed of ser1ot1s cr11nes.153 Tl1e British established ,t systen1 of ''11ative co11rts'' to take tJ1e place of the j11risdictio11 over Eritrea11s exercised by the Italia11 Co1nn1issioners. Tl1ese were staffed by native Eritrea11s a11d bad broad civil b11t li111ited cri111i11al jt1risdictio11. In crirninal cases these co11rts aJ)plied Italian law as 111odified by Britisl1 admi11istrators .154 In civil matters tl1ese courts l1eard appeals fron1 11ative chiefs a11cl applied ct1stomary lav-.r. 111 1952 Eritrea ,vas federated ,vith Etl1iopia. TI1e day before tl1e Federation, an

Administration of J11stice Procla1natio11 was issued. Tl1e Proclan1atio11 e111pl1asized in strot1g terrus tl1e fact that tl1e judiciary i11 Eritrea \Vas to be i11dependent of the exec11tive. 155 Tl1e 1)rocla111atio11 1nade provisio11 for the application of ctistomarv or Mosle111 law to be ap1::>liecl ,vbere tl1e parties to a st1it vvere of such similar co11ld eitl1er decide byl,aclcgro·u11cls.156 I11 case of co11.flict of lav1s, tl1e parties . ther11sel,1es what law sl1ou.ld be applied or the court vvo11ld decide for tbem. 15; Cri111i11al Ia.w to be apJ)lied was stattitory.158 · istrict courts, 11agist­ The Proclamatio11 created a Supren1e Cot1rt, l-ligl1 Co11rt, o rates courts, court of co11celiatori, and special co11rts. 159 District cot1rts a11d. 111agistrate's courts ad1ni11istered custo111ary Iavv, at1d both had only li111ited. j11risdictio11 in cri1ninal 111atters. This syste1n v,1as altered by s11bse­ qt1e-11t ame11dme11ts fro1n 1952 to 1962. 111 fi11al for111, tl1e system wl1ich \Vas the precursor of tl1e presen.t judicial fraineworl< consisted basically of : J . A Supreme Court ,vl1icl1 revie,ved decisio11s gi,;en by tl1e va.rioLlS divisions of the Higl1 Court -customary, Moslem, and stat11tory law divisio11s. 2. A Higl1 Cot1rt with tl1e above n1entionecl diviso11s \vhicl1 beard appeals from district courts.

3. Customary a11d no11-custo111ary district courts whicl1 l1eard civil a11d cri11iinal cases of first instance and applied statt1tory penal la\v. The custor11ary dist­ rict courts beard appeals from 1nesla11ies. 4. Meslanies wb.o l1eard a variety of ''c11sto111ary'' civil disp11tes a11d cases in­ volvi11g disp11tes over col]ective la11d betwee11 villages, tribes, a11d i11dividt1a1s. Meslanies beard appeals from cbiqas.

151. 152. 153. 154.


156. 157. 158. 159.

Id., p. 381. Id., p. 382. Id., p. 384. Id., p. 387. Id., p. 392. Id., p. 395. lbid. Id., p. 396. Id ◄, p. 397.

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5. Jts�;;: �,�� es 10

l i

l ''




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which applied customa ry la w in the first instance to "civil"

th co es ur e ts, th e Mosle111 courts al so ex to ion adclit In ercised jurisdiction pursuant statute.

n .Etl1iopia a11cl Eritrea toolc •pla'ce 1· 1.1 Th e union betwee 1962• Tl1e A dm1.111. strat1.on ·o n 1962 · 1 ct· t1 1s I 1� cL a 1ssed belo , w as promt1lgated Dec c ro P e ' ic st Ju of em � ber 31, I 962, � M e 5, ay \ �.f 19 f ec 63 ti ·. Adaptatio11 of tl1e old system created by tl1e to bec�me British 111 Er1trea to _th e '�yste1 1: reqt11red. by tl1 e �roclamation was p11t into the ha11ds c 01111111 ttee · ·T his c 0m11.11ttee decided tl1at chiqas \Vould contin l ga "Le of a t1e to fun ction un_der tlie 11 e"v. systen1 as at?ia dag11ias pursuant to Article 23 of the I 962 Ad�11!nistr_ at1on_ of J llSlice _ Pro�lain_at_1�11� that 1neslanies wot1ld 110 lo11 ger exercise . �l1e Custo_t11a1 Y D1str1ct C?urts were rena1ned ''woreda'' courts and ft1n? ll?n �, judicial given the Jt1r1 sd1ctJ.?n pro_,,1ded_ f�r tl1e111 _ 111 tl1e last named Proclamation, awradja courts ,:vere establ1sl1ed 1.11 d1str1 ct capitals, a11d tl1e various divisions of the High and Supre111e . I1!1perial Cou!ts were co11solidated. 161 When the proclamation was suspended by _ t l1 e M1n1ster of Just1ce on July 8, 1962, Eritrea l1ad already imple111e11ted it at co11s1derable expe.nse at1d was allov,1ed by the Emperor to co11 tinue admi­ nistering its co11rts tinder the 1962 procla1nation. Thus Eritrea l1as qt1 ite a long history of outside influence in all aspects of her judicial syste1n a11d l1er s11bsta11tive proced11ral la\v. During the Italian a11d especially d11ri11g the Britisl1 Administration, 11ative Eritreans were trained as j11dges and advocates and the i11depe11dence of tl1e judiciary fro1n tl1e execL1tive vvas stressed. Also, dur .i11g tl1e British Adn1i1 1istration there was an advocate's asso­ ciation which l1ad effective discipli11ary po\vers. Despite the con1plicatecl set up of courts \Vitl1 o,1erlapping jurisdiction, ad1ni11istration of j11stice i11 Eritrea was generally efficient, guided by colo11ial administrators. Only since 1952 l1as tl1e judicial syste1 n in Eritrea bee11 controlle_d by Eritr�ans and eve11 for a fe\-v years after tl1at witl1 foreign assista1 1ce. Now, 'rv1th the 0111011, the judicial syste1n in Eritrea, tl1ougl1 it bas a differen� t_rad_ition fo� the .last seventy years tl1a11 tl1 e syste111 tl1rougl1011t tl1e rest of Ethiopia 1s ac_cord111g to la\.v identical in strticttire to tl1at of tl1e rest of Etl1iopia . And the 111 flt1e11ce of tl1e central gover11n1ent on tl1e ad1 11i11istration of jt1stice tl1ere 1nea11s tl1at Eritrea's court systen1 is rapidly takitlg on tl,e cbaracteristices of judicial admjoistration throughot1 t the rest of Ethiopia. The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice supervises a11 d controls the judi�ial. syStem in Et�i�pia. It has four key divisions. Of primary importance, of course, is th e 01:fice of MiniSle� s w llo fo as d . be r1 sc de e ar s of Just1c er . w po • s · e. Ile - 1s appointed by the Emperor and hi 1ts transacting e1 tm ar ep D e th f o e • n o "The M1ruste · · r of J 11st1c • e 1s the 11ead o f. . . rd state affairs, nan1ely, th e Mi1 1istry of Justice. The M1n1ster Of Justice in acco ance with th e la w, sl1all:


160 N e tzger, cited above at note 116, pp. 3-4. M• · 161 ·· Id., p. 6.

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(a) ensure that the nomination, reappointme11t, proJ� 1otion, tra11sfer, removal and retiren1.ent of judges are accomplisl1ed in accorda11ce \,,1tl1 tl1e la1N; (b) make all arrangements for the establislm1e11t a11d ,l(irninistratio11 of appro­ priate oourts tl1roughout tl1e nation; (c) ens·ure and supervise tl1e impartial administration of justice; (d) ensure the enforcement of the law and co1npl� ance_ of all �or1!1s and proced­ ures prescribed by law or regulations for the adm1n1st.rat1on of Jt1st1ce; (e) be responsible for the co11duct of all crimi11al actions prosecuted by the Gover11me11t; (f) supervise the conduct of all civil actions and clain1s bro11ght by or agains t tl1e Goverrunent; (g) advise and assist prosec11tors and advocates acting in ,1ny case brought by or against the Government; (h) provide for tl1e maintenance of proper and appropriate records of all proceed­ ings brought or defended on behalf of the Govern1nent a11d for tl1e appropriate and systematic publication of the decisions of tl1e courts, inolt1di11g the opi11ions of judges; (i) to Us tl1e record of each case i11 \vhicl1 sentence of death has been passed, together with his recom111endations ; (j) submit to Us petitions concerning pardons, together with bis reconlillendations; (k) issue to persons of high moral character and proper educational qt1alifications licenses to practice as advocates and ensure tl1e contint1ed suitability of st1ch persons as advocates; and (I) upon request, prepare drafts of legislation required by any Ministry." 162 Under present practice, the Minister has control over all aspects of a lo,ver court judge's emp.loyment. 163 I-Ie may investigate their ,vork, pron1ote tl1e111, de111ote them, or discharge them a.s l1e sees fit. He exercises this power through the variot1s divisions ot' tl1e 11inistry. One of tl1ese divisions is i11 charge of recrui tino O j11dges for tl1e lower courts Applicatior1s for positio11s as jttdges are taken by this �ffi . ce. The cl1aracter and b �ckgrot111d of eacl1 ap�licant is . i11vestigated a11d if the a1Jplica 11t passes tl1e preli­ m1nary cl1aracter scree11111g, he 1s allowed to take an exan1i 11 atio11 co1nposed by the Ministry. However, ma11y lower cot1rt j11dges are appoi11 ted -v;,ithot1t goi11g t11rough these formalities. . ed oint app The I11spector Ge11eral's office, headed by a11 Inspector General also by the Emp��or, checks 011 tl1e work of judges by senditJg inspectors to tl1e courts s file case ons �n ? observe �ourtroom procedure. These i tlspectors read to read dec1s1 _ _ to_ d.eterm1ne if d��1s1ons be111g made accordi11g to the la\v ill respo 1 1se to co1np­ 1pro i1 to who made by litigants feel that � per 1 atnts due tl1ey have bee11 w onged 1 ! us ne erro � 1nfl:1�nce brought_ to bear t1pon the judge or becatise of an obviotisly oil at1 1istr dec1s1on. If the inspectors find fa11lt \Vitl1 the decisiotl making or admir 3 162. Minister� (Definition of �owers) (Amen��eut �o. 2.), �� :No . 5, 2 yea r _ Order No. 46 Neg. Gaz. . 163. A. Bant1walu, T}1e Posit101i of the Jtidiciar-v 111 E,·'·,1z·op • a fl s, e ,,, 1 l rc A d) 1a, 1966 (t1npu bl'1she Se1 I, ,ass1e · I un1v · ers1ty · , Law L.1brary, pp. 24 et. seq.

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cour �, tl1ey ,tre to cliscuss tile robl a . in . . e ic •ust e � . s o r 1. rregular1t 1es they l 1ave 01 vic e-p e r sid e th e nt 1 of til e court J?in wh 1cl1 ed witl J tlt r a e tl 1e d un ecis1· 0 wa s made t t o r 1e 1 po e t r I11s 1)e a cto r e G e � t n1a k era l l's office · The l ector and al's ner SJ? Ge It · or· s t e r l ese po to tl r tl1e M rds it 1 s ter Justice w1 10 1nay writ · office for,va . . e letters t0 or aga1 ·1011 ac 11st t· court JJe rs01111·el Wllo have - b pl111 ary . disci ke ee 11 t..a 11eglect111g their duty. 6 t 1011e of tl1e staff of th e 111s pector Getl eral's d1v In 196 · 1s1 · • on ha d any forn1al • • t64 . . Tl . � e pre se 11t 1. 11spector G�11er al has no legal trai11ino legal tra1n1ng.. but all 0 - b ers of this ·cl1v1s1011 have l1ad 1011g e.xper1e11ce. wo rkt'ng w1'tl111• 1 t.11e M:1n1• stry. 16s roe.m . d11at.e �f.tl1e I-Ia,le sellass1e I Unjversity Factilty of Law At p re sent th ere 1s o�e g1� aiid Ja,v students on 1111 1vers1ty s ervice \Vorki11g for the Jnspectiotl Department.


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con siders com plaints filed by 1n The Min istr y l1as a11 off · ct·1v1·ct11a· l s . ice whicl1 . against co11rt pers��e 1 an_d Wh IC h . d'1sc·ipl1nes tl1ose wh o are found to l1ave bel1aved improp erly. The_ � 1 n1stry 1s also in cl1ar ge of all governm ent prosecutors tlrrougli on e of it� d1v 1s1011s, tl1e �tto_r�e )' G e ne ral's office. Each 1najor division of the Ministry 1s l1e,1ded �y. an 1nd1 v1dt1�l a1)pointed by the E mperor 11pon the recom­ me11dation t)f the Minister of J t1st1ce. Conclusion

Thus the process of co11c e11tration of judicial powe r i. n t.h e c e ntral governn1e11t and of standardizatio11 of s11bsta11tive a11d procedural rul es is tl1e 1nain theme of the developme11t of the ad1 11jnistratio11 of justice in Etl1iopia since 1942. Tl1is move to,vards u11iformity caused problems especially in th e lower co11rts \vh ere more substantive and procedural diversity existed before the process of systema.tizatio11 of the judicial syste1n bega11 .


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th­ ep ende 11t leg al practitio11ers i11 Ethiopi�. Wi ind 11t rta Scribes are tl1e 111ost i111po . out then1, illiterate litigants a11 d peOJJle who l1ave 1 10 knowledge o[ substantive _law or courtroon1 procedtire coltld 1 1 0t present tl1eir cas es. !he . existence of scrib es also pern1its the jtidicial systen1 to ha ve a writte11 fou11dat1on 10 _the form. of ftles cise forn1 n co to in cts fa e th t pu at th e nc f \vbjcl1 contai11 stat en1e11ts of claiin a11d de e so that when a case con1es before the court tl1e j11 dge does not l1ave to sp e11d an excessive an 1ount of tim e getting a pict11re of how the dispute aros e . go to they have to re h� a s i11g tl:t � � Scribes also tell litigants sucl1 practical . file a pleading, what the judge is like, what the Jurisdiction of the co11rt is, and the litigan t's cl 1ances of winni11g the case. r n1.ore than teJ � o f n io ss fe o r p at th _ Most of the s cr ib es i nterviewed had b een in nme11 v� go s 11 0 r1 va y b d e years. Be fore the y became scr ibes inany were employ e or m te an \:V e y th d 11n fo r o agencies a11d e ither retir�d from tl1es e jobs, w ere fir ed, 164. Id., p. 33 . 165 · Ibid .

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jndependence tha11 those jobs accorded tl1e111. Son1e also l·1acl been businessme11 wliose undertak.i11gs had failed. ing r ir '-:o s the live a11 beg � writin g out wed rvie i11te bes scri the of any dly Har _ pleadings and all of them, while they s�emed to e11JOY tl1e1r Jobs, would have pre­ ferred to be working in another occupation had their former careers t11r11ed out as pla11ned. A few of the scribes interviewed had so111e educatiort in govemn1ent schooJs --at the most up to seventh grade-- but most l1ad 011Iy beer1 to Ch11rcl1 School. Their knowledge of the law was gai11ed entirely tl1ro11gh readjJ1g on tl1ejr own and from 011-the-job experience. In Addis Ababa, Harar, and As111ara, most scribes have the relevant codes at tl1eir disposal even if they do not always bring tl1eir volun1es to work with them. Usually scribes said they had the Civil Code and Civil Procedure Code. The Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code ,vere not i11 the possession of many scribes. The Civil Procedure Code was most popt1lar because of' the forms for pleadings contained in its appendix. In the countryside surrounding large towns, scribes were less likely to have or l1ave access to the codes. These scribes relied upon copies of code pro,1isions most con1n1only ltsed a11d upo11 advice from advocates.


The scribe's ''legal knowledge'' co11sists of an ability to write the facts of a case so that a judge can understand them, ability to cite a few code provisions which see1n to relate to the problem at hand, and a11 acquaintance with t11e opera­ tional procedures of the court where he sits. The mair1 function of a scribe in writing a state1ne11t of clai1n or defence is to see that the pleading contains what is requ.ired by Articles 222 a11d 223 of the Civil Procedure Code. Scribes do not e11gage in any s11bstantive legal argu1ne11ts in their pleadings nor do the�, atte1npt to interpret substantive code articles relied up­ on for recovery. The code provisions are merely cited and it is trp to the court to discover why they are relevant. The following is an example, in a relatively u11complicated case, of pleadings written by scribes working in Addis Ababa. - Plai_ntiff : Zemheret Bereket-Ab Defendant : Girma Wolde-Marirun Civil Law Section i11volving six dollars. According to the contract we entered 0.11 28-1-61 defendant borro\ved $ 6.00 from me to alleviate his financial need. 1-Ie gave me tl1ree bullets as a guarantee that he would pay me back by 3-2-61. At the a.ppoi11ted date l1e refused to return my .money. Therefore, according to Article 2005 of tl1e Civil Code, I plead tl1at he should pay me back the $ 6.00 a.nd, in addition, my expenses for a lawyer and other costs of this suit. I am willii1 g to and ready to give him back tl1e three bullets. If the . defendant denies o�r contract of Ioa11 I will prese11t accordi11g . to Art10Je 223 of the C1v11 Procedure Code a copy of tile contract. A�d according to Civil Procedure Code Article 92 this will be my only evidence. Signed : Zenzheret Bereket-Ah - 454-



SoJ11e scribes re ly on tl1e forms in th e ap end.ix of �. he C.x�.il P rocedure Code th of e ir pleadi 1 1gs. Relia nat for 1 nc the e 0� sub tanti ve ar �r 1cles of tl1e codes, ! b � e ac d o lishe t omp ei l � t has 1 er v h:w e er, through memo y, conSultmg _ the codes themscrib e one n 1na aged as it with code Ives or b t atter ndexes which he 1 s�epa�ed. The f ollo\\ ing is a translation. of that !�t ��� .;; _ i t e i ndex relevant to the p for reaso11 quoti11g i t here i s that it The ode. C l fivi represents the knowledge of ha,,e the ribes s11bstan c t s ive codes. that most


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Index Civil

Code of Ethiopia Code Articles

When the le11d er does not get l1is m o11ey back. 2005 If wi t11ess is another p erson. 2002 When a te11ant refuses t o pay his rent. 2945 If one insul ts another person i11 c ourt. 480, 481 Wh e11 a defendant claims h e was wrongly accus ed and wants comp ensati on. 2028, 2090 6. When l111sban d and \vife ask for thei r property. 652, 653 7. About powe r of attor ney. 2205 8. About disregar di11g agency. 2226 9. About a per son who does n ot car[)' an accusation. 2028 896, 996, 999 10. When I claim that ris t (land) be longs to me. 1911 l l. When one files a11 accusation concern ing an ekub. 339 12. '\Vhen p leadi ng insan ity. 13. When the p lain tiff says h e does not have an y evidence but that 2006 be will S\Vea r to t l1e facts h e alleges. 1771 14. t\boul denyi ng a co11trac t. 2951 15. About house r e nt. 16. When tl1e guara11tor dema11ds th,1t tl1e debt or 's ass ets be realized. 1934 17. vVI1en t\VO pe op le l i,,e t ogethe r as l1usba11d and wife without a 699 record of ma rriage . 2571 18. Wh en one fails to gi v e pr ior not ice . 2573, 2574 19. W he11 to disniiss an employee. 2024 20. Presumpti on. of payme nt after tw o )1ears. 2571, 2524 21. Period of not i ce and am ount of co1upensation. 2205 22. Special agency. 2896 23 • Making use of another p erson's prope rty. 24- When the g11arantor says I don't have to pay - - t he princip al 1934 sh ould pay. 680 25 - About a c hild five year s ol d. c le ti ar is th f o n io ct se he t o " d n 1 e a 0 r n · dex sho11ld be re ferr ed back t o w he . . .This in r_ e t1s · d b a e c o d � e tl1 o \v h re of u ct 1 pi � u g e � at r c I ac fi th wi an s c i e e It as es l . ds � n th f rinci pal ·. a an th p �r lb ra n io t s. Each section sta11ds for a le gal situa e ib �r e a t 1 ts p ro c n 1 a g a t ou th i w t s1. uation arises, tl 1 e cocle ar ticle is 1ne11ti one d , usually v1sons. i m an d defence la c f o ts n e In conclusion it must be re me m b er ed that stat es and disput tlleir of es :1ssu ar meant an ev e r e th on s cu t e o make the parties fo 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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oet tl1e facts straiobt before appearii1g in tl1e courtrooi11. The scribes ?o their duty hi tJ1 j8 respect qcite well. Lack of ability fully_ to u11dersta11d �11d 1 11terpret code _ val11able, a 1111g 1 perfo.1 1 11expe 1 1s1ve service provisions does not preve 11t scribes fro111 for anyo11e engaged in litigatio11. Ad, ocates 1


The words ''advocate'' or ''pleader'', as advocates ,:tre callee! i11 tl1e Civil Pro­ cedure Code are no,.vl1ere defined in Ethiopia11 legal literatt1 re or legislation. Btil the Cot1rts (Registration of Advocates) Rules of 1952 provide for lice11sing a11d regula­ tion of tl1e conduct of advocates ,vho ''practice'' before tl1e cottrts. N O\vhere in tl1ose rttles is the word ''advocate'' 11sed. B11t ''practice'' is defi11ed by Rule 14 of tl1e Co11rts (Registration of Advocates) R 11les �1s fallows: '· Practice mea11s, by \:vay of profession as a legal advjsor: (a) to conduct or plead an action, cause, suit or si111ilar legal process before a co11rt, or before a1 1 official of a court, 011 l,el1alf of a11other person; (b) to write or prepare for a 11otl1er �t11y r1ct (sic] or docL1111e11t i1 1 a legal 1natter of any ki11d � (c) to give legal advice.�' It sl1011ld be noted that part (b) of the defi11ition wo11ld ap1)ly to the scribes w110 ,vrite 011t pleadings for litigants in all the courts. Bt1t i 1 1 IJractice tl1e)' are not considered to be ''advocates'' regl1 lated by the r 11les. Jn 1966 tl1ere were 2149 advoc,1tes in Etluopia. Al 1110st l1,1lf of then1 were working i11 Shoa Provi11ce, 61 in Eritrea Provi11ce a 11d 90 in 1-Iarar Province. 45% of these advocates were ad111itted to 1Jr�1ctice i,1 ll1e vvored�1 courts, co11rts, 18�/:i could practice in the 31% could IJractice in the a\vradja High Court and the Supreme Imperi,11 Co11rt. 166 Advocates or ''pleaders'' are licensed by the M'inistry of J· 11 stice �111ci are ad111itted to practice in the vario1 1 s levels of cot1rts in Ethiopia oste 1 1sil1ly 011 the 167 basis of their compete1Jce and character as cleter1ninecl by tl1e Mi t1ister of J· 11stice. The Courts (Registration of Advocates) R.11les of 1952 provicles tl1at tl1e Minister of Justjce may compel registrants to take a test to de111011strate tl1eir co1npetence, or that he 111ay make his j11dgme11t i11depe11de 1 1tly of exan1jnatio11. I68 166. St atistical Abstract, J967, 1968, Ce11tral Statistical Office, Addis Ababa, 1969, (J. 206.

167. ''No perso11 ot her than a_ perso11 l1olding an offi ce whereiJ1 11e is botlild to practice only for � he <; rown, sl1all _ practice t1. nless h e i s re gistered , a11ct tt1e11 110t before stich cotirts as ar:e . spec�fied 111 tl1e Regi ster as tl1os e befor e wl1ich he is proI1 ibit e d fro111 IJracticiiJg''. Courts (Regi­ stration of �d vo ate s) Rules, 195 2, Rul e 2. Leg. Not. No. 166, Neg. Gaz., yea r JI. � 168. Cou��s ��e�1stration �f Advoca tes) Rt1les, 1952, Rule 5 (cit that ed at note 169 abov e) JJrovides th e M 1n1ster of Justice, for tl1e purpos e of s atisfyin g 11 dge ow le kn and inl sel f . k ill as e tl to 1 s of any person n ec�ssa ry to en�ble l1im properly to pra d re t reg i � cti � c e n,ay require any person _ or wl10 J-1as applied for re� stra t1o n from tin1e to time to undergo s ttch tes t as th e :rvf 1n1s_ter or s ucb per�on s hall at1t� or1ze sha ll tl1i nk .fit''. Currently exams are given to tl1ose apply ing to be adn11tted to pr actice and tho se ho s eek t o , ent IY Re c . qu � ur ali ts fy o to C r pr Hi e a gll cti c e .in however, few adv oca tes hav e b een ad·m · itted to pract ·1c e by tl1e M.1n1s · try.

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TI-IE LOWER COURT S OF ETl-llOPlA 11 g to tl�ese rules, yearly or di a. c c o, s regi st ra ti on fees. have to l . A be paid by acc 1 11g to tl1e level of ord . ate s c o adv , cotirt to w1 11ct1 tl 1ey are ad • I ered reg·st n 1 1· tte d to t h e cot1 rt 11 1 wh ich a1 1er 1 · 11g 1 e 1 Tl c . 1 adv ' oca' te 1s a11 owed to p.ractic i e. ct . a r · c e P the ee. I I y year , e 1 tI more A11 ''Advocates' Di s ci plinary Conu11ittee '' is e st ablisl e I b Ru1e I� of t!1e R ules. l c o11si sts of five perso.11s ,tppoi i1ted by tl1e Ivlit1ister o/ �us {tee or I 11 s des1gnee and l · i11v 111a esti tter gat s e per tai to 11 ing to tl;e cl1 'r s • •. . ter an d conduct of a ac ·1s I J ob ,i t 1 o s f h' C on11 n 1 n1aJ or1t . y l1as tl1 e power to r·eco1n1 ne11 d revoca A es t ca · t ion or . . • · . , · a ce 1 c 1�s t 7s vo � e a d. to f tl1e M1111ster of Justice if it finds tl1 suspens1011 o s. at tl 1ere 1c h . 1 l d w 111 t d 1cat c es t1 tl1a con t a perso11 is '' tlot of n bee · aracter su1t able has a c . h · . ' • · · · · · tration of Justice.'' 1 t I1e a d 1111 111s 11 1ng t ass1s for TL1e �i ni ste r of_ J11st ,i ce i s pern1itted by Rule � of tile Rules to suspend an advocate f1 on1 pra ctic e v. l1e11 lie l1as reaso1 1 to believe tI 1 at tile advocate has be­ _ perly but l �e must refe r tl1e �as e to tl1e Advocates' Disci plinary Com­ b�ved i n1pro . e Commit he�l e ar 1er cl \\ t11 tl1 1 s 1 tee inust tl1e n i1 1vesti gate the 111atter or IDJttee. It not. Ho\\1ever, tl1e C�n1rn1ttee's f�11 ctio11 is prob ably to investigate tlJe matter ai,d make a reconune11 dat1on co11ce r11111 g fi11al action to tl1e Minis ter of J tisti ce as it would i n cases \Vhere it i nitiates tl1e i11 qt1iry.

A further check 011 behavior of advocates is co11tai11ecl in the po\.ver of a court to suspend a11 advocate for one 111oi 1tl1 or to impos e fi11es 11p to E$ 250.00 for misbehavior. 169 This powe r is i11dependent of and additional to any action which the Ministe r of Jt1stice may see fit to tak e after it is i11forn1 ed of the cot1rt's action pursuant to tl1e rule s. 170 PresideL1ts or presidi11 g j11dges of courts are give11 broa.d power to discipline advocates by Article 481 of tl1e C i vil Procedt1 re Code. 171 Tl1e preci se circ11msta11 ces under \vhich judge s rna.y pu11isl1 _advoc ates a11d t he type of p11ni shme 11t \vhicl1 111ay be i1nposed are 11ot n1 e11tio11 ed i11 Article 481 of the Ci\1il Proc edure Code and judges usually co11fi11e tl1en1selves to giving sn1a!I fines for bad behavior. The po\ver to suspend advoc ates, wl1icl1 j11dge s bel i e\1e tl1 ey l1a\ 1 e 1111der this article, is i11voked only rarely a1 1d for ,1ery se riot1s 01fe11 ces. is no associatio11 of ad voc ates i n Etl1 iopia with cliscipli11ary power over it s 1nen1bers. 172 Tl1ere is 11 0\vever, a11 advocate s' associati on - the Advocates Associa­ 11 d has a a ab Ab dis Ad in s r rte ua dq tion of Ethi opia. Tl1is ' 1\ss I1ea s it as 1 l 1 oci atio1 branch es in tl1e provi 11ce s. Presently it l 1as sixty active me1nber� :Yho _pay d�t �s an d 1 t1on to d ad n 1 on t1 a 1 oc s As e tl1 rs, ce end offi att meeti 11 gs. Ac cording to on e of its providi11g the 1n11tual be11efit services for i ts me1nbers disc tissed belo\v, me�t � to discuss problem s of t l1e le gal pr ofession. Tl1ese problen1s are referrecl to tile MiniS t ry

8· t. Ar 8, 16 te no 169 · Cour ts (.Regis tration at e ov ab of Advocates) Rt1les cited t7o. Id., Rule 9 (3) · t y o ar ss ce ne be y 1a n as n o A ti c " a . . . . h J c 17 su e k t ny pres1de�t of a court or pres1?11 :1g Jt�dge �,ay_ � . 11 cc ordance with the provisio ns �f · a en_sure order 1n c ourt and the adn:i1111str_at1on ° J ust1ce ,vho 1s on rs pe er th o r o , er ad le , � t _ thi� Code and may sun ma rily pun1sh w1tl1 a fi 11e any P�r Y o. C. r P . iv C e th of 1 48 , rt A c d 0 P, pr ny uilt a o se f o cour the improp in er conduct f g � �� � !� h�d disciplinary power over , 172 · uri�n g oc_ia , 0 as� es c�t .ken vo ad ta n ee the b an s d a n, h er federatio Eritrea ha � w o p ry a n li a I advocates. Si11 ce the U1lion, however, this association 5 discip over by the Nlinistry of Justice.

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of Justice whicI1 is reqt1 ested to take actior1 on tl1e1n. Ct1rrently, two . p�obleins are _ being considered by the Ministry of Just1�e as a rest1lt of tl1� As�oc1�t1on's initia­ tive. One is the Associatio11's claim tl1at Jt1dges are too do_m1neer111g 1n court, do 110t give advocates a chance to speak, and. are �e1�erall_y d1srespectf11l t� wards the legal profession. Another complai11! of the . Assoc1at1 011 1s tl1at �l1e appo1n�111ent of counsel for indigent defendants 1s becon11ng burdensome o� Lr1e profession. The Association feels that advocates sl1ot1lcl be cornpensated for this service. The Association also refers complaiJ1ts it receives co11cer11ii1g an advocate's mal­ practice to the Mi11istry of Justice for actio11. However, 11one of the advocates i1 1terviewed whe11 asked al)out the activities of the Associatio11 mentioned its above discussed activities. Accordi11g to the advocates interviewed, the Association is largely a benevolent society - s01nething like an ''edir''173 - which cares for advocates if they are ill, pays for fu 11erals of advocates' family 1nembers, ·a11d acts as a gu.arantor for advocates \vl10 find the111selves in legal trouble. Of the a.dvocates intervie\\1ed i11 Addis Ababa, 011ly cl fevv belo1 1ged to the Association. The others not only did not belong to tlJe A.ssociation but had no idea ,:vhat its fu11ctions were. S01ne advocates had never l1eard of the Association. Those who had heard of the Association or wl10 were n1e1nbers of it tl1ought that the orga11ization was concerned too 111ucl1 with the social welfare of its members ar1d not enough witl1 problen1s of the legal professio11 related to the present state of the ad1ninistratio11 of justice i11 Ethiopia. Many advocates tbougl1t that the ,�ssociatio11. sl1ould spend more ti111e l1oldi 1 1g discussions on topics of professional interest. They thought that the Associatio11 l1ad tintapped pote11tial for helping to bring abot1t judicial reform and for t1pgrading the professior1. Thus advocates who practice in the lower courts fi11d the111selves \vitl1ot1t mucl1 of a feeling of professio1 1al brotherl1ood and. spirit \\'l1icl1 could be fostered by an effective association. They are in large part lo11e practitio11ers a11d l1ave no vvay of lea.rning desirable rules by which to str11cture their relatio 11sl1ips ,vitl1 clie11ts or other advocates. And the realities of an advocate's practice in tl1e lower courts do 11.ot allo\v these ideals to grow. Attitudes of court person1 1el, litigan.ts, a 11d, i11 turn, of the advocates themselves prevent it from flot1rishing. The disrespect \Vbicl1 the various groups of people involved in the judicial syste 1n-advocates, scribes, litigants, judges -have for �ach o !her _ caused by professior1al and official disl1onesty results in a lack of constructive sp1r1t on the part of all g1·oups. Until tliis vic.iotis circle of ant· agonisms �s replaced by a sens� of service toward one a11otl1 er, it is doubtful tl1at proper att1tt1des and honesty w1Jl develop. Advocates who are admitted to practice i11 the High Court ge11erally do not f requent woreda courts thougl1 they go to awradja courts ofte1 1. Sin1ilarly, te 173. Edirs are, in general, commu nity-level 01utual assistance and u ibu contr Members b r1a • 1 soc1e ies. . . t' • . are · to them per iod.i�a11Y · Wh.en a person tn . a member fan1i nses exp e funeral the borne by the _edir. Edir officials. a_lso t ake charge of. ly dies l1is r fo ents ngem fu neral u�ually 1� the f�rm of p�ov�d1ng food for mourn making the arra to o se t h u ht1c �e�i Large ed1rs are i?:fluent1al orga.n1zat1ons whose interests ers and a large tent gener po al _ oft mo en re ext int end o . and welfare act1v1t1es.

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pra in ctic tl1e higher courts do not e ho w tes . . oca a s a rule practic ,,1dv - u they may have case s e In woreda in t . tl1e b ' aw ra d a cour . he .in fluence of these c o u rts T � d ; qualifie a s better dvocate on the wo eda an sedly po wradJa court s could u � _ be fact the for that advocates seem t O ss c a � �e:ficial b·ut m the selves with t he _ i t_ � � y h tl1e hic r w a e to a d itte dm rt cou � to practice an Juhest er going to a lower eni �nc to e inc oI1v be avoided. Lower court co�rt as an em s are, to them, to P avoide d nd rather a than solved. 174 be put aside '' a e '' I d er r p o s es _ are on� category of p rofessional legal repr d. voca t A esentatives in . ia. T he o ther typ e of p rofiess1on al le ga l rep resentative is called an ''agent '' Ethiop by . Cod e ure a nd Proc ''ne ed gara .fedge'' in common usage. These re the Civil pr esentatives . . Y ?t e d b th C 1r ( e ts _ R eg1stat1on of Advocates) Rules and thus do are not govern not through any l1cens111g procedure. have to go · Agents or negara fedges, as disct1s sed. above' are divided 1·nto two categor1es. One type are profiess1· ona I Ieg�al �eprese11tat1ves of corporations aiid government agencies. They do not represe11t Ind1vidt1als. The second class of a gents are 11011-professional. They are permitted by the Civil Procedure Code to represent onlr °;!embers .�f their immediate families. These negara fedges are remnants of an Ethiopi an trad1t1on according to which individuals had the right to appoint any person to argue for them in court. No\11 this right has b een re stricted by Article 58 of the Civil Procedure Code to appointment of either professio11al registered advocates or of age11ts who must be the spouse, brotl1er, son, father or grandfather of the pe rson they represent. Agents, or negara fedges, who appear for family members are not permitted to accept remune ration. 175


The prohibition agai11st wider representation is designed, of course, to ensure that qu alified professionaLisn1 reigns in tl1e courts. In addition, the restrictions imposed upon representation by Article 58 must also be attrib11ted to tl1e Ethiopia11 advocate' s desire for a closed sl1op. If agents were allow ed to practice indiscriminately, they the advantage of using tl1e court without paying for the privilege as \\ ouJd have advocate s are required to do since it would be virtually in1possible to discover \Vhether or not agents were bei11g paid. It is reported tl1at on e of tl1e reasons why the Civil �roced11re Code o� 19�5 has never been app rov ed by parlia ment (thot1gh the code IS prese�tly op�rative)_ 1s the opposition of some inembers to the Iimitatio11 upon . repre�entat10? wh1�l1 Article 58 imposes upo11 tlie ctistomary practice. However, th� l1n11tat1ons wl11cb Article 58 of the Civil Procedti re Co de imposes upon representation are not alway s adhered to in practice. 1

Advocates: practice

l, ra ne ge In . rs n� io tit ac pr ne lo e r a Advocates w ho w ork in th e lo w er courts at or es us ho r ei th at er th ei s nt ie cl e th y do not have offices bt1t ra th er meet their 174 ·

175 ·

e er th s te ca vo d a ed ifi al u q st o In Asmara, this stratification does no t seem to be prese. nt· The m ite frequently. Practicing in u pract ice in all of the cot1rts-even tbe woredas aud avvr�dJ·as-aqs pract·icing in uivalent eq e th · · nience . inconve an of better those courts however, 1s re 1 a 1 muc d n a d not as te es g n . co s a cou rts in Addis Ababa. Woreda courts ID Asmara are not or �anized than those in Addis Ababa. Ctv. Pro. C. Art. 58 (b).

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l lAN LAW - VOL. vr - 1\fo. 2 JOURNAL OF ETl-I (Q)

cotirt before appeara 11ces are cltie to be 1nade. Si1 1ce 111 ost aclvo�ates wl1 0 practice i 1 1 the lower courts l1 a11dle fairly rot 1 tir1e cases116 �the sa111e l< 111?s of cases day i11 clay 011 t-preparatio11 ti1 11e ca11 be Ji11 1it�d to ge�t1 11g ,l11 ex1�l�na t1on of tl1e facts fron1 tl1 e clie1 1t, writi11g a draft of tl1 e pleacl1 11g req111r�cl, a1 1d w�1t1 11g_ for tl1 e scribes to rnake a fi ii al copy of it. Preparation for a ro11 t1 1 1� c�se 111 tl11_s 1nctn 11er should 11 ot take 111 ore tl1 at1 t,vo l1ours. A good deal of tl11 s t 1 111 e too, if the 111eeting is tl1e first one bet,,,ee11 olient a11d advocate, is spe11 t i11 deciding on tl1e aJ Jpropriate fee. There see111 to be b::1sically tvvo arra11ge111e11ts for pay111 e11l of advocates' fees. 1 11 cases 111 \Vhich tl1ere is to be recover)' of a certai11 an1ot 1 nt of 11 1011ey or land, the advocate 1na)' get a certain perce11 tage of tl1 e recovery. This percentage usually runs betwee1 1 t\ve11ty a11 d tl1 irty perce11 t. Tl1e 111 ost prevale11t fee syste111, however , is that i 1 1 v.,ihicl1 tl1 e litigant pays tl1e advocate a relatively large i1 1itial fee ::111d small arnot111 ts at eacl1 appearance tl1ereafter. Tl1is syste1n� as explai11ed i11 tl1 e sectior1 of this article 011 litigants below, does 11ot e11cot1r�Lge the advocate to seek a speedy resol11tio11 of a case-the lo11ger l1e keeps a case pendi11 g, tl1 e 111ore fees he is like­ ly to collect. Tl1 e eco11 0 1 11ic status of tl1 e advocate a11d tl1e litiga11t in tl1e lo,ver couris, J1 owever, 111 ay reqt1ire this kind of fee arra11ge111.e1 1t if its abuses cot 1 ld be eradicated. TI1 e litiga11t v.1 110 is in, 1olved i11 a case i 11 tl1e lower c.ot1 rts ofte11. cloes not have Sl1fficie11t ready casl1 to pay tl1e ad.voca.te. Tl1e a.dvocate, 011 tl1 e otl1er l1a11 d, cannot wait t111 til tl1 e e11d of c:1 c,1se to be p,1icl a11d 11 1a11 y of tl1e cases filed are settled before tl1 ey litigated or after a fe\v clppoi11 t1ne11ts witl1 011t t}1e ;:1ssisra11ce of advocates. I11 st1 cl1 a situatio 11 tl1 e advocate 111.ay l1ave already give11 ]1is clie11 t a 11t1111 ber of l1ol1rs or his ti111e. To l1a,1 e tl1 e litiga11t settle ,vitl1ot 1 t l1is kno\:vledge col1ld 111ea1 1 loss of the fee for l1 is work as tl1e litigG111t ,vot1ld be diffict1lt to locate and tl1 e difficulties of extracti 1 1g p,1y111er1 t for Stich vvork worrld be n1ore rrot1ble tha11 it is \:vortl1. l�he advocate 11eeds a somewhat co11sta.11 t flo\v of i11co 111e to exist. 1-Iis en1ployn1ent is spotty a11d deJJe11ds on cha.nee. 11 ost of the aclvocates i 11 terviewecl said tl1 ey had only tvvo or three clients at one tirne. Lower court advocates i11 Etl1 iopia sper1d eigl1ty perce 11 t of t1'1eir ,vorki 1 1g day ,vaiting for court appointn1e11ts, te1 1 perce11t acttt,llly before tl1 e jt1dge� ,1 11.d tl1 e otl1er ten percen.t prepari1 1g for tl1 e case. Tl1 t1s, tl1 eir JJrodt1ctive l1 ot1rs are fe,v a11d tl1ey have to charge a fairly 11igl1 rate per productive l1011r to 1 11 a.k.e a rec :1so11able incon1e. This of course 111.ea11s tl1at litigants eve11tt 1 ally p,ty for the ti 111 e ,v11 icl1 tl1e present system forces the advocate to waste. a1no1111t of t1 11procluctive ti11 1e of advocates tl1 at tl1e prese11 t sysle111 fost_ers Tl1e . 1s another �easo11 _for the present [ee syste111 b,tsed 0 11 court apiJeara 11 ces. A ppea r�ng b�fore_ tl1e Jt1dge rs tl�e 011!� service a.11 advocate ca11 perfor 1 11 for I1 is clie11 t wl11ch 111s client ca11 apJJr�c1_ate s1 _nce tl1e advoc�te spe 1 1ds little ti 1 11e preparing for tl1 e case a11 d less negot1 at1ng \\11tl1 tl1e other side. Ft1 rtl1er, he sees t,is clie11ts onJy on clays wl1en cot1rt appeara11ces are to be 1nade. 176. See appe11di� of tbi � article cont':ining the case file stirvey. here as are insult. defamation and ·· tre · sJJass cases • Of . : • ·.a to essio . I and can be terribly co111plex but the courts in centers do t1ot handle as many of tl1em· as cour·ts i·n tl1e .Add'isl rt1ra

- 460 -

Tlie type of cases referred


. · ,�, o(VJ· 11g succ cot1rse, cases 111 tan polt niet ro ther Ab aba .anc1 o . areas.




Advocates . sa y_ tha_t ,1s a rt1le tl1ey n1::1ke l\:vo to tl.11·ee co rt appeara1 1ces !)er u . tiall)' 11 1 tl1e spac e of fo11r I1 ou rs i ii tl,e 11101111 __ ' us 1 1g. S0111e ap . ddy , peara11 ces c,ln . b. e1 1100n a ut ft 1e co11rt s l ·1 are tlot aJw ays ope11 tl1en. be n,ade 1n . three or eve11 fot i r api)e•�i·a11ces n1 n1ake to r orde 111 a ' cl '·1y , tl1e advocate 11111 st . F i rst l1e n1ust try to l,ave all h •s 11ear1 11gs toes. his 011 r ,1 day scheduled in fo be I i _ � If l1e is t111 able to do tl1is 'a s often t li e case l e t. ur co e , i must 11egotiate · 0 ' . . s rk cle 1d 1 t e of l1 t s i co · · rts to ha •, udge ,1 · , v e 11 1s cases reacly at \VI�t1t the a ce rta 111 t1111e . � ' 1 1til t1 read l1 y . e case s appe ars. Sir,c . e the 'advocate s incon1e clepe11ds on or to ho.Id .a11ces l1e ca11 n,ake appea 1 ·t cou1 f o ber in ', 1 cla,y, I1e . to get th i s · · the nun1 . . . . , k · · · . 01 d e1 to 1 11a e .:L 1 easo11able liv i ng 111 · t1011 · · ·Ft i rtli er: s111 pera •.ce appo1nt111e11ts are co-o · . . ·r-1c t11 11es cl11r11 1g tl1 e clav . . d 110 t f 01 S}Jec11 a11 clays for , J, , a 11 advocate can 11ever know oiven . . . • � . •ox1111atel y - l 1 . . 1 s case w i ll be calle 1 e - eve11 a1Jl)l t111 1 ' c \Vhal 1• r 1 11IS · case 1s call ed at · not •tI1e1.e. It ·. · I l1ave to be poslJ)Oned to late \Vil 1s he '. r i·n t·l1e day or eve1 1 n "vhe · . . . . . . I· s , · i c JOStpo 1 t I1e111e . 11ts J). d e1 can I be tI111e cori str,1111 olh · 1.g.. to tlle cot1r . t· because to sonie . · · l1ave to be callee! befo1�e the Jt i c.lge lo exJ)lai,1 tha.t tliey \.vish a conlint tparties the ( ance due to the abs�nce of tl1e1r advocate. ·r11 e litigant's ti ine is \vasted becatise the ca�e 1 11ay be co�1t111t1 ed . to a11otl1er cla� eve11 if t li e party assures tl,e jticlge • that 111s ad,1ocat.e vv ill be 11 1 co11rt later 111 the clay. In adclition to all this., the advocate loses t l 1e fee l1e cottld l1ave 1nade l1acl l1e been able to appear. Most of tl1e advocates iI1terviewed said tl1at ll1ey hanclled �tll ki i1ds of cases. Those that dicl sa)1 they specialized, co11centrated on civil cases. Only tvvo advocates said they speci,tlized i11 cri11 1i11 al 111. atters. Botl1 of these advocates practiced in the Jovver courts at1d haI1 dled cases for botl1 J)laintiffs a11d clefe11clants invo!Yecl in cases con­ cerning insult, beati11g , a11cl def,:i1n,1tion ini.tiated by private con1 plaint. Other cri.mi11 al cases . of co11 rse. are l1a11dlecl e11tirely l1y tl1 e j)Ul1lic prosecutor 011 the 1· )lai11tiff's side and since tl1e defe1 1clants in tl1e lovv er courts charged \vitl1 crin1es usually can11ot afford advocates, fev.1 of tl1eI11 are represented b)' counsel. Fe\v of tl1e acl,,ocates i11 ter,1ie,ved saicl tl1ey ask scribes to \vrite pleadings for them ,vitl1ot1 t st1pervisior1 . Bt1t a sig11ifica11t prOJ)Orlio11 of the aclvocates intervie\ved to a scribe to 1 11ake il give and di11g plea tl1e ft clra vvas to said l tice their tlStLa )r�1c I l a final copy or to dict,lte tl1e co11tents of pleaclings to tl1e scribes. About half of the advocates said tl1ey ust1 ally \Vrite tl1e pleadings the111selvcs. The re1naining aclvo­ cates, usually tl1ose vvl10 were acl1 11ittecl to practice in the l 1igl1er cot1rts, had clerks and assistants responsible for 111 ak i1 1g clrafts to be approvecl by . the advocate. rds wa to es 11d tit at e tiv ga 11e d se es 1)r ex d ve iev rv 1te i i s Very fe\.v of tl,e aclvocate scribes. f\�ost saicl, ''Tl,ey do a good job.'' Since n1 any ,tdvocates are_ retained by i be, a�vocates r sc by 1t ot 1 1 e itt wr s ng cli ea litigants after t l 1e .litig�t11t l1 as l1 ad l1i s pl i s upon s ba a ve ha s l 111 t 1d a1 es rib sc e th are well acquaintecl witl1 tl1 e vvork of which to make a jt1dg111e11t as to tl1eir co111petence. the as r fa as l (lS le at s, te ca vo ad cl Thus the relationsrup betwee11 scribes an advocates were concerned, was a fairly frie11dly one.





Advocates: Background ld t1 co r ra a H d n a a b a b A is All but two of the advocates i11tervievved in Add c ri a h m . A c si a b a d a 1 l 1 n e read and ,vrite _ I 77 AtJproximately fifty percent o f th r



efore tl1e b s te ca vo d a g in ic ct ra p n . Th se two 11d _I1ad bee ar ar ntinue J-I co 111 to e e � ic jew st u J a?vocates were iaterv f ? o y tr is in .ltah� _ pe1 sat 1_01� f om the M cates o v an lnvas1011. They obtained special d1s d a te a r � te li il � o N . n _ 1n the legal Professio _ . practicin g because of their Jong me· o1bers· h1p in Add'is Ababa or Asmara were 1n.terv1ewe d • w

- 461 -


edttcation and approximately thirty-two percent had � con1bi1 1atio11 of An1haric aiJd for1nal education ranging fro111 the seco11d to the e1ghth gra�e. O�hers had n1 ore education; eigl1 tee11 percent of tl1e Ad.dis Ab�ba advocat_es 1nterv1e\ved were at� tending or had attended tl1e U11iversity law cer� 1 ficate or_ d 1 1Jloma cou�ses. The Jaw certificate and diplon1a programs are bo�l1_ 11 1gbt �,lsic 1ega1 edticat1on extension progrru11s desig11ed to acquai11t legal . pract1�1oners � 1th tl1� ne:v codes. I11struction _ 111. s truct10 11 1s at the certificate level is n1ost basic. Diploma ftt a l11gher Jevel and seco11dary education is a prerequisite for entrance. Most of the advocates the University courses l1acl little edt1cation beyo11cl basic Amharic cl1urch scl1ool before attending the law school. In Asmara 011ly one of tl1e eigl1t advocates i11terviewed had no f or1nal ed11cation beyond churcl1 school bl1t tl1ey l1ad progressed quite far i11 Amharic and Geez. Three of the advocates tl1ere l1ad Italia11 Jaw degrees and one l1ad a Jaw degree from Lasalle University exte11sion progran1. Others had at ]east been tl1 rough the si xtl1 grade. It is a rather striking fact that no advocate i11terviewed in Addis Ababa. prav­ ticing in tl1e lower courts finished goven1ment l1igh school. Ad,,ocates the11, are not able to command any particular respect either from cot1rt personnel or fro1n litigants as a result of educatio11al acl1ievements They are 1ne11 wl10 J1a, e, or tl1i11k tl.1ey l1ave, a special tale11t for l1a11dling otl1er people's aflairs; they are 11aturally sl1rewd and for the 111ost part self-scl1 ooled in court procedure. The fairly routine 11at11re of tl1e cases they handle for tl1eir clie11ts does 11ot require much kno,vledge of substantive Ia,v. In additio11, tl1e judges before ,vbom tl1ey appear do 11ot k11ow much more law and l1ave a.bout the sa1ne or less impressi,,e educational backgrounds. The 011ly factor which sets judges apart fron1 aclvocates as far as :legal. qualification is co11cer11ed is that the former ge11erally l1ave previous lengthy governme11t administrative experience. 1

Advocates live by tl1eir wits a11d most earn their livi11gs vvitl1 r10 educatio11al stamp of approval. The i11 wl1ich they entered tl1e legal professio11 as \�ell as their present way of ear11ing a living reflect a relatively independe11t, lo11e exist ­ ence. Approxin1ately t,ve11ty-five percent of the advocates intervie\,,ed said tl1at they were induced to beco 1 ne ,1dvocates after bei11g i11voI,,ed as parties to litigatio11 tl1�n1selves. In n1a11y instances tl1is litigatio11 involved a farnily dispute over sL1ccess 1on to land after the death of their father or other 11ear relati,,e. · So1ne forty percent of tl1e a.dvocates intervie,ved were emJJloyed i11 occL1patio1 1s before tl1ey beca111 e advo­ cates which naturally prodt1ced some litigation experie11ce. 11any of tl1ese ad,1ocate_ s , ve acti more l1ad \Vorked as scribes before they decided to becon1e for example, a ored ,,i1 been professional legal representatives. Two of tl1e advocates i 11 terviewed bad court judges and decided later to become advocates. 178 One advocate had beeI � sa . ci agen � 11t and others had been legal represe11tatives for gover11rne police prosecutor witb ct conta Also among the advocates wl10 had freql1e11t occasio11 to come into e e for they became professional m r ]cub courts before legal practitioners ,vere t\VO · · · a "'rradja · 178. 0n e P?SSI· ble reason c-10.r th·1s seen11ng Iy 1.rrat 1onal shift of eniployment was given by an . t1• e. court Judge: ''In the old �ays judges rode mules and litigants followed beggin g for J U5 �es ca dvo a e advo cates walk ed besid the e the judge's mule with rifles to protect llinl. Now � drive cars and we walk''.

- 462









I• •

l 1





ca111e to c ourt of te11 to e iiforce w_ · bo _ s·· 111e payn1ent of dues o n dge ''J·u b el1 al f of 011. 1 at soc1 s their a fo rty percent of the advoc ates i11te rviewed did n ot in • .ct·icate tl1at they had had at cou ld b e cons idered pecul iarly c on J erience tl exp · · · · d u c • 1v e anY t o a t d e c i s i o 79 n o t J oin N o gener al1zatio11s can be made ssion. profe l lega abot1t th se peo ple . Tl! ey the suc h as lo wer echelon cle rk s for co job � d ie mpanies a11d go�ernn1ent age1 1c1es, up occ olic e111e11, s imple n 1erchants, far1uers and so on Two of the ad oc�tes , ho wever, � that tl 1 eir fatl 1ers l1ad be e11 in e mb 11 o . ti · rnen e rs · �f the le ga1 pro,ess1on. dP 1 d Gei1 er ally, ho wev er, p erso�s . beco� e . advocat_es witl1 the hope that they \.viii 1no_ney _ tl1 an they dtd 1n tl1e 1r form er _Jo bs. 11 1 r e 1�o ake 1 addition to the possibility n of an increase 1.n _111c ome, th e cour�s offe r a vari ed a11d exciting l ife for advocates in contr ast to tl1e 1 r form er occupation s . _ In Addis A�aba, it se�1ns to be a g e11e ral r_ule that 011e enters the l egal pro� fession aft�r bav111g ?ee11 1n som e otl1e � occ t1pat1on fo r quite awhile. The average leng th of t1n1e spent 111 the l e gal prof ess1011 for the advoc,ttes interviewed was about nine years. Sixty-six percent of the advocates inte rvie wed had been adv ocates for ten or fewer years a11d thir ty-five p ercent l1 ad bee11 adv ocates for five or few er years. From observat ion of cour tr oom activity it is apparent tl1 at there are not n1any elderly advocates prac ticing in Addis Ababa. This i s probably due to tl 1e fact tl1at many advo cates who prac ticed i11 Addis Ababa bef ore th e Ital ian occupation ,v ere illiterate or so 11sed to the custo1nary procedur e s tl 1 at they co uld n ot ad apt to tL 1 e new court syts en. 1 which was established by the Ad 1ninistratio11 of Justice Procla111atio n of 1942.

It is in Addis Ababa tl1at tl1e ne,v c odes are 11 1ost strictly a1Jplied. Advocates must have a n1inimal acquai11ta11ce witl1 them o r t hey \Vould be unable to pra ctice -hence anotl1er e xplanation for tl1e high proportion of yo11ng advoc,ttes i1 1 our sample. Illiterate advocates s till practice i n Harar a1 1cl 1nost probably i n other provinces, b·ut it would b e imposs ible for tl1e m t o cl o so in A ddis Ababa.

Advocates wl10 pr acticed i11 the lo\ve r cour ts \Vere generally . of the opinio11 that their clients k11 e w 1 1othing abo ut the pres ent c ode s bef ore con 11n g �o court. At the m�st, ad voc ates gave th eir clients credi t for kn�win� tl1e codes existed. At the sam e time, ho weve r, nlost advocates thotigh t that their cl1e1 1ts preferre d the new law s to custom. Though it is possible tl1at t l1e attitudes of litigan!s _as expressed abo ve _by advocates is a11 ac curate apprais al, it i s als o possibl� tha� it 1 s not. One fa�tor wl1 i ch ma y affect the accuracy of t h e advocates' appraisal IS that advocates 111 general tended to be reluctant to offer c riticisms of the judicial system and they _may have e fac �or � ib ss po t r e h o An . rs he ot en be reluctant t oo to mout h the diss a tisfac tion of is lack of ca�dor 'between client and advocate , c aused by the disresp ect in wllic h most litigants ho ld .ad voc ates. . work. g lives by being advocates. �any,. of l8J. In Asma on t1 ra, advocates ge neraUy started their ra st 1n m d A sh ti ri B e th g n ri u d e tr �.ned m r we e rs h Ot rse es. gre e d are 11 law lia Ita tl1 ns � d themselves to practicing advo­ Italia wi �ou , Y th e British Native Courts Administration. Some �ppr_en some­ e b to m e se t o n es o d ra a in 1!m n s sio a!e fes pro al and leg e TJ1 d up. y rke wa ir wo the � htng to be taken up in n1iddle age.

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Tile ,idvocates tllotight tl1at litiga 11 ts t1sually had r�s1)ect for j11dges, but they stiggested tI1at tl1 is respect was us11ally de111 011strated 011 ly 11� co11rt a11d was n1otivated niore by fear tI1a11 by actual reSJ)ect. 180 Altl1ougl1 a certa111 amo11 nt of co111 parative self-esteem n1 ay t1a\,e been l1 idden i11 tl1eir stateme� ts, tl1e advocates generally said �l1ey thougl1 t tl1 at n1a11y litiga11ts' respect for a _ Jucl�e. e11 ded wl1e11 th� litigant left the co11rtroo11 1 . Outside of court, advocates s,11d, l1t1gants ofte11 l1elcl Jt1dges in co,1len1pt beca11se of their rep11tecl lack of lear11i11g a 1 1 d disho11csty. Most advocates tl1 011ght 1nore educatio11 for all cot1rt perso1111el -especially the jt1Ljges- was tl1 e key to in1pro\1e111ent of tl1 e j1 1 clicial systen1 i11 Ethiopi,1. Eli1ni11ation of briber)' a11d 111111 ecessary delay \vas 111entio11ed b;1 only a few ad,,ocates, as op1)osed to the 11 1ajority of litiga11ts, as bei 11 g of pri1 11ar)1 in1portan ce for the bettern1e11 t of the ad111i1 1istratio11 of j11stice. Tl1 e advoc::1tes · empl1 asis on general lack of education as opposed to otl1er proble1ns 11 1ay be explai11ed by the se11 satio11al natt1re of bribery, \Vhicl1 te11 ds to be exaggerated by tl1e ma11 011 the street ar1d by tl1e fact that tl1 e hardsl1 ir wl1icl1 delay ca11 ses is directl)1 felt and tl1erefore prin1arily 11oticed by litiga11ts. 111 addition, it l1as bee11 s11ggesteci tl1at advoca.tes are ofte11 the intermediaries between tl1e litiga11ts a11d juclges wl1e11 a bribe is giver,. 111 fact, tl1ere is some e,,idence to sl1ow that in some cases, prolo11ged \Vi tl1 ma11y a ppoi11 t 111 e11ts, part of a 11 advocate's fee goes to the jt1dge. Th11 s it is clear tl1at advocates are fairly conte11 ted witl1 tl1 e jt1dicial systen1 at its present stage of development Tl1ey are ofte11 beneficiaries of confusion tl1at the 11e,v syste111 creates i11 ill-i11for111 ed and t1 11initiated litigants.

Court Adn1inistrative Personnel

111 eacl1 \voreda and awradja court tl1 ere are a 11 t1111 ber of perso11 11el, hired. promoted, and transferred fro1n co11rt to court by the Mi11istry of Jt1stice a11d the m11nicipalities i 11 wl1icl1 tl1 eir courts are located. In woreda courts i11 f\ddis Abab,1 wl1icl1 l1 ave a cri 111 ir1 ,1l ,111d civil di,,isio 11 , there are, aside from tl1e judge, 11st 1 ally f1ve J)rofessio11al cotirt \Yorkers receivi11g salaries fron1 the Ministry of J t1stice or tl1 e 111.t111icip�1lity. Tlie distribti tio11 of fu11ctio11s _of these e111ployees, though it is s11 pposed to be sta11darcl fro 111 cotirt to co11rt , varies son1ewhat. But a typical set of er11ployees consists of t.I1e follo\:vi11g: Supervising most of tl1e ad.111 i11istrative aSJJects or the cot i rt's busi11 ess is _ a �egistra� wl10 reads pleadi�gs to see t�at tl1 ey ,lre i. 11 JJroper for111 before tl1e su;; 1 s offic1 ally co11 1n1.e11 ced. His otl1 er d11 t1es are to \Vrite out orclers after tl1ey ha, _ · urts been aut] 1011 ·. ze d bY t I}e JU. · dge, a11d to l1a11.dle correspo11der1 ce bet\veen otbet c� an� gove��1nen� age11c1 e�. I-le also i � respo1_1.sible for org,111 jzatior1 of t]1� case arcl� iv �� _ w]1 0 15 This pos1t10 11 1s so1net1111es con1b111 ed \VItl1 that of t]1e cliief arch1\11st charge of tl1e filing system. \\,}lofll · r e 180. 0ne a d vocate respond�d to tl1e qL1est1o n ''Do litigants Ltsually res1Ject tl1e judges be1_or es can they appear?'', by saying, ''According to Article 480 of tl1e Civil Procedure Code , iudg Punish litigants wl10 do not show proper respect for tl1em in court''.

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Jf t l,e positio11 of chief a rcl1ivist is held b a. pe \.s?n apart fron1 the registrar' to a ve the sa1ne back � likel y . is . er gro 1i�d as 1_1s in1med1ate the latt superior except at ]1 e is i1ot transferred tl1 fact so 0 te 1 S 111c tl1 f.0 r the li11g syst e111 is 110t i f : to � t · co co11r , . 1 a e rt, cl1 L a rc1 from 1ivist is 1i 1va 1 u,tb1e in l1 un,·ror.m · 1s .pos1·t10 · 11 becat1se I1e 111g syste 111 fil' · 1 ow11 a11d 110 bis 011e e lse do s. Thotigll tliese peo k 10,vs p le �l�im to a1 i11 1y fll n1 fi! e 1d in 11t es , fi to l es e ar e ofte,� lost evei1 wl,e11 the arc 1 b� abl l 1 v1st opers yste1n. 11 ow 111s r de un ates sitio11s as regis trar an Most people \Vho hold t l 1e po d archivist have 01 1 l y a · 1 . sc l100.I ec I t1cat1011. Tl1eir IJa st experie1 . basic An1har 1·c cl1t 1 ·cl1 1ce l1as often been 11 ' 1 th n:i fo e r os t JJ,t a , rt, a . s clerks wit l1in the l1eadquarters of e Addis Abab th M1111stry are pai b e d t Tl1 ey \Ve 1 1 e E $ 65. 00 arld E $ 100 00 P er inonth d of Justice. epen· s of e. l1 ervic le11gt ir e ding on tl1 u

Bel0\1/ these t\:vo officers of tl1e co1 1rt i11 ra1 1k. a, re t· h e clerks vvho serve as . assistants. Tl1ese cl erk . ,. s ar e l11re . d bott1 by 1 ·es a.11d the M'.1n1s , 1 e 111t11 t their 1icip a · li ·t ' · try . . · of !usttce b11t a�e s�perv1· sed b y tl1e M1111stry. 011e_ clerk may be respotlsible for _ ea�h d ay a1 1d copying and issui11g orders authorizecl setting _1.1p tl1e Jlld?e s age11d� for . . by the Jt1dge regard111g execl1t1011 of JUdgme11ts


Another clerk 1nay be respo11sible for cop)1i11g _proceecli1 1gs for appeal and for filing decided ca ses. �

There are a lso an ,1ssortme11t of 1nessengers a11d e1np loyees who but call litiga nts wl1e11 their c,1ses co111e 11p on the age11da.





A group of people called ''dedji tengni'' are also prese1 1t in woreda courts. They are not official!)' e1nployecl by the court b1 1t l1:1ng around to assist clerks in lhe hope of getti11g �-1 JJer111a11ent job. S on1e of tl1ese dedji te11gni \:vait quite tlwhile for a full time job -a f e w a s long as six or seve11 years.

Tl1e cl erl<s are paid bet\\,een E $ 40 . 00 a11d E $ 100. 00 accordj ng t o tl1eir seniority. Tl1t1s ot1r st1 r\1ey revealed inst ances wl1ere the se clerks were st1per­ vised by registrars a11d chief arc l1ivists \Vl 10 n1ake less money tl1a11 the p· eople they supervise . AJso i 11 t]1e cot1rt, b11t 11ot e111ployec l by t l 1e Ministry of J11stice, are a cas l1ier [or the Mi 11istry of Fina11ce and a casI1i er for tl 1e 111u11icipa lity where tl1e . co11rt 1�. locatecl. Tlie casJ1ier for the Mii1 istry of Fi11ance receives cot1rt fees p_a1 ct by nes 11npos�d fi ts lec l co ity l ipa nic 111u ht1gants ope tl1e for · 11ing tI1eir cases. Tl1 e ca sL1ier for the violation of m11nicipal regulations. These two employees are usua lly_ :p aid more by their gov ern ment a gencies th an tl1e cot1rt clerks employed by the Mi ruStry of Justice or the 1nunicipality. them of e m so as n tio tt� rr co _ n \.v do ld ho Personnel are tra11sferred ql1ite ofte n, to e ar ba ba A is dd A 1n ks er cl read1'Jy adm1·t. However, 1t see.111.s th at r eg1s d · t ra rs an _ red er sf an tr n te of not often transferred outside of tl1e city. Nor are similar personnel to Ababa fro111 th. e countryside. f ie ch d n a a r tr s i g re e th w lo . • court . · ni Add.IS .In awrac lJ·a courts tl1e 1111111ber of empI oyees be e awradJa r vist incre n O . ns sio vi di ase s d11 e' to tl1e n 11m be r of ch.1 aAba l erks l1ave a c se · e th f o k l u b ba W1th four divisio11s en1ploys nineteen cle rk8 T he r fo th n o m r e p 0 0 0 ·6 $ dE Ch' 0 0 · r 5 h · longer experience een betw $ E_ hool h c S� paid are edl1catio and n. o. . �� b � ad t·e ser 'lve ' to ikely l v ci es. Awradja court clerks were 1nore - 465 -


a e red th v1o i11 1s io1 sit ur po co lar ts but ni 1 1· s l·ng fill 'S k er 1 c I 1an t 11 te1 i11 tl1e judicial sys tl1ey are 11ot paid ar1y n1ore. posts, . otl1er factors se tl1e for el : 1111 rso pe fy ali q11 to 11 e giv Thougl1 exams are _ t e11 se 1 e have some 11.11 v1c ver go us vio pre d an s tie � ly mi Fa t. . i1 me int _ po in ap )' pla a part _ffi 1g in _ sta e�ov some places. to tes bu 1tr1 co1 � s tl11 d an job i1lfluence in getting a 1 11ile positions st1ch as court clerks used. �o be sought af te� wnen . �l1ere were not \\ osi n t1o p tl1e en of a clerk wh and s, 011 s1t1 po se _ tl1o fill to as 111 any literate people was respected a11d well paid, these jobs are 110 lo11ger attractive ways to begin a career. Th11s those \Vho desire to be cou.rt clerks 110w are people who desire security and a11 eventual pension. For the most part, tl1ey are n? t looki11g fo1: \vard to a11 i11crease in salary or more prestigious positions. T11ey receive low salaries and get along as best tl1ey ca11 . Judgestst

Tl1e i11terviews of j11dges \Vere 11ot i11tended to be exa1ninatio11s to elicit their legal kno,¥ledge. Rather, the questions asked of them were designed to find out \vl1at kinds of people prese11t day lo\ver court judges are, what they think of t11ejr jobs, of tl1eir role in Etl1iopian society, a11d of the juclicial system of which they are . tl1e most important co1npone11ts. Personal Backgrounds

Present lower court judges, generally speaking, l1ave vvorked their way up fron1 average socio-econonlic backgrounds to their present positions. Tl1e a.verage age of tl1e judges i11terviewecl was arot111cl fort),-five. This n1eans that they \Vere of scJ100] age duri11g tl1e 1930's, a whe11 Ethiopia's liter­ acy rate was Jo,ver than it js at present a11d when less t11ar1 the c11rrent tl1ree percent of the popt1latio11 t111der twe11ty-four was being for111al]y educated. 182 Few of the judges had had any edt1catior1 beyond primary Cl1t1rch School where they l �ar-I:ed to read. a11? write J\11�haric a11d, if they progressed. further, Gee7. Rote memor1zat1on and rec1tat1011 of rel1g1ot1s texts compose tl1e cl1 urcl1 scl1ool curr1culum, whose basic course lasts three years. 183 Aln1ost all lower cot1rt judges out­ side of Eritrea had 011ly t11is basic church education. 181. �ixteen judges w�re interviewed in Addis Ababa, six of tl1e01 awraclja court judge s. Eigh! Judges from O?tly1ng a.�eas s_t1rrounding Adclis Ababa (i.e. Sebata, Genet, Fiche, Ambo, Akak 1 and Debre �e1t) wer� mtervte\ved. 011e of tl1ese judges was an av.,radja court judge. In Barar, �l1ree a_wradJa court Judges and two woreda court judges ,vere intervie,ved. Tf1e woreda court Jt1dge m Al�may': and tl1� two woreda court juclges in Kambolcia were also intervie \ved. In _ Asmara we 1nterv1ewed thirteen Jt1dg es. Eigl1t of tl1ese jtidges were woreda court judges. 182. Pr�sently three per_ce�t of tl1e po pt1latio11 twenty-four or below attends governn1e11t s�h�o ld private schools, m1�s1on scl1ools (foilowing Ministry of Education curricu.ltini), or sp e 1 c ent ahze0 f cho suc ols h as agr1c�1lture, commerce, healtl1 or teacl,er training. More tlian eighty perc � t�ese students .were 1n grades one tbrougl1 six. tics atis F1gu.res taken and _ deduced from Etliiopia Statistical Abstract, St al 1968, Centr 1967 and Office (1969) Add1s Ababa, pp. 190 et. seq. 183. S, D. Messing, p. 350 cited above a.t note 38.

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Where there are few opportu11itie s for formal duca t1 .· 0L! a11d. i11any respo11sib ons to be pos iti fille d, le pra ctical exper�nce ent . nro ,er o a111ed _10 service � nust t e for the · e 1 ency tl g i �1k . pl a ce of fo11nal !vo"vernn1ent a_ , ed11cat1on With their · b'l' f 1 _ uture 1ese 1 t 1ty to � write Jt1dges ,l , r: wer e and ble to d get w0; with tl1e Minis a · r try ts as cour o in es , scrib s clerk ffi , or u re a s o ce wo1·kers · · io ' • Jus ce 15 per· ds o f servic r g o v e rn m . e n t a g e n c ie s . e, the 10 y ' eitl 1er decided to ta ke. �h� exa1 n g1 er long Aft �en by the ,,•oistry of Justice or merely \Vere reco1111nended to . y of Justice tl1e M 1111str Jv1I b y th eir ap . po d t we 1n e re on t I d le 1 b 1 a a . s 1 s s of th rio a t reco1nmendation supe r alone.

k .

111 In a11 admj11ista tiv.· e 1fra · · ework tl1at depends. fo r its ruIes of opera tioi1 more pr ac 1tie t1c a s an d perso11al rela t1011811ips than d ay . . to day 011 on precise, ,vr itten . cou Id b e r 11 ere 1 b ore t es, ade 0 q11ate prepar . 'ation for· beco1ru•11g a mainstay Procedu· syste!'Il th� n :fifte ? or _ 11t en ty ye a rs �xper1e11ce in_ its inner workings. Ma of su ch . a � ny � 1nt d erv 1e\ve . a d JU�t . tl1at experience - especia lly woreda co of the Judges urt judges _ to see med be a ppo111ted fron1 the ra nks of court persorJnel. ,vho generally Lo?g service for gover111nent a�encies otl1er tl1an tl1e Mi11istry of Justice was also fairly co1nn101 1 a1:nong wor eda Jud ges. Usually these judges had been clerks for the Ministry of Interior working witl1 local govern1nei1t officers s11cl1 as woreda or awradja governors. These people were usually recon11ne11ded by tl1eir superiors to the ·Ministry of J t1stice. Generally the change from anotl1er 1ninistry to a judgeship'· within the Ministry of J11stice was eitl1er a reward for 1011 g and faithful s....ervice or a way of working a fairly capable person out of a syste1 n in which he cot1ld not advance for persona l reasons as opposed to l ack of competence. Woreda cot1rt judges jn A d dis Ababa , while tl1ey usually had ina nned various posts outside of tl1e city, ge11era lly see111ed to have spent 1nost of their time before they be came judges working for tl1e Ministry of 1·t1stice or other governme11 t agen­ cies ,vithin Addis Ababa . A11d a fter tl1ey beca1ne j11dges they were not 11st1ally tra11s-. ferred outside of the city. Woreda judges jt1st outside of Addis Ababa had been tra11sferred inore often both before and after tl1ey beca i11e judges tha11 their brethre,1 i11side th� city. !h_ey had manned n1ore rem ote posts tl1a11 their urba n cou11terparts a11d their prox1n11 ty to Addis Abab,1 was to tl1e111 a 11 i111prove1nent of position and status. Most _of these judges hoped e,,e11 tt1a lly to be 111oved i11to Ad dis Ababa where the salaries are higher a11d where opport1111ities for edt1ca tio11 are close a t hand. _ ept i.1 1 Judges 1nanning woreda co11rts in re1 note rural areas seemed to b_e k pos!tions awa y froin la rge to wn s an d ,vere ge11erally transferred often w1tl110 tl1e1r nativ e provinces botl1 as j11dges a11d lo1rver echelon court personnel. e ar at th gs in ud ou r r_ Su in pt ke re a Thus it seems that woreda court judges familiar to the1n a 11d there seems to be little intercl1ai1ge of Judges . between the city and remote rural areas. This is probably due to the . fac! that city poSts are re a es tr n ce an rb 11 n 1 es ci n ca more des1ra va 1ore,. . • ble than rural appoi1 1tments. There r. e ens int not often availa ble s m i the and the co.mpetitio11 for da re o w n ee b . . d a h d ir . . th en o n or the awradJa cou rt Judges 11 1terv1ewed , 1 ess tha . t en tm in o p p A · ch en b t 1 r cot court judges b Ja d awra the of ers b n1em they beca111e a r. n o e c n a rm o rf e p d o to an awr a . eiore o r fo d ar rew . a lly era gen d 3a court judgeship was t. h'i n e tm in o p p a rt u o c a re wo 1 r level of a gle for ced suffi n tl1a government service


- 467 -


d� :l eri Bo rnp I ard ?t1. tl1e in life _ �1is ,vhe re he . , 11t spe ge jud rt cou O iie awradja 1t t? reac!1 ret1ren1�11t age, o1 ab s wa l1e e11 Wh t. an ten lieu of k ran the ed the attain i ce. Witl1out taki�g a11 s� Ju of try 11is Iv1! tl1e to 11 l1i1 ed 11d exa111e .Bodyguard recom � at!S ly bec �sib _po o1 app rt, co� nt1ne1Jt to Ja rad aw a11 to ted oin app l1e n, was atio 111in a \voreda cotirt would have bee11 beneatl1 111 s d1gn1 ty a,�d pr�v1ous salary level. on l1 _t1111 w1� 's trea Etl1iopia, ma11y Eri r afte ed_ olv diss \\'as bly en1 Ass 11 trea Eri en the Wh former meinbers of tl1at body were appo1r1ted to serve 111 awradJa cot1rts and the High Court. A jtidge \\,}1o J1ad bee11 tl1e eq1tivale11t of ,111 ftwra_dja judge before tl1 e Italia11 I11vasio11, a J)atriot duri11g tl1e war, and thereafter a l11gh level In1perial servant was a1)pointed to an a\vradja court three years ago. Ii1 the a wradja courts i11 the relatively large cities of As111ara and Addis Ababa there see111s to be an especia lly higl1 proportion of j11 dges vvl10 l1ave been brough t into the judicial systen1 fro111 011tside of tl1e M.i 1 1istry of Justice. This is very likely due to the fact tl1at tl1ose cities conta,i1 1 high co11centrations of peo1)le \vho v.1ork for governme11t organizations or who otl1er\vise l1ave bc1ckgrou11ds suitable for the ·bench. Judges i11 tl1e m11cl1 s111aller tow 11 of Harar, i11 contrast, te11ded more to have worked themselves up throt1gl1 tl1e ra11ks of the 'Mi11istry of Justice in a succes­ sion of rural posts. After tl1eir appoint1nents to tl1e be11cl1, a\vr,:1dja co11rt judges i11 Addis Aba ba and Asmara l1ad, as a rule, never bee11 assig11ed to cot1rts outside of tl1ose metro­ polita11 areas a11d in ge11eral tl1ere seemed to be little intercl1a11ge bet\veen rural and 111etropo]ita11 posts. Tl1us like woreda cot1rt judges, t11ose i11 the awradja courts were aJ)pointed to tl1eir positions as a reward for faithft1l govern1ne11t service. liowever, on tl1e pare of awradja judges, a reco1nme11dation fro1n anotl1er n1i11istry or govern111ent agency was more likely to be dee111ed an accurate e11011g]1 i11dicati 011 of a person's ability and legal kno\\1ledge so that the examinatio11 given to 111ost \Vored,1 co11rt ,1 ppl.icants for jt1dgeships \Vas waived. Difficulties in Filling Judgeships

There are approxim.a tely fiftee11 ]1u11dred judgeships in tl1e lower courts of Ethio­ pia. It is clear fro1n the descriptio 11 of judges' backgro11nds give11 above tlJat eitl1er there �re not enough ed11catio11ally qt1ali'fied people to fill tl1ese positio11s or that. men with more than 1ooal cl1t1rcl1 school training do riot \\'<-1 1 1t to become jt1 dges

The present situation ca11 probably be attribli ted to botl1 factors. Etl1iopia do�s not . have many_ well �ducated people. A11d whe11 a cert:1 i 11 le·vel of ed11cation 1s attained, beco111111g a Jt1dge seems to be out of tl,e C tlestioti for \' clrio11s reasons. l _A woreda. court judge's sal�ry in the provi11ces is E$ 80.00 per 111011th. ln Addis Ababa, because of the higher cost of living he nl·iy receive as 1nuch as . E $. l 5� 184 . A:ltl1ough tl1is is co11.siderably above tJ1e 'a1111ual 'i i1.con1e of tl1e a,,erage Eth1op1�11, 1t 1s less than th� i11come say, of a primary sclloo teacl,er, of a garage l mecha111 c, bank clerk, eve11 111 some cases of a factory wo rker. . !hough a judge's. job woul� see111 to be a more 11po1 �ta.11t a11d re�po sib e i1 n �e pos1t1on than any of those me11t10 1 1ed above, the saJari a:, our d1s c s jtid ge es offered to 184. Interview, Personnel Office, Ministry of Justice.

- 468 -







e ople who desjre to maxi mi ze their earning capacity from lookin g to the judicial P e as a career. syst ni A further possible s o11rce of discouragement to d u d y�ur1g people coming ol o sch wl1 f ary 1 ig l 1t pri n1 0 n aspire to becor�e ��dges is out o the fact �hat up ave 1 , f�r l the jud ges mo st part, been a ointed fro until now the ra1Jks ?f clerks r ce tl� f o 11st1 o ry wh have compara el y little orina J in the :tviinist l ed 11cat1on Une l op 1 o h v ·t . Pe w er SOlJle a _ �1 ei· ghtl1 grade e ducatio11 ,vo11l d think it s�cia doubte dl Y . l lY l p a o s1t1 <e o n ta to tra d1t . 1on ally ble man11ed by people w1"th Iess ed· 11cat1on. Undesira Absence of a co· 11scie11tious and eflectively organ ' ized leoo'a] pro1ress1on · c a so l 1or ces exp • • eri d enc e111 e ployees. of . the court systern to fil l vacanc . re]J·a, nce upo11 ies 1n t11e . to,v er co11rt bencl 1 111asn1uch as tl1e Jt1cl1c1al syste1n cannot readily look to its advocates for tl1at purpose. I n fact, or1ly . two of tl1e forty-two judges .i ii tervie wed bad been advocates before they beca1ne J udges.

The appoin�n1ent of selected aclvocates t o positions as lower court j11dges \Vould raise the ed11cat1ona] !ev�l. of the lo\ver �ou rt be11 cb. And independe11t vie,vs concerning the problems of th� �udic1�l systen1, \\1l 11ch are now a rarity an1 011g judges because of tlJeir long assoc1at1on with the system, w ould be fostered. But advocate s do not ,vant to take a c11t in pa.y (most people \¥ho become jt1dges are stepping up finan­ cially.)

So, ,v,ith no significant financial re\vards to offer qualified person11el fro1n 011t­ side the Ministry, and no profession that is alig11 ed with tl1e jt1dicial system to whjcJ1 it can look for tal e11 t, bencl1es are mainly filled vvith forn1ally 1:1neducated, but practically experienced products of the co11rt system wl1 0 often think 11otbing more of the importance of their jobs tha11 would any otl 1er white collar worker. Role

Several of the qu esti o11s asked of judges were designed to e�cit attitudes ?f the lower court bench towar ds its job . Attempts were made to discover what Judges thought tl1eir ''role'' i n so ciety was and wbetl 1er tl1ey tbot1gbt. tl1ere . had bee11 a11y changes in the r ole of judges over the past few years - especia lly �1nce tl1e intro­ duction of the codes. Other questi ons we re asked 1vvbich encouraged Judges to com­ a judge's present p osition in s ociety - with reference to stat�s, r_espect �or Judges in and ou tside of the courtroom, and power as resol vers of d1spt1tes - with that of a judge in tl ie ''ol d days'', meaning the last part of the 19th century up to tbe Italian invasion. lie judges lbem t by wn 1o k1 l l we e ar es dg d Attit11des of th e p opu lation t owards ju e r ve ly � 0 ? <l P an pt rru selves. The y kn ow t]1at they ha ve reputatio11s f or being co � ich w y et ci so in the law. And naturall y en· ougl1 ' judges blamed corrtiption on a d er n u to m 1e tl es rc fo it . at 1 . t] in th eir s b · . · JO · vi·ew pl aces s o little importance on t11e1r om fr es ib br no ki ta b · 0 g in liv 0 the eir th Y unpleasant process of earrung pa rt of � . ht1gants. r ei th as r . fa as em . th • f o lk Jn �dd1t1on to what the Judges know peop Ie thii . cy a u eq d a in f o s g in l e fe em th honestY 1s conce re 1. rned, tl1e new code s l1ave er1gend� � 1:, 11 o tl1e ne \V mas teri of e l ab L ower court inc ent pres _ are Y they that j11dg es kno w ,i� on wliat they learn fron1 1 ws : .. Tho11gh in practice they can get aloi1g in cou; how posit ion, their of � a tical irtue c experience, they are supposed to kn o\V, b Y la,

- 469 -


to deal with the con1plex new codes at1d to follow new procedL1res wl1ich they do 11ot really understand or accept wholeheartedly. ges jud . ve, abo d have been the usse disc as , ory hist n opia Etlu t hou otig Thr masters of the proceedings before tl1e1n. Now a set of wr1tte11 laws rule them; laws to which any litigant who appears in c?urt can hav e access. Thus tl1e judge's independe11ce as master of his own court 1s gone and he feels the loss both of the power he 011ce could wield and the respect he had from the population dtie to bis ·unchallengeable position. People k 1 10\V now that a judge's power does not extend out of the co11rt-room. Further, l1e is no longer a local landowner. f-Ie is usually transferred from one place to anoll1er a11d develops fe\v local ties. Judges in Addis Ababa, for example, generally do not live in tl1e locality in which their court is located. Furthermore, con1111uruties with stro11g col1esive forces do not develop i n urban ce11ters. The judge, then hav.i11g no local ties, is no different from a11y other gover11r11e11t official. Most judges felt this loss of statt1s, respect, and power, a11d its loss gave tl1e111 ,1 rather 111ercenary attitude towards tl1eir jobs. Another factor which disturbed judges and created feelings of inadequacy in them was the supervision of the Ministry ot· Justice. While judges have a certain direct control over the perso1111el in their courts, all court clerks, registrars, even messe11gers owe ultimate allegia11ce to the Ministry. If a litiga11t is disatisfied with a clecisio11 given by a j11dge he n1ay - and often does - co111plain to the J\1inistry of Justice. In response to this complaint, the l\1inistry may send inspectors to the co11rt of the jt1dge co1nplai11ed against to read tl1e decision a11d 111ake a report back to the Mi11istry on t11e legal propriety of tl1e judge's interpretatio11 of tl1e la\Y. Thougl1 the 1vlinistry has 110 power to reverse the decision, the inspector's report certainly has an effect on the jt1dge's char1ce for adva11cen1ent a11d n1ay even a.fleet tl1e likelihood of keepi11g ]1is present job. 011e judge remarked that tl1e i11spectors merely come to his co11rt t1nan11ounced, req11est to see a file, read it, and leave without discussing the problem \vl1ich prompted the investig,1tion. Thus the judge, who re111embers or has heard talk of vvl1at it vvas Iil<e to be a judge before tl1e age of a rigjdly strt1ctured co11rt syste1n, feels that he l1as been dispossessed. He has lost tl1e respect of tl1e population, a. n d l1ecat1se of the nevi codes, he has lost confidence in his ability to decide a case correctly. As a result of the Ministry looking over l1is. sho·ulder, he feels as if he is bei 11g treated like any other bureaL1crat. Judges: The Courtroom

ntY e , t\., about court woreda the of Most jt1dges i 11terviewed said. tl1ey heard on. no after cases a day. They usually sit from 11i11e in tl1 e morni11 g to 011e in the r­ afte the If there are many cases to be heard they also sit for a fevv hours in noon. ll} a n fi they tl1at judges l1ear twe11ty c�ses _a day does not nlean that fac t The 0 . . r mbe nu dispose of that number. From observation 1 t see.n1s that tl1e inax.iroum All six . contested cases that _a judge decides in a morrung is between five and other cases are cont1011ed for various reasons. t s 1dge . Awradja cour! j�dges h �ar �ewer cases in a d.ay tllan woreda jt I t�! on s case m0t clear why this 1s, but 1,t might be due to the fact tli at roost

- 470-













involve relatively s11bstaiitial cla· l lev e dja ims, prompting inore d aw ra eli beration on of a11 coneerned . rt a p the rt1e judges _conduct the _heari11gs and do not depeutl ? n . . . �h e p a rt ie s o r their 011t bri the ng issu es to and es do cat Illo st dvo Of the e amina 1 t 011 of the litigants aand. their witnesses tl1en1selves. They also act as repoxrte rs tak.i11g down all the te stimony. In a,vradja courts , .three judges sit. 11· 1 one courtroom. Tl1ese J·udges , though to d give st1ppo I t se 1eir atter1t ion are to one case at a time, ofte11 list they . en to ea s ly an cl , eo 1 jt1 t1 dg e in 1u lt �o nc s _ e nt ra t111 g o11 o11e case. Needless to sa thr ee y th· is n1uch ' confus creates ion 1n the courtroom . situation Judges do no t s eem to feel a11y pressure to elimina·te ba' cl< Iog. The1r · co nc ern · \VI 1er rat , t l h t 1e 1 e, nu b mb er . of file · s t11ey can tak seems· to ' e from one pi-1 e and pu� m to. a�other ·1. 1 1 a day, � a 1c1· 11? a. littl e progress in each case. P erl1aps l t b d e l c d c u 1e i ffi culties involved i11 ge tting the parties to br1no m Y 1s d e u att1t. · 0 all 0f 1esses t o cot1rt at one time and in convincing litigants to their ev1·ae1:ce a nd �v1'tr present t11e1r cases 1n the mo st expeditio11s manner . Judges: Attitudes Towards Advocates

A majority of the judges i11terviewed were of the opinion that advocates were �ot su�ciently acquai11t�d with t?e codes . to do a thoro11gh job of applying and 1nterpret1ng tl1em. For instance, 1t was said tl1at they often apply irrelevant code articles to fact sit11ations. The judges also thought tl1at advocates generally do not present the crucial issues in a case clearly. Judges attrib11t ed thos e f.aili11gs to lack of formal educaiion and to overeager­ ness to present a clie1Jt's case in the most favorable light at tl1e expense of coge nt arguments and even of acc11rate presentation of the fact s.

In adclition, judges s aid, advocates s eldom discuss cases tborougl1ly witl1 tbeir clients and often conceal facts from tl1em \vl1ich n1ight induce an out-of-court settlen1ent. J11dges tl1ought that advocates bad no real sense of duty towards their clients and that client s often s11ffered because of a11 advocate's greed. The judges sa\v t1i emselve s as exercising a s11perior, s11pervisory role over the conduct of advocates in court. No t only did tl1ey say they knew more law tl1an a_dvocates, but they also felt tha t the ) ega l profession was an un�uly, ov erly-conten­ tious, and irrespo11sible group wh ich constantly needed to be reillJnded tl1at a court of law is more than a place to make a bargain. s pervasiv� b� t wa s t� ca vo ad ds ar w to The above d escribed attitude of judges few judges said they bad ever dis cipli11ed an a?vocate for improper behavior .1n court. I-Iowever, m ost of th e judges interviewed �aid that they warn advocates often When tl1e latter over- step the bounds of propriety. · ainst · seldom in ag es dg 'u b d t e · · a · Y it . J is · n tio he r ac y ct a fa lin ip al sc at di th rm fo e does most h g. in a be e r th ad Tates may be ns ru due to th· e fact that the. j11dge c vo . ow h te ca o v d a e th s ll te en ft o of the e a d n a es an d wit� esses . � ti atio of par the !11in x u rg a h rt fo d n a ck a b h it w to frame hi s q on. Judges us 11ally 1 1ave little pat1ence ues ti e to 1 cl1a i nc ttle l as l ments of dvo cate contestants an d cut tl1en1 s hort. Tl111 s the a . ly 100k upon advocates eral gen say enougl1 to n, tlie s, e dg Ju get bi1nse]f into troubJe. - 471 -


as parasites who earn tl1eir living by doing a lot of fast talking and co11vincing litigants tl1at their services are required. U11fortu11ate]y, there is seldom a11 excha!1ge between advocate and judge during a heari11g wliich could be called cross-educat1onaJ. a11d advocate do not work together. Judges and otl1er Personnel

AI1nost every pleading tl1at a judge reads is written out by a scribe. The consensus of tl1e judges ,vas that scribes do not know the law thoroughly but that they perform a valuable service for all litigants. Jl1dges, though tl1ey exercise tol<en control over the personnel in tl1eir courts, do not spend n1l1cl1 time supervisi11g registrars or fili11g clerks. These people are told what is expected of tl1e111 by the l\.1inistry of Jl1stice a11d they \vork i11dependently of tl1e judges. Fe,v of the judges take a11y interest i11 110\V cases are filed or how litiga11ts are processed. Each person is left to do l1is job, tl1011gh if someone is dissatisfied \\1itL1 tl1e work of anotl1er a complaint can be made to the Ministry o f Justice. Tl1ere is, because of tl1is independe11t set of responsibilites to tl1e Ministry of Justice, a great deal of suspicion run11ing back and forth between judges and the court personnel. Judges and Litigants

Tl1 ough most judges intervie\ved avowed compassion for tl1e people who appear before them in court, the reported existence of corruption suggests that some judges, at least, have acquired a rather hardened attitude to\vards litiga11ts. .

J 11dges ge11erally tho11gl1t tl1at litigants expected cod.e provisions to be applied to their cases and \,1ere ofte11 surprised vvl1e11 tl1ey ,vere asked wl1 ether litigants ever expected ct1sto111ary rules to apply to tl1e disp11tes they bro11ght to court. The suggestion that son1e people 1night expect rules otl1er tl1a11 tl1ose co11taioed in tl1e codes to be applied to tl1eir disputes seemed to some judges an aln1ost treason· ous thot1gl1t . I-Iowever, it should be noted that j11dges see litigants after tl1ey have been to a scribe, ad,,ocate or tl1e cot1rt registrar. Tl1ese people 111ay isolate the judge from \.Vl1at tl1 e litigant really tl1inks about the oodes. Judges and Indigent Criminal Defendants

A large proportion indigent of criminal defe11d.ants have no professional representation though tl1 ey are guaranteed it by Article 52 of the Re,,ised Constitution. of 1955. A factor wl1 ich lirn.its the fullest applicatio11 of Article 52 is the attitude . of judges in criminal cases. Tho11gh most of tbe jt1dges k i1 ew that the Co11stitut1on iml?ose� up�n them tl1e dl1ty of aJ?poir1ting advocates for indigent cri i ninal defendants, their view 1s often that the evidence spe,1]cs for itself. Judoes feel that the tr�th can be discovered just as easily witho11t a11 advocate involved in the case as with one representi'Qg the d.efendant. r: e. mad is There are 1!0 precise rules to be followed when the appointment _ seen:is that tl1e Jt1dge merely asks any advo?ate who is present to do tl1 e Job. �i �­ o p b so �udges really know un�er exac!ly .what c1rcl1 �stances advacates should � � p n of _ on 1atJ enunc ecl inasmuch as an appointment 1s impractical 1n all cases. Clear - 472 -





THE LOWER COURT S OF ETHIOPIA o vern1ng appointment would b e a g cy poli great a defendants.

. service t o judge s and indigent

sion Conclu es: Judg . Judges are me n of great prac tical experience n d of ve e littl forma1 educati on. � . ":fia 1 tio t c 1 od of intr tl1e c 1 1 the ode s Before . heir qualI cations nught have been adequate \V u e d to , th e N . fa b ct tl JO ia t the ptibl" c b . s access to t?e �a ? for the w_s and d ue of e tl mpl new exit y cod 1 es, o c edu c ation l)a� be� e a necessity if to the Judges are l lar �J pe t p c res po i wh c h the l 11 t ey n desperately ne to gai Litigants 1 ss

The way a person confronts the judicial s tem dep ends on the resources ava1-1 abl sy e . · 111eren · nts- literate' illiterate, ri·c11, and poor - approach to him. o·cr . ·t cI asses of 1-1t1ga . .ffi ' · cour eren d 10 i ts t way s. Tl1 differences .1·n approach produce dwe the. lower :cr: rent . att:Itudes towards Judges, advocates, scribes, and other court persoi1nel. The fi�st . d�fenda nt 1s given to the

. st ep for � litigan� when h e comes to . court either as a plaintiff or to have �1s pleadings-stat ement of claim or defence - written and court. This process was described in the section concerning s cribes.

Literate Litigants

Almost half of the litigants interviewed had their pleadings written out by scribes. This gr oup included both literate and illiterate litigants. Thirty five percent o f the literate litigants interviewed had their pleadings written out by tl1e scribes , and an equal number wrote out their own pleading s. Advocates wrote pleadings for the rest. Basically, there was little difference b etween the group of literate litigants who wrote out their own pleadings and the group who retained scribes f or the job. However, the former group contained people ,vbo claimed to be fairly well acquaint­ ed with the law. Bu t wl1en the se people claimed to have some legal knowledge they meant that they kne w l1ow things we re do11e at court rather than that they were possessed of substantive legal learning. Since most of this gro11p who claimed to know some ]aw ha d be en to court before, it is likely that they learned ,vhat they knew through practical experience. t! o_oed en m be to ve ha s le tic ar e od c , ng di ea pl a Howe ver, th e fact remains tliat in or else, i n Addis A ba ba at le as t, the pleading \Vill be rejec ted. Tl1 ough . code p rov1s� ons ntio en m r, ra St gt re or e dg ju e th y f _ n �a be and usually ar e cited mechanically to satis them in one's pleading if jus t in passing, requires a gla11ce through tl1e re levant ne eo m so 1 on fr ce an st �i as g in iv c� re or de co , know ing certain pro�isions from memory, n e t_ of e ar s se ca us io ev pr ng who has legal knowledge. Since documents concerni , in a g a er v o <l o a r e v o s se a c f o e p kept by litigants, and many litigants h a v e the same ty dja ra aw d an a d re o w a ab b A . . Addis 185 · one hundr in • Y 1 . in ma d e 1ew erv 1nt ed and sixty litigants were courts.

- 473 -


it is also likely that after a fe\v times in court one may dispense with a scribe's services in routine litigatio11. d r a sse exp ngs certain pride adi ple n ow ir the out � te wro o s wh ant litig These when they professed to k110\V the law well enou�l1 t ?. ha?dle tl1e1r cases fro!� begin� nin g to end. Many were genuinely interested . 1n !1t1gat1on.. In fact, one_ l1t1gant , a tailor, bought his ow11 codes and read them 11.1 hrs s1:,are time. One retired soldie r said he came to court often just to listen to cases. But ma11y litigants who wrote 011t their ow11 pleadings cla�1�ed to k11ow little more than that the codes existed. However, nearly all these litigants had been to co11rt ma11y ti1nes before a11d thought they could do a better job than the scribes even with their admittedly li1nited legal knowledge. There were a few litiga11ts who wrote out tl1eir own pleadi11gs \Vho claimed never to have l1eard of the codes. 011e \vould tl1i11 l<: tl1at s11 ch persons would seek drafting assista11ce. Tl1ese people, ho\vever, were en1ployed in high status jobs and probably _ preferred to rely on their innate intelligence as opposed to the practical . scribes the experie11 ce of • Of the literate litigants \Vho had their pleadi11gs \Vritten out by the scribes, none said tl1at they had a11y s11bsta11tive knovvledge of tl1e codes. 111 fact, a large propor­ tion of them said they l1ad never heard of the codes. Al1nost 11,1.lf of tl1e literate litigants wl10 en1ployed scribes bad never been to cou,rt before a11d a large propor­ tion of tl1em bad been to court only once previo11sly. B11t litigants ,vho had tl1eir pleadi11gs written out by scribes were employed in occt1 pations whicl1 demanded as much educational backgrou11d as those wl10 wrote out their ov1n. It seems that the main reason why educated and literate people go to the scribes is lack of co1lfide11ce in their knowledge of� court procedure, knowledge which could be gained through courtroon1 experience.


There does not seem to be any diiiere11ce in the types of cases in which these litigants were involved v1hich migl1t lead some, b11t not others, to seek professiot1al advice at the inception of their cases. Tl1e suits in which botl1 classes of litigant s were involved were on an equ,11 level of complexity. About 011e - tlurd of the literate litigants intervie\ved had t11 eir pleadi 1 1gs ,vrit ten out by . advoc�tes. The . cases i11_ \Vl1ich tl1ese people were parties t1sL1 ally i11volved 1o t es ad, o1Jort1011ate r d1sp_ A s. of nt1mber hired ca substantial cl a1 e 1 tl who 11 litiga ts rr:1 _ from the beglll111ng of their cases hacl cases i11 a11 awradja coL1 rt. ,: .... The relatively high i11come occt1pations of litigants \1/llo retai i1 ed advocates from t o en quite at fact of 1 t1 e rt 1nany t f pl11 1 tl1ese co1 litiga11ts start he to 11 had bee � � ! all 111 the past 111d1cates that they were used to I1avi 110 o an advocate's ser\1ices i11 phases of .Iitigatio11. This may indicate tl1at tl1ere is a certai 11 class of people ��o come to court ofte11, t1s11ally whe11 fairly sizable interests are at stake "vith a real1s�1c view of _ their �wn legal capabilities. Wliile tliey niay be better q�1 alified to write out their pleadings _ than most of the people who do so, they can afford to be careful and thus hire an advocate to tal<e care of everytliing. An,oth �r identifi �ble ¥roup of literate _litigan_ts w11 0 hired advocates froru th� . ,start ha.d little experience 10 court. They claimed little kno\vledge of tl1e codes e.xcep for the fact that they existed. - 474 -


. that can clus ion be n co dra wn from a One a�ison of �hese tw o _ groups of ad vac at es at the beginning ���h hir e� wh o le eop e1r cases i s that in g en eral a eit be he cau r se he knows enot1 so do es n gh ab ou la and co 1rt o s per l procedure to P comize that his k nowledge is not adeqtlat e c on a � � red t o tl1at _ 0� _ a profession al r � ii he is ignorant of the laws a d wor. llgs O c e aus b : e f the JUd1c1al syste m an d 0 •ts I·t .


· It should b e noted l1ere, ho an advocat e to write plea . wever that not 11a' ving · ant 'w l10 is so deprived w·u .dings d oes not mean t hat tl1e 11t1g 1 110t �ven tually . re tain one · 111 • fact, most litigants d o .n ot ret.ai11. a dvocat es 11r1t1·1 s01ne d1 1c i ff ulty 10 th e . cas 1e1 es . h r t as f 1 · o ari s n en tio . Tllls is true of literate and 1"lliterate 1·1bgants enta res P. . alike




Illiterate Litigants Ill_it erate litig�nts, of . course, have_ to depend on either an a dvocate or a scrib e to write ot1t tl1�1r pl ea�1ngs. .t\Ppro x1n1ately two - thirds of il literate l itigants inter­ vie\\1ed had _tl1e 1r pleadings writt en by scribes. R o ughl y oi1e-sixtli of them had pleadings w_r1tte11 by . advocat es a nd the rest had their statements of claim written either by. fr_ 1end s _o r in _ cases brot1gl1t upon privat e con1plaint, by the police. Most illjterate litigants 1nterv1e,ved l1ad ne ver l1ear d of the codes and, as a rule , ha d not been to co11rt as often as their literate brethren. Th e combi11atio11 of n ot bei ng able to r ead and write, small :financial resources and lack of practical experience would seem to put these litigants at a disadva ntag� as opposed to literate parties t o disputes.

However the scribe, at the initial stage s of litigation, is the great lev eler as far as these differe11ces are co11cerned. Altho ugh il lite rate litigants go to scribes invol untarily, that does 11ot mean that tl1ey do n. ot derive son1e be 11efit from doing so. First, scribes do at least as good a job of writing 011t p l eadings a s those litigants wl10 vent11re t o do so without any great fa1niliarity witl1 the l aw. Second, scribes give fr ee lega l advice to litigants which may be as good as they cou.ld obt ain from advocates and certainly even better than delibera tions of literate litigants who decided to make a go of it on their own. The availabi]ity of money- t o one literate or il lite r�te- can ma �e t�e difference bet\veen win nii1g and losing a case. It does aw a y w1tl1 the leve ) l 111g 1nflu�n�e of the scribes. And since literate Iitiga11ts a re likely to have 111ore money tl1an 1ll_1t er ate ones, the con1bi11ation of ed11catio11 an d financial r esources should . sp ell victo ry. le rks, c e th th wi on t ge to ity l i ab rwe �oney gives a party a certain staying po Judges, and police. Litigants: Attitudes Towards Advocates

tes in . the � v oc d a re hi t no d di ly l a Litigants who \-\ 'r ote their own pleadings gener le •n s r ei th a� h _ h� w ts an ig lit te lat�er stages of l itigation. Even t11e gro11p of ljt er a �� � � io� ha at 1g l1t e tl1 _ r te af s te ca o v ad f d re ey : w ritten out by scribes tended no t to hire h t 1 s se ca r ei th of Thus l iterate litigants hired advocates at tl1e beginning them at all. ercentage p ll . · a sm a t ly n o s. Tho igh t an g ti i 1 Th e at er e t i opposite w as tr ue of ill ses, ca ir e th .. n a g e b le ti of illite r ate litigants (sixteen perce nt) had advocates V-:hen . :a mo re tha.n two-thirds had advocates wl1en t hey were interview ·

- 475 -


The general attitude of both illiterate cases witl1011t advocates was tl1at the case advocctte's assistance. ''It is a sin1ple case. respo11se to the q11estion why these parties

and literate litiga11 ts who started . their was not con1plex enough to require an I can l1andle it n1yself'' \l✓as tl1e usual did not l1ave advocates.

The fact tl1at illiterate litiga.r1ts were more likely to hire ad.vocates after their cases had progressed past tl1e i11itial stages of litigatio11 can be attributed to two factors. First, illiterate litigants are 11aturally less likely to l1ave confidence in their knowledo-e of tl1e law \Vl1en a crisis arises. Seco11d, they are less Iil<eJy to make an O accurate assessment of the compleyjty of a case i11 its initial stages than literate litiga.11ts. The worcls ''I can stand for myself'' fro111 a11 illiterate litigant is likely to be the result of a11 objectively superficial consideratio11 of the issues involved. One-third of all the Iitiga·nts had previo11sly hired or plan11ed to hire advocates at the tim.e that the)' were interviewed. Co11sideri11g tl1e opinion most litigants expressed towards advocates, this is a large perce 11 tage. 011ly a very small number of litiga11ts inter\1ie,ved reliecl 011 negera fedges to represe11t tl1em. This is probably due to tl1e restrictio11s which Article 58 of the Civil Proced11re Code places on such representation. 11ost litigants \Vere of tl1e opinion that advocates pt1rposely try to prolong cases so tl1at extra fees n1ay be collected. Litigants said one tecl1nique advocates used for this p11 rpose \Vas to raise petty procedural objectio11s to the opposi11g party's pleadings. If the fault i11 the 1Jleadi11g requires correctio11, tl1e case will be continued pe 1 1ding rewriting. The advocate \Vl10 raised the objection \.Vill then ask bis client for more money due to the prolor1gation of the case. So1ne advocates, litiga11ts alleged, come to co11rt purposely unprepared so that the case must be conti 11L1 ed. Others spend so m·uch time maki11g irrelevant arg·uments that the rest of tl1e case l1as to be post­ poned for another day. Other litigants said that advocates l1ave too ma11y clients at one tin1e and that they often postpone l1eari11gs or eve11 fail to appear \.Vhen conflicts in their schedules arise. Considering the fact that most of tl1e litigants interviewed \.vork for daily wages, failure of an advocate to appear could mean tl1e loss of considerable i11con1e. Litigants also saicl that advocates \Vere not to be tr11sted because the)' sometimes can be bribed by the opposing JJarty to divulge confide11ces or ''thro\v the c-ase''. It was the consensus of litigants that advocates never try to settle cases outsid e of co11 rt ·but e11courage people with hopeless cases to go to co11 rt just to get tl1e fee for representing tl1em. Son1e litiga11ts, in fact, said tl1at wl1e11 an advocate is retained by one party a11d tl1e other party v1ishes to settle out of court, the advo­ cate will e1Jcot 1 rage bis client to be Ltnrece1Jtive to settlernent proposals. of so quoting to\1var attitudes Litgants, best s ad can ocates be by explainecl �� � � . tl1e1r responses to the q·uest 1 011, ''f n get1eral, what do you think of advocates? ''The . Mirustry of J11stice should supervise advocates to prevent then1 froro dragging out cases a11d mt1lchi ng t· heir clients." '' Advocates accept money from botl1 sides.'' ''Advocates do 11 ot have s11fficient trai 11i11g." l cia mer ''�e advocate's profession has a bad reputation. It is regard.ed as a com business rather than as an honorable profession.,, - 476 -






. The most complimentary opinion of cadvocate s giv en by a nY of the litigants f t o d 1 a a a h y who said she h ad comp . terviewed was t 1ete confidence in her counsel: is d11ty co11scious," she said. ate dvoc a �M Y . . The genera l ,,ie w of th ose \vho did no t expr e ss e nti•:ely 11egat1v e attitu des towa rds t ''advocat ha t e s was know th e law so we gi e 1 advocate s en cas es.'' 011e litigant b l � ; t s e mo rat c11 f a ac n 1 l s i011 th· g ene ra' l att1t11de towards · ed up i 1·1t1g suI1lJ11 advocat es an· d · s t a r n e 1 hi t 1 e y h m: w ''I do11' t trl1st th n I have one on the reason l y because lis n te to t o the see m 111. 111 co11rt l1owe ve;' \ �fte n l1ave to corr the judges ect my , advocate when he sa ys so.mething r don't like . , • • The at torney-client relationsl 1ip in tl1e lower courts 1s · structured bY susp1c1on t to atto r ney an d allegedly by la ' ck of ca nd or f ron1 advocate to r1 1nning from cl ien . . . · 11 "vVh 1ch natl1ra lly arises out of all this 1•3 whY 1·t· clien· t· Tl1e quest10 1 1ga nt s h'ire advo. cates at a11 w l1en t l1ey hav e the att itude s d escribed abo '· ve . In response to thi . s · n, i· t shou1· d firs b e noted that mo_re illiterate than literat e Iitiga11ts l1ire questio � advocates. These �re th e peop le wl10 find 1t most difficult to present their cases, w�o profess practically no kno�ledge of. �l1e la�, and wl10 have littl e expe rience ,v1th co11rt procedure s. Thus the 1gn�rant l1t1ga11t 1s a lmost h elpless ir1 court. Though in the Io,ver courts tl1 e procedure 1s fairl y routine a11d easy for a literate person to grasp, one ,vho cannot read or write will not l<.now how to deal with the various papers tl1at are given to him. Thus advocates ar e r e tained to tell tl1e litigant what is ha ppe1u11g to him and wl1at is exp ecte d of him. So when a litigant says l1e lure d a 11 advocate b ecause the a dvocate ''knows th.e Ia,v," the litigant re ally 1neans t hat the advocate knows ho,v to rea d a nd is acquainted with the judge and col1rtroo1n procedure in ge 11eral. His job is to com­ municate this knowle dge to his clie 11t. It is lik ely tl1at tl1is unbala11ced relationshp in which the client is, so to SJJeak, at tl 1e mercy of l1is cou11sel if tl1e latter att em­ pts to manip11late procee dings to his a dvantage, fosters the la ck of trust expre ssed by litigants i11 the l egal profession. Altl 1ougl1 the ''unbala11ced'' relatio11sllip described above betwe en clj ent and prof essio11al is by no means peculiar to Eth.iopia, advacates in Ethjopia oftei1 ten d to take excessi,,e advanta ge of their clients' lack of kno,vledge. The low esteem in wl1ich tl1e l egal profession is l 1eld 1nay also be attribt1ted to the fact tha t i n litigation some on e alw ays l ose s. To a litigant who has been unsuccessful once or tw ice in litigation the advocate is a conv e nient pe rson to bla1ne. Litigants : Attitudes Towards the Judicial System e mad� in the b d l ou sJ1 t gh ?u th y he t s t e11 . Litigants w e re asked wl 1a t im pr ove1n me so in ga r to de or 1n es dg Ju of t 1 gl ou th �ud_icial system and in g eneral w ha t they insight into their feelings about the present court syst em. d e cided be ld ou sh e s s c� at th s a w t The most co m m on suggestion for improveme 11 e too ma ny v ga �s dg Ju at th e lt f s . t more quickly tba11 tl1 ey a r e now. Most litigan e alt wit d s on ti e� gg Su nt e qu e fr a�pointmen ts duri11g th e course o f a case. Other ; : �� 0 t en em ov pr un d an l e n on rs pe t ehi:runation of bribery on th e pa rt of all cour calibre of the prosecutoria l sta ff. e xecut e their to r e w o p e r o m e av h Id JOU l s S on1 ts cour . 1y Most complaints e e 1 tl litig t an ts felt t ha . J dgment� a11d exercis e what p o w er tl�ey }J ave n1ore e.f.D�ct1�e f o rs e c ffi o f o y it il b �o e t n ed te cei n ut istrat1 this area of judicial admin cJ J ; � t fo��; tl1e m to appear in � et g c e court to fincl judgme11t d e btors, . a11d once ot� n to h g u o r th o g to e v e dito;s .:a o u rt. The l cr 11t oe gr 1d Jt engtl1y pr oc edures that laint. p m co an appropriate r fo e us ca court o rd er w as also a - 477 -


s ism de tic ma cri d an by various s ion est gg su er oth the of me so The follo,ving are litigants: ''The new lavvs are good. But tl1ey are not applied accordi11g to their spirit because of dishonest pt1blic officials.'' ''Police should bring criminals to court as soon as possible." ''Files n1ust not be closed by the court because of negligible mistakes made in the pleadings. This is a great financial hardship for poor litigants." ''Judges sb.ould be in court promptly." ''Eitl1er I sl1011ld be rich enough to bribe the judge or judges should stop being bribed.'' From the examination of the case files in cot1rt archives it is clear tl1at delay of cases is a reality. Tl1e choice is bet,vee11 ha11dling each case completely on a given date or doing a little 011 a lot of cases during a n1on1ing. The decision seems to have been made i11 favor of tl1e latter practice and litigants do not find the choice agreeable though it is hard to say what tl1ey ,vould tl1ink of having to wait a year or two to have their cases heard at all if cases \\1ere l1eard by the courts straight through ,vitl1out co1 1ti11uances. Litigants: Attitudes To,vards Judges

Two-t11irds of tl1e litigants intervie,ved ,vho expressed opinions about judges gave extren1ely negative ones. Thougl1 jt1dges are given great out,vard sbo\VS of respect by litigants in tl1e courtroo1n it is clear tl1at litiga1 1ts view judges as being unknowledgeable, corrupt, a11d even cn1el. The main cause of the jt1dges' ill-repute amo11g litigants was tl1eir reportedly . comn1on practice of taki1 1g bribes. 186 Other complaints ranged from tl1eir lack of efficiency in ba11dling courtroon1 business to heartlessness concerning the problen1s of the poor. Litigants wl10 did not express negative attitt1des to,vard.s jt1dges said such tl1ings as ''they are all right'', ''tl1e quality of judges is in1provi 11 g'', or ''tl1ey are appointed by the Emperor a11d if tl1ey fail they will be pt111ished by God''. Literate litigants did 11ot te 11d to criticize jt1dges as sharply as their illiterate bretl1 ren. In fact, a large proportion of the literate litig::1nts intervieV\1ed l1ad fairly neutral opinions of jttdges. Illiterate litigants voiced their OJJi 11ions more frankly and were generally neg�tive towards the bencl1. That a goocl deal of their opinio11s coine from co11versat1o ns outside of court is attested to by the fact that 1nany of those expressi11g extr en1e disrespect for judges l1ad never been to court before. The _ mild opinions �xpressed by literate litigants towards judges n1ig11t be tl1e pro duc� y b sed of a wider understanding of the problen1s of lower courts than is posses 186. The following are remarks made w� t1ld not _accept tl1e person I l:Jr 1bed tl1e Judge, I . wot1ld. have the end of the fasting period;''

judg the � r, by }jtigants: ''Wl1 en J had to. have a guaranto 00 d brought forward unless I gave 11im a bribe. J1a I 1 had to go to jail''; ''I took the judge here two sbeeP a ''the judge in this court uses my opponent• s car".

- 478 -

THE LOWER COURTS OF ETHIOPIA o cannot rea d a nd write. It nlig ht b e at. \vh Opie tr1'buted to.0,. to_ a l_1•terate pe . . contact w1·_th government agencies per son's t1en t fre � re and soph� St1cat1on 10 de alin .mo g with om experien ce. Th e literate fr ned gai liti g ant lnay in f�ct b e satisfied thelll with he has n1011ey a 11d the intelligence n ecessary If ges. jud to cope with the j udicial system, the e person ca.n protect llim self. rat te li the


l d e an th ew ld N O he T s: Litigant Atten1pts \Vere also ma de to disc, over \vhat 1·t· 1 igants t 11ought of th e 0ew co urt . system as oppose d to the ,, old. sy sten1 ' ,vl1ich ex.i�ted p r·ior to the Ital1a 11 n vasion. I Due to the fact that ma11y of tl1e litigants interv· ed we e not old �nou gh t o be a,vare of the litigation process before 1936 m�i: f ;'� .at t ey sa1� about the old system i s 11ece ssarily h earsay. But whatev:r their ri11 1 a;ion p r making a com etween the old a11d the new ' t heir presen t att1'tu1 des are �imp b n ariso ortant. P Litigants \\1ere not respon sive to a qu estion which was i ·ned to e1·i cit ' des·g · con 11·icts , JJerhaps due to the .1a between the ne.w co des . a 1 1d. c11sto.1nary law. This was c ct that . 11ts 1. �1terv1ew ed kne w_ a11y code provisions well enough to be able to none of the lit1ga compare tl1e codes \V1th cu stom. Failure t o elicit substantive confli cts between custom ary and code law may also be due to the considerable extent that the codes embody ct1 stom. But it was evident that pro cedural differ ences bet\veen the old and new ways of conducting litig ation rankled l it igants wl1ether or n ot they knew that the codes produced the changes which they did not like.



Litigants made the f ollo\ving ob servations: "Customary procedure was quick. This is slo\v." "The new law r e quires that lan d be r egistered a11d a deed issued from the mt1nicipality. Under the old law, tl1e local dania certified that land bel onged to a pe rson 's fatl1er a11d grandfather. Tl1e person who claimed ownership \Vould have to l1ave l1i s rigl1t recogi1ized by the local judge - not the municipality." ''C ivil Procedure Code, Article 58 limits tl1e perso11s who ca□ represent litigants anyone to to only certain relatives. According to ct1stom, a litiga nt can choose ple ad for him in court.''J es involving _suc­ s ca , o to s , r te n ce n ba ur ge lar . In ,voreda an d awradja cour t s i n cession to land to which local customs are often most relevant do not const1tt1te a great proportion of th e docl<et. Th e subject matter of case� heard in tl1ese cotirts may not have ai iy peculiar s tib stan tive customary law relative to th em. F� r r steals, 1t o , on e �s r � he t o n a s u r� j i� , bt de !lp �xaf le, when a p erson reftises to p a y a l al sh on rs p e d e ur 1 nJ e tl1 t a tl1 s 1 18 lLkely that th e st1bsta11tive r11le 11niversally appli ed oul d s eem w y t li ca lo o t ity l _ a � lo be ma�e whole in some way. T he differ enc e from to b e 1n the method of p rotecting the rights of the 1nJured person. is b t ec _ p ex ld u o w nt ga ti li a Further itl a' n u rb a' n settiilg ' it is unlikely th at e av h 1m h d n u o ar g · tn iv · 1 e I ' op . . pe cu. 8toma ry rules . to apply wl1e11 so n1a11y of t he 0�� loc aJi e ir e th om fr y t ci different co11cepts of cus to 1n ar y rules brot1gl1t to the �� e� a -c so t i w ll � person bor11 a n d raised in the city m a y have no co11tact at a custornary r ul e s.,, s, p 1i sl n o ti la e r y il m a f Of ·int er A nd final_ly, i n case s wl1ich involve matte�� outSI·a e er whatev by . e s ut is d P t tling se it can be f o n 1o t 1 ad tr said that E th io p ia ns h a v e a - 479 -


g as tin en es ch pr u s· es ur ed the oc pr ry ma sto cL1 disp ute al loc If e. tiv ec eff st s is mo an me s se e wa ca ta� the , ys da . old � to a jl1dge e th in eel l fai on ati to elders for arbitr E ess �n fon e Th nt. n1e ern gov l tra cen . �I11op1ans seem to who \¥as the designee of tI1e t tes 1Io 1ca Cb 1nd t!1e to up that people y wa the all es cas ing _ have 11 ad for appeal were 11ot reluctant to let their local disputes be decided by Judges who were ess­ entially foreigners to their local practices. Thus litigants interviewed did 11ot feel offend�d �y tbe fact t�at they had to have their cases decided ir1 modern co11rtrooms by alien Judges; nor did they harke n back to the old days wl1en justice was gi\'en u�der a tree _in tl1eir o":n localities. lgically preferred ma111ly because 1t was not time consumnosta m was old tl1e syste But . • 1ng. Litio-ants thought that most people preferred to have their cases heard in court rather than to present their disputes to the elders in their comm11nities though seve11ty-five percent of the litigants i11terviewed said they tried to resolve their disp11tes before the shamageles (literally ''old men''). All of these attempted settlements failed, they said, due to the inability of tl1e customary system to e1lforce its decisions. Usually the failure of arbitration was due to 011e of the parties' failure to abide by the settle1ne11t reacl1ed. Some litigants blamed this kind of failure on the sh­ amagele sthe111selves sayi11g, ''tl1ere are 110 good sha1nageles any more'', ''shamageles are all one sided'', or ''tl1ey \Vould rather worl< and make 1noney tl1an spend tl1eir time settli11g disputes." A few litigants even accusecl sha1nageles of bei11g corrupt. Tboug11 decisio11s of shamageles are not bi11ding a11d often ineffectual, most liti­ gants said they \Vished that they could have settled their disputes according to custom. One litiga11t said, ''some people prefer custom because disputes are settled q11ickly. Otl1ers prefer tl1e courts because their decisio11s can be er1forced''. That su1ns up well tl1e considerations a person makes \Vhen deciding whether or not to take his case to co11rt. According to accounts of historia11s and early European travellers in Ethiopia, EthjoJJia11s used to e11joy litigation. It was a form of recreatio11. The old forms of litigation - when cases were decided the same day tl1ey \Vere beard, wl1en litigants knew what was expected of tl1em \Vhen they appeared before a j11dge, wl1en judges were respected members of tl1eir comn1unities- could well have bee11 a pleas ant pasti111e. It is evident DO\V, however, that litigatio11 is not a form of recreation. Litiga nts feel �hat the enjoym �nt l1_as been taken OLit of it by Iaclc of honest)', 1011g delays, and impersonal relat1011sh1ps between all concer11ed in the Ii tigati 011 process. Thus criticisms of the new system were no t clirected to,¥ards stibsta11ti,,e unfajr­ ness � ut rather to\vards tbe systen1's failure to operate according to its own rules. In spite of th�. systen1's abuses. of wlucl1 tl1e litiga11ts \.Vere lceenly a,;vare , there was . tl?e re�ogn1t1on_ tl1?-t the basis of an eq 11itable and efficient foui1dation for the . _ adm1n1strat1on of Justice eXJsted.

Atbia Danias . ,,· Below the wared.a courts there is a jt1dicial er called an ''atbia dania. fic of He is a creation of statute- the Local Judges Proclan1ation of 1947. 1 8'' ThiS 187. Bstablishment of Local Judges Proclamation 1947 • proe. No. 90, Neg. Gaz., year 6, N o. 10, ,

- 480 -



. prov for ided the esta blish tion a · m ent m of cla 1 a1 J d es in �ach ':lo�ality'' w hose ���y was to ''settle all cases, by the comprom��e O ( tt e parties, withi n the limits n." io risdict u of his j . . . His s ubject n1atter jurisdiction was limited b Y the? proclama_tio _n to c1v1l cases amou invol nt ved did not exceed E$ -6 and cr1m1nal ca •1n ,vhich the se s wh er.e a u rus h bl e wit p · . • •h wa a s . . fi 11e rge not exceeding E $· 15 · 00• H'1s ·1ocal Jur1sd1the cha ctio n ,vas_ ov� I11·s ''atb'a'' or I ? ca 1·Id' �1st1ally around fifty gas '' 1 has. The atbia dania , � ' ,vas to s1t w1 h t wo . assessors a11 his decisions were appealable to th e woreda court . Appointme·nt of tl1ese judges wa s to be 1nade in two ways• If there wa s a . · 1. respo11sible for collecting taxes who was also roelkeg11a (a I ocaI gover11n1�nt o.ffi c1a usuall y a large lando:Ver) 1� a locality, he would be appointed. Where tl1ere was no melkegna,_ tl1e atb1a da111as '.ve_r� to be chosen by presidents and vice-presidents of the awradJa, woreda, and n1ek1t1l woreda gl1ezat courts with the help of elders from a list of land owners in the area.1ss

Tbes� atbia dan�as used to ��rn tl1eir i11come from court fees litigants paid to have their cases decided. The C1v1l Proced11re Code of 1965, however did 11ot men­ tion atbia dai1ias as l1a,,ing any civil jurisdiction a .nd as a result 1nan; atbia danias report tl1at the number of cases they hear, and conseq11ently their income bas di­ minished. This is tr11e despite the fact that tl1e MiL1istry of Justice, has taken tl1e position tl1at atbia danias n1ay exercise civil j urisdiction where the parties agree to submit their cases to them and tl1,tt decisions rendered in such cases are binding and can be executed by the local woreda cotirt. 189



I. I


But the atbia d.a11ias interviewed still seem to hear civil cases initiated by one party if tl1e subject matter of the disp ute is below E $ 26 such ,1s disputes arising out of ekub associations a11d sn1all loan cases. Atbia danias still l1ave official cri111inal jurisdiction. This is given to them by Article 223 of the Cri1ninal Proc edure Code. Purs uant to that Article, tl1e atbia dania's fucntion is basically the same as tl1at ou tlined in tl1e Local Jud.ges _Procla­ mation of 1947. I-Iis firs t du ty is to seek a reconciliation betvveen the p�1rt1es b�t where l1e fails to effect a compron1ise he ma y i1n1Jose a fine of E $ 15. 00. Atb1a danias are also require d by Ar ticle 223 to keep records of the cases they l1ear. me s? e hil W . nts lai mp �o _ en itt wr by ted tia ini e Proceedings before atbia da 11ias ar atbia danias said they referred to the codes for rules of dec1s1on, tl1e man; d�te given as elf its in �t cie ffi �u s em se de Co re u them by Article 22 3 of the Criminal Proced try �o e ,tr as ni da _ a bi at ws la r he ot to a basis for reaching decision ,vitl1out resort to reconcile tl1 e parties wl 1e re a petty offence has been c?mmitted. If that is no} 0 e fin a se po im to ed iz or th u a possible and guilt is established the atbia dania is E $ 15. 00 by Article 223 . e lv e tw to e . e ir tl m . . · o . fr . re e · h Tbe atb1a dan1as 1nterv1ewed said they heard anyw to ed us y e th s se c a e th of lk cases per month M o st atbia da11ias said that the b u e is er Th . ts ur co da re o w e th hea r - especially the ci vii cases - a re now heard b y 188. Id., Arts. 6-7. rts, ou C a c/j ra iv A er lz rc he C and la ec or 189 W in ni Ku tes · A Stuc/y of Agricultural Land Dispu Department of Land Tenure, Addis Ababa, 1969.

- 481 -


even a tendancy, now, they said, to take petty criminal cases to court, by-passi ng tl1e atbia dania. ers ord en giv ing cut exe by courts 11t spe is 1e tin l cia offi ia's dan ia atb the of Most who have jurisdiction over his ''atbia''. �}1us he is reSJ)?nsible for serving sun:unons on parties who are required to appear 1 n court or w1t11e�ses needed t � test1fy, he estimates tl1e value of land for execution purposes, establishes boundaries, and is sometin1es responsible for apprehendi11g and bringi11g a crin1i11al to the local police station. I-Ie is also an age11t of other administrative agencies such as the Ministry of Fina11ce for \vhom he collects taxes. As mention.ed earlier, atbia danias \Vere originally paid from tl1e court fees that litiga11ts i11 the civil suits tl1ey hea.rd l1ad to pay i11 order to commence tl1e litigation. Tl1e fee was a certain pro1)ortion of tl1e subject 1natter of tbe dispute. No\:v, with civil jurisdiction denied tbe111 by the Civil Procedure Code, their incon1e is lin1ited to the s1nalJ fees paid by parties to criminal disputes. For the other functions the atbia da11ia perfor1n.s l1e is 11ot paid and the atbia da11ias intervievied \Vere bitter about this and were generally u11enthusiastic about their jobs. Despite the fact that they are not paid, they are often called before a cot1rt and reprima11ded if they fail to produce a witness or a crimi11al or if they n1ake a mistake in estimating the value of land. The atbia da11ias interviewed had all held tl1eir positions for quite a while -at least si11ce before the Civil Procedure Code was promt1lgated in 1965. Usually tl1ese n1en were tl1e sa1ne ones who were initially appointed in 1947 or descendants of tl1e origi11al appointee. S01ne ba]abats (landlords), now atbia danias, said they exercised 111uch the sa1ne ft1nction before the 1947 procla111ation as they do now. The purpose of appointing ''local juclges'' was to provide official sanction.s for the settlement of petty disp11tes co11venient for t11e 111any people in Etl1iopia \Vl10 otherwise would have to travel for t\vo or three days to re,1cl1 a court. And tl1e atbia da11ia's decision was to be effective because of bis stature in his o,vT I­ unity. Witl1 the new codes, however, that direction seen1s to be re,,ersed. Instead of resolving dispt1tes l1in1self, tl1e atbia dania fi11ds himself more a11d n1ore tl1e tool of tl1e centralized judicial system. Th us he is its agent for exect1tin o orders and seeing t11at parties appear before the co11rts far away. Now be exercis;s the po\ver of others. In A�dis Ababa and Harar, there are no atbia d.anias exercising jurisdiction. e Thes . aJity 11um the e are a_ Ho:wever, _111 �s1nar � ?�r of them, paid by tl1.e Municii) � atb1a d �n1as either 1nhe r:1ted t�e1r pos1t1ons or "''ere app. oi ii ted throt1 gI1 gover11roen� k wee per_ e T cases 1ey bear ct ve. quite fro1n twe11ty to tliirty conoect1�n.s, a1Jd a� _ � � � e tli n withi -:b�th c1v1l and . cr1m1nal within their localities wl1ose subject matter is lmuts set forth 1n the Local Judges Proclan1ation of 1947. These officers have various duties in addition to their judicial function. �beY make annou11Gements from tl1e governme11t to tl1 e people, register property, reg 1ster v0ters, mruke public health reports, and organize community deve1opm 11t progr an 15• e - 482 -



the disputes that come be1"'ore with ling a de .e . . In them they r�qu1r w _ ritten pleac11s_tomary procedure and subst t· ow · " 11 10 but ·e aw. A�ain, their functio din gs ; n is le the parties where possible. Judging f�� t �e relati onci rec to v el y small number of before the woreda co1ne t courts in Asmara as opposed to Ad a ses tha d is Ababa, are quite danias effectiv a e. tbi a �bese 0 fficial Proposals for Improvement A _ n_1ove directed towards the imprO\'ement of the administrative aspects of ihe juclic1a 1 system I1as b een ma de in rece11t years but no legislative or administrative action has been taken. From a ·_propos�l that was m ade . ':e m�y gain some insight into wh at steps might be take11 to improve the ad1n1n1strat1on of justice in the lower courts. The Revised Constit11tion of 1955, Article 111 provides: " !he judges shall be appoi�ted by the Emperor, they shall be of the highest cl1a:acter and reputation and shall be experienced and skilled in tl1� la\v wh1cl1 ther may be called upon to apply. Their nomination, ap­ pointment, promotion, removal, tr ansfer and retirement shall be determined by a special law governing the judiciary." The recent attempt to improve the system was directed towards the enactment of that ''special la\V governing the judiciary'' which would set fortl1 requirements that mt1st be met by ca11didates for the bench and a process wl1ich must be f0110,ved for selecti11g them. In 1962, the Senate inquired of the Minister of Justice whether the ''special law" had been prepared. 190 In response to the enquiries of Parliament, the En1peror appointed a Judicial Commission to study the problem of tl1e ''special la\-v''. 191 The Comnlission preparecl a draft of a proposed la\-v to govern tl1e appointment of judges but it was never submitted to Parliament for unlu1own reasons.

( f

nt me rlia Pa in nts me ele , ion 1iss mn Co the m fro ng mi co 1en rth Wl no draft was fo r be 1am Cl tl1e in d sse cu dis a s w w a l e Th . prepared a draft of such a law in 1964 r ste ini M e im Pr the er aft er rth fu y an red ide 11s of Deputies but th e matter ,vas no t co in ion at er id ns co r de 11n s wa ct bje s11 e m sa e reported that a draft la w covering th ed ?s op pr a ft dr e th it a aw to ed 192 re ag Interested n1e1nbers of Parliament hi s office. d e •tt ? s0 t �o as w w a l e th If � e. tim by the Prime Minister bt1t only fo r a limited , 193 To ate l1e Pri 1e MiruSler s ! soon, they said, Parliame11t would pass its own law. � ?: has been draft law h as no t been submitted to Parliament and no special l aw enacted. a new law e at u rm o f to r ro : p m E e th � . d by te in o p p a n o t si a is sk m f e m o th o C �e · la < r er ag its in h rt fo p.rov! t se 1d1 ng a framework fo r im pr o'i'ement was



190 · 19 I . 192. 193.

A·· Bant1walu, cited above at note 163, p. 45. Id., p. 46. Ibid. Id., p. 49.

- 483 -


'' 1 . Qualit)' of Judges. The Committee shall discuss tl1e appointn1ent of j11dges ,vbo are well versed in the law and l1ave a background of long jt1dicial experie11 ce. Sl1cl1 judges also 1n11st be l1onest ancl . }Jerso11s o� integrity._ Tl1ey �I1ot1ld be incorr11ptible and pay great attention to their re1)11tat1on as Judges and who (sic) dispense justice in accordance \Vi111 their conscie11ce givi11g every one his due.

2. Jurisdiction and efficiency. T11e Com1nittee shall disc11ss the jurisdictio11 each court sl1all have so as to provide efficient administration of justice. The Com1nittee shall also discuss the courts to be abolished and tl1e limitation of appeals.

3 . Abolition of corruption. Tl1e Co1111nittee shall discuss and. study the manner in \Vl1ich bribes and corruption may be abolisl1ed. The Comnlittee shall recomn1end on (sic) tbe general efficiency in dispensing j11stice in accorda11ce with the law."194 The principal draft law prepared by the Con1nlissio11 provided that a permanent Judicial Commission composed of the Minister of Justice, the Afe-Negus, the president of the High Court, tl1e Advocate General, and the Preside11t of the Chamber of Deputies be established. Trus permanent Judicial Commission would be charged with the duty of recommending awradja, High and Supreme I1nperial Court j11dges to the En1peror for appointment and investigating judicial n1isconduct and thereafter making a report to the Emperor tl1rougl1 the Minister of J11stice in those cases where misco11duct was fou11d. Woreda judges ,vere especially excl11ded fron1 all of these provisions, but a con1panion draft lav1 provided for their election by popular ...


T11e most important article of the principal draft law reads : ''No person s11.all be confirn1ed i11 l1is appoi11tn1ent as a j11dge by U s (the En1peror) u11less tl1e Com1nission confirms that l1e l1as proved l1in1self to be botl1 of the highest character a11d a compete11t and efficie11t judge.'' 195 At present judges are appoi11ted by the Emperor on 11or11i11atio11 by tl1e Ministry of Justice. The En1peror has tl1e po\ver to add na111cs to 110111ination lists for,varded to him by the Mi11istry and l1e reportedly cloes so qt1ite freqt1ently. Tl1e princi pal draft la\v would I1ave put i11to effect the ter111s of tl1e Co11.stit11tion tl1at, i11 respe ct to all judges, ''their nomi11ations, appoint111ent, JJromotio 11, ren1oval, transfer and retirement shall be determined by special law governing tl1e Judiciary,"196 though the Emperor's ''appointme.nt'' power pursl1ant to Article Lil would ren1ain as a matter of course.

194. Id., appendix. 195 • A.rt. 4 of �he Draft Decree in A. Bantiwalu, cited above at note 163. A literal interpretati�o _ of tb1s sect1on of tlJe draft Jaw would mean that n o judges could be appointed to the av.1radJ3 court wl10 had not previously served as judges. 196. Re'-lised Constitution of 1955, A.rt. Ill.

- 484 -


. . . draft law took the power to • •t· cipal prin li ll la te The d 1sc1plinary procedures out . f th o e . . d"1ct"ion M"1n1ster of Just· c Juris ole s d pla�ed it in the ha11ds of f the � the awradja and \Voreda co�r�s f of nts ide s pre a Judge, after receiving a �e · de nt did not m end his w pr esi his from t� draft d:cree provided that g min of the court concerned shoul d for!�:d e complaint t_ t iden s pre �: o th e Minister . would tur11 refer the in matter to tl pe manent_ ud c1al f Justice who s lti ?1f Co sion. i J ; : ; cli e ld th n v ou w ha jtl e n io le so ris c i n �be Commiss ns1der tb_ e gu1l� _of the � �� d m ea?ures to be take n. The Comn1iss ion an o sed m ake. its dec 1s1on by accu e of its memb ers an d pass its recornmendat·ion on to t vot rity he Emperor for maJ·o approval. to be .issued pursuant to the pr1n "Regulations'' tl1at were · c1p · a1 draft law gave . . t1rts cer t·run pre ciseIy e11umerated respon sibilities: co f o ts den presi "l. distribution of work among th e various divisions of the court; 2. the expeditiot 1s an d smooth working of the court and the court registry; 3 . !he prompt d ealing w�th complaints concerning the administration of justice 1n the courts under his control; 4. the reporting t� the Commission of judges or to the Minist er of prosecutors who have m1sconducte d themselves or shown incapacity in the proper di scharge of their duties; 5. the provisions (sic) of copjes of the codes and laws and stationery to enable the courts prope rly to function; 6. informing the Minister where th ere is a shortage of judges or prosecuto rs owing to sickn ess or other causes.'' 197 Further, according to these Regt1lations the r egistrar and court staff were to be under the direct control of the presid ent of each court. eror will act, when p Em the t tha int po e th e z asi ph em o s als The Regulation the of t no and on issi mm Co the of on ati end un con e r the on g g s, appointin jud e up Minister of Justice alon e . 198 se nt time e e pr th at m ste l sy ia c di ju n ia op l1i Et The most common abuses in the received special attention in the Regulations.


"No judge shall: (a) unneces sarily dela y the conclusion of a case; d caus e; o go ut ho it w rt u co s i h at (b) absent himsel f from att endance . , ia; op hi Et of . . ws . (c) fail to give effect to th e la . .1strat1� st1c_ e; JU r. � n Jn m ad e r p ro (d) d o anything wl1ich will int erfere with the p rit y 1n�relat1on o th au e v ti a tr s i in m d a n a (e) pay any regard to instrtlctions ,give n b y to the trial or con duct of any case ;· s; ie rt a p · d n a s, se s e n it w . (f) fail to be courteous to advocates, ,•


197 · A rt,cle · 3 of Reg ulations


ove at b a d te , ci lu . a , \\ ( an B A . . Decree Draft to be issued pursuant

o te 163, appendix. n 19 8· Id., Art. 4 of Draft Regulations.

- 485 -


(g) wllere a jtidge wishes to absent himself �or a reaso� �tl1er than medically certified serious illness he sl1all first obtain the 1)er1n1ss1on of the President of tl1e Court." 199

Suggestions for Improvement As seen in the precedi11 g section, 011e approach that has b�e1� �uggeste d for improven1e11t is to ,,est the power of a,ppoi11t;111e11t, rem.�val, a11d d1sc1pl1ne of judges in a Commission of qualified lawyers and Judges. It 1s reaso11ably clear, l1owever, that the implementation of this suggestion ,vo11ld not solve all the problem s that exist in tl1e ad1ni11istration of justice in the lower courts. The basic proble1u appears to be a shortage of qualified people who are willing to work as lower court judges for $ 80. 00 or $ 120. 00 per 1uo11th. A judicial Com­ mission can hardly force qualified people to apply for those jobs. The first solution to n1any of the lo,ver cot1rts' problems that comes to mind is tl1e allotment of a larger share of Etluopia's budget to tl1e Mi11istry of Justice. If tl1is were do11e, j11dges a11d other cot1rt personnel could be paid higher salaries a11d the physical state of tl1e lower co11rts co11ld be improved. Higl1er salaries nligbt do a\.vay witl1 tl1e appare11t 11eed for judges and other cot1rt personnel to supplement their 110,v meager incomes from other sources, ii1clt1ding bribes, and improvement of the physical condition of the courts probably wo11ld give employees of the Ministry of Jt1stice more pride in their jobs. However, n1ea11i11gful s11ggestions for i1uprovei11e11t l1ave to take into account the possibility that more money for the ad1ni11istration of j ustice will not be forthco­ ming fro111 the Govern1nent. The qt1estion the11 is \vhat can be done to improve the situation ,vith the fina11cial resources available. Improvement needs to be made in tl1ree basic areas. First, tl1e procedures through which judgme11t in individual cases is rendered have to be made to operate more quickly and efficiently. The second area i11 w]1icl1 i 1nprove111e11t is needecl con­ cerns the applicatio11 of substantive la\v. I-Iow can better 11se be 111ade of the codes and how can the present st1bsta11tive Ia,v be adapted to tl1e r1eeds of the lovver courts? Thirdly, there is 110 indepe1 1dent source from wl1icl1 t1seft1 l criticis1ns and. s11ggestions with regard to the administration of jt1stice c,1n e111a11ate. Thougl1t sl1ould be given to the question of how such sot1rces can be developed a11d made to benefit tl1e system.

Procedure Ea �h c��rt !s comp ?sed o� a n111nber of personnel prese 11t for tI1 e purpose of processing l1t1 gat1on at its various stages. Eacl1 cot1rt fron1 tl1 e judge to �be lowest messenger, �as specific and esse11tial tasks to perfor� (asstiming the c?urt 1s _not _overstaffed). It 1s clear that at the present time, many court personnel, incl­ uding Judges, lack personal dedication to their jobs. They are overworked, under­ paid, and harassed. As a result they do not do a good job and the court does not function as it should. 199. Id., Art. 5 of Draft Regulations.

- 486 -









Soroe thing should be done t o foster i n th se peopl_ e a new _ a t!it ude to wa rds e�, �or exam pl e, cotlld iti r : o Auth k. creat P ssional a�so c1 at1o th ir wor n s for th ese pe d 1ca r1o l [ e iss 11 pu : bli � ca tio � ns and d e a l : le ing e p rofesSin a l pro blems . Th _ p l t 11ld e sl10 tic 1s e � s �oc1 Ju f or e o p jnistry on wa ys of b ii d ng tl e r m oral e. Fr eq u ent l t � t r cou staf l al 1ot var 111 1s f M eetings of_ localities i n whic prob lems c . o mmon to a ll llli d ght 1 fos se te s r d1s c1 a 1 e 1 w spirit. :uld be . Next, the p roce du:es by \vhich courts operate nee d to b e revie w ed. Is 1t better, li t tle a r fo progr e ss to be made 00 1 for exam ple, a ea ch d_ay or f o r the to ard ir � e con h clt1sion witl1out interr�p�:n � cases to be l it1gants b e l d ou · · per10ds of t1· 111e t o l1ave th eir cases a·t for long \\�lling to �'I. . l1eard if tl1e k new Yt1 1e case that whe n their appo1 11 tn1e11ts occt1red tl 1ey cotild b e assured o f 1 1a .v11 • 1g · k"Jy ?. p�r11aps a sys te111 co t1ld be .effe�te d whereby certai1 1 da resolved _q u1c ys \Vo uld " h e a r! pro •!g 1or d c� ura l 111att�rs a 11cl c�rtain days devo ted t o full trial be. set as1de . s. Tliis would e11able lit1ga.nts to hav� tl1e1r �till trial s_ h eard continuotisly as jtidg es would not feel tl�e pres s�re to postpone trials to d1 s1)ose of procedural ina tters in other ca_ ses. H ear_11!g �· trial tl1ro11gl1 to co11clusio11 ,vot1ld enable parties to obtain fast relief. �d lit1ga t1on. ,vou ld 11ot l1ang over the hea ds of both parties fo r long periods of time. Tl1e split dock et system st1ggeste d wo uld to s om e extent provide relief to people wl10 110w co111e to cot1rt for mi11or p roc edural matters and find t11at they must wait for lengthy trials to be concluded befo r e tl1eir cases are h eard. Of course, tbjs all hinges 011 a court's ability t o r eq11ire that litigants com e prepared to go ah ead witl1 a full trial on appoint1 nent dates. Co urts s l101tld 1nake it known that t l1e y \Vill de al strictly ,vith litigants, advocates, and wit11esses \vho do not appear on appointn1ent dates with the ma terial tl1at is needed fo r r eso lution of the ca s e.

As noted in tl1 e appen dix, many ca s es - esp ecial ly those bro ugl1t upo n private complaint - are dismissed b ecause of t]1 e f ailure of tl1e plaintiff t o appea r i11 co 11rt on successive occa sions. Immediate n otificatio 11 of the co11rt as to a pla i11t i1I's d ecisio n not to proceed \\'ith a case woul d save tin1e n o ,v b eing was ted by court s in scl1 edu­ ling and ca lli11g cases for · heari11g wb.icl1 have been dropped. Litiga 11ts sho11ld be encouraged to comn111nicate their decision not to proc eed. A r11le co11ld be pr�­ mu.lgated to this effect a11d litigants co1 1ld be i1 1formed of its. existenc e \Vl1en_ their suits are fil ed. Fin es co11ld be i111posed fo r f ail11re to appea r without explanation. Ano ther proble111 in 11ee d of sol_t1tion is the co 1lf11sion ?reated by cro �ded courtroo ms. Until larger courtroo111s becom e available , con �e st1on �ould be -�� l• e�ed by clearing t h e rooms of those wh o h a ve no pe rsonal interest 1n !l1 e litiga �1?n . day, or cou rtroon1 seatmg capac1t1es . taking place in a partic11 lar co11rt on a given could be determined and e11force d by court personnel. o fa �l _t 0 . s ee wh 0 se th , s r to cu se o pr ll a Aft er an· appropriat e notic e i s giv •en to th·at case s are p r epared at th e first l1ea r1ng of a cr.·im·ina1 ca s e s1iouId. .b e d1s. c1p1 in. ed0 nt is goi�0 ti g� li a t o n or r e th see wh e the co urt. oto tin ai w y of ce ti ir ac he 0 pr T bt0 ertain sc a y il as e 1d t1 o c s r o t · cu se o p . PIead guilty before pre1)ari11g sl1011Id b e ch�n ged. · r a defendant's pl e a before the first full he aring i n court. o r them f d te n i o p p a l e s n t1 co . s ha ve fre . ent defen · ·unal cases, fe w indig an d b In cr1n _ � :. o be any t m see not es d o ed, t ll� r h int o e pp a 1s l rt e cou s t1o co . And wl1en ed w ie rv Y. t te in s e g d ti J r. e tionale fo r their appointn1 ent in one case _as ?pposed t0 n oth entation, � repres e e fr e receiv e re _not certai11 tinder wh at circt1 msta nces indigents sh_oti_1: ent indig g n lvi o n v i s e cas '· and In th e fac e f criwna1 O r e n1b nt1 of the overwhelming - 487 -


e th of . 52 le ed tic vis Ar Re of d n Constit.. a mm co • ored the . de fiendants, they s1mp1y 1gn 111tn° 1 ... tlt Of co�usel po· _a . · p e th t 0 ? in lat re l�s ru at th for utiot1 of 1955. It is suggested . _ em th en 1g l11 wh tel es po dg ap Ju to le . . n a1 d e1e .1na·1gent cr1m1 ab ail av e ad m be � ndants · int ments Ch appoint ment s ·t SLI 1 1· 1m es 1 ru at th d te es gou s to s ]1ould be mad e. It ·.ls further . pro 1 ega � · · I ior t esS sen pre 1 t�e l be t wil tl1a so s me certain relatively serious cri . or po e th r fo n tio ta en es pr re of lem ob pr able to cope with the Judges should be given more power to control the personnel in tb.�ir c?urts. t tha tlie� are pr11nar1ly in 1� �l1e to r clea it ke ma ld cou ce J y tisti of The 11inistr charge of what goes on in their courts and also pr1mar1ly respons1bie for the efficient admi11istration of them. :::J

Improvement cot1ld als o be made in the orga11izatio11 and jurisdiction of the courts. In rural areas, for instance, awradja courts are ofte11 located far from people they serve. Some, at least, of their jurisdiction of first instance could be given to the woreda courts or perhaps s01ne awradja court judges coL1ld ride the circuit of the ,voreda courts within their jurisdiction. When three awradja court judges sit on one case, as prescribed by law, manpower is wasted when judges else\vhere are hard-pressed to l<eep up with their workloads while operating i11dividually. Further1nore disorderly proc�edi11gs often result \Vhe11 three a\vradja judges in the sarne room hear three differe11t cases sim­ u ltaneously, as happens i11 so1ne a\vradja co urts. Tl1ese judges should either be separated to l1ear cases individually or, where there is not enough b usiness for that, some of the judges should be assigned to \Voreda courts to relieve the heavy work loads that exist there. ! The heavy workloads of woreda cot1rt judges in large towns might also be relieved by permitting atbia danias to exercise sorn� of the formers' subject matter j urisdiction. These atbia danias, if properly selected witl1 regard to their stature in a community and if endowed with po\ver to cotnpel people to appear bef?re t�e?1 in civil cases as well as criminal cases and if given po1rver to e11force their dec1s1011s, could take as much as one-third of the cases 110 w heard by \Voreda courts. S1nall debt, insult and defa1nation cases, as well as 1ninor assaults could be referred to the atbia dania whose first du.ty would be to try to effect a settlement . putants. �ll cases within between . the dis the st1bject matter of this officer would be 1:equ1red to be submitted to him. Tl1e procedure in sLich courts should be relatively u nstructured so as to be m1nageable by these judges. O rlly a staternent of the �acts and the 1!ames of t�e parties involved i n the disptites 11 eed be presented to .the Judge. A special code m1ght be drafte:l for use iu this cvurt which would m�et the ne�ds of the typical kinds of clisputes out of which S!.lGh small clairn s arise. Substantive Law

eing b not It is clea: from ?ur investigation of court files that code articles are n a om fr properly ap_pl1ed or interpreted. But it . is not clear tllat injustice results inability to cope with the codes - especially in civil cases. � n criminal case�, however, where the l pr o s ecutor is oiven discretion to labe �e�ta1 � acts as one crtme as opposed to anot s, nt e he hr r o thereby setti; i:Y ossible unis m1u��1ce may r �sult from inability to di stinguish the vario�so elem�nts ihat go in to , ma�,ng a part1cul. ar offence. 488 -


To remedy this sit11ation, i t . is s11ggested that code . . . . r P ovisi th a a ns re t ca l1 se ea s rd �eal11 1 g with the in the lower co u ? es o f rts b lo to w co 1 er u te rt d judges, advocates, and r distribu sc �b���rt:�e :�0:�:us��u:� . a a t1 11 0 d 11 11 ex s p la a m p le ex s n <l esioned to mak contai . . ' e th e J·udge cons1• th e rele . . sues. De c1s1011s of b"Iooher c ou r t·s reI a� vant t111.g to the sub1ects co is . ntained m this J a t I e t d a c1rc o t1 · manua I 11 I o,v be er cot 1rt uld Jtldges. sho Ed11cati�n , o f c� u!·se, . is th e .key to im1)rovemen t of tl1 e application of t11e ed u ca 1c o 1 t e 11 s1 1s B t1 t ac ce ssible to oruy a few of th codes. � e matly judges in Ethio­ s1 1g t1 ge al st ro e_ b an d o . th pia, e a. �e co� l� re_acl1 even t11e rural judge, ruid co . u ld have ad n th 1ru o e t 11 1s tr ef at e f 10 c 11 of ie Jt 1st1ce tbrotighout the coutltry. son An Outside Viewpoint. Problen1s of jt1dicial ad1uinistratio11 are the sole concern of the Ministry of ca te i n s Et hi_opia _do not exercise the. same critical f t1 Justice. Advo nction with regard pr leg of as al essions 1n other cot111tries. Tbt1s the j11dicial to co11rts system in Ethio­ pia J1 as no 011tside indepe11dent overseers ,vho are at the sa1J1e time intunately acq11ainted witl1 its inner workings. Advocates should be brought together by the Ministry of Ju stice an d gi,,en son1e responsibility for making suggestions for impr­ ovement whic}1 co uld be considered a nd acted upon by the Ministry. The Ministry shot1ld also spo11sor discussions and meetings participated in by advocates and j udges in \Vllicl1 these importa 1 1t pillars of the judicial system could be made to feel that they have some co11trol over the machine in which they are 110w only cogs. l

- 489 -

. VI - l'{ o. 2 L O V W A L N A PI IO I-I T B F O L A JOURN

APPENDIX LED THE CASES IN THE COURTS AND HOW THEY ,\RE HAND Introduction Files in an .Addis Ababa woreda court and in tl1e MenagesJ1a Awradja of Addis Ababa were ana1ysed by tean1s of law students. In tl1e woreda cot1r � (her_e1uafter referred to as the "Wore�a Court") every twentietl1 case for tl1e year 1968 was pt1t into d1?est (orn1. In the Me11agesl1a AwradJ a, digests were made of every tent11 case for tl1e sam� year. Est1n1at1ons of percentages . as !o types of cases I1eard are thus based on a random selection and sbot1ld be dee1ned approx1mat1ons. Tl1e inforn1ation contained in the sections belo,v is designed to give tl1e reader more than a recital of percentages, 110\vever. Ana1ysis of cases contai11ed . in _court arcl1ives of woreda and awradja courts helps to identify in detail the problen1s tl1at exist In the lower courts. Reference to code articles "cited," ''relied 11pon," or ''mentioned'' is to articles contained in pleadings written by advocates, scribes, or litigants. Judges, in tl1eir decisions, did not usually refer to code articles. It is possible, therefore, tl1at jt1dges in making a decision disregarded the code provisions cited in tl1e pleadings presented to tl1em and relied t1pon their own unstated ratio­ nales when dis1Josing of a case. To tl1e extent, then, tl1at statt1tory autl1ority is inappropriately used, one can only co11clt1de tl1at so1neo11e in tl1e lower cot1rt system, be it a scribe, an advocate, a judge, or even an occasio11al litigant, is not fully conversant with the codes.

THE \VOREDA COURT The jt1risdiction of the woreda court in Addis Ababa includes a modern bt1siness and shopping center, a modern residential area, and a ''11ative'' residential and market 11eigl1borl1ood. Cases coming before this woreda court sl1ould, therefore, be fairly representative of all tl1e kinds of disputes that are likely to arise in Addis Ababa. The Woreda Court J1as two divisions -- a civil and crin1inal side eacl1 manned by one judge.

CiviJ Cases Approximately tl1irty-nine percent of tl1e Civil Cases l1eard in the Woreda Court involved debts arising out of loa11s between private individuals and failure to pay bills, tl1irteen percent inv?l,,ed !1?11-payn1ent of rent, twelve percent were concerend ,vitl1 c111ployer-en1plo),e,e disput es mainly ar1s1ng out of non-payment of severe11ce lJay, eleve11 percent \vere clai111s for no11-1)ay n1ent of taxes. Tl1e other_ t,v�11ty-percent of tl1e cases ,vere divided ratl1er evenly bet1vvee11 disputes o,:er ��t1b payn1ents, ob]1gat1on � of . guara11tors, cl1ild st1pport pay 111e11ts a11ct inarital disputes over d1v1s1on of property, and cert1ficat1on of co11tracts by the cot1rt. Also included in the residue t,venty­ five per�ent we�e cases involvi�g 0011-delivery of goods aiit.i claims for property dru11age. The . cases \Vtl1 be d1scu�s�d below In . order of their freqt1e11cy j 11 tlle worcda court. The latter t,vo types of cases - - civil damage claims and 11on-delivery of goods-- 1vvill 110t be discussed because tJ1ey con1posed sucl1 a s111all percentage of tl1e cases heard tl,at no cons · trtictive coIJclusions can be drawn from tl1em.

Debts Arising fron1 Loans . I\1ost ?_ebts arose out of small loans betweet1 individuals. For tll e tTiost part, tl1e loan �as ed either admitted �Y the defendant, proved � Y a 1vvritten coi1tract of loan fail ant defe nd tlle or , _ te to appear and J U.dgu1ent was entered agarnst 11in, in liis absence. ispu cases tl,e d otJJ In er ust1aUy revolved around· the an1011t1t of n1oney tliat 1,a· d bee n wn Jo the to t · pa1•ct b ack ·purst1an . ment, t. . .- o parties eacl1 a dtff agree be tw erent an1otint. . esses In such situations tl1e central isst1e in the case was ; ·. ,vitn by one , prove of fact to be d or assumptions. Very little interpretation of tl,e Ia,v was . revi a from �; required clear and it is _ 5, et' tll �e. cases tl1at not I?uch was engaged in by the n� plead1. scribes tl1e wl10 out wrote . th e JJi'.tigants, or by the Judges. Since the basic qt1est1o ns 1.were, was tl1ere a loan and, if so,

- 490 -

THE LOWER COURTS OF ETHIOPIA . defend�t pay the ,money back according to t 1le terms the did of the agreen1ent, not anyone s on part was tation required. rpre mucl1 legal inte the abo,,e assertion let us take a . · In order to prove typical case, anaIyse the fa · g ' h in e t ea p · d 1 d 1n cts and then ment1one s and tl1e judge's decision. s rticle a the The plaintiff brot1ght l1is case to court claiming that th e �e. fe.ndant refused to y him the E $J30.00 that he had . loan ed the clefendant pursuant to a w tten I?� agreement. pa At the first e defendant did not appear and tli e judge ordered �; th ing, bear 1� plaintiff to _se�ve the defendant copy and of tl1e mo_ complaint. At tlie next h eari g b with a sum ns ot _ b plaintiff a1;1.ct defend ant � t . a the tl1 rd lly, a ng, in heari 1 . four months after th P atntiff ,v ere absent F . ll�d f:tled bis con1plaint, for Judg tl1e men t plain tiff � gave in the e defendant's a sence. The Judge relied the judg on Civil , . d 79 , 28 an 16 05 20 20 les tic Ar Code Here it is necessary to ·give a sl1ort discussion of the Civil c0de A rtic • 1es wh·ich govern loan�... · · I ?471 Cod the e v1· c1 of 1 of Etl 11o · p1a defines the term "loan": ArtJc e "The loan of money ancl otl1er fL1ngibles is a contract where.bY a P�rty, tJ1e lender, under. ·er,· a certain to tl1e other party the bor row takes to deliver quantity of money or other . . ' fungi'ble tl11?-gs and to tr'1:nsfer to l11m the ownership tJ1ereof on the condition that the borro\Ver will return to him as mucl1 of the same kind and quality." Since a loan is a ''contract'', the provisions of the Civil Code relating to contracts in general apply to tl1e cases involving loans (Article 1676 of tl1e Civil Code). Artie le 1675 defines a contract as "an agreement ,vbereby t\1. 0 or more persons as between themselves create, vary or exting­ uish obligations of a proprietary nature''. 1

It is clear that tl1e jt1dges and scribes keep in mind one cardinal principle when tl1ey decide a case such as tl1e one given in the example above : "he who can prove that another has borrowed money from l1im and l1as refused to pay pursuant to the agreement made at the time of borrowing, has the right to receive payn1ent from l1is debtor". The principle is clear, but tl1e problem is how to state it in terms of code provisions. Aside from resoving tl1e factual issues, a judge must provide some basis in law for recovery. In our case, Article 2005, dealing with a metl1od of proving the existence of a contract, was relied upon : (1) A written instrument sl1all be conclusive evidence, as bet\veen those who signed it, of the agreement tl1erein eontained and of tl1e date it bears. (2) It sl1all l1ave the sam e probatory value for persons represented in the act and the heirs of tl1e parties. re the t tha t fac the to nt eva rel is icle art s tl1i e, cas Since there was a written contract in our \Vas an agreement accordi1 1g to tl1e tern1s of tl1e writing. The next article mentioned was Article 1679 whicl1 reads : object of their e e th fin de o wh es rti p� e th ,, of t en ns "A contract shall depend on tl1e co . ) de Co vil Ci , 79 16 e cl rti (A . y eb undertakings an d agree to be bound ther is th of n io at cit e th t bu ct ra nt co g in . The element of consent is necessary to a leg�lly bind . ue iss an t no as w it of ck la or article seems to ha ve little relevance to this case since consent


was cited : de Co Finally,!Article 2028T'of il Civ the �� d' ' • o o g it e k a m ll a sh ce en fli , ''Whosoever causes:fdamage to anotl 1er b Y an 0 . . ..ty and b1l1 . . ia L al tu ac tr n o C ra ' xt E • XIIl e ' · However, this provision falls within the C1v1l Cod_e,s Titl Unlawful Euricl1 : 1nent. Article 2037 of tl1at Title proVIdes . his extracontractual liability \Vhere . "(1) A person shall not co m m it an offence mvo lving ntract. co a r de n u. . sue11 a case ns io at lig he fails to discl1arge hi s ob 10 app1Y sl1all s contract . . . f 0 (2) Tl1e prov1s1ons regardmg non-perform.ance (Article 2037, Civil Code).''

- 491 -

JOURNAL OF ETI-TIOPIAN LAW - VOL. VI - No . 2 se at 11a11d th�ugh it certa inly c tJ1e t to . ":an l irre is 11, t11e de, � Co � il . , Article 2028 of tl1e Civ , 111s an see t, y ntl tex emrne ov1s1on 111 con Just and. pr tl1e g din rea tlt o h wit , lich Wl ple nci pri tes a sta reasonable one. icl1 entitles one to recover wl1 law of is bas a is n, tl1e n, isio dec for is bas Left out of the s to pay it back. use ref ter lat tl1e en wl1 11ey n10 ned loa bas 11e 1 011 \vJ1 e monev fron1 on to C ode Articles relating to the effect of co11tracts iI1 general (Article 1_731) and_ of tl1e effect of non-performance of a contract were not �1en.ti?ned. Insteac1? o ther art� cles wl11cl1 seen1ect to relate to variotis aspects of co11tractt1a] relat1onslJ1p \vere me11t1oned, son1et1n1es erroneously so. �

It \Vas seldo111 that any of the loan cases reviewed mentioned Article 1731 (I): ''The provisions of a contract la\vfully formed sl1all be binding on the parties as though they were the law''; Or Article 1771 : '' (1) Where any party does 11ot carry out J1is obligatio11s u11der !he party may, according to tl1e circt11nstances of tl1e cas�, reqt11re _ tl1e contract or the cancellation of the contract o r 1n certain cancel tl1e contract. (2) He may in addition require tl1at the dan1age caused to hin1 b:y n1ade good."

contract, tl1e other the enforceme_nt of cases n1ay himself non-perforn1ance be

or Article 2482 (I): ''Tl1e, borrower shall return tl1e tl1i11gs lent in tl1e sa111e qua11tity and quality as agreed." Tl1e assun1ption by tl1e cou :rts seems to be tl1at it goes \vitl10L1t saying tl1at once the debt is proven to exist, tl1e debtor is o bliged to pay wl1at l1e owes to l1is creditor. Tbis assumption ru11s so deeply tl1at often tl1e only articles me11tioned i11 the pleadings are Articles 222 and 223 of the Civil Pr o cedL1re Code, tl1ose articles c o ncerened 1nainly wit11 the form and c,onte11ts of pleadings. (See sectj on on scribes above). Otl1er cases i11volving contractual relationships , are similarly interpreted t1sing code proYisions, Quite a few of tl1ese disputes arise from ekub associatio11s. Tl1ese associatiot1s are \.Vage-pooling groL1ps. Eacl1 member contribt1tes a certain amoL111t of mo11ey per \:Yeek and tl1e11 lots are dravvn. TlJe person who ,vins for the week receives all o f tl1e money pooled and is not eligible to ,vin another "1Jot'' 11ntil. everyo11e in the grot1p l1as \Von. But the perso11 vvl10 is st1ccessful is obliged to k.eep contributing 11is weekly sl1are u11til a con1plete round has been made of all tl1e men1bers. Various kinds of dis1Jutes can arise ,vitbin these organizations. Tl1e t\VO examples belo,,, are typical o f ekub disputes. - The plaintiff s11ed tl1e defendant me111bers of the ekttb for his sl1are of tl1e 111011ey upon having drawn tl1e winning lot. Tl1e defen.dants did not appear in court for the first l:iearing because they did not receive a SL1mn1ons. At the 11ext hearing the defendants did not appear and the court ordered tl1e JJlai11tiITfI to brir1g \Vit11esses wl10 could testify to tl1e exjstence of the ekub agreen1e11t a11cl to tJ1e fact that tJ1e plai 11tifr l1rad clra\\'Il the win.11ing chance. At tl1e next heari11g, tl1ree 111ontl1s after tl1e case was filed, all the defend.ants appeared and they were ordered to pay tJ1e plaintiff 1iis .13.$ J 5.00. Articles 222,223 of the Civil Procedure Code a11d Article 2002 of tl1e Civil Code ,vere cited. - The defendant received the ''pot'' for the \veek a11d tJ1erea1'ter reftised to make a.ny weelcly contributi�ns. Tl1e rest of tl1e nJembers brought t,in1 a11d J1is guarantors t o cot1rt to collect arrears 1n weekly dues an1ounting to $ 420.00 Eth. At tt1e first appoi11tment the c ourt ordered a st101mons se11t t o tl1e defenda.nt. At tl1e seco11d ar,poii1tn1ent tl1e defendant as.ked the negara fedge of tl1e ekub t o present his at1tl1orization to represent t11e group. _ . . . autl1or1za At tl1e next appo111tm ent the tion was JJrodt1ced btit tI1e defendant demanded a copy of the c ontra.ct f o r hi�self and. a c o ntinua11ce was giveii to gi,,e tt1e copies to tl1e defendant. A_t tl1e fourth hearing the defend.ant asked tliat tl1e a1110t111t alleged t o be o wed be verified. At the 1?fth appointment the plaintif f requested jtidgment. Six montl?s after the case �as filed J�dgment for tl1e full a1110u11t of $ 420.00 Eth. was given in _ . fa_vor �f . the plamtiffs . Civi l C o de A rticles 2005, 2028 and 1920 were nienti o ned along with Civil procedUFe Code Articles 222,223 and 92. e tber re �ga � tbe articles cjted d o not g o to the substance of tl1e n1atter. In cases whe �s � �tten ekub oontract among the members, the plaintiffs often cited Article 2005:

-- 492




th e associatio11 was c onstituted by an wher e e s cas . Ora1 agreen1ent to , 1o e d: t ci pay weekly dues, Art1'cles equently fr \V8S ?002 a_ " roof may b e dduced by writings, \Vitnesses, l)resum Jtions .a party,s . . e tl 1 th adn rules 1 wi 1ss 1on or oath, set c e . P accordan out in this Cha'Pteir. a d _ n the forms JJrescribed . re du " ce il ro iv P C in the �ode of But, as in tl1e lo an ca�es, 110 article IJrovicUng a basis for recovery_ was cited. Pr?�f of a ent aut<?11 1at1caJ_ly 111eant tha t til e e1n agr e b eku J)la int iff could .�cover a�a•nst o I vard ne not abiding b y ag Ar at ti An n, cl d e 2028 of tile Civil Code , [ eement. a 1 ch provides fo r cl Ille amage so n1e \Va tin s e 1�s s a:risi�g nc e" cit , _ e cl "o ff as a � ba �n s i s for 1' . rc c �v :c o As sta ted above, t his article is f n n e the upon 1 d iss e 1 ie rel � is n \Vl 1 non-1)erf o r1 ance o f a co tract errr o neously and the damages to follow. }-louse Rent The second largest proportion of c ivil cases . heard in the Woreda Court dur1ng · . · · 1968 u• 1vo·1ve e o t f I 1 n 011s non e -pay I ent. 111 1 • . Tl e for fol o l ,v1 ng s 1s a typical case: claim The d�fei:i�ant \ ",1as accused of . 11ot l)aying $ 74.00 Eth. of house rent allegedly du e to the plamt1ff pu.rsua11t to an un,vr1tten c ontract of lease. At tl1e first 1, the defendant \1/aS not prese11 t and so t� e c ou rt ord ered a su111 mo11s to b e delivered to him by the plaintiff. At tl1e s ec_ond �1 ear1ng, tl1 e defendant failed to app ear again and was fined $ 20. 0 0 Etb. because of 111s failure to b e present. At tl1e third J1earing, f our months after the case ,vas filed, tl1e court gave its decision in favor of the plaintiff in the absence of the defendant. Civil Code Articles 222 and 223 were mentioned in the pleadings. As \vith contracts of loan, there are spe cial Civil Cod e articles relating to contracts regarding hous es. Article 2945 of tl1e Civil Code de fmes the secop e of these articles :



"(1) The provisions of tlus section sl1all apply wl1ere the contract of lease relates to a




house, furnished or unfurnisl1 ed, a flat, a ro o1n, or son1e other building or part of a building. (2) Nothing sl1 all affect tl1 e provisions gover11ing c ontrac ts relating to 11o tels in the ti t le of 1J1is Code r elati11g to "Contracts for tl1 e performa11c e of services (Arts 2653-2671)." Article 2951 of the Civil Cod e provid es : "(J) Unless otherwise agreed, the re11 t sha11 b e paid at th e end of each quarter where the lease has b e en n1ade for 011e or 1nore years. (2) It shall b e paid at tl1e end of each n1onth, wh ere the lease is of shorter duration or made for an indet er111 inate p eriod. (3) The r ent sball in all cases be JJaid on the expiry (sic) of the lease. The art icle governing tl1e c onseque11ces of non-payn1 ent of rent wJ1 en due is Article 2952: "(I ) Where the l esse e is late in paying a term of rent wl1icl1 bas fallen due, the ]es�o r · · · · e ar or more and a per10d y a for is se lea tl h1n 1 a peri o d o f tl1trty d w e may give ays er e 1 · . ' lt 1� ·11 that' in defau ing - form of fifteen days wl1 ere th e lea se is for a sl1orter p eriod , in � of payn1 ent, the contract sl1 all b e tern1 i□ated at the end of tl1at perio • . ti (2) The period shall run from tl1 e day when the Iess ee l1 as r eceived tl1 e no ce of the lessor. .. . e rigl1t to terminate th o r ss le e th to g givin (3) Any stipulation red11cing sucl1 pei:ods _or e of no effect." b l al sh , nt re of nt e i pa)n the lease forthwitl1 on account of a failure 1n the t us m rt . nt f re o t en ym . pa no n of . est' on These are the Civil Cod e provisi<;>ns relating to_ t �e ng perni er isions gov ov pr e d o C 1 vi bf e remember ed, i 2 � however, tl1at a l ease 1s a contract �1 ti non-perforn1a nce of a contract (Arts. ���ance of contracts in general (Arts. 1740- 1762),. e ff; c t of _2019 ) apply to contracts of lease. 1 -1805), a11 0 01 d proof in relation to c ontracts (Arts · . .'Jngs o f m ost l p e th lll ed 1 ii With this in mind let us loo k at the code provisions conta rent cases in th e Woreda Court. es 222 and 223 of l ic rt A ly n I " �ost of the cases involving non-paymen t of house r ent, the h rt fo t se , d re e b m e m e �r �� the i l c]es.' it will I f ar se The . vl Procedure Cod e were m entioned. require ments for what must be contained in tl1 e pleadings.

- 493-

I - No. 2 V . L O V W A L N A PI IO H T E F JOURNAL O de, otl1er articles were cited Co e ur ed oc Pr vil Ci tl1e of 3 22 d an . · .n to Ar·t·ic1es. 222 · add1t1o If, 1n 1·ela1·tng to tl 1e conelus1ve e ' d O · c 1 · i iv c· e t l 1 f · ° 05 20 ness le tic Ar tl1e additional article \Vas t1sually of a \JJritten contract. cial articles relating to spe tl1e of pe sco the ing de ve abo � d ote qu Article 2945, tlle Article e any substanti ve basis for vid pro not s doe o als 1t 1 ugl tl1o tly, uen freq leases, \Vas cited next most recovery. e��nent a �1d Article 2952 agr of e enc abs the in dt1e s fall t ren tl1e n \Vhe ing 1 ern Article 295 gov ned 1n cases where ntio me orn seld ry v e wer t ren of t nen � Jayi non ct of effe the ling with dea J they ,vere clearly relevant. Those articles relatin� to the r1gl1t of recovery upon non-performance of a contract (Arts. 1771-1805) \Vere never mentioned. Tl1us in the rent default cases as \Veil as tl1e cases involving contract of loan, the issues considered b:y the court \Vere wl1 ether there was an agreement between t �1e . parti �s, and whether or not tl1e an1ount due l1ad bee11 paid. TI1is detern1ination ,vas made w1th1n a framework of code articles irrelevant to tl1e main issue at l1 and--what \Vas tl1e basis in law of the plaintff's right to recover? Termination of Employment

Dispt1tes between em_ployee and en1ployer were tl1e next most freqt1e11tly I1eard type of case in tl1e Woreda Court.

Most of tl1ese cases it1volved tl1e employer's failure to give notice or to pay severence com­ ensation to dismissed employees. Other cases co11cerned alleged failt1res to pay salaries v.1!1 en due and failure of tf1e employer to pay l1ospitalization expenses for wl1icl1 he \Vas responsible. Again, in these cases, code a.rticles were cited mecl1a1lically and a statutory basis for recovery was not included in tl1e pleadings or i11 jt1dges' decisions. The defenda11t, a large hotel in Addis Ababa, \Vas sued by a \Vorker \vho ,vas dismissed allegedly v.1itl1out good cause and without notice. TI1e \l.1orker clai111 ed tl1ree montl1 s' salary for J1is for111er en)ployer's faiJt1re to give notice. Tl1e defence of tl1e l1otel was that the plaintiff had been f1red for good cat1se since he l1ad beei1 absent fron1 work quite often. After eleven months and seven ap1-1ointn1ents due to tl1e absence of the defendant's advo­ cate and witnesses on apJJointed da.tes, tl1e court decidecl tl1at tl1e plaintiff l1ad bee11 dismissed for good cat1se and found tl1at tl1e defendant l1otel O\Ved tl1e plai11tiff nothing. Articles 222 a11d 223 of tl1e Ci vil Procedt1re Code, a11d Articles 2002, 2571, and 2573 of tl1 e Civil Code ,vere cited. The basic pro,,isions governing tl1e termination of contracts of ei11 r>loyment are Articles 25672593 of the Civil Code. Article 2570 of tl1e Civil Code provides i11 pa.rt tl1 at ''Tl1e exercise of the right to terrnjnate the contract sl1all b e st1bject to prior notice gi,,en b)' tl1 e en1ployer or employee''. Article 2571 sets fortJ1 t11e periods of notjce tl1at n1t1st be given under differe11t en1p­ loyn1ent sitt1ations. If the employer wishes, he n1ay pay tl1e e1n1:,loyee v.,110 J1as served for less tl1an a year one month's salary, or tl1 e en1ployee ,vl1 0 l1 as worked for 111ore than a year three n1ontbs' salary wit11out giving the notice required by tl1e Civil Code. In . tl1 e cases involvi11g d}sputes arising out ?f termii1atior1 of en,ployn1 ent) tl1e n1ost freque nt _ complaint was that the notice reqt1ire d by Article 2571 of the Civil Cocle \Vas not given and the amounts required to be paid in liet1 tl1ereof were not paid. In tl1ese cas�s, tl1� articles relied t1po11 ,vere n1ore specific and relevant tJ1an tl1ose relied upon . � - the cases d� al1ng with co�tracts of loan and leases. Most of tt1e cases cited Article 2571 (prov1du1g for notice) as a basis for recovery. Son1e also cited Article 2573 providing for da1nages payable to_ an e1nplo}1ee wl1o�e contract of em1Jloyme11t had been tern,ir lated without good cause. Also ment1oned were tl1e art1cles relating to proof of tl1 e existence of contracts in general (Arts. 2001-2019). How�ve�, in n?ne. of the ;ases re�ie��d wl1 ere t11 e en1ployer ,vas atteiniJtiug to avoid liabi lity by establ1�l�1ng a J_t1sttfia?le , cancellat1on o� t11 e contract for serioLlS non-performance was the _ code prov1s1on dealing w1tl1 such a defence cited (Article 2579 Civil Code). on The tactics g�ner�lly used by employers sued for failure to give not nsat ! com pe . for . atld ice . ination w1t_ o t goo . 1ng from term ar1s d catlSe wa s ttsually to drag the case otit for a Jong per! od � � _ ing ?f t1:me and hope that tl1e plaintiff employee would be forced to a·s cont mue 1e suit. The follow 1 tl · 1s an example of one sL1cl1 case.

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worked for a compa ny for one year Tl.1e f intif a pl company fired h im with The · months' three salary, o ut giving . or and · e tl,e pl a1n 1 t ff su e l . notic b·ro d . his f o rn 1er_ en1ployer. At the d e1� f'. n dan t p Iea d«? d that tl1e p e th , r�ng r a l ai he n tiff's state ent of claim w jj st as deficient in the spec1!y locahty not whe r e the plait1tiff did rr:i it k r that and the court order ed that re�vr1tt en. Tl1e l c be efenda nt:s negara fedge ;� n�t appear � t the plea di�g l1ear1ng the defendant the seco.nd l1earing. · claim tb1r. ed d t hat he it llad a id a �ortion of \vha . At t t \Vas due and tl1e court orderecl tl,e defendant �o nt1ff pla1 the to br ought to court to pro ve tl1e assertion. The plaint iff f �dany s payroll r ecords to be a il to ap�ea r at t he ne xt two was case closed 1e t l elven and months aft ngs e r i r it s fi hea l d Articles 2?, 223 of � · Code, and Procedlire Articl e s 453, 2573' a:J 2�{4 of tl1e C1v1l Co the Civil de \Vere mentioned. Many other cases involvi ng failt1 r e to give n otice and cla ·ims f °� severence compen sation ere dl·sroissed by tl1e court a sl1ort tin1e after tI1ey were fi led for unp1a1ned reasons. The ren1aini11g cases involving employe e-en1ployer rel atio nships were r non-p�yrnent of . �1a irn • .� tor r ose out of sJ1ort te rm en,ploym ent re a ] tions111ps an d ba sically the ,vages. These disputes ust1ally · · · • ese th · ·t d 1n e cases c1 as 1n cases mvolving contra · les \Vere · cts of I oan. A nd a good n1any sani e artc • tl1e1r · conclusions bec ause of r epea led fa11.u ·1, res of the of these d.1sputes . \Ver e no t pro sec ut·ed to parties to appea r u 1 cot1rt. Non-Payment of Taxes The cases involving non-payment . of ta xes were usually decided against the defeodant in bis absence. M ost of . these ca�es we�e claims for . non-pa yn1ent of incon1e and business taxes required by tax proclamat1o�s pubbsl1ed in the Nega.r1t Gazeta. Often tax claims were disn1issed by the court. due to tl1e fail ure of tl1e representative of the Inland Revenue De partment of the Ministry of Fmance to . appear. In son1� c�ses, wl1ere the defendant could not be located after :five or six monU1s of trying, the court d1sn11ssed tl1e Revenue Departn1ent's clain1 with right to reopen t he action if tbe defendant cot1ld be located. Often suits were disn1issed because it \Vas found after several appointn1ents at wl1icl1 tl1e defenda nt failed to appear, tha t the defendant had already paid his taxes. Child Support and Otl1er Family Problems


City life place s a strain on traditional fan1ily rela tionships. Tl1e absence of custon1ary fanilly ties among a great deal of t11e popul ation in Addis Ababa is reflected in the ntunber of cases brought to court involving sttpport clai111s for children ,,vitbot1t fathers. These cases arise out of many different circun1stance s. Two typical ex a mples are given below. rce The defe ndant refused to pay J1is forn1er wife tl1e a motmt l1 e agreed to pay in the div oties ' settlement. The cas e was closed tl1ree n1011tl1s after it was i niti a ted because of �fthetheparCivil . failure to appear in cot1rt on two st1ccessive occasio11s. Art icles 222 and 223 Code. 1l C1v the of 2 200 and 1 200 s icle t Ar l1 wit 11g alo ed ur Proced e Co de were me 11t ion port of sup for ion ttn lar egu irr in ed liv d l1a she 1 1on The pla intiff sued a n1 a n witI1 \\'l o sed three cl s wa �e. ca e Th ip. sh ion t a l re t tl1a of lt the two children whicl1 were tl1e re su ure Co de e� oc Pr vtl C1 . ar pe ap o t d f ile a es rti a months after it was institt1ted because th e p e ment ioned. r we 1 d 68 an 26 20 , 02 20 les tic Ar Articles 222 and 223, a nd Civil Code os� comi:n on type of m e tl1 re we e nt e� ttl se e rc . . Ca ses brought for f a ilure to ab id e by a divo tions. brought ac 1n ed cit l J y ; ua us les t1� ar e Th srtuations out of which child support claims a.rose. tlement were t hose t se e rc vo di e th 1n es rti to r�cover sun1s ag ree d to be pa id by one of tl1e pa relating to contra t s i n general. c ritt en a greement w A . rs to a tr bi ar The · plaintiff and de fenda11t were divorced by family t ex 1� e th r fo th n o m r pe . th E ·r . $ 15. 00 providing tl1at the l1usband would pay t1�e \VJie led 1 fa nd ba us h t an e nd f e d e s. Th t hree years was executed before tl1e f a n1tly arbitr a tor to court to ·m 11 J ht g u b ro :r e u w f f ti plain · to pay tI11s an1ount for eleven n1ontl 1s an d th eco. tirt ordered the defendant to pay th e enforce the payment of the a m ou nt dl1e. Tl1� amount speci fied i n th e contract relyi11g upon article 2028· e arly cl is d n . . a " ce en ff o " n a t 0f ou ng isi ar es ag n1 da · Article 2028 of the Civil C od e relates to Lnapplic able. Article upon. relied re e w Code ·1 c· e of 00 10 a similar case, Articles 2002, 681, and 7 � t �ticle 681 sets fort h the principle ac · con 200 2 relates to a of nce ste exi n1ethods of pro vin g the

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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN .LAW - VOI_,. VI - No. 2 ldren after divorce and is 80111 e\vhat cl1i of y tod cus g li11 arc aw i ii: s tor itra arb ly tlli tliat sllould gtlide fa . relevant to laying fot1ndatio11 for a r1gl1t of recovery de by_ four wit­ J?-1a be can � f wi_ and nd sba l1u of t11s sta of of pro t tha es \'icl Article 700 lJfO Code wl11cl1. IJrov1des inpart 1l C1v tl1e of 659 e ticl Ar is es cas l1 s11c in cl cite nesses. A11otl1er article e vvl11cl1ever tI1e forn, sam tl1e be 11 s11� ge rria 111a of tion olL1 diss of cts e1Te t a11c tl,at ''1�1,e causes related to . a possible right y ll. era i1Jli p�r are cles arti se tl1e ile Wl1 ge." rria 111a tl1e of tion of celebra es tl1e cl11ld support obli­ of recovery in tl,a.t tliey go to a relationsl1ip wl1icl1 if_ established assutn gation, the articles do 11ot in tl1emselves afforci a right to recover. Aside froin all this a11ct fundamentally, it is clear tl1at tl1ese dis1Jutes sl1011ld not be decided by a court at all i11 the first instance. Article 728 of tl1e Civil Code provides: ''(l) Disputes arising 011t of divorce sl1all be s11b111itted to the arbitratio11 of tl,e arbitra­ tors wl10 l1ave pronounced tl1e di\1orce." A wife tl1ro,.v11 ot1t of l1er l1ot1se b11t 11ot :yet divorced from J1er l1usband \vill son1etimes come to cot1.rt seeking eitl1er lier property and sl1are of tl1e cornmon property or st1pport for tl1e children of tl1e These cases, according to tl1is st1.1dy, are _ ge11erally referred ba_ck to the arbitrators by tl1e court. Tl1e IJleadings in such cases usually contain references to Article 681, establisbjng tl1e gtridino principle for a,varding custody of cl.1ildren, and Article 652 classifying certain kinds of pro pert; as "co111n1011 property''. I-I ere again tl1ere is co11fus ion an1ong litiga11ts, scribes, and judges as to 110\v marital relationships and obligatio11s are regulated by the Civil Code wl1e11 tl1ere l1as bee11 110 formal clivorce--n1erely a11 agreeme11t to separate or a separation i11 fact. Family arbitrators have first insla11ce jurisdiction over dis1Jutes of tl1is type. A_rticle 725 of tt1e Civil Code provides tl1at a11y difficulties tl1at arise bet\veen spouses cluring the 1narriage shall be submitted to fan1ily arbitrators. Guarantors

Many of tl1e cases involving contracts -- \Vl1ether for loa11s or performance of services -- involve guarantors who l1ave agreed to act as st1reties for persons who l1ave undertaken to perform an obligatio11. Often, when tl1e pri11cipal l1as failed to perform or ca1111ot be found tl1e guarantor is responsible for n1a.king tl1e }Jlaintiff \Vl1ole. - The plaintiff clain1ed tl1at tl1e defe11da11t \Vas a gL1arantor of ot1e of l1er l1ouse servants pursuant to a written agree111ent. TJ1e serva11t stole n1011ey fron1 the plaintiff's house and the plaintiff stied tl1e servant's guarantor for $ 50.00. After t\VO appointn1ents in wl1icl1 il1e parties failed to ap1Jear tl1e co11rt disn1issed tl1e case. Article 223 of the Civil Proced11re Code was tl1e 011ly a1�ticle cited. - Tl1e plaintiff s11ed the defendant and tl1e clefendant's g1.1arantor for tl1e principal defen­ dant's failure to pay house rent. After one ap1Joi11tn1e11t, at \Vl1icf1 a sur11n1011s \Vas issued to tl1e defendant, tl1e case \Vas tra11sferred to a11otl1er woreda because of tl1e V\1oreda Court's lack of ju _risdiction. Civil Code Article 2005 a11d 2945 vvere cited. Articles 2005 a11d 2945 of the Civil Code deal witl, tl1e establisl1n1e11t of tl1e basic co11tract --not with tl1e gu.ara□tor's undertaking as surety for the obligor on the basic co11tract. Few of these cases cited Article 1920 of tl1e Civil Code wl1ich provides a basis i 11 la\v for recovery fron1 a gurantor: ''W.b.osoever grarantees an obligation sl1all tiodertake towards tl1e creditor to discl1arge the obiigaion, should. the debtor fail to cliscl1arge it." T11e guarantor or ''wasse'', as lie is called in An1l1aric is now a11ct 11 as been traditio nally of tlie l1alf an influential institutio_11 in_ Etl1iopia11 last society. One tra\re)ler tl1e i 'in EtliiOIJia 11 _ 19th Cent11ry n_?ted: ''tl11s bail is the prop of A.byssi11ian society; no co 1n 111ercial or n1arket tran sfer 1e tJ of a11d tct!<es , place w1,�bo11t it. 111 tl1is 111a1111 11terest j i s insured tl1e 1Jayn1ent or , �r of debt _ Kings revent1e . (I-Iotte11, J.C., AbJ,ssz111a A11cl Its People, 1868, p. J 84) . 1Y �rrf11 so are Per�a fact that s tl1e guara11tor tio11sl1ips betvveen tl1� rel� debtor, creditor a11ct . � _ . s . visro� pr� Code rooted. m tl1e minds of Etl11op1ans 1s responsible for lack of reliance on n1odern !Or recovery from the g11ara11tor. It seems to be ass1u11ed tl1at once t11e basic contract11al relat1ons !11P□g 1s proven to the cot1rt, tl1e rigl1t of recovery from t11e g1.iararltor on liis seJJarat e under follows. Registration of Contracts W.hen parties enter into a contract affecting rigl1ts in inm1ovable property, they o1ust eith er fia¥e their contracts ''registered'' by a cot1rt or a notary }Jt1rs11ant to Civ Code Article 1723. il

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The petitioners entered int o a contract whereb borrowed $ 300.00 from the the for loa , n on rn e of ret u tl1e �: o ther. petitioner; ( - In 1 en d er ) w a s to have possession of the borrower s l1ouse for three years· The court approved the contract purusant to Civil Code Article 1723. .. _ A man agreed to sell his house for $ 800 00 th e co ndL �n that he would get it back when l1e returned the $ son.on that tl;e ��h���e. lent tthi m. The court approved pu rsu a. to n con t Ar tra ticl ct e 172 3 the of the <5ivi l These cases are handled quickly -- usually i n one a • t �ent. Although no _investigat_ion was �i�� m ade to determine how many transactions involving im b :J;�perty are registered with "no­ l smal the me volL1 of such registratio ns ha taries'\ from by the Woreda_ Court it 111o st tha of d t the se assu me loa ns are contracted between p eople who prev can be io�sly knew tt1ey are pers Perh uad aps ed t o othe r. settl e their dilferences outs1de of court by each friends. . · . . Though the fac t plaintiffs often fail to come to court ma be s1g f rec nc1hat1on, al\vays cour t-im reso pose lutio j n to of the dispute the facf rem!i·r 1 s � ha� s_� c ; eases are oft preferable en . ocke for d t cour as t's long a on as five mon tt{s· Even where the Pl a1nt1 ff <loes not appear carried ll th e case twice within two montbs time b e�ore d'1s?115 at the first he�r1· n�, ti1e cour t may ca. • �1n • g volL1m s1der tl1e e 1ng of n such Co cases it is certainly a collossal waste Of a court s time the case. to have to deal \Vitl1 cases tbat are disconti nued. Some discontinued cases arc: clearly bro:ight prim1rily to punish a defend a nt who refuses to pay a debt rather tha n to collect the m�nJy due: borrow_ed $ 2. 00 from tl1e plain tiff and refused to pay his debt. The plain­ tiff J1ad to pay $ l. 60 1 0 court fees to ?pen the case. On the first appointm::nt the defen­ dant was ab3e n t. At the secon d hear1n:� both parties did n ot appear and the case was dismis3ed one m'Jnth after it \Vas inst i tuted.



A few litigant s do notify the court tl1at tl1ey have settled thei r cases though the most prevalent practice is to discontinue the case simply by not coming to court.

Delay i n Civil Cases C1Ses take an average of three 1no n ths to be decided from the time of the first court app­ earano�. The average number of heari ngs for each case was a little over three. The longest case reviewed took twenty-nine months an d t\:venty-three appointme nts to decide. The shortest took one appointment (approval of a contract pursuant to Article 1723 of the Civil Coje). The shortest con tested case took on e-half 1nonth to decide and two appointmen ts were required for its disposi tion , There do n ot seem to be any types of cases which take longer to . deci?� as a rule . than others. The factors which determine tl1e lengtl1 of a case are ratl1er the d1spos1t1on of the Jud�e to. �omplete the case quickly, the promptness of the parti es in coming to court, an d the ava1l­ ab1hty of witnesses if they are needed. e factors which th en oft t Bu . ers oth n tl1� . ge� lon t s la It is difficult to say wh y some cases cause delay seem to combine to cause extrem�ly lon g ht1gat1on. An example of an e specially draw n out case appears below: d t fai d ei:i de th t Bu e. s u ho a ild bu to � t�� The def endant agreed witl1 the plaintiff � ain �� � e u s_ · 1 P e t build the hous e allegedly causing damage to the plaintiff, and ty-tbr�e ap ou n en tw d n a lf ha a � : �: � delinq uent J1ous� builder. After tw o years and t y ap o judgm ent was given for tl1e plaintiff. Th e reasons for the man s fedm \��: �ummon s . follow s: (1) the def e�dant was no t present because be had not �:�d ��rved again; (3) th� �2) the defenda11t did not appear and the summ� ns . w:s t d ge gave the defendan •u e �� ( ng proceedi , ) . J court . (6) the defe ndant J� dge wanted to examine the case before . nt 0 ti:ne to prepare his defence; (5) the JUd�e wa nit ) the (8 ; ce en ef d is h te ri w ; td : . ur t er �r: did_ n_ot appear; (7) the defendant was given e . ess ( the cou t needed more time to rev iew) th pla1nt 1ff was not present due to illn ; _ 9� �re evidence to introduce ; (12 the r ve o case; (IO) no reason given; (I 1) the pJa1nt 1ff had m d e rt a st s a w e s ca e th cou!t needed more time to examine th e case mor� cl�se 1y•' ( le3)plaintiff and the defenda nt aga . due to a redetermination of the amount cl� me b� ti� failed to appear; (15) the wa� m� 1ven time t o prepare a new defence_; (14) t e defe da at s fined; (16) tl1e defendant plaintiff failed to serve the defendant wi th summons and w

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JOURNAL OF ETI-IIOPIAN LAW - VOL. VI - l\To. 2 nt was or d: re� to .prepare da fe� de tl,e )_ (18 ; e11 giv son rea no ) (17 ce; ai1 nti nti a co requested . n sses failed to � pe ar, (-1) w1 t�es�es w1t ) (20 ; ear � � his defence; (19) witnesses failed to aJJp was g1v e11 for tl1e plaintiff. ent gn1 Jt1d ) . (23 ; ear app to ed fail ses nes wit ) (22 o . a,1Jpe a r , d t • a1 e f: ·1 , case u11like tl1e persi stent the e i11u o11t disc to f I1tif plai tl,e se cau ys dela g lon r, eve liovv en, Oft plai11tiff in the example given abo,,e. Cases that extended beyond one year were rare but tl1ose lasti11g _bet\.veen �ve months and a year were fairly co111n1on. Usually tl1ere were fro111 five to seven a1 Jpo1nt111ents 1n sucl1 cases. Tl1e plaintiff clain1ed tl1at the defenda11;t cut do�11 eucalypt� s. tree� wl1icl1 belonged �ointly to the plaitltiff a11d defenda1,t but failed to . give tl1e_ pla1ntff l11s sl1are of the price he received for them. After nine n1ontl1s and n111e appo111tn1e11ts, tl1e . court found tl1at tl1e case l1ad already been decided in tl1e defendant's favor by a11 awradJ_a cot�rt. The reasons for t11e nine appointments were as follo,vs: (1) tl1e defe11da11t l1as not received tl1e summ­ ons; (2) tl1e defendant \Vas give11 more to JJreJJare l1is defence; (3) the ?efen�ant was given m.ore ti111e to J)repare l1is defence; (4) tl1e defenda?t v.ras fmed fo� l11s f� 1:lure to con,e ,vitlJ l1is state1nent of defence; (5) tl1e court wanted t1n1e to prepare its dec1s1on; (6) tl1e case ,vas not fully exa1nined by tl1e co11rt and � o n1o� e. time was needed; (7) botl1 parties failed to a1J1Jear; (8) the court 11ad not prepared its dec1s� on; (9) the � o_urt rendered its decision i11 favor of tl1e defendant saying tl1at tl1e av.rradJa cot1rt's dec1s1011 was res­ judicata. It seen1ed to be a rule tl1at \Vl1enever a case reqt1ired tl1ree or more appointments to be resolved, it lasted for over six 111011tl1s. But often tl1ere were many n1ore tl1an tl1ree appointments during a six n1ontl1 period. It is not clear wl1y son1e cases ca111e before the coti.rt 011ly t,vo or tl1ree ti111es in six months \vhile otl1ers were l1eard as many as eigl1t or ui11e times. On the otl1er hand, it \vas fairly common tl1at cases v.1l1icl1 lasted over six mo11tl1s \Vere cases i11 \Vl1icl1 tl1ere were ,vitnesses to be called or in wluch some procedural irregularity arose. In all cases, one appointn1e11t seen1ed to resolve only one isst1e dt1e to tl1e fact that the parties were not usua]Jy prepared to go beyond wl1at they knew ,vas planned for the hearing. Witl1 tl1at issue dealt witl1, the court t1st1ally continued tl1e case for a 111ontl1 to allo\v preparation. for the next stage of tl1e proceedings. Delay was a burden for all concerned. From tl1e cases studied it was clear that a n11n1ber of factors contribt1ted to tl1e ti111e it took to decide a case. One factor was the dispositio11 of the jt1dge. If tl1e judge is predisposed not to tolerate tl1e delays caused by litiga11ts, l1e does not l1ave to. For ir1expl.icable reaso11s, a judge's attit11de toward delay seen1ed to cha11ge from one case to tl1e next.

Leavi11g aside tl1e judge's conduct of the case, litiga11ts t11en1selves cot1ld prevent a case fron1 being resolved witl1in a reasonable period of tin1e: eitl,er by not aJJpearing, faili11g to J1ave their cases ready to present when tl1ey appeared, or l)y not beir1g able to perst1ade their ,vitnesses to come to cot1rt. Anotl1er factor contribt1ting to delay was the fact tl1at su111111011 s \Vere never issued to the defenclaots until after a first hearing. In nearly all tl1e cases revievved ,1 first heari11g vvas held at \vl1icl1 tl1e defendant failed to aJ)l)ear. Tl1is not 011ly causes dela;s i11 i11diviclual cases but contributes to the ge11eral congestion i11 tl1e cot1rt whicl1 i11 tur11 111ea11s tl,at little progress is n1ade in con1pleti11g the hearings of otl1er cases. In additio11, witne�s�s are never called to tl1e first J1eari11g. PerhaJJS tl,is is tl,e result of Articles 241 . et seq. of the Civ1J Proced11re . C ?de wl1ic�1 J?fOvide for a "first 1,earii,g'' at ,vl1ic]1 o1!;1Y the parties are to appear to l1ave prel1in111ary obJect1ons resolved and to ''fratne tI1e issues . �he e �amples of cases we h �ve_ seen abov _e illt1strate tl1e necessity of gettL t1 g an early start in bringuig witnesses to court.. If it 1s not des_1rable �o l1ave witnesses appear at t!Jis first J1eariI1g at least they could be notified tl1at a case 1s pending in \Vhicl1 tl1ey xnay be reqtiired to testify. :in tl ?e woreda courts, �l1ere tl1e issues are_ fairly sin1ple,. it is doubtful w.hetl,er tl1is preliminar { hear �g _is . ne �ded at all 1n n1ai1y cases. W1tl1 all the witnesses and parties JJresent at the firs l1earmg 1t rs likely that such cases cot1ld be resolved at one appointnlent. Civil Cases: Advocates es. cat advo 'Fen percent of tl1e litigants in tl1e Woreda Court were represented by registered as uch s ions �mest l1alf of the advocates \.Vho appeared were retained by businesses, associat

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m�nt agencies.. Advocates retainecl . .. bY �rI.\,.a te ubs, or govern fa 1rly large cla1 l 1tig�nts were usually hir s. in Plaintiffs atio? in em 1 er en1ployee � ed � . �!pre sent d isputes involving terminat ii1� \ Vithout notice were also quite hkely to hire advoc �t �;_ Nega ra fedges were. inv�lved i11 tw en ty percent of the cases. I-Ialf_ of t�1ese negara [edges repre1 n1cpal1ty o r Depa rtme nt Mt the r eithe of Inlanbd . Revenue 111 suit sented s to collect arrears in repre sente ourt d l1 ekt1b one-f assoc and iatio n s · · or , es u s111esses such ta,X . as a ban k 1n com �mp 1n • loan default _ P aJ?-•� 1 s e� oye r-en h . ot 1plo yee d or isptites. The · cases re.'m�111. 111? quarter of negara 111d 1v1duals 1n all types of cases private . d b nte fedges 011 0th 111e plaintiff s and defe rePrese · ndant's side. . Thus, approx1n1atley ten percent of private litigai,ts 111 · tiie Woreda Court had some form of repr esentation - about evenly divided between advocates and 11egara fedges. government age11cies were involved . ,vhen bussin eses or .. se set forth in th e sect·ion on lit These figures are no t in accord witl1 tho . igants above The ion t. a rep t l s res ,o en wn b . f o Y. stu d yin g court files than that obtained from int lo�ver rate erviewing d tl1e ue to fac t be tha t ma it y wa s no t always clear from the files alone \Vhetber or litigants not a perso11 was represented by an advocate or 11egara fedge. Criminal Case5.

Twen�y-three percent o( the cr_in1inal cases l1eard in the Woreda Court involved theft of various km ds-petty abstraction (Article 634 Penal Co de), viloation of Article 630 of the penal Code brought to tl1e Court pursua11t to Article 29 of the Criminal Procedure Code, an d unlawf ttl use of the Property of anotl1er (Article 644 Penal Co de). �inteen pe!cent of by virtue of either an of Articles 539 an d 544

. the c�ses involved interference with the physical wellbeing of a person 1mn1ed 1ate threat to cat1se har1n or actual infliction of injury - violations of the penal Code.

Insult cases brotight pursuant to Article 583 of the Penal Co de comprised eleven percent of the cases : "\1/hosoever, directly addressing or referri11g to tl1e victim, offen ds him in l1is honor by insult or injury, or outrages l1im by gestrure or blo\VS or iI1 any other manner, is pun­ ishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, except where tl1e act is of such little account as to justify the application of the relevant provision of tl1 e code of petty offences. (Article 798)." Intimidation of a person was tl1e cause of four percent of U1e case brough to cot1rt. pursuant to Article 552 of the Penal Code : "Whosoever tl1reatens anotl1er witl1 danger or injury so serious as to induce i11 him a state of alarm or agitation, is pu11ishable, upon complaint, \vitl1 simple imprisonment not exceeding six motl1s, or a fme 11ot exceeding five l1undred doliars." A person who cat1ses dam age to another person's property ca11 be prosecuted for a violation of Article 653 of the Penal Code. Tllese cases constituted eight percent of the cases brought to the Woreda Court. to pro� er� Interf erence wi th tl1 e physical integrity of persons, insult, intimidation, a1;1d. injlury are all initiated by private complaint -- th us forty :one percent o� all the cr1m1na cases bear in the Woreda Court are the result of private con1pla111ts to t11e police. d ivi ded · ly en ev t ou ab e er \V • rt ou C da ore · 1ng types of criminal cases heard m t he w The rema1n . ls te ho d an b � l1 r c be tl� een. disordrly conduct (Article 782 penaI C�de), vio)at1o os of r {�: �:t such as sel ing_ hquor (Article 775 Penal Code), v1olat 101 1s of traffic regu a 1 ·s · o��er 8:�mes gambbng, contempt of court, perjury and seduction.

. • Bnngin

g the Accused Before the Court · ed in in a bt O e b y a m crimes g in tt 1i n m co f O d se s A a·1sc ussed above, custody of persons acc� the Criminal f o thr 9 4 le ic rt (A t · r a ��� ued ways warrant (Articl�s 50- 51 ed a e : !; �t, of arrest by authority comn1itt � ; hasbeen Pr du�e ffe n gra n for o ti a st Co ce de), arr est wi tho ut a wa rra nt where li o p � e th to ct . e a susp . ial . � of ��un n mo sum y ma Procedure Code) or the police d ure Code, e Questioning pursuant to oc Pr al ini im Cr Article 25 of tl1e

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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAV-/ - VOL. V1�- No. 2 1ate c�mpla , pri d ?Y iate . init es cas in �lly eci int _ is esp -. Tl1e procedure most cominonJy 11sed 1f tl1ey dee m 1t neces sary re, 111e and ion stat ice pol e 1 tl to d use acc the f or tl 1e po t o stimmon · 1. <:b t 0 J�u 1.!11� LO� d li � bl tina d is_ • tise · �ill' acc l e po 11c� 111e lf d. bon ish furn require tl1e defendant to e in y ctic ma pra 1011 s1at rr.ean bringing ice pol tl1e to ant end def a ' ng' on.i n,m ''Su l. detain him until tria hin1 by force. ce �oli ll1e sumn1ons, apply for a . to ond resp not s doe sed accu the n \\/he es ,etim son ice Pol warrant pursuant to Article 26 of the Crin1inal Procedt1re Code: Tl,e defendants vvere accused of damagi11g tl1e plaintiff's pr?perty.. A summo!1s was . issued to tl1e defendants tl1rougl1 tl1e plai11tiff to come to (11� pohc� station and �1ve the_1r side of tl,e case. Tl,e defendants did not appear at tl1e police station so the police applied for a \Varrant for their arrest.

Warrants for arrest are a1so isst1ed by the court v,;J1en perEons accused of violating municipal ordinances l1ave failed to appear in court to respond to cllarges lodged by public authorities: T11e defendants constructed a l1ouse in Addis Ababa \Vithot1t sutmitting 1lie plan to the Municipality. Tl1e defendants were summoned to appear in court but refused to appear and a warrant was issued for their an·est. tv1any of the defendants brougl1t to court cl1arged with theft, are arrested without warrants as pern1itted by Article 50 of the Crin1i11al Procedure Code, l:ecause 1I1ey l1ave ccmmitted "flagrant o.tfen.ces'', defined. in Articles 19 and 20 of tlie Criminal Procedt1re Code. Articles 19 and 20 of tl1e Criminal Procedure Code clearly give tl,e police a wide area for arresting suspects without a warrant. An offence is ''flagrant'' \vl1ere tl1e accused is found com­ mitting tl1e offence, when tl1e offence l1as just been committed (Article 19 Crin1inaJ Procedure Code) wl1en the police have been immediately called to the scene of the crime, or when a cry for help b. as been raised (Article 20 Criminal Procedure Code). In theft cases, most suspects are probably apprehended pursuant to those articles.

Few of the files investigated contained applications made by the police to the court for an a,rrest warrant (Article 53 Crin1inal Procedure Code), and it seems that tl1e bulk of criminal defendants appear in court because they were apprehended while or after ccrr.mitting "flagrant" offences or because they responded to the police summons. The.ft

Jurisdiction to try violation of Article 630 of tl1e Penal Code is given to tl1e awTadja courts by the First Schedule of the Criminal Procedure Code, and most persons suspected of theft come before a woreda court only for the purposes stated in Article 29 of tl1e Civil procedure Code: "(l) Where the accused l1as been arrested by tl1e police or a pri,, ate person and I1anded over the police (Article 58), the police shall bring J-iim before the nearest court ,vithin forty-eight hours of l1is arrest or so soon thereafter as local circumslances and com­ munications permit. The time t.aken in the jo11rney shall not be included. (2) The court before whicl1 the accused is brougl1t may make any order it tl1inks fit in accordance with tl1e provisions of Article 59." Article 59 of the Criminal procedure Code provides that the court n,ay decide ,vl1etl1er the arrested person shall be kept in custody or released on bail, and tliat tlie cot1rt may extend the period of tin1e for investigation of tl1e case up to fot1rteen days u1:on eacl1 a1:,p]ication by the police.

. The ''remands'' (time . given to tl1e po1!ce by the court to complete tl1e investigation of a crime) reqt1ested by tl1e police pursuant to Article 59 of tl1e Crin1inal Procedure Code are usually for tl1ree to ten days. Such reqt1ests \Vere invariably gra11ted by tl1 e Court. !l1e defendant was accused of stealing a sl1eep and was cau11,l1t \vl,ile attempting to se ll 1t. He was brougJ1t to court pursua11t to Article 29 of tl1e Criminal Procedure Code and the prosecutor asked for a ''remand'' of fi, e days to prepare 11,e evide 11ce against the defendant. The request was granted by tl1e court. Fi\e days later tl,e court was i11formed that the case l1ad been taken to the awradja court with jurisdiction to try the case. . Wore�a �ot1rts are also given jurisdiction to try S(·me cases involving ule 1 11 e First ScJ1ed by tlief t of tme Cnm1nal Procedure Code. These are cases of ''i: etty abstracticil'' (Article 634 Penal Code and ef ''unlawful use of the property of another'', (Article 644 of tlle Penal· Code).

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ion" is basically " tl1eft" with m· f . ,, Pett)' abstrac t a ng ci�ct1mstances . A fine line divides an e a "th e b ould ft c :' ptu1i h s l1a ble pursu ��f !� A r�! ofef nce whic cle 630 _ of t he p c h a racterized as a "pet · be en al Code a nd an may ch \Vhi t y a t bs ra ce c t io n , less rigorousl y punis !fen e e l p tl1 na d of . e Co hed by l aw 806 e ticl Ar r e �nd . . . a ''tl1 e ft'' \Vhich of c t s en ontribtit m e to i ts ch arac The ele ter1zat1on as a "p etty abstrac tion" of tl1 e pei1 e a ic l l Co Art 806 d e are 1) th e act m to ng . Ordi ust be pron1Pted b ne�d or ace 2) nce th , e ons l � . t ci desire 11ng c _ a ' bst r acted mtis t be of ck of . Y la by s n l a ll val ue, 3) the a rtic l e mus t be or for l11s off imme e nder diate e th consu mpti on or d ) there n1ust be no element t ken by c ate ndi an i int e nt \Vou to ld secure ai1 ill icit :;��h:ent: :r act whicl1 . . In making a d eter min�tion of \Vhethcr to cl1arge a defeil da nt wi t.h pett. y abstra�t1o _n or theft, exerc ise mucl1 d iscretio11 an d l li s ration ale for s t n1us or ecut pros h ch ch aracterization s is not t e s cottrt . file the Exan1p from les of cases involving de Den�ants ac always clear cused or petty abts of tl1eft cases be low. d e ges i d e prec \Vill strac tion - The defendru1t w as a:c usecl of _ste ali 11g a bl anket fron1 a hotel wllere he spent the I-le \vas charged \V1tl1 a viol ation of Art icle 634 0f the pei1al Code -petty abstraction- \.Vas sent e nced to fifteen days a rrest. def endant \Vas accused of breaking into . a compound and attetllpt·1ng to ma ke av,ay • The · son1e proper tY, t l1ere. 11e \Vas c 11 a_rg ed w1tl1 co ntravening Articl es 27 and 634 of the ,v1th penal . Code --attemp!ed p etty abstract1011. Aft er t en n1onth s an d eight J1earings JargeI necessitated by tl1e fatlure o f t,he .flros .ection 's \Vitt 11esses to appear in court , the ct' e1e c- ndanYt \Vas sen tenced t o one n1ontl 1 s 1n1pr 1s onn1e11t.


) )

The fo!lo,ving a re e xamples of cases in whicl1 the defendant was accused of theft : • The defendru1t ,vas accused of steal ing cl ot hes fron1 a fence wl1ere they \Vere . l 1aoging to dry. ,;he . pro secutor br o ugl1t th e defend ant to court and asked for a three d ay "remand period. Tl1e reqt1est \Vas granted and tl1e case \Vas sen t to the A\vardja Court. - The defen da nt \Vas cha rged witl1 unla\vfully entering a hous e for the purpose of co1nn1itting a the ft. Tl1e case ,v as taken to the Awardj a Court after a s hort re mand.

The fact ual situations in botl1 s ets of ca ses seen1 si milar as f ar as the v alue of the iten1 appropriated is c on cerned. Tl1e differe11ce bet\veen tl 1e two s ets of cases may lie in the fact that in the latter exrunples it w as established by the police that the defendant \V as not going to use the goods he stole for l1i s own immediate c onsun1ption. From our sample i t seems tl1at tl1e tendenc y of the prosecutor, even in case s \vhere the factual situation i ndicate s tI1at petty a bstraction sl1ould b e charged i s to characterize the act comp­ linary l ained of as a th ef t. N eitl1er the wor eda c ourt before wl 1ich these cases are brought for prem hearing nor the awr adja c ottrt s eem to be i nclined t o question �his detern1ination. In,as�1ucb as �e\v defendan ts are repres ent ed by counsel i n these ca ses, protection of th� d�fendant s in terests 1s left to the jud ge. And if son1eone does not look out for the defenda nts . 1 nte�e5ts here . two peopl e responsible for comn1itting bas ically tl1e sa111e act 1nay be cha rged with different crlllles and thus receive di ffe re nt penalties. Interference with the Physical Integrity of Persons e brought to court, initiated ar r he ot an by n rso pe e on Cases involving physic al mistrea tn,ent of by private com plaints, pursuant to Article 539 an d 544 of th e Penal Code. ding to the P�na l Code c or ac , er th o e tl1 to d . cal mistreatme nt The criterion fo r in vo king one articl e as oppos e i s y ph . • • alth" res ulting . fr om h · e or Y 18 d bo · the presen ce of a non- seriot1s to . "1nJu ry a d . ch s t h wel s, ��� ��; � ff:ces�s 00. o�e hand (Article 539) and tl1e infl iction of "s imple bru�i . �� �;� f e e rne pain s , on the other (Article 544 (2) of tl1e p en al Code ) · a vague one. . ays imprisonn1ent or d . t . gh ei g in d e . ce x e finThe pen a lites referred to 1n Article 544 (2 ) are . · 0t 1te 10fliction of "sin,ple bruises, swell ings a e n?t amount i ng to more than $ 100. 0� • Tl 1u_s for ll son ment whereas impri days t e i t o st 0r trans e i nt aches and pains " an offender 1s subJe ct at. tl1e mo Ith " !ay be subject to a tero1 of e I or 1�e person who i nflic ts body to ry "inj u � gOO. OO. There are no otl1er st atu!ory e ri ot1s non-s a $ gi u �ris_onment f�or.n te!-1 days to tl1re e years_ or a _ fi�e _ up t o �ith here and perl1aps none are poss ible. deaIt • 1 elines to rtes . JllJU . of es i gor e d1st1ngu1sh tl1 e two cat . erized with c ertainty t ac . l1ar c be to �nd:r standa bly, tl1i s vagueness n1 akes it difficult for . acts sample cotild have been term ed a � vi?lat,ons c ases 10 our ny a m d an of 9 or 544 YJolattons of ei t Articles 53 her Article.

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JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW - VOf.,. VI - No. 2 tl1e_ Pe11al Code app_ea�� to provide Coo fusion is also caused by the fact . tl1at Arti�le 544 o� ent acJ1es and pa1_ns ar� caus ed for a lesser sentence where "simi)le bruises, swellings or transi tl1e assat1lt. Log1cally , 1t would than j11 cases wl1ere no injury to body or l1ealtl1 rest1lts fro1n _ ulcl sl1 11 ce be pt1n1shed more � seem that where even minor bruises result fron1 an assault tbe offe ]ic pt1b tl1e prosecutor and the way the , fact in is, is 1 Tl ot. don ey 1 tl re whe 1 tl an sly rigorot1 courts seem to view tl1e n1atter : Tl1e defendant was accused of assar1lting tl1e private complainant i11 volation of Article 554 of tl1e Penal Code. He was alleged to l1ave gone to tl1e 11lai11tiff's. h?t1se, told tl1e plaintiff tl1at l1e was sumn1oned to the police station, and wl1e11 tl1e pla11?- t1f! refused t� r_espond to the summons tl1e defendant allegeclly triecl to stra11gle the plaintiff. T11e pla1nt1ff was saved by neigl1b�rs. Tl1e defenclant pleaded not guilty bt1t after three appointments and t\.vo and one�l1alf n1ontl1s he was sentenced to pay a $30. 00 fu1e or serve one montl1 in prsion. In tl1is exa.n11Jle, tl1e defe11dant, i11 attemJ)tin� to stTa�gle . tl�e plai11tiff undou? tedly in fl icted ''simple bruises, or transient aches and pains'' on his v1ct1m but lie '.Vas given a penalty in excess of that provided for in sucl1 cases. As \Vith all crin1inal litigation initiated by private con1plaint, many of tl1e physical harm cases were disn1issed by the court due to tl1e failure of the complai11a11t to appear in court on successive occasio11s. Thirty�tl1ree JJercent of the cases cl1arging violatio11 of Article 539 or of Article 544 of the Penal Code were disrnissed because of tl1e failure of tl1 e con1plainant to appear in court. Usually in tl1ese cases the plaintiff n1ade one or two a.ppeara11ces but seemed to have tired of the proceeding when difficulties arose in connectio11 vvith su 1n1noning witnesses or requiring the opposii1g party to con1e to cot1rt. It is also likely that tl1 e plai11tiff's desire for revenge, \Vl1ere it exists, is satisfied after the police l1 ave taken the defe11dant i11to custody and 10 some cases l1ave retained hin1 for t\vo or tl1ree weeks to await trial. Anotl1er factor \),lhich n1ay influence private complainants not to co11tinue cases is the fact that appoint111eots in all sucl1 cases are usL1ally given one montl1 apart. The lengtl1 of time in between appointments can give tl1e parties a cl1ance to cool off. Many cases brought to court in tl1e heat of the moment probably are tl1erefore 11ot prosecuted to co11clusion. Offences a.gainst Property Many of tl1e criminal cases heard i11 the Woreda Court involved offences agai11st property initiated by private conJplai11t. One such kind of case alleged violatio11s of Article 650 of the Penal Code, ''Disturbance of Possession''. This provision deals basically witl1 it1lerfere11ce witl1 tl1e "property or quiet possession of anotl1er'', (Article 650 Penal Code). Cases allegi11g actual dan1age to property are brought to the Court initiated by private complaint pursua11t to Article 653 of the Penal Code. Similar articles of tl1e Pe11al Code provide for offences of da1nage to property by herds or flocks (Article 649 Penal Code), disturbance of anotl1er's l1oldings (Article 651 Pe11al Code), and -displacing and removal of bot111dary n1arks (Article 652 Penal Code). Approximately one-third of these cases were dismissed dt1e to failure of the plaintiff to appear in court after a number of appearances were n1ade. Tl1e following cases are typical of disttirbance of possession cases. - The defendant was accused of buildjng a hoL1se 011 land allegedly ovv11 ed by tl1e plaintiff. In order to build the house, the defencla11 t broke dow11 a fet1ce tl1e plaintiff claii11ed was his and destroyed some of the plaintiff's cro1Js. TI1e defet1dant ,vas acct1sed of violating Articles 650 and 653 of tl1e Penal Code. At tl1e first l1eari 11g, neither tl1e plaintiff nor tl1e defenda11t appeared. The defe11dant appeared at tl1e seco11d hearii1g and claimed that he was not personally responsible for the act complai11ed of. Tl1e defendant did not appear at tl1e tl1ird hearing but at tl1e fot1rtl1 botl1 parties a 11peared and clain1ed that they would settle the dispute before tl1e elders in tl1eir conununity and tl1at tl1ey would report back to tl1e court on the progress of tl1e arbitratio11. Tl1e dispute was not settled and the parties came back to cot1rt. The defe11da11 t was ordered to produce tl1e person he claimed was responsible for building the l1ot1se. The defendant did not appear at the sixth hearing and neither party appeared at tl1e seventh. Eig11 t n1onths after tl1e case was opend the court djsmissed it due to tl1e failt1re of the plaintiff to appear. - The defendant was accused of violating Article 563 of tl1e Penal Code because he allegedly caused da�age to a bar in which l 1e was drinking. Tl1ere were t11ree appointments. At the first, witnes �es _were beard and at tl1e second and third the parties failed to appear. The case was d1sm1ssed.

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Injury to hono�r provided the basis for many of the ases . . . m1t1ated by J?rivate complaint. Usually these cases i nvolved violatio11s of Article 583 f 1 he ;e°:al Code, "Insulttng Behavior and outrage", and le�s freqt1ently "Pefan1ation and Calu�ny,, (:6-r!tc!e 80, Pe n�I Code). Frequently � aJlied with a_llegations of defan1ation and in sult were claim .s . 0f m in:iid ation (Article 552, pe Pen 544, al nal Code) cle Co i d e), ancl coninion \Villful inJury 1 assault (Art ( rticle 539 Penal Code). The follow iog are two examples of typical cases of this type. _ Th� defenda�t was accused of calling tl1 e plaintiff .a "sI31ve" aod also of allegedly tbrea­ ten1ng to kill her. The defendant as _charged w ith violat . of the Penal Code. A t the first fiear in , th de endant ions of Articles 583 and 552 pleaded not guilty an d since � � � � or ecut lic pros pub was no readY witl1 h is evidence, the case was the continued. The plaintiff and tl1e defen dant d id not appear at the second or tli ird heari·ngs an d the case was disn1is sed. . d an wa def t s acc en use cl of Th e cal · lin _ g the .plaintiff a "thief" there bY v10 · Iat1·ng Art·1cle 583 of ti1e penaI code. Tl1e defendant d id not appear at the irs · , at the fi t hearing second hearing he asked for time to constilt h'1s 1 a\vyer, witnesses were absent at the hea at ring and tl1e fot1rth appearance the court found the defendant guilty , third and fined him $30. 00.


. Fifty percent of t_l1e insult and de�amation cas� �n ou_ r sample \Vere dismissed because of the fadure of the compla1na�t . t? appec'tr l°: cou rt. T l11s 1s a higher percentage of d iscontinuances than any oth_er type of case 101t1ated by private co� plaint. The especially l1igh percentage of. insult and defamat ion . cases not seen thr_ougl1 to c�nclus1on may result from the fact that these d isputes are more likely than other private complamt cases to be taken to the police station in the heat of tbe moment and later forgotten.

The rest of tl1e cases l1ear d in the Woreda Court arose out of acts such as breach of the peace and public drunkenness and vioations of n1unicipal licensing and traffic regulations . Included in this category were some cases involving violations of Penal Co de Article 471 (1) providing punishments for vagrancy: "(1) \Vhosoever, l1aving no fixed abode or occupation, an d being ab le-bodied, l1abitual ly and



of set purpose leads a life of vagrancy or disorderly behavior, or lives by his wit-s or by men dicancy, refusing to take l1onest, paid work which he is capable of doing, thereby constituting a threat to law and order, is punishable \Vith compulsory labor with restriction of personal liberty (Article 103) or witl1 simple imprisonment not exceeding six months."

Little attention seemed to be paid to obtaining a. conviction of the alleged vagrant. For example: The defendants \Vere charged \Vitl1 dangerous vagrancy pursuant to article 471 of the Penal Code. At tl1e first l1 earing the defendants plead�d not guilty _to t�1e char�es and the prosecutor requested a continuance because l1e d td not have his w i tnesses 1n court. �t the second hearing, tl1e prosecutor asked the defendants to find a guarantor or remain in prison for the duration of the trial. TJ1e defendants could not find a g� arant?r and thus were jailed. TI1ere wer e fou r mo re appointments-- at each one the pohce failed _to produce \Vitnesses to testify to tI1e defendants' guilt. Tl1e court found that the e.police had not even tried to produce these witnesses and therefore set the defendants fre il_e Drunk_ or The more usual charge involving public di sorder is "�using Public Scandal Wbuti ied c Intoxic ated" (Penal Code Article 774) As opposed to accusations of vagrancy, prosec onsto arr court out pursuant to this �ticle were pr�secuted although suspects were not al ways brought promp tl y. . . e 1n ' t s tim ur co a of · nt ou am e m so Y 11 ra atu N . In Add is Ababa, tl1ere are ma ny ba rs and hoteIs. a large city must be spe nt in supervising tl1ese establishments. . . g time provided in os cl e th st pa ., M A 1 t The defendant wa s accused of selling l iquor .f t d E. $5. 00. e fin as w d an ge ar ch · e th O for in municipal regulations. She pleaded gt11 ty . to arise out of . r ea p ap at th e ic st •u f o Th� only serious pr ob lem s affecting th e a?m 1 nstration quired. re n he w rt u co in r ea a to Jt def��da of ure fail the ti sing of iola v n is _ ce li s nce e ons l ina ipa th ord of nic s mu a f ch �:� su s n �fu la u g ipa ;e nic mu 1� is also true �er otl of ion lat vio cases involving es. 1 ru c ffi tra d an retail esta blishmenof , ns tio ula ts, observance of sanitary reg

- 503 -

JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW- VOL. VI - No. 2 se approxi!11ately twenty 1po con s tion L1la reg l ipa nic n1t1 l1 st1c of ons lati vio ing ol,, ii1v es All told, cas endants 1n su�J1 cases, l1e def do on1 seld ry Ve .. t1rt Co a � red Wo the i11 rd 11ea es cas t . the of . , percen _ of the n 1rt t Cot por s time was !� once tl1ey appear in court, plead not g11 1lty. Still a large pro spent dealing with these offences. Ft1rtl1er tl1e Court was congested w1tt1 . JJeople wl10 were present only to pay a :fine. AU ,voreda courts ,vould b � less crowcl�� and t�e1r dock _ets sl1orter if there \Vere son1e otl1er n1ea11s of dealing witl1 violat1011s of n1t1111c1pal ord111ances 111 cases where the defendant does not \visl1 to contest l1is alleged guilt. Advocates in Criminal Cases


Accordi11g to tl1e files reviewed, advocates seldom appeared or defend_a11ts in cri� inal �ases-­ _ only four percent of tl1e time. OL1t of tl1e three l1undred a11d tl1_1rty-five cr1m111al files 1.nvest1gated, advocates were appointed for indigent criminal defendants 01tly twice. Both of these advocates were appointed for defendants in cases initiated by private complaint. Witl1 only one exception, all the advocates hired ,vere retained to defend persons accused upon private coi11plaint of sucl1 crin1es as ins11lt, defamation, a11d damage to property. Tl1e benefits, if a11y, of an advocate's services were not illustrated by tl1e results of the cases they were involved in. Tl1ey did 11ot seen, to l1ave any great infiue.nce on tl1e court's decision. In our san11)le, advocates lost as man:y cases as tl1ey \.Von for tl1eir clients. Tl1eir presence did, l1owever, l1ave some effect on tl1e lengtl1 of time it took to resolve cases as cases seemed to be resolved n1ore quickly when aclvocates \.Vere not involved. This could be due to two factors. First is the st1spicion, expressed by judges and litigants, that advocates drag OLit cases for their own benefit. They collect tl1eir fees at eacl1 appointment a11d the more appointments tl1e better. Tl1e second possible reaso11 wl1y cases seen1 to last longer wl1en advocates are retained is that tl1e parties wbo retain tl1en1 do so becaL1se it is their conviction that the other side intends to see the case tl1rot1gl1 to its conclusion. Or, perhaps, persons l1iri11g advocates l1ave decided that they vvill not dro1J tl1e case. Whatever tl1e reason, neitl1er settlen,: e11t of cases, nor tl1eir fi11al resolL1tio11 by a court occurs early -i.vhen advocates involved in litigation. Criminal Appeals

According to the records in the Woreda Court arcl1ives, appeals fron1 decisions n1ade in crin1inal cases were rarely 1nade. TJ1is is probably due to tl1e fact that n1ost c.rin1inal cases I1eard in tl1e \.Voreda Court carry sn1alJ pe11alties for conviction. Tl1is in co111bination witl1 tl1e lack of means possessed by most crin1ina) defe11da11ts in the Woreda Cot1rt mak:es a1Jpeal in1practical. The most common pt111isl1ment was a fi11e amounti11g to between E.$15. 00 a11d E.$30. 00. 1�J1e cost of an appeal in terms of time a11d money \.VOtlld be 1na11y tin1es tl1at. Delay in Criminal Cases

Delay in the disposition of crin1inal cases \Vas caL1sed by tl1e san1e and s0111e additional factors wJ1ich contribt1ted to the excessive time it took to clecide m . a11y civil cases. TJ10L1gh t!1is there is the problem of tl1e parties the atte11clance of First, dates. 011 specified . . 1s 11ot as great a problem as it is i11 civil cases-- ll1e l)Olice talce greater interest i11 bringing 'criminal defen.dants before tl1e cot1rt tl1ru1 civil defeuda11ts-- i11 cases i11 iti;ted by private co111plaint, absence of tl1e defendant on one or two occasio11S is ,L coIDJnon JJractice. The main caus � of delay in crin1inal cases is tl1e failure of "·vit11esses t:o appear wl1en they are needed to test1fy. People seem to be reluctant to testify at cri111inal IJroceeclings perl1a1Js because of tl1e co11sequences tl1at may accrue to the one adjt1dged gt1ilty by virtt1e of t]1eir testin1ony and du.e to fear of retribution. Records in the files indicate, in addition, tl1at tl1e cot1rts are unable to effect tl1e prese11ce of witnesses at l1earings. Even wl1en the police are ordered to bring i11 recalcitrant \.vit11esses, the latter are often absent at tl1e appointed tin1e. TJile pllbli� prosec11tor contribL1tes . to p..resent his evidence a ! t �e first hearing . spends a whole morning m court merely

!l1e le11gtl1 of 111any cases by never being prepared to if _ tl1e. defendant pleads not guilty. A proscc: u�or often l1sten1ng to pleas and if a suspect pleads guilty tbe

- 504 -

fi THE LOWER COURTS OF ETHIOPIA ap propriate sentence. But if e quests t l1 r uto r c . rose ff � P t o for a mo nth to enable tl1e pro secutor to O gthe. Plea. is not guil. ty, the case 1s usually P�ed as a cooling off period i n the many cases initiate� �illze . his case. P_erhaps tbis pe riod is also at omplaiot-- the pr�secutor an part the ies_ that will r e g con � cil hop in e d t he �� �� ,vit hin the o � d the �our t ·. delay tac tic employed by be prosecutor n1ay s ave h1.m from preparing a case . 11.1c h th e defendan t is ?oing to pl ead ain of n1e t a nt def asc end er ant ' � � s plea could be : �iJt y. But · d in .another way less time to and tl1e d e f e con suming court ndant. to the Finally, as in civil ca ses, the jt1dge's dis position to se e cas�s to a speedy conclusion has a leng the th on of a ence case . His influ willingness to u t up �! th unp_rep�redn eat ess and the various advo cates and by litiga n ts used to tit ics off t he fi�al dec1s1on, will in the end p grtact . e. be determinativ T IIE MENAGESI -IA AWRADJA Introduction

court in Addis Ababa has J·ur· isdiction over a The Menage sha Awradja , n area cx .t enct·1ng fif . . . 1 ty d t h ·1 1· · · s_ b _ci inu t _e Y s e�0 i; n !3 ters ll a directions, but no jurisdiction withjn t he city itself kilome Thus people liv10� �1tl?in. t�1s fifty kilometer radius_ who hav e cases whose subject matter invoke� an awra dJa court � Jtrr1sd1ct10�11 �ust _com e to Addis Ababa to have tJ1eir cases heard. Similarly, appeals from wore a courts w1 11n th1s area are h eard by the Menagesha Awradja.

There is another awradja. cot1rt in Addi s Ababa which bas jurisdiction over Addis Ababa proper. Tb e _M enagesb� A:,vra�Ja was chos�n for �e investigation because th e litigation th at takes place there g!ves son1e 1nd1cat1on _of the kinds of disputes wh ich arise on the woreda and awradja court level m a rural a!ea adJac ent to a large metro politan city. This, it was felt, would give the survey good balanc e 1nasmt1ch as the Woreda Court discussed above, had a.11 entir e ly in­ city focus. Civil Cases: First Instance

Due to th e fact that the Menagesha Awradja has jurisdiction over rural areas, land is the subject matt er of seventy-five percent of tl1 e first instance civil litigation it he ars. Altnost t wo-t hirds of these cases involv ed the right t o successio11 arising out of various contexts. l'v1ost frequently, a succession case m e rely involved tl1e i ss uanc e of a "cert ificate of heir" pursuant t o Ar t icle 896 of the Civil Code. Most of these cases were t1ocontested.

The applicants requested to b e recognize d as the heirs of their father wh o bad died intestate. At tl1 e first bearing the court required a notice to be published in the newspaper asking aU interested parties to pr es ent their claims. None of the parties appeared at t he seco�d hearing. The applicants ap peared at tl1e t hird l1e aring w!tl1 a copy of th7 new�paper 1n which th e notice was given. The court ordered an adJournrn�nt to wait for J.Dterested claimants to appear. At t he fourtl1 hearing, the cot1rt h eard w1t!lesses who_ support ed the herrship of the ap plica:iits and granted the request for the cer t ificate. Articles 826, 842, and 996 of the Civil Code wer e cited. . . The other most frequent kind of land case brought to the M�oagesl1a �wradja involved_ �isp� tes ans1ng out of contract s to buy and se ll ]and. These cases constituted one-sLXth of the land litigation. The plaintiff cla ime d that the defendant sold l1im lan d pur por ted to be 100,000 square meters in the contract of sale. The land turned out to be only 7?, 500 square meters and the plaintiff asked for a proportion of tl1e purchase price, propor tional �o !he amount of )�otl he did not receive, t o be returned to him . T he court grant ed t he _p�aintiff's request ci ing Articles 1711, 1731, 1763, 1771, 1776, 2276, and 2 028 of t11e Civil Code. · ership and t he right n ow to · as · � t n eme e r The remaining civil "land disputes'' invo 1sag a· lved lo possessi.on arising out of a variety of context s. For examp le · . e rty. op pr n ai rt ce Th e of r ne ow e th a t s cour e d . bY t he plainti recogniz ff requ be ted that he s erested par t ies t in The g in on m m su er a ws e n e p p co�rt ordered tha t a notice. b� plac�d in th ed and claime d to b e r ea · a t n Sta e t con :,Vho wished to cont est the plaintiff's right. On e th e ut B y. rt pa d ir h t a m : e ri lea •n posse ssi9n of the land in question pursuant to a ; and tt1e petitioner's right of se contestant's contract of lease was shown to baye l ap ' ownership was declared. No code articles cited.

- 505 -

JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW - VOL. VJ - l'To. 2 The otl1er civil cases 11eard on first instance involved loan defat1lts, en1ployer-en 1ployee disp utes petitions for registration of co11tracts to sell i111111ovable property, and ei1forcenient of tl1e obligatio ns of st1 reties. Marital disputes were also l1earcl: ant 111ade a contract in wl1�cJ1 they e11d def t]1e nd a ff inti a pl t1 e 1 d, rrie a 111 ere V \. Before they 1 tl1en o� h brougl1t into the eac t tl1� ty per pro tl1e rce divo of t even tl1e in t a greed tlia a11d wife \.Vere divorced but !he husban.d 11d a b I1us Tl1e lly. a eqt1 ded divi be ld "'ou e riag n1ar failed to give l1is wife l1er sl1are of the proJJerty. Tl1e Cot1r� . referred tl1e d1spu te to tJ1 e f amily agita tors and ordered tl1e l1usba nd t_o ma�<e a p�ov1 s1onal pay111e11t to the w�f�, pendi11g action of tl1e arbitrators. Tl1e pleadings cited Articles 223 and 468 of the C1v1l procedure Code.

Delay• in Civil Cases Tl1e J\1enagesl1a Awradja l1eard not nearly so n1any civil cases in a year as tl1e Woreda Court. Ii1 additio11 in contrast to tl1e Woreda Court's two jt1dges, tl1ere are four divisions of the Menagesha A w;·adja each n1ade UJJ of tl1ree judges . all sitting at tl1e same t�me, amo11g whom tl1is \¥Ork load is distributed. Further, a great proport1011 of tl1e cases l1ea rd 1n the Menagesha Awradja involve ex-JJarte petitions regarding land wl1ich a .re qL1ickly disposed of. Congestion, therefore, is not a cat1se of delay at tl1e N1enagesl1a A\\rradja as it is in n1etro­ politan woreda courts. But la1 1d cases-- especially tl1ose in wl1icl1 tl1ere is a contested right to succession or of a right to possession or ownership-- reqt1ire tJ1e testin1ony of n1a11y witnesses and the prodt1ction of docun1ents. Becat1se tl1e Men agesl1a Awr adj a is far a way fron1 tl1e areas in ,vl1icl1 those disputes arise, it is for wit11esses and parties al,vays to be in court on ap­ pointed dates. Tl1e plaintff, for a reaso11 11ot stated, gave possession of son1e la_nd l1e owned to the defendant for fifteen years. After fifteen years, tl1e plaintiff ,vanted I1is la11d back but the defendant refused to give it to l1im because he l1 ad give11 tl1e land to anotl1er person. The series of ap1Joi11tn1e11ts run as follows: (J) At the first appointment, tl1e proceedings ,vere adjottrned becat1se tl1e defenda11t's JJleadings were 1 1ot in order; (2) tl1ere was more evide11ce to be given so tl1e case was cot1ti11ued; (3) tl1e plai11tiff wanted tin1e to reply to the evidence give11 by tl1e defenda11ts; (4) tl1e defend ant wanted tin1e to reply to the plaintiff's arguments; (5) the court wanted ti111e to consider its jt1dgment; (6) tl1e plaintiff . id not appear; (7) 011e of tl1e jt1dges wa s absent; (8) it \.V as decided that n1ore \.vitnesses d needed to be heard before jt1dgment could be gi,1en; (9) tl1e 11ecessary v.1itnesses did 1101 appe ar; (10) the defendant dicl not a1Jpear; (11) a doct1n1ent ,v as needed; (12) tl1e decisio11 was give11 seve11 months after tl1e case was filed. Tl1e ex a mple given above i11cludes a good samJJling of the tl1ough it by no n1eans is an i11ordinately draw11 out one.

reaso11s for delay in land cases

No matter l1ow well framed pleadings \.Vere in st1cl1 cases, t1nanticipated issues frequently arose. When these new isst1es come to tl1e fore, more wit11esses a11d doct1111e11ts were ust1a lly reqttired to be produced and del ay natura lly resultecl. Aside from delay cat1sed by st1 rprise issues at1d n1issing witnesses, it is also clea.r from the example give11 abo,,e tl1at tl1e parties wl1o bring t11ese cases to court-- usua lly \\1ithout advocates or negara fedges-- were 11ot pre1Ja red to go al1ead witl1 tl1eir cases in an orderly f asl1ion. Even if tl1ey l1ad all tl1e necessary evidence at l1and, t11ey \\ ere unlik7IY to _kno ':' the proper order or n1�n_ner of its presentation. As a result tl1ey often failed to notify tl1e1r witnesses and forgot to bring necessary docun1ents to court. 1

Advocates and Negara Fedges A far greater percentage of litigants i11volved in c ases of first instaoce in tl1e Jv1coagesha Awradja had advocates or negara fedges th an did civil litigants in tl1e \.Voreda Co11rt. h whic fedges for persons_ common involved in land disputes to 11ave negara It was especially . es fed a r Nega that ct a f 1JJ h owners_ the to of due g . a , is nd a l !s p�obably a f a .n1ily affair in Etl,iopi e b 1t will be remembered ! when not _a pI_Je �rmg for cor·porate e11lities or governn,ent agencies, 1;11ustfor members of the f a .mily of the 1nd1v1dt1als they represent a nd can receive no remuneration � their services. !l1e:>: are very . likely _willing _to perfor� the service of representing relatives bot te sen repre s own tl1e1r n Advocate interest a ties 1n tl1e subJect matter of tlle suit. ? ��ause �f family J litttg�nts 11:1 the same kinds of cases as negara fedges but tl1e former were nearly atwaY ste nte unco s 1teta1ned_ 1n contested _ca � whereas negara fedges usually were involved in p.n0eeed1ngs suc.h as appl1ca t1ons for recognition as l1eir.

506 -

r I


THE LOWER COURTS OF ETHIOPIA Civil Appeal s Civil appeal cases h_eard by tl1e Me nagesh a A wact·a O ..inated as w�reda court c�ses in ar��s. It is to be expecte_d,_ t11erefore, that �ost � r, rural y ll entia th ess ese cases involve la nd m some . e rcen p ty t of si x th st e civ il almo appe a l case s 1 1. a r and v in the Me�agesha Awradj a during � ;J8 did. Basically th ese disputes were of two classe s �-suits �1a,�.ing to do with a contract invol ving o of ssi e sse nc po n. ba tur dis )and and A f aiher (plaintiff) gave lane) to his son (d efendant) f or. 1le pu· rpose of pla g trees and building a house. Tl 1e fatl1er gave tllis l and to hi� 0 � se he expe�ted his son's fam l l y and oth j . er Ho ,vev er, t l1e son dam ageJ �1 ��� 1l� was g help with e 1 iven and the get i bac to t k. TJ1 e sue d Wo r recl a Court decided in f a fathe v o f l and the affir th n1e Co e d urt W ore da Awra�j� Cot1rt's decision. Article s' 1��7 �� ;':{, 1 � 79 of ' u1e C1v1l Code and 250, 355, 480 and 223 of the Civil procedure c'ode ,vere mentioned . Where there _was no pre� existing relatio11ship between tl1e parties disPutes u5ua1 1 Y involved di'stur s of nuott conti ssion posse {)rop e rty. bance of The defendant ,:vas accused of grow ing crops 011 the pla inti'ff·'s Jan d a11 . d seu·1ng t11ose . e11e O\.Vn t. TJ . fi b 1e . · I r 11s wo1 eda cou rt fou11d the defendant guilty and sentenced him crops 1or . to pay the a n�ount _h� received \.vl1en he sold the crops. The defendant appealed and the . adja Court. Woreda Court s dec1s1on \Vas affi.rn1ed by tl 1e A \Vr


While indefinite ?oundaries n1a� l1a ve bee11 t l1e cause of disputes such as the one above, often ,vh ere trespass 1s a lleged the issue before the court was ownership. The p lai! 1tiff, � re sident of �ddis Ababa , cla in1ed l1e owned land in a rural area outside of tbe city \�l11cl� b ad been illeg�lly p l?wed by the defendant. The plaintiff and def endant first took t11eir dispute to the atb1 a darua of the l ocality and some settlen1ent was reach ed there . But the de fenda nt ref used to abide by the settlement and so the plaintff took the defendant to tl1e ,voreda court. The defe ndant clain1ed t]1ere that the J anel in. question had been given to him by a third party \Vho c lain1ed to be tl1e owner and t l1at l1e did not recognize the plaintiff as ever having O\:vned the l at1d. But the \Voreda Court decided i n f avor of the plaintiff ,vithout calling the tl1ird tJa rty to test ify. The defendant appeal ed. The A,vradja Court ren1 anded the case with instructions to l1ear the testin1ony of the third party. Artic les 1172 and 1174 of the Civil Code were r elied upon by the pla intilT.

Cases involving alleged imJ)roper distributio11 of prop erty after death were often appealed from \Voreda courts but curiousl y tl1ese appeals were fe,v con1pared to those of the type discussed above. T,vo broth ers bought l a nd a l ong tim e ago but there was no docun1ent executed at the time which sho\ve d what thei r various rigl1ts in th e ]and were. The first brother die d \'litbout a \Viii l eaving a daugl1te r. Tl 1e second brotl1er died Ie3:ving _all of the_ property to his daughte r. Tl1e plai11tiff, dat1ghter of th e brotl1er who died without a w1)l,. brought an action for I1er shar e in tl1e l a11d alleging th at the land h ad been owned Jointly by the two brothers. The plainti ff had no docunientary evid ence to support he r but produced witnes_s es \.Vho testified th at the Ja.nd v., as jointly owiied by the brothers . v,1hen they were ahve.. !he. Woreda Court decided i n f a vor of the pl ainti ff and the AwradJa Court aff1rmed the decision No code article s \Vere n1ei1ti oned. ervices, s f�r ts ac ntr co rm rfo pe to __ e ur l fa_i , ns loa Appealed cases not j11 volvi i1g l an d concerned non-payment of rent, tax delinqt1enC)', and dispt1tes over disposition of property after divorce. er cou t 1 e th of nt me dg ju e th t a tl1 r he eit �' The bas is for appeal in m of tl1ese ca se s was �� l e er n e an ll pe ap e c was just, unfair or th at th e lower court faile d to consid er son,e evidence that th allegedly crucial to deciding tl1e case one w a y or the other. · a y tl1e decision • w e m so in · d e ifi od m v Approx1m ately one-fourth of tl1e decisions given o i �ev �f, · e wit 11 instructions instanc f1rst of u t r c e of t he lo�e r t. Most appeal cases were sent ba c to 1_ as�n' been ignored at t11e first trial. ur co re 10 hear witnesses or . con side r docun1ents that l1ad, for some advance in ey n o m e . m . so d ai p s a • The defendant agreed to pai nt the pla1nt1ff's house l , led to complete ai f t u b e s u o h for �he job. Th e d efendant painted pa rt . of . tl1e P aJllt�� ent m y a p ce n a v d a e l ti r fo rt u the Job. The plaintiff sued the defe11dant 1n the Wored� �o .00. 10 $ er tt la e th d e n fi d n and the court ordered tl1e defendant to pa y the mo ney back a


- 507 -

JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW - VOL. YI - No . 2 e h cas tl1e wit ded 1a11 ren i11stTuctions icl1 wl1 urt Co ja rad Aw 1 tl e to ed _ Tlle defendant appeal er e tl1� etl1 anc wl1 adv see to se u J1 s iff' int pla tJ e 1 � ine m . exa to 11a,,e an expert _ . Code Articles 103 pay1nent and 223, was fair coinpensatio11 for t11e ,vork done. �1v 1l Procedu1e and Article 2005 of tl1e Civil Code \Vere relied t1pon. o111y a few cases (ten percent) were re,,ersed witl1out re� and,. by tl1e M�nag�l1a Awradja. This was due to tl1e fact tl1at appellants ust1ally alleg� d a11 error in . a deterrn1nat1on_ o� fact by the lower court ratl1er tl1an a mistake of la\V. It is n1ore conve11 1en� for the parties if factual inconsistency is fot1nd, to l1a,,e the disputed issue _of fact resolved bacl< 111 t!Je lower court, near the sources of evide11ce. Only ,vl1ere a clear mistake of Jaw 'Y�s n1ade usually through some arbitrary act of tl1e lower court, did tl1e Court rnake a ne,v decisio11 : The appellant was a defendant in a civil case. I-fe was adjt1dged . liable in tl1at case but instead of in1posi11g a civil judgme11t the Woreda Courtd ordered l11rn to P�Y a $ 200. 00 �ne a11d spend six n1011ths in prison. Tl1e defendant a1Jpealed to tl1e A wr� dJa Cot1rt relying on Articles 41 and 43 of tl1e Revised Constitt 1tion of 1955. Tl1e AwadJa Cot1rt freed tl1e appellant. r-\dvocates and Negara Fedges A.dvocates were involved in abot1t fifteen percent of tl1e civil appeal cases heard in the Menagesha Awradja. Compared \Vith the 11t 1n1ber of advocates representing clie11ts io civil cases of first instance in tl1e Worecla Court and Menagesl1a A \vradja this was a large proportion. Negara fedges representing family n1ernbers ap1Jeared i11 tl1irteen precent of civil appeal cases thougl1 tl1ey did not see1n to specialize in lanci cases as tl1ey did in cases of first instance. On appeal, negara fedges were involved in jt1st about every kind of case from loan cases to claims for con1pensatio11 due to property damage. TI1us approximately one-fourth of the litigants involved in civil appeal cases l1ad some form of representation. 111 tl1e Woreda Court studied, only two or three JJercent of the litigants involved in cases sin1iJar to tl1e ones brought on appeal to tl1e iv1e11agesha Awardja bad advocates and relatively few l1ad negara fedges to represent tl1e111. St1cl1 an increase in the percentage of litigants using spokesn1e11 for appellate proceedings n1t1st be a11 i 11dication tl1at the prospect of appella1e litigation in l1igher courts 1nakes people uneasy abot1t tl1eir ability to contir1t1e ll1e case on their o\vn. Delay

Civil aJJpeal cases were disposed of, GlS a rule, n1ore qt1 icldy tl1an tl1e civil cases of first instance. Tl1is was undoubtedly due to tl1e fact that in st1cl1 cases t11e iv1enagesha A\.vradja relied a good deal t1p . on tl1e record of tl1e woreda court a 11d did not hear tl1e case co r11plctely c/e noro. Often, however, tl1e woreda court record \Vas so co11fused or unclear tl1at a basic re-l1earing in the P. .. wradja was necessitated. Even where a numl1er of appoi11t111ents were necessary, l1owever, tbe tin1e in betwee11 tl1en1 does not I1ave to be great since co11gestio11 \¥as not a n1ajor problen1 at tl1e Menagesba A wradja. . Appearing_ rnai1y times withi11 a short period of ti111e, thougl1, can pro,,e a burde11son1 e to parties who live far away from the court: Tl1e defendaL1ts were charged ,vitl1 buying goods pursua11t to an oral credit ag-reen1e t1t and later faili11g to tJa� !heir d ebt to tl1e pla !11tiff. Crio1ina1 cl,arges ,vcre brougl1t against ther.n a11d tl1ey were Jailed. 1� l1e11, the parties reacl1ed a co111JJro111ise vvitl1 the l1elp of arbitrators wl1erby 011e defe11da11t agreecl to tJay the bill a11d t11e otlier becan,e I1is guara11tor for performanc�. The defendants \Vere re]eased fro111 (Jriso11. Tl1e clefe11da 11ts failed to pay and were sued. 1n tl1e Woreda Cot 1rt wl1ere it was decided tl1at JJroiJerty of t11e defendants be sold to satisfy tl1e debt. Tl1e defendants apJJealecl contendil1g that they only agreed to !11ake tl1e payment t111der_ duress ,vbil.e in1prisoned for tl1eir i11itial default. AJJpointn1ents Ill t�e appellate proceedmgs we_re given for tl1e follo,vi 11g reas OilS : (1) docuo1e11ts ,vere reqt1 1red to be presented concerning the origiI�al cri111i11al cl1arge; (2) a jttdge v,,as abse11t; (3) tl1� documen_t needed at tl1e first appo111tment was 110t available; (4) tl1e doctunent " snll not available �11d tl1e cot1rt. ordered tl1e woreda JJolice cllief to brir1g it hin1self; (:,) the cot1rt need�d t101� to exam111e the docume11t wI1ich was fitl brotight; (6) tl1e ally respo11dents were given time to prepare tl1eir case; (7) t!1e cotirt 11ee time to delibe rate; ded _ (8) the court needed furtl1er !1111e to consider the case before re11cter decision ;(9) a ing anotl1er document connected �1tl1 t11e proceedings in tl1e Woreda Co required by wa s urt the court; (10) tl1e appelJant did 11ot appear i 11 court; (11) neither appeared and_tbe _ p arty court closed tl:.e . case after fot1r and ooe-l1alf n1ontJ1s of a[Jp Articl e . pro cee ella din te gs 2005 of the Civil Code was the only Code Article 01entioned in tlie records of t11e case .

- 508 -


The case above, . it shot1l� be noted, is not a t ica cas in terms of the long tin1e and g reat nun1ber of appointments 1t required to be decideJP · B u� suef1 cases are a conJmon occurrenc the lower betwe en and • · ation appel late · e ordin courts, tl1e courts 'an.d tl1e J?O C··o1·ice, co·urts and litgants witnesses 1s obviously Jess than d an s cour t d · p erirect • If difficult issues aris · , an , e e ween b t h w k. ·1ngs t hi ch require ese elen1ents of the JU • d'ic.ia1 syStem for prompt har n1oni ous woris likely to resolution of the rest1lt. dispute, delay �riminal Cases: First Instance

. · ance 1n Sixty-seven percent of tJ1e criminal cases hearcl in fi1rst ins the Menagesba AwradJa _ � . X . t. tl1ef lved As invo 1t n1igl be 1968 e durin·g . JJected of crim es ar1smg 111 rural areas' most 0f the -� · · · theft s invo1ved p1 . er1ng of, 11vestock. I1 1lerestingly, oxen seem to be most popular with thieves. Except for tl1e obJects of the tl1eft, the f ollo\.ving is typical : The defendant \V as accused of stealing nine goats and nine sheep I-Ie was charged • t h ' �� violating Article 630 of the Penal Co de. Prosecutioi1 witn , esse s d' 1 d· not c m o e cour t 1 or · testrfi . ed agau1s t the defendant who watso sen · • _�,s and at t I1e t l11rd the fi1rst t\.VO ,11:arin tenced i1np 11so yea �1� rs ent Tl1 . e l1ar two sh penalty was due to the fact that the defeildant to . bad quite _a fe,v conv1ct1ons for theft. Articles 630, 193, and 186 of the Penal Code ,,,ere mentioned.

Other cases involved theft of household goods and agricultral products and only a fe..,v cases arose out of theft of cash.

\ifteen perc�nt of tl1e Menagesl1a Awradja's first instance criminal load \Vas composed of v_iol_at1ons . o� Article 538 of tl1� Penal . Code --"Grave willful injury". This crin1e is set apart from s1mil �r c_ r1m1n8! n1atters l1eard 1n tl1e. Woreda Court by the generally n1ore serious kind of injury the v1ctlDl receives and tl1e state of n11nd of tl1e accused. It also sl1ould be noted that prosecution for this crime does not l1ave to be initiated upon private complaint. In effect, ho,vever, n1ost prosecutions stem from a complaint made by tl1e injured party to tl1e police. The defei1dant was accused of stabbing the plaintiff in the abdomen and chest. The pla­ intiff sta rted tl1ings off by kjclcing the defendant in the l1ead but the Awradja Court felt tJ1at the defenda11t's response to the plaintiff's act was excessive and sentenced the defendant to three months it1 priso11. Articles 74, 75, 185 and 538 of tl1e Penal Code were n1entioned. 1·he case took tl:iree rno11ths a11d six days and there were six appointments.

The other eighteen percei1t of tl1e crin1iI1al cases heard on first instance at the Me□agesba Awradja \Vere distributed fairly equally between damage to property (Article 653 of the Penal Code), violation of transport rules concerning loading of trucks and buses, and cases broug! �efore the cotrrt to satisfy the requirernents of Article 29 of the Criminal Procedure Code (br1ng1og a suspect to court within forty-eigl1t l1ours after l1is arrest).

In many first insta 11ce crimi1 1al cases the court's remoteness from tJ1e scene of the cri1:11e coupled with difficulties of tra nsportation and comn1unication create a_ gre�t many ,p_roblems. Pohce are not always likely to be statioi1ed i11 most areas ,vl�ere the cr1n1e ts com01 ittecl. Thus they have to rely upon tl1e reports of atbia dan ias and ch1 qua sl1un1s br?ught to the m wh�re l�ey are stationed in 'larger tow11s Then tl1e report l1a s to be brougl1t to Addis Ababa for . co� siderationt t e suspec s thi all for e�l uir req . 1e ti!1 the g 1�in Dt ?Y the prosect utor at the Menagesl1a Awradja 18 often held in police custody \vl1ile tl1e i11vestigation and trial ru11 their cou,rse.


pointed ap en be d · ba e · at oc dv a an 1� b b' w Jn se a Our _1nv_estigatio� ?f the files did not reveal one c adja for wr A ha es ag en M e th at d trie ts pec for an 111d1gent cr1n1111al defenda.nt thougl1 most sus thefi or willful injury v1otllcl satisfy indigency standards. _ These t. an nd fe de e • th r fo s te • ca vo ad e However, · 1n ten percent of tl1e cases reviewed t11 ere wer· though tlley were generally htr ed to a dvacat es did not seen1 to specialize i, n any type Of case represent defenda11ts i n pl1ysical injury or tl1eft cases. . .ients --the �ate . r their cl fo ls ta it u q ac . ng 1 ga10 Advo cates were not partict1larly successful in tes (a little ca o v a a t . u o h it w ts n a d en ef d of acquittals being about t11e same for defenda nts witb and over half of all defendants were found guilty).

- 509 -



• of witi1esses --both for e lur fai tl1e s wa ts sui nal n,i cri in the Th - pr1m r cat1 se f delay e n1acl1inery for sun 1m oning tl1ese pe ople � ; J Tl1 es. tim ted oi11 app � at e ar prosecL1 Ln . an . e ence-- t� app ou t tl1eir fu11ctions quickly ry car to e l op e p any m o o t k and on s nd to coL1rt 1s aw \Vard . It depe ·. . · \.VI·t n_esses _ i t has 1 n m ons on sL1 ve ser · 1cl1 wh ers ffic o [to no has f tsel effi1c1en · tiy. s·1nce tl1e court 1 . t - atbia dan i a - c111qu ur co d a re w? irt cot Ja · a rad aw ity bil nsi po res ted d epend on a chain of delega .1 addition \vl1en a witness reft!sed. �o appea r , tl1e polic e sl111m - to do tl1e job in rural areas. 11 seemed t o be incapable of requiring tl1eir appearance. In som e cases 111ability to get a hold of necessary people or docun1ents r esulted in dismissal. Tl1e def e.n dant was cl1arged witl1 tl1eft of $11. 00 in violation of Article 630 of tl1e Penal Code. Tl1e prosecutor said tl1at l1e had tl1ree .�vitnesses �110 \VOLdd � ttest to the defendant's before. the court guilt. Tl1e court repeatedly ordered tl1e police to br111g tl1es_e witnesses . but tl1e police reported tl1at tl1ey could n.ot. lo�ate the v.11tnesses. After fou1 atte1npts to bring tl,e witnesses to court, tl1 e case was d1s1n1ssed. Criminal Appeals

Criminal appeals from woreda courts cases brougl1t to rural woreda courts. -

o utside

of Addis Ababa reflected the nature of criminal

Most of tl1e appeals (forty-seven percent) involved dispL1tes between neighboring landowners -''Damage to Property of A11otl1er Cat1sed by Herds or Flocks'' (Articl_e 64�, Penal Code), ".Dis­ tu rbance of Another's Holdings'' (Article 651, Penal Code), and ''D1splac1ng and Remo,·al of Bo undary Ma rks" (Article 652, pena.l Code). Tl1e defendant ,vas accused of allowing l1is ca ttle to graze 011 tl1e plaintiff's land in violation of Article 649 of the Penal Code. Th e woreda cot1rt foL1nd that tJ1e d efendant had repea­ tedly been warned by tl1e p]aj ntiff not t o graze l1is cattle on tl1e plaintiff's land and sentenced hin1 to three montl1s in jail or a $ 50. 00 fine. Tl1e defendant appealed to tl1e Awradja Court contending that l1e l1ad been prevented from presenting his witnesses. The Av.'!adja Court fot1nd tl1at tl1 e defenda11t's guilt had been properly established but tbat tl1 e penalty irnposed by the trial coLtrt. was unjLtst. Tl1 e Awradja Court o rdered the appellant released fron1 jail l1ecause it felt l1e l1ad already served enot1gl1 time \vhile inca rcerated durin g the Jitigatio11. Fifteen percent of the crin1it1al appeal cases heard in tl1e Menagesl1a Awradja involved conten1pt of cou.rt - a rather su rprisi11g discovery. These c11arges were brougl1t pt1rsua11t to Article 443 (1) of tl1 e penal Code wl1icl1 states: ''Wl1osoever, in t he co11rse of a judicial inquiry, proceedi11 g of (sic) 11e.aring, in an)' n1anner in.stilts, holds tlp to ridicul e, tl1reatens or distt1rbs the court or any o f its 1 11en1bers i11 the discharge of tl1eir duti es, is punishable \Vith sim1)le i111priso11n1ent 11ot exceeding six montl1s or witl1 a fine not exceeding 011e lh ousa1 1d dollars. In flagrar1 t cases. tl1e court may deal witl1 the offe11ce SL1mn1arily. Almost without exceptio11 these cas es v.1ere reversed by tl1e A\vradja Court: The defen?ant was acct1 s e� of violating Article 443 ()f tl1e Pe11�il Code by i t 1sL1lting his adversary 1n court. The trial court fot1nd tl1e def enda11t gL1ilty and sente11ced J1in1 to pay $ 50 . 00 or _spend three n1ontbs in pris?1:· TJ1e clefendant ,l{JJJealed t o tl1e Awradja Court. The AwradJa Court reversed t�e dec1s1 on on the grot1nd t11at the woreda court should 11ave sente11ced tl1e defe11dant without opening a new case against h.i111. . files the in cases, court f o mpt reversed for tl1e same reason were found Quit� a f ew conte t te co h t not court a pen a t new tl1� 1t 1 \Vi case against a defenda�t cl1arged n �p !he reqt11rem� � JSh pUD to enal � t�e of 443 cotirt e d o C Art1cle_ altl1ot1gl1 Ill tl1at article does allow a 1s not s_tated sttmmarily offences against tl1e dignity and decorun1 of the c otirt The other c�n1mon cause for re\1ersal of contempt c onvicitions was arbitrary action by a a woreda court Judge : e. 1i1he defe nda nt, an advocate, was a guarant or for the defendant's appearance in a casnt The advocate repeatedly failed to b ring tl1e defendant to court and displayed flagra

- 510 -


pi( M

THE LOWER COURT S OF ETHJOPIA disregard for th e court's orders. The \voreda cou rt c.ha ed th e advocate wit h contempt and ui 1j that he s u suspended him from practice for six 111onths bmit J1im�elf to conti ­ . nuous poljce stirveillanc e, and prol1ibited 1 1im ' r:�! �:k . · ing part in a.ny p ubhc assem aled e and p a b lies. t fend l1e Awradja Cou rt d c d ant p Tbe de that the pen�lties irnposed were in for pro vi�e Ar _ d t icl e hos 443 e of the Penaf ���e· T he Aw not t radJa Court, therefore, t of dec1s1on l1e e th Wor e da rsed Court. reve . Appeals of convictions arising fro m transport regulatiotl v·iol�tio ns were the n_ext largest gr ou e appeaJ p lev ( e on n perce11 heard t). Us u a es l ly s t ca hes e ca se rnvolved ?verload1ng of of buses and e ap pellate court mitig ated the penalties th Often i ks. giv en or t liese ofef nces by \Voreda courts. truc Abo ut the sam e nu n1b·e r of appeals ·f ron1 assa' ult cases, vi· o1 at1o • ns of Article_s 552, 539 and we e e, o r ap h e p a 1 e d to the Menagesha Awradja. 544 of t e Penal C d Often tbes� disputes _ aros e o�t of argttn1e11ts o ver possession of land and thei' r finI�1 resolu..t·io n by the AwradJa Cou rt was cont1gent upo n resolution of conflictic1 g of owners 11p: . an ts we re accused of beatin d en def g the plaintiff after ti1e pIain· t'ff The 1 . tr·ed to prevent plow fron 1 ing wl1at l1e claimed was his Iand• T he P1a1nt�1 ff brought the the def enda11ts r �dants were fined $ 100 each. Tl1ey appealed to the Awrad·a case to c�ur t and ti 1e de1e nda nts l1ad a right to t1·11 the I and, and Court wl11cl1 fot1nd tl1at since the defe ·J s ince . . d t esses th te� :r. . at t 11 e plaint iff was injured by the yoke of the defen �1� defenc e \VI· ·tn dant's oxen when tl1 e plaintiff tried to stop the defendant from plowing, the case sho uld be reversed.

The rest of tl1e case s l1eard on appeal were ev en ly divided between defa.m atio n (Article 583, Penal Code), pet ty fraud (Article 662, PenaJ Code), and tax defaults.

Almost l1alf of the crimin al cases �ear� on �ppeal by the lvlenagesha Awradja \vere fu lly reversed., remanded to the lo\ver courts with 1nst ruct1o n s, or modified in son1e way.

T\venty-two p ercent of tl1e cases were fully re versed �-that is, the Awradja Co urt decided the case finally just th e opposite of t he way tl1e lower cou rt decided it. Full reversa l usually resulted from misi11terpretatio11 of essential facts, or an unfair, arbitrary decision. The appelJant was fined E. $ 40. 00 in tl1 e woreda cou rt for stealing hay belonging to l1 is father. The defendant a ppeale d to tl1e Awradja Court ,vl1ich fot1nd tl1at the defendant b ad actua ll y been convicted because l1e did not pay his fathe r the re spect that the local custom dictated and reversed the case.

Reversal could also result from a woreda cou rt 's failure fully to con sider all the facts at hand. The defend ant \Vas accused of trespassi11g on the plain tiff's land by planting eu calyptus trees on it. Th e issu e was t o \V]1om tl1e land i n q uestion belon ged. Both parties had wit­ nesses t estifying in their favor as to ownersl1i p but the woreda court found ownership in the plaintiff and the defendant was adjudged guilty. have Th e Awradja Court decided that tl1e woreda cour! judge who mad� the decision should d that the viewed the property himself before decidin g the iss ue of ownerslup and ordere criminal charges against tl1e d ef endant be dropped. n ded to the lower court a rem e r we s� ca d rse ve e r A slightly smaller i1u mber tl1 an the f u lly n prese nted e be t no d ha , ns so rea s u rio va r fo �or the purpose of heari11g \Vitnesses or evide nce that, 1 n the tri al. urt felt Co ja ad wr · A e th n e h w I ly 'n a m d · · u rre · cat 1on of woreda court J udgments occ Mere quired re at th ns io cis de · t · ur_ co a d re wo f o that a fine or sentence imposed was excessiv e. The nu mber n the avoidance i t ili ib ns po res Y at gre mo�ification suggests th at tl1e Menagesha A\vradja has a of injustice resulting from arbitrary punishments. f rent ever dife n st o m • al e er \V · al e p ap p·nau , ed o n Js ra s t1e 1ss at th olved te res no ly t<:> g er it tin p es er ro is p int im f o ! Y se u a ec b · d e over interpre tat.ion of law . ReVIew wa s ne arl y always·tat factual issues.

Advocates . l a eal cases fifteen percent of the time. . crim111 a p � A_dvo_cates represente_d criminal defendan ts in . eal that the Court v e r · t no does a . Invesl!gat1on of 11 a A w adJ es ·s case. g a Men. the · of records m the archives hi ever appointed an advocate fo r an indigen t criminal defeudant appeahng

- 511 -

JOURNAL OF ETHfOPIAN LAW - VOL. VI - No. 2 No particular kinds of cases appeared to induce _defen�ants to retain advocates 00 appeal, and there was nothing from the nature of �I,e case 1n which a_dvocates were retained tJ1at indicated tl1e financial status of defendants wl10 l11re,l. advocates at this stage of a case. 'Delay

In the A�ad�a Court's criminal appeal cas� s, the ca �ses f?r d�Iar were mt1ch tl1e san1e as the factors which 1nflue.nced the number of appo1ntn1ents g1ve11 u1 cr1m1nal cases of first instance In general, though, since tl1e Court is provided \Vitl1 the woreda court's records of tl1e trial· proceedings 9. ere shorter. The need for doct1ments and \Vit1.1esses not being so great, dela)'S du; to tl1eir absence were minimized. But the prosecution's failure to prepare cases promptly or a judge's absence usually contributed to at least extra appoi11tment per case. 1

- 512 -


•• ••

INDEX f "4:,.. r-







OD 7"


Journal of Ethiopian Law

-fl A�9'1 : 1,-- :: VOLUME VI

Table of Articles by Authors

Subject Index

f...f•mcl>(I.:,-; : f,11'1 : 'l''·'l'�":f : fni.f tif, : 1'1C11C s: Table of Laws Cited





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r�:,-,,, = ,n,,h� = ,1,oi nwllJ nt1P'c = 00;-- :,. n �-" = n i'1..:,,r« .r = ..,..°' 9'•1" : Or {ltp : f/\(Dc : f�,: : U•t:J' I 6/253 Ot1.,"1·r«kr .. : 11-H-01- : OP'&- : l\,e : 01/'P/,\1- : llOT/Ot..:J":l"T : f1"1� : .�c �,,y::,:, : h1n : "l•OC : .,, : foY.ff.c . 10J• : ,11°1 I 6/201 f� )-. : {lf.' {l ,f.. "; : 0, OD:J"'J! : OD"} fl tiliJ, l 6/1





n cf,P, "1'P.

: ,:,J!, fl : P'I\ (b : �t'fiC 0.rf :'i" : O'rC1'1'f!il,f'"C1- : �t'fico.--l: : oo,f·'l nc : fT�t..1 9°C9°C I OD"Jfi.f I r n:rl· �c� f1·f..:1·• = rt1..:1..r·k.r

itlPt«C I




6/247 6/305

TABLE OF ARTICLES BY AUTHORS Beckstrom, Jol1n H., Bilillign Mandefro, Bodman, P. Timotl1y, Geraghty, Thomas, John stone , Quintin,

Johnstone, Quintin

Divorce in Urban Ethiopia, Ten Years after the Civil Code ............ • • • • • Agricultural Communities and the Civil Code • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .............. . Incon1e Tax Exemption as an Incentive to Investment in Ethiopia · · · · · · · · · · · · s em bl ro P d �n es ud it tt A , es ic _ ct ra le P p Peo , · · · • • • 1a p 1o th E f o s rt ou C er w o L in the . .. n a e D e th m o fr rt o p e R Sixth Annual

y it rs e i� n U I ie ss _ a ll e S e il Ha h rc a se e R y 1t rs e 1v n U rn e North West ·•••••••• · · · · · · · · · · · fl • • • • • • • • ect i ProJ,

- 515 -

VI,283 Vl,143 VI,215 VI,426 VI, 16


iiAi?°'.. : 17" :

fitil+Pif..C : ;,,'? :: fl'i.TV'-kf : �c� : (1irf,1' : hilrf-Pif...C : 6/305 f h.-'l·r·k.r = fn:t-:f = 'i!C� = lt.f1· == f'?11C : f.."111� : 1--11.i'h : {1(){110>· : ro-ti� : l\f., = f'I?..f..l.1-- = J!,"11l7f":f,x 1tcfl il = r1criY:'i = rf:ntn = n'i:A = OIJ�,nc , ,,e'?11.� = £J,e 1 fit1C : OJcil.'I' : 1(1. : UoP't,,r : ,t:,, i Uol,\{l : 0611' :: 6/70 11H111 : OP't-- : l\,e : il/\"1/'P/,\ : rm,n• : J11:f.. i 11tl·01: OP't--: l\f,: OI/'PA1: t\01/0l.;t-;J---'},: f1"lf: = �"Cl:rr..:f-1 = h1fl = 111c = .,, = ftPJ••rf..c1ro· = ,b<1 :: 6/201 f'IC : "111:,. : "?.�il,.J;C : 1',i,--1 : fl\OJc : P'AllJ1'i : fUo&,:,.. : J!,1·•:J--c;: ttilrf-Pif..c = rof..k:,.. = ILer t..m· = ilt\{IIL1'101• = FA«11 = f111 l.,} : ftr)· : fC}\ 7f : Uot,,y..-:,·. : it I\ 0'l'11· 'l :f m- : 4, n lb 9l1' ;,,11•n'i = lll\'i!:,•d, = ..n,,h�- ,_ ;hcri == 6/77 f11H1l : "?.�il,.J;C : P'AflJ1 : 11H•fl1 : OP'� : l\f, : "1/'PA1 : t\lP/Ol.;J--;r:,.. : f"}''i,�" : ,�c:L!6/201 ,f-'f"} = h1fl. = °l"nc = .,, = roi.rf..c1,n· = ,h°l =� 0

.li 'I°'?A'i :: nh..T\'-A"f : 11 :P.-1·· '1 : 'i!C� : tt ,y..:.1·• i fh,:,..r-�.. r = r n:J--'f = 'i!c�- = n,,y.:r.. == 6/305 'i!:f,1 = n°1.OD" h ,i: = 1..Pi r·:f :1-cto : OD'} r I J!,"111'1 : ()J?, l 1',1lt..,.ti :,. 1-0l : aoc)cf,A : OD/;\(t: 061° :: 6/27 fn'P : t\--/,\ : ,:,.el\ :: U?c,r9•> { .e 1q� : q_e, ,;: f,.{l{l : ,:,f,tt, : 00&\.{l : {)6� :: 6/229 nh..T\'-A"f : hi·'l°:f : OJc(l'f' : ft\W-- : r�1-- : o-�:r :: 6/253



f�--l-ch : 11"1.C : ,11"1 : P''I : P'C'¼T :: 'i!c� = l\00 llm:,. = btin: = nil = 01:Pt..11 = nil&.1\1.. = ll./\aDlf)- 1 5 6/4 {l ¼ �{l : ;J--f,._(l tJVf O-'} t· .e'?()� : ()_e j .ff..,f: : OD/,\ : ()61}' :: On.-'l-r·A-f = rn;,:f = 'i!C..l!· = 11-r--:Y- = v�-1--,11 = -Oth.c = ;,,cri = P''I = FC'¼,r :: fh.;,-.r-*.r = rn;--:f = 'i!c� = CL,Y..:f = n.lP&.c == 6/305 •

- 516 '



-9'1' :: fo;J "I : OJ•/,\ f flD/l. � : i't"l f-' : W•A X ;rf. ii ' 1-J "I IJ..} I f,"I fl "S

rm·A = c:.c9° :;:

: fl,e,



.I'Y. • I; : C' Q :

= \.. =

ODA ii

' 1'161!> ::


h,.l,."7 =;).e1t,' .e"l'l� 'l.e 1 fk on •. ,:, •. 'l •. ODAfl •. (l 6 1 � -•••. I'-« lb ,,u 6I/38 cp il :,. 'i : ,,.,,.,,r 7f" 'I :,.. I h1l'01/ : ,:,.e,� t f."1'1� : '15� 1 rt\_. : i' b : oo : q : ODt\{l:(161}•:: 6/38 = h.1,1...1....1ri i'tho..\'·1 0·1,}11c � .e'?'l� 'l_e 1 ;,,,y.. : _e. t\ • h if!.<;.. (l OD f: . OD t\ {) : (t 61}> :: 6/57 ° : , : : ooq 11 m'}it\,;: 66}, f ' 1 /»', : FCO,,)-. : ot'-..:,•r-A-.. rn;t·'f· =�CJ?."=n,.f·1·.. = fro1:e"�: on�,tiliJ, ,11°1 F''l= FC'}T :: rtt.:rr-A"-.r rn::1--�f- = �c...�-- n,.y.:f = 6/305


=� : =







= Jt,n



(1'11l&...,e n,:,. = {)ft«?<Y,r:,.. x 0.4'(1 : ,11 °1 ¾ .e"l'l :-� : 'l.e I '}/lOD• : }'l.(:;J : OD/;\{) : (16�

f,\ t1l/J; 'P. : dl °1 ::



n ..

71 ' ' l1.'i'-: ticil-t..<1'i'f: ADI/ r: e .. :J(D• : h�/,\: {l(\ m Ot.,c:1-·t•: il .. · · ,V,'P. : rl1"1 I 1 r f"f,fll.T : flf). : rl,c�1· : OD/., f•1' : {lftOTl1 '".():J�m- : 4 0t\,?l:Y•: , 11ll1l'i. : ill\ <j:;f,. ,11 : 11,11.�- : , 11 "1 :: 6/77 1

f rt�· : fl·ll : ,l1"1 :: f�'f : 9°ti'J ,,r ..y... :1- 1 TC�o : OD0, ';\' !· .e"1 'l :>i; : () _e 1 i'1•f1l 1i ,..,.. : 1·fll : OD/;\_{l : (}61}7 :: rn·'Ptt·•A ,:,.ettCT?c:f'l° i .ecJJ'l� 'l.e 1 ..e.nn fl6lh ::


= ,:,�"' ,, ODt\fJ. =



Of1 il cf, I,\

6/27 6/229

�:,; : foY..fith.-)·•t\:fro- : U·�:J--?J1' :: .-,... �.&.. me:,, = O,t\01/u� ¾ .ecJJ'l� 'l.e I ' I'� : me:,, �;J"li ' 24 / 3 6 OD t\{l : (1_61}- :: 7 ' A ii+ oo 2 6/ ' l 111 : -l· lli 11 l h : "S flf, -l·Cto : ""'¼ 'µ ' f,"1 fl ODt\ it : ll 6'b :: rif'I' ' 11:-A : ;)f,l\ : "'IC.(''/" l f,"lfl:>S ' flJ.', ! f.1111 ' :}J.',/1, l 6/229 OD t\it : 1161}- :: 0 : i fl "} Y: ,fl : ;J �-� o� :f ct: : · m ft r ,, : r {l h · m 'I' : 0 . : 1·r-A·y : h ..,... 01/91 : TJ, ' -0,1,.-;.. ' �.., i 00 2 / 6 tj:' • ,; "'I,; 'l.e. , r f: l1 , -l1\h :,3 5 • � -,, ·• :J � u f ri: r · m tt f = l' t' · m = " i l ' 79 �" 1 ,1 :, ti = l it. ·r-A-f






- 517 -


f,11°1 : :J··tti



f"I-Ol:,.. : ftJ'� : fJ,c7t' : Uo�1-:1, ill\OIJ.11-(}:t:oJ-c = <Pfll\.?J1.. = ,1 111 6/77 -0 t; : ll/\<;:;f,,h : 11,l1,?- : ,1i'? :: -- : a1 : f,,e..1.. ..-, ..:,.. u \-t hil : ·f .. y .. (1, � .. : lj:( : f :J--: : f1,V·'i>:J: : rt,.:i.·•f"A.., : ·r,1 "" :J t ti4! : t\ OJ•'l' 1 -- = t,lP t�c :: ,-:f L.f f = .. � c fn,.Tf·k..e : t10;:1--1· = ct: 6/305

-·rro } j!l\ f : auq,liliJ,, : if1''1 :: ;rl\.(1-:f.• : (1P't. : I\ f, : qt\• : {t{\ ort.lP�-'PTOJ• : OJ 1 il\."01"-. ; oj> fl, : il.t� : hti "li t f 7L : -i ;J-- : n l..;J � --1--11 l\7i :: "'} "fl l "t ::



{lh,C;l"tr : Orll'r : (tf\Ol/.1"f.T : ncfl,t;.r�·f,; : i1.lli\'1°1' : fav1o:,.. : ilt:fw'." : llt\ : ',!:,--,1, : ,,0th.?- : ,1,"1 :: r...�•fll1' = r If )· r1,c7f = oot,...y..--:;. = iifl OTt:1 "j"... 'l:fm· = 4' n lb�:f· ,1,11..-n,; = rtf\ = �:,--,,, = •0th.?< = ,n"l == 6/77 0 OD loT : f;J �.. : () (\ U ir(l : ,.. '1 ,r : I\ .,e, : f+ OD IPl...,.. : {lcf'.q 0?. '11-- : >if : ,.e.111�A : fOI/l\ :,-. : oo�n :,,,. 1 ;t--Y..o ti"t�"} 1 f."1'1:� = q,,e, 1 ff...1; = en... i OfJl!\(l 061!' 6/45





r-- =





oh ....1, A·.r 11 ti11 = nr1 t-- I\ J?-. = 07 'PA 1 = l\ "'Io t. :J... :.r ,1 .. = r1 °1 �-6/201 .e-c)?:-fr1 : h•Jft : OJ..-flc : 'If/ : fUCJ••r1-..c1ro· : ,1,°l :: f01·0C : ,e'?'l�� : 1--'li'h : f(tmlD41 : �c� : OOD.�11 0)9"° : f,°1ll-;,;: nn �rf-cf (D• : (i.:C�"' : fL;fw : cJ1 Cfl : (lcJ,{11{!1 : l\f, : }, 1P, i\ : '1"0 {: : fUDTI �A : �:t' : {t/\UD'i�-- ; 01

1 cn.. il = r1"l�'i = ,·1:t1tn = n<t:A = °' j(�oc ¾ ,ec.11'11 = ,1,e.. i fn 6/70 1c = co•il'r = 1 n ,.. : aoP' t.r n..,-,, z. oot\il (161]- :� il°': 1'?P', r = ODJ»tf : (1,-f�:Y· : 01-7fttl· : oJ'9':f-,; : ,1;�:9°1t : 7iY � uw1, = l\,e = roiz..b.(.A = r7if 6t = "IO. = 1•·11c x "' hC{til : f1"1�"'i : "f;h).n : ht;:A : a111oc : ,eoi•l� : '1.f,; fh 70 6/ 1c = w•il'r = 1n. = ODJ»tf = n,:,.. , ODA.ii = ,)61J, ==




-518 -





SUBJECT INDEX LAW IVE T A STR, INI ADlVI Volun1e & Page Administration of Jttdicial system i11 Etl1iopia Tl1e Lo,:ver co11rts of Ethiopia .... ..................... VI,4-26 Appeals against Tax, Appeal Con1mission Orbis Co . v. l11land Reve11t1e De1Jartmer1t • • • • • • • • • • • • VI, 74 Jnvest111ent Legislation Income Tax Exernption for I11vestors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VI,215 Powers of Ministry or l11terior, suggested Powers of Ministry of La11d Reforn1. Agricultural con1n1t111ities and tl1e Civil Code ........... VI,145 Powers of Mi11istry of Fi11a11ce Incon1e Tax Exem ptio11 for I11vestors .................. YI,2 l5 •

.<\RBITRATION Io lower levels of jt1dicial system Tl1e lower co11rts of Etl1iopia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In divorce cases Tirfe Measl10 v. Abrehet Gebremeskel ................. Yesl1oal11l 1-l.M. v. Debebe Haile ..................... 'Divorce i11 urban, ,Etl1iopia ............................ CIVIL PROCEDURE Cause of action req11ired Tadesse Kassahun v. Procedttre i11 lower levels The lower cot1rts of

for judgn1ent Yadete Robi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • of jt1dicial system Etl1iopia ........... • • • • · · · · · · · · · ·

CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS Contract of a11tichresis Tadesse Kassaht1n v. Yadete Robi . • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Form of Contract .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . Ketema Haile v. E.E.L.P.A. Suretyship-guarantee . .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Kete ma Haile v . E.E.L.P.A. . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · Ras I11surance v. Abdttl S e m e d . • • CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Proc edure in lower levels of judicial system · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • The Lower Court of Ethiopia Remand · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Public Prosecutor v. Alem11 Urga · · · ·

- 519 -

Vl,426 VI, 33 VT,236 Yl,283

VI, 49 VI,426

V1, 49 VI, 42 VI, 42 VI, 61

VI,426 VI, 55

CUSTOMARY LAW ea itr Er of s er nd 1la gl lu 11 tia ris Ch e tl1 g Cl1ston1ary law amon · · · · · • • • • .. de Co vil Ci e tl1 d a11 ies 1it 1u1 n1n co ral Ag1·ict1ltu

Volun1 e & Page VI,145

FAMILY LAW Cat1ses of divorce Tirfe Measl10 v. Abrehet Gebre111eskel ................. • • • • • Yesl1walt1l H.M. v. Debebe 1-Iaile


Co 11seque11ces of divorce Teferra Work Alemaht1 v. Tirtl\vork Negas11 ........... · el ................. Tirfe Meas110 v. Abrel1et Gebre1ues k Yes.he,valt1l I-1.M. v. Debebe Haile ..................... Divorce i11 t1rba11 Etl1iopia ....................... • . • ..

VI,245 VI, 33 VI,236 VI,283

Religio11 a11d the Civil Code ::1s regards marriage Divorce in t1rban Etl1io pia ............................


• •

• • • • • •

• • • •

• • •

LEGAL HISTORY .A.gri.ct1ltt1ral Co 1nn1u11 ities and tl1e Civil Code ............. Historical e,1olt1tio11 of the prese11t day lower cot1rts of E . tl1iop1a Tl1e lo\\1er courts of Ethiopia ......................... PENAL LAW Offences con1mitted by JJolice officer in discl1arge of dt1ties Public Prosecl1tor v. Yesl1igeta Urga • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

PROPERTY L.a11d Tenure pri11cip les i11 both tl1e Christi,tn and. M·osle111 cornmt111ities of Eritrea, and the Civil Code. t g A ricL1lt11ral comm 1nities and the Civil Code ........... Rigl1t of recover y based. on joint ow11ership of lct11d Tadese Kasaht1n. v. Yaclete Robi .....................

TAXATION Incon1e tax. exe111ption as an incet1tive to i11vestnJe11t i 11 Ethiop· .ia ............................................. Obligation to ·pay tax wl1ile appeal is pending i11 High Cot1rt Orbis Co. v. I11land Reve11ue De partme11t ............ . Turnover tax on sales n1ade to governm.e11t agencies a11d on wl1ole sales. Orbis Co. v. Inland Reve.nt1e Departn1e11t .............

- 520 -

VI, 33

VI, 145 VI,426

VI. 67

VI. l 45 VI, 49

\TI,215 VI, 74

VI, 74

,n11·· :


37 40 41 43

f .-�m cf'(l.:j ... '} : f 0?••Ptif., : 1-fC'llC :: --l'if7ii\o : fmfl)m• : fi'1. :i•v·A·.r : d11 : ODJ"Jp:, .. :: ii'A. 1 g· cf?TC (lt\. 1,7/ 112 47 ,, :;:�: 112 ,, 48 '' 418 ,, 52 ,, 418 '' 111



1 f•iir�·f = '¼ . ?' - ft,.:1-v·A·.,r ,,_



·17.• 112 112

314,362,383 377,379

= n°1'?P':,· == 1g · 322

c�'rC 222 223 393 394 394-397 395 396 397 398 403 404 453 457 459-460 480 606 607 609 611 614 616 629

632 647 652 652(3) 658 658("1) 659 659-660 660 663 664

'' ,,



'' ,,

'' ''

,, ,, '' ''

'' '' '' ', ''

'' ''

'' '' '' ,,

'' ,,


'' ''

'' ,,



cf!TC 664-665 665 666 667 667-670 668 668-671 669-671 671 673 673-2 674 676 677 678

392 392,416 126 126,127 126 129 129 128-129 128 126 126-127 394 135 128 416 29 231 231 231 231 231 30 30 28,30 396 30 30 29 29,396 27 29 231 28,229

679 679-680 679-682 679-688 681 683-689 690-691 690-695 691 692 693 694 695 700 724 725 727 728 _ 521 -


'' '' '' '' ,, '' '' '' ''

'' '' '' ''

'' '' '' ''

,, ',' , ,, ,, ,, ,, '' '' '' '' '' '' ,,

29 28,273 230,271 27 29 232,273 229,232 232 232 232,233 27.29 , 229 272 27-29 229,232-233,273 -274 28,234 275 27 31 234.395-396 , 277 277 261 30,233 30,233,235 233 27' 29,234-235 234 396 263 253,263,268,396 263,271 396


<f!'l C 729 730 731 732 733

734 735 736 737 817 826 842 996

1168 ]172 1174 1176 1177


1204 1·205 1225 1257 1257(2) J258

1259 1260



1266 1276 1276-1277 1309 1322




1398 1399

1410 1444 1447 1467 )489 1489-1500

1490 1�,1 .



1.'1 ••• �· ,, '. '' '' '' ,, '' ,, ,, ,, ,,

�t! 1f•C

"l ti·


2 6 4 ,280 263 253,2GJ,268


1494-1500 14-95


266,2'72 266 266 28,264,280 229,274 242,24-3,2Li4 413 413 Ll l 3

1496-1497 •


14-99 1500 1675-1676 1679 1680

1690 1711

125, 12· 6, 130, 131 ,, 417 '' 417

'' ,, '' ,, '' ,, ,, '' ,, ,, '' ,, '' '' '' '' '' '' ,, '' ,, ,, ,, ,,


1713 1723 1725 1727(2) 1731 1740-1762


416 416


122 122


1771 1771-1805 .1776


125 122 123 l23

1886 1887



123 123,] 24

1922 1925

I 22,124 122 125

1927 1927-1928 2001 2001-20 l 9

125 114


45,47 45,47

45,47 47 122 132 132

'' '' 416 '' 120,131,132, I 3 3,

137,139,140, l 42,


,, '' '' ,, ' ., ,'

,, ,, ', '' '' '' '' ,,

,, '' '' '' ,, '' ., '' ,,

43 42 504


495-496 42 ..,._

11 ')

491,504 492 504

491,504 492,493 504 39-40


38-40,390.397 38-41 1 41 t • I ,38 ,, .1Q-'1 57-58.60 58-60 395 392,394 390-391,393,395 -396 388,390-392,397, 417.419 ,

,, ,' '' '' '' ,' ,, ,, '' '' ,,


� 522 -

,, '' '' '' '' ',

2037 2276 2471

2579 2653-2671

l l l-112,131-134,

'' ''

l 14, 1 34- 1 35, 1 40 1, 40 126-127,135-136 ' 140 13 l - l 34 127,13 4,140-141 136-137, 14-0 136,140 490 42-43,Lt90

,, 395 ,. 388-39 I ,39 3 . 5- 96

138-139 137-139

121, I 25, 126,137

127,130-13 I,140 1, ... . '("; ,,

2026 2028

'' 127,138,14i,'143 ,,

77-80,106, l20,



2567-259] 2570 2571 2573








413 389 413


389 393 393 393- 394 393-394 394 394 391




2945 2951 Z,952



1,� ·-,, ''

39 l-392,397 392-393 392-393 ••

f'i�:,·•,h tk'f'{:

1)(1) 13 13-15 14 15 16 18 19






103 213 215 ?? ?--223 224




27 74-75 83 103 185-186 193 217-222 383-384 409 410 422(fl) 443 471 529-5 30 533 538 539



�� �

..... _..,


.,.._ •• 011:,,6liJ. •• "1'? -• .,.._.,... 1 I tJ· \' -·· ·- ......'1IJ .... :



544 549 552

405 420 . 66 409 420 420 307,332 332 332 63, 65

,, '' '' '' ,, '' '' ,' '' ,' 63-6L1r,66 '' 4-22-4-23 '' 409 '' 332 ,, 33'1 ,, 3 3 2 ,4 2 0 '' 402 406-408,423 ,

558 580 583 584 596 614-616 616 630 634 644

649 650

- 523 -

38,41 120



q_ '/°. flt\.


229 232 233 234 24lff 246-248 250 316 317 318 319 321 348 350-351 350-357 355 463-464 467 468 480 48]

395 ,, 310,311 339 390, , 95,397,414,417 ,, 310



,..... ., = cq:,. 1 -·rurii:r. -- = ,.....

.., ft'

-� "£ ,

3347 3363

45-46 1,� ,.,. 306 ', 329 ,, 306,322 ,, 322 ', 322 ,' 267,330 ., 306 ,330 '' 331 ,, 331 ,, 309 348,367,371 , '' 309 ., 34-0,390 ., 417 ., 310 ,, 45,47,31 l . ' 310,311,339,390-


. 4�'rC

•• ,)i"l ••

--'1 A.


'' '' '' '' '' '' ,, '' ,, '' ,, ,, ,, ,, '' ,, '' '' ,, ,,



311 311 310 310-31.1 401 45,47 416 266,270 271 275 ,281 264,265,280 331 48 264 280 416 60 311 414 311,353 345



.,.••• ,,,·



,, ,, ,, '' ,, '' '' '' ,, ,, ., ,,



402,406-408,423 331 331,402, 408-4-09, 423 332 408 331,402,409,423 408 331 276 332 332,402,4 04-405, 420-421 402,405 402,405 408,421-422 331,407-408

4!'rC 651-652 652 653 654 662 721


1 ?t


r--;,''«;= ,, '' '' ''




422 408 402,408,420

774 775 782




i, ?.;: '' ,, '' ,,




f<D1]!t\ 'cf : 00�66], : ,"h"l : P'I = 1"'C'¼,.r -,




1,'c/ .,.. ''

12 13



20 25 26 27-28 29 37 38

40 44

<h'l'C 2-34 6-35 29-35 60-36 62-36 62.-39 90-35 90-39

,, '' ,, ,, '' ,, '' ''

,, '' ,, ''




331 330 307,332 313 403 403,404 313,403 403 313 307,314,402,404, 420 52,53,313 52-54 332

47 49 50-51 53



��, !"\ii


i� .,.. .. ,,


cJ!'l C

(l /,\.

107-41 173-53 195-55 203-55 205-55 242-59

352 63,66 326 201


306 327 373



1 ?t·


403 403 404


52-54, 314,404

313 331 331 331


52-54 311 332



201 1,,;: .,.. ,, 70, 73,203,211 ,, 327.332,335 '' 327,328,329 '' 70-73 '' 201,204,205,208, ''


214 201�21 1





,, '' '' '' '' ,, '' ,, '' '' '' '' ,'




=;;;;: ,.,.. ''


i'1 ... 322,324,326,328, ,, '' '' '' '' ,, ''


410 403 402

: £}. 90.

63ft' 99 100 102 104 109 111 182 222 it 'P ft.:f



..,-.. ,,,,.... .,.,. •·• ,, ,.

58 59



141 �1';,1,919f ::

11" 325 203

f-'l'C 5-56 . 524 -

-llA• i-r/ .... .

· � 1




tl?'fC JJ- 36 I 55-43 166- 44


i� '' ''

f;,,oi : h<;::A : '"lil:J·•m <f!f!P1"· :·: "l?.-


325 '326 309,344,345

l76-45 177-45

,f?1'C 10-42


_ 525 -




TABLE OF LAWS CITED The Re, ised Constitution of Etliiopia 1



37 40





'' ,,



47 48 52 11 l

171 l 71 507 507




171 17 J 433,4-71,487 482,483

,, '' ''

1931 Constitcttion Art. 9 10




44.l 4-4 l


1\rt. 11


Vol. '' ''


441 44]

Civ�l Code of 1960 ti.. rt.



222 223






395 396

397 398 403 404

453 457 4,59-460

480 606 607 609 61 l 614 616

629 632 647


652(3 ) 658 658(c) 659 6j�-m6o


«�.'.3 f6i�

�, ,,


,, ,, ,, '' ''


'' ,, '' ,, '' '' '' ,, ,, '' ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,


,, '' '' ,, ,, ''






665 666

182 183





183 j83 183 183 181 182 494

668-67 J

669-67 l 671



673 (2) 674


676 677

182 506 34 238 238 238 238 238


679 679-680

679-682 679-688 681 (J83-689 690-691 69·0-695 691


35 33,35

4-95 35 35 35


693 694

33,495 35





238 33,236


728 - 526 -

', '' .' ,' ., '' ,, ,, .' '' ,, ,, ''



33,297 r

')16 ..... 19 ) -.J

...J.),, 33-34 7"8 ?97 _.J ,-

?,6 238-239 _.)


) 9


239 .., .., ..., 4 jj-_) 236


33-34 ', 236,238-239.2 9 7298 '' 33.240


,, ''

,, ,, )'


,, '' ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, '' ••

299 33

36 240,494 -4-95

300 300

?89 -

35,2 40 35,240,241 239 33,34,240�24! 494-495 290 283,290,49 5 290,295 495











731 732 733


735 736 737 817 826 842 996 1168 l 172 I 174 I 176 1177

I l 79 1204

1205 1225 1257 1257(2) 1258 1259 1260 1263 1265 1266 1276 1276-1277 1309

1322 1353 1388 1397

1398 1399 1410 1444


1447 1467 1489 1489,1490, 1492,1493

1489-1500 1490 1491 149 2


Paoe 0

VI '' ,,

290,302 290 283,290,294



1493. 1494 1494-1495 1494-1500 1495 1496-1497 1498 1499


,, ,. ,, ,, ,. '' ' ' ,, '' ,, ,, '' '' ,, ''

292,296 292 292 33,290,302 236,298 245,246 504 504 504 181,184, 185 506 506 506 506 506





1713 1723

1725 1727(2) 173 1

1740-1762 1763

178 17 8 178 18 0 179 l 79 17 9 179 I 79 179,180 I 80 I 79 180 I 80 173

'' ,,

1771 1771-1805 1776 1886

1887 1920 .1922



I 927-1928


2001-2019 2002


49 49,50

,, ,,

,, '' ,, ,,



,, ,, '' ,, '' ',' , '' '' ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ''


1500 1675-1676



50 49,50

2037 2276 2471 24.82 2567-2593 2570 2571 2573


185 l 85 506 146, 186,191,193, 1.94,196

'' 196 ,, 145-146,177-178


2579 2653-2671 2945 2951

'' 182,192,193,196 '' 170-171 '185-187, 190-191 .


189-191 _ 527 -



VI ,, 182,184,188,19 1 172,187-188 ,,

191 191,197


'' 181-182,188,191 ,, 185-187 ,, 182,187,191,192 '' 188-189,19L ,, 188,191 :, 388 '' 38-39,243,388 ,, 39 ,, 38,242 ,, 41.3 ,, 38-40 ,, 389,397,399 '' 38 '' 38 " 389,413 '' 392 ,, 413 ,, 413 389, ,, 392-393 ', 413 '' 43 ,, 42 '' 42-43,491,495 ', 42-,�4 ,, ,i2-4,4 ,, 61 '' 61 '' 494 ,, 492-493 ,, 491-494 '' 453,490-491, 493,595,507 '' 494 ,, 453 '490-492�494, '' '' ,, ,, ,, '' '' '' ,, '' '' ,, ''




490 491 493 493 493 493-494 494 493 492 492-493,495 492-493



2952 3347


Art. 11(1) 13 13-15 14 18 19 24 27 58 59 92 103 213 215 22.2 223 224 229



VI ,, ''


'' '' '' ,, ,, '' ,, ''


,, '' '' ,, ''




493 42,44



Civil Procedure Code of 1965 Art. Page 232 233 234 24lff 246-248 250 316 317 318 319 321 350-351 350-357 355 463 464 467-480 468 480 481

49-50 427 446 441,427 293,446 427,447 447 447 429,430,458,475, 478 429 453,491 507 430 49,51,431 430,453,491-94 430,453,491-94, 505-507 430 431


VI '' '' '' ,, '' '' '' ,, '' ,, '' '' ,, '' '' ,, '' '' ''

Page 177



431 430 430 49 7 49,51 506 292,295 296 298,299,303 290,292,302 447 290 302 506 76 76 431 505 463,506 456

Penal Code of 1957. Art.



27 74-75 83 103 185-186 193 217-222 383-384 409 410 422(b) 443 471 529-530 533 538 539


500 508


!A.I S{f�

,, ,, ,, '' '' '' '' ,,


'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

'' ''



558 580 583 584 596 614-16 616 630


447 50 2 447,502,510

634 644 649 650 651-652 653 654 662 721 774 77 5 782

'' '' '' ,, ''



502 508 508 428,447 448 448 67-68 67-69 509-510 447,502 447 447 448,508 498,500-502,510 447,498,500,502, 510 447 447,498,502 ,510

,, ,, ., ,, ,, '' '' ,,

'' '' '' '' ,, ,, ,,


299 448 447 498-500, 508, 509 49 9-500 498-499 447,501,50 9 447,501 501, 50 9 498 501, 508 ' 447 510 428,447 4 98,502 49 8 498

- 528 I

A.rt. 783 798


Vol. '' ''


447 498


Vol. ,,





Crin1inal Procedure Code of 1961 Art .

4 12 13 14 19

20 ') _:,26 27

28 29



40 44




447 VI '' 446 ,, 428,447 ,, 432 ,, 49 9 '' 499 ,, 432,498 ,, 499 ,, 432 ,, 432 '' 428 ,433,498,499, 508 ,, 55-56,432 '' 55-56 '' 447 '' 432

47 49 50 51 53 58 59 63ff 99 100 102 104 109 111 182 223

VI ,, ', '' '' '' ,, ,, '' '' '' '' ,, ,, ,, ''

432 498 498,499 498 499 499 55-56,433,499 433 447 447 447 447 55-56 431 448 480

Proclamations Art.


2-42 6-42 29-42 60-44 62-45 62-47 90-47 107-49


'' '' '' '' '' ,, ''



173-61 I 95-62 203-63 205-63 242-66

44 I ,442,462 67,69 4.43 215 4-44 427,444 479-481 215


Page Vol. '' 74,76,217,223 '' 444 '' 444 ,, 74-76 '' 215,218,220,221, 223,225 '' 215,223


Art. 46-66






Art. 1-42 19-56 5-63


VI ,, '' - 5 2 9-








Legal Notices



33,.43 155-51 166-52

VI ,, ,,




176-53 177-52

442 443 429,455,456 General Notices

Art. 10-50





- 530 -

'' ''

Page 443 443


d,. "l'l) �·






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